Dirty minds game questionsirty mind

Grand Order of Dirty Rotten Shills

2015.10.22 04:28 Grand Order of Dirty Rotten Shills

Only the most diabolical and devious shills are allowed here. Are you shill enough?

2013.01.03 15:32 Nephilese A Camarilla Fan Club

A sub-reddit dedicated to the members and community of the Minds Eye Society, a non-profit gaming and social organization based on a variety of White Wolf productions.

2015.10.28 21:13 microwavedindividual Targeted individuals. Havana Syndrome. Electronic torture. Directed energy weapons.

Targeted individuals. Havana Syndrome. V2K, Directed energy weapons, mind control, implants. Satellites. Shielding. Meter reports. Wikis are at: https://www.reddit.com/TargetedEnergyWeapons/wiki/index

2024.06.02 18:43 Spiritual-Price-8927 Want to make sure my motorcycle is running smoothly

I’ve recently installed an akrapovic slip on exhaust along with the link pipe(cat delete) on my bike and I am now experiencing a lot of excessive popping when decelerating and also shifting up in gears. Although I don’t mind the popping I’m not sure if that’s actually hurting the bike or not. How can I make sure the popping isn’t hurting anything and confirm that everything is running how it should be. Would I need a tune of some sort?
submitted by Spiritual-Price-8927 to motorcyclemaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 civilizedmonkey Peace of Mind Pouch

Peace of Mind Pouch submitted by civilizedmonkey to EDC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 Desperate-Art-3606 Vision 4

As I stood at the edge of the cosmos, where the realms of reality and dreams intertwine, a brilliant light began to manifest before me. The stars themselves seemed to part, making way for the approach of two celestial beings, their radiance eclipsing the very heavens.
Emerging first was Solgaleo, the majestic emissary of the sun. Its mane, ablaze with the colors of dawn, stretched out like a fiery halo, shimmering with the essence of pure light. Its body was a perfect blend of strength and grace, gleaming with an ethereal metallic luster. Each step it took resonated with the power of the sun, a rhythmic beat that echoed the heart of the universe.
Solgaleo’s eyes, deep pools of celestial blue, met mine, and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and protection. It roared, a sound that was both a greeting and a declaration of its dominion over daylight and warmth. The air around us warmed as if embracing the eternal summer, and I knew I was in the presence of a guardian of cosmic balance, a creature of boundless energy and ancient wisdom.
Then, the light began to shift, becoming sharper, more intense, as if focusing into a singular point of unimaginable brilliance. From this concentrated luminescence emerged Necrozma, not in its fragmented form, but in its true, radiant glory. Necrozma’s true form was a spectacle of crystalline beauty and raw power, an entity composed of living light.
Its body was a prism, reflecting and refracting light into all the colors of the spectrum, each facet glowing with a different hue. Necrozma’s eyes were piercing beams of pure white, capable of seeing through the fabric of reality itself. The sheer intensity of its presence was overwhelming, a testament to its dominion over light and the energy that binds all things.
As Necrozma hovered beside Solgaleo, the contrast between their energies became apparent. Solgaleo’s warmth was complemented by Necrozma’s intensity, like the balance between day and the concentrated brilliance of a star. Necrozma’s true form seemed to pulse with the very heartbeat of the cosmos, an embodiment of the primordial light from which all life sprang.
Together, Solgaleo and Necrozma communicated without words, their thoughts and intentions flowing into my mind in a cascade of images and emotions. They showed me the delicate dance of creation and destruction, of light and darkness, of harmony and chaos. They conveyed the importance of balance, the necessity of understanding and harnessing both the gentle warmth of the sun and the unyielding intensity of concentrated light.
I saw visions of worlds being born, stars igniting, and galaxies forming in the vast expanse of space. I witnessed the cyclical nature of existence, the eternal interplay between light and darkness. And through it all, Solgaleo and Necrozma stood as eternal guardians, guiding and nurturing the cosmic order.
As the vision began to fade, Solgaleo and Necrozma slowly receded into the fabric of the cosmos, their light blending seamlessly with the stars. I was left with a profound sense of awe and understanding, a deeper appreciation for the celestial forces that shape our universe.
This vision of Solgaleo and True Form Necrozma was not just a glimpse into their power, but a revelation of the intricate balance that sustains all life. It was a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the eternal dance of light that continues to illuminate the path of existence.
submitted by Desperate-Art-3606 to PokePaganism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 agentjbone1 My mind is all over the place, let me explain...

