What is the difference between a low fade and a high fade

Random Bits of NoP Fanon Lore Scraped up from the Discord

2024.06.02 18:26 Giant_Acroyear Random Bits of NoP Fanon Lore Scraped up from the Discord

So, we need a scenario, where some Skalgans are rescued before the Federation gets too far into their plan.
As discussed on the discord today... shout out to my fellow idea-mongers!
Suppose there is a faction of Farsul, The Hidden Path, that disagrees with the Kolshians' plans for the galaxy, after observing the activity performed on/with the Krakotl.
This faction goes into silent rebellion, and works in secret to preserve all sapient cultures, as they are, by abducting just enough of each to ensure genetic viability and delivering them to a hidden colonies.
And they have been doing this ever since.
Now you have a viable undiscovered source of many of each type of every race, with pre-federation culture intact.
...commence with the hijinks you envision.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:00 PM Mileau is all Mesas, with Slot canyons in between; the mesas all extend above breathable atmosphere.
I made that sht up. No one has ever described the surface of Mileau except me. Hah!*
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:08 PM its canon now mileau has a thin atmosphere and a fast spin. it throws off basically all atmosphere except for what gets trapped in the slot canyons. idk anything that im talking about
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:13 PM THe canyons are 2-3 km wide, and llike 10 km deep; agriculture happens in the canyons that run "east" to "west". Most of the food grows on tree vines that climb up the walls of the canyon; these have trunks bigger than redwoods at the base. WHen you look at Mileau from above, the entire surface looks like a dried lake bed.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM if theyre photosynthesis, plant life in canyons would probably have HEAVY bias in evolving to compete for sunlight
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM hence the growing up the walls.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM the north south canyons are barren. most of the water lies underground, and it's movement forms huge cave systems at that level.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM they'd probably have all sorts of like, choking out competitors. specialized tendrils that try to choke out competitors. evolutionary arms race and all
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:17 PM so, there is also cave ecology going on at a grand scale as well.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM hmmm are dossur adapted to low light environments?
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM I think that they would have some.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:19 PM Yes. But also... Mileau's star is a very large one, so the habitable ring is 5 times further out; the cycles are 5 years long, and winter is a full year. so they have a long hibernation period every 5 years.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM a cave system being a consistent environment despite seasons might help temper that though
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM Large stars have exponentially shorter lives, just a warning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:23 PM It's not like it's Y-Scuti.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:24 PM THey eveolves to remember everything they hear while they "sleep" so, if you were to search the ventilation systems at the School of the flora, you'd find dossur sleeping near every vent by the lecture halls. "They are in the walls" is a true statement.
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM They'd better have good taste in poetry. As they drive next generation's minds into predator disease.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM This is why they've come from stone-age to space age in under 100 years. THey pick up every class, all day long. then they go test out at the end of the semester, CLEP style, and run off with a degree after 8 months. they also record everything, and take the recordings back to Mileau; the next round of sleepers is in a cave containing thousands of Dossur there. It's a knowledge factory.
Mecha Kid (Solar Wind, Spec Ops) — 02/29/2024 1:31 PM Suddenly happy I never defined the surface features of Mileau in Spec Ops Also, concussions are a bitch, right @Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) ?
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 02/29/2024 1:33 PM Acroyear's version of the dossur would find like souls in the Consortium
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:34 PM Since Mileau has so little livable space (from the Federation's perspective) the Federation ignores it. Most of the land receiving sunlight is completely dedicated to raising the crops, and the Dossur live in tiny caves drilled into the mesas.
Ben_KenoBEEG (NoA) — 02/29/2024 1:38 PM I just realized, could the Dossur possibly have a planet with over 100 billion people on it, considering their size and how little of a carbon footprint they leave
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:40 PM they've only come up from the stone age in the past 100 years or so... having spent most of that time eliminating the natural predators of Mileau... (which happen to look a Lot like... Krakotl).
"The silver mountain descended from the heavens on pillars of white fire... and death himself rode in it."
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM Ah yes, the Man on the Silver Mountain
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM More like the bird. in any case, the Dossur have harnessed the winds that flow through the canyons as an energy source, and have started building Giant solar farms on the mesa tops, now that they have space technology.
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:46 PM Arizonacore
Spectralstorm — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM Dossur "re-education" programme where they just yell "predators are bad" over and over while the dossur are hibernating
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM It's another fic, that's all. The feds don't know that this is how it works. It's part of the Dossur conspiracy. That's why no one has ever seen a Dossur that's not ginger colored. In my head-canon, there are also white ones, brown ones, blond ones, spotted ones, roans, and of course... black ones! and... FLying ones!
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 2:08 PM This is why they attacked Mileau.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:12 PM I have this image of the Dossur colonizing every park and forested area throughout the federation... ...in secret, of course.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:09 PM Have we been told how many colonies there are? I know of at least one, where Veln originated from.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 6:10 PM no
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:26 PM the planetary thoughts Egg has is that there's big oceans on the dayward side that evaporate and then send water back to the nightward side where its then frozen, depositied on glaciers that then progressand melt, creating rivers that feed back into the oceans thus sustaining a full water cycle of course, there's also spots of rain along the way, and if there was a mountain range in the right spot it'd be rained on nearly non-stop on the dayside
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:23 PM I also Recall a beach scene from another Fic I read recently, but I don't remember it. It was up near the burning.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM Yeah, based on pure physics, the twilight and green likely get a ton of precipitation from the night. The day and burning get few to no rainstorms and are probably sustained by the rivers and desalination of the oceans
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM well, not sure if they'd get it from the night god the weather patterns would be alllll over the place @Brick we really need your help on figuring those out.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:30 PM I think there's mention of Heavy Monsoon activity due to the wobble.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM What was the question
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM ah, the weather patterns of VP, and how the hell the atmopshere moves
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM My god
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM since uh, if there's constant wind coming from the sunward side, atmosphere somehow has to get to the sunward side to replace it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Without geography Uhhhhhhh
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Not quite according to the paper I posted earlier the surface flow would come from the night rather than the day
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM going with the idea that the water cycle is power by oceans near the sun side the bring water to the night side where its then deposited and flows back to the oceans?
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM Surface flow favors convergence at the hot side ad divergence on the cold side meaning the surface flow overall would be from the cold to the warm but at upper levels it's reversed But this is overall geography, location of oceans, planetary rotation and more would make this much more complex
OmegaMon02 (NoC,TTS,MiM,GE,PoT) — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Air cools on night, blasts the venlil, warms in the day, travels on top of cold wind, big wind storms deep into the day and night
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Were it so easy...
Beyonce what I can think about without a pencil, paper and other things.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM SO, on Skalga... not much daily rotation.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM In terms of tropospheric dynamics I really can't say right now On the other hand If VP is on a tilt That raises a whole set of other issues For example places where the sun sets for half a year and raises for the other half It is not easy to make any educated judgments without having a cannon geography.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:23 PM THere's the whole Paw wobble bit, but I don't think you'd get much variation off of it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Yeah axis wobble is something on MUCH longer time scales up towards thousands of years iirc
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM it feels like the axis of the planet points at the Sun for the most part.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Meanwhile a tilted spin axis will cause seasonal sunsets that last different amounts of time beyond certain latitudes The axis of the planet has nothing to do with the sun, at one point it will face away from the sun and half a year later it'll.face towards That's why we get seasons and differential day length on earth
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM right, but with Skalga being tidally locked...
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM Nothing to do with it That is a manner of rate of rotation not axial tilt The rate of revolution is equal to the rate of rotation meaning one side faces the star at all times But a tilted axis can cause the area to essentially shift up and down
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM so depending on the tilt of the access, those parts of Skalga would have day, and night cycles that last for about half the year.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM Yup Think of how the solstices work on earth. Provided you're at a latitude that experiences them just, more extreme The further into the light side you go the shorter the "night" lasts
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM 👍 We were considering what the sizes of the oceans were.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM Weather is dictated a lot by geography as well as overall circulation I haven't figured out if there would be a jet or something different
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:31 PM yes, windward and Lee sides of mountain ranges would make a difference. I was thinking heavy monsoon winds.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Yes while the windward side would be very dry the leeward side would experience in my current opinion almost constant rain It really depends on how well heat exchanges But I can't get too deep into this now. Btw this is what I study at university.
Btw this is what I study at uni
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Perhaps I got my terminology backwards I am become atmospheric scientist.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:33 PM Good chat sorry to jet.
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Bahaha, jet!
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Hey, being near water is not the same as being IN water.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM I mean the planet is like this ☀️ 🟥🟨🟩🟪🟦 (I'm trying my best) cold weather brings rain or snow. So @Brick is right, lots of rain moving from twilight to green. Less in day.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:36 PM depends on what the source of the water is. if there are oceans on the day side, that would provide moisture in the upper levels. where the convection moves in the opposite direction.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:37 PM oceans have to exist at some point if there's enough water to sustain global-spanning life.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:38 PM Also, I have a reason for each of the coastal locations. Muller's Bay is found upon illict activities. Stepping Stones basically had no choice but to exist due it being an island chain. Mellowgale is an rare mountainous type of coastal, hence the Greek vibes.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:39 PM the day side may have giant, untapped aquifers. not much written about it, so I don't really know. but I could see the venlil living under ground in the hotter parts.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM I can see that a nice portion of the rivers from colder half flow underground. Could sustain lots of people and crops
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM sort of a Coober Pedy situation. for about the same reasons.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM imagine having the Green double in size during the timeskip due to humanity interventing. oof, both good and bad.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM depends on what kind of geo-engineering is done, if any.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM mostly geo-engineering for preventing Sahara-ification.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM yeah, permaculture water harvesting would definitely be a thing. if they can build a planet encircling maglev, they could build some major pipelines runninlg along the meridians as well.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM They DID build an maglev ring, you're right.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM with the right kind of valves and insulation, they could use antifreeze to act as a giant heat pump.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM I bet they have biiiig wells to use for cities or for watering plants.
Animesh — 11/30/2023 7:46 PM Wait. Is the entire venlil prime just The Line (tm) project?
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:48 PM Possibly. I don't know the full particulars on the Line, so can't answer that. but I could see them doing a lot of Al Baydha-like projects. btu again, that is dependent on the landforms, and where the water flows to and from. I mean, BiasMushroom has Frozen Mountain set up as a city in the Nightside, close to the terminator. it you get some form of heat loving trees with deep, deep roots, then it's possible that they might shade areas of the burning enough to be survivable. so that gets back to the questions about where the water bodies are.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM I think they could form in the day but dry up in the burning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM yes, but what about under the dayside, where the aquifers may be.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM Probably near rivers but could realistically be anywhere I mean, there are aquifers all over earth so really it's hard to disprove any specific location
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM a lot of it depends on how the water flows, and what geological formations there are. a karst type of situation could lead to lots of caves with chimney windows and underground jungles.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:58 PM Hell in the southwest US, sandstone cliffs and mountains are aquifers. They are stuffed full of water. Without specific info, it's really up to us to decide. Which is neat!
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:59 PM a hard layer of earth over a soft limesone layer, with water flowing, would lead to huge cave systesm. there could be entire, undiscovered biomes like that, possibly housing pre-federation Venlils.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 8:03 PM Perhaps. Though I worry for how they'd live
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 8:04 PM if there's flowing water, then there's probably fungi, and things eating the fungi. Anyway, I leave the speculations here, for your consideration.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 9:08 PM massive cave systems with underground rivers and a lot of life that lives in the dark but due to the presence of predators, venlil are afraid of them and since they are hell to clear out, the exterminators try to keep the predators in the caverns instead only killing them when they wander too close to the settlements.
I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have!
submitted by Giant_Acroyear to u/Giant_Acroyear [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:25 SuperLucidAHoles Proxies completely break when GPU Acceleration is turned on?

Proxies completely break when GPU Acceleration is turned on?
I've started tackling bigger editing projects recently and noticed playback on recorded video files via OBS lags Premiere something fierce. During my search to find out why, I discovered proxies and encoding h.264 to ProRes to make playback smoother, and thus decided to try it.
However, no matter which settings I used to create proxies, whether they were presets or custom, the resulting proxy would completely distort the video in entirely different ways depending on what format I used. This distortion only happens when GPU Acceleration is turned ON. Images down below:

Cineform Medium Resolution Proxy, GPU Acceleration ON
Cineform Medium Resolution Proxy, GPU Acceleration OFF
ProRes Medium Resolution Proxy, GPU Acceleration ON
ProRes Medium Resolution Proxy, GPU Acceleration OFF
Dropping down to Low Resolution only makes the problem more pronounced, haven't yet tested High Resolution. My GPU is an NVIDIA RTX 3060 on driver version 555.85. It has exhibited no indication of odd behavior until this point, so I'm unsure if this is a graphics card issue. I'd obviously like to avoid editing without GPU Acceleration if I can help it. Any ideas on what could be going wrong here?
submitted by SuperLucidAHoles to premiere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:23 AdamScott_TSP Government Imposter Scam 2024: Know the Types and Stay Safe

Government Imposter Scam 2024: Know the Types and Stay Safe

What is a government imposter scam?

