Poems with onomatopoeia in them

A guide to gaming in India

2012.02.28 11:59 CriticallyChallenged A guide to gaming in India

/IndianGaming — For discussions related to the Indian gaming scenario, from video games in general, how we procure them to how we play them. Pretty much anything in and around videogames and its intersection with India or Indian-ness.

2017.06.09 16:23 stuartpatten Birds Aren't Real

They used to be. Until the U.S. Government replaced them with drone replicas designed to spy on the American public. Founded in 1976.

2016.06.07 05:02 Old Photos In Real Life

Comparing past and present locations through photography.

2024.03.04 22:28 Conscious-Air4736 Bob Monday, 04-17-2023

New unit, new week! I'm really excited to dive into our poetry genre study over the next few weeks. We kicked it off today by building some background knowledge on the elements of poetry like rhyme, rhythm, figurative language, etc.
I knew this could be a dry, lecture-heavy lesson if I wasn't intentional, so I tried to make it as interactive and hands-on as possible. We did a fun "Poetic Pantomimes" activity where they had to act out different poetic techniques like alliteration, simile, or onomatopoeia after I randomly called them out. Lots of giggling ensued as they got into character bringing the concepts to life.
We also did an "It's Raining..." brainstorming activity to practice identifying and generating examples of imagery and sensory details. I loved hearing their creative descriptions of rain like "nature's waterfall" or "a million drummers tapping on the roof." Such a blossoming of imagination!
I have a hunch this unit is going to be a hit. Poetry lets students tap into their artistry and self-expression in such a unique way. With the right scaffolding and engagement, I think even my most reluctant writers may come around to embracing this unit.
Wednesday, April 19th
Huge sigh of relief—our upstairs neighbors are finally moving out this weekend after months of torturous heavy stomping and dropped bowling balls. Out of respect for their last days, I tried to keep things relatively calm and low-key in our class today.
We had a cozy author's study on the poetry of Naomi Shihab Nye. Her poems are so accessible yet profound, perfect for 5th graders to digest and connect with. I absolutely loved sharing the poem "Gate A-4" which is about noticing the humanity around us even in mundane spaces like an airport terminal.
You could have heard a pin drop as I read those opening lines—the kids were transfixed. When I finished, we had such a rich discussion about the imagery, the deeper meanings being conveyed, and personal connections they made to the poem's message. Even some of my typical zoners were totally engaged.
Afterwards, I gave them an creative prompt inspired by the poem. They had to pick a familiar, overlooked spot like a bus stop, waiting room, park bench, etc. and write their own poem noticing the details, actions, emotions, and individual stories unfolding in that space. Theroom was bubbling with brainstorming, pencils scratching away.
As I circulated, I was blown away by the care and thoughtfulness they put into their poetry drafts. Eduardo wrote an incredible perspective piece from the viewpoint of a weary bus driver. Kylie crafted vivid imagery of squirrels gathering nuts from a city park. Anna captured the full range of emotions in a doctor's waiting room with such insight. A few of them even asked to share out loud when their poems ended up longer than expected. My heart was full.
With classes like this, I'm reminded of why I became a teacher in the first place. To awaken curiosity. To celebrate creativity. To amplify youth voice. Today was special.
Friday, April 21st
Woof, what a crazy end to the week. I could feel the fiery antsyness in the air first thing this morning as kids trickled in from the unseasonably hot weather outside. Could spring fever already be hitting??
Our morning routine got a bit derailed right off the bat. We were supposed to do a number talk and number sense review, but I could NOT get students to focus and actually discuss the increasingly complex multiplication problems I was posting. Lots of squirming, zoning out, random giggles.
Finally gave up after Eddie and Kayden started tossing pencils back and forth while I was talking. I sent everyone back to their desks and tried a mindfulness reset chant. That helped a tiny bit, but you could cut the restless tension with a knife.
So in a split decision, I nixed my original plans and declared we were going to do some indoor outdoor exploration instead! A few cheers and confused looks at first, until I unveiled my nature enrichment bin full of rocks, leaves, seeds, pinecones and other natural artifacts from the park.
They went to town investigating, sorting, describing, and generally letting their scientific curiosity bloom for an hour. We did structured observations, brainstormed imaginative uses for different objects, and they even each selected and sketched their favorite specimen in their science notebooks.
At one point, I looked around and saw 22 kids completely absorbed, having ditched their bouncy, frantic energy from before. Even troublemakers like Liam and Jaden were engrossed cataloging their leaf rubbings and beetle observations. The change in energy was palpable.
In our afternoon debrief, I got honest that I'd scrapped plans due to their lack of focus. But instead of dwelling on the negatives, I praised how seamlessly they pivoted to our nature exploration and the exemplary engagement I witnessed. They beamed with pride at being flexible, observant scientists.
A few kids even asked if we could do more hands-on nature activities soon. Note to self: Order some insect viewing containers and field guides for the classroom! It's amazing what some dirt, leaves and pinecones can spark.
As I wrapped up dismissal duties, I felt grateful for my ability to read the room and adapt in those heated moments of chaos. Sticking to my plans would have been an uphill battle all afternoon. But tuning into their needs and restoring a sense of wonder helped get us back on track as a class community.
While not every Friday is as productive as I'd like, I'll take the wins where I can get them. We ended on a high note this week celebrating curiosity, observation skills, and each student's unique perspectives. With spring raging outside, maintahead!aining that spirit of joyful learning and flexibility will be key in the weeks ahead!
submitted by Conscious-Air4736 to SchoolFuel [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 21:11 AliciaWrites [TT] Theme Thursday - Glitch

“It’s the glitches and twists, I thought, that make this universe unique and compelling. Without flaws, there would be no depth, no substance.”

Happy Thursday writing friends!

This week we get to explore the irregularities of digital, and maybe even physical life! Good luck and good words!
[IP] [MP]


(These constraints are not required! If your story is better for not including them, please do what’s best for your work!)
Word of the Day: (5 pts)
fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.
Constraint: (10 pts)
Your story should include 5 onomatopoeias. Please bold your onomatopoeias and note at the end of your story how many you’ve included.

Here's how Theme Thursday works:

  • Use the tag [TT] when submitting prompts that match this week’s theme.
Theme Thursday Rules
  • Leave one story or poem between 100 and 500 words as a top-level comment. Use wordcounter.net to check your word count.
  • Deadline: 7:59 AM CST next Wednesday
  • No serials, established universes, or stories that have been written for another prompt or feature here on WP
  • No previously written content
  • Any stories not meeting these rules will be disqualified from rankings and will not be read at campfires
  • Does your story not fit the Theme Thursday rules? You can post your story as a [PI] with your work when the TT post is 3 days old!
  • Vote to help your favorites rise to the top of the ranks! I also post the form to submit votes for Theme Thursday winners on Discord every week! Join and get notified when the form is open for voting!
Try out the new genre tags!
Theme Thursday Discussion Section:
  • Discuss your thoughts on this week’s theme, or share your ideas for upcoming themes.
  • On Wednesdays we host Theme Thursday Campfire on the Discord voice lounge. Join us to read your story aloud, hear other stories, and have a blast discussing writing!
  • Time: I’ll be there 7 pm CST and we’ll begin within about 15 minutes.
  • Don’t forget to sign up for a campfire slot on discord. If you don’t sign up, you won’t be put into the pre-set order and we can’t accommodate any time constraints. We don’t want you to miss out on outstanding feedback, so get to discord and use that !TT command!
  • There’s a Theme Thursday role on the Discord server, so make sure you grab that so you’re notified of all Theme Thursday-related news!
As a reminder to all of you writing for Theme Thursday: the interpretation is completely up to you! I love to share my thoughts on what the theme makes me think of but you are by no means bound to these ideas! I love when writers step outside their comfort zones or think outside the box, so take all my thoughts with a grain of salt if you had something entirely different in mind.
(This week’s quote is from A.M. Jenkins)

Ranking Categories:

  • Word of the Day - 5 points
  • Bonus Constraint - 10 points
  • Weekly Challenge - 25 points for not using the theme word - points off for uses of synonyms. The point of this is to exercise setting a scene, description, and characters without leaning on the definition. Not meeting the spirit of this challenge only hurts you! This includes titles and explanations/author's notes.
  • Actionable Feedback - 15 points for each story you give detailed crit to, up to 30 points
  • Nominations - 10 points for each nomination your story receives
  • Ali’s Ranking - 50 points for first place, 40 points for second place, 30 points for third place, 20 points for fourth place, 10 points for fifth, plus regular nominations (On weeks that I participate, I do not weight my votes, but instead nominate just like everyone else.)
  • Voting - 10 points for submitting your favorites via this form (form will be open after the deadline has passed.)

Last week’s theme: Fracture

First by Ryter99 Second by Xacktar* Third by sevenseassaurus

Crit Superstars:*

News and Reminders:

  • Want to know how to rank on Theme Thursday? Check out my brand new wiki!
  • Join Discord to chat with prompters, authors, and readers!
  • We are currently looking for moderators! Apply to be a moderator any time!
  • Nominate your favorite WP authors for Spotlight and Hall of Fame!
submitted by AliciaWrites to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 04:07 tthemediator The Final Poem of the Hakuan Empire: A literary analysis and translation In Universe "Academic" Paper

The Final Poem of the Hakuan Empire

Lead by Estelan Mori-So, translated by Class 4 of the Ko Tark Branch

Brief historical context of the piece:
Beginning in the year 470, the death throes of the Hakuan Empire began. Known as the Descent Era, this roughly 80 year period began with the crowning of the boy-king Tashansaxw xwely Xytunchu as Hero-Emperor. It is also reckoned by the ascension of the infamous Keneka Tawi to her first position as a Temple Mother, marking an acceleration in her scientific endeavors. The disastrous rule of Tashansaxw, in concert with dissent from distant military generals, outside invasion, growing social unrest in the younger generation, and a sweeping graingrass plague all lead to a rapid decline in connectivity across the fledgling empire. By year 510, only the city of Haku itself and the surrounding Sul valley were under "Empire" control, as warlords in surrounding valleys had stopped paying tribute by this time. Within the next few years, the political machinations of Keneka Tawi led to the dethroning of Tachansaxw, who was replaced by Tawi's own young nephew, who was almost certainly a direct puppet of Tawi and her Temple-scholar elites.
Tawi herself had by this time ascended to the highest religious position in the city as Temple Grandmother. Reports of her scientific experimentation with the powerful and not-well-understood metal "Aukium" grow during this time, and an official investigation into reports of many hundred of servants disappearing from the Tawi household is begun. It is well documented that the former Emperor Tachansaxw was heavily involved in the funding of this investigation, though it is unclear if any evidence to support it came to light before the political structure of Haku fully collapsed in 536 with the year long siege of the city by unidentified invaders from the north. With the collapse of the city and the raiding of the Temple, multiple eyewitness accounts record that Keneka Tawi held the wide, spiraling main stairway alone for hours, invaders dying at her feet before coming within striking range. After many hours, she supposedly vanished into thin air, accompanied by a bright flash of light and crack of thunder. The city was sacked and de-populated. During this chaotic time period, the Temple of Haku swapped hands many times, and was used for many different purposes.
The following is a partial translation of the now-famous "Mad-man's Gospel", a series of markings found etched into the eastern wall of the Temple. This set of inscriptions is notable for its medium as a defacement of the original Sutlas, which are the all-encompassing scriptural text which is carved into the external walls of the temple. The Mad-man's Gospel was carved on top of these sacred writings after the abandonment in a haphazard script. These added carvings are the latest examples of Descent-Era Hakuan poetry that have been discovered, likely carved just before the siege of the northern invaders. The poems evoke the dark emotional state of the thousands of survivors who were now refugees in their own land.
It is of vital importance that this history is preserved, and we of Class 12 of the Ko Tark Branch of the Tark Unity College fervently call upon the educational guilds in the capital to continue funding of the Translator's Apparatus.
Added recognition is due to Teacher Mari-A-Mari Sana for her invaluable insight into Hakuan plaster chemistry during the casting process, and to Captain Wenniam Kells along with the entire crew of the Twisted Horizons for their expert navigation during the storm season.

[1] kw'ulhasyny shen kwu qesh laqweqy t'ylecheny;
[2] xwiqewa senyn kwu kyshkyneny,
[3] lywynwa xaxuts'ai xwiqekwukinwa xwiqewa kwu kehwi kyshsi,
[4] xwiqewa kixushiwy kwu kysht'ekesy,
[5] xwelkesy hekyhlainyn kwushhanhla xwiqewa ch'iqa qesh,
[6] tl'ykwaqy laqweqy kwikykasshy laqweshy wa.
[7] wysaxwihlynyqwash kwyshny wysakw'elqwash ny,
[8] wysakw'elqwash wawa halkylwa walq'anqen,
[9] qul kykwynyqwash,
[10] sanu t'yseqeqwash,
[11] sanu natsanqwash.
[12] se kikitsy xwiqétly qwys t'ynatsanny,
[13] qwys xalny;
[14] qul wylaqweqwash wykwyshwa kwu kwushsuch'e kun kwushxwy,
[15] kun hlexwytsaiwa shen sen kwu q'ushxwexw kwu tuly.
[16] kw'ulhasyny shen kwu qesh laqweqy t'ylecheny,
[17] kun tl'ykwaqy laqweqy kwikykasshy ny

[1] I feel It coming for us all;
[2] the shadow inside your eyelids,
[3] the whispers in your ear when the moment slows,
[4] the haze inside your homes.
[5] that pain we feel in the center of our chests,
[6] I know you feel it too.
[7] We fought It away for so long
[8] we fought this deep horror,
[9] but we have become battle-worn,
[10] we are so lonely,
[11] we are so tired.
[12] But It does not become tired,
[13] It does not rest;
[14] and now, as we feel our strength and our blood leave us,
[15] the hearts of all men turn and pierce themselves.
[16] I feel It coming for us all,
[17] and I know you feel it too.

(Line-by-line Gloss and Analysis)
For desktop, hold Shift and use the mousewheel to scroll horizontally to see the entire gloss tables.
Line [1]
"kw'ulhasyny shen kwu qesh laqweqy t'ylecheny"
"I feel It coming for us all"
kw'ulhasy -ny shen kwu qesh laqwe -qy t'y- leche -ny
kʷ'ul.ha.sə -nə ʃen kʷu qeʃ la.qʷɛ -qə t'ə- lɛ.tʃɛ -nə
against -3B.S all PL 1.ACC feel -1S HAB- come -3B.S
The Gospel begins and ends with this line. We see dramatic phrasing in the word, "kw'ulhasywa", a conjugated verb meaning "to come against us", such as in repeated waves of a battle, or in the rising of the tide. It connotes a constant pressure or attack. The writer must have seen the writing on the walls, so to speak, and predicted that the following years would be full of hardships. This poem utilizes the 3rd person, B-Tier pronouns to refer to "It", the dark force that has lead to the problems described in the piece. We are unsure if "It" refers to a previously unknown personage from Hakuan mythology, or if it simply acts as a placeholder for the general darkness of the era.

Line [2]
"xwiqewa senyn kwu kyshkyneny"
"the shadow inside your eyelids,"
xwiqe -wa senyn kwu kysh- kyneny
xʷi.qɛ -wa sɛ.nən kʷu kəʃ kə.nɛ.nə
inside -3INAN shadow PL 2S.GEN- eyelid
The writer here attempts to utilize poetic analogy to show how looming the political issues the city faces are, comparing them to a "shadow within one's eyelids". This phrase has not been seen in earlier poems recovered from the city, and we are excited to look further into its history and semantics. We have switched back to a 3rd person, Inanimate tier.

Line [3]
"lywynwa xaxuts'ai xwiqekwukinwa xwiqewa kwu kehwi kyshsi"
"the whispers in your ear when the moment slows,"
lywyn -wa xaxuts'ai xwiqekwukin -wa xwiqe -wa kwu kehwi kysh- si
lə.wən -wa xa.xu.ts'ai xʷi.qɛ.kʷu.kin -wa xʷi.qɛ -wa kʷu kɛ.hʷi kəʃ- si
slow -3INAN moment recent -3INAN inside -3INAN PL exhalation 2S.GEN- ear
We see here some wonderful vocabulary in words like "kehwi", "xaxuts'ai", and "lywyn"; meaning "breath" or "exhalation", "moment", and "to slow". This line connotes a slow decline, and has an almost "creepy" feeling to it. "kehwi" is a word used mostly for shallow breaths, small puffs of air, or for faint whispers.

Line [4]
"xwiqewa kixushiwy kwu kysht'ekesy"
"the haze inside your homes,"
xwiqe -wa kixushiwy kwu kysh- t'ekesy
xʷi.qɛ -wa ki.xu.ʃi.wə kʷu kəʃ- t'ɛ.kɛ.sə
inside -3INAN fog PL 2S.GEN- home
Obviously the tensions of the empire reached into every home in the valley, affecting the mental states and daily lives of thousands of innocent civilians. The writer here compares this constant tension to "kixushiwy" or "fog". During the winter months, the Sul Valley was often subject to rolling fog banks that cross the coastal hills and spill into the main valley. These dense clouds would sit in the low lying areas of the valley for days at a time, intensifying in the pre-dawn. Fog was a major source of water, and evidence of mist-catchers is well documented.

Line [5]
"xwelkesy hekyhlainyn kyshhanhla xwiqewa ch'iqa qesh"
"that pain we feel in the center of your chest,"
xwelkesy hekyhlainyn kwush- hanhla xwiqe -wa ch'iqa qesh
xʷɛl.kɛ.sə hɛ.kə.ɬai.nən kʷuʃ- han.ɬa xʷi.qɛ -wa tʃi.qa qɛʃ
LOC center 1S.GEN- chest inside -3INAN pain 1.ACC
The usage of the word "hekyhlainyn" is telling and deserves comment. This word means "center" or "core", and is most often used in connection with body parts, masses of raw material such as stone or wood, and other voluminous objects, such as a large pot of soup, or empty crate. It is contrasted with "hlaikyl", which refers to the center point of a surface or flat object, such as the middle of a table, center of a map, a sheet of fabric, or the palm of ones hand. We also learn that the writer is male, as the word for chest is split by a male/female gender system, with "hanhla" for male torsos. Women's torsos have unique words for lower and upper segments, "xwa" for lower, "wexw" for upper.

Line [6]
"tl'ykwaqy laqweqy kwikykasshy laqweshy wa"
"I know you feel it too."
tl'ykwa -qy laqwe -qy kwikykas -shy laqwe -shy wa
tɬ'ə.kʷa -qə la.qʷɛ -qə kʷi.kə.kas -ʃə la.qʷɛ -ʃə wa
equal -1S feel -1S know -1S feel -2S 3INAN.ACC
The more exact translation here is something more like, "i know you feel it, as equally I feel." This poem also makes frequent use of the Accusative pronouns, here the 3rd person Inanimate, "wa". These pronouns were more commonly used in day-to-day speech, but were avoided in academic, poetic, and "higher class" speech. This shows that the writer may have been from the outer city, or lower class, or was at least attempting to impersonate that accent for stylistic effect.
Line [7]
"wysaxwihlynyqwash kwyshny wysakw'elqwash ny"
"We fought It away for so long"
wy- saxwihlyny -qwash kwysh -ny wy- sakw'el -qwash ny
wə- sa.xʷi.ɬə.nə -qʷaʃ kʷəʃ -nə wə- sa.kʷ'ɛl -qʷaʃ
P- for_much_time -1P away -3B.S P- fight -1P 3B.ACC
We pivot our verb conjugation to the 3rd person, B tier again, though it is unclear as to why. The B tier is most often used to refer to subjects which are between human and inanimate, often used for animals, and active elements like fire or running water, and monstrous characters from Hakuan mythology. It had begun to fall out of use in many dialects by this time in history, replaced by the Inanimate marker, but it seems that the writer still used it in his idiolect.

Line [8]
"wysakw'elqwash wawa halkylwa walq'anqen"
"we fought this deep horror,"
wy- sakw'el -qwash wawa halkyl -wa walq'anqen
wə- sa.kʷ'ɛl -qʷaʃ wawa hal.kəl -wa wal.q'an.qɛn
P- fight -1P DEM deep -3INAN horror

Line [9]
"qul kykwynyqwash"
"but we have become battle-worn,"
qul kykwyny -qwash
qul kə.kʷə.nə -qʷaʃ
CONJ2 battle_worn -1P
The term here translated as "battle worn" is a term that has its origins in the large, centralized Hakuan military which reached its highest power roughly 80 years before the writing of the Gospel. Hakuan military service was long and strict, and this self-contained culture led to a wealth of linguistic inventions, especially in vocabulary.

Line [10]
"sanu t'yseqeqwash"
"we are so lonely,"
sanu t'yseqe -qwash
sa.nu t'ə.sɛ.qɛ -qʷaʃ
very alone -1P
One of two sad, short phrases in this poem. This matches the tlekene senynu poetry style that was common at the time among the younger Student Generation.

Line [11]
"sanu natsanqwash"
"we are so tired."
sanu natsan -qwash
sa.nu na.tsan -qʷaʃ
very exhausted -1P
The second of the short, sad phrases.

Line [12]
"se kikitsy xwiqétly qwys t'ynatsanny"
"But It does not become tired,"
se kikisty xwiqetly qwys t'y- natsan -ny
se ki.ki.tsə xʷi.qɛ.tɬə qʷəs t'ə- na.tsan -nə
but [] [] NEG HAB- tired -3B.S
An archaic phrase is used in this line, and research into its semantics has been unfruitful. The best we of Class 4 can surmise, the phrase "se kikitsy xwiqetly" is used as a interjection, used similarly to "nevertheless", or "despite what was done". We have translated it as a simple "but" here for simplification.

Line [13]
"qwys xalny"
"It does not rest"
qwys xal -ny
qʷəs xal -nə
NEG rest -3B.S
Another unexplained use of the 3rd person, B-tier pronoun. Is this indicative of a local dialect?

Line [14]
"qul wylaqweqwash wykwyshwa kwu kwushsuch'e kun kwushxwy"
"and now, as we feel our strength and our blood leave us,"
qul wy- laqwe -qwash wy- kwysh -wa kwu kwush- such'e kun kwush- xwy
qul wə- la.qʷɛ -qʷaʃ wə- kʷəʃ -wa kʷu kʷuʃ- su.tʃ'ɛ kun kʷuʃ- xʷə
CONJ2 P- feel -1P P- leave -3INAN PL 1P.GEN- strength CONJ 1P.GEN- blood
This line and the next both quote directly from the Sutlas, the Hakuan scripture which is etched into the exterior wall of the Temple. The Gospel was scratched over these sacred writings, yet quotes from them. The context of these quotes comes from the history of the Hero Wakainys, who is well known for having purged the Sul Valley of its previous occupants in order to make room for the Hakuan people. The quote is in fact the only known quote from one of these previous residents of the valley, and recounts his description of what he saw as the Hakuan military swept into his city. It is unclear why the writer chose to include these passages of scripture. Perhaps he felt that the tables had turned, and now the Hakuan people were the ones about the be swept off the face of history. If this was his intention, he was prophetically correct.

Line [15]
"kun hlexwytsaiwa shen sen kwu q'ushxwexw kwu tuly"
"the hearts of all men turn and pierce themselves."
kun hlexwytsai -wa shen sen kwu q'ush- xwexw kwu tuly
kun ɬɛ.xʷə.tsai -wa ʃɛn sen kʷu q'uʃ- xʷɛxʷ kʷu tu.lə
CONJ1 betray -3INAN all man PL 3A.P.GEN- heart PL 3A.ACC
This line is the second half of the quote from the Sutlas. The word "xwexw" is a very old term for "heart", and is thought to be onomatopoeia for the sound of a heartbeat.

Line [16]
"kw'ulhasyny shen kwu qesh laqweqy t'ylecheny"
"I feel It coming for us all"
kw'ulhasy -ny shen kwu qesh laqwe -qy t'y- leche -ny
kʷ'ul.ha.sə -nə ʃen kʷu qeʃ la.qʷɛ -qə t'ə- lɛ.tʃɛ -nə
against -3B.S all PL 1.ACC feel -1S HAB- come -3B.S
We close with a repetition of the first line of the poem, a common feature in Hakuan poetry across all generations. We once again return to the Tier-B pronouns

Line [17]
"kun tl'ykwaqy laqweqy kwikykasshy laqweshy wa"
"and I know you feel It too."
kun tl'ykwa -qy laqwe -qy kwikykas -shy laqwe -shy ny
kun tɬ'ə.kʷa -qə la.qʷɛ -qə kʷi.kə.kas -ʃə la.qʷɛ -ʃə
CONJ1 equal -1S feel -1S know -1S feel -2S 3B.ACC
We end in a classical repetition with a twinge of tlekene senynu styling. We thank you greatly for viewing this translation, and ask that you please direct any questions or scholarly inquiries to the office of Teacher Estelan Mori-So. We of Class 4 once again request further funding for the Translator's Apparatus in order to further the work of translation of this most distinguished of cultures.

Lead by Teacher Estelan Mori-So
Translation and Research by Class 4 of the Ko Tark Branch of the Tark Unity College
Witness: Molli Saburicci
Witness: Li-A-Moccessi Mosca
Dang if you ready all that, you must really like conlangs or something. Crazy. Anyway, thank you so very much for spending your precious attention on this post! I enjoy combining worldbuilding with my conlanging. If you couldn't tell, this post is meant to look like an In-Universe academic paper from my world, Aenar. The author of the paper is a class of scholars from the Tark Unity College, the most prestigious college on the continent. They are studying/translating a poem from Haku, an ancient city and empire long gone by the time of writing. Tarkan scholars are obsessed with Haku, partially as a cultural craze (similar to real life Egyptomania in the 1800s) and partially because of the discovery of powerful beings of dark magic who were associated with the Haku culture. The BOLD CAPITAL ADDENDUMS are added by an agent of the Academic Guild Council of Alchemical Engineering, a deep-state group dedicated to harnessing the powers that lay dormant in Haku, and suppress information about those powers from leaking out to the general public. Here, they have intercepted and edited an academic report that alludes to some of these secrets.
If you have any questions about the conlang or the world setting, I am more than happy to answer them!!! Again, thank you for reading!

submitted by tthemediator to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 06:43 adulting4kids Poetry

Let's delve into the world of obscure poetry techniques and the masters who wielded them with dazzling effect:
1. Katarevousa:
2. Tricolon:
3. Syllepsis:
4. Diazeugma:
5. Mimesis:
Bonus Technique:
These are just a few examples of the many obscure poetry techniques that have enriched and challenged readers throughout history. By exploring these devices and the works of the poets who mastered them, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the power and versatility of language in poetic expression.
Remember, the beauty of these techniques lies in their potential for surprise and innovation. So, don't be afraid to experiment and unleash your own creative voice through the lens of these lesser-known tools!
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2023.10.09 02:26 jsb1685 Going Down On The Beat: a New Tasty Flavour (Oi!)

