What to put on a going away card

What's everyone on about?

2013.06.10 21:14 What's everyone on about?

A subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff.

2009.04.22 04:55 lencioni Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented, fizzy, tea-based drink made using a combination of bacteria and yeast. This sub is for homebrewers and others who appreciate kombucha.

2019.11.07 00:12 hjalmar111 Freezing Fucking Cold

It's time to put some warmer clothes on and make a cup of tea, it's going to be freezing cold around here

2024.06.01 15:39 Only-Lion993 Ectopic pregnancy recovery

Hi everyone. I'm 29 years of age currently single. In my masters last year ,I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't scared ,shamed or panicking, my ex was so supportive,very kind loving,caring person,the best partner I could ever wanted. My ex was afraid that I could go crazy but I was so calm, I felt whole, complete, I can never forget that feeling I was not afraid of anything or what anyone would say.When they wheeled me in for surgery I wasn't afraid at all but I felt calm and sad,even though I was 6 weeks pregnant. I felt connected to this being inside me. Even if it's not fully developed I felt whole. I thought to myself is this how it feels? When I woke up from the hospital bed after the surgery, I felt so lost, so empty,so alone, even though I had support in the room from my friends and my ex, I felt so alone, they later told me that the doctor found a surprise as well. I had a tiny tumor in my ovary and they removed it. I thought to myself did my baby came into this world just to save me , I had no idea I had a tumor. The next coupe of days I felt so off, I was emotionally, mentally exhausted, I laugh with friends but when Im alone in that bed at night it all hits me so hard ,I couldn't eat much coz I felt so empty. I had the support I needed but nobody would understand how I felt, is this how it feels to loose a child? My ex was also going through alot.we were grieving in our own way. Two weeks later he had a dream , he saw me with a small boy, I came brought our son to his Big sisters to see, and the boy was around 4-5 years of age shy,hiding behind me. He looked just like my ex when he was a small boy, and my ex's sisters were saying "oh he looks just like you"(to my ex) My ex and I are still good friends he's still very supportive of me but we just decided to go our separate ways. But he still looks out for me. Still checking up on me to make sure Im okay.
Anyways June 3rd will mark one year. I went into surgery last year June3. How do you overcome this sadness this loss? Whenever I get carried away with Things and forget then when It hits me out of nowhere and I feel guilty that I forgot. I don't want to forget about my first child. Even though some people told me it's nothing to worry about, I was just 4weeks,it's not even developed into a human it doesn't have a soul. To me it does.the feeling I had when I found out I was pregnant was something I'll never forget. I felt complete, I felt whole, I felt I could conquer anything, I felt so calm. It was like my baby was telling me everythings gonna be alright. Is this how mothers feel ?
I just want some advice if anyone has ever went through ectopic pregnancy, how did you cope with the loss? I still feel sad ,empty , still question myself would I be able to have kids of my own? This loss of a child ,a spiritual connection, is this how it feels? I miss my unheard,unseen child. All I have left is a scar on my lower abdomen to remind me what I lost. I don't want to forget at all.
submitted by Only-Lion993 to u/Only-Lion993 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 BuhrNation95 Am I AITAH for not forgiving my brother for what he did to me.

I am just tired of my family for hounding me about my actions. I just want to know if I should forgive or go no contact because I am tired if arguing for 12 years. So this happend to me when I was 15. I was a sophomore in high school and I was dating a girl we will call (L), so me and L have been going out for about a year and I figured all was great between us. Her family liked me and my family liked her. I figured this is the girl I mind spend forever with. Just wanted to give a little back story. On the day of my birthday me and my little brother we will call (J) shared a birthday we were born 2 years apart but almost on the same day me the 17 and him the 16 of August. It was a good celebration we were all having fun my friends and his friends were attending and the family was there everything was in full swing. L and myself got separated after awhile and I was talking to the guests and sharing jokes and other discussions. I figured L went to my bedroom as she didn't like large crowds. After some time one of J's friends came to look for me and ask were J was. I haven't seen him in awhile either. So I went to search the house. I didn't find him on the main floor or even the renovated basement so I went to the second floor and was hearing thumping sounds. At first I checked my room and no one was in there and J's room was right across from mine. Then I heard a moan. I step up to J's door and opened it. It didn't take long for me to see what was going on. I saw my brother the person I trusted most, the guy I thought always had my bad screwing my girlfriend. I screamed and J and L tried to explain but I walked away. I went outside to get some air and the party was silent at this point. My grandpa asked what happened and I told him everything. He looked sad but said nothing. While I was outside L tried to talk to me and I told her it was over and she is a cheating whore and knew where I stood on cheating. Then she told me something else that crushed my heart even more. She told me that she used me to get to J and they have been screwing around since the 3 month of our relationship. I was devastated, I wanted to hurt my brother. To give a little bit of size difference I was 6ft 260 mostly muscle and boxed alot. My little brother was 5'11 athletic fram but didn't have the same strength I did. So I went inside and wanted to hurt him I was seeing red I didn't care what happened. My grandma stepped in front of me to stop me. My grandma told me if I hurt him I should pack up and leave and the whole family was on her side. I was so mad, I was the one who got hurt and betrayed and now this is happening. So I couldn't do anything as it was my only home. I felt I was left out and the family didn't help my pain either. The. J and L started openly dating. Everyday was a slap in the face to me and my family condoned this kind of behavior. After I hit 18 I moved out keeping low contact and haven't been to abother family gathering since. Of course J and L didn't last and they broke up about 2 years later. J would become a serial cheater and everytine one of his girlfriend would reach out to me ask me why I wasn't around I would always ask if they are J's girlfriend and tell them to leave because he is a serial cheater and will hurt them. Now fast forward the last 4 months everyone in my family wants me to rejoin them and say they miss me or some other crap but I can't get over what happened and how little I felt in that moment and how they all condoned his behavior. I have changed my number 6 times and somehow they keep getting ahold of me. They don't know where I live thank God but I am starting to get worn down. The last time any of them saw me was when my grandpa passed away and I left right away after the funeral. So reddit I am here to ask should I forgive and try again or just keep my peace and move on from them.
submitted by BuhrNation95 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 FastEducator4624 I don’t know what to do anymore

Since the beginning of 2024 my anxiety has been at an all time high and is seriously damaging my life. I’ve convinced myself something is seriously wrong with me health wise (heart issues, etc) even though I’ve spent 2 months having frequent cardiologist appointments that have constantly told me nothing is wrong with me. Still I am constantly worried over my heart and heart rate. It’s gotten to the point where having a normal heart rate of 70s-80s freaks me out. My Apple watch is always there for me to check my pulse. I avoid exercise or any movement for long periods of time, I’m basically bed ridden only getting up to make food or shower. My eating habits have been absolutely terrible, I’ve lost nearly 40 pounds in a span of 5 months to the point where my body is starting to be in constant pain. Anything I do to try and help cope with my anxiety isn’t working, listening to music and or watching movies makes me only more anxious because it makes my heart rate go up. My acid reflux is also spiking out of control, causing even more physical symptoms that makes my anxiety spiral even more. My primary care doctor prescribed me Sertraline and after months of being scared of taking it I finally decided enough is enough and I started 6 days ago. These past few days I’ve seriously regretted this decision but I don’t know what else to do because I can’t keep living in a constant state of fear. Since starting Sertraline my anxiety has been through the roof, I’ve been nauseous every single day, loss of appetite, elevated heart rate, and out of control thoughts. I could think of something and right away it ruins my night. Yesterday I noticed that I was breathing heavily and since then I’ve been focused on my breathing and trying to regulate it but it’s not working. I’m currently writing this during sunrise because I’ve not slept because of this stupid little thought. Anytime I close my eyes I’m back to dwelling on it. It’s like so many different things are contributing to my anxiety and I don’t know how to help it. I get so jealous that my brother is doing so much better than me at handling his anxiety, he’s so good at not giving a fuck i just wish I could trade places with him for one day! It’s so fucking debilitating…. If any of you have gone through the same thing or are currently going through this please give me any advice you have 🙏🙏
submitted by FastEducator4624 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:38 margheritinka Laundry solution for husband

Laundry solution for husband
Please help me because this really irks me. This is my husbands dresser and laundry basket.
I am not perfectly tidy but I have my own rules I live by. (1) when something is overflowing - fix it. This week I had an overflow of skincare products and I pulled everything out, threw some away and reorganized. (2) everything has a home. We’re human things don’t wind up back in their home sometimes and it’s okay. But after a little bit of time being homeless, things need to go back to their place.
Ignore my husbands dresser. Things are just not in their home.
The laundry. I’ve discussed the usage of a basket with a lid but he won’t use one because he works in construction and goes to the gym and sweats through his clothing and he doesn’t want them to stink. I completely understand this so I picked up that rack to hang his clothes on but they don’t get hung.
Maybe the rack does not offer the right amount of space to hang all his wet clothes which is why it’s not being used.
I was thinking of buying a room divider to hide this corner. Thoughts?
Also we are in an NYC apartment please no comments about moving the laundry baskets to a closet or anywhere else. Just not feasible.
And then I don’t know how to have a talk about things going back to their home. He usually gets defensive because I leave my stuff out sometimes but after a few days to a week, it gets put back away. This stuff on his dresser, one thing has been there for 2 months now.
submitted by margheritinka to Homeorganization [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 vvzesl My step mom threw away my (30f) box of grade school work and I can’t get over it

