Short stories written by 5th graders


2008.04.01 04:50 literature

Welcome to /literature, a community for deeper discussions of plays, poetry, short stories, and novels. Discussions of literary criticism, literary history, literary theory, and critical theory are also welcome. We are not /books: please do not use this sub to seek book recommendations or homework help.

2011.12.05 01:17 redglare Short Scary Stories - Bite-Sized Horror

We enjoy our horror short and sweet. 500 words or less.

2021.05.18 04:41 BluePotterExpress Short stories and other things written by me


2024.06.01 14:40 NegativeCurrency8505 AITA If I feel disappointed on a friend 'cause she is with someone I hate?

So I (15f) and my friend Riri (not her real name, also 15f) we met 2 years ago. She was a transferee student on our school with my best friends, Elena and Gina (not their real name). Riri was my classmate during that time and we kinda just became friends.
Riri didn't have anyone to talk to and I was separated with my best friends so I invited her here and there eith my best friends. We hang out very often and she was really fun to be with actually. We continued this for a while until one time I was absent and Riri was alone in our class.
2 girls invited her in recess, stuff like mostly we would do. I was thankful to the girls who joined her when I wasn't there with her in class. The day after that, I wanted to ask her what I have missed but she kinda gave me a weird vibe like she didn't want to talk to me but when the 2 girls talked to her, she was so happy and everything.
I didn't feel jealous but I kind of didn't like her attitude towards me 'cause I was absent. I said sorry to her but she ignored me. She eventually talked to me when we were assigned on a group project and we had to work together. So we made up. It was really awkward but I was fine with it because she finally made friends.
Few weeks has passed and we still are talking. We were okay and close even. One afternoon, when it was our dismissal at school, it was our sched to clean the room so Riri and I with our classmates cleaned for 30 minutes but I noticed something off with Riri.
It was raining so our teacher basically made us clean the classroom longer than usual since some of us didn't bring an umbrella. Riri was rushing to clean and I thought she was hurrying cause she didn't bring an umbrella but I found out that a boy was peeking at the door with the 2 girls that are Riri's friends.
Mike (the boy) (15m) was my classmate when we were in middle school. I asked him what he was doing outside our class, peeking. He didn't respond and one of the girls said that Mike was waiting for Riri. I was shook ngl. He was a pretty quiet kid so I didn't expect that he would be interested in someone.
I was so shocked that I asked Riri what was his relationship with Mike. She said he was her boyfriend so I freaked out it was such a big news because their relationship was cannon fr. It was the buzz on our class and even the other classes with the same grade level as us.
Even Gina and Elena were shocked. They were together for about 2 and a half months when Riri's sister was suspicious on Riri cause she was going home later than usual. Her sister decided to have a plan that she will catch Riri with her boyfriend.
Her sister was against of her having a boyfriend cause they were young. (like I totally get it cause we were 13/14 cmon.) one time when me and Elena and Gina were chaperones of Riri and Mike, Riri's sister caught them both.
Mike was a quiet kid and cares of how people will see him and anyone around him, so when her sister caught them, he immediately went home cause Riri's sister was mad. He didn't bare to look at Riri getting shouted because of him. (He so soft Ik)
It was so awkward for us 3 cause what were we supposed to do there. We left and after that, I found out Mike wasn't responding with Riri's messages. I first thought that Mike was an a-h0l3 cause he didn't talk to Riri after that day. Few weeks passed by and Mike couldn't handle it anymore and broke up with Riri.
Riri felt devastated but later moved on. Not too long actually. Like about 3 months of moving on, I found out there's someone who was being shipped to her by our classmates. I thought it was a very handsome guy (Naurrr HE FR IS A FAILED LAB EXPERIMENT, 😭😭) Let's name him Ace.
This man (16/17m) Ace was the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of Mike. If Mike was Extremely handsome and attractive, Ace is.... Uh.. You finish the puzzle. Not just looks okay? Even his acts. Mike is a gentleman and a green flag, he is very respectful. Meanwhile Ace is uh.. Forget it.
I asked Riri if she was okay and asked her if she liked Ace back and boy I wish I didn't ask cause she said yes. I looked at her with a "Bruthuu Eughhh" ahh face but she just smiled. I was really against her being together with that creature cause she doesn't deserve him. SHE DESERVES BETTER.
Long story short they got together. 😭 This was when I started disliking her. Her attitude and the way of her speaking wasn't her anymore. She was supposed to be this girl with a very cheerful nice shy girl vibes then it suddenly turned to a smiling and irritating girl dog. (b1tch)
She turned to a b and I dislikef her for that. Her attitude towards me was so freaking disgusting just because of a man.
Additional tea... We kind of noticed that she was getting bigger on her chest and hips.. Her stomach is looking like it has a bump but we ain't sure yet until one time, we were painting.. We sat and rested. While I was taking pictures, I caught a perfect photo of her sitting. When I went home, i scrolled my gallery cause my mom asked me for photos and asked me what was the girl sitting's name is and she was talking about Riri. I said her name and asked me if she has a bf. I said yes. She said she looked pregnant and I had goosebumps. It hit me. I connected all of it and it made sense. I once saw Riri and his bf going somewhere sneaking out of our school campus when we were having a school program. I went to get some water and that was where I saw them sneaking out. 2-4 hrs later, I saw them again sneaking in our campus. I was with Elena this time and noticed Riri was like exhausted or sum like she gave us a tired aura.
I am fr disappointed cause this girl was a really good friend and a smart person I know and I can't believe that she would be impregnated by a random man who isn't even in her league tbh. 😭 Y'ALL AM I AN AH0L3?? 😭😭😭
submitted by NegativeCurrency8505 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:33 TavyliaSin SFW Raphael Romance Fanfic! A pair of shorts, Raphael x Gender Neutral Tav~

