Retirement party invitation templateetirement party

Retirement Party

2020.02.10 04:58 IHadThatUsername Retirement Party

Fan subreddit for the band Retirement Party

2021.06.04 02:49 MulletFIRE

Business in the retirement-front Party in the retirement-back

2021.06.01 16:47 futuristicstarfish GME Party

Celebrating The Great MOASS and its inevitability.

2024.06.02 20:50 PetBeef100 Vote for the standard-bearer of the Farmer-Labor Party, Philip F. La Follette, to keep America's forgotten farmers prosperous! Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

submitted by PetBeef100 to Agrarianism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 Worldly_Character154 This is my team sorry for the bad photo

This is my team sorry for the bad photo submitted by Worldly_Character154 to ScarletandViolet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Coalition talks start in South Africa after no party won a majority in final election results PBS

[World] - Coalition talks start in South Africa after no party won a majority in final election results PBS submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:48 Charbel33 Publication of a Maronite prayer book Publication d'un livre de prière maronite

Greetings! It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of a new Maronite (Eastern Catholic) prayer book: the Ordinary of the Shhimto.
This prayer book contains the ordinary of the Syriac Maronite divine office, that is, the fixed prayers, psalms, and stanzas of each canonical hour. The variable prayers and hymns, that change according to the day of the week, the feast or the liturgical season, are omitted. Together, the fixed parts constitute, in themselves, abridged canonical hours that are simple and easy to pray, ideal for the laity who wish to participate, albeit in a simplified manner, to the liturgy of the hours of the Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch. This book also contains the food blessings and the rite of imposition of incense for the faithful departed.
The book comes in two editions: a unilingual Syriac edition and a bilingual French-Syriac edition. You may find both books here:
Bonjour! C'est avec grand plaisir que j'annonce la publication d'un nouveau livre de prière maronite : l'Ordinaire de la Shhimto.
Ce livre de prière contient l’ordinaire de l’office divin syriaque maronite, c’est à dire les prières, psaumes et strophes fixes de chaque heure canonique. Les prières et les hymnes variables selon le jour de la semaine, la fête ou la saison liturgique sont omises. Ensemble, les parties fixes constituent en soi des heures canoniques abrégées et simples à maitriser, idéales pour les laïcs qui désirent participer, de manière simplifiée, à la liturgie des heures de l’Église syriaque maronite d’Antioche. Ce livre contient également les prières de bénédiction de la nourriture et le rite d’imposition de l’encens pour les fidèles défunts.
Le livre est publié en deux éditions : une édition unilingue syriaque et une édition bilingue français-syriaque. Les deux livres se trouvent ici :
submitted by Charbel33 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:48 Critical_Ad590 Thoughts Please

