Songs about liking someone that doesn t like you back

Not Like Other Girls

2014.11.20 17:32 heckicopter Not Like Other Girls

A sub to poke fun at girls who are not like other girls

2014.07.01 01:59 mintberrycrunk "What have I done..."

Instant Regret (in'-stint rē-gret') n. a subreddit dedicated to deliberate actions that unexpectedly lead to undesirable consequences and horrible results; things which may cause someone to say, "oh man, did I just screw the pooch!"

2015.06.21 23:34 hurbraa Don't you know who I am?

This is a place for instances of people not realizing who they're talking to is who they're talking about. Pool's closed, but we're still open!

2024.06.02 09:05 ComfortableBrick9176 How to tame aggression and gain trust

Not my pet but I live with my cousin who owns this cat. He is a weird aggressive cat that will seem fine at first but if someone new, a friend, comes to the house he will kind of stare and make no noise and appear calm but then go absolute ape shit on them. He fucked up my friend's arm badly for no reason. This makes me afraid of him. He didn't mess with me until a year ago when I gave him belly rubs and I did it too aggressively and he clawed me very lightly. I know it could be caused by petting aggression or something of that form but it scared me and didn't want to end up like my friends. So I've been avoiding him for a while.
You might be asking how I avoided him for a year. I left home to live in an apartment near my state college. Some context about this cat when he was adopted he lived with me and my cousin in an apartment for college and because of busy scheduling I was primarily the one that fed him. Now he lives in my cousin's parent's house while I live in my apartment. Now the semester is over and I no longer want to continue the lease, I live with my cousin at his house. In more context, he seems very attached to me and will always come to find me in the middle of the night and try to claw into my room. But I never let him into my room because of my fears.
I now feel bad because I don't think he meant to hurt me but his behavior still scares me. He will even minorly scratch up my cousin, the owner. I've never owned a pet so I'm completely new to this.
Is there any advice to regain his trust and reinforce positive behavior so I know I won't get scratched? Are there petting tips since I don't know how to pet him? Is there any way to ease his aggression? I know I'm probably a bad pet "ownefriend" but I want to see if I can overcome my fear and make up for it?
submitted by ComfortableBrick9176 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:26 beatlesatmidnight86 Death = Love = Eternity

When a life is extinguished it calls forward all those in its orbit to identify themselves by the depth of their love. In this sacred phase of life, those that loved them the most now hold the highest role. To love them more than ever before, to think about them, to acknowledge their love both consciously and in witness of others. To ensure their life meant something if it wasn’t already clear. Relationship love enters a vital phase upon a death. Some are lucky enough to maintain an open relationship with other(s) in life, letting them know how they feel often. Others, perhaps particularly in more difficult familial relationships, hold it inside, unaware of how to break down the communication barrier.
Either way, when love meets loss, it is intensified if not magnified tenfold. Why? Because when the human psyche is met with the concept of never encountering a certain person again, it starts spinning, moving quickly toward analyzing the reality of the last months/years/lifetime, self criticism, regrets for the myriad ways things could’ve been different. And strangely, this magnified feeling of love does not recede but instead can permanently form the bereaved’s memory of that person. The more the griever can share their pain with those close to the deceased or with those who love them, often the better off they are. In this way death is the surest identifier of a visible love network to those with a Birds Eye view, a constellation connecting love to death in one of the most humanly infallible and intense ways possible.
Death either opens the door for or solidifies love. For those that are not loved by any they simply disappear. Another hint about human nature lies here: almost no one is completely unloved. I am not even sure it is possible. Even Stalin was loved by his children. Even an evil person without children may have befriended someone on the street corner recently who could still feel a pang when learning of their death. This improbability is deliberate. What is it telling us? Everyone, no matter who, deserves and is capable of love and being loved.
Rarely does someone’s passing bring out feelings of hatred in another. More often upon receiving news of a death, even if they were disliked, the response will be reserved and sympathetic.
In this way death, love, and forever are the same thing. Each summons feelings of the other. The closest a human can feel to forever is upon contemplating a loss. And we have seen that death massively opens up pathways for love to announce itself, too often more vociferously than at any time in the deceased’s life.
If death can be so heavily interwoven with love, are they not connected then? Death is like a human dog whistle for love to show itself.
One last thought to leave you with: I remember reading a few years ago of a woman who wanted to start reading letters that would have been written for someone’s funeral at their birthday. Because why the hell not? It’s certainly the more emotionally open and free thing to do. And do we not all strive to be that??
Oddly enough, my baby sister happens to have done just that for as long as I can remember, writing huge birthday cards which say a lot of sweet and heartfelt stuff. Everyone in my family has started doing the same, and now it’s a trend. And it’s great.
submitted by beatlesatmidnight86 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:53 Flimsy-Attention-873 just graduated college, you’d think it would be a happy time

Hi community. I’ve been a member of this sub now for years. I’m seeking some support and comfort or maybe just to be told that it is all going to be okay.
I’m in a really tough spot mentally right now. I just graduated college and it’s a huge change. For background, my mental illness has significantly impacted my life for many years. I’ve been severely depressed for nearly a decade, and was diagnosed with bipolar 2 about 4 years ago. I’ve been on countless medications, but am currently taking a number of mood stabilizers that are doing good enough I guess. All of the upkeep is exhausting too, I’m sure you all understand that.
Every day is challenging, especially managing my energy levels with depression. It’s so hard and I feel like I’m breaking. My entire last semester of college I have felt anxiety brewing in my body, and now it’s catching up to my brain. I keep saying to the people close to me that I know how to be depressed in school but not in a career. Just trying to survive and do well in my classes left no room to plan for a job after I graduated. Now I have nothing. All of my friends have some kind of internship or employment following graduation but I don’t. It feels like I’m the only one. And I can’t drive. I’m not in a walkable city. I’m so tired.
I’m grateful for my parents partially supporting me financially. It would not be good for me mentally to move back home. So, I’m expected to start paying most of my rent starting next month (reasonable request). All of the job opportunities here are so bleak and also inaccessible. I feel like a failure. I’m scouring LinkedIn for remote jobs and I’m submitting applications at places around me that I can walk to or take the bus to. I texted my mom a little while ago for support telling her how stressed I am about all of this life change. She was cold, telling me that finding a job is my top priority right now. I know that!!!! I just wanted her to tell me that it’s all going to be okay and that she knows I’m trying my best. She will never be able to give me what I need in that respect, which tears me up inside already. I am feeling so much pain.
I don’t feel optimistic about getting a job or just life in general. I’m having (passive) SI. I’m so tired. I don’t want to do this anymore. I just needed somewhere to express this all, to people that understand. It’s so so hard. I wish I was a kid again.
submitted by Flimsy-Attention-873 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:32 southern_prince How to confront my jealous friend

