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La vida de un pajero (copiado de y para steam)

2024.06.02 14:46 chokowo La vida de un pajero (copiado de y para steam)

La vida de un pajero es sencilla en muchos aspectos. Arriesgamos poco y tenemos poder sobre aquellos que ofrecen su trabajo y su servicio a nuestro juicio. Preferimos las críticas negativas, que son divertidas de escribir y de leer. Pero la triste verdad que debemos afrontar es que en el gran orden de las cosas, cualquier basura tiene más significado que lo que deja ver nuestra crítica.
Pero hay ocasiones en que el pajero realmente se arriesga, al descubrir y salir en defensa de algo nuevo. El mundo suele ser cruel con los nuevos pajines y con las nuevas creaciones. Lo nuevo necesita amigos. Anoche experimenté algo nuevo, un extraordinario juego NSFW de un desarrollador singular e inesperado. Decir que su arte y contenido H han desafiado mis prejuicios sobre el buen hentai, subestimaría a la realidad. En realidad sacudieron los cimientos de mi mundo.
En el pasado, jamás oculté mi desdén por el lema de los juegos NSFW mediocres "Soy un juego porno, pajeate o vete al diablo”. Pero, al fin me doy cuenta de lo que quisieron decir en realidad: No cualquiera puede convertirse en un gran pajero, pero un gran pajero puede provenir de cualquier lado. Es difícil imaginar un origen más humilde que el del pajero con revistas AVON, pajero que ahora paga sus juegos NSFW y tiene una suscripción de Brazzers, y que, en opinión de este pajero veterano, este no es nada menos que el mejor juego NSFW de Steam.
submitted by chokowo to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:32 aori_chann Estudo de Caso Sobre os Espíritos Dominadores - Perguntas e Respostas

Pergunta u/prismus- :
Salve Pai João, gostaria de apresentar uma questão [...] acerca dessas novas visões espiritualistas. Essa visão me foi apresentada por um familiar medium de alta sensibilidade. Ela parece ter pitadas de verdade porém ao mesmo tempo enormes contradições com a espiritualidade universal que nos tem disso apresentada até aqui. Pois bem, vou falar sobre essa visão, e o que peço ao senhor é que comente sobre seus pontos, nos mostrando aquilo que contém alguma dose de realidade e mostrando a ilusão daquilo que é falso.
Resposta Pai João do Carmo:
Salve, meu filho, que belo estudo de caso temos conosco sobre a retórica dos espíritos dominadores, hein? Não quero pular para conclusões, mas quem repassou conosco o estudo sobre essa categoria de espíritos pode ver que existe algo de fundamentalmente errado, pelo menos esquisito, nessa retórica feita sobre sua de sangue.
Filho, para não ficarmos perdidos porque seu texto é muito longo, eu vou fazer pequenas considerações a cada pedaço do texto para que todos possam acompanhar o meu raciocínio — e o seu!
A ideia é a seguinte: Já somos seres divinos, já habitamos um plano divino, já somos o Eu Superior separado desse espírito que agora somos aqui na Terra. O que essa visão propõe é que “Despertos” são aqueles que não se apegam nem ao que há de bom e nem ao que há de ruim na Terra, de modo que tais indivíduos não retornam a encarnar nem na Terra e nem em planos astrais superiores, sendo lançados, ao desencarne dessa vida diretamente aos planos mais absolutos de existência se assim escolherem.
Aqui já começamos a ver, amigos, o absurdo da retórica dos espíritos dominadores. Como poderemos conciliar o progresso vivido numa vida se, ao desencarne, o espírito pode avançar diretamente para o último estágio da evolução e assim pular todos os degraus de sua caminhada? O progresso, como o conhecemos, é algo extremamente gradual e é lei universal verificável, sumarizada na seguinte frase do Livro dos Espíritos:
“Na Natureza, nada dá saltos!”
E podemos ver hoje em dia que mesmo imensidões como galáxias e como o próprio universo, não saíram simplesmente de um estágio energético para outro, nem acumularam matéria, nem foram construídas suas estruturas num piscar de olhos.
A decisão, concordo, pode ser tomada em menos tempo que a menor unidade de tempo conhecida pela humanidade! Mas o progresso há de ser gradual e, para o leigo, extremamente ineficiente, pois tudo está aprendendo ainda. Como poderia uma pessoa leiga, de uma hora para a outra resolver que sabe como curar a depressão, um ato de extrema caridade, característica dos espíritos mais elevados? É simples: não pode. Pode se enganar e se iludir, mas não pode obter conhecimento instantaneamente, sem trabalho e sem dedicação. Da mesma forma, não pode dizer de uma hora para outra que é boa a pessoa que nunca praticou na vida a bondade, porque não sabe como se faz, e quando ficar sabendo, até sua teoria se tornar prática vai longe.
Quanto a sermos seres divinos, isto somos. Creio, porém, já termos discutido este tópico antes e quero poupar todo mundo de ler um texto desnecessariamente grande. Fica, portanto, a referência aos estudos anteriores, que refletem bem o suficiente minha opinião.
O que tal crença diz é que só paga karma quem acredita em karma. Que só retorna a encarnar aqueles que sentem-se culpados pelo que fizeram na experiência humana e, carregando essa culpa, querem retornar à experiência terrena para se corrigirem. Assim, aqueles que, ainda que tenham vivido uma vida de extremo hedonismo e de pouca conexão espiritual e elevação moral, podem, ao desencarnar, simplesmente escolherem “seguir a Luz Branca” (metáfora para adentrar o portal do mais alto nível de existência, superior a vários níveis, “pulando degraus” e indo diretamente ao Absoluto) e pra ela ir, sem nenhuma necessidade de evolução gradual ou mesmo de reencarnar.
Ah, achamos aqui outro pequeno deslize que deve ser considerado, e que julgo ser de conhecimento comum a todos os espíritas que andam seguindo os últimos desenvolvimentos de contato com os demais movimentos espiritualistas, que é sobre o karma. Karma, no fundo de seu significado, é ação. Se colocarmos em total perspectiva, é ação e reação. Não é, portanto, uma questão de opinião que, se você jogar uma bola com força na parede, ela vai voltar com força para você. Também não me parece ser questão de opinião que, quando ofendemos alguém, nos sentiremos mal por isso, conosco mesmo, e ainda que não tenhamos lucidez para atrelar o evento à sua causa, nossas doenças emocionais invariavelmente começarão a tomar vulto.
“Pagar karma”, amigos, significa tomar responsabilidade sobre suas ações. Se ofendeu, não apenas se desculpar, mas também deixar de futuramente ofender a outros. Se jogou a bola na parede e se machucou, curar a ferida, mas não repetir o erro. Isto é uma coisa que vem com a maturidade, com o progresso que, como vimos, não dá saltos.
Em resumo, o que esse ponto de vista diz, é que os indivíduos que retornam ou fazem uma trajetória evolutiva, só fazem isso porque sentem a necessidade disso e não porque isso é uma Lei Natural da Consciência e do Todo. Afirma-se então — nas própria palavras do meu familiar que crê nessa ideia — que uma pessoa pode, sim, escolher usar drogas pesadas à vontade, fazer coisas vis, estar imersa em promiscuidade, não desenvolver uma moral elevada e ainda assim, ao desencarnar, escolher seguir para a Luz Branca, ao mais alto nível de manifestação do ser e mais alto nível dimensional divino. Entende-se nessa visão que o espírito só retornará para se lapidar se ele SENTIR em seu coração a necessidade de se lapidar (pela culpa ou pelo querer se melhorar). Já se ele, mesmo vivendo uma vida de ilusões, observar tudo que viveu como simples experiências com as quais ele nada mais tem a ver e nem sente necessidade de experienciar de novo a fim de se melhorar e expandir dentro desse nível de experiência, ele pode simplesmente retornar à realidade absoluta.
Ah, nisso esta sua de sangue tem razão! Não há, de fato, lei alguma que obrigue qualquer espírito a encarnar, e se assim o fazem é de livre escolha, de acordo com o que julgam proveitoso. Tanto é que fazem roteiros pessoais da incursão na matéria e, na maioria dos casos, é preciso mesmo esperar uma oportunidade para nascer em nosso planeta, de modo que é preciso não apenas vontade e preparo, é preciso paciência e perseverança antes mesmo de nascer! O que ocorre, como podemos ver, é que a expressiva maioria dos espíritos julga a encarnação como uma ferramenta tão facilitadora de seus progressos pessoais que todos acabam encarnando em períodos regulares.
Tendo à mão uma chave-de-fenda, quem vai pegar o martelo para bater um parafuso na parede? E alguém que veja outra pessoa fazendo este processo da maneira mais difícil, um irmão por exemplo, não recomendaria ao outro o uso da ferramenta adequada? É assim que, ainda que nem todo mundo ache mais fácil evoluir pela encarnação, por ser a ferramenta desenvolvida com esta expressa ideia, todos acabam se rendendo à lógica da situação!
No mais, volto a dizer. A decisão pode ser instantânea — ainda que os que assim o façam sejam extremamente raros de se encontrar — mas a execução deste novo pensamento exige esforço, exige tempo, exige reiteradamente fazer a mesma decisão diante de todas as situações da vida até que seja a resposta automática do ser. A “Luz Branca no fim do túnel” é uma mera metáfora para a liberdade que se ganha no desencarne e o clarão de consciência que se consegue quando se pode olhar a própria vida de fora. Mas não há qualquer quantidade de luz que possa transformar uma pessoa no que ela não é de uma hora para a outra. Acabaria por aniquilá-la.
Tentando explicar por meio de uma metáfora: Essa ideia propõe que esse mundo é como um jogo de videogame e nós somos personagens, o Desperto é aquele que independente do que tenha feito dentro do jogo de bom ou de ruim, consegue desligar o videogame e ir viver sua vida real sem nenhum peso na consciência pelas atitudes que tomou dentro do jogo, que é apenas um experiência ilusória, uma matrix por assim dizer, e assim não volta a ligar o videogame para corrigir os erros de seu personagem, pois sabe que tudo aquilo foi apenas uma experiência que ele poderia experienciar da forma como quisesse e ainda assim ser livre conquanto que não sentisse vontade de ficar expandindo seu personagem dentro do jogo ou corrigindo seus erros.
Assim, essa visão propõe uma completa desassociação entre elevação moral e Iluminação e expansão da consciência, de modo que despertar, aqui, é tornar-se consciente da realidade última e querer ir para ela sem nada querer mais com esse mundo que vivemos, como se tudo fosse uma questão de escolha e a vivência nossa enquanto indivíduos em nada nos ligasse por meio de leis cósmicas, vibração e graus de consciência a determinadas realidades, faixas dimensionais e experiências karmicas boas ou ruins.
Ah, aqui vemos mais um dos famosos argumentos dos espíritos dominadores: é tudo um jogo, não importa! Já dei minha opinião da importância e da realidade da encarnação e fica aqui os nossos estudos sobre o tema para quem quiser se aprofundar:
Em suma, não creio que seja uma grande brincadeira, por mais que seja um ambiente onde seja mais seguro cometer erros.
Esta é uma tática chamada “desensibilização” e é usada para deixar a pessoa menos sensível para as atrocidades vistas e cometidas no dia-a-dia. É uma ferramenta, como podem ver, extremamente boa em criar caos, desrespeito e destruição, ou seja, todo o contrário do progresso, que é ordem, respeito e construção.
E assim o é para que, juntos, os seres se apoiem uns aos outros em sua jornada para criar obras relevantes para cada indivíduo e para o todo. Eis o progresso!
E a ela, negam isso os espíritos dominadores. Não pode ver que o discurso deles tira a beleza e o gosto pela vida? Não pode ver que é estando juntos, construindo juntos, vivendo juntos, com respeito, harmonia, conexão, que a vida tem graça? Quem é que não quer se sentir como pertencente de um grupo coeso, receptivo, carinhoso e produtivo? Não é justamente pela falta disso que a maioria dos trabalhadores se sente infeliz em seus empregos?
Assim, o karma só existe para quem nele acredita, para quem sente necessidade de se lapidar, a evolução só existe para quem a vê como uma necessidade. Mas o Desperto simplesmente reconhece-se como sendo um Ser Divino que provém de um plano divino muito superior a vários outros que estão acima de nós encarnados, e, após ter vivido sua experiência humana, olha para ela apenas como isso mesmo: Experiência humana. E sem necessidade de querer resolver nada com ela, pode escolher seguir para a Luz Branca após o desencarne, observando aquilo que viveu mas sem nenhuma vontade de melhorar nada nisso, sabendo-se estar acima dessa experiência. Algo como se nós aqui na Terra fôssemos tipo “robôzinhos” enviados pelo eu verdadeiro para vivermos o que quisermos, e não o próprio eu verdadeiro em si. E reconhecer isso seria ter a liberdade de se libertar dessa vivência aqui.
Seria fácil, amigos, se fosse assim.
Se fôssemos criaturas elevadas, seria talvez assim, poderíamos nos dissociar de nossa personalidade humana e estar num estado de iluminação e clareza de visão acima de todos.
Como podemos ver, porém, os espíritos superiores teimam em voltar a encarnar para nos ensinar. Teimam em dizer que não são mais do que ninguém. Teimam em dizer que nascemos para o progresso e melhoramento pessoal. Teimam em dizer que há muito caminho pela frente. Isto disse Buddha, isto disse Jesus, isso disse Krishna, isso disse Vishnu, isso disse Maomé, isso disse Francisco de Assis, e tantos outros quantos foram luminares e encarnaram na Terra.
Podemos ter segurança de dizer que não somos como eles porque queremos ficar com o melhor só para nós e avançar na frente de todo mundo, deixando para trás todos aqueles que nos foram caros para seguirmos à “Luz Branca”, ou um estado de elevação de último grau.
Aquele que está no estágio de elevação de último grau, no entanto, sendo Deus, diariamente nos serve e cuida de nossas preocupações, não se dissocia, mas está mais próximo do que qualquer outro e com ele podemos contar até mesmo no que falharem os mestres espirituais.
Não podemos portanto, como afirma esta retórica, dizer que o espírito elevado olha para experiência humana com desdém, com desinteresse, como a uma coisa que não lhe diga mais respeito, porque ainda que tenha superado esta fase, sabe que suas ações feitas no passado ainda podem ativamente ter consequências para os que ali ficaram, e as ações presentes tanto mais! É assim que os mestres espirituais, sentindo-se responsáveis por nossa experiência terrena, não simplesmente se vão do planeta em que encarnaram para ensinar, mas voltam repetidas vezes, para ter certeza de que suas ações e reações estão sendo o mais benéficas possível, dentro do entendimento deles.
É assim que, mesmo o espírito elevado, pela simples evidência de que oramos a eles e nos atendem quando é adequado, está ativamente preocupado com seu karma e com seu dharma.
Assim, os magos negros que controlam o mundo são aqueles que, tendo descoberto a ilusão desse mundo, escolheram nele permanecer e se divertir nele, nessa matrix, com o conhecimento adquirido que os permite dominar e desfrutar, ao invés de passarem para “o lado de lá”, para o plano da Realidade Absoluta. Desse ponto de vista, portanto, mesmo seres que estão imersos na impiedade e são tão egoicos como tais magos negros controladores, podem, se assim quiserem, passar para esses planos divinos quando bem entenderem pois já são despertos mas escolhem não fazer essa passagem. Ou seja, não há nenhuma associação entre elevação espiritual, moral, ética, amorosidade, conexão, e a própria Iluminação, transcendência e manifestação em planos bastante superiores de existência. Tais planos seriam alcançados pelo simples reconhecimento da natureza da realidade, da natureza real do ser, e da não necessidade de retornar a esse mundo ou outros para se melhorar, reparar e etc, vendo tudo como simples experiência.
Ah!! Chegamos a eles. Sempre, amigos, estejam de olho nestas palavrinhas: “magos negros”.
Porque são eles que querem, em maioria, dominar os encarnados por retóricas absurdas, eles sempre vão achar para si e para seus aliados as desculpas mais bem elaboradas que puderem! Sempre vão aparecer no meio de uma conversa que se estende mais afundo nas considerações, porque não querem que lhes suspeitem de forma alguma — caso contrário, o castelo de cartas cai!
Não creio que me seja necessário dizer muito mais aqui, mas estejam certos de que esta conversa sobre conhecer a natureza e serem despertos é muito diferente de conhecer a ciência divina estudada no espiritismo, porque enquanto nós estudamos a moral, as leis divinas e as suas consequências, magos negros estão interessados apenas em conhecer as leis naturais, que são mero detalhe das leis divinas. Limitam-se a si mesmo, e quanto mais limitarão a seus subordinados, e mais ainda aos seus dominados!
Se por um lado eu concordo que de fato um ser que se veja conectado aos planos divinos superiores, e não sinta em sua consciência a necessidade karmica, pode sim ir para eles, por outro lado entendo que o karma não se trata de mera escolha consciente de repará-los e vivê-los, mas de fluxo com os quais nos envolvemos motivados também pelos nossos desejos, inconsciência, limitação consciencial e afins que nos fazem sim buscar certos tipos de vivências e também nelas desenvolvermos mais nosso potencial de consciência. Ou seja, todo o processo evolutivo e karmico faz justamente com que o ser possa se aproximar mais e mais da realidade dessa Luz Branca da Realidade Absoluta, exatamente a gradual expansão da consciência. Por isso, é possível ir para ela de fato, mas mais do que mero querer, é preciso viver o alinhamento com essa realidade aqui e agora.
De fato o indivíduo que a busca a alcançará, mas todo o processo evolutivo se dá exatamente numa direção que faça com que o indivíduo saiba a buscar e a ela se identificar mais e mais. Correto? [...]
Gostaria, para finalizar, de fazer apenas mais um comentário geral em relação à ideia atirada pelos dominadores, que é sobre a tal “Realidade Absoluta”. A realidade absoluta que clamam existir seria o quê exatamente? Seria talvez um plano muito superior da espiritualidade? O plano mais elevado?
Se pensarmos que a elevação máxima é a consciência de Deus, que permeia a tudo e a todos em todos os planos da existência, poderemos dizer sem medo de erro que a tal realidade absoluta é a realidade como um todo e que, não havendo algo senão a própria realidade, incluindo este pedaço a que chamamos de “plano encarnatório”, mesmo encarnados temos acesso à realidade absoluta. Veem como o pensamento deles é contraditório? Permitam-me explicar um pouco sobre o assunto:
Os planos da existência são, para os espíritos, uma maneira de organização de seus pensamentos, de sua visão da parcela da realidade. Por isso, quanto mais alta a elevação de determinado espírito, não apenas ele pode ir a planos “mais altos”, mas também a todos os seus predecessores.
Conforme a consciência expande, este espírito consegue focalizar seu pensamento e suas considerações a mais de um plano da existência, pelo fenômeno conhecido como ubiquidade, que é justamente o que me permite estar em dois lugares ao mesmo tempo. Desse modo, conforme a capacidade do dom de ubiquidade aumenta, e conforme o espírito consegue elevar mais o seu pensamento e abarcar mais da realidade, mais ele fica convencido de que não necessita mais dos planos da espiritualidade como ferramenta de apoio e organização para si mesmo.
Compreende, claro, que os demais o necessitam e lhes ajudam naquilo que for melhor e mais conveniente para que façam sentido de seu pedaço da realidade, mas depois de determinado estágio evolutivo, não há mais planos da espiritualidade, porque se tornam desnecessários, uma vez que já conhecem tão intimamente a realidade como ela é, que não é preciso fracioná-la para entendê-la.
Uma analogia seria na pintura: quando iniciante, os pintores e desenhistas focam muito nas partes e pouco no todo, de modo que o desenho sai sempre fora de proporção e desconjuntado. Quando se tornam experts, muitas vezes os detalhes das pinturas não são impressionantes em seus quadros, mas sua noção de composição e do todo da obra tem tamanha força que, mesmo na simplicidade, fazem obras-primas, impecáveis.
Amigos, neste texto pudemos ver o quanto distorcem os espíritos dominadores o discurso de todo um estudo espiritual. Como sempre, recomendo a vocês o estudo regular de fontes confiáveis e peço que mantenham a sua simplicidade na visão, que é a principal ferramenta de clareza, para que, quando virem uma pessoa em franca dominação por um espírito maligno, possam jogar sobre esta pessoa um pouco da claridade que já atinge as mentes de vocês.
Recomendo, por último, a leitura de nossas discussões iniciais sobre o assunto:
Jesus a todos abençoem, e cuidado com discursos radicais que querem dizer que nada tem importância. Tudo, até o menor do fio de cabelo de vocês, têm igual importância aos olhos do Criador. Não duvidem disso.
Nota do médium: gostaria de lembrar a todos, amigos, que Pai João aceita sempre suas perguntas para respondê-las em tempo hábil! Dúvidas grandes ou pequenas, com resposta ou sem, não importa, sintam-se à vontade para mandá-las, basta me marcar em um post/comentário ou me enviar por mensagem privada!
submitted by aori_chann to Espiritismo [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:39 Commercial-Law-2229 Congratulations

