Breakfast egg bake

Meal Prep Sunday

2015.03.10 07:00 whatstheworlddoing Meal Prep Sunday

/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you're looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping!

2012.07.04 17:36 thedazzler Discover Food Freedom in 30 Days!

The Whole30 is a 30-day elimination program co-founded by Melissa Urban in 2009. This subreddit brings together redditors that are taking on the Whole30 program, those that have completed one, and those that are considering it. Detailed information and program rules can be found on

2016.02.22 02:19 TelicAstraeus Reddit, Inserted

Neggareddit - Reddit is a wholesome part of this balanced breakfast

2024.05.20 00:20 SimplyTereza Rate my meal prep

Hi guys ! I count calories and I like to meal prep my meals as my day can be really busy but I realized that I’m not actually sure if I’m doing it right or if I’m missing something, so far my weight loss is going okay but is there anything that needs improving? Pls let me know. I don’t want to be accidentally stalling my progress
My meal prep for next few days :
1 620 kcal
109g protein 180g carbs 46,6g fat 23g fibre
  1. Protein Iced yellow latte (124 kcal)
[Coffee, skimmed milk, curcuma latte blend, vanilla protein, ice]
  1. Breakfast burrito & 1/4 of an apple (330kcal)
[small tortilla, olive oil, egg, hummus, two slices of turkey ham, salad, siracha]
  1. Wild rice, spinach, roasted pumpkin and turkey breast (475 kcal)
[wild rice, spinach, olive oil, Hokkaido pumpkin, turkey breast, seasonings, hot sauce]
  1. Protein banana bread with fruit and yoghurt (321 kcal)
[Banana, vanilla protein, egg, hickory sweetener, flour, spices, greek yogurt, chocolate protein, blueberries, 1/2 apricot]
  1. Grain soup & Balkan cheese salad with slice of bread (370 kcal)
[Grain soup mix - buckwheat and miso, salad mix, cucumber, bell peppers, tomato, 50g Balkan cheese, tzatziki sauce, sourdough bread, spices]
I walk 1600 steps a day and swim around three times a week.
submitted by SimplyTereza to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:20 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 18

It was a good day. It was peaceful and hardworking, filled with jokes and laughter but with stressed out workers. It was long and hot but that's okay. I decided to treat myself. My favorite ice cream place opened up last weekend and I wanted some so bad. I got some to congratulate myself on how hard I've been trying. I did make a choice though. I wanted a large option on a waffle cone but I got a regular instead. I knew I could satisfy my crave but also not overdo it. I am proud of myself for that decision. Even when I make decisions to treat myself and be unhealthy I'm trying to make the conscious choice of not to overdo it. I am elated with myself for doing that though that extra scoop would have been magnificent.
I ate a few different salads from work. I did have some potato salad because it was warm and it never is. Let me tell you. Try mayo based potato salad when it's warm. It is so satisfying or having topped with Andy Capps Hot Fries or mix in homemade pickled Fresno peppers. Gosh I miss my potato salad days with a bunch of extra vinegar infused with hot peppers. I'll find other pairings for my pickled peppers though! That reminds me to buy some more soon. Always pickle that night though so I don't forget them in the fridge. I love hot peppers and intend to grow some of my own Tabasco peppers some day so I can make some homemade Tabasco sauce. I wanted to also buy some of the wood chips that Tabasco sauce sits in as it ferment as well. I want to use them to smoke the salt I would put into the sauce for that extra kick. Or maybe even the peppers themselves. That would be fun and unique. Today I also ate some cherry tomatoes and didn't have time for my apple so half a PB&J. Nowhere near very healthy but it was much needed energy for the day. Peanut butter does have some protein though so I have that going for me. I had eggs and toast for breakfast and very much enjoyed myself. I know all this eggs and toast may not be the best but I'm fueling my body while also loving to eat it. From now on I'll make sure to add a vegetable with it though like broccoli or something else to gnaw on.
I am walking today. My goal is 40 minutes and I honestly missed doing it the past two days. I do like to practice Duolingo while I do it and I type some of my daily Reddit posts as well. I feel this multitasking is good for me and allows me to train my brain and my body for more. At some point I will start hogging parts of it. Right now I am content with the difficulty. One step at a time. Take in the positive and expel the negative with each breath. While I don't personally believe in the ideas of energy conduits between people and the use of crystals, I do respect that everybody has their own way of dealing with life. I'd believe we can give a sort of feeling or vibe and we can take this so-called “energy” and try to change or deal with it in positive ways. That kind of thinking satisfies my idea of bettering oneself.
My last two things. I achieved part of my goals. I cleaned my room a little but I did do laundry. My goal tomorrow is to continue to clean up and make the floor look more visible. It's a small room so that's the only reason why I can't see it. I like bags and put too much in them. I am satisfied with those achievements. My other thing was I wanted to talk about how I hit a woodchuck while driving home. I wanted to bury it but was afraid of disease. I drove past it a few times to make sure it passed away. I broke down and cried though. That was the first animal I've hit and I tear up now writing this. I believe animals shouldn't have to deal with humans so much but now it's such a part of our lives. I wish I could take it back. All I know is it happened and I can't reverse it. That beautiful animal has passed away and I hope it's life force is able to give back now. It upsets me that I caused it but I hope some good may come from his or her passing.
I get off today asking everyone what their views are on dealing with negative and positive feelings. How do you even view them in the first place? And how do you harness all of it? Thank you to the answers as I sign off my conjurers of the strong rooted trees unwavering in stature but allowing their tops sway to the changes in life.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 18

It was a good day. It was peaceful and hardworking, filled with jokes and laughter but with stressed out workers. It was long and hot but that's okay. I decided to treat myself. My favorite ice cream place opened up last weekend and I wanted some so bad. I got some to congratulate myself on how hard I've been trying. I did make a choice though. I wanted a large option on a waffle cone but I got a regular instead. I knew I could satisfy my crave but also not overdo it. I am proud of myself for that decision. Even when I make decisions to treat myself and be unhealthy I'm trying to make the conscious choice of not to overdo it. I am elated with myself for doing that though that extra scoop would have been magnificent.
I ate a few different salads from work. I did have some potato salad because it was warm and it never is. Let me tell you. Try mayo based potato salad when it's warm. It is so satisfying or having topped with Andy Capps Hot Fries or mix in homemade pickled Fresno peppers. Gosh I miss my potato salad days with a bunch of extra vinegar infused with hot peppers. I'll find other pairings for my pickled peppers though! That reminds me to buy some more soon. Always pickle that night though so I don't forget them in the fridge. I love hot peppers and intend to grow some of my own Tabasco peppers some day so I can make some homemade Tabasco sauce. I wanted to also buy some of the wood chips that Tabasco sauce sits in as it ferment as well. I want to use them to smoke the salt I would put into the sauce for that extra kick. Or maybe even the peppers themselves. That would be fun and unique. Today I also ate some cherry tomatoes and didn't have time for my apple so half a PB&J. Nowhere near very healthy but it was much needed energy for the day. Peanut butter does have some protein though so I have that going for me. I had eggs and toast for breakfast and very much enjoyed myself. I know all this eggs and toast may not be the best but I'm fueling my body while also loving to eat it. From now on I'll make sure to add a vegetable with it though like broccoli or something else to gnaw on.
I am walking today. My goal is 40 minutes and I honestly missed doing it the past two days. I do like to practice Duolingo while I do it and I type some of my daily Reddit posts as well. I feel this multitasking is good for me and allows me to train my brain and my body for more. At some point I will start hogging parts of it. Right now I am content with the difficulty. One step at a time. Take in the positive and expel the negative with each breath. While I don't personally believe in the ideas of energy conduits between people and the use of crystals, I do respect that everybody has their own way of dealing with life. I'd believe we can give a sort of feeling or vibe and we can take this so-called “energy” and try to change or deal with it in positive ways. That kind of thinking satisfies my idea of bettering oneself.
My last two things. I achieved part of my goals. I cleaned my room a little but I did do laundry. My goal tomorrow is to continue to clean up and make the floor look more visible. It's a small room so that's the only reason why I can't see it. I like bags and put too much in them. I am satisfied with those achievements. My other thing was I wanted to talk about how I hit a woodchuck while driving home. I wanted to bury it but was afraid of disease. I drove past it a few times to make sure it passed away. I broke down and cried though. That was the first animal I've hit and I tear up now writing this. I believe animals shouldn't have to deal with humans so much but now it's such a part of our lives. I wish I could take it back. All I know is it happened and I can't reverse it. That beautiful animal has passed away and I hope it's life force is able to give back now. It upsets me that I caused it but I hope some good may come from his or her passing.
I get off today asking everyone what their views are on dealing with negative and positive feelings. How do you even view them in the first place? And how do you harness all of it? Thank you to the answers as I sign off my conjurers of the strong rooted trees unwavering in stature but allowing their tops sway to the changes in life.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:47 IBoofLSD Foraging

