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Christianity is Objectively True

2024.06.02 16:47 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity is Objectively True
Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
Good sources: Mike Winger (YouTube) Testify (YouTube - he recommends books) InspiringPhilosophy (personally I disagree with some of his videos but good on this subject) https://www.equip.org/articles/the-jewish-talmud-and-its-use-for-christian-apologetics/
submitted by agape5165153 to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Five (part two)

The second half of a long chapter.
“Oh, professor page,” I heard Anna yell from the living room, “You better get your ass out here quick.”
I quickly rinsed off my hands scurried into the living room, greeted by the two couples sprawled out on the sectional couch in their swimwear, Anna and Kelly in string bikinis and Archer and Paul in speedos. My cock was never limp that day, but there were moments – typically, those of the most intense humiliation – when it was harder than others. Seeing the four fit young bodies in all (or at least, most of) their glory was one of them. And while my gaze naturally was first drawn to Anna’s toned, long legs and taut midriff, followed by Kelly shorter, but still attractive legs and pretty toes, I would be lying if I didn’t admit to admiration of the slender, muscular swimmer bodies of the two young men as well.
My eyes also drifted over Paul’s bare feet. It was the first time I had seen bare the feet I had kissed in the bar through his sneakers or in the apartment through his thick wool socks. I was curious, naturally, but didn’t want to be too obvious, so quickly averted my glance before getting a good look. I need not have worried, however, as I would be spending a great deal of time up close and personal with his bare feet (and Anna’s) in the months that followed, starting a few minutes later. Paul did not have the same obsession with having his feet worshipped as Luke did, but there is no question that he greatly enjoyed the power trip of having an older authority figure quite literally at his feet.
I must also confess that in addition to dwelling as long as I dared on the breasts of Anna (like Brooke’s, ample but not overly large) and Kelly (slightly larger and, to my mind, less proportional to her shorter frame), my eyes also flittered over the speedo-clad crotches of Paul and Archer. Speedos leave so little to the imagination. While I was mortified when forced to wear a speedo, my inadequacy on full display, these two young athletes were completely at ease. Their muscular, chiseled bodies were one explanation for that; the size of their bulges was another.
“Perhaps the professor page can stop ogling our bodies long enough to get us all another round of drinks,” said Anna.
Kelly said, “I think he’s staring more at the boys’ bodies than he is at ours, Anna. I’m jealous.”
“Most cucks are closet fags, so that’s no surprise,” said Paul.
I wanted to object that I wasn’t gay, closet or otherwise. I wanted to say, “What about you, someone who enjoys humiliating other males, forcing them to dress in feminine clothing, spanking their bare bottoms with your bare hands, perhaps other, more intimate things….What does all of that make you?” But I dared not I was say anything of the kind. Instead I simply confirmed their drink orders and hurried off to make them, checking on my stroganoff. And being honest with myself, while I knew beyond a doubt that I was not homosexual, I did have to admit that I was not immune to the physical attractions of dominant, young alpha males. Did I have this attraction prior to the events of the last seven months when Luke came onto the scene like a cyclone? Probably on some level, yes, but it had been latent. No longer.
When I returned to the living room with a serving tray holding their four cocktails, trying hard not to spill any of them, Paul said, “We know our page boy knows how to clean shoes, but what about other personal duties? Who besides me would like a foot massage?”
“That sounds like an excellent idea, dude. Count me in,” said Archer.
“You two boys go ahead. If he does a good job, Kelly and I may have him massage our feet as well,” said Anna.
“Start with Archer. On your knees, of course, page,” said Paul.
“Yes sir,” I said, kneeling before Archer, and beginning to work on his feet with warmup twists and arch rubs. His feet were somewhat calloused, but well formed.
“Ah, that feels good. He’s actually not too bad at this,” Archer said.
Pointing at my crotch, Kelly said, “Look, his little cock is stiff again. Are you excited to massage my boyfriend’s feet, professor?” As she spoke, she pressed her toes lightly against my cock through my tights. It surprised me that it was Kelly, rather than Anna (or even Paul), to first touch my liberated cock.
“No, Princess Kelly.”
“No? But your little stiffie says otherwise. Are you not being honest with us, professor?” She pressed a little harder with her foot, smiling wickedly.
In truth, the entire situation was incredibly arousing and, therefore, incredibly humiliating. Which made it still more arousing. It was a viscous cycle, one which I had been getting increasingly used to with Luke and Brooke. But the dynamics with my students and Archer were different, and, if anything, more intense. Was it the greater age disparity, the bigger inversion of authority, the fact that there was an element of coercion involved? All of the above? Brooke would tell me that I think about these things too much. She would counsel me to go with flow, enjoy the game, embrace the sheer eroticism of it all. I tried valiantly to do just that. Can one be valiant in accepting servitude and abuse?, I wondered (see how I over analyze everything?!)
Lancelot would no doubt have answered my question in the affirmative. Yet, his servitude was solely to Guinevere, and the abuse and humiliations he suffered were solely to satisfy her commands, her whims. Whereas Brooke was not even aware of my servitude to my students. Still, I could tell myself – with some degree of honesty – that the indignities I was suffering at their hands were because of my devotion to Brooke. Because I was in their power as a direct consequence of my obedience to Luke, and I was obedient to Luke for Brooke and Brooke alone. The frail heartbeat of chivalry was still detectable (to me, at least). Perhaps the time had come to tell Brooke of my predicament with Paul and Anna? But there was something so shameful about it. Would it diminish me in Brooke’s eyes in some different, profound and irrevocable way? Or would she hug me, perhaps even thank me for my sacrifice, and tell me everything will be okay?
These were the myriad thoughts that ran through my head as I also contemplated my response to Kelly’s fraught question. “No, princess, I mean, it’s all of your feet…,” I answered,lamely.
She snickered. “Well, you are the Liitle Foot Page, so I guess it makes sense that you’re turned on by feet.”
“Pretty much all submissive guys are turned on by feet. Issac is insane for my feet,” said Anna. You will recall that Issac was the young male slave in Paul’s and Anna’s stable.
“Not just submissive men. Cindy loves worshiping your feet too, babe,” Paul said to Anna. If you recall, Cindy (who, like Issac, I had not yet met at that point) was another member of Paul’s and Anna’s stable of slaves, a fellow student at the college whose intense crush on Paul was not reciprocated. Instead, he put her squarely into “ the friendzone,” eventually introducing her to Anna. Cindy was now a submissive servant to both of them, grateful to be part of Paul’s life under any circumstances.
Anna said to Kelly, “I don’t know about you, but I love having my feet pampered and having my toes sucked, and love the sight of submissive creatures groveling at my feet. At the same time, I couldn’t imagine in a million fucking years being the one doing the sucking or groveling. I have no desire to be that close to anyone’s feet.”
“I know exactly what you mean. I wouldn’t even want to kiss Archer if he sucked my toes. Ew, gross,” said Kelly, with a little shudder.
Archer interjected, “Yo’ve got nothing to worry about there, darling. You have pretty feet, but I have zero desire to kiss or lick them.”
“Or course you don’t, you’re not a perv, like the good professor here. Professor pervert, kiss the bottom of the foot you’re massaging. You don’t mind having your feet kissed, do you sweetheart?” Kelly asked Archer.
“No, I have no problem being worshipped. And I’m secure enough in my masculinity that I don’t care if it’s a submissive cuck like this loser doing the worshiping.”
“That’s what I love about you, sweetheart. You’re masculine, dominant AND open minded. That’s like icing on a yummy cake.,” Kelly said, as she started to kiss Archer passionately. “Professor, keep kissing the bottoms of my man’s feet while we make out.”
I kissed the balls of Archer’s feet, trying to avoid the callouses. I wondered: aren’t swimmers more prone to plantar warts, walking around all those bacteria-riddled pools and locker rooms in their bare feet? I knew plantar warts are highly contagious. Could I get warts on my lips or in my mouth? I made a mental note to research this on-line later. From extensive experience with Brooke and Luke, I was well aware of the aphrodisiac effect my submission could have on a couple dominating me. The exact reasons for this still remain something of a mystery to me. Just like you have to be a masochist to understand certain things, I guess you have to be a dominant or a sadist to understand others.
As if reading my thoughts, Anna said, “I think submissives’ brains must be wired differently. They have to be for them to enjoy feet so much. I mean, sometimes after we work out at the gym, Paul and I will rest our feet right on Cindy’s face. Can you imagine? Our sweaty, wet socks covering her nose and mouth. You’d think she’d have some self-respect and tell us to go to hell. Or, at a minimum, that she’d complain about the smell. Not that my feet smell, of course, but Paul’s smell something awful after he’s been working out,” she smiled at him.
“Yeah, right, babe,” Paul replied. He then explained to Kelly and Archer, “Don’t believe anything she says about her feet not smelling. The smell of her foot sweat is overpowering.”
“Bullshit,” Anna said, smiling and hitting him on the shoulder. “But, like I was saying, far from protesting, Cindy actually inhales the smell of our sweat socks and our sweaty feet. She almost looks as if she’s in ecstasy, like she’s smelling perfume or fresh flowers or something. And she even looks happy when she’s licking the toe jam and lint from between my toes. It’s disgusting. But it’s pretty funny watching her. And I like the sensation of her tongue on my toes.”
“It’s what I’ve been telling you for awhile now, babe. Submissives are intellectually inferior. They’re sexual deviants. By humiliating and abusing them, we’re giving them what they want, what they need, in fact. So there’s no reason for us to feel bad when we mistreat them. We’re actually doing them a favor,” said Paul.
Paul was a Psychology major and fancied himself some sort of authority on this subject apparently, although it was clear to me that he was greatly oversimplifying what were, in reality, very complicated human relationship dynamics. He also had a facile understanding of human intelligence. Under different circumstances, I might have tried to engage him in a debate. But to have done so at that moment would have been the height of folly, so I kept my mouth shut and my fingers busy.
After spending 15 minutes on Archer’s feet, I massaged the feet of my three students for the same amount of time (timed by Paul). Paul and Anna kissed each other while I worked on Anna’s feet, much as Archer and Kelly had done. Each insisted I respectfully kiss the bottoms of their feet after finishing the massage. Paul was last. While I massaged his feet, Anna prodded my balls with her high heel shoe, laughing as my cock twitched through my tights. Having been denied release for so long, my biggest fear was that all of the stimuli – the scantily-clad, young bodies, the humiliating dissection of my fetishes, the pressure of Anna’s foot (which she occasionally brushed against my the underside of my shaft) – would cause me to ejaculate. The thought of that was beyond mortifying, so I did everything I could possibly do to distract myself mentally.
Their ongoing conversation about feet did not make my task an easy one.
“Rollins, you’re actually pretty good at this. In a sensible world, you would be spending your time in your classes massaging all of your students’ feet rather than lecturing to them. It’s a better use of your talents.” There did seem to be a general consensus that I have a knack (was Paul’s term, “talent,” too strong a word) for giving foot massages. I guess there’s at least one thing I can do well with my hands after all, I thought to myself.
“Now, Paul. Don’t be cruel. I’ve had some pretty good courses with Professor Foot Page. I don’t see any reason why he couldn’t lecture while he massages everyone’s feet.” Kelly giggled.
Anna snickered. “Can you picture it? I can. He would be dressed just as he is now, crawling from student to student.”
“Yes, and then he could massage the feet of all of the other faculty members of the English department,” said Kelly, giggling.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t already massaging Neil Lawson’s feet. Lawson already has him fetching his coffee. Or he did today, at least. There’s definitely something going on there,” said Paul.
I couldn’t decide whether to be relieved Paul didn’t know any specifics or to be distressed that he was so suspicious – and that his instincts were correct. I remained silent.
Paul continued, “He obviously has a big foot fetish, like most submissives. Rollins, you ought to consider having a whole chapter dedicated to foot worship in that book you’re working on. You’ll be a real authority on the subject before we’re finished with you.”
Putting aside the implicit threat in his last remark, Paul actually might be on to something, I thought. I had been struggling with the organization of my book, which had really evolved quite a bit over the last six months. While I still aimed to show how medieval courtly poetry was what started the rich history of male masochism in western literature, I was increasingly focusing on contemporary BDSM cuckold fiction and what had clearly been an explosion in interest in that lifestyle in recent years, globally.
Miraculously, I was able to get through the massages and constant teasing without ejaculating. About halfway into my 5-hour stay at the condo, I served the four of them dinner, trying to remember to curtsy at all the required moments. They had changed back into the clothes they were wearing before their swim, Anna and Kelly in short skirts, stockings and heels and Paul and Archer in jeans and polo shirts. Anna kept her little notepad next to her plate on the table, and occasionally wrote in it, causing me further anxiety. When not going back and forth between the kitchen and dining room, I was expected to stand by the table at attention – to refill glasses of the wine I had purchased, fold the napkins of anyone who got up from the table, or do anything else ordered of me. My cock tented out my tights the entire time, of course. My self consciousness about this at least had the advantage of taking my mind off my hunger somewhat, as I enviously watched the four of them eat the meal I had prepared (I sampled the stroganoff as I was cooking it, and thought it came out quite well).
Anna invited everyone to critique the meal afterwards, and it was generally agreed upon that the beef and mushroom sauce was delicious, but that the pasta was overcooked. The salad and dressing was a success, but the Italian green beans less so. I was grateful that Anna had not required me to also prepare dessert.
“Well, Professor maid, it seems that both punishments and a reward are in order for your uneven meal and service. You also earned demerits for failure to curtsy on at least four occasions – I’m sure that I missed others – and continued deficiencies in your technique. Also for how you walked in heels earlier. The mushy pasta and beans were also unacceptable. On the other hand, the stroganoff itself was excellent, as was the salad and dressing. The boys will administer your punishment, and Kelly and I will grant you your reward.”
I replied, with a curtsy, “Yes, princess. Thank you, princess.” The truth of the matter is I didn’t know which of the two caused me greater dread: the punishment or the reward.
“Which should we give him first?”, asked Kelly.
Paul said, “Definitely the punishment first. We need to leave enough time for the redness of his ass to fade in case Luke or his wife want to punish him as well when he gets home.”
“And a submissive freak like him will probably enjoy his reward more with a sore ass. I’ve calculated that he’s owed 120 spanks. 100 from today, and the 20 we didn’t give him on Tuesday that he was due. Which one oy you strapping young men will do the honors?”, said Anna.
“This is going to be so much fun to watch,” said Kelly gleefully.
“It’s going to be hot,” said Anna. “I get all tingly watching Paul punish the slaves. Especially the beta males and sissies.”
“I know you do, girlfriend. Me too,” said Kelly. “I think it’s only fair that each of the boys give him sixty spanks, so you and I get to enjoy this equally,” said Kelly.
“Sounds good. Okay with you guys?,” said Anna.
“Fine. After you,” Paul said to Archer.
“Happy to dish out some discipline to the old cuck. Should we take him up to the dungeon and put him over the bench?”, asked Archer.
“No need to. We have to use our hands for now because we can’t leave any asting marks on his ass. So just take him over your knee,” Paul replied.
“Oh, how I wish we could cane or strap him! I think the cane is a lot more persuasive than just your hands. And the welts can be lovely,” said Anna.
“Someday, babe. You just have to be patient,” said Paul. “Not one of your strong suits, I realize.”
“Don’t worry, ladies. I will make sure his spanking is plenty persuasive. Get over my knees, old man,” commanded Archer.
“Yes, sir.” I draped myself over his knees, incredibly ashamed as I felt my hard cock press through my tights against the jeans covering his firm thighs.
“Do you feel his little stiffie on your leg, honey?,” Kelly asked, tittering.
“I do, but not for long. I’m going to beat it out of him. By the time I’m finished with him, he’ll be as limp as one of the overcooked noodles he served us,” said Archer. I felt his sizable hand resting on the center of my tights-clad bottom. Without warning, he lifted his hand and brought it down sharply on my right cheek.
I typically tried to be stoic in such moments, but the ferocity of his strike (and the suddenness of it) caused me to cry out, “Ouch!” I heard the amusement of our audience.
“That’s right, honey. Give it to him good! Pull down his tights and give it to him on the bare,” said Kelly.
Archer did as Kelly requested. What followed were repeated, loud smacking sounds of flesh striking flesh – as Archer carefully alternated cheeks – accompanied by a slow but steady buildup of pain. The tights had offered negligible protection. The sound was the big difference, but it seemed to provide a more satisfying sensory experience for my three students, who were witnessing the remarkable spectacle of their professor being punished like a naughty child. By the 30th spank or so, the pain was intense. And Archer was correct, my cock had deflated under his relentless assault on my bottom. Not as severe as a cane or strapping certainly, but a hand spanking that rivaled Luke’s in intensity.
I heard Kelly say, “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Look at that shade of red, will you?”
“Not as lovely as welts, but not bad,” added Anna.
By the 50th spank, my attempt at stoicism was a distant memory.
“Please, sir. Please don’t hit me so hard.” He ignored me, delivering the final ten with extra zeal, if anything. When he was finished, it was difficult for my mind to process the fact that my chastisement was only halfway complete.
After Archer pushed me unceremoniously onto the hardwood floor, my tights still lowered to just below my poor, tenderized bottom, Kelly ordered me to stand up. I started to pull up my tights as I stood, but she said with surprising sternness, “Did I say you could pull up your tights, professor? Leave them down so we can all get a proper look at your little cock. Turn around and stand before us. Put your hands on top of your head.”
When I complied with her order, my cock was still quite limp, somewhat shriveled even. But almost as soon as I stood up, I felt it began to stir under their scrutiny.
“Look at the tiny, hairless thing.,” said Anna, smiling contemptuously.
“Pathetic,” said Archer, with a sneer.
“Oh, look. It’s starting to get bigger. That was quick! It must like all of the attention,” laughed Kelly.
With each humiliating comment, it grew harder. My ass was burning, but no longer under a constant barrage (for the moment, at least), the sensation only fueled my involuntary, indeed most unwanted, arousal.
“It looks like it’s up to me beat his hard-on back out of him,” said Paul, patting his knee. “Come over here, Rollins, so I can finish your correction. Leave your tights down. You have 60 more coming.”
As this was unthinkable to me, I felt compelled to try to negotiate – or, perhaps it would be more accurate to say, grovel. When I walked over to where Paul was sitting, rather than lie over his knees, I dropped to my own, at his feet.
“My lord, Sir Archer’s punishment was quite severe. I’m not sure that I can take another 60 right now. I beg you to show some mercy to your lowly page by deferring some of my punishment until next Tuesday.” I then grasped his right foot with my hands and began kissing the tops of his brown, leather shoe. “Please, my lord.”
That Paul was triumphant, bringing me to my knees and abasing myself at his feet – even without being expressly commanded to do so – was clearly evident in his supremely smug, self-satisfied expression. It was painful to behold, but not as painful as another 60 spanks on my already wounded bottom would be. Groveling was a skill that I been refining over the last several months with Luke, so I continued my efforts.
“Please, my lord. Surely you and Princess Anna have some more dry cleaning that needs to be done or some other errands that need to be run. Your humble page is at your disposal.”
“This is a trip,” said Kelly.
“It IS a sign of strength for a ruler to occasionally grant mercy. What do you think, babe?”, said Anna.
“I’m considering it,” said Paul. “Sharing information might help your cause, page. Tell me, what is the story with you bringing Neil Lawson a cup of coffee today? That coffee shop is on the other side of campus. Is that a service that you regularly provide for him? Before you answer, you should know that if I sense you’re not being completely truthful, I’ll add 20 spanks to your punishment now, rather than reduce or defer any of it. If I find out you’re lying after the fact, the consequences for you will be dire.”
To say that I felt somewhat trapped at that moment would be an understatement. I certainly didn’t want to reveal any information to Paul about the nature of my relationship with my colleague, and yet I felt that not doing so was perilous. The slippery slope, again.
So, I continued my descent. “I bring Neil a cup of coffee four days a week, my lord.”
“Why? Are you his lackey or something? You’re senior to him on the faculty, right? Shouldn’t he be the one bringing you coffee, if anything?”
“It’s true that Neil doesn’t have tenure yet but he’s up for tenure in the spring. But it’s not like junior faculty members run errands or anything like that for senior faculty members. It’s just that Neil knows that I’m on a diet and feels that the exercise will do me good. He takes a personal interest in my health and physical fitness, as my friend.”
“Sounds like bullshit to me. I’ve seen Neil lifting weights with Luke at the gym a couple of times. It looks like they’re getting to be pretty chummy.”
“Yes, my lord, they like to work out together. They bond over sports.”
“Interesting. Is Neil aware of your weekly weigh-ins and punishments for failing to lose weight?”, Paul continued his interrogation.
“Yes, my lord,” I answered, deeply ashamed.
“Well, you’ve definitely lost quite a bit of weight, professor. Keep up the good work!”, said Kelly, with seeming sincerity. What a surreal moment this was, I thought to myself.
“Thank you, Princess Kelly.”
“Does Luke allow Neil to witness your weigh-ins and punishments,” Paul asked.
“Yes, my lord. Twice.”
“Keep kissing my shoes when you’re not speaking. Does Luke allow Neil to participate in your punishments?”
“Yes, my lord. Once.” I started kissing the bottom of his right shoe.
Being humiliated and punished by Luke was shameful. Neil’s participation in my punishment and humiliation made it infinitely more so. Being humiliated and punished by my students was incredibly shameful. Them knowing that Neil, another professor in my department, not only was aware of, but even took an active part in my punishment and humiliation was indescribably shameful. It was more than a slippery slope. It was quicksand. And I was sinking deeper by the second.
Paul was not yet done with his interrogation, however. “What other services do you provide for Professor Lawson, besides bringing him coffee?”
I hesitated. But mindful of Paul’s warning (he did seem to have some mysterious ability to intuit and/or discover things about me), I came clean, thereby deepening the pit in which I was sinking: “On Wednesdays, when he has several back-to-back classes, I have started to massage his feet in his office.”
“I knew it! Last week when I walked into his office and you were there, you were acting very nervous. I saw his shoes on the floor next to his desk. There’s not really many reasons to take off your shoes and socks on a freezing day. I had a sneaky suspicion that that’s what was going on. You’re an even bigger beta than I could’ve conceived of, Rollins. Is there anyone you’re not subservient to?”
“Yes, my lord….I mean, prior to 10 months ago…I wasn’t submissive to anyone….except in…my…my, imagination. Everything’s different now…”
“You’re leading a male masochist’s dream! Lick the bottom of my shoe. Do you realize how extraordinarily fortunate you are, old man?”
“Yes, my lord,” I said before reapplying my tongue to the sole of Paul’s shoe.
“This discussion has been very useful. You’ve given me all kinds of ideas about how to further enhance your submissive experience to make it truly exceptional. To make it world class. All the building blocks are already in place. We just need to find a way to integrate them,” Paul said.
“Look how hard his baby cock is! He loves the idea!”, said Anna.
“Now lie down across my lap. The new information I learned just now has caused me to feel magnanimous, so I will grant you mercy by deferring 20 of your spanks until Tuesday and pardoning 10 altogether,” Paul said.
At that exact moment, having my remaining punishment cut in half (at least for that day), I was more grateful about the present reprieve than concerned about any possible future danger that might result from Paul’s increased knowledge. It was only later, during many restless, sleep-deprived nights, that I began to really worry about the possible implications of Paul knowing that I was also submissive to my fellow professor.
“You are very kind, my lord,” I said as his hand came crashing down on the center of my ass. The irony of the moment produced hearty laughter from both Anna and Kelly.
My tights were still lowered, so my erect, bare cock pressed against the denim – a coarser variety than Archer’s – of Paul’s jeans. How much shame could one person endure in a single evening? But it was only 8:30 PM; I still had over an hour left with my young tormentors.
Whereas Archer’s technique was to alternate cheeks, Paul preferred picking one spot and sticking to it for repeated spanks. He focused on the center of my bottom, initially 10 strikes where the crack of my ass began and then moving methodically lower until the final 20 were on the area closest to my scrotum. Unfortunately, Paul hit harder today than on my last visit, no doubt making sure he at least matched the force of Archer in front of the two young women, who were watching with rapt attention. As he delivered the final twenty or so spanks, the pain was searing and I began kicking my legs more and more and squirming around on his lap in a futile attempt to alleviate it, or to escape. On the bright side, my erection quickly subsided under the intensity of his assault.
“Stay still, or I will add the 30 back,” he warned, sternly, grabbing my right arm and holding it tightly behind my back with his free hand.
When he was finally done, he roughly pulled up my tights, producing a wedgie effect, and almost playfully swatted my bottom twice, saying, “You may get up now. Go stand in the corner. Hands behind your head.”
I did as commanded, but Kelly objected, “Why did you pull his tights back up? I want to see what shade of red his ass is now.”
“Lower your tights, page boy,” ordered Anna.
“Yes, princess,” I said, following her command. My eyes were wet with tears, but I was hoping they wouldn’t notice. I wanted to at least deprive them of the satisfaction that they caused me to cry.
“Do I hear sniffling, professor? Did getting spanked by his big, mean student make the poor, wimpy professor cry?”
“No, Princess Kelly.”
“I’m not sure I believe you,” Kelly replied.
“Look at his ass. The color reminds me of raw hamburger meat. Are you sure it will heel quickly enough, babe?”, asked Anna.
“Archer and I hit him hard, but not hard enough for any permanent bruises. The color will fade quickly,” said Paul. “Sort of like a sunset. An intense color that fades quickly.”
“Too bad. It’s such a lovely color, “ said Kelly.
After 10 minutes, during which they passed around a joint and continued to tease me, Anna said, “You’re right, the color is starting to fade already. Turn around, you naughty page boy, and face us. Keep your hands on your head.”
“Well, the color of ass may be like setting like the sun, but his little cock is compensating for it,” said Kelly, with a giggle.
“Pathetic,” commented the eloquent Archer.
I looked down to see my cock standing at attention through my tights, wishing I could simply disappear. I stood there shamefully for another twenty minutes as they finished a second joint.
After they finished, Anna said, “We’re running out of time before the good professor turns into a pumpkin. It’s time for your reward, professor. Obeisance!”
Recalling last week, I quickly dropped to the floor down on my belly and clasped my hands behind my back.
“Very good. You remembered,” Anna said. “Now slither on your belly to our feet, as we taught you.”
I began my humiliating belly crawl across the floor – only a few feet, but it felt like many more – my hard cock grinding into the hardwood, once again fearful that the combination of the potent humiliation and the stimulus to my cock would result in me ejaculating en route. Fortunately, it did not. Once I reached them, I craned my neck up to look at the four pairs of shoes hovering above me, and planted a kiss on the top of each, as I had been instructed during my last visit.
Anna then said, “Kelly, switch places with Paul, please.”
Once she did, Anna ordered me to lie on my back next to where she and Kelly were seated on the sofa. Rolling over, I winced with pain as my bottom touched the floor. From experience, I knew that sitting would be uncomfortable for the next day or two.
She then said to Kelly, “Do you want to provide the olfactory stimulation or the tactile stimulation?”
As if this was a routine occurrence in their lives, Kelly said, “Oh, definitely the tactile stimulation. It will be fun to toy with his little dicklet. Besides, based on what Paul said about your foot sweat, you’re the one who can provide the best olfactory stimulation.” Kelly chuckled.
“Very funny,” said Anna, smiling. “Very well.”
Anna removed her heels and placed her moist stocking-clad feet directly over my nose and mouth. Kelly kept her heels on and began pressing the toe of her right heel firmly into my balls, through my tights. She then began lightly kicking my balls. It was mildly painful, but not so painful that it caused my hard cock to deflate; it was painful yet still highly arousing, a well calibrated approach that suggested to me that Kelly had some experience tormenting others along similar lines.
“Take deep breaths, professor,” Anna ordered.
Her feet indeed had a strong, distinct odor, at once malodorous and fragrant, sour yet sweet. As I inhaled, Kelly began grinding her heel directly into the underside of my cock, pressing it into my body. Only about three minutes into this sensuous torture, my cock erupted, my semen seeping copiously through my white tights. I groaned involuntarily as I orgasmed, a groan of simultaneous ecstasy and despair. Because I hadn’t come in so long, I produced what was for me at least, a prodigious amount. What appalling, exquisite humiliation! I tried to imagine what it would be like facing my three students in class next week, or for that matter, any time again for the rest of my life. It was certainly a moment that would never be forgotten by anyone in that room.
“It looks like our professor enjoyed his reward,” Kelly said, snickering. “And I could tell when he was about to shoot his wad, so I moved my foot away just in the nick of time.” She picked up her heel and pointed at it, “See no icky professor goo. It’s clean.”
Anna said to me, “You see, being enslaved to us is not all about punishment. There are rewards as well, occasionally.”
“Yes, thank you Princess Anna, Princess Kelly.”
Well, at least I wouldn’t have to lick up my ejaculate this time. Paul threw me a towel. I was permitted to clean myself up and was then ordered to put the towel into the washing machine (by itself, as Anna didn’t want the towel I soiled to be near any of their clothes or linen). I then cleared up the kitchen. Finally, I was allowed to change back into my street clothes. Before I left the apartment, I was required one last time to bow down before each of them, kiss their feet and thank them for allowing me to be of service. I then went down the elevator, relieved to see a different doorman (one who I had never encountered before), who more or less ignored me as I exited the building.
I pulled up to my house at 10:20 P.M., surprised to see the light on in the kitchen. When Brooke and Luke went out to dinner on Thursdays, Luke usually drove, so it was not unusual to see Brooke’s car in the driveway. Maybe they had just forgotten to turn off the lights?
But as I entered the kitchen, I was alarmed to see Brooke sitting alone at the table. Expecting to be asked where I had been, I started trying to think of plausible explanations.
However, Brooke simply looked up at me. She had a glum expression on her face and her eyes were bloodshot, as if she had been crying. Something was definitely up.
“Hi, honey,” I said, nervously.
“Where’s Luke?”
“He’s gone.”
“Will he back later, or is he staying at his house tonight?”
“He’ll be staying at his house every night from now on.”
“What are you talking about? What happened?”
“Go get a bottle of scotch and two glasses. I need a drink.”
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 LawStudentAndrew [WTS] World Mystery Bags below spot, Fresh PCGS US Type, 1950/51 Proof Set, Cheap 80% Silver