This is a sample of D.B. Myrrha's excellent work, her latest at RENdezvous! Please visit for more: https://renegade328.wordpress.com/
October 6, 2023 Analysis
a lyrical analysis by D.B. Myrrha
Ren’s recent offering, Down on the Beat, featuring the deep-voiced Brighton rapper with pretty cheekbones, Viktus, is a clever, bar-rich hip-hop offering over a driving, bass-heavy, EDM beat.
As I’m neither a musician nor a producer, I’ll be mostly focusing here on the poetic form and wordplay, only briefly pointing out things I’ve noticed musically. This should take me a lot less time than my last dissertation. It might also have fewer dick references, but it probably won’t.
I’ll also be concentrating on my own interpretation of the lyrics, which means they will likely not be as comprehensive. I have watched several reactors, although I thought I might die if I watched sixty this time, so I only watched the sexiest ones. I welcome comments adding other interpretations, or nicely telling me I know fuck-all.
Now, on to the meat.
The Lyrics
(Hook) When I put it down on the beat I’mma make it sound so sweet When you hear the sound of the gun That’s a cue to run
When I put it down on the beat I’mma make it sound so sweet When you hear the sound of the gun That’s a cue to run (bla)
Immediately, the EDM beat kicks in. The vocals are flattened and distorted. Ren seems to be electronic-ifying his voice to make it part of the EDM sound itself (I’m pretty sure I just made up a word, but fuck it.) The sound is pretty cool and, when played loud, makes me want to take a bunch of ecstasy and dance in an abandoned car park waving glow-sticks.
Ren struts in with a flex on his tongue. He’s gonna spit some bars. When he tells you to run when you hear the gun, it means you’d better be prepared to try to catch up with him. What exactly is he putting down on the beat? It it simply the vocal track? Could it be detractors? Is this some sort of foreshadowing?
This here is the starting gun, and he’s about to Usain Bolt out of here: good luck catching up. It’s a race, a competition, a challenge to match his skill.
He is also intimating that he is the starting gun. He’s the instigator of the art, but also the one who’s in control. He reiterates this by repeating what he said again.
The bla! at the end of the verse is only one of many vocalized sounds Ren uses in the song to blend with the instrumentation. That boy is certainly good with his mouth. His pretty, pretty mouth. (At least that’s what your mom told me.)
(Verse) When I put it down on the beat I’mma make it sound so sweet Likkle men love to speak I don’t lose sleep in the whispers of sheep
In this first section of verse 1, Ren uses near end rhymes (beat, sweet , speak, sheep) to create a steady rhythm. Internally, he uses two types of rhyme. Down and sound are both internal rhymes that echo one another, while sleep joins the end rhymes aurally (and also orally, as they come out of Ren’s mouth.)
Here comes Ren’s initial attempt to confuse Americans with the use of a British colloquialism. He’s given up trying to pander to us, and left us to struggle, as we often do, with the English language. The word likkle means “little” and it’s a word borrowed from Jamaican patois. We already know Ren has a great appreciation for the Jamaican sound. For what it’s worth, Amy Winehouse uses the word in her song I’m No Good (“likkle carpet burns”) and no one complained about that.
Ren doesn’t lose sleep in the whispers of sheep. While he found himself miscounting them in Suicide, he is sleeping soundly now while “sheep” (little men, detractors and nay-sayers) are baaaah-ing their nonsense. He feels no need to follow the herd, either. He has his own things to say, as he goes on to tell us.
When you hear the sound of the gun Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat, that’s my tongue Spit like thunder come Drums in Moria, boom, boom, rum-rum-tum
This verse is simply exploding with onomatopoeia. Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat, boom, rum-rum-tum, all exploding sounds, warning of dangerous spitting to come (like thunder.) Simple end rhyme keeps the sounds contained. For now.
Ren’s giving us some more tongue-action in his rat-a-tat-tat-lickety-flickety rap style. He’s coming at us fast (I’m assuming “thunder come” isn’t another soup ingredient.) This thunder can be heard in the drums of Moria, the deep Dwarven realm in Lord of the Rings, the first film reference of many in this song.
Moria is the realm of the Balrog who, like Ren, is/spits fire. The competition needs to fuck right off: they shall not pass.
I’m a king, who’s the king? I’m a king, I’m the king of the ring, I’mma run this thing I’m a don, yan-ying on a ying-yang thing Jump upon that swing of the drum, vim-vim-vim
Continuing with the Lord of the Rings theme, Ren claims to be a king. In fact, he’s king of the ring (Sauron, the all-powerful?) It is also possible that the ring refers to his other two ring-based passions: the boxing ring (referred to in countless other songs) or the wrestling ring (Swanton bomb references are common, and Love Music, pt. 3 contains a juicy Hulk Hogan reference. –Apropos to nothing, Hulk Hogan and I share a birthday. Yay, Leos!) Technically, there could be another reference, to a ring he put his finger in like Frodo. I mean he seems to find joy in surprise anal penetration, which could definitely cause a competitor to lose focus. YOLO.
The repetition of the word king adds percussion to the flow, as well as punctuating the lines with internal rhyme. The beat also drops here (between “I’m the king” and “of the ring”) with a thumping bass that rises up from the basement.
He then calls himself a don again. If this were a boxing reference, he could be referring to Don King, the famous American boxing promoter. Maybe he is throwing us a Toblerone after all. Of course, a don is the “kingpin” of any mafia family, and Ren is definitely part of a close-knit “family.”
Here, though, Ren flips the switch into a new scheme with a verbal upset. Yan Ying was a Chinese philosopher, a contemporary of the better-known philosopher Confucius, described as “by far the most creative thinker of the Chunqiu age”. So, I guess it didn’t matter what Confucius said when Yan Ying was around. Ren flips the name into yin-yang, the Chinese concept of opposite but interconnected forces, Chinese concepts being Yan Ying’s “thing”. The idea of the yin-yang, of all things containing both dark and light, is a common refrain in Ren’s personal philosophy, as well as being one of the main themes of “Hi, Ren.” He seems to be saying that he is a master of both good and evil, dark and light, and he’s gonna jump on that rhythm like he jumped in the back seat with your girl on the back streets of Brighton.
Incidentally, there is also a hip-hop duo called the Yin-Yang Twins. Just a fact for funsies.
As Ren jumps on the vim-vim-vim of the drum, he swings us into the next quatrain.
Voom-voom, blat, come through like that I’m not new to rap on a Zulu cap And I do do tracks, and I do make stacks What do you do, lad? are you true to that?
Voom-voom, more onomatopoeia, drums down upon the beat of a verse containing a nice set of internal to external rhymes. In fact, this quatrain contains double internal rhymes because Ren’s just a king like that.
voom/ through, blat/ that new/ Zulu, rap/ cap do do/ do, tracks/ stacks you do/ you true, lad/ that
This is some fancy writing, lad, I’m not going to lie. Ren has laid down a challenge to all comers. He’s not new to rap, and he can kick your likkle bum back to wherever it is you came from. The Zulu may refer to the mastery of Black OG rappers in referring obliquely to Shaka, the king of the Zulu nation, known for his ass-kicking military prowess. By using the term cap which in slang refers to something fake or dishonest, it can be assumed he’s letting the likkle sheep know he’s not trying to be anything he’s not. He’s no wannabe.
After all, what has he been doing? He’s making tracks, one after the other, and he’s becoming more successful, and he’s (perhaps) exaggerating his income, because he’s a rapper and he’s gotta make stacks (And I’m sure he does have a stack of 34 common house potatoes somewhere. That counts, right?)
When he refers to the recipient of his flex, he calls him “lad,” as if he’s a kid. I know British youth refer to their mates as lads, but in this context, it seems as if he’s talking down to him. What do you do? Are you as devoted to it as I am? Are you as good as I am? I doubt it. He’s the king, and everyone else is a peasant.
On this beat I’m fat like a sumo My name’s Ren and I know my judo Candlestick killer, kill them like Cluedo Numero duo? Numero uno.
This song, which switches flow in this section, has a lot of fat beats, especially with the throbbing bass line. Ren is also “phat”, a ’90s rap slang term meaning “excellent” (when not referring to a woman, wherein it usually meant “hot as phuck”. ) A Japanese sumo wrestler, of course, is professionally fat and lauded for it, as they are also strong and can steamroll (literally, if they wanted) over their opponents.
Ren tells us what his name is in several songs: Hi Ren, What You Want, Sixteen Bar Challenge, and Love Music pt. 2. Perhaps he’s afraid we’ll forget, or perhaps he’s just asserting dominance, putting his name out there like an O.G. Yeah, you still know me.
The real question people want to know, though, is, “Does Ren really know judo?” Taking into account his skills at basketball and boxing, we may have reason to doubt this claim, but since Ren is king, he can say anything he fucking wants to, and we’re intimidated. Judo, like Sumo, is a Japanese art, so it fits the theme as well as the scheme.
The game Cluedo is called Clue in the United States, which is why some reactors just thought it was a funny rhyme when it was really, again, just English. In the game of Clue/do, one of the potential murder weapons is a candlestick. There was also a real murderer who killed someone with a candlestick in 1958, but that was a gay hate crime, so I’m pretty sure Ren isn’t referring to that. He is getting back into that sexy Murderer vibe, though.
Clue was also a movie starring Tim Curry, who is English and took the role even though the title was spelled wrong. A true martyr for the Crown. Snake Venom V, one of the most awesome reactors out there, pointed out that a lot of Ren’s references are movies, and whether or not they were conscious (Ren does love movie references) it’s worth pointing them out.
Lastly, he queries, “Numero duo? Numero uno.” I’m not number two, I’m number one. And I’m extra sexy because I speak Spanish. If, as I suspect, Ren is directly or indirectly challenging someone, he has directly relegated them to the number two spot, and no one wants to be Number Two.
The verse starts a lovely repetitive lean on the vowels u-o, with sumo, judo, cluedo, numero, duo, uno. That last line is a doozy, with four u-os in a row. It leads us into the next quatrain, which could really just be seen as a continuation of the last one.
You know, speak so frank like Bruno Hey- Cera he loves Juno, Hugo Boss man drip with a new flow— true though Sharingan killer, they call me Naruto
Here go the u-os: you know/ Bruno/ Juno/ Hugo/ New flow/ true though/ Naruto. Not all of these are perfectly true to the u-o scheme in an exact sense, but they scan aurally, and everyone appreciates good aural.
On the superficial movie tip, Bruno, Juno, and Hugo are all films, and there are several anime movies in the Naruto series.
Digging a likkle deeper, though, there are a lot more obvious references to be found.
“Speak so frank like Bruno” is a good example. Lots of people immediately jumped to the movie Bruno (also known by the mock title Brüno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt) , and its titular character played by Sacha Baron Cohen. Bruno is pretty frank, saying basically any outrageous shit he wants. However, the reference more likely points to Frank Bruno, a British boxer with a 95% knockout-to-win ratio. He lost to Mohammed Ali twice, and was a popular celebrity even after he retired. He was known for being very open about his battles with mental health.
We love how the next line opens with Hey– Cera which reminds us of “Que Sera”, which might be a coincidence, but its a nice mental resonance. Fans of Arrested Development (which we might say is a problem Ren battled in Love Music pt. 4), will know Michael Cera, who was, of course in the movie Juno with Eliot Page. Cera’s character plays Paulie, Juno’s BFF/ babydaddy/ boyfriend.
Hugo Boss is a fashion empire started by boss man Hugo Boss in Germany in 1923. His career really took off after he started producing sexy uniforms for the Nazis. Still, he’s dead now, and his house still creates some boss fashion and cologne. Ren is not a Nazi, but he is a boss, and his drip (cool and fashionable ) flow is undeniable. Ren is the boss man, dripping with a stylin’ new flow.
Ren may be the flow OG, but as he has shown us numerous times, even in this offering, he is a huge nerd. After the Lord of the Rings bars, he tops it with a dollop of anime. Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto was created as a one-shot manga in 1995, but soon became an important pop culture figure in the late ’90s and 2000s. There are 72 volumes of Naruto manga in the series. Enough to binge for at least two weeks, probably.
The Sharingan killer reference puts Ren back into the role of ruthless and inescapable murderer. In Naruto manga and anime, the Sharingan is an ability that allows a ninja to copy, by mere sight, their opponents’ techniques while gaining incredible reflexes and perceptive abilities. So Ren is flexing that he can learn anyone’s skill and reflect it back better and stronger. So, if you don’t think he’s the master rapper, he’s saying, fuck y’all. He’s Naruto.
Verse 2
Verse two opens up with a new voice (which somehow some reactors missed–I mean, Ren does change his voice a lot, but it’s a totally different accent, guys!) It’s Viktus, the Brighton lad with the rich deep tone and great cheekbones (as pointed out by outrageously flirtatious/ horny Canuck “The Wolf” Johnson.)
When I put it down on the beat I’mma keep the ground on my feet I don’t wear no crown on the street But you still know me
All of a sudden we realize that Ren’s posturing might not have just been for show to his general public, but focused on a more local target. Even if the bars weren’t pointed directly at Viktus, the younger rapper seems to have taken offense at Ren’s claim to superiority. There is a challenger to the king.
Viktus, then, would be the “lad” referred to by Ren in the previous verse; the one warned to “run” when Ren fires his thunderous tongue-gun.
Internal verse-by-verse flexing battles are no new thing. It’s a game played in character. Here, Ren is the boss man confronted by a cheeky newcomer who seems prepared to challenge Ren for the title of sovereign.
It’s Viktus’s turn to put it down on the beat, and by this perhaps he means to put his rival down to the beat of the verse (for isn’t that what he perceives Ren just did to him?) It’s also, of course, just his turn to master a verse and put the king/murderer in his place like in some Shakespearean tragedy.
However, Viktus claims he has no need to brag about his sovereignty. He keeps his feet on the ground and doesn’t need to parade around with a crown to show his status. Everyone, at least in Brighton, still knows who he is.
And here he dips into the Forgot About Dre reference that Ren used in Love Music pt. 4: scooping it up from right under him. “You still know me.”
Vik has his own command of internal/external rhyme with down/ beat, ground/ feet, crown/ street, not to mention the end word me, a near rhyme that segues into the next stanza with
Still the same old V Still the same old house on the same old street With a brand new flow on a same old beat And it turns to gold every time I speak
“Still the same old V ” echoing “Still the same O.G.” quoted by Ren in Love Music pt. 4. This suggests that he and Ren know one another. Vik proposes that Ren has changed, become inflated in his ego, while Vik has stayed down to earth; no less known or regarded, except by Ren, his rival.
Viktus is still a home boy in the literal sense. He still lives in his same house in his same street. He is a neighborhood fixture, and everyone knows him. His flow, though, is new, suggesting that he is fresh, ready to take on the self-proclaimed King and assimilate his territory. (Is resistance futile? Who knows what we will find out by the end of the song.) Viktus does proclaim that his words turn to gold with his new flows, so its obviously he is taking up/presenting a challenge.
The scheme is similar to some of Ren’s above with the repetition of the word old: old V, old house, old street, new flow (breaks up the monotony), old beat. Flow near-rhymes with old, and the “new flow” shows that not everything is exactly the same in the old neighborhood.
If the characters Vik and Ren espouse in the song grew up in the same estate (estate= British housing projects) then this plays out as a musical turf-war, like it might in any ‘hood in the U.S. Two rappers head-to-head, fighting for local, if not worldwide, supremacy. Vik seems determined to show himself equal to Ren.
Look me in the eye, bro, thriller like Michael Wait, delete that, I made a typo. Michael Myers, Halloween psycho Light them fires, arsonist, pyro
The freaking bass, man. It seems to be turned up to eleven here, just to underscore Vik’s deep tone, and it hits hard.
Viktus goes hard, jumping into a Michael Jackson bar, then spinning the Thriller into a new scheme.
Oops, he says, “I made a typo”, He referenced the wrong Michael, and the wrong type of thriller. He’s talking hardcore horror, man, not just MTV zombies. Michael Myers is the psychotic killer in thirteen Halloween movies (movie references are not just one sided in this battle, I guess.)
Vik is flexing that he is dangerous, insane, maybe a worse murderer than Ren because he’s a ruthless psycho. He’s an arsonist, compelled and ready to light fires: make things hot, fire up (initiate/instigate) a competition, cause controversy (hot topics) He’s a pyro, he can’t help setting things aflame.
The rhyme scheme here (eye bro/ mi-chael/ ty-po/ my-ers/ psy-cho/fi-res/ py-ro…leading into spy–ro and Frodo) depends on a two-syllable rhythm with an I-o emphasis. Vik’s accent allows the near rhyme of “Michael” blend in almost effortlessly. Myers and fires are a little farther outfield, but they mirror one another and with the I-uh scan, they can easily get caught up in the flow.
Spyro dragon, I’m Frodo baggin’ All the shit you’re chatting, your teeth get smashed in Extracting like dentist grafting Nitrous oxide gas, no laughing
While Spyro and Frodo mirror the rhymes in the previous quatrain, the scheme changes to the second word in each phrase, ending with -in. Internal/external rhymes include dragon/baggin‘ and grafting/laughing (which rhyme perfectly when accent is taken into account.)
Spyro dragon is a video game reference to a late 90’s Playstation game. Spyro is cute and purple, he looks harmless, but he has fire for breath, so once again, Spyro Vik is the arsonist coming from the sky. Don’t underestimate the newcomer.
Viktus spins Ren’s LOTR reference into a diss. “I’ll be ‘Frodo Baggin’ the teeth I’ve just smashed out of your shit-talking mouth. The teeth right out your mouth, bitch.” Apparently someone has heard Life is Funny.
“After your mouth meets my fist,” he claims, “you’ll need oral surgery, and even with laughing gas, it’s gonna seriously hurt.” (Guess life’s not that funny, after all.)
Vik is making it clear he’s no joke.
When I put it down on the beat I’mma lay her down in the sheets Take her to the circus, she’s a freak Vegan girl, she still likes my meat
Now Vik really starts talking shit right back at Ren. Ren starts into the chorus, but Vik interrupts. He’s upping the ante here by taking it to a personal level. He’s gonna put his rhymes down on the beat, and what’s more, he’s laying a girl down in the sheets where they are gonna make a new beat together.
Apparently this young lady is quite a freak in these sheets, willing to do whatever Vik, and now we, to be honest, are vividly imagining. She’s likely gonna both condone the bone and eat it like Toblerone.
Apparently, Viktus’ penis is not triangular, however, as he refers to it as some type of “meat” which happens to be appetizing even to a vegan girl. Perhaps it looks like a veggie sausage? Regardless, they are obviously going to grind something, and it’s not impossible burger.
Feed the girl ’cause it’s time to eat Toes curl when I’m in too deep Fucked your girl, and now you really wanna beef Oh, shit! He’s knocking on the front door, leave!
Oh, it ‘s time to eat? We now have an inkling how this is going down, so to speak. Apparently Vik is good at laying down the beat as her toes are curling, which is a positive sign. And he didn’t even have to lock her in the basement. But what? It’s Ren’s girl? (We didn’t see this coming, did we?) Of course, now he’s rubbing it in Ren’s face (the facts, not his proverbial meat stick) that he got his woman freaking down in his sheets. Now Ren wants beef? More like Viktus is the one calling for war.
And who’s that at the door? Better get out of here, girl!
Interestingly, this scene brings to mind the possible response Screech might have had to Patrick if only he had known…
This is also a karmic twist to Ren’s actions in Right Here, Right Now where he banged his friend’s girl, then had to go Usain Bolt when her brother showed up at the door. Interestingly, Ren handed Vik a Stella and gave him some brotherly love in that same video; the last person he interacted with before saying he’s gonna go undercover with someone’s lover. Maybe this is some sort of payback? That Ren. He’s a naughty boy.
Viktus just played him a dirty hand, nonetheless. The rhyming continues in a similar internal/external scheme with girl/eat, curl/deep, girl/beef and then the final “Leave!”
Ahhh, what the fuck?
Ren doesn’t sound pleased. He probably just saw his half-dressed girlfriend fleeing the scene. This little fuck-boi just crossed the line. It’s time for Ren to go beast-mode.
Verse 3
Step back, sucker, fuck up the scene Tuck my socks up, chop chop I’m a millipede on my feet Mohammed Ali with my reach Biting double D’s in my teeth
Uh oh, Ren’s back, pissed and ready to fight, with his Adidas socks tucked up (over his tracksuit bottoms? I swear, he’s the only human in the world who can make that look cool.)
Internal rhymes are once again used to figuratively “punch up” the stanza: sucke fuck up, socks up/ chop chop. Then there’s the Ali/ double Ds , and the end rhymes -pede/ feet/ reach/ teeth (ee/ea sound.)
A millipede has hundreds of feet (most species have about 300 legs), so Ren is both stable and steady. It’s not easy to knock him off kilter, even if you’ve just Tobler-boned his girl. Chop, chop, better run, boy.
Obviously, with 300 feet, Ren can get where he needs to go and move swiftly back and forth, which will aid in his Muhammad Ali “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” act (Ali and/or boxing are referenced in nearly a dozen songs as I pointed out in the last analysis.) Not only was Ali known for his quick reflexes and ability to dodge O.P.P. (other people’s punches), but for his awesome reach when he, in turn, punched people. Also reach could easily be a reference to the fact that Ren is getting recognition everywhere; his reach extends worldwide, while Vik is still local. It’s a little tap in the face.
As a woman, the line about biting double D’s in his teeth is a bit terrifying and seems a bit extreme. I made a desperate attempt to discern an alternate meaning for this line and sadly, found little help on the interwibbles. Perhaps this is why his girlfriend was looking for another option. Of course, if she’s a freak in the sheets, who knows what she likes. A “double D” is also, apparently, a Pilates exercise, but even though Ren claims to be a “P.T.” in the next stanza, I don’t think these two are exchanging workout tips.
I’m a freak, I’m a goated PT on the beat You’re a neek, you’re a little fuckboy, you’re a geek Let me speak, I’mma cut like Troy when I preach I’m a beast, I’mma come Loch Ness, unleashed, preach!
Oh, see? He admits he’s also a freak, so that biting thing makes sense. Maybe he and his girl met on FetLife?
We know Ren is the G.O.A.T., and of course he has to remind this little upstart of his standing. The meaning of P.T., however, is not really clear in this context.
According to my academic resources, P.T. can refer to: physical therapist, a popular but discontinued Japanese psychological Horror Game (published in 2014 by Konami for Playstation), play time (sex), post text, public thot, pussy twitch (a guy so hot he makes girls twitch), Pacific Time, a pint of codeine and promethazine with a seal on top, P.T. Barnum (the famous circus dude and purveyor of “freaks”), public transport, “penis twerk”, or “pound town”. Several of these might fit Ren’s repeated themes, but I like to think he means “pussy twitch” because he is reasserting his sexual dominance. Either that or the Murderous video game or the Freak Master. He’s the king of both fucking and killing, so watch out.
He goes on to call Viktus a mere fuckboy: an easy, callous lay, a jerk, or a worthless weak-ass wonton worth nothing. For what it’s worth, fuckboy has over 300 definitions in the Urban Dictionary, but “cheap lay,” is the basic gist. Vik might of fucked his girl, but it doesn’t make him anything better than a quick trick.
Not only is Vik a sexual empty set, he is also a neek. Neek is a word that blends the words nerd and geek. I know where Ren is trying to go with this, but isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black, considering Ren’s multiple reference to certain movies and video games? Never mind. He’s the murderer, he gets to say whatever he wants.
The word geek implies a weak, harmless, boring person with no social skills who is low on the popularity totem pole. Once again, Ren is telling Vik that he is nothing in comparison to Ren’s swagger and popularity. A geek was also originally a term referring to a type of circus performer who entertained the audience with gross acts like biting off and swallowing chicken heads. I guess we’re all freaks here, only some are apparently sexier than others.
Ren is certainly a wordsmith with a tongue like a weapon (as mentioned in Genesis, as well as in the first verse of this song.) In this case, it’s a knife and it’s about to slice Viktus to shreds. Troy is another movie reference. This movie is about the battle of Troy, a city in ancient Greece. The Trojan war was waged over a devastating decade of massive bloodshed. It was also a battle over a woman.
Speaking of ruthless women, Ren now invokes Nessie, the Loch Ness monster. Ren is a monster rising from the depths…he’s huge and will easily overwhelm any geeky little fuckboy.
Ren is here to preach. He’s about to tell the truth, lay it down for reals, blud.
Personally, this might be my favorite part of the song. Not only are the rhymes skillfully syncopated, but they are actually sung if you listen closely. It’s rare, though not impossible, for a rap cadence to have a melody. Here it feels almost incidental, as if Ren can’t help it because the bars lend themselves to a certain musicality.
The repeated assonance using the ee sound is slithery as an eel. freak/ P.T. (that’s two!)/ beat/ neek/ geek/ speak/ preach/ beast/ unleashed/ preach! Both the first and last lines have three rhyming words, while the middle two have two ee rhymes and an oy rhyme. This secondary rhyme, fuckboy/ Troy is mirrored visually by goated and Loch, even though they don’t rhyme aurally.
Who’s that boy who moves like a raver Oi, oi, oi, a new tasty flavour Anakin flow, I glow like a saber No sweat, bro, I’m loving the labour
Back to a simpler rhyme scheme, Ren’s obviously referring to himself as the raver, waving his glow sticks in the air, and as a tasty treat.
A hot young chav yelling “Oi” is yes, a new tasty flavor. A mating call for all the freaks, for sure. Personally, I’d happily take a bite of that house potato. He knows he’s hot. There’s always another girl ready and waiting. It’s no longer about his (likely) ex- anyway, it’s just the insult/challenge Viktus laid down that’s the problem now.
Anakin flow is an obvious reference to Star Wars (who were you calling a neek, again?) Anakin, as we all know, is evil, so Ren’s (not surprisingly) channeling the Dark Side, (Murderer) and glowing like a lightsaber. Thanks again to Snake Venom for pointing out that a light saber is really just a giant (yet lethal) glow stick. We must not forget, either, that Ren glows with energy, radiance, and fame. Of course everyone sees him and wants to bask in his light. Vik is obviously one of those.
No lie, he loves this work: all he has to do is be who he is and look how far he’s come. He’s the king.
Work, work, work, a work workaholic She twerk, twerk, twerk, she’s twerking right on it One on the backseat, one on the bonnet Grabbing my William, this is my sonnet.
Is Ren the workaholic referred to here, “loving the labour” as seen in the last stanza (aside: my American keyboard does not love the flavour of the English language) or does this line refer to the twerker who is putting all of her focus on “twerking right on it” (obviously a play on “working on it.”)
Obviously girls are aplenty around here, as Ren has one in the backseat and Vik has one on the bonnet (“hood” for you hapless U.S.ers) of the car. Obviously, while they may be beefing, it’s not so bad that they can’t be “beefing” in/on the same car simultaneously.
Geez, Ren, all this automobile intercourse is giving me flashbacks. I can’t see how that can be comfortable, bruv. However, if it comes down to it, I’d rather be in the backseat than on the bonnet, at least in public… I’ll have to think about it. A lot. Alone. Late at night.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter since you had to bring William Shakespeare into the mix. I’m pretty sure he’s be amused at your ribald willie joke, after all, he’d totally get it on with your mum if he could. Your (presumably new) girl’s grabbing of your William has become your new love poem. You, sick boi, are the height of romance.
Mirroring the repetition of “oi, oi, oi” in the previous stanza, Ren keeps chopping the beat up with “work, work, work, a work workaholic” and “twerk, twerk, twerk, she’s twerking right on it.” I think we can assume what “it” is.) Following up –aholic and on it with bonnet and sonnet completes the scheme. Backseat and bonnet (two syllables, b-t, b-t) offer a nice mirror-image between them, especially since Ren and Vik each take one part of the line.
I’m that fella sipping Stella we call that an in-ter-stellar I’m a rapping Cinderella, serve it like its mozzarella Acapella, say it better, bend a beat like Uri Gellar Go getter, trend setter , on your feet like David Guetta
Stella Artois is a delicious and popular beer in the U.K. (As I pointed out earlier, Ren hands Vik a Stella before going off to bone some other guy’s girl in Right Here, Right Now.) So does interstellar just refer to a Stella in the belly? Interstellar also means “in between the stars”, perhaps referring to the fact that he’s a rising star, or up among the stars. (Interstellar is also a movie, for those counting up the film titles.)
Cinderella happens to be cockney rhyming slang for fella (thank you, English person whose name I’ve forgotten who mentioned this. ) It is, of course, also a fairy tale (he sure does love his children’s literature!) The question is: does he turn into a pumpkin at midnight? (Shout out to Ray Vibes for the inquiry.) Or is it simply that his success is like a fairy tale, magical and coming out of nowhere? (Never mind that Cinderella only succeeded through the help of others. I don’t see Ren naming his fairy godmother. Rude!)
He’s about to serve his rhyme now like it’s mozzarella. Cheese will be referred to again several times, as it’s a slang reference to money, but here it could be a different type of cheese, as mozzarella could refer to anything fine, pleasant, attractive, or sexy, like his phat bars.
Acapella means no music, so, when rhyming acapella, what one says really stands out. One has to “say it better,” as they can’t hide behind the music. Ren also bends a beat like Uri Gellar, a magician and mesmerist who claimed he could bend spoons with his mind. (Probably still does, as he’s still alive and commented on the video, grateful for the shout-out.)
David Guetta, for those who aren’t aware, is a famous French D.J. and music producer; he makes the audience “get on their feet” to dance.
Once again Ren plays it up with the machine-gun rhymes, the rat-a-tat-tat tongue he bragged about in verse one. (fella/ Stella/ stella Cinderella/ mozzarella/acapella/ betteGellagettesetteGuetta.) If you include some of the preceding words, too, you will see he is also utilizing syllabic quadruplets in the first three lines (and in the last with “David Guetta”), which carry the flow along at a staccato pace. He then alters the central syllables in the last line to smoothly carry the rhythm into the following stanza.
Better and better, I serve it letter for letter The alphabet upsetter, I make the cheese, I make cheddar I got the berrrrrrrrrrrrrrretta vendetta , I’m spitting pepper When I skrrrrrrrt impeccable rhythms, the rap Mecca on the beat.
Ren claims that he is is getting better with every word/bar he spits. Each letter counts; he is serving it up and it is supreme.
–etta is the main rhyme ending used in this stanza (bette lette alphabet(ta)/ upsette chedda Beretta/ vendetta/ peppe …pecca…/ Mecca.) Ren’s accent leans into this scheme which wouldn’t work the same without it. Note how he adds an extra -uh syllable on to the end of alphabet just like he does in Illest of Our Time with “alphabetti spaghetti” (Although “Alphabetti Spaghetti” is a real thing in the U.K., so it really chaps my buttocks that the printed lyrics just say “alphabet.”) Once again, his tongue takes on the role of weapon, trilling the R on berrrrrrretta (which is a gun, as all Americans would obviously know.)
The architect of alphabet, Ren again scatters the letters and reconstructs them into mozzarella. And also cheddar. He makes money. Lots of money and even more money. This bitch could buy a lifetime supply of wonton soup if he had to.
Deep into his Berretta vendetta, he’s obviously not done with Vik, despite banging girls simultaneously on the same motor vehicle. Can’t let sleeping chicks lie, apparently. Ren wants to make it clear that what he’s spitting (pepper) is as hot as anything Vik can put out.
Skrrrrrt is a sound used in EDM and trap. It indicates a hard turn or drift with an automobile, getting to a place fast, so here he is referring to his ability to rap fast, change schemes and flows on a dime. A flex.
Mecca is a holy place where Muslims make pilgrimage (Muhammad Ali performed haaj in 1972.) Of course, Ren is the creator of bars others can only pay homage to with reverence.
He wouldn’t be the first king who thought he was God.
The song concludes with several repetitions of the hook flowing into the outro. These vary in style, with sounds replacing more and more of the words as the outro progresses, leaving the rap behind as it melds into the electric dance beat to lead us out.
Final Thoughts:
This song is catchy and ultimately danceable. I could easily hear it bumping on a dance floor in a club I could not get into.
Viktus’s interplay with Ren is delightful, and he definitely holds his own. Although his style of rap is not the same as Ren’s, it’s good stuff (go check it out and give Vik some love at @Itsviktus on YouTube and @its_viktus on Instagram.) I have no doubt he’s going to go far.
Who knew Brighton would be the upcoming rap center of Britain, and maybe the world? At the very least, it will be the center of rappers battling out in the backseat and on the bonnet.
Until next time, Oi, Renegades!
c. 2023 D.B. Myrrha.
Blog at WordPress.com. Rendezvous
A Renegade Journal
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2023.06.21 16:45 RazorOfSimplicity The Definitive Number [Etymology]