This past weekend my boyfriend (27M) and I (29F) went to a party at his coworker’s house. We have been together for about 10 months and this was one of few more intimate events with his friends. At the start of the party, we began by greeting his friends and then joined the group of friends who were at the kitchen island and had a drink and just light conversations with them. A bit after this, the food was done being grilled by friends so we fixed up a plate for ourselves. After this, we joined friends for karaoke and then he separated to join the guys for beer pong while I stayed inside and continued with karaoke with the people inside. After a few moments, I went outside to watch the beer pong rounds and even joined with a group of female coworkers there. Our team lost but it was still good fun! Post this, we were playing a tortilla slap game with friends then a sticky hand/quarter game. While playing this game, he noticed I didn’t have a drink so he gave his to me then went inside to grab another. I continued playing with the other coworkers until we decided we’d had enough and were going to join the rest of the group that was inside. Since the bathroom was on the way in from the garage, I went there first. Upon coming out of the restroom, everyone was singing happy bday to the host (it was not actually her bday, just more wholesome fun). I also joined along. After cutting her cake, she (we’ll call her A - 30F), then handed my bf a piece and in what I considered a flirtatious manner stated “he’s a special piece of cake just for you.” I waited a few moments for my bf to say something- perhaps that it was a special piece for US or even declining the cake because of the way it was offered. He did not. I admit I was wrong about this next point- I repeated her comment in a similar manner “do I get a special piece of cake too?”. Post this she ignored me then handed cookies to everyone, passing me by. My bf pulled me to the garage and immediately told me he’s breaking up with me due to jealousy. I don’t particularly think this reaction was due to jealousy but more so a relationship boundary between us being breached. I am very open to insight and an alternative perspective on my own actions and the experience altogether. Thank you for reading.
Some backstory: We’ve had a few past experiences with a different coworker at a Halloween party last year that had led him inside by the waist and I was not expecting him to go inside with her. This was resolved with boundaries and expectations being set between us. Post this, this past April we had met up with this same coworker after myself not having any interactions with her and had gone to dinner with her and other coworkers. My bf proceeded to sit next to her to which I pointed out that we should sit on the opposite side. He had no issue with this. I may have been wrong by asking him when we had a moment between us about why he would do that? (Putting myself into this uncomfortable position after the last not so great interaction). Here we disagreed as I felt that we had a moment to ourselves and he had relayed that this conversation could have been had later. This is something that we discussed and came to agree upon later. To briefly explain- we discussed that we’d allow our partner to establish/reestablish boundaries with the compromises that we had discussed if this situation were to ever occur again and trusting our partner to make the right choice. This past weekend’s incident albeit was not with the same coworker felt to me like an inappropriate interaction/comment that was disrespectful. However, I will state that I have only met his coworkers less than a handful of times so I do not necessarily know how they interact/joke.
May I please have your thoughts on this?
submitted by Critical_Ad590 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:48 DogsAndPickles 100% of the parties I catered someone said they could taste love in the food and also no one fought⭐️ and everyone FILLED UP & gathered & so the political parties should stop with the pretension and start having real parties where they find common ground.

submitted by DogsAndPickles to StoriesForMyTherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:48 buzy_bee311 Got through the first time, but not the second?

Here is my situation--
I made it through to round 3 of the interview process with Frontier Airlines, after waiting for months for a reply, and I was thrilled. However, before the one on one interview I was not informed that I needed to have my passport at the ready to show the recruiter, so when she asked for it I was unable to provide it for her. Because of that, I was told that once my passport was located, I was encouraged to reapply, but I had to go through the entire interview process again. Which, I understood to a certain extent, however I was concerned that due to the misunderstanding, it would hinder my chances of proceeding, but I was reassured by the recruiter that this wouldn't be the case. I was also told that I needed to reapply with a different email address, which I thought was strange, however, I did what I was told.
I answered all of the questions in the same manner that I had done previously, provided proof when I applied that the passport situation had been handled and that it was a misunderstanding between both parties-however, I did not make it through this time to round 3 of interviews, unlike last time.
So my question here is, should I reach out to the recruiter, to inquire about the reason I did not make it though? I don't want to come off as bitter, however, I am curious to know what it was that was different about both interviews that caused the denial of one but not the other.
submitted by buzy_bee311 to cabincrewcareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 Excellent-Engine2580 Few questions

Few questions
Hi guys, few questions after Batocera installation.
First one Im doing something wrong with ps3 emu. I installed newest firmware Update but i failed with the games directory. Ive got this error
Another one is a problem with wii controls. When im trying to start Mario Party 9 or 10 i have a start screen saying press A + B but it didnt work ( screen)
At Mario Party 10 there is a prompt with wii controler.
Also Mario Galaxy Gamecube have this error with controler.
Ohh and there was an force quit error after im trying to start New Super Mario Bros U
Pls help ❤️
submitted by Excellent-Engine2580 to batocera [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 Solid-Communication1 Question on Smirnoff vodka storage

Hi there,
I went to a party six months ago and brought some Smirnoff vodka in a flask. The vodka ended up not being drank in the end, as my friend brought another drink and we shared it.
Question: the vodka remained closed in the flask without being touched until now. Is it still good for consumption or should I get rid of it?
Thank you
submitted by Solid-Communication1 to vodka [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 NerdyRealtorBabe Dominatrix Coming Out Party in my Basement

submitted by NerdyRealtorBabe to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 HauntingBeach6870 2 local with party power 883956057821

