Tx 5.0 rc treadmill errors 3


2017.04.20 17:02 Tyree07 Tyree07

Tyree07's testing space for managing/designing subreddits

2018.08.28 22:48 GreenBean825 Where you can worship your favourite amphibian friend

This is the subreddit I made to go with the Axolotl Cult on Amino. I hope you enjoy it!

2024.05.19 21:06 MadNikolus After downloading 200 gb of Skyrim mods on my cracked version, Wabbajack gave me an error

I have lost all my energy in the past 5 days, I have no idea what to do and this is the error it keeps giving me;
02:07:27.464 [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Unable to download Data_Skyrim - Textures1.bsa (GameFileSourceDownloader+StateSkyrimSpecialEdition1.6.1170.0data\skyrim - textures1.bsa)
02:07:27.464 [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Unable to download Data_Skyrim - Textures5.bsa (GameFileSourceDownloader+StateSkyrimSpecialEdition1.6.1170.0data\skyrim - textures5.bsa)
02:07:27.464 [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Unable to download Data_Skyrim - Textures2.bsa (GameFileSourceDownloader+StateSkyrimSpecialEdition1.6.1170.0data\skyrim - textures2.bsa)
02:07:27.464 [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Unable to download Data_Skyrim - Textures3.bsa (GameFileSourceDownloader+StateSkyrimSpecialEdition1.6.1170.0data\skyrim - textures3.bsa)
02:07:27.464 [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Unable to download Data_Skyrim - Textures0.bsa (GameFileSourceDownloader+StateSkyrimSpecialEdition1.6.1170.0data\skyrim - textures0.bsa)
02:07:27.464 [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Cannot continue, was unable to download one or more archives
02:15:39.995 [INFO] (Wabbajack.MainWindow) Beginning shutdown...
02:15:39.995 [INFO] (Wabbajack.MainWindow) Clearing C:\Wabbajack\\temp
02:15:39.995 [INFO] (Wabbajack.MainWindow) Finished clearing C:\Wabbajack\\temp
I have no idea how to fix it. If somebody knows how please help. I have no brain power to research this any further. (My skyrim is "Skyrim Special Edition 1.5.97")
submitted by MadNikolus to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:01 E_v_z_z help with crash log

wondering what is going wrong [19:59:00] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.11
[19:59:00] [main/INFO]: Loading 148 mods:
- architectury 9.2.14 - athena 3.1.2 - bitsandchisels 2.7.3 
\-- stacc 1.5.2+boneless2ahhhh
- chipped 3.0.6 - chisel 1.7.1 - create 0.5.1-f-build.1417+mc1.20.1 
-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.6
-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.6
-- com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2
-- flywheel 0.6.10-2
-- forgeconfigapiport 8.0.0
-- milk 1.2.60
\-- dripstone_fluid_lib 3.0.2
-- porting_lib_accessors 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_base 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.6
-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.6
-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_common 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_config 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_fluids 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_mixin_extensions 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_utility 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0
-- porting_lib_brewing 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_client_events 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_entity 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_mixin_extensions 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_extensions 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_attributes 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_common 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0
-- porting_lib_models 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_fluids 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_networking 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_obj_loader 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_tags 3.0
\-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_tool_actions 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_transfer 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- porting_lib_core 2.3.2+1.20.1
\-- porting_lib_fluids 2.3.2+1.20.1
-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0
\-- registrate-fabric 1.3.62-MC1.20.1
-- porting_lib_data 2.1.1090+1.20
\-- porting_lib_gametest 2.1.1090+1.20
\-- porting_lib_model_generators 2.1.1090+1.20
-- porting_lib_gametest 2.1.1090+1.20
\-- porting_lib_model_materials 2.1.1090+1.20
- create\_structures 1.1.0 - createaddition 1.2.3 
\-- team_reborn_energy 2.3.0
- createdeco 2.0.2-1.20.1-fabric - fabric-api 0.92.1+1.20.1 
-- fabric-api-base 0.4.31+1802ada577
-- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.36+1802ada577
-- fabric-biome-api-v1 13.0.13+1802ada577
-- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.11+1802ada577
-- fabric-block-view-api-v2 1.0.1+1802ada577
-- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.41+1802ada577
-- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.1.2+1802ada577
-- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.34+f71b366f77
-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.13+1802ada577
-- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.51+df3654b377
-- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.64+df3654b377
-- fabric-content-registries-v0 4.0.11+1802ada577
-- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.5.5+1802ada577
-- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.19+1802ada577
-- fabric-data-attachment-api-v1 1.0.0+de0fd6d177
-- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 12.3.4+1802ada577
-- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.54+1802ada577
-- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.6.0+1c78457f77
-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.2+1802ada577
-- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.63+df3654b377
-- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.40+1802ada577
-- fabric-item-api-v1 2.1.28+1802ada577
-- fabric-item-group-api-v1 4.0.12+1802ada577
-- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.37+1802ada577
-- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.35+df3654b377
-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.22+1802ada577
-- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.2.1+1802ada577
-- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.45+9e7660c677
-- fabric-message-api-v1 5.1.9+1802ada577
-- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.50+1802ada577
-- fabric-model-loading-api-v1 1.0.3+1802ada577
-- fabric-models-v0 0.4.2+9386d8a777
-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.11+1802ada577
-- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.51+df3654b377
-- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 11.1.3+1802ada577
-- fabric-particles-v1 1.1.2+1802ada577
-- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.21+1802ada577
-- fabric-registry-sync-v0 2.3.3+1802ada577
-- fabric-renderer-api-v1 3.2.1+1802ada577
-- fabric-renderer-indigo 1.5.1+1802ada577
-- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.46+df3654b377
-- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.37+92a0d36777
-- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.28+1802ada577
-- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.49+df3654b377
-- fabric-rendering-v1 3.0.8+1802ada577
-- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.3.8+1802ada577
-- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.11.10+1802ada577
-- fabric-screen-api-v1 2.0.8+1802ada577
-- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.30+1802ada577
-- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.13+1802ada577
-- fabric-transfer-api-v1 3.3.5+8dd72ea377
\-- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 4.3.1+1802ada577
- fabric-language-kotlin 1.10.20+kotlin.1.9.24 
-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.9.24
-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.9.24
-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.24
-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.24
-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.24.0
-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.0
-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.0
-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0
-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3
-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3
\-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3
- fabricloader 0.15.11 
\-- mixinextras 0.3.5
- farmersdelight 1.20.1-1.4.3 - fxntstorage 0.8-1.20.1-FABRIC+1.20.1 - java 17 - jei - labels 1.20-1.20.2 - mcpitanlib 2.2.4-1.20.1-fabric 
-- cloth-config 11.1.118
\-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
\-- org_yaml_snakeyaml 2.0
- mcwbridges 3.0.0 - mcwdoors 1.1.0 - mcwtrpdoors 1.1.3 - minecraft 1.20.1 - moonlight 1.20-2.11.22 - railways 1.6.4+fabric-mc1.20.1 
-- mixinextras 0.3.5
\-- mm 2.3
- reframed 1.5.9 - resourcefullib 2.1.24 
-- com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs 1.0.2
\-- com_teamresourceful_yabn 1.0.3
- silk-all 1.10.1 
-- silk-commands 1.10.1
-- silk-core 1.10.1
-- silk-game 1.10.1
-- silk-igui 1.10.1
-- silk-nbt 1.10.1
-- silk-network 1.10.1
\-- silk-persistence 1.10.1
- sliceanddice 3.2.1 
\-- forgeconfigapiport 8.0.0
- spacecube 0.9.6 - variantchiseledbookshelves 1.3.6 - veinminer 2.0.3 
-- de_miraculixx_core_ 2.0.4
\-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT
- visualizerbookshelf 2.0 - xaerominimap 24.1.1 
[19:59:01] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/{COMPUTER_USERNAME}/AppData/Roaming/com.modrinth.theseus/meta/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.13.3+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.13.3+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
[19:59:01] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
[19:59:01] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[19:59:02] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'createdeco-fabric-refmap.json' for createdeco.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[19:59:02] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'labels-fabric-refmap.json' for labels.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[19:59:02] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: io/vram/frex/base/renderecontext/rendeEntityBlockRenderContext (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io/vram/frex/base/renderecontext/rendeEntityBlockRenderContext)
[19:59:02] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target io.vram.frex.base.renderer.context.render.EntityBlockRenderContext was not found porting_lib_base.mixins.json:client.frex.EntityBlockRenderContextMixin from mod porting_lib_base
[19:59:03] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: dev/latvian/mods/kubejs/recipe/RecipesEventJS (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dev/latvian/mods/kubejs/recipe/RecipesEventJS)
[19:59:03] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target dev.latvian.mods.kubejs.recipe.RecipesEventJS was not found sliceanddice.mixins.json:RecipeEventJSMixin from mod sliceanddice
[19:59:03] [main/INFO]: Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.5).
[19:59:08] [main/WARN]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on porting_lib_entity.mixins.json:common.LivingEntityMixin from mod porting_lib_entity::handler$bnc000$porting_lib_entity$port_lib$onFinishUsing exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning.
[19:59:14] [Datafixer Bootstrap/INFO]: 188 Datafixer optimizations took 237 milliseconds
[19:59:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
[19:59:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: {MINECRAFT_USERNAME}
[19:59:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Error loading class: vectorwing/farmersdelight/common/registry/ModItems (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: vectorwing/farmersdelight/common/registry/ModItems)
[19:59:22] [Render thread/WARN]: Tried to register an overly high cookTime: 57600 > 32767! (air)
[19:59:22] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Create Crafts & Additions Initialized!
[19:59:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering items for Create Deco
[19:59:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering blocks for Create Deco
[19:59:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Create Deco is accessing Porting Lib on a Fabric client!
[19:59:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering Creative Tab Group for FXNT Storage
[19:59:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering Mod Items for fxntstorage
[19:59:23] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for storage_box_entity
[19:59:23] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for back_pack_entity
[19:59:23] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for passer_entity
[19:59:23] [Render thread/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for smart_passer_entity
[19:59:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering Blocks for FXNT Storage
[19:59:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Create addon mod [FXNT Storage] is loading alongside Create [0.5.1f]!
[19:59:23] [Render thread/INFO]: FXNT Storage is accessing Porting Lib from the client!
[19:59:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded config labels-client.json
[19:59:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Definitely not up to no good
[19:59:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Config file had missing entry consistent_entity_renderer_shading
[19:59:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded config moonlight-client.json
[19:59:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Initializing Silk due to init call
[19:59:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Visual Chiseled Bookshelves Initialized
submitted by E_v_z_z to ModdedMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 youssefafatah Help please deadline is tomorrow

Help please deadline is tomorrow
I am trying to communicate using uart between my stm32f103c8t6 and esp32 wroom when i run the code on arduino ide for the esp i get this error
submitted by youssefafatah to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 HighYieldLarry US Rents Climbed 1.5 Times Faster Than Wages in Last Four Years

US Rents Climbed 1.5 Times Faster Than Wages in Last Four Years submitted by HighYieldLarry to FluentInFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:46 Beginning_Story1811 Best Durability Top: Level - «Superhuman»

Iike: Lore, not game
Superhuman level:
0 - Phil Full potential RC
0.1 - God Phil (Verse Curse)
1 - Divine Goredoll
2 - Shadow Mutant, Steele Leaf Fallen Solder
3 - Fallen Solder, Brosko
5 - Gary Sato
6 - Steve Sanderson
7 - Phil Timsky,Garick Lincoln, Honnky, Jack Redmag
submitted by Beginning_Story1811 to GoreBox_F2Games [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:41 Psychics4U_net 902 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING: Discover the Life-Changing Secret Behind 902 Angel Number!!!!