PF: https://imgur.com/a/PvI7Nkg ───────
I provide insurance and/or signature confirmation at your request and cost. I am responsible for getting your package scanned by USPS; once it has been scanned you are liable for the package. More info at bottom
I WILL NEVER ACCEPT CRYPTO. For many reasons. I also would warn users against using crypto to make purchases. If you ever are scammed, money sent through paypal, venmo, cashapp, zelle etc almost always ends up in a bank account that can be traced. There is some level of accountability. The same cannot be said for crypto (also physical cash, money order, for the sake of thoroughness). There is my two cents. Thanks for listening to my ted talk. Sale below:
80% Canada Coins https://imgur.com/mMz3Fcs
188 dimes available @ 5% below spot (spot x .95 x .6 per face value)
53.75 face value in quarters available @ 4% below spot (spot x .94 x .6 per face value) https://imgur.com/VpMJpem
Fresh Slabs (Non Morgan)
1917 Mercury Dime MS64FB - https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49376121 - $175 (PCGS Guide 250 Bid 160)
1944 Mercury Dime MS67FB https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49377934 $500 (PCGS 775 Bid 420)
1934 D Walking Liberty Half MS63 https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49376122 $300 (425/260)
1811 Capped Bust Half (Lovely Circ Cam, Amazing Surfaces) VF30 Small 8, O-110a - $350 (450/275) https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49376146
1809 XXX Edge Capped Bust O-110 (rarer variety R4+) F15 - $390 (550xxx (525 O-110 (needs to be updated)/(300 xxx /(360 for O-110) https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49376145
Fresh Slabs (Morgan)
1883 MS64 - $85 https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49376123
1888 O MS64 - $95 Lovely Original Tone/Look https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49376124
1899 S MS64 - Available @ Wholesale Bid $1100 TV: https://www.pcgs.com/cert/49377935
Raw BU Morgans https://imgur.com/a/dUEeY0J
1880 S #1 - $58 https://imgur.com/Mw7yDRU
1880 S #2 - $62 https://imgur.com/PoVmehk
1904 O (light tone top left obv) - $53 https://imgur.com/lCU3QeX
1904 O (white) - $56 https://imgur.com/K92zhAH
1904 O Semi PL - Blue tone at top - $70 https://imgur.com/BlpR3Ro
Silver spot is $30.43 at time of post:
50% world silver Mystery bag by the troy ounce (mostly 1968 cad, post 1920 UK, and other stuff) - @ 95% of spot - 65 185 troy ounce available Sample: https://imgur.com/xQ84qCV https://imgur.com/GSNFV7i
Priced Y (how many troy ounces you want) x 30.43 x .5 x .95
So 10ozt would be 10 x 30.43 x .5 x .95 = 144.54
FRESH World Silver: https://imgur.com/a/d7Kw1xy
17 German 1/2 Marks - $50 (spot ~42) https://imgur.com/a/lHkUhUX
5 Ceres (1870s) 2 Francs - $65 (spot around $40 - rarer type) https://imgur.com/a/0foFQHd
21 Ceres (1800s) 1 Francs - $135 (spot around $85 rarer type) https://imgur.com/a/QjxqBZk
3 Large damaged Silver Coins 1937 Canada Dollar .6oz , 1990 50 Gulden 0.7435oz, 1978 10 Rubble Cycling 0.9636oz = 1% back of spot $69.50
UK Sterling: $130 (4florin 5 half crown)
Old French Francs (1860s): $42 (7 1 franc, 1 2 franc)
Mexico 3 x pesos - get 1 free for every $200 worth of world silver purchased!
$7.30 Face value Canadian Sterling - all but a couple with dates - $170 (spot ~$154)
World silver has a $100 min purchase or the rest of a lot
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1950 Proof Set: https://imgur.com/J4omy8Q Grades by denom: 66RD/66/67/67/66 - $875
1951 Proof Set https://imgur.com/NgXGfA0 Grades by denom 66RD/66/67/65/66 - $560 -
Slabs https://imgur.com/a/w0QhBiZ
1881 S OGH PCGS MS63 Morgan - $65 (You cant beat this price)
1904 O MS65 NGC Morgan - Amazing Surfaces - $160
1853 $1 Gold NGC MS61 - $390
1903 $2.50 Gold PCGS MS65 - $725
Misc https://imgur.com/a/GzBfVop
1923 BU Peace some tonig - $35
Ancient Silver Coin - $35
1875 S 20 cent Strong VF - $200
1956 1/2 Mint Set AMAZING TONING - $110 Vid: https://imgur.com/cNzDQL0
1955 1/2 Mint Set AMAZING TONING - $90 Vid: https://imgur.com/JgY0KBo
New users must use Zelle or Cash app.
I accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo FF, and PPFF. Venmo GS is NOT accepted.
I no longer accept crypto under any circumstance.
I will not ship outside the US
Shipping in the US is $5 for 4 or fewer ounces, $6 for 5-13oz, and then $10 for anything above.
Priority SFRB = $10
I provide insurance and/or signature confirmation at your request and cost. I am responsible for getting your package scanned by USPS; once it has been scanned you are liable for the package. Insurance costs: $1/$100 for the first $500 of coverage, .50c for every $100 after. If it is lost in route I will do everything I can to help you recover it and file insurance claims if applicable but I will not provide a replacement or a refund if insurance has not been purchased. Insurance purchased relies on the insurer paying out. Any purchase made is subject to these terms.
Note: NO NOTES WITH PPFF - if a note is sent I will issue a refund
submitted by LawStudentAndrew to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
submitted by agape5165153 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 dhurkzsantos crude thoughts on sin and injury