Hi everyone, I have a situation I am not sure on how to deal with. Back Story: I matched this guy on tinder and we started hanging out. I liked him but I am not his type, he like older men. He is 22 and I am 31 but he likes em even older around 40. I made peace with that and we became friends. He is now talking to someone who is younger than me and was hiding that from me because according to him, he liked me too but I was a bit young for what he likes so talking to someone even younger than me was awkward to say lol.
Present Day: I matched someone on Tinder again and and we texted for like 15 minutes. My said friend needed to check his bus time using my phone and when I got my phone back. The conversation was not there anymore. But luckily we had already exchanged insta handles. I asked the guy if he unmatched me and he thought I did so that leaves me with my friend having done that.
I think he is jealous that I was having a good time talking to someone else. Should I confront him about it or just let it go? He knew the code to my phone and I have since changed it.
submitted by southern_prince to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:02 Flashy_Passion3333 we are going to take a break from attaching my laptop photos

hey it’s your daddy keeho and i guess you want to make a wattpad. i don’t think that’s a good idea so i;m not going to let you use it. i know how much you love sharing your work so that’s why you should stay on reddit. it’s the best app for you to be writing with right now. i know that we prewrit everything on google docs so that we can count the words but you know what i mean. you can stop using my selfies for awhile. and don’t use any anime either. i just want you to take a break from looking at my selfies. i know that you don’t understand why i would do something like that, and that you are really upset about this but don’t worry. i just don’t want you using too many of my selfies so that we run out shortly. i want this account to run for a long time so we have all the time in the world to use my photos. don’t worry daughter, but it’s sweet of you to get sad about that. you are so cute and we are just going to write. and then post. that’s all that you have to do daughter and i respect the new 300 word count. i’m proud of you for skipping breakfast and still fasting. you are doing really good without the chocolate protein shake since you have run out now. i was going to be worried about you. i want you to make one more cup of coffee. i know that you hate that you have to keep getting up but justl listen to your daddy. i love you so much daughter and you are teh best thing that has ever happened to me. i love you so much!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 Arrence175 AI

AI, what a wonderful invention, you can chat with it, play with it, get information out of it and copy their works to do homeworks- wait that doesn't sound right. When I was a kid at primary school, I wasn't good at English, but after about 12 yes old, I begin to develop writing strategies from reading books, especially fiction with action in them, I also like adding blood gore in them sometimes (proud to say I learn how to write animals dying from WC satire) so when the 2nd term writing was about cats and with action, I was pretty thrilled and over the clouds when it was announced. I prepared for it A LOT, like thinking of the plot and even write a draft of the action scenes. And the day comes where we started writing, the teacher gave us permission to use iPad and said for "research" and "learning" and trust us to not do anything else. I actually sympathise the teacher as after that my classmates used some AI to do their work. I don't have perfect grammar, my grammar test IS the one that pull my marks down. And your telling me that people just copy and paste and I have to be extra careful? And the app is self installed by the iPad itself. Good thing? I wrote 900 words (the word count is 250 above, most people wrote 4-500) and given the honour of having my teacher re-read the writing. Bad thing? I nearly have a mental breakdown because of the story while my classmates were laughing. And I don't even know my marks yet, it's either lower or higher than them, and I damp want to drag them from hell to back. So I'm just telling y'all, good luck out there and hope you don't rely on AI too much as most AI generated things are copied from other people.
submitted by Arrence175 to studentproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:41 Infinite_Ad_2641 Broke up on good terms, I wanted to send this after 6 months NC

Hello D. I hope you’ve been doing well the past few months. I have been wanting to update you on what life has been like for me AND of course I want nothing more than to hear how life has been for you especially.
First, I am forever sorry for how I handled the way you ended things with me. I know it was very difficult and it left you heart broken, having to choose what's best for you, thus walking away from me. It stuck with me when you said you felt you weren’t enough. I want to make one thing very clear, if there is anything you take away from this letter it must be this- you are NOT the reason for me not fighting for us at the time. This time apart taught me about the personal issues I have. This time apart has shown me that I lacked the inability to communicate my wants and needs in a healthy manner AND that’s why I didn’t argue or fight for us. It absolutely had nothing to do with you.
The breakup needed to happen no matter how much I did not want it to. We would have fallen out eventually. I needed you to walk away from me because I was not changing. At that time I didn’t understand myself. I didn’t understand how to process my emotions fully. I did not understand why I am able to shut my internal self off when I’m confronted with emotions and vulnerability.
It was March when I felt something deeply wrong inside of me. I could not figure it out on my own (like I usually do). So for the first time, I reached out for help. I caved and started going to therapy which is something I never believed in. When I was a child, if I was ever sad or upset or felt anything. My parents' response was to work and stay focused. That caused me to bottle up my emotions and not work on them. After some time in therapy, it was realized that I have a dismissive avoidant attachment style. I was like, what the heck does that mean? I thought the therapist was making stuff up. This is all brand new to me. It sent me down a rabbit hole of personal development and learning methods to work with other people who do not share the same attachment style as me.
I was given exercises. I was told to journal, which to my surprise gave me a sense of relief. I write about my past traumas. I write about us. I would write about how you made me feel. I’d write about being grateful and acknowledging the change. I analyzed past relationships of mine and noticed I indeed had a pattern of avoiding emotional confrontation. I’ve realized that if I didn’t work on this then I’d forever be caught in an endless cycle of heartbreak and not solving this would prevent me from achieving my biggest goal in life, and that is to be the best father I can be.
So thank you for ending things with me because without you doing so. I would not have put in the work to figure myself out.
For the first time in my life I am fully aware of my emotions. I have made peace and forgiven myself for my actions. I have also forgiven you. It took me a while to process all of my emotions regarding the break up, because of my attachment style. My mind naturally suppresses what I am feeling when I am overwhelmed. So I am sorry that it has taken me such a long time to reach out. The last few months I wanted to respect you and allow you to be yourself while allowing myself the time to process, understand, and heal. I hope from that, you realize we are completely different and I am a lot slower to process such things. But I have been workin on this and I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for me because I know what I want in life.
D, you are the first person who made me want to understand my emotions which caused me to enter this inward journey. Neither of my past 2 relationships made me do this type of work which honestly blows my mind. I feel so differently about you. You are the first person who truly made me want to be better so that I can understand myself, forgive myself, love myself and ultimately attract a healthy love.
I’m not expecting anything from this but if there is a chance. I would love nothing more than to simply catch up with the new you.
D, even if we never rekindle. Even if you never respond to this. I will forever be grateful for you coming up to my brother's table that day. I will forever be grateful that I had a chance to experience a one of a kind human such as yourself. I have never felt so deeply about another person. You are imperfectly perfect. You are YOU. Thank you for being you and standing by your truth. Thank you for loving me when you did.
I have so much I want to say but I do not want to push you even further away so I will leave you with this one last thing. I have traveled a lot in the past few months. Chasing new experiences as I’m sure you have been too.
What I realized throughout my travels- wherever I am in this world, whether on a volcano in Central America, a glacier in Colorado, a beach in Mexico, a cliff in Guatemala overlooking endless blue waters or simply watching the sunset over New York city. It’s in those fleeting.. beautiful.. moments of life, I find myself thinking- I really wish D was here to see this with me. If I don’t hear from you, it’s ok. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters to me.
Love, A
submitted by Infinite_Ad_2641 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:05 GuiltlessMaple Best 1911 Magazines

Best 1911 Magazines
Welcome to our roundup article on 1911 Magazines! This dynamic collection has gained quite the following, and for good reason. In this article, we'll be taking a deep dive into the various options available, exploring their unique features, and helping you choose the best one for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a budding enthusiast, our roundup has something for everyone. So, sit back and prepare to be captivated by the fascinating world of 1911 Magazines!