Posting this here because I believe my mom and step mom are a little narcissistic
So a little background I am a very nostalgic person…maybe it’s because I don’t know my identity today, I don’t know. Anyway my bio mom was not really sentimental so all of my childhood things went to yard sales. I literally don’t have any toy or memento from my childhood besides photos. Partially my bad because I could have thought ahead and saved some of my stuff. Today I have spent hundreds of dollars just to get some of my favorite childhood toys back.
(I was very lucky and my parents didn’t divorce until I was 18)
Anyway at my childhood home, my dad and step mom reside in. There is a hall closet in the basement that had a box of all the school work I had done in grade school.
About a year ago, I was over visiting and I wanted to take my school work back home with me so I could look through it. I went down to get it and come to find out it wasn’t there.
I went back upstairs to ask my stepmom, “oh sweetie I think I threw that away I am so sorry”
I just stood there dumbfounded and my dad is a pretty sentimental person and he looked a little sad.
My step mom then went downstairs and came back up with a box all excited she said “look what I found” and I thought she found it.
Nope. It was her daughter’s school work. She then proceeded to show me her daughter’s school work from elementary school. My dad kept saying “M please stop”
I didn’t make a fuss about it. I just said it’s okay, it’s whatever.
I still have that resentment. Every time I think about it I get really upset. I don’t know why. It seems so trivial.
I remember some of the stuff I had in there that I would have loved to look back on. I don’t know why she didn’t just give it to me? Why she didn’t say “hey I don’t want this in the basement anymore can you take it” Part of me thinks she did it deliberately, but what I don’t understand is why.
How can I let go? How can I drop this and stop ruminating over this? I don’t want to bring it up to my dad as he is a very emotional human being and I don’t want to bring it up to my step-mom because she has a tendency to play victim.
I don’t know why I care about this so much. I am tired of trying to dig into my past. How do I stop. I have become obsessed with digging into my past because I can’t remember it.
I want to talk to my dad about it but talking about it won’t bring my stuff back:/ has this happened to anyone else? How did you cope
submitted by vvzesl to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:36 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 427

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 427

On a December night, as winter's chill deepened, an unexpected snowstorm swept through the streets.

The snow fell thick and fast, confounding those who had expected clear skies based on the latest weather forecasts. Confusion reigned among pedestrians hurrying home, and even the meteorological agency was caught off guard.

"What’s going on? Where did this come from?"

"We’re analyzing it now. There shouldn’t be an issue like this."

"With snow as thick as hail pouring down, how can you say there shouldn’t be an issue? Stop the nonsense and bring the data. You must have real-time observations!"

"I’m looking into it right now... Oh, it seems there's been a surge in mana in the Sichuan region of China causing these abnormal conditions. The expected snowfall is no joke."

"Sichuan? Damn it. Is that bastard Arch Lich now controlling the weather too?"

Ever since the Great Cataclysm, the agency's forecasts had become near prophetic, enhanced by the integration of magical insights.

However, this unexpected storm suggested something far more sinister.

Within an hour, after frantic recalibrations and re-observations, a national heavy snow warning was declared. The agency predicted a historic blizzard, the likes of which hadn't been seen in decades.

But as people stopped to take shelter, their attention was captured by an announcement on the large public screens across the city centers.

- On this day, I am thrilled to bring you this news.

The screen showed an elderly Asian man.

Sitting behind him were leaders from countries that are members of the UN Security Council, and the President of the People's Republic of China, with reddened eyes and a shaky voice, parted his lips towards the numerous microphones.

- The Arch Lich has been extinguished. We ... have won.


That one word was enough. For 34 days, an unprecedented monster wave had continued.

The news that the great war, which had troubled the world beyond Sichuan Province, had finally ended left people gaping, and soon after, they let out a massive cheer.


"Wait! Hold on. I didn’t catch that. What did you just say?"

"It's over!"


"Look at the subtitles!"

"The extinction of the Arch Lich... oh, it's true! Wowwww! I thought I was going to be fucking drafted!"

The joyous uproar drowned out the subsequent thirty-minute address by President Shao Yang and further explanations from the UN spokesperson.

With the Arch Lich's fall, his undead legions crumbled, extinguishing the looming threat and ushering in the long-awaited peace.

"Mom, it's me. Uh, did you see the news? No? Watch it now. Yeah, yeah!"

"That's it. Mr. Kim, let's go for a third round!"

"A third round? There's a server update tomorrow. Manager Noh is going to freak out."

"Manager Noh is also coming. He's bringing the corporate card."

"Ugh, I really don't want to see that guy's face. Alright, let's go."

"Reporting. Yes, Commander. This is Lieutenant Lee Jun-Beom. I would like to extend my leave for just one more day... No, I apologize."

Despite some initial reservations, the jubilant energy in the streets proved infectious. People who had cautiously stayed indoors, fearing another calamity akin to the Great Cataclysm, now flooded out to join the revelry.

Pubs filled to the brim with celebrants, and the cheers continued unabated even as the night turned into the early hours of the morning.

The next day, and for several days thereafter, the atmosphere remained electric.

The monumental victory announcement had the world buzzing with excitement, like a cauldron set ablaze on an open flame.

Each day brought a flood of new articles in countless languages, discussing the events more than even the unusual weather patterns that had seen snow cover Korea for three consecutive days.

And there was one name that appeared in every single one of those articles.

[The New York Times, 'A Momentous Victory Introduces a New Hero to the World'] [Note: USA]

[The Times, 'Eastern Promise: A New Hero Rises, With Connections to Prince Felix?'] [Note: UK]

[The Asahi Shimbun, 'Jin Tae-Kyung: Asia's Beacon of Hope, But Japan's Elite Hunters Could Surpass Him!'] [Note: Japan]

[People's Daily, 'A Young Korean Hero's Bravery Celebrated Amidst National Tragedy, Death of Wu Hei-Xing'] [Note: China]

[China Youth Newsletter, 'Jin Tae-Kyung, A Descendant of the Ming Dynasty General Chen Lin - Soon to Be a Chinese Citizen?']

[Korea Goryeo Daily, 'Uncertainty Shadows Ares Guild as Vice Guild Leader Lee Jeong-Ryong Goes Missing']

[DAS Patch Korea Official, 'We've been investigating Jin Tae-Kyung for months but couldn't find out anything. His relationships with women were surprisingly clean.' When asked by a reporter whether his past relationships had all ended amicably, he replied "No, that's not it. I've been single since birth."]

For the various media outlets, the existence of Jin Tae-Kyung was nothing short of a Christmas present.

All spotlights were focused on him, and stories about him flowed endlessly.

The material was inexhaustible. Not to mention the so-called 'Winter War,' this recent monster wave, his past actions, and even minor personal details became fodder for the news.

Typically, such sensationalist articles would have been scorned and cursed at, but now they captured interest.

Such was the global attention drawn to this new hero who had led this great victory.

But not all of that attention was positive.

From the tight internal security, little bits of leaked information had begun to raise doubts.

[Revealed: What Lies Hidden Behind the War's Great Victory? Growing Suspicions Cast Shadow on Jin Tae-Kyung]

[Mystery Deepens: Tragic Deaths of S-rank Hunters Lee Jeong-Ryong and Wu Hei-Xing Raise Questions as New Hero Emerges]

[Top Military Officials Question Battle's Intensity: Lack of Injuries on Jin Tae-Kyung Sparks Potion Use Probe; Clarity Expected Upon His Awakening]

Though these conspiracy theories were few and often dismissed, they managed to sow seeds of doubt among some, igniting fervent online debates.

The controversial articles were swiftly overwhelmed by waves of criticism and reports, but the questions they raised lingered in the public consciousness.

Now, all eyes were on Jin Tae-Kyung, waiting for him to step forward and address the swirling rumors.

When would he appear?

* * *

Beep. Beep.

The room, reserved for a select few, was filled with the mechanical hum of the latest medical devices.

Concerned faces looked down at Jin Tae-Kyung, who lay unconscious, an oxygen mask covering his face.

「How is Mr. Jin's condition?」

Choi Min-Woo responded to President Shao Yang's question.

「It's always the same. Everything seems perfectly normal, yet strangely, he can't regain consciousness.」

「Did both of them say the same thing?」

「Yes. They can't determine the cause.」

「Hmm. If that's the case, it must be certain... But why can't he regain consciousness?」

President Shao Yang sighed.

The two experts he referred to were leaders in their fields.

One was a civilian doctor revered as a modern Hua Tuo, and the other was a world-renowned healer. [Note: Hua Tuo was a famous ancient Chinese physician. He is reportedly the first person in China to use anasthesia during surgery.]

If both specialists they had brought in to treat Jin Tae-Kyung had said so, it must be true.

「I heard his family has come.」

「Our Peace Guild is taking good care of them. Fortunately, they are getting some rest at the moment.」

「That’s good to hear. Might I be able to see them, even for a moment?」

「Hmm... I will ask, but the family's wishes are most important...」

「I understand. Who wouldn't feel the same, seeing their blood relative unable to wake up? I’d be grateful if you'd think of it as nothing more than an old man's foolish worry.」

「Not at all, Mr. President. We appreciate you thinking so.」

「Appreciate it? No need for such words. If it weren't for Mr. Jin, a much greater disaster would have occurred. Though I am an old man and may not have much time left, I will take this gratitude to my grave.」

President Shao's words were sincere.

Four days had passed since then, and a global team of experts investigating the Arch Lich's last stronghold uncovered traces of a Gate.

The remnants of its immense magical power indicated a potential catastrophe.

「If Mr. Jin hadn't stopped the Arch Lich that day, not only our country but all of Asia, perhaps even the entire world, might have become a battlefield.」

「It's a very real possibility.」

Although the statement was slightly exaggerated, it held substantial truth.

Choi Min-Woo therefore acknowledged it with a nod.

He saw no reason to shy away from the praise or to downplay the deep gratitude expressed by a leader of over a billion people.

Indeed, gratitude, once extended, often yields rich dividends.

「By the way, Mr. President, recently there have been some unfavorable rumors circulating about Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung... Are you aware of them?」

「Are these internal issues, or external?」

「They are internal. It would be more accurate to say they involve the upper echelons of the Communist Party, or rather, the Princelings.」

President Shao Yang nodded knowingly.

「I am well aware of those matters.」

The matter concerned the death of Wu Hei-Xing.

