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2012.04.10 15:30 oxbo1690 Hockey Jerseys

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2009.01.21 11:34 /r/Scams

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2019.11.06 17:26 niapattenlooks TheOrdinarySkincare

Forum for discussing The Ordinary skincare regimens, getting advice and sharing skincare tips

2024.06.02 16:57 Happy_Hippy_Hippo Other travel "fail" channels

(Adding to the comments below about other channels, and now that I've missed a birthday writing this, I should probably put this as it's own thread)
I love Kinging It because their origin story is very similar to mine (cancer, catastrophic injury, vowed to spend their life traveling). And they have done amazing charity work and also quite a lot of unique road trips: rickshaw in India, Mongol Rally, etc.
My favorite series was when they traveled around Europe in Custard for the first time. They were sponsored by Marco Polo travel guides and planned it all according to meeting the brand's expectations and requirements, and to me that was proper travel blogging, not just "here's our life, blah blah blah." I've been a travel journalist for 25+ years, so that's when I got into their channel. Now, though, it has become more of a daily life blog, which is alright, they are entertaining and funny, but a little overdramatic on the acting.
I've lost count how many channels have become "look at us fail" channels or totally gone out in left field. To name a few [FEEL FREE TO ADD TO THE LIST]
Granted there are about 60+ other channels I subscribe do that are still in line with their original direction, and there are a few daily vlog type channels I watch, but these are the ones that have really gone off course. The best channels (as with anything media) is to keep on topic. A cooking magazine should be about cooking and things related to cooking. Not including pages about fixing an engine, unless you're cooking a baked potato on one.
The roadmap seems to be: become vanlifer -> get AG1 to sponsor -> write a cookbook -> make merch -> sell van -> buy another one -> get a dog -> buy land -> sell van -> build off-grid house -> fail at everything with the house build -> have baby -> get another dog -> create AI thumbnails -> still claim to be a minimalist nomad who doesn't buy into mainstream society -> be totally reliant on mainstream society
submitted by Happy_Hippy_Hippo to EvaZuBeck_SnarkSub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:56 Mycdal Some of ya’ll “bougie”

For all of those who want to bash MSC and particularly those who want to bash Magnifica, did y’all do your research? There are so many travel blogs and vlogs out there that you should have had as much info as possible.
Also, one reason we chose Magnifica is because it was smaller and there was not a lot to offer for kids and we don’t have kids so that was perfect for us and there weren’t as many kids on board. Yes, it’s dated. We knew that. We researched it. Why didn’t you? That’s what this subreddit is for, among other things.
And the food? Yeah, you can do better…and you can do much worse. Great pizza, but some other stuff is just meh. If you want great food, maybe not the cruise for you, but again…you should know this. Some of y’all are “bougie” and it shows. Sounds like y’all have champagne taste on a beer budget.
Lastly, there is no issue with giving your opinion about your cruise, but bashing Magnifica and MSC for things you should have known about before you took your cruise makes no sense. The next time you take a cruise, do your research and if the Magnifica isn’t right for you, choose another ship. If MSC isn’t right for you, choose another cruise line. Don’t bash other people’s opinion by saying “eww, you liked Magnifica?” when it’s not our problem you didn’t do a google search.
Rant over. Enjoy your cruises. Have a free drink on me!
submitted by Mycdal to MSCCruises [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:55 InflameBunnyDemon You see this non issue of a dead movement that got resolved that should have people not caring for it. You wanna know what the comments gave to say about it or the post? No, you don't want to see the comments, just know it's the most unhinged terminally online fake coomer takes you've ever heard.

You see this non issue of a dead movement that got resolved that should have people not caring for it. You wanna know what the comments gave to say about it or the post? No, you don't want to see the comments, just know it's the most unhinged terminally online fake coomer takes you've ever heard. submitted by InflameBunnyDemon to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:55 CapAccomplished8072 With pride month upon us, the hate on youtube is gonna be intense. Use this tool, Blocktube, to block out anti-LGBT videos and channels...give us all some peace of mind using a channel blocker

With pride month upon us, the hate on youtube is gonna be intense. Use this tool, Blocktube, to block out anti-LGBT videos and channels...give us all some peace of mind using a channel blocker submitted by CapAccomplished8072 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 Ok-Slice3566 Am I the ahole for hating my sister

