Type cursive in facebook


2011.09.27 04:58 k2cougar Handwriting

A place for redditors to improve, share, and discuss their handwriting.

2013.01.03 20:35 cbrandolino Blunder Years: pictures from a regrettable past.

Do you still cringingly remember "Fuck drugs and government", the hardcore hit of your 15 year self? Have you just found your old myspace picture, xXxLadyDarkness85xXx? Come and share your dusty treasure for the world - and you - to laugh and regret - *Together.* So come and tell us what the old you was up to!

2020.05.18 00:56 Share Your Style & Discuss It

A SFW community to Share Your Style & freely discuss, compare, and critique various body typing & style philosophies. ‼️ READ THE GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING A TYPING POST ‼️https://www.reddit.com/DressForYourBody/wiki/post_guidelines/

2024.06.02 17:47 J_random_fool Trying to sell my old AC/DC 225/125. What price should I ask?

I have a pretty clean AC/DC 225/125 I bought in 1998 that has probably seen less than 20 hours of use in its life. I bought an Everlast 161sti because I also wanted tig capability (alas, I haven't purchased an argon bottle yet) and I don't think I need the Lincoln anymore. I want to put it up on either FB marketplace or Craigslist, but I have a few questions before I do:
  1. What price should I ask? I found one on FB marketplace that they're asking $600 for, NIB https://en-gb.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1864821990643945/?ref=search&referral\_code=null&referral\_story\_type=post. Mine's not NIB, of course, but like I said, it's got pretty low mileage.
  2. Should I post this on FB marketplace or Craigslist? I have heard the former will get more traffic, but the latter is more likely to have serious buyers. I also heard FB will inundate you with lowball offers.
  3. Will I regret selling it? As mentioned, I rarely use it and I am just an occasional hobby welder anyway. I just picked up an HF Titanium MIG 170 and I already have the Everlast welder. Would I be giving up any capability? I know the Lincoln is supposed to be bomb-proof, but I am not likely to be pushing any envelopes anyway.
MODS, if this is the wrong forum, can you please direct me to the correct one?
submitted by J_random_fool to Welding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:37 Ok_Mechanic_5958 chat, is he interested in me? me (F20) him (M26) “first date edition”

I met this guy at a local asian restaurant that my friend recommended me to go. I was good friends w one of the servers that workes there because we worked together before she got into that place. She is a middle aged sweet lady and is often very supportive about everything and evryone. She often posts photos of the restaurant and the food to advertise it to the public. Whenever she posts something, I would often see this cute guy that are one of the chefs at the resto and i instantly knew he was my type.
One day, I finally decided to kinda give it a shot and go to the resto in person. I dragged my friend to go there w me and just hanged out. As usual, the lady was so happy to see me and I even met some people that we previously worked together that now working in the said restaurant (I was also close with them). From time to time they would always approach our table and say something funny which ig (caught someone's attention) .. it was a brief moment but i was able to meet the other staff and him too.. we even had a group photo together for my lady to post later on facebook lol. i was casual about it and everybody was friendly and we parted ways.. not until me and my friend saw the guy (the chef) again when me and my friend were waiting for our uber ride..
we had another brief interaction w him and ge invited us back for dessert but we had somewhere else to go but promised to comeback again another time .. ig a few weeks later, i suggested the resto to my parents and we agreed on eating there .. saw him again but we just said hi and didn't speak too much since it was busy, but so and so i caught myself giving glances at him and i knew he did the same thing. my parents really liked it and said that they will comeback again which made me really glad.
another time (a few days later), i was from work when i suddenly felt like going there again.. this time, i sat down to where his station is at.. the bar area and while he was working, we were kinda talking in between and was asking each other questions. At the end of the night, he asked for my number and if i was single to which i gave him my number and said i was indeed single. he asked me out and i said "yes." (i also found out that he was 26 .. 6 years older than me.. which i don't mind) my lady friend even told me that he's been asking about me and my phone number ever since i came into the resto.. she reassured me that she did not gave my number and honestly she was real for that..
atleast we did it naturally and got each other's numbers and we texted each other.. everything was short and brief tho.. we are both busy people.. i have 3 part-time jobs + in college + do sports so i always have something to do in any time of the day and he works there full time too and work long hours like i do.. he's a mechanic and loves engineering so he does like a bunch of stuff on the side that keeps him busy too. i've always been so awful w keeping up w ppl but whenever he texts me, i was DOWN so bad.
although i don't always have anything to say but i try to attempt on talking to him and be natural abt it. finally, i had free time (this is after a week) and we kinda made plans to meet at a local noodle place for lunch.. for context, he lives like an HOUR from the restaurant that he works (i live 10 mins away) .. the noodle place was like atleast 40mins away.. in my head i was like DAMN that's far. and for us to just meet for a couple of hours, i was under the impression that he really wanted to get to know me.
I was glad to meet him, been very casual about it but he definitely a very shy person up close. (ig when u work at a resto, u become a complete diff person cuz he be acting diff now lol) it was obvious to me that he doesn't know how to talk to girls and he def got no rizz.. during ig (the date?) we would ask questions and mid convo we would ran out of things to talk to and would like stare at each other and awkwardly laugh.
i try to maintain eye contact and listen to him but his voice is so soft (w all the background noise) i can't hear him sometimes and i awkwardly would ask him to repeat it back what he was saying. we got into the conversation about previous relationships and i learned that he don't have any experience. which it doesn't surprise me (for context, i always had bad experiences w relationships and i was honest about it too.. he was genuinely curious about it and was hesitant of asking me but i've addressed some issues about my previous relationships and the things that were importance for me that i consider / what im looking for in the relationship)
tbh, i was mostly talking for the both of us. i'm an introvert and obviously he was too but I TALKED TOO MUCH AT THE TIME and really really over shared..
i was worried that it might turn him off.. we even fought for the bill and agreed that he would pay and i get the next one.. we sat there for almost 3 hours but it was clear to me that he is very hesitant and cautious about me.
I had basically explained my whole lore to him and i feel like i still don't know anything too much about him other than like small superficial things about him. i didn't eat much and had to take home food too lol..
we decided to leave the resto but i had enough time before i had to go to work so we again, sat down outside and try to talk again.
in brief moments there was an awkward silence.. and we tryna figure out questions that we want to ask to each other but could not come up w one so it was definitely was awkward.
again, i would stare at him and just admire his features. his straight bangs, his face.. he wasn't very conventionally attractive and he's definitely one of the nerdy guys and loves geeky stuff but that side from him was enough for me to like him. even tho he doesn't say much .. although i had this strange feeling that he was not really interested in me but i really wanted to get to know him. idk what happened but he finally had the courage to ask VERY personal questions.
(for context, i am asian and immigrated in the US for 2 years now so i was really raised w traditional conservative grandparents.. he was born in the US , although his parents are asian, he does not speak his language very well and i could tell that he is very westernized.. also his parents too)
so naturally, i was shocked when he asked me my viewes about sex and my comfort level about getting physical. he even asked me how far i have gone to my previous relationships to which idk, was hesitant at first but replied truthfully that i do not have experience about it.
AGAIN, i'm still so confused that he was able to form that type of question and ((we even got to a point about healthy masturbation and stuff??)) like sorry,
I WAS GENUINELY BLOWN AWAY cuz this MAN, almost knocked our table out when he saw me walking in the restaurant.. HE WAS NERVOUS.. he definitely have that nerdy appearance that gives hime that innocent look. he doesn't talk to girls and previously never gone far w a girl..
he CANNOT even form a question without mumbling and pausing for like 5 minutes (looking stressed, defeated or pressured) ..
and i tryna constantly reassured him that it's okay -- so pls tell me that I AM NOT CRAZY.
and plus, like i said before.. he is very hesitant through and through.. i think he was like overthinking it tbh .. he addressed that there will be a time that we had to part both ways since he wanted to venture out more w tech/engineering..
to which i reassured him again that i was willing to work things out somehow and i was okay w it since i am also have similar plans in nursing + traveling (im currently in college and he's already out of college but he is still trying to find work relating to his degree, com sci) ..
very hesitant that even if i asked for his socials.. he was stalling and forgot about it after he said that he would give it "later.." but never did:( (turned me off tbh)
overall i was so down for him at first but it ruined my mood for the rest of day.
he was nice enough to drop me off to work which is like (20 mins away) which i feel so bad for letting him drive that far.. but ya, it was still a letdown.
i was so distracted throughout my shift and i kept on checking my phone if he texted me but never did.. for context (this was YESTERDAY) i had to text him first after my shift and we were on and off about the replies and he left me on delivered after he said he would stay up late that night..
i ended up not sleeping cuz i kept overthinking it.
i would love to tell him my feelings about this and see what would his response be you know, that first date definitely shattered me. so far, my previous relationships went pretty bad and i shared this to him also.. my partners would often over sexualize me and other people .. and that left me very uncomfortable. (that is why i felt the way that i felt about his questions) he is not very consistent with a lot of things and it just opened a lot of hidden traumas for me w my exs.
*chat, im sorry if this was very long and personal and i fear that he will find this post but i just really badly needed a second opinion.
i wanna know from the guys, is this normal? is it normal to ask a girl on their first date about sex? how about texting, i know we all can get caught up with life and i really understand that or atleast i try to but is the quote "if he really wanted he would" really true? (i mean he drove for such a long was so i think that was enough for me that he was yk, DOWN.
but the HESITATION, is it normal? i really appreciated his honesty there but was it really necessary to convey those things at a first date? (we're talking about potentially "trying" make it work here even if we both know that we would eventually live different lives together more than what we are now.
WAS THAT CONVERSATION TOO EASY FOR US? i genuinely wanted to try but he's been giving me mixed signals. maybe because he'a shy and really don't know what to say and i get that but i'm genuinely concerned, WAS HE TRULY INTERESTING IN ME? (could u even tell that after a first date?) did i pressure him too much?
I legit wanna know guys.. pls tell me ur thoughts and opinions.. i really wanted to know coming from a person w experience w serious non-toxic relationship. pls help me:)
submitted by Ok_Mechanic_5958 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:16 AdLanky3023 Digital marketing tips

Social media marketing can be a powerful tool to build your brand, engage with customers, and drive sales. Here are some tips to maximize your effectiveness:
  1. Define Your Goals Set Clear Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve (brand awareness, lead generation, sales, etc.). Specific and Measurable: Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  2. Know Your Audience Demographics: Understand the age, gender, location, and interests of your target audience. Behavior: Analyze their online behavior, preferred platforms, and types of content they engage with.
  3. Choose the Right Platforms Platform Suitability: Select platforms where your audience is most active (e.g., Instagram for younger audiences, LinkedIn for professionals). Platform Features: Utilize features unique to each platform (e.g., Stories on Instagram, Groups on Facebook, and Pins on Pinterest).
  4. Content Strategy High-Quality Content: Focus on creating high-quality, engaging, and valuable content. Consistency: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged and maintain visibility. Content Mix: Use a variety of content types (videos, images, infographics, articles) to keep your feed interesting.
  5. Engage with Your Audience Interact Regularly: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. User-Generated Content: Encourage and share content created by your audience. Polls and Questions: Use interactive features like polls and questions to engage your audience.
  6. Use Analytics Track Performance: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your posts and campaigns. Adjust Strategy: Continuously adjust your strategy based on what the data shows is working or not working.
  7. Leverage Influencers Partner with Influencers: Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values and have a strong following in your niche. Authentic Relationships: Build authentic relationships rather than one-off transactions to foster trust and credibility.
  8. Paid Advertising Targeted Ads: Use the targeting options available on social media platforms to reach a specific audience. Budget Wisely: Allocate your budget effectively across different campaigns and platforms.
  9. Stay Up-to-Date Trends: Stay informed about the latest trends and updates in social media. Algorithm Changes: Adapt to changes in social media algorithms to maintain your reach and engagement.
  10. Legal and Ethical Practices Transparency: Be transparent about sponsored content and partnerships. Privacy: Respect your audience’s privacy and adhere to data protection regulations.
  11. Optimize for Mobile Mobile-Friendly Content: Ensure your content is optimized for mobile viewing as a significant portion of social media use is on mobile devices.
  12. Plan and Schedule Content Calendar: Plan and schedule your posts in advance using tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Later. Consistency: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Implementing these tips can help you develop a robust social media marketing strategy that drives engagement and achieves your business goals.
submitted by AdLanky3023 to digitalmarketing218 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:10 subredditsummarybot Your /r/indieheads [FRESH] recap for the week of May 26 - June 01, 2024

