Time sequence paragraph

Pass the Paragraph!

2015.01.26 18:33 Pass the Paragraph!

passtheparagraph is going dark indefinitely to protest API pricing changes that will kill 3rd party apps Learn more here: https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements

2013.02.10 00:03 seventhbear ashtanga yoga

This is a place dedicated to the exchange of knowledge, support, and experience of all things ashtanga yoga related. Whether one year of practice, or 20, we all have something to learn.

2017.11.09 01:50 spookyskeletonSJW Stopper packs: 無 The delight bows without the rending opposite.

It's time to stop

2024.05.20 09:12 GM-official-tech Understanding Algorithms: The Foundation of Problem-Solving in Computer Science

An algorithm in computing is a step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem or accomplishing a task. Algorithms are fundamental to computer science and software development, providing the logical basis for writing programs that perform specific tasks. Here are the key characteristics and components of algorithms:

Characteristics of Algorithms

  1. Definiteness: Each step of an algorithm is precisely defined. The actions to be carried out are specified unambiguously.
  2. Finiteness: An algorithm must always terminate after a finite number of steps.
  3. Input: An algorithm has zero or more inputs, which are quantities given to it initially before the algorithm starts.
  4. Output: An algorithm has one or more outputs, which are quantities that have a specified relation to the inputs.
  5. Effectiveness: All operations to be performed in the algorithm must be sufficiently basic that they can be done exactly and in a finite length of time.

Types of Algorithms

  1. Sorting Algorithms: Arrange elements in a list in a certain order (e.g., Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort).
  2. Search Algorithms: Retrieve information stored within some data structure (e.g., Binary Search, Linear Search).
  3. Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Divide the problem into smaller sub-problems, solve each sub-problem, and combine their solutions (e.g., Merge Sort, Quick Sort).
  4. Dynamic Programming Algorithms: Solve problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems and storing the results of already solved sub-problems (e.g., Fibonacci sequence calculation, Knapsack problem).
  5. Greedy Algorithms: Make the locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of finding the global optimum (e.g., Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm).
  6. Backtracking Algorithms: Solve problems by trying to build a solution incrementally, removing solutions that fail to satisfy the constraints of the problem at any point (e.g., N-Queens problem, Sudoku solver).
  7. Brute Force Algorithms: Solve problems through exhaustive search, by trying all possible solutions (e.g., String matching algorithms like the Naive String Matching algorithm).
  8. Recursive Algorithms: Solve problems by calling themselves with a subset of the original input (e.g., Factorial calculation, Tower of Hanoi).

Examples of Algorithms

Binary Search Algorithm:
def binary_search(arr, target):
left, right = 0, len(arr) - 1
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if arr[mid] == target:
return mid
elif arr[mid] < target:
left = mid + 1
right = mid - 1
return -1

Importance of Algorithms

Understanding and designing algorithms is a fundamental skill in computer science, impacting everything from data processing to artificial intelligence.
submitted by GM-official-tech to u/GM-official-tech [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:08 SnakeScholar AITA for Staying Neutral in a fight between my girlfriend and my friend?

Throwaway, I (20F) have known my girlfriend Cerise (20F) since high school and started dating her 3 years ago. I met her through mutual friends that I have stayed friends with until now, they all knew each other way before I transferred to that high school and seemingly had a great friendship with each other. My girlfriend has always been the shy and quiet type of person, doesn't really talk unless spoken too and keeps herself reserved. Her friends brought out the best in her in my opinion and when she got comfortable with me she was a little less shy but still reserved and quiet.
Among these friends we had was Carly(19F) and Sugar(20F). My girlfriend and Carly had a big fallout during the pandemic but both agreed that it wasn't fair for me to be dragged into their fight, So upon my girlfriend's wishes I stayed friends with Carly. Recently I had to deal with a lot of family problems and stress from college so I decided to take a break from my social media to focus on my exams and whatnot. Upon the first week after I had told everyone this though Sugar had confronted my girlfriend about supposedly their friendship falling apart.
My girlfriend would text me during the span of their talks saying how stressed she was about the situation and that they couldn't find any common ground between the two of them. The talks going on between them lasted for about a month until my girlfriend decided that she couldn't salvage the friendship anymore. Through the course of this argument they've been having my girlfriend would come to me asking if she was in the wrong and I would explain to her that I wasn't really in a position to tell her what was right or wrong with the situation, I didn't understand the extent of what they were even fighting about and could only offer her reassuring words that she could work this out in the end. I didn't want my opinions to sway her in any way and she said she respected that. Once she made her decision to end the friendship with her friend she said she felt relieved, stuck in the same position again She told me she doesn't mind if I still stay friends with Sugar as long as I don't mention anything related to her when I was with her.
A few days later Sugar would reach out to me and pretend like nothing went on between them. I thought this was just a sensitive topic for her as well so I didn't mention anything and talked to her like usual. But along the way of the conversation she brought up the subject of the fight and how awkward it might be between all of us now (referring to the friend group) I said it was fine and that my girlfriend said it was alright for me to still be friends with everyone. And then she asked me if I wanted to hear her side of the story. I told her that I wasn't really comfortable with that because the conflict was already over and there would be no point in telling me her side since I wasn't really involved in the problem between them and that I didn't want to get into this conversation again, Since as I said this conflict lasted them a month and I've only been there to comfort my girlfriend through it all.
Despite me giving this response Sugar went ahead and sent me paragraphs upon paragraphs of the same things my girlfriend had explained to me about their conversations. One part that made me the most uncomfortable was Sugar bringing up the trauma my girlfriend had with her old friend and using it to compare their situations. It didn't sit right with me how she did that, nevertheless she kept sending me these paragraphs of her side of the story. I didn't interrupt her, I just closed my phone and went on with my day, all throughout she would send me message after message.
After a few hours of the notifications stopping I figured she was done with everything she had to say. Upon opening the messages I read through all of them carefully, I noticed a bunch of things she mentioned in passing that my girlfriend told me in detail. Things like she only brought up her trauma briefly when in reality my girlfriend told me about the paragraphs she received of Sugar comparing their current situations with her pass trauma. At the end of the messages she told me she wanted to hear my thoughts about the situation. I'm not a very emotionally intelligent person, I'm almost an airhead when it comes to things like this. So rather than tell my thoughts I told her to just accept the fact that no matter how many times she tells other people about this she'll have to move on eventually.
I've always been someone to take things at face value, If someone wants to stop being my friend then there's nothing much I can do in my opinion. I'm guessing Sugar didn't see the world the same way as after I had said that she started to rip into me, Telling me that It's my fault my girlfriend's friendships keep failing is because I wasn't steering her in the right path, and That because I didn't sway her with my opinion that she ended up choosing the wrong choice. That it was my responsibility and I could have done something to change the outcome of this situations.
I was honestly just baffled at this conclusion that I told her I needed some time to be alone and reflect on all of this. When I would ask my friends for their perspective on this situation and if it really was my responsibility to guide my girlfriend through this argument they said it wasn't my responsibility to tell my girlfriend how to handle her relationships. But I was still very conflicted with myself. I didn't tell my girlfriend about any of this happening, She was also stressing out about applying to colleges at this point and I didn't want to open this fresh wound back up for her to worry about.
I still hang out with my friends and they don't hold any ill intent towards me. Carly invited me onto a discord server so we can all catch up despite our busy schedules and whatnot. It's been about 2 weeks since I've joined that discord server and everything has been fine, but lately Sugar has been going into the chatrooms and venting vaguely about how it wasn't her fault and that she wasn't guilty or feels any regret. Saying that my girlfriend was the one that inflicted that trauma on herself and so on. She doesn't blatantly name drop my girlfriend, but it's very clear exactly who she's talking about.
The other people in the server don't seem to react to this at all. No one has called her out on this and everyone just ignores that it's happening. And as far as I can tell this only started when I joined the server, There are days where I will wake up and she has a new paragraph of just the same things she said the day before , Calling my girlfriend a coward and that it was always about her and how she was faking everything. Upon the advise of my other friends they have told me not to engage with her at all but I still don't know if that's the right decision. My girlfriend is unaware of any of this happening because I refuse to put even more stress on her with a situation where she has clearly moved on from it.
Am I the Asshole?? I don't know what course of action to take and I could use some advice.
submitted by SnakeScholar to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:07 molty_insides217 idk if they are narcs or just shitty ppl.. insight plz