This complete guide on 902 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING is brought to you by psychics4u.net. For more valuable information, insights and resources, visit: http://psychics4u.net/
902 angel number meaning is completing your life purpose, being social, having great relationships and searching for a spiritual meaning. It is assembles from the root numbers 9, 0, 2 so let`s break it down:
Angel number 9 meaning: when repeating represents being connected to the world. Understanding that you are a part of much bigger system than a single person is the most important point. Although you are unique and having specific dreams, missions and goal you also aware of the fact that you need to work together with other people, nature and the law of the cosmos.

Therefore angel number 902 suggests that there is a part of you that love to be around people, going out to socialize and organizing parties or events. If you find yourself the complete opposite, for example you prefer to be busy and stay at home, watch TV, play computer games or read books, consider going out more.

Hence, one of the basic meanings or messages of this specific number is to be more connected to people. The angels are trying to tell you that if lots of people like friends, family and colleagues will be around you it might change your destiny in a very positive way. New events or situation which you never imagine will be open for you.

Angel number 0 meaning: is the most special angel number of all, zero symbolize a completion, endless cycle and most important a huge potential. The basic meaning denotes you have a great set of skills, with these tools you can manifest everything you want. Sometimes life is rough, we don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel and we falsely believe we can not achieve something we really want. So if you keep on seeing zero or to be more precisely angel number 902, you should trust yourself.

Ignore other people’s opinions because some of them will bring you negative energy. Stay closely only to those who charge you will positive vibrations and inspire you to success. The number zero indicates that you will close a circle, for example if you had a certain task, than if you will be focus on the right action you will be able to complete it successfully.

As an omen for infinity cycle, number zero is at the center of 902 angel number. So your major focus should be on endless actions. This is not a good time to rest, being lazy or procrastinate things you should execute. The angels are sending you an obvious message to wake up. After you will complete the main goal you will be able to rest and reaping the wonderful rewards.

Angel number 2 meaning: number two is all about balance, harmony and cooperation. This is one more reinforcement which indicates you need to be more connected with people. Although number two suggests romance, relationships and marriage, it can also be a sign for cooperation at work, hobbies and other kind of mutual benefit activities.

Two is also a number of decisions. 902 angel number meaning is a big choice you will face in the near future. It might be something very important that will have direct influence on you life path. So in the next few days don’t reply or rush into conclusion too fast before examining the facts. Also don’t worry because the angels will guide you through the journey.

Number 2 is the signification of duality, so remember that there are no mistakes, there is no right and wrong, no black or white and no good decision or bad decision. Even if you will make the incorrect step, you will have a second chance to fix it in the future. The error will be the lesson which will turn into knowledge and great wisdom. Connected again to guardian angel number zero, you will complete the task successfully and the things you have learned by the way will be your new skills.

902 angel number significance

902 angel number significance is related to reassurance. The guardian angels wants you to know, they have been listening to your prayers, they know what you have been dreaming of at night and received vibrations of your wish and prayer from the heart.

You are going to receive it but there is still hard work a head of you. Soon, there might be unexplained coincidences and to be more exact, encounters with new people which you never met before. These people will open doors for you and will redirect the path or the road to a different place, so don’t be closed minded, be willing to listen to new ideas and opinions.

A word of caution: not everyone you are going to meet will be a messenger from god or an angel, there are people who don’t know about it nor believe in 902 angel number significance. So don’t let them to be time wasters, distraction and energy takers.

Another obstacle that might be right on the road is people who want to hurt you. Thus be carful who you listen to or associated with. Look at the warning signs they are there and remember, the angels are watching from the skies, if there is any assistance need, they will do something.
One more critical aspect of 902 angel number significance is your inner voice. If you want to success in real life you have to have a goal and a plan, but also to be complete with yourself. To be sure by 100% about the desires and to be willing to put whatever effort is needed along the road. If you are hesitate or don’t know exactly what you want the opportunity will go away. It might take months or even years until you will get a second chance to spot and act upon the next opportunity.

Develop your intuition and be much attuned with gut feelings, most likely they will never be wrong. Spirituality speaking, the vibrations we are getting from the universe manifest themselves as feelings and emotions inside our body. If we can open ourselves to listen and decipher those messages we can actually speak with the collective subconscious and gain more insight about the future like real psychics.

902 angel number symbolism

902 angel number symbolism is also about not comparing your self to other people. If you will open your heart to get the message from guardian angels, you might be more popular among the social circle. In this position you will find some struggles, not every one will like you or want to be with you and some will be more successful than you.

For example other friends and family members might already have good jobs, bought houses, have been married and are having children and are going to vacations or travel to distant places every few months. The angels want you to know that this is not a race.

Don’t compare your self to what other have or don’t have. 902 angel number symbolism reveals your path, you have unique mission and tasks you have to do, focus on them. Friends, family and enemies has different destination and it should not be mixed or juxtapose.

Also remember: life is not equal to materialism, in fact all fancy stuff and material objects are not the main goal. You might not aware of it right now, but in the end you will realize that spiritualism is more important. Objects, assets and possessions will not make you happy in the end of the line. So if you want to be really fulfilled than pursue happiness with the small things in life, go out to nature, eat good healthy food and do daily mediation.

Don’t live in fear or self doubts, the negative energies will bring bad outcomes. If you will continue on doing it you will attract only misfortune. The world we are living in has its own rules and phases, there are good times and bad time, 902 angel number symbolism is about knowing how to navigate through the rough times and in addition how not to ruin your good fortune.

902 guardian angel number

902 guardian angel number is a representation of everything is going to be OK. The guardian angels want you to success because you are a part of the bigger picture. If we zoom in, we will discover that every life is unique on its own, but as we are connected spiritually there is a higher reason for what is happening on earth.

For an example if something good is happening to you than other people you don’t even know will be benefit from your action as well. This concept is also true in reversed. If and when you feel lucky, you have the feeling that everything is going on according to your wishes it is not a mere coincidence, and it is not only because you have better karma than anybody else. The good fortune is also a result of other people devoting their life to a definite cause, and as a side effect you will enjoy it as well.

The same thing is true backwards, if you are living around people who are participating in evil and harmful activities, than for sure it will have negatives implication regarding to you. You will not be able to claim that you are different from them, staying around in silence is like being a part of it. In the end of the day, active or passive acts are the same when it comes to responsibility.

Guardian angels want you to know that number 902 means protecting yourself from evil forces. They want you to know that they are on your side, but you also have responsibility, you have to guard yourself as well.

Sometimes you are being tested, a specific problem is not actually an obstacle, it is just a trail or a quiz to see if you are ready for the next level. For instant, let’s say someone is walking down the street and see a homeless man or a woman sitting on the sidewalk, asking for a small charity from the pedestrians. If someone will give him or her few dollars even if they don’t have lots of money or even it is just small symbolic amount, it signifies that the monetary energy is working excellent and this person will get some kind of reward.

Money is like water, it should flow back and forward without any blockages. Many people around the worlds want to with millions of dollars in the lottery. They tried every trick and system to guess the right numbers but it didn’t work. Because they have never took the time to check their karma. To find out if something is blocking the good energies.

902 angel number spiritual meaning

902 angel number spiritual meaning is all about being united. Being links to your soul, to the spiritual world and to other people around you, especially family and friends.

Regarding spiritual meaning, you are encouraged to reveal what is the purpose of life. You can start learning about these matters in many ways such as reading quotes from ancient books, biblical verse and scribes, grow an interest about the origin of psychics phenomena like astrology chart and zodiac sign.

All of these will be best explained by a guide, master or guru whom you trust. This person can help you to gain knowledge about the fundamentals of spirituality. Remember that spirituality is not an exact science, there are subjects or interesting topics that can not be explained only by logic or calculation. It is more about feelings and intuitions.

If we take a closer look at angel number 902 we can see a great chronicle path. 0 is the start, 2 is the first two steps in your spiritual journey and 9 means almost completing the mission. These are important phases which symbolize the exact moment of struggles.

At first you will be clueless, you will not know what to do or which direction to choose. However after the first step the horizon will be clear as the sun without clouds. Few steps a head the clouds will fill the skies and you will have serious doubts regarding your choices. From there everything will be smooth until you will reach one level before the end. You will want to quit and go back to your old life. Don’t let all your hard efforts to be a waste of time, endure the complications and you will reach the final destination.

902 angel number in love

902 angel number in love is a good sign. First and foremost the number 2 symbolizes couple, man and a woman in love who wants to share their entire life together. If you are single it usually predicts that soon you will find your soulmate or twin flame. Therefore a good advice is to start go on dating. You are encouraged to register to dating websites or apps, as friends and family to introduce you to potential life partners and just be out there doing what you love or good at and the angel will send nice opportunities.

For those who are already in a relationship, 902 angel number in love predicts a good progress to the next level in the mutual connection. It can take many forms such as engagement, marriage, having kids or just moving to live together at the same house.

Sometime 902 angel number indicates other kinds of partnership like business cooperation or having platonic relationship. It is a wonderful practice to say yes and welcome those correspondences as it has many benefits. Furthermore falling in love takes time, it doesn’t always happen from first site or in one day. The fundamentals need to be built slowly and surely.

902 angel number twin flame

902 angel number means you are on the right way to find your twin flame. The angels are whispering you to forget past relationships. Give a chance for a fresh start, if you want things to be different this time, you have to change something. You can not be the same person you have been in the past. Invent yourself as a better version when it comes to personality, traits and characteristic. You know better, you have experience so use it.

After eight which is Virgo lucky number, number nine is about almost completing the cycle and number 0 meaning is endless opportunities and being complete with yourself. These are powerful indicators that soon you will meet a twin flame. The reason it didn’t happened till now was because you were searching at the wrong places or wasn’t quit ready for a major event which will entwine your soul with another special person.

902 angel number and 903 904 905 906 909 numbers

902 angel number is also associated with: 900, 901, 0903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908 and 909 on an energetic level. So if you see those numbers as well or instead of 902 the messages are pretty much related to each other but it might have few variations.

Important: if you are ignoring 902 angel number when it repeats itself several times, you will probably see other sequences like 903, 904, 905, 906, 909 trying to grab your attention.

903 angel number meaning: is almost the same as 902, but because it has the number 3, it amplifies the need to be in front of a crowd. Maybe you would like to be a leader in the army or political party, maybe the path of your career should include management or you can also express yourself as a famous artist.

