Example of a well written autobiography

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2024.06.02 18:26 Giant_Acroyear Random Bits of NoP Fanon Lore Scraped up from the Discord

So, we need a scenario, where some Skalgans are rescued before the Federation gets too far into their plan.
As discussed on the discord today... shout out to my fellow idea-mongers!
Suppose there is a faction of Farsul, The Hidden Path, that disagrees with the Kolshians' plans for the galaxy, after observing the activity performed on/with the Krakotl.
This faction goes into silent rebellion, and works in secret to preserve all sapient cultures, as they are, by abducting just enough of each to ensure genetic viability and delivering them to a hidden colonies.
And they have been doing this ever since.
Now you have a viable undiscovered source of many of each type of every race, with pre-federation culture intact.
...commence with the hijinks you envision.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:00 PM Mileau is all Mesas, with Slot canyons in between; the mesas all extend above breathable atmosphere.
I made that sht up. No one has ever described the surface of Mileau except me. Hah!*
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:08 PM its canon now mileau has a thin atmosphere and a fast spin. it throws off basically all atmosphere except for what gets trapped in the slot canyons. idk anything that im talking about
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:13 PM THe canyons are 2-3 km wide, and llike 10 km deep; agriculture happens in the canyons that run "east" to "west". Most of the food grows on tree vines that climb up the walls of the canyon; these have trunks bigger than redwoods at the base. WHen you look at Mileau from above, the entire surface looks like a dried lake bed.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM if theyre photosynthesis, plant life in canyons would probably have HEAVY bias in evolving to compete for sunlight
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM hence the growing up the walls.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM the north south canyons are barren. most of the water lies underground, and it's movement forms huge cave systems at that level.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM they'd probably have all sorts of like, choking out competitors. specialized tendrils that try to choke out competitors. evolutionary arms race and all
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:17 PM so, there is also cave ecology going on at a grand scale as well.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM hmmm are dossur adapted to low light environments?
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM I think that they would have some.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:19 PM Yes. But also... Mileau's star is a very large one, so the habitable ring is 5 times further out; the cycles are 5 years long, and winter is a full year. so they have a long hibernation period every 5 years.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM a cave system being a consistent environment despite seasons might help temper that though
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM Large stars have exponentially shorter lives, just a warning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:23 PM It's not like it's Y-Scuti.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:24 PM THey eveolves to remember everything they hear while they "sleep" so, if you were to search the ventilation systems at the School of the flora, you'd find dossur sleeping near every vent by the lecture halls. "They are in the walls" is a true statement.
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM They'd better have good taste in poetry. As they drive next generation's minds into predator disease.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM This is why they've come from stone-age to space age in under 100 years. THey pick up every class, all day long. then they go test out at the end of the semester, CLEP style, and run off with a degree after 8 months. they also record everything, and take the recordings back to Mileau; the next round of sleepers is in a cave containing thousands of Dossur there. It's a knowledge factory.
Mecha Kid (Solar Wind, Spec Ops) — 02/29/2024 1:31 PM Suddenly happy I never defined the surface features of Mileau in Spec Ops Also, concussions are a bitch, right @Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) ?
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 02/29/2024 1:33 PM Acroyear's version of the dossur would find like souls in the Consortium
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:34 PM Since Mileau has so little livable space (from the Federation's perspective) the Federation ignores it. Most of the land receiving sunlight is completely dedicated to raising the crops, and the Dossur live in tiny caves drilled into the mesas.
Ben_KenoBEEG (NoA) — 02/29/2024 1:38 PM I just realized, could the Dossur possibly have a planet with over 100 billion people on it, considering their size and how little of a carbon footprint they leave
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:40 PM they've only come up from the stone age in the past 100 years or so... having spent most of that time eliminating the natural predators of Mileau... (which happen to look a Lot like... Krakotl).
"The silver mountain descended from the heavens on pillars of white fire... and death himself rode in it."
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM Ah yes, the Man on the Silver Mountain
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM More like the bird. in any case, the Dossur have harnessed the winds that flow through the canyons as an energy source, and have started building Giant solar farms on the mesa tops, now that they have space technology.
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:46 PM Arizonacore
Spectralstorm — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM Dossur "re-education" programme where they just yell "predators are bad" over and over while the dossur are hibernating
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM It's another fic, that's all. The feds don't know that this is how it works. It's part of the Dossur conspiracy. That's why no one has ever seen a Dossur that's not ginger colored. In my head-canon, there are also white ones, brown ones, blond ones, spotted ones, roans, and of course... black ones! and... FLying ones!
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 2:08 PM This is why they attacked Mileau.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:12 PM I have this image of the Dossur colonizing every park and forested area throughout the federation... ...in secret, of course.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:09 PM Have we been told how many colonies there are? I know of at least one, where Veln originated from.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 6:10 PM no
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:26 PM the planetary thoughts Egg has is that there's big oceans on the dayward side that evaporate and then send water back to the nightward side where its then frozen, depositied on glaciers that then progressand melt, creating rivers that feed back into the oceans thus sustaining a full water cycle of course, there's also spots of rain along the way, and if there was a mountain range in the right spot it'd be rained on nearly non-stop on the dayside
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:23 PM I also Recall a beach scene from another Fic I read recently, but I don't remember it. It was up near the burning.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM Yeah, based on pure physics, the twilight and green likely get a ton of precipitation from the night. The day and burning get few to no rainstorms and are probably sustained by the rivers and desalination of the oceans
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM well, not sure if they'd get it from the night god the weather patterns would be alllll over the place @Brick we really need your help on figuring those out.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:30 PM I think there's mention of Heavy Monsoon activity due to the wobble.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM What was the question
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM ah, the weather patterns of VP, and how the hell the atmopshere moves
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM My god
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM since uh, if there's constant wind coming from the sunward side, atmosphere somehow has to get to the sunward side to replace it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Without geography Uhhhhhhh
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Not quite according to the paper I posted earlier the surface flow would come from the night rather than the day
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM going with the idea that the water cycle is power by oceans near the sun side the bring water to the night side where its then deposited and flows back to the oceans?
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM Surface flow favors convergence at the hot side ad divergence on the cold side meaning the surface flow overall would be from the cold to the warm but at upper levels it's reversed But this is overall geography, location of oceans, planetary rotation and more would make this much more complex
OmegaMon02 (NoC,TTS,MiM,GE,PoT) — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Air cools on night, blasts the venlil, warms in the day, travels on top of cold wind, big wind storms deep into the day and night
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Were it so easy...
Beyonce what I can think about without a pencil, paper and other things.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM SO, on Skalga... not much daily rotation.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM In terms of tropospheric dynamics I really can't say right now On the other hand If VP is on a tilt That raises a whole set of other issues For example places where the sun sets for half a year and raises for the other half It is not easy to make any educated judgments without having a cannon geography.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:23 PM THere's the whole Paw wobble bit, but I don't think you'd get much variation off of it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Yeah axis wobble is something on MUCH longer time scales up towards thousands of years iirc
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM it feels like the axis of the planet points at the Sun for the most part.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Meanwhile a tilted spin axis will cause seasonal sunsets that last different amounts of time beyond certain latitudes The axis of the planet has nothing to do with the sun, at one point it will face away from the sun and half a year later it'll.face towards That's why we get seasons and differential day length on earth
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM right, but with Skalga being tidally locked...
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM Nothing to do with it That is a manner of rate of rotation not axial tilt The rate of revolution is equal to the rate of rotation meaning one side faces the star at all times But a tilted axis can cause the area to essentially shift up and down
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM so depending on the tilt of the access, those parts of Skalga would have day, and night cycles that last for about half the year.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM Yup Think of how the solstices work on earth. Provided you're at a latitude that experiences them just, more extreme The further into the light side you go the shorter the "night" lasts
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM 👍 We were considering what the sizes of the oceans were.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM Weather is dictated a lot by geography as well as overall circulation I haven't figured out if there would be a jet or something different
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:31 PM yes, windward and Lee sides of mountain ranges would make a difference. I was thinking heavy monsoon winds.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Yes while the windward side would be very dry the leeward side would experience in my current opinion almost constant rain It really depends on how well heat exchanges But I can't get too deep into this now. Btw this is what I study at university.
Btw this is what I study at uni
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Perhaps I got my terminology backwards I am become atmospheric scientist.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:33 PM Good chat sorry to jet.
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Bahaha, jet!
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Hey, being near water is not the same as being IN water.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM I mean the planet is like this ☀️ 🟥🟨🟩🟪🟦 (I'm trying my best) cold weather brings rain or snow. So @Brick is right, lots of rain moving from twilight to green. Less in day.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:36 PM depends on what the source of the water is. if there are oceans on the day side, that would provide moisture in the upper levels. where the convection moves in the opposite direction.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:37 PM oceans have to exist at some point if there's enough water to sustain global-spanning life.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:38 PM Also, I have a reason for each of the coastal locations. Muller's Bay is found upon illict activities. Stepping Stones basically had no choice but to exist due it being an island chain. Mellowgale is an rare mountainous type of coastal, hence the Greek vibes.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:39 PM the day side may have giant, untapped aquifers. not much written about it, so I don't really know. but I could see the venlil living under ground in the hotter parts.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM I can see that a nice portion of the rivers from colder half flow underground. Could sustain lots of people and crops
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM sort of a Coober Pedy situation. for about the same reasons.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM imagine having the Green double in size during the timeskip due to humanity interventing. oof, both good and bad.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM depends on what kind of geo-engineering is done, if any.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM mostly geo-engineering for preventing Sahara-ification.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM yeah, permaculture water harvesting would definitely be a thing. if they can build a planet encircling maglev, they could build some major pipelines runninlg along the meridians as well.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM They DID build an maglev ring, you're right.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM with the right kind of valves and insulation, they could use antifreeze to act as a giant heat pump.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM I bet they have biiiig wells to use for cities or for watering plants.
Animesh — 11/30/2023 7:46 PM Wait. Is the entire venlil prime just The Line (tm) project?
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:48 PM Possibly. I don't know the full particulars on the Line, so can't answer that. but I could see them doing a lot of Al Baydha-like projects. btu again, that is dependent on the landforms, and where the water flows to and from. I mean, BiasMushroom has Frozen Mountain set up as a city in the Nightside, close to the terminator. it you get some form of heat loving trees with deep, deep roots, then it's possible that they might shade areas of the burning enough to be survivable. so that gets back to the questions about where the water bodies are.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM I think they could form in the day but dry up in the burning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM yes, but what about under the dayside, where the aquifers may be.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM Probably near rivers but could realistically be anywhere I mean, there are aquifers all over earth so really it's hard to disprove any specific location
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM a lot of it depends on how the water flows, and what geological formations there are. a karst type of situation could lead to lots of caves with chimney windows and underground jungles.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:58 PM Hell in the southwest US, sandstone cliffs and mountains are aquifers. They are stuffed full of water. Without specific info, it's really up to us to decide. Which is neat!
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:59 PM a hard layer of earth over a soft limesone layer, with water flowing, would lead to huge cave systesm. there could be entire, undiscovered biomes like that, possibly housing pre-federation Venlils.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 8:03 PM Perhaps. Though I worry for how they'd live
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 8:04 PM if there's flowing water, then there's probably fungi, and things eating the fungi. Anyway, I leave the speculations here, for your consideration.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 9:08 PM massive cave systems with underground rivers and a lot of life that lives in the dark but due to the presence of predators, venlil are afraid of them and since they are hell to clear out, the exterminators try to keep the predators in the caverns instead only killing them when they wander too close to the settlements.
I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have!
submitted by Giant_Acroyear to u/Giant_Acroyear [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 farscode Junge went clubbing

Inspired by this post (codename Junge is chosen as an omage to 'Baby') I finally popped my clubbing cherry yesterday. I understand much now. But also have follow-up questions.
TLDR: wow I totally get why now. Some questions about how: 1) Clubbing & drugs: what's a sustainable way to do it? 2) How do you solo outside of the dancefloor? 3) Coming soon
Backstory: Nerdy, but devilishly handsome (hi, I'm a Caucasian male, unearned confidence is the name of the game) 30M, moved to Berlin 2 years ago, spent the last 7 years in a beautiful loving relationship, which made me perfectly content and therefore not evolving much - probably why it fell apart a few months ago, but we're not here to analyse my breakup, this is just for context. Anyway, so I also wasn't going clubbing in my content, thinking like hell, I'd rather drop some MDMA here at home and spend some quality time with my girl, what could be better than that, what is the point?
Now I understand the point. It's insanely electric. Like wow guys I guess I just never heard good techno. You become so completely immersed, just like everyone around you, becoming one with the crowd. I see now why it is treated almost religiously around here. Before I was like 'well this repetitive music without words doesn't stimulate my brain much'. It doesn't need to. It hits the soul directly. Drugs help with that of course. Which brings me to my first question.
1) Is everyone on drugs? I myself was on LSD and weed, which is probably why I got so many thoughts haha, but 2 different random people I talked to were on MDMA, and I mean, also you can see it in the crowd of course. Dear people who go clubbing all the time, what is the deal here? Do you always go on drugs or do you alternate, and if so, how is the experience different? Do you drink instead or stay completely sober? Or do I just have too little faith in techno as a fresh convert, and you don't even need no drugs? But if so, why is everyone on them? I myself don't have any problem with drugs as you see, I just want to understand how do you make it sustainable :)
2) wtf are you talking about, solo clubbing? Like ok, on the dancefloor there is no 'I' anyway so who cares if you are solo or not. But what about everything else? The standing in line, or taking fresh air, or a smoke break, how do you spend it if not with your friends? Do you just talk to strangers? How do you know (especially if you are on drugs, see Q1) that you are not bothering anyone? Sure, my personal experience is that I love people and talking to them, but I can't just extrapolate that on others, can I? Is it just reading the body language? How do you do that reliably when everyone is on drugs? But beside these brakes, there is also, for example, a beautiful walk at sunrise after the party - having someone to share it with makes it so much better, doesn't it? And the general feeling of being safe next to someone you know and love - with or without drugs, that's pretty important, no? With emotions so heightened stuff can get overwhelming, what is your safe haven if not your friends? I myself went with a friend who was pretty hard to convince in the first place and even though he loved it, he's, quote, 'too old for this shit', so I don't imagine him joining me as often as I would want to go now, so hit me up if you are looking for a clubbing buddy! Apparently I have a gentle soul, if you are to believe one of the women on MDMA I talked to haha
Alright, this is already waay longer than I thought, 'if I had more time I would have written a shorter letter', right? Sorry for the rambling. Question 3 is so big it deserves its own post anyway, coming in a few hours/days.
Oh right, you probably want to know where I went. It was Club der Visionaere, not too big and with zero door policy, but you got to start somewhere, ok? I loved it. The tiny crowded dancefloor, the cool breeze of the canal, and the music, oh my God. Like I said, I am a believer now.
submitted by farscode to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 UnDead_Ted For It Is Written

For It Is Written

Today's Verse

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) - However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him.

1) Design

  • But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
  • That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

2) Develop

It is written/What the Scriptures mean:
The word is trustworthy and true (Rev. 21:4)
What no human mind has conceived/Entered into the heart of man:
This phrase suggests that the wonders of God’s plans and blessings are beyond human sensory experience. No one has seen or heard the full extent of what God has prepared. This emphasizes that even the human imagination or understanding cannot fully grasp the greatness of what God has in store. It transcends our thoughts and expectations.
Things God has prepared/Hath prepared:
This part highlights that these extraordinary blessings and plans are specifically for those who love God. It underscores the relationship between God's love and human devotion.

3) Actions

What actions develop the story in this verse? What is happening? To whom?
To understand the development and context of the story in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we need to look at the surrounding verses and the overall message of the chapter. Here’s a breakdown of the actions and the narrative flow:

Context of 1 Corinthians 2

  1. Paul’s Preaching and Message (Verses 1-5):
    • Paul begins by reminding the Corinthians that when he came to them, he did not use eloquent words or human wisdom. Instead, he preached Christ crucified, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit so that their faith would rest on God's power, not human wisdom.
  2. God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit (Verses 6-8):
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with God’s wisdom. He explains that God’s wisdom is a mystery, hidden and destined for the glory of believers. This wisdom was not understood by the rulers of the age, for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified Jesus.
  3. The Verse in Question (Verse 9):
    • Here, Paul emphasizes the incomprehensible nature of God’s plans. He quotes from Isaiah to highlight that what God has prepared for those who love Him is beyond human understanding.
  4. Revelation Through the Spirit (Verses 10-16):
    • Paul explains that God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. Paul goes on to say that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned.

Actions and Development

  1. Paul’s Humble Approach:
    • Paul’s decision to preach not with persuasive words but with the Spirit’s power sets the stage. This establishes the foundation that true understanding and faith come from God’s power, not human intellect.
  2. Contrast of Wisdom:
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with divine wisdom. Human rulers and their wisdom failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, which led to His crucifixion.
  3. Quoting Isaiah:
    • Paul quotes from the Old Testament (Isaiah 64:4) to illustrate the greatness of God’s plans for believers. This quote emphasizes the hidden, glorious nature of God’s promises, preparing the audience to understand that divine wisdom is revealed by the Spirit.
  4. Revelation by the Spirit:
    • Paul asserts that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to believers. This revelation process is a crucial action that develops the understanding that spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit.

What is Happening and To Whom?

  • To the Believers in Corinth:
    • Paul is addressing the Corinthian Christians, encouraging them to seek God’s wisdom through the Holy Spirit rather than relying on human wisdom and eloquence.
  • Revelation of God’s Plan:
    • The key action is the revelation of God’s plans and blessings to believers. This revelation is something that no human sense or understanding can grasp, but it is made known through the Spirit.


In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul is explaining that the amazing things God has prepared for those who love Him are beyond human comprehension and can only be revealed through the Spirit. The actions developing this story include Paul’s humble preaching approach, the contrast between human and divine wisdom, the quoting of scripture to illustrate the point, and the ultimate revelation by the Holy Spirit to believers. The recipients of this message are the Corinthian Christians, and the overarching theme is the reliance on spiritual wisdom over human wisdom.

4) Outcome

What is God saying to you today? How can you apply this to your life?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9, the message God conveys is one of profound hope and assurance. The verse reminds us that God's plans for those who love Him are far greater than anything we can perceive or imagine. Here’s a personalized reflection and application of this message:

God's Message to You Today

  1. Trust in the Unseen: God is encouraging you to trust in His plans, even when you can't see the full picture. His blessings and purposes are beyond your current understanding.
  2. Hope and Assurance: God is reassuring you that He has prepared wonderful things for you, which should fill you with hope and confidence in His love and promises.
  3. Dependence on the Spirit: The verse emphasizes the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding, rather than solely on your own knowledge or human wisdom.

Application to Your Life

  1. Cultivate Trust and Faith:
    • Action: Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to help you trust in His plans for your life.
    • Reflection: Reflect on past experiences where God’s plans turned out to be better than you could have imagined, reinforcing your trust in His providence.
  2. Embrace Hope and Joy:
    • Action: Whenever you face uncertainty or challenges, remind yourself of this verse and the promise it holds. Let it be a source of comfort and motivation.
    • Reflection: Keep a journal where you note down moments of blessings and unexpected joys, as reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
  3. Seek Spiritual Wisdom:
    • Action: Make it a habit to read the Bible and seek understanding through the Holy Spirit. Join a Bible study group or find a spiritual mentor who can guide you in your faith journey.
    • Reflection: Ponder on how God’s wisdom has guided you in making decisions that aligned with His will, and how you can continue to seek His guidance.
  4. Share the Message:
    • Action: Share this verse and its message with friends or family members who may need encouragement. Be a source of hope and reassurance to others.
    • Reflection: Think about ways you can demonstrate the love and wisdom of God in your daily interactions, serving as a testimony to His promises.
By integrating these actions and reflections into your daily life, you can live out the profound truths of 1 Corinthians 2:9, experiencing the fullness of God’s love and plans for you.

Verse Thoughts....

  1. The Limitations of Human Understanding
    • The verse underscores the limitations of our sensory and intellectual capacities. Our eyes, ears, and minds cannot fully grasp the depth and breadth of God's plans. This invites humility, acknowledging that God's wisdom and knowledge far surpass our own.
  2. The Promise of Divine Revelation
    • Although human understanding is limited, God has chosen to reveal His wisdom and plans to us through His Spirit. This revelation is not something we achieve through our efforts but is a gift from God, showing His desire to be known by us.
  3. The Depth of God’s Love
    • The verse is a testament to the extraordinary love God has for those who love Him. It suggests that the blessings and plans He has for us are not only beyond our comprehension but are also crafted out of His deep love and care for us.
  4. Encouragement in Uncertainty
    • This passage provides immense comfort during times of uncertainty and doubt. It reassures us that even if we cannot see or understand what lies ahead, God has already prepared something wonderful for us. This encourages trust and patience in God’s timing.
  5. Inspiration for Hope and Faith
    • Knowing that God’s plans are greater than we can imagine inspires hope and strengthens our faith. It reminds us to look beyond our current circumstances and hold onto the promises of God, who is faithful and loving.

Practical Applications

  1. Trust in God's Plan
    • In moments of uncertainty, remind yourself of this verse. Trust that God’s plans are greater than what you can currently see or understand.
  2. Seek Spiritual Wisdom
    • Regularly engage in prayer, Bible study, and meditation to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal His wisdom to you.
  3. Maintain Hope and Positivity
    • Let this verse fuel your hope. When facing challenges, hold onto the assurance that God has amazing things prepared for you.
  4. Share the Encouragement
    • Share this verse with others who may be struggling or in need of encouragement. Help them see the greatness of God’s love and plans.
  5. Live with Expectation
    • Live each day with the expectation that God has wonderful things in store for you. Approach life with a positive and hopeful outlook, grounded in the promises of God.

Reflective Questions

Q-1) How does recognizing the limits of your understanding change your perspective on current challenges?

1. Promotes Humility

  • Shift in Attitude: Acknowledging that your understanding is limited fosters humility. It helps you realize that you don’t have all the answers and that it’s okay to seek help from others and rely on God.
  • Openness to Learning: This humility makes you more open to learning and gaining new perspectives, which can lead to better solutions and personal growth.

2. Encourages Trust in God

  • Dependence on Divine Wisdom: Understanding that God’s wisdom surpasses yours encourages you to rely more on His guidance. This reliance can bring peace and assurance that you are not alone in facing your challenges.
  • Faith in God’s Plan: Trusting that God has a greater plan helps you to have faith that everything will work out for good, even if you don’t understand how at the moment.

3. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

  • Letting Go of Control: When you accept that you don’t need to have everything figured out, it can relieve the pressure of trying to control every aspect of your life. This reduction in stress can improve your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Focus on the Present: You can focus more on what you can do now and leave the unknown future in God’s hands, reducing worry about outcomes that are beyond your control.

4. Enhances Patience and Perseverance

  • Long-Term Perspective: Recognizing your limits helps you to see challenges as part of a larger process. This perspective encourages patience and perseverance, knowing that understanding and resolution might come in time.
  • Resilience: It builds resilience, as you learn to trust the journey and remain steadfast even when immediate solutions are not apparent.

5. Improves Relationships

  • Seeking Support: Realizing you don’t have all the answers makes you more willing to seek advice and support from others, strengthening your relationships and community.
  • Empathy and Compassion: This understanding fosters empathy, as you become more aware of the struggles everyone faces, leading to more compassionate interactions.

6. Inspires Hope and Positivity

  • Belief in Greater Good: Trusting that there’s a bigger picture that you might not fully understand can inspire hope. Believing in God’s good plans for you can bring a sense of optimism and positivity, even in tough times.
  • Focus on Growth: Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth and learning rather than insurmountable obstacles, leading to a more positive and constructive approach to problems.

Practical Steps to Apply This Perspective

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Regularly spend time in prayer and meditation, asking for God’s guidance and peace. Reflect on scriptures that remind you of God’s wisdom and plans.
  2. Seek Counsel: Don’t hesitate to seek advice and support from trusted friends, family, mentors, or spiritual leaders. They can provide insights and perspectives you might not have considered.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and focus on the tasks and decisions you can make today. Let go of the need to control or worry about the future.
  4. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, prayers, and the ways you see God’s hand in your life. Reflect on how past challenges have led to growth and blessings.
  5. Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude, regularly acknowledging and thanking God for His presence and the ways He has guided you through challenges in the past.
By recognizing the limits of your understanding, you can approach current challenges with a more grounded, peaceful, and hopeful mindset, trusting that God’s greater wisdom and plans are at work in your life.

Q-2) In what ways can you seek to deepen your relationship with God to better understand His plans for you?


1. Prayer

  • Consistent Communication: Make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. Use this time to talk to God, share your concerns, and listen for His guidance.
  • Varied Forms of Prayer: Engage in different types of prayer such as adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. This variety helps in developing a well-rounded relationship with God.

2. Bible Study

  • Daily Reading: Commit to reading the Bible daily. It’s God’s Word and the primary way He communicates His will and plans.
  • Study Groups: Join a Bible study group. Discussing scripture with others can provide new insights and a deeper understanding.
  • Meditation on Scripture: Take time to meditate on specific verses or passages, reflecting on how they apply to your life and seeking God’s revelation through them.

3. Worship

  • Personal Worship: Spend time in personal worship through music, singing, or other forms of expression that draw you closer to God.
  • Corporate Worship: Participate regularly in church services and community worship. Being part of a community of believers can strengthen your faith and understanding.

4. Service and Ministry

  • Volunteer Work: Engage in service opportunities within your church or community. Serving others helps you to live out your faith and can provide clarity on your purpose.
  • Ministry Involvement: Get involved in ministry activities. This allows you to use your gifts and talents for God’s glory and often reveals His plans for you through your service.

5. Spiritual Disciplines

  • Fasting: Practice fasting as a way to seek God more intensely. Fasting helps to focus on spiritual needs and seek God’s direction.
  • Silence and Solitude: Spend time in silence and solitude to listen to God without distractions. This practice helps you to hear God’s voice more clearly.

6. Guidance from Spiritual Mentors

  • Mentorship: Seek out a spiritual mentor or advisor who can provide guidance, wisdom, and support as you navigate your faith journey.
  • Discipleship: Engage in discipleship programs where you can learn and grow under the guidance of more mature believers.

7. Reflective Practices

  • Journaling: Keep a spiritual journal to record your prayers, reflections, and any insights or revelations you receive. This helps you track your spiritual growth and discern God’s patterns in your life.
  • Retreats: Participate in spiritual retreats where you can withdraw from daily distractions and focus solely on your relationship with God.