Sunday, May 26 - Saturday, June 01, 2024

Fresh Albums

score comments title & link mirrors
255 41 comments [FRESH ALBUM] The Marías - Submarine [Dzr] [YT]
113 36 comments [FRESH ALBUM] Beak> - >>>> [BC] [SC]
102 5 comments [👀] [FRESH ALBUM] Arooj Aftab - Night Reign [AM] [Dzr]
72 6 comments [FRESH ALBUM] Illinoise: A New Musical - Original Cast (Words and Music by Sufjan Stevens) [SC]
67 7 comments [FRESH EP] BADBADNOTGOOD- Mid Spiral: Growth [BC] [Dzr]

Fresh Videos

score comments title & link mirrors
55 14 comments [FRESH VIDEO] Charly Bliss - Calling You Out [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr]

Fresh Performances

score comments title & link mirrors
58 18 comments [FRESH PERFORMANCE] St. Vincent - Broken Man! (Kimmel) [Sp] [BC] [Dzr] [SC] [YT]


score comments title & link mirrors
298 29 comments [FRESH] Magdalena Bay - Death & Romance [Dzr] [SC]
194 28 comments [FRESH] James Blake - Thrown Around [Dzr] [SC] [YT]
107 25 comments [FRESH] DJ Sabrina The Teenage DJ - Deep Down [Dzr]
104 21 comments [FRESH] Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Frogs [AM] [Dzr] [SC] [YT]
93 25 comments ['Paradise State of Mind' out August 16th] [FRESH] Foster the People - Lost In Space [Sp] [Dzr] [SC]
85 20 comments [FRESH STREAM] NoMeansNo - Wrong
77 19 comments [FRESH] Pond - So Lo [AM] [SC] [YT]
64 1 comments [FRESH ALBUM] Dean Blunt & Joanne Robertson - Backstage Raver [Sp] [Dzr]
60 9 comments [FRESH] Phantogram - All A Mystery [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
56 4 comments [FRESH ALBUM] Thou - Umbilical [AM]

Top 5 Other Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
1,278 136 comments [ANNIVERSARY] "It Was Just the Emotion of the Period": 15 Years of Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
1,191 191 comments Music fans and artists hit back as Spotify CEO claims "the cost of creating content" is "close to zero”
461 135 comments Hopscotch Music Festival 2024 Lineup
328 16 comments [The Beths win Best Group, Best Album at the Aotearoa Music Awards]()
297 90 comments LCD Soundsystem Announce L.A. Residency
submitted by subredditsummarybot to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:56 BadLarryMotors LS Swap for Beginner

LS Swap for Beginner
LS Swaps are a go to for all types of build from new builders to seasoned builder.
If you are swapping an old Camaro or something and you already have a running car with a turbo 350 transmission in it you have an easy path to the LS swap. You would not need to do the newer computer controlled transmission on it. It’s nice but if you just want a little more power an LS will bolt up to the transmission with the same bolt pattern no issues. If you already have a transmission then go get a bear bones 5.3 LS you can find them at the junkyard or on Facebook marketplace there is ton of options out there.
If you don’t have a transmission go get a 4L60E or something in that family.
DON’T BUY a bear block LS for a budget build it looks like a better deal but once you start adding the power stealing pump, pulleys, harness, it just keeps adding up. For budget builds try to find a motor with everything on it. The best way is getting a donor vehicle so you know what’s coming off.
Get some good motor mounts that work with your car they have all kinds of kits out there for all the build in the world.
They do sell LS specific radiators get the right one so the outlets are on the right side for your build.
If you bought the car with the harness in it you have to unlock it go tuners is always a good option or pay some one to unlock it.
Then get a terminator X is a platform that can grow with you depending on your power goals you can choose which set up works for you.
Fuel system depends on your setup they have tons of fuel systems for LS the easiest way to do it is buy one of the cheap fuel pumps online it comes with everything. Just mount it to the frame of the car and the stock fuel lines get hooked up to the car.
There are two options drive by wire or drive by cable so when you pick out your LS whatever way your car came get the LS to match that it’s going to make the swap a lot easier.
See a more detailed explanation of a LS Swap to begin with: https://youtu.be/KvmM7IYnEWM?si=GjibO96qraodf86b
submitted by BadLarryMotors to ShopTalkLarry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Simple_Philosophy_61 etrecheck report - no major problems and still not working correctly

Hey all! I'm attaching what Etrecheck told me for my computer analysis but it looks like there are no major problems. I have plenty of diskspace etc because from day one I've kept everything on hard drives as I'm a photo editor and I use a lot of space for images/downloads/etc.
My computer specs are here:
From what I can gather online, my computer is just "old" and can not keep up with Photoshop, Cricut etc apps. BUT even when I'm not running those apps, my computer is slow AF. I can only open Photoshop by itself and never with the internet open as well. It crashes constantly and I have to manually turn it off and on where it sometimes just freezes till it randomly turns on again later on in the day. I have no idea what to do about it and to be quite frank, I don't have the money to buy a new computer. We are living off of one income with kids at the moment and we are getting ready to move across the country so funds are limited. Anyone have any advice on what to do? I'd have no problem buying the $18 pro clean up but it seems like there isn't anything imperative to "fix."
Thanks so much!
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.5 (68049)
Report generated: 2024-06-02 08:26:43
Download EtreCheckPro from https://etrecheck.com
Runtime: 5:59
Performance: Below Average
Problem: Computer is too slow
Major Issues: None
Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.
Clean up - There are orphan files that could be removed.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. These files could be old, incompatible, and cause problems. They should be reviewed.
System modifications - There are a large number of system modifications running in the background.
Low performance - EtreCheck report took an unusually long time to run.
Limited permissions - More information may be available with Full Disk Access.
Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future.
Hardware Information:
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019)
Status: Supported
iMac Model: iMac19,2
3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5 (i5-8500) CPU: 6-core
8 GB RAM - Upgradeable by an Apple Authorized Service Provider
BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR4 2667
BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR4 2667
Video Information:
Radeon Pro 560X - VRAM: 4 GB
iMac (built-in) 4096 x 2304
disk0 - APPLE HDD HTS541010A9E632 1.00 TB (Mechanical - 5400 RPM)
Internal SATA 3 Gigabit Serial ATA
disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
disk0s2 [APFS Fusion Drive] 1000.00 GB
disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.03 TB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk2s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (387.18 GB used)
disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (2.16 GB used)
disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.24 GB used)
disk2s4 (APFS) [APFS Container] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s4s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s5 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (1 MB used)
disk2s6 - Update (APFS) (11 MB used)
disk1 - APPLE SSD SM0032L 28.00 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x2 NVM Express
disk1s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk1s2 [APFS Fusion Drive] 27.55 GB
disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.03 TB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk2s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (387.18 GB used)
disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (2.16 GB used)
disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.24 GB used)
disk2s4 (APFS) [APFS Container] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s4s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s5 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (1 MB used)
disk2s6 - Update (APFS) (11 MB used)
Mounted Volumes:
disk2s1 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data
Fusion drive
Used: 387.18 GB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot
Fusion drive
Used: 2.16 GB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s4s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /
Fusion drive
Read-only: Yes
Used: 10.26 GB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s5 - VM [APFS VM]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM
Fusion drive
Used: 1 MB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s6 - Update
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update
Fusion drive
Used: 11 MB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
USB 3.1 bus
Apple Inc. - FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
HP - HP OfficeJet 8020 series
USB 3.1 bus

Interface en0: Ethernet
Interface en1: Wi-Fi
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
Interface en4: iPhone
System Software:
macOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
Time since boot: Less than an hour
Creative Cloud.app
one notification
6 notifications
Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Antivirus software: Apple
Unsigned Files:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.google.keystone.daemon.plist
Executable: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.google.keystone.agent.plist
Command: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent -runMode ifneeded
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/jp.co.canon.Inkjet_Extended_Survey_Agent.plist
Executable: /Applications/Canon Utilities/Inkjet Extended Survey Program/Inkjet Extended Survey Program.app/Contents/Resources/Canon_Inkjet_Extended_Survey_Agent
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/jp.co.canon.MasterInstaller.plist
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/jp.co.canon.MasterInstaller
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Apps: 10
Kernel Extensions:
/Applications/Wondershare Filmora9.app
[Not Loaded] SystemAudioRecorder.kext - com.Perfect.Driver.SystemAudioRecorder (Wondershare Software Co., Ltd, 1.1.0 - SDK 10.9)
[Not Loaded] EPSONUSBPrintClass.kext - com.epson.print.kext.USBPrintClass (Seiko Epson Corporation, 2.7.3)
[Not Loaded] ms_ntfs.kext - com.iboysoft.filesystems.ms_ntfs (Chengdu Aibo Tech Co., Ltd., 4.5 - SDK 11)
[Loaded] ufsd_NTFS.kext - com.paragon-software.filesystems.ntfs (Paragon Software GmbH, 15.11.839 - SDK 10.10)
[Not Loaded] BJUSBLoad.kext - jp.co.canon.bj.print.BJUSBLoad (Canon Inc., 10.75.21 - SDK 10.8)
[Not Loaded] CIJUSBLoad.kext - jp.co.canon.ij.print.CIJUSBLoad (Canon Inc., 16.0.10 - SDK 10.9)
System Launch Daemons:
[Not Loaded] 44 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 183 Apple tasks
[Running] 174 Apple tasks
[Other] 3 Apple tasks
System Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] 23 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 200 Apple tasks
[Running] 202 Apple tasks
Launch Daemons:
[Running] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-02)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.adobe.acc.installer.v2
[Running] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-01-04)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/AGSService
[Loaded] com.citrix.ctxusbd.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Citrix Receivectxusbd
[Loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Executable: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon
[Other] com.iBoysoft.ntfshelperd.plist (Not signed - installed 2019-09-22)
Executable: /Applications/iBoysoft NTFS for Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/ntfsassistantd.app/Contents/MacOS/ntfsassistantd
[Loaded] com.paragon-software.installer.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2020-03-31)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.paragon-software.installer
[Loaded] com.paragon-software.ntfs.loader.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2023-09-21)
Command: /sbin/kextload /Library/Extensions/ufsd_NTFS.kext
[Running] com.paragon-software.ntfsd.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2023-10-02)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Paragon Software/com.paragon-software.ntfsd
[Loaded] jp.co.canon.MasterInstaller.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-08-03)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/jp.co.canon.MasterInstaller
[Loaded] us.zoom.ZoomDaemon.plist (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2024-04-01)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomDaemon
Launch Agents:
[Running] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-02)
Command: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/ACC/Creative Cloud.app/Contents/MacOS/Creative Cloud --showwindow=false --onOSstartup=true
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-01-04)
Command: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/agcinvokerutility -mode=logon
[Loaded] com.adobe.ccxprocess.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-12)
Command: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud Experience/CCXProcess/CCXProcess.app/Contents/MacOS/CCXProcess --openAtBoot
[Running] com.citrix.AuthManager_Mac.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /uslocal/libexec/AuthManager_Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/AuthManager_Mac
[Running] com.citrix.ReceiverHelper.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /uslocal/libexec/ReceiverHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/ReceiverHelper
[Running] com.citrix.ServiceRecords.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /uslocal/libexec/ServiceRecords.app/Contents/MacOS/ServiceRecords
[Running] com.citrix.WebLauncher.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Citrix ReceiveCitrix Workspace Launcher.app/Contents/MacOS/Citrix Workspace Launcher
[Running] com.epson.Epson_Low_Ink_Reminder.launcher.plist (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2019-09-24)
Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/Epson Low Ink Reminder.app/Contents/EpsonLowInkReminderAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/EpsonLowInkReminderAgent
[Loaded] com.epson.esua.launcher.plist (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2021-10-14)
Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/EPSON Software Updater.app/Contents/EPSON Software Updater Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/EPSON Software Updater Agent
[Running] com.epson.eventmanager.agent.plist (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2019-10-03)
Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/Event Manager.app/Contents/Resources/Assistants/Event ManageEEventManager.app/Contents/MacOS/EEventManager
[Running] com.epson.pma.launcher.plist (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2017-10-19)
Command: /Applications/Epson Software/Epson Ink Replenishment Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/pma.app/Contents/MacOS/pma --pmaalaunchd
[Running] com.epson.scannermonitor.plist (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2019-08-18)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/EPSON/ScanneScannerMonitoEpson Scanner Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/Epson Scanner Monitor
[Other] com.google.keystone.agent.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Command: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent -runMode ifneeded
[Running] com.paragon-software.ntfs.notification-agent.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2023-09-21)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Paragon Software/com.paragon-software.ntfs.notification-agent.app/Contents/MacOS/NotificationAgent
[Other] com.wdc.WD-Discovery.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Command: /Applications/WD Discovery/WD Discovery.app/Contents/MacOS/WD Discovery --autolaunch
[Other] com.wdc.WDTrashObserver.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Executable: /Applications/WD Discovery/WD Discovery.app/Contents/WDTrashObserver
User Launch Agents:
[Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-01-04)
Command: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/agcinvokerutility -mode=scheduled
[Loaded] com.google.GoogleUpdater.wake.plist (Google LLC - installed 2024-05-22)
Command: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleUpdateCurrent/GoogleUpdater.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleUpdater --wake-all --enable-logging --vmodule=*/components/update_client/*=2,*/chrome/update*=2
[Not Loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist (Not signed - installed 2023-12-06)

