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FoTD - The Seventh Orion War - Part 9

2024.05.02 21:29 OldManWarhammer FoTD - The Seventh Orion War - Part 9

Gravediggers. Corpse Grinders. Skull Takers. Every unit that shared his profession had a name that was like that. As Corporal Brandy floated silently, his body suspended in a dense salt water based solution alongside eleven of his peers, he once again thought how he liked the name of his unit the best. Ghouls. His arms were stretched out, as were his legs, secured to four corners of the hull leaving him splayed open. His wrists were tethered, his ankles were tethered, all to keep him from drifting. The water was cold, felt even through the suit even though it didn’t touch him. It was only appropriate they called vessels like the one he was in Coffins. It was long, with seven feet between floor and ceiling when one could stand in it.
The patch of his unit was a zombified corpse, walking towards the one viewing it, with their arm outstretched, a large 17 behind the shambling figure. It was laser etched on the left shoulder guard of his SVS51 body suit, the symbol of the Terran Front of laser etched on the right. Right now, Brandy knew he was flying through the void, heading towards the wreck of a Vral Light Cruiser, his unit’s speciality. A countdown on the upper left corner of his vision was reaching the single digits. No one talked, not even the squad leader. Not even command. Brandy liked it like that. He had been selected for special operations early on in his life, as most operators were. Sure, you could volunteer to join if you joined the Fleet and decided to test yourself, but most humans were already training for something like this by the age of thirteen. Jesup, one of his squadmates, he was a joiner, one that had volunteered when he was signing up. Brandy though? Brandy was a lifer.
Lifers like him were singled out in school and made aware of their tentative selection. Lifers were trained harder, tested harder. No one really minded Jesup not going through what they had been through, but it did mark him out. Hence the term, but lifers and joiners all got the same specialized training. Five seconds left. Brandy knew his job well, knew the layout of the ship well. Four seconds. Brandy clenched his fists. He felt the liquid shift, knowing their craft had hit the hull. Suddenly he was free of his constraints, floating free in the dense salt water. There was a bright light from the front of the craft, the plasma torches already burning into the Vral light cruiser hull. Three seconds. The dense salt water solution suddenly was sucked into the floor, drawing him down. He tapped his heels together, hearing an automated voice call out ‘Maglocks Engaged’, just before his feet touched the deck. He was already yanking the protective cover off of his rifle, slinging it back over his back. Two seconds. Those in the front of the line had their rifles up and ready. Brandy on the other hand, reached to his sides and drew out two long blades from sheathes locked to his thighs.
He felt the compression in his chest as the breaching charge detonated, and the segmented doors of the Coffin opened. The first four Ghouls entered, no shots fired as they cleared the room. He heard a soft whisper saying, “Depressurized.” The entire deck was without atmosphere. Brandy looked to his left, and nodded once. Jesup nodded back. The pair in front of them sprinted out. Jessup and Brandy sprinted out immediately after them, Brandy drawing his blades. The interior of the Vral ship was a dismal place, and within just seconds Brandy knew what kept their grav plates powered was already down. The difference in design priorities from the Vral to the Terran Front could be seen even from the hallway they were running down. The Terran Front fleet was designed to maximize the space they had, to deliver the most punch possible for the weight class the ship in question could hit with. The chua had lent their practicality to that level of ship design. It was why the standard Terran corvette could fight completely out of it’s weight class. Brandy knew that the standard Terran corvette was more than a match for any variety of Vral destroyer, it was even said that a light cruiser would have to go blow for blow with one.
Most who heard that wouldn’t understand until they saw what Brandy was seeing now. Terran hallways were built narrow, the space an artery for personnel to move through in a very direct way. The ceilings would be laced with piping and joists, covered by protective layers of material just in case an impact threw the crew against the ceiling. Standing shoulder to shoulder, even battleship halls on Terran ships only allowed two large humans to stand shoulder to shoulder and extend their elbows halfway to touch the walls. This hallway was broad, four, no, five times the width. You would never see such a waste of space onboard a Terran fighting ship. The only exceptions to this were the larger logistics ships, the carriers, and the Antares herself. Terran ship tonnage was dedicated purely to what the ship in question was made to do. Vral ships, on the other hand, seemed to be built to not just fight space conflicts, but carry the troops for ground assault. The Vral sacrificed tonnage meant for fighting for transport. They did not have dedicated troop ships, or even dedicated logistics ships.
Brandy guessed it made sense when you never had to worry about someone being able to really hit back.
The map of the light cruiser was laid out in wireframe in the upper right of his HUD, a pulsing arrow pointing his way. As they reached the first door it was clear that whatever powered the lights also powered the doors in this section. He sheathed the blades and raised his rifle as Jessup pulled his breach bar. A moment later Jessup applied the handheld pneumatic and nodded once to Brandy, who gave an almost imperceptible nod back. Jesseup pressed an activation stud, and Brandy breathed out as the door began to open. A brief glimpse of chitin was all it took for Brandy to immediately put two shells through the door, the only audible evidence of the shots being two ticks from the recoil traveling along his armor plate. .
“Contact.” Brandy whispered even as the shells tore through the Vral floating behind the door. The Vral flew away from the impact as the door opened further, revealing more Vral, all floating, all already dead. “KIA Vral.” He whispered into the mic within his helmet. A small tone let him know his information was received. Brandy and Jessup moved into the hallway and saw why the Vral were all already dead. There was a gash in the hull almost three meters long and a meter wide. The deck had been exposed to the vacuum, and judging by the hole further down the hall which Brandy glanced through as they passed, a railgun round from a cruiser had lanced straight through the entire hull. Brandy slung his rifle and began the halting half run, half jog of moving quickly on magnetized boots. Brandy cleared an adjoining hallway before looking back to the door. The Vral dead were everywhere, floating in the vacuum, and Brandy kept having to shove the floating corpses aside as he moved. The dead didn’t stop him. They didn’t stop Jessup either.
Jessup was already setting the breacher, and Brandy’s rifle was unslung and readied. As this door opened a forcefield came to life in front of it, and a sliver of light began to show through. Brandy’s thumb flipped his rifle from semi-automatic to full. He didn’t need to speak, Jessup was already pulling his own rifle. As the door was suddenly shoved open by the pneumatic Brandy’s entire body snapped forward. The Vral that was standing by the door, who had even watched it open, made it clear that the Vral didn’t even know they had been boarded. Brandy’s rifle butt slammed into the head of the Vral, and sound returned as he moved fully through the forcefield meant to keep atmospheric integrity but not keep him out. Beyond it, Brandy saw at least twenty milling around. A damage control team. The Vral turned to the sound of one of their own skulls caving in, chitin cracking, just to see Brandy’s barrel come down. He was already moving left to give Jessup room to enter, as he squeezed the trigger. Chitin and ichor erupted, the Vral leapt at the sound, some freezing in place, some charging. Jessup came around the corner, raising his rifle, taking single shots at individual Vral who reached for weapons even as Brandy’s fully automatic spray swept the hall. Brandy was the scythe, Jessup was the surgeon.
Brandy’s ammo counter quickly was cycling down, but he hadn’t been simply praying and spraying. As his counter read zero the last of the Vral was spasming violently on the floor. He thumbed the magazine release, the hand on his grip already having reached for his right hip to draw up a fresh magazine even as the empty one slid out and began falling to the floor. “I’m close.” He said. He slammed the new magazine into the rifle, racked the slide, then slid it behind his back. He drew his blades, then began to sprint.
“I’m far.” Jessup began sprinting behind him.
The next set of doors opened automatically this time, but to a familiar scene, but the Vral were already aware of them due to Brandy having firmly announced their presence in the previous hall. Brandy never stopped his full sprint, carving through the Vral with the edges of his monomolecular blades. Every so often a shot rang out, taking one of the Vral down just out of Brandy’s reach or one that was pulling up a weapon. Brandy used the suit’s speed and strength enhancements to their fullest, barely slowing as he tore through the group, both blades cutting. Suddenly he heard the retort of full auto and spun to decapitate one of the remaining Vral to look as Jessup was emptying his magazine into an open door. Brandy let both blades drop, popping his hip to the side and curling his waist, letting the weight of his rifle carry it around his body into his hands. As the Vral tried to come into the hall they were cut down, caught in a fatal funnel of fire by their own hatchway.
“Reload.” Jessup said, tucking himself back against the wall. “Control, need sweepers. My location.” A tone was the only reply to Jessup’s words. Twelve men, organized into six teams. That was the boarding party. Each had a part to play, and as Jessup made the call for sweepers Brandy was already preparing to move. As Jessup slapped a fresh magazine into his rifle Brandy was still covering the door. The other doors in the hall remained closed. Jessup reached to a small bandolier of grenades and pulled one of the X-04 flashbangs, throwing it hard through the door against the opposing wall. A second later a dull pop sounded. Brandy and Jessup continued their run, but now both had slung their rifles. Both had blades out.
Following the skeleton map on his HUD, Brandy led the way through the next door to find the hallway empty. He didn’t mind that state of affairs at all. A dull klaxon began to sound throughout the crippled ship, and neither Brandy nor Jessup needed to be told twice that the Vral were now more than aware they had been boarded. Brandy turned down a corridor, instinctively lashing out and taking the head off a Vral had been moving towards him. “Breaching bridge.” He said into his microphone, hearing the tone of acknowledgement from Control as he saw the large bay doors that marked the command and control center of the Vral vessel they intended to take. He sheathed a blade as he came to a stop beside the bay door, out of range of the motion sensor that would open it automatically. Jessup was right behind him, freeing a hand of his own. They both reached up, yanking X-04 grenades off their pins banded to their armor. Brandy and Jessup looked at each other and nodded. As Brandy kicked out his foot to trigger the motion sensor, the door slid open. A torrent of laser fire erupted from the doorway, painting the floor and wall beyond. Brandy snapped his arm around, exposing only his hand as he threw the flashbang around the corner. Jessup’s own flashbang flew past Brandy towards the other side of the room. They both immediately pulled a second, even as the first detonated in the room beyond. Almost instantly the weapon’s fire stopped, and wails of chittering echoed into the hallway. They threw the second set of flashbangs into the door.
As the second pair of dull crunches sounded, Brandy and Jessup breached the bridge. The bridge was arrayed like a bowl, stations arranged orbiting a center divot in the deck where the captain would stand. None of the Vral in the room were standing. While flashbangs disoriented humans, essentially stunning them into stupfication, the same flashbangs had even more pronounced effects on the Vral. Most of them were simply laid out on the ground, completely insensate, and screaming incoherently in their chittering tones. Brandy and Jessup had entered having expected at least one of them to have donned protection, perhaps even a warsuit, but their boarding had caught the Vral completely by surprise. Jessup turned to the door, tapping the control panel and closing, then locking it. Brandy had already begun moving from station to station. Jessup joined him as they quickly and methodically dispatched the crew. Brandy turned and moved down into the captain’s pit, coming to the Vral that had commanded the ship.
“Attempting to access.” Jessup said, stepping to one of the panels even as Brandy reached the side of the Vral commander. Brandy watched dispassionately as the Vral’s body curled and spasmed on the ground. Without replying to Jessup, Brandy was already securing the commander. He flipped the commander over on it’s back, yanking it’s limbs together and zip tying them together.
“Control. Commander secured alive. Bridge secured.” Brandy said, and he glanced over to Jessup. Jessup looked over to him and grinned, his teeth showing through the dark tint of the armored glass of his helmet. A tone of acknowledgement came into his helmet. Brandy moved to the panels, just as Jessup was moving. “Anything yet?” He asked, letting his suit’s speakers carry his voice.
Jessup moved to another panel. “Nope. Wiped.” He said.
Brandy brought the panel to live and was already moving on, and cursed silently under his breath. Several times teams like his had breached the bridge of a Vral ship only to find what they were finding now, wiped computer cores, dead panels. Brandy continued to move panel to panel, as did Jessup, moving up the bowl. Brandy heard Jessup muttering as he went, his voice carrying because of the speakers in his suit. Brandy glanced up at the other man, then continued with his work.
“Doesn’t make any sense. We still know nothing about these bastards. Nothing.” Jessup said as he was working on the last panel on the row he was on. “Aside from the fact they melt their cores down really well.” Brandy smirked behind the tinted glass of his helmet as Jessup balled up a fist. Jessup moved up a row, then started work on another panel. “I’m beginning to think the only thing they exist for is to piss off the universe.”
Brandy couldn’t argue with that, and Jessup stopped his grumbling, continuing to check the panels.
“Control, Sweep Two is down. I repeat. Sweep Two is down.” Brandy stopped in his checks and looked up, the voice of Talb in his ear from possibly the same location he had called for sweepers to come in. He hadn’t heard a call for sweepers from anywhere else.
“That’s Vlad.” Jessup said, his voice flat, having paused himself to listen in.
“Confirm.” A woman’s voice hit Brandy’s ear, and Jessup began walking across the bowl towards him. Brandy settled his hands on the panel that he had paused midway through working. The woman’s voice keyed back into his ear, their Control, and Brandy listened intently. “Prep Sweep Two for extraction. Sweep Three and Four enroute.”
Jessup reached his side and put his hand on Brandy’s shoulder. The silence in his ears now was deafening, and he knew he should be continuing on, checking the rest of the stations, but he couldn’t move his feet right now. Brandy and Vlad were close, they had gone through basic together, they had gone through Advanced Infantry, as well as Weapons and Tactics, hell, all of their advanced training schools. When orders had come through, they had both been delighted to have twin assignments to the 17th Breacher Corps “Ghouls.” Vlad had met Brandy’s family, his mother, his father, even his ice queen of a sister who was serving as a Drone Cutter pilot. Vlad was his friend, the brother that he had never had, and now Vlad was down, somewhere on this hellhole of a ship, unable to even communicate that he was injured.
Jessup stood by him, saying nothing, and Brandy’s eyes were focused on something far in the distance, something he couldn’t even see right now. Suddenly, like his mind was pulling itself from mud, he forced himself to continue working. Jessup stayed by his side. There was nothing he could do for Vlad right now, nothing at all, and he had work in front of him that needed to be finished. Jessup went back to the stations he was working through. Brandy finished the sweep of the panels on his side. Nothing, as was usual.
He walked down the bowl shape of the Vral bridge, standing next to the Vral commander, who was now very much aware and awake, not struggling as it lay on the floor of the carnal house that was the bridge of it’s ship. He ignored it, placing his hands on the hilts of the twin swords at his sides. Jessup continued his work, a little slower than Brandy was, but then again Jessup was newer than Brandy himself was to this sort of thing. Brandy had already served for nearly eight years, and had done the tear down from the sixth Vral war, alongside Vlad. Brandy grunted and pulled up his arm, opening one of the armor plates to reveal the communications controls for his suit. He set up a private channel to Control.
“Control, BT One. Status of Sweep Two?” He asked, and he heard two clicks in response. He was being transferred to another operator. Brandy felt his entire body tensing up. He didn’t know if being transferred was a good or a bad sign.
“Bridge Team One, this is Secondary. Sweep Two is stable. Sweep One is prepping him for extraction. He took an indirect hit by a plasma round to his left shoulder. His suit took the majority but he’s going to be in the burn unit.”
Brandy breathed out, and then nodded once to himself. “Thank you Secondary.” He heard a tone in response, then he set himself back to team communications. Vlad was alive. That was good enough.
“The void will take you.” He heard the chittering sound translated, and he slowly looked towards the prone form of the commander. Brandy turned and walked over, and purposefully stepped over, the Vral. He then knelt down next to the figure. “You will not survive. We will bathe in your ashes.”
“When.” Brandy said, a dark bit of amusement in his tone. “Come on. When. Daylight’s wasting.”
“The void will take you.” The vral repeated, then went silent again as Brandy stood up and stepped over the commander once more. Jessup was coming down to meet with him in the center of the bowl.
“Good news, Vlad’s going to make it.” Brandy told him, “He’ll be in the burn unit for a bit, don’t know where he got hit, but the suit saved him.”