sin some say is failing to hit a mark
an analogy to using a bow and an arrow trying to hit the targetted mark
a created being has its own nature,\ and nature is called towards its excellence
the nature of man,\ is of having a. . .
. . .rational faculty,\ and\ a body
the rational faculty is to percieve the truth\ and to govern itself and the body towards it
the rational faculty's excellence is seeing the truth clearly,\ the same way our eyes sees a real object that is real and that exist
if the eyes is sick with cataract and does not see an object clearly\ or\ if it sees an object that does not exist,\ then we can say the eyes is sick and ill
so also with the rational faculty,\ if it does not percieve clearly the truth of good,\ or sees good as evil or evil as good,\ that is an indication of sickness of the mind and illness of the rational faculty
what injures the rational faculty. . .\ is ignorance,\ or\ follishness-incapacity of the mind to think well. . .\ . . .due to enslavement by,\ desire or fear,\ or of,\ pleaure and pain
our rational soul\ has health as thus the body,\ and we aim. . .\ not just to free it from sickness,\ or of gaining health,\ but of attaining fullness and excellence
a person who commits sin and commits injustice,\ not only injures others. . .\ . . .but also injures himself
he injures his virtue and the goodness of this rational soul,\ wounding it
a wounded, injured and sick rational soul,\ limps and walks with diffuculty towards virtue
often,\ if the state of the rational soul loses health,\ its sickness disables it from seeing good clearly. . .\ . . .and worse, seeing good as evil and evil good
so when we sin,\ its just not the physical harm, and the emotional harm physicaly visible in us and others. . .
where we determine, and say. . .ah. .\ there, there exist injury and hence harm is committed,\ or say\ i dont see visble injury, and hence no harm is committed.\ so of injustice, their is non that is done
or to say. . .
this particular sin of pleasure injures no one? there is no harm. . .\ therefore, it is not a sin
we ought to look at our rational soul\ if its excellent or degraded?\ is it with health or wounded?
if it sees clear the truth,\ or if it sees good as evil and evil good. . .
. . .if it cannot see truth of good clearly or sees the opposite,\ then see, that we behold before us the injury
submitted by dhurkzsantos to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 Klarkash-Ton I Stay Away from the House at The End of the Street Now

The house has been at the end of Thompson Road as long as anyone could remember yet there’s no one still alive who remembers anyone ever living in it. It was a remnant of an era, when the Victorian style architecture was still prevalent, yet it had been left in disrepair. Windows boarded over, paint fallen off, shingles missing here and there. Most people in the town declared there was something not quite right with the old building. Some rumors stated that of the few people who tried to move in left promptly afterwards seeking other residence.
I remember when I was a young boy there was an older gentleman who would care to the grounds, cutting the grass and making small mending’s to the surrounding fence. He was a kindly old man who wore a corduroy jacket and a flat cap. He almost had the appearance of a man from a different time and place. Most children avoided walking by Thompson road on their way home from school, yet the old house had a curious draw to me back then and I often liked to stare at it in the dying light of the autumn days. It was in these days I became acquainted with the old caretaker who told me his name happened to be, Mr. Thompson, just like the road.
Most of the town children had seen Mr. Thompson tending to the old house and naturally as is the past time of children, created stories and rumors about him. Many said he lived in the house waiting to trap any poor soul foolish to wander on the property by locking them in the cellar. Others said he was an escaped prisoner using the old place as a hideaway from the police. I didn’t believe the rumors going around about him for a second but the house drew my curiosity nonetheless.
My acquaintance with Mr. Thompson began with my troublesome self, committing the act of trespassing. My act of mischief had been inspired by one of the playground stories I had heard earlier that day from one of my classmates. He said that he had skulked about the property peering into cracks along the boarded-up windows. He told me and several other kids how it looked as if someone was still living there, and the peculiar fact that no pictures hung in the place save for one wall in the living room. Given I had taken an interest to the old place, I naturally decided that day to see for myself.
I climbed the fence that afternoon in October and had skulked ever so closely to the first window I saw. As I peered inside, I was shocked to notice that the interior looked very much like someone had been in fact living there. Furniture and décor, the Victorian style still so present, was set like the previous residents had just left and would return any minute. I decided that the room I was peering in to be the living room due to the fact when I looked across to the far edge, I found the wall mentioned on the playground. It was filled top to bottom with what appeared to be every picture in the house, the wall behind barely visible due to the number of picture frames. From where I was standing, I could not make out what was in any of the pictures.
It was at this time I was discovered upon by Mr. Thompson. No doubt he took me for some trouble making youth looking for a place to plant graffiti. Yet when I answered his initial question to what I was doing there, he began to soften realizing I was merely a curious wanderer exploring what appeared to be the forbidden. This begun my friendship with the old gentleman who I could tell was not a criminal or madman seeking to lock people in his cellar. He let me go and promised not to tell anyone I was trespassing on private property, if I promised him to continue to visit and talk to him as he worked. We struck a deal and I made it a purpose to continue my visiting’s to the old house after school to talk with Mr. Thompson.
I never saw anyone else spend much time around the place other than him and asked him if he lived in or in fact owned the old Victorian house, which I never saw him enter or come out of. He told me no and laughed dryly. His family he said had always taken care of the old place as long as he could remember. He told me stories of people trying to enter seeking something they could not find and of seeing strange things within the house though, things he would not or could not describe to me. He told me on one night of the year weird things would happen within the old building, things not natural was how he put it. I tried to pry out of him what exactly he meant. “I have to show you,” he said, “It cannot be described.” He told me in exactly one week he would find me and show me exactly what possessed the old house.
Exactly one week to the day was November 1st. I was shocked that a day where the unexplained could happen would be a day after Halloween. Nevertheless, Mr. Thompson found my house, how I am still unsure and awoke me with a soft knock on my window.
“Hurry! We’ll be late!” he said in a hushed tone.
“For what?” was my reply.
“The answer to your question,” was all he answered as I dressed quickly.
We walked along the dark streets of the town from one light post to the next, which dimly illuminated the street. We came to Thompson Road and turned down it. It was dark, no street lamps traveled down the lonely lane. As we approached the old house it cast a dark shadow upon us in the low moonlight. Mr. Thompson easily glided past the rusted iron gate and up the rickety steps like a wraith. I followed him as fast as my short legs could follow him in the darkness.
From his coat pocket he removed a small ring with two rusted keys. One of these he inserted into the door lock, I could hear the old tumblers moving and click as he twisted the lock open. As I followed him into the entryway, I was met by a strong musty smell due to many years of no ventilation. We walked further into the house, I was surprised that Mr. Thompson hadn’t brought a flashlight with us though he moved through the hallways and rooms as if he knew his way from pure memory. I took keen notice as we walked that there remained no pictures or even fade marks of pictures once hanging on any of the walls.
We walked down a long hallway, the floorboards creaking beneath us. As we came closer to the door at the end, I perceived that a soft glow was emanating from around the doorframe. Mr. Thompson stopped at this point and spoke his first words to me since we entered the house. “What we are about to see might cause you to startle, the important thing is that you just observe and disturb nothing.”
I took his warning to heart and made a promise that no matter what I saw I would be as quiet as a church mouse. He reached out his hand and quietly opened the door. What lay behind I would never have imagined. It was the living room, or a parlor as it would have been referred to over a century ago. The one I no doubt had seen from my peering through the windowpanes. Within to my surprise however were people. I saw what appeared to be a party of twenty people or more dressed as if in a masquerade party straight out of Victorian England. I almost opened my mouth to speak had it not been for Mr. Thompson’s calloused hand stifling my mouth from uttering a peep. I stared at the scene in front of me and noticed that the people here didn’t seem right for some reason they all had a blank look in their eyes like they were sleep walking or drugged. They walked about not making a noise, several couples were dancing a silent waltz with no expression on their faces. In everything they did they took no notice of us. My attention was immediately caught by the wall of pictures on the opposite side of the room. I made my way quietly over to it being careful to not disturb anything in my path.
As I approached the wall, I anticipated seeing pictures of everyone who had either lived in the house and possibly relations to the past residents. What I did not expect to see in fact was empty pictures. Most of the pictures were of either empty rooms or nature. I scanned the wall more closely and to my horror found pictures with people in them, what I was not expecting to see was the people in these pictures to turn and look at me.
It took all my control to not cry out or faint at what I saw. I rubbed my eyes thinking they still had sleep in them, when I reopened them the people in the pictures were still moving and looking at me. They were not dressed in Victorian garb. Many wore the dress of more recent decades. The looks in their faces were as they were haunted with fear; it was as if they were trapped in the picture frames, the frames their prison cells.
I didn’t notice Mr. Thompson walk up behind me. I saw him begin to stare at a particular picture. There was a young lady in it, when she saw him, she began to peer at him intently pressing her hands against the glass as if trying to get out, looking at him longingly. It was in this brief moment that he forgot his own rule and touched the picture frame pressing his hand against her tiny one. The moment he did so everyone in the parlor stopped in his or her tracks looking at him, looking at us it felt. I had never felt my blood go cold as it did that night or ever since. How long they stared at us I do not know, only that eventually they began to slowly walk their way toward us.
“Run,” was all he could whisper to me as we tried to escape. We ran to the other end of the room yet the people in the room managed to pass through the furniture like ghosts to get to us. They left me alone, as I had made no disturbance yet they grabbed Mr. Thompson and dragged him to the wall. With his loose hand he dug in his pocket and threw me his rusty keys. “Look in the shed.” Was all he could get out as the now ghost like beings dragged him toward his end. The first ones to reach the wall turned almost into a vapor and dissipated before reforming into a frame unmoving, looking as if they belonged. I turned and ran down the hallway as I began to see Mr. Thompson to dissipate at the hands of his captors. What remained of his scream I heard as I fled the house running for what I believed to be my life.
The following day I awoke in my bed, the memory of the night before feeling like a nightmare. But was it true? I had to know. I ate a quick breakfast and walked down Thompson Road towards the house. When I reached it, it was quiet. The wind stirred blowing leaves all over the lawn, but Mr. Thompson was nowhere in sight. I stuck my hands in my pockets discovering the rusty key from my memory. Realizing I had not dreamed it entirely I made my way to the shed As I vaguely remembered his final words telling me to look before I fled. Inside the shed were tools and garden supplies typical of a gardener’s shed. On top of one of the barrels was a small leather book. Engraved on the cover was J.T., No doubt his initials. This was no doubt what he asked me to find.
I dared not enter the house again and instead grabbed a prybar and small flashlight from the shed. Ripping off the boards from the parlor window I managed to open the window a bit and stuck my flashlight in and look around. Everything looked the same, as if nothing had happened the night before with the exception of when my flashlight hit the wall of pictures, I saw Mr. Thompson looking back at me hauntingly. I ran back home and threw the book and keys in my dresser. To this day I still haven’t looked at them. I’m not sure I do.
submitted by Klarkash-Ton to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:24 arekban Harmless Human Sacrifice 4

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Gods were now fighting over Markus. On the matter of whether he should feel flattered or terrified, ‘terrified’ was looking to be the stronger adjective.
As many as six different voices had piped up in the last few moments expressing some level of interest over hiring Markus following his defeat of the monster. All of these voices emanated from high-class looking box seats, and all of them carried that same affectation of power and status that one might expect of a deity.
Naturally, the crowd had fallen to silence. Who wanted to interrupt an argument between gods?
It wasn’t long before the already nonplussed Markus was flanked by Drathok, who’d spawned into existence beside him in a flash of purple lightning. The creature took one look at his dead monster, another, much longer look at Markus, then waved his hand up at the gods.
“Sacred ones! Sacred ones… I trust you all enjoyed the performance?”
“I do not wish to converse with an imp baron,” the first god spoke, a touch of ire in his voice. He was the one who’d first propositioned Markus following his fight, and the tallest of all standing to address him now. Despite their distance, Markus could make out his features well, as if he were so defined that the limits of perception need not apply to his visage. “But I will indulge you if only to speed this up. Where did you acquire this one from? Where?”
“An exotic planet in the far reaches, my lord, one heralded to produce only the mightiest warriors with the highest inherent potentials…” Drathok smiled, that same wide smile from before. “Tell me, has your holiness ever heard of the planet Earth?”
“Earth…” the god grumbled, rubbing his fingers against his chin. “No. Can’t say that I have. Sounds rather exotic…”
Markus watched the whole exchange with incredulity, still reeling with exhaustion from the fight, barely staying aloft. He worried that if he fainted now, he’d end up having an important decision be made for him, and somehow, something was keeping him going even in spite of how hard and desperately he’d fought. He had no clue what.
Still, Drathok was lying through his teeth! He’d never even heard of Earth until Markus had told him about it, and he’d pulled Markus here by total accident!
To think that he’d still try and find a way to profiteer from this situation… or maybe he was just trying to cover his own hide. Markus found it difficult to tell. Was there a chance that Markus’ unexpected victory might provoke a god’s anger?
“Question,” another voice piped up, this one female. “You say this human hails from a warrior planet, one so exotic none of us would know of it. Then why is it that your announcer insisted he was a simple, weak primitive impossibly staked to lose his life?”
“A ploy to drive both tension and excitement, your emanence! An outcome so unexpected was only meant to surprise all of you most esteemed patrons with a bout beyond your expectations!”
“Beyond my expectations…” the goddess growled ferociously, the stands trembling around her. “I’ve lost good money betting on this fight! The otherworlder was meant to be eviscerated!”
“And you will be reimbursed in full! An unfortunate cost to provide you with this most glorious turn of events, I do hope you were entertained regardless!”
“I ought to gut you where you stand, but I do suppose lying is in the nature of hellspawn.” The goddess tutted. “I will pardon this deception, but only because the fight was extraordinary. A level one human besting a D grade monster? Almost unheard of.”
“Which is why I should be the one to claim him!” another god roared. “I was the first to take note of this human’s prowess, you all should’ve caught on sooner!”
“Esteemed patrons, sacred ones…” Drathok smiled at each of them in turn, giving a small bow. “I must make you aware, this one is contracted to fight for me for the foreseeable future. To terminate said contract—”
“To buy out his service?” The tallest god sneered. “Please. I care little about your petty soul contract. Name your price. It’s a pittance to me.”
“Do I get a choice in any of this?”
Markus had said it quietly and between coughs, but that was only because his throat was so coarse. He was so frustrated with the way that he was being bargained over that he wanted to scream at them all.
“We will settle this matter later. I’m tired of gawking onlookers,” the tallest god said. “See my new champion is properly cleaned up before I visit him.”
“He’s not your champion, he’s mine!” another god blurted.
“Of course, sacred ones. Any and all of you may visit the dungeons at my leisure, you need only ask. Thank you once more for your most esteemed patronage, and please enjoy the rest of today’s performances!”
With that, Drathok and Markus both were whisked away in a flash of lightning.
Before he blinked out of the arena, he noticed that the body of the bulleater he’d slain had seemed to almost be melting away around the chest area, as if its heart had been absorbed from its body.
When they arrived back in the summoning room, Drathok’s face was split by a massive grin.
“Wonderful, boy. Simply wonderful.” He levitated a far chair over to himself and proceeded to sit, as Markus stood before him, still wracked by pain. “You passed every test I put before you with ease. Truly, you are an impressive specimen.”
“Impressive?” Markus gulped, his throat dry. “You… you mean you expected me to kill that fuck ugly thing?”
“I estimated the chance to be around five percent,” Drathok admitted, eyes glinting red. “To say I expected it might be an overstatement.”
He folded one leg over the other, looking truly at ease. “When I saw your inborn trait, I became curious about your potential, so I started zapping you with just enough magic that you might make use of it, assuming your ability had any potency to it. Seems you drank quite greedily from my mana pool, and look what it ended up leading to!” He laughed. “You’ve done well. Well enough that you won’t be stuck rotting away down here for very long. Isn’t that just splendid?”
“You bastard…” If Markus understood the situation well enough, then it was simple. Drathok had known he might be able to absorb mana from attacks from the start, and that was the precise reason he’d cast his magic on him. Not for intimidation, not for torture, but to give Markus a weapon he could use, should he have the instinct for it.
Only, it was hardly something he should be grateful for, as he’d only done it so Markus could showcase his abilities in front of a bunch of gods, who’d now want to buy him instead.
Presumably, whatever Markus could do with Mana Manipulation was worth more than the cost of replacing that monster he’d slain would be. Good for him. Great for Drathok.
Markus wasn’t gonna take this sitting down. He hadn’t fought for his life just to be sold again. He raised his hand, ready to expel the last of his excess mana despite the screaming warnings of his body, but before he could do more than bring a small pulse of power to his palm, Drathok raised a finger and held Markus completely still in doing so, locking his joints and disrupting the flow of his mana.
“Come, now. Do you really think you have a hope of winning?”
The power difference between the two was so vast that it was indescribable, even after Markus’ victory. Drathok had proven so with that single display of power. Markus struggled and thrashed in place against Drathok’s invisible hold. Any head-on confrontation was likely to be impossible.
Markus began sweating, his body aching immensely. “Fuck you. When I get out of here, I’m gonna find you and make you wish you’d never summoned me. Mark my words.”
“You can talk about your daydreams all you like. It won’t change your fate.” Drathok grinned wider, probably mentally spending the fat purse of coins he’d receive for this even as they spoke. “You want my advice? Sign yourself over to Ciphelos. He’s more lenient than the others.” Drathok began to cackle as he spoke. “After a few decades of service, he might even let you go free!”
With that, Drathok snapped his fingers, and a small, red creature appeared in a puff of smoke. “What’s up, boss?”
“Show this one to his cell. He’s performed exceptionally, so give him a rag to wash himself with. Perhaps some cheese?“
“Got it, boss,” the imp answered, before swishing its tail twice. Immediately, an ethereal chain appeared from nowhere, wrapping itself around Markus’ ankle and clamping shut, as all the while the chain affixed itself to the imp’s right hip.
Markus couldn’t even begin to tug against it. It kept his foot completely in place. When the imp moved, he moved.
As he was pulled away, he turned back only to find Drathok waving, shit-eating grin everpresent on his stupid fucking face.
“Rest well, champion! Your new life awaits!”
Markus hadn’t taken more than two unassisted steps within his cell before he collapsed to the floor. The moment that the shackles had been taken off of him and his forced march through the torchlit corridors beneath the arena had ended, his body had taken its toll on him in full force.
[Mana Poisoning II in effect. Overcharging your body’s mana past 250% of its capacity causes extreme fatigue and a consistent drain in both vitality and strength. Reducing your body’s mana below 100% of its capacity will counteract this.]
[Dealing with Mana Poisoning for long periods leads to Mana Toxicosis, a condition that will render you incapable of casting magic without inflicting heavy damage upon yourself, and in advanced stages can simply kill you.]
[Overcharge (F Grade) in effect: all physical stats have been temporarily raised by 30. Magical affinity and resilience increased. Growth heightened by 50%.]
That didn’t sound good. No wonder he was laying here in such a miserable heap of exhaustion. His whole body felt utterly incapable of moving, to the point that once the promised wet rag and food were passed into his cell, Markus couldn’t even find the energy to get up and use them, no matter how he might want to.
He supposed the temporary boost in stats had probably been necessary to carry out the fight, but if feeling like this after was the cost…
Markus decided to look around at his system more. He’d been simply thinking things and getting answers from it up until now, which seemed fairly intuitive, but he wanted a way to view everything pertinent.
He imagined himself looking at a menu, and something akin to that appeared before him. There was a list of notifications spread out, as well as means to look at various advancement trees that he had yet to realise even existed.
One thing was for sure, between draining that creature and killing it, he’d been showered with levels. There were so many notifications here…
He counted, and there were seven level ups. He’d shot up from level 1 to 8 in a single fight.
44 unspent skill points. That sounded like a lot, but he had no basis for what was high or low right now. Markus opened his stat sheet, trying to determine what he might spend them on. Part of him wanted to wait until he could amass more information, but he was on a time crunch here. He wanted to be rid of this affliction plaguing him, and he was hardly about to ask whatever god came to buy him for pointers on the most meta build for escaping them.
No, he needed to figure it out himself. Head hazy, Markus summoned his status screen, staring at it for the very first time:
[Name: Markus Brown] [Class: Otherworlder (Earth) (Tier: Novice 8)] [Health: 253/340] [Mana: 832/430]
[Strength: 48 (+30)] [Agility: 42 (+30)] [Arcana: 6] [Constitution: 49 (+30)] [Spirit: 17] [???: 0]
Didn’t take a very long look for him to realise where most of his unspent points would be going. He’d deal with the other notifications and passives demanding his attention later. For now, too much mana was the problem, and a hefty dose of Spirit seemed to be the solution.
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A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! Bit of system experimentation and build theorising coming up early next chapter, then straight back to the action! Hope you're enjoying the story so far, it's been a blast to write for all of you!
If you wanna support me and this story, or if you just can't wait for the next chapter, the next six chapters of this story are available right now on my Patreon!
submitted by arekban to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:17 tianchengkao [WTS] Demko, seiko watch, mod PM2 , a govko / tuff knives collab custom Westinghouse fix blade and Casetify iPhone case