Anybody else here get into it once spring comes around?
In order, dandelion greens, these used in a soup, wild onion used in same soup.
Third is sweet violet used for cup cakes, violet syrup, and as a garnish
4th and 5th are dandelion syrup, and the dandelion syrup as it was making
6th is obviously dandelion heads, these used in a cake
7th is the finished maple dandelion cake
Finishing off with the recipe that initially got me started into foraging, the maple dandelion cake recipe.
submitted by IBoofLSD to GiveYourThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:42 nun_atoll 5

They got breakfast at a fast food chain none of them had ever heard of; it was pretty good. Mike had a weird little egg, bacon, cheese, and tomato sandwich on a sweetish roll; it was maybe a seven out of 10.
Once they got back on the road, Mike slumped in the middle row of the van, as usual. Jenna was driving this morning, while the lazy freak tried to nap in the passenger's seat. This seemed to Mike like an excellent time to "get his kicks," so to speak, and so for a half-hour as they drove, he nudged and kicked and generally jostled the freak's seat.
Finally, just as they were approaching a rest area, the thing in the passenger's seat grumbled and sat up straighter.
"Babe, can you pull in here a sec?"
"You got it," Jenna said.
Once they were pulled in and the vehicle stopped, the freak turned slightly in the seat and looked at Mike, who was still kicking.
"Do we have a problem?"
Oooh, the thing was mad. Poor stupid freak. Mike kept looking at his phone, pretending not to hear and still nudging the seat. No way he was gonna let some testosterone-destroyed woman intimidate him. Stupid bitch.
At least, that was how he felt until, with wild suddenness, the thing turned back around, then slammed out of the van and ripped open the door closest to Mike.
"I said, do we have a problem?"
"I... What?" Mike said lamely.
"Do we have a problem, you sad little chuckle-fuck? 'Cause all I've been is kind and considerate of you this whole trip, and all you've done is be obstinate and rude and whiny, and then you kick the back of my seat any time I'm in front of you and I'm fucking done."
Mike whipped his head around to look at Jenna, hoping she would defend him, would call off the attack-tranny. But Jenna sat calmly at the wheel, looking through her phone like nothing was going on.
"Look, I..." Mike began.
"No. I know what you think about me, and I know how you talk about me when I'm not around because, believe it or not, wives and husbands talk about shit that bothers them, and your sister, my wife, is hella bothered by the shit you say about me when it's just you and her. Oh, and we know all about the dumbass internet stuff too, thanks to your parents. Hell, half the reason they're sending you to your uncle is so maybe he can talk some sense into you."
"That's not... Mom and Dad are having problems, but they're too selfish to also protect me, their child..."
"Sending you away for a year is to protect you!"
"The hell it is! If they wanted me safe, they wouldn't send me off with some tranny fuck that'll probably try to rape my ass and..."
That actually made the freak back off a step, and Mike heard Jenna make a choked little sound of surprise from the front seat.
"You... You fucking little pile of shit," the freak muttered.
"Look, leave me alone, or I'll call Mom anf Dad and say..."
"Oh, you wanna call your folks? Go ahead. Meanwhile, Jenna and I will call them too, and tell them that your stupid bullshit has only gotten worse. Then we'll call your Uncle Ken and have him drive out here to meet us and pick you up to take you back to his place himself."
"Maybe that would be better," Mike said, trying to contain his outrage that this thing thought it could talk to him like this.
"Well fuck, guess we'll do it then. Hell, your uncle already offered to drive almost across the damn country to pick you up himself anyway, but Jenna said we could handle it, since we were headed out here. But now... Hey, Jen, guess you better get Ken on the phone, tell him to come pick up this little fucker."
"Oh, you think I've called you names? How about all the shit you call me, fucker? Tranny, freak, groomer, bitch. Of course, that last one you don't just reserve for me; you talk about women that way too, when you're not calling them cunts, or whores, or worthless cocksleeves..."
"How'd you know that?" Mike cut in.
"Because the cops are looking at some of those damn message boards you're on, fucker! Because they talked to your parents and showed them posts you made on the same thread where some loser incel was planning to shoot up a damn kindergarten! They talked to your parents and your parents warned us because of how you talk about me and about your own sister!"
"Listen, you sick fuck..."
"No, you listen! You might think of me as a woman, and inherently worthless, but that can't phase me, because I already dealt with all that shit for the first 16 years of my life. If you wanna prove you're a big, strong alpha, then you can step out here and face me like a damn man and we'll see who wins. I been in plenty of fights, always to defend myself, and I've only been beaten once, so if you wanna try it..."
"Hey look man..."
"Whatsa matter? The big strong man afraid? Aw, poor little baby afwaid of the twanny? Fuck you, bro. Seriously. Fuck your damn bullshit, and fuck whoever taught you that's how to be."
"I didn't... I never meant..."
"I don't need this stress, even if I can handle it, and your poor sister sure as fuck doesn't need it right now either!"
"Frank..." Jenna hissed.
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm real sorry, but maybe somehow it'll get through this little fucker's thick skull that he's an asshole if he knows a few facts."
Now Frank leaned in and almost got in Mike's face.
"You cannot get to me with your dumb thoughts and your slurs and your juvenile bullshit. Anything you can say or do is nothing compared to what I've already been through. When I was your age, my dad tired to beat me to death for being trans, and then he tried some shit some of your little friends online talk about wanting to do to women. I got lucky and someone called for help. "You can never hurt me as much as that asshole, may he burn in Hell, did. But if you keep on with your heinous shit, and you keep stressing your sister out like you have been, and she loses our baby because of it, then I hate to think of the torment waiting for you if there's a life beyond this one."
Mike jerked his head around and looked at Jenna.
"You're knocked up?"
"Well, I mean, I'm pregnant," she corrected him.
"She's pregnant with our baby," Frank said, "and if anything happens to her, or to the baby because you're a little fucker..."
"Dude, I'm sorry! I... I didn't know! I didn't mean..."
"What you meant or didn't mean doesn't matter. You've said stuff that lets me know you want me dead just for existing. I don't even care about that; plenty of people who don't even know me want me dead for existing. But you've also said things that imply you could be a danger to your sister, and since she's my wife, that means you've crossed me. My main drive in life right now is to protect my wife and family. Technically, you're part of my family, but if I have to, I will pull you out of this van and leave you here to wait for your uncle."
"I... Look, man, I'm sorry, okay? It was just goofing around on the internet, okay? I... I'd never really hurt someone or..."
"Really? 'Cause from what the cops showed your folks, you're sure at least cheering on other assholes who wanna hurt a lot of people."
"I was just talking! I was... It's how people talk online."
"Not anywhere I hang out."
Then Frank stepped back again and slid the door closed. Jenna had hopped out of the van as well, and Mike watched her cross around in front and meet Frank. They hugged, and kissed in a really sweet, short way, not all weird and tonguey like in movies and shit. Then they stood there talking a while, and Jenna pulled her phone back out as she slipped past Frank and got into the seat he had previously occupied.
"Jenna, I... I'm really sorry," Mike said. "If I knew you were pregnant..."
"Be nice if you could be a good person for reasons besides me fulfilling what I'm sure you think is my soul purpose in life," Jenna sighed.
Meanwhile, Frank had gotten behind the wheel of the van again.
"There's a cheap campground maybe eight hours away," Jenna told him. "Looks like they have slots open. I can book us a few days right now."
"Sounds real good, sweetheart. You okay?"
"I'm perfectly okay. You?"
"I'm good. I'm good. You all right back there, Michael?"
"Y-yes, sir."
"Cool-cool. Well. Let's get goin' again."
4 Table of Contents
submitted by nun_atoll to liulfr [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:32 CrazedManiacRPG Smoked Cheesecake With Bourbon Caramel Sauce

