Postinor 2 levonorgestrel

Alesse (Levonorgestrel) Birth Control Pill : Support and Discuss

2016.09.08 13:14 Oping1970 Alesse (Levonorgestrel) Birth Control Pill : Support and Discuss

Alesse (Levonorgestrel) - is a brand of hormonal birth control that allows women to have control over their fertility and avoid unwanted pregnancies.Alesse is a combination birth control pill.

2024.05.19 19:58 Accomplished_Water53 does anyone experience reduced stamina on hormonal bc?

i'm 19 and started the birth control pill (ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel) around 2 years ago. i've been running on and off for the last 4 years i'd say, and before i went on bc i could stop running for months on end, then get back to it and run at my top pace. now, i tend to decondition way faster. i've recently committed to running again and for the first time since starting bc, i feel like i'm getting better at it. i still can't quite reach my old pace but i'm on a good way i think- it just requires so much more effort now. i've heard that for some people, bc negatively impacts vo2max as oxygen transport through the body is slowed down, but idk if that makes any sense.
does anyone take hormonal bc and do some sort of cardio-focused sports on a leisurely basis? what are your experiences and should i possibly switch to a different pill or method?
submitted by Accomplished_Water53 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:17 RandomFireMonkey Heavy breakthrough bleeding on new combo pill for submucosal fibroid

Hello everyone!
I'm going slightly crazy going through a ton of breakthrough bleeding on my new combo pill and wanted some advice, reassurance, other experiences, anything to bring me some piece of mind.
I have a 3.5cmx3.5cm submucosal fibroid that has caused me very heavy bleeding, especially in the last year or so. My last regular period (not on BC) was 12 days long and on day 9 I had a horrible hemorrhage episode while out where I bled through my night pad, my jeans, everything and on top of that I passed a clot so large I cannot fathom how it even fit in my uterus.
Due to this last terrible period experience I decided to go on hormonal BC based on the advice on my GP. She put me on a low dose pill with 0,03mg ethinylestradiol and 0.15mg levonorgestrel. I started this right at the end of my last period, so day 13 of my last cycle and it went fine for the first 2-ish weeks. I had very little spotting twice, which I was very aware is normal for the first time being on BC. Due to my horrible period in the prior month I decided to try to skip the placebo week to rebuild my Hg that had dropped to mildly anemic levels. Both my GP and a gynecologist had confirmed it's absolutely fine to do so.
Then about 3 weeks and a half ago I started spotting again, 3 days before finishing the first sheet. I wasn't concerned initially since it was just spotting and I decided to still skip the placebo week. Well joke's on me because I've basically been on a "period" for the last 2 weeks quantity and cramps-wise. I've kept in contact with my GP who gave me TXA for 6 days, which did help but the bleeding just continued as before after finishing that, and then sent me to a specialist clinic where I had an appointment next week. I asked my GP if I should take a break and she advised not to do so to avoid increasing the bleeding. The last 2 days I've had bleeding episodes very similar to my usual period day 2, with clots, cramps and heavy bleeding for a couple of hours but fortunately not as bad as my hemorrhage episode from last month.
So here I am, waiting for my appointment, bleeding every damn day for almost a month and feeling absolutely horrible about it. Has anyone had similar experiences? Is there anything I can do to stop this bleeding?
submitted by RandomFireMonkey to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:44 RandomFireMonkey Heavy breakthrough bleeding on new combo pill for submucosal fibroid

