Need a sample of nursing admission essay

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2011.06.25 10:52 Identify This Font

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2009.11.30 07:50 Support and knowledge about breastfeeding

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2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2024.06.02 21:08 NeonLegend_2163 My Gal(21F) under marriage peer pressure

Me(20) and my Gal(21) been together since almost 3 years now. We are a very cute and interesting couple, like those who would have the loudest laughter in the room and be doing the 'harkate' that would make others thing we are weird. She is very proud of our relationship, and me too. And I'm pretty sure she loves me a lot and doesn't want to leave me at any cost. We are in a position where I talk to her about important stuffs, like Finances, Investments, Space Sciences, Business and we experience life together like going on Trekking, Holi Fests, Waterparks, Cinemas which she didn't go to with her family as much before.
Her family(kinda rich) is Kerelite living in Maharashtra, her dad into a Metals Business, and they are kinda Orthodox. I'm half Maharashtrian, half Madhya Pradesh(nope, parents didn't have a love marriage) and my parents are incredibly free and forward thinking (upto the point where my mom once asked why do teens in West always go for sex).
My Gal's got an elder sister(24) who was married to a guy(32) who is my girl's father's friend's son at the age of 20 or 21. And now my gf is being asked to marry too. There has been a lot of talks and arguments at her home about this issue since she was 19, because some weird Astrologer in her village said that she should marry someone before 23 or after that if she marrys her relationship won't work and soon divorce is possible; the 'dosh' will subside only after age of 29.
That point was very scary for us. And now my girl thinks the pressure is slowly rising and parents are coming to that point again. She's very nervous and scared because of this, plus there's a point where she can handle such pressure. She can't tell about us at home.
She just gave her 2nd year exams now, and wants to focus on Competitive exams. She had taken a drop for competitive exams in Bio after 12th, but due to uncertain reason and Covid it was difficult. Her dad took that failure too seriously, and taunts her about it, and now she wants to try for another competitive exam into research field for her Masters. She's worried this marriage issues will harm her mental health and our future together.
For now, I think the best choice for her is to focus on her career and be independent. I believe, once she's an independent woman with a position and honor to her name, I believe her familial marriage issues might come down. She would be able to fight for her happiness and wish so that we can marry.
Somewhere, it's a pressure on both of us. I need to lift myself up to such a position where I can stand proudly in front of her father to ask for her younger daughter as my life partner. And she has a pressure from her parents to marry early but she wants to focus on her career so that she can be independent too.
I wish to pursue a research field in Physics, whereas she in Biology Or Biotech. Therefore, I'm very nervous, especially my field being bleak. I recently passed a competitive exam with good rank to get admission to IITs(which my girl is planning to give in her 3rd year) and pursue a research(Masters) field in Physics, but somewhere the issue is money and financial Independency too so I wish to try another stream as well (a Business maybe), so that the money issue can be solved upto some extent.
Therefore, I seek for your advice on this topic. Doesn't need to be about me, but for her; how she must handle the pressure and what she can tell her parents so that she can focus on her career, how can she address this issue.
PS: I'm about to leave the city for education from this August, and we are about to enter long distance relationship which she's extremely nervous about. So that would increase difficulty even further.
I'm new to this page, and joined so that I could help out my girl. So if I might have said anything that hurt your ideologies or feelings, apologies in advance.
submitted by NeonLegend_2163 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:08 Lostland2024 Dubstep production

Dubstep production
Hi, so I’ve just started to produce dubstep after 10 years of listening to it. I’ve downloaded so far Ableton, Serum and Splice but I’ve only used ableton and splice so far. I figured that I would start learning ableton first. I’ve watched the whole ultimate ableton tutorial by SadowickProduction. He’s a really good teacher you guys should definitely go watch it if you haven’t.
So firstly, i wanted to make my first song only using samples to learn basic patterns and dubstep songs structure. And after 3 weeks of work I’ve finally made my first song. It’s total shit🤣 but I would really appreciate feed back on it so here’s the link:
Be has critical has you want. I would like you to be honest on what I should work on, plz don’t say it’s good cause i just won’t believe you😂 I know it’s only been 3 week since I started but I really want to know from experienced producer what I should do/work on.
Secondly, what should I be focusing on next? Should I focus on learning serum and sound designing or should I keep learning how to properly make a “professional” sounding song using samples? Any advice is gonna be really appreciated. I’ve played violon for 9 years so I’m pretty familiar with music theory, don’t need to really work on that.
Thirdly, any suggestions on groups, Discord chats, courses, tutorials, YouTube videos, etc is gonna be grandly welcomed. I just don’t know where to go to get knowledge and I really want to learn in a guided way not just playing around randomly.
Thx for reading and all the advices!
(Sorry for my English, I still learning that too lol)
submitted by Lostland2024 to dubstep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 limabeanquesadilla Questions about a reading…