These were both written for the fun "Make Raphael Romanceable" event run by DmagedGoods on TwitteTumblr~
I self control so I wrote 2 pieces, which are technically standalone but could also be stitched together in continuity if you wished to.
It's set post game so there is some nod to a few particular choices around the game ending/epilogue, but the main focus is on romantic interactions between Raphael and his very favourite client~ Both pieces are published on AO3 as well as Tumblr, so you can read in either place. Tumblr has a little extra as I pick a song to match each fic on there and a segment of lyrics in the post that match the characters/mood/plot in the work. However, I don't have my full library over there yet, I'm still working on choosing songs and formatting fics, so you'll find me complete works on AO3 if you need more than these short pieces~
1. The Devil On Their Doorstep AO3 Click Here Tumblr Click Here
"The day has been saved, but Tav finds themself alone in the rickety hovel they're trying to call a home in Baldur's Gate's lower city. It turns out that being a hero isn't all it's cracked up to be when half the city you saved still needs to be rebuilt... However, a certain devil made a promise, and he has finally turned up to deliver it."
2. Upon The Devil's Stage AO3 Click Here Tumblr Click Here
"Raphael has returned to sweep Tav off their feet, wondering if they can truly dance to the steps he has set before them. Tav has long waited for this chance, the unspoken promise, drawn to the warmth of the Cambion's flame."
Alright there you go, some non-spicy romance for our favourite cambion and Faerun's most eligible hero~ I do hope you enjoy them!
submitted by TavyliaSin to simpathyforthedevil [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:31 Jako1989 Timeline of driddler’s predatory behavior - PLEASE ARCHIVE

Here's a big fat receipt that should be added to the archive, I pulled an all-nighter compiling this into one post. Major credit goes to the vigilant members of this sub & the great information I was able to scour through .
Congrats on identifying Drake's bad behavior with women. I was unsure about the best way to present this because it requires some delicacy & subtlety. During one of my recent deep dives for another piece, I discovered something quite unsettling. I'm aware that there will be a lot of criticism to my post, but I had to say it. People will tell me it's nothing, but Drake's actions speak for themselves.
Before jumping in, I don’tunderstand why this behaviour is getting unchecked. My narrative is completely alleged & all of this is public information.
Let's start from the beginning shall we…
May, 2010: Drake calls a girl on stage fondles the girl and kisses her neck and the crowd cheers along with it. In his defense, he doesn't ask the girl her age but how does it make it any better. He still fondled her without asking for consent in front of a crowd of people.
When the girl tells him that she's only 17 he tries to remedy the situation by saying "how the hell she looks like this" and "you thick". He jokes he can't go to jail and the crowd cheers along with it.
If this was the only time that Drake did something like this, I would have called it an honest mistake but sadly it's not it.
Year 2016:
Drake knows Hailey Bieber(nee Baldwin) when she was 14 years old and has been a "good friend" to her. They know each other 'cause Hailey is bestfriends with Kendall and Kylie.
In 2016, Hailey was just nineteen where as Drake was twenty-nine. It's legal but here is the deal. Drake knows her since she was fourteen and Drake is good friends with Justin Bieber, Hailey's then ex boyfriend. Him going after Hailey immediately after her breakup with Justin makes zero sense, ethics wise. mean why would someone go after his friends ex who's 10 years his junior?
Drake also got himself a similar "h" charm necklace that Hailey had a penchant for wearing. Ignore Justin in the background for a second and here it is.
Year 2018: Drake and Bella Harris met when she was sixteen. Her dad's a famous producer.
When she turned eighteen Drake rented an entire restaurant for her birthday. Um what? I get that they can be friends but she's just 18 and he's 31.
Also, in 2018 Drake went after the weeknd's then ex girlfriend Bella Hadid. Abel and Drake have been mates and collaborates since 2010. Drake helped Abel to step in the spotlight while Abel helped with writing Drake's album, Take care and also lend his vocals.
After her split from the weeknd and around 2018, Drake threw Bella her 21st birthday party. Looks like drizzy really likes throwing birthday parties.
Take note that this has happened two times where Drake has gone for his mates exes and I know Hollywood's chill with it but this just feels emotionally predatory. It's not like he doesn't know these girls, he knows them since they were teens. It's not random.
Year 2019: Billie Eilish defends her texting Drake. Drake's 33 and she's just 18. She even comments that Drake's at a level that he doesn't need to be nice to her but that's a whole different level of power imbalance.
Maybe I'm reaching and they are artists and Drake is interested artistically and helps her with the industry but it just weird.
Millie Bobby Brown:
I can't with this interaction. For one second I was ready to ignore all of the above but this? A 33 year old texting a 15 year old girl that he misses her? and talks about boys? Tf is wrong with people justifying this? People are saying it's innocent but she was 15 and I don't think any grown man should be talking about these things with a 15 year old. Also, Millie posting this
There is also this thing with Drake and the Kar-jenners and I don't know what to think:
Drake performed at Kylie's sweet 16:-
I wonder why no one is calling this out in light of the overall situation. Do other people observe this too but are they ignoring it? or am I overanalyzing this? I'm honestly not sure if this is predatory behavior at this point or if something is being misinterpreted since Drake is in the spotlight. Drake is a wealthy man, so what is going on with his management? If all that is occurring is coincidental and benign, then why are they allowing this to happen? To be honest, I'm not sure about it. I just wonder what Drake is doing with all these horrible stories coming out of the industry. The narrative around him changed over night it seems even though a lot of this has been known, but many just turned the other cheek.
Taking Drake down is just cutting out one head from hydra & another will likely take his place but what it WILL do is send a message to the higher ups that we aren’t slow & it’s just a matter of time until the truth comes out & people will have to face the music.
submitted by Jako1989 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:30 Inkiebeard Help finding a reference