🔍I had pretyped this just ranting then I realized i can post it anonymously here bc i’m really struggling with knowing if they are narcs or just shitty ppl. They have supported me and given me everything I need materialistically and do what they are supposed to as parents in that aspect I am very grateful and appreciative of that in no way shape or form will I ever complain ab them giving me food, shelter, clothes etc. I’m not seeking to be coddled or get sympathy either i just need to know if it really is that bad or am I tripping.
🔬emotionally manipulative & guilt tripping parents will be their own demise. lol. finally dropping that mask you have with them, making them look at themselves and see the torment i had to mentally internalize & take on over the years > sitting back & letting them continue their behavior and control to keep destroying your identity & self continuing to deal with immense shame, guilt, sadness, and anger because you know how they are and you think theres no point in opening up to them or telling them what they do wrong bc they always do the same shit & continue to blame you for everything. note this though when I finally released all my years of internalized emotions on them and started texting them very knowledgeable shit about themselves, how they treated me, my mom trying to control and ruin me and my girlfriends relationship when we first got together (+ we have continued to be together for 1yr and 3 months still going strong she ain’t ruin shiiiit) & shit talked my gf for no reason at all. When I started texting paragraph after paragraph (+ texting them back and forth.) I was met with my mom thinking something isn’t right regarding my mental health and telling my dad and brother she thinks something is wrong with me again (she was surprised how I could speak so knowledgeable bc I barely even interact with them anymore) them texting my phone asking if everything is okay and they are worried ab me (she’s also made many comments before this situation like “you seem like you need to get back on ur medication you’re being irritable” etc when clearly that was the correct response to some fucked up comment she made i’m sick of that shit.) (sorry that was lowkey irrelevant but holy shit). them throwing what they do for me as PARENTS in my face, blame shifting, manipulation, lying, her saying she has no acknowledgment of ever treating me like that over the years, trying to ruin our relationship, or saying any of the vile shit she said about my gf. OH and how she thought It couldn’t possibly be me that’s writing these exceptional level paragraphs and she thought my gf was controlling me and making me send all of that to my parents(me texting her ab this shit went on for like 3 days, 3 days of her not taking accountability for anything, lying, trying to manipulate by making me feel bad as well and she had the nerve to say “it feels like i’m being abused” GIRLLL STOPPP HUH im still confused ab that one) it’s honestly sickening and baffling knowing ppl can think & say shit like that. i’ve been so detached from them since I was little (never knew why at the time) but THIS makes that detachment 100x worse and I feel like that’s a GOOD thing for me even though the outcome wasn’t what I wanted, bc i’m feeling free, released, not pint-up, etc most importantly more like I can finally be MYSELF!!! i’m way more comfortable in who I am and my Identity now at 19 could you imagine that like damn (just hoping it’s not temporary)!!! just putting this out there in hopes that someone else going through the same thing or similar will see and maybe help them a little. now i just gotta move out.
⚛️ she can’t see how what she says to people effects them drastically and takes 0 responsibility and acknowledgement of doing so and passes it off as you “don’t know me” “i’m a good person” “i have a good heart i love everybody” etc or blame everything on me for examples “we do everything for you” “you’re going to treat us like that when we sacrificed so much for you” “we feel like we can’t say anything right we are always walking on eggshells around you” etc um .. yeah they signed up for that when they decided to have a child so it’s fucked up to throw that in my face food as well. THEN she loves to do this the most playing the victim card “you’re abusing me” “it feels like you are abusing me” she knows damn well I’m not abusing her in any way shape or form that’s disrespectful to many people who actually had to go through and endure actual abuse. “do you want to hurt us? is that your goal” “you’re destroying the family” “you’re destroying our marriage” etc. i didn’t do anything wronggggg all I did was speak up for myself FOR ONCE bc it’s been YEARS ab the shit she does and how i’m not okay with it bc i internalize literally everything and I get met with all that blame shifting and lying. the reason why i never open up to her is bc when I do ever since i was little she always blamed me and made it seem like this whole other thing so hell yeah i’d rather internalize then talk to her that’s a way better option than getting met with guilt tripping and shit. there are MANY more examples of what else she would say and my dad too but i really think he’s brainwashed by her so idk that’s just off the top of my head .. lmao. she makes me feel so insaneee i even feel like i’m exaggerating and making a big deal n being too sensitive writing all this😵‍💫. there’s SO MUCH more but fuck all that i typed enough. thx for coming to my ted talk🕷️.
submitted by molty_insides217 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:04 Stella_Saturn Since I am in NC might as well share my story