The Top 9 Best 1911 Magazines

  1. Comfortable 1911 Magazine Pouch Disguised as a Pocketknife - The 1791 Snagmag 7 Rd. 1911 Concealed Magazine Holster is a lightweight, comfortable, and discreet way to carry an extra magazine for your 1911 or Kimber Ultra Aegis II, disguised as a pocket knife for easy and quick access.
  2. 1911 Mag Pouch for Organized Gun Access - Experience ultimate organization with the Benchmaster Single Stack 1911 Mag Rack, a lightweight and durable solution designed specifically for 1911 guns.
  3. M1911 Colt Pistol: A Comprehensive Guide and History - Discover the history and evolution of the iconic Colt M1911 .45 Automatic Pistol in this comprehensive, visually stunning book, complete with detailed accounts of its impact on military use and the world of collectibles.
  4. Ed Brown 1911 Magazine Base Pad for 45 ACP 7RD Silver - Experience seamless concealed carry with Ed Brown's 7-round 45 ACP Silver Magazine for 1911s, featuring a removable base pad for a perfect fit.
  5. Mastering the Kimber 1911: Comprehensive Assembly Guide - The M1911 Complete Assembly Guide is a lavishly illustrated and comprehensive resource, perfect for M1911 owners seeking in-depth knowledge and practical tips on how to assemble and upgrade their pistols.
  6. 1911" - A Comprehensive Postsecondary German Textbook (556 Pages) - Discover the history and evolution of the iconic Kimber 1911 magazine in this engaging and insightful book.
  7. The Ultimate Guide to the Kimber 1911 Magazine and Accessories - Master the art of M1911 and M1911A1 automatic pistols with this comprehensive field manual from Kessinger Publishing, a must-have for military personnel and firearms enthusiasts alike.
  8. The Essential Guide to Kimber 1911 Magazines and 1911 Handgun Maintenance - The Tactical 1911: A comprehensive guide to selecting, modifying, employing, and maintaining your Colt 1911, ideal for both street cops and SWAT operators.
  9. Model 1911-A1 Government Pistol Drawings: A Paperback Book - Explore the intricate detail of the Model 1911-A1 Government Pistol with this comprehensive paperback, featuring high-quality drawings and an in-depth understanding from the Department of Defense as the author.
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🔗Comfortable 1911 Magazine Pouch Disguised as a Pocketknife
The 1791 Snagmag brings a sense of security and practicality that many concealed carriers have been seeking for their everyday lives. When I first saw this holster, I was intrigued by its discreet look in comparison to the usual bulky magazine pouches on the market. At a glance, it appears to be just a regular pocketknife, but don't be fooled - it's a game changer.
One feature that stood out to me is the holster's comfortable design. Made from lightweight materials, the Snagmag was more comfortable than I expected to be. It felt like nothing more than a pocketknife tucked away in my pocket. But I soon realized, what seemed like a regular pocketknife was actually much more, a convenient and quick access tool for my vital ammunition.
Yet despite its subtlety and usability, the Snagmag has one minor downside. It is only designed for right-handed shooters. Perhaps, a left-handed version could be a potential improvement to cater to more users.
Overall, my 1791 Snagmag 7 Rd. 1911 experience was a positive one. It served its purpose well - providing a convenient and quick way to carry my extra magazine without drawing unwanted attention. Moreover, its USA-made construction adds a sense of pride to its users.

🔗1911 Mag Pouch for Organized Gun Access
The Benchmaster 1911 Rack has made my life so much easier. With its quick access feature, I can get my hands on the right magazine every single time. I love how it keeps my magazines securely held in place whether they're loaded or unloaded.
The durability and build quality of this rack is impressive, and it's light enough to take with me when I travel yet sturdy enough to handle the wear and tear of everyday use. Its moisture-resistant design ensures my mags stay protected in any weather conditions. On the flip side, the price tag seems a bit high for this particular product, but after using it, I must say it's worth the investment.

🔗M1911 Colt Pistol: A Comprehensive Guide and History
I recently had the pleasure of getting my hands on this book, "The Colt M1911 . 45 Automatic Pistol: M1911, M1911A1, Markings, Variants, Ammunition, Accessories [Book]". Being a gun enthusiast, I was eager to dive into the world of this iconic pistol.
What stood out to me was the detailed information on the M1911's design, manufacturing, and testing. The book takes you on a journey through its combat use in various wars, with more than 370 images that provide a visual breakdown of the weapon. The serial numbers list and the visuals of the weapon's markings were particularly fascinating.
The section on accessories like magazines, ammunition, holsters, and cleaning kits was a nice touch, adding to the overall comprehensive nature of the book. I found the combat-related uniform and equipment items to be of special interest.
However, one drawback I encountered was the inconsistency in the captions of some photos. I was expecting a more complete reference on some of the markings and stampings. Despite this, the book still managed to impress me with its wealth of data and images.
Despite its relatively short length, "The Colt M1911 . 45 Automatic Pistol: M1911, M1911A1, Markings, Variants, Ammunition, Accessories [Book]" is a must-have for anyone interested in the history and development of this legendary firearm. The high-quality images and detailed information make it a valuable addition to any library.

🔗Ed Brown 1911 Magazine Base Pad for 45 ACP 7RD Silver
I've been using this 1911 Magazine from Ed Brown for a while now, and it's been quite the experience. I love that it comes with the removable base pad installed, allowing for a perfect fit with my concealed carry gun. The magazine has been a lifesaver during those long gunsmithing sessions, but it also looks fantastic on my gun.
One thing that stood out to me is the innovative follower design – it's been smooth and reliable every time I've used it. The heavy gauge metal tube adds an extra layer of durability, which is always a plus. However, one downside I've noticed is that the base pad seems to be a bit taller than my other magazines, making it slightly tricky to remove when I need to. Overall, I'd say it's a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things.
The 1911 Magazine from Ed Brown is a high-quality product that's perfect for those who want a reliable and stylish addition to their concealed carry arsenal.

🔗Mastering the Kimber 1911: Comprehensive Assembly Guide
Using "The M1911 Complete Assembly Guide" has been an exciting journey. As a gun enthusiast, I found the book to be incredibly comprehensive and user-friendly. While assembling my Kimber 1911, the clear, detailed instructions made the process feel like a breeze, even for an amateur like me.
One thing that really stood out was the variety of tips and tricks shared by the authors. They really helped me troubleshoot any problems I encountered along the way. The practical approach was especially beneficial, as it helped me understand why certain steps were important.
However, there were also a few areas where I felt the book could have been improved. I found some of the language to be a bit too technical for beginners, and sometimes the images didn't quite match the text. But overall, "The M1911 Complete Assembly Guide" was a valuable resource for anyone looking to get the most out of their Kimber 1911.

🔗1911" - A Comprehensive Postsecondary German Textbook (556 Pages)
As a gun enthusiast, I've been eagerly waiting to get my hands on the "1911" book. The dimensions of the book are slim and sleek, fitting perfectly in my backpack for easy portability. The cover is well-built and seems sturdy enough to handle daily wear and tear.
What truly stands out about this book is the vast array of information it contains - from the intricacies of the gun's design to the historical context of its creation. Each page is filled with high-quality images, making it easy to follow along and comprehend the topics discussed.
However, I do have a minor complaint about the book. Despite its engaging content, the language barrier might be an issue for non-German speakers. English translations would likely improve the reader experience for a broader audience. All in all, "1911" is a must-have for anyone interested in the rich history of this iconic firearm.

🔗The Ultimate Guide to the Kimber 1911 Magazine and Accessories
Trying your hands on the M1911 and M1911A1 automatic pistols can be quite the intricate task. That's where this field manual comes in handy. It's a comprehensive guide, detailing the workings, maintenance, and repair procedures of these iconic firearms.
Dive into the history, appreciate the design and marvel at the construction of these timeless pieces. Learn how to handle the ammunition, the correct loading procedure and the techniques to fire them with the necessary precision. The manual also instructs on how to disassemble and assemble these pistols, and how to clean and lubricate them for optimal functioning.
The troubleshooting section is particularly insightful, helping you sort out any mechanical issues you might face. As a whole, this manual is a valuable resource for anyone handling these weapons, be it for military purposes or leisurely shooting practice.
Just remember, this book is a facsimile reprint of a vintage original, so you might find some signs of age like library markings or notations. But don't let these minor imperfections sway your opinion. After all, the wealth of knowledge in the field manual itself is far more valuable and enduring.