Questions about a reading…
*I am not asking for a reading (yet). I had originally posted this in Mediums and it was not allowed there and recommended I post here. The photo is of my beautiful mom before her illness 💚
I appreciate any insight into this reading, thank you in advance!
I am on mobile so I apologize in advance for formatting issues.
I visited a medium this past Friday. She is considered one of the best in my state and has over 200 5 ⭐️ reviews online. A very good friend saw her after her step dad passed and got a lot of questions answered and received closure and felt her grief was lessened significantly. I, unfortunately, did not have that same experience with the medium, at all. I was hoping to reach out to my mother, who passed away after a very long illness earlier this year. I was somewhat prepared for her passing so I am not in the “wild and crazy unpredictable mood” stage of grief any longer. My mom had lost the ability to speak, besides a handful of words in 2004. The medium I saw knew immediately, correctly that it was my mom I was trying to reach, and said she came through strong. She said my mom’s death was the result of hypertension and this isn’t true. Her precipitating illness nor death were the result of high blood pressure, she never had or was diagnosed with this. She told me to keep an eye on my own blood pressure and I do tend to run high and yes probably need medication for that. My life and career are very stressful. The medium said that my mom is showing her Mickey Mouse, riding on a motorcycle and horses (all during separate times of the one hour reading.) Not one of these mentions, I felt, made any connection to my mother. She didn’t like horses, we never had one, never took lessons, didn’t live on a farm etc. Also were never Mickey Mouse fans aside from my little sisters having Disney VHS tapes. We never went to Disney, or even thought about it. There was nothing Mickey Mouse in her home or the nursing home so was later put in. The only relevant thing, the VHS tapes are now at my grandmother’s house and have been for years and years. The medium said my mom was on a motorcycle with a male relative that died when he was a child. This also didn’t happen in my family. I have a small family and the deceased males are my grandfathers and uncles only, my grandpa was the youngest to die at age 54. I should mention that my sisters and I have a significant age difference- they are 8 and 10 years younger than me. They are incredibly irresponsible and one struggles heavily with an active drug addiction. I haven’t talked to her in almost a year. My other sister wants a specific necklace that was my grandmothers, then my moms and my mom always wanted me to have it. My sister has been asking for this necklace since my mom died, it’s all she wants. I haven’t given it to her bc she loses everything, doesn’t have stable housing and before my mom’s illness she told me it would be mine. It’s a unique gold necklace (no diamonds or gems) so its value is very very sentimental to me, not so much worth $, except being gold. I told the medium my sister has asked for it several times and she cut me off and said “give it to her, what are you doing with it anyway?” Well I’m wearing it and was wearing it during the reading. I would be shocked if my mom actually wanted her to have it honestly. She literally yelled out “WEAR THE EARRINGS, YOUR MOM SAYS WEAR THE EARRINGS DON’T SAVE THEM FOR A SPECIAL OCCASSION!” The problem with this is there aren’t any earrings besides a pair of small hoops my mom got as a Christmas gift after she was sick, she never even wore them, and she was buried in her ruby earrings that she loved. If I had those I would be hesitant to wear them but not the hoops. I just haven’t even really thought of them, I don’t know why my mom would think I wasn’t wearing them because I was saving them for anything. The motorcycle isn’t anything I can correlate either, besides the fact her boyfriend after high school had one. She ended the reading by telling me not to have so much self doubt and asked to hug me saying she doesn’t usually hug her clients. She recommended that I attend her expensive school/classes for intuition and processing life essentially, and gave me a flyer for it. During my reading she mentioned I should read her book, that her second book is out soon, and her work with the FBI. I felt like she was trying to validate herself with me. Did I do something wrong for this reading to be so inconsequential to me? Is she a dud and has fooled others desperately hoping to connect with their loved ones? Any advice is appreciated.
Edited to add that I fully believe and my entire family believes in mediumship and special gifts and always has. My grandmother had what she called a “reader” that she used to visit yearly until that person’s death. I feel I even have heightened intuition.
submitted by limabeanquesadilla to MediumReadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 bubble_writes [QCrit] Adult Contemporary Romance, ACCELERATION DUE TO TRAGEDY (71k, first attempt)

Hi, all! Thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer on this query draft. I've been a lurker here for a while, and I've already learned so much from so many in this community. Much appreciated!
Dear [Agent],
I am seeking representation for my light academia adult contemporary romance, ACCELERATION DUE TO TRAGEDY. Featuring a bi4bi, rivals-to-lovers relationship, the 71,000-word manuscript merges the nerdiness of Jenny L. Howe's THE MAKE-UP TEST with the sweltering summer camp setting of Bridget Morrissey's THAT SUMMER FEELING.
Marlena Frank spent all four years of undergrad studying ancient Greek tragedies, but she never guessed her life would become one. With rejection emails from nine PhD programs stinking up her inbox, her only post-grad option is to work as a counselor for her favorite professor’s annual mythology camp for local middle schoolers—Camp Antiqui-Teens. Marlena’s not exactly a Kid Person, but even pool noodle Trojan War reenactments beat out the humiliation of slinking back to her parents wth zero career prospects.
Marlena plans to spend her evenings buried in books, bulking up her CV before the next application cycle. All she needs is a flashy independent research project. But it’s hard to stay focused on Euripides when her co-counselor is her former classmate Remy Olson, a hyperactive charmer who joked his way to a near-perfect GPA. Whose sunshine grin can’t make up for his recent acceptance to Marlena’s dream grad school.
Marlena knows Remy didn’t deserve that spot, and she’s obsessed with showing it. Even if he fooled the world of doctoral admissions, she can still kick his butt at Guess-That-God Charades. But soon, Remy’s honesty about his own scholarly insecurities begins to break down her resentment, and his passion for teaching antiquity forces her to question how much joy she really finds in academia. More lost than Odysseus, Marlena must reimagine the future she thought she wanted—or let her wounded pride push away the guy who just might be her Ithaca.
Thank you for your consideration!
submitted by bubble_writes to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:01 Calm_Willow_1111 Noble Charter Schools