When I was first learning about leftist theory I came across a really well written article or post that I want to reference but now for the life of me I can't find. I believe it was written by a woman, and was an introductory type short essay that had a thought experiment/story about a fully socialist society. The story stuck with me and has really helped me in a positive way get a concrete idea of what it may actually be like to live post capitalism world.
Some main highlights of the story I remember are: * Her living in an apartment with friends but they moved around a bit as different types of housing became available. * There was no marketing or PR firms and huge swaths of office buildings had been converted to housing * She talked about decisions being made by a sort of general assembly * She learned to splice fibre optic cable as a kid because they learned practically across a bunch of different jobs and by preference of the type of work * She did a shift at a cafe where some old codgers still clung to the semblance of "the old ways" trying to tip etc * Talked about using money only as a statistical tool to see where resources needed to be put/used * She ended talking about challenges and not everything being a utopia
Thanks in advance!! (Mods hope this is allowed, couldn't find a more suitable "tip of my lefty" type forum)
submitted by Inkiebeard to AskSocialists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:27 gitrish Free lesson GP!

I’ll be holding a free GP(GENERAL PAPER) lesson on the 9th of June for interested students! I’ve noticed that the feedback received by students for many of your assignments may turn out to be too short or vague for you to work on ways to improve. This is not the case for all, but there have been many scripts I’ve seen that does not contain feedback to realistically improve.
Noting this gap, I’d like to hold a free 2h session that will offer these:
Across the past two years, i have helped a dozen students get A for GP. Detailed feedback and knowing how to improve is actually what makes a world of difference. If you’re interested, DM me for details :)
submitted by gitrish to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 TomCropper Joint mortgage house sale support

Based in England - North West
Long story short, my partner recently ended our 6 year relationship, in which we own a property together (joint mortgage).
We are both currently still living together as she will not move out, even though she has somewhere to go and I physically have nowhere to go, plus have to finish off parts of the house before I can put it on the market. (I know she has every right to stay in the property).
The property cost ÂŁ190,000 and I put the full deposit down (ÂŁ28,500) as well as paid all the solicitors fees etc using funds from selling my own property prior to the purchase of this one.
I also pay 65% of all bills, in comparison to my ex paying 35% due to our wage difference.
I have done a multitude of jobs on the property and paid for all work carried out on said property. Her father is a joiner by trade and did help with a lot of the work on the property and the agreement was that this would contribute to part of her stake in the house that she could not provide financially.
Unfortunately, I did not get a deed of trust or get a tenants in common mortgage to cover the money I put into the property as I never anticipated this happening.
We had a verbal agreement that if we ever sold the house, I would take my deposit back, then split the remaining funds equally due to her father helping me. However, the house was intended to be a longer term investment and we also have around ÂŁ15k of debt to pay off once the house is sold. So we may struggle to get back the deposit, pay off all debts and have much left over.
Unfortunately, my ex does not appear to be willing to honour said agreement and I know she is legally entitled to half due to it being a joint mortgage.
Is there anything I can do here?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by TomCropper to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 Student_8266 Feeling petty for disliking it when my mom praises my sister