Congratulations submitted by Commercial-Law-2229 to medschoolph [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:11 Contactunderground Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.


Xendra, an Inter-dimensional Portal was opened at the Rahma Contact Site called “Shasta.”

Joseph Burkes MD 2018

September 1994
A member of my Los Angeles based CE-5 Working Group, Captain Joe Vallejo, told me that a major event had occurred with a large group belonging to the contact network known back in the 1990s as Mission Rama. They now go by the name Rahma. It took place not in Latin America where most of their “encuentros” (encounters in Spanish) have occurred, but rather in Northern California at a place simply referred to as “Shasta.” (This site is in fact quite a distance from Mt. Shasta.)
Captain Vallejo was a jet pilot working for United Airlines and he had been active with a San Francisco based Rama team for about a year. As it was explained to me, their current name “Rahma” was derived from the ancient Sanskrit words “Ra” for God and ma for mother. The letter “h” stands for humanity situated between the divine Ra and Mother Earth.

Mission Rama’s leader in the San Francisco Bay area has been Dr. Fernando Limaco, a retired dental surgeon originally from Peru. His group long ago purchased a remote piece of land in Northern California in order to do human initiated contact work there.

I had a general idea of the site’s location from Joe’s description of his ten-hour drive up from Los Angeles. However, until I finally made it up there in 2004, I never realized what a difficult journey it was. The exact location has always been kept confidential and instructions as to how to get there are usually given in person, not on the phone. The event I now describe gives an indication of why confidentiality is of importance.

The property sits in the foothills of the Northern California Coastal Range. During the 1990s the closest house to the property was about a half-mile away. A dirt road through rolling hills is the only access. In rainy season during winter months, mud, freezing rain and snow often made 4-wheel-drive required for vehicles to reach the site. All activities were done exclusively in Spanish, a language that I learned in high school and kept up with as part of my medical practice because of the large Hispanic population in Los Angeles. I was privileged to do fieldwork with Dr. Limaco’s contact team in 2004, 2006 and 2009.


United 747 pilot Joe Vallejo told me that a dimensional portal was opened one August night in 1994. The name of this type of device is “Xendra.” The “X” is pronounced as a “s.” It was via this kind of teleportation device that Sixto Paz Wells, a founding member of Rama in Peru, was reportedly transported to an ET base on a moon of Jupiter in 1974. The name of that Jovian satellite is Ganymede. It is the largest of Jupiter’s moons. Soon after Wells’ Xendra experience, an entire team of Rama contact activists reported that they too had made a journey to Ganymede via the dimensional portal.

The Northern California the Rama site for staging encounters is located near a stream than runs through hills that are quite steep, about 250 feet high. Joe told me that on the night the dimensional portal opened, the Rama people followed their usual contact preparations. After a light evening meal of fruit, the forty plus Hispanic contact activists formed a circle and started chanting. “Ohm.” After a while, a faint violet colored light appeared in the field just twenty yards away from where the group was standing.

The light hovered about 7 feet above the ground. It quickly enlarged extending to the left and right forming a doorway like structure made of violet light. Dr. Limaco explained that the group had just opened a dimensional portal. He emphasized that in order to keep it materialized, the entire assembly needed to keep chanting. According to Captain Joe’s account, the senior Rama people then moved through the crowd, instructing them to form seven groups, each with seven individuals. They were informed that they would have an opportunity to briefly enter the Xendra, thus permitting them to experience what it was like to stand in the teleportation device. Assurances were given that they would not leave the contact site.

Over the next hour seven groups of seven people each were instructed to go into the portal made of light and stand briefly inside the Xendra. Those in the Xendra, as well the crowd outside continued to chant “OOHHHMMM” throughout the entire ceremony. Captain Vallejo’s group was the last to enter. At that point people had been standing and chanting for well over an hour and were some beginning to get fatigued.

Captain Vallejo described the dimensional portal as being a tight space similar to an elevator. People had to crowd together to fit in. In the darkness, the walls were indistinct; the only illumination being provided was from the faint purple light that formed the doorway. As soon as they entered the Xendra the Rahma activists noticed that the sound produced by their chanting was altered. Joe said it was muffled as if they were speaking underwater. He also found that there was a change in the way in which they moved while huddled together. Everything seemed to be slowed down.

After a few minutes, he and the others inside the portal noticed that the chanting from the crowd outside had become less vigorous. As the sound of their voices decreased, to the dismay of those inside the Xendra, the violet light coming from the doorway started to fade. In addition, the walls of the elevator like structure in which they were standing became even more indistinct.

Joe told me that he was worried about what might happen if the portal collapsed with them still inside. He did not know what could occur and he was sure that he didn’t want to find out. Without exchanging a word, Captain Joe and his six companions chanted louder. To their relief the violet light from the doorway became brighter and the walls of the claustrophobic space in which they stood became more solid. They emerged from the Xendra with no ill effects. Joe told me that the entire group was enchanted by the experience.

For the next year the word “Xendra” could be heard throughout the Rama network. I was busy with my own organizing efforts for the CE-5 Initiative and was only able to attend one Rama outing near Pasadena in 1994. It was with a local Southern California group that was very different from Dr. Limaco’s team. Although a few anomalous nocturnal lights were seen, nothing as dramatic as the opening of a dimensional portal occurred. For over twenty years, I had been aware of this amazing event of the contact network now called Rahma. In 2014, I was given permission by Dr. Limaco to openly share this information.


Dr. Limaco and a few of his fellow Rama activists drove to Southern California in 1994 to meet with my CE-5 contact team. He described the history of the Hispanic contact network. According to the retired Peruvian dental surgeon, the group’s cosmology had been transmitted to them by benevolent advanced ET races. Rama believed that these extraterrestrials were operating both on and in space around our planet. These flying saucer intelligences are thought to be assisting mankind during what Rahma activists hope will be a monumental transformation of human consciousness allowing us to have open relations with extraterrestrials.

Rama contact activists have embraced what I imagine is a new age concept drawn from eastern mysticism. They assert that the more “evolved” spiritual realms exist at “higher frequencies.” Lower planes of existence like Earth’s, correspondingly have a “lower” vibrational frequency. In order to have a more open and closer relationship with extraterrestrials, mankind will supposedly be required to evolve spiritually so that our “vibration” will more closely match theirs.

Only ET civilizations that exist in “higher” vibration states or dimensions are being permitted by a kind of galactic council to be here during the current transformation. Truly negative and potentially dangerous extraterrestrials are supposedly being blocked from coming to Earth. Now, and in the past, the masses of humanity have not had the capacity to access such dimensions, but great spiritual teachers like Jesus and many other prophets esteemed by humanity presumably were able to peer into those higher vibration realms to help guide us on our spiritual evolutionary journey.


The belief system held by Rahma activists is similar to the ideas of other contactee groups that form in their entirety what I like to call, the “Contact Underground.” This network is composed of a broad array of contact organizations promoting the perspective that the ET presence here on Earth is a positive one. In my opinion, these concepts and practices are definitely New Age.

To achieve the great feat of taking a giant evolutionary leap, according to Rahma, we will need to elevate our collective “vibration” through various spiritual practices. These include meditation, carrying out acts of kindness and avoiding killing animals for food.

During several visits to Shasta with Captain Vallejo as my guide, I participated in Rama guided meditations that are a kind of extended collective prayer. They call for establishing a new Earth civilization based on peace, compassion and love. This can only be done by the Earth’s people. Although contactees might derive inspiration from the so-called “ETs” only humanity has the power to choose a path for its salvation.


According to the Rama cosmology, this monumental transformation has supposedly attracted many ET races here, not only to witness our awe-inspiring advance, but also for reasons related to their own spiritual evolution. The Earth, from Rahma’s point of view, is a living entity being transformed into a kind of spiritual dynamo. She will supply the necessary power for Earth’s next great spiritual evolutionary leap forward. This transformation will presumably also enable advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy to climb to the next wrung on their evolutionary ladders.
Thus, according to their beliefs, our planet has become the center of attention for the entire Milky Way. If such enlightened self-interest from a host of ET civilizations were truly operational in the contact drama, then it might explain why UFO experiencers have described what appear to be so many different racial types of ET beings that they report meeting during Close Encounters.


In California, contact workers participating in Mission Rama’s “encuentros” originally came from all over Latin America. Many had worked with the Mission in their countries of origin. For several decades, every few months caravans of Rama people used to drive up from the south. Most participants were from the San Francisco Bay Area. The number of activists that have participated ranged from a dozen or two up to nearly one hundred when major events take place. Usually only a handful came up from Southern California. It takes an entire day’s driving to get there from the “southland.” This can be daunting especially during winter storms.

Captain Joe was a 747 Line Captain for United. He started driving to Shasta in 1993. As the result of flying all over the Western Hemisphere as a jet pilot, he developed extensive contacts within the vast Rama network. Thanks to Captain Vallejo for two decades, I was kept abreast of major developments within the organization.

Captain Joe explained to me that Mission Rama quickly spread out from Peru in 1974 with major centers of support in Argentina, Mexico, Central America and even in Spain. The class backgrounds of Rahma contact activists are lower middle and working classes. Dr. Limaco was a well-respected oral surgeon in Peru, but in the late 1980s he was forced to emigrate because of civil war and the general lawlessness that afflicted his homeland. Joe told me that heavily armed guerrillas had tried unsuccessfully to abduct Fernando’s young daughter for ransom. Once in the USA, Dr. Limaco was not able to practice his profession because of his limited command of English and the strict recertification regulations applied to foreign trained health professionals.

Over the years, I made friends with several Rahma people. Some are service workers; others have jobs in construction or work for government in school districts and welfare offices. A handful of them have small businesses with only few employees. In terms of social status, Captain Vallejo as a 747 pilot with a major airline, stood out from the rest. Although I am an Anglo physician from a totally different cultural background, both Rama leaders and the rank and file have always treated me with a great deal of cordiality and respect. In my judgment, their advanced spiritual consciousness and the emphasis on maintaining unity have kept interpersonal conflicts to a minimum under Dr. Limaco’s guidance.


I first learned about the alleged teleportation devices called Xendras when I read a “UFO Library Magazine” article about the early history of Rahma. It was published over 30 years ago and the magazine subsequently folded. Dr. Limaco as well as other veteran Rama people deemed this detailed account accurate and my reports on this amazing contact network are based in part on that in-depth magazine article.


Sixto Paz Wells played a central role during the first two decades of Mission Rama’s campaign. It all started in 1974 in a desert area called Chilca. It is located some sixty miles south of Lima. Wells was a college student at the time. During one particular night of fieldwork, their destination was a place know as “La Mina” (the mine in Spanish). It was some twenty minutes walking distance from their jumping off point where they had parked their vehicles.

While slowly trudging along in desert sand, Sixto somehow became separated from his companions. After walking for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly found himself at La Mina without knowing how he could have arrived there so quickly. He saw a luminescence in the distance and walked towards it. As he approached the eerie light, he noted that it was on the ground and took the form of a half moon. As he closed in, suddenly the figure of a man with his arm raised come out of the light. Reportedly frightened and confused, Sixto tried to run but a strange paralysis overtook him.


As chronicled in the UFO Library Magazine report he received a simple mental command, “Come!” Overcoming his fear he entered the dimensional portal and immediately experienced vertigo and nausea. Engulfed in brilliant light he was still able to see standing next to him the very extraterrestrial being that he had envisioned just a few weeks before when he first reportedly started receiving messages via automatic writing.

This being known as “Oxalc” was described as human, about 6 feet 2 inches in height with oriental features. He had whitish-blond thin hair that flowed down to his broad shoulders. The ET explained to Sixto that they had entered an inter-dimensional portal where their atomic structure was converted to light energy and thereby could be transported rapidly over enormous distances rapidly.