8. Reading Christian Literature

  • Books and Devotionals: Read books and devotionals that help deepen your understanding of God and His plans. Choose literature that challenges and encourages you in your faith.

9. Community and Fellowship

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or home group where you can share life with others, pray together, and support each other’s spiritual growth.
  • Accountability Partners: Establish relationships with accountability partners who can encourage you, pray for you, and help you stay committed to your spiritual goals.

10. Attending Conferences and Seminars

  • Christian Conferences: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops that focus on spiritual growth and development. These events can provide fresh perspectives and renewed inspiration.


Deepening your relationship with God is an ongoing journey that involves intentionality, discipline, and openness to the Holy Spirit. By engaging in these practices, you create space for God to reveal His plans and guide you more clearly. It’s through a committed and growing relationship with Him that you can better understand His will and purpose for your life.
Q-3) How can you remind yourself of God’s promises during times of doubt or difficulty?

Scripture Memorization

  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Scripture MemorizationEnd
  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Q-4) Who in your life could benefit from hearing the message of this verse, and how can you share it with them?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives.
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:End

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives. It invites us to live in a state of awe and trust, knowing that God’s plans for us are far beyond what we can imagine. By embracing this truth, we can navigate life with hope, faith, and a deeper connection to God’s Spirit.
Let's Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your incredible love and the promises You have given us. As Your Word says, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." We are in awe of Your plans, which surpass our understanding and imagination.
Lord, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the assurance that You have great things prepared for us. Help us to trust in Your divine wisdom and timing, especially during moments of doubt and difficulty. Remind us that Your ways are higher than our ways and that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
When we face uncertainties and challenges, let us find comfort in Your promises. Strengthen our faith so that we may walk confidently, knowing that You are guiding our steps. Help us to be patient and to wait on You, trusting that Your plans for us are good and filled with hope and a future.
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your peace and joy. Open our eyes to see glimpses of Your marvelous works and our ears to hear Your gentle guidance. May we continually seek Your presence and be sensitive to Your leading in our lives.
Lord, we lift up our loved ones who may be struggling or feeling lost. May they also come to know the depth of Your love and the greatness of Your plans for them. Use us to be a source of encouragement and hope, sharing Your promises and love with those around us.
We surrender our worries and fears to You, trusting that You hold our future in Your hands. Thank You for Your faithfulness and the assurance that You are always with us.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:22 Proof-Pear-7578 Come joint a writing challenge!

Some friends and I have put together a writing challenge with a small group we have that we think will be fun! Here's the announcement and rules we made today. I think it will be a fun way to make friends and get some writing done. I'll add a link to the discord group.
Attention Students!!
We had a very unfortunate event last night!! After a staff party, the chemistry and the potions teacher may have gotten a few drinks mixed up. Some of our faculty has been turned into bookwyrms and have gotten loose in the school library! They have scattered some of the books around and we need your help to find them.
It’s very important that we find them soon since our Pride Book Affair is coming up on the last day of this month! We are looking for Hunters to defend our library and help find our missing books. If you are interested in being a Hunter please react to this post!
Hunters, as you navigate the library you might come across some things that will help you defeat the bookwyrms but be on the lookout. They can and they will attack.
The Dean
Happy Pride guys and welcome to our Pride Event!!! We had a few last minute plan changes, so I do apologize about the lack of Mark Kart. Instead will be doing a month long event and a battle between your friendly mods and you guys!
The rules are:
Collect as many books as you can, each 5k words you as a group write, you get a book. Whichever team at the end of the month has the most books wins.
To get the potions and your attack bonus, you must sprint in our jog or sprint channel, every 10 sprints you complete you will receive a potion. To know which potion you have gotten you will be pinged in our Pride Book Rush Channel. You will ONLY be pinged if you haven chosen to participate in this event.
Please keep track of the spreadsheet listed below. This will also be pinned in the Pride Book Rush Channel. On the spreadsheet you will be able to keep up with your total of words written as well as how many sprints you do. You will only track the number of sprints you complete, do not track the minutes.
The only words you are allowed to count are the words written during the sprint you do here in the server. Example, if you complete 2 20 minute sprints and write 200 words, you will log 2 sprints and 400 words.
You are competing as a group, your word count is total. If two hunters each write 500 words your group total is 1k. As for the sprints, if more than one of you are sprinting only one of you needs to log a sprint. For example, if 2 hunters complete one 2 sprints and each sprint each person writes 500 words you will log 2 sprints and 2k words.
If you have any questions please reach out to a mod and happy hunting!!
submitted by Proof-Pear-7578 to KeepWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:15 TakatoX3 A few words of critique.

I’m +30h into the game, just beat the wing guy at the start of act 2. I don’t want this to be a hate thread or anything like that since I don’t hate bg3. The game has great production value, dialogues are very well written, characters are full of personalty, I like the combat, character creation and class choices are fun. Everyone knows these things are good. Every other Youtube video essayist has already talked about it. I’m making this post because I couldn’t find any good constrictive criticism. I’d want to go a bit deeper than just accepting the fact it’s not for me and moving on. Mostly since Baldur’s Gate 3 seems like a game that I should enjoy. I like story games and I like long rpgs that I can obsess over. This post is not going to be any “definitive deconstruction”though. I haven’t finished the game and I’m not sure if I will. I’ve watched and read some opinions about later parts and I haven’t found anything that would change my stance.
The biggest issue isn’t that Baldur’s Gate 3 has some one cardinal error or major problem. Although there are some things I have an issue with, I’ll get to it. To put it all in one sentence: My biggest problem is that at no point the game has managed to hook me or make me want to see the whole thing to the end. Their is the good, the bad, nothing ugly but nothing outstanding either. I really don’t feel like spending +100h on a game that I think is just okay. I searched to see what it was that made people truly fall in love with bg3 and some opinions I just don’t vibe with. Some say they’ve got into it when they heard the main menu theme, when they’ve made their custom character or when they first landed on the beach and were hooked by the call of adventure. I don’t share those feelings but they are feelings. The fact that I don’t share them doesn’t mean that they aren’t valid.
At the same time I’ve read some points that made me wonder whether or not we are playing the same game. One thing that everyone always brings up is that “the game is great at giving you freedom to approach and solve problems the way you want”. An example of it is supposed to be how you can put a bunch of explosive barrels near one of the goblin leaders to one shot them. You’ve used your knowledge about the game to cheese an encounter.That’s what I mean when I say that the game is good but not fantastic. I don’t deny that such little things have value but they aren’t a selling point by themselves. Learning about that didn’t make me jump from my chair and make me stand their with my mouth open for an hour. Yeah, It’s cool that you can do it but does it really matter if the end result is always the same?
Speaking of results, the whole “actions have consequences” feels greatly overblown. Maybe I feel like it because I didn’t get to act 3, but from what I googled many people had issues with act 3 and community also seems to be in agreement that the story gets worse over time. The fact that the devs are focused on expanding the late game experience also supports that view. Yet even if turning a dead man into an undead and heaving his wife deal with him is going to return later on, it still doesn’t feel all that revolutionary, does it? “Actions have consequences” seems like a very standard rpg trope. I don’t see how bg3 is any special in that regard. Nothing that I’ve seen so far made me believe that it is and things I read on the internet only strengthens my view.
Another point is that “the world reacts to your actions”. I’ve seen a bunch of those YT shorts titled “what happens if you do X before/when/if you do Y in Baldur’s Gate 3”. My experience was an opposite of that and It’s not like I was going out of my way to break the game. You know how in act 1 you get a quest from Wyll to kill Karlach and later on you learn that she’s fine and can join your team? I didn’t know she’s a potential party member so I went with Wyll, the quest giver, to kill the alleged monster but when I made her join, both of them just stood their looking at each other and didn’t say anything before I took a long rest. That’s just act 1 mind you. Another example, something that made me close the game and write this whole thing. The moment where the wing guy comes in in act 2 saying he wants to bring the cleric lady to his boss alive. Not kill, keep her alive. My immediate though was: what if I would beat him and kept him alive instead? The game has non-lethal combat toggle after all. Maybe we could imprison and interrogate him? Nope, nothing like this happened. You have to either kill him or help him. This entire “play the game your way”, ”be creative with every encounter” or ”the world will react to your action” goes completely out of the window.
But maybe if I would complete the game than my opinion would change. Maybe if I’d keep on playing a bit longer I’d find something that would pick my interest. Surely a critically acclaimed, award winning goty has to blow my mind eventually. I’ve being telling myself this after every enemy encounter and after every major dialogue. “It’ll pick up the pace any second now”, but it never does. If the game couldn’t hook me after 30h, I strongly doubt that seen the ending is going to change anything. The most important thing any story, especially longer ones, must do as early as possible is to develop “trust”. If you want to have your plot to be a slow burn with lots of early set ups and big pay offs, you need to make your audience trust you. You can make your story as slow as you see fit, but you need to make them believe that all of it goes somewhere. There wasn’t a single point in bg3 that would make me believe that this whole deal with worms, cultists, magic artefacts and my teammates’ personal drama is going to evolve into anything truly interesting.
It will go “somewhere”, like I’ve seen with Gale. First you learn that he’s a wizard, then you learn he needs to consume magical artefacts, then you learn that he has a magic bomb inside him and then you learn he can blow himself up to beat the bad guys. None of these plot points I find to be particularly interesting. They are a competent plot points but they don’t form any compelling story. It reminds me of that one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker talked about story structure. Never connect your story bits with “and then”, use things like“but”or“therefore”. What we end up with are a bunch of names and events that I can’t relate to, learn anything useful from or form any emotional connection with. It’s lore over story. The way the main story develops is that you learn that “a guy did a thing so we have to go there and do that”. There doesn’t seem to be any form of nuance to any of this. Every major choice boils down to whether you want to be good or evil. Do you want to save refugees from evil goblins or murder them for some reason. Do you want to let a sadist throw gnomes into lava or do you want to throw him into lava.
Another issue is that the set ups themselves are not all that interesting. Most of them are just classic mystery boxes. What’s the deal Shadowheart’s artefact? What’s Nightsong? Why did Wyll make a pact with a demon? Why have we not turn into an alien? Who is the night visitor? Who or what is the Absolute? A good mystery gives you a question and basic information allowing you to make theories about what the answer could be. A simpler, non-mystery set up establishes all the information at the start and just develops it. A mystery box is when the audience is presented with a problem and when they start asking, the answers are “a good question, for a later time”. You know why Karlach is the best teammate? Because she just tells you what’s going on. Shadowheart claims to have no memory, so she doesn’t say anything. Gale is to afraid open up about his issue, so he doesn’t say anything. Lae'zel sees you as inferior, so she doesn’t say anything. Wyll has made a pact, so he can’t say anything. Astarion is evil, so he doesn’t say anything. Karlach openly talks about her heart and history from the start. Everything else is just mystery box. The answer is simple but we can’t learn it for some arbitrary reasons.
Most of those problems probably comes down to the game just not being for me and that’s fine. I don’t want to convince people who enjoy bg3 to start hating the game. I’m honestly curies of how the fans feel about all of this. I don’t mind the spoilers. I’m trying to be contractive and my hopes are that some more knowledgable people will share their own opinion.
submitted by TakatoX3 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:00 Blaziy Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations Part 1

Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations Part 1
Welcome to the 1st part of Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations! That’s right, this is a 2 part Dev Diary, the South Aelantir team has been very hard at work these last 6 months giving our favorite continent the love it so desperately deserves, and it turns out we made too much and can’t show it all in one post! So we’re splitting it up, today we’re showing you our work on Taychend and the Effelai, so I’ll pass it over to Takasaki and get right to it.


The Oren Nayiru & The Kamrayakval’s War

Slavery – as immoral as it is immortal. Slavery has been an integral part of Taychendi society from the rule of dragons to that of the slaver nobles, and finally to the post-post-apocalyptic warlords who rule the region now. Slavery’s longevity, however, has been accompanied by fragility – and the arrival of the Sun Elven Jaherian Exemplars heralded the latest threat to its existence. However, try as they might, it would not be the abolitionist Exemplars who would pose this existential threat – it would be the group they inspired, and who will be a big part of your Taychendi playthroughs during the 1500s: the Oren Nayiru.
Forming from the injection of the Exemplar’s beliefs in both abolition and the nature of Surael as the last remaining “higher god” into the abolitionist Hero-Cult-turned-secret-society, the Cult of Vherenar, the Oren Nayiru are as radical as they are revolutionary. Warrior-monks, religious fanatics, terrorists or freedom fighters, slave rabble or highly organised military force – the Oren Nayiru live up to every title you could give them. Ruled by the warlord-priests of the Kavalali, the Oren Nayiru believe in a theocratic “democracy”, the overthrow of existing hierarchies, land reform, the absolute abolition of slavery everywhere, and more – and they believe that will all come about as the result of a great war – they have hid in the shadows for too long, and so they believe that “Dawn” will now come, a mass uprising that will sweep over Taychend.
As they build up for that uprising, and their ideas and religion spread like wildfire through the slaves, serfs and peasants of Taychend – be they ruled by the native Taychendi or foreign invaders like Ameion or Rezankand – they will constantly undermine your rule, their secretive “cells” harassing the institution of slavery and everything opposed to it.
Slowing the spread of the Oren Nayiru will be a proactive but difficult endeavor – while most of these events seem purely bad, some also offer the opportunity to remove the religious zeal modifier, allowing the conversion of Oren Nayiru provinces, or to convert them back outright.
They will even attempt to bring Dawn about sooner rather than later. This attempt, the Calsithara Revolt, will however prove a false start, with half the faith not joining in – giving you ample opportunity to crush those cells that did. Persecuting the Oren Nayiru is a race against time, however. Because unbeknownst to even the Oren Nayiru themselves, divine salvation – Dawn – is coming. Once the faith has spread to enough provinces, a certain mercenary, born to a Rezankandi Sun Elven father and a Taychendi mother, will stumble on a simple iron collar lying in a stream – and as the dragon awakens, the next Great Relic Lord of Taychend, Elrandar Silverspite, will be born.
Taychend is a feast for those who love reading – I, the great and powerful Takasaki, creator and writer of Gemradcurt, wrote the localisation for both the Oren Nayiru religion, the Kamrayakval’s war disaster AND the three Taychendi trees you will see in the rest of this diary!
Clad in the Armour of Yodhan – quite literally a dragon in armour form – that was once used by its namesake 1000 years ago to conquer Taychend, Elrandar Silverspite, once named Kamrayakval, or leader of the faith, is as cold and cunning as he is army-shatteringly powerful, the armour giving him immense durability, strength, and command over gravity itself – imagine Captain Levi from AoT if you gave him power armour. And 12 shock pips.
A two-paragraph taste of a Great Relic-Lord’s power. I wonder what would happen if he managed to sneak his way into your capital…?
When the disaster starts, Orenvalyam – the tag representing a united Oren Nayiru – will spawn in a single state (with up to 100,000 soldiers), and then declare war on all non-Oren Nayiru tags in Taychend, making those that have already converted vassals and bringing them in on his side. Should he win the resulting cataclysmic war? He will annex the entire Taychend superregion. With the future of the entire region is at stake, only one thing is for certain – the fields of Taychend shall be furrowed with blood once more.
The Oren Nayiru have numbers, a cadre of skilled generals, and of course Silverspite himself – as the struggle continues, the people of Taychend will pay the price.


Royakottar, the city of scrap and salvage, is the first Taychendi nation to get a MT, courtesy of yours truly, Takasaki! A city built around the remains of the Steel-Scorched Citadel, a massive precursor ruin buried under thousands of tons of rubble by Ebenanth, the First Emperor, Royakottar is the third biggest city in Taychend, and stands as one of the best candidates to resist Larankarha or Kheionai invaders!
Pre-Formable Taychendi mission trees are short but packed with content, lasting until you unite the region and bring the cycle of Warlordism to heel. Stay tuned for the formable MT after this update, exciting things are in the works!
However, Royakottar is not exactly united. It has long been dominated by the Four Families, a group of scavenger-guilds turned crime families: the Vustarin, masters of reshaping and reforging precursor scrap, the Kattyva, dedicated followers of the Great Relic-Lord Kadradar, and masters of digging up that scrap, the Ursibadur, jovial but ruthless providers of every vice and pleasure, and finally the Nymkorai, ruthless mafia-like caravaneers and traders, feared far beyond Royakottar’s walls. These families squabble and fight often, and any ruler of the city will have to work hard to keep them from tearing the city apart.
Royakottar is Taychend’s New Reno – with a little less scum and a lot more scrap.
But division is not the destined fate of Royakottar. For centuries, the Four Families have been placing puppet rulers on the throne of the city, while they wage war against each other in the shadows. But in 1444, with the threats of the city mounting, their latest puppet ruler, the young and skillful mercenary Kalazhil “Bronzewing” Rekkatemir, has decided that he will not stand idly by.
Kalazhil is capable, but so are the other families! As you progress through the tree, you will get an event for each one showcasing them in action. And yes, they are as “flavourful” as the one of the right!
As you fight to conquer Taychend, you will also fight against the Families very nature. It’s all or nothing, and either you will be successful in your endeavor to unite the Families, or one of them may end the power struggle once and for all – as the last Family standing.
By diplomacy or by force, as a city with Four Families and one King or one Family alone, Royakottar will be united.


The Bulwark of the West, the Bloodcloak Brotherhood of Rakkabuttai stand firm against those that seek to conquer Taychend from without, such as the Chendyhans from whom they most hate. This is Iceytheknight, and I am here today to showcase the mission tree for Rakkabuttai!
A Brotherhood forged to fend off Chendhyans hundreds of years ago, Rakkabuttai is now done sitting within their fortresses, especially as the Chendhyans have brought forth a new resurgence with Zaernmaera. Now is the time to strike back and strike hard, seizing the plains and taking the island of Assakadil for yourself to bring retribution.
Once the threat of the Chendhyans has been subdued enough, it is time to reflect upon the future of Rakkabuttai and of Taychend. Disunited, Taychend is weak, fragile. It would bend to any invaders, as it had in the south with Ameion, and who knows what could come from the east. A united Taychend, on the other hand, would be able to fend off any that oppose those. If no-one else could do this, then Rakkabuttai shall themselves, for Taychend must stand strong.
As you conquer your way through Taychend, you will seek to further chain the Chendhyans within your lands to your will, reform your military into a true fighting force, and construct fortifications across the region so that none may walk in unopposed. Bound Taychend with blood and stone!

Sthanan ith Vussam

Between the devastating Kamrayakval’s War, the scheming Four Families of Royakottar and the slaver Bloodcloak Brotherhood, it might seem like Taychend is not leaving its cycle of war and destruction for some time. How about we go with a different path next? Pivert08 here to present to you the third Taychendi mission tree coming this update, this time for the - quite frankly unpronounceable - country of Sthanan ith Vussam!
A nice little mission tree to accompany you through the rapid early game of Taychend’s glory system.
Having recently lost its westernmost territories to Ameion during Laskaris’ Invasion, the city-state of Sthanan ith Vussam is in a precarious position, but might very well be Thektoram’s best chance at fending off the Kheionai. Once the capital of the Dumrusvarn, a prosperous kingdom that ruled over most of Taychend’s southeastern peninsula for over two centuries (an amazing feat in Taychend, a.k.a. Warlord-Land), Sthanan ith Vussam is known for its highly-professional Goldsword infantry and the influential religious order of the Violet Brotherhood. In Sthanan ith Vussam’s mission tree, you’ll be led to fight back against Ameion to reform the Dumrusvarn, create a truly professional army in the example of the Goldswords, bring the city of Sthanan ith Vussam to new heights of prosperity and reunite with old acquaintances that may have already been covered in this dev diary, all while spreading the word of the Violet Brotherhood: that blood and fire are not the only true paths to glory.
Once the Dumrusvarn reformed, you might want to take your ambitions even further… Taychend will see prosperity under your rule, whether it likes it or not.

New NIs

I hope you have fun discovering all this new content! But, before we leave you to the eerie workings of the Effelai, there’s still one last thing we need to show you for Taychend: new national ideas. While this might sound less exciting than new religions or mission trees, all Taychendi nations (except Ahartadyam, sadly) have now received fully unique national ideas which paint a very diverse cast of nations and marks great potential for future development of the region. A total of 16 national idea sets were made for this update, so we picked nine of the most interesting ideas for your reading pleasure.
By order of appearance: Parahechend, Korrimutren, Sarihaddu and Ethanamara by Pivert08, Imarchend, Marhed Rayodana and Uesrennu by Takasaki, Zaernmaera by Ottokard and Airoa Naditari by Dreknar.


Hello, u/Blaziy here to show you the new mission tree(s) for the Effelai tribes! Though credit where credit is due, this is not my work, but instead all the work of River Doge, who you may remember from Dev Diary #60 where he talked about the Effelai system. Well he’s back this update with a shared mission tree for the 5 tribes of the Effelai!
Written by River Doge, Bojnik, and Grymhar
The mission tree will accompany you during the initial migration part of the Effelai, with each tribe having unique missions to complete during their pilgrimage. There’s Ingani’s Blood Hunts, Ae’n Saldayno’s Festivals, Kamaraka’s Great Hunts, Sel’ Parura’s Trials, and Xoti’Guao’s Planting, each with their own unique flavor to spice up the migration period.
Once you’ve finished the migration loop and have settled in the Heart of The Effelai, it’s time to settle the land, survive the Effelai’s trials, and unite the other tribes under your banner. As you’re doing this you must also discover the precursor relics lost throughout the forest in order to upgrade the Heart of The Effelai Monument and start the Effelai Bloom
Once you’ve finally done all that, it’s time to reform your nation into a modern theocracy and form Aráya, spreading the beauty of the Effelai to the rest of the world as you break free from your mortal form, and embrace perfection.
The Effelai’s government mechanic now has art, done by the amazing Tators!
That’s all for part one of the South Aelantir Dev Diary everyone! Check back on the subreddit in 2 days on Tuesday to see what the Kheionai, Devand, and Amadia have in store, fun fact, it's even longer than part 1!
submitted by Blaziy to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:59 Ok_Knowledge_2941 Vacation read for UK trip

I have a vacation coming up soon and would love a suggestion for a book set in the UK. I’m looking for something that is absorbing and well written while avoiding anything too dark or grim. Extra points for something that’s easy to dip in and out of as we are waiting on trains, etc. I’m open to different genres. Here are some examples of books I’ve enjoyed that meet these criteria.
All Creatures Great and Small The House on the Cerulean Sea The Rose Code Dear Mrs. Bird The Midnight Library Bridget Jones’s Diary Good Omens
Thanks in advance! I just discovered this sub and it seems like a miracle!
submitted by Ok_Knowledge_2941 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity is Objectively True
Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
Good sources: Mike Winger (YouTube) Testify (YouTube - he recommends books) InspiringPhilosophy (personally I disagree with some of his videos but good on this subject) https://www.equip.org/articles/the-jewish-talmud-and-its-use-for-christian-apologetics/
submitted by agape5165153 to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
submitted by agape5165153 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 DaVinci103 Reflecting Ordinals

1 Lévy Hierarchy

The Lévy hierarchy is a hierarchy of formulae. For each natural number n, Σ_n, Π_n and Δ_n form classes of formulae. The lowest rank of the Lévy hierarchy is Σ_0 = Π_0 = Δ_0, i.e. recursive. A formula φ is said to be recursive iff φ is equivalent to a formula that can be built from the atomic sentence "x ∈ y" using logical connectives and bounded quantifiers. A quantifier refers to either ∃, the existential quantifier, or ∀, the universal quantifier. A quantifier is "bounded" if its domain is a set: i.e. it's of the form ∃x ∈ y[φ] (≡ ∃x[x ∈ y ∧ φ], "there exists an x in y so that φ is true") or ∀x ∈ y[φ] (≡ ∀x[x ∈ y → y], "for all x in y, φ is true"). An unbounded quantifier quantifies over the whole universe, e.g. ∃x[φ] means "for all x, φ is true". An example of a recursive formula is "a is transitive", which can be written as "∀x ∈ a∀y ∈ x[y ∈ a]". The rest of the ranks of the Lévy hierarchy are defined as follows:
A Π_n formula is thus a formula with n alternations of quantifiers starting with a universal quantifier, same for Σ_n but starting with an existential quantifier. So an example of a Π_2 formula is: "∀x∃y[x ∈ y]".
Note that all Π_n and Σ_n-formulae φ are both Π_n+1 and Σ_n+1.
Lévy hierarchy - Wikipedia
For a transitive set M and a formula φ, M ⊧ φ is true iff φ is true within M: when bounding all unbounded quantifiers in φ to M, the resulting formula is true. For example, ω ⊧ ∀x∃y[x ∈ y] as ∀x ∈ ω∃y ∈ ω[x ∈ y]. I'll refer to these transitive sets as "models". Note that, because all quantifiers in M ⊧ φ are bounded, the formula "M ⊧ φ" is always recursive regardless of the complexity of φ.
Model theory - Wikipedia
An important notion in the Lévy hierarchy is absoluteness: a formula φ is said to be absolute iff the truth of φ does not change between models. For models M and N so that the parameters in φ are members of both M and N, M ⊧ φ iff N ⊧ φ. A formula φ is said to be upwards absolute iff the truth of φ "climbs upwards". For models M and N so that M ⊂ N and the parameters in φ are members of both M and N, if M ⊧ φ then N ⊧ φ: if φ is true in a small model M, then it must be true in every larger model N ⊃ M. A formula φ is said to be downwards absolute iff the truth of φ "climbs downwards". For models M and N so that M ⊃ N and the parameters in φ are members of both M and N, if M ⊧ φ then N ⊧ φ: is φ is true in a large model M, then it must be true in every smaller model N ⊂ M (as long as that smaller model still has the parameters of φ).
[Lemma 1.1] (1) All recursive formulae are absolute. (2) All Σ_1 formulae are upwards absolute. (3) All Π_1 formulae are downwards absolute.
A proof of this lemma is left as an exercise for the reader.
Absoluteness (logic) - Wikipedia)

2 Constructible Hierarchy

Gödel's constructible hierarchy is a cumulative hierarchy like the von Neumann hierarchy. The constructible hierarchy is defined as follows:
Note that L_α+1 only has all definable subsets of L_α, and not all subsets of L_α. Since finite sets are always definable, the constructible hierarchy corresponds with the von Neumann hierarchy in the interval [0, ω]. From this point, they start to diverge, and L_α is always a subset of V_α. For example, L_ω+1 does not contain a set of Gödel numbers of all and only formulae that are true in L_ω, but V_ω+1 does. To get an idea of how the constructible hierarchy works, you can try to prove the following lemma:
[Lemma 2.1] For infinite α, the cardinality of L_α is equal to the cardinality α (i.e. there is a bijection between L_α and α).
As opposed to the von Neumann hierarchy, which always has the cardinality of V_ω+α equal to ℶ_α.
Constructible universe - Wikipedia

3 Recursive Analogues

[Definition 3.1] C_Ω(a,b) is the closure of b ∪ {0} under addition, x ↦ Ωω^x and ψ with arguments restricted to < a. ψ_Ω(a) is the least b for which C(a,b) ∩ Ω = b.
Usually, Ω here is chosen to be the least uncountable, ω₁. This is because ω₁ has a certain property: it is regular, i.e. for all f: ω₁ → ω₁, there is some a < ω₁ so that for all x < a, f(x) < a. This means that "for all a, ψ_ω₁(a) is strictly smaller than ω₁" is easy to prove.
However, Ω can also be chosen to be a much smaller ordinal, i.e. the Church Kleene ordinal, CK. This ordinal is recursively regular, i.e. for all recursive f: L_CK → L_CK, there is some a < CK so that for all x ∈ L_ a, f(x) ∈ L_a. "for all a, ψ_CK(a) is strictly smaller than CK" is still true, but a bit more difficult to prove.
The Church Kleene ordinal is a recursive analogue to the least uncountable: they behave roughly the same, but CK is much smaller than ω₁.
Recursive analogues are useful as they can be proven to exist in ZFC, while their non-recursive analogues cannot. For example, a recursively inaccessible (recursively regular limit of recursively regulars) can be proven to exist in ZFC, while an inaccessible cardinal (regular strong limit cardinal) cannot.
In this post, I'll be focusing on recursive analogues.