“Good. What’s the word from the local moral officer?” Jessup said, motioning to the vral, who was laying again in silence.
“Same as normal. We’re gonna die. Void’s gonna take us. Ashes. Dancing on my grave.” Brandy shrugged. “You know, what they normally say, that friendly little conversation.” Brandy could actually feel Jessup’s eyes rolling.
“Control, Bridge Team. Secured and detailed.” Jessup said, and they both heard the click of acknowledgement. “Another two hours maybe?” Jessup asked, and Brandy nodded. “Welp, two today, that makes six boardings for me, how many for you?”
“Fourty.” Brandy replied, and Jessup whistled low. “And that’s just these types. I was actually put on a team as a standby sweep for a battleship or two, but mostly light cruisers. No corvettes or destroyers though. They normally just send the heavies to take those. The cruisers though? Heavy cruisers? Carriers? I’ve done a few of those too, but mostly this.”
Jessup leaned against the back of one of the panels that he had checked. “What kind of team do they send to a carrier?” He asked, and Brandy laughed.
“Put it to you like this. They send units of chua war machines, and what’s called a kill team. They don’t even bother sweeping like we do with these ships, they just punch holes in every room and open them to vacuum, and the kill teams go in to make sure none of them got into a warsuit.” Brandy tapped his chest, “We barely do anything. They just turn the entire ship into swiss cheese then call us in to check panels. Kill teams are just different, but it’s an experience. You don’t get to really do much though. Go in, stay behind the kill team, and check elect…”
Brandy stopped talking and both of them listened as a tone sounded from Control, then they heard her speak. “All objectives secured. Stand by in location. Prepare for tow and extraction.”
The two of them reached out and grabbed hold of a panel, and Brandy looked over at Jessup. “Well, quicker than I thought.” Just as he was finishing that sentence the entire hull seemed to shake, and he felt a small surge of negative g force before his body adjusted. “A lot quicker.”
“What do you think they’ll get out of this?” Jessup asked as he let go of the panel.
“Oh hell.” Brandy said, motioning to the ship they were in. “Three destroyers easy. Maybe a corvette added in. Couple of fighters. Ever seen the reprocessors?” Jessup shrugged at the question and Brandy pointed at him. “When we get back, if you have some downtime, just ask to watch. It’s some impressive shit. I watched one of those crews break down a corvette in two hours.” Jessup raised his eyebrow and Brandy held up two fingers. “Two. No shit. Something like this is going to take them maybe a day, probably less than that. It’s absolute magic.”
“I was raised on the Los Angeles flats.” Jessup said, and it was Brandy’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “You know, where they had one of the landfills. They said they used a reprocessor for that too.”
“Yeah, the chua know how to make the most out of everything. Did you know there used to be a floating island of plastic in the Pacific Ocean?” Brandy placed his hands on the hilts of his blades as Jessup shook his head no. “Yeah, when the chua got set up, first thing they did was clean up all of that. Tons of plastic, centuries of fuck ups, and they fixed it in barely a month. Earth was trashy, real trashy. Now we just reprocess everything.”
“I never looked into how that works.” Jessup said, then laughed when Brandy raised his fingers and wiggled them in the air. “PFM?”
“Yeap. Pure fuckin’ magic. At least that’s how it looks to me.” Brandy sighed, then he motioned to the panels. “We had the technology centuries ago but we just never refined it like the chua did. I asked how it worked and I felt like I was an ape. They felt the same way about our computers the way we feel about their reprocessors though, so I guess it evens out.”
“What do you mean?”
Brandy glanced over at him and smirked, then he motioned to his suit’s right chest pauldron, where his suit’s electronic suite for his HUD was kept. “This here has more processing power than the chua had on one of their battleships. They just didn’t focus on it like we did. The concept of a microprocessor blew their minds. We know how to store a hundred terabytes on a fingernail, they know how to break down a landfill into bars of material.” Jessup leaned back against the panel again and grunted. “Seriously, ask to watch what they do to this thing. They are going to slice it up, put the pieces into the reprocessors, and by tomorrow it’s going to be raw materials. No waste, it’s crazy.”
Brandy turned his head back to the vral laying on the floor, hearing it muttering to itself. He narrowed his eyes for a few moments, listening to the sound of the clicking, then he looked back to Jessup. “Wish that thing would just shut the hell up.” A moment later he said a bit louder, “We get it asshole. The void is coming, it’s going to take us. Ashes, death, suffering. We get it. Shut the hell up.” He pushed himself off the panel and walked to the edge of the bridge nearer to the door. “Non-stop with them.”
Jessup gestured to the commander with his head. “What are we doing with him.”
“Well, he’ll get to tell an interrogation team about the void, bet he’s got a hard on for that.” Brandy replied, then paused and glanced at the upper right of his HUD, seeing a few green dots moving in their direction. “Then they’ll just toss his ass out of an airlock. Ready to go?”
“Yeap.” Jessup pushed up from the panel he was leaning on and joined Brandy near the door and waited as they both watched the dots approaching the door. Brandy reached over and toggled the lock, and the door slid open. Four humans in construction harnesses with atmospheric suits rated for vacuum were just coming to a stop. Behind them Brandy could already see the two other members of the team coming to relieve them.
“Is that Vodka?” One of them said, a hard feminine voice coming from one of the suits. Brandy’s eyebrow perked up, and so did Jessup’s entire body. Both of them knew Janet Shippen’s voice. Janet was what Brandy’s mother would call a feral tomboy. Short, muscled, her brown hair cut in a pixie cut, who felt more at home covered in engine fluid than anything else. She was also what his father would call an absolute knockout. Jessup had met her three times and was in love. Brandy’s relationship with Janet was a private affair, but Jessup wouldn’t find out about it, no sense in breaking his heart after all. Not to mention that Brandy looked at Jessup as a friend.
“How the hell are ya Shipwreck.” Brandy said with a smirk, “I got you a nice one here. I even got you a local to keep you company, ask him about the void. He’ll tell you all you want to hear.” The two figures in the back, clad in all black with no identifying markers, looked to Brandy, who simply pointed towards the vral commander laying on the floor.
“By the way. Ran into Vlad before I came over here.” She said, coming closer to the two Ghouls. “They got him out of his suit before they sent us over. He’s got an ass of a burn on his shoulder, but he said he’s going to be a bitch about it so they’ll give you fuckers some down time.” Brandy smiled, knowing if Vlad was joking around he was more than ok. Janet motioned to the bridge, “Lot of nothing?” She asked, and both of the Ghouls nodded. “Figures. Fuckers.” All three of them watched for a moment as the two black clad humans knelt over the vral commander. “Alright, I’ve got to prep this bitch for breakdown, then I’m done for the day. Salvagers are just putting most of the wrecks in orbit.”
Jessup glanced to Brandy before speaking, “Think they want to move again soon?”
“Bet your ass.” Janet reached for her side and pulled out a data pad. “Way I see it we’re just topping off right now, waiting for some of the boats out there to get their shit together, then they are going to move us out. Speaking of moving out, bounce your asses, I’ve got shit to do so I can get off once we pull back into Antares.”
“Call us a cab?” Brandy asked, using the slang term for the shuttle that had delivered Janet’s team that would take his own back to Antares.
“Yeap. We made entrance right next to where you did.” Janet started moving into the bridge, towards a grouping of panels hard mounted to the wall. She stopped and glanced back at Brandy. “It’s been a hell of a day, almost eighteen hours. I’m going to get a stiff drink in my quarters.”
“You do that. I’m going to check on Vlad and get him settled in before I do anything else.” Brandy said, and she turned and went to the panel. Brandy was glad for the tint of his helmet’s visor or else his smirk would need explaining from Jessup who was none the wiser. Once he went through debrief and turned over his gear already knew what he was going to be doing. Straight to engineering deck C, where Janet would be waiting.
Kukat was miserable, or at least was acting like she was. Vicky was rigidly standing at attention, as was Jess, standing stock still beside Kukat’s bed. The loud exclamation that had brought them to their feet of, “What the chicken fried fuck?!” had come from the man standing in front of them. Vicky wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Jess was trying to keep herself from laughing. Kukat reached out a three fingered hand towards the man wearing a captain’s eagle on his flight jumper, a hand that had two small bow tie stickers on it.
“Torture. Help.” Kukat said, as weak as a newborn kitten, and Jess’s breath escaped her in a buzzing of her lips from someone desperately attempting to keep in her laughter. The small sheet containing bow ties, smiley face, stars, and other cartoonish stickers fell from her hand that was clenched firmly at her side. Kukat was wearing half of them. Captain Yang stared in an expression of one who is seeing something for the first time when they had believed they had seen it all. “Help.” Kukat said again, holding out her other arm which had a line of stars stuck to it all the way down to the back of her hand. Yang slowly brought his fingers up to squeeze the bridge of his nose, and then he turned on his heel and faced away from the trio. Vicky just wanted to die. The captain of the cruiser had visited them a few times in the past three days since they had been brought onboard by the Barrowmore. Kukat had been immediately rushed to start receiving medical care, Victoria Brandy and Jessica Anders had been by her side from the second they were allowed back, barring short periods where either woman needed to file their reports. The problem was, every time Captain Yang had come back to visit them, it was always at the most inopportune time. The first time he had walked in to Jess cuddling the small chua in a bed that was almost a meter too small for her. The second time Vicky had taped Jess’ hands and feet to her chair. The third time Jess had been singing a nursery rhyme to Kukat. Each time Yang had walked in, Vicky had felt like crawling in a hole, Jess had desperately tried not to laugh, and Kukat had acted like a prisoner of war. Vicky was getting the feeling the captain was enjoying these trips down to see her and her crew.
“Can someone explain to me why the three pilots that I’m supposed to award the Terran Star to are acting like toddlers in my medbay?” He said, then he turned back to face them. Vicky didn’t want to die anymore. Jess stopped laughing. Kukat’s hands fell to the heated blanket that covered her. All three of them were to awarded the highest honor in the Terran Fleet. Now it was the captain’s turn to laugh as he stepped forward and grabbed Vicky’s hand, which almost knocked her off balance as he began vigorously shaking it. “Congratulations.”
Vicky stared at him for a few long moments, trying to parse through the entire scenario in her head. None of them had paid much attention to news outside of the medbay, Vicky had barely even been back onboard the Thumper aside from downloading nav data to be included in her flight logs. “Captain…” She said, sounding to even her own ears a bit disjointed, “What did we find out there.”
“First off at ease.” Yang said, then he smirked as Jess began to self consciously pluck the stickers off of Kukat, her eyes on him, he turned his attention to her. “Your flight records and the reserve drone data is being sent back to Earth to be implemented into training.” His attention turned to all of them in turn. “You really don’t know do you?” All three shook their heads, and Vicky took a step back to stand side by side with her crew.
“We haven’t been paying much attention to what’s been coming in.” Vicky said, and she placed her hand on Kukat’s medical bed. Yang nodded, understanding. This crew was a very tight group, and he could see that even from the small amount of time he had been around them.
“You scouted out the entire Vral fleet, they were evacuating. I don’t think they expected us to move as fast as we did on them, so when we jumped into the system they were barely organized into battlelines.” Yang interlocked his fingers in front of his belt. “Because of what you got on those scans, we knew exactly what we were jumping into. We knew exactly what we would do the moment we landed and…” He paused for a moment, letting his words stand out. “... we eradicated their entire fleet.” Vicky looked to Jess. Jess’s mouth hung slightly open.
“I knew it was a fleet!” Jess said after a moment. When she had been asked by Vicky a few hours after they had gotten Kukat settled, Jess had insisted she had been trying to evade fire from point defense and laser batteries from at least twelve ships. What she didn’t know, and what would be reflected on the citation for the award she was yet to receive, was that she had been evading around thirty individual vessels weapons fire.
“Not a fleet.” Yang said, and Jess looked back to him. “It was ‘The’ fleet.” Jess looked at him in confusion for a few seconds, as did Vicky.
“Shit!” Kukat chirped, and all three humans looked down at the small, sticker covered chua. Kukat’s mouth hung open slightly. Jess looked up to Vicky, and both seemed to realize what was said at the same time. Jess’ hand shot to her mouth, covering it, her eyes wide as Vicky stepped back to lean against the wall.
Yang waited a few moments then stepped forward. “Well, I hope you three are ready.” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Drone Cutters are supposed to cut and run the second they get in trouble. You three…” He motioned to them with a wave of his hand. “... you stuck around, and because you did, you handed us everything we needed to go after them.” Jess’ hand came down on Kukat’s small shoulder, and one of the smiley face stickers peeled off as Kukat wrapped her hand around Jess’ pointer finger. Vicky slowly pressed her back against the wall and started sliding down it. “Basically, to be blunt, now that this has broken, every news feed in the Terran Front wants pictures of you, details on your status…” He motioned to Kukut. “... and to be honest I’ve had to keep them from taking over the ship to get to you.”
Jess and Vicky exchanged a glance, and then looked back to Yang. Kukat had not looked away from him even for a moment. Yang shrugged his shoulders and turned to the display panel on the wall, and activated it. He tapped the panel for a few moments, then the sounds of cheering came through. On the display was a live news feed, and they could hear the reporter’s voice barely above the cacophony of the crowd around her.
“... action. The news of the destruction of the fleet has sparked widespread celebrations of joy. The foot of the enemy that we have all felt over us has been cut off. Thermopylae Station, for the first time in nearly a century, is standing down from Condition One to Condition Three.” The reporter was almost shouting, and Vicky breathed out, even as she heard a low tone from Kukat, and a sob coming from Jess. Yang had his back turned to them watching, and without saying another word he turned and walked out. “Once Condition Three was set at Thermopylae, the information began to pour in from the Zzisma system as well as the planet Zvitia located there. Fleet Marshal Simmons of the Antares battle fleet will be continuing to press into former Shesvie Accordance territory once consolidation is completed.” The reporter paused, the moment she had said Antares a chant had begun, and it was overwhelming. The thunder of uncountable human voices yelling, ‘We’re Still Here’ drowned her out entirely. The reporter eventually just held up her hands helplessly as the chant overwhelmed the microphone’s input threshold, turning the people’s chanting into a dull roar. The feed cut over to an image of man behind a news desk, the ticker at the bottom of the screen citing off ship names.
“Again if you’re just joining us the Vral have been soundly beaten in the Zzisma system. The enemy’s losses have been stated as total. Fleet Marshal Simmons, commander of the Antares battlegroup, will be holding a press conference at a later date to discuss the events of today, but has released a few names to us as well as their roles within the conflict.” Jess, Vicky’s, and Kukat’s individual service portraits slowly appeared on the screen while the reporter spoke.
“Holy shit.” Jess whispered. “That’s us.” Vicky stared at the screen, even as Kukat squeezed Jess’ finge
“Lieutenant Victoria Brandy, Drone Operator Second Class Jessica Anders, and Drone Operator Third Class Kukat were conducting a routine drone sweep of the Zzisma system when they sighted the Vral. The three managed to gain enough intelligence to warrant the immediate redeployment of the Antares battlegroup which had been in rescue and recovery efforts above the chua homeworld.” Vicky just stared at the man as he continued talking on the display. “From the feeds that we have managed to confirm, the crew of the scout ship stayed while exposed and under threat and under fire until such time as the information was confirmed transmitted. All three of the scout’s crew made it back safely, although Drone Operator Third Class Kukat was reported as needing medical attention, the reasons of which are unknown, but it is reported that she is in stable condition.” Their portraits fell away from the screen as another image came up, of a chua in a captain’s uniform came up, grayed out.
Vicky just stared at the screen, Jess breathed out a breath that she didn’t even know she had been holding. Kukat leaned back into her pillow.
“We famous.” Kukat chirped.
The news reporter was still speaking, something about a battleship that had engaged the Vral, some new story of heroism. The three of them sat in silence. Vicky wanted to look to Kukat and Jess, but both of them were quiet. Suddenly Vicky and Kukat flinched as Jess erupted out of her seat. “Yeah! That’s right! What do you think now Rick?” Jess said her ex-boyfriends name with vitriol. “Who’s not photogenic now huh? Galaxy wide baby!” She whooped and Kukat stared up at her in amazement as Vicky buried her head in her hands and laughed.
“You problem.” Kukat chirped low.
“I told you you suck at picking men Kukat!” Jess proclaimed. “You still suck Rick!”
submitted by OldManWarhammer to HFY [link] [comments]

