New promtion point calculator

Elder Scrolls Online

2012.03.16 05:42 digibond Elder Scrolls Online

A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online.

2014.03.09 17:30 geewhizard Cookie Run - The Sweetest Endless Runner!

How far can you run? - Welcome to the fan-run subreddit for the Cookie Run games made by Devsisters!

2017.01.18 23:09 batman_jr Fire Emblem Heroes - Open the gateways between worlds, heroes at your side.

A subreddit dedicated to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's 3rd mobile title released on February 2nd, 2017. The game is available worldwide on iOS and Android.

2024.05.20 04:27 Rhaynebow I reached my Stopping Point in Winds of Anthos! Here are my final thoughts! (Long read and language warning)

I reached my Stopping Point in Winds of Anthos! Here are my final thoughts! (Long read and language warning)
I overall had a fine time with this game. I've gotten my kid fully-grown, did the family outing event and grew everything but the giant crops because I don't have the patience to grow those. Every Harvest Fruit has been eaten and most of my tools upgraded.
Forging for stuff was probably my favorite thing to do because it felt great to run around on my horse (or dinosaur), picking up truffles, stopping to pick fruits and nuts off trees and fishing. I felt like a genuine explorer!
That said, I didn't like being responsible for all of bitch work in the villages. The word "materials" has been cursed by this game. Most of these towns are surrounded by trees and have mines a few feet away, why can't they just cut down their own trees?
And don't get me STARTED on the high quality lumber. You would assume you could obtain that stuff through an upgraded axe, but NNNNNNOPE, you can only occasionally get that stuff by winning contests, otherwise you'll have to buy it from the shop in Herbstburg for like, 2700g A PIECE. Yes, you can ALSO craft it, but you need to grow the rarer flowers as part of their recipe (a recipe you have to unlock the option to buy). And most of the time, any building or storyline quest that needs the high quality lumber needs quite a bit of it.
The clothing options are sadly quite limited, as cute as they are. And unlike One World, there's no all-weather clothing, so if I wanted to go to the desert, I'd have to ditch my winter outfit, which sucks because I love the winter clothes. (You can also just go to the desert at night because it becomes a cold weather climate at night).
Getting feed is a pain in the ass because only high quality fodder corn gets you the best crop-fodder ratio. It's easier to just cut the obnoxious pasture of weeds in Lectenbury to get you 29 bushels of fodder.
A few of the contests in the game felt straight up broken or at least rigged. The Advanced Equestrian Challenge race could easily be lost by your opponents pushing you out of the way as your character gets shoved around so easily. Each race has these stupidly narrow checkpoint fences that you HAVE to run through, but the game is so slippery, I've lost races thanks to Judy pushing me outside of them (She's lucky she was practically my son's wet nurse). The carrots are pointless too because they just make you risk missing the checkpoint even more.
Both of the "Rush" contests; the Fish Frenzy and Mining Meet give you too little time to get to the spots where you can actually do the thing you're trying to win the most points at. For the Fish Frenzy, you can only fish from certain spots in Lilikila, so you'll lose time just running to a dock. Most of your time in the Mining Meet will be spent trying to avoid pitfalls, smashing boulders to reach gem nodes and digging for the stairs.
The Anthos Expo is a legitimate challenge though, as you have to make sure your crops get as many nutrients as possible. Every 8th day of the month, which is 2 days before the Expo, there's a special moon that shines, giving a boost to your crops. The Tiny Goddess will tell you the theme for the Expo a few days before the 8th, so you'll have to calculate which crops to grow and when so their quality can be boosted by the moon. This is especially important with fast growing crops like turnips as they tend to not take fertilizer well thanks to how fast they grow. Unfortunately, winning the Anthos Expo is based on the star rank of your crops, dishes and animals. I've submitted giant crops and still lost because it only had 1 star. The only way to get 2 star crops is by growing a shit ton of them until you've reached the highest rank for that crop. And even then, a 2 star isn't guaranteed, moonlight and all of that magic crap. I gave up on winning the Advanced Expo, the rewards for the contests tend to be extremely weak if they're not the high quality lumber, typically a single gem or a bag of strawberry seeds.
As is the case for Natsume, their marriage candidates look great, but have the personalities of cardboard. What they're introduced doing is basically all that they are and what they'll talk about. Judy only talks about animals, Neil only talks about cooking, Kaimana only talks about fishing tackle, Aolani only talks about fish. And they tend to suffer from Spot the Main Character Syndrome as the NPCS are painfully under-designed compared to them. Your introduction to Nikolai is particularly hilarious because you walk into the clinic and see the plain Dolph in his gray sweater and behind him is this Emo Gakupo reading a book behind him.
Sometimes it's the opposite and they look TOO plain. Westley and Jacques look virtually the same and although I married Arnold, he looks more like the younger brother of a marriage candidate than a candidate himself. But he seemed like the type of overworking guy that could only be stopped by a kiss, so I picked him over Nikolai, Kaimana, and Judy.
Raising our kid Legato (because music) was a struggle, although it makes having kids in a farm sim actually feel like a challenge. The baby will be wolfing down milk for 3 seasons straight, so do Judy's requests often as she'll give you milk as a reward. Feed the little blob around 3-4 times a day and hopefully Tiny won't pester you.
WARNING: I encountered a glitch where while I was in the middle of charging my sickle to cut some weeds, Tiny alerted me that my baby needed me. I ended up stuck with my charging circle still around me, but I was no longer holding my sickle. I was unable to move nor pause the game to warp around, so I had to close the game entirely.
One really interesting thing I noticed though is that aside from two instances, your kid is referred to with gender neutral pronouns. At no point in the game was Legato called our son, not even in his character bio. He's simply our child and even the family outing events have the NPCs call him a child.
The game may have been rough around the edges, but I had a lot of fun with what worked. The world was huge, with lots of nooks and crannies to fish, forage, farm and tame. Sunsets were glowing and I was genuinely impressed by the night sky, the northern lights appearing every time. New seasons meant tides changing, which meant more areas to explore. Mining just a bit longer could lead you to underground ponds with rare fish. Storylines asking for hard-to-find materials were annoying, but also made the game last longer. Your stamina would deplete as you walked, but it was all the more reason to pace yourself. Explore a bit more everyday so you could find Harvest Fruit and boost your energy. Learn to cook for more replenishing meals, meaning learning how to grow better crops. Experimenting with crop locations so you can collect all of the mutations.
The length and size of the game leaves you with a sense of accomplishment. Things like crop mutations, forging, taming animals, fishing and mining take just long enough that you feel great when it's done.
Wrap up time.
FAVORITE VILLAGE: Lectenbury. Easy to navigate.
LEAST FAVORITE VILLAGE: Tie between Herbstburg and Lilikila. Both were hard to remember the location of certain stores.
FAVORITE FARM LOCATION: Herbstberg. Far from town, but the land is just big enough for crops and animals.(I'm currently at the Goddess Farm though because I'm the Supreme Leader fite me)
FAVORITE BACHELOR: Kaimana for his looks. But he was all about that (sea)bass, so I ultimately dumped him
submitted by Rhaynebow to harvestmoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 i_want_to_go_home__ Your’s Truly