🔗The Essential Guide to Kimber 1911 Magazines and 1911 Handgun Maintenance
The Tactical 1911, like an old friend bringing you back to a cherished pastime, has become the go-to guide for street cops and SWAT operators. This book is the one-stop-shop to teach you how to choose, customize, and maintain your Colt, covering everything from sights and magazines to holsters and maintenance. If you're a fan of the legendary Colt 1911 in. 45 ACP, this is the essential book for you.
The first few chapters focus on safety and selecting the perfect 1911 for your needs, with chapters diving into modifications, holster selection, and ammunition choices. Once you've chosen your piece, it's time to get your hands dirty. With comprehensive information on basic and advanced handgun shooting, you'll become a skilled operator in no time. Lastly, don't forget to maintain your prized possession with the appendix, which includes associations, training sources, and periodicals to keep your 1911 in prime condition.
Although some reviewers criticized the book for being repetitive or outdated, others praised it for its wealth of information and tailored advice for both seasoned and inexperienced 1911 shooters. Overall, the Tactical 1911 is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master the iconic Colt, with an emphasis on practical techniques, tactical training, and proper care and maintenance.

🔗Model 1911-A1 Government Pistol Drawings: A Paperback Book
I recently picked up "Drawings of the Model 1911-A1 Government Pistol" by the Department of Defense. This paperback book, published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, is a compact yet informative guide for lovers of firearms and military history.
Standing at just 58 pages, it's a quick read that still manages to pack a lot of detail in. The binding is sturdy, and the paperback format makes it perfectly portable for on-the-go adventures. The content covers the 1911-A1 Government Pistol in a highly detailed manner, making it an invaluable resource.
However, I found the language to be quite technical, which might be a bit challenging for those not familiar with firearms jargon. Overall, I found this compact paperback to be a fascinating and informative addition to my collection.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing 1911 magazines, there are a few key factors to consider to ensure you're getting the best product for your needs. Here, we provide a general buyer's guide to help you make an informed decision.

First and foremost, check the compatibility of the magazine with your 1911 pistol. Ensuring the magazine is designed for your specific model and caliber is crucial for reliable functioning and safety. Many 1911 magazines are designed for specific models and calibers, so be sure to identify the correct one for your firearm.


Next, consider the capacity of the magazine. Typically, 1911 magazines range from 7 to 10 rounds, depending on the model and manufacturer. Determine the desired capacity for your shooting needs and ensure the magazine you choose meets those expectations.

Materials and Durability

Take a look at the materials used in the magazine's construction. High-quality materials, such as steel or aluminum, are more durable and resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, the magazine should be well-machined to ensure proper feeding and ejection of rounds.

Brand Reputation and Reliability

Research the brand of the magazine you are considering. A reliable brand with a good reputation for quality and performance can be a good indicator of the magazine's overall performance. Read reviews and consult expert opinions to help inform your decision.


Lastly, consider the price of the magazine. While it's tempting to opt for a more budget-friendly option, remember that quality materials and construction will generally result in a more reliable product. Evaluate the cost-to-benefit ratio and choose a magazine that strikes the right balance between price and performance.
By taking these factors into account, you can be more confident in making a purchase that suits your 1911 pistol and meets your shooting needs.


What are 1911 Magazines?

1911 magazines are firearm magazines specifically designed for the classic and modern versions of the Colt 1911 pistol, including the Colt Government Model and various other high-quality 1911 pistol models.

Why choose 1911 Magazines?

Choosing a 1911 magazine offers several advantages: they are available in various capacities, materials, and finishes, providing customization options. In addition, their compatibility allows them to work seamlessly with high-quality 1911 pistols, ensuring reliable performance during training or self-defense situations.

What is the difference between 1911 Government Model and Colt 1911 magazines?

The 1911 Government Model and Colt 1911 magazines are essentially the same, as the government model is just another name for the Colt 1911 pistol series. The magazine used with the specific pistol model is essentially the same.

What types of materials are 1911 magazines made of?

Most 1911 magazines are made of high-quality metal materials, like stainless steel or aluminum alloys. Some are also made of high-impact polymers for lightweight and durable construction.

What capacities are available for 1911 magazines?

The most common capacity for 1911 magazines is 7 or 8 rounds. However, some specialty magazines, such as those with extended bases, can hold up to 10 rounds.

Do I need to use 1911-specific magazines with my pistol?

Using a 1911-specific magazine is highly recommended as it ensures compatibility and reliability with your pistol. Using a non-compatible magazine can result in malfunctions, misfires, or even damage to your firearm.

Can I customize my 1911 magazines?

Yes, there are several aftermarket accessories available for 1911 magazines, allowing you to customize the magazine to suit your needs or aesthetic preferences. Some customization options include different coatings, unique artwork, and alternative baseplates for easier removal.

What is the price range for 1911 magazines?

The price range for 1911 magazines can vary depending on the capacity, material, and brand. Generally, you can find affordable options starting at around $10, while high-end, premium magazines can cost upwards of $50 or more.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:01 AutoModerator SELF-CARE SATURDAY

“Take time to do what makes your soul happy”
On this thread, please share any new ideas of self-care or share what you are going to do for yourself this weekend!
Happy Self Care Saturday! This is a NEW weekly post that is here to remind us about the importance of taking care of ourselves. It is here to share ideas and motivate each other to take some time out of our busy schedule to RECHARGE. We are living in a time period that is filled with so many distractions that take us out of the present moment, and I want this post to remind you to do something for yourself this weekend. Recharge your battery because after all we cannot pour from an empty cup. Many of us work long hours at work, have families to take care of, and have a million other obligations. This makes it way too easy to forget to dedicate time in your day for YOURSELF. When reading this, I hope you are filled with motivation to dedicate 10 minutes or even a whole day doing activities you enjoy or activities that are healthy for you. Here are several examples of self-care ideas!
1. Nature for the win! - Take a walk somewhere new with your phone on airplane mode. If you find yourself drifting off into thought that is focusing on a past negative situation or worrying about an event that is coming up, try counting all the new items in your surroundings that you have never noticed before. Do whatever you can to keep yourself in the walk instead of letting the mind trap you into a daydream that is causing stress.
2. Exercise! - One of the healthiest things we can do to help our body and mind is taking out time in your day to be active. I personally love to run. It is difficult getting started, but once I get ten minutes into my run, I get in the zone. Afterwards, I feel like a new person! If you are someone that really struggles with finding the motivation to exercise, start small! Even if you only watch a five - minute workout video on YouTube, at least it is a start! You can DO this!
3. Sleep is Key! - Set your-self up for success and plan out a peaceful nighttime ritual that will help you fall asleep earlier while dedicating 7-8 hours of your night to sleep. Try not to let a screen rule your night with a scroll that keeps you up till 3am. Remember, you are in control! Without a good night’s sleep, chances are your anxiety, depression, or any other mental health items you struggle with will be much worse the next day.
4. Start a new hobby! - Try something you have never done before such as journaling, hiking, biking, reading a new book series, taking time to meditate, etc.
5. Get excited! - Watch a motivational video that makes you want to achieve your dreams.
6. Have a date night…With YOURSELF! - Go out to eat by yourself even if it feels weird and plan a drive or walk to somewhere new after.
7. Can’t have a post without a gratitude reminder! - Think about all the things you are grateful for. Then go the extra mile by calling up someone you care about and telling them you appreciate their presence in your life.
There are so many more ideas for ways on how to practice self-care! Please share any you may have for the rest of OFam to see!
You. Are. Enough.
submitted by AutoModerator to OptimistFam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:42 CurveNo2618 Woke up in tears over a friend passing (but it was younger me)