I wanted to reach out and see if anyone would be willing to share their experiences being enrolled in any of the Noble schools (specifically high schools). I am asking because I had a horrible experience with them, and I have several friends who also had a bad experience. So I just want people to have a safe space and for others to be aware of what has happened and probably still happening.
I went to Chicago Bulls College Prep, and I was one of the highest achieving students. Not only did they have a strict demerit system, they also had strict policies such as preventing students from using the restroom, forcing students to pay for detentions, publicizing students’ academic information without consent, and racially profiling students. I knew several girls who got UTIs and many of us had to wear super absorbent pads and tampons because we were only allowed to use the restroom a certain amount of times per semester and if we went over that limit we either got demerits or not allowed to go. At one point, one of my classmates had to get a doctors note for the school to allow them to use the restroom when they needed… These are just a few examples, I could honestly go on and on. The only reason why I was able to exceed academically was because I kept my head down and did what they said… I did this because I was being abused at home and I was scared of getting in trouble at school and it would trickle back home. However, a lot of students, including myself, would get demerits for unnecessary things as if the teachers had to make a quota of demerits, if not they would get fired. Once I graduated I realized that the environment we were in felt like a prison and severely lacked necessary resources. For example, we did not have a school nurse so the office people would be in charge of attending to students who were sick and they did not have any medical training. Our lunches were horribly disgusting and inedible, but students were forced to eat it because thats where their main food source was. We were forced to exercise outside in freezing/hot weather in parking lots that had glass and were unsafe areas. Aside from that, I was made to believe that I would succeed in college and I was so unprepared for my classes. I ended up having to switch majors because I was failing my classes and had to find something more suitable because of the lack of education I received in high school. They do prep students for the ACT, but that’s all they care about. No one mentions that most of the students who graduate from these school and get accepted into college, usually drop out because they did not receive a proper education. Is this all still happening or did it get worse?
I wanted to share all of this and hopefully create a space for others to share. It is a shame that students have to suffer at these schools on so many levels, and the city allocates so much money and people offer donations to these schools that are failing thousands of students and families. I know the education system in general sucks, but it’s unfair that this company has taken over.
submitted by Calm_Willow_1111 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:01 bbyddymack definitely rage bait but i wanted yall to see it

definitely rage bait but i wanted yall to see it
as a new nursing student i know the male nurses do the absolute bare minimum and as someone who’s grown up in a medical family this is definitely true.
submitted by bbyddymack to NotHowGirlsWork [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:00 KateSmith34 Reliable Essay Writer

Ace Your Essays with Personalized Assistance from a Skilled Writer!
Hey there, fellow Redditors! Are you drowning in a sea of essays and need a lifeline? Look no further because I'm here to help! If you're seeking professional essay writing assistance, you've come to the right place. Let me introduce myself – I am an experienced writer offering personalized essay writing services.
Here's why you should consider working with me:
Tailored Approach: As an individual writer, I take pride in offering a personalized approach to every project. I understand that each essay is unique, and I will carefully analyze your requirements to craft a custom essay that perfectly aligns with your needs and expectations.
Top-Quality Writing: With my years of experience, I have honed my skills in various subjects and writing styles. Whether you need a persuasive argument, a research-based analysis, or a creative piece, I have the expertise to deliver high-quality writing that stands out.
Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: Originality is my utmost priority. I guarantee that all essays are crafted from scratch, ensuring that they are 100% unique and free from plagiarism. I adhere to strict ethical standards and will never compromise on the integrity of your work.
Timely Delivery: I understand the importance of meeting deadlines. You can count on me to deliver your essays on time, allowing you to submit your work with confidence and without any last-minute panic.
Confidentiality Assured: Your privacy matters to me. I handle all client information with the utmost care and guarantee complete confidentiality. Your personal details and the content of your essays will remain strictly confidential.
Flexible and Transparent Communication: Throughout the writing process, I will maintain open lines of communication, ensuring that we are on the same page. You can expect prompt responses to your queries, regular updates on the progress of your essay, and the opportunity to provide feedback at every stage.
Budget-Friendly Pricing: As an independent writer, I understand the financial constraints students and professionals face. That's why I offer competitive and affordable pricing options. You can get top-quality essays without breaking the bank.
Don't let essay writing be a burden. Let me be your partner in academic success!
To discuss your essay requirements or get a quote, feel free to reach out to me via WhatsApp - +1 (475) 666-3803 . I'm here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.
Remember, your academic success is my priority. Together, we can ace those essays and achieve the grades you deserve!
Looking forward to working with you, Kate Smit!!
submitted by KateSmith34 to EssayContent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 CreativeNameRight An Overview of Free Composition Software

