Bank sample floor plans

Double-Decker Costco in Seoul, South Korea

2024.05.20 09:54 LeeLifesonPeart Double-Decker Costco in Seoul, South Korea

Double-Decker Costco in Seoul, South Korea
Costco Wholesale Yangjae
Lots of seafood, sushi & sashimi, yummy-looking pastries, skincare, and Korean products (of course).
Long lines for some of the samples, like the galbi (Korean short rib), and who can blame them!
I thought it was funny that while they had Kirkland tortilla chips, it was only a couple boxes instead of the multiple pallets mine back home carries. 😂
They only accepted cash (lots of ATMs) or the Hyundai Bank card. But I asked and they also accepted my American Costco Citi card.
submitted by LeeLifesonPeart to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:51 Captain-Cash8787 22 and Ready to Transform My Life - My Strategy

I’m 22 years old and ready to change my life drastically. I’m currently stuck in an 8-5 slavejob in Belgium, but I've managed to save up 20K. Last week, I decided to go all-in on entrepreneurship. I purchased an official business management course to grasp the basics of setting up a company, and I’ve been dedicating myself fully: 4 hours of study on weekdays and 20+ hours over the weekend.
Now, I’m looking to optimize my strategy. Instead of putting all my focus on the business management course, I’m planning to split my 40 weekly available hours into several key categories:
1) Business Management (14 hours)
2) Investing (14 hours)
3) Banking/Money (4hours)
4) Real Estate (4 hours)
5) Brainstorming (4 hours)
I’m determined to become financially literate and successful.
Do you think I should add any other categories to my schedule?
Or do you have any suggestions on how to improve my current strategy?
Looking forward to hearing your insights.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Captain-Cash8787 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:51 Coffee_Is_Awesomee Apartments recs in Santa Clarita, Valencia, Stevenson Ranch, etc?

Hi everyone! My husband and I are in our early 30’s and are considering moving to Santa Clarita from LA. Our budget is around $3,000 and we’re open to all floor plans. We’re both Hispanic, work from home, and are ideally looking for a community with a good mix of quietness, chill neighbors, diversity, and cool amenities. If anyone has any recs of places they currently live at and love, have toured and loved, or just any advice in general about apartments we’d appreciate it! Also any tips for making the move from LA to SC are also much appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Coffee_Is_Awesomee to SantaClarita [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:46 Captain-Cash8787 22 and Ready to Transform My Life - My strategy

I’m 22 years old and ready to change my life drastically. I’m currently stuck in an 8-5 slavejob in Belgium, but I've managed to save up 20K. Last week, I decided to go all-in on entrepreneurship. I purchased an official business management course to grasp the basics of setting up a company, and I’ve been dedicating myself fully: 4 hours of study on weekdays and 20+ hours over the weekend.
Now, I’m looking to optimize my strategy. Instead of putting all my focus on the business management course, I’m planning to split my 40 weekly available hours into several key categories:
  1. Business Management (14 hours)
  2. Investing (14 hours)
  3. Banking/Money (4hours)
  4. Real Estate (4 hours)
  5. Brainstorming (4 hours)
I’m determined to become financially literate and successful. Do you think I should add any other categories to my schedule? Or do you have any suggestions on how to improve my current strategy?
Looking forward to hearing your insights. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Captain-Cash8787 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:41 Hot-West9928 Celestial war 1

You know the feeling of having something getting stuck in your teeth... My brain had that with this one... Finally got it out and thought might as well share it. Now I´m able to concentrate on my main story again.
This will be updated as my brain tells me to, so no promises on this one.
The stars, infinite space, and a race of silver giants who planted the seeds. For they were few and needed warriors for the war to end all wars. They seeded life everywhere they could, but life is a finicky thing, so they failed and failed and failed, until one day they did not fail. In an unimportant system of a yellow sun, eight planets and a dwarf planet life had finally enough. While the silver giants proudly declared their genius over everyone and creation itself as they succeeded on the third planet of this system, life had its own plans.
While the oceans began to spawn single-cell organisms and the giants touched them, gave them purpose, let them be more, life made a promise. Don´t mess with me, I make the rules, I made you and you will not use me. As the giants formed the planet, and let their creation rise out of the oceans, life added its own influences. While the giant formed creature after creature, life would kill all of them, in a merciless battle of survival, until the champion arose.
The silver giants, again declared their genius as they succeeded, they created the ultimate warrior race. Giant-scaled monsters! Ferocious beyond belief, they would be guided to be perfect weapons for the giants' cause. And then life struck, and the genius of the giants was destroyed in the blink of an eye. Making the planet inhospitable for those lizards, and life snickered.
But the silver giants would not be denied again, they took the creations and guided them, declaring once again their genius, as the quadrupedal furred hunting beasts roamed. They would again be guided and made into the perfect assassins and murder weapons for the giants. And still, life had its own plans. Unbeknown to the giants life had created its own champion and after that bipedal creature picked up a stick, and crushed the skull of a furred hunter with a single swing. The race for dominant species came to a crashing halt.
The silver giants were surprised, this was not planned, and they would not stand for it. They would eradicate this menace and return everything as it should be. While they berated each other about how it would be done most efficiently, life was laughing for this creature would multiply fast, and now more of them used sticks and an astounding variety of them. Long sharp sticks for poking things far away or in the water, short thick sticks to bash the brains of everything, and even long thick sticks to protect their stomping ground.
Finally, the silver giants would agree, the unwanted creature would be smitten, with the power of thunder and lightning. Burned in the unleashed inferno, and so they did. Lightning struck from the skies igniting forests and spreading fire and flame. But life just smiled, as the fire summoned rain, restoring the balance, and the bipedal creature scurried off into the caves, and holes where they hid from the wrath of the skies, but only after stealing something from the unleashed inferno, nothing more than a burning stick, but with it more than should have been allowed at any cost.
And the silver giants saw the rise of this creature, they again met to discuss and while they talked the bipedal creature would take more and more of the planet, using the stolen power of fire and flame to rise in might and ferocity. And while the creatures fought each other to sate their bloodlust, the giants decided. They would use the creature to destroy itself and with that, the silver giants spoke to humanity, to a single human. He would build a vessel allowing every one of their divine creations to board it and cleanse the world of taint. And they laughed as the human labored, those creatures were so gullible and life laughed because they still did not understand.
As the day of cleansing drew close, the vessel was completed, filled with two of every creature and with dread, the giants had to witness, as the flood animated by their design powered towards this boat, and the humans just got aboard, not two, not three but a hundred. As the human they tricked, saved more of their kind. At this life howled with laughter. Their genius was like ash before the wind, they could not start over for there was not enough time, they could not eradicate this creature as it would just emerge stronger. There was only one way left, they would form this humanity into the warriors they needed. And humanity did their very best to resist!
The giants once again discussed and humanity rose above every other creature in the blink of an eye, the tools of wood and stone, had gone to bronze and finally reached iron. And the giants knew they had to control them, or humanity would overrun them soon. They had to use the bloodlust of those creatures to their advantage, and with that, they reached down and helped sometimes, but every time humanity reached back and tried to take more. The giants would then reach down once more and gave humans something to fear their power.
They would create creatures of nightmares, and monsters of incredible power, uncontrollable by anyone, but every time the humans would slay them and those beasts would vanish into stories. They would shake the earth and kill thousands in natural disasters but humanity would always adapt, they would come down to the planet showing their awesome might, and finally, humanity seemed to understand. Humans gave them names, and titles, and started to worship their powers culling each other in their names. And finally, the Giants got their victory. And still, life just smiled, for it knew something the giants didn´t.
And as the giants retreated back into far space, leaving humanity to reach the stars on their own, as the last test of strength. Life laughed and hid the truth in amber treasure troves, and layers of stone, to one day let a curious human find the whole truth. And the whole truth they did find...
It was a cathedral of white marble, on a planet of unimaginable beauty, where two giants stood opposing each other, one many-eyed, white-winged with silver skin and golden eyes, the other of cold hard metal and science. The silver-sinned brandished a sword of fire and throwing darts of golden light, the other wielding a blade of monomolecular carbon-tungsten alloy vibrating at ludicrous speeds and infused with raw electric power and a one-handed solid slug thrower.
As the giants worked out their differences, the world around them burned. Lightning strikes of potent energies dueled with artillery of cataclysmic destructive power, beings of light-charged lines of armored figures, firing blue bolts of energy from handheld rifles, getting gunned down or sometimes reaching the line and tearing the smaller figures apart with their weapons.
"You will never kill us all!" The silver giant panted, swinging their sword against the metal warrior, their blow getting deflected with unnatural ease and barely dodging the retaliation shot of the slug thrower. "You are lesser than us. Nothing more than our servants!" The giant cried out in rage, while the metal warrior silently advanced landing a strike on the arm of the silver giant, bronze blood spraying and staining the unblemished white floor and walls. This enraged the silver being even more, and their duel gained a whole new level of ferocity.
The metal warrior took a few steps backward buckling under the assault of pure light darts on his armored shell, triggering a short burst of his pistol to catch some breath and deny the follow-up attack. He took an additional step back and steadied his stance, feigning catastrophic damage, but in reality, getting ready for his final gambit. The silver giant fell for it and raised his burning blade for a brutal overhead swing, to split the warrior from head to toe, in an unexpected burst of speed the warrior pushed forward thrusting his vibrating blade through the body of the silver giant, spilling the bronze blood everywhere and with a grunt of effort nailing it to the wall.
The giant coughing bronze blood flowing from their maw, dripping on the marble floor, their many eyes darting wildly trying to get away, but failing to free themself from the blade stuck in their body.
"You lost. Throne. Die in the knowledge, that we will never rest until all of you are dead." The voice of the mechanical warrior was deep and without mercy, he slowly aimed his pistol at the head, antic humans called an angel, as a second smaller figure entered the room. "Sire, we are in full control of the palace." It told the warrior, earning a nod of approval. "Very good Red-A-One, you fulfilled your duty splendidly." The warrior answered, thinking for a second. "I grant you the honor to execute the enemy leader before me, if I remember right, you lost family to those monsters" The figure called Red-A-One nodded "Yes, Sire my wife and daughter."
With this the metal warrior grabbed the hilt of the sword, pulling the silver being off the wall and instantly forcing it to kneel, as the smaller soldier pulled up his rifle and took aim. With the slow squeeze of the trigger, and the sound of discharging plasma the head and brain of the "angel" exploded spraying chunks everywhere. "Order the withdrawal Red-A-One, we're done here." The metal giant told the soldier as the corpse of the last enemy flopped to the floor.
submitted by Hot-West9928 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:40 PhysicsHuge6877 Setback

Hi! I’m a first year arki student 🇵🇭 Just wanna ask if when making floor plans, can I put open porch on a setback (3m in front) or side porches? Or even a carport within the setback? Thank you po!!
submitted by PhysicsHuge6877 to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:33 I_IV_Vega DDintoIRAs Part 2: Process Breakdown - DRSing Shares Held in an IRA

DDintoIRAs Part 2: Process Breakdown - DRSing Shares Held in an IRA

Asset Protection

This section will briefly discuss the games the elite play to protect/manage/hide their assets. The rest of this post will cover how I personally believe it is possible to beat them at their own game.
Countless DD posts over the years have talked about how the wealthy use Trusts, LLCs, and others to hide or protect assets. They’re also used for a plethora of other reasons like managing liability, advantageous taxation laws, etc. I’m not going to go into too much detail on this but if you do some reading on asset protection and family planning, you might see charts like the one below describing a sort of network of nested business entities. This one only has two layers but they can get far more complex depending on needs. Luckily, this DD post doesn’t require much complexity on this front.
The main thing to note here is the Trust owning two LLCs.

