What happened to chatroulette chat box

1500 kCals A Day!

2015.03.10 22:08 THUMB5UP 1500 kCals A Day!

A sub about eating on 1500 calories total per day.

2008.01.25 08:07 Europe

Europe: 50 (+6) countries, 230 languages, 746M people… 1 subreddit.

2009.06.12 04:29 myotheralt Pen Pals

Letters and Post Cards and Email, Oh My!

2024.06.02 17:09 SpencerTobi AITAH for calling adult protective services on my family?

My (24, youngest child) great grandad (83m), who we'll call Papa here forward, is turning 84 on Tuesday. Papa was my entire life when I lived with my family. He continues to be a massive part of it. He married into the family after my father was born, he was an amazing dad to my grandmother, having married my great grandmother after they both left abusive relationships.
He raised my entire family. He housed my father, siblings and I after my drug addicted father sobered up, after he went to jail for a crime that landed him on the sex offender registry. He used his huge pension to buy a house for all of us. When I was around 13 he had a series of large strokes leaving him with dementia and Alzheimer's. He went from being retired, working for fun and being the most independent person I knew, to needing 24/7 care. He was still mostly coherent, could walk around on his own but anything in regards to daily care, he needed help.
My father is not a great man, I grew up being emotionally, financially, and occasionally, physically abused. All of the abuse stopped once we got bigger, it must be hard to bully adults when they (me) start laughing during our arguments because of how ridiculous you are being. I still moved out as soon as I could, with the excuse of attending college. This was the hardest thing I've ever done (well, maybe until now). Having to leave him and trust that my family would care for him? I thought I could trust them.
I think it's important to say that there are 5 adults in the house (father, his fiance, 2 older siblings), so it's reasonable to believe that he was being cared for.
I planned on visiting at least monthly, but my first semester of college was fall of 2019. We all know what happened in spring of 2020. The thought of returning home indefinitely wasn't an option so I sheltered in place. I took enough online college courses that they allowed me to stay in the dorms and I built a good life. I called him and the family at least weekly, but often more.
They've come over to where I live, which is three+ hours away, on occasion. While things were not great I never suspected they weren't taking care of Papa.
Flash forward to yesterday. I finally have some cash saved up for me and my husband to go visit for his birthday. The plan was to take him out for dinner and maybe hang out at the park. I pull up to the house, my childhood house, and three things happen that raise flags.
  1. My dad and sister meet me outside. The day before my father texted me to not "judge" them about the state of the house - they are "too busy" to clean house right now. Now they aren't even letting me inside. I can handle and more than understand a cluttered house, and they know this, I don't know why they wouldn't let me inside to see my childhood dogs, bedroom, anything.
  2. My sister brings out one of the new puppies she's adopted. Again, this feels like a distraction method for not going inside.
  3. Papa comes out, shuffling, in the same clothes he was wearing when they visited months ago, hair and beard as long as can be - he always liked his hair well kept and short.
I led him to my car and I'm overwhelmed by this stench. My father was never one to...shower so I know what the stench of not showering for possibly months is like. It was all over him and bellowed from the house.
We had to drive around with the windows open to make it through the 5 min drive to the restaurant. Before going to the restaurant, however, I stopped and bought a battery powered hair trimmer and nail clippers. His nails were at least an inch long and yellowed.
I trimmed his nails, which had dirt caked to the back of them, and buzzed a few inches off of his beard and hair. I used wet wipes on his hands and they came back yellow.
I got him a bit cleaned up (I did take a picture of him before this in case anything needed it) and took him for breakfast. It started raining so instead of taking him to the park I decided it was time to just drop him off back at home.
I think it was the pit in my stomach about bringing him home that made me call Adult Protective Services. So, I did and immediately left town. I don't know what will come of this, but I'm terrified.
Anyway, am I am a-hole for doing this?
I don't know what happened but as I was about an hour outside of town, my father and his fiance texted me saying that I'm ruining their lives. They said that they now have to take time off from work to clean the house. And, because they'll have to take time off, they'll have less money to take Papa to doctors appointments. I guess Papa doesn't shower because he's never around (I guess he retreats to his room a lot) for them to help him shower. They also don't have a great working car to take Papa to the specialist that he needs to see for a health issue he is having, and that's why they haven't been able to take him.
I'm so worried I fucked up. I can't take back the report. I mean, I didn't lie, but I also didn't chat to them about why things were that way. I don't think they'll ever let me see him again, if they have anything to do with it.
Am I the asshole? Did I fuck things up?
submitted by SpencerTobi to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:08 PlushiesAndKitties Suggestions to help children dealing with religious trauma/bigotry/conspiracy theories

Suggestions to help children dealing with religious trauma/bigotry/conspiracy theories
TLDR: trying to figure out if there is anything I can do to help four children I know (aged 1, 6, 13, &14) who are experiencing isolation, indoctrination, and bigotry. I have since been cut off by their mother from having contact because I was having “too much of an influence.”
My “family” that I refer to can get confusing due to spending most of my childhood in foster care and having several different foster homes, so I apologize if that causes confusion. I’ll be using “FF” to refer to “former foster” family members of mine. So with that said, this FF sibling of mine (that I’ve known my entire life) has 4 children.
Backstory: I have known I like all genders since I was a tween, I’m autistic, & I’m atheist. Not interesting, just necessary context to establish how different I am from my FF sister. So I recently came back into this foster family’s life because my FF mother started having severe health issues and her biological daughter didn’t step up at all. When her mother was in the middle of having a seizure and called me in a state of confusion, I was the one who beat the ambulance to her house. She couldn’t remember the year, the president, but she recognized me, so I sat next to her gurney in the hallway of our overcrowded hospital for 6 hours until they finally were able to get her a room around 5AM. I texted updates to her concerned extended bio family regarding her condition and went home to rest just like I told her family I would. I woke up later to several texts alerting me that my FF mother had been discharged from the hospital, but her daughter wouldn’t answer the phone or go pick her up, so I’m sure you can guess who picked up that slack. Ever since then though, my FF mother has relied on my partner and myself heavily because we are reliable and give a shit. I loved it at first because we were getting to know each other again and she told me she liked that she could talk to me honestly about things that she can’t talk to her daughter about…
So, her daughtemy FF sister… here’s just a rundown of what she teaches her kids that I know about and can confirm. I know her beliefs extend far beyond this, but this is what she publicly admits to and her children have confirmed: -the earth is flat -Antivaxx is the best because vaccines cause autism and death -God is the ONLY way -dinosaurs didn’t exist -Trans, nonbinary, and intersex folks don’t exist -Gay people are confused sinners -She would not attend her own children’s wedding unless they are straight and getting married to someone with the appropriate genitals and is cisgender -She said to my face that she believes being straight is the right way because “when I look at a P and a V, they just go together,” -Medicine is poison and doctors are all liars that are in on a conspiracy. “Before there was a pharmacy, there was a forest. God gave us everything we need.” -Chemtrails?? -Andrew Tate is a godly man -You must wear pendants and rocks to protect you from EMF (Isaiah 28:16)
She has also withdrawn her kids from any school and will only be doing “full home school” because she “doesn’t coparent with the government” and struggles to follow standard curriculums. She dropped out of high school before she could graduate, so it’s not surprising that she couldn’t help her children with their homework and asked me to tutor them at one point (but didn’t follow through). She only allows the children to attend church events and doesn’t like them socializing with public school kids. For a brief time, she allowed me to drive one of her teenaged kids to an activity 3x per week, and since it was a 30 minute drive each way, it gave us a lot of time to chat and bond.
I got to know the 14 yo child more and found out they consider themselves pansexual and aren’t sure about their gender, but they get in trouble for talking about it at home. The teen also told me that their mom gave them a list of subjects that they’re not allowed to discuss with me (vaccines, LGBTQ+, politics, medicine, church, having a crush, dating, etc…). She also read her teen’s diary and punished them for what was written.
When I was able to spend time with the second teenager (age 13) by herself, she talked to me openly and it unfortunately confirmed all the concerning things I had heard from her older sibling. She recounted a time where her mother cornered her so she could ask her daughter to point out what parts of a woman she is attracted to. With the older teenager, they told me their mother cornered them and wanted them to know that being gay means they would have to suck penises. They both told me their mother wouldn’t go to their wedding if they were gay. All of these stories boiled my blood, but I stayed calm and let them know that love and healthy relationships don’t exist because the right body parts find each other, it’s because of reciprocated care and respect.
I ended up sitting down and having a 3-4 hour long conversation with my FFsister about homophobia, indoctrination, isolating the kids, mental health, being truly accepting and supportive, and delicately tried to let her know that she has really hurt mine and her kids’ feelings. I wasted my breath it seems because she heard none of it and didn’t give a single shit about how her words/actions hurt others because she thinks getting them into heaven is the most important.
I am now cut off from the family, and even my FF mother told me to stop “hyper focusing” on the kids and “leave them alone” because it’s upsetting her daughtemy FFsister. Even though my FF mother had grown so close over the last year, she just threw me under the bus. She previouslysaid she “wouldn’t choose a side”, she said she would back me up when I told her daughter that homophobia isn’t okay, but then she suddenly did a 180 and said that parents have the right to influence their kids and teach them whatever they want. So now I’m kicked out of the family and still worry about the kids.
Am I really just hyper fixated?? As a former foster kid AND a former foster parent myself, I have NEVER thought parents are allowed to do whatever they want. It hurt and baffled me to have this all happen, but now I’m just left wondering how or if I can help or support the kids. Keep in mind these kids are ISOLATED. No music except worship music, no internet search access, no social media access, no ability to contact anyone except approved contacts, only goes to extremist church functions, etc…
Anyone have advice for this impossible situation? And above are just a few pictures their mom has posted and fully believes in.
submitted by PlushiesAndKitties to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:06 MicroSpaceVR My Wifi is fluctuating only on my PC and it's becoming unusable for anything that requires Wifi