Etymology/Translation Corner
This is a list of translated Japanese names for all of the cards in No. Complete File - Piece of Memories -. See below for further notes.
Each card name is linked to an image!! (Use an image-zooming extension like Imagus to view them instantly.)
Any questions or issues you may have about the translations are welcome.
  1. Numbers 1: Gate of Numeron - Ekam
  2. Numbers 2: Gate of Numeron - Dve
  3. Numbers 3: Gate of Numeron - Trini
  4. Numbers 4: Gate of Numeron - Catvari
  5. Numbers 5: Lifeless Dragon of Obscurity - Death Chimera Dragon
  6. Numbers 6: OOPArts Atlantal / Numbers 6: Prehistoric Heritage - Atlantal
  7. Numbers 7: Lucky Stripe
  8. Numbers 8: Heraldic King - Genome Heriter
  9. Numbers 9: Sky-Covering Star - Dyson Sphere
  10. Numbers 10: Shimmering White Knight - Illuminator
  11. Numbers 11: Big Eye
  12. Numbers 12: Armor Ninja Crimson Shadow
  13. Numbers 13: Cain's Devil
  14. Numbers 14: Sarameya the Greed
  15. Numbers 15: Gimmick Puppet - Giant Killer
  16. Numbers 16: Sovereign of Colors - Shock Ruler
  17. Numbers 17: Leveiss Dragon
  18. Numbers 18: Heraldic Progenitor - Plain Coat
  19. Numbers 19: Freezerdon
  20. Numbers 20: Giganto Brilli-Ant / Numbers 20: Rock-Soil Ant - Brilli-Ant
  21. Numbers 21: Lady Justice the Frozen
  22. Numbers 22: Franken / Numbers 22: Undecaying Ken
  23. Numbers 23: Lancelot, Ghostly Knight of the Netherworld
  24. Numbers 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon
  25. Numbers 25: Full-Metal Photoglide - Focus Force / Numbers 25: Heavy-Optics Movie Camera - Focus Force
  26. Numbers 26: Dimensional Breachway - Octobypass
  27. Numbers 27: Dreadnought Battleship - Dreadnoid
  28. Numbers 28: Titanic Moth
  29. Numbers 29: Mannequin Cat
  30. Numbers 30: Acid Golem of Annihilation
  31. Numbers 31: Abel's Devil
  32. Numbers 32: Chomping Sea Dragon - Shark Drake
  33. Numbers 33: OOPArts - Super-Weapon Machu=Mak / Numbers 33: Prehistoric Heritage - Super-Weapon Machu=Mak
  34. Numbers 34: Computer Beast - Tera-Byte
  35. Numbers 35: Ravenous Tarantula
  36. Numbers 36: OOPArts - Super-Engine Fork=Huyuk / Numbers 36: Prehistoric Heritage - Super-Engine Fork=Huyuk
  37. Numbers 37: Hope-Woven Dragon - Spider Shark
  38. Numbers 38: Hope-Harbinger Dragon - Titanic Galaxy
  39. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope
  40. Numbers 40: Gimmick Puppet - Heaven's Strings
  41. Numbers 41: Drunken Demon Beast of Drowziness - Bagooska
  42. Numbers 42: Starship Galaxy Tomahawk
  43. Numbers 43: Soul-Puppeteering Ogre - Soul Marionetter
  44. Numbers 44: Winged White Horse - Sky Pegasus
  45. Numbers 45: Prophet of Downfall - Crumble Logos
  46. Numbers 46: Divine Shadow Dragon - Dragluon
  47. Numbers 47: Nightmare Shark
  48. Numbers 48: Shadow Lich
  49. Numbers 49: Bird of Secrets - Fortune Tune
  50. Numbers 50: Black Corn-Go
  51. Numbers 51: Finish Hold the Incredible Arm
  52. Numbers 52: Diamond Crab King
  53. Numbers 53: Fake-Bodied God - Heart-eartH
  54. Numbers 54: Lionheart the Rebellious Fighter
  55. Numbers 55: Gogogo Goliath
  56. Numbers 56: Gold Rat
  57. Numbers 57: Fumingly Swift Dragon - Tresragoon
  58. Numbers 58: Evil Spirit of Fiery Pressure - Burner Visor
  59. Numbers 59: Back the Cook / Numbers 59: Rebellious Chef
  60. Numbers 60: Dugares the Timeless
  61. Numbers 61: Volcasaurus
  62. Numbers 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon / Numbers 62: Photonic Dragon Emperor with Galactic Eyes
  63. Numbers 63: Oshamoji Soldier
  64. Numbers 64: Sandayu the Old-Timer Tanuki
  65. Numbers 65: Demon of Slicing Judgment - Judge Buster
  66. Numbers 66: Beetle of the Supreme Key - Master Key Beetle
  67. Numbers 67: Paradicemasher
  68. Numbers 68: Fiendish Skyscraper Prison - Sandalphon
  69. Numbers 69: God Medallion - Coat of Arms / Numbers 69: God of Heraldry - Coat of Arms
  70. Numbers 70: Deadly Sin
  71. Numbers 71: Levarian Shark
  72. Numbers 72: Line Monster Chariots Rook
  73. Numbers 73: God of the Raging Waterfalls - Abyss Splash
  74. Numbers 74: Magical Clown - Missing Sword
  75. Numbers 75: Gossip Shadow of Bewilderment
  76. Numbers 76: Photochromic Perfumer of Harmonious Melodies - Gradière
  77. Numbers 77: The Seven Sins
  78. Numbers 78: Numbers Archive
  79. Numbers 79: Burning Knuckler - Kaiser the Nova
  80. Numbers 80: Supreme Overlord the Maniacal Armor - Rhapsody in Berserk
  81. Numbers 81: Super-Dreadnought Turret Train - Superior Dora
  82. Numbers 82: Heartlandraco
  83. Numbers 83: Galaxy Queen
  84. Numbers 84: Pain Gainer
  85. Numbers 85: Crazy Box
  86. Numbers 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomiant
  87. Numbers 87: Beautiful Goddess of Snow, Moon, and Flowers - Queen of Nights
  88. Numbers 88: Gimmick Puppet - Destiny Leo
  89. Numbers 89: Diablosis the Digital-Brained Beast
  90. Numbers 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord / Numbers 90: Photonic Lord with Galactic Eyes
  91. Numbers 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
  92. Numbers 92: Fake-Bodied God Dragon - Heart-eartH Dragon
  93. Numbers 93: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Kaiser
  94. Numbers 94: Princess of Absolute Ice - Crystal Zero
  95. Numbers 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark-Matter Dragon
  96. Numbers 96: Black Mist
  97. Numbers 97: Dragon Shadow God - Dragravion
  98. Numbers 98: Emperor of Despair - Hopeless
  99. Numbers 99: Dragon Emperor of Wishes - Hope Dragoon
  100. Numbers 100: Numeron Dragon
  101. Numbers 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight / Numbers 101: S·H·Ark Knight
  102. Numbers 102: Holy Lightning - Glorious Halo / Numbers 102: Luminous Angel - Glorious Halo
  103. Numbers 103: Zero Maiden of the Gods' Funeral - Ragna Zero
  104. Numbers 104: Masquerade Magician Shining / Numbers 104: Dancing Masked Mage - Shining
  105. Numbers 105: Burning Knuckler - Cestus the Shooting Star
  106. Numbers 106: Gigantic Rock Palm - Giant Hand
  107. Numbers 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon / Numbers 107: Spatiotemporal Dragon with Galactic Eyes
  108. Chaos Numbers 1: Gate of Chaos Numeron - Shinyunya
  109. Chaos Numbers 5: Lifeless Dragon of Obscurity - Chaos Chimera Dragon
  110. Chaos Numbers 6: OOPArts Chaos Atlantal / Chaos Numbers 6: Prehistoric Heritage - Chaos Atlantal
  111. Chaos Numbers 9: Sky-Covering Ominous Star - Chaos Dyson Sphere
  112. Chaos Numbers 15: Gimmick Puppet - Serial Killer
  113. Chaos Numbers 32: Chomping Sea Dragon - Shark Drake Veiss
  114. Chaos Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Ray
  115. Chaos Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Ray V
  116. Chaos Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Ray Victory
  117. Chaos Numbers 40: Gimmick Puppet - Devil's Strings
  118. Chaos Numbers 43: Soul-Puppeteering Ogre God - Chaos Marionetter
  119. Chaos Numbers 65: Demon King of Slicing Judgment - Judge Devil
  120. Chaos Numbers 69: Death Medallion - Chaos of Arms / Chaos Numbers 69: Death God of Heraldry - Chaos of Arms
  121. Chaos Numbers 73: Torrential God of the Raging Waterfalls - Abyss Supra
  122. Chaos Numbers 80: Supreme Overlord the Funeral Armor - Requiem in Berserk
  123. Chaos Numbers 88: Gimmick Puppet - Disaster Leo
  124. Chaos Numbers 92: Fake-Bodied Void Dragon - Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon
  125. Chaos Numbers 96: Black Storm
  126. Chaos Numbers 101: Silent Honors Dark Knight / Chaos Numbers 101: S·H·Dark Knight
  127. Chaos Numbers 102: Unholy Lightning - Noble Demon / Chaos Numbers 102: Luminous Fallen Angel - Noble Demon
  128. Chaos Numbers 103: Zero Maiden of the Gods' Funeral - Ragna Infinity
  129. Chaos Numbers 104: Masquerade Magician Umbral / Chaos Numbers 104: Dancing Masked Mage - Umbral
  130. Chaos Numbers 105: Burning Knuckler - Caestus the Comet
  131. Chaos Numbers 106: Molten Rock Palm - Giant Hand-Red
  132. Chaos Numbers 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon / Chaos Numbers 107: Spatiotemporal Dragon with Supergalactic Eyes
  133. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Roots
  134. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Beyond the Hope
  135. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Double
  136. Shining Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope ONE
  137. Shining Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope the Lightning
  138. Shining Numbers 0: Hope Zexal
  139. Future Numbers 0: Emperor of the Future - Hope
  140. Future Numbers 0: Emperor of the Future - Hope -Future Slash-
  141. Future Numbers 0: Dragon Emperor of the Future - Hope
Etymology and other trivia:
  • Some of the Numbers are numbered based on goroawase ("phonetic matching")—an especially common form of Japanese wordplay whereby homophonous words are associated with a given series of letters, numbers, or symbols. (Japanese numbers have multiple possible readings, making this type of wordplay extremely potent.) The wordplay sometimes involves the numbers' English transliterations as well.
  • The Gates of Numeron are named after the Sanskrit words for "one," "two," "three," and "four," respectively.
  • 5 (go) is possibly a play on the similar sound in the Japanese word gōsei ("composite" or "mixed"), which has been used in several card names before to describe chimera-like creatures.
  • 6 (roku) may have been chosen due to its phonetic similarity in Japanese to the word "rock." Atlantal comes from Atlantis.
  • 7 is commonly regarded as being a lucky number. Lucky Stripe is named after a cigarette brand that appeared in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, a parody of the real-world brand Lucky Strike. The escaped prisoner who smoked that brand also had 777 tattooed across his forehead.
  • The number 8 shares a resemblance to the double-helix structure of DNA. Genome Heriter is a corruption of hérite (French for "to inherit"), likely having the intended meaning of "successor."
  • The Japanese word for 9 (kyū) shares its pronunciation with the one for "sphere." A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output.
  • Numbers 10, 20, and 30 were all used by Kaito Tenjo in the anime (in that order). It is thought his last name containing "Ten" to be the reason why they're all pure multiples of ten.
  • Illuminator could be 10 because the Japanese word for "white" (shiro) is goroawase for 46 ("4" can be read as shi, and "6" as ro), and 4 + 6 = 10. This is also the origin of Dragluon's number (46).
  • Big Eye's number is likely from the fact the Roman numeral for 1 looks like the English letter I (a homophone for "eye").
  • Crimson Shadow is a reference to Akakage (lit. "red shadow"), a fictional Japanese superhero from the Masked Hero Akakage series. It first appeared in Episode 12 of ZEXAL.
  • Cain and Abel are the first two sons of Adam and Eve in the biblical Book of Genesis. The brothers made sacrifices to God, each of his own produce, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Cain then murdered Abel, whereupon God punished Cain by condemning him to a life of wandering. Cain's number is 13 due to it being an unlucky number in superstition, and its original depiction in the manga had a negative effect toward its owner. Abel's Devil had the same effect in the manga, so its number was just the inverse of Cain's Devil.
  • Numbers 14, 21, 28, 35, 70, 77, and 84 are all references to the seven deadly sins, and their numbers are each divisible by 7.
  • In Hindu mythology, the Sarameya are the sons of Sarama (a dog belonging to Indra and other devas), who serve as watch dogs for Yama (the lord of death).
  • Giant Killer may have its number be 15 due to the fact if you convert 1 and 5 into Roman numerals, they spell out IV ("Four"), referring to this card's original owner in the ZEXAL anime.
  • 16 is goroawase for iro (lit. "color"). Shock Ruler is a play on the Japanese counter for colors being pronounced shoku. It being a ruler of colors is a reference to the different colors of the card types it's able to restrict.
  • Leveiss is a portmanteau of Leviathan, Weiß (German for "white"), and vice. Its original appeareance in the manga depicted the monster as completely white; its color scheme was changed for unknown reasons when it appeared in the anime.
  • A plain coat is a coat of arms used by the head of a family, to be inherited by his first son upon his death. 18 might thus be goroawase for chichi ("father").
  • 19 rotated 180 degrees is 61, referring to these two monsters' similar characteristics, and the fact they were used together during the same Duel in the anime.
  • The kanji used to write out Giganto ("gigant") are the kanji for "ant," "rock," and "soil."
  • Lady Justice the Frozen (Hyōketsu no Redī Jasutisu) is a pun on the fact the Japanese words for "freezing"/"frozen" and "verdict" are homophones (both pronounced hyōketsu). Justice can also be interpreted as "just ice."
  • 22 might be goroawase for funi, possibly referring to funiku (lit. "carrion" or "decaying flesh"). Franken is a reference to both Frankenstein's monster and a Ken doll.
  • 23 might be goroawase for tsumi ("sin"), as it was also played by Kyoji Yagumo in the ZEXAL manga, who initially possessed all the other Numbers based on the seven deadly sins.
  • 24 is goroawase for fushi (lit. "immortal"). Dragulas may be a combination of dragon and Dracula.
  • 25 is goroawase for niko ("bright smile"), probably referring to people smiling before getting their pictures taken. It may also be a reference to Nikon, a Japanese corporation famous for its cameras and other optical goods.
  • 26 is goroawase for tsūro (Japanese for "pathway"). Octobypass is a portmanteau of octopus and bypass.
  • 27 is goroawase for tsutsu ("gun barrel"). Dreadnoid is based on the HMS Dreadnought Royal Navy battleship.
  • 28 is goroawase for tsuya ("youthfulness" or "love"), possibly referring to Kaito's and Haruto's childhood memories, since it was used by Haruto in the ZEXAL manga.
  • 29 might be goroawase for niku, referring to nikukyū (the sole of a paw). Mannequin Cat is a play on manekineko (lit. "beckoning cat")—a figure of a cat with one paw raised, usually depicted on porcelain cat figurines.
  • Acid Golem having the number 30 is probably because "acid" in Japanese is pronounced san, the same as the number three.
  • 31 is goroawase for santo ("saint"), a reference to Abel being called a saint after having been murdered by his brother.
  • 32 is goroawase for both mitsu (referring to the goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni) and mizu (Japanese for "water"). Chomping Sea Dragon (Kaikōryū) can be interpreted as a homophone for Sea Emperor Dragon in Japanese.
  • 33 is a reference to III, the character who first used this Numbers in the anime. It may also be goroawase for san (as in "sun"), a reference to Machu Picchu's Temple of the Sun. Machu=Mak is likely a twist on Machu Picchu, a 15th-century Inca citadel.
  • Tera-Byte comes from terabyte, a unit of digital information which equals approximately one trillion bytes. 34 might thus be a reference to 1 TB = 103*4 B.
  • Ravenous Tarantula is based on the sin of gluttony.
  • 36 might be goroawase for sanroku ("sun rock"), referring to how this monster functions as an engine built into Machu=Mak. Fork=Huyuk comes from Çatalhöyük, which was a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic proto-city settlement in southern Anatolia. Its name is made up of the Turkish words for "fork" and "tumulus."
  • 37 is goroawase for mina (a corruption of minna, which is Japanese for "everyone"), a reference to how this monster symbolized all of the ZEXAL manga's characters joining forces after the main antagonist was revealed. The Woven part is read as shiki, most likely an attempt to make it sound similar to "Shark."
  • 38 is goroawase for michi ("path"), probably symbolizing how this monster is meant to open up a path to hope. The Harbinger part of Titanic Galaxy's name is written with a kanji that's read as kai, a reference to Kaito, this monster's user in the manga.
  • 37 and 38 were also specifically chosen to be two and one numbers below 39.
  • 39 is goroawase for sankyū ("thank you")—commonly used in Japanese as a casual way to say thanks. It can also be goroawase for miku ("future"). Emperor of Wishes is actually better translated as Emperor of Hope; it is translated differently to avoid repetition.
  • 40 is probably a reference to IV, this card's initial user in the anime.
  • 41 is goroawase for yoi ("drunkenness"). Drunken Demon Beast of Drowziness (Deisuimajū) is a play on several Japanese words: deisui ("dead drunk"), suima ("drowziness"), and majū ("demon beast"). Bagooska is a corrupted portmanteau of baku (Japanese for "tapir") and gusuka (an idiom for "sleeping like a log").
  • 42 might be a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a comedy science fiction franchise in which 42 is given as "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything." Starship Galaxy Tomahawk is based on the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, a semi-retired American single-seat, twin-engine stealth attack aircraft.
  • 43 is goroawase for Yomi, the realm of the dead in Shinto mythology.
  • 44 might be goroawase for shishi (a Japanese term for idealists willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation), referring to Durbe, the one connected to this Legendary Numbers in the ZEXAL anime.
  • 45 is goroawase for shigo (which in this case can be interpreted as meaning either "after death" or "dead language"/"obsolete word"). Logos means "the word of God, the logic that makes up the world" in Christology.
  • 46 is goroawase for shiro ("white"). Dragluon is a portmanteau of dragon and gluon (an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle for the strong force between quarks).
  • 47 is goroawase for yona, which in this case comes from yonaka ("the dead of night"), referring to the Nightmare in this card's name.
  • 49 is goroawase for yoku ("wing"). Fortune Tune (Fōchun Chun) is a play on the Japanese onomatopoeia chunchun ("chirp").
  • Black Corn-Go is a play on Kongō (lit. "Indestructible Diamond")—a warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy used during World War I and World War II. The used in this card's name is a common suffix used to denote a ship's name. 50 might thus be goroawase for go-ō.
  • 51 is goroawase for gowan, which is nearly the same as gōwan ("strong arm" in Japanese).
  • 52 is the number of cards in a standard deck of playing cards, excluding the two Jokers. Diamond Crab King seems to be a reference to playing cards, as its Japanese name can also be interpreted as Diamond Club King ("diamond" and "club" being two of the suits among playing cards).
  • 53 is goroawase for gomi ("trash" or "garbage"). The character who used it in the anime, Dr. Faker, played a Garbage Deck, for context. This is also why it's called a Fake-Bodied God.
  • 55 is simply goroawase for gogo (to go along with the rest of the Gogogo in the name).
  • Gold Rat is meant to be a play on gold rush (a discovery of gold that brings an onrush of miners seeking their fortune) and rat. 56 might have been chosen since go ("five") and roku ("six") match the initials of Gold Rat.
  • 57 is goroawase for kona ("powder" or "dust"). Tresragoon is a portmanteau of tres (Spanish for "three"), trace (referring to its ATK-copying effect), and dragoon. Fumingly Swift Dragon (Funjinryū) uses the funjin that means "a stirring dash forward," but it's a phonetic pun on the Japanese word for "mineral dust" (funjin).
  • 59 is goroawase for koku, which is similar to kokku ("cook").
  • 60 is a reference to this being a common number for measuring time, as in there being 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Dugares is based on duodecim (the Latin word for "twelve" and referring to the twelve numbers on a clock face) and the demon Agares, sometimes described as an old man riding upon a crocodile and carrying a hawk on his fist.
  • The 62 written with Astral digits is the same as 39 (Hope's number) upside-down. It might also be goroawase for muni ("peerless" or "matchless").
  • 63 is goroawase for mumi ("lacking taste"), referring to this card's holder in the manga, who was unable to cook good-tasting dishes until this card's powers overcame that problem. Oshamoji is a polite-speak rendition of shamoji ("rice paddle")—a large wooden spoon used to scoop or stir rice.
  • 64 is likely goroawase for roshi (similar to rōshi, meaning "old sage"). Sandayu is named after Sandayu Momochi—a name commonly associated with one of the three Iga ninja leaders of the Warring States period. He is best known for defying Nobunaga during the riots in Iga. The phrase Old-Timer Tanuki (Furudanuki) is a Japanese idiom for a veteran or old-timer in a certain field.
  • 65 is likely goroawase for mugo (referring to mugoi—"cruel" or "merciless"). Shredder Demon of Judgment (Saidanmajin) is a pun on the fact saidan is a homonym in Japanese for both "cutting" and "judgment."
  • 66 is possibly a pun on roku ("six" in Japanese) sounding the same as the Japanese transliteration of lock.
  • 67 likely represents this monster's effect of changing the highest-possible die result in the game (6) to a 7. This is a reference to an early chapter from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, in which Dark Yugi splits his opponent's die in two to change their die result to 7. Paradicemasher is a portmanteau of paradise, dice, and smasher.
  • 68 is goroawase for roya (similar to rōya—"jail" in Japanese). Sandalphon is an archangel in Jewish and Christian writings, considered by some sources to be the twin brother of Metatron.
  • 69 might have been an attempt to represent the yin-and-yang symbol. It might also be goroawase for muku(i) ("punishment" or "retribution"), as it was initially used by Tron in the ZEXAL anime, who was motivated by his desire for revenge.
  • 70 was chosen as a reference to the seven deadly sins, as well as its name (Deadly Sin) itself.
  • 71 is the inverse of 17, referring to this monster clearly being based on Numbers 17: Leveiss Shark. 71 is also a reference to Rank-Up Magic - The Seventh One, which this card's second effect is meant to be used with. Levarian is a portmanteau of re- (referring to its revival effect), Leveiss, and Varian (referring to Nasch from the ZEXAL anime, who got reborn in the Varian World and originally used Numbers 17).
  • 72 likely gets its number from the shogi term Sleeve Rook (sodebisha in Japanese)—a Static Rook opening in which the rook is moved to the third file if played by Black or the seventh file if played by White (specifically to the 7-2 square, hence this monster's number).
  • 73 is goroawase for nami ("wave").
  • 74 is goroawase for nanashi (lit. "nameless," referring to its stealthy-looking appearance).
  • 75 comes from the Japanese proverb, "People's rumors last for 75 days," meaning that rumors and gossip are never long-lasting.
  • 76 might be goroawase for nanairo ("seven colors"), referring to the seven colors of the rainbow, or nari ("ringing" or "sound"). Gradière is a portmanteau of gradient and lumière (French for "light"). Photochromic Perfumer of Harmonious Melodies (Kaichōkōshi) is a Japanese portmanteau of kaichō ("harmonious melody"), chōkō ("photochromic"), and chōkōshi ("perfumer").
  • 77 is again a callback to the seven deadly sins.
  • 78 is goroawase for number (nan-ba). Its design is inspired after the Emperor's Key (from the ZEXAL anime) in its ship form.
  • 79 is goroawase for naku, which sounds similar to the first two syllables of nakkuru (knuckle transliterated into Japanese).
  • 80 is goroawase for haō ("overlord"). The Maniacal Armor part (Kyōsō) is a pun on kyōsōkyoku (Japanese for capriccio—a lively piece of music, typically one that is short and free in form). The English part of its name instead refers to a rhapsody—a free instrumental composition in one extended movement, typically one that is emotional or exuberant in character—which is commonly confused with the capriccio.
  • 81 is possibly goroawase for tsuchi ("earth") or tsutsu ("gun barrel"), or it could be a reference to the caliber of the Schwerer Gustav, which was about 80 cm. Dora is the name of the second iteration of the Schwerer Gustav railway gun, used briefly during World War II.
  • 82 is goroawase for ha-tsu ("hearts"). Heartlandraco is a portmanteau of Heartland (the city which is the primary setting of the ZEXAL anime and manga) and draco.
  • 83 is a reference to March 8th (International Women's Day and celebrated as Mother's Day in some countries), referring to how this Numbers resembled the mother of the character who first used it in the ZEXAL anime. It could also be goroawase for yami ("darkness").
  • 84 might be goroawase for chishi ("lethal" or "fatal") or the similar-sounding chishu ("spider").
  • 85 is goroawase for hako ("box").
  • 86 is goroawase for yari ("spear"). Rhonogmiant or Rhongomyniad was the spear of King Arthur in the Welsh Arthurian legends.
  • 87 is goroawase for hana ("flower"). Beautiful Goddess of Snow, Moon, and Flowers (Setsugekkabishin) is a Japanese portmanteau of setsugekka (lit. "snow, moon, and flowers")—a Japanese expression and theme in art and design originating from a poem by Tang-dynasty poet Bai Juyi and a figure of speech for beautiful sceneries in nature—and gekkabijin, the Japanese name for the Dutchman's pipe cactus—a species of cactus also known as queen of the night.
  • 88 might have been chosen due to August being the eighth month of the year and Leo the constellation governing a period of time that mainly falls in August.
  • 89 is goroawase for haku, which is similar to hakku (the Japanese transliteration of the IT term "hack").
  • 91 might be goroawase for kui (as in kuikku/"quick").
  • 92 is goroawase for kuzu ("waste" or "garbage"), for the same reason as Numbers 53.
  • 93 was chosen to be the inverse of 39.
  • 95 might be goroawase for kūgō (the kalpa of nothingness and the final eon of the universe). Dark matter is a theoretical nonluminous material that is postulated to exist in space and that could take any of several forms including weakly interacting particles (cold dark matter) or high-energy randomly moving particles created soon after the Big Bang (hot dark matter).
  • 96 is goroawase for kuro ("black").
  • Dragravion is named after dragon and graviton—the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity. Its title, Dragon Shadow God, is a reordering of Dragluon's title of Divine Shadow Dragon, and the font used for 97 makes the number look very similar to 46 when flipped.
  • 98 might be goroawase for kuya (as in kuyaku, a Buddhist term for hardship and misfortune).
  • 99 is a reference to Yuma Tsukumo, the protagonist of ZEXAL. The kanji in his last name can be literally translated as ninety-nine.
  • 101 is the sum of 39 and 62, Yuma's and Kaito's signature Numbers, respectively, tying them together to Shark, who used this Numbers in the anime.
  • Ragna Zero and Ragna Infinity are puns on Ragnarok (Ragunaroku in Japanese)—in Norse mythology, a foretold series of impending events, including a great battle in which numerous great Norse mythological figures will perish. Roku can be interpreted as the number six in Japanese, and in their case it's been replaced with the numbers zero and infinity to get the names Ragna Zero and Ragna Infinity. Zero Maiden of the Gods' Funeral (Shinsōreijō) is another reference to Ragnarok and also a play on the Japanese phrase shinsō no reijō (lit. "daughter of the secluded room")—a term for a woman born into a high-ranking family and raised with great care.
  • Shining and Umbral are a reference to the character Rei Shingetsu from the ZEXAL anime, who used both Shining and Umbral Decks before and after the reveal that he was part of the Seven Varian Emperors, respectively. The Masquerade part of their names is a reference to his good-guy act prior to the reveal.
  • A cestus is a leather fighting glove, frequently weighted with metal, commonly used in Roman gladiatorial events. Caestus is the Latin root of the word.
  • Gigantic Rock Palm (Kyōganshō) and Molten Rock Palm (Yōganshō) sound similar to each other in Japanese, and the ganshō part is a homophone for magma in Japanese. Hand-Red is a pun on hundred, referring to it being an Over-Hundred Numbers.
  • Shinyunya (Shin-yoon-ya) is a corruption Śūnya (lit. "zero" or "empty" in Sanskrit).
  • Chaos Chimera Dragon uses a different kanji for "dragon" than the one Death Chimera Dragon uses.
  • Shark Drake Veiss is named similarly to Leveiss Dragon, another Numbers used by Shark in the ZEXAL anime and manga. Veiss is likely a double entendre on the German Weiß ("white") and vice.
  • The V in Hope Ray V stands for Varian, since it was Summoned with Rank-Up Magic - Limited Varian's Force in the anime. It could also be a play on the phrase vain hope.
  • Supra (Sūpura) is a Latin word meaning "above" or "superior." In Japanese, it sounds similar to the transliteration of splash (supurashhu).
  • Funeral Armor (Sōsō) is a play on sōsōkyoku (the Japanese term for a funeral march—a slow march in a "simple duple" meter, imitating the solemn pace of a funeral procession). A requiem is a a piece of music composed to honor a dead person.
  • Disaster Leo is likely named that way due to the word disaster coming from a Latin term meaning "bad star," and thus would represent the constellation Leo becoming unlucky or an ill omen.


