Youthful chinese wedding invitation

AITAH for not wanting my mother at my wedding

2024.06.01 13:22 darlingsoni AITAH for not wanting my mother at my wedding

Sorry for how long this is, I am very conflicted. SA, SH, and child abuse mentioned, not described, could not add multiple flairs, I’m sorry.
So for some context, I (25f) am marrying my absolute dream boat of a man (26m) in late Oct of this year. He is everything I could ever want plus more. He saved me from a really dark place in my life, so he gets extra brownie points for that. I am so so grateful to have him in my life and could not ask for a more supportive, understanding, intelligent, funny, handsome man.
My family, I can regrettably say the opposite of. Without going into too many sensitive details, the mental and physical abuse as well as literal neglect I underwent my whole life with them has left me emotionally and physically disabled.
I was mentally, emotionally, verbally, medically, spiritually, and (on a couple of occasions) sexually abused for almost my entire life. On one account, my own mother tried to suffocate me when I was having a panic attack. They would keep me sick so I couldn’t move out or even really think about it. They drove me into risky activities such as self harming and multiple attempts of suicide. My mother was the main perpetrator.
To my knowledge and what I have discussed in therapy, she is the primary cause of my C-PTSD, depression, anxiety and a few other mental and physical issues I wish not to disclose (sorry). There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think of what she’s done to me, nor is there a day that goes by where I don’t cry because all I really want is a mother that loves me instead of scorns me.
Now, before you ask why I’m not no-contact with her, call it guilt I guess. I know the abuse wasn’t my fault, but I still blame myself. After all, it was her first and only time being a mother. She was still learning and growing too. But now, she treats her friends’ children the way I could only dream of being treated when I was younger. She’s good with and to them, and it hurts to see her be like that, because she will still turn around and say the most hateful and vile things to me.
She started acting kinder to me now that she knows me and my SO are engaged and the wedding is just months away, but it isn’t what I guess is considered “standard nice.” She only wants to talk to me about herself, or how my other abuser is doing. If anything about me is brought up, she either ghosts me or says she doesn’t have the time to talk (even if we were actively already talking and she previously said she was free). She still calls me nasty names and talks about me behind my back (her own friends have given me proof, they mostly talk to her to check on me anymore, a lot of them have seen her true colors and ran for the hills), but it’s less and less as the wedding approaches.
I really don’t want to invite her because it feels like she’s being fake nice to get into the wedding. She’s done this act multiple times, then after the event I have going on is over, she is immediately just as vile. Nevermind the fact she has already criticized nearly every dress I’ve picked out, my body now that I’m slimming down for the wedding, and even mine and my fiancé’s pets.
I honestly want to go no contact with her as I did with the rest of my family, but it’s so hard to do because that’s my mom. I’m also worried about her continuing to talk badly behind my back, or being even more aggressive. Her reactions are genuinely very, VERY scary to me to the point that I am anxious and wary of her even when she’s calm.
submitted by darlingsoni to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 Successful-Song-8238 Toxic in-laws, What to do?

I’ve never written a question on this app before but this is eating at me. BUCKLE UP THIS IS LONG!
So my husband’s family have been abusive to him, he is the black sheep of his family he is the youngest and has a different father than his older siblings (8,6 years older).
Ever since I started dating him I was antagonized in some way. When I first met his family for Christmas his middle brother invited his ex-girlfriend to hang out, unbeknownst to my then bf which was awkward but she was fine with me. My boyfriend then was really sick and I took the train 2 hours to pick him up from his home (where his family was with their cars) and take him to a hospital in London. He was there for 6 days not one person visited him but me. They made fun of him and minimized his illness.
Then we moved to my home country the US and eloped. They came to visit a few years later his mom and eldest brother were okay. Middle brother again constantly throwing barbs and digs at me completely unprovoked. I get there may be a culture difference they are White English conservatives, I’m African American. Shortly after we married he dated a black girl, who left bc she was also treated poorly. Some examples of digs; I congratulated him on graduating and asked him when he finished he replied “same time you were supposed to” (I dropped out). Then I asked what the he loved most and what was challenging about being a PT and he replied “no offense, working with fat people.” Took them to multiple meals and covered everything which wasn’t cheap, he complained about the food being “reheated” and bitched when he was ID’d.
Things get progressively worse, middle brother has a precious baby. I want to spoil her and become close with the mother of the child (who is not with him due to his creepy behavior). We form a fast friendship and chat all the time about the baby. My brother in-law tortures this girl denies he is the dad but also goes out of his way to bully her (she’s not breast feeding right, she shouldn’t have pacifiers) all from the comfort of his home. He is also constantly complaining about having to pay $50 a week in child support nonstop saying he is going “bankrupt”. My hubby is part of a group chat and my mother-in-law talks ish about my friend and my hubby is telling me. I ask to see and his brother is actively trying to give his soon to be 1 year old daughter eggs and gluten that his ex told him she was allergic to and they are plotting to do this during her birthday and explicitly NOT tell my friend the mom of his baby. The reasoning was “I’m the father, I deserve to be respected, I can make choices to” but he is extremely sneaky. I show my friend/baby’s mom the messages and all hell breaks loose because of course he lies and gets caught. I would have told him off directly but he blocked me because he was mad at how close I was getting to his ex. I am called a “despicable woman” dragged in their chat, made to seem that I’m spying on my husband and accused of being jealous and sabotaging my niece’s birthday party. My husband says nothing in my defense just goes along like he didn’t send me the photos of their chat…
They don’t know I’m pregnant at this time and I chose not to tell any of my in-laws due to how awful they are. I also don’t believe in telling anyone that would wish ill on me and my baby (bad juju), but my bestie the baby mom knows. I give birth his mom has an absolute tantrum says incredibly awful things to my husband, reaches out to my mom to wish her congratulations on her grandchild and says “i guess I will learn to love him.”
Then my friend the mom gets diagnosed with cancer and wants to keep this secret and makes me promise, she kept my secret pregnancy it is the least I could do. She dies a few months later and my brother in law attacks her for not telling him and claims she is a horrible mother. He takes custody of his daughter.
Fast forward the eldest brother meets this hog woman. She is rotund and English, very ignorant and rude. The first interaction I had she thought she knew so much, decides to bash my dead friend’s parenting, call my dead father in law “weird”, tells me my niece eats everything now due to having a “good parent” and called my apt in NYC “embarrassing” bc it had scaffolding on google maps when she looked me up (like a creep). She then antagonizes me in a variety of slick ways including posting the eldest brother with my niece with the caption “uncle B’s favorite!” On my son’s birthday. Most recently I tell his family that we want to actually have a proper wedding and celebrate after 10 years of marriage, i give them 2 years notice. The hog says “ohhh me and the eldest are planning on getting married then.” I ask why she says “nice weather”. She then proceeds to have a fall wedding (orange, red, greens, pumpkins, barley, wheelbarrows etc.” in May. I try to be the bigger person and send a kind welcome and she leaves me on read.
I hate these people, I need to let this go. My husband says that we should just go on continuing our happy life and not “start problems”. But it feels like so much awfulness to have to swallow. I also feel like if/when I do speak up I’m the hysterical angry black woman and this hog is the “innocent”. The whole thing is so so frustrating but I need to let it go even though I want them to hurt emotionally as much as they have hurt us.
Any recommendations, would you want revenge? There is so much more but I have written a novel already. I feel alone like no one has my back or tries to understand my perspective. They are so sneaky and underhanded. I want to protect my family from these sick people. At the same time I want justice, justice for my husband, for my dead bestie, for me son and for me.
submitted by Successful-Song-8238 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:42 Routine_Feeling7814 Irish wedding questions?