Sixto reportedly emerged from the portal and found that he was no longer in the Peruvian desert. Instead he could see in the distance mountains that cradled a city composed of transparent domes and igloo like structures. They were supposedly on “Morlen,” the alleged ET name for Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.


According to the UFO Library Magazine account, Oxalc oriented his visitor to the situation. Sixto was told that this base had been established as a mining colony thousands of years ago. The atmosphere had been modified to allow them to move around without spacesuits. A type of solar energy was supplied so that trees and vegetables could grow in the many valleys that were colonized.

A council of respected elders working for “The Great Confederation of Stars” allegedly ruled Morlen. Their goal was to give generous assistance to all inhabited worlds in evolution. In this idyllic setting on Morlen, Sixto reported being told that individual colonists from many star systems could experience personal growth without prejudice or vice. This ET civilization was not only technologically advanced but according to Oxalc had also achieved an advanced state of spiritual development. After supposedly receiving an extensive briefing about life on Morlen, Sixto was allowed to re-enter the Xendra.


Suddenly he found himself back in the Peruvian desert at La Mina where his companions were searching for him. Sixto told his companions about Morlen. He also reported a distorted perception of the passage of time during his alleged journey. His memory of the time spent on Morlen seemed much longer than the fifteen minutes that had elapsed on Earth. Sixto told his friends that they too would have a similar experience in two weeks and that they must prepare themselves by meditating, eating a vegetarian diet and doing “concentration” exercises supplied by the ETs.

Sixto Paz Wells had additional adventures during the first two decades of Mission Rahma. In 1990, Dr. Limaco accompanied him to a remote ET base in the rainforests below the eastern slopes of the Andes. In another chapter of “The Contact Network History Project”, I describe a remarkable journey that reportedly ended in their boarding an ET craft in a remote location known as Paititi.

Name Deleted: Thank you for sharing this post and its fascinating history. How does this history align or not align with the Virtual Experience model?
Any tales involving meditation, separation from group, paralysis, fantastic voyage, and return correspond with journey archetypes that are equally applicable to dreams. Additionally, when I track the phenological description of two Rama guides, Ivika and Antarel, across interactions of English-speaking experiencers guided by Gonzales, there appears to be radical differences of appearance consistent with the VE model.
The personal testimony of Xendra experiencers is convincing to me and I had assumed that the Xendra was a physical manifestation, primarily because of the testimonies regarding the smell of nitrogen. However, in your retelling of the history, it is clear that the steps of altering consciousness, separation from group, fantastic voyage, and return to give testimony is more consistent with shamanic experience than physical, although it very well could be both.

Thanks for the comment. The Virtual Experience Model is designed to alert people to some of the psi technology involving manipulations of spacetime and human consciousness employed during encounters. The term "illusory" when applied to the model is problematic because if consciousness and not mass/energy is fundamental, then consciousness-based events are more "real" than our much beloved "4D reality." I suggest that a Xendra is one striking example of a consciousness- based technology that allows travel not only to different realms in spacetime, but also to what might be called other "dimensions" and are experienced as what experiencers in the FREE Survey called "a Matrix" (more real than physical) reality.

For additional blogs about Rahma, the following links are provided:
The article linked below is a detailed description of the origins of Mission Rama, a spiritually based Peruvian network of volunteer contact workers. They reported experiencing direct face to face encounters with what they believed were friendly extraterrestrial beings.
A description of how activists from CE-5 Initiative met with activists from the Peruvian network now called Rahma.
Rama activist retired dental surgeon Fernando Limaco describes how he and four other volunteer contact workers marched into the Peruvian rainforest to rendezvous with friendly ETs in a remote region called Paititi.
Long time Rahma activist Enrique Villanueva explains that UFO contact work is more than having a sighting or meeting friendly extraterrestrial. It is about the expansion of human consciousness.
submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:09 Contactunderground Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.


Xendra, an Inter-dimensional Portal was opened at the Rahma Contact Site called “Shasta.”

Joseph Burkes MD 2018

September 1994
A member of my Los Angeles based CE-5 Working Group, Captain Joe Vallejo, told me that a major event had occurred with a large group belonging to the contact network known back in the 1990s as Mission Rama. They now go by the name Rahma. It took place not in Latin America where most of their “encuentros” (encounters in Spanish) have occurred, but rather in Northern California at a place simply referred to as “Shasta.” (This site is in fact quite a distance from Mt. Shasta.)
Captain Vallejo was a jet pilot working for United Airlines and he had been active with a San Francisco based Rama team for about a year. As it was explained to me, their current name “Rahma” was derived from the ancient Sanskrit words “Ra” for God and ma for mother. The letter “h” stands for humanity situated between the divine Ra and Mother Earth.

Mission Rama’s leader in the San Francisco Bay area has been Dr. Fernando Limaco, a retired dental surgeon originally from Peru. His group long ago purchased a remote piece of land in Northern California in order to do human initiated contact work there.

I had a general idea of the site’s location from Joe’s description of his ten-hour drive up from Los Angeles. However, until I finally made it up there in 2004, I never realized what a difficult journey it was. The exact location has always been kept confidential and instructions as to how to get there are usually given in person, not on the phone. The event I now describe gives an indication of why confidentiality is of importance.

The property sits in the foothills of the Northern California Coastal Range. During the 1990s the closest house to the property was about a half-mile away. A dirt road through rolling hills is the only access. In rainy season during winter months, mud, freezing rain and snow often made 4-wheel-drive required for vehicles to reach the site. All activities were done exclusively in Spanish, a language that I learned in high school and kept up with as part of my medical practice because of the large Hispanic population in Los Angeles. I was privileged to do fieldwork with Dr. Limaco’s contact team in 2004, 2006 and 2009.


United 747 pilot Joe Vallejo told me that a dimensional portal was opened one August night in 1994. The name of this type of device is “Xendra.” The “X” is pronounced as a “s.” It was via this kind of teleportation device that Sixto Paz Wells, a founding member of Rama in Peru, was reportedly transported to an ET base on a moon of Jupiter in 1974. The name of that Jovian satellite is Ganymede. It is the largest of Jupiter’s moons. Soon after Wells’ Xendra experience, an entire team of Rama contact activists reported that they too had made a journey to Ganymede via the dimensional portal.

The Northern California the Rama site for staging encounters is located near a stream than runs through hills that are quite steep, about 250 feet high. Joe told me that on the night the dimensional portal opened, the Rama people followed their usual contact preparations. After a light evening meal of fruit, the forty plus Hispanic contact activists formed a circle and started chanting. “Ohm.” After a while, a faint violet colored light appeared in the field just twenty yards away from where the group was standing.

The light hovered about 7 feet above the ground. It quickly enlarged extending to the left and right forming a doorway like structure made of violet light. Dr. Limaco explained that the group had just opened a dimensional portal. He emphasized that in order to keep it materialized, the entire assembly needed to keep chanting. According to Captain Joe’s account, the senior Rama people then moved through the crowd, instructing them to form seven groups, each with seven individuals. They were informed that they would have an opportunity to briefly enter the Xendra, thus permitting them to experience what it was like to stand in the teleportation device. Assurances were given that they would not leave the contact site.

Over the next hour seven groups of seven people each were instructed to go into the portal made of light and stand briefly inside the Xendra. Those in the Xendra, as well the crowd outside continued to chant “OOHHHMMM” throughout the entire ceremony. Captain Vallejo’s group was the last to enter. At that point people had been standing and chanting for well over an hour and were some beginning to get fatigued.

Captain Vallejo described the dimensional portal as being a tight space similar to an elevator. People had to crowd together to fit in. In the darkness, the walls were indistinct; the only illumination being provided was from the faint purple light that formed the doorway. As soon as they entered the Xendra the Rahma activists noticed that the sound produced by their chanting was altered. Joe said it was muffled as if they were speaking underwater. He also found that there was a change in the way in which they moved while huddled together. Everything seemed to be slowed down.

After a few minutes, he and the others inside the portal noticed that the chanting from the crowd outside had become less vigorous. As the sound of their voices decreased, to the dismay of those inside the Xendra, the violet light coming from the doorway started to fade. In addition, the walls of the elevator like structure in which they were standing became even more indistinct.

Joe told me that he was worried about what might happen if the portal collapsed with them still inside. He did not know what could occur and he was sure that he didn’t want to find out. Without exchanging a word, Captain Joe and his six companions chanted louder. To their relief the violet light from the doorway became brighter and the walls of the claustrophobic space in which they stood became more solid. They emerged from the Xendra with no ill effects. Joe told me that the entire group was enchanted by the experience.

For the next year the word “Xendra” could be heard throughout the Rama network. I was busy with my own organizing efforts for the CE-5 Initiative and was only able to attend one Rama outing near Pasadena in 1994. It was with a local Southern California group that was very different from Dr. Limaco’s team. Although a few anomalous nocturnal lights were seen, nothing as dramatic as the opening of a dimensional portal occurred. For over twenty years, I had been aware of this amazing event of the contact network now called Rahma. In 2014, I was given permission by Dr. Limaco to openly share this information.


Dr. Limaco and a few of his fellow Rama activists drove to Southern California in 1994 to meet with my CE-5 contact team. He described the history of the Hispanic contact network. According to the retired Peruvian dental surgeon, the group’s cosmology had been transmitted to them by benevolent advanced ET races. Rama believed that these extraterrestrials were operating both on and in space around our planet. These flying saucer intelligences are thought to be assisting mankind during what Rahma activists hope will be a monumental transformation of human consciousness allowing us to have open relations with extraterrestrials.

Rama contact activists have embraced what I imagine is a new age concept drawn from eastern mysticism. They assert that the more “evolved” spiritual realms exist at “higher frequencies.” Lower planes of existence like Earth’s, correspondingly have a “lower” vibrational frequency. In order to have a more open and closer relationship with extraterrestrials, mankind will supposedly be required to evolve spiritually so that our “vibration” will more closely match theirs.

Only ET civilizations that exist in “higher” vibration states or dimensions are being permitted by a kind of galactic council to be here during the current transformation. Truly negative and potentially dangerous extraterrestrials are supposedly being blocked from coming to Earth. Now, and in the past, the masses of humanity have not had the capacity to access such dimensions, but great spiritual teachers like Jesus and many other prophets esteemed by humanity presumably were able to peer into those higher vibration realms to help guide us on our spiritual evolutionary journey.


The belief system held by Rahma activists is similar to the ideas of other contactee groups that form in their entirety what I like to call, the “Contact Underground.” This network is composed of a broad array of contact organizations promoting the perspective that the ET presence here on Earth is a positive one. In my opinion, these concepts and practices are definitely New Age.

To achieve the great feat of taking a giant evolutionary leap, according to Rahma, we will need to elevate our collective “vibration” through various spiritual practices. These include meditation, carrying out acts of kindness and avoiding killing animals for food.

During several visits to Shasta with Captain Vallejo as my guide, I participated in Rama guided meditations that are a kind of extended collective prayer. They call for establishing a new Earth civilization based on peace, compassion and love. This can only be done by the Earth’s people. Although contactees might derive inspiration from the so-called “ETs” only humanity has the power to choose a path for its salvation.


According to the Rama cosmology, this monumental transformation has supposedly attracted many ET races here, not only to witness our awe-inspiring advance, but also for reasons related to their own spiritual evolution. The Earth, from Rahma’s point of view, is a living entity being transformed into a kind of spiritual dynamo. She will supply the necessary power for Earth’s next great spiritual evolutionary leap forward. This transformation will presumably also enable advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy to climb to the next wrung on their evolutionary ladders.
Thus, according to their beliefs, our planet has become the center of attention for the entire Milky Way. If such enlightened self-interest from a host of ET civilizations were truly operational in the contact drama, then it might explain why UFO experiencers have described what appear to be so many different racial types of ET beings that they report meeting during Close Encounters.


In California, contact workers participating in Mission Rama’s “encuentros” originally came from all over Latin America. Many had worked with the Mission in their countries of origin. For several decades, every few months caravans of Rama people used to drive up from the south. Most participants were from the San Francisco Bay Area. The number of activists that have participated ranged from a dozen or two up to nearly one hundred when major events take place. Usually only a handful came up from Southern California. It takes an entire day’s driving to get there from the “southland.” This can be daunting especially during winter storms.

Captain Joe was a 747 Line Captain for United. He started driving to Shasta in 1993. As the result of flying all over the Western Hemisphere as a jet pilot, he developed extensive contacts within the vast Rama network. Thanks to Captain Vallejo for two decades, I was kept abreast of major developments within the organization.

Captain Joe explained to me that Mission Rama quickly spread out from Peru in 1974 with major centers of support in Argentina, Mexico, Central America and even in Spain. The class backgrounds of Rahma contact activists are lower middle and working classes. Dr. Limaco was a well-respected oral surgeon in Peru, but in the late 1980s he was forced to emigrate because of civil war and the general lawlessness that afflicted his homeland. Joe told me that heavily armed guerrillas had tried unsuccessfully to abduct Fernando’s young daughter for ransom. Once in the USA, Dr. Limaco was not able to practice his profession because of his limited command of English and the strict recertification regulations applied to foreign trained health professionals.

Over the years, I made friends with several Rahma people. Some are service workers; others have jobs in construction or work for government in school districts and welfare offices. A handful of them have small businesses with only few employees. In terms of social status, Captain Vallejo as a 747 pilot with a major airline, stood out from the rest. Although I am an Anglo physician from a totally different cultural background, both Rama leaders and the rank and file have always treated me with a great deal of cordiality and respect. In my judgment, their advanced spiritual consciousness and the emphasis on maintaining unity have kept interpersonal conflicts to a minimum under Dr. Limaco’s guidance.


I first learned about the alleged teleportation devices called Xendras when I read a “UFO Library Magazine” article about the early history of Rahma. It was published over 30 years ago and the magazine subsequently folded. Dr. Limaco as well as other veteran Rama people deemed this detailed account accurate and my reports on this amazing contact network are based in part on that in-depth magazine article.


Sixto Paz Wells played a central role during the first two decades of Mission Rama’s campaign. It all started in 1974 in a desert area called Chilca. It is located some sixty miles south of Lima. Wells was a college student at the time. During one particular night of fieldwork, their destination was a place know as “La Mina” (the mine in Spanish). It was some twenty minutes walking distance from their jumping off point where they had parked their vehicles.

While slowly trudging along in desert sand, Sixto somehow became separated from his companions. After walking for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly found himself at La Mina without knowing how he could have arrived there so quickly. He saw a luminescence in the distance and walked towards it. As he approached the eerie light, he noted that it was on the ground and took the form of a half moon. As he closed in, suddenly the figure of a man with his arm raised come out of the light. Reportedly frightened and confused, Sixto tried to run but a strange paralysis overtook him.


As chronicled in the UFO Library Magazine report he received a simple mental command, “Come!” Overcoming his fear he entered the dimensional portal and immediately experienced vertigo and nausea. Engulfed in brilliant light he was still able to see standing next to him the very extraterrestrial being that he had envisioned just a few weeks before when he first reportedly started receiving messages via automatic writing.

This being known as “Oxalc” was described as human, about 6 feet 2 inches in height with oriental features. He had whitish-blond thin hair that flowed down to his broad shoulders. The ET explained to Sixto that they had entered an inter-dimensional portal where their atomic structure was converted to light energy and thereby could be transported rapidly over enormous distances rapidly.

Sixto reportedly emerged from the portal and found that he was no longer in the Peruvian desert. Instead he could see in the distance mountains that cradled a city composed of transparent domes and igloo like structures. They were supposedly on “Morlen,” the alleged ET name for Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.


According to the UFO Library Magazine account, Oxalc oriented his visitor to the situation. Sixto was told that this base had been established as a mining colony thousands of years ago. The atmosphere had been modified to allow them to move around without spacesuits. A type of solar energy was supplied so that trees and vegetables could grow in the many valleys that were colonized.

A council of respected elders working for “The Great Confederation of Stars” allegedly ruled Morlen. Their goal was to give generous assistance to all inhabited worlds in evolution. In this idyllic setting on Morlen, Sixto reported being told that individual colonists from many star systems could experience personal growth without prejudice or vice. This ET civilization was not only technologically advanced but according to Oxalc had also achieved an advanced state of spiritual development. After supposedly receiving an extensive briefing about life on Morlen, Sixto was allowed to re-enter the Xendra.