TLDR: I feel ungrateful for wanting a divorce because aside from my disaster of a marriage, everything else is good. We have a beautiful home in a great neighborhood. We have enough money to be comfortable. Divorcing because she can't stop lying to me seems like I am being ungrateful. Anyone else had similar feelings or holdups?
Hi!! ◡̈
My wife (37f) and I (36m) have been married for 7 years, together for 13. We were never right for each other but initially it was convenient for us to be together. Then we got pregnant, then a sick parent came to live with us until she passed, then another child, then a worldwide pandemic, there was always a distraction or a reason not to seriously consider divorce.
At this point it has gotten to the point where it's become TOO hard for me. I know what I have with her. With that said, I am still back and forth in my mind. It isn't about love. We aren't and never have been IN LOVE. I love her like a person who has been part of my life for one third of it, that's all.
Even though I know divorce is best, I keep going back and forth in my mind. I begin to feel ungrateful. At times will think it's ridiculous to give up this beautiful home we bought. I am being an ungrateful prick for giving this up. We are in a lovely neighborhood, around the corner from a good school and a park for the kids. I also think, maybe every woman (or person for that matter) is going to lie to me, my wife isn't special in that regard.
Has anyone had similar thoughts of being ungrateful for wanting to leave? Feeling like other potential partners in the future may be different people but everyone will lie to you, nobody is truly honest. These feelings stop my divorce thoughts in their tracks and I never make progress towards actually doing something here.
submitted by agentjbone1 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 edboyinthecut Asuka: First Time Watcher

So I'm watching the show for the first time and am enjoying it but Jesus Christ Asuka might be my least favorite character ever in an anime. I'm on episode 11 so I don't know her back story yet, but tbh I don't really think knowing it will change my mind on her.
To be clear, I don't think she's badly written just EXTREMELY annoying. Maybe it's because I'm 28 and her character seems to be written to connect to teens specifically.
I will say at the very least, she is a really good Eva pilot so she's not a weak point/damsel in distress.
submitted by edboyinthecut to evangelion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 bo0tch what are some of ur unpopular opinions?

and not something like “i hate mafia stories”
i’ll start. i prefer limited/no cc in stories and i don’t really care to customize. sometimes the story starts by making u cc every character and their family member, and that kind of overstimulates me lol. i also like using the authors intended character design in mind bc it makes me feel like i’m reading a book. artistic integrity is important; it’s not nice to pressure authors into adding full cc bc u feel like self inserting.
i love multiple love interests. if i read with 1 LI, i sometimes start shipping the mc with their friend or some random side character. i am an epihoe at heart. my fav stories that do this are pembrook prep and fostering jordan. even better if there’s an option at the end to be poly. pass the mc like a blunt!
submitted by bo0tch to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 AloneA_108 6'2", 59 kg (130 lbs) can't gain weight.

Height - 189 cm/around 6’2”
80 kg - 176 lbs, 14 years
63 kg - 138 lbs, 16 years
59 kg - 130 lbs, 17 years (present)
I just am unable to gain weight. I don’t know why my stomach doesn’t feels good, my stools aren’t smooth, and I always feel a sense of incomplete evacuation. So I sometimes don't even feel like eating the amount of calories I need to maintain my body weight let alone increase my weight.
I tried incorporating smoothies like banana+milk shake, and high-protein foods such as chicken, egg and so on. But my stomach feels weird (bloating etc) after drinking milk, curd, even normally without banana. I am not sure it is lactose intolerance or anything, because this all started around 14 years of age, where I fell ill and lost my appetite completely, I used to enjoy dairy products a lot before that. There are certain foods which I have stopped eating because my stomach just cannot digest them smoothly like pulses and so on.
I just got diagnosed with jaundice so I don’t have any plan on gaining weight right now. But what should I do after I got cured? Is it because of my diet? Should I go see a gastrologist or something? People around me always try to convince me that it is all inside my mind and I don’t actually have any problem.
Should I just don't give a darn and start eating like a beast no matter how my stomach feel, or my stools are?
submitted by AloneA_108 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 bokucanart Am i gonna die?