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Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
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Key Features of Microsoft Office 2021 for Mac

submitted by Geektechno to MacCrack [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:55 CronicCanabis88 Crazy Taxi 1 (Rev 2) HD Texture Pack (W.I.P.) R.R.

With out insulting the other user that has made the packs he made, I felt the CT1 pack was a bit old and out of date, adn because I did the 2nd one, I decided to simply provide MY version of this pack. Make sure you check his out to see what one you like best!
As a kid growing up, I still remember my birthday where I got my Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure, and Speed Devils. This would forever be one of my favorite systems of all time. I have been using emulation for 12+ years....back when in order to play a library of 10 or so DC games, you needed 5 different emulators. Well look where we are now with DC emulation. Flycast has been so kind to provide us with the ability to dump and load custom textures.
Saddly, There are very, VERY few DC texture packs, and I can understand as the graphics in DC games tend to be brighter colors, less realistic, and more cartoony/arcade type graphics which was its charm. I have decided to change this. I will have a few projects going at once, and every day i will release updated packs for the games I am currently working on. This is my very first pack ever. Everything is set, you simply make a folder called Textures, (only if one dose not exist here \flycast\data\Textures), Extract the folder in my archive in to this Textures folder, I have the original img for every one i remade in the folder. the names are the same except the original file has 'OR" before the name ( NEW: 123abc.png / OLD: BKP123abc.png)
NOTE:Leaving "BKP" files shouldn't effect anything, as they are not the named files that the game is looking to pull, so you can leave them there, or delete them, as they are just for refrence and will bened up in future updates.,.
Low Powered Devices, Low Storage Situations, Or Just Smaller Screens...
UPDATE*. Today I realized, I got my new 32 in 4k g7 neo samsung oddessy monitor, and i needed MORE. More resolution. More pixels, just MORE. So I decided, "not everybodys devices can handle MORE", so I decided to make 3 resource levels of packs for potatos thru Gaming Rigs. I am going to go thru the packs I currently have, and make 3 different packs for every game. They will all be updated in sync, so one "Quality level" will always have the same textures across the board, but this way, users on low end/mobile devices can enjoy the packs as well! You dont need reolutions this high on small screens, and thoes devices might have trouble loading in textures that are bigger then needed on a tiny screen, so I took all the textures, and compressed them depending on their size.. I did this seperate, So its not like I just said "take all textures, and cut them in half." No. Then the smaller, already acceptable textures would lose quality, so Depending on the original sizes, every files was changed independently. Keeping the best image overal, while making it easier to load, and take less space ondeviecs with smaller storages, as some of these packs get very large.. so watch for these updates over the next couple days in all the games. Now, Every pack will have 3 characters you must remove from the packs after uncompression. Just edlt the "_LQ", "_MQ", or the "_HQ" from the end of the packs inorder for flycast to see the pack,This is simply a sorting method for me and users that have multiple versions in case you wanted to test multiple packs this way they can be sorted and organized better.\*
HQ- This will be the standard you have known to come to love from me. Now I might use some slghtly higher res textures then I currently do, but as long as my 2070 mobile can play it, Then That is my goal for the HQ packs. Best image, largest size packs, and most resources needed but tthese are ment for users playing on large 1080/4k devices with a little more horsepower under the hood then the average emulator. Usually, if your device tends to play games at 3-5x resolution, using these packs SHOULDNT make things to much harder for anydevice already playing on that level, worst case is you maybe bump the Internal Resolution down a step or so, and go from there. JUST REMEMBER, if you have any issues, try one of the other 2 pack versions, MQ or LQ.... I would try things like making sure you have your render buffer size is as large sas you can get, and remember, the new textures are what is taking the most resources to load. some times, relaoding a level or Giving 'er the good ole "Savestate,Loadstate" to reload, I find some levels, Just wait a few moments for everything to not only render NORMALLY, but then get replaced, then enjoy your gaming.
MQ- In these packs, Anybody on a laptop, or similar set up will be more than happy and might not even NOTICE the difference between HQ and MQ packs. This is not to say this wont look good on a 85in screen, all my packs, even MQ and LQ versions, are specially designed to give you the most prestine and sharp image you can get, while at times, just toneing it down becuase many users are not on large 4k displays playing in 4k, so if that is not how you enjoy your gaming, now these packs will help you get the perfect mix of quality, size, and performance based on your specific setup. You do not need anything crazy ti run these, and can be used in any set up and will not fail to impress!
LQ- Now do NOT let the tiny size, Lower resolutions, and name "LQ" Fool you. There is NOTHING "Low Quality" about these packs. You still get the upscales you have come to love, and the new, much larger images have been toned down a little bit is all. This is PERFECT if you are on a portable device, or even smaller screen laptops! These are much smaller in both size, and resolution, but STILL looks great on thoes devices, and even on large screens, this is STILL a great looking pack, just now people with less then perfect setups can now enjoy Flycast HD Texture packs.
Now I am going to make this overly simple just so no one gets lost, so just follow along.
STEP 1: Locate your flycast home directory. This can be found in the General Tab of Flycast Settings. It is the folder with Flycast.exe in it.
STEP 2: In this folder, along with Flycast.exe and Emu.cfg, you should see a folder named "data". Enter it.
STEP 3: Inside"data", where we currently are, make a new folder and name it "textures"
STEP 4: Download anypack you want, in one of the three versions ( see above for indepth description of all 3 versions).
STEP 5: Extract the contents of the zip, which will be the Game ID, and a suffix of what ever pack you got ( EX MK-51000_LQ, or T9087-N_MQ), and extract the zip to the "textures" folder we just made.
STEP 6: Delete the suffex, _LQ, _LMQ, or _HQ. now your left with the game ID only. ( EX MK-51000_LQ >>>>>> MK-51000)
Step 7: open Flycast, go to your settings, and ENABLE Use Custom Textures. Boot your game and enjoy!