904 angel number meaning: because it has the number4 inthe end it means you will have to work extremely hard in order to be happy. Don’t let this fact to discourage you, on the contrary, it will only motivate you to carry through the mess and obscurity. Furthermore it suggests you have lots of responsibly, so you are not doing it only for you but also to others who are relaying on you.

905 angel number meaning: the number 5 adding to the interpretation an aspect of freedom. You will learn how to use wisely all the resources around in order to have free lifestyle. I can take a form of self employment, creating small home business, living frugal next to nature, travel the world and take care of the environment and animal kingdom.

906 angel number meaning: number 6 is related to money and assets. Everything that related to career, work, finances, occupation and business will brings you huge success. If you will choose this path you might be very happy. But while you are stockpile money don’t forget the spiritual elements of life as well. Don’t become something that you are not. Remember the history, where you come from and what is more important in life than materialism.

909 angel number meaning: this angel number has double 9, it denotes more weight on the spiritual aspects of life. You might have a life changing event, it can be bad or good but for the long run, you will see that it was necessary as a part of spiritual development.

Important 902 angel number sacred signs

9: natural personality traits and values which are good example to others, leadership and a good heart who wants to help people in anyway and at all cost like a saint.

20: there are some secrets that will be reveal to you by guardian angel, you will not see them right away it will take some time. It also might predict a new relationship and special connection with soulmates and twin flames.

29: in numerology dictionary is about being smart, having great wisdom and sharing knowledge. It’s a sign you should be a teacher, guru or spiritual guide in the career path. Solving problems is not a big issue for you especially when it comes to mathematics and logic, but you can be sure that the angels are on your side if you will need their guidance.

90: numerology meaning is idealism and specific point of view. You already know who you are and how you want to live life. Everything is so clear and all that is left is just to go according to the plan.

92: those who keep seeing the number 92 supposed to have high developed intuitions and psychic power. The angels are sending messages to direct you to use it for good reasons. You have the power and need to learn how to control it and when to use it, don’t waste your natural gift on things that doesn’t matter.

209: is an omen to work together. You will not accomplish most of your challenges by yourself. You will need the help of others as well. The angels will come but you won’t see them in person because they will send messengers. In fact those agents won’t even know they have been sent to help, it is your secret mission to spot them.

290: your wishes and dreams are going to be granted, everything is going according to the scheme. Consequently have the confidence to complete your journey. The karma is on your side, if you have been a good person the future is looking very promising.

902 angel number can be seen repeating itself in many occasions during the daily life. Here are few examples to help you spot it: phone number, bus plate, urban zone, calculator, converter, zip code, clock ring, birth date, birthday and many more.

Moreover it can be revealed at any place or any country. Many people reported 902 angel numbers at Quebec, Russia, UK, USA, Philippines, Japan and Korea. And in different languages as well: Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, English and Nepali.
submitted by Psychics4U_net to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:23 Jaden2850 Help! What do these codes mean?

I have a 2016 nissian pathfinder
submitted by Jaden2850 to nissanpathfinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:21 goldpiggy8 Is this good RAM Latency?

Is this good RAM Latency?
My PC i7 3770 GTX 1060 8GB 1333MHz 480GB SSD
submitted by goldpiggy8 to overclocking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:17 Substantial_Wear_311 How do I fix my issue with coding a MaxEnt test in R

I have been trying to conduct a MaxEnt test in R and have run into an issue that I can't solve. I would appreciate it if someone could help me. My environmental raster data and presence data are loading correctly. My pairwise correlation is showing accurate results. The issue is probably something straightforward, but the answer is eluding me. Here is my complete code and the error message I am receiving:

Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------

Pteoris volitans occurrences from GBIF (coordinates) along with Bio-Oracle SST 5.85

Worst Case Scenario SSP5-8.5.

Load Packages -----------------------------------------------------------

Load necessary packages


Load GBIF Data on P. volitans -------------------------------------------

Perform GBIF occurrence search

gbif_p.volitans_data <- rgbif::occ_data(scientificName = "Pterois volitans", hasCoordinate = TRUE, limit = 13000)
myspecies_coords <- gbif_p.volitans_data$data[, c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude", "individualCount", "occurrenceStatus", "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters", "institutionCode", "references")]

Convert the list to a data frame

myspecies_coords <- data.frame(decimalLatitude = myspecies_coords$decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude = myspecies_coords$decimalLongitude)

Change name of myspecies_coords

p_volitans_coords <- myspecies_coords

Transform GBIF Data to .csv ----------------------------------------------

Write data frame to CSV

write.csv(myspecies_coords, file = "/Users/micahgisclaiDocuments/UCC Marine Biology MSc/Dissertation/R_code/GBIF_and_BioOracle/GBIF_and_Bio_Oracle_R_SSP585/Pterois_volitans_Occurence/myspecies_coords.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Extract Coordinates from GBIF Data --------------------------------------

Extract latitude and longitude from GBIF Pterois volitans data

decimallatitude <- gbif_p.volitans_data$data$decimalLatitude
decimallongitude <- gbif_p.volitans_data$data$decimalLongitude

Path to Bio-Oracle SST SSP5-8.5 Layer --------------------------------------

nc_path1 <- "/Users/micahgisclaiDocuments/UCC Marine Biology MSc/Dissertation/R_code/GBIF_and_BioOracle/GBIF_and_Bio_Oracle_R_SSP585/data/sst/SST_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf_773f_eb2c_59ac_U1713367461606.nc"

Read Bio-Oracle layer SST SSP5-5.85----------------------------------------

bo_SST_SSP585 <- raster(nc_path1)

Saving Bio-Oracle SST SSP5-5.85 Raster Tiff -------------------------------------------

Write Bio-Oracle SST SSP5-5.85 layer as GeoTIFF and .csv

Save the Data as a Raster GeoTIFF

writeRaster(bo_SST_SSP585, "./data/sst/bo_SST_SSP585_terra.tif", overwrite = TRUE)

Plot SST raster------------------------------------------------------------

plot(bo_SST_SSP585, main = "Sea Surface Temperature")

Path to Bio-Oracle SWS SSP5-8.5 Layer -------------------------------------

nc_path2 <- "/Users/micahgisclaiDocuments/UCC Marine Biology MSc/Dissertation/R_code/GBIF_and_BioOracle/GBIF_and_Bio_Oracle_R_SSP585/data/sws/sws_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf_b657_a572_c6b1_U1715786576023.nc"

Read Bio-Oracle SWS SSP5-8.5 Layer-----------------------------------------

bo_SWS_SSP585 <- raster(nc_path2)

Saving Bio-Oracle SWS SSP5-8.5 Raster Tiff ------------------------------

writeRaster(bo_SWS_SSP585, "./data/sws/bo_SWS_SSP585_terra.tif", overwrite=TRUE)

Plot SWS raster------------------------------------------------------------

plot(bo_SWS_SSP585, main = "Sea Water Speed")

Path to Bio-Oracle SO SSP5-8.5 Layer --------------------------------------

nc_path3 <- "/Users/micahgisclaiDocuments/UCC Marine Biology MSc/Dissertation/R_code/GBIF_and_BioOracle/GBIF_and_Bio_Oracle_R_SSP585/data/so/so_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf_9ed4_e29f_e3fe_U1715785506682.nc"

Read Bio-Oracle SO SSP5-8.5 Layer------------------------------------------

bo_SO_SSP585 <- raster(nc_path3)

Saving Bio-Oracle SO SSP5-8.5 Raster Tiff ------------------------------

Write Bio-Oracle SO SSP5-5.85 layer as GeoTIFF

writeRaster(bo_SO_SSP585, "./data/so/bo_SO_SSP585_terra.tif", overwrite =TRUE)

Plot SO raster----------------------------------------------------------

plot(bo_SO_SSP585, main = "Salinity")

Path to Bio-Oracle Phyc SSP5-8.5 Layer ----------------------------------

nc_path4 <- "/Users/micahgisclaiDocuments/UCC Marine Biology MSc/Dissertation/R_code/GBIF_and_BioOracle/GBIF_and_Bio_Oracle_R_SSP585/data/phyc/Primary Productivity_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf_7f72_0431_8307_U1713367491076.nc"

Read Bio-Oracle Phyc SSP5-8.5 Layer--------------------------------------

bo_phyc_SSP585 <- raster(nc_path4)

Saving Bio-Oracle Phyc SSP5-8.5 Raster Tiff and .csv ------------------------------

Write Bio-Oracle Phyc SSP5-5.85 layer as GeoTIFF

writeRaster(bo_phyc_SSP585, "./data/phyc/bo_phyc_SSP585_terra.tif", overwrite =TRUE)

Plot Phyc raster-------------------------------------------------------------------

plot(bo_phyc_SSP585, main = "Primary Productivity")

Load layer data to convert into polygons within a grid -----------------

Read geotiff files

Load GeoTIFF files

bo_SST_SSP585 <- raster("./data/sst/bo_SST_SSP585_terra.tif")
bo_SO_SSP585 <- raster("./data/so/bo_SO_SSP585_terra.tif")
bo_SWS_SSP585<- raster("./data/sws/bo_SWS_SSP585_terra.tif")
bo_phyc_SSP585 <- raster("./data/phyc/bo_phyc_SSP585_terra.tif")

Load grid data

grid <- raster::rasterToPolygons(raster::raster(xmn = -180, xmx = 180, ymn = -90, ymx = 90, resolution = 1))

Plot grid


Use sf (simple features) to convert grid and give unique ID to polygons---------------------------------------------

Create sf grid from current grid information

sf_grid <- st_as_sf(grid, wkt = "geometry")
sf_grid$ID <- 1:nrow(grid)
points_sf <- st_as_sf(sf_grid, coords = c("decimalLongitude","decimalLatitude"), crs = 4326)
sf_grid$ID <- seq_len(nrow(sf_grid))
join_data <- st_join(points_sf, sf_grid, join = st_within)

Reduce down to 1 point per cell

oppc <- join_data %>% group_by(ID.y) %>% sample_n(1) %>% ungroup()

Convert to Spatial object

sp_oppc <- as(oppc, "Spatial")
sp_oppc <- as.data.frame(sp_oppc)

Comprising the final_df for pairwise correlation test-----------------------------------------------------------

Plot each environmental raster layer

par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) # Set up a 2x2 grid for plots
plot(bo_SST_SSP585, main = "sst")
plot(bo_SO_SSP585, main = "so")
plot(bo_SWS_SSP585, main = "sws")
plot(bo_phyc_SSP585, main = "phyc")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) # Reset the plotting layout to default

Create a dataframe with species occurrences

Calculate the number of repetitions needed for each layer

repetitions <- ceiling(12996 / 4)

Create a dataframe with species occurrences

final_df <- data.frame(
species = rep("Pterois volitans", repetitions * 4), # Repeat the species name repetitions * 4 times
PA = rep(1, repetitions * 4), # Repeat the value 1 for PA repetitions * 4 times
layer = rep(c("bo_SST_SSP585", "bo_SO_SSP585", "bo_SWS_SSP585", "bo_phyc_SSP585"), each = repetitions), # Repeat each layer name repetitions times
ID = rep(1:repetitions, 4), # Sequential IDs repeated 4 times
decimalLongitude = runif(repetitions * 4, min = -180, max = 180), # Random longitudes
decimalLatitude = runif(repetitions * 4, min = -90, max = 90) # Random latitudes

