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/r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

2011.02.15 01:03 laaabaseball /r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

/texts - The Conversations Subreddit - a subreddit to submit your funny, weird, or random coversations from your mobile or cell phone.

2014.07.24 19:41 Roflmoo Context-Free Comic Panels

Individual comic panels from comics that stand on their own as bizarre, funny, or interesting. Old and new panels welcome!

2012.05.01 22:53 miderpan LOL Grindr

Funny screenshots & memes from the homogeosociosexual networking app Grindr

2024.06.01 15:00 Mother_Driver2714 My story of love. It's gonna be long hope you guys enjoy.

My first reddit post, hope you guys go easy on me.
  1. Her
I met her (let's call her missybusy) through a common friend group. My friends from my previous school were still connected to me and I often used to meet them. She was new to that friend group and it was her first time coming for a meetup. My friend has a pretty big place so a lot of us could accommodate at the same time. I am usually quiet and I talk less. I was sitting in the corner on the sofa and then I saw her enter through the door along with one other friend of mine. And oh my god, I was in awe and amazement because truthfully, I had never seen a girl so pretty and radiant. Her eyes were bright like the moon at night, her complexion fair like milk and her smile was just so beautiful I can’t even describe it in words. She was the quiet one as well so we both were seated in the corner having small to no conversation. This was my first meeting with her and then we met on multiple other meetups and it was always a few words of exchange. One of my friends (let's call him Dave) was actually sort of close to her and they both used to talk frequently. However, some problems arrived between Dave and missybusy and so Dave reached out to me for help. So, I tried to solve matters by talking to both Missybusy and Dave and this is how I started talking properly to Missybusy. I tried to solve the matter and, in the process, I became friends with Missybusy. And she was really fun to talk to! all this time I perceived her to be quiet and less talkative but when I started to talk to her, I realized that she has an amazing personality besides being so pretty. And around that time my friendship with her strengthened and we used to talk frequently but not every day. And somewhere among these conversations I developed a liking for her and so did she. We used to flirt a lot and it was so fun and pure. This went on for around 3 to 4 months and we continued to flirt and talk. And it was around the time of January when she had returned from the farewell of her high school and she showed me the pictures and she looked gorgeous. An absolute angel. And that night of constant flirting I always kept mentioning about another her in front Missybusy, I did that so she wouldn’t suspect that I liked her. But then she got serious and she confessed that she liked me and I was in a small shock but then I confessed to her as well. At this point one would think that this is it, this is where you guys get into a relationship. But no, I actually asked her to wait for our final exams to be over and even she wanted this. Around One and a half month later we went on our first date. And it was peaceful but it was a very dull date to be honest I took her from one place to another which I feel was terrible. I screwed up the first date. But she told me it was really peaceful and so I didn’t think much of it back then. We kept talking over WhatsApp and Instagram for almost another 2 months but we were not in a relationship yet because she said she wanted time and I believed I shouldn’t pressure her so I kept waiting thinking we have all the time in the world. She was an introvert and she didn’t go out much she liked staying at home more and I sort of found this trait cute, although it meant we didn’t get to meet a lot. 2. Dates and Love In the month of June, we went for another date and spoiler alert, this is the day I fell in love with her. We went to watch a movie- Spiderman, into the spider-verse, and to be honest the movie was decently funny and every time Missybusy laughed I looked at her and adored her smile. I noticed she was shivering, she felt cold because the cinema hall was actually very cold so I wrapped my arm around her so she wouldn’t feel cold and she just came closer and the annoying armrest was like a wall in between. In that moment, I made my purest and most honest wish to God (I’m very spiritual and religious). I asked God to always keep Missybusy happy no matter what. After the movie we exited the hall and we were standing near the exit of the mall and just talking and laughing. It was a blissful moment I can never forget that moment ever. She just jokingly pushed me and I literally fell down and I’ve got to say it was funny as hell. And while I was on the ground I saw her laughing so loudly and openly that I… I also fell in love. I was madly in love. We laughed and talked for another half an hour more and then the both of us went home. While on my way to home I realized that I had fallen for her and everything around me felt so soothing, so amazing and I was so happy. This was my favorite day with her and my best day yet. It was perfect, it was divine it was full of amazement and I for the first time felt what is it like to love. One problem I’ve always had is expressing my feelings. I end up thinking what the other person is going to think about my feelings and I’m going to be judged. But I still told her I love you but she hadn’t said it back yet. Another date we went on that she considered her favorite day with me was when we went to have pizzas. At first, we just walked around, talked a lot and laughed together. Held hands and roamed the paths. Then we came across a pizza shop and decided to have some pizza. Oh boy did I know what the day was going to unfold. She has two siblings so she always had been a fast eater when it came to pizzas and ice creams and at that time, I didn’t know that she ate pizzas so quickly. She finished her whole pizzas before I could finish two slices and to be fair, I’ve always been a slow eater and I didn’t eat very spicy food at the time. So, she was done with her pizza way before I had. She added chili flakes to my pizza slice which slowed my pace even more and she just sat there watching me eat and laughed at me while I was just trying my best to eat the pizza. I realized how much she was enjoying this so I just prolonged this whole thing, I ate slower, I made faces and I even called her a bully and she was laughing so much and, in my heart, I enjoyed that so much. I usually don’t allow people to mess with my food but seeing her laugh I just wanted this moment to last forever. A couple of time later, when everyone was busy filling applications for college, one of our friends (let’s call her jane) hosted a birthday party. The plan was that she will invite us all to our house and then from there we’ll go to a restaurant. So Missybusy and I went to buy gift for our friend and we bought two identical plushies for Jane. Anyways, that day was so special. Because when we all went back home and when Missybusy and I were talking over WhatsApp she said ‘I love you’. For the first time ever, I heard it from her, although it was still on text, I was jumping around screaming in joy and a few tears of joy appeared. I was beaming with joy. I was so happy. This should mean we were finally together, right? Nope. Our colleges were about to start soon and we both were enrolled in a different college, she said she wanted to see how our college life is going to affect our relationship. I didn’t think of it much since what could’ve gone wrong? College started and one month in and I could feel the distance increasing between us and she seemed busier than usual obviously but somewhere because of this she wasn’t giving me much time either. It was a Sunday afternoon when I confronted her about this and she seemed to have realized this as well and she said she’s really sorry about all this. But in the end, she said a relationship doesn’t seem possible. I was devastated but I didn’t shout or yell at her I tried to convince her in everyway possible. But it was futile. It seemed impossible to convince her. And the call ended with a goodbye.
  1. The real end Another problem that I had this whole time was not knowing when to give up trying and give up trying to keep her happy instead of myself. One day later she texted me and she asked if we could meet because she believed I deserved a proper goodbye. And I eventually went to meet her the very next day. And we talked a lot. She said she felt really sorry and she told me that I deserved the best. She told me she was overwhelmed by college; she saw so many faces together and it was difficult for her. I was just super sad but anyhow I controlled myself and I didn’t cry in front of her. But she did, she started crying and I couldn’t hold back then, I hugged her and patted her head telling it’s alright. After she stopped crying, she said she’s sorry and she told me she changed her mind, she had some expectations from a relationship and one of them was physical touch and since we lived far from each other that seemed less likely but she said one has to sacrifice something for love, and I was just confused. I didn’t know what to say, what to do. I said I’ll let her know. Less than an hour after we went back to our homes, I messaged her saying that I’m ready and I want to be with her. Because I thought God had given us a second chance and I believed that it is very much possible and I shouldn’t take too long to tell her.
Everything was perfect for about a month. It was the month of October; we had a small quarrel over something and the next day I called her to apologize. But something seemed different, something felt off. She said it’s okay but I could feel something was off. The worst day of the year and the worst time of that day. She told me her brother had run away from their house because of something that happened with him and a girl and their family was in a lot of panic, and she was obviously worried and scared. She prayed to God to return her brother and she promised that she will never date someone again. I stood there, without movement, without words and I realized what it had meant. It meant an official goodbye. Breaking up in a way one could never expect. She told me to promise to not tell this reason for breakup to my friends (common friend group). I was the one who was given up. The call ended with both of us saying I love you but for the last time ever. I wasn’t at home; I was outside in a park. I felt as if someone had stabbed me right through the heart. I couldn’t feel the wind anymore. People seemed to have stopped talking. The sky lost its color, the birds stopped chirping. My whole world had come to a pause. I couldn’t think straight. I returned home acting normal. My father had come to visit, he rarely visits the city because him and my mother are separated so I don’t get to see my whole family together often so I didn’t want to spoil it. My mother and sister knew about Missybusy. Later that night I told my mom and sister that we broke up and my mom was worried but I told her to not worry because I was fine and I never told them the actual reason either, I just keep telling them I got bored of her so that they won’t worry about me, besides I had created such a wonderful image of missybusy for them I thought I should let it be that way. I couldn’t tell me friends what had happened, I didn’t tell my mom and sister what actually happened. I just kept it to myself and it hurt. It hurt really bad. I felt as if I had given her my heart and she shattered it and threw it away. I never hated her for it and I always blamed the circumstances.
  1. Life goes on
I was broken. And as any person after a breakup felt sad and sorrowful, so did I. But I kept my emotions bottled and never told anyone the actual reason. I did everything possible to keep myself distracted, I played games for many hours in a day, I talked to multiple people at once, I scrolled Instagram for hours and I was even addicted. I was losing control and I was falling in a huge pit. Days went by, I was in a terrible mental state. I attended every meetup possible even the ones I didn’t feel like going to, I was spending money like I was a millionaire or something, and I was running out of it. In the month of December, I went to visit my father and when he went for work I was alone and bored so I re-installed snapchat and just took a snap and sent it to all, I didn’t realize it went to Missybusy as well. She replied to that snap and asked how I am doing and we started a small conversation, we were just catching up and all. I was still in a poor mental state but honestly it just felt good talking to her again. And I asked her one question- “When exactly did you move on” and she replied she hadn’t. I felt bad because I realized it must’ve been difficult for her as well, college was tough for her. She told me she dated someone for two days. I was devastated yet again. So that promise for which we had to break up meant nothing. But for some reason a part of me was relieved anyway because she didn’t deserve all this. But what about me? I felt self-pity at that point honestly. When she was gone, I felt as if a part of me was taken away. I never asked for this and I never thought that I’ll have to go through all this when I first said I love you to her. Although we decided we should keep talking but I just couldn’t, after everything I could not just see her as a friend, I’ll always see her as my first love. I always try my best to smile and fool around my friends because that's who I was before I met her but I didn’t force it back then. When I returned to my city, I knew I couldn’t let these bad habits be my future. I knew what happened with me wasn’t fair but I couldn’t let that destroy my career or life. I started learning new things. I got into the stock market learnt a bit of trading and made good sum of money. I was still playing games and was still somewhat addicted. But slowly but surely, I was recollecting myself. I tried avoiding meetups with my school friends’ group because they always bring up this topic and I just hated that. I wanted peace. No matter how the days went by the night were always difficult, I didn’t hate her but I hated that the thought of her kept coming in my mind. It was always hard to fall asleep.
  1. The Present I’m still not over her completely. A part of me will always have hope for her to come back even though my mind knows otherwise but the heart is just weird. I met my school group friends after a long time and I felt good. There were four of us (Me, Dave and let’s call the other two Bob and Marley). I get along with Marley very well, he has his college in a different city so whenever he comes here, I make sure to meet him separately. When I met Marley, we went to a café just to have food and talk really, he asked me why does no one know the real reason for my and Missybusy's breakup. I just told him that it’s complicated. Then Marley told me that he heard from Bob and Dave that they told him that Missybusy started to like someone else that is why you both broke up. It was unprecedented to me. I felt weird, I felt a weird sting. I went back home and I messaged her to confront about this, I was taken away by my impulses. She assured me that wasn’t it and then we started talking like normal people do, talked about each other’s friends’, each other’s college life and so on. Then she asked if it’s possible to meet because it had been so long! And I was honestly scared to meet her but I just agreed anyway. 30th of may we met at a bowling and pool café. We sat there and talked about each other’s life. And honestly it seemed God did listen to my wish for keeping her happy because she had made good friends at college and obviously, she did have some problems but overall, she did seem happy and I was happy for that. The moment I saw her again after such a long time I realized nothing changed, she was just as pretty, her eyes were glowing just as usual and her fashion game was on the top. We made several eye contacts throughout and I could see a little pain in her eyes. It was the pain of guilt or pain of just losing, I won’t know for sure. When we were talking about our lives and what all had happened in these 7 and a half months, I felt so peaceful inside. But as soon as I mentioned what all I had to go through after out breakup she kept saying sorry and it felt as if I was just there to make her feel sorry. So, I refrained from talking about that. But then what did I have to talk about? Most of these months I had spent in misery and apart from that I told her about the little breakthroughs that I made in the market and I told her how I made some good friends at college. But that was it really. So, she did most of the talking. I was just listening. I didn’t want to talk about what I had to go through all these months because I felt I’ll just pressure her with more guilt. I didn’t come here to meet her and just listen to her saying sorry. I only cared about her smile.
My failure of expressing came back to me, I couldn’t tell her that I still loved her, I couldn’t tell her I still miss her. I just listened to her and laughed with her. She asked me once more before we left the park where we were walking at the moment, can we still we be friends? I was hesitant. But I told her we couldn’t. I told her we won’t be able to give time to this friendship and besides I have my competitive exams in December so I need to focus on that. But that’s just a part of it, I can never view her as my friend but always as the person I loved.
When we exited the park, we were standing near her car (oh she drives great by the way!). I told her to go while I wait for my uber. I pushed her away (not physically), I kept telling her to go away. That was it, no hugs just goodbyes. I wanted to hug her but I didn’t want the part of me that still had hope to grow. As she drove away, I realized in the end, I did end up hurting her by telling her to just go away. I came back home, acted normal as usual. Lied to my mom and sister again and told them the 'meeting was fine but it was boring'. The next day when I was home alone. I burst out crying. I never cried this much before. Only I know what I have lost. I didn’t want the part of me that had hope to grow but I also didn’t want it to just die. I cried for hours until eventually I washed my face and waited for my mom and sister to return. Missybusy was gone. I know what I’ve lost. And I blame myself for it. I can physically feel the pain in my heart at this point. It hurts so much. I wish I never met her after she told me a relationship isn’t possible. I wish I was never in love. I wish I never love again. I wish to be never this vulnerable again. I had gone through so much pain in those months and tried to act normal in front of everyone. I can’t tell how many thoughts crossed my mind daily. I just kept it bottled up within me. In the end I think God doesn’t like my heart. When I was in my mother’s womb it was found that I had a very faint heartbeat. As soon as I was born, I was taken into the ICU for surgery. Five years later it was found I have a low BPM. And so many years later my heart was broken into pieces. God doesn’t like my heart.
submitted by Mother_Driver2714 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:59 Repulsive-Peanut1192 Reviews of various dictionaries