I got broken up with over a month and a half ago and i feel like I am overreacting. We dated for 3 months and had every intention of being in it for the long hall. There was only one ongoing "fight" if you could even call it that. There was this girl that he had kept texting even though it made me uncomfortable. The only reason I did not want him to continue to text her was they had a previous fling. They had slept together even though they both were in relationships. He never told me much about her just that is was a huge mistake and he would never do it again. There is more context but it is not my place to share but based on it I was okay with starting a relationship with him. The issue I had was they both seemed to have this bond based on the situation. It was borderline unhealthy. The other issue was that he had neglected to tell me she was local until I had found her social media accounts stating that she went to a high school in the area. He also kept talking to her without telling me and were on a facetime call multiple times after he said he would stop talking to her. I found this out by looking on his phone. I never had the intent of going onto his phone to look at the messages, I was going on to send a photo to myself when I saw her contact/profile. (During our breakup I admitted it was not my place to look and had apologized for invading his privacy and breaking his trust, however he had also broken mine by continuing to lie and not tell me he had been talking to her).
At the time of out break-up I was completely blindsided as the night before he had been in my bed and everything was fine. A mutual friend had told him I went on his phone and apparently that was his breaking point. Despite the fact he knew I knew he was still talking to her. This mutual friend had been extremally jealous of me (she admitted so) which is why I believe she told him. I understand now after talking to my therapist that she had been using me. This friend had painted me in an awful light and had been telling a lot of people lies as well as exaggerating the truth to make it seem as bad as possible. (Just for context I am 17 and mutual friend is 20) For awhile I felt like I was an awful person but have recently realized that not everything was my fault. TW:PREGNANCY AND ABORTION
Our breakup was really rough and he never really explained why he was breaking up with me so the above paragraph is just my assumptions. During our breakup we were in minimal contact. This is were the situation take a huge turn so beware. I found out I was pregnant not even a week after we broke up. I was in shock as I was on birth control (also: I am extremally allergic to latex ) but I still knew the risk. The same day I found out he had asked me to not text him as he was "advised" not to text me even though he had agreed to stay in contact with me. I did not tell him. About a week later I had been in the hospital and had posted a story to my social media which he had texted me to ask if I was okay. He had looked at ever story I had posted and had liked all of my posts. I was trying to get us back on good terms before I told him I was pregnant. I went to a clinic in another state and was told I was about 5 weeks pregnant. About a week after I had thought I miscarried because there was a lot of bleeding. We had texted a few days before and had said we both still cared about each others wellbeing. So I felt like It was a good time to tell him. My reasoning was if I had miscarried then it was over and done with but if I was still pregnant he had the right to know. I told him. It did not go well. So much for caring about my wellbeing. He basically freaked out (which I expected) and told me that he needed time to process and "he didn't know" if he ever wanted to talk to me about it. To say I was pissed off was an understatement. First because he thought I would lie about something like that and second because he was fine with me someone who is also struggling with everything and hiding the biggest secret of all from everyone taking on the weight of everything. I went to the clinic a few days after and to no ones surprise I was still pregnant because the universe decided I needed more to deal with. They gave me the abortion pills I had order the pervious appointment. I wasn't sure what I was going to do in complete honesty. Part of me wanted to keep it but I knew it was not practical.
I knew we wanted time but as we saw I did not have time to give him. I was nearing on 7 weeks and needed to make a decision as the longer I waited the harder it would be. For more context I have a lot of health issues which were flaring up because of all the stress I was under. I texted him that I was still pregnant and he told me he couldn't deal with it and blocked me. I was definitely a bit harsh when I texted him my text read along the lines of "I did not miscarry I dont care if you answer or not". I broke down a bit after that and downed the first pill. I wrote him an email with all the photos I had and basically said you are a dick. It may have been a bit overkill to write him a dozen pages on why I thought blocking me was rude and selfish and that I hadn't asked him for anything and then proceeded to hand deliver them 2 weeks later which caused him to block me on everything else. I don't regret it btw it made me feel better. They best/worst part of this all is we are going to the same college and my friend who knows the entire situation is working under his mom this summer. I feel like I might be overreacting over the entire thing. I feel like I am going insane and what he did was not that bad, At least not as bad as my exes because he was a really good boyfriend and he was the first person I ever loved and saw a future with. So now I am in the no contact feels with a playlist to prove it.
submitted by Stella_Saturn to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:01 PliablePotato A full analysis of HIT ME HARD AND SOFT

This is by far my favorite album from Billie and is slowly becoming my favorite album of the year. I've been through the album many times now and want to share my interpretation of the entire work as I firmly believe it is intentionally cohesive and structured to have an overarching narrative.
Overall, this album is of course about a relationship Billie was in. I do think she wrote these songs about multiple different people but structured it to be cohesive. Each song throughout the album is a step along this journey and either is parallel to, or in direct reference of, the stages of the relationship and her feelings throughout. She leverages a number of metaphors and thematic imagery that's mentioned multiple times throughout the album
On its surface, SKINNY is about her fans, the public and the media and their lack of awareness of her actual mental state (ie they think skinny = happy) . In addition, I view this as her introducing the narrative. This is current Billie reflecting on the relationship and her experiences and setting up the story to "feed the hungry internet". She asks persistently "do you still cry?" knowing that she herself does even after everything she did for this person and "not doing them wrong".
This song sets up 2 important thematic elements first is The Bird/Cage/Trap. While it varies from positive to negative, but ultimately, the theme is a sense of being trapped in the relationship, for better or for worse. I do think that is also is tied to this relationship being with another women and Billie's sexuality. It has a parallel theme to The door which i will discuss later.
The other theme is String Motif which is what ill call the melody and string orchestra that plays at the end of this song. In my opinion, this melody represents the relationship itself and is used 2 other times throughout the album for different purposes. This is personally my favorite thematic element as its beautiful and pays off mid-way through the album.
Lunch is fun, flirty and explicit first step in the relationship. Its Billie and her love interest kicking things off intense and obviously full of passion. In the broader context of the album its the "honeymoon" phase, full of heightened emotions and fun. This may be a stretch, but i do find it fascinating putting a song called LUNCH after a song called SKINNY and i think its a metaphor for her relationship fulfillment and happiness in the moment.
Personal favorite on the album. There is a ton of imagery and parallels to spirited away in this song of course that i think Genius and other lyric websites do a decent job of breaking down. I'm going to focus on the context of the album.
CHIHIRO is Billie dealing with some of the likely obvious red flags she noticed immediately as things become more serious. Its Billie trying to reconcile the "fling" that's occurring and it being a potential serious relationship that she needs to invest emotionally in. She has reservations considering the lack of response or commitment from the other person and the theme of space/rest/freedom ("I need to be along, take a break", "cant cope with anymore") as opposed to Billie's lack of sleep / closeness / commitment ("waiting in the garden", "come back around" etc.) (which comes up a few times in the album).
However, Billie ultimately aligns on committing, trusting they'd "show [her] whats in store". This is also the song that introduces The door. This theme, I typically associate with the bird change / trap (which is also mentioned in this song). It represents opening up about their feelings, letting the feelings "out". and letting Billie in. This may be a stretch, but I do wonder if its associated with the other person not feeling comfortable "coming out" in the sense of their sexuality either.
Billie is now happy to "stay in the cage" with the person, calling back to the Bird/Cage/Trap theme. Birds of a feather sticking together. The lyric "I dont know why im crying" i think is referring to CHIHIRO, basically "i dont know what I was so worried about this is great" but also she still feels an uneasiness about the whole thing. Billie is willing to spend her whole life (till the day she dies) with this person (or in other words the love of her life).... so she says. Despite the rose colored glasses, Billie starts to sense the cracks in the 2nd verse. "Say you dont see it....Say you wanna quit". Billie is all in at this stage giving everything she's got to try to make this work and just hoping their lack of commitment is "a bit" or them "being stupid". For now, Billie is in love and thats all that matters.
When i first heard this song i kinda thought it was a bit too "cliche" for Billie. However, in this context it feels like shes grasping at straws, trying to find the good, looking past the issues and saying shes in love. It makes future songs like L'AMOUR DE MA VIE hit harder since its basically calling her feelings in this song a lie.
This takes a bit of a detour in my opinion. I think this is more about a previous relationship (though thats of course speculative). I dont want to discuss real people because i dont think it matters. This is a song about her supporting a women through a break up and ultimately dating her ex and the guilt / issues that come along with that. I think narratively, shes looking back on other issues in her past relationships, mistakes she made and ultimately her not speaking up when her feelings were hurt. I have a theory that the women she is supporting is who this album is about (ie she ended up dating both of them which makes these lyrics hit even harder) but thats just speculative.
This is a pivot point on the album. Its when Billie "snaps out of it" so to speak and realizes how much she is putting in but how little she is getting out. She expresses this in many different ways, begging for passion and waiting for something to change. Right off the hop Billie mentions again the rest / staying up all night theme of her committing while her partner is allowed space / comfort / coming and going. While it was a simple worry originally in CHIHIRO, it is now officially a problem weighing on her. "Man am i the greatest" is notably sarcastic but also has some truth to it. Its a reflection of regret/shame in terms of just how much time and energy she's put in despite getting nothing ("doing whats best without a reward" "All my love and patience", "...time I waited" etc etc). While not explicitly stated, this is making reference to the Open Door / Trap theme. They never let Billie in / let their emotions out and Billie ended up feeling alone because of it.
This song ends with The String Motif, the same one played at the end of SKINNY. However, this time she is belting it "I loved you, and I still do...Just wanted passion/what i gave you". While its related to the other lyrics, I feel this as "current" Billie screaming through, telling the story that connects us back to SKINNY (and hint hint ultimately to BLUE). This moment is so powerful because it symbolizes her change in perspective but just how much it still weighs on her and upsets her. Its a very important moment in this relationship/album and how she cope's / deals with it. Its probably my favorite moment on the whole album.
I feel like this song is YIN to BIRDS OF A FEATHERs YANG. Basically, she admits that all these feelings were bullshit because she knew there were problems from the beginning. Shes over all of the excuses the person was giving for not committing, opening up etc. They said they "cared" a lot and would be destroyed if she left but they moved on right away. I think its a little over the top like BIRDS OF A FEATHER was but in the opposite direction. She's coping with the hardship she faced and described in THE GREATEST. The back half of this song I just think is her anger coming out about how little time it took for the person to move on, she flings dissses (you were so mediocre) and proclaims, "Its over now".
Im curious what other's think. Obviously on its surface this is about her stalkers and how conniving it is however i do think its connected to the narrative. She mentions trying to save the person which is a theme thats brought up again later. The way i felt is that this is her obsessing over the relationship they moved onto in L'AMOUR DE MA VIE. Shes stalking them trying to figure out what she was missing and how she couldve made it work.
This is a reflection on many dream sequences Billie has about the relationship. Shes not over it, shes on tour overseas now but is still obsessed with it its ("underneath all of her beliefs"). She imagines that she is now desired by the person (the thing that she desperately wanted in THE GREATEST). She admits she hasnt been able to fill the void left since they broke up. She also brings up the theme of not sleeping (despite the dreams). At the end of this song she also brings references back to L'amour dema vie" and "Open up the door for me". Shes dreaming and hoping and fantasizing about how it was, what it could have been and what she wanted. By the end of it she seems to be getting what she wanted... but its unfortunately just a dream. Of course this transitions into BLUE with the same melody at the end and BLUE has coming.
Blue closes things off and explicitly connects all of the major themes in the album. She makes direct references to several other songs "Birds of a feather", told you a lie desole (L'amour dema vie), dont know whats in store / open the door (CHIHIRO), in the back of my mind (WILDFLOWER) im still over seas (BITTERSUITE), a bird in a cage (SKINNY). This is her reflecting, accepting and trying to get over it but having difficulty.
The transition in the music and ultimately the lyrics is to her gaining understanding and acceptance for the other person. She's able to cope with the relationship falling apart because of what the other person went through. This provides a different meaning to BLUE. While at first it was her being sad, now its her now ex-partner growing up BLUE (likely not accepted by her parents or a difficult childhood). Billie proclaims "i dont blame you, but i cant change you, dont hate, but we cant save you). This is a form of acceptance but also a reference to THE DINER about trying to save the person, though now its acceptance instead of an attack / blame. "Too afraid to step outside" is in reference to the cage, the trap or stepping through the open door. Billie realize she also had fear and could have done more.
Finally, the final String motif playing the same melody as in SKINNY and THE GREATEST, this wraps the entire album sonically and thematically. It showcases the acceptance but the weight it still has and ultimately the impact this relationship had on her.
Im probably missing some stuff but this is what i took away from it. Love to hear any other thoughts or perspectives!
submitted by PliablePotato to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:55 parksaerom ‼️Calling out these sub makers for negative affirmations ‼️⚠️