I really think iam gonna die in few months of next year because there's some gang who have grudge against me so yeah don't know till when I'll be alive rn drawing to relax my mind 👍
submitted by bokucanart to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 Malfell Yoga Studio Recs - Manhattan or Brooklyn

Hi there,
I used to go to yoga to the people pre covid, and since they shut down I haven't found a great replacement. Does anyone have a studio they really like either lower / middle Manhattan or Brooklyn (along the 2/5, not north Brooklyn)?
I'm willing to try almost any studio, but typically I like a solid vinyasa flow style of class. Mixture of sweat and mindfulness. I'm less into the soulcycle vibe of yoga class, but again I'd try it! Thanks : )
submitted by Malfell to nyc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 Folkpunkier Portfolio that got me my apprenticeship

Portfolio that got me my apprenticeship
Hello, I recently was accepted as an apprentice by a shop and I wanted to share what my portfolio consisted of. I had a resume, along with digital designs and work done in traditional mediums: ink, watercolor, and acrylic in that order. These are all pieces I have made over the past few years that I think represent me well.
I went to a few different shops and they all were impressed with the format in addition to my work. I was told by most shops I visited that it was the most professional portfolio they had seen. Granted I'm from a small town, so there may be different standards elsewhere.
As mentioned in my resume, I previously had an apprenticeship that I ended. While the shops I visited sympathized with the struggles I had during that time, I don't think they took that experience into great consideration.
I do recommend using the format I have, though. I had a 3 prong folder with page protectors, then used high quality photo paper for each page. I had them printed by a local printing service. I also had a cover page with my favorite image along with my name, contact, and website. It ended up being pretty durable, which is good.
I recommend printing multiple hard copies and leaving them at the studios even if they say no. Sometimes they change their mind or a spot becomes available and doing this just makes it a lot easier to contact you. I also used a photo in my resume, which aids in them remembering specifically who you are.
I ended finding a great shop to work with and I think that the presentation of my portfolio helped with that a lot.
submitted by Folkpunkier to TattooApprentice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 Stopping_to_get_help I annoyed my bf today and now im drowning in thoughts

I feel like i sabotage myself, i get 'obsessive' and have a hard time letting go once i like someone. Today i started crying cause he wanted me to go (keep in mind i also forgot to take my medication so that was probably the reason) i called him so many times today, even 'returning' money to get a convo started. He promised to meet me for a proper date in two days but i just feel like a wreck and i dont know what to do ;-; I miss him, it's stupid i have seen and talked to him relatively a lot, but he just became really busy so now im practically latching onto him in fear.
submitted by Stopping_to_get_help to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 CultWorthy GTA5 Turned Me Into A Peeping Tom