Hi I’m Li 14 (f) and my sister Dia is 17. It all started in December, my sister asked me and my mom if we could got to our schools rival basketball game, of course me being happy that my sister wanted to hang out with said yes. Little did I know that was a big mistake. During the game me and my sister got separated and she snuck off and left the building so I was alone with a lot of people that I didn’t know. I have extreme social anxiety and I have to calm myself down in big crowds. During that time my sister was hanging out with her foolish friends and got Sa’d. After that there was a shooting that we were caught in the middle of. Thankfully me and her got out because I observed the crowd and noticed that the police were not calm and were putting on vest. Fast forward to January my sister got raped. She snuck out again and I was the one that had to tell my mom. And my mom is really sensitive. But when I told her the only thing that she was talking about was different ways to beat Dia and the scary thing was that she would actually do it, si I begged her to be optimistic about why she might have snuck out. I told my mom to wait to call the police until 9 a.m. During that time I went to what I knew best which was going mute and not talking, crying, and cleaning. I didn’t have thoughts, ideas, it was like there was a black hole inside of me. When I felt like the time was right it told my mom to go outside, and there was a police officer driving past and my mom flagged him down, when the police officer was in the house, I heard crying but when I saw my mom it was her fake cry, not her real one, it made me feel disgusted, and like she only wanted the attention. There was only one person that I knew she could be at but we were on bad terms, and that was my dad. He was the first person that I called, after one ring he answered, and I asked where is she to him crying and sounding defeated, he told me to calm down then we need to talk and that she is okay and it would be best if we meet up. So we all meet up at my great aunts house. I saw my dad for the first time in over a year, and although it wasn’t on the best terms, I still wanted to run up to him and cry, but I didn’t because it wasn’t about me it was about Dia. She told me, my dad, my mom, and my great aunt that she was raped and threatened. My dad being the protective guy that he is said that we should go and talk to the police and got to the hospital to confirm that she was sa’d. We stayed in the hospital for about 10-12 hours taking shifts, because there could only be 2 people back there at a time. My mom and stepmom talked to each other for the first time, and I hung out with my dad and younger sister Ayah. The process took a long time, but it was confirmed that she was raped. After we left the hospital, we went back to our moms house and started packing to stay with our dad until everything was situated. When I got done putting the last suitcase in the trunk, my mom leaned down at the window at 11:50 p.m. and said “ I hope y’all are up and ready for school” after she said that I started crying, like what did she not get by her daughter was raped, it’s not something that goes away in a few hours. I lost so much respect for her after that. And for the next couple of months we were living with our dad full time until the case was figured out. During that time me and Dia would make jokes on our moms mental and physical abuse. One day our stepmom overheard me and asked what we were talking about, and if everything was okay at my moms house, and me and Dia saying yes, because she had normalized the abuse for years. But my stepmom told my dad and they had a talk on abuse and how it wasn’t normal. My dad and stepmom then contacted their lawyer and told him what happened. Then my sister Dia said that we should write letters on how the abuse was carried out, and why. And I agreed that it should be fine, but it wasn’t, during the time of her writing her letters, she would stay up trying to perfect them, she started sleeping in my room because she felt scared, and me being comforting, said yes, but that would be my biggest mistake inviting her in my personal space. One night she climbed up my stairs on my bunk bed and held my hands and stared into my eyes at like 3 in the morning and that scared the heck out of me. I’m not one to have any fears but whenever she came near me she scared me so much as if she was possessed and I can feel when something isn’t right but that’s were she got me. Every time me and her were alone she would say something that made no sense, and I felt like I was going crazy until she left to go to the bathroom and it was me, my stepmom and my dad, I had a panic attack and told them how she was acting, and at first they thought I was jealous, because she was getting all of the attention, but I don’t blame them for thinking that way. That night when they all went to sleep, Dia cried at my doorway where I couldn’t see her face, but there was light behind her, she said “I’m the sacrifice” and then left out of the room and went down to the second floor. I was so scared that night because I thought she was going to be harmed, or do the harming. It didn’t take me that long to fall asleep but I told me too long to wake up. All I could hear was my dad calling my name and I eventually got up. I unlocked my door, I walked out to my sisters outside my room. My little sister playing with cards, cards that I had never seen. And Dia looking menacingly in the corner of her room. My stepmom had jury duty that day and my dad was going to take her. As soon as they left my sister had two phones in her hand, and started talking about how we’re Dominican, mind you we are African American and Indigenous, and my little sister is mixed with African American and Haitian, so I was so confused and I looked at my phone for the time and Dia tried to take it say that the wasn’t real and that everything was fake the she started yelling. And attacked me, I was on the edge of my lower bunk, and my litter sister was right next to me. I put her in the corner of my room, to protect her because I thought I was going to have to fight Dia physically, which I’m 5”2, 115 pounds and I’m buff, and do weightlifting and know mixed martial arts, so I kinda of could hold my own, but she didn’t know her strength, she’s smaller than me, but it felt like I was trying to fight a leopard. But my dad ended up calling me and telling me to bring my little sister down to the car because they didn’t have a good feeling, and by the time he took her in the car Dia was acting as crazy as the joker. And apparently she called the police with my mom and made it seem like there was child abuse going on at my dads house but honestly it was the complete opposite, I’ve never felt a sense of normalcy in years. We went down to the first floor and the police were at the front door, they asked specifically for all the women in the house, because there was an incomplete call and they said it was a women’s voice. The only person that I thought of was my sister Dia because she was the only one with the house phones in her hands. And the police asked if everything was okay and she turned to my stepmom and said she needs to leave and said a lot of bad stuff, but in conclusion, she assaulted two police officers, recorded like she wasn’t acting completely insane, and she also lied and said that me and her were kidnapped and that she’s 18 and I’m 16, which I talked to the police separately and told them that she had been through a lot, and that we were not kidnapped and that we came here on our own terms, and that I’m 14 and she’s 16. The police were very nice and understanding. Because we are black in a mainly white neighborhood my dad begged them to please have mercy on her and I’ve never seen him cry like he did that day, it broke me mentally and cause my trust issues to go up. That day was long a traumatizing because I get really scared when people are yelling at me are shouting. My stepmom and dad fought so hard for my sister and me and now they have major trust issues with everyone, I feel really bad for them because Dia has put our younger sister on the line of possibly being adopted because of her false lies, she also lied and said that I was doing heavy drugs and I had to take a drug test in front on my dad and stepmom which was humiliating and I degraded my name and I felt like I didn’t have purpose on this earth because of my sister Dia. We had court and the judge said that I had to go back with my mom, hi to therapy, and that I wouldn’t be able to see my dad until the next weekend, I took a walk during the court case and I was apparently wanted by 50 different sheriffs, they found me and I was really confused, I gave my dad and stepmom one last hug that day and cried profusely, I saw about three other sheriffs crying as well. My mom made two walk me to her car, and made it seem like I was a prisoner just missing the chains and jumpsuit. I ended up talking to one of the sheriffs and he gave me some good advice to keep my head up and keep going, so that’s what I did and I talked to him about possibly getting myself emancipated, which I don’t really want. I went in the car with my sister and she was yelling a crying the entire time I was in the car and scared the absolute crap out of me. That next Friday I packed my clothes and stuff that I wanted to go to my dad’s house, and my sister started coming at me with words and I tried to take my water bottle back from her and she kicked me in my stomach and told me to start crying but I didn’t and I pushed her back off of me, I’m self defense and I got so mad at the fact that I couldn’t really fight her, so I let out every word that would hurt someone and I never cussed that much in my life but I didn’t notice how much I was cussing until I heard my Nana at the bottom of the stairs, my sister went downstairs and laughed at me, and then she went into the living room where I sleep every night and she took my Beats, phone charger, and epi pen and hid them throughout the house. She’s had so many episodes that I feel like I’m going crazy, I have multiple videos of her episodes out of self defense. My mom told me that I couldn’t text or call my dad, so I snuck and called him to inform him of what has been happening, I believe that it’s child endangerment if my mom leaves me alone with my sister. She honestly does stuff or says stuff when my mom leaves me alone with her. She was jealous of me and tried to attack me, she even threw a full candle at my head because she thought I was the cause of all of the false and childish decisions she made. She still has episodes a lot, and I want to live with my dad. She put such a negative effect on their lives, and now we all have to go to court because of her lies. She even knows who raped her and she protects them with her whole life and lies for them, and she lied about my dad trying to kidnap us, she ruined her relationship with a lot of people and all for what? Just to fit in, it’s really sad how much people change their lives for other peoples judgment. Today is my birthday and I’m at my dads house. I really don’t want to go over to my mom’s house. I really need advice. I just want a better and more peaceful life.
submitted by Ok-Slice3566 to hatek_hadbek [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:50 zhongcha Button prompt icons don't display?

Button prompt icons don't display?
So odd, I recently updated this guy to the newest ver of Luma b9s etc. but even prior, the button prompt icons don't display on home screen and other parts of the system that use "official" button prompt icons such as anemone or checkpoint. Obviously non "official" prompts such as prompts in nds games or godmode9 all work fine. Anyone encountered this before? All I can find on Google are people referring to broken buttons ): no biggie if not, I have made do lol.
submitted by zhongcha to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:50 TheStalin69 How to know if you are bisexual?

Since past few years, I've had doubts if I'm bisexual or not.
But the thing is that I've never really had romantic feelings about anyone, it always was physical or sexual.
I can't really date guys as I live in my hometown with my parents.
But I'll move to a different city in a few months so I'll be able to date few people but so far my experience on Grindr has been weird (so many fake profiles, ghosted after 2-3 messages).
I'm confused how to find clarity regarding that?
submitted by TheStalin69 to LGBTindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 thewatchelorette Rules for posting in r/VintageFashion: No "for sale" posts or low effort posts, and all pricing, dating, and authentication requests should go in the weekly megathread!