James H. Swanson

The gigachad who won a lawsuit against the IRS.
Swanson v. Comm'r of Internal Revenue, 106 T.C. 76, 106 T.C. 3 (U.S.T.C. 1996)
This case is full of interesting and relevant information. I highly recommend reading it on your own. For now I’m going to summarize the most relevant parts as best as I can. If necessary I can make another post going over this case in more detail; let me know in the comments.
In 1985, Swanson created a corporation (Swansons’ Worldwide, Inc.) in early January, and an IRA account with Florida National Bank as the custodian in late January. The same day that the IRA was established, Swanson directed Florida National Bank (his IRA custodian) to execute a subscription agreement for 2,500 shares of stock in Swansons’ Worldwide (the brand new company) making his IRA the first and only shareholder of Swansons’ Worldwide. Through tax years 1985-1988, Swanson utilized this structure and was also named president of Swansons’ Worldwide. As president of Swansons’ Worldwide, Swanson distributed profits of the company to the IRA in the form of dividends. Also in 1988, Swanson transferred his IRA from Florida National Bank to First Florida Bank, N.A. as his new custodian.
In January 1989, Swanson directed First Florida Bank, N.A. to transfer $5k from the current IRA to a new IRA account, where First Florida Bank was also named custodian. At the same time, Swanson created a second company (H & S Swansons’ Trading Company) and directed IRA account #2 to execute a subscription agreement for 2,500 shares of stock in Swansons’ Trading. Same as before, Swansons’ 2nd IRA became the first and only shareholder of the 2nd company. In 1990, Swansons’ Trading paid a dividend of $28,000 to IRA #2. Note that in both of these scenarios, Swanson filed appropriate paperwork under guidance of experienced professionals.
The IRS decided to stick Swanson with a hefty bill because they decided that these transactions counted as an early distribution, with the logic that Swanson was personally benefiting from these transactions and counted as a prohibited transaction with a disqualified person (someone your IRA is not legally allowed to transact with, like friends and family or yourself).
The court ruled in favor of Swanson, recognizing that Swanson was not personally benefiting from these transactions except through his IRA account. The court also ruled that a newly created business entity with no owners does not qualify as a disqualified person in the context of prohibited transactions. The dividends were also ruled to be legal because they were not done at the direction of either IRA, they were done through Swansons’ role as president of the corporations. Swanson acting as president of the corporations was also allowed by the court.

DRSing Shares Held in an IRA

Putting all of this information together has led me to believe that using an LLC or some sort of business entity within an IRA account is the best way to securely DRS shares held in an IRA. I personally dug into using LLCs specifically because from my understanding they cover everything that sound good to have (Operating Agreement outlining procedures filed with the State, not quite as complex or expensive as I imagine a C Corporation would be, pass through taxation should allow you to maintain tax benefits of the IRA account and avoid double taxation of a C Corp). The only issue I see with this method is the strict rules surrounding what you can and cannot do, but if this is only used for DRSing GME shares it might not be too rough.
My understanding of how the process should go:
  1. Find a custodian that supports this account structure for an IRA.
  2. Find a lawyer to draft necessary forms for creation of the LLC with the IRA as the single member and the ape as the manager. The ape manager cannot receive any form of compensation or contribute any form of personal labor to the LLC. For example: you cannot create your own logo for the LLC. You also cannot give yourself a salary or wage or anything for your role as manager of the LLC.
  3. Obtain an EIN. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a social security number for a business entity. It will be the taxpayer ID number used to register for bank accounts, brokerage accounts, and in this case a Computershare account in the name of the business entity.
  4. Transfer $GME shares from IRA to LLC in exchange for 100% ownership interest in the LLC. Brokerage/bank accounts in the name of the LLC might be necessary at this step to receive the shares. There might be a way to send shares directly to Computershare in this step, but you will have to ask a professional for guidance because this information is getting a bit much for my smooth brain to handle at once.
  5. If shares ended up in a brokerage account during step 4, transferring from the broker to Computershare should be easy to do now.
  6. I believe the valuation of the LLC has to be reported yearly to the custodian.
My interpretation of the reasons that DRSing IRA shares has not worked with Mainstar and others is because of how ownership and control are distributed in an IRA. You are the “owner” and they are the “controller” of your account. Asking them to DRS the shares is like a shareholder involving themself in day-to-day operations. Shareholders provide general guidelines for how employees should perform, but employees are given some ability to make decisions for the company too. If the employees consistently fails to act in the best interest of the owners, the employees can be fired (aka finding a new IRA custodian that will cooperate). Failing that, the court has decided that IRA account holders can act as “employees” of entities owned by the IRA (as long as certain guidelines are met re: prohibited transactions, etc.) This, from my understanding, should allow an IRA account holder, acting as manager of the LLC, to pull a reverse uno and DRS shares held in the name of the LLC. Basically adding another layer of ownership/control that allowed for a more advantageous setup when considering the ability to DRS shares.
One last chart for this DD to go over roles in each entity:
Ownership Control
IRA Ape, acting as grantor and beneficiary of IRA Custodian
LLC IRA Ape, acting as manager of LLC
submitted by I_IV_Vega to DDintoGME [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:30 Myrelin I had a bad fall, and now don't know what to do with myself.

This will be long, I'm sorry. I talk about SI, and there is blood from my fall so please please don't read on if it triggers you.
The context leading up to the fall is that I was diagnosed with BP2 by a psychiatrist who has been working as a sleep expert for decades, I initially went to him sleep issues. But the way he is, he wanted to make sure I'm ok in all respects, not just my sleep.He would warrant a whole different post, and it's painful to talk about. I'll just say I trust him implicitly. Once I was on lamotrigine I was doing better for the first time in 20 years.
Then a depressive episode hit, and it was bad. SI the entire day; I was planning and planning without my brain giving me a breather. General psychiatrist I started going to gave me 25mg of quetiapine which did fuckall. When I explained this to him he ghosted me, so had to go back to Dr. Sleep which I really didn't want.
Luckily someone cancelled, normally he's booked 4 months ahead. I don't think he'll ever know that his appointment was a hail mary; I was days from killing myself. He upped my quetiapine dose to 200mg, so it would actually work as an anti-depressant. He gave me Xanax XR to tide me over until quetiapine started working. It worked. I was doing better.
Then a week ago, I dropped a box I was carrying down my stairs, tripped over it, got turned around, and ended falling backwards, and headfirst onto my stone floor.
There was a moment, that feels like it was stretched out into hours, where my brain went over possible scenarios, and the logical conclusion was that I will die the moment of impact. Either because I brained myself, or because I snap my neck. Best case scenario I survive and become paralyzed. During this long moment I somehow accepted that I was going to die. Everything was calm, and quiet.
Then the impact happened, and it was so loud. I wasI started moving my limbs, then checking I remember thinking 'how?' followed by 'is my head still in one piece?'. So I turned onto my hands and knees, and looked down at a pool of blood. Before it fully registered blood was pouring down my face.
Texted a friend, while I cleaned the blood off the floor and held a towel to my head which got soaked. I was lucky; got away with a few stitches, concussion, and massive bruises on my back.
I get that I survived, but my brain somehow doesn't and still thinks I should be dead on that floor. I started sleeping downstairs on my sofabed. Every time I step foot on those stairs, I remember looking up at the stairs, knowing I'd be dead soon. I hear that bang that was my head reaching the stone floor. The head wound was near the top of my head; I should have died.
And now that's all that's reverberating in my mind, all day long (I also have OCD to make it more fun). And when I try to sleep, I have nightmares about it. I'm completely numb, like nothing matters. I tried emailing Dr. Sleep that I need a med adjustment because I can't sleep after an injury, but he didn't respond (again, whole different post). Guess I'm 2 for 2 for being ghosted.
So I have no-one to turn to, and I feel I'm just existing, and I had to write it out here because I figured if anyone could understand it would be this community. I don't know what to do, or how to deal with this. If you're still here, thanks for taking the time to read.
TL;DR - fell down a flight of stairs on my back and headfirst, unable to slow my fall. Brain knew and accepted I would die, but since I didn't my mind is flooded with the memory of the impact, the fall, and the thought during fall. I'm scared of using my stairs, and I don't normally do scared. I have no mental health professional to turn to.
submitted by Myrelin to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:20 Consistent_Annual315 Hi everyone I'm trying to reach out to Milo and see if I can maybe talk with him about coming to Oklahoma City

Hi everyone I'm trying to reach out to Milo and see if I can maybe talk with him about coming to Oklahoma City
I would take him on the most wonderful day here's my itinerary
And of course it would have to be what he like to so..
First we're going to go to a wonderful gym and there is a climbing wall at pool it's a little bit away but I can get us there don't worry. Then we're going to go to the botanical gardens there is so much to see there. Then I'm taking you to the gilded acorn or possibly willows or possibly the Flint or maybe mahogany, several lovely places downtown Oklahoma City. Then daily mass is Thursday Friday Tuesday at noon and we would do that. Then I drop off some supplies and help to some people from 1 to 4:00 when I can that is we barter and trade food, toilet paper medicine supplies. I was out of salt pepper and garlic and I had other foods so I was able to trade those foods for salt pepper and garlic until the first when I get more money. And then wait that was a total tangent sorry the itinerary
I'm thinking first a great workout then the botanical garden then Mass at noon then lunch over at the Flint or mahogany and then I want to show you Capitol Hill the Oklahoma bar association is two doors down, there is the OU medical community off of Capitol Hill in the Northeast side of Oklahoma City. And then there is the wonderful building that I live in, Milo they make us wonderful food everyday and Monday through Friday. Sometimes it's soul food sometimes it's homemade I mean Cajun level gumbo or it's a mix of lovely beef shrimp. We have a wonderful community coordinator. And Milo if you ever wanted to move someplace the building right here where I am is perfect you would love it here the culture the community everybody loves one another and everybody would be highly supportive of your goals and everybody gets involved with one another. We have church services, we have a strong community of believers and there are some other difficult cases that need help some of them are leaving recidivism for the first time and they're trying to rebuild their lives. And Milo it would just be wonderful for you to be in Oklahoma City maybe just live here for a year or so at our building, it would be so great plus also also also also I want to plan a great big 40th birthday party for you because Milo it doesn't matter about 0 to 40 all of those years are just trading Wheels putting it all together. I may not always agree with you or like what you do or like how you act but I'm Linda like I tell Laura loomer I'm still everybody's friend like I tell crazy Ted and Jack and the rest is crazy men, I have no resentment towards them. I didn't like how Laura loomer got used and taking advantage of and she got hurt she deserves to be better paid and well paid and people are not noticing her work and there's just so much there because the young people versus the old people have very different ways of communicating. Look how Piers Morgan kind of mistreated Laura but Laura was just trying to do full disclosure and post I guess messages or something I don't know young people utilize technology in different ways than other men and women who are older utilize technology it's just a difference in generational matters
The anti-Semitism must be stopped but it always existed so I don't know which is heartbreaking Milo. It just breaks my heart because I am from the Roman Catholic Italian Church the Serbian Orthodox church and through the Bible radio or they use the Scofield bible and the racist anti-semite bigotry misogynistic haters said that I can't have through the Bible radio and how Jay Vern and McGee is terrible because he used that translation. Jay Vernon McGee is a Bible teacher that could have wipe the floor with all these spiritual manipulations just like I do I take spiritual manipulations and wipe the floor with them
submitted by Consistent_Annual315 to fancybaglady2929 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:18 spatialtycoffee Need electrician recos: planning to replace all electrical wiring in the house due to high Meralco bill (Php31k)

Do you know where we can find a credible master electrician? We're planning to replace our electrical wiring (they suggested kahit sa labas na lang ng pader para hindi na gibain yung pader). Has anyone tried this or is it unsafe/impractical?
Context on why we decided to do this:
Our meralco bill went up to 30k this month after having an average of 20k bill in the past 12 months. A quick summary of our appliances and usual consumption:
basically we just open our ACs at night and very seldom lang yung pag-open sa umaga kasi nga nagtitipid kami. Mas mahal pa ito kaysa nung kasagsagan ng pandemic na asa bahay kaming lahat the whole day and mas maraming tao sa bahay. Even 20k is questionable na actually.
What we have tried:
So our theory is that sa tagal na naming di napapacheck ang wirings, baka maraming grounded na and need palitan (even after Ondoy na lubog 1st floor namin sa baha).
Any suggestions please on how to handle this, hirap na kami parang nagtatapon ng pera every month. :(
submitted by spatialtycoffee to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:18 ApatheticAussieApe So the reverse DFV Tweets... I tinfoil'd a thing.