  1. Chaos Numbers 1000: Illusory God of Emptiness - Numeronius
  2. Chaos Imaginary Numbers 1000: Illusory Light God of Emptiness - Numeronius Numeronia
  3. Numeron Chaos Ritual
  • The Illusory part of their names (Mugen) is a homophone for "infinity" in Japanese. Based on their Summon chants in the anime, they're based on the Japanese four-character idiom tenjōmukyū ("as eternal as heaven and earth"), and their titles refer to how Don Thousand called the dreams of man an eternal illusion.


  1. Creator of Hope
  2. Winning Formula
  3. Creator of Miracles
submitted by RazorOfSimplicity to yugioh [link] [comments]

2023.06.21 16:45 RazorOfSimplicity The Definitive Number [Etymology]


Etymology/Translation Corner
This is a list of translated Japanese names for all of the cards in No. Complete File - Piece of Memories -. See below for further notes.
Each card name is linked to an image!! (Use an image-zooming extension like Imagus to view them instantly.)
Any questions or issues you may have about the translations are welcome.
  1. Numbers 1: Gate of Numeron - Ekam
  2. Numbers 2: Gate of Numeron - Dve
  3. Numbers 3: Gate of Numeron - Trini
  4. Numbers 4: Gate of Numeron - Catvari
  5. Numbers 5: Lifeless Dragon of Obscurity - Death Chimera Dragon
  6. Numbers 6: OOPArts Atlantal / Numbers 6: Prehistoric Heritage - Atlantal
  7. Numbers 7: Lucky Stripe
  8. Numbers 8: Heraldic King - Genome Heriter
  9. Numbers 9: Sky-Covering Star - Dyson Sphere
  10. Numbers 10: Shimmering White Knight - Illuminator
  11. Numbers 11: Big Eye
  12. Numbers 12: Armor Ninja Crimson Shadow
  13. Numbers 13: Cain's Devil
  14. Numbers 14: Sarameya the Greed
  15. Numbers 15: Gimmick Puppet - Giant Killer
  16. Numbers 16: Sovereign of Colors - Shock Ruler
  17. Numbers 17: Leveiss Dragon
  18. Numbers 18: Heraldic Progenitor - Plain Coat
  19. Numbers 19: Freezerdon
  20. Numbers 20: Giganto Brilli-Ant / Numbers 20: Rock-Soil Ant - Brilli-Ant
  21. Numbers 21: Lady Justice the Frozen
  22. Numbers 22: Franken / Numbers 22: Undecaying Ken
  23. Numbers 23: Lancelot, Ghostly Knight of the Netherworld
  24. Numbers 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon
  25. Numbers 25: Full-Metal Photoglide - Focus Force / Numbers 25: Heavy-Optics Movie Camera - Focus Force
  26. Numbers 26: Dimensional Breachway - Octobypass
  27. Numbers 27: Dreadnought Battleship - Dreadnoid
  28. Numbers 28: Titanic Moth
  29. Numbers 29: Mannequin Cat
  30. Numbers 30: Acid Golem of Annihilation
  31. Numbers 31: Abel's Devil
  32. Numbers 32: Chomping Sea Dragon - Shark Drake
  33. Numbers 33: OOPArts - Super-Weapon Machu=Mak / Numbers 33: Prehistoric Heritage - Super-Weapon Machu=Mak
  34. Numbers 34: Computer Beast - Tera-Byte
  35. Numbers 35: Ravenous Tarantula
  36. Numbers 36: OOPArts - Super-Engine Fork=Huyuk / Numbers 36: Prehistoric Heritage - Super-Engine Fork=Huyuk
  37. Numbers 37: Hope-Woven Dragon - Spider Shark
  38. Numbers 38: Hope-Harbinger Dragon - Titanic Galaxy
  39. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope
  40. Numbers 40: Gimmick Puppet - Heaven's Strings
  41. Numbers 41: Drunken Demon Beast of Drowziness - Bagooska
  42. Numbers 42: Starship Galaxy Tomahawk
  43. Numbers 43: Soul-Puppeteering Ogre - Soul Marionetter
  44. Numbers 44: Winged White Horse - Sky Pegasus
  45. Numbers 45: Prophet of Downfall - Crumble Logos
  46. Numbers 46: Divine Shadow Dragon - Dragluon
  47. Numbers 47: Nightmare Shark
  48. Numbers 48: Shadow Lich
  49. Numbers 49: Bird of Secrets - Fortune Tune
  50. Numbers 50: Black Corn-Go
  51. Numbers 51: Finish Hold the Incredible Arm
  52. Numbers 52: Diamond Crab King
  53. Numbers 53: Fake-Bodied God - Heart-eartH
  54. Numbers 54: Lionheart the Rebellious Fighter
  55. Numbers 55: Gogogo Goliath
  56. Numbers 56: Gold Rat
  57. Numbers 57: Fumingly Swift Dragon - Tresragoon
  58. Numbers 58: Evil Spirit of Fiery Pressure - Burner Visor
  59. Numbers 59: Back the Cook / Numbers 59: Rebellious Chef
  60. Numbers 60: Dugares the Timeless
  61. Numbers 61: Volcasaurus
  62. Numbers 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon / Numbers 62: Photonic Dragon Emperor with Galactic Eyes
  63. Numbers 63: Oshamoji Soldier
  64. Numbers 64: Sandayu the Old-Timer Tanuki
  65. Numbers 65: Demon of Slicing Judgment - Judge Buster
  66. Numbers 66: Beetle of the Supreme Key - Master Key Beetle
  67. Numbers 67: Paradicemasher
  68. Numbers 68: Fiendish Skyscraper Prison - Sandalphon
  69. Numbers 69: God Medallion - Coat of Arms / Numbers 69: God of Heraldry - Coat of Arms
  70. Numbers 70: Deadly Sin
  71. Numbers 71: Levarian Shark
  72. Numbers 72: Line Monster Chariots Rook
  73. Numbers 73: God of the Raging Waterfalls - Abyss Splash
  74. Numbers 74: Magical Clown - Missing Sword
  75. Numbers 75: Gossip Shadow of Bewilderment
  76. Numbers 76: Photochromic Perfumer of Harmonious Melodies - Gradière
  77. Numbers 77: The Seven Sins
  78. Numbers 78: Numbers Archive
  79. Numbers 79: Burning Knuckler - Kaiser the Nova
  80. Numbers 80: Supreme Overlord the Maniacal Armor - Rhapsody in Berserk
  81. Numbers 81: Super-Dreadnought Turret Train - Superior Dora
  82. Numbers 82: Heartlandraco
  83. Numbers 83: Galaxy Queen
  84. Numbers 84: Pain Gainer
  85. Numbers 85: Crazy Box
  86. Numbers 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomiant
  87. Numbers 86: Beautiful Goddess of Snow, Moon, and Flowers - Queen of Nights
  88. Numbers 88: Gimmick Puppet - Destiny Leo
  89. Numbers 89: Diablosis the Digital-Brained Beast
  90. Numbers 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord / Numbers 90: Photonic Lord with Galactic Eyes
  91. Numbers 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
  92. Numbers 92: Fake-Bodied God Dragon - Heart-eartH Dragon
  93. Numbers 93: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Kaiser
  94. Numbers 94: Princess of Absolute Ice - Crystal Zero
  95. Numbers 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark-Matter Dragon
  96. Numbers 96: Black Mist
  97. Numbers 97: Dragon Shadow God - Dragravion
  98. Numbers 98: Emperor of Despair - Hopeless
  99. Numbers 99: Dragon Emperor of Wishes - Hope Dragoon
  100. Numbers 100: Numeron Dragon
  101. Numbers 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight / Numbers 101: S·H·Ark Knight
  102. Numbers 102: Holy Lightning - Glorious Halo / Numbers 102: Luminous Angel - Glorious Halo
  103. Numbers 103: Zero Maiden of the Gods' Funeral - Ragna Zero
  104. Numbers 104: Masquerade Magician Shining / Numbers 104: Dancing Masked Mage - Shining
  105. Numbers 105: Burning Knuckler - Cestus the Shooting Star
  106. Numbers 106: Gigantic Rock Palm - Giant Hand
  107. Numbers 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon / Numbers 107: Spatiotemporal Dragon with Galactic Eyes
  108. Chaos Numbers 1: Gate of Chaos Numeron - Shinyunya
  109. Chaos Numbers 5: Lifeless Dragon of Obscurity - Chaos Chimera Dragon
  110. Chaos Numbers 6: OOPArts Chaos Atlantal / Chaos Numbers 6: Prehistoric Heritage - Chaos Atlantal
  111. Chaos Numbers 9: Sky-Covering Ominous Star - Chaos Dyson Sphere
  112. Chaos Numbers 15: Gimmick Puppet - Serial Killer
  113. Chaos Numbers 32: Chomping Sea Dragon - Shark Drake Veiss
  114. Chaos Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Ray
  115. Chaos Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Ray V
  116. Chaos Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Ray Victory
  117. Chaos Numbers 40: Gimmick Puppet - Devil's Strings
  118. Chaos Numbers 43: Soul-Puppeteering Ogre God - Chaos Marionetter
  119. Chaos Numbers 65: Demon King of Slicing Judgment - Judge Devil
  120. Chaos Numbers 69: Death Medallion - Chaos of Arms / Chaos Numbers 69: Death God of Heraldry - Chaos of Arms
  121. Chaos Numbers 73: Torrential God of the Raging Waterfalls - Abyss Supra
  122. Chaos Numbers 80: Supreme Overlord the Funeral Armor - Requiem in Berserk
  123. Chaos Numbers 88: Gimmick Puppet - Disaster Leo
  124. Chaos Numbers 92: Fake-Bodied Void Dragon - Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon
  125. Chaos Numbers 96: Black Storm
  126. Chaos Numbers 101: Silent Honors Dark Knight / Chaos Numbers 101: S·H·Dark Knight
  127. Chaos Numbers 102: Unholy Lightning - Noble Demon / Chaos Numbers 102: Luminous Fallen Angel - Noble Demon
  128. Chaos Numbers 103: Zero Maiden of the Gods' Funeral - Ragna Infinity
  129. Chaos Numbers 104: Masquerade Magician Umbral / Chaos Numbers 104: Dancing Masked Mage - Umbral
  130. Chaos Numbers 105: Burning Knuckler - Caestus the Comet
  131. Chaos Numbers 106: Molten Rock Palm - Giant Hand-Red
  132. Chaos Numbers 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon / Chaos Numbers 107: Spatiotemporal Dragon with Supergalactic Eyes
  133. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Roots
  134. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Beyond the Hope
  135. Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope Double
  136. Shining Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope ONE
  137. Shining Numbers 39: Emperor of Wishes - Hope the Lightning
  138. Shining Numbers 0: Hope Zexal
  139. Future Numbers 0: Emperor of the Future - Hope
  140. Future Numbers 0: Emperor of the Future - Hope -Future Slash-
  141. Future Numbers 0: Dragon Emperor of the Future - Hope
Etymology and other trivia:
  • Some of the Numbers are numbered based on goroawase ("phonetic matching")—an especially common form of Japanese wordplay whereby homophonous words are associated with a given series of letters, numbers, or symbols. (Japanese numbers have multiple possible readings, making this type of wordplay extremely potent). The wordplay sometimes involves the numbers' English transliterations as well.
  • The Gates of Numeron are named after the Sanskrit words for "one," "two," "three," and "four," respectively.
  • 6 (roku) may have been chosed due to its phonetic similarity in Japanese to the word "rock." Atlantal comes from Atlantis.
  • 7 is commonly regarded as being a lucky number. Lucky Stripe is named after a cigarette brand that appeared in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, a parody of the real-world brand Lucky Strike. The escaped prisoner who smoked that brand also had 777 tattooed across his forehead.
  • The number 8 shares a resemblance to the double-helix structure of DNA. Genome Heriter is a corruption of hérite (French for "to inherit"), likely having the intended meaning of "successor."
  • The Japanese word for 9 (kyū) shares its pronunciation with the one for "sphere." A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output.
  • Numbers 10, 20, and 30 were all used by Kaito Tenjo in the anime (in that order). It is thought his last name containing "Ten" to be the reason why they're all pure multiples of ten.
  • Illuminator could be 10 because the Japanese word for "white" (shiro) is goroawase for 46 ("4" can be read as shi, and "6" as ro), and 4 + 6 = 10. This is also the origin of Dragluon's number (46).
  • Big Eye's number is likely from the fact the Roman numeral for 1 looks like the English letter I (a homophone for "eye").
  • Crimson Shadow is a reference to Akakage (lit. "red shadow"), a fictional Japanese superhero from the Masked Hero Akakage series. It first appeared in Episode 12 of ZEXAL.
  • Cain and Abel are the first two sons of Adam and Eve in the biblical Book of Genesis. The brothers made sacrifices to God, each of his own produce, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Cain then murdered Abel, whereupon God punished Cain by condemning him to a life of wandering. Cain's number is 13 due to it being an unlucky number in superstition, and its original depiction in the manga had a negative effect toward its owner. Abel's Devil had the same effect in the manga, so its number was just the inverse of Cain's Devil.
  • Numbers 14, 21, 28, 35, 70, 77, and 84 are all references to the seven deadly sins, and their numbers are each divisible by 7.
  • In Hindu mythology, the Sarameya are the sons of Sarama (a dog belonging to Indra and other devas), who serve as watch dogs for Yama (the lord of death).
  • Giant Killer may have its number be 15 due to the fact if you convert 1 and 5 into Roman numerals, they spell out IV ("Four"), referring to this card's original owner in the ZEXAL anime.
  • 16 is goroawase for iro (lit. "color"). Shock Ruler is a play on the Japanese counter for colors being pronounced shoku. It being a ruler of colors is a reference to the different colors of the card types it's able to restrict.
  • Leveiss is a portmanteau of Leviathan, Weiß (German for "white"), and vice. Its original appeareance in the manga depicted the monster as completely white; its color scheme was changed for unknown reason when it appeared in the anime.
  • A plain coat is a coat of arms used by the head of a family, to be inherited by his first son upon his death. 18 might thus be goroawase for chichi ("father").
  • 19 rotated 180 degrees is 61, referring to these two monsters' similar characteristics, and the fact they were used together during the same Duel in the anime.
  • The kanji used to write out Giganto ("gigant") are the kanji for "ant," "rock," and "soil."
  • Lady Justice the Frozen (Hyōketsu no Redī Jasutisu) is a pun on the fact the Japanese words for "freezing"/"frozen" and "verdict" are homophones (both pronounced hyōketsu). Justice can also be interpreted as "just ice."
  • 22 might be goroawase for funi, possibly referring to funiku (lit. "carrion" or "decaying flesh"). Franken is a reference to both Frankenstein's monster and a Ken doll.
  • 23 might be goroawase for tsumi ("sin"), as it was also played by Kyoji Yagumo in the ZEXAL manga, who initially possessed all the other Numbers based on the seven deadly sins.
  • 24 is goroawase for fushi (lit. "immortal"). Dragulas may be a combination of dragon and Dracula.
  • 25 is goroawase for niko ("bright smile"), probably referring to people smiling before getting their pictures taken. It may also be a reference to Nikon, a Japanese corporation famous for its cameras and other optical goods.
  • 26 is goroawase for tsūro (Japanese for "pathway"). Octobypass is a portmanteau of octopus and bypass.
  • 27 is goroawase for tsutsu ("gun barrel"). Dreadnoid is based on the HMS Dreadnought Royal Navy battleship.
  • 28 is goroawase for tsuya ("youthfulness" or "love"), possibly referring to Kaito's and Haruto's childhood memories, since it was used by Haruto in the ZEXAL manga.
  • 29 might be goroawase for niku, referring to nikukyū (the sole of a paw). Mannequin Cat is a play on manekineko (lit. "beckoning cat")—a figure of a cat with one paw raised, usually depicted on porcelain cat figurines.
  • Acid Golem having the number 30 is probably because "acid" in Japanese is pronounced san, the same as the number three.
  • 31 is goroawase for santo ("saint"), a reference to Abel being called a saint after having been murdered by his brother.
  • 32 is goroawase for both mitsu (referring to the goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni) and mizu (Japanese for "water"). Chomping Sea Dragon (Kaikōryū) can be interpreted as a homophone for Sea Emperor Dragon in Japanese.
  • 33 is a reference to III, the character who first used this Numbers in the anime. It may also be goroawase for san (as in "sun"), a reference to Machu Picchu's Temple of the Sun. Machu=Mak is likely a twist on Machu Picchu, a 15th-century Inca citadel.
  • Tera-Byte comes from terabyte, a unit of digital information which equals approximately one trillion bytes. 34 might thus be a reference to 1 TB = 103*4 B.
  • Ravenous Tarantula is based on the sin of gluttony.
  • 36* might be goroawase for sanroku ("sun rock"), referring to how this monster functions as an engine built into Machu=Mak. Fork=Huyuk comes from Çatalhöyük, which was a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic proto-city settlement in southern Anatolia. Its name is made up of the Turkish words for "fork" and "tumulus."
  • 37 is goroawase for mina (a corruption of minna, which is Japanese for "everyone"), a reference to how this monster symbolized all of the ZEXAL manga's characters joining forces after the main antagonist was revealed. The Woven part is read as shiki, most likely an attempt to make it sound similar to "Shark."
  • 38 is goroawase for michi ("path"), probably symbolizing how this monster is meant to open up a path to hope. The Harbinger part of Titanic Galaxy's name is written with a kanji that's read as kai, a reference to Kaito, this monster's user in the manga.
  • 37 and 38 were also specifically chosen to be two and one numbers below 39.
  • 39 is goroawase for sankyū ("thank you")—commonly used in Japanese as a casual way to say thanks. It can also be goroawase for miku ("future"). Emperor of Wishes is actually better translated as Emperor of Hope; it is translated differently to avoid repetition.
  • 40 is probably a reference to IV, this card's initial user in the anime.
  • 41 is goroawase for yoi ("drunkenness"). Drunken Demon Beast of Drowziness (Deisuimajū) is a play on several Japanese words: deisui ("dead drunk"), suima ("drowziness"), and majū ("demon beast"). *Bagooska is a corrupted portmanteau of baku (Japanese for "tapir") and gusuka (an idiom for "sleeping like a log").
  • Starship Galaxy Tomahawk is based on the the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, a semi-retired American single-seat, twin-engine stealth attack aircraft.
  • 43 is goroawase for Yomi, the realm of the dead in Shinto mythology.
  • 44 might be goroawase for shishi (a Japanese term for idealists willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation), referring to Durbe, the one connected to this Legendary Numbers in the ZEXAL anime.
  • 45 is goroawase for shigo (which in this can be interpreted as meaning either "after death" or "dead language"/"obsolete word"). Logos means "the word of God, the logic that makes up the world" in Christology.
  • 46 is goroawase for shiro ("white"). Dragluon is a portmanteau of dragon and gluon (an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle for the strong force between quarks).
  • 47 is goroawase for yona, which in this case comes from yonaka ("the dead of night"), referring to the Nightmare in this card's name.
  • 49 is goroawase for yoku ("wing"). Fortune Tune (Fōchun Chun) is a play on the Japanese onomatopoeia chunchun ("chirp").
  • Black Corn-Go is a play on Kongō (lit. "Indestructible Diamond")—a warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy used during World War I and World War II. The used in this card's name is a common suffix used to denote a ship's name. 50 might thus be goroawase for go-ō.
  • 51 is goroawase for gowan, which is nearly the same as gōwan ("strong arm" in Japanese).
  • 52 is the number of cards in a standard deck of playing cards, excluding the two Jokers.Diamond Crab King seems to be a refernce to playing cards, as its Japanese name can also be interpreted as Diamond Club King ("diamond" and "club" being two of the suits among playing cards).
  • 53 is goroawase for gomi ("trash" or "garbage"). The character who used it in the anime, Dr. Faker, played a Garbage Deck, for context. This is also why it's called a Fake-Bodied God.
  • 55 is simply goroawase for gogo (to go along with the rest of the Gogogo in the name).
  • Gold Rat is meant to be a play on gold rush (a discovery of gold that brings an onrush of miners seeking their fortune) and rat. 56 might have been chosen since go ("five") and roku ("six") match the initials of Gold Rat.
  • 57 is goroawase for kona ("powder" or "dust"). Tresragoon is a portmanteau of tres (Spanish for "three"), trace (referring to its ATK-copying effect), and dragoon. Fumingly Swift Dragon (Funjinryū) uses the funjin that means "a stirring dash forward," but it's a phonetic pun on the Japanese word for "mineral dust" (funjin).
  • 59 is goroawase for koku, which is similar to kokku ("cook").
  • 60 is a reference to this being a common number for measuring time, as in there being 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour.Dugares is based on duodecim (the Latin word for "twelve" and referring to the twelve numbers on a clock face) and the demon Agares, sometimes described as an old man riding upon a crocodile and carrying a hawk on his fist.
  • The 62 written with Astral digits is the same as 39 (Hope's number) upside-down. It might also be goroawase for muni ("peerless" or "matchless").
  • 63 is goroawase for mumi ("lacking taste"), referring to this card's holder in the manga, who was unable to cook good-tasting dishes until this card's powers overcame that problem. Oshamoji is a polite-speak rendition of shamoji ("rice paddle")—a large wooden spoon used to scoop or stir rice.
  • 64 is likely goroawase for roshi (similar to rōshi, meaning "old sage"). Sandayu is named after Sandayu Momochi—a name commonly associated with one of the three Iga ninja leaders of the Warring States period. He is best known for defying Nobunaga during the riots in Iga. The phrase Old-Timer Tanuki (Furudanuki) is a Japanese idiom for a veteran or old-timer in a certain field.
  • 65 is likely goroawase for mugo (referring to mugoi—"cruel" or "merciless"). Shredder Demon of Judgment (Saidanmajin) is a pun on the fact saidan is a homonym in Japanese for both "cutting" and "judgment."
  • 66 is possibly a pun on roku ("six" in Japanese) sounding the same as the Japanese transliteration of lock.
  • 67 likely represents this monster's effect of changing the highest-possible die result in the game (6) to a 7. This is a reference to an early chapter from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, in which Dark Yugi splits his opponent's die in two to change their die result to 7. Paradicemasher is a portmanteau of paradise, dice, and smasher.
  • 68 is goroawase for roya (similar to rōya—"jail" in Japanese). Sandalphon is an archangel in Jewish and Christian writings, considered by some sources to be the twin brother of Metatron.
  • 69 might have been an attempt to represent the yin-and-yang symbol. It might also be goroawase for muku(i) ("punishment" or "retribution"), as it was initially used by Tron in the ZEXAL anime, who was motivated by his desire for revenge.
  • 70 was chosen as a reference to the seven deadly sins, as well as its name (Deadly Sin) itself.
  • 71 is the inverse of 17, referring to this monster clearly being based on Numbers 17: Leveiss Shark. 71 is also a reference to Rank-Up Magic - The Seventh One, which this card's second effect is meant to be used with. Levarian is a portmanteau of re- (referring to its revival effect), Leveiss, and Varian (referring to Nasch from the ZEXAL anime, who got reborn in the Varian World and originally used Numbers 17).
  • 72 likely gets its number from the shogi term Sleeve Rook (sodebisha in Japanese)—a Static Rook opening in which the rook is moved to the third file if played by Black or the seventh file if played by White (specifically to the 7-2 square, hence this monster's number).
  • 73 is goroawase for nami ("wave").
  • 74 is goroawase for nanashi (lit. "nameless," referring to its stealthy-looking appearance).
  • 75 comes from the Japanese proverb, "People's rumors last for 75 days," meaning that rumors and gossip are never long-lasting.
  • 76 might be goroawase for nanairo ("seven colors"), referring to the seven colors of the rainbow, or nari ("ringing" or "sound"). Gradière is a portmanteau of gradient and lumière (French for "light"). Photochromic Perfumer of Harmonious Melodies (Kaichōkōshi) is a Japanese portmanteau of kaichō ("harmonious melody"), chōkō ("photochromic"), and chōkōshi ("perfumer").
  • 77 is again a callback to the seven deadly sins.
  • 78 is goroawase for number (nan-ba). Its design is inspired after the Emperor's Key (from the ZEXAL anime) in its ship form.
  • 79 is goroawase for naku, which sounds similar to the first two syllables of nakkuru (knuckle transliterated into Japanese).
  • 80 is goroawase for haō ("overlord"). The Maniacal Armor part (Kyōsō) is a pun on kyōsōkyoku (Japanese for capriccio—a lively piece of music, typically one that is short and free in form). The English part of its name instead refers to a rhapsody—a free instrumental composition in one extended movement, typically one that is emotional or exuberant in character—which is commonly confused with the capriccio.
  • 81 is possibly goroawase for tsuchi ("earth") or tsutsu ("gun barrel"), or it could be a reference to the caliber of the Schwerer Gustav, which was about 80 cm. Dora is the name of the second interation of the Schwerer Gustav railway gun, used briefly during World War II.
  • 82 is goroawase for ha-tsu ("hearts"). Heartlandraco is a portmanteau of Heartland (the city which is the primary setting of the ZEXAL anime and manga) and draco.
  • 83 is a reference to March 8th (International Women's Day and celebrated as Mother's Day in some countries), referring to how this Numbers resembled the mother of the character who first used it in the ZEXAL anime. It could also be goroawase for yami ("darkness").
  • 84 might be goroawase for chishi ("lethal" or "fatal") or the similar-sounding chishu ("spider").
  • 85 is goroawase for hako ("box").
  • 86 is goroawase for yari ("spear"). Rhonogmiant or Rhongomyniad was the spear of King Arthur in the Welsh Arthurian legends.
  • 87 is goroawase for hana ("flower"). Beautiful Goddess of Snow, Moon, and Flowers (Setsugekkabishin) is a Japanese portmanteau of setsugekka (lit. "snow, moon, and flowers")—a Japanese expression and theme in art and design originating from a poem by Tang-dynasty poet Bai Juyi and a figure of speech for beautiful sceneries in nature—and gekkabijin, the Japanese name for the Dutchman's pipe cactus—a species of cactus also known as queen of the night.
  • 88 might have been chosen due to August beeing the eighth month of the year and Leo the constellation governing a period of time that mainly falls in August.
  • 89 is goroawase for haku, which is similar to hakku (the Japanese transliteration of the IT term "hack").
  • 91 might be goroawase for kui (as in kuikku/"quick").
  • 92 is goroawase for kuzu ("waste" or "garbage"), for the same reason as Numbers 53.
  • 93 was chosen to be the inverse of 39.
  • 95 might be goroawase for kūgō (the kalpa of nothingness and the final eon of the universe). Dark matter is a theoretical nonluminous material that is postulated to exist in space and that could take any of several forms including weakly interacting particles (cold dark matter) or high-energy randomly moving particles created soon after the Big Bang (hot dark matter).
  • 96 is goroawase for kuro ("black").
  • Dragravion is named after dragon and graviton—the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity. Its title, Dragon Shadow God, is a reordering of Dragluon's title of Divine Shadow Dragon, and the font used for 97 makes the number look very similar to 46 when flipped.
  • 98 might be goroawase for kuya (as in kuyaku, a Buddhist term for hardship and misfortune).
  • 99 is a reference to Yuma Tsukumo, the protagonist of ZEXAL. The kanji in his last name can be literally translated as ninety-nine.
  • 101 is the sum of 39 and 62, Yuma's and Kaito's signature Numbers, respectively, tying them together to Shark, who used this Numbers in the anime.
  • Ragna Zero and Ragna Infinity are puns on Ragnarok (Ragunaroku in Japanese)—in Norse mythology, a foretold series of impending events, including a great battle in which numerous great Norse mythological figures will perish. Roku can be interpreted as the number six in Japanese, and in their case it's been replaced with the numbers zero and infinity to get the names Ragna Zero and Ragna Infinity. Zero Maiden of the Gods' Funeral (Shinsōreijō) is another reference to Ragnarok and also a play on the Japanese phrase shinsō no reijō (lit. "daughter of the secluded room")—a term for woman born into a high-ranking family and raised with great care.
  • Shining and Umbral are a reference to the character Rei Shingetsu from the ZEXAL anime, who used both Shining and Umbral Decks before and after the reveal that he was part of the Seven Varian Emperors, respectively. The Masquerade part of their names is a reference to his good-guy act prior to the reveal.
  • A cestus is a leather fighting glove, frequently weighted with metal, commonly used in Roman gladiatorial events. Caestus is the Latin root of the word.
  • Gigantic Rock Palm (Kyōganshō) and Molten Rock Palm (Yōganshō) sound similar to each other in Japanese, and the ganshō part is a homophone for magma in Japanese. Hand-Red is a pun on hundred, referring to it being an Over-Hundred Numbers.
  • Shinyunya (Shin-yoon-ya) is a corruption Śūnya (lit. "zero" or "empty" in Sanskrit).
  • Chaos Chimera Dragon uses a different kanji for "dragon" than the one Death Chimera Dragon uses.
  • Shark Drake Veiss is named similarly to Leveiss Dragon, another Numbers used by Shark in the ZEXAL anime and manga. Veiss is likely a double entendre on the German Weiß ("white") and vice.
  • The V in Hope Ray V stands for Varian, since it was Summoned with Rank-Up Magic - Limited Varian's Force in the anime. It could also be a play on the phrase vain hope.
  • Supra (Sūpura) is a Latin word meaning "above" or "superior." In Japanese, it sounds similar to the transliteration of splash (supurashhu).
  • Funeral Armor (Sōsō) is a play on sōsōkyoku (the Japanese term for a funeral march—a slow march in a "simple duple" meter, imitating the solemn pace of a funeral procession). A requiem is a a piece of music composed to honor a dead person.
  • Disaster Leo is likely named that way due to the word disaster coming from a Latin term meaning "bad star," and thus would represent the constellation Leo becoming unlucky or an ill omen.