concider both trade or sell. trade interest is null grace. Demko custom. crk 21 seb . j oeser nebo. and i will top cash depends on condition. All are OBRO. YOLO>DM. payment prefer ppff.
🟢 🔪 TV 650 600 Demko harpoon Ti - A mint harpoon ti. want to trade same condition non-slot harpoon ti ONLY.
🟢 ⌚️ SV/TV $450 $400 final drop. concider all trade offer shoot me dm King seiko KS 5626-7041 C - at least 2nd owner. bought from ebay a store only sell vintage seiko in australia. Those go around 700-900 on eBay .i can go find order detail if buyer need that. it is with some sign of use for its age. but in very good condition. functionalwise it is 100%. hands are all close to mint. dial is close to mint except a tiny line shows arround 4pm only can see it at certain angle of light. other than that its perfect. time marks and glass all without scratch. back side is alots of scratch and that is expected. leather band are very new. i think i only wore it 3 days in my entire 3 years of ownership. no box. watch keep good time. WATCH GUYS welcome to comment how much these should gone for currently. (Those go around 700-900 on eBay) it kept good time and all time date set function are correct.
🟢 🔪SV $175 $157.5 firm Spyderco PM2 mod tanto+ almost mint blade bundle - C at least 3rd owner. scratches on hardware here and there. RGT burlap micarta scale looks good tho. not much sign of use on scale. it run on a blade regrind to tanto shape and someprocess to make it look like stone washed. and reprofiled. kind of dull. prabaly need another sharpen. blade is favor show side. the other blade is mint except tiny chip at tip i point out in video. entire know is action smooth and lock solid. no issue to be a user. came with box and paper.
🟢 🔪SV/TV $680 $580 Gavko / tuffknife collab one off custom westy fixie - B at least 2nd owner. entire knife looks clean. i dont see its been used. Tons of characters from gavko and tons of charactors from geoff blauvelt. only thing i can see its a very shallow scratch on show side. only see it with certain angle of light. build 2016. abel steel. and really vintage westinghouse virorite scale. (looks real premium if it side by the mordern cheese fake westinghouse) please shit on me easily. Don’t know how to price it. But pro collectors welcome to comment how much those should priced at. I can adjust.
🟢 🔪SV/TV $62 Casetify black mirror serie case for iPhone 15 Pro - A BNIB. Got it 72+tax. Bought 2 . Chose another one. and sell this. Film on it never removed.
submitted by tianchengkao to EDCexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:08 tianchengkao WTS/WTT Demko, seiko watch, mod PM2 , a govko / tuff knives collab custom Westinghouse fix blade and Casetify iPhone case

concider both trade or sell. trade interest is null grace. Demko custom. crk 21 seb . j oeser nebo. and i will top cash depends on condition. All are OBRO. YOLO>DM. payment prefer ppff.
🟢 🔪 TV 650 600 Demko harpoon Ti - mint harpoon ti. want to trade same condition non-slot harpoon ti ONLY.
🟢 ⌚️ SV/TV $450 $400 final drop. concider all trade offer shoot me dm King seiko KS 5626-7041 - at least 2nd owner. bought from ebay a store only sell vintage seiko in australia. Those go around 700-900 on eBay .i can go find order detail if buyer need that. it is with some sign of use for its age. but in very good condition. functionalwise it is 100%. hands are all close to mint. dial is close to mint except a tiny line shows arround 4pm only can see it at certain angle of light. other than that its perfect. time marks and glass all without scratch. back side is alots of scratch and that is expected. leather band are very new. i think i only wore it 3 days in my entire 3 years of ownership. no box. watch keep good time. WATCH GUYS welcome to comment how much these should gone for currently. (Those go around 700-900 on eBay) it kept good time and all time date set function are correct.
🟢 🔪SV $175 $157.5 firm Spyderco PM2 mod tanto+ almost mint blade bundle - at least 3rd owner. scratches on hardware here and there. RGT burlap micarta scale looks good tho. not much sign of use on scale. it run on a blade regrind to tanto shape and someprocess to make it look like stone washed. and reprofiled. kind of dull. prabaly need another sharpen. blade is favor show side. the other blade is mint except tiny chip at tip i point out in video. entire know is action smooth and lock solid. no issue to be a user. came with box and paper.
🟢 🔪SV/TV $680 $580 Gavko / tuffknife collab one off custom westy fixie - at least 2nd owner. entire knife looks clean. i dont see its been used. Tons of characters from gavko and tons of charactors from geoff blauvelt. only thing i can see its a very shallow scratch on show side. only see it with certain angle of light. build 2016. abel steel. and really vintage westinghouse virorite scale. (looks real premium if it side by the mordern cheese fake westinghouse) please shit on me easily. Don’t know how to price it. But pro collectors welcome to comment how much those should priced at. I can adjust.
🟢 🔪SV/TV $62 Casetify black mirror serie case for iPhone 15 Pro - BNIB. Got it 72+tax. Bought 2 . Chose another one. and sell this. Film on it never removed.
submitted by tianchengkao to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:07 Drakos8706 Powerless (part 68)

First. Previous.
‘Ri woke up in the hotel room to the sound and smell of cooking meat, as well as what she knew to be pancakes. Opening her eyes, she looked ‘down’ to see Kyle cooking on the small grill he packed with him in his subspace shadow, one of his near-silent air purifiers directly overhead, as he was using wood to cook with; the smell of fire-grilled meat was making her ravenous, and it was with a happy stretch that she sat up, Kyle turning to smile at her.
“Morning, beautiful,” he said as she smiled back, “Figured I’d make you breakfast-in-bed; we got dragon steak and eggs - chicken eggs - and I just got done with a bunch of dragon bacon. Pancakes were done a few minutes ago, and I’ve been letting the butter melt in; syrup’s over…” he looked around, spotting a metal container that looked somewhat like a drink pitcher. He set all of this down on a large tray, which he carried over to her, setting it down on the bed lengthwise between the two of them. He went back to the table he’d been working at to retrieve plates, flatware, and two glasses, floating a pitcher of what turned out to be gor’ahm juice, a sweet - yet slightly tart - berry that grew on verem’jiose, and also cost quite a bit, as it was difficult to get enough berries to mass produce, so it wasn’t ‘readily available’ outside of her homeworld.
All-in-all it was a rather enjoyable breakfast - whether or not he had any ‘professional’ training, Kyle sure did know how to cook. After they were done eating - and Kyle had moved their dishes over to the kitchenette their room came with - they took a shower, taking their time in the hot water, just enjoying each other’s presence. When they were done, they dressed in the robes that came with the room - they had gone with black all around - and went to sit together in the main room, putting on some soothing music as they sat together, tails and arms wrapped around each other. After a while of them just sitting there, Kyle stirred slightly.
“I, uh… I got a surprise for you.” He sounded a bit nervous as he said it, but she put that to the side; surely he was just hoping she’d like whatever it was. He smiled slightly, and said,
“Close your eyes.”
Doing as he asked, she shut her eyes, knowing full well that whatever he was ‘retrieving’ was in his subspace shadow, but she went along with the act. When he gave her the okay, she opened her eyes, and it seemed like her stomach dropped out from under her heart, and into oblivion; there in his hands was a thin, perfectly square - but not ‘cubed’ - black box. She looked up at him, unable to say anything, as he opened the lid, and she let out an involuntary gasp; it was difficult for her mind to process what she was seeing, as it appeared to be a round piece of the void cut out to look like a tiara. Or, at least it looked like the shape of one, seeing as she couldn’t really make out any details, though there obviously were details carved into it, as the little sparkles of what she knew to be black hole diamonds - she had seen the pendant Kyle had retrieved from the pirates - seemed to appear and disappear, depending on what angle she looked at it from. The big 8-point star in the middle - reminiscent of the shape their pupils took when observing peoples’ life-blood, and Gift - was always visible however, no matter the angle it was viewed from.
“I had to have Kay’Eighty sketch out the basic outline of where to cut to fit you,” he said, drawing her out of her stupor, “And I had the lead sehr’chtahb fit the diamonds on it, as part of the payment for bringing back the pendant, along with the diamonds themselves, of course. The actual tiara is made from the bone of the first dragon I killed, and I used the kath’loo’s Gift to turn the bone so black that it absorbs all light. I had to turn the bone behind the diamonds silver, because there’s only so much that refraction can do.” They both gave a little chuckle at that; finally, he pointed to the inside of the tiara.
“And here I put a strip of crysthril all the way around it,” she knew that he’d gotten the Gift from one of the sehr’chtahb before they’d left the planet, “Which you normally wouldn’t need, seeing as you’ve got a literal ton in your subspace; but this is different. While we can’t transfer our Gifts to anyone else, we can transfer them into the crysthril, and it stays enchanted with the Gift, no matter how much of it you use. It’s basically limited by your own power, and how much of each Gift was put into the crysthril. Right now, this has all the Gifts that I have right now, and I can always add more in later, when I get ‘em… So, will you wear it?”
The last part was said with a palpable level of nervousness, and she was unable to say anything at that moment. After a few seconds, she finally was able to nod her head yes, tears leaking down her face. Kyle’s face lit up in a wide grin, and she saw his eyes shimmer with unshed tears as he reached forward to grasp the tiara, showing her how to disconnect it at the sides. She leaned her head forward as he reached up to put it on for her, it fitting snugly not just around her head, but perfectly resting around her horns, so as not to be squeezing them, nor to be loose, and wobbly.
She reached forward, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss, too happy to actually say anything; they sat there for a while, basking in their shared love, until she started getting a bit antsy. Kyle obviously noticed this, as he laughed, and said,
“Go look; I know you’re just dying to see it.”
After a smile, and a quick kiss, she ran into the bathroom, looking into the mirror, marveling at the dazzling headpiece that was now her’s. She sat there for a good few minutes, turning her head this way and that, admiring the craftsmanship Kyle had so lovingly put into it. It honestly looked like something a professional jeweler would be proud to call their own work, and she reveled in that fact as well. This was a testament to his love for her, and it was done through Kyle’s own handiwork; and where it wasn’t, it was small enough to excuse away, especially with having had the diamonds placed as payment for his actual work.
Eventually she was able to tear her eyes from the beautiful piece, and she returned to Kyle’s side, both of them grinning like children. After a few minutes of making out, and cuddling, Kyle insisted that they get dressed.
“I know you wanna show that off, and we can go look around the shops, see if there’s anything that we want. Then we can grab lunch somewhere, and later we can have dinner with your parents and ‘Lana. Tomorrow I’m gonna go back to the ship and get some brisket started up; Kohr’Sahr and the others’re gonna be here in a couple days, and I wanna have a party when we give them the news.”
“Do they know?” she asked.
“About me proposing? No,” he replied, “About everything else? I gave ‘em a brief rundown, but I didn’t go into too much detail. The suun’mahs representative got in touch with me yesterday: the broadcast is gonna come out later today, and anything that they need cleared up after that, I’m happy to be the one to tell ‘em… You’re sure you’re okay with them posting your general location to the public? I don’t want you to have to deal with any ‘fanclubs’ from back home.”
She smiled warmly at him, running her fingers through his hair.
“They’ll know that I’m taken, and that they have no chance; anyone who tries anything after that, no one will blame us for… teaching them a lesson. Besides, they already know not to bother me if they see me abroad; the secrecy was just an added measure.”
He bowed his head concedingly, as he got up, pulling her to her feet with him.
“Come on,” he said, giving her a quick kiss on the corner of her mouth, “Let’s get dressed.”
She got dressed in a simple black pleated skirt that came about ⅔ down her thigh, along with a teal button-up shirt. Kyle was wearing his black and red pants, with a silk purple shirt; he had decided to forgo his boots. Kyle applied a simple light layer of purple eye shadow, and simple black liner, with a reverse of that on his lips, having purple liner and black filler. She went with the same pattern, except she used a luscious red in place of her natural purple. Once they were ready, they were about to head out when she thought of something; she held out her hands, and pulled a certain large, flat box from her subspace shadow. Smiling, Kyle opened it, and gently removed the necklace he’d bought her the last time they were on this station. After he’d secured it in place, she dismissed the box, and they left the room arm-in-arm.
The payoff was near-automatic, as it only took as long as getting into the elevator before they encountered another person; this one turned out to be none other than the Captain, as the station leader had put the entire crew up in the station’s best hotels, save for a decent amount of the security, all of whom had gotten to leave the ship last time they were on this station. As soon as the doors opened, they saw her standing next to what appeared to be a golden drahk’mihn, with horns that protruded from his forehead, sweeping back over the top of his head, only to slightly curl upwards just as they reached the back of his head. He wore light blue shorts, and a matching vest, while the Captain wore her customary jacket; her eyes widened when she saw the two, going straight to the tiara on her head.
"By the Gods, man; do you do anything normal?"
"Define 'normal'," Kyle countered, which brought about a round of laughter.
“Were y’all gettin’ off?” Kyle asked, hooking his thumb over his shoulder; the Captain cleared her throat,
“Well, that’s really none of your business,” she replied, to more laughter, “But we can take another ride, either way.” She had barely taken her eyes off the tiara the entire time, much to ‘Ri’s delight. As Kyle pushed the button for the lobby, Golden asked how Kyle had made it, to which he obliged, occupying the time it took them to reach the ground floor; the Captain couldn’t keep her eyes off the headpiece the whole time, at which ‘Ri couldn’t help but smile with pride.
After they reached their floor, they bid the other two farewell, at which point the Captain seemed to remember herself, and gave a hasty - yet obviously sincere - congratulations to the two, which Golden echoed. After thanking the two, they disembarked the elevator, ‘Ri acutely aware that the Captain was still staring at the tiara, even without looking back at her.
The rest of the day passed in a similar manner, with the general crowd around them either going silent, or - less common, but still frequent enough to be noticeable - lightly gasping; all eyes were on her, which made her smile and cling to Kyle’s arm all the more. It was funny: she had never really cared about ‘tradition’, and had always simply wanted someone who saw her as her. Sure, there were several ‘high-born’ men who’d hunted dangerous beasts - even to a drahk’mihn - to turn into tiaras, all of them trying to ‘win her hand’. But none of that had ever mattered, no matter what they’d hunted, or whether they’d used their Gift, or not; none of them even knew who she was, so their efforts meant nothing, but whatever standing they could achieve by marrying ‘the girl who stopped the war’.
But here was Kyle, a man from another species entirely who saw her as a person, in a way that no non-insectoid ever had in her entire life. A man who’d had no problem whatsoever showing his anger at her - very much deserved, she had to admit; that was a rather rude wake-up call - before he really even knew her, not afraid to call her out on any toxic behavior she might display. And who had taken the fruit of his labors to produce a symbol of his commitment to her, fully embodying the true symbolism of the traditional way, not by simply trying to impress her by buying her affection, as the others had. And for the first time since she was a little girl, she felt a distinct pride in that tradition, and all the more love towards Kyle for it.
They didn’t really have any place in particular that they had in mind to visit, simply walking around, enjoying each other’s company, and the reactions of the various passersby. Among the obviously astonished expressions, there were quite a few jealous ones on a few of the women they passed by, which brought her no end of satisfaction; not that she had anything in particular against any of those women, it just felt good to have something that others wanted so badly. And though she doubted that many of them actually wanted her man - whom she still valued more than the headpiece he’d given her - what they wanted was a product of his work, and so either way - whether they knew it or not - it was him that they wanted; too bad for all of them that she’d gotten her claws in him first, and she was never letting him go of him again.
She had made sure of that, seeing as he could now issue orders to the Captain, and change protocol on a whim; she had also gotten him to give her authorization to take a shuttle planetside if she deemed it necessary, though he’d made her promise to exercise that authority only in cases of an actual emergency, and not for a small ‘threat’ that he could obviously handle. They had come to the agreement that the wild cats from Cheshire’s homeworld were the cutoff point: anything much bigger than those were enough to warrant her presence on the planet. She didn’t really like even that, but she had to agree that at that point it was almost insulting to his own abilities, especially since he had plenty of Gifts to help him out, including her own.
At one point, they were passing by a furniture shop when they spotted her parents and ‘Lana going in; it was her sister who noticed them, calling out,
“‘Ri, Kyle; hi!”
They both smiled and called back in greeting, waving as her parents turned around, their faces immediately breaking out in smiles as they saw the two of them; the looks on their faces - coupled with not a bit of surprise - told her that he’d already shown them the tiara, not that she minded. If he was going to show anyone before her - aside from those who helped him create it in the first place - she could accept her parents being the ones, and ‘Lana by extension.
They spent around an hour walking around the shop - Kyle having to encourage them to pick out the more ‘luxury’ goods - as her parents picked out a new mattress for their bed, along with a few comfortable chairs. They all went their separate ways, her and Kyle promising to meet up later for dinner together. As they had just come back from eating themselves, they went to do more shopping - Kyle reminding them not to worry about the price of anything - while she and Kyle went to go find somewhere to eat.
They decided on a unique shop setup, wherein there was an herbivore side, and a carnivore side; both were technically their own shops - separated by a wall, and everything - though there was no problem with an herbivore sitting with carnivore friends to go nextdoor to get a plate made, and bring it over, or vice versa. They decided on sitting in the carnivore section, and Kyle would go over to the herbivore side to get a bit of roughage for the both of them. After they had taken their seat - the keen’yhong waitress staring in awe at her tiara - Kyle excused himself to the shop next door; after he’d left her line of sight, she immediately got up and hurried to the restroom, eager to get another look at herself in the mirror.