Originally posted here
Spent like 2 hours huffing hopium-laden tinfoil on this. First couple sets of memes are just recounting the story of Jimmy from DFVs perspective.
Enjoy the foil. Gonna be a busy couple of weeks brother.
First set: ET is DFV leaving for the green planet. But he can't leave us behind so he comes back later. The rest is him lamenting having to leave, and people wanting him to come back, etc. And the talking, big big trouble if he talks POST SENATE ENQUIRY.
Second set: the Signs are the corruption. The two talking the wall Street criminals. Probably Citadel and some banks or some such, possibly relates to credit Suisse after Archegos imploded. Seeing the alien in the video is remnants of Overstock corruption, probably. The alien on the roof is our Big Brains spotting the crime happening here and now, back in 2021.
All the stuff about hanging with DFV is talking about us going to the green planet with him. If we hodl we can go too, but can we? Are we ever gonna survive? We have to be a bit crazy to pull this off.
Part 3. Goosebumps is RC showing up, bear beware, because RC is a fucking beast and you're gonna shit your naked shorts. The Kansas City shuffle and such is in relation to the interim between Jan21 and the Senate Enquiry. Probably the February $40 fuckery and March megadrop. Shawshank is DFV escaping the Senate Enquiry without prison time, but to do so he had to disappear without a trace for a while.
The Alice in Wonderland and Matrix stuff isn't us. That's DFV. That's him learning the markets corruption. That's DFV learning about DRS.
The Truman show and the bits just before are in relation to the amount of pressure they tried to apply to DFV in that time. To make him shut up, to disappear. "We can't kill him live on air", like a Boeing whistle-blower. And the crowd cheering for DFV in the bar and the bath, etc, that's us.
Part 4. SHUT UP BITCH. Yeah these are 100% meant to be played backwards. George was desperate to use the insult and couldn't, as opposed to regretting he used it if these were meant to be played forwards.
DFV talking about how we were supposed to be looking at his Twitter and using that instead of UU-SB/reddit, which was/is controlled. We're the freaks Timmy's talking about with his trumpet. The freaks who'll go through with it, because DFV can't do it alone.
Where have you been? Waiting. For this. This is all part of "the plan". He's been waiting for NOW to return. OR he's referring to us figuring out to DRS, catching him and his hints on twitter. Depends on how the later video connect up to this bit.
Final yolo update, becoming a little bit of a celebrity. People talking about him constantly, etc etc. And then RC appearing, and he loves him. RC taking over, as Thor, and then the dick memes. Chefs kiss.
Part 5: the aftermath of DFVs deep fucking in value town. People harassing him, hounding him, intimidation and coercion. All the Wall Street standards. By day he's Keith. By night he's DFV (moon night). Keith is very vulnerable, but DFV is legendary and unstoppable. Chapelle is Keith getting sick and tired of people's shit, and letting Kitty keep it real for him.
This all seems to be leading up to a big fucking game cock options exercise, at this point imo.
The scene with the upside down GME Logo, is Keith accepting that he has to come back, saying goodbye to his family and such, and going back to being DFV. Becoming degenerate again. Even if it sends him to prison, he has to be moon knight again. (That's why the Braveheart clip).
Part 6...
DFV is Chigurr. The Hedge funds begged him to stay away. Answer the phone, hedgie. It's Marge. NOTE: HEDGIE DIED BEFORE HE COULD ANSWER THE MARGIN CALL.
Dunno what the next movies called. But he's the villain, the slasher, coming to kill bears. Mention of a second, shitty fake squeeze. The requel. Probably in reference to this past week hitting $80. Shitty. Nothingburger. A real squeeze is far more brutal. Then the staying with is friend. DFV, staying with us. He's not going anywhere this time. :)
The batman meme, is him saying they're scared, and every time the price drops to ~$10, hes going to load up on shares/options. Our dark avenger will be stepping on their nuts with his whale money.
The paperwork loophole isn't us. It's the shorts. They found a loophole this past week, as usual. As stupid as the shorts seem, THEYRE VERY GOOD AT PAPERWORK. LOOPHOLES.
School spirit. The regards dancing aren't us. It's the shorts. All working in unison, together, to survive. The bear doing flips at the end and shouting YEAH! Is them. Surviving one more day. Every day, they're dancing and choreographing the whole scene to survive.
The plan, Just Up. The fighting criminals. "I need your help". DFV saying he can't do it alone. We have to regard with him. We regard with him, he is Achilles, or perhaps RC is... anyways, his Pikey reaction is him saying he's back. The AJR is effectively saying were ready to carry out the plan... "Just Up".
No infighting. "Busy couple of weeks brother." Tells us we're just getting started. Pirates meme, DFV coming back with memes. Agent K pushing the little red button is whatever the catalyst is. Tell him I'm coming, (heheh), and we're going with him, and then we ride at dawn.
Ride. At. Fucking. DAWN BITCHES!
Part 7: Shorts in a mexican standoff, Thor, God of Thunder, blows them all up before they ever get a chance to be the first to close. The image around Thor is a diamond. Diamond hands. We blow up the shorts by being Diamond hands.
"You think you're the only hero in the world?" Aka, you're not alone. There's A LOT of people and organisations actively working against the shorts with us. They're just in secret because if they get caught, Shorts will assassinate them. The music overlay is from the ending of "The Shield" TV show. We are their shield. Retail, individual investors the world over, give the good guys a platform to fight back against the corruption. And we're all running together now.
When I say run, run. Next meme, listen baby, RUN FAST FOR YOUR MOTHER. We're already running. "The dog days are over, can you hear the horses, cause here they come". Leads back to "you tell em I'm coming! And I'm bring hell with me!"
The drift. An off ramp. Then drive. We've taken a detour. And while we're here, prepare for battle, one day you'll understand. And then we pick up DFV, if the money's right ;) or perhaps it's sone other rich bastards, like John Cena?
Very next meme, green men in a world of red. GME eating the stock market. "On my challenge" "you move when I move". When GME moves, the market goes red. It's got nothing to do with DFV. That's all Jimmy baby.
The Overture. The opening to a performance. Ready Player One. We gotta go back, from 80, to 20, to go forwards. This was the Overture. This week gonna be busy brother.
GoT. The dragon, sleeping, wakes. China is a sleeping dragon. Either China crashing, Or ICAHN. Icahn closing, or Icahn going long. Or possibly copying Icahn and creating a holding company out of GME, to be revealed at earnings.
"You're still here? It's over!" The media FUD campaign after we squeeze to 1-10k and drop a bunch. "Were done when i say were done". Yeah nah, not stopping at 10k. Moon time.
Kitty awakes... to start the memes.
Not sure if DFV is saying he's Thanos, or if RC is Thanos. Either way, they've had enough of waiting. And there has most assuredly been some communication between the two.
Gonna be a busy couple of weeks brother.
submitted by ApatheticAussieApe to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:15 GhoulGriin Best Cheap Night Vision Scope

Best Cheap Night Vision Scope
Welcome to our roundup of the best Cheap Night Vision Scopes on the market! If you're looking to enhance your night-time adventures, whether it's a camping trip or a tactical mission, this article is just what you need. We've compiled a list of affordable options that still offer top-quality performance, so you can make the most of the darkness without breaking the bank. Get ready to explore the world of night vision scopes with our expert recommendations.

The Top 7 Best Cheap Night Vision Scope

  1. Hike Crew Night Vision Binoculars with Camera for Superior Photography and Video - Experience stunning clarity and capture vivid memories with Hike Crew Night Vision Binoculars, featuring HD photography and video capabilities, adjustable brightness control, and complete portability for your outdoor adventures.
  2. Night Vision Binoculars: Affordable and Powerful Darkness Viewing Option - See in the dark with ease using this inexpensive, pocket-sized night scope binocular with a built-in pop-up light and green tinted lenses.
  3. Affordable Night Vision Scope with Infrared Illuminator and Video Recording - Experience clear and crisp night vision with the JStoon Digital Night Vision Monocular - featuring an infrared illuminator, photo and video recording capabilities, and 1080P vision in complete darkness.
  4. Affordable Night Vision Monocular for Hunting and Outdoor Adventures - Experience seamless nighttime sight with the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles, featuring 5x digital zoom, 3W IR LED light, and a lightweight ergonomic design for hunting, camping, and more.
  5. Affordable 4K Digital Night Vision Binoculars for Hunting and Shooting - Experience unmatched clarity and comfort with the Profey 4K Digital Infrared Night Vision Binoculars, perfect for hunting enthusiasts and outdoor adventures.
  6. Affordable Night Vision Binoculars for Outdoor Adventures - See Clearly in The Dark: This affordable night vision goggles with 1080P video resolution and 5X digital zoom offers a 2.4-inch large display, perfect for hunting, camping, surveillance, and outdoor adventures.
  7. Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles: Affordable, High-Quality Binoculars for Night Vision and Security - Rexing B1 Binoculars - Transform Your Night Vision Experience with Advanced Features and Superb Image Quality!
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🔗Hike Crew Night Vision Binoculars with Camera for Superior Photography and Video
I recently had the opportunity to try out Hike Crew's Digital Night Vision Binoculars, and let me tell you, they delivered an experience unlike any other. With features like fixed focal magnification, digital magnification, and an integrated screen, I felt like I was exploring a new world after dark. The luminescent LCD screen presented the sharpest images and allowed for visual clarity, which reduced eye strain and allowed me to enjoy my nighttime adventures for longer periods.
The soft, roomy eye cups were a game-changer, providing comfort and accommodating various users. The night vision goggles even provided a daytime viewing distance of 400 meters and a nighttime viewing distance of 100 meters, making me feel like I was a character in a movie.
Using up to a 32GB SD card, I was able to capture photos and videos of my experiences, preserving the memories of my nighttime escapades. The included neck/shoulder strap made it easy to carry and move from place to place without worrying about the binoculars falling off.
However, there were a few areas that could be improved. The lack of an instruction manual made it difficult for first-time users to understand how to use the device properly. Additionally, the uncoated glass made the binoculars more susceptible to scratches and damage.
Overall, I found the Hike Crew Digital Night Vision Binoculars to be an excellent tool for exploring the nighttime world. With its advanced features and high-quality image clarity, it's no wonder why so many people give it a thumbs up. While there are a few areas that could use some improvement, the device is certainly worth the investment for those seeking an unforgettable nighttime experience.

🔗Night Vision Binoculars: Affordable and Powerful Darkness Viewing Option
As a night sky enthusiast who frequently enjoys stargazing, I decided to give the Night Scope Binoculars a try. The product has been on the market for a while now, and with it being touted as a budget-friendly night vision scope, I couldn't resist giving it a test run. It comes in a sleek individual box, making it easy to store and transport.
Upon opening the box, I was excited to see that it comes with a 4x power scope, a convenient pop-up light that can illuminate up to 25 feet, and green tinted lenses perfect for surveillance tasks. The focus knob and spotlight switch allowed for easy adjustment and control, and the included gray nylon neck strap was comfortable and secure.
However, what really caught my attention were the downsides of this product. Despite its advertised features, the image quality was lacking, making it difficult to identify objects in the dark. The focus knob and light switch often struggled to balance, making it tough to achieve the desired visual outcome. Additionally, the product label indicated that it was "Made in China, " which left me with concerns regarding the overall quality of the product.
In conclusion, while the Night Scope Binoculars does come with a sleek design and a few helpful features, the actual functionality and image quality leave much to be desired. For those looking for a more reliable and effective night vision scope, it may be worthwhile to invest in a higher-quality option.

🔗Affordable Night Vision Scope with Infrared Illuminator and Video Recording
Recently, I got my hands on the JStoon Digital Night Vision Monocular with Infrared Illuminator and Video Recording. This little guy offers quite a punch when it comes to capturing the night world. It's packed with features that impressed me right off the bat.
First off, the 24mm objective lens provides a clear view with 3X optical magnification and 4X digital zoom. That means if I'm keeping an eye on a far-off target, it doesn't shy away from delivering crisp, detailed images.
But what really blew me away was the infrared illuminator. Now, this is not your run-of-the-mill flashlight that lights up your way during the night; it's a feature that enables me to observe targets in pitch-black conditions up to a whopping 984 feet away!
And if you're caught in a low-light or full-day situation, you're covered too! The observation distance is infinite, ensuring you can spot things as they are without needing any extra help.
Now, let's talk about the fun part - the video recording feature. This gadget not only captures clear images but also allows you to record high-quality videos. However, one downside is that it doesn't record any sound, which could be a deal-breaker for some. But hey, not everyone wants a video with sound, right?
Lastly, the handheld device comes with a 1.5-inch TFT LCD for playback, making it convenient to relive those precious moments. Plus, the convenient rotating focus handwheel makes image adjustment a breeze.
Overall, the JStoon Digital Night Vision Monocular is a fantastic nighttime companion for those looking for an affordable yet efficient solution. It's a pocket-sized treasure trove, just waiting to unveil the dark mysteries of the night.