Who am I?
It’s not a mask, because who am I covering up?
Who is truly there?
My mind is trying to figure out who I am.
One side is happy to be free and true, and the other is scared that I’m making the wrong decision.
I’m nothing but a broken magnet.
My two halves repelled each other.
Maybe I can just stick it out.
Then I can’t regret anything.
I wish I could just restart.
Leave behind the people I know and start fresh.
Maybe then I can find out who I am.
But will I?
If I don’t even know who I am, then what's the point?
A new version of me will be created, just like always.
But is it truly me?
submitted by i_want_to_go_home__ to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 cmemcee “You didn’t drill your gun barrels” is not a critique and not helpful advice for new painters. At this point, it’s just bitching for the sake of bitching.

Blah blah blah.
submitted by cmemcee to minipainting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 i_want_to_go_home__ Your’s Truly

Who am I?
It’s not a mask, because who am I covering up?
Who is truly there?
My mind is trying to figure out who I am.
One side is happy to be free and true, and the other is scared that I’m making the wrong decision.
I’m nothing but a broken magnet.
My two halves repelled each other.
Maybe I can just stick it out.
Then I can’t regret anything.
I wish I could just restart.
Leave behind the people I know and start fresh.
Maybe then I can find out who I am.
But will I?
If I don’t even know who I am, then what's the point?
A new version of me will be created, just like always.
But is it truly me?
submitted by i_want_to_go_home__ to mentally_ill_poets [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 Bassically-Bassic Made an oopsie by melting

New player, I got the cutter last week while it was on sale but saw the new avenger starter package and thought “oh I should melt my pack so I can buy this titan!” But only realized later you can’t buy war bonds with store credit.
Tbh, don’t really care! I’m holding on to my credits and got the avenger anyway. Instead, I want some opinions: what should I do with my store credits? I’ve been thinking about maybe getting a mirai pulse for some ground speed or getting the cutter again. Is there a point to having two starter ships? I genuinely loved the cutter design it’s so rinky dink, but doesn’t seem necessary if I have a better starter ship anyway… any thoughts on what to do with the extra cash?
submitted by Bassically-Bassic to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 HoneydewPublic Legit threw this at the wall because of what Anthony Edward’s said about him

Legit threw this at the wall because of what Anthony Edward’s said about him submitted by HoneydewPublic to draftkingsbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 Quicksand2023 Survivor?

Hi, new to this group and have a rather silly question.
At what point are you considered a survivor?
I ask because I had a very rare (1/1,000,000) liposarcoma last year. I went 3 years of being misdiagnosed while it grew. I found out after it was removed that it was sarcoma. Paratesticular liposarcoma which resulted in the loss of a testicle (not my biggest concern). Anyway, I was told I had good margins, went through 6 weeks of radiation. I met with sarcoma specialists at UCSF and they gave a good prognosis. My plan now is follow up CT/MRI every 4 months for a few years.
I don't know why but I feel guilty using that term, "survivor". I feel blessed and pray for positive things moving forward...but so many who have had this, with a much tougher path, and are doing fine. To me, those folks are the real survivors!
Thank you
submitted by Quicksand2023 to sarcoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 r0siegurl Quaint Downtown/Mainstreet coastal towns?