Hey there, scam warriors! Today, we’re diving deep into a particularly sneaky type of scam that’s been on the rise: government imposter scams. According to the new FTC data, Consumers Reported Losing Nearly $8.8 Billion to Scams in 2022. A major part of this amount comes from government imposter scams. These scams involve fraudsters posing as government officials or agencies to deceive victims into handing over money or sensitive information. But fear not, because armed with knowledge and awareness, you can outsmart these scammers and protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to their schemes.
So, what exactly are government imposter scams? Picture this: you receive a call, email, or text message claiming to be from a government agency such as the IRS, Social Security Administration, or Medicare. The caller may use scare tactics or offer enticing promises to coerce you into providing personal information, making payments, or even wiring money. They might threaten legal action, deportation, or suspension of benefits if you don’t comply. But here’s the catch: it’s all a scam.
These scammers are masters of manipulation, preying on fear and urgency to catch their victims off guard. They often spoof official phone numbers or use convincing logos and language to make their communications seem legitimate. But remember, government agencies will never demand immediate payment over the phone, threaten you with arrest or deportation, or ask for sensitive information like your Social Security number or bank account details without prior verification. Now, before we start preparing ourselves for the detection and prevention of these scams first it is important to know the various types of government imposter scams.

Types of government imposters scams:

  1. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) scam:
An IRS scam is a type of government impostor scam where fraudsters impersonate representatives from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the tax collection agency of the United States federal government. In an IRS scam, the scammer typically contacts individuals via phone, email, or sometimes even text message, claiming to be an IRS agent. The scammer usually uses intimidation tactics, threatening the target with arrest, legal action, or other consequences if they do not comply with their demands. They may claim that the individual owes back taxes, penalties, or other debts to the IRS. They often demand immediate payment and may request sensitive personal information, such as Social Security numbers or banking details, to “verify” the target’s identity or facilitate payment.
It’s important to note that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers via email, text message, or social media to request personal or financial information. Additionally, the IRS will never demand immediate payment over the phone, threaten arrest or legal action without prior communication by mail, or require payment using specific methods like prepaid debit cards or wire transfers. To know more about IRS scams click here.
If you receive a suspicious communication claiming to be from the IRS, it’s crucial to verify its authenticity by contacting the IRS directly using the official contact information available on their website. Additionally, report any suspected IRS scams to the IRS and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to help prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.
  1. Social Security Administration scam:
A Social Security scam is a government imposter scam where someone tries to trick you into giving away your personal information or money by pretending to be from the Social Security Administration (SSA). These scammers might contact you by phone, email, or text message, claiming to be an official from the SSA. They’ll often use scare tactics, like saying your Social Security number has been compromised or that you owe money, to pressure you into giving them what they want. For example, they might tell you that your Social Security benefits will be suspended unless you provide them with your Social Security number, birth date, or banking details. They might even threaten you with arrest or legal action if you don’t cooperate. Sometimes, they’ll promise you more benefits or financial assistance in exchange for a payment or personal information.
It’s important to know that the real SSA will never contact you out of the blue to ask for your personal information or demand immediate payment. They’ll never threaten you with arrest or legal action over the phone. If the SSA needs to reach you, they’ll usually do it by mail. So, if someone claiming to be from the SSA contacts you by phone, email, or text message and asks for personal information or money, it’s likely a scam. If you ever receive a suspicious call, email, or text message claiming to be from the SSA, don’t panic. Instead, take a deep breath and remember these simple tips: never give out your personal information to anyone who contacts you unexpectedly, never make a payment to someone who pressures you or threatens you, and always verify the identity of the person contacting you by contacting the SSA directly using the official contact information on their website. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to Social Security scams. click here to know the details of this scam.
  1. Police Department scam:
A Police Department scam is a government imposter scam where someone tries to deceive you by impersonating a law enforcement officer or a representative from a police department. These scammers often reach out to individuals via phone calls, emails, or text messages, claiming to be from the police department. They might use intimidating language or threats of legal action to pressure you into cooperating with their demands. For example, they might tell you that you have outstanding warrants for your arrest or that you’ve been involved in a crime. They might even threaten to arrest you if you don’t comply with their instructions. Sometimes, they’ll ask for personal information, such as your Social Security number, bank account details, or even payment in the form of gift cards or wire transfers.
It’s crucial to remember that a legitimate law enforcement agency will never contact you out of the blue to demand money or personal information over the phone, email, or text message. They won’t threaten you with arrest or legal action without proper documentation or due process. If you ever receive a suspicious call, email, or text message claiming to be from the police department, it’s essential to stay calm and cautious. Don’t provide any personal information or make any payments to the caller. Instead, hang up the phone, delete the email, or ignore the text message. If you’re unsure whether the communication is legitimate, you can always contact your local police department directly using the official contact information listed on their website. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to Police Department scams. To dive deep into police department scams click here. Stay safe out there!
  1. Government Grant Scam:
A Government Grant scam occurs when someone tries to trick you into believing you’re eligible for a government grant, but in reality, it’s all a ploy to steal your money or personal information. These scammers often reach out through phone calls, emails, or even social media messages, claiming to be from a government agency or organization offering grants. They might promise you a substantial sum of money for various purposes, such as paying off debt, starting a business, or covering personal expenses. However, here’s the catch: to receive the grant, they’ll ask you to pay a processing fee or provide sensitive information like your Social Security number, bank account details, or credit card information. They may even pressure you with urgency, claiming that you need to act quickly to secure the grant before the opportunity disappears.
It’s essential to recognize that legitimate government grants do exist, but they typically don’t require you to pay upfront fees or provide sensitive personal information to apply. Additionally, government agencies won’t contact you out of the blue to offer grants, especially through unsolicited phone calls, emails, or social media messages. If you receive a communication claiming to be from a government agency offering a grant, it’s essential to proceed with caution. Don’t be swayed by promises of free money or high-pressure tactics. Instead, take the time to research the offer and verify its legitimacy. You can contact the supposed government agency directly using the official contact information found on their official website to inquire about the grant offer. Here you can find the details of government grant scams.
  1. Customs and border protection scam:
The US Customs and Border Protection scam involves individuals posing as CBP officers to trick unsuspecting victims into divulging personal information or sending money. These scammers often employ fear tactics, using threats of legal action or deportation to coerce compliance. They may contact you via phone calls, emails, or text messages, claiming to be from CBP and alleging issues with your immigration status, outstanding fines, or fees owed to the agency. For instance, they might assert that you’re facing immediate deportation unless you pay a fine or provide sensitive details like your Social Security number or passport information. They may even demand payment through unconventional methods like wire transfers or prepaid debit cards.
It’s crucial to remember that legitimate CBP officers would never contact you unexpectedly to demand money or personal information over the phone, email, or text message. They also wouldn’t threaten deportation or arrest without following proper legal procedures. If you receive such communications, it’s essential to remain calm and skeptical. Avoid sharing any personal information or making payments to the caller. Instead, independently verify the legitimacy of the communication by contacting CBP directly through official channels. You can find their contact information on their official website or in publicly available directories. By taking these precautions, you can safeguard yourself against falling prey to US Customs and Border Protection scams. Check details of custom and border protection scam here.
So, Scam warriors, these were the 5 major types of government imposter scams and you might be thinking that they all are similar and there is not much difference between them. But the devil lies in details. Wait until we decode each of these scams in detail in our future blogs. Till then enjoy tech and stay safe.
submitted by AdamScott_TSP to u/AdamScott_TSP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 Browncoatinabox Apple has somehow cracked the code

With low mid tier on average and mid to high at best for phones and until the "M" chips. From packaging to the devices do look ok if not plain (look i dont like minimalism so this is pure taste). They also do feel pretty good in hand to. iOS and MacOS are decent, but they do look nice (until they went flat imho. I do miss skeuomorphism). But they are so completely locked down that it took the act of law to be more open. Google's Pixel is $550 to the 15's 800. Both phones equally "ok" with fairly good camera's and as good battery life. The play store and app store are not really that different. Yeah each have apps that the other does not, but there are alternatives that are just as good. But yet they have a cult like following. OS wise it's "ok", but you have to buy specialty hardware unless you go the hackintosh way, which at that point unless you purposefully stop yourself from thinking it, you built a damn good computer that you are gimping by installing MacOS, Windows and Linux are another story. An "Apple can do no harm" attitude. What they do the industry follows. It honestly blows my mind.
submitted by Browncoatinabox to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 Dangerous_Ant_8377 Take Me to the Pilot