The investigation had uncovered his severely damaged body, fueling conspiracy theories both domestically and internationally.

「There are those who suspect Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung. They point to a slight argument he had with Wu Hei-Xing at their first meeting and the fact that there were no significant injuries on Mr. Jin when he was first found.」

There were two main theories circulating among these rumors.

The first suggested that Jin Tae-Kyung, harboring resentment towards Wu Hei-Xing, had orchestrated his death and attributed it to the Arch Lich.

The second theory proposed that Jin Tae-Kyung used Wu Hei-Xing as a scapegoat, potentially alongside Lee Jeong-Ryong, who is missing or presumed dead, to eliminate the Arch Lich.

President Shao Yang, well aware of these narratives, had already formed his own judgement.

With a stern voice, he assured Choi Min-Woo.

「These are nothing but groundless slanders and conspiracy theories.」

「Thank you for your trust, but...」

It was a good response, but it was not enough.

Choi Min-Woo hesitated, then added thoughtfully.

「It seems the leader of the Princelings has a different view from yours, Mr. President.」

Within China, these theories, seen by many as national disgraces, resonated with a father mourning his son.

Wu Hei-Xing's father, the head of the Princelings and a figure wielding immense power within the Communist Party, was propelling these rumors forward.

He didn't stop at just speculation; he had initiated an independent probe to investigate further.

「If Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung regains consciousness, the truth will come to light. But for such high-ranking politicians to lead the spread of these absurd conspiracy theories...」

As Choi Min-Woo's words tapered off, President Shao Yang's lips curled into a subtle smile.

'No hesitation, I see.'

Despite the young man's impressive feats, his circumstances differed markedly from those of President Shao Yang.

Yet, here he was, confidently voicing his views, adeptly balancing his tone and stance.

'Was that story true?'

Recalling some personal details about Choi Min-Woo, President Shao Yang tapped the armrest of his chair thoughtfully.

「Alright. It seems my explanation was insufficient, so I'll say it again.」

「I'm listening.」

「My comrades and I already know everything about it and have made all the necessary preparations.」

「All the necessary preparations...?」

「He will be put on trial before he appeals for his son's death.」

The Arch Lich's fall wasn't the only outcome of this conflict.

Widespread corruption and fraud have come to light, necessitating the dismantling of the Princelings.

Choi Min-Woo's expression softened into a calm smile.

「Is that answer sufficient?」

「It is enough.」

That concluded their discussion for the day.

After a few more exchanges, President Shao Yang exited the room, leaving Choi Min-Woo alone. He murmured to himself thoughtfully.

"So, it is done."

Suddenly, someone's eyes snapped open.

"Ah, fuck. I thought I was going to die from frustration."
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:36 Express_Turn_9492 Bests way to save for land?

Hey yall I’m 22, still in school and working part time. I make $20 and work at most 30 hrs a week. My partner and I are actively saving for a house and put away about $1500 a month into CDS. I would very much like to have a large piece of property to become more self sustainable. Little farming work, animals and so on. What is the best way to go about this?
submitted by Express_Turn_9492 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 HRJafael Orange resident urges opposition to Quabbin legislation proposed by Comerford, Saunders

Michael Magee of Orange is urging the Athol Conservation Commission to oppose legislation filed by state Sen. Jo Comerford for the Quabbin Reservoir.
Comerford and state Rep. Aaron Saunders of Belchertown filed a bill (S 447 / H 897) that would impose a 5 cent per 1,000 gallon excise on Quabbin water. The lawmakers estimate the tax would produce $3.5 million, which would be directed to Quabbin watershed communities and local nonprofits with a focus on these towns’ health, welfare, safety and transit.
That bill also would mandate that the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) analyze potable water in western Massachusetts across multiple watersheds. The studies would include an assessment of the kinds of infrastructure that would be needed to provide water to each community from local resources.
In an interview, Comerford said her bill would also expand the number of western Mass representatives to the MWRA board from one to three.
“And that one person is not necessarily speaking on behalf of Hampshire or Franklin counties,” she said. “It’s important, I believe, to have a greater voice. Three people would have a better chance of communicating the many things our communities care about.”
Another change would come in the way PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) payments are made. PILOT payments are made to communities for property owned by the state, but which are not subject to local property tax assessments. Comerford said that land lying under the Quabbin is not counted when figuring the state’s PILOT obligations.
“And yet the communities around the Quabbin are stewarding this public land in order to make sure the water is pristine,” she continued. “In my mind, the area covered by water should be part of the PILOT payment back to communities.”
The bill is currently under consideration by the Legislature’s Energy & Environment Committee.
‘It’s a crazy idea’
While he served on the Orange Conservation Commission years ago, Magee told the Athol Daily News he’s lobbying against the bill as a private citizen. Magee went before the Athol Conservation Commission at its meeting on Tuesday, May 28.
““I’m just now writing to a bunch of other conservation commissions,” he said. “I’m going to contact everybody I can. As I said last night (May 28), it’s a crazy idea.”
At the top of Magee’s concerns is the potential strain on the Quabbin Reservoir that could result from expansion of the MWRA’s service area.
“I remember years ago, when the water was so low in the Quabbin, they proposed putting a pipe in that would go all the way to either the Connecticut or the Millers River to replenish it,” he said. “I understand that sometimes these crazy ideas actually become law because nobody says anything.”
Magee claims that, under Comerford’s legislation, water from the reservoir would be piped to the north and south shores of Massachusetts Bay, and to more communities in MetroWest.
“Once those communities get Quabbin water they’re not going to take care of their own water supplies anymore,” he said. “They already have plenty of water. But once they’re on Quabbin water they can do any development they want…and they’ll become dependent on Quabbin water.”
Magee pointed out that several times in the last 60 years, climate conditions led to the water level in Quabbin becoming “extremely low.” Magee said that one of the worst droughts occurred between 1964 to 1972, with others happening between 1983 and 1989, 2000 to 2003, and most recently between 2015 and 2017.
“It will happen again,” Magee predicted. “It’s inevitable. And then what? We have to take care of our existing water supplies.”
Magee also argues that the additional PILOT payments are inadequate to compensate Quabbin towns for the sacrifices made for the Quabbin watershed.
Comerford defends bill
Comerford refuted Magee’s contention that she is interested in sending Quabbin water to eastern Massachusetts or beyond its current service area. She said the MWRA recently did three studies on the potential availability of potable water supplies in eastern Massachusetts, as well as of expanding the distribution of Quabbin water to that part of the state.
“Truth be told,” she said, “I’ve been trying to put the brakes on that.”
The senator said the time has come for the state to conduct similar studies in western Massachusetts.
“I am worried that if we open up the taps on Quabbin water to eastern Mass that we will go above safe yield and there wouldn’t be any options for us to look at in western Massachusetts,” she said.
Comerford said recent reports that the MWRA is undertaking a study to pipe water from the Quabbin Reservoir to the towns that surround it are incomplete.
“That’s a limited take,” she explained. “They are absolutely looking at whether western Mass towns could access the Quabbin. But they’re also looking at other things, like aquifers, existing wells and other watersheds. They understand the Quabbin could be a resource for some (communities) but that it won’t work for all.”
Comerford also said while the legislation would mandate that MWRA to explore opportunities to expand into new communities, that doesn’t mean the water authority would have any control over how communities address their own drinking water needs.
“There would be not jurisdiction for MWRA to mandate anything in any community,” she said. “The MWRA can’t tell Northampton, can’t tell Athol what to do. Athol’s town government makes those decisions.”
Comerford also disputed Magee’s contention that the bill would encourage communities surrounding the reservoir to get their water from Quabbin, something, he says, which “would cost billions of dollars.” More than half the small towns around Quabbin get water exclusively from wells, while Orange, Belchertown, Ware and Barre have a mix of public water and private wells.
“We’re not saying that these communities must have access to Quabbin water, but we are saying the state has a responsibility to make sure they have access to potable water,” Comerford said. “So, it may not make any financial sense to ship our Quabbin water to a community, either because they don’t have the infrastructure or they’re too far away. But I do think the state has a responsibility to understand the current potable water structure to understand where wells might possibly be dug. Communities out east all have had these studies done on the state’s dime.”
submitted by HRJafael to NorthCentralMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 cat_glitch Update! “Semi Feral foster and her babies” - Peppermint and her babies are inside!

Update! “Semi Feral foster and her babies” - Peppermint and her babies are inside!
Thank you all for your kindness on my first post. Peppermint and her babies are officially in the house! They are currently living in a large dog crate in my basement, away from my cats. Peppermint is definitely scared/upset. She did immediately go to her babies the second she saw them. She kept growling last night when I was in the room with her. This morning, she’s calmed down a little. No growling unless I get too close to her nesting box. The kittens have come up closer to me and she seems to be okay with that. I have been spoon feeding her and talking to her. The babies have been stumbling around and playing wrestling. They look like little carbon copies of her, but one ran out of ink. The grayish baby seems to have an eye issue, it’s crusty but I will be monitoring them. I have not checked what sex they are.
We have a vet appointment set for this Friday!
submitted by cat_glitch to Feral_Cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 Final-Reincarnation Finding it hard to continue biting my tongue about my partner’s best friend.

