Latin quotes about direction

What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2016.10.03 16:20 Equilibrist The Wayfarer's Pub

The Wayfarer's Pub is a bar resting in a pocket dimension for your tabletop roleplaying game character to come and interact with others' characters from around the globe. A bar where everyone's characters go after an adventure to unwind. A place for retired characters, active characters, or characters yet-to-be. We have players from D&D, WH40K, Shadowrun and even Star Wars RPG. Each thread is a conversation you overhear and can take part in.

2024.06.01 15:35 ThrowRA_unusual My (21F)'s therapist told me ľ'm likely mentally the same as when I was 15 and my boyfriend (22M) feels uncomfortable. What can I do?

I don't even know how to start this...
I have autism and have had severe trauma throughout my life and in my last session I was talking to my therapist about how I often feel like a lyric from one of my favourite songs: "And I was so young when I behaved twenty-five. Yet now I find I've grown into a tall child"
My therapist remarked that it may be that my brain is likely the same as it was when I was e.g. 15, because I was forced to grow up early (or something similar to that, don't direct quote me as I am not a psychologist 😂). It did make sense to me as I have very childish interests, such as stuffed animals and cartoons being my special interest. That and I don't feel as though I've changed as much in the last 5yrs as everyone else has, I had always acted mature for my age and it eventually just caught up to be my actual age in my mid to late teens.
I mentioned this to my boyfriend as I thought it was quite interesting and he immediately acted offended. He said that it feels wrong to be dating me if I'm mentally a minor and saying that it's illegal. I told him hat it doesn't change anything because I am an adult, I have the power to consent for myself, I have my own place, I almost have my bachelor's degree etc but he still just kept saying it "feels wrong". I told him that it doesn't mean that I am mentally 15, just that my brain works differently to other's.
He's been barely talking to me the last few days, we've been dating since we were 17/18 and I just feel so powerless. He's usually constantly over at my place but hasn't came over since we had this conversation. I understand that it must be jarring to hear but I don't know how to get him to understand that I am still the same person and nothing has changed. Do I just give him space and hope he comes back?? I honestly have no idea what to do.
submitted by ThrowRA_unusual to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:15 Cailly_Brard7 I just finished Teen Wolf season 2 and I start season 3 and holy moly

Review of season 2 : So, Season 1 had a lot of issues with me like overused trope, bad acting and bad writing at some occasions. But season 1 had also it's strenght that works with me. Season 2 for me, fixed a lot of issues that I had with the show on season 1 and turn into a really good show. First of all, Allison and Scott romance was really beautiful and I like how they make them "Romeo and Juliette" of the show with the Argent family. Speaking of the Argent family, I love how they mainly focus on their story especially with the return of Allison's grandfather Gerard who was genuinely scary to me and was a good villain. The Lydia mystery was also compelling and make me care about Lydia, something.. I didn't in the first season. Jackson has finally something to do with the Kanima storyline. I love how the writers play with Allison moral compass in this season. In the first season of the show, Allison was really this nice, kind person bu when she found out about the supernatural world, you can see that she crave for power . In season 2 ep 2, I noticed how Allison just shot someone with an arrow and just smile without feel any sort of compassion like we seen in season 1. In the episode where Lydia make a party and everyone has hallucinations of their worst fear, Allison's one was to be weak and always cry for help. Allison like to be in control and like to have the power of it. When her mom died, Gerard use this as a triger who open the door to the inner dark side of Allison. This last arc with Allison being just ruthless is just brillant and contrast so well with the now gone innocence of Allison. By the end, the break up scene between Allison and Scott was so beautiful and not make in a dumb way like most teen dramas. Stiles also get to have a lot more outside of the comedy relief and I really seen depth in the character, especially with such quote like "I'm not a hero dad" ... this one hurt because for some reasons, Stiles was mostly running everywhere trying to help everyone and for what ? The hero will never be him no matter what. In the hallucination episode, Stiles has the fear that he's responsable for his mother's dead and this scene hurt too. Where in season 1, Stiles has no real character arc and is mostly here to be the sidekick of Scott and be a loser in love with the popular girl, Stiles has a real arc here and we get to see more struggles from him. The scene where he's talking to the therapist is really good and well-handled with Stiles issues and the events of the season overall. The last episode was good but... what was Gerard actual goal ? So like I said, Gerard was scary and good in the villain role but you're gonna tell me that everything Gerard make this season and I mean EVERYTHING because there were a LOT was only to get a werewolf bite... WHAT? The premise of him being here to revenge his girl (Kate) and engaging an official war between werewolf and the hunters was good, and the events of the season helps the character developpement BUT when you get to final conclusion you realize... was it all that necessary like I mean come on now think about it for second. Where season 1 wrap up the storytelling of season 1 pretty good, season 2 finale is good but doesn't make a bunch of sense as a conclusion to all the stuff that happen in this season.
Season 3 now : So I am in the 8th episode fo this season and it's great. Did I mention how brillant I found the episode "Motel California" everything from the direction of the episode, to the writing and the pacing... everything was top notch television. The Alpha pack's story is compelling alongside with the charaters arcs. I love the fact that Allison and Scott are not coming back from each others, not because I don't like them, actually I love them, but mostly because I founded their decision mature and good, so thank you to the wirters. Also did I also mention how hot Stiles become this season, like this is not normal, because he was good looking in season 2 and 1 but season 3 ? nooo this another level. I widely seen that season 3 by a lot of people is seen as not only one of the best of the show but also of television. And for now, I don't see anything that make me disagree with that statement.
submitted by Cailly_Brard7 to TeenWolf [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:01 FaithlessnessKey1726 Career dilemma—teaching or library?

(Skip to the end to see the informal poll and avoid the anxious ramble)
My first year of teaching was a disaster from beginning to end. I know most teachers’ first year is the worst and you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing bc you don’t know what you’re doing and there’s so much pressure. Etc.
Even beyond the more typical misery was a lot of personal life tumult and turmoil and trauma and chaos going on, including a debilitating (somewhat unofficial but more or less confirmed based on symptoms) diagnosis I have to live with now without having much insight as to prognosis. And a lot more discomfort involving loved ones.
Reflecting on this year is almost as traumatic as the experience itself. I had next to zero support, with the exception of about 2 weeks under the guidance of an amazing master teacher. But that was it. The morale at the school was beneath rock bottom. Every single day was worse than the day before. I tried to go in positive. But with very few exceptions, everyone was miserable and no one tried to hide it. People were directly rude to me, condescending, sarcastic, openly comtemptful, angry, hated the kids and cursed about them and screamed at them (“shut UP!!!!” “MORON! GET OUT!” “You’re STUPID, I should have LET that student hit you!” “I woulda hit you in the face too if you’d done something like that to me!” Just a few quotes off the top of my head, not to mention one slamming the door on my sped teacher’s face along with our sped students, which the principal did absolutely nothing about despite his friendship with the sped teacher). Discipline/behavior was an absolute JOKE. I think I’ve painted an accurate picture of how awful it was.
I guessed my way through everything but did my absolute best and figured everything out. A bit of productive struggle and hey, by the end of the year I was an expert in a lot of things I knew nothing about months earlier. My rapport with my students was great, to give myself some credit. They loved me. Albeit too much—they thought of my softness as a doormat. They felt free and liberated in my classroom bc I seldom raised my voice. Unfortunately what they’re accustomed to is only listening when yelled at, and as a new teacher, I did not have better tools to manage classroom behavior, beyond building relationships, and my class was a bit out of control. It became all about getting through the curriculum through the 3rd quarter.
My benchmark scores went up, which was pretty amazing considering everything. However at the very beginning of the 4th quarter my principal informed me that he wasn’t renewing my contract and that he would never let me teach 4th grade again, that “I don’t know if I would ever let you teach any grade level, maybe try pre-k—you get nap time and someone is always with you.” So he wrote off my career as an elementary teacher after just a few months of teaching. I could go in about how he had covertly brought in his very own former student (who had only recently began prepping to take the Praxis) as my replacement, unofficially “employed” but “technically not.” But I don’t want to get into that, as furious as it made me. I just stopped writing lesson plans bc no way was I gonna train her for free when they gave me zero support through the year.
I had way more bad days than good—the kids and my para got me through it! I was grateful for that. They were wonderful and I miss them. But I was made to feel incompetent. I slowly started to realize that him booting me was a blessing in disguise, especially after learning how many students I’d have had next year. And some other changes that won’t be helpful.
There’s also a lot of BS going on in our state regarding education. So things are not exactly going to get easier. Alas, I need a paycheck and I went to school and passed praxis to be a teacher. I’m 44 so it’s not like I have many options.
But I did actually finally get an interview at a library last week! I’d applied for 6 years and never got so much as a phone call. Unfortunately it’s part time and drastically less pay (which is honestly pitiful). And it would take me years to make close to what I make now. And I was just getting into certification so as a teacher I’d get a $10k raise. Buuut I really don’t want to miss a rare opportunity to get my foot in the door at the library!
I’ve got dozens of job offers in my district. I had 6 principals call me and email me yesterday alone! I know I could make decent money. But I don’t want to turn down the library job, which absolutely would not cut it financially.
I forgot to mention a key component of this dilemma: Teaching is extremely overstimulating to me. I’m autistic/adhd. This was part of my misery. Between my loud a/c units in my classroom and the kids noises desks constantly clanking and kids constantly talking over me etc etc etc, and the awful attitudes of most coworkers and all the other stuff, I barely made it to the end of the year. I know most of us actually feel that way, but my day to day in the classroom is beyond awful. I cried constantly, I had panic attacks going in every single morning during the 4th quarter after years of reduced panic attacks, most days I felt frustrated, and some days I even had moments where I could not even talk anymore and had to go home (these days where at least one kid told me to “Shut the f- - k up b-tch!” or fought or both plus admin treated me like crap and I had enough). Not to mention spending entire weekends and weeknights writing lesson plans, creating lessons, grading, entering grades, etc etc etc. All I could think about every day was how much I wished I could get a library job!! I even had a student tell me I would make a better librarian than teacher. She was excited when I got the call about the interview lol.
But what if my next school is better? What if I go in knowing expectations and having a better idea of how to do things and how to establish classroom procedures, what if it’s better? What if it’s stupid to give up on a better paying job? I’d love to get my MLIS but realistically, there aren’t very many librarian jobs and moving isn’t an option. The day to day would almost be worth the paycut. I’ve contemplated doing both, just for one year. I know that sounds nuts, and it’s risky, but what’s more important? My paycheck, or my mental health?! I honestly don’t know! I need the money. But I also need a peaceful environment.
Here are my options:
A) Substitute w library for almost the same money as I made uncertified, which was barely enough
B) Library + teaching full time bc you’re insane and unrealistic
C) Library only + MLIS bc it’s your dream & short term paycut is worth long term happiness.
D) Girl, are you insane?! Teaching only bc it’s the smart move!
submitted by FaithlessnessKey1726 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:22 gennova_ I’m a bad girlfriend

I’ve found out that I am a bad partner. I’ve made my partner feel unappreciated and used and I don’t know how to cope because I feel absolutely horrible.
I’ve never been very good at picking up on non verbal communication. I’m someone who has always needed more direction, someone who operates on patterns. I have also never been the best at picking up on non verbal social cues. Those might seem to be innocuous details but they are very important. I’ve been dating this guy for a bit now. He is very doting, wanting to do pretty much everything for me. He spoils me. It’s very new for me to experience someone like that. However, we got into a HUGE fight recently where he expressed that he feels taken advantage of. We eat dinner upstairs every night, play Mario cart, and at the end of the night he picks up all the trash and takes it downstairs. In the morning, he always straightens up the room. I would ask him from time to time if he needed any help or if there was anything I could help with. Nine times out of ten he would say “no babe it’s fine I got it” and he would just continue. That became the pattern. Two days ago we got into a big blowout fight where he expressed that I do not do anything to help him. Last night I came over and we talked about the situation. He said he’s very fed up that the room maintenance always seems to fall on him and I expressed my frustration and confusion considering almost every time I ask to help he tells me no. He said, and I quote, “you see me do this every day. I would think, I would hope, that when you see me doing this every day that you would just jump in and help. I shouldn’t have to ask you to help”. This hurt my heart because he is absolutely right and I feel absolutely disgusting about all the nights that he’s been taking care of things and I haven’t helped. Any time he asks me to help, I do. Any time he tells me no(which is the majority of the time), I don’t. I want to get better at anticipating his needs and just being a bit smarter I guess. I feel like such an idiot because I feel like my brain just doesn’t work right. If someone says they don’t need help I just…don’t. I feel so incredibly stupid and I don’t know how to fix it. I’m starting to create a schedule in my brain of when I will take over cleaning duties to try to lighten the load but other than that, I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions on how to read peoples emotions and needs better would be very appreciated because I really just feel like an idiot.
submitted by gennova_ to relationshipproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st
Disclaimer: Some of these events have unknown June dates. They are identified with a '*'
1974- The Jacksons play their 6th of seven nights at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada
1977\* - The Jackson go back to Sigma Sound Studios in Philidalphia to record their new album, Goin' Places, with Gamble & Huff
1978\* - The Jacksons record the Destiny album in Los Angeles after recording song demos at their Hayvenhurst home studio
1979 - The Jackson perform at Milwaukee County Stadium (closed- 2000) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on their Destiny tour
1979 - (June 1 -3) Michael, Quincy Jones & Bruce Swedien complete the recording & mixing of the Off The Wall album Westlake Studios in Los Angeles.
1979* - The Jacksons start recording the Triumph Album.
1982\* - Michael would come across a studio demo produced by John Barnes and request a meeting.
In an interview with The MJCast podcast, John recalled their first meeting:
“Michael said I heard you can make your own sounds and play them. How many sounds can you make? And, I responded, ‘How much time do you have?’”
The meeting lasted a few hours and was the beginning of a friendship and musical partnership with Barnes being hired as a core member of Michael Jackson’s team. Their partnership would continue until Michael's passing in 2009
1984* - Michael meets with other supporters of Camp Good Times, a non-profit organization founded by parents of children with cancer, in Malibu such as OJ Simpson, Dustin Hoffman, David Soul, Neil Diamond & Richard Chamberlain
The first Camp Goodtimes event would be held in Vashon Island at Camp Sealth in August of 1984. Ninety-three children, cancer patients and siblings attended and twenty-five American Cancer Society volunteers, who staffed the camp along with the summer staff at Camp Sealth
1985\* - Michael starts rehearsing for an upcoming 3D science fiction musical short film named Captain EO to be shown exclusively at Disneyland and Disney World. Francis Ford Coppola will direct and George Lucas will produce the film
1986\*- Michael & Corey Feldman go to Disneyland . Michael is seen for the 1st time wearing a surgical mask in public
In Moonwalk, he says he was initially given a mask by a dentist to keep germs out after having his wisdom teeth pulled
1987\* - Michael shoots the “The Way You Make Me Feel” short film at Skid Row, Los Angeles. It was directed by Joe Pytka and choreographed by Vincent Paterson & Michael. It featured Tatiana Thumbtzen & Latoya Jackson
1988\* - Michael Jackson : The Legend Continues is released on home video.
1988 - Michael sets another record as the first artist ever to have three albums with US sales of more than six million copies each as Bad & Off The Wall were both certified 6x platinum by the RIAA
1989\- Michael goes back to Westlake studio with Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell. He meets Brad Buxer who will work with him until 2008. Together they work on new songs for a compilation named *DECADE 1979-1989
Quincy Jones is not part of this project. "Black Or White" and "Heal The World" are among the first songs worked on.
1991 - David Ruffin, a member of The Temptations, dies of a drug overdose
It was found that Ruffin was peniniless and Jackson contacted Swanson Funeral Home in Detroit to make arrangements to cover a large portion of the June 10th funeral costs. He also sends a heart-shaped arrangement of carnations to the New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit with the note, "With Love, from Michael Jackson"
Jackson was a big admirer of The Temptations. He would not attend the funeral ceremony to not divert attention from it (it was however reported that he did attend but in disguise)
1991\* - The Sun publishes leaked pictures from a photo session of Michael by Herb Ritts. It had been rumored that multiple photographers were battling in out to shoot Michael's new video & album cover. Steve Meisel, Bruce Weber and Herb Ritts had been in the running to give Michael a new "sexier" look
1991* - Michael enlists the help of producers L.A Reid & Babyface for his new album, which deeply upsets Jermaine who is also working with them.
Jermaine is quoted in the tabloids as saying:
"I could have been Michael. It's all a matter of timing, a matter of luck"
1992*- Michael rehearses for his new tour & shoot the video for “Who Is It”
1994\* - This summer Heal The World Foundation, in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District, "I Have A Dream Foundation", "Best Buddies", "Overcoming Obstacles" & "California One To One", provide 2000 children with tickets to see Janet Jackson, the L.A. Laker Jam and The Beach Boys in concert
1995\* - Issue #2 of History Magazine reveals that Travis Thomas, a 5-year old boy who suffers from cystic fibrosis, wished to meet Michael.
“One evening, we were watching TV and Travis hadn’t eaten for a couple of days. He was on TV”, the boy's mother recalls, “and we came across the American Music Awards and Michael Jackson… Travis sat up and wanted to eat… He said, ‘I love Michael Jackson, Mama!”
His wish comes true in June through Jackson and the Make A Wish Foundation.Travis and his family, along with 20 other seriously ill children, spent a weekend at Neverland Ranch and were allowed to roam around the compound’s private amusement park.
Travis’ mother:
“The love this man has on his face when he is with these special children is unbelievable. He is one of the kindest and most gentle men I have ever met"
1999 - Michael cancels his participation in the Pavarotti & Friends Charity Concert in Modena, scheduled for tonight.
Jonathan Morrish of Sony Music issues a statement informing the media, that Michael will not be performing due to the illness of his son, Prince:
"Prince suffered a seizure early Saturday due to a high temperature. This is the third seizure over the last year"
He added that the concert meant so much to Michael but,
"he is an artist like the others, but also a parent"
and that he waited until the last moment to cancel because he was still hopeful about making it. Michael is reportedly constantly at Prince's bedside
2000\* - Concert promoter,Marcel Avram, sues Michael for breach of contract for the Millenium Concerts and asks for $21 million
2001\* - Michael hires Marc Schaffel and they create a new company,Neverland Valley Entertainment, with a common bank account.
2004\* - Randy Jackson fires Bob Jones, vice president of MJJ Productions since 1987, after discovering that he is writing a tell all book on Michael. He also stops paying Marc Schaffel.
2005 - Trial Day 64
Michael goes to court with Katherine, Joe & Randy. Judge Melville gives the Jury the rules of Jury Deliberations
2005\* - Michael allows visits from fans inside his home while awaiting the verdict. They're impressed by his generosity given the circumstances
2007 - A glittery jacket once worn onstage by Michael, his MTV Music Award for "We Are The World", as well as gold discs for his album Off the Wall and the Jackson 5 single "I Want You Back", all sell at an auction in the Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas, Nevada. The total raised from the sale of Michael related artifacts at the auction is reported as $1-$2million
Michael's bullet proof vest
Sculptural prototypes from the movies E.T. & Alien
2007\* - Michael, Grace and the kids leave their Las Vegas house and fly to Middleburg, Virginia. They check into the Goodstone Inn, a 640-acre estate of open pastures, for a summer vacation. They are welcomed by Raymone Bain.
2007\* - Michael “Brother Michael” Amir Williams is hired as Michael’s new assistant.
2008\* - Michael and producer Neff-U start working on songs at 'Thriller Villa', his 2710 Palomino Lane home, in Las Vegas. They work on a new version of “A Place With No Name”.
2008\* - Late in the month, Michael's duet with Akon, "Hold My Hand" is leaked online. Michael is devastated
Longtime recording engineer, Michael Prince, who was working with Jackson at the time “Hold My Hand” leaked, recalls:
“He was truly upset when the song he did with Akon leaked. He would just get this sad look on his face like, how could this happen? Because 20 years ago this would not have happened. And somehow everybody in the world has a copy of it. And that really upset him because he liked that song a lot.”
Akon gave a detailed account of the events surrounding the leak during an appearance on Tavis Smiley’s PBS television show in January 2009:
“Me and Mike did this incredible record called Hold My Hand and the record is amazing. Phenomenal. And the concept was that this would be Mike’s first release off of his new album, and then I would stripe it on my album – on my following release. That way we could have the outlets open for everyone to be able to receive the record. You know, Mike came up with this brilliant marketing launch for the record. You know, he’s the best at launching a record.”
Akon continues:
“He’d have the whole world paying attention in two minutes… And before we could get to that point, the record got leaked over the internet. And we got over 15 million downloads on the song for free. So we couldn’t [release it]. You can’t at that point. Everybody already has the record. But in a way, you gotta look at it like… that’s just a gift to the fans.”
2008\* - (Late June) Michael hires Dr Thome Thome as his new manager and president of MJJ Productions. As a result of a financial reorganiation of the Neverland Valley Ranch, all of Michael’s personal belongings have to be removed from the property. Dr Tohme contacts Darren Julien of Julien’s Auction House
2009 - The This Is It team leaves Center Staging for a bigger place : The Forum in Inglewood, California.
2009 - (June 1-11) At Culver Studios in Culver City, Michael shoots “The Dome” Project which consists of seven works:
  • “Smooth Criminal” (Jackson inserted into classic 2D black-and-white film noir chase sequence)
  • “Thriller” (3-D movie starting in a haunted house with a ghostly image of Vincent Price, then moving into a graveyard where the dead awaken)
  • “Earth Song” (3D short film featuring little girl who wanders through rain forest, takes a nap and dreams of the splendor of nature, and awakens to find the natural world has been devastated)
  • “They Don’t Care About Us” (a/k/a Drill, 2D film in which a sea of soldiers march in unison; 10 male dancers replicated hundreds of times)
  • “MJ Air” (3-D movie in which a 707 jet pulls into the frame; hole was to open in screen for Michael Jackson to enter; jet flies away)
  • “The Final Message” (3-D movie of a little girl from rain forest embracing the earth)
  • “The Way You Make Me Feel” (2D theatrical background featuring male dancers fashioned as historical construction workers.
2009 - Michael goes to Dr Klein’s in Berverly Hills with Blanket.
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:47 Hughkalailee Melfi nearly orchestrated Livia being whacked