Set coordinates

coordinates(final_df) <- c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude")

Create a list to store extracted values for each variable

extracted_values <- list()

Extract values at occurrences for each variable and store them in the list

extracted_values$sst <- raster::extract(bo_SST_SSP585, final_df)
extracted_values$so <- raster::extract(bo_SO_SSP585, final_df)
extracted_values$sws <- raster::extract(bo_SWS_SSP585, final_df)
extracted_values$phyc <- raster::extract(bo_phyc_SSP585, final_df)

Add extracted values to final_df

final_df <- cbind(final_df, extracted_values)

Rename the columns of the SpatialPointsDataFrame

names(final_df@data) <- c("species", "PA", "layer", "ID", "sst", "so", "sws", "phyc")

Convert final_df to a data frame

final_df <- as.data.frame(final_df)

Subset final_df for correlation analysis

correlationdata <- final_df[, c("sst", "so", "sws", "phyc")]

Create predictors stack

predictors <- stack(bo_SST_SSP585, bo_SO_SSP585, bo_SWS_SSP585, bo_phyc_SSP585)
names(predictors) <- c("bo_SST_SSP585", "bo_SO_SSP585", "bo_SWS_SSP585", "bo_phyc_SSP585")

Filter presence and absence

presence <- subset(final_df, PA == 1)
absence <- subset(final_df, PA == 0)

Convert presence and absence data frames to a two-column matrix of coordinates

presence_coords <- cbind(presence$decimalLongitude, presence$decimalLatitude)
absence_coords <- cbind(absence$decimalLongitude, absence$decimalLatitude)

Convert predictors to SpatRaster object

predictors_spat <- terra::rast(predictors)

Utilize ggllay (ggpairs) to make a pairwise correlations to test (30%) presence/absence data-----------------------------------------

Randomly sample points (same number as our observed points)

background <- terra::spatSample(x = predictors_spat, size = 12996, # generate pseudo-absence points equal to the number of observed points
values = FALSE, # don't need values
na.rm = TRUE, # don't sample from NA values
xy = TRUE) # just need coordinates

Convert background to SpatRaster object

background_terra <- terra::vect(background)

Use prepareSWD from the 'dismo' package with 'terra' objects

predictors_terra <- prepareSWD(
species = "Pterois volitans",
p = presence_coords,
a = background,
env = predictors_spat

Split data into training, validation, and testing sets

datasets <- trainValTest(predictors_terra, test = 0.3, only_presence = FALSE, seed = 25)
train <- datasets[[1]]
test <- datasets[[2]]

Subset final_df for correlation analysis

correlationdata <- final_df[, c("sst", "so", "sws", "phyc")]

Remove NAs from the correlation data frame

correlationdata_df <- na.omit(as.data.frame(correlationdata))

Plot pairwise correlations

GGally::ggpairs(correlationdata_df) + theme_bw()

Perform MaxEnt test -----------------------------------------------------

Check the number of observations in the data slot (coordinates of environmental layers)

Assuming train is your SWD object

coords_df <- train@coords # Extracting the coordinates data frame

Creating the data_obs object with X and Y columns

data_obs <- coords_df[, c("X", "Y")]

Displaying the first few rows of data_obs to verify


Check the length of the pa slot (presence/absence data)

pa_obs <- length(train@pa)

Perform MaxEnt test

model_maxent_SSP585 <- train(data = train, method = "Maxent", fc = "lqph", reg = 1)

Perform MaxEnt test

model_maxent_SSP585 <- train(data = train, method = "Maxent", fc = "lqph", reg = 1)
Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 2, 0
I believe it may be my data_obs and pa_obs results. They both show just one column, one row, and the total presence data.
submitted by Substantial_Wear_311 to ecology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:16 jayword Kohler 48 RCLB ethernet connectivity

Installed in 2020. Have spent 4 years trying to get this connected. Works for 1 minute to 3 days, then disconnects until rebooted manually. First 2-3 years, I was not comfortable opening the generator so I would ask the service guys every 6 months to try to fix the Internet connection. They would reboot it and it would work again for 1-3 days. Then I got people to run a brand new CAT6 to the generator in case that was the issue. Over time, the service guys updated the firmware, swapped to a different RDC 2.4 controller entirely (which eventually also failed after 1-3 days), swapped back to mine, etc.
Today I brought a laptop out there and connected the exact same Ethernet cable from the generator to it. Ran iPerf3 back to a local server and verified 1 GB connectivity over 30 minutes. Even switching to UDP to check error rates, the error rate was 0%. The guys who installed this cable used high end cable testing equipment to verify it. There are 3 internet connections here in failover. There is no chance this is a connectivity issue. The service people say it must be the Internet or cable. They are good at fixing engines, but I'm a network person and that's just not the case.
Finally, gave up on service people ever fixing this. Called Kohler myself a couple weeks ago and they sent me firmware 3.4.5. Installed it. No change. Still fails usually within 5 minutes. If I cold-start (disconnect 2 cables on the back of RDC and reconnect), it usually is connected for up to 2 days. If I reboot from the menu, it connects for about 5 minutes. That's a mystery I have not solved. Why is a cold start more reliable than a menu reboot. Anyway, maybe just flukes.
So here I am 4 years later trying to get the simplest connectivity going. Recently had a massive power outage a few weeks ago. Really want to get this thing online for the future. I have seen several posts in the past here on this general topic, but not clear what the real consensus is. Does this dog just not hunt? It feels like this feature is not designed well. The PIN number reset cold start thing is very bad design. The unit used to be DHCP, but for precision during this process I have assigned it a static IP for the last year or so. If you go through the menus on the device, it says it is connected to Kohler even though on their app you can see it is not. This seems like such a trivial problem to solve in the firmware/software that I also assumed updating the firmware would surely fix it. Not the case apparently.
Does anyone have these working and if so what was the secret?
submitted by jayword to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:13 Perkelton Weekly Crowdfunding Roundup: May 19 2024 18 ending soon (incl. Dark Cities) & 30 new this week (incl. Feudum, 2024 Crokinole Board Season 8)

What is this?

This is a weekly crowdfunding roundup of new projects launched last week and projects that end the coming week.

Google Docs

As an alternative format, the lists are now also available as a Google Docs found here: Weekly Crowdfunding Roundup


Expect new lists every Sunday between 00:00 and 23:59 CEST on the following platforms:
Mastodon: @danielpervan@mastodon.social
Discord: https://discord.gg/dN4P4PZcU9
Reddit: /boardgames

Selection criteria

The criteria for the lists are as follows:

Ending soon

Newly launched

Notable filtered projects


🎉: Staff pick/featured
💰: Funded
🔥: More than average 200 backers/day
🌱: Creator's first project
🌳: Creator's >5th project
🔄: Money back guarantee (Read more)


I live in Cuba/Canada/Haiti/USA, why are you posting on a Saturday?!
Because I'm writing this from Europe in the future where it's already Sunday. Timezones be crazy.
Why are there a bunch of non-board games in the board game list?
Because the Tabletop games category on Kickstarter includes anything remotely related to board games and sometimes things slip through my filters.
Why is this future award winning board game and literal saviour of humanity missing from your list?
Sometimes my filters get a bit overzealous and discard actually valid projects. If you feel something is missing for this reason, leave a comment and I'll add it (maybe).
Can I donate all my money to you?
Can you help me promote my game?
Please no. I make lists. Nothing more.
Your list is full of errors and now the great old ones have awaken!
Indeed, this fine piece of code runs purely on faith, trust and pixie dust, so anything can happen. Leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.

Ending soon (18)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags BGG
Dark Cities | Deluxe Editions Five games of social deduction & light strategy for up to 9 players. Deluxe book boxes include upgraded components & mini expansions. 2982 $321,124.00 (1284%) in 20 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
LONG DARK SEA Long Dark Sea is a cooperative adventure card game for 1-4 players focused on exploration and combat where deckbuilding and resource management are their main mechanics. Venture into the unknown with your pirate crew in search of ancient relics in a Sci-fi universe. 1006 €136,749.40 (228%) in 19 days 2024-05-21 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 40-60 min. Card Game Dice Game Deck Building Cooperative 💰🌱 BGG
Hannibal & Hamilcar + Metal Minis Hannibal: Classic Edition by one of the most acclaimed game designers in the world, Mark Simonitch. 972 €102,134.25 (340%) in 6 days 2024-05-24 💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players ⏱️ 120 min. Card Game Wargame Dice Game Area Control 💰🌳
Picky Eaters: Ultimate Collection A delectably devious game for 2-6 players. 681 $50,546.00 (1011%) in 27 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑6 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 🎉💰 BGG
Apistocracy You're invited to make your season debut in a game that blends worker placement and trick-taking with the delights of Victorian London. 646 $55,877.00 (559%) in 27 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 40-80 min. 💰🌱 BGG
Park Life 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇪🇺 Cozy trick-taking game. A celebration of public spaces and cute hedgehogs! 🦔🦔🦔 461 $13,854.00 (13854%) in 27 days 2024-05-22 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑5 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 15-30 min. 🎉💰 BGG
Long Live Backyardia! A modular expansion for the award-nominated Trick-Taking and Mancala board game Bug Council of Backyardia! 454 ¥2,447,309 (489%) in 20 days 2024-05-21 💸 Kickstarter 👥 3‑5 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 30-40 min. 💰 BGG
AI 100% Human - Boardgame Innovative drafting game with a reserve and immediate scoring, all structured around building a tableau. 370 €24,480.00 (245%) in 20 days 2024-05-24 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑6 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 30-45 min. 💰🌳 BGG
Nanga Parbat: Animal Powers A promo pack for Dr. Finn's Nanga Parbat to add even more strategy and fun to an already awesome game. 320 $4,223.00 (422%) in 12 days 2024-05-22 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 30-40 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
Cosmic Chains A tactical dueling card game of cats and robots. Build the longest satellite chain to provide the best network coverage! 293 $8,739.00 (175%) in 19 days 2024-05-26 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 30-40 min. 💰🌱 BGG
DragonStrike Mount your Dragon and ride into aerial combat in this fast paced but deviously cunning Board Game, using beautiful pre-painted Dragons! 261 $49,705.00 (124%) in 27 days 2024-05-25 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Potion Crafter Alchemy calls! Fill the shelves of your magic shop with unique potions in this roll and write, print and play strategy board game. 251 €2,762.00 (2762%) in 14 days 2024-05-21 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑6 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 💰 BGG
Renters + Parking Expansion (Print & Play) Renters, is a roll & write boardgame in which we will have to host groups of up to 5 people in our building, according to a roll of the dice. But our building requires repair the elevator, air conditioning and wifi. 225 €2,117.45 (4235%) in 45 days 2024-05-20 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑10 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-30 min. Dice Game 💰🌱 BGG
Dungeon Rooms with FLAVOR A deck of geomorphic dungeon rooms cards with... flavor! 205 €2,986.00 (299%) in 11 days 2024-05-24 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Treasures Lost Navigate wisely across the uncharted lands. Choose your path and find the lost treasures! | Fantasy | PnP | Roll n write | Dungeon | 198 NZ$4,313.00 (431%) in 27 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑99 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 15-30 min. 💰🌳 BGG
Paycheck to Billionaire: Board Game Meets Financial Freedom Start with a Paycheck, Manage Daily Bills, Invest Smartly, from Startup to Business Empire. ----A Game Changer, not only in the Game. 189 $6,500.00 (130%) in 27 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑6 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 20-60 min. 💰🌱 BGG
[Micro May] Roll A Coaster Park - Print and Play Build paths, rides and stalls and attract guests to your new roller coaster park in this roll and write game. 148 £1,465.00 (1465%) in 20 days 2024-05-21 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Post Necrone : The Party Wanted Necromancer Expansion! Experience Deck-Building, Roguelike Exploration & Party Game Dynamics with the Latest Expansion for the Strategy Card Game PARTY WANTED 104 $3,732.00 (560%) in 29 days 2024-05-20 💸 Kickstarter 💰