I’m sorry this is long. I’m an over-explainer.
Basically my partner has had this friend of hers for 10+ years and we’ve been together for 3 years. I’m careful to not speak my mind on people that have been around in her life longer than I have.
The problem with this friend is that she’s always been incredibly stand offish towards me and I’ve gone above and beyond trying to make some kind of connection with her for the sake of my partner. Nothing is ever reciprocated from this friend though. I even got her and a couple of my partners friends together to be there when I proposed to my partner so they could be apart of that. (Context: my partner preferred a private engagement but told me she wouldn’t mind if friends/family ended up being there since we don’t live close to them) Her friend ended up making the trip all about her and turned the other friends (that I actually had considered friends) against me because I wanted some alone time with my partner on this 6 day trip that was for us to get engaged.
The friend pulled my partner aside on the trip and starting telling all these blatant bold faced lies about me to her like telling her she doesn’t like me because I’ve never put an effort in to get to know her and that she didn’t know about the trip until the week of (she knew 4 months in advance) and all types of other stuff. My partner told me all about it (she said she didn’t take any of what she said to heart) and when I told her that all of it was lies and I could prove it, she told me she didn’t want to see because she didn’t want to feel like she had to choose. I chose to respect her wishes and I have bit my tongue about her friend ever since even after she came to talk to us the next morning and gaslit me in front of my partner. I just chose not to really respond to her.
The friend goes on to make my partner feel bad because she was going to miss her birthday because we have a trip planned to go see my family that I only see MAYBE once a year and a family member that is dying. The friend chose not to talk to my partner for a month after that.
Now all of a sudden, my partner decided she was going to go out of her way to go on this trip for her friends birthday and when she told her, suddenly she wants to text and FaceTime my partner all the time again. Then my partner went this weekend to see her friend and her family and spent the first day with her friend going out to a couple places/bars. My partner insists on having this person be her maid of honor and I just want to shake her and yell “she’s a toxic friend and she’s manipulating you!” She doesn’t have any respect for me or my relationship and I don’t want her in our wedding. My partner is not easily manipulated except when it comes to this friend. She’s blinded by their history and I just don’t know what to do. I’m afraid of what this friend may do to cause problems for our relationship/marriage or even or wedding day.
I just don’t know how to approach this anymore. My mom tells me to keep biting my tongue and that eventually the friend will go too far and my partner will see it. She says I’ll only drive her closer to the friend and further from me if I speak my mind. I’m also trying to not take it personal that my partner has no issues with the way her friend treated me, talked about me and told lies and she didn’t care to see the proof.
submitted by Final-Reincarnation to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 425

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 425


White Flames, having lost its mark, skittered across the ground.


With a snap of his fingers, the Arch Lich ensnared me, who stood frozen like a statue. Black hands, summoned from the void, clamped tightly around my body.

He wielded his magic effortlessly, foregoing the incantations usually required for spellcasting.

Step by step.

With each stride, the Arch Lich's magic swirled through him like a dense fog.

His left arm, obliterated earlier by my One Strike, began to regenerate. The shattered bones, now shaded darker, knitted together with eerie robustness.

As the completion of the Gate approached, his power swelled correspondingly.

- I wondered why I could smell death on you. That's quite a spectacular reason, isn't it? The friendship between a human and a monster is... quite touching.


The sound of misaligned bones grated through my frame, yet my gaze drifted over the Arch Lich's shoulder.

Focused on a sword embedded in the earth, its hilt clutched by a hand that refused to relinquish its grip.

'Skeleton Warlord.'

By divine decree, humans and monsters were eternal adversaries.

Initially, it had been the same between us.

But now... I realized. At some juncture, the Skeleton Warlord had transcended mere monstrosity in my eyes.

'If I had still thought of him as just a monster, I would have annihilated him with my own hands.'

Destroying the Skeleton Warlord could have provided a crucial boost through leveling up.

Yet I faltered, and ultimately, I abstained.

Not merely because he had spared my life, but because he had won a place as a friend in my heart.

A hollow laugh burst from my lips.

‘Damn it. I should have never gotten attached.’

At that, the Arch Lich’s eyes narrowed slightly.

- You're laughing? In this situation?

“My mother used to say that laughter brings fortune.”

- You must be out of your mind.

“Why the fuss if I want to laugh? Are you my date or something?”

I spat at the Arch Lich’s face. A thick, ambiguous mixture of blood and phlegm trickled down his brow.

At that moment, a fierce red glow blazed from where his eyes ought to be.

- I've heard your response well.

“Fuck you.”

If I claimed to have no regrets about my life up to this point, I would be lying. Regrets, however, always arrive too late, and I've fought hard enough until now.

When I finally let go, everything seemed like a fleeting dream. My face, relaxed in a smile, was mirrored in the Arch Lich's sinister red gaze.

- I've said this before. Your body will be torn to shreds, and your soul will wander the River of Death forever.

I nodded, accepting this grim fate easily.

“That sounds about right. Just like that demon bastard you serve.”

- ...!

“When I meet him, I’ll send your regards. Give me his address.”

- ...Let’s see how long you can keep spouting such nonsense.

With a mere gesture from the Arch Lich, the massive magical hands constricting me tightened their grip and began to tear at my limbs with incredible force.

Slowly, bit by bit.

Creak, crunch.

A small cracking sound from within awoke the sense of pain I had momentarily escaped.

Though I believed I had no energy left for screams, an involuntary howl tore through my lips.

“Argh, aaaaargh!”

- That's it. Much better.

Blinded by agony, I braced for death as I unleashed the screams I had suppressed.

But just as the pain began to ebb away, instead of death, a System notification chimed.


- [Top-grade Potion] used!

- The amount of potion used is too small. The injury has been slightly healed!

- Your injuries are too severe. A more potent and higher-quality healing is necessary!


As a refreshing sensation mingled with renewed pain, my eyes met the Arch Lich's, which gleamed mockingly.

In his hand, he held a glass bottle.

‘I see.’

It was one of the potions from Lee Jeong-Ryong’s subspace pocket, previously pilfered by the Arch Lich.

And now, he wielded the healing potion as an instrument of torment.

The potion delivered just enough healing to forestall death, yet it intensified my agony to new excruciating heights.

- Foolish human. Did you really think I would grant you an easy and comfortable death?


- Continue to wail. Cry like a coward, thrash in pain, and only after you realize your foolishness will you be able to head towards the River of Death.

The Arch Lich swirled the glass bottle, his tone laced with derision.

The potion, diminished by barely a tenth, was a clear measure of the enduring pain yet to come.

That torment seemed destined to stretch into infinity.

Amidst the minimal relief and overwhelming pain, I gasped for air and managed a forced smile.

"If I chant 'Long live the Demon King' three times, will you end it quickly?"

- Well, if you put your heart and soul into it, I might consider.

“I won’t, you son of a bitch.”

- That's fine. We have plenty of time anyway. It wouldn’t hurt to think it over slowly…


The Arch Lich’s glowing eyes flickered wildly, mirroring my own shock.

It was something neither he nor I had expected.

- What is this...

His voice trailed off in suspicion as he glanced down at his chest.

It was light. A brilliant, overwhelming radiance — bright enough to rival the sun - erupted from his chest.

'No, it’s not just light.'

I stared at it with a vacant gaze. It was a sword, emitting a brilliance greater than anything I had ever before.

I knew the name of that all-too-familiar sword.

‘Hero’s Soul.’

Beyond the skeletal chest of the Arch Lich, I could see the steadfast hand that clutched the sword’s hilt.


Time seemed to halt.

In this nearly frozen world, I watched as hundreds, then thousands, of bone fragments coalesced.

They were mere remnants of a skeleton, yet they drew together with magnetic force, beginning to reconstruct.

Click, clack!

The symphony of bones assembling.

First, the limbs took shape, followed swiftly by the torso.

The bones, once black and lustrous, were bathed in the radiance of the [Hero's Soul]. They soon took on a subtle gold hue, lengthening and hardening in the process.


It was a miraculous transformation.

The myriad bone fragments merged, reconstructing a body in a manner that seemed to reverse the flow of time. The light emanating from the sword expelled the darkness lodged within the joints, heralding the genesis of a new entity.

And then, as the skull clicked into place atop the reformed body—


Golden light exploded from the vacant eye sockets, emitting an aura both deeply familiar and intriguingly foreign.

In the next moment, the suspended time resumed its course.

- You asked me why?


My body jolted as if struck by lightning, recalling a memory from barely an hour earlier.

'But why? ...Why?'

That had been my question. Why did you shield me, knowing it spelled your destruction?

At the time, his response was uncertain, hinting that perhaps the sword had cast a spell over him.

Now, the answer I had not heard before resonated clearly.

- You're a cunning, wicked human...but also a pretty good guy.

A pretty good guy.

A phrase I had once said to someone else.

I stared at him, astonished. His enlarged, solid form radiated a soft golden glow. The silver pattern etched on the forehead of his skull resembled a crown.

No, it was clearly a crown.

[Lv.160 Skeleton King]

As the System window hovered above his head, laughter bubbled up from me uncontrollably.

"My Golgol has grown a lot."

- I wondered why I've been feeling itchy all this time. [Note: just a quick reminder: the Skeleton Warlord has previously complained, during one of the MC's abusive treatments, that his bones have been itchy and sensitive lately. For more details, look at novel chapter 409.]

The once small, dark caterpillar had finally emerged from its cocoon, wings unfurled.

The luminance of the Skeleton Warlord — now the Skeleton King — radiated outward like a crescent moon. Both of us shared a moment of laughter.

Yet, there was one who could not share in our mirth.

- Argh! Aaaaargh!

The Arch Lich.

This unparalleled Named Monster, commander of legions of the undead and bearer of undying, formidable magical powers, now contorted in torment.

A sword impaled through the heart of his chest.

The golden radiance from the [Hero's Soul] began to devour the magic, dissolving his form.

Perhaps even his soul.

- Human.

Prompted by the Skeleton King’s gentle summons, I knew it was time.

'Let's end this.'


- [Hero's Soul] bestows upon you the light of healing!

- All status abnormalities have been removed!

- All injuries and stats have been restored!

- The soul of the departed smiles upon you.


A surge of light from the [Hero's Soul] enveloped me, its warmth mending my fractured bones and knitting my flesh back together.

My organs, once damaged, and blood vessels, previously torn, now regenerated, the heat within them simmering like molten lava.

'I can do this.'

This newfound conviction was as solid as steel, surprising even to myself, yet unmistakably true.

With such power at my command, there was nothing beyond my reach.

'My turn.'

Ssssssht! Thump!

I picked up White Flames, which lay discarded nearby.