4 Reflecting Ordinals

[Definition 4.1] Let a be an ordinal, let Φ be a set of formulae and let A be a class of ordinals. a is said to be Φ-reflecting on A iff for all φ ∈ Φ, if L_a ⊧ φ, then there is some b < a so that b ∈ A and L_b ⊧ φ (i.e. φ "reflects" to some member of A) (it should be understood that the parameters of φ must be in L_b). Φ may be omitted if it's the set of all formulae. A may be omitted if it's the class of all ordinals.
For example, for Π_2-reflecting a, if L_a ⊧ ∀x∃y[x ∈ y] then there must be some b < a so that L_b ⊧ ∀x∃y[x ∈ y].
If a is Π_0-reflecting, then a must be a limit ordinal: let x < a be some ordinal. Then, the Π_0-sentence "¬x ∈ x" must reflect to some b < a. So a b for which x < b < a is found, meaning that a is a limit ordinal.
Using downwards absoluteness, the following lemma can be proven:
[Lemma 4.2] For ordinal a and class of ordinals A, all of the following are equivalent:
A proof of this lemma is left as an exercise for the reader.
A "witness" of a formula ∃x[φx] is an x for which φx is true. Using the notion of a witness, the following lemma can be proven:
[Lemma 4.3] For ordinal a and class of ordinals A, a is Σ_n+1-reflecting on A iff a is Π_n-reflecting on A
One might see that a formula ∀x∃y[φ] is true if there is a function f mapping x to y so that φ always holds for these x and y. Using this, the following can be proven:
[Lemma 4.4] An ordinal a is Π_2 reflecting iff a is recursively regular, i.e. for all recursive f: L_a → L_a, there is some b < a so that for all x ∈ L_b, f(x) ∈ L_b.
A Π_n-class is a class of ordinals A for which there exists a Π_n-formula φ so that φ defines A: for all a, a ∈ A iff L_a ⊧ φ. A Π^1_0-class is a class of ordinals A that is Π_n for some n.
For positive natural n, and Π^1_0-class A, the sentence "the universe is Π_n-reflecting on A" is Π_n+1. The class of ordinals that are Π_n-reflecting on A is thus a Π_n+1-class. It's left as an exercise to the reader to figure out why it is Π_n+1, and why this wouldn't always work when n = 0 or when A isn't a Π^1_0-class.
To give an example, the class of limits of recursively regulars (Π_1 on Π_2, see lemma 4.2 and 4.4) is a Π_2-class: the class of Π_2-reflecting ordinals is Π_3, thus Π^1_0, thus the class of Π_1-reflecting ordinals on Π_2-reflecting ordinals is Π_2.
Using this (the general case, not the example above), the following lemma can be proven:
[Lemma 4.5] Let a be an ordinal, let n be a positive natural, let A be a Π^1_0-class and let B be a Π_n+1-class. Suppose a is Π_n+1-reflecting on A and a is a member of B. Let C be the class of ordinals that are Π_n-reflecting on the intersection of A and B. a ∈ C and C is a Π_n+1-class.
This lemma is a bit more difficult to prove than the previous ones, but should still be doable.
For example, when a is Π_2-reflecting and Π_1-reflecting on the class of Π_2-reflecting ordinals (Π_2 and Π_1 on Π_2), it can be concluded that a is Π_1-reflecting on the class of ordinals that are Π_1-reflecting on the class of Π_2-reflecting ordinals (Π_1 on Π_1 on Π_2). So a is Π_2 and Π_1 on Π_1 on Π_2, so it is Π_1 on Π_1 on Π_1 on Π_2, etc. This is an analogue to how inaccessible cardinals are limits of regular cardinals, limits of limits of regular cardinals, limits of limits of limits of regular cardinals, etc.
Let n be a positive natural and let f: Ord → P(Ord) be a recursive function mapping ordinals to Π_n-classes. To be precise, f is characterized by a Π_n formula φ so that b ∈ f(a) iff L_b contains all parameters in φ, a < b and L_b ⊧ φ(a). The class of ordinals {b ∀a < b[b ∈ f(a)]}, which can be viewed as a "diagonal intersection" of f, is Π_n as well: it is characterized by the Π_n formula ∀a[φ(a)]. If the range of f is restricted to some ordinal x, then we can simply take the intersection ∪{f(a) a < x} (restricted to ordinals b > x) which'd be a Π_n-class.
For example, f(a) for a < ω can be defined as the class of ordinals that are a-ply Π_1-reflecting (a-ply means that reflection is iterated a times), each of these classes are Π_2, so the resulting intersection (ω-ply Π_1-reflecting ordinals, i.e. ordinals of the form ω^ω) is a Π_2-class as well.
To give another example, f(a) can be defined as the class of ordinals that are Π_1-ref on a-ply (Π_2-ref and Π_1-ref on ...), i.e. limits of recursively a-inaccessibles. Each of these classes are Π_2, so the diagonal intersection {b ∀a < b[b ∈ f(a)]}, which is the class of recursively pseudo hyper-inaccessibles, is Π_2 as well.
To get an idea of the size of Π_2-reflecting ordinals, one can use the idea of diagonal intersections to prove the following:
[Lemma 4.6] If a is Π_2-reflecting then a is an epsilon number (i.e. a-ply Π_1-reflecting).
In fact, a then is a ζ-number, strongly critical (a Γ-number), and much much more.
In the following chapters, we'll build stronger and stronger OCFs, eventually reaching the PTO of KP + Π^1_0-reflection.

5 Recursively Inaccessible OCF

Let I denote the least recursively inaccessible (Π_2-ref limit of Π_2-refs). Let ε(I) denote the least epsilon after I. Let R denote the set of recursively regulars at most I. a and b always denote ordinals < ε(I), κ always denotes a member of R.
[Definition 5.1] H maps pairs of ordinals < ε(I) to sets of ordinals < ε(I). ψ maps pairs of ordinals ∈ R × ε(I) to ordinals < I. H_a(b) and ψ_κ(a) are defined by induction on a. H_a(b) is the closure of b ∪ {0} under addition, x ↦ x⁺ (where x⁺ is the least recursively regular above x), x ↦ Iω^x and ψ with the second argument restricted to < a. ψ_κ(a) is defined iff κ ∈ H_κ(a). ψ_κ(a) is the least b for which κ ∈ H_b(a) and H_b(a) ∪ κ = b.
For example, ψ_I(0) = ω_ω^CK is the least limit of admissible ordinals (admissible = recursively regular or ω).
[Lemma 5.2] For ordinals κ, λ ∈ R and a, b < ε(I) so that κ, a ∈ H_a(κ) and λ, b ∈ H_b(λ), ψ_κ(a) < ψ_λ(b) iff (1) for κ ≠ I and λ ≠ I: κ < λ or [κ = λ and a < b], (2) for κ ≠ I and λ = I: κ ≤ ψ_λ(b), (3) for κ = I and λ ≠ I: ψ_κ(a) < λ, (4) for κ = I and λ = I: a < b.
[Lemma 5.3] For ordinals x ∈ R ∪ {0} and a < ε(I) for which x⁺ ∈ H_a(x⁺), x < ψ_x(a) < x⁺. For a < ε(I), ψ_I(a) < I.
These lemmas can be proven using the lemmas in chapter 4.

6 Recursively Mahlo OCF

Let M denote the least recursively Mahlo (Π_2-ref on Π_2-ref). Let ε(M) denote the least epsilon after M. Let R denote the set of recursively regulars below. a and b always denote ordinals < ε(M), κ always denotes a member of R.
We now have two "degrees": Π_2-reflection, and Π_2-reflection on Π_2-reflection. Each of these degrees requires its own set of OCFs. For the simple Π_2-reflecting ordinals, I'll define a collapsing function ψ_κ similar to the one in chapter 5. For Π_2-ref on Π_2-ref, I'll define a collapsing function χ_M collapsing ordinals > M to Π_2-reflecting ordinals < M. Generally, if κ is Π_2-reflecting on a Π^1_0 class X, then a collapsing function ψ^X_κ can be defined collapsing ordinals > κ to ordinals ∈ X ∩ κ (in X and below κ).
[Definition 6.1] H maps pairs of ordinals < ε(M) to sets of ordinals < ε(M). ψ maps pairs of ordinals ∈ R × ε(M) to ordinals < M. χ_M maps ordinals < ε(M) to ordinals ∈ R. H_a(b), ψ_κ(a) and χ_M(a) are defined by induction on a. H_a(b) is the closure of b ∪ {0} under addition, x ↦ Mω^x, ψ with the second argument restricted to < a and χ with arguments restricted to < a. ψ_κ(a) is defined iff κ ∈ H_a(κ). ψ_κ(a) is the least b for which κ ∈ H_a(b) and H_a(b) ∩ κ = b. χ_M(a) is the least κ for which H_a(κ) ∩ M = κ.
For example, χ_M(M^2) is the least recursively 2-inaccessible: Π_2-ref and limits of rec inacs.
[Lemma 6.2] For ordinals a, κ so that κ ∈ H_a(κ), ψ_κ(a) < κ. χ_M(a) < M.

7 Recursively Weakly Compact OCF

Let K be the least Π_3 reflecting ordinal (recursively weakly compact). Let ε(K) denote the least epsilon after K. For Π^1_0-class X, let Π_2[X] denote the set of ordinals that are Π_2-reflecting on X. a, b, d, κ always denote ordinals < ε(K).
Now, we have a myriad of degrees: Π_2-reflecting, Π_2-ref on Π_2-refs, hyper-Π_2-refs (using diagonal intersections), (1 @ ω)-Π_2-ref (I'm not going to explain what that means). We thus need more OCFs that can handle these degrees. I thus introduce a new argument, d, called the degree: ψ^d_κ(a), where κ is Π_2-reflecting on ordinals with degree d, collapses to ordinals with degree d. Here, degree d roughly refers to d-ply Π_2-reflecting ordinals (for small d, for large d, it also refers to hyper-Π_2-ref, etc, through the use of collapsing). To know what degree what ordinal is, we'll define a thinning hierarchy M^d. A thinning hierarchy is a hierarchy of sets of ordinals that, well, thins: for a > b, M^a ⊆ M^b. M^0 would be the set of all ordinals < ε(K), M^1 is the set of recursively regulars < ε(K), etc.
[Definition 7.1] H maps pairs of ordinals < ε(K) to sets of ordinals < ε(K). M maps ordinals < ε(K) to sets of ordinals < ε(K). ψ maps triplets of ordinals < ε(K) to ordinals < ε(K). H_a(b), M^a and ψ^d_κ(a) are defined by induction on a. H_a(b) is the closure of b ∪ {0}, x ↦ Kω^x and ψ with the third argument restricted to < a. M^d is the set of b < ε(M) so that, for all d₀ ∈ H_d(b) ∩ d, b ∈ Π_2[M^d₀]. ψ^d_κ(a) is defined iff d ≤ a, κ ∈ H_a(κ) and κ ∈ Π_2[M^d]. ψ^d_κ(a) is the least b so that κ ∈ H_a(b), b ∈ M^d and H_a(b) ∩ κ = b.
For example, ψ^{K^ω}_K(K^ω) is the least (1 @ ω)-Π_2-reflecting ordinal.
[Lemma 7.2] For ordinals d, a, κ so that d ≤ a and κ ∈ H_a(κ), ψ^d_κ(a) < κ.

8 Reflecting OCF

To extend the OCF in chapter 7 to full reflection, more complicated degrees are needed. Traditionally, these degrees were complicated structures involving tuples of ordinals and other degrees. However, one can see that an exponential structure arises from these degrees, and just use base Ξ Cantor normal form as degrees.
Let Ξ denote the least reflecting ordinal. For natural n ≥ 2 and Π^1_0-class X, let Π_n[X] denote the class of ordinals that are Π_n-reflecting on X. Let ε(Ξ) denote the least epsilon number after Ξ. a, b, κ always denote ordinals ≤ Ξ, d always denotes an ordinal < ε(Ξ), n always denotes a natural number ≥ 2. I'll write d =nf d₀ + Ξ^d₁ × d₂ if d = d₀ + Ξ^d₁ × d₂, d₀ is a multiple of Ξ^{d₁+1} (d₀ = 0 is allowed) and d₂ < Ξ.
[Definition 8.1] H maps pairs of ordinals < Ξ to sets of ordinals < ε(Ξ). M maps pairs consisting of an ordinal < ε(Ξ) and a natural ≥ 2 to sets of ordinals < Ξ. ψ maps triplets of ordinals d,a,κ to ordinals < Ξ. H_a(b), M^d_n and ψ^d_κ(a) are defined by induction on a (in the case of M^d_n, a is the largest base Ξ CNF component of d). H_a(b) is the closure of b ∪ {0} under addition, x ↦ Ξω^x and ψ with the third argument restricted to < a. For d = 0, M^d_n is the set of all ordinals < Ξ, otherwise for d =nf d₀ + Ξ^d₁ × d₂, M^d_n is the set of ordinals b < ε(Ξ) for which b ∈ M^d_{n+1}(a) and for all d₂' ∈ H_d₂(b) ∩ d₂, b ∈ Π_n[M^{d₀ + Ξ^d₁ × d₂'}_n]. ψ^d_κ(a) is defined iff the largest base Ξ CNF component of d is at most a and d,κ ∈ H_a(κ) and κ ∈ Π_2[M^d_2]. ψ^d_κ(a) is the least b for which d,κ ∈ H_a(b), b ∈ M^d_2 and H_a(b) ∩ κ = b.
For example, ψ^{Ξ2}_Ξ(0) is the least Π_3-reflecting ordinal that is Π_2-reflecting on the set of Π_3-reflecting ordinals.
I'm tired. Bye!
submitted by DaVinci103 to googology [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 mystery5009 I read "Babel" by Rebecca Kuang and it was very good

I've heard a lot about this book. Some said she was racist, some said she wasn't. And I decided to read it to make up my mind about it. And as a result, I liked the book.
An alternative UK, people were able to use translation as a tool because of the silver plates. Both the original word and its translation were engraved on them, which is why people could conjure, for example, so that roses would never wither.
It's simple in itself, and Rebecca Kuang talks in great detail about working with plates and the intricacies of translation. That sometimes the same word in the original has several meanings, that for an accurate translation it has to be combined with other words, and so on. And she explains it quite interesting.
Robin Swift comes to study in Oxford, or rather in Babel, where he learns the intricacies of translation. He likes to study, but soon he will realize that everything is not as simple as it seemed at first glance.
It is divided into two halves. The first tells about studying at Oxford, and the second about the riot, to put it mildly. I liked the first half better. You can feel the atmosphere and love of Oxford in it. It is written so aesthetically pleasing that I myself want to go to study at Oxford Academia, even though the author writes the disadvantages of studying in this place. The second half turned out to be weaker. It's just a typical but well-made riot story. She's sad and fascinating. And the ending is open, offering readers to choose their own development. Will everything go as in reality, or vice versa?
I don't understand those who say that the book is racist. Yes, there are a lot of bad white characters here, but there are also a lot of good ones, for example, Professor Kraft. Also, not all the actions of the heroes are good, and they suffer from some of them. And they are of different nationalities because this is a story about colonialism and through them Kuang shows all his problems.
And if you forget about it, they turned out to be normal. They are prescribed not bad, but not to say that it is good. Although the dilemma of the main character turned out to be interesting, and I followed it.
The author writes very well. Even despite the huge volume, it was easy to read, and the descriptions turned out to be atmospheric, and some even beautiful.
I liked the book. I understand that the author is too direct in her statements, but I don't understand why most people pay attention only to the fact that there are a lot of bad white characters here if the book is about colonialism.
submitted by mystery5009 to books [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:00 the_rippy_one Trying to build a Martial Arts Style for 3e

And I'd like some idea if I'm building anything worth using XD
So, Bloody Oni style - brutal, impactful, and likely to get its user killed XD You get 3 sorts of chains - the direct offense one, the direct "you will regret hitting me" chain, and a couple war-cries for the barbarians in all of us XD I'm sure someone has written a similar style, but I didn't see anything quite like this in the books I have, so, wrote it.
This style eschews normal defensive practices in favor of all out warfare and mayhem. You will get hurt, you will hurt your opponents, and you will laugh like a madwoman while the streets and fields are stained red. This style excels in two ways – high-impact damage, and vicious counters (just because you accept a hit, doesn’t mean you don’t make them pay for messing with a practitioner). You are also supremely scary when you are about your business, leaving your enemies frightened and angry.
Weapon: Bare fists, natural weapons, or Large 2-handed weapons. You may Stunt to make bare fists Lethal damage. Armor: You may wear nothing providing a Defense bonus, and your pride as a Bloody Oni practitioner is offended by the very thought. Clothing Artifacts which don't provide Defense are acceptable. Barely. The elders and your teacher cluck their collective tongues at the idea.
Oni Overwhelming Impact Simple Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Brawl 1/Melee 1, Essence 1 Prereq Charm: None
The most basic movement of this style is to HURT THINGS. When you use this charm, add your Essence, or Brawl/Melee (depending on what you are attacking with) to your damage dice when rolling successes for determining effect (but do not do so to “hit”), based on which is highest, to a max of your Martial Arts rating.
Mastery: You add 1 success for every 2 points of value you did not use in the above calculation (so, you punch a dude, mote, Essence is higher, roll Essence dice, and then add half your Brawl as additional successes)
Oni Impact Acceptance Reflexive Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Resistance 1, Essence 1 Prereq Charm: None
You are stronger than your opponent. Prove it. You may “give” an attack from an enemy a number of bonus dice to hit you, up to your Martial Arts rating. The blatant display of disrespect and superiority shakes them, weakening their Defense by the same value if you attack them as your next action. You may make a social roll as part of your follow on attack (as a follow-up flurry to an attack against a degraded opponent) to inspire fear in your target. Make an instilling roll of Manipulation+Presence with a target of (5-Damage), to create a Minor Intimacy of fear in the opponent you hit.
Mastery: Once you activate this Charm, you may allow attacks later on to also benefit from your bravado – each time you are attacked this round, you may freely let it gain the exact same benefit (declared before they attack), at which point they risk this reprisal as well.
Bloody Oni Form Simple Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1 Prereq Charm: None
You take an Extremely aggressive stance. Your Defense is reduced by 1, and you cannot use Evasion to determine your Defense (though you may still use Dodge Charms that do not improve your Evasion). In return, add 1 die to your accuracy, and one die In Addition to that when determining damage (or the amount of initiative you drain from a target). You may enter this form freely on the turn you kill an opponent.
Mastery: You may degrade your Defense for extra dice on your accuracy and the resulting effects, on a 1 to 1 basis, up to your Essence rating, instead. You must declare this when you spend the mote, and at the start of each of your turns.
Oni Disrespect Supplimental Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Presence/Performance 1, Essence 1 Prereq Charm: Oni Impact Acceptance
Your cavalier attitude towards your opponents enrages those who attack you. You may Flurry a social interaction into an attack, proclaiming your disrespect. Everyone within audible range, who you are already fighting, makes a resolve roll against your Presence/Performance+Essence, or gains a Minor Intimacy of anger or hatred against you. IF they already have this Intimacy, this enhances it to Major. This leads your opposition to focus on you in combat when possible. This Intimacy lasts until the end of the scene, unless it becomes more permanent for various reasons.
Mastery: You become more capable in your insults – add your Presence and Performance together to determine the target number of successes. Further, attempts to ignore you are not only more difficult, but aids your allies – anyone with an angry/hateful intimacy towards you (and under this effect), that attempt to attack your allies, find their resolve wavering out of longing to hit you instead, lowering their attack rolls by their degree of Intimacy.
Oni Flesh Sanctification Reflexive 0m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Resistance 2, Essence 2 Prereq Charm: Oni Impact Acceptance
Bloody Oni practitioners train to take hits. A LOT of hits. This is treated as a sanctification of the flesh, to toughen themselves. When you use Oni Impact Acceptance, you benefit from this training. Since you choose how to take the hit, you take it in a way that is “helpful” – reduce 1 Aggravated damage to Lethal, or 1 Lethal damage to Bashing, if you take damage from an attack enhanced by Oni Impact Acceptance. This reduction occurs on each attack affected by Oni Impact Acceptance separately.
Mastery: you now reduce 1 Aggravated damage to Lethal, AND 1 Lethal to bashing, AND 1 bashing damage is prevented straight out.
Oni Shattering Impact Supplemental, Withering 1m Mins: MA 2, Brawl/Melee 2, Essence 2 Prereq Charm: Oni Overwhelming Impact
On Withering attacks, when you roll Doubles of any sort, you reduce the target’s successes for any movement rolls they make until the next round (including dodge and athletics rolls to move).
Mastery: this penalty to movement lasts for a number rounds equal to your Brawl/Melee rating, as appropriate.
Oni’s Smirk Reflexive, Withering Cost: 1m Mins: MA 2, Resistance 2, Essence 2 Prereq Charm: Oni Impact Acceptance
When you are hit, roll Stamina + Resistance, targeting the opponent’s Essence. If you succeed, roll a withering attack or gambit, with bonus a bonus die for each attack that has successfully hit you this round. (so, if you are attacked 3 times in a round, successfully, you may counter three times, and, assuming you do, the third one is made with 3 bonus dice)
Mastery: You may perform this counter even when Crashed, and if you gambit as the counter, you gain initiative equal to your successes.
Violence Begets Violence Reflexive Cost: 1 will, mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3 Prereq Charm: Oni Impact Acceptance
Keep a tally of all Lethal and Aggravated damage dealt to you in this Scene. Whenever you attack, you may spend a mote to spend some portion of this count as automatic successes on that attack.
Mastery: You may instead spend some portion of this count to give allies within short range of you automatic successes instead, at the same mote cost.
Cry of Infernal Rage Simple 3m, 1w Mins: Martial Arts 3, Presence 3, Essence 3 Prereq Charm: Oni Disrespect
You howl your bloodlust, inspiring your friends and frightening your enemies. When you do this, your allies gain an Accuracy bonus equal to your current health penalty (so if you are at -2, they gain +2), and any enemies with a negative Intimacy towards you suffer a -1 to Accuracy. This lasts your Essence in rounds.
Mastery: your enemies suffer your current health penalty as a penalty to Accuracy (so, if you are at -2 from health, they are -2 Accuracy), minimum -1, instead.
Oni Savage Bloodletting Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Martial Arts 3, Brawl/Melee 3, Essence 3 Prereq Charm: Oni Overwheling Impact
When you make a Decisive attack, you may roll your Strength+Brawl or Melee, target your opponent's Stamina. If you succeed, your target starts to bleed heavily. A target loses 1 bashing damage per excess success each turn, which dwindles by 1 for each round the target has bled. This may be staunched by (Intelligence + medicine), each success reducing the excess successes that controls the bleeding on a 1 to 1 basis. (So if you are bleeding 5 bashing, next round you’d bleed 4. If someone makes the medical check on you for 2 successes that round, you’d go to bleeding 2 bashing damage instead, and stop bleeding 2 rounds from now)
Mastery: You may spend a Willpower to make this effect Lethal, instead of bashing. This damage is reduced at the same rate. The medicine check requires 2 successes to reduce 1 point/round of bleeding.
Oni Saint Body Supplemental Cost: *m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Resistance 3, Essence 4 Prereq Charm: Oni Flesh Sanctification
Your profound physicality becomes even tougher. Each time you activate Oni Flesh Sanctification, you may roll your Stamina, and for each success, reduce a amount of Aggravated or Lethal damage coming your way to their next lower damage level, by paying 1 mote for each such reduction.
Mastery: You may also reduce bashing damage (that is incoming) to nothing as well. If you pay a willpower, you may add your Essence to your successes.
Blood Warpaint Permanent cost -; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 4 Prereq Charm: Bloody Oni Form
Your Lethal attacks cause fountains of blood. Which tend to cover you. Hope you aren’t going to a gala later. This rather daunting display grants you a bonus to your Presence in combat, as might be expected. You gain a +1 charm-bonus to Presence for each Lethal damage you do, up to your Essence max.
Mastery: You may flick the blood on your...everything...into an enemy’s eyes, Blinding them for 1 round; you lose one +1 bonus.
Iron Swing of the Oni Simple Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Melee/Brawl 4, Essence 4 Prereq Charm: Oni Shattering Impact
You may reduce your accuracy on withering attacks by up to your melee/Brawl rating, in order to hit a number of opponents equal to this reduction with withering strikes. Roll damage once, and compare the results independently to each target. You gain initiative equal to each set of successes, and each target loses initiative based on the independent comparison. (so, for example, facing 3 opponents, you choose to attack all 3. Your Martial Arts is 4, your Dexterity is 4, so You roll 8-3 dice, and net 4 successes (you lucky fighter). Your opponents have Defense 3, 3, and 5 - you hit the first two, and not the last. First has 2 Soak, second has 1, so you gain 5 initiative, and the first loses 2, and the second loses 3)
Mastery: You may attack multiple enemies with the accuracy penalty being one less - so, assuming you pay the 3 motes, you can freely attack 2 enemies with no penalty whatsoever.
Warcry of the Oni Simple Cost: 3m, Mins: Martial Arts 4, Presence/War 4, Essence 4 Prereq Charm: Cry of Infernal Rage
You let loose a cry of war or might. All enemies with a negative Intimacy towards you lose the ability to move for 1 round if they fail a Resolve check, targeting your Presence or War ability, depending on which you declared. You, and all of your allies, gain +1 bonus to attack. Further, if you declared your might, all your allies gain an Initiative bonus equal to your Presence, and if you declared War, you may use a Simple War Charm order with a 1 mote Cost, for free.
Mastery: You may use both the Presence and War bonus effects.
Beckoning Oblivion Simple 10m, 1w, Mins: 5 Martial Arts, 5 Brawl/Melee, 5 Essence Prereq Charm: Violence Begets Violence, Oni Savage Bloodletting Special: Violence Begets Violence must be active.
You rampage, taking terrible and bloody vengeance on all who harmed you in this scene. Spend all the tally left on Violence Begets Violence, dealing Bashing damage equal to this tally (reduced by target stamina+resistance successes) to each opponent who has hurt you, so long as you can reach them (you may move Medium Range from one valid target to the next, plan accordingly). If the target is bleeding, deal Lethal damage instead.
Mastery: You may move Long Range instead. You may spend an additional willpower to include one target who hasn't hurt you. You gain 1 willpower for each enemy you incapacitate or kill with this rampage.
Regret Comes Too Late Supplemental Cost: 1w, Mins: Martial Arts 5, Resistance 5, Essence 5 Prereq Charm: Oni's Smirk, Oni Savage Bloodletting
When you counter an attack and would deal damage, your damage increases one category (Bashing to Lethal, Lethal to Aggravated. If you would already deal Aggravated damage, add one success to your damage instead). If you counter with a withering attack, double your target's initiative loss - you only gain the normal amount, however. If you Crash an opponent as a result of this power, recover 1 willpower.
Mastery: your attacks inflicts bleeding, per Oni Savage Bloodletting.
Last Call Simple Cost: 10m 1w, 3a, Mins: Martial Arts 5, Presence 5, Essence 5 Prereq Charm: Warcry of the Oni
You invoke a terrifying vision with your shouted words, proclaiming blood and horror to your enemies. All enemies within long range with a negative Intimacy to you have this Intimacy increase in severity. They then roll Resolve versus your Presence. If they fail, you then invoke a second Intimacy of fear on all enemies in range, Minor or one level greater, if it already exists. Also, they cannot move, and suffer an Intimacy penalty to their Defense for your essence rounds.
Mastery: Any enemy with a dead or unconscious ally within short range of them loses 1 Defense for each such body, which stacks with the above penalty.
Iron Oni Body Reflexive Cost: 1w, Mins: Martial Arts 4, Resistance 4, Essence 5 Prereq: Oni's Smirk, Violence Begets Violence
For the rest of the scene, when you are dealt Lethal or Aggravated damage, you gain 1 hardness that lasts until the end of the scene, to a maximum of your Essence.
Mastery: You start with Hardness 1, and your maximum is Essence+1. If an attack is Unblockable, Roll your Resistance+Stamina. If you gain more successes than the attack had, it is no longer Unblockable.
submitted by the_rippy_one to exalted [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:46 Star_Gamer3726 Here it is, my 5193 word essay analysing Will Wood's 'Suburbia Overture / Greetings From The Marybell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally'. Enjoy. (once again not sure of the tag, let me know if it needs changing <3)

