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2024.05.20 08:05 book-press-release The Truth About Business Press Releases In 3 Minutes

The Truth About Business Press Releases In 3 Minutes
Business press releases are often misunderstood and undervalued, yet they are a vital tool in any company's public relations arsenal. In just three minutes, we'll uncover the truth about business press releases, revealing their significance, the benefits they offer, and how to effectively use them to enhance your brand's visibility and credibility.

The Purpose and Importance of Business Press Releases

A business press releases serves as a formal announcement designed to inform the media and public about significant events, product launches, company updates, or other noteworthy happenings. They are crucial for several reasons:
  • Increasing Visibility: Press releases help disseminate information widely, reaching media outlets, potential customers, and industry stakeholders.
  • Building Credibility: A well-written press release can establish your company as a credible and authoritative source in your industry.
  • Attracting Media Coverage: Effective press releases can capture the interest of journalists and media outlets, leading to valuable coverage and publicity.

Crafting an Effective Press Release

To unlock the full potential of press releases, it's essential to understand the key components that make them effective:
  • Compelling Headline: Your headline should be clear, concise, and engaging. It must grab the reader's attention immediately.
  • Strong Lead Paragraph: The opening paragraph should summarize the main points of the press release, answering who, what, when, where, and why.
  • Concise Content: Keep your pr business focused and to the point. Avoid unnecessary jargon and ensure every sentence adds value.
  • Quotations and Data: Including quotes from key personnel and relevant data can add credibility and depth to your announcement.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Guide your readers on the next steps, whether it’s visiting your website, contacting you for more information, or attending an event.

Distribution and Timing

Equally important as writing a press release is knowing how to distribute it and when to release it:
  • Targeted Distribution: Identify the most relevant media outlets, journalists, and platforms for your industry. Personalized pitches can enhance the chances of getting picked up.
  • Strategic Timing: Release your press release when it’s most likely to attract attention. Avoid major holidays or times when your industry is particularly quiet unless it’s highly relevant.
pr distribution services

Benefits of Business Press Releases

When executed correctly, business press releases offer several benefits:
  • Enhanced SEO: Including relevant keywords can improve your press release’s visibility online, driving more traffic to your website.
  • Brand Awareness: Regular best press release service keep your company in the public eye, contributing to brand recognition.
  • Crisis Management: Press releases can be a powerful tool in managing and mitigating crises, providing clear and controlled communication to the public and stakeholders.

Common Misconceptions About Press Releases

Several misconceptions can undermine the effectiveness of press releases. Here are a few truths to set the record straight:
  • Not Just for Big Announcements: While major events warrant press releases, smaller updates and achievements can also be newsworthy.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Sending out frequent but poorly crafted press releases can do more harm than good. Focus on quality and relevance.
  • Press Releases Aren’t Dead: Despite the rise of social media and digital marketing, press releases remain a valuable tool for credible communication.

Building Relationships with Media

Establishing and nurturing relationships with journalists and media outlets is crucial for the success of your news wires. Here are some strategies to build strong media relationships:
  • Personalized Outreach: Avoid sending generic press releases. Tailor your messages to specific journalists or media outlets that cover your industry. Show that you understand their audience and interests.
  • Follow-Up: After sending a press release, follow up with a courteous email or phone call. This can help ensure your release was received and offer any additional information.
  • Provide Value: Journalists are always looking for valuable content. Provide them with unique insights, exclusive stories, or expert quotes that can enhance their articles.
  • Be Available: Make yourself accessible for questions or further information. Being responsive and helpful can make a positive impression and build trust.

Creating a Media Kit

A media kit, also known as a press kit, is a comprehensive resource that provides journalists with all the information they need about your business. Here’s what to include in your media kit:
  • Company Overview: A brief history and mission statement of your company.
  • Biographies: Short bios of key personnel, highlighting their expertise and roles.
  • Press Releases: A collection of recent press releases to provide context and background.
  • High-Resolution Images: Professional photos of your products, logo, key personnel, and events.
  • Fact Sheet: Key facts and figures about your company, such as milestones, achievements, and key products or services.
  • Contact Information: Easy-to-find contact details for media inquiries.

Leveraging Social Media for Press Releases

Social media can amplify the reach of your press release sites, helping you connect with a broader audience. Here’s how to effectively use social media for your press releases:
  • Teasers and Previews: Before releasing a press release, create buzz by posting teasers and previews on your social media channels.
  • Share the Full Release: Once the press release is live, share the full text or a link to it on your social media platforms. Use engaging visuals to attract attention.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and questions on your social media posts. Engaging with your audience can enhance your reach and build stronger connections.
  • Use Hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your press release on social media platforms.

Measuring the Success of Your Press Releases

To understand the impact of your press releases, it’s important to measure their success using various metrics. Here are some key performance indicators (KPIs) to track:
  • Media Coverage: Track how many media outlets picked up your press release and the quality of the coverage.
  • Website Traffic: Monitor the increase in website traffic after a press release is distributed. Use tools like Google Analytics to measure this.
  • Social Media Engagement: Measure the likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement your press release generates on social media.
  • Lead Generation: Track the number of leads or inquiries generated as a result of your press release.
  • SEO Performance: Analyze the search engine ranking and visibility improvements resulting from your press release.

Adapting and Improving Your Press Release Strategy

The media landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s important to adapt your pr news strategy accordingly. Here are some tips for continuous improvement:
  • Stay Updated with Trends: Keep an eye on industry trends and media preferences to ensure your press releases remain relevant and newsworthy.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from journalists, media outlets, and your audience. Use this feedback to improve your future press releases.
  • Experiment and Innovate: Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or formats for your press releases. Innovation can help your announcements stand out.
  • Review Competitor Press Releases: Analyze the press releases of your competitors to understand what works well in your industry and identify areas for improvement.

Case Studies: Successful Business Press Releases

Examining real-world examples of successful press releases can provide valuable insights. Here are two case studies:
  • Tech Start-up Launch: A tech start-up used a well-crafted press release to announce its innovative new product. The release included a compelling headline, strong lead paragraph, and quotes from industry experts. The start-up also included high-quality images and distributed the release to targeted tech media outlets. As a result, the press release generated significant media coverage and led to a spike in website traffic and inquiries.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative: A large corporation issued a press release to highlight its latest CSR initiative. The release emphasized the positive impact of the initiative on the community, included quotes from company executives and beneficiaries, and provided relevant data and visuals. The news release was picked up by major media outlets and widely shared on social media, enhancing the company’s reputation and brand image.

Final Thoughts on Business Press Releases

Business press releases are a powerful tool for communicating important news and building your brand’s visibility and credibility. By understanding their purpose, crafting them effectively, and distributing them strategically, you can leverage press releases to achieve significant business benefits. Remember to build strong media relationships, create a comprehensive media kit, and use social media to amplify your message. Continuously measure and improve your press release strategy to stay ahead in the competitive media landscape.

Get in Touch

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2024.05.20 08:03 MelanieF1 Planning for Incapacity: Power of Attorney in Texas

Planning for Incapacity: Power of Attorney in Texas
When preparing for future uncertainties, especially concerning one's health and financial affairs, having a clear plan in place is crucial. The establishment of a Power of Attorney (POA) in Texas serves as a fundamental tool in estate planning, ensuring that your affairs are handled according to your wishes even if you become incapacitated.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding POA: Learn the types and importance of Powers of Attorney in Texas.
  • Legal Requirements: Comprehend the legal prerequisites and validity conditions for a POA in Texas.
  • Choosing an Agent: Insight on selecting the right person to handle your affairs.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Clear answers to common inquiries about POA.

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows one person, known as the principal, to designate another person, called the agent or attorney-in-fact, to make decisions on their behalf. This arrangement can cover decisions related to finances, healthcare, or both, depending on the type specified.

Types of Power of Attorney

  1. Durable Power of Attorney: This type remains effective even if the principal becomes mentally incapacitated and is often used to manage financial affairs.
  2. Medical Power of Attorney: Allows the agent to make healthcare decisions if the principal is unable to do so themselves.
  3. Springing Power of Attorney: Becomes effective only under circumstances defined by the principal, typically when they become incapacitated.
Each type serves a different purpose, tailored to the needs of the individual and their unique circumstances.

Legal Requirements for POA in Texas

For a Power of Attorney to be valid in Texas, certain conditions must be met:
  • The principal must be competent at the time of signing.
  • The POA must be in writing and signed by the principal.
  • It should clearly state the powers granted and be notarized to have legal strength, especially for transactions involving real estate.
Choosing an Agent for Your Power of Attorney
Choosing the right agent is critical as this person will have control over your affairs if you become unable to manage them yourself. It's advisable to select someone who is trustworthy, has the ability to handle responsibilities meticulously, and understands your values and wishes.

Considerations When Selecting an Agent

  • Trustworthiness and Integrity
  • Financial Acumen
  • Availability and Willingness to Serve
  • Understanding of Your Health Preferences and Financial Matters

Implementing a Power of Attorney

Setting up a Power of Attorney involves several steps, including drafting the document with specific powers and limitations, signing it in the presence of a notary, and informing all relevant parties, such as financial institutions and family members, about the arrangement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What happens if no Power of Attorney is in place?

A: Without a POA, family members may need to go through a lengthy and costly court process to be appointed as legal guardians to manage the incapacitated person's affairs.

Q2: Can a Power of Attorney be revoked?

A: Yes, as long as the principal is competent, they can revoke a POA at any time by notifying the agent and any institutions relying on the document.

Q3: Is a lawyer required to set up a Power of Attorney?

A: While not mandatory, consulting a lawyer ensures that the POA meets all legal requirements and accurately reflects your intentions.

Q4: How often should a Power of Attorney be updated?

A: It's recommended to review and possibly update your POA periodically, especially after major life events like marriage, divorce, or the diagnosis of a serious illness.
A Power of Attorney is an essential element of estate planning, providing peace of mind and ensuring that your affairs will be managed according to your preferences if you are ever unable to do so yourself. For additional resources on family law and estate planning, you may find these articles helpful:
Join the Conversation:
"What are the most common misconceptions about Power of Attorney that you've encountered?"
Share your stories and experiences with us.
submitted by MelanieF1 to LawOfficeBryanFagan [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 7coaching If You Want to Turn YouTube into a Business, Please Read [advice]

Hey dude I'm going to keep this introduction short and to the point.
This is what I learned for youTube success.
These strategies work, no BS, they work, they work very well.
And I write this as I know you may be like I was some time ago (wanting to turn content into a long term business).

I’ve tested these methods on new & existing channels both big and small and even with channels that do not have English as their native language.

These can really make a huge, huge, huge difference in your YouTube success.

1. Audience Understanding Leads To Steering Success.

You hear a loud noise coming from the crew on the deck of your ship.



You make your way to the deck to address the noise.

“Calm down, you blubbering seadogs! What’s the problem?”

“I’m sorry, Captain, but we have a dangerous situation. We’ve entered deep seas, and there’s no land in sight. Just miles and miles of ocean in every direction. We can’t see anything. We urgently need navigation but we don’t have a compass onboard”

If you find yourself as a captain of a ship without a compass, you’re in a very dangerous situation. ~Similarly~, growing a YouTube channel without a deep understanding of your audience is like trying to sail the seas without a clear direction.

Your audience holds a treasure chest full of desires, fears, wants, and needs.

Just like a real treasure chest full of gold, this theoretical chest provides everything you need to reach success, whether that’s financial wealth or success on the platform.

I’m not joking; this is far more important than most people realize.

Why is this so crucial?

If you don’t know your audience, you don’t know what they truly desire. Those who can deliver on those desires will reap the rewards. During my time auditing and coaching, I found that most creators DID NOT deeply understand their audience.

BUT this information tells you nearly everything you need to know.

Here’s an example: before writing this post, I did extra research on YouTube creators.

I looked at Reddit, YouTube comments, and YouTube growth books on Amazon to see what the comments were saying. Here are the fears I found most YouTubers face:

And this… is my treasure chest that allows me to help more people, reach a larger audience, and tailor my content to what people really care about.

What I’m saying is, you can do the same for your audience. This will give you countless new ideas, directions, products, services, and bring true value to the market.

But without knowing these, you’re trying to sail the sea without a compass, hoping to find land.

2. If You Have A Channel, You Need A Brand.

Running a YouTube channel without a brand is like serving a Big Mac without any lettuce, onions or pickles… sure it will fill you up but it's nothing to write home about.

Don’t allow your channel to be the plain Big Mac

In terms of YouTube, a brand is a channel that is known to have a certain style or cover topics within the niche which the audience enjoys time & again.

*Short Question*

If we lined up 100 people who watch your videos as well as other creators in your niche, how would they define YOU and YOUR channel?

Would they say …

"Love how concise the channel is—straight to the point!"
"The depth of content is great—I could watch them for hours!"
"It's alright, but I wish they would cut to the chase."
"Incredible! I've always wanted to learn this, and the videos made it so simple."
"It dragged on a bit—lost my interest partway through."

There are many ways you can create a brand, such as personality, delivery of content but whatever direction you go into, a unique brand on YouTube is essential because it helps your channel **STAND OUT*\* by creating a distinctive ~look~ and feel.

This attracts viewers and keeps them coming back for more & more. Think about some of the reasons why you love your favourite Youtubers, (the way they speak, the content, the feel, the pacing, the humour, etc) chances are because they have built a solid brand.

3. Entertainment Comes First.

Have you ever come across a YouTuber who's got a big audience and is doing extremely well and you have no idea why?

Yeah, me too! … & does it annoy you? Yes, me too.

Why is it frustrating?

Because there are channels out there that are giving CRAP content and yet succeeding.

You know the ones… I’m not saying anything here, but you know.

In fact, I would guess and say you likely have better content than some other creators in your niche and yet they are raking in the numbers.

But this is not only on YouTube this is also in business, it's not about the best product or having the best information.

It’s a big ~pill~ to swallow.

But instead, let's look at this logically…

Why are many channels succeeding that do not have the best content? (the best is subjective but here we will just focus on * the best* = most helpful, most accurate, most information, etc)

Most of the time when you break it down you will find that it's because they are able to entertain, and the simple truth is this.

Entertainment = value

In our modern world more entertainment = more value, which can lead to more viewers even if the content itself is not the best.

So whatever kind of content you are producing (even educational) the fundamentals needs to be around entertainment.

But through thousands of experiments, Its clear to see that entertainment is not always quick clips, funny sound effects and so on…

Entertainment can be as simple as a storyline that you can follow from the beginning to the end that resonates with your key audience.

4. Most Success On YouTube Is a Slow Burn.

You most likely have heard a bunch of successful stories and advice from people who have become successful relatively quickly.

Here are a few videos I found on YouTube.

· How I Got 1 Million Subscribers in 9 Months
· I grew from ZERO TO 100K SUBSCRIBERS in 3 MONTHS (& how you can too)
· My Life Story and How I Got 10 Million Followers in 1 Year
· Making $613,960 My First Year On YouTube

Now these are great videos, but they are also extremely rare cases.

This success can sometimes give youtubers the wrong understanding of success on YouTube.

Last year I hit one of my personal milestones which was $7000 (USD) within 28 days on AdSense alone.

This was accomplished over several years of building content making mistakes and implementing changes.

18 months before that, I was struggling to get 1000 views on a video, 2 months ago I had a few videos that have over 1 million views and Last month? Well, I sold the channel. But hey that’s a new story for a new day ha-ha.

But my point is that success is often over a long period of time...

AND THEREFORE, it’s wise to take a step back to reflect on things especially if you feel that you're working too hard or getting too stressed because for many of you who will be successful, it will be a long process over several months or years rather than an instant change.

5. Rabit Hole Content Can Perform Extremely Well.

In my desk next to my bed, I have a big red book of YouTube trade secrets & experiments I conducted.

The rabbit hole content is one of those.

