
Future Resident Advice

2024.03.07 20:09 Bilboo_Baggins Future Resident Advice

Future Resident Advice
Hi All,
Due to new work my Partner and I are now looking to move to Cirencester from Scotland in the very near future. Viewing houses will be difficult and so we need to be efficient with any house viewings we plan.
Rightly or wrongly, for the purpose of this post I have split Cirencester into 3 zones based on the roads as shown in the image. Does anyone have any pros and cons of each area and general advice on best parts of the town to settle? We are a couple in our 30s, no kids, 1 dog, keen walkers, preferable access to Kemble Train Station.
I appreciate this sub doesn't seem very active and so not expecting a lot of responses but many thanks in advance for any support!
submitted by Bilboo_Baggins to cirencester [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 23:43 Fuzzy-Produce104 Picked these up at a dollar store and local grocery.

Picked these up at a dollar store and local grocery.
I have never seen the Sway before. I never see anyone mention the Xyience and that’s ok but I just love the flavor of this one. Haven’t tried the 3D or this particular flavor of Bucked Up. Cheers.
submitted by Fuzzy-Produce104 to energydrinks [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 15:19 CuseBsam Reddit's CEO and COO made $193M and $93M in 2023 but their CFO "only" made $6.6M. They only had $800M in revenues. No love for the CFO...

Reddit's CEO and COO made $193M and $93M in 2023 but their CFO submitted by CuseBsam to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 20:32 MaterialTechnology62 JP to Washington Essex Building

Hi all,
I'm a recent transplant to Boston and trying to plan a commute. Figuring of taking the Southwest corridor to where it ends in Back bay, but after that, what would be the best way of getting to Washington Essex Building? Thanks in advance.
Map for reference:
submitted by MaterialTechnology62 to bikeboston [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 23:05 I-feel-primaveral Gente de reddit. Porqué cuando alguien tiene algún logro suelen tacharlo de falso¿?

Últimamente he indagado mucho por Internet y me suelo llevar la sorpresa de que cada que alguien consigue algún logro ya sea en, por ejemplo un videojuego, automáticamente todos comienzan a comentarle que es falso o que es imposible que haya podido lograr x hazaña. Suelo verlo mayormente en la comunidad gaming pero también me ha tocado verlo en cosas del día a día al punto en el que siento que ya alguien no puede ni decir algo como "Enceste un gol" sin que le digan que es mentira. Aunque la respuesta más corta es que quizás solo es envidia, me gustaría escuchar sus opiniones y de ser posible de la misma gente que tiene estas conductas.
submitted by I-feel-primaveral to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 14:57 GayStation64beta What's your fave "punch the feelings out" game? 🔨

What's your fave
My GF recently got me Teardown and my word is it fun. Even once I got a bit tired of the actual missions, I spent twice as much time just messing about with the physics and looking for hidden loot to buy upgrades with. Genuinely perhaps the most fun I've ever had with a physics engine, at least in terms of raw smash smash smash.
I call them "fucking-around games", where just messing with the toys it gives you is therapeutic. Other classic examples include Just Cause 2 and Red Faction Guerilla
submitted by GayStation64beta to GirlGamers [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 00:42 arkaser I keep myself warm in the cold months, because I cook [Burning Abyss Orcust]

I keep myself warm in the cold months, because I cook [Burning Abyss Orcust]
To say that Tour, Harp Horror, Scrap Recycler and Beatrice all being Limited 3 limits deckbuilding is an understatement. Funnily enough this frees up the Limited 1 slot since Babel clashes with BA. The choice here I think is between Monster Reborn and Allure of Darkness, I'm going with the former for extension and helping the Orcust side of things
submitted by arkaser to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2023.10.30 10:47 lasocs On This Day, October 30th, 1929: Buying Halts Stock Collapse (r/Minnesota_Archived)

On This Day, October 30th, 1929: Buying Halts Stock Collapse (Minnesota_Archived) submitted by lasocs to ThisDayInHistory [link] [comments]

2023.08.21 04:08 Take-the-Bait Kinklist (did it from my phone so quality is pretty garbage)

submitted by Take-the-Bait to u/Take-the-Bait [link] [comments]

2023.07.24 21:05 arseson Hmm

submitted by arseson to theblackvoid [link] [comments]

2023.07.23 01:44 mawessa Gas $180.9 Mobil

Gas $180.9 Mobil
At the superstore on grandview
submitted by mawessa to vancouver [link] [comments]

2023.05.21 05:18 RepresentativeCap823 may 26 (i know its bad)

may 26 (i know its bad) submitted by RepresentativeCap823 to WarthunderPlayerUnion [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 15:27 DeltaB00st Unmarked 747 over London.