[Not Loaded] com.google.keystone.xpcservice.plist (Not signed - installed 2023-12-06)

[Running] com.leapfrog.connect2.lflauncher.plist (LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. - installed 2023-04-16)
Executable: /Applications/LeapFrog Connect 2.app/Contents/Library/LaunchServices/LeapFrogLauncher.app/Contents/MacOS/LeapFrogLauncher
[Not Loaded] jp.co.canon.Inkjet_Extended_Survey_Agent.plist (Not signed - installed 2015-02-12)
Executable: /Applications/Canon Utilities/Inkjet Extended Survey Program/Inkjet Extended Survey Program.app/Contents/Resources/Canon_Inkjet_Extended_Survey_Agent
User Login Items:
[Not Loaded] XE2XNRRXZ5.com.canon.Digital-Photo-Professional-4.Cloud-Develop.Beta.Dpp4XPCDCCHelper (Canon Inc. - installed 2022-09-12)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Canon Utilities/Digital Photo Professional 4/Digital Photo Professional 4.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/XE2XNRRXZ5.com.canon.Digital-Photo-Professional-4.Cloud-Develop.Beta.Dpp4XPCDCCHelper.app
[Not Loaded] CIJSUAgent (Canon Inc. - installed 2020-08-03)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Canon Utilities/IJ Scan Utility/Canon IJ Scan Utility2.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/CIJSUAgent.app
[Loaded] HPPSDrMonitorHelper (App Store - installed 2024-01-13)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/HP Smart.app/Contents/Frameworks/HPDiagnosticKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Addons/HP Diagnose & Fix.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/HPPSDrMonitorHelper.app
[Running] MessengerHelper (Facebook, Inc. - installed 2024-05-24)
Modern Login Item
[Loaded] MessengerLoginHelper (Facebook, Inc. - installed 2024-05-24)
Modern Login Item
627 apps
75 x86-only apps
11 unsigned apps
App Extensions:
Finder sync extensions:
Adobe Content Synchronizer Finder Extension - /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync/CoreSync/Core Sync.app
Safari extensions:
Webex - ~/Library/Application Support/WebEx FoldeAdd-ons/Cisco WebEx Start.app
PayPal Honey - /Applications/PayPal Honey.app
QuickLook Previews:
EtreCheckQuickLook - ~/Downloads/EtreCheckPro.app
com.etresoft.etrecheck4 *.etrecheck
Internet Plug-ins:
o1dbrowserplugin: (? - installed 2015-12-11)
googletalkbrowserplugin: (? - installed 2015-12-11)
AdobeAAMDetect: (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-02)
Time Machine information is limited without Full Disk Access
System Load: 1.98 (1 min ago) 1.99 (5 min ago) 1.51 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O usage: 3.93 MB/s
File system: 20.58 seconds
Write speed: 723 MB/s
Read speed: 1430 MB/s
CPU Usage Snapshot:
Type Overall
System: 4 %
User: 7 %
Idle: 89 %
Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
EtreCheckPro 16.26 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
com.apple.WebKit.WebContent (12) 14.88 % (Apple)
Storage 13.98 % (Apple)
WindowServer 4.80 % (Apple)
kernel_task 2.48 % (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
com.apple.WebKit.WebContent (12) 1.29 GB (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 698 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
com.apple.WebKit.GPU 244 MB (Apple)
Safari 178 MB (Apple)
Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer) 131 MB (Adobe Inc.)
Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process Input / Output (Source - Location)
com.apple.WebKit.Networking 108 MB / 2 MB (Apple)
apsd 115 KB / 563 KB (Apple)
rapportd 376 KB / 108 KB (Apple)
mDNSResponder 228 KB / 138 KB (Apple)
Messenger 103 KB / 19 KB (Facebook, Inc.)
Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
com.apple.WebKit.WebContent (12) 8 (Apple)
WindowServer 5 (Apple)
com.apple.WebKit.Networking 3 (Apple)
Storage 3 (Apple)
photoanalysisd 1 (Apple)
Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 8 GB
Free RAM: 40 MB
Used RAM: 5.93 GB
Cached files: 2.03 GB
Available RAM: 2.07 GB
Swap Used: 0 B
Software Installs (past 60 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2024-05-23 macOS 14.5 (14.5)
2024-05-23 MRTConfigData (1.93)
2024-05-29 XProtectPlistConfigData (2195)
2024-05-29 XProtectPayloads (135)
Clean up:
/Applications/WD Discovery/WD Discovery.app/Contents/MacOS/WD Discovery
Executable not found
/Applications/WD Discovery/WD Discovery.app/Contents/WDTrashObserver
Executable not found
/Applications/iBoysoft NTFS for Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/ntfsassistantd.app/Contents/MacOS/ntfsassistantd
Executable not found
Diagnostics Information (past 60 days):
2024-05-31 18:14:28 com.apple.WebKit.WebContent - High CPU Use (3 times)
First occurrence: 2024-05-31 15:55:38
Executable: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/W**************k/V******s/A/X*********s/c*****************************c/C******s/M***S/c*************************t
2024-05-31 07:21:34 photoanalysisd - High CPU Use (2 times)
First occurrence: 2024-05-28 09:14:55
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Support/photoanalysisd
End of report
submitted by Simple_Philosophy_61 to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:36 Adi15022 [H] pogo mons still in go and event pgl tyrunt [W] Paypal.

All are still in go can do custom ot otherwise Ot will be Adi96 and Id on all of them is 009528. All Pokemons are self caught.
PGL Tyrunt - obtained through a trade on Facebook - proof type- wondercard. - 30$+fee
Level 1 shiny non legendaries for 3$+fee each (can evolve them if required)
Level 20 and 25 shiny legendaries for 8$+fee each Others are priced in the list
White striped shiny basculine in masterball - 25$(including fee)
Level 1 shiny wopper × 2 in pokeball, greatball
Level 1 shiny grubbin in pokeball
Level 1 shiny charmander in pokeball
Level 1 shiny swinub in pokeball
Level 1 shiny poliwag in greatball
Level 1 shiny slowpoke in greatball
Level 1 shiny bagon in ultraball
Level 1 shiny Dusknoir in ultraball
Level 1 shiny axew in pokeball
Shiny level 1 uxie in ultraball - 15 including fee
Level 15 shiny celebi in pokeball - 10$+fee(Sold)
Level 15 hoopa in ultra ball - 10$+fee
Level 15 shiny cresselia in pokeball - 15$+fee
Xs level 14 shiny mesprit in pokeball - 15$+fee
Level 25 shiny tapu lele in premier ball
Level 20 shiny cobalion in premier ball
Level 20 shiny kyurem in premier ball
Level 20 shiny landorus in premier ball
4 × Level 20 shiny groudon in premier ball
Level 25 shiny thundurus in premier ball
Level 25 shiny heatran in premier ball
Level 40 shiny groudon in premier ball
3 × Shiny level 20 kyogre in premier ball
Level 25 shiny tapu Koko in premier ball
Level 20 shiny giratina in premier ball
Level 20 shiny dialga in premier ball
Level 25 shiny tapu lele in premier ball × 3
Level 25 shiny entei in Premier ball
Level 25 shiny ho-oh in premier ball
Level 25 shiny Raikou in premier ball
Level 15 shiny cresselia in ultraball
Level 20 shiny kartana in premier ball
Zarude caught in ball of your choice - 15$+fee for normal balls and 25$ for masterball
Discounts on bulk purchases apply.
Prices are negotiable.
My refference link- https://www.reddit.com/pokemonexchangeref/s/iOCz7ObjM7
submitted by Adi15022 to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 Jazzlike_Use1334 Local New Apostolic Reformation Church Pastors Wife Becoming Licensed Counsellor

Does anyone know if the following violates code of conduct for clinical counsellors?:
The local NAR church’s pastors wife has made a Facebook post she’s close to being licensed with the Board of Clinical Counsellors. (Said she’ll be taking clients in a couple of months)
But, she also advocates for conversion therapy, frequently talks about mental illnesses as specific types of demonic possesions, and that anxiety is actually the sin of pride. I have a ton of screenshots of her posts regarding these subjects & it scares me someone with these beliefs could be working with vulnerable people.
submitted by Jazzlike_Use1334 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 Throwmeawayfortoday9 Why am I (25F) always portrayed as a drunk? Maria (25F) was drunk!

I am the aforementioned “professor” in a BORU post about me related to posts in subreddit. I decided to post a response after this event was brought up again with a mutual, Maria. We’re both hanging out as I type this. She and I have both hung out with “boyfriend” (Bob) in group settings and think there are definitely two sides to this story. My main gripe is being portrayed as a drunk and a man-stealer. Below is the original BORU post that I found while browsing one day. Also, someone did find me after reading this post due to how specific it is. I am responding pararaph by paragraph so you do not need to read the original post, feel free to.
The title in BORU is below as I cannot link other subreddits. (Was able to link, after the fact)

Do I (28F) need to worry about my boyfriend's (24M) friendship with his professor (25F)?