Vohr’Sin - a light blue drahk’mihn with horns that curved back, down and around, so that the tips pointed forward, just under his ears - was having a bit of trouble, as the restaurant was currently too full to seat them.
“There’s nothing you can do for the drahk’mihn ambassador to the humans’ system?” he asked jokingly, “She should be on her way any minute.”
“Sorry, sir,” the black gah’rahtoe replied to him, his face showing genuine regret, “It’s the lunch rush, right now. You’re welcome to wait for someone to finish up, if you like.”
“No,” he responded, “She had to skip breakfast this morning to attend a virtual meeting, so I doubt she’ll be up to waiting… Well, thanks anyway.” As he turned to find somewhere else to eat, he nearly walked right into another person; it took him a moment to realize who it was.
“My apologies,” he said, “I should have been paying more attention to where I was going… Forgive me for bothering you, but aren’t you Ambassador Redding?”
The human was easily recognizable, the ‘scars’ across his face and the horns - which the Empress herself had expressed to his wife were not to be commented upon - that were in a very unique shape. Personally, he wasn’t too comfortable with the human getting a pass at imitating their race - especially Kah’Ri’s horns, of all people - but if the service that he’d provided to their race by coming up with the idea of how to find the slavers was enough for Empress Ella’Ven to excuse it, he had to accept it, as well. The man was carrying a tray with a few plates of vegetables on them, including two baked tass’guds.
“I am,” the human replied with a smile, “Sorry for eavesdropping, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation: if you like, you can come sit with me and my fiance; we’re out celebrating our engagement.”
“Oh,” he began sheepishly, “I really wouldn’t want to intrude…” but the human waved him off.
“I’m sure it’ll be no problem; you know how women like to show off their jewelry. It’s just us, so I’m sure it’ll be fine. Besides, I can answer any questions your wife may have about humans, and any social customs she might need to be aware of. Well, any that I know of, anyway.” He finished with a slight chuckle, and Vohr’Sin was torn between not wanting to intrude, but also not wanting to insult the Ambassador by refusing; it was at this time that his wife Vir’Ell walked up.
“I see you’ve met the human Ambassador, love.” He turned to see the yellow-tinted woman that he’d pledged his life to, wearing a light purple tube-top, and matching shorts. Her slender horns swept backward, ending halfway down the back of her head, pointing down.
“I’m Vir’Ell,” she said, directing her attention to the human after exchanging a kiss with Vohr’Sin, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“And you, as well,” he replied, “I was just telling your husband that y’all can join me an’ my fiance, if you like. We just got engaged this morning, and I’m sure she’d just love the chance to show off. Of course, I don’t wish to interrupt your own time, if you’d rather eat alone, but it seems that we took the last free table, here.”
“That sounds lovely,” she replied easily, lightly squeezing his tail with her own, “I look forward to meeting your betrothed.”
The human - Kyle, as he asked them to call him - led them inside, and over to an empty table, where they all took their seats.
“I’m sure she went to freshen up,” he said as they all sat down,
“So,” he continued as they all settled down, “I hear you’re on your way to Sol?”
“We are,” Vir’Ell replied brightly, “Several factors have come together to convince the Empress to send an envoy to your system; the two biggest factors being - of course - your own contribution to freeing those enslaved, but also from the fact that even through the outcasts of your society, it is entirely obvious that humans had nothing to do with the enslavement of our people. There are obviously other reasons - ones that she wishes to keep close to her wings - but she has decided that humans will be the first race to whom she will reach out a hand of open friendship. Obviously, this will have to be taken slowly, but we’re hopeful that this could open new avenues of trade and friendship that we’ve been so sorely missing all these years.”
“Well,” Kyle began, “I hope we can come together as peoples, especially since our introduction to the wider galaxy came about in quite similar circumstances.”
“Yes,” Vohr’Sin replied seriously, joining the conversation, “That is something that we - as separate races - can relate to, you more so than others, I’m sure. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to endure the mahn’ewe’s captivity, and I commend you on your mental fortitude to be able to make it through all of that relatively unscarred. I won’t claim to know how you’ve dealt with it since your escape, but the fact that you came out of it without any noticeable xenophobia is exemplary.”
“Yeah, well,” Kyle began a bit darkly, looking off to the side a bit as his mind wandered those detestable halls, “I’m kinda used to misfortune, and holding it against those who brought it on, specifically. As a matter of fact, the mahn’ewe look human enough that it doesn’t even translate the same when looking from even the drahk’mihn to them. And everyone else just looks like ‘humanoid animals’, or ‘insects’, so it’s less of a comparison to the mahn’ewe, and more so towards our own myths and legends. And I guess I can’t really complain about my lot in life, ‘cause if I hadn’t been abducted, it’s likely I never would’ve met my future wife… Who seems to finally be done admiring herself in the mirror.” This last part he raised his voice slightly, obviously addressing someone over Vir’Ell’s shoulder, who was on Vohr’Sin’s right side. Before they could turn to look, a surprisingly familiar voice rang out, the smile audible in her voice.
“Can’t you go anywhere without ingratiating yourself with whatever drahk’mihn may be in the vicinity?” Looking around at the woman who had just walked past them to sit next to Kyle, his heart seemed to stop in surprise, both at who was talking, as well as the tiara she was wearing; and looking at her now, he fully understood why the Empress had directed them to ignore Kyle's choice in horns. Kah’Ri Mih’Rell wrapped her tail around Kyle’s waist - even as he wrapped his around her - and even hooked her right wing on his right shoulder, a wide grin on her face. On her head was what appeared to be the void itself, elegantly wrapped around her head, twined gracefully over her horns so as to appear as if the void really had inserted itself onto her head.
“‘Ri,” Kyle began, obviously enjoying their reaction just as much as Kah’Ri was, “I’d like you to meet Vohr’Sin, and his wife Vir’Ell; they’re heading to Sol, as she’s been appointed the Ambassador to humanity.”
“Oh,” she replied, obviously surprised, “I honestly didn’t expect that, though I suppose Ella would have ample reason to reach out to humans, of all peoples.” Obviously it was common knowledge that the Empress had taken Kah’Ri in when she’d lost her own parents, but somehow it had never occurred to him to imagine anyone being ‘close’ enough to her to call her by a nickname.
I’m sorry,” Vir’Ell cut in, “But that tiara is absolutely stunning.” Mixed in with the pleasure at such an extravagant praise, there was an obvious strain of pride in their faces as they both grinned, Kah’Ri leaning closer to Kyle.
“Thank you,” she replied, “He made it according to tradition.”
“You made that?!” he couldn’t help but exclaim, causing them to smile even wider, “From what? I recognize the black hole diamonds, but the material that the rest of it is made of…”
Kah’Ri gave Kyle a knowing look, and - still smiling - said,
“Show them.”
Kyle gave her a conceding nod of his head, and fiddled with the small monitor that was strapped to his wrist. Soon enough, a small hologram appeared on the table between them, depicting Kyle in a strange white tree, looking down at a - comparatively - giant red reptile of some kind. There was a seemingly one-sided conversation where he was obviously speaking with the razum’yilahn that was partially wrapped around his neck, the rest of their body disappearing beneath his shirt. They were still able to catch the gist of what they were saying, mainly that he couldn’t kill that creature until they were sure it wasn’t sapient, which would require them going into its mind.
What followed was an epic battle between man and beast, his uplifted canine companion joining the fight once it was clear that it was indeed a fight. And though it fended off any attacks the canine - Cheshire - threw its way, it seemed intent on finishing the one that had invaded its mind. It eventually had Kyle pinned on his back, both claws - and most of its weight - braced on the staff of the spear he wielded, while Cheshire continued to draw its attention. One such attempt resulted in the reptile shifting its mass, causing one of its paws to slip off the staff, producing what would obviously eventually become the tattoo across his face, though his eyes were destroyed beyond repair in the process.
He managed to catch the claw back on the staff again - obviously using the razum’yilahn’s eyes to operate - soon after which a shuttle appeared, its door open, and what looked like an automated weapon hanging out the side. It fired once, catching the reptile in its backside, and doing little more than making the beast angrier. As it hissed at the shuttle, the weapon fired again, and caught it in the throat, opening up a shallow cut, which Kyle wasted no time in exploiting. Bracing the staff between the arches in his boots, he reached down and drew another knife from his boot, and quickly used it to open the cut wider, rolling out from under the monster to avoid the spray of blood. As the hologram cut out, Kyle began speaking.
“I used the skull plate to grind out the tiara itself, though I had to use nanobots to carve out the clasp to hold the two pieces around her horns. The diamonds were a reward for returning a pendant to the ory’lagus who run the black hole mining company, and the sehr’chtahb who originally crafted the first black hole diamond shaped and set ‘em for me, and I used the Gift I took from the Kath’Loo who was holding her father to change the bone so that it absorbs all light; I also had to turn the bone behind the diamond - and every flake of diamond dust - to silver, to have some light reflect back.”
Vohr’Sin was quite taken aback by everything that had gone into making that tiara, and he was beginning to see possibly a bit of what Kah’Ri must have seen in him in the first place. He was only just realizing that Kyle hadn’t seemed phased to have seen a drahk’mihn; which now it was obvious as to why, but it should have been something that he noticed when they first met. Perhaps it was the horns, and his eyes, of course; another thing the Empress had instructed them to ignore. He was also acutely aware of how… desirable that course of events made him.
Goddess, man,” he said, putting an exaggeratedly jealous arm around Vir’Ell’s waist, “Save some for the rest of us.” That got a good laugh out of the table, shortly after which their waitress showed up to take their orders. Luckily, they all knew what they wanted, and they were soon talking back and forth, sharing anecdotes from their home world, and asking questions about his. They learned a few things that weren’t easily discernible by simple study of their culture through text, or even video. Kah’Ri stayed quiet, mostly, letting them do all the talking about Verem’Jiose; probably since she had been - intentionally - absent from there for so long, it wasn’t like she would have any idea of more recent news, or trends.
All-in-all, it was an enjoyable lunch, with the time slipping by as they ate and talked the meal away. Towards the end of the meal, the women excused themselves to the restroom, and while they were gone, he took the chance to ask Kyle about the possibility of being allowed to hunt one of those lizards himself, as Kyle had informed them that he owned that planet.
“Well,” he began after a bit of thought, “If you do hunt one, you’ll firstly have to do it without your Gift,” that took him by surprise, but Kyle didn’t stop there, “You also have to fight without any kind of ‘modern’ weapon. Which is mostly just saying that you can’t use guns, though nanoblades are not only acceptable, but also needed. And I’ll even make sure that you’re supplied with some mithril to use, as well. And just so you know: not only will you have a guide with you at all times to make sure you stick to the rules I set out, but they can see if you use your Gift.”
He flexed his eyes for a moment, having already explained how they worked - as far as he knew, anyway - to them earlier, when they revealed that that was why Kah’Ri’s eyes were red, instead of purple.
“I understand,” he replied seriously, “I wouldn’t want to disrespect your world.” Kyle nodded once, saying,
“Well then, I think we can work something out. If y’all’re gonna be here for a couple days, I might be able to get in touch with someone who can set up a way to get you there ‘n back.”
“That would be most appreciated.” As Kyle nodded his acceptance of his thanks, an idea came to his mind.
You know,” he started in a conspirator's tone, “Before we left home, I managed to get my claws on a crate of krav’ashah wine; it’s a ‘luxury’ berry on Verem’Jiose, as it’s hard to farm, and doesn’t produce a very high yield, even when done correctly; aged twenty years. I would be willing to gift a couple bottles to the two of you, in celebration of your engagement.”
Kyle smiled knowingly, and replied with,
“Well, that would also be much appreciated; I’d definitely owe you a lot… You know, the ory’lagus gave me a lot of extra diamonds, not just enough for ‘Ri to make my circlet. Once you get the piece you wanna make for Vir’Ell, I can shape and set a decent-sized one for you.”
“I think we have an understanding,” he said, smiling.
“As do I,” Kyle replied, a smile of his own on his face.
Their other halves came back shortly after that, and after they all said their goodbyes - he had insisted on paying for the meal - he made his way back to the ship with Vir’Ell, already planning the shape of the new tiara he would be carving for her. And while the one he had bought her would always be special to him - a simple golden band, with a blue diamond in the center of her forehead - he wanted to make this one even better; perhaps he could find a way to incorporate her old one…
[Next.] Patreon
submitted by Drakos8706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:05 SnekMaku 1st try at progressive bevel regrind. (and some carbon steel table knives)