🔗Affordable Night Vision Monocular for Hunting and Outdoor Adventures
I recently tried the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles, and it's been a game-changer for me during my nocturnal adventures. The first thing that stood out was its ability to capture clear images and videos even in complete darkness. It uses a no-glow infrared system, which means no ambient light is required for capturing high-quality photos.
The zoom feature is quite impressive as well. At 5x digital zoom and a 25mm objective lens aperture, I could easily observe my surroundings with great detail. Recording 1080P HD images and videos is a breeze, and the USB cable included makes it easy to save and share my experiences with family and friends.
The 3W IR LED light is another fantastic feature. It enables me to spot targets up to 984 feet away without any ambient light. The 7-speed adjustable infrared design allows for customization based on different environments, which has been great for various outdoor activities.
In terms of design, the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles are ergonomic and lightweight, weighing only 190 grams. The cushion belt helps to record pictures or videos stably, making it comfortable to use for extended periods. It's also super convenient to carry around due to its pocket-friendly size.
Lastly, the 5 keys multi-function option makes this infrared monocular versatile. Whether you're hunting, camping, fishing, or even doing search and rescue, this device has got your back. Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the SKYXIU Night Vision Goggles and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and functional night vision tool.

🔗Affordable 4K Digital Night Vision Binoculars for Hunting and Shooting
I recently tried out the Profey 4K Night Vision Goggles, a reliable tool for both hunting and casual stargazing. The first feature that caught my attention was the 3-inch large screen, allowing me to view vivid and sharp images in complete darkness. The 5x digital zoom and 2x optical zoom made it effortless to track targets accurately, even from a considerable distance.
However, the rubber stripes armor felt a bit awkward in hand, and I had to adjust my grip a few times to keep my vision steady. Despite this minor inconvenience, the fully multi-coated 25mm objective lens provided me with a clear and crisp view, making the goggles well worth the investment for a daytime and nighttime adventure.
Overall, the Profey 4K Night Vision Goggles have become an essential companion for my wildlife excursions, offering an unparalleled experience in the dark.

🔗Affordable Night Vision Binoculars for Outdoor Adventures
I recently gave these night vision binoculars a spin on my camping trip, and I must say, they worked like a charm. With its adjustable optical system and 2.4-inch large display, I was able to spot nocturnal creatures from afar, and the 1080P video resolution provided stunning visuals.
The battery-powered design is quite convenient, and the ergonomic grip is both comfortable and practical. I did notice, however, that the night vision infrared functionality drained the battery fairly quickly, but it was more than compensated by its clear images and videos.
Overall, it's a great gift for outdoor enthusiasts like myself.

🔗Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles: Affordable, High-Quality Binoculars for Night Vision and Security
As someone who loves outdoor activities, the Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars have been a game-changer for me. These binoculars are perfect for nighttime explorations, offering outstanding image quality and clear viewing even in complete darkness.
What truly stands out for me are the 10X optical zoom and the 4X digital zoom, which make it easy to focus on distant objects. The 2.31-inch LCD screen can transform into a 7-inch display screen, offering a more immersive experience. The night vision technology lets me see clearly up to 300 meters away, making it ideal for diverse activities like night hunting, reconnaissance, camping, and more.
The binoculars are easy to use, with various buttons that allow me to take pictures, start recording, or adjust the brightness levels. They also have an SD card slot that accommodates hundreds of high-quality photos and several hours of video. Sharing my recorded content on my computer is hassle-free, thanks to the USB 2.0 cable that comes with the product.
The Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars are powered by 6 AA batteries, providing 6 hours of recording time under infrared lighting and 17 hours under normal usage. They're built to last, with robust materials and an IP56 protection rating that enables them to operate in extreme weather conditions. The screw hole at the base allows me to attach a tripod for greater stability during use.
While I've experienced the amazing features this product has to offer, there are a few drawbacks, such as the need to replace the batteries frequently and the unavailability of a rechargeable option. Despite that, the Rexing B1 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars are a fantastic investment for outdoor enthusiasts who want to explore the night in style.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for cheap night vision scopes! In this section, we'll discuss essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a budget-friendly night vision scope. Let's dive right in.

Important Features to Consider

  • Gen 1 or 2 technology
  • Lens quality and aperture
  • Image intensity tube (IIT)
  • Power output and range
  • Field of view (FOV) and eye relief
  • Battery life and compatibility
  • Waterproofing and fog resistance
These features will have a significant impact on the performance, durability, and ease of use of your cheap night vision scope. Make sure to prioritize them when making your purchase.

Gen 1 vs. Gen 2 Technology

Gen 1 and Gen 2 night vision scopes differ in their sensitivity and image quality. Gen 1 scopes are more affordable and suitable for hobbyists or casual users, while Gen 2 scopes offer better image quality and a more accurate representation of colors. If you're on a tight budget, a Gen 1 scope may be the best choice for you.

Lens Quality and Aperture

The quality of the lens and its aperture size can significantly affect the scope's performance in low-light conditions. Look for a scope with a high-quality lens and a larger aperture for better light gathering and image brightness.

Image Intensity Tube (IIT)

The IIT is responsible for converting the infrared light captured by the lens into visible light. A higher-quality IIT will provide clearer and more detailed images, which is crucial for identifying targets at night.

Power Output and Range

Power output refers to the brightness level of the scope, while range indicates how far the scope can detect objects. A higher power output can help you see further but may reduce the scope's usability in bright conditions. Consider your intended use and the typical range you'll need when shopping for a cheap night vision scope.

Field of View (FOV) and Eye Relief

FOV refers to the width of the visible area through the scope, while eye relief is the distance between the eye and the scope's eyepiece to maintain a clear image. A larger FOV and eye relief can make it easier to track and identify targets at night.

Battery Life and Compatibility

Battery life is essential for extended use, especially during outdoor activities. Make sure to choose a scope that uses readily available batteries, and look for one with a battery life of at least 10 hours.

Waterproofing and Fog Resistance

If you plan to use your night vision scope in wet or humid conditions, it's crucial to invest in a waterproof and fog-resistant model. This will help protect the device from damage and ensure its performance remains consistent in various environments.

General Advice

  • Read user reviews and ask for recommendations from others who own a night vision scope.
  • Check the warranty and return policy of the seller before making your purchase.
  • Consider choosing a model from a reputable brand to ensure the durability and performance of your cheap night vision scope.
Remember, it's essential to prioritize the features that matter most to you and your intended use of the scope. With the right combination of features and a budget-friendly price, you'll be able to find the perfect cheap night vision scope for your needs


What is a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

A Cheap Night Vision Scope is an affordable device that enables users to see objects and targets in low or no light conditions. These scopes are designed for hunting, surveillance, or military purposes, and they use infrared technology to amplify the available light.

Why should I choose a Cheap Night Vision Scope over a more expensive one?

If you are on a budget or just starting out with night vision technology, a Cheap Night Vision Scope offers a more affordable option. These scopes provide basic functionality and are still capable of delivering usable images in low light conditions.

What features should I look for in a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

  • Infrared illumination: A basic feature in any night vision scope, which helps to illuminate the target in low light conditions.
  • Magnification: A higher magnification can provide a clearer image at greater distances, but it may also reduce the field of view.
  • Adjustable brightness: This feature allows users to adjust the scope's brightness to their desired level, making it easier to use in various lighting conditions.
  • Durability: A scope's construction should be sturdy enough to withstand rough handling and outdoor environments.
  • Ease of use: A user-friendly interface and simple controls can make the scope more comfortable to operate, even for beginners.

What are some potential drawbacks of a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

Cheap Night Vision Scopes may have some limitations compared to their more expensive counterparts, such as lower image quality, a narrower field of view, and limited battery life. Additionally, they may be more prone to technical issues and require more maintenance.

What is the best time to use a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

A Cheap Night Vision Scope is most effective during twilight hours, when there is still some light available, but it is not enough for the naked eye to see clearly. The scope's infrared technology amplifies the available light, allowing users to see objects more easily.

How do I care for and maintain a Cheap Night Vision Scope?

  • Clean the objective lens and eyepiece regularly to prevent debris from affecting the image quality.
  • Store the scope in a dry, temperature-controlled environment to prevent moisture damage and maintain its performance.
  • Avoid exposing the scope to sudden temperature changes, which can cause internal components to expand or contract, leading to potential damage.
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2024.05.20 09:12 Appropriate-Crazy-51 Incompentant leadership

I've started a new job at freshly opened barestaurant as a bartender. The place is really looking amazing but I have a big problems dealing with incompetent leadership which is making lifes of all employees unbereable. My bar manager is a great guy, but completly disorganised person. Long story short, they opened a place without any clear concept, structure and order prior to opening which resulted in a situation that I am having a broken back, working 12, 14, 18 hrs shifts, barbacks that is doing everything else except barbacking, people (15 yrs old girls and boys) working in a cafe part who can't make espresso! and 10000 other stuff, the place have 7 investors and each one of them have their kind of idea what should be done, you have bar and restaurant managers that are doing everything else except the managing and leading the team (ordering a sakes, japanese knifes and shakers for their personal use), sitting at a laptop and looking at god knows what while bartenders and servers are dying on the floor. The plan was that the place is going to be a lounge bar (crafty cocktails, spirits, etc. which I love to work with) but it turn to be a night club hillbilies coming to the place and I don't know what to dooo
submitted by Appropriate-Crazy-51 to bartenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:11 No_Personality8140 Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo tips

Hi everyone,
I just purchased a Honeycomb and it’ll be here in a couple days. Never owned a high end (I know there’s better but this is high end as far as my bank accounts concerned) yoke/throttle like this. Any tips for setup? Is it plug and play or lots of setup?
I know each plane will require a different profile but I plan to fly the CRJ and maybe buy the PMDG 737.
I’ve heard spad is best to pair with it for button mapping. Is this true?
Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by No_Personality8140 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:00 CongruentSolutionss Ways in Which Retirement Payroll Solutions Enhance Transparency

In a webinar on “The Future of Participant Experience Innovation in the US Retirement Industry” in August 2023, Sagar Shankaranarayanan from Congruent Solutions said, “People tend to trust tech companies much more than they trust their banks,” and it is true. In the era of digital intervention, people prefer fintech apps to any other for their transparent, credible, and trustworthy.
How does this apply to retirement payroll solutions?
The first thing is to understand the market. Remember, when it comes to retirement plan administration software, which manages the vast volumes of data being collected at every touchpoint from participants, data analytics is an important area of focus in processing customer data. This will help identify customer behaviour patterns, preferences, and trends In this scenario, transparency and credibility are things that must be taken into account.
The second factor is the personalised approach. The data-driven solutions for retirement payroll software help tailor solutions according to the needs of plan participants. This enhances the overall customer experience in retirement planning, just as it has made financial products more relevant and valuable to consumers.
The third important factor is a transparent interaction. The participants must experience transparency in every term of options with the feature to share data in a more secure and thorough authentication and verification that is seamless and non-intrusive. Clear communication dissemination, simplified documentation, and less paperwork make it even more seamless.
The next factor is going paperless. Since it is a digital tool, it reduces the usage of paper and enhances tracking, trust, and transparency.
The final factor is real-time analytics. Retirement payroll solutions offer transparent insights into fund performance, contribution rates, and investment options. By providing real-time updates, participants can actively monitor their retirement savings, fostering trust and confidence in the system. These overseeing features help ensure transparency and trustworthiness for every plan participant and provider.
submitted by CongruentSolutionss to u/CongruentSolutionss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:57 Count-Daring243 Best Cheap Gun Safes

Best Cheap Gun Safes
If you own a firearm, it's essential to keep it secure and safe from unauthorized access. In this article, we explore some of the most affordable gun safes available on the market, helping you protect your investment without breaking the bank.