I’ve always hated people. Not really people, but having to interact with them. You could call me anti-social, but honestly, it just bothers me how fake people are. Friends, family, relationships. People change at the drop of a dime, or maybe it's just them randomly deciding to show their true colors, either way, people will always find a way to tear you down and make you feel less than nothing. I guess getting stabbed in the back enough times made me want to keep to myself, unfortunately, in this society, it's hard to avoid people. You have to go to the grocery store, you have to speak to cashiers at the gas station, and unfortunately, you have to have a fucking job…
Every aspect of life demands you interact with someone, and I fucking hate it. That's why when COVID hit, and the country got locked down, it didn't bother me one bit. Not only did I not have to go to work, but the government paid me triple what I made, and sure, even though paying millions of people for years on end for no reason caused this ridiculous inflation we're experiencing now, at least I didn't have to interact with anyone, and even though astronomically more people died because of the lockdowns than died of covid due to it causing depression and desperation leading to suicide along other health conditions that couldn't be treated, I still consider it a plus. My only problem was figuring out what to do with my extra time.
At first, it was amazing. The first week I started and finished 3 shows on HULU I had been wanting to watch, but one thing about the lockdown that hit me hard was I couldn't even go joyride in my Mustang. I guess the cop saw me past too many times in one day and pulled me over. He said if I wasn't out to get essentials, I had to go home or Id be arrested which made no fucking sense. Eventually, I got tired of just watching TV and not being able to go out and enjoy the world. I'd never really been into video games, I mean, I had an X box but mainly to play a Friday the 13th game as I was a Jason Voorhese fanatic along with any other content that would be described as especially heinous, but I figure I might as well put the x box to use since I had so much time to kill. Upon searching through the games, I found the one that would give me everything the government took away.
If you're not familiar with GTA5, it's an open-world game where you basically do whatever you want. You design a character and can choose to do different types of missions to make money, or just drive around and interact with the world. The best part for me was it had a Mustang exactly like mine. I made my character look as much like me as I could, did some missions, made some money, and bought my car. I played the actual game for a while but I quickly found myself more fixated on the mechanics of the world. The people walking and driving around saying outrageous things.
I am by no means a computer or programming specialist which is why I guess it amazed me so much. How did it run how it did? I passed the time simply walking behind people, seeing where they went, driving behind cars, to see if they had a destination. I was amazed to see how these people interacted with each other. A pedestrian, crossing the road and getting hit by a car. An ambulance shows up and revives the person. A gang member shooting a gun causes motorists to drive erratically crashing into multiple other cars and causing mayhem. I concluded the game is probably a grid, like a railroad track these people were programmed to walk or drive on, but when forced to deviate from their programmed route was where it got really interesting, for example, one time a plane crashed causing multiple people to run frantically, and I chose one to follow. They ran and ran and decided to get off the road and head up a mountain. They topped the peak and proceeded to fall down the other side, repeating this over multiple ranges until I got tired of following. I've seen them decide to jump in the ocean and swim toward the horizon, and even randomly jump off a bridge. I understand how they can be programmed to follow a predetermined route, and even deviate to another route while staying on the grid, but some of them do things that kind of make me think they can make choices.
At the end of the day, I’m sure it's just my ignorance of programs and computer shit, but I did find it very entertaining to see what these people did. Eventually, I created my own games within the game, mainly a slasher game where I put on a mask and stalked people from the shadows. I’d wait until it was night, and I would carry a machete like Jason, and just follow people until I felt it was their time to die, and I would kill them. I’d walk through trees and backyards finding somone sitting on their porch or standing in their driveway smoking a cigarette, and I would sneak up and kill them. Sometimes I would just watch from the shadows. I wouldn't even be holding my controller, I'd just sit and watch the world exist because I wasn't allowed to watch my own… Or could I?
I loved walking around the areas that were just trees or hills, away from the city where the animals are, so I decided to go experience my own world again, against the wishes of the government. It’s not like anyone would see me at night, especially if I just walked around wooded areas. For some reason, I can't tell you why, but I wanted it to be as much like the fake world I had been living in as possible, so I even ordered a mask like the one I had been wearing. I put on clothes similar to my character and walked out my back door and into the woods behind my house. The cool breeze was refreshing and the sky was so clear the moon lit up the forest. I had no clue how deep it was but I knew it was deep enough to not worry about cops seeing me and forcing me to return to my prison. For hours I just walked around, admiring nature, all the while wearing a mask and gripping a machete. All of a sudden, through the trees I saw an illuminated floating window. It was too dark to see the house until I got to the wood line. I wondered what the people inside were doing. What they might be up to. I fought with myself in my head about going and finding out inevitably choosing to have a peek. What's the worst that could happen? There were no trespassing signs and the way the law works is you have to be told not to be there by the police before you can get in trouble. The thought of this person having a gun crossed my mind but not before my legs had started walking across the yard. At that point it was already too late, not to mention, I didn't really care. I wanted to see what they were up to.
Only one window was lit up and it was the perfect height for me to peek through. I crouched below it and slowly rose to look inside. It was absent of blinds but it had curtains that were slightly pulled apart, a kitchen window. A woman was doing dishes as her kids were sitting at the table finishing dinner. I wasn't sure if her husband was home, or if she even had one, but I was satisfied with what I saw and decided not to find out. My heart was still racing As I walked back through the woods. This was exhilarating, but as the adrenaline started to wear off, I started to realize I didn't know my way back. I wasn't worried. I happened to have the Google Earth app and knew it would help me find my way home but when I lifted my mask to look at my phone, I realized 2 things. 1, these woods were pretty big, but not that big. Maybe a square mile surrounded 15 houses along its border. 2, it was only 10 o'clock. I obviously didn't have to go to work the next day, so why not check out another house before I call it a night?