  Season 1 finale:
While discussing the recent assassination attempt on Tony, Melfi persists with the argument that Livia may have wanted and arranged for it, and that his life may still be in danger from Livia - even after Tony had said he thinks he knows who was behind it and that he will deal with it.
‘Something we can’t talk about here’ (idk if that’s an exact quote) - directly and unmistakably implying he’ll be committing a crime, which he can’t discuss because Melfi will be legally obligated to report that she knows someone will be harmed. (“Technically”)
Melfi continues despite this statement to point suspicion toward Livia while she should realize Tony would likely be forced to act, whether out of revenge for the recent attack or prevention of another attempt
I understand Chase wanted and needed to climax the motheson dynamic which was the concept of the series, but Melfi in this is recklessly out of character - along with the stretch that she would even emphatically view the “Livia did this” as more likely than an internal mob issue bringing an attack on a prominent mobster, and base so much of her theory on Tony’s subconscious trying to reveal the plot through the Isabella hallucinations
Hey, it’s fun and entertaining and what he wanted to do with the fiction, yet I think it could have been better for Tony to reach this suspicion and act simply based on the tapes of Livia and Junior that the FBI reveals to him
submitted by Hughkalailee to thesopranos [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:41 jjdewit Review: is a good web hosting company? is a leading provider of cloud-based infrastructure solutions, dedicated to empowering businesses of all sizes to achieve their goals through innovative technology and exceptional customer service. In this chapter, we will delve into the company's rich history, mission, and values that have enabled us to become a trusted partner for our clients.
Early Years (2013-2015) was founded in 2013 by a group of passionate entrepreneurs who shared a vision of revolutionizing the way businesses approach infrastructure solutions. Initially, the company focused on providing high-quality server colocation services to small and medium-sized businesses. Our early success was fueled by our commitment to exceptional customer service, competitive pricing, and a relentless pursuit of innovation.
Growth and Expansion (2015-2018)
As the company grew, we expanded our service offerings to include cloud-based infrastructure solutions, such as virtual private servers (VPS) and dedicated servers. This strategic move enabled us to cater to a broader range of clients, from small startups to large enterprises. Our team of experts worked tirelessly to develop and refine our infrastructure, ensuring seamless scalability and reliability.
Mission and Values
At, our mission is to empower businesses to achieve their goals by providing innovative, reliable, and cost-effective infrastructure solutions. We believe that our success is deeply rooted in our commitment to the following core values:
1. Customer Obsession: We prioritize our clients' needs above all else, ensuring that every interaction with our team is exceptional.
2. Innovation: We continuously invest in research and development to stay ahead of the curve, providing cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.
3. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all our interactions, fostering trust and credibility with our clients and partners.
4. Collaboration: We believe that teamwork is essential to achieving our goals, and we strive to create a culture of open communication, respect, and mutual support within our organization.
5. Inclusivity: We celebrate diversity and promote a culture of inclusivity, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to contribute their unique perspectives and talents.
Awards and Recognition has received numerous awards and recognition for our commitment to innovation, customer service, and community involvement. Some notable accolades include:
· Best Cloud Service Provider (2020) by Cloud Computing Magazine
· Top 10 Cloud Infrastructure Providers (2019) by Cloud Computing News
· Best Place to Work (2018) by the local business community
Conclusion's journey is a testament to the power of innovation, hard work, and dedication to our clients. As we continue to evolve and grow, we remain committed to our core values and mission. We are proud to be a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes, empowering them to achieve their goals and succeed in an ever-changing world.

History of

History of A Journey of Innovation and Growth
As the world of technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, has emerged as a leading provider of innovative solutions for data centers and cloud infrastructure. Founded in 2012, has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a small startup to becoming a global player in the industry. In this chapter, we will delve into the fascinating story of how was founded and evolved over the years.
The Early Days: Founding and Early Growth (2012-2015) was founded in 2012 by a group of passionate entrepreneurs who shared a vision of creating a cutting-edge data center solutions provider. The company's early days were marked by a focus on building a strong team, developing innovative products, and establishing a solid foundation for future growth. The founders' expertise in data center design, infrastructure, and operations played a crucial role in shaping the company's early success.
During this period, focused on building a robust infrastructure, investing in state-of-the-art equipment, and developing a comprehensive suite of services. The company's early clients were primarily small and medium-sized businesses seeking reliable and scalable data center solutions. As's reputation grew, so did its client base, with the company expanding its services to include cloud infrastructure, managed services, and consulting.
Expansion and Diversification (2015-2018)
By 2015, had established itself as a reputable player in the data center solutions market. The company's growth was fueled by its commitment to innovation, customer-centric approach, and strategic partnerships. During this period, expanded its services to include:
1. Cloud Infrastructure: launched its cloud infrastructure services, offering a range of cloud-based solutions for businesses of all sizes.
2. Managed Services: The company introduced its managed services portfolio, providing 24/7 monitoring, maintenance, and support for clients' data center infrastructure.
3. Consulting Services: expanded its consulting services to include data center design, infrastructure planning, and migration assistance.
As continued to grow, it expanded its team, investing in talent acquisition and development programs. The company also strengthened its partnerships with leading technology vendors, solidifying its position as a trusted advisor in the industry.
Global Expansion and Mergers (2018-Present)
In recent years, has continued its rapid growth trajectory, expanding its global footprint and diversifying its services. Key milestones include:
1. Global Expansion: established a presence in key markets, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America.
2. Mergers and Acquisitions: The company has made strategic acquisitions, expanding its portfolio of services and expertise.
3. Innovation and R&D: has continued to invest in research and development, driving innovation and staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving data center and cloud infrastructure landscape.
Today, is a global leader in data center solutions, with a reputation for delivering exceptional service, innovative solutions, and unparalleled expertise. As the company looks to the future, it remains committed to its core values of innovation, customer-centricity, and strategic partnerships.
Conclusion's journey from humble beginnings to global recognition is a testament to the power of innovation, hard work, and dedication. From its early days as a small startup to its current status as a leading provider of data center and cloud infrastructure solutions, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. As the company continues to evolve and grow, its story serves as a beacon of inspiration for entrepreneurs and innovators around the world.'s Philosophy's Philosophy: Description of's values and approach to web hosting
As a leading provider of web hosting services, is committed to delivering exceptional quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Our philosophy is built on a set of core values that guide our approach to web hosting, ensuring that our customers receive the best possible experience. In this chapter, we will delve into the principles that shape our company culture and approach to web hosting.
I. Customer-Centricity
At, we believe that our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that our customers are the reason we exist, and we strive to provide them with an unparalleled level of service and support. Our customer-centric approach is built on the following principles:
· Personalized Support: We assign dedicated account managers to each customer, ensuring that their needs are met and concerns are addressed promptly.
· Proactive Communication: We maintain open and transparent communication channels, keeping our customers informed about their services and any issues that may arise.
· Flexibility and Adaptability: We adapt to our customers' evolving needs, offering tailored solutions and flexible pricing options to meet their unique requirements.
II. Quality and Reliability
Quality and reliability are essential components of our philosophy. We understand that our customers rely on our services to operate their online businesses, and we take pride in delivering high-quality hosting solutions that meet their needs. Our commitment to quality and reliability is reflected in:
· State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: We invest in the latest technology and infrastructure to ensure that our services are fast, secure, and reliable.
· 24/7 Monitoring: Our team of experts continuously monitors our systems, detecting and resolving issues before they impact our customers.
· Regular Maintenance: We perform regular maintenance and updates to ensure that our services remain secure, stable, and optimized for performance.
III. Innovation and Improvement
At, we believe that innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve and delivering exceptional value to our customers. We prioritize innovation and improvement through:
· Research and Development: We invest in research and development to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in web hosting.
· Customer Feedback: We actively solicit and incorporate customer feedback to improve our services and address their concerns.
· Continuous Improvement: We continuously evaluate and refine our processes to ensure that our services meet the evolving needs of our customers.
IV. Transparency and Accountability
Transparency and accountability are essential components of our philosophy. We believe that our customers have the right to know what they are getting and how we operate. Our commitment to transparency and accountability is reflected in:
· Clear Pricing: We offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees or surprises.
· Service Level Agreements (SLAs): We maintain strict SLAs for our services, ensuring that our customers know what to expect from our services.
· Regular Reporting: We provide regular reporting and updates on our services, keeping our customers informed about their performance and any issues that may arise.
V. Conclusion
At, our philosophy is built on a foundation of customer-centricity, quality, innovation, transparency, and accountability. We believe that these values are essential to delivering exceptional web hosting services that meet the evolving needs of our customers. By prioritizing these values, we strive to build long-term relationships with our customers, providing them with the best possible experience and ensuring their online success.


Features: Description of Shared Hosting Features
As the foundation of a reliable and efficient online presence, shared hosting has evolved to cater to the diverse needs of individuals and businesses. In this chapter, we will delve into the various features that make shared hosting an attractive option for webmasters, entrepreneurs, and organizations alike.
1. Storage Space
One of the most critical aspects of shared hosting is the storage space allocated to each account. This refers to the amount of data that can be stored on the server, including files, images, videos, and other digital content. Typical storage space ranges from 1GB to 10GB, depending on the hosting provider and the type of plan chosen.
· Allows for efficient storage and management of digital assets
· Enables the creation of complex websites with multiple pages, images, and multimedia content
· Facilitates the storage of large files, such as videos and audio files
2. Bandwidth
Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transferred between the server and the user's device. This is measured in gigabytes (GB) and is typically calculated based on the number of visitors, page views, and file downloads. A higher bandwidth allocation ensures that websites can handle increased traffic and data transfer without experiencing downtime or slow loading times.
· Ensures fast and seamless website loading times
· Supports high-traffic websites and e-commerce platforms
· Enables the hosting of multimedia content, such as videos and audio files
3. Email Accounts
Email accounts are an essential feature of shared hosting, allowing users to create and manage multiple email addresses. This feature is particularly useful for businesses, as it enables the creation of professional email addresses, such as [](
· Enables the creation of professional email addresses
· Allows for efficient communication and collaboration
· Supports multiple email accounts for different departments or teams
4. Databases
Databases are a crucial aspect of shared hosting, as they enable the storage and management of large amounts of data. This feature is particularly useful for websites that require complex data management, such as e-commerce platforms and online applications.
· Enables the storage and management of large amounts of data
· Supports complex data management and querying
· Facilitates the creation of dynamic websites and applications
5. Control Panel
The control panel is the central hub of shared hosting, providing users with a user-friendly interface to manage their account, files, and settings. Popular control panels include cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin.
· Enables easy management of account settings and files
· Supports the creation and management of databases and email accounts
· Facilitates the installation of third-party applications and scripts
6. Security Features
Security is a top priority in shared hosting, with providers implementing various measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. Common security features include:
· Firewalls: Prevent unauthorized access to the server and data
· Encryption: Protects data in transit and at rest
· Regular Backups: Ensures data integrity and availability
· Protects user data and prevents unauthorized access
· Ensures data integrity and availability
· Supports compliance with industry regulations and standards
7. Scalability
Scalability is a critical feature of shared hosting, enabling users to upgrade or downgrade their plan as needed. This ensures that websites can adapt to changing traffic and demand without experiencing downtime or performance issues.
· Enables flexible and scalable hosting solutions
· Supports the growth and evolution of websites and applications
· Facilitates the adaptation to changing traffic and demand
8. Customer Support
Customer support is an essential aspect of shared hosting, providing users with assistance and guidance throughout the hosting experience. Common support features include:
· 24/7 Support: Available assistance and guidance
· Knowledge Base: Comprehensive documentation and tutorials
· Ticket System: Efficient communication and issue tracking
· Provides assistance and guidance throughout the hosting experience
· Supports the resolution of technical issues and concerns
· Facilitates the adoption and utilization of hosting features and services
In conclusion, shared hosting features play a vital role in ensuring the success and reliability of online presence. By understanding the various features and benefits outlined in this chapter, users can make informed decisions about their hosting needs and choose the best provider for their specific requirements.Features: Description of VPS Hosting Features
Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting has become a popular choice for businesses and individuals alike due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. In this chapter, we will delve into the various features that make VPS hosting an attractive option for those seeking a reliable and secure online presence.
1. Scalability
One of the primary advantages of VPS hosting is its scalability. With a VPS, you can easily scale up or down as your needs change, without having to worry about migrating to a new server or incurring additional costs. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that experience fluctuations in traffic or data storage needs.
2. Root Access
As a VPS user, you have full root access to your server, allowing you to customize and configure your server to meet your specific needs. This feature provides unparalleled flexibility and control, making it an attractive option for developers, programmers, and system administrators.
3. Dedicated Resources
Unlike shared hosting, where resources are shared among multiple users, VPS hosting provides dedicated resources to each user. This means that your server has its own CPU, RAM, and storage, ensuring that your website or application runs smoothly and efficiently.
4. Security
Security is a top priority in VPS hosting. With a VPS, you have full control over your server's security settings, allowing you to implement robust security measures to protect your data and applications. This includes configuring firewalls, setting up access controls, and implementing encryption protocols.
5. Customization
VPS hosting offers unparalleled customization options, allowing you to tailor your server to meet your specific needs. This includes installing custom software, configuring server settings, and optimizing server performance.
6. Flexibility
VPS hosting provides flexibility in terms of operating systems, software applications, and server configurations. This means that you can choose the operating system and software that best suit your needs, rather than being limited to a specific set of options.
7. High-Speed Connectivity
VPS hosting providers typically offer high-speed connectivity options, including fiber-optic connections, ensuring fast and reliable data transfer rates.
8. 24/7 Support
Many VPS hosting providers offer 24/7 technical support, ensuring that you receive assistance whenever you need it. This includes phone, email, and live chat support options.
9. Control Panel
Most VPS hosting providers offer a control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk, which provides an intuitive interface for managing your server, including features like file management, email management, and database management.
10. Backup and Recovery
VPS hosting providers typically offer backup and recovery options, ensuring that your data is safe and can be easily restored in the event of a disaster.
11. Monitoring and Maintenance
Many VPS hosting providers offer monitoring and maintenance services, ensuring that your server is running smoothly and efficiently. This includes monitoring for security threats, performing regular software updates, and conducting routine maintenance tasks.
12. Uptime Guarantee
Many VPS hosting providers offer uptime guarantees, ensuring that your server is available and accessible at all times. This is typically measured in percentage terms, such as 99.9% uptime guarantee.
In conclusion, VPS hosting offers a wide range of features that make it an attractive option for businesses and individuals alike. From scalability and customization to security and support, VPS hosting provides a flexible and reliable solution for those seeking a robust online presence. By understanding the various features and benefits of VPS hosting, you can make an informed decision about whether this type of hosting is right for your needs.Features: Description of Dedicated Hosting Features
In today's digital landscape, dedicated hosting has become an essential component of any successful online presence. With the rise of e-commerce, social media, and online marketing, the need for a reliable and secure hosting solution has never been more pressing. In this chapter, we will delve into the world of dedicated hosting, exploring the key features that make it an attractive option for businesses and individuals alike.
1. Unmatched Control and Customization
One of the primary advantages of dedicated hosting is the level of control and customization it offers. With a dedicated server, you have complete control over the configuration, allowing you to tailor your hosting environment to meet the specific needs of your business. This level of control is unparalleled in shared hosting environments, where resources are shared among multiple users.
2. Scalability and Flexibility
Dedicated hosting offers unparalleled scalability and flexibility. As your business grows, you can easily scale up or down to meet changing demands. This flexibility is particularly important for businesses that experience fluctuations in traffic or require sudden spikes in resource allocation.
3. Enhanced Security and Reliability
Dedicated hosting provides an added layer of security and reliability, thanks to the isolation from other users. With a dedicated server, you can rest assured that your data is protected from potential security threats and that your website is always available to your customers.
4. Customizable Server Configuration
With a dedicated server, you have the ability to customize the server configuration to meet the specific needs of your business. This includes the ability to choose the operating system, software, and hardware specifications to ensure optimal performance.
5. Priority Customer Support
Dedicated hosting providers typically offer priority customer support, ensuring that any issues are addressed promptly and efficiently. This level of support is particularly important for businesses that rely heavily on their online presence.
6. High-Speed Connectivity
Dedicated hosting providers typically offer high-speed connectivity options, ensuring that your website loads quickly and efficiently. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on online sales or rely on a high volume of traffic.
7. Redundant Infrastructure
Many dedicated hosting providers offer redundant infrastructure, ensuring that your website remains available even in the event of hardware failure or network outages.
8. Advanced Monitoring and Maintenance
Dedicated hosting providers typically offer advanced monitoring and maintenance services, ensuring that your server is always running smoothly and efficiently.
9. Compliance and Regulation
Dedicated hosting providers often offer compliance and regulation services, ensuring that your business meets the necessary regulatory requirements.
10. Scalable Storage
Dedicated hosting providers typically offer scalable storage options, allowing you to easily increase or decrease storage capacity as needed.
11. Enhanced Performance
Dedicated hosting provides enhanced performance, thanks to the isolation from other users and the ability to customize server configuration. This results in faster page loads, improved search engine rankings, and a better overall user experience.
12. Customizable Backup and Recovery
Dedicated hosting providers typically offer customizable backup and recovery options, ensuring that your data is always safe and easily recoverable in the event of a disaster.
In conclusion, dedicated hosting offers a range of features that make it an attractive option for businesses and individuals alike. From unmatched control and customization to enhanced security and reliability, dedicated hosting provides a level of flexibility and scalability that is unmatched in shared hosting environments. Whether you're looking to improve performance, enhance security, or simply gain more control over your online presence, dedicated hosting is an excellent choice.Features: Description of Reseller Hosting Features
Reseller hosting is a type of web hosting that allows users to resell hosting services to their clients, while still maintaining control over the hosting environment. In this chapter, we will delve into the key features of reseller hosting, exploring the benefits and advantages of this type of hosting solution.
1. Control Panel
One of the most significant features of reseller hosting is the control panel. A control panel is a web-based interface that allows resellers to manage their hosting accounts, including creating and managing sub-accounts, setting up email accounts, and monitoring resource usage. Popular control panels for reseller hosting include cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin.
· Easy management of hosting accounts
· Ability to create and manage sub-accounts for clients
· Monitoring of resource usage and performance
· Customizable settings for each sub-account
2. Sub-Account Management
Reseller hosting allows resellers to create and manage sub-accounts for their clients. This feature enables resellers to provide customized hosting solutions for their clients, while still maintaining control over the hosting environment.
· Ability to create and manage sub-accounts for clients
· Customizable settings for each sub-account
· Easy management of hosting accounts
· Scalability and flexibility for clients
3. Resource Allocation
Reseller hosting allows resellers to allocate resources to their clients, including disk space, bandwidth, and CPU usage. This feature enables resellers to provide customized hosting solutions for their clients, while still maintaining control over the hosting environment.
· Ability to allocate resources to clients
· Customizable resource allocation for each sub-account
· Scalability and flexibility for clients
· Easy management of resource usage
4. Billing and Invoicing
Reseller hosting often includes billing and invoicing features, allowing resellers to manage their clients' accounts and generate invoices for services rendered.
· Easy management of client accounts
· Ability to generate invoices for services rendered
· Customizable billing and invoicing options
· Scalability and flexibility for clients
5. Security Features
Reseller hosting often includes advanced security features, such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and virus scanning. These features help protect hosting accounts from unauthorized access and malicious attacks.
· Advanced security features for hosting accounts
· Protection from unauthorized access and malicious attacks
· Customizable security settings for each sub-account
· Scalability and flexibility for clients
6. Scalability and Flexibility
Reseller hosting allows resellers to scale their hosting solutions to meet the needs of their clients. This feature enables resellers to provide customized hosting solutions for their clients, while still maintaining control over the hosting environment.
· Scalability and flexibility for clients
· Ability to upgrade or downgrade hosting plans as needed
· Customizable hosting solutions for clients
· Easy management of hosting accounts
7. Support and Maintenance
Reseller hosting often includes support and maintenance features, such as technical support, server monitoring, and software updates. These features help ensure that hosting accounts are running smoothly and efficiently.
· Technical support for hosting accounts
· Server monitoring and maintenance
· Software updates and security patches
· Scalability and flexibility for clients
Reseller hosting is a powerful tool for web professionals, allowing them to provide customized hosting solutions for their clients while still maintaining control over the hosting environment. By understanding the key features of reseller hosting, including control panels, sub-account management, resource allocation, billing and invoicing, security features, scalability and flexibility, and support and maintenance, resellers can provide high-quality hosting solutions for their clients.