New this week (30)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags BGG
2024 Crokinole Board Season 8: Mahagony or Beech + Cases We are back for our 8th Crokinole Project, this fan favorite will include all the best of prior projects plus wax with every board! 3481 $459,805.00 (9196%) in 6 days 2024-06-05 💸 Kickstarter 💰🔥🌳
Feudum Game-of-the-year winner, Feudum is back with the 7th anniversary collector's edition featuring an exclusive clockwork behemoth! Grrrrrrrrrr. 2089 $273,565.57 (1094%) in 5 days 2024-06-14 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players ⏱️ 150 min. Area Control 💰🔥🌱
Rove A cooperative campaign experience for 1-4 adventurers set in a fantasy world on the brink of being consumed by nature. 1728 $257,808.00 (645%) in 6 days 2024-06-07 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-120 min. 🎉💰🔥🌱 BGG
Masters of the Universe: Battleground Masters of the Universe: Battleground is a skirmish miniature game for two to four players, where forces of good and evil clash in epic combat. This glorious battle will shake the earth and change the fate of Eternia! 1605 $422,043.41 (1407%) in 6 days 2024-05-29 💸 Gamefound 👥 2‑4 players ⏱️ 90 min. Wargame 💰🔥🌳
Wonders of The First CCG Battle across 7 realms as a Stoneseeker. Just Relaunched - Get Kickstarter Exclusive Packages and Pricing! 1451 $902,420.00 (3610%) in 6 days 2024-05-31 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 13+ ⏱️ 20-45 min. 💰🔥 BGG
Hunted: Mining Colony 415 (2nd Edition) [Solo Game of the Month] Become an 80s action hero who overcomes impossible odds to escape deadly aliens in the 2nd edition of this solo game! 1161 $24,565.46 (491%) in 6 days 2024-05-31 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑2 players ⏱️ 20 min. Card Game 💰🌳
Hannibal & Hamilcar + Metal Minis Hannibal: Classic Edition by one of the most acclaimed game designers in the world, Mark Simonitch. 972 €102,134.25 (340%) in 6 days 2024-05-24 💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players ⏱️ 120 min. Card Game Wargame Dice Game Area Control 💰🌳
Oshi Push! The VTuber Trading Card Game A TCG featuring actual VTubers, from the makers of Tanto Cuore and Game Designer, Justin Gary! www.OshiPush.com 828 $146,263.00 (293%) in 5 days 2024-06-05 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast is Outta Control in 2024 The Cabal Founders are crashing into 2024 with more weekly tabletop gaming podcasts and other irreverent nonsense! 827 $51,447.00 (129%) in 5 days 2024-06-07 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
BERSERKERS : Chaos Extension by Alone Editions Berserkers is Back ! 628 €16,523.00 (254%) in 4 days 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Hex Effects: A Spellbinding Card Game Hex Effects is a “take that” card game that involves beautiful artwork and easy-to-pick-up gameplay. From the makers of Side Effects! 604 $22,937.00 (191%) in 4 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑8 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 🎉💰 BGG
Everbloom A unique blend of area control, resource management, and set collection, taking place in a magical world of flora & fauna. 560 $37,685.00 (188%) in 6 days 2024-06-08 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 13+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
Good Dog, Bad Zombie: A Cooperative Board Game (2nd Edition) Bark, sniff, and lick your way through the apocalypse to save the humans you love! New art, new playable dogs, & upgraded components! 554 $45,349.00 (336%) in 6 days 2024-06-07 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
The Big Bad Wolf Based on The 3 Little Pigs! Secretly pass the "Big Bad Wolf" then Entice & Persuade players into flipping it, to Blow Down their house! 440 $8,704.00 (249%) in 6 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 15-35 min. 💰🌱 BGG
Catstronauts: The Board Game The cooperative boardgame based on the hit graphic novels! 361 $23,289.00 (466%) in 6 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30 min. 💰🌳 BGG
World of Kilforth: The Fantasy Quest Games Return to the stunning oceans of Kilforth! Missed the Kickstarter? Heed the call, and explore the beautiful southern seas to defend Kilforth from the deadly Ancients... 261 £27,836.80 (557%) in 6 days 2024-05-31 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players Card Game Dice Game 💰
Amsterdam Board Game Design - season 1 Three fun card games by different members of ABGD: Bable, Grachtenpand, & TimeZoo. May this be the first season of many! 258 €7,569.00 (252%) in 6 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Around the World in 10 to 15 Minutes Travel the world, explore cities, and collect souvenirs in this 2-6 player print at home game 256 $2,429.00 (2429%) in 6 days 2024-05-31 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Guns of the Old West Players compete as a team with over 100 campaign paths. Each playthrough is a unique cinematic experience offering endless replayability. Players make strategic decisions and interact with each other to achieve their group and secret individual objectives, some of which involve betrayal, making for … 203 £36,141.95 (72%) in 6 days 2024-06-11 💸 Gamefound 👥 2‑8 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. Card Game Wargame Dice Game Cooperative 🌱 BGG
The Thinning Veil Cormac Mac Airt on the Other Side of Midnight A solo dungeon crawl now featuring a 2 player mode set in the world of The Thinning Veil, and featuring Cormac Mac Airt, High King of Inis Fael! This game is the first in the Thinning Veil line and the Cormac series. 182 £24,123.56 (1206%) in 6 days 2024-06-11 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑2 players ⏱️ 90 min. Dice Game 💰
The 7 Seas: A New Start Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of The 7 Seas. Explore, trade, and fight to become a legend! 145 €12,654.80 (127%) in 3 days 2024-06-09 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 30-90 min. 💰 BGG
Freak War: A Card Game A fun and simple pick-up-and-play card game—with unhinged rules and a hidden layer of intense strategy. 142 $11,158.00 (112%) in 6 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 6+ ⏱️ 15-60 min. 🎉💰 BGG
EXPENDABLE EMPLOYEES A Miniature Skirmish Game Inspired by Lethal Company, Content Warning & Helldivers 2! 126 CA$3,136.00 (125%) in 3 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Bouquet A game of bees, blossoms, and bluffing, Bouquet is a strategic area control game where competition blooms into beauty! 105 $7,152.00 (72%) in 6 days 2024-06-03 💸 Kickstarter 👥 3‑5 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 15-20 min. BGG
Le Vent Rouge: a Game of French Thieves & Dice A Competitive "Roll & Spend" Strategy Game For 2-4 Players 98 $7,838.00 (52%) in 4 days 2024-06-07 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 60-120 min. 🌳 BGG
PLACES-Bid Outwit opponents for the most valuable portfolio of buildings, projects, and tokens through strategic bidding, collecting, and assembling. 75 $2,847.61 (28%) in 5 days 2024-06-01 💸 Gamefound 👥 3‑6 players ⏱️ 20 min. Card Game 🌱
Grassroots The party game to change the world 74 £3,444.00 (57%) in 5 days 2024-06-19 💸 Kickstarter 🎉🌱
Simplicity Lenormand Unlock the Mysteries of Divination with Ease 67 $7,073.00 (47%) in 4 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter
Hockey Hardware A fun, new tabletop game for hockey fans, gamers, fantasy hockey GMs, and players who like to win. 67 CA$15,331.00 (38%) in 4 days 2024-07-15 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players ⏱️ 45-120 min. BGG
CyberQuest. The Game of Cyberpunk Adventures You are in the year 2081. The Black Chip agency, formed by members who participated in the Second Corporate Conflict on both sides, try to avoid a third conflict between Nakaware and Biosync.Max, an employee at Nakaware, discovers a confidential file that could spark a war. He contacts his sister R… 25 €2,223.51 (12%) in 5 days 2024-06-28 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. Cooperative 🌱 BGG

Notable filtered projects (5)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags
Richard Kane Ferguson's Playmat Collection Extremely limited edition RKF extended artwork: Tutors, Force of Will and other classic and new Magic: the Gathering playmats & prints! 2698 $274,228.00 (2217%) in 28 days 2024-05-22 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌱
Modular Filament Storage System 3D Printable Modular Filament Storage System 1792 $105,407.00 (2108%) in 27 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Kimera Velvet - Concentrated Acrylic Inks and Pure Pigments A new line of paints for miniatures, new pure pigments set, new brushes and 150mm academic busts for painting from Kimera Kolors. 1731 €235,046.00 (783%) in 6 days 2024-05-30 💸 Kickstarter 💰🔥
The Savage World of Solomon Kane RPG Dive deep in the world of Solomon Kane with this revised version of the RPG based upon the incredible works of Robert E. Howard! 1098 €99,363.00 (248%) in 5 days 2024-05-23 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥🌳
Loot The Monster! - A Project that Grows with Every Backer A DnD Treasure Trove of Unique Loot for Every Monster. Dungeons and Dragons 5E 1035 €17,424.00 (3872%) in 25 days 2024-05-25 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
submitted by Perkelton to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:11 tempmailgenerator Implementing Dynamic Email Functionality in Google Sheets with AppScript

Enhancing Google Sheets with Dynamic Email Features Using AppScript

Google Sheets has evolved beyond a mere spreadsheet tool, becoming a versatile platform for automating and streamlining various tasks, including email communication. The integration of AppScript, a powerful scripting language designed for Google's ecosystem, opens up possibilities for creating dynamic, automated email systems directly within Google Sheets. This capability allows users to send personalized email notifications, updates, or reminders based on the data stored in their sheets. By leveraging AppScript, individuals and organizations can significantly improve their workflow efficiency, ensuring that important information is communicated promptly and accurately.
The process of setting up a dynamic email reference involves scripting within the Google Sheets environment, utilizing AppScript to fetch data from cells and use it to populate email content. This approach not only automates the email sending process but also tailors the message according to specific criteria or triggers defined by the user. Whether it's sending out mass emails for a marketing campaign, dispatching personalized client updates, or automating internal notifications, the flexibility and power of AppScript with Google Sheets offer a scalable solution to meet diverse email communication needs.
Command Description
MailApp.sendEmail() Sends an email from the script
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() Gets the current active spreadsheet
getSheetByName() Accesses a specific sheet within the spreadsheet by name
getRange() Gets the range of cells specified in the sheet
getValues() Retrieves the values from the specified range

Exploring Dynamic Email Automation with Google Sheets and AppScript

Google Sheets and AppScript together provide a powerful combination for automating various tasks, including the dynamic sending of emails based on spreadsheet data. This functionality is particularly useful for businesses and organizations that require regular communication with clients, employees, or members based on updated spreadsheet information. For example, a marketing team can automate the sending of personalized promotional emails to a list of subscribers directly from a Google Sheet containing subscriber information and email content. Similarly, HR departments can utilize this setup to send out automated updates or notifications to employees. The beauty of using Google Sheets for these tasks lies in its accessibility and ease of use, allowing for real-time updates to email lists and content without the need for complex database software.
The technical aspect of setting up such an email automation system involves writing custom scripts using Google AppScript, a Javascript-based language that interacts with Google Apps. This script can be tailored to trigger emails when certain conditions are met, such as the addition of a new row with a subscriber's information or updates to existing rows. The script reads the specified range in the Google Sheet, extracts the necessary data (such as email addresses and message content), and uses the MailApp service to send out the emails. This approach not only streamlines the process of sending out large volumes of personalized emails but also introduces a level of customization and flexibility that traditional email marketing tools may lack. By integrating Google Sheets with AppScript, users can create a highly efficient, automated email system that can adapt to various needs and scenarios.