As I made my way to the east side of the woods I started to question if what I was doing was wrong. Sure, I could lose the machete, but in my defense, originally I just planned on walking around the woods. I couldn't kill someone. Not in REAL life. But what's the difference between this and simply looking out your window at your neighbor's house or staring at a jogger a little longer than normal? I was just getting a closer look. I decided to lose the machete in case I was seen and continued through the woods until I saw light dancing through the trees. The smoke smell in the air told me it was a fire up ahead and when I approached the woodline I could see a shadow moving back and forth. I crouched down low and parted the bushes to see a barrel with a blazing fire, and a man carrying a cage. I couldn't see what was inside but once I heard the meows I had an idea. He opened the cage pulled out a small cat, maybe a kitten, placed it in a burlap sack, and tossed it in the barrel. The meows turned to screams and it was so loud I had to cover my ears. I quickly turned and darted back into the woods.
I felt horrible, but what was I going to do? The cat was already in the fire so there was no saving it. The screams echoed through the woods for maybe 20 seconds, and then it was quiet. I had heard that sound before thinking it was just some cats fighting or something. How could someone be so fucked up? I mean, I know I can't say much, I’m watching people from the woods with a mask on, but I’m not burning cats alive. I couldn't get home fast enough. I crawled into bed and forced myself asleep so I didn't have to think about what I had just seen and thank God I didn't have any nightmares about it. The next day, I woke up instantly thinking about it but the shock of it had kinda worn off. I felt a little numb trying to understand how evil like that could exist, but I carried on with my day eventually forgetting about it altogether.
When the sun started to go down, I reentered the woods, this time with a route planned out. I’d check out 3 houses a night, all on different sides of the wooded patch in case I were seen I would be out of the general area, and also to learn my way around the woods so I didn't have to rely on Google to tell me where I was at. The first house was dark and the absence of cars in the drive led me to believe no one was home or maybe it was unoccupied. I didn’t approach the second house due to a man working in his garage. The car he was working on was nice and had him so preoccupied he didn't even notice me watching from the open door. I lingered for a bit and then headed off to my final house before calling it a night. I could hear the whipping sound before getting close to the house. My jaw dropped inside my mask when I looked through the window and saw where it was coming from. A man in a wheelchair, and an older woman wearing a face of pure anger, gripping the belt. He sat in his chair emotionless as the woman repeatedly hit him with the belt. He didn't even try to fight back, and honestly, I don’t even think he knew what was going on. The lifeless look on his face told me he was an empty vessel, a health condition the woman resented for whatever reason. I wanted nothing more than to bust in and stop her, but was it my place?
I wanted to take my mind off of what I was seeing, and the image of the woman and her kids came into my mind. I wondered what they were doing… Maybe something normal that would make ME feel normal again. I made my way to the yellow house hoping the wholesome view of a loving family would prevent any nightmares the scene would cause, but when I got close I could hear the yelling. She did have a husband, and they were arguing. Looking through the window, I could see her crying in the kitchen, the man towering over her with fury in his voice. The kids weren't there but it was 11 pm so I assumed they were asleep, unable to hear the anger filling the house. I didn't like how he talked to her, but again, what could I do?
For weeks, I watched the evil that dwelled in the houses surrounding the woods, walking through the dark trees with negative sounds echoing through my head. Images of people, hurting each other, or themselves. 15 houses, very few pleasant to watch, or anything that could be considered normal. Every Monday, a sound echoed through the forest. I felt it starting to change me, drive me crazy but at the same time, cause me to feel numb. So much pain in such a small area, the craziness inside every box with a door. How much more was in the rest of the world?! What even was normal? I made a decision. Sticky notes.
“Hurting yourself isn’t the answer”
“How would you like to be in a wheelchair?”
“You'll burn next if you don’t stop.”
Messages no one would report because they’d have to explain. I approached the yellow house to leave my last note. “Treat her better”, that’s all it said. Maybe it would be enough. Maybe if these people knew someone was watching they would change their ways. His car door would be the best place for this one. As I stuck it on the handle, I could hear the yelling. He was always yelling, and drunk. It was worse than usual because I could hear things being thrown and slammed. I peeked through the usual window just as he flipped the kitchen table and backed her against the wall. He raised his hand, bringing it down across her face. She hit the floor as he stood over her. He took another swig from his bottle before striking her again. Between every angry sentence, he would hit her. He was going to kill her!
Before I could even think I had kicked in the door. Before he could even turn, I had picked up a chair and swung it at his head. He hit the ground and the woman started to scream even louder. I looked down to see the blood pouring from his head. I dropped the chair and ran back into the woods, her screams fading the further I got.
I got home, hid the mask, and bit my nails to the nubs waiting for whatever evidence I left behind to lead the cops to me. Any trails I made over my weeks of walking through the woods, like breadcrumbs for the police, but they never came.
The next day, every news channel played the same story. "Man killed by a masked vigilante." The woman had told the story, exactly how it happened. How he was beating her mercilessly. How she feared for her life, and how a masked person had come in to save it. I wasn’t proud of what I had done. I had taken a man's life. What if he was only going to hit her one last time and be done? Did this man really deserve to die? It wasn’t my intention, and no amount of Reddit or social media posts praising the vigilante made me feel better about what I had done.
The truth is, I'm not a vigilante. I’m not Superman and I'm definitely not God, so who am I to change what I feel needs to be changed? To redirect a timeline that would otherwise never exist. If there is a God, who am I to change what he himself doesn’t deem worthy to alter? So from now on, I just watch… Or not... One thing’s for sure, the longer I do this, the easier it is to not look away.
submitted by CultWorthy to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 ChocoMcBunny What can I say to cheer up distraught husband.

