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2011.12.22 04:11 zoxcat veganhouston


2024.05.31 07:08 BrodaciousPhantom MAJOR HERO TEAMS OF AMALGAMVERSE #979A

THE JUSTIFIERS: (Justice League + Avengers)
Captain Amazon/Diana Rogers (Wonder Woman + Captain America)
Captain ThundeBilly Blake (Shazam + Thor)
Emerald Knight/Oliver Stark (Green Arrow + Iron Man)
Green Rocket/Jordan Danvers (Green Lantern/Hal Jordan + Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers)
Bullet-Ant/Barry Pym (The Flash/Barry Allen + Ant-Man/ Hank Pym)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanov (Black Canary/Dinah Lance + Black Widow/Natasha Romanov)
Martian Hulk/John BanneB'ruzz J'onzz (Martian Manhunter + Hulk)
The Fly/Iris Van Dyne (Iris West + The Wasp)
Seahawk/Namora Thol (Hawkgirl + Namora)
Tiger Shark/R'Kuri (Aquaman + Black Panther)
Gamma-Girl/Karen Walters (Powergirl + She-Hulk)
Blue Icon/Freeman Brashier (Icon + Blue Marvel)
Arachknight/Pete Wayne (Batman + Spider-Man)
Bullet-Ant/Scotty West (Wally West + Scott Lang)
Eagle/Donna Wilson (Donna Troy + Falcon)
Mary Miracle/Mary Angela (Mary Marvel + Angela)
The Earth's premiere superhero team. The original seven were formed to stop Black Set's invasion of New Gotham while the Super Squad and Arachknight were nowhere in sight.
SUPER SQUAD: (Superman Family + Fantastic Four)
Mr. SupeKent Richards (Superman + Mr. Fantastic)
Invisible Woman/Lois Storm (Lois Lane + Invisible Woman)
Hotshot/Jimmy Storm (Jimmy Olsen + Human Torch/Johnny Storm)
Scrapmetal/John Henry Grimm (Steel + The Thing)
Ruby/Kara Amaq-El (Supergirl/Kara + Crystal)
Psi-Boy/Connor Richards (Superboy/Connor + Psi-Lord/Franklin Richards)
Brainiac/Joanna Richards (Superboy/Jon + Brainstorm/Valeria Richards)
Once a regular team of individuals who went to explore the vacuums of space before their ship was struck by radiation from an exploding planet. Now with their new solar based abilities, they continue to explore various places while saving the lives of many people; becoming a staple of the superhero community.
GLOBAL FORCE: (Justice League International + Avengers West Coast)
Goldeneye/Clint Carter (Booster Gold + Hawkeye/Clint)
Bluebird/Bobbi Kord (Blue Beetle/Ted + Mockingbird)
Atomic WondeNathaniel Williams (Captain Atom + Wonderman)
Crimson Rocket/Gavril Vanko (Rocket Red/Gavril + Crimson Dynamo/Ivan)
Flare/Pietro da Costa (Fire + Quicksilver)
Coldspell/Wanda Olafsdotter (Ice + Scarlet Witch)
Vortex/Victor Smith (Red Tornado + Vision)
CougaGriri Jiwe McGrant (Vixen + Tigra)
Sunlight II/Kimiyo Yoshida (Dr. Light II/Kimiyo + Sunpyre/Leyu)
Echo/Daisy Santos (Vibe + Quake)
Paladin/Jean Paul SpectoMichael Grant/Jake Lane (Azrael/Jean Paul Valley/Michael Lane + Moon Knight/Marc SpectoStephen Grant/Jake Lockley)
Extension/Ralph Foster (Elongated Man + Goliath)
Running Stark Consolidated and being a member of the Justifiers left the Emerald Knight very busy to protect his own city, Los Estellas. It wasn't until he met the time traveling archer known as Goldeneye that a brilliant idea was created. He secretly formed and funded the new team known as Global Force to look after his city whenever he's busy; while also appointing Goldeneye as team leader.
X-PATROL: (Doom Patrol + X-Men)
X-Ray/Larry Summers (Negative Man + Cyclops)
Menta/Jean Dayton (Mento + Jean Grey)
Ice-Girl/Rita Drake (Elasti-Girl + Iceman)
Drone/Cliff Worthington (Robotman + Archangel)
Beastling/Henry Logan (Beast Boy + Beast)
DoppelgangeMarie De Mille (Gemini + Rogue)
Nightbug/Kurt Schwab (Ambush Bug + Nightcrawler)
Hotstreak/Joshua LeBeau (Tempest + Gambit)
Illusion/Kitty Reynolds (Gypsy + Shadowcat)
Gabriel/Mal Cassidy (Herald + Banshee)
Red Steel/Leonid Rasputin (Red Star + Colossus)
Maelstrom/Meroro (Mera + Storm)
Headmaster Niles Xavier is a Meta-Mutant activist who believes that his people and humanity could coexist, much to the pushback of many. In order to gain the public's trust, he formed a Meta-Mutant team that protects both species while also creating a school for the younger generation to control their abilities.
MIDNIGHT PACT: (Shadowpact/JLD + Midnight Sons)
Doctor Stephen Constantine (John Constantine + Doctor Strange)
Zea (Zatanna Zatara + Clea)
Hex Blade/Jonah Brookes (Jonah Hex + Blade)
GravewalkeSimon Brand (Deadman + Zombie)
Zaragan/Danny Blood (Etrigan/Jason Blood + Ghost RideDanny Ketch)
Hannibal Bennett (Andrew Bennett + Hannibal King)
The Heap/Ted Holland (Swamp Thing + Man-Thing)
Obsidian Knight/Sir Justin Whitman (Shining Knight + Black Knight)
Blue Satan/Daniel Hellstrom (Blue Devil + Hellstrom)
WitchdoctoNommo Drumme (Doctor Mist + Brother Voodoo)
Detective Platypus/T. Boward (Detective Chimp + Howard the Duck)
Emma Bloodgem (Amethyst + Emma Bloodstone)
Jennifer Arcane (Abbie Arcane + Jennifer Kale)
Vampire/Kirk Morbius (Man-Bat + Morbius)
The Living Rag/R'Gan/Rory N. Kantu (Ragman + The Living Mummy)
Madame Harkness/Nimue Harkness (Madame Xanadu + Agatha Harkness)
Wolf/Russell Ketchum (Fang + Werewolf By Night)
The Ancient Phantom/Yóudà (Phantom Stranger + The Ancient One)
The Spirit/Jimmy Blaze (The Spectre/Jim Corrigan + Ghost RideJohnny Blaze)
The premiere supernatural team that fights off all mystical threats that regular superheroes can't handle.
INVADING SOCIETY OF AMERICA: (Justice Society of America + Invaders)
Captain Amazon
Trevor Barnes/Cold Warrior (Colonel Steve Trevor + Bucky/Winter Soldier)
Human Lantern/Alan Hammond (Alan Scott + Jim Hammond)
Quantum/Robert Pratt (Atom/Al Pratt + Marvel Boy/Robert Grayson)
The Whiz/Robert Garrick (Jay Garrick + Whizzer)
Wild TigeTed Ayala (Wildcat/Ted Grant + White TigeHector Ayala)
Midnight Marvel/Daniel McNider (Dr. Mid-Nite + Black Marvel)
Apparition/Dodds (Sandman/Wesley Doods + Vision/Aarkus)
Hour FatheLarry Tyler (Hourman/Rex Tyler + Father Time/Larry Scott)
Black Raven/Claire Drake (Black Canary/Dinah Drake + Black Widow/Claire Voyant)
American Belle/Madeline Lawrence (Liberty Belle + Miss America)
British Steel/Lord Henry Falsworth (Steel/Henry Heywood + Union Jack/James Falsworth)
When the Axis Powers became a global threat, a superhuman draft was enacted and many heroes from across the country came together. Led by Captain Amazon, the Invading Society of America made their mark in the history books for their heroism.
G.U.A.R.D.: (LEGION/REBELS + Guardians of the Galaxy)
Orion Warlock (Orion + Adam Warlock)
Giant Gamora (Big Barda + Gamora)
Mr. StaPete Free (Mister Miracle + Star Lord)
Drax the Infinite (Infinity-Man + Drax)
Bad BadgeRocko (Lobo + Rocket Racoon)
Treeb (Tribulus + Groot)
Green Rocket/Richard Raynor (Kyle Raynor + Nova/Richard Ryder)
Praying Mantis (Forager + Mantis)
Quantum/Wendell Palmer (The Atom/Ray Palmer + Quasar)
G'nosmo (G'Nort + Cosmo the Spacedog)
Star Marvel/Sir ProtectoThom-Varr (Starboy/Starman + Noh-Varr)
StellaGha-Vynn (Starman/Prince Gavyn + Phyla-Vell)
Several Divinians have seen the destructive force that Dark Titan causes among the cosmos so they banded together with various cosmic heroes to protect the galaxy.
MAVERICKS: (Outsiders+Manhattan Defenders/Heroes For Hire)
Hellstrike/Jeff Murdock (Black Lightning + Daredevil)
Element Man/Luke Mason/Rex Cage (Metamorpho + Luke Cage)
Fist of Fate/Kent Rand (Dr. Fate + Iron Fist)
Grace Jones (Grace Choi + Jessica Jones)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamashiro (Katana + Elektra)
Shen Long (Richard Dragon + Shang Chi)
Siren/Gabrielle Lopez (Halo + Echo)
Alleycat/Felicia Kyle (Catwoman + Black Cat)
Captain Thunderstrike/Freddy Masterson (Captain Marvel Jr. + Thunderstrike)
Silver Strata/Brion Sablinova (Geo-Force + Silver Sable)
Locomotive/Eric Alvarez (Freight Train + Powerman/ Victor Alvarez)
EspeHeather Briggs (Looker + Moondragon)
After the arrest of White Whale, Metropia soon found itself under the deadly hold of the supernatural terrorist group known as The Thousand Hands. They were eventually pushed back by the original formation of Hellstrike, Element Man, Fist of Fate, Grace Jones, and Ninjutsu.