Automating Email Notifications with Google Sheets and AppScript

Google AppScript Code Example
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Emails"); const range = sheet.getRange("A2:B"); const data = range.getValues(); data.forEach(function(row) { MailApp.sendEmail(row[0], "Your Subject Here", row[1]); }); 

Exploring Dynamic Email Automation with Google Sheets and AppScript

At the core of automating email communications through Google Sheets lies the powerful Google AppScript, a scripting platform that allows for the creation of custom functions and automation within the Google Workspace environment. This integration enables users to transform their spreadsheets into dynamic tools capable of sending personalized, data-driven emails automatically. By utilizing AppScript, users can effectively harness the data within their Google Sheets to initiate email campaigns, send out timely notifications, or even distribute personalized messages to a targeted audience based on specific conditions or triggers identified within their spreadsheet data.
The practical applications of this are vast, ranging from businesses that need to automate customer communications, educators sending course updates to students, to event organizers distributing tailored information to attendees. The process involves writing a script that interacts with both the spreadsheet data and the email service, dynamically generating and sending emails based on the content of the spreadsheet. This not only saves time but also introduces a level of personalization and efficiency that manual processes cannot match. The ability to automate these processes within Google Sheets using AppScript significantly enhances productivity, allowing users to focus on more strategic tasks while the system manages routine communications.

FAQs on Automating Emails with Google Sheets and AppScript

  1. Question: Can I send emails to multiple recipients using Google Sheets and AppScript?
  2. Answer: Yes, you can send emails to multiple recipients by iterating over a range of cells containing email addresses and using the MailApp.sendEmail() function within a loop.
  3. Question: How do I personalize the email content using data from Google Sheets?
  4. Answer: You can personalize emails by fetching data from the spreadsheet using getValues() method and dynamically inserting this data into the email body or subject line in your AppScript code.
  5. Question: Is it possible to schedule email sending with AppScript?
  6. Answer: Yes, by using AppScript's time-driven triggers, you can schedule your scripts to run at specific intervals, thereby automating the email sending process based on your preferred schedule.
  7. Question: Can I attach files from Google Drive to the emails sent through AppScript?
  8. Answer: Absolutely, AppScript allows you to attach files from Google Drive by using the DriveApp service to fetch the file and include it as an attachment in your MailApp.sendEmail() call.
  9. Question: How can I ensure my email automation script runs smoothly?
  10. Answer: To ensure smooth operation, regularly review your script's execution logs, test your email functionalities thoroughly, and stay within Google's quota limits for email sending to avoid disruptions.
  11. Question: Are there any limits to sending emails through AppScript?
  12. Answer: Yes, Google imposes daily quota limits on the number of emails you can send through AppScript, which varies depending on your Google Workspace account type.
  13. Question: Can I use HTML content in emails sent via AppScript?
  14. Answer: Yes, the MailApp.sendEmail() function supports HTML content, allowing you to create rich, formatted email messages.
  15. Question: How do I handle errors in my email sending script?
  16. Answer: Implement try-catch blocks within your script to manage errors gracefully and log or alert any issues encountered during execution.
  17. Question: Can I track if an email was successfully sent using AppScript?
  18. Answer: While AppScript doesn't directly provide email tracking capabilities, you can log the execution and success of email sending operations, or use email marketing tools in conjunction with your script for advanced tracking.

Expanding AppScript Capabilities in Google Sheets

Google Sheets and AppScript synergize to offer a powerful platform for automating email communications, enabling users to send customized messages based on spreadsheet data. This integration allows for the dynamic generation of email content, addressing specific recipient needs or actions. For instance, users can automate feedback requests post-event, send out personalized product updates, or manage periodic newsletters. The ability to dynamically reference email addresses and content from a spreadsheet ensures that messages are both relevant and timely, catering to a wide range of applications from marketing to project management.
Moreover, this approach democratizes the ability to create complex email automation systems, requiring no specialized software beyond the Google Suite. It encourages a more efficient workflow by reducing manual input and potential for error, ensuring that communications are consistently aligned with the latest data. Additionally, it opens up avenues for integrating with other Google services, further expanding its utility and versatility in automating tasks and enhancing productivity within organizations.

Common Questions on Dynamic Email Automation with AppScript

  1. Question: Can AppScript send emails to a list from Google Sheets?
  2. Answer: Yes, AppScript can iterate over a range in Google Sheets to send personalized emails to each address listed.
  3. Question: How does one customize the email content with AppScript?
  4. Answer: Email content can be customized by fetching data from spreadsheet cells and using it to populate the email body or subject dynamically.
  5. Question: Is it possible to schedule emails using AppScript?
  6. Answer: Yes, by utilizing Google Apps Script's time-driven triggers, emails can be scheduled to send at specific intervals.
  7. Question: Can AppScript attach files from Google Drive to emails?
  8. Answer: Yes, AppScript can attach files from Google Drive to emails by accessing the DriveApp service.
  9. Question: How can one handle errors in email automation scripts?
  10. Answer: Error handling can be implemented using try-catch blocks to manage exceptions and ensure the script continues to run smoothly.

Unlocking Advanced Communication Strategies with AppScript

Implementing dynamic email functionality through Google Sheets and AppScript represents a significant leap forward in how businesses and individuals can manage their communications. By leveraging data directly from spreadsheets to inform and personalize emails, users can create more impactful, timely, and relevant email campaigns. This not only improves engagement rates but also streamlines operational workflows, reducing the manual effort required in managing large-scale email communications. Whether it's for marketing, customer feedback, or internal notifications, the combination of Google Sheets and AppScript offers a flexible, powerful toolset to automate and enhance email-based communications. With the added benefits of customization and integration with the broader Google ecosystem, users can efficiently scale their efforts to meet their specific needs, marking a pivotal step towards more intelligent and responsive communication strategies.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:11 Youngsville We’re NOT #1

We’re NOT #1
For all the negative lists were on, I’m grateful for this city. Also, grateful we can breath for the time being.
submitted by Youngsville to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:09 MrLyro8 Steam only using disk to download games and not internet

I am currently trying to download / update games on steam. Whenever I am doing so, steam will only use my disk causing the downloads to take way longer then required if it was also using my internet. I can't attach an image, but for example, I am currently updating a game and I have 31.5 MB/s on my disk and 0 B/s on my internet. I tried looking this up and I haven't been able to find anything related to my issue. To also clarify, I've seen some issue about people having an error message pop up, that isn't the case for me. I don't have any messages pop up or anything. I will give some details on specs and speeds.
I have 800 MB download and 500 upload currently
PC specs Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00Ghz 64.0 GB of RAM I have loads of storage and no close to being full NVIDIA GeFroce RTX 3070 Ti
If anyone is able to help I would appreciate it, thank you.
submitted by MrLyro8 to steamsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:06 Quick_Work_7491 How do I fix the parsing error when I try to import a .DAE file? (I tried 3 times, which is why there's 3 errors.)

submitted by Quick_Work_7491 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:05 thoughter_ Booting Arch fails immediately, maybe an issue with the USB

I used Rufus to put the ISO file into the USB. I used both MBR in ISO Image Mode and GPT in DD Image Mode, as the Wiki instructed, and both failed. Also lsblk and fdisk are not recognized as commands, so it's quite a limited shell. (I tried ventoy but that thing always spits out errors. Log file says "[Check Fail] The data write and read does not match" followed by a sequence of more errors.)
If you want specifics, I'm using a DELL Latitude 5590. I went into UEFI BOOT: and then UEFI: General UDidk 5.00, Partition 1, then selected the top option. I read one particularly disheartening comment on this subreddit saying, "99% of all the support questions here are answered on the Arch Linux Wiki," but if you came here to say that I've no idea where to even start.
submitted by thoughter_ to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:01 Good-Piccolo-777 Modded minecraft won't start

Hi, I wanted to play some older versions of minecraft, so i downloaded minecraft 1.5.2 and correct forge. Than I downloaded Thaumcraft 3.0.5i and Baubles(also corresponding) than I fixed the issues that occurred to me and it worked without mods, so I inserted the mods into mods folder and started minecraft. And error was the error. Can somebody help?

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Who set us up the TNT?