Crazy Taxi 1 (REV B) LQ HD Texture Pack R.R v 0.66
Crazy Taxi 1 (REV B) MQ HD Texture Pack R.R v 0.66
Crazy Taxi 1 (REV B) HQ HD Texture Pack R.R v 0.66

Years ago when I first got in to private torrent sites, before I opened my own, I had a small movement called the Rom Revival, where we made perfect and complete rom packs for every console... and made Retro Arch type packs for the older systems... and over the years, I have continued to keep these packs and torrents avaiable on my own tracker to keep allowing the public to be able to access any and every rom they could ever want, without having to go google, digging around the sketchy, very slow sites to be able to download what ever rom one at a time. So I feel this is he best time, to bring back the ROM REVIVAL, and now implement the DREAMCAST HD TEXTURE PACK part of the project. So look out for my R.R tag, and keep up with all my hard work as the texture packs start to roll out.
ONE LAST BIT HERE.... These packs, are done out of my love for the Dreamcast, and all of you guys. There is no other reason to do this.. I see the community is lacking in this content, NO BODY ELSE IS DOING WHAT I AM DOING, and for others that love this system like I do, well, This is for you. NOW, If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee, or a pack of smokes, check out my Donation options here!. There is an option to get YOUR pack pick moved up to the next pack as well as other options, so if you want a pack done fast, or maybe you just want to say THANKS for all my hard work, ncheck it out here please and thanks guys!
submitted by CronicCanabis88 to Flycast_texture_packs [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 03:12 kemosabe73 Elite League Swiss Stage Recap - April 1

Recommended watch: Aurora vs VP games 1 & 2, Secret vs Boom game 1, Talon vs Nigma game 3, Quest vs Kev game 1




Data from datdota.com, Background photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

0-1 Teams

Aurora vs VP

Another Aurora game, another must-see TV recommendation. Jesus Christ. The amount of incredible late games 23's stack has produced over the years is outstanding. The Eastern Europeans got their first South East Asian thrill ride and I'm not sure they want another rodeo. VP, after a laborious hour of playing DotA, could not properly break Aurora's base. With a Void on the opposing side, they knew the clock was ticking. VP's 26k gold lead felt useless after Aurora found their opening on a Pango dieback 67 minutes into this one. VP tried to split push with their MK while Aurora were pushing bot, but Kiritych was caught and punished by DK and Puck. VP's 3 remaining members then made an ill-advised attempt at Void, who turned things around with a Chrono that led to 3 more kills. That was essentially a 5-man wipe across the map for Aurora. The Dire were able to claim 2 sets of racks and all tier 4 towers. VP repelled Aurora on their first set of lives but the buybacks came and Aurora simply went straight for the naked throne while ignoring the VP heroes. That was game for Aurora. Aurora 1-0 VP.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to these Aurora games but we have ourselves another banger. VP with the last pick of the game chose Naga to combat 23's Morph. The most impactful item in this one was Grim's Aghs Scepter. The Dark Portrait of Naga was a pain in the ass for VP. Grimstroke's Souldbind was equally effective in shutting down Pangolier's Roll in the fights. As the game progressed, we saw more and more defensive Songs to run away from certain death. 23's Morph went for the heavy right-click build so the damage definitely did not lack on their side. Any attempt to trade hits with him was suicide. Jab's Big Black Dragon had been a huge nuisance since game 1. Having a tanky front liner who could initiate + take down buildings safely was a great luxury to have. The last 2 Roshans went to Aurora. A free Aghs Scepter on Storm did wonders for the Radiant. The long zip-in initiations became even more lethal. The last Aegis of the game was held by 23's Morph as insurance for his Rapier. VP tried to defend but they were overwhelmed. Aurora had the answers for VP and not the other way around. VP had their positive moments but once again, the inability to close out Aurora and letting the game drag will only favor the team that thrives in the late game. Aurora 2-0 VP.

9P vs Tundra

The Pandas did a good job keeping this one close but if you wanna have a chance against a late-game favored lineup, you have to do better than just being close in the early stages. By now, most of us know how potent Pure's Luna is. This game was another demonstration of his prowess on Ms. Moonfang. By the time the late game came around, only heroes with BKB on the side of Radiant could survive outside the base, and even then, with the firepower of Puck and Luna, BKBs might not even be enough. At 40 minutes, Tundra made their ascent into Radiant's high ground. Naix evaporated then Timber followed en suite then Zeus. 9P didn't stand a chance. Tundra 1-0 9P.

After a bumpy series yesterday, Tundra made sure today was smooth sailing. The Centaur + Disruptor combo has already proved its lethality on Day 1 and today was no different. 9Class was a menace and kept creating for his team. Pure's Morph hit his timings, an 18-minute Manta + Khanda meant he could just farm the enemy heroes instead of creeps. The Pandas had a glimmer of hope with some successive kills on Topson and the opposition's supports but nothing of significant value was claimed afterward. Luna did not even get to see the Radiant's high ground in this one. The Dire spent most of the latter stages defending their high ground while their opponents got bigger and bigger. Tundra had them figured out and got the job done. Tundra 2-0 9P.

KEV vs Quest

Kev finally put up a good performance. They were in another huge hole in the mid-game but didn't call an early gg this time around and put up a better fight. The Chinese side turned the game around on the back of a team wipe in their triangle but came at the cost of their Brew buyback. The fight for the last Rosh swayed in Quest's favor as they were able to kill the Brew. With Aegis in hand, the Troll + X mark abuse meant Quest got Mega Creeps safely. Kunkka's water park was then able to secure the victory upon catching both Naix and DP in the torrent storm for Troll to finish. It got sweaty for Quest but they got the job done. Quest 1-0 Kev.

I was worried a bit for Quest with their Drow pick but it ended up being fine since the KotL was able to carry his team. Noob went crazy on his Ezalor. He was able to go to any lane and wreak havoc. He dictated the pace of the game and Kev couldn't keep tempo. The Chinese side fell behind and stayed behind. Quest were the better team and they got the victory. Quest 2-0 Kev.

Farmers vs Blacklist

Blacklist made short work of the Farmers who looked like they were on a hunger strike given how emaciated their cores looked. This might have been the least scariest Void of the tournament so far. The Dire spent the entire game running and dying. Abed was merciless and took over this one. BL 1-0 Farmers.

The Europeans had a small kill advantage early on courtesy of some overextension from Blacklist's side but the Radiant never took proper control of the game. It felt like they should have applied more pressure on the Luna and Pango but of course, easier said than done. Once the BKB was finished on Luna, the fights became more complicated for Farmers. They didn't have a whole lot of damage that went through magic immunity, the double Radiance on their side didn't help. BL had a lot of control to play with and more importantly, there was a Fiend's Grip to counter the Naix. Abed's Pango eventually hit his stride and the Farmers couldn't match the opposition. Blacklist were the superior squad and it showed across the 2 games. BL 2-0 Farmers.

1-0 Teams

Talon vs Nigma

As the kill count suggests, this was R-18. The lanes didn't go well for Talon so AM had a lot of catching up to do but his team couldn't really make space without feeding. Nigma were ruthless and took full advantage of the 4v5 and massacred their foes. By the time AM had his Scepter delivered at the 25th minute, the game was over as his team was well and truly in the mud. Is Nigma back? Nigma 1-0 Talon.

This time around Nigma took AM for themselves and paired him with a Pangolier. Sumail did not enjoy his time in this one as he was the main target of Bloodseeker's Rupture. Talon had an early lead thanks to their movements on the map and almost threw the game during their high-ground attempt in the 32nd minute. They were too overzealous and overstepped their bounds. AM was part of that punishing fight which made it scary for Talon. Luckily for Radiant, Dire too had 322 in their blood. Nigma's successful attempt at Kunkka's life just in front of his base turned into a full-blown skirmish. Radiant were forced to use some buybacks but they were able to catch 4 on the retreat and a minute later AM traded his own life for Mirana's. Talon regained all of the momentum and there would no longer be any slip-ups from that point onwards as it became a display of dominance for V-Tune's Morph. Talon were able to close this one out comfortably. Talon 1-1 Nigma.

A pretty close game which was decided by one support player. Jhocam on his Shadow Shaman was incredible when it came to shutting down Miracle's Faceless Void. We all know how powerful and scary Void is in the late game but Shaman found a way to neutralize him and let his Morph take care of the rest. I believe the last 4 deaths of Void were because he was controlled by the Shaman. The constant catches gave Talon enough space to get Mega Creeps and the victory. Talon, like yesterday, have shown incredible character by coming back from a first-game loss into a series win. Talon 2-1 Nigma.

Secret vs Boom

Secret took Medusa for themselves but Boom had an answer with Windranger. Crystallis did not have an easy game. Boom had ways of getting on top of her and letting WR shred her to pieces. Boom had a significant lead throughout the game and this would have ended much earlier if not for Ah fu playing Grand Theft Aegis in the Rosh pit. Ah fu's heroics stalled the game and gave Secret an avenue back into this one. The next Rosh spawn was taken by Secret and was used to siege the mid high-ground. Secret wiped Boom and forced 3 buybacks which equalized the game but Secret kept forcing the issue and the next encounter was too much of an overextension which forced 2 deaths and buybacks on Slardar and DK. Secret would make another successful attempt at Rosh but would prove to be costly as the Aghs Static Storm ended up catching and killing 3 heroes. The Aegis was lost immediately and Boom proceeded to get Mega Creeps and the eventual victory. Between the Aghs Static Storm and the Refresher on Doom, there was too much potent control for Secret to maneuver with. Put Pakazs' godlike WR on top of that and it's easy to understand why Secret lost. Pakazs getting 20 kills and putting his team on his back was a magnificent sight to see. Boom 1-0 Secret.

Secret fell behind early in this one. I'm sure there was a good idea behind the Drow pick but it was impossible to see it with how the game transpired. Secret were out of sync. The early Ravages did not connect whatsoever. When you're behind and your biggest spell goes to waste, you're going to suffer. Secret had to play the sidelanes as grouping up and fighting was no longer an option. They were picked apart and the lead became insurmountable. Drow and Lesh fell behind and Boom made all the right moves to secure the game. Boom have been a pleasant surprise thus far. Boom 2-0 Secret.

Heroic vs Entity

We got treated to a last-pick carry Pudge for Watson. Entity won their lanes heavily. The Leshrac was crushed in mid-lane. Fishman was very active on his Bane. Heroic were in disarray. They looked like lost lambs for the slaughter out there. It was 37 to 9 in the kill count with a 19k gold disparity at 22 minutes. The game would last another 16 minutes but with Watson's Pudge hitting hook after hook, there was no coming back in this one. This was a statement victory for Entity. Entity 1-0 Heroic.

Heroic let the Chen get through again like they did yesterday but the results were far from the same. Entity, similarly to the first game, were in the driver's seat early on. Having a pos 5 hero who can secure the lane, farm + push efficiently (without disrupting his cores' farm), and build aura items that enable his Morph/cores is a great pos 5 to have. Watson was enjoying his time here. Nobody on Heroic's side could fight them. The DK melted. The Sven melted. Nobody could fight. At 22 minutes, Entity were decapitating their opposition in front of Radiant's base. At 24 minutes, the Radiant's Ancient was demolished. Entity with a resounding series victory. Entity 2-0 Heroic.

Nouns vs OG

Nouns were able to take a significant advantage early on. BZM's Leshrac was the sacrificial pawn in a lot of the cases. All 3 cores of Nouns were looking farmed and scary. But Radiant were simply biding their time. The AM was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Once Magina was online, the game got stretched. Nouns couldn't just dictate the game anymore, they had to respond to what AM was doing. The Aghs Scepter + Diffusal meant nobody on Dire's side was gonna have mana. Even the once tough Big Black Dragon crumbled under the right clicks of AM. Nouns eventually ran out of moves to make. OG was able to weather the early game storm and let Timado carry them to glory. OG 1-0 Nouns.

Nouns took a page out of Tundra's book with their Sniper + Luna picks but didn't get the same success from it. We got the same script from game 1 with some slight variations but the same ending. It wasn't the cores on Nouns who were making moves on the map early on, it was Gyro and Clock trying to find whatever kill they could. Yes, they found kills here and there but Timado's Morphling was left to his own devices. Once again, when Timado was ready, OG were able to find the favorable exchanges and get the networth lead. Both Luna and Sniper were hoping to get to their Divine Rapiers but due to some crippling fights, only Kardel got to it which didn't matter in the end because there was no more digging them out of their graves at that point. OG proved to be the far better team across the 2 games and they are now 1 win away from advancing to the next stage. OG 2-0 Nouns.
submitted by kemosabe73 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 03:31 adobecrack CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2024 v25.0.0.230 + Crack (Windows & MacOS )(Lifetime Activation)

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Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite & more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now

🧹 Clean first your mac before installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
🍏 For everyone who can’t install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now
Download (1.5 GB) :
Download Mirror External Mirror
Torrent Download (Please Seed):
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2024 v25.0.0.230 (x64) + Fix
CorelDraw_2024.3_Intel__K_ed_.rar For MacOS : Download Torrent or Link Download

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You can donate by using Paypal ☑️ or Debit or Credit card users 💳 : https://ko-fi.com/vopiapps
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How To Install?