I need help fixing my wifi on my computer. It all started after a single COD update(That took 12 hours, curse you COD). I've tried everything I can get my hands on so far. Even going as far as to do a couple Commands in the cmd box, which ended up not helping. This is my last resort as my next step is factory resetting. If anyone has anymore questions on what I've done and stuff just ask in the comments. I'm desperate. If I should factory reset should I delete all my files with it? That's my main problem with factory resetting otherwise I would have done it. I would like to mention that I deleted COD but nothing happened. Please help.
submitted by MicroSpaceVR to computer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 cantfindanyfood 26M - random conversation and maybe video games?

Yo! Like the title says I'm looking for good conversations and someone to play video games with. So I like art, falling through YouTube rabbit holes and imagining what life would look like if the apocalypse happened. I'm up to talk about pretty much anything so as long as you can hold a conversation decently well we'll be good. As for games I prefer non competitive games. I do play overwatch but only casual. I mostly play stuff like Borderlands, oxygen not included, potion craft, Minecraft and whole list of more. Anyways, if you wanna chat or game hit me up on discord. My Id is generalkenobi8197 See ya there I guess.
submitted by cantfindanyfood to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 katowolf gen alpha toliet made by darkness master studios

im not above a rizz to looksmaxx another rizzler underneath the twitch stream chat another one of those skibidi gyatts (yeah, yeah, yeah) *music playing* i should've fanumed this would happen i should've mewed it when i looked at your flaming hot gyatt rizzing all your flaming hot cap (yeah, yeah yeah) whats the retro part of this ohio, i can only rizz myself. cause i know your toilet your skibidi toilet im rizzed up to this sigma i cant help but edge right on your toilet i made my short and every gyatt im rizzing like theres no five nights at (freddys) *makes freddy sounds* any rizz u got me ocky thats the way u GYATT me ill be yooooooooooours my tiktoks gonna end with me oofed from your toilet i gyatt so good at being sigma i got so good at telling blud what u wanna yap im spitting facts and your spitting cap (YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!) so far beyond ghetto smosh to resist a junbo josh YEAH I KNOW ITS TOILET YOUR SKIBIDI TOILET IM GLUCKING FROM THE BASED AND I CANT HELP BUT EDGE RIGHT ON YOUR TOILET I MADE, MY SHORT AND EVERY GYATT IM RIZZING LIKE THERES NO FIVE NIGHTS AT (freddys) *MAKES ANNOYING FREDDY FAZBEAR NOISES* ANY RIZZ U WANT ME OCKY THATS THE WAY U GYATT ME ILL BE YOOOOOOOOOORS my tiktoks gonna end with me oofed from your toilet, toilet... the skibidi toilet IM RIzZinG up my gyatt BUT its never sigma FROM the ToILET im sick of the toilet wish i had something to rizz for tomorrow..
submitted by katowolf to u/katowolf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:59 Slick_Rick_311 Old Motherboard

Not sure if this is where I should post this buy a while back we had a bad storm in my area and lightning struck near the building my pc is in. It fried my motherboard and I had to get a new one and did it through Best Buy Geek Squad. Well they gave me my old one back in the box. Does anyone have an idea what I should do with this? Like, can I sell it to someone that can fix it or should I just trash it? This has never happened to me before so sorry if it's a stupid question.
Also, it's an Asus Tuf Gaming X570-Plus (Wi-Fi)
submitted by Slick_Rick_311 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:57 JealousQuiet2503 WORST MAKE UP EXPERIENCE (CEBU)

this is going to be a long post about what happened during our pinning/graduation ceremony. this might come off as OA but we just really wanted to feel beautiful on our big day :( there’s a summary of our complaints if u scroll down too hahaha
EVENT: nursing pinning (8:30 AM) and graduation (2:00 PM) (same day)
PRICE: ₱3000 each for 7 heads (initial agreement was ₱2500 before i mentioned the change hair and retouch for graduation)
INCLUSIONS: hair (low bun only) and make up for pinning, change hair (for toga cap) and retouch for graduation
(i will be using the pronouns they/theithem)
WHAT WE EXPECTED: we booked the main “PROFESSIONAL” MUA who had a big following and is famous in Cebu because we liked the make up style that was on their instagram page + the price fit our budget — so we expected main MUA to do the make up on all of us (station2 nga system) kay siya man among gi book, dili ang usa ka MUA na gidala niya nga completely different make up style.
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: the 2 MUAS (main and extra) did our make up separately. they had completely different styles. NO SKIN PREP except the evian that they sprayed and wiped off with tissue. i was one of the girls who had my makeup done with the extra MUA. i was not happy with my makeup. they used high end make up, with luxury brands like dior, fenty, bobbi brown, and mac. but it did not look nor feel expensive at all. YELLOW KAY AMONG NAWNG.
WHY DIDNT YOU TELL THE MUA? the energy in the room was not giving. it didn’t feel like a safe space for us to voice out how we felt about our make up. MURA MIG WALAY RIGHT MO SULTI SA AMONG NA FEEL KAY MALDITA KAAYO SILA. KONTRA GUSTO KAAYO. the vibes were super negative — they were lowkey arguing/telling each other off nga dili mag tapol2, magpa dungog2 na “siyay ni buhat sa tanan”, right in front of us.
LATE - we agreed for them to ARRIVE at 5AM, but they messaged at 4:54 AM saying theyre otw and ARRIVED AT 5:30+AM
HUGAWAN - after they left, we saw so much USED tissues, disposable lipstick applicators, etc ON THE FLOOR when there were 2 trash cans - hugaw ang brushes. they obviously do not clean/use different sets for each client. - WALA NANG FLUSH SA CR. kusog ra gyud ang tubig. PUNO ANG BOWL UG IHI when my friend came back to the room after pinning.
UNPROFESSIONAL - they kept arguing/telling each other off in front of us - days before the event, I asked main MUA how many people are part of the team so we can project our expenses on food and etc. main MUA said 4. on the day, 2 did our make up, 2 did our hair. however, there was 1 more person who was just lounging around. lain sad kaayo ug dili namo palitan ug pagkaon ang usa. - NAG SIGE UG PADUNGOG2 NGA NAG DALI SILA. when almost everyone were “retouched” na for grad, nag unhanay sila ug naog para ma klaro nga nag dali sila. sigeg padungog2: “asa naman tong usa?” “pila nalay wala?” “aw napa juy usa wa ma retouch? asa naman?”
TAPOLAN - giingnan amo miga (after pinning) na "fresh paman ka dai, di nalang sa ka hilabtan" - we paid extra for retouch sa make up and for them to fix our hair. DRY KAAYO AMONG BUHOK. mura mig ga DIY ug kulot. kung inato raman diay ang hair maypa wa nalang mi nagpa retouch. - wala mi tabangi ug pwesto sa among graduation cap. we had to put it on ourselves because they were RUSHING TO LEAVE WHEN IT WAS ONLY 12:30 PM. gaslighted us, saying “inani lng ni ha, naa bitay cap”
NAWAGTANG AMONG BOX OF HAIR PINS - it was very cheap, 80 pesos for a box. we don’t care about how much we paid. BUT THE MERE FACT THAT THEY BROUGHT IT WITH THEM??????
i never want others to experience this especially on such an important event. may nalang nadala ra sa natural nga kagwapa haha
submitted by JealousQuiet2503 to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:57 JealousQuiet2503 WORST MAKE UP EXPERIENCE (CEBU)