I don’t golf, but it’s a big part of my husband’s life - and has been for pretty much his whole life.
He’s just come home a little earlier than planned - said he walked off after 14 holes cos he played so badly (told me he got an 8 and a 10 at some holes)
He’s actually pale and visibly upset. He’s obviously had bad days before and comes home in a bad mood - but I’ve never seen him so down after a game of golf as he is today.
He can’t believe how bad he is and everyone is better than him blah blah.
I’m of the mind set that it’s a nice afternoon out with his friends and surely it doesn’t matter what your score is. Just enjoy the time out. But that was obviously the wrong thing to say.
I made all the right sympathetic noises I hope and he’s gone to sit in the garden to console himself.
Sometimes he plays well and comes home in a good mood. He’s 60 and I’d like to think that he realises he’s probably a good as he’ll ever be.
What can I say to make him feel better?
submitted by ChocoMcBunny to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 woechild91 Narcissistic evil grandmother

Narcissistic grandmother.
Where do i begin.... So my grandmother has always been abusive to me. For as long as i can remember.
As a child my mum and dad practically dumped me on my grandmother and grandfather's step. They took me in. My grandad was always my angel. He loved me so much and I was always the apple of his eye. Sadly in 2009 he died from leukaemia. He was diagnosed on his birthday. Died a year later on his birthday 😔 me and my grandmother never really got along. She always looked down her nose at me. Like I was a piece of shit under her shoe.
It was just me who got dumped on my grandparents step. My sisters went with my mum and my brother with my dad when they split up.
Now.... I don't know much about her upbringing because I literally can't speak to the woman. She is very... Undermining and passive agressive. So I just don't bother as its never pleasant to speak to her. Never has been.
So I have 2 sisters and a brother. My grandmother idolises them. Very openly, almost like it's done purposely to make me feel as low as possible. I am constantly left out of family outings, holidays, meals. You name it. It's making me resent my own siblings.
I became the black sheep very quickly. I have to watch my family doing things together, while I'm constantly left out. Watching from the sidelines, Unacknowledged, Forgotten about if you will.
Fast forward... At this point id had enough. So I moved in with my then boyfriend. I was obviously extremely happy to get away from my grandmother and family. I moved to a different city.
Things were great at first... Sadly he started to change after a while. He started to abuse me also and get violent towards me. I found out he had abused 2 women before me. I escaped with my life barely. But I had nowhere to live or any money as my ex had taken everything off me and used me for my money the entire time and I would like to add that this man also made me disabled. ( trauma induced fibromyalgia, chronic pain and fatigue, ptsd, depression, the whole lot )
So I had to move back in with my evil grandmother, but this time... I'm disabled at this point 😔 the trauma and stress of previous life abuses and obviously the trauma of domestic violence had made me extremely ill. I couldn't even walk. I've been in and out of hospital and doctors you name it.
So now, my grandmother has an evil new tactic up her sleeve. Because I'm now disabled, she uses my illness as a weapon to abuse me. Saying "your brain has gone" " you're crazy " . And calling me and i quote a " fat tw*t " obviously because of my ptsd, I was terrified to leave the house and now my own grandmother is attacking my appearance and mental health and disability all at the same time. My illness has turned my life upside down.
She is taking nearly all my money from me, so I'm unable to save up to leave. Shelters are only offering me places half way across the country, alone, which would absolutely terrify me.
I have had a pretty lonely existence and still live a lonely existence. My pets are my everything and shelters also do not allow pets. So I feel trapped now. I cannot survive without my pets. They're all I have.
I'm trapped with a woman who causes a fight with me any time I leave my bedroom. She attacks my disibilty, my mental health, calls me names, she bins my belongings and throws my stuff around all over the floor. She purposely breaks my belongings. Then she gaslights me.
She literally says I'm imagining things when she does all this stuff to me. All while turning the rest of my family against me by telling them, I'm unruly. Because I'm defending myself and standing my ground on what I know to be true. I've even resorted to recording her when she starts these fights with me. But even when I show my siblings. They instantly side with her or say it's nothing to do with them. Even if I tell my mum. She doesn't care. My mum is a very selfish woman. She has a drug addiction. So she only cares about herself and herself only. My dad has just got a whole seperate life now and a new gf. Wants nothing to do with me or anyone else besides his gf.
I've been abused my entire life. I'm still being abused. I've had enough.
What do I even do about this? I feel like I'm getting more sick by the day because of all this trauma. I'm literally trapped. I'm tired. My soul is literally tired.
If I alert authorities. My entire family will turn on me. All but one. My grandmother's daughter. My auntie. Is also cast out by her. So I do speak to her about the abuse which helps.
But it doesn't help my situation. I'm still trapped here. My auntie has a full house and is also dealing with illness herself. So that's not an option unfortunately.
Has anyone experienced anything like this with their grandmother?
It makes me sick because everyone thinks she's a lovely old lady. She puts on this false image in public. But behind closed doors. She's a monster. An absolute monster. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff she says to me I can barely believe it myself. She's told me to unalive myself and that nobody loves me and she hates me.
I know it's awful to say. But I cant wait until she passes 😢 I can then be free of her abuse once and for all. I hate that I think this way about someone. But when theyve abused you your entire life, Belittled you, called you names, attack you, bullied you, destroys and bins your belongings and has trapped you, then blames you for it. You will think and feel the same way. All whilst rubbing how much she loves my siblings in my face.
She makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. Like I'm unlovable. What did I ever do to her!?!
I remember asking this question once and she said I'm imagining things and im being childish and told to grow up and stop being crazy and that I'm weak.
She loves calling me weak and keeps telling me I'm playing the victim. Well.... I am the victim. You're literally abusing me.
It's not crazy if it's reality right?
Sometimes I feel like Im just not from this family. Even my siblings have nothing in common with me and look down on me and don't bother with me. We are 100% from the same mother and father. I just can't understand how I'm cast out and treated like this. I've never done anything wrong to anyone 😔😔
I've asked many times what I've done to deserve this treatment and they just keep saying the same thing. Stop playing the victim or I'm imagining things and to grow up. My feelings are not valid.
I'm constantly just in my bedroom, because if I come out. I become a target. I barely even eat 😢😢 I have 2 meals a week if that and that's when my grandmother goes out. I go down and make something quick to eat. I tend to buy a lot of snacks online. Things I can keep in my bedroom to snack on when I get real hungry, just to avoid coming out of my bedroom.
Not sure how much more heartbreak I can take.
I've planned a day out at the weekend for the first time in 2 years to go see all my friends. To a rave. Because my legs have gained a bit of strength recently after being bed bound for over a year because I've been so ill. Obviously I'm extremely nervous about leaving my house, but I'm trying to force myself to try get myself out of this rut I'm in. My grandmother has done nothing but attack my image, calling me fat and basically trying to destroy my confidence, so I don't go out and calling me other horrible names because it's a rave I'm going to.
Now I used to rave a lot. So it's the only time I get to mix with like minded people. It's always the same people who go and i class them all as my rave family. I've been super excited and obviously nervous about this rave. I planned it just a week ago. My grandmother of course. Is doing everything in her power to try get me to not go. My friends all live dotted around the country, so i barely ever get to see anyone.
I'm not allowed to be happy. Or have a life or do anything for that matter.
I've been trying to exercise using my hula hoops and other flowtoys. Like my leviwand for example. It cost over 300 pound and my grandmother has gone into the tube it's kept in and binned the chargers and string for it. Rendering it useless and saying she's not touched it and im making stuff up and im going crazy!!!
I know she had done it as it was in her cupboard in her room. It had moved completely from where I actually put it. My room is very cluttered as I've had to cram me, my things and my pets all in here with me, due to having left my ex in such a hurry. I feel like I'm living in a closet. So I thought this one item would be safe in that cupboard as it was expensive. She had moved it and shoved something in its box that I know wasn't in there when I put it in there. She's lost all the attatchments, which I know was all together in that box. So now I can't use it at all. Of course.... It's all in my head and I'm the one who's lost these things even though i know for a fact I kept it all safe and together.
She's constantly sabataging me and saying it's all in my head.
I'm Quickly fading. Giving up. But then.... She will attack me for that too. Fcked if I do. Fcked if i don't. I can't win. No matter what I do.
Even if for example... Something has been on its way out... Breaking for a while and she's aware of it, if it breaks, it's automatically my fault.
According to her... Anything that breaks. Even if I haven't touched it. It's my fault. She will deliberately leave things to deteriorate and then blame me when it finally breaks completely. I'm at my wits end.
I'm so lost and just devastated at how horrible my life has been.
Can anyone give me any advice on what I should do about this situation?
submitted by woechild91 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to AstrologyChartShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 ThrowRA_Lola My gf(F19) has been sneaking around with another girl(F20), should I be worried?