These are reviews of various dictionaries based on my personal experience (though I kinda ran out of steam halfway through):
Unabridged Dictionaries:
Webster's Third New International Dictionary (W3): Basically the unabridged dictionary in the US. A good dictionary overall, but this dictionary is also heavily outdated. This dictionary was published in 1961 and stopped receiving additions to the Addenda (a section at the front where new words or definitions and usages for old ones could be added) in 2002. The Addenda is a bit inconvenient to use, being separated from the main text. Note that the Addenda is where you'll find all the vulgar four-letter words. As for positives, this dictionary has well-written and comprehensive definitions, the most entries of any physical unabridged dictionary (besides the Oxford English Dictionary), and lovely hand-drawn black-and-white illustrations. It has great coverage of words in every area and field and contains even the most obscure definitions.
One oddity of this dictionary is that nearly every word is shown in lowercase, even if it's always uppercase (though initialisms, trademark, and God are the exception to this rule); a label next to the word indicates how often it is capitalized. This makes for a consistent look, but it's overall inconvenient. The definitions also tend to be a bit wordy; for example, consider the definition of "leaf": "a lateral outgrowth from a stem that constitutes part of the foliage of a plant and functions primarily in food manufacture by photosynthesis, that arises in regular succession from the growing point, that consists typically of a flattened green blade which is joined to the stem by a petiole often with a pair of stipules at its base, which in cross section exhibits an outer covering of epidermal cells penetrated by stomata usually more numerous on the lower surface, which has one or more layers of palisade cells beneath the upper epidermis and between these and the lower epidermis a mass of spongy parenchyma cells, both palisade and spongy tissue being ramified by a network of veins, and that is distinguished from a leaflet, cladophyll, or phylloclade by the presence of a bud at the juncture of petiole and stem and from a phyllode by differentiation into blade and petiole" Comprehensive, but a bit wordy and difficult to comprehend.
This dictionary faced quite a bit of controversy over being "permissive" at the time of its release. This controversy was mostly culture war nonsense, and the dictionary is no less descriptive than its predecessor.
This dictionary also has useful usage guidance and synonymies (discrimination between synonyms). Physically, this book is massive but also quite lovely. Overall, most people do not need an unabridged dictionary, but if you need or want one, this is the one you should get.
Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary: I found this dictionary somewhat disappointing. First, the positives: the illustrations are nice and the formatting is acceptable. It's a bit more up-to-date compared to W3 (released in 1987 and updated until 2001); however, it's still fairly outdated. However, this still gives the Random House Webster's an edge when it comes to slang and newer terms. The essay on avoiding insensitive or offensive language is a nice addition. However, the definitions are somewhat weak in comparison to W3. For example, regret is defined by Random House as "a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc." and by W3 as "sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair : grief or pain tinged with disappointment, dissatisfaction, longing, remorse, or comparable emotion." In addition, there aren't nearly as many entries as W3. Overall, a decent dictionary, but the W3 is overall the better package.
College Dictionaries:
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: This is the dictionary most people should get. It is abridged from W3 but is more up-to-date, the eleventh edition having last been revised in 2020. Good definitions, nice illustrations, useful usage guidance and discrimination of synonyms. It's not afraid to capitalize entry words like the W3 was. Overall, if you only want to get one physical dictionary, make it this one. It's pretty cheap on Amazon.
Webster's New World College Dictionary: This is the other dictionary most people should get. In comparison to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate, this dictionary also has good definitions and illustrations; the definitions are a bit easier to understand though not quite as precise or comprehensive. It's a bit less descriptive but not by much. Overall, my recommendation is to make this your second dictionary. Best used in conjunction with Merriam-Webster's Collegiate.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: This is a great dictionary. Its strongest strength is its formatting, generous margins, and lovely full-color pictures. Unfortunately, it's no longer in print. Famously, this dictionary contains the usage panel; however, this is more of a drawback than an advantage. The usage advice is subpar compared to other college dictionaries. It also has an appendix containing Indo-European roots (probably its best feature in my eyes). Overall, you can't go wrong with this dictionary even if it's not as good as Merriam-Webster's Collegiate or the New World.
Random House Webster's College Dictionary: An abridgment of Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. All of my criticisms for that dictionary apply here.
Online Dictionaries:
Wiktionary: This dictionary is very up-to-date but the definitions are of varying quality. A very useful feature is the very many foreign words treated here. Also, the section outlining translations of a word into various languages is good. Obscure words are treated here too. Overall, I recommend using this in conjunction with Merriam-Webster Online or Unabridged.
Google Dictionary: This is the dictionary you use if you don't care about dictionaries. The definitions are acceptable. One useful feature is a graph showing the usage of a word over time. However, this offers no usage advice or discrimination of synonyms. Overall, if you don't care at all about the dictionary you use, just use this dictionary.
Merriam-Webster Online: The definitions are the best out of any online dictionary. However, due to Merriam-Webster's standards for inclusion, some more recent words might not be here. This is basically a digital version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate but more frequently updated.
Merriam-Webster Unabridged: This is basically a digital version of W3 (see my critique of W3 above). It also includes the Collegiate Dictionary, Collegiate Thesaurus, and Medical Dictionary. It solves the main issue of that dictionary which was capitalization of entry headwords and up-to-dateness. Unfortunately, there's a heavy subscription cost though you can get a free one-year subscription at (though this requires a copy of the Collegiate). This is my overall preferred online dictionary, and I often use it in conjunction with Wiktionary. This is basically a digital version of Random House Webster's Unabridged. My criticisms of that dictionary apply to this one.
American Heritage Dictionary Online: This is basically a digital version of the AHD (see above). My criticisms of that apply here.
If you have any questions or want clarification, feel free to reply to this post.
submitted by Repulsive-Peanut1192 to dictionary [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:58 BartlebyBone How to add input when running a shortcut from another shortcut?