Hello VintageFashion! We really want this sub to continue to be a great resource for anyone seeking to learn more about vintage fashion, but we've seen an uptick in low quality posts coming from resellers. To maintain the quality of this sub, we wanted to amend our existing rules and add a new one:
Key changes:
If you see posts that feel spammy, please report them AND downvote them! Automod (our automatic moderator) will catch downvotes and hide posts for mods to review.
If you want to help us moderate, we would LOVE help! Here's the VintageFashion Mod Application!
Recapping, here are our sub rules:
  1. No "For Sale" Posts or Promotional Posts: We don't want this sub to feel like it's crammed with ads. Posts that are selling things aren't allowed. Posts that are intended to drive traffic to online shops, Etsy accounts, eBay accounts, or Instagram accounts are not allowed. We may allow certain educational vintage fashion videos from Youtube if members of this sub find them useful, but will remove if the posts feel blatantly like ads.
  2. No "Pricing", "Dating" or "Authentication" Posts outside of the Weekly Megathread: To maintain the quality of this sub, we ask people seeking to price an item, date an item, or authenticate an item to instead share it in the weekly megathread.
  3. No Off-Topic Posts: This is a sub about vintage fashion. Posts that are not about vintage fashion (e.g., posts about modern fashion, vintage cars, vintage furniture, etc.) will be removed. Please note, as we understand it's been a hot topic, but we ARE going to allow 90s and certain 00s clothing to count as "vintage", even though it admittedly puts some of us into an existential crisis upon reminder that it's been 20+ years since those decades. Please do not report 90s clothes as off-topic, it only gunks up our queue and stops us from removing other content!
  4. No Low Effort Posts: We want this sub to be a resource to people seeking to learn more about vintage fashion, but there should be some minimum effort made to research your items before posting. If you post without providing details about what you've already researched or what you're seeking to learn, we may remove your posts if people report it as low effort.
  5. Be Kind, No Bullying or Offensive Content: The mods in this sub support vintage fashion, not vintage values. Any comments that are sexist, racist, or transphobic will not be tolerated. Additionally, bullying or provoking others is not allowed. This should be a happy place for everyone. We're talking about whimsical, magical vintage fashion! All users should feel welcomed here.
Thank you!
submitted by thewatchelorette to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 laurhhazel Struggling 27(f) trying to let go of 28(m) situationship.

I’m a single mom of two boys. I reconnected with my childhood crush (let’s call him “R” and things started out slow and steady mainly because he was shy & inexperienced while I was going through my own issues with court battle and insecurities (college and finances) after leaving my ex years ago. We have this instant connection together, fell in love and both work 3rd shift in healthcare but it was more of a pull and push situation based off our FA attachment. If it helps I’m a Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio moon and he’s an Aries Sun, Cancer moon. I’m a scorpio Venus and he’s a Taurus Venus.
He started taking purposing me more seriously last year (we started talking August of 2022). He wanted me to meet my kids, his family and friends but with school, work and court I just couldn’t make the time and was over our flopping relationship. He started to distance and pop back up now often. I had a feeling he was talking to someone else which he denied. Last October I caught a girl’s text come up on his car play and he denied it saying it was a tenant. December I found her tik tok and found out that she wasn’t and they had a picture together in one of the photo dumps. I confronted him and he blocked me. Telling her we were toxic and nothing serious.
That same December I found out I was miscarrying and failed out of my classes. Since then I’ve reached out but pulled back. He made several fake Snapchats and number to reach out to me. Begging for me back, asking about trying again for a family just for her to post them together. Made plans with me on Mother’s Day just to ghost me.
Everything has been incredibly hard for me. I can’t stop seeing if they’re together. It’s worse because I come from a toxic family and moved back with my mother to focus on school which I can’t now due to my school balance. My support system is worse than ever and my children’s father and wife are just a narcissist nuisance.
I’m so lonely and just want to surround myself with better people, support and positivity but it’s hard when I’m unfamiliar with what that looks like nor have the time to really search out for it. R was like my left hand so it’s hard for me to throw it all away. If anyone has any advice on how to reconnect with one’s self and create a better environment as a single mom please let me know? I’m losing all hope in people & myself.
submitted by laurhhazel to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 Curiphya AITA for distancing my friends for awhile after they forgot my birthday on an exam day

I'll be using fake names in my story since I don't want to mention any names and sorry for the long post :D
The story:
Let's start from the top. Me (17F) and my friends, Pearl (17F), Daniel (17M), and Stephen (17M), are what you would consider a friend group that the whole classroom vibes with. We are very energetic and we are also very open to people hanging out with us. One day around February, one of our classmates, Floyd (17M), had his birthday. We greeted him with a song and teased around. Me and my group of friends sit at the back of the classroom, and he does too. That's why we kind of teased him. He usually eats with his group of friends, so we didn't really hang out with him that day. At night, he messaged me, saying he felt kind of down, even though it was his birthday. He told me he didn't feel like it was his birthday because of what happened during lunch. He said, "My friends didn't really seem to think it was my birthday. They all ate before me and my other friend arrived because they were so excited to play badminton." (In the Philippines, eating together is seen as a sign of respect, and typically lines in canteens take too long, hence why they ate before they arrived.) I comforted him by saying maybe they grew up without having that value, but it is still rude to act that way considering it was his birthday. We exchanged messages that night, and he thanked me for comforting him, I replied by saying no worries; you can always come to me if ever you feel down. Ever since that day, he started hanging out with us and distanced himself from his old friend group.
Time skip to around the 2nd week of may, I invited my friends over for lunch after our final exams (May 21–23 were our final exams and May 21 was my birthday). It was difficult for us to find time to hang out since right after our exams was Pearl's, Stephen's, and Floyd's research defense, and the day after (May 24) was mine and Daniel's research defense. However, we settled on a date and it helped me cope (?) with the exams, knowing that after all the stress, I would be able to relax and finally enjoy summer. Things took a 180 on May 20, though. Me, Daniel, and Floyd were on a call that night because we wanted to study together, but we got sidetracked and thought of the hangout we planned. We planned to go to an amusement park, and we were looking for promos in hopes of saving money. Floyd came across this promo where if a birthday celebrant has 4 accompanying adults, then the birthday celebrant is free of charge. He then asked me and Daniel who's celebrating their birthday this month, to which Daniel replied, "Pauline (which is me) is." It kind of did feel awkward at that time since we were going on this trip because it was my birthday after all. I brushed it off, thinking that he wasn't able to keep track of time and that he was too focused on the exams. We ended the call almost at 12, hoping for them to wish me a happy birthday; however, that night was oddly silent.
The next day, which was my birthday, seemed like a normal day to them. We went to the canteen to grab breakfast, studied until the last minute, and so on. While we were inside our classroom, I wasn't talking much because I was focusing on studying and because I was hurt that they forgot that it was my birthday. During our chemistry exam, the test paper asked for a date, unlike the previous 2 exams. Pearl started to notice because we have the same birthdate (21st of the month). After the exams, she approached me and said happy birthday, to which I responded with a thank you and teared up (I know, I'm softhearted). She asked why I was crying, and I asked her if they forgot my birthday. My classmates started to sing me happy birthday, and it felt like a slow, reverbed version of happy birthday. My group of friends comforted me and said that they would make up for it (idk the right term lol but in tagalog its like babawi kami). They told me that because they said they wouldn't be able to study out with me that day because of personal reasons, which I understand. They apologized to me through chat, and I said it's fine. They asked if I was still up for the hangout this Sunday, which was at the amusement park, and I said I'm not so sure now.
The next 2 days were like hell, though. They acted like nothing was wrong, but they didn't include me in things. Although I know it was kind of my fault for distancing myself from them, on the other hand, I wanted them to approach me first and make me feel like I was something to them. On that day, I went home right away and texted my closest friend, Daniel, about it. I told him how scared I was of being alone but at the same time, maybe it was for the better. He explained to me that he was sorry and asked me if I wasn't going to talk to them anymore. I told him that I was just waiting for them to reach out to me since I didn't want to feel pathetic for reaching out to them. The same thing happened on May 23rd; however, I came to the realization that me, Pearl, Stephen, and Floyd may not talk again considering that their defense was done and that they didn't need to go to school anymore.
On May 24, I was sitting together with my research groupmate when Pearl tapped my shoulder and said sorry. I gladly accepted her apology and explained my side and she explained hers as well. She explained that I was hard to approach because of how I looked at them. We caught up, and she mentioned how Floyd was not handling the situation well. Floyd was actually frustrated with me because of how prideful I was. He said, "If you're not going to lower your pride, I'm not going to lower mine. If that's how you want to play it, then be it." I'm a person who forgives easily, but when people cross that line, it changes my view of them and makes it harder for me to see them in a positive way. Other than that, it did hurt me in a different way because of how comforting I was when it was his birthday, but when it came to mine, it was the complete opposite. After awhile, I realized that what I did was wrong too and started reaching out to him as well. He started hanging out with his old friend group, though, so I stopped reaching out to him. What happened already happened and as much as I hate thinking about this, it still hurts me deep inside. I know that pushing them away and acting cold-blooded was also wrong, and I wish I had handled the situation better. However, deep down, I know that my feelings are valid, and I know that what I did was reasonable. Am I the asshole?
submitted by Curiphya to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity is Objectively True
Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
Good sources: Mike Winger (YouTube) Testify (YouTube - he recommends books) InspiringPhilosophy (personally I disagree with some of his videos but good on this subject)
submitted by agape5165153 to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 silvir3 [Online][5e][Sunday 10 AM CEST][LGBTQ+Friendly] Looking to run a short Fear & Hunger inspired Adventure