  1. Write to the “hosts” file
  2. Install the program from the given setup.
  3. Don’t run the application yet and close from system tray or task manager if running.
  4. Extract the “Crack Fix.zip” to directory where you’ve installed the program. Replace all the files. (c:\Program Files\Corel\PASMUtility\v1\)
  5. I recommend writing to the Windows registry (Run Reg.reg file)
  6. Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions.
  7. That’s it, Enjoy now 📷

Features :

submitted by adobecrack to u/adobecrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 11:01 SOFA-kings Software

submitted by SOFA-kings to opendirectories [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 18:54 Geektechno Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.3 Crack (macOS) 🧡 (Support All Mac) ✅ (Free Download) ☑️

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.3 Crack (macOS) 🧡 (Support All Mac) ✅ (Free Download) ☑️

Adobe Illustrator Overview

The industry-standard vector graphics software lets you create logos, icons, drawings, typography, and illustrations for print, web, video, and mobile. Millions of designers and artists use Illustrator CC to create everything from web icons and product packaging to book illustrations and billboards.
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Illustrator on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Illustrator also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now
🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Illustrator
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Illustrator on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now
Help us bring you even more amazing content! Donate effortlessly with PayPal ☑️ or your debit/credit card 💳
Let's make magic together! Click here : Donate Now!

Adobe Illustrator Download Links

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.3 (macOS).zip Mirror

Older Version

Direct Download Link

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.0 + Crack (macOS).zip

Torrent Download Links

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.0 + Crack (macOS).torrent Mirror

How to use Adobe Illustrator?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Illustrator.
  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.7.0.1307 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings: sudo spctl –global-disable xattr -cr and drag the Illustrator installer
  3. Install illustrator
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
Instructions for Installing Adobe Products 2024 MacOS
Instructional video : Click Here
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🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : https://www.patreon.com/freetutosoft
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Key Features of Adobe Illustrator

submitted by Geektechno to MacCrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 03:00 adobecrack Adobe 2024 Crack All Products 😍(Windows & Mac ✅) (Lifetime Activation + Instructions☑️) (Direct Download Links🆓)

Adobe 2024 Crack All Products 😍(Windows & Mac ✅) (Lifetime Activation + Instructions☑️) (Direct Download Links🆓)
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of Adobe Products & more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Products also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now
Help us bring you even more amazing content! Donate effortlessly with PayPal ☑️ or your debit/credit card 💳
Let's make magic together! Click here : Donate Now!
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Products on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Products also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now
🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Products
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Products on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v2024.001.20604

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Download Links

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v2024.001.20604.zip Mirror Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v2024.001.20604.torrent Mirror Mirrors
**😍 Support us guys and help to grow this community **:
You can donate by using Paypal ☑️ or Debit or Credit card users 💳 : https://ko-fi.com/vopiappss
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🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : https://www.patreon.com/freetutosoft

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v7.2 (x64)

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Download Links

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v7.2 (x64).zip Mirror Mirrors Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v7.2 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors
Installation instructions
Instructions to fix this unlicensed Adobe app has been disabled error on Windows
Instructional video : Click Here
Instructions for Installing Adobe Products 2024 Windows
Instructional video : Click Here
Instructions for Installing Adobe Products 2024 MacOS
Instructional video : Click Here
Adobe 2024 Crack All Products For MacOS (Lifetime Activation + Instructions) (Google Drive Links) For Windows scroll down

Adobe Photoshop 2024 – Easy installation on macOS

Adobe Photoshop 2024 is the best graphic design and image editing software in the world. You can perform operations such as creating and enhancing professional photos, illustrations and 3D artworks. Besides, users can also design websites, edit simulation videos and have the necessary tools available to turn ideas into reality.
Photoshop 2024 v25x (Updated with only 1 new link)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google Link 3 Google
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 2024 v28x2 (New installation) Link 1Google Link 2Google Link3 Google Link4 Google
Install File AI install – open Adobe Photoshop 2024 – it shows Trial version – click Trial – show purchase panel, turn off purchase panel – exit the app – then install Finish the crack file, then install Adobe Cleaner and select the item as shown. That's it

Adobe InDesign 2024 – Page layout, faster page design

Design faster and smarter with tools built for collaboration. InDesign integrates seamlessly with Adobe InCopy CC so you can work on layouts simultaneously with writers and editors. Import comments and edits from PDF files to see all your feedback. And share text, colors, graphics, etc
ADOBE INDESIGN 2024 v19.x (Chip M Silicon)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google
ADOBE INDESIGN 2024 v19.x (Chip Intel)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 – Adobe's top movie editing tool

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 is a professional non-linear video editing software. This application provides high-quality video editing at 4K x 4K resolution or higher, with 32-bit color, in both RGB and YUV color spaces. Edit audio samples, support VST audio plug-ins (plug-ins) and 5.1 surround sound tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export documents containing QuickTime or DirectShow files, and supports a large number of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.
ADOBE PREMIERE PRO 2024 v24.x (Updated with only 1 new link)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google

Adobe Audition 2024 – Easy audio processing macOS

ADOBE AUDITION 2024 v24.x (Updated with only 1 new link)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google

Adobe illustrator 2024 – Easy installation on macOS

ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 2024 v28x (Updated with only 1 new link)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google Link 3 Google
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 2024 v28x2 (New installation) Link 1Google Link 2Google Link 3Google Link 4Google

Adobe After Effects 2024 – Easy installation on macOS

ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 2024 v24.x (Updated with only 1 new link)
Link 1 Google Link 2 Google Link 3 Google

Adobe 2024 Crack All Products For Windows (Lifetime Activation + Instructions) (Direct Download Links)

Adobe Audition 2024 v24.2.0 (x64)

Adobe Audition Download Links

Adobe Audition 2024 v24.2.0 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors
Follow me here For More :

Adobe XD v57.1.12 (x64) Patched

Adobe XD Download Links

Adobe XD v57.1.12 (x64) Patched.zip Mirror Mirrors

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.1.408 (x64)

Adobe Photoshop Download Links

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.1.408 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.3.0.94 (x64)

Adobe Illustrator Download Links

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.3.0.94 (x64).zip Mirror Mirrors Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.3.0.94 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.2.1 (x64)

Adobe Premiere Pro Download Links

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.2.1 (x64).zip Mirror Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.2.1 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe Media Encoder 2024 v24.2.1 (x64)

Adobe Media Encoder Download Links

Adobe Media Encoder 2024 v24.2.1 (x64).zip Mirrors Adobe Media Encoder 2024 v24.2.1 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe After Effects 2024 v24.2.1 (x64)

Adobe After Effects Download Links

Adobe After Effects 2024 v24.2.1 (x64).zip Adobe After Effects 2024 v24.2.1 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe Animate 2024 v24.0.1.329 (x64)

Adobe Animate Download Links

Adobe Animate 2024 v24.0.1.329 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe Creative Cloud Collection 2024 v26.02.2024 (x64)

Adobe Creative Cloud Collection Download Links

Adobe Creative Cloud Collection 2024 v26.02.2024 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Adobe InDesign 2024 v19.2.0.46 (x64)

Adobe InDesign Download Links

Adobe InDesign 2024 v19.2.0.46 (x64).zip Mirror

Adobe Speech to Text for Premiere Pro 2024 v12.0

Adobe Speech to Text Download Links

Direct Download Links

Adobe Speech to Text for Premiere Pro 2024 v12.0.zip

Torrent Download Links

Adobe Speech to Text for Premiere Pro 2024 v12.0.torrent Mirror Mirrors

How to use Adobe Products Patch ?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray)
  3. Right click on “AdobeGenP.exe” in Release folder and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Search” button and select then on “Patch”
  5. Wait till patching is done
  6. That’s it, Enjoy!
submitted by adobecrack to u/adobecrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 19:18 Geektechno Topaz Video AI v4.2.0 (macOS) (Lifetime Activation)

Topaz Video AI v4.2.0 (macOS) (Lifetime Activation)

Topaz Video AI Overview

Stunning video enlargements with groundbreaking AI technology. Trained on thousands of videos and combining information from multiple input video frames, Topaz Video AI will enlarge and enhance your footage up to 8K resolution with true details and motion consistency. Using intelligent AI technology, Video Enhance AI is the most powerful video upscaling software ever released.

Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Topaz Video AI on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Topaz Video AI also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now

🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Topaz Video AI
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Topaz Video AI on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now

Topaz Video AI Download Links

Topaz Video AI v4.2.0 (macOS).zip Mirror
Topaz Video AI v4.2.0 (macOS).torrent Mirror Mirrors
Help us bring you even more amazing content! Donate effortlessly with PayPal ☑️ or your debit/credit card 💳 and
Let's make magic together! Click here : Donate Now!

How to use Pre-Activated Topaz Video AI?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Topaz Video AI.
  1. Mount the DMG file
  2. Install app normally following the on-screen instructions
  3. That’s it, Enjoy!
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🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : https://www.patreon.com/freetutosoft

Key Features of Topaz Video AI

submitted by Geektechno to MacCrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 02:58 adobecrack Image-Line FL Studio Producer Edition v21.2.3 Build 4004 (All Plugins Edition) + Instructions For Windows & MacOS (Support Intel & Silicon Chip ( Chip M1 M2 M3 ....))

Image-Line FL Studio Producer Edition v21.2.3 Build 4004 (All Plugins Edition) + Instructions For Windows & MacOS (Support Intel & Silicon Chip ( Chip M1 M2 M3 ....))

FL Studio 21 is a fully featured, open-architecture music creation and production environment for PC. It features a graphical user interface which is based on a music sequencer. This digital audio workstation has everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master professional quality music.
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of FL Studio & more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install this plugin ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using FL Studio also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now

Donate effortlessly with PayPal ☑️ or your debit/credit card 💳 and help us bring you even more amazing content!
Let's make magic together! Click here : Donate Now!

Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install FL Studio on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install this plugin ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using FL Studio also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now

🧹 Clean first your mac before installing FL Studio
🍏 For everyone who can’t install FL Studio on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now

🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : https://www.patreon.com/freetutosoft

Image-Line FL Studio Producer Edition v21.2.3 Build 4004 (All Plugins Edition) For Windows
Download (1.5 GB) :
Download Mirror External Mirror
Torrent Download (Please Seed):
Image-Line FL Studio Producer Edition v21.2.3 Build 4004 (All Plugins Edition) + Fix
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : https://www.patreon.com/freetutosoft

FLStudio_v21 (Google Drive) For Mac
Link 1
Link 2
Instructions for the latest version: *Note on Silicon Chip ( Chip M1 M2 M3 ....) Open Finder in Macintosh HD > Application > FL Studio > Right-click and select Get info Stick to Open Using Rosetta - Turn off SIP first (one Error number moved to trash when opening FL Studio) How to turn off SIP
– Run the file “ Install FL Studio.pkg” to install as usual. Do not run FL Studio 20 after installation. – Open “ FL Patch.dmg ” then drag the “FL Studio” file into Application and select Replace – Launch FL Studio Pop-Up appears and select “Load License Key” (or you can go in and select “Help” > “ Unlock FL Studio”). Find the file FLRegKey_20.8_Mac.reg FL Studio will ask to restart. Select “No” when asked whether to save or not? – Close FL Studio. Open Finder Go to Documents \ Image-Line \ FL Studio \ Settings \ Internet – Delete the file Default news.rss – Create a FOLDER named Default news.rss – then click Add

Follow me here For More :

How To Install For Windows?

  1. Install the program from the given setup.
  2. Don’t run the application yet and close from system tray or task manager if running.
  3. Extract the “Crack Fix.zip” to directory where you’ve installed the program. Replace all the files.
  4. Apply registration data from FLStudio_reg.reg.
  5. Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions.
  6. That’s it, Enjoy now 📷

Features :

submitted by adobecrack to u/adobecrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 02:37 adobecrack Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016-2024 v2402 Build 17328.20162 (x64) For Windows & Mac Incl. Activator (Lifetime Activation) (Google Drive Links)

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016-2024 v2402 Build 17328.20162 (x64) For Windows & Mac Incl. Activator (Lifetime Activation) (Google Drive Links)

Microsoft Office is the complete, cross-platform, cross-device solution for the modern workplace, with smart tools for individuals, teams, and businesses. It can open your applications, documents anywhere, across multiple devices. Get the installed applications you know and trust – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, Access. Always have the latest, full installed versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, and Access and capture your ideas however you work best – using a keyboard, pen, touchscreen.

Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of office Products & more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using office Products also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now

Donate effortlessly with PayPal ☑️ or your debit/credit card 💳 and help us bring you even more amazing content!
Let's make magic together! Click here : Donate Now!
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install office Products on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention �� ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using office Products also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now

🧹 Clean first your mac before installing office Products
🍏 For everyone who can’t install office Products on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.