Woke up super confused and in tears trying to remember who passed in my dream as it wasn’t very clear. I remember someone telling me that someone special to me passed and wanted to give me some of their belongings.
These belongings were some of my personal treasures from my childhood. Special yu-gi-oh/pokemon cards and artwork I created as well as figurines. When I woke I tried understanding why I’d dream about this and drew the correlation that maybe it was the fear of losing my childlike imagination?
When I was younger I always told myself I never wanted to lose my attachment to these things as I got older and now that I’m in my early 30s with kids and a slew of responsibilities I feel like it’s much harder to keep that promise.
I still find time to game but I don’t look at things the way I used to. My world generally revolves around stressing about bills and making time for my family and friends. I’m very thankful to be where I’m at but definitely feeling the disconnect with that innocent, younger and curious version of myself. I’m fortunate to relive it every once and awhile through my kids.
submitted by CurveNo2618 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:52 kiimdyy 9 week old kitten keeps peeing on bed only when we sleep

I have a 9 week old male kitten. I’ve been having him for a bout 3 weeks now, at 6 weeks old. His cat mom passed away so our friend asked me to help take care of him. We’re fostering him, but more like we will adopt him as our current resident cat is already attached to him.
Into the issue: He keeps peeing on our bed, but only some time in the morning when we sleeps (around 9-10a is my best guess). We both work remotely and our hours are not usual, so our sleep schedule is from 3-4a to afternoon ish. He uses the litter box perfectly fine during the day when we’re not laying on bed.
We have 2 litter boxes both in the attached bathroom with the bedroom. I will have a third box soon. Initially we didn’t put the boxes next to each other; however, kitten actually shit on our bed twice about 2 weeks ago. After I moved his box next to my other cat box, it never happened again. Both of them have no issues using the boxes next to each other (they go do their business together many times, sometimes my big cat even just lay there watching the kitten when kitten go).
I’m at my wits end because I can’t understand the reason for this. He knows how to use to box. He sleeps in bedroom on the cat tree all day. He jumps down the tree, on our bed to play, and jumps down bed to go to bathroom when we’re awake to piss and shit, so it’s not the case the bed is too high up and he can’t jump down. In fact, he doesn’t even sleep on the bed. I suppose he purposely jump on to bed to piss actually, as he can’t make the leap from his tree to bed yet. He has to climb down the tree first and then jumps on bed
I spray enzymes on where he pisses and wash the bedding. Important to note this might have been happening for the past 5 days or so only. He had his first shot of vaccination 3 days ago. He got dewormed once already, and we will do it again in a week. The vet just said he’s likely a baby and they still learning, as it is normal for young kittens. However, I find it’s strange it’s only happening recently, and as I said, he uses the boxes perfectly fine when no one’s on bed, so I can’t understand this behavior at all. I scoop their boxes maybe 3-4 times a day even.
I’ll probably will have to lock him out of bedroom tomorrow as I’m tired waking up to clean cat piss. I would hate to do that as our big cat sleeps with us, and he concerns if kitten is not also in the bedroom. I will have 3rd box delivered today. How should I place the boxes? I live in 2 bedroom apartment. The spare bedroom is used as office (doesn’t have a bed, and was kitten basecamp in the first week he was home). Right now I have both box in my bathroom. I planned to place third box in the office. Should I have 1 box in my bathroom/bedroom, 1 in office, and 1 in outside bathroom instead?
Please help! I hope to keep this kitten, but I don’t want to wake up to shit and cat piss for the rest of my life😔 My other cat never did this when I took him in as a stray at 5 weeks old, so I’m surprised by this :(
submitted by kiimdyy to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:32 Sonnyjoon91 Can anyone chat with me about friendship/relationship advice?

Trigger warnings: SU, relationship advice, friendship advice
Hello, I'm recently really struggling with my best friend, and am hoping someone could give me advice or perspective on the situation, because I cant tell if I'm being super judgemental about it or have the right to feel upset. Could someone chat with me about this? To keep it short but to give you an idea, I recently went on a trip with this friend, who was having major relationship issues and they broke up. She then spent the whole trip obsessing over him and getting caught in his drama, spreading over to me and my enjoyment. I feel like I also found out information that was pretty negative and altered my view of my friend. I understand she is going through a lot and wanted to be supportive, but feel like that support was kinda abused. Can anyone just talk with me about this? there would be talk of SU.
submitted by Sonnyjoon91 to BPDsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:29 FagootBoi 22/Est/Pc Anyone wanna Vc and play Roblox :3

I’m down for some Roblox, it’s pretty fun with a friend and there’s a lot to do. Also down for some sea of thieves too.
I’m usually free during night time to early morning eastern time and want someone to talk to. I also don’t mind just chilling in Vc and playing different games though I’d prefer to play sot.
A couple of my interests are computer hardware, anime/youtube, photography, walking in nature. I don’t listen to music super often but when I do it’s usually Jpop artists like Mori calliope or Ado. Also 420 friendly as I smoke on the regular
Hopefully we can Vc tonight and have some good vibes all around. Send me a dm about yourself if you are interested
submitted by FagootBoi to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:16 m6212 I came out to my best friend and it didn't go as well as I thought

This is a middle school story, I go to a private school, and I am a theater kid.
I realized I was bi a few months before the events of this story, and I had only come out to three of my theater friends (not at school); two also being queer (both girls and one of them I later had a crush on) and one who hasn't said anything (a guy). All three of these friends are people I met in theater, and they were all supportive. About two months after closing night of the show when I hadn't seen these people for a while I started crushing on one of the girls I came out to. She is very openly a lesbian. Let's call her Ashley. I told a separate cast member of this show(I'm very close with the whole cast of the show) that I had a crush and came out to them over text. I then told my guy best friend (the guy I came out to in the beginning and his name can be Steven) that I had a crush on Ashley and he got so excited. I shared the song I wrote for her with him and went over to his house to hang out. We had a good time and for a week he dropped subtle hints to Ashley about my crush when the cast group chat was active. Everything in the italics happened during April vacation, so when school started again on Monday, I told my best friend (let's call her Isabella) that I had a crush on someone outside school. Isabella's parents are silently homophobic and transphobic and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree if you get what I mean. When I would talk about Ashley I'd just use they/them pronouns because I was not yet ready to come out to her but she kept saying things along the lines of "Omg where did you meet HIM? Who is HE?" Pretty soon I sent her a picture of my crush and said "ya so this is my crush, im bi, and here's the song I wrote for her." I asked what she thought of the song and a few minutes later I got a response saying "its fine but i won't say anything about your decision". I just asked what she meant by my 'decision' even though I knew what she'd say. "to be bi obvi". I was just like "???" and started getting kinda mad trying to explain to her how you dont choose who you like and you only pick whether or not to accept it. I had beef with her for the whole week and straight up ignored her which I know is kinda cruel but she didn't take me seriously and asked me why I was mad at her. In this time frame that I was mad at Isabella, I started dating Ashley. I eventually forgave Isabella just so I could have my best friend back because I don't really have many friends at school. She later told me, and i quote, "I just realized that you were saying they before telling me your crush was a girl.The whole time I thought you were talking about two guys and you liked one of them" and she laughed it off. It's been over a month and we havent had any issues or bad blood between the two of us, but I keep trying to get her to be more open to discussion of queerness but no good results. I started hanging with the only two other openly queer people around isabella and we've all tried explaining to her about things like this. I still remember several occasions where she's said things along the lines of "Why don't people just stay with the gender theyre born with" or "Just pick one gender, why is it that hard???" and even "People are just saying they're LGBT+ because its a trend and they think it's cool". It seriously bothers me, but we've been friends since preschool and our friendship it really important to me. She still acts weird when I refer to Ashley as my girlfriend. I've begun to distance myself from her a little, doing partnerwork in class with other people instead of her and such. I'm really conflicted on what to do; drop her, try to explain again, or just stop bringing it up? Someone please just help me out here.
submitted by m6212 to u/m6212 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:07 oceaneyesbillie Do you ever just feel exhausted by other people's lives?