We've lived in NC for almost 6 years. We've been to New Bern, Beaufort, Washington, Swansboro, the Bogue Banks and a few others. My birthday is in July and i want to do a weekend trip to a town we haven't been to yet.
I'd like to find a town that's close to the beach, has a downtown/mainstreet that has local shops(bonus points if there's a local bookstore) and restaurants, and isn't a tourist trap.
I'm not sure if anyone had been to either of these, but i love areas like 30A in Florida(especially seaside!) And Manhattan Beach in California.
Are there any towns y'all would recommend that fit close to what I'm looking for?
Although I'd prefer coastal towns, I'd also be open to suggestions near other bodies of water that are swimmable!
submitted by r0siegurl to NorthCarolina [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 No-Acanthisitta2777 New here!

Hi, I am new here and have been ready many post and they are so interesting but I am a little confused on this type of eating. Would someone be so kind to point me in the right direction or explain. I am looking to lose some weight. I’m a 45f and want to lose 40 pounds. Thank you.
submitted by No-Acanthisitta2777 to SaturatedFat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 Independent-Wing-224 This friend/crush situation

So basically a few months ago on Instagram this guy liked all my post and my stories. I saw and I didn't know how to react. I got courage and send him a message we became friends this time went on like I had a crush on him but that's not the point here. I accidentally told him that I thought you have a crush on me because it was my first impression and we were talking about first impressions he said no would you think that and denied it and he's also aroace but wants someone. He started getting distant and I am getting worried but the thing is a ex friend of mine said he may have had a crush on me but got distant because I called him out. I'm scared I lost a friend
I want a new set of eyes here so tell me guys what do you think. I don't want to loose my friendship with him
submitted by Independent-Wing-224 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 mapleapplepeachpie Are there any banks that pay bonus interest on amounts above $250k?

I have an account that's about to hit the limit both for the government guarantee *and* the bonus interest. At this point in time I'm making minimal deposits into the account as I'm off work injured and not earning - so I'm not interested in accounts that require a hefty monthly deposit to earn the bonus interest.
My main questions are - 1. Is it worth moving some of the money into another HISA so that I can earn the higher interest rate on both? I understand that I would forfeit one month of the bonus interest by making a transfer out of the account, but this would hopefully be made up in a relatively short period of time with the high interest on the new account (some numbers - bonus interest is around $975 per month, normal interest on the total would be around $20 per month) 2. Are there any banks that pay the higher interest on an amount above $250k without having a sizeable monthly deposit requirement? 3. Anything else I should be aware of or doing in your opinion?

submitted by mapleapplepeachpie to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 bekknqvv M.Sc Math Curriculum Guide

*This post is intended for aspirants and B4 freshers.
Broadly the B4 CDC curriculum at BITS is divided in the following manner:
Applied Math courses:
Graphs Networks(very relatable to Neural Networks)
Numerical Analysis
Differential Geometry
Differential Equation Courses
Pure Math Courses:
Functional Analysis
Electives: DSA
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Cryptography
Applied Stochastic Processes
Statistics Electives
Number Theory
Game theory etc.
The very nature of these courses:
Pure math courses are focussed around exploring the nuances of nature, the mathematical constructs and questioning their behaviour about the way they are, which we often take for granted.
Think of an open interval. Isn't it basically a set of all points in a 1 dimensional space with distance from the chosen origin less than some specified number?
(-1,1) is basically all the points on the 1D space(number line) with distances from the origin(0) less than 1 unit?
Now let's talk about the 2D space. Does this remind you of anything similar?
Well we can have a disc of radius 1! Voila!
In 3d? We have a solid sphere
You see these patterns repeating over and over, but you took this analogy for granted till date.
What about a 4D space? How would this look like in 4d? Let's talk about an nD space! Or wait.... an infinite dimensional space, even better!
Since this pattern keeps on repeating, we need to describe a general rule that applies to ever dimension space, this is called abstraction. Distances in abstract sense are called Metric. Spaces in abstract sense are called Metric Spaces.
So number line is a metric space, a-b will be it's metric
Similarly Cartesian Plane is a metric space too, root((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2) will be it's metric,
Etc etc. This is what pure math courses feel like.
In no time you will be dwelving into even higher level of abstractions. You will discover at one point that A donught and a Mug are basically two abstractions of the same thing. The theoritical aspects nature reconstructed right from the very basic, question the unquestionned.
Now let us talk about Applied Math courses:
These concepts manifest in the real world. How do you design an algorithm that helps the computer calculate derivatives? How does the computer manage to find areas under almost any curve? You will learn how Machine Learning is Basically an hijacked domain of Mathematics, Called Statistical Learning, How every other ML Model (a so called domain of computer science) is nothing but making computers run mathematical optimization algorithms like stochastiv gradient descend, linear regression, , and how that translates to More Powerful Models like Transformers, Resnets, etc.
If you stay loyal to this major, i doubt that there exists a more rewarding major to pursue on campus.
Side note, I went throught the curriculum of MNC it is is justfocussed on making computers do all these things I mentioned above, which you will be doing manually as a math major.
If Coding is handwriting, then Math is Poetry.
submitted by bekknqvv to BITSPilani [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:20 Konnorwolf Best Upgrade Under $300?

Finally at that point where I have to upgrade. The screen burn-in was the last hit. Everything else was not bad though aside from no OS updates.
I ended up going with a Pixel 6 Pro or S21 Ultra which had dead pixels so I have to return that.
I did notice after using Samsung for so long that not having Face Unlock, Dex, Pen support, etc... is a slight issue. I've looked at ALL the phones. Was curious what others here would get if they were looking for a new or used phone for under $300.
submitted by Konnorwolf to GalaxyNote9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:19 Medical-Ask2043 In a perfect world…?