2 local with party power 883956057821 submitted by HauntingBeach6870 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 PrincipleOne5963 Help

I feel like shit
My bf's daughter (3.3) has been going deep through the terrible twos in the last months and it feels like I have no energy left in my body. I feel drained in her presence. Sometimes there are moments when she is quite cute, sending kisses or wanting to read a book.
But lately she has days where she is just grumpy all day long, screaming, kicking me and everything is wrong. The day is one whole tantrum.
I even work in childhood education and tried everything to support her, be there for her. Planing trips or activities or watching a movie together.
Yesterday I snapped. I broke down and started crying.
She had been awake for six hours and started the day with one huge tantrum because her dad told her that he can not play with her right now, because he has to clean up the kitchen after making breakfast. When he is done, he would tell her and play with her. This ended in twenty minutes screaming and crying on the floor. Kicking the living rooms cabinets.
This went on in smaller tantrum every 10 minutes because of different topics. She wanted her trainer bike but no she doesnt want to, oh no she does. We cooked the wrong kind of noodle? A chair looked at her? Endless screaming.
What can I do to not go insane?? I tried offering a dance party to regulate which worked for 20 minutes. Then again: Tantrum after tantrum.
submitted by PrincipleOne5963 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 Charbel33 Publication of a Maronite prayer book Publication d'un livre de prière maronite

Greetings! It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of a new Maronite prayer book: the Ordinary of the Shhimto.
This prayer book contains the ordinary of the Syriac Maronite divine office, that is, the fixed prayers, psalms, and stanzas of each canonical hour. The variable prayers and hymns, that change according to the day of the week, the feast or the liturgical season, are omitted. Together, the fixed parts constitute, in themselves, abridged canonical hours that are simple and easy to pray, ideal for the laity who wish to participate, albeit in a simplified manner, to the liturgy of the hours of the Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch. This book also contains the food blessings and the rite of imposition of incense for the faithful departed.
The book comes in two editions: a unilingual Syriac edition and a bilingual French-Syriac edition. You may find both books here:
Bonjour! C'est avec grand plaisir que j'annonce la publication d'un nouveau livre de prière maronite : l'Ordinaire de la Shhimto.
Ce livre de prière contient l’ordinaire de l’office divin syriaque maronite, c’est à dire les prières, psaumes et strophes fixes de chaque heure canonique. Les prières et les hymnes variables selon le jour de la semaine, la fête ou la saison liturgique sont omises. Ensemble, les parties fixes constituent en soi des heures canoniques abrégées et simples à maitriser, idéales pour les laïcs qui désirent participer, de manière simplifiée, à la liturgie des heures de l’Église syriaque maronite d’Antioche. Ce livre contient également les prières de bénédiction de la nourriture et le rite d’imposition de l’encens pour les fidèles défunts.
Le livre est publié en deux éditions : une édition unilingue syriaque et une édition bilingue français-syriaque. Les deux livres se trouvent ici :
submitted by Charbel33 to EasternCatholic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 LevitatingPumpkin Season 4 episode 7 (the medium is the message) - anyone else angry at the choice of winner/elimination? I don’t get it!