My friend and I sometimes talk about feminine energy, and how it feels nice/the shift you feel when in a relationship with a man (I'm single but dating)
And I was recently helping her move a piece of furniture and she was like, 'you should see the things I've moved before. Heavier than this. People tell me to be careful of my back.' And even tried to move the couch herself because she likes to just get on with things herself. I actually think she has ADHD, she can't stop and she said she thought she might have it recently. I love her but sometimes when she tells me about her day and rushing here, there, everywhere, I feel exhausted. And like I can't resonate when people are so disconnected from the body. She takes it all in her stride mostly, like it's normal to be that busy and just say yes to everything.
And it's almost like she only think of feminine energy in terms of what you 'get' out of it, which is also why people think polarity is harmful. As if it's dress up or a show. But feminine energy gives you energy and allows for you to attune to your intuition. To not just push through and run around like a headless chook.
Maybe it's because I'm spiritual and she isn't and it's easy to get caught up in the 3D business of life. I mean of course, I'm human, the 3D wants to keep you in its place. I just needed to vent. I'm not perfect and maybe this is a life lesson for her for me, but sometimes I really don't resonate with the merry go round people find themselves on.
submitted by oceaneyesbillie to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:13 ESCOBAR439 Is it normal to feel like you don't deserve to be depressed?

Since back when I was younger and now that I'm gonna be a sophomore soon, I've always felt emotional and have had days of sadness. But now that I'm older and understand that I might have depression(or not), I don't feel like I have the right to be depressed. Or I don't deserve to be depressed. My parents are from El salvador and we live in Indiana. My father risked his life to get to America when be was younger so he could have kids in America and raise us in a better environment and to give us a better life than he ever had. And I feel like I shouldn't, I have everything a teenager should have. I have a phone, a house with my parents and two brothers, a ps4 I bought myself, a dog, a backyard with a jacuzzi and concrete walkway, a tv in my room, food in my kitchen, a car I'll be able to drive once I get lessons from my dad, decent amount of friends in school, good grades, a good plan for my career after high-school. And yet, I still have days where I feel like ending it despite knowing I'd never do that. I have days where I wanna cry and let it all out and than I have days that make me feel like I'm gods favorite. I did get bullied in 8th grade which helped me lose weight but I still think about those two friends that bullied me. I think about how I'm not a good brother, I'm not a good person, I don't deserve everything I have been given. Im jealous of my friend Jasper. She's been able to date 4 guys in the span of freshman year. I know they all ended in breakup, but the idea that she was able to fall in love and have those relationships is what I'm jealous of. I had my first released this year as a freshman. It lasted only 5 days, we broke up after two days and got back together the same day, than broke up 3 days later. I cried in gym class and one of my friends ladorian asked me if I was okay, and no one had asked me that in awhile. I answered saying no and started to cry. I remembered sitting at one of the gym walls and just wondering how I felt so sensitive and how I was probably overreacting. All my friends warned me about her before we started dating. But I wanted them to be wrong since she was my first relationship, we still talk as friends, I had feelings for her still back than. But now I don't feel anything romantic for her. I still text her to make sure she's okay since I know about her trauma and past. This freshman year was the first time I've felt happy with how it went, but also it made me realize it was another year of me being somewhat sad with myself. I'm glad I met my friends like ladorian, Jasper, izy, karleto, Peyton, and others, but this year had me feeling depressed on multiple occasions throughout. I don't know anymore. When me, my mom, dad, my aunt were on a walking bridge that connected louisville and Indiana a few months back when my aunt first moved to America. I was staring below at the ground street and the ocean. I didn't say anything while my mom, dad, and aunt were talking and seeing my dad genuinely smiling with them, I truly wondered if i was worthy of being alive. And while I was staring down at the ocean and street, my dad said I love you for the first time without me saying it first. But at the moment I didn't say it back and all I said was mhm and didn't look at him when I said that. At that moment i was truly done with wanting him to say it to me. But like always, the next day that feeling left and I always say I love you without ever really thinking he'll say it back. I know he loves me but I just wanna hear a genuine I love you instead of it sounding forced.
submitted by ESCOBAR439 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:08 kiltedfrog Just a small party, a few people, and light drinks.