Let’s say, in a perfect world…? What would you like to see more of in the dating market? Certainly peculiar at the same point we’ve reached an all time population peak… we’ve some how managed to become… more… lonelier…?? I’m just gonna say rn for every religion each of our gods are probably sitting at the drawing board puzzled af wondering how that’s remotely plausible. Also, I would BET money, that wasn’t what they had in mind as they drew all this up… so I pose the questions.
‘Whats a practical unbiased opinion you have at seeing the world tackle on an epidemic of loneliness?’
‘How, in a world trying to obtain complete interconnectedness, where it’s possible to “think” we “are” the most connected to each other and our voices can be heard the MOST at this point in time.?
‘How, could you say we are failing so miserably(the root cause to this issue) if the amount of depression is soaring to new climbed heights?’
Why are we so alone while everything on paper, says just the opposite? Why is this the result after connected so many major lines of communication?
And in any of your minds that believe the fact we aren’t as connected as they say we should be? How exactly do you propose that we’ll ever allow it to becoming achievable, if at this rate, it’s still just the number one thing most ppl struggle with which is connecting with our neighbors??
This has been on my mind for quite some time now and I certainly do think there’s potential… for… an app… yes, an app. That could sweep all the other apps under the rug and completely catapult itself above all other competition. I don’t think all things we’ve created from the world being attached to our finger tips or to the hip, hasn’t only proven itself to be all bad and negative.
I do think there’s way too much activity on the internet and internet should be a major luxury to use. Not to be taken advantage of or mishandled the way it is being used in numerous instances today. That is unfortunately how our realities of today have been brought upon us.
Which I say sarcastically when I say that most of us adults can’t hardly wait to wake up in the morning.
It’s very safe to say, at the very least that world peace is obtainable or so we think to ourselves that it is obtainable in our mind. And even as far off from such a reality being even remotely achievable, I think it’s something humans have inherently wanted so badly to be true. It’s just obvious how much we allow ourselves to get in the way of something that certainly would win the Nobel prize and win every year after we achieved such a great accomplishment. To bad I won’t be alive to see the day smh If we know it’s accomplishable why aren’t we working harder on harnessing those beliefs better and proving to our ancestors that we can steer this rock better and we don’t need to live like every day is our last. We should all believe the opposite of that and encourage each motivating factor and bring us all peace of mind. I’m sure I sound like a broken record at this point, but damn aren’t we ready for some real change that’s reinforced positively and shows our abilities of growth and prosperity? That all we want in life, is to finally feel happy?
submitted by Medical-Ask2043 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:19 TrepidRez I’m so confused

Just did a tournament for the first time, and the score was 0-16. I understand being new to competitive and being low, but zero points??? That doesn’t add up to me. And no, it’s not me being salty, it’s just odd to me that it happened. Is this a common occurrence?
submitted by TrepidRez to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:16 EconomicsImportant68 support is appreciated

hey everyone, im new to this subreddit and im grateful for any sort of advice or tips!
so, my periods are very irregular and heavy, they have been ever since i first got my period when i was a teenager. at first i thought i had a hormonal imbalance, pcos, a thyroid issue or that i was infertile.. but i had my bloods done multiple times and everything is good. i’ve been trying for a baby 11 months now and having s3x 1-2 times weekly with my partner and so far ive had no luck, the thing is i can’t tell when im ovulating and even if i am ovulating because my periods are so far apart. it had been 6 months without my period until about 4 weeks ago when i had a regular flow period, unusual for me as i haven’t had a normal period for about 2 years, normally it would be heavy for me. i couldn’t tell if i was just spotting because at first it was so light, then it was heavier as the week went on so im almost 100% sure it was a normal period.
anyway, the past 2-3 weeks after my period ended i’ve been feeling off, overall achy and unwell and extremely tired to the point where i’ve had to call off from work as i’ve been sleeping 15 hours a day, which isn’t like me. i wondered if i was pregnant but the odds just seem so low because ive been trying so long. however i woke up 2 days ago with some pinky-brown blood-ish? i’m not entirely sure what it was as it wasn’t like discharge but it wasn’t like blood, clearer than blood but thinner than discharge. i googled it and it seems to look like implantation bleeding, and it usually occurs 2 weeks after impregnated. im trying not to get my hopes up because i don’t want to get excited, but im getting a pregnancy test after work tomorrow, wish me luck!
i was just wondering if anyone else has been in my situation and has got pregnant too, and if im not pregnant tomorrow, does anyone have tips for conceiving ?
submitted by EconomicsImportant68 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 ReloYank13 Introducing the Dollar Per Point Table! (Matchday 15)