Rabbit hole content is basically content that is made and after somebody watches the video, they go into a rabbit hole of content.

Examples of this include conspiracy. (UFO, ALIENS, ASSASSINATIONS, ETC)

Another example is if there is a series or a very engaging video that has been split into several parts.

What I've noticed more than anything especially speaking to other youtubers is that rabbit hole content seems to perform incredibly well. Almost like YouTube knows that *THIS VIDEO* will lead to people watching 10 more videos… well I guess they do know that.

With every other point on this list, I have solid data, experiments, and proof. But I aim to always be transparent, and I must confess I don’t have all the numbers yet to back this up fully compared to the rest.

Nevertheless - It has worked for many people, and I have not yet seen it not work. But because I don’t have the numbers to show (unlike all the others) I believe it’s important to mention.

6. Trend Jacking Can Lead To Crazy Numbers.

A moment ago, I mentioned that most success on YouTube is not linear and instead drawn out over a long period of time.


For those who do not fall into this category and have had success relatively quickly they often find their success by taking advantage of trend jacking.

Trend Jacking is a clever tactic that you can use to grow new audiences relatively quickly based on a trending topic, situation, or person.

This could be a trend that is happening within your niche or a trend that is happening globally. Here are some examples that were big stories over the last 24 months.

· Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard
· Tucker Carson Departs From Fox News
· Ireland Offer $92,000 If You Move & Settle On Their Coastal Island
· Japan Giving Away Homes For Free
· World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing Is Going Up So Animals Can Walk Safely
· Airlines To Give Refunds For Cancelled Or Delayed Flights And Late Baggage

OK so these ideas are pretty out-of-the-box and are not niche specific.

But let’s make it a challenge! (I’m regretting this already)

What about if we had a YouTube channel talking about ~how to live cheaper?~

Here are some video ideas we could create.

· Depp Vs. Heard: Calculating The True Cost Of Lawsuits!
· After Tuckers Exit, How Media Changes Impact Your Wallet?
· Moving To Ireland For $92K Is It A Dream Deal Or Costly Fantasy?"
· Free Homes In Japan: What’s The Catch?
· Saving Wildlife & Your Taxes!
· How To Get Every Penny Back From Airlines [*year*]

Okay these are not the best type of content for the niche but after typing out about1500 words, my mind is a little fuzzy XD - Please note that these are not the titles but an example of a type of content based on the trend.

But how about niche trends? (~often much easier)~

Jumping on specific trends related to your niche can be really effective. For example, I advised a travel content creator who capitalized on the "passport bros" trend. This trend is where men move overseas to find wives.

This trend was gaining traction on TikTok and other platforms, and by tapping into it, he was able to reach multiple new audiences. His content sparked reactions and discussions, which pushed his growth to a new level.
P.s - As an added point, if you are in the UK, check out *baby reindeer* which is currently trending.

7. Don’t Steal, Rebuild.

Pablo Picasso – “Good artists copy, great artists steal

As a creator you are also an artist, it just happens to be that your art is electronic.

The saying highlights the key idea that true innovative artists (aka creators) don't just copy other people (even though I know some do – naughty naughty)

But instead, they mimic the work of others and transform it / rebuild it into something better.

Perhaps it is a type of content that you've seen very popular in other niches but is not covered in your niche.

Or it could be a topic that other creators have discussed, and you have seen that it has performed very well but it could be improved upon.

One Youtuber I have always found inspirational is Mr Beast. Not because of Jimmy's content but simply because he has worked for many years to perfect his art.

Here’s the thing…

There are so many Mr beast clones.

These creators literally copy his entire format.

This is not good as eventually people see the truth, and this will leave a very sour taste in viewer’s mouths.

So, what can you do?

You can rebuild but in your own image and in your own way instead of stealing.

Look in your niche, the style, content, delivery of content, time, pace and think of ways you can rebuild this content to offer you audience something even better.
Hope this helps you out =]
submitted by 7coaching to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 cindrella12 How to Choose the Right Career Path: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the right career path is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make in your life. It can shape your future, influence your personal happiness, and determine your financial stability. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out which path is best for you. Fortunately, there are several tools and assessments that can help you identify your strengths, interests, and values, making the decision process more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this important journey.
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Understanding Your Strengths
The first step in choosing the right career is understanding what you are good at. StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Gallup is a popular tool that helps identify your top strengths. By focusing on your natural talents, you can find careers that will allow you to excel and feel fulfilled.
Exploring Your Interests
Your interests can give you clues about the types of activities and environments you might enjoy in a career. The Strong Interest Inventory is a widely-used assessment that matches your interests with potential career options. By aligning your career with your passions, you’re more likely to find long-term satisfaction.
Clarifying Your Values
Knowing what you value in a job is crucial for long-term happiness. The Work Values Inventory helps you identify what is most important to you in a workplace, such as job security, work-life balance, or opportunities for advancement. Matching your career to your core values can lead to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
Step 2: Research and Exploration
Industry Research
Once you have a better understanding of your strengths, interests, and values, start researching industries that align with them. Websites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook provide detailed information on various professions, including job outlook, required education, and average salaries.
Informational Interviews
Talking to professionals in fields you are interested in can provide valuable insights. Informational interviews allow you to ask questions about day-to-day responsibilities, career progression, and the industry’s future. This firsthand information can be instrumental in narrowing down your options.
Job Shadowing
Job shadowing involves observing a professional on the job to get a better sense of what their work involves. This experience can help you understand the realities of a job that may not be evident from reading job descriptions or talking to people. It’s a great way to test the waters before making a commitment.

Step 3: Setting Goals and Making a Plan
Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
Once you have a clearer idea of potential career paths, set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals might include completing a specific course or gaining a certain type of experience, while long-term goals could involve achieving a particular job title or salary range.
Creating an Action Plan
Develop a step-by-step action plan to achieve your career goals. This plan should include acquiring the necessary education or training, building relevant skills, and gaining experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed to stay on track.
Step 4: Seeking Guidance and Support
Career Counselling
Consider working with a career counsellor who can provide professional advice and resources tailored to your needs. Career counsellors can help you interpret assessment results, explore career options, and develop a strategic career plan.
Building a professional network can open doors to new opportunities and provide support throughout your career journey. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with alumni or mentors who can offer guidance and introductions.
Step 5: Continuous Evaluation and Adjustment
Reflecting on Your Progress
Regularly reflect on your career journey to ensure you are on the right path. Ask yourself if you are satisfied with your current role, if your job aligns with your values, and if you are progressing towards your long-term goals.
Being Open to Change
Your interests and circumstances may change over time, and that’s okay. Be open to reevaluating your career path and making adjustments as needed. Flexibility and a willingness to adapt are key to long-term career satisfaction.
Choosing the right career path is a dynamic and ongoing process. By using the best career counselling tools and assessments to understand yourself better, conducting thorough research, setting clear goals, and seeking support, you can make informed decisions that lead to a fulfilling and successful career. Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination—embrace the process and stay open to new possibilities.
For more detailed information and guidance visit:

submitted by cindrella12 to u/cindrella12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:55 BryggerHeise Numerological day analysis of 20-5-2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality

Numerological day analysis of 20-5-2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Inspired by what is immortal in you, you want to create Balance and Cross-Fertilization in your Life, resulting in feeling the great Life Force and Power in you and around you.
20-5-2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Spirit: 20 Immortality; Eternal life
Soul: 5 Expansion; Order; inner Motivation; Fulness; Adventure and Freedom
Body: 24 Day and Night; Light and Darkness
The sum total of today is 15: Balance and Cross-Fertilization resulting in power and life energy. You want to experience balance and cross-fertilization through your spirit’s Immortality, your soul’s Expansion and your physical Ability to go through the Night to see the Light of a new day.

Day of the \"Master\" Archetype Pentagram
Three major themes underline this process: ‘ Expansion of Self-Awareness’, ‘Focus-Fate’ and ‘Change-Transformation’ . All the axis in the “16” Pentagram are driven by their own theme. It is about truly ‘Mastering’ those themes.
Blue 22- Red 22: Axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness: 2(7)-(7)2
The expansion of self-awareness drives the expansion of self-awareness. Either you dive very deep into finding the answer to the quintessential question of WHO AM I? or you lock yourself up in the physical and material world. The two opposing principles are ‘Spiritual Insight’ coming from the spiritual level to join with the ‘Golden Mean’, the ‘Divine Ratio’ coming from the physical level.
27:Spiritual Insight’ gives a strong confrontation between the Actual Life and the Illusionary Realm. The Soul wants to grow and develop. When it is obstructed by attachment to the Physical Realm and Mind, and the Soul is not allowed to grow, it will start to “cry”. Then the axis of the Expansion of Self-Consciousness turns into the Psychosomatic axis – meaning learning through (bodily) pain.
72: On the physical level we try to create the Divine Ratio or Golden Mean. This particular ratio that we see all around us in nature and when applied to buildings, music and art gives us this harmonious feeling. If we do not allow ourselves to follow our Intuition to give us the Self-Awareness but we start to doubt, then we break down our Self-Awareness and create exactly the psycho-somatic reaction mentioned earlier.
The balance of these two principles lies in finding your Inner Gold. ’Inner Gold’ is the wisdom that appears once you conquer the ‘Cold Intelligence’. It feels like gold, it looks like gold.
Blue 4 - Red 4: Axis of Fate, Focus and Concentration: 4(9)-(9)4
The axis of focus-fate drives the axis of focus-fate. A clear call to use your power of concentration to focus your life. It means that you have to look at your life and decide what you need to let go of and what you need to hold on to. Many a time it means letting go of pleasant, easy -but unproductive- habits and holding on to more difficult new -disciplined-habits. The two opposing principles are ‘Holding on or letting go’, coming from the emotional level to join with ‘Philosophy, Esotericism and Intermediary’ coming from the mental level. Emotionally you want to find out what really brings you further in your development and “process’ unresolved issues. Mentally- through focus, introspection, concentration and meditation- you want to connect and receive ‘guidance’ from the higher levels.
49: Holding on or Letting go is the axis of focus and fate. It is the confrontation of the power of ‘Manifestation’ wanting to grasp and hold on to things in order to build and foster, whereas ‘Wisdom, Intelligence’ wants to let go of everything and move into transformation. The choice can be difficult because sometimes you have to decide to hold on to things that are difficult to do, but will bring you further in life and at the same time to let go of things or habits that are very pleasurable but holding back your development (smoking, drinking). Often doing what is difficult to do- especially when it concerns feelings and emotions- brings you further than merely cruising along. If you do not self-reflect on your life and take these decisions again and again, you may run into the other definition of this axis: Fate!
94: Philosophy; Esotericism; Intermediary (Medium). When the power of manifestation and concentration drives the development of your wisdom and intelligence, it may bring out in you the philosopher (on the mental level), the Esoteric (connecting to the spiritual level) and finally the Intermediary-Medium (connecting to the “God” realm). Esotericism defined as the knowledge that comes from within through deep introspection, meditation and trance.
The balance of the two principles lies in their sum: “To be the creator with Spirit”. It means to Master Re-birth, Re-newal and Re-Construction.
By “processing” your emotions, your unresolved issues and then continuing to do so with your thoughts, belief-systems and concepts, you may create your own masterful re-birth.
Blue/Red 50 - Blue/Red 05 : Axis of Change and Transformation: 50-105
The axis of change and transformation is driven by the axis of change and transformation. Guess what is going to happen? Transformation whether you like it or not. With that being the case it might be wiser to drive your change yourself than to wait and let it happen to you. The challenge here is to be the change you want to see. The two opposing principles are ‘Review of Life’s orientation’ coming from the physical level to join with ‘Final Transformation’ coming from the spiritual level.
50: Review of Life’s orientation. From the age of 50 onwards it is time for an essential change in the attitude towards life: Things that used to be important, become less important and new things enter life. The creative chaos constantly disrupts the own inner order. It is a true test of life, as from 50 onwards an obligation to change occurs, an obligation to develop yourself from a pure materialistic way of thinking into a more spiritually aware person.
105: Final Transformation. In the final transformation it is imperative to understand that the “Order influences the Chaos”. It is where you take the conscious decision to use your free will, whilst accepting whatever consequences that may bring. So physically you start to question yourself: what is life all about? Is it about my material, emotional or mental wellbeing or is there even more? Where does inspiration, ideas, intuition come from? What does chaos have to do with it? Spiritually you become totally aware of the paradigm that chaos creates order and that there is order in chaos. A ‘mind-blowing’ idea.
The balance of the two principles lies in expanding the ‘Divine Guidance’ – ‘God’s fulfilling power’- with Perfection at its core. A good definition of Transformation when you think of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Levels of awareness
You are being supported by high spiritual and high physical awareness (thank God!)
Your spiritual awareness is obtained through Spiritual Insight/ Expansion of Self Awareness and Final Transformation. Its goal is to master perfection, to infuse you with powerful mysticism and to let you manifest the renewal of Spirit. It also induces a strong intuitive masculine (sexual) life-energy.
Your physical awareness is obtained through the Review of Life’s orientation and the Golden mean. Its goal is to have you intuitively create physical transformation, with deep healing at its core.
The spiritual and the physical level in this Pentagram are connected through the axis of Expansion of Self-awareness and the axis of Change-Transformation. It calls you to integrate these two levels of awareness. Its theme is that of the legend of Saint-Germain. Very fascinating.
Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2024. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.
See you (virtually) :
(D) Arbeitskreis: 7. Juni Hybrid Zoom - Köln
For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website:
submitted by BryggerHeise to numerology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:55 golangprojects [Hiring] Senior Software Engineer, Golang at Voltron Data (work from anywhere in US!) Salary: $150,000 - $200,000 USD

Salary: $150,000 - $200,000 We are looking for a highly motivated Open Source Golang Engineer to join Voltron Data’s Open Source Engineering team. On the team, you’ll have the opportunity to help support and grow several open source projects used by hundreds of companies worldwide. You will work closely with the Voltron Data team and the Apache Arrow community to help with maintaining the Apache Arrow and Parquet Golang implementations along with subprojects such as Arrow Flight and Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC). You will also be directly involved with the community, managing GitHub pull requests, issues, and StackOverflow questions.
You will be doing some or all of the following: Addressing high priority tasks for Golang development for ADBC, Flight RPC / Flight SQL, Substrait and apache Arrow Enhancing library quality and reliability Adding new features and APIs to improve the ease and efficiency of development on the libraries Answering user tickets (bugs, feature requests), helping contributors, reviewing Pull Requests Writing and improving prose documentation, tutorials, etc. Spreading Apache Arrow awareness by potentially authoring blog posts and attending conferences
Timeline Below is a rough timeline of where you can expect to be at different points during your career path starting in this position.
Upon Joining:
Spending time learning about the Apache Arrow memory layout and Go implementation Familiarizing yourself with the ADBC, Arrow Flight and FlightSQL specifications Learning and embracing the Apache development process 
Within a month:
Implementing new enhancements and updates to the Arrow Flight and FlightSQL implementations Participating in peer code review of all PRs related to Go for the Apache Arrow and ADBC projects 
Significant experience with Golang Prior experience with data engineering / data science Familiarity and experience with crafting new APIs and implementing protocols 
Ideally, you are familiar with one or several of the following:
Open source development practices and social dynamics Build systems and continuous integration Binary protocols, binary representation issues Performance profiling with Golang The Apache Arrow format and one or more of its implementations with significant share in the ecosystem (C++, Python, Rust, Java, etc…) Interoperability between Go and C++ via CGO shared libraries 
US Compensation - The salary range for this role is between $150,000.00 - $200,000.00. We have a global market-based pay structure which varies by location. Please note that the base pay range is a guideline and for candidates who receive an offer, the exact base pay will vary based on factors such as actual work location, skills and experience of the candidate. This position is also eligible for additional incentives such as equity awards.
Benefits • Work from Anywhere - Payroll and Benefits in 150+ Countries • Unlimited PTO • Medical, Dental, and Vision • Retirement [USA Only] • Home Office Budget • Continuing Education Budget
Read more / apply:
submitted by golangprojects to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:53 angeIgard Plat 4 support vod review request (kiri and zen)