So it seems like every other week, someone posts on this sub asking something along the lines of "I'm a beginning composer, and I want a free software, what can I use?" And there's quite a few of these posts, so I'd like to throw out an overview from my experience. For context, I am an intermediate-advanced flute player (been playing for 6 years) and I have tried out quite a few notation programs. So here you go, an explanation of free music software from a beginner's POV. Some of these softwares have paid versions; I am ONLY talking about the free version's capabilities.
What are the outputs of each software?
I decided to make a kind of "blind test" for anyone who wants to see the capabilities of each program. Have a look here.
This is one of my earlier compositions (VERY basic, but feel free to give me feedback!), and I plugged it into these three programs. Try to guess which score is from which! The audio numbers DO NOT CORRESPOND with the score numbers.
Some guidelines I decided to put in place:
Audio: S1 was Noteflight, S2 was Flat, S3 was Musescore (with free Muse Sounds)
Score PDFs: S1 was Flat, S2 was Musescore, S3 was Noteflight
You probably were able to guess some of them based off of what I mentioned earlier, but the point is, you can start with any of these softwares and get at the very least, a functional score!
Okay, what software should I use then?
Use Musescore if: You're okay with downloading software, you have moderately good hardware, and you want as many features as possible.
Use Noteflight if: You want an online platform with as much features as possible without overwhelming you, but don't want to download any programs.
Use if: You're okay sometimes having bad output, you need to get something done really quick and the quality doesn't matter, or if you're writing something with one or more partners.
Finally, a note about the free versions of industry standards (Dorico SE, Sibelius First, Finale Notepad): The features of these softwares are extremely limited, and to some extent are only trying to get you to buy their paid software. If you're only going to use free software and don't plan on buying any of the paid programs, I would stick with Musescore, Noteflight, or Flat. These three have more features than the "dumbed down" versions of the industry standards. Keep in mind you can always make professional-looking scores with almost any free software.
Please let me know if there are any important points I missed! I've been using these programs for 2 years, but I could have definitely missed something. I am NOT sponsored by any of these.
submitted by CreativeNameRight to composer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 Lipe_cvatu Why are some of you so bad at self advertisements?!

Like seriously. More than half of you I'd skip without a second thought unless I research you in depth over multiple media to see that you're actually good! I may not know much about making art hence why I commission, but I do know what I like and look for when ordering some. Few extra details can be a difference between comfortably reaching out and passing up because I'm unsure of them or their ability. Some things that often come to mind:
That's some of the stuff that comes to mind for now, but please, some of you really don't lack in the effort/talent but rather at self advertisements.
submitted by Lipe_cvatu to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 Eduardo_007 [ AVAILABLE ] Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice 4th Edition Fourth Edition by American Nurses Association Textbook Ebook PDF reddit. eText ISBN 9780999308882 ISBN-13: 978-0999308868 ISBN-10: 0999308866

TITLE : Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice Fourth Edition 4th Edition by American Nurses Association Digital Textbook Ebook PDF Download Reddit.
EDITION : 4th Edition - Fourth Edition
Feel free to message or Send me a chat request on Reddit / Discord / Email if you need the Textbook Pdf
Discord ID: textbookfinder#1311
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Original Textbook Cover Photo:
Thank you 🙂
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submitted by Eduardo_007 to TextbookRequest_Ebook [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 redditaccountno6 Run 70b gguf models at close to 2 t/s generation speed for less than $1000

My specs:
Hp z840 2x Xeon 2680 v3 96 gb RAM (~400 - $600 refurb) 2070 Super (~200 used) 
That's it. The only thing to stress it to get these numbers you will need to fill as many available RAM slots possible. For me I have 12 8 GB modules but if I had 4 more to fully populate all slots I'm sure the numbers would be above 2 t/s for a 70b Q4_K_S.
I've done a few other things such as disable hyperthreading to squeeze more performance and I am running bare bones ubuntu server with no GUI. My main advice is to prioritize having slots filled vs raw capacity. Single rank RAM is where the performance is the goal along with number of slots populated allows the underlying memory controller to perform at peak.
Below numbers are 3 layers offload of Miqu 70b Q4_K_S, 32768 context:
llama_print_timings: load time = 8371.18 ms llama_print_timings: sample time = 642.54 ms / 344 runs ( 1.87 ms per token, 535.38 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 24282.47 ms / 1162 tokens ( 20.90 ms per token, 47.85 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: eval time = 240065.49 ms / 343 runs ( 699.90 ms per token, 1.43 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: total time = 268209.84 ms / 1505 tokens Output generated in 269.16 seconds (1.27 tokens/s, 343 tokens, context 1165, seed 641425816) Llama.generate: prefix-match hit llama_print_timings: load time = 8371.18 ms llama_print_timings: sample time = 510.09 ms / 273 runs ( 1.87 ms per token, 535.20 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 7477.01 ms / 47 tokens ( 159.09 ms per token, 6.29 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: eval time = 193086.69 ms / 272 runs ( 709.88 ms per token, 1.41 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: total time = 203635.21 ms / 319 tokens Output generated in 204.59 seconds (1.33 tokens/s, 272 tokens, context 1470, seed 1617512394) Llama.generate: prefix-match hit llama_print_timings: load time = 8371.18 ms llama_print_timings: sample time = 641.19 ms / 345 runs ( 1.86 ms per token, 538.06 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 7585.99 ms / 55 tokens ( 137.93 ms per token, 7.25 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: eval time = 243416.83 ms / 344 runs ( 707.61 ms per token, 1.41 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: total time = 254954.62 ms / 399 tokens Output generated in 255.91 seconds (1.34 tokens/s, 344 tokens, context 1797, seed 1111902968) 
If anyone is interested in stats on any other size models I'll post them on request. *edit Note that to get 2t/s you would have to lower your quant to Q3_K_M which gets around 1.92 t/s vs the 1.4 of a Q4_K_S.
submitted by redditaccountno6 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 Embarrassed_Age8490 How to get through a breakup