this is going to be a long post about what happened during our pinning/graduation ceremony. this might come off as OA but we just really wanted to feel beautiful on our big day :( there’s a summary of our complaints if u scroll down too hahaha
EVENT: nursing pinning (8:30 AM) and graduation (2:00 PM) (same day)
PRICE: ₱3000 each for 7 heads (initial agreement was ₱2500 before i mentioned the change hair and retouch for graduation)
INCLUSIONS: hair (low bun only) and make up for pinning, change hair (for toga cap) and retouch for graduation
(i will be using the pronouns they/theithem)
WHAT WE EXPECTED: we booked the main “PROFESSIONAL” MUA who had a big following and is famous in Cebu because we liked the make up style that was on their instagram page + the price fit our budget — so we expected main MUA to do the make up on all of us (station2 nga system) kay siya man among gi book, dili ang usa ka MUA na gidala niya nga completely different make up style.
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: the 2 MUAS (main and extra) did our make up separately. they had completely different styles. NO SKIN PREP except the evian that they sprayed and wiped off with tissue. i was one of the girls who had my makeup done with the extra MUA. i was not happy with my makeup. they used high end make up, with luxury brands like dior, fenty, bobbi brown, and mac. but it did not look nor feel expensive at all. YELLOW KAY AMONG NAWNG.
WHY DIDNT YOU TELL THE MUA? the energy in the room was not giving. it didn’t feel like a safe space for us to voice out how we felt about our make up. MURA MIG WALAY RIGHT MO SULTI SA AMONG NA FEEL KAY MALDITA KAAYO SILA. KONTRA GUSTO KAAYO. the vibes were super negative — they were lowkey arguing/telling each other off nga dili mag tapol2, magpa dungog2 na “siyay ni buhat sa tanan”, right in front of us.
LATE - we agreed for them to ARRIVE at 5AM, but they messaged at 4:54 AM saying theyre otw and ARRIVED AT 5:30+AM
HUGAWAN - after they left, we saw so much USED tissues, disposable lipstick applicators, etc ON THE FLOOR when there were 2 trash cans - hugaw ang brushes. they obviously do not clean/use different sets for each client. - WALA NANG FLUSH SA CR. kusog ra gyud ang tubig. PUNO ANG BOWL UG IHI when my friend came back to the room after pinning.
UNPROFESSIONAL - they kept arguing/telling each other off in front of us - days before the event, I asked main MUA how many people are part of the team so we can project our expenses on food and etc. main MUA said 4. on the day, 2 did our make up, 2 did our hair. however, there was 1 more person who was just lounging around. lain sad kaayo ug dili namo palitan ug pagkaon ang usa. - NAG SIGE UG PADUNGOG2 NGA NAG DALI SILA. when almost everyone were “retouched” na for grad, nag unhanay sila ug naog para ma klaro nga nag dali sila. sigeg padungog2: “asa naman tong usa?” “pila nalay wala?” “aw napa juy usa wa ma retouch? asa naman?”
TAPOLAN - giingnan amo miga (after pinning) na "fresh paman ka dai, di nalang sa ka hilabtan" - we paid extra for retouch sa make up and for them to fix our hair. DRY KAAYO AMONG BUHOK. mura mig ga DIY ug kulot. kung inato raman diay ang hair maypa wa nalang mi nagpa retouch. - wala mi tabangi ug pwesto sa among graduation cap. we had to put it on ourselves because they were RUSHING TO LEAVE WHEN IT WAS ONLY 12:30 PM. gaslighted us, saying “inani lng ni ha, naa bitay cap”
NAWAGTANG AMONG BOX OF HAIR PINS - it was very cheap, 80 pesos for a box. we don’t care about how much we paid. BUT THE MERE FACT THAT THEY BROUGHT IT WITH THEM??????
i never want others to experience this especially on such an important event. may nalang nadala ra sa natural nga kagwapa haha
submitted by JealousQuiet2503 to beautytalkph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:55 JealousQuiet2503 WORST MAKE UP TEAM IN CEBU