I’m actually losing my mind trying to get back to diamond 🗿
Before season 9 I was consistently low diamond or at least high plat. I sweated to get out of gold after the season 9 ranked changes, peaked plat 3 this season but I don’t think I could get out of plat 3 to save my life at this point (currently plat 4 but literally about to derank to plat. 5, on a 6 match loss streak). I’ve managed to climb some on dps (my worst role) but support feels so hard for me to even get back to my previous rank right now.
I also am gonna use two different codes bc I am more comfortable on kiri rn but I do want someone to review another game I had where I played zen for some of it
Code #1: SYC2CY Username: angelgard Map: circuit royale Heroes: kiriko Rank: plat 5-4 match (PC)
I was worried at first bc my team had trouble pushing the first point but I told them to try different angles to poke them out and I guess it worked? I was communicating a lot with my team here and tracking ults and CDs a lot so I was kind of disappointed about losing. This is the last match I did before I just decided to stop playing for now. I think overall I played better than I normally do but I’m sure I probably made a lot of dumb mistakes I don’t even realize.
Code #2: 7Q3AVA Username: angelgard Map: rialto Heroes: zenyatta kiri Rank: plat 4 - plat 1 match (PC)
This match I actually felt like was one of my better ones (at least when I switched to kiriko) which is why I’m scrambling my brain to figure out why I’m on a loss streak. I genuinely hope I’m making some major mistakes that I can correct because I’ve been struggling to get back to diamond (and I have nearly 300 matches between season 9 and 10). I tried my best to win but it was a very close loss. My teammates honestly played pretty well too I think so I would rather just try to figure out where I can be better and have another set of eyes looking to spot things that I can’t.
The major thing I know I have to improve is my aim, my aim is pretty bad especially on zen, so I’d rather have some advice on ways I can improve as a player beyond just my mechanics. I haven’t played a lot of zen lately until the last few days because he feels like he’s in a weird spot but I enjoy him anyway so advice for him as a hero would also be very welcome, I definitely feel like I make the most mistakes when I play him.
And lastly I feel like maybe I’m just losing sight of what I need to be doing? I try to enter every match with a gameplan, try to check the scoreboard a lot for hero swaps and stuff, but if I’m losing a lot of matches I feel like I’ve probably lost sight of what I really need to be doing to win.
submitted by angeIgard to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:52 BryggerHeise Numerological day analysis of 20-5-2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality

Numerological day analysis of 20-5-2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Inspired by what is immortal in you, you want to create Balance and Cross-Fertilization in your Life, resulting in feeling the great Life Force and Power in you and around you.
20-5-2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Spirit: 20 Immortality; Eternal life
Soul: 5 Expansion; Order; inner Motivation; Fulness; Adventure and Freedom
Body: 24 Day and Night; Light and Darkness
The sum total of today is 15: Balance and Cross-Fertilization resulting in power and life energy. You want to experience balance and cross-fertilization through your spirit’s Immortality, your soul’s Expansion and your physical Ability to go through the Night to see the Light of a new day.

Day of the \"Master\" Archetype Pentagram
Three major themes underline this process: ‘ Expansion of Self-Awareness’, ‘Focus-Fate’ and ‘Change-Transformation’ . All the axis in the “16” Pentagram are driven by their own theme. It is about truly ‘Mastering’ those themes.
Blue 22- Red 22: Axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness: 2(7)-(7)2
The expansion of self-awareness drives the expansion of self-awareness. Either you dive very deep into finding the answer to the quintessential question of WHO AM I? or you lock yourself up in the physical and material world. The two opposing principles are ‘Spiritual Insight’ coming from the spiritual level to join with the ‘Golden Mean’, the ‘Divine Ratio’ coming from the physical level.
27:Spiritual Insight’ gives a strong confrontation between the Actual Life and the Illusionary Realm. The Soul wants to grow and develop. When it is obstructed by attachment to the Physical Realm and Mind, and the Soul is not allowed to grow, it will start to “cry”. Then the axis of the Expansion of Self-Consciousness turns into the Psychosomatic axis – meaning learning through (bodily) pain.
72: On the physical level we try to create the Divine Ratio or Golden Mean. This particular ratio that we see all around us in nature and when applied to buildings, music and art gives us this harmonious feeling. If we do not allow ourselves to follow our Intuition to give us the Self-Awareness but we start to doubt, then we break down our Self-Awareness and create exactly the psycho-somatic reaction mentioned earlier.
The balance of these two principles lies in finding your Inner Gold. ’Inner Gold’ is the wisdom that appears once you conquer the ‘Cold Intelligence’. It feels like gold, it looks like gold.
Blue 4 - Red 4: Axis of Fate, Focus and Concentration: 4(9)-(9)4
The axis of focus-fate drives the axis of focus-fate. A clear call to use your power of concentration to focus your life. It means that you have to look at your life and decide what you need to let go of and what you need to hold on to. Many a time it means letting go of pleasant, easy -but unproductive- habits and holding on to more difficult new -disciplined-habits. The two opposing principles are ‘Holding on or letting go’, coming from the emotional level to join with ‘Philosophy, Esotericism and Intermediary’ coming from the mental level. Emotionally you want to find out what really brings you further in your development and “process’ unresolved issues. Mentally- through focus, introspection, concentration and meditation- you want to connect and receive ‘guidance’ from the higher levels.
49: Holding on or Letting go is the axis of focus and fate. It is the confrontation of the power of ‘Manifestation’ wanting to grasp and hold on to things in order to build and foster, whereas ‘Wisdom, Intelligence’ wants to let go of everything and move into transformation. The choice can be difficult because sometimes you have to decide to hold on to things that are difficult to do, but will bring you further in life and at the same time to let go of things or habits that are very pleasurable but holding back your development (smoking, drinking). Often doing what is difficult to do- especially when it concerns feelings and emotions- brings you further than merely cruising along. If you do not self-reflect on your life and take these decisions again and again, you may run into the other definition of this axis: Fate!
94: Philosophy; Esotericism; Intermediary (Medium). When the power of manifestation and concentration drives the development of your wisdom and intelligence, it may bring out in you the philosopher (on the mental level), the Esoteric (connecting to the spiritual level) and finally the Intermediary-Medium (connecting to the “God” realm). Esotericism defined as the knowledge that comes from within through deep introspection, meditation and trance.
The balance of the two principles lies in their sum: “To be the creator with Spirit”. It means to Master Re-birth, Re-newal and Re-Construction.
By “processing” your emotions, your unresolved issues and then continuing to do so with your thoughts, belief-systems and concepts, you may create your own masterful re-birth.
Blue/Red 50 - Blue/Red 05 : Axis of Change and Transformation: 50-105
The axis of change and transformation is driven by the axis of change and transformation. Guess what is going to happen? Transformation whether you like it or not. With that being the case it might be wiser to drive your change yourself than to wait and let it happen to you. The challenge here is to be the change you want to see. The two opposing principles are ‘Review of Life’s orientation’ coming from the physical level to join with ‘Final Transformation’ coming from the spiritual level.
50: Review of Life’s orientation. From the age of 50 onwards it is time for an essential change in the attitude towards life: Things that used to be important, become less important and new things enter life. The creative chaos constantly disrupts the own inner order. It is a true test of life, as from 50 onwards an obligation to change occurs, an obligation to develop yourself from a pure materialistic way of thinking into a more spiritually aware person.
105: Final Transformation. In the final transformation it is imperative to understand that the “Order influences the Chaos”. It is where you take the conscious decision to use your free will, whilst accepting whatever consequences that may bring. So physically you start to question yourself: what is life all about? Is it about my material, emotional or mental wellbeing or is there even more? Where does inspiration, ideas, intuition come from? What does chaos have to do with it? Spiritually you become totally aware of the paradigm that chaos creates order and that there is order in chaos. A ‘mind-blowing’ idea.
The balance of the two principles lies in expanding the ‘Divine Guidance’ – ‘God’s fulfilling power’- with Perfection at its core. A good definition of Transformation when you think of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Levels of awareness
You are being supported by high spiritual and high physical awareness (thank God!)
Your spiritual awareness is obtained through Spiritual Insight/ Expansion of Self Awareness and Final Transformation. Its goal is to master perfection, to infuse you with powerful mysticism and to let you manifest the renewal of Spirit. It also induces a strong intuitive masculine (sexual) life-energy.
Your physical awareness is obtained through the Review of Life’s orientation and the Golden mean. Its goal is to have you intuitively create physical transformation, with deep healing at its core.
The spiritual and the physical level in this Pentagram are connected through the axis of Expansion of Self-awareness and the axis of Change-Transformation. It calls you to integrate these two levels of awareness. Its theme is that of the legend of Saint-Germain. Very fascinating.
Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2024. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.
See you (virtually) :
(D) Arbeitskreis: 7. Juni Hybrid Zoom - Köln
For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website:
submitted by BryggerHeise to NumerologyPentagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:48 Freder3001 Is legion worth picking up?

Is legion worth picking up?
I opened caches this week to get tribunal and now I'm 7 points away from another key, is legion worth using the last key or should I wait for a better spotlight? (sorry for bad English)
submitted by Freder3001 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:47 GuiltlessMaple Best Chanel 9 Perfume

Best Chanel 9 Perfume
Indulge in the luxurious world of Chanel 9 Perfume with our exclusive roundup of the latest scents that are sure to captivate your senses. Whether you're a die-hard Chanel fan or just discovering the brand, this comprehensive guide will guide you through a collection of beautiful fragrances that are perfect for any occasion. So, sit back, take a deep breath, and let's explore the fabulous world of Chanel 9 Perfume together.
In this article, we'll provide you with detailed information about each Chanel 9 Perfume, including their key notes, longevity, and sillage. We'll also share user reviews and expert opinions to help you decide which fragrance aligns with your personal style and preferences. Stay tuned as we dive into the exquisite world of Chanel 9 Perfume, where opulence and elegance meet in a harmonious blend of scents. Enjoy the journey!

The Top 8 Best Chanel 9 Perfume

  1. CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set - Experience the delicate and radiant charm of Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Toilette travel set, complete with a full-size bottle and refillable twist-and-spray atomizer, perfect for on-the-go scent indulgence.
  2. Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents - Experience the magic of the Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum with this full-size and travel-sized set, boasting a pleasant and long-lasting scent, perfect for a radiant, feminine aroma anytime, anywhere.
  3. Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum 1980s Sealed W/Box - Experience the iconic, glorious vintage Chanel No 19 Parfum in an astonishingly potent 1970s Pure Parfum, featuring exquisite notes of rose, jasmine, galbanum, and more, all in a nearly mint condition box and bottle.
  4. Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set - Introducing the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set: a limited edition featuring a versatile twist-and-spray atomizer and an enchanting scent, perfect for the bold and spirited woman.
  5. Coco Mademoiselle Intense: A Captivating Fragrance for Women - Experience the captivating allure of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense, an invigorating blend of jasmine, bergamot, and mandarin orange that leaves a lasting, woody impression with its powerful scent strength.
  6. Ladies' Chanel No. 19 Eau de Toilette 100ml - Experience the iconic and daring Chanel EDT No. 19, a floral-woody-green scent that captures the essence of Mademoiselle in a 100ml spray bottle with optional bath and body rituals for an unforgettable fragrance journey.
  7. Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray for Men - Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray is an enchanting blend of light and dark notes, perfect for all seasons and moods — a sensually vibrant scent that transcends boundaries while embracing individuality, all packaged in Chanel's signature elegant style.
  8. Coco Mademoiselle Parfum Spray Trio Set - Enhance your personal style with Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray, an Oriental fragrance perfect for every occasion, boasting an inviting scent that lasts throughout the day.
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🔗CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set
I was excited to give CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette a try after hearing good things about it. The first thing that impressed me was the packaging. It came in a beautiful box that perfectly encapsulated the elegance I associated with the brand.
The scent itself is a delightful mix of fresh and fruity notes. It's mostly dominated by grapefruit and quince, with hints of jasmine and white musk in the background. I found it to be very pleasant – light enough for daily use but also unique enough to stand out from other fragrances I've tried.
One feature that stood out to me was the twist-and-spray atomizer. It made applying the perfume super easy and convenient, especially when I was on the go. However, I did wish the scent lingered a bit longer. On some days, I felt I had to reapply after 3-4 hours because it wore off.
Despite this minor issue, I absolutely loved this product. The combination of its fresh scent and ease of application made it a must-have in my beauty routine. Plus, the twist-and-spray atomizer ensured that I could take it anywhere without worrying about spills or leaks.
In conclusion, whether you're buying it for yourself or as a gift, CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette is definitely worth considering. Its radiant scent and user-friendly design make it stand out from other perfumes on the market.

🔗Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents
Chance Chanel is my go-to perfume for any occasion. From the moment I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of elegance and sophistication. The delicate floral scent, with its hints of jasmine and rose, is simply divine. What's even better is that this perfume has great longevity, lasting all day without being overpowering. Not only do I get countless compliments when I wear it, but it also makes me feel confident and radiant. The packaging is nothing short of stunning – a sleek glass bottle adorned with the iconic double-C logo, a true symbol of timeless beauty and elegance. If you're looking for a perfume that embodies femininity with a touch of Chanel's signature sophistication, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is definitely worth a try. "
Its standout feature is the beautiful blend of floral and fruity notes, which creates a scent that is both fresh and romantic. The top notes of grapefruit and quince are zesty and uplifting, while the heart of the fragrance is dominated by delicate jasmine and hyacinth. The base notes add a warm and comforting touch with their hints of musk, amber, and cedarwood. The packaging is equally impressive – a simple yet elegant design with the iconic Chanel logo.
However, I must admit that I had a slightly disappointing experience with one particular purchase of this perfume. The scent of the new bottle was nothing like the product I had been using for years, which was a real let-down. Fortunately, the customer service team at Sephora were quick to replace the faulty bottle, but it's something to be aware of if you decide to purchase this perfume.
Overall, though, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is a beautiful fragrance that is perfect for anyone who loves a soft and romantic scent. Its longevity is impressive, and the packaging is classic and timeless. If you're looking for a delicate and feminine perfume that will make you feel confident and radiant, then this one is definitely worth trying.