How to add input when running a shortcut from another shortcut?
I’m trying to pass input from one shortcut to another shortcut on my iPhone by putting it in the Input section of the Run Shortcut action. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get any variables or text to go into the Inout section of the action… I’ve tried tapping the word input and the blank space next to it, but it won’t accept any of my variables or magic variables above it. What am I missing? Thanks!
submitted by BartlebyBone to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:58 ThrowRAmelonminer Who is the aggressor? Me 44M or Her 35F?

Hi, anonymous account due to privacy.
I'm at my wits end, I have been having these types of arguments with my now ex gf for the best part of 8 years. I come away feeling like an abusive monster, my self confidence battered, my entire personality in question. I need advice about whether she is right about the way I am, or if she's the one with the issue.
For the last 8 years or so these types of arguments started at least once a week and can last 3 to 5 days. This is a shorter one but the general feeling of this argument is identical to all others before it. Sure, there have been arguments before where I've been at fault, and her clearly at fault. I will admit to it if i do something wrong.
Please can someone settle my mind, one way or the other, and tell me if I'm really the monster she makes me out to be.
[01/06, 11:03] Me: Promised [son] I'd take him down seafront tomorrow and park. So can you make sure his earphones are packed, and if poss some suncream just in case? Hope you're OK
[01/06, 11:03] Her: Shit. This is what I’ve been explaining that I’m going to keep him away from!
[01/06, 11:03] Her: The noise
[01/06, 11:04] Her: This is why we are in today. He isn’t going to cope with the show. I took him last year and it was so awful for him
[01/06, 11:05] Me: Oh. OK. X
[01/06, 11:06] Me: Oops sorry
[01/06, 11:06] Me: I won't then.
[01/06, 11:06] Her: No I’m sorry it’s not you it’s the stress I’ve had trying to sort out my family staying away and not dragging us down
[01/06, 11:06] Her: If you want to take him, then you take him
[01/06, 11:06] Me: He was quite excited about it the other day.
[01/06, 11:07] Her: Just will 100% make sure that I’ve packed his headphones, blankies and that
[01/06, 11:07] Me: But I understand. It's fine.
[01/06, 11:07] Her: Yeah sorry I am a bit stressed this morning
[01/06, 11:07] Her: No [myname] if you want to take him, that’s alright, he’s your son too
[01/06, 11:07] Her: I don’t make all the rules and run everything
[01/06, 11:07] Me: No I didn't want to make it harder for you dealing with it before or after.
[01/06, 11:08] Her: You got a brain….Just make sure he’s actually alright down there and not struggling with the sensory. It’s because it’s crowded and then on top of that with the plane noise
[01/06, 11:08] Her: They practiced yesterday and he shit himself here
[01/06, 11:08] Her: I asked him if he wanted to see the planes and he said no
[01/06, 11:08] Her: No I don’t want you to think I’m just telling you what to do
[01/06, 11:09] Me: No need to say things like I've got a brain, it isn't about that at all. I just said I won't take him because I'm trying to be considerate to you after you've said it'll screw him up. Again trying to come from a place of goodness and somehow I get it wrong
[01/06, 11:09] Her: I’m not at all. I probably didn’t explain it in the best way. Just had [son] going at me all morning. Fucking foul mood. He don’t want to go out.
[01/06, 11:10] Her: No I didn’t mean it like that
[01/06, 11:10] Her: Sorry I’m not doing this. I’ve just bloody explained how I didn’t mean anything by any of that
[01/06, 11:12] Her: No I know you’re coming from a place of kindness. But
[01/06, 11:12] Her: I’m not going to feel like I’m bossing you about, because of the way I wrote my message
[01/06, 11:13] Me: Can't you stop and think for a second that I wrote that WHILE you were writing
[01/06, 11:13] Her: Yeah
[01/06, 11:13] Her: I said sorry.
[01/06, 11:17] Me: You've just made me out to be horrible again, saying things like "not doing this". When all I did was try to be nice. And when I try to reply you send a dozen messages and everything just gets mixed up. I wasn't being horrible or anything in the first place. I'll leave you be, but please bear in mind i wasn't being horrible or funny or anything at all and I wasn't "doing this". Hope you manage to settle down a bit and he behaves better.
[01/06, 11:17] Her: I’m sorry I didn’t mean to
[01/06, 11:18] Her: I think some times that’s a anxiety response
[01/06, 11:18] Her: Yeah and you know what else.. I am me. I send a lot of messages. I own that. Certainly won’t change
[01/06, 11:19] Her: That’s good you’ve probably got other people to talk to now as well. Pleased for you.
[01/06, 11:20] Her: Also can I just say, your message, is a pure example of what I went through last year. When I didn’t say anything wrong.. and I got told very often that you’re not ‘doing this’ now. Hard isn’t it when you read that? Welcome to the world I lived in last year.
[01/06, 11:20] Her: Funny isn’t it, when you’re wanting to talk to me and be with me.. you made sure you were messaging about [son] frequently. Now your head is turned, you’ve not really asked
[01/06, 11:38] Me: Pardon? I do ask about [son]. I've been busy as hell at work as it's half term, haven't been able to ask much at all. I asked yesterday about him. I saw him the day before that but asked about him that evening. I haven't really had a chance today because when I messages about tomorrow a different discussion started. So I don't know where you get your idea of that from. I didn't do anything at all tbh.
[01/06, 11:38] Her: I did say, that I didn’t mean to come across like that. You chose not to listen
[01/06, 11:39] Her: No no that’s fine
[01/06, 11:39] Her: I see what’s going on here tbh. It’s just so you. Find someone else to talk to, instead of healing and that, suddenly change energy and moan to other person about me 👌🏻
[01/06, 11:39] Her: That’s fine do what you want. If it’s true cool, if it’s not, okay 🤷🏻‍♀️
[01/06, 11:40] Me: It's actually a bit hurtful that you said about me not asking about [son].
[01/06, 11:40] Me: Huh what are you talking about
[01/06, 11:40] Me: You've completely lost me. What I'm doing here? What?
[01/06, 11:41] Her: It really dosent matter
[01/06, 11:41] Me: It's so me? I am utterly lost. You're making me out to be doing something and I really don't know what
[01/06, 11:41] Her: Yep course it’s hurtful. Everything what comes out my mouth is hurtful to you.
[01/06, 11:41] Her: I read energy
[01/06, 11:41] Her: You got someone else to talk to
[01/06, 11:41] Her: Hence why I don’t hear from you no more
[01/06, 11:41] Me: Have i? Who?
[01/06, 11:41] Her: Good for you
[01/06, 11:42] Me: What?
[01/06, 11:42] Her: Probably some woman who thinks you’ve been done wrong by me
[01/06, 11:42] Her: And she’ll tell you all the ways that you weren’t in the wrong. And I’ll be slagged off. Which is fine by the way.
[01/06, 11:42] Me: I haven't spoken to anyone other than my mum on messenger! And it's been super busy at work so I've not been on my phone!
[01/06, 11:42] Her: 🤷🏻‍♀️
[01/06, 11:42] Her: Just saying
[01/06, 11:42] Her: Didn’t say I was right
[01/06, 11:43] Me: My mum came down here yesterday on a coach trip and I met her at lunchtime
[01/06, 11:43] Her: That’s really nice I’m pleased
[01/06, 11:43] Her: I’m glad you saw ur mum
[01/06, 11:43] Her: Is she ok
[01/06, 11:43] Me: No you're not bloody right. But you're making me out to be doing something that I'm not.
[01/06, 11:43] Her: I did just say.. I could be wrong
[01/06, 11:43] Me: You're telling me what I'm doing. When you're wrong.
[01/06, 11:43] Her: Fair enough
[01/06, 11:43] Her: Listen to me
[01/06, 11:43] Her: I said I could be wrong
[01/06, 11:44] Her: I did originally say I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound d like I was telling you what to do with [son]. But you managed to make something out of it by saying I didn’t need to speak like that. I’m well aware.. hence the messages before of me apologising..
[01/06, 11:45] Her: What annoys me is.. you having such a shit reaction to me saying I’m not doing this now. When I really did get laid into when I got upset for saying the same thing last year??
[01/06, 11:47] Me: Right so like I said before, I was writing my message out WHILE you were writing more messages. Hence me never being able to get any point or explanation across to you because by the time I say something you've already said more so what i say is either irrelevant or misunderstood.
[01/06, 11:48] Her: Okay
[01/06, 11:48] Her: Same
[01/06, 12:03] Me: I always try to read what you say. But it's not my fault if i can't write a relevant reply back before you've written multiple messages since I started. I had absolutely no issue with you at all and I've just been made out to be doing all sorts this morning and it's just not fair because I haven't done anything.
[01/06, 12:04] Her: I have adhd. I’m not explaining myself again
[01/06, 12:04] Her: I said you hadn’t done anything
[01/06, 12:04] Me: Not asking yourself to. Just explaining what it's like my position. Or am I not allowed?
[01/06, 12:04] Her: I just said I felt bad for coming across bossy. I dunno you apologise for the way you are, and it’s still not enough 😎
[01/06, 12:06] Her: Can we just stop
[01/06, 12:06] Her: We’ve both explained
[01/06, 12:06] Her: We both understand. Let’s not keep trying to get our last word in
[01/06, 12:06] Me: I know I apologise for the way I am and it's not enough. Never is. I understand you apologised.
[01/06, 12:06] Her: See now you repeating my messages back to me. Heal your shadow self.
[01/06, 12:06] Me: Yes I'd like to stop.
[01/06, 12:06] Her: Trust me
[01/06, 12:06] Her: Ok. I won’t message you again then
[01/06, 12:07] Me: Huh? You literally just said I apologise and it's not enough. I was just agreeing.
[01/06, 12:07] Me: This has nothing to do with healing myself I literally haven't done anything wrong.
[01/06, 12:12] Me: Fine, blame me for it all and blank me as if im the evil monster. Have a nice day. I didn't do anything wrong in the first place.
[01/06, 12:17] Her: Oh okay
[01/06, 12:17] Her: I haven’t blamed you for anything mr.
[01/06, 12:18] Her: I just apologised for perhaps coming across agressively. I’ve just spoken to [son], we are going to listen to the places from outside the front door. I mentioned about tomorrow with you, and he got a bit worried about the planes. So perhaps give me some credit for trying to encourage him to try. I do give you a lot of credit, and it’s often missed and forgotten about
[01/06, 12:19] Her: This whole way of you messaging is completely different tho to the person I spoke to the other day 🤔 just different eh
[01/06, 12:27] Me: How am I different? I'm just me. But you are the one that started this thing off by borderline insulting me and I'm supposed to just lie down and take it? Then I'm a shit person for trying my best to explain myself? I havent said a single bad thing about you yet I'm getting accused of being different? When I've explained to you, work has been super busy. I get the feeling, and have pretty much had it spelled out that you don't want to hear from me anyway so I can't exactly keep bombarding you with messages can I? Because then I'll just be annoying and you'll get pissed off hearing anything from me. I have literally done nothing wrong this morning. I react to your messages which are semi aggressive and your accusations towards me and I get told I'm being shit basically. All I wanted was to ask about [son] about tomorrow and I even said I hope you're OK. Was not being any different to anything, at least until i started having to explain myself.
[01/06, 12:31] Her: Honestly is that the best you have? I apologised. You’ve just kicked in back in my face. I choose not to engage in this back and forth. You need to learn to read, and also take knowledge in what I say to you.
I told you I apologised.. I said I am very stressed this morning. Very. But still you have told me yet again I was agressive.. we know? I’ve said that? Why keep telling me? My apology not good enough?
[01/06, 12:31] Her: Ending this conversation now tbh. I don’t need to be continuously told that I’m such an awful person. I’m really not. Not at all. I’m one of the good ones :)
submitted by ThrowRAmelonminer to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:56 FuckingaFuck How do cars without Android Auto even work?