Hello fellow fibroid sufferers!
I'm going slightly crazy going through a ton of breakthrough bleeding on my new combo pill and wanted some advice, reassurance, other experiences, anything to bring me some piece of mind.
I have a 3.5cmx3.5cm submucosal fibroid that has caused me very heavy bleeding, especially in the last year or so. My last regular period (not on BC) was 12 days long and on day 9 I had a horrible hemorrhage episode while out where I bled through my night pad, my jeans, everything and on top of that I passed a clot so large I cannot fathom how it even fit in my uterus.
Due to this last terrible period experience I decided to go on hormonal BC based on the advice on my GP. She put me on a low dose pill with 0,03mg ethinylestradiol and 0.15mg levonorgestrel. I started this right at the end of my last period, so day 13 of my last cycle and it went fine for the first 2-ish weeks. I had very little spotting twice, which I was very aware is normal for the first time being on BC. Due to my horrible period in the prior month I decided to try to skip the placebo week to rebuild my Hg that had dropped to mildly anemic levels. Both my GP and a gynecologist had confirmed it's absolutely fine to do so.
Then about 3 weeks and a half ago I started spotting again, 3 days before finishing the first sheet. I wasn't concerned initially since it was just spotting and I decided to still skip the placebo week. Well joke's on me because I've basically been on a "period" for the last 2 weeks quantity and cramps-wise. I've kept in contact with my GP who gave me TXA for 6 days, which did help but the bleeding just continued as before after finishing that, and then sent me to a specialist clinic where I had an appointment next week. I asked my GP if I should take a break and she advised not to do so to avoid increasing the bleeding. The last 2 days I've had bleeding episodes very similar to my usual period day 2, with clots, cramps and heavy bleeding for a couple of hours but fortunately not as bad as my hemorrhage episode from last month.
So here I am, waiting for my appointment, bleeding every damn day for almost a month and feeling absolutely horrible about it. Has anyone had similar experiences? Is there anything I can do to stop this bleeding?
submitted by RandomFireMonkey to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:53 dartosfascia21 Since when do progestin contraceptives cause endometrial atrophy? I thought progestins maintained the endometrial lining?

Since when do progestin contraceptives cause endometrial atrophy? I thought progestins maintained the endometrial lining? submitted by dartosfascia21 to medicalschoolanki [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:14 FusRoDaahh A journalist in my city shared this HILARIOUS joke on his public work account. It’s so funny, because women are just baby-machines, right?

A journalist in my city shared this HILARIOUS joke on his public work account. It’s so funny, because women are just baby-machines, right? submitted by FusRoDaahh to TrollXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:19 jboarei KATU employee thinks contraception is a “joke.”

KATU employee thinks contraception is a “joke.” submitted by jboarei to Portland [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:53 yurikonoyaime Watery discharge! Late period!

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, on 24th April but it was just a thrust and more to skin to skin humps. I took postinor 2 the next day cause i was too tired to get up, completely exhausted. which makes it i took 72 hours plan b on 25th April. Its been 2 weeks since the day we did it and my period should've come by now cause last month my period started on 9th April. But it was late like overdue of 2 days now and these past few days i feels like i have a watery discharge cs when i touch myself there's this liquid consistency that for sure is not a pee cause it doesnt smell. Its just watery and clear colour, other than that i have been experiencing things like i eat a lot and feels completely full to the point of throwing up ykwim.. i havent get a test yet cause its the end of semester so packed with exams. But are these most likely chances of getting pregnant?
submitted by yurikonoyaime to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:13 Next_Mess2418 average Delhi NCR girl's breakfast

average Delhi NCR girl's breakfast submitted by Next_Mess2418 to beastboyshub [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:28 madmako_ First time taking Plan B, what to expect? Has it worked?

hi guys, im a newbie to all of this so i would really appreciate any advice i can get. I had unprotected sex nearing the end of my period, so around day 3 or 4 of my cycle. It was dumb of me but it was on impulse. My bf did not ejaculate inside of me, we had unprotected sex for a bit before using the condom bc i felt uncomfortable. But I took Plan B about an hour after that.
I have a few questions as this is my first time having sex and also having to take Plan B. Is it okay for me to take it at any time of my cycle? I understand that it won't work if I have ovulated but since I was at the end of my period, around day 3 or 4, I don't think I have ovulated. If it helps, my previous 3 cycles were 38 and 39 days.
I am just worried and can't stop overthinking if the Plan B worked or not. Any advice or sharing your experience would be appreciated! TIA!
Edit: I forgot to ask - I read online that Plan B is less effective on overweight women and my BMI is overweight. So is it still alright for me to take Plan B? I took Postinor-2 and the instructions on the box still advised women to take it even if we are overweight as there is not enough data to prove otherwise.
submitted by madmako_ to PlanBs [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:51 mashka000 Can the morning after pill cause ovarian cysts?