this is going to be a long post about what happened during our pinning/graduation ceremony. this might come off as OA but we just really wanted to feel beautiful on our big day :( there’s a summary of our complaints if u scroll down too hahaha
EVENT: nursing pinning (8:30 AM) and graduation (2:00 PM) (same day)
PRICE: ₱3000 each for 7 heads (initial agreement was ₱2500 before i mentioned the change hair and retouch for graduation)
INCLUSIONS: hair (low bun only) and make up for pinning, change hair (for toga cap) and retouch for graduation
(i will be using the pronouns they/theithem)
WHAT WE EXPECTED: we booked the main MUA because we liked the make up style that was on their instagram page + the price fit our budget — so we expected main MUA to do the make up on all of us (station2 nga system) kay siya man among gi book, dili ang usa ka MUA na gidala niya nga completely different make up style.
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: the 2 MUAS (main and extra) did our make up separately. they had completely different styles. NO SKIN PREP except the evian that they sprayed and wiped off with tissue. i was one of the girls who had my makeup done with the extra MUA. i was not happy with my makeup. they used high end make up, with luxury brands like dior, fenty, bobbi brown, and mac. but it did not look nor feel expensive at all. YELLOW KAY AMONG NAWNG.
WHY DIDNT YOU TELL THE MUA? the energy in the room was not giving. it didn’t feel like a safe space for us to voice out how we felt about our make up. MURA MIG WALAY RIGHT MO SULTI SA AMONG NA FEEL KAY MALDITA KAAYO SILA. KONTRA GUSTO KAAYO. the vibes were super negative — they were lowkey arguing/telling each other off nga dili mag tapol2, magpa dungog2 na “siyay ni buhat sa tanan”, right in front of us.
LATE - we agreed for them to ARRIVE at 5AM, but they messaged at 4:54 AM saying theyre otw and ARRIVED AT 5:30+AM
HUGAWAN - after they left, we saw so much USED tissues, disposable lipstick applicators, etc ON THE FLOOR when there were 2 trash cans - hugaw ang brushes. they obviously do not clean/use different sets for each client. - WALA NANG FLUSH SA CR. kusog ra gyud ang tubig. PUNO ANG BOWL UG IHI when my friend came back to the room after pinning.
UNPROFESSIONAL - they kept arguing/telling each other off in front of us - days before the event, I asked main MUA how many people are part of the team so we can project our expenses on food and etc. main MUA said 4. on the day, 2 did our make up, 2 did our hair. however, there was 1 more person who was just lounging around. lain sad kaayo ug dili namo palitan ug pagkaon ang usa. - NAG SIGE UG PADUNGOG2 NGA NAG DALI SILA. when almost everyone were “retouched” na for grad, nag unhanay sila ug naog para ma klaro nga nag dali sila. sigeg padungog2: “asa naman tong usa?” “pila nalay wala?” “aw napa juy usa wa ma retouch? asa naman?”
TAPOLAN - giingnan amo miga (after pinning) na "fresh paman ka dai, di nalang sa ka hilabtan" - we paid extra for retouch sa make up and for them to fix our hair. DRY KAAYO AMONG BUHOK. mura mig ga DIY ug kulot. kung inato raman diay ang hair maypa wa nalang mi nagpa retouch. - wala mi tabangi ug pwesto sa among graduation cap. we had to put it on ourselves because they were RUSHING TO LEAVE WHEN IT WAS ONLY 12:30 PM. gaslighted us, saying “inani lng ni ha, naa bitay cap”
NAWAGTANG AMONG BOX OF HAIR PINS - it was very cheap, 80 pesos for a box. we don’t care about how much we paid. BUT THE MERE FACT THAT THEY BROUGHT IT WITH THEM??????
i never want others to experience this especially on such an important event. may nalang nadala ra sa natural nga kagwapa haha
submitted by JealousQuiet2503 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:54 JealousQuiet2503 WORST CEBU MAKE UP EXPERIENCE

this is going to be a long post about what happened during our pinning/graduation ceremony. this might come off as OA but we just really wanted to feel beautiful on our big day :( there’s a summary of our complaints if u scroll down too hahaha
EVENT: nursing pinning (8:30 AM) and graduation (2:00 PM) (same day)
PRICE: ₱3000 each for 7 heads (initial agreement was ₱2500 before i mentioned the change hair and retouch for graduation)
INCLUSIONS: hair (low bun only) and make up for pinning, change hair (for toga cap) and retouch for graduation
(i will be using the pronouns they/theithem)
WHAT WE EXPECTED: we booked the main MUA because we liked the make up style that was on their instagram page + the price fit our budget — so we expected main MUA to do the make up on all of us (station2 nga system) kay siya man among gi book, dili ang usa ka MUA na gidala niya nga completely different make up style.
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: the 2 MUAS (main and extra) did our make up separately. they had completely different styles. NO SKIN PREP except the evian that they sprayed and wiped off with tissue. i was one of the girls who had my makeup done with the extra MUA. i was not happy with my makeup. they used high end make up, with luxury brands like dior, fenty, bobbi brown, and mac. but it did not look nor feel expensive at all. YELLOW KAY AMONG NAWNG.
WHY DIDNT YOU TELL THE MUA? the energy in the room was not giving. it didn’t feel like a safe space for us to voice out how we felt about our make up. MURA MIG WALAY RIGHT MO SULTI SA AMONG NA FEEL KAY MALDITA KAAYO SILA. KONTRA GUSTO KAAYO. the vibes were super negative — they were lowkey arguing/telling each other off nga dili mag tapol2, magpa dungog2 na “siyay ni buhat sa tanan”, right in front of us.
LATE - we agreed for them to ARRIVE at 5AM, but they messaged at 4:54 AM saying theyre otw and ARRIVED AT 5:30+AM
HUGAWAN - after they left, we saw so much USED tissues, disposable lipstick applicators, etc ON THE FLOOR when there were 2 trash cans - hugaw ang brushes. they obviously do not clean/use different sets for each client. - WALA NANG FLUSH SA CR. kusog ra gyud ang tubig. PUNO ANG BOWL UG IHI when my friend came back to the room after pinning.
UNPROFESSIONAL - they kept arguing/telling each other off in front of us - days before the event, I asked main MUA how many people are part of the team so we can project our expenses on food and etc. main MUA said 4. on the day, 2 did our make up, 2 did our hair. however, there was 1 more person who was just lounging around. lain sad kaayo ug dili namo palitan ug pagkaon ang usa. - NAG SIGE UG PADUNGOG2 NGA NAG DALI SILA. when almost everyone were “retouched” na for grad, nag unhanay sila ug naog para ma klaro nga nag dali sila. sigeg padungog2: “asa naman tong usa?” “pila nalay wala?” “aw napa juy usa wa ma retouch? asa naman?”
TAPOLAN - giingnan amo miga (after pinning) na "fresh paman ka dai, di nalang sa ka hilabtan" - we paid extra for retouch sa make up and for them to fix our hair. DRY KAAYO AMONG BUHOK. mura mig ga DIY ug kulot. kung inato raman diay ang hair maypa wa nalang mi nagpa retouch. - wala mi tabangi ug pwesto sa among graduation cap. we had to put it on ourselves because they were RUSHING TO LEAVE WHEN IT WAS ONLY 12:30 PM. gaslighted us, saying “inani lng ni ha, naa bitay cap”
NAWAGTANG AMONG BOX OF HAIR PINS - it was very cheap, 80 pesos for a box. we don’t care about how much we paid. BUT THE MERE FACT THAT THEY BROUGHT IT WITH THEM??????
i never want others to experience this especially on such an important event. may nalang nadala ra sa natural nga kagwapa haha
submitted by JealousQuiet2503 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 itsprincesshoneybuns ✨✨ As we all know, Pusheen Boxes happen 4 times a year, once per season! What is your favorite season to receive a Pusheen Box? :) Let’s discuss!! <3

submitted by itsprincesshoneybuns to pusheenparty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:50 Deuxiiieee ABYG kung binawi ko na yung helmet ko sakanya ?