My bf (24M) became friends with his former professor (25F), sometime last year - I don't know what to make of it. They seem to be friendly and talk consistently every week, and from what he tells me, it's usually very surface level. Sometime last year after the course ended, my bf, his professor, and some of his male classmates went somewhere to eat together. My bf brought up that he was going to be attending an event (plastic modeling show), and his professsor showed interest and invited herself to the event and asked if she could stay at his airbnb with his friends. My bf and his friends were all OK with it.
I was an instructor for one class/semester that BF (Bob) attended. I have no say or sway at the school and have not taught since then. I taught a class related to my profession. I did not get to know Bob personally until after the class was over. On the last day, he expressed that I was a great instructor and gave me a miniature he built as a show of gratitude. I also made miniatures (a different type though) and was intrigued that someone else was into this hobby. We stayed in touch. Later, I invited a few students for a meal (girls and guys) and the boy students were the only ones who RSVP’d yes. Bob did mention an event. I did not invite myself, I said me and my friend Linda were interested and may go too. Later on, Bob invited me to join their group’s airbnb because I was looking at hotels. A previous event trip fell through for my and Linda’s friend group and I felt bad she couldn’t go on a trip in the USA before she had to go back to her home country. This trip was to replace that experience. Bob invited us to the airbnb and Linda and I shared a room with 2 beds, Maria ended up coming on this trip as well, which the group was also okay with, and stayed in the same room with me and Linda
I unfortunately couldn't attend the event, but from what my bf told me, he and a few of his friends met up at their airbnb. That same day, his professor comes to my bf's airbnb and tagged a few of her girl friends along (I believe they all stayed in the same place). The next day, they go to the event, went to a bar afterwards and got drinks. A lot of them (except my bf) got pretty drunk and my bf took the liberty of being the designated driver for his professor and her friends. His professor won some model kit from the event, and even in her drunken state, asked my bf if he could stay up with her to work on the kit together. From what my bf tells me, nothing else happened that night.
Respectfully, I had one cocktail and then his friend bought everyone a shot. That was the extent of my drinking. I wasn’t drunk, Linda wasn’t drunk, and no one else in the group ended up being drunk., Maria was though. Maria underestimated how strong the drinks were and she was the DD and we did not have enough time to sober up once she felt the alcohol hit her. She couldn’t drive, I didn’t want to drive her dad’s car, and Linda doesn’t have a US driver's license. Bob offered to drive the car with me, Linda, and Maria back to the airbnb. The other car was driven back by his friend who was not drunk and drove sober. At the airbnb, Bob asked what i would do with the model kit I won, I said i am not familiar with this type of miniature and so I would sell it on facebook marketplace. He said it was actually easy to build, he had built that one before, and he could help me build it right then as all their tools for building were still out on the table. I said he didn’t have to but he insisted and I accepted his help. I was also still not drunk. Next to us in the living room, Maria and 2 of the guys were watching Ouran High Scool Host Club and Cowboy bebop. We all stayed up until 2AM building or watching anime. For half of the trip, me and the girls split off and did our own thing. We did not stay with the group the entire tip because our intent was to piggy back a small girls weekend while also seeing the event.
After the event, everyone from that group created a group chat and they continue to plan and talk about future events together. Since then, my bf and his friends had met up with his professor and got to meet his professor's fiance at an anime convention and it sounded like they all got along well. His professor continues to express interest in other events and it sounds like she may be attending another event with my bf and his friends in the near future.
I trust my boyfriend and don't think he is hiding anything from me. Honestly speaking, I think it's hard for me to understand their friendship as it is his professor. I've had a conversation with him on this, and he's let me know that I have nothing to worry about. I would like to hear other's opinions and see what ya'll think of this friendship? Is this something I need to be concerned about or is it really nothing?
Thank you all!
\Edit: the professor was my bf's former professor. She is classified as an adjunct faculty and works as an accountant as her full time job (which explains why she is a young professor).*
\My bf has not graduated college yet and is still a student at his university.*
Bob and his group went to an anime convention. I and my friend group also went because I was not aware there was one near me until Bob mentioned it. My friend group, I thought, got along well with his friends and it was a great first con experience. I and a few of my friends expressed interest in future events. I think she is hung up on this professor titleship but I was an instructor whom students called professor but I was very clear this was a side gig and I was had a career. I was never in any position of power at the school, I was a contract employee used to fill an open course section at an undesirable time. For the majority of the time I knew Bob, we were equals who were only 1 year apart in age and shared a similar hobby.
Relevant Comments:
You should go to one of the events with him:
"I do struggle with social anxiety so it makes me uncomfortable to be sharing a space with a lot of unknown people. I am hoping to go to the next event though since it's local."
Her relationship with students is grossly unprofessional:
"I'm totally with you - I am also quite confused of her choice of "friends". I am not sure why of all places, does she choose to share an airbnb with her former student and to be drunk with them. She is classified as an adjunct faculty, so she is a professor but is part time (she works full time as an accountant). The whole situation feels weird to me."
Commenter: You say “his professor” what is their specific academic connection? She taught him once years ago and now they’re roughly equals and friends? Or she’s his primary support for a PhD? Or what?
OOP: The first option - she taught him last year and now are now friends. He is no longer in a course with her. I totally understand how it's possible for students and their professors to be friendly, but i've never heard or seen of a friendship where you consistently talk and hang out together so casually.
So she's no longer his professor- they are two adults of the same age and power level:
"It kind of gives me the same vibes like if a student graduated HS and is friends with their young teacher (obv not the same thing, but a student-teacher relationship is there). I think as a teacher, you should still uphold that level of professionalism and mentorship, even if you are no longer the student's teacher.
I also want to note that they are technically not "equals" since they're both in relationships. She can't be acting however she wants with former students."
I respect that they view my actions unprofessionally. I did not view it as such since I was no longer an instructor and have not been since. I taught a 4 month course one day a week. I would not be friends with an 18-22 year old I had nothing in common with.
Update: my boyfriend and I had a more heart-to-heart talk regarding his teacher and he recognizes that it crossed some of my boundaries. He believes that she may be behaving the way she does because when she hangs out with her fiance's friends, she gets bored with them (and may possibly be seeking attention from other people?). Several weeks later, my boyfriend had a conversation with his college instructor regarding their friendship and told her how I didn't feel comfortable of their friendship and how he thinks they should keep communication at a minimum. She brought up how she understands because her fiance also had an issue with how she chose to share an airbnb with my bf. She mentions to my boyfriend that she sees him as a brother and that's why she feels really comfortable with him, but that she will try to respect my boyfriend's wishes of keeping conversations at a minimum.
I did not know it had crossed any of their boundaries at the time until the phone call. I treated Bob the same way I treated all of my friends but I do understand and respect that not everyone has the same view of friendship. My friend group went through a period where we would talk about going to stuff and then no one does any work to follow through. The event Linda and our friends were going to attend that never happened is a good example. I didn’t want lazy friends being the reason why I did not experience things. Bob did follow through on going to things. My husband’s concern was that it was a group of guys we had not met yet in person and we were all girls. I told him that if I thought any one of them was giving off weird vibes, we would immediately leave and get a hotel. As for the phone call, he did call to tell me basically the same and my understanding was that we should talk less because she does not like the closeness. At the time, we were messaging every day and I did make an attempt to reduce the frequency to once a week.
Well, even after that talk, she continues to still message my boyfriend weekly on random life updates. And because she is also part of my bf's chat in discord, one of his friends invited her to attend another plastic modeling show (it occurred recently) and dinner. Since she accepted the invitations, I chose to attend as well so that I could personally meet her. The dinner occurred first and it was very uncomfortable because she practically ignored me the entire night. When she joined us at the table, she greeted my bf but didn't say anything to me (even my bf noticed and got annoyed, but then introduced us). She got increasingly drunk throughout the night and was saying random stuff about my bf to his friends like "he could've been the best student in my class but it's cause he missed some assignments" and "[bf's name] gave me a 5 star review on rate my professor!". She ended up not going to the show, but my bf had a chat with his guys and they told him that they want to respect my feelings too and make it a guys' night next time.
I would like to hear other's opinions and see if you also think she is acting suspicious?
One thing left out is that during the phone call between Bob and I, I asked Bob if his GF would want to ever talk to or get to know me, or all 3 of us hang out, and he said he asked her and she said she did not want to do that and she was uncomfortable at the thought of meeting me. I did stop messaging him frequently and only did so once a week to ask how his job search was going and to let him know the status of a big event in my life. I thought that was what was requested, less interaction, not no interaction. Maria and I went to this dinner because everyone from the airbnb trip was going to be there (Linda did not go). What is not mentioned is that Bob and the GF arrived 40 minutes into eating. I nodded in their direction when they came and said hey in their general direction, not specifically at Bob or her. I did not talk to either specifically because (1) GF does not like me and him talking and I was not about to directly talk to Bob in front of her (2) she said she did not want to talk to me or get to know me and never retracted that statement. I learned Bob and GF thought it was a slight against them that I only said hey to Bob but I didn’t direct it to anyone and I was trying to play it safe. Had I known she came to personally meet me, I would have tried to talk to her. After learning why she came, I was surprised she did not talk to me even though she came to meet me. As for the alcohol, except for them, since they arrived late, everyone had 2-3 drinks already because it was happy hour. Me and Maria made friends with the bartender who gave us discounted cocktails. I even bought a drink for GF so she could get the discount and then pay me back. It is true I said those jokes but I said them in jest and these were jokes already made previously. To be fair, she did not try to talk to me at all, nor did she try to talk to Maria. Later that week, Maria called me to catch up and mentioned the dinner. She commented that GF made no effort to get to know us and thought GF went to monitor him and me. In essence, she ignored me and Maria and Maria and I ignored her. I did not go to the show because I had a prior commitment.
Relevant Comment:
She wants to have sex with your boyfriend. She's crossing major boundaries. Has he stopped conversation with her?
"I wouldn't be surprised if that is her intention cause there's def some shady people out there. I agree, she is crossing some professional and personal boundaries, and I think it's quite unusual behavior for any teacher to act like that. Yes, he has stopped communicating with her. She was consistently messaging him until last week...so hopefully she got the memo.
As mentioned in her post, I did view Bob as a brother. He lived similar experiences to me but I felt like he was where I would have been had I not moved out from my parents when I did. I wanted to see him professionally thrive and accomplish his goals of getting a car and moving out as those were things I strived for but had already attained. As for the 5-6 times we met up, it was in group settings and he met all of my friends and my husband as well. This post, to me, makes it seem like I was always hanging on to Bob but there were many instances of me and my friends breaking off to do our own thing. My husband and Linda’s husband were both okay with us going to the airbnb at the time and later on met and got to know Bob too. Each time we met, if I drank, I had 2 drinks and one time I had 3. I am not sure how Bob told these events to his GF so it may just be lost in translation but the only person who ever got drunk at a meet up was Maria and it was once. I do not agree with her stating that I was constantly drunk for each meet up or always asking/inviting myself to things. He invited me to join his airbnb group (i asked if Linda and Maria could join me), I did ask to join his group for another event until my friend group arrived (which included my husband, Linda, and Maria), and his friend invited me to the group dinner (Maria attended). To this day, his GF has never said a word to me or Maria (she did not say hi, only waved to us), nor us her. When I offered to order and bring her cocktail from the bar, I believe Bob was the one who responded to my offer. I only found out about what she was thinking via this BORU post. Linda, Maria, and I haven’t talked to Bob since, this was a cathartic write with Maria as it is very jarring to randomly find a post about yourself and then also have someone find you from that post.
submitted by Throwmeawayfortoday9 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:34 EarthInternational9 The list of non-office jobs are because they found people who donated criminal records, or maybe their guilty conscience, to the cause of abusing me. I'm not Christ and sentences in hell can't get reduced by #scapegoating!