1st try at progressive bevel regrind. (and some carbon steel table knives)
Hey Guys and Gals. Happy Sunday! I fished out my Mum's 20 year old civil/military cleaver. The first knife i learned to use at age 10. Made of the cheapest japanese stainless molybdenum steel. It has a saber grind. It's thick behind the edge after years of sharpening. Tried to regrind the bevel. Thinner towars the tip for slicong, thick at the heel for bones. The Shinogi line is a slope.
As for table knives, these are very old,, made of high carbon steel that's relatively dirty and soft. Thinly ground into paring knives and sharpened using with natural stones. The goal is to be able to thin the edge until it's so thin it flexes under a fingernail. Some more practice is needed
submitted by SnekMaku to TrueChefKnives [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:03 Blake_lune Chapter 5 { Whispers on the wind }

Desperation, a familiar serpent coiling in her gut, drove Lyra deeper into the forgotten corners of the city. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, but it was the insatiable hunger for answers about her past that truly tormented her. The worn pendant, a cold reminder of a forgotten life, pressed against her chest. Today, knowledge was all she craved. Rumor, a fickle creature that flitted through the grimy alleys of the slums, spoke of an old crone who lived on the city's fringes. This woman, shrouded in whispers and tales of the arcane, supposedly possessed the ability to pry secrets from the past. The price was steep, Lyra knew, but she had something of value to offer. The crone's hovel perched precariously on the city's edge, seemingly defying gravity and logic. Its crooked timbers groaned under the weight of untold years, and the air around it smelled of damp earth and forgotten dreams. Inside, the woman, hunched and shrouded in shadows, looked up at Lyra with eyes that held the wisdom of centuries. Lyra, her voice a steely whisper, laid out her story – the abandonment, the harsh life in the slums. In return for knowledge, she offered the only valuable possession she had – a silver locket found hidden in a tattered pouch shortly after arriving in the city. The inscription on the locket, though faded, seemed vaguely familiar. The woman's gnarled fingers traced the inscription, her voice a rasping whisper. "Ah, the mark of the Ravenborn." Her eyes, sharp as a hawk's, drilled into Lyra. "Lost heir, are you? Hidden for reasons unknown. But the shadows whisper of a powerful artifact, the Raven's Tear, that holds the key to your lineage." Lyra's breath hitched. A lineage, a family? The word echoed in the emptiness of her heart. Could it be true? Relief battled with disbelief in her gut. But before she could ask any further questions, the woman's voice turned ominous. "Seek the Raven's Tear, child. But be warned, power comes at a price. The awakening may stir forces long dormant." Leaving the woman's hovel, Lyra clutched the locket, a spark of determination replacing the emptiness. The Ravenborn? A raven, a bird of mystery, mirrored the black of her hair, the storm-grey of her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of a path, a journey to reclaim her past. Meanwhile, within the noble district, Avian Renard was lost in thought. Tonight, a sense of unease prickled at him, a feeling he couldn't quite place. He had noticed an unfamiliar shadow flitting through the outskirts of the training courtyard for several days now. A fleeting glimpse of dark hair and a hint of midnight blue – the colors stirred an unsettling familiarity within him. Tonight, he decided to wait. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard, a figure emerged from the darkness. It was a girl, cloaked in shadow, her movements swift and silent. Avian watched, a cold thrill running down his spine, as she gracefully scaled the courtyard wall, an intruder in his normally secure space. Adrenaline surged through him. This wasn't a simple thief after a trinket; her movements spoke of training, of honed skills. Who was she, and what did she want? As the girl moved towards the training dummies, Avian knew he couldn't simply let her be. He grabbed his practice blade and, with silent steps, emerged from the shadows himself. The girl whirled around, surprise etched on her face. Her eyes, the color of a storm-tossed sea, widened in recognition. In that moment, their gazes locked, a silent conversation passing between them. The quest for answers, the burden of a forgotten past – a connection forged not from familiarity but from a shared mystery.
submitted by Blake_lune to TheCrownOfAshAndHalo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:03 thetoastman33 Leviathans breath draw force and caliber

So I got Leviathans breath today and was using it in gambit finish the malfeasance quest, and i hit an invader in the head for 387 damage and i was amazed. I then took a ccloser look at the bow and saw the bowstring was a chain of sorts, so I was wondering if anybody knew how much force it would take to pull back in real life given a long bow needs about 60lbs and this may be wrong the mark stretton bow requiring 150-200lbs and I was also wondering the caliber or arrow head size of leviathans breath.
submitted by thetoastman33 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:58 unhinged_billy WWII Schrade M2 Paratrooper Jump Knife

WWII Schrade M2 Paratrooper Jump Knife
I'm not a big collector of militaria, but I always wanted one of these after watching Band of Brothers (you can see one briefly when they're on the ship to England in Episode 1). I had the opportunity to purchase this particular example from a redditor a few years back. The tang stamps match those that were issued. Mark Bando's website and books ("101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles in World War II" seem here) were useful in helping authenticate.
submitted by unhinged_billy to knifeclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:57 Griffon-Knight The Adventures of Warrior Omega Part 2