[ Long post ]
Meron akong long term crush na neighbor ko , like naging crush ko siya when I was in High School , pero that time we didn’t know each other. So years passed by , nagkagirlfriend ako , grumaduate ng high school , nagbreak kami ng girlfriend ko , then nagstart ng college , then nagkagirlfriend ulit for 3 years and ayun nagbreak ulit . Andaming pangyayari no ? So sa mga many years na yun nalimutan ko na she even existed and yung feelings ko for her nalimutan ko na din. A few years have gone by after being single , naghihintay ako ng masasakyan papasok sa work , then someone approached me asking me kung kanina pa ako nag aantay , then pagkalingon ko , I was shookt , kasi it was my crush from many years ago. Ayun na nga , nagsabay kami na kami magtaxi and that day , after many long years , nagkakilala na kami finally. That time may boyfriend siya so ayun we stayed friends kasi nawala na rin naman feelings ko sakanya after so many years passed and many things happened.
A year went by , I was scrolling in my socmed , nakita ko post niya na “ Cheers to Single Life “ , I was very curious kaya minessage ko siya , and dun ko nalaman nagbreak sila nung long term boyfriend niya. We chatted and chatted and finally decided that we should try to go to a coffee shop near our house. That day dun niya kinwento yung whole story to what happened between them. After that day , we chatted and chatted and ayun slowly bumabalik yung nawala kong feelings saknya , nakilala ko siya ng mabuti , I learned that we have a lot in common. So as months passed by , I decided that I would confess my feelings to her. I bought her a necklace and within that necklace may letter conveying my true feelings for her. Unfortunately , after niya basahin yun , sinabi niya sakin we should stay as friends nalang , she’s not yet ready for a relationship. Kahit sinabi niya yun sakin , I’m still hoping na maglevel up yung relationship namin.
So while still waiting and hoping , eto naman ako nagvovolunteer na ihatid or sunduin siya sa work if hindi available yung tito niya (na naghahatid sundo sakanya via motorcycle din ) since I have a motorcycle. For a few months pumapayag siya , we also planned some rides pero ayun hindi natutuloy. One day bigla nalang siya na tumanggi about sa hatid sundo na yun , lagi niyang sinasabi na si tito nalang. Pero ako etong makulit , from time to time tinatanong ko parin siya but the answer is still no.
One day again , sorry kung lagi yun gamit ko haha sorry naaa , anyways back to the story , she messaged me if she could borrow my other helmet ( yung lagi kong pinapagamit sakanya which is also my most expensive helmet ) then syempre I said sure why not , I even asked her if ako nalang magsundo sakanya that time but she said no and iwan ko nalang sa house nila yung helmet ko . Well for me okay lang naman , kasi gusto ko safe siya lagi and comfy siya sa byahe niya. That day I decided na sige gamitin niya muna yun since I have 2 other helmets na ginagamit din naman daily.
Nagmeet kami one day , kwentuhan ganun , then nagulat ako sa kwinento niya sakin , after 2 months na nagconfess ako sakanya , she had a boyfriend pala , had kasi nagbreak sila after 3 months din and that day ko lang nalaman . I was torn to pieces pero di ko pinahalata. Pero syempre single siya ulit that time kaya continue parin yung princess treatment ko sakanya. She’s always insisting na I should find a girlfriend and kung sino man yun magiging super swerte , but the one I want to be girlfriend was really her . Gusto ko nalang nga sabihin na “ edi ang swerte mo naman pala ? “ pero di ko kaya. Pero ayun pasegway ako nagtatanong sakanya if may balak pa ba siya but she always say na she does not believe in love na. Ayun napahaba ang kwentuhan namin hangang sa magplano kami ng rides kasi gusto niya makabawi sa lahat ng efforts ko sakanya , that time na nagplano kami ng rides I also thought na I’m going to try again to confess to her personally. But unfortunately , our schedules did not meet kaya hindi natuloy ang rides.
A month went by , we met and nakapagkwentuhan ng ganito ganyan , then nakwento niya sakin na there is someone na nagpapangiti na sakanya and nagpapakilig. I was hoping na ako na yung tinutukoy niya , but unfortunately hindi pala ako yun. Sad no ? After that I realized na hanggang friend lang pala talaga ako sakanya , na kahit anong effort ko , anong pagiging “ always there for you person “ ko for her eh di magbabago pagtingin niya sakin. Kaya I decided to stop na , no more efforts and slowly kalimutan feelings ko sakanya. To the point na nasabi ko sa sarili ko na kukunin ko na rin yung helmet ko sakanya. Naibalik na niya yung helmet sakin , but in my thoughts I’m feeling guilty. Up to this day we are still talking pero hindi na ako ganun ka enthusiastic magfirst chat sakanya.
So the golden question…
ABYG kung binawi ko na yung helmet sakanya kasi gusto ko mawala na feelings ko sakanya since di naman niya napapansin feelings ko?
submitted by Deuxiiieee to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 Curiphya AITA for distancing my friends for awhile after they forgot my birthday on an exam day

I'll be using fake names in my story since I don't want to mention any names and sorry for the long post :D
The story:
Let's start from the top. Me (17F) and my friends, Pearl (17F), Daniel (17M), and Stephen (17M), are what you would consider a friend group that the whole classroom vibes with. We are very energetic and we are also very open to people hanging out with us. One day around February, one of our classmates, Floyd (17M), had his birthday. We greeted him with a song and teased around. Me and my group of friends sit at the back of the classroom, and he does too. That's why we kind of teased him. He usually eats with his group of friends, so we didn't really hang out with him that day. At night, he messaged me, saying he felt kind of down, even though it was his birthday. He told me he didn't feel like it was his birthday because of what happened during lunch. He said, "My friends didn't really seem to think it was my birthday. They all ate before me and my other friend arrived because they were so excited to play badminton." (In the Philippines, eating together is seen as a sign of respect, and typically lines in canteens take too long, hence why they ate before they arrived.) I comforted him by saying maybe they grew up without having that value, but it is still rude to act that way considering it was his birthday. We exchanged messages that night, and he thanked me for comforting him, I replied by saying no worries; you can always come to me if ever you feel down. Ever since that day, he started hanging out with us and distanced himself from his old friend group.
Time skip to around the 2nd week of may, I invited my friends over for lunch after our final exams (May 21–23 were our final exams and May 21 was my birthday). It was difficult for us to find time to hang out since right after our exams was Pearl's, Stephen's, and Floyd's research defense, and the day after (May 24) was mine and Daniel's research defense. However, we settled on a date and it helped me cope (?) with the exams, knowing that after all the stress, I would be able to relax and finally enjoy summer. Things took a 180 on May 20, though. Me, Daniel, and Floyd were on a call that night because we wanted to study together, but we got sidetracked and thought of the hangout we planned. We planned to go to an amusement park, and we were looking for promos in hopes of saving money. Floyd came across this promo where if a birthday celebrant has 4 accompanying adults, then the birthday celebrant is free of charge. He then asked me and Daniel who's celebrating their birthday this month, to which Daniel replied, "Pauline (which is me) is." It kind of did feel awkward at that time since we were going on this trip because it was my birthday after all. I brushed it off, thinking that he wasn't able to keep track of time and that he was too focused on the exams. We ended the call almost at 12, hoping for them to wish me a happy birthday; however, that night was oddly silent.
The next day, which was my birthday, seemed like a normal day to them. We went to the canteen to grab breakfast, studied until the last minute, and so on. While we were inside our classroom, I wasn't talking much because I was focusing on studying and because I was hurt that they forgot that it was my birthday. During our chemistry exam, the test paper asked for a date, unlike the previous 2 exams. Pearl started to notice because we have the same birthdate (21st of the month). After the exams, she approached me and said happy birthday, to which I responded with a thank you and teared up (I know, I'm softhearted). She asked why I was crying, and I asked her if they forgot my birthday. My classmates started to sing me happy birthday, and it felt like a slow, reverbed version of happy birthday. My group of friends comforted me and said that they would make up for it (idk the right term lol but in tagalog its like babawi kami). They told me that because they said they wouldn't be able to study out with me that day because of personal reasons, which I understand. They apologized to me through chat, and I said it's fine. They asked if I was still up for the hangout this Sunday, which was at the amusement park, and I said I'm not so sure now.
The next 2 days were like hell, though. They acted like nothing was wrong, but they didn't include me in things. Although I know it was kind of my fault for distancing myself from them, on the other hand, I wanted them to approach me first and make me feel like I was something to them. On that day, I went home right away and texted my closest friend, Daniel, about it. I told him how scared I was of being alone but at the same time, maybe it was for the better. He explained to me that he was sorry and asked me if I wasn't going to talk to them anymore. I told him that I was just waiting for them to reach out to me since I didn't want to feel pathetic for reaching out to them. The same thing happened on May 23rd; however, I came to the realization that me, Pearl, Stephen, and Floyd may not talk again considering that their defense was done and that they didn't need to go to school anymore.
On May 24, I was sitting together with my research groupmate when Pearl tapped my shoulder and said sorry. I gladly accepted her apology and explained my side and she explained hers as well. She explained that I was hard to approach because of how I looked at them. We caught up, and she mentioned how Floyd was not handling the situation well. Floyd was actually frustrated with me because of how prideful I was. He said, "If you're not going to lower your pride, I'm not going to lower mine. If that's how you want to play it, then be it." I'm a person who forgives easily, but when people cross that line, it changes my view of them and makes it harder for me to see them in a positive way. Other than that, it did hurt me in a different way because of how comforting I was when it was his birthday, but when it came to mine, it was the complete opposite. After awhile, I realized that what I did was wrong too and started reaching out to him as well. He started hanging out with his old friend group, though, so I stopped reaching out to him. What happened already happened and as much as I hate thinking about this, it still hurts me deep inside. I know that pushing them away and acting cold-blooded was also wrong, and I wish I had handled the situation better. However, deep down, I know that my feelings are valid, and I know that what I did was reasonable. Am I the asshole?
submitted by Curiphya to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 shescurious0705 Having a sudden bout of intense speaking anxiety that’s causing regression- help!