BIRDS OF LIBERTY: (Birds of Prey + Daughters of Liberty)
Web-Girl/Ghost/Gwen Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle+ Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanova (Black Canary + Black Widow)
Crosshairs/Helena Bishop (Huntress + Kate Bishop)
Black SpideCassandra Moon (Orphan + Silk)
Arachnia/Jessica Kane (Batwoman + Spider-Woman)
Pursuit/Mercedes "Misty" Montoya (Question/Renne Montoya + Misty Knight)
Judo Wing/Colleen Sato (JudomasteSonia Sato + Colleen Wing)
Agent SmasheKatarina "Cheesecake" Armstrong (Spysmasher + Agent Cheesecake)
Owl/Hank Johnson (Hawk + Cloak)
Lark/Dawn Bowen (Dove + Dagger)
Lady Hawk/Zinda Livingston (Lady Blackhawk + Laura Livingston)
Wild TigeAva Montez (Wildcat/Yolanda Montez + White TigeAva Ayala)
Originally formed by the superheroine trio of Web-Girl, Black Raven, & Crosshairs; these vigilantes bring justice to various cities such as New Gotham and Metropia.
GLOBAL FLIGHT: (Global Guardians + Alpha Flight)
Centurion/Mark Hudson (Centrix + Guardian)
Zan Beaubier (Zan + Northstar)
Jayna Beaubier (Jayna + Aurora)
Mason Tworavens (Manitou Raven + Shaman)
Yowie/Hugh Langkowski (Tasmanian Devil + Sasquatch)
Snow Owl/Narya Littlebird (Owlwoman + Snowbird)
Imp/U'Jene (Impala + Puck)
Mermaid/Marrina Paske (Little Mermaid + Marrina)
After various superhero teams popped up in America, Canada felt it was time for their own. Mark Hudson was a smalltime hero in his native Ontario, Canada before being picked by the government to help lead a team of International Canadian heroes after being warned by the Borealis Twins of an upcoming alien invasion.
LEGION OF SUPERHUMANS: (Legion of Superheroes + Inhumans)
Lightning Bolt/Garthagar Boltanzz (Lightning Lad + Black Bolt)
Stheno/Imralith Amaquelin (Saturn Girl + Medusa)
Psionic Boy/Ahurokk Krinnagon (Cosmic Boy + Ahura Boltagon)
Mesonychid/Gorgin Lontragon (Timber Wolf + Gorgon)
Amphibian/Treep Daggle (Chameleon Boy + Triton)
Solaris/Dirk Pertuz (Sun Boy + Inferno)
Karate MasteKarnal-Armzur (Karate Kid + Karnak)
In the far future of the 30th Century, humanity has surpassed genetically due to aliens and Meta-Mutants breeding; now a new race called the Superhumans are the dominant species. After being inspired by the stories of the Golden Age of Heroes specific the Super Squad, a team of tomorrow was born.
FREEDOM WARRIORS: (Freedom Fighters + New Warriors)
Night Patriot/Sam Taylor (Uncle Sam + Night Thrasher)
FirebringeAngelica Reilly (Firebrand + Firestar)
Osprey/Nita Kendall (Black Condor II + Namorita)
Chain Reaction/Robbie Franklin (Human Bomb II + Speedball)
Micro Man/Zachary Dane (Doll Man II + Microbe)
Apollo/Vance Terrill (The Ray II + Justice)
Lady Silhouette/Sandra Chord (Phantom Lady + Silhouette)
Iron Rage/Elvin Munro (Iron Munro + Rage)
After seeing his parents killed in front of him at young age, Sam Taylor knew that it was time for a change. He would use family's wealth to train himself to near perfection as he got older while maintaining his charity organization. His hard work would pay off when the Spirit of America chose him as it's next avatar, giving him superhuman abilities. Night Patriot would patrol the dark streets on his own until he formed and financed his own super team.
TEEN MUTANTS: (Teen Titans + New Mutants)
Torpedo/Sam Emerson (Damage + Cannonball)
Kismet/Xi'an Joi Wilson (Jericho + Karma)
Heatspot/Isaiah Da Costa (Hotspot + Sunspot)
HarbingeDemonchylde/Rakhil Rasputina (Raven/Demon Raven+ Magik/Darkchylde)
Gridlock/Douglas Stone (Cyborg/Grid + CipheWarlock)
Wolfpath/Rahne Mendez (Pantha + Wolfsbane)
Warbeast/James Wildstar (Baby Wildebeest + Warpath)
Sparks/Jubilee Hawkins (Static + Jubilee)
Lava/Amara Markov (Terra + Magma)
Moonspin/Daphne Moonspin (Dorothy Spinner + Mirage)
FortifieHisako Barragan (Bunker + Armor)
R-23/Scavager II/Rose Kinney (Rose Wilson + Laura Kinney)
The first graduating class of the X-Academy grouped up and formed The Teen Mutants.
YOUNG CHAMPIONS: (Young Justice + Champions)
Red Arachnid/Miles Drake (Red Robin/Tim Drake + Miles Morales)
Ms. StaKourtney Khan (Stargirl + Ms. Marvel)
Green Rocket/Samantha Cruz (Jessica Cruz + Sam Alexander)
Psi-Boy/Connor Richards
StingeBart Pym (Impulse + Nadia Van Dyne)
Mister Martian/Ted Morse (Miss Martian + Hulkling)
Viv Vortex (Red Tornado Earth 2 + Vivian Vision)
Pulse/Mia Williams (Speedy + Ironheart)
Patriot Girl/Cassie Bradley (Wondergirl/Cassie Sandsmark + Patriot/Eli Bradley)
Blue Falcon/Jaime Torres (Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes + Falcon II/Joaquin Torres)
ATOMIC/Amadeus Kho (OMAC/Kevin Kho + Amadeus Cho)
Missile/Raquel Chavez (Rocket + America Chavez)
After countless fighting between the adult superheroes, a group of teenage heroes decided to take matters into their own hands. The original team consisted of Red Arachnid, Ms. Star, Green Rocket, Stinger, and Psi-Boy.
THE SAVAGES: (The Outlaws + Savage Avengers/Thunderbolts 2013)
Red Vain/Jason Thompson (Red Hood + Agent Venom)
U.S. Amazon/Artemis Walker (Artemis + U.S.Agent)
Brunt/Richards Kent (Bizarro + Brute)
Poolnoodle/Wade "Eel" O'Brien (Plastic Man + Deadpool)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamaahiro (Katana+ Elektra Natchios)
El Fantasma/Chato Reyes (El Diablo/Chato Santana + Ghost RideRobbie Reyes)
ExecutioneAdrian Castle (Vigilante/Adrian Chase + Punisher)
Armory/Roy Rhodes (Arsenal + War Machine)
Ka-Mandi/Travis Plunder (Warlord/Kamandi + Ka-Zar)
Huli Jing (Cheshire + Domino)
Deathclaw/Slade Howlett (Deathstroke + Wolverine)
Red General/Wade Ross (The General + Red Hulk)
Red Vain formed his own lethal strike force team after learning that several villains were arms dealing in the Skavage Land and decided to put an end to it.
METAL PACK: (Metal Men + Power Pack)
Gold/Alexander Magnum (Gold + Zero G)
Platinum/Katherine Magnum (Platinum + Energizer)
Iron/Jack Magnum (Iron + Mass Master)
Tin/Franklin Magnum (Tin + Tattletale)
Lead/Whitley Magnum (Lead + Kofi Whitmane)
Mercury/Julie Magnum (Mercury + Lightspeed)
Bolivar Magnum suffered the loss of his children due to a violent Meta-Mutant and in his grief, he created artificially intelligent robot children. Each robot child represents a different metal from the periodic table which makes them formidable against any kind of threat. Magnum filled their heads with xenophobia towards Meta-Mutants and set them after the X-Patrol. After a heart to heart exchange from Beastling, the Metal Pack turned on their father and became allies to the X-Patrol, before Magnum self destructed them.
THE FOUNDATION: (Superman's Authority + Future Foundation)
Mr. Super
Sun Brand/Andrew Connell (Starbrand/Ken Connell + Apollo)
Midnight Mask/Keith Trent (Midnighter + Nightmask)
Succubus/DevoureBobbi Moon (Enchantress + Sentry)
Miss Scrapmetal/Natasha Deering (Steel II/Natasha Irons + Miss Thing/Darla Deering)
Lightfox/Seros (Lightray + Starfox)
Moleculon/Nathaniel Reece (Neutron + Molecule Man)
Hooligan/Manchester Braddock (Manchester Black + Psylocke)
Grokk, the Living Dragon (Grokk, the Living Gargoyle + Dragon Man)
After the superhero and Meta-Mutant community were divided after much infighting, Mr. Super knew that the world still needed a super team to keep humanity safe. He and Scrapmetal went recruiting various super people who fit the cause.
THE NEW SUPER SQUAD (Not really an amalgam but I still wanted to add it)
Martian Hulk
Deathclaw/Slade Howlett (Deathstroke + Wolverine)
After the Super Squad disappeared after an invention created by Alexander Von Doom, an emergency team was called in. Though the four heroes didn't see eye to eye, they made one hell of a team.
submitted by BrodaciousPhantom to Amalgam_Comics [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:37 prpro-03 I think it's time for another 2010 to happen (at least for voice actors that are still here since 2010)!