Travelling to Ireland for a cousins wedding.
1.) What is considered the appropriate wedding attire for men invited as guests?
2.) Going rate for a wedding gift?
submitted by Routine_Feeling7814 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:05 metamagic-bot Pauper Meta Update for 3/23-6/1/24

There were 320 "Kuldotha Red" decks:
4 Chain Lightning (online)
4 Experimental Synthesizer (online)
4 Galvanic Blast (online)
4 Goblin Blast-Runner (online)
4 Goblin Bushwhacker (online)
4 Goblin Tomb Raider (online)
4 Great Furnace (online)
4 Implement of Combustion (online)
4 Kuldotha Rebirth (online)
4 Lightning Bolt (online)
13 Mountain (online)
3 Reckless Lackey (online)
4 Voldaren Epicure (online)
There were 262 "Boros Synthesizer" decks:
4 All That Glitters (online)
4 Ancient Den (online)
1 Barbed Batterfist (online)
1 Boros Garrison (online)
4 Experimental Synthesizer (online)
4 Galvanic Blast (online)
4 Glint Hawk (online)
4 Great Furnace (online)
4 Kor Skyfisher (online)
4 Lembas (online)
4 Lightning Bolt (online)
1 Makeshift Munitions (online)
2 Mountain (online)
4 Novice Inspector (online)
3 Plains (online)
4 Rustvale Bridge (online)
4 Thraben Inspector (online)
2 Wedding Invitation (online)
2 Wind-Scarred Crag (online)
There were 168 "Dimir Control" decks:
1 Agony Warp (online)
1 Arms of Hadar (online)
4 Augur of Bolas (online)
1 Bojuka Bog (online)
3 Brainstorm (online)
2 Cast Down (online)
4 Contaminated Aquifer (online)
4 Counterspell (online)
1 Dimir Aqueduct (online)
1 Extract a Confession (online)
3 Faerie Seer (online)
1 Gurmag Angler (online)
10 Island (online)
4 Lorien Revealed (online)
1 Maestros Theater (online)
1 Murmuring Mystic (online)
3 Ninja of the Deep Hours (online)
3 Preordain (online)
4 Snuff Out (online)
4 Spellstutter Sprite (online)
1 Suffocating Fumes (online)
1 Swamp (online)
2 Thorn of the Black Rose (online)
There were 156 "Golgari Garden" decks:
2 Avenging Hunter (online)
1 Blood Fountain (online)
1 Bojuka Bog (online)
4 Cast Down (online)
3 Crypt Rats (online)
4 Deadly Dispute (online)
3 Defile (online)
1 Drown in Sorrow (online)
3 Fanatical Offering (online)
1 Golgari Rot Farm (online)
1 Haunted Mire (online)
3 Ichor Wellspring (online)
4 Khalni Garden (online)
3 Lembas (online)
2 Reckoner's Bargain (online)
2 Snuff Out (online)
2 Spinning Darkness (online)
10 Swamp (online)
2 Thorn of the Black Rose (online)
4 Tithing Blade (online)
3 Troll of Khazad-dum (online)
1 Witch's Cottage (online)
There were 151 "Gates" decks:
3 Azorius Guildgate (online)
4 Basilisk Gate (online)
4 Brainstorm (online)
4 Citadel Gate (online)
4 Counterspell (online)
2 Dawnbringer Cleric (online)
1 Dispel (online)
2 Guardian of the Guildpact (online)
2 Heap Gate (online)
1 Idyllic Beachfront (online)
3 Island (online)
3 Journey to Nowhere (online)
3 Lorien Revealed (online)
4 Preordain (online)
4 Prismatic Strands (online)
4 Sacred Cat (online)
4 Sea Gate (online)
4 Squadron Hawk (online)
4 The Modern Age (online)
There were 139 "Jeskai Ephemerate" decks:
2 Archaeomancer (online)
4 Augur of Bolas (online)
3 Brainstorm (online)
2 Breath Weapon (online)
4 Cleansing Wildfire (online)
4 Counterspell (online)
1 Destroy Evil (online)
2 Ephemerate (online)
1 Glacial Floodplain (online)
1 Kenku Artificer (online)
1 Late to Dinner (online)
2 Lightning Bolt (online)
4 Lorien Revealed (online)
3 Mulldrifter (online)
1 Murmuring Mystic (online)
2 Preordain (online)
4 Rustvale Bridge (online)
4 Silverbluff Bridge (online)
3 Skred (online)
7 Snow-Covered Island (online)
2 Snow-Covered Mountain (online)
1 Snow-Covered Plains (online)
1 Union of the Third Path (online)
1 Volatile Fjord (online)
There were 106 "Rakdos Madness Burn" decks:
4 Alms of the Vein (online)
2 Deadly Dispute (online)
4 Drossforge Bridge (online)
4 Faithless Looting (online)
4 Fiery Temper (online)
4 Galvanic Blast (online)
4 Goblin Tomb Raider (online)
4 Great Furnace (online)
3 Jagged Barrens (online)
4 Kitchen Imp (online)
4 Lightning Bolt (online)
3 Mountain (online)
2 Rakdos Carnarium (online)
2 Scrapwork Mutt (online)
4 Vampire's Kiss (online)
4 Vault of Whispers (online)
4 Voldaren Epicure (online)
submitted by metamagic-bot to metamagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:56 SaberCatProductions How old are L'il Ultimates and Ultimates in the Danganronpa Series?