Smoked Cheesecake With Bourbon Caramel Sauce
I thought this was worth posting because I don't think anyone has ever made a smoked cheesecake. The cream cheese was smoked at a lower temperature for a specified amount of time. An important thing to know about baking is that ingredients like cream cheese, eggs, butter, need to be left out at room temperature for atleast 24 hours so that the item will bake better. With the ingredients at room temperature, it's much easier to put it all together and it will bake properly. I also think it has something to do with the enzymes and proteins in those ingredients. Smoking the cream cheese seems to do something further on a molecular level in breaking down said proteins and enzymes. I already have this recipe perfected now and for all I know it's the only recipe for smoked cheesecake because as far as I know, no one else has made one. I would describe the flavor profile of this cake as notes of smoke, vanilla, and cream cheese. Smooth texture on the cake because it is baked low and slow. Crust is great too, somewhat like a cookie. I received high compliments on the sauces as well. Coworkers and my bosses liked it so much that my bosses had me draft up my recipe and they insisted that I put my name on it so I did. I'm really proud of this. Oh and for the crust I used honeymaid graham crackers, brown sugar, and quality butter. The flavor profile on the sauce I would describe as well caramelized and bittersweet with bourbon flavor.
submitted by CrazedManiacRPG to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:04 kerghan41 Yesterday I posted about my first attempt at 50 miles. Well today, I did it! (Long Post)

I started this morning at around 9:30 and finished in four hours and forty minutes. I'm happy I did it but the speed isn't where I wanted it to be. 10.7 MPH average and on the way back I had to stop A LOT more. I'm not sure if I should have fueled myself more or what but I started to get sick towards the end. I'd take a break, have some watesugar snack and then continue for a few more miles. Rinse and repeat.
My breakfast before the ride was a cup of brown rice, 4 eggs, salsa, and coffee. While on the trail I had a gallon of Gatorade/water mix, a bag full of raisins, some jelly beans, a peanut butter granola bar, and a protein/carb power bar. On the way back, because I was feeling a bit off, I got a bag of pretzels for salt.
The trail itself was awesome. I started in Ottawa, KS on the 'Prairie Spirit Trail State Park.' My goal was to make it to the 4th city which was exactly 25 miles. The trail was mostly woods and a few times it was heavy forest with large rivers/creeks to see. It was a rather hot day and there were some stretches of just wide open prairie and bright sun.
The 4th city felt like it was NEVER going to show up. Before I left I looked at a map and knew that there was a big lake at the start of this 4th city. On the ride I kept looking for the lake hoping it'd be over the hill. I was about to turn back... and then there it was! Quite a feeling.
One of my favorite highlights was about 10 miles in I saw a Mulberry tree and they are in season. I grabbed about 4 handfuls of Mulberries for some instant energy. I also saw a ton of wildlife and had two close calls which is making me hesitate doing that trail again.
The first close call is I'm pretty sure I saw an adolescent mountain lion. It was walking down the trail quite a ways ahead of me. At first I thought it was a large dog like a Labrador or something. As I got closer I knew it was a cat... but it wasn't a Bobcat. I've seen those before. I'd say this thing was about 50-60 pounds. While I don't think it posed a threat I had no idea if there were others nearby. I googled later and found that they hang out by river beds and this was right by one of those. Luckily, as I got close enough it slowly wandered back into the brush and I didn't see it again. It definitely didn't seem afraid of me.
The second close call was on the trip back. I was cruising going about 18-20 mph. I went over a hill and had to swerve as there was a decent sized snake lying right in the middle of the trail. Most likely baking in the sun. It was so fast that I was within a few inches of it and if it wanted to I would have been bit. Rattlesnakes and Copperheads are native here. Definitely had me freaking out for a bit, but I guess worse case... I had my phone on me.
How do you guys handle wildlife like this? I normally cycle alone as I prefer the quiet and to set my own pace. Should I rethink this?
The other wildlife I saw were all pretty cool. Lots of box turtles, snappers, ton of rabbits, squirrels, deer, and a couple close calls with hawks swooping down right in front of me.
Some pictures I took:
submitted by kerghan41 to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:03 plsstopprocreating SOTD 19 May 2024

SOTD 19 May 2024
Hello all! Sorry for the late post, I didn't put perfume on this morning because I was baking a bunch of cupcakes, and then I got sidetracked by said cupcakes, and now it's 1 pm and I'm just sitting down for breakfast 😅
Just put on Fyrinnae's Convergence Zone (Late summer light rain on a cool day hits thirsty evergreen trees and dusty soil, bringing a comfortable slight dampness back to the northwest air, finally chasing away the haziness) to combat the sweetness from my baking endeavors. It's dirty and damp and green/brown and perfect.
Hope everyone is having a less chaotic Sunday than I am! I'm off to make raspberry reduction for some frosting tomorrow 🙃
submitted by plsstopprocreating to ArtsyWeirdoPerfume [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:57 violetredfilter Scattershot Reviews (BHT, Osmo, Sorce)