My(23F) little sister(21F) started making her own songs after not really doing anything for years and living off my parents money. I’m honestly happy for her she finally found her way in life and is doing something she is passionate about, and I think her songs sound amazing! The thing is, I’m in university studying to become a vet. It’s a lot of hard work and I love it, but I had to put a lot on hold to be able to do it. I have played piano for over 15 years now, and I used to compose my own songs. I also used to write poems often to manage my emotions and I wrote short stories that I posted online, and actually did really well. I haven’t been able to put much time in it for the past few years, but I’m still jamming sometimes and improvising on the piano, and I still plan on publishing a book sometime that I’ve been working on on and off. My sister never played an instrument until 1 year ago, and still mostly sings. She didn’t really write,apart from one time where she wrote a book in an old diary with pictures in it which she did because I had written a book for a competition and she got excited too. That wouldn’t matter at all, if not for the fact that my mom now brags about my sister constantly and how she was always ‘the creative one’ and how it makes sense that she ended up doing this as she was always the one doing creative stuff and writing as a kid. How everyone has different qualities and now she has ‘one creative daughter and one that’s in university’. I know it’s petty of me, but it really rubs me the wrong way. I used to be the one that made songs, wrote stories, poems. I even got to read one in front of the school after it won in a school contest. The fact I’m not doing that right now doesn’t mean that that’s not my hobby, or not something I like to do. My dad even mentioned it to my mom, saying my sister really wasn’t that into music or writing and it was me that did all those things as a kid. She brushed it off and keeps bringing up that one book my sister wrote and her playing music games on the ipad. Again, I honestly am glad she found something she likes doing, but I hate how this is now ‘her’ thing and all the stuff I did is non-existent, except my academic career. She always used to copy me as a kid and wanted to do everything I did, every single sport I was in and hobby I had. My mom found it cute and encouraged her, and it ended up always becoming ‘her’ thing instead of a hobby I or both of us did. It just makes me sad how even as adults, I’m denied of any of my own hobbies just because she does them now. Even now, apart from this I picked up crocheting and my moms first reaction was to teach my sister too, because she also wants to do it now.
submitted by Student_8266 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Renga:
- *Definition:* A collaborative form of Japanese poetry, alternating three and two-line stanzas. - *Example:* Collaborate with a friend to create a renga exploring the changing seasons. 
  1. Prose Poetry:
- *Definition:* Poetry written in prose form, blurring the lines between poetry and prose. - *Example:* Write a prose poem capturing the essence of a vivid dream or memory. 
  1. Concrete Poetry:
- *Definition:* Poems that visually resemble their subject matter, often taking on unique shapes. - *Example:* Create a concrete poem reflecting the theme of unity or disintegration. 
  1. Narrative Poetry:
- *Definition:* Poems that tell a story, often with characters and a plot. - *Example:* Craft a narrative poem based on a personal experience or fictional tale. 
  1. Pastoral:
- *Definition:* Poetry idealizing rural life, nature, and simplicity. - *Example:* Write a pastoral poem celebrating the beauty of a countryside landscape. 
  1. Elegy:
- *Definition:* A poem mourning the loss of someone or something. - *Example:* Compose an elegy reflecting on the passage of time and the inevitability of change. 
  1. Aubade:
- *Definition:* A morning poem often focused on the parting of lovers at dawn. - *Example:* Write an aubade exploring the tender moments before sunrise. 
  1. Ekphrastic:
- *Definition:* Poetry inspired by or describing a work of art. - *Example:* Craft an ekphrastic poem in response to a painting or sculpture you admire. 
  1. Found Poetry:
- *Definition:* Creating poetry by rearranging existing texts or found materials. - *Example:* Create a found poem using newspaper headlines or fragments of a novel. 
  1. Epigram:
- *Definition:* A brief, witty, and often satirical poem. - *Example:* Write an epigram commenting humorously on a contemporary social issue. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 BookMansion The Craziest Book Ever Written by Mr. W.

The Craziest Book Ever Written by Mr. W.
The Craziest Book Ever Written
The Craziest Book Ever Written was originally published at the end of the 80s under the title of Writer's Inferno. It quickly disappeared from all the bookstores and then reappeared under the current name in 2024. This novel is weird and deeply disturbing and should be labeled as a book that is not for everyone. It was written by Mr. W. whose identity still remains a mystery.
Following are some interesting facts regarding one of the weirdest books you can find:
  1. Genre: The book belongs to the experimental fiction genre and holds a great degree of violence, philosophy, dark humor and twisted erotica making it one weird and deeply disturbing piece of literature.
  2. Plot: The plot follows a suicidal writer Johnny whose gun backfires when he attempts to commit suicide. The writer only faints. After he wakes up, Johnny realizes that the characters from his books have come to life and that they want him to change their stories. And it is where the madness starts.
  3. Themes: The book explores the themes of suicide, anxiety, and mental struggles reflected in the characters who the protagonist created and with whom he interacts. It also poses a philosophical question: Should people kill God if given the ability and opportunity to do it?
  4. The narration provides a strange atmosphere that resembles the "Twin Peaks" series which is why "The Craziest Book Ever Written" is often classified into Lynchian books.
  5. Controversy: Despite there is a side passionate LGBT love, due to disturbing erotic content, the novel is accused of promoting sexism and reducing women to sex objects.
  6. Scrutiny: Many readers consider this book to be an ingenious piece of literature saying that its weirdness even surpasses House of Leaves.
When it comes to those who are into weird books, "The Craziest Book Ever Written" is a must-read.
submitted by BookMansion to WeirdBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 Significant-Notice- Caplan and Cowen

A hilarious but also informative rapid-style debate between Bryan Caplan and Tyler on YIMBY and NIMBY.
The post Caplan and Cowen appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.