I've always wondered what the ages of all the characters of the main cast are. To do that, we'd first need to know precisely what Hope's Peak Academy and the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juvinilies are.
According to the game, Hope's Peak Academy is, "a government-funded, elite high school that recruits the top students from every field imaginable to inspire hope." In Japan, students attend high school from ages fifteen to eighteen.
The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juvinilies has no set description, however, the term juvinilies suggests that only eighteen or younger will attend, so it's safe to assume that this too, is a high school.
However, this can both be confirmed by the fact the alternate name for Ultimates are, "Super High School Level."
Next, we would have to look at the timeline. Going to the cast of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havok, Class 78th. We know for certain that this group attended one year of standard education at Hope's Peak Academy, at the end of which they locked themselves within the school and were made to believe that their school life had only just begun. If they joined the school ages 15-16, then their current age in the game would be 16-17.
We know that the cast of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, are one year older than the first cast. This is because they are class 77-B (compared to 78th). So, they would be aged between 17-18.
The legal drinking age in Japan is 20. Thus, Yasuhiro Hagukure (whose opening line involves inviting Makoto to go drinking) at the start of the game likely believes he is at least 20, but is in actuality at least 21 (as one year of their life was forgotten).
According to the official Wiki, "Komaru is a teenager around high school age, who is described in the Danganronpa 1.2 Reload Artbook to be a year younger than her brother Makoto. However, when scanned by Monokuma during Ultra Despair Girls, it estimates her to be fifteen to seventeen." She has to be younger than Makoto. Danganronpa 1.2 takes place after Danganronpa: Trigger Happt Havok, meaning that Makoto around that time is 16-17, so Komaru is 15-16 ASSUMING THH's survivors were the same age upon joining the Future Foundation.
A "L'il Ultimate," from Danganronpa 1.2 are also called "Super Elementry School Level." Elementry school in Japan runs for students between 6-12.
V3's cast are way more difficult to work out, because they don't start school at the beginning of the game. They're already in school, get kidnapped, and somehow end up at the academy. Ignoring the whole fiction aspect that could suggest they are actors of different ages, all we'd have to work with is that they were all high school students (due to the SHSL talents), so they are between 15-18.
Taking the start of Danganronpa 3 as our cut off point, by that point, the ages of the characters (at MINIMUM) would be:
Warriors of Hope: 6-12. Komaru Naegi: 15-16. Class 78th (excluding Yasuhiro Hagukure): 16-17. Class 77-B: 17-18. Yasuhiro Hagukure: 21.
And then V3's cast would all be 15-18.
All students have an insignia of their old school on their uniform somewhere. Think Makoto's pin badge or the symbols on Yasuhiro's jacket. Why is this a problem? Well, the name of these schools can be found in the official art books, and many of them include, "High School," at the end, suggesting that all of the characters have graduated high school already. This would in turn make Hope's Peak more of a university instead of a high school, providing further education. If that was the case, then everyone except the Warriors of Hope and Komaru could be an additional three years older, but this makes everything go wrong, so I looked things up myself and apparantly Kodaka said that all the main cast are between 18-20 and now I feel stupid. Perhaps this can be negated by suggesting that Hope's Peak look for students performing well in their current high school (for academic, creative arts, sports, or other activities) and recruit them FROM those schools, but I've got no damn idea.
At the very least, I suppose I've pointed out the contradictions in the ages, I guess, haha.
submitted by SaberCatProductions to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:17 Ok_Welder1797 can i please have your advice?