Suddenly he found himself back in the Peruvian desert at La Mina where his companions were searching for him. Sixto told his companions about Morlen. He also reported a distorted perception of the passage of time during his alleged journey. His memory of the time spent on Morlen seemed much longer than the fifteen minutes that had elapsed on Earth. Sixto told his friends that they too would have a similar experience in two weeks and that they must prepare themselves by meditating, eating a vegetarian diet and doing “concentration” exercises supplied by the ETs.

Sixto Paz Wells had additional adventures during the first two decades of Mission Rahma. In 1990, Dr. Limaco accompanied him to a remote ET base in the rainforests below the eastern slopes of the Andes. In another chapter of “The Contact Network History Project”, I describe a remarkable journey that reportedly ended in their boarding an ET craft in a remote location known as Paititi.
Name Deleted: Thank you for sharing this post and its fascinating history. How does this history align or not align with the Virtual Experience model?
Any tales involving meditation, separation from group, paralysis, fantastic voyage, and return correspond with journey archetypes that are equally applicable to dreams. Additionally, when I track the phenological description of two Rama guides, Ivika and Antarel, across interactions of English-speaking experiencers guided by Gonzales, there appears to be radical differences of appearance consistent with the VE model.
The personal testimony of Xendra experiencers is convincing to me and I had assumed that the Xendra was a physical manifestation, primarily because of the testimonies regarding the smell of nitrogen. However, in your retelling of the history, it is clear that the steps of altering consciousness, separation from group, fantastic voyage, and return to give testimony is more consistent with shamanic experience than physical, although it very well could be both.

Thanks for the comment. The Virtual Experience Model is designed to alert people to some of the psi technology involving manipulations of spacetime and human consciousness employed during encounters. The term "illusory" when applied to the model is problematic because if consciousness and not mass/energy is fundamental, then consciousness-based events are more "real" than our much beloved "4D reality." I suggest that a Xendra is one striking example of a consciousness- based technology that allows travel not only to different realms in spacetime, but also to what might be called other "dimensions" and are experienced as what experiencers in the FREE Survey called "a Matrix" (more real than physical) reality.

For additional blogs about Rahma, the following links are provided:
The article linked below is a detailed description of the origins of Mission Rama, a spiritually based Peruvian network of volunteer contact workers. They reported experiencing direct face to face encounters with what they believed were friendly extraterrestrial beings.
A description of how activists from CE-5 Initiative met with activists from the Peruvian network now called Rahma.
Rama activist retired dental surgeon Fernando Limaco describes how he and four other volunteer contact workers marched into the Peruvian rainforest to rendezvous with friendly ETs in a remote region called Paititi.
Long time Rahma activist Enrique Villanueva explains that UFO contact work is more than having a sighting or meeting friendly extraterrestrial. It is about the expansion of human consciousness.
submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:07 Contactunderground Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.

Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.


Xendra, an Inter-dimensional Portal was opened at the Rahma Contact Site called “Shasta.”

Joseph Burkes MD 2018
September 1994
A member of my Los Angeles based CE-5 Working Group, Captain Joe Vallejo, told me that a major event had occurred with a large group belonging to the contact network known back in the 1990s as Mission Rama. They now go by the name Rahma. It took place not in Latin America where most of their “encuentros” (encounters in Spanish) have occurred, but rather in Northern California at a place simply referred to as “Shasta.” (This site is in fact quite a distance from Mt. Shasta.)
Captain Vallejo was a jet pilot working for United Airlines and he had been active with a San Francisco based Rama team for about a year. As it was explained to me, their current name “Rahma” was derived from the ancient Sanskrit words “Ra” for God and ma for mother. The letter “h” stands for humanity situated between the divine Ra and Mother Earth.

Mission Rama’s leader in the San Francisco Bay area has been Dr. Fernando Limaco, a retired dental surgeon originally from Peru. His group long ago purchased a remote piece of land in Northern California in order to do human initiated contact work there.

I had a general idea of the site’s location from Joe’s description of his ten-hour drive up from Los Angeles. However, until I finally made it up there in 2004, I never realized what a difficult journey it was. The exact location has always been kept confidential and instructions as to how to get there are usually given in person, not on the phone. The event I now describe gives an indication of why confidentiality is of importance.

The property sits in the foothills of the Northern California Coastal Range. During the 1990s the closest house to the property was about a half-mile away. A dirt road through rolling hills is the only access. In rainy season during winter months, mud, freezing rain and snow often made 4-wheel-drive required for vehicles to reach the site. All activities were done exclusively in Spanish, a language that I learned in high school and kept up with as part of my medical practice because of the large Hispanic population in Los Angeles. I was privileged to do fieldwork with Dr. Limaco’s contact team in 2004, 2006 and 2009.


United 747 pilot Joe Vallejo told me that a dimensional portal was opened one August night in 1994. The name of this type of device is “Xendra.” The “X” is pronounced as a “s.” It was via this kind of teleportation device that Sixto Paz Wells, a founding member of Rama in Peru, was reportedly transported to an ET base on a moon of Jupiter in 1974. The name of that Jovian satellite is Ganymede. It is the largest of Jupiter’s moons. Soon after Wells’ Xendra experience, an entire team of Rama contact activists reported that they too had made a journey to Ganymede via the dimensional portal.

The Northern California the Rama site for staging encounters is located near a stream than runs through hills that are quite steep, about 250 feet high. Joe told me that on the night the dimensional portal opened, the Rama people followed their usual contact preparations. After a light evening meal of fruit, the forty plus Hispanic contact activists formed a circle and started chanting. “Ohm.” After a while, a faint violet colored light appeared in the field just twenty yards away from where the group was standing.

The light hovered about 7 feet above the ground. It quickly enlarged extending to the left and right forming a doorway like structure made of violet light. Dr. Limaco explained that the group had just opened a dimensional portal. He emphasized that in order to keep it materialized, the entire assembly needed to keep chanting. According to Captain Joe’s account, the senior Rama people then moved through the crowd, instructing them to form seven groups, each with seven individuals. They were informed that they would have an opportunity to briefly enter the Xendra, thus permitting them to experience what it was like to stand in the teleportation device. Assurances were given that they would not leave the contact site.

Over the next hour seven groups of seven people each were instructed to go into the portal made of light and stand briefly inside the Xendra. Those in the Xendra, as well the crowd outside continued to chant “OOHHHMMM” throughout the entire ceremony. Captain Vallejo’s group was the last to enter. At that point people had been standing and chanting for well over an hour and were some beginning to get fatigued.

Captain Vallejo described the dimensional portal as being a tight space similar to an elevator. People had to crowd together to fit in. In the darkness, the walls were indistinct; the only illumination being provided was from the faint purple light that formed the doorway. As soon as they entered the Xendra the Rahma activists noticed that the sound produced by their chanting was altered. Joe said it was muffled as if they were speaking underwater. He also found that there was a change in the way in which they moved while huddled together. Everything seemed to be slowed down.

After a few minutes, he and the others inside the portal noticed that the chanting from the crowd outside had become less vigorous. As the sound of their voices decreased, to the dismay of those inside the Xendra, the violet light coming from the doorway started to fade. In addition, the walls of the elevator like structure in which they were standing became even more indistinct.

Joe told me that he was worried about what might happen if the portal collapsed with them still inside. He did not know what could occur and he was sure that he didn’t want to find out. Without exchanging a word, Captain Joe and his six companions chanted louder. To their relief the violet light from the doorway became brighter and the walls of the claustrophobic space in which they stood became more solid. They emerged from the Xendra with no ill effects. Joe told me that the entire group was enchanted by the experience.

For the next year the word “Xendra” could be heard throughout the Rama network. I was busy with my own organizing efforts for the CE-5 Initiative and was only able to attend one Rama outing near Pasadena in 1994. It was with a local Southern California group that was very different from Dr. Limaco’s team. Although a few anomalous nocturnal lights were seen, nothing as dramatic as the opening of a dimensional portal occurred. For over twenty years, I had been aware of this amazing event of the contact network now called Rahma. In 2014, I was given permission by Dr. Limaco to openly share this information.


Dr. Limaco and a few of his fellow Rama activists drove to Southern California in 1994 to meet with my CE-5 contact team. He described the history of the Hispanic contact network. According to the retired Peruvian dental surgeon, the group’s cosmology had been transmitted to them by benevolent advanced ET races. Rama believed that these extraterrestrials were operating both on and in space around our planet. These flying saucer intelligences are thought to be assisting mankind during what Rahma activists hope will be a monumental transformation of human consciousness allowing us to have open relations with extraterrestrials.

Rama contact activists have embraced what I imagine is a new age concept drawn from eastern mysticism. They assert that the more “evolved” spiritual realms exist at “higher frequencies.” Lower planes of existence like Earth’s, correspondingly have a “lower” vibrational frequency. In order to have a more open and closer relationship with extraterrestrials, mankind will supposedly be required to evolve spiritually so that our “vibration” will more closely match theirs.

Only ET civilizations that exist in “higher” vibration states or dimensions are being permitted by a kind of galactic council to be here during the current transformation. Truly negative and potentially dangerous extraterrestrials are supposedly being blocked from coming to Earth. Now, and in the past, the masses of humanity have not had the capacity to access such dimensions, but great spiritual teachers like Jesus and many other prophets esteemed by humanity presumably were able to peer into those higher vibration realms to help guide us on our spiritual evolutionary journey.


The belief system held by Rahma activists is similar to the ideas of other contactee groups that form in their entirety what I like to call, the “Contact Underground.” This network is composed of a broad array of contact organizations promoting the perspective that the ET presence here on Earth is a positive one. In my opinion, these concepts and practices are definitely New Age.

To achieve the great feat of taking a giant evolutionary leap, according to Rahma, we will need to elevate our collective “vibration” through various spiritual practices. These include meditation, carrying out acts of kindness and avoiding killing animals for food.

During several visits to Shasta with Captain Vallejo as my guide, I participated in Rama guided meditations that are a kind of extended collective prayer. They call for establishing a new Earth civilization based on peace, compassion and love. This can only be done by the Earth’s people. Although contactees might derive inspiration from the so-called “ETs” only humanity has the power to choose a path for its salvation.


According to the Rama cosmology, this monumental transformation has supposedly attracted many ET races here, not only to witness our awe-inspiring advance, but also for reasons related to their own spiritual evolution. The Earth, from Rahma’s point of view, is a living entity being transformed into a kind of spiritual dynamo. She will supply the necessary power for Earth’s next great spiritual evolutionary leap forward. This transformation will presumably also enable advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy to climb to the next wrung on their evolutionary ladders.
Thus, according to their beliefs, our planet has become the center of attention for the entire Milky Way. If such enlightened self-interest from a host of ET civilizations were truly operational in the contact drama, then it might explain why UFO experiencers have described what appear to be so many different racial types of ET beings that they report meeting during Close Encounters.


In California, contact workers participating in Mission Rama’s “encuentros” originally came from all over Latin America. Many had worked with the Mission in their countries of origin. For several decades, every few months caravans of Rama people used to drive up from the south. Most participants were from the San Francisco Bay Area. The number of activists that have participated ranged from a dozen or two up to nearly one hundred when major events take place. Usually only a handful came up from Southern California. It takes an entire day’s driving to get there from the “southland.” This can be daunting especially during winter storms.

Captain Joe was a 747 Line Captain for United. He started driving to Shasta in 1993. As the result of flying all over the Western Hemisphere as a jet pilot, he developed extensive contacts within the vast Rama network. Thanks to Captain Vallejo for two decades, I was kept abreast of major developments within the organization.

Captain Joe explained to me that Mission Rama quickly spread out from Peru in 1974 with major centers of support in Argentina, Mexico, Central America and even in Spain. The class backgrounds of Rahma contact activists are lower middle and working classes. Dr. Limaco was a well-respected oral surgeon in Peru, but in the late 1980s he was forced to emigrate because of civil war and the general lawlessness that afflicted his homeland. Joe told me that heavily armed guerrillas had tried unsuccessfully to abduct Fernando’s young daughter for ransom. Once in the USA, Dr. Limaco was not able to practice his profession because of his limited command of English and the strict recertification regulations applied to foreign trained health professionals.

Over the years, I made friends with several Rahma people. Some are service workers; others have jobs in construction or work for government in school districts and welfare offices. A handful of them have small businesses with only few employees. In terms of social status, Captain Vallejo as a 747 pilot with a major airline, stood out from the rest. Although I am an Anglo physician from a totally different cultural background, both Rama leaders and the rank and file have always treated me with a great deal of cordiality and respect. In my judgment, their advanced spiritual consciousness and the emphasis on maintaining unity have kept interpersonal conflicts to a minimum under Dr. Limaco’s guidance.


I first learned about the alleged teleportation devices called Xendras when I read a “UFO Library Magazine” article about the early history of Rahma. It was published over 30 years ago and the magazine subsequently folded. Dr. Limaco as well as other veteran Rama people deemed this detailed account accurate and my reports on this amazing contact network are based in part on that in-depth magazine article.


Sixto Paz Wells played a central role during the first two decades of Mission Rama’s campaign. It all started in 1974 in a desert area called Chilca. It is located some sixty miles south of Lima. Wells was a college student at the time. During one particular night of fieldwork, their destination was a place know as “La Mina” (the mine in Spanish). It was some twenty minutes walking distance from their jumping off point where they had parked their vehicles.

While slowly trudging along in desert sand, Sixto somehow became separated from his companions. After walking for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly found himself at La Mina without knowing how he could have arrived there so quickly. He saw a luminescence in the distance and walked towards it. As he approached the eerie light, he noted that it was on the ground and took the form of a half moon. As he closed in, suddenly the figure of a man with his arm raised come out of the light. Reportedly frightened and confused, Sixto tried to run but a strange paralysis overtook him.


As chronicled in the UFO Library Magazine report he received a simple mental command, “Come!” Overcoming his fear he entered the dimensional portal and immediately experienced vertigo and nausea. Engulfed in brilliant light he was still able to see standing next to him the very extraterrestrial being that he had envisioned just a few weeks before when he first reportedly started receiving messages via automatic writing.

This being known as “Oxalc” was described as human, about 6 feet 2 inches in height with oriental features. He had whitish-blond thin hair that flowed down to his broad shoulders. The ET explained to Sixto that they had entered an inter-dimensional portal where their atomic structure was converted to light energy and thereby could be transported rapidly over enormous distances rapidly.

Sixto reportedly emerged from the portal and found that he was no longer in the Peruvian desert. Instead he could see in the distance mountains that cradled a city composed of transparent domes and igloo like structures. They were supposedly on “Morlen,” the alleged ET name for Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.


According to the UFO Library Magazine account, Oxalc oriented his visitor to the situation. Sixto was told that this base had been established as a mining colony thousands of years ago. The atmosphere had been modified to allow them to move around without spacesuits. A type of solar energy was supplied so that trees and vegetables could grow in the many valleys that were colonized.

A council of respected elders working for “The Great Confederation of Stars” allegedly ruled Morlen. Their goal was to give generous assistance to all inhabited worlds in evolution. In this idyllic setting on Morlen, Sixto reported being told that individual colonists from many star systems could experience personal growth without prejudice or vice. This ET civilization was not only technologically advanced but according to Oxalc had also achieved an advanced state of spiritual development. After supposedly receiving an extensive briefing about life on Morlen, Sixto was allowed to re-enter the Xendra.


Suddenly he found himself back in the Peruvian desert at La Mina where his companions were searching for him. Sixto told his companions about Morlen. He also reported a distorted perception of the passage of time during his alleged journey. His memory of the time spent on Morlen seemed much longer than the fifteen minutes that had elapsed on Earth. Sixto told his friends that they too would have a similar experience in two weeks and that they must prepare themselves by meditating, eating a vegetarian diet and doing “concentration” exercises supplied by the ETs.

Sixto Paz Wells had additional adventures during the first two decades of Mission Rahma. In 1990, Dr. Limaco accompanied him to a remote ET base in the rainforests below the eastern slopes of the Andes. In another chapter of “The Contact Network History Project”, I describe a remarkable journey that reportedly ended in their boarding an ET craft in a remote location known as Paititi.