I'm getting concerned... I took Plan B almost 2 weeks ago. I had to (broken condom) and I hate myself for taking it and it is causing havoc in my body.
I'm still having lots of physical symptoms (bloating, gas pain, among others). The symptom I am most concerned about however is ovary pain. I've had this pain before during my menstrual cycles on and off and figured it's the regular cyst that happens each month when an egg is released, but since taking Plan B this feels different.
What's concerning to me is that now, after taking Plan B, the pain in my right ovary is worse than usual and not going away. Everytime I take a step, I feel it. When I'm sitting I can still feel it. Can the high dose of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception cause cysts? Did anyone else suffer from this as a side effect, and if so, when did it go away? It's upsetting me and causing me so much stress. Thanks for any insight :(
submitted by mashka000 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:58 MsJaneway Die Pille Danach wirkt keine 72 Stunden

Hallo ihr Lieben,
Ich bin Apothekerin und lese hier meistens nur mit. Allerdings ist es mir wichtig das hier zu schreiben, da ich hier im Unter mehrfach schon darauf hingewiesen habe und ich das Gefühl habe, dass dies nicht wirklich bekannt ist.
Kurzzusammenfassung: Geht so schnell wie möglich zur Apotheke und holt euch die entsprechende Notfallkontrazeption. Wartet nicht auf den nächsten Werktag.
In Deutschland sind zwei Medikamente (und Generika) zur Notfallkontrazeption auf dem Markt: Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg (die PiDaNa) Ulipristalacetat 30 mg (die EllaOne)
Levonorgestrel ist bis 72 Stunden nach ungeschützten GV zugelassen, Ulipristalacetat bis 120 Stunden. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass sie so lange wirken und man so lange Zeit hat.
Beide Wirkstoffe unterdrücken nur den Eisprung, weder die Befruchtung noch die Einnistung der befruchteten Eizelle in die Gebärmutterschleimhaut (wichtig —> es ist also kein Abbruch einer Schwangerschaft). Hat der Eisprung schon stattgefunden oder steht kurz bevor, kann auch eine Pille Danach nichts mehr tun.
Levonorgestrel unterdrückt den Anstieg des LH-Peaks (das Luteinisierende Hormon), welche dann den Eisprung auslöst. Das funktioniert aber nur, wenn LH noch nicht begonnen hat anzusteigen.
Ulipristalacetat tut das gleiche, wirkt aber auch noch beim Anstieg des LH bis kurz vor dem Eisprung. Daher ist die Möglichkeit der Einnahme auch bis 120 Stunden nach dem ungeschützten Verkehr festgelegt.
Die Zeiten kommen zustande, da danach keine lebenden Spermien mehr vorhanden sind. Die Einnahme macht dann keinen Sinn mehr.
Nimmt man eine Pille Danach nach dem Eisprung ein, tut sie gar nichts. Allerdings besteht dann dennoch keine Gefahr einer Schwangerschaft, weil eine Eizelle nur maximal 24 Stunden befruchtungsfähig ist.
Problematisch ist jedoch folgende Situation: Eine Frau hat ungeschützten GV und denkt, sie habe 72 Stunden Zeit, sich die Pille danach zu besorgen. Einen Tag später geht sie zur Apotheke und holt sich die Pille danach. Der LH Anstieg hat allerdings genau innerhalb dieser 24 Stunden stattgefunden. Die Pille Danach ist wirkungslos und es kann zu einer Schwangerschaft kommen.
Ein weiterer Hinweis: Es gibt Diskussionen, ob Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg bei Frauen über 75 kg wirksam ist. Einige Studien empfehlen die Einnahme von 2 Tabletten, das BfArM tut es aktuell nicht. Wer sicher gehen will und wenn nichts dagegen spricht, entscheidet sich in dem Fall dennoch besser für Ulipristalacetat.
Ergänzung: War die Einnahme der Pille Danach wegen einer vergessenen „normalen“ Pille, dann sollte man bis zum nächsten Zyklus zur Sicherheit zusätzlich mit einer Barrieremethode verhüten, da nicht klar ist, wann dann genau der Eisprung ist oder ob überhaupt einer kommt.
submitted by MsJaneway to Weibsvolk [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 13:49 Weird_carrot33 Feeling weak, tired, nauseous and dizzy after waking up in the morning and throughout the day.