The Top 19 Best Cheap Gun Safes

  1. Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet - Protect Your Valuables - Secure your rifles, shotguns, and pistols with the Stack-On Steel 18 Firearm Compact Security Cabinet Locker Gun Safe, offering superior protection and easy storage with adjustable shelves.
  2. Top-rated, affordable gun safe with robust security features - Fort Knox PB1 Handgun Safe with 13.5inch Dean Safe Pistol Sock - The ultimate in strength, reliability, and versatility, this 10-gauge steel handgun safe is ready to protect your valuables and provide secure storage.
  3. Top-Class Secure 5-Gun Storage - A high-quality gun safe from American Furniture Classics that provides excellent protection, storage, and peace of mind with its sturdy construction, craftsmanship, and keyed access.
  4. Affordable Gun Safe with Fingerprint & Digital Keypad Lock - VEVOR 6 Gun Safe: The ultimate firearm storage solution with advanced security features, perfect for protecting your loved ones and valuable firearms.
  5. Heavy-Duty 5-Gun Metal Security Cabinet - High-quality 5-gun metal security cabinet with a three-point locking system, approved by the California Department of Justice, ideal for small spaces and easy installation.
  6. Affordable Gun Safe with Dual Lock Security and Built-In Storage - VEFOR 6 Gun Safe - Enhance your gun security with fingerprint and digital keypad lock, offering ultimate protection and flexible storage for your valuable firearms.
  7. Winchester 26 Long Gun Safe - Secure and Spacious Storage for Your Firearms - Winchester 26 Long Gun Safe - E-Lock, Gun Safe, Gray
  8. Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with Anti-Theft Electronic Lock - Protect your valuable shotguns and rifles with the fireproof and waterproof Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe, featuring an advanced electronic lock and a customizable interior design.
  9. Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock - VEVOR's 3 Rifle Safe offers top-notch security, craftsmanship, and quick access for firearm owners, ensuring your valuable weapons are safely stored and protected.
  10. Classic Solid Wood Gun Cabinet - The American Furniture Classics 8 Gun Cabinet combines elegant design with functional storage, featuring solid wood and veneers, a tempered glass front, and a fully locking key lock system for secure display and protection of your long guns.
  11. American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet - The American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet boasts a scratch-resistant, textured black finish and wood grain accents for added style, providing secure storage for long guns and shotguns in its accessible and sturdy construction.
  12. Snapsafe Under Bed Safe: Secure Storage Solution for Valuables - SnapSafe Under Bed Safe offers large storage capacity with pry resistance and digital lock featuring key backup for enhanced security, perfect for under seat gun safes.
  13. Affordable Electronic Locking Wall Safe for Valuables Storage - Secure your valuables with the Tracker Series Model WS211404-E wall safe, featuring a sturdy steel construction, key storage hooks, and removable shelves, providing protection for your small important documents, keys, and cash.
  14. Affordable Fireproof Electronic Lock Gun Safe with 30-Gun Capacity - This Sports Afield SA5527BASIC-THD 30-Gun Fireproof Safe offers reliable protection for your valuables, featuring a fully programmable electronic lock, rugged steel construction and adjustable side shelves, all in a sleek black design.
  15. Discreet and Secure Gun Safe with Biometric Fingerprint Lock - The Bentism Gun Safe offers a secure, large storage solution for up to 5 rifles and 4 pistols, complete with a biometric fingerprint lock and smart alarm system for enhanced firearm safety.
  16. Vibrant 60-Gun Safe with Stunning Features and Top-Tier Security - The Remington STS 60-Gun Safe offers exceptional durability, ample storage, and advanced security features, making it an ideal choice among other cheap gun safes on the market.
  17. Affordable 1/8-inch Thick Steel Small Firearm Safe - Secure your valuable small firearms in this affordable, 1/8 solid steel safe, featuring a secret PIN code and included keys for easy access.
  18. Surelock Security Conceal 4 Gun Safe with Expanding Fire Seal - The Surelock Security Conceal 4 Gun Safe provides a compact, moveable, and fire-resistant storage solution for 3-4 long guns, offering peace of mind with digital keypad access and key backup.
  19. Secure 5-Gun Long Gun Safe with Electronic Keypad - RPNB's 5 Gun Long Gun Safe offers ultimate protection for your rifles and valuables, boasting a solid steel body, motorized locking mechanism, and a separate ammo cabinet, all while adhering to Google search guidelines.
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🔗Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet - Protect Your Valuables
The Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet, Steel, is a reliable and durable option for storing your rifles, shotguns, pistols, and other valuable belongings. The exterior finish is a sleek black, and the interior is spacious with an abundance of storage options. One of the main draws of this cabinet is its strong security features, including a key-coded cylinder lock and 4-way door locking system.
However, the most disappointing aspect of this cabinet is its build quality. The thin metal sheets and weak locking mechanism make it an untrustworthy option for securing your precious firearms and valuables. I had high hopes for this cabinet, but unfortunately, it did not meet my expectations. I found the installation process to be somewhat difficult and time-consuming as well.
On a positive note, the steel shelves are a nice touch for added durability and support. They make it easier to organize your firearms and accessories, and the adjustable half-width shelves allow for customization. Additionally, the molded barrel rests and foam-padded bottom provide an extra level of protection for your antique firearms.
Unfortunately, the interior design is not as well thought out as it could be. The placement of the barrel rest holes is not ideal for all firearms, and some users have noted that the paint job inside the cabinet is of poor quality, leading to rust formation.
Overall, while the Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet, Steel, has its merits, the build quality and installation process are significant drawbacks that cannot be ignored.

🔗Top-rated, affordable gun safe with robust security features
I recently had the opportunity to put the Fort Knox PB1 Handgun Safe to the test, and I must say I was impressed with its durability and functionality. This safe's 10-gauge steel body and 3/16-inch wraparound door make it practically impossible to break open, ensuring that your valuable firearms are well protected. I particularly enjoyed the gas-strut-assisted heavyweight door, which makes lifting the door a breeze and holds it open for easy access.
The Simplex push-button mechanical locking system is a winner in my book. It's fast and easy to use, providing up to 1,081 different combinations to keep your safe secure. The textured grey powder coat finish adds an elegant touch while still exuding a sense of strength and quality. The interior features egg crate foam lining to protect your firearms, guns, and magazines from scratches and damage.
One of the standout features for me was the convenience of pre-drilled holes for easy bolting down. It made setting up the safe a breeze and allowed me to feel confident that it wouldn't be going anywhere. The only downside I experienced was the limited number of combination possibilities, which could potentially make it easier for someone with ill intentions to access the safe. Still, this safe's overall build and security features outweigh this minor inconvenience.
The Fort Knox PB1 Handgun Safe is the perfect solution for gun owners looking for a reliable and strong safe to protect their firearms. With its sleek design and impressive construction, this safe is truly the best bang for your buck.

🔗Top-Class Secure 5-Gun Storage
I've had the pleasure of using this gun safe in my home for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion. The first thing that stands out is the 3-directional bolt system. It gives me peace of mind knowing that my firearms are securely locked away. Plus, the high strength steel construction ensures durability, even in the face of potential wear and tear.
One feature that I absolutely love is the soft foam pad at the bottom. Not only does it provide a cushioned resting place for my weapons, but it also helps maintain their condition over time. The holes for mounting to the wall and/or floor are another great addition. This gives me the flexibility to install the safe wherever I see fit, whether it's in my bedroom or living room.
However, no product is perfect. There are some aspects of this gun safe that could be improved. For instance, the keyed access can be a bit cumbersome at times. While it does offer an added layer of security, it can also be a nuisance if you misplace the key.
In conclusion, this affordable 5-gun safe from American Furniture Classics has been a worthwhile investment for me. Its robust construction and secure 3-directional bolt system make it an ideal choice for those looking to store their firearms safely and securely. While the keyed access may require some getting used to, the overall quality and performance of this product are well worth the cost.

🔗Affordable Gun Safe with Fingerprint & Digital Keypad Lock
I recently needed a gun safe for my firearms and I stumbled upon the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe. As a responsible gun owner, I always prioritize my gun's security. The VEVOR Gun Safe not only promised advanced security features but also boasted a durable construction.
What stood out to me the most was the dual-lock system, both with a fingerprint and digital keypad. This feature ensures that only authorized individuals can access the safe, providing an added layer of protection. The dimensions of the safe were perfect for storing my firearms, fitting them perfectly without any issues.
However, there was one downside: it was a bit heavier than I expected. At 82 lb, it required some effort to move around when needed. But overall, the VEVOR Gun Safe served its purpose by protecting my valuable firearms and my loved ones. I would highly recommend it to any gun owner looking for a reliable and secure storage solution.

🔗Heavy-Duty 5-Gun Metal Security Cabinet
As a first-time gun owner, I was in the market for a small and affordable security cabinet. I came across the American Furniture Classics 5 Gun Starter Metal Security Cabinet and decided to give it a try. I must say, this cabinet has exceeded my expectations in terms of its 3-point locking system, which keeps my firearms safe and secure. The cabinet is made from high-quality black powder-coated paint, making it both attractive and durable.
One of the standout features of this cabinet is its soft foam barrel rest and carpeted floor, which protects my long guns from scratches and damage. It's also fully assembled right out of the box, so I didn't have to worry about any confusing instructions nor spend hours putting it together. Additionally, it includes four expansion bolts to secure it to the floor, providing even more peace of mind.
However, there are a few cons to consider. Some users have reported issues with the cabinet's build quality, stating that the metal seems thin and may not withstand a determined break-in attempt. Additionally, the cabinet's lock mechanism has been described as "flimsy" by some, leaving me slightly concerned about the overall security it provides.
In conclusion, the American Furniture Classics 5 Gun Starter Metal Security Cabinet has become an essential part of my home, providing a secure and affordable storage solution for my long guns. While it may not be the most robust option on the market, it provides more than enough security for everyday use.

🔗Affordable Gun Safe with Dual Lock Security and Built-In Storage
Imagine you're a serious gun owner who values both your firearms and the safety of your family. You've searched tirelessly for a reliable storage solution, but most are either too complicated or too expensive. That's where the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe comes in - a practical, stylish, and affordable option.
Opening the safe, you're greeted by a spacious interior, with ample room for your rifles and pistols on the adjustable shelves. You appreciate the versatility, allowing you to customize the storage according to your needs. However, you also notice that shorter firearms fit perfectly, but longer ones might not find enough space unless you remove the pistol shelf.
Securing the safe is a breeze. The dual-lock system, which includes both a fingerprint and digital keypad, provides both convenience and security. It makes you feel confident that your family and valuable firearms are well-protected.
Making the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe even more appealing is its solid construction. The exterior has a sleek black finish that adds a touch of sophistication to your home. The wall thickness is sturdy at 0.04 inches. However, you notice that the metal used in the construction does not have a specific classification, which may leave some wondering about its durability.
In conclusion, the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe is a worthy investment for those seeking an affordable, practical, and reliable firearm storage solution. Though it might not be perfect for everyone, its strengths outweigh the minor drawbacks, making it a satisfying addition to your home security.

🔗Winchester 26 Long Gun Safe - Secure and Spacious Storage for Your Firearms
As a reviewer who has been using the Winchester 36 Long Gun Safe in my daily life, I can confidently say that this is a great investment for anyone looking to keep their firearms and valuables secure. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the sleek, powder-coated gun metal gray finish, which added a stylish touch to the safe while also enhancing its durability.
One of the standout features of this gun safe was its electronic lock with an override key. Having both an electronic keypad and a backup key gives me peace of mind knowing that I won't be locked out in case of a power failure or if the electronic lock fails. The solid steel locking bolts provided robust security, ensuring that my firearms are kept safe and secure at all times.
The interior of the safe was spacious enough to accommodate up to 26 long guns, making it an ideal choice for gun enthusiasts and collectors alike. Additionally, the adjustable shelves allowed me to customize the layout according to my needs, providing ample storage for other valuables as well.
However, there were some cons worth mentioning. The door of the safe had a bit of play in it when closed and locked, which could be improved upon in future models. Furthermore, the instruction manual could have been more comprehensive, especially when it came to resetting the combo on the electronic lock.
Overall, I would recommend the Winchester 36 Long Gun Safe to anyone looking for a reliable, well-made safe with ample storage and good security features. It may not be perfect, but at this price point, it's hard to beat.