Time: 19.5.24 19:00
Description: Failed to start game

at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.([ItemStack.java:62](https://ItemStack.java:62)) at thaumcraft.common.Config.initRecipes([Config.java:814](https://Config.java:814)) at thaumcraft.common.Thaumcraft.init([Thaumcraft.java:124](https://Thaumcraft.java:124)) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62](https://NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43](https://DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke([Method.java:497](https://Method.java:497)) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent([FMLModContainer.java:494](https://FMLModContainer.java:494)) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62](https://NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43](https://DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke([Method.java:497](https://Method.java:497)) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventHandler.handleEvent([EventHandler.java:74](https://EventHandler.java:74)) at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventHandler.handleEvent([SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45](https://SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45)) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch([EventBus.java:314](https://EventBus.java:314)) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents([EventBus.java:296](https://EventBus.java:296)) at [com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post](https://com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post)([EventBus.java:267](https://EventBus.java:267)) at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer([LoadController.java:192](https://LoadController.java:192)) at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage([LoadController.java:172](https://LoadController.java:172)) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62](https://NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43](https://DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke([Method.java:497](https://Method.java:497)) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventHandler.handleEvent([EventHandler.java:74](https://EventHandler.java:74)) at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventHandler.handleEvent([SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45](https://SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45)) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch([EventBus.java:314](https://EventBus.java:314)) at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents([EventBus.java:296](https://EventBus.java:296)) at [com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post](https://com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post)([EventBus.java:267](https://EventBus.java:267)) at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage([LoadController.java:103](https://LoadController.java:103)) at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods([Loader.java:691](https://Loader.java:691)) at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading([FMLClientHandler.java:213](https://FMLClientHandler.java:213)) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func\_71384\_a([Minecraft.java:448](https://Minecraft.java:448)) at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftAppletImpl.func\_71384\_a(SourceFile:56) at [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run](https://net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run)([Minecraft.java:733](https://Minecraft.java:733)) at [java.lang.Thread.run](https://java.lang.Thread.run)([Thread.java:745](https://Thread.java:745)) 

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.5.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0\_51, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 135327232 bytes (129 MB) / 234881024 bytes (224 MB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MB) JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP v7.51 FML v5.2.23.738 Minecraft Forge 4 mods loaded, 4 mods active mcp{7.51} \[Minecraft Coder Pack\] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized FML{} \[Forge Mod Loader\] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Forge{} \[Minecraft Forge\] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Thaumcraft{3.0.5i} \[Thaumcraft\] (Thaumcraft3.0.5i.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored LWJGL: 2.9.0 OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 552.44, NVIDIA Corporation Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) Texture Pack: Default Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Vec3 Pool Size: \~\~ERROR\~\~ NullPointerException: null 

submitted by Good-Piccolo-777 to MinecraftForge [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:54 Charchit_005 Macro VBA[Excel]

Ok so I used ChatGPT to write this macro for me, which is only working for like 30%. I would really appreciate some help on how to improve this code or if anyone can suggest some better way to do this: Goal is to compare two files and copy the common data to a tab already provided in the second file. So I have 2 files- 1. Configuration _file 2. macro
The first file have multiple tabs which gets updated by some other team, these tabs are details of different states and it specifies when a certain fee is charged over claim. There are 4 type of main fees: 1. Title fee 2. Registration fee 3. Plates fee 4. Additional fee Under these there are sub fees which gets applicable and non applicable depending on the state this is indicated by columns populated to the left of these fees. And always these fees are ended by a bold line after which irrelevant data is provided.
I am only concerned with applicable fees, even if in either of columns applicable is mentioned, it is relevant and the rest is not a concern.
Now coming on to the next file, here 2 static tabs are provided:
  1. Links
  2. CCC_tool
In the second tab of this file Column A to I entails detail about a particular claim and column E specifies states, after column I to column AI are different types of fees and these are or same format as in file 1. I want only relevant columns to get copied in other state tabs of this file(which I will create every time).
The code provided below only copies Column A to Column I and all of the column headers are getting copied with no data under it.
I would really appreciate if anyone can solve this issue
Below is code:
Sub FilterAndCopyRelevantData() Dim wsConfig As Workbook Dim wsCCC As Worksheet Dim wsState As Worksheet Dim wsConfigState As Worksheet Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Long Dim feeStartRow As Long Dim state As Variant Dim feeName As Variant Dim headerCol As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long Dim configFilePath As String Dim stateList As Collection Dim colNum As Long Dim feeDict As Object Dim key As Variant Dim relevantFees As Collection ' Get the folder path where the macro workbook is stored configFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Configuration_file.xlsm" ' Open the Configuration file On Error Resume Next Set wsConfig = Workbooks.Open(configFilePath) If wsConfig Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Configuration file could not be found or opened. Please check the file path.", vbCritical Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo 0 ' Set the CCC_tool worksheet Set wsCCC = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CCC_tool") ' Create a collection of state names from the existing sheets (excluding "Link" and "CCC_tool") Set stateList = New Collection For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Name <> "Link" And ws.Name <> "CCC_tool" Then stateList.Add ws.Name End If Next ws ' Loop through each state tab For Each state In stateList ' Set the state worksheet Set wsState = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(state) ' Clear existing data in the state tab wsState.Cells.Clear ' Copy column headers from CCC_tool to the state tab wsCCC.Rows(1).Copy Destination:=wsState.Rows(1) ' Copy columns A to I for the specific state With wsCCC lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row k = 2 For i = 2 To lastRow If .Cells(i, 5).Value = state Then ' Copy columns A to I For j = 1 To 9 wsState.Cells(k, j).Value = .Cells(i, j).Value Next j k = k + 1 End If Next i End With ' Create a collection to store relevant fee columns Set relevantFees = New Collection ' Find the relevant fee names from the Configuration file On Error Resume Next Set wsConfigState = wsConfig.Sheets(state) On Error GoTo 0 If Not wsConfigState Is Nothing Then feeStartRow = 13 ' Loop through until the bold line indicating the end of relevant fee rows and ignore empty cells j = feeStartRow Do While wsConfigState.Cells(j, 1).Font.Bold = False And wsConfigState.Cells(j, 1).Value <> "" feeName = wsConfigState.Cells(j, 1).Value ' Check if any of the condition columns have "All" If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wsConfigState.Range(wsConfigState.Cells(j, 3), wsConfigState.Cells(j, 9)), "All") > 0 Then ' Add the fee name to the collection relevantFees.Add feeName End If ' Move to the next fee row j = j + 1 Loop ' Copy the relevant fee columns to the state tab For Each feeName In relevantFees headerCol = Application.Match(feeName, wsCCC.Rows(1), 0) If Not IsError(headerCol) Then ' Copy the header to the state tab colNum = wsState.Cells(1, wsState.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1 wsState.Cells(1, colNum).Value = wsCCC.Cells(1, headerCol).Value ' Copy the data to the state tab k = 2 For i = 2 To lastRow If wsCCC.Cells(i, 5).Value = state Then wsState.Cells(k, colNum).Value = wsCCC.Cells(i, headerCol).Value k = k + 1 End If Next i End If Next feeName End If Next state ' Close the Configuration file wsConfig.Close SaveChanges:=False MsgBox "Data copied to state tabs successfully." End Sub 
submitted by Charchit_005 to vba [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:44 plzhelpmebuildpc $12k build

Hi guys.
I am going to need quick help on deciding on the parts for a $12k build that I need to finalize parts for by the end of the week for work. I'm in Boston, I can't find anyone to help except Microcenter for this hardline cooled PC so hoping that folks here can be more helpful. The spec sheet I got after talking with the staff for about an hour is below:
Current total cost: $10,279.20 (incl. $800 build fee, $829 warranty)
Intel Core i9 14900kS Raptor Lake 3.2GHz (link)
ASUS Z790 ROG Maximus Formula Intel LGA 1700 ATX Motherboard (link)
G.Skill Zeta R5 Neo Series 192GB (4x48GB) DDR5-6400 PC5-51200 CL32 Quad Channel ECC Registered Memory Kit F5-6400R3239G48GQ4-ZR5NK-Black (link-ddr5-6400-pc5-51200-cl32-quad-channel-ecc-registered-memory-kit-f5-6400r3239g48gq4-zr5nk-black))
Crucial T705 2TB Micron 232L TLC NAND PCIe Gen 5x4 NVMe M.2 Internal SSD (link)
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 ROG Strix White Overclocked Triple Fan 24GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics card (link)
Seasonic Prime TX-1600 1600 Watt 80 Plus Titanium ATX Fully Modular Power Supply (link)
Lian Li V3000 Plus Tempered Glass eATX Full Tower Computer Case - White (link)
14 x Bitspower G 1/4" Enhanced Straight Compression Fitting - Deluxe White (link)
4 X Bitspower G 1/4" 90 degree Rotary Adapter - Deluxe White (link)
2 X Bitspower G 1/4" Thread 45 degree Rotary Adapter - White (link)
6 X Bitspower G 1/4" Male to Female Straight Extender - Deluxe White (link)
1 X Corsair iCUE XC7 RGB ELITE LCD CPU Water Block - White (link)
2 X EK Quantum Surface P480M 480mm Radiator - White (link)
4 X Corsair iCUE Link QX120 RGB Magnetic Dome Bearing - 120mm PWM Fans Starter Kit - White - 3 pack (link)
1 X Corsair iCUE Link XD5 RGB Elite White Pump/Reservoir Combo - White (link)
6 X Bitspower 1/2" (13mm) x 5/8" (16mm) PETG Link Rigid Tubing 1m - Clear (link-x-5-8-(16-mm)-petg-link-rigid-tubing-1-m-clear))
1 X Corsair iCUE Link Qx120 RGB Magnetic Dome Bearing 120mm PWM Fan - White (link)
1 X EKWB CryoFuel Dye Pack (link)
The water cooling from Corsair doesn't look the best in my opinion. But the staff were going off of what's in stock. There is also no GPU block specified here, as we had agreed I would provide an EKWB, however there seems to be some recent drama around EKWB and I don't wanna give them our hard earned bucks.
I need to ask you all for help around the water cooling aspect of this build. I love custom PCs although I've never build one, and I am looking for advice on how to better do it. My understanding is that the V3000 is supposed to be massive, and we could put in two reservoirs, and it may be beneficial to have multiple pumps as well to help the flow around the system.
I'm happy with the fittings from Bitspower but open to other ideas.
I wish I could get nice custom cables to match the aesthetic of this build but I do not have time to wait the 3 weeks they apparently take to ship. Nonetheless I am thinking of upgrading it down the road, so also open to ideas there.
Happy to answer more questions. Any help you can provide would be wonderful.
submitted by plzhelpmebuildpc to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:31 Rich_Satisfaction_34 Bakersfield is No. 1 most polluted city!