Name Deleted: Thank you for sharing this post and its fascinating history. How does this history align or not align with the Virtual Experience model?
Any tales involving meditation, separation from group, paralysis, fantastic voyage, and return correspond with journey archetypes that are equally applicable to dreams. Additionally, when I track the phenological description of two Rama guides, Ivika and Antarel, across interactions of English-speaking experiencers guided by Gonzales, there appears to be radical differences of appearance consistent with the VE model.
The personal testimony of Xendra experiencers is convincing to me and I had assumed that the Xendra was a physical manifestation, primarily because of the testimonies regarding the smell of nitrogen. However, in your retelling of the history, it is clear that the steps of altering consciousness, separation from group, fantastic voyage, and return to give testimony is more consistent with shamanic experience than physical, although it very well could be both.

Thanks for the comment. The Virtual Experience Model is designed to alert people to some of the psi technology involving manipulations of spacetime and human consciousness employed during encounters. The term "illusory" when applied to the model is problematic because if consciousness and not mass/energy is fundamental, then consciousness-based events are more "real" than our much beloved "4D reality." I suggest that a Xendra is one striking example of a consciousness- based technology that allows travel not only to different realms in spacetime, but also to what might be called other "dimensions" and are experienced as what experiencers in the FREE Survey called "a Matrix" (more real than physical) reality.

For additional blogs about Rahma, the following links are provided:
The article linked below is a detailed description of the origins of Mission Rama, a spiritually based Peruvian network of volunteer contact workers. They reported experiencing direct face to face encounters with what they believed were friendly extraterrestrial beings.
A description of how activists from CE-5 Initiative met with activists from the Peruvian network now called Rahma.
Rama activist retired dental surgeon Fernando Limaco describes how he and four other volunteer contact workers marched into the Peruvian rainforest to rendezvous with friendly ETs in a remote region called Paititi.
Long time Rahma activist Enrique Villanueva explains that UFO contact work is more than having a sighting or meeting friendly extraterrestrial. It is about the expansion of human consciousness.
submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:06 Contactunderground Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.

Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.


Xendra, an Inter-dimensional Portal was opened at the Rahma Contact Site called “Shasta.”

Joseph Burkes MD 2018
September 1994
A member of my Los Angeles based CE-5 Working Group, Captain Joe Vallejo, told me that a major event had occurred with a large group belonging to the contact network known back in the 1990s as Mission Rama. They now go by the name Rahma. It took place not in Latin America where most of their “encuentros” (encounters in Spanish) have occurred, but rather in Northern California at a place simply referred to as “Shasta.” (This site is in fact quite a distance from Mt. Shasta.)
Captain Vallejo was a jet pilot working for United Airlines and he had been active with a San Francisco based Rama team for about a year. As it was explained to me, their current name “Rahma” was derived from the ancient Sanskrit words “Ra” for God and ma for mother. The letter “h” stands for humanity situated between the divine Ra and Mother Earth.

Mission Rama’s leader in the San Francisco Bay area has been Dr. Fernando Limaco, a retired dental surgeon originally from Peru. His group long ago purchased a remote piece of land in Northern California in order to do human initiated contact work there.

I had a general idea of the site’s location from Joe’s description of his ten-hour drive up from Los Angeles. However, until I finally made it up there in 2004, I never realized what a difficult journey it was. The exact location has always been kept confidential and instructions as to how to get there are usually given in person, not on the phone. The event I now describe gives an indication of why confidentiality is of importance.

The property sits in the foothills of the Northern California Coastal Range. During the 1990s the closest house to the property was about a half-mile away. A dirt road through rolling hills is the only access. In rainy season during winter months, mud, freezing rain and snow often made 4-wheel-drive required for vehicles to reach the site. All activities were done exclusively in Spanish, a language that I learned in high school and kept up with as part of my medical practice because of the large Hispanic population in Los Angeles. I was privileged to do fieldwork with Dr. Limaco’s contact team in 2004, 2006 and 2009.


United 747 pilot Joe Vallejo told me that a dimensional portal was opened one August night in 1994. The name of this type of device is “Xendra.” The “X” is pronounced as a “s.” It was via this kind of teleportation device that Sixto Paz Wells, a founding member of Rama in Peru, was reportedly transported to an ET base on a moon of Jupiter in 1974. The name of that Jovian satellite is Ganymede. It is the largest of Jupiter’s moons. Soon after Wells’ Xendra experience, an entire team of Rama contact activists reported that they too had made a journey to Ganymede via the dimensional portal.

The Northern California the Rama site for staging encounters is located near a stream than runs through hills that are quite steep, about 250 feet high. Joe told me that on the night the dimensional portal opened, the Rama people followed their usual contact preparations. After a light evening meal of fruit, the forty plus Hispanic contact activists formed a circle and started chanting. “Ohm.” After a while, a faint violet colored light appeared in the field just twenty yards away from where the group was standing.

The light hovered about 7 feet above the ground. It quickly enlarged extending to the left and right forming a doorway like structure made of violet light. Dr. Limaco explained that the group had just opened a dimensional portal. He emphasized that in order to keep it materialized, the entire assembly needed to keep chanting. According to Captain Joe’s account, the senior Rama people then moved through the crowd, instructing them to form seven groups, each with seven individuals. They were informed that they would have an opportunity to briefly enter the Xendra, thus permitting them to experience what it was like to stand in the teleportation device. Assurances were given that they would not leave the contact site.

Over the next hour seven groups of seven people each were instructed to go into the portal made of light and stand briefly inside the Xendra. Those in the Xendra, as well the crowd outside continued to chant “OOHHHMMM” throughout the entire ceremony. Captain Vallejo’s group was the last to enter. At that point people had been standing and chanting for well over an hour and were some beginning to get fatigued.

Captain Vallejo described the dimensional portal as being a tight space similar to an elevator. People had to crowd together to fit in. In the darkness, the walls were indistinct; the only illumination being provided was from the faint purple light that formed the doorway. As soon as they entered the Xendra the Rahma activists noticed that the sound produced by their chanting was altered. Joe said it was muffled as if they were speaking underwater. He also found that there was a change in the way in which they moved while huddled together. Everything seemed to be slowed down.

After a few minutes, he and the others inside the portal noticed that the chanting from the crowd outside had become less vigorous. As the sound of their voices decreased, to the dismay of those inside the Xendra, the violet light coming from the doorway started to fade. In addition, the walls of the elevator like structure in which they were standing became even more indistinct.

Joe told me that he was worried about what might happen if the portal collapsed with them still inside. He did not know what could occur and he was sure that he didn’t want to find out. Without exchanging a word, Captain Joe and his six companions chanted louder. To their relief the violet light from the doorway became brighter and the walls of the claustrophobic space in which they stood became more solid. They emerged from the Xendra with no ill effects. Joe told me that the entire group was enchanted by the experience.

For the next year the word “Xendra” could be heard throughout the Rama network. I was busy with my own organizing efforts for the CE-5 Initiative and was only able to attend one Rama outing near Pasadena in 1994. It was with a local Southern California group that was very different from Dr. Limaco’s team. Although a few anomalous nocturnal lights were seen, nothing as dramatic as the opening of a dimensional portal occurred. For over twenty years, I had been aware of this amazing event of the contact network now called Rahma. In 2014, I was given permission by Dr. Limaco to openly share this information.


Dr. Limaco and a few of his fellow Rama activists drove to Southern California in 1994 to meet with my CE-5 contact team. He described the history of the Hispanic contact network. According to the retired Peruvian dental surgeon, the group’s cosmology had been transmitted to them by benevolent advanced ET races. Rama believed that these extraterrestrials were operating both on and in space around our planet. These flying saucer intelligences are thought to be assisting mankind during what Rahma activists hope will be a monumental transformation of human consciousness allowing us to have open relations with extraterrestrials.

Rama contact activists have embraced what I imagine is a new age concept drawn from eastern mysticism. They assert that the more “evolved” spiritual realms exist at “higher frequencies.” Lower planes of existence like Earth’s, correspondingly have a “lower” vibrational frequency. In order to have a more open and closer relationship with extraterrestrials, mankind will supposedly be required to evolve spiritually so that our “vibration” will more closely match theirs.

Only ET civilizations that exist in “higher” vibration states or dimensions are being permitted by a kind of galactic council to be here during the current transformation. Truly negative and potentially dangerous extraterrestrials are supposedly being blocked from coming to Earth. Now, and in the past, the masses of humanity have not had the capacity to access such dimensions, but great spiritual teachers like Jesus and many other prophets esteemed by humanity presumably were able to peer into those higher vibration realms to help guide us on our spiritual evolutionary journey.


The belief system held by Rahma activists is similar to the ideas of other contactee groups that form in their entirety what I like to call, the “Contact Underground.” This network is composed of a broad array of contact organizations promoting the perspective that the ET presence here on Earth is a positive one. In my opinion, these concepts and practices are definitely New Age.

To achieve the great feat of taking a giant evolutionary leap, according to Rahma, we will need to elevate our collective “vibration” through various spiritual practices. These include meditation, carrying out acts of kindness and avoiding killing animals for food.

During several visits to Shasta with Captain Vallejo as my guide, I participated in Rama guided meditations that are a kind of extended collective prayer. They call for establishing a new Earth civilization based on peace, compassion and love. This can only be done by the Earth’s people. Although contactees might derive inspiration from the so-called “ETs” only humanity has the power to choose a path for its salvation.


According to the Rama cosmology, this monumental transformation has supposedly attracted many ET races here, not only to witness our awe-inspiring advance, but also for reasons related to their own spiritual evolution. The Earth, from Rahma’s point of view, is a living entity being transformed into a kind of spiritual dynamo. She will supply the necessary power for Earth’s next great spiritual evolutionary leap forward. This transformation will presumably also enable advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy to climb to the next wrung on their evolutionary ladders.
Thus, according to their beliefs, our planet has become the center of attention for the entire Milky Way. If such enlightened self-interest from a host of ET civilizations were truly operational in the contact drama, then it might explain why UFO experiencers have described what appear to be so many different racial types of ET beings that they report meeting during Close Encounters.


In California, contact workers participating in Mission Rama’s “encuentros” originally came from all over Latin America. Many had worked with the Mission in their countries of origin. For several decades, every few months caravans of Rama people used to drive up from the south. Most participants were from the San Francisco Bay Area. The number of activists that have participated ranged from a dozen or two up to nearly one hundred when major events take place. Usually only a handful came up from Southern California. It takes an entire day’s driving to get there from the “southland.” This can be daunting especially during winter storms.

Captain Joe was a 747 Line Captain for United. He started driving to Shasta in 1993. As the result of flying all over the Western Hemisphere as a jet pilot, he developed extensive contacts within the vast Rama network. Thanks to Captain Vallejo for two decades, I was kept abreast of major developments within the organization.

Captain Joe explained to me that Mission Rama quickly spread out from Peru in 1974 with major centers of support in Argentina, Mexico, Central America and even in Spain. The class backgrounds of Rahma contact activists are lower middle and working classes. Dr. Limaco was a well-respected oral surgeon in Peru, but in the late 1980s he was forced to emigrate because of civil war and the general lawlessness that afflicted his homeland. Joe told me that heavily armed guerrillas had tried unsuccessfully to abduct Fernando’s young daughter for ransom. Once in the USA, Dr. Limaco was not able to practice his profession because of his limited command of English and the strict recertification regulations applied to foreign trained health professionals.

Over the years, I made friends with several Rahma people. Some are service workers; others have jobs in construction or work for government in school districts and welfare offices. A handful of them have small businesses with only few employees. In terms of social status, Captain Vallejo as a 747 pilot with a major airline, stood out from the rest. Although I am an Anglo physician from a totally different cultural background, both Rama leaders and the rank and file have always treated me with a great deal of cordiality and respect. In my judgment, their advanced spiritual consciousness and the emphasis on maintaining unity have kept interpersonal conflicts to a minimum under Dr. Limaco’s guidance.


I first learned about the alleged teleportation devices called Xendras when I read a “UFO Library Magazine” article about the early history of Rahma. It was published over 30 years ago and the magazine subsequently folded. Dr. Limaco as well as other veteran Rama people deemed this detailed account accurate and my reports on this amazing contact network are based in part on that in-depth magazine article.


Sixto Paz Wells played a central role during the first two decades of Mission Rama’s campaign. It all started in 1974 in a desert area called Chilca. It is located some sixty miles south of Lima. Wells was a college student at the time. During one particular night of fieldwork, their destination was a place know as “La Mina” (the mine in Spanish). It was some twenty minutes walking distance from their jumping off point where they had parked their vehicles.

While slowly trudging along in desert sand, Sixto somehow became separated from his companions. After walking for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly found himself at La Mina without knowing how he could have arrived there so quickly. He saw a luminescence in the distance and walked towards it. As he approached the eerie light, he noted that it was on the ground and took the form of a half moon. As he closed in, suddenly the figure of a man with his arm raised come out of the light. Reportedly frightened and confused, Sixto tried to run but a strange paralysis overtook him.


As chronicled in the UFO Library Magazine report he received a simple mental command, “Come!” Overcoming his fear he entered the dimensional portal and immediately experienced vertigo and nausea. Engulfed in brilliant light he was still able to see standing next to him the very extraterrestrial being that he had envisioned just a few weeks before when he first reportedly started receiving messages via automatic writing.

This being known as “Oxalc” was described as human, about 6 feet 2 inches in height with oriental features. He had whitish-blond thin hair that flowed down to his broad shoulders. The ET explained to Sixto that they had entered an inter-dimensional portal where their atomic structure was converted to light energy and thereby could be transported rapidly over enormous distances rapidly.

Sixto reportedly emerged from the portal and found that he was no longer in the Peruvian desert. Instead he could see in the distance mountains that cradled a city composed of transparent domes and igloo like structures. They were supposedly on “Morlen,” the alleged ET name for Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.


According to the UFO Library Magazine account, Oxalc oriented his visitor to the situation. Sixto was told that this base had been established as a mining colony thousands of years ago. The atmosphere had been modified to allow them to move around without spacesuits. A type of solar energy was supplied so that trees and vegetables could grow in the many valleys that were colonized.

A council of respected elders working for “The Great Confederation of Stars” allegedly ruled Morlen. Their goal was to give generous assistance to all inhabited worlds in evolution. In this idyllic setting on Morlen, Sixto reported being told that individual colonists from many star systems could experience personal growth without prejudice or vice. This ET civilization was not only technologically advanced but according to Oxalc had also achieved an advanced state of spiritual development. After supposedly receiving an extensive briefing about life on Morlen, Sixto was allowed to re-enter the Xendra.


Suddenly he found himself back in the Peruvian desert at La Mina where his companions were searching for him. Sixto told his companions about Morlen. He also reported a distorted perception of the passage of time during his alleged journey. His memory of the time spent on Morlen seemed much longer than the fifteen minutes that had elapsed on Earth. Sixto told his friends that they too would have a similar experience in two weeks and that they must prepare themselves by meditating, eating a vegetarian diet and doing “concentration” exercises supplied by the ETs.

Sixto Paz Wells had additional adventures during the first two decades of Mission Rahma. In 1990, Dr. Limaco accompanied him to a remote ET base in the rainforests below the eastern slopes of the Andes. In another chapter of “The Contact Network History Project”, I describe a remarkable journey that reportedly ended in their boarding an ET craft in a remote location known as Paititi.

Name Deleted: Thank you for sharing this post and its fascinating history. How does this history align or not align with the Virtual Experience model?
Any tales involving meditation, separation from group, paralysis, fantastic voyage, and return correspond with journey archetypes that are equally applicable to dreams. Additionally, when I track the phenological description of two Rama guides, Ivika and Antarel, across interactions of English-speaking experiencers guided by Gonzales, there appears to be radical differences of appearance consistent with the VE model.
The personal testimony of Xendra experiencers is convincing to me and I had assumed that the Xendra was a physical manifestation, primarily because of the testimonies regarding the smell of nitrogen. However, in your retelling of the history, it is clear that the steps of altering consciousness, separation from group, fantastic voyage, and return to give testimony is more consistent with shamanic experience than physical, although it very well could be both.

Thanks for the comment. The Virtual Experience Model is designed to alert people to some of the psi technology involving manipulations of spacetime and human consciousness employed during encounters. The term "illusory" when applied to the model is problematic because if consciousness and not mass/energy is fundamental, then consciousness-based events are more "real" than our much beloved "4D reality." I suggest that a Xendra is one striking example of a consciousness- based technology that allows travel not only to different realms in spacetime, but also to what might be called other "dimensions" and are experienced as what experiencers in the FREE Survey called "a Matrix" (more real than physical) reality.