I think it's time for another 2010 to happen (at least for voice actors that are still here since 2010)! submitted by prpro-03 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:34 sydneyghibli To the Reddit user who introduced to me the idea of using tacky to keep all my thrifted tchotchkes in place and safe from cat destruction, may your pillows always be cold. 1 month with zero casualties.

To the Reddit user who introduced to me the idea of using tacky to keep all my thrifted tchotchkes in place and safe from cat destruction, may your pillows always be cold. 1 month with zero casualties. submitted by sydneyghibli to ThriftStoreHauls [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 06:52 BrodaciousPhantom THE URBAN SIDE OF AMALGAMVERSE #979A

Arachknight/Pete Wayne (Batman + Spider-Man)
New Gotham Guild (Gotham Knights + Web-Warriors)
WeaveNight-SpideBen Grayson (Nightwing + Scarlet SpideBen Reilly)
Web-Girl/Ghost/Gwen Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle + Spider-Gwen/Madame Web)
Agent Red/Jason Thompson (Red Hood + Agent Venom)
Red Arachnid/Miles Drake (Red Robin + Miles Morales)
WeaveDamian Kaine (Damian Wayne + Kaine)
Black SpideCassandra Moon (Orphan + Silk)
Arachnia/Jessica Kane (Batwoman/Katherine Kane + Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew)
Web-Girl III/Hunting SpideMayday Wayne (Helena Wayne + Mayday Parker)
Web-GlideDhavit Prabhakar (Batwing/David Zavimbe + Spider-Man India/Pavitr Prabhakar)
Diode/Margo Thomas (Signal + Spider-Byte)
Web-Girl II/Carrie Corazon (Carrie Kelly + Araña)
Arachknight and his Guild patrol the cities of New Gotham and Queenhaven (Gotham + New York) (Bludhaven + Queens)
Paladin/Jean Paul SpectoMichael Grant/Jake Lane (Azrael/Jean Paul Valley/Michael Lane + Moon Knight/Marc SpectoStephen Grant/Jake Lane)
CophunteHobie Pham (Clownhunter + Spider-Punk/Hobie Brown)
Fortune/Sarah Brown (Spoiler + Jackpot/Sara Ehret)
Arachknight 2099/Miguel McGuinness (Batman Beyond + Spider-Man 2099)
Bogey/Ryder Mulligan (Creeper + Toxin)
Heart-Attack/Elias Khan (Ghostmaker + Cardiac)
Wraith/Yin Watanabe (Ellen Yin + Yuri Watanabe)
New Gotham Police Department (GCPD + NYPD)
Commissioner George Gordon (Commissioner Gordon + Captain Stacy)
Stanley Bullock (Harvey Bullock + Stanley Carter)
NGPD's Finest
The Daily Gazette (Gotham Gazette + Daily Bugle)
Gillian J.B. Jameson (Gillian B. Loeb + J. Jonah Jameson)
Ned Bennett (Ethan Bennett + Ned Leeds)
Victoria "Vicki" Brant (Vicki Vale + Betty Brant)
The Daily Gazette's staff
Wayne Industries (Wayne Enterprise + Parker Industries)
Lucius Robertson (Lucius Fox + Robbie Robertson)
The Moth/Luke Robertson (Batwing/Luke Fox + The Hornet/Randy Robertson)
The Robertsons run Wayne Industries while Arachknight focuses on crme fighting.
Mary St. Cloud (Silver St. Cloud + Mary Jane)
Uncle Ben Pennyworth (Alfred Pennyworth + Uncle Ben)
May Thompkins-Pennyworth (Leslie Thompkins + May Parker)
Lacey the Spider-Hound (Ace the Bathound + Ms. Lion)
BIRDS OF LIBERTY: (Birds of Prey + Daughters of Liberty)
Black Raven/Dinah Romanova (Black Canary + Black Widow)
Crosshairs/Helena Bishop (Huntress + Kate Bishop)
Black Spider
Pursuit/Mercedes "Misty" Montoya (Question/Renne Montoya + Misty Knight)
Judo Wing/Colleen Sato (JudomasteSonia Sato + Colleen Wing)
Agent SmasheKatarina "Cheesecake" Armstrong (Spysmasher + Agent Cheesecake)
Owl/Hank Johnson (Hawk + Cloak)
Lark/Dawn Bowen (Dove + Dagger)
Lady Hawk/Zinda Livingston (Lady Blackhawk + Laura Livingston)
Wild TigeAva Montez (Wildcat/Yolanda Montez + White TigeAva Ayala)
Originally formed by the superheroine trio of Web-Girl, Black Raven, & Crosshairs; these vigilantes bring justice to various cities such as New Gotham and Metropia
MAVERICKS: (Outsiders+Manhattan Defenders/Heroes For Hire)
Hellstrike/Jeff Murdock (Black Lightning + Daredevil)
Element Man/Luke Mason/Rex Cage (Metamorpho + Luke Cage)
Fist of Fate/Kent Rand (Dr. Fate + Iron Fist)
Grace Jones (Grace Choi + Jessica Jones)
Ninjutsu/Elektra Yamashiro (Katana + Elektra)
Shen Long (Richard Dragon + Shang Chi)
Siren/Gabrielle Lopez (Halo + Echo)
Alleycat/Felicia Kyle (Catwoman + Black Cat)
Captain Thunderstrike/Freddy Masterson (Captain Marvel Jr. + Thunderstrike)
Silver Strata/Brion Sablinova (Geo-Force + Silver Sable)
Locomotive/Eric Alvarez (Freight Train + Powerman/Victor Alvarez)
EspeHeather Briggs (Looker + Moondragon)
Hell's Slum (Suicide Slums + Hell's Kitchen)
Harland (Freeland + Harlem
Metropia (Metropolis + Latveria)
City of Kun'bat (Nanda Parbat + Kun'Lun)
Tower of Immortality (Tower of Fate + Tree of Immortality)
Symkovia (Markovia + Symkaria)
Night DoctoLinda Balcescu (Crime Doctor + Night Nurse) The team's personal doctor
Peter Gambit (Peter Gambi + Stick) Hellstrike's adopted blind father who taught him martial arts, he's also a tailor.
After the arrest of White Whale, Metropia soon found itself under the deadly hold of the supernatural terrorist group known as The Thousand Hands. They were eventually pushed back by the original formation of Hellstrike, Element Man, Fist of Fate, Grace Jones, and Ninjutsu.
ExecutioneAdrian Castle (Vigilante/Adrian Chase + Punisher)
ExecutioneBurt Welles (Alan Welles + Hitman/Burt Kenyon)
ExecutioneDave Cruz (Dave Winston + Carlos Cruz)
ExecutioneLynn Trayce (Patricia Trayce + Lynn Michaels)
ExecutioneNigel Powell (Justin Powell + Outlaw/Nigel Higgins)
ExecutioneRachel Chase (Dorian Chase + Rachel Cole)
HackeLinus Marshall (Hacker Files + Microchip)
Bloodshot/J.R. DuBois (Bloodsport + Shotgun)
Hit-Monke/Tommy Monaghan (HitMan + Hit Monkey)
Mr. Chance/Bryce Chance (Human Target/Christopher Chance + Bryce Fowler)
Peace/Christopher Bourne (Peacemaker + Solo)
Pitbull/Eddie Wheeler (Wild Dog + Payback)
Arkhamcroft Asylum (Arkham Asylum + Ravencroft Institute)
Holiday/Julian Turner (Calendar Man + Mindworm)
Tophat/Maynard Tetch (Mad Hatter + Ringmaster)
Hugo Warren (Hugo Strange + Jackal)
Tengu/Elliot Osborne (Hush + Harry Osborne)
The Tinkerer and Scarface/Phineas Wesker (The Ventriloquist/Scarface + The Tinkerer)
CleaveCletus Zsasz (Victor Zsasz + Carnage)
Wail/Margaret Barrison (Magpie + Shriek)
Vampire/Dr. Kirk Morbius (Man-Bat + Morbius)
The Asylum Six (Arkham Asylum Inmates + Sinister Six)
Doctor Nautilus/Otto Fries (Mr. Freeze + Doctor Octopus)
Doctor Nautilus/Otto Fries (Mr. Freeze + Doctor Octopus)
Crow/Adrian Crane (Scarecrow + Vulture)
Zeus/Maximilian Dillion (Maxie Zeus + Electro)
Enigma/Quentin Nashton (Riddler + Mysterio)
Clayman/Basil Baker (Clayface + Sandman)
Shock Wave/Lester Schultz (Electrocutioner + Shocker)
GatoWaylon Connors (Killer Croc+Lizard)
Carcass/Solomon Systevich (Solomon Grundy + Rhino)
Duality/Harvey Li (Two Face + Mr. Negative)
DeathstalkeMac Lynns (Firefly + Scorpion)
Innocent/Jane Smerdyakov (Jane Doe + Chameleon)
Blackgate Island (Blackgate Penitentiary + Ryker's Island)
Ezekiel Cain (David Cain + Ezekiel Sims)
The Outlaw/Aaron Armstrong (The General/Anarky II + The ProwleAaron Davis)
Iceberg/Lonnie Cobblepot (Penguin + Tombstone)
The Hint/Aaron Brown (Cluemaster + The Answer)
Getaway Sticks/Montgomery Day (Getaway Mastermind + Stilt-Man)
Silver Thorne/Silvio Thorne (Rupert Thorne + Silvermane)
Falcone Maggia (Falcone Crime Family + Maggia)
Vincent "Don Roman" Falcone (Carmine Falcone + Don Vincente Fortunato)
Giacomo "Gimmy-6" Falcone (Mario Falcone + Giacomo "Jimmy-6" Fortunato)
Valentine/Richard Falcone (Holiday/Alberto Falcone + Rose/Richard Fisk)
Crime Designer (The Designer + Crimemaster)
Blockhead/Roland Martello (Blockbuster II + Hammerhead)
Johnny Jigsaw/Johnny Russo (Johnny Stitches + Jigsaw)
Mafioso/Foswell Sionis (Black Mask + Big Man)
Enforcers Three (Terrible Trio + Enforcers)
Fancy Fox/Daniel Lawford (Fox + Fancy Dan)
Ostrich Montana (Jackson Lydecker) (Vulture + Montana)
Shark/Raymond Hardwick (Shark + Ox)
Belle Raft (Belle Reve + The Raft)
Vain/Eduardo Brock (Bane + Venom)
Nightshade/Adriana Isley (Poison Ivy + Spider-Queen)
Spotlight/Abner Ohnn (Polka Dot Man + The Spot)
Dr. Molt/Mark Sartorius (Dr. Phospherous + Molten Man)
Rodent/Otis Whelan (Ratcatcher + Vermin)
Lion/Thomas Blake Fireheart (Catman + Puma)
Killer Bug/Drury Jenkins (Killer Moth + Beetle)
Blindspot/Dex Lawton (Deadshot + Bullseye)
Slayer Court (Court of Owls + Spider-Slayers)
Lincoln Smythe (Lincoln March + Spencer Smythe)
Tarantula/William Smythe (Talon/William Cobb + Ultimate Spider-SlayeAlistair Smythe)
Guild of Shadows (League of Assassins + The Assassins Guild)
Kraven Al Ghul (Ra's Al Ghul + Kraven the Hunter)
Ana Al Ghul (Talia Al Ghul + Anastasia Kravinoff)
Pesticide/Damian Kaine Clone (Heretic + Spidercide)
The Gremlin/Jack Osborne (Joker + Green Goblin)
Harley Goblin/Harleen Kingsley (Harley Quinn + Hobgoblin)
Kaos/Gabriel Machin (Anarky + Kindred/Gabriel Stacy)
The Gremlin's DaughteSarah Dent (Joker's Daughter + Sarah Stacy)
Phooka/Alexis Urich (Punchline + Green Goblin/Phil Urich)
White Whale/Tobias Fisk (Tobias Whale + Kingpin)
Typhoid/Sy Walker (Syonide + Typhoid Mary)
FearmongeDelbert Cranston (Spellbinder + Mister FeaLawrence Cranston)
Warbomb/Simpson (Wardog + Nuke)
Cornell Stagg (Simon Stagg + Cottonmouth)
Back Tattoo/Mark Stryker (Tattooed Man + Diamondback)
Golden Man/Roger Killgrave (Psycho Pirate + Purple Man)
The Thousand Hands (The 1000 + The Hand)
submitted by BrodaciousPhantom to Amalgam_Comics [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:26 OkSea4017 Hello! I recently wrote an essay about the Troubled Teen Industry for my high school Capstone project. I was wondering if you all would be willing to read it and give me feedback! It doesn’t have to be much, just any general comments or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!