"Thunderclap, will you fucking stop that?" Green Growler said.
"Uggghhhh, stop what?" Thunderclap replied.
"That isn't him, that is your own pulse in your head dumbass." Esperelda, the mind sharing martian maiden said, she was usually far kinder. Green growler cocked an eyebrow at her in surprise and mouthed 'dumbass?' at Thunderclap, who only shrugged. Then the martian vomited, blue, so much blue. She'd tried to share their last party member's mind, but she was still whirling drunk.
The woman on the ground was called Kickass Karen, she was... well, a kind of generic super. Super strong, but not like... punch the planet in half strong or anything. Just bending steel beams and jumping over medium size buildings in a single bound, strong. No flight powers or laser eyes, but she could run about as fast a car on the freeway in short bursts, but a motorcycle might get away, however clearly she did not have super alcohol tolerance. Oh, she was also mildy bullet resistant. Small caliber tended to bounce off her, but she was hit in the hand with a .50 cal sniper rifle once, and it broke a bunch of her hand bones but only left a small cut on her skin.
Esperelda was the only one on her feet. When she stood up a handful of cows in the pasture noticed them, and started coming over.
"Mooooo!" Thunderclap said to them as they walked up. He slapped himself slightly in the face. A barbarian of a man in all ways, but still a little too hungover for that. He groaned, regretting slapping his own face.
Green Growler turned himself into a green housecat. Any predator would do, but he didn't want to startle the cows by being a tiger or something big. "Is Karen alright?" He said as a cat.
She lifted up her head at hearing her name. "I'll live. Ugggghhh my head. I swear to Mrs Infinity, I'm never drinking again. What even happened last night?"
Kickass Karen sat up, her bob hair cut somehow still immaculate. Super hair. A digital camera dropped from her chest and landed in her lap.
Esperelda, being the least hungover by far, asked, "What is that device? Is that a camera? Perhaps it'll have some clues as to how we ended up in this state."
Karen tossed it to her and then rolled over onto all fours and threw up. Super threw up. Sitting up was a super mistake.
Thunderclap staggered to his feet and made himself busy petting the cows. Using them to keep his balance too. He was still drunk, hungover for sure, but also still drunk. "There's a plume of black smoke rising over the horizon."
"Oh no..." Esperelda said, looking at the last couple of pictured they'd taken before jumping from what looked like a private jet they'd stolen. "That's probably the airplane we jumped out of."
Kickass Karen groaned. "That must be why I feel like I shit."
Green Growler jumped awkwardly up onto Esperelda's shoulder, ended up needing to use far more claws to get his perch than he meant to. "Shit sorry, sorry, sorry. I was just trying to get a view of the camera."
"You were trying to not have to walk yourself." Esperelda said settling him on her shoulders, "I don't even need to use my Martian Mind powers to know that."
Thunderclap laughed. "She's got you there bud."
"Good Lord! Delete that immediately." Growler said to Esperelda looking at a picture of him being ridden as a tiger by three scantily clad women.
"Did you see this one?" She scrolled back the other way. Taking them later in the night, this one showed him having his belly pet by a handful of nude party goers.
"Okay, so what the fuck happened last night?"the Green cat said, "Go back toward the start."
"I am, I am. Look at this one." Esperelda showed him a picture of him as a green tiger licking a woman's back.
"Delete that too." Growled the Green feline.
"In the mean time we should head toward that plume of smoke in case people there need our help." Kickass Karen said. She tried to stand and immediately regretted it.
"Use a cow." Thunderclap told her, helping her up to lean on his while he staggered to the next one. "Good cows."
They were good cows. Friendly cows. The one Karen was leaned against licked her face. "I'm tellin your manager you're licking the customers." She joked.
As they walked toward the plume of black smoke, Esperelda and Green Growler put together the story of the previous night. They'd ended the night by crashing a plane, but before that they had had a wild night of debauchery... or maybe interrupted a wild night of debauchery and joined it. About half way through the camera roll the four of them stopped even being there. It was however pretty obvious that the revelry the people on camera before them was having was... well very illegal. It makes sense that they showed up.
"Look at this guy. He's in the background a bunch later in the night too. He's always there." Growler commented from Esperelda's shoulder, "Is he wearing horns? Or are those really part of his head."
"In some of the pictures he doesn't have them, and in other's... Oh it's when he's not looking at the camera, that he does." She said.
"I dunno how you two are looking at a screen right now." Karen said. Thunderclap grunted his agreement.
"Well, based on what we've seen, you two drank a magnificent amount, far more than either of us. Also Martians process alcohol much faster than humans. And Growler's his own weirdness."
"Hey, I'm not weird." The green talking cat said.
"Shape shifting green blob from outer space, that can only become predatory creatures... not weird at all." Karen said, and they all shared a good-natured laugh, and then groan at their head aches.
Esperelda kept flicking through the camera roll and finally coming to the begining, "The guy with horns absolutely started the out of control part of the party. This camera started it's night at a divorce party some twenty somethings were holding for their friend. There were six pictures on it before he showed up in the background the first time. And then things start to get wildly out of control, and fast. Fifteen minutes from his first appearance to straight up nudity and drinking to excess. He seems to have riled up enough people to join him in whatever he was up to that he robbed both a bank and a museum with a drunken mob, and then we showed up."
"Scroll us back toward the end of the night now." The green cat said, "I missed most of the part where we stole a plane."
The four of them crested a small hill in the cow pasture, and saw the smoldering ruins of their airplane not too far away, on the other side of the home attached to this pasture. There were fire trucks around, emergency personnel all over the place.
"Ah, here it is. Horn man joined us in the airport." Esperelda said, and then flipped through some more, "Here's us drinking with the TSA agent, and another of us pouring shots into a pilot's mouth... oh dear."
"Horn man?" A familiar, yet unfamiliar voice said. "That's a terrible name. How about you kids call me 'The Reveler!'
There he was, the man from the camera roll, sitting up in the pasture with them, like he'd just woke up well rested. The bastard had no hangover. He only had horns on his head when you weren't looking right at him in person, and only on camera when he wasn't looking.
"Hey buddy, don't take this weird, but are you aware your legs are on backward?" Thunderclap said. Kickass Karen grunted in agreement.
The Reveler laughed. "You must still be quite drunk if you're able to see my true form, but they're just goat's legs. Now, I had a good time with you kids last night. You lot came to break up my party, but you joined me instead. I like that. Lets do it again soon."
A pair of women had broken away from the fire trucks and emergency personnel and was walking over to meet their little group in the cow pasture when The Reveler turned to leave. He took one step and vanished in a puff of smoke that smelled of wine and weed.
The two women walking over were identical. A pair of Mrs Infinitys. They walked over to help Thunderclap and Kickass Karen to stagger out of the cow pasture and give them a hand getting over the fence. Esperelda set Green Growler on a fence post and hopped over herself, and then re-collected the cat.
When the two aliens turned back to face the humans, both Kickass Karen and Thunderclap were crying and apologizing to the Mrs Infinitys. And they were both being very reassuring and promising the young supers they had done a good job.
"Oh no no my dears, you did great! That was an ultra omega triple S-level threat, and you four managed to get through the night without anyone getting killed, surprisingly enough. A lot of property damage and theft though. A lot. That's Pan for you though."
Kickass Karen swallowed hard and squeaked out, "Did you say Pan? Like the Greek God?"
Both Mrs Infinitys sighed. The one next to Karen spoke, "Yes, he resurrected a few years ago. Since then, twice a year at the spring and autumn equinox he goes out partying. Looks like he likes you four though."
She plucked a green rectangular business card from the back of Thunderclap's costume. It had 'The Reveler' pressed into it. "Ahh, I see he's come up with a new name for himself. Wonderful."
Esperelda knew better than to try to share minds with Mrs Infinity, so she asked, "Well what's next?"
"Electrolytes. Probably something greasy to eat, and a nap, I assume." She smiled, and the other one started talking. "But in six months I expect Pan comes calling on you four again, and I hope you'll be up to the task to keep him entertained again. As yet, we have no idea how to contain him."
Kickass Karen swore, and Mrs Infinity said, "Language, Miss Miller."
Karen laughed and then groaned because her head was pounding. "Sorry, but just a few minutes ago I swore on you that I'd never drink again... and well ain't that some shit that you of all people would show up to tell me I need to train for a drinkathon with literal Pan. At least its not Dionysus right?
submitted by kiltedfrog to AFrogWroteThis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:39 Nikkirenzo59 No Reason

I feel a bit different than most people on here. From the outside, my life looks good, I have no reason to be depressed. Besides brain chemistry I suppose. I have a career in a field I’m passionate about (as much passion as one can maintain with long term depression) and it’s enabled me to be independent and purchase my own home by myself before the age of 30. I have many people in my life (family, friends, coworkers) who know of my suicidal tendencies and have told me how lost and hurt they’d be if I died. I know I am loved. So a why doesn’t that make it any easier?
I first thought of suicide at the age of 7, and started self harming at the age of 12. I’m 30 now and have worked very hard to lead as close to a normal life as I can. But now, as I sit alone at home wanting to die, I feel so alone. Everyone who’s known me for any length of time, knows of my problems. I’ve been hospitalized in the psych ward 7 times since 2012; it’s been a long term issue. At yet, I feel like I can’t talk to any of them. What can I say that they haven’t heard 100 times before? That I want to die? That I’m scared of myself and what I will do to myself? They know. What can they say that they haven’t told me already? I know they care. I know my death will hurt them. After so many years, I feel it’s unfair of me to burden them with these things. If I do reach out to someone, and we talk, and I feel a tiny bit better, just enough to make it to the morning (the morning is always better), then it feels like it’s been a waste of their time. I upset them for no reason; I didn’t even die.
So many people on here say they have no one, and my heart aches for them because I can almost understand. I feel so alone, but I’m not. It’s not the same and I know that, but I’m not sure if it makes it any easier.
I have been feeling very strongly that my life is nearing its end. As stated above, this has been a battle for the last 23 years, and I’ve never felt the sense of impending death so strongly. It will be soon, I’m sure of it.
submitted by Nikkirenzo59 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:42 pasta_sauce5 Creepy old man or just trying to be nice??