So I’ve not finished season 4 yet (sorry, I know I’m late to the party), so no spoilers about who wins overall please. But this post obviously spoils who wins and leaves in episode 7.
Did anyone else feel deeply annoyed that Karen won this episode, when her creation absolutely did not follow the brief!? Yes, it looked good and she’s obviously very skilled, so good on her for creating something beautiful, but I’m SURE people have been sent home for not following the brief before. And there were other contestants who made beautiful, technical, thought provoking, hard hitting, on brief pieces in this challenge.
The brief was to create something about an issue in society that you’re passionate about… and she made something basically about how good she is at glass blowing?? When others made things about climate change, mental health, gun violence, and drug epidemics! Please make it make sense!
Gemma was sent home after making something that imo was very on brief and visually/technically beautiful. As someone who’s struggled with mental health, I really identified with her hamster-run concept. I’m not a glass blower, just a passionate admirer of the artform, so obviously don’t know anything about the technicalities… but still.
The whole episode I was waiting for the judges to say something about Karen’s flagrant disregard for the brief. And then they completely glossed over it and crowned her the winner!? It gave me a really visceral reaction (perhaps I’m hormonal today, but also an issue I’m quite passionate about is disagreeing with self absorption, I suppose /s). I know that it’s a glass blowing competition to find the best glass blower, but in a completion you’ve got to stick to the brief otherwise there’s just no structure. It seems like a really unfair decision for the other contestants who stuck to the brief and produced some amazing work (my favorite was Ryan’s glacieclimate change interpretation - I was sure he’d win).
Please either tell me this episode also disappointed you, or explain why you think she was a worthy winner (and again, I do think her piece was visually lovely, and I admire her skill and don’t necessarily think she should have been sent home… but I’m just shocked that they chose her as no1 when she was so far from the brief).
TIA for reading my rant!
TLDR; how on earth did Karen win this episode when she completely threw the brief out of the window!?
submitted by LevitatingPumpkin to BlownAway [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:45 HugoBaxter Johnny Depp joked about drowning Amber Heard and raping her corpse.

I posted a thread the other day about a joke that Johnny Depp made, and the commenters in that thread complained that it was an old joke and therefore not relevant. So as requested, here is a thread about more recent 'jokes' made by the parties involved in Depp v. Heard.
'Let's drown her before we burn her! I will fuck her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she's dead…'
Another text written by Depp from 2014 said, 'I’ll smack the ugly c__t around before I let her in.'
The users in that thread specifically requested a thread talking about jokes made by Amber, so here those are.
When asked how she injured her foot, she said 'you should see her' and also 'yeah, sharks are crazy there.'
Amber also texted a friend '9:30 would be prefect because it gives j and I time to talk- otherwise know as me threatening his life if he misbehaves while I'm gone',%20Josh%20Drew).pdf
I don't have any jokes from Amber during the same time period as the original joke by Johnny Depp, because she was 8 years old at the time.
So there you go. Johnny Depp has been joking about beating women for 30 years, but Amber Heard once said 'you should see her' when asked how she hurt her foot.
In case anyone isn't familiar, there's a common joke that when someone asks how you got an injury, you say 'you should see the other guy' to imply that you got hurt in a fight, but that you won. It isn't clear if that is the joke Amber was making, since she also implied she was attacked by a shark.
u/Glittering_Cat_9740 asked that I make this thread. Thank you.
submitted by HugoBaxter to deppVheardtrial [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:45 faithslayer202 Green Socialist Organizing Project: Workshop 101 Series Playlist

Here's the entire Workshop 101 Series from Green Party 101, Ecosocialism 101, Organizing 101 & Others which are made with the help of Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann.
Do share & enjoy!

Green Party 101 Series

  1. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 (An Introduction to Green Politics and the Global Green Movement) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_TVANt91ietYfGOqFe)
  2. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 Part 2 (An Introduction to Green Politics and the Global Green Movement) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_e-naOy9FiK9B0KZGZ)
  3. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 Part 3 (An Introduction to Green Politics and the Global Green Movement) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_zxpFOLNccI)
  4. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 Part 4 (12 Reasons to Join the Green Party Today!) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  5. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 Part 5 (An Introduction to Green Politics and the Global Green Movement) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_zEdKpxsrzpp4)
  6. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 Part 6 (An Introduction to Green Politics and the Global Green Movement) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  7. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green Party 101 Part 7: (An Introduction to Green Politics and the Global Green Movement) with Chris Blankenhorn: (