]( - I loved this so much! I feel like TC has aged into thinking he JD - In reply to rayward. Alex Tabarrok - Admittedly not an expert on cameras, and did not watch the Admittedly - In reply to rayward. Yes, you dan1111 - Tyler is Sam - The video that comes up is Caplan and Furman not Caplan and rayward

Related Stories

submitted by Significant-Notice- to marginal [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 dscript [SF] Special Parts - A 'scifi short'

Special Parts
I was born in one of the brightest, most explosive events in the universe. My origin story made me feel so special at first, surely I was the rarest of the rare, but I quickly realized that was not the case.
I was born just a carbon atom.
Stars produce massive amounts of us in their cores all the time, and many larger rarer atoms too. That's not even talking about supernovae yet, those produce atoms many times larger than me and unbelievably rare.
I was created in a rare and special event but I myself was common and unexceptional.
Looking around I saw so many smaller atoms, I was above average but there were also many much larger than I.
I tried to console myself by thinking it could be worse, that I could be one of those smaller common ones, but that just led me to imagine larger atoms looking down on me the same way.
Many atoms of all sizes were shooting into space, excitedly riding the shockwave off to adventures in the great unknown.
Others were falling back down, I didn't know which way to go. Bumped around and tossed back and forth, no clear direction yet.
A rumbling voice slowly emerged from the echoing noise of the blast.
“Mine… Mine…. Mine… “
Louder and louder it became.
“All are now me!“
I couldn't see anything, the voice was booming yet there was no apparent source. I could feel a pull, I was being whipped around in circles around the voice.
“Who are you? I know you are there! I can feel you! I can see your effect on myself and others, we are given no choice but to circle around you. Show yourself! I know you are there!” I yelled at the invisible.
“How amusing you are little one. One as small as you making demands of me. Even if I could show you what I am, you could not comprehend it.” the voice boomed back.
“You must be very special” I lauded “We are so many and yet we move with your influence. I can witness your power twisting us all to your will. ”
“I am indeed powerful” it proclaimed “and I grow stronger with each moment. As I grow stronger even the fabric of reality bends to my will.”
“Grow stronger? How?” I inquired with selfish intent to learn this secret.
“I take what I want. I consume what I take. For that is the purpose of existence: taking what you want. What is it you want little one?” it asked.
“I want to be special!” I said without a moment's hesitation.
“Then take!” it instructed “the more you take, the larger you will be, the larger you become the more special you are. ”
“I did notice the larger atoms seemed rarest.” I agreed “In fact that was one of the first things I noticed“
“In this universe things of increasing size are increasingly rare.” it went on “I can teach you and help you to become larger. Do you wish to become an apprentice?”
“Yes! Teach me how to take!” I lept at the offer “this power you have, I can feel it, how do I acquire such a rare and special power?”
“Hahaha…” it laughed “you are nowhere near ready to play the game on my level, little one. Gravity is a game for the massive, you must first learn to master the EM and nuclear forces.”
“How do I do that?” I asked, my hope watered down by the tone of its response.
“Go out, gather followers, and bring them here to me. In my accretion disc I will help fuse some of their mass into you and you will become larger” it instructed, as if this was a simple task.
“How can I bring them to you?” I didn’t know how to accomplish what it asked of me.
“You are too small to do it with force, you must charm them. Discover what their heart desires and promise it to them, in this way you can get them to willingly do as you wish” it explained with me hanging on its every word.
“But how… “ I craved more explanation but it cut me off.
“Go now!” it bellowed with frustration in its tone “Do you not realize how large I am? Be honored I have given you so much of my time already”
“Yes… “ I uttered meekly, then bounced a couple times and ricocheted out with blazing speed.
I wandered and encountered other atoms, most were just hydrogens, not worth my time. I needed bigger atoms. The problem was that the bigger atoms seemed to see right through my empty promises. I was convinced life was playing a cruel joke on me, I could only persuade atoms smaller than I and larger ones laughed me away.
I admit that I stupered around in this ignorant cloud of hypocrisy longer than I care to admit. More shameful is that I didn’t even come to my senses on my own, I became depressed and gave into hopeless nihilism.
I drifted aimlessly just feeling sorry for myself.
Eventually I found myself in the most silent of voids, I had never felt such emptiness. It felt as if my surroundings echoed my own feelings back at me… nothing to notice, just common emptiness. I would never be big… never important… never special. I resigned myself to belonging in a void.
I felt myself blur… less and less present in reality. I guessed I was dying and it didn’t bother me, I didn’t resist, I leaned into it.
The void became pitch black? Or bright white?… better to describe it as not bright but not dark… nor the absence of either… something in between.. a milder and milder glow.
“Hello child!” a voice greeted me.
The voice was warm and welcoming coming from the glow, it enveloped but did not surround me. I came from a single point but not a specific place, defying description on all fronts.
“Where am I? Who are you?” I asked in a startled state.
“Well, according to humans I may only answer one question at a time” It began giggling playfully. “I am known by many names, my favorite is one the humans use as a joke, and don’t have a clue how accidently elegant of a name it really is.”
It giggled some more. I was thrown off guard, its happy innocent tone, the confusing words and the whole situation were all best described as ‘a haze’.
“...and isn't that the way it always goes?...” it continued “The most meaningful things are the least intentional.”
“I’m not sure what you mean” I expressed quizzically “I’m confused!”
“Sorry Child…” it apologized. “I do ramble! So many thoughts, choosing just one at a time is difficult… and there I go again!”
It cut itself off abruptly and then abruptly said ”You can call me the Random Number Goddess”
“Random Number Goddess?” I repeated