Pricing Plans

Pricing Plans: Description of Shared Hosting Pricing Plans
As a leading provider of web hosting services, our company offers a range of pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs of our customers. In this chapter, we will delve into the details of our shared hosting pricing plans, highlighting the features and benefits of each plan.
Economy Plan
Our Economy Plan is designed for small businesses and individuals who require a basic level of hosting services. This plan is ideal for those who need to host a single website with limited traffic.
· Features:
o 1 website
o 5 GB storage space
o 10 GB bandwidth
o 1 MySQL database
o 1 email account
o cPanel control panel
· Price: 2.99/𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ(𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦)𝑜𝑟2.99/month(billedannually)or3.99/month (billed* m*onthly)
submitted by jjdewit to producthunter [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:35 Left-Finding6540 It's now June, I'm looking to make a thread of last minute tips, if anyone has any last minute tips for any subjects I'll add them

English: for section 1 question a on paper 1 use pqe, point quote explain, nake one point use a quote to back it up and explain, leave extra space after each point incase you have extra time to spend on it,alternatively a kind commentor added fhe following:Can I add one to English, from an English teacher. Instead of PQE, use PEEL . Point, Evidence, Explain and Link (to the next paragraph/back to the question). Will boost C mark.
Question b of that same question make sure if you write the text of a speech the whole text is said speech and if you have to for example write the text of a speech from a famous person you never step out of character. Your opening line should be basically a rephrasing of the question eg:write an article for the local newspaper, you should say "I am writing for the x newspaper to tell you about...", even if its unrealistic they still look for this in regard to your purpose mark.
For the composing:make sure there are famous people you can talk about a lot, also just a few topics that youve got some bit of knowledge on e.g ai might be handy
personal essay: use anecdotes even if they're made up
Short story:I'm avoiding this personally but make sure you show don't tell and alsondont leave plot holes, from what I've heard people who do this already have things like settings, characters and storylines planned out before the exam
Opinion essay: chose for or against and be strongly for or against, if im not mistaken you can be neutral but it's a lot harder
For the single text your first quote shouldn't be from act 1 scene 1 or your texts equivalent,your answer shouldn't be a summary
For hamlet: have lots of quotes, back in as many points as possible with quotes, remember the word regicide and antic-disposition, if the question asks about Claudius' role as villain if must only be his direct wrong doings (laertes, elder hamlet) and not the ones he indirectly caused by making hamlet mad (ophelia, polonius etc).
Comparative:constantly compare your 3 texts,(this next tip only applies if parf of your comparative course is never let me go) MOST of the time if you are doing the question 1 which is split up into a and b where a is in relation to 1 text and b is 2, never let me go will be in part a as it is hard to compare to other texts, this obviously depends on the question but if in doubt do that
Unseen poetry:I'm absolutely useless at this but on my mock I completely misunderstood the poem and got 17/20, waffle with confidence, don't spend too long on it as 20 marks is sweet fa in your English paper and the difference between spending 20 mins and 25 mins is no more than 3 marks. As a kind commentary added(soz days are long cba tagging everybody) backup using any poetic technique you can
Poetry: have one poem you can talk for days about no matter what, they will more than likely come up. Have 3 more you understand to be able to answer a question, then your perfectly covered. If you want to be more confident you can learn 2 poems to perfect 50/50 but from here to Thursday time management is important
History: if your a slow writer like me learn a metric fuck tonne of good quotes they're the quickest way to pick up marks, here's a few if you want them
Oh little sputnik flying high/with made-in-moscow-beep/you show the world its a commie sky/and uncle Sam's asleep-mennen Williams,democratic governor of michigan
The United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external and internal forces-the turman doctrine
We are kings men and well be with you to the end -james Craig (not precisely a long one but so many essays it could be used in)
I want dr king to know that I didn't come to selma to make his job difficult, I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realise what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to here dr king-malcolm x
Also know the 3 document essays off by heart as one will defiently come up,somebody mentioned about knowing every case study off by heart and learning information rather than essays but that's more long term advice than last minute, still tho
Geography: from here to friday dedicate 10 minutes to aerial photography, it's 8 marks waiting to be claimed. Nows probably too late for flashcards but if it isn't fucking use them for srps
Maths: nows not too late to print off a mock or past paper, see what needs the most work and make sure you fully understand them
Irish: if your like me and haven't done a scratch there's still more than a week, predictions are your best friend, learn one essay, one poetry notes, one story notes and one play notes and let God decide how well he wants you to do
French:be able to write about the Olympics as if your fluent, its probably going to come up. Know your tenses and your subjunctive. Learn off a few proverbs they add marks to any essay. "Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le declaration Ci dessus","il est neccesaire de pesser le pour et le contre", "n'oublions pas le proverbe" and "a Mon avis" fit into most opinion pieces, know them(get correct spelling aswel mine was affected by autocorrect). Also if your down to the wire learn diary phrased, even if you write a bad diary you will get marks for the phrases.
Somebody has pointed out its the 70 year anniversary of the d day bombings so bare that in mind too
Accounting: final accounts will come up,know 2/3, learn all your ratios and all the theory they will come up, know either budgeting or costing as one of each will come up, that leaves the second 100 marker, it will most likely be suspense as that comes up every second year but it could be a 60 marker, I wouldn't even bother worrying about anything else until ratios,final accounts, budget/costing and suspense are up to the grade your hoping for but if all that is sorted learn off maybe 3 other possible 100 markers, that any you have 4 which includes the 80% likely suspense and 2 will come up, the accounting exam is probably the easiest to predict, and for the love of God know your theory. Keep doing exam questions of your struggling, every time you correct one write down your mistakes and have the list of mistakes next to you when doing the next one, then tear it and make a new list of mistakes
Biology: If you know photosynthesis and respiration off from the back of the hand, you are good to go because there is a very high chance one or the other will be asked in some form (could even be a full 30-mark question if you are fortunate enough).
Business: Be 100% familiar with the ABQ strands (the comprehension can help you out a bit in finding the information for each question but you need to know the material that goes along with it from the heart). For Section 3: Defo know Strand 1 or 2 as that comes up as a question 1 or 2, Ratios as that can come up (caught me off guard when I did LC and made the difference between H1 and H2 for me unfortunately) and then would recommend preparing either strand 6 or 7 (or both if you wish for the final question you decide to attempt) Think if I recall you have to do one from Part A, one from Part B and then one other question from either part. Section A is an easy way to pick up marks so if you are struggling bank on Section A and B to get you going and make a decent stab at Section C and know section 1-3 inside out
This is all my experience, I will add any good advice for these subject or other subjects that are provided in the comments, all of these are for higher level except for maths, good luck,don't panic and think about the pint that's instore once this is all over
submitted by Left-Finding6540 to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:14 Similar_Set_6582 My account was banned from TV Tropes. Can someone do me a favor?