I hope this letter finds you well. To begin, I was drawn to this topic through social media posts that shared dozens of records detailing the abuse and deaths of hundreds of children in these therapy programs. I have often wondered, how can these programs be allowed to cause this amount of trauma to teens and children? This inspired me to look deeper into the troubled teen industry and understand why paid “caregivers” have put so many in danger. If we want to protect the wellbeing of these teens, we must find a solution to regulating these industries. Without increased laws and regulations we continue to place America’s children into potential death traps. Now what is a wilderness therapy program? Wilderness therapy programs, on the surface, seem like a promising solution for troubled teens, offering a blend of nature immersion and psychiatric support. However, the roots of the troubled teen industry date back to the 1970s, with reports of abuse surfacing early on. Shockingly, despite decades of outcry and documentation of fatalities, political inertia persists, and federal oversight remains lacking. It is understandable that parents want their children to be happy, respectful, and well-mannered. However, in an attempt to do what is right for their struggling child, parents may turn to the troubled teen industry. Currently, according to the American Bar Association, there are thousands of teenagers in these programs within the U.S, programs that often induce trauma and abuse, even causing the deaths of their children. So, why do parents continue to put their children into these programs? Is the fear of losing the “perfect” family leading parents to enrolling their children into these troubled teens’ wilderness programs? So why do parents enroll their children in these awful facilities? Simple answer: manipulation. The troubled teen industry (TTI) often manipulates parents through a series of insidious tactics. For instance, leveraging fear by exaggerating the risks associated with a child's behavior and creating a sense of imminent danger. Isolation tactics further reinforce this urgency, convincing parents that the facility is their sole recourse. These industries hire workers framed as “education consultants” that utilize high-pressure sales strategies to exploit parental anxiety, and present their TTI program as the only viable option. In an article by USAtoday, reporters held interviews of parents and teens who experienced a TTI program at Evoke, a Utah facility. "I was just an anxious mom. I loved (Katelyn) to death," Tessie, Katelyn’s mom, says, "I was so desperate and desperately wanting to save my child from herself" (USAtoday). Programs offer promises of rapid transformation and they prey on parental desperation for quick, easy fixes. Emotional manipulation adds another layer, playing on a parents guilt and insecurity. By showcasing selective success stories and controlling information flow, they obscure potential risks and alternatives. Stigmatizing the child's behavior further pressures parents into compliance, painting their facility as the sole refuge from societal judgment. "’[Evoke] just made it seem like (she was) such a rotten kid and that she couldn't come home after the wilderness program,’ Tessie says, instead [Evoke suggested] Katelyn go to an aftercare program” (USAtoday). In this web of manipulation, parents often find themselves coerced into decisions they later regret, unaware of the nuanced realities obscured by these tactics. In an article from the “Cafemoms” blog titled My Daughter Was a Victim of the 'Troubled Teen' Industry & It Haunts Me to This Day, a mother recounts her perspective of the tactics used by Island View (IV) treatment center to send her sixteen year old daughter to their facilities. “We trusted the [education consultant] when he said IV was the best program in the country and the best fit for Colleen. What the [education consultant] didn’t tell us was that the reason so many IV grads did so well after graduation is because nearly all of them went straight from IV to another residential treatment”(Cafemoms). Despite this, there is still hope for change. Imprint News wrote an article that focused on recent protests and youth advocates who were pushing congress to introduce new laws. Specifically, they discussed the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act. A main advocacy group aiming at these lawmakers is Breaking Code Silence, a group dedicated to advocating for young people who had experienced harm in a youth treatment center (Imprint News). Their main goal is to pass a Bill of Rights for all children in youth treatment centers (Imprint News). The article also mentions that Breaking Code Silence wants children to have guaranteed protection from physical restraint and monitored phone calls. They further require that children are provided with all the basic necessities (Imprint News). Paris Hilton, a well-known celebrity, discussed in a Washington post article when she was 16 years old when she was taken from her home by two men. This was a result of her parents signing her up for a teen wilderness program (Hilton). Hilton describes that she was beaten and malnourished throughout her time at a Utah Facility. In October 2021, she partnered with Breaking Code Silence and pushed for a reform that was signed into law last April (Hilton). In Utah, it is now mandatory for treatment centers to document any time that staff used physical restraint (Hilton). Immediately following they have to submit these reports to the Utah Office of Licensing (Hilton). It also prohibits programs from sedating residents or using mechanical restraints, such as handcuffs and chains (Hilton). Therefore, this proves that reforms can be implemented and that it is important to continue the fight for more. Without regulations these programs can run rampant and place hundreds of children in danger. Continuing to protest, collaborate with government officials, and raise awareness can, and will, eventually stop the persistence of these programs. Enforcing reports and proper care through the law is the only way to give teens struggling with mental illnesses in these programs a fighting chance to recover. On the other hand, supporters of the troubled teen industry have used studies and research to prove the effectiveness of these programs, one example being RedCliff Ascent. RedCliff Ascent is a wilderness therapy program that claims the effectiveness of wilderness therapy. In 2005, this company hired a researcher to study families and adolescents 2 years after the program. The results found that over 90% of adolescents found wilderness therapy as effective and 83% of adolescents were doing better. In another study by Dr. Steve Aldana, it was found that 91.4% of children experienced clinically significant improvement six months post program. The counter argument presented by RedCliff Ascent is not only biased as the research was initiated from a wilderness therapy company, but they do not provide a sample size. This is important because when making conclusive statements such as “Over 90% of adolescents contacted perceived wilderness therapy as effective” they could be talking about six out of seven children or two hundred out of two hundred twenty (RedCliff Ascent). Through further research, the same results can be presented without the use of wilderness therapy. An article by the American Psychology Association (APA) titled “Better options for troubled teens” presents a series of studies and programs that was created to help adolescents. These programs focus on community-based activities, activities to help connect teenagers with their parents, and activities that align with the teens interests. This includes computer labs, dance studios, and machine shops. These programs have found significant success in decreasing the amount of juvenile offenders from 50% to 4% in an area of Connecticut (APA). It did this by helping teens take accountability and understand their actions. It utilized role play, writing assignments, and guided discussions between the teens. Overall, the troubled teen industry has caused abuse, trauma, and death to many children across the United States. It is a trap for children and a trick for desperate parents. Through the personal stories from teens and parents, reports of mistreatment, and protests it can easily be seen the impact and the importance of preventing this industry from expanding, instead increasing regulations and transparency to protect America’s children. To keep these children safe it is imperative that everyone works together to enact legislation. Your support matters to keep America’s children protected.
Sincerely, A high school student trying to make positive change
Works Cited Brennan, Caleb, et al. “Youth Advocates Again Push Congress to Crack Down on ‘Troubled Teen’ Industry.” The Imprint, 19 Aug. 2022, Date Accessed Mar. 2 imprintnews.org/top-stories/youth-advocates-congress-troubled-teen-industry/67243.
DeAngelis, Tori. “Better Options for Troubled Teens.” https://www.apa.org, www.apa.org/monito2011/12/troubled-teens. Accessed Feb. 19
Hilton, Paris. “America’s ‘Troubled Teen Industry’ Needs Reform so Kids Can Avoid the Abuse I Endured.” Washington Post, 22 Oct. 2021, Date Accessed Feb. 5 www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/10/18/paris-hilton-child-care-facilities-a Buse-reform.
Krebs, Catherine E. Five Facts About the Troubled Teen Industry. 22 Oct. 2021 Date Accessed Apr. 23 www.americanbar.org/groups/litigation/resources/newsletters/childrens-rights/five-facts-about-troubled-teen-industry.
Moniuszko, Sara M. “Wilderness therapy was supposed to help these ‘troubled teens.’ It traumatized them instead.” UsaToday, 8 Dec. 2022, Date Accessed Apr. 15 www.usatoday.com/in-depth/life/health-wellness/2022/12/08/wilderness-therapy-troubled-teen-industry/9890694002.
Parenting, baby names, celebrities, and royal news CafeMom.com. 14 Oct. 2022, Date Accessed Apr. 19 https://cafemom.com/parenting/troubled-teen-industry-island-view
RedCliff Ascent. “Does Wilderness Therapy Work?” Wilderness Therapy for Teens Needing Mental Health Treatment RedCliff Ascent, 10 Jan. 2023, Date Acessed Feb. 21 www.redcliffascent.com/wilderness-therapy-program/does-wilderness-therapy-work
submitted by OkSea4017 to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:07 m_plis An idea to help with early-S3 progression: S3 booster packs