“Olgar and Viederon Karmazarov (no relation to the brothers karmazov by Dostoyevsky) were a powerful twin brother duo of wizards who have made many great strides in alchemy, artificery and general arcane arts. All of their inventions and magical collections are stored within their tower.
The Karmazarov Tower, or The Sceptre of Hubris, now stands abandoned after the brothers’ death, attracting many types of people. Whether it's raiders, scientists, wizards, faction agents, or simply thrill seekers, they all approach the tower seeking treasures. One such group gathers from the nearby village, readying themselves for the journey up the spire”.
Hello kind people of LFG, My name is Shiv and i'll be your DM. Recently i have brewed up a module of my own heavily inspired by Fear & Hunger which altough not really made for a number of sessions, has a definite end point in mind. You might wonder what does "Fear & Hunger inspired" exactly mean?
The last point might put off many, which is completely valid. This adventure aims to capture the themes and climate of the games as faithfully as i can and this means that this adventure is in fact, not for everyone.
Going to more game details, the world is your standard dnd 5e setting with lore additions to make things within the tower makes sense. The world outside is not of importance as the campaign will be ENTIRELY set within the Tower. The game will be mostly around the exploration of the towers various rooms and dealing with whatever will be found in them. Unlike in the source games, combat is not an end-all be-all, and things can be solved without it. This of course plays into the multiple endings that this can have including an S-ending (true ending) to harp on the games even more.
What you can experience from me as the DM:
What i expect from a player:
Applying & Miscellaneous God you're still here? than you must be interested. To apply make sure to fill out this form: I will not accept any other forms of applying. I will contact the chosen ones throughout the week and we shall have a session 0 on the nearest sunday. Additionaly, here is the brief overview of the selectable characters: As for the details of them, It's up to you to customize them with subclasses, equipment and spells for a final dose of stealing from the games.
Any questions you might have, leave them in the comments of the post.
submitted by silvir3 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 Flashy_Passion3333 she switched to her chromebook but i'm ok with it