Introducing the Dollar Per Point Table! (Matchday 15)
Inspired by last week's post sharing the guaranteed wages for each club this season, I decided to create a weekly Dollar Per Point table, which ranks each team based on how much they pay per point.
Methodology: I took each team's guaranteed wages and compared it to their current points to see how much a point costs each team. To account for MLS's weird, irregular schedule, I looked at points per game rather than just points. I then extrapolated out the PPG x 34 to get the projected points for the full season, and then divided the team's guaranteed wage bill by their projected points to get cost per projected point.
Guaranteed Wages / (PPG*34) = $ per projected points
Current Leader: RSL has the lowest cost per projected point! They're over performing their wages more than any other club. In fact, if RSL didn't take a single point form the rest of the season, and Inter Miami won every game for the rest of the season, they'd have almost identical costs per point at the end of the year.
Wooden Spoon: Despite not being bottom of the table, the Fire actually pay the most per projected point. Next worst is bottom-dwellers New England, who pay over $100k less per point. The gap is large enough that Chicago will remain bottom next week with a loss or a draw – they need to beat D.C. on Saturday to move up.
Full Table:
Team $ per Projected Point
Real Salt Lake $200,072
Minnesota United $219,222
FC Cincinnati $257,080
Columbus Crew SC $275,715
Charlotte FC $284,885
LAFC $287,112
St. Louis CITY SC $287,323
NYCFC $296,668
Vancouver Whitecaps FC $306,271
New York Red Bulls $306,873
Colorado Rapids $320,166
Philadelphia Union $332,761
LA Galaxy $335,917
Houston Dynamo $357,379
Toronto FC $359,472
Orlando City SC $360,270
Austin FC $368,324
CF Montreal $385,167
D.C. United $393,084
FC Dallas $477,353
Portland Timbers $486,018
Seattle Sounders FC $487,665
Atlanta United $490,096
Nashville SC $547,246
Sporting Kansas City $549,291
San Jose Earthquakes $564,557
Inter Miami CF $592,201
New England Revolution $929,015
Chicago Fire FC $1,040,875
If folks are interested, I'll make this a weekly post and try to post an update every Sunday or Monday!
submitted by ReloYank13 to MLS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 Killy728 Did the DSi Capture Card End with Katsukity?

Did the DSi Capture Card End with Katsukity?
This is an essay, of sorts, compiling all of the information about the Dsi Capture Card that I could find. Information may be missing or inaccurate, but what I present is my current understanding of the project.
I have an interest in reviving the concept and properly archiving every step of the process so that anyone can make a Dsi capture system. Though I didn't succeed in making the project available for people to purchase, I do hope this is a step in the right direction.
I’ll start the story and go into as much of the technical side as I can manage. If you wish to skip the story, head to the “Technical” section.


Is there a practical reason to have a Dsi capture card when the Original DS and the New 3DS/2DS family of systems can do everything the Dsi can do and more?
No, no there isn’t.
For someone like myself who adores the Dsi platform, the idea and novelty of a Dsi capture card is of great interest to me. From what I can find, the Dsi Capture card has been lost to time. Thanks to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, what was once lost can hopefully be found.
Kastuskity was the sole provider of Dsi Capture systems and far as I could tell, one of the major players in the DS/3DS capture card providers and installers in the mid 2010s. That was, up until September 13th, 2016, when the Dsi Capture systems were removed from Katsukity’s shop. I was unable to find a direct reason as to why the sale stopped, but a quote from the Nisetoro Wiki suggested difficulty as over 40 cables were needed. On the store page, you can see how a custom bottom shell was needed in order to house that capture unit.
That, and I’d assume a lack of of sales due to the prevalence of 3DS capture systems must have lead to that product being phased out. This is just my best guess based on nothing
On February 2nd, 2019, Twitter (X) user .
Their Twitter (X) has been inactive since July of 2018, their YouTube has been inactive since June of 2018, and their website and blog have all been shuttered ( I won't hyperlink these two as one redirects to a scam). Their Facebook Page also seems to have the same fate, but I cannot confirm that. From my current understanding, Katsukity has disappeared from the internet and took whatever knowledge and software with them.
Katsukity’s partner in Europe, Stefan Merki and American Inventor Neal Tew (Loopy) appear to still manufacture, install, and sell capture cards on their website, but only for the Classic DS and New 3DS/2DS. As of the writing of this post, Merki is still active on the website’s Discord Page (see their website for the invite link) and Loopy is active on their forum
It is on Merki’s Discord Server that I was able to receive a lot of information regarding the Dsi Capture System and its development. The most important, being, a video posted to Nicovideo by the user ピピン (Pippin).
This video, dating back to May 21st, 2010, shows the process of making a Nisetoro Capture card for the Dsi and its success (The videos loaded better for me on Firefox).
Their blog, which can only be accessed through Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, has their blog posts of the project as well as a ZIP containing the pinout for the Chameleon USB and various pieces of software (For lack of a better term for .svf, .dpf, .pin, .pof, .qpf,.qsf and .v files)
From here, I’ll go into the technical side of this.