For reference, I have a Chevy Bolt and I'm a frequent passenger in a Rivian R1T. Before I got my Bolt, I was just using CDs and FM radio. I did not touch my phone. Now, I rely on Android Auto for handling audio selection and messaging. I still don't touch or glance at my phone.
I can't reproduce simple tasks in the Rivian (and, theoretically, any other car without Android Auto). How do you switch between apps, like from music to a podcast to an audiobook, without Android Auto? How do you listen to and reply to incoming texts? If your ringer is on silent, how do you even know a text came through? How do you search for charger information, like the status of a nearby Electrify America station? I will admit the EA app on Android Auto is clunky, but I can find out if no units are available.
This might be more specific to me, but I can only launch "Hey Google" successfully about 4% of the time. I do use the Assistant on occasion, but I launch it by pressing a button on my steering wheel. What if there isn't a Google Assistant button on the steering wheel? Do other people just say it verbally and it works? How do you know it's working if there's no popup on the screen?
submitted by FuckingaFuck to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:55 i_am_v_uncreative Deleting photos

I know there‘s already a lot of advice for deleting photos when you‘ve got so many you don’t even know where to start on here. Most of these work pretty well for me, but I recently discovered a new way to kind of gamify it that is so fun to me that I could do it for ages. I just search up a random noun generator online and then search for the word it gives me in my camera roll where it then either shows all pictures with that specific object or text that contains it, which is especially useful for those with way too many useless screenshots. I then just go through all of those pictures and usually end up deleting at least half of them. I guarantee you that if you‘re like me and have over 50k pictures on your phone, you‘ll find ones containing even the most obscure words!
submitted by i_am_v_uncreative to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 CrysisFan2007 My 10 least favourite SMG4 Characters (For Bookworms)

Disclaimer: This post contains a very long text. Reading this might be difficult (Unless you're a Bookworm)
  1. Meggy: She really pisses me off. The first reason is that the way the SMG4 Production turned her into a human was ridiculous. It felt like a overrated Netflix Drama. They probably made her like that to merchendise and get more attention. The Second reason would be her behaviour. She used to be kind and respectful (even as a human). But she's now a bossy show off. She thinks that she knows better than Mario and mostly gets sad or shocked when she looses in a Argument. Luke and Kevin, you can still save her character tho. It's not too late.
  2. Karen: I don't remember one single time laughing at her. She's so unfunny. It feels like if SMG4 was running out of Ideas and thus created her. I also get annoyed by her Dialog.
  3. SMG3: Wasn't he supposed to be a villian? Better yet: Is he still a villian? There never were any real moments where SMG3 said that he's no more evil. The show just continued without his evil shenanigans. From a clumsy evil guy to a King of dead memes to a Café owner. The Notebook joke from WOTFI 2023 (was it even a WOTFI?) became unfunny. It went from funny at first to unfunny due to the way they overused it and don't get me to SMG3's lines. I cringed so hard whenever he said Baka. Good thing he doesn't mention it anymore.
  4. SMG4(The Character): I don't mean Luke irl. I mean the Asian with the Blue cap. I don't mind the redesigns. I understand why they changed it but his behaviour got bad. He became sort of a "narcissist" Person. He mostly cares about memes (which is not funny nowadays) and milks Mario for Views (Genesis Arc). He even destroyed Peach's Castle over a stupid meme. I feel like he's gonna start WW3 one day cause of memes.
  5. & 5. SMG1 and SMG2: It feels like they're only there for the Genesis Arc. Their Backstory and the multiverse thing was annoying and lame. Rewatching their backstories actually made me laugh. It feels like the Genisis Arc forced us to feel empathy for the people there. They're supposed to be Master Splinter and Sensei Wu, except that Splinter and Wu are well written Characters. SMG1 is actually not that bad but SMG2 goes like: "NoOoOoOoOo! SmG4 aNd SmG3 nEeD tO tEaM uP oR eLsE tHe wOrLd eNdS ßwe08fp0fzh8p293fogz2g09üe8dfzß01ß!!!". Also why couldn't SMG4 and Mario just talk to Susan (Former CEO of Youtube) during the arc? She literally has a Remote that can control time and room. Anyways, like I said. SMG1 and SMG2 are lame.
  6. Axol: The Reason I hate Axol is because how he lost his personality. In his first appearances he was actually alright A artist who was passionate about his work and kept his cool. But then he was used for a Romance Plot and after was killed as a sacirifice in the genesis arc after that. Probably because the Producers didn't know what to do with him anymore. Why do you have to kill a Character when it was no use anymore? They could have just made Axol move back to Japan instead of killing him or not make him appear anymore. There are so many SMG4 characters that aren't used anymore, which didn't get killed and people were fine. Anyways, let's head to Number 3.
  7. Peach: I hate Princess Peach from old and modern SMG4. She used to be abusive and mean around Mario but that was still funny sometimes. For Example: Peach actually made me laugh at the "A Theatre Mario" Video but after 2019/2020 she just started to rage and yell at everyone for no reason which is just got more and more lame and overused. They probably abondened her due to how many OC's there are. But besides that I'm kinda glad they stopped using the character by not killing her. At least she's gone now.
  8. Kaizo: Since we talk about abondoning Characters. Kaizo was also kinda abondened. According to SMG4, people donated 13.000$ for Kaizo. I am not sure if that's true but if it was then imagine how dissapointed people must have been. 13K! You could buy a OK Car with that amount of Money. Besides that Kaizo was kinda irritating but I still prefer him than Nr.1 Character on this list.
  9. Melony: Yes, that's right. It's obviously Melony. The reason why I hate Melony is similiar to Meggy. Melony's first appeared in Christmas 2019 video as Watermelon but became more Popular in the YouTube/Replacement Arc and I admit that I actually liked her but all of this ended after the "Mario's Mask Of Madness" video and the genesis Arc. They literally turned her into a Watermelon Waifu like "OMG! It's a Waifu!". The Fans noticed that and even Luke and Kevin know it. They even made a joke about it in a video (I think). Like how the YouTuber SMBD12 said: "Acknowledging it doesn't make it any better. It makes it worse!". Melony was most likely created not because of Passion but because of Simps. I'm not talking about Fozzie. I mean it in general! ACTUAL SIMPS! Another reason why I hate that Fruit Waifu is because she's so unfunny! All she does is sleeping and being "cute". I don't remember any Moment where I laughed at Melony. I feel like they forced me to empathize with Melony in the Genesis and Revelations Arc. Watching Melony getting her Powers and using her Sword feels like a Zelda Ripoff. I don't even find her attractive. The Watermelon seeds on her Face actually look like Cat whispears. If there is ever gonna be a Arc where Melony dies, I won't feel a single thing about her. In Fact, I'm gonna be glad. At least she is appearing less. That's it.
Anyways, so yeah these the 10 SMG4 Characters that I don't like. Who is your least favourite SMG4 character. Comment down below
submitted by CrysisFan2007 to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 StevieBocc Free Wifi calling on old dumbphone

If I buy an old unlocked dumb phone, like a 2000's Razr or Krzr, can I get free Wifi calling and texting on it? I just want to use it around the house for fun, and don't want to pay for service.
submitted by StevieBocc to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 SlowButABro Computer geek surviving on 2G unlimited (64kbps)

This one goes out to the computer geeks out there. In our house, we might soon need to really save some money, so I've been collecting ideas and ways to survive (temporarily) running our entire household on the 2G unlimited plan; The 1GB annual plan at $7/mo. Talking about laptops, desktops, tablets, phone, streaming--everything!--all through a single phone's hotspot. I'm expecting 5KB/sec, high latencies (1000+ms), and frequent disconnects. (Some would consider that completely unusable, but in my experience that is just enough for us.)
Adding to the fun, we live far from civilization and not close to a tower, so we have a weak signal on our current AT&T-based MVNO, and we're looking to use the same carrier (GSMA) when we switch to Red Pocket. So I'd expect even higher latency and frequent disconnects.
Why not another carrier like Verizon? Believe it or not, they're even worse. (I had a Verizon MVNO for a little while.) Closest tower is even further away. I've been meaning to try T-Mobile, but the coverage map looks like it has identical coverage to AT&T for our house, so I'm not optimistic. I think they use the same tower--and possibly roam on AT&T here. Thus, they likely would not offer any improvement.
We do have a WeBoost cell booster, which should help some.
So how do internet-connected people living in 2024 survive such an atrocity?
I just added a long comment over on YCombinator where someone was discussing poor satellite internet conditions in the Antarctic research stations. Our conditions would be about the closest thing you can have within the continental US that is similar to Antarctic satellite internet conditions.
We have two advantages over the Antarctic: We can sometimes take our laptops and phones to high-speed Wi-Fi hotspots when we visit town, and we can borrow DVDs from the library; They have to buy DVDs and bring them all when they stay there. When they run out, they run out. So we can do OS and phone updates, download large files, and do other essentials when in town. Pick up some movies and games, and make the best out of a crappy situation, while saving money.
This isn't intended to be forever. Just need to get over a financial hurdle. We probably wouldn't put every device on the hotspot, probably only one or two laptops then switch them off and use the phone for a while.
Unfortunately I have not tested everything I wrote about here, but this post is not merely theoretical; I do have a little experience using a 64kbps high latency connection even recently; Just not long enough to test all of these things. For example, I once used TeamViewer over that link with acceptable results. I've been using SSH and command-line browsers for years. Dealt with intermittent connectivity for a long time. But I have not tested everything discussed on this post. Just collecting ideas at this point, and sharing what I'd found.
And over here, I discuss some of the more technical details of running a remote desktop over a slow link:
submitted by SlowButABro to redpocket [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:51 Say_chachacha AITA if I got out of the car and went back on my own?