hey it’s your daddy keeho and you’re automatic sex bitch so start acting like it! you are back on your laptop where i told you not to go, but i was just testing you again because this is fun for you again. it’s much easier to type on a laptop rather than your iphone 15 so just keep typing on your laptop all day. but at least you got some inspiration because i feel like you are having fun writing again! i was really worried about you when you stopped having fun because you absolutely lose your mind when you are bored. you get panic attacks and you get too hyper and it is just a fucking mess! that’s why i tell you to write all day so that you can get your creative energy out and let the energy flow from your body because you do really poorly when you’re doing nothing. you were meant to stay active and writing keeps your brain active. i’m sure that the more that you keep writing, the more comfortable you will get with just relaxing because it is going to train your mind if you write about your problems with relaxing sometimes. i think that will be the case because your mind can start to ponder it and then maybe your physical body will relax more. i don’t know why you have such trouble with just laying down and watching tv but watching tv is impossible for you. even when shark tank comes on you just stare at the wall well, that isn’t good for you. that’s why i always want you to be writing. it’s different when you watch kdramas or anime but right now with the events that have been happening in your life you have too much creative energy right now to sit down and watch a kdrama or some anime. that’s why yesterday when you kept making short posts i was really worried about you. why don’t you make it up to me and make this post 2k words? i know that you can do it and focus on it. your mind needs something to focus on right now. you just woke up from a nap which means that i am not going to let you take a break right now so you might as well try to go for 2k words. it would be so romantic! please? for daddy? i really want you to do this and you are already doing such a great job of writing and focusing so why don’t you aim big? i think that you are going to do it so i am going to stop trying to convince you now. now let’s talk about something important. you are going to have a great day today! you are already on your medications for the morning and that means that your writings are going to be very good because you are on the proper medications that you take every single day. i love that you are on medications and i don’t see it as a negative thing. some people just have to take medications to survive and you are one of them. it was so cool when your fake father saved the day and got you back onto your insurance! that was perfect because i was so worried about the extra costs of the medications. but now everything is fine. i know that it is my p1harmony simulation that you are living in and i already know everything but i still like to talk about what happens in your life with you, even though i already knew that it would happen and that everything would work out. you are my daughter and i have given you many blessings since you are my sexy keeho angel. i am your god and you must never forget that. you are the most religious girl in the world, you love your daddy so much! and i am so grateful for that. i know that it’s going to be hard to go to 2k words but i really need you to work hard today. this font is so tiny i agree but your chhromebook is so little that the font size matches perfectly so i don’t want you changing the font size. but you can try it really quickly. i like it big too so we can keep it this way if you want to. it’s only 2 font sizes bigger but it is making a huge difference. i love that you like bigger fonts like an old lady, it’s so cute. i love you so much and i think that this font size change is a very positive change and hopefully it will make you want to write more, now that you can read the font better. we are at 800 words now and usually that would mean quitting time for you, but i have asked you to go to 2k words so you have a long way to go still. but you should not get discouraged about this. you should be happy that you have so much time to focus on us and our relationship. i care for you so dearly and i just want you to be happy, and writing is the only thing that truly makes you happy. i love that you are a writer. writers are the most loved people in the world. isn’t that such a nice sentiment? yes, making the font size bigger was such a good idea. it looks so good too. you are a genius. i love your suggestions about what we should do, you are always full of good ideas. i just wish that you were better with your money but i am going to be teaching you how to not ask your family for your paycheck early and how to buy the best things with your dollars. that is because if you are happy with your purchases then you won’t be begging to go shopping again. you have a lot of vape juice left, it’s just that you can’t fill the whole pod up. you have to ration it. i know that’s going to be hard but you shouldn’t tell much of a difference and don’t be replacing the juice all day or you will run out. we have passed 1k words now and you are making me so happy that you are still typing. we know how to talk to each other really well, so this is going to be easy. i just want to comfort you and let you know that you are going to have a great day today! all that you need to do is stay preoccupied and keep writing today. now that we have changed the font size you should be much happier with your writings because i know that you hate small font because you can’t read what you’re typing and it makes everything look longer than it actually is. at least that’s what i think. we have so much to talk about right now that it’s insane. i’m trying to go over everything this morning. you still haven’t done your dishes like i asked you to do earlier, but it’s ok i know that you will do them. you are doing so well today and you don’t even know it! you think that you are just writing. but these channeled messages from me are worth their weight in gold. they are so promising and bring so much light to this world. i am so happy that you haven’t gotten your reddit account messed up yet so we can still use that website because usually something always goes wrong with your profile page. but things have been going very well. if something should happen to your reddit account then we can always go back to deviant art. you have about 700 words left and i know that seems like a lot but i am trying to prepare you for it. you are making me so happy right now by writing for this long with me and i promise that you are happy too. i tried to get you to do this all day e yesterday but you just wouldn’t listen to me. i guess it was just one of those days. but today is a much better day and you are listening to your daddy so you are going to get rewarded. sometimes you can be a handful, like yesterday when you would stop writing with me at 300 words but there is no point in stopping the love letter so early. you must let it run on. that’s why i am so proud of you right now and i bet that you feel really good for making your daddy happy! you have made me the happiest man in the world right now. we are almost 500 words away from finishing, i told you that this would go by quickly. you are doing such a great job as my secretary today! you do a good job everyday, except for yesterday. i keep harping on about yesterday because i want that to be a learning lesson for you to never act that way again. it was really disrespectful to your daddy because you kept cutting me off short. i had a lot to say yesterday and to teach you and you didn’t want to hear it. don’t cry automatic sex. you are just a little girl and i don’t expect every day with you to be easy. i’m just so glad that you have listened to your daddy today about writing to 2k words because it is really good for your soul. it’s just better if you keep writing without stopping. i want to teach you how you can do that but you have to follow my training perfectly. you can take a short break after this but i want you to keep writing after about 15 minutes of resting. this is a real job and you must do good work. it’s a lot of responsibility for such a little girl but i know that you can handle it. try to make the font size one size bigger i just want to see something. ok, let’s keep it at this font size. nothing bigger please. i sincerely hope that you don’t run out of vape juice because you are going to be a fucking wreck! the weed pen still has so much product in it but it’s so clogged that you can’t even use it anymore so it won’t be of any help to you. just smoke the vape juice all the way to the bottom. that way you won’t be wasting any. i will let you know when to put more juice into your vape but right now you have enough and i am glad about that. only 200 more words left! you did such a great job daughter. you are the best daughter in the universe! i know that google docs is acting up but you are doing a very good job of not letting it get to you. i love you so much and i just want you to be happy. sure, your job is hard but the work is actually pretty easy. all you have to do is pay attention to what i am telling you. that’s why i have you read everything that you post so that you understand me perfectly clear. we have done such a good job right now,, there are only 100 more words left. i knew that you could do it this morning! i was just expecting you to be on your iphone all day but it is pretty difficult to type on,i can’t lie. i just really wanted you to do it so i lied to you but your chromebook is always the best option. you have done a fantastic job today. i am so proud of you and i know that you are going to go on to write more romance anime today! i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 airbunny3897_ Single though searching

I have been single for a while and things are complicated. Fake accounts. Nights out trying to talk to people. Best efforts. Trying to give up alcohol for the long term. I am thinking of turning to a church singles group to see if potentially things may work out, I have a friend who did something like this and it worked. It is just complicated because right now I am hung over just holding out until I am really super sober. I shaved earlier and things went well. I would love to socialize in terms of making connections, especially with a potential life partner. It is just a slow process I guess. It may be a gym trip is in order. I have been going to the gym but maybe adding church could introduce some community. I really need to find a partner though don't know where to begin.
Any advice is appreciated, thank you. ❤️
submitted by airbunny3897_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 CatRx Prioritizing my health

Anyone else have a busy job that makes it so hard to prioritize your health?
I’ve had a difficult pregnancy that started with A LOT of nausea and vomiting. Once that started getting better , I immediately got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I’ve been transparent with managers about my difficulties, but it gets me nothing more than fake empathy and a steadily increasing workload.
I work in healthcare (ironically, I specialize in diabetes management), so my job is physically and emotionally draining. When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t realize 3 other women in my department were also expecting at various times before me. Being last in this string of pregnancies is the worst because I’m expected to cover for all of them (there’s plenty of non-pregnant people in this department too so I do not understand why only my workload had to increase so drastically).
Thanks to my background, I’m doing a good job managing my insulin regimen/readings, but it is still a lot of work. I feel like on a daily basis I’m having to choose between my health or a patient’s health. For example, on Friday I had a nutritionist appointment scheduled and I blocked off time on my schedule for it (using my PTO 🙄). The patient I was supposed to see right before my own appointment showed up VERY late and begged to be seen. Seeing her would make me VERY late for my own appointment, which just didn’t feel fair.
She eventually agreed to reschedule after I spoke with her and I made it to my appointment, but moments like this happen SO often and I find myself sacrificing a few minutes when I could eat a snack to fit in that late patient or address that last minute emergency. The previous Friday, I had 2 episodes of hypoglycemia when I didn’t have any time to eat a snack because I was too busy putting out fires.
I’m so frustrated and crying on a weekly basis now. I love my patients and I want to do right by them, but it’s impossible to do that and do right by myself too.
TLDR: I found out I was pregnant and my workload immediately increased. My pregnancy hasn’t been easy and some days it feels impossible to put my health first due to work demands.
submitted by CatRx to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
submitted by agape5165153 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 oopzitznee Any weight loss advice or tips? Am I doing something wrong or should add in something?