‘‘Who the fuck am I, doctor? What happened to who I was?’’
As a doctor, it’s normal for such patients, utterly at the end of their tether, to resort to such language, even though we doctors are supposed to enjoy a degree of formality not reserved for other walks of life. At this point in my career, I pay it no mind.
‘‘Thank you for agreeing to undergo the physical exam, Elton,’’ I began, ‘‘and also agreeing to discuss your complete medical history with me before we begin. That should greatly expedite my ability to diagnose what’s happening here.’’
He was obviously in a very bad way. The signs of sleep deprivation were wrought into his features. He was adrift in a sea of nothingness and was close to drowning.
‘‘I just don’t want to feel like this anymore. Whatever it takes.’’
I’d seen this many times before. As an expert in this particular field of human existentialism, I already knew the exact problem, but for the sake of appearances I needed to let the patient work through the process on his own. After all, this patient was still more than salvageable.
‘‘Well, now that we’ve used various diagnostic tests, including imaging studies and blood tests, to rule out physical illness or medication side effects as the cause of the symptoms,’’ I paused to give him time to take this all in, ‘‘I think it’s time for us to discuss what else it could be. At this point I’d like you just to tell me how you feel on a day-to-day basis.’’
‘‘I don’t even really know where to begin.’’
I do, but it’s important for the next stage of this process to come from him, as much as it possibly can.
‘‘Take your time. It’s important to the diagnosis that you put your feelings into your own words.’’
‘‘I guess I feel like I have… well, a distorted perception of my own body. I don’t know how to really describe it, at least not in a way that makes any sense. I guess I kind of feel like I’m a robot… or I’m in a dream. I might fear I’m going crazy and might become depressed, anxious, or worse.’’
I nodded, taking in Elton’s words. ‘‘Elton, what you're describing sounds a lot like depersonalization disorder. It’s a condition where people feel disconnected or detached from their own body and thoughts. It’s as if you’re observing yourself from outside your body or living in a dream.’’
He looked at me with a mixture of confusion and desperation. ‘‘So, I’m not going crazy?’’
‘‘No, you're not losing touch with reality. People with depersonalization disorder are very much aware that what they're experiencing isn’t normal, which is what makes it so distressing. Episodes can last for a short time or, in some cases, for many years, affecting daily functioning.’’
‘‘What causes it?’’ he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
‘‘The exact cause isn’t well understood, but it can be triggered by intense stress or traumatic events, such as abuse, accidents, or violence. It’s one of several dissociative disorders which involve disruptions in memory, consciousness, and identity.’’
He took a deep breath, trying to process the information. ‘‘Is there any way to make it stop?’’
‘‘Treatment typically involves psychotherapy, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy, to help you manage your symptoms. In some cases, medication might be prescribed to address underlying issues like anxiety or depression. The first step is understanding what you're dealing with, and from there, we can work together on a treatment plan.’’
Elton nodded slowly. ‘‘I just want to feel normal again.’’
‘‘I understand. And with the right approach, we can work towards that goal. You’re not alone in this, Elton. We’ll take it step by step.’’
Elton nodded slowly. ‘‘I just want to feel normal again.’’
‘‘I understand, Elton. Let’s talk about how we can work towards that. Most people with depersonalization disorder seek treatment because of symptoms like depression or anxiety, not always the depersonalization itself. Sometimes, these symptoms go away on their own over time. But when they don’t, or if they're particularly distressing, treatment can help.’’
‘‘So, what kind of treatment are we talking about?’’
‘‘The goal of your treatment is to address the stress and triggers associated with the onset of the disorder. The best approach depends on your individual situation and the severity of your symptoms. Psychotherapy, especially talk therapy, is usually the primary treatment. Cognitive therapy can help change any dysfunctional thinking patterns you might have.’’
‘‘Will I need medication?’’
‘‘Let’s take things a little slower, Elton. Medications are not typically used to treat depersonalization disorder directly. However, if you’re experiencing significant depression or anxiety, an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication might be helpful. Sometimes, antipsychotic medications are used to help with disordered thinking and perception.’’
Elton shifted in his seat, considering the options. ‘‘What about my family? They don’t understand what I’m going through.’’
‘‘Family therapy can be beneficial. It helps to educate your family about the disorder and its causes, and it can also help them recognize the symptoms if they recur. This support system can be very important for your recovery.’’
‘‘Are there any other types of therapy that might help?’’
‘‘Yes, creative therapies like art or music therapy can provide a safe and expressive way to explore your thoughts and feelings. Clinical hypnosis is another option; it uses intense relaxation and concentration to explore thoughts and memories that might be contributing to your symptoms.’’
‘‘What’s the outlook for me, then? Can I really recover from this?’’
‘‘Well, the good news is that many patients do recover completely from depersonalization disorder. The symptoms often go away on their own or after effective treatment that helps address the underlying stress or trauma. However, without treatment, additional episodes can occur. With the right support and treatment plan, we can work towards your recovery.’’
Elton took a deep breath, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. ‘‘Alright, let’s do this. I’m ready to start.’’
‘‘Good. We’ll take it step by step, together.’’
I then leaned forward slightly; my tone gentle but firm. "Elton, there's one treatment that might provide more immediate relief. It's called clinical hypnosis. By guiding you into a deeply relaxed state, we can explore your subconscious and potentially uncover the root causes of your depersonalization."
Elton's eyebrows furrowed in skepticism. "Hypnosis? You think that'll actually work?"
"I understand your doubts," I replied. "But hypnosis can be a powerful tool. It allows us to access parts of your mind that are usually hidden, bringing buried memories and feelings to the surface. Many patients find it really helps them make significant breakthroughs."
Elton hesitated, glancing around the sterile office. "I don't know... it sounds kind of... out there."
"You're right to be cautious," I said, nodding. "But consider this: you're here because traditional methods haven't worked. This is another option, one that could bring you relief faster than talk therapy or medication. And I'll be with you every step of the way."
A long silence stretched between us as Elton weighed his options. Finally, he sighed, a mix of resignation and hope in his eyes. "Alright. I'll try it. What do I have to lose?"
"Excellent," I said, a hopefully reassuring smile on my face. "Let's get started."
Elton settled back into the chair, feeling a flutter of nerves in his stomach. I dimmed the lights and began speaking in a calm, rhythmic voice, guiding Elton through deep breathing exercises. "Focus on your breath," I instructed. "Inhale slowly through your nose... hold it... and exhale through your mouth."
Elton followed along, feeling his body gradually relax. My voice was soothing and steady. "Imagine a peaceful place," I continued. "Somewhere you feel completely safe and calm. Picture it in your mind and let yourself drift there."
A warm sensation spread through Elton's limbs as he visualized a tranquil beach, the gentle waves lapping at the shore. His eyelids grew heavy, and my voice had now become his only anchor to reality.
"You're doing well, Elton," I softly murmured. "Now, I want you to go deeper. Let yourself sink into a state of complete relaxation. With each breath, feel yourself going deeper and deeper."
Elton felt as though he was floating, weightless and free. My voice guided him further, urging him to explore the recesses of his mind. "You're safe here," I said. "I want you to go back to a time when you first felt disconnected. Allow the memories to come to the surface."
Images began to flicker in Elton's mind, fragmented at first, then gradually forming a coherent picture. He saw himself as a child, standing alone in a dark room. The sense of detachment washed over him, more intense than ever before.
"Tell me what you see," I prompted gently.
"I'm... I'm in my old house," Elton said, his voice distant and hollow. "It's dark, and I feel so... alone."
"Good," I replied. "Let's explore this memory together. What happens next?"
As Elton delved deeper into his past, the details of his childhood began to unfold, revealing the moments of fear and isolation that had shaped his experience of the world. My voice remained a constant guide, helping him navigate through the labyrinth of his subconscious.
With each revelation, Elton felt a weight lifting from him, the long-buried emotions surfacing and dissipating. He was beginning to understand the origins of his depersonalization, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope.
As Elton's breathing slowed and his body relaxed further into the chair, I observed him with an almost clinical detachment. I maintained my soothing tone, but my mind was focused on the next phase of my plan.
"You're doing very well, Elton," I said, my voice steady. "Now, I want you to go even deeper. Let your mind drift until you reach a state of complete relaxation."
Elton's eyes fluttered closed, and his body went limp. I continued to murmur softly, guiding Elton into a semi-comatose state. Once satisfied that Elton was deeply under, I stood up and crossed the room to a cabinet, retrieving a sleek piece of scientific equipment.
I returned to Elton's side, carefully attaching the apparatus to his head. The device resembled a futuristic helmet, with electrodes and sensors that monitored brain activity and displayed it on a nearby screen. I adjusted the settings, my eyes flicking to the monitor as it powered up.
The screen quickly hummed to life, displaying a detailed image of Elton's brain. Patterns of electrical activity danced across the display, revealing the inner workings of his mind. I watched intently, my expression a mix of curiosity and satisfaction.
"Activate the neural resonance scanner," I instructed my unseen assistant through a small intercom device on my desk.
A moment later, my assistant entered the room, a young technician with a clipboard. She nodded and began adjusting additional controls on the apparatus, fine-tuning the settings to enhance the resolution of the brain scan.
"Good," I muttered, more to myself than to my assistant. "Let's see what we're dealing with."
The screen's image sharpened, and the intricate details of Elton's brain became clearer. I leaned further in, studying the neural pathways and synaptic connections. I was searching for any specific anomalies, patterns that might otherwise explain the profound disconnection Elton felt from his own body, apart from what I already knew to be the true reason.
"There," I whispered, pointing to a cluster of unusual activity deep within the temporal lobe. "Increase the magnification on this section."
My assistant complied, and the image zoomed in on the targeted area. My eyes narrowed as I scrutinized the display. I had of course seen similar patterns before, but never with such clarity. It was as if Elton's brain was broadcasting a signal, a distress call from within the depths of his subconscious.
"Prepare the neuro-interface," I ordered. "We need to delve deeper into this anomaly."
My assistant hurried to set up another piece of equipment, a sleek console with a series of complex controls. As she worked, I continued to monitor the screen, my mind racing with possibilities. This was – of course - no ordinary case of depersonalization disorder. There was something unique about Elton’s brain, something that held the key to understanding the human mind's most profound mysteries, and our continued presence here.
With the neuro-interface ready, I began the delicate process of linking it to the apparatus already attached to Elton's head. This would allow me to interact directly with the neural signals, exploring the depths of Elton’s subconscious in ways traditional therapy could never achieve.
"Elton," I said softly, even though I knew the young man could not respond in his current state. "We're going to find out what’s really happening inside your mind. And with any luck, we’ll finally bring you some peace."
As the neuro-interface established its connection, I took a deep breath, ready to plunge into the uncharted territories of Elton's psyche.
The neuro-interface hummed as it established its connection with Elton's subconscious. I adjusted my headset, and the images on the screen shifted, providing a direct view into the intricate neural landscape of Elton's mind. I focused intently, searching for the signal I knew was there. After a few moments, the connection stabilized, and a new voice resonated within my mind.
"Pilot Taupin," I said, my voice filled with a barely controlled anger. "Do you realize the damage you've caused by neglecting your duties?"
There was a pause, followed by a petulant reply from within the depths of Elton's mind. "This human is boring," Taupin complained. "Being his neuro-pilot is no fun at all. He's so predictable, so... mundane."
I clenched my jaw, struggling to keep my temper in check. "Maintaining the mission is all-important, Taupin. We have protocols for a reason. Too many humans are waking up to their realities, and your negligence is contributing to the problem."
Taupin's voice, echoing through the neural pathways, carried a tone of indifference. "Protocols, missions... It's all so tedious. Why should I care if a few humans start questioning their reality? It's not like they can do anything about it."
My eyes narrowed as I studied the patterns on the screen, observing the chaotic flux of neural signals that reflected Taupin's rebellious attitude. "Your job is to ensure that they don't question it, Taupin. By allowing Elton to experience such severe depersonalization, you've jeopardized the integrity of his mind and our entire operation."
Taupin sighed, a sound that reverberated through Elton's brain. "You don't understand, Doctor. The monotony of this existence is unbearable. I need more stimulation, more... excitement."
I leaned closer to the screen, my voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "If you can't handle the responsibilities of your position, we can find a replacement who can. Your indulgence in seeking excitement has nearly cost us this human. Indeed, it is his very mundanity that we have honed in on. He is earmarked for high political office in the future. We need him to fulfill his potential so we can increase our influence over this species. Remember, Taupin: the mission is paramount, and you will adhere to your duties."
There was a long silence, the neural pathways crackling with tension. Finally, Taupin spoke again, his tone begrudging. "Fine. I'll do what you ask. But remember, Doctor, without a bit of freedom, even the most loyal pilot can become resentful."
I took a deep breath, slightly easing the grip of my anger. "Resentment or not, you will maintain your human and ensure he remains stable. We can't afford any more risks. Now, begin the recalibration process. Restore Elton's perception of reality and eliminate any residual anomalies."
Reluctantly, Taupin complied, and I watched as the neural activity on the screen began to stabilize. Patterns of normalcy re-emerged, and the chaotic signals smoothed into harmonious rhythms.
"Good," I said, my voice steady once more. "Remember, Taupin, the success of our mission depends on the seamless integration of our presence within these humans. We cannot allow any deviation from the established protocols."
As the connection began to fade, Taupin's final words lingered in the doctor's mind. "Understood, Doctor. But don't forget, even the best-kept secrets have a way of coming to light."
I removed the headset and sighed, rubbing my temples. I knew that the delicate balance they maintained was constantly under threat, and I could only hope that Taupin — and others like him — would remember the importance of our mission. For now, Elton's mind was stable, but I remained vigilant, knowing that the battle to maintain control over humanity would never be truly over.
submitted by Dangerous_Ant_8377 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 ApostleLeeWoo Peace, Peace...No Peace

Peace, Peace...No Peace
Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!

~Peace, Peace…No Peace~

I make my apologizes for not sending a message this past week. Our electricity went out Saturday night and did not come back on until Monday.

Matthew 10:34 KJV
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Brothers and Sisters stop trying to make Peace with those who Oppose The Word, for they are Your Enemy, they are God’s Enemy. Too many of you have lost sight of this, that you have been taught to Compromise The Word with a New Definition of Tolerance. There are those who have Taught, that to Show Godly Love, in this Season, in this Time, means that The Word, The Scriptures need to be Re-Defined to Include Fleshly Sin. This is an abomination!!!

2 Timothy 4:3 KJV
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

The First Commandment is to Love God with ALL of Your Heart, ALL of Your Mind, ALL of Your Soul and ALL of Your Strength, this is the ONLY Acceptable Life that Jesus will Accept.

Matthew 7:21 KJV
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 22:37-38 KJV
"37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment."

Mark 12:30 KJV
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment."

The Second Commandment is to Love Your Neighbor AS Yourself and it is in this Commandment that you have Over Written The First Commandment.

Matthew 22:39 KJV
“And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

You spend so much time trying to figure out how to get people into a church, to help them in their times of need, by Peace, but do not hold the Standard that Jesus comes first. Too many of you participate in Helping Others, but in that Help, Jesus is not present in Your Actions nor in Your Speech to those who need to hear, all because YOU wish NOT to Offend any person, but you are willing to OFFEND Your Savior!!!

Do you NOT Understand that All Men, All Women, All Children of age, are The Enemies Of God, unless they have Accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, then and only then are they NOT Your Enemy, but are now Your Family, Your Brothers and Sisters!!! This also includes members of Your Fleshly Families.

Jesus has said in so many words, that He has come to Forgive Us of Our Sins, to Wash Us Clean in The Spirit, to have Overcome The Enemies Of The Flesh, to Grant Us into Heaven…IF, IF, IF WE Keep His Commandments, which is to Do The Fathers Will On Earth AS it is In Heaven!!!

Matthew 10:35-39 KJV
"35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

Too many of you Honor your children above Jesus, not willing to Stand Upon Jesus Commandments. You are NOT Willing to Break Ties with members of your own household in Keeping Jesus Commandments, but are willing to Compromise, Adjust, Manipulate, Believe False Doctrine for Your Own Fleshly Desires!!! Too many of you Accept the Life Styles that Your Children have made, believing them to be Saved By Grace, but they are not! Do you not understand the Mockery that YOU are doing???

Do any of you NOT Understand that God Is Unchangeable, He who Created All Things is the same from the beginning before time unto the end of all time! God The Father, Jesus The Son, The Holy Spirit will NOT Accept anything that goes against The Fathers Will, in which, has Fleshly Sinful Desires of any kind!!!

John 10:30 KJV
“I and [my] Father are one."

John 5:30 KJV
“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

John 8:28 KJV
“Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am [he], and [that] I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things."

Hebrews 13:8 KJV
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

Luke 22:42 KJV
“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."

Oh, as a side note to those who Believe that Jesus and The Father are the same PERSON, THEY ARE NOT!!! This has been a False Teaching!!!

Too many of you Cry Peace, Peace when we are at war!! Let me explain to be At War, yet Have Peace. When The Father said to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, He was not saying that you make any Compromises to His Will. For example, I have a Neighbor whom I have been witnessing to for 15 years, who will not Accept Jesus. This neighbor has some very expensive medications that he needs to take, a week ago Saturday our power went out and was out until Monday. On Sunday I went and bought Ice to keep our food and medicines cold, I gave my neighbor some ice, this is Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, but he is still My Enemy, Our Lord Jesus Enemy!!
Another example. My children I have Not Talked to in five years, because they believe in lies more so then The Word. I on purpose separated myself from them because of this, yet I long for them almost daily. I do pray for them daily and not just them but to the fourth generation, every day. But until they Repent and turn from the lies that they believe, they are my Enemy, I will not Compromise The Word for a Relationship with them. Unfortunately that this is, this also includes my grandchildren.

There is No Peace, My Brothers and Sisters we are at War with the Enemy, make no mistake about it. The only Peace that we can obtain at this point in time, in this season, is the Peace that Jesus said He would give us that The World, The Enemy, cannot have!!!

Philippians 4:6-7 KJV
"6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Now also Understand this. We are NOT at War with The Flesh as against Man, but are at War with anything, anyone who Opposes The Fathers Will. It is what is Inside of a Man, Woman, Child, their Spirit that is against God, whom is Our Enemy. Our Brother Paul explained it in this manor…

Ephesians 6:10-13 KJV
"10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Understand this, that The Flesh is Ruled by The Spirit, so, as The Spirit Is, so does it Manifest in The Flesh, rather Godly or Ungodly. This why Jesus said and what our Brother James says…

Matthew 7:15-20 KJV
"15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

James 3:12 KJV
“Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so [can] no fountain both yield salt water and fresh."

Now, with that being said, a Good Person can go to hell! The difference between a Good Person and Ourselves is Jesus and His Blood that has Cleansed us unto Redemption. Too many of you think that because a person Acts Good, that they are Good, but You Weigh things according to The Flesh and not those things that concern Jesus.

I have No Peace with The Flesh, but in The Spirit I have Peace!!! Walk as The Children Of God and Not as The Children Of The World!

We can have Peace within ourselves and Walk in Obedience to Jesus, knowing that not everyone around us is Our Brother or Sister, but could in fact be Our Enemy as they are Jesus Enemy. Our, God’s, Enemy tries to Steal, Kill and Destroy Our Peace with Jesus, do not let him!

Jesus, Our Savior and Lord said…

Matthew 10:34 KJV
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Amen and Amen!!!