For context i (f) broke up with my boyfriend first but i asked if we could just have a break. I was getting overwhelmed with school and work and balancing social life I asked for a break but he said he wouldn’t ever do a break so we broke up… for only about a week and half… so it ended up jsut being a break… like I had asked for. Anyways he broke up with me last night and I still care for him very much, but he said he lost feelings the first time I broke up with him. He said he’d been thinking about breaking up with me but didn’t know what to do. He told me all of this while I was on a camping trip with my family so I could receive all of his texts and could barely text anything back. I was really so devestated. And the first time we broke up I was still really hurt I just kind of needed something in my life to go on the back burner and school and work have to come first for me. Well last night he asked if we could just consider this a break and I was pissed. I said Jeremiah if we break up we’re done I don’t want to date you I’ll bring your stuff to you later. And it’s just like I have no idea what to do. Like if he asked for another chance I without a doubt in my mind would go back. And then he like texted me he was crying like you made this our reality. I feel awful for how I hurt him so much that he can’t love me like that anymore. I made a promise to myself I’m not going to cry over him, maybe jsut about the situation. I guess I’m not in a place where I’m allowed to feel upset bc I ruined it first but I had to sit there and pretend everything was fine on this family camping trip. Then I called him and he wasn’t crying, he wasn’t upset. He was just done. How did the switch flip that fast? I genuinely know I ruined it first but I just thought maybe we could talk through anything. Maybe we weren’t great at everything but we were always amazing at communicating.
I guess I just need help nursing this. How do I find the discipline and motivation to do things again without him there for support or encouragement. I’ve been “heart broke” before it was just a silly little relationship.
I don’t even know what I’m looking for. I’m not trying to make him fix something I broke I just wish we could’ve dumped water on the fire instead of gas.
submitted by Embarrassed_Age8490 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 FlashyZucchini FLs all over the place

Taken 4 FLs (1-4 in order, none of the free samples yet)
I went 499 -> 498 -> 507 -> 503
I don’t know what to make of this tbh. It’s an overall upward trend but the 507 -> 503 drop is pretty significant. I test 6/15. Does this seem normal? Does it seem like I’m in a position to score 510+ by 6/15? Chem/Phys is the bane of my existence, I haven’t broken 125 yet. Need help
submitted by FlashyZucchini to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:36 nevercallmebymyname Judge my Pre-Daycare Routine

I’m a FTM to an almost 13 week old and her first day of daycare is tomorrow. I have no clue what I’m doing, but below is my plan for the morning. Some key points before getting into the schedule: we live 10 minutes from daycare. They have requested that babies come fed and will not give bottles until an hour after arrival. My LO (usually) eats every 2.5 to 3 hours and her wake window is around 1hr 20 mins. She generally STTN from 9-10pm until 5:45-6am. I nurse her but am planning on giving her a bottle for her first feed at home to make sure she gets a full feeding.. it’s also usually quicker than nursing, even with a slow nipple. So here is what I’m thinking:
5:30- I wake up, pump while eating breakfast and having coffee. This is more about relieving engorgement, so I could also just use my boon trove cups. 6- wake up LO if not already awake, diaper change, feed 6:40- let her sit up in her bouncer to minimize spit up while I get ready. 7- change her clothes (I’d like to sneak in a “first day of school” pic also) 7:15/ 7:20- leave for daycare 7:30- arrive at daycare making her first feed there be at 8:30 at the earliest (2.5 hours after last feeding).
I plan to have everything except bottles packed and ready to go, will probably put what I can in my car the night before. I do feel bad that she may only get a 10 minute nap in the car especially since she probably won’t be able to nap at daycare until she gets used to the environment..
So tell me.. is this a good plan? I also feel like I need backup plans for if she wakes up earlier but my brain can’t seem to figure that out, so suggestions are welcome!
submitted by nevercallmebymyname to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:34 Lavender-Night Interacting with missionaries as an exmo