Hey I ordered a ton of perfume during a mental breakdown. Here are my thoughts on some of them.
— Black-Hearted Tart —
We Fell In Love In October (Fluffy, hot off the griddle pancakes topped with butter and smothered in golden maple syrup. Accompanied by a side of spiced baked apples with notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger): Buttercream, cinnamon yankee candle, nothing. That’s the extent of my journey. Honestly, it’s fine, it’s a very inoffensive fall scent, if you want to smell like you’ve crushed a craft store on your wrist it’s great, but a lot is missing. If notes are a choir, the cinnamon has a megaphone. Honestly, I’ve been looking for a good pancake or waffle scent for a while, and this misses the mark. 3/5, not bad at all, but not was I was looking for and definitely not fit to wear yet in the Hell Summer I have coming up.
Potential Practical Uses:
Boys Wanna Be Her (Uplifting basil and bergamot add freshness. Enhanced with an earthy blend of buddha wood and oak moss. Tonka bean and white patchouli evoke a bohemian vibe): Boys Wanna Be Clean too, apparently, because the crux of this frag is SOAP, lots of it, and nothing but it. I have no clue where it’s coming from based on the notes, but it’s undeniably suds. It smells like those industrial strength white bars. Like “I just worked a twelve hour shift and the first thing I did when I got home was scrub myself down so hard my nose forgot what work smelled like.” This would probably be great for layering, come to think of it, but I like “violently clean” scents and will probably wear it on its own anyway. 3.5/5 if you’re like me and soap is a comfort scent, or if you’re some kind of Patron Saint of Laundry Detergent, you’d probably like this too.
Potential Practical Uses:
Finally A Star (The glitz of cardamom and sparkling grapefruit stars, outer space ozone, dreamy tuberose, searing gunpowder, and a ham hock for a head): I’m so mad that this is good. The joke with my IRL friends regarding this order was “you know I wasn’t in a good place when I made this purchase because I got ham perfume.” And I'm the joke now, because I ended up liking it a lot. Like, this is currently the only Osmo frag that has ever worked on me, and I’ve tried a sizable chunk of their library. (Seriously, I was going to include another perfume of theirs to compare and contrast, but everything I said felt too mean.) To make matters worse, you can definitely smell the ham and the gunpowder in the beginning! It’s in the background behind a really juicy grapefruit note, but it’s present. Part of the way this perfume was sold to me were reviews that assured me the ham was more of a bacon note, but no. This is honey baked ham. Deli-core. But the grapefruit note is so juicy that it takes over and makes it manageable. It’s pretty and weird and vaguely delicious and I’m worried someone will try to take a bite out of my facemeat when I wear this, but I will wear it. 3.5/5, I guess?
Potential Practical Uses:
— Sorcellerie Apothecary—
Cake For Breakfast (Birthday cake, ripe mango, pineapple, coffee, maple syrup, and a hint of cardamom): Okay, I get it, coffee doesn’t like my skin. This is a bitter burnt caramel on me, though according to my friends with working noses, it reads more vanilla to them. I wish I could get what they got: as the day goes on, it started pulling borderline savory on me. It’s like… okay, you know when you make pancakes and little drops of batter get stuck to the pan? And then they stay there and slowly burn into little balls of ash? It smells like the process of that happening, but someone is chugging coffee syrup. I can’t say I got the mango or pineapple, which I was kinda pulling for; there’s a possibility it was there in the opening, but I also could have been hallucinating considering how fast it vanished. I’m giving it a 2/5, I can’t fully say it’s bad, especially because the drydown is okay if you like your caramel overdone, but I don’t think I’ll be keeping this.
Potential Practical Uses:
Your Girlfriend Is A Badass (Yellow cake with fudge icing, oakmoss, Himalayan cedar, forest floor): By all accounts, this shouldn’t have worked. I hate chocolate as a perfume note, because it tends to go tootsie roll on me, and I’m not the biggest fan of yellow cake because vanilla is a death note, and “forest floor” implies dirt, which I’m also not an enjoyer of. This is all to say I honestly don’t know what possessed me to buy this, but I’m extremely glad it did because I’m in love. When they say fudge icing, they mean it: it didn’t go cheap or artificial on me, it was honest to god chocolate the whole time. I know “I wanted to lick my wrist” is a cliche in reviews, but it did smell like my arm was edible. That dirt note is prominent, but it works in harmony with the chocolate and gives the whole thing depth. As it dries down, an unexpected party joins: incense. I can’t name which exactly, but it has undeniable headshop vibes to it. It sounds weird, especially because it’s not in the notes (unless this is just Sorce’s base), but it works. It’s like… a joint retirement cake between Joni Mitchell and Walt Whitman. Or like you’re making s'mores in a log cabin with a bunch of your stoner friends who super aren’t going to die to a slasher later. It’s definitely greater than the sum of its parts, and pretty much seals the deal on me crawling back to Sorcellerie for another order. 4.5/5, easy, would annoy the Haunted Forest No One Should Step Foot In for cake again.
Potential Practical Uses:
submitted by violetredfilter to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:55 Far-Ad9864 Are people still cooking eggs and bacon everyday for breakfast in this economy ?

I pretty much only buy eggs for baking now since they’re so expensive it’s become a special occasion kind of thing. If I’m trying to make a nice cake or something but eating them everyday seems to not be cost efficient anymore especially with them costing an arm and a leg Bacon is ridiculously priced as well
submitted by Far-Ad9864 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:54 call-me-franks Evening cravings

Just started my journey again! But i have a question. I am fine during the day. I could even ignore my hunger if i wanted to and there would be no problem whatsoever. (I dont but just saying. I dont let myself go hungry and eat normally during the day but i dont really crave)
But the evenings in bed. Meeeehn. Does anyone know why one would get the urge to just inhale everything available? Is it because of a deficiency? Or an unbalanced diet? This is the only thing that i am really struggling with. Otherwise i am satisfied with fruits veg, eggs and everything.
I had a good dinner. Schnitzel, Cauliflower, a little baked potatos and some cheese and light mayo. Do i am not hungry hungry.
(Tonight its a savory urge. Not per se sugar but carbs would also do)
submitted by call-me-franks to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:47 Tall_Ad_8140 Zerbrochenheit

"i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.
submitted by Tall_Ad_8140 to AntifaDeutschland [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:46 Tall_Ad_8140 Stuff

"i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.
submitted by Tall_Ad_8140 to AntifaLogos [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:46 zhenya44 A simple, light crispy easy waffle recipe?

A little rant because I never loved to cook but since my kiddo has to be gluten free, I try my best. I’m so tired of trying recipes and experimenting with flours just to make normal family meals. Just about melted down before breakfast today because I’ve tried so many waffle recipes that end up dense and heavy and tasting of baking powder.
Do you have a simple, easy gluten free waffle recipe that gives light, crisp waffles? And what flour do you use?
submitted by zhenya44 to glutenfreerecipes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 Tall_Ad_8140 Dude

"i tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, lsd, ecstasy, you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not being able to breathe or not being able to feel your legs.
submitted by Tall_Ad_8140 to politix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:21 Independent_Bag777 As far as packaged, presliced bacon goes, is there anything that even comes remotely close to Wright bacon?

Literal perfection going on 15+ years of personal use in blt’s, salads, breakfast platters, subs and clubs, you name it. Velvety when baked right, crispy and chewy when fried right. Perfect meat to fat thick bois. What’s even close? They deserve to reign in their price range is all I’m saying.
submitted by Independent_Bag777 to Bacon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:56 Sweet-Count2557 A Latte Fun Long Islands New Play Space and Cafe Its Fun for