  1. Chaos Numbers 1000: Illusory God of Emptiness - Numeronius
  2. Chaos Imaginary Numbers 1000: Illusory Light God of Emptiness - Numeronius Numeronia
  3. Numeron Chaos Ritual
  • The Illusory part of their names (Mugen) is a homophone for "infinity" in Japanese. Based on their Summon chants in the anime, they're based on the Japanese four-character idiom tenjōmukyū ("as eternal as heaven and earth"), and their titles refer to how Don Thousand called the dreams of man an eternal illusion.


  1. Creator of Hope
  2. Winning Formula
  3. Creator of Miracles
submitted by RazorOfSimplicity to yugioh [link] [comments]

2023.05.28 22:05 Dyl8Reddit I’ve been collecting the Bing Word of the Day for an entire year now!

On the day that I posted this, 5-28-2023, it would have been an entire year since I started collecting the daily word that Bing offers every day. For those of you don’t know, if you search for “Word of the day” on Bing, you will find a unique vocabulary word that is specific to each day. That’s what I’ve been documenting for the past year.
I started collecting the words back on May 29, 2022. I kept them in a plain text document that I named word-of-the-day.txt. This document was going to store my words in a specific format, which you will see below. I appended to this document every day in the summer using Windows Notepad, until I eventually moved the document to my Google Drive. This allowed me to hook up multiple automations to it, like a Siri Shortcut that would get the latest word and allow me to append it. Once April of 2023 (or even earlier) came around, I decided to change to only updating it every 6 days since my life was getting a bit busier then. And when I wasn’t automating, I would manually add the daily word as part of my MicrosoftRewards routine (sometimes, but only when I had the extra time for it)
Doing this isn’t as easy as going back to add all 365 words right before I published this. That is because there is a limit to how far back one can go in the daily words — after 7 days a word disappears from the end of the list and is lost forever. This meant that I had to stay on top of the word list, which I did do pretty consistently until I missed on day on June 30th. But that’s ok, as we all make mistakes.
While I was keeping track of the words that Bing offered every day, I learned some interesting things. Discovering a new word every day slowly strengthened my vocabulary to be more eclectic. I used these words in various things like stories, or just to confuse people that had never heard of the words. And with more words, what started as a hobby to collect the words became a project to archive the WOTD for an entire year.
A lot can happen in a single year. When I started, I didn't even have a Reddit account, and it was late May around the time where everyone gets out of school that I started making the list. Now it’s the end of another school year. I am completely different person.
So with that context and reflection, I would say that it is about time to show you the list that I’ve been collecting:*


[001] May 29 - tenacious - tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely [002] May 30 - empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another [003] May 31 - prate - talk foolishly or at tedious length about something [004] June 01 - cerulean - deep blue in color like a clear sky [005] June 02 - redolent - strongly reminiscent or suggestive of [006] June 03 - diaphanous - (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent [007] June 04 - sillage - the degree to which a perfume's fragrance lingers in the air when worn [008] June 05 - desultory - lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm [009] June 06 - mercurial - (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind; of or containing the element mercury [010] June 07 - fawn - a young deer in its first year; a light yellowish-brown color [011] June 08 - estuary - the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream [012] June 09 - mellifluous - (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear: [013] June 10 - zippy - bright, fresh, or lively [014] June 11 - lush - (of vegetation) growing luxuriantly [015] June 12 - bucolic - relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life [016] June 13 - verdant - of the bright green color of lush grass [017] June 14 - regal - of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified [018] June 15 - pyrrhic - (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor [019] June 16 - picturesque - visually attractive, especially in a quaint or pretty style [020] June 17 - myriad - a countless or extremely great number [021] June 18 - gleaming - (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished [022] June 19 - deafening - (of a noise) so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else [023] June 20 - aberration - a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome [024] June 21 - pleonasm - the use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning (e.g. see with one's eyes), either as a fault of style or for emphasis [025] June 22 - Instigate - bring about or initiate (an action or event) [026] June 23 - dubious - hesitating or doubting [027] June 24 - noxious - harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant [028] June 25 - calumny - the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander [029] June 26 - abscond - leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft [030] June 27 - predilection - a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something [031] June 28 - equivocal - open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous [032] June 29 - pernicious - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way [033] June 30 - ??? [034] July 01 - languor - the state or feeling, often pleasant, of tiredness or inertia [035] July 02 - obsolete - no longer produced or used; out of date [036] July 03 - ambiguous - (of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning [037] July 04 - patriotism - the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country [038] July 05 - carouse - drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way [039] July 06 - insurgent - a rebel or revolutionary [040] July 07 - oligarchy - a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution [041] July 08 - loyalist - a person who remains loyal to the established ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt [042] July 09 - veracity - conformity to facts; accuracy [043] July 10 - rescind - revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement) [044] July 11 - malarkey - meaningless talk; nonsense [045] July 12 - epoch - a period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics [046] July 13 - abrogate - repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement) [047] July 14 - laconic - (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words [048] July 15 - prepossessing - attractive or appealing in appearance [049] July 16 - sonorous - (of a voice) imposingly deep and full [recovered, assumed] [050] July 17 - bombinate - buzz; hum [051] July 18 - altruistic - showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish [052] July 19 - upbraid - find fault with (someone); scold [053] July 20 - maelstrom - a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river [054] July 21 - illusory - based on illusion; not real [055] July 22 - lethargy - lack of energy and enthusiasm [056] July 23 - ethereal - extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world [057] July 24 - syzygy - a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun [058] July 25 - phosphene - a ring or spot of light produced by pressure on the eyeball or direct stimulation of the visual system other than by light [059] July 26 - vacuous - having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless [060] July 27 - oleaginous - rich in, covered with, or producing oil; oily or greasy [061] July 28 - ignominious - deserving or causing public disgrace or shame [062] July 29 - parsimonious - unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal [063] July 30 - treachery - betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature [064] July 31 - verisimilitude - the appearance of being true or real [065] August 01 - luminescence - the emission of light by a substance that has not been heated, as in fluorescence and phosphorescence [066] August 02 - susurration - whispering, murmuring, or rustling [067] August 03 - accost - approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively [068] August 04 - clamor - a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently. [069] August 05 - mendacious - not telling truth, lying [070] August 06 - dilly-dally - waste time through aimless wandering or indecision [071] August 07 - neophyte - a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief [072] August 08 - purist - person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures, especially in a language or style [073] August 09 - bellicose - demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight [074] August 10 - duplicity - deceitfulness; double-dealing [075] August 11 - deus ex machina - an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel. [076] August 12 - supine - (of a person) lying face upward [077] August 13 - nebulous - in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy [078] August 14 - viscosity - the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction [079] August 15 - lampoon - publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm [080] August 16 - fatuous - silly and pointless [081] August 17 - effervescence - bubbles in a liquid; fizz [082] August 18 - defenestration - the action of throwing someone out of a window [083] August 19 - acumen - the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain [084] August 20 - tempest - a violent windy storm [085] August 21 - repartee - conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies [086] August 22 - chuffed - very pleased [087] August 23 - iridescent - showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles [088] August 24 - archetypal - Very typical of a certain kind of person of thing [089] August 25 - forbearance - patient self-control; restraint and tolerance [090] August 26 - stoic - a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining [091] August 27 - officious - assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters [092] August 28 - maudlin - self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness [093] August 29 - oblivion - the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening [094] August 30 - scintillating - sparkling or shining brightly [095] August 31 - lithe - (especially of a person's body) thin, supple, and graceful [096] September 01 - superfluous - unnecessary, especially through being more than enough [097] September 02 - zenith - the time at which something is most powerful or successful [098] September 03 - evocative - bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind [099] September 04 - cobbler - a person who mends shoes as a job [100] September 05 - vitriolic - filled with bitter criticism or malice [101] September 06 - stolid - (of a person) calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation [102] September 07 - eurhythmic - (especially of architecture or art) in or relating to harmonious proportion. [103] September 08 - fallacious - based on a mistaken belief [104] September 09 - multifarious - many and of various types [105] September 10 - rhapsody - an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling [106] September 11 - cogent - (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing [107] September 12 - gregarious - (of a person) fond of company; sociable [108] September 13 - vilify - speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner [109] September 14 - toady - a person who behaves obsequiously to someone important [110] September 15 - deride - express contempt for; ridicule [111] September 16 - rapturous - characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm [112] September 17 - bibliophile - a person who collects or has a great love of books [113] September 18 - fugacious - tending to disappear; fleeting [114] September 19 - lollygag - spend time aimlessly; idle [115] September 20 - bae - a person's boyfriend or girlfriend (often as a form of address) [116] September 21 - jovial - cheerful and friendly [117] September 22 - sycophant - a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage [118] September 23 - wayward - difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior [119] September 24 - maverick - an unorthodox or independent-minded person [120] September 25 - vociferous - (especially of a person or speech) vehement or clamorous [121] September 26 - eclectic - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources [122] September 27 - bane - a cause of great distress or annoyance [123] September 28 - pedant - a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning [124] September 29 - writhe - make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body [125] September 30 - foliage - plant leaves collectively [126] October 01 - eerie - strange and frightening [127] October 02 - bogeyman - an imaginary evil spirit or being, used to frighten children [128] October 03 - catacomb - an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient Romans [129] October 04 - cryptozoology - the search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated [130] October 05 - kafkaesque - characteristic or reminiscent of the oppressive or nightmarish qualities of Franz Kafka's fictional world [131] October 06 - cipher - a secret or disguised way of writing; a code [132] October 07 - morbid - characterized by an unusual interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease [133] October 08 - eldritch - weird and sinister or ghostly [134] October 09 - superstition - excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings [135] October 10 - omen - an event regarded as a portent of good or evil [136] October 11 - miasma - a highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor [137] October 12 - poltergeist - a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around [138] October 13 - harridan - a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman [139] October 14 - serpentine - of or like a serpent or snake [140] October 15 - incarnadine - a bright crimson or pinkish-red color [141] October 16 - pallor - an unhealthy pale appearance [142] October 17 - apparition - a ghost or ghostlike image of a person [143] October 18 - abhorrent - inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant [144] October 19 - banshee - (in Irish legend) a female spirit whose wailing warns of an impending death in a house [145] October 20 - dismal - depressing; dreary [146] October 21 - labyrinth - a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze [147] October 22 - sarcophagus - a stone coffin, typically adorned with a sculpture or inscription and associated with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece [148] October 23 - twilight - the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere [149] October 24 - bizarre - very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement [150] October 25 - foreshadow - be a warning or indication of (a future event) [151] October 26 - fiend - an evil spirit or demon [152] October 27 - lycanthrope - a werewolf [153] October 28 - scythe - a tool used for cutting crops such as grass or wheat, with a long curved blade at the end of a long pole attached to which are one or two short handles [154] October 29 - lusus naturae - a freak of nature [155] October 30 - wraith - a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death [156] October 31 - jack-o'-lantern - a lantern made from a hollowed-out pumpkin in which holes are cut to represent facial features, typically made at Halloween [157] November 01 - logophile - a lover of words [158] November 02 - eloquent - fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing [159] November 03 - sesquipedalian - (of a word) polysyllabic; long [160] November 04 - irony - the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect [161] November 05 - homophone - each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling [162] November 06 - homograph - each of two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily pronounced the same and having different meanings and origins. [163] November 07 - elegy - a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead [164] November 08 - palindrome - a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward [165] November 09 - antithesis - a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else [166] November 10 - bookish - (of a person or way of life) devoted to reading and studying rather than worldly interests [167] November 11 - phenomenon - a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question [168] November 12 - denouement - the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved [169] November 13 - woe - great sorrow or distress [170] November 14 - blithe - showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper [171] November 15 - trouvaille - a lucky find [172] November 16 - empirical - based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic [173] November 17 - trite - (of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness [174] November 18 - diction - the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing [175] November 19 - hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence [176] November 20 - motif - a decorative image or design, especially a repeated one forming a pattern [177] November 21 - anachronism - a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned [178] November 22 - gourmand - a person who enjoys eating and often eats too much [179] November 23 - recant - say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief, especially one considered heretical [180] November 24 - erudite - having or showing great knowledge or learning [181] November 25 - omniscient - knowing everything [182] November 26 - novella - a short novel or long short story [183] November 27 - metaphor - a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable [184] November 28 - anagram - a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another [185] November 29 - expunge - obliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant) [186] November 30 - sough - (of the wind in trees, the sea, etc.) make a moaning, whistling, or rushing sound [187] December 01 - advent - the arrival of a notable person or thing [188] December 02 - gelidity - the quality or condition of being extremely cold or icy [189] December 03 - niveous - snowy or resembling snow [190] December 04 - awe - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder [191] December 05 - Scrooge, Ebenezer - a miserly curmudgeon in Charles Dickens's novel A Christmas Carol (1843) [192] December 06 - levity - humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect [193] December 07 - tranquility - the quality or state of being tranquil; calm [194] December 08 - ephemeral - lasting for a very short time [195] December 09 - surfeit - an excessive amount of something [196] December 10 - staid - sedate, respectable, and unadventurous [197] December 11 - ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere [198] December 12 - virtuoso - a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit [199] December 13 - winsome - attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way [200] December 14 - Grinch - a mean-spirited person who spoils the enjoyment of others; a spoilsport or killjoy [201] December 15 - mirth - amusement, especially as expressed in laughter [202] December 16 - quirky - having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects: [203] December 17 - toboggan - a long, light, narrow vehicle, typically on runners, used for sliding downhill over snow or ice [204] December 18 - evanescent - soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing [205] December 19 - zephyr - a soft gentle breeze [206] December 20 - hearth - the floor of a fireplace [207] December 21 - tidings - news; information [208] December 22 - garland - a wreath of flowers and leaves, worn on the head or hung as a decoration [209] December 23 - cornucopia - a symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn [210] December 24 - crackle - make a rapid succession of short sharp noises [211] December 25 - Yuletide - archaic term for Christmas [212] December 26 - fervor - intense and passionate feeling [213] December 27 - whimsy - playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor [214] December 28 - kith - one's friends, acquaintances, and relations [215] December 29 - equanimity - calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation [216] December 30 - insidious - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects [217] December 31 - revel - enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing


[218] January 01 - clinquant - glittering with gold and silver; tinseled [219] January 02 - Elysian - relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise [220] January 03 - coterie - a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people [221] January 04 - eke - make an amount or supply of something last longer by using or consuming it frugally [222] January 05 - vestibule - an antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building [223] January 06 - lucid - expressed clearly; easy to understand [224] January 07 - livid - furiously angry [225] January 08 - perspicuous - clearly expressed and easily understood; lucid [226] January 09 - vex - make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters [227] January 10 - puerile - childishly silly and immature [228] January 11 - splendour - magnificent and splendid appearance; grandeur [229] January 12 - wistful - having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing [230] January 13 - capybara - a South American mammal that resembles a giant long-legged guinea pig. [231] January 14 - martyr - a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs [232] January 15 - gimmick - a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade [233] January 16 - brood - a family of birds or other young animals produced at one hatching or birth [234] January 17 - malady - a disease or ailment [235] January 18 - zeal - great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective [236] January 19 - hamartia - a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine [237] January 20 - supernova - a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass. [238] January 21 - celestial - positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy [239] January 22 - peart - lively; cheerful [240] January 23 - serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way [241] January 24 - blatherskite - a person who talks at great length without making much sense [242] January 25 - constellate - form or cause to form into a cluster or group; gather together [243] January 26 - recalcitrant - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline [244] January 27 - waif - a homeless, neglected, or abandoned person, especially a child [245] January 28 - moulder - slowly decay or disintegrate, especially because of neglect [246] January 29 - limpid - (of a liquid) completely clear and transparent [247] January 30 - travesty - a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something [248] January 31 - quixotic - extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical [249] February 01 - eidolon - an idealized person or thing [250] February 02 - desideratum - something that is needed or wanted [251] February 03 - ensorcell - enchant; fascinate [252] February 04 - aurora - a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers in the sky near the northern or southern magnetic pole. [253] February 05 - jaded - bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something [254] February 06 - limerence - the state of being infatuated with another person, typically experienced involuntarily [255] February 07 - obfuscate - make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible [256] February 08 - idle - (of a person) avoiding work; lazy [257] February 09 - peart - lively; cheerful [258] February 10 - scintilla - a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling [259] February 11 - gangling - (of a person) tall, thin, and awkward in movements or bearing [260] February 12 - sublime - of very great excellence or beauty [261] February 13 - ineffable - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words [262] February 14 - moonstruck - unable to think or act normally, especially as a result of being in love [263] February 15 - nostalgia - a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past [264] February 16 - panacea - a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases [265] February 17 - razz - tease (someone) playfully [266] February 18 - kin - one's family and relations [267] February 19 - melodious - relating to or characterized by melody [268] February 20 - fractious - (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome [269] February 21 - idiosyncratic - relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual [270] February 22 - spurious - not being what it purports to be; false or fake [271] February 23 - quandary - a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation [272] February 24 - pulchritude - beauty [273] February 25 - rhetoric - the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques [274] February 26 - naturalism - (in art and literature) a style and theory of representation based on the accurate depiction of detail [275] February 27 - histrionic - excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style [276] February 28 - onomatopoeia - the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named [277] March 01 - gawky - nervously awkward and ungainly [278] March 02 - akin - of similar character [279] March 03 - garrulous - excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters [280] March 04 - lofty - of imposing height [281] March 05 - pugnacious - eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight [282] March 06 - relative - considered in relation or in proportion to something else [283] March 07 - liminal - relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. [284] March 08 - gratuitous - done without good reason; uncalled for [285] March 09 - solicitous - characterized by or showing interest or concern [286] March 10 - quaint - attractively unusual or old-fashioned [287] March 11 - inane - lacking sense or meaning; silly [288] March 12 - pert - (of a girl or young woman) attractively lively or cheeky [289] March 13 - esoteric - intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest [290] March 14 - schadenfreude - pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune [291] March 15 - odious - extremely unpleasant; repulsive [292] March 16 - numinous - having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity [293] March 17 - loquacious - tending to talk a great deal; talkative [294] March 18 - impecunious - having little or no money [295] March 19 - sanguine - optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation [296] March 20 - pungent - having a sharply strong taste or smell [297] March 21 - charming - very pleasant or attractive [298] March 22 - soliloquy - an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play [299] March 23 - penurious - extremely poor; poverty-stricken [300] March 24 - jamboree - a large celebration or party, typically a lavish and boisterous one [301] March 25 - rapacious - aggressively greedy or grasping [302] March 26 - incontrovertible - not able to be denied or disputed [303] March 27 - promulgate - promote or make widely known (an idea or cause) [304] March 28 - opportunist - person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle [305] March 29 - gallivant - go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment [306] March 30 - iconoclast - a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions [307] March 31 - pinprick - a prick caused by a pin [308] April 01 - petrichor - a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather [309] April 02 - ungainly - (of a person or movement) awkward; clumsy [310] April 03 - abject - (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree [311] April 04 - lurid - unpleasantly bright in colour, especially so as to create a harsh or unnatural effect: [312] April 05 - spire - a tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, typically a church tower [313] April 06 - proclivity - a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing [314] April 07 - convivial - (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable [315] April 08 - unfeigned - genuine; sincere [316] April 09 - penchant - a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something [317] April 10 - sanctimonious - making a show of being morally superior to other people [318] April 11 - inimical - tending to obstruct or harm [319] April 12 - taut - stretched or pulled tight; not slack [320] April 13 - rue - bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen) and wish it undone [321] April 14 - pithy - (of a fruit or plant) containing much pith [322] April 15 - impetuous - acting or done quickly and without thought or care [323] April 16 - disperse - distribute or spread over a wide area [324] April 17 - sinuous - having many curves and turns [325] April 18 - plethora - a large or excessive amount of something [326] April 19 - meadow - a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay [327] April 20 - persnickety - placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details [328] April 21 - rusticate - suspend (a student) from a university as a punishment [329] April 22 - dichotomy - a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different [330] April 23 - bardolatry - excessive admiration of Shakespeare [331] April 24 - halcyon - denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful [332] April 25 - gad - go from place to place in the pursuit of pleasure [333] April 26 - collusion -secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others [334] April 27 - ration - a fixed amount of a commodity officially allowed to each person during a time of shortage, as in wartime [335] April 28 - clergy - the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church [336] April 29 - mitigate - make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful [337] April 30 - paradigm - a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or mode [338] May 01 - May Day - 1 May, celebrated in many countries as a traditional springtime festival or as an international day honouring workers [339] May 02 - denouement - the final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved [340] May 03 - voracious - wanting or devouring great quantities of food [341] May 04 - sciamachy - sham fighting for exercise or practice [342] May 05 - vindicate - clear (someone) of blame or suspicion [343] May 06 - panegyric - a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something [344] May 07 - indomitable - impossible to subdue or defeat [345] May 08 - sedulous - (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence [346] May 09 - baby boomer - a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate [347] May 10 - plaudit - an expression of praise or approval [348] May 11 - audacious - showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks [349] May 12 - intrepid - fearless; adventurous [350] May 13 - multifarious - many and of various types [351] May 14 - eclectic - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources [352] May 15 - evanescent - soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing [353] May 16 - normative - establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, especially of behaviour [354] May 17 - lucent - glowing with or giving off light [355] May 18 - erudite - having or showing great knowledge or learning [356] May 19 - encomium - a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly. [357] May 20 - husbandry - the care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals [358] May 21 - meticulous - showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise [359] May 22 - niche - a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment: [360] May 23 - lugubrious - looking or sounding sad and dismal [361] May 24 - magnanimity - the fact or condition of being magnanimous; generosity [362] May 25 - cornucopia - a symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn. [363] May 26 - nascent - (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential [364] May 27 - pulchritudinous - beautiful [365] May 28 - contingent - subject to chance
365 Days/Words
I’m not in control of this list, you there might be some duplicates. Just enjoy the post, as I’m sure that this is something contrasting from the Bing Ai that a lot of people are posting about. I saw that the moderators commented on my post thinking that it was relating to Bing AI.
You can ask me a question about this project in the comments below:
submitted by Dyl8Reddit to bing [link] [comments]

2023.02.24 20:00 OverHYPEdVegeta V9E1 Review: some constructive feedback, but mostly me listing everything I loved about this episode (This is actually my first time of reviewing... well, anything, tbh; any and all feedback from fellow RWBY fans would be greatly appreciated so I can improve)

RWBY Volume 9 Episode 1: “A Place of Particular Concern”
Episode Analysis by Mummy’s Rosario

Constructive Criticism of the Episode
Things I felt made no sense and need to be improved.
👎During their conversation through the forest, I think Blake & Weiss' friendship missed an opportunity for significant development, as the most recent memory I can recall of their relationship receiving any attention was when they spoke about the Faunus who got buried in the abandoned SDC mine (V7E3).
👎In an ideal world where the CRWBY animators had infinite time and were always paid fairly by RT, the Jabberwock fight might’ve been a bit longer, as I felt it was rather abrupt and anticlimactic (that said, I’d still make the conclusion be for it to retreat, so it can be a more established enemy later in V9).
👎Yang being found by the others, and not through her own POV, felt... odd. To clarify, I don’t just mean I thought of it as something I hated, it just felt like it stood out in a weird way compared to the rest of the team’s POVs; I guess that’s probably because we hadn’t seen her since she fell in the penultimate episode of V8.
👎Weiss and Blake running after the Jabberwock when it was already several yards away from them made no sense to me; maybe they were just making sure nothing else was about to attack, but I feel like that’s probably a stretch since the clearing atop the cliff was empty except for Team RWBY after the Jabberwock left.
👎I REALLY wish Ruby’ had hugged Yang. Aside from being sisters, Yang was first to fall from Ambrosius' platform, which partially broke the rest of their fighting spirit in the V8 finale. Hugs in general might be nice to see all around for RWBY characters after stressful situations or in positive resolutions (not to excess of course), like the team hug in V5E14, or all the hugs shared upon reuniting with JNR in Argus in V6.
👎Ruby learning Penny's dead and then fainting, while perhaps realistic, felt a tad overdramatic to me. This is because when she woke back up, she didn't appear to give herself a moment to grieve; I’d have thought she'd be crying a bit, just like when Penny was ripped apart in V3.