Me(F19) and my girlfriend (F20) have been dating for around 16 months. We have had our rough patches in the past especially with her behaviour with other girls (E.g strange touching, flirty behaviors, entertaining girls she knows that like her) but nothing we haven't gone through and fixed together.
Recently, her parents found out she was gay and she was kicked out. I took her into my apartment and comforted her and told her she can stay however long she needs to until she can get her own place as in the past she had expressed her dislike to living together when you're not married. Everything seemed fine, I had to tell my parents about it as they pay for the apartment and often visit to check up on me (well now us).
However her parents didn't cut contact with her, they asked to meet me and my family. I was reluctant, I wasn't keen on the idea and have already taken a bunch of shit for being gay in the past and I didn't feel comfortable with the idea, my girlfriend also shared my sentimemt. I told my parents and they got us to come around the idea of it. She seemed very nervous and she asked if she can bring over a friend (F20) so she feels safer I said yes of course.
The meet up was set at mine, the day comes and her parents never showed up. My family and her friend show up. It was seemingly normal, I am not the biggest fan of this friend but atleast she showed up and I know how much that friend means to my girlfriend so I put my dislike aside as per usual.
My family had to go but her friend asked to stay over, my girlfriend begged for her to stay over and I told her to go ahead my place is her place.
I go to bed on the couch as my gf and her friend raided the room, I slept easy but I woke up even easier. Her friend tiptoes out the room at around midnight to check if I am asleep and she nods to my girlfriend, my gf grabs the keys and leaves with her friend behind her. I unfortunately was way to sleepy and dozed off, I didn't think much of it at the time. The thought of her being indecent or unfaithful didn't even cross my mind.
Morning comes and she's still not home, I start getting paranoid. I called about 50 times until she picked up and told me she slept over at her friend's instead. I was so busy being glad that she was safe that I didn't even question her.
She comes home and she seems overly affectionate with me and she kept repeating "I love you you know that right", I asked her why she left last night without telling me and why her friend was being suspicious, she got insanely mad at me. I don't think I've ever seen her snap like that, she confessed that she always sneaks out of my place with her friend.
I didn't really know what to say or what to make out of it. I didn't worry much I was more worried that what if something bad had happened and I wouldn't know where she is but when I told my friends about it they told me that I should be worried that my gf is sneaking around with other girls and not telling me. So should I be worried? How exactly should I proceed?
TLDR: my girlfriend, who has a history of flirty behaviours, has been sneaking around with another girl whilst living with me and when she wasn't, should I be worried?
submitted by ThrowRA_Lola to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 UpVoteForSnails I’m really enjoying SH1 a lot