(note to teacher: you made a mistake by having one of the prompts be “what are you interested in”, get ready to experience the true power of an autistic hyperfixation. Warning for,, kinda vulgar lyrics? They’re important in the context of the song and it's actually really interesting. I swear I PROMISE I'm not insane.)
I will be analysing Will Wood’s song ‘Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Marybell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally’. which, for simplicity, most fans refer to as simply ‘Suburbia Overture’. This song is the first on his first solo album entitled ‘The Normal Album’, which came out in July 2020.
This song, in the most general possible terms, is a criticism of modern suburban life, how it is advertised as “the perfect life”, and how this advertising is incredibly false unless you fit the picture perfect standard that these facets of society seem to require.
The song itself is split up into 3 distinct sections, “Suburbia Overture”, “(Vampire) Culture” and “Love Me, Normally”. I'll be tackling each section one at a time in order to properly break down what each means, what different analogies they use, how they all relate to each other and the intended end result of the song and the message it intends to convey.
Let's begin with ‘Suburbia Overture’. This section of the song uses a lot of analogies that compare suburban life to a warzone, the first line of this section being “white picket fences, barbed wire and trenches”. This section also focuses heavily on the concept of the nuclear family, and it often literalises the term and uses analogies based around radiation and nuclear warfare. Such analogies can be found in lines such as “the snap crackle pop of the Geiger, camouflage billboards for lead lined Brookes Brothers”. Now there's a couple of terms that require definitions in this line. The first of course being “the Geiger”. A Geiger counter, which is what this lyric is referring to, is a tool used to measure levels of harmful radiation. This, paired with the concept of billboards advertising “lead-lined Brookes Brothers” when lead is a material used to deflect radiation, and the knowledge that ‘Brookes Brothers’ is an American vintage style clothing brand, this line really paints a picture of a seemingly post apocalyptic/post nuclear war but still consumerist and capitalistic suburban society. The last line in that verse is “buy now or die”, which ties back to the concept of safety equipment being advertised on billboards, while residents of this town have no choice but to buy the products. This all relates back to the hyperconsumerism that plagues our society, and runs particularly rampant in middle to upper middle class neighbourhoods. The very same neighbourhoods that are often referred to as “suburban”
In the second verse of this section there are a lot of hard hitting lyrics that to me really show that this perfect idealised life is far from perfect or even good, so we will work through them one by one because I feel that they all deserve proper analysis.
The first line that i want to point out from that verse is the line “takes a village to fake a whole culture” which is clearly a rip off of the phrase “it takes a village [to raise a child]” but it also references the fact that usually suburban towns are incredibly monotonous in both residents and architecture, and so it takes the collective effort of the entire population of the town to pretend that there is an actual culture to it.
The next few lines I'll speak on all come in quick succession of one another, essentially blending them into one line. “Your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball, your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall.” So let's break these down. This line is easily split into 4 distinct phrases, and all of these phrases have a few things in common, which I will point out later.
“Your ear to the playground” is a play on the phrase “ear to the ground” which essentially means that the person with their ‘ear to the ground’ is attempting to carefully gather intel about something. Someone having their ear to the playground simply reinforces the idea of this suburban “paradise” being. Not as paradise-y as one would hope, seeing as the people who use playgrounds most of all are children, so this line is demonstrating that the picture perfect life that this suburban town offers is actually corrupting children so young that they are still on the playground. The next phrase is “your eye on the ball” isn't a play on anything and is in fact in itself a common phrase. To have your eye on the ball means to be entirely focused in and paying attention to something, and not allowing anything to divert your attention. Given the last line this line very well could be another reference to the corruption of the youth and the idea that their every day play has already been tainted with the hostilities of modern life usually reserved for adults. Following this is another well known saying “your head in the gutter” which, as most know, someone whos head is ‘in the gutter’ is someone who will see some sort of innuendo or otherwise vulgainappropriate meaning in something that was intended to be entirely innocent, leading to others in the interaction telling the perpetrator to ‘get [their] mind out of the gutter’ And finally, in my opinion the most hard hitting phrase in this set, “your brains on the wall” which is clearly in reference to the notion of ending your own life with a shot to the head, which would lead to, well, brains being on the wall. These last 2 phrases come in stark contrast to the seemingly picture perfect life that suburban towns offer and advertise, the concepts of suicide and perversion are not concepts one expects to see or hear when imagining this idealised form of life.
There is one main similarity in each of the 4 phrases, that being that each phrase has some body part being on something else, your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball, your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall. This similarity almost offers a body horror aspect to the song, which when paired with the concept that this is written about a seemingly post nuclear apocalyptic town presents an interesting idea of possible mutation, but i'll be the first to admit that may be a little far fetched. However that's not the only similarity that these 4 phrases share, another is the fact that they are all directly, or only slightly modified versions of already well known phrases, a similarity that is found in many lines over this entire song, through all 3 sections.
I want to analyse a few more lines before we move on to the second section of the song.
This next line comes directly after the previously analysed line, and it goes “home is where the heart is, you ain't homeless, but you’re heartless” Sticking with the theme of using already existing and commonly used phrases, “home is where the heart is'' is once again a phrase that you could likely find as a cross stitch hung up on the wall of any of the homogenous houses you could likely find in this idealised suburbia. But what Wood is saying in this line is that home is where the heart is, and that while people in this town may not be homeless, they are certainly heartless, meaning that they in fact don't have homes. They have houses. Rows upon rows of houses that all look the exact same in the horrifying monotony that is suburban living.
Following this line is the lyric “it's the safest on the market, but you still gotta watch where you park it”. These lines seem to be in reference to buying a car. The car being the "safest on the market" is likely in reference to the fact that it may have a lot of safety features. But this is immediately negated by the fact that you “still gotta watch where you park it” meaning that the safety features could be a reason that the car gets stolen, rendering all the safety that those features offered useless because in the end it made the car and the owner less safe.
In the third verse of this section, you immediately hear the line “so give me your half-life crisis” which partially is a play on the term ‘mid life crisis’ wherein which one realises that they may have wasted their life up till that point and they're already halfway through, but the use of the term “half-life” instead of ‘mid-life’ is very intentional, as the term “half-life” can also be used to refer to the half-life of an isotope, which is the amount of time that isotope takes to lose half of its radiation, which ties back into the theme of radiation that we see mentioned a lot in this section.
Later in the same verse is the line “if it's true that a snowflake only matters in a blizzard”, which is interesting in a few ways, first, it brings up the idea of a singular individual means nothing on their own and that they only matter when they’re part of something larger or a larger group, but i also think that the use of the terms “snowflake” and “blizzard” instead of something like ‘raindrop’ and ‘storm’ is very intentional in the fact that snowflakes are known for being individual, none are alike, every single one is different. So saying that a snowflake doesn't matter unless it's in a blizzard is yet another hit at individuality, essentially implying that in this town individuality means nothing and is essentially rendered useless.
The final line in this verse is “everybody's all up in my-” repeated thrice, and on the third time the sentence is finished to say “everybody’s all up in my business” and before the word “business” can be finished its overlapped with the beginning of the chorus, the first word of which is a very loud “SUBURBIAAAA!”. I believe this is reminiscent of the fact that in towns like this, everyone cares so much about what everyone else is doing, they’re all so interested in everyone else's business, and i think that sentiment being stated and cut off by the word “Suburbia” is essentially saying that ‘this is the norm, this is just Suburbia, this is how it works around here.’
After the final chorus of this section, in the final verse, you'll find the line “chameleon peacocks are talk of the town” which particularly interests me because if you know anything about chameleons or peacocks you’d find that they seem incredibly different as animals. Chameleons blend into their environment in order to stay safe, whereas peacocks are known for parading around bright colours to make themselves look better, but if you think about it the term “chameleon peacock” actually makes a lot of sense, a person who blends into their surroundings in order to make themselves look good. This sentiment seems to perfectly describe the homogeneity of the people that live in these perfect towns, they're all the same, they blend in with one another in order to make themselves look good, or perfect.
Another line heard shortly afterwards is the phrase “he cums radiation”, rather vulgar, I grant you, but it's important because it is yet another literalisation of the phrase ‘nuclear family’. It could also be a reference to the general toxicity of this societal norm.
The final line in this section of the song is “the dog bites the postman, as basement eyes dream of a night at the drive-in, with an AR-15”. Which is another use of juxtaposition, intended to cause a kind of whiplash in the listener and reinforce the idea that while in this place there is scenarios that would happen in a hollywood movie esque picture perfect neighbourhood, like the dog biting the postman, there's also horrors that lurk below the surface. (although clearly not TOO far below.
Now let’s move on to the second part, ‘(Vampire) Culture’.
If you listen to the song, you’ll immediately be able to recognise where ‘Suburbia Overture’ ends and ‘(Vampire) Culture’ begins, due to the insane juxtaposition between the two. Where ‘Suburbia Overture’ is soft and sort of reminiscent of the 1950’s, ‘(Vampire) Culture’ is loud, jarring and grotesque, complemented with much raspier and strained sounding vocals compared to ‘Suburbia Overture’’s soft and melodic ones. The tone for this section of the song is immediately set with much more graphic lyrics, the very first line of this section (after the opening scream) is “i dropped my eyeballs in the bonfire, we fucked on a bed of nails” which absolutely sets the scene for how different this section will be to the previous.
This song immediately jumps into using cannibalism as a metaphor, with the first line after the jump start opener being “I caught kuru from your sister, and I'm laughing in jail”. While this line is written to sound like the concept of catching an STD from an act of adultery, Kuru is actually a disease only found in human brain tissue, meaning that you can only contract this disease by eating a human brain.
This use of cannibalism as a metaphor is used again immediately after in the line “smell those screaming teenage sweetbreads on that 4th of July grill”, ‘sweetbread’ is the term used to refer to the pancreas and thymus gland of an animal, usually a lamb, but in this particular case it is in reference to the human teenagers that supposedly lived in The Marybell Township, or a least they did before they were dissected, cooked and served at a neighbourhood 4th of July barbeque hosted by the same people that were once referred to as their neighbours.
This line adds an interesting level of patriotism to the song and criticism of how America utilises patriotism and their love for their country as means to justify harming the youth, however a 4th of July neighbourhood barbeque is also commonly associated with white picket fence gated community America, which ties us back to the base criticism of that style of life and how it is seen as the “proper” and “perfect” way to live. These cannibalistic sentiments are followed up with the line “smile and wave boys, kiss the cook, live laugh and love, please pass the pills.” which brings us back to the repeated use of commonly known sayings being taken directly or modified only slightly to remind the listener of the setting were in, that being a seemingly 1950’s era tight knit neighbourhood.
Phrases like “live laugh [and] love” or “kiss the cook” are both phrases that could easily be seen in a setting like this, especially “kiss the cook”, as this is a phrase commonly associated with aprons worn by grillmasters at neighbourhood barbeques, not unlike the cannibalistic 4th of July barbeque that this particular neighbourhood seems to be hosting. These phrases being immediately followed up with a sentiment such as “please pass the pills” serves to entirely undermine the pleasantries that, until a moment ago, seemed to be plastered all over the faces of the people living in this fictional town that Wood has created. I think that final phrase brings the listener back to the realisation that not all is right here, quite the opposite in fact, and drags them from their momentary paradise. Circling back very quickly to the phrase “smile and wave”. I felt the need to point out that this phrase has been used for centuries as a way to say “stop talking and act normal” which once again reinforces that these people are pretending to be something they’re not in order to fit in.
We enter the next verse with the repeated phrase “it's only culture”, after that line is repeated three times we hear “sulfur, smoke and soot”, which could either be a reference to how dirty and disgusting the ‘culture’ is, or it could be a different way of saying that this culture and the people participating are going to hell, as per the common phrase ‘fire and brimstone’ and the fact that sulfur is another way of saying brimstone, and smoke and soot are both byproducts of fire.
The last line of this verse and the first line of the chorus blend into each other, so I’ll speak on them both.
First, the last line of the verse. It goes “you cocked and sucked your lack of empathy, pulled the trigger with your foot to prove you've got-” Putting aside the clear innuendo, this line refers to the idea of ending one's own life with a long shotgun. According to the media, by the time the gun is cocked and the barrel is in your mouth, you're not able to pull the trigger with your hands due to the length of the barrel. This line instead presents the solution of pulling the trigger with your foot to end your life.
So this person “cocked and sucked” the gun (cocked the gun and put the barrel in their mouth) before pulling the trigger with their foot to prove they’ve got-
And here's where the verse blends into the chorus.
Because the first line only consists of one word.
The person who was shooting themselves with a shotgun only to prove that they bleed. Which is where the title of this section comes in. (Vampire) Culture”. This section seeks to portray either the people in this culture or, the more likely option, the culture itself, as metaphorical vampires, who aim to destroy those around them. This knowledge makes the next line “didn't they want your blood, so why apologise for being blue and cold” make a lot more sense. After all, if these culture vampires have drained you of your blood, is it not their fault that you’re now “blue and cold”, as bodies tend to be if they lack blood flow. However if you look at synonyms for the words “blue” and “cold”, you could also interpret this phrase as meaning “sad and apathetic”. A sad and apathetic person doesn't seem to be the kind of person this ‘culture’ seeks to enlist however, and so one who is “blue and cold” is shunned as an outsider. What Wood is getting at is that if this culture is the one who made you sad and apathetic, then you should not apologise to it for being so.
The next verse is short, and like the previous one, also blends into the chorus in the same way, by having the last line of the verse cut off right where the chorus would finish the sentence with the word “blood”. However in this verse, there's an interesting line. “It's only culture and it's more afraid of you than you are of it”, which is a sentiment usually used by adults to attempt to subdue a child's fear of something, usually insects. However it's interesting in the fact that it brings up the idea that this culture that has caused so much damage and harm is actually incredibly fragile, and would, in theory be very afraid of the concept of the individual, because if this ‘culture’ is only being held together by the silent agreeance that everyone will simply pretend, then the idea that there is people who refuse throws the whole idea into jeopardy.
This line is followed up however, by the line that blends it into the chorus. “Go on drink that-”, clearly intended to be finished by the first line of the chorus, making the full line, “go on drink that blood”. This line is in reference to the phrase “drink the kool-aid” which essentially means to pledge your undying loyalty to something, a concept, a person, a god, etc. and it derives from an infamous mass cult suicide where over 900 people drank poisoned Kool-Aid and subsequently died for the cult. It is not a far cry to believe that this event and this phrase is what the line is referring to, as it's something that Wood has referenced in other songs, so it only makes sense to believe that this is what he means here.
After that chorus we move on to the bridge, which begins by listing 3 pairs of names, all famous or semi famous, and each pair being similar in one right but opposite in another, the line goes as follows; “were you Nabokov to a Sallinger, were you Jung to Freud or Dass to a Leary”, so let's break down these pairs one by one.
First “Nabokov to a Sallinger”, these names belong to Vladimir Nabokov and J.D. Sallinger, both authors who wrote famous books that both surround the theme of innocence, but in very different ways. Nabokov’s book “Lolita” is a story told from the perspective of a grown man about his sexual obsession and attraction to a little girl, and his desire to ruin her innocence, exploring the theme of innocence in a grotesque and frankly horrifying way, which is in stark contrast to Sallinger’s book “The Catcher in the Rye”, which explores the topic of innocence through the main characters desire to preserve their little sisters innocence, and in that desire displays hesitancy at the idea of sex themself. Both books explore the topic of innocence, however while one seeks to preserve it, the other seeks to destroy it, two sides of the same coin.
The next pairing is “Jung to Freud”, meaning Carl Gustav Jung and his mentor Sigmund Freud, who once again are similar in one right, but opposite in another. Jung and Freud both had theories on the nature of the human mind, but where Jungs was all about the concept of spirituality and how that ties into the collective unconscious, Freud's approach was much more focused on the individual unconscious and the concept of sexuality.
The final pairing is “Dass to a Leary”. both psychologists, both at the forefront of the ‘Harvard Psilocybin Project’ (before they both got dismissed from harvard entirely following controversies around the project) Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary were both psychologists and eventually authors who studied the effects of psychedelic drugs on the human mind, and while they were co workers they ended up with pretty conflicting views. Dr. Richard Alpert, who apparently ‘died’ and was ‘reborn’ as spiritual guide Ram Dass, centred his teachings heavily around the concept of living in the moment, (in fact his best selling book, written in 1971 was titled ‘Be Here Now’) and he believed that psychedelic drugs were not needed and that a permanent version of the same effects could be achieved through meditation. Whereas Dr. Timothy Leary advocated heavily for the use of psychedelics, believing that LSD specifically had great potential for therapeutic psychiatric use.
All of these pairings and examples utilise the concept of duality and speak on how every coin has two sides, which can easily be tied back to the idea that the picture perfect suburban life is just one side of the coin. This idea is then reinforced by the next line, “were you mother, daughter, subject and author?”, The use of the word ‘and’ here shows that it's possible to be two sides of the same coin at once, just like how this town, which is perfect on one side of the coin, is still terrible on the other side of the coin. The line is stating that it's possible to be both at once.
The very last line in this section is; “you don't make the rules, you just write them down and do it by the book you throw around”. This line combines a few relatively well known phrases. The first being of course ‘i don’t make the rules’, which can have two distinct meanings. The first is to express a kind of sympathy for someone being punished, and the second is to absolve yourself of the blame for that person being punished, a sort of ‘don't shoot the messenger’ situation.
The ‘rules’ that are likely being referred to here are the societal norms and expectations forced upon people who reside in these towns, the standard for ‘perfection’.
However, following this sentiment up with the phrase “you just write them down” is essentially saying that while it's not the fault of the people in these towns, they didn't create the norms, they still enforce them. They expect everything to be in line and perfect at all times, they follow these ‘rules’ to a T, and they shun and punish anyone who doesn't fit the standard and/or refuses to follow these ‘rules’, which is where the line “do it by the book you throw around” comes in, doing something ‘by the book’ means to follow rules strictly and to the letter, nothing out of line, and to throw the book at someone means to punish them as severely as possible, usually used in the legal sense to mean punishing someone for their crime as severely as the law will allow. So in all, the lyric “you don't make the rules, you just write them down and do it by the book you throw around” ends up meaning ‘you didn't create these norms but you still enforce them by following them to an absolute T and punishing anyone who doesn't.’
With that we enter the third and final section of the song, entitled ‘Love Me, Normally’, a title it shares with another song on the album, but of course this song is partially meant to serve as an overture for the whole album, meaning it shares some similar lyrics with lyrics from other songs on the album, so sharing a title isn't all that surprising.
The first lyric in this section is “do you know the difference between blazing trails and slash and burn?” which is another instance of duality in this song. Trailblazing or being a trailblazer means doing something no one has done before, paving the way for other people to follow in your footsteps, it comes from the literal act of creating a trail in the woods for people to follow, usually by creating notches in trees or setting small fires, hence ‘blazer’, as blaze is another word for a fire. However “slash and burn” is a method of deforestation that involves cutting down and burning a section of forest to create a field. Both examples include using fire to change something, but where one is seen as progress and positive, the other is negative, and seen as a means of destruction. Once again, two sides of the same coin, innovation and destruction.
This is followed up with the line “going against the grain and catching splinters”, which is a line i particularly like because while it is something that literally can happen, if you run your hand along wood in the opposite direction to the grain, you're more likely to get a splinter because you're essentially pushing your hand against the chips of wood, but it also is another metaphor for the dangers of not being the same. Going against the grain in this instance means daring to be different, not going the same way everyone else is going but instead the opposite of that, and in this example splinters are the consequences one would face for being different, especially in a setting like this perfect town, where everyone is the exact same as everyone else.
A little bit later you hear the line “well Lot he had his lot in life, Job his job and i guess you’ll too, and die”. Lot and Job are both figures found in the Bible, whose names both share spelling with common English words, but are pronounced slightly differently.
Job, from the Book of Job, was a man that was tested by God, made to suffer to test his loyalty, his ‘job’ was to believe unendingly in God and see Him as always correct no matter what.
Lot, from the Book of Genesis, was a man who went through a lot, and the phrase ‘my lot in life’ is a phrase commonly used by people to write off/explain why they don't have it as good as others, they say it's simply their ‘lot in life’.
The end of this line “i guess you’ll too, and die” i believe refers to the fact that everyone will have their own job and their own lot in life, and then everyone in the end will die.
This theory is solidified by the fact that the next line is “The Lord looked down and said ‘hey, you're only mortal’” which is a play off of the phrase ‘you're only human’. Wood himself said that the phrase ‘you're only human’ has always felt weird to him, he says, “cause like, of course I am, aren’t we all? How is that fact supposed to help? I still feel bad. What does being human mean to you?”. He follows this up by saying that the idea of God saying "hey, you're only mortal" offers the same kind of sentiment, but in a “cosmically condescending” sort of way.
The following line reads “giveth and taketh away, till things come out a certain way, leave you wondering when they might go back to normal… leave you wondering why they can't have just been normal”.
This line presents a sort of hopelessness in the realisation that things are constantly changing, nothing is any more ‘normal’ than anything else, there's no such thing as ‘normal’, which is an overarching theme found throughout the album. Once again bringing back the fact that for all intents and purposes this song is an overture for the rest of the album.
To conclude, ‘Suburbia Overture’ is, in my opinion, one of the greatest criticisms of suburban, middle class, gated community, nuclear family life i've ever seen, it highlights the problems in that life and showcases how this kind of lifestyle in its incredibly rigid and restrictive standards is incredibly harmful to the very concept of individuality, because the expectations and unspoken rules set in communities like this and the widespread idea of forced normality seeks to crush any individuality before it even has a chance to blossom.
The use of metaphors and phrases that are well known and are likely to be seen in settings such as this gated community suburban town that Wood has created really paint a subconscious picture of what this community looks like, the use of duality, how every story has another side, and how nothing that is seemingly perfect from the outside is actually perfect on the inside.
Will Wood is an incredible lyricist and the fact that he was able to cram so much symbolism and such a powerful message into a song just over 6 minutes long is genuinely incredible.
Thank you for listening to my/reading my autistic hyper fixated rambling, i hope i didn't melt your brain too badly.
submitted by Star_Gamer3726 to willwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:07 SmellOfEmptiness Rant/possibly unpopular opinion: the quality of implied settings.