These are points I think are valid, but not solid arguments per se, or anything I enjoyed despite it being worthy of criticism.
🤙Even though it was super silly and totally out of place, I genuinely enjoyed the cute anime-style animations from Weiss and Blake retrieving Gambol Shroud, including the animation around Blake’s hand in wavy lines, and Weiss adorably jumping up and down. The same goes for the little bubble coming out of Little’s nostril when they fall asleep on Ruby’s shoulder.
🤙I think an argument on inconsistency could be made for why Ruby didn’t use her semblance to get herself, Weiss and Blake up the cliff. I believe there is evidence indicating Ruby’s semblance has gotten stronger over time:
🤙In this case, yes, it’s certainly possible she could’ve reached the cliff. However, I would like to offer some potential counter-arguments:

Highlights of the Episode
These are just all the things I genuinely thought were well done in the episode.
👍Neo totally could’ve given up after she fell (heck, we don’t even know HOW she managed to find Ruby mid-fall, especially considering Ruby and Blake fell after she did). Yet she still tried to get revenge on “Little Red”, even though she might’ve thought she’d die doing so.
👍Ruby’s walkabout before meeting Little has no dialogue. I like how some characters can convey themselves and their emotions more without dialogue via body language, facial expressions, non-verbal communications, and context from earlier scenes or moments.
👍The fact that it starts raining when Ruby cries before when she meets Little is a reference to the Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland:
👍The vibrancy of the island flora/fauna was really mesmerizing, CRWBY’s 3D modelers did a great job! I felt it had really good lighting and shadow, so the colors didn't feel overwhelming or distracting when it acted as backdrop behind the characters.
👍Good attention to animating Blake's ears to droop or rise when she’s feels negative or positive emotions.
👍Many aspects of AiW (Alice in Wonderland) involve Alice encountering things that are not only magical, but ideas that are nonsensical, confusing, or seemingly incorrect in the way they are actually supposed to be:
👍Part of Ruby’s initial conversation with Little seems to touch on aspects of her self-image and could be the start of her self-reflection/self-discovery hinted in the V9 trailers, especially the first one, which focused on the same question Little asks: “What are you?
👍Even though CRWBY probably used copies of motion data for many of the mice when they were all running or jumping up and down in different ways (no shame in that, I think it’d be too much for animators to individually animate each one), I loved how diverse the mice were amongst one another:
👍Ruby's original plan, as explained to Weiss and Blake, on finding higher ground to gain a better understanding of her situation, sounds like a good one given the context of the situation, and a good move as a leader when she reunites with the two of them.
👍The Jabberwock’s dialogue being one-word phrases is unique, and makes me think that it’s a creature scared or on a nervous hair-trigger, ready to attack if provoked. Lewis Carrol’s poem, Jabberwocky, is also wacky itself like the Jabberwock, filled with nonsensical words like “snicker-snack” and “galumphing” (an onomatopoeia and a verb respectively, with the one for the hero of the poem cutting the Jabberwocky’s neck, and the other for the way the hero was traveling).
👍Ruby's realization of losing Crescent Rose will likely cause her to feel self-doubt a number of times, further gnawing away at her confidence as a leader (and as a person in general), because she won't be able to contribute to battles like her teammates can.
👍Probably one my favorite things about this episode from start to finish was the wide variety of camera angles.
👍While we obviously know it’s not the case, Yang’s temporary consideration that they might all be in some sort of afterlife struck me as being rather profound.
👍Erin Winn did a great job on the Ever After landscape for the final shot of the episode (I forget how long she said, on Twitter, that it took her, but I know she said it was like, A LOT of time).
👍This one isn't really important to the episode itself, but I think it’s very open minded for CRWBY to work with JelloApocalypse (Brendan Blaber), considering he’s someone who criticized the show pretty thoroughly, even if in a light-heartedly mocking manner.
👍Inside is a crazy opening, and I think Casey and her friend Martin (from Ok Goodnight) did an amazing job composing it. There’s too much to it that I definitely can’t cover in this post (as I am primarily reviewing the episode itself), so I’ll just make a few points:
This was my first time writing an analysis as thorough as this one was. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts OwOd
submitted by OverHYPEdVegeta to RWBY [link] [comments]

2023.02.24 17:19 OverHYPEdVegeta Constructive Criticism and thoughts on V9E1 (my first official time reviewing a RWBY episode, so any feedback for how I can do better is appreciated  ̄▽ ̄*)

RWBY Volume 9 Episode 1: “A Place of Particular Concern”
Episode Analysis by Mummy’s Rosario

Constructive Criticism of the Episode
Things I felt made no sense and need to be improved.
👎During their conversation through the forest, I think Blake & Weiss' friendship missed an opportunity for significant development, as the most recent memory I can recall of their relationship receiving any attention was when they spoke about the Faunus who got buried in the abandoned SDC mine (V7E3).
👎In an ideal world where the CRWBY animators had infinite time and were always paid fairly by RT, the Jabberwock fight might’ve been a bit longer, as I felt it was rather abrupt and anticlimactic (that said, I’d still make the conclusion be for it to retreat, so it can be a more established enemy later in V9).
👎Yang being found by the others, and not through her own POV, felt... odd. To clarify, I don’t just mean I thought of it as something I hated, it just felt like it stood out in a weird way compared to the rest of the team’s POVs; I guess that’s probably because we hadn’t seen her since she fell in the penultimate episode of V8.
👎Weiss and Blake running after the Jabberwock when it was already several yards away from them made no sense to me; maybe they were just making sure nothing else was about to attack, but I feel like that’s probably a stretch since the clearing atop the cliff was empty except for Team RWBY after the Jabberwock left.
👎I REALLY wish Ruby’ had hugged Yang. Aside from being sisters, Yang was first to fall from Ambrosius' platform, which partially broke the rest of their fighting spirit in the V8 finale. Hugs in general might be nice to see all around for RWBY characters after stressful situations or in positive resolutions (not to excess of course), like the team hug in V5E14, or all the hugs shared upon reuniting with JNR in Argus in V6.
👎Ruby learning Penny's dead and then fainting, while perhaps realistic, felt a tad overdramatic to me. This is because when she woke back up, she didn't appear to give herself a moment to grieve; I’d have thought she'd be crying a bit, just like when Penny was ripped apart in V3.

These are points I think are valid, but not solid arguments per se, or anything I enjoyed despite it being worthy of criticism.
🤙Even though it was super silly and totally out of place, I genuinely enjoyed the cute anime-style animations from Weiss and Blake retrieving Gambol Shroud, including the animation around Blake’s hand in wavy lines, and Weiss adorably jumping up and down. The same goes for the little bubble coming out of Little’s nostril when they fall asleep on Ruby’s shoulder.
🤙I think an argument on inconsistency could be made for why Ruby didn’t use her semblance to get herself, Weiss and Blake up the cliff. I believe there is evidence indicating Ruby’s semblance has gotten stronger over time:
🤙In this case, yes, it’s certainly possible she could’ve reached the cliff. However, I would like to offer some potential counter-arguments:

Highlights of the Episode
These are just all the things I genuinely thought were well done in the episode.
👍Neo totally could’ve given up after she fell (heck, we don’t even know HOW she managed to find Ruby mid-fall, especially considering Ruby and Blake fell after she did). Yet she still tried to get revenge on “Little Red”, even though she might’ve thought she’d die doing so.
👍Ruby’s walkabout before meeting Little has no dialogue. I like how some characters can convey themselves and their emotions more without dialogue via body language, facial expressions, non-verbal communications, and context from earlier scenes or moments.
👍The fact that it starts raining when Ruby cries before when she meets Little is a reference to the Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland:
👍The vibrancy of the island flora/fauna was really mesmerizing, CRWBY’s 3D modelers did a great job! I felt it had really good lighting and shadow, so the colors didn't feel overwhelming or distracting when it acted as backdrop behind the characters.
👍Good attention to animating Blake's ears to droop or rise when she’s feels negative or positive emotions.
👍Many aspects of AiW (Alice in Wonderland) involve Alice encountering things that are not only magical, but ideas that are nonsensical, confusing, or seemingly incorrect in the way they are actually supposed to be:
👍Part of Ruby’s initial conversation with Little seems to touch on aspects of her self-image and could be the start of her self-reflection/self-discovery hinted in the V9 trailers, especially the first one, which focused on the same question Little asks: “What are you?
👍Even though CRWBY probably used copies of motion data for many of the mice when they were all running or jumping up and down in different ways (no shame in that, I think it’d be too much for animators to individually animate each one), I loved how diverse the mice were amongst one another:
👍Ruby's original plan, as explained to Weiss and Blake, on finding higher ground to gain a better understanding of her situation, sounds like a good one given the context of the situation, and a good move as a leader when she reunites with the two of them.
👍The Jabberwock’s dialogue being one-word phrases is unique, and makes me think that it’s a creature scared or on a nervous hair-trigger, ready to attack if provoked. Lewis Carrol’s poem, Jabberwocky, is also wacky itself like the Jabberwock, filled with nonsensical words like “snicker-snack” and “galumphing” (an onomatopoeia and a verb respectively, with the one for the hero of the poem cutting the Jabberwocky’s neck, and the other for the way the hero was traveling).
👍Ruby's realization of losing Crescent Rose will likely cause her to feel self-doubt a number of times, further gnawing away at her confidence as a leader (and as a person in general), because she won't be able to contribute to battles like her teammates can.
👍Probably one my favorite things about this episode from start to finish was the wide variety of camera angles.
👍While we obviously know it’s not the case, Yang’s temporary consideration that they might all be in some sort of afterlife struck me as being rather profound.
👍Erin Winn did a great job on the Ever After landscape for the final shot of the episode (I forget how long she said, on Twitter, that it took her, but I know she said it was like, A LOT of time).
👍This one isn't really important to the episode itself, but I think it’s very open minded for CRWBY to work with JelloApocalypse (Brendan Blaber), considering he’s someone who criticized the show pretty thoroughly, even if in a light-heartedly mocking manner.
👍Inside is a crazy opening, and I think Casey and her friend Martin (from Ok Goodnight) did an amazing job composing it. There’s too much to it that I definitely can’t cover in this post (as I am primarily reviewing the episode itself), so I’ll just make a few points:

This was my first time writing an analysis as thorough as this one was. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts OwOd

submitted by OverHYPEdVegeta to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2022.11.16 23:31 Senior_Falcon_1088 I need help writing a Rap/ Poem for my English class.

So I’m a senior in high school, I am graduating a semester early meaning I cannot fail any classes or else I would have to come back. We just got a project that’s due Friday November 18. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed and English isn’t my first language so I have a 74.44% in that class.
I got into a group and we didn’t do anything the first day, second day I come in my group mates leave me and I’m the only one in the class without a group. And all groups are full with 3 people each.
I need to make a rap/poem with music with the following words, with 20 of them at least. As long as I can get anything above a 0% that would be fantastic:
Alliteration Anacoluthon Anadiplosis Anaphora Anastrophe Antistrophe Antithesis Aporia Aposiopesis Apostrophe Archaism Assonance Asyndeton Brachylogy Cacophony Catachresis Chiasmus Climax Euphemism Hendiadys Hypallage Hyperbaton Hyperbole Hysteron-Proteron Irony Litotes Metaphor Metonymy Onomatopoeia Oxymoron Paradox Paraprosdokian Paronomasia Personification Pleonasm Polysyndeton Praeteritio Prolepsis Simile Syllepsis Synchysis Synecdoche Synesis Tautology Zeugma
submitted by Senior_Falcon_1088 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2022.10.21 03:24 spinnybingle Joseon, the predecessor of modern Korea(s): neo-Confucian orthodoxy and the origin of the hermit kingdom - Part 5 (extra): Vernacular literature (17~19th century)

History of Korea (0) pre-historic influences
History of Korea (1) Gojoseon [around 1000 BC ~ 108 BC]
History of Korea (2) Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla) and Unified Silla [around 100 BC ~ 935]
History of Korea (3) Goryeo, Korea's medieval kingdom [918 - 1392]
History of Korea (4) Joseon, the predecessor of modern Korea(s): neo-Confucian orthodoxy and the origin of the hermit kingdom [1392 - 1910]

Before uploading Part 3 and 4, I'm posting this sort of side story of literature development

15. The rise of vernacular literature

Despite the invention of the Korean alphabet in the 15th century, the male scholar-aristocrats still used classical Chinese to make poems and prose. Their poems in classical Chinese tend to be formulaic - talking about loyalty to the king, Confucian values, the same motif of pine trees and bamboos were used excessively
However, around the 18th century, with the wider spread of the Korean alphabet (hangeul), Koreans started writing poems and novels (sijo) in vernacular Korean. People in lower social classes and women started generating a lot of vernacular poems and prose. They were a lot less formulaic in their themes, and contained many indigenous elements such as vulgar slangs and onomatopoeia (well Korean and Japanese languages are known for their exceptionally large inventories of onomatopoeia)
The vernacular literature was both influenced by and critical of Confucianism: (a) it was heavily influenced by the dominant Confucian ideology (filial piety, women's chastity, etc) but (b) was satirical of the orthodoxy and pretentiousness of the scholar-aristocrats

A lot of the vernacular literature was very earthy and satirical, as a reaction to the Confucian orthodox of the ruling class. Together with the oppressive Confucian and patriarchal culture (link), the earthy and satirical humor of folk culture would characterize the late Joseon culture. A lot of what we know as "traditional Korean culture" have come from this culture of late Joseon era.

[1] Poem/Sijo
Standard sijo (poem) follows this formula: 3 lines, 45 syllables (3/4 4/4 3/4 4/4 3/5/4/3). The first line introduces the theme, the second line expands it, and the third line twists it and impresses the audience by intoducing an unexpected theme

Later sijo's common themes: Deep, unchanging love
May my love become an alder tree of Kumsong in Hoeyang, and I am an arrowroot vine:
Like a spider’s web around a butterfly, the vine goes round the tree, tightly this way, tightly that, wrongly loosened, properly wound, bound, then loosened from down below, all the way to the top, tightly winding round and round, without a single gap, and unchanging, day and night, it’s coiled around, twisting.
Though, in the heart of winter, we bear wind, rain, snow, and frost. Could we ever be apart?
(Yi Chong-bo)

Later sijo's common themes: Women's suffering
Mother-in-law, do not stamp on the kitchen floor for hatred of your daughter-in-law!
Was she payment for a debt, was she bought for a price? Father-in-law, severe as a sprig from the rotting stump of a chestnut tree; mother-in-law, shriveled as sun-baked cattle dung; sister-in-law, sharp as a new gimlet poking from a straw bag woven three years ago, and — like a poor crop on a field that’s made for planting good grain, having borne a son like a bright yellow cucumber flower, who has the bloody flux,
Daughter-in-law, like the bindweed on a fertile field: Why do they hate her so?
(Source: link - The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Korean Poetry)

Later sijo's common themes: Earthy humor; life as commoners
One night in Andong, after a tour of back-alley wine shops,
As I staggered, head spinning, down the narrow, paddy-field path,
The two pigs grunted, grunted, So, you! Home at last!

A toad grabbed a fly in its mouth and hopped on top of a compost pile.
It looked across the mountain opposite, and saw a peregrine falcon hovering in flight. The toad shuddered, started, tumbled from atop the compost pile
Fortunately the toad was exceptionally agile, otherwise severe contusions would have been its lot.
(** Can be interpreted as a commoner avoiding nobles or authorities like a toad hiding from a falcon. In Seoul's old district, there's still a back-alley so narrow that horses couldn't enter - commoners used it to avoid nobles)

[2] Pansori
An oral tradition/stories sung by (often traveling) professional singers (a genre called Pansori) became a national culture. The most popular stories have strong Confucian-influenced themes (filial piety, women's chastity, rewards to good deeds) and now commonly taught to Korean children through children's books
** There's a beautiful, sad classic movie about the Pansori singers (1991) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seopyeonje)

[3] Novels and essays written in the Korean script

[4] Novels written in the classical Chinese script

[5] Folk motifs - I can't list everything, but common motifs found in late-Joseon folk culture are:

** There was a parallel trend in paintings - classical Chinese style vs. vernaculafolk style

To be continued!
submitted by spinnybingle to history [link] [comments]

2022.09.07 03:12 ghosttricked [PC] [Early 2000's] Old Web-Based Educational Games?

When I was young, I was homeschooled for a few years. I remember using a platform called Time4Learning.com. This website is still around, but as years have gone by it has definitely changed.
Time4Learning is a paid subscription to all the educational materials. It has lots of lesson plans and homework assignments automatically in the site, so long as you're paying for it. But aside from the education, it also had an arcade. If you did enough lessons, you could earn a quick trip to the arcade. If you remember the Funbrain Arcade, it's a little like that. The games all are educational based, but they were fun to me back then anyway. I played the same ones over and over because I liked them so much. And some of those games are what I want to ask about.
The first game I have in mind has to do with animal science.
Platform(s): PC/Web
Genre: Point and click? Puzzle?
Estimated year of release: 2001?
Graphics/art style: Because the game takes place at night, it's a bit hard to see the graphics because of the darkness. However, when the animals are found, they are brought in the view of the player's flashlight.
Notable characters: A group of children out camping at night. Also has a bunch of animals.
Notable gameplay mechanics: The game begins with a group of kids camping at night. All of a sudden, they hear a sound that is unusual. Scared, they bring out a flashlight and look around. So now the gameplay begins: your mouse cursor is a flashlight. Move the mouse around to find animals in the night. Once the kids see what's making the weird noises, they aren't so scared anymore, and the game ends.
Other details: One of the animals is an owl. I vaguely remember some skittering insects. I think the game had a link to an animal science website at the very end, but I might be wrong about that.

The second game I have in mind is about English, writing, and words.
Platform(s): PC/Web
Genre: Puzzle, Quiz, Rougelike(?)
Estimated year of release: 2005?
Graphics/art style: Very cartoonish, bright colors. The game takes place in a wizard's tower with unique monsters and magic.
Notable characters: The Wizard, whom you play as. You explore a dungeon and look for keys to open doors with and escape the tower. You also need to answer the monster's questions to go through more doors.
Notable gameplay mechanics: As I mentioned before, you explore a magical tower and answer English questions to escape. I call it a Rougelike because of this aspect of the gameplay, and it reminds me of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or a 2D Zelda game, just without the enemies or upgrades. Since the game is focused on exploration, it's more of a maze.
This game also had audio for the monsters. Each monster's voice lines had to do with their question, usually just reading it aloud as well as the answers.
One specific voiced line/question that I remember very well: The wise old owl sat in an oak. The more he heard, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can't we all be like this wise old bird?
I believe the question is asking 'What kind of writing is this?' and the answer is something like 'a Poem'. But I don't remember the question; literally just the poem audio. I also believe that one of the questions asked 'what is Onomatopoeia?' but I also don't know if this is real.
Other details: This was one of my favorite games because it was so gamified, and because it was so visually unique. I believe that a different company made it than the company that hosts Time4Learning, however, I don't really know who that could be.
I don't know if any of this is enough information to get answers, but I just wanted to type all of this information somewhere anyways. Because the source is a subscription service, I don't expect anybody to pay real money to try and figure out if these games still exist. But either way, I just wanted to post and get it off my mind.
Here's a link about the Time4Learning Playground, the only source I have so far: https://www.time4learning.com/playground.htm
Here's a quote straight from this site: "The Time4Learning Playground relies on a suite of licensed games as well as a white list of great online sites and activities like PBS Kids, BBC Interactive, Sesame Street, Pauly’s Playhouse, VeggieTales, and Starfall." I believe that if some of the games I played are on other websites as well, hopefully, I can find them again. So that's another reason why I'm posting all this, just to put all I can remember in one spot.
Thanks for reading and good luck!
submitted by ghosttricked to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2022.06.20 22:29 im_tafo Literary Devices

• Allegory: It is a literary technique in which an abstract idea is given a form of characters, actions or events.
• Form: The arrangement or method used to convey the content, such as blank verse, couplet, quatrain, free verse, haiku, etc.
• Blank Verse: Unrhymed lines of poetry usually in iambic pentameter.
• Quatrain: A four-line stanze.
• Free Verse: Poetry with no set meter or rhyme scheme.
• Alliteration: It is a literary device that the repetition of first consonount in a group of words.
• Allusion: It is figure of speech so the author refers to a subject matter such as a place, event or literary work by way of a passing reference.
• Assonounce: It refers to repetition of sounds produced by vowel within a sentence on phrase.
• Monologue: A long speech by one character in a play or story.
• Dramatic Monologue: A poem with a fictional narrator addressed to someone whose identity the audience knows, but who does not say anything.
• Soliloguy: A monologue in which a character expresses his other thoughts to the audience and does not intend the other characters to hear them. Just speak out directly.
• Hyperbole: It is a figure of speech that involves an exaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis.
• Imagery: The use of description that helps the reader imagine how something looks, sounds, feels, smells, or taste.
• Lyric: A type of poetry that expresses the poet’s emotions.
• Pun: Word play in which words with totally different meanings have similar or identical sounds.
• Sarcasm: Language that conveys a certain idea by saying just the opposite.
• Smile: It makes comprasion, showing similarities between two different things. There are used “like” and “as”.
• Metaphor: A comprasion that does not use “like” or “as”.
• Satire: The use of satire in literature refers to the practice of making fun of a human weakness or characters flaw.
• Meter: It is stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse, or within the lines of a poem.
• Tone (Mood): The means by which a poet reveals attitudes and feelings, in the style of language or expression of thought used to develop the subject.
• Motif: It is an object or idea that repeats itself throughout a literary work.
• Onomatopoeia: The use of words that sound like what they mean.
• Parody: A humorous, exaggerated imitation of another work.
• Epitaph: A brief quotation, which appears at the beginning of a literary work.
• Flashback: The insertion of an earlier event into the time order of a narrative.
• Foreshadowing: A technique for hinting at events that may occur later in the plot.
• Sonnet: A fourteen-line poem written iambic pentameter.
• Symbol: An ordinary object, event, animal, or person to which we have attached extraordinary meaning and significance.
• Ambiguity: A word or phrase that can mean more than one thing, even in its context. It is deeper and darker meanings.
• Connotation: The emotional, psychological or social overtones of a word; its implications and association apart from its literary meaning.
• Denotation: The dictionary definition of a word; its literal meaning apart from any associations or connotations.
• Euphemism: It refers to polite, indirect expressions that replace words and phrases considered harsh and impolite.
• Metonymy: A figure of speech in which a person, place, or thing is referred to by something closely.
• Paradox: A statement in which a seeming contradiction many reveal an unexpected truth.
• Theme: It is the central or universal idea of a piece of fiction.
• Oxymoron: A combination of two words that appear to contradict each other.
• Synecdoche: Indicating a person, object, etc. by letting only a certain part represent the whole.
• Stream of Consciousness: The story is told so that the reader feels as if they are inside the head of one character and knows all their thoughts and reactions.
• Internal Rhyme: A rhyme that occurs within one line.
• Characters: The people(or animal, things, etc. presented as people) appearing in a literary work.
• Round Character: Round character convincing, true to life Have many different and sometimes even contradictory personality traits.
• Flat character: Flat character are stereotyped, shallow, and often symbolic. Have only one or two personality traits.
• Static Character: A character who remains privarily the same during the course of a story or novel.
• Dynamic Character: A character which changes during the course of a story or novel.
• Antagonist: In literature, an antagonist is a character, or a group of characters, which stands in opposition to the protagonist.
• Protagonist: It is the central character or leading figure in poetry, narrative, novel.
• Personification: Giving inanimate object human characters.
• Characterization: It is the creation of imaginary persons so that they seem lifelike.
• Direct Characterization: The explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct description.
• Indirect Characterization: The presentation of a character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expactation that the reader can deduce the attributes of the character from his actions.
• Conflict: It is the struggle between opposing forces in a story or play.
• Internal Conflict: It exist within the mind of a character who is turn between different courses of action.
• External Conflict: It exist when a character struggles against some outside forces.
• Setting: It is an environment in which an event or story takes places. The time and the location where the action occurs.
• Exposition: It is part of the work that introduces the characters, settings and basic situation.
• Rising Action: It is part of the plot that begins to occur as soon as the conflict is introduced.
• Climax: It is the point of greatest emotional intentsity, interest or suspense in the plot of a narrative.
• Falling Action: It is the action that typically follows the climax and reveals its results.
• Resolution: It is the part of the plot that concludes the falling action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of the conflict.
• Irony: Language that conveys certain ideas by saying just the opposite.
• Situational Irony: It is the contrast between what happens and what was expected.
• Dramatic Irony: This is the contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what we know to be true.
• Verbal Irony: This is the contrast between what is said and what is meant.
• Voice: The narrative point of view whether it’s in the first, second, or third.
• Omniscient: The narrator has the power to show the reader what is happening through a number of characters’ eye.
• Limited Omniscient: Third person, told from the viewpoint of a character in the story.
• Objective: Third person, told as if from a camera that follows the characters.
• Innocent Eye: The story is told through the eyes of a child.
• Phallic Symbol: Any object that resembles or might be taken as a representation of the penis, such as a cigar, pencil, tree, skyscraper, snake, or hammer.
• Yonic Symbol: A yonic symbol is a sexualized representation of femininity and reproductive power.
submitted by im_tafo to CosmosofShakespeare [link] [comments]

2022.04.11 16:32 RazorOfSimplicity [Etymology] Deck Remodeling Pack: Galaxy of Fate!!

Deck Remodeling Pack: Galaxy of Fate!!

Etymology/Translation Corner
Banner: https://i.imgur.com/lyKEmb5.png
Tagline: "As it revolves around the cosmic skies of oblivion, the stars and planets call upon its name! Take flight, Galactica Oblivion!!"
CM: https://streamable.com/ex1u5e
Yudias: "As it revolves around the cosmic skies of oblivion, the stars and planets call upon its name! Take flight, Galactica Oblivion!! And Yuhi's Jointech Rex! As well as a new LEGEND! Grab hold of the cards sent by fate."
This is a list of translated Japanese names for all of the cards in the Deck Remodeling Pack: Galaxy of Fate!!. See below for further notes.
Each card name is linked to an image!! (Use an image-zooming extension like Imagus to view them instantly.)
Any questions or issues you may have about the translations are welcome.
  1. Milky Wayve Neo
  2. Galactica Oblivion
  3. Sheep World - Groun-Mouton
  4. Sheep World - Pyro-Wool
  5. Sheep World - Night-Mutton
  6. Magical Sheep Girl - Meh~gu-chan
  7. One-Year Broom
  8. Decennium Demon Sword
  9. Centennial Wooden Sword
  10. Atlas Combat Beetle
  11. Keeper of the Throne
  12. Griffall
  13. Black Handshaker
  14. Astro-Rescue
  15. Ozone Saw
  16. Transamu Ephyrai
  17. Satellite Pegasus
  18. Great Cosmonarch
  19. Jointech Rex
  20. Sheep World - Plan-Ewe
  21. Poetic Fairy
  22. Swordfish Vanguard Kaju
  23. Princess Tento White
  24. Pakuchu
  25. Fibron, the Spinning Trade Silkworm
  26. Therappi
  27. Rapid Carriearth
  28. Dramoth Caterpillar
  29. Shitotsu the Onmyo-Samurai
  30. Bio Mecha-Mantis
  31. Crusher Drone
  32. Ravenous Insect Matiless
  33. Excutie Fermi
  34. Undergrounded Digra
  35. Ground Cerberus
  36. Dinas Dorcus, the Alate King in Shell Armor
  37. Magical Dragon Knight - Sevensgeas
  38. Phantom Edge Master-Carpenter Dragon - Hand-Toolong
  39. Flower Fang Derangement - Meika Étranzer-Eyes
  40. Hero of the Broom
  41. Samurai of the Wooden Sword
  42. Surge Boltex Dragon
  43. Meteor Charge
  44. Meet-and-Greed
  45. Future Mining
  46. Secret Sword! Ruler's Sundering Strike / Secret Sword! Sundering Strike of the Elegant
  47. Shuhariken / Shuhari Shuriken Hurricane
  48. Signs of the Opponent's Moves
  49. Forest of the Sunny Tento
  50. Insect Rampage
  51. Intrude Beetle
  52. Excutie Up!
  53. Ghost Cyclone
  54. Strange Wall
  55. Sheep World - Grudges to the Grave They Go
  56. Meticulous Mask of Good Omens
  57. Hand Reprinting
  58. Security Hole
  59. Howling Steel of the Demolition Dragon
  60. A Sorrowful Death Between Crossed Swords
  61. Mukaezuki! / Greeting Thrust!
  62. Anti-Ant Barrier
  63. Tumbled Down and Ignored
  64. Strawberry Picking
  65. Crisis at the Holy Tower
Etymology and other trivia:
  • Milky Wayve is a portmanteau of Milky Way and wave.
  • Sheep World (Youkai) is a phonetic play on yōkai—a term for various monstrous apparitions that appear in Japanese folklore.
  • Groun-Mouton is a combination of ground and mouton—French for "mutton."
  • Magical Sheep Girl (Mahou Youjo) is a play on the Japanese term mahou shoujo (lit. "magical girl"), referring to the popular anime/manga genre by the same name. She may also based on Majokko Megu-chan, an anime series considered to be the forerunner of the "magical girl" genre. The meh~ (pronounced "meh-eh") in Meh~gu-chan is the Japanese equivalent to "baa"—the onomatopoeia for the sound sheep make. Part of her flavor text mentions she eats paper and letters, which is a reference to the Japanese nursery rhyme Yagisan Yubin.
  • One-Year Broom, Decennium Demon Sword ("decennium" is a synonym for "decade"), and Centennial Wooden Sword are all retrograde references to the monster Millennium Shield.
  • Atlas Combat Beetle is based on the atlas beetle, a very large species of beetle in the family Scarabaeidae.
  • Griffall is likely a portmanteau of griffin (a mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, typically depicted with pointed ears and with the eagle's legs taking the place of the forelegs) and wall.
  • Astro-Rescue is likely a twist on astronaut.
  • Ozone Saw is a pun on the Japanese term for the ozone layer (pronounced ozon-sou in Japanese).
  • Ephyrai is a portmanteau of ephyra (a larval stage in the life cycle of jellyfish) and rai, which comes from "samurai," like with Transamu Rainac.
  • Cosmonarch is a portmanteau of cosmo(s) and monarch.
  • Jointech is a portmanteau of joint and tech(nology).
  • Plan-Ewe is a combination of plant and ewe (a female sheep).
  • Poetic Fairy (Kotonoha no Yousei) is a reference to the Japanese waka (also sometimes referred to as kotonoha)—a type of Japanese poem in classical Japanese literature.
  • Tento comes from the Japanese name for the ladybug: tentoumushi.
  • Pakuchu is a twist on the Japanese term pakuncho ("eating in one bite") and the verb pakutsuku ("to gulp down food"). Chu is Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound mice make.
  • Spinning Trade Silkworm (Bousekisan) is a pun on the Japanese terms boueki ("foreign trade") and bouseki ("spinning," referring to an insect producing silk). Fibron is a twist on fibroin (a protein found in the silk produced by numerous insects).
  • Therappi is seemingly a pun on therapy due to its LP-healing effect. It might also be a play on happi ("happy").
  • Carriearth is a portmanteau of carrier and earth.
  • Dramoth seems to be a contraction of dragon moth.
  • Shitotsu is the Japanese term for a thrust in kendo.
  • Matiless seems to be a corruption of mantis.
  • Fermi is likely named after the Fermi paradox—the conflict between the lack of clear, obvious evidence for extraterrestrial life and various high estimates for their existence.
  • Dorcus is a genus of beetles in the family Lucanidae (stag beetles). The kanji for "wing" used in its Japanese title (Shikouou) refers specifically to insect wings, so I've used the term alate here to denote that (which is an entomological term for an insect having wings).
  • Sevensgeas is a Rush Duel parody of the OCG's Master of Dragon Knight.
  • Hand-Toolong is a portmanteau of hand tool (any tool that is powered by hand rather than a motor) and long (Chinese for "dragon"). The title Master-Carpenter Dragon (Touryou) is a phonetic pun on the Japanese term for "master carpenter" (touryou), with the ryou kanji having been replaced with the same-sounding one that instead means "dragon."
  • Meika Étranzer-Eyes is a reference to Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS character Ranze Nanahoshi's Ranze Eyes character quirk, in which she hallucinates the various boys she falls in love with inside a rose-colored fantasy. The card's artwork mimics the way Ranze's face is surrounded in a pink border with an elaborate design during Ranze Eyes. The fact this card's effect can reduce a monster's ATK by 730,000 is a reference to how Ranze used to keep observation diaries for each man she fell in love with, and this number of diaries having reached 73 by Episode 36.
  • Boltex is a portmanteau of bolt and vortex, referring to how this monster is a Fusion of two Surge Bolt Lizards.
  • Meet-and-Greed is a pun on the term meet-and-greet (an organized event during which a celebrity, politician, or other well-known figure meets and talks to the public).
  • Future Mining is the effect name of Drill-Strike Dragon Bunker Strike from the SEVENS anime.
  • Sundering Strike (Katsugeki) is a phonetic pun on the Japanese term for a fight scene in a movie or play (also pronounced katsugeki).
  • Shuhariken is a Japanese portmanteau of Shuhari—a martial-arts term for the three stages of learning mastery: the fundamentals, breaking with tradition, and parting with traditional wisdom—hurricane (harikēn), and shuriken (a weapon in the form of a star with projecting blades or points).
  • Signs of the Opponent's Moves (Sen no Kizashi) is a reference to the kendo term sen—which basically signifies how to anticipate your opponent's moves, of which there are three main variations: either knowing their next move (sen no sen), sensing their next move by intuition (sensen no sen), or letting them strike so you can strike back more easily (go no sen).
  • Forest of the Sunny Tento (Otentousama no Mori) is a pun on the Japanese term otentosama (a kind of formal way to refer to the Sun). Here the tento part is an obvious play on tentoumushi ("ladybug") as well.
  • Grudges to the Grave They Go (Bochi ni Onnen) is a pun on how the Japanese word for grudge (onnen) sounds the same as a phrase from the Kansai dialect which can mean "here I am" or "it's there" (-on nen).
  • Meticulous Mask of Good Omens (Kicchou no Men) is a pun on the Japanese phrase kichoumen ("meticulous" or "punctual").
  • Hand Reprinting (Tefuda Zousatsu) has an artwork, name, and effect similar to that of Hand Obliteration (Tefuda Massatsu).
  • A security hole is a computing term for a mistake in a piece of software that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network without permission.
  • A Sorrowful Death Between Crossed Swords (Koukenshiai) is a pun on the Japanese idiom koukanshiai ("to exchange something together"). Shiai is also how the Japanese term for a match in kendo is pronounced.
  • Mukaezuki is a kendo term for a tsuki (a thrust to the throat) with locked arms that meets the opponent's forward movement as they step in to attack. It's generally considered extremely bad manners to use this technique.
  • Anti-Ant Barrier is a Rush Duel parody of Insect-Repellent Barrier (Insect Barrier in the TCG). The name may also be a pun on the sound of "ancient."
  • Tumbled Down and Ignored (Tentoumushi) is pronounced the same way as the Japanese word for "ladybug" (tentoumushi).
  • The effect of Strawberry Picking (Ichigo-gari) being able to destroy monsters with 1500 or less ATK is a reference to how the Japanese word for "strawberry" (ichigo) sounds like a goroawase reading of the number 15 (ichi-go).