Hi ! I never intended to call out someone. I'm just sharing my experience with them. Sorry if the title sounded offensive to any Individuals I want people to be aware of subliminal creators who might include negative affirmations, leading to harmful results. It's not wise to favor creators based solely on their popularity. There have been many instances of popular subliminal makers being exposed for including negative affirmations in the past, and we should prevent that from happening again.
● Moza morph
I listened to moza morph's 3-4 subs, and I started having nightmares and me, and my mom would fight 24/7 . Everyone who once favoured me started getting against me . I lost ALL of my friends, and my grades fell . I've never been lonelier ever before I heard mozas subliminals. My mind started being a mess , there would be a ton of things on my mind and consuming thoughts. I've never been a scidal person, but this was when I started having extreme scidal thoughts . I almost k**led myself due to my thoughts consuming me and everything turning out against me . This may sound exaggerated, but atp, everything would turn out against me . The entire world turned against me . I left a really long paragraph with multiple updates on her subs I used, but now I'm unable to find them. This was 2 years ago when I was 3 years into subliminals. To this day, I don't trust her , her subs harmed me really bad, and until this day, I suffer from her subliminals. It's been 2 years, but the negative results are still with me . Tried a flush , negative results temporarily faded, but they came back . I don't remember every detail that I typed there 2 years back, but these were what I remember so far . I did not get any positive results from her either I'm not against her, and neither did someone ask me to say all this . This is purely my experience with her, and it wasn't good . I would recommend people to watch out . I always lived a really nice life , My parents always gave me the princess treatment, but after moza, my life started falling apart, and I couldn't bear it
● Eggtopia
I donot have much to say but I used one of her sub for beauty and I got negative results from it too . I was supposed to look better with that sub but I started looking way worst. My skin got extremely tanned look eventhough I stay indoors most of the time . There was something about me now that made me look way worst than I usually look . It's not just the skin , it's about something that I cannot find right words to explain . The best way I could explain it in is that i started looking way worst than what I look like usually . Flush did work a bit for her sub but it didn't flush away the entire negative results I got from her . -ve results faded away over time ,I kept using some subs of my trusted sub makers that contradicted the results I got from eggtopia
I would never use their subliminals again, but I don't discourage others from doing so. I don't harbor any ill will towards them . My goal is to spread awareness. I'm sharing my experience with the negative results I got, particularly from MozaMorph, despite giving her subliminals multiple attempts and taking breaks in between. Turns out I was not only the one who got negative results from moza , there are a ton of other people as well and mutiple wll known sub makers have talked about moza giving them negative results before . Mozas negative effects stayed even after using a flush.
Kindly stay respectful in the comments .Any disrespectful comments will be reported immediately. Again , this is mainly based in my experience with them
submitted by parksaerom to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:54 cashgobrr Understanding probability in sequence of events

This is going to be a pretty basic question I assume, but a detailed explanation would be of great help to me.
I’m struggling to understand if what I am doing is correct.
Let’s say I have a die and I throw it 100 times. I am aware that the events are independent from each other and therefore at any point during this sequence I always have 1/6 chance to get any specific face.
My considerarion is that if I treat the hundred throws as a whole then there is a certain probability P(sequence) of a certain sequence happening.
This is to say that there are certain sequences that are more likely to happen than others so for example, if I throw the die 99 times and I get one every single time, my theory that is that I am better off betting that the last throw will be not a one because the probability of 100 throws being one is less than the probability of 99 ones and one other face.
I think that may be what I’m getting wrong is the fact that I’m always better off betting that the result of the dice isn’t one specific face because there are five other faces and clearly 1/6<5/6, but in a certain way, and I know that this next sentence is probably wrong, it feels like it should be better to “bet” on one of the faces of the set of faces that don’t include the one because the probability of the sequence of 100 ones is less likely than the probability of 99 ones and then any other face.
I hope I explained clearly and I would be grateful for any help in understanding this better.
submitted by cashgobrr to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:41 YYS770 A question about workflow with Precomps - when are you supposed to precomp??