For additional blogs about Rahma, the following links are provided:
The article linked below is a detailed description of the origins of Mission Rama, a spiritually based Peruvian network of volunteer contact workers. They reported experiencing direct face to face encounters with what they believed were friendly extraterrestrial beings.
A description of how activists from CE-5 Initiative met with activists from the Peruvian network now called Rahma.
Rama activist retired dental surgeon Fernando Limaco describes how he and four other volunteer contact workers marched into the Peruvian rainforest to rendezvous with friendly ETs in a remote region called Paititi.
Long time Rahma activist Enrique Villanueva explains that UFO contact work is more than having a sighting or meeting friendly extraterrestrial. It is about the expansion of human consciousness.
submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:03 Contactunderground Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.

Mission Rama, now called Rahma, is one of the most important contact networks of the 20th century. I describe how a Rama team opened a dimensional portal in 1994 at a place called “Shasta.” The origins of Mission Rama & their cosmology are outlined.


Xendra, an Inter-dimensional Portal was opened at the Rahma Contact Site called “Shasta.”

Joseph Burkes MD 2018
September 1994
A member of my Los Angeles based CE-5 Working Group, Captain Joe Vallejo, told me that a major event had occurred with a large group belonging to the contact network known back in the 1990s as Mission Rama. They now go by the name Rahma. It took place not in Latin America where most of their “encuentros” (encounters in Spanish) have occurred, but rather in Northern California at a place simply referred to as “Shasta.” (This site is in fact quite a distance from Mt. Shasta.)
Captain Vallejo was a jet pilot working for United Airlines and he had been active with a San Francisco based Rama team for about a year. As it was explained to me, their current name “Rahma” was derived from the ancient Sanskrit words “Ra” for God and ma for mother. The letter “h” stands for humanity situated between the divine Ra and Mother Earth.

Mission Rama’s leader in the San Francisco Bay area has been Dr. Fernando Limaco, a retired dental surgeon originally from Peru. His group long ago purchased a remote piece of land in Northern California in order to do human initiated contact work there.

I had a general idea of the site’s location from Joe’s description of his ten-hour drive up from Los Angeles. However, until I finally made it up there in 2004, I never realized what a difficult journey it was. The exact location has always been kept confidential and instructions as to how to get there are usually given in person, not on the phone. The event I now describe gives an indication of why confidentiality is of importance.

The property sits in the foothills of the Northern California Coastal Range. During the 1990s the closest house to the property was about a half-mile away. A dirt road through rolling hills is the only access. In rainy season during winter months, mud, freezing rain and snow often made 4-wheel-drive required for vehicles to reach the site. All activities were done exclusively in Spanish, a language that I learned in high school and kept up with as part of my medical practice because of the large Hispanic population in Los Angeles. I was privileged to do fieldwork with Dr. Limaco’s contact team in 2004, 2006 and 2009.


United 747 pilot Joe Vallejo told me that a dimensional portal was opened one August night in 1994. The name of this type of device is “Xendra.” The “X” is pronounced as a “s.” It was via this kind of teleportation device that Sixto Paz Wells, a founding member of Rama in Peru, was reportedly transported to an ET base on a moon of Jupiter in 1974. The name of that Jovian satellite is Ganymede. It is the largest of Jupiter’s moons. Soon after Wells’ Xendra experience, an entire team of Rama contact activists reported that they too had made a journey to Ganymede via the dimensional portal.

The Northern California the Rama site for staging encounters is located near a stream than runs through hills that are quite steep, about 250 feet high. Joe told me that on the night the dimensional portal opened, the Rama people followed their usual contact preparations. After a light evening meal of fruit, the forty plus Hispanic contact activists formed a circle and started chanting. “Ohm.” After a while, a faint violet colored light appeared in the field just twenty yards away from where the group was standing.

The light hovered about 7 feet above the ground. It quickly enlarged extending to the left and right forming a doorway like structure made of violet light. Dr. Limaco explained that the group had just opened a dimensional portal. He emphasized that in order to keep it materialized, the entire assembly needed to keep chanting. According to Captain Joe’s account, the senior Rama people then moved through the crowd, instructing them to form seven groups, each with seven individuals. They were informed that they would have an opportunity to briefly enter the Xendra, thus permitting them to experience what it was like to stand in the teleportation device. Assurances were given that they would not leave the contact site.

Over the next hour seven groups of seven people each were instructed to go into the portal made of light and stand briefly inside the Xendra. Those in the Xendra, as well the crowd outside continued to chant “OOHHHMMM” throughout the entire ceremony. Captain Vallejo’s group was the last to enter. At that point people had been standing and chanting for well over an hour and were some beginning to get fatigued.

Captain Vallejo described the dimensional portal as being a tight space similar to an elevator. People had to crowd together to fit in. In the darkness, the walls were indistinct; the only illumination being provided was from the faint purple light that formed the doorway. As soon as they entered the Xendra the Rahma activists noticed that the sound produced by their chanting was altered. Joe said it was muffled as if they were speaking underwater. He also found that there was a change in the way in which they moved while huddled together. Everything seemed to be slowed down.

After a few minutes, he and the others inside the portal noticed that the chanting from the crowd outside had become less vigorous. As the sound of their voices decreased, to the dismay of those inside the Xendra, the violet light coming from the doorway started to fade. In addition, the walls of the elevator like structure in which they were standing became even more indistinct.

Joe told me that he was worried about what might happen if the portal collapsed with them still inside. He did not know what could occur and he was sure that he didn’t want to find out. Without exchanging a word, Captain Joe and his six companions chanted louder. To their relief the violet light from the doorway became brighter and the walls of the claustrophobic space in which they stood became more solid. They emerged from the Xendra with no ill effects. Joe told me that the entire group was enchanted by the experience.

For the next year the word “Xendra” could be heard throughout the Rama network. I was busy with my own organizing efforts for the CE-5 Initiative and was only able to attend one Rama outing near Pasadena in 1994. It was with a local Southern California group that was very different from Dr. Limaco’s team. Although a few anomalous nocturnal lights were seen, nothing as dramatic as the opening of a dimensional portal occurred. For over twenty years, I had been aware of this amazing event of the contact network now called Rahma. In 2014, I was given permission by Dr. Limaco to openly share this information.


Dr. Limaco and a few of his fellow Rama activists drove to Southern California in 1994 to meet with my CE-5 contact team. He described the history of the Hispanic contact network. According to the retired Peruvian dental surgeon, the group’s cosmology had been transmitted to them by benevolent advanced ET races. Rama believed that these extraterrestrials were operating both on and in space around our planet. These flying saucer intelligences are thought to be assisting mankind during what Rahma activists hope will be a monumental transformation of human consciousness allowing us to have open relations with extraterrestrials.

Rama contact activists have embraced what I imagine is a new age concept drawn from eastern mysticism. They assert that the more “evolved” spiritual realms exist at “higher frequencies.” Lower planes of existence like Earth’s, correspondingly have a “lower” vibrational frequency. In order to have a more open and closer relationship with extraterrestrials, mankind will supposedly be required to evolve spiritually so that our “vibration” will more closely match theirs.

Only ET civilizations that exist in “higher” vibration states or dimensions are being permitted by a kind of galactic council to be here during the current transformation. Truly negative and potentially dangerous extraterrestrials are supposedly being blocked from coming to Earth. Now, and in the past, the masses of humanity have not had the capacity to access such dimensions, but great spiritual teachers like Jesus and many other prophets esteemed by humanity presumably were able to peer into those higher vibration realms to help guide us on our spiritual evolutionary journey.


The belief system held by Rahma activists is similar to the ideas of other contactee groups that form in their entirety what I like to call, the “Contact Underground.” This network is composed of a broad array of contact organizations promoting the perspective that the ET presence here on Earth is a positive one. In my opinion, these concepts and practices are definitely New Age.

To achieve the great feat of taking a giant evolutionary leap, according to Rahma, we will need to elevate our collective “vibration” through various spiritual practices. These include meditation, carrying out acts of kindness and avoiding killing animals for food.

During several visits to Shasta with Captain Vallejo as my guide, I participated in Rama guided meditations that are a kind of extended collective prayer. They call for establishing a new Earth civilization based on peace, compassion and love. This can only be done by the Earth’s people. Although contactees might derive inspiration from the so-called “ETs” only humanity has the power to choose a path for its salvation.


According to the Rama cosmology, this monumental transformation has supposedly attracted many ET races here, not only to witness our awe-inspiring advance, but also for reasons related to their own spiritual evolution. The Earth, from Rahma’s point of view, is a living entity being transformed into a kind of spiritual dynamo. She will supply the necessary power for Earth’s next great spiritual evolutionary leap forward. This transformation will presumably also enable advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy to climb to the next wrung on their evolutionary ladders.
Thus, according to their beliefs, our planet has become the center of attention for the entire Milky Way. If such enlightened self-interest from a host of ET civilizations were truly operational in the contact drama, then it might explain why UFO experiencers have described what appear to be so many different racial types of ET beings that they report meeting during Close Encounters.


In California, contact workers participating in Mission Rama’s “encuentros” originally came from all over Latin America. Many had worked with the Mission in their countries of origin. For several decades, every few months caravans of Rama people used to drive up from the south. Most participants were from the San Francisco Bay Area. The number of activists that have participated ranged from a dozen or two up to nearly one hundred when major events take place. Usually only a handful came up from Southern California. It takes an entire day’s driving to get there from the “southland.” This can be daunting especially during winter storms.

Captain Joe was a 747 Line Captain for United. He started driving to Shasta in 1993. As the result of flying all over the Western Hemisphere as a jet pilot, he developed extensive contacts within the vast Rama network. Thanks to Captain Vallejo for two decades, I was kept abreast of major developments within the organization.

Captain Joe explained to me that Mission Rama quickly spread out from Peru in 1974 with major centers of support in Argentina, Mexico, Central America and even in Spain. The class backgrounds of Rahma contact activists are lower middle and working classes. Dr. Limaco was a well-respected oral surgeon in Peru, but in the late 1980s he was forced to emigrate because of civil war and the general lawlessness that afflicted his homeland. Joe told me that heavily armed guerrillas had tried unsuccessfully to abduct Fernando’s young daughter for ransom. Once in the USA, Dr. Limaco was not able to practice his profession because of his limited command of English and the strict recertification regulations applied to foreign trained health professionals.

Over the years, I made friends with several Rahma people. Some are service workers; others have jobs in construction or work for government in school districts and welfare offices. A handful of them have small businesses with only few employees. In terms of social status, Captain Vallejo as a 747 pilot with a major airline, stood out from the rest. Although I am an Anglo physician from a totally different cultural background, both Rama leaders and the rank and file have always treated me with a great deal of cordiality and respect. In my judgment, their advanced spiritual consciousness and the emphasis on maintaining unity have kept interpersonal conflicts to a minimum under Dr. Limaco’s guidance.


I first learned about the alleged teleportation devices called Xendras when I read a “UFO Library Magazine” article about the early history of Rahma. It was published over 30 years ago and the magazine subsequently folded. Dr. Limaco as well as other veteran Rama people deemed this detailed account accurate and my reports on this amazing contact network are based in part on that in-depth magazine article.


Sixto Paz Wells played a central role during the first two decades of Mission Rama’s campaign. It all started in 1974 in a desert area called Chilca. It is located some sixty miles south of Lima. Wells was a college student at the time. During one particular night of fieldwork, their destination was a place know as “La Mina” (the mine in Spanish). It was some twenty minutes walking distance from their jumping off point where they had parked their vehicles.

While slowly trudging along in desert sand, Sixto somehow became separated from his companions. After walking for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly found himself at La Mina without knowing how he could have arrived there so quickly. He saw a luminescence in the distance and walked towards it. As he approached the eerie light, he noted that it was on the ground and took the form of a half moon. As he closed in, suddenly the figure of a man with his arm raised come out of the light. Reportedly frightened and confused, Sixto tried to run but a strange paralysis overtook him.


As chronicled in the UFO Library Magazine report he received a simple mental command, “Come!” Overcoming his fear he entered the dimensional portal and immediately experienced vertigo and nausea. Engulfed in brilliant light he was still able to see standing next to him the very extraterrestrial being that he had envisioned just a few weeks before when he first reportedly started receiving messages via automatic writing.

This being known as “Oxalc” was described as human, about 6 feet 2 inches in height with oriental features. He had whitish-blond thin hair that flowed down to his broad shoulders. The ET explained to Sixto that they had entered an inter-dimensional portal where their atomic structure was converted to light energy and thereby could be transported rapidly over enormous distances rapidly.

Sixto reportedly emerged from the portal and found that he was no longer in the Peruvian desert. Instead he could see in the distance mountains that cradled a city composed of transparent domes and igloo like structures. They were supposedly on “Morlen,” the alleged ET name for Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter.


According to the UFO Library Magazine account, Oxalc oriented his visitor to the situation. Sixto was told that this base had been established as a mining colony thousands of years ago. The atmosphere had been modified to allow them to move around without spacesuits. A type of solar energy was supplied so that trees and vegetables could grow in the many valleys that were colonized.

A council of respected elders working for “The Great Confederation of Stars” allegedly ruled Morlen. Their goal was to give generous assistance to all inhabited worlds in evolution. In this idyllic setting on Morlen, Sixto reported being told that individual colonists from many star systems could experience personal growth without prejudice or vice. This ET civilization was not only technologically advanced but according to Oxalc had also achieved an advanced state of spiritual development. After supposedly receiving an extensive briefing about life on Morlen, Sixto was allowed to re-enter the Xendra.


Suddenly he found himself back in the Peruvian desert at La Mina where his companions were searching for him. Sixto told his companions about Morlen. He also reported a distorted perception of the passage of time during his alleged journey. His memory of the time spent on Morlen seemed much longer than the fifteen minutes that had elapsed on Earth. Sixto told his friends that they too would have a similar experience in two weeks and that they must prepare themselves by meditating, eating a vegetarian diet and doing “concentration” exercises supplied by the ETs.

Sixto Paz Wells had additional adventures during the first two decades of Mission Rahma. In 1990, Dr. Limaco accompanied him to a remote ET base in the rainforests below the eastern slopes of the Andes. In another chapter of “The Contact Network History Project”, I describe a remarkable journey that reportedly ended in their boarding an ET craft in a remote location known as Paititi.

Name Deleted: Thank you for sharing this post and its fascinating history. How does this history align or not align with the Virtual Experience model?
Any tales involving meditation, separation from group, paralysis, fantastic voyage, and return correspond with journey archetypes that are equally applicable to dreams. Additionally, when I track the phenological description of two Rama guides, Ivika and Antarel, across interactions of English-speaking experiencers guided by Gonzales, there appears to be radical differences of appearance consistent with the VE model.
The personal testimony of Xendra experiencers is convincing to me and I had assumed that the Xendra was a physical manifestation, primarily because of the testimonies regarding the smell of nitrogen. However, in your retelling of the history, it is clear that the steps of altering consciousness, separation from group, fantastic voyage, and return to give testimony is more consistent with shamanic experience than physical, although it very well could be both.

Thanks for the comment. The Virtual Experience Model is designed to alert people to some of the psi technology involving manipulations of spacetime and human consciousness employed during encounters. The term "illusory" when applied to the model is problematic because if consciousness and not mass/energy is fundamental, then consciousness-based events are more "real" than our much beloved "4D reality." I suggest that a Xendra is one striking example of a consciousness- based technology that allows travel not only to different realms in spacetime, but also to what might be called other "dimensions" and are experienced as what experiencers in the FREE Survey called "a Matrix" (more real than physical) reality.