Many rpg systems have an associated setting (or, sometimes, settings) in mind. You could imagine a dimension of "setting solidity". At one end of the spectrum, we have settings defined up to the finest details in publications and other media (examples could be forgotten realms or harnworld). At the other end of the spectrum, we have systems where the mechanics imply a certain setting, but the details are left more or less vague. Examples could be Apocalypse World (where there are some assumptions in the rules about the setting, but most of it is left for the single group to decide, e.g. there is something called psychic maelstrom in the world, it is referenced in the rules, but the rulebook doesn't tell you what it is exactly - that's for the group to decide). An example of a system in the middle between these two extremes could be Blades in the Dark, whose setting of Doskvol is detailed in broad strokes, but there are plenty of aspects that are only vaguely defined and the group is expected to fill in the blanks.
Now, I tend to prefer less well-defined settings to overdetailed settings (mostly because reading and learning a ton of made-up lore, and made-up history and made-up names of places and people isn't particularly fun for me), and I'm quite happy with the way Apocalypse World or Blades in the Dark do things. They give me a general outline, but plenty of freedom to create within certain narrative constraints. I'd say BitD is probably at the limit of the lore I'm willing to learn.
However in recent years I have seen a trend (especially within OSR spaces) to prefer implied settings, but implemented in a way that I find very very difficult to use in game. I won't name names - there are several examples that can be found. You open the rulebook and it's a page of random encounters. The whole page spread is occupied by a single table where you roll 1d10 for a random encounter - no explanatory notes, just a few "evocative" dreamy sentences written in fancy fonts with blots of ink spread around artfully, and a big evocative drawing. This style appear to be strongly influenced by New Weird fiction. The encounters are something like
That's it. Nothing is ever explained beside these impressionistic, vague details. While I can see the intended logic behind this approach (these sentences are meant to give just enough to inspire the GM), they tend to have the opposite effect on me. I found prompts like these frustrating to use, and very tiring to improvise around during a session. There is no attempt at internal logic or consistency, it seems like the author simply jotted down a few vague, dreamlike-sounding names and details, and the priority was to set a certain fairytale-like atmosphere more than providing actually useful content. I really do struggle to use material like this at the table. Yet, judging by the recommendations I see online, I seem to be in the minority.
How do people feel about this? Are there different ways to implement "implied settings" in a product, and do you find some of them more effective than others?
submitted by SmellOfEmptiness to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:02 fathandreason Exmuslim Guide to being closeted and coming out

Hello. Upon request, I've been asked to turn a comment I made into a post so that it can be a resource for more people. This post is a collection of advice I've given out about how to handle your life as a closeted exmuslim and how you'll come out in the future. It is largely based on my experience but also from what I've seen from others in this subreddit.


So you've left Islam. You've delved through arguments, the apologetics and the bullshit and you've come to the conclusion that you no longer believe in Islam. And you may have also reached an alternative philosophical outlook on life that you can believe in.
But what now? You may have left Islam, but have you left the Muslim world? One of the most common misconceptions outsiders have is that since exmuslims are no longer Muslims, they no longer live in the Muslim world. This is painfully naive - in reality many exmuslims are closeted due to young age and financial dependency and/or live in Islamist countries or societies that enforce Islamic values. In fear of social stigma or even violence, exmuslims have to contend with closeted lives even after leaving Islam. So how do you deal with it?


The best time to come out to family is in your own home, over a dinner you paid for, alongside people who support you. That takes a lot of preparation and it means doing what you can to live your life as best as you can whilst working towards independence.
This basically means that a lot of what helps you come out of the closet will depend heavily on how well you prepared for it, so you will need to make the most of your closeted life. You may not be able to stop the shitstorm but you can at least prepare yourself to weather it. Here are some tips to achieve that goal (in no particular order)

1) Don't meander in life due to a lack of decision making skills.

Probably one of the worst mistakes I made was not realise I was an exmuslim sooner. As a result I had barely any time to prepare for when the inevitable happened and I was forced to come out. I spent a lot of my life meandering, trying to reconcile the irreconcilable, and trying to be a Muslim when I knew my values didn't align with it. I didn't really have much of a concept of exmuslims, but if I had been smarter I would have figured it out. I now tell people in a similar position that it's fine to take your time but don't take too long. Half arsing two very different cultures will leave you a loser in both.
Similarly whilst planning for independence can be scary, don’t let it frighten you into inaction. The following is a passage from this article about decision making:
Research from the 1990s led by the US psychologist Thomas Gilovich provides further evidence for why it can be shortsighted to kick a difficult decision down the road. Gilovich and his team showed that although, in the short term, people experience more regret from ‘errors of commission’ (taking an action that leads to a disappointing outcome), in the long term it is actually ‘errors of omission’ that lead to more regret – that is, disappointing outcomes that arise from not taking an action.
When taking the time to make decisions and plans, don’t underestimate how effective it can be to map out your options on an excel spreadsheet. When I had to decide whether I should come out or not, I actually made a spreadsheet listing out my options, what they would result in and what the impact would be. Actually having it written down to look at, really put things into perspective. We waste a lot of our time keeping it in our heads which forces us to recalculate everything from scratch every time we revisit our thoughts. But the more that is mapped out, the less you have to recalculate and the more you can focus on evaluation and further planning.

2) Study, career and finances.

Your studies/career is almost always your best ticket out of your toxic situation, and the one thing to prioritise the most. So much to the point where whenever I encounter doubting Muslim children 15 and under, I tell them it's not even worth thinking about their doubts at that age because it's just not the most effective use of their time and they can't do anything about it at that age anyway. Do anything you can to ensure you’re getting good grades, even if it means spending more time at a local library.

3) Do not telegraph irreligiousity whilst being closeted.

This is particularly important for younger exmuslims because they telegraph to their parents in ways they would just not understand until they see it for themselves when they're older. Try your best to meet the religious obligations expected from your family.
Unfortunately for girls, this usually means that wearing the hijab is a necessity and inadvisable to try and get out of. (However, that subject matter is not my forte: prioritise advice from exmuslim women such as from faithlesshijabi.org)

4) Sometimes you may need to go above and beyond.

If you get the impression that your family is beginning to catch onto your apostacy then it's likely that they have and you may need to reverse that impression.
One way to do that would be to start getting books on Islam and not just for show. My advice would be to get books on Islamic history because that's the least boring stuff. Or better yet, just get whatever unapologetic salafi hatecrime you can get your hands on so you can entertain yourself with how fucked up it is. Or get an annoted Qur'an like the Study Qur'an. Do something to ease their suspicions.
What book you get depends on what kind of message you want to telegraph to your parents. If you want to telegraph a message then it will need to be a paper book and not an e-book. Something that you can lay around in your room and that you know they'll see. That means you're restricted to what you can get from your local library or Masjid. Also depends on what interests you because you'll have to actually read and demonstrate you learnt from it if you want send the best message you can. If you want purely what Muslims write about Islamic history, you can check out works like The Sealed Nectar or works by al-Sallabi. If you want something a little more academic, but not something that would rouse suspicion then check out works like this, this, this or this. If you want something a bit more relevant to contemporary Muslim world then there books like this.
But you may find that your best bet is to just see what your local Masjid might have and see what tickles your fancy.

5) Actually coming out is usually a shitstorm.

Be prepared for lots of sobbing, guilt tripping and an inability to respect your beliefs and boundaries. Learn techniques like the Broken Record Technique to establish boundaries. Know what you have to say when they inevitably tell you to speak to a scholar - you don't have to eat the whole apple to know it's rotten. You know all that you need to know about Islam and you know even more about the world outside of Islam to put it into context.

6) Do not feel guilt.

As an exmuslim, you will go through a lot of guilt. Whilst this does show you are human, you need to forget about guilt: you are not responsible for your parents' failure to be reasonable, not even your mother. They take responsibility for the social stigma and oppressive life they choose to live in and perpetuate. You get nothing out of that guilt. It's completely pointless and ultimately counterproductive. You can't set yourself on fire to make others warm and you gain no recognition from matryising yourself. Do not feel guilt for what you have to do to have a completely reasonable life. The only ones to blame are those who forced you into it.
Don't underestimate parents either. They will use guilt against you. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. They very often bring up their health problems as a weapon against you. Don't fall for it. It only affects them because they choose to let it affect them. They can choose to be reasonable. You have to respect their autonomy and let them deal with the consequences of their own ways.

7) Don't come out too soon thinking it's a release.

I come across a lot of exmuslim kids who think coming out will help explain to their religious parents why they don't want to wear the hijab or do other religious things. But the likelihood is more that those same parents will react extremely poorly and restrict your freedom even more, making it more difficult to achieve long term independence.
There's also the mistake in assuming that coming out will lead to being disowned in the vain hope that you get an quick clean break that takes all the responsibility from you. For some exmuslims this does actually work out, but for a lot of others it's miscalculated. My family didn't disown me, I still had to deal with months of my family being insufferable manipulators and the responsibility was still on me to seperate from them. And for women it can be much worse.
Ultimately, if you are financially dependent on your family then coming out early will very typically result in your family using that leverage against you and making your life worse. I've seen stories of exmuslims who thought their family was better and badly miscalculated - be mindful of that.

8) Don’t panic too much if they find out.

Some exmuslims get found out, sometimes because of a snitch in the family or sometimes because they just weren’t convincing enough. Don’t panic – Muslims can be pretty damn deluded about their faith and your family will want to believe that you can come back very easily because Islam is just common sense. Try to do your best to convince them as per point 4. If it’s because you did something haram, blasphemous or otherwise worthy of takfir, try to act like it was because you were a misguided Quranist or progressive Muslim. They will still retain suspicion but it’s still better than the alternative.
However, if you’re at the point of no return and you know you can’t convince them then now is the time to make calls to any secular friends you have, ask for support and maybe even shelter.

9) Go no contact if you fear abuse.

Actually think about whether it's even wise for you to come out. Do you suspect that there could be violence or abuse? If so then you have absolutely no need to go through this stupid bullshit. Leave and don't look back. If your parents couldn't give you safe environment to even come out about different beliefs then they are not worth the time. As per point 6 - You have to respect their autonomy and let them deal with the consequences of their own ways. This is paticularly pertinent for those who live in a predominantly Muslim countries. They have a very real reason to fear persecution and absolutely do not need to risk their own lives for the sake of their parents.

10) Make use of organisations and resources.

Look into leaving religion organisations like recoveringfromreligion.org, faithlesshijabi.org and faithtofaithless.com. Look into women's charities in your area like womensaid.org.uk or karmanirvana.org.uk (UK examples). Look into LGBT charities like rainbowrailroad.org. If you have secular school counsellors and friends, then talk to them. Get advice from adults you can absolutely trust. (But on the flip side don't take risks with others: you may be tempted to come out to your Muslim friend, but I've seen plenty of stories of exmuslims who heavily regret doing so).

11) You may have to leave the country

This is particularly the case for exmuslims living in predominantly Muslim countries. Unfortunately, I don't have any real world experience to offer here but you may be able to find localised advice by digging around. For example sites like wearesaudis.net might have some information (but you'll need a VPN to access this one. If you don't know what a VPN is here's an explanation).
Are you multilingual? If you need money but working is restricted to you then you can try becoming an online language tutor on sites like italki.com (scroll to the bottom). This post and related subreddits like WorkOnline may help.
I also often note that some exmuslims in Muslim countries fall for the doomscrolling hyperbole and think Europe is “doomed” with too many Muslims. They have a tendancy of asking which country is best to migrate to as an exmuslim to avoid Islam. Please ignore the doomsayers and prioritise the country you choose based on ease of access and career opportunities.

Final stuff

Shout out to Imtiaz Shams who inspired it me to make this list of tips. He has his own YouTube Channel here and plans to make his own video on this subject matter so watch out for that. On a side note, I also recommend TheraminTrees YouTube Channel who delves a lot into toxic dysfunctional families from the perspective of a therapist and a former Jehovas Witness. And finally, thank you to the moderators of exmuslim who suggested I make this into a post. I wound up adding a lot more content.
I will end this post with a list of subreddits that may help you on your journey leaving Islam:

Ex related subreddits

Other Useful Subreddits

submitted by fathandreason to u/fathandreason [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:01 ibid-11962 Inspirations and Interactions with Other Media [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #9]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused specifically on the writing process. This installment will focus on Inspirations, including Christopher's idea process, specific inspirations used, and some comments about other properties. The next, penultimate post will focus on Worldbuilding and Promotion.


Coming up with ideas
Do you have trouble coming up with new ideas? They don't fall out of trees, but it takes me so long to write a book that I usually come up with at least one or two ideas over the six months to a year that it takes to write, edit and publish, if not longer. So they keep accumulating. One of the reasons that I really like having a world to play in for a long time is that the longer I spend in a setting, the more story ideas suggest themselves because you get to know the characters so much and you get to know the implications of the magic in the world and the culture. [1]
What is your inspiration process like? I read a lot of books, I watch a lot of movies, and I make sure I have time to stare out the window and do nothing but daydream. And all of those things continually give me ideas for stories. [20]
Inspiration can come from anywhere, but good stories and good music will actually give me the proverbial tingle up the spine. And basically nothing else in life does that. So I'm always chasing that high. And that's really the inspiration. And trying to replicate that both for myself and for my readers. [33]
I get my inspiration from the beauty of the world itself, from every book and movie that I watch and read, even the bad ones, sometimes especially the bad ones. I get my inspiration from meeting folks like you who have so much energy and enthusiasm and from thinking and talking and listening to music. Everywhere can be a source of inspiration. [36]
I listen to soundtracks when I write. I can't listen to anything with lyrics because it's too distracting. But my biggest source of inspiration is simply the environment in which I live. The mountains around my house look like the mountains from The Lord of the Rings. If I have no experience with the things I write, the descriptions would probably not be as good. You have to look around for inspiration. Photos, visiting places… that which just comes out of your head ultimately has its limitations. You can do a lot, but it helps creativity if you can base it on your own experiences. [23]
You have an idea, you have a spark of thought. Do you jot it down and leave it? Or do you immediately delve into it? It depends on the idea ultimately and it depends how much of it I have. But I always write something down because I have forgotten story ideas in the past, which sucks. So the instant I have something that I think is interesting, I write it down. I won't write most of these because I don't have the time but I write them all down. I have a file here with 140 pages of story ideas, 19,147 words. I try to write it down. If I have a sense of more of the story than the initial thing, then I'll write that down. Then mostly I just let it sit and I think about it while I'm working on other stories. [28]
Executing ideas
Would you rather lose a mental battle against another author so he could steal your ideas? Or give away your true name to your literary agent so he could control you? Wow. I trust my agent with my life. But I'd go with the first one, lose a mental battle, because honestly, ideas are cheap, execution is what matters. You could take every single idea I would have and give it to Brandon Sanderson, or any other author, and their execution would be totally different than mine, and vice versa. And quite honestly most authors wouldn't want to write the ideas I have, they have their own ideas. So that seems like the least perilous of the two options. [17]
When have the greatest flows of creativity happened for you? Whenever I know what I'm trying to write in terms of the scene, I understand what it's doing for the characters and who the characters are. And it all clicks together. And I don't have to sit there, banging my head against the keyboard trying to figure any of that out and then I could just work on writing it. Are there times where you have to bang your head against the keyboard? Or do you just get up and walk outside and just walk away from it? You need to do some of the head banging on occasion just to get past the tough stuff. But you also have to recognize when you're not making any progress and then it's better to step away, move physically in order to get your brain to move. And learning when to step away is always a challenge and has taken me a long time. [34]
What do you think about the idea that when we're asleep, our minds or souls wander off and act unbeknown to us and perhaps ideas aggregate which may lead to us waking up in the morning with sudden ideas, realizations? I think it's a very common occurrence. The whole point of creativity is that you connect two or more things that are seemingly unconnected. That's what a metaphor is or simile. "Her love was like a red, red rose." It's not literally a rose, but you're connecting two things to make a point. So when you sleep the barriers in your mind sort of descend and it's much easier to connect things. And there does seem to be some indication that if you are trying to solve a certain problem or working on something in the back of your head that your subconscious, whatever the hell the subconscious is, this older more instinctual part of the brain, continues to work on the problem even while you sleep. There have been multiple instances of scientists and inventors, engineers, who have actually thought of the solutions to their problems that they're trying to solve while while dreaming. So it's a known phenomena. And it's something that I do try to take advantage of. Sometimes I will think of things I'm trying to solve right before I go to sleep. The trick is you can't do it in a way that stresses you so that it keeps you up. So don't do this if it's going to keep you up. But it doesn't stress me to think about what I'm trying to figure out with the writing. So I'll think about that as I'm falling asleep and a lot of times I'll have a better idea in the morning or a better sense of what path to pursue and sometimes I'll actually dream of a solution. ... There's also some very solid research that says that if you're trying to learn something, whatever that something is, put in a couple hours of study, practice, whatever it is, and then you need to sleep in order for your brain to consolidate that knowledge. So if you pull an all-nighter studying, you're not going to retain the information very well. But if you were able to sleep even for just three hours, it allows the brain to take that temporary knowledge and encode it in more permanent memory. And that seems to be a very important part of the process. [19]
Fantasy Inspirations
How much has Tolkien influenced your writing, if at all? I wouldn't be here if not for Tolkien. I'll be honest with that. And I think there are a number of other contemporary fantasy authors that were equally as influential on me. But they wouldn't exist without Tolkien either. So Tolkien's the foundation that so much of this genre rests upon. [33]
Which dragon in literature do you find to be the most impactful as an influencer on stories that came after it? Historically, you'd have to put in for St. George and the Dragon, the dragon from Beowulf, Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent from Norse mythology, Tiamat. Of course, then there's all the Asian dragons as well. And all of those influenced the authors that have influenced us, Anne McCaffrey, Ursula Le Guin, Wizard of Earthsea. Vermithrax Pejorative. [30]
What was the inspiration for how you approached the dragons in your books? For me it was a whole mess of fantasy that I read. Lord of the Rings, of course, with Smaug. The Pit Dragon trilogy by Jane Yolen. Dragon Singer was the first Anne McCaffrey book I read, and that got me into the Dragon Riders of Pern series. I still have a soft spot for Dragon Singer. The Wizard of Earthsea series. Raymond Feist's Magician series. As well as I think the Millennium series by David Eddings. A lot of others. Beowulf, of course. Tad Williams's Memory Sorrow and Thorn, which has some really impressively dangerous dragons in it. [30]
From just the first book and the second I can see how heavily Christopher was 'influenced' by George R R Martin. The part about the swords being imbued with spells to keep them sharp and the dragons growing forever isn't borrowing. It's downright plagiarism. I, uh, have never read GOT. Started the first book in 2011 and bailed when Bran was pushed out the window. However, Tolkien and Dragonriders of Pern were certainly big influences. [R]
Did the way Eragon and Arya ended remind you of the way Will and Lyra ended in His Dark Materials? In love, but unable to be together. Completely unintentional. I didn't read His Dark Materials until I'd already written Eragon (and plotted out the whole series, including the ending). I won't lie though: I love bittersweet endings, and Pullman wrote one of the best ones. [R]


How do you go about naming all the places in Alagaësia? Well, these days I tend to think about where the name is coming from with the internal cultures of the land. So is it an Urgal name? Is it an Elvish name? Is it a Human name? Is it something else? For the human names I'm often drawing from established cultures, Germanic cultures, Scandinavian cultures. But I have a lot of invented and established things within the world itself. So it just sort of depends what I'm writing and how I'm doing it. The nice thing is because I've created various invented languages for the different races, that gives me a good starting place for the feel of some name that I might be creating. [12]
Where do the names in your worlds come from? Some are puns, Eragon is Dragon but with an 'e' instead of a 'd'. It also means an Era Gone By. Saphira is from Sapphire. The names also come from historical names: Germanic, Northern influences or were made up by me based on the rules from my world. For example, Murtagh is Irish. [23]
Name of Names
Does the ancient language have a canon name? I know it's never said in order to keep the mystery feel, but out of curiosity, do YOU know it? Or is it something that does not even truly have a name for you? Yup, I do have a name for it. Not sharing it with anyone, though. :D [R]
World of Eragon
What is the "World of Eragon"? Well it encompasses the entire Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance), as well as The Fork the Witch and the Worm, Murtagh, as well as all the other projects that I hope to be doing in this setting, whether books, games, or other things. And the reason we went with "World of Eragon" instead of something like Alagaësia is because Alagaësia is hard to say and hard to spell, and some of the adventures the characters will be going on actually go beyond that land. So World of Eragon it is. Also I'm rather fond of that Brisingr symbol in the "O" there. It felt appropriate for the character, for the world, and like I said, I like it myself. [Y]
What would you say to introduce someone to the World of Eragon? Well, it's the story of a young man who finds a dragon egg. And the dragon and Eragon, they go on a series of adventures and there's duels and dragons and battles and villains and romance and all the good stuff a story needs. I think it's fundamentally a good hearted series. I don't really like to write stuff that's like super super grim. It definitely is a good place to start if you're getting into epic fantasy and you're a slightly younger reader and then as you go along with the books, adult isn't really the word, but they get more elaborate and epic as the series progresses. I was learning as I wrote the series and so I tried to put all of that learning to use with each new book. [12]
What is the difference between the World of Eragon and other fantasy series? The fact that I wrote it and not someone else! There are definitely references to other works, because I love reading about elves, dwarves, magic and dragons and I wanted to write about them. At the same time, there are some unique aspects. I believe that my magic system is unique in the fantasy genre and I have unique races such as the Werecats, Ra'zac and my slightly different take on Dragons. It's a mix of familiar and really new things. [23]
George [R R Martin] and I invented the name Arya completely independently. We talked about it: he was trying to come up with something fierce and warrior-like … I was thinking of an aria in an opera. [R]
I was today years old when I realized "Eldest" refers to Murtagh. And Roran. [T]
Me, a weeb, reading Shruikan as "shuriken" Where do you think I got the name from? Shruikan is just 'shuriken' rearranged a bit (and with the 'e' changed to an 'a'). [T]
Do Well Then
Am I the only one who ever realized that Du Weldenvarden sounds like Do Well Then, Varden? You are not. [T]

People, Places, Things, and Scenes

Does the character Eragon resemble you? Initially, yes, a lot! But the more the story progressed, the more my hero experienced his own adventures. The common point that remains between him and me is that we both like to ask each other questions. [4]
What are the commonalities that you now still have with Eragon to this day? Curiosity. Eragon is very curious about the world and wants to understand it and learn, and that's definitely something I still have and still pursue. Probably a willingness to tackle big adventures and projects, even knowing it's going to be a huge thing. And then maybe a basic sense of optimism, all things considered. [19]
Eragon's journey appears to me from the beginning to the end a quest of research of identity, of self-discovery, the "Who am I?" question. Did you put yourself through the same examination Eragon and Saphira did on Vroengard while searching for their true names? And do you have an idea of what your true name will be? I think that identity and character and figuring out who you are is one of the central things of adolescence. Because you transition from a child to an adult and figuring out what sort of an adult you're going to be, and how you fit into society and how you're going to function as an adult once you have agency and power versus a child who usually doesn't have a whole lot of agency and power. And so that's why writing about adolescence to me very naturally becomes writing about identity and who you are. And yes, it's something I have spent a large portion of my life thinking about and figuring myself out. I think I have a pretty good idea of who I am and have had a pretty good idea for a long time. If you asked me to guess at my true name, I think I could come pretty close. [19]
Do you think emulating your characters’ actions is a necessary part of the writing process? It’s definitely not necessary, but it can be helpful. Having personal experience with a particular activity is always a plus. Failing that, books, articles, and YouTube can be a decent substitute. Given that I write about spaceships and dragons, there are somethings that I’ll never be able to encounter in real life . . . but, hey, that’s what our imaginations are for! [10]
Beor Mountains
I drew a map and it was like the western half of the current map. And I thought, well, this gives me everything I need. But then I was like, "oh, I want to visit this location. I want to visit that location." And pretty soon I realized I was out of space. So I didn't want to spend like days and days drawing another map because I wanted to keep writing. So I took another sheet of printer paper and put it next to the first one, and I quickly scribbled in some mountains in a giant forest. And I was really lazy. I did this in like 15 seconds, 30 seconds tops. And I was moving so fast that I made the mountains huge. And I looked at that and I was like, well, wait a minute, what if they actually were 10 times bigger than the normal mountains? And that's how I got my Beor mountains. Also, I'd read an article about the mountains in New Zealand being 10 miles high if it weren't for erosion, given their rate of upheaval. That also contributed. [34]
You grew up in Montana, is it true that the valley where Eragon comes from is based on that? Yes. There is even a mountain in the valley that is as high and the same shape as Tronjheim, the mountain where the dwarves live. And I looked at that and thought: hm, what if that was a city? You can take things from everyday life and recreate them in something. [23]
Roran and his chapters have a good bit of biblical allegory. It wasn't intentional, but I read a LOT of Biblical stuff growing up. Make of that what you will. [R]
Forging of Brisingr
One of my favorite parts of the Inheritance Cycle was the forging of Brisingr. Tell us about the research process you used in order to construct such an intricate and detailed scene. I've done a fair bit of metalworking myself. I built two forges as a kid. I credited in the back of Brisingr two different books I have on Japanese sword making, both of which I referenced pretty heavily because they were relevant, since Brisingr is made for meteorite steel and there's various reasons for using the Japanese method on a western-style sword in that book. So I did some research but I also had a fair bit of practical knowledge and that was helpful. That scene actually was even longer because if you know your metalworking you'll know there's definitely some things I skimmed over or condensed and it was just because the scene was too long and my editor said, "look, Christopher, just summarize or say it was magic. You've got a magic elven smith, let her use some magic, move it along a little faster. So I was aware of the things that I had to skimp over a little bit, but no, that was one of my favorite scenes to write and I think that came through since so many people enjoyed it. [34]
Is this [Japanese dorodango] what Orik's earth rock was based off of? Of course. [T]
Burrow Grubs
Trauma is an element that's always been a part of these books, but it's been talked around and mentioned, up until I think the burrow grubs in Inheritance. That one is rude. They're bad. I won't lie. They came from a nightmare. That literally came from a nightmare. I shared it with the world so that it's out of my head and into yours. But when I write about something, I stop thinking about it. After it's done, it purges it from my brain. [11]
I need to know how you came up with the burrow grubs because they've always freaked me out. Bad nightmare. [T]
Inheritance Climax
Was there a particular experience in your life that suggested to you that it was ultimately through compassion and empathy that Eragon will vanquish Galbatorix? No. It was the result of sort of a long chain of logic while writing the books, and a lot of thinking I've been doing about violence and responses to violence and when it's appropriate to use violence. Part of the chain of logic was the fact that I just got sick of writing sword fights. I wrote a lot of sword fights between Eragon and Arya, Eragon and Murtagh, and of course, Roran's hammer fights. So resolving the entire series's conflict just through a physical confrontation felt inadequate. There needed to be a moral component to it. One of my own criticisms for myself here is that I feel like I failed to do that with Roran in Inheritance. There really should have been a little bit slightly deeper resolution to his storyline and his confrontation with Barst that taught us something new or resulted in a change in his character. Roran's character is a little different than Eragon's because he's already grown up in a lot of ways and thus is not resolving the same issues, but a good arc, a good journey, would have reflected on what was happening with Eragon and Galbatorix. So how Roran defeats Barst in some ways should stand in contrast to how Eragon defeats Galbatorix. Maybe it does, but that's something I would have spent more time taking another look at were I to do that now. But again with Eragon and Galbatorix, just one more sword fight was inadequate. So much of the story with Eragon involved him paying attention to the lives of the ants and learning about the different groups in Alagaësia, the Urgals, the dwarves, this and that. So all of that played into this decision to have him defeat Galbatorix in that matter. And with all of that, the fact that I really didn't want there to be some obvious way of defeating Galbatorix. Galbatorix isn't stupid. He protected himself in all of the ways that one might think of protecting himself, and he's had a long time to think about that. So it needed to be something that was non-obvious. Non-obvious and yet inevitable. [19]