I use precomping often, assuming that once I finished an effect involving 5-6 layers which work together, and about to move on to the next group of layers in the sequence, I can precomp them in order to keep things organized.
Now, I realize that there are certain effects which use precomps as part of the effect - such as when I need an effect to apply to an entire group of layers all together.
My problem and question, is when changes need to be made. Oftentimes, it's no simple matter to know where the keyframes need to lie among a group of layers, and once I precomp them, now I have to go back to that comp and change things, then go back to the main comp to see the changes, etc...and keyframing is the easy bit! What if there are changes to the effects themselves? (Or for example, suddenly the timing is off on some of the precomped layers, and I have to go back and keep moving it around until it "matches").
So am I missing something in my understanding of the workflow? Do I actually have to be as spot-on as possible with the layers before precomping them?
submitted by YYS770 to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:38 masteeeerelite "Notice of Hearing" - is this even legit?

I got this message via email. But when I checked the profile picture of the sender they got it from Google. Just want to know if this is legit?
The subject title is Second Court Hearing. I haven't received any email nor SMS regarding this. I also find it weird that there is no notice with regards to the first court hearing - IF EVER this is legit.
"I hope this email finds you well. This is to confirm the details of your upcoming court hearing.
Case Information: Case: Violation of paragraph 2 (a) Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code Date: May 21, 2024 Time: 10:00 am Location: Branch 210
Please make sure to arrive promptly and be prepared with any necessary documents or information related to your case. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact your legal representation or the court clerk's office.
It's essential that you attend this hearing as scheduled. Failure to appear may result in consequences, including a warrant for your arrest or other legal actions.
If there are any changes to the hearing schedule, we will notify you immediately. For inquiries, kindly call 09535517553.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to seeing you at the hearing."
submitted by masteeeerelite to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:35 KonradsCrow The grey matter in my brain is counter revolutionary

I read all this theory, and then don’t remember any of it. It’s like I sit there ingesting all this holy gospel just for my brain to spit it out as soon as I’m done reading. I’m so cooked. I spend all these hours reading and don’t even know what a petty bourgeoisie is. And, it’s not that the theory doesn’t explain it. I either don’t remember the explanations or my lack of reading comprehension skills (literally infantile) cause me to misunderstand every paragraph. It’s as though I’m not even reading anything. I’ll spend hours with Capital and then not even understand what small commodity production is. The problems just keep stacking on top of each other. I try to explain communism to someone and their question goes “how is communism better than capitalism?” and I can’t even formulate a sentence. I just sit there fumbling around, rambling about productive forces, fetters, and crises (doing my best to remember the bare minimum of the principles of communism). It feels futile in a way. I know it’s not. I know theory is important. The theory doesn’t stick with me no matter how hard I try, though. Even when I take notes it’s still impossible to connect the dots. Everything just seems so complex and complicated and I can’t wrap my head around it. And it’s no help that resources besides theory either suck (made by liberals) or are obscure and possibly even more incomprehensible than the theory I’m trying to read. Yesterday I couldn’t even figure out the difference between exchange value and price. Instead of enjoying my dinner, I was obsessing over how market price equaled real value. Don’t even get me started on inflation. I’ve read the first seven chapters of capital, wage labour and capital, and value price and profit, and still can’t understand price. Every little term is a can of worms that I can’t understand. I can barely formulate sentences when I try to explain concepts in theory. Some phrases have chapter long explanations that seem so over bearing and other phrases have two sentence long explanations that don’t go nearly in-depth enough for me. I feel like I’m missing 80% of the puzzle. And in a way that true, I haven’t read nearly enough theory. But, it feels so impossible to get a clear grasp of one thing without knowing everything else. I can’t know everything without knowing everything else. I feel like every term I don’t know has an explanation somewhere else in an obscure article Marx wrote in 1852. I don’t know where anything is or where to find it. Everything is so interconnected and dependent upon each other. I can’t get an understanding of something without forgetting and being unable to connect it with the bigger picture. I can’t get a clear grasp of one thing and move onto the next. I can’t even go chapter by chapter, concepts building off each other. I can’t even do that much. I feel like to understand every little sentence I read, I have to already know every piece of theory that is. Every little text I read seems so isolated and incomplete without some magical complete knowledge of every word Marx wrote. I just don’t feel like a “good” (Marx forgive me for using moral judgement) communist when I don’t know half the things I claim to profess or understand most of the beliefs I hold. I feel so overwhelmed. Comrade I can’t even write a paragraph without writing “I feel like” 500 times. It seems like every big concept is so far outside of my reach. It seems that there’s not enough time to read all the theory I need to read. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know enough, other times I feel like I need to slow down and try not to over-ingest too many concepts. It’s a struggle. I can’t decide whether I want to read the theory that seems interesting to me or read the theory I feel like I need to. It sucks that reading theory feels like a chore. Most of the time it’s not even enjoyable. Most of the theory that seems interesting is too high level for me to under. So again, it feels like I have to read so much before I can even get to the enjoyable part. I suppose reading theory isn’t supposed to be enjoyable more so than a necessity. I just wish there was some way, some tactic I could use to have a more enjoyable reading experience and take more away from the stuff I do read. I don’t know. I want to better myself and read theory like a good little Marxist, but it’s so difficult. The theory is trying to bite me. And when I do take breaks from reading theory, it doesn’t help. I can’t abandon reading theory all together. That would make no sense. But, no matter how long of a break I take, the reading experience doesn’t seem to get any better. I don’t mean to complain like a five years old or an anarchist. I know this isn’t a vent space. There are subreddits for that. But this is the only real and authentic place for actual communist and not deranged liberals with an obsession with commodity production. I know I have to read theory. I know I can’t give up no matter how much I might feel like it. I’m not trying to deny that I need to read theory. I’m not some weird Stalinist who thinks they can get all their theory by watching an online video or listening to a podcast. I just wish there was a way to make it more enjoyable.
That’s all to say, do you comrades have any tips for reading theory?
Also, what’s y’all’s opinions on union hymns? Will listening to them make me some strange syndicalist, proto fascist?
submitted by KonradsCrow to Ultraleft [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:32 Pitiful_Employment80 The PTE Core Writing section

The PTE Core Writing section is a crucial component of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic, designed to assess your ability to communicate effectively in written English. This section typically includes tasks such as writing an essay and summarizing written text. Here's what you need to know about each part:
  1. Essay Writing: You'll be asked to write a 200-300 word essay on a given topic. This task assesses your ability to organize ideas, develop arguments, and use proper grammar and vocabulary. A good essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Focus on providing examples to support your points and ensure your writing is coherent and cohesive.
  2. Summarize Written Text: This task requires you to read a passage and summarize it in one sentence of no more than 75 words. It tests your ability to identify main ideas and condense information without losing the essence of the text. Practice paraphrasing and using complex sentence structures to convey the main points succinctly.
Tips for Success:
Remember, consistent practice and familiarizing yourself with the test format are key to doing well in the PTE Core Writing section.
submitted by Pitiful_Employment80 to officialpte [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:12 AsianHustle BulletProof Strategy to Build a Skool Community to 800+ Members in 3 Months (PLUS GPT)