I think one of the worst aspects of the early S3 experience is that it can take a long time to collect enough new cards that you can actually build a new, viable deck. The free S3 card is nice when you're just one card away from building a deck you want to play, but isn't ideal when you want 2-3 cards that work together. It can be especially frustrating when you start unlocking S4/S5 cards but are missing several of the complementary pieces for their decks.
So my idea would be for SD to provide several 5-card booster packs that contain synergistic cards and allow players to choose one for free. Here are a few package ideas I put together (some are a stretch, but I tried to avoid duplicates):
Today, even if you really want to pick up and play S5 cards like Loki or Annihilus, you either have to play suboptimal versions of their decks or spend 2-3 months picking up the complementary pieces through free cards and natural progression. With these, players could immediately start playing new archetypes that can compete with players that have much larger collections and have some more direction as they start building out their collections.
This could be introduced today and would benefit newer players more since they'd have fewer cards in their collection, they would have minimal impact on how quickly players complete S3, and it could be a rotating option in the shop since SD seems to love doing that.
submitted by m_plis to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:40 arunavaskar I faught my urge to smoking. This book helped

14 hours ago i smoked a pack of cigarettes and that was the last ones https://www.reddit.com/stopsmoking/s/3ZvgbNw2ot
Then I face my biggest cravings and faught it hard and succeeded https://www.reddit.com/stopsmoking/s/xusww5YUI9
submitted by arunavaskar to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:54 Kitchen_Monk_6912 Books in train! Made my day

Books in train! Made my day submitted by Kitchen_Monk_6912 to Kochi [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:50 TELMxWILSON FRESH TUNES of the week! Teddy Killerz, Enei & DRS, Tim Reaper, Zero T, Repill, Danny Byrd & S.P.Y, Culrure Shock and more.. Reviews for two new shooting stars in neuro & tech [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 20)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/ 1clj4km
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Skrimor - Boogie Woogie / Club Girl [Evolution Chamber]

Recommended if you like: Gydra, Punchman, Absu_NTQL
You know what we should talk more about on here? Neurofunk. Not even joking, the last proper Neuro spotlight here has been months ago, and frankly I cannot stand for this injustice anymore. So let's talk about Neuro's biggest shooting star of recent times: Skrimor!
Dzmitry Vilchytski, the Warsaw-based man behind the incredible project, is one of those people whose music isn't just well-produced and hard-hitting, he is also able to effortlessly tap into that fun, cheeky Eastern European energy that makes you want to get up from your deep slav squat and get movin'. This combo of technical prowess and musical diversity with a healthy chunk of Neuropunk attitude immediately convinced a ton of established artists across the subgenre, leading to one release after the other on Neuropunk (of course), Eatbrain and Korsakov, shortly after Garud from Teddy Killerz started working as their label A&R, plus remixes for Jade, Gydra and, well, Teddy Killerz.
That kinda omnipresence, plus all the support across the scene, almost makes you forget that his journey as Skrimor only started a little bit more than a year ago somehow?! Sure, his artist bio expands on his background a bit more and talks about how he's been involved with music since 2005, when he played in a Nu-Metal band, saw the dubstep/dnb/bass music light in 2007 while in Vilnius, graduated in 2012 and explored electronic music some more in Poland. But then, 11 years of nothing later and bam, a sick debut release on NickBee's Axon Records kicking off an avalanche that the Neuro scene hasn't seen in a while, and apparently isn't gonna stop anytime soon. Case in point: Now, after debuting on the label's wonderful Transmissions compilation series just a couple weeks back, Dzmitry is once again returning to Magnetude's, Task Horizon's and Receptor's one and only Evolution Chamber to deliver two slices of his infamously, undeniably, certifiedly raw material to the masses: Boogie Woogie / Club Girl.
We kick this one-two-punch off with a mantra to conquer any of your everyday problems: Boogie Woogie. Train delayed? Boogie woogie. Waiter brought you the wrong food? Boogie woogie. Wife divorcing you? Boogie that damn woogie already! To help us all achieve this serene state of boogie-woogie-ing, Skrimor brings us only the crunchiest of chugger basslines, propelled forward by some heavy drums, with an incredibly funky combination of cheekily distorted neuro stabs and the titular vocal mantra adding that extra bit of spice on top. Not yet enough for you to get your butt movin'? Alright, then let's go straight to the Club, Girl! To get even the laziest mofo up from their seats, Skrimor brings out the big guns: only the dirtiest of 8th note chuggy basses that even briefly turns into 4x4 later on, only the largest of neuro whomp melodies and, most importantly, only the catchiest, earwormiest vocal of the year, if not the decade! Might sound simple, but trust me, this one is a bop. Sometimes less is (Skri)more, after all.
I'm genuinely obsessed with the raw energy Skrimor is bringing to the scene lately. Even after a ton of sick output in the past year, I'm still skriming for more.
Other neuro from this week: - Redpill - The Chase EP - PAIN - Push The Pusher (Zardonic Remix) - Teddy Killerz - Do U L Me - Mean Teeth - Bring Back The Funk Remixed Part 1 - Perplex - The Basilisk - JIROBASS - Izolite / Carbon 💎