Leaping into the air, I extended my foot.

My trajectory aimed me straight at the Arch Lich, who, amidst his powerful sorcery, writhed in agony.

- What in the world! What magic have you used!

The Arch Lich bellowed in fury.

His eyes, pulsating red, dilated with each pulse of agony.

His pain was palpable.

- Damn you, damn human! Aaaaargh!

Ignoring his curses, I raised White Flames with deliberate calm.

I positioned the mystical spear, its blade shimmering, to strike not just the flailing Arch Lich but also the ominous Gate looming behind him.


From the core of my lower dantian, the fire dragon unfurled its wings, ascending as a fiery orb that exploded outward in all directions. The flames, kindled at my fingertips, climbed up the shaft of White Flames, cloaking it in layers of azure fire.

- You bastard! How dare you!

The Arch Lich flailed his limbs in a frenzy as his rage boiled over. Yet, the magic he cast fizzled out before it could reach me, snuffed by the searing barrier that cocooned me.

Despite his faltering strength, the darkness around the Gate churned with renewed vigor.

Then, it struck me.


As I twisted my body, the force of rotation surged from my legs through my waist, amplifying as it reached my shoulders and wrists. This caused White Flames to quiver with intense energy.

An extraordinary power, harnessed from the depths of my being, ignited a flame more colossal than any before.

This was the moment.


In an instant, the distance between me and the Arch Lich collapsed, and time seemed to stretch thin.

Before his lips could complete his incantation, I struck with a force fueled by every ounce of my resolve and strength.

- Blin...!

One Strike.

There would be no second chances. The azure dragon, unleashed from the blade, enveloped both the Arch Lich and the ominous Gate.

submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 mansplanar 20 Best Bumble Bio Examples, According to a Bumble Insider

Keep your bio short, sweet and lighthearted. Avoid things and statements that can be used against you. You don't need something special or extravagant and having a bio that's too long or in depth can look as too tryhard. Instead work on your pictures, because in the end those will decide if someone swipes left or right on you regardless of what they say... because only once they decided that you are cute enough they will open up your bio
Tease slightly. Be humorous. Tell them how good your life is without directly saying it. And pictures pictures pictures. Each picture needs to be high quality. Bio doesn't have the same strength as decent pictures.
Write something that tells me about you--what you like to eat, do in your free time, watch on tv, last cool place you visited or want to visit next, whatever. The worst is guys who write nothing or just their IG handle, FFS. If that's all the time and thoughtfullness you can put into a profile, I'm going to assume that's what I'll get from you in a relationship. Also, is it laziness or complete lack of self-awareness? This is why writing even a little bit about yourself can be really important in this context.
Every girl is gonna be attracted to something different and the character limit blows. Just be yourself
OK, so, you officially downloaded Bumble, picked out your best dating-app-friendly photos, and brushed up on some Bumble openers. Now, it's time to create the best Bumble bio. But where do you begin?
Creating a good Bumble bio that stands out may sound like an intimidating task, but it's super important you don't half-ass this step. According to Bumble's US data from April, "those who added a bio to their profile experienced an increase in their average number of monthly matches than members who didn't," a Bumble spokesperson says. Clearly, it's important for a better dating experience.
But just because crafting the best Bumble bios sounds intimidating doesn't mean it has to be. Really, it starts with thinking about all of the things that make you you. With the help of a Bumble spokesperson, here are some tips and ideas on how to craft the best Bumble bios to score quality matches.
Tips on How to Write the Best Bumble Bio
Complete your entire profile first. Before deciding on what to include in your bio, Bumble recommends filling out the rest of your profile. Add to your "Interests," "Basics," and "Lifestyle" badges, which will give people an idea of who you are and what you're looking for. Then, take a look at your profile and decide what about yourself is missing from it. Per the Bumble spokesperson, some of the most popular Bumble profiles included information on a user's dating intentions, exercise interest, and zodiac sign.
Highlight the things that matter to you. The Bumble spokesperson said this will help to make sure you're matching with people who share similar interests as you. For example, if it's important you match with a fellow dog-lover, make sure you mention something about your own dog (or the type of dog you want). To stand out from the billion other profiles that mention a dog, don't be afraid to add some spice to your profile. "Try to jazz your bio up a little by exaggerating your statements or cracking a joke," the Bumble spokesperson says. Just remember, you don't have to say too much — brevity is key.
Focus on the positive and not the negative. Bumble data shows that positivity is one of the most important traits for Bumble members worldwide, according to the spokesperson. Instead of listing out what you don't want in a partner, hone in on what you do want. "Focusing on what you do like can be a much better way to find someone who ticks all your boxes," the rep says. In other words, don't use your bio to list out things you're not looking for in a dating-app match.
Ask those closest to you what makes you special. Ask your friends or family what key things they think a date should know about you, the Bumble spokesperson suggests. "They won't overthink it in the same way you might."
Once you're ready to write your bio, here are some ideas to get the juices flowing. Feel free to copy and paste, or tailor the below to your individual preferences and needs.
Funny Bumble Bios
"Would do dirty things to [insert the name of your favorite sports team's coach] if it meant the [your favorite sports team] would win."
"If you're not messing up the lyrics to 'Fergalicious' with me, I don't want it."
"My definition of loving me unconditionally is always giving me the last mozzarella stick."
"As an English major, you will 1,000 percent make my day if you prove you know the difference between your and you're."
"Always hungry, and I mean, physically hungry — not hungry for success, or anything."
Best Bumble Bios
"If you're down to rave with me, you have my heart."
"Looking for someone who also has an adventurous palate!"
"I'm DTF. Yes, that's down to food — always."
"If attending a Saturday morning SoulCycle date is your idea of 'fun,' I'm yours."
"What's your most controversial opinion?"
Sexy Bumble Bios
"Ice cream is my second favorite thing to eat in bed."
"In the mood for a glizzy, and not the hot dog kind."
"Looking to cook my famous lasagna in exchange for you showing me your favorite bagel spot the next morning."
"Nothing will turn me on more than a match who knows their Harry Potter."
"My favorite summer activity is playing sand volleyball, so you could say I'm pretty good on my knees."
Good Bumble Bios
"Team sweets over salty. Don't agree? Give me your best argument."
"Tell me about your next tattoo or piercing."
"I would sell my soul for an unlimited supply of my mom's homemade dumplings."
"Must know your thoughts on Beyoncé's new country album."
"If you like Pizza Hut breadsticks, Taylor Swift, and drinking way too many espresso martinis, we'll get along just great."
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 424

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 424


Engulfed in searing blue flames, the vortex devoured everything in its path,

Buildings crumbled - their concrete skeletons exposed and steel frames twisted grotesquely. The ground was littered with the scattered bodies of humans and monsters alike, casualties of the relentless destruction.

The ultra-high heat obliterated nearly everything, reducing it all to ash and molten remnants.

Except for one.

- Blink.

Everything but him.


- Skill, [One Strike] has been activated!

- [Qi] has been completely exhausted!

- Everything comes with a price. Despite serious injuries, you have overexerted your power.

- Status abnormality, [Exhaustion] has been applied!

- [Strength], [Stamina], [Agility] have temporarily plummeted!

My strength ebbed away, leaving me hollow. The alerts from the System rang incessantly in my ears, while the distant cries of the Skeleton Warlord in my inventory faded to mere whispers.

My body felt leaden, as though submerged in icy water. In the frigid solitude of my mind, one thought spun relentlessly:

'This was my last chance.'

Why hadn’t I seen it coming? Why hadn’t I guessed?

The Arch Lich had warned me; he had been observing me through his network of familiars scattered across the battlefield.

I should have suspected he'd seen my earlier uses of [One Strike] on the Liches and Death Knights.

I should have questioned it, even without certainty.


A laugh, bitter and mocking, broke from my lips. I had promised myself never to let down my guard, yet here I was, caught in the most critical of errors.

The lack of options was no excuse. In battle, it is the outcome that counts, not the intent. This was the bitter fruit of my negligence.


The iron bar I clutched fell from my weakening grasp, clanging loudly as it hit the ground. My legs buckled, forcing me to kneel.

Head bowed, I was enveloped by a suffocating darkness.

- You, human. How does it feel to pay the price for your reckless courage?

Struggling to lift my head, I locked eyes with his fiery red gaze. A hoarse whisper clawed its way through my parched throat.

"Of course it feels shitty, you damn bastard."

- It was a fearsome strike. I'll give you that much praise.

The Arch Lich’s voice dripped with triumph.

Despite his use of teleportation magic, he couldn’t entirely evade One Strike, resulting in the loss of his left arm. Yet, there he stood, a grim victor amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

His eyes, a sinister red, gleamed with a cruel joy as he gazed down at me, kneeling like a penitent sinner.

- I waited until the end. Despite the humiliation suffered at the hands of a human, I endured and persevered. And finally... this body claims victory.

His cunning was undeniable.

As I had feared, he had been anticipating One Strike from the outset.

Previously, I had obliterated Liches and Death Knights with One Strike, replenishing my stamina through leveling up, but he had keenly observed the moment I depleted all my strength.

- Do you understand now? This is your limit - the limit of a human.


That word burrowed deeply into my chest.

Despite all my struggles, the label of F-rank haunted me. It was a limit I had strived to surpass every day since acquiring the System.

'Is this really the end?'

I had fought desperately, for myself and for those I loved, pushing through peril after peril. This was my life: a relentless challenge of transcending my own boundaries.

"It's not over... not yet."

The words fell from my lips, hollow and lifeless, as if spoken by another.

My vision blurred as I raised my eyes to meet the Arch Lich’s gaze.

- What?

"It's not over yet."

A battle to the death concludes only when one side falls and the other stands victorious.

Until then, the struggle persists.

As death loomed close, I whispered to myself.

'Inventory open. Summon.'

I thought I had secured one of the spears from my inventory in my grasp.

But then, I dropped it.