Which of the fantasy creatures/races did you most enjoy writing about? I obviously love dragons. Before Murtagh I would have said the dwarves because I think they are funnier than the elves, although I enjoy writing about the elves too. But the dwarves are more earthly and interesting and human in their own way. [21]
Who is your own favorite character anyway? Saphira. I used to say Eragon right after that, but nowadays Murtagh is number two. That said, I feel most connected to Brom. Because I'm also getting old and starting to get some white spots in my beard. [21]
Which of your characters would you bring along with you to a deserted island? Saphira, because she could fly me off the deserted island. [34]
Which place in your Eragon universe would you like to live in the most? Probably with my dwarves, because they live in these 10-mile high mountains. And I love mountains and I have a beard like a dwarf these days. And I think the dwarves have more fun than the elves. [2]
Which fantasy world would you like to live in? Middle-Earth can be a nice place to live in some places, especially Hobbiton. I wouldn't mind living in a Hobbit hole and writing my books there. [23]

Interactions with other media properties

Getting into Fantasy
I got into sci-fi and fantasy because of a magical creature. My parents had a lot of sci-fi fantasy in the house, and I wasn't particularly interested in it at the time. But when I was around eight, my grandfather was taking me through a bookstore. I saw a book that had a knight in full armor without his helmet, holding a spear, facing off with a giant scaly humanoid, dragon-like monster. And at eight years old, all I knew was that this was the coolest book cover I had ever seen in my life and that this therefore must be the best book in the world. And so I begged my grandfather to please, please, please, buy me this book. He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he bought it for me anyway. That ended up being The Ruby Knight by David Eddings, which I took home and I read as fast as I could. I got a little concerned as I got near the back of the book because I was getting through the pages and then there's only this many pages left. I started to get this weird feeling that somehow the author couldn't end the whole story in the number of pages that were left. And sure enough, when I got to the end, I discovered that this was the middle book of a trilogy. Yeah, I wasn't always the brightest kid. So I finished that and immediately said, "well, I need to know what happens". So I went to our library and I read all the David Eddings books they had. There really was no internet back then, so I didn't know what to read next. So I'm standing in the library staring at Eddings, "E". What do I read next? Well, two shelves down from "E" was "F" and there was a giant book called Magician by Raymond Feist, which had a dragon on the cover. And I thought, okay, well maybe that's good. It's got a dragon, the same magical creature. So I checked out that book and I read it and it was pretty awesome. So I read everything by Raymond Feist. And then I go, "well, what do I read now?" And well, a couple of shelves down, there was a book called Mossflower by Brian Jacques which was the prequel to Redwall, so I read the entire Redwall series. And wasn't too far from Brian Jacques to Anne McCaffrey, and there was the Dragon Riders of Pern series. So I basically worked my way through the library, just chasing the covers with dragons and talking animals, which is not the worst way to set up a reading program when you're ten. And that really transformed my life. And I just absolutely fell in love with reading in a way that I never really had before. [35]
Anne McCaffrey
Is it awkward though, sitting here between Dragonriders of Pern, the original series about Dragonriders, from a beloved author who was nice enough to give you a blurb for your first novel, knowing that you sort of borrowed the whole Dragonriders thing? Oh, not at all. Absolutely shameless about it. And McCaffrey was kind enough to give me not just a blurb, my first blurb. So funny thing is I did kind of repay her in the most roundabout way. I was touring in Spain and found out that her books were out of print there. And I talked them up so much that they ended up reprinting the entire series in Spain and I blurbed her books in Spain. But you know, it's a small market so it probably doesn't count. Right. No, I would say not. [31]
Star Wars
I was homeschooled and raised in a very rural environment in Montana. I had no access to the internet and stuff. I literally had not heard about Star Wars all the way up until I was 14. And it was referenced in the movie Space Camp. And I said, "Why are they saying 'Luke use the force'? What does that mean?" And my dad got this horrified expression on his face. Like he had failed as a parent, and so we watched Star Wars the next day. [5]
Star Trek
The problem with Lost is those seasons are full length seasons. I mean it's like 23, 26 episodes. It's a huge commitment. My wife watched Next Generation for the first time a couple years ago, and each season is like 24 or 26 episodes, and it's a big commitment of time. And that's part of the problem getting into something like Battlestar Galactica or something else. [21]
Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek, because they actually managed to take the Ferengi and turn them into interesting, well-rounded, deep characters, which you wouldn't think, and not just the Ferengi, but other aliens, which the other Star Treks didn't manage to do anything like that, I think. [29]
The Prisoner
The original Prisoner television show is the most prophetic piece of science fiction in a lot of ways because it deals with loss of privacy and individuality, the strength of the individual against the system of government. And the cool thing too is that I think The Prisoner is definitely an auteur piece. It was written by Patrick McGuinn who also stars in it and he also directed the majority of episodes. And it directly follows from his earlier series Secret Agent Man. When that show ended he was at a party and there were some governmental officials and someone asked him, so what does a secret agent do when he retires? And he said, I don't know, you tell me what does a secret agent do when he retires? And the bureaucrat just kind of goes, well we take care of them. And that was kind of the beginning of the concept for the show. A lot of people hate the ending. I actually quite like the ending but there's a sense of absurdity to the show as well that I think is very well suited for the nature of modern life given that although we live in a Heinlein future in the sense we have rockets taking off and landing vertically as God and Heinlein intended, at the same time, we live in a very strange modern life and Philip K. Dick captured that, but I also think the prisoner absolutely did. So if you haven't seen The Prisoner, I can't recommend it enough personally. McGuinn had some really strong philosophy driving it underneath. He was a very religious man, actually very similar to Gene Wolfe, both Catholic. And that drove a lot of his beliefs and approach to the material. [21]
House of the Dragon
I'm not necessarily a fan of the way George R R Martin writes. House of the Dragon pretty much started with a bloody scene about a young mother who had to pay for the birth of her child with death. My wife was just heavily pregnant, I turned off the TV and didn't look back. But there is no arguing about the quality of Game of Thrones and the enormous cultural impact of the series. All respect. [18]
Dragons Love Tacos
I've had to read Dragons Love Tacos to my son more times than I care to remember. Look, dragons do not love tacos. Dragons love some of the things that go into tacos, like cows or maybe sheep or goats. But dragons do not love tacos. And this is sheer slander upon the whole race of dragons. [14]
They'll probably like the ground meat that sometimes goes into tacos, but no, dragons don't eat tacos. Come on. [34]
Video Games
What was the first game that you played where you thought, I really love games? Crystal Quest. If anyone remembers that. Old game that was on the Mac Classic. I got up to level 99 on that or something. It was insane. But, yeah, Myst, Riven especially, the Marathon series, Mass Effect trilogy. Loved Control recently. I've spent way too many hours playing Far Cry 5 because it's set in Montana and looks exactly like Montana. And there are some similarities to things in that game, to actual real world stuff, which is kind of weird, but it's cool. I don't know. Too many games to list and they're all awesome. [26]
I played a lot of classic Mac games, we're talking about like on the old Mac Classic, so things like Crystal Quest and Starship Mono and things like that. And then later on, when the computers upgraded, I loved the Myst series, so Myst and Riven. My friend had a PC, so I got to play the original Doom and Wolfenstein 3D and all of that. On the Mac, I loved the Marathon series. That was a huge influence on me with storytelling. I'm really excited that they're rebooting it or doing a sequel to the Marathon game finally over at Bungie. So the Marathon trilogy. Unreal Tournament 1999 is still the best shooting game I've ever played in a lot of ways, a tournament game. So yeah, all that stuff definitely had an influence on me. [12]
All of my gaming experience was computer games, video games. One that had a huge influence on me was the old Myst series. Personally I love solving puzzles, so that's the first thing. And also the concept of the series, especially with the second game, Riven, it's all based around people writing books that create new worlds. And you get to go in them and solve puzzles and understand how that world works. And that just tickled every single part of my brain back in the day. [26]
Now, funny thing with Spyro is that the company that made the Spyro games actually worked on the Eragon video game back in the day. Now, I've never played the Spyro games, but my wife is a huge fan of them, and I like Spyro. Proper number of legs. The wings are a little small, though. But sheer force of personality, and at least Spyro's not a dog dragon. [13]
What do you love about Mass Effect? I like the RPG elements, but I like the universe. I like the setting. I like the fact that really their big jump is they assume the existence of this element zero that if I'm remembering it correctly, allows for all of the technology. And then they don't break the laws of physics past that. They assume there's one break from what we know and then explore that. But I love the setting. I like how much blue they use. No, seriously. And if I'm remembering correctly, one of the planets in Mass Effect actually is the planet from Dragon Age. So they've tied in their two different franchises, which is cool. I have so many wonderful memories with the characters and in the world of Mass Effect that in some ways it was almost like a Star Wars experience for video games. [21]
There's great aliens in Mass Effect. I seem to recall Wayne Barlow, an artist, creating a cool book with some aliens in it. [29]
My favorite game these days is Minecraft. If you put a gun to my head and told me I can only have one game for the rest of my life, I'd pick Minecraft right now. If you go to my YouTube channel, you can see my storage system, which is mechanized and can store every single item in the game, either in shulker boxes or bulk storage or chests. It's mechanized. If you're familiar with the Hermitcraft series, they actually invited me on the server as a guest at one point. Scicraft, I got to tour with them. I built a machine to kill the Ender Dragon with one arrow. I love Minecraft. The problem is I could spend so long playing Minecraft, I will never write another book in my life. So I haven't played it in six months. But I really want to update my storage system. So we'll see. [26]
You went almost a decade from the time that you published Inheritance to the time that you published another book that people cared about, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. What were you doing during this time besides Minecraft? Have you seen my storage system in Minecraft? I have, it's pretty solid. It's not just solid, it's like I built a computer in Minecraft. Honestly, I could have written another book. I was going to say, imagine if you had written a book instead. What was I doing in those ten years? Well, I suppose I was just relaxing on my giant pile of money. Plagiarism pays, nepotism pays, I was just relaxing, enjoying life. And then I decided that I should probably, pay tribute to a lot of the sci-fi games and movies that I enjoyed and pluck up a bunch of pieces from them and paste them all together and put out a new book. And that was To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. That's fantastic. Absolutely. And you know what's even better? It won Best Sci-Fi of the Year over at Goodreads. I'm starting to wonder if you might be a pretty smart guy. People have said that on occasion, but I don't really believe it. Yeah, I wouldn't either. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. [31]
Who wins in a fight, Kratos or Eragon? I'm enormously fond of Eragon and he does have magic at his disposal, but we are talking about a man who literally killed the Greek pantheon and then the Nordic pantheon. So I hate to say it, but I think Kratos has it here. Not to mention that technically his son becomes the Midgard Serpent. [30]
Who would win in the fight? Eragon or Anne McCaffrey? Not the dragons, the author? Well, look, Anne McCaffrey gave me my first blurb. I kind of have to go with Anne McCaffrey there. [30]
[Rebecca Yarros:] How would our dragons interact with each other? I think your dragons would consider Saphira a bit soft. But I think Saphira would rise to the occasion. She's more humane. Like she's more human. She has more like a softness to her, as where mine are superior jerks. Well, I think also she's trying to be nice for the nice little squishy humans around her. And if she were stuck with a bunch of dragons who weren't quite so nice, she'd probably go a bit more feral. [33]
What would Eragon's signet be if he was in the Fourth Wing world instead? Probably something with fire, firebending essentially. The first spell he ever used was Brisingr, which was fire. So probably something with fire. I think that that seems appropriate. I could come up with something more exotic, but let's face it, Eragon's kind of basic. So it's going to be fire. [33]
I assume Roran would have carried a 45-70 govt in a different timeline. He absolutely would, if not a 45-90 or even a 50-110. [R]
What Taylor Swift song do you feel most represents each character? I’ve never listened to a Taylor Swift song, so … How is that even possible?? You must not have listened to a radio in the last decade. You would be correct. That is actually insane. What kind of music do you listen to? I love classical. However, mostly I listen to movie & game soundtracks while writing. And when not writing, I've had enough music, so don't listen to stuff. I can't listen to anything with English lyrics while writing. Messes with the words in my head. Nothing while lifting? Heh. Heavy Metal. Amon Amarth. That sort of thing. [T]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:00 Cafeteria_Rerika Need help finding fiction

Need help finding fiction
So, hi there my fellow Duskwood community!
Back when the sixth episode just got released I, in order to pass the time until the release of the next episode, started sitting in different VK groups (it's a Russian social network for communication, I had very little time with English back when I was a kid, but I knew Russian well) and in one of them they posted translations of works by one author about Duskwood. If I remember correctly, the author was a female, but I don't know much more about her. Neither the site where she published her work, nor anything else. There is, of course, an assumption that she is from tumblr, but I couldn’t find her there, after all I only read her works translation into Russian and I remembered them as very detailed and beautifully written works. Now quite a lot of time has passed, the group "ツDuskwood Дасквудツ" was closed and due to the fact that I did not have an account then, and I read all the news of the group through a browser, I lost that works forever. Buuut I remember a lot of her headcanons and I'm sure that if you read her works, then you will recognize her. So, will you help me?
First: I remember that with her works admins of that group were publishing this artworks above my text. They are drawn by Octiolus on Instagram and one can assume that they have nothing to do with her fictions and were picked only by admins of VK, but I clearly remember that her works were connected with Octioluss' artworks. Either she is Octiolus who drew them and also wrote fanfictions about them (which is unlikely, because then we would find info about fiction in her insta), or the author of this works was using fanarts as a base to write a story to them. For example in the first story that was connected with the first fanart her MC accidentally dpiled poured tea on Jake in the morning and after he changed his clothes they began to have a nice conversation at the same table, just like in the art.
Also she had a lot of headcanons about this two, like the tattoo of a eye on Jakes hand, which came straight from the fanarts, they both had cats, Jakes ones name was Glitch, and MCs ones was Matrix, and they were using their cats names as code names for each other to use in chats and stay anonymous, as a way to keep MC safe from Jakes pursuers. Also they both were a big fans of Ghostbusters! They were living together and most of the fanfics were little fluf paragraphs about their ordinary days together. For example a work, were the guys' lights were turned off and Jake was panicking because of the lack of a laptop and phone, while MC was trying to make him blush in every way possible.
Also, I clearly remember one of her biggest works which affected me the most (and which I actually want to reread the most) was about how Jake got forced to leave MC to keep her safe, but could do anything with himself, so he was proceeding to look after her from shadows until one evening she catches him following her and they had soul warming conversation in the end of which Jake returns to MC, promising to never do this kind of sh1t again, lol. I even remember exact scene from there, like:
After she hid behind a bush or trash can, MC waited until Jake walked next to her and abruptly stood up and said, “Do you know who to call?” as a way to check whether it's Jake or not (remember, according to the author's headcanon, they are both big Ghostbusters fans).
And so on. In most she wrote very wholesome, at least for me, fanfictions, and I would be very happy if any of you would recognize her and help me find her. Actually, even a simple link to the translated versions in VK would work, if there are people out there who will have such.
Thanks for spending your time on reading this! Even if we won't find her in the end, I'm still happy that I gave it a try. Have a nice morning/day/evening! :)
submitted by Cafeteria_Rerika to Duskwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:22 WhovianTrekkie_6366 My Star Trek Ranking Part 3: 875-851

Hi there! Just to say spoilers for all Trek and everything is just my opinion. Let's begin!
875) Man of the People (1992)
TNG 6x3
Writer: Frank Abatemarco
Director: Winrich Kolbe
The story has some cool ideas, but the dialogue and character interactions are so staid and boring I don't enjoy the episode. There is some nice foreshadowing of what will become of Deanna when we see the Ambassador's 'mother', but Deanna's actual descent is unsatisfying and a bit cringeworthy. Marina Sirtis tries her best, but she is shackled by the subpar script. Picard does get one neat speech, though: 'You cannot explain a wantonly immoral act because you believe it is connected to some higher purpose.' But overall, deathly dull.
874) Virtuoso (2000)
VOY 6x13
Writer: Raf Green & Kenneth Biller, story by Raf Green
Director: Les Landau
Just a terrible use of the Doctor. The idea of him wanting to leave the ship for some civilisation that has great meaning for him is a good idea, since it brings up the debate over whether he will be allowed to go, like any non-holographic member of the crew would be. But the reason for him wanting to leave is so small and shallow, the whole thing comes off as ludicrous, and an insult to his character. I do enjoy some of the singing, though, and the final scene where he is cast aside by those who once hero-worshipped him is kinda sad. Still awful, though.
873) The Infinite Vulcan (1973)
TAS 1x7
Writer: Walter Koenig
Director: Hal Sutherland
Messy, rough nonsense, for the most part. The plant-based aliens are interesting, but the episode's not really about them; it's about some gigantic clone of a Eugenics Wars scientist who makes a gigantic clone of Spock. There's really no reason for them to be gigantic; there's some half-baked reasoning that they'll be an interplanetary peacekeeping force, but I don't totally buy into that. Their presence also distracts from what could have been an intriguing story about an alien race devastated by a human disease. The end product just comes off as schlocky, and not in a fun way.
872) Such Sweet Sorrow Part One (2019)
DSC 2x13
Writer: Michelle Paradise, Jenny Lumet & Alex Kurtzman
Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi
I have pretty much the same criticisms of this as with Part Two; the problems are just less prominent here. First, I hate Spock saying he'll go with Burnham, as I don't buy into the connection the writers have tried to build between this fifty-year-old character I love and this new one I'm indifferent to. Second, the Control storyline is dull and its connection to the dreadful portrayal of Section 31 makes it worse. And third, because I've connected with almost none of the Discovery crew (the only exceptions being Saru and also Jett Reno), I simply don't care about the great final problem they're facing.
Also, let's get real here: they don't need to go to the future to defeat Control. Just find Lieutenant Kirk and get him to talk it to death!
871) Wolf in the Fold (1967)
TOS 2x14
Writer: Robert Bloch
Director: Joseph Pevney
I just feel so tapped out and uninterested throughout this. There are some cool creepy shots with Scotty standing, dazed, over murdered women holding a knife, that make you wonder how in the hell he didn't do it. But a few cool shots do not a good episode make. The bulk of the material is meandering and repetitive, with Scotty continually being tested, then seemingly murdering another woman. I do actually kinda like the final sequence on the Enterprise, which is quite a large part of the episode. It's only fine however, although the reveal that the villain is Jack the Ripper is just insane enough for me to enjoy.
870) Time Squared (1989)
TNG 2x13
Writer: Maurice Hurley, story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller
Director: Joseph L Scanlan
Big yawn. Again, time travel isn't always my favourite (although it can be amazing!), and it's put to poor use here. They try to build up a mystery surrounding the future destruction of the Enterprise, but I'm never fully invested in it. It isn't a complete flop, though: seeing Picard slowly take the same steps to the ship's destruction as his future self is sort of neat. Overall, competently done; the story just didn't grab me.
869) The Child (1988)
TNG 2x1
Writer: Jaron Summers, Jon Povill & Maurice Hurley
Director: Rob Bowman
This episode could have been so much more. The ball-of-light alien that impregnates Deanna to study human childrearing obviously has benign intentions: it makes the experience as physically painless as possible for her. But the fact remains that it forcibly impregnated this woman, which is morally reprehensible to humans. This could have been a challenging story about where the line is drawn in accepting other philosophies, or having to condemn something as utterly unacceptable. It could also have served as an allegory for how women who give birth due to rape, I imagine, have extremely conflicted feelings about their children.
But instead, the episode portrays Deanna, and everybody else, as 100% OK with what's happened, and implies that a woman should be pleased to have a child even when it is born of rape. It also doesn't at all go into the moral complexity of what the alien did: how it didn't see it as wrong, but the crew should.
This episode, as the first one of TNG Season 2, does have a few nice firsts that I'll point out, though. Geordi becomes Chief Engineer, Worf gets his yellow shirt, Guinan makes her debut and has a neat subplot with Wesley, and most importantly, Riker grows his beard, the source of all his power and sexiness. We also meet Pulaski for the first time, and while I hate her here for how she mistreats Data, she will grow on me over the course of the season. Despite these important firsts, this is still a troubling episode.
868) Bound (2005)
ENT 4x17
Writer: Manny Coto
Director: Allan Kroeker
The twist that it is the Orion men who are the slaves and the women who are the slavemasters is nice, but it's a reveal we get to by slogging through a painful forty-five minutes. So much of this feels so sleazy, especially the beginning dance scene; just eye-candy for male viewers. The plot is also thin and uninteresting.
I will give kudos for Trip and T'Pol's storyline, though: it's great how their mental connection means Trip is also immune to the Orion women's pheromones, and so they get to grow closer while defeating the invaders. After they'd started to divide from each other since the Kir'Shara three-parter and Trip's departure from Enterprise, it's really satisfying to see their romance bloom again here. The scene where T'Pol asks Trip to come back and kisses him is lovely. That storyline's what saves this episode from being irredeemably bad.
867) If Memory Serves (2019)
DSC 2x8
Writer: Dan Dworkin & Jay Beattie
Director: TJ Scott
OK, so I've already beaten this drum a lot, but this episode is another example of the Spock's sister idea that I so despise. This episode unrestrainedly nails Burnham into Spock's childhood, realising my worst fears about what this part of her character would mean, as it devalues the story of Spock's early life. The episode is salvaged slightly by Captain Pike's storyline with Vena; there's one nice scene between them in his ready room. You do feel the emotional impact of his seeing her again, but it's still only one scene.
866) Coming of Age (1988)
TNG 1x18
Writer: Sandy Fries
Director: Mike Vejar
Wesley's up for selection, Picard's under inspection, and both storylines are equally bland. The process this episode puts forward for how candidates get into the Academy is ridiculous and convoluted and is happily retconned by later episodes. Picard's inspection serves as an underwhelming set-up for an underwhelming later episode, Conspiracy. So, overall, really nothing I enjoy here.
865) The Masterpiece Society (1992)
TNG 5x13
Writer: Adam Belanoff & Michael Piller, story by James Kahn & Adam Belanoff
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Another rare misstep from the later seasons of TNG. I just find this episode paralysingly boring, which is a shame considering its intriguing subject matter. A society where everyone is genetically engineered to be perfect, and absolutely necessary to that society's functioning. Very interesting. But the execution of the idea falls flat, as none of the guest cast really hit, and a lot of screentime is swallowed up by a dull Deanna romance.
864) Aquiel (1993)
TNG 6x13
Writer: Brannon Braga & Ronald D Moore, story by Jeri Taylor
Director: Cliff Bole
Constantly feels like it's got another shoe that's about to drop, and gives you a lot of potential paths that shoe could take. But when the drop finally occurs, it's rather underwhelming and out-of-left-field, although it is a decent surprise. I also don't care for the Geordi romance; just another example of a bland Trek one-episode romance.
863) Unexpected (2001)
ENT 1x4
Writer: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: Mike Vejar
An episode that tries to be intriguing, then tries to be funny, and largely fails on both counts. I appreciate that they were trying to convey how strange and otherworldly the alien ship's environment was, but the visuals and sounds used to do so ended up coming off clunky. This episode also circumnavigates the absence of a holodeck in ENT by having an alien one. This feels very cheap and forced, especially considering how early in the show it is. It's like they didn't trust the audience to enjoy the show without all the trappings of the 24th Century.
After Trip returns to Enterprise, there is some solid comedy with his pregnancy. Him acting hormonal and stuff; that's kinda funny. Connor Trinneer plays it well, for sure. The bit where he has to admit to the Klingons that he's pregnant is also funny, but overall this series of events is too long-drawn out.
862) Eye of the Beholder (1994)
TNG 7x18
Writer: Rene Echevarria, story by Brannon Braga
Director: Cliff Bole
It was all a dream! Oooooh! Yeah, this one frustrates me. I was rather enjoying the episode up until they made that reveal. The inexplicable suicide of a crewmember is weighty and intriguing, and Deanna's psychic experiences seem to add fascinating pieces to the puzzle. But then it's revealed that almost the entire episode happened inside her mind, meaning that all that stuff I enjoyed didn't happen. The resolution that what she experienced were all psychic echoes from a previous murder is cool, but I wish they'd thought of a way to actually have this episode's content actually happen. Also not a fan of Worf/Deanna, but I mean, who is?
861) The Mark of Gideon (1969)
TOS 3x16
Writer: George F Slavin & Stanley Adams
Director: Jud Taylor
The deliberate misunderstanding over the beam-down coordinates is unbelievable, as Spock would surely have noticed the discrepancy immediately. The story itself is interesting: a planet so overpopulated everyone is literally packed right in with each other. But the exploration of this idea falls flat: Kirk has another bland romance on the Enterprise replica and Spock has a very dry B-plot about navigating diplomatic vagaries. Also find the ending of the Gideons asking the Enterprise to leave, rather than discussing relocation, a little off.
860) Human Error (2001)
VOY 7x18
Writer: Brannon Braga & Andre Bormanis, story by Andre Bormanis & Kenneth Biller
Director: Allan Kroeker
When I first watched VOY on TV with my parents as a kid, I knew that Chakotay and Seven got together at some point, and I was looking forward to seeing their romance. As the seasons passed by, and nothing was ever established between them, I grew increasingly confused as to why they hadn't started their romance story yet. Then we get to this episode in the latter half of the final season, which is the only episode before the finale where anything is written for them. That is nowhere near enough build-up for their relationship, even if this episode was good, which it isn't.
I do find Seven's exploration of her human side in the holodeck interesting and actually quite sad, but it's still mostly bland, especially her interactions with the holographic Chakotay. They don't put much effort into making their relationship individual and unique to them; their interactions are all quite generic. The problem that develops with Seven's emotion-inhibiting implants is whatever, and the episode leaves you thinking: 'That's it? That's all they're doing to establish their relationship?!'
859) Saints of Imperfection (2019)
DSC 2x5
Writer: Kirsten Beyer
Director: David Barrett
The stupid black badges aside, I was quite excited to see Section 31 on my first watch of DSC after they were teased in Point of Light. Then this happened, and I discovered how the organisation would be treated for the entirety of DSC Season 2, and indeed nu-Trek as a whole.
Section 31 does not have ships, anymore than they have a base. They are also almost entirely unknown by the population of the Federation. This episode begins this portrayal of them as a public wing of Starfleet, which I have already ranted against in previous posts. I also hate the scene at the end between Pike, Leland and Admiral Cornwell. Our boy Pike at least stands up for Starfleet morals, as a Starfleet officer should, but he's shut down by Cornwell, who defends Section 31 as a necessary part of the Federation's existence.
This fundamentally undermines the optimistic future of Trek, as it presents the Federation as an organisation that permits Obsidian Order-type activities, like murders and abductions, to further its interests. When in reality Section 31 is a secret, rogue organisation of Federation citizens who violate everything the Federation stands for, and are presented as such to the audience. This dreadful portrayal is a problem throughout the entire season, but it's strongly featured here, which is why this episode is down so low.
I will say that the main story of Discovery entering the mycelial network is an interesting sci-fi concept, and there's a classic Trek story about making sure not to damage the life-forms who we discover in this episode live in the network. The finding of the presumed-dead Doctor Culber is OK too.
858) The Ambergris Element (1973)
TAS 1x13
Writer: Margaret Armen
Director: Hal Sutherland
One thing I appreciate TAS for is the fact that it really used the fact that it's animated. It told stories that visually couldn't have been done in live-action at the time. That being said, I wish the stories themselves were better. This feels like the writer thought 'Let's do an episode underwater', and never fleshed it out beyond that original idea. The plot is predictable, the guest characters' conflict thin, and I don't like the design of the big seamonster. Kirk and Spock's transformation is neat, though.
857) Persistence of Vision (1995)
VOY 2x8
Writer: Jeri Taylor
Director: James L Conway
Illusion storylines aren't generally my favourite thing either, and this is a weak depiction of that story type. It all feels weird and ethereal, a vibe I like, but without any substance to make me invested in the episode. Has a solid use of Kes to defeat the alien in the end, but beyond that I think this is an unimpressive outing. I'll also take this opportunity to vent that we never got a conclusion to Janeway's governess holodeck program, because I was genuinely curious about that story.
856) The Fight (1999)
VOY 5x19
Writer: Joe Menosky, story by Michael Taylor
Director: Winrich Kolbe
This is a good example of the VOY writers having no clue what to do with Chakotay. They often give him episodes that could happen to any character: here they give him a sudden interest in boxing, that we've never seen from him before. Just feels so generic, and not individual to his character.
The episode itself is extremely underwhelming. I do like some of the imagery and directorial choices in Chakotay's boxing visions, but that's about it: the actual story, of Chakotay going mad whilst trying to communicate with these otherworldly aliens, is serviceable but executed unimpressively. Not for me.
855) Manhunt (1989)
TNG 2x19
Writer: Tracy Torme
Director: Rob Bowman
The worst TNG Lwaxana episode, by far. There's some enjoyable comedy when Picard is trapped alone with Lwaxana, who insists the Captain's attracted to her, but the episode soon meanders into nothingness. Picard hides in the holodeck, where nothing happens, then Riker hides, and nothing continues to happen, then Lwaxana comes, there's some comedy, and the episode ends with her being embarrassed by choosing a holographic man as her mate. You keep thinking some other shoe is going to have to drop, but the episode just whittles away its time on the holodeck. Truly pointless.
854) Prodigal Daughter (1999)
DS9 7x11
Writer: David Weddle & Bradley Thompson
Director: Victor Lobl
This feels like an episode of Murder, She Wrote, and not even a good one. It's a good decision to have Ezri return to her family so we can get some background on the new character, but her family's business politics are so dull and dry, as are their emotional conflicts. The murder doesn't do anything to pull me further into the episode, and the resolution is a decent twist, but the emotional impact is limited. Just generic, soap operatic family drama.
853) Alter Ego (1997)
VOY 3x14
Writer: Joe Menosky
Director: Robert Picardo
Ah, they had to give Robert Picardo a hologram episode for his directorial debut, didn't they? That's cool. Unfortunately, the episode is not cool. There is an interesting shift from it being a Harry episode to it becoming a Tuvok episode (we've never really seen that before in any other Trek episode), but the story remains equally unintriguing for both of them. The revelation that the holographic woman Harry's infatuated with, and who develops feelings for Tuvok, is actually a lonely woman, sparks zero emotion in me.
852) Heroes and Demons (1995)
VOY 1x11
Writer: Naren Shankar
Director: Les Landau
Ah, the holodeck episode formula. Characters go inside a holodeck, something goes wrong and the safety protocols are switched off or something, and they have to struggle out of whatever setting they've been flung into. These episodes can be good, even great, but this is not one of those times.
I will say that it's a logical early use for the Doctor, but I feel his story falls flat during the course of the episode. Robert Picardo is sublimely sarcastic and put-upon, as always, but the writing doesn't serve him very well here. There's little to no emotional weight from his interactions with the Beowulf characters, and the confrontations with 'Grendel' are bland. Hang in there, Doc, you've got some great episodes in your future.
851) Fascination (1994)
DS9 3x10
Writer: Philip LaZebnik, story by Ira Steven Behr & James Crocker
Director: Avery Brooks
Yeah, the DS9 Lawxana Troi episodes... they are really not it. As a teen, I actually kinda enjoyed this one, but I find it tiresome and tedious now. It's sort of fun to see all the characters going after weird partners (Jadzia after Sisko, Quark after Keiko, Kira and Julian after each other - the actors of course were briefly married in real life). However, it's only fun up to a point, and mostly makes me bury my head in my hands in disinterest.
I'm also really cross that this was the penultimate appearance of Vedek Bareil, one of DS9's superb recurring characters. With his death coming up in a few episodes, do they give us a dignified penultimate outing for the character? No, they have him make a fool of himself chasing after Jadzia. Just really frustrating to see. Lwaxana also plays little role in the episode; her lack of presence is again surprising given how dominant of a personality she is.
Well, that's it for today. I swear I will get more positive in time; I'm just moving through a lot of the bad episodes right now. We're not even out of my bottom 100 yet, after all. Thank you very much for reading, and Live Long and Prosper!
submitted by WhovianTrekkie_6366 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:14 Everettluoma27 From here to Armageddon (continuation)