It's the best platform to build your community and host your courses.
An edu-creator's dream...
There are communities less than 5 weeks old making $100k/month.
Everyone has this opportunity NOW.
I created a comprehensive SKOOL GPT that's packed with:
Clarity is KEY.
Use it here (FREE):
This GPT is 100% FREE, but all I ask is that when you create your Skool, please consider using my referral link (at no cost to you) : https://www.skool.com/refer?ref=ac0f03659c90494c97b30a733bc765d1
My community grew to 800+ members in just 3 months, without ANY marketing, paid traffic etc.
Here's a guide to help you on your journey to $10k/month with Skool:
1. Initial Setup and Planning
2. Content Creation and Distribution
3. Building the Community on Skool
4. Lead Generation and Capture
5. Launching and Growing the Community
6. Community Engagement and Retention
By following these steps and consistently providing value, you can effectively build and scale your Skool community to 800+ members within 3 months.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by AsianHustle to u/AsianHustle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:11 sum117 [5e][Online][PBP] Graveyard of the Skull Cleansing Crows

My Introduction
I recently started playing D&D with some friends, so I decided to test my skills out of my comfort zone with some new folks. I'm currently learning and improving as the days pass by; trying new things and involving my players in different situations.
We'll be playing by text, using PHB content and D&D Beyond sheets that you'll create in the campaign. I also intend to use their maps feature, because I tested it and I think it's cool.
My planned schedule is at least one fight every week, and free casual roleplaying among party members in the week days.
Gotchas - I might use what might look as homebrew monsters, but in reality, they're just reused stat blocks so we can develop the lore i'm planning more easily; - If you intend to do a dark character, that's okay, but not interacting with other party members isn't something that I'll like to see in this campaign. The world building i'm planning is already filled with dusk. Let there be light through friendship (yay!); - I'll create magic items of my own sometimes. If you are an experienced player, feel free to criticize it when it's made; - I'm planning to use milestone level up, and your characters will start at level 4. - 18+ only.
Recruitment If you're interested in this learning experiment of mine, let me start by saying that I can't thank you enough for giving me the chance to entertain you! I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time playing. Now, I'll need you to answer to this thread using the following instructions:
Here's a template, for your convenience:
Character name: Character class: Character Race: Character faith: Weird thing to ask in such a tiny overview, eh? For this campaign, I wish to explore the gods by a lot! Character gender: Character age: Character details: Include appearance, and written background here My timezone: Discord username: I'll add you through this!
DM Starter Tack, Tack, Tack
That noise... it's been repeating for hours, but only now you realized that it wasn't part of a dream. You open your eyes, but your vision is met with darkness. The sound is right above your head, and what is causing it is getting anxious as you ignore it, as if it wants to break through your skull in one fell swoop.
You wriggle, and your body responds with a slight numbness, but soon your limbs respond with an intense pain that spreads through your joints — they haven't moved for a long, long time.
Seized by a spontaneous fear, you struggle, trying to get rid of the shackles that imprison you, then...
Tack. Tack. Bam!
You were inside a coffin. The cursed sound came from a crow that flew away as soon as you freed yourself.
Purple torches illuminate the place you numbly watch, and there are other caskets similar to yours scattered around the room. Some open, some not. You don't remember anything or why you're there, but your guts scream with an intense desire to get out... as soon... as possible.
submitted by sum117 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 book-press-release The Truth About Business Press Releases In 3 Minutes

The Truth About Business Press Releases In 3 Minutes
Business press releases are often misunderstood and undervalued, yet they are a vital tool in any company's public relations arsenal. In just three minutes, we'll uncover the truth about business press releases, revealing their significance, the benefits they offer, and how to effectively use them to enhance your brand's visibility and credibility.

The Purpose and Importance of Business Press Releases

A business press releases serves as a formal announcement designed to inform the media and public about significant events, product launches, company updates, or other noteworthy happenings. They are crucial for several reasons:
  • Increasing Visibility: Press releases help disseminate information widely, reaching media outlets, potential customers, and industry stakeholders.
  • Building Credibility: A well-written press release can establish your company as a credible and authoritative source in your industry.
  • Attracting Media Coverage: Effective press releases can capture the interest of journalists and media outlets, leading to valuable coverage and publicity.

Crafting an Effective Press Release

To unlock the full potential of press releases, it's essential to understand the key components that make them effective:
  • Compelling Headline: Your headline should be clear, concise, and engaging. It must grab the reader's attention immediately.
  • Strong Lead Paragraph: The opening paragraph should summarize the main points of the press release, answering who, what, when, where, and why.
  • Concise Content: Keep your pr business focused and to the point. Avoid unnecessary jargon and ensure every sentence adds value.
  • Quotations and Data: Including quotes from key personnel and relevant data can add credibility and depth to your announcement.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Guide your readers on the next steps, whether it’s visiting your website, contacting you for more information, or attending an event.

Distribution and Timing

Equally important as writing a press release is knowing how to distribute it and when to release it:
  • Targeted Distribution: Identify the most relevant media outlets, journalists, and platforms for your industry. Personalized pitches can enhance the chances of getting picked up.
  • Strategic Timing: Release your press release when it’s most likely to attract attention. Avoid major holidays or times when your industry is particularly quiet unless it’s highly relevant.
pr distribution services

Benefits of Business Press Releases

When executed correctly, business press releases offer several benefits:
  • Enhanced SEO: Including relevant keywords can improve your press release’s visibility online, driving more traffic to your website.
  • Brand Awareness: Regular best press release service keep your company in the public eye, contributing to brand recognition.
  • Crisis Management: Press releases can be a powerful tool in managing and mitigating crises, providing clear and controlled communication to the public and stakeholders.

Common Misconceptions About Press Releases

Several misconceptions can undermine the effectiveness of press releases. Here are a few truths to set the record straight:
  • Not Just for Big Announcements: While major events warrant press releases, smaller updates and achievements can also be newsworthy.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Sending out frequent but poorly crafted press releases can do more harm than good. Focus on quality and relevance.
  • Press Releases Aren’t Dead: Despite the rise of social media and digital marketing, press releases remain a valuable tool for credible communication.

Building Relationships with Media

Establishing and nurturing relationships with journalists and media outlets is crucial for the success of your news wires. Here are some strategies to build strong media relationships:
  • Personalized Outreach: Avoid sending generic press releases. Tailor your messages to specific journalists or media outlets that cover your industry. Show that you understand their audience and interests.
  • Follow-Up: After sending a press release, follow up with a courteous email or phone call. This can help ensure your release was received and offer any additional information.
  • Provide Value: Journalists are always looking for valuable content. Provide them with unique insights, exclusive stories, or expert quotes that can enhance their articles.
  • Be Available: Make yourself accessible for questions or further information. Being responsive and helpful can make a positive impression and build trust.