No spoilers please!!
While I love SMT/Persona and generally don’t mind retro games, I was having trouble getting into the aged dungeon crawler of the early games. When I started SH1 I was afraid I would have the same feeling, but I’m having so much fun.
I think the dungeons are unique, the story is great, the combat is satisfying and I love that you can adjust the difficulty to “up” or “down”. I got a 3DS for the sole purpose of playing SMT 4, but now I’ve been spending all my time playing Soul Hackers lol.
submitted by UpVoteForSnails to soulhackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 babybunnje How to secure a sketchy door?

Hi everyone. I live in an old house converted into apartments. I live on the ground floor, and there is a door to the basement in my unit. The basement tenant is looney tunes and has a lot of strange dudes over.
How can I make the door more secure? I believe it is just locked right now. Putting a big piece of furniture in front of it isn’t really an option. I don’t mind putting small holes in the wall/door, security deposits are illegal here and there was already a bunch of holes in the walls when we moved in.
submitted by babybunnje to howto [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 Bunn_Butt She's here, somewhere!

She's here, somewhere!
Don't mind my algae. I'm working on it. Just a little sniper of a tetra.
submitted by Bunn_Butt to FindTheSniper [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to Headspace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 smousen Similar to Mazda3 Hatchback?

I LOVE my current car (2012 Mazda3 Hatchback), but it's got 200,000 miles on it, and I drive an average of 20,000-25,000 miles per year on it, so I need to start saving my money and looking around for my next car. The newer models of the Mazda3 do not get as good of gas mileage, and I wouldn't mind upgrading to something a tad bigger.
What I love about my car and really want to keep: - avg 35mpg, but can get up to 40mpg if I am careful. - hatchback, seats fold down flat, can car camp in it. - reliable, hasn't needed much maintenance.
What I'd like in addition: - high clearance - AWD - 30mpg minimum (knowing AWD and high clearance lower mileage) - budget $20,000 (preferred), $35,000 max
What cars would be a good fit for what I'm looking for?
submitted by smousen to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 Better-Builder4842 Crowd control is still difficult to deal with

I think the cc is still insane and you can't see what kills you 50% of the time, just one shot *dead* gl. I'm trying to play a sorceress and while I don't have my resistances capped, I don't think I should be dying as much at T4 running tier 50 nd's. I don't mind dying usually, but the one shots are insane, most of the time I can't even see what kills my character.
submitted by Better-Builder4842 to diablo4 [link] [comments]