Didn’t quite know what to put in the flair, sorry! So I’m 25 and have been out of the church since I turned 18. My parents and younger siblings left the church about 3 years ago (hallelujah). Sorry for the following essay but I’d love some advice/camaraderie, haha.
THOSE DAMN MISSIONARIES. I live in my hometown and share a house with two of my adult sisters, so unfortunately we get our old local ward sending missionaries on almost a monthly basis, always asking for one of us by name.
I generally try to be nice, let them know that all of us are actively practicing new religions, and that we are not interested in speaking about Mormonism. It’s almost like the Ron Swanson in Home Depot meme: “I know more than you. Goodbye”. But they’re persistent as hell!
Now the part where I need advice… I feel so guilty being mean to them. But they won’t go away unless I’m mean :( I worry that by rudely shooing them away, I’m reinforcing that “it’s us against the evil world who hate us” mentality they drill into them.
How do you guys deal with them? Should I just say “fuck it” and be mean anyway? Should I print out the CES letter and start handing it out?😂
submitted by Lavender-Night to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:33 princess_pingguo can't find TWU houston on apply texas?

Hi! I'm trying to apply to the TWU houston nursing campus but I haven't gone through general admission yet. I'm on apply texas rn but I can't find the houston campus anywhere on the dropdown list when I'm choosing which institution i wanna apply to. Have any of you experienced smth like this? is there a deadline I didn't know about?
submitted by princess_pingguo to texaswomansuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:33 powerchip15 Stable training with the Transformer

I have spent the last few months creating my own implementation of the Transformer as described in the paper: Attention Is All You Need. As far as I can see, my version matches the described version with only minor differences: 1. No Adam optimizer is used 2. There is no implementation of Beam Search, and 3. the embeddings do not have dropout applied. When I use a super simple dataset with a single input and target, the model can train with exceptional results very quickly. However, with a slightly larger text-to-text dataset with only 7 input-target pairs, the model becomes extremely unstable and I can't get good results from it. This is the code I am using for my model, built in Swift:
class Transformer { let modelSize: Int let outputSize: Int let vocabularySize: Int // Embed and Position let embeddings: SharedEmbeddings let positions: PositionalEncoder // Encode var encodeNorm1: [LayerNormalization] = [] var encodeNorm2: [LayerNormalization] = [] var linearA: [Dense] = [] var linearB: [Dense] = [] var multiHead: [MultiHeadAttention] = [] var resA: [Group] = [] var resB: [Group] = [] //let encoder: Group // Decode var decodeNorm1: [LayerNormalization] = [] var decodeNorm2: [LayerNormalization] = [] var decodeNorm3: [LayerNormalization] = [] var linearC: [Dense] = [] var linearD: [Dense] = [] var multiHeadA: [MultiHeadAttention] = [] var multiHeadB: [MultiHeadAttention] = [] var resC: [Group] = [] var resD: [Group] = [] var midBlock: [MultiHeadResidual] = [] let relu: ReLULayer = ReLULayer() //let decoder: Group let outputLinear: Dense let outputSoftmax: SoftMaxLayer = SoftMaxLayer() let sport: Bool let start_token: String let end_token: String let startData: [Double] let sequenceLength: Int var training: Bool var layers: Int var temperature: Double let vocabulary: [String] var inputData: (encoder: [(ER1: [[Double]], ER2: [[Double]])], EFinal: [[Double]], decoder: [(DR1: [[Double]], DR2: (keys: [[Double]], queries: [[Double]], values: [[Double]]), DR2o: [[Double]], DR3: [[Double]])], outputMatrix: [[Double]]) = ([], [], [], []) var inputEmbeddingData: [[Double]] = [] var outputEmbeddingData: [[Double]] = [] init(sequenceLength: Int, modelSize: Int, outputSize: Int, vocabulary: [String], layers: Int, heads: Int, sport: Bool = false, start_token: String = "", end_token: String = "", training: Bool = true, temperature: Double = 1.0) { self.modelSize = modelSize = training self.outputSize = outputSize self.layers = layers let vocabularySize = vocabulary.count self.vocabularySize = vocabularySize self.sequenceLength = sequenceLength = sport self.start_token = start_token self.end_token = end_token self.temperature = temperature self.vocabulary = vocabulary // Embed and Position self.embeddings = SharedEmbeddings(dimensionSize: modelSize, vocabularySize: vocabularySize, initialization: .xavier_glorot, sport: sport) self.positions = PositionalEncoder() self.startData = oneHotEncode([start_token], vocabulary: vocabulary)[0] for i in 0.. (output: [[Double]], memory: (keys: [[Double]], queries: [[Double]], values: [[Double]])) { let data = (keys, queries, values) let multiHeadOutput = multiHead.forward(queries: queries, keys: keys, values: values) dropInput = multiHeadOutput let normmultiHeadOutput = matrixAdd(queries, drop.forward(multiHeadOutput))! inputDataRes = normmultiHeadOutput return (norm.forward(normmultiHeadOutput), data) } func backward(keys: [[Double]], queries: [[Double]], values: [[Double]], passthrough: [[Double]], learningRate: Double) -> (inner: [[Double]], external: [[Double]]) { var firstPassthrough = norm.backward(input: inputDataRes, passthrough: passthrough, learningRate: learningRate) firstPassthrough = drop.backward(input: dropInput, passthrough: firstPassthrough, learningRate: learningRate) let (_, keyPass, queryPass, valuePass) = multiHead.backward(queries: queries, keys: keys, values: values, passthrough: firstPassthrough, learningRate: learningRate) return (matrixAdd(firstPassthrough, queryPass)!, matrixAdd(keyPass, valuePass)!) } } func forward(_ input: [[Double]], target: [[Double]] = []) -> [[Double]] { var outputs: [[Double]] = [startData] let endIndex = vocabulary.firstIndex(of: end_token) if !training { while outputs.count < outputSize { outputs.append(Array(repeating: 0.0, count: vocabularySize)) } } else { outputs = target } var inputEmbeddings = embeddings.embedForward(input) inputEmbeddings = positions.forward(inputEmbeddings) var encoderOutput: [[Double]] = inputEmbeddings var encoderInputData: [(ER1: [[Double]], ER2: [[Double]])] = [] var encoderFinal: [[Double]] = [] for i in 0.. The dataset I am using is: 
inputs = [ "I am feeling good", "I feel bad", "I feel not good", "I am not feeling bad", "I am not feeling good", "I feel good", "I feel not bad" ] targets = [ "you feel good  ", "you feel bad  ", "you feel bad  ", "you feel good  ", "you feel bad  ", "you feel good  ", "you feel good  ", ] 
I use a learning rate of 0.1, model size of 12 with 2 layers, and each multi head attention mechanism has 2 heads. If anyone is able to help me figure out what is causing the issue, any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by powerchip15 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:30 101_Damnations Does blood tube matter order?