I work at a shop in a cute small town. A local book shop owner an older man would come into my shop and spark up casual conversation with me. He brought me some legal books and left them for me. He also brought my co-worker a crystal since she collects them so I didn’t think much of it. One day, he invited me to go shooting with him. He said that one of his hobbies is target practice and he’d like for me to come along. I barely knew him at the time, and I felt uncomfortable going alone with a man I just met. I made an excuse that my mom wouldn’t like it, and he still asked about it a couple of times after that before he got the hint that I wasn’t interested in going. I had a slightly weird feeling about him, but I thought that maybe I was being too judgmental and he was just being nice.
One day he brought me a book about the Italian mafia, and coincidentally, it had a section about my family name in it. I am distantly related to mafia members. I wondered if maybe he found out what my last name is and gave me that book, or if it was really just a coincidence. (I never told him what my last name was so I’m not sure how he would’ve known). My other newer co-worker also told me that he gave her a pocket knife and some other cool things like an arrowhead. He also asked for her phone number and texted her pictures of projects he works on. This eased my nerves quite a bit and reassured me that he might just be overly friendly and act this way towards everyone.
So when I ran into him shopping one day and he asked my for my number I gave it to him. Then a few things happened which made me feel more uncomfortable. He asked me if I’d like to stop by his shop once a week to drink coffee with him and chat, and I said yes. He wanted to show me something outside one of his windows if his shop and I was too short to see so he said “I can lift you up”. There was a chair right below the window that I could have stood on instead. I told him I’d just use the chair. IM ALMOST 21 YEARS OLD. I’m not a child that needs to be lifted. He keeps asking me questions about whether or not I have a boyfriend, and today he asked me whether I get catcalled a lot. He also keeps complimenting my outfit choices and asking me if I put lots of effort into deciding what I want to wear. He also makes comments about how petite I am. Then, before I left (he knows I’m not on good terms with my father) he said “don’t worry about things with your father. You don’t need him. I’m your father now”. Then he said some shit about wanting to protect me. Sometimes I get a weird flirtatious vibe from him and I can’t tell whether those are just his natural mannerisms or not.
Maybe I’m way overthinking this and reading into things. I certainly don’t want to be rude if he is just trying to be nice, but I also feel so uncomfortable. Especially with him offering to lift me up. I genuinely have no idea what is going on and I need someone to give me their opinion from an outside perspective.
submitted by pasta_sauce5 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:20 Jassarat Help with woma

Hello everyone! I've been caring for a rescue woma for almost a year now and the little guy has been having this on and off thing where he wheezes (he sounds a little like a squeaky toy, or a turtle). Now I naturally thought it was an RI, and took him to the vet a few times but the vet was unable to find anything wrong with him (no discharge and tests came back clear) and it seems to subside, especially when he has just freshly shed. We did end up medicating him anyway but it seems to have had no effect so I'm a little stumped.
Now, some other things I have noticed is that he is very wobbly, and even the vet noted that he seems to have neurological issues because he is rather uncoordinated and I've noticed this too with how he eats and drinks (will wrap himself and fall over and will drop his head into the bowl unintentionally, like an awkward puppet) so I don't know, do you think the wheezing has something to do with that? Another thing to note is that I usually catch him wheezing either when he is close to shedding (I assume its the old skin making sounds around his nose) and at night, when he is moving around a lot.
I've tried to read up on womas in the event this is just some odd quirk but nothing has come up. He is in a RUB with a warm end of roughly 24-26 °C and a humidity of 65% (I live in a humid area), he eats just fine. Oh and substrate is aspen. I own two other snakes and both are fine, no wheezing on their end.
I'm hoping that maybe someone with much more experience might be able to chime in in the event they've seen cases like this before!
I want him to be ok!
submitted by Jassarat to snakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:56 diaperedcanadianbabe F4A. Craving pregnancy centric romance stories. Especially open to FxF

Hello all! A couple things to note about me. I only write in third person, and I average 2-3 paragraphs per post. I can do more. My preferred place to write is discord. I'm very open to FxF love story too! I'm bi myself, and think it could be a cute story.
Currently only looking to play female
Here's a couple story ideas I'm looking into today:
Are you interested in writing with me? Send me a message, and we can certainly brainstorm together. I look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by diaperedcanadianbabe to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:21 Hype_Moments [WTS] Montagne Decants 📈 RANDOM DISCOUNTS LIMITED TIME 💎😳💎 (Decant)

This weeks 3 discounted scents: Chilly Pacific Torino 2021 Sicilian Tobacco
Thank you to everyone that reaches out! Feel free to let me know what you liked/disliked about your order so that all future orders can benefit 💪🏼😎
✈️ Shipping : $6 (Free shipping on $50+!) 🇺🇸 PA->CONUS ONLY
🚛Tracking typically provided within 24 hours prior to shipment! Shipping within 1-2 business days.
💵 Offerings and Pricing (swipe on mobile) :
Montagne Brand Inspiration 2ml 5ml 10ml
Palisade Mind Games Blockade $6 $8 $14
God Of Fiery SHL 777 God Of Fire $6 $10 $16
Afternoon Dive Louis Vuitton Afternoon Swim $6 $10 $16
Imaginary Louis Vuitton Imagination $6 $10 $16
Meteorite Louis Vuitton Meteore $6 $10 $16
Chilly Pacific DISCOUNTED LT 💎😳 Louis Vuitton Pacific Chill - $8 $14
Immensity Louis Vuitton L’immensité $6 $9 $15
Cacti Garden Louis Vuitton Cactus Garden $6 $9 $15
Summer Song Louis Vuitton Sun Song $6 $9 $15
Eau De Montagne Creed Silver Mountain Water $6 $10 $16
Buko Intense Creed Virgin Island Water $6 $10 $16
Malay Aklan Creed Millesime Imperial $6 $10 $16
Irish Verbena Creed Green Irish Tweed $6 $9 $15
Pineapple BonBon Creed BR 540 and Aventus $6 $9 $15
Pineapple Frais Creed Aventus Cologne $6 $9 $15
Cashmere Rose Creed Carmina $6 $10 $16
Ambre Vanille Parfums De Marly Althaïr $6 $10 $16
Perceval Parfums De Marly Percival $6 $9 $15
Gingham Green Parfums De Marly Greenley $6 $10 $16
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Stallion Exclusif Parfums De Marly Pegasus Exclusif $6 $9 $15
Pink Rose Exclusif Parfums De Marly Delina Exclusif $6 $10 $16
Pink Rose Parfums De Marly Delina $6 $9 $15
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Elysian Fraiche Roja Elysium Parfum Cologne $6 $9 $15
Enigmatic Exclusif Roja Enigma Parfum $6 $10 $16
Manhattan Booze Roja Manhattan $6 $9 $15
Rich Bois Xerjoff Richwood $6 $9 $15
Sicilian Tobacco DISCOUNTED LT 💎😳 Xerjoff Naxos - $8 $14
Torino 2021 DISCOUNTED LT 💎😳 Xerjoff Torino21 - $8 $14
Torino 2022 Xerjoff Torino22 $6 $9 $15
Erba Italiana Xerjoff Erba Pura $6 $9 $15
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1800 Xerjoff Casamorati 1888 $6 $9 $15
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Another 14 Le Labo Another 13 $6 $9 $15
Eau Bergamote Le Labo Bergamote 22 $6 $9 $15
Eau Vanille Le Labo 44 Vanille Paris City $6 $9 $15
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Eau Matcha Le Labo The Matcha 26 $6 $9 $15
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Japanese Plum Tom Ford Plum Japonais $6 $9 $15
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Moss Beaches Tom Ford Moss Breches $6 $9 $15
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Promise Exclusif Frederick Malle Promise $6 $9 $15
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Aqua Forte MFK Aqua Vitae Forte $6 $10 $16
Ambre Musc YSL Tuxedo $6 $9 $15
Marine Zest Fragrance Du Bois Zest Marin $6 $9 $15
Brooklyn Jazz Maison Margiela Jazz Club $6 $9 $15
Strawberry Milk Melanie Martinez Cry Baby Perfume $6 $9 $15
Tygr Cologne Bvlgari Tygr $6 $10 $16
Moi? Glossier You $6 $9 $15
Vanille Absolute Nishane Ani $6 $9 $15
Spirit of Peace Bond No. 9 Essence of Peace $6 $9 $15
Arctic Palace Memo Winter Palace $6 $9 $15
💰Payments: Paypal F&F preferred! Also available: Venmo/Zelle/Cashapp (if using G&S please add 4% to the total price)
Send a chat letting me know the following (Please COMMENT prior to sending chat): 1) Which decant you will be purchasing (w/ sizing) 2) Preferred payment method
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