2. Aegis - Pressure & Existential 💎 [DIVIDID]

Recommended if you like: Buunshin, Maysev, Emperor
Now for a debut release that's putting all sorts of established artists to shame: Aegis, with his double single Pressure & Existential.
While this actually is the first officially released Aegis production that I am aware of, which automatically makes this our Hidden Gem Of The Week™️, the rabbit hole does of course go way deeper than that. Residing in the North Brabantian metropolis Tilburg, Nederlander Joppe Damstra has been involved in music-related endeavours since he was in the Dutch equivalent of high school. Whether it was playing in bands like Young Spirit, Locked Out or Rabble, organising events of his own, most notably the band battle tournament Fame Game in 2018 and the Save The Night events, or interning at Korsakov from 2019 to 2020, Joppe undeniably has always had an unstoppable drive to become an integral part of the music scene at large, in every possible corner. As you can maybe already tell, over time, the love for all things electronic outgrew everything else. Not only was he laying down some crazy DnBeats at some of those events, either under his real name or as BMBRMN (bomberman?), he also kept himself busy working all sorts of label operations jobs at Dimensional Music.
For our purposes though, the really interesting part begins just slightly after all that, in 2022. On the one hand, because he became part of the team at ABIS' incredible DIVIDID label as both their Event Manager and resident DJ, on the other, because that's when Aegis was finally born! Across a proper onslaught of insanely sick DIVIDID label nights, Joppe jumped on the decks in places like Vienna, Bristol, Lyon, Maribor and all over Germany and the Netherlands, converting one city after another to Aegisism, with a slew of DIVIDID dubs and, eventually, even his own creations. I remember one day last year I was supposed to go to their takeover in Berlin's VOID club, something I had been hyped about for ages (or should I say aeges), but because my body simply said no, my friend ended up going alone. When they came back the next morning, there was one thing they couldn't stop raving about: that Aegis dude. After finally experiencing his selections myself a couple months later, I can now see what they were on about - dude is a wizard. Now, with his debut release finally released, we can see if his wizardry also extends to production!
I'm happy to report that it absolutely does! Pressure opens up pandoraegis' box of destruction rather beautifully, with ominous synths constantly ringing in your ears, a delightfully eery vocal haunting you in your dreams, explosive basses going off in your face and incredibly intricate, fierce drumwork working up an actual wildfire of a storm - what a crazy introduction into the scene! As if that wasn't already huge enough, we've also got Existential on the flipside doing serious damage. Whereas the opener was still strangely lovely, this one is just downright evil. Especially that otherworldly lead synth is filled to the brim with menacing energy, but the back and forth we're getting on the drop, where the unrelenting ratatatat is interrupted by a somehow even more sinister, proper all-encompassing bassline - that shit is just ridiculous man.
I'm having problems finding puns stupid enough to fully articulate my love for this insane debut release. I'm having Aegissues, one might even say. Genuinely though: This is a crazy-good first release and I cannot wait to see what else Aegis will accomplish in the future!
Other techy things from this week: - Various Artists - Antimatter:2 EP 💎 - Misanthrop - Open World EP - Onetral - Flow 💎 - VENAL - Metamorphosis 💎 (only found these two recently)

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:02 cassius1213 [Thank You] Please Forgive Me, It's Been a Long Six Weeks

Good evening, ladies, gentlemen & nonbinary friends!
Let me lead here by apologizing; it's been a long six weeks here in the Emerald City and that's caused me to be remiss with my thanks to the community!
So, without any further ado, thank you to each of the following individuals:
And finally, thank you very much to raspberrypoppyseed—USPS worked their magic: the missing, misaddressed card!
Again, thank you all very much for your cards & thank you all for being members of the /RandomActsofCards community!
Otherwise, I'll try to be less delinquent with my thanks in the future... 😅
submitted by cassius1213 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:51 AC_the_Panther_007 MCU: The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and The Defenders vs. Ultron (with All six infinity stones; What If...)

MCU's The Avengers: Iron Man, Captain America (Steve Rogers), Thor, Hulk (Dr. Bruce Banner aka Smart Hulk), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Falcon (Sam Wilson), War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Vision (White Vision), Black Panther (T'Challa), Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes), Ant-Man (Scott Lang), Wasp (Hope van Dyne), Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Racoon, Groot, Yondu, Nebula, Mantis, Kraglin, and Cosmo the Spacedog
MCU's The Defenders: Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, Elektra, Misty Knight, and Colleen Wing
Other MCU Heroes: Rescue (Pepper Potts), Wong, Valkyrie, Korg, Shuri, Okoye, and M'Baku
Ultron (with All six infinity stones (Power, Space, Reality, Soul, Time, and Mind (from What If...)) and 500,000 Ultron Sentinels
Who would win the battle?
submitted by AC_the_Panther_007 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:25 SecretDuckMafia Product Recommendations Needed

Hi all! I recently started a new job with early morning starting hours. I'd like to look nice when I arrive to work, but won’t have the time to do a full face.
About me: Pale, cool toned Oily, but controlled/clear acne prone skin
I need recommendations for easy products to throw on. It would be great if said products were drugstore, but if the product is a “holy grail” then I’d be open to investing.
I’m interested in trying products like the Dr Jart Cicapair treatment because it seems efficient in brightening without feeling like makeup. Does anyone recommend this, or have similar recommendations?
I’m also wondering if there is a similar product to the Dr Jart but for under eyes? I’ve heard the colleen rothschild illuminating eye cream is good. Again, has anyone tried this, or does anyone have similar product recommendations?
Wearing concealebase makeup early in the morning with power feels too heavy for me, and I need the convenience of a product to realistically use it. Ideally, it would be great if I didn’t have to set the product.
Thank you!🫶
submitted by SecretDuckMafia to Makeup [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:36 AC_the_Panther_007 90s Marvel Cinematic Universe TV Series on Showtime Fancast (1995-1999; Rated TV-MA) (Version 3)

Distributed by Touchstone Television and Showtime.

Daredevil (1995-1998):
George Clooney as Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Courtney Thorne-Smith as Karen Page
Judd Nelson as Franklin "Foggy" Nelson
William Baldwin as James Wesley
Yaphet Kotto as Ben Urich
Dean Stockwell as Leland Owlsley
Mercedes Ruehl as Vanessa Marianna-Fisk
Victoria Rowell as Dr. Claire Temple
Brian Dennehy as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin
Bruce Willis as Frank Castle/Punisher
Carl Lumbly as Blake Tower
Laura San Giacomo as Elektra Natchios/Elektra
Stockard Channing as Maggie Grace
Aasif Mandvi as Rahul "Ray" Nadeem
Robert Downey Jr. as Benjamin PoindexteBullseye
Jack Palance as Stick

Jessica Jones (1995-1999):
Marisa Tomei as Jessica Jones
Ving Rhames as Luke Cage
Bridget Fonda as Patricia "Trish" Walker
Matt Dillon as Frank Simpson
Bridgette Wilson-Sampras as Hope Shlottman
Khalil Kain as Malcolm Ducasse
Anne Archer as Jeri Hogarth
Charles Shaughnessy as Kilgrave
Benjamin Bratt as Oscar Arocho
Dennis Dun as Pryce Cheng
Embeth Davidtz as Inez Green
Faye Dunaway as Alisa Jones
David Schwimmer as Erik Gelden
Adrienne Barbeau as Kith Lyonne
Matthew Modine as Gregory Sallinger
Cynda Williams as Zaya Okonjo

Luke Cage (1996-1998):
Ving Rhames as Luke Cage
Clifton Powell as Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes
Stacey Dash as Mercedes "Misty" Knight
Andy García as Hernan "Shades" Alvarez
Julius Carry III as Willis StrykeDiamondback
Victoria Rowell as Dr. Claire Temple
Nichelle Nichols as Mariah Stokes-Dillard
Robin Givens as Tilda Johnson
Don Cheadle as John McIveBushmaster
Ming-Na Wen as Colleen Wing
Ethan Hawke as Danny Rand/Iron Fist
Carl Lumbly as Blake Tower

Iron Fist (1997-1998):
Chris O'Donnell as Danny Rand/Iron Fist
Ming-Na Wen as Colleen Wing
Adam Baldwin as Ward Meachum
Brooke Shields as Joy Meachum
Jimmy Smits as Bakuto
Mark Dacascos as Davos
Richard Belzer as Harold Meachum
Stacey Dash as Mercedes "Misty" Knight
Nastassja Kinski as "Typhoid Mary" Walker

The Defenders (1997; Miniseries):
George Clooney as Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Marisa Tomei as Jessica Jones
Ving Rhames as Luke Cage
Chris O'Donnell as Danny Rand/Iron Fist
Khalil Kain as Malcolm Ducasse
Judd Nelson as Franklin "Froggy" Nelson
Ming-Na Wen as Colleen Wing
Stacey Dash as Mercedes "Misty" Knight
Jimmy Smits as Bakuto
Bridget Fonda as Patricia "Trish" Walker
Courtney Thorne-Smith as Karen Page
Laura San Giacomo as Elektra Natchios/Elektra
Victoria Rowell as Dr. Claire Temple
Jack Palance as Stick
Julie Newmar as Alexandra Reid

The Punisher (1998-1999):
Bruce Willis as Frank Castle/Punisher
Steve Buscemi as David Lieberman/Micro
Kyle MacLachlan as Billy Russo/Jigsaw
Sarita Choudhury as Dinah Madani
Matthew Lillard as Lewis Wilson
Howard Hesseman as William Rawlins III
Mykelti Williamson as Curtis Hoyle
David Duchovny as Sam Stein
Holly Hunter as Sarah Lieberman
Courtney Thorne-Smith as Karen Page
Michael Madsen as John Pilgrim
Janine Turner as Krista Dumont
Rachael Leigh Cook as Amy Bendix
submitted by AC_the_Panther_007 to Fancast [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:22 stickman07738 National Archives Expands Joint Digitization Effort With Ancestry