For additional blogs about Rahma, the following links are provided:
The article linked below is a detailed description of the origins of Mission Rama, a spiritually based Peruvian network of volunteer contact workers. They reported experiencing direct face to face encounters with what they believed were friendly extraterrestrial beings.
A description of how activists from CE-5 Initiative met with activists from the Peruvian network now called Rahma.
Rama activist retired dental surgeon Fernando Limaco describes how he and four other volunteer contact workers marched into the Peruvian rainforest to rendezvous with friendly ETs in a remote region called Paititi.
Long time Rahma activist Enrique Villanueva explains that UFO contact work is more than having a sighting or meeting friendly extraterrestrial. It is about the expansion of human consciousness.
submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:25 lllocni Há crianças com 11 anos dependentes de pornografia
REVISTA DE IMPRENSA Em Portugal, 40% dos rapazes e 26% das raparigas entre os 9 e os 16 anos já viram conteúdos pornográficos
O primeiro contacto com pornografia online acontece, em média, aos 11 anos, revela o estudo “EU Kids Online” citado pelo jornal Expresso e que dá conta que em Portugal, 40% dos rapazes e 26% das raparigas entre os 9 e os 16 anos já viram conteúdos pornográficos.
Segundo o jornal, os dados foram compilados em 2019, mas os especialistas acreditam que os números tenham aumentado depois da pandemia.
O estudo adianta ainda que muitos dos sites já têm mecanismos de verificação da idade, no entanto são fracos.
O fácil acesso a este tipo de conteúdos está a gerar preocupação, uma vez que quanto mais cedo se começa a consumir este tipo de conteúdos, maior é a probabilidade de ficar viciado.
Dois anos depois dos dados terem sido compilados, o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (Unicef) alertou para a “enorme quantidade de pornografia disponível online, incluindo conteúdos cada vez mais gráficos e extremos que são facilmente acessíveis a menores de todas as idades”.REVISTA DE IMPRENSA Em Portugal, 40% dos rapazes e 26% das raparigas entre os 9 e os 16 anos já viram conteúdos pornográficosO primeiro contacto com pornografia online acontece, em média, aos 11 anos, revela o estudo “EU Kids Online” citado pelo jornal Expresso e que dá conta que em Portugal, 40% dos rapazes e 26% das raparigas entre os 9 e os 16 anos já viram conteúdos pornográficos.Segundo o jornal, os dados foram compilados em 2019, mas os especialistas acreditam que os números tenham aumentado depois da pandemia.O estudo adianta ainda que muitos dos sites já têm mecanismos de verificação da idade, no entanto são fracos.O fácil acesso a este tipo de conteúdos está a gerar preocupação, uma vez que quanto mais cedo se começa a consumir este tipo de conteúdos, maior é a probabilidade de ficar viciado.Dois anos depois dos dados terem sido compilados, o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (Unicef) alertou para a “enorme quantidade de pornografia disponível online, incluindo conteúdos cada vez mais gráficos e extremos que são facilmente acessíveis a menores de todas as idades”.
submitted by lllocni to portugal2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:11 Many_Huckleberry_569 Fingir ser outra pessoa com quem eu gostava, é tarde pra voltar atrás?

Lá pra 2017/18 entrei na faculdade e logo de cara já me vi em um grupo fechado de 4 pessoas (eu H e 3 M), um grupo perfeito na qual converso todos os dias até hoje. Certo dia nesse grupinho estava rolando a conversa típica de quem ficaria com quem da sala, e eu (introvertido ao extremo) falei que não ficaria com ninguém pois tinha que rolar uma conexão primeiro, e uma das amigas também disse isso (vamos chamá-la de Maria), logo as outras 2 amigas falaram em tom de zueira que nós 2 deveríamos ficar juntos então (eu e Maria), e foi aí que começou o problema... Nós rimos na hora, mas depois de falarem isso comecei a olhar pra ela diferente, notei o quanto era bonita, inteligente, e o quanto tínhamos em comum, o problema foi que as outras 2 amigas ficavam lembrando dessa conversa todo dia e eu ficava sem saber o que fazer, pois realmente comecei a gostar dela e a ansiedade batia cada vez que comentavam desse assunto, eu só queria que parassem de comentar todo dia. Não sei o que passou na minha cabeça, eu poderia chamar ela pra sair, falar pessoalmente que estava gostando dela mesmo, mas fiz a pior coisa, me fingi ser outra pessoa 🤡 Basicamente fingi ser um macho insuportável, toda foto dessas minhas amigas com outra menina eu falava pra mandar o contato, até mesmo com a "Maria" eu pedia contato de amigas, e isso durou até ano passado mesmo eu nunca tendo levando nenhum desses flertes a sério. Nesses últimos meses temos saindo como amigos, vamos em restaurantes e parques mas sinto que ela me vê como eu quis fingir ser 😭
A pergunta é: é tarde pra voltar atrás e convencer ela que esse tempo todo eu estava fingindo ser outra pessoa só porque eu gostava muito dela? Faz algum sentido?
submitted by Many_Huckleberry_569 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:17 bot_neen ¡Hará calor como nunca antes! UNAM alerta que se romperán récords de temperaturas en México

¡Hará calor como nunca antes! UNAM alerta que se romperán récords de temperaturas en México submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:39 venezuelasecretaa Norberto Ceresole: El Rasputín de Chávez

Norberto Ceresole: El Rasputín de Chávez
Como algunos miembros de las élites venezolanas ya se han dado cuenta, la mayoría de las propuestas del presidente Hugo Chávez no son producto de sus propios procesos de pensamiento, si es que los tiene. Más bien, provienen de Norberto Ceresole, el desaliñado geopolítico argentino que aterrizó en Caracas casi inmediatamente después de la victoria de Chávez en las elecciones de diciembre de 1998, presumiendo de que Chávez era su “creación". Lo que resulta atractivo del nuevo presidente, dijo a un entrevistador de la revista Siete Días, "es que él representa un modelo político que diseñé en los años 60. Yo diseñé ese modelo… Lo que está ocurriendo ahora en Venezuela, es algo que soñé, que imaginé hace años".
Hay seguramente un elemento de autopromoción megalómana en los arrebatos de Ceresole. Pero también contienen un elemento significativo de verdad. Los preceptos básicos del "modelo Chávez" se encuentran en el extenso, enrevesado y pomposo opúsculo de Ceresole, "Caudillo, Ejército y Pueblo¨: El Modelo Venezolano o la Postdemocracia", que tenía preparado para Chávez a su llegada a Caracas en enero de 1999. No conocido por su modestia, exigió que se reprodujeran 100.000 ejemplares de la obra y se difundieran para educar al pueblo venezolano sobre el "nuevo estado" que Chávez pretende construir. Ceresole tal vez no una palabra conocida en Venezuela, pero es bien conocido por EIR, cuyo fundador, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., ha atacado abiertamente.
Desde principios de la década de 1990, este servicio de noticias ha seguido sus actividades como agente de lo que hemos hecho famoso como el "complot" concebido por los británicos para desmantelar la institución de las fuerzas armadas, y el propio Estado-nación soberano. Como era de esperar, Ceresole se encuentra en cualquier lugar en el que el "complot" esté en marcha, trabajando con el londinense Foro de Sao Paulo para promover el modelo de un "nuevo" ejército militar, que no interferirá con las políticas destruye-naciones de Londres y Wall Street.
🔹Tomado del documento compilatorio titulado "Hugo Chávez: Agente del Globalismo"🔹
submitted by venezuelasecretaa to venezuela [link] [comments]


Estoy pensando comprar la obra completa de H.P Lovecraft y de Edgar Allan Poe, pero algunas ediciones no están en México🥺 he leído muchas opiniones diferentes de las siguientes editoriales:

Si pueden darme sus opiniones, consejos y experiencias con alguna de las editoriales se los agradecería muchísimo
De antemano muchas gracias 😁
submitted by ROTWYTTE to libros [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:27 LParola Alguem afim de conversar?

H 26 entediado afim de conversar sobre qualquer coisa com qualquer um. Gosto de musica (de jazz a metal extremo), toco baixo e guitarra (ainda estudando, mas tenho q pegar mais animo kkkk). Gosto de ler, livros e quadrinhos. Quem quiser conversar é só chamar na dm!
submitted by LParola to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:04 M4C4BRO Bibliografia Política

Bibliografia Política

-Curso básico de microeconomia - José Carrera-Fernandez
-Macroeconomia para executivos - Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira Schmidt e Fábio Giambiagi
-Opções, futuros e outros derivativos - John C. Hull
-Projeto nacional - Ciro Gomes
-O Estado Empreendedor- Mariana Mazzucato
-This time is different’ (Desta vez é diferente) Carmen Reinhart e Kenneth Rogoff.
Máfia econômica
-Capitalismo de laços - Sérgio G. Lazzarini
-O que os Donos do Poder não Querem que você saiba- Eduardo Moreira
Follow The Money
Gestão Pública
-Administração pública-Augustinho Paludo
-Gestão da regulação - Ivan Antônio Pinheiro
Relações Governamentais title=Lobismo&oldid=[59036860](tel:59036860) title=Relações_Governamentais&oldid=[54006172](tel:54006172)
  • Curso de direito do trabalho - Luciano Martinez
-Legislação do SUS - Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde CONASS -Para entender a gestão do SUS - Conass
-Exame de ordem da OAB: Doutrina – Volume único - Coordenação Vauledir Ribeiro Santos
Código Comercial
Lei nº 556, 25.6.1850
Código Civil
Lei nº 10.406, 10.1.2002
Código de Águas
Dec nº 24.643, 10.7.1934
Código de Defesa do Consumidor
Lei nº 8.078, [11.09.1990](tel:11091990)
Código Penal
Del nº 2.848, 7.12.1940
Código de Processo Penal
Del nº 3.689, 3.10.1941
Código Brasileiro de Telecomunicações
Lei nº 4.117, 27.8.1962
Código Florestal
Lei nº 12.651, 25.5.2012
Código Eleitoral
Lei nº 4.737, 15.7.1965
Código Tributário Nacional
Lei nº 5.172, [25.10.1966](tel:25101966)
Código de Processo Penal Militar
Del 1.002, de [21.10.1969](tel:21101969)
Código Penal Militar
Del 1.001, de [21.10.1969](tel:21101969)
Código de Mineração - Código de Minas
Del nº 227, 28.2.1967
Código de Caça - Proteção a Fauna
Lei nº 5.197, 3.1.1967
Código de Processo Civil
Lei nº 13.105, de 2015
Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica
Lei nº 7.565, [19.12.1986](tel:19121986)
Código de Propriedade Industrial
Lei nº 9.279, 14.5.1996
Código de Trânsito Brasileiro
Lei nº 9.503, 23.9.1997
-Análise de Crime para Solucionadores de Problemas Em 60 Pequenos Passos - Ronald V. Clarke & John E. Eck -Crime organizado - Cleber Masson e Vinícius Marçal -A república das milícias-Bruno Paes Manso
Inteligência Financeira -Lavagem de dinheiro - André Luís Callegari e Ariel Barazzetti Weber
Córtex - Seopi
Defesa Civil - Emergência (Emergency - This book will save your life) - Neil Strauss - FM 21-76 US ARMY SURVIVAL MANUAL - IP 21-80 - SOBREVIVÊNCIA NA SELVA
Bombeiros -Manual básico de Bombeiro Militar CBMERJ
Estratégia -Livro Branco da Defesa -Estratégia Nacional de Defesa -A arte da guerra - Sun Tzu -Da Guerra-CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ -Sobre a guerra - Napoleão Bonaparte -The Influence of Sea Power Upon History [1660 - 1783](tel:16601783) Alfred Thayer Mahan -O Príncipe - Nicolau Maquiavel -As grandes estratégias - John Lewis Gaddis
Gestão e Logística -Relatórios de Gestão - Defesa/EB/MB/FAB
Geopolítica -A vingança da Geografia - Robert D. Kaplan -A desordem mundial - Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira
Jogos de Guerra e Operações
Palavras-chave: Military Decision-Making Process MDMP
Funções de combate: Movimento e Manobra, Inteligência, Comando e Controle, Fogos, Proteção e Logística
-The Complete Wargames Handbook -James F. Dunnigan -Smartbooks Christopher Larsen & Norman M. Wade -FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations -FM 3-0 Operations -FM 3-90 Tácticas ( espanhol) -Gary Grigsbys War in the East (jogo) -Command: Modern Air / Naval Operarions (jogo) - EB60-ME-11.401 Manual de Ensino Dados Médios de Planejamento Escolar - FM 3-24.2 (FM 90-8, FM 7-98) Tactics in Counterinsurgency
Manuais -TC 3-21-76 Ranger Handbook -FM 23-10 Sniper Training -The Ultimate Sniper -EJC-3-218 Manual de instrucción y entrenamiento tiradores de alta precision -In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us Army
Inteligência -Serviços Secretos - André Soares -Doutrina e Método -Escola Superior de Inteligência -Belo Horizonte -Spycraft-Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton with Henry R. Schlesinger -Fundamentos de metodologia científica - Marina de Andrade Marconi e Eva Maria Lakatos -Pesquisa operacional Para Cursos De Engenharia - Belfiore & Fávero -Data Science do Zero - Joel Grus -Inteligência artificial -Stuart Russell e Peter Norvig -Teoria dos Jogos - Ronaldo Fiani -O segredo judaico de resolução de problemas - Nilton Bonder -Super previsões - Dan Gardner -Método Grumbach de Gestão Estratégica
Defesa Cibernética -Contagem Regressiva ate Zero Day
📌Mídia Especializada
-Canal Arte da Guerra - Robison Farinazzo
-Mahanology Español
-Hablemos de Guerra
-Base militar vídeo magazine
-Caiafa Master
-Forças de Defesa
📌Think Tank
9-Relações Exteriores
-Relações Internacionais - Demetrio Magnoli
-Ordem Mundial - Henry Kissinger
10-Direitos Humanos
-Curso de Direitos Humanos - André de Carvalho Ramos
-International Human Rights - Philip Alston & Ryan Goodman
-The Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights Law - Dinah Shelton
14-Energia e Mineração
Observatório de Mineração
16-Saneamento Básico
-Manual de Direito Previdenciário - Carlos Alberto Pereira de Castro e João Batista
18-Agricultura e Pecuária
19-Industria e Comércio
20-Ciência e Tecnologia
-Introdução à engenharia mecânica -Jonathan Wickert
  • Ignition ! - John D. Clark
21-Meio Ambiente
-Os Senhores do Clima - Tim Flannery -CI Geoinformação -Meteorologia E Climatologia - Mário Adelmo Varejão Silva
25-Assistência Social
26-Comunicação Estratégica
-Os Engenheiros do Caos - Giuliano Da Empoli -A guerra na era da informação - Alessandro Visacro -Psicodiagnóstico - Organizadores, Claudio Simon Hutz et al -Gene Egoísta - Richard Dawkins -Análise do discurso - Fabiane Teixeira de Jesus e Guilherme Adorno
-Como Falar em Publico e Encantar as pessoas - Dale Carnegie -Como se defender de ataques verbais - Barbara Berckhan -Oratória-Reilnado Polito -Raciocínio lógico passo a passo - Luiz Cláudio Durão Cabral,Mauro César de Abreu Nunes -Argumentação jurídica - Victor Gabriel Rodriguez -A arte de argumentar-Antônio Suárez Abreu -Negocie como se sua vida dependesse disso - Chris Voss - Como vencer um debate -dialetica eristica -Schopenhauer - Do pensar por si-Schopenhauer -Pense Como um Freak- Steven D. Levitt -As Armas da Persuasão-Robert Cialdini -Manual de Persuasão do FBI-Marvin Karlins, Jack Schafer -Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour -Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus -Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman -A linguagem corporal no trabalho - Allan e Barbara Pease
"O Estado sou eu " - Luis XIV
-Apostila Técnico Judiciário
29-Ciências Políticas
-Como Funciona o Fascismo - Jason Stanley -O Príncipe - Nicolau Maquiavel -Amanhã vai ser maior- Rosana Pinheiro- Machado -Necropolítica - Achille Mbembe
Journal of Democracy
-A guerra contra o Brasil - Jessé Souza - "A problem from hell" - Samantha Power - Engenheiros da vitória - Paul Kennedy - Estratégia militar e História - César Campiani Maximiano
📌Dossiês -Tudo o que você desaprendeu para virar um idiota - Meteoro Brasil
📌Línguas -Manual de língua portuguesa do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região -Como dizer tudo em inglês - Ron Martinez -Aprenda idiomas sem complicações: Francês - Jeferson Ferreira
Congresso em foco
Fact checking
Aos Fatos
Agência Lupa
Lista de vieses cognitivos – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Falácia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Propaganda techniques - Wikipedia
Distorções Cognitivas
Meio Ambiente
Literatura -A cidade e a cidade - China Miéville
Documentários -Ditadores - Livro de Regras -Generais em guerra-National Geographic -SAS Survival Secrets -The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol)) -COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel -Grandes batallas de tanques (Greatest tank battles ) -Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic -À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls -No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls -A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeo
submitted by M4C4BRO to u/M4C4BRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:59 KaiNightStorm Livros Interessantes - Quais livros vocês recomendam?