Email: [godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com](mailto:godsonlyfoundation@gmail.com)
Website: ApostleLee.com
submitted by ApostleLeeWoo to Acts_Of_The_Apostles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:17 ghostrider8303 Geopolitical differences in the MCU from IRL world (compiled)

I am making a compilation here of certain geopolitical events that took place differently in the MCU based on certain earlier posts of mine and a few others that I have seen. Most of these differences I would attribute to the presence and influence of organisations like Hydra, the Hand and the Ten Rings influencing world events clandestinely.
1. The U.N. Security council:
IRL the council had 5 permanent members: The Big Four (U.S.A., U.K., U.S.S.R, China(R.O.C.)) which were joined by France who was considered neutral enough between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Later Russia replaced the U.S.S.R. and China (P.R.C.) replaced China (R.O.C.)
In the MCU, the World Security Council (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) consists of representation from the following countries: U.S.A. (and Hydra), U.K., China (P.R.C.) and India.
This leads to three possible changes in history: Firstly, instead of France, India was chosen as the fifth permanent member as a more neutral member between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.. This would be supported by the fact that India was among the candidates being considered for the fifth permanent member alongside France and Brazil.
Secondly, on the collapse of U.S.S.R., Russia was not recognised as the successor state of U.S.S.R. as it was not the last state to leave (last was Kazakhstan). Hence U.S.S.R.s seat on the Security Council was abolished, leaving it with 4 members.
Thirdly, as stated in the movie itself, operation paperclip led to infiltration of U.S.A. by the remnants of Hydra
2. The U.K.:
IRL the U.K. consists of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, the Principality of Wales and the province of Northern Ireland.
In the MCU however, Wales and Northern Ireland are shown to have separate seats in the U.N. as seen in Black Panther and Captain America: Civil War respectively.
This could mean one of two things: Firstly, both Wales and Northern Ireland managed to gain independence from the U.K., hence the separate representation. It also implies that Northern Ireland did not unite with the Republic of Ireland post it's independence
Secondly, it could imply that, similar to how the U.S.S.R. managed to get separate seats in the U.N. for the Ukrainian S.S.R. and Byelorussian S.S.R. despite them being part of the U.S.S.R, the U.K. would also have got seperate seats for Wales and Northern Ireland despite them being part of the U.K. hence the seperate signatures and flags seen in the MCU.
3. The E.U.:
IRL, the E.U. consists of 27 member states post Brexit.
In the MCU, it is seen that as of Secret Invasion, Pakistan is a member of the EU but the total number of members is still 27.
Aside from the strangeness of Pakistan, an Asian country, being in the EU, the total number of member states remaining the same would imply that during the pandemic, some of the smaller countries in the EU might have combined as they became unsustainable due to their low population post snap (e.g. the Benelux countries combining to reform the United Kingdom of the Netherlands or Malta joining Italy or leaving the E.U. entirely by joining the U.K. instead). Thus, Pakistan and some other countries might have joined the EU but the total number of countries in the EU would have remained the same. Further the bill and subsequent depopulation crisis could be the reason for Pakistan (a high population South Asian country) was admitted to the E.U
submitted by ghostrider8303 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:16 JohnBierce Writing Advice: Economic Progression Fantasy

Progression Fantasy is still a very young subgenre, so I think it fair to forgive it a few growing pains, but...
It's got an economics problem. A real economics problem.
Namely: While there have been quite a few attempts at writing economic progression fantasy, where the MC progresses not just in personal power, but in economic strength (wealth, etc)- remarkably few of them impress me. In fact, the only one that I will outright declare a win is Kyle Kirrin's Shadeslinger. (Which, I should note, is not an attempt to build a functioning "real" economy, but instead to build a functioning videogame economy- a challenging task of its own, and one Kirrin does fantastic at for the purposes of his narrative.) (Also Frank is the best, long live Frank.)
Now, I've hardly exhausted the whole of economic progression fantasy, there's tons of examples I haven't read- but the failed attempts I have read, numbering quite a few, tend to have some fairly similar failure states. (I won't name any of them- I don't generally like speaking ill of other living authors' works,just their politics.)
This is of especial interest to me because I'm literally in the midst of writing an economic progression fantasy. I enjoy reading and writing this stuff! (Though, I should be clear, my upcoming series does not have a commerce-based progression plot- rather, it has a magic system deeply integrated into its economy. Also, it's socialist sword and sorcery.)
So here's a non-exhaustive list of failure states for writing economic progression fantasy, and tips for writing good economic progression fantasy/litrpg. And, while I'm very much a socialist and anti-capitalist, this advice is intended to be useful to anyone writing economic PF, regardless if they share my political and economic leanings. (Though I'm still gonna trash-talk capitalism a bunch lol.) And remember: I call them pitfalls, not rules, because these are not things you're forbidden to do, these are things that are harder to do.
Again, this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list! It's just a few pitfalls and tips, in no particularly coherent order. If you want to write really good economic fantasy, of any subgenre, you need to do your groundwork, do your research, and be ready to stress test the hell out of your worldbuilding.
submitted by JohnBierce to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:15 ShesWrappedInPlastic The Nobodies (2018)

I originally wrote this for Letterboxd and thought I would post it here, I hope that's okay; I never see this film being reviewed anywhere.
This was quite a surprise, to be honest. I wasn't sure how much I was going to enjoy the film, but I was immediately sucked in. The real genius here is the "documentary" parts spliced in between the faux horror film "Pumpkin" created by no-budget filmmakers and doomed lovers Warren Werner and Samantha Dixon who commit suicide (this is explained in the opening monologue so it's not a spoiler and you need to know it going in) when the entire town crucifies them for their graphic homemade serial killer gorefest. I (appropriately) wanted to shake the hell out of the interviewees who seem to blame the double suicide on Warren and his "dark personality" which seems to consist of a perhaps overly exuberant young love affair and an obsession with horror filmmaking; hardly anything to get in a snit about and certainly a far cry from the devil worshippers the town brands Warren and Samantha.
The other part of the film consists of the remaining footage of Warren and Samantha's film "Pumpkin" and I have to admit I thought this part was going to be awful but I loved it! Was it ridiculous? Yes. Was it cheesy? Sure. No budget? Terrible acting? Bad special FX? All present and accounted for. Technically terrible? Oh yeah. Maybe it's just me but I often end up enjoying the kind of SOV gore-and-tit-fests "Pumpkin" would've turned out to be and this one I would've likely watched more than once. It's in such incredibly poor taste that it becomes kind of delightful really, a harkening back to the era of analog without overdoing it. It concerns a serial killer named Taboris DeWitt who is hitchhiking across the country, or well, at least Alabama. But first we sit through a pretty pointless scene involving two bimbos having a pillow fight in their underwear in a seedy motel to the absolute most ear-splitting song I have ever, ever heard... and don't get comfy 'cause it plays many times throughout the film. First one girl gets a room with a "sexy guy" (god help me) named Johnny Knickerbocker, a loser hung up on his ex-girlfriend and traveling aimlessly across the country even though last Halloween he had his arm hacked off by a psycho clown and an old man traveling in a van (this part is important, for what it's worth, lol). The actor is clearly not an amputee by the way, his arm is just under his shirt. He also looks like a junkie about halfway into their nod but far be it from me to cast aspersions. They've only just seated themselves in their new temporary digs when Bimbo #1 (don't expect me to keep track of everybody's names) proceeds to immediately call up her gal pal, Bimbo #2, telling her she's got a hot guy in her motel room (yeah, no, sorry). She shows up, they have their pillow fight, they try to rouse Johnny from his opiate-esque stupor, and he then throws both bimbos out saying he's not ready to be with a woman because of his ex. He's clearly an idiot because these girls were actually pretty cute, especially for a movie like this! It's kind of a weird trend, all the girls bar one (who we'll get to later) are cute. Well I can't tell if the strippers are cute because you only really see their asses, but the asses were decent I guess. I mean, it ain't no high-class club is what I'm sayin'.
Okay, now we switch to storyline #2. Yes, these filmmakers were quite ambitious with their project, adding a whole other storyline, which means we're back with Taboris the serial killer from the beginning. They actually do a pretty decent job of switching between storylines considering. So we're back with Taboris now, who in what can only be dubbed a Tarantino-esque move has the serial killer walk right past Johnny Knickerbocker and get a room at the same motel! He's playing drunk but isn't and is in the process of dragging a very inebriated, rather portly woman (I'm sorry if you're reading this, actress) with the most irritating accent I have ever heard into a motel room. She seems amenable but simply unable - that is, to stand on her own. By some sweet miracle we do not have to watch the first sex scene between these two. He wants a ride in her Cadillac - but whoops, when she said her Cadillac she meant her pussy. Um, yeah. It's not a Cadillac. I admit to knowing this with shame. If you somehow wanted to see these two vastly unattractive people have sex, great! Because that's what happens after the Cadillac convo. And it's doggy-style. Oh yes, this glorious actress and all her rolls hanging down kind of makes her look like a pregnant... you know I'm not gonna say that. In any case, you get a good view of them doin' the nasty with great enthusiasm. He then strangles her and mutilates her body in the bathtub, talking to no one, and then washes all the blood off in the sink and kind of seems to have some sort of orgasmic experience while toweling off. It was weird.
Our two storylines (those being the serial killer plot and the Johnny Knickerbocker plot) are about to merge. Again, being quite ambitious. But you know, the editing's not bad for a camcorder production. I've certainly seen much worse. Anyway, right, so our two malcontent stars finally meet as Johnny picks up Taboris hitchhiking. Now I KNOW your mother told you not to pick up hitchhikers Johnny. Bad boy. Taboris tells him he just needs a lift for a few miles up the road. But oh no! Johnny doesn't realize he's picked up a crafty killer with a fake southern accent masking what I presume is this actor's "I am playing a serial killer" voice; a little bit Lecter-esque but mostly just pretentious. He chokes out Johnny and here I was almost certain they were gonna try and pull a Hitchcock and kill off their star (or at least one of them) early. But no, he merely chokes Johnny into unconsciousness and then ties him up, yes, at that same goddamned motel where you'd think the employees would be suspicious of this guy carrying a giant teddy bear (way to keep your cover doofus) and looking like - and answering to the name of - Taboris DeWitt, the serial killer on all the TV stations that two lamebrain detectives are trying to catch in yet ANOTHER storyline. One guy's words are barely intelligible through a thick accent and hardly any teeth. He tends to kind of force lines out in chunks but he does... okay? I mean you obviously have to keep your expectations in check here. The other guy is chubby and apparently hiding the fact that he's having gay hookups, possibly on the job? This movie has a lot of gayness, but not the good kind. More like the kind that would've been in a splatter movie from Alabama in the early 90's. Again, expectations.
Now that he's cast off the chunky paramour and left her body for motel employees to find, Taboris is moving on to Johnny. He's got him tied to a chair, listens to his story about having his arm hacked off by a psycho clown and an old man on the move in a van (but of course) and then subjects him to what feels like a very, very long and obscene dance in his underwear... to the same fucking song from the double-bimbo room earlier. This movie was starting to give off Greasy Strangler vibes, no shit. Speaking of which, that's the next thing Taboris does... with sound effects. I'm making this movie sound like torture but by god I enjoyed myself. So let's go on. Taboris is now in the mood for action (send help) and we thankfully do not witness this nor does Taboris get to fulfill his desires because... reasons. What, you gonna come for me now because I don't remember the details of the movie I literally just finished? Well, you do you I guess.
Alright, next I remember Taboris meets up with his beloved daughter Dana, who is a stripper in that sleazy-ass club I told you about earlier, but before we see her we see some pole dancing by some, uh, lovely ladies... TO THAT SAME SONG. The one difference with Dana is we can see her face and I don't think she actually gets naked in the film. She is, again, a pretty cute girl (I presume I no longer need to amend these sentences with "...for a film like this.") No really, she is cute and she does pretty much fine in her role, better than a lot of the others, not perfect but fine for... oh, I almost did it again. For some reason, Dana decides the right course of action is to tell her dad to get the hell out, allow him to leave the premises as a wanted murderer (and she knows this) and not inform the police of this amazing new lead. Oh yeah, Dana also knows where Daddy Dearest is heading. Where is he heading you ask? Why, to a horse farm on a rural road where an old man and a strangely-acting clown live. Alarm bells ringing for you? They should be; Johnny mentioned two such characters in his story about losing his arm. For some unknown reason under the sun, Taboris claims he has come seeking revenge for Johnny Knickerbocker, you know, the guy he choked, tied up, molested and almost killed? Right. Taboris gets the clown to come out to look at his car, which is beyond me because the clown is supposed to be intellectually challenged but of course that's not the term they use (which shall remain unnamed for those who can't read the goddamned room). Taboris sneaks up behind him and beats the clown to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat yet doesn't manage to kill him. I think he wanted to um, have relations with the clown. Ugh, some of this is kind of weird recounting. But if you fuckers can sit through Kuso you can sit through this!
Taboris goes back to the house under the presumption of talking about horse-racing with the old man. Uh-oh, twist incoming though! The old man and clown are no strangers. Taboris had found out previously that his real father wasn't who he thought it was, oh no. His real father was some schmuck his mother fooled around with a few times and who was married and unaware of the child's existence. Don't feel bad for him though because as soon as Taboris leaves him unattended, old Pops is getting out of his restraints and grabbing for a kitchen knife. Who will win this most epic battle of wits? Just who will survive and what will be left of them? Will I in turn ever regain my sanity? The answer to the last one is probably no, but there's hope for you (not really, there's no hope for you) if you like the sound of any of this. Oh, you thought this was the end of this gargantuan dictionary of a review? Sorry, not done with you yet. One last important piece of the puzzle has not been placed. That piece of the puzzle is the story of Warren and Samantha, dogged by rumors of devil worship throughout the town after a packed opening turns into a disaster. There are some short bits of what purports to be a local TV program who interviewed Warren on the show and you can see the light slowly going out of his eyes as he's grilled by the somewhat horrified host who clearly doesn't understand horror films or filmmaking or art. It's actually a really good acting job and very subtle and kind of brutal to watch. One can't help but think though that if the entire town hadn't made these two kids out to be some cockamamie cult and demeaned their artistic expression (such as it is), there probably would never have been a tragedy at all. Ignorance kills, and we know it. I think that is part of the story the film is trying to tell.
There's no sugarcoating that "Pumpkin" isn't great, but the documentary portion is also very sympathetic to Warren and Samantha. If a couple of kids in the middle of nowhere with a camcorder, some friends and some Karo syrup can't make an amateur movie without their lives being ruined then what the hell does that say about us as a nation? And no, you're right, it's a fictional story, but it's still a message worth sending, even though it will likely only be preaching to the choir. This type of film was never for normals anyway. What does it matter what their opinions are? They're never gonna get it. Don't chase after these type of "audiences" because they will never get or enjoy anything you make. And if Warren and Samantha had the gift of years to understand that, they would still be alive in their fictional universe and maybe even still making movies. Who knows? All that potential went to waste. And honestly I felt pretty sad after the ending, which I never expected to feel.
submitted by ShesWrappedInPlastic to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:15 ghostrider8303 Geopolitical differences in the MCU from IRL world (compiled)