🔗Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum 1980s Sealed W/Box
I recently got my hands on a vintage bottle of Chanel No. 19 Parfum. Upon opening it, I was instantly transported back to the era of classic perfumes. This fragrance is unlike any modern interpretation of No. 19 that I've come across in recent years.
The top notes are dominated by aldehydes, bergamot, galbanum, neroli, and hyacinth, giving it an uplifting and fresh scent. The heart notes reveal a harmonious blend of jasmine, rose de mai, lily of the valley, orris, and Nossi-Be ylang ylang, which adds a beautiful floral touch.
What sets this apart is the base notes: oakmoss, vetiver, sandalwood, leather, and musk. They create a rich, warm, and sensual aroma that lasts on your skin for hours. This old-school formula is practically impossible to find today, as it has been replaced by lighter and more commercially acceptable versions of No. 19.
The bottle itself is a visual treat, with its hand-sealed wax seal and near mint condition box. Although this particular bottle is no longer sealed due to an unfortunate shattering of the wax seal, the fragrance within remains as potent as ever.
One downside is the mottled stickers on the inner box and bottle. This age-related discoloration is common in many 1970s perfumes, but it might not appeal to everyone's taste. However, this small flaw does not affect the quality or potency of the fragrance itself.
In summary, the Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum evokes a sense of nostalgia and glamour with its complex, rich, and timeless scent. While the packaging may show some signs of age, the enchanting aroma that envelops you upon application more than compensates for it.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set
My experience with the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set has been quite pleasant. The elegant and chic design of the bottle, along with the twist and spray atomizer, makes it convenient and sophisticated enough to carry around in my purse.
The scent is not overpowering, but it's noticeable and lasts throughout the day. It's the perfect combination of sweet floral notes and deep earthy undertones. I find myself getting compliments from others whenever I wear it, which is always a nice bonus.
One of the highlights of this set is the refillable twist-and-spray atomizer. Not only does it save on packaging and reduce waste, but it also allows me to take my favorite fragrance with me wherever I go.
However, there have been a few instances where the scent didn't last as long as I'd hoped. It seems to vary depending on the weather, with the fragrance not lasting as long in hot or humid conditions.
Overall, I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a high-quality, long-lasting, and versatile fragrance. The twist and spray atomizer adds an extra level of convenience and portability, making it perfect for travel or on-the-go application.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Intense: A Captivating Fragrance for Women
I recently stumbled upon the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense by Chanel and added it to my daily routine. From the moment I spritzed it on, I knew it was something special. Featuring top notes of bergamot and mandarin orange, it offers an invigorating aroma right off the bat. The middle notes of jasmine and Turkish rose give it a pleasant fragrance that lingers throughout the day, while the base notes of vanilla and patchouli add a sense of depth and elegance.
One thing I truly appreciate about this EDP is its longevity. With just a few sprays, the fragrance lasts for hours, gradually releasing its alluring scent. I remember attending a formal event where I received multiple compliments on how captivating my scent was - and it was all thanks to the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense!
Another highlight is the packaging. The sleek bottle design, with its timeless black label, perfectly captures the essence of the Coco Chanel brand. It's a beautiful addition to any perfume collection or a perfect gift for that special someone in your life.
However, I must note that fragrances are subjective. Some might not find this scent to their liking due to its unique blend of notes. My advice? Test it out on your skin or try a sample first before making a purchase.
In conclusion, the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense by Chanel has become a staple in my daily routine, providing me with an invigorating aroma and a timeless sense of elegance. It's definitely worth a try if you're looking for an exquisite scent that stands the test of time.

🔗Ladies' Chanel No. 19 Eau de Toilette 100ml
As I dabbed on a few spritzes of this captivating scent, I couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence and allure. The Chanel EDT No 19 is definitely a daring, distinctive fragrance that leaves a lasting impression. The floral-woody-green notes strike the perfect balance, making it an uncompromising composition, much like its wearer.
One aspect that I absolutely loved was the easy and fluent application. The eau de toilette in a spray format made it so convenient to lightly mist on my skin or even inside my clothing. Plus, the bath and body product range added an extra layer of enchantment to my daily perfuming ritual.
However, on the downside, some users might find the scent a bit strong for everyday use. It's more suitable for those who prefer bold, statement-making fragrances. Overall, the Chanel EDT No 19 is a powerful, captivating perfume that's perfect for those who aren't afraid to turn heads with their scent.

🔗Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray for Men
Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a bold and alluring scent that captures the essence of adventure and sophistication. I had the pleasure of trying out this Eau de Parfum Spray, and it quickly became a staple in my daily routine. As soon as I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of fresh citrus and warm spices. The grapefruit note adds a refreshing zing, while the ginger and incense give it a mysterious depth.
One thing that stood out to me was the superb longevity of this fragrance. Even after a long day at work, the scent lingered on my skin, leaving me feeling confident and stylish. Additionally, the sleek and elegant design of the bottle made it a welcome addition to my vanity.
However, there are a couple of downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, the price point may be a bit steep for some consumers, but I believe the quality and performance of the product justify the cost. Secondly, while the fragrance is not overwhelmingly powerful, it does have a certain presence that may not be suitable for all occasions.
In conclusion, Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a phenomenal Eau de Parfum Spray that truly deserves its high rating. Its unique blend of citrus, spice, and woody notes creates a captivating and timeless scent that is perfect for any season. If you're in search of a luxurious, long-lasting fragrance that turns heads and leaves a lasting impression, look no further than Bleu de Chanel.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Parfum Spray Trio Set
Alright, let me tell you about this beautiful Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray 3 x 0.7 oz. Imagine getting ready in the morning and spritzing yourself with a divine scent that will stay with you all day, even when you're sipping cocktails at a rooftop bar? Yeah, that's the magic of this lovely perfume.
The first whiff you get will be bright and fruity, like a fresh burst of orange. Then, as the day progresses, it'll turn into a lovely combination of jasmine blossom and rose. The best part? The deep, earthy notes of patchouli that keep you smelling fresh and confident throughout the day.
However, like any product, there are some cons to consider. It's a bit on the pricey side, but hey, it's Chanel! If you're not used to strong scents, this might not be your cup of tea. And remember, a little goes a long way, so don't overdo it.
But overall, I absolutely adore this product. The packaging is luxurious and elegant, and it's perfect for travel. It's definitely worth the investment, and anyone who tries it will fall in love with it, just like I did. So go ahead, treat yourself to this divine concoction and prepare to be showered with compliments all day long!

Buyer's Guide



What are the top Chanel perfumes available in the market?

Chanel offers an array of beautiful and elegant perfumes. Some of the most popular ones are Chanel N°5, Chanel N°5 L'Eau, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Chanel Chance, and Chanel Allure.

How do I choose the right Chanel perfume for me?

Choosing the right Chanel perfume depends on your personal preference. It's best to try a few samples and see which one resonates with you most. Pay attention to the notes and scent families (floral, fruity, oriental etc. ) as that will help you narrow down your choices.

Can I purchase Chanel perfumes online?

Yes, you can purchase Chanel perfumes online from authorized sellers such as Chanel's official website or other reputable retailers. Be sure to verify the authenticity of the product before making a purchase.

What are some popular notes in Chanel perfumes?

Chanel is known for its unique and innovative blends of notes. Some popular ones include jasmine, rose, vanilla, iris, and citrus scents.

How long do Chanel perfumes last?

The longevity of a perfume depends on several factors, such as your skin's natural chemistry and how much you apply. However, Chanel perfumes are typically known for their excellent sillage (projection) and lasting power, with some lasting up to 8 hours or more.

How should I store my Chanel perfume?

To maintain the quality of your Chanel perfume, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Keep the cap on when not in use, and avoid shaking the bottle excessively.

Do Chanel perfumes have any allergen warnings?

Chanel perfumes are subject to the EU allergens labeling requirement. This means that certain perfumes may contain ingredients that could cause allergies or irritation. Check the product label or the Chanel website for a list of allergen ingredients.

How can I tell if my Chanel perfume is authentic?

To ensure you're purchasing an authentic Chanel perfume, buy from authorized sellers, and verify the packaging and labeling. Authentic Chanel perfumes have specific details such as a holographic foil on the box, an embossed Chanel insignia on the cap, and a solid color on the bottom of the bottle.

What is the difference between Eau de Parfum (EDP) and Eau de Toilette (EDT) in Chanel perfumes?

Eau de Parfum (EDP) generally contains a higher concentration of fragrance oil compared to Eau de Toilette (EDT), resulting in a stronger and longer-lasting scent. EDT is usually lighter and less intense than EDP.

How should I apply Chanel perfume to get the best results?

For ideal application, spray your Chanel perfume on pulse points such as your wrists, behind your ears, and the crook of your elbow. This will help the scent to radiate and last longer. Avoid rubbing the perfume into your skin, as it can alter the scent.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:45 ronlynne Strays Episode 5 - "Shaa-a-ren"