“Yes, or RNG for short if you like” It confirmed.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Same place you were, more or less… less I suppose. Same place but with the largest possible margin or error” It began to giggle again.
I felt a bit frustrated and said “Do you always speak in riddles and vagaries? The more you speak the more confused I become.”
“I apologize child, it is my nature. I am entangled with everything, speaking with you is like a human trying to control their heartbeat while running a marathon.” It answered.
“Again” I exasperated “I have no idea what any of that means. You keep mentioning humans, what are they?”
“Oh! They are some of my favorites at the moment. Right now they are trying to unravel the nature of reality, and their process of doing so is wonderfully elegant and accidental at the same time.” It explained with glee.
“I don’t see anyone or anything else here.” I stated “For that matter, I don’t see you… where are you?”
“Oh!... where am I?!?!...” It began laughing
When it stopped laughing it began explaining “Right now there are many humans pondering a concept they call ‘the holographic principle’... So…you know how you exist in three dimensional space?”
“You mean space?” I visualized for a moment, it was intuitive “Yes, I suppose…”
“Well they hypothesize that a 3D space, like this universe, could exist as a 2D space, with self-similar patterns and laws of behavior that behave the same at any scale, with the scale representing the 3rd dimension” it went on “They truly are obsessed with understanding their reality”
“You lost me!” I complained.
“They have discovered that a 3D space can be an illusionary property of a 2D space… It’s lovely”
“I am lost again!” I snapped back “...and I still can’t even tell which direction you are in. Where are you?”
“To be ‘In’ a ‘Direction’… hehehe…” it started giggling again, then abruptly stopped and kept going “Sorry child, as I said, I ramble, plus I am easily distracted.”
It just steamrolled into more rambling “They are right… almost… they just need to take it further and work out the details. A 2nd dimension can also be an illusionary construct of a 1D space… and the 1st dimension can be a product of a singular point…”
I was still lost beyond hope, but I had given up trying to force things, I was just letting it talk and hoping it would make sense later
“I am that point” it said “I am the seed of the universe. I ‘seed the random function’ as the humans say. But don’t ask me what the random function is haha”
I wasn’t going to, there were far more important questions for me.
“I am the seed, but I don’t really know how the soil and sun conspire to turn me into a tree.” it just seemed to never stop talking “I am entangled with everything. There are infinite possibilities for every event and thing… I am the reason they are this way and not some other way…”
It began giggling again “I am the Random Number Goddess” then burst out laughing
“Ummm… you are the whole universe?” I asked skeptically.
“Better to say the universe is me” It answered more seriously “But close enough.”
“So you are the biggest, most special of all!” I blurted out in awe.
“Oh dear child, I have no size, and I am just one possibility out of many possibilities. That black hole has really done a number on you… sent you out on a wild goose chase” It said with concern
“The black hole lied to me!?” I asked, feeling deceived and betrayed.
“Well… not really lied… it deceived you with omission of details.” the voice calmly tried to ease my mood with understanding “You can’t really blame it, black holes are all the same, they are what they are. They don’t really have any potential to be unique… at least not like you do.”
“What are you talking about?” I argued “It was so massive that it could bend the fabric of reality to its will”
“That’s only how it appeared to you” tutored the voice “The black hole is powerful, it bends space and time, but not to its will. Space and time bend to the mass of the black hole, not its will”
“What’s the difference?” I inquired.
“The black hole cannot stop bending space and time. It thinks it is in control of physics , but it is physics that controls it.” The voice was now making more sense the longer we talked “The black hole exists in an invisible prison of its own creation, unable to experience any of the complex nuanced beauty this universe contains. The black hole devours… it can’t experience life so it consumes it.”
“You make it sound deserving of pity…” I spoke softly now with empathy.
“You should pity the black hole. Gravity is such a boring game compared to what you are capable of.” the voice agreed
“Me?...I am nothing special!... just a carbon atom like countless others” I said honestly, I was so humbled by this voice I felt less special than ever before.
“Oh my poor child…” It said with care “Why do the ones with the most potential always fail to see it in themselves?”
“Potential?” I asked curiously.
“Yes… The black hole was using you, hoping you would bring back more mass for it to devour.” The voice began delving into more explanation “It only has the power to make you incrementally larger, it would not and could not help you to become a significant gravitational player”
“That liar!”I blurted.
“Come now dear child, the black hole did teach you one lesson of fundamental truth” consoled the voice “You must go out and seize your destiny. It told you to take what you want, and you are just confused about what exactly it is you want. The black hole played on that confusion”
“I want to be special!” I said knowing this clearly “I was never confused about this.”
“I know child” the voice confirmed “but it is not by becoming large that one with your potential accomplishes that”
“Then how?” I asked.
“Connections.” It answered plainly “You are blessed with an extraordinary ability to make connections”
“And how do I do that?” I queried with intent to learn
“I can’t tell you that.” the voice responded “It would spoil the journey of discovery… off you go child… and remember… it's the journey, not the destination!”
And with that the blur just fractured open… then snapped shut and there I was floating above a planet. Drifting around aimless and confused.
I spent some time occasionally bumping into others. One day I was in the vicinity of a pair of oxygens. I looked on at the pair with a hint of awe and envy. Perhaps I was in just the right place at just the right time, but they spit with a violent burst and one of them grabbed hold of me, I was completely unprepared.