~(((((From here, I have to stick a disclaimer. As much as it pains me to say, anything involving Circuit Boards and programming is well beyond my understanding. I will continue with any and all information that I have pointing to the components and software used for the project, but I will not pretend to understand any of it. Forgive my ignorance in advance. )))))~
In Pippin’s video, all of the test pins tapped and attached to a Chameleon USB were listed on their blog.
There, with the pinout sheet is a ZIP file containing various pieces of software (more on that later). I have the Pinout Sheet below in English.
Katsuity’s store page for the Dsi capture kits also mentions a Chameleon USB FX 2.
On the Fake TroCaptcha website, the process for creating a capture card for the Original DS was explained further. I can only vaguely see the images of the Chameleon board that Pippin has in their blog, but as far as I can tell, it is the same board.
Following the link on the board to this website with the Chameleon USB FX2 featured prominently /)as a “Hot” item. When searching their shop, which is local only as far as I can tell, the Chameleon USB FX2 MiniB Kit is out of stock and appears to have been discontinued in 2019 (If it means anything, that board version was V1.2 instead of V1.1, so even if it was available, I do not know if that’d cause issues).
Searching Google for the Chameleon brings up an OSHPark shared fine of a Chameleon USB FX2 by user splash5. Though this board appears to use the same chips, it's circuit layout and components looks entirely different than the one Pippin used and the one on the “How to make a Fake tro capture” page. I really cannot wrap my brain around trying to follow traces to see if this would work, but given the amount of components on this board vs the one for the DSi Capture Card, I imagine i'd have to spend time bridging traces where components went.
Going through splash5’s Github page, it would seem they are implementing a Chameleon for game capture on the Wonderswan.
That is the first major hurdle. Where can I get a comparable board? Does the Chameleon USB FX2 need to be recreated from the images in these forums?
For the software side, it is my understanding that Pippin already provided it within the ZIP. In the description of their video, they say that the software is the same as the Original DS. This is, of course, assuming that the software is the same as the one used back in 2010.
Recreating DSi capture system is well beyond my ability, I will be the first to say that. I do hope this information can help some who can revive this unique blip in DS console history.
====Resources and Additional Links==== Wayback machine last image of Katsukity’s sites:
Videos, and other webpages not used in this essay, but may be interesting:

====DSI XL Capture System====

I have this pie-in-the-sky dream of assembling and using a DSi XL with a capture card in it, but what my research dug up was a need for commissioning people much smarter than I to create the capture board and injecting the code.
That is simply something I can not do right now.
For anyone who reads this, I do hope that this pinout I made is helpful.
This is a pinout referencing the pinout from Pippin as well as the DSi XL test points on DSiBrew. I have to trust it is accurate as I do not know of a way to test it otherwise. Entries highlighted in Red have the same comment, but the numbering sequence suggests the order I put them is correct.
Anyway, that is enough for me.
(This post was intended for GBAtemp, but new people cannot post links sooo.... Here you go Reddit)
submitted by Killy728 to nds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 tarmakofu Avoid Delta at all costs - a trip from hell; a delta supervisor literally harassed me (I am a teenage girl that she left stranded in two different cities I don't live in), and they sent my bag to the wrong country and refused to do anything about it