Just copy this, paste this into a sandbox, then make a thread in the Trope Repair Shop linking to it. The thread shall be titled "Needs Help: Inexplicable Language Fluency".
A wick check for InexplicableLanguageFluency.
'''Why?''': InexplicableLanguageFluency seems to lump in examples of characters demonstrating fluency in a language they've never learned with examples of characters merely understanding a language they never learned. For one, it doesn't make sense for the latter examples to be there since the title has the word "fluency" in it. Secondly, many of the latter examples can be moved to BilingualDialogue or AmplifiedAnimalAptitude.
'''Wicks checked''': 50/72
'''Wick totals''':
* 21/50 wicks, or 11.5%, were clear examples of a character demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned. * 24/50 wicks, or 12% were examples of a character understanding a language without demonstrating fluency. * 4/50 wicks, or 2%, were written in a way that made it unclear whether they were being used correctly. * 1/50 wicks, or 1.5%, was an aversion.
[[folder:Characters demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned (21/50)]] * Characters.AtlantisTheLostEmpire: The Atlanteans are able to fluently communicate with the explorers from the surface in English and French. This is handwaved as their own language being a precursor to all other languages. * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming finds himself immediately fluent in Japanese despite having never learned the language, and the Japan of his era was still a dwarf country that mostly only sent envoys to Shu's rival kingdom of Wei. Eiko points out the absurdity of how an ancient Chinese figure can suddenly speak Japanese, and Kongming himself is at a loss of how he can do this. * Characters.YellowjacketsCrashSurvivors: [[spoiler:She, and by extension others in the Antler Queen cult she forms, randomly speak French on occasion, which Lottie at least is ''not'' fluent in, indicating mental instability.]] '''If this is supposed to be an inversion, it's correct, but it should be rewritten to mention that it's an inversion.''' * ComicBook.Asterix: Gauls can speak to most foreign peoples without any difficulty. Either everyone can speak Gaulish, or the Gauls can speak other languages, but either way is downright impossible. * ComicBook.UltimateFantasticFour: ** Downplayed. Namor demonstrates this trope after spending nine thousand years of being sealed inside a sarcophagus prison. Being from an ancient civilization of Atlantis that predates the modern English language, he initially has no idea what his new captors are saying when they find him. However, thanks to his psionic powers he proves to be a frighteningly fast learner and is able to learn English within an hour to understand modern American English and casually deliver threats and demands. ** Happens again when the Four meets the Silver Surfer who is able to understand English perfectly the instant he arrives to Earth for the first time. He justifies this by stating can decipher electromagnetic signals in the air to learn alien tongues in seconds. * Friends.TropesFToJ: Zig-zagged. "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt" has her speaking with Joey's Italian grandmother, with Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey. But in an earlier episode, Rachel's former lover Paulo calls her "bellissima" and she doesn't understand. ->'''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Film.ExorcistTheBeginning: In-universe, the main characters note Cheche's sudden fluency in English after being brought to the hospital. Of course this is because it is Pazuzu speaking through him and not actually Cheche. '''This is DiscussedTrope, not InUniverse'''. * Film.{{Phenomenon}}: Downplayed. After a UFO encounter, George gains a form of superintelligence where he can learn complicated tasks and subjects quickly, to the point where he's able to fluently speak Portuguese after reading an English-to-Portuguese dictionary for twenty minutes. This was foreshadowed in an earlier scene where after usually fumbling to speak Spanish, he's suddenly able to speak it perfectly, to the point that his Hispanic coworker half-seriously declares that it's better than his. * Literature.ForgottenRuin: When Talker and Vandahar speak during the final stretch to the Hidden Cave, Vandahar speaks in what we would recognize as modern German, which of course makes communicating with him very easy for Talker but raises a few questions. * Literature.InCryptid: Of the GeneticMemory version. When Candice the Dragon Princess comes up against the LizardFolk wandering about the New York sewers, she's able to make them halt using a guttural language. She reveals to Verity that it's a inborn language all Princesses know and something the "Servitors" are meant to respond to. She's also never used it before as Servitors can only be created from a [[spoiler:living male dragon]]. * Literature.SeasonalFears: Aven is essentially in a coma all her life but, thanks to the alchemical knowledge tinctures of her father', she speaks perfect English even if there are some issues with definitions. * Literature.ShiversMDSpenser: Bubbie moves to France with her family and meets a new French kid, Jean-Luc, and can somehow converse with him without any language issues; at the end of the story she can hold a long conversation with a stranger in French, despite spending less than a week in the country. Previous books with an overseas setting will at least attempt justifying this trope (for instance, ''Terror on Troll Mountain'' has the protagonist's Italian family choosing to speak in English because they're anticipating American guests) but this one handwaves the issue until it's a borderline plot hole. * Recap.AsterixAndTheGoths: Getafix is able to speak fluent Gothic, despite being a Gaulish druid who has no logical reason to know it (especially considering how antagonistic the Goths are in this story). * Recap.FriendsS5E19TheOneWhereRossCantFlirt: Phoebe speaks with Joey's Italian grandmother, with [[InexplicableLanguageFluency Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey]]. '''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Recap.TalesFromTheDarksideS4E6TheGraveRobber: Aileen is surprised to hear Tapok speaking English when he wakes up, the mummy giving an offhand mention that he can speak the language of anyone who violates the tomb. * Roleplay.WanyaKingdomVSAwoofyUnity: Fragment has been shown to speak any language even if he has never heard it before. * Series.{{Llanargollen}}: In "Dirgelwch y Llyfr Coll", Prys and Barti speak to each other in Swahili. It seems incredibly unlikely that Prys would be fluent in that language, and Barti only speaks in unintelligible grunts with individual words thrown in. The other characters barely react to this. * VideoGame.EternalReturnBlackSurvival: The test subjects are able to work together with each other in spite of how one would presume that the vast majority of them would be completely unable to verbally communicate with most of the others. {{Averted}} by some of the achievement lore entries, which include statements observed from test subjects that some of which have a note underneath which states the words were translated by AI and will be reviewed and localized further in the future. '''Since this seems to be an implied example rather than a straight example, and it seems to be ambiguous InUniverse whether it's this or BilingualDialogue, I'll leave it here.''' * VideoGame.MegaManBattleNetwork2?: [=MegaMan=]'s translation system allows Lan to speak flawless Netopian after they arrive in Netopia. * WesternAnimation.{{Pocahontas}}: English explorer John Smith meets the alluring Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe. Smith doesn't know her language, nor she his. That is, until Pocahontas takes a breath of magic wind. Suddenly, her English is better than his. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Aversions (1/50)]] * DarthWiki.{{Aquilaverse}}: ''Averted'' Not inexplicable, since her spell "Xenographus" let's her read any language she encounters for a limited duration. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Unclear (4/50)]] * Characters.FrightKrewe: His power makes him this. He has the ability to communicate with anyone and understand anything they say, whether its a [[InexplicableLanguageFluency person]], an [[SpeaksFluentAnimal animal]], or an [[NatureSpirit 'elemental entity']]. '''The way the example is written, it's not clear whether it's this or BilingualDialogue.''' * Recap.CreepshowS1E3BadWolfDown: Doc is shown to speak French and understands the language quite fluently, allowing him to translate the explanation of the werewolf woman's plight. '''You can't "understand a language fluently". Does he ''speak'' it fluently, or at least speak it better than he should realistically be able to?''' * Series.AlloAllo: Frenchmen, Germans, and Italians can talk to each other. This is never explained. '''In their own languages, or...?''' * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps: The [[SpeaksFluentAnimal aliens]] and [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien chimps]] understand each other, despite that the chimps have just arrived on their planet. '''Does one of them speak the other's language, or do they just understand each other's languages?''' [[/folder]]
!!!'''Characters being able to understand a language without demonstrating fluency (24/50) 12%''' [[folder:Amplified Animal Aptitude (7/50) '''3.5%''']] * Literature.MrsFrisbyAndTheRatsOfNIMH: The animals can understand humans and each other, but can't talk to humans. This leads to a bit of FridgeLogic as to where exactly all these animals picked up English (justified for the rats, as they were taught it in the lab, but not for any of the others), and whether they can understand other human languages automatically as well. * Recap.TheSimpsonsS6E6TreehouseOfHorrorV: When Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." * TheSimpsons.TropesIToM: ** In "Treehouse of Horror V", when Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." '''Just checked and the sloth doesn’t say “I don’t know”, it just grunts with an intonation that indicates that that’s what it was saying. So, not fluent in English.''' * Tarzan.TropesGToZ ** Played straight when Jane talks to a baby baboon and he understands her. * TotalDrama.TropesHToP: Some wild animals--especially squirrels--can understand humans. * WesternAnimation.FindingNemo: Dory understands English. The fish in the tank understand English because they've been hearing humans all their life, but there's no reason for Dory to understand English. [[spoiler:Subverted in that ''WesternAnimation/FindingDory'' reveals she was raised in a marine life institute in California.]] '''Since it says “understand” and not “speak” I can only assume this is a case of TranslationConvention and AnimalTalk, which means they aren’t actually fluent in English.''' * WesternAnimation.SpiritStallionOfTheCimarron: Spirit, despite not having had any human contact before his capture, understands what the human characters are saying. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Bilingual Dialogue (11/50)]] * Characters.MashupWeekMegamixCompetitors: Despite the fact that all 3 members speak different languages (English for Scoop, French for Eric and Italian for Baba), they can be understood by each other and by others easily. * Film.NoTimeToDie: James Bond's 5-year-old daughter, Mathilde, understands English even though her mother Madelaine speaks to her in French and all the media she consumes is in French. * Film.Titanic1997: Jack and the Swedish men understand each other well enough that Olaf is able to bet his tickets for all Jack and Fabrizio's money. * FinalFantasyXIV.TropesGToI?: ** In ''Heavensward'', the Warrior and Alphinaud are startled by how they can understand the great wyrm Hraesvelgr, who only speaks the language of dragons. They learn that while other races may not speak the dragon's language, the inherent power and magic in a dragon's song essentially beams meaning directly into the hearer's mind. ** The Scions are shocked in ''Shadowbringers'' when they meet [[spoiler:Emet-Selch's recreation of the lost city of Amaurot, the home of the BenevolentPrecursor race. Although the ancient version of mankind spoke only in a StarfishLanguage of droning tones, the Scions born millennia after the world was sundered find that they're able to discern meaning from it.]] * Literature.CookingWithWildGame: Lampshaded. One of the few supernatural parts of the setting is that [[TrappedInAnotherWorld Asuta]] can understand its inhabitants' language (almost) perfectly. Nobody knows why, nor do they ever find out; it's essentially one of the AcceptableBreaksFromReality needed to get the plot going. * Literature.{{Fablehaven}}: After receiving magic from fairies, Kendra gains the ability to interpret their language intuitively despite never actually learning it. * Manga.MiriyaAndMarie: Aside of occasional GratuitousFrench, Miriya can understand all French and animal characters and vice versa. Blackey also tries to charge Miriya for massage in yen despite being French. * VideoGame.KnightsOfTheOldRepublic: Yes, your character understands plenty of languages, but there isn't anyone who ''should'' understand the language of the AbusivePrecursors. [[spoiler: Subverted. Turns out you'd been there before and learned the language, but just forgotten the whole thing between Malak's backstab and whatever the Jedi did to "rebuild" you]]. '''When moving this to BilingualDialogue, I would rewrite it as “Your character understands plenty of languages, but can only speak one.''' * WebOriginal.MashupWeek: In both tournaments, Flat Eric speaks French, but everyone can understand him perfectly. Same with Gigi, who speaks Italian. * WesternAnimation.JosieAndThePussycats: ''[[RecycledWithAGimmick In Outer Space]]'' has Melody encounter an alien creature that looks like cotton candy with eyes and flippers. The critter speaks in a series of bleeps, and Melody names him Bleep. [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien She can also understand him perfectly, and acts as translator for everyone else]]. Also, Bleep seems to understand English just fine. '''I also think InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien should be limited to people actually speaking Alien instead of just understanding it, but that’s for another time.''' [[/folder]]
[[folder:Other (6/50)]] * Characters.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocusMultiverse: Upon looking at some files from the old phone Oscar picked up, he's somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Fanfic.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocus: Kaito is somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming also demonstrates an ability to understand English, as he is able to tell that the English song Eiko sings to him is a love song, with enough comprehension to be moved by a vision of his old comrades due to the lyrics referencing being still alive and alone. Later, upon meeting Tsuyoshi Kondo after Eiko's performance at the Yoyogi Art Festival, Kongming easily translates his GratuitousEnglish for a confused Kobayashi, and he's even become friends with a foreigner in Roppongi, who speaks exclusively in English. He's capable of some GratuitousEnglish himself, to boot. * Recap/CreepshowS2E2PublicTelevisionOfTheDead: Goodman reveals to Ted, out of nowhere, that he can read Sumerian, allowing him to translate the Necronomicon's incantations and let Evil roam free once again. * Series.{{Carnivale}}: During the fireball show, Samson secretly passes an old Crusader fob up to the stage during Lodz's psychometry act. When Lodz touches it, he's struck by visions of a holy war and begins chanting ''"In hoc signo vinces!"'' Ben, an uneducated farmboy, surprises Samson by translating even though he doesn't even recognize the language is Latin: '''Ben Hawkins:''' By this sign we conquer... by this sign we conquer... * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps2ZartogStrikesBack: Zartog understands the humans, despite having just arrived on Earth. He even understands Spanish, Hindi, and Xhosa upon hearing them for the first time, making the humans' inability to understand him even more hilarious. [[/folder]]
submitted by Similar_Set_6582 to tvtropes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Similar_Set_6582 My account was banned from TV Tropes. Can someone do me a favor?

Just copy this, paste this into a sandbox, then make a thread in the Trope Repair Shop linking to it. The thread shall be titled "Needs Help: Inexplicable Language Fluency".
A wick check for InexplicableLanguageFluency.
'''Why?''': InexplicableLanguageFluency seems to lump in examples of characters demonstrating fluency in a language they've never learned with examples of characters merely understanding a language they never learned. For one, it doesn't make sense for the latter examples to be there since the title has the word "fluency" in it. Secondly, many of the latter examples can be moved to BilingualDialogue or AmplifiedAnimalAptitude.
'''Wicks checked''': 50/72
'''Wick totals''':
* 21/50 wicks, or 11.5%, were clear examples of a character demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned. * 24/50 wicks, or 12% were examples of a character understanding a language without demonstrating fluency. * 4/50 wicks, or 2%, were written in a way that made it unclear whether they were being used correctly. * 1/50 wicks, or 1.5%, was an aversion.
[[folder:Characters demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned (21/50)]] * Characters.AtlantisTheLostEmpire: The Atlanteans are able to fluently communicate with the explorers from the surface in English and French. This is handwaved as their own language being a precursor to all other languages. * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming finds himself immediately fluent in Japanese despite having never learned the language, and the Japan of his era was still a dwarf country that mostly only sent envoys to Shu's rival kingdom of Wei. Eiko points out the absurdity of how an ancient Chinese figure can suddenly speak Japanese, and Kongming himself is at a loss of how he can do this. * Characters.YellowjacketsCrashSurvivors: [[spoiler:She, and by extension others in the Antler Queen cult she forms, randomly speak French on occasion, which Lottie at least is ''not'' fluent in, indicating mental instability.]] '''If this is supposed to be an inversion, it's correct, but it should be rewritten to mention that it's an inversion.''' * ComicBook.Asterix: Gauls can speak to most foreign peoples without any difficulty. Either everyone can speak Gaulish, or the Gauls can speak other languages, but either way is downright impossible. * ComicBook.UltimateFantasticFour: ** Downplayed. Namor demonstrates this trope after spending nine thousand years of being sealed inside a sarcophagus prison. Being from an ancient civilization of Atlantis that predates the modern English language, he initially has no idea what his new captors are saying when they find him. However, thanks to his psionic powers he proves to be a frighteningly fast learner and is able to learn English within an hour to understand modern American English and casually deliver threats and demands. ** Happens again when the Four meets the Silver Surfer who is able to understand English perfectly the instant he arrives to Earth for the first time. He justifies this by stating can decipher electromagnetic signals in the air to learn alien tongues in seconds. * Friends.TropesFToJ: Zig-zagged. "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt" has her speaking with Joey's Italian grandmother, with Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey. But in an earlier episode, Rachel's former lover Paulo calls her "bellissima" and she doesn't understand. ->'''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Film.ExorcistTheBeginning: In-universe, the main characters note Cheche's sudden fluency in English after being brought to the hospital. Of course this is because it is Pazuzu speaking through him and not actually Cheche. '''This is DiscussedTrope, not InUniverse'''. * Film.{{Phenomenon}}: Downplayed. After a UFO encounter, George gains a form of superintelligence where he can learn complicated tasks and subjects quickly, to the point where he's able to fluently speak Portuguese after reading an English-to-Portuguese dictionary for twenty minutes. This was foreshadowed in an earlier scene where after usually fumbling to speak Spanish, he's suddenly able to speak it perfectly, to the point that his Hispanic coworker half-seriously declares that it's better than his. * Literature.ForgottenRuin: When Talker and Vandahar speak during the final stretch to the Hidden Cave, Vandahar speaks in what we would recognize as modern German, which of course makes communicating with him very easy for Talker but raises a few questions. * Literature.InCryptid: Of the GeneticMemory version. When Candice the Dragon Princess comes up against the LizardFolk wandering about the New York sewers, she's able to make them halt using a guttural language. She reveals to Verity that it's a inborn language all Princesses know and something the "Servitors" are meant to respond to. She's also never used it before as Servitors can only be created from a [[spoiler:living male dragon]]. * Literature.SeasonalFears: Aven is essentially in a coma all her life but, thanks to the alchemical knowledge tinctures of her father', she speaks perfect English even if there are some issues with definitions. * Literature.ShiversMDSpenser: Bubbie moves to France with her family and meets a new French kid, Jean-Luc, and can somehow converse with him without any language issues; at the end of the story she can hold a long conversation with a stranger in French, despite spending less than a week in the country. Previous books with an overseas setting will at least attempt justifying this trope (for instance, ''Terror on Troll Mountain'' has the protagonist's Italian family choosing to speak in English because they're anticipating American guests) but this one handwaves the issue until it's a borderline plot hole. * Recap.AsterixAndTheGoths: Getafix is able to speak fluent Gothic, despite being a Gaulish druid who has no logical reason to know it (especially considering how antagonistic the Goths are in this story). * Recap.FriendsS5E19TheOneWhereRossCantFlirt: Phoebe speaks with Joey's Italian grandmother, with [[InexplicableLanguageFluency Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey]]. '''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Recap.TalesFromTheDarksideS4E6TheGraveRobber: Aileen is surprised to hear Tapok speaking English when he wakes up, the mummy giving an offhand mention that he can speak the language of anyone who violates the tomb. * Roleplay.WanyaKingdomVSAwoofyUnity: Fragment has been shown to speak any language even if he has never heard it before. * Series.{{Llanargollen}}: In "Dirgelwch y Llyfr Coll", Prys and Barti speak to each other in Swahili. It seems incredibly unlikely that Prys would be fluent in that language, and Barti only speaks in unintelligible grunts with individual words thrown in. The other characters barely react to this. * VideoGame.EternalReturnBlackSurvival: The test subjects are able to work together with each other in spite of how one would presume that the vast majority of them would be completely unable to verbally communicate with most of the others. {{Averted}} by some of the achievement lore entries, which include statements observed from test subjects that some of which have a note underneath which states the words were translated by AI and will be reviewed and localized further in the future. '''Since this seems to be an implied example rather than a straight example, and it seems to be ambiguous InUniverse whether it's this or BilingualDialogue, I'll leave it here.''' * VideoGame.MegaManBattleNetwork2?: [=MegaMan=]'s translation system allows Lan to speak flawless Netopian after they arrive in Netopia. * WesternAnimation.{{Pocahontas}}: English explorer John Smith meets the alluring Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe. Smith doesn't know her language, nor she his. That is, until Pocahontas takes a breath of magic wind. Suddenly, her English is better than his. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Aversions (1/50)]] * DarthWiki.{{Aquilaverse}}: ''Averted'' Not inexplicable, since her spell "Xenographus" let's her read any language she encounters for a limited duration. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Unclear (4/50)]] * Characters.FrightKrewe: His power makes him this. He has the ability to communicate with anyone and understand anything they say, whether its a [[InexplicableLanguageFluency person]], an [[SpeaksFluentAnimal animal]], or an [[NatureSpirit 'elemental entity']]. '''The way the example is written, it's not clear whether it's this or BilingualDialogue.''' * Recap.CreepshowS1E3BadWolfDown: Doc is shown to speak French and understands the language quite fluently, allowing him to translate the explanation of the werewolf woman's plight. '''You can't "understand a language fluently". Does he ''speak'' it fluently, or at least speak it better than he should realistically be able to?''' * Series.AlloAllo: Frenchmen, Germans, and Italians can talk to each other. This is never explained. '''In their own languages, or...?''' * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps: The [[SpeaksFluentAnimal aliens]] and [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien chimps]] understand each other, despite that the chimps have just arrived on their planet. '''Does one of them speak the other's language, or do they just understand each other's languages?''' [[/folder]]
!!!'''Characters being able to understand a language without demonstrating fluency (24/50) 12%''' [[folder:Amplified Animal Aptitude (7/50) '''3.5%''']] * Literature.MrsFrisbyAndTheRatsOfNIMH: The animals can understand humans and each other, but can't talk to humans. This leads to a bit of FridgeLogic as to where exactly all these animals picked up English (justified for the rats, as they were taught it in the lab, but not for any of the others), and whether they can understand other human languages automatically as well. * Recap.TheSimpsonsS6E6TreehouseOfHorrorV: When Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." * TheSimpsons.TropesIToM: ** In "Treehouse of Horror V", when Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." '''Just checked and the sloth doesn’t say “I don’t know”, it just grunts with an intonation that indicates that that’s what it was saying. So, not fluent in English.''' * Tarzan.TropesGToZ ** Played straight when Jane talks to a baby baboon and he understands her. * TotalDrama.TropesHToP: Some wild animals--especially squirrels--can understand humans. * WesternAnimation.FindingNemo: Dory understands English. The fish in the tank understand English because they've been hearing humans all their life, but there's no reason for Dory to understand English. [[spoiler:Subverted in that ''WesternAnimation/FindingDory'' reveals she was raised in a marine life institute in California.]] '''Since it says “understand” and not “speak” I can only assume this is a case of TranslationConvention and AnimalTalk, which means they aren’t actually fluent in English.''' * WesternAnimation.SpiritStallionOfTheCimarron: Spirit, despite not having had any human contact before his capture, understands what the human characters are saying. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Bilingual Dialogue (11/50)]] * Characters.MashupWeekMegamixCompetitors: Despite the fact that all 3 members speak different languages (English for Scoop, French for Eric and Italian for Baba), they can be understood by each other and by others easily. * Film.NoTimeToDie: James Bond's 5-year-old daughter, Mathilde, understands English even though her mother Madelaine speaks to her in French and all the media she consumes is in French. * Film.Titanic1997: Jack and the Swedish men understand each other well enough that Olaf is able to bet his tickets for all Jack and Fabrizio's money. * FinalFantasyXIV.TropesGToI?: ** In ''Heavensward'', the Warrior and Alphinaud are startled by how they can understand the great wyrm Hraesvelgr, who only speaks the language of dragons. They learn that while other races may not speak the dragon's language, the inherent power and magic in a dragon's song essentially beams meaning directly into the hearer's mind. ** The Scions are shocked in ''Shadowbringers'' when they meet [[spoiler:Emet-Selch's recreation of the lost city of Amaurot, the home of the BenevolentPrecursor race. Although the ancient version of mankind spoke only in a StarfishLanguage of droning tones, the Scions born millennia after the world was sundered find that they're able to discern meaning from it.]] * Literature.CookingWithWildGame: Lampshaded. One of the few supernatural parts of the setting is that [[TrappedInAnotherWorld Asuta]] can understand its inhabitants' language (almost) perfectly. Nobody knows why, nor do they ever find out; it's essentially one of the AcceptableBreaksFromReality needed to get the plot going. * Literature.{{Fablehaven}}: After receiving magic from fairies, Kendra gains the ability to interpret their language intuitively despite never actually learning it. * Manga.MiriyaAndMarie: Aside of occasional GratuitousFrench, Miriya can understand all French and animal characters and vice versa. Blackey also tries to charge Miriya for massage in yen despite being French. * VideoGame.KnightsOfTheOldRepublic: Yes, your character understands plenty of languages, but there isn't anyone who ''should'' understand the language of the AbusivePrecursors. [[spoiler: Subverted. Turns out you'd been there before and learned the language, but just forgotten the whole thing between Malak's backstab and whatever the Jedi did to "rebuild" you]]. '''When moving this to BilingualDialogue, I would rewrite it as “Your character understands plenty of languages, but can only speak one.''' * WebOriginal.MashupWeek: In both tournaments, Flat Eric speaks French, but everyone can understand him perfectly. Same with Gigi, who speaks Italian. * WesternAnimation.JosieAndThePussycats: ''[[RecycledWithAGimmick In Outer Space]]'' has Melody encounter an alien creature that looks like cotton candy with eyes and flippers. The critter speaks in a series of bleeps, and Melody names him Bleep. [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien She can also understand him perfectly, and acts as translator for everyone else]]. Also, Bleep seems to understand English just fine. '''I also think InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien should be limited to people actually speaking Alien instead of just understanding it, but that’s for another time.''' [[/folder]]
[[folder:Other (6/50)]] * Characters.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocusMultiverse: Upon looking at some files from the old phone Oscar picked up, he's somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Fanfic.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocus: Kaito is somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming also demonstrates an ability to understand English, as he is able to tell that the English song Eiko sings to him is a love song, with enough comprehension to be moved by a vision of his old comrades due to the lyrics referencing being still alive and alone. Later, upon meeting Tsuyoshi Kondo after Eiko's performance at the Yoyogi Art Festival, Kongming easily translates his GratuitousEnglish for a confused Kobayashi, and he's even become friends with a foreigner in Roppongi, who speaks exclusively in English. He's capable of some GratuitousEnglish himself, to boot. * Recap/CreepshowS2E2PublicTelevisionOfTheDead: Goodman reveals to Ted, out of nowhere, that he can read Sumerian, allowing him to translate the Necronomicon's incantations and let Evil roam free once again. * Series.{{Carnivale}}: During the fireball show, Samson secretly passes an old Crusader fob up to the stage during Lodz's psychometry act. When Lodz touches it, he's struck by visions of a holy war and begins chanting ''"In hoc signo vinces!"'' Ben, an uneducated farmboy, surprises Samson by translating even though he doesn't even recognize the language is Latin: '''Ben Hawkins:''' By this sign we conquer... by this sign we conquer... * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps2ZartogStrikesBack: Zartog understands the humans, despite having just arrived on Earth. He even understands Spanish, Hindi, and Xhosa upon hearing them for the first time, making the humans' inability to understand him even more hilarious. [[/folder]]
submitted by Similar_Set_6582 to bannedtvtropers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:11 Similar_Set_6582 My account was banned from TV Tropes. Can someone do me a favor?