Free Version Download Link : Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : https://www.patreon.com/freetutosoft
Torrent Download (Please Seed):
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016-2024 v2402 Build 17328.20162 (x64) Incl. Activator Magnet
Download (4.3 GB) :
Download Mirror External Mirror
Torrent Download (Please Seed):
Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2024 v2108 Build 14332.20637 (x64) Preview LTSC Incl. Activator Magnet

Microsoft Office 2021 – Free Microsoft Office on MacBook

Microsoft_Office_16.75 New August 28, 2023 (Google Drive – fast download) https://bit.ly/Office2021newv75
Backup link GG Drive https://bit.ly/officenewv71
Microsoft_Office_16.7x New December 2023 (Google Drive – fast download)
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5

>>>If the Drive link is overloaded, you press Star Drive File - Access your Drive GG, then go to the starred category - Download file - You make a copy of Download and you're done.
Microsoft Office.2019.Mac.16.49
GOOGLE DRIVE (Fast download)
Microsoft_Office_16.75 New August 28, 2023 (Google Drive – fast download) https://bit.ly/Office2021newv75

Follow me here For More :

How To Install?

The composition of the Microsoft Office package –

  1. Microsoft Office Mondo 2016
  2. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
  3. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
  4. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021
  5. Microsoft Office Professional 2016
  6. Microsoft Office Professional 2019
  7. Microsoft Office Professional 2021
  8. Microsoft Office Professional Premium
  9. Microsoft Office Standard 2016
  10. Microsoft Office Standard 2019
  11. Microsoft Office Standard 2021
  12. Microsoft Project Professional 2016
  13. Microsoft Project Professional 2019
  14. Microsoft Project Professional 2021
  15. Microsoft Project Standard 2016
  16. Microsoft Project Standard 2019
  17. Microsoft Project Standard 2021
  18. Microsoft Visio Professional 2016
  19. Microsoft Visio Professional 2019
  20. Microsoft Visio Professional 2021
  21. Microsoft Visio Standard 2016
  22. Microsoft Visio Standard 2019
  23. Microsoft Visio Standard 2021
  24. Microsoft Office Home Business 2016
  25. Microsoft Office Home Business 2019
  26. Microsoft Office Home Business 2021
  27. Microsoft Office Home Business Premium
  28. Microsoft Office Home Student 2016
  29. Microsoft Office Home Student 2019
  30. Microsoft Office Home Student 2021
  31. Microsoft Office 365 (Home Premium)
  32. Microsoft Office 365 (Education Cloud)
  33. Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Business
  34. Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Enterprise
  35. Microsoft Office 365 Small Business Premium
submitted by adobecrack to u/adobecrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 01:17 Geektechno Adobe Photoshop 2024 Crack Latest Version For MacOS (Lifetime Activation) (100% Working)

Adobe Photoshop 2024 Crack Latest Version For MacOS (Lifetime Activation) (100% Working)

Adobe Photoshop Overview

Reimagine reality with Photoshop. Millions of designers, photographers, and artists around the world use Photoshop to make the impossible possible. From posters to packaging, basic banners to beautiful websites, unforgettable logos to eye-catching icons, Photoshop keeps the creative world moving. With intuitive tools and easy-to-use templates, even beginners can make something amazing.
Follow instructions carefully
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : patreon.com/SoftFree925

Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Photoshop on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Photoshop also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now

🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Photoshop
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Photoshop on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.

Free Version Download Link : Download Now

Adobe Photoshop 2024 Download Links

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.0 (macOS).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Older Version

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.3.1 Final + Crack (macOS).torrent Mirror Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.2 Final + Crack (macOS).torrent Mirror

Direct Download Links

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.0 Final + Crack (macOS).zip Mirror

Torrent Download Links

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.0 Final + Crack (macOS).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Instructions for Installing Adobe Photoshop 2024 MacOS
Instructional video : Click Here

**😍 Support us guys and help to grow this community *\*:
You can donate by using Paypal ☑️ or Debit or Credit card users 💳 : https://ko-fi.com/vopiapps

Follow me here For More :

How to install Adobe Photoshop 2024 For Macos (Watch previous video for more details)

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Photoshop 2024.

  1. Install photoshop
  2. Apply Crack
  3. That’s it, Enjoy!
submitted by Geektechno to MacCrack [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 16:40 adobecrack Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.1.408 Crack Latest Version (Lifetime Activation)

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.1.408 Crack Latest Version (Lifetime Activation)

Adobe Photoshop Overview

Reimagine reality with Photoshop. Millions of designers, photographers, and artists around the world use Photoshop to make the impossible possible. From posters to packaging, basic banners to beautiful websites, unforgettable logos to eye-catching icons, Photoshop keeps the creative world moving. With intuitive tools and easy-to-use templates, even beginners can make something amazing.
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of Adobe Photoshop & more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Photoshop also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now

🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : patreon.com/SoftFree925

Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Photoshop on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Photoshop also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now

🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Photoshop
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Photoshop on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now

Adobe Photoshop Download Links

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.1.408 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Older Versions

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.0.375 (x64).torrent Mirror Mirrors


Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.4.0.319 (x64) Pre-Activated.torrent Mirror Mirrors

Setup + Patch

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.4.0.319 (x64) + Patch.torrent Mirror Mirrors

Installation instructions

Instructions to fix this unlicensed Adobe app has been disabled error on Windows
Instructional video : Click Here

Instructions for Installing Adobe Photoshop 2024 Windows
Instructional video : Click Here

**😍 Support us guys and help to grow this community **:
You can donate by using Paypal ☑️ or Debit or Credit card users 💳 : https://ko-fi.com/vopiapps

Adobe Photoshop 2024 Download Links

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.5.0 (macOS).torrent Mirror Mirrors

Older Version

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.3.1 Final + Crack (macOS).torrent Mirror
Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.2 Final + Crack (macOS).torrent Mirror

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How to use Adobe Photoshop 2024 For Macos?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Photoshop 2024.
  1. Install photoshop
  2. Apply Crack
  3. That’s it, Enjoy!

How to use Patch of Adobe Photoshop 2024 ?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Photoshop.
  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray)
  3. Extract Patch.rar and Right click on “Patch.exe” and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Search” button and select then on “Patch”
  5. Wait till patching is done
  6. That’s it, Enjoy!

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop

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2024.02.24 13:32 vantech887 What's the name of that one website that allows you to download shows through mega

I came across a site that would send you to a mega folder with all the episodes of whatever show you're downloading, this was convenient cause I didn't have to download each episode separately I could download it all at once, but for the love of me I can't remember the name of the site, I didn't bookmark it so that's my bad. Do any of you know it? Or do you know any sites that allow you to download shows in batch, torrents are ridiculously slow (I'm on phone) and most zips I see are in like 1080p. I'd like 480 or 720 (yeah yeah we poor folk rum on limited data)
submitted by vantech887 to Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 01:04 Frostdraken Harmony in Conflict [Part 4]