If you'd like to listen to me read this story click here.
“From Lieutenant Bren, UEF Shepherd
“To Captain Sassen, KCS Victory
“Captain, I continue to learn many things about the humans. Again, their sense of community is their strength. Their Shaa is strong, although they do not have a similar word and concept in their language, as I learned recently. I would like to continue this assignment beyond the previous estimated time. Please consider an extension, send to the council if necessary. I would also like to ask the council to review the request I have submitted to share some aspects of faster than light technology. Their current methodology is primitive, unstable, and, to a certain extent, dangerous. They are very close to discovering standard spacetime warping, and for that reason I don’t believe it will violate our technology sharing guidelines. Further details are in the formal request I submitted.
Bren paused, he knew protocols were against this request, but the humans were so close, he hoped the council would consider it. The council could make exceptions if he could show them that the humans demonstrated a non aggressive attitude. He remembered one more thing to add to his letter.
“Klaan philosophy regarding the deceased is an important part of our culture. While many are matter of fact about it, the rituals and sacraments have allowed us to function more efficiently as a society. I have learned about some human rituals, and their essence of Shaa. Two days ago we came across our thirteenth ship…”
Two Days ago
“Captain, the ship is on course, and seems to be functioning properly. However, the radiation emanating from the ship is at lethal levels. It’s highly unlikely anyone survived.” Captain Gardner looked at Commander Klein, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“Commander, prepare to scuttle the ship. Full honors. We don’t want to send a dirty bomb across space.” Commander Klein acknowledged the Captain, calling Bren over to his workstation.
“Bren, can you come look through this information?” Bren approached Klein’s station and looked over his shoulder. Klein pointed at the screen. “These readings, that seems to be the deceased passengers, correct?” Bren nodded then pointed at another reading. Klein agreed curiously. “That’s the one I don’t get. It looks like the life sign of a hibernating human, but it’s distorted.”
Gardner turned to Klein. “Is there a problem?”
Klein looked at Bren, then back to Gardner, “Sir, I think we’ll need to investigate, I can’t confirm that everyone is deceased.”
“How many people Mr. Klein?”
Klein and Bren conferred and Bren answered. “That’s the problem sir, we read 36 pods, most of which are non functioning.” Klein finished the thought.
“Most of the pods appear to be unused. The others are not allowing clear readings. Possibly due to the radiation?” They had encountered several ships with various levels of radiation exposure, likely due to a nearby nuclear blast. This one was the heaviest they had encountered. Klein continued. “This ship had to have gone right through an active explosion. The radiation is still intense.”
Gardner grimaced, while they had protections against radiation poisoning, it was tedious. Any items retrieved required scrubbing with radiation protocols. Patients needed extra medication beyond the standard inoculations, which protected against various types of radiation, mostly radiation found in space. But, they had to be sure. “OK commander, only you and one other, make it quick.” Bren volunteered himself.
“Captain, I am better protected against this type of radiation, I could join the Commander.”
Gardner thought a moment. “OK, just the two of you. Take every precaution.”
Markings on the side identified the ship as North Korean. That explained the radiation as a still unknown saboteur had detonated all of North Korea’s nuclear weapons at once. Sadly, the entire country was reduced to rubble. Although humanity had created effective radiation treatments, cleaning North Korea was taking longer, due to the massive amount of radiation released all at once. Some Koreans had survived, but North Korea, as a country, no longer existed. South Korea was now just Korea, having taken on refugees and stewardship over the cleanup. The reunification of Korea was a Pyrrhic resolution.
Bren and Klein entered the ship. Although it looked shoddily built, it was one of the few ships they had encountered that was fully functional. As they moved to the cargo area the problem became obvious. Crew members littered the area, some partially in their pods. The radiation had knocked them out before they could enter the pods. Bren scanned the area. “They are dead sir, it looks like 33 humans.”
Klein looked at them, some on the floor, some climbing into pods. He recalled the anomalous readings. “So there are three more pods?” Bren continued scanning, stepping carefully over the bodies.
“Commander, the readings on these hibernation pods is unusual, there appear to be several different metals in use, there is no consistency.” As they made their way into the depths of the cargo area they found three pods, hidden away behind stacks of cargo, still functioning. Bren approached them. He scanned, then turned to Klein excitedly.
“Sir, these three are alive, they are quite sick, but the pods appear to have shielded them enough to survive the radiation.” Klein stumbled into the area, looking at Bren’s scanner.
“If we wake them they won’t survive long.” Bren agreed. Klein pushed a button on the arm of his protective suit and called Gardner. “Sir, we have three survivors, They won’t survive long once they are brought out. We will need shielded gurneys to move them directly to the medical bay. Please send three patient pods and four rescue team members to facilitate the rescue.”
Bren and Klein checked their exposure time as they waited for the others to arrive.
Once the rescue team had arrived they cleared out the three crew members quickly, heading straight to the medical bay. Klein and Bren were ordered to undergo more extensive medical tests and spent the night there.
Early in the morning, Bren was explaining Klaan humor to Klein. Klein was not impressed. “So, simple mistakes are funny?”
Bren smiled, “Yes, inverting variables in a navigational equation can be quite satisfying.” Klein looked unsure as Bren added, “But the real humor comes in absurd endeavors, which can take several days or weeks to develop. The payoff is substantial.” Klein was about to speak when they were surprised to see one of the Koreans stir. He looked around, confused, and then startled to see Klein and an alien. Bren had accessed the Korean language program and spoke to him in perfect Korean.
“Do not be afraid. You are on an Earth ship, The Shepherd. Earth is a different world than when you left. I assure you, you are safe here.” The Korean calmed a bit, looking for his comrades. Bren continued, “I am sorry to tell you that only the three of you survived. You have extreme radiation sickness but medical advances have created effective treatments and you are all expected to recover.”
The Korean asked, “What happened?”
Bren turned to Klein, “He wants to know what happened.” They were interrupted by the arrival of Captain Gardner and an Ensign.
“Bren, this is Ensign Choi, she speaks Korean and will be the liaison for these men.” Choi immediately went to the Korean man and began talking. Bren watched as the man apparently learned that his country was gone. The look on his face touched Bren deeply. He appeared to be in physical pain upon hearing the news.
Gardner turned to Klein and Bren, “Are you cleared to resume duties?” Klein nodded and Gardner continued. “I had hoped to avoid a conflict but you may recall the previous rescue of the ship Justice 4.”
Klein grimaced. Just a day before finding the Korean ship they had rescued a ship that was clearly affiliated with the Justice Party. Although it was never confirmed, the Justice Party claimed responsibility for the three nuclear warheads that decimated Los Angeles to start the war.
The Freedom Party quickly formed in response, but since there were no geographical divides the initial stages of the war were particularly gruesome. Political strongholds of each party were destroyed by nuclear weapons, killing members of both parties, as well as the undeclared; more than half of the country that claimed no connection to either party. The complication was certainly due to the fact that a Freedom Party ship’s passengers were already on board. Gardner confirmed Klein’s assumption.
“We assigned quarters to the passengers of the ship, Justice 4, and initially there was no problem, until someone saw an insignia on someone’s shirt. The Justice group refused to be quartered on the same floor.”
Klein grimaced. “The Freedom passengers were on level three, right? Just move the Justice to two?” Gardner smiled.
“The Freedom passengers decided that they wanted to be above them, so they refused to stay on three if the Justice moved to two.”
Klein scoffed, “We’re in space, there is no above and below, we may be sideways now for all we know.” Gardner agreed and as the three men entered the passenger common area, the leaders of each group swarmed them.
As multiple men chattered and made demands at once Gardner raised his hand and finally got them to calm down. “We came across a heavily irradiated ship and we want to allow the surviving crew to be involved in the Honor ceremony when we scuttle the ship. They are in the medical bay. We could be here for a few days depending on their recovery time. That means you all can’t stay here in this room. You will need to accept room assignments.”
The men all began shouting again when Bren stepped forward, raising both hands which, somehow, stopped everyone immediately. Bren spoke.
“Captain, I may have a solution.” Gardner looked hopeful.
“Go ahead Lieutenant.”
Bren lowered his hands. “My people have a method for solving disputes that goes back several thousand years. It is specifically designed for this sort of post war dispute.”
Everyone was rapt as Bren continued. He smiled and stuck his arms out to the side, palms up. He spoke loudly in a commanding voice, “Feats of Strength!” As he said ‘strength’ he raised his arms over his head and clasped his hands together. Shaking them with a determined grimace. The men pumped up their chests and murmured agreement. Gardner looked at Bren curiously. “Feats of Strength?”
Bren nodded, “Yes, although that is rarely the form it takes. We stopped fighting to the death centuries ago.” The men seemed a little less enthused.
Gardner asked, “What does this entail?”
Bren smiled, “We choose a contest, and since it is a test of strength, we add,” he paused, searching for the correct word, “complications, as we go.” He looked around, and sensing no objections, continued. “I would suggest… bowling!”
Gardner and Klein stifled laughs as Bren looked each group straight on and asked, “Are you prepared to compete for your pride?” Hesitantly each group agreed. Bren went on, “I will administer the contest, the rules are simple, I can add any difficulties I choose.”
The leader of one group looked at Bren, confused, “Difficulty?”
Bren nodded, “For example, we could start by bowling with the non dominant hand. Perhaps with eyes closed, or while… singing.” As the men started to take Bren less seriously he puffed up and seemed to get taller. “You have accepted the challenge, do you agree to go forward?” The men looked at each other, unsure, but finally nodded and started to get excited.
Bren stated one more rule, “The final outcome is that the winners will be allowed to choose their quarters,” the men nodded and mumbled until Bren cut them off, “But the winners must also host the defeated team to a feast in their home.” He looked around and felt he had everyone’s attention. “There is no human term for this, but the Klaan call it Shaa. It is the knowledge that everyone on the planet is connected. In our case, on this ship. We are all part of one physical organism, collectively called the Shaa-a-ren.”
The men looked around, slightly less excited but committed to the contest. Bren stood straight, and addressed the room. “Each team will choose four champions. The contest will start in sixteen hours. Spread the word, in the original Feats of Strength great crowds cheered on their warriors.”
With that the groups of passengers separated into huddles, deciding on their champions. Gardner turned to Bren. “Feats of Strength? Shaa-a-ren?” Bren looked at Klein and the Captain.
“Yes sir, the rules are adaptable, but Shaa is a sacred concept to the Klaan. I assure you, this method of conflict resolution has an excellent record on Klaan.” Klein and Gardner shared a curious look, when Bren noted excitedly, “We will need to prepare the bowling lanes for an audience. The crowd is a critical part of this event! Captain?”
Gardner shrugged, “Commander Klein, let the crew know that they are invited to a Klaan Feats of Strength event.” Klein shook his head as he walked toward the bridge to deliver the invitation.
In the medical bay Gardner, Klein, and Choi spoke to the three Korean men. Gardner had offered them several option for disposal of the irradiated ship. Choi translated for the Captain. “They said they are not overly concerned with the ship’s disposal. They only ask to be able to watch as it’s done.” One man, who identified himself as Colonel Han spoke. “Captain, we do believe you when you say things are different. We also hope you understand that the official stance of our country,” he paused, as the country no longer existed, “The stance is one of no religion. However, there is a thread of Buddhism among us, and a prayer service to commemorate the men who did not survive is kindly requested before the ship is scuttled.”
Gardner nodded and asked Choi if she could make arrangements. Colonel Han spoke again. “Captain, is it possible to finish in time for the contest? Your Mr. Bren extended a personal invitation.”
Gardner was surprised, but agreed.
The next day Choi, Han, Gardner and the other Korean men stood on the bridge, watching a large monitor. The Shepherd had shut down the ship’s engines and shined lights on the ship. Choi had arranged the prayer ceremony, and the three men seemed at peace with the situation. Gardner looked at Colonel Han, who looked at his companions and nodded to the Captain.
“Commander Klein, you may proceed.” Klein stood, as did the rest of the crew. Captain Gardner spoke. “It is with great respect that we send these 33 passengers and their ship to space. This ship served them well, and now all will be committed to the great expanse.”
Klein blew a military whistle and launched two missiles. The missiles flew directly to their target, detonating and turning the ship to dust, to scatter among the backdrop of the stars. Gardner spoke again.
“Your lives will be remembered as your final destination has been reached. Godspeed.” He saluted and the crew followed his salute. The Korean men somberly saluted. The crew held their salute until Choi had ushered the Koreans off the bridge. The crew resumed their duties silently for a moment until Gardner spoke once again.
“If you have arranged to go to the Feats of Strength event, you are relieved, once the skeleton crew is in place.” A few crew members entered to man the bridge as several others headed to Bren’s event.
Bren quieted the crowd. Klein was surprised at the turnout. The crew of both ships sat intermingled with Shepherd crew. Choi ushered in the Koreans, stoic, but seemingly looking forward to the distraction the contest would provide. Chairs, benches, and cargo containers had been constructed into makeshift bleachers, and they were packed. Food and beverages had been prepared and in general, it was a festive atmosphere. Bren entered the center of the space and raised his hands, facing his palms out, and turning in a circle.
“My friends, you have accepted me into your ship and crew and I am grateful. It is with that gratitude that I happily share the Klaan tradition of… FEATS OF STRENGTH!” The crowd cheered and Gardner looked around, wondering if he should have assigned security for the event.
Bren lowered his hands and the crowd silenced. He spoke again in a low voice. “Shaa is a Klaan belief that we are all connected. That the people assembled here are all part of one single living organism. We are all a part of Shaa-a-ren. We are each other. We are one. We are Shaa.”
He smiled and waited as the crowd seemingly held its breath. Then he clasped his hands over his head and shouted, “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” The crowd roared as the eight men prepared to bowl. Bren explained the rules. “The standard rules of bowling and scoring apply. The automated system will keep score. I will add rules as we go. The first additional rule is that all bowlers are required to throw the ball with both hands. Team Justice won the random generated decision to go first. Proceed.”
As expected, bowling with both hands was awkward, and the bowlers threw gutterballs and generally left a lot of pins standing. No one was bowling well, but the men were laughing at each other anyway. After two frames Bren stood and spoke. “Time for a new rule! You must bowl with your non-dominant hand!” The bowlers grunted and grimaced. Bren was excited, the concept of a dominant hand was new to him. Human brains fascinated him and when he learned of right or left handedness he had spent hours asking people to use their non-dominant hand for daily tasks.
The teams bowled slightly better than before, but neither team was lighting up the scoreboards. Only one strike had been thrown, and truthfully, it was a mistake. Something went wonky with the magnetic system and changed the ball’s trajectory.
The crowd was cheering when a bowler knocked down three or four pins, and the teams were getting irritated, so Bren changed it up again. “Starting now, you must do two complete turns before throwing the ball.”
As the bowlers made themselves dizzy, the crowd’s excitement escalated. The bowlers had begun cheering each other on, regardless of which team they were on. The difficulties Bren was introducing made the two teams bond over the challenges. The crowd was eating it up. Even the Korean men were enjoying the show. Finally they reached the final round. Team Justice was up by seven points, it was anybody’s game.
Bren stood and called for quiet. “I would like to thank you all for joining us tonight. I hope you have felt the Shaa. You are all part of the Shaa-a-ren here on the Shepherd. Even as you go on to other ships or planets, this connection is now a part of you all.” Bren looked at the Koreans and bowed deeply, speaking in Korean. “You have lost much, your crew, your country, perhaps family. However, today you have gained Shaa and we are happy to have you here in this Shaa-a-ren.” He bowed again and the Korean men bowed deeply back to him. Bren turned to the crowd.
“For the final round, we have the ultimate test. Each team will switch lanes and complete the other team’s final score. However! A gutterball counts as a strike, so you cannot intentionally throw the game. You can choose to bowl with both hands, or your non-dominant hand.”
The teams switched lanes and began, with Team Justice putting up several points for Team Freedom. By the time they reached the last ball the game was tied. The men looked at each other, then conferred. They nodded and each stepped up to the lane, carefully throwing simultaneous - and very intentional - gutterballs. Bren raised his hands, quite pleased with himself.
“The game has ended in a tie!” He called the teams to him. “It seems that the outcome has not solved our problem. How would you like to choose the winning team?” Bren smiled, fairly certain he knew the answer.
The captain of Team Justice spoke. “We will both stay on deck three.”
The captain of Team Freedom joined him. “And we would like to host all of you for a feast on deck three tomorrow!”
The crowd erupted in cheers. Captain Gardner spied Bren speaking with the Korean men, they seemed to be thanking him. Choi moved to the Captain. “Bren knew exactly what to say to them. This Shaa business really made a difference.” Gardner smiled and watched as the men walked to the food and beverage stations and joined in the celebration. Gardner went to Bren, who was now talking to Klein.
“Lieutenant Bren, I must commend you. Your Feats of Strength and Shaa-a-ren was an unqualified success.”
Bren smiled. “Captain, Shaa is a very trusted solution to many problems.” He held his hands out, palms up and fingers sticking up. “We are all digits on the same hand. Once the men started to bond over their shared experience they began to feel the depth of connection. Shaa-a-ren connects us all, sometimes you just need to reach out and feel it.” Klein nodded, holding out his hands as Bren had done. Bren smiled again. “Commander, you have now experienced Klaan humor, in its long form. How often did you laugh as the men dizzied themselves and fell, or threw bad balls, left difficult splits, or danced with their opponents?”
Klein looked at Bren curiously. “You did this all just to…” He looked at the Captain in shock and finished the thought. “… To tell me a joke?”
Bren smiled, “It was a happy coincidence. Shaa-a-ren is very real, as is Klaan humor.” He hummed a tune as he walked away. Klein and Gardner looked at each other, questioning what had actually taken place tonight. Gardner shook his head as he patted Klein on the back, blending into the celebration.
“It doesn’t matter Mr. Klein, it worked.”
submitted by ronlynne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:45 Connect_Paper_3510 Why Choose an IELTS Institute in Faridabad for Your Test Prep? Mastering English for Global Opportunities

Dreaming of studying abroad or landing your dream job overseas? If so, the IELTS exam is likely a crucial hurdle you need to clear. Cracking the IELTS with a high score requires strong English language skills across listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This is where IELTS institutes in Faridabad can become your secret weapon.
But with numerous institutes offering IELTS classes in Faridabad, why should you consider enrolling in one? Let's delve into the compelling reasons why an IELTS institute in Faridabad can be the game-changer for your test prep journey.
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Investing in an IELTS institute in Faridabad can be a wise decision for anyone serious about achieving a high score on the IELTS exam. The structured learning, expert guidance, and access to quality resources can significantly increase your chances of success. With the right support system and a focused approach, you can unlock a world of opportunities through your IELTS achievement.
So, don't wait! Start your search for the best IELTS institute in Faridabad today and take a confident step towards your global aspirations.
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2024.05.20 07:45 General_Assistant664 Seriously considering the Jollene Sectional from Macy’s, is it actually worth the money?

Hi All,
I looked through search and found some posts about this couch but was hoping to fish for more.
My partner and I are seriously considering the Jollene Sectional from Macy’s. We stopped by the showroom and loved it, thought it was super comfortable, and it’s within our measly budget too.
However, after reading some reviews on here and Macy’s I’m worried about durability specifically fabric pilling and cushion shape.
Most reviews seem pretty positive but I’ve fallen into a rabbit hole.
Would really appreciate any personal reviews of the sectional and any advice when it comes to Macy’s furniture in general.
Our budget is <$1500 so if you have alternatives I’m welcome to that too.
Thank you!
submitted by General_Assistant664 to furniture [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:43 Kissh Electric Vehicle Battery Management System (EVBMS) Market 2024-2031

Global electric vehicle battery management system (EVBMS) market will reach $21,069.6 million by 2031, growing by 16.5% annually over 2022-2031, driven by the rising sales for electric vehicles (EVs), increasing demand for sustainable and clean energy vehicles, supportive government initiatives, and the depleting fossil fuel and rising environmental awareness amongst people.
Profound analysis and assessment are generated from premium primary and secondary information sources with inputs derived from industry professionals across the value chain. The electric vehicle battery management system (EVBMS) market report is based on studies on 2019-2023 and provides forecast from 2024 till 2031 with 2023 as the base year.
Download Research Sample:
In-depth qualitative analyses include identification and investigation of the following aspects:
• Market Structure • Growth Drivers • Restraints and Challenges • Emerging Product Trends & Market Opportunities • Porter’s Fiver Forces
The trend and outlook of global market is forecast in optimistic, balanced, and conservative view by taking into account of COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine conflict. The balanced (most likely) projection is used to quantify global electric vehicle battery management system (EVBMS) market in every aspect of the classification from perspectives of Component, Product Type, Application, Battery Type, Propulsion Type, Vehicle Type, and Region.
Based on Component, the global market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2022-2031 included in each section.
• Hardware o Fuel Gauge/Current Measurement Devices o Temperature Sensor o Integrated Circuits o Cutoff FETs and FET Driver o Microcontroller o Other Hardware • Software & Services
Based on Product Type, the global market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2022-2031 included in each section.
• Distributed BMS • Centralized BMS • Modular BMS
By Application, the global market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2022-2031 included in each section.
• Voltage Monitoring • Thermal Management • Current Management • Charging and Discharging Control • Other Applications
By Battery Type, the global market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2022-2031 included in each section.
• Lithium Ion • Redox Flow • Lead Acid • Other Battery Types
By Propulsion Type, the global market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2022-2031 included in each section.
• Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) • Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEVs) • Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEVs)
By Vehicle Type, the global market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2022-2031 included in each section.
• Passenger Cars • Commercial Vehicles • Other Vehicles
Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated:
• North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Russia, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, and Finland) • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Philippines) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (UAE,Saudi Arabia,South Africa and Rest of MEA)
The report also covers current competitive scenario and the predicted trend; and profiles key vendors including market leaders and important emerging players.
Selected Key Players:
Analog Devices Inc. BYD Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) Hyundai Mobis Infineon Technologies AG Keihin Corporation NXP Semiconductors Renesas Electronics Corporation SAIC Motor Corporation Limited Silicon Laboratories TE Connectivity Tesla Motors Texas Instruments Incorporated Visteon Corporation Vitesco Technologies (Please note: The report will be updated before delivery so that the latest historical year is the base year and the forecast covers at least 5 years over the base year.)
submitted by Kissh to marketsurveyreport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:42 harriskeith29 Darth Vader and the importance of self-forgiveness (fan analysis)