Creating a Media Kit

A media kit, also known as a press kit, is a comprehensive resource that provides journalists with all the information they need about your business. Here’s what to include in your media kit:
  • Company Overview: A brief history and mission statement of your company.
  • Biographies: Short bios of key personnel, highlighting their expertise and roles.
  • Press Releases: A collection of recent press releases to provide context and background.
  • High-Resolution Images: Professional photos of your products, logo, key personnel, and events.
  • Fact Sheet: Key facts and figures about your company, such as milestones, achievements, and key products or services.
  • Contact Information: Easy-to-find contact details for media inquiries.

Leveraging Social Media for Press Releases

Social media can amplify the reach of your press release sites, helping you connect with a broader audience. Here’s how to effectively use social media for your press releases:
  • Teasers and Previews: Before releasing a press release, create buzz by posting teasers and previews on your social media channels.
  • Share the Full Release: Once the press release is live, share the full text or a link to it on your social media platforms. Use engaging visuals to attract attention.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and questions on your social media posts. Engaging with your audience can enhance your reach and build stronger connections.
  • Use Hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your press release on social media platforms.

Measuring the Success of Your Press Releases

To understand the impact of your press releases, it’s important to measure their success using various metrics. Here are some key performance indicators (KPIs) to track:
  • Media Coverage: Track how many media outlets picked up your press release and the quality of the coverage.
  • Website Traffic: Monitor the increase in website traffic after a press release is distributed. Use tools like Google Analytics to measure this.
  • Social Media Engagement: Measure the likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement your press release generates on social media.
  • Lead Generation: Track the number of leads or inquiries generated as a result of your press release.
  • SEO Performance: Analyze the search engine ranking and visibility improvements resulting from your press release.

Adapting and Improving Your Press Release Strategy

The media landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s important to adapt your pr news strategy accordingly. Here are some tips for continuous improvement:
  • Stay Updated with Trends: Keep an eye on industry trends and media preferences to ensure your press releases remain relevant and newsworthy.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from journalists, media outlets, and your audience. Use this feedback to improve your future press releases.
  • Experiment and Innovate: Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or formats for your press releases. Innovation can help your announcements stand out.
  • Review Competitor Press Releases: Analyze the press releases of your competitors to understand what works well in your industry and identify areas for improvement.

Case Studies: Successful Business Press Releases

Examining real-world examples of successful press releases can provide valuable insights. Here are two case studies:
  • Tech Start-up Launch: A tech start-up used a well-crafted press release to announce its innovative new product. The release included a compelling headline, strong lead paragraph, and quotes from industry experts. The start-up also included high-quality images and distributed the release to targeted tech media outlets. As a result, the press release generated significant media coverage and led to a spike in website traffic and inquiries.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative: A large corporation issued a press release to highlight its latest CSR initiative. The release emphasized the positive impact of the initiative on the community, included quotes from company executives and beneficiaries, and provided relevant data and visuals. The news release was picked up by major media outlets and widely shared on social media, enhancing the company’s reputation and brand image.

Final Thoughts on Business Press Releases

Business press releases are a powerful tool for communicating important news and building your brand’s visibility and credibility. By understanding their purpose, crafting them effectively, and distributing them strategically, you can leverage press releases to achieve significant business benefits. Remember to build strong media relationships, create a comprehensive media kit, and use social media to amplify your message. Continuously measure and improve your press release strategy to stay ahead in the competitive media landscape.

Get in Touch

Website –https://www.prwires.com/ Mobile - +91-9212306116 WhatsApp – https://call.whatsapp.com/voice/9rqVJyqSNMhpdFkKPZGYKj Skype – shalabh.mishra Telegram – shalabhmishra Email - [contact@pressreleasepower.com](mailto:contact@pressreleasepower.com)
submitted by book-press-release to u/book-press-release [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:03 jwGlasnost JFC - another article guilting women to stay with their abusers. Welcome to next week's WT study article 11!

Sorry, this is long and will probably get buried. But I had to say my piece about this crap, specifically paragraphs 8-11 in the March 2024 WT, Study Article 11.
(Remove the "b" from "borg.")
Their deliberate ignorance is bottomless. Any human who cares to learn about abuse and its effect on victims, including what to do and not to do to help them, can easily educate themselves on the basics in less than an hour. They have had so many opportunities to correct their course, and they have chosen to close their eyes and double down. Unfortunately for the women victims of domestic abuse, including emotional abuse, the Governing Body, speaking in the name of God, heaps additional abuse and gaslighting on their shoulders.
Let's break it down:
First, the subheading is titled, “Persevere When Your Spouse Disappoints You.”
They employ maximal manipulation right out of the gate, framing abuse not as actual damaging behavior actively inflicted by one spouse on another, but as merely the subjective perception of disappointment by the victim. They further conflate abuse with mere “difficulties" and imperfections common to all marriages. Notice this line:
“They may, in time, display traits that were not noticeable before the wedding.”
Allow me to decode what has happened here. Women have complained about mistreatment by their husbands and have been told the onus was on them to get to know their men before marrying them. This particular line in the article is in response to people trying to educate them about how narcissists behave early in the relationship. They hide their abusive traits and lovebomb, lovebomb, lovebomb. We see here that the GB have been made aware of this, but choose to close their ears and refuse to be educated, purposely using the victims’ explanations against them with dismissiveness.
Next, they offer a line that is music to the ears of an abuser:
“Instead of recognizing that each has a part in the problem and therefore should work to resolve it, they may blame their mate.”
This plays right into a narcissist’s hands. “Well, if you would do X, then I wouldn't have to yell at you!” In truth, the innocent spouse shares NO blame for the abusive behavior of their partner, but this misinformed bulls**t from the GB will ensure that the wife is kept more distressed, confused, and chasing ever-shifting goal posts. And they further afflict her by saying, with shaking heads and clucking tongues, that some “may even come to see separation or divorce as the solution. But is giving up on marriage the answer?" So they use shame and guilt to cut off her only route of escape.
Next, they dump the example of Abigail on the heads of these women. Nabal must have been severely abusive, and one shudders to think how terrifying it was for Abigail to have been stuck in that marriage. And in those patriarchal times, stuck she was. So how repulsive it is for the GB to claim that Abigail remained with that man out of respect for Jehovah's standard of marriage! They claim she could have “found an easy way out." How? By stepping aside and allowing David to murder Nabal and all of the other men in the household! But the reason she chose not to use this ‘easy way out,’ we are told, was not to avoid a massacre, but because she viewed marriage “as a sacred arrangement.”
Rubbing salt in the wound, the GB also doesn't miss the opportunity to mention that Abigail "was also willing to apologize for a wrong that she did not commit,” adding, "Clearly Jehovah loved this brave, unselfish woman.” So, women, be ready to apologize and take the blame your abuser is actively throwing on you, because this will make Jehovah love you. Whereas, if you resist and try to hold your boundaries, not so much.
After showing this horrific example of Abigail and Nabal, the question for paragraph 11 makes sure to point out that “respecting the marriage arrangement even if their mate is difficult to live with (like Nabal)” is an expectation from Jehovah.
The GB tops off this bulls**t sandwich with one more fresh, stinking pile. They give the (probably made up or embellished) experience of Carmen, a sister who put up with her husband's verbal abuse for... wait for it... 50 years! As per always, they put the responsibility of managing the abuse on the wife. “‘As the years went by, I learned to be more discerning and to speak tactfully to my husband.’” Translation: Carmen had to learn to become small, suppress her voice, and walk on eggshells for 50 years so that her husband would hopefully hurt her less often.
The burden is always on the abused one in the JW org. They say that “you can trust that Jehovah will support you and help you to persevere.” It's never pointed out that Jehovah did nothing at all to help Abigail. He didn't kill Nabal to save her; he was only exacting punishment for Nabal's disrespect to Jehovah's king. Had there been no run-in with David, Abigail would have rotted there for the rest of her days. What they also don't say is that in this organization, Jehovah's “support" often looks like the abuser getting praise and privileges, while He is happy to let you continue suffering, expecting you to keep quiet and keep that pretty smile on your face. Fuck them all.
submitted by jwGlasnost to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:57 buckmtz43 How to export from AF to PP