okay, i am female teen, and sometimes i have suicidal thoughts, i sometimes get bullied, and shamed. i'm raised in a Christian family, and i'm a Christian myself, i believe and know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, but i can't help but think that maybe it'd be better if i was dead so others could be happy, since they always get annoyed at me. i have a best friend, and honestly she makes my day better, when we both go to youth, i know she's a good Christian friend. I don't have a lot of friends, i go to a Christian school, and honestly most of the students in my class don't even treat me right, they interrupt me, get mad at me randomly when i just say something like, let's just say i say i tell them. "okay, RESPECTFULLY, maybe you should pray about them, that's the Christian response." when i said 'them' we were referring to a group of three boys in my class that would lets just say curse to the teacher behind their back, EXTREMELY dirty minded, and mock the teachers AND principal (who's an old lady and sacrificed their jobs to start the school), and honestly i feel like they're going on the wrong path, and i sometimes pray for them, but when the other students said they do pray for them, i told them to pray for them more.. anyways, i try and slowly move away from them because i think it's the best, since i think that they're not exactly good friends,, but the more harder i try, the more harder it is to let them go (they were my classmates since we were in kindergarten). when they act nice all of a sudden, even asking me for advice, i'm telling you... that makes my day, because they barely come to me, because i mostly come to them, and when they just ask me a question, i internally get excited. but either way, those cases are EXTREMELY rare, and i don't know what to do... every time i'm with my dad, and it's the school holidays, he'd always say that when he was younger he'd hangout with his friends, now honestly, i'm more of an inside person, but at the same time i dont' get invited to events, unless it's a family event, because i'm mostly the one that invites... i do pray that maybe the students in my class might change, and who knows maybe even me if i don't know if i'm the bad guy in this case because i know that i have my share of wrong doings, and i'm aware of that because obviously i'm not perfect.. i know i should probably get new friends, at least school friends, because the only school friends i have is either 2 guys from my class who're gamers with me, and the lower classes (my class are the current seniors in the school) because honestly the younger kids that are about a year or two younger, show me more respect than my own class does.. whenever i'm in my room and praying, i'd pray to the fact i can't breathe properly, and to the point i'm mentally breaking down, praying to God, asking Him why did He have to make me this way, i know He doesn't make mistakes, but i dont' know if i'm the problem in my friendships with others or not, i'd even beg Him to change me if i was the problem..
so if you have any advice, please share it, it would actually help, i feel like i desperately need it, because i honestly don't know what to do.
submitted by Ok_Welder1797 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:14 OrganizationHot7154 When Is the Best Time to Send Save the Dates?

Send save-the-dates 6-8 weeks before sending formal invitations, allowing ample time for guests to mark their calendars and ideally, 4-6 months before your wedding date for out-of-town guests and those with busy schedules.
submitted by OrganizationHot7154 to Codemo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:02 WTXNews I’m having a small wedding – how do I tell people they’re not invited?

I’m having a small wedding – how do I tell people they’re not invited? submitted by WTXNews to UK_News24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:01 Similar_Ad2021 Is it okay to wear a qipao?

Absolutely! It's perfectly okay to wear a qipao, especially if you appreciate its cultural significance, elegance, and beauty. However, it's essential to approach wearing a qipao with respect and understanding of its cultural context.
Here are some considerations:
  1. Appropriateness: Ensure that wearing a qipao is appropriate for the occasion and context. It's often worn at cultural events, weddings, formal gatherings, or celebrations where traditional attire is encouraged or required.
  2. Respect: Appreciate the cultural heritage and significance of the qipao. Understand its history, symbolism, and the craftsmanship involved in its creation.
  3. Authenticity vs. Fashion: While there are modern interpretations and adaptations of the qipao for fashion purposes, consider opting for an authentic qipao or a design that respects its traditional elements if you're attending an event with cultural significance.
  4. Comfort: Make sure you feel comfortable wearing a qipao. It has a unique form-fitting silhouette, so choose a style and size that you feel confident and comfortable in.
  5. Awareness of Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural sensitivity, especially if you're not of Chinese descent. Avoid appropriating or misrepresenting Chinese culture and fashion.
Ultimately, wearing a qipao can be a beautiful way to celebrate and honor Chinese culture and fashion, as long as it's done with respect and appreciation for its heritage.
submitted by Similar_Ad2021 to qipao_dress [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:00 Kamen-Rider-Artif [Help and Question Thread] - May 25th, 2024

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2024.06.01 10:35 AcanthisittaMobile72 Irony died

Irony died submitted by AcanthisittaMobile72 to Falasteenow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:05 Similar_Ad2021 What is the meaning of qipao dress?