TLDR- The love & forgiveness of others alone wasn't enough for Anakin Skywalker to overcome Darth Vader & the Dark Side. The only way to let go of his hate, return to the Light Side, and finally find peace was by forgiving himself.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #5 by Greg Pak (2020)
From the moment he was first "consumed by Darth Vader", as Yoda put it, the greatest fundamental challenge for Anakin to return to the Light was never being forgiven by others. It wouldn't make enough difference if everyone he'd ever hurt or killed sincerely told him "I forgive you", if his mom appeared in a vision to console him, if Padme herself died still believing there was good in him, or even if his own son was willing to die believing there was good in him. Whatever they said or did wouldn't change his heart.
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #5 by W. Haden Blackman (2011)
The core of Vader's hatred and pain was never about needing or wanting others' forgiveness or remorse, which is a major reason why he stayed a devout Sith for so long. Because the Sith's strength in the Force comes from their emotions, that way of life became an outlet for him to continue living in the personal Hell that, deep down, he thought he deserved (since all he had left for so long were self-imposed negative emotions). He was his own worst judge & critic. It wouldn't matter how much he did to atone for his crimes (except perhaps to the victims & their loved ones) if he still held himself in nothing but contempt.
\"A Tear in the Dark\" by Luca Merli
In the Sith Lord's mind, even with all this power + the Empire's armies at his disposal, he felt like a failure who deserved his suffering. At every opportunity to repent, he chose to stay on the Sith's path because he didn't believe any other path was left to him. Quoting a review of the Star Wars: Darth Vader comics:
"The kyber crystal he’s trying to force into a Sith crystal, to crush its will beneath his own, fights back with throwing at him what Anakin Skywalker still wants to do, the right thing to do, saying that it’s still possible. It shows him that it’s still possible. But Vader refuses it. That path is no longer possible, it would go against everything he’s sacrificed to get where he is, his betrayal of the Jedi, his killing Padme (so he thinks), his turning his back on the Republic, the murders he’s committed, the monster he’s made himself, it would all have been for nothing if he turned back now. All he would have on that path is nothing, Vader thinks.
Never mind that he would have the right thing, never mind that Obi-Wan would see him as Anakin again and would have forgiven him, would have taken him back, never mind that he could have saved the galaxy from Sidious’ cruelty and horrors. Vader still forces himself to believe that all of that would be nothing. He has to keep moving forward, the sacrifices he made, the things he did and will do, have to be worth it, and that won’t happen on that other path. This new life is his only choice now. The only way out is through. This is all there is."
Star Wars: Darth Vader #25 by Kieron Gillen (2015)
Vader was dead set on forcing this path to be worth everything he'd lost. He didn't believe he deserved any better after all he'd done. He convinced himself Anakin symbolized weakness from a failed past, but one could also interpret that he believed (even if he wouldn't admit it to himself) he was unworthy of the name.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #24 by Kieron Gillen (2015)
Vader told Luke "There is no conflict. That name no longer has any meaning for me.", but the anger in his voice during this dialogue suggested otherwise. The name Anakin Skywalker simultaneously served as: A) A reminder of his failure to save those closest to him. B) A reminder of when he had family, friends, and so much in his life to be grateful for (in spite of hardships & losses) that he took for granted. Self-loathing was all he understood anymore, and it was that hate that helped give him so much power even with his injuries.
\"Lord Vader's Persuasion of the Outer Rim Planets to Join the Empire\" by Dave Dorman
The only way Anakin could find his way back to the Light, even for just one final self-sacrificial act, was to receive forgiveness from the most important person, the one at the root of his decades of hatred... HIMSELF. As long as that self-hatred continued fueling his immersion in the Dark Side, nobody could reach him regardless of who they were or how they approached the situation. Even when his inner conflict started to emerge thanks to Luke's influence, he still believed it was "too late" for him to turn back or be anything else. Becoming Vader was a Hell of his own making and a prison he'd always had the means to leave. He just wasn't willing to pay the price for unlocking the cell.
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1 by Charles Soule (2017)
He couldn't bear the thought of going back to the path of the Light when his most defining memory of being on it was when he betrayed everything/everyone that life had given him. For all these years, he adamantly believed he could have saved everyone if only he'd been stronger. If only he hadn't allowed the Jedi's dogma to hold him back from his full potential. That ambition led to him losing Padme. He may have even believed in some warped way that turning Luke (and/or Leia) to the Dark would allow them to be a family again.
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Even if Luke killed Vader to take his place at Palpatine's side, they'd still be connected in that they'd be links in the chain of Sith history + legacy. It was only in the moment of seeing Luke about to be killed that Anakin finally broke through, screaming in the man's mind "ENOUGH! It's time to LET GO! Let go of the past, let go of your hate (echoing Luke)! Your family needs you! Your son needs you! He is the best of you and his mother! You're RIGHT HERE! You can make a different choice this time. It's NOT too late! You can still SAVE HIM! SAVE HIM!!!!!"
\"Padme's Faith Rewarded\" by Jokerisdaking
And so, at the cost of his life, he did. When Luke said "I'll not leave you here. I've got to save you." and his father replied "You already have. You were right about me.", Anakin was implying that Luke was right about letting go of hate. That would only be possible to do if Anakin forgave himself. THAT'S how he was able to die, ascend, and reemerge as a Force Ghost. THAT was the most vital step from the start to his redemption.
By accepting everything that had happened on his journey, acknowledging that the direction he went was wrong, realizing it was ultimately his own choice even when accounting for Palpatine's influence, and no longer letting his negative feelings hold him down, he'd finally achieved peace with himself and the Force.
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Edit: Vader may have already been planning to betray the Emperor, but it's WHY he did it that makes his redemption important. A Sith would kill his master for power, dominance, and succession. Anakin did it only to save his child. If he'd killed Palpatine while still consumed by Vader, Luke may have been saved but Anakin would still be gone. It would have been a victory for the Rebellion but a failure to save Anakin's soul.
submitted by harriskeith29 to StarWarsCantina [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:42 Icy-Statistician3337 10 Important Tips for CA Student must know for exam preparation

10 Important Tips for CA Student must know for exam preparation
Preparing for Chartered Accountancy (CA) exams is a challenging process, but with the right strategies, you can excel. Here are some important tips to enhance your exam preparation:
  1. Gain a Deep Understanding of the Syllabus
Start by thoroughly understanding the syllabus. The CA exams cover a broad range of topics, especially at the Final level. Utilize CA Final Books to break the syllabus into manageable sections and highlight key topics and their importance. These are valuable resources for prioritizing your study schedule and focusing on significant areas. By referring to CA Final Books, you can ensure that you cover all essential topics thoroughly and systematically, aiding in a comprehensive preparation strategy. Make your primary resource for an organized and effective study plan.
  1. Develop a Practical Study Schedule
Make a well-organized and practical study schedule. Assign distinct time periods to every subject to guarantee thorough coverage of the syllabus well in advance of the tests. To avoid burnout, schedule regular breaks within your daily study schedule. It's important to follow your plan and be consistent.
  1. Select High-Quality Study Resources
Choose high-quality study material such as ICAI study modules, practice manuals and revision test papers (RTPs). Additionally, use standard textbooks and coaching class notes if available. Avoid overwhelming yourself with too many reference books, as this can cause confusion. Implementing a study material for CA books can help you prepare more efficiently and cover all the required material.
  1. Solve Previous Years' Question Papers
Using CA Intermediate Books and practicing with past years' question papers are essential for a successful CA Intermediate exam .These resources help with improving time management abilities and understanding the format and kinds of questions on the exam. Make the most of your exam preparation to analyze your performance, identify your areas of weakness, and improve your confidence.
  1. Focus on Conceptual Clarity
Emphasize understanding concepts rather than rote learning. Ensure a solid grasp of fundamental concepts in each subject, as this will help in both theoretical and practical questions. Spend extra time on difficult topics until you thoroughly understand them.
  1. Revise Regularly
Regular revision is essential for retaining information. Allocate time for periodic revision, either weekly or bi-weekly. Summarize each chapter in your own words and create concise revision notes. These notes will be invaluable in the final days before the exam, ensuring thorough preparation.
  1. Join Study Groups
Participating in study groups can be beneficial for discussing challenging topics, sharing resources, and staying motivated. Group studies encourage active learning and help in quick clarification of doubts. Ensure the group remains focused on studying.
  1. Prioritize Physical and Mental Health
Good health is essential for effective exam preparation, especially for CA beginners. Prioritize your well-being by getting adequate sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and incorporating physical activity into your routine. Practices like yoga or meditation, along with CA foundation books, can help reduce stress and enhance concentration, ensuring optimal performance during exams.
  1. Take Mock Exams
Regularly taking mock exams helps simulate actual exam conditions and improve time management. Analyze your performance in these tests to identify weak areas and work on them. This continuous self-assessment builds confidence.
  1. Maintain a Positive Mindset
The CA journey is challenging, but a positive attitude can make a significant difference. Set small, achievable goals and reward yourself upon completion. Surround yourself with supportive people who motivate you to stay focused.
Success in CA exams requires a blend of strategic planning, hard work, and strength. Using the CA entrance exam books will help you prepare even more. Recall that all chartered accountants have encountered these difficulties; with the appropriate strategy, you too may succeed. Remain committed, driven, and self-assured. Wishing you luck!
submitted by Icy-Statistician3337 to u/Icy-Statistician3337 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:38 Plaguings [GUIDE] Every method I've found to boost performance and keep stable framerates.

[GUIDE] Every method I've found to boost performance and keep stable framerates.
After many, many hours of searching and tweaking I have gotten stable framerates. This is more directed towards people with around a mid tier PC, but should still benefit all.

1. Boot.Config

This is one that most people already know about but I figured I should include it anyways.
Navigate to X:\SPT\EscapeFromTarkov_Data and find the file labled Boot.Config and edit it. If you don't have a text editor Notepad ++ is free but the default windows one should work fine.
Delete everything here and copy these lines in.
gfx-enable-gfx-jobs=1 gfx-enable-native-gfx-jobs=1 gfx-disable-mt-rendering=1 wait-for-native-debugger=0 vr-enabled=0 hdr-display-enabled=0 gc-max-time-slice=10 job-worker-count= single-instance= 
Now, once that is copied there is one more step, press Control + Shift + Escape, this will open task manager.
Navigate over to the performance tab and click on your CPU. You should now see all of the information for your CPU, all we need from here is the "Logical Processors" take that number and subtract one then add that to this line.
It should then look like this.
job-worker-count=15(or whatever your # of threads is as mentioned above)
Lastly, be sure to go in game and turn ON 'Only use Physical Cores' in the settings.

2. In game settings

Now that you are in your settings, I'll recommend some.
If you have a much better GPU than everything else in your PC, you can actually get a small amount of frames by increasing your settings, this should (in theory at least) take off some of the load on your CPU.
Post FX can also be frame killers so try playing without them if you really need the extra FPS, remember though, you can always use reshade for a lower cost re-color.

3. RAM Cleaner and ISLC

I'm sure most people know about the RAM Cleaner but what most people don't know about is ISLC(Intelligent Standby List Cleaner)
By default your computer will use your RAM and Page File(which I'll talk about later) to cache information that it deems could be useful. I believe Tarkov also uses this feature. The issue is that sometimes this cache can get too large and start taking away from system memory, to fix this you can use ISLC
Normally this program isn't doing all that much, but as we all know Tarkov loves to eat RAM so this is one case where I find it to actually be helpful.
ISLC reads your Cached memory on an interval and if it meets 2 quota's it will clear that cache.
You can download it here
After you install and open it you'll be greeted with a screen that looks like this.
It can be a bit daunting but there is only 2 settings you need to worry about. They are the two text boxes in the bottom left.
If you have 32 GB + of ram you can just copy my settings, this will only clear the cache in extreme situations so it won't happen often but should help with memory leak.
If you have any thing less I recommend setting both of the boxes to half of your ram.
So for 16GB it would be -
List size is at least : 8000
Free memory is lower than : 8000
Then you can set it to start on windows startup, but I only recommend this if you have 32 GB with settings similar to mine, as windows(for me) hovers at around 8 GB cache for general use, and having that be cleared when not gaming can make some apps slower.
Otherwise, just click the start button when ready to play, or alternatively you can set both of the boxes super low, so that they would always clear you cache, but only activate the program when you need it cleared.
WARNING* If your values are set to low and ISLC is constantly cleaning you WILL experience stutters. Both windows and Tarkov are going to be constantly writing to your standby list/cache to meet their base needs, so cleaning that before you need to can cause performance problems.

4. Page File

A page file is essentially backup RAM that is obtained from your storage, this is already enabled by default but the size is too small to have any real performance gains.
  1. Open windows search.
  2. Search for advanced system settings.
  3. Navigate to the advanced tab if you are not already there.
  4. Under performance click settings.
  5. Go the the Advanced tab again.
  6. Click the change button at the bottom under Virtual Memory.
  7. Select your FASTEST drive and change the tick to custom size.
  8. Put your initial size to something low, I have mine at 1000, but 5000 is good too.
  9. Set the maximum size to HALF of your system RAM, if you don't know what this is open task manager again and go back to performance tab and there will be a RAM section that will tell you, but I'll assume everyone here knows that already.
  10. Click Set, then Ok, then apply, and then OK
  11. It should then prompt you to restart, don't skip this, manually restarting sometimes hasn't applied Page File settings for me, so just get it out of the way.
This is where the guide ends for most people I'd assume, but if you are really interested in gaining "performance" look below.

5. Lossless Scaling

This is by far the biggest bump in "performance" I've had. The reason I put it like that is because Lossless Scaling allows you to use Frame Generation. Meaning it quite literally just doubles your framerate.
There are a couple downsides, one of which being that Lossless Scaling isn't free. Its $8 on Steam, but worth it all. Worst case scenario, you try it and don't like it and are able to refund it with less than 2 hours of use.
If you decide you want to try this then follow along.
It should look like this on launch, for most people you'll probably only need Frame Gen, but incase you're interested it also allows upscaling, but I won't be touching on that because I don't think its helpful for most people.
Firstly go to the Rendering Tab and copy these settings.
Allow tearing set to on will massively boost responsiveness making the latency added almost non existent.
Draw FPS will show you what FPS you are actually getting, in game counter won't show generated frames.
I don't use either of the other 2 options so use at your own discretion
Then go to the Capture Tag and set capture API to DXGI
That should be all for the settings.
Next go in game and set your game to windowed fullscreen(yes you have to do this, Lossless Scaling isn't compatible with Exclusive Fullscreen) If you plan on messing with upscaling I'll save you some trouble, it requires you to be on windowed mode(not windowed fullscreen)
Now all you have to do is make sure you game window is selected and press Control + ALT + S
you're screen might flash black but you should then see the game and have a grey FPS counter in the top left.
Next is probably the most important step, CAP YOUR FPS TO HALF OF YOUR REFRESH RATE.(Don't if you only have 60hz)
Frame gen requires stability so if you can't hit half your refresh rate at least most of the time then lower your cap further. I don't recommend capping it any lower than 45 as it'll have more latency and ghosting the lower you go.
This is all for this part. If you have any questions or more info on any settings that I didn't explain properly feel free to comment.
For finding the Boot.Config settings(afaik)
submitted by Plaguings to SPTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:35 Grand-Hospital8803 Possible Red Flags from Interview and Online Sleuthing

Basically been applying for a bunch of jobs recently because I haven’t got enough hours at my current job.
Applied to this fine dining place. Interior is mega fancy. Read an online article about the opening of the place. Basically it opened in 2017 and changed hands twice.
This most recent owner has been working as a manager. She apparently had NO restaurant experience but has been just kind of learning as she goes for 9 months. She seems really enthusiastic but idk something’s off about her.idk.
Possible red flag #1: I talk to the bartender who says they’re longest employee has only been there for 4 months because they had a “bad batch of servers”
Possible red flag #2: The recent online reviews are not good. I filtered for reviews in the last 6 months and most of the bad ones talk about how the servers are disorganized and the managestaff is unprofessional. Like a lot of reviews seem to be saying these same things.
Possible red flag #3: They got an 84 on a health score for a bug in their flour.
Possible red flag #4: They were kinda quick to hire me. I do have about 2 years of restaurant/serving experience but not fine dining. I’ve interviewed at fine dining places and if they even consider me they always say I’ll need to start as an expo/assist. But she literally hired me right there.
Possible red flag #5: During the interview she tells me about how she has to cater to the guest and how she has to “loosen up a little” around black people. And kinda implied that their tipping was kinda meh. It felt like she was comfortable saying that because I was white. Idk
Possible red flag #6: Recent glassdoor review talking about how the ownemanager was not a good manageperson. Wasn’t vitriolic. Idk. Old reviews from previous owners time were a little more positive.
I think I’m gonna have to tell her that I changed my mind. God I just really want a job tho. I think I can get a job interview at a local mellow mushroom idk anymore man.
submitted by Grand-Hospital8803 to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:29 geta7_com What now?