Just copy this, paste this into a sandbox, then make a thread in the Trope Repair Shop linking to it. The thread shall be titled "Needs Help: Inexplicable Language Fluency".
A wick check for InexplicableLanguageFluency.
'''Why?''': InexplicableLanguageFluency seems to lump in examples of characters demonstrating fluency in a language they've never learned with examples of characters merely understanding a language they never learned. For one, it doesn't make sense for the latter examples to be there since the title has the word "fluency" in it. Secondly, many of the latter examples can be moved to BilingualDialogue or AmplifiedAnimalAptitude.
'''Wicks checked''': 50/72
'''Wick totals''':
* 21/50 wicks, or 11.5%, were clear examples of a character demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned. * 24/50 wicks, or 12% were examples of a character understanding a language without demonstrating fluency. * 4/50 wicks, or 2%, were written in a way that made it unclear whether they were being used correctly. * 1/50 wicks, or 1.5%, was an aversion.
[[folder:Characters demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned (21/50)]] * Characters.AtlantisTheLostEmpire: The Atlanteans are able to fluently communicate with the explorers from the surface in English and French. This is handwaved as their own language being a precursor to all other languages. * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming finds himself immediately fluent in Japanese despite having never learned the language, and the Japan of his era was still a dwarf country that mostly only sent envoys to Shu's rival kingdom of Wei. Eiko points out the absurdity of how an ancient Chinese figure can suddenly speak Japanese, and Kongming himself is at a loss of how he can do this. * Characters.YellowjacketsCrashSurvivors: [[spoiler:She, and by extension others in the Antler Queen cult she forms, randomly speak French on occasion, which Lottie at least is ''not'' fluent in, indicating mental instability.]] '''If this is supposed to be an inversion, it's correct, but it should be rewritten to mention that it's an inversion.''' * ComicBook.Asterix: Gauls can speak to most foreign peoples without any difficulty. Either everyone can speak Gaulish, or the Gauls can speak other languages, but either way is downright impossible. * ComicBook.UltimateFantasticFour: ** Downplayed. Namor demonstrates this trope after spending nine thousand years of being sealed inside a sarcophagus prison. Being from an ancient civilization of Atlantis that predates the modern English language, he initially has no idea what his new captors are saying when they find him. However, thanks to his psionic powers he proves to be a frighteningly fast learner and is able to learn English within an hour to understand modern American English and casually deliver threats and demands. ** Happens again when the Four meets the Silver Surfer who is able to understand English perfectly the instant he arrives to Earth for the first time. He justifies this by stating can decipher electromagnetic signals in the air to learn alien tongues in seconds. * Friends.TropesFToJ: Zig-zagged. "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt" has her speaking with Joey's Italian grandmother, with Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey. But in an earlier episode, Rachel's former lover Paulo calls her "bellissima" and she doesn't understand. ->'''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Film.ExorcistTheBeginning: In-universe, the main characters note Cheche's sudden fluency in English after being brought to the hospital. Of course this is because it is Pazuzu speaking through him and not actually Cheche. '''This is DiscussedTrope, not InUniverse'''. * Film.{{Phenomenon}}: Downplayed. After a UFO encounter, George gains a form of superintelligence where he can learn complicated tasks and subjects quickly, to the point where he's able to fluently speak Portuguese after reading an English-to-Portuguese dictionary for twenty minutes. This was foreshadowed in an earlier scene where after usually fumbling to speak Spanish, he's suddenly able to speak it perfectly, to the point that his Hispanic coworker half-seriously declares that it's better than his. * Literature.ForgottenRuin: When Talker and Vandahar speak during the final stretch to the Hidden Cave, Vandahar speaks in what we would recognize as modern German, which of course makes communicating with him very easy for Talker but raises a few questions. * Literature.InCryptid: Of the GeneticMemory version. When Candice the Dragon Princess comes up against the LizardFolk wandering about the New York sewers, she's able to make them halt using a guttural language. She reveals to Verity that it's a inborn language all Princesses know and something the "Servitors" are meant to respond to. She's also never used it before as Servitors can only be created from a [[spoiler:living male dragon]]. * Literature.SeasonalFears: Aven is essentially in a coma all her life but, thanks to the alchemical knowledge tinctures of her father', she speaks perfect English even if there are some issues with definitions. * Literature.ShiversMDSpenser: Bubbie moves to France with her family and meets a new French kid, Jean-Luc, and can somehow converse with him without any language issues; at the end of the story she can hold a long conversation with a stranger in French, despite spending less than a week in the country. Previous books with an overseas setting will at least attempt justifying this trope (for instance, ''Terror on Troll Mountain'' has the protagonist's Italian family choosing to speak in English because they're anticipating American guests) but this one handwaves the issue until it's a borderline plot hole. * Recap.AsterixAndTheGoths: Getafix is able to speak fluent Gothic, despite being a Gaulish druid who has no logical reason to know it (especially considering how antagonistic the Goths are in this story). * Recap.FriendsS5E19TheOneWhereRossCantFlirt: Phoebe speaks with Joey's Italian grandmother, with [[InexplicableLanguageFluency Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey]]. '''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Recap.TalesFromTheDarksideS4E6TheGraveRobber: Aileen is surprised to hear Tapok speaking English when he wakes up, the mummy giving an offhand mention that he can speak the language of anyone who violates the tomb. * Roleplay.WanyaKingdomVSAwoofyUnity: Fragment has been shown to speak any language even if he has never heard it before. * Series.{{Llanargollen}}: In "Dirgelwch y Llyfr Coll", Prys and Barti speak to each other in Swahili. It seems incredibly unlikely that Prys would be fluent in that language, and Barti only speaks in unintelligible grunts with individual words thrown in. The other characters barely react to this. * VideoGame.EternalReturnBlackSurvival: The test subjects are able to work together with each other in spite of how one would presume that the vast majority of them would be completely unable to verbally communicate with most of the others. {{Averted}} by some of the achievement lore entries, which include statements observed from test subjects that some of which have a note underneath which states the words were translated by AI and will be reviewed and localized further in the future. '''Since this seems to be an implied example rather than a straight example, and it seems to be ambiguous InUniverse whether it's this or BilingualDialogue, I'll leave it here.''' * VideoGame.MegaManBattleNetwork2?: [=MegaMan=]'s translation system allows Lan to speak flawless Netopian after they arrive in Netopia. * WesternAnimation.{{Pocahontas}}: English explorer John Smith meets the alluring Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe. Smith doesn't know her language, nor she his. That is, until Pocahontas takes a breath of magic wind. Suddenly, her English is better than his. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Aversions (1/50)]] * DarthWiki.{{Aquilaverse}}: ''Averted'' Not inexplicable, since her spell "Xenographus" let's her read any language she encounters for a limited duration. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Unclear (4/50)]] * Characters.FrightKrewe: His power makes him this. He has the ability to communicate with anyone and understand anything they say, whether its a [[InexplicableLanguageFluency person]], an [[SpeaksFluentAnimal animal]], or an [[NatureSpirit 'elemental entity']]. '''The way the example is written, it's not clear whether it's this or BilingualDialogue.''' * Recap.CreepshowS1E3BadWolfDown: Doc is shown to speak French and understands the language quite fluently, allowing him to translate the explanation of the werewolf woman's plight. '''You can't "understand a language fluently". Does he ''speak'' it fluently, or at least speak it better than he should realistically be able to?''' * Series.AlloAllo: Frenchmen, Germans, and Italians can talk to each other. This is never explained. '''In their own languages, or...?''' * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps: The [[SpeaksFluentAnimal aliens]] and [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien chimps]] understand each other, despite that the chimps have just arrived on their planet. '''Does one of them speak the other's language, or do they just understand each other's languages?''' [[/folder]]
!!!'''Characters being able to understand a language without demonstrating fluency (24/50) 12%''' [[folder:Amplified Animal Aptitude (7/50) '''3.5%''']] * Literature.MrsFrisbyAndTheRatsOfNIMH: The animals can understand humans and each other, but can't talk to humans. This leads to a bit of FridgeLogic as to where exactly all these animals picked up English (justified for the rats, as they were taught it in the lab, but not for any of the others), and whether they can understand other human languages automatically as well. * Recap.TheSimpsonsS6E6TreehouseOfHorrorV: When Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." * TheSimpsons.TropesIToM: ** In "Treehouse of Horror V", when Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." '''Just checked and the sloth doesn’t say “I don’t know”, it just grunts with an intonation that indicates that that’s what it was saying. So, not fluent in English.''' * Tarzan.TropesGToZ ** Played straight when Jane talks to a baby baboon and he understands her. * TotalDrama.TropesHToP: Some wild animals--especially squirrels--can understand humans. * WesternAnimation.FindingNemo: Dory understands English. The fish in the tank understand English because they've been hearing humans all their life, but there's no reason for Dory to understand English. [[spoiler:Subverted in that ''WesternAnimation/FindingDory'' reveals she was raised in a marine life institute in California.]] '''Since it says “understand” and not “speak” I can only assume this is a case of TranslationConvention and AnimalTalk, which means they aren’t actually fluent in English.''' * WesternAnimation.SpiritStallionOfTheCimarron: Spirit, despite not having had any human contact before his capture, understands what the human characters are saying. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Bilingual Dialogue (11/50)]] * Characters.MashupWeekMegamixCompetitors: Despite the fact that all 3 members speak different languages (English for Scoop, French for Eric and Italian for Baba), they can be understood by each other and by others easily. * Film.NoTimeToDie: James Bond's 5-year-old daughter, Mathilde, understands English even though her mother Madelaine speaks to her in French and all the media she consumes is in French. * Film.Titanic1997: Jack and the Swedish men understand each other well enough that Olaf is able to bet his tickets for all Jack and Fabrizio's money. * FinalFantasyXIV.TropesGToI?: ** In ''Heavensward'', the Warrior and Alphinaud are startled by how they can understand the great wyrm Hraesvelgr, who only speaks the language of dragons. They learn that while other races may not speak the dragon's language, the inherent power and magic in a dragon's song essentially beams meaning directly into the hearer's mind. ** The Scions are shocked in ''Shadowbringers'' when they meet [[spoiler:Emet-Selch's recreation of the lost city of Amaurot, the home of the BenevolentPrecursor race. Although the ancient version of mankind spoke only in a StarfishLanguage of droning tones, the Scions born millennia after the world was sundered find that they're able to discern meaning from it.]] * Literature.CookingWithWildGame: Lampshaded. One of the few supernatural parts of the setting is that [[TrappedInAnotherWorld Asuta]] can understand its inhabitants' language (almost) perfectly. Nobody knows why, nor do they ever find out; it's essentially one of the AcceptableBreaksFromReality needed to get the plot going. * Literature.{{Fablehaven}}: After receiving magic from fairies, Kendra gains the ability to interpret their language intuitively despite never actually learning it. * Manga.MiriyaAndMarie: Aside of occasional GratuitousFrench, Miriya can understand all French and animal characters and vice versa. Blackey also tries to charge Miriya for massage in yen despite being French. * VideoGame.KnightsOfTheOldRepublic: Yes, your character understands plenty of languages, but there isn't anyone who ''should'' understand the language of the AbusivePrecursors. [[spoiler: Subverted. Turns out you'd been there before and learned the language, but just forgotten the whole thing between Malak's backstab and whatever the Jedi did to "rebuild" you]]. '''When moving this to BilingualDialogue, I would rewrite it as “Your character understands plenty of languages, but can only speak one.''' * WebOriginal.MashupWeek: In both tournaments, Flat Eric speaks French, but everyone can understand him perfectly. Same with Gigi, who speaks Italian. * WesternAnimation.JosieAndThePussycats: ''[[RecycledWithAGimmick In Outer Space]]'' has Melody encounter an alien creature that looks like cotton candy with eyes and flippers. The critter speaks in a series of bleeps, and Melody names him Bleep. [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien She can also understand him perfectly, and acts as translator for everyone else]]. Also, Bleep seems to understand English just fine. '''I also think InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien should be limited to people actually speaking Alien instead of just understanding it, but that’s for another time.''' [[/folder]]
[[folder:Other (6/50)]] * Characters.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocusMultiverse: Upon looking at some files from the old phone Oscar picked up, he's somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Fanfic.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocus: Kaito is somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming also demonstrates an ability to understand English, as he is able to tell that the English song Eiko sings to him is a love song, with enough comprehension to be moved by a vision of his old comrades due to the lyrics referencing being still alive and alone. Later, upon meeting Tsuyoshi Kondo after Eiko's performance at the Yoyogi Art Festival, Kongming easily translates his GratuitousEnglish for a confused Kobayashi, and he's even become friends with a foreigner in Roppongi, who speaks exclusively in English. He's capable of some GratuitousEnglish himself, to boot. * Recap/CreepshowS2E2PublicTelevisionOfTheDead: Goodman reveals to Ted, out of nowhere, that he can read Sumerian, allowing him to translate the Necronomicon's incantations and let Evil roam free once again. * Series.{{Carnivale}}: During the fireball show, Samson secretly passes an old Crusader fob up to the stage during Lodz's psychometry act. When Lodz touches it, he's struck by visions of a holy war and begins chanting ''"In hoc signo vinces!"'' Ben, an uneducated farmboy, surprises Samson by translating even though he doesn't even recognize the language is Latin: '''Ben Hawkins:''' By this sign we conquer... by this sign we conquer... * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps2ZartogStrikesBack: Zartog understands the humans, despite having just arrived on Earth. He even understands Spanish, Hindi, and Xhosa upon hearing them for the first time, making the humans' inability to understand him even more hilarious. [[/folder]]
submitted by Similar_Set_6582 to OnlineFavors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:10 Similar_Set_6582 My account was banned from TV Tropes. Can someone do me a favor?