Millions of Historical Records Held by the National Archives to be Digitized and Made Accessible Through Public-Private Collaboration
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) today announced a new multiyear agreement with Ancestry to digitize, index, and publish tens of millions of historical United States records, previously unavailable online.
“The National Archives is the nation’s record keeper, and we hold billions of stories in our collection. Our mission is to preserve, protect, and share those stories with all Americans,” said Dr. Colleen Shogan, Archivist of the United States. “Our collaboration with Ancestry is a great example of a public-private partnership. By working together, we will digitize millions of records from our holdings and make them available to the public.”
Howard Hochhauser, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer at Ancestry, signs an official agreement with Dr. Colleen Shogan, Archivist of the United States, at a signing event at the National Archives Building on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Washington, DC. The signing marks the official agreement between Ancestry and the National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives photo by John Valceanu
The records to be digitized include U.S. military morning reports from World War II; Selective Service draft cards covering the post–World War II draft registration between 1948 and 1959; naturalization and immigration records held at the National Archives at San Francisco, CA; records held in San Francisco, CA, related to Asian Americans; and records held at the National Archives at Denver, CO, relating to Native Americans. The scope and depth of these records reflect the richness and diversity of America’s history.
Since 2008, the National Archives and Ancestry have collaborated to make important historical records more available to the public. The digitization of these records since the beginning of this collaboration and their availability through both the National Archives Catalog and the Ancestry platform help the public more easily find and access pieces of the nation’s, and their families’, history.
Today, the Archivist of the United States and Howard Hochhauser, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer at Ancestry, officially signed an agreement to continue and expand the successful public-private collaboration. The new agreement documents the commitments by both the National Archives and Ancestry to digitize tens of millions of historical records.
“We’re honored to take a leading role in preserving the story of America through this agreement with the National Archives,” said Hochhauser. “Given their role as the holder of the country’s largest and most distinguished collection of records, this collaboration reinforces Ancestry’s commitment to expand accessibility to historical records.”
Additional collections and projects will be identified, agreed, and announced between the parties under this agreement. Records from Record Group 21, Military Petitions for Naturalization, 1918–1947, will be scanned beginning this month at the National Archives at San Francisco.
Learn more about how the National Archives works with other organizations to digitize and make available National Archives holdings. A list of current digitization projects is online.
submitted by stickman07738 to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 16:00 Efg2107 Seeking OBGYN/PCP for PCOS

Looking for an OBGYN and/or PCP with experience diagnosing and treating PCOS, endometriosis, and/or pelvic pain who is trauma informed, has excellent bedside, is modern, and solutions oriented. Looking for someone proactive about treating these conditions holistically including addressing attendant weight gain and who is not dismissive of symptoms when presented with normal labs. Dr. Steven adashek and NP Colleen Kennedy are names that have been recommended, but who I have not seen. Baltimore city or county preferred. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Efg2107 to baltimore [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 18:44 halisms My Childhood Survivor Book

I made these pages when I was like 11 or 12. I filled this one in I think before season 4 aired. So some of these wishes were from memory.
My spelling on Sonja beats Sue’s 😜
submitted by halisms to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:58 OnlineBookClub Book of the Day, May 1st -- Neither Safe Nor Effective (2nd Edition): The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines by Dr. Colleen Huber

Book of the Day, May 1st -- Neither Safe Nor Effective (2nd Edition): The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines by Dr. Colleen Huber

Book of the Day, May 1st -- Non-Fiction, Rated 5/5 stars
Temporarily Discounted, and Free on KU! Get your copy below: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/shelves/book.php?id=600637
Neither Safe Nor Effective (2nd Edition): The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines by Dr. Colleen Huber
This book has earned a PERFECT 5-star rating from an Official Onlinebookclub.org Reviewer, and has 23 five-star ratings on Amazon! ---------- "Neither Safe Nor Effective (2nd Edition)" is the May Book of the Month!
Backed by over 700 references to medical studies and government web pages, Dr. Colleen Huber exposes the deaths, injuries and negative efficacy left in the path of the COVID vaccines. Dr. Huber has been a medical expert witness in court cases related to vaccine safety concerns.
"I must confess that Dr. Huber is a thorough writer. The author did significant research in writing such a world-class research book. I strongly recommend the book to students, teachers, researchers, and anyone who desires to gain insight into the possible effects of the coronavirus vaccine." ~ OBC Reviewer ---------- #nonfiction #PublicHealth #bookofthemonth #DiscountedBooks #bookswithperfect5starratingsfromobc
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2024.04.28 05:17 Efficient-Ball7995 Putting random songs into different Danceverses

Melosia Realms
Sun Horizon
submitted by Efficient-Ball7995 to JustDance [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 13:11 myprivate500 Futurama (1999-2013)

Last New Republic of Earth
3000 AD


Space Federation/Galactic Federation of Free Populist
3001 AD


3002 AD


3003 AD
3004 AD
3005 AD
3007 AD
3008 AD
3009 AD
3010 AD
3011 AD
3012 AD
3013 AD
submitted by myprivate500 to u/myprivate500 [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 01:41 Representative-Bag31 Some reccomendations similar to my favorite albums below?

submitted by Representative-Bag31 to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 19:18 salirj108 Bedlam plot summary complete - halfway there! Got some questions about it so answers and thoughts on the summary would be great :)