Congrats M24! Here are answers to your remark, retake, and transcript questions. If you spot any errors please let me know.
CAS is graded only by your school, which must let IB know whether you completed CAS or not by Jun 1st.
Grade boundaries
Grade boundaries are determined after grading of exams, considering statistics/mark distribution, teachers' comments, and examiners' comments. So there is some safety net in place and your grade is only partially depended upon how others do.
Transcript and legalization
If a school or employer requests transcripts, let IB know by Jun 15th and check that you are correctly sending your transcripts to whoever needs them.
If IB results need to be legalized in your country, also let IB know by Jun 15th. Third party agencies may also offer similar services. Legalization sometimes requires photo id such as a passport.
If you want to change your name shown on your Diploma and transcript, such as to be consistent with your passport, let your coordinator know ASAP. It can only be changed before results release or after Jan 1, 2025.
You own your work. Yet, IB retains a non-exclusive right to reproduce your work for training etc, often without identifying you. You can waive IB of their non-exclusive right by Jun 1st. It does not mean IB will return your marked papers (see category 2B EUR below), and your work will stay in their database of past IAs. Rather, claiming exclusive copyright is mostly for reclaiming your art or other valuable work.
You can always publish your work. Though be careful in posting your IAs or essays to platforms that may be perceived to facilitate academic dishonesty.
Results day
On Jul 6th, results will be available on through staggered release from noon GMT every 15 minutes, based on your location. Your coordinators get them 24 hours in advance. Would be great if everyone refrained from refreshing twice every second.
On Jul 7th, component marks will be released to coordinators, who decide if they want to share with you or not.
There are several categories of enquiry upon results (EuR).
In Category 1, a more senior or consistent examiner checks over the existent grading. Some quality control exists in the form of "seed scripts" mixed with real remark papers. This is true for the original grading as well. If your grade is "much lower" than predicted, it may have been checked by senior examiners already.
A Category 1 remark cost about the same as an exam. It can be requested max once per subject. The new grade replaces your old grade, even if it goes down. If the grade out of 7 changes, you get a refund.
Under half of all remarks remain the same mark out of 100%. Most remarks come back within +/- 1%. Very few remarks come back outside of +/- 3%, though a tiny fraction of remarks see very big changes. Consider if you genuinely believe an examiner made a mistake or if you just want to give IB your (or your parents') money.
You can also request a category 2B (digital) return of materials by candidate, for about 15%-20% the cost of a Category 1 remark. Here you will see all your exam scripts for a subject along with marks awarded per question or per criterion. It allows you to review your work to make a more informed decision about remark, especially if you have a limited budget and can only remark one or two subjects. The number of comments you get depends on the grader and subject.
Other categories are irrelevant to students, or are only available after a category 1 remark. Your IAs can be re-moderated only if your class average dropped by 15% or more during moderation.
EuRs can be initiated until Sep 15th.
Unlike remarks which take the newer grade, retakes take the higher grade. Remark and retake are completely separate processes.
Nov 2024 (six-month) retakes must be registered by July 29th. Instead of waiting for your remark results, you can first register for retake then withdraw for full refund if you grade goes up. You cannot change your subjects, other than moving a 4th HL down to SL. Retaking 12 months or later does allow subject changes. There are various curriculum changes each May, which require new IAs. See
When the curriculum stays the same, you can carryover your non-exam components, such as IAs and Group 1 HL Essay. Otherwise, they must be rewritten on new topics. TOK essay retakes must be on the prompts for that session. Retaking EEs require new RPPF.
If you are an Anticipated candidate, ie taking rest of your exams in May 2025, you can opt to retake your anticipated subject(s) in May 2025, or change them to other subjects.
For other questions about IB, check out my IB FAQ page.
some post-exam deadlines
submitted by geta7_com to IBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:24 BGodInspired Have You Fought the Good Fight? Reflecting on 2 Timothy 4:7's Call to Perseverance

Engaging Titles and Introductions

Ever wonder how to stay resilient and grace-filled in the marathon of life? The secret might just be tucked away in the powerful words of 2 Timothy 4:7. Paul’s heartfelt declaration at the twilight of his journey offers us a blueprint for navigating our paths with faith and perseverance. Let’s dive into this inspiring scripture and discover how to finish our own races with the grace and determination of a champion.

Valuable Content

2 Timothy 4:7 is more than a verse; it’s a testament to a life well-lived and a race well-run. Paul states, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” These words are a powerful reminder that our journey through life is akin to a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about endurance, faith, and fighting the good fight against challenges that come our way.
But how can we apply Paul’s wisdom to our lives today? Here are a few takeaways:
By embracing these principles, we not only honor God, but we also build a legacy that mirrors the faithfulness and resilience shown by Paul.

Strong Call to Action

In reflecting on 2 Timothy 4:7, we are reminded of the importance of commitment, resilience, and faithfulness. As we navigate our own races, let us take heart in Paul’s message. Embrace the journey, stay the course, and keep the faith. How will you run your race? Let’s strive to echo Paul’s declaration, not just in our words, but in our actions and daily lives. Be encouraged, stay determined, and let’s finish this race with grace!

SEO Optimization

When it comes to running the race of life with grace and strength, 2 Timothy 4:7 serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement. By incorporating these time-tested biblical principles into our daily lives, we stand to gain a treasure trove of wisdom that can guide us through the toughest trials. Whether you’re facing personal challenges, seeking spiritual growth, or striving to achieve your goals, remember that the journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay the course, keep the faith, and fight the good fight, for in doing so, you too can finish the race strong.
Are you ready to take on your race with the endurance and faith of a seasoned champion? Dive deeper into the Bible’s teachings and discover the strength that lies within its pages. Let the journey begin!
If you want to want to research more Bible Answers on your own, please try our Bible Answers GPT. It’s easy to get lost in the interesting responses you’ll find… every search is like a new treasure hunt 🙂
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submitted by BGodInspired to BGodInspired [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:19 Stage-Piercing727 Best Ceramic Pocket Knife

Best Ceramic Pocket Knife
Get ready to dive into the world of ceramic pocket knives, where stylish design meets sharp functionality! This roundup article brings you the best options in the market, showcasing their unique characteristics and benefits. Whether you're a seasoned knife enthusiast or a novice looking for your first pocket knife, this article has got you covered!

The Top 19 Best Ceramic Pocket Knife

  1. Premium Ceramic Santoku Knife with Ergonomic Handle and Lightweight Design - Experience the revolution in cutlery with the Kyocera 5.5" Ceramic Santoku Knife, featuring a perfectly balanced ergonomic handle and an incredibly sharp ceramic blade that stays 10 times sharper than steel.
  2. Kyocera Revolution 4.5" Ceramic Utility Knife - Perfect Ergonomics and Precision - The Kyocera Revolution 4.5" Ceramic Utility Knife Blue offers unparalleled edge retention for effortless, fatigue-free slicing, making it an indispensable tool for any kitchen enthusiast.
  3. Rapala Ceramic Utility: Lightweight, Corrosion-Resistant Knife with Soft Grip Handle - Sharper, longer-lasting ceramic blade, lightweight and corrosion-resistant, with a comfortable grip - the Rapala 4-inch Ceramic Utility Knife is the perfect choice for outdoor enthusiasts.
  4. Kyocera Ceramic Outdoor Camp Kitchen Knife and Sheath Set - Ideal for Camping, Hiking, and More - The Kyocera Ceramic Outdoor Camp Kitchen Knife and Sheath Set offers unmatched cutting performance and durability, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and food prep during camping, hiking, fishing, and more!
  5. Ultra-Sharp Ceramic Paring Knife - The Kyocera Revolution ceramic 3-inch paring knife is a top-quality, ultra-sharp blade perfect for detailed tasks and ideal for home cooks, providing exceptional edge retention and a lightweight, easy-to-clean design.
  6. Premium Ceramic Folding Pocket Razor Knife - The SHOCFR Shomer-Tec Ceramic Folding Razor Knife, featuring a 1" black ceramic blade, is an affordable and versatile pocket-sized option for everyday use.
  7. Ultra-Durable Ceramic Utility Knife for Outdoor Adventures - Sharper and more durable than steel, the Rapala Ceramic Utility Knife delivers unparalleled edge retention and exceptional performance, all wrapped in lightweight and corrosion-resistant design.
  8. Ceramic Pocket Knife: Stays Sharp 10 Times Longer for Precise Cutting - The Kyocera Revolution 4.5" Ceramic Utility Knife is a durable, ergonomic, and easy-to-clean option for all your slicing needs, perfect for any home cook's daily tasks.
  9. Precision-Cut Ceramic Chef Knife with Long-Lasting Sharpness - Experience ultimate sharpness and retention with the Starfrit Ceramic Chef Knife, featuring a soft grip handle, protective sheath, and perfect for cutting fruits, vegetables, and boneless meats while offering unmatched durability and ease of use.
  10. Premium Ceramic Utility Knife with Pakka Wood Handle - Experience Japanese cutting tradition with the Kyocera LTD 5-Inch Ceramic Utility Knife, featuring a hand-finished blade, ergonomic Pakkawood handle, and rust-resistant, 10x sharper ceramic blade for clean, stain-free cuts.
  11. Kyocera Ceramic Knife Set: Santoku Knife and Peeler - Kyocera Ceramic Blue 5.5-Inch Santoku Knife and Y Peeler Set, perfect for effortless food prep and easy storage, with a stunning blue handle and sleek design.
  12. Kyocera Ceramic Utility Knife & Y-Peeler Set for Precise Cuts - Experience superior sharpness and edge retention with the Kyocera 2-piece Ceramic Utility Knife and Y-Peeler Set, perfect for precise slicing and peeling tasks in the kitchen.
  13. Lightweight and Durable Ceramic Pocket Knife for Comfortable Cutting - The Kyocera FK-110WH Ceramic Utility Knife, featuring an ergonomic red handle and impressive edge retention, allows for convenient, slicing and dicing tasks with its lightweight and non-corrosive ceramic blade.
  14. Lightweight Ergonomic Ceramic Paring Knife for Precision Cuts - Expertly crafted, the Starfrit 4" Ceramic Paring Knife boasts durable, long-lasting sharpness, an ergonomic handle, and a lightweight design without sacrificing quality, offering healthier food preparation with ease and safety.
  15. Vos Ceramic Knife Set: Effortless Cutting and Durability - Perfect for Dad - Effortlessly cut through fruits, vegetables, and meats with the Vos Ceramic Knife Set - perfect for Dad gifts, easy-to-clean, and offers longer-lasting sharpness than steel.
  16. Sharp ceramic baitbreaker knife for saltwater fishing - For saltwater fishing enthusiasts, the Smith's Lawaia 4" Baitbreaker Ceramic Knife 51164 offers a razor-sharp ceramic blade and a breathable protective sheath with a non-slip TPE soft grip handle.
  17. Ergonomic 7-Piece Ceramic Knife Set for Versatile Prep - Experience superior slicing and chopping in the kitchen with the Miracle Blade World Class Ceramic Knife 7pc Set, featuring durable, rust-resistant blades and ergonomic handles.
  18. Premium Ceramic Paring and Santoku Knife Set - Experience effortless and precise cutting with the Kyocera Ceramic Knife Set, featuring a 5.5-inch Santoku and a 3-inch paring knife, designed for durability, easy-to-clean, and long-lasting sharpness to elevate your cooking experience.
  19. Farberware ColorWorks 5-Inch Ceramic Utility Knife - Red - Enhance your kitchen's color scheme with the Farberware Ceramic 5-inch Utility Knife, featuring a durable ceramic blade for long-lasting sharpness and a comfortable, ergonomic handle for safe, efficient cutting.
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🔗Premium Ceramic Santoku Knife with Ergonomic Handle and Lightweight Design

I recently had the pleasure of adding the Kyocera Revolution 5.5" Ceramic Santoku Knife in a stunning blue hue to my kitchen arsenal, and it has completely changed the game for me. The first thing I noticed was how perfectly balanced it felt in my hand, making it easy to maneuver and reducing fatigue during those endless chopping sessions.
One of the features that truly stood out to me was the ceramic blade, which reportedly stays sharp 10 times longer than steel blades. I've certainly noticed a difference – not only in the effortless slicing, dicing, and mincing of fruits and vegetables, but also in the seamless transition from chopping meats to finely chopping herbs.
The ergonomic handle offers a comfortable grip, adding to the overall ease of use, and the vivid color options provide a visual appeal that makes it stand out amongst my other kitchen tools. There's no denying that the Kyocera Revolution 5.5" Ceramic Santoku Knife is more than just a kitchen tool – it's an essential and beautiful addition to my daily culinary routine.

🔗Kyocera Revolution 4.5" Ceramic Utility Knife - Perfect Ergonomics and Precision
As someone who has been using the Kyocera Revolution Ceramic Utility Knife in my daily life, I must say that it has been a game changer. Its ergonomic handle feels comfortable in my hand, providing precise control as I slice through fruits, vegetables, and even some small meats.
What stood out to me the most is the ceramic blade's ability to stay sharp for an incredibly long time, way more than any steel blade I've ever used. It really makes a difference when I'm preparing my meals, as I don't have to spend time honing my knife skills and wasting precious time.
However, I must mention that the knife can be quite brittle, as the users in the reviews suggested. So it's essential to handle it with care, especially when storing it in a drawer. Also, it's not a great tool for cutting boneless meat or fish, as its blade isn't thin or agile enough.
But overall, I've been very pleased with the Kyocera Revolution Ceramic Utility Knife. It's perfect for any chef or home cook, and it has definitely improved my kitchen experience. Plus, it's quite light, which reduces fatigue during those repetitive cutting tasks. It's a worthwhile investment, provided you're attentive to its fragility.

🔗Rapala Ceramic Utility: Lightweight, Corrosion-Resistant Knife with Soft Grip Handle
The Rapala Ceramic Utility Knife has been a game changer in my daily life. The super-sharp, super-tough ceramic blade is surprisingly lighter than I expected, making it a perfect companion when I'm on the move. What I loved the most was its resistance to corrosion – it's like it's indestructible! But the real icing on the cake was the molded soft grip handle. It felt incredibly comfortable to hold, and it made using the knife a pleasant experience.
One thing I noticed was that the compression sheath could be a bit tricky to use at first. It took some extra effort to make it hold tight for safe storage and transportation. However, once I figured it out, I appreciated the added security it provided.
Overall, the Rapala Ceramic Utility Knife 4 inch Black RCUKB4 has been a reliable and efficient tool in my daily routine. And with its sharpness, durability, and easy gripping handle, it's hard not to love it!

🔗Kyocera Ceramic Outdoor Camp Kitchen Knife and Sheath Set - Ideal for Camping, Hiking, and More
I've had the pleasure of using Kyocera's Ceramic Outdoor Camp Kitchen Knife and Sheath Set, and let me tell you, it has been quite the experience. The knife is perfect for my outdoor adventures, as it's durable, rust-proof, and resistant to germs and acids.
One of the most impressive features of this knife is its ultra-sharp, pure advanced ceramic blade. It's incredibly lightweight and easy to clean, which is exactly what I need when I'm out in the wild. And the ergonomic soft grip handle? It provides a comfortable, highly controlled grip, making it a pleasure to use.
The heavy nylon sheath with the Velcro strap is a nice addition, too. It keeps the knife safe and secure, and the belt loop makes it easy for me to access it whenever I need it. The fact that this product is made from Kyocera's proprietary zirconia material is an extra bonus, as it guarantees exceptional quality and beauty.
While this knife is ideal for camping, fishing, hiking, and picnics, I would avoid using it on hard foods or objects. But overall, I've been really happy with this set and would definitely recommend it to those who love spending time in the great outdoors.

🔗Ultra-Sharp Ceramic Paring Knife
As a reviewer, I've been using this Kyocera Revolution ceramic 3-inch paring knife for a few weeks now, and I must say, it has been quite an experience. The knife is incredibly sharp, making it perfect for intricate tasks like trimming, peeling, and garnishing. Its lightweight design, combined with the ultra-sharp ceramic blades, makes it easy to maneuver and a joy to use in the kitchen.
However, I have encountered a minor drawback - the blade is much harder to sharpen than I'm used to, requiring a bit more patience and effort than steel knives I've used in the past. Nevertheless, I appreciate that ceramic blades maintain their edge up to 10 times longer than steel blades, and the fact that they won't brown food, rust, or be resistant to acids.
Overall, using this Kyocera 3-inch ceramic paring knife has been a great experience, and I've grown to love this new addition to my kitchen. Its sleek design, sharp blade, and ease of use have made it a staple in my daily cooking routine.