Hello everyone I just finished my project on AE, I’m planning on color grading that project on PP, I haven’t had luck with dynamic link, every time I use and adjustment layer over the sequence with the AE Comp on premier it would not render. Is there another way to export my AE project to PP without dynamic link and conserving quality?
submitted by buckmtz43 to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:55 Resident_Disaster_25 Subject: Game Over Bug after Explosion in "Search and Destroy" Mission

In the "Search and Destroy" mission, after knocking on the door as instructed by Takemura (three times), I experience an explosion that leads to a game over screen. The screen goes dark for a few seconds before showing the game over message and prompting me to reload. I have tried various knocking sequences and have disabled all mods and trainers. The game is fully updated, and my system drivers are current. This issue persists across multiple attempts. What's the problem
submitted by Resident_Disaster_25 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:51 thedigibazzartdb The Importance of Mobile Optimization in Digital Marketing

The Importance of Mobile Optimization in Digital Marketing
With more people using smartphones and tablets to access the internet, businesses must prioritize mobile optimization to stay competitive. Mobile optimization is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for any successful digital marketing strategy. Here, we’ll explore why mobile optimization is crucial and how the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kanpur can help you achieve it.

Why Mobile Optimization Matters

  1. Increasing Mobile Usage Mobile internet usage has surpassed desktop usage, making it imperative for businesses to cater to mobile users. Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly helps you reach a larger audience and improves user experience.
  2. Improved User Experience A mobile-optimized website provides a seamless experience for users, reducing the likelihood of them leaving your site due to poor navigation or slow loading times. A positive user experience can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Higher Search Engine Rankings Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results. By optimizing your website for mobile, you can improve your search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic to your site. Partnering with the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kanpur can ensure your website meets all the necessary criteria for mobile optimization.
  4. Increased Engagement and Conversions Mobile users are often more engaged and ready to make quick decisions. A mobile-optimized site makes it easier for users to find information, interact with your content, and complete transactions, leading to higher conversion rates.
  5. Competitive Advantage Businesses that prioritize mobile optimization can stay ahead of competitors who may still rely on outdated, desktop-only strategies. Offering a superior mobile experience can set your brand apart and attract more loyal customers.

Key Elements of Mobile Optimization

1. Responsive Design: A responsive website design adjusts its layout and content to fit any screen size, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across all devices. This approach eliminates the need for separate mobile and desktop sites.
2. Fast Loading Times: Mobile users expect quick access to information. Optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing code can significantly improve your website’s loading speed on mobile devices.
3. Simplified Navigation: Mobile users benefit from easy-to-use navigation. Implementing clear menus, large buttons, and a straightforward layout can enhance usability and keep users on your site longer.
4. Mobile-Friendly Content: Content should be concise and easily readable on smaller screens. Use shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and headings to break up text, and ensure that images and videos are properly scaled for mobile devices.
5. Local SEO Optimization: Many mobile users search for local information. Optimizing your website for local search terms, such as “Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kanpur,” can help you attract nearby customers and improve your visibility in local search results.

How the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kanpur Can Help

Partnering with a professional digital marketing agency can make all the difference in achieving effective mobile optimization. The Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kanpur offers a range of services designed to enhance your mobile presence, including:
• Comprehensive Mobile Audits: Identifying areas for improvement and implementing best practices to ensure your website is fully optimized for mobile devices.
Responsive Web Design: Creating a cohesive and adaptable website design that provides a seamless experience across all devices.
• SEO Services: Enhancing your search engine rankings with targeted keywords and mobile-specific optimization techniques.
• Content Creation: Developing mobile-friendly content that engages users and drives conversions.

In Conclusion

Mobile optimization is a critical component of any digital marketing strategy. By focusing on mobile-friendly design, fast loading times, and local SEO, you can improve user experience, increase engagement, and boost your search engine rankings. The Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kanpur can provide the expertise and support needed to ensure your website is optimized for the mobile-first world we live in today.
submitted by thedigibazzartdb to u/thedigibazzartdb [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:39 cyctance i will now auto concede if you play beasts as my teammate

Why do people still play beasts? How many losses will it take for people to realize it is F tier trash mechanically and gameplay-wise?
It is absolutely taking so much of my time to play with a teammate who chooses to run beasts. I'm constantly fighting the urge to auto concede when my teammate commits to beasts. That shit never scales well or fast enough. Not to mention the amount of time it takes for one battle sequence to finish with beasts. This affects literally everyone, everyone's either losing time or matches with beasts. Literal troll build at this rate.
submitted by cyctance to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:23 GarlicEmotional4153 DMC2 Trish does have the DMC1 animation cancels (!)

DMC2 Trish does have the DMC1 animation cancels (!)
Surprise! It turns out if you use Trish in DMC2 (who has the dmc1 moveset) you can still pull off the famous ‘slash cancel’ animation cancels from DMC1; just with a slightly different input. You gotta press attack right as you jump cancel out of slash 1/2 and it will reset the slash sequence instead of jumping. In DMC1 this cancel/loop is done by flicking the left stick back instead.
I hope this helps anybody trying to still enjoy DMC2 despite what it is. Using Trish considerably improves the enjoyability of the gameplay in general— and trying to pull off these cancels all the time can help keep you more engaged in what is obviously otherwise pretty basic gameplay most of the time.
submitted by GarlicEmotional4153 to DevilMayCry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:20 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Joseph Burkes MD 2024
The high desert outside of Roswell is where contact activist Shari Adamiak was reportedly attacked.


In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I
knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team. https://contactunderground.wordpress.com/2022/05/19/did-a-fateful-phone-call-trigger-the-appearance-of-blackhawk-helicopters-during-contact-work/

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:18 u3dc Unexplainable 3 day cycles

Hello everybody.
I've been having methane-dominant sibo for 2+ years now. All and all, my path during this time frame is not much different from majority of people here (perhaps).
But I have one symptom that none of number of GEs I have met, nor internet can help me with.
My bloating (and pain) symptoms have very strict and clear 3 day cycle. Day 1 and 2 are fine (sometimes great!). But day 3 is always much worse than the first two.
And it happens like that over the course of 2+ years: 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 3. Like a good Swiss clock.
This sequence has only was broken twice, when I had to wake up extra early for a flight. Those times it was 3rd day happened twice (like 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 2).
Other than that - I already know when it will be the best and the worst day to plan things months ahead.
I understand it may sound like I make things up, I wish. Nonetheless, I wonder if somebody felt or heard something similar.
Thank you! :-)
submitted by u3dc to SIBO [link] [comments]