Saikyō Jump March 2022 Edition bonus card

Saikyō Jump April 2022 Edition bonus card

  • Pelyon is named after Pelion, a mountain at the southeastern part of Thessaly in northern Greece. In Greek mythology, Mount Pelion (which took its name from the mythical king Peleus, father of Achilles) was the homeland of Chiron the Centaur, tutor of many ancient Greek heroes.

Secret Ace Pack 2022 Vol.1

  1. Transamu Rainac
  2. Steel Machine God - Mirror Innovator
  3. Phantom-Strike Dragon Mirageas
  4. Royal Demons Death-Doom
  5. Phantom Edge Dragon - Build Dragon
  • "Transamu Rainac" is possibly a play on transparent or translucent and samurai.

Saikyō Jump May 2022 Edition bonus: Saikyo Starter Deck

  1. Transamu Rainac
  2. Sevens Road Magician
  3. Multi-Strike Dragon Drageas
  4. Max Raider
  5. Savage Claw Tiger
  6. Stone Dragon
  7. Blue-Hawk Tengu
  8. Innocent Lancer
  9. Emperor of the Land and the Waters
  10. Spike Seadra
  11. Flying Mantis
  12. Wild Raptor
  13. Phantom Edge Warrior - Shovelong
  14. Silent Assassin
  15. Chekerael the Sunbeamy Angel
  16. Bean Soldier
  17. Water Mage
  18. Giga-Tech Wolf
  19. Cyclops
  20. Dosodon
  21. Cycliptron
  22. One-Eyed White Tiger
  23. Thunder the Lightning Bolt
  24. Octopus Necromancer
  25. Aromaguma
  26. Whispering Fairy
  27. Kuribot
  28. Kuribot
  29. Kuribot
  30. Wight
  31. Reincarnation of the Dead
  32. Kamikaze Blade
  33. Piercing!
  34. The☆Power-Up
  35. Brutal White Foam - Bleach Mortar
  36. Hammer Crush
  37. Counter Bomb
  38. Emergency Return
  39. The☆Barrier
  40. Mysterious Handcuffs

Battle Pack 2022 Vol.1

  1. Gaia the Dark Knight
  2. Gazelle, the King of Phantom Beasts
  3. Swordmaster Shogun of the Crescent Moon
  4. Forest
  5. Jubilance of the Mighty
  6. Fancy Tento Pastel
  7. Dream Tento Rainbow
  8. Demon Beaver
  9. Hero of the East
  10. Killer Panda
  • Jubilance of the Mighty is a Rush Duel parody of the OCG/TCG card Burden of the Mighty.
submitted by RazorOfSimplicity to yugioh [link] [comments]

2022.01.26 12:11 cooldrawingideas Vocabulary Words That Start With O For Kids

Vocabulary Words That Start With O For Kids

Words That Start With O

O is the fifteenth character of the alphabet for kids. From obaldia to ours, learn children’s definitions for words beginning with the letter o.
  • Or like obaldia
rené de obaldia is the name of the man who writes funny poems. Thomas
  • O for obelisk
an obelisk is a raised stone in a quadrangular shape. Arthur

o words for kids
  • O for obesity
obesity is a disease. It applies to people who are over the maximum weight of 20 percent. Married
  • O for octaedra
an octahedron is an eight-sided die or an eight-sided polyhedron. Mohammed
  • O for egg
the hen lays eggs. Sometimes we eat them; sometimes, they become chicks.
the egg is an oval object laid by the hen that can serve as a meal for us. Rafael
Words From O For kids
  • O for ogre
it is an imaginary character that we meet in fairy tales. Gontran
an ogre can be a person who eats a lot, and it can also be a kind of “monster” who eats the little ones! Rock
an ogre is an evil character from the fairy tale who eats children. Ninon
  • O like bird
a bird is a flying animal. He is covered with feathers, and he sings. He eats earthworms, seeds, berries. Some birds of prey eat small animals like mice. Tom
  • O for oiseleur
a person whose job is to catch birds.
  • O comme ono (yoko)
pianist, gallery owner, wife of John Lennon, one of the four Beatles. Kevin
  • O for onomatopee
onomatopoeias are words that imitate the sound of a being or an object, such as a laugh, the cry of an animal, or the sound of a bell. Fanny
  • O for optometrist
Words That beinging With o
an optometrist is somebody who analyzes your eyes, Marie
  • O for orange
orange is a color that happens well with blue and green. Orange is formed from red and yellow. Fouad
  • O like orchids
the orchid is a somewhat complicated flower that comes from Asia. Theo
  • O as computer
it’s a powerful machine to do a lot of things on it. Alison
  • O like barley
is a grain. Francois
  • O for orc
a killer whale is one of the cetaceans. Selma
  • O for osier
yellow, a flexible twig of a kind of willow tree. Martin
  • O like seato
a sea lion is a living thing that lives in and out of water. Ethan
  • O as ouistiti
small-sized american monkey. Lina
  • O for bear
a bear is an animal that is big and lives in a forest. This animal feeds on small animals.
You Also Learn A To Z Vocabulary words For Kids.
submitted by cooldrawingideas to learnabc [link] [comments]

2022.01.24 15:59 CromaShin [THEORY] Welcome to the Kep1everse.

[THEORY] Welcome to the Kep1everse.
Hello, this is a journey through the Auroral Dream.
Chaehyun confirmed the existence of the Kep1er's Universe in their WA DA DA MV Reaction and she asked the fans if they could read the different and hidden meanings, so here we are.
Kep1ians are ahead of time and some of us have already made theories. However I have waited the end of promotions in order to get every glimpse of lore the members could give during interviews and stages. In this way I (hope) can get the bigger picture and link the dots. Time to put on the clown mask:
Before everything, I must debunk a previous theory I made about the name, since I've seen someone quoting it and taking it as a reference. At that time I said the name "Kep1er" comes from a solar system named Kepler-19 which hosts 3 planets, like the 3 korean, japanese and chinese groups, trying to correct Yeojin Goo. With the sake of time I can assure that Mnet has never meant to match the three groups from GP999 and the debuting group with a real solar system just for fun. However, the apple didn't fall far from the tree, in fact the origin of the meaning still remains because the Kepler Mission discovered plenty of solar systems and especially Binary Stars: two stars that revolve around each other, just like the Name Animation shows. I'll make another statement after the post that will rearrange what I just said, be aware.
First of all let's make a summary of everything we've seen and deducted from official content, describe everything relatable to the lore and make logical and direct links.
In the M Countdown HOT DEBUT Stage of Wa Da Da, Mnet shows us the Genesis of the Kep1everse, the very beginning:
Space, lost light and quiet.
A telescope with bright stars
The girl opens her eyes
Unresponsive universe
The girl's signal never stops
At the time, the two suns are getting closer
The moment the sun becomes one
The whole universe colored with lavender
Now I'm running to the adventure of Auroral dream
Cool poem, but let's try to explain it in a clearer way:
At first, there was nothing. Then Chaehyun watches through a telescope. She is alone and she doesn't want, so she is sending signals to meet other people. But nobody reply. She keeps sending signals. Until the day the two suns will become one: finally someone responds to the signals, "YES WE COPY". Chaehyun is not alone, there are people who want to meet her. The travel has begun.
What is yet to be determined is what COPY does mean, what the two suns represents and why the girls reply only after the sun becomes one. Let's talk about it later.
EDIT: In radio communications "do you copy?" or "copy that" means that the recipient has to write down a copy of the message so it can be carried to and read by the superior officer. It is also a short expression used to ask if the recipient can hear well or understood (enough to take notes). In our context simply means that Chaehyun is looking for someone who can listen and reach her.
The story is just begun, let's keep going with the Debut stage:
Chaehyun is in the center of the circle (sun), then watches Xiaoting. Two suns behind her and she controls them with her her hands. The song starts:
It's you, and I
Let's start
N-N-Now arrived at this place
Watch my step
Follow my signal
One, check it, two, carefully
Raise it a bit higher, radar, radar
Where are you? Do you see me?
Here, I'll send a signal, catch it
It is clear from the lyrics that the girls are connected but not together, they need to follow the signals to gather up and ultimately color the universe with lavender, which is their goal (and their representative color). How are trying to reach each other? Here comes trouble.
First Impact, the title of the first minialbum, refers to the first impression a person make in front of another, this is the liminal meaning, the normal one. The sub-liminal meaning that is useful for us is that finally someone reply to the signals of Chaehyun and that's the first impact they have of each other. Need to mention that the two suns are about to collide and and impact will occur.
Wa Da Da, as explained by other fans and members themselves, is the onomatopoeia of running, in fact the girls are trying to meet each other quickly and encourage themselves to hurry up, be brave and realize their dream. In a more detailed insight, the liminal dream is what Yujin said in the MV reaction and other promotions: run towards the love of the fans and meet them. The sub-liminal one is obviously deeper and is about meeting themselves, their alter-ego which lives in the other sun. I'm not going to explain this to keep it short, but this is also a reference about the lyrics of MVSK, check it out.
The main source of the lore we have is the MV so let's watch is carefully and catch everything interesting:
00:05 Chaehyun is alone in the house, lights flicker, she approaches a telescope and watch outside, with her right eye.
00:09 the telescope is pointed at the other planet, where the girls have blue energy and black outfit (in other theories I've seen this referenced as "Cool" outfit and as C1 from the Concept Photo 3)
00:16 back at the house, the camera zoom out from Dayeon's left eye. Here the girls have the C- outfit.
00:25 new place, the playground. Here the girls are in pink, the C0 outfit. There is the first teleporting. The sky is lavender and a planet is seen close.
00:32 C0 Chaehyun alone in a room, let's say it's a corridor, behind her a pink sun. Most probably a sort of a portal that links the worlds.
00:35 Still Chaehyun but in the C1 world, dancing with the girls in front of electronic devices, similar to old broadcasting radio stations. The station is needed to send signals.
00:42 C- Youngeun connects with C1 Youngeun outside the radio station. Other servers and electronics are found.
00:46 it is seen clearly the connection between the two worlds
00:50 also in C1 world, as is the C0 world, we see a really close blue planet in the sky, with blue rings.
00:53 C0 Yeseo near the portal connects with C1 Yeseo.
00:56 C1 Dayeon has pink energy.
01:00 C0 Yujin and Dayeon gather blue energy in C0 pink world.
01:03 Pink C0 OT7 members dance in the portal with the pink sun behind. After Yeseo and Mashiro gather energy we dive into the portal and travel, before with pink and then with blue energy, into C1 world. Knowing the formation of the choreography the two members should be at the sides in the front row, but couldn't fit all in the frame.
01:17 C0 Xiaoting is surrounded by blue aurora lights and particles.
01:19 C1 Hikaru sitting in the radio station. From the lyrics we can deduct she is calibrating the position and direction of the radars, seen in the Hot Debut intro. The first is ok, "check it", the second one must be fixed carefully, a bit higher.
01:27 C- world house has some yellow electricity running on the walls
01:29 with green/blue energy the girls disappear and teleport.
01:34 C0 world, it's night now and the playground is yellow and lit by yellow light, similar to the one just ran on the C- house.
01:38 C0 Bahiyyh in the portal, then again in the playground.
01:41 pink Aurora lights surround C- Chaehyun in the C- world.
01:45 back to day in the C0 world, C- Chaehyun connects with C0 Chaehyun
01:48 C0 Yeseo dance with lavender energy channelled in her hands.
Yeseo with purple energy hands
02:02 C0 Dayeon and Hikaru gather lavender energy and a burst occurs.
02:10 back to night in C0 world, Bahiyyh and Xiaoting gather blue energy.
02:17 at the portal, C0 OT9 dance. Then travel into the portal
02:21 C- world but in red / hot pink atmosphere.
02:26 a flicker of the lights and the house goes back to normal colors
02:28 the three girls teleport with a yellow blink.
02:29 a white blink make appears all the girls. A super discharge of white electricity caused by all the members gathering energy make the place switch from white light to red one until all teleports.
02:37 After Xiaoting everyone re-appears, with the red light coming inside from windows.
02:46 teleports here and light switches there
damn look at this incredible cgi effect (jk but that part every frame is like this)
02:51 with a burst of aurora the girls in the C0 world dance, the same does C1 and C- until the end of the video. Note that they went out the C- house set to dance.
Before making theories we need to disclose another piece of the lore, the Connection Film. I'm not going to timestamp it because there is no need so I will just describe the interesting parts.
At the beginning we are in C- world and the girls are totally bored. Then a blue light starts blinking outside the window. We have a bunch of beauty shots of the girls of all planets, someone plays with the props and the set. The electronic devices in C1 discharge electricity. In C0, the girls go away from the portal, which turned white. After they went out of the camera, the portal shows the C- house with the girl still in boredom since the start of the video.
C0 girls going out/away from the portal
C- girls bored through C0 portal
SO, all these things from the MV are real, I still haven't make any assumption. What I deducted from the MV I sorta already said describing the scenes but it's better if explained again and adding something else:
  • We have only seen the sky of C0 and C1 and they both had a planet.
  • the portal in the corridor is seen only with girls in C0 outfit so we can deduct it's placed in C0 world.
  • From the previous two sentences we can say C0 and C1 are the two close planet.
  • in Electronics and Digital Signals 0 and 1 are the two states of the system: high or low, on or off. in Internet Technology 0 and 1 are the numbers of the binary code used to code everything.
  • In a way or in another every girl in the MV has connected with her alter ego of the other planet
  • The girls still haven't met: in the last scenes we see them dancing on their own planet at the same time, but still, they aren't together.
  • This is an extremely important statement that could cover up or explain a lot of things: between the two suns there is small white sphere, as seen in a brief moment in the Hot Debut Intro.
That white spot in the middle isn't for sure a far star because makes big movements together the suns when the camera moves.
  • regarding this sphere, I can theorize that it's the C- world. Since 0 and 1 are the two states of the system, - must be in the middle, as a link.
  • This theory can be enhanced by 00:46, from the C- world the signal sent by Youngeun travel and see this:
signal travel view from the C- world
  • C1 girls don't teleport at all
  • C- teleport a lot
  • C0 teleport only once at 00:25 and without energy
  • C1 is the only world where aurora hasn't surrounded any members
  • A fellow Kep1ian noted that the energy coming from their hands is different, in fact there are some korean characters like 오, read as "oh" that is the word they are singing. I can assume that their energy isn't electricity like C1 but actual words, like magic. (for the men of culture i would reference to the stand Echoes of Jojo Diamond Is Unbreakable)
maybe just some sfx / onomatopeia as common in the comics?
Back at the starting question, how do they can reach each other? In this comeback they just acknowledged that there are other girls outside their world and they must reach them quickly. For now the C1 girls have communicated with the radio station, C- girls, mostly Chaehyun has seek with the telescope, C0 girls has the portal which seems like they used.
Little trivia related to the lore:
WA DA DA MV Reaction
I can theorize that in the next comeback they will finally meet and blend their alter-egos together, as the two suns becomes one.
I hope this post will be a reference for the next theory post and that some Kep1ian with a good theory YouTube channel will take inspiration and information from this. Let's make WAKEONE want to go deeper in the Kep1everse as other k-pop agencies are doing.
I'd really love if you can discuss and make more theories about this and the next content we'll get. Kep1ians fighting!
submitted by CromaShin to kep1er [link] [comments]

2021.12.07 04:54 Litell_Johnn [Translation] 211020 Mery Interview with LOONA

Original link
Read on Team Subbits site
Big thanks to Team Subbits' Japanese translators for this one.

Super popular in Korea, LOONA has made their long-awaited Japanese debut! MERY has gotten an exclusive interview♡

The members said, "We think of the circles in HULA HOOP as paths that connect us, LOONA, with our fans. The lyrics are like a poem too, so please listen to it a lot!”
StarSeed~Kakusei~ : Take note of the excitement as if you’re on another planet, and “cho cho joayo”
The members had this to say about Starseed~Kakusei~: “It contains the hope of bringing out one’s hidden abilities and moving forward energetically."
Let's get to know LOONA's members! Check each members' individual questions♡

Visual ace "Heejin" × Having both cool and brightness "Hyunjin"

Heejin was the first to debut in LOONA. LOONA’s visual ace, she has dance skills, as she has learned to dance from a young age♡ We asked Heejin these questions:
① When did you start wanting to become an idol? A. "I wanted to become an idol in elementary school, so I auditioned a lot. I started my activities in earnest when I was in middle school."
② Your representative animal is a rabbit, and your color is a deep pink - how do you think it suits you? A. "I think both rabbits and deep pink are a good fit for me, and I think they were recommended because the company thought they are similar to my image."
Although she seems to be seen as a cool beauty, in reality Hyunjin has a bright personality and this gap is charming. We asked Hyunjin these questions:
① Your clear voice is very attractive ♡ Are there any particular efforts you make for this? A. "I think the basics are the most important thing, so I don’t skip practicing the basics, I firmly stick to it."
② Your representative animal is the cat, and your color is yellow - how do you think it suits you? A. "I think I look like a cat, and I like the bright atmosphere that comes with yellow! But, in fact, when I had an allergy test, I discovered that I was allergic to cats ..."

Leader "Haseul" × The group’s maknae full of aegyo, "Yeojin"

The leader who pulls the group along, Haseul gave off bright vibes during the interview as well. We asked Haseul these questions!
① Your beautiful and high voice is so attractive! What do you do to make your voice so clear? A. "Rather than on vocalization, I continue to place my efforts on making my voice sound pretty. I like chit-chatting, but I refrain from using my voice too much when recording."
② Your representative animal is a white bird, and your color is green. How do you think it suits you? A. "I think green fits me great! But I've always thought that birds are scary... Someday, through LOONA, I'd like to do a project where I can get closer to birds."
The maknae Yeojin, youngest in the group and doted on by all. Although she is the youngest, she was passionate with her responses during the interview, leaving an impression of her being very dependable ♡ This is what we asked Yeojin:
① What are the difficult and good things unique to being the youngest? A. "There’s nothing particularly difficult, the good thing is that there are 11 unnies supporting me."
② Your representative animal is a frog, and your color is orange. How well do you think it suits you? A. "To be honest, I wondered how it would go, with the frog. But I've accepted it over time, and I think it has a cheerful image. I think orange is the perfect color for me."

From Hong Kong, overwhelming visual "Vivi" × The versatile "Kim Lip" who got attention even from her solo song

The only member hailing from Hong Kong, ViVi was active as a model in Hong Kong before her debut. Vivi has overwhelming visuals and an attractive figure. We asked her these questions!
① How did you study Korean? A. "I tried to read books, translate on my own, and memorize phrases rather than words. Now, I have no problem communicating with the members."
② Your representative animal is a deer, and your color is pastel pink. How much do you think it suits you? A. "I think the deer's gentle vibe is similar to me. I think pastel pink also suits me well."
Kim Lip has received a lot of attention even during her solo days, such as her solo song "Eclipse" being included in NASA's official playlist.
① What is difference in appeal between solo and a group? A. “The appeal of a solo is that the concept will have a certain feel that matches you, whereas the chemistry between members is what’s important in a group, so I think fans will also be pleased.”
② Your representative animal is an owl, and your color is red - how much do you think it suits you? A. "Red is passionate and intense, and I think it fits very well. Although, I'm a morning person while owls are nocturnal, so I think that it’s funny that it’s the exact opposite."

"Jinsoul" with an attractive husky voice × "Choerry" with a gap between her overwhelming figure and cuteness

Jinsoul, who has an attractive husky voice, and also is in charge of rapping. For Jinsoul, who looks cool but has a cute personality in contrast, we asked these questions.
① Are there any artists you admire and are inspired by? A. "There isn’t a specific artist. I get greatly influenced by everyone. Recording myself and checking what sounds good, I make an effort to make our fans happy.”
② Your representative animal is a blue betta fish, and your color is blue, how well do you think that fits you? A. "A blue fish, a blue betta, appears in my solo MV. So I wondered if it was because of that. But when I saw myself dancing, the way my mouth moved resembled that of a fish, so it made sense."
In contrast to her cute face, Choerry has an overwhelming figure. We asked Choerry, who had a cheerful side to liven up the interview, these questions.
① Secrets to maintaining your figure? A. “I don’t do anything in particular, but since I tend to get puffy easily, I drink tea that’s good for puffiness. I strongly recommend pumpkin and red bean tea.”
② Your representative animal is a bat, and your color is purple. How do you think it fits you? A. "I think purple fits me well, but I thought I wouldn’t get used to having my representative animal as a bat at first. Now, I think bats are pretty cute and I like them."

With plenty of brightness, LOONA's biggest jokester, "Yves" × Mood maker and trendsetter Chuu

Yves, who has a beautiful appearance and is the character in charge of jokes at LOONA. We asked Yves these questions!
① LOONA's jokester! What keeps you upbeat? A. “Honestly when it comes to meeting different people while alone, I’m on the shy side. But when I’m with the members I’m very comfortable and we have good chemistry, so I just turn into the jokester character.”
② Your representative animal is a swan, and your color is burgundy. How do you think it fits you? A. "I have a nickname of ‘apple’ among fans. The name “Eve” and apples are closely related, aren’t they? So, I like burgundy. Swans have an elegant image, so I think that’s the kind of image the company expected from me at first. Except, I actually can’t swim…”
Chuu, who has a cheerful and talkative personality, and is a mood maker. We asked Chuu, who was popular on SNS even before debut, and who makes trends, these questions!
① Any tips to make trends? Such as creating the “Chuu heart” that was popular among K-POP idols? A. "I'm just doing various things with the hope that I’m pleasing the fans. I think it came up because I naturally thought like that.”
② Your representative animal is the penguin, and your color is coral, how well do you think that fits you? A. “I’ve always liked penguins, and I’ve always thought they were cute, so I’m happy. With coral, I wondered if it would suit me, but over time, I started thinking that it fits me.”