I am making a compilation here of certain geopolitical events that took place differently in the MCU based on certain earlier posts of mine and a few others that I have seen. Most of these differences I would attribute to the presence and influence of organisations like Hydra, the Hand and the Ten Rings influencing world events clandestinely.
1. The U.N. Security council:
IRL the council had 5 permanent members: The Big Four (U.S.A., U.K., U.S.S.R, China(R.O.C.)) which were joined by France who was considered neutral enough between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Later Russia replaced the U.S.S.R. and China (P.R.C.) replaced China (R.O.C.)
In the MCU, the World Security Council (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) consists of representation from the following countries: U.S.A. (and Hydra), U.K., China (P.R.C.) and India.
This leads to three possible changes in history: Firstly, instead of France, India was chosen as the fifth permanent member as a more neutral member between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.. This would be supported by the fact that India was among the candidates being considered for the fifth permanent member alongside France and Brazil.
Secondly, on the collapse of U.S.S.R., Russia was not recognised as the successor state of U.S.S.R. as it was not the last state to leave (last was Kazakhstan). Hence U.S.S.R.s seat on the Security Council was abolished, leaving it with 4 members.
Thirdly, as stated in the movie itself, operation paperclip led to infiltration of U.S.A. by the remnants of Hydra
2. The U.K.:
IRL the U.K. consists of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, the Principality of Wales and the province of Northern Ireland.
In the MCU however, Wales and Northern Ireland are shown to have separate seats in the U.N. as seen in Black Panther and Captain America: Civil War respectively.
This could mean one of two things: Firstly, both Wales and Northern Ireland managed to gain independence from the U.K., hence the separate representation. It also implies that Northern Ireland did not unite with the Republic of Ireland post it's independence
Secondly, it could imply that, similar to how the U.S.S.R. managed to get separate seats in the U.N. for the Ukrainian S.S.R. and Byelorussian S.S.R. despite them being part of the U.S.S.R, the U.K. would also have got seperate seats for Wales and Northern Ireland despite them being part of the U.K. hence the seperate signatures and flags seen in the MCU.
3. The E.U.:
IRL, the E.U. consists of 27 member states post Brexit.
In the MCU, it is seen that as of Secret Invasion, Pakistan is a member of the EU but the total number of members is still 27.
Aside from the strangeness of Pakistan, an Asian country, being in the EU, the total number of member states remaining the same would imply that during the pandemic, some of the smaller countries in the EU might have combined as they became unsustainable due to their low population post snap (e.g. the Benelux countries combining to reform the United Kingdom of the Netherlands or Malta joining Italy or leaving the E.U. entirely by joining the U.K. instead). Thus, Pakistan and some other countries might have joined the EU but the total number of countries in the EU would have remained the same. Further the bill and subsequent depopulation crisis could be the reason for Pakistan (a high population South Asian country) was admitted to the E.U
submitted by ghostrider8303 to MarvelTheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:11 Gullible_Ant_4150 FpM 4 F •low fantasy romance• (Outlander inspired)

“Someone is coming through for you but it’s not a relative, dear.”
Genevieve could see the woman across from her was skeptical in her practice, speaking to those who had passed. She’d explained that she’d only come in out of curiosity not because she wanted a reading. And Genevieve had almost immediately heard someone for her, a sort of desperate pleading that was rare and fueled by a deep love. The stranger regarded her with a frown of confusion, fidgeting with her own hands as she glanced around the room. Tapestries hung draped across the walls while a red neon sign depicting an open palm flickered in the corner of the dimly lit space.
“He… he says to dress warmly tomorrow. To wear your long, powder blue coat and the brown leather boots you wore yesterday.”
The stranger’s demeanor immediately shifted as she glanced up at Genevieve with wide eyes, all suspicion suddenly gone and replaced by what seemed to be a mixture of fear and shock. She’d seen the look a thousand times before so she offered a warm, understanding smile as she gave the woman time to process the message. Genevieve didn’t understand it herself though it wasn’t her job to. She was simply there to act as a translator
“If he’s not a relative then how do I know him? How does he know me?”
The words were just above a whisper while she went back to glancing around the room as though she was expecting to see some sort of ghost. Again, it wasn’t anything that Genevieve hadn’t seen before. In an attempt to provide some sort of comfort to the woman as well as satisfy her own curiosity, Genevieve took her fidgeting hands and pulled them to rest on the table. Turning the woman’s delicate hands over, she exposed her palms so they faced the ceiling while her eyes traced over the lines she saw.
“He was your lover it seems. And is quite taken with you still it sounds like,” the medium explained with a fond smile. She could hear the man speaking to her, telling her about the woman across from her, about how he had waited so long for a chance to speak with her. His love for her was so obvious that it came with a sort of pain that Genevieve felt herself. It was evident from his tone alone that being unable to speak with the woman who had wandered into her shop had been agony for him.
“He likes your hair like that, up. He likes being able to see your face,” she murmured softly, her thumb brushing over one of the longer lines that ran across the woman’s palm before picking her hand up to view it more closely.
“And he says that he’d like for you to know that he’s with you often. I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt him from time too. Tends to happen when a bond between souls is that strong.” Her voice came in a thoughtful tone, her fingers smoothing over the woman’s hand to try and provide some sort of comfort but as she took in the stranger’s face all she saw was worry.
“I don’t have any lovers who have passed away.”
The confession was followed by the stranger attempting to pull her hands away through Genevieve’s grip tightened while her head turned to the left, her eyes flickering over the corner of the room where she could feel the presence radiating from. Spirits didn’t show up for the incorrect people. They never had in all of her years of practice. And then she heard it. Heard him explain where he was from.
“Where are you going tomorrow?”
As Genevieve asked the question, the knot in her stomach told her that she already knew the answer, knew why the woman had a lover who was deceased that she’d seemingly never met. She’d be meeting him soon.
“The tree maze,” she answered a bit breathlessly while searching Genevieve’s face as the medium continued to stare at the corner of the room. At the same time she answered, so did her lover, his voice breathless all the same as he spoke. ‘To meet me’.
After a break from writing and roleplaying brought on a rather miserable period of writer’s block, I’m searching for a partner to write with in hopes of undoing the unpleasant spell I seem to be stuck in:) Above is a blurb I wrote that came from the idea I’m hoping to build off of.
I’m a twenty four year old woman living in EST who has been writing on and off for eleven years give or take. I enjoy reading in my free time as well as gardening and obsessing over my cats.
A multitude of genres interest me from more modern, crime driven plots to high fantasy adventures. But romance is a common theme I enjoy including in all of my stories as I find relationship dynamics to be some of the most interesting things to explore especially when playing out in different worlds.
Today I’m looking to write something that shows two people who are from different times, making it appear as if they are from different worlds entirely. And through a woman accidentally traveling back in time, a love is born that changes history itself. If intrigued by the simple outline, I’d love to share ideas and build a full plot out together that way everyone’s interests can be included! I’m also a firm believer that constructing a plot with someone else is half the fun of a writing together.:)
If interested please be
Here’s some things I’m hoping to include in our story: -lots of angst. All the angst. -flash backs and tying the future to the past -political intrigue -an unstable land that brings our characters together through navigating difficulties -light supernatural or fantasy elements that are mainly a mystery to our characters -a history involving mythology and lore that we can create ourselves and tie into our world -a male character who is not so secretly obsessed with the fiery, strong willed female lead
If this story is one you’d like to help create, message me a bit about you and your interests as far as writing goes and please have a sample ready as well! I have my own that I’ll be happy to send:)
submitted by Gullible_Ant_4150 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:11 ghostrider8303 Geopolitical differences in the MCU from IRL world (compiled)

I am making a compilation here of certain geopolitical events that took place differently in the MCU based on certain earlier posts of mine and a few others that I have seen. Most of these differences I would attribute to the presence and influence of organisations like Hydra, the Hand and the Ten Rings influencing world events clandestinely.
1. The U.N. Security council:
IRL the council had 5 permanent members: The Big Four (U.S.A., U.K., U.S.S.R, China(R.O.C.)) which were joined by France who was considered neutral enough between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Later Russia replaced the U.S.S.R. and China (P.R.C.) replaced China (R.O.C.)
In the MCU, the World Security Council (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) consists of representation from the following countries: U.S.A. (and Hydra), U.K., China (P.R.C.) and India.
This leads to three possible changes in history: Firstly, instead of France, India was chosen as the fifth permanent member as a more neutral member between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.. This would be supported by the fact that India was among the candidates being considered for the fifth permanent member alongside France and Brazil.
Secondly, on the collapse of U.S.S.R., Russia was not recognised as the successor state of U.S.S.R. as it was not the last state to leave (last was Kazakhstan). Hence U.S.S.R.s seat on the Security Council was abolished, leaving it with 4 members.
Thirdly, as stated in the movie itself, operation paperclip led to infiltration of U.S.A. by the remnants of Hydra
2. The U.K.:
IRL the U.K. consists of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, the Principality of Wales and the province of Northern Ireland.
In the MCU however, Wales and Northern Ireland are shown to have separate seats in the U.N. as seen in Black Panther and Captain America: Civil War respectively.
This could mean one of two things: Firstly, both Wales and Northern Ireland managed to gain independence from the U.K., hence the separate representation. It also implies that Northern Ireland did not unite with the Republic of Ireland post it's independence
Secondly, it could imply that, similar to how the U.S.S.R. managed to get separate seats in the U.N. for the Ukrainian S.S.R. and Byelorussian S.S.R. despite them being part of the U.S.S.R, the U.K. would also have got seperate seats for Wales and Northern Ireland despite them being part of the U.K. hence the seperate signatures and flags seen in the MCU.
3. The E.U.:
IRL, the E.U. consists of 27 member states post Brexit.
In the MCU, it is seen that as of Secret Invasion, Pakistan is a member of the EU but the total number of members is still 27.
Aside from the strangeness of Pakistan, an Asian country, being in the EU, the total number of member states remaining the same would imply that during the pandemic, some of the smaller countries in the EU might have combined as they became unsustainable due to their low population post snap (e.g. the Benelux countries combining to reform the United Kingdom of the Netherlands or Malta joining Italy or leaving the E.U. entirely by joining the U.K. instead). Thus, Pakistan and some other countries might have joined the EU but the total number of countries in the EU would have remained the same. Further the bill and subsequent depopulation crisis could be the reason for Pakistan (a high population South Asian country) was admitted to the E.U
submitted by ghostrider8303 to MCUTheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:09 Odd_Law_563 I fell in love with my gay bestfriend.