Just copy this, paste this into a sandbox, then make a thread in the Trope Repair Shop linking to it. The thread shall be titled "Needs Help: Inexplicable Language Fluency".
A wick check for InexplicableLanguageFluency.
'''Why?''': InexplicableLanguageFluency seems to lump in examples of characters demonstrating fluency in a language they've never learned with examples of characters merely understanding a language they never learned. For one, it doesn't make sense for the latter examples to be there since the title has the word "fluency" in it. Secondly, many of the latter examples can be moved to BilingualDialogue or AmplifiedAnimalAptitude.
'''Wicks checked''': 50/72
'''Wick totals''':
* 21/50 wicks, or 11.5%, were clear examples of a character demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned. * 24/50 wicks, or 12% were examples of a character understanding a language without demonstrating fluency. * 4/50 wicks, or 2%, were written in a way that made it unclear whether they were being used correctly. * 1/50 wicks, or 1.5%, was an aversion.
[[folder:Characters demonstrating fluency in a language they never learned (21/50)]] * Characters.AtlantisTheLostEmpire: The Atlanteans are able to fluently communicate with the explorers from the surface in English and French. This is handwaved as their own language being a precursor to all other languages. * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming finds himself immediately fluent in Japanese despite having never learned the language, and the Japan of his era was still a dwarf country that mostly only sent envoys to Shu's rival kingdom of Wei. Eiko points out the absurdity of how an ancient Chinese figure can suddenly speak Japanese, and Kongming himself is at a loss of how he can do this. * Characters.YellowjacketsCrashSurvivors: [[spoiler:She, and by extension others in the Antler Queen cult she forms, randomly speak French on occasion, which Lottie at least is ''not'' fluent in, indicating mental instability.]] '''If this is supposed to be an inversion, it's correct, but it should be rewritten to mention that it's an inversion.''' * ComicBook.Asterix: Gauls can speak to most foreign peoples without any difficulty. Either everyone can speak Gaulish, or the Gauls can speak other languages, but either way is downright impossible. * ComicBook.UltimateFantasticFour: ** Downplayed. Namor demonstrates this trope after spending nine thousand years of being sealed inside a sarcophagus prison. Being from an ancient civilization of Atlantis that predates the modern English language, he initially has no idea what his new captors are saying when they find him. However, thanks to his psionic powers he proves to be a frighteningly fast learner and is able to learn English within an hour to understand modern American English and casually deliver threats and demands. ** Happens again when the Four meets the Silver Surfer who is able to understand English perfectly the instant he arrives to Earth for the first time. He justifies this by stating can decipher electromagnetic signals in the air to learn alien tongues in seconds. * Friends.TropesFToJ: Zig-zagged. "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt" has her speaking with Joey's Italian grandmother, with Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey. But in an earlier episode, Rachel's former lover Paulo calls her "bellissima" and she doesn't understand. ->'''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Film.ExorcistTheBeginning: In-universe, the main characters note Cheche's sudden fluency in English after being brought to the hospital. Of course this is because it is Pazuzu speaking through him and not actually Cheche. '''This is DiscussedTrope, not InUniverse'''. * Film.{{Phenomenon}}: Downplayed. After a UFO encounter, George gains a form of superintelligence where he can learn complicated tasks and subjects quickly, to the point where he's able to fluently speak Portuguese after reading an English-to-Portuguese dictionary for twenty minutes. This was foreshadowed in an earlier scene where after usually fumbling to speak Spanish, he's suddenly able to speak it perfectly, to the point that his Hispanic coworker half-seriously declares that it's better than his. * Literature.ForgottenRuin: When Talker and Vandahar speak during the final stretch to the Hidden Cave, Vandahar speaks in what we would recognize as modern German, which of course makes communicating with him very easy for Talker but raises a few questions. * Literature.InCryptid: Of the GeneticMemory version. When Candice the Dragon Princess comes up against the LizardFolk wandering about the New York sewers, she's able to make them halt using a guttural language. She reveals to Verity that it's a inborn language all Princesses know and something the "Servitors" are meant to respond to. She's also never used it before as Servitors can only be created from a [[spoiler:living male dragon]]. * Literature.SeasonalFears: Aven is essentially in a coma all her life but, thanks to the alchemical knowledge tinctures of her father', she speaks perfect English even if there are some issues with definitions. * Literature.ShiversMDSpenser: Bubbie moves to France with her family and meets a new French kid, Jean-Luc, and can somehow converse with him without any language issues; at the end of the story she can hold a long conversation with a stranger in French, despite spending less than a week in the country. Previous books with an overseas setting will at least attempt justifying this trope (for instance, ''Terror on Troll Mountain'' has the protagonist's Italian family choosing to speak in English because they're anticipating American guests) but this one handwaves the issue until it's a borderline plot hole. * Recap.AsterixAndTheGoths: Getafix is able to speak fluent Gothic, despite being a Gaulish druid who has no logical reason to know it (especially considering how antagonistic the Goths are in this story). * Recap.FriendsS5E19TheOneWhereRossCantFlirt: Phoebe speaks with Joey's Italian grandmother, with [[InexplicableLanguageFluency Phoebe seeming as surprised about this as Joey]]. '''Joey:''' Wow, Phoebs, you speak Italian?\\ '''Phoebe:''' Apparently. * Recap.TalesFromTheDarksideS4E6TheGraveRobber: Aileen is surprised to hear Tapok speaking English when he wakes up, the mummy giving an offhand mention that he can speak the language of anyone who violates the tomb. * Roleplay.WanyaKingdomVSAwoofyUnity: Fragment has been shown to speak any language even if he has never heard it before. * Series.{{Llanargollen}}: In "Dirgelwch y Llyfr Coll", Prys and Barti speak to each other in Swahili. It seems incredibly unlikely that Prys would be fluent in that language, and Barti only speaks in unintelligible grunts with individual words thrown in. The other characters barely react to this. * VideoGame.EternalReturnBlackSurvival: The test subjects are able to work together with each other in spite of how one would presume that the vast majority of them would be completely unable to verbally communicate with most of the others. {{Averted}} by some of the achievement lore entries, which include statements observed from test subjects that some of which have a note underneath which states the words were translated by AI and will be reviewed and localized further in the future. '''Since this seems to be an implied example rather than a straight example, and it seems to be ambiguous InUniverse whether it's this or BilingualDialogue, I'll leave it here.''' * VideoGame.MegaManBattleNetwork2?: [=MegaMan=]'s translation system allows Lan to speak flawless Netopian after they arrive in Netopia. * WesternAnimation.{{Pocahontas}}: English explorer John Smith meets the alluring Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe. Smith doesn't know her language, nor she his. That is, until Pocahontas takes a breath of magic wind. Suddenly, her English is better than his. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Aversions (1/50)]] * DarthWiki.{{Aquilaverse}}: ''Averted'' Not inexplicable, since her spell "Xenographus" let's her read any language she encounters for a limited duration. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Unclear (4/50)]] * Characters.FrightKrewe: His power makes him this. He has the ability to communicate with anyone and understand anything they say, whether its a [[InexplicableLanguageFluency person]], an [[SpeaksFluentAnimal animal]], or an [[NatureSpirit 'elemental entity']]. '''The way the example is written, it's not clear whether it's this or BilingualDialogue.''' * Recap.CreepshowS1E3BadWolfDown: Doc is shown to speak French and understands the language quite fluently, allowing him to translate the explanation of the werewolf woman's plight. '''You can't "understand a language fluently". Does he ''speak'' it fluently, or at least speak it better than he should realistically be able to?''' * Series.AlloAllo: Frenchmen, Germans, and Italians can talk to each other. This is never explained. '''In their own languages, or...?''' * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps: The [[SpeaksFluentAnimal aliens]] and [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien chimps]] understand each other, despite that the chimps have just arrived on their planet. '''Does one of them speak the other's language, or do they just understand each other's languages?''' [[/folder]]
!!!'''Characters being able to understand a language without demonstrating fluency (24/50) 12%''' [[folder:Amplified Animal Aptitude (7/50) '''3.5%''']] * Literature.MrsFrisbyAndTheRatsOfNIMH: The animals can understand humans and each other, but can't talk to humans. This leads to a bit of FridgeLogic as to where exactly all these animals picked up English (justified for the rats, as they were taught it in the lab, but not for any of the others), and whether they can understand other human languages automatically as well. * Recap.TheSimpsonsS6E6TreehouseOfHorrorV: When Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." * TheSimpsons.TropesIToM: ** In "Treehouse of Horror V", when Homer is sent back in time to a prehistoric era, and has to avoid stepping on anything to change the future, he ends up swatting a mosquito then asks for reassurance that it won't change the future. He is understood despite being in an era before English existed, since a sloth behind him shrugs and grunts as if to say "I don't know." '''Just checked and the sloth doesn’t say “I don’t know”, it just grunts with an intonation that indicates that that’s what it was saying. So, not fluent in English.''' * Tarzan.TropesGToZ ** Played straight when Jane talks to a baby baboon and he understands her. * TotalDrama.TropesHToP: Some wild animals--especially squirrels--can understand humans. * WesternAnimation.FindingNemo: Dory understands English. The fish in the tank understand English because they've been hearing humans all their life, but there's no reason for Dory to understand English. [[spoiler:Subverted in that ''WesternAnimation/FindingDory'' reveals she was raised in a marine life institute in California.]] '''Since it says “understand” and not “speak” I can only assume this is a case of TranslationConvention and AnimalTalk, which means they aren’t actually fluent in English.''' * WesternAnimation.SpiritStallionOfTheCimarron: Spirit, despite not having had any human contact before his capture, understands what the human characters are saying. [[/folder]]
[[folder:Bilingual Dialogue (11/50)]] * Characters.MashupWeekMegamixCompetitors: Despite the fact that all 3 members speak different languages (English for Scoop, French for Eric and Italian for Baba), they can be understood by each other and by others easily. * Film.NoTimeToDie: James Bond's 5-year-old daughter, Mathilde, understands English even though her mother Madelaine speaks to her in French and all the media she consumes is in French. * Film.Titanic1997: Jack and the Swedish men understand each other well enough that Olaf is able to bet his tickets for all Jack and Fabrizio's money. * FinalFantasyXIV.TropesGToI?: ** In ''Heavensward'', the Warrior and Alphinaud are startled by how they can understand the great wyrm Hraesvelgr, who only speaks the language of dragons. They learn that while other races may not speak the dragon's language, the inherent power and magic in a dragon's song essentially beams meaning directly into the hearer's mind. ** The Scions are shocked in ''Shadowbringers'' when they meet [[spoiler:Emet-Selch's recreation of the lost city of Amaurot, the home of the BenevolentPrecursor race. Although the ancient version of mankind spoke only in a StarfishLanguage of droning tones, the Scions born millennia after the world was sundered find that they're able to discern meaning from it.]] * Literature.CookingWithWildGame: Lampshaded. One of the few supernatural parts of the setting is that [[TrappedInAnotherWorld Asuta]] can understand its inhabitants' language (almost) perfectly. Nobody knows why, nor do they ever find out; it's essentially one of the AcceptableBreaksFromReality needed to get the plot going. * Literature.{{Fablehaven}}: After receiving magic from fairies, Kendra gains the ability to interpret their language intuitively despite never actually learning it. * Manga.MiriyaAndMarie: Aside of occasional GratuitousFrench, Miriya can understand all French and animal characters and vice versa. Blackey also tries to charge Miriya for massage in yen despite being French. * VideoGame.KnightsOfTheOldRepublic: Yes, your character understands plenty of languages, but there isn't anyone who ''should'' understand the language of the AbusivePrecursors. [[spoiler: Subverted. Turns out you'd been there before and learned the language, but just forgotten the whole thing between Malak's backstab and whatever the Jedi did to "rebuild" you]]. '''When moving this to BilingualDialogue, I would rewrite it as “Your character understands plenty of languages, but can only speak one.''' * WebOriginal.MashupWeek: In both tournaments, Flat Eric speaks French, but everyone can understand him perfectly. Same with Gigi, who speaks Italian. * WesternAnimation.JosieAndThePussycats: ''[[RecycledWithAGimmick In Outer Space]]'' has Melody encounter an alien creature that looks like cotton candy with eyes and flippers. The critter speaks in a series of bleeps, and Melody names him Bleep. [[InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien She can also understand him perfectly, and acts as translator for everyone else]]. Also, Bleep seems to understand English just fine. '''I also think InexplicablySpeaksFluentAlien should be limited to people actually speaking Alien instead of just understanding it, but that’s for another time.''' [[/folder]]
[[folder:Other (6/50)]] * Characters.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocusMultiverse: Upon looking at some files from the old phone Oscar picked up, he's somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Fanfic.InfinityTrainSeekerOfCrocus: Kaito is somehow able to read ''Aztec glyphs'' just by looking at it. [[spoiler:This is probably due to his covenant with Agares, as one of Agares' ability is to let his conjurer read and understand different languages.]] * Characters.YaBoyKongming: ** Kongming also demonstrates an ability to understand English, as he is able to tell that the English song Eiko sings to him is a love song, with enough comprehension to be moved by a vision of his old comrades due to the lyrics referencing being still alive and alone. Later, upon meeting Tsuyoshi Kondo after Eiko's performance at the Yoyogi Art Festival, Kongming easily translates his GratuitousEnglish for a confused Kobayashi, and he's even become friends with a foreigner in Roppongi, who speaks exclusively in English. He's capable of some GratuitousEnglish himself, to boot. * Recap/CreepshowS2E2PublicTelevisionOfTheDead: Goodman reveals to Ted, out of nowhere, that he can read Sumerian, allowing him to translate the Necronomicon's incantations and let Evil roam free once again. * Series.{{Carnivale}}: During the fireball show, Samson secretly passes an old Crusader fob up to the stage during Lodz's psychometry act. When Lodz touches it, he's struck by visions of a holy war and begins chanting ''"In hoc signo vinces!"'' Ben, an uneducated farmboy, surprises Samson by translating even though he doesn't even recognize the language is Latin: '''Ben Hawkins:''' By this sign we conquer... by this sign we conquer... * WesternAnimation.SpaceChimps2ZartogStrikesBack: Zartog understands the humans, despite having just arrived on Earth. He even understands Spanish, Hindi, and Xhosa upon hearing them for the first time, making the humans' inability to understand him even more hilarious. [[/folder]]
submitted by Similar_Set_6582 to FuckFighteer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:48 gandalfb Phone Mount and (Quadlock) Wireless Charging Problems Pixel 8A

Since I switched from Pixel 6 Pro to a Pixel 8A a journey of mounting the phone to the motorcycle began. Wanting to use wireless charging seems to be a major hassle.
I started with SPC and everything working perfectly fine with the Pixel 6 Pro. I got a chance to pick up a Pixel 8A for 1€ and receive a good trade in for my 6 Pro with broken screen.
I was really pleased with SPC. Until I realised they do not provide "A" series cases (confirmed by their support). I tried the universal case which leads to an enormous heating problem and not being supported for wireless charging. At least it is noted as a small hint on their page.... ...which I over read.
I then thought ok, my fault. Could have checked beforehand and invest into a Pixel 8.
I then found Quadlock. Or Quad Lock? They provide full Pixel 8A case (MAG) and wireless which states compatibility to Pixel 8A. So I ordered the Waterproof 12V kit directly connect it to the 12V switched wiring (10A). (KTM 1190 Adv). Same wiring as used for the spc which worked perfectly (charging phone during navigation)
Well it looks like it doesn't. The behaviour is exactly like this (YT Video); starting and stopping charging in a loop.
And support from quadlock send me a response stating it has to do something with Google changing the position of the charging coil which they can't do anything about. This is really strange and leaves the impression of nothing has been testet and false advertisement.
I now think about returning everything and switch to a Beeline Moto II. Or install USB with 3A and 15W from Quadlock or another party.
I like using Calimoto or similar, so I hesitate to use a dedicated navigation device with gpx transfer hazzle and stuff. Planning with beeline app did not convince me.
Maybe someone is experiencing the same or has a perfectly working Pixel 8A.
Using the quadlock case with a Pixel Stand results in a similar situation, that charging is simply stopped. But at least not looping. Without case it works. Even charging with the quadlock head started without the case.
I really like(d) the easy usage of wireless charging...
Quote from Quadlock Support (the Pixel 8pro is listed as well): "I've done a bit of research on this situation, and it turns out that Google has made some changes to the location of the Pixel 8 Pro phone, now it has an off-centered charging coil location, and it sits below the center which interferes with some of our wireless charging devices.
as the Quad Lock phone case mechanism must be centered in a case for balance and security when being attached to our mount systems. Its being off-centre would create an uneven weight distribution when mounted which would be a security concern for our mounts.
We cannot control the choice of alignment Google chooses to make in their design and manufacture of phones. You're free to return the product for a refund. "
submitted by gandalfb to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:26 fartysmartymarty I know when the Switch 2 comes out…

“Say the line cowboy.”
submitted by fartysmartymarty to tomorrow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:56 dondashall Got Autism - drink juice

So got reminded of this one, which while hurtful at the time just makes me laugh now. So I was asking advice in a raw food group (back when I was into that it's like 10-14 years ago) not really about anything nutrition related, but rather because I had come to know the people in that group and thought they were trusted and my mom wanted to pay for me to go to a coach to talk about some stuff - really should have been therapy, but different story. Anyway I didn't know how to prepare so I asked some questions and yeah - most of them just came up with nonsense, the most memorably being "go on a juice fast to cure autism" which is pretty much a direct quote from memory. So yeah.
submitted by dondashall to thanksimcured [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:36 cookie_queen2002 Update on the Appanage and Patronages of the Danish Royal Family

This week the Danish Royal Family finalized two important things that would be important for King Frederik and Queen Mary, as well as the former monarch Margrethe. This include the funding they will receive as well as the patronages they will still hold. I will be including links directly to the danish news sites I got my information from as well as the danish royal families website.
On Thursday, the danish parliament adopted a new budget for the royal house.
The total appange for the entire family has now been increased from 121.4 million danish kroner to 143.8 million danish kroner.
The government also takes over the maintenance of internal portions of the castles which previously was maintained by the appanage of the monarch. Previously, the government only maintained the external portions of the castle. However, the government does not yet know how much this will cost.
Fred will receive 122.9 million Kroner a year. Margrethe will now receive 12 million Kroner a year.
Christian will start to receive 7 million kroner a year when he establishes his own household of which 3 million Kroner will come from the state and 4 million kroner will be taken from Frederik's appanage.
The appanage of Princess Benedikte and Prince Joachim stays the same. Princess Marie receives no separate income from the state.
Lastly, the government will give a one off sum of 30 million kroner to offset the deficits incurred by the royal family in the last few years. And Frederik will not pay inheritance tax on any of the private properties of the monarch.
Note: This is not mentioned in the articled but Mary is entitled to a portion of Fred's income as his wife. I am not sure the exact percentage.
A poll was conducted by on the issue which can be accessed below:
The number of patronages in the royal house reduced from 258 to 140.
The patronages are also now time limited and will run for 5 years after which the organizations can re-apply for a royal patron.
King Frederik will take over 14 patronages from Queen Margrethe and retains 8 of his previous patronages.
Quote from the article:
"These include the American-Scandinavian Foundation, the Bible Society, the Danish Sports Association, the House of Greenland, the Royal Danish Geographical Society, the Royal Danish Society of Sciences, the Nordic Association and the Association for the Education of Apprentices. Frederik also retains eight of his previous patronages, including Copenhagen Boys' Choir, State of Green and Red Cross."
Queen Mary will take over 3 patronages from Margrethe and has added 2 more patronages to her list. She also will maintain her 16 patronages.
Queen Margrethe will only maintain 20 out of her previous 81 patronages.
Princess Benedikte will maintain the same number of patronages she had before. Princess Marie gained 3 patronages.
Now according to a user from theroyalforums (archduchesszelia, not sourced from any of the articles below) who has been keeping track, this is a summary of what was changed:
QMII went from 72 to 20 patronages.
Frederik went from 32 to 27.
Mary went from 32 to 24.
Marie went from 15 to 18.
Joachim went from 41 to 23.
Link to the forum post:
submitted by cookie_queen2002 to RoyalsGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:23 VehicularDisgrace Left hanging for first inspection TWICE