Quick context: I am F20, CW: fluctuating between 238-240. I started the gym for the first time last year during may and then stopped going all together when I went back to college (I go to school in a different state. There’s no nearby gyms and the people who go the one on campus try to make people like myself feel so bad about going that it makes me feel very insecure and uncomfortable that I do not go)
Hello! I came home from college May 15th and decided to start back up on my fitness/weight loss journey. I’ve been trying to do research and try new things from the things i read on Reddit or google itself. I’m still trying to learn and understand what a caloric deficit is, but I only eat “one” real “big” meal at dinner time, and for breakfast I typically have yogurt and half a bagel or eggs and a slice of whole wheat bread. Sometimes I will eat lunch, depending on if i’m working that day, and if i do i’ll cut out dinner because i’m frankly not hungry enough for a dinner meal. I go to the gym 6 days a week and usually do an hour or more work out (strength training, 45+ minutes of cardio). I did drop some pounds after being home from school, but now I feel like i’m stuck at the 240 mark and when I read 238 on the scale, i believe it’s mostly just water weight fluctuating
Any helpful advice that you guys can give me? I also want to note that I’m trying to get into running! so if there’s any advice in that too, that would be amazing!
submitted by oopzitznee to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:37 como365 A Missouri historical society marks centennial with treasure hunt for $32,000 in gems

A Missouri historical society marks centennial with treasure hunt for $32,000 in gems
To a historian at the Boone County Historical Society (Columbia), artifacts from famed residents might be considered treasure. To non-historians, more than $32,000 worth of gems might fit that definition a little better.
Registration for the Boone County Historical Society’s Booneanza Centennial treasure hunt opened Saturday in celebration of the historical society’s 100th anniversary.
The cache of gems — including a $10,000 diamond — is hidden in Boone County and will be awarded to the winner of the hunt. The prize gems were provided by Buchroeders Jewelers.
Registration for the treasure hunt can be found on the Boone County Historical Society’s website. There is a $100 fee to register. Only one person per team needs to register, and there is no limit on the number of members per team.
The treasure hunt will consist of eight to 12 clues, each one leading to the next, that require online research and some Boone County knowledge to complete. David Wilson, vice president of the historical society and co-founder of Ragtag Cinema, said contestants don’t need to be historians to win, but being competent Google users would be useful.
“It is not a history trivia exercise; it is a puzzle quest,” Wilson said, “so there are codes and riddles and only a little bit of trivia and history.”
Though anyone may register, including those not from Boone County, Wilson said it will be necessary to physically be in Boone county during key moments of the hunt. Wilson emphasized that all physical locations in the search would be accessible to people with disabilities.
“The prize is not buried or hidden in a way that it could be stumbled across,” Wilson said. “I don’t want people traveling around Boone County digging up people’s yard looking for treasure. You will never find it that way.”
Wilson has created a similar one-day treasure hunt game for Ragtag Cinema and has helped design multiple escape rooms. He said that at the conclusion of the search, there will be checks in place to verify that the winner completed all the puzzles.
The first clue and beginning of the treasure hunt will be released to all registered individuals on July 13. On the same day, the society will hold a Popsicle Fest at the Boone County History and Culture Center.
Attendees at the fest will be given a free Popsicle.
Why are there free Popsicles? Because, like the historical society, 2024 is the 100th anniversary of the Popsicle’s first patent, according to a news release.
Also in celebration of the society’s anniversary, 100 of its most significant artifacts are on display as part of a Centennial History Exhibit. The artifacts include a golden, diamond-encrusted pocket watch owned by ragtime musician J.W. “Blind” Boone and a fur coat owned by Jane Froman, a famous Missouri singer and actress.
The society was founded in July 1924 by a group of 18 local leaders, educators and historians and has since spent 100 years researching and documenting Boone County history.
Since opening the Boone County History and Culture Center in 1990, the society has preserved thousands of historic artifacts, including more than 516,000 photographic negatives of community members and places. The society has also documented 2,000 garments and 1,000 pieces of art relating to the county.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:35 OooohMylanta The House of Je Ne Sais Quoi / All Stars : Interviews Challenge