The qipao dress holds cultural significance in Chinese history and fashion. Its meaning is multifaceted:
  1. Cultural Heritage: The qipao embodies centuries of Chinese tradition and culture. It reflects the elegance and sophistication of Chinese clothing design, showcasing intricate craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  2. Symbol of Femininity: Historically, the qipao has been associated with femininity and grace. Its form-fitting silhouette accentuates the curves of the female body, while its high collar and modest length symbolize modesty and refinement.
  3. Fashion and Style: Over time, the qipao has evolved from its traditional roots to become a symbol of Chinese fashion and style. It has been adapted and modernized to suit contemporary tastes, yet still retains its cultural essence.
  4. National Identity: The qipao is often worn on special occasions, such as weddings, formal events, and cultural celebrations, where it serves as a symbol of national identity and pride.
Overall, the qipao dress carries meanings that are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, history, and aesthetics, making it a cherished garment that continues to be celebrated both in China and around the world.
submitted by Similar_Ad2021 to qipao_dress [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:50 jeannesloaf All my old friends are at a wedding and I wasn’t invited.

I (30f) had a best friend (31m) for about 12 years, all through high school and college, who I had a very close bond with. We supported each other through struggles and understood each other pretty well. But after he started dating someone, he slowly drifted apart from me, and when I asked what the hell was up and emphasized that I was going through a hard time and needed his support, he told me it was time for him to cut off our friendship. He said he’d found friendships with healthier boundaries and it was time for him to move on. I was absolutely shattered. For a year, I mourned the loss of him as though he was dead. He was the last remaining friend that I felt understood me, and after losing him I have no one.
When I found out he got engaged, I reached out to congratulate him and asked if we could try reconnecting. He said no, and told me he was unhealthy when he was friends with me and it wasn’t fair to his fiancé for him to reconnect with me (?). I didn’t understand it but I let it be. I will never speak to him or see him again.
Tonight he got married. My entire group of friends from about 5 years ago are all there hanging out together and celebrating the wedding. And I’m not. I will never be a part of this group again. I am devastated. I have never felt so alone, and I’ve felt pretty damn alone for years now. My heart is broken. I don’t know how to get past this pain. I have no one to talk to, so I have to whine about it on Reddit for attention from strangers. I feel pathetic.
submitted by jeannesloaf to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:49 burgermeisteruk AITA for telling my Dad that I don’t want to know anything about my sibling who has been mostly no contact for 9 years.

I (33M) am one of 4 and the eldest (39M) has been no contact for 9 years with the majority of my family.
We had a good relationship until then and it seemed to have started from anxiety issues following a conviction that came with a hefty fine putting him into financial difficulties.
For 6 years I had to deal with not knowing what anyone did or specifically I did for him to just cut contact with no warning.
By chance I managed to message him on another app I wasn’t blocked on after on of my Dads parents became ill and he visited my Grandad alone. He remained in touch with my Dad on and off, we exchanged a few messages but it was all one way so I stopped, even after my Dads constant encouragement to keep it up.
My Dad said that I didn’t do anything wrong but it sounds like he had therapy after his conviction made him paranoid and anxious.
This therapy brought up about a messy break up of our parents specifically the tit for tat between grandparents. From what I know it wasn’t pleasant but was more the usual disagreements between who has who when than outright manipulation or abuse.
Both sides are lovely and caring, but I can see how there probably was a control issue with the Grandparents.
It happened when I was small so I don’t remember but he maintained relationships up to this point and even lived with both sets of Grandparents for short periods.
So another 3 years pass, in that time I got married and have had 2 children, which he was made aware of out of courtesy. First one I told him and got a short blunt congratulations. I messaged him when we were getting married to say he would still be welcome but his response was a blunt no, due to his feelings towards family yet no interest shown or congratulations offered.
Day of the wedding get a message, Dad said it’s your wedding day… etc.
All this time he’s still no contact with my mum even though he’s saying it’s only the grandparents.
Second baby I didn’t bother to say anything as he hadn’t been in contact and I know he knows but still nothing.
Lost a grandparent on my mums side & at this point he had a new phone so my mums message went through and he has responded vaguely on and off. The response was largely I have been doing good until I got that message and his mood was now ruined.
He then mentions a GF and having a baby.
A few months on since the passing of my grandparent, I’ve had a baby, my father in law passed away and my Dads other parent passed all in a short time.
Again no contact.
My mind has been absolutely in the gutter, I’ve told my Dad how much of a struggle it’s been but he then drops on me that he’s been meeting my brother and what he’s having and what the name may be and it just pissed me off.
I’ve spent the last 4 years in the middle of my parents seeing one so sad that she’s lost her son and the other pushing me to have a relationship. Feeling like I have to lie about knowing things about him.
Now, he’s talking about his Grandchildren collectively like it’s some happy family and I should be happy about it because he has a relationship with him.
He’s never met either of my children or my nephew and I haven’t seen him for 9 years. I said my family and the family who bother to be in our lives are my priority not him.
For context I have an ok relationship with my Dad, but it does feel that we are never the priority over my Step family. There are yearly trips which we aren’t invited to and we haven’t been invited for Christmas for years.
I’m not a heartless ass, I did acknowledge that it must be hard for him and i get that he’s happy that he’s got a better relationship now with a new grandchild on the way but my heart breaks for my mum who is an amazing grandmother.
So AITA, for telling my Dad to not talk to me about him or him about me until he can have consistent relationships with both parents so I don’t have to carry the stress and guilt?
submitted by burgermeisteruk to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:40 babyfacedmango He didn’t cut her off. He lied.