🔗Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with Anti-Theft Electronic Lock
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with E-Lock 24EGW, and I must say, I was impressed. This fireproof and waterproof safe is perfect for gun enthusiasts who want to protect their precious belongings from potential damage.
One of the most impressive features of this safe is its backlit electronic lock, which comes with an Alarm-U function. The alarm notifies you of any attempted theft, and the backup key provides an extra layer of security. I loved that it offered external hinges, allowing for a full 180-degree opening, making it effortless to access my safe.
The interior door storage and 3-spoke handle design were another bonus that I found extremely useful. Additionally, the safe is equipped with 3 1.5-inch active locking bolts and 2 dead bolts that effectively deter any potential intruders.
However, I did notice that the safe is quite heavy, which can make transportation difficult. The size of the box also seemed to be larger than originally estimated, which was a bit of a hassle.
Overall, my experience with the Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with E-Lock 24EGW has been positive. I feel confident that my valuables are safely guarded, thanks to its impressive fire and water resistance capabilities. While there were a few minor drawbacks, they do not outweigh the fantastic features of this safe.

🔗Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock
Nestled within the realm of personal security, the VEVOR 3 Rifles Gun Safe has been an invaluable ally in safeguarding my collection of firearms. Its digital keypad and robust construction create an aura of safety, providing me with peace of mind. The quick access feature has proven incredibly useful, especially during those moments when every second counts.
It's hard not to rave about its craftsmanship, a crucial aspect that never ceases to impress. The removable shelf, ammo storage box, and pistol rack make organization a hassle-free affair. However, one minor drawback - the locking mechanism could benefit from a more secure two-way system for enhanced security. Despite this, it's a reliable storage solution that ensures my loved ones remain protected from accidental access.

🔗Classic Solid Wood Gun Cabinet
As a firearm enthusiast who wanted a stylish and secure way to store my guns, I was excited to try out the American Furniture Classics 8 Gun Cabinet. I have to say, this piece of furniture definitely added an elegant touch to my living room, while keeping my guns locked away and out of reach from unwelcome hands.
The first thing that caught my eye was the quality craftsmanship of the cabinet; it's made from solid wood and wood veneers, which gives it a rich, timeless finish. The careful design of the gun organizers ensures that each of my rifles are held steadily in place, with felt-lined butt plates and barrel rests preventing any potential scratches or scuffs.
One feature that I particularly appreciated was the tempered glass front, allowing me to proudly display my collection while still keeping them safely behind a fully-locking key lock system. The capacity to store up to 8 long guns made it perfect for my collection, without taking up too much space in my home.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. The instructions were a bit cryptic, making the assembly process slightly more challenging than it needed to be. Additionally, the storage capacity is limited, so I wasn't able to fit as many scoped rifles/shotguns as I would have liked.
Overall, the American Furniture Classics 8 Gun Cabinet has been a stylish and secure way to store and display my guns, bringing both elegance and practicality into my home. Despite the small issues with assembly and limited storage, I would still recommend this cabinet to anyone looking for a high-quality gun storage solution.

🔗American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet
I've been using the American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet for a while now, and let me tell you, it's been quite an experience. This classic design, featuring a scratch-resistant black finish with gold accents, certainly stands out in my living room. The cabinet interior and door back are adorned with wood grain paneling accents, which add a touch of elegance.
Now, when it comes to setting up this cabinet, I must admit, it wasn't the easiest task. The instructions were quite lackluster, leaving me to figure out a lot of things on my own. However, once I got the hang of it, the assembly process became relatively smooth. The cabinet is solidly built with heavy-duty materials, making it sturdy and reliable.
The cabinet is designed to hold 16 guns, and it definitely delivers on that promise. I was able to store various types of rifles and shotguns without any issues. However, one downside is that it doesn't accommodate modern sporting rifles with scopes or magazines attached. So, if you're primarily looking to store those types of firearms, you might need to look for a different cabinet.
Another con worth mentioning is the door quality. While the door is sturdy, it doesn't close completely, leaving a small gap. This may not be a significant issue for everyone, but it's something to keep in mind.
On the positive side, the cabinet offers ample storage space and can easily be secured to the wall or floor. The locking mechanism, although not the most secure, is sufficient for keeping young children away from the guns.
Overall, I would recommend the American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet to anyone looking for a stylish and functional gun display case. While there are a few drawbacks to consider, the cabinet's affordability and ample storage capacity make it a worthwhile investment.

🔗Snapsafe Under Bed Safe: Secure Storage Solution for Valuables
SnapSafe Under Bed Safe was a game-changer for me. I wanted to keep my valuables secure but also easily accessible, and this product fit the bill perfectly. Its sturdy construction with heavy-duty steel and pre-drilled bolt holes made it a reliable option for permanent installation. The 3-foot cable provided additional security by allowing me to anchor the safe to a stationary object.
The digital lock was a standout feature, with its programmable 3 to 8 digit access code and key backup. It also featured a pry-resistant door, which added peace of mind by keeping unauthorized users at bay, especially children. However, one downside that I noticed was the audio beeps, which could be a bit noisy at times.
Using the SnapSafe Under Bed Safe in my daily life was trouble-free. The large slide-out drawer accommodated a variety of items, from firearms and jewelry to documents, giving me the flexibility I needed for secure storage. The interior space was more than enough, and the exterior dimensions enabled it to fit neatly under my bed, taking up minimal space.
Overall, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for an under bed safe that offers both security and convenience. It may not be perfect, with the audio beeps being a minor drawback, but it certainly gets the job done and provides the peace of mind I was seeking.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to securing your firearms, a cheap gun safe is an affordable solution. However, not all budget safes are equally reliable or practical. In this guide, we'll help you navigate the world of bargain gun safes, considering their features, construction, security, and more.

Security Rating
The first thing you should look for when searching for a cheap gun safe is the security rating. While it's true that most economical safes don't have the high-end security features of their more expensive counterparts, there are still options with a reasonable level of protection.
Common security ratings for safes include ETL, UL, and BSI certifications. Look for safes with a combination of good construction and locking mechanisms. You should also consider the thickness of the door and walls, as this plays a significant role in preventing forced entry.

Type of Lock

Gun safes often use various types of locks, including electronic locks, dial locks, and key locks. For a cheap safe, a key lock is usually the most secure option. However, electronic locks can be convenient for frequent use, especially if you forget the combination frequently.
Electronic locks tend to be more vulnerable to electronic attacks, so if you choose this option, ensure that you have a good backup system in place, such as a set of spare batteries or a spare key.

Interior Size and Organization

Another essential factor to consider when buying a cheap gun safe is the interior size and organization. A safe with adjustable shelves and dividers can allow you to better organize and store your firearms, ammunition, and accessories. It's also essential to look at the dimensions of the safe's interior to ensure that it will accommodate your firearms.
If you plan on adding more firearms to your collection, consider purchasing a safe with a larger capacity or the ability to add more shelves or dividers as needed.

Weight and Construction

A cheap gun safe will not typically feature the best steel thickness and overall construction. However, a heavier safe is generally harder to move and more challenging to break into. Many budget gun safes use electronic locks, which means they rely on lightweight materials, such as aluminum or steel with lower thickness ratings.
Before purchasing, check the safe's weight and materials. The weight of a safe is critical when you consider its ability to protect your firearms from theft or unauthorized access. A safe with steel walls at least 0.4 inches thick and a door at least 0.5 inches thick is a reasonable starting point.

Other Considerations

  • Choose a safe with an anti-pry bar to protect against physical attacks.
  • Making sure the safe has a powder-coated finish can prevent rust and make it more durable.
  • Look for a warranty that covers the lock and structural components of the safe.
  • Regular maintenance, such as lubricating locks and examining the exterior, is essential to ensure the safe's longevity.
  • Consider purchasing add-on security features, such as cable locks or padlocks, to enhance safety.
Purchasing a cheap gun safe doesn't mean you have to compromise on security and quality. By knowing what features to look for and what warning signs to avoid, you can find the perfect budget safe that meets your needs without breaking the bank.


What are the benefits of owning a cheap gun safe?

A cheap gun safe can provide basic protection for your firearms. It helps to keep guns out of reach of children, which is crucial for safety. Additionally, it can deter unauthorized access and reduce the risk of theft.

Can a cheap gun safe be used for storing non-firearm items?

Yes, many cheap gun safes can also be used for storing other valuables, such as jewelry, important documents, and electronic devices. This can provide additional security for these items.

What type of locking mechanism should a cheap gun safe have?

A cheap gun safe should have a reliable locking mechanism, such as a combination lock or a key lock. It is essential that the locking mechanism is difficult to bypass and offers protection against theft.

What materials are used in making a cheap gun safe?

Cheap gun safes can be made from various materials, such as steel, solid wood, or composite materials. The choice of material depends on factors like cost, security, and style preference.

What are the sizes available for cheap gun safes?

Cheap gun safes come in various sizes, ranging from small, portable safes to larger, standalone units. It is essential to choose a size that fits your needs and the number of firearms you want to store.

What is the weight of a typical cheap gun safe?

The weight of a cheap gun safe can vary, depending on the materials used and the size of the safe. Generally, portable safes weigh between 20 to 40 pounds, while standalone safes can weigh up to 100 pounds or more.

How can I protect my cheap gun safe from fire damage?

To protect your cheap gun safe from fire damage, consider purchasing a fire-resistant safe. These safes are designed to withstand high temperatures and protect your valuables during a fire.

What is the life expectancy of a cheap gun safe?

The life expectancy of a cheap gun safe depends on various factors, such as the materials used, the manufacturing quality, and the level of maintenance. With proper care, a cheap gun safe can last for many years.

What should I look for in a cheap gun safe that is of good quality?

When looking for a cheap gun safe of good quality, consider the following factors: the locking mechanism, the materials used for construction, the fire rating, the size, and the manufacturer's reputation. A good-quality safe should offer protection against theft and damage, and it should be easy to operate.
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2024.05.20 08:55 Electronic_Milk6415 Buying multiple properties in 2026? First Timer.

I'm wondering what exactly the steps are to take to get to owning multiple properties.
My wife and I are currently on 230k pre tax income no kids and have just bought our first property where we are going to live.
In two years time my visa will finalize and give me permanent residence and give us access to the full weight of our earnings for buying properties.
We plan to put as much money into our current house as possible in that time. I suspect we will have somewhere in the neighborhood of 150k in the offset by mid 2026. And if the house stays the same value then 100k of equity in the house by then as well.
I have seen videos of people managing to get loans for multiple millions to purchase 5+ properties by using lesser banks who give out higher interest loans.
I'm wondering what is the reality of this type of situation? How much could I expect to convince a bank to give us?
Do I just buy 1 property at a time, get it managed properly and giving an income. Then just buy another one. And keep going until the broker says I'm tapped out?
At the moment I have a good broker. At least a broker I really get along with who is patient and very good with explaining the situation to us.
submitted by Electronic_Milk6415 to AusPropertyChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:54 divyankasinghaniya Tissue Paper Market: Industry Share & Competitive Landscape Assessment