Hello lab friends! I am a former hospital nursing tech of 5 years, current acute care LPN for two years and concurrent RN student. I have a question about your opinion or the data/science on tube order by colotype of blood specimens. In orientation for both of my positions we were given the talk of what goes in which order. Outside of the white discard tube before clotting factors or blood gases, and not including blood cultures or lactic acid levels (for obvious reasons) does the remainder of the tube order really matter? Especially if I don’t invert them prior to getting the blood sample into them?
For example, if I needed to collect a Troponin level (Green/Black Tube), a BMP (Green/Yellow), a CBC (Purple), cortisol level (gold) and a heavy metal screen (dark blue). If I do it in the wrong order will it skew the results of other tests?
Thank you in advance lab homies. Apologies for the hemolyzed and insufficient quantity tubes we send down, we’re hoping for miracles.
submitted by 101_Damnations to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 Excellent_Flamingo71 I’m so alone

I’ve posted before but he found my account and saved all my posts and talked about them to his (domestic violence lol) therapist. Made fun of me. His therapist said he shouldn’t have done that. He took away my lifeline.
He’s started to use therapy speak against me. And he’s so … manipulative? I don’t know. He’s autistic and brilliant. But he needs rules and will make them very narrow or very broad and add things like, “If I do x she will kill herself.” I didn’t say that but okay… but now he’s telling his therapist that. His therapist said I’m emotionally blackmailing him… but I’m not! He is saying these things, not me!
I found out last week that his ex (who financially and emotionally abused him for a decade) had cervical cancer. They slept together once, 2 months later she got diagnosed with cancer. She blamed him. That’s not how cervical cancer works AT ALL. But she used it to abuse him for a decade, anyway.
When we met, his ex convinced him to lie to me about the cervical cancer (after they spent a decade having unprotected sex so he could contract it from her). And i mean she like… i saw the conversation. She was so cruel. Basically told him he will be alone forever if he tells the truth about who he is, the std, called him stupid, etc Then she said she’d “do him a favor” and to delete the convo and they’d have a fake one in its place so i would never find out. She’s a nurse. She knew what this was.
I can see why he did what she said but Jesus.
But he’s just… he will find this and I’ll have to start all over again. But I’m still waiting on my doctor appointment and still scared. And this abusive porn addict “comes clean” about tracking down pics of a woman on Reddit. And thinks he deserves a cookie instead of me basically being at the end of my rope.
I can’t say how awful i feel or it’ll be used against me. My own therapist left the practice and it’s so hard to find anybody who will treat me if I’m still with him. Except emergency workers.
I just want to go sit in a hot car and die but i can’t because i have a kid and i can’t do that to him. It’s not fair.
I’m so alone and I hurt so much and he expects me to tell him again again again again how to make it better.
Idk maybe don’t lie to your therapist and start there? Fucking gullible therapist. How is he working with abusers and handing them weapons to emotionally abuse their victims?
Anyway. Sorry for all this. I guess i just need to get it out.
submitted by Excellent_Flamingo71 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 Dry-Muffin-7974 Am I wrong if I don't want them around