Goodness gracious where to begin, I could talk about the loml for hours on end.
Hi there, let me try to cut the story short. Me a female, had been going at the same school with this guy all throughout high school. At some point we became friends, we went together on school organizations and things and at that time he really liked this girl. Out of nowhere, my heart suddenly skipped a beat when I'm around him. I'm fully aware that he has someone in his heart yet at the same time I knew that the feeling I got was just infatuation making me to try brushing it off as nothing, something that'll just "fade away".
Oh boy was I wrong, as time passed we became really good friends we're talking years here. He's really open to me about the people he likes and how those people made him really happy. As a friend, I really tried to get rid of this curse feeling but I can't. Everytime I get to think I feel so foolish. thinking that all the "I love you" messages he told me was something more than that. OF COURSE we're friends, he's going to say that platonically.
I know him so well to the point where I know how he'll answer and react on different scenarios. I learned a lot of games he played for him so we can compete together.
Maybe I couldn't get rid of him in my heart because at some point I knew he liked me too. I always told myself I never wanted any romantic relationship with him whatsoever but my dream was to be with him 'till the end of time. No one has loved and cared for me the way he did. I understand that when we like someone, we are romanticizing everything they do for us even if on their end it's all platonic and stuff. But I just know deep within that this is not that case.
Even when mid-time in our friendship that he came out as Bi, I still loved him for who he is. Nothing changed. He was still the person that has a special place in my heart. Everything did change when the love I got for him was a bit too much. I started detaching myself away from him, I tried cutting him off (well not that bad, but more on give space between us) I tried everything. I just wished I could see him the way he sees me.
It's been years and nothing much changed between us, he'd still tell me about people he's interested in and I just pretend that I'm fine but it dawned on me that I'm not. It scares me that he might not know how much I love and care for him. Even if I do tell him that I love him, my actions were totally different as I mentioned above. In my defense when I did that in my head I was thinking I'm not just doing this for me but for him too.
I really want to tell him and confess but right now he's going through with something on a girl he likes but the girl dumped her. He still loves her. I don't know what to do. It's not the time right now and mind you this friendship was once on jeopardy and THAT resulted in me being depressed for months on end. I can't live like this anymore, it's getting tiring and exhausting.
He maybe different the way he was when I first liked him but I could care less about that. I'd go through all the pain, but I guess I'm just human too. I would forever love him whatever happens in our lives, and yet I love myself too.
I know there's no "perfect time", how can I move forward? Thanks for the advice, would appreciate it.
submitted by Odd_Law_563 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:07 Gingerlox_ Middlesborough

I’ve lived in Middlesborough for years. I can’t remember how many.
Middlesborough is, in every sense of the word, average. Every house is identical, painted a pebble shade of grey. Not white, not black, but somewhere in between. Size wise, our homes are not too big but not too small. Nothing here is breathtaking, nor is it boring. The people are much the same. Everything is just… in the middle.
I don’t remember moving here and I don’t remember where I lived before. As far as I know, I’ve always been here, and I’ve always been exactly how I am now. We don’t have names in Middlesborough, we just have numbers. The same number as our house. I’m 47. I don’t know my age. It’s not high, but it’s not low.
Every day here is the same. I wake up, have breakfast, then a shower. I read the newspaper in my living room for a couple of hours – the same newspaper I read the day before, and the day before that – then I mow the lawn. I don’t know why, because the grass never grows, but I do it anyway. Then, when the sun sets, I retreat into my house. I listen to the radio, but it’s only static. I get dressed for bed and I fall asleep.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamt the same dream every single night. In it, I am sitting on a deckchair outside my house, waving to 48. He waves back. The rest of the dream is a still picture, the two of us stuck in mid wave. But, the other night, I dreamt something different.
I was in a field with a woman. She had long auburn hair that reflected the sunlight and a warm smile that made me feel safe. She laughed as she ran through the tall grass, beckoning me to follow her. Then, without warning, a deep red liquid oozed from her eyes. Shattered glass rained from the sky, little droplets piercing her skin as they brushed against her. She let out a deafening scream that turned into a screech. It was a sound I’d heard before; but I can’t remember where. Certainly not from Middlesborough.
I woke in a cold sweat, my heart pounding against my ribcage. I rested a hand on my chest to steady my breathing, and then I did something I’d never done before. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
I stared at my reflection for the very first time. The mirror had always been there; I know it had. I saw it every day when I washed my hands or brushed my teeth. But I'd never actually looked in it. I’d never looked at myself.
I stared, utterly transfixed by the person staring back at me. I had a small cut on my cheek. I was sure it meant something. There was something I needed to remember; I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
I was vaguely aware of the days passing by, yet I couldn’t look away. The cut on my cheek grew bigger and bigger until it covered one half of my face. I must have been staring for weeks, but not once in that time did I feel hungry or tired. But then, I never did, did I? I only ever ate breakfast because I knew I was supposed to, the same applied for sleep. And mowing the lawn. In fact, the same applied for everything. None of these were things I needed to do; they were things I was supposed to do.
The sound of the doorbell startled me. I tore my eyes away from the mirror and silently made my way downstairs. I didn’t know I had a doorbell. Nobody had ever rung it before.
Standing outside was a person, only smaller. Like a female, but shorter. I know there’s a name for something like her.
“Hello.” she said.
She was a child. That was it. A little girl. No children lived in Middlesborough, yet somehow, I knew what one was. How was that possible?
“Have we met before?” I asked her.
She nodded slowly, then pointed at me.
“You’re remembering.”
“What am I remembering?”
“The before.” she said. Her hair swayed softly in the breeze. We didn't have wind in Middlesborough.
The little girl looked up at the sky. I followed her gaze, craning my neck upwards.
A pang in my neck made me wince, and I rubbed the sore spot with the palm of my hand. I’d forgotten what pain had felt like. It had been so long, hadn’t it?
“What’s your name?” asked the girl.
“47.” I replied.
“No. Your name.
“Charlie.” I responded. “Charlie Hopkins.”
Dizziness overpowered me and I fell to the floor, clutching my throbbing head. I heard the same scream from my dream, only it wasn’t a scream at all. It was a screech. The sound of uneasy tires dragging across asphalt.
I was leaving a party. Ava’s party. It was her 30th Birthday.
“Charlie, why don’t we just get a taxi? You shouldn’t be driving.” Ava's auburn hair blew in the cool midnight breeze.
“I’m fine.” I slurred, dizzy from the booze. “I’ve only had a couple.”
Ava protested but I wouldn’t listen.
“You coming, or not?”
We got in the car.
“Charlie, your seatbelt.” Ava said, pointing.
“It’s fine.”
Why was I driving? I shouldn’t be driving.
Loud music vibrated throughout the car, the smoke from my cigarette danced in the air. Ava laughed as we sped through the night.
We drove past our old Secondary School – the place we first met. Then we drove past the field where we shared our first kiss. I rounded the corner, my eyelids growing heavy. I missed the stop sign. How could I have missed the stop sign?
There was a loud screech as the tires of the oncoming car tried desperately to brake. I was thrown headfirst through the windshield, my skull cracking as it collided with the cold, hard ground. My face skidded against the asphalt, shredding the skin from one half of my face. With a broken arm, I reached up to my head and felt the warmth of my brain as it spilled onto the road. I craned my broken neck to the clouds above, thick grey smoke filling my lungs. Shards of glass fell from the sky, raining down on me.
“Charlie.” said the little girl. I was back in Middlesborough, looking down at the child.
“You were in the other car.” I whispered. She nodded.
I looked up at the sky. It was starting to rain.
“Are you-”
“No.” she said. “I survived. Everyone did. Everyone but you.”
“Where am I?” I asked, though I already knew.
“In the Middle.”
“Will I be here long?”
The little girl shrugged and walked away. I wanted to call after her, to tell her I’m sorry, to tell her I was an idiot, and I shouldn’t have been driving. I had so many questions, but the more that came to mind the foggier they seemed. Why was I standing by my front door? Was someone just here? Who had I been talking to?
I went inside and sat down on the sofa. I was meant to be doing something, wasn’t I? What was it?
Ah yes, I was reading the paper. The same paper I read yesterday, and the same one I’ll read tomorrow. Because nothing changes here in Middlesborough. The grass doesn’t grow, and things are always the same. Not bad, not good... but somewhere in the middle.
submitted by Gingerlox_ to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:06 DDP_Trinas [M4A] - Outside of Varmutke (gothic-fantasy)

[extends to partners of all genders/orientations!)
In the heart of a snow-laden forest, outside of Castle Varmutke, where whispers of ancient enchantments danced amidst the falling flakes, fate wove an unlikely encounter between two souls bound by secrets. As a fierce blizzard rages outside, a weary highwayman seeks refuge in a secluded cabin.
The Highwayman emerged from the foggy mist on horseback, his silhouette cloaked in shadows and mystery. Where he was tall, he was also incredibly lean, with the winter leaving little way in healthy rations. He was on one meal a day at this point.
His attire is a patchwork of leather and worn cloth, the remnants of a short life spent on the road. A battered tricorn sits atop his head, its brim pulled low to conceal his features from prying eyes. A tattered cloak billowed behind him, its dark folds blending seamlessly with the night. A cloth bandana covered his face from his nose to chin.
The highwayman's steed was a once magnificent creature, a brown stallion who once rode proud. The winter had been hard, and like his rider, the horse rode wearily, nearly starved. His eyes were still as keen as flint and a mane that dances in the wind like a wisp of smoke, it exudes an air of wild nobility that speaks to its imdomintable spirit.
The horse reared its head once he realized they were to stop here at the Cabin, trying convince the Highwayman otherwise. He got off his horse and tied him to the porch post. “What’s the matter, Paul? We’ll get out at the break of dawn, don’t you worry.” The highwayman patted down Paul’s nose.
The cabin stood as a sentinel amidst the swirling snow, its weathered timber bearing the scars of countless winters past. Smoke curled lazily from the chimney, mingled with the frosty air in a dance as old as Castle Varmutke itself.
Outside, the landscape was blanketed in white, the only sound the soft crunch of snow beneath his boots and the distant howl of the wind. Yet, within the cabin's cozy confines, a warm glow emanated from the windows, offering a beacon of light and warmth amidst the winter's chill.
The Highwayman entered in quietly, his pistol which was made of wood and bolted scraps pointed. Inside, the cabin exuded a rustic charm, its walls adorned with faded tapestries and shelves lined with books whose spines bore the knowledge of centuries past. The air was thick with the scent of woodsmoke and pine, a comforting embrace that wraps around its occupants like a well-worn cloak.
A crackling fire roared in the hearth, its flame casted dancing shadows upon the walls and bathed the room in a warm, golden light. A simple wooden table stands at its center, littered with maps and trinkets, relics of journeys taken and secrets kept.
There was no one in sight. He had come for shelter, but the crackling fire led him to believe there was someone to rob. All there was to do was wait.
Unbeknownst to him, the cabin's sole inhabitant is returning, and fate would have different plans for the Highwayman.

Hello! Thanks for reading this up to this point, keep on reading, almost done!
This is a story concerning the Highwayman and the cabin’s inhabitant, whose sole connection is the solitude in which they conduct their lives. They’ll have a pretty high-stakes meeting, with the Highwayman trying to rob your character from the outset, but unbeknownst to him, your character has a trick or two up their sleeve. I am hoping for a long term story to sprout out of this, as with the budding romance of the two characters.
The world beyond them is a cold one, inspired by the gothic-fantasy of Castlevania and Dracula with all the vampiric elements that come along with that. Another inspiration is the eldritch and steampunk elements of Darkest Dungeon. I hope this story is written by the two of us! I’m looking for a detailed writer, who wants to worldbuild along with me!
So who are you? A reclusive sorcerer? A noble in exile? Maybe a vampire similarly in exile, shunted from a castle like Varmutke? Or maybe a wanderer, who just happened to get to this abandoned Cabin days before the Highwayman? Are you here to escape tragedy in your past? Or is this actually your lifelong cabin? Do you want to get out and explore? Or will you need to be convinced? Please think of these questions as you think of your character!
Please include a character description, your ideas (if any) for the story, any questions (if any) I will not reply if you don’t have these!
There lies a NSFW version of this prompt on my profile, but if you reply to this with “found this on roleplaying” I will happily assume you don’t want the NSFW elements. Thank you! Hope we can play soon!
submitted by DDP_Trinas to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:01 theragingoptimist Housing Opportunity information from "City of Yes" proposal

City of Yes


Every day, New Yorkers struggle with our city’s housing shortage. High housing costs, long commutes, cramped apartments, and instability are all the result of a lack of options.
Outdated, restrictive, and complicated zoning laws limit opportunities to create new homes and make those that do get built more expensive.
City of Yes for Housing Opportunity is a zoning reform proposal that would address the housing crisis by making it possible to build a little more housing in every neighborhood.
The proposal will enter public review in spring of 2024, receiving input from community boards and borough presidents before going to the City Planning Commission for a vote. If passed, it is anticipated to come for a vote before the City Council by the end of the calendar year.
What would City of Yes for Housing Opportunity do?

Universal Affordability Preference (UAP)

In recent decades, high-demand neighborhoods have lost affordable housing and become increasingly out of reach to working families.
The Universal Affordability Preference is a new tool that would allow buildings to add at least 20% more housing, if the additional homes are affordable to households earning 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). As a result, it will deliver new affordable housing in high-cost neighborhoods across New York City to working families.

Residential Conversions

Today, outdated rules prevent underused offices and other non-residential space from converting to housing. For example, many buildings constructed after 1961, or outside the city's largest office centers, cannot be converted to housing.
City of Yes will make it easier for vacant offices and other non-residential buildings to become homes, a win-win policy to create housing, boost property values, and create more active, vibrant neighborhoods in areas that have been hard-hit by the effects of the pandemic.

Town Center Zoning

New York is a city of neighborhoods, and each neighborhood is anchored by commercial corridors with shops and vibrant street life – a little town center for every community.
Modest apartment buildings with stores on the street and apartments above exist in low-density areas across the five boroughs – most of them from the 1920s to 1950s. Today, zoning prohibits that classic form even in areas where it’s very common.
By relegalizing housing above businesses on commercial streets in low-density areas, City of Yes will create new housing, help neighbors reach small businesses, and build vibrant mixed-use neighborhoods.

Removing Parking Mandates

New York City currently mandates off-street parking along with new housing even where it's not needed, driving down housing production and driving up rents.
City of Yes would end parking mandates for new housing, as many cities across the country have successfully done. The proposal will preserve the option to add parking, but no one will be forced to build unnecessary parking.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Across the city, homeowners face challenges with rising costs, aging in place and accommodating their families. Regulations limit what New Yorkers can do with their property, which means families have to move farther away from their grandparents or grandchildren, or are forced into uncomfortably cramped houses. Meanwhile, spaces like garages go unused when improvements could make them comfortable homes.
For seniors fighting to stay in the neighborhood on a fixed income, or young people stretching to afford a first home, adding a small rental unit can be life changing. But under current rules, New York City homeowners can't choose to use their property in this way.
City of Yes would allow "accessory dwelling units," or ADUs — which include backyard cottages, garage conversions, and basement apartments. Cities across the country have already legalized accessory dwelling units because they support homeowners and provide more space for multi-generational families without significantly changing the look and feel of a neighborhood.
Accessory dwelling units also make it easier for younger generations or caregivers to live nearby. And they can deliver big benefits while fitting in with existing buildings.