Jobs are also list of people they think I "insulted" on Facebook. I didn't work fast food. I wasn't massage therapist. My kids didn't go to Montessori. I didn't work as teacher: substitute one day! I didn't work labor jobs before Amazon. I didn't work as maid. I wasn't nurse or nursing assistant. I didn't work as babysitter or nanny. I didn't work as driver before 2023. I didn't have sex on film. I didn't live or work in brothel. Harassment is certainly happening.
Essentially accepting survival jobs killed me, not just killed my information technology career! Wrong types of jobs increases the chances of them getting someone to shoot and kill me, because they REFUSED to give me $ or something when they accepted it long time ago!
They have ego that demands payment after 2017. Not before, but after. Why? Facebook made every post public. Hacker connection to creation of FBI! Identity fraud plus maliciousness. FB arranged for my death. Fake profiles not shut down, but my profile was verified before I was forced from programming job!
Now could this be hell? They think they get out of hell faster by them assigning their sins to me? I know that it doesn't work that way, but they might think it. They wanted me to sin more to not earn release from hell? Possibly. They say people who are hostile to black people control Jax, so it would be my hell. They are against women doing anything so it's like hell now. They say illegal immigrants are "allowed" to use my PII in FL, so that makes FL hell too.
It's organized crime group that met on Sourceforge. My kid, SK, was asked to play game there. I see why now. I think Sourceforge had group of hackers paid by first crypto, from discussion on time travel subreddit about crypto for 8 cents connected to lottery post. Deleted by now. I didn't find code for crypto on Sourceforge, didn't look, but I didn't find DG posting on forum there either!
FBI killed me because Sourceforge wasn't investigated. FBI killed me because some crimes were not investigated, like all the ones I am blamed for! FBI killed me by asking me to send clearance form by email for tech role when all websites suggest that form is used for the in-office application for secret clearance. ID check, fingerprints taken and application typed by application on provided PC in office in one day. Why should anyone want imposter working at FBI with my PII? That's a lot of information to send by email. Unusual; no more tech job interviews after that. Not a conspiracy, but possible connection at this point! According to some online and offline sources, FBI commit murders of black targets in the past of the South too.
Heart pain. Today.
submitted by EarthInternational9 to u/EarthInternational9 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:27 jujubearrrr_ if you’re like me, i feel for you. and if you’re not, i still feel for you.

i’m not a wise woman of many years just yet. i consider my youth current and apparent, with an overwhelming sense that there is still very much left to learn. i was never one to fear self reflection. i take pride in owning this ability. suffice to say, i am not entirely free from fear.
i fear that, at times, i succumb to the conditionings of society, primarily plaguing my generation. in an elevator, i notice my fingers itching for my pocket. i must check facebook instead of saying hello. and while i would genuinely like to consider myself an extrovert, i do recognize these desensitized behaviors.
we live in a place of instant gratification. i notice it in my impatience. i notice it when the wifi crashes at home. i see it in relationships. where, an intense craving of acceptance and excess take precedent over solitude and means. i know i type cynically. my thoughts almost always expresses itself melancholy. i recognize this may be just a tampering of my subconscious, resurfacing itself in a healthier way than being the pooper at the party. or maybe that’s what i tell myself? who knows, it makes sense to me.
i used to say i didn’t care about what other people thought of me, while subtly and secretly caring what they thought of me. particularly, here…when i’m most vulnerable. i sense that a lot of us fear this vulnerability. probably because of the traumas of life. it hurts to hurt, so we stand guarded instead of opening up. thus, creating a sense of numbness.
people talk about dreams and personal fulfilling aspirations. about chasing them. about following your calling. answering that phone and making the most of that opportunity. i find it difficult to breath the air found inside that mould.
i do not profess to ever suggest that a person shouldn’t follow the path they feels best. and if your phone is ringing, answer that shit. unless you don’t feel like answering, then don’t. it is not my position to make your decisions. we all have our own, but mine is just a little bit different. i don’t envision myself as an entrepreneur making millions. or a superstar on stage. i find my passion in these words.
i haven’t found my dream yet. or my calling. my phone’s rang a few times, i answered. the conversations were confusing then. but they’re clear now. i very much enjoy the labyrinth of life. how connected everything is blows my mind, even though realistically we are all so very small.
i don’t know about y'all, but it seems to me these times are filled with chaos. we stand divided politically, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and any other word that ends in “ly.” it is only to our detriment. we’ve become afraid to feel. because fear has finally consumed. no longer are we caring for our neighbors. no longer do we have these capabilities? i’d be poised to suggest not. the tide always turns, and rarely does it reverse.
i find it hard to find a dream when there’s so much suffering in the world. i guess my dream could be for that to end. perhaps all it takes is a little more awareness that we are, still very much, indeed…human, with thoughts, concerns, feelings, and emotions. that I am very much like you…with thoughts, concerns, feelings, and emotions.
i am not speaking on this nature as a “soft millenial.” or whatever you want to call it. nor do i fear being viewed in such a light. truly. i speak on this nature as a humanitarian. as a person who’s genuinely concerned for our species firstly, and concerned about his role in this species secondly. i fear many things. but i do not fear expression. and neither should you.
i believe it is a commonality that many of us bottle things up. shake it around until the cap flies off. until the suds are oozing and there’s a sticky mess at your feet. we’ve become okay with repression and stagnation. and ultimately, it’s contributed to our disconnection as a whole. i understand political correction. i get that there are things that shouldn’t be said. however, expression through respect should never be censored.
i think we’ve been so concerned with ourselves, that we’ve forgotten our greatest abilities come from morality, and trusting one another. we’ve become so desensitized that a genuine connection with another individual is almost considered blasphemous. we’ve been convinced that this dog eat dog world has no room for vulnerability, and we’ve become cold and ignorant because of it.
our answers are instantaneously given to us by a couple clicks of our thumbs, and casted away never really having learned a thing. our support comes from hashtags and likes, instead of charities and community work. our love has developed into flings. our work has grown longer and our time with families have diminished. our understandings of differentiations in opinions have turned to vile and hatred for such. our conversations are short. our attention spans even shorter. and our eyes have never been more full of wool.
i encourage everyone to follow their path. i want everyone to suit themselves with the bow-tie of their dreams. i believe everyone should be happy within their own rights. and happy for themselves. proud of their accomplishments and the choices they’ve made.
i want everyone to find their way, together. instead of pretending like it would be better, any other way.
huh…perhaps i did discover my dream. what a great day.
submitted by jujubearrrr_ to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:01 WillingnessHealthy50 $5k to start dropshipping with

Hi guys, I have made money with crypto and want to diversify and try and get started with an ecommerce business and dropshipping looks like its the best place to start with to learn more about ecommerce and grow my skills. I want to do a business full time, whether that be ecommerce or a different type of business.
I have given myself a budget of $5k for this experiment. I have started watching videos on dropshipping, done product research and have two products I want to sell already. I have gotten someone from fiverr to make a website for one of my products and waiting on another guy to finish the website for my second product.
I don't really mind wasting money on getting other people to make a website for me, as $5k is not my lifesavings and I'm using this money to experiment with.
I have heard that marketing, especially creatives is key for dropshipping and ecommerce in general. For this I plan to order some samples of my products and ship them out to UGC creators to make some ads for it. I will most likely use facebook paid advertising for my products.
Is everything I'm doing correct? Also I wanted to spend some more time learning about dropshipping and creatives before I start running ads, are there any good courses (paid is fine if its good) that will teach me about this?
submitted by WillingnessHealthy50 to dropshipping [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:43 Archi-Parchi constant "Website blocked due to trojan" (outbound) messages

Quick background: Yesterday I had a bunch of my accounts get stolen, everything from facebook, x, reddit, steam, bastards even got to my LinkedIn and an EA account I apperntly set up in 2008 and never used since. Thankfully I got conrol back and no major damages were done. I ran a windows defender scan that found nothing, so I got Malwarebytes which apperntly found and quarantined some threats.
The problem I have now is those constant "Website blocked due to trojan" pop I'm getting. It seems to originate from explorer.exe and I don't know what to do about it. Already checked my chrome extensions and am not connected at the moment to any torrent client or any app that connects to the internet.
-Log Details-
Protection Event Date: 6/2/2024
Protection Event Time: 12:28 PM
Log File: 8661cdd0-20c2-11ef-b63e-40a3cc7f7ded.json
-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.1244
Update Package Version: 1.0.85365
License: Trial
-System Information-
OS: Windows 10 (Build 19045.4412)
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: System
-Blocked Website Details-
Malicious Website: 1
, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe, Blocked, -1, -1, 0.0.0, ,
-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
Domain: checkthebestofferyoucanget.com
IP Address:
Port: 80
Type: Outbound
File: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe
submitted by Archi-Parchi to Malwarebytes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:25 Swordmaster8906 Everyone sided with the bully, mental health going down the drain. Help

I’m 26 and this happened back when I was 16-19. I haven’t been able to move on due to the abuse this bully put me through.
For context, I’m black. I’ve been body slammed for standing up for myself (telling the guy who’s calling me the hard r to not address me like that & he said whatcha gonna do about it?) I jump over my desk and he grabs me mid air and carries my 135lbs body at the time, down the isle and body slams me. When I try getting up, he puts me in a submissive head lock and says "if I let you go, are you going to stop fighting back?". I left the room in embarrassment and depressed. Told my teacher and he had a harmless convo with both the guy who body slammed me and the guy (his best friend) who was there to record me screaming on the ground. For context, the guy choking me was 200lbs muscle-like build and did MMA weekly.
He followed me to my gym and started bullying me in front of my only friend at the time and was talking about how good he slammed my a** on the ground. He lured me into a fight again. This time, he nearly blinded me and my family took me to the hospital to get my eyes checked (I was having vision problems the next day because he punched me in my eye). When I was dizzy from the punch mid fight, he grabs me and lifts me in the air with my feet vertically facing the sky and screams "F*** YOU B***HHH" to the top of his lungs and slams me on my stomach where I bounce off the ground. When I try getting up, he punches my temple and I fall again. Tells me if I want more to get up.
He made a lot of new friends and I became the person who people felt it was normal to abuse regularly. People say I was weak. I was always fighting to stand up for myself but was always targeted by guys who weighed over 50-70lbs from my weight class and I’ve never fought before. No one ever supported me. My father still gaslights me to this day blaming me for keeping the bullying secretive. What he really means, is he was blinded by his ignorance thinking it was just kids being kids. The doctor literally told me I’m very lucky to still have my vision (my whole eye was black no pun intended from the punches).
I went to the police at my school and the officer said I could press charges but he would also press charges on me for fighting off school grounds (he didn’t care that I wasn’t looking for a fight, it’s the fact that I accepted it he said and he was never the type of guy to help kids out ever since his son came out as G** in the 9th grade).
The bully had my number and harassed me for the next three years via fake numbers texting me weird messages and cyber bullying. He apologized to me on Facebook at the end of those terrible years saying he isn’t looking for a response but was truly sorry for what he did to me. (He thinks I don’t know it was him texting me and harassing me).
This guy has plenty of friends and was always coming after me. I’m not doing so good at my age. I just got suspended from university due to bad academic performance and I live in a state far away from my family whom I recently cut out due to narcissism. My father has gotten worse over the years and my mother is an enabler. What do I do.
submitted by Swordmaster8906 to Bullying_victims [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:08 FancyInvestment397 ICECasino Review (Canada)

ICECasino Review (Canada)
ICECasino was launched in 2021 and is already a hit amongst players in Canada. The wide choice of games and the staggering welcome bonus of C$1500 and 270 Free Spins are some of the reasons why.


ICECasino was founded in 2021 and is highly regulated. The platform offers over 2000 games from all popular slots to live casino games. The casino excels when it comes to the high level of bonuses and promos it offers to its new customers and its already existing clients.

ICECasino Review

How we tested ICECasino

We at Canada Casino have expert casino players and tech gurus who scrutinize every casino we review. All of the online casinos we feature audit-specific factors that are important for players when choosing a new online casino – from anything to safety, best offers and ease of use.

ICECasino licensing, safety and trustworthiness

Founded in 2021, ICECasino is pretty one of the newest online casino platforms. Since it operates in Canada as well, it has to follow the mandatory licensing requirements from the highest gaming authorities that are recognized by their efficiency worldwide.
ICE Casino has been indeed licensed by acclaimed Curacao Gaming Authority under the registered company Brivio Ltd. Being licensed means that the authority in check makes sure that ICECasino has regular audits. Audit companies such as eCOGRA are some of the most trusted companies that perform such tests, and the latter secure that none of the games within the online casino are rigged, and that finally, you can set your mind at ease that you’re betting safe.
Your data is also safe – thanks to a high-end SSL encryption that data protects all the players’ personal information.

What makes ICECasino safe?

ICECasino is safe because it follows all the necessary regulations that are needed for any online casino to operate in Canada. In that regard, ICE also features an especially dedicated page for Privacy Policy in the foot menu.
Like any other top casino in Canada, ICE operates through an RNG system that ensures that winnings are random and not rigged. RNG stands for Random Number Generator and operates with the same logic as a normal dice – meaning that when dice are rolled, the outcome of the result is random and this is what makes the game fair.