Get your popcorn, I have a story to tell. My (26f) husband (26M) and I have been together 11 years and married for 2. Last summer, a name pops up on his phone and I ask who it is. He says “oh it’s a friend from high school who lives in another state.” I’m thinking that’s odd because we have been dating since high school and he never once mentioned her and I never met her and she never came to our wedding but I allowed him to elaborate. He tells me a bit more about the relationship and he swears there was never anything romantic between them. He says he views her as slut because she is very promiscuous and she hooked up with his cousin at one point. (Why is a married man talking to a slut?!) Their relationship is very one-sided where she tells him stories of her sxual escapades and he acts as her shoulder to cry on and hype man. I tell him that I feel like this is very odd and I’m not comfortable with this type of relationship but he assured me that nothing untoward was happening between them. Fast forward to 6 months after that point around March), she comes to our city to visit and I was completely unaware they were going to meet up until he was practically walking out the door to go meet her so I invite myself because they were not about to go on an ice cream date alone without me. I’m super friendly to the young lady and chat with the two of them like normal on this awkward aass throuple date. After we get back home, he says “I think that went really well.” And I say “I’m glad YOU felt that way” and then I told how I felt that their relationship is unhealthy and completely inappropriate and I’m not comfortable with them talking anymore. He told me he would phase her out. I took him at his word UNTIL a couple months later (this week) when he started getting more angry at me for not trusting him and accusing me of taking advantage of him. I know, I know, I was wrong to have invaded his privacy by looking thru his phone but I had reasonable suspicion. I found that she sent him 5 (fully clothed) pics of her body and he gives her flirty compliments and hearts every single one. And to top it all off, I find he was talking bad about me to a different long distance female friend of his about a recent argument we had. I feel as though this is a major security breach and I am LIVID.
He doesn’t know I looked thru his phone yet. I just don’t know how to handle this calmly. I don’t think things have gotten physical between them (yet) mostly because she lives across the country. Yes, I know it could be a lot worse, but I feel so betrayed and heartbroken. Am I overreacting? I am at a loss at how to proceed here. Any and all advice is welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
TLDR: I told husband that I was not comfortable with the strange relationship with one-sided long distance female friend. He said he cut her off but 3 months later, I found out he is still flirting with her. He’s just been hiding the alerts on his phone this whole time. I feel very hurt and betrayed. I feel like he threw away our marriage by choosing her over me. Please help. I don’t know what to do.
submitted by babyfacedmango to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:10 giantspeck Welcome back to /r/TropicalWeather!


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to /TropicalWeather! It is great to see you all again and we look forward to tracking tropical cyclones with you again this year.

A look back to 2023.

Last year's Atlantic season was memorable, particularly because it was very active despite the presence of a very strong El Niño event. In fact, with 20 named storms, it tied with the 1933 season to become the fourth-most active Atlantic season on record.

Seasonal highlights

Storm highlights

What's expected for 2024?

Scientists surmise that a combination of environmental factors—such as the emergence of La Niña conditions later this summer and abnormally warm sea-surface temperatures across the Atlantic Ocean—will lead to a very active season. A full rollup of the seasonal forecasts which have been issued in the days leading to the start of the season can be found here.
The National Hurricane Center issued its most aggressive seasonal forecast ever, projecting 17 to 25 named storms, 8 to 13 hurricanes, and 4 to 7 major hurricanes, along with a seasonal accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) of 150 to 245.

A reminder of the rules.

As the season gets underway, we'd like to give you a brief reminder of our rules. For the sake of brevity, we invite you to read them in our wiki. Some highlights:


This is a reminder that we have an active Discord server! A link to our server is also featured in the sidebar on all three desktop versions of the subreddit.

Verified user flair

We have special user flair for degreed meteorologists, atmospheric scientists, and emergency management personnel! If you would like this flair to be applied to your username, please contact us!
submitted by giantspeck to TropicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:05 lucid_au Falcon's Eye League 134 - Reset Soon, NEW Game, Good Teams, Reliable BBS's and Network

Hey everyone!
We've got our new MEDUSA NETWORK setup between a series of active BBS's (the SysOps are all part of our community!) and we are about to begin our second Falcon's Eye league game! We are also running Barren Realms Elite/BRE and our BBS's are in the process of setting up games of Clans and TAL!
Tired of playing door games on dead BBSes? No players? No SysOps when something goes wrong or the board crashes? Just a few huge players on games that have been running for years and no room for anyone else?
Well no more! We've gathered the community, and grown from just a few BRE players, to hosting our own network hub with many active BBS's (and growing continually!), we have a Discord, an active, well-coordinated community and player base, and new games being worked on and added as we progress! We reset once every few months and play in well-balanced teams, so everyone gets the best chance of having a good game.
So if you'd like to join us in the Falcon's Eye (FE) game about to start, or would like to jump in one of our BRE leagues or check out some of the other door games we're looking to add, please come check out the Discord and see what we're about - we'd love to have you!
Discord invite link:
submitted by lucid_au to bbs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:01 graceperfumes where and How to use Air Freshener

Air fresheners are versatile products that can be used in a variety of settings to improve the ambiance and atmosphere by neutralizing unpleasant odors and introducing pleasant scents. Here are some common and creative uses for air fresheners:

  1. Home
Living Room: Maintain a fresh and inviting atmosphere with air fresheners that have relaxing scents like lavender or vanilla.
Kitchen: Neutralize cooking odors with citrus or herb-based air fresheners that can counteract strong smells like garlic, fish, or spices.
Bathroom: Use air fresheners to keep the bathroom smelling clean and fresh. Consider using scents like eucalyptus or mint for a refreshing effect.
Bedroom: Enhance relaxation and sleep quality with calming scents like chamomile, jasmine, or sandalwood.
Closets: Place air fresheners or sachets in closets to keep clothes smelling fresh and to prevent musty odors.
  1. Car
Interior Freshness: Keep the car interior smelling pleasant with air fresheners that can be hung on the rearview mirror, attached to air vents, or placed under seats.
Odor Elimination: Neutralize smoke, pet, or food odors with air fresheners specifically designed for cars.
  1. Office
Workspaces: Create a pleasant working environment by using air fresheners that can help improve focus and reduce stress, such as citrus or peppermint.
Meeting Rooms: Ensure meeting rooms are inviting and pleasant for clients and employees with subtle, professional scents.
  1. Public Spaces
Restrooms: Maintain a fresh-smelling restroom in public spaces such as restaurants, malls, and airports with commercial-grade air fresheners.
Lobbies and Reception Areas: Use air fresheners to create a welcoming atmosphere for visitors and clients.
  1. Pets
Pet Areas: Manage pet odors in areas where pets sleep, eat, or play with air fresheners that are safe for pets and effective in neutralizing pet smells.
  1. Special Occasions and Events
Parties and Gatherings: Enhance the ambiance of parties, weddings, and other events with themed scents that match the occasion (e.g., floral scents for spring weddings, warm spices for holiday parties).
Seasonal Decor: Use seasonal air fresheners to complement holiday decorations and create a festive atmosphere (e.g., pine and cinnamon for Christmas, pumpkin spice for autumn).
  1. Storage Areas
Garages and Basements: Keep these often-overlooked areas smelling fresh and free from musty odors with strong, long-lasting air fresheners.
Storage Units: Place air fresheners in storage units to prevent stale odors from developing over time.
  1. DIY and Creative Uses
Craft Projects: Use air freshener sprays or gels in craft projects to add a pleasant scent to homemade items like candles or potpourri.
Gym Bags: Place a small air freshener in your gym bag to keep it smelling fresh between uses.
Shoes: Insert small sachets or solid air fresheners into shoes to eliminate foot odor.
submitted by graceperfumes to u/graceperfumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:39 namilots my MIL is upset

so i got married about 14 months ago and got pregnant soon after. my daughter was not planned but she was wanted so now i have an almost 5 month old baby.
i’ve never met my mil in person, just over video chat (mostly her wanting to see my daughter). my husband didn’t invite her to the wedding because they don’t have the best relationship and now i see why.
she’s done some ehhhhh kind of stuff; not bad enough for me to post on here, but enough for me to have to set boundaries. this interaction takes the cake though.
since our daughter wasn’t planned, we’re not in the best place financially. bills are paid, all her needs are met, we have groceries. but we have no savings and not a ton of fun money. about 3-4 months ago, mil let us know my husbands youngest sister is graduating in early june and we looked at everything and our budget and told her that it wasn’t feasible for us to come down to the graduation since they live in a different state. it would have cost us at least 3k for flights, hotel, rental car, food.
she just texted my husband to say that his sister is graduating soon (which we know. we sent her a small gift) and said she’s upset we “didn’t suck it up and find a way down.” but what really got me is that she said, “your daughter will never have the memory of watching her auntie graduate.”
…ma’am…our daughter doesn’t even remember she has two feet.
submitted by namilots to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:38 teethingdog [VCT CN caster Alan Gai] English Interview with PRX alecks and d4v41