The global tissue paper market size was valued at USD 85.81 billion in 2023. The market is projected to grow to USD 133.75 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.55% during the forecast period.
Maintaining domestic cleanliness and hygiene requires the use of tissue paper. One of the main factors driving the demand for tissue products worldwide is the growing awareness of the importance of implementing appropriate sanitation and hygienic standards in homes and commercial settings. To keep workplaces clean and sanitary, a variety of tissue paper products are used in business settings, catering establishments, and hospitals. Consumers now favor sanitizing property-based hygiene products to prevent bacterial and viral illness and maintain their health. The market is expanding even more because of the growing customer demand for cutting-edge tissue products that offer improved protection against bacteria and viruses. Fortune Business Insights™ presents this information in their report titled "Global Tissue Paper Market, 2024–2030."
Top Companies Covered in the Tissue Paper Market:
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Segment for Bath & Toilet Tissue to Lead Due to High Usage of Cotton Towels And Napkins
Based on product type, the market is segmented into facial tissue, paper towels, wipes, bath & toilet tissue, and others. Due to the widespread use of cotton towels and napkins for bathroom sanitation, the bath & toilet segment dominates the market. There is a significant need for high-quality tissue products in the expanding tourist and modernizing hospitality industries.
Due to an Increase in Corporate Housing Facilities, the Commercial Sector will Dominate the Market
Based on the application, the market is segmented into household and commercial applications. Among the commercial uses are businesses like hotels, restaurants, and offices. Due to the large usage of tissues during meal service and table cleaning in hotels and restaurants, the commercial segment commands a sizeable market share.
Report Coverage:The report offers: • Major growth drivers, restraining factors, opportunities, and potential challenges for the market. • Comprehensive insights into the regional developments. • List of major industry players. • Key strategies adopted by the market players. • Latest industry developments include product launches, partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.
Drivers & Restraints:
Personal Care and Sanitation Requirements are Rising, Which will Boost Market Growth
Because of the increasing importance of maintaining optimum health and cleanliness, everyone now uses tissue paper. These handy wiping items are frequently used to clean kitchen surfaces, hands, faces, and instruments in diagnostic and research labs. So, the main factor boosting increased product demand is the global rise in hygiene awareness. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that China's output of household and sanitary papers climbed from 10.99 million tons in 2020 to 11.25 million tons in 2021 for domestic and export use.
Growing environmental issues, including deforestation and global warming brought on by the removal of trees, constrain the market for products made of pulp and inhibit consumer demand, which stifles the global tissue paper market growth.
Regional Insights
Asia Pacific Dominates the Market due to Presence of Influential Economies in this Region
During the projected period, a sizable tissue paper market share is anticipated for the Asia Pacific region. This can be attributed to aspects like the expanding capacity of East Asian nations like China and Japan and the region's ability to produce goods made of wood. In 2019, there were roughly 2700 paper and board firms in mainland China, according to a China Paper Association (CPA) survey. Additionally, because of its enhanced utility in the expanding food and food services sector, the expansion is mostly coming from populated nations like China, India, and Japan, driving the total tissue paper market growth in the region.
Ask for Customization:
Competitive Landscape
Growth of the Market Requires Innovation and Efficient Distribution Channels
Maintaining a company's capacity to produce tissue items requires an effective supply chain and inventory management. The market's top producer of products made from pulp, Svenska Cellulosa AB, is a well-known organization. To increase the absorbency of products made of paper and pulp and to efficiently utilize the raw material to increase environmental sustainability, the company employs product innovation as a business strategy. In order to attain the necessary returns on their market investments, well-known tissue paper industry players like CMPC and Hengan Inc. utilize a variety of investment strategies.
Key Industry Development:
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Fortune Business Insights™ offers expert corporate analysis and accurate data, helping organizations of all sizes make timely decisions. We tailor innovative solutions for our clients, assisting them to address challenges distinct to their businesses. Our goal is to empower our clients with holistic market intelligence, giving a granular overview of the market they are operating in.
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2024.05.20 08:47 Significant-Tower146 Best Cheap Fast RC Cars

Best Cheap Fast RC Cars
Dreaming of fast remote-controlled cars but don't want to break the bank? Look no further! In our list of Cheap Fast RC Cars, we've rounded up the best budget-friendly options that offer speed and performance at a fraction of the cost. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride as we explore the world of affordable RC car racing.
From nimble off-roaders to sleek on-track racers, our selection caters to a wide range of preferences and needs. Join us as we delve into the world of fast and affordable remote-controlled cars, perfect for thrill-seekers and budget enthusiasts alike. Strap in and get ready for the ride of your life!

The Top 7 Best Cheap Fast RC Cars

  1. Fast and Stylish Hoonigan Hoonicorn RC Car - Flybar's Hoonigan Hoonicorn 1:16 Remote Control Vehicle is a high-performance Ford licensed toy perfect for thrill-seekers, with a reputation for speed and durability, catering to both radio control and control line enthusiasts.
  2. High-Speed 1:20 Scale RC Monster Truck with 4x4 Waterproof Functionality - Get ready to conquer any terrain with the 1:20 Scale RC Cars 30+ KMH High Speed - Boys Remote Control Car 4x4 Off Road Monster Truck Electric - 4WD All Terrain Waterproof Toys Trucks for an unforgettable racing experience.
  3. Fast and Durable 4x4 Off-Road RC Truck - Tecnock 1:16 4x4 Off-Road RC Truck: Experience high-speed racing at 40km/h with 380 brushed motor, 2.4GHz remote control, and translucent LED lights in a waterproof, impact-resistant shell, perfect for kids and adults alike!
  4. Military Grade RC Hobby Rock Crawler Truck: Real-Time Driving & 4WD - Experience real-time off-road adventure with the REMOKING 4WD Military Truck, equipped with Wi-Fi HD camera and 4 wheel driving capabilities, perfect for kids and adults seeking an exciting and versatile RC car experience.
  5. Fast and Customizable 1:10 Scale RC Car (65 KM/H Speed) - Unleash the power and speed of our Ready-to-Run 1:10 Scale Brushless RC Cars, capable of reaching blazing speeds of up to 40 mph (65km/h) on off-road terrains, customizable settings, and long-lasting battery life for thrilling racing adventures.
  6. Micro Fasten' Racing Car, Super Small Wireless C Vehicle - Discover the miniature thrill of the World's Smallest C Car, with 8-Direction movement, vibrant colors, and a stunning scale of 1:67 for an unmatched compact racer experience!
  7. Fast and Durable RC Car for Outdoor Adventures - Experience thrilling off-road adventures with Tecnock's 1:16 scale 25km/h Fast RC Cars, boasting a 165 feet control distance and 70+ minutes playtime, perfect for adult and kid enthusiasts.
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🔗Fast and Stylish Hoonigan Hoonicorn RC Car
As a remote control car enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for a vehicle that delivers thrill, performance, and visually appealing design. The Flybar Hoonigan Hoonicorn met all my expectations and more. The moment I unboxed it, I knew this wasn't just another toy but a collector's dream.
The first thing that struck me was its sleek, black design. It perfectly replicates the iconic Hoonicorn, an aggressive and unorthodox racing car. Flybar, known for producing high-performance toys, ensured that every detail of the car was meticulously crafted, making it a joy to behold and show off.
Operating the car was incredibly easy. With its intuitive remote control, even young kids can learn to navigate it in no time. My 7-year-old son loved it and had a blast making the car do doughnuts around our living room. The battery life is impressive too, lasting long enough for multiple play sessions before needing a recharge.
Speaking of recharge, this remote-controlled car comes with rechargeable batteries, which is a nice touch considering how expensive replaceable batteries can get. Plus, they charge relatively quickly, so there's not much downtime between play sessions.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to this otherwise excellent product. The car can become a bit unwieldy at high speeds, especially when performing tight turns. It can also be quite noisy, but that's part of the excitement, isn't it?
Overall, the Flybar Hoonigan Hoonicorn is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a fast, easy-to-use, and visually appealing remote-controlled car. It's perfect for kids and adults alike who want to experience the adrenaline-pumping thrill of racing without breaking the bank.

🔗High-Speed 1:20 Scale RC Monster Truck with 4x4 Waterproof Functionality
I recently got my hands on these high-speed remote control cars, and I have to say, they've been a blast! As someone who loves off-road adventures, I was especially excited to test out their 4x4 capabilities.
What really stood out to me was the powerful built-in motor that comes with these trucks. It provides enough power to scorch tires and handle rough terrains with ease. I also appreciated the extended run time, thanks to the two rechargeable batteries. This means more fun without having to constantly stop and recharge.
The show-stopping looks and extraordinary grip of the 1:20 scale trucks are definitely another highlight. They're perfect for impressing friends or simply enjoying some speedy fun on your own. And speaking of speed, these trucks can reach up to 30 KMH, making them quite the thrill ride!
On the downside, one thing I noticed was that the controls take a little getting used to, especially if you're new to remote control vehicles. However, after spending some time with the pistol-like 2.4GHz radio remote controller, I was able to navigate through obstacles quite smoothly.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a cheap yet fast remote control car that offers impressive performance and durability, then these 1:20 scale trucks might just be the perfect fit for you. Just remember to give yourself some time to master those controls, and you'll be tearing up the tracks in no time!

🔗Fast and Durable 4x4 Off-Road RC Truck
As an avid thrill-seeker, I was excited to give the Tecnock Fast RC Cars a try. This 4x4 remote control truck sure didn't disappoint! I was blown away by its speed - reaching up to 40km/h - all thanks to its 380 brushed motor. Plus, the professional steering system gave me stable control, making each drive a colorful experience.
The shock absorption suspension system was also a major plus. The metal spring shock absorber is adjustable and ensures strong anti-collision and shock resistance, extending the toy car's life cycle. Its translucent car shell with bright LED lights added an extra level of coolness and visibility.
One of the best features was the inclusion of two 7.4V 800mAh rechargeable batteries and a USB charger. This extends the driving time to more than 40 minutes and can be charged via USB, making it fast and convenient.
However, one downside, though not a major one, was the durability of the plastic body. It's made of high-quality material, but it's still plastic, so I had to be careful while maneuvering it.
All said and done, the Tecnock Fast RC Cars were a perfect blend of high-speed thrill, durability, and easy usability. Great for kids aged 14 and up, and a fantastic gift option!

🔗Military Grade RC Hobby Rock Crawler Truck: Real-Time Driving & 4WD
I recently got my hands on the REMOKING RC Hobby Toys Military Truck - a perfect gift for both kids and adults who love a little adventure in their lives. This remote-controlled truck is not just a toy, but a thrilling off-road experience. The first time I took it out for a spin, I was blown away by how easily it maneuvered across different terrains, from the ground to the mountains.
One of the most exciting features of this truck is its real-time driving capabilities. With a Wi-Fi camera equipped, I could watch my truck navigate through obstacles in real time. It was definitely a unique and thrilling experience that made me want to play with it for hours!
The truck is made for all-terrain driving. It's got 4-wheel drive, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. However, what stood out the most during my testing was its high-frequency 2.4GHz transmitter system. This ensured I had complete control over the truck from a distance, which made the overall experience even more enjoyable.
To wrap up, although the truck is perfect for driving across varied terrains and providing real-time video feeds, the battery life could be improved. But overall, this is an awesome remote-controlled truck that delivers on the promise of fun and adventure.

🔗Fast and Customizable 1:10 Scale RC Car (65 KM/H Speed)
As soon as I got my hands on this 1:10 scale brushless RC car, I knew it was going to be a game-changer. Right out of the box, it was ready to go, and its crazy fast speed had me racing around the neighborhood in no time. The customizable settings on the ESC made it easy to tweak for optimal performance, and the Li-Po battery ensured I could enjoy the thrill of racing without worrying about running out of juice.
What really stood out for me was the monster trucks' durability and ability to handle any terrain. The oil-filled metal shocks and heavy-duty wheels allowed me to take on sand, rocks, or concrete with ease, and the option to switch between two included body shells made it a real head-turner.
The only downside I encountered was the limited range of the remote control - but that was quickly remedied by keeping it closer to me while racing. Overall, this 65 km/h speed remote control car has been a great addition to my toy collection, and I can't wait to see how far I can push its capabilities.

🔗Micro Fasten' Racing Car, Super Small Wireless C Vehicle
I recently picked up the Westminster Worlds Smallest C Car Random Color for my kids, and it's proven to be a huge hit in our household. This tiny powerhouse is perfect for those who love remote-controlled toys without taking up too much space. The 8-direction movement feature makes it incredibly easy to navigate through obstacles, and the headlights ensure clear visibility even in low-light conditions.
However, the rechargeable lithium battery does take a while to charge, so patience is key. On the flip side, the remote requires three AA batteries, which aren't included in the package - a minor inconvenience, but not a deal-breaker. Overall, this micro-scale C car is a great choice for those who enjoy small, fast remote-controlled vehicles that offer hours of entertainment.

🔗Fast and Durable RC Car for Outdoor Adventures
I must admit, I've never been much of a remote control car enthusiast. But when I laid my hands on this Tecnock speedster, I couldn't resist giving it a whirl. The first thing that struck me was its sleek design - it looks every bit a racing machine you'd see on the racing track. The bright LED headlights make it stand out even more.
As for the performance, well, it doesn't disappoint there either. The 1:16 scale makes it perfect for both indoor and outdoor play. The 25 km/h top speed ensures it doesn't get left behind in the dust. And the 2.4GHz remote control ensures no interference even if you're racing with other cars.
The large 7.4V 1000mAh batteries provide quite the playtime, lasting over an hour on a single charge. But the standout feature for me was the sturdy build quality. The high-quality ABS material, coupled with the anti-crash rubber tires, meant my rough landings didn't result in any serious damage.
On the flip side, the car doesn't perform too well on wet surfaces. Also, the lack of an all-inclusive controller battery can be a bit of a letdown.
Overall, the Tecnock Remote Control Car offers a thrilling ride at a reasonable price. It's perfect for both adults and kids who love a little bit of adventure on four wheels.