"Alert, level 2." said the ship's computer. "Computer, where are the hostiles?" asked Captain Zordash. "Hostiles located ahead of ship, and to the left side." said the ship's computer. Just then, the ship was hit by several rockets. "all crew, prepare for defense." said Captain Zordash. "Sir" said Lieutenant Gotarus. "Yes, Lieutenant Gotarus." said Captain Zordash. "I have some bad news." said Lieutenant Gotarus. "What is it?" asked Captain Zordash. "Our Armor Walkers are Off-line. also they're beyond repair." Said Lieutenant Gotarus. "this is just great." said Captain Zordash. Just then, several more rockets had hit the ship. "Helmsman" said Captain Zordash, "Prepare Autocannons.". "Yes, sir." said Helmsman Mecator. Meanwhile, at the Arch Mage's tower, Alan, Officer Morgan, and Broktar had arrived in the main room.
"Ah, you must be the people my apprentice told me about." said Alex. At that moment, Broktar noticed something in the distance. "First of all, i would like to introduce myself." said Alex Johnson, "i am Alex Johnson. You three have already met my Apprentice, Lucas Sorbo.". "I am Tirus, Ranger Of the Town Of Chior." Said Tirus. "A Elf, I should have known." said Broktar, "I sensed her energy level when we were on the seventh floor.". "Actually, i'm a Half-Elf." said Tirus. "What do you mean by that, Broktar?" asked Alan. "My People, The Lizard Creatures, have a history with the Elves." said Broktar. "Yeah, Elves have a history with the Lizard Creatures." said Tirus. As soon as Tirus said that, she went for her Bow And Arrow, and aimed it at Broktar. That was where Broktar had aimed his weapon mount at Tirus. "Hold it." said Alan, "We're supposed to be on the same side.". "Sir." said Lucas, "There seems to be a disturbance in Orc Territory.”. "What is the disturbance?" asked Broktar. "apparently, the Shock Rangers are raiding a ship of some sort." replied Lucas. "Then we must do something about it." said Officer Morgan. "Yes, i agree, but you should be careful." said Alex. "What do you mean?" asked Officer Morgan. "The Shock Rangers are a dangerous clan. Their warriors ride upon creatures called Griontors." said Alex, "They also have weaponry from other dimensions.".
"Other dimensions?" Said Officer Morgan. "Yes, but we should go there to help out any survivors." said Alan. "It's agreed then." said Alex, "Tirus will show you the way.". As soon as Alex said that, Broktar, Alan, Officer Morgan, and Tirus had gone back down to the first floor, After Alex Convinced Tirus to go with the team. "I can't believe this." said Tirus. "What's that?" asked Alan. "It's Being stuck with a creature, such as Broktar." said Tirus. "Hey, just because Lizard Creatures and Elves have a history of being enemies, that doesn't stop our two peoples from reconciling our differences." said Broktar. Just then, Joseph had contacted Alan, via the comm-link. "Alan." said Joseph, "What's your status?". "We've just started our trip." said Alan, "But we have been informed about a disturbance in Orc Territory.". "Yeah, and the Clan that resides in the territory is the Shock Rangers." said Officer Morgan. "Shock Rangers." said Joseph. "Yes, Shock Rangers." Said Broktar, "We Must get a move on.".
"Yes, then you better get there." said Joseph, "I will contact you once you're in position.". Once Joseph said that, he ended the transmission. "Hey, i just realized something." said Broktar. "What's that?" asked Officer Morgan. "We don't have any mode of transportation." replied Broktar. "That's right." said Officer Morgan, "We couldn't use the police car, because it's in the Earth Dimension.". "So is my truck." said Alan. "I know of someone who can help." said Tirus. "Who's that?" asked Alan. "Rotusor the Rat-Man." Replied Tirus. "Rotusor?" asked Officer Morgan. "Yes, Rotusor lives in a encampment to the south of the Castle." said Tirus, "I'll go talk to Rotusor.". "We'll meet you on the way." said Alan. "I will accompany Tirus on her way to Rotusor's place." said Officer Morgan. "Alright, Officer Morgan." said Alan, "We'll start to head to the area where the disturbance is located in.".
As soon as Alan said that, he and Broktar started on their way. "Tirus, what is area where the Orc Territory is located in?" asked Alan. "it's Directly to the north." said Tirus, "go past the bridges and keep going north until you find two cliffs.". "is that where the boarders of the begin?" asked Broktar. "not quite, it starts a couple of meters off from it." said Tirus, "there is a sign stating that it is Orc Teritory.". "i understand." said Alan. That was where Alan and Broktar had started on the way to the Orc Territory. "Tirus, who is this Rotusor whom you speak of?" Asked Officer Mogan. "He's a good friend of Mine." replied Tirus, "he had helped my hometown from being invaded by Orcs.". Little did Tirus and Officer Morgan know that the Ghoul K'Dartok was following them.
"General Quotor." said K'Dartok, "i have something to tell you.". "What would that be?" Asked Quotor. "Apparently, the Half-Elf Ranger Tirus is getting involved." said K'Dortok, "and now Tirus and the human known as Officer Morgan are going to the base of the Rat-man Rotusor.". "this is most serious." said Quotor, "i'll send a squad of zombies in to deal with the human known as Officer Morgan and the Ranger Tirus.". "what shall i do, General Quotor." said K'Dortok. "Hold your position." said Quotor. At that moment, a squad of zombies had entered the main room of the Keep, where Quotor was located in. That was where the Captain of the Squad came Forward. "Sir, Captain Ghoulax reporting for duty, sir." said Captain Ghoulax. "finally, the troops i sent for have arrived." said Quotor, "i have a mission for you and your troops.". "what is it, sir?" asked Captain Ghoulax. "it seems that a group of warriors have started a quest to stop the Master Of Zombies." said Quotor, "so far, two of the warriors are headed to the base of the Rat-Man Rotusor. I want you to make sure they don't get any farther in their quest.".
"understood, sir." said Captain Ghoulax. At that moment, Quotor had moved into position to warp the troops into the Area. Meanwhile, outside of Rotusor's base, Tirus and Officer Morgan had made it to Rotusor's place. That was where Rotusor had noticed Tirus and Officer Morgan. "well, i'll be." Rotusor said To himself. That was where Rotusor went over to the Front door and opened it. "Rotusor." said Tirus as soon as she saw Rotusor. "ah, Tirus." said Rotusor, "it's been a long time.". "It sure has been a long time." said Tirus. At that moment, a squad of zombies had appeared in the area. "By the Gods." said Rotusor. "Finally, the targets." said Captain Ghoulax, "Alright Troops, surround and attack.". "Yes, sir." said the zombie troops, as they moved into position. "Oh, great." exclaimed Officer Morgan, "how did they get here?". "Apparently it's the work of General Quotor." said Rotusor. "Quotor?" said Officer Morgan, "who's that?". Just then, a zombie tried to jump at Rotusor. Fortunately, Rotusor managed to dodge the attack. Officer Morgan had unholstered both of his guns and aimed both at the Zombies.
"if i remember Correctly." said Officer Morgan, "to stop a zombie, aim for the head.". "where did you learn that?" asked Tirus. "That was from watching Zombie Movies." replied Officer Morgan. That was where most of the Zombies had surrounded Officer Morgan. "This should be good." said One of the Zombies. All of a sudden, The zombies had charged at Officer Morgan, Tirus, and Rotusor. "Bang!", "bang!". Shots rang out as several Zombies fell. Several Zombies had tried to gang up on Tirus. "Tirus, Watch Out!!" exclaimed Officer Morgan. just then, a zombie managed to injure Tirus. "Yaah!!" Tirus exclaimed as she fell to the ground. "Now for the Human and the Rat-man." said Captain Ghoulax. "how dare you harm a friend of mine." said Rotusor. As soon as he said that, Rotusor had charged at the remaining Zombies. "Rotusor, wait!" said Tirus. But before Rotusor could react, he was hit with a arrow from one of the Zombies.
"yaargh!!" Rotusor exclaimed when the arrow had pierced his shoulder. That was where Officer Morgan had moved into position. "trying to be the hero, eh, human." said Captain Ghoulax, "Zombies, attack.". Just then, the zombies had charged Officer Morgan. Officer Morgan had started charging at the zombies, with both guns blazing. "This is for harming Rotusor and Tirus." said Officer Morgan. While that was going on, K'Dortok was watching from a distance. "This is most interesting." K'Dortok said to himself, "the human seems to be quite a fighter.". Meanwhile, Broktar and Alan had crossed the bridge leading north into Orc Territory. "You're probably wondering how i had gotten these cybernetics." said Broktar. "How did you get those cybernetics?" asked Alan. "It was in the late 19th century, in your home realm of Earth." said Broktar, "when i had entered the realm by accident. the location i landed in, was England.".
"19th century England?" Alan Said, curiously. "i know it sounds strange." said Broktar, "during that time, i had encountered a time-travelling Mad Bomber.". “A time Travelling Mad Bomber." said Alan. "Yes, during the encounter, one of his bombs went off." said Broktar, "i tried to move it out of the way, but it went off, and it cost me my arm.". "how did you get the cybernetics?" asked Alan. "that was with the help of a alien warrior whom had arrived there centuries before." said Broktar, "ever since the incident, i didn't see the Mad Bomber ever again.". Just then, Broktar had seen something in the distance. "Computer." said Broktar, "access long range visual scan.". “Accessing long range scan." Broktar's computer Replied. "What on Earth is that?" said Alan.
That was where the Recon Patrol, lead by Sergeant Dorgarus had moved into position. "wait a minute." said Sergeant Dorgarus. "apparently there are two individuals in the distance." said Kalzortus. That was where Kalzortus had checked the viewscope. "Are you able to tell who, or what they are?" asked Dorgarus. "there is a human and a lizardman." replied Kalzortus. "a human and a Lizardman?" asked Kar'Gorto. "yes, young warrior, a human and a lizardman." said Kalzortus. "how were you able to recognize that there is a lizardman with the human?" Asked Dorgarus. "i have seen many different kinds of life forms throughout my life." said Kalzortus, "i have witnessed these lizard creatures, and some of the events in their civilization.".
"what events?" asked one of the members of the Recon Patrol. "one such event happened during the battles in the sister realm of this realm." said Kalzortus, "it was when a sacred object that the Elves had deep respect for, had been stolen.”. "what Happened next?" asked Kar'Gorto. "the Elves had suspected the Lizard Creatures of being the culprits." said Kalzortus, "it was later revealed that a clan Of Orcs had stolen the object known as the Vase Of Light.". "Why would the Orcs steal the Vase Of Light?" asked Dorgarus. Just then, Alan And Broktar came closer to the Recon Patrol. "Well, I'll Be." Broktar said, "it's a patrol of Kor'Drakk Warriors.". "Kor'Drakk?" said Alan. "yes, it just so happens that a member of their people had helped me get these Cybernetics." said Broktar.
Just then, Kalzortus came forth from the Recon Patrol. “Wait a minute." said Kalzortus, "is that you, Broktar?". "Kalzortus?" said Broktar. "Well, i'll be." said Kalzortus, "it is you.". That was where Broktar and Kalzortus came forward, and started acting like old friends, which, in fact, they are. Alan was standing there, with a rather confused look. So were the other members of the Recon Patrol. "it's sure been a long time." Broktar said to Kalzortus. “Yeah, it's been 500 years." said Kalzortus. "500 years?" Alan Asked, curiously. "yes, young human." said Kalzortus, "500 years ago, i had met a young Lizardman by the name Of Broktar.". "yes, it was during a time of conflict between my people and the Elves." said Broktar, "the Events took place in a dimension that just so happens to be the sister realm of this realm.".
"hey, wait a minute." said Alan, "Broktar, when you told me the events in which you got your cybernetics. The events you said, took place in the late 19th century, in England.”. "Yes, what about it?" asked Broktar. "How were you able to arrive in England during the Late 19th century?" asked Alan. At that moment, Captain Zordash had contacted the Recon Patrol. "Sergeant Dorgarus." said Captain Zordash. "yes, Captain." said Sergeant Dorgarus. "There's a situation here at the ship." said Captain Zordash. "The Orcs must be near." said Broktar. "how would you know, Lizardman?" said Captain Zordash. "we were told by Tirus the Ranger." said Broktar. "we were on our way to the site of a crashed object in Orc Territory." said Alan.
"the Object you are referring to, is our ship." said Dorgarus, "how dare you insult the Kor'Drakk cruiser 'Dragon Fire', the glory of the Kor'Drakk Armada.". Just then, Dorgarus had attempted to strike down Alan for the perceived insult. "stand Down, Dorgarus." said Kalzortus. "What do you mean, Kalzortus?" said Dorgarus. "you're letting pride cloud your judgement." said Kalzortus, "you must learn to control your emotions.". "if you insist." said Dorgarus. After Dorgarus said that, she started heading back to the cruiser. "i must apologize on Dorgarus's behalf, and on behalf of our patrol." said Kalzortus, "Dorgarus tends to get riled up whenever someone insults the Kor'Drakk, its People, Army, or its Technology, or even the home planet.".
"we've better get a move on, if we are to be of any help." said Alan. "That's Right." said Broktar. "why don't you hop on-board." said Kalzortus. "On-Board?" said Broktar. "yes, on-board the Drakkus 7." said Kalzortus. The Drakkus 7 is a 4-wheeled recon vehicle. Its features include a cloaking device. "i just hope we can get there in time to be of any help." said Alan. That was where Alan, Broktar, And Kalzortus started to make their way to the Kor'Drakk cruiser. Meanwhile, at Rotusor's place, the zombies were shot down by Officer Morgan. "you won't be able to stop the Master Of Zombies." said Captain Ghoulax. As he was saying that, he looked over at Tirus and Rotusor. Then he looked back at Officer Morgan. That was where he started moving towards Officer Morgan.
"it seems your friends are in a bad position." said Captain Ghoulax, "you shall not proceed any farther.". As he was moving closer, Captain Ghoulax had reached for his battle-axe. "The Master Of Zombies shall thank me for eliminating these so-called 'heroes'." said Captain Ghoulax. "you won't stop us." Said Officer Morgan, as he was reloading his guns. "alright you rotting piece of flesh." Officer Morgan said under his breath, "just a moment longer.". That was where Captain Ghoulax has started to quicken his pace. At that moment, Tirus had managed to toss an arrow in Captain Ghoulax's path. The Arrow that Tirus tossed, had crossed the path of Captain Ghoulax. At that moment, Captain Ghoulax had tripped over the arrow. "Arrgh." Captain Ghoulax said, as he fell to the ground. "now's your chance, Officer Morgan." Tirus said to Officer Morgan. that was where Officer Morgan had gotten into position. "Alright, you rotting piece of flesh." said Officer Morgan, "get up.".
As he saying this, he aimed both of his guns directly at Captain Ghoulax's head. "human, why do you even bother with this talk?" Captain Ghoulax said to Officer Morgan. Once he said that, Captain Ghoulax went for his Battle-Axe. "Don't even bother trying to get your axe." said Officer Morgan. While Officer Morgan was dealing with Captain Ghoulax, the Ghoul K'Dortok was moving closer to the scene. "i must help Captain Ghoulax." said K'Dortok. Just then, the archers whom were stationed at the south wall of the castle had come back from the armory. "wait a minute." said one of the archers. "what is it, Greg?" another one of the archers asked Greg, "it looks like a ghoul is fighting Officer Morgan." said Greg, "not only that, it looks like a Half-Elf and the Rat-Man Rotusor are in the area. It looks like they're injured.".
"We've better do something to help them." said one of the archers. Just then, the Knight Dante Morgan had come onto the Wall. "What's going on?" asked Dante. "it Seems that there is a situation going on just outside Rotusor's place." said Greg. "i shall get a squad of troops ready." said Dante. Just then, one of the archers had noticed the Ghoul K'Dortok. "hey guys." the Archer said, "there seems to be a ghoul here.". At that moment, K'Dortok had noticed the Archers at the wall. "Oh, Great." said K'Dortok, "hey, Captain Ghoulax, you've better hurry up and finish off the Human, the Half-Elf, and the Rat-Man.". "yeah, yeah." said Captain Ghoulax, "i'm on it.". After he said that, he went for his secondary weapon, which is a short sword.
"hold it right there." said Officer Morgan. "You won't stop me from completing my mission." said Captain Ghoulax. As soon as he said that, he charged at Officer Morgan. "for the Glory of the Master Of Zombies." Captain Ghoulax exclaimed as he charged at Officer Morgan. "watch out!" exclaimed Tirus. Just then, Officer Morgan had managed to dodge out of the way of Captain Ghoulax's charge. "huh." said Captain Ghoulax, "how are you still able to move?". Little did Officer Morgan, Tirus, and Rotusor realize that Captain Ghoulax isn't the only undead creature in the area.
All of a sudden, K'Dortok had started charging towards the area where Officer Morgan, Tirus, Rotusor, and Captain Ghoulax are located in. All the while, the archers were firing at K'Dortok. Just then, K'Dortok had turned to face the Archers and the barrage of arrows. K'Dortok then took a Blade Disc from his belt and tossed it at the archers. The Blade Disc is a circular disc weapon with a curved blade on each section. "incoming Projectile!!" exclaimed one of the archers. As soon as the archer said that, the archers had put up their shields, in a attempt to block the Blade Disc. But it was too late, the Blade Disc had managed to hit its target, as it sliced through several of the Archers' Armor.
"auggh!!" exclaimed the injured Archers as they fell to the floor, next to the outer edge of the wall. "someone get the healer up here." said Greg Myers. That was where one of the archers had started on his way to get help. Meanwhile, at the site of the crashed Kor'Drakk cruiser, Kalzortus had joined with the rest of the crew. All of a sudden, one of the Orcs had targeted Kalzortus. "this should be good." The Orc Said, as he loaded a missile launcher. "Helmsman." said Captain Zordash, "What's the status?". "i'm getting several incoming projectiles." said Helmsman Mecator, "they're coming in from Starboard Side.".
Just then, several rockets hit the cruiser right below the Autocannons on the starboard side. "ka-boom!!" the rockets hit directly at the shields, which rocks the ship. "Chief Engineer Jor'Dorus." said Captain Zordash, "how are you and the crew doing on the engine repair?". "Warp coils are nearly repaired." Replied Jor'Dorus. At that moment, Kalzortus had contacted Captain Zordash. "sir." said Kalzortus, "recon Patrol Alpha reporting in.". "Kalzortus, what's your status?" asked Captain Zordash. "Apparently, this realm has many different cultures." said Kalzortus. "Cultures?" asked Captain Zordash, "What kinds?". "there is a medieval type of area to the south of this area." said Kalzortus. At that moment, several Orc warriors came charging at the recon patrol, Alan, and Broktar. "For the glory of the clans!!" one of the Orc Warriors exclaimed. "warning: incoming hostiles", Broktar's computer said. "i suggest we defend ourselves." said Broktar, as he was getting into defensive position.
"Kor'Drakk Warriors, begin defensive maneuvers." said Sergeant Dorgarus. As the Kor'Drakk Warriors were getting into defensive position, Xeintox had motioned for his Gatling cannon artillery crews. "Alright, Comrades." said Xeintox, "move into position.". "yes, sir." said the Artillery Crew Captain. That was where Broktar had noticed that the Artillery crew was moving towards the rear of the cruiser. "guys." said Broktar, "there seems to be a artillery crew headed towards the rear of the ship.". "oh, great." said Dorgarus, "if they make it to that part, they'll be able to knock out the external propulsion system.". "aren't there any shields in that area, or at least some way of defense in that area." said Alan. "There's only a couple of chain guns and an energy shield protecting the external propulsion system." said Dorgarus. "i'll help defend the position." said Kar'Gorto. Little did the Kor'Drakk crew, the Recon Patrol, Alan, Broktar, and the Orcs realize that the Battle Knight Was Watching the situation. "Most Impressive." The Battle Knight said to himself, "these Orcs have some powerful weapons.". Just then, Quotor had contacted the Battle Knight.
"Battle Knight, What is your position and status?" Asked Quotor. "I'm Outside the site of a c rashed Alien ship." said the Battle Knight. "Crashed Alien ship?" asked Quotor. "yes, a alien ship." said the Battle Knight, "I'm not waiting.". As soon as the Battle Knight said that, he had unsheathed the Skull Sword, and started charging towards the site. That was where one of the Orc Warriors had noticed that the Battle Knight was charging towards the site. "sir." said the Orc, "the Battle Knight is approaching.". "Prepare defensive maneuvers." said Xeintox. That was where two Artillery crews moved into position, Along with a squad of Orc Warriors, both on Griontors and on foot. "all troops, fire upon the Battle Knight." said the Artillery Crew Captain. That was where every troop in the defensive position started firing at the Battle Knight.
"pow", "Pow". Each of the shots from the Artillery cannons had hit the Battle Knight. However, the Gatling cannons had no effect on the Battle Knight and his armor. "that can't be possible." said one of the Orcs. "this guy isn't going down." said another Orc. That was where several rocket launcher wielding Orcs moved into position and fired upon the Battle Knight. "That should do it." said the Artillery Captain. All of a sudden, the Orcs had started to see a shadow emerge from the shadowy Smoke. It was that of the Battle Knight. "is there anything that he can do to stop him." said one of the Orcs. "Look guys." said another Orc, "it looks like most of the Battle Knight's armor is heavily damaged.".
The Battle Knight's Armor had sustained heavy damage, including his helmet. "hey guys." said one of the Orcs, "we might have a chance of beating this guy.". All of a sudden, one of the Orcs had seen the Battle Knight Start to recover his armor. The Battle Knight's Armor is created from Dark Powers. It can recover itself, using the Dark Powers. As the Battle Knight's Armor was repairing itself, he looked down at his tunic. He had remembered that there was a cut on the tunic, right over his chest. "it's been years." the Battle Knight Said to himself, "that i faced Joseph Barker.". The events that the Battle Knight is referring to, happened many, many years ago. It was when the Battle Knight had battled the Knight Lord Joseph Barker. The Battle had left the Battle Knight with a scar on his chest.
That was where Quotor had managed to contact The Battle Knight. "Battle Knight." said Quotor, "return to base immediately.". "Not until i finish what i have started." said the Battle Knight. "Get Back here immediately." said Quotor, "the Master Of Zombies is expecting you here at the Undead Keep.". "the Master Of Zombies is there?" said the Battle Knight. "the Master Of Zombies is there?" said the Battle Knight. "yes, and he's waiting for you." said Quotor. "If you insist." said The Battle Knight. That was where the Battle Knight had faced the Orcs, Broktar, The Crew of the "Dragon Fire" and Alan.
"Until Next Time." said the Battle Knight. Once he said that, he started to head towards the Undead Keep. "Who was that?" Asked Alan. "i haven't the slightest." said Kalzortus, "Even in all my years. i have seen hundreds of worlds and hundreds of people. Never before have i seen a being such as him.". That was whee the Orcs had turned to face the crew of the Kor'Drakk cruiser, Alan, And Broktar. "All Warriors." said Dorgarus, "Prepare to defend the ship at all costs.". Once Dorgarus said that, she and the Warriors had readied their weapons. All of a sudden, an Orc Warrior came forth from the clan. "All Warriors, Hold your fire." said Xeintox. "What on Earth?" said Alan. At that moment, Joseph had contacted Alan, Via the Comm-link. "Alan." said Joseph, "What's your status?".
"Officer Morgan and i had arrived in Octiviox." said Alan, "i am currently at the site of an crash landed alien cruiser.". "interesting." said Joseph, "what else had happened? Were you able to find the creature that stole the parts?". "i haven't found him yet." said Alan, "but i have a idea where he might be at.". "Oh, Really now." said Joseph, "where would that be?". "Well, when the Knight was talking to the Dark Being, The Dark Being said something about an Undead Keep." said Alan. "an Undead Keep?" asked Joseph. "i haven't the slightest what that is." said Alan. Just then, the Orc Warrior had reached the Kor'Drakk Cruiser. "What On Earth?" said Alan. "On behalf of Captain Xeintox, Leader of the Shock Rangers clan, and on..." said the Orc Warrior. But before the Orc Warrior could finish the sentence, Broktar had grabbed him by the throat, and started to lift him into the air.
"Alright you slimy...." said Broktar. "Hold it, Broktar." said Alan, "let the Warrior speak.". "If you insist." said Broktar, as he put the Warrior back on the ground. "Continue with what you are saying." said Alan. "As i was saying." said the Orc, "On Behalf of Captain Xeintox and the Shock Rangers, Captain Xeintox wishes to apologize for any inconvenience the situation has caused.". “Apologize." said Broktar, "for What? Trying to raid this ship.". As Broktar was saying this, he aimed his weapon mount at the Orc Warrior. "Apparently, there is something more to this situation that what it appears to be." Said Kalzortus. Meanwhile, in another Dimension, The Gate Master had seen the recent events. "It is time." said the Gate Master, "That i meet Alan in person.". That was where the Gate Master Realized that if he was to leave the portals unwatched, creatures from all dimensions could cause chaos.
"Hmm, how shall i meet Alan." said the Gate Master, "without leaving the Portals unwatched.". Meanwhile, at the Kor'Drakk cruiser, The Orc Warrior had sent a message from Xeintox, Leader of the "Shock Rangers" clan to Captain Zordash of the Cruiser "Dragon Fire". "I still don't trust these Orcs." said Broktar. "After witnessing the events in your homerealm, i couldn't really blame you." said Kalzortus, "Maybe you should let them have a chance to prove themselves.". "Maybe you're right." said Broktar, "Who knows. Maybe they might prove to be worthy allies.". That was where Captain Zordash had contacted Dorgarus. "Dorgarus, What is your status?" asked Captain Zordash. "It seems that the Orcs have stopped the attack." said Dorgarus, “and the Clan leader has sent one of his warriors to negotiate a possible alliance.".
"Allow them to enter the Ship." said Captain Zordash. "But, Sir." said Dorgarus, "they just attacked our ship.”. “they may be able to prove themselves." said Kalzortus. "i would have to agree with Kalzortus." said Kar'Gorto. "Then it's agreed." said Captain Zordash, "escort the warriors inside.". That was where Xeintox, leader of the "Shock Rangers" clan came forth from the Orc Clan. "so, your leader has decided to accept my proposal." said Xeintox. "Why, you Slimy..." said Broktar. "Hold it, Broktar." said Alan. "it seems your lizardman friend is a bit of a hothead." said Xeintox. After Xeintox said that, he started to head towards the Kor'Drakk Cruiser.
Meanwhile, in the Town Of Chior, Aross was having a meeting in the main room of the Town Hall with his advisors. "sir." said one of the Advisors, "we must improve our defenses if we are to stand a chance against the forces of the undead.". "by the way." said another one of the Advisors, "how is your sister?". "the last i heard from her." said Aross, "was that she was headed to the Arch Mage's Tower. I haven't heard from her since then.". Just then, Gretack the Ogre had entered the scene. "Gretack." said Aross, "What in the Realms are you doing here? You're supposed to be guarding the Bridge.". "One of the Advisors told me to see you." said Gretack, "I had also made sure that the bridge is still being watched.".
Meanwhile, at Rotusor's base, Captain Ghoulax and K'Dortok had retreated from the base. "that was unusual." said Officer Morgan. That was where Sir Dante Morgan had arrived on the scene with the healer with him. "Ah, Comrade." said Sir Morgan, "i have heard so much about you.". "How on Earth do you know about me?" asked Officer Morgan, "i have only just arrived here not too long ago.". "Never mind that." said Sir Morgan, "lets get you guys healed up.". That was where the Healer had proceeded to heal Officer Morgan, Tirus, and Rotusor. Meanwhile, back at the Kor'Drakk Cruiser, Xeintox had been escorted to the Ready Room section of the Cruiser. "So what you're Saying." said Captain Zordash, "is that, if we were to join forces with you, we would get the help of great warriors.". "Basically." said Xeintox, "not only that, my warriors know more about this land then even your recon patrol, or even your Probes could tell.".
"How dare you insult our people?!" exclaimed Sergeant Dorgarus. "Dorgarus, You're doing it again." said Kalzortus, "You're letting your pride cloud your judgment.". "Ha hah." said Xeintox, "it seems i have riled up one of your troops.". "The boss tends to do that." said one of the Orc Warriors. "Yes, apparently so." said Kalzortus. Just then, Joseph had contacted Alan. "Alan." said Joseph, "What's your status?". "i'm inside the Kor'Drakk cruiser." said Alan, "the Orcs have stopped fighting against the Kor'Drakk.". "the Orcs have stopped fighting." said Joseph, curiously. "they're going over a proposal for an alliance." said Alan. Meanwhile, at the Desert Base Of The Barbarian Tribe, the council had assembled. That was where Clint Orons, King of the Tribe, had stepped forward. "Comrades." Clint Orons said, "It is time for all of the tribes to unite, and stand against the oncoming Forces Of Darkness.". "Sire." said Deronix. "Yes, Deronix." Said Clint. "There seems to be a messenger waiting outside the borders." said Deronix. "Allow them to enter." said Clint. That was where Deronix went to the Outer Gates, and informed the messenger to come see the King in person. Meanwhile, at the Kor'Drakk Cruiser, The Kor'Drakk Captain Zordash, and the Orc Warrior Xeintox had signed the Aliiance. "This shall mark the beginning of a new era." said Xeintox. "Sir." said Mecator, "Kor'Drakk High Command is contacting this ship.". "Bring it on screen." said Captain Zordash.
That was where the vid-screen in the ready room came on-line. The Kor'Drakk Commander-In-Chief, Vor'Tosus had contacted the crew. "Captain Zordash." said Commander-In-Chief Vor'Tosus. "Commander Vor'Tosus." said Captain Zordash, "I was thinking of contacting you.". "i have some bad news." said Vor'Tosus. "what would that be?" asked Captain Zordash. "Our Homeplanet, Dracronus, was destroyed." said Vor'Tosus. "By the Gods." said Captain Zordash, "When did this happen?". “It was a hour ago." said Vor'Tosus. "How Could this happen?" said Gotarus, "who has done such a thing?". "It was the Slortaxons." said Vor'Tosus, "Not only that, but a pirate crew.". "A Pirate crew?" Said Kar'Gorto. "This is a dark day, indeed." said Kalzortus. "What is the pirate crew?" asked Kar'Gorto. "The Crew is comprised entirely of humans." said Vor'Tosus, "their captain is Amadeus Ironside. The ship's name is 'Gatronus'.".
"Humans." said Captain Zordash, "I should have known better.". "Captain." said Kalzortus, "Don't let your distrust of humans prevent a new era from dawning.". "Apparently humans had been responsible for this situation." said Captain Zordash, "i say we deal with the Humans.". "I wouldn't be so certain about the humans." said Kalzortus, "Not all humans are bad.". "Name a example." said Captain Zordash. "One such example is the human whom is with us." said Kalzortus. "What is his name?" asked Captain Zordash. "I actually didn't get to ask his name." said Kalzortus. "That was bright." said Broktar. "Apparently, you still haven't lost your comments." said Kalzortus. That was where Alan had stepped forward.
"Human, What is your name?" asked Captain Zordash. "It is Alan Arthur Stukov." Replied Alan. “Stukov?" said Captain Zordash, "How interesting.". "Sir." said Kalzortus, "We should start to rebuild our homeworld.". "That's a good idea." said Vor'Tosus. "Hey, Wait a minute." said Alan. "What's that?" asked Kalzortus. "Vor'Tosus's Voice Sounds familiar." replied Alan. "What do you mean?" asked Gotarus. "Ah, so you recognize my voice." said Vor'Tosus, "Maybe this might help.". As soon as Vor'Tosus said that, he started to transform. "What on Earth?" said Alan, as he watched Vor'Tosus transform into a human form. That was where Vor'Tosus had fully Transformed into a human form. "So, do you recognize me now." said Vor'Tosus. "What on Earth?" said Alan, "You Couldn't possibly be my teacher.". "Indeed i was." Replied Vor'Tosus. "What do you mean, Vor'Tosus?" asked Kar'Gorto.
"I was once a teacher at a school on the Planet Of Earth." said Vor'Tosus, "It was there, where i had taught history to a young Alan Stukov.". "Is that so." said Captain Zordash, "Apparently you seem to trust humans too much.". "Captain Zordash." said Vor'Tosus, "it seems you haven't lost your distrust of humans.". "I might have figured you would say so." said Captain Zordash. "Now then." said Vor'Tosus, "Let's Get a move on.". "For What reason?" Asked Kalzortus. "Apparently the patrol has been interrupted." said Vor'Tosus. "Yes, we were getting to that." said Kalzortus. "Kalzortus is right." said Dorgarus, "but we were side-tracked when we inadvertently entered a wormhole, and entered into this dimension.".
"Not only that." said Kar'Gorto, "we had encountered a clan of Orcs.". "yes, and also the ship had suffered moderate damage around the ship." said Captain Zordash, "we were doing the repairs when the orcs had attacked.". “yes." said Vor'Tosus, "well, you've better get a move on.". "There's one last thing." said Kalzortus, "there's the matter Of the Master Of Zombies.". "The Master Of Zombies?" asked Vor'Tosus. "yes, the Master Of Zombies." said Captain Zordash, "All we know is that he is a dark being.". "Apparently so." Said Vor'Tosus, "if you wish, you can remain in that dimension.". "We may need reinforcements." said Gotarus. "We shall see what we can do." said Vor'Tosus, "When he have supplies for you, we shall warp it to you.". "What about troops?" asked Dorgarus. "unfortunately, we can't spare any troops at the moment." said Vor'Tosus. "Why is that?" asked Dorgarus. "For one thing." said Vor'Tosus, "most of the troops were killed in the battle against the Slortaxons and the Pirate crew.". "Of course, this realm may make a suitable location for a outpost." said Gotarus. "you may be right." said Vor'Tosus. "then we shall send you the data for the Alliance." said Captain Zordash. "It shall be done." said Vor'Tosus, "When we have available supplies and troops, we shall warp them to you directly.". Just then, A Kor'Drakk Warrior had entered the room where Vor'Tosus was located in.
"Sir." said the Kor'Drakk Warrior. "Yes, Comrade." said Vor'Tosus. "All of the Repairs have been completed." said the Warrior. "Most Excellent." said Vor'Tosus. Meanwhile, at Castle Diroctor, King Anderson's Daughter, Heather Anderson, had arrived at the castle. "Finally, you have arrived." said Ortonk, "i was starting to get worried about you.". "how have you been?" asked Heather. "I have been great." said Ortonk, "although these events have been a bit stressing, not only on me, but on the other residents of the castle.". At that moment, Sir Dante Morgan had entered the area. “M'Lady." said Sir Morgan, "it is good to see you.". "it is good to see you, too." said Heather. At that moment, King Anderson had entered the Area. "Father." said Heather, as she headed towards King Anderson. "It is good to see you." said King Anderson, "How was it with your Uncle and Cousin?". "It was excellent." Said Heather, "Duke Arthur sends his regards.". "Sire." said one of the Archers.
"Yes, what is it?" asked King Anderson. "The Heroes haven't returned from the object in the distance." said the Archer. That was where Officer Morgan, Tirus, and Rotusor had started on their way to the Crash-landed Kor'Drakk Cruiser. "I'll Come along." said Dante. "It's much better that you stay here, at the Castle." said Tirus. "then allow us to help by sending troops." said Sir Morgan. "That won't be necessary." said Officer Morgan. That was where the trio continued on their way. That was where Alex Johnson had arrived at the Castle. "Greetings, Alex." said King Anderson. "Greetings, King Anderson." said Alex Johnson. "Any news of the Heroes?" asked King Anderson.
"I haven't heard from Alan and Broktar." said Alex, "Or even Tirus and Officer Morgan. I have sent a messenger to the Barbarian Tribe.". “Excellent." said King Andrson, "Do you really think the Barbarians would be a worthy ally?". "Of Course." said Alex Johnson, "The Barbarians are Strong Warriors.". Meanwhile, at the crash site of the Kor'Drakk Cruiser, the orcs have left the ship. "I'm surprised." said Kalzortus. "What do you mean?" asked Gotarus. "I mean I'm surprised that this situation hadn't gotten any worse than it was." said Kalzortus. "whatever makes you say that?" said Broktar. "when i was in Artiox, i had encountered a clan of Orcs." said Kalzortus, "i had found those Orcs to be a bit Brutish.". "Is that so." said Broktar. "Of Course, Orcs can also make great Allies." said Kalzortus, "Even though Orcs can be a bit brutish.". "Oh, Really Now.” said Kar'Gorto. "Let's get going." said Dorgarus. Meanwhile, at the Undead Keep, The Battle Knight had arrived at the Keep. Quotor was waiting at the gate for him. "What in the Dark Realms were you trying to do?" asked Quotor. "Whatever do you mean?" said the Battle Knight. "You know what i mean." said Quotor, as he looked at the Battle Knight with one eyebrow raised. That was where Ghoultor had appeared at the gate. "Ah, Ghoultor." said Quotor, "About time you have gotten here.". "The Master Of Zombies wants to see both of you, Immediately." Said Ghoultor. "Is that so." said Quotor. "yes, indeed." said Ghoultor. That was where Ghoultor, Quotor, and the Battle Knight went into the Undead Keep.
submitted by Griffon-Knight to WarriorOmega [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:49 Hank_J_Wimbleton_69 Respect Hit-Girl! (Kick Ass [Movies])