As usual any constructive criticism and improvements would be great, as well as answers for my many questions. This was the longest so far by miles, and also by far the most convoluted with multiple different complicated storylines, but I think i did a decent job of untangling them.
Finally, heres the summary, as usual please let me know any thoughts on it you have or any mistakes or improvements you spot!
Around six months after the events of Midnight, the Arbiters meet Reign in a bar, blackmailing his trade of a magical drug, Splash, to try and find Dr Nye, who he deals with. They arrest some members of the City Guard led by Yonder who have set up a protection racket against the Leibniz refugees. China asks them to meet Serafina with her, who is visiting and wants Caisson back as he killed Mevolent. She is Creed’s sister and High Superior of the Legion of Judgement, a different branch of the Faceless Ones that follows Mevolent’s path, which Creed denounced as too soft during the war. China also asks them to go to America and investigate Oberon, who is linked to Abyssinia’s spy in the President’s office, Wilkes, who has gone missing - they meet Oberon, learning his ex is Magenta and he is trying to save his son Robbie from captivity. They find out Crepuscular Vies is in charge of the captors.
Caisson has now fully recovered, prompting Abyssinia to press ahead with her plan. Crepuscular and Flanery discuss the same plan, in which many people will die in a naval base in Whitney in ten days. Abyssinia follows up on Flanery as he didn’t tell her about Wilkes’ death, but doesn’t tell him about the bomb she intends to set off in the White House after the attack at Whitney. Crepuscular later tells Flanery Abyssinia helped him become president as he was easy to manipulate, and informs him about the bomb, meaning they’ll have to double-cross her first.
Valkyrie, who is now dating Militsa, meets Tanith, who is now the leader of an organisation named Black Sand that is fighting against China’s attempts to control the African Sanctuary. She wants to turn herself in in exchange for some of her people who China has imprisoned but Valkyrie convinces her to help them first while they work out a solution. Valkyrie has more visions, including Omen dying in America so she warns him to stay away, and she meets Dusk, who is living in the Fangs with the other vampires - he promises to tell her in a few days what he tasted in her blood a long time ago and tells her Caisson wants to meet.
Caisson tells Valkyrie he wants to trade Nye’s location for Greymire Asylum’s, as a cure for his mental instability is in K-49. The Arbiters decide to bring him the cure instead as Greymire contains many extremely dangerous people. They find Greymire’s location from Mellifluous, and when they visit, they learnt that the Sanctuaries allowed Greymire to remain independent as long as it kept its patients in – it is essentially a prison for the worst, most insane people, who they also experiment on. A doctor traps Valkyrie in a mind prison, reigniting her trauma and causing her to be haunted by Ghastly and the Nemesis of Greymire. She escapes and finds a cell, K-49, with an old woman listening to a music box, which Valkyrie takes, assuming it’s the cure. The box plays music that calms her mind and makes her forget her trauma, but it soaks up time and doesn’t have a lasting effect. She tries to give Caisson the box but he says the cure is actually the woman and insists on trading locations this time, which she does. Razzia later helps Caisson break out the woman, Solace, who was Caisson's lover and they joyfully reunite.
Valkyrie’s mental state continues to deteriorate and she sometimes loses control, including her attacking a suspect and lashing out at Skulduggery in a conversation about whether she deserves to suffer. They take a ghost pirate ship to Nye’s underwater lab, coming across mermaids and the Sea Hag. Nye tells them Alice’s soul is fractured and gives them a device to track and collect the other two fragments. They retrieve the first soul portion easily near Roarhaven from a mortal, but the second is in the Necropolis – Skulduggery tells Valkyrie to rest due to the taxing nature of the soul fraction removal process.
Temper meets Adam, an informant in the Church, who reveals Creed has resumed his search for the Child of the Faceless Ones, turning church members into Kith in a process called Activation, which essentially lobotomises them, to try and find someone who has enough Faceless Ones DNA to become the Child. They break Into the Dark Cathedral with Skulduggery to find the Kith but Creed stops them, reminding them of the power he holds due to financing Roarhaven’s bank.
Valkyrie wakes up and decides not to wait for Skulduggery – she takes a Splash to recover and recruits Militsa and Tanith in stealing a necronaut suit from a museum that can get her into the Necropolis. Tanith then goes to help Oberon and Fletcher takes Valkyrie to the Necropolis, where she gets the piece of Alice’s soul with Kes’ help – when she is stopped from leaving, she escapes but is haunted by the Nemesis and Ghastly again, with only the music box stopping her mental breakdown.
Omen has telepathy classes with Auger, who is now joined on his adventures by Never, who is therefore always tired. Colleen, a member of First Wave, asks for Omen’s help in forging documents for them to hide in mortal society as they want to escape Coldheart. Omen gives her the papers but it turns out to be a trap and he is captured by First Wave and Lilt. He is taken to Coldheart where Jenan reveals the plan is to kill the mortals at Whitney to start a war and frame Omen, ending in Flanery bombing the Sanctuary in his own country.
China arrests Valkyrie for telling Caisson about Greymire – she is later brutally attacked in her cell by Yonder and her thugs, reinstated to the City Guard due to staff shortages, and the doctor, Whorl, who hates her because of Darquesse, tells her he will make the healing process painful and she will be attacked every night. Temper visits Valkyrie and tries to go to Commander Hoc to get her out, but he is ambushed by Yonder’s crew, who intend to kill him and Valkyrie based on orders they say come from higher up – Temper releases his gist and kills them but it is revealed if he releases it once more it will take control over him.
Oberon finds a lead on Crepuscular, an ex-con who works with him named Bolton. Him and Tanith deduce Bolton is part of a private army called Blackbrook that knows about sorcerers. They visit Blackbrook with Skulduggery where the clerk locks them in with soldiers who’ve been experimented on to get unstable and powerful magic – they kill them and escape. Tanith follows Perkins to find Blackbrook and recruits Dexter to help while Oberon goes to rescue his son, and Skulduggery is taken to Abyssinia by Nero(whose powers have recently been unstable as happens to Neoterics) – Destrier traps Skulduggery in an Eternity Gate for a week as Abyssinia wants him out of the way until she successfully starts the war.
Temper takes China to Valkyrie, who releases her, but is subsequently captured by Creed. Whorl heals Valkyrie but she latches onto his magic and uses it herself. They come across Yonder but are attacked – Nero has teleported in Abyssinia’s crew, full of convicts with magic powered guns that can take down Cleavers. Yonder gets out with an escape pod, and Valkyrie manages to read Abyssinia’s mind, learning who Caisson’s father is. They find Fletcher, who manages to ‘short-circuit' Nero and make him lose control, limiting Abyssinia’s movement. Serafina, with telekinesis powers, and Skulduggery, who escaped the Eternity Gate, join them before they find Abyssinia and Caisson, who wants to kill all of them except Valkyrie. She tells him that Abyssinia lied about his father - Abyssinia reveals it was Mevolent who she wanted revenge on after he killed her father and family and ended up getting very close to. Nero takes them away and the convicts surrender with Abyssinia out of their heads, but they find a bomb which China contains with a sigil. They conclude Serafina will send her assassin sister Kierre to kill Caisson otherwise the Legion of Judgement will lose power.
The Arbiters get Coldhearts location from a convict, finding Destrier who sabotaged the Eternity Gate so they could stop Abyssinia and gives them a remote to disarm a bomb in the White House. Abyssinia arrives, telling them Caisson and Solace have left her and that the Darkly Prophecy was about her father The Unnamed, and that the only thing that can kill him is the Obsidian Blade, a speck from the Big Bang that destroys whatever it touches, creating a Void World. The Unnamed wanted to destroy the blade or kill Auger to make himself invincible and killed any male heirs so the prophecy would have to be about him. Mevolent however wanted the return of the Faceless Ones, unlike the Unnamed, so he found the Obsidian Blade and stabbed him. Abyssinia then shows Valkyrie her memories, where she sees that after Vile stabbed Abyssinia, she was found and healed by her father, who used his powers to survive – power he gave her in exchange for trapping his soul and putting it in her sons body when he came of age. She still wants to continue her plan to take over the world, and Nero accidentally takes them all to Whitney.
Omen and First Wave are also at Whitney, as the plan is for First Wave to start the killing – he escapes and telepathically contacts Auger, who arrives with Never in time to save him from a convict as First Wave panicked about actually killing the mortals so the convicts were let loose instead. They find Tanith, Dexter, Skulduggery and Valkyrie (who now wears the protective necronaut suit) and Omen takes out Lilt with Tanith’s help. Abyssinia reveals the plan is for Blackbrook to kill First Wave as an act of retaliation, but they turn on her and the convicts and fatally shoot Razzia – they have body armour that deflects magic and magic-binding bullets. Valkyrie saves Omen and Auger from dying like in her vision, and Skulduggery tells to stop Abyssinia her bloodline isn’t special as one of her grandchildren became Kith, but she fights them off and attacks Auger, who Valkyrie saves again but is again haunted by Ghastly and the Nemesis.
Temper wakes up in the Dark Cathedral - Caisson and Solace are there, with Creed offering his protection for Caisson’s allegiance. Creed goes to Activate Temper but Caisson morally objects, prompting anger from Solace – Caisson is then killed by an assassin. Abyssinia sees a vision of this, so Nero takes them all to the Dark Cathedral, and brings Abyssinia her fathers soul when she sees Caisson is dead which she pours into Caisson’s body – the Unnamed then takes his power back and leaves. Nero then takes her to the White House to kill Flanery for his betrayal but Crepuscular stabs Nero and a weakened Abyssinia, who dies in Skulduggery’s arms, warning him about Crepuscular who tells Flanery the plan has changed.
Razzia dies in Temper’s arms and Creed tells them process of Activation is protected under Religious Freedom Act as the Church members signed a contract. China frees the Black Sand members so Tanith goes to find the Obsidian Blade, and Solace finds China, who put her in Greymire, threatening to ruin her life. Jenan tries to kill Omen, but Auger saves him, being stabbed in the chest in the process.
Valkyrie repairs Alice’s soul, having a vision where she talks to future Alice who knows about magic and is preparing for a fight between the Child of the Faceless Ones and the Child of the Ancients. Present-day Alice cries all the time with her repaired soul, and Valkyrie meets Dusk, who tells her she is descended from the Faceless Ones, not the Ancients.
Forby, a member of the Darquesse Society who is working on the portal with the Sanctuary, finds Darquesse, but they need a Shunter to get to her – Bennet recruits Nadir, who opens the portal for Sebastian to go through. He finds Darquesse’s dead body, but it turns out she is locked in an endless battle with the Faceless Ones, neither strong enough to fully permanently kill the other. She ignores him at first, but he eventually convinces her to give Earth a chance and she re-enters Stephanie’s body.
submitted by salirj108 to skulduggerypleasant [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 01:52 nowhereman136 All Guild Awards Nominees and Winners 2024

(NOTE: Only feature film categories are listed. Certain nominations omit teams of nominees and only list the film and/or certain individuals. Winners highlighted)

Producers Guild of America

Darryl F. Zanuck Award for Outstanding Producer of Theatrical Motion Pictures
Award for Outstanding Producer of Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures
Outstanding Producer of Documentary Theatrical Motion Pictures

Directors Guild of America

Feature Film
First-Time Feature Film

Screen Actors Guild

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture
Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture

Writers Guild of America

Best Original Screenplay
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Documentary Screenplay

American Society of Cinematographers

Winners Announced March 5
Theatrical Feature Film Nominees
Spotlight Award
Documentary Award

American Cinema Editors

Best Edited Feature Film (Drama, Theatrical)
Best Edited Feature Film (Comedy, Theatrical)
Best Edited Documentary (Theatrical)
Best Edited Animated Feature Film (Theatrical or Non-Theatrical)

Visual Effects Society

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Animated Character in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Character Animation in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a CG Project
Outstanding Model in a Photoreal or Animated Project
Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Composition and Lighting in a Feature
Outstanding Special (Practical) Effects in a Photoreal Project
Emerging Technology Award

Motion Pictures Sound Editors

Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Animation
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Documentary
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Foreign Language Feature
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Dialogue ADR
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Effects/Foley
Outstanding Achievement in Music Editing - Documentary
Outstanding Achievement in Music Editing - Feature Motion Picture

Cinema Audio Society

Motion Picture: Live Action
Motion Picture: Animated
Motion Picture: Documentary

Casting Society of America

Feature Animation
Feature Big Budget - Comedy
Feature Big Budget - Drama
Feature Studio or Independent - Comedy
Feature Studio or Independent - Drama
Feature Low Budget - Comedy or Drama
Feature Micro Budget - Comedy or Drama
The Zeitgeist Award

Art Directors Guild

Excellence in Production Design for a Contemporary Film
Excellence in Production Design for a Period Film
Excellence in Production Design for a Fantasy Film
Excellence in Production Design for an Animated Film

Guild of Music Supervisors

Best Music Supervision for Film Budgeted Over $25 Million
Best Music Supervision for Film Budgeted $25 Million And Under
Best Music Supervision for Film Budgeted $10 Million And Under
Best Music Supervision for a Non-Theatrically Released Film
Best Song Written and/or Recorded for a Film

Costume Designers Guild

Excellence in Contemporary Film
Excellence in Period Film
Excellence in Sci-Fi/Fantasy Film
Excellence in Costume Illustration

Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild

Best Contemporary Make-up
Best Period and/or Character Makeup
Best Special Makeup Effects
Best Contemporary Hair Styling
Best Period Hair Styling and/or Character Hair Styling

Society of Composers and Lyricists

Outstanding Original Score For a Studio Film
Outstanding Original Score For an Independent Film
Outstanding Original Song For a Drama or Documentary
Outstanding Original Song For a Comedy or Musical
David Raksin Award for Emerging Talent

Set Decorators Society of America

Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Contemporary Feature Film
Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Period Feature Film
Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Science Fiction or Fantasy Feature Film
Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Comedy or Musical Feature Film
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