Part 4 of my February holiday story is done and ready to read, I hope you enjoy.
+ Part 1 + Previous + Next +
Harmony in Conflict: Part 4
Drelloc was dreaming. She had been standing too close to the fire again, her clutchmates called out to her but she didn't listen. Instead she wandered closer to the mesmerising flames. The light that flickered so enticingly, enchantingly. She stepped closer and her world became pain.
She awoke with a shudder, she was very hot. She didn’t even have the energy to open her eyes, she felt so tired.
She slowly became aware of something cool draped over her head, covering several of her eyes as she lay somewhat awkwardly upon her side. She felt liquid drizzle over her head and chest slowly, the coolness of it almost shocking. It was water she realised, she must have been overheated as it felt almost frigid on her feverish skin.
She opened the single uncovered eye that wasn’t facing the soft ground below her. She was in a clearing amongst a glade much like the one she had spent the night in. The ground was soft and covered in a layer of plants almost like moss or grass.
She realised with sudden shock that her chest was exposed, in fact she could feel that her bodysuit had been removed all the way down to her waist.
Something was draped over her exposed skin though, covering her nakedness. She should not have been embarrassed as she was, she had nothing to cover up there after all. She was not a mammal, she had no mammaries or other orifices that might have become exposed. But the feeling of exposure remained.
She heard a noise and saw a pair of booted feet approaching, she closed her eye and tried to control her breathing. She felt the ground shudder slightly as the man, Donner, sat next to her still form.
There was a rustling noise and then once more cool water was applied to her coverings, cooling her and serving to keep her skin delightfully moist as well. She felt the man’s hands on her body as they adjusted her coverings. Seemingly checking for dampness and if they were cool. His hands lingered on her skin slightly longer than may have been strictly necessary. One of those strange smooth five-fingered hands resting on her shoulder as he checked her temperature.
She couldn't help but feel a slightly deeper sense of relaxation as her tired muscles unclenched and began to relax. His hand pulled back sharply and she heard him make a small noise.
He breathed out heavily. “Are.. are you awake Drelloc?” the man, no, Donner, asked in a strangely paternal way.
She opened her eye again and answered a little sheepishly. “Yes. I am awake.” She paused, not wanting to distress him. So instead of remarking on her current state she asked him, “What happened? We were walking, it was so hot. Then.. where are we?” She reached up and removed the cloth that was covering her eyes, and froze.
Donner was seated on the grass next to her, his armour and jacket removed. So were his military fatigues leaving him sitting wearing only a thin white sleeveless shirt. It was wet, whether it was sweat or water she didn’t know. But she could practically see right through it.
Her breath caught slightly as another prickle of those strange feelings passed through her core. A small cackle echoing in her mind from her other selves. She pushed them down, but not as forcefully as she might have done in the past. She could feel the slight tug of influence from them remain, their eyes drawn to the man’s toned muscles. His pectoral muscles clearly defined through the thin fabric of his shirt, the wet fabric clinging to abs like iron bars that bunched and danced as he seemed to shift uncomfortably.
She sat upright, the cloths falling from her bare torso as she tried and failed to regain her composure.
Donner cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck with one of those alien hands as he looked away from her. “Er, um. We are in another glade. I figured that it might have a spring to uh, cool you down. And I was right because here we are, and you are alright now?” He glanced back at her before looking away almost shyly.
She felt a strange warmth rise inside her at his seeming coyness. Or maybe he really was just embarrassed? She was unsure, many of her people chose to wear no body coverings at all and were not generally seen as particularly offensive. Maybe it was something else she wondered.
He pointed towards a small thicket of bushes on the far side of the shadowed clearing. “There is a small spring there, I already filled up our water bottles and took a dip. As you can probably tell from my wet clothes. I think it might be a good idea if you were to go and immerse yourself for a while. I mean, if you want to, that is. You can do whatever you like..” he trailed off as she stood, her bodysuit clinging to her waist, the limp arms hanging down past her knees as she straightened.
He looked at her again, his eyes roaming over her body in a manner that she couldn't help but notice. He snapped them back to her eyes as she spoke, “Yes. I think I will. Thanks”
He nodded jerkilly and stood as well. He towered over her, he was at least twenty centimeters taller than her, maybe more. She found that she had to lean backwards slightly to see his face from this close. “What do you mean, I mean.. you are welcome?” He nodded to her slowly as he answered her.
She felt her eyes crinkle in a smile. He was annoyingly naive at times. She started to walk towards the water but paused and looked at him with her rearmost eye. “I mean it, Donner. Thank you for saving my life, on multiple occasions now.” She observed him nod again and then sit back down as she pushed her way through the bushes and into another smaller clearing inside the main one.
A small stream led into a pond the perfect size for a single occupant. She felt her other selves gurgle in delight in her mind. She thought about pushing them back down as she generally did, and then stopped. They had almost died too, they didn’t deserve to be silenced. She hesitated, it had been so long since she had disrupted the concord.
She took a deep breath and embraced her selves. All at once three other voices populated her mind. Two of them meek and quiet, the third brash and full of a confident swagger.
‘Oh now you are going to let us stretch our limbs huh? All it takes is you nearly getting us killed to take off the gloves huh?’ Her other scolded herself.
Drelloc felt her other arms and legs move slightly of their own accord. Her total control over her body now partially surrendered to her other lobes. She apologised weakly. ‘I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt us, but somebody had to take charge and you would have gotten us killed a long time ago!’
Her rebellious self appeared to smirk, part of her face crinkling as the attached arm made a somewhat rude gesture in front of her own eye.
She frowned herself now. ‘Hey, no need for that. You know I am right. I felt you willingly let me keep control when I had to destroy the Valor.’
Her other self sputtered and she felt the anger from part of her rise but she remained calm. ‘I did that only because there wasn’t time for me to explain why what you were doing was wrong, you worthless sludge pile.’
She rolled her primary eye. ‘Yeah? And yet despite that we ended up fine.’ Her other more rebellious self had always been brash. But never so unremittingly rude, this was a new and frankly worrying direction. She was a bit worried all truth be told.
The other voice started to respond harshly saying, ‘Yeah, and when I take control..’ but was cut off by the two meek voices speaking in unison.
Drelloc started as she realised they had formed a partial consensus themselves. They spoke, their combined voices echoing strangely, ‘No, you won’t. She has not led us astray so far despite the danger we have faced. Unlike you. We won't let you bother us anymore, enough is enough.’
She shuddered. The others plowed over her rebellious self and locked her inside a cage of pure willpower. Their combined strength more than a match for her other. She was astonished, they had always stayed back, letting her take the fight alone. Her constant struggle was a point of personal shame that her own mind would not even help her.
She was silent for a time, then she shivered and asked, ‘Why now?’
The twin voices spoke as one again. ‘You were always stronger than us. But we couldn't allow you to become soft and so we waited until we were sure. You are truly the best of us, and we will support your decisions. She will no longer trouble you Drelloc.’ She would have had to pick her jaw up off the ground if she had had one. Hearing her name in her head from the others was a strange feeling.
She reached out towards them and felt them embrace her control wholeheartedly and with the tenderness of a long lost family member. She felt a new wave of euphoria as for the first time in her memory she felt truly complete. She began to laugh, she laughed as she stepped to the edge of the water.
She laughed as she stepped out of her bodysuit and immersed herself in the cool spring, only the barest tip of her head poking out of the pond as she closed her eyes and relaxed. Feeling truly at peace for the first time in her life, the blissful silence in her head a welcome balm from the constant bickering and prodding. She let out a sigh as her laughing fit subsided and she slipped completely under the cool surface.
No matter what happened on this mission now, she would feel complete.
Donner sat and rubbed his hands together as he watched the alien woman disappear into the brush by the edge of the clearing.
He stood suddenly, he felt energised, adrenaline spiking in his blood as his emotions went haywire. What was happening? There was no way he was falling for the strange woman. But what if he was?
He placed his hands on his head as if he could tear the feelings from his own brain. But it was hopeless, seeing her lying near dead and broken upon the ground had hurt him far more than if she were just his charge. No, seeing her injured had torn at his soul. He had feared for her life in a way that went beyond even what he had felt for the loss of his squadmates.
The terrible self admission shamed him and he smacked his fists into his head. How could he think that? What kind of terrible friend was he?
He began to pace restlessly, what was he to do? What could he do?
He stopped and took several deep calming breaths as he started to formulate a new plan. There was no way she felt the same about him, did she? The self doubting part of his mind began to poke tiny holes into everything he thought he knew.
He suddenly thought back to the way her eyes had roamed over his body earlier, the way she had paused near him. The way she had said his name.
“Oh boy..” he muttered to himself. He was in trouble alright.
He stood still before walking over to the duffel and sitting by it. He unzipped the bag and rummaged around inside, taking inventory of their supplies.
After a few minutes of rummaging around he had come to the conclusion that they had more than enough dried rations to last them a week or more if they had too. They had rope, the conservotarp, a pair of old analog two way radios and more than enough quickheal to recover from anything they might encounter. Their only real limitation was how much water they could carry and their ammunition.
The pistol only had two spare magazines and his MR-12 had only the six spare magazines he carried on his utility belt. He wished that she had managed to grab more ammo, but he could understand why that might not have been a priority when escaping a smoldering wreck that was about to explode.
He sighed and then decided that he was hungry. He didn’t know what Drelloc’s metabolism was like but after her near brush with heat stroke he figured she could probably use some warm food to revitalize her. He would make his food first so it had time to cool while he made hers.
The act of setting up the tiny mobile cooking station was familiar and brought him to memories of better times. He recalled the first time he had been forced to improvise his cooking with Frezz and Bell. they had been on a deployment to some tiny backwater mining colony much like the one he had grown up on. He had been making something when he realised that he had forgotten to purchase any proteins and Frezz had convinced him to purchase some suspicious mushrooms from a swanith street vendor. He had nearly shit himself to death, Frezz had laughed the whole time of course.
He realised that he hands were shaking, the small freeze dried meal he had clutched in his hand crinkling as his white knuckles clenched. He forced himself to relax. He needed to deal with the loss of his squadmates sooner or later, but he had to focus on the mission. If he let himself break now then Drelloc might never make it back alive without him, and a steadily growing part of him found that unacceptable.
He swallowed heavily as he poured some water into the heater and waited for it to come to a boil. He busied himself setting up two of the packages, another beef stroganoff for himself and a sweet and spicy chicken and tehro-rice for her. She might find it more palatable than the ambiguous beef dish he had served her for breakfast.
The water began to boil after a minute and he carefully removed the small insulated cup. He poured the liquid into his food pouch and closed the bag, giving it a few shakes for good measure.
He replaced the cup and poured more water. While it was reaching temperature he should go and let Drelloc know that he was making food. He was also a little concerned about her well being, he had heard splashing a little while ago but the noise had subsided a while ago.
Donner stood and walked slowly towards the small spring thicket. As he neared it he called out for her. “Drelloc, I am making some lunch. I figured now was as good a time as any.”
He waited, no response came. Now he began to worry anew, thoughts of her being injured or worse flashed through his mind as he pushed his way through the thick bushes into the small clearing. He looked around and was immediately alarmed when he didn't see her.
Donner moved towards the water and saw a shape below the surface, it was Drelloc. Alarm surged through him at the sight of her motionless body submerged below the surface, he looked both ways and then took a step into the pool.
No sooner had his foot made ripples across the surface than he saw her eyes open and she moved. He had the impression of some deep sea creature moving for just a second before she burst from the water.
Her slightly wrinkled grey skin was shining with moisture, the light catching it and seeming to sparkle as if it was covered in ten thousand tiny diamonds. Possibly an effect of the same tiny hairs he thought he had felt on her hand earlier. Her body was nude he realised next with a start, her bodysuit discarded by the waters edge. His first instinct was to turn away, but he realised that there was no real reason to, her people had no external genitalia or other such anatomy to cover up. She didn’t seem to mind his gaze that much either, at least he didn't think she did. She certainly wasn’t making any effort to cover herself up as she stood in water up to her flared waist.
She seemed to look at him with a strange new expression he didn’t recognise. “Yes? What is it Donner?”
He shifted between intrigued and embarrassed in equal measure as he looked at her and then to the ground nearby. “I was just coming to check.. I made some food. I wanted to tell you that before it had a chance to get cold.” he wasn’t sure what else to say, his mind squirming with the plethora of stimuli that had assailed it in the past two days.
She reached up and ran two hands over her head as if she were pushing back a ponytail, but she had no hair so the gesture must have had some other significance. “I thank you. I am finding the waters here quite rejuvenating, I am curious if you would be willing to bring it to me here.” She seemed so at peace, so sincere. At once he nodded, her transformation was noticeable, she seemed to hold herself a little more confidently and he couldn't help but feel as though something about her had changed.
Maybe he was talking to another part of her? But her voice was the same, it was his understanding that all of the different minds of a razah’vool would show subtle differences. He put it out of his mind as he turned and walked a little quickly out of the small secondary clearing.
He was a bit confused, but he tried to bury it with self confidence. He was doing the right thing and the mission would be alright. He deserved to be alive because Drelloc needed him. He nodded and repeated it a few more times, part of him still unconvinced as that small self doubt crept back.
He scrutinised his self doubt, was he really so different from her after all? He didn’t always agree with himself either, maybe his own mind was compartmentalised too? He shook his head at the concept and worked on the food. Finishing it up and grabbing both packets.
Donner made sure to turn off the electric heater before he turned and looked back towards where the object of his internal strife was. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his mind before he made his way back towards the strangely alluring alien woman.
Drelloc was relaxing completely. She was fully submerged in the cold crystalline water of the spring, the tiny layer of microfibers that covered her skin acting as both an insulating layer and trapping microbubbles of air that allowed for gas exchange to take place. The oxygen content of the water was low, but she wasn't planning on staying submerged for too long.
She closed her eyes and tried to imagine she was back home on the colony world where she grew up. The dark grey skies field with storm clouds, the rain as it fell in drenching torrents and flooded the park near where she grew up. The way the wind rippled the surface of the oceans of the world. She could almost imagine she was there instead of on a small hot hell world with no large bodies of water and no seas.
As she lay there under the water, totally immersed in her own little world, she thought she heard a faint noise other than the burbling of the spring and the slow beat of her own heart. She listened, but the sound didn't repeat.
She felt the skin around her eyes crinkle in a frown, another few seconds passed before she heard the unmistakable sound of something landing in the water. Her eyes shot open and she bolted upright in the pool, ready for nearly anything as the water splashed away from her in all directions. Anything that was, except for Donner to be standing at the edge of the pool. One bare foot in the water and a look of some strange mixture of emotions on his flexible facial features.
What was he doing there she wondered amongst her selves. One voice in her mind suggested that perhaps he been coming to swim with her. But she doubted that was the case. Another part of her mind pointed out her current state of undress, but she found that she didn't seem to mind his eyes upon her. It wasn't as though she had external genitalia to cover up like Donner or his species did. Her own concepts of modesty were largely moral, not physical.
She wore the bodysuit because she found it comfortable, not because she was embarrassed by her body in the same manner many other races seemed to be. Did humans really have such poor impulse control that they could not look upon each other in their purest form? She supposed not, as she herself was unsure how she would have reacted to seeing another of her kind unclothed in the pool with her at that time. Especially a young male with such delightfully pale skin.
She jerked slightly as she felt at least one of her selves admiring the man’s body again. The strength apparent in his strange alien limbs. So alike her own and yet different in subtle and surprising ways.
She tried her best to clear her thoughts, brushing them away instead of jamming them down like she used to. She spoke, her voice as carefully neutral as she could make it. “Yes? What is it Donner?”
He took a step back out of the pool. His strange blue and black eyes at first looking and then avoiding her as he seemed to stutter nervously, “I was just coming to check.. I made some food. I wanted to tell you that before it had a chance to get cold.”
She smiled, the crinkling of her eyes likely not as obvious to the man as his own displays were to her. So she opted for a very obvious and perhaps pointed gesture of pleasure. She passed two of her arms over the sides of her head as if wiping the water from her face. Four of her eyes closing in response to the movement. If she had made the gesture towards another member of her race she might has well have asked them to swim with her, but the gesture must have not been familiar to Donner as he just blindly watched her for another moment.
“I thank you. I am finding the waters here quite rejuvenating, I am curious if you would be willing to bring it to me here.” She made a gesture of thanks to him. He seemed to hesitate, his eyes wandering over her body once more. Only her torso was out of the water, her waist and legs were still submerged in the cold spring.
Finally he seemed to make a decision and nodded. His head bobbing before he turned quickly and scuttled away. She chuckled to herself quietly. Where was the blunt and callous soldier, all she saw in his recent demeanour was that of a young man. One likely confused as to their emotions, did she dare to think that he may share some of the strange feelings that were growing steadily in her own mind.
She waded to the edge of the pool and pulled herself out of the water for a moment. The clear liquid cascading from her body to splash upon the soft carpet of moss that lay below her. She shook all four legs individually, trying to dry herself off as best as she could. She might not be able to pull herself back into her skintight bodysuit if she remained too wet.
She stooped and picked up the garment. She had been wearing it for a while now and a part of her thought about not wearing it, especially in the heat of the world. Maybe she would refrain from putting it on for the time being at least.
She walked to the water and immersed the bodysuit’s fabric in the water, washing some of the grime and smoke from its exterior. She laid them out in a nearby patch of sun to dry and moved back to the water's edge where she sat with her legs immersed in the water, her feet tucked under her webbed thighs.
After another few moments she heard the brush rustle and presently saw Donner make his way back to the clearing with two packages. He stopped and she once more took the opportunity to scrutinise his demeanor. His face was so strange to her.
He had only two eyes, set near each other and parallel in height. Between them was his funny little nose, the nub of skin and cartilage looking so out of place on his otherwise flat features. His mouth was set on the front of his skull and consisted of an entirely separate bone structure. This jaw was hinged and connected to his skull by a complex series of muscles and sinews.
She marveled at what manner of evolutionary pitfalls must have resulted in this incredibly inefficient design. Humans put all of their sensory features to the front, as did many other species. This total neglect shown to their surroundings made them very adept at monotasking, but somewhat poor multitaskers. Not like herself, she could relinquish control and have all of her selves do something different if she wanted to. The most she had ever done was two things at once as she was generally rather against letting her other selves take control.
She felt a gentle nudge in her mind at the thought and smiled. Not so anymore. She had gained a new appreciation for herself, and a new self confidence. Maybe it was this self confidence that compelled her to speak, but whatever it was she gestured to the man and patted the ground beside her. “Thank you Donner. Come, sit with me. You are a social species, correct?”
Donner nodded. “Well, yes. Though there are some of my people that prefer to live alone. We call them reserved or antisocial.” He took another step closer, an arm extended with what she assumed was her food.
She took it with another grateful gesture. “Well, are you one of these reserved individuals?” She would have raised an eyebrow if she had them. Instead, she winked the smaller secondary eye above her larger primary.
The man seemed a tad torn, but then that same unreadable expression she had noticed earlier crossed his face and he shook his head. His expressive eyes widening slightly as he spoke, “No. I’m not.”
She smiled with her eyes as he scooted over and then sat to her side with his feet and lower legs extending into the water. He was a respectful distance away and she decided not to push her luck.
She looked at the pouch he handed her and was pleased to see it was not the same nasty beef stroganoff as that morning. “What is.. chicken?” She asked aloud as she poured a small measure of the package into her open mouth.
The tehro-rice was tender and sweet, the taste reminding her of several of the human meals she had had the privilege of trying back before she had been shipped to Minasdee. The chicken seemed to be small chunks of meat. It was a little tough and covered in some manner of breading that had soaked up a considerable amount of the flavors in the packet’s sauce. It was sweet and a little tangy while the chicken itself tasted very light. Hints of some deeper flavor reminded her almost of greak steaks, the aquatic creature native to the razah’vool homeworld of Vool. She had not had many occasions to consume greak though.
It was good, as she poured another measure of the tasty dish into her mouth she heard Donner answer her. “Chicken is a kind of terrestrial fowl native to old Earth. I haven't ever eaten a fresh one but it is one of my favorite MRE types. Much better than the beef to be fair.” He spoke with a small tinge of what sounded to her like wistfulness in his voice. As if he were thinking of what it might be like to try one.
She made a gesture for a shrug. All four shoulders rolling slightly in unison. “I suppose that would depend on the nearest planet that raises them. If it’s eighty light years away I don't think you are going to be getting anything but flash frozen chicken.”
He chuckled and she felt a tingle zip through her. She realised that she loved the sound of his laughter, the strange alien chuffing so unlike her own. She wondered, and not for the first time, what he thought of her. She felt like a younger version of herself, before her sequential transition to a mature female she had been a male. As was true with every member of her species, her people were born entirely male and transformed into females as they reached maturity near the age of eighty to one-hundred standard rotations.
She could remember how it felt back then, her young male hormones had commonly run rampant. One of the reasons that youths in razah’vool culture were so rarely given responsibilities. They were far too impulsive to be trusted with true responsibilities.
With nothing more to say that wouldn't betray her thoughts she simply enjoyed the cool water and company. She thought about the mission, it was still important to her that she get through to make her report. But judging by the rather significant delay their unfortunate accident had imparted upon them she wasn't so sure that her information would be as useful. Though she still thought it was pretty important.
The rebels had been using encrypted communications as had the Union for the entirety of the war. Both sides used a complex series of quantum computers to both encode and decode the information, but it wasn't an exact science. On rare occasions the enemy code could or would be broken revealing significant amounts of useful raw data that might give them a key advantage.
After a few assassinations and more attempts it was determined that presenting these code breaches when they occurred was dangerous to say the least. Now whenever a code breach was detected the agent or mindjacker responsible for it would generally report directly to their local command with the news. While this also seemed as it might be a dead giveaway, there were enough other priority reports that were trusted to couriers that it fell in with the normal traffic.
She had done just such a thing, detecting an anomalous radio frequency and tracing it to its source. She had found the mothercode for the local rebel forces, potentially even the local or regional forces. She wasn't really sure just how far up the totem pole this call was going to go, but part of her hoped secretly that this would be the straw that broke the ranx’s back so to speak.
==End of Transmission==
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  1. Install the Adobe App and log in with a fake account.
  2. Install the program from the given setup.
  3. Don’t run the application yet and close from system tray or task manager if running.
  4. Extract the “Patch Fix.zip” to directory where you’ve installed the program.
  5. Run the Patch as admin and apply it. (you may need to find the .exe to patch)
  6. Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions.
  7. That’s it, Enjoy now 📷
Instructional video : Click Here