(In 1999 President Clinton declared June as "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month." In 2021 President Biden changed it to "LGBTQ Pride Month.")
We have written about the Commitment of Marriage by A MAN and A WOMAN To God as being one of the necessary components to also becoming a PARENT for God which means pro-creating your species. (SEE Law #8 "You Must Not Commit Adultery.").
Now the DIVINE and SACRED "act' which was created by GOD for the procreation of the species you ones call "sexual union". God created YHIS DIVINE UNION to be performed between ONE man and ONE woman specifically for maintaining the balanced level of the species for each given planetary system. Now the "fallen" ones or adversaries of GODNESS have completely perverted and maligned this once "sacred" and "divine" act that at one time was DONE with complete LOVE and DEVOTION to THE FATHER within each partner, so that it (sex) is now called "a birthright" to be done often, with impunity and with MANY partners of either sex and without consideration of LOVE or responsible pro-creation. How we and THE FATHER weep for you! this ONE abuse of God's creation has nearly destroyed your species! Let us quote once again from, "AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL: I AM SANANDA" - Pg. 55:
"The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest degree of pure intent and preparation, for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind upon the planet. If everything is done and adhered to, justice and peace will come to all mankind, and life in the human form can be preserved.
"If man continues his selfish and imprudent behavior, he will sound his own death tariff. There reaches a point beyond which a planet cannot support the unbalanced system perpetrated by mankind. And yet, so shall it come to pass (Read this carefully!) that man will not listen and Bring destruction upon his own species. It will come about in some two millennium that man will have reached the point of self destruction. (.This is 1991 friends, have you fulfilled this prophecy of Jesus the Christ IImmanuel and OTHER prophets before him?!?). And so it is projected by the prophets and shall it come to pass in its time of fulfillment and in my time of fulfillment." End of quote.
Let's begin with God's directive about marriage and Pro-creation between A MAN and A WOMAN. It is very clear that this DOES NOT say, marriage and "the sexual act" is OK between a man and s man, or a woman and a woman, or TWO men and ONE woman or THREE women and ONE man, or etc. Again, the laws of balance are LOGICAL, meaning they were created specifically to maintain BALANCE within The Creation.
Because of the various degrees of deliberate, systematic and malevolently lewd and lascivious sexual behaviors, which are the corruption of the DIVINE UNION, and which have been and are practiced by most on your plane, the warning given above by our beloved Jesus Immanuel is transpiring before your very eyes in this time frame!
The sexual "act".was specifically designed to be performed by ONE man and ONE woman who had committed THEIR DIVINE LOVE AS ONE in the union of marriage, ordained by GOD. Through this union OF LOVE, the act of sexual intercourse between a husband and his wife for pro-creation was a most sacred and honored responsibility, an extension of the LOVE and COMMITMENT TO GOD in his service as PARENTS of HIS Children.
Now remwember the law of "Cause and Effect". The EFFECTS of breaking this one directive of God are all about you today. Over-Population and the spread of fatal venereal and blood-borne diseases, such as Syphilis and AIDS, are proving to be YOUR self-punishment to the point of creating the nearly complete destruction of your human species on Earth.
So let there be NO misunderstanding. The following BEHAVIORS are specifically and undeniably AGAINST OR CONTRARY TO THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION:
  1. Any Homosexual sexual activity between two or more men is strictly forbidden.
  2. Any Homosexual sexual activity between two or more women is strictly forbidden.
  3. Any BI-Sexual sexual activity between two or more men and women is strictly forbidden.
KEEP IN MIND WE ARE SPECIFICALLY REFERRING TO "SEXUAL" ACTIVITIES, NOT LOVE, INTIMACY (Sharing soul-deep closeness and specialness of the friendship), COHABITATION (Sharing living quarters/home together), AND FRIENDSHIP between members of the same sex. Meaning that it is the LEWD, LUSTFUL AND IRRESPONSIBLE "SEXUAL ACT' THAT IS SPECIFICASLLY AND STRICTLY AGAINST GOD and LIFE!
  1. Any Anal 9Sodomy) sexual intercourse performed between asny persons, male or females, is strictly forbidden.
  2. Any sexual activity perfbrmed with ANIMALS (Bestiality) by any human is strictly forbidden.
  3. Any sexual activity performed by ones closely related within the same family line (Incest). For example; brother and sister, father and daughter, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, cousin and cousin, mother and son, Grandfather and Granddaughter is strictly forbidden.
  4. Any sexual activity performed (male and female) adult upon or with any child is strictly forbidden.
  5. Prostitution--the act of offering oneself, man or woman, to another for sexual relations in exchange FOR PAYMENT of same--is strictly forbidden.
  6. Any Sadistic or Masochistic sexual practices performed by anyone or ones upon self or others is strictly forbidden. Sadistic: "1. A tendency to take delight in bering cruel". Masochizstic: "1. A condition in which sexual gratification depends largely on undergoing physical pain or humiliation. 2. A tendency to derive pleasure from one's mown suffering."
  7. Any voyeuristic (one who is sexually gratified by looking at sexual (objects or acts) activity or any participation in pornographic (sexually explicit or obscene) materials, ie. movies, magazines, books, "artwork" and objects is strictly forbidden.
Please understand that it is this preoccupation with behavior of lustful and lascivious physical pleasure that YOU must each choose to avoid and rise above spiritually. The corruption and preoccupation with sexual thoughts, words and actions has become hypnotizingly OBSESSIVE and also terribly degrading to THE SPIRIT OF LIFE OF THE ONE! THIS IS NOT LOVE BY ANY DEFINITION. Can you not see this TRUTH before you and within you? Your sexual obsession MUST STOP if you are to reach beyond your mortal body into THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
Many of you, by now, are probably wondering about the act of masturbation: "Stimulation of sexual organs by oneself." First, Re-read the above paragraph. Masturbation is a self-pleasure sexual act upon SELF AND it is also what most of you couples are doing when you have "sex" together and call it "making love." The only difference is that it is the "sharing" of MUTUAL Masturbation with your partner. Mutual Masturbstion is NOT DIVINE SEXUAL UNION FOR CELEBRATING PROCREATION. When one is an "adult" and does not wish to have children, the seeking of sexual pleasure by self or with another is a transgression upon self simply BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING AND LIMITING YOUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN.
The sexual desire in this time on your place of extreme sexual preoccupation, begins for many youngsters at puberty. Many will have sexual release or dreams while they sleep. With the CAREFUL and loving guidance of the parents well before and during this time, the child will not be frightened of the changes in his/her body and will most likely occasionally indulge in masturbation for either curious explorstion or release of the physical body. Moderate or occasional masturbation done in privacy by any, either child or adult, is not harmful to THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN. Remember this parents, it can also become very harmful to a child if through his "training", he is taught to fear or despise his genitalia, or be made to feel guilt for self-sexual exploration or masturbation. He must learn about his personal responsibility and must understand ALL THE LAWS OF GOD including those governing procreation. But if you make the child feel fearful, shameful or guilty about his own personal sexual exploration, you may actually be creating for him OBSESSIVE PRE-OCCUPATION with sexuality. If the child is not exposed to constant "sexually stimulating" media, he will quickly loose interest after initial self-exploration IF HIS CREATIVE potential is encouraged, nurtured, and supported by HIS PARENTS and TEACHERS. The more spiritually aware children and adults will either not have much interest in, or gradually lose interest in sexual exploration of any kind. It is much healthier for the spirit if this process of becoming detached from sexual feelings is natural and BY choice because of spiritual UNDERSTANDING and awareness.
What you ones have labeled "sexual energy" or "libido" is actually a corruption of the creative and nurturing potential of the Spirit of GOD within YOU. LET US REPEAT THIS: YOUR "SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO" IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Let us see how your Funk and Wagnals Dictionary defines "libido." "1. Sexual desire or impulse. 2.The instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities." Did you read that clearly, friends? INSTINCTUAL CRAVING OR DRIVE BEHIND ALLK HUMAN ACTIVITIES! The catch is, precious ones, SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! The truly loving DIVINE UNIOIN, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act of PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESSW SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. Rarely do ones feel TRUE LOVE, caring friendship, affection and intimacy toward their mates on your plane. Most have simply forgotten what LOVE is. You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you? To please yourself? You ones think your sexual orgasm is ecstasy? YOU EVEN LIMIT ECSTASY!
You see, you are not your desires, you are not your emotions. YOU are THE SPIRIT of LIFE of GOD, and your spirit IS the MASTER over your dssires and emotions. Don't you see that you have simply chosen, in your illusion of ignorance and confusion, TO MAKE your emotions and desires the MASTER over your SPIRIT...YOUR GODNESS?!?
This corruption of your creative potential WAS CREATED, CONDITIONED AND MOLDED BY YHR ANTI-CHRIST. YOU IMPLY BOUGHT THE LIE AS TRUTH AND HAVE BECOME ADDICTED TO YOUR DESIRE FOR "SEX." You don't believe your "sexual" desire is created? Look around you today. Your Advertising Media as well as your Magazines, Television and Movies ARE CREATING YOUR DESIRES FOR YOU by conditioning and molding you through false "IMAGES" of what is beauty, what is "sex appeal"--in other words, by directing your attention constantly to "how" you look physically, your athletic prowess, your sex appeal and attractiveness. Why does and has this "desire"-creating worked? Because the Anti-Christ first molds the "false images" and then plays uponn your FEAR of being too unattractive, unworthy, unpopular and simply rejected by OTHERS who YOU allow TO JUDGE YOU AS A HUMAN BEING! The ANTI-Christ keeps you BOUND by the "false" promises created by your desire TO BE WORTHY of LIFE so you are too busy trying to fit the "false" mold and therefore do not develop your creative spiritual potential within! How dare YOU feel UNWORTHY because of believing the nonsense of the false "IMAGES"! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS TRUTH! YOU ARE GOD'S TEMPLE!
Advertisers are always selling "their image" of what you ones call "romance" and you are encouraged to think it means passionate "sexual" fulfillment. Your dictionary describes "romance" as: 1. A love affair. 2. A kind of love between the sexes, characterized by high ideals of devotion, and strong ardor. 3. Adventurous, heroic, or exotic nature: romance of far away places." When you crave romance, whether you know it or not, it does not mean "sexual" affair, dear ones, it means LOVE AFFAIR, you are craving to experience within you GOD'S LOVE OF LIFE, you crave to feel "ALIVE", ie.warm and intense feelings, eagerness and zeal. WHY? Because you are bored and spiritually unfulfilled with the self-created "limits" of your life. (Limits which the "controlled" media has set you up for in the first place.).You are out of balance and you are seeking to ignite your CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN. ROMANCE is the promise of ADVENTURE and JOY for experiencing THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, OF GOD, within you. You see, ROMANCE is not sexual adventure or a place to go; it is your desire to feel and KNOW GOD within you. You can experience romance through the sharing of devoted and adventurous LOVE of LIFE with your mate. Regardless of what your media "hype" tells you, remember this, your desire for romance is your desire for CHANGE from a limited and spiritually unfulfilling existence, to recognizing and EXPERIENCING your UNLIMITED Creative Spiritual Potential within.
The next time you have a "sexual" urge, look around you, what have you been watching, reading or participating in which created this desire? Men, when you see a physically "beautiful" woman, is your FIRST thought admiration and appreciation of this GIFT of loveliness and do you wonder about the loveliness and beauty of HER SPIRIT? OR, instead, do you first wonder about the pleasure you would receive if you could have "sexual union" with her? And the same holds for you women who call yourselves "liberated" which usually means, "sexually" liberated and same equal "rights" as men to have many "casual" sexual encounters.
Recxognize that this "sexual urge" is really UNFULFILLED creative potential screaming to be released from the self-imposed "limit" or boundary of THE physical sexual ACT. Act: 1. To play a part of; impersonate. 2. To serve temporarily or as a substitute. To PRETEND." The sexual act is limiting, substituting and imperonating YOUR CREATIVE AND SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT TO KNOW GOD. When you truly understand and recognize this truth, your creative spiritual unfoldment can no longer BE FRUSTRATED AND LIMITED to the repetition of a silly and truly unfulfilling "sexual act."
Does this mean you are expected, by self and GOD, to STOP all sexual activity NOW? ONLY if it is YOUR choice made with the JOY of TRULY understanding and thus having the freedom of dewtachment from this "ADDICTION" and no desire to pro-create. For most of you, especially adults, "sexual behavior" has now become addictive, so you must treat it as such. Remove as much of the "temptation" from your presence as possible, just as the alcoholic must remove himself from "bars" and must remove the alcohol from his home. Be gentle with self, carefully abide by the list of TEN items above which are "STRICTLY FORBIDDEN" sexual behaviors (including Adultery). If yiou are single or married and have addiction to the "sexual act", use occasional masturbation as the lesser of the evils "if you must." If you are happily married and both have "enjoyed" your addiction to the monogamous mutual masturbation of your sexual act, both partners will need to become detached for the addiction to bed gone.
So be gentle with self and your mate, but be aware and responsible to "consequences" (such as pregnancy).and persistent in your goal (to self) to release and detach from ALL things of Physical Manifestation. Simply RECOGNIZE without punishing self with guilt and shame that this is a transgression against the Creative spirit of life within you. For a time accept that you will have desire because you are "addicted" and many of you understand it as an "extension" of your love. Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longe appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!
submitted by Everettluoma27 to u/Everettluoma27 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:05 pianomanenjoyer Bad thoughts about a K-pop idol have basically ruined K-pop for me

This post is an update/continuation to this post I wrote almost a year ago. I recommend reading that post before this one to get a better understanding of my situation. However, please keep in mind that I wrote that almost a year ago and a lot has changed since that, I don't agree with everything I said there anymore and I'm even embarrassed by some things I said in the post or in the comments.
As I said, a lot has changed since I wrote the original post. However, things related to Moonbyul and K-pop still bother me a lot and make me feel all kinds of bad feelings. It's just the reasons why i feel bad about it that have changed, not the topic itself.
Last time the thing that bothered me the most was other people's sexual comments about Moonbyul. I still do not like seeing that type of comments, but I don't get such extreme anxiety if I see them anymore. That could be because I do my best to avoid all comment sections related to her and I have probably just accepted the fact that there will always be that type of comments and got used to them. Despite that, I wouldn't say I'm getting any better at handling comments about her. Nowadays I feel like every comment affects me in some way. And it doesn't even have to be a direct comment about her looks for example, it can be anything that's written/said about her on the internet. These texts about her on the internet have made me pay attention on things I didn't pay any attention before even in quite an obsessive way. For example once I saw someone saying that they think Moonbyul sounds annoying and when I saw that comment I just thought "okay, that's their opinion, I don't agree and that is completely fine" but later I couldn't stop thinking if she sounds annoying or not when listening to Mamamoo's songs. It feels like the more I know about her, the worse I feel.
Other thing about Moonbyul that I have struggled with is overanalyzing things about her. I have often interpreted something she said in a way that makes her seem like a bad person. For example if she says something to another Mamamoo member to tease her, I might start thinking "oh no, she's a rude person" even though I know it's a joke and I wouldn't interpret it that way if literally anyone else said it. I also overanalyze her pictures and if she looks angry for example, it makes me thing she's a bad person again.
This next thing isn't a good thing when everything I read about Moonbyul kinda changes how I see her and makes me feel bad at some point. I can spend hours obsessively trying to get information of her by googling or watching videos about her. These episodes usually start after me overinterpreting something she said and thinking she's a bad person and trying to find evidence that she's not. I also often remember something she said or a video I saw and then i get an impulse to find the article or video right now to see what exactly happened. Luckily sometimes I can resist the urge to start obsessively getting information but when i can't these episodes last for a long time, they don't just stop after I find the information I wanted. I just keep reading/watching everything I see about her. During these moments I also read comments and take screenshots of everything I see in case I need to see them later. Sometimes these episodes are so bad that I can't stop even if I want to and that makes me cry.
Because of all of this, I have now been on a break from Moonbyul, Mamamoo and whole K-pop for over 2 months. It just feels safe. I can't get any bad thoughts about Moonbyul or start obsessing over her if i stay away from her. The only things related to her I can do right now is checking her instagram multiple times a day and carefully thinking about her. If i think about this too deeply, I can start to feel anxious/bad. At the same time being on this break feels bad and I would like to end it and start listening to K-pop again but it feels too overwhelming even if I got back at my own pace and wouldn't stress about it. I have so many concerns about it: What if I get bad thoughts about her? What if I want to obsessively get information about her again? What if I don't like Moonbyul or have a crush on her anymore? What if Moonbyul/Mamamoo/K-pop feels distant after such a long break and I can't get back into it again? So many worries... It feels like these bad thoughts and other bad things I have experienced have ruined a whole music genre for me and made me fear someone/something i used to love.
Somehow I also want to feel these bad feelings and experience bad things related to this regularly to ensure me that I am still experiencing them. I don't like the thought that they would just suddenly stop from happening. That would make me think I was just lying to myself and that they never mattered. I have also tried to force myself to feel bad feelings because of this.
In the comment section of my last post, many people suggested me to get professional help and I actually tried it. Unfortunately despite me showing my previous post to the people I talked to, they managed to misunderstand everything and thought the thing I wanted to talk about is my sexuality and not my bad feelings and thoughts. I never managed to tell them that that's not the issue I wanted to discuss and now I'm not even talking to the people anymore. I'm talking to another professional now for a different reason, but I don't think I will ever be able to tell about this to them. This just feels so stupid and meaningless.
That's why I'm asking your help. I know this isn't anything super severe and it's just a small, stupid and meaningless thing, but it bothers me a lot and it makes me feel bad and anxious. I'm really scared and embarrassed to post this because how stupid and cringe this feels as well. It also feels super weird that all of this is because of a real person, especially when it's really hard for me to understand that Moonbyul is actually a real living person. Especially now when she feels so distant, because I have been on a break from everything related to her for so long. I'm hopeless and I have no idea what to do about this. I wish I could just go back in time when I didn't have these bad thoughts and weird and even obsessive behaviours and was just able to listen to K-pop and like Moonbyul in peace. So if you have any suggestions how I could get back into Moonbyul/Mamamoo/K-pop and stop all these bad things related to them from happening, please leave a comment.
Thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it. I would also appreciate if you left any advice, suggestions or thoughts to the comment section. This post was basically just me writing whatever comes to my mind so it might not make much sense and it might be hard to understand for someone else. I also tried to keep it as short as possible and therefore probably forgot to say many important things. So feel free to ask if you want more information or didn't understand something. Please remember to stay nice and respectful :)
submitted by pianomanenjoyer to kpophelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:05 BiasMushroom Under Pressure (A NoP Fic Ch69) Part 12