Transit Oriented Development

Adding housing near public transit is a commonsense approach to support convenient lifestyles, limit the need for car ownership, lower congestion, and reduce carbon emissions. Many modest apartment buildings exist in lower-density areas , most of them built between the 1920s and 1950s.
However, current zoning bans apartment buildings like these, forcing New Yorkers into long commutes, increasing traffic congestion and worsening climate change.
City of Yes would relegalize modest, 3- to 5-story apartment buildings where they fit best: large lots on wide streets or corners within a half-mile of public transit.


Across the city, many residential, faith-based, or other campuses have underused space that they could turn into housing. That new construction can pay for repairs to existing buildings, breathe new life into community institutions, and help address our housing crisis.
Today, arbitrary rules get in the way. If existing buildings are too tall or too far back from the street, for instance, zoning prohibits new development on the property -- even if the new developments would comply with current regulations. By removing obstacles and streamlining outdated rules, City of Yes would make it easier for campuses to add new buildings if they wish to. The new buildings could bring money for repairs, new facilities, and housing.
City of Yes advances key recommendations from the Where We Live NYC Plan. Where We Live NYC is the outcome of an in-depth two-year process with over 150 community partners that identified strategies for fair housing and equity.

Small and Shared Housing

NYC banned shared housing in the 1950s and apartment buildings full of studio apartments in the 1960s. This has contributed to the homelessness crisis in the decades since, and forced people who would prefer to live alone into living with roommates.
City of Yes for Housing Opportunity would re-legalize housing with shared kitchens or other common facilities. It would also allow buildings with more studios and one-bedrooms for the many New Yorkers who want to live alone but don’t have that option today.
These apartments are important for so many people – recent college graduates, older households that are downsizing, and everyone who lives with roommates but would prefer to live alone. Allowing more small and shared apartments will also open up larger, family-sized apartments otherwise be occupied by roommates.
submitted by theragingoptimist to StatenIslandPulse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:59 Original_DaddByB Phoenix Friday 5/31/24

Sorry for the delay, but here are the notes for Phoenix Friday.
3:00 Introductions from Shaun and Joe. Shaun mentions how the project hit an all-time low last week and we have had a great recovery of over 21% since last Friday. He also mentioned that the team will be combining the two LPs on the BSC chart which will help pump the price. Discussed how the revenue wallet will make some buy and burn over the upcoming period. The USDT should be focused on since that is what will be used for the buy and burns. The revenue wallet is different than the marketing wallet.
3:02 Shaun went into detail about the NFTs and how the holders will earn revenue from Infinity Swap and NFT marketplace for holding them. Also mentioned the token builder is pretty much ready, they just need to complete the UI. Those who have done burn staking should see a higher rate of return once all of these features are implemented.
3:04 Joe discussed how NFT holders will also get access to the contracts listed on Infinity Swap. They will have access to a private chat room where contract addresses will be given prior to the public. This should allow holders to get in earlier than most people.
3:08 Discussed how the NFT group will have a set of loose rules. If a NFT holder proves to be a pump and dumper they will be removed from the NFT group. They want to ensure they have a strong group of people who can create strong floors for projects that launch on Infinity Swap.
3:10 There is a 5000 OPHX token giveaway taking place now. To qualify you need to:
-Subscribe to KryptonCalls Channel
-Join the OPHX Telegram Group
-Tweet about OPHX with a specific hashtag
3:12 Shaun discussed the difference between Infinity Swap (DEX) and Infinity Launch which is a place for tokens to utilize our call channels and YouTube connections to help their projects grow. In return, the OPHX community will receive 1% of sales for buy and burns. This project should launch roughly around August.
3:16 Discussed a new token that we will be helping launch which is 'Top Secret" at this point. Similar to the Code Moon launch for OPHX, we will be given the name and details of the token next week. We will yield a percentage of their revenue, which will help with growing the OPHX project.
3:23 Shaun expressed how the next 60 days we will have a variety of new utilities and projects launching within our community. We should see some massive community growth from all of the upcoming additions.
3:27 Shaun emphasized how the different revenue streams created will help the price increase as opposed to a meme token which you hope new buy orders come in to drive the price. There are so many variables in place that will help increase liquidity without relying on new OPHX investors.
3:28 Infinity Launch projects will require the projects to renounce their contracts to help keep the community safe.
Question 1: How involved is Mark?
Answer: Extremely involved, as he is helping create/manage a majority of the OPHX utilities. He is a partner who has helped lead the direction of the project. He is NOT a founder.
Question 2: Will revenue wallet used for CEX and Marketing?
Answer: NO, There is a separate marketing wallet for this.
3:38 Shaun mentioned the revenue coming from PVP. We have been yielding large amounts of buy and burns because we are the top community on the PVP platform. As long as we stay at the top, we can see frequent buy and burns in the future.
Question 3: Will the buyback and burn be done through PCS or Infinity Swap?
Answer: We will be doing all buy back and burns through PCS because Infinity Swap is not showing on popular places like CG. Once the Infinity Swap has been built up and liquidity can be moved, then we will look into doing it on the Infinity Swap side.
3:41 Joe expressed his excitement about the ecosystem that is being built. We are building a strong foundation of utilities that can bring in a variety of revenue. The team is committed to ensuring the vision is brought to fruition.
Question 4: Will the staking rewards decrease?
Answer: As of now the team is looking to decrease the percentage.
3:45 Shaun explained the importance of NOT buying OPHX on Infinity Swap as they are moving it to PancakeSwap. You will not get as many tokens through Infinity Swap as you will on PCS. The OPHX tokens on there were for testing purposes, so you will not get the value you are expecting.
3:48 Final remarks from Joe and Shaun for the community and thanking everyone for being part of the defi evolution taking place.
submitted by Original_DaddByB to The_Operation_Phoenix [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:59 Kuxir The Case Against Many Layers

2 layers are already 4 layers(Shift is a layer!), and 4 layers on almost any keyboard give you access to every common key.
abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy z 26 ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRST UVWXY Z 26 12345 67890 10 !@#$% ^&*() 10 []\;' ,./ 8 {}:" <>? 8 F1-F12 12 Arrows 4 Enter Shift Alt Ctrl super Space Backspace Delete Tab Esc Mod 10 
70 Unique (44 Shifted)
So 35 keys is really all that is needed to have access to everything above with just 1 layer. That's a ~30% board! An atreus for example has 42 keys, a sofle 48.
The main culprit for thinking you need many more layers is the splitting of numbers and their shift modified symbols, as well as the shift modified symbols for regular keys (,./[]\;').
It even seems like you gain so much by splitting them, but really all you're doing is moving them off of the shift layer into a different custom layer. And with that new custom layer you now have another new modifier to keep track of!
Some people may find that tradeoff worth it! But when making that tradeoff they should keep in mind what they're actually losing (having and extra key that needs to be mapped, duplicate ways to hit the same key, possibly a new layer).
A third layer could possibly be useful, for those that make use of print, home, end, pageup/down (space/shift+space is mapped to this functionality on most apps fyi), mouse movement keys, media keys, repeat, and foreign language etc, but even then unless you're using almost all of those keys, you could probably easily fit them in a 2 layer layout (Any key past 35 on your keyboard is 2 extra free keys! A sofle for example would have 26 extra keys available before needing a new layer).
One of the main benefits of keeping your layer count down is removing the need for more layer keys or toggling through layers.
On 3+ layer keyboards the options you have for managing the extra layers are: 1. Extra layer key, preferrably 2 per layer (taking up the most valuable real estate, the thumb cluster) Why 2 per layer? Because of modifier combos that are common in various apps, you often need to hit 2 mods + a layer key, so if you only have 1 layer key and the mod on the same side is 1 space apart you end up contorting your hand to hit the combo. 2. Toggle key (Requires pressing the same button multiple times, can end up with you on a separate layer, needs to be untoggled) 3. Hold modifier key (Can run into issues depending on what you're doing, will be a bit slower since you need to leave some time for it to actually activate, can be finicky depending on that timing and how fast you're typing) 4. Chorded switch (Needs to have a specific order, will have much more complicated chords in some situations, with possible 5 key combos for common shortcuts in apps)
With just 2 layers you can keep your thumb cluster down to 8 keys, mods (ctrl, alt, super, shift), space/backspace, and 2 layer keys (one for each hand to be able to hit layer key + mod combos).
After having using multiple rows with many ways to hit the same key on the same board I've found that having multiple ways to press the same key is not as useful as it seems at first, and in fact is seems actively detrimental when using the keyboard.
It's often a point of confusion and second guessing when I hit a key I know is available with a different chord, sometimes I pause after hitting the combo thinking I did it wrong (because I know there's an alternate path) and sometimes I second guess myself before hitting the key because I'm split between which key combo to hit it with.
With a single combo to hit each key there is no ambiguity, so you never second guess yourself and you end up learning the format easier as well as ingrain it into muscle memory faster.
Plus since it's the standard keybinding for shift it's already something most people are familiar with.
Most bigram optimizations you want to make are fine, () is on 89 which is going to work well even if you want a numpad layout or a 2x5 number layout, and brackets are on individual keys which can be adjusted to your liking as well.
You do lose the ability to put certain bigrams together on the same layer like -= >= since they are on different layers. That's a tradeoff you have to make. Is that worth having to deal with a 3rd layer?
Comboing might be the biggest draw for simplifying to a 2 layer format.
I don't say much about how your layout itself should look, since that's a personal preference, but I will say that there are 2 important things to try to do to keep comboing possible.
1. Keep the mods the same on all layers. It's ((possible)) to have mods only on first layer, hold those down, then go into a new layer, then press what you need. But from my experience, you either have to slow down to make sure it's consistent, or you end up comboing out of order then you end up forgetting which order is supposed to happen because it's muscle memory and it's all a mess. 2. Assuming you use thumb clusters for mods (Which I highly recommend), make sure you have a way to hit multiple mods + layers at the same time. If you have a setup like: alt ctrl space layer --- enter shift backspace windows (Don't use this it's an example of a problematic setup) alt+tab is problematic, you can't hit alt+layer with the same thumb, so you end up contorting your hand ctrl+alt+delete for example. It's fairly common to have delete on your 2nd layer. If you have ctrl+alt+layer all on your left thumb cluster then you can't really hit all 3 at the same time comfortably. You can try to move the layer over to the right thumb cluster, but then remember windows + arrow (windows + layer), so in that case when moving the layer key maybe make sure it's near the windows so you can double press? I decided to put a layer key on both thumb clusters, but there are also ways to do with by grouping certain keys for double presses (alt+ctrl is very common) and this will depend heavily on which shortcuts you like to use. 
Use 2 layers and be very deliberate with your thumb clusters. I recommend
Left: alt-ctrl-shift-mod
Right: mod-space-backspace-super (Mod is switch to layer 2 and super is OS key)
submitted by Kuxir to ErgoMechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:56 Ancient_Jackfruit508 AITA? How to handle fight about small things that turned hurtful