Safety is a top priority for ICECasino

ICECasino’s license is top-acclaimed. All the encryptions are in place, and all the necessary audits are there to ensure the fairness of games. ICECasino got you all covered for safety

Similar Online Casinos Canada

  1. Just Casino - Best game variety
  2. Lucky Dreams - 4,000 €/$ + 300 Free Spins
  3. Golden Star - Best for new games
  4. Boomerang - Best for customer service
  5. Jeet City - 100% Bonus up to C$300

Welcome offers and Promos – Claim your Bonus at ICECasino

The best online casinos invest in their players – having solid ongoing promotions, as well as attractive welcoming packages, are elemental into what makes players in Canada choose one online casino service over another.
What about ICECasino? We definitely can’t complain – pretty far from it.

One of the highest Welcome Bonus we have came across – C$1500

Well – we have reviewed hundreds of casinos with good welcome bonuses – but to such an extent as ICECasino, it’s rare.
The casino welcomes its new players with a staggering welcome bonus that can go up to C$1500. The welcome package also includes Free Spins – not just any normal amount, but 270 Free Spins in total.

The wagering requirement for the welcome package is x40 – which is neither too high, nor too low. The minimum bet required to activate the welcome bonus won’t cost you much – it’s as low as C$10.

ICECasino Free Spins Offer

As already mentioned above, part of the welcome package includes 270 Free Spins. That is a huge number of Free Spins – also definitely one of the highest we have come across.
The wagering requirement for the 270 Free Spins is also that of x40.
The welcome package for both welcome bonus and free spins however can only be claimed within 5 days from the day of registration – this is low compared to other casinos who generally have a 15 to 30 days time window for players to claim their bonus

Cashback Bonus upto C$2000 at ICECasino

If the welcome package wasn’t good enough, the cashback bonus is even better. What we mean in casino terms by ‘cashback bonus’ is the return of lost funds by the players’ activity within the week. This type of bonus is calculated by a very specific type of bonus wagering calculator.
To see if you have any cashback, go on the ICECasino website and click on ‘Available Funds’. The cashback bonus claims you back up to a total of C$2000.
The wagering requirement for Cashback is as low as x5.

Promotions and Tournaments

ICE online casino also features a monthly Drop and Win featured by provider Pragmatic Play – the campaign features C$500,000 in cash prizes per week.

Staggering bonuses and offers at ICECasino

We think that the bonus, promos and offers are some of the best in Canada when it comes to ICECasino. The wagering requirements for each bonus are also very decent. We would suggest however for the casino to extend the days when the casino bonus can be claimed as 5 days can be too low.
Though the casino features no VIP Program, ICE is loyal to its customers with its numerous promos and campaigns featured on a monthly bases.

How to Register a new account with ICECasino

Registering an account with ICECasino is a walk on the park – or more like a jump – as it takes less than a minute to sign up.
You only have to put in your email address and password. Even faster? You can sign-up in just one click through your Twitter, Facebook or Google account.

Registering an account at ICECasino is one-click away

Rather than just having the usual email and password sign-up process, it’s also very convenient to have popular social media sign-in options that happen in just one click.

ICECasino Payment methods

Payment methods are also crucial when doing a casino review for Canada. All top casinos are considerate towards a good range of payment options that cater to all players’ needs.
This is was ICECasino features for its payment options:

Good payment methods. Can include crypto

Overall the payment methods fit the needs of casino players in Canada.
With such an interactive platform offering high-end services, ICECasino can benefit by including cryptocurrency as a payment option.

Games you can play at ICECasino

This casino never ceases to amaze as the platform features over 2000 games – including slot games, table games such as Roulette and Blackjack, Live Casino and Game Shows.

Recommended slots you can play at ICECasino

ICECasino offers games powered by a total of 25 top game providers – including big names such as NetEnt, Microgaming, Quickspin and Pragmatic Play.
There are thousands of slot games to choose from – featuring some of the best slot titles including Jungle Gorilla, Starburst and Book of Kingdoms.

Exquisite live dealer table available

Table games remind us of land casinos and the classic table games we see so much in movies. These were revived in the online world through the Live Casino experiences.
ICE features all the favourite table games including Blackjack, Baccarat and Craps. All-time favourites include Live Baccarat, European Blackjack, Mini-Baccarat, French Roulette and American Roulette. Most live casino games are powered by top providers Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play.

Game Shows you can play here

For now, ICECasino features no Game shows. Maybe something to be considered within the pipeline?

Game Providers

We’re mentioning some of the top providers for ICECasino:
  • Slots Providers – NetEnt, Yggdrasil, Red Tiger Gaming, QuickSpin, Betsoft, Thunderkick, Habanero, BoomingGames, Push Games, No Limit, Relax Gaming, Top Trend
  • Live casino Providers – Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play

Wide array of slots and Live Casino Options. No Game Shows.

The platform features one of the best slot choices in town – with more than 2000 slots from where to choose from. Live Casino is also given a top priority in ICECasino.
There is room for improvement when it comes to offering other table game choices such as Craps and also by including Game Shows within their portfolio.

Here’s How to withdraw your winning money from ICECasino

You have landed some winnings and you are ready to withdraw – the epic moment of the online casino gaming experience.
Withdrawing your money from ICECasino is fairly easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide that will walk you through.

Step by Step guide on how to withdraw from ICECasino

  1. Log in to your profile
  2. See that your KYS check has been processed sucesfully
  3. Go to Payments and choose Withdrawal method
  4. Choose your preferred Withdrawal method
  5. Insert the amount you wish to withdraw and press confirm
  6. A window pops up to advise that transaction has been succesfully processed
A step-by-step guide on how to withdraw from the casino you are reviewing.

Other important informations to know when withdrawing.

Minimum withdrawal is more than fair where players in Canada can withdraw from a minimum of C$20. The maximum withdrawal can go up to C$30,000.
In-depth details of withdrawal amounts and procedures can be found on the website’s Terms and Conditions page – found in the website’s footer menu.

Withdrawal process at ICECasino is simple enough

The withdrawal process is easy with no hidden surprises.

Customer Support

Customer Support is part of the deal when you sign up for a new casino. These are all the contact possibilities offered by ICECasino

Customer care offers the most popular contact options – 24.7 chat and email – so that’s good.
The languages featured on the website do also offer a good range – featuring English, German, French, Finnish, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Hungarian.
The page however lacks a proper FAQ page – this can facilitate queries by players through a few clicks and searches.

Ok but there’s room for improvement

ICECasino offers all the basics for contact support – the 24/7 chat and email. The wide choice of languages featured is also a plus. However, there’s room for improvement through the possible inclusion of a detailed FAQ section within their website.

Responsible Gambling

Though the games mention playing responsibly, ICE Games does not feature a specific page on Responsible Gaming. Though this is not required by law, we would nonetheless suggest it to make the service more inclusive of all the aspects of gaming.
We at Canada Casino have a dedicated page on Responsible Gaming and how you can set targets, plan your budget and do strict timeframes can help you focus and not get carried away by the gaming experiences.


When ICECasino decides to excel, it excels. The platform is one of the most highly interactive we have ever encountered. Also, the platform offers some of the best bonuses and promotions when compared to other online casinos in Canada.
We suggest that the Casino includes an FAQ section and also add cryptocurrency to their payment options – to add a further plus to their service.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:02 BPBAttacks9 MAY 2024 -- LIST OF PIT BULL ATTACKS/FATALITIES (ongoing)

This is a list of pit bull attacks and fatalities documented by the media and on social media for the month of May 2024. This list will be edited throughout the month and after as new incidents are reported.
Due to the high volume of attacks and Reddit's character limit, social media attacks will now be documented separately below but will still be included in the overall monthly totals.

May 1

May 2

May 3

May 4

May 5

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 11

May 12

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

May 31

Unconfirmed Dates


May 1

submitted by BPBAttacks9 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:54 Swordmaster8906 Everyone sided with the bully, mental health going down the drain. Help

I’m 26 and this happened back when I was 16-19. I haven’t been able to move on due to the abuse this bully put me through.
For context, I’m black. I’ve been body slammed for standing up for myself (telling the guy who’s calling me the hard r to not address me like that & he said whatcha gonna do about it?) I jump over my desk and he grabs me mid air and carries my 135lbs body at the time, down the isle and body slams me. When I try getting up, he puts me in a submissive head lock and says "if I let you go, are you going to stop fighting back?". I left the room in embarrassment and depressed. Told my teacher and he had a harmless convo with both the guy who body slammed me and the guy (his best friend) who was there to record me screaming on the ground. For context, the guy choking me was 200lbs muscle-like build and did MMA weekly.
He followed me to my gym and started bullying me in front of my only friend at the time and was talking about how good he slammed my a** on the ground. He lured me into a fight again. This time, he nearly blinded me and my family took me to the hospital to get my eyes checked (I was having vision problems the next day because he punched me in my eye). When I was dizzy from the punch mid fight, he grabs me and lifts me in the air with my feet vertically facing the sky and screams "F*** YOU B***HHH" to the top of his lungs and slams me on my stomach where I bounce off the ground. When I try getting up, he punches my temple and I fall again. Tells me if I want more to get up.
He made a lot of new friends and I became the person who people felt it was normal to abuse regularly. People say I was weak. I was always fighting to stand up for myself but was always targeted by guys who weighed over 50-70lbs from my weight class and I’ve never fought before. No one ever supported me. My father still gaslights me to this day blaming me for keeping the bullying secretive. What he really means, is he was blinded by his ignorance thinking it was just kids being kids. The doctor literally told me I’m very lucky to still have my vision (my whole eye was black no pun intended from the punches).
I went to the police at my school and the officer said I could press charges but he would also press charges on me for fighting off school grounds (he didn’t care that I wasn’t looking for a fight, it’s the fact that I accepted it he said and he was never the type of guy to help kids out ever since his son came out as G** in the 9th grade).
The bully had my number and harassed me for the next three years via fake numbers texting me weird messages and cyber bullying. He apologized to me on Facebook at the end of those terrible years saying he isn’t looking for a response but was truly sorry for what he did to me. (He thinks I don’t know it was him texting me and harassing me).
This guy has plenty of friends and was always coming after me. I’m not doing so good at my age. I just got suspended from university due to bad academic performance and I live in a state far away from my family whom I recently cut out due to narcissism. My father has gotten worse over the years and my mother is an enabler. What do I do.
submitted by Swordmaster8906 to bullying [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:54 Swordmaster8906 Everyone sided with the bully, mental health going down the drain. Help

I’m 26 and this happened back when I was 16-19. I haven’t been able to move on due to the abuse this bully put me through.
For context, I’m black. I’ve been body slammed for standing up for myself (telling the guy who’s calling me the hard r to not address me like that & he said whatcha gonna do about it?) I jump over my desk and he grabs me mid air and carries my 135lbs body at the time, down the isle and body slams me. When I try getting up, he puts me in a submissive head lock and says "if I let you go, are you going to stop fighting back?". I left the room in embarrassment and depressed. Told my teacher and he had a harmless convo with both the guy who body slammed me and the guy (his best friend) who was there to record me screaming on the ground. For context, the guy choking me was 200lbs muscle-like build and did MMA weekly.
He followed me to my gym and started bullying me in front of my only friend at the time and was talking about how good he slammed my a** on the ground. He lured me into a fight again. This time, he nearly blinded me and my family took me to the hospital to get my eyes checked (I was having vision problems the next day because he punched me in my eye). When I was dizzy from the punch mid fight, he grabs me and lifts me in the air with my feet vertically facing the sky and screams "F*** YOU B***HHH" to the top of his lungs and slams me on my stomach where I bounce off the ground. When I try getting up, he punches my temple and I fall again. Tells me if I want more to get up.
He made a lot of new friends and I became the person who people felt it was normal to abuse regularly. People say I was weak. I was always fighting to stand up for myself but was always targeted by guys who weighed over 50-70lbs from my weight class and I’ve never fought before. No one ever supported me. My father still gaslights me to this day blaming me for keeping the bullying secretive. What he really means, is he was blinded by his ignorance thinking it was just kids being kids. The doctor literally told me I’m very lucky to still have my vision (my whole eye was black no pun intended from the punches).
I went to the police at my school and the officer said I could press charges but he would also press charges on me for fighting off school grounds (he didn’t care that I wasn’t looking for a fight, it’s the fact that I accepted it he said and he was never the type of guy to help kids out ever since his son came out as G** in the 9th grade).
The bully had my number and harassed me for the next three years via fake numbers texting me weird messages and cyber bullying. He apologized to me on Facebook at the end of those terrible years saying he isn’t looking for a response but was truly sorry for what he did to me. (He thinks I don’t know it was him texting me and harassing me).
This guy has plenty of friends and was always coming after me. I’m not doing so good at my age. I just got suspended from university due to bad academic performance and I live in a state far away from my family whom I recently cut out due to narcissism. My father has gotten worse over the years and my mother is an enabler. What do I do.
submitted by Swordmaster8906 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:46 softtechhubus Viddyoze Review: Create Every Type of Video Your Business Needs Using this World's Most Advanced Video AI

Viddyoze Review: Create Every Type of Video Your Business Needs Using this World's Most Advanced Video AI

Viddyoze Review: Create Every Type of Video Your Business Needs Using this World's Most Advanced Video AI


In this age of digital marketing, video content has become an indispensable asset for businesses of all sizes. From product demonstrations to social media ads, videos have the power to captivate audiences and drive conversions. However, creating professional-quality videos can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor, often requiring specialized skills and equipment. That's where Viddyoze comes in – a game-changing video creation platform that empowers businesses to create stunning videos effortlessly.
Viddyoze is a cutting-edge AI-powered video creation tool that combines the latest in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to revolutionize the way videos are made. With Viddyoze, you can create virtually any type of video content your business needs, from animated videos and live-action clips to eye-catching intros and outros, all with just a few clicks.