Ecosocialism 101 Series

  1. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Socialism 101: Eco-Socialism 101 (An Introduction to Ecological Socialism and Green Political Thought) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  2. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Socialism 101 Part 2: Eco-Socialism 101 (An Introduction to Ecological Socialism and Green Political Thought) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  3. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Socialism 101 Part 3: Eco-Socialism 101 (An Introduction to Ecological Socialism and Green Political Thought) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_qzO)
  4. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Socialism 101 Part 4: Eco-Socialism 101 (An Introduction to Ecological Socialism and Green Political Thought) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  5. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Socialism 101 Part 5: Eco-Socialism 101 (An Introduction to Ecological Socialism and Green Political Thought) with Chris Blankenhorn: (\_Z\_FYk\_Za-iqGm)
  6. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Socialism 101 Part 6: Eco-Socialism 101 (An Introduction to Ecological Socialism and Green Political Thought) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (

Organizing 101 Series

  1. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Organizing 101 (Effective Green Socialist Organizing) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  2. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Organizing 101 Part 2 (Effective Green Socialist Organizing) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  3. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Organizing 101 Part 3 (How to Build a Local Party) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  4. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Organizing 101 Part 4 (How to Rebuild a Local Party) with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  5. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Organizing 101 Part 5 (Organizing From the Bottom Up) with Chris Blankenhorn: (

Other 101 Series

  1. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Independent Politics 101 with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_xjQd)
  2. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Decentralization 101 with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  3. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Green New Deal 101 with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (
  4. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Ranked Choice Voting (and other democracy reforms) 101 with Chris Blankenhorn & Garret Wassermann: (\_rgbcbAlaVgpDv)
  5. Green Socialist Workshops: 101 Series - Workers' Rights 101 with Chris Blankenhorn: (\_bHN622gNaWk5PumbnQSX)
submitted by faithslayer202 to KentuckyGreenParty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:45 Zestyclose-Grape-449 Looking for suggestions

Hi everyone. 45 year old guy here visiting Palma Nova/Magaluf this week. Any suggestions on where to go to socialize? Also interested in a fishing charter and maybe snorkeling or other water activities. Staying at the Hotel Florida in Magaluf. I should also ask, am I too old to be staying at this particular hotel or Magaluf in general? I hear mixed things. I like going out and all but am not into the crazy party scene. Thanks!
submitted by Zestyclose-Grape-449 to VisitingMallorca [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 Artaios21 Will this custom legendary neothelid be a challenge for my players?

The party I dm for consists of 6 level 14 characters of which 5 are spellcasters and one is a thief (One D&D, so does have some bonus action magic items, scrolls available). They will have the assistance of 4 ~CR10 NPCs. (image of D&D Beyond statblock of the homebrew monster)
This is the homebrew creature. Unfortunately, I can't publish it on DnDB because it's too similar to the original.
So my intention here is to provide some serious challenge for my players since past encounters have been rather lackluster. They are mostly at full resources and had only a small encounter previously. They are inside a large cave in the Underdark. I thought I would make it more interesting by enabling the neothelid to control spellcasters and make force them to make concentrations checks, freeze them in place with levitate etc. I am not too worried about their saves since they possess quite a few ways to reroll these or give boni after the fact. Swallow or acid will damage them and Legendary Action abilities/spells will disrupt.
Do you guys think this is 1) CR 20 appropriate and 2) appropriate for my party? Any ideas for additional legendary actions? Suggestions for improvement to make this more interesting, fast-paced, and possibly less of a slug-fest? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Artaios21 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 clib CNN:Is it a good idea for the Republican party to nominate a convicted felon? Kevin McCarthy:The answer is 100% yes.

submitted by clib to The_Mueller [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 That_Industry2413 What I have and what I need

What I have and what I need submitted by That_Industry2413 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 tegdirb96 1:1 party on or making history for the crew or don’t wait up

1:1 party on or making history for the crew or don’t wait up submitted by tegdirb96 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 Italian__Guy Good combinations for tart

Hi! I wanted to bring some tarts for a party (outdoors, so no refrigeration for ~4-6h). I'm Italian, so I wanted to bring one classic tart with jam (apricot or blueberry) but for the second I wanted something more extravagant (and in season)... Do you know any combinations that fit my bill? I thought of something with ricotta (but it would need to be baked) or pastry cream and fruit, but I don't know if it will survive outdoors.
submitted by Italian__Guy to Cooking [link] [comments]