Okay you cunts, let's see what you can do now.

Game on, cocksuckers!


Hit-Girl, or with her real name Mindy Macready, is a major character in the Kick Ass movie duology, serving as the deuteragonist of the story. After her former-cop father get framed as a drug dealer and sent to the jail by the evil mob boss Frank D'Amico, her mother could not cope with the events and died after giving birth to Mindy. Since Mr. Macready was in jail, his close friend and former-partner sergeant Marcus Williams took care of her as her guardian for temporary amount of time.
Five years later, Hit-Girl's father Damon Macready finished his time in jail hetook custody of Mindy and since that day trained her for next several years. As the deadly father-daughter crime-fighting duo Big Daddy and Hit-Girl, they set out to avenge Mindy's mother and Damon's imprisonment by tracking down and killing Frank D'Amico's henchmen and drug dealers one by one until reaching D'Amico himself. During their adventure of hunting down Frank D'Amico they met with a vigilante called "Kick Ass" (with his real name Dave Lizewski), who recently was the attention of the social media and became allies with him. Getting tricked by Frank's son Chris D'Amico (who was disguised as an another vigilante called Red Mist) Kick Ass and Big Daddy gets captured by the mooks of Frank D'Amico, Hit-Girl came to rescue them from getting tortured and burned alive by the hands of Frank's mob. She manages to save Kick Ass but things were too late for her father Big Daddy. After this she, with the help of Kick Ass, kills Frank D'Amico.
In Kick Ass 2, two years passed from the death of her father, Mindy now lives with Marcus and started at highschool now, and now promised him to stop fightning with criminals and living a normal life. Meanwhile, Chris D'Amico comes back as The Motherfucker, with an entire army of hired costumed criminals to backup him, with the goal of killing Kick Ass and everyone he loves. Starting from damaging and killing his "superhero" allies, and even going as far as killing his dad and kidnapping him during his dad's funeral. After saving Kick Ass from Motherfucker's mooks, Hit-Girl and Kick Ass last time teams up and with other costumed superheroes they fight with The Motherfucker and his evil army. After a rough victory, Hit-Girl leaves the New York in order to protect Marcus from police inquiry and because she is wanted for murdering several of the people.
Allies: Big Daddy (Father; deceased), Unnamed mother (Deceased), Marcus Williams (Her guardian), Kick Ass (Friend, ally, love interest), Justice Forever)
Enemies: Frank D'Amico (Nemesis; deceased), Chris D'Amico/Red Mist/The Motherfucker, Mother Russia (Deceased), Toxic-Mega Cunts, random street thugs and drug dealers
Note: Hit-Girl's feats from Kick Ass 2 will be seperated from her feats in Kick Ass as not only she is 2 years older in the sequel (she is 15 in Kick Ass 2 as confirmed by Dave/Kick Ass and so she should be around 13 in Kick Ass as the events of Kick Ass 2 happens 2 years later from the first one and Hit-Girl was a highschool freshman in Kick Ass 2)
Note 2: ın Kick Ass 2 her feats as filled with adrenaline will gonna get seperated by her regular feats.

Source Material: All feats are pulled from the movies Kick Ass, and Kick Ass 2. You can see which feats are from which movie since i will seperate her first movie feats and second movie feats. ​

Kick Ass


Striking Strength:
Striking Strength (her signature weapon a seperatable staff with blades on it's both ends):

Blunt force:
  • She herself doesn't have any notable resistance to piercing damage, but her suit has shown to be immune to at least low caliber handguns (will be mentioned in equipment section)



Hit-Girl (and Big Daddy before he died) has access to many different firearms and weapons in their house with it's not known how they managed to find all of them. Although it should be noted in standart battles Hit-Girl obviously doesn't use all of them combined and generally stick with her suit, her standart staff, some pistols and rarely other objects like nunchakus. And even in the battles where she is prepared you won't see her carrying dozen different guns with her or something.


Other equipments:





Kick Ass 2


Striking Strength:
Striking Strength (her signature weapon a seperatable staff with blades on it's both ends):
Physical Strength:

Blunt force:
Piercing Damage:
  • She herself doesn't have any notable resistance to piercing damage, but she still retains her suit from the first movie, which has shown to be able to take shots from certain handguns



Just like i said before, Hit-Girl has access to many weapons and more, whatever most of the time she doesn't pick up anything beyond her suit, her bladed staff and some pistols in standart fights. Whatever she obviously can use more when the situation needs them.








submitted by Hank_J_Wimbleton_69 to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:15 SantoryuZetten Asta's Arsenal

A comprehensive guide to Asta’s entire arsenal: Asta received the five-leaf grimoire at the age of 15, which contains the Sword Magic of its previous owner, Licht. Thanks to an Anti-Magic devil residing inside the grimoire, both the grimoire and its swords also acquired Anti-Magic properties.
The 5-leaf Grimoire and the Devil

Asta's Swords:

Asta has a total of 4 swords in the grimoire.
This is Asta’s first sword that came with the grimoire, and it boasts a basic ability: slashing through spells and repelling them. Using the 1st sword, Asta can do:
  1. Black Meteorite: A powerful slash attack where Asta homes in on the opponent to strike with his sword, dealing significant damage to the foe.
  2. Black Hurricane: A spinning attack that swiftly negates and repels numerous incoming attacks.
  3. Black Divider: By infusing more Anti-Magic into the sword, Asta can extend its edges, turning it into a formidable weapon.
Asta can remotely control the sword and use it for flying by standing on it.
Black Meteorite
Black Divider
Black Hurricane
The second sword, which Asta acquired in a dungeon near the Diamond Kingdom, grants him a few powerful abilities:
  1. Black Slash: By imbuing it with Anti-Magic, Asta can release a devastating Anti-Magic Slash that cuts through enemy spells and inflicts heavy damage.
  2. Comra-Demon: By bestowing the Anti-Magic upon his close allies, allowing them to use Pseudo Anti-Magic.
The Demon-Dweller Sword can also absorb enemy spells and redirect them. Asta later combines this sword with his first sword for a more effective Black Hurricane.
Black Slash
The third sword, which Asta acquired during the Elf Invasion Arc, grants him:
  1. Fate-Release (Causality Break): With this sword, Asta can sever the cause-and-effect relationship of magic spells, effectively rendering them null.
By thrusting the sword into a person, Asta can effectively negate the spells affecting them.
Causality Break
Asta’s fourth and final sword, was received from Yami during the battle against Dante. Yami entrusted it to Asta when he fought alongside him and later got kidnapped by Zenon. Notable abilities include:
  1. This katana allows Asta to imbue and control Anti-Magic, enabling him to release moving slashes that cut through physical objects and negate magic spells.
  2. Selective Cut: The sword only slices through what Asta intends, leaving everything else unharmed.
  3. Infinite Slash-Equinox: Inspired by Yami’s Dimension Slash-Equinox spell, Asta can unleash a long-range slash capable of cutting through anything in its vicinity.
Selective Cut
Infinite Slash: Equinox

Asta's Transformations:

Thanks to the Devil Binding Ritual that Asta performed with his Anti-Magic Devil, Liebe, Asta now has full access to Anti-Magic and has achieved several transformations. These include:
  1. This transformation triggers when Asta unites with his devil.
  2. He gains four horns, star-like pupils, a tail, two wings, and a full set of armor and his devil’s markings.
  3. Additionally, he acquires a few Anti-Magic orbs that float behind him, constantly releasing Anti-Magic energy to negate all surrounding magic.
  4. Devil Union is the initial transformation he learns after performing the ritual, but it only lasts for about 5 minutes.
  5. In this state, all of his sword’s abilities receive a tremendous boost, and Asta himself gains enhanced speed and perception.
Devil Union
When Asta (the host) and Liebe (the devil) are in a complete synchrony, they achieve True Devil Union. Asta grows a total of five horns.
  1. He gains new slit pupils, loses his armor, his devil marks change, the tail remains the same. The orbs become more stable and no longer leak energy.
  2. In this state, Asta negates any and every magic of anything he touches or gets touched. His speed and reaction time also gets a significant boost.
True Devil Union
In the 15 month timeskip, Asta completed the transformation of his Black Form. By engulfing himself in some Anti-Magic, Asta triggers a transformation where he gains 4 horns, 2 wings and his devil markings. This also boosts his sword's abilities.
Black Form
Similar to the Devil Union, but the Anti-Magic (armor) is concentrated only on a part of his body (typically his right arm), making it much stronger and denser.
  1. Extended Duration: Asta can maintain this state for 10 minutes, compared to the 5 minutes of the regular Devil Union.
  2. Perks Remain Unchanged: Despite the localized focus, the perks and abilities remain the same as those in the Devil Union state.
Partial Devil Union

Asta's Ki:

Along with Asta's arsenal, Asta also knows how to manipulate Ki (The Life Energy). The abilities include:
  1. Ki Sensing:
    • This ability allows Asta to sense the Ki (Life Energy) of his surroundings.
    • He can use it to detect people, objects, as well as spells.
    • Essentially, it provides precognition, allowing him to anticipate threats and opportunities.
  2. Zetten:
    • An advanced Ki-manipulation technique and a combination of Ki and Magic that allows the user to make precision strikes. Asta instead uses Anti-Magic, taking all the Ki and combining it with Anti-Magic, resulting in an explosive boost (as high as 20-fold) to his strikes.
    • Additionally, this combination significantly increases Asta’s speed.

Some interesting bits of info about Devil Union:

Demon-Destroyer Sword: Normal vs. in Devil Union
Devil Union appearances
The ever-growing Asta certainly possesses an extensive arsenal, and he may acquire even more techniques and abilities in the future. However, for now, he has cemented his position as one of the strongest Magic Knights in the history of Black Clover.
submitted by SantoryuZetten to BlackClover [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:15 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:14 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DMToolkit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:14 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:13 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DnD5e [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:11 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]