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Adobe CC 2024 Crack For All Products For All MacOS ❤️ ( Lifetime Activation 🆓 )

Step 1: you still have to Disable Gatekeeper first
Step 2: Installs AntiCC v5.9 (OneDrive Backup)
Step 3: Run the Install file by right-clicking and selecting Open
Step 4: (Important) After installation, do not run P4tch but open Photoshop. A Login screen will appear like this:
Select Login with Google (or Apple, Facebook whatever). It’s okay to use an expired account. After logging in, it will display the “Let’s get you…” screen, then close the application.
NOTE: The Acc must have a Location of United State. To make sure, you go to the adobe.com and register a new account, while registering pay attention to the following notes: Location and Date of birthday

If you encounter any errors:

  1. Open the Adobe Cleaner Tool and select Clean all.
  2. Open CleanMyMac > Select the Uninstaller tab > Type “adobe” into the search box, see if there are any remaining Apps with the word Adobe then remove
Installation instructions
A. For macOS
Instructional video : Click Here
Adobe Photoshop 2024 – Free download for macOS


Compatible: macOS Big Sur 11 or later (however Ventura 13.4 or later is preferable)
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Download Link : Download Now

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2023 (Universal M1 vs Intel)


(Compatibility: macOS 10.14.0 or later)

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submitted by Adobepro to u/Adobepro [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 02:23 adobecrack Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.2.0 Crack Latest Version For Windows & Mac (Free Activation)

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.2.0 Crack Latest Version For Windows & Mac (Free Activation)

Adobe Premiere Pro Overview

Video editing that’s always a cut above. Premiere Pro is the leading video editing software for film, TV, and the web. Creative tools, integration with other Adobe apps and services, and the power of Adobe Sensei help you craft footage into polished films and videos in one seamless workflow.
Guys 🆘 You like to Get More Free Content Follow me Here 😍 #FreeContentRevolution : To see how to install adobe 2024 instructional videos below
And Premiere Rush, our new app, is included with your subscription so you can capture footage and start editing on all your devices, anywhere.
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of Adobe Premiere Pro & more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Premiere Pro also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now :
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Premiere Pro on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Premiere Pro also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now :
🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Premiere Pro
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Premiere Pro on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now
✅ To get direct download Links without ads : Click here

Adobe Premiere Pro Download Links

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Older Version

Direct Download Links

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Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.1 (macOS)

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Follow me here For More :

Older version

Torrent Download Links

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Direct Download Links

Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 v23.5 U2B + Patch (macOS).zip

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro For Mac ?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.
  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings: sudo spctl –global-disable xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.
  1. Run adobe app and login with fake account then run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray)
  3. Extract Patch.rar and Right click on “AdobeGenP.exe” in Release folder and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Search” button and select then on “Patch”
  5. Wait till patching is done
  6. That’s it, Enjoy!

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro

submitted by adobecrack to u/adobecrack [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 01:32 adobecrack FL Studio Producer Edition v21.2.3 Build 4004 All Plugins Edition For Windows & Mac (Free Activation)

FL Studio Producer Edition v21.2.3 Build 4004 All Plugins Edition For Windows & Mac (Free Activation)

FL Studio Producer Edition Overview

FL Studio is a complete software music production environment or Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Representing more than 20 years of innovative development it has everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master professional quality music.
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of FL Studio & more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install this plugin ✅ to do not face any future issues while using FL Studio also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now :
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install FL Studio on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install this plugin ✅ to do not face any future issues while using FL Studio also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now :
🧹 Clean first your mac before installing FL Studio
🍏 For everyone who can’t install FL Studio on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now
✅ To get direct download Links without ads : Click here
FL Studio 21 – Professional music editing on Mac
FLStudio_v20 (Google Drive)
Link 1
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FL Studio Producer Edition Download Links
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Older Version

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Follow me here For More :
Instructions for the latest version: *Note on Silicon Chip ( Chip M1 M2 M3 ....) Open Finder in Macintosh HD > Application > FL Studio > Right-click and select Get info Stick to Open Using Rosetta - Turn off SIP first (one Error number moved to trash when opening FL Studio) How to turn off SIP
– Run the file “ Install FL Studio.pkg” to install as usual. Do not run FL Studio 20 after installation. – Open “ FL Patch.dmg ” then drag the “FL Studio” file into Application and select Replace – Launch FL Studio Pop-Up appears and select “Load License Key” (or you can go in and select “Help” > “ Unlock FL Studio”). Find the file FLRegKey_20.8_Mac.reg FL Studio will ask to restart. Select “No” when asked whether to save or not? – Close FL Studio. Open Finder Go to Documents \ Image-Line \ FL Studio \ Settings \ Internet – Delete the file Default news.rss – Create a FOLDER named Default news.rss – then click Add

How to use Crack of FL Studio Producer Edition For Windows?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of FL Studio Producer Edition.
  1. Install software using given installer (in Setup folder)
  2. Close program if running (Even from system tray)
  3. Extract “Crack.zip” file and Copy its content to program’s installation folder (confirm replacing, if asked)
  4. Merge Reg
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!

Key Features of FL Studio Producer Edition

submitted by adobecrack to u/adobecrack [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 15:42 Adobepro Adobe 2024 Crack Collection All Products For Windows & Mac 🆓

Adobe 2024 Crack Collection All Products For Windows & Mac 🆓
Adobe 2024 Crack Collection All Apps Free Download ) ( Free Activation ✔️ )
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of Adobe Products & more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Products also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : patreon.com/SoftFree925
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Products on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Products also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : patreon.com/SoftFree925
🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Products
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Products on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now
Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.0.0.37 [FINAL] (x64) (Incl. Neural Filters) Pre-Cracked
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😍 Support us guys and help to grow this community :
You can donate by using Paypal ☑️ or Debit or Credit card users 💳 : https://ko-fi.com/vopiapps
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Adobe Creative Cloud Collection Download Links
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How to use Pre-Activated Adobe Creative Cloud Collection?
Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Creative Cloud Collection.
  1. Disable internet and double click on setup.exe from Setup folder
  2. Choose which adobe products you want to install (All of them are Pre-Activated except Adobe InDesign)
  3. That’s it, Enjoy!
Adobe Creative Cloud Collection Details
Below are the details about Adobe Creative Cloud Collection. Virustotal result is attached within the table for the installer.
How To Install Adobe Products 2024 For Windows ?
  1. Install the Adobe Adobe App and log in with a fake or personal account.
  2. Install the program from the given “setup.exe”
  3. Install the Camera Raw.
  4. Wait for it to get installed fully.
  5. Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions.(It’s Pre-Cracked lol)
  6. That’s it, Enjoy now 📷
How to use Crack of Adobe Products 2024 For Mac?
Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Products 2024.
  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.7.0.1307 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings: sudo spctl –global-disable xattr -cr and drag the Photoshop installer
  3. Install photoshop
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
submitted by Adobepro to u/Adobepro [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 15:22 Adobepro Adobe Photoshop 2024 Crack Windows & MacOS ☑️

Adobe Photoshop 2024 Crack Windows & MacOS ☑️
Reimagine reality with Photoshop. Millions of designers, photographers, and artists around the world use Photoshop to make the impossible possible. From posters to packaging, basic banners to beautiful websites, unforgettable logos to eye-catching icons, Photoshop keeps the creative world moving.
Follow instructions carefully
Instructions For Windows :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly of Adobe Photoshop & more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Photoshop also to accelerate rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Chrome : Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : patreon.com/SoftFree925
Instructions For Mac :
to avoid errors like system compatibility report or error code 195 or quit unexpectedly mac applications , INCOMPATIBLE M1 or M2, If ​​you have Chip M1 or M2 use the following instructions to Install Adobe Photoshop on Chip M1 or M2 and more follow those instructions.
Attention 😱 ! Before you start install process you should first install Adobe Flash Player 2024 ✅ Latest version to do not face any future issues while using Adobe Photoshop also to accelerate graphics rendering.
▶️ Open the link by using Safari or Chrome :
Download Now or Download Now
🔴 Emergency Alert : Join the VIP Club NOW for Free Access to Premium Software Previous Patreon Deleted 😭
🌟 Attention, Amazing Fans! 🌟
Ready to join the elite? Click here now : patreon.com/SoftFree925
🧹 Clean first your mac before installing Adobe Photoshop
🍏 For everyone who can’t install Adobe Photoshop on Mac and to overcome applications errors you should first Clean your Mac Before you Install it.
Free Version Download Link : Download Now
Get premium version of Mac Cleaner help with any software-related issues"Special Discount Offer" Limited Offer! Get your discount now
😍 Support us guys and help to grow this community :
You can donate by using Paypal ☑️ or Debit or Credit card users 💳 : https://ko-fi.com/vopiapps
With intuitive tools and easy-to-use templates, even beginners can make something amazing. The creative world runs on Photoshop. Millions of designers, photographers, and artists around the world use Photoshop to make the impossible possible.
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Guys 🆘 You like to Get More Free Content Follow me Here 😍 #FreeContentRevolution : To see how to install adobe 2024 instructional videos below
Follow me here For More :

How To Install Adobe Photoshop 2024 For Windows ?

  1. Install the Adobe Adobe App and log in with a fake or personal account.
  2. Install the program from the given “setup.exe”
  3. Install the Camera Raw.
  4. Wait for it to get installed fully.
  5. Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions.(It’s Pre-Cracked lol)
  6. That’s it, Enjoy now 📷

How to use Crack of Adobe Photoshop 2024?

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Photoshop 2024.
  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.7.0.1307 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings: sudo spctl –global-disable xattr -cr and drag the Photoshop installer
  3. Install photoshop
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
submitted by Adobepro to u/Adobepro [link] [comments]