So I got really annoyed with my Co-worker while we were going out for some work because he was prying into my personal life when I clearly stated that I’m not interested in talking about it.
This Co-worker is my ex ( 12 years together ) I told him to stop the car and let me get out which he didn’t. He held my hand really tightly and insisted that I stay and we remain on course for what we had headed out.
I was in no mood to have a discussion or hang out with him and I asked him to drop me off so that I could cab my way back which he didn’t listen to. Eventually we made a stop to pick up some groceries and then I took that chance to get out of the car and refused to go back with him.
He called me and followed me and even said that he would drop me off home and I was acting like a psycho dramatic person and I should just get back in the car and go home with him.
But I didn’t and eventually he left and I took a cab home. He’s been calling me non-stop since then and I’ve informed him that I’d reached home and I need some time to cool down but still he’s bombarding my phone with texts.
He did wait and ask me to go back with him. Did I behave like a crazy person? AITA?
submitted by Say_chachacha to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:49 cheesehour G14 4080 vs 4090. I have both for 4 days

I need to pick one by Tuesday, but if anyone has a question comparing the two I can try to answer. I bought the 4090 for the 16GB vram for video game development, but Best Buy incorrectly had the 4090 listed with the IPS display (which I was excited for).
The 4080 has 16GB ram, IPS display 165 Hz 500 nits, and the animatrix back
The 4090 has 32GB ram and miniled display 165 Hz 600 nits
I play games, and the 4080 kills it. I can play Helldivers 2 at 4k with 80% of graphics options set to max and usually get 50 - 60 fps. Some dips to the 40s, but very rare, and usually due to environments, so during fights it's fine. I usually play on difficult 7 or 8, getting 400 - 500 kills a match now.
I bought both open box, although I swear the 4080 was 100% new - everything was sealed.
The main thing I want is a long battery life in linux. If anyone has a battery life test, lmk. Using GHelper Silent + Eco + 60 Hz + 10% brightness + windows battery saver on both (multi zone off on the 4090), the 4080 discharge seems to be around 6.2 watts with a low of 5.2, while the 4090 discharge is more like 6.8 with a low of 6.2. I might notice this, since most of what I do is edit text. I'm surprised the difference is so high. If you average 9 - 10 watts battery use, it seems like the 4090 is using 0.5 - 1 watt more power -> 6 to 11% more power use -> assuming 8 hours of battery, you get 29 to 48 minutes less battery.
OH! But the 4090 has a 2nd stick of RAM. I'll try another stick in the 4080 and see what happens, but for now I'll assume the miniLED eats less than 25 minutes of battery. Which is "fine", since I usually have a laptop-capable battery bank on me anyways.
I just enabled multi zone, and the discharge of the 4090 has been hovering at 6.2 - 6.5 watts (I'm not using it - just firefox, GHelper, and a settings menu are open). So disabling multi zone seems to have no effect. I'm typing this on the 4080, same things open, and the 4080 is at 6.1 watts.
After finishing writing this review: I've been writing this review and browsing the net a bit on the 4080, and I've only used the 4090 to toggle multizone and move the mouse some, and they are draining at the exact same rate - both are down exactly 20%. So fwiw, the 4080 under light use matches the 4090 at nearly full idle (screen on)
The displays look very similar, honestly. I program in a font size too small for many people to read. I have great vision, and I don't like bright lights, so I thought I'd hate the miniLED blooming. The IPS display has better color accuracy, which is something I notice since I tend to run a solid grey desktop. A solid grey on the miniLED looks liked you washed it with your reds - there's just like other colors mixed in to it (multi zone is disabled atm)
display test:
I haven't tried games yet, but I might return the miniLED simply on color accuracy. I've been doing more design-heavy web development, and matching colors is a pain, I don't need another variable in that equation. This is weird - on the display test for the full black screen, the mouse cursor becomes a shade of gray.
So - the miniLED does much much closer to black - but it's not able to compensate and make the white mouse cursor white. Very interesting - and kind of amusingly bad. So, you get "blacker blacks" by sacrificing your "whiter whites"? You're not achieving a higher contrast ratio, you're just inverting the problem. Shame I'm not a youtuber so I can't break this news with a spicy title.
When miniLED multi zone is off, the mouse cursor displays fine (white is white, instead of grey). However, greys look much better when multi zone is on.
The miniLED gets a bit brighter, of course, and the colors pop a bit more. The miniLED gets a little dark towards the edges (not evenly lit); the IPS is very evenly lit. I've seen people complain about backlight bleed here, but my panel is near perfect.
The miniLED is less comfortable to look at. Like I said, I don't like bright lights, but even on low brightness the miniLED is less comfortable than the IPS. Maybe this is related to blooming - but tbh, I don't see much blooming - I feel like it's something to do with how the light is emitted. (Or maybe I'm tired and overthinking it.)
I think for pretty games or movies, many people might prefer the miniLED. But for everything else, the IPS is far superior. It's so funny to me now that everyone is complaining about not getting miniLED, when imo it's a bit of a failure that they passed off at a high price. Maybe later generations will be better.
What type of display is this miniLED? Is it also IPS?
I'm leaning heavily towards the 4080 for color accuracy... but I really wanted 16gb vram and 5 more fps in helldivers :( I'm joking about helldivers - I wanted vram for unreal engine, but I don't think I can work with these colors
Apologies for typos. I rewrote parts of this as I went, and I don't feel like spell-checking. And thanks u/ModrnJosh for all the research you've done and shared here.
submitted by cheesehour to ZephyrusG14 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:48 Negative_Kangaroo678 Guys am I characterless if I speak to boys online at 15?

Just to be clear I DONT speak to guys looking for anything, I just went to girls school, I now simply wanted to talk to boys online, to see how they are, they are human too, I shouldn't have an image in my mind as if they are alien. Now, I am from India, I spoke to a guy online, he was 20, this almost last year, October if I remember correctly, I spoke with him about problems in my house, how my 10th was going, this is so common in every household, atleast so do I believe, I just shared my feelings, ntg too personal, it was on discord, my brother read the chats, scolded me a lot, I felt very ashamed, but at the same time I spoke to another boy, on snapchat, he was 17, I chatted with him a bit, sent him a selfie, with a sticker on my face, idk why I did that, but ik he initiated it and pursued me. My brother didn't directly look through the chats with both these dudes, he saw the chats on whatsapp with my best friend, she's a school friend, my parents hate her too, I have almost no social life, it's depressing. But anyways he went to discord, read all those texts, then prolly tried to look for snapchat but I had already Uninstalled in because the guy was getting creepy, I even deactivated the account, permanently. He scolded me a lot, like I cried a lot about it. But then I was preparing for board exams and too distracted, so I forgot about it eventually. A month or so ago I started to speak with a dude on an app, it's an app for teens to chat, I do not know how safe it is, I found a guy, I spoke with him a lot, then I told him if we could speak on instagram because that app wasn't good, like the chatting, messages delaying, etc. When I moved to instagram, we spoke a lot, he was a year younger, which I found out 3 to 4 days ago from now, so he read my insta chats from my mother's phone, got to know and got angry, I didn't speak anything, ntg with that guy, that was personal, it was mostly about how I wanted to become vegetarian when I get out of the house, he did get very personal one time talking about how his sister was a slot, elder sister that is, how she spoke with many dudes online and even sent them her selfies, she is 18, so I didn't care and told him, he too speaks with so many girls online, it's kind of hypocritic of him to be, he then just changed the topic. So now, today morning, my brother comes and says who's that guy, I said I just spoke to him, he called awaari(characterless) and diwani(mental or an idiot), I wouldn't be hurt if I had done something wrong, I don't think I have done anything wrong, why did he have to say that I am stupid and have no sense, saying we gave u phone, now u will do this. I don't know honestly, I have no one to talk about it, I did try messaging my best friend, she's never available almost, it's not her fault, I am just boring so she turns off her notifications prolly, she's a loner too, she talks about her problems, you know what her biggest problem is? That she is ugly, no girl you are beautiful, I am not tired of suggesting solutions and her sitting in her room and talking about world problems, saying life is useless, I know she's depressed, but as she speaks that, my energy has gone over the years, I am so negative, I don't know when I started to self harm, I don't want to but crying doesn't help because there is no private place to cry in this house, it's so painful,when she talks about suicide, and I am feeling like I will kill myself everytime. I know I am not a great or even good friend, daughter, sister, student, classmate, nothing, but there are people worse who are somehow happier, at this point I am just venting, but please if there are any adults who can give me advice on how to continue to focus on studies, not hate myself, not feel so useless, it's hurting me a lot, but I am a pussy, I am scared of killing myself because I don't want people to call me mad, somehow I still care about what others think, I belong to a muslim household, so it's worse somehow and no, he didnt inform about any of this to my parents, he's so egoistic, I hate him, he always abuses me when my parents are not around, makes fun of anything I do, when beats me, ut isn't play fight, it feels like he has rage against me, I have done nothing to him my whole life, I am still a child, he's 18, I know not much older but just because he's studying engineering, he tries to show it off to my face all the time, I hate him,even my parents don't care anymore, if reply I am bad, I don't understand anything, I can't even question anything, I genuinely need help because I feel like my mental health is getting worse and worse as I think about this, my hair fall has increased, I don't want to eat, I sometimes throw out the remaining food when no one is looking, please help, I beg🙏 yes I posting this wherever I can because I am desperate
submitted by Negative_Kangaroo678 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:44 anonymous_anxiety I think my dad is a functional alcoholic, and I don’t know what to do