TLDR: My flight was overbooked, so I was stressed about Delta not being able to get me to my destination and making me figure out a way to get there myself, as well as leaving me stranded for a night in NYC. A Delta supervisor then followed me after I was done speaking to her and walked away from her to harass me about how I should have nothing to complain about. They also sent my bag to the wrong country despite me warning them multiple times beforehand that it was mistagged and should not be going to that country at all, but they fully ignored my concerns and gave me false information until it was too late. Avoid delta at all costs.
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, I was scheduled to fly to Stockholm with a layover in JFK. I made it to JFK with no issues, four full hours before my next flight, which was DL 204 from JFK to ARN. Once the plane and gate agents had arrived, they started asking for volunteers to go on the next flight to Stockholm as they had overbooked the flight. Because I had no seat assignment, I became increasingly worried as it got closer to the scheduled departure time and the compensation amount kept going up, meaning they still needed more volunteers. Once everyone who had a seat assignment boarded, I asked the supervisor at the gate if they would be giving out any more seats. She said we would have to wait and see, to which I said “Okay, thank you.” A few minutes later, I went back to the desk to ask a different gate agent if I would get the compensation volunteers are getting if I end up not getting a seat, as pretty much everyone had boarded and I still did not have a seat. I asked her this politely from the other side of the desk she was sitting at. She refused to look up from her computer or even acknowledge that I was speaking to her, despite her clearly not being too busy to at least look at someone who is respectfully speaking to her and having heard me. I had witnessed her do this to multiple other customers who tried to politely ask her reasonable questions about the status of our flight. She refused to even look at any of us and smirked while ignoring us as if it was amusing to her. You learn when you are a toddler to look at someone when they are speaking to you and at least acknowledge their presence when they ask you a reasonable question. I calmly told her, “This is incredibly unprofessional, by the way,” at which point she started to argue with me. She claimed, “You asked my supervisor the same question and she already said she didn’t know, so I don’t have to answer you,” as the supervisor nodded in agreement. I told her, “You can still at least acknowledge when someone is speaking to you,” and walked away as I was already fed up. I had asked her a completely different question than I had asked the supervisor, and regardless, purposefully ignoring paying customers in this way is disrespectful and completely inappropriate. I was baffled as to how she acted this way in front of her supervisor and thought this was okay. But once I talked to the supervisor for longer than the 3 seconds I spent asking her that one question, it became clear to me why the gate agent acted this way.
Eventually, another gate agent told me I had been assigned a seat and that I could finally go and board the plane. Once I got down to my assigned seat, someone was already sitting there. She had volunteered earlier to give up her seat, but due to miscommunication within the team of Delta agents, she had been told to go back to her seat and that she no longer needed to volunteer. I went back to one of the agents, who I watched put me on the volunteer list without actually verbally telling me anything. I never actually said, “Yes, I want to volunteer.” I was told to go back up to the gate, so that the gate agents can help me rebook my flight. Once I got up there, I repeatedly told the agents that I needed to be in Stockholm by Saturday morning, and they reassured me each time that there were flights available for me to do so. One agent had found an itinerary for me, but then was told to go by the supervisor, as the supervisor apparently no longer needed as much help anymore since the overbooking situation had been figured out (at least in the supervisor’s eyes). As I stood at the desk trying to get someone to help me, the supervisor eventually told me to come over to her. At first, she told me there was an itinerary that she could book for me to be in Stockholm by Saturday morning. I asked her for the details, then she said that itinerary was no longer available, despite her having told me thirty seconds prior that it was. She then started helping a different customer, despite not having resolved my flight issue, and I watched her continue to help other people before returning to me. When she finally got back to me, she started barking alternate destinations at me, without giving me any time to process or look up if I would be able to get to Stockholm if I was sent to that alternate destination. She eventually said Amsterdam, and as I searched for transportation from Amsterdam to Stockholm, she told the person she was on the phone with, “I don’t know, she hasn’t responded to me,” while side-eyeing me. It had been less than a minute since she told me the alternate destination, and I had told her I needed a second to see if I would be able to make it to Stockholm with alternate transportation before giving her confirmation that I could be put on the flight to Amsterdam. Eventually, I was able to find a KLM flight that would get me to Stockholm from Amsterdam, which she was no help in helping me find. In fact, the other customers who had volunteered helped me figure this out, as they stayed with me for emotional support, even though their own situations had been figured out. As they saw that I was a stressed teenage girl that had been put in this situation, they empathized and showed me kindness, something the actual Delta employees refused to do. Once I saw that there were available seats on the KLM flight from AMS to ARN, I told the supervisor that I would take the flight to Amsterdam. Once this was confirmed, I asked if I was guaranteed a spot on this new flight, since I did not want to end up in the same situation. She told me with an aggressive tone “Once you are booked, you are guaranteed a seat.” Confused, I responded “I booked this original flight months ago, but did not get a seat on this flight.” This is when she raised her voice to yell at me, “No, you volunteered to give up your seat. If you really wanted to be on this flight, I would’ve told the other lady to get off.” I did not knowingly volunteer. I was put on the volunteer list without anyone asking me. To add on, when I saw they put me on the volunteer list, I was scared to say anything as one agent had already been argumentative with me and if I did not let them put me on the volunteer list, I would have gotten significantly less compensation and still not gotten a seat on the flight. I really had no other choice than to let them put me on the volunteer list (again, without actually asking me at any point), but the supervisor acted if I had made the decision on my own. I would’ve preferred to be on the original flight, but I never had that option. I then just replied, “Okay, thank you.” and walked away from her.
I would also like to add that throughout this entire interaction, she repeatedly told the other employees around her how much she did not want to be helping me anymore and how she just wanted to go get dinner. Further, the new flight to AMS was the following day, and she did not even attempt to help me get accommodation or transportation. As stated in Delta’s policies available on their website, if you are inconvenienced for greater than 4 hours and overnight away from your home or destination, Delta is meant to provide complimentary hotel accommodations or provide a voucher for accommodation, as well as providing transportation and vouchers for meals. I am a teenage girl that she left stranded in NYC for a night. Luckily, I knew someone in NYC that I was able to stay with, but had I not had that option, this would have been a horrible situation to put a teenage girl in. She did not care at all, and to her, rebooking my flight was good enough, despite it being the next day and to an entirely different country than my destination. Further, Delta is meant to rebook you on a flight or combination of flights to your original destination or next layover, which they did not do. I had no plans to be in Amsterdam, until Delta forced me to go there as they gave me no other viable option. Delta is also supposed to “provide notice explaining our obligations and the compensation you will receive if you are involuntarily denied boarding,” which the supervisor and gate agent(s) refused to do. I was deliberately ignored when I asked, as I described earlier.
After I had ended the conversation with the supervisor and walked away from her, the other customers/volunteers who were supporting me asked what my situation was now. I started to explain to them, “I have been put on a new flight to Amsterdam and booked a flight from Amsterdam to Stockholm, but I am still a little stressed because I don’t have an assigned seat on my new flight either. I might call Delta customer service later just to confirm that I will be able to get on this new flight.” As soon as the supervisor overheard that I may call customer service later, she stormed up to me, following me to where I was after I had walked away from her desk, to yell the following in my face: “Are you saying the customer service I provided wasn’t good enough? Are you not happy with the $7000 voucher?” I was grateful for the generous voucher, but still rightfully frustrated by the situation. I started trying to respond, telling her, “No, it’s fine, I just-” I was going to say that I was still just a little confused and stressed and wanted extra confirmation, but she cut me off. She raised her voice even further to say, “I’m not done. Let me finish.” At this point, I felt scared, as she clearly had no problem arguing with and berating customers, and I did not know how the situation may further escalate. This is when I told her, “Okay, bye,” and told her how unprofessional she was, as I walked/ran away from her as quickly as I could out of fear that she would follow me again to harass me further.
In addition to this, once the flight had left, I was also told that my bags had been taken off the plane and would be available for me to pick up at JFK’s baggage claim. When I arrived at baggage claim, they at first could not tell me where exactly my bags were, but told me to wait as they should be coming. After about 30 minutes of waiting for the bags to arrive at baggage claim, I went back to the Delta help desk at baggage claim, where they finally told me that my bags had been retagged and checked in to be put on my new flight to Amsterdam. When I tracked my bags online later that night (Thursday night), I saw that one of my bags, which was my main luggage with all of my clothes and toiletries, had been tagged to be on a KLM flight to Copenhagen after the flight to Amsterdam. I truly do not understand how or why this happened as I never had any plans to fly to Copenhagen. Once I noticed this, I called Delta customer service, as well as Delta’s baggage service department to tell them that it was tagged wrong and should not be going to Copenhagen. Both assured me that neither of my bags would go to Copenhagen and that I would be able to pick them up in Amsterdam. When I woke up Friday morning, I called again before my flight to Amsterdam to really make sure that my bag would not end up in Copenhagen. I also texted Delta’s baggage department and talked to a representative in person, who all reassured me that neither of my checked bags would end up in Copenhagen and that I would be able to pick up both of them when I land in Amsterdam. I get to Amsterdam on Saturday morning, and one of my bags comes out to baggage claim, which was the one that had been tagged properly, while my main luggage (that I warned Delta numerous times about having been mistagged) had arrived in Amsterdam but was immediately put on a plane to Copenhagen before I had even gotten to baggage claim. I was extremely frustrated because I knew this was going to happen, but Delta dismissed and ignored my concerns repeatedly until it was too late. A KLM employee was finally able to help me solve the problem Delta created by marking the bag to be delivered to my hotel in Stockholm. By Saturday night, my bag had been confirmed to have arrived in Stockholm. By Sunday afternoon, when my bag still had not been delivered to the hotel, I tried to contact Delta again, as they were still responsible for my bag, despite the KLM employee being the one that actually helped me. When I contacted them, Delta continuously made excuses saying it was probably too late to intercept the bag when I called earlier, which is why it ended up in Copenhagen, as well as saying that since the delayed baggage report was made on Saturday, they still were not in the wrong as it was only Sunday. One representative also hung up on me for saying “This is fucking ridiculous,” which it absolutely was. I understand that I probably shouldn’t have said fuck, but she kept making excuses and telling me information I knew was false, so I was entirely fed up, especially after the nightmare Delta had already put me through. To be clear, I had been calling Delta about their mistake since THURSDAY NIGHT when they still could’ve easily made sure it was tagged properly and/or intercepted the bag before it was sent to Copenhagen. Instead, they ignored me and lied to me because they were too lazy to even try to fix their mistake when they still could. My bag being sent to the wrong country was entirely preventable if Delta had actually cared to listen to me about my concerns.
Absolute worst travel experience I have EVER had. I have been taking at least 6 flights each year literally since birth and have never been treated so poorly by an airline, or any company ever for that matter. Truly don’t know how everything went so wrong and why Delta could not do a single thing right in this entire process. They continuously made things worse through their employees’ behavior and refusal to actually do something about their mistake(s).
submitted by tarmakofu to delta [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 AManOfManyLikings As good as the film is so far, it still is rather distracting that they use this to promote GT7 as well.