🔗Premium Ceramic Folding Pocket Razor Knife
As someone who's always on the go, I found the SHOCFR Shomer-Tec Ceramic Folding Razor Knife to be an essential addition to my everyday carry. This little guy is so compact, fitting perfectly into my pockets without taking up too much space. The 1" black finish ceramic blade is surprisingly sharp, making it incredibly useful for various tasks like cutting rope or opening packages. I appreciate the sleek black synthetic handle, which feels sturdy and comfortable in my hand.
While I'm a big fan of this pocket knife, there were a couple of drawbacks. The first thing I noticed was how easily the blade would snap shut. It happened a few times when I accidentally pressed it against something hard. Furthermore, the fact that it's made in China makes me a bit skeptical about its long-term durability.
Overall, the SHOCFR Shomer-Tec Ceramic Folding Razor Knife was a handy tool to have with me. Its compact size and sharp blade made it perfect for everyday use. However, its low-quality materials and tendency to snap shut may be a deal-breaker for some potential buyers.

🔗Ultra-Durable Ceramic Utility Knife for Outdoor Adventures
I recently started using the Rapala Ceramic Utility Knife, and let me tell you, it's impressive. The blade is incredibly sharp right out of the box - twice as sharp as a steel blade, as advertised! And not only that, it stays sharp for much longer, thanks to its fantastic edge retention - 15 times better than steel.
As someone who frequently spends time outdoors, I love the lightweight and non-porous construction; it doesn't rust or corrode. Plus, the handle is a game-changer. The molded soft-grip design feels comfortable in my hand, even during long fishing trips.
The Open-Design Compression Sheath is a thoughtful addition too, ensuring safe storage and transport. The only downside I've noticed so far is that, while the knife itself is fantastic, the sheath that comes with it could use some improvement. Thankfully, it hasn't been a dealbreaker for me.
Overall, I highly recommend this Rapala Ceramic Utility Knife. Its features make it an excellent choice for cutting chores and fishing trips alike.

🔗Ceramic Pocket Knife: Stays Sharp 10 Times Longer for Precise Cutting
The Kyocera Revolution 4.5" Ceramic Utility Knife is a game-changer for those seeking precision in the kitchen. With a ceramic blade that's 50% harder than metal and 10 times sharper than average knives, this knife makes quick work of slicing through fruits, veggies, and boneless meats.
The slip-resistant, ergonomic handle is comfortable and reduces fatigue during extended cutting tasks. Best of all, the ceramic blade doesn't absorb food elements, requiring only a quick rinse for easy cleanup.
This knife truly earns its place in any kitchen, becoming a trusted go-to tool for home cooks and seasoned chefs alike.

🔗Precision-Cut Ceramic Chef Knife with Long-Lasting Sharpness
I recently started using the Starfrit Ceramic Chef Knife and I must say, it's a game-changer in the kitchen. This 6-inch blade is incredibly sharp and stays that way up to 10 times longer than a steel blade, making cutting tasks a breeze. The ergonomic design of the knife, with its soft grip handle, is definitely a plus.
I found that this knife really stands out when it comes to cutting fruits, vegetables, and boneless meats. One time, I even used it for Thanksgiving, preparing an assortment of veggies for a big dinner, and it handled the task flawlessly. The smooth texture of the handle also allows for a comfortable grip.
However, I did notice a downside—the blade is incredibly sharp, which means you have to be very careful while handling it. It's also worth mentioning that these ceramic knives are not suitable for carving, boning, or any application that requires flexing or twisting. They should only be used with plastic or wooden cutting boards.
So far, I've been really happy with the Starfrit Ceramic Chef Knife, but I'm keeping an eye on the durability of the handle. I hope it holds up well, because I truly love using this knife in my daily life. If you're into ceramic knives, this one is definitely worth the investment.

🔗Premium Ceramic Utility Knife with Pakka Wood Handle
As someone who's tried the Kyocera LTD Ceramic Utility Knife, I can say it's a game-changer in the world of cutting tools. When you finally hold this ceramic beauty in your hand, you can't help but admire its sleek, hand-crafted pakka wood handle and the exquisite blade it comes with.
During my daily food prep, I found this knife to be incredibly versatile, cutting through fruits, vegetables, and boneless meats like butter. The ceramic blade really does last significantly longer than steel blades and stays sharp for ages. Plus, it prevents any metallic taste or unwanted reactions with my food.
The pakkawood handle fits perfectly in my hand, making cuts effortless and ergonomic. The knife is surprisingly lightweight compared to steel models, reducing strain during long cutting activities. However, it's always wise to avoid hard surfaces like marble when using the knife.
It's important to remember to hand wash it after use and to keep it away from the dishwasher. Overall, the Kyocera LTD Ceramic Utility Knife has easily become a go-to tool in my kitchen, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable, long-lasting cutting utensil.

🔗Kyocera Ceramic Knife Set: Santoku Knife and Peeler
As someone who loves to cook, I've had the pleasure of trying out the Kyocera Ceramic Blue knife and peeler set. I was immediately drawn to the unique blue handle, which not only looked stylish in my kitchen but also added a touch of elegance to my cooking process.
The Santoku knife, with its 14cm blade, was a delight to work with. Its ergonomic design allowed for a comfortable grip, and the ceramic material made it incredibly durable and easy to maintain. However, the peeler, with its 4cm blade, was a bit harder to work with. While it was efficient in removing the skin, it took a bit more effort to use than I anticipated.
Despite this minor drawback, the overall experience was fantastic. The Kyocera Ceramic Blue knife and peeler set has become a staple in my kitchen, and I've received countless compliments on its unique design and functionality. If you're looking for a versatile and stylish set of knives, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Kyocera Ceramic Utility Knife & Y-Peeler Set for Precise Cuts
Recently, I stumbled upon Kyocera's Ceramic Utility Knife & Y-Peeler Set, and I couldn't resist giving it a try. The set comes with two essential, sharp tools for the kitchen - a 4.5-inch utility knife and a Y-peeler. The utility knife features a ceramic blade made from Kyocera's proprietary zirconia material, a remarkable high-tech material known for its superior edge retention. The dense and smooth blade surface allows for absolutely precise cuts.
The Y-peeler, on the other hand, has a sharp, flexible ceramic blade with outstanding corrosion resistance. This makes it perfect for any repetitive peeling tasks, and it's no wonder I've been using it for various fruits and vegetables.
What stood out for me was the ergonomic handle and the ultra-lightweight design of the utility knife. This feature makes the knife incredibly easy to handle, even for extended periods. However, one downside I noticed is that the white ceramic blade tends to discolor over time, especially with certain food items. That aside, washing it immediately after use helps to minimize this issue.
In summary, Kyocera's Ceramic Utility Knife & Y-Peeler Set offers the perfect blend of sharpness, flexibility, and durability, making it an essential addition to any kitchen. While it may have some negative aspects, overall, it's a valuable investment for any food enthusiast.

🔗Lightweight and Durable Ceramic Pocket Knife for Comfortable Cutting
I recently tried the Kyocera Revolution Ceramic Utility Knife Red, and I must say, it's a game-changer in the kitchen. While the box only contains one item, the knife itself is an impressive piece of engineering. The ergonomics are top-notch, with a comfortable grip that makes the slicing process more controlled and enjoyable.
One key feature that stood out to me is the blade's incredible edge retention. It retains its sharpness ten times longer than steel knives, which is a massive plus for anyone who values the lasting quality of their tools. Moreover, I appreciate how the ceramic material provides a pure and healthy alternative to steel knives, as it doesn't transfer metal ions to food or corrode due to acids or oils. It also never rusts, which is a great bonus.
The Kyocera knife is incredibly lightweight, reducing fatigue when in use, especially during long cutting tasks. While the blade may be half the weight of an equivalent steel knife, it feels like an extension of your hand.
However, there's one downside to this knife—handle with care. The ceramic blade is prone to chipping if not handled correctly. Also, it might be a bit delicate to use for cutting large items or anything that requires a lot of force.
Overall, the Kyocera Revolution Ceramic Utility Knife Red is a well-made, easy-to-use tool that boasts impressive edge retention, a comfortable grip, and a visually appealing design. It's a worthy addition to any kitchen, and I can't wait to showcase its capabilities to my friends and family.

Buyer's Guide

A ceramic pocket knife is an essential tool that can come in handy for various outdoor activities, survival situations, and everyday tasks. With their durability, corrosion resistance, and sharpness, these knives have become increasingly popular among enthusiasts. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the best ceramic pocket knife for your needs.

Materials and Construction
Ceramic pocket knives are made of high-quality ceramic blades and stainless steel handles. The blade material, Zirconium Oxide, is known for its hardness, sharpness, and resistance to corrosion. This makes the knife ideal for various cutting tasks, including slicing, chopping, and skinning. The stainless steel handle provides a comfortable grip and durability, while the pocket clip allows easy carrying.

Safety Features

Safety is essential when choosing a pocket knife. Look for ceramic pocket knives with locking mechanisms that secure the blade in place when not in use. This will prevent accidental openings and keep you safe from injuries. Additionally, check for slip-resistant handles to ensure a secure grip even in wet or slippery conditions.

Size and Portability

Consider the size and weight of the ceramic pocket knife when choosing one. A smaller and lighter knife is more convenient for everyday carry, while a larger knife may offer more cutting power. However, make sure the size is comfortable for you to handle and store in your pocket or backpack.

Ease of Maintenance

Ceramic pocket knives are easy to maintain and require minimal care. To keep your knife in top condition, clean it regularly and sharpen it with a honing stone or ceramic rod as needed. Also, store the knife in a protective case or sheath to prevent damage and ensure its longevity.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

When purchasing a ceramic pocket knife, always consider the reputation of the brand and the reviews from other users. A well-established brand with a long history of producing high-quality knives is likely to provide you with a reliable and durable product. Read reviews from other customers to understand their experiences and make an informed decision.

Ceramic pocket knives come in different price ranges, depending on the brand, size, and features. While it may be tempting to go for a cheaper option, consider investing in a higher-quality knife that will last longer and perform better. Be sure to set a budget and prioritize the features most important to you when making your purchase.
A ceramic pocket knife can be an excellent addition to your outdoor gear or everyday carry items. Look for one that offers durability, sharpness, ease of maintenance, and safety features. By considering these factors and following this buyer's guide, you'll be well-equipped to choose the best ceramic pocket knife for your needs.


Are ceramic pocket knives durable?

Yes, ceramic pocket knives are known for their durability. Unlike traditional steel knives, ceramic blades are extremely hard and resistant to wear and tear. They also do not rust or corrode, making them ideal for outdoor use.

What are the advantages of using a ceramic pocket knife?

  • Harder and sharper blades
  • Non-rusting and non-corrosive material
  • Lightweight and compact for easy portability
  • Longer edge retention compared to steel knives

Are ceramic pocket knives easy to use?

Yes, ceramic pocket knives are easy to use. They have a natural grip that allows for comfortable handling. Additionally, their lightweight design reduces strain on the hand during prolonged use. However, be cautious when cutting hard materials as they may become brittle due to the thinness of the blade.

Can I resharpen a ceramic pocket knife?

While ceramic pocket knives are not designed for resharpening like steel knives, there are specialized sharpening tools available specifically for ceramic blades. However, the process may be challenging and the blade's lifespan will still be limited. In most cases, it's more cost-effective to simply replace the blade when it becomes dull.

Do ceramic pocket knives require any special care?

Yes, ceramic pocket knives require special care. They should be handled with utmost care to avoid chipping or cracking the blade. Additionally, they should be kept dry to prevent any moisture from seeping into the knife, which could lead to damage. Storing them in a protective case is also recommended to avoid accidental scratches or damage.

Are there any downsides to using a ceramic pocket knife?

  • Brittle blades when cutting hard materials
  • Cannot be resharpened like steel knives
  • May require specialized sharpening tools
  • Higher cost compared to traditional steel pocket knives

How do I keep my ceramic pocket knife safe?

A protective case is the best way to keep your ceramic pocket knife safe. This will prevent any accidental damage from occurring due to the blade's brittleness. Additionally, make sure to store your knife in a dry location and avoid exposing it to water or extreme temperature changes.
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2024.05.20 07:13 New_Adhesiveness_825 Explosive Growth in Allogeneic Cell Therapy: Market to Hit USD 2.13 Billion by 2030

Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market was valued at USD 0.46 Bn. in 2023 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 24.5% in the forecasted period. The forecasted revenue hints at a growth of around 2.13 Bn. USD by 2030.
Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Overview: The Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market's position over the forecast period. This thorough investigation focuses on primary and secondary drivers, market share, leading segments, and geographical analysis. The study also examines key players, major collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, as well as innovative trends and corporate strategies.
Sample Report Link:
**Market Scope:*\* We conducted an in-depth investigation of the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market using both primary and secondary research methods. This approach helped us understand current market dynamics, including supply-demand imbalances, price trends, product preferences, and consumer behaviors. The data is compiled and analyzed using various market estimation and data validation techniques. Additionally, we employ an in-house data forecasting model to predict market growth through 2030.
By Type
Stem Cell Therapies Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapies Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapies Non-stem Cell Therapies Keratinocytes & Fibroblast-based Therapies Others
By Therapeutic Area
Haematological disorders Dermatologic
By End User
Hospitals Speciality Clinics Research Organisations
**Key Players:*\* The report also focuses on the global key industry players in the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market, providing details such as company biographies, product images and specifications, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue, and contact information. It examines the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Trend, volume, and value at global, regional, and corporate levels. By analyzing historical data and future prospects, the study illustrates the total Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Size from a global perspective. Leading Allogeneic Cell Therapy market companies are evaluated for their market rankings. Highlighted players in this report include:
North America 1. Allogene Therapeutics 2. Bluebird Bio 3. Mustang Bio 4. Nkarta Therapeutics 5. Precision BioSciences 6. Sangamo Therapeutics - United States 7. WindMIL Therapeutics 8. Gilead Sciences 9. Iovance Biotherapeutics 10. Gamida Cell 11. MaxCyte 12. Poseida Therapeutics 13. eureka therapeutics inc.
Europe 14. Adaptimmune Therapeutics 15. Cellectis 16. Celyad Oncology 17. TC Biopharm 18. autolus
APAC 19. CRISPR Therapeutics 20. Mesoblast
Middle East and Africa 21. aspen pharmacare ltd
South America 22. Biovac
Know more about the report:
**Regional Analysis:*\* The study offers a detailed overview of the sector, including both qualitative and quantitative data. It provides an overview and forecast of the global Allogeneic Cell Therapy market by segment and offers market size and forecast projections for five key regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and South America, from 2024 to 2030. Each region's Allogeneic Cell Therapy market is further subdivided by respective regions and segments. The research analyzes and forecasts different countries, considering existing trends and prospects in the region.
**Key Questions Answered in the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Report:*\* - What are some of the most promising high-growth opportunities in the global Allogeneic Cell Therapy market by product type, end-user, and region? - Which Allogeneic Cell Therapy market segments will expand the fastest, and why? - Which regions will develop quicker, and why? - What are the primary elements influencing Allogeneic Cell Therapy market dynamics? What are the market drivers and challenges for the Allogeneic Cell Therapy market? - What are the Allogeneic Cell Therapy market's business risks and threats?
**About Us*\* Maximize Market Research is one of the fastest-growing market research and business consulting firms, serving clients globally. Our revenue impact and focused, growth-driven research initiatives make us a proud partner of the majority of Fortune 500 companies. We have a diversified portfolio and serve various industries such as IT & telecom, chemical, food & beverage, aerospace & defense, healthcare, and others.
**Our Address*\* Maximize Market Research Pvt. Ltd. 3rd Floor, Navale IT Park Phase 2, Pune Bangalore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India. ✆ +91 9607365656 🖂 []( 🌐
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