Bakersfield is No. 1 most polluted city! submitted by Rich_Satisfaction_34 to Bakersfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:13 Freeman_Alex [WTS] ⚜️⚜️⚜️Freeman Shipyard Store vol.4⚜️⚜️⚜️ OC LTI Ursa Medivac +Respite Paint $55 ⚜️OC LTI Pulse/LX +Dominion Paint $25 ⚜️Prowler to Hull D CCU $45 ⚜️Hull D to Orion CCU $50 ⚜️CHEAP WARBOND CCU ⚜️QuickSALE ⚜️Open24/7 ⚜️Good Prices&Trade History ⚜️Rare Paints ⚜️JUST WRITE ME

⚜️ Freeman Old Star Shipyard of Tortuga ⚜️


CCU - FROM -> TO Save $ Warbond Bonus Price
Razor Retaliator Base - - $7
Prowler 600i BIS 2953 🔥 +paint & poster $40
Hull D Orion $50 120m $50
Prowler Hull D $65 - $45
Razor SRV $15 - $5

⚜️ ➤ If you want to buy something, SEND PM me or send me DM to AlexFreeman#8529 in Discord. ⚜️

My old store pages with trade history: vol.1, vol.2, vol.3

Tip: Use on keyboard to search for the ship you want  
⚜️ ➤ I want to buy store credits ⚜️ I am waiting for your commercial offers  


Quantity Price, $
1 referral $--
5+ referral $-- for each
Information about rewards can be found here - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/referral-program Consider using my referral code STAR-57F5-QBC9 when creating a new account and receive 5000 UEC in game. 🔥Anyone who uses my referral code becomes my guest of honor and receives discounts in my store🔥

🔥Hot discounts🔥

Item Insurance Price,$
Pulse +Dominion Paint LTI $25🔥
Pulse LX +Dominion Paint LTI $25🔥
Pulse and Pulse LX +Dominion Paints LTI $48🔥
MPUV Tractor +Firebrand Paint LTI $35🔥
Ursa Medivac +Respite Paint & Flight Jacket LTI $55🔥
F7C Hornet Mk II +Ironscale Paint LTI $160
600I BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $575
Redeemer BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $430
Corsair BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $350
Vulture BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $275
600i Explorer BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket CCU'd LTI $400
MERCURY STAR RUNNER BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket CCU'd LTI $210
LTI Upgrade - Reliant Kore to CNOU Nomad LTI $80
LTI Upgrade - 315P to CNOU Nomad LTI $100
M50 Subscriber Edition LTI $98
Cutlass RED Subscriber Edition LTI $133
Mantis Subscriber Edition LTI $148
Sabre Subscriber Edition LTI $168
Add-Ons - Endeavor Telescope Pod 10y $135
Add-Ons - Endeavor Biodome Pod 10y $110
Add-Ons - Endeavor Fuel Pod 10y $40
Add-Ons - AEGIS Idris P After Market Kit LTI $260


Item Insurance Includes Price

⚜️ ➤ ORIGINAL CONCEPTS and Cross-Chassis Upgraded ships:

Item Insurance CCU-ed Original concept ♻
100I LTI $60 -
125A LTI $60 -
135c LTI $65 -
300I LTI $60 -
315P LTI $65 -
325A LTI $70 -
350R LTI $145 -
400I LTI $235 -
600I TOURING LTI $390 -
600I EXPLORER LTI $400 -
600i Explorer BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket LTI $400 -
890 JUMP - IAE 10 years - $1250
A1 SPIRIT LTI $160 -
A1 SPIRIT + Intrepid Paint LTI - $255
A2 HERCULES - IAE 2949 10 years - $750
Ares Inferno LTI $235 -
Ares ION LTI $235 -
Argo MOLE LTI $299 -
Avenger Titan - IAE 2949 10 years - $67
BLADE LTI $245 -
C1 SPIRIT LTI $110 -
CORSAIR + Name Reservation LTI - $777
CUTLASS BLUE 10 years - $175
C8X PISCES EXPEDITION - IAE 2949 10 years - $62
CYDNUS LTI - In Development
E1 SPIRIT LTI $135 -
E1 SPIRIT + Olympia Paint LTI - $235
F7A HORNET LTI - In Development
F8C LIGHTNING LTI - In Development
Fury +Leatherback Paint LTI - $80
Fury MX +Leatherback Paint LTI - $80
GALAXY + Protector Paint LTI - $450
GENESIS Starliner LTI $385 -
GLAIVE 🛸 LTI $295 -
HAWK LTI $102 -
HULL A LTI $90 -
HULL B LTI $125 -
HULL E 10 years - $777
KHARTU-AL 🛸 LTI $155 -
LYNX + Moonrise Paint LTI - $105
MERCURY STAR RUNNER 10 years - $250
MERCURY STAR RUNNER BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket LTI $210 -
MPUV Cargo - ILW 10 years - $40
NOMAD LTI $80 $110
ORIGIN G12 (Touring) LTI - $78
ORIGIN G12A (Combat) LTI - $88
ORIGIN G12R (Racing) LTI - $78
ORION LTI $560 -
PERSEUS - ILW 10 years - $690
PERSEUS + Thundercloud Paint - VIP Exclusive LTI - $900
PIONEER - IAE 10 years - $1150
POLARIS - ILW 10 years - $760
RAILEN 🛸🚚 LTI $190 -
RAFT 🚚 LTI $115 -
RANGER RC 10 years - $50
RANGER TR 10 years - $50
RAZOR LTI $130 -
RETALIATOR BOMBER 10 years - $280
REDEEMER - ILW 10 years - $300
ROC LTI - $140
ROC Subscribers Exclusive LTI $60 -
ROC Subscribers Exclusive 12m - $54
ROC-DS LTI $75 -
SAN'TOK.YĀI LTI $205 $400
SABRE LTI $155 -
SPARTAN LTI $80 $100
STORM + Summit Paint LTI - $130
STV + Blue Steel Paint LTI - $55
SRV LTI $135 -
TALON LTI $115 -
VALKYRIE BIS 2950 10 years - -
Zeus Mk II ES +Solstice Paint LTI - $235
Zeus Mk II CL +Solstice Paint LTI - $235
Zeus Mk II MR +Solstice Paint LTI - $270





Item Price
2951 Auspicious Red Paint Pack $22
2952 Auspicious Red Paint Pack $24
Nomad - 2951 Auspicious Red Paint $11
Freelancer - 2951 Auspicious Red Paint $14
Constellation - 2952 Auspicious Red Paint $14
Sabre - 2952 Auspicious Red Paint $12
Lovestruck Paint Pack $26
HoverQuad - Lovestruck Paint $8
MPUV - Lovestruck Paint $8
Cyclone - Lovestruck Paint $8
Arrow - Lovestruck Paint $8
Nomad - Lovestruck Paint $10
RAFT - Lovestruck Paint $10
SRV - Lovestruck Paint $11
Scorpius - Lovestruck Paint $14
Ares - Lovestruck Paint $14
Mole - Lovestruck Paint $16
Ghoulish Green 4 Paint Pack $32
Mule - Ghoulish Green Paint $6
Herald - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Vulture - Ghoulish Green Paint $12
Caterpillar - Ghoulish Green Paint $12
Buccaneer - Ghoulish Green Paint $9
Cutlass - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Dragonfly - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Avenger - Invictus 2950 Blue and Gold Paint $10
Aurora - Invictus 2950 Blue and Gold Paint $10
Constellation - 2950 Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $18
Cyclone - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $8
Galaxy - Protector Paint $15
Gladius - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $12
Gladius - Solar Winds Paint $11
Hawk - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $10
Hercules Starlifter - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $20
Hornet - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $10
Reliant - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $8
Retaliator - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $28
Vanguard - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $18
Aphorite Mining Paint Pack $35
Dolivine Mining Paint Pack $35
Hadanite Mining Paint Pack $35
Overdrive Racing Paint Pack $11
Slipstream Racing Paint Pack $11
Turbocharged Racing Paint Pack $11
Aspire Paint Pack $18
Central Tower Paint Pack $18
Hosanna Paint Pack $18
100 Series - Sand Wave Paint $8
100 Series - Melrose Paint $8
400i - Meridian Paint $20
400i - Penumbra Paint $20
600i - Cold Forge Paint $14
600i - Sterling Paint $19
Arrastra - Nocturne Paint $17🔥
Aurora ILW 2950 Paint Pack $18
Aurora - Light and Dark Grey Paint $8
Aurora - Green and Gold Paint $8
Avenger ILW 2950 Paint Pack $20
Avenger - Solar Winds Paint $10
Avenger - Copernicus Paint $8
Avenger - Kepler Paint $8
Avenger - De Biasio Paint $8
Centurion - Beachhead Paint $8
Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack $27
Constellation - Dark Green Paint $13
Cutlass Black - Skull & Crossbones Paint $12
Defender - Platinum Paint $15
Defender - Harmony Paint $15
LIBERATOR - VIP exclusive Condor Paint $33🔥
Mercury Star Runner - 2951 Fortuna Paint $14
MOLE Aphorite Paint $12
MOLE Dolivine Paint $12
MOLE Hadanite Paint $12
Nox - Harmony Paint $8
Odyssey - Windrider Paint $28
PERSEUS - A VIP exclusive, the Thundercloud Paint $33🔥
Prospector Aphorite Paint $11
Prospector Dolivine Paint $11
Prospector Hadanite Paint $11
Prowler - Ocellus Paint $20
Prowler - Harmony Paint $20
Railen - Hyaotan Paint $20
Retaliator ILW 2950 Paint Pack $38
Reclaimer Aphorite Paint $15
Reclaimer Dolivine Paint $15
Reclaimer Hadanite Paint $15
ROC Aphorite Paint $7
ROC Dolivine Paint $7
ROC Hadanite Paint $7
Scorpius - Stinger Paint $30
Scorpius - Tiburon Paint $12
STV - Blue Steel Paint $5
Talon - Cobalt Paint $10
Talon - Crimson Paint $10
Talon - Ocellus Paint $10
Talon - Harmony Paint $10
Talon - Paint Pack $30
Valkyrie ILW 2950 Paint Pack $40
Vanguard - Solar Winds Paint $15
Zeus Mk II - Solstice Paint $12


Set Includes Price
Takuetsu Replica Figurines 6 exhibits $35
Kastak Arms Custodian SMG CitizenCon 2947 Edition 1 item $30
Atzkav "DEADEYE" Sniper rifle 1 item $10
Yubarev "DEADEYE" Pistol 1 item $10
WowBlast "Blue" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Orange" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Red" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Teal" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
Overlord Helmets DOUBLE TROUBLE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets FORCES OF NATURE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets SILENT STRIKE 2 items $7
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Predator" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Stinger" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Supernova" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Switchback" Armor Set 3 items $9
Caudillo Helmets Pack 1 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 2 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 3 2 items $8
NIGHTFIRE - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
SINGULARITY - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
ICEBORN - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – ORANGE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – LIME 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – BLUEBERRY 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GRAPE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GUAVA 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Sinister SIX-PACK 6 items $26
Giocoso Helmet - Azure 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Ivory 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Obsidian 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Triple Pack 1 item $15
Sawtooth "Sirocco" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Squall" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Bloodstone" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Pyro RYT "Ghost" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Mirage" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Bloodline" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
GP-33 Mod "ASHFALL" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "COPPERHEAD" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "THUNDERCLAP" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
Aves Armor & Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Shrike Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Neoni "Jami" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Onna" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Tengubi" Helmet 1 item $7
Star Kitten Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "SALLY" Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "DAMON" Set 4 items $14
Pembroke RSI Sunburst Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Ivory Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Graphite Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Morozov Aftershock Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Terracotta Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Thule Armor 5 items $15
Sakura Fun Green ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun Blue ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun White ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Zeus Exploration Suit 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Solar 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Starscape 3 items $15
Xanthule Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Sehya Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Tahn Flight Suit 2 items $13
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Cayman 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Forest Camo 1 item $6
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 7 items $10
CitizenCon 2951 Trophy 7 items $10

⚜️➤ SHIP UPGRADES - CROSS-CHASSIS UPGRADES (CCUs, upgrades), some upgrades can be chain in few steps CCU's:

SHIP TARGET SHIP < Upgrade from Price
ARROW < 100i $30
CUTLASS RED Subscriber
GLADIUS < 100i $45
PERSEUS < CARRACK Expedition W/C8X $40



submitted by Freeman_Alex to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:08 kaiwai_81 HELP! It suddenly broke :(

HELP! It suddenly broke :( submitted by kaiwai_81 to comfyui [link] [comments]