If it was something more fictitious or following a new up and coming gamer turned racer, it would be more tolerable a little bit. But with this being billed as a biopic about a real life racer, even to the point of having "Based On A True Story" be used as the subtitle for the film, It would've been more believable if they'd show the lead playing one of the entries that would've existed at that time instead. If I remember correctly, GT 5 was what got the actual Mardenborough into the leagues, yeah? It would've been more true to life had they used that game running on an actual PS3 for the film instead. I know some might not be too bothered by it but for me, it really is a bothersome distraction overtime.
submitted by AManOfManyLikings to granturismo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:14 Edryer4356 New to Points, I have a few Question

I’m new to booking with Hyatt points with transfer from Chase. I’m booking for Japan from June 14 to July 5th of 2025 and have already booked a twin suite at the Hyatt House in Shibuya for 4 nights and waiting for the rest of June to open up. For a Family of 4 with 2 teens. My questions are:
  1. I’ve booked for 24k a night in Tokyo for a suite, if points drop for whatever reason would they price match points and credit me the difference of points?
  2. If a King suite opens up for the same point value is that an easy swap or am I locked in for the twin suite?
  3. I booked points do I still get charged the per person guest fee per night in Japan if booked with points?
  4. If I book 2 rooms under my name will the rooms be next to each other or do they have connecting rooms. Don’t mind non connecting as long as they are next to each other.
And any other recommendations and tips are always welcome
Planning on Staying at the following places in Japan on points, other than Disneyland.
Hyatt House Shibuya for 4 nights
Hyatt Place Kyoto for 5 nights- 2 rooms
Hyatt Caption Osaka for 4 nights- 2 rooms
Hyatt House Suite Kanazawa for 2 nights
Disneyland Hotel or new Fantasy Springs Hotel for 5 nights
Thanks Everyone!
submitted by Edryer4356 to hyatt [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Keeper_of_the_H [WTS/WTT] Send-It Sunday: G19Gen3 Magwells (Agency & Magpul), Knives, Video Games, Movies

Hey all, back with some Send-it Sunday goodness:
And, that's all I've got! All prices include shipping, like they should. You must speak up in the comments to call dibs! Once you do, we can switch to PM, and go from there. Thanks for looking!
submitted by Keeper_of_the_H to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]