I'll try to be concise. Moved into a SE Melb property in October last year, under management by Biggin Scott. Had our first inspection scheduled for late March. Naturally we tidied the place up and a couple of us made sure to be there in person as I think it's a good idea for the first inspection to have a presence and so we could follow up with a handful of maintenance items. Morning of the inspection, we get an email saying the inspection was cancelled due to an unwell staff member. Bloody annoying, but hey, shit happens.
About a week later we get notified that property management has changed hands over to Harcourts. I figured the owners must've been quite unhappy about the cancelled inspection, but our property manager is still the same person. I checked on google and this PM does in fact seem to work at both companies, and the phone numbers for both companies are very close so I figure they're under the same parent company or something. Whatever, idk and didn't particularly care.
A few weeks back we get an email from Harcourts notifying us of our new inspection date. Somewhat unusually it was today, a Saturday. In the email it says, and I quote; "between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM on 1/06/2024"
In all my years of renting I can't remember this ever happening on a weekend, but REAs do operate in some capacity on the weekends doing open inspections, auctions and shit like that so it seemed plausible to me. We reply to the email confirming that we'll be home and receive a reply acknowledging.
Today rolls around, we tidied the place up and made time to be here during that window for the same reasons as last time. Nobody showed up and we received zero communication about any kind of cancellation. We rung their office at about 4:45 to find out wtf was going on, no answer, closed.
We're quite rightly annoyed at this point. Given that they didn't name the specific day in their email, I'm assuming this was some kind of typo fuckup, but frankly, their communication in writing has been pretty poor this whole time. To be left hanging for our inspection twice has been a MAJOR inconvenience for us. The time cleaning up and waiting around for them is time I could have been doing other things and spending with friends etc.
What would you do in this situation? I'm thinking we speak to the owner directly (who I don't blame any of this on, btw), and politely explain what a total shitshow this whole thing has been and strongly recommend they change to a totally unrelated REA. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, though.
Thanks in advance and sorry for failing on being concise lol
submitted by VehicularDisgrace to shitrentals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:10 Everettluoma27 From here to Armageddon (continuation)

(Hatonn here describes in 1991 how it will be. I suggest ghat it dexcribes today how it is. Everything is marked including us.)
I have been asked time and again about the connections and if, in fact, there are connections regarding the 666 symbol and bas-codes.
I can assure you of one thing, the number 666 does not randomly appear any more often than does 222, 444, or say, 333. Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that WHERE the numbers appear is very definitely of great importance. The numbers 666 are rapidly becoming man's favorite number and keep popping up in strange places--even though a recognized symbol of pure Satanic code--it is appearing more frequently than any other "number" in the so-called Christian and other religious placements. It is worthy of the time to speak of this matter for I think you must become aware that this code is being placed on all of you. I think it worth the time to give a listing of some instances of use of this number which none of you should miss in noting.
* World Bank code number is "666".
* New credit cards in the U. S. are now being assigned the prefix 666.
* Australia's NATIONAL bank cards have the code 666.
* Central computers for Sears, Belks, Pennys, and Montgomery Wards around the world have all their transactions prefixed with 666.
* Shoes made in European Common Market Countries have stamped on inside label 666.
* Computers made by Lear Siegler have a seal on the side on which is stamped the number 666.
* Internal Revenue Service instructions for NON-PROFIT Corporation Emoloyee 1979, W-2 Form requires the prefix 666.
* Internal Revenue Service began to require the prefix of 666 on some forms; for example, W-2P, disability is 666.3; death is 666.4, etc. as early as 1977.
* Tanks built by Chrysler Corporation...have on their sides 666.
* South Central Bell's new Telco Credit Union Cards require the prefix 666, then the person's Social Security number.
*. ID tags on 1979 GM cars produced in Flint, Michigan, contain the number 666.
*. United States Selective Service Cards have on them 666.
* Overseas telephone operator number from Israel is 666.
* Arab-owned vehicles IN JERUSALEM have license plates prefixed Wirth 666.
*. Record album released by the rock group, Black Sabbath is named 666.
*. The films, Omen I and II concern themselves with a world dictator and the number 666.
* Some IBM Supermarket equipment is prefixed with the number 3.666.
* JC Penney began prefixing account numbers in August, 1980, with 666.
* Master Card began using on their August, 1980, statements--66.
* Formula for NCR Model 304 Supermarket Computer System is 6 60 6,666.
* The United Nations resolution #666 came during the Iraq War.
Precious ones, there are contests even, called "666". What is happening by total intent is to condition the world to accept the coding of 666 without question or note. There is coming a day when a world governmental system will demand that everyone in the world take a mark and the number 666 in order to work, buy or sell. This fact is clearly set forth and being followed diligently. If you think you can avoid the mark of the beast--think again--YOU ALREADY BEAR THE MARK; DON'T BE STUPID AND SET YURSELF UP TO DENY SAME. YOU ARE ALREADY MARKED AND THE INSTRUCTIONS TO REFUSE THE MARK IS NOT OF GOD'S GIVING. YOU STEP FORTH AND REFUSE WHEN Y0U ARE ALREADY WITHIN THE SYSTEM AND YOU ARE DEAD OR INCARCERATED AND USELESS UNTO GOD'S WORK. IT IS A SEPARATION ENTRAPMENT SET FORTH BY THE BEAST TO CATCH THE LIGHTED PEOPLE. YOU CAN STAY OUT OF THE SYSTEM TO THE FULL LIMIT ALLOWED BY THE LAW BUT YOU DO NO ONE A FAVOR BY GETTING YOURSELF KILLED--IT NEANS ONE LESS WORKER FOR GOD.
Let us look at that which is projected unto you and might be well worthy of note. Then number with which all the world will be commanded to work, buy and sell during the Great Tribulation is the number of man--and you find it on all bar-codes and Elite products. Number 6 as has been distorted for identification and easy reference has even taken as the number of imperfection; the human-given human number; the number of MAN as destitute of God--without God/Christ. At any rate, it is certain that man was created on the sixth day goes the accepted WORD, and thus he would be established under the number six--which would identify him and then, it goes on with several other non-coincidental accidents in numbering. For example, six days were appointed to man for his labor so it went, while one day is associated in sovereignty with the Lord God--as his day of rest. Then the infinite symbol of 8 represents infinity or immortality which is also of God. The serpent also, was created somehow on the sixth day, or so the Goods Book says--obviously God was most busy and yet totally restricted on the sixth day of His masterful creation. The sixth clause of the Lord's Prayer treats of sin. Six is the number stamped on all that is connected with human labor. You will see it stamped upon his measures which he uses in his labour and on the time during which he labors. And you see this from the very beginning.
Six, thew number of man, is one less than seven, the number which represents God and two less than the Creation. This indicates that man was created somehow in the likeness of God, but is not God, because God is perfect and sinless and one within and with Creation. The Sixth Commandment came as a result of Cain's sin of killing his brother, and the man who will ultimately claim the number 666 will be the greatest murderer the world has ever known. God put a mark upon Cain after the murder of Abel. Although Cain's mark was for the purpose of protecting him from those who would kill him, it also signified that before God, he was condemned. God forbade the children of Judea to mark their bodies--or did he? For the translation always read "Israel". The quoting then always continues with this looking forward to the time when the "Jews", as well as the rest of the world, would be called upon to take the mark of the Anti-Christ. Well, will the "Jews" take the mark? I guess so--they crested it!
But let us look a bit further into the book of Revelation. The Apocalypse: The 'mark' itself is at once a number and a name. The Apostle tells you what it is. As he gives it, it is made up of two Greek characters which stand for the name of Christ, with a third, the figure of a crooked serpent, put between them...Thjis horrid sign must everyone receive on one of the most conspicuous parts of the body, cut, stamped or branded in, there to abide indelibly. No one may either buy or sell without this mark, and all who do receive it take upon their bodies the token and seal of heir damnation!
Do you really.believe you have not already been branded? Let us consider that, for years--well over two decades--the laser beam has been branding steers and horses--and even salmon while they remain in the stream, swimming. It is instant and painless. The laser simply destroys skin pigment. In some thirty-BILLIONTHS of a second a technician can stitch a brand--or initials, or symbol. This type of branding of animals for ownership or research purposes has become common practice. Do you think it probable that everyone of you have been branded while standing, say, in a line to vote or register your car or, or, or--certainly if you have any kind of medical examination, dental care or hospitalization--especially immunizations.
This is the final laugh at the world citizenry. This is one of the world's greatest conspiracies and it is being quietly conducted in.the most sacred halls of secular secrecy, brothers. While its thrust is Economic, its reach is without limit. No System will escape its mastery, be it in Politics or religions, Social or otherwise. I told you long ago, dear ones, that the SDI program was not f defense but rather to place into space satellites which unite the entire world banking system--the beast to all other parts in instant connection--with all citizens registered, identified and located. You are all simply within the system. The point is to protect yourself from the system as much as possible and the only way to do so is to utilize the laws and rules utilized by your adversary for as long as you can do so.
The Prime Mover here is the most powerful Consortium of financial institutions, capitalists, and scientists ever leagued together. Their common purpose is to bring every person, place and thing under their total control and it is all but in place and already operational.
The applied strategy is by way of instant IDENTIFICATION. This means of ixentoification is by way of assignment of MARKS (or bars) for NUJMBERS read by machines. (Numbers people can read, Marks they can't--the name of this game is SECRECY.)
Phase I began in 1970 with a ncnscientious effort to "IDENTIFY EVERY ITEM" at the manufacturers level with a NUMBER "MARKED" on it. A group of Numbers designated by Marks, lines or bars, is called a Bar Code, (Code 39, etc.), and giant computer manufacturers are central to the phase.
Phase II began in 1973 with an effort to IDENTIFY each PERSON with a Number. The Social Security Numbers when blended with the Universal Numbering System will be converted to "Bars". Initially, the NUMBER will be "marked" on a Card; (a World_Wide Money-ID-Card). Subsequently, according to the old Bible Prophecy written ands directed by the very ones who would put it into place, it will be stamped upon the person it identifies. As the MARK OF IDENTITY on an ITEM is a Bar Code, so the MARK OF IDENTIY on a Card and later on a person, will be a Bar Code facsimile. The Government, Banks, and Card Companies are central to this phase.
Phase III is an effort to identify everything in the world, whether mobile or stationary; if mobile, then how to instantaneously locate it, as a piece of luggage, an expensive race horse, a family car, or a pet or person. Central to this is the Federal Government which has spent ten years In research on "Electronic Identification" at Los Alamos, the Airlines, and private inventors.
The symbol of 666 is absolutely instrumental to the Bar Code system. You are already in it, so let us be most careful how you handle it. Your best defense against it is to know truth about it--stop deluding yourself that you can somehow avoid the mark lest you get s special mark which sets you apart as a troublemaker and you will be among the first incarcerated or removed by other means.
submitted by Everettluoma27 to u/Everettluoma27 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion" posts - Response to first post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.


In this post, I will be answering and refuting the individual who keeps writing posts about me and comments every second he gets trying to "refute" me and "expose" me. I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude.
I won't resort to personal attacks and baseless claims (much like he does), and I will jump straight ahead to answering his objections.

Response to the introduction:

He begins by discussing my translation of the word "ישוחח," which I interpret as "argue" or "put forth."
Firstly, in Biblical Hebrew, verb forms such as Qal and Piel (often referred to as Polel in some grammatical traditions) are distinguished by their specific diacritic markings (i.e., vowel points and consonantal diacritics). Since I believe that the Masoretes distorted the Old Testament by adding these diacritics to reach a deviant interpretation, I do not consider them at all. I read the Old Testament without any diacritics. This is something he has yet to understand, perhaps because he believes that the Old Testament was revealed with diacritic markings—I don't know.
He later argues that the ancient Christian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, etc.) must agree with my claims and not with the Masoretic renderings of the Hebrew text, a conclusion he bases on thin air. I ask: Why is that so? Can you give us one good reason for this conclusion? You can't! He says this only because he considers these Christian manuscripts as divinely revealed criteria and translations. In contrast, I (and many others) see them as ancient interpretations of the original Hebrew text, which are very erroneous. This is especially true considering that rabbis themselves claim these scholars and translators failed to understand every Hebrew idiom in the book. They took everything literally and thus deviated from the intended meaning throughout their translations. These are the translations he claims must agree with my understanding.
The Masoretes could even have been influenced by Christians and their manuscripts, leading them to render some verses erroneously, whether knowingly or unknowingly—we can't be certain. However, I believe it wasn't unknowingly, and I have very good reasons for holding this opinion.
His arguments in his objections are all flawed and fallacious.

The Original sin being denied in the OT:

Now, the word he is fixated on is "ישוחח." As he mentioned, I used a classical Hebrew dictionary to translate the word. I don't remember the exact dictionary I used, but here is a random one I will use today:
Root: שִׂיחַ (v)
1 - to put forth, mediate, muse, commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing
1 -(Qal)
1 - to complain
2 - to muse, meditate upon, study, ponder
3 - to talk, sing, speak
2 - (Polel) to meditate, consider, put forth thoughts
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
In other words, both Qal and Polel essentially mean the same thing.
This following excerpt is from my original post about this, the post he is "refuting":
Excerpt from the post in question:
Isaiah 53:8, traditional translation:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
The original verse (without diacritics):
מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו:
My translation:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will argue that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
In this verse, God is explicitly denying the doctrine of the Original Sin, stating that those who argue, speak, put forth, or ponder that Jesus was killed for the sins of His (God's) people are cursed (or afflicted by a plague).
It is crystal clear! He is just in denial because it contradicts his Pauline doctrine. Thus, he has fixated on this specific word, insisting it is (without a shadow of a doubt) in the Polel form (because his Pauline forefathers said so), and claims that Exion has made a grave error. Incredible, indeed. What a rebuttal!
Let's see if the Polel form does anything to save him:
1. Meditate:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will meditate that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
The definition of "Meditate" is:
  1. To plan mentally; consider,
  2. To focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
I know it isn't the latter, because that is just ludicrous and silly. But guess what? They even tried to claim it is the latter, which is beyond amusing to me and any other sane person reading this.
2. Consider:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will consider that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
3. Put forth thoughts:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will put forth thoughts that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
This is what I have to deal with. He is correcting my interpretation by yet again confirming it and he doesn't even realize it. He refuses to accept that the Old Testament completely refutes this absurd Pauline doctrine that God sent His "son" to the earth to kill him and forgive mankind. He can't understand that the Old Testament aligns with the Quran, calling them cursed. I have explained this to him several times, but to no avail. According to him, the early Christians "meditated" about Jesus' "abode." He raises the same objection in every comment he makes on every future post I do, as if I haven't just refuted him using the Bible, dictionaries, and other sources. In one ear and out the other. The only reason I'm even writing this response is to make you guys realize how unknowledgeable this man really is about the Bible and the Hebrew language. But he is good at making it look like he knows a thing or two by using fancy words and elaborations that make no sense at all.
I believe (if I remember correctly) that he translates it as:
"By oppressive judgment he was taken away, Who could describe his abode?..."
This unusual rendering is achieved by mistranslating a word, done specifically to alter the actual meaning. Some Jewish translators render it the same way, but they at least have the decency to add a footnote saying:
"\Who could describe his abode?* Meaning of Heb. uncertain." (source:
As they usually do when they mistranslate stuff.
Who would describe Jesus abode? What?! With all due respect, but that makes no sense at all! It makes no sense contextually nor logically.
This is how another Jewish translation has it:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
Does this look like a coherent sentence to you? Jesus is taken from imprisonment and judgement, and his generation who shall tell? Tell what? This is an incomplete sentence - just to change the actual intended message.
The original phrase is: "ואת־דורו מי ישוחח"
Let me break it down for you:
Word: ואת = "And his"
Word: ־דורו = "Generation"
Word: מי = "Who will"
Word: ישוחח = "Argue/Put forth/Talk/consideetc"
Crystal clear phrase. Even Google translates it accurately (which is very rare by the way):
"And his generation who will talk"
Take a look at some of the English translations of his Christian forefathers:
New Living Translation Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants...
New International Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested?...
King James Bible He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation?...
Some others got the first part accurate but still misinterpreted the last part of the verse, as it claims that they are cursed. God forbid, they are the ones who are cursed, for they consider Jesus to be the cursed one:
English Standard Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?
They applied the "curse/plague" to Jesus (which they translate as "stricken," even though Biblically it is generally understood to be a plague/curse) instead of applying it to those "who considered" (i.e., the Pauline Christians). The Hebrew verse uses a plural word, indicating that it was intended for those people who would put forth this claim. They all refuse to accept the fact that God is explicitly and literally stating that they are affected by a plague for their erroneous claim about Jesus.
Let's quickly refute them too:

"Plague" (נגע):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
Heb: נֶגַע (n-m)
1 - stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot
stroke, wound
stroke (metaphorical of disease)
mark (of leprosy)
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible

"To them" (לָֽמוֹ):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
1 - inflected pers. pron. meaning ‘to them’ (poetically).
2 - [Formed from לְ◌ with ◌מוֹ, a suff. used only in poetry.]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
A plague to whom? TO THEM! To the people who put forth this Pauline doctrine, the ones who argued, said, or considered this absurdity. Absolutely not to the one they believed to be cut off for the sin of God's people, namely Jesus, God's prophet, Messiah, His Word, and a spirit from Him.
But this is not surprising to anyone; it is expected, because their savior Paul also considered the blessed Messiah Jesus to be a curse:
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.'" (Galatians 3:13)
It bothers them that God Himself is confirming that they are the cursed ones, and He does it in the book they believe in. I am the one who exposed it, and all praise is due to God alone. It bothers this guy who is "eXpOsInG" me, and I won't mention his name because that is most likely what he wants.
He goes on to say that I quoted from a fictitious source, which is not true at all. I simply didn’t bother looking through my entire library to find a quote I mistakenly mis-referenced, mainly because the quote turned out to be quite irrelevant, and I don’t waste my time like that. Much of what he initiated his "rebuttal" with is equally misunderstood by him, and I have responded to each and every objection in my older posts (in the comment sections where he was "eXpOsInG" me). I picked the first thing and refuted it here for you just to show how ignorant he really is and how he is either living a lie or lying to others.
So, I will not bother to refute every single point of the old stuff that I’ve already conclusively answered. It's a waste of time. Let’s move on to his objections to my latest posts, because that is what this is all about in reality.