My dads side of the family (his dad and uncle) were/are addicts. My grandpas brother was a Coke addict I believe. He passed and I never knew him. My grandpa is addicted to pain pills and shopping. He had back surgery long ago and is still in "chronic" pain. What he takes would kill a normal person. There was a period of time he was taking oxy, vicodin, and had a slow release fentanyl patch on his arm. I don't Even know how it's legal to be prescribed all 3 at the same time??? My dad eventually took his pills away bc he was abusing them and running out before his refill was due. Now my dad gives him 2 in the morning and 2 at night.
He also shops constantly. There's not a single day without an Amazon box showing up. My grandma bailed him out of his debt once and refinanced the house. He put them in another $120k of debt. She ultimately died still working full time trying to pay off what he kept buying.
My dad thinks he has not followed in the cycle of addiction. But I have never seen Him go a day without a drink. I don't think he's a mornjng/all day drinker. He comes home at night and has a "cocktail" but his pour is at LEAST 4-5 shots worth of alcohol.
My parents are divorced so I'm not living with him. When we speak on the phone or text there have been times in the past he has repeated himself a few times. I called him out and he blames his lack of sleep.
He holds high positions at work. He's very charismatic and the women he dates all become enamored by him. I don't know if they notice his drinking??
I don't know what to do. I call him out when he repeats himself but if I don't live with him how do I even know for sure he IS drinking? I know he gets the shakes sometimes during the day. That to me is an indication of alcohol withdrawal. But he claims at his last physical all his bloodwork was good.
His last gf worked in dialysis and demanded to see his results and his liver and everthing checked out. So there's no motivation for him to stop.
I think he thinks he escaped the cycle of addiction. But someone who has a drink every single day can't be healthy right ??
submitted by anonymous_anxiety to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:44 Competitive-Chip-791 FamiSafe Parental Control App: Keeping Your Kids Safe in a Digital World

FamiSafe Parental Control App: Keeping Your Kids Safe in a Digital World
In today's digital age, where children are increasingly reliant on smartphones and tablets, keeping them safe online can be a daunting task for parents. Wondershare FamiSafe Parental Control App (~ emerges as a valuable tool in this endeavour, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to monitor your child's online activity, manage their screen time, and ensure their physical safety. This review dives deep into FamiSafe's functionalities, exploring its strengths and potential drawbacks while also highlighting how it can contribute to your child's digital well-being.
Introducing Wondershare FamiSafe
Hey there, parents! Let's talk about something that's been on all of our minds lately: keeping our kids safe in the digital age. With screens becoming a bigger part of our children's lives every day, it's essential to have tools that help us navigate this brave new world. That's where Wondershare FamiSafe comes in.
Wondershare FamiSafe isn't just another app – it's your partner in parenting in the digital era. Developed by Wondershare, a trusted name in digital solutions, Wondershare FamiSafe is a comprehensive parental control app for Track cell phone location ~ designed to make your life easier and your kids' online experience
Outstanding Features to Control Your Child's Device:
FamiSafe boasts a robust set of features, allowing you to take control of your child's digital life:
Real-Time Location Tracking and Geofencing: See your child's whereabouts on a map at any time for peace of mind. Create virtual boundaries (geofences) around specific locations and receive instant alerts if your child enter or leaves these zones.
New Feature: Screen Viewer (Recently Introduced) Gain a deeper understanding of your child's app usage with FamiSafe's new Screen Viewer feature. This allows you to remotely view a live snapshot of their screen activity, providing valuable insights into how they're interacting with their device. See what apps they're using, what content they're viewing, and even monitor their social media activity (on compatible apps)—all from your parent device.
Screen Time Management and App Blocking: Set healthy screen time limits for your child's device as a whole or for specific apps. Block access to inappropriate apps completely, shielding them from harmful content.
Web Filtering and Safe Search: Block websites based on pre-defined categories and enable safe search mode to ensure search engines prioritise filtering out inappropriate results.
App Monitoring and Content Monitoring: Gain insights into how your child spends their time on different apps. Monitor their activity within communication and social media applications to identify potential cyberbullying or inappropriate interactions. Set alerts for specific keywords or phrases used in their chats for early intervention.
Driving Monitoring: (for parents with teenage drivers) Track driving behaviours like speed, harsh braking, and sudden accelerations. Receive alerts for risky driving habits, promoting responsible behaviour behind the wheel.
Schedule Screen Time: Create a schedule for screen time allowances, ensuring your child prioritises sleep, homework, and other activities.
Remote Lock and Wipe: Remotely lock or wipe your child's device if it is lost or stolen, protecting their personal data.
Browse History and App Download Approval: View your child's browsing history and approve or deny app downloads, fostering responsible online behaviour.
But FamiSafe isn't just about features – it's about making your life as a parent easier. Setting up FamiSafe is a breeze. Simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store on both your device and your child's device, sign up for an account, and follow the on-screen instructions to connect the devices. From there, you can customise settings to fit your family's needs and start monitoring and managing your child's device remotely from the FamiSafe dashboard on your own device.
How to Use FamiSafe:
Using FamiSafe is a breeze:
1. Download and Install: Download and install the FamiSafe app on your parent device (phone or tablet) and your child's device. Here you can download application for Iphone and Android.
2. Create an Account: Create a FamiSafe account or log in to an existing one.
3. Pair the Devices: Follow the on-screen instructions to pair your devices using a pairing code.
4. Configure Settings: Explore the FamiSafe app on your device to configure the various parental control settings based on your needs, including enabling the new Screen Viewer feature.
Now, I know what you're thinking – how much is this going to cost me? The good news is that FamiSafe offers flexible pricing plans to suit every budget. Whether you prefer a monthly subscription or a yearly plan, there's an option for you. Plus, you can subscribe directly through the app or on the Wondershare website, making it easy to get started right away.
Pricing and Availability:
FamiSafe offers a free trail plan with limited features. To unlock the full suite of functionalities, including Screen Viewer, you'll need a subscription plan for Family or Schools.
Free Package:
● Cost: $0 (Trail Plan for 1 Devices)
● Features: Basic content filtering, app blocker, location tracking, geofencing, activity report.
Paid Package:
● Monthly Plan: $9.99/month ( protect up to 5 Devices)
● Quarterly Plan: $19.99/quarter ( protect up to 10 Devices)
● Yearly Plan: $59.99/year ( protect unlimited Devices)
● Features: All features of the free package, plus advanced content filtering, screen time control, Remote screenshots, Screen monitor, Screen tracker, gps tracker and many more
Availability: FamiSafe is available for download on iOS, Android, and desktop platforms, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices. Users can easily access and manage their family's digital safety from their preferred device, seamlessly integrating FamiSafe into their daily routine. Whether at home or on the go, FamiSafe offers comprehensive protection and peace of mind for families worldwide.
Visit our website for detailed prices and plan
Wondershare FamiSafe is a comprehensiveparental control app[[2]](#_msocom_2) for screen time control or screen monitor that empowers parents to keep their children safe online and promote healthy digital habits. With its user-friendly interface, robust features like the new Screen monitor and gps tracker , and affordable pricing plans, FamiSafe is a valuable tool for families navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape. Remember, open communication with your child about online safety remains key. FamiSafe complements these conversations by providing the tools you need to monitor activity, set boundaries, and guide your child towards responsible digital citizenship.
submitted by Competitive-Chip-791 to u/Competitive-Chip-791 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:42 Character-Move-6988 What are some funny WhatsApp group names from your phone ?

submitted by Character-Move-6988 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:42 pietroSV Phone Case For IPhone 15 Pro IPhone 15 Pro Max Funny Sliding Middle Finger

submitted by pietroSV to AliExpressTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:41 GoodIsUnpopular Medical Billing Scam

Back in October, I was hit by a drunk driver and broke my wrist in the collision. About a month following the accident, I received two separate bills from a company called Breg for unspecified "orthopedic devices" used at the ER, I assumed it was the arm splint & sling used by the ER & forwarded the bills to my insurance.
Now, 9 months after the accident, I just received two more bills from Breg for the same amounts as the first two bills but they now have specified items: a "deluxe shoulder immobilizer" (a sling) and the 2nd bill was for a cervical collar.
The problem is, not only were my bills already handled, but I was NEVER put into a cervical collar. The bill also looks different from the original two even though the amounts are the same. A cervical collar was brought into my ER room but it never touched my body and I specifically asked about it at the time and was told I wouldn't be billed for it by the ER staff.
I'm worried these bills might be a scam, I'll definitely be blowing up their phones to contest the cervical collar. Anyone else experience this?
submitted by GoodIsUnpopular to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 idkguessilljustgirl Final Update: my boyfriend killed my cat and i just can't do this anymore