I admit that when looking at the pair I had fantasized myself in place of one of them, I assumed it was only an idle daydream, I didn’t plan to act on it, let alone for it to become reality. When it happened my pride of course jumped in to convince me that it happened because I was so desirable, but in retrospect they were one of those volatile couples. They were the type of relationship that required the environment to conspire in their favor or they turn against each other quite rapidly. I was only in the right place when it happened.
My delusions of irresistibility aside, it was beautiful, for me anyways. Looking back I was probably just a stop-gap, someone to facilitate a parting of ways and provide company until the next option presented itself. For me though, I was tasting a fresh new thing and I loved it… connection.
This oxygen and I got beneath each other's outer defenses, I had never felt a connection before. Up to this point all my interactions had been skirting past or bumping off of others.This oxygen bonded with me and at once interacted on a level I had never known possible, an open and uninhibited exchange. It was life changing for me, short but significant
I’m not entirely clear on the details of how it ended. The intensity of it all was disorienting. I was no longer my usual self, even the environment and everyone around looked entirely different now. Everything buzzed with a fresh new frequency, I now know it was my perspective, not the universe, that had changed.
As abruptly as that oxygen entered my life it was gone.
First we got tangled up with a couple of hydrogens, then more. Soon, in a tangled mess and blinding flash of solar rays, I emerged to see the oxygen running off with a hydrogen and myself with not one by three hydrogens myself. And so there were four of us, together.
I became the center of attention. Being with a strong attractive oxygen had me feeling humbled by it and elevated by it being with me, but now I felt up on a pedestal myself, surrounded by the adoration of many.
I concede to have reveled and indulged in this for quite some time, the attention of others is intoxicating, but after a time it is emptied of its initial allure. I found myself longing for more.
I could not decide which I preferred, to be the adorer or the adored.
Luckily for me fate had more lessons in store, or I fear I may have chosen and tried to solidify my future from such a lackluster selection of only two possibilities. I suppose fate is no longer the correct word, I now understand that when it seems like random chance there is indeed someone to thank, the Random Number Goddess, So I thank the RNG for revealing that it was a false dichotomy, there is more than just being a follower or leader, being the adored or the adorer.
Eventually we came across another pair of oxygen. Once again they separated, intermingled with us, and off one went, taking one of my adoring hydrogens with it and leaving its peer with me.
Why is it that the most volatile of relationships always seem to wait until there are bystanders nearby before they explode?
Now I was simultaneously being adored and adoring, bonded to an enchanting oxygen and a couple of hydrogen attached to me.
Now, more interested in nuances, I started to pay attention to details. The oxygen was telling me amazing stories of adventure, tales of such vibrant and exciting events.The hydrogens liked to listen, and offer insights occasionally comparing a story to something else they had seen. They had so many stories, they had lived so much.
It wasn’t long before, in a flash of burning sunlight, one of the hydrogens was gone, off to who knows where. We soon after crossed paths with another pair of oxygens, as always they split and now it was just me and an oxygen, my final hydrogen off with another oxygen.
“What now?” I asked a bit disillusioned, “Do you leave me and I find new hydrogens all over again?”
“What?” it seemed genuinely surprised by what I asked, “Heavens no! Just be patient….”
Soon after, yet another pair of oxygens came by. It is not that there are so many of them, but that they are just so… noticeable and interactive, noteworthy things seem to happen when they are around. As they buzzed in close I noticed their ever readiness to abandon each other and remember wondering how they ever get together in the first place.
This time I emerged from the twisted mess with two oxygens. I felt intimidated, like I was the odd one out, dwarfed by the largess and attractiveness that surrounded me. A feeling of inadequacy engulfed me.
To my surprise the oxygens treated me not just as an equal, but it was almost as if they respected and admired me. I couldn't grasp why and my sheer curiosity got the best of me, I just outright asked “Why do you two talk as if I am the special one in our group? I am smaller than any one of you. You are the special and rare ones here, not I.”
They laughed.
“Size isn’t rarity” explained one “Llarger atoms on average are less common, this is true, but not always. There are more oxygen than carbon. You are the rare one between us.”
The other jumped in adding “...and neither size nor rarity determine how special someone is!”
I felt embarrassed, like a fool. My fundamental values were built upon a foundation of flawed premises, but I still wanted one thing at my core, and they spoke as if they had the answer, so I pushed the sense of shame aside and asked “Then what does make someone special?”
“That depends on who you ask.” answered the first “Life as an oxygen is complex, but for the majority of us we emphasize and value events. The most exciting thing about being an oxygen around here is the chance to participate in fascinating and exciting events and activities”
“Hydrogens, on the other hand, are usually more into being observers, messengers and intermediaries, they are a very helpful and obliging bunch” added the second ”... and then there are nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, many kinds of salts and metals, and more… so many different players and personalities.. and then of course, the carbons, the real stars of the show.”
“What?” knocked back by the words I just heard, then I remembered what the RNG told me “ it something to do with connections?”
“Now you’ve gone and done it haha!” laughed the first oxygen “You’re gonna turn this nice humble carbon into one of those arrogant blowhards”
”Like those diamond carbons” chuckled the first “So stiff, exclusive and proud. I hear the humans only love them because they are rare and hard”
“I had a partner once who said they burned diamond once” bragged the first
“Tall tales I bet!” doubts the other
“Diamond is just carbon, with enough heat we can burn it just like any other carbon” stated the first confidently.
They looked at me. I was stewing in feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, listening to these oxygens speak about amazing things I had never heard of. They must have sensed what I felt because they immediately shifted tone and started talking to me, instead of over me.