FFM. Mid to late 30's.
Been dating a couple for around five years. When we met they had poly experience but I had not and the relationship progressed slowly because of this. Initially we were friends and they were happy with this. They never pushed anything on me. I eventually became curious and initiated and things kicked off..
The relationship has not been without it's issues and it has been challenging to work through them mostly due to how me and him communicates.
We have been having arguments non stop for the last few months and recently it has left everyone feeling very drained as a result. The arguments have mostly been between me and him.her and I get along really well but I feel we have lost connection while she has been dealing with some loss and depression. She has low libido and there have been times where me and her haven't been together for over two months at a time. I try give her space and not push anything as I have a high libido and require intimacy for connection. She has also informed me that as I take too long in the bedroom to reach climax it has put her off of being with me.she didn't bother putting in any effort to even tell me this until recently. After having the recent talk she has put in effort but I'm still processing how I feel about being told that she has actively avoided sleeping with me because I take too long and she doesn't have the energy.( While still sleeping with him,not as regularly as before though)
They have both been having a rough time with work and life the last two years and I have also had my ups and downs with some unexpected family responsibilities and other life things.
After having had a pretty serious conversation about where we were all at, we concluded that there are some things that everyone needs to work on, even if things don't improve immediately as long as one can see everyone is trying..
Recently, my car went in for some major issues and have been spending a fortune on transport as a result.the three of us don't currently live together. We are at a stage in the relationship where one can expect that all partners can ask or receive some form of reasonable support and I asked one partner if lifting me was on the table,staying over at my plafe or me at theirs to make it easier. I wasn't asking them to actually do it but rather trying to ascertain if it's something that would be available if I did ask. His response was that he loves far and that the commute would eat into over two hours of his day. This tells me it's on the table but isn't feasable. I was happy with that response because it's reasonable.i might not have shown this properly on my messages to him though. As This caused a fight because he kept taking this as a criticism as to why he wasn't doing it as opposed to me wanting to gage what I can or can't ask for as the third in a relationship. They do a lot for me as is but it's still good to ask if unsure..so, this led to a fight and him saying I'm ungrateful for what he already does for me.
The first day I didn't have my car, was the day we had a serious conversation about where we all stood. Because we had been fighting, I hadn't mentioned my car had been booked in for repairs. I showed up in an Uber and they asked me why. I told them about my car's issues and they were adamant that I should have asked them to fetch me or have the conversation at my place. They also both said that it would be ridiculous for them not to offer. I spent the entire day there talking out things and I had intended to get an Uber home but they insisted on lifting me..I did say I didn't want to ask because I didn't want to put them out of their way and they insisted so I accepted. (I don't like inconveniencing people so I seldom ask for help) Since then, they have been collecting me from work once a week at weekends so that we can still have visits.we go to their house,then they drop me back home. I have said thank you for the lifting, I've also said I can catch Ubers to their place if it's an issue to collect me and I've said they should let me know if they want me to contribute any money for gas.they have not once requested gas money so I assumed they didn't want it.i also don't carry cash due to safety so I would need to do a transaction to them.
Then, recently we have had another major fight. Mostly my fault as I brought up some stuff that had been bugging me and it was taken badly and led to a fight where all parties threw around words that can never be taken back and hurt more than anything else. There was alcohol involved which did make things worse as it amplified existing emotions all round.its not an excuse but it did contribute to the escalation of the fight.
It was thrown in my face that I haven't given them gas money for their trips collecting me, (the second that was said in the fight, I immediately transferred a sum of money to their bank account) and I said I did offer and they never said they wanted any, and I was told that they didn't want the transfer and I could take that transfer and shove it. They also threw it in my face that he has never once collected her from work and when she collects him from work it's been to her convenience sometimes he gets an Uber. They also recently took myself and their family out for dinner. I normally offer to pay my part of the bill, but I had so much on my mind with my car stressing me out, I don't remember if I did that night or not. Their family didn't offer, I remember noticing that.bit they paid for myself and their family for dinner which is usually what they do when they invite everyone out anyway. But apparently it was an issue that I didn't offer. I responded that I don't always offer but I usually do. Sometimes I don't notice when the waiter bring the bill or sometimes they pay while I am distracted.and also, sometimes it's nice to feel like a partner is treating me to something nice. They then threw it in my face that they have predominantly paid when we go out and I said they could tell me what money they want for the last three years if it's an issue. I've asked him about this previously, if he has any ossues paying and he always says no when I offer and has said he has no issue doing so.
In addition to this, they gifted me something a few months ago - an expensive item that they paid a large sum for.it was broken and they offered me the refurbished item for half the amount they paid for. This was the amount agreed upon and that's what I paid them.it was an item I would otherwise not buy myself because the price for a new one is not something I would fork out. So they thought they'd give me the choice to buy it,which I did. Now that's been thrown in my face. I told them that ive always thought it's been sweet that they've made these offers but after having it thrown in my face,it makes me feel like my character is in question, and as though nothing has been given in kindness but rather begrudgingly.
They've recently asked if I wanted to move in with them which would involve some level of sharing finances to help out fairly with rent and other expenses that we would all use. Now I just wonder why they would do that if they had so many issues around me supposedly never paying for anything. Just to note, I don't keep track of spending when it comes to my friends or relationships. I don't ask for gas money when I've been the one predominantly driving to visit them at their home which is far from mine or on long road trips that I've taken them on. I wouldn't accept it if it was offered either because I'm doing it to show them a nice time.
If this fight gets resolved, I don't know how I feel about ever going for lunch with them again or eating food in their home or accepting anything that involves them paying for my portion of it.i am afraid thst it will all be thrown in my face.
Further to this, I said something that has hurt him. He has a temper, it's no secret. There are holes on doors at his family home that he punched and he breaks appliances such as a TV out of frustration. Maybe four times a year on average. He would never intentionally harm someone. His girlfriend and I discussed potentially having kids with him and her concern is the temper and that one day instead of punching the TV,it might be a toddler that runs in front of him at the wrong time.i share this sentiment. During our most recent fight, he told me I was a crazy b**** and should see a therapist. I agree that I should see one, I have some issues which affect how I view certain things. In response to this statement I told him I'll go if he also goes for his anger management issues.he was adamant that wasn't an issue and I decided to explain to him why I thought he does have issues that could affect the relationship. Even though she also said the same thing, she did not stand up for me and confirm she also felt that way. I old her that she lacked integrity by not being honest about that. She is very submissive and he is used to being placed on a pedestal by her. I don't think he likes when I tell him things like this because it undermines his opinion of himself. But when she doesn't stand up to him it makes me seem like I'm crazy.
He has told me to consider the fight and how it is that I think of him. The truth is, accidents happen and he does have a temper. I am willing to see a therapist and have suggested he do the same, then I'd be more inclined to do so myself. he doesn't believe that he has a ange problem and she won't stand up for me and confirm she feels the same way, which doesn't help the situation because it encourages him to beleive these things and never change. He expects me to take accountability in this situation for saying something that he disagrees with that has hurt him tremendously, but at the same time he won't admit where his shortcomings are eveb if he beelives I am wrong, he is still aware thst he loses his temper and breaks things. Now he doesn't want to move in together because of this argument and he literally told me to think about the things I've said and if I feel that way about him then there's no point to move forward.
How do I word my discussion to show diplomacy but also try get him to understand he needs to take some form of accountability, and her to acknowledge that she needs to have a bit more integrity because it's unfair to say something to me but when faced with it, she is unable to say to him what she said to me.
How would I express how I feel now about having had the lifts that were freely offered to me thrown in my face along with the other things they've paid for over the years.
submitted by Ancient_Jackfruit508 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 simba_csgo The key to finding consistency in your game

I see many threads started in this sub regarding consistency, or rather, the lack of it. We all want to perform well in our games as frequently as possible. For some of us, consistency might mean enabling us to have more fun, more often. Nobody likes to play bad. For others, it might take on a more competitive meaning. Climbing the ladder in Premier or FACEIT means winning more than you lose, and that requires some semblance of consistency.
Consistency is one of, if not the toughest thing to achieve in Counter-Strike, especially for those of us who queue with less than 5 players often. There’s a lot outside your control when you roll the dice with who your teammates will be, but there is something you can do to control the drift of your own performances from game to game.
I’m simba, i’ve got 7000 hours of playtime and 13+ seasons of ESEA league where I climbed from the doldrums of the Open division to the heights of Advanced, playing with some incredibly talented players along the way. I didn’t have the juice to make it any further, but I did recognize I had more to give, and that came in the form of teaching this beautiful game of ours. Those who can’t do, teach, right?
I created a free 6-day CS2 course that teaches the fundamentals of the game. The first lesson tackles this consistency issue quite well.
Here’s that lesson for all of you in this subreddit:
Consistency is the ideal we’re striving for, and to get there, we need to eliminate the inconsistent parts of your game. Looking at the big picture, a lot of players who complain about inconsistency often feel inconsistent. Their mouse doesn’t quite feel the same, their movement is out of sync with their shooting, the list can go on.
There’s a reason why professional athletes complete some kind of warmup before the game, and don’t just jump head first into the field of play.
Hockey and basketball players stretch and do a “shoot-around”, Golfers hit the driving range before they tee off, etc etc. We can learn a lot from the habits of professionals, even if they don’t practice the same discipline as us.
Warmup routines matter!
Don’t neglect this part of your game. There’s a lot of science behind it, but I’ll keep that in the full lesson.
Here’s a breakdown of how you should structure your warmup routine in CS2:

Beginning activity (5-10 minutes, low intensity)

Just to get your hands moving and activate the muscle groups in them. Focus on hitting every shot. If you’re missing, slow down a bit.
Workshop aim training maps, such as:
Prefire maps, such as

Intermediary activity (10-20 minutes, medium-high intensity)

Mix up your shooting techniques, practice swapping between spraying, bursting and tapping. Ramp up the speed here.

’Cool down’ activity (5 minutes-indefinitely, low intensity)

Great activities for if you’re waiting in FACEIT queue or for your party to hop online. Just chill, but make sure you don’t fully “disengage” either though.
These are the building blocks of a good warmup. Following this loosely will net you benefits in the long run, with consistency of routine. You might not feel any differently after day 1, but I guarantee you’ll be a different player by day 60.
I go further in depth on the psychological benefits of these pre-performance routines and why they matter so much in the first lesson of my Bootcamp course.
Developed in conjunction with TL;DR Media, (the same folks behind the spicy weekly CS2 newsletter covering the pro scene) we set out to create a course that would cover 6 different fundamentals of Counter-Strike, but in a way that everyone can benefit from, players old and new. It’s completely free, and always will be. Signing up also gets you access to some pretty sweet bonus content, like a free access code for Refrag, an upcoming AMA with former Virtus.Pro AWPer snatchie, and much more.
Sign up, and while you’re at it send it to that one friend who really needs it. You know who I’m talking about.
submitted by simba_csgo to LearnCSGO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 semixfenz The Art and Importance of Elegance of Groom Suit Dry Cleaning

The Art and Importance of Elegance of Groom Suit Dry Cleaning
Seeking expert dry-cleaning services may help you improve your wardrobe, and A&Z Dry Cleaners stands out as an experienced source of superior dry-cleaning solutions. Our Suit Dry Cleaning near me services is well-known for their considerable experience in providing high-quality dry cleaning services.

The Advantages of Dry Cleaning Groom Suits:

Stain Removal and Fabric Preservation: To successfully remove stains, Groom Suit Dry Cleaning Hitchin uses certain procedures. Professional dry cleaners employ suitable solutions that target specific stains without affecting the integrity of the fabric, whether they be from wine spills or food stains. This painstaking process guarantees that your suit will keep its original texture and quality while also looking flawless.
Odor Elimination: Your suit may absorb various scents after a day of festivities. Dry cleaning for groom suits uses methods to successfully get rid of any residual smells, leaving your outfit looking brand-new and prepared to create an impression.
Color Restoration: Exposure to different factors throughout the celebration may cause color fading. Dry-washing for grooming suits uses color restoration techniques to restore your suit's brightness and make sure it appears brand new.
Sustainability and Preservation: Your wedding attire is a treasured memento that will always evoke special moments. Dry-washing your groom's suit prolongs its life and keeps it preserved for the next generations or special occasions when you might want to relive the enchantment of your wedding day.

Why Choose Our Groom Suit Dry Cleaning Services?

Innovative Cleaning Methods: Groom Suit Dry Cleaning near me elevates the dry cleaning experience by using liquid solvents rather than traditional soap and water. This innovative approach ensures a thorough and effective cleaning process, preserving the integrity of your groom suit.
Online Convenience: Embrace the ease of accessing top-notch suit and groom suit dry cleaning services online. Our website, A&Z Dry Cleaner, serves as the ultimate platform for a seamless and convenient experience. Browse our services, schedule pick-ups, and stay informed about the status of your garments with just a few clicks.
Specialized for professionals and singles: Our major focus is on meeting the demands of professional women and single men. Recognizing the individual demands of your lifestyle, our services are tailored to increase convenience and give a hassle-free solution to your dry cleaning needs.
Family Business Heritage: Our services are individualized, thanks to our family company roots. Our dedication to providing outstanding service is strongly embedded in our beliefs, ensuring that each garment is handled with care and attention.
Commitment to exceptional service: Our primary goal is to provide best service in all areas of our business. From the moment you entrust us with your groom suit until the final delivery, our dedication to perfection guarantees that your experience surpasses expectations.

Summing Up!

In conclusion, the groom's suit plays a crucial role in this momentous occasion. The wedding day is a celebration of love and dedication. Professional Suite Dry Cleaning is an investment in keeping the spirit of your big day alive, not just in upkeep.
submitted by semixfenz to u/semixfenz [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 alluringnubian Dating in my late 30s

TL;DR: Thinking about dating again, and I think it should be a ND woman.
Undiagnosed 35-M Aspie ADHD-PI INTP. I've only had one real relationship in my life, between ages 15 and 20. I broke up with her when I was going to another country for university. It was very clear to me then, that we were headed in very different directions in life, and we were moving at a very different pace. I broke things off because of the awareness that being together was going to be a source of friction and eventually resentment. This realization is the same reason why I've been single ever since. (She's married with 2 kids now, by the way.)
At the time, however, I knew nothing of neurodivergence, personality types or any disorders that directly influence a person's romantic relationships, I just made decisions intuitively and in response to how I felt, through experiences, or as a result of observation. It's only in the last couple of years I've been able to articulate what was happening back then and why I made the decisions I made, or to actually put a label to the behavior in retrospect.
I'm at an age where I can say I know myself pretty well, and I'm no longer driven by fear. While I still have some reason to avoid being in a relationship, I also feel lonely and empty because of the isolation I've imposed on myself for about 15 years, so I've been thinking a lot about dating again.
The thing I'm realizing now, as a result of all the thinking, is the kind of woman I think I would be interested in being with. The more and more I think about it, I'm leaning towards women that are ND too. I don't think we have to be identical, but I really think I need her to at least be from the same world. The biggest problem I've had with interacting with NT women, so far, is the need to educate them. Unfortunately I'm one of those people who are "high-functioning" enough to appear as just a quiet or lazy NT, and I mask pretty well too, so it tends to be a source of all kinds of friction when the person starts to argue with you about what you are and aren't, and what you should be doing more of or less of for the sake of love. There's more to this, of course, I could get into the struggles of trying to balance between sharing and over-sharing, etc.
I don't think I have the energy or interest to educate or change someone to make us a better fit for each other. I get that people put real effort into making things work, and no relationship is without its problems, but this feels to me like trying to turn a car into a boat, or a plane into a car. I'm sure you could do it, technically, and I see a lot of people who do and make it work. I just don't think that's me. I'm more of a planner in that sense, so I prefer to narrow things down before I start looking, than to work backwards from having a spark of attraction with someone and then trying to align our interests after the fact.
How I process things and navigate the world is too fundamental to me to not be more thoughtful and deliberate about who I choose to do it with. Same decision-making process for choosing a career, I think, which is something I've also struggled with quite a bit in the past.
I wonder what your views are on this, and if you have a different perspective or opinion, please share in the comments. If you're in a relationship with a NT partner, what's your experience, and would you change anything if you could do it all over? If you're in a relationship with a ND partner, do you agree with my view on this, or do you see it differently?
submitted by alluringnubian to aspergers [link] [comments]