18F have been feeling this way since i started taking the medicines i have mentioned below. I had a really bad cramp on second day of my period. I had never had such bad cramps hence i was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed having high prolactin levels.
My doctor prescribed me with two medicines.
  1. Levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets I.P(one tablet everyday) I have taken this for 3 days now.
  2. Cabergoline tablets IP( one tablet twice a week) I have taken only once till now.
Coincidentally or what, i started feeling nauseous and some symptoms of gastritis after i started having these medicines. When I googled, i got to know about side effects of “2” number medicine. I also got to know that “1” number medicine is actually to prevent pregnancy. I am not engaged in any sexual activity.
I had been feeling tired and weak since 1 month. But it wasn’t as bad it is now. Atleast I wasn’t feeling nauseous or I wasn’t feeling like I want to throw up everytime I eat something. I haven’t eaten properly Since 3 days. I wakeup feeling dizzy and just bad.
I am underweight. I am quite sure the tiredness i was feeling before i started taking this medicine was because my nutrition intake isn’t enough and my weight is less. But i was able to eat and enjoy food. Now i feel like throwing up, cannot sallow my food because my stomach rejects it, my stomach always feels full and tight. It just doesn’t feel good. I feel weak and bad.
My bowl moments are fine. I have been pooping fine.
Please help me out.
Update: I threw up
submitted by Weird_carrot33 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 05:31 Weird_carrot33 Feeling weak, tired, nauseous and dizzy after waking up in the morning.

18F have been feeling this way since i started taking the medicines i have mentioned below. I had a really bad cramp on second day of my period. I had never had such bad cramps hence i was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed having high prolactin levels.
My doctor prescribed me with two medicines.
  1. Levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol tablets I.P(one tablet everyday) I have taken this for 3 days now.
  2. Cabergoline tablets IP( one tablet twice a week) I have taken only once till now.
Coincidentally or what, i started feeling nauseous and some symptoms of gastritis after i started having these medicines. When I googled, i got to know about side effects of “2” number medicine. I also got to know that “1” number medicine is actually to prevent pregnancy. I am not engaged in any sexual activity.
I had been feeling tired and weak since 1 month. But it wasn’t as bad it is now. Atleast I wasn’t feeling nauseous or I wasn’t feeling like I want to throw up everytime I eat something. I haven’t eaten properly Since 3 days. I wakeup feeling dizzy and just bad.
I am underweight. I am quite sure the tiredness i was feeling before i started taking this medicine was because my nutrition intake isn’t enough and my weight is less. But i was able to eat and enjoy food. Now i feel like throwing up, cannot sallow my food because my stomach rejects it, my stomach always feels full and tight. It just doesn’t feel good. I feel weak and bad.
My bowl moments are fine. I have been pooping fine.
Please help me out.
Update: I threw up
submitted by Weird_carrot33 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 08:17 awahl1994 I always get a migraine at the end of my period

I always get a migraine at the end of my period
Hi guys.
Late 20s female here. I’ve basically had migraines since I was 8 years old. When I was a teenager they started synchronizing with my menstrual cycle. Now it’s completely predictable to the point where I am guaranteed to get a migraine within the final 3ish days of my period.
I’ve experimented with so man different types of birth control. Now I’ve had the IUD implant for over a year (Jaydess: levonorgestrel- a synthetic progesterone) which was supposed to make my periods lighter but it basically hasn’t made any difference at all.
As you can see, the end of the period is the spike in many hormones, mostly estrogen. I think that this spike in hormones after a steep drop is what’s triggering my migraines. Does anyone know anything about what I could do? I’ve experimented with so many birth control products and I’m just so done.
Oh also, I take Replax (elitriptan- 4mg) on the onset of migraine crises. It helps pretty well but I can’t take more than 2 within 24 hrs (in the final days of my period, it’s like a 3 day string of migraines where after the replax wares off, I’ll just get another migraine) but I don’t wanna abuse the replax and take it day after day.
I also take ibuprofen/tylenol regularly leading up to my period as recommended by a doctor.
submitted by awahl1994 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 02:01 tired_and_indebt Need to change birth control