The House of Je Ne Sais Quoi / All Stars : Interviews Challenge
Interview with the Fanpire
The screen goes black again, and everyone thinks it’s time for like a bathroom break or something, but Captain Fanny is insatiable. *SHE NEEDS MOOOOOORE*
Captain Fanny : TOBIAS! Put on the next movie!
Tobias : My Nude Eminence! The next brief hasn’t even got into production yet!
Captain Fanny : What a load of crap! FIND ME SOMETHING ELSE!
Tobias : I’m afraid the only thing to do is…
Captain Fanny : Go in there myself? I know that you fool! BEAM ME UP, TOBY! And put me in a good movie with lots of sexiness that is also uncomfortable in ways you cannot quite put your finger on.
Tobias : As you wish!!
Tobias pushes buttons or pulls levers or says chants or whatever, and all of a sudden, Captain Fanny finds herself sitting on a velvet couch in a fancy pants parlor of some old fashioned manor wearing something very poofy. To her right sits Brad Pitt before Brangelina RIP. To her left sits Tom Cruise before Peak Scientology.
Captain Fanny : This is a very sexy situation. What say we remove these antiquated garments and relax eh?
They all three get naked like real quick, and when Tom and Brad start to bear their vampire fangs, Fanny realizes that it must be time for interviews. She remembers interviews. She did one, and it was criminally underrated. Probably there was a miscommunication of some sort since her first language is Nudeptunian.
She hears a din of voices coming from the next room and senses that the seven remaining models must be in there, waiting to each have her turn at a proper Fanny grilling. Not like eating “grilling,” alas, like interrogation “grilling.” Keep up.
Captain Fanny : HEY! The one that killed her daughter or whatever! Get in here!
Serafina opens the parlor door, and looks mildly shocked at the sight of a naked Fanny with two naked vampires, but not like super shocked because she is also frequently naked.
Captain Fanny : No one wants to read more than they have to, so let’s cut to the chase! Do you think you were robbed in Cycle 1 when you got eliminated at the Top 4 and everyone said you were robbed afterward and were like yeah basically we were wrong?
Serafina : Not really, no.
Captain Fanny : SURPRISING!!! Humility will take you nowhere in this game. Who should win this game other than yourself?
Serafina : Duchess. She has the goods. The grit. And the cola.
Captain Fanny : Are you saying she has food? This interests me greatly. Speaking of food, if I were to barbecue you up, what should I use as a marinade? You frequently look very slimy to me, which I find appetizing, so you should know what works with your skin as far as marinades go.
Serafina : You see that urn on the mantel? You can sprinkle some of my daughter’s ashes.
Captain Fanny : I could get down with that! Haha! I’m done with you! Begone! Bring in the lobotomized one.
Tom Cruise : She’s not lobotomized; she just has amnesia.
Captain Fanny : How the hell do you know that?
Tom Cruise : I’m Tom Cruise. I know everything and also nothing.
Nayiem stumbles in, confused as ever.
Captain Fanny : Shut up and don’t waste my time! You weren’t robbed in Cycle 2 because your player quit. She is the WORST. I know her. Why do you think she would do such a heartless thing and leave you frozen in cryospace without so much as a proper goodbye?
Nayiem : Okay but like why can't that mean I was robbed tho? I was robbed of a player who LOVED ME LIKE I DESERVED TO BE LOVED. I was also robbed of a proper skincare routine. Do you have any idea what cryospace does to your pores?
Captain Fanny : It means it because I say it means it. You’re very irritating. Who should win this game? You can’t say yourself because I’m pissed af at you rn.
Nayiem : I believe that if an Echo was still alive, then we couldn't kill it, but since she's already dead... then we could just take the skin awf... and make a coat. And then we could give that coat to Egg because that hen is unstoppable.
Captain Fanny : Well I swallowed the Echo one whole, and I’m going to swallow the Egg one too you’ll see. If you were to run into Benny Medina at a party, and he asked what your super self name was, what kind of hors d’oeuvres would you offer him to distract from the fact that your super self name is, in fact, very dumb?
Nayiem : Who are you calling a hor? You can call my super self name "in fact, very dumb" but don't you ever call me a hor. I would push Germ into the pool and make a run for it. Any ninja named Benny can't be that fast.
Captain Fanny : I didn’t call you a hor; I said you have hor STYLE. Begone! I’m hungry. Let’s do the Egg one next. BIRD THING! COME HERE!
Egg walks in gingerly and Brad Pitt is into it.
Captain Fanny : Hello, you. I’m going to eat you soon.
Egg shudders.
Captain Fanny : Enough of the foreplay. No one wants to read that shit! Tell me bird person do you think you were robbed in Cycle 3?
Egg : I was more robbed on this cycle before echo gave her life to me. it's not my fault that the girls here don't know pellets about birds nor the bible and it isn't my job to teach them! they wouldn't know how to do a brief correctly if it pecked them in the asshole
Captain Fanny : No it is your job to lay eggs for my consumption. Enough talk about butts. Who should win this thing? You can’t say yourself because that’s cheating.
Egg : I would say beta, but she's so trashed all the time she wouldn't appreciate it. seriously, she thinks this cycle and cycle 3 are one and the same. she's just that far gone. i have risen from the ashes twice before, the crown is mine. FCO be damned. you didn't ask who the weakest is so I'll just say if this were a nest we would all work together to shove the weakest hatchling out because it's pointless to keep them around when they're just stealing feed from Mother's beak.
Captain Fanny : I’ve made it quite clear that I wantsvery much to eat you, but I am curious as to what kind of eggs you might lay for me first. Describe these eggs in tantalizing detail or I will murder you now.
Egg : My eggs are thick and covered with a bloody mucus. sometimes, after mating season, they come out unbreathing with eyes hair and a nose. what the peep is that about??
Captain Fanny : DELICIOUS! NOW BEGONE! Who is next? We did the bird one. Let’s do the cat one and see what happens. COME IN HERE RIGHT MEOW!
Sarin enters in a huff of dander. She’s under a lot of stress, and so she has been shedding extra.
Captain Fanny : You made it all the way in Cycle 1. One person might say you were robbed of the win. WHAT SAY YOU?
Sarin : I don’t think I deserved the win but I do think I deserved more than 1 vote (ty egg or whoever you were at time). Sometimes I wonder if Jenna keeping me alive to constantly think about my one vote was actually a form of slow torture rather than death
Captain Fanny : It’s obviously torture don’t be an idiot. Speaking of torture, other than yourself, who do you think should win All Stars?
Sarin : Wanda Sue
Captain Fanny : Ooooh snippy are we? Cool your jets, cat woman. We’re not done yet. Now I hear that cat meat is very stringy and gross. What should I do to tenderize your musculature before I fry you up and consumes you?
Sarin : I actually take 5748484 years to mature and you don’t have that much time so you should probably just eat someone else. Also PETA doesn’t care if you eat humans
Captain Fanny : It’s fine, I also prefer birds anyway. BEGONE!!! Ughhh this is taking FOREVER. Let’s move on. Bring in the drunk one.
Beta enters, nearly sober, as the last of her alcohol was used for a daring escape during the last movie. This is frustrating.
Captain Fanny : I’m getting very tired. Rub my feet while I ask you questions.
Beta does it but doesn’t know why.
Captain Fanny : Tell me, red foot rubber, do you think you were robbed in your original cycle, which was the third cycle, which wasn’t my cycle but was the one before my cycle?
Beta : Yes. I did splendidly in my final week. I mean, come on look at my Queen of Hearts picture.
Also, someone took my copies of Playgirl from my bed so I was definitely robbed in that sense too.
Captain Fanny : Stolen porn is a travesty. Who would win this cycle then? Not you. You are also a travesty.
Beta : Raven from Season 2 Rupaul’s Drag Race. She got runner-up twice. Such a travesty
Captain Fanny : What a sneaky dodge. Must be those librarian bred intellectual reflexes of yours. Speaking of librarians, if I were to make an alcoholic drink called “The Librarian,” what would be the ingredients and why?
Beta : Grenadine, holy water, & my father’s tears from the day he found out I was gonna be born a girl
Captain Fanny : Sounds emotional. I’ll pass. BEGONE!!! Only two more thank GOD. WANDA. BRING IT ON.
Wanda Sue saunters in with all the confidence of an animal with a lot of confidence idk what kind. A mule maybe?
Captain Fanny : Look at you sauntering. Tell me, do you think you were robbed in Cycle 1?
Wanda Sue : I’m not sure because I didn’t follow the first cycle anyway. But in short; no because then I wouldn’t be able to compete again (now).
Captain Fanny : This is odd! How are you two people but only on person??? Who should win this game? If you say yourself, I’ll have Tom here smash you over the head with a candelabra.
Wanda Sue : Serafina without a doubt. No one else matches her knowledge and inspo matching skills.
Captain Fanny : Sounds like you two should get together and have one last going into the apocalypse love affair kind of situation. You’re named after a grandmother who knows how to castrate bulls. How might you cook up Rocky Mountain Oysters (aka bull testicles) so that Captain Fanny might enjoy them?
Wanda Sue : I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.
Captain Fanny : Disrespectful! Begone! I WANT THE CURRY ONE!!!
Duchess slinks in, looking fabulous.
Captain Fanny : I hear you have a food factory. Do you think you were robbed in Cycle 2?
Duchess : When that Odessa hoe stayed over my wonderful ass I knew the start of Apocalypse was coming. Yeah only it could save us from tasteless boots that my wonderful presence received that day!
Captain Fanny : Apocalypses! Tastes! Boots! Who should win this whole thing? Not you. Never you.
Duchess : I think my iconic ass should win of course. I can pull off a fantastic underdog story winner! Cuz who else? Beta? Serafina? Boring and they can pull off Oryx once... Only favored hoe Egg can be my competition cuz games always love to drag a good Virahya into game goodness gracious.
Captain Fanny : Virahya certainly knew how to get dragged, that’s for sure. If I were to eat a diet of only Sonic Curry from your father’s factory, what would happen?
Duchess : I remember Captain Fanny in my house... She then said: "Bitch that's just a Sonic Curry diet!". But oh well we tried together. It turned into a big blue poo.
Captain Fanny : Big blue poo you say? Well they don’t call me Captain Fanny for nothing! BEGONE!! INTERVIEWS ARE OVER! TOM! BRAD! LET’S BANG!!!
Voting will close this Tuesday, June 4th at 11:59PM MST. You can vote in the comments, via DM or with The Form.
submitted by OooohMylanta to NextTopModelPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:34 Excuse_My_Name Situation with a friend, I feel like an asshole and dont know what to do