Livros Interessantes - Quais livros vocês recomendam?
Alguns Livros Interessantes que recomendo:
  • Regras Para Radicais - Saul Alinsky (Para entender as estratégias sujas usadas pela New Left Frankfurtiana. Alinsky aprendeu com Al Capone e depois influenciou Barack Obama e Hillary Clinton)
(baixem pirata, essa m3rd@ é de esquerda - eles não acreditam na propriedade privada mesmo kkkk)
Esse canal fez uma análise muito interessante sobre esse livro:
  • Admirável Mundo Novo e o Admirável Mundo Novo Revisited - de Aldous Huxley - Também Recomendo pesquisar sobre o irmão do Aldous, o Julian Huxley, o primeiro diretor-geral da UNESCO, que fazia parte da Sociedade Fabiana. Julian também escreveu livros que mostravam muito bem as ideias que tomaram essas orgs. Pesquisem também sobre Planned Parenthood, SIECUS, Mary Calderone, As Fraudes de Alfred Kinsey que promoveram a degeneração sexual e mudanças legislativas (que foi um dos desenvolvedores da Ideologia de Gênero junto com John Money) e a conexão de Kinsey com Hugh Hefner, o criador da revista Playboy. Vejam mais sobre Kinsey aqui:\_lovelace\_abuso\_sexual\_pornografia\_e/.
Kinsey e Hefner
Leiam o livro que expõe a Fraude de Kinsey:
  • Eros e Civilização - do Infame Herbert Marcuse, teórico da Escola de Frankfurt que promoveu a degeneração sexual como uma tática política e influenciou o Movimento Hippie e a Geração Beatnik (A Geração Beatnik tinha Allen Ginsberg - Um defensor da fucking NAMBLA)
(baixem pirata)
  • Os livros do H.G. Wells - Principalmente 'A Ilha do Doutor Moreau' e 'A Conspiração Aberta'
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • Nós - do Evgeni Zamiátin
  • Libido Dominandi - E. Michael Jones
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists - Antony C. Sutton - Para entender o Metacapitalismo. E recomendo também acessar o Site InfluenceWatch para ver quem está financiando a esquerda.
  • Arquipélago Gulag - Aleksandr Soljenítsyn
  • Fenomenologia do Espírito - Hegel
  • Introdução à Nova Ordem Mundial - Alexandre Costa (Essencial para quem quer entender o papel do Clube Bilderberg, da ONU, da Comissão Trilateral e das orgs Metacapitalistas na construção de um novo sistema político)
  • Mídia - do Noam Chomsky

Esse aqui ninguém pode perder kkkk:

  • Lula e a Espiritualidade: Oração, Meditação e Militância - kkkk Livro Maravilindo que seus capachos escreveram (Existe todo um submundo extremamente sombrio de literatura esquerdista que está fora do radar do grande público e que alimenta a cabeça de jovens da UNE e de Guerrilheiros Digitais do MST).
submitted by KaiNightStorm to brasilivre [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:22 Justanothertuga O meu carro é "alérgico" a gasóleo aditivado?

Olá malta!
Espero que estejam todos bem.
Em primeiro lugar, desculpem se o post se tornar um pouco longo mas andei o dia todo a teimar no assunto e achei que aqui pudesse ser um bom sítio para discutir isto, visto que de mecânica automóvel percebo muito pouco.
Antecipando desde já alguns comentários: sim, pretendo durante a semana passar no mecânico para ver se existe algo de errado. Posto isto, a situação é a seguinte:
Tenho uma Megane Break de 2005 1.5. Desde há algum tempo que tem um pequeno problema de perda de potência. Foi "corrigido" há uns tempos (não me lembro bem o que era). Nunca ficou a 100% mas só é perceptível em subidas consideráveis em auto-estrada em que me obriga a meter a 4ª e por vezes subir entre 70 a 90km/h. Nada que me chateie muito pois o meu percurso habitual é urbano.
Na passada quinta e sexta precisei de fazer (em cada dia) cerca de 120km em trabalho, o que inclui auto-estrada com algumas subidas consideráveis. Meti 20€ de gasóleo normal na Repsol habitual (esta informação é importante) na quinta para fazer face a essas viagens e correu tudo bem, excepto o já mencionado de certa dificuldade em algumas subidas, principalmente na sexta. Pensei "bom, devo estar a ficar com o problema da outra vez". Desvalorizei visto que não era nada novo e o carro já tem quase 20 anos.
Na sexta à tarde, tinha programado sair de fim de semana e fazer bastantes km`s - no total uns 800-1000kms. Fui meter gasóleo e fui à mesma Repsol mas desta vez optei pelo Gasóleo aditivado (Neotech), mais caro. Estava com cerca de 1/4 de depósito e fiquei bem acima de 3/4 (foram 50€). Meti-me à estrada.
Correu tudo bem. Fiz a A25 na totalidade desde o Porto (fui para perto de Vilar Formoso). Notei pelo caminho alguma perda de potência mas ainda nada alarmante. No sábado de manhã peguei no carro, dei umas voltas ali pela zona e parti em direção a Espanha, sendo o destino final Salamanca. As perdas de potência eram cada vez mais evidentes e em algumas subidas em auto-estrada chegava a meter 3ª e em casos extremos a 2ª. Comecei a achar que algo estava definitivamente errado. O nível de óleo estava normal, refrigeração também. Como disse, percebo pouco mas tenho algumas noções. Não me deu qualquer erro, não "soluçava", apenas parece que não desenvolvia.
Já em Salamanca, estacionei num parque subterrâneo e fui passear. Quando voltei, aí é que a coisa f#$%#... Sair do parque foi um martírio. O carro mal andava em 1ª. Fazendo ponto de embraiagem lá consegui sair e ao chegar cá fora notei a fumarada que tinha feito e continua a fazer sempre que carregava no acelerador. Saí da cidade e parei mais à frente pois cada vez que parava e tinha que arrancar de novo (semáforos, trânsito, etc) o carro parecia não ter força para andar. Quando atingi uma velocidade de cerca de 70/80 km/h e em 4ª, deixava de fazer fumo e ele lá rolava "normal". Meti-me a caminho de volta, sempre a monitorizar. Escusado será dizer que já imaginava o regresso a ser feito de reboque e mil e uma preocupações me passavam pela cabeça.
Chegado ao hotel, estacionei e fui descansar. Ainda parei algumas vezes e sempre que arrancava, aqueles primeiros metros em 1ª e 2ª eram a ver fumo a sair (não era muito escuro mas também não totalmente branco). Essa noite eu já só planeava na cabeça como fazer hoje para voltar para o Porto.
Hoje de manhã (domingo), como tinha apenas 1/4 de combustível, achei por bem aproveitar que existia uma Galp ao lado do hotel e meter logo ali mais algum. Meti 20€ de gasóleo normal. Ainda pensei optar pelo aditivado mas não o fiz.
Mal arranquei da bomba, até os 4 piscas tive que meter pois era uma subida, o carro não andava e o fumo era bastante. Comecei a suar e ponderar encostar no parque do hotel e chamar o reboque.
Epá, sou teimoso. Decidi insistir, mesmo que isso significasse piorar a situação. Meti-me ao caminho. Ainda tive pena de alguns carros que vinham atrás de mim em certas alturas, pois tinham que aguentar atrás do Megane a subir a 30km/h e a largar fumo. Um deles até se afastou quando não aproveitou eu encostar à berma para o deixar passar. Bem, suava que nem um porco. Mas teimoso (sim, alguns já me devem estar a chamar nomes), continuei.
Era o aniversário da esposa e não tencionava que isto me estragasse o dia. Tinha tudo minimamente controlado e já tínhamos decidido que não iríamos arriscar a auto-estrada e que antes disso, antes de chegarmos às estradas com subidas e descidas consideráveis do Douro, iria encostar e chamar um reboque. Fomos até Foz Côa. Antes de descer pensei "se vou até lá abaixo, já não subo". Lá em baixo, em conversa com um local expliquei o meu problema. Sendo domingo, muito difícil seria obter ajuda mas este disse para eu tentar subir e se necessário, parar no largo. Com o cojones metidos para dentro meti-me no carro e comecei a subida. Correu bem. Não fez fumo e até meti 3ª. Incrédulo, continuei. Nesta altura, estava com pouco mais de 1/4 de depósito e o carro continuou a não fazer qualquer fumo nem a perder rendimento. Cheguei mesmo a subir todas as montanhas do Douro (quem conhece sabe como são extensas e íngremes em alguns pontos) em 4ª. Raramente me pedia 3ª. Eu estava incrédulo.
Comentei com a minha esposa a coincidência que seria se o problema fosse do gasóleo aditivado que meti na Repsol. Mas ainda faltavam uns 200kms até casa, tudo podia acontecer.
Long story short: excepto meter a 4ª em algumas subidas da A24 (aquele início na Régua é qualquer coisa) e algumas da A4, não tive mais fumo, motor sem potência e parecia que tinha ressuscitado. O meu humor mudou completamente e conseguimos aproveitar o resto do dia com uma disposição completamente diferente.
Para os que entendem disto, fará algum sentido eu assumir que o gasóleo aditivado tenha provocado isto?
Desculpem mais uma vez o post longo mas psicologicamente isto mexeu muito comigo e agora tou curioso (porque tudo correu pelo melhor) e amanhã de manhã vou ver se, a frio, o carro tem problemas como teve hoje de manhã.
Obrigado pelo tempo!
submitted by Justanothertuga to AutoTuga [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:37 Svastyckh ALFREDO JALIFE publico el #24ABRIL2024: El jázaro “no semita (sic)” Netanyahu reprende a los antigenocidas universitarios de EU como “antisemitas (sic)”

28 / 04 /2024
Bajo la Lupa 28.04.24
Es perturbadora la represión policiaca contra la revuelta de los anti-genocidas universitarios pro-palestinos ( en una docena de relevantes centros académicos de EU, entre ellos la prestigiosa Ivy League (
En 1968, la icónica Universidad privada(sic) de Columbia (Nueva York) fue el epicentro de la protesta contra la guerra de Vietnam que culminó con el arresto policiaco de más de 700 alumnos y profesores.
Hoy, 56 años más tarde, la misma icónica Universidad, con un total de 30 mil estudiantes, que subsume la sique colectiva del futuro hecho presente de EU, protesta contra el genocidio de Israel en Gaza, y lleva en su haber a 100 alumnos y profesores arrestados por la barbárica represión policiaca (
Las asombrosas protestas universitarias se han expandido no solamente a Texas y al sur de California, sino también a la icónica Facultad de Ciencias Políticas en París (
La célebre columna Lexington de la revista de la monarquía globalista neoliberal The Economist rememora que como en 1968, el demócrata Joe Biden corre el riesgo de ser el candidato del caos y la guerra cuando hoy los universitarios pro-palestinos se han insurgido en las universidades a lo largo y ancho de EU (
Hasta los rotativos financieros Financial Times( y Bloomberg(, controlados teológicamente por Israel, no pueden ocultar la llama votiva de la protesta de los estudiantes y profesores de la universidad de Columbia contra el genocidio de Israel en Gaza.
En un franco acto de intromisión a lo que queda de la soberanía (sic) de EU –que insólitamente solapan los dos partidos del Congreso–, el primer Netanyahu amonestó extraterritorialmente a los pro-palestinos universitarios antigenocidas de EU y los tildó de antisemitas (sic) : “Lo que está sucediendo en los campus universitarios de EU es horrible. Turbas (sic) antisemitas se han apoderado de las principales universidades. Piden la aniquilación de Israel. Atacan a estudiantes judíos. Atacan a profesores judíos (
Cual su costumbre, el primer Netanyahu jázaro (, que es de origen polaco no-semita, califica a los contestatarios universitarios de EU como turbas (¡mega sic!) antisemitas que atacan la facultad judía (sic). ¿Cuál será tal clandestina facultad judía?
En su delirante hilo de mensajes en X, Netanyahu comenta: “Esto recuerda lo que ocurrió en las universidades alemanas en los años 30. Es inconcebible. Tiene que ser detenido (”, mientras glorifica la represión policiaca en varias universidades.
Hoy EU se mueve entre el totalitarismo Macartista y su nueva guerra civil, como propala una nueva película ( y a la que aludí en mi entrevista que alcanzó ¡más de 2.5 millones! en Radio La Raza Los Ángeles, que detenta la máxima audiencia de mexicanos y latinos en EU (
Israel se ha quedado carente de discurso en el lapso del icónico 7 de octubre (azorante irrupción de la guerrilla palestina sunnita de Hamas) y el 14 de abril –cuando “Israel exacerba su ‘deterrence’ financiero frente al nuevo ‘deterrence’ estratégico de Irán (”–, al unísono de su genocidio en Gaza, amén de su política de Apartheid contra los moradores originales palestinos que son genuinos semitas frente a los invasores jázaros que son “semitas fake”.
La omnipotente propaganda negra de la triada antisemitismo/terrorismo/odio mediante la “técnica Hasbara (” ha quedado superada semióticamente por el genocidio en curso de Israel en Gaza.
Netanyahu haría bien en educarse con la lectura del insigne historiador israelí Shlomo Sands en sus dos clásicos libros El Invento del Pueblo Judío ( y El Invento de la Tierra de Israel(”que desmontan toda la ideología/teología FAKE emanada del sionismo jázaro.
Tomado de:
submitted by Svastyckh to ActualidadMundial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:31 Jubis_ailah Sou babaca por querer distância do menino que me acolheu?

Bom, ano passado eu troquei de escola e nesse ano as coisas são novas pra mim, principalmente a nova escola que eu estou. Na antiga não tinha conseguido fazer amigos e peguei alguns traumas de lá, então fazer amigos nessa nova escola seria difícil, foi quando nos primeiros dias de aula eu fiquei perto do grupinho dos “estranhos e Otakus” até então tudo bem, só que dentre o pessoal do grupinho, tem um menino que vamos chamá-lo de H, H foi um querido desde o começo, foi gentil, educado e fazia de tudo pra não me deixar sozinha etc… só que ainda na primeira semana ele não me deixava respirar, toda hora era grudado em mim mas deixei isso pra lá. Porém eu fui me distanciando aos poucos do grupinho dos estranhos e entrei no grupo “normal” da sala. Só que até agora o H é muito grudento, da até raiva as vezes, ele fica todo momento em meu pé tentando puxar assunto, ou as vezes fica perto me “sufocando”. Esses dias aconteceu algo tão chato! Eu estava conversando com um amigo meu e ele chegou e ficou do nosso lado, então pedi privacidade pois o assunto era delicado e era bem pessoal, ele simplesmente olhou pra minha cara e falou: “Não tem problema, eu quero saber”. Fiquei com ódio e ele não moveu nem um músculo pra sair, ele estava sendo inconveniente ao extremo, simplesmente pegou uma cadeira e sentou do nosso lado, aí eu falei pro meu amigo que iria falar desse assunto depois e o H ficou com raiva de mim!!!!!!! Isso tá insuportável, outro dia ele simplesmente tava me seguindo, pra onde eu ia ele tava indo literalmente atrás de mim!! Sempre que vejo ele eu fecho a cara pra ele pensar que estou com raiva e não vir encher o saco e também quando ele me chama eu finjo não escutar só pra não falar com ele. O problema é que não sei o que falar pra ele pois ele me considera a melhor amiga dele, só que eu não o considero e acho isso que ele faz insuportável, ele é sim uma pessoa boa, só que esse grude dele o faz ficar chato. Sou babaca por isso?
submitted by Jubis_ailah to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:24 mbz321 Victory At Sea

Victory At Sea submitted by mbz321 to crappyoffbrands [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:55 bot_neen ¿Mito o realidad? Esto dice la NASA sobre el aumento de temblores por calor extremo

¿Mito o realidad? Esto dice la NASA sobre el aumento de temblores por calor extremo submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:49 bot_neen La ola de calor sigue pero también habrá lluvias ¿En dónde podría llover del 10 al 12 de mayo?

La ola de calor sigue pero también habrá lluvias ¿En dónde podría llover del 10 al 12 de mayo? submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]