[VCT CN caster Alan Gai] English Interview with PRX alecks and d4v41
CN caster Alan Gai has a segment where he invites guests over and have a conversation together while they drink tea. I really recommend checking this interview out, the questions are really interesting.
  • Alecks likes scrimming Chinese teams because they like to keep it simple. He said he kind of wants the Chinese teams to play Lotus in a specific way but they just wanted to kill PRX. d4v41 thinks scrimming Chinese teams are good for warmups.
  • Alecks thinks that both the players and the coach had a hand in developing the W gaming playstyle. PRX switched to Valorant late intentionally because he felt that you would learn how to play the game in a certain way if you start early and may get stuck when the game changes. The team didn't want to make the switch but it came to a point where Valorant was more lucrative so they just went in and tried to figure things out. The players played a lot of rank, Alecks would watch as much as he could and the team would come together to discuss how they want to play this game.
d4v4i: We tried this style in CS:GO but it didn’t work out, thankfully it’s working out for us.
Alan: Have you ever imagined a timeline where this style doesn’t work out for you?
Alecks: I’ll retire.
  • Alecks thinks that the Chinese teams do play a similar style to PRX but the biggest difference is that PRX has been together for 4 years, and thinks you need time to develop this playstyle.
  • Alecks talked about fielding an international roster: the players who joined spoke bad English at the start, but they joined one by one so Alecks could work on them one by one.
  • Alecks explained the calling situation for PRX. It's a lot about how the duelist wants to play. f0rsakeN does the pistol rounds, Jinggg does the eco rounds and anti eco rounds because the team usually loses when f0rsakeN calls these rounds. f0rsakeN sometimes thinks like an IGL but sometimes they don't want him to do that. The round is basically run by whoever wants to do so. They've been pushing mindfreak to talk more because he has good ideas but he's quiet. d4v41 is actually the most quiet member in comms.
  • PRX is built so that the players join the team one by one while maintaining a core. He thinks that EDG's case is fine despite a lot of people asking for roster changes. EDG needs to figure out when the team has run its course or if they have some other underlying issue. He thinks that EDG has the best players in every position and the question they should ask if that who can EDG get as upgrades. He also revealed that Life was playing Viper in scrims a year ago as he was considering Life for Smoggy.
  • Alecks and d4v41 mentioned that something is the most hardworking player on PRX. something calls Alecks at 11 on their day off and asks for VOD review sessions that last for 4 hours. They'll also see how other duelists like aspas and Kangkang play too. d4v41 tells something to play less because he worries that it won't be good for the long run.
  • Alecks said that something became a totally different person after he got to rest post Madrid. The team was in a low point in Madrid even though they placed third as it felt like they couldn't rest.
  • Alecks said he learned that the most important thing for the offseason is to get adequate rest. PRX only took a 3 week long break and went back to scrimming. They realised that the patches kept updating so Alecks was like 'what were we doing?' They'll try to focus on individual improvement, hanging out more, and having fun in scrims. PRX practised a lot in the offseason. They had 3-4 scrims per day. No one else was practising except for EDG and FPX so they practised with them all the time.
  • Alecks agrees with Alan that this is a product of Asian culture. d4v41 said he will just give the boys 3 months off and let them go fishing if he becomes the PRX coach in the future. He heard that Gen.G does 8 scrims a day. EDG used to do that, but he thinks they got tired. Alecks thinks that you get burnout when you lose because everything is all sunny when you win but when you lose, you'll think about how practising a lot isn't effective.
  • Alan asked about the reason behind PRX not winning grand finals. Alecks thinks that the team cannot figure out how to win the first map in a BO5 and they never won the first map (he said the time in SEA doesn't count). The team wants the win so badly that it ended up being the opposite. d4v41 thinks that he's immune to it at this point. The team obviously wants to win but they kind of have a phobia of getting 2nd place once they reach grand finals.
  • Is this PRX's time to win a trophy? d4v41 personally doesn't expect much even though people are hyping them up. Alecks can't believe that PRX is #1 on everyone's power rankings. Alan said that everyone in China sees PRX as a the favourites, and Alecks proceeded to give scrimbux that they got smashed by EDG in scrims just before this interview.
  • Alecks thinks that Shanghai is the worst place to play EDG because Kangkang is someone who get fuelled by the crowd. He thinks that the home crowd advantage can be huge if you play into the crowd.
  • Alecks thinks it's lucky that PRX is popular in many countries. He and d4v41 ended up talking about which side the crowd was supporting in some of their matches. Alecks asked the CN audience to support PRX if they make it to Mercedes Benz Arena and none of the CN teams make it
  • Alecks thinks that as a coach, he seems himself as a facilitator of discussion. He would direct the team in the direction he believes is correct, take charge and direct the team, and bring in unique viewpoints during discussions. He will tell the team to work on certain points when they practise, and let the team discuss. The players themselves come up with a lot of strats and Alecks acts as the devil's advocate and pokes holes. On a more humanistic side, he makes sure that everyone is happy and keeps them motivated. He also makes the players learn how to take care of fans, and helps them with PR training.
  • Alecks said that the team has been trying to make their game plan more clear and tighter. By and large, the team practises to be able to improvise, they focus on comms, the little rules that they have to make combat better and easier. The team's protocols are designed to facilitate fast decision making. The team looks bad sometimes because the team is making the wrong decision, so they're trying to make as many good decisions as possible. They talk about whether the decisions they make are good or bad during VOD reviews. The ratio of improvisation to sticking to the game plan used to be 90:10, but the team is trying to add more rules and understand other teams better.
  • Alan: So do you think that the strategy in Valorant will be tighter? Alecks thinks that it will be tighter eventually. He brought up Fnatic's CS:GO team as an example. They used to be dominant but dropped off as they were very loose. He doesn't want PRX to follow that so he would like to tighten the team up a little bit so they don't fall off. At the same time, he understands that Valorant is a different game so he believes the way PRX plays can be better, but still be loose.
submitted by teethingdog to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:33 lifegavemelemons000 Friends texting behaviour

Just want to get people’s perspectives on this - so I’ve had some fertility issues and finally gotten pregnant and it’s further along than the last miscarriage I had. I told a close friend (she invited me to go wedding dress shopping with her where she found her dress that day along with another friend - neither of us are her bridesmaids!) she congratulated me and sent me a massive heartfelt text saying how she will be there every step of the way and anything I need etc. that was sweet and I replied back to her about the challenges so far as I’ve been bleeding first trimester and had some scares, and she didn’t respond to that. Then a few days later she messaged me saying ‘how are you?’ I reply again saying I’m tired and exhausted blah blah but I’m good and asked her how is she doing? And again silence… I have a feeling she will probably ignore that too and message me in a week to ask how I am again to which I think I’ll just say I’m fine because it’s hard to be vulnerable with someone and share how I’m feeling when they don’t actually acknowledge or reply to that and the convo ends… am I just the only person that finds it a bit weird? but she has always been a bit this way with texting…in person she is more attentive so maybe I should just save the convos for in person? Even if I wanted to talk to her about it I don’t even know what to say because it’s nice she is texting me, but then I don’t even know how to explain ‘why don’t you reply?’ Because technically she does reply but she just replies days-weeks later asking how am I again…
submitted by lifegavemelemons000 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:15 Splycr Alright which one of you weirdos invited Bro Jogan to your wedding?!

Alright which one of you weirdos invited Bro Jogan to your wedding?! submitted by Splycr to SatanicTemple_Reddit [link] [comments]