In that moment, I realized my strength had waned too far to wield a spear, let alone swing it.

- Hahahaha!

The Arch Lich’s laughter was grotesque, reveling in my plight.

Yet, surrender was not an option for me. I would not, could not give up.

'Open Inventory. Summon.'

Weapon after weapon appeared in my hands.


And one by one, I dropped them.

'Open Inventory. Summon.'


- Oh, you foolish, stupid human!

The Arch Lich's mockery rang out.

Yet I persisted, undeterred.

Is it courageous to humbly accept one's end? If that is courage, then label me a coward.

I must survive — I believed this was the highest respect I could pay to the life I had fought so hard to live.

'Open Inventory. Summon.'

It was at that very moment.


- [Endurance] greatly increases.

- The attribute, [Endurance], transforms into [Will]!

- Those with strong will are not easily broken; they do not fall. They will fight with all their might until the very end.

- A strong will, at times, can give you the power to overcome your limits!

- Special effect, [Indomitable], has been activated. Temporarily, all attributes slightly increase, and fatigue is reduced!

A surge of warmth spread through my core, faint yet fiercer than any force I had known.

It wasn't just a burst of power.

It was a beacon of hope kindled by my desperation and given by the System.

With hands shaking, I clasped the cold spear shaft firmly.

- You...

The Arch Lich had noticed the shift too.

His gaze, previously dismissive as if I was merely an exhibit, now widened in alarm. Seizing the moment, I mustered all my remaining strength and lunged forward.

Time seemed to stretch, elongating the seconds as I thrust the spear towards his looming figure.


As the spear tore through the air with a sonic boom, I saw it clearly — the Arch Lich’s eyes, twisted into a crescent of scorn.

It was a sneer.

- Blood Explosion.


The force of the explosion reverberated through my body, sending shockwaves pulsing through every fiber.

With the last of my strength spent, my muscles seized up. The spear slipped from my weakened grip and impaled the ground at an awkward angle.

I blinked through eyes filled with blood. In a world now painted a visceral red, something warm and sticky splattered onto my face.

Drip, drip-drip.


It was blood.

My own blood, spurting forth like a gruesome fountain, showered down in a macabre rain.

As I raised my trembling hands, quivering like aspen leaves in a storm, the ghastly sight of my shredded flesh and starkly exposed bones confronted me.

Blood Explosion. A literal explosion of blood.

From the edges of my dimming consciousness, the cries of the Skeleton Warlord pierced the air.

- ...Human, human!

How long had he been shouting?

I tried to answer, but all that escaped my lips was a grotesque mix of blood and fragments of my organs.


The world spun chaotically before my eyes.

I reached out toward the Arch Lich, now just a blur through the blood-smeared lens of my vision, but my hand grasped only air.

Perhaps it always would.

- Snap out of it! Aren't you supposed to live?

Is that supposed to be encouragement?

I knew I had to survive, defeat him, and return home.


'Can I really?'

Slowly, the world seemed to tilt.

No, the world was stable; it was I who was faltering. My body, ravaged by relentless bleeding and grievous injuries, used the last vestiges of its strength just to keep from collapsing.

'No. If I fall, it's all over.'

I propped myself up on a broken ankle.

The faint, thorn-like pain was a grim reminder that I was dying, yet the intermittent shouts from the Skeleton Warlord, sounding through the haze like a broken radio, affirmed that I was still somehow alive.

- ...Do it, human! Hurry!

Do it? Do what?

- Summon me now...!

My eardrums were ruptured, my consciousness slipping; the Skeleton Warlord's shouts were just muffled echoes in my shattered senses.

Even if I could have made out his words, there was nothing I could do to intercept the Arch Lich's next move.

- You have some interesting possessions.

Suddenly, in the Arch Lich's hand was a familiar object.

My cherished weapon, White Flames, which had weathered many battles at my side, now blazed in the hands of this usurper. He laughed, his skeletal frame aglow within the dancing flames.

- I have received a gift far too extravagant. I suppose it should be returned to its owner.

The Arch Lich drew back his arm. A potent magic dampened the inferno of White Flames and surged along the spear’s blade.

- Farewell, noble adversary — or perhaps just a fool who might have been something more.


The sonic boom was fleeting, yet the moment stretched into an eternity.

I watched, mute, as White Flames hurtled towards me like a meteor. A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind, leading me to an inevitable conclusion.

'I can't avoid it.'

Then the only end left for me was death.

I had survived countless battles over the past seven years, but never had the specter of death loomed so palpably.

All I could do was witness its relentless advance.

'Yes, this is the end.'

I repeated the thought with eerie calm.


The blade of White Flames cleaved through bone as it impaled me squarely in the chest.

I froze, eyes wide in shock — not pain.


- Why, what?

Words failed me as I stared into the flickering blue eyes just inches from my face.

From a skull no larger than a soccer ball, the Skeleton Warlord had morphed into a towering figure over two meters tall, his voice blunt and confounding.

- Don't ask how I was able to get out on my own. Even this commander doesn't understand why.

"But why? ...Why?"

I asked, facing him.

The blade of the spear, protruding from the Skeleton Warlord's back to his chest, halted just a whisper away from piercing me.

If no one had intervened, I would have surely died.

He had just thrown himself to save my life.

- ...I don't know anymore. Damn it. I don't know anything now. Maybe I was enchanted by this sword.

Only then did I recognize the identity of the sword in the Skeleton Warlord's hand.

"Hero's Soul."

The only relic of Lei Fei, a sword that cannot be wielded by those who are not qualified to be heroes.

Yet here it was.

Held not by a hero, but by a Named Monster — the Skeleton Warlord.

- Hero's Soul, huh? For something made by humans, that's a pretty decent name. No, honestly, it's cool. Although it's too late to swing it properly now...

His voice trailed off, and the intense blue light in his eyes began to fade.

I understood what was happening to him.


Undoubtedly. Even now, the magical force of the Arch Lich, carried by the blade of White Flames, was devouring the Skeleton Warlord.


- Don't say any more. I'm already regretting this as it is.

I doubted his sincerity, especially given the soft chuckle that seemed at odds with his typically gruff demeanor.

- Human. There's something I'm curious about.

As the Arch Lich approached and the shoulders of the Skeleton Warlord crumbled, I gave a silent nod.


He hesitated for a moment then asked in a soft voice.

- About what you said last time. Was it sincere?

"Last time, what... Oh."

I suddenly remembered. The way he had been right after Lei Fei's death, pondering his forgotten past.

And the casual remark I had made.

'Well, I think he was probably a pretty good guy.'

'...Huh? Are you talking about me?'

'No. I'm just talking to myself.'

'Oh, yes. Right.'

So that's what it is.

For the Skeleton Warlord, who had awakened with power from a spirit that had lost all its memories, I might have been the closest thing to a friend he ever had.

The simple words I had spoken were like a pebble tossed into the still waters of his heart, causing ripples to spread outward.

'What an idiot.'

What was that all about? Why go this far over such a trivial thing?

A surge of emotion welled up within me, heat flushing my face, but I reined it in. I barely managed to muster my voice.

"Of course it was sincere."

- Yes, I see.

At that moment, as the blue light in his eyes flickered feebly, a cold voice cut through the air, heralding the end.

- Are you finished with your farewells?


- Bone Explosion.


Instinctively, I shielded my face with my arms, but the force of the explosion hurled me backward, sending shockwaves pulsating through me.

As I staggered to my feet, I witnessed a skull catapulted into the sky, bones splintering and scattering like brittle ice.

And then… silence.

The Skeleton Warlord had vanished.


[Hero's Soul] plummeted from the heavens, its blade burying itself deep into the earth, gripped by a hand that had not relinquished it until the very end.
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 orange_squidkid URGENT HELP NEEDED

I took my vita with me somewhere yesterday, it froze and i restarted it from the safe menu (option 1) twice. It's modded and i had a ton of stuff on it. The card I'm using is 128 gb and i'd absolutely hate having to throw it away. I don't know if it's bricked. It still works, and my stuff are on that sd, i've checked, all of my games and emulators, themes, everything, but they don't show up at all, it's like nothing's there. Does anyone know what i can do...? Please, I'm really desperate, this is my favourite console ever. And i don't know if i should mention this but the sd goes in the little PSVITA section next to the power button. That's all, please send help, I'm begging
submitted by orange_squidkid to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 Visible_Asparagus180 My father in law is not stepping up to care for his other daughters. Should we contact authorities? Who can we talk to?