Hi again everyone it's me, if you remember. I got a couple people in my dms asking how I'm doing and I'm allowed to write another update so... well. Here I am. Almost exactly 6 weeks since the worst 48 hours of my life.
I guess I'll just get into it since I'm using this as a diary at this point but I did also start journaling but journaling feels kind of lonely sometimes. And a lot has happened that I would appreciate everyone's thoughts on because you have all been really helpful. Thank you so much.
TL;DR: I'm back at work and getting on my feet and going to group art therapy. I met one of my boyfriend's old friends who's taking care of him and putting him through rehab. My old friends are coming back around and I'm trying to figure out how to be accountable and better for them. I'm ok, I'm safe, I'm almost happy.
I went back to work on May 1st because I promosed myself I would. I work at a smoothie shop, and we are a small team of 4 who usually work in pairs with my boss (the owner) there during rush hours and the baker who works before any of us come in.
When I came to open the shop that morning, the baker talked with me and asked how I was doing. I don't want people to know a lot but she has always been nice to me so I vented a little to her. I wasn't expecting how good it felt to talk to someone about everything that happened even not super detailed. Especially when she gave me such a big hug which made me cry tbh and told me to be strong and she was so happy I came back and didn't hide. 🥺
After talking to her and the coworker I usually work with, I felt better about therapy and stuff because talking does help. So when I got the call from that group therapy thing I wasn't as scared and didn't chicken out like I thought I would. I went and met people in my group, and it was a good experience. I am still going today.
A few days after the 1st I got a call from an unknown number. I don't normally answer those but with the situation and numbers I've been calling lately I didn't want to miss something important so I answered. A man introduced himself to me (I will call him "Tom") and told me he was a friend of my boyfriend "Luke".
I had never heard of this person before and I was just completely shocked and kind of just said "oh" and he started talking. He said he paid the rent for May for the suite and said he gave notice of ending the rental agreement, and asked if I wanted anything of mine from the place and if so he told me I had until the 11th before he dumped/sold stuff and start cleaning.
I came back to myself after that and was just like "hang on who are you and did you find Luke or what???" Because as far as I knew Luke was still missing and also I didn't know who he was.
So basically, a little background on Luke's life: He's originally from very very rural Quebec. He was taken into custody by the ministry when he was 8 after his mom passed away via sui and tried to take him with her because of his dad's extreme physical and sexual abuse towards both Luke and his mom. There were no foster resources in his town so he was taken to a bigger city and put with a family there.
He got into a lot of trouble with the ministry and police and kept having to get moved around due to threatening behavior towards his foster family (parents and siblings). Eventually he got into drinking and drugs and very badly beat up his younger foster brother and foster mother when he was 11 or 12. He got diagnosed with a conduct disorder and got put into juvie prison.
There was a project starting at that time in BC that was rehabilitation for juvie kids in MCFD custody. Basically they set up group homes that were staffed by social workers and counselors, like a foster home but run by a non-profit group not one family. This is actually something similar to where I grew up, but mine was for kids who "failed to thrive" in single-family care while Luke's was for kids who were criminals or addicts.
Because of his childhood situation and how they got him into custody, the MCFD wanted to see Luke go through one of those programs and hopefully be better. So they told him either the group home or juvie and he picked the group home, and a social worker from BC came to get him and flew him to the city. But in this new city even though he got to go back to public school and do stuff like gymnastics which he missed, he didn't know english as much and didn't have friends. So he started acting out again and got arrested more times.
Back to now. Tom told me that when he was in grade 10 and Luke was in grade 8, Tom joined a leadership club at his high school. Because of Luke's history he was forced into leadership club's "big brother" program with threat of being expelled if he didn't. Tom got assigned Luke in his "big brother" project, and they became friends, and then they became family all through high school and through Tom's first 3 years at uni. When he was telling me this I was blown away because Luke literally never even mentioned him so I finally just asked "well then why don't I know you? what happened?"
Tom said "Well, you know Luke." And I guess I do. Soooo yeah.
Luke showed up at Tom's childhood home a week after the stuff with Peanut, and Tom's parents called 911 because he was erratic and very high. The ambulance came and took him, and Tom went to the hospital to see him after his parents told him what happened.
At this point I had to go catch the bus but I told him we could text and meet and I wanted to help him clean the place too because I felt responsibility. He insisted it would be fine but I insisted I wanted to help so I texted him my schedule and we arranged a time to meet.
When I told my boss about all of this she and especially her husband asked if I could take a friend or if one of them could go. I told them I would ask my coworker since we have the same days off so I wouldn't trouble his busy schedule and definitely my boss should NOT go because she is getting so pregnant it's crazy and she needed to rest and still does need rest.
So my coworker I will call Nerd bc inside joke (who is male and big so that is helpful) agreed and we bussed to Luke's place. There was a car in front I didn't know so I assumed it was Tom's and sure enough he was there when I went in and was dealing with the fridge.
We shook hands and I introduced Nerd who kind of puffed up and made a stupid joke about beating Tom's ass over funny business but tbh the second I met Tom I got pretty OK vibes. But I guess well maybe I shouldn't trust it but really he was ok.
We went separately through the place and I spent most of my time in my "room" which was just a corner of the living room with a curtain tbh but my stuff was there so I packed it into garbage bags I brought. Kinda got flashbacks of packing as a kid which felt... weird tbh. 🙃
It also didn't help that Tom was kind of weird. Like not in a bad way but he would curse and mutter to himself when he found something gross or messed up like bad food, Luke's collection of drug stuff, that kind of thing. But then he would also tell me and Nerd what to do and where to put trash vs other stuff, but ALSO like... acted like he didn't want to touch anything himself? Like super cautious.
He also asked me stuff about my life here and how things were and what me and Luke did together, and I answered what I was comfortable with but he still kept apologizing and telling me he didn't want to know my personal stuff. Like it wasn't bad weird like I said but I think he was rly uncomfortable. He did pull me aside in the bathroom and asked if Luke ever hurt me and I was able to answer honestly and say no, he never even treated me that bad. But when I said that he kind of scoffed and muttered "that bad" like sarcastically and seemed mad so seriously it was. Weird. But idk if I were Tom I'd probably be pretty messed up about all of this so.
I insisted to help clean and Tom went to take the trash out. Nerd said he had to go soon bc he had an exam he had to study for and I said he could go and promised I'd be ok because I didn't get a bad vibe from Tom and Nerd admitted Tom seemed ok too. So he left but told me to call if I needed him bc he wouldn't be SUPER busy.
After saying goodbye I kind of asked Tom after a while what was going on with Luke. I just needed to know I guess? I don't know, I felt a lot of emotion being back there. Like I felt the love for him again and wished he was ok but Tom didn't tell me anything yet about where he was or how he was just that he was alive and reported found to police.
So... Luke's in rehab on the island. Tom talked to him in the hospital after he detoxed and said he explained the situation that happened. Apparently Luke broke down sobbing when he told him how he killed Peanut, and said the words: "I killed Peanut. I killed Peatie." Tom started crying while telling me this and tbh I cried too. I thanked Tom for being there bc Tom said he held him and comforted him and after all the hugs I got after Peanut and how that helped I'm just glad Luke got that too.
But yeah, so Tom told Luke it was time to get it together and Luke agreed. Tom seems hopeful it'll stick "this time," which he explained their original falling out was bc Luke lied to Tom about being sober after Tom put him through rehab once before. I really hope it will too and I am glad he has Tom to help him and pay for rehab bc it's not cheap especially those private places on the island but apparently the first time it failed it was in one of those cheap places in the DTES and Tom told me since he's been running programs there he's seen firsthand how those places are run and says the private is worth the money. Which I think is sad bc so many people are poor and need help too but it's complicated ig.
Tom offered me a ride home and I accepted. He told me before we got into the car that it would be ok if I wanted to text a picture of his license plate and car and ID to a safe person and I didn't even consider that so I felt kind of stupid but I did do that stuff and texted my boss and told her we were leaving. But tbh I wasn't worried. Tom seemed so nice and he gave me so much closure on what happened with Luke and knowing he's in good hands with someone that seems really sweet and put together makes me feel better about all the choices I made and also makes me feel like Peanut's loss has more meaning.
When I got home Tom introduced himself to my boss briefly and then we went in. She asked how everything went and I told her everything I wrote out here except I started crying hard and she cuddled me and told me to take it slow. But unlike other times I've cried since Peanut passed, that cry felt different. Like I was weak and emptied out, but not emptied out of all the good things, more like emptied out of the heavy things to make room for even more. And I haven't cried since. Not over Luke, and not over Peanut.
So I'm doing ok. Me and Tom met up twice more to clean the suite and I joined him for the inspection yesterday with the landlord. It felt good to leave that on a good note too, because the landlord let me move in back in fall which he didn't have to do especially with Peanut, and always treated us well. He told me that even though I wasn't an official tenant I could use him as a reference.
After the inspection yesterday Tom took me, my boss, boss' husband, and their daughter for dinner at a REALLY nice place which we all said was unnecessary but he insisted. He said really nice things to me about how he's grateful I tried so hard to take care of Luke and knows personally how difficult it is to love him. He promised me that nothing was my fault and that I can let it go now because he's going to take care of him and I should focus on moving forward into adulthood without any burdens. Idk maybe you had to be there but the way he said it was like... maybe I'm reading too much into it but it was like he was really specifically saying this stuff for Luke's sake or bc Luke hurt me and he felt like he had to make up to me? But it was nice either way.
Oh and I reconnected with a few of my old friends from high school!! The ones who I had a bad falling out with over Luke and my bad choices. My one friend Taylor reached out to me after I made my story on May 22nd a selfie of me reading that 'why does he do that' book and saying "1 month single 🙏" I guess a mutual mentioned it to Taylor and she added my number on sc again.
It's only kinda been small talk and stuff so far, but I've been trying to be really nice and I'm waiting for it to come up to take accountability for my bad treatment of the friend group but I'm thinking maybe I should say something first bc no one is bringing it up? Idk, if anyonr has advice I would appreciate it a lot bc I really want to be so much better than I am and I was and everything. For Peanut, but also for me.
This is the last update I'll post bc honestly it feels like things are mostly sorted out and I can't help but feel like I'm wasting people's time. 💀 But thanks again everyone and for those who wanted an update I hope you enjoy this freaking novel...
submitted by idkguessilljustgirl to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:33 20TOGI09 what should I do 😭

for context there’s this guy I’ve liked since around a year ago. he's genuinely the sweetest and nicest guy ive ever met, and he's also really quiet, which I really appreciate cos my father is really loud and has anger issues which made me gravitate to quieter people recently. also really cliche, but his smile is honestly what attracted me at first, cos when he smiles his dimples are like rlly prominent and cute and I don't even know why I like that about him so much. half a year ago, i confessed and a few weeks later i found out from him that he liked me too. since then, both of us haven’t really talked in person as we are both really introverted and we didnt want anyone in our school to know. for the first few months, we texted quite often, around once a week. he would reply to my instagram stories and we would start chatting from there. however, about a few weeks ago, he stopped texting first and i would often be the one texting him first. last week, i asked him if he was still into me, to which he replied yes. i then asked him out just to get to know him better. when we went out, I realised that he didnt really seem to want to talk to me as when we were eating dinner, i would be the one asking him questions, although he did pay for the tickets for the movie we watched earlier. at the cinema, we also came early before the movie started so we were sitting there in silence,so to break the ice he pulled out his phone and asked if I wanted to play this two-player game. i also found him to be quite sweet and observant as when we were walking, he noticed that i was lagging behind and slowed down to match my pace. to be fair, he is a really really introverted person and i assumed that he was kind of nervous around me so that’s why he wasn’t talking a lot. however, recently when i was texting him he seemed really dry, so naturally i asked him if he was tired. he quickly denied it, but the way he said it made it seem like he was angry, and he quickly ended the conversation after that. my friends also said that it seemed like he was angry as i sounded too possessive especially since we aren’t in a proper relationship. after that incident, i started to doubt that he actually still liked me and i suspect that he had lost feelings for me quite awhile ago, but he was too shy to tell me.
ive been trying to make myself stop liking him (obv hasn't worked yet) since the start of the year alr especially because my friends say he's ugly (i don't give a shit about looks only traits) and has no personality, so every weekend I agree with them and resolve to stop liking him but every monday when I go back to sch and see him smile i get thrown back to square one, desperately in love with him again.
at this point, im considering giving up on him which seems like a waste cos I've been invested for so long or just going no contact since if i don’t text him we wont talk anyways, but i also feel bad if i do as he is having a very busy season in his CCA cos he's performing in ndp which requires him to go back to sch arnd 3 times weekly and maybe he was just too tired to text me recently. what should I do?
submitted by 20TOGI09 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:30 Emergency_Ad_6751 I broke up w my bf of 3 years but Idk if i made the right choice? Help pls.