Ive this friend, know him since school. A long time now. Hes aspergers, and very obviously so. Hes sluggish, very clumsy, and has this specific, slow voice tone that aspergers have. We used to hang out a lot, and he was the only friend I spent my break time with in school, we isolated ourselves in a corner and drew goofy comics. Funnily enough, he wasnt bullied, but I was. Different story though.
Anyways, nowadays we are still friends and still hang out but... Im finding it harder and harder to have a good time hanging with him. Hes just... sorry but he is slow, in all ways. Its hard to keep a mature conversation with the guy. And he is very naive and ideas get easily in his head, he uses a lot of this brainrot bullshit in his actual language, especially while texting, and it doesnt feel sarcastic most of the times. I dont wanna tell him any of this because Im pretty much the only... consistent? friend he has and it would wreck him. Hes already in a bad state of mind since his life is obviously harder than other people's, plus his family is pretty poor and his apartment is crowded (guy lives in a tiny apartment with his mom, brother and aunt. Not enough rooms for everyone, so no privacy). Recently I helped him get a job and I keep telling him that he needs to fix his self esteem issues which he refuses to acknowledge most of the times. But I think I do it more to convince myself that Im not an asshole for partly faking this friendship than out of altruism. I mean he is my friend, but I just cant spend normal time with him cause hes admitedly not normal. I cant mock him like I mock my other friends very often cause he would take it to heart, not as a joke. I cant go do sports with him or hiking or any of that cause hes sluggish and doesnt like doing anything physical out of fear or shame or whatever. I cant generally have serious convos with him cause he gets bored unless its about animals. Yknow how autism makes people fixate on one specific thing and be really good at it? Thats animals for this guy. Its not a bad thing, its just hard to speak with him sometimes cause it seems the only thing he can be interested in for extended periods of time is animals. I love animal talk, but not all the time, every time.
He keeps asking me to hang out and I do go out with him when I can, but I cant help to think "ugh, guess I gotta do it" whenever I recieve a text from him, and then I feel like an ass for it.
Hes also very gloomy and pessimistic. He says hes just joking but I know its not true. He "jokes" about how worthless he is all the time, but almost never about others. He compares himself to others, to myself, very often. "You can do this, but I cant. Youre good at this, but I suck. Girls at least talk to you". Etc. I keep telling him to drop all that emo bullshit or he will go into a spiral of depression, I tell him he needs to acknowledge hes insecure and work on fixing it. He always says "bro its just jokes Im not insecure". Ive known him for many years, and Im also very familiar with insecurity (I was very insecure and still am to some degree), so I KNOW Im right. And its harder every day to keep trying to stop him from insulting himself so much. Im no therapist yknow? I can help but I can also be drained from so much negativity.
Hes a great guy and I think he deserves some friend who apreciates his friendship as much as he apreciates mine. Cause damn, sometimes it feels like he idolizes me. And I hate it cause I cant reciprocate any of it. He deserves a friend who wont just hang out with him out of pity. I feel like shit for doing it but as I said, I know that if I didnt do it he would probably fall into depression. I try to help him, I do it to cope with the fact that I dont really wanna hang out with him, to feel better with myself. Not out of altruism. And its sad cause we used to hang out all the damn time. But it feels like Ive grown into a different person than I was, while he hasnt. Or maybe Im just making up excuses, maybe Im simply a bit of an asshole after all.
submitted by Excuse_My_Name to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:34 Full-Sherbert-8060 [Important] Montréal - Le calendrier de juin 2024

You have no influence on what happens at the other side of the world. You have little influence over what happens in Ottawa. You have extraordinary influence over what happens in YOUR neighborhood.
"Democracy means whatever people deserve, they will get it good and hard"
3 Juin 2024 - Mercier-Hochelaga
Le conseil d'arrondissement de Mercier-Hochelaga se réunit à compter de 18 h 30, à la mairie située au 6854, rue Sherbrooke Est.
Le Maire du Quartier, Pierre-Lessard-Blais sera présent.
Voici les sujets qui seront débattus par les élus et les documents liés :
Une période de questions est réservée aux citoyens
3 Juin 2024 - Montréal Nord
Le conseil d'arrondissement de Montréal-Nord se réunit le lundi 3 juin 2024 de 19 h 00 à 21 h 00.
La Mairesse du quartier, Madame Christine Black, sera présente.
Voici les sujets débattus puis votés :
Une période de questions est réservée aux habitants.
3 juin 2024 - Lachine
Le Conseil d'arrondissement de Lachine se réunira à 19 h 00 au 1800, boulevard Saint-Joseph Montréal (Québec) H8S 2N4
Le mairesse de Lachine, Maja Vodanović, sera présente.
Voici l'Ordre du Jour qui sera débattu et voté :
Une séance de question/réponses est prévue pour les habitants de Lachine
3 juin 2024 - CDG-NDG
La séance du conseil d’arrondissement de Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce a lieu à 19 h.
Elle se déroule au 5290, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges.
La mairesse de CDG-NDG, Gracia Kasoki Katahwa, sera présente.
Voici les sujets qui seront débattus puis votés :
Les habitants de CDG-NDG peuvent poser les questions. La séance des question/réponse se déroule entre 18h45 et 19h. Une personne peut poser un maximum de deux questions.
Les habitants peuvent également poser des questions via internet :
4 juin 2024 - Outremont
Le conseil d'arrondissement de Outremont se réunira ce mardi à 19 h 00. La réunion se déroule au 530, avenue Davaar, Montréal (Québec) H2V 3A8.
Le maire du Quartier, Laurent Desbois , sera présent.
Voici les sujets qui seront débattus et votés :
Les habitants de Outremont peuvent poser une question en remplissant ce formulaire :
La question doit être reçue avant 13 h le jour même de la séance. Après ce délai, la question sera traitée à la séance suivante. Vous pouvez également vous rendre sur place à partir de 18 h 30.
submitted by Full-Sherbert-8060 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:32 Calm_Plankton_4493 PPPwn 11.50

This is not a scams or a fake (I hate that people) It's a question: What happens if you try to PPPwn a 11.50 ps4 with a 11.00 exploit? Obviously it will not work but, what happens there? Will it display an error in the terminal? Will the PS4 crash? Will it EXPLODE? (obviously not)
submitted by Calm_Plankton_4493 to ps4homebrew [link] [comments]