A Latte Fun Long Islands New Play Space and Cafe Its Fun for
A Latte Fun Long Islands New Play Space and Cafe Its Fun for Are you looking for a place that combines fun for the kids and relaxation for the adults? A Latte Fun, Long Island's newest play space and cafe, offers just that. With a wide range of activities for children of all ages and a cozy cafe serving delicious treats, there's something for everyone.But that's not all - A Latte Fun also fosters a sense of community and provides a comfortable environment for parents. Want to know more? Keep reading to discover the exciting features and offerings that make A Latte Fun the go-to destination for families in South Huntington, NY.Key TakeawaysA Latte Fun is an indoor playspace and cafe located in South Huntington, NY.The playspace is safe and gated, catering to children from crawlers to eight-year-olds.A Latte Fun offers a range of activities for caregivers and children to enjoy, including arts and crafts, baking classes, and children's yoga.A Latte Fun is a great venue for children's birthday parties, providing a clean, safe, and exciting environment, with birthday party packages available.Overview of A Latte FunA Latte Fun isn't just your ordinary play space and cafe; it's a vibrant and welcoming haven for both parents and children in South Huntington, NY. As soon as you step inside, you'll be greeted by the cheerful sounds of laughter and the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. This indoor playspace offers a safe and gated environment for children from crawlers to eight-year-olds to explore and have fun.While the little ones are busy playing, parents can relax and enjoy a cup of fancy coffee and indulge in tasty baked goods. The cafe at A Latte Fun offers a wide variety of options, including light breakfast and lunch items. Whether you're craving a creamy latte or a flaky croissant, there's something to satisfy every palate.But A Latte Fun is more than just a place to grab a coffee and let the kids run wild. It's a community where parents can connect and children can make new friends. The friendly staff ensures that everyone feels welcome and comfortable. They're always on hand to ensure the safety and engagement of the children, allowing parents to relax and enjoy their time together.Location and FacilitiesLocated in South Huntington, NY, A Latte Fun offers not only a vibrant playspace and cafe but also a range of facilities that cater to both parents and children.The location accessibility of A Latte Fun is a major advantage for families in the area. Situated in a convenient location, it's easily accessible by car and public transportation, making it a breeze for parents and children to visit.The playspace itself is spacious and well-designed, with a variety of play space amenities to keep children entertained for hours. From a trampoline for bouncing fun to a double slide for thrilling races, there's something for children of all ages to enjoy. The playspace also features a colorful carousel, providing a whimsical experience for little ones. Additionally, there are cozy corners for quiet play and a book reading lounge area for storytime sessions.As for the facilities catering to parents, the cafe at A Latte Fun is the perfect spot to relax and recharge while keeping an eye on the little ones. The cafe offers a wide selection of fancy coffees, tasty baked goods, light breakfast, and lunch items. It provides a comfortable and welcoming environment where parents can connect with other caregivers and form friendships.The staff at A Latte Fun are attentive and dedicated to ensuring the safety and engagement of the children, giving parents peace of mind as they enjoy their time at the playspace.With its convenient location, accessible facilities, and exciting play space amenities, A Latte Fun truly offers a fun and enjoyable experience for both parents and children.Age-specific Play AreasWhen exploring A Latte Fun, visitors will discover that the playspace offers age-specific play areas designed to cater to the unique needs and interests of children at different stages of development. These age-specific play areas provide numerous benefits for children's development and growth, as well as create an environment that fosters freedom and exploration.Here are three reasons why age-specific play areas are important:Promotes developmental milestones: Age-specific play areas at A Latte Fun are carefully designed to encourage children to reach their developmental milestones. For example, the crawling area stimulates motor skills and spatial awareness, while the toddler area focuses on balance, coordination, and social interaction. By providing targeted activities, children have the freedom to explore and learn in a way that's appropriate for their age, allowing them to develop and grow at their own pace.Enhances social and emotional development: Play is essential for children's social and emotional development. The age-specific play areas at A Latte Fun provide opportunities for children to interact with their peers, practice sharing and taking turns, and develop important social skills. Additionally, engaging in play activities that are tailored to their age group helps children build confidence, self-esteem, and emotional resilience.Fosters cognitive and imaginative skills: Play isn't just about having fun; it also plays a crucial role in cognitive and imaginative development. Each age-specific play area at A Latte Fun is designed to stimulate children's curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. From sensory play in the infant area to imaginative play in the preschool area, children are encouraged to explore, discover, and use their imagination in a safe and supportive environment.At A Latte Fun, age-specific play areas are more than just spaces for children to play. They're carefully crafted environments that promote the overall well-being and development of children, allowing them the freedom to learn, grow, and have fun.Menu and Cafe OfferingsThe menu at A Latte Fun is filled with delicious treats and refreshing drinks for both children and adults to enjoy. Whether you're in the mood for a tasty snack or a specialty coffee, our cafe has something to satisfy every craving.For the little ones, we offer a variety of menu options that are both kid-friendly and nutritious. Our menu includes favorites like chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and mini pizzas. We also have fresh fruit cups, vegetable sticks with dip, and yogurt parfaits for those looking for a healthier option. And of course, no visit to A Latte Fun would be complete without trying our famous homemade cookies and brownies!But it's not just the kids who get to indulge in delicious treats. Our cafe also serves a wide range of specialty coffees for adults to enjoy. From lattes and cappuccinos to mochas and espressos, we've a coffee to suit every taste. And if coffee isn't your thing, we also offer a selection of teas, hot chocolates, and smoothies.In addition to our menu options, we also have a variety of daily specials and seasonal treats. Whether it's a pumpkin spice latte in the fall or a peppermint mocha during the holidays, there's always something new and exciting to try at our cafe.Comfortable Environment for ParentsAs parents step into A Latte Fun, they're greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere that immediately makes them feel at ease. The comfortable environment provided at A Latte Fun is designed to prioritize parental relaxation and foster friendships. Here are three reasons why parents find A Latte Fun to be the perfect place to unwind and connect with other caregivers:Cozy Seating Areas: A Latte Fun offers plenty of cozy seating areas where parents can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee or a delicious treat from the cafe. From plush armchairs to comfortable couches, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you want to catch up on your favorite book, chat with fellow parents, or simply take a moment to yourself, the cozy seating areas provide the perfect spot for relaxation.Socializing Opportunities: A Latte Fun isn't just a place for children to play, but also a hub for caregivers to socialize and form connections. The welcoming and friendly atmosphere encourages interaction and conversation among parents. Whether you strike up a conversation while watching your little ones play or join one of the organized activities, A Latte Fun provides ample opportunities to meet new friends and nurture existing friendships.Peace of Mind: A Latte Fun understands the need for parents to have peace of mind while their children are playing. With trained attendants on site, parents can relax knowing that their children are safe and engaged in age-appropriate activities. The playspace is gated and secure, allowing parents to enjoy their time without worrying about their child's well-being.At A Latte Fun, parents can unwind, connect with other caregivers, and create lasting memories with their children. It's a place where relaxation and friendship go hand in hand, providing the perfect escape for parents in need of some freedom and rejuvenation.Attendants for Child SafetyWith trained and attentive staff members on hand, parents can feel confident in the safety and well-being of their children while visiting A Latte Fun. Child safety measures are of utmost importance at A Latte Fun, and the role of the attendants is to ensure a secure and enjoyable environment for all the little ones.The attendants at A Latte Fun are carefully selected and undergo thorough training to ensure they're equipped to handle any situation that may arise. They're knowledgeable about child safety protocols and are constantly vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the children at all times. Their presence provides an added layer of security, giving parents peace of mind as they sip on their fancy coffees or indulge in a delicious treat from the cafe.The attendants not only prioritize safety but also actively engage with the children, creating a fun and interactive experience. They're always ready to join in on a game, help with an arts and crafts project, or simply have a friendly chat. Their warm and friendly demeanor fosters a sense of trust and comfort, allowing children to feel at ease in their surroundings.In addition to their role in ensuring child safety, the attendants also play a vital role in fostering a sense of community. They facilitate social interactions among the children, encouraging them to make new friends and build lasting connections. The attendants understand the importance of socializing and provide a supportive environment where children can learn, play, and grow together.At A Latte Fun, parents can rest assured that their children are in capable hands. The dedicated and attentive attendants prioritize child safety while creating a fun and engaging atmosphere. So, parents can relax and enjoy their time at A Latte Fun, knowing that their children are safe, happy, and well-cared for.Mommy and Me ActivitiesLooking for fun and interactive activities to enjoy with your little one? A Latte Fun offers a variety of Mommy and Me activities that are sure to create lasting memories and foster a strong bond between you and your child. Here are three benefits of participating in these activities:Creativity and Expression: Mommy and Me crafts provide a wonderful opportunity for you and your child to unleash your creativity and explore different art forms together. From painting and drawing to making collages and sculptures, these crafts allow your child to express themselves while having fun. Watching your little one's imagination come to life is truly a magical experience.Bonding and Connection: Engaging in Mommy and Me activities creates a special time for you to connect with your child on a deeper level. It allows you to share laughter, joy, and learning experiences together. These activities provide a nurturing environment where you can build a strong foundation of love and trust, strengthening your relationship as you navigate through the early years of your child's life.Developmental Benefits: Mommy and Me activities offer numerous developmental benefits for your child. Whether it's improving fine motor skills through arts and crafts or enhancing cognitive abilities through interactive games and puzzles, these activities promote overall growth and development. Additionally, they encourage social interaction and communication skills, helping your child build confidence and make new friends.Baking and Cooking ClassesEngaging in the creative world of Mommy and Me crafts at A Latte Fun is just the beginning of the exciting and educational experiences that await you and your child - now get ready to tantalize your taste buds with their delightful Baking and Cooking Classes.At A Latte Fun, they offer kids baking classes that are both fun and educational. These classes are designed to teach children the basics of baking while allowing them to explore their creativity in the kitchen. From making cookies and cupcakes to creating delicious pastries, your little ones will be able to unleash their inner chef.To give you a taste of what to expect, here's a sneak peek at some of the activities featured in the kids baking classes at A Latte Fun:WeekThemeActivity1Cupcake CreationsDecorating cupcakes with colorful icing and sprinkles2Cookie CrazeBaking and decorating different types of cookies3Pizza PartyMaking homemade pizza dough and adding your favorite toppings4Sweet TreatsCreating yummy desserts like brownies and fruit tartsThese classes provide a hands-on learning experience where children can learn about measurements, mixing ingredients, and following recipes. Not only will they develop their culinary skills, but they will also learn valuable life skills such as