Unmarked 747 over London. submitted by DeltaB00st to flightradar24 [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 12:40 GasDowntown2160 Handwriting+getting marked down

Handwriting+getting marked down
My teacher marked me down for handwriting. This is a poorly strung together jekyll and Hyde essay I did a couple of months ago. My other teacher said she shouldn’t have marked me down for it, can they do this in the exam?
submitted by GasDowntown2160 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2023.05.05 02:04 EnvyyvnE Anyone else?

Anyone else? submitted by EnvyyvnE to LastEpoch [link] [comments]

2023.03.27 08:10 hyperbizarre Hola, quisiera saber si me podrían dar una opinión del relato corto que escribí. Muchas gracias. <3

Amarga Penitencia
Ha llegado el momento, mis huesos retumban al pique de los tambores y las pupilas se me dilatan con los clamores de las llamas a los costados. El cuerpo se tensa, pero no pone más resistencia pues más poderoso que él es la mente que ya ha sucumbido al macabro destino. De reojo miro a mi verdugo y con la cordura en el entrecejo lo bendigo, deseo profundamente que el hacha que sostiene con sus calludas manos enceste perfecta y así, con el beso de su frío acero concluya mi dolorosa penitencia.
El mira hacia mí, sus ojos negros vivaces delatan inclemencia pues antes que el mío muchos cuellos cedieron, uno más no marca la diferencia.
—¿Últimas palabras? —habla, pero su voz refulge como un bramido con los ecos del aljibe.
—Mi gran y estrujante culpa, acaba ahora con el más predestinado de los eventos. Date prisa, frío verdugo, que el miedo se apodera de mi piel y quiero irme con la serenidad que ahora en mi arrecia.
Así pues, se dispuso, aquella siniestra hacha de filos enrojecidos y mango corroído se alzó victoriosa una vez más destellando plateada. Los ojos inquietantes que marcaban el ultimo testimonio de mi destino cayeron con furia siguiendo el paso del acero; el viento aulló escapando de la furia, el beso y el tajo fueron innegables.
Con el sentido de la noción debilitado, conocí la desesperación de mi cuerpo desprendiéndose de mi céfalo. Mi consciencia tirada al ruedo fue detenida por la bota enmarañada del verdugo, que ausente de clemencia pateó mi desprendimiento al final de la fila.
Entonces los clamores de los tambores volvieron a ser vividos y las luces de las candelarias que iluminan estos infinitos pasillos reclamaron mis ojos; de nuevo los grilletes en mis manos y la cadena en el cuello siendo arreada por el verdugo dictando mi sentencia, en un ciclo sin fin, pues la muerte y resurrección es mi amarga penitencia.
Por: K. M. Bizarro,
Muchas gracias por leer. :D
submitted by hyperbizarre to ClubdelecturaChile [link] [comments]

2023.03.25 23:16 ell522 Successful Saturday afternoon dive

Successful Saturday afternoon dive submitted by ell522 to DumpsterDiving [link] [comments]

2022.11.04 22:55 Orion1333_Odin91 Two build and battle pre release kits later. Talk about a crazy home opening with the little person.

Two build and battle pre release kits later. Talk about a crazy home opening with the little person. submitted by Orion1333_Odin91 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2022.09.23 04:43 vtff15 We stan gators

submitted by vtff15 to u/vtff15 [link] [comments]

2022.09.23 01:47 Armsmaster2112 Would Archer already know this? Or would it add to his paranoia?

Would Archer already know this? Or would it add to his paranoia? submitted by Armsmaster2112 to ArcherFX [link] [comments]

2022.09.23 00:25 mirrythefox Learn something new everyday I guess lol

Learn something new everyday I guess lol submitted by mirrythefox to u/mirrythefox [link] [comments]

2022.09.22 17:50 cestrumnocturnum This explains a lot about Florida Man

This explains a lot about Florida Man submitted by cestrumnocturnum to tumblr [link] [comments]