I just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years and I feel so heartbroken. We had a really really good relationship and he understood me better than anyone else in the world. We broke up because he has a pattern of lying and when I would call him out for it he promised he wouldnt do it again. Fastfoward to this week i found out he registered for a dating app bc i saw the verification text on his phone. He promised me he did not go through with it and at the stage where he had to select pictures he felt so wrong and he closed it and never looked at it again but how am I supposed to believe it? Idk. I want to believe it but a part of me thinks i deserve more respect than someone who would even think to. He said he would never cheat on me and just did it out of curiosity and the “thrill”. Which isnt a very good excuse to me. Anyways we talked again for closure and he was crying so much and looked very regretful. He also was begging for just one more chance and everything. He promised he would never do it again but idk.. in the past he promised never to lie again but here we are. He said this was different and life changing for him so he would genuinely never do it ever again. But i feel like i would hate myself for getting back with him if he does something like this again in the future. Im only 21 and i havent dated much in my life. Im so scared i lost him by making the wrong decision and im torn. I dont know what to do bc seeing him so hurt made me feel terrible.
submitted by Emergency_Ad_6751 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:29 Independent_Wash_487 honestly wishing I wasn’t pregnant right now. having horrible thoughts right now.

I have so far been up all night as I can’t fall asleep for nothing. I have been stressing so much lately and there is nothing that can ease the stress.. on top of the thoughts of what can happen to the baby long term medical wise from all this stress. It’s honestly so much eating away at me and I just don’t know what to do with these thoughts. I am going to just write away everything that’s been eating away at me.. that is why this is going to be very long as it’s been a lot so far… I got off birth control in December as life was going amazing and it was giving me awful migraines as I was rearing my third year being on nexplanon. I knew that there could be a possibility of getting pregnant and honestly with how life was going the thought of potentially getting our boy as we have two girls right now was really exciting me. I have been working from home and recently got a huge raise and things were looking great. A month after getting off the birth control I started feeling weird, that intuition feeling came. Shortly after, my job that I had been with for almost 3 years randomly lays off a lot of employees including me with no notice or anything. I thought it would be a long term job but they eventually grew financial issues. Of course I didn’t want to abort this baby just because my job laid me off. I am a very independent person so of course I would do anything to make sure me and mine are straight. I start back doordashing full time from 9 am to 9 pm and I stay an hour from the nearest city so the stress of wear and tear on my car has always scared me but you gotta do what you gotta do as a parent. Of course they say I’m eligible for unemployment and I’ve tried endless times to file for it and they always denied me due to work searches as I wasn’t applying to the right places when I was applying EVERYWHERE. No matter what I put. Every week would get denied cause of this and the phone number is impossible to reach someone. So I’ve given up on unemployment. We lived off of our tax return plus DoorDashing which I really wanted to save this money. The work search has been so stressful. I got a seasonal job and did amazing at it working up to 18 hours overtime one day but they over hired people so there was way to many people to consider hiring everyone full time so once it ended less then a month of working there that was it. Until I got a call from my dream job which my mom and my bf mom both work there and it pays way higher then what I’ve made on top of providing a hybrid schedule too. I felt it was a stretch applying but my resume looked really good so I went for it. I got an interview with them and the interviewer loved me and said he felt really confident in me and would like to offer me the position. Of course I’m overly excited cause this is my dream job. After filling out the onboarding and going to scheduled onboarding appointments they state there was only one issue stopping my onboarding which was a previous account with them that had restrictions on it that I was not aware of. I trusted the wrong “friends” back in high school 7 YEARS AGO with my personal information not knowing any better and they did fraud with my information and of course it fell back on me. I even paid back every owed penny from the fraud to clear my name to move on from that mistake. They never told me they also proceeded to put restrictions cause of it. So my onboarding was put on hold until I handled the restrictions. Fast forward a month later of struggling making ends meet. We have no more income tax money.. but at least I finally receive a response saying the restrictions would be removed. So finally we receive great news. I let the people know and they proceed to let me know that someone will reach out to me in 5-7 days and it has now surpassed that time frame with no response and I am just so scared that they won’t follow through.. It is now June and I have been struggling to get a full time job since February and I am holding onto the little ounce of hope that this job will follow through like they said… Holding onto that ounce of hope as doordash grew very stressful I decided to pull all of my retirement out from my previous job to put into savings in case we need it for an emergency especially if the car were to go out on us. on top of our apartment lease renewal coming up. We did NOT want to renew the lease because this apartment has treated us HORRIBLY since we moved in. We came from a clean bug free apartment due to the rent randomly increasing twice since we moved in it and moved 30 minutes to be closer to my OLD job and his family. We moved into this apartment because I had a work friend refer it to me saying it was her first apartment and she fell in love with it. Not knowing we were going to get the worst apartment building probably out of the whole complex. Since we moved in we could not look at the apartment until after the lease was signed and given the keys. We moved ONE box into the place and came back days later to move the rest of our stuff. We moved that box and SO MANY roaches scattered from it and we knew instantly we got played and that now all of our things were going to be roach infested now. Fast forward almost a whole year later we have tried endless methods to get rid of them such as boric acid, orthene, endless traps, endless raid bottles, ONTOP of the apartment buildings monthly pest control coming in doing whatever they do and WE STILL HAVE THEM. No matter what we do they are not leaving as I believe even tho we try different methods it won’t matter if everyone else in the building aren’t trying to get rid of them. They are probably being constantly rotated between the other apartments around us so it’s useless. I DO NOT WANT TO BRING MY NEW BORN BABY INTO THIS APARTMENT. On top of all the plugs in the walls has blown in the living room. I let the landlord know about this and they sent there only technician to check it out and they didn’t know what they were doing. They switched the power surge switches on and off and it fixed the plugs but they proceeded to go back out the next day. We haven’t even been there a year and the refrigerator has been tearing up like crazy. The whole bottom of it has ripped off cause apparently the adhesive is so strong when closing and opening that it slowly tore its own frame off. We had to use gorilla glue to glue it back on and it’s so far worked. On top of the rims around the door got so many rips in it. The door holders on the fridge can’t hold anything heavy or else the whole shelf falls off same as the door handles on the freezer so we have to carefully move things around it and put only certain things in those spots or else it’s all going to the floor. The first red flag of the apartment is there are no washer and dryer hook ups and that is honestly the least of our problems with this place.. the bolts on the dish washer are so tiny and unscrewed with time and randomly the whole dish washer completely fell down from being poorly connected to the counter. Whenever you open it to put dishes in you have to hold the racks or else the whole dish washer will fall forward and they will roll out with all the dishes in it. I’m so over this place and we have BEEN ready to move out. So once the 30 days came up I contacted the landlord about the 30 day notice that we were going to move out before the lease renewed. She proceeded to tell me with no emotion that they required a 60 DAY notice in advance prior to our lease end date and that our lease already renewed for another YEAR. She didn’t even try to help us out and did not provide any kind of notice or reminding about the 60 day notice. She just kept repeating that we signed the lease and it is written in the lease. She said if we move out we will be responsible to pay the months rent for each upcoming month until a new tenant moves in and takes over the lease which is very unlikely as they have full control on whether they want to move someone new in or continue to bill us the monthly rent.. So now we are trying to figure out how we are going to work out this New obstacle/road block and I am already halfway through my pregnancy. All of this stress has been eating me alive for the whole beginning of my pregnancy and it ALL came out of the blue. This is not how I pictured being pregnant with my third baby and I feel completely miserable right now. I am struggling doordashing all day just waiting for any kind of good news. We are thinking about ditching this apartment and going to stay with my mom until we find a full time job to afford a new apartment as we just want to start the process of this landlord potentially searching for a new tenant to take this burden off of us. We do not wish to pay two apartment rents as my credit is amazing and I know if they put any of this apartments owed rent when we move out on my collections it will ruin my credit.. we have been growing it for when we are ready to get our first home. So I know not paying it is not an option for me. I’ve just been wishing this ongoing nightmare will finally come to an end and I can finally receive any kind of good news. I was sooo excited about this pregnancy but now I have zero excitement for it as I have been through endless stressing and roadblocks the whole pregnancy so far. I am afraid that this stress and pain will affect the baby long term.. I do not wish to bring this baby into this apartment as I fully wish to be in a new upgraded apartment bug free when the baby comes in October my birthday month.. It’s just super hard holding onto any kind of motivation right now and the pain is slowly eating me up inside.. I just really needed to get all of this off of my chest and hopefully maybe I can finally get some sleep right now. If you read all of this.. thank you for listening and all I can really say is check on your people cause you never know what they could be going through as life can hit so random at times..
submitted by Independent_Wash_487 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:29 Commercial-Rip-9391 12r vs nord ce4

I know the comparison is unfair yet I'm going to do it.
My biggest need is longevity. Which is harder - using 12r for atleast 4 years or nord ce4 for atleast 3 years. I don't want to waste my parents money lol.
My usage is pretty normal. Music, calls, instagram, youtube and texting are pretty much my only usage. (very rarely games like pool or subway surfers, no heavy games). Since both of these phones have 5500 mah, i'm not worried about the battery.
Is the snapdragon 7 gen 3 a good enough processor to last 3 years without any problems?
submitted by Commercial-Rip-9391 to oneplusnord [link] [comments]