patience, teamwork, and creativity.And what's even better is that after each baking class, you and your child can enjoy a coffee and pastry pairing at the A Latte Fun cafe. So while your little ones are exploring the world of baking, you can sit back, relax, and savor the delicious treats.The kids baking classes at A Latte Fun are a perfect way to bond with your child, learn new skills, and create lasting memories together. So why wait? Sign up for a class today and let the baking adventures begin!Children's Yoga and StorytimeChildren at A Latte Fun can embark on a journey of relaxation and imagination through the enchanting world of Children's Yoga and Storytime. This unique activity offers a multitude of benefits for children, both physically and mentally. Here's what you can expect from these interactive and engaging sessions:Improved flexibility and strength: Children's yoga poses help to stretch and strengthen their growing bodies, promoting flexibility and enhancing their physical abilities. Through these movements, children can develop balance, coordination, and body awareness.Enhanced focus and concentration: Yoga encourages mindfulness and helps children develop the ability to concentrate and focus. By practicing different poses and engaging in breathing exercises, children can learn to calm their minds and improve their attention span.Boosted creativity and imagination: Storytime at A Latte Fun takes children on captivating adventures through the power of storytelling. By immersing themselves in imaginative tales, children can expand their creativity, stimulate their imagination, and develop a love for reading.During Children's Yoga and Storytime sessions at A Latte Fun, children have the opportunity to explore their bodies through yoga poses while also engaging in interactive storytime activities. The combination of movement and storytelling creates a dynamic and engaging experience for children, promoting their overall well-being and fostering a love for both physical activity and literature.These sessions are led by experienced instructors who understand the unique needs of children. They create a safe and supportive environment where children can explore, learn, and have fun.Studio Space for ClassesThe studio space at A Latte Fun offers a vibrant and creative environment for children to explore a variety of classes and activities. Whether your child is interested in dance, music, or yoga, our studio space provides the perfect setting for them to unleash their creativity and have fun. Take a look at some of the exciting studio space activities and creative classes we offer:Studio Space ActivitiesCreative ClassesAge RangeYogaMommy and Me Yoga2-4 yearsHip-hopDance5-8 yearsBalletBallet3-6 yearsMusic and MovementMusic2-5 yearsArt and CraftsArt4-7 yearsOur studio space is equipped with all the necessary equipment and materials to make each class engaging and enjoyable. From colorful dance mats to musical instruments, your child will have everything they need to fully immerse themselves in their chosen activity. Our experienced instructors are passionate about what they do and are dedicated to providing a positive and nurturing environment for your child to learn and grow.At A Latte Fun, we believe in the power of creative expression and the benefits it brings to a child's development. Our studio space is designed to inspire imagination, boost confidence, and foster a love for learning. Whether your child wants to twirl in ballet class or groove to the beat in a hip-hop session, they will have the opportunity to explore their interests and discover new talents.Come and join us at A Latte Fun's studio space for an enriching and fun-filled experience. Watch as your child's creativity blossoms and their confidence soars. With our wide range of studio space activities and creative classes, there's something for every child to enjoy. Let their imagination run wild and give them the freedom to explore their passions in a supportive and encouraging environment.Fun Play EquipmentWith a range of exciting and interactive play equipment, A Latte Fun offers a thrilling and engaging experience for children of all ages. Our play space is designed to spark imagination, promote physical activity, and create lasting memories.Here are three reasons why our fun play equipment will leave your children wanting more:Giant Trampoline: Picture your child bouncing with joy on our giant trampoline. With every jump, they'll feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration. This interactive play experience not only brings laughter and smiles but also promotes coordination and balance.Double Slide: Our double slide is a crowd favorite. Children love racing their friends to see who can slide down the fastest. The feeling of wind rushing through their hair as they slide down brings a sense of adventure and excitement. It's a thrilling experience that will have your little ones begging for more.Colorful Carousel: Step onto our vibrant carousel and watch as your child's eyes light up with wonder. They'll have the chance to choose their favorite animal to ride, whether it's a majestic horse or a friendly elephant. As the carousel spins, children can enjoy the feeling of freedom as they go round and round.At A Latte Fun, we believe that play should be a liberating experience. Our fun play equipment provides children with the opportunity to explore, imagine, and interact with their surroundings in a safe and engaging environment. So come on over and let your children unleash their inner adventurer as they embark on a journey of fun and excitement.Birthday Party PackagesReady to throw your child the ultimate birthday party? Look no further than A Latte Fun's exciting and hassle-free birthday party packages.At A Latte Fun, we understand the importance of creating lasting memories for your child's special day. That's why we offer a range of birthday party themes and customizable packages to suit your child's interests and preferences.Choose from a variety of fun and imaginative themes, such as princesses, superheroes, animals, pirates, and more. Our dedicated team will work with you to create a one-of-a-kind party experience that your child and their friends will never forget. From the moment you step into our beautifully decorated party room, you'll be transported to a world of wonder and excitement.Our birthday party packages include everything you need to host a memorable celebration. We provide party decorations, including themed table settings, balloons, and banners, to create a festive atmosphere. Our experienced staff will take care of all the details, from setting up the party room to cleaning up afterward. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the party with your child.In addition to the themed decorations, our birthday party packages also include playtime in our safe and engaging playspace. Children can bounce on our trampoline, race down our double slide, and ride our colorful carousel, all while having a blast with their friends. It's the perfect combination of fun and entertainment.At A Latte Fun, we believe that every child deserves a special birthday celebration. That's why we offer affordable birthday party packages to fit any budget. So whether you're looking for a small gathering or a larger celebration, we've options for you.Don't stress over planning your child's birthday party. Let A Latte Fun take care of everything. Contact us today to book your child's ultimate birthday party experience.Socializing and Community BuildingAt A Latte Fun, we believe in the power of socializing and building a strong community for both parents and children. We understand the importance of mom support and playdate opportunities, which is why we've created an environment that fosters connection and friendship. Here are three reasons why socializing and community building are at the heart of our mission:A Place to Connect: A Latte Fun provides a welcoming space for parents to come together and share their experiences. Whether you're a new mom looking for advice or a seasoned parent wanting to meet like-minded individuals, our playspace and cafe offer the perfect setting to connect with others who understand the joys and challenges of raising children.Playdate Opportunities: We believe in the power of playdates to not only entertain children but also facilitate social interaction and friendship building. At A Latte Fun, you'll find a wide range of activities and play areas where children can explore, learn, and have fun together. Our staff is always on hand to encourage positive interaction and help facilitate playdates between children.Supportive Community: We strive to create a supportive community where parents can find encouragement, advice, and a listening ear. A Latte Fun is more than just a play space; it's a place where friendships are formed, and bonds are strengthened. Whether you're looking for a shoulder to lean on or someone to celebrate milestones with, our community is here to provide the support you need.At A Latte Fun, we believe that socializing and community building are essential for both parents and children. We invite you to join us in creating lasting connections and building a strong community that uplifts and supports one another. Come and experience the joy of socializing and building friendships at A Latte Fun.Pricing and Opening HoursWe offer convenient pricing options and a variety of discounts to make your visit to A Latte Fun even more enjoyable. At A Latte Fun, we believe that everyone should have access to a fun and safe play environment without breaking the bank. That's why we've carefully curated our pricing options to suit different needs and budgets.Our admission fee is $16 for the first child, $10 for crawlers, and $12 for siblings. We also offer play pack discounts, where you can purchase multiple visits at a discounted rate. These play packs are perfect for families who plan on visiting regularly or for groups of friends looking to have a great time together. Additionally, we've unlimited play packages available, allowing you to enjoy unlimited playtime during our opening hours.We understand the importance of staying connected in today's digital age, which is why we've a strong social media presence. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram, where we regularly update our followers with the latest news, events, and discounts. By following us on social media, you'll never miss out on any exciting promotions or special events happening at A Latte Fun.Our opening hours are designed to accommodate your busy schedule. We're open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on weekends from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (unless closed for a special event). Whether you're looking for a weekday outing or a weekend adventure, we're here to provide a fun and engaging experience for you and your little ones.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Parking Options Available at a Latte Fun?Outdoor seating is available at A Latte Fun for those who prefer to enjoy their coffee and treats outside.As for parking options, there's ample parking space available at the facility, ensuring a hassle-free experience for visitors. Whether you're coming for a birthday party or just to enjoy the playspace and cafe, you can easily find parking nearby.Are Strollers Allowed Inside the Playspace?Yes, strollers are allowed inside the playspace at A Latte Fun. They understand that parents may need to bring their strollers, and they've made sure to accommodate for that.The play area is designed to be accessible for strollers, with wide pathways and plenty of space to maneuver.So, you can easily bring your little one in their stroller and enjoy all the fun activities and attractions that A Latte Fun has to offer.It's all about making things convenient for parents!Can Adults Bring Their Own Food and Drinks to the Cafe?Yes, adults can bring their own food and drinks to the cafe at A Latte Fun. However, please note that during adults only events, there may be specific policies regarding outside food and drinks.We encourage you to check with the staff for more information.As for the alcohol policy, A Latte Fun doesn't serve alcohol, but they do offer a variety of fancy coffees and other non-alcoholic beverages for adults to enjoy.Are There Changing Facilities Available for Babies?Diaper changing facilities at A Latte Fun make it a convenient and family-friendly space. We understand the needs of parents with babies, and we provide a clean and comfortable area for changing diapers.In addition, our parent lounge area offers a private and quiet space for breastfeeding. We want to ensure that parents can relax and enjoy their time at A Latte Fun, knowing that we've their needs in mind.Does a Latte Fun Offer Any Membership Options or Loyalty Programs?At A Latte Fun, we offer membership options and loyalty programs to provide even more value for our visitors.Our membership options allow families to enjoy unlimited playtime and exclusive benefits, such as discounts on admission, snacks, and birthday party packages.Our loyalty program rewards frequent visitors with special perks and discounts.We want to ensure that our guests feel appreciated and have the opportunity to make the most of their experience at our play space and cafe.ConclusionIn a Latte Fun, the fun never stops!With our exciting play space, delicious cafe offerings, and a welcoming environment for parents, we've got it all covered.So why wait? Grab your little ones and head on over to our South Huntington location for a day filled with laughter, connections, and endless fun.Don't miss out on the chance to make memories that will last a latte!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:54 NeighborhoodTime1712 Back from a week long vacation with no tracking.