Nature of Humanity Ch 69 A NoP fic
Under Pressure Part 12
A Fanfic of u/SpacePaladin15’s work “The Nature of Predators.” Thank you for the story!
Memory transcription subject: Silvera, Factory 13 Manager
Date [standardized human time]: November 4th, 2136
I helped John to his feet and had to admit, he was moving around without the aid of pain medications like someone who wasn’t really hurt. He stretched, and I could finally see hundreds of scars under the pelt of fur he sported on his chest. My paws found their way to his torso and began to trace the trauma lines. His own hand found its way to the top of my back as he stood still and allowed me to actually look at his body.
My curiosity sated, I took a step back and tried to hide my embarrassment, “I apologize. When you told me about the fights where- Well… I didn’t realize just how bad it was. If it wasn’t for how fresh they are I wouldn’t be able to see where those purist fucks hurt you.”
A shameful smile spread across John’s face, “Yeah… I’ve not lived a good life. I’ve just tried to- oh hello there.”
A Venlil I didn’t recognize stood next to John. Her voice seemed off as she teetered back and forth. Before either of us could ask if she needed help, she held a small gooey orange mess up to John, “You have a soft voice. Please take care of her.”
It was only when what, I thought, was a tentacle drooped down from the orange goo did it click what I was looking at. Her lower side was caked in orange blood and the small mass she just handed John was a newborn, umbilical and placenta still attached. John quickly clutched the newborn to his chest the second he realized what was in his hands. The mother began to uneasily run off with little readable emotion on her face.
John desperately looked around as he cradled the newborn in his arms, “Stop her! HEY! SOMEONE STOP HER!”
I was torn between trying to help John and tearing after the new mother. For the first time in my life, I was glad to see exterminators. The trio John had intimidated were still close by and quickly rushed to stop her.
I rushed back to John's side and called an ambulance for both of them. John seemed to be in a fog. Concern and fear laced every feature of his face as he held the child. He looked to me for some sort of answer. I could only shake my head as I leaned in to get a better view of the infant.
It was difficult to judge on their wool color, but they seemed to have their mother’s steel-gray wool. John was shaking slightly as the trio brought the mother back over, “We caught her. What’s going on?”
John held the wriggling mess in his arms, “She- she just handed me her newborn! I- we have an ambulance on the way for both of them. I just- why?”
We studied the neutral-sick look on her face as she slowly bobbed back and forth. She didn't seem capable of responding. One of the exterminators took off his hood to reveal his Venlilian features, “She's definitely been through a PD facility… it looks like they… well… she's certainly on a cocktail of something.”
John happily took a clean rag from one of the other exterminators and wrapped the placenta and umbilical cord in it, while trying to use a free edge to clean the child, “Thank you. … She needs help. They both need help. I think this little one is addicted as well.”
The meekest of the trio took off their hood revealing their chameleon scales, “Addicted? The baby was just born, how can it be addicted to anything?”
Tears were welling in his eyes, “The drugs get into the mother's bloodstream and are carried right into the baby. It can be lethal if you aren't careful. It was really only blind luck that I was able to do this before.”
The boldest one took off his hood. The Brown colored Venlil looked sad, “You've done this before? … I guess that little one is luckier than they know. Star’s guide you. I don't know what I'd do if someone herd swapped that pup with me.”
I had repressed the memories of my old herds doing the same to me. John looked up confused as I explained, “Herd Swapping is when a group decides that one of its members isn't worth keeping around but feel bad about just abandoning them. So they find another group, and quickly dump off the unwanted before they have a chance to reject them. It's not a fun practice to be on the receiving end of.”
He gently pressed a finger to the tip of the pup's snout. Slowly his gaze drifted to the barely conscious mother, “Mam… I'll take care of them. Do you have a name for them? Would you like to hold them.”
Her head bobbed for a moment before a flicker of some consciousness crossed through her eyes, “Aaaaaa. Aaaaalaaa… Aalvi. Heeer name iiiis Alvi.”
She was barely able to hold her arms up as John gently placed that small pup into them. He supported her arms as she held Alvi to her chest. The Harchen helped her sit on the ground as she gently groomed her pup.
As the sounds of sirens started to penetrate the indoor park she pressed her pup once more into my boyfriend's arms as paramedics rushed in. John stood to his full height and the medics halted to a stop before the bold Exterminator let out a loud sigh, “Get over here and do your damn jobs! We are placing a hold on her. Once she's stable, she is to be transferred to our care under Dr. Audefen.”
It felt terrible watching her get arrested once more for Predator Disease, but there wasn’t anything I could do. John, however, could and chose to intervene, “Our care? She needs rehab! Rehab and a good Counselor most likely.”
The boldest one and the Harchen both asked simultaneously,
“What's Rehab?”
“What's a Counselor?”
He looked aghast for a moment, “Rehab… is a place dedicated to helping people get off addictive drugs. A Counselor is a trained professional that helps people that are neurodivergent live in society.”
The meekest looked confused, “Neurodivergent?”
He let out a long depressed sigh, “People that… I guess don't fit the norm.”
The paramedics strapped the mother down to the gurney. We watched as they administered an IV packet and began to haul the mother away. John took a half step after them, “Wait! The baby! Are you not going to-”
The older one angrily flicked her tail, “Are they breathing?”
Rage flicked in John's eyes, “What?! Yes!”
The medic stomped her foot, “Then you can take them to the hospital if you have any concerns.”
John raised his voice and took a step forward, “The child might be addicted-”
She spat back with vitriol, “I’ve seen PD babies before. That one doesn’t have any of the signs of infant addiction. The mother overdosed, likely moments after giving birth. Take the child to a pediatrician and explain the situation. We are done here.”
John stood there speechless as they left Bio-dome. The meekest exterminator pushed his wheelchair up behind him, and I finally noticed John's legs were extremely wobbly. The other two helped him sit down just in time.
The boldest one patted John on the shoulder, “Well, uhm, congratulations on becoming a Father?”
His chin quivered as he looked at the small person in his arms, “I- … at least until I can get them properly adopted.”
The Harchen looked ashamed as they shook their head, “Yeah, good luck with that.”
John looked hurt and confused. I placed my paw on his arm, “No one would adopt me because I was different and all I needed was a back brace. They are the child of a P.D. patient. If it's not you- if it's not us, then they have no one.”
He looked to be on the verge of hyperventilating, “I! You! Are you serious? This- I wasn't trying to volunteer you, for this.”
I gave him a kind smile and gently squeezed his arm, “I'm in it for the long haul. But we can talk about this later. We need to get Alvi here to a doctor.”
The bold one replaced their hood, “Dr. Audefen should be more than qualified to do a check-up. He has one of the best clinics outside Zurulian space. Do you guys need a lift?”
I signalled no, “I can take them to your guild.”
John stammered out, “Wait! I don't have a baby seat! Its- oh for fuck's sake. Right… not a thing outside of Earth.”
I squeezed his arm again and he began to calm down, “I'll take it slow John. While this, uhm, Audefen is doing a check-up I'll call some friends and see if they can get or make this ‘baby seat’ you want.”
John cradled little Alvi a bit closer and nodded his head. He slowly looked to the trio of exterminators he once butted heads with, “Can you guys go tell Da- Chief Loke about the situation? I came here with him and I don't want him worrying. Oh, and uh… Chodri?”
The boldest one looked at him curiously, “Yeah?”
John looked a little ashamed, “Well two things, first sorry for how I treated you guys earlier. That wasn't right.”
The trio looked a little uncomfortable as that memory was dragged back up. Chodri looked everywhere but at John, “Uh… thanks I guess?”
I can't describe the look on John's face as he ordered, “Also give me your shirt.”
They took a half step back, “What?!”
“I uh, gave mine to my girlfriend and uh…” He nodded towards the pup and then outside, “wait… I can just use my jacket as insulated swaddling. Never mind.”
“Wait.” Chodri pulled his jacket off and helped John swaddle the infant in it, “I have wool to keep me warm. I'll be warmer than you with that sparse pelt… I thought you humans didn't have fur…”
“Yeah, it's not fur. Some of us are just hairier than others. I'm not a good example of the norm.”
Chodri let out a small chuckles, “Well, I figured that much out. Go on now. Get the kid to Audefen. Make sure they are ok.” He turned on the other two, “I am going to appraise the chief of the fact that he's now technically a grandfather. You two go find out who that nurse is and pull her in for a PD test after her shift. She was all too quick to abandon a member of the herd.”
The Harchen started to protest, “But it's a-”
Chodri puffed out their chest, “No! She went through a PD facility and got released. That means she's rehabilitated. I won't have anyone treat someone who isn't a predator, like one.”
The meekest one flicked his tail at John, “What about John? He's a-”
Chodri threw his paws into the air and stomped, “STOP LOLLYGAGGING AND BY THE VOID GET TO WORK!”
The meek one and the Harchen sprinted for the exit as Chodri flicked his tail farewell. John remained fairly quiet on the ride to his guild hall. It wasn't until we stepped through the side entrance of the guild did he finally start talking, “Thank you Silv. I- god, I hoped I'd never do this again.”
Despite being a bit afraid of jumping into raising a child, I doubled down, “We got this. You've already raised one kid. How is an alien going to be more difficult?”
As if on cue the pup began to let loose an ear-splitting cry. We hurried through the side door and gathered a lot of odd looks speedwalking down the hall. A Gojid and Tilfish I didn't recognize rushed to catch up with us, “What’s going on? John! Why do you have a Venlil pup!”
I felt like being a bit of a wise ass, “Oh! That's our pup! We just had them. It is funny how a Sivkit/Human cross looks just like a Venlil!”
“OH!” The Tilfish jumped at my exclamation, “I know you! You're the conspiracy theory nut job!”
The Tilfish stomped his foot and came to a stop, “They are not theories! They are the truth!”
The Gojid came to a stop next with a look of equal parts disgust and disbelief on his face as he addressed the Tilfish, “Really? That's the part you debate? Really?”
We quickly left the two of them in the dust as we entered their Medical ward. A rather small Mazic stood up, “What is that- John? You should be in a wheelchair! What’s-”
“No time to explain! Got ‘herd swapped’ and mother was ODing on drugs! Possible addict baby! Need food, maybe for it! Freaking out and in pain! Need to sit!”
Dr. Audefen ushered John to place the infant on a small medical table as he brought the medical equipment to life. John collapsed onto a nearby bed and held his side. I rushed to him, but he pointed to Alvi with a pained expression on his face.
I nodded and returned to Audefren’s side. He brought over a machine with a dozen robotic arms with a myriad of attachments and masterfully worked the soft robotics to unswaddle the baby and remove the towel from their umbilical cord. Faster than I could really track with my vision, he had an elastic band around the base of the cord and the machine cut and whisked the cord away, all while drawing blood for a battery of tests.
He hrmmmed and hummed to himself as examined the wailing infant. He appeared to have a eureka moment as he activated an arm that began to gently sponge bathe Alvi, who calmed down almost immediately.
He gave one last glance at the screen before addressing the pair of us, “Well for starters the patient is fine and healthy without a drop of anything unexpected in her blood nor any abnormalities. I must say, John, you apparently did have time to explain! The reason for the crying was simply discomfort as the birthing fluids began to dry and irritate the sensitive skin.”
He pulled a new machine over, and it began to hum, “Judging from the CAT scan, she can’t be more than a few hours old… everything looks… perfectly normal. This is one healthy baby. Actually, it's probably not too long before she is going to want her first meal… hang on, I should have some newborn formula… around here somewhere… Ah! Here we are! You'll only need this one, and then you can switch to the [two weeks] to [six month] formula. Young Paws is an excellent brand.”
John collapsed backwards on the bed, “Th-thank you, Dr. Audefen. I- I was starting to freak out.”
Audefen waved it off with a flick of his tail, “Don't. If you have any, and I do mean any, concerns about her health or your own, call me at any time… partially because this is covered under your insurance as an Exterminator and also, I pride myself on my medical care.”
John scrunched his face up, “I have insurance?”
The Mazic rolled his eyes before looking at John like he was an idiot, “I- … YES, YOU HAVE INSURANCE. HOW- How has no-one gone over your care package? You, your spouse, and any children you have can walk in at any time or schedule an appointment.”
John lifted his head from the bed, “Can my girlfriend count as my spouse? She's decided to be the mother of my kid… that I wasn't expecting to have…”
Dr. Audefen let out a sigh before he began to signal no. Then he finally looked at me and his eyes widened, “Yes. I will make it work. Now seeing as I have all three of you here, let's get you up to date on all of your medical charts and vaccinations.”
GOOD GRIEF IT TOOK FOREVER TO GET TO THIS! John is a dad now! I have had this planned since I saw this on the discord. Also, Silvera decides, in for a penny in for a pound. It wasn’t like she was going to have kids with any of the plethora of Sivkits that live outside the grand fleet. (that was a joke. There is not a plethora of Sivkits living outside the fleet as far as I am aware, and any she would meet would not be interested because she can walk on two legs and can be rather intimidating if she wishes)
Special thanks to u/JulianSkies and u/callmefishy11 for proofreading! Seriously it felt like my eyes were melting out of my skull and your feedback was everything I needed!
Library of BiasMushroom contains every link for everything I have written! Check it out as some stuff related to Nature of Humanity may not appear on HFY! As well as my little side stories and Fanfics of other NoP fanfics!
The Nature of Humanity
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Under Pressure
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submitted by BiasMushroom to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:35 CT_Phipps (Pride) Ten Recommended LGBTA Friendly Fantasy/Scifi series

(Pride) Ten Recommended LGBTA Friendly Fantasy/Scifi series
Queer reads are something that has always existed among fiction, especially genre fiction, but it is has only recently been the case that they've allowed to start emerge from the shadows. That doesn't lesson the role they've always had, though, as many people have a compelling argument that the driving force for Trekkiedom (the godfather of all modern fandom) was actually slash fiction.
Still, it can sometimes be hard to find fiction where the characters aren't minor, killed off quickly, or allowed to express their sexuality. Plenty of other readers also assume any queer friendly work has to be focused on romance. As a queer friendly author, I know it's not THAT hard to put a prominent character in your stories but finding books containing said content can sometimes be a chore.
What are the books where the characters are LGBTQA and simply allowed to be? Well, here's my picks as a CIS heterosexual man as clearly everyone is clamoring for my insight. JK. I've tried to pick a mixture of indie and traditional.
10] Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
Blurb: The first book in #1 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison's Hollows series!
All the creatures of the night gather in "the Hollows" of Cincinnati, to hide, to prowl, to party . . . and to feed.
Vampires rule the darkness in a predator-eat-predator world rife with dangers beyond imagining—and it's Rachel Morgan's job to keep that world civilized.
A bounty hunter and a witch with serious sex appeal and an attitude, she'll bring 'em back alive, dead . . . or undead.
Review: The Hollows is an extremely fun urban fantasy series following the adventures of Rachel Morgan and her best friend Ivy that just about everyone wanted to hook up among the fandom but, sadly, didn't. Still, while Rachel seems mostly straight, Ivy remains a fantastic bisexual motorcycle riding vampire detective that really could have handled her own series. She's also a rare Asian American protagonist.
9] Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar
Blurb: Tashué’s faith in the law is beginning to crack. Three years ago, he stood by when the Authority condemned Jason to the brutality of the Rift for non-compliance. When Tashué’s son refused to register as tainted, the laws had to be upheld. He’d never doubted his job as a Regulation Officer before, but three years of watching your son wither away can break down even the strongest convictions.
Then a dead girl washed up on the bank of the Brightwash, tattooed and mutilated. Where had she come from? Who would tattoo a child? Was it the same person who killed her? Why was he the only one who cared?
Will Tashué be able to stand against everything he thought he believed in to get the answers he’s looking for?
Review: Legacy of the Brightwash is a fantastic book that is up there with Kings of Paradise for being an argument that indie doesn't mean lack of literary quality. Tashue is a bisexual man and one torn by the obligations of duty in his steampunk world that treats everyone with magic with horrifying rules as well as suspicion. Unfortunately, the choices forced on him include dealing with it appearing in his own family.
8] Miskatonic University: Elder Gods 101 by Matthew and Mike Davenport
Blurb: Miskatonic University is bathed in the blood of the students who have walked its halls. A place where the darkness is more than just shadows.
As with many of the best universities, many students having a distinguished family name—but at Miskatonic this can be as much a curse as a blessing.
Such an aged repository of occult histories has secrets of its own. Miskatonic University is an anchor for all reality. Held tentatively in place by spells woven into its walls over generations.
Someone, somewhere, is breaking those spells and all of the universe is on the brink of tearing apart.
Review: I am going to be biased toward any queer friendly HP Lovecraft material and had quite a bit to choose from (as another entry will show). In this case, I had to recommend a delightful SUPER POWERED's esque urban fantasy that is more Buffy the Vampire Slayer than cosmic horror. Still, I love the character of Ralph who wants to leave his isolated religious community to play football as well as express his sexuality. It's just that community is Innsmouth.
7] Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Blurb: Come take a load off at Viv's cafe, the first and only coffee shop in Thune. Grand opening!
Worn out after decades of packing steel and raising hell, Viv, the orc barbarian, cashes out of the warrior’s life with one final score. A forgotten legend, a fabled artifact, and an unreasonable amount of hope lead her to the streets of Thune, where she plans to open the first coffee shop the city has ever seen.
However, her dreams of a fresh start filling mugs instead of swinging swords are hardly a sure bet. Old frenemies and Thune’s shady underbelly may just upset her plans. To finally build something that will last, Viv will need some new partners, and a different kind of resolve.
Review: The archetypal example of "cozy" fantasy these days. Viv is an orc who just wants to open a coffee shop in a Medieval Dungeons and Dragons-esque setting. She's also a lesbian. This results in her having an awkward relationship with her succubus employee, who everyone has dismissed as a tart because of her species. It's actually really sweet and something that I would have loved to have a sequel to follow up on (instead we got a prequel).
6] The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Blurb: Katherine Addison returns to the glittering world she created for her beloved novel, The Goblin Emperor, in this stand-alone sequel
When the young half-goblin emperor Maia sought to learn who had set the bombs that killed his father and half-brothers, he turned to an obscure resident of his father’s Court, a Prelate of Ulis and a Witness for the Dead. Thara Celehar found the truth, though it did him no good to discover it. He lost his place as a retainer of his cousin the former Empress, and made far too many enemies among the many factions vying for power in the new Court. The favor of the Emperor is a dangerous coin.
Now Celehar lives in the city of Amalo, far from the Court though not exactly in exile. He has not escaped from politics, but his position gives him the ability to serve the common people of the city, which is his preference. He lives modestly, but his decency and fundamental honesty will not permit him to live quietly. As a Witness for the Dead, he can, sometimes, speak to the recently dead: see the last thing they saw, know the last thought they had, experience the last thing they felt. It is his duty use that ability to resolve disputes, to ascertain the intent of the dead, to find the killers of the murdered.
Celehar’s skills now lead him out of the quiet and into a morass of treachery, murder, and injustice. No matter his own background with the imperial house, Celehar will stand with the commoners, and possibly find a light in the darkness.
Katherine Addison has created a fantastic world for these books - wide and deep and true.
Review: I love THE GOBLIN EMPEROR but, sadly, Katherine Addison wasn't interested in continuing to write for the character of Maia. However, she was interested in continuing to write for her world. Thara Celehar is a priest who has the ability to talk to the dead. He's also a gay man who has had tragedy in his backstory but may well find love again (but isn't actively looking). Through him we get to explore the steampunk fantasy setting of Addison's world and its many mysteries. Who murdered an opera singer and what was their motivation? Will anyone accept the disgraced priest who, nevertheless, now has friends in high places?
5] Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice
Blurb: Here are the confessions of a vampire. Hypnotic, shocking, and chillingly sensual, this is a novel of mesmerizing beauty and astonishing force—a story of danger and flight, of love and loss, of suspense and resolution, and of the extraordinary power of the senses. It is a novel only Anne Rice could write.
Review: It's interesting to note the subtext was never particularly subtextual but a lot of people insisted it was until the movie and television show made it impossible to deny. Yes, Louis and Lestat are lovers with their adopted vampire daughter Claudia. There's also a bunch of musings about immortality, God, killing to survive, and the ennui of living in general. The series goes off the rails after the fourth book and was already pretty strange by the third. Still, the first two books are classics for a reason.
4] Villains don't date Heroes by Mia Archer
Blurb: Night Terror. The greatest villain Starlight City has ever known. The greatest supervillain the world has ever seen. She rules her city with an iron fist, and there are no new worlds to conquer.
Needless to say life is pretty damn boring.
All that changes when she decides to shake things up by robbing a bank the old fashioned way and runs into the city's newest hero: Fialux. Flying Fialux. Invulnerable Fialux. Super strong Fialux. Beautiful Fialux?
Night Terror has a new archenemy who might just be able to defeat her, but even more terrifying are the confusing feelings this upstart heroine has ignited. She doesn't like heroes like that. She definitely doesn't like girls like that. Right? Only she can't deny the flutter she feels whenever she thinks of Starlight City's newest heroine!
The line between hate and love is a razor's edge that the world's greatest villainess will have to walk if she wants to hold onto that title!
Villains Don't Date Heroes! is a lesbian scifi romance novel that explores the world of villains, antiheroes, and heroes in a whole new way!
Review: I admit this book is probably not going to be anyone's idea of a classic but it's also nice just to have something that's just plain fun. This is basically Megamind if the protagonist was a lesbian and in love with Supergirl. It's not remotely serious and yet has a lot of fun with our mad inventor heroine dealing with her very unwelcome crush that is interfering with her plans to take over the world. I didn't really gel with the series as a whole but the first book is just plain fun.
3] Dreadnought by April Daniels
Blurb: A trans teen is transformed into a superhero in this action-packed series-starter perfect for fans of The Heroine Complex and Not Your Sidekick.
Danny Tozer has a problem: she just inherited the powers of Dreadnought, the world’s greatest superhero. Until Dreadnought fell out of the sky and died right in front of her, Danny was trying to keep people from finding out she’s transgender. But before he expired, Dreadnought passed his mantle to her, and those secondhand superpowers transformed Danny’s body into what she’s always thought it should be. Now there’s no hiding that she’s a girl.
It should be the happiest time of her life, but Danny’s first weeks finally living in a body that fits her are more difficult and complicated than she could have imagined. Between her father’s dangerous obsession with “curing” her girlhood, her best friend suddenly acting like he’s entitled to date her, and her fellow superheroes arguing over her place in their ranks, Danny feels like she’s in over her head.
She doesn’t have time to adjust. Dreadnought’s murderer—a cyborg named Utopia—still haunts the streets of New Port City, threatening destruction. If Danny can’t sort through the confusion of coming out, master her powers, and stop Utopia in time, humanity faces extinction.
Review: Probably one of the best superhero novels I've ever read that just so happens to also be a trans lesbian coming of age story. Danny is a girl who lives under a homophobic father when she gains the idealized form she's always dreamed of (which was being a beautiful superpowereful woman). Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is ready to accept that the heir to the Superman equivalent is a trans girl. This includes a TERF-esque druidess and what is basically Elon Musk (surprise-surprise). I want the third book in the trilogy now.
2] Of Honey and Wildfires by Sarah Chorn
Blurb: From the moment the first settler dug a well and struck a lode of shine, the world changed. Now, everything revolves around that magical oil. What began as a simple scouting expedition becomes a life-changing ordeal for Arlen Esco. The son of a powerful mogul, Arlen is kidnapped and forced to confront uncomfortable truths his father has kept hidden. In his hands lies a decision that will determine the fate of everyone he loves—and impact the lives of every person in Shine Territory.
The daughter of an infamous saboteur and outlaw, Cassandra has her own dangerous secrets to protect. When the lives of those she loves are threatened, she realizes that she is uniquely placed to change the balance of power in Shine Territory once and for all. Secrets breed more secrets. Somehow, Arlen and Cassandra must find their own truths in the middle of a garden of lies.
Review: Sarah Chorn is an incredibly underrated indie author and a fantastic reviewer as well. Her Song of the Sefate books are the ones that everyone should read, though. Basically, Wild West stories set in an alternate world where they harvest a magical substance called shine. The protagonists are a lesbian and a transman who are primarily dealing with the plot of resistance to corporate control. It can get dark but it is fantastically written and written from a place of heart.
1] Winter's Tide by Ruthanna Emrys
Blurb: After attacking Devil’s Reef in 1928, the U.S. government rounded up the people of Innsmouth and took them to the desert, far from their ocean, their Deep One ancestors, and their sleeping god Cthulhu. Only Aphra and Caleb Marsh survived the camps, and they emerged without a past or a future.
The government that stole Aphra's life now needs her help. FBI agent Ron Spector believes that Communist spies have stolen dangerous magical secrets from Miskatonic University, secrets that could turn the Cold War hot in an instant, and hasten the end of the human race.
Aphra must return to the ruins of her home, gather scraps of her stolen history, and assemble a new family to face the darkness of human nature.
Winter Tide is the debut novel from Ruthanna Emrys, author of the Aphra Marsh story, "The Litany of Earth"--included here as a bonus.
Review: Ruthanna Emrys is a Jewish lesbian woman as well as a massive HP Lovecraft fan. You can understand why she has a different perspective than Howard Phillips on a few things. Her Innsmouth Legacy series (which needs a third book dammit) follows the adventures of Aphra Marsh as she investigates the supernatural with a closeted Jewish FBI agent, a lesbian professor of mathematics, and her bisexual debutante associate. Aphra herself is ace and someone who just doesn't think about human men or women that way.

Honorable Mention

Velveteen Versus the Junior Super Patriots by Seanan Maguire
Blurb: "How dare you? I never asked for you to hunt me down!" No, Velma Martinez hadn't. But when you had once been Velveteen, child super-heroine and one of The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division, you were never going to be free, even if your only power was to bring toys to life. The Marketing Department would be sure of that.
So it all came down to this. One young woman and an army of misfit toys vs. the assembled might of the nine members of The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division who had come to take her down.
They never had a chance.
Velveteen lives in a world of superheroes and magic, where men can fly and where young girls can be abducted to the Autumn Land to save Halloween. Velma lives from paycheck to paycheck and copes with her broken-down car as she tries to escape from her old life.
It's all the same world. It's all real. And figuring out how to be both Velveteen and Velma is the biggest challenge of her life, because being super-human means you're still human in the end.
Join us as award-winning author Seanan McGuire takes us through the first volume of Velveteen's - and Velma's - adventure.
Review: I'm a big fan of this series and am sad that it's not available on Kindle or paperback. The story follows Velvet Martinez who is a girl who can animate toys. Which is a deceptively powerful ability. One of the most interesting plotlines in the book, though, is her relationship with Sparkle Bright. Velvet assumed she had been going for her crush going up but she was actually a closeted lesbian girl (because of the Marketing DepartmentTM). Sparkle Bright gradually achieves self-actualization and starts a relationship with steampunk heroine, Victory Anna. Plus, there's the Princess who is a trans girl representing all princess tropes.
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