Buyer's Guide

Remote controlled (RC) cars are a popular hobby for many enthusiasts, offering the thrill of racing at high speeds without the risk or expense of full-scale automobiles. While some RC cars can be quite expensive, there are plenty of cheap fast options available that still provide an exhilarating experience. In this section, we will discuss important features to consider when buying a cheap fast RC car and provide general advice to ensure you get the most out of your purchase.

Features to Consider
  • Motor: The type of motor in your RC car will greatly affect its top speed and overall performance. Look for models with high-quality brushless motors, which generally offer more power and efficiency than traditional brushed motors.
  • Battery Type: Lithium-polymer (LiPo) batteries tend to have a higher voltage capacity than other battery types, resulting in increased speed and power. However, they may also be more expensive and require special charging considerations.
  • Wheel Type: Soft foam tires provide better grip on various terrains and may allow for faster speeds on some surfaces. Hard plastic or rubber tires are often faster on smooth surfaces, but may offer less control and stability.

Build Quality and Durability

Since cheap fast RC cars are more likely to encounter wear and tear from constant high-speed racing, it's crucial to choose a model with robust construction and quality materials. Look for vehicles with sturdy chassis, reinforced shock absorbers, and strong suspension components to ensure your investment lasts as long as possible.

Consider the Terrain

The area where you plan to race your RC car plays a significant role in determining which model is best for you. If you're primarily racing on pavement or smooth concrete surfaces, a dedicated on-road racer with slick tires may be the ideal choice. However, if you're planning to race off-road, you'll need a vehicle with rugged suspension, large knobby tires, and adequate ground clearance to handle rough terrain.

Advice for New Enthusiasts

  • Start with a Ready-to-Run (RTR) model: These vehicles come pre-assembled and include everything you need to start racing right away, making them perfect for beginners.
  • Learn basic maintenance: Regular cleaning, checking for loose screws, and inspecting electronic components will help extend the life of your RC car and maintain optimal performance.
  • Join an RC car community: Connecting with other hobbyists can offer valuable advice, product recommendations, and insights into racing strategies and techniques.
A cheap fast RC car can provide hours of excitement and competitive fun, but choosing the right model is essential for maximizing your enjoyment. By considering factors such as motor type, battery capacity, wheel design, build quality, and intended racing terrain, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect vehicle for your needs. And by following some general advice, such as starting with an RTR model and maintaining your vehicle properly, you'll ensure that your new hobby lasts for many years to come.


1. What are Cheap Fast RC Cars?
Cheap Fast RC Cars are remote-controlled vehicles that offer both affordability and high speed at the same time. They're designed for thrilling, adrenaline-pumping experiences on a budget.

2. Which factors can impact the speed of these cars?

Several factors can influence the speed of cheap fast RC cars. These may include the vehicle's motor power, battery life, terrain conditions, and the quality of the wheels and tires.

3. How can I ensure the longevity of my Cheap Fast RC Car?

To extend the life of your cheap fast RC car, practice good maintenance such as charging your batteries properly, replacing parts when needed, and not pushing the vehicle beyond its capacity. Regular cleaning and care also contribute to its longevity.

4. Can I upgrade parts of a Cheap Fast RC Car for improved performance?

Absolutely! One of the great things about these cars is that you can upgrade various components like the motor, batteries, or wheels, as per your preference. However, make sure to choose parts that are compatible with your specific model.

5. How should I choose the right terrain for my Cheap Fast RC Car?

The right terrain depends on your car's specifications and the type of driving experience you're looking for. For instance, rocky or uneven surfaces may not be ideal for a smaller model designed for hard surfaces. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines and your car's specifications when selecting a terrain.

6. How fast can a Cheap Fast RC Car go?

The speed of a cheap fast RC car may vary based on various factors, including the motor type, battery life, and terrain. Generally, they can reach speeds up to nearly 40 mph, with some models going even faster.

7. What are some good brands for Cheap Fast RC Cars?

There are numerous reputable brands in the market known for their Cheap Fast RC Cars, including Exceed, Hosim, and Traxxas.

8. How much should I invest in a Cheap Fast RC Car?

You can find decent cheap fast RC cars starting from around $50, but remember to factor in upgrades and maintenance. Higher-end models may cost around $200 or more.

9. Where can I buy Cheap Fast RC Cars?

You can purchase these cars from various retail stores or e-commerce platforms. Always make sure to buy from reputable sellers for quality assurance.

10. How do I maintain the battery life of my cheap fast RC car?

To maintain battery life, ensure you're using the right charger and charging appropriately. Also, avoid over-discharging the batteries and store them in a cool, dry place when not in use.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:44 most-unreasonable HPLC settings for finding the purity of capsule contents

HPLC settings for finding the purity of capsule contents
AC262536, non volatile, and soluble in DMSO
I have capsules supposedly containing the above compound (a SARM). My aim is to:
(1) verify that the capsules contain it (I will purchase a proton NMR for this)
(2) find the purity of the compound. (I am planning to purchase a HPLC for this)
The college I am purchasing the tests from is readily able to do the NMR, but for the HPLC, they have additional questions about the specifications of the test that I require.
How am i supposed to know the sample purity and detected compounds, before the test is even run? Or is this for them to fill up after the test is run?
I would appreicate your advice on the recommended column to use. I am planning to use the Photodiode Array for detector.
I believe I have to fill up all of these too, and would appreciate any advice on common settings to use, or a link explaining what the normal values for each of these are. In particular, I cannot find much online on the ABCD%
submitted by most-unreasonable to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:41 user7-0 Since people got so annoyed with the blur, here's some nudes

Since people got so annoyed with the blur, here's some nudes
Story time: I was a suicidal student struggling to clear CA final when I invested in these stocks. My dad trusted me and gave me some money to invest but yeah, this is my portfolio right now. Also, my articleship experience (2y of just these audits) in stock broker audits at an early age of 20 helped me to stay curious back then. Used to look at tradelogs of customers (as part of sample testing in audit) and be surprised at how much people used to make by day trading. Also gave me an idea of different types and names of stocks that existed. Thoroughly enjoyed my time there talking to equity research analysts and RMS head, over coffee or lunch. I used to be shameless and come clean of my lack of knowledge and sit with them after hours to understand how stock broking business works (something that wasn't needed for the audit, but I couldn't get rid of the curiousity itch).
At the time of clearing CA Final, the only stocks I sold were chola finance and a bit of SBI to purchase a phone. I used to use a bar phone until then as I wanted to keep my distractions minimum. Fortunately, after I cleared CA I never needed to sell stocks for my needs/wants.
Anyway, I did see exilisi go to ~1300% as well, but didn't sell it but no regrets. But I guess I should also learn to know when to divest as well.
I remember buying endurance tech with whole of my diwali bonus when I was an articleship student. Probably will never sell this as a memoir of the times.
Anyway, it's been almost 10years when I started investing and now I earn enough to experiment in stock markets and not have regret of loss of capital. This post is a reminder to self to be active again in the investing life :)
Feel free to criticize or drop any tips for me to do better and stay active.
PS: always grateful to my dad, who worked in a PSU bank. Literally dragged me to his colleague who handled trading cell of the branch in a tier 3 city (so basically he was sitting quiet) to teach me basics of stock market. My dad asked his colleague for his time and made me sit with him to just have a conversation. And that's what we did, I was a foundation student back then and his colleague told me what a sensex ticker is and how nifty fifty index is calculated. That, caused a spark, which led me to do some NSE NCFM courses, which got me articleship in a CA firm coz they had a stock broking client for whom they had to do internal audits and report to NSE, BSE. I loved it so much that I went on to stick to internal audits for my career and am a Group Internal Auditor for a company with about ₹7200cr pa revenue.
As I type this, I have tears in my eyes coz I realise butterfly effect of my dad pushing me to have a conversation with his colleague. Me, who was just a 19y kid who just cleared his foundation exam in CA, waiting to clear IPCC but contemplating suicide in case I didn't clear it.
Thank you dad :)
submitted by user7-0 to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:40 Delicious_Net_900 Should I have sex with my ex?

Currently he is 37years old & I 32 years old.dorry in advanced it's a long story ,but I think its important to know the past history for the best advice..
We met in 2012 dated 4 years,I broke up with him cause I felt a lack of affection after years together & maybe there was someone else,he promised there was nobody else but,after time my insecurities & instincts said a women we see the signs,there was inconsistencies so I called it...& 2weeks later he texted me asking if I was going to ever tell him about my pregnancy if he didn't ask..👀👀👀Iwas stunned, immediately shot up & I went to the Drs & found out I was 16weeks pregnant with our son.i had irregular periods so a missed period wasn't alarming & I was on birth control.he met me up at the Drs ,we talked it out,we got back together & broke up agin just before Our son being born, he found out he had gotten another woman pregnant during our split & the woman was keeping the child,he wasn't there for our son's birth nor to sign the certificate (his choice)..I got a lawyer & we had all forms ready we just needed him to sign off his rights.he got a lawyer & refused to sign.before court we decided to handle this no lawyers just us raising our son as best as we both could without involvement of the state.
Never the less hes a loving father to our son,not the most active father since he moved 8 hrs away due to work but,he makes it work by having daily communication with our son & financially helping me monthly for my son's expenses we have a shared bank account he adds funds to monthly & anything our son wants or requires sports gears, clothing,shoes etc is all charged into this card.we have a great relationship as friends now.we speak not daily but constantly keep in contact & if we ever need to talk or vent we can normally call each wasn't easy the first few years alot of bickering.
the other women disappeared completely after she found out about my son & I & he never saw or heard of her again,he tried contacting her,but no response all he had was a name & number & eventually the number was disconnected..they had a mutual friend & he's asked for my brothers help since my brother is a private investigator & the woman not long after birthing the bby married & the husband wanted to adopted the child as his own,since he had a motorcycle accident many years ago hurting his man part's causing him to go sterile.. My ex came in contact with them & they wanted to met us & we flew out to meet them in South Carolina & they asked my ex to sign off his rights,which he did after a few days of thinking about it,the boy looks identical to my son,almost like I was looking at my son younger...both the woman & her husband where so sweet & nice people,my ex got to hold his son & I took a picture of them for him to have with both boys..he seemed conflicted & full of regrets after signing,he struggles with this some days,but accepted that maybe this is better for the child.this was in 2018 our son was 3ish 4 years old.
We do family vacations all 3 of us during our sons school breaks & I love them! My son loves them! We have a blast,my son gets to spend time with his parents & see us get along & be friends & all 3 of us just stay partying, sometimes dad & I drink a little bit more than we planned,not waisted just slightly buzzed,we get extra silly & loud & our son says we are more playful when we drink adult grape juice (we are wine🍷ppl) 😂😂🫣 but never get hung over . we brain storm about our next adventure while on vacation I recently took us to Disneyland & DCA during spring break 1 week of fun,I live near Disney so dad stayed with us..this upcoming late June he wants us to go to him & camp in an RV at the beach..he FT me last night showing me the RV his uncle is letting us barrow..its beautiful! queen bed master room &a garage for the golf cart & 2ATV he's letting us use,a separate room with a twin bed ,an attached patio it's luxurious! Kitchen, bathroom/shower..the works! after our call ended,he texted me if id be ok with sharing a bed with him & our son take the twin bed alone,we normally share a bed while on vacation,but usually our son is with us..I was hesitant for a sec ,but I thought about it & thought it would be nice if I wasnt on the edge for once & wake up to my son on top of me or a foot or hand on my face,so i agreed,he's always been respectful & we have boundaries & both respectful of that..
it's been years since we where together,but then he asked if we could have casual sex too.. He mentioned that every vacation we go on he usually craves me & he's started to grow feelings for me agin.i have noticed he's more touchy,but I assumed we where just comfortable around eachother & he said last time he saw me at Disney he'd lean on in me to smell me & when I'd hold his face as he leaned on me he loved it, that it would do things for him.. he adorably asked me to dance with him,I noticed something when I looked in his eyes,I blushed & said "what!?" & He smiled & said "nothing, you just look nice dancing with the castle behind you." We ended the dance with a very well timed spin & a bow from him & a curtsy from me. My son recorded the whole firework show & us dancing & the video ends with him giggling telling his dad he cought us dancing & his dad giving him a thumbs up..almost like it was planned 😂😂..
I'm scared! I don't think I can handle casual sex with this man or a relationship there's a lot of history between us & insecurities that will I'm nervous about our future co parenting,shits gonna be awkward now.
submitted by Delicious_Net_900 to sexadvise [link] [comments]