I have been on Levonorgestrel 0.1mg, ethinyl estradiol 20mcg (Lutera, Aviene) for about 10 years now, age 17-27. I recently took a 23 and me + health test and found out I have a genetic increased likelihood of blood clots, Factor V Leiden. So I am going to switch to a non-estrogen birth control to reduce my blood clot risk. This is the only birth control I've been on and I've liked it. I was originally put on it for heavy and painful periods, and PMS depression (I would get super depressed for like a day or 2, 1 week before my period started). I am also in the process of potentially being prescribed medication for anxiety/depression. (Mostly anxiety, I have a lot).
Does anyone have any recommendations with this sort of background? I'm pretty comfortable taking my pill same time everyday and avoiding sex if I don't(which rarely happens but still).
I'm thinking either Norethindrone or an IUD, but I had a friend in college who had a very painful IUD experience so that makes me nervous.
submitted by tired_and_indebt to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:46 Nearby_Froyo_8505 Hormones Gallbladder Depression PMS

Birth control (Levonorgestrel) definitely triggered methylation issues?
I have a history of body dysmorphia OCD borderline personality and my family has history of mental and physical health problems. Don’t know what SNPS I have.
After using birth control, i have so much white hair, PMS, gallbladder issues, can’t digest fats, etc.
After years of research, I’ve tried alot of things and discovered:
Sam-E helps my gallbladder but temporarily. I don’t feel any mood changes. I’ve taken up too 2,000mg without any issues mentally
5HTP lifts my depression from PMS within 1 hour of taking.
I have been suffering for MANY years and didn’t realize this all could root from methylation defects.
I ordered methylated b vitamins (without b6) ever heard of b6 toxicity?
I bought both folonate acid and Methyl folate. I don’t feel anything or any Mood changes with them? Every time I do a serum test of folate it’s either high or low.
I bought taurine for gallbladder sludge.
I’m sort of guessing here….. I’m a bit lost of how to really narrow things down and figure out what my SNPS are.
I can’t handle another year of depression. I’m desperate.
Add: detoxification issues.
submitted by Nearby_Froyo_8505 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 13:57 AntRevolutionary5099 Spotting solved by increasing birth control dose. Gyno prescribed an even lower dose than original?

33f, appx 165lbs, 5'3, US.
I've been on the same birth control pill for almost 15 years, with positive results until recently. I've been on Daysee/Seasonique 91-day cycle (only get my period once every 3 months), and I take it about the same time every day. It's always kept me very regular, with lighter, shorter periods, and I feel keeps my hormones in check mentally/emotionally as well also. The dosage is "levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tablets USP (0.15mg/0.03mg) and ethinyl estradiol tablets USP (0.01mg)"
In recent cycles, I've been having issues with spotting, and the last time the spotting went on for over 2 months. Was also having symptoms of new hair loss (which does not run in my family), fatigue, and low energy. Also noticed swollen feet one night, which was especially unusual bc I hadn't done any usually high or low activity that day. They were not painful, just swollen feet/ankles. I thought the issue may be my thyroid, but those tests came back within normal ranges, although some on the low end of normal.
I couldn't get a gyno appt for about 3 weeks, and by this point was desperate to stop the spotting. Tried an ibuprofen regimen, to no avail. So I started taking 2 birth control pills a day, being particularly vigilant on looking out for side effects. Thankfully none arose, and it did stop the spotting. When I finally saw the gyno, I told him all of this.
I was under the impression that he was going to prescribe me a "stronger" birth control pill, but now that I've picked it up, I see that it actually has less hormones than the Daysee I've been on. He prescribed me Junel Fe 1/20, dosage listed as "norethindrone acetate USP 1mg; ethinyl estradiol USP 20 mcg; ferrous fumarate USP 75mg"
Was this a mistake? Did he likely intend to prescribe me the higher dose version of Junel? Because he warned me that if I start getting migraines to stop taking it and call them...Or am I missing something? I don't want to bother them if I'm just missing something simple. Thank you
submitted by AntRevolutionary5099 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 03:00 Pharmacia1 غير متأكدة من خياراتك؟ دليل لفهم بوستينور-2 (ليفونورجستريل) كوسيلة لمنع الحمل الطارئ