I(16F) am soon going to join my college, During my admission process there were a lot of problems and were quite distressing for example cut off, eligibility etc. I was quite stressed thinking what if I don't score good and not get a good college, I am a huge overthinker with fucked up mental health, so i do need truth and practical answers but at the same time, I want the person to not make me feel burdened with there answers cause that would not help me in ANY way and would worsen my situation.
The close elder cousins (I don't have a sibling elder than me) I contacted to help me did burden me a lot and were supper supper pressurising and used words which made me really stressful. I was ruining my mental health even more because of their suggestion and was not sleeping well.
On a beautiful day i contacted one of my most distant elder cousin and she and her elder brother consoled me like their own younger sister and helped me in every way possible, really going beyond their limits.
I told my father about it and said that I feel more relax when i talk to my distant cousin than my close cousin and i want to maintain a vit distance from my close cousin cause they have not once but a lot of times ruined my situation (this incident was one of them). My father kept pressurising me that how wrong i am to selfishly think that my close cousins don't mean good to me.
I KNOW THEY MAY want GOOD for ME, but when am in trouble and want an elder brothe sister like figure. they are never there to support me. Am i being paranoid or my father isn't understanding my situation.
submitted by Dry-Muffin-7974 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:22 Odd-Atmosphere-254 Attorneys’ exam study advice

I passed the F24 attorneys’ exam on first try. I wanted to share how I studied just to show that there are many effective ways, and I don’t think I’ve seen anything on here yet that reflects what I did. Note - I took the UBE four years ago, and so I had already learned how to take a bar exam, which involved a lot of condensing the material from three years of law school. I'm not sure this advice is as relevant for someone who has never taken a bar exam because you still have to go through that process.
I took two months off work (one month paid leave by my employer and one month PTO). Step one was to create an outline. I created the base of my outline from scratch and almost exclusively through the rules I learned from practice essays. First I read Mary Basick’s book almost cover to cover. I would do an essay from that book, read the sample answer, and put the rules I learned onto my outline. (Contrary to what many people on here have said, Mary Basick's book was not enough for me - it was only the starting point.) Next I printed out a chart I found online that listed the date and topic of every former California bar exam essay ( Each day I randomly selected at least a few essays from that chart, aiming for an equal distribution of topics and making sure I did a PR essay every day, and then crossed off the ones I completed. I am a visual learner, and so crossing off the essays on the chart helped me see the progress I was making. I would also add the rules I learned to my outline. Once I got through a bunch of essays, I got an idea of the universe of topics and rules that were out there. Then I started focusing on making sure I knew the concepts well. If I did an essay and didn’t understand the rule that was being tested, I would consult a bunch of different resources I collected to learn it, and I didn’t rely on any individual one. For example, if I didn’t like how smartbar prep wrote a rule, I would see if there was a video of someone explaining it on youtube or if someone on explained it well in their answer. During this process, I would write down every variation of a rule I came across. So, on my outline, I would have like several variations of many of the rules. Over time, I would delete the versions that I liked the least. It was this process of constantly adding to and narrowing down my outline that I started to memorize the rules, even though it didn’t feel like memorization. I did very little actual memorization with flashcards because when you work with the material enough, you start to memorize it without realizing it. I started out with a strict 9-5 schedule to not burn out, but in the last few weeks, I started studying a couple hours more per day because I was convinced that the time I put in now was worth it if I didn’t have to take it again. I also only did about 3 to 4 PTs. I think the most important thing with PTs is to get an idea of how much time you can spend reading the cases (which is very little!) and then to know you are always going to be doing certain things. For example, I knew that if there was a case that went against my argument, I would have to distinguish it. So when I saw that on exam day, I did it almost without thinking, which helps speed things up. Overall, I was lucky to have access to study materials from several major companies, but I did not use any of their plans. I just consulted their materials here and there to find alternative explanations for rules I was having trouble understanding, usually using control F. Understanding how a rule works is more important that memorizing the rule statement word for word. Also I know the material feels like it's endless at first, but it really is a closed universe. If you study long enough, you will start to see subjects repeat. That is when you’ve hit a sweet spot. I didn’t end up being able to read all of the CA bar former essays, but I also felt like I didn’t need to because things were getting so repetitive by the very end. My biggest advice is that if something feels like it’s not working, it’s not. And the flip side is also true. I also think it's crucial to have a methodology, which can look like a lot of different things, rather than blindly attacking the material. Goodluck!
submitted by Odd-Atmosphere-254 to CABarExam [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:21 sunoomojis Student Loan/ Online Lending Apps

Hello I am a nursing student po. First year. Done na po 2nd sem namin and I still haven't payed pa po my balance (52k) not even once kasi im financially unstable po. Ako na lang po nagpapaaral sa sarili ko. Yung money po na nakukuha ko from my part time is enough lang po for my daily needs (pangkain, pang proj, other school fees and such). Next week po enrollment na again and hindi me makakapag enroll hindi ko pa na pay yung rem bal ko. Baka po may alam kayong student loan services na pwede ko pong applyan without the need of guardians po. I am 18 years old po and I only have my National ID with me as a valid ID. Is that possible po? Gusto ko pang mag aral pleaseTT
submitted by sunoomojis to Philippines [link] [comments]