This is a throwaway account obviously, but tl:dr is that my father in law has 2 daughters still living with him, one is 17 and the other is 15. He is an alcoholic and doesn't take proper care of them. We don't have the ability to care for them. What options are available to the girls now that they're quite old?
I'm not sure where to start, so I'm sorry if this is a bit of a ramble. My FIL and their family used to live 6 hours north of us in a shipping container "home" away from big towns and WiFi and what-not. Unfortunately my MIL died at the end of 2020, and FIL was forced to move down to Sydney with his daughters so he could get a job and start sending them to school again. Suffice it to say that he has failed to step up to the plate when it comes to responsible parenting.
He has finally managed to hold down a job for the last few months, but he still struggles with time and money a little. My wife and I don't have the funds to help out very much currently, nor does his eldest daughter and her partner. However, he doesn't make it much easier for himself. He gets the girls, who are both already overweight with no motivation to exercise, take-out almost every night. His rental house is filthy all the time, riddled with mould, smells awful, and the girls do nothing to help around the house, despite neither really going to school. The 17 year old has stopped completely and is sort of doing some short course things, but has an incredible aversion to authority and pretty bad anger issues. The 15 year old doesn't want to keep going to school and has fewer anger issues but similarly has no motivation to do much at all.
I understand that this is a really difficult set of circumstances for any single parent to navigate, but FIL is doing the bare minimum, and sometimes less. He's a bit of a conspiracy theorist, and as touched on above hates WiFi, believes Covid is a conspiracy of some sort, is anti-vax, and doesn't really believe in the education system either. So he knows he should send them to school, but when push comes to shove and the school/courts come knocking, he says it's all bullshit and schools are useless anyway. Obviously this is not conducive to them actually going. He's also an alcoholic, and literally never goes a day without it. He only just got his driver's license back, but I'm worried he will pose it again. He drinks every night, often forgets to feed the girls until it's too late to do anything but order them McDonald's, and is prone to fits of anger and shouting when drunk. He has his mates over every Saturday night for jam sessions where he again often forgets to feed his daughters, and they have told us that they don't feel comfortable with all of them in the house.
He refuses to go to the doctor or dentist for himself, despite having awful teeth from decades of smoking, but worse he also won't take the girls to the dentist for their bad teeth, or the doctor for their various health issues. We have taken them a few times in the past, but often they are themselves convinced they don't need to go. This is another thing I'm concerned about, he's been spouting such harmful nonsense for so long that they believe a lot of it. I am worried they will never truly gain independence, and will not transition well into adulthood at all. I have often toyed with the idea of involving authorities, but I don't really know what that looks like here in Sydney. I would want to do it anonymously, but again I don't know where to start or who to speak to. Would I go straight to CPS? Or is there some service I can get advice/less direct help from? Even my wife agrees that it may be time for intervention, because we have all done all we can but nothing seems to get through to my FIL. We can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Sorry if not all of this makes sense, I just want to know if we have any options available to get the girls help, because they really need it. They cannot stay in that house with him much longer. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
submitted by Visible_Asparagus180 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 letmeliveinmydreams I had a beautiful, disgusting dream, and I wanna go back to it.

I had a dream that cloning humans passed through Congress and we were allowed to clone given a license. It started with couples with infertility cloning their DNA to have their child, but secret items began to put up. It was soon found out that only one part of the DNA was needed and the way the organism came out was completely customizable.
They could grow to an adult, you could enhance how much they like you, you change anything at will that was legal.
After work, I passed by my friend’s desk and strand of hair on the keyboard. I took it to the embassy and asked to make a 25 year old woman who loved me and cared for me with her being. I was honest and told them that I was never loved or wanted by anyone in my life and I just want a lifelong romantic companion to keep me company.
Apparently, they never met someone with this request and the two men in hazmat suits went to the back to their director. The director came out, an old man and he looked at me with disgust … and pity. After an intense minute of him staring me, he just muttered the words “Fine. Use the product waiver before you start it up.” One of the guys in the suits began to complain about how morally wrong this was.
And the other guy took me over this large machine, and asked if I had any samples of what my girlfriend would look like. I gave him the strand of hair and he deposited in the machine. He took a scan of my face and body, and set the romantic and emotional capability to 100%. He let me customize how she would look — and strangely, I made her close to the woman I fell in love with. He said it would take about a month to get her to come out with the ability to talk, speak, understand, and develop into a woman.
I waited and when I came out to pick her up, she rushed into my arms and hugged me. We had an incubation period where we sat and talked for hours in a room, alone. And it was very emotional. Never have I had a woman talk to me with so much vigor, so much interest, that asking her to be my girlfriend was as easy as asking for a pencil for a test.
When we got home, we didn’t do anything perverted. We just sat back and held each other. She talked me as if she knew me for over a decade. I told her I don’t make that much and she said “that’s fine, I’ll be your side regardless, sweetie.”
I saw her give a huge grin and I woke up crying.
I wanna go back.
submitted by letmeliveinmydreams to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 proudtohavebeenbanne Some interesting stuff in Fear

Reread Fear and there is a whole load of interesting stuff that happens. (I actually went out in the middle of the night to read it in the dark, as if I was in the FAYZ with the barrier gone black, it was fun).
After Gaia has been born she starts glowing and Brittney is very happy about this (much to Penny's annoyance) "She glows! Our Lord give us her light!" - Brittney "That's it, I've tried to put up with your -" - Penny "Hush" I think this power might actually belonged to an unnamed kid in Lies (who Zil targets) who had the power to glow harmlessly.
Also, does anyone else love some of the other stuff that happens in Fear?
Maybe I'm looking too far into this, but at the start of the book I almost wonder if Diana was flirting with Sam a little (until Astrid came back and they reconciled)
Edilio turns out to be in a relationship with Roger
Orc saves Dekka and they have a really honest talk, they both admit they're both loners - Dekka because she's gay, Orc because he's rock, but when they part Dekka tells Orc he's a hero, I thought that was really sweet
When Albert bails, he offers to let Quinn come with them.
By the end of the story, Caine saves one girl who runs into the fire with his powers, seems impressed Quinn is willing to tell Caine exactly what he thinks of him, and (after insisting he go on a very dangerous mission with him and Sam) actually tells him to save himself "Just get out of here Quinn, and try to stay alive." Seems like Caine wasn't a total monster after all. Oh, and he even uses his powers to levitate Sam down a cliff, they make quite a good team.
And when the barrier goes down - and parents start asking about their kids (many of whom are dead), Sam mentions that one of the kids was "Killed because it was the only way we could deal with him" Who do you think that was? Zil? Antoine? They're the only people that Team Sam killed so far as I remember.
Oh, and by the end of the book, Gaia has used some ability to make light, used Lana's healing ability, did something to make Penny suffer (presumably with her own ability) and used Caine's ability to throw Sam in the air and crush Caine against the barrier
Man I love this book, MG is a great writer. Somehow despite having numerous characters each one is unique and fun to read.
submitted by proudtohavebeenbanne to Gone [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 HySOfficial Questions about general prices for 3d characters as a possible client

TLDR I'm working on some fantasy environment designs for a personal project and was wondering what people here charge for custom 3d character models.
Some details about the project: 1. I'm just simulating game scenarios and not making a full game. 2. I'm a game composer, not a dev at all. Hobbying into 3d environment art. 3. The project is aimed at providing free fantasy orchestral music for anyone to use under CC license. 4. Style would be semi stylized. Some kinda blend between WoW, LoL, and Korean mmo's without the hypersegsualization. (I really need to get some kinda moodboard going) 5. I'm currently watching tutorials and got reallusion's character creator 4 and blender, and while learning new things is fun and all, I'd like to work with other people.
Some side notes for transparency: I used to contact artists and get permission to use their art for youtube visuals, but I have a whole worldbuilding thing I'm working on. I picked up Talespire and used that for my dnd games and visuals, but it was too limited. I hopped on the generative ai bandwagon early on, but once I learned the controversies around it and talked to artists, I decided to stop using it. I'm learning Unreal Engine right now and making my own 3d environments now and I'm really happy with how they look, but villages with no npcs feel so empty yknow?
So that's where I'm at. I'm currently saving up to eventually commission some custom character models (and looking for teammates for this project hehe). This project is mostly for accomplishing two main goals: Building up a personal portfolio while also providing free fantasy music for other people. I used to upload twice a month, but learning UE while working on other projects pretty much put the upload schedule on halt. I'd love to learn more from you all either in the comments or in DMs. Thank you!
submitted by HySOfficial to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 422

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 422

Ding. Ding. Ding.

- Opportunity arises within crisis. You have gained new enlightenment amidst a life-and-death battle!

- [Middle Dantian] has been opened!

- With the opening of the [Middle Dantian], all stats have increased by 20!

- The effects of [Qi Cultivation] have greatly improved!

- Your ability to understand and manipulate the flow of Qi has been greatly enhanced!

- Your internal and external states have been strengthened!




The relentless System notifications echoed in my ears, their cadence like a persistent hammer.

A sudden gust of wind swept through, playing with my sweat-drenched hair as a newfound vigor suffused my body.

A clear, resonant bell chimed, marking the culmination of my transformation.


- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained a large amount of experience points!

- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained 50 bonus points!

- Level up!

- As a result of leveling up, all status effects, fatigue, and some injuries are recovered!

- The status abnormality, [Curse], has been lifted!

- Temporarily reduced stats have been restored to their original state!

I wasn't the only one who felt such changes.

No hand moves unseen by its master. The Arch Lich, sensing the dissolution of his curse, voiced his disbelief in a tone thick with suspicion.

- How did you...?!

His words, laden with myriad unspoken queries, met only my nonchalant shrug.


- Well?

"Yes, well."

- Do you think that explains it?

"Obviously not. But do I really need to explain myself to you?"

From the flickering light in his eyes, incredulity was unmistakable.

- You're not a mage, are you?

"I did want to be a mage. They get paid more, you know. But I just don't have the talent for it. Nor the brains."

- Even those you call Grand Mages couldn't easily dispel my magic like this.

"There's nothing to it, really."

- This makes no sense!

I conceded silently.

The Arch Lich's mastery was undeniably beyond mine.

Even I, having long surpassed the ordinary bounds of a Hunter, struggled against his curses and the perilous illusions crafted from bone spears.

Without my recent enlightenment, I might not have stood here at all.


"So what are you going to do about it?"

- ...!

The System was on my side; I had simply utilized the strength and resources it provided to navigate through the crisis.

If he thinks that's unfair, he can use the System himself.

"That's just how the world works. It's annoying and frustrating, but you just have to bear with it and move on. It's already happened. Right?"

The Skeleton Warlord, previously howling in rage until a moment ago, now murmured under his breath.

- Wow, you really do speak well.

That's just how I am.

- You wicked human. It doesn't look like he's going to just let it go and move on.

The Skeleton Warlord was right.

Suddenly, a chilling voice cut through the air, followed by a tempest of formidable magical energy.

- Unleash Sonic Buster.


Whoosh, boom!

A blast of densely compressed air erupted.

Its sheer velocity turned concrete to dust and twisted steel rebars like twigs.

The shockwave shattered the windows of a nearby skyscraper, sweeping up a storm of glass shards.

In an instant, before I could even blink, the devastating wind was mere inches from my face.

- Human!

The scream of the Skeleton Warlord resounded from my inventory.