My answers to his objections to my latest posts:

Regarding the stone God mentions that was to be placed in the Temple of God, he says that it is saying
"Stone to a stone," or "upon a stone"
My answer:
"Stone to a stone" is not a Hebrew idiom, and neither is the word "upon" there in Hebrew. He doesn't know Hebrew, had he known Hebrew, he would never have "eXpOsEd" this because it just went to show that he doesn't know the language at all.
The Hebrew word "שום" (shum) in this context is derived from the root ש-ו-ם, which means "to place" or "to put." It appears here as an infinitive construct, which is often used to convey the act of doing something, similar to the English "-ing" form. In this sentence, "שום" is functioning as a gerund, which is a verbal noun. It translates to "placing" or "putting" in English. Therefore, "שום־אבן" means "placing a stone" or "putting a stone."
As for the next word, i.e. "stone" (אבן), in Hebrew, nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). "אבן" is a feminine singular noun. When used in the phrase "שום־אבן" (placing a stone), "אבן" functions as the direct object of the action described by the infinitive construct "שום" (placing).
The next word is אל: This is taken as a preposition according to them, and it generally means "to" or "toward," and never "upon." It is used to indicate direction or movement towards something. While the following word is, again, a stone "אבן."
So if we're going with their interpretation, while being literal, as we should because it is not an idiom, it accurately translates to:
"Before placing a stone to a stone" or "before placing stone to stone"
Which makes very little sense, if any. Why wouldn't God say "Before placing stone upon stone" or "Stones upon stones" or "before placing a stone upon a stone"? Why did He use a singular word for "stone"? Because it is speaking about a one stone, the stone that God placed in Zion:
"So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic." (Isaiah 28:16)
I have proven in countless posts that Zion is the ancient name for Mecca. Just look up Psalm 84, and you will see how it mentions doing the pilgrimage in Zion and also mentions "Bacca," another name for Mecca. I have proven how Harran is located in Mecca and that the oak of Bacca is located there as well, and we know according to Psalm 84 that Zion is located where Bacca is located. With this in mind, it’s easy to see what has been done to cover up this prophecy. They have misinterpreted the word "El" as "Upon" instead of "God." The definition of that word is not "Upon"; it means "To/toward" or "God."
Classical Hebrew dictionary:
Heb: אֵל (n-m)
god, god-like one, mighty one
mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes
god, false god, (demons, imaginations)
God, the one true God, Jehovah
mighty things in nature
strength, power
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
Heb: אֶל (prep.)
denoting motion toward or to, or direction toward, and meaning ‘to, unto, toward, into, at, by’.
[Shortened from אֱלֵי (which is preserved in poetry). cp. עֲלֵי, poetical form of עַל (= on), and עֲדֵי, poetical form of עַד (= as far as, until). Related to Arab. ’ilā (= to, toward, up to).]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
Let's see if any of these help him:
Before placing a stone to a stone?
Before placing a stone towards a stone?
Before placing a stone into a stone?
Before placing a stone unto a stone? (archaic term for "to")
Before placing a stone at a stone?
Before placing a stone by a stone?
Does any of this make any sense to you? I believe it certainly does not. Yet they have all chosen to ignore these valid definitions and instead opt for a definition that isn't there, namely: "a stone UPON a stone," just to claim that God was idiomatically saying "Before you build the temple." The temple was already built, as I will prove later below.
To get a more coherent translation, one that makes sense both contextually and linguistically, we need to consider "El" as "God":
ועתה - "And now"
שימו־נא - "consider, please"
לבבכם - "your heart"
מן־היום - "from this day"
הזה - "this"
ומעלה - "and onward"
מטרם - "before"
שום־אבן - "placing a stone"
אל־אבן - "God's stone/stone of God"
בהיכל - "in the Temple"
יהוה - "of YHWH" (YHWH)
Here, "אל־אבן" would translate to "God's stone" or "stone of God." Thus, the phrase "מטרם שום־אבן אל־אבן בהיכל יהוה" would be understood as "before placing a stone as God's stone in the temple of YHWH" or "before placing a stone, God's stone, in the temple of YHWH"
He is just in denial here as well. It is quite obvious that God is talking about placing a stone in the Temple of God, not about placing a stone towards a stone (whatever that means). Biblically, it is known that Jacob placed a stone in the House of God in Harran, which I have also proven to be located in the vicinity of Mecca, using 1st-century CE atlases by giants in geography such as Pomponius Mela, Pliny, and others.
He writes:
"More importantly, Exion ignored that “stone” in the Hebrew occurs twice. If we take אל to be God and take it as the construct state (the ‘s) then it would be “before setting stone’s God’s stone”. That doesn’t make sense hence why Exion dropped the first occurrence of אֶ֛בֶן in their translation."
Or you could simply not take "El" as a construct state. In Hebrew, a noun followed by another noun can indicate possession without needing a construct state (i.e. the equivalent of adding 's in English). This is often called "smikhut" or construct form, but it is not always necessary to explicitly form it.
In the phrase "שום־אבן אל־אבן" (placing a stone as God's stone), the context and the nouns' arrangement provide the possessive meaning without requiring additional grammatical changes. "אל־אבן" can be understood as "God's stone" even though it is not in the formal construct state. This is something he doesn't know because, well, who knows why. I have my speculations, but I will refrain from personal attacks.
He says:
"It makes perfect sense with the rest of the verse “in the temple of Yahweh.” It’s talking about before the building of the temple which involved setting stone upon stone."
Oh really? Is that why the 3rd verse literally talks about the Temple that already was in existence but was viewed as nothing in their eyes (i.e. insignificant):
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory? And as you see it now, is it not as nothing in your eyes?" (Haggai 2:3)
Explicitly contradicting your claim that it doesn't exist, but you didn't know that because you have probably never even read the entirety of the chapter to begin with. The Temple was already there. A stone was to be placed in it, God's stone, the black stone of the House of God, and not that it was to be built or built anew. This is why I even wrote the article, because the temple of God was already in existence. How you could have missed this, if you've read the chapter in it entirety, is very baffling to me.
This is why Jacob, upon waking from his prophetic dream, never built the House of God. (Yes, Jacob was a prophet, but Christian scholars throughout history didn't recognize this and thought he was merely a patriarch.) Instead, he only placed a stone as its cornerstone and named it "The House of God":
16. When Jacob woke up, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was unaware of it.” 17. And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven!” 18. Early the next morning, Jacob took the stone that he had placed under his head, and he set it up as a pillar. He poured oil on top of it."
Going back to Haggai 2, the 6th verse states:
"כי כה אמר יהוה צבאות עוד אחת מעט היא ואני מרעיש את־השמים ואת־הארץ ואת־הים ואת־החרבה:"
Which literally translates to:
"For thus says the Lord of Hosts: Once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land."
Which they have erroneously translated as:
"For so said the Lord of Hosts: [There will rise] another one, and I will shake up the heaven and the earth and the sea and the dry land [for] a little while." (source)
Lying and adding words to the Word of God to make it look like another House would be raised.
7th verse states:
Haggai 2:7
"והרעשתי את־כל־הגוים ובאו חמדת כל־הגוים ומלאתי את־הבית הזה כבוד אמר יהוה צבאות:"
"Ve-hir'ashti et kol ha-goyim u-va'u chemdat kol ha-goyim u-milati et ha-bayit ha-zeh kavod amar Adonai Tzva'ot."
Not only does it confirm that the House is already in existence, but it mentioned our prophet Ahmad coming to it by using the cognate of his name, "Chemdat," which they erroneously have translated as:
"and the treasures of all the nations will be brought to this Temple."
The preposition "the" is not there before "Chemdat," while it is before "Goyim" (heathens), which makes sense because "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)" and doesn't translate to "The treasure of all the heathens (will come)," as they have it.
Let me break it down for you:
והרעשתִי (ve-hir'ashti) - "and I will shake"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
כל (kol) - "all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ובאו (u-va'u) - "and they will come"
חמדת (Chemdat) - "Chemdat" (proper noun)
כל (kol) - "of all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ומלאתי (u-milati) - "and I will fill"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
הבית (ha-bayit) - "the house"
הזה (ha-zeh) - "this"
כבוד (kavod) - "glory"
אמר (amar) - "says"
יהוה (Adonai) - "Lord"
צבאות (Tzva'ot) - "of Hosts"


"And I will shake all the heathens, and they will come, Chemdat of all the heathens, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Hosts."


They have translated it as "the treasures of..." while the phrase "Chemdat" lacks a "The" (Ha), so it would more accurately be rendered as:
"And they will come, treasure of all the heathens, and..."
A very awkward sentence grammatically. And the dictionaries do not define חמדת (Chemdat) as "Treasure," but rather as "Desire" or "Precious." But translating this phrase in this way (if we consider it to mean "desire" or "precious"), we would make the verse even more awkward:
"And they will come, desire of all the heathens" or "And they will come, precious of all the heathens."
Because it is a singular phrase, and not plural, and as I mentioned earlier, lacks a definite preposition.
But if we consider "Chemdat" as a cognate of "Ahmad," as a proper noun referring to Ahmad the prophet (the only heathen prophet known today), it suddenly becomes a very coherent verse that makes much sense. The heathens will be shaken, and they will come. Then, He specifies by saying: Chemdat of all the heathens, and continues with the rest of the verse.
The phrase "הגוים" (ha-goyim) translates as "the heathens," which supports the interpretation that "Chemdat" is a proper noun referring to a significant heathen person anticipated to come. God is going to shake all the heathens, and they will come. Then He specifies who would come: "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)." He then says He will fill this house, which they saw as nothing, with glory. The house already exists; Chemdat of all nations was just about to come, and God would fill this house with glory again. And, of course, the stone Jacob laid in Genesis 28—the same stone that Jesus referred to in Matthew 21:
  1. Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes?'
43. Therefore, I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
The Kingdom of God was intended to be taken away from the Christians and given to a people who would produce its fruits, and this is what happened when Islam came.
Going back to Haggai 2, the 18th verse also confirms that the Temple already was there:
"Consider, please, your heart from this day and onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the temple of the Lord was founded, consider your heart."
Just because God considers the two Houses (the current one they saw as insignificant and the later one) as "different" does not mean that it does not already exist physically but will be a different House.
Nevertheless, he is right about one thing regarding this chapter: it does not mention the new moon to new moon and the end of the Sabbath—that was in Isaiah 66. My mistake. But the prophecy is still valid. The new moon to new moon would come, and yes, the second phrase can be interpreted as an end (if we interpret "Shabbat" as "End"), but it is Biblically and generally interpreted as "Sabbath." A literal translation of the phrase in the 23rd verse would be:
שבת (shabbat) - "Sabbath"
בשבתו (be-shabbato) - "His Sabbath"
יבוא (yavo) - "it will come"
Let's agree that it means what the traditional translations say it means, and I don't mean hypothetically, but let's actually agree on that. However, the prophecy about the new moons (Ramadan) is still there and valid because God has not canceled the Sabbath in the Quran; it is still ongoing:
The Quran states in 2:40-42:
Verse 40: "O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and fear Me."
Verse 41: "And believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is [already] with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And do not exchange My signs/verses for a small price, and fear Me."
Verse 42: "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]."
The new moon to a new moon is combined with the Sabbath to Sabbath. This is a fulfilled prophecy!
I don't see easter, halloween or Christmas being mentioned here. It's Ramadan and the Sabbath, the two Covenants God has given to his worshipers, the Covenant of the Children of Israel and the Covenant of Peace, unlike the Pauline Christians who literally took all of their holidays from pagan idolaters, which I won't go into because it's not very relevant to our discussion anyways.
This marks the end of my rebuttal to his "part 1."
Thank you for reading,
/Your bro Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:39 improving-soul Things wrong in this sub wiki - A message to mods

I was browsing through the wiki of this subreddit, overall, its an good basic introduction for beginners but I have noticed there are few things which are outright wrong, logically flawed and misleading to general people.
I will point out these few mistakes which I have notices, its a request to mod to bring the necessary changes as soon as possible.
Mistakes in wiki and there answers -
1. Does Hinduism have the concept of blasphemy?
The answer in the wiki outright only says - " No " without any explanation or quotations, but if we look into scriptures there is a concept of blasphemy and even punishment.
कर्णौ पिधाय निरयाद्यदकल्प ईशे धर्मावितर्यसृणिभिर्नृभिरस्यमाने । छिन्द्यात्प्रसह्य रुशतीमसतीं प्रभुश्चे- ज्जिह्वामसूनपि ततो विसृजेत्स धर्म: ॥ १७ ॥
Satī continued: If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, one should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer’s tongue and kill the offender, and after that one should give up his own life.
The above shloka is from Srimad Bhagvatam 4.4.17. Some chaupais from ramacharitmanas -
जब तेहिं कीन्हि राम कै निंदा। क्रोधवंत अति भयउ कपिंदा हरि हर निंदा सुनइ जो काना। होइ पाप गोघात समान
जब रावण ने श्री रामजी की निंदा की, तब तो कपिश्रेष्ठ अंगद अत्यंत क्रोधित हुए, क्योंकि (शास्त्र ऐसा कहते हैं कि) जो अपने कानों से भगवान् विष्णु और शिव की निंदा सुनता है, उसे गो वध के समान पाप होता है
Rough translation - When Ravan abused bhagwan rama, then angad became extremely angry because according to scriptures, whoever hears hari hara abuse from there ears incur the sin same as of gau hatya ( cow killing )
संत संभु श्रीपति अपबादा। सुनिअ जहाँ तहँ असि मरजादा॥ काटिअ तासु जीभ जो बसाई। श्रवन मूदि न त चलिअ पराई
There is an established rule that wherever one listens to any sort of infamy towards saints, Lord Shiv and Lakshmi ji’s husband Lord Vishnu, one should cut off the tongue of that person (the one who is insulting) if possible, otherwise one should close one’s ears and run away from that place.
2. Is masturbation a Pataka(sin) in Hinduism?
The wiki says it is an obstacle in spiritual progress ( which is true ) but it also says it is not considered a sin, but this stance is wrong because masturbation is directly said to be paap karm in shastras -
If anybody, out of his amorous passion casts his semen privately on the suface of the ground, he will have to suffer the torments of hell for as many years as are the numbers of dust particles on that area. If anyone digs ground on the day of Ambuvācī, one remains in hell for four Yugas - Devi Bhagwatam 9.10 ( shloka is between 3-30)
A man who ejaculates his semen in any place other than the vagina becomes equal to a thief, equal to a murderer of a Brahmin. - Apastambha 1.19.15
So, from the shastras perspective it is clearly a sin.
3. How does Hinduism view homosexuality?
The wiki outright rejects dharmshastras in this by calling it " outdated ". Such views is wrong since every shastras can be labelled as " outdated " be it vedas, puranas, dharmshastras, itihasa, agamas, etc. Manusmriti holds important stance in hinduism, it is the only smriti accepted by vedas and talked in ramayan and mahabharata.
यद् वै किं च मनुर् अवदत् तद् भेषजम् । whatever Manu said is medicine ( Krishna yajurveda Taittarya Samhita )
Now, lets see what Bhagwan Rama had said on manusmriti in valmiki ramayan -
शक्यम् त्वया अपि तत् कार्यम् धर्मम् एव अनुवर्तता श्रूयते मनुना गीतौ श्लोकौ चारित्र वत्सलौ गृहीतौ धर्म कुशलैः तथा तत् चरितम् मयाअ ४-१८-३०
Had you pursued rightness you too would have done the same deed in imposing such a punishment, and we hear two verses that are given to the advocacy of good conventions, which the experts of rightness have also accepted, and which are said to be coined by Manu, and I too conducted myself only as detailed in those verses of law. [ 4.18.30 - VR ]
But anyways, quoting from texts apart from manusmriti -
A man who ejaculates his semen in any place other than the vagina becomes equal to a thief, equal to a mu4derer of a Brahmin. - Apastambha 1.19.15
One who does not have sex with his wife during her season, and one who has sex with her outside her season, as also one who deposits his s€men in a place other than the vagina ––they all incur the same guilt. - BaudhAyana 3.7.2
By discharging semen into inhuman females, into a woman in her menses, into others that have no female organs (i.e., a man or a eunuch), or into water one should perform the penance of Santapanam. - Atri Smriti 1.268
When shastras are clear on this matter, mods shouldn't create confusion with irrelevant answers in wiki.
Also the wiki gives flawed arguments like - " Gay Marriage isn't technically supported, but neither is it prohibited ".
The above argument is completely wrong since shastras give vidhi for vivah, and in presence of a vidhi ( procedure ) which is marriage between man and women, and doing things apart from that will be adharma, it doesn't matter if it is especially mentioned.
The same argument can be presented in other manner which will show the flawed nature of this argument -
Shastras - A Learnt brahmin should be the purohit in yajna. Wiki claim - A dog being purohit isnt technically support, but it is neither prohibited.
Wiki shouldn't outright reject manusmriti, and apart from that every other scripture prohibits such acts.
4. Is abortion a Pataka(sin)?
The wiki makes a claim that - " There is no accepted consensus " which is again an incorrect statement. Since there is only one valid accepted census in this matter and every shastras which talk about it, prohibits it.
Here is archive link of a specific topic from a book whcih shows various shastra praman to prove abortion is wromg - - This gives proof from parashar smriti, narada puran, brahm puran, devi bhagwat, vishnu puran, brahm vaivart, manusmriti and others.
Above I have pointed out notable errors in wiki in accordance to hinduism and I hope mods correct the errors.
Rama Rama
submitted by improving-soul to hinduism [link] [comments]

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2024.06.01 07:31 Suspicious_Judge6696 [Japanese > English] question about translating Japanese to english

[Japanese > English] question about translating Japanese to english
I don't know how to ask this without sounding a bit confusing.. I'm trying to translate this novel into English by using a variety of translators. Google translate seems to work best, it translated the first few pages with no issue. However the last few pages I've suddenly gotten weird issues and I can't tell if its running the characters together(it does this sometimes) or if I'm missing something. I took a picture of the page I used for translation(I don't have a scanner) and the direct google translate.
I was wondering if anyone could maybe point out, how to tell if characters are speaking or not? Most the time it will add them in quotes ("I will bestow the title of Black Seal Knight on Sieg Wahrheit!" but there's a few things I'm confused about.
Shuhin Butter? this might be a error, merging it with the previous sentence does nothing, it remains Shuhin butter. For example, I had to merge some of the other sentences in google translate, so they became readable. But Shuhin Butter doesn't seem to translate into anything. I don't know if its a glitch or not.
Also "Meiyo". I don't think this is a name of the characters. As far as I know in this scene the only named characters are Seig Wahrhight, Victor Delacoix, and Siela Rivere, and I know the Japanese characters for their names.
Lotterich is mentioned twice, doesn't make anything when I merge the sentences either. Also "Lotterich" is mentioned as something the red haired solider said, the text implies he is repeating something to be initiated as a Knight.

I'm sorry if this post is confusing, I'm not sure if I'm getting across what I'm asking. I'm not asking for a direct translation I'm wondering if anyone can point out the problems with the english translation, as well as well about if the Lotterich, Meiyo and Shuhin Butter are mistranslations and what the structure of the page is. I didn't have much of this issue with the previous pages.
Thank you
submitted by Suspicious_Judge6696 to translator [link] [comments]