I went back and forth quite a bit on if I should stick to my diet during my week long cruise. Ultimately, I decided that if I’m going to be living a healthy lifestyle forever, restricting on vacation will not be sustainable. Trying good food (especially in new countries) brings me joy like nothing else so if I gain a few pounds and get straight back to work when I get home, I can live with that. I still made a point to have a healthy breakfast with oatmeal, fruit, and eggs every day and half of my dinners were various types of vegetarian Indian meals that seemed very healthy. I also had a dessert every night, and some fried food/burgers I would typically stay away from.
I got back 3 days ago and was immediately back on track with my diet and exercise, but I haven’t stepped on the scale yet. All I know is I’ve been peeing every 20 minutes, so I don’t want to risk having an emotional reaction to all of that water weight. When I look in the mirror I see no difference from when I left. The bloating has gone away and it was 100% worth it no matter what the number on the scale will say once I check in a few days.
There would have been a time in my life where eating what I wanted during vacation would have led to me giving up altogether, but not this time!
submitted by NeighborhoodTime1712 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:49 itsbeenreal12345 Weekend Breakfast

Weekend Breakfast
Garden omelette. Egg whites + 1 egg, vegan cheese, sautéed spinach, kale, mushroom, tomatoes, onions. Breakfast potatoes cooked up in garlic, salt, paprika. English muffin with vegan butter, and mixed berry jam. Cup of coffee with a splash of oat milk. My favorite morning food every weekend.
submitted by itsbeenreal12345 to BreakfastFood [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 deniss_1996 [S&S] $9.28: 6-Boxes Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars (Blueberry) at Amazon

submitted by deniss_1996 to amzndeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 danarchist Had eggs for breakfast this morning, ready for a win!

Had eggs for breakfast this morning, ready for a win! submitted by danarchist to BrahMAs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Lake George Ny