إقرأ منشورنا الجديد على مدونة فارماتوب بعنوان:

غير متأكدة من خياراتك؟ دليل لفهم بوستينور-2 (ليفونورجستريل) كوسيلة لمنع الحمل الطارئ

رابط المنشور!
في هذا المنشور، ستجد:
لا تفوّت فرصة قراءة هذا المنشور المفيد!
شارك هذا المنشور مع أصدقائك وعائلتك ليستفيد الجميع!
submitted by Pharmacia1 to Pharmacia1 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:16 Pharmacia1 حبوب بوستينور: دليلك الشامل للمنع الطارئ للحمل

بوستينور للوقاية الطارئة من الحمل بعد جماع غير محمي. تعرفي على فعاليتها وطريقة عملها والآثار الجانبية المحتملة. استشارة الطبيب ضرورية قبل الاستعمال، ولا تنسى أنها لا تحمي من الأمراض المنقولة جنسيا.
submitted by Pharmacia1 to Pharmacia1 [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 17:32 GhostlyOwl13 Aviane to Mirena

Hi everyone! I (26F) am considering switching from Aviane (levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol) to Mirena and wanted to know what people's experiences were with switching!
I haven't had any issues on Aviane (no side effects and never missed a pill) and I know the Mirena has the same progestin so I'm wondering if it's likely I'll adjust well. I'm really worried about the side effects from Mirena (mostly mental health and weight gain) but I'm guessing I'll probably be fine since I'm already used to that progestin? Like if the levonorgestrel in Aviane hasn't caused any issues then after 2 years my body should be pretty used to it? Honestly I don't want to go off my pill but given the current political climate in the USA Im considering switching. If anyone has gone from Aviane to Mirena I'd love to hear your experience!!
submitted by GhostlyOwl13 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 00:54 Old_Top2901 I’m an anxious mess - speak comfort to me friends!

Hi! So just over a year ago I ended up in A&E in full urinary retention (after having urinary problems for a year and not going to the docs) I was given an ultrasound, MRI and CT scan and told I have endometriosis, fibroids and a 14cm endometrioma. I also had CA-125 levels of 326 so they thought I possibly had cancer. After discussing my results, they decided there was no evidence of malignancy so put me at the bottom of the waiting list for surgery. In the meantime I took desogestrel which I was ok on, except I bled 122 days over 7 months! So I changed pill to levonorgestrel and since then I’ve had 2 very heavy periods lasting 2 days, then nothing. I also feel like my endometrioma is getting bigger again, as I’m getting the same sort of pains and discomfort I had before. Now the hospital have said just as routine, cos I’ve been waiting so long, I need to have a new MRI and bloods and wait to be discussed at another meeting. Even though they said there was no evidence of malignancy, and I’ve not been otherwise unwell, not been fatigued, not lost any weight, and I know it’s likely fine, I’m still super stressed that it’s turned malignant and been left too late. Believe me, as I type this out, I know how stupid it sounds, I’m just super anxious, and I wanted some words of comfort from people who’ve been through it. Also I think it’s bringing back the feelings when I was in hospital last year, terrified I was seriously ill and wishing my mum was there. My mum always used to listen to my anxieties but she passed away last year. Thanks for reading if you got this far!
submitted by Old_Top2901 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 18:39 crystaisabeast Seeing the stolen pregnancy test post reminded me I had this

Seeing the stolen pregnancy test post reminded me I had this
Ma’am I think it’s too late.
submitted by crystaisabeast to walmart [link] [comments]