So I’ve been living in Korea for nearly a year and a half now, and I’ve learned so much Korean since being here from studying, immersion, and frequently attending language exchange (when I arrived I only knew a few simple sentences and 한글 thats it- now still only probably around A2?) But in the last month or so, I’ve suddenly been experiencing some kind of mental block where I can’t come up with anything when I’m required to speak. Like I cannot make any sentence in my head to save my life. Even in situations where I used to be able to, suddenly I become super panicked I guess? And I’m afraid of being judged on bad pronunciation or my accent. My mind just goes blank, or gives me just 1 or 2 words of the sentence I want to say. It feels like I just hit a wall and I can’t have a single coherent thought in English or Korean. I don’t know what’s happened, I couldn’t even talk to my tutor in my last lesson, but then I was able to converse with ChatGPT. So it must be anxiety related right? Anyway, I’m so frustrated and this feels like such a backslide in progress. Has anyone experienced something like this before and can give any advice?
submitted by shescurious0705 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 jewtuber5445 Help Securing Infected Laptop - USB Bootable?

A couple days ago my father (almost 60, somewhat brain damaged and not tech savvy nor is he the brightest crayon in the box to be honest) wound up clicking on one of those "10 Best Whatever the Heck" websites, which lead to him getting some type of malware. The common "call this number for windows support" after it locked down his browser. Of course, he called, kept giving them info such as name, age, how much is in his bank account. He finally hung up when they started asking for debit card info, luckily. Got a bunch of calls back and was told by this bad actor 'not to tell anyone about this'- really scummy stuff. So far nothing has happened to his bank but they definitely have some info on him now. I did my best to explain to him how every bit of data he gives can be used by one of these bad actors in a way that he'll understand and take seriously instead of just brush off and wind up in the same situation.
I have not had a chance to check out all of what happened so I'm not entirely sure how deep this goes yet, but I will be going to his apartment later today to see what I can do. For now, all I know is that he installed a remote access program while he was on the phone with the scammer, and *of course* punched in the numbers they gave him-likely giving them access but to what extent I'm currently unsure. There isn't too much important data on his laptop, but what worries me is that I know he has a lot of passwords set to auto-fill. I told him to power off the computer and not to turn it on again until we resolve this and explained that they likely are waiting for it to connect again.
I've mulled over a couple solutions but could use a little insight as I've been a little disconnected from tech for quite some time. I intend to take the laptop away from his apartment's internet connection so once I do power it on, there is no access aside from any clientside malware. At least they won't be able to tell I'm working on the device and do any further damage or frantically scrounge for any useful data before I find a solution.
Aside from removing any programs I don't recognize, a couple scans and such, what are some of the more hidden things I should look for? I've also been considering throwing Linux on a USB bootable mainly so I can try to pull any important files and do what I can to cut the connection between my dad's laptop and the bad actor before booting back into windows and reconnecting to the internet. Is there any way I can also scan for malware and remove any other potentially dangerous stuff while using this bootable? Otherwise what steps should I take here? I don't think a clean Windows install will be necessary and likewise I know that isn't always successful in removing everything harmful on a device.
Any guidance here would be much appreciated, it's been a long time since I really dug into a PC so I feel like I'm cobbling a plan together instead of knowing how to best approach this. Thanks to all in advance!
submitted by jewtuber5445 to 24hoursupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 Im-really-tired-7596 My older coworker tried something with me when I was drunk and I don't know what to do

This is my first post here! Also English is not my first language :)
Also, this will be a long post.
So I (f22) moved in August of last year to a new country to study my masters degree. Recently, since March, I started working at this company as a student assistant. In this company there is one other guy (m30), let's call him B, who is from the same country of origin as me. So, naturally, we hit it off well from the beginning. We haven't really talked that much nor seen each other much, as I work only 15 hours and he is a full time employee who has to be off-site quite a bit (he is an engineer), but every time we talked, it was amicable and easy. We once went for a drink after work (nothing crazy, I just drank some juice and he had some beer in a park to enjoy the sun). But that was it. He knows I have a boyfriend here in the country with me. But basically we just got along because we are the only people at the office from our home country. I really liked him and wanted to be friends with him.
2 days ago (on Friday) there was this event at the office, and because the event ended early, some coworkers suggested going out for drinks, so our boss said we could go to his house. So about 10 of us went. B has a car, so he took me and another guy from the office to our boss's house. There, we had some drinks and I got a little bit drunk. He drank a couple of beers as well but he was much sober as he had to drive. At the beginning of the "thing" at our boss's place I asked B if he could give me a lift to the nearest station (which was a good 30 minutes walk otherwise), and he naturally said yes. Then as time went by I forgot but when it was around 10 pm he told me he was going to leave and he would give me a lift home. I told him not to worry and to just drop me off at some train station near by, bc I had left my bike at the station close to my house and I wanted to pick it up. B was also going to drop another coworker off, but this guy ended up deciding to stay, so it was just him and I in his car. I was a little drunk so I was enjoying the car ride and the easy chatting with him that I only realized he was taking me to my house when we were around the corner (he knew more or less where I live bc the time we went to have some drinks we passed close by and I mentioned that I live in that area, though I wasn't expecting him to remember it).
So we get to my house (actually just a dorm room in a student accommodation) (I live alone, my BF lives in another student accommodation an hour away) and he asked if he could use my toilet to pee. I had completely forgotten that there is a toilet on the ground floor for guests so I took B to my room so he could use the toilet. While he was in the toilet I tried quickly tidying up my room bc it was a mess (I'm in the middle of exam session lol). He got out of the toilet and we chatted a bit.
I sat down while we were talking. B (who was still standing up) then pointed at some flowers I have in my room and I mentioned that they were a gift from my BF. And then he started walking towards me making eye contact and he tried to stand in-between my legs and touch/grab my thighs. So I got extremely uncomfortable and closed my legs and stood up and made some stupid random comment I don't remember now. He then said something about leaving and I said I would walk him to the door and he said good. I was basically panicking bc it all felt so weird and I was walking super fast. Before he got into his car we said goodbye and he tried hugging me so I quickly moved and said "bye" and basically run away. Now I can't stop thinking about it. After B left I called my BF crying and he came to my place to stay with me. But now it's been 2 days and I can't stop thinking about the whole situation.
I'm scared about going to work on Monday and seeing B and not knowing what will happen. I don't want to report B to HR bc it would be a hassle and I don't want drama bc I like my job and the company. But my BF thinks I should talk with my manager (who is an older woman) and at least ask for advise. But I'm scared she will judge me. I'm also worried about how B is going to act. Is he going to ignore me? Act as if nothing happened? Ask forgiveness? What if he spreads rumors? What if he threatens me not to say anything? I'm just a student assistant, like what am I supposed to do? I feel like a mess and I get randomly scared of cars when I'm outside and if I listen to a song about s3x, I start thinking about B and get all anxious again. I also cry randomly. And I feel guilty and stupid for not having noticed his advances and for maybe having led him on bc I was nice? I don't know I also just want to forget about everything bc this feels like so much to deal with but I'm scared he will spread rumors about me. Help please
submitted by Im-really-tired-7596 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Munkin_Man I need your advice