Features and Content of Viddyoze

Viddyoze is packed with an extensive array of features and content, designed to cater to the diverse video creation needs of modern businesses. Here's a closer look at what Viddyoze has to offer:

1. Viddybot: The AI-Powered Video Assistant

At the heart of Viddyoze lies Viddybot, an intelligent AI video assistant that simplifies the video creation process to an unprecedented degree. With Viddybot, you can create professional-quality videos in minutes by simply providing a prompt or description of what you want to create. Viddybot then uses its advanced natural language processing capabilities to understand your request and generate a fully-fledged video based on your specifications.

2. Over 3,000 Animation Templates

Viddyoze boasts an extensive library of over 3,000 hand-crafted animation templates, each one meticulously designed by professional animators. These templates cover a wide range of styles and genres, from logo animations and intros/outros to social media animations and promo videos. With such a vast selection at your disposal, you can effortlessly create videos that align with your brand's unique aesthetic and messaging.

3. Live Action Animations

In addition to traditional animations, Viddyoze also offers live-action animations that combine real footage with 3D animation. This unique feature allows you to create captivating videos that blend the best of both worlds, resulting in engaging and visually stunning content.

4. Video Transitions and Lower Thirds

Viddyoze provides an array of stylish video transitions and lower thirds, enabling you to add professional touches to your videos and maintain a consistent branding across all your content. With hundreds of options to choose from, you can ensure that your videos stand out and leave a lasting impression on your viewers.

5. Brand Library and Auto-Populate

Viddyoze's Brand Library feature allows you to store your brand assets, such as logos, color palettes, testimonials, and imagery, in one centralized location. With just a single click, the Auto-Populate feature can then seamlessly integrate these brand elements into every video you create, ensuring consistency and saving you valuable time.

6. Mockups 2.0

Viddyoze's Mockups 2.0 feature is a game-changer for branding and product promotion. It enables you to showcase your products or services in realistic, high-quality 3D mockups, adding an extra layer of professionalism and credibility to your video content.

7. Fine-Tune Recipes and Customization Options

While Viddyoze's AI-powered video creation process is remarkably efficient, the platform also offers a range of customization options for those who want to fine-tune their videos further. You can adjust colors, fonts, images, scenes, and animations to ensure that your videos align perfectly with your brand's identity and messaging.

Benefits and Who Can Benefit from Viddyoze

Viddyoze offers a plethora of benefits to businesses across various industries. Here are some of the key advantages of using this powerful video creation platform:
  1. Time and Cost Savings: By automating much of the video creation process, Viddyoze eliminates the need for expensive video production services or costly software subscriptions. This translates into significant time and cost savings for your business.
  2. Professional-Quality Videos: Despite its ease of use, Viddyoze delivers professional-grade videos that can rival the quality of those produced by dedicated video production teams. This ensures that your business maintains a polished and professional image across all video content.
  3. Scalability: With Viddyoze, you can create videos at scale, allowing you to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for video content across multiple platforms and channels.
  4. Versatility: Whether you're a small business owner, marketer, YouTuber, or content creator, Viddyoze caters to a wide range of video creation needs, making it a versatile tool for businesses and individuals alike.
  5. No Technical Expertise Required: Thanks to Viddyoze's intuitive interface and AI-powered video creation process, you don't need any prior video editing experience or technical expertise to create stunning videos.
Viddyoze is an invaluable asset for businesses of all sizes, from solopreneurs and small businesses to large enterprises and agencies. It empowers marketers, content creators, product owners, and entrepreneurs to create high-quality video content without breaking the bank or relying on external resources.

How to Profit from the Use of Viddyoze

While Viddyoze is primarily a video creation tool, it also provides ample opportunities for businesses to monetize their video content and generate additional revenue streams. Here are some ways you can profit from the use of Viddyoze:
  1. Video Production Services: If you've mastered the art of video creation with Viddyoze, you can offer video production services to other businesses or individuals who need professional-quality videos but lack the time or expertise to create them.
  2. Video-Based Products or Courses: With Viddyoze, you can create engaging video-based products or courses on topics related to your niche or expertise. These can be sold as digital products or offered as part of a subscription-based service.
  3. Video Ads and Sponsorships: Once you've built a loyal audience through your video content, you can explore opportunities for video ads and sponsorships from relevant brands or companies, providing an additional revenue stream for your business.
  4. Video Consulting or Coaching: If you've developed expertise in video creation and marketing, you can offer consulting or coaching services to businesses or individuals looking to leverage the power of video for their marketing or content strategies.
By leveraging the power of Viddyoze and the ever-growing demand for video content, businesses can unlock new revenue streams and profit opportunities, while delivering value to their target audiences.

How to Use Viddyoze

Using Viddyoze is remarkably straightforward, thanks to its intuitive interface and AI-powered video creation process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create videos with Viddyoze:
  1. Access Viddybot: The first step is to access Viddybot, Viddyoze's AI video assistant. You can do this by clicking on the "Viddybot" button within the Viddyoze platform.
  2. Provide a Prompt or Description: Once Viddybot is open, simply provide a prompt or description of the type of video you want to create. For example, you could say, "Create a product demo video for my new fitness app" or "Make an animated explainer video about the benefits of using solar energy."
  3. Viddybot Creates the Video: After receiving your prompt or description, Viddybot will use its advanced natural language processing capabilities to understand your request and generate a fully-fledged video based on your specifications.
  4. Review and Customize (Optional): Once Viddybot has created your video, you can review it and make any necessary tweaks or customizations. Viddyoze provides a range of customization options, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, images, scenes, and animations to ensure that your video aligns perfectly with your brand's identity and messaging.
  5. Export and Share: Once you're satisfied with your video, you can export it in your desired format and share it across various platforms, such as social media, websites, or email campaigns.
It's worth noting that while the AI-powered video creation process is incredibly efficient, you can also choose to create videos from scratch using Viddyoze's extensive library of animation templates.

My Own Use Case Study for Viddyoze as a Beta Tester

As a beta tester for Viddyoze, I had the opportunity to experience the power of this video creation platform firsthand. Initially, I was skeptical about how an AI-powered tool could produce high-quality videos without the need for extensive video editing skills. However, Viddyoze quickly shattered my preconceptions.
One of the first things I noticed was the sheer ease of use. Within minutes of accessing the platform, I was able to create my first video by simply providing a prompt to Viddybot. The resulting video was not only visually appealing but also accurately captured the essence of my request.
Over the course of my beta testing, I experimented with various types of videos, from product demos and explainer videos to social media ads and animated intros. Each time, I was impressed by Viddyoze's ability to deliver professional-quality results with minimal effort on my part.
What particularly stood out to me was the platform's extensive customization options. While the AI-generated videos were already impressive, I could fine-tune them even further by adjusting colors, fonts, images, and animations to align seamlessly with my brand's identity.
The Brand Library and Auto-Populate features were game-changers in terms of consistency and efficiency. By storing my brand assets in the library, I could ensure that every video I created adhered to my brand's guidelines, without having to manually incorporate these elements each time.
One of the most significant advantages of using Viddyoze was the time and cost savings it provided. As a small business owner, I previously had to rely on outsourcing video production or investing in expensive software and equipment. With Viddyoze, I could create high-quality videos in-house, saving me both time and money while maintaining complete control over the creative process.
Overall, my experience as a beta tester for Viddyoze was overwhelmingly positive. The platform not only delivered on its promises but also exceeded my expectations in terms of ease of use, customization options, and the quality of the resulting videos.

Viddyoze Funnel / OTOs

Viddyoze offers a comprehensive sales funnel with multiple upsell opportunities, known as One-Time Offers (OTOs). Here's a breakdown of the Viddyoze funnel and the available OTOs:
  1. Front-End Offer: The front-end offer is the initial purchase option, which grants access to the core Viddyoze platform and its features, including Viddybot, the animation templates, and basic customization options.
  2. OTO 1 - Viddyoze Pro: This upsell offers an upgrade to the Viddyoze Pro version, which unlocks advanced features such as the Brand Library, Auto-Populate, Fine-Tune Recipes, and additional customization options.
  3. OTO 2 - Commercial License: The Commercial License OTO allows users to create videos for commercial purposes, such as selling video products or offering video production services to clients.
  4. OTO 3 - Viddyoze Agency: This upsell provides access to the Viddyoze Agency, which includes additional resources and tools for agencies, freelancers, and video production professionals.
  5. OTO 4 - Viddyoze Unlimited: The Viddyoze Unlimited OTO offers a comprehensive package that includes all features, updates, and future product releases, ensuring users have access to the latest video creation capabilities.
By offering these upsell opportunities, Viddyoze caters to different user needs and budgets, allowing businesses and individuals to choose the level of functionality that best suits their requirements.

Viddyoze Pros and Cons

Like any product or service, Viddyoze has its strengths and weaknesses. Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of using Viddyoze:


  1. AI-Powered Video Creation: Viddyoze's AI-powered video creation process is a game-changer, allowing users to create professional-quality videos with minimal effort.
  2. Extensive Library of Animation Templates: With over 3,000 hand-crafted animation templates, Viddyoze offers a vast selection of styles and genres to choose from, ensuring versatility in video creation.
  3. Customization Options: Viddyoze provides a range of customization options, allowing users to fine-tune their videos to align with their brand's identity and messaging.
  4. Time and Cost Savings: By automating the video creation process and eliminating the need for expensive video production services or software, Viddyoze offers significant time and cost savings.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: The Viddyoze platform is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  6. Integration with Brand Assets: The Brand Library and Auto-Populate features facilitate seamless integration of brand assets into videos, ensuring consistency across all content.
  7. Versatility: Viddyoze caters to a wide range of video creation needs, making it a versatile tool for businesses, marketers, content creators, and individuals alike.


  1. Limited Customization for Advanced Users: While Viddyoze offers customization options, users with advanced video editing skills may find the customization capabilities somewhat limited compared to professional video editing software.
  2. Reliance on Viddyoze's Template Library: While the template library is extensive, users may eventually find themselves limited by the available options and may desire more flexibility in creating custom animations or graphics.
  3. Potential for Template Overuse: As the popularity of Viddyoze grows, there's a risk of certain animation templates becoming overused, which could impact the uniqueness of videos created with the platform.
  4. Ongoing Subscription Costs: While Viddyoze offers a one-time purchase option, some of the advanced features and updates may require ongoing subscription fees, which could increase the overall cost over time.
  5. Learning Curve: Despite Viddyoze's user-friendly interface, there may be a learning curve for users who are new to video creation and AI-powered tools, which could initially slow down the video creation process.
Overall, the pros of Viddyoze significantly outweigh the cons, making it a valuable investment for businesses and individuals seeking to create high-quality video content efficiently and cost-effectively.