Was it concern for his own fate, or anxiety over mine?

Regardless, the reason held little weight.

I was no longer the same person I had been mere moments ago.


A warmth blossomed in my chest. The spot known to martial artists as the Middle Dantian had fully opened.

Suddenly, I understood everything around me. I felt it on my skin and saw it with acute clarity.

'So that's how it is.'

Time seemed to stretch, the world slowing to a crawl around me, rendering everything sharply defined and vivid.

A colossal orb of wind, launched like a slicing blade, and the intricate flow of magic that propelled it.


Everything has a core, magic included. With the opening of my middle dantian, I could discern that core.


In this decelerated reality, I thrust my spear forward. The formidable orb of wind, previously unstoppable, cleaved neatly in two by the blade of White Flames.

The split fragments of the wind, once a unified force, now dispersed into hundreds, then thousands of smaller currents. Stripped of their magical command, they cascaded to the earth in a chaotic ballet.

Swoosh, crash!

The winds whipped around, tousling my clothes and hair. I raised my head to face the Arch Lich, my expression tinged with a slight smile.

"Come down here. My neck hurts."

- You...!

"Fine, I'll come up."

Crack, boom!

A single step.

The ground beneath me shattered, and I propelled myself toward the grey expanse above.

* * *


As Jin Tae-Kyung launched into the air, the Arch Lich grasped the gravity of the situation.

'I can't let this human approach.'

Avoiding melee combat was a basic rule for any mage, yet it held a new significance for the Arch Lich now.

'To think this body feels threatened by a mere human.'

He prided himself on having reached the pinnacle of black magic.

Despite the considerable drain on his power during his resurrection, the Arch Lich still wielded more magical might than any Grand Mage.

Yet, the human confronting him now... posed a genuine threat.

'Yes, just like that one back then.'

It was a memory he desperately wanted to forget. Gritting his teeth, the Arch Lich summoned his magic.

- Gravity!

This time, his command wasn't just a shout but a formidable wave of power, unleashing an invisible, formless force that crushed everything within its vast reach.

Even an S-rank Hunter like Jin Tae-Kyung could hardly withstand the overwhelming pressure closing in on him.


A burst of compressed air shot from beneath Jin Tae-Kyung's feet as he executed the Void-Trampling Step, his body darting out of the gravity's lethal embrace.

His movements, sharp and swift as a hawk's, far surpassed those of any ordinary flyer.

'What the hell.'

The Arch Lich's eyes darkened as he watched Jin Tae-Kyung slice through the air, rapidly closing the distance.

It was clear now; Jin Tae-Kyung had not only accurately determined the range of the gravity spell but evaded it with uncanny skill.

'It wasn't mere luck that he dispelled the illusion magic. Then...'


Magic surged from the Arch Lich, vibrating the very air around him.

- Gravity. Gravity. Gravity.

He cast the high-level spell repeatedly, a feat beyond even the most adept mages. With this, the Arch Lich believed he would overpower Jin Tae-Kyung this time.

'Fall, human.'

Instead of increasing the force, he had expanded the spell's reach, creating a gravitational field vast enough to ensnare any within its grip...


Doubt flickered in the Arch Lich's gaze.

Simultaneously, the crushing spell around Jin Tae-Kyung unraveled, its magical link severed as if sliced by an unseen blade.

Caught off-guard, the Arch Lich watched as Jin Tae-Kyung propelled himself forward, stepping into the void and rocketing upwards like a cannonball.

Boom! Sssshhhh!

With a deafening sonic boom, Jin Tae-Kyung soared, not merely in front but rising above the Arch Lich, and he brought down the White Flames with devastating force.

Whoosh, a streak of blue flames surged towards the Arch Lich.


In the slowed-down reality, an invisible shield around the Arch Lich shattered like glass.

In that moment, the flames of Protective Qi, fueled by three gapjas of Scorching Yang Qi, penetrated the multitude of defensive spells cloaking the Arch Lich.

- Great Bone Wall!

With a grim command, a barrier of black bones erupted from the void.

This top-tier defensive magic, materializing merely a meter away, met the spear blade wreathed in flames.

In the ashen sky, a massive shockwave boomed and thunder roared around the two foes divided by the Bone Wall.


The air burst with intensity, dispersing clouds that had roamed the high skies. Buildings teetering on collapse crumbled, and half-decayed bodies were whisked away by the winds.

Yet, the two beings responsible for this chaos faced each other across the barrier, their gazes steady.

"It was a waste, wasn't it?"

- Yes, indeed. No, wait...

The Arch Lich paused, his eyes fixated on the mystical spear blade that had penetrated the center of the wall.

- It was dangerous.

The length of the spear blade that passed through the Bone Wall was only about the length of a finger, and the burst of Protective Qi had not even grazed his nose.

It was fortunate for the Arch Lich and regrettable for Jin Tae-Kyung.

"You're lucky, you."

- Arrogant human, I must admit.


Jin Tae-Kyung, taken aback, listened as the Arch Lich spoke more deliberately.

- You would be worthy of this win, if you truly are the Adversary.

"...The Adversary?"

- Yes. The King's Adversary. The eternal rival entangled by the whims of the gods. I cannot be certain yet... but perhaps that's why I was able to rise again from the River of Death.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s brow furrowed. What does the King's Adversary mean, and what was this talk of the whims of the gods?

"Are you a second-year middle school student? Clear away these bones and show me your right hand. Let's see if you have a Black Flame Dragon." [Note: this reference is a bit intricate. The "Black Flame Dragon" part originates from the YuYu Hakusho anime/manga, in which one of the characters has a Black Flame Dragon living in his right arm. The "second year middle school" part references a concept called "chuunibyou", which comes from the light novel "Even with Chuunibyou, I Want to Fall in Love!", which heavily references "YuYu Hakusho". The concept of "chuunibyou" describes a particular stage in adolescence where individuals might hold delusional beliefs of grandeur, pretending to have secret knowledge or hidden powers. It's typically characterized by dramatic, over-the-top behavior, which is often a source of embarrassment later in life. This concept was vastly popularized by the anime, "Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions!"]

The Arch Lich shook his head.

- This is something neither you nor I can understand. But one thing is certain.

His eyes, previously dimly glowing red, now blazed with intensity.

Initially, he had merely thought of him as a powerful, albeit strange, human. Now, his perception had shifted.

Memories from decades ago flooded back, when he had roamed the planet in service to the King.

And the face of that human he had encountered on the day he fell into the River of Death.

'The Adversary.'

The human who had not only slain him but had also assassinated the King.

The Arch Lich tried to halt him but failed; he attempted to close the distance but could not bridge it. This human was the only one the Arch Lich had ever truly feared.

Amidst the tumult of battle with Jin Tae-Kyung, memories of that fearful day surfaced.

- You... will surely die here.

His voice, grim yet resolute, reverberated through the air.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s reply was dismissive and direct.

"What are you talking about, idiot?"

Then, in the blink of an eye,

"Eat this."

Whoosh. Boom!

With calm defiance, Jin Tae-Kyung unleashed a fist wreathed in blue flames, obliterating everything before it.

It met the barrier of black bones head-on.

Flame-Extinguishing Divine Fist.


The seemingly impenetrable Bone Wall shattered.

Through the cloud of bone shards, Jin Tae-Kyung, his face impassive, declared,

"It's much better this way. No more neck pain."

- ...!

"Down, boy."


Like a streak of lightning, his fist shot forward, connecting squarely with the Arch Lich’s jaw.

Previous Table of Contents Next
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 borealis_aurorae What just happened to me?

My (25F) boyfriend (26M) and I went to sleep around midnight last night and he immediately passed out. He’s a big cuddler, so I wasn’t surprised when he pulled me into a bear hug. But then his hands started rubbing me all over my behind and I kinda just froze. I was frightened and wasn’t sure what was going on. I tried inching closer towards the side of the bed away from him but I couldn’t move that much because our bed is so small. Plus he had his arms and legs wrapped and around me and weighs more than me. I’m not really sure why he did that but I do recall him saying earlier in the evening that he had been drinking. And in the past I’ve woken up to him touching me inappropriately and he said he thought I was awake. Is this something I should be concerned about?
submitted by borealis_aurorae to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 Cold-Community-4401 My grandmother is convinced that her 89yr old husband is cheating

Our family knows is not true. He barely leaves the house and when he does it’s to go to the hardware store. She first started about 8 years ago saying it was a woman at church. She would say they would “make eyes” at church and that people looked like they felt sorry for her because “everyone knew”. That woman left the church so then she moved on to our next door neighbor. The neighbor is in her 50s and married but my grandmother thinks she’s having an affair with my grandfather. When asked “why would she want an old man” she says it’s for his money. She gives my grandfather $200 each month for his pocket and there isn’t any money uncounted for. She is consumed with this and has called every one she can think of to tell them to pray. She is telling people he has dementia when he doesn’t.
For over 20 years, she has been accusing people of destroying things in her house. Silly things that are normal wear and tear, she says someone intentionally did. First it was my cousin. She said he would cut her clothes, put syrup on cabinets, all kids of stuff. He is now grown and doesn’t come by much so she moved on to a different cousin that moved in a few years ago. She said the first cousin paid him to continue doing it. Now he has moved and she says it’s my grandfather.
Like I said she’s been doing this for years but she’s getting worse with age and she won’t talk to a professional. What condition would cause these delusions?
submitted by Cold-Community-4401 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:32 brob3521 What are the safety clips on the rear wheel axles called?

Hi everyone, I'm putting a 2k motor on an lectric 2.0 xp. Unfortunately the axle is larger and the old safety washer (a 500w motor on the older axle) will not go over the new axle. It's one of the type that screws into the frame. Can someone direct me to a place, and a size variant chart where I can buy new clips? I'm not even sure what they are called because "safety clip" seems to be only the ones with a tab on them instead of the hole with a screw type.
submitted by brob3521 to eBikeBuilding [link] [comments]