idk how to explain this so I'm just gonna try the best I can. I will be keeping some peoples names private for there sake. around 6 months ago I got with my girlfriend (15f and at this point I was 14m and my 15th birthday wasn't that far away) me and my cousin had been added to a group chat for our art class and that's how I got in contact with her. we started just talking as friends and at one point she asked if she could braid my hair to I siad "sure why not" and we make the plan for me to go to her house after on her bus. things go pretty by fine for the time I'm at her house. we mainly sat on her bed and talked shit about other people and there relationships. anyways the next day where in class and she asked if I could go to her house again and I siad yes (I did this bc I wasn't working that day and I didn't want to sit at home and not do anything) the day eventually comes and where just hanging out and stuff went down that I won't get into details about. at somepoint I asked her if she wants to date and she said yes. this had been my first everything and i could not be more exited. that was until she told me that her mom would be taking her to Mississippi to see her family for Christmas. I was a bit sad to see her go for almost 3 weeks but we kept in contact and when she came back I couldn't be more excited.
around February to March is when she gets a text message form her friend saying that a guy named Brandon had his house raided by the cops and they found shit tons of her nudes on his phone. apparently 2 months before her 15 birthday (October 31) she had been talking to a 21 year old named Brandon and had loss her virginity to him. when she was telling me this she was breaking down crying while telling me this and didn't want to make me mad. right then and there I huged her and told her that I'm not mad and I'm going to help her through this. another thing about Brandon is that when his phone was searched they found not only her nudes but other young girls as well. idk how many there were but all ik is that there was enough to potentially give him 10-15 years. my dad knew about his house being raided before I told him bc Brandons friend works with my dad and that's how he found out. when we were talking about this she was very hesitant to tell her mom bc she didn't know what her mom would think or do. for context her mom isn't the greatest person, mainly due to her being hypocritical about almost everything and making my gf cry on multiple occasions and I've herd almost all the times she has cried. that's just a little detail about the kind of person she is. anyways when me anf my gf kept this to ourselves until we decided it was right to tell our parents. after about 2 weeks I told my dad and asked him what I need to do and what see needs to do. he told me that what she needs to do is contact the police and tell them the situation and then contact her towns local police and ask them what to do.
if all goes to plan then the state police will hand over the case to the town police and figure out what to do then (it wasn't hard for them to find out who we where talking about bc Brandon already has a case on him for stuff unrelated to this) after talking to them they told her that they would show up to her house and talk to her in person to get a better understanding of the situation. when she told her mom that there was something important that she had to tell her and she waited for the cops to show up so if she where to act out they would hopefully calm her mom down. but her mom kept asking what it was that was so important and apparently told all the people that where in her house that her daughter had something important to tell her (her mom and grandma had friends over) witch in my opinion is fucked up in every witch way and what makes it more messed up is the fact that I heard all of it. my gf crying, her mom screaming at her to stop crying bc I ft her to try and calm her down before the cops got there. anyways questioning gets done and they tell her what they are going to do to make this better for everyone and hopefully lock Brandon up. after a couple of days she had been told that she had to go to the detective and tell him the situation then had to go tell her therapist what was going on and by that time she had tried to forget about it but they kept asking and almost every time they did ask about it she cried. now she's doing ok and a little over a month ago I got a text from my dad saying that he had been arrested and was gonna sit in front of the judge and be told what he's being charged with and the next day my dad told me that he was denied bail so he would hopefully serve his time. idk how long he's gonna be locked up for but what I do know is that by the time me and my gf are in our 30s he might still be locked up.
also around this time my gf had been going to therapy regularly and around 2 weeks got her blood taken to check for any stds. thankfully it came back negative and she didn't have anything. but while she was there they prescribed her with anti depression and anxiety meds to hopefully help her with her depression and anxiety (she's had both for a while before she met Brandon) she had also asked if she could get a different type of birth control. for context her mom has forced her to get some sort of birth control and if she doesn't then we can be together. so around a month after we got together she had gotten the stick that was placed in her arm (if someone can tell me if there's an actual name for it then pls lmk) after getting the stick in her arm she has been on her period making her bleed none stop (it's way more than sould be humanly possible) she had asked if there was a birth control that she could take without have the none stop bleeding and out of control bursts of depression ans anxiety.
she was told that maybe the pill might work and she still deciding if she wants to go for that option. ever since this whole thing happened I can't stop thing about what happened that night her and Brandon did it and that countless nights she had been crying and I feel a constant guilt for nor being able to help her and idk if there's anything else I can do to help her without giving me a panic attack bc I've had lots of those in and out of school. I just want her to be happy and every time I ask her if she's ok and she says yes but idk if she's making sure that I don't worry by saying that. I hope that I've done everything correctly and if there's any suggestions for what I can do pls tell me bc I've been shaking and sweating just thinking about this and typing it out. I hope that some of you can understand where I'm coming from bc this entire thing has made stressed tf out.
submitted by Munkin_Man to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Chemical_Count5054 It’s actually working

It’s actually working
I’m new to composting and thought I’d done some stuff wrong like throwing in whole potato’s, bananas, sticks and things when I really should have chopped them up and I should probably have shredded the cardboard and paper bags up rather than just ripping them into chunks but it’s working and I can’t believe how nice it smells.
Since I’ve had the compost bin I have added browns: cardboard -the non shiny stuff so pizza boxes Amazon boxes, disposable plates, paper bags, toilet roll tubes, Guinea pig bedding which is wood shavings, hay and newspaper and I ripped the newspapers into strips, broken up wooden forks from takeaways, dead flowers and the water.
Greens: grass cuttings, weeds, left over kitchen scraps no meat or dairy though. And I’ve watered it with 2 buckets of water a week and turned. This picture was just taken after being added to and turned.
Now I’m no expert but I’m happy with what’s happening in there, there are still a huge amount of ants but I’m leaving them to do their thing as they don’t seem to be harming the process. Seriously I can’t believe how good it smells in there and there aren’t any flies.
submitted by Chemical_Count5054 to composting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 _momocakes_ 24m caught me 26F off guard with a kiss, what do i tell him?

Something happened the other day and ive already talked about it a lot with friends but it stays on my mind so id like to see what people with more life experience have to say about it
First things first, i (26F) am autistic, i can hide it quite well (i think) but i often struggle with social stuff, so it is very well possible ive given green signs when i didnt realise I also have never had a relationship and zero experience with romance or crushes
So, now for what happened, the other day, i met up with a guy (24M) after chatting online for a while, he wanted to pay for everything but since im a Dutch girl in Japan and he is a Japanese guy, i thought it might be cultural differences or something idk what i thought This was may 12th, and he found out my bday was 2 days away, so he asked if i had anything to do, i said no and he in response asked if i wanted to celebrate with him. And sure, why not, i didnt have anything to do and i had a lot of fun hanging out with him So may 14th we go to dinner and all goes well, it was fun and he finds out i am moving next week, so he suggested to help. I told him many times id appreciate it but only if he wanted to and i didnt wanna pressure him or anything, but he helped. The move was may 20th, and this time i nade sure to pay for dinner, as a thank you for helping me move During this dinner he found out i had never done karaoke, so he convinced me to go with him This was later that week, i think the 23rd I am way to shy for karaoke but we had fun, towards the end he grabbed my hands and noticed a new ring i bought, he wrapped his arm around me and swayed back and forth a bit and in my autistic mind this was all part of karaoke, idk he did chose love songs, but i thought cuz he thought we would both know them Then out of nowhere he kissed me on the cheek, it took me a moment to process and in this moment he wants to actually kiss me, he caught me completely off guard and i pulled away making things SUPER awkward But he recovered fast and on our way to the subway everything was basically normal
Ive been wanting to talk to him about it since, to tell him i am autistic and what that means for me and possibly for him, so he can make his choice if he still likes me, but he has cancelled for being sick twice now, he does still say he really wants to meet me but idk Maybe i am over thinking this and he is actually sick, or maybe i did something wrong
I also have no idea how i feel, or what i am even supposed to feel, i have never liked anyone beyond platonically and even though it does make me happy whem he texts, so does when my bestie texts, so i have no idea I have never been in a relationship or even had feelings, to the point ive started to identify as asexual
So basically, i guess what im asking, did i do anything wrong since he cancelled twice now. And once i do get to talk to him, what do i say, i kinda have a general idea, but advice on this would be nice
TLDR: guy tried to kiss me and now im confused about everything, asking for advice on what to tell him
submitted by _momocakes_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 ocp-paradox Recieved a message from an unknown number, but there is no message - ?