Quiet healing character Go Won × Olivia Hye who has overwhelming dance skill

Go Won, who has graceful facial features like a doll, and a quiet aura to her. We asked these questions to her:
① A fan of "OH MY GIRL" ♡ What kind of idol do you want to be? A. "I want to be the idol I dreamed of, and be somebody who gives energy and hope to fans."
② Your representative animal is a butterfly, and your color is Eden Green, how do you think that suits you? A. "We often wear fluttering outfits, which I think resembles butterflies, and I like that. For Eden Green, I like colors like yellow, but yellow is Hyunjin's color, so I think I wanted to also like Eden Green."
Olivia Hye has overwhelming dance skills despite her cool and calm vibes. We asked her these questions.
① Not only for having the makings of an idol, but also famous among fans for being a PC gamer! How long do you play PC games? A. "I used to play a lot of games. I’m the type where when I start one thing, I concentrate on it until I reach the end. But lately, I’ve often been practicing singing and dancing, so I don't play games that often."
② Your representative animal is a wolf, and your color is gray. How well do you think that suits you? A. "At first I didn't have the image of a wolf at all, but I noticed the wolf within me through my solo song, and now I like it. I think gray suits me because I don't really like to stand out."
Let's get to know more about LOONA's charm! We asked for their thoughts about the group and the members♡
Q1. How would you like Japanese fans to support you?
Go Won: We can’t meet in person now, so I’d like to meet Orbits, who’ve sent us lots of fan letters, soon.
Olivia Hye: Personally, I think it would be interesting if the "Hula Hoop challenge" became popular on SNS. Even though we’re apart, I want to connect using SNS and interact with my fans. By the way, I can spin a hula hoop around my neck.
Author: Though the current conditions mean they can’t meet fans in person now, they really want to meet Japanese fans as soon as possible! I was able to feel that ♡ As Olivia Hye says, why don't you support LOONA by adding a hashtag #LOONAHulaHoopChallenge (#LOONAフラフープチャレンジ) on SNS?
Q2. What are your future goals after making your debut in Japan?
Vivi: Our goal is to have a fan meeting where we can meet in person, and, more than anything, to have a concert in Japan.
Chuu: I always check the messages sent by Orbits! So I would like to meet in person and return my gratitude. I would like to show "HULA HOOP" at a concert.
Olivia Hye: When we are able to go to Japan, I would like to go see them in person, have a concert, and see how happy Japanese Orbits become.
Author: The words that are overflowing from each member were all "I want to please the fans." As Vivi and Chuu say, let's hope that concerts and fan meetings in Japan will take place soon ♡
Q3. What is your favorite phrase or favorite Japanese part for your Japanese debut songs "HULA HOOP / StarSeed ~ Kakusei ~"?
Choerry: I like “hitomi wa Andromeda'' (your eyes are Andromeda) from Hula Hoop. I like the Japanese words “umai” (delicious/great) and “pekopeko” (onomatopoeia for being hungry).
Chuu: I want to emphasize “chou chou joayo” from Starseed ~Kakusei~ because it’s cute having Japanese and Korean mixed together. I like the Japanese word “mokumoku” (silently working on something).
[T/N: The more common definition of “mokumoku” is stated above, but there are various alternative usages, such as being the onomatopoeia for smoke/clouds flowing past, or an alternative onomatopoeia for chewing (“mogumogu”), and it’s not clear which definition Chuu is referring to.]
Heejin: I was happy when I came to understand the meaning of “kakusei” (awakening). At first I thought it was “gakusei” (student), but it was interesting when I understood it after learning Japanese.
Yves: The pronunciation for “tsu” and “ku” were difficult, so I worked hard on it. “ku” is pronounced more nasally compared to Korean, so I put in a lot of effort to pronounce it cutely♡
Go Won: I like the Japanese word “kirakira” (onomatopoeia for sparkling/twinkling).
Yeojin: I like that the Japanese word “kokoro” (heart) also is in Starseed ~Kakusei~.
Vivi: I like the word “shiawase” (happiness).
Haseul: The feeling of repeating words in “dokidoki” (onomatopoeia for heart pounding) is cute.
Author: With them taking the challenge of Japanese lyrics, their efforts and feelings of delighting Japanese fans comes through♡ LOONA’s efforts can be felt clearly in either song! We were also told “It sounds cute!”, or “It appears in the lyrics!” about their favourite Japanese words.
Q4. What do you want us to pay attention to in the B-side "PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver."?
Yeojin: It was our first time singing in Japanese, so all the members were careful about their pronunciation. I hope that the efforts will be conveyed to the fans as well.
Jinsoul: The lyrics have the same meaning, but I think the difference in pronunciation is a big point. It's the same song, but the rhythm is a little different, and I sang it with a different feeling. I’d like you to pay attention to those parts.
Q5. What’s a charm that you think is unique to LOONA?
Haseul: From solos to units, and then to a 12-person group, LOONA took a long time to become complete. That process has a different appeal from other idols, as well as being a new type. That’s why our teamwork is also strong.
Choerry: Our competitive spirit is also second to none!
Yves: The solos and units each have their own charms, and us as a full group also has a charm of its own. I think that’s a distinguishing factor we have from other groups. To someone who had been watching from the various eras, they would wonder, “what kind of combinations would come about when the solo or unit members form a group?” I think that that’s another one of our unique charms.
Q6. Have you come to Japan before?
Choerry: I've actually been there once for a shoot. There were many wonderful places and so much delicious food ♡, so I definitely want to go there again.
Q7. “I really love this about a member!” What would that be?
Hyunjin: I like Yves’ jokes ♡
Yves: I’m jealous that Yeojin can act spoiled because she’s the youngest~!
Heejin: I think it's amazing how Jinsoul gets deep into one thing when concentrating.
Yeojin: All 11 older sisters are kind and caring towards me. I'm really grateful to be able to casually talk with them, even when I'm feeling down.
Choerry: All the members are fun, I feel better just by looking at their faces ♡
Q8. Who’s the mood maker (the life of the party), according to the members?
Everyone is very bright! But I think Yeojin, Choerry, and Chuu are the mood makers. A personality test called "MBTI" is popular in Korea now, and when all the members did it, those three were "ENFP".
Q9. If you could be another member for a day, who would you choose?
Heejin → Yves: Yves’ arms and legs are very long, so her dance moves are beautiful. That’s why I chose Yves.
Hyunjin → Kim Lip: Her clothes are stylish! I always look at her closet and want to try on her clothes.
Haseul → Olivia Hye: I’m a very loud person, and when I get startled, I scream loudly, but Olivia Hye always stays calm. I think I’d be able to find a different side of myself.
Yeojin → Choerry: I love how she lives her life purely.
Vivi → Hyunjin: I fancy her height and physical strength.
Kim Lip → Heejin: When I was in the waiting room, I heard her say “I see something glittering~”, and I wondered what that was about. Apparently, Heejin’s nose is sharp enough that she could see the glitter on her nose. Her nose is pretty, and I’m jealous of it.
Jinsoul → Hyunjin: I envy her physical fitness and strength.
Choerry → Yeojin: I want to try feeling how’s it like to have 11 unnies♡
Yves → Olivia Hye: Seeing her going out alone and enjoying herself is wonderful. I think it’s nice that she doesn’t care about what others see of her, and lives her life calmly.
Chuu → Yves: She’s strong, and her figure is awesome! It’s my ideal figure.
Go Won → Kim Lip: I admire morning people who can wake up early and go to sleep early. Since I’m nocturnal..
Olivia Hye → Go Won: I don’t think I want to become someone else, but I think Go Won and I have similar personalities. I’m not the type to become overly enthusiastic, and seeing Go Won when she’s relaxing on the sofa makes me feel like she’s similar.

We look forward to LOONA Japanese activities from now on♡ How about becoming an Orbit?

Charming members of LOONA, You can’t help but to become their fan…♡ How about becoming an Orbit from today on? First of all, listen to their Japanese debut songs, “HULA HOOP / StarSeed ~Kakusei~”, to moisturise your bustling daily life!
And we got a message from LOONA to Japanese Orbit:
“It is disappointing that we are not able to go directly to Japan to make our Japanese debut. But we think the fans were saddened the most. So we brought these bright songs to help overcome such emotions♡ Even with what’s going on now, we want everyone to be cheerful and positive. Even if it feels like we’re sort of close but still apart, we check every letter or video that we get from fans, and remember their names. So please don’t be worried, and look forward to the upcoming activities!”
Together, let us look forward to LOONA’s upcoming Japanese activities, as well as their global activities (in the future).
submitted by Litell_Johnn to LOONA [link] [comments]

2021.10.19 07:49 Val_Xar 5672 Words worth of brain damage

(< >)
^ ^ Owl ? Penguin ? Powl ? Ownguin ?
submitted by Val_Xar to copypasta [link] [comments]

2021.07.03 15:07 Why-y-y-y Tips for New Poetry Writers

Points for a Beginning Poem Writer
Directions for Mobile Editing and Poem Formatting
First off, here’s directions for if you don’t know how to edit: If you are on the post: in the top right corner of your phone there should be three dots. You click on the three dots and a new thing will pop up. There will be many options, you want to click on “Edit post” when you are done, click the word “done.”
Heres the directions for formatting: Put in your first line. Click return once, then a second time. Put in your next line (Repeat). When you want to show a change in stanza click return twice again, then add a period, dash, slant, or basically any punctuation you want. After you put in the punctuation press return twice again.

Places to Submit
Places to Submit without having to review:
Places to Submit with Review:

Need help with what to say in a review?
Give a Compliment
I like it!
Beautiful job!
You’ve done amazing!
Loving this vibe!
Talk about your favorite part
A line in the poem
Title of the work
If there’s repetition, alliteration, allusion, metaphors, similes, caesura, diction, end-stop lines, imagery, rhymes, near rhymes, onomatopoeia, paradox, and/or good syntax
Critique (if needed)
Could be a small grammatical error
Maybe a different work will sound better in a spot
Should add something to emphasize a point
If something needs further clarification
End with a positive remark
Thank you for sharing!
I hope to read some of your work again!

Here are some Terms
(Sorry for possible bad formatting in this section)
Enjambment: - the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
First person is the I/we perspective. Second person is the you perspective. Third person is the he/she/it/they perspective.
Line: one sentence
Couplet: 2 lines put together
Stanza: a group of line usually with a recurring metric use l, separated by a line break
Repetition: - repeating something multiple times
Poetry Types: * Free Style - a poem with no specific metric use in mind when creating it. Could be all of the place. Has no guidelines. * Haiku - 5/7/5 syllable pattern or a more uncommon 3/5/3 syllable pattern.
Alliteration: The repetition of identical consonant sounds, most often the sounds beginning words, in close proximity. Example: pensive poets, nattering nabobs of negativism.
Allusion: Unacknowledged reference and quotations that authors assume their readers will recognize.
Anaphora: Repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of a line throughout a work or the section of a work.
Apostrophe: Speaker in a poem addresses a person not present or an animal, inanimate object, or concept as though it is a person. Example: Wordsworth--"Milton! Thou shouldst be living at this hour / England has need of thee"
Assonance: The repetition of identical vowel sounds in different words in close proximity. Example: deep green sea.
Ballad: A narrative poem composed of quatrains (iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter) rhyming x-a-x-a. Ballads may use refrains. Examples: "Jackaroe," "The Long Black Veil"
Blank verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter. Example: Shakespeare's plays
Caesura: A short but definite pause used for effect within a line of poetry. Carpe diem poetry: "seize the day." Poetry concerned with the shortness of life and the need to act in or enjoy the present. Example: Herrick’s "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time"
Chiasmus (antimetabole): Chiasmus is a "crossing" or reversal of two elements; antimetabole, a form of chiasmus, is the reversal of the same words in a grammatical structure. Example: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask wyat you can do for your country. Example: You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man.
Common meter or hymn measure (Emily Dickinson): iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter. Other example: "Amazing Grace" by John Newton http://www.constitution.org/col/amazing_grace.htm
Consonanceis the counterpart of assonance; the partial or total identity of consonants in words whose main vowels differ. Example: shadow meadow; pressed, passed; sipped, supped. Owen uses this "impure rhyme" to convey the anguish of war and death.
Couplet: two successive rhyming lines. Couplets end the pattern of a Shakespearean sonnet.
Diction: Diction is usually used to describe the level of formality that a speaker uses. * Diction (formal or high): Proper, elevated, elaborate, and often polysyllabic language. This type of language used to be thought the only type suitable for poetry * Neutral or middle diction: Correct language characterized by directness and simplicity. * Diction (informal or low): Relaxed, conversational and familiar language.
Dramatic monologue: A type of poem, derived from the theater, in which a speaker addresses an internal listener or the reader. In some dramatic monologues, especially those by Robert Browning, the speaker may reveal his personality in unexpected and unflattering ways.
End-stopped line: A line ending in a full pause, usually indicated with a period or semicolon.
Enjambment (or enjambement): A line having no end punctuation but running over to the next line.
Explication: A complete and detailed analysis of a work of literature, often word-by-word and line-by-line.
Foot (prosody): A measured combination of heavy and light stresses. The numbers of feet are given below. monometer (1 foot) dimeter (2 feet) trimeter (3 feet) tetrameter (4 feet) pentameter (5 feet) hexameter (6 feet) heptameter or septenary (7 feet)
Heroic couplet: two successive rhyming lines of iambic pentameter; the second line is usually end-stopped.
Hymn meter or common measure: quatrains of iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter rhyming a b a b.
Hyperbole (overstatement) and litotes (understatement): Hyperbole is exaggeration for effect; litotes is understatement for effect, often used for irony.
Iambic pentameter: Iamb (iambic): an unstressed stressed foot.The most natural and common kind of meter in English; it elevates speech to poetry.
Image: Images are references that trigger the mind to fuse together memories of sight (visual), sounds (auditory), tastes (gustatory), smells (olfactory), and sensations of touch (tactile). Imagery refers to images throughout a work or throughout the works of a writer or group of writers.
Internal rhyme: An exact rhyme (rather than rhyming vowel sounds, as with assonance) within a line of poetry: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary."
Metaphor: A comparison between two unlike things, this describes one thing as if it were something else. Does not use "like" or "as" for the comparison (see simile).
Metaphysical conceit: An elaborate and extended metaphor or simile that links two apparently unrelated fields or subjects in an unusual and surprising conjunction of ideas. The term is commonly applied to the metaphorical language of a number of early seventeenth-century poets, particularly John Donne. Example: stiff twin compasses//the joining together of lovers like legs of a compass. See "To His Coy Mistress"
Meter: The number of feet within a line of traditional verse. Example: iambic pentameter.
Octave: The first eight lines of an Italian or Petrarchan sonnet, unified by rhythm, rhyme, and topic.
Onomatopoeia. A blending of consonant and vowel sounds designed to imitate or suggest the activity being described. Example: buzz, slurp.
Paradox: A rhetorical figure embodying a seeming contradiction that is nonetheless true.
Personification: Attributing human characteristics to nonhuman things or abstractions.
Petrarchan sonnet: A sonnet (14 lines of rhyming iambic pentameter) that divides into an octave (8) and sestet (6). There is a "volta," or "turning" of the subject matter between the octave and sestet.
Pyrrhic foot (prosody): two unstressed feet (an "empty" foot) Quatrain: a four-line stanza or poetic unit. In an English or Shakespearean sonnet, a group of four lines united by rhyme.
Refrain: repeated word or series of words in response or counterpoint to the main verse, as in a ballad.
Rhyme: The repetition of identical concluding syllables in different words, most often at the ends of lines. Example: June--moon. * Double rhyme or trochaic rhyme: rhyming words of two syllables in which the first syllable is accented (flower, shower) * Triple rhyme or dactylic rhyme: Rhyming words of three or more syllables in which any syllable but the last is accented. Example: Macavity/gravity/depravity * Eye rhyme: Words that seem to rhyme because they are spelled identically but pronounced differently. Example: beafear, dough/cough/through/bough * Slant rhyme: A near rhyme in which the concluding consonant sounds are identical but not the vowels. Example: sun/noon, should/food, slim/ham. * Rhyme scheme: The pattern of rhyme, usually indicated by assigning a letter of the alphabet to each rhyme at the end of a line of poetry.
Rhyme royal: Stanza form used by Chaucer, usually in iambic pentameter, with the rhyme scheme ababbcc. Example: Wordsworth's "Resolution and Independence"
Scan (scansion): the process of marking beats in a poem to establish the prevailing metrical pattern. Prosody, the pronunciation of a song or poem, is necessary for scansion. (Go to the "Introduction to Prosody" page or try the scansion quiz.). Stressed syllables are in caps. * Anapest: unstressed unstressed stressed. Also called "galloping meter." Example: 'Twas the NIGHT before CHRISTmas, and ALL through the HOUSE/ Not a CREAture was STIRring, not EVen a MOUSE." * Dactyl (dactylic) stressed unstressed unstressed. This pattern is more common (as dactylic hexameter) in Latin poetry than in English poetry. (Emphasized syllables are in caps. Some of the three-syllable words below are natural dactyls: firmaments, practical, tacticalExample: GRAND go the YEARS in the CREScent aBOVE them/WORLDS scoop their ARCS/ and FIRMaments ROW (Emily Dickinson, "Safe in their Alabaster Chambers") Example: No one has more resilience / Or matches my PRAC-ti-cal TAC-ti-cal brilliance (Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton) * Spondee: stressed stressed. A two-syllable foot with two stressed accents. The opposite of a pyrrhic foot, this foot is used for effect. * Trochee (trochaic): stressed unstressed. Example: "Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright"
Sestet: A six-line stanza or unit of poetry.
Shakespearean sonnet: A fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter, composed of three quatrains and a couplet rhyming abab cdcd efef gg.
Simile. A direct comparison between two dissimilar things; uses "like" or "as" to state the terms of the comparison.
Sonnet: A closed form consisting of fourteen lines of rhyming iambic pentameter. Shakespearean or English sonnet: 3 quatrains and a couplet, often with three arguments or images in the quatrains being resolved in the couplet. Rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg Petrarchan or Italian sonnet: 8 lines (the "octave") and 6 lines (the "sestet") of rhyming iambic pentameter, with a turning or "volta" at about the 8th line. Rhyme scheme: abba abba cdcdcd (or cde cde)
Stanza: A group of poetic lines corresponding to paragraphs in prose; the meters and rhymes are usually repeating or systematic.
Synaesthesia: A rhetorical figure that describes one sensory impression in terms of a different sense, or one perception in terms of a totally different or even opposite feeling. Example: "darkness visible" "green thought"
Syntax: Word order and sentence structure.
Volta: The "turning" point of a Petrarchan sonnet, usually occurring between the octave and the sestet.
submitted by Why-y-y-y to writers [link] [comments]

2021.07.03 01:32 Why-y-y-y Points for a Beginning Poem Writer

How to make things Bold, italics, strike through, etc. on mobile

Directions for Mobile Editing and Poem Formatting
First off, here’s directions for if you don’t know how to edit: If you are on the post: in the top right corner of your phone there should be three dots. You click on the three dots and a new thing will pop up. There will be many options, you want to click on “Edit post” when you are done, click the word “done.”
Heres the directions for formatting: Put in your first line. Click return once, then a second time. Put in your next line (Repeat). When you want to show a change in stanza click return twice again, then add a period, dash, slant, or basically any punctuation you want. After you put in the punctuation press return twice again.
Another way to format (without ./-) is to put the letters and numbers & # x 2 0 0 B ; without any of the spaces. This will add a new stanza.

Places to Submit
Places to Submit without having to review:
Places to Submit with Review:

Need help with what to say in a review?
Give a Compliment
I like it!
Beautiful job!
You’ve done amazing!
Loving this vibe!
Talk about your favorite part
A line in the poem
Title of the work
If there’s repetition, alliteration, allusion, metaphors, similes, caesura, diction, end-stop lines, imagery, rhymes, near rhymes, onomatopoeia, paradox, and/or good syntax
Critique (if needed)
Could be a small grammatical error
Maybe a different word will sound better in a spot
Should add something to emphasize a point
If something needs further clarification
End with a positive remark
Thank you for sharing!
I hope to read some of your work again!

Terms you may want to know
**Sources: my own knowledge and Public.WSU.edu
Enjambment: - the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
First person is the I/we perspective. Second person is the you perspective. Third person is the he/she/it/they perspective.
Line: one sentence
Couplet: 2 lines put together
Stanza: a group of line usually with a recurring metric use l, separated by a line break
Repetition: - repeating something multiple times
Poetry Types: * Free Style - a poem with no specific metric use in mind when creating it. Could be all of the place. Has no guidelines. * Haiku - 5/7/5 syllable pattern or a more uncommon 3/5/3 syllable pattern.
Alliteration: The repetition of identical consonant sounds, most often the sounds beginning words, in close proximity. Example: pensive poets, nattering nabobs of negativism.
Allusion: Unacknowledged reference and quotations that authors assume their readers will recognize.
Anaphora: Repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of a line throughout a work or the section of a work.
Apostrophe: Speaker in a poem addresses a person not present or an animal, inanimate object, or concept as though it is a person. Example: Wordsworth--"Milton! Thou shouldst be living at this hour / England has need of thee"
Assonance: The repetition of identical vowel sounds in different words in close proximity. Example: deep green sea.
Ballad: A narrative poem composed of quatrains (iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter) rhyming x-a-x-a. Ballads may use refrains. Examples: "Jackaroe," "The Long Black Veil"
Blank verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter. Example: Shakespeare's plays
Caesura: A short but definite pause used for effect within a line of poetry. Carpe diem poetry: "seize the day." Poetry concerned with the shortness of life and the need to act in or enjoy the present. Example: Herrick’s "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time"
Chiasmus (antimetabole): Chiasmus is a "crossing" or reversal of two elements; antimetabole, a form of chiasmus, is the reversal of the same words in a grammatical structure. Example: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask wyat you can do for your country. Example: You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man.
Common meter or hymn measure (Emily Dickinson): iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter. Other example: "Amazing Grace" by John Newton http://www.constitution.org/col/amazing_grace.htm
Consonanceis the counterpart of assonance; the partial or total identity of consonants in words whose main vowels differ. Example: shadow meadow; pressed, passed; sipped, supped. Owen uses this "impure rhyme" to convey the anguish of war and death.
Couplet: two successive rhyming lines. Couplets end the pattern of a Shakespearean sonnet.
Diction: Diction is usually used to describe the level of formality that a speaker uses. * Diction (formal or high): Proper, elevated, elaborate, and often polysyllabic language. This type of language used to be thought the only type suitable for poetry * Neutral or middle diction: Correct language characterized by directness and simplicity. * Diction (informal or low): Relaxed, conversational and familiar language.
Dramatic monologue: A type of poem, derived from the theater, in which a speaker addresses an internal listener or the reader. In some dramatic monologues, especially those by Robert Browning, the speaker may reveal his personality in unexpected and unflattering ways.
End-stopped line: A line ending in a full pause, usually indicated with a period or semicolon.
Enjambment (or enjambement): A line having no end punctuation but running over to the next line.
Explication: A complete and detailed analysis of a work of literature, often word-by-word and line-by-line.
Foot (prosody): A measured combination of heavy and light stresses. The numbers of feet are given below. monometer (1 foot) dimeter (2 feet) trimeter (3 feet) tetrameter (4 feet) pentameter (5 feet) hexameter (6 feet) heptameter or septenary (7 feet)
Heroic couplet: two successive rhyming lines of iambic pentameter; the second line is usually end-stopped.
Hymn meter or common measure: quatrains of iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter rhyming a b a b.
Hyperbole (overstatement) and litotes (understatement): Hyperbole is exaggeration for effect; litotes is understatement for effect, often used for irony.
Iambic pentameter: Iamb (iambic): an unstressed stressed foot.The most natural and common kind of meter in English; it elevates speech to poetry.
Image: Images are references that trigger the mind to fuse together memories of sight (visual), sounds (auditory), tastes (gustatory), smells (olfactory), and sensations of touch (tactile). Imagery refers to images throughout a work or throughout the works of a writer or group of writers.
Internal rhyme: An exact rhyme (rather than rhyming vowel sounds, as with assonance) within a line of poetry: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary."
Metaphor: A comparison between two unlike things, this describes one thing as if it were something else. Does not use "like" or "as" for the comparison (see simile).
Metaphysical conceit: An elaborate and extended metaphor or simile that links two apparently unrelated fields or subjects in an unusual and surprising conjunction of ideas. The term is commonly applied to the metaphorical language of a number of early seventeenth-century poets, particularly John Donne. Example: stiff twin compasses//the joining together of lovers like legs of a compass. See "To His Coy Mistress"
Meter: The number of feet within a line of traditional verse. Example: iambic pentameter.
Octave: The first eight lines of an Italian or Petrarchan sonnet, unified by rhythm, rhyme, and topic.
Onomatopoeia. A blending of consonant and vowel sounds designed to imitate or suggest the activity being described. Example: buzz, slurp.
Paradox: A rhetorical figure embodying a seeming contradiction that is nonetheless true.
Personification: Attributing human characteristics to nonhuman things or abstractions.
Petrarchan sonnet: A sonnet (14 lines of rhyming iambic pentameter) that divides into an octave (8) and sestet (6). There is a "volta," or "turning" of the subject matter between the octave and sestet.
Pyrrhic foot (prosody): two unstressed feet (an "empty" foot) Quatrain: a four-line stanza or poetic unit. In an English or Shakespearean sonnet, a group of four lines united by rhyme.
Refrain: repeated word or series of words in response or counterpoint to the main verse, as in a ballad.
Rhyme: The repetition of identical concluding syllables in different words, most often at the ends of lines. Example: June--moon. * Double rhyme or trochaic rhyme: rhyming words of two syllables in which the first syllable is accented (flower, shower) * Triple rhyme or dactylic rhyme: Rhyming words of three or more syllables in which any syllable but the last is accented. Example: Macavity/gravity/depravity * Eye rhyme: Words that seem to rhyme because they are spelled identically but pronounced differently. Example: beafear, dough/cough/through/bough * Slant rhyme: A near rhyme in which the concluding consonant sounds are identical but not the vowels. Example: sun/noon, should/food, slim/ham. * Rhyme scheme: The pattern of rhyme, usually indicated by assigning a letter of the alphabet to each rhyme at the end of a line of poetry.
Rhyme royal: Stanza form used by Chaucer, usually in iambic pentameter, with the rhyme scheme ababbcc. Example: Wordsworth's "Resolution and Independence"
Scan (scansion): the process of marking beats in a poem to establish the prevailing metrical pattern. Prosody, the pronunciation of a song or poem, is necessary for scansion. (Go to the "Introduction to Prosody" page or try the scansion quiz.). Stressed syllables are in caps. * Anapest: unstressed unstressed stressed. Also called "galloping meter." Example: 'Twas the NIGHT before CHRISTmas, and ALL through the HOUSE/ Not a CREAture was STIRring, not EVen a MOUSE." * Dactyl (dactylic) stressed unstressed unstressed. This pattern is more common (as dactylic hexameter) in Latin poetry than in English poetry. (Emphasized syllables are in caps. Some of the three-syllable words below are natural dactyls: firmaments, practical, tacticalExample: GRAND go the YEARS in the CREScent aBOVE them/WORLDS scoop their ARCS/ and FIRMaments ROW (Emily Dickinson, "Safe in their Alabaster Chambers") Example: No one has more resilience / Or matches my PRAC-ti-cal TAC-ti-cal brilliance (Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton) * Spondee: stressed stressed. A two-syllable foot with two stressed accents. The opposite of a pyrrhic foot, this foot is used for effect. * Trochee (trochaic): stressed unstressed. Example: "Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright"
Sestet: A six-line stanza or unit of poetry.
Shakespearean sonnet: A fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter, composed of three quatrains and a couplet rhyming abab cdcd efef gg.
Simile. A direct comparison between two dissimilar things; uses "like" or "as" to state the terms of the comparison.
Sonnet: A closed form consisting of fourteen lines of rhyming iambic pentameter. Shakespearean or English sonnet: 3 quatrains and a couplet, often with three arguments or images in the quatrains being resolved in the couplet. Rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg Petrarchan or Italian sonnet: 8 lines (the "octave") and 6 lines (the "sestet") of rhyming iambic pentameter, with a turning or "volta" at about the 8th line. Rhyme scheme: abba abba cdcdcd (or cde cde)
Stanza: A group of poetic lines corresponding to paragraphs in prose; the meters and rhymes are usually repeating or systematic.
Synaesthesia: A rhetorical figure that describes one sensory impression in terms of a different sense, or one perception in terms of a totally different or even opposite feeling. Example: "darkness visible" "green thought"
Syntax: Word order and sentence structure.
Volta: The "turning" point of a Petrarchan sonnet, usually occurring between the octave and the sestet.
submitted by Why-y-y-y to u/Why-y-y-y [link] [comments]

2021.06.26 15:41 yourmomssidepeice Poem about my life

This is a poem i wrote about me being a closeted lgbt youth. I am not a poet i just needed to release this. Please only positive responces, TW suicide
I am Casey
My whole life I've been trying to change
I'm tired of trying
Tired of hiding
Tired if pretending I'm not
The whole world looks at me they see the man they want
I just live a lie to not disrupt their views
The whole world says male and I just stand and ooo
I act like I'm fine but each time it makes me feel like I'm dying
I am Casey
They tell me to man up
They tell me to stop acting like a girl
I keep trying to convince myself I'm one of them
And it makes me want to hurl
They want me to be straight without a single curl
I try and be just like the ones to judge but I can't seem to budge
I am Casey
I try to be brave like elliott
But I just can't seem to sell it
I try to be the true me but no one wants to see
I am not a man and not quite a women
I try to be me the way they see
I'm just not quite that and not quite me
I am not who I should be
I am Casey
I tried to be straight
I tried to be gay
But inside I could not cooperate
I feel I am fake
Feel I take
From those who worked to make a world I could live in
But I can't help but to feel that I'm not who I should be
I wish I could be like them
And that i would be less of me
But I am me
I am Casey
I wish i was like all the rest
Never able to see the true me
Or I wish I could be who i want to be
I wish I had breast
I whish I could be the best me I could be
I wish I didn't have to hide who I really am
When I was young I thought I could be a normal member of society
But then as i got older the truth hit me like bam
It felt like I was fighting onomatopoeia man
I am Casey
I am Casey
This is what I've said
But am I really or is that just my head
In reality I could be a Mary or a Jerry or a Ted
I try to be me
But I care what people see
But what they isn't always me or who I want to be
I feel like I ware a mask
I'm like V is for Vendeta
I'm writing this and I am no poet
I am not Frost or Poe or Zetta
I am simply just me and
I am Casey
If I could be one xman I would be mystique
I would be her because she is far from unique
If I was her I could be anyone
If I was someone else i could keep who I want to be at peace
But instead it has become into my inner beast
And if I cannot take it it we be unleashed
If I dint want that to happen it must be released
But am I ready for that
Am I ready to be seen
Ready for the whole world to tell me I'm obscene
I don't think I am
But will i ever be
Or will I keep it in and let it kill me
Or will I die because of its escape
I am Casey
Can anyone see past
It may be hard because I am not glass
I try to he me
But if I am will I even be allowed in class
Or will I just look like an ass
Will people stay and help or will that watch and pass
Will they see me and share no second glance
Or will they help me and build me up
Will I grow to cast a shadow over them all
Or will I live in theirs
Will I just be be a mirror and people see themselves
Or will I be a window and they will just look through me
Or will I be the sun big and obvious but never look at
I may be sounding crass
This is my brain
I am not simple and plain
I am Casey
I want to change
But do I want to stand out and be me
Or do I want to blend in so they can see who they want me to be
I want to be able to be something
I am nothing
Right now I just want one thing
Do I want to be there or here
Act straight
Or be me and queere
Am I like this or like that
I feel like I'm going to snap
I am Casey
The world is a Spectrum
I feel like I fell off
I am lost
I want to change but what will be the cost
Will i be one of the boys
Or will I get played with like a child's toys
I feel like a crumb
I feel like a bum
With no where to go
I don't know where I will go
Or what's going to happen
But I do know one thing
I am Casey
I feel tied
I can't go forward I've tried
Sometimes I think I'd be better if I had died
If I had died no one would have cried
I could've stopped
Of the face of this earth I would've dropped
My life could've been cropped
Or chopped off
If only I was dead both inside and out
Or if I could find what this while life is about
Then maybe I wouldn't be alone
I am Casey
I may be pan
I may not be binary
I don't know what or why
But i know one thing
And that's all I'll ever be
submitted by yourmomssidepeice to comingout [link] [comments]