Best Restaurants in Lake George Ny
Best Restaurants in Lake George Ny Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure like no other? Well, look no further because we've got the inside scoop on the best restaurants in Lake George, NY.From mouthwatering Italian dishes to French-accented delicacies, this charming lakeside town has it all. And the best part? These restaurants not only offer delectable food but also provide a delightful atmosphere and excellent service.Whether you're a local or a visitor, get ready to indulge your taste buds and experience the freedom of culinary exploration.Key TakeawaysBistro LeRoux offers French-accented cuisine with a high rating for taste and variety, as well as excellent service and atmosphere.Caldwell House Restaurant is known for its American cuisine, with high ratings for both taste and variety, as well as exceptional service.Lone Bull Pancake & Steak is a family-owned restaurant that specializes in classic American comfort dishes and has a rustic decor.Caffe Vero is a family-owned restaurant that serves breakfast, brunch, and dinner with a menu filled with classic Italian dishes, and also offers catering services.Charlie's Bar & KitchenWe really enjoyed the international cuisine at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen, one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY. With its diverse menu, Charlie's offers a taste of different cultures all in one place. From Asian-inspired dishes to Mediterranean flavors, there's something for everyone here.The taste and variety at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen is top-notch. Each dish is expertly crafted, using fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Whether you're in the mood for a spicy Thai curry, a savory Italian pasta, or a juicy American burger, Charlie's has it all. The chefs at Charlie's are skilled in creating dishes that satisfy diverse palates, making it a popular choice among locals and tourists alike.The service at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen is attentive and friendly, ensuring that every guest feels welcomed and taken care of. The staff is knowledgeable about the menu and can provide recommendations based on individual preferences. They're also accommodating to dietary restrictions and allergies, making it a great option for those with specific dietary needs.The atmosphere at Charlie's is laid-back and inviting, with a vibrant energy that adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you choose to sit at the bar, at a table, or on the outdoor patio, you'll be surrounded by a warm and welcoming ambiance.In terms of affordability, Charlie's Bar & Kitchen falls into the mid-range category. While it may not be the cheapest option in town, the quality of the food and the overall experience make it worth the price.Bistro LeRouxWith its perfect blend of French-accented cuisine and impeccable service, Bistro LeRoux is definitely one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY. This charming bistro offers a dining experience that's both sophisticated and welcoming, making it a must-visit for food enthusiasts seeking a taste of France in the heart of the Adirondacks.At Bistro LeRoux, the menu is a true celebration of French culinary tradition. From classic dishes like Coq au Vin and Escargot to innovative creations like Duck Confit Egg Rolls and Venison Bourguignon, every bite is a culinary adventure. The chefs at Bistro LeRoux showcase their expertise and passion for French cuisine through their skillful execution of each dish, resulting in a symphony of flavors that will leave you craving for more.But it's not just the food that sets Bistro LeRoux apart. The service here is attentive and knowledgeable, ensuring that every guest feels valued and well taken care of. The staff is passionate about food and wine, and they're always happy to recommend the perfect pairing to enhance your dining experience. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or a first-time visitor, you'll feel right at home at Bistro LeRoux.In terms of atmosphere, Bistro LeRoux exudes a cozy and intimate ambiance that's perfect for a romantic date night or a special celebration. The warm lighting, rustic decor, and soft background music create an inviting space that's both elegant and comfortable. The restaurant also offers outdoor seating options, allowing guests to enjoy their meal while taking in the beautiful surroundings of Lake George.While Bistro LeRoux may not be the most affordable option in town, the quality of the food and service more than justifies the price. This is a place where you can indulge in a culinary experience that's truly exceptional, and it's worth every penny.Caldwell House RestaurantAt Caldwell House Restaurant, we were impressed with the quality and variety of American cuisine offered. Here are some key highlights that make Caldwell House Restaurant one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY:Taste & Variety: The menu at Caldwell House Restaurant offers a wide range of American dishes that cater to everyone's taste buds. From juicy burgers and flavorful steaks to fresh seafood and vegetarian options, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Service: The staff at Caldwell House Restaurant is known for their exceptional service. They're attentive, friendly, and always ready to cater to your needs. Whether you have dietary restrictions or special requests, they'll go above and beyond to ensure your dining experience is memorable.Atmosphere: The restaurant boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a casual meal or a special occasion. The rustic decor and cozy seating create a comfortable and relaxing ambiance that adds to the overall dining experience.Affordability: While Caldwell House Restaurant offers high-quality American cuisine, it also strives to provide affordable dining options. The prices are reasonable, making it accessible for both locals and tourists alike.Accessibility: Located in Lake George, NY, Caldwell House Restaurant is easily accessible for both residents and visitors. Whether you're staying nearby or exploring the area, it's a convenient stop for a delicious meal.Caldwell House Restaurant truly stands out among the best restaurants in Lake George, NY. With its diverse menu, exceptional service, inviting atmosphere, affordability, and accessibility, it's a must-visit dining destination for anyone looking to indulge in American cuisine.Lone Bull Pancake & SteakLet's explore Lone Bull Pancake & Steak, a family-owned restaurant that has been serving classic American comfort dishes in Lake George, NY for over 40 years. When it comes to finding the best restaurants in Lake George, NY, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak is a hidden gem that shouldn't be overlooked.As a family-owned establishment, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has a warm and inviting atmosphere that makes you feel right at home. The rustic decor adds to the charm, creating a cozy and comfortable dining experience.One of the highlights of Lone Bull Pancake & Steak is their commitment to serving classic American comfort dishes. From fluffy pancakes to juicy steaks, their menu offers a wide variety of options that are sure to satisfy any craving. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast or a delicious dinner, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has you covered.Not only does Lone Bull Pancake & Steak excel in their food offerings, but they also welcome pets. So, if you're traveling with your furry friend, you can enjoy a delicious meal together. This pet-friendly policy sets Lone Bull Pancake & Steak apart from other restaurants in the area, making it a top choice for pet owners.With its long-standing history in the Lake George community, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has become a beloved institution. The combination of friendly service, delicious food, and a welcoming atmosphere makes it one of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY.As we continue our exploration of the best restaurants in Lake George, NY, let's now turn our attention to Caffe Vero.Caffe VeroAs we explore the best restaurants in Lake George, NY, one standout option is Caffe Vero, a family-owned breakfast, brunch, and dinner restaurant. Located in the heart of Lake George, Caffe Vero offers a warm and inviting atmosphere with its comfortable space and inviting decor. The menu at Caffe Vero is filled with classic Italian dishes, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast, a delicious brunch, or a satisfying dinner, Caffe Vero has something to satisfy every palate.Here are five reasons why Caffe Vero is one of the best restaurants in Lake George:Serves house-roasted coffee and baked goods: Start your day off right with a cup of their freshly brewed coffee and indulge in their delectable baked goods.Comfortable space with warm and inviting decor: The cozy and welcoming ambiance of Caffe Vero makes it the perfect place to relax and enjoy a meal with family and friends.Menu filled with classic Italian dishes: From homemade pasta to wood-fired pizzas, Caffe Vero offers a wide variety of delicious Italian options that will leave you wanting more.Offers catering services: Whether you're planning a small gathering or a large event, Caffe Vero can cater to your needs and provide you with a memorable dining experience.Family-owned and operated: The passion and dedication of the family behind Caffe Vero shines through in every aspect of the restaurant, creating a truly authentic and enjoyable dining experience.Olde Log InnOne of the standout restaurants in Lake George, NY is Olde Log Inn, a family-run establishment since the 1930s, known for its rustic log-cabin decor and cozy atmosphere. When you step inside Olde Log Inn, you're transported back in time to a simpler era. The exposed wood beams and vintage tin signs add to the charm and authenticity of the place.The restaurant has become famous for its classic chicken pot pie, a dish that has been perfected over generations. The flaky crust, hearty filling, and savory flavors make it a must-try for any visitor. The menu also offers a variety of other comfort foods, such as burgers, steaks, and seafood.Whether you're looking for a hearty meal after a day of exploring the beautiful Lake George or a place to relax and enjoy a delicious dinner, Olde Log Inn has you covered. The friendly and attentive staff will make you feel right at home, and the cozy atmosphere is perfect for a memorable dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I Bring My Pet to Charlie's Bar & Kitchen?Yes, you can bring your pet to Charlie's Bar & Kitchen. We understand how important it's to have the freedom to dine with your furry friend.At Charlie's, we welcome pets and strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all our guests. So, feel free to bring your pet along and enjoy our international cuisine.With a rating of 4/5 for taste and variety, you and your pet are sure to have a delightful dining experience at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen.Does Bistro Leroux Offer Catering Services?Bistro LeRoux does offer catering services. They're known for their French-accented cuisine and have a reputation for providing high-quality food and service. With a taste and variety rating of 5/5, Bistro LeRoux is sure to impress any event or gathering.Whether you're looking for a catered brunch, lunch, or dinner, Bistro LeRoux has you covered. Their attention to detail and dedication to delicious food make them a great choice for your catering needs.Is There a Recommended Hotel Nearby Caldwell House Restaurant?Yes, there's a recommended hotel nearby Caldwell House Restaurant.The Caldwell House Restaurant is known for its delicious American cuisine and excellent service. The restaurant has a rating of 4/5 for taste and variety, 5/5 for service, and a 4/5 for atmosphere.While affordability is rated 3/5, the restaurant is easily accessible with a rating of 4/5.It's always a great experience dining at Caldwell House Restaurant, and staying at the nearby recommended hotel adds convenience to your visit.How Long Has Lone Bull Pancake & Steak Been Established?Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has been serving classic American comfort dishes for over 40 years. As a local favorite, this family-owned restaurant has established itself as a go-to spot for delicious food in a rustic ambiance.With their pet-friendly policy, it's a great place for the whole family to enjoy a hearty meal.Whether you're in the mood for pancakes or steak, Lone Bull Pancake & Steak has you covered with their time-tested menu.What Is the Signature Dish at Olde Log Inn?The signature dish at Olde Log Inn is their classic chicken pot pie. This family-run restaurant, established since the 1930s, is known for its rustic log-cabin decor and cozy atmosphere. With exposed wood beams and vintage tin signs, it truly captures the charm of Lake George.If you're looking for a taste of comfort and tradition, the Olde Log Inn is a must-visit. Enjoy their famous chicken pot pie and immerse yourself in the history of this iconic eatery.ConclusionIn conclusion, Lake George, NY is a haven for food lovers, offering a wide range of culinary delights to suit every taste.Whether you're craving a sophisticated dining experience or a casual meal with a view, this charming town has it all.With its incredible restaurants, delightful atmosphere, and excellent service, Lake George truly has something for everyone.So, why wait? Embark on a culinary journey and discover the best restaurants this beautiful lakeside town has to offer.Can you resist the temptation to indulge in these mouthwatering dishes?
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