Viddyoze Money-Back Policy

Viddyoze offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, which provides users with the opportunity to try the platform risk-free. If you're not satisfied with Viddyoze for any reason within the first 30 days of your purchase, you can request a full refund, no questions asked.
This money-back policy demonstrates Viddyoze's confidence in their product and their commitment to customer satisfaction. It also gives potential customers the peace of mind to try the platform without any financial risks, allowing them to make an informed decision based on their personal experience with Viddyoze.

Viddyoze Price

Viddyoze offers several pricing options to cater to different user needs and budgets. Here's a breakdown of the current pricing structure:
  1. Front-End Offer: The front-end offer provides access to the core Viddyoze platform and its features for a one-time payment of $67.
  2. Viddyoze Pro: The Viddyoze Pro upgrade, which unlocks advanced features such as the Brand Library, Auto-Populate, and Fine-Tune Recipes, is available for an additional $47 one-time payment.
  3. Commercial License: The Commercial License OTO, which allows users to create videos for commercial purposes, is priced at $47 as a one-time payment.
  4. Viddyoze Agency: The Viddyoze Agency OTO, designed for agencies, freelancers, and video production professionals, is priced at $297 per year.
  5. Viddyoze Unlimited: The Viddyoze Unlimited OTO, which provides access to all features, updates, and future product releases, is priced at $47 per month or $297 per year.
It's important to note that these prices may be subject to change, and Viddyoze may offer special promotional discounts or bundles during product launches or special events.

Viddyoze Bundle Deal

Viddyoze occasionally offers bundle deals that combine multiple OTOs at a discounted price. These bundle deals can provide significant savings for users who want to access the full suite of Viddyoze's features and capabilities.
While the specific details of bundle deals may vary, they typically include the front-end offer, Viddyoze Pro, the Commercial License, and sometimes the Viddyoze Agency or Viddyoze Unlimited OTOs. By purchasing these products together, users can save a substantial amount compared to buying each OTO separately.
It's essential to keep an eye out for Viddyoze's product launches and promotional campaigns, as these are often the best times to take advantage of bundle deals and secure the most value for your investment.

Who Created Viddyoze?

Viddyoze was created by a team of experienced entrepreneurs and software developers with a passion for video creation and marketing. The company behind Viddyoze is known for its innovative approach to product development and its commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses and individuals alike.
While the specific details of the Viddyoze team are not widely publicized, the quality of their work speaks volumes about their expertise and dedication to creating a top-notch video creation platform.

When is Viddyoze Launched?

Viddyoze is set to launch its highly anticipated new version, featuring the groundbreaking Viddybot AI video assistant, on Tuesday, June 4th, 2024. The cart for this new release will open at 11 AM EST, giving users the opportunity to be among the first to experience the power of Viddybot and the other exciting new features and enhancements.
It's important to note that launch dates and times are subject to change, so it's advisable to stay updated on Viddyoze's official website and social media channels for the most current information regarding the launch.

Which Platform Can Viddyoze Be Accessed On?

Viddyoze is a cloud-based platform, which means it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users can create videos on-the-go or from the comfort of their preferred workstation.
Additionally, Viddyoze is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users regardless of their preferred platform.

Which Platform or Website is Viddyoze Launched On?

Viddyoze is primarily launched and hosted on its own dedicated website, https://viddyoze.com. This website serves as the central hub for users to access the Viddyoze platform, purchase licenses, and stay up-to-date with the latest news, updates, and product launches.
While Viddyoze may also be promoted or available for purchase through third-party platforms or marketplaces, the official Viddyoze website remains the primary source for accessing the platform and its features.

Viddyoze Bonuses

To sweeten the deal and provide even more value to customers, Viddyoze often offers bonus resources and materials as part of its product launches and promotional campaigns. These bonuses can include:
  1. Video Creation Tutorials: Viddyoze may provide access to a library of video tutorials that offer in-depth guidance on how to use the platform's features effectively, as well as tips and strategies for creating engaging video content.
  2. Video Templates and Assets: Bonus packs containing additional video templates, graphics, stock footage, and other assets can be included, expanding the creative possibilities for users.
  3. Training and Courses: Comprehensive training courses or video marketing masterclasses may be offered as bonuses, helping users develop their video marketing skills and strategies.
  4. Private Community Access: Access to a private community or forum can be provided, allowing users to connect with other Viddyoze users, ask questions, share ideas, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates.
  5. Software and Tool Bundles: Viddyoze may partner with other software providers or tool creators to offer bundled packages that complement the video creation process, such as image editing tools, screen recording software, or video hosting platforms.
These bonuses not only add extra value to the Viddyoze purchase but also help users maximize the platform's potential and create even more impactful video content for their businesses or personal projects.

Should You Use Viddyoze or Not?

Given the comprehensive features, extensive customization options, and the power of AI-driven video creation, Viddyoze is an invaluable tool for businesses, marketers, content creators, and individuals looking to create professional-quality videos efficiently and cost-effectively. However, the decision to use Viddyoze ultimately depends on your specific needs and goals.
If you find yourself in any of the following scenarios, Viddyoze could be an excellent investment for you:
  1. You need to create a high volume of video content regularly: Viddyoze's AI-powered video creation process and extensive template library make it possible to generate a large quantity of videos in a fraction of the time compared to traditional video editing methods.
  2. You have limited video editing skills or resources: Viddyoze eliminates the need for advanced video editing skills or expensive software, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  3. You value consistency and brand integration: With features like the Brand Library and Auto-Populate, Viddyoze ensures that your videos maintain a consistent look and feel, seamlessly integrating your brand assets into every video.
  4. You prioritize time and cost savings: By automating the video creation process and eliminating the need for outsourcing or expensive software, Viddyoze can significantly reduce the time and financial resources required for video production.
  5. You need versatility in video creation: Viddyoze caters to a wide range of video creation needs, from animated explainers and product demos to social media ads and intros/outros, making it a versatile tool for various industries and use cases.
However, if you have highly specialized video editing requirements or prefer complete creative control over every aspect of the video creation process, Viddyoze may not be the ideal solution for you. In such cases, traditional video editing software or hiring professional video production services might be a better fit.
Ultimately, the decision to use Viddyoze should be based on a careful evaluation of your specific needs, budget, and the level of video creation expertise within your team or organization.
Recommendation: Get access to Viddyoze AI via this page


In the dynamic world of video marketing, Viddyoze stands out as a game-changing platform that empowers businesses and individuals to create professional-quality videos with unprecedented ease and efficiency. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Viddyoze streamlines the video creation process, reducing the time and resources required while delivering visually stunning results.
With its extensive library of animation templates, live-action animations, and customization options, Viddyoze caters to a wide range of video creation needs, ensuring that users can create content that aligns seamlessly with their brand's identity and messaging. The introduction of Viddybot, the AI-powered video assistant, takes this convenience to new heights, allowing users to generate videos by simply providing a prompt or description.
Viddyoze's commitment to innovation and its user-friendly interface make it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise, democratizing video creation and enabling businesses and individuals to leverage the power of video marketing without the need for expensive software or outsourcing.
Whether you're a small business owner, marketer, content creator, or an agency, Viddyoze offers a comprehensive solution that not only saves time and money but also empowers you to create engaging video content that resonates with your target audience.
By leveraging the power of Viddyoze, you can unlock new opportunities for growth, brand awareness, and customer engagement, solidifying your position in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Recommendation: Get access to Viddyoze AI via this page

Viddyoze FAQs

  1. Is Viddyoze easy to use for beginners?Yes, Viddyoze is designed with a user-friendly interface and an intuitive video creation process, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise, including beginners.
  2. Can Viddyoze create videos in multiple languages?Yes, Viddyoze supports video creation in multiple languages, allowing you to create content that resonates with your global audience.
  3. Does Viddyoze offer any integration with popular video hosting platforms?Yes, Viddyoze integrates with popular video hosting platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and others, making it easy to share and distribute your videos across various channels.
  4. Can I use Viddyoze videos for commercial purposes?Yes, you can use Viddyoze videos for commercial purposes, but you will need to purchase the Commercial License OTO (One-Time Offer) to do so legally.
  5. Does Viddyoze offer any training resources?Yes, Viddyoze provides a range of training resources, including video tutorials, guides, and webinars, to help users get the most out of the platform and improve their video creation skills.
  6. Can I upload my own assets (images, videos, logos) to Viddyoze?Yes, Viddyoze allows you to upload and integrate your own assets, such as images, videos, logos, and brand elements, into your video creations, ensuring a seamless brand experience.
  7. Is Viddyoze compatible with popular video editing software?While Viddyoze is a comprehensive video creation platform in itself, it is compatible with exporting video files in formats that can be imported into popular video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and others, allowing for further editing and customization if needed.
  8. Does Viddyoze offer any support or community resources?Yes, Viddyoze provides various support resources, including a knowledge base, FAQ section, and a community forum where users can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other Viddyoze users.
  9. Can I use Viddyoze videos on social media platforms?Absolutely! Viddyoze videos are designed to be easily shareable on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, making it a powerful tool for social media marketing and content creation.
  10. What kind of video formats does Viddyoze support?Viddyoze supports exporting videos in various formats, including MP4, AVI, MOV, and others, ensuring compatibility with most video players and platforms.
  11. Does Viddyoze offer any templates or pre-designed video styles?Yes, Viddyoze comes with an extensive library of over 3,000 hand-crafted animation templates and pre-designed video styles, covering a wide range of industries, niches, and use cases, saving you time and effort in creating professional-looking videos from scratch.
  12. Can I use Viddyoze on multiple devices or computers?Yes, Viddyoze is a cloud-based platform, which means you can access and use it on multiple devices or computers as long as you have an internet connection and your login credentials.
  13. Does Viddyoze offer any money-back guarantee?Yes, Viddyoze offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try the platform risk-free and request a full refund if you're not satisfied with the product within the first 30 days of your purchase.
  14. How often does Viddyoze release new features or updates?Viddyoze is committed to continuous improvement and innovation, regularly releasing new features, updates, and enhancements to the platform based on user feedback and market trends.
By addressing these frequently asked questions, potential users can gain a better understanding of Viddyoze's capabilities, limitations, and overall value proposition, helping them make an informed decision about whether the platform aligns with their video creation needs and goals.
Recommendation: Get access to Viddyoze AI via this page
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Recommendation: Get access to Viddyoze AI via this page
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:56 Inevitable_Wheel_240 Irritated

Idk if most of you start feeling annoyed af with being around people for a certain amount of time. There are plenty of days where you can focus on you, stay out of the sight for a while, enjoying enhancing your aura but soons you're out in public for atleast a good 2 hours, theres this feeling of being irritated around folks. I do enjoy genuine convos, I rarely run into folks that's like minded, ones that don't care about social media, appreciate life even more, be on their phone less etc. I've tried hanging out with folks I know but they always end up clicking on and off Facebook, snapchat, it's hella ridiculous then start talking about the same ole bs others talk bout on fb. I also get anxiety a bit when there's alot of folks around, I don't be afraid, nervous, shy, or ashamed I just get anxiety out of no where then get annoyed af lol. Pretty scenery, cabin by the waterfall, away from society is the type of relaxing vacation I definitely plan on doing soon it's a must, city life takes a toll on you a bit for real tho.
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2024.06.02 11:34 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 2/6/24

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  11. https://x.com/cryptogems555/status/1797172769681019124
  12. https://x.com/Crypto\_\_emily/status/1796968508779119074
  13. https://x.com/HuckoshiIkigai/status/1797149170370798069
  14. https://x.com/100xAltcoinGems/status/1797187145242751232

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  1. Go to https://coinmarketcap.com
SEARCH for 'babydoge'.
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SEARCH for 'babydoge'.

Have a nice and prosperous day BabyDogeArmy!

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