I was using the web client to talk to someone and a message popped up from a number not in my phone, I think the web client said something like I need to read it on the phone, so I tried, but there was nothing there, just the chat window open with this number.
There are no deleted messages, attachments, nothing - I know who the person is via someone else so it isn't some spam bot. I also know who it is because I saw their name briefly on whatsapp like "~Name"
I sent a message but it only has 1 tick, I gave it a call and the service said something like this person can't take your call right now but will be notified with a text message that I called.
So, their phone is either off so the messages aren't delivering, or they blocked me for some reason.
Mainly I just want to know why the chat window popped up with nothing in it - they must have my number in their phone because I don't have theirs and never have. So what happened there? There's a few threads on this if you google it but nobody seems to have any idea.
submitted by ocp-paradox to whatsapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 Dhvasra can someone pls debunking this essay? my muslim friend sended me it to try to convincing me that muhammad is foretold in ashatdhyayi.. but i donot knowing samskrut to debunk it,

there is sootr by panini ji called द्विवचनविभज्योपपदेतरबीयसुनौ (dwivachan vibhajya upapadet arabiya sunau). let us perform pad vichchhehd on this sentence to learn more...
first padam is dwivachn द्विवचनन... which means.. speaking (vach) twice (dwihi), ok so far so good,,
second pad is vibhajya from vibhaj विभज dhaathu .. which means.. according to moner william ka shabdkosh.. to divide, distribute, apportion, assign, to share together or with each other, to share with, to divide into equal parts, to divide in halves, to separate, part, cut, to divide arithmetically, to open a box or chest
third pad is upapadet उपपदेत्.. which means "he should be upapading" in vidhiling lakaar.. so what is upapading? money wilhelm ka shabdakosh is saying: to go towards or against, attack, to approach, come to, arrive at, enter, to approach or come to a teacher as a pupil, to approach for succour or protection, to approach or join with in speech, to reach, obtain, partake of, to enter into any state, to take place, come forth, be produced, appear, occur, happen, to be present, exist, to be possible, be fit for or adequate to, to be regular or according to rules, to become, be suitable
fourth padam is arabiya अरबीय.. wich obviously is meaning matlab arabic.. ethnicality belonging to arabian peninsul or speaking arabian bhaashaa..
and fifth pad is sunauhu सुनौ.. which is vibhakti from sunu meaning son only (putr)..
so... this prophetcy by panini ji is predicting that.. "SPEKING TWICE (both quran aur hadithulu).. SHARING HIS WISDOM AMONG ALL (because he is prophet for all mankind)... THIS SON OF THE ARABIYANS... MUHAMAD PBUH... SHALL BE COMING FORTH!!"
i am not atishayokti nhi kr rha hu bhratha jis... when i tell u that.. i brust out crying into tears when i have realising this message of panini ji... there is only one dharm only..... one allah ji who is worshiped by both musulman aur sanathni
you shouuld listening to telugu song... WOKKADE DEVUDU.. by shirdi sai baba.. who is mention such thing in our sanathan holy texts,
submitted by Dhvasra to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:34 SmallMouseShroom What are some things you thought were "normal" but aren't really? / Some things i thought are normal, are they really? (possible mentions of abuse/neglect? Not sure, might just be overthinking it)

Recently, i suddenly remebered a conversation i'd had with one of my cousins (i think he's 21 now?) who got out of prison a while back. While we were chatting over the phone one day, the discussion on how out family is kinda messed up came up in conversation. He mention that while in prison, he and his cellmates would chat and occasionally talk of home life came up. Whenever he'd bring up his past life, his cellmates would be shocked and try to explain to him some of the stuff he was saying/happening at home was pretty f***ed up. (He never thought his mom was abusive but turns out she was a nightmare incarnate, wont go into details) Mind you, he only realized this IN PRISON, when he was finally away from her & was forced to look at things from a more outside perspective. Recently, i've begun to wonder, what things in my life are like that? How many others have had a similar epiphany? Naturally, i cant identify all the traits, but i've begun to suspect some. Am i overthinking it? am i just privelaged? or are things really not quite right?
  1. My mom and I moved constantly, to the point we never stayed in one place longer than a year. This persisted until i was 15 and she couldn't afford to move due to rent raising in places.
  2. Mom never really hugged me/ had an aversion to physical (and somewhat verbal) affection. This also persisted until i was 15-17 before she made a friend who was a hypnotherapist & helped her with some issues.
  3. I frequently had to remind mom to praise me for things (say thank you) , as otherwise i wouldn't get the positive feedback 9.5 times out of 10.
  4. I think i've been homeless at least 3 times growing up/ we were always hella broke.
  5. I went to the dentist maybe 1-2 times a year. I've been to an optometrist maybe 1-2 times in my life.
  6. Mom didn't care about my grades and never told me them before i was in fostercare. She would just ask "did you do your best?" and the answer to that question was more important than the letters/numbers on my report card. When i was in fostercare, grades were everything. I didn't know c was a passing grade until i was in college. (mom wasn't aware i had this misconception & i didn't mention it cuz i thought it was true)
  7. (not mom this time shockingly) when i was 9, i often found myself trying to be 'responcible'. I took pride in being the 'responcible' one. There was a toddler in our neighborhood who would wander into the parkinglot on her own (even the street once or twice) & I would go over and kinda babysit her in the front yard or bring her back to my house until her mom noticed she was gone. I thought this was just expected, since i was older & sometimes people are just forgetful. Nobody is perfect after all.
  8. I was a 'tattletail'/ teacher's pet & Being ostrasized and put down by others was a normal thing, i just had really thin skin.
  9. When i was 10-12, I was often home alone all day when mom would work. We lived in a trailer park at the time.
  10. This one i'm just kind of annoyed about still. Mom has that thing where if you see puke, you start to gag/puke too. So, since i could remember, i was always the one to clean up whenever one of our pets threw up. She once called me out of the shower to come take care of it.
  11. Me and the older kids were expected to look after the younger ones so the adults could have a break/talk.
  12. mom never went about seeing someone till after i was in college.
  13. each time my aunt & little cousins moved in with us, i had to vacate my room so they could move in. after mom eventually got custody over the 2, & i was in college, i never got my room back and was essentially homeless/couch surfing when i wasnt in a dorm.
  14. You shouldnt bother people with your problems when they're dealing with their own stuff.
  15. If i was going to cry/meltdown, i should leave the room/ get away from people first.
Those normal or not really? any similar stories/ misconceptions/preconceptions?
Edit: oh yea, forgot a couple improtant ones "Adults need to deal with shit on their own/ adults don't ask for help, when you get older you just get strong enough to deal with stuff" "Always think of/prioritize others first." "struggling with and failing to do things was just making excuses/not trying hard enough
submitted by SmallMouseShroom to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]