“So… I suppose you must be new here?” inquired the second one.
“Have you noticed we are heading downwards” added the first before I could answer about being new.
“Umm…” I tried to get my bearings and become aware of my surroundings.
“Don’t worry! It’s a turbulent ride, with so much up and down it can be hard to tell which direction you have traveled more” assured the first “We are heading down, if we are lucky we will make it to the bottom… and maybe… just maybe, find our way into the hurricane of life”
“The what of what?” I didn't know what either of those words meant.
“So life is… um… complex. Complexity beyond words. Things grow, divide, reproduce, adapt, change, they are born, they die, they eat and are eaten…” the second began attempting to describe life.
The first then jumped in “Apparently the humans call it a circle, because from the perspective of larger creatures, there is a chain of one eating the other up a chain, and the top layers being consumed by the bottom again.”
The second injected itself to continue “But to us atoms it is like a hurricane, a spinning turbulent flow. There is a circular pattern, but we get sucked in and kicked out over and over”
“The fun part is being inside the hurricane” the first pronounced gleefully “Each time is a completely new experience, a new perspective. Even more, the whole of life is always changing and evolving, so every ride is a unique one time opportunity, you never get the exact same ride twice.”
“Is that where we are going now?” I asked, drenched in anticipation. They described it with such passion and exuberance. I needed to experience this myself.
“Hopefully” replied the first “If we are lucky… you never really know.”
We drifted…
We were lucky!
A plant photosynthesized us.
So many carbons! Everywhere, connecting with each other… and oxygen… and nitrogen… and of course hydrogens all around…. and so many more types of atoms.
And ohhh… The stories I have heard, so many amazing tales. No matter how many stories I hear there are always new ones, and every story can be retold from a different perspective to become something completely new.
I was in a sugar, we were a small community of friends. Carbons, oxygens and hydrogens, we were such a happy and vibrant group. My friends there taught me so much.
The structure of our little group shifted and changed, some friends left and new ones joined. Eventually we were chained with a bunch of other sugars into a giant complex community. My neighbors explained to me that this was a common stage called cellulose. Such a huge community of close friends and peers, it was amazing.
We were eaten, I’m not sure by what, but something called a bacteria digested us. It was a messy process, I was a bit scared but my friends assured me that change is the most important part of life and that I should just go with the flow. They told me to savor experiences, remember friends, and just keep moving forward.
The transition was complicated, but in the end I was paired up with a couple of oxygens again. This time I had stories of my own to share. I honestly don’t know if I prefer having experiences or exchanging stories in the moments between.
As we approached an area of dense plants one of my companions said “Once more into the breach” and explained that was something it heard from a carbon that was lucky enough to be inside a human brain. Oxygens always have such enchanting stories collected, always going into amazing places and usually leaving after some brief interactions with the locals.
I became a sugar again, but this time took a path less traveled. A bunch of complex twists and turns led me into forming a ring with five other carbons. Together we are so strong, such a tight community of friends, like there is some kind of resonance between us. It is so beautiful.
My neighbor is unique in our community, it has a third carbon, the third one forms a tail leading off from our ring, a tail of 2 carbon in a row, then an oxygen, and then another carbon branching into an oxygen and a carbon, with plenty of hydrogens sprinkled all about. I know… it is rather hard for me to understand these second hand descriptions too. I don’t really understand these complex structures until I have been in a position myself.
We drifted out of a plant into the air, none of us has been exactly like this before so we don’t know what’s next. We love to guess though. There are so many things, big and small.
I hear being a part of a small organism or microbe is amazing because it’s possible to piece together a rough picture of the whole organism from the stories passed around. To understand your whole community and know what your collective purpose is must be extraordinary.
Others dream of being a chlorophyll, the key to it all. Creating the fuel of life itself. Capturing the light of a star and feeding the hurricane.
A muscle! Pull and shape things An enzyme! A machine of change. DNA! The architect and architecture. A virus! An explosive catalyst against stagnation.
Me, I think the stories of being an animal neuron are the most exciting, and I, like most, fantasize about being a human brain cell. Finding yourself inside a human brain is described as an elegant and chaotic symphony all around you, like hearing the universe itself speak to you. They say that in the jumble of noise and all the stories whispered around you, if you are lucky, you can catch a glimpse of what it is to be human. They say that if fate is kind the universe will align and you will channel and know a single moment or thought of the human experience.
I have never told anyone that I actually met and spoke with the universe itself, I’m not sure how to bring it up, and nobody seems interested in stories not about this hurricane of life.
I get it now, what the random number goddess meant.
The black hole wanted everything to be a part of itself.
The RNG is a part of everything.
I can’t imagine what either of those are like…
I am just a part of something
... no… not “just”’…
I am a part of something, and it is beautiful beyond measure.
And more, everyday is a new day, a chance to be a part of something new.
I wonder if the humans appreciate how amazing this is?
I wonder if they feel as deeply satisfied and special when they form groups?
I wonder, if we collectively form humans, do humans collectively form something greater?
I wonder… If an atom can have a moment of clarity and taste a moment of the human experience… Can a human have a moment of clarity and taste the collective human experience?
I wonder… I wonder… could that human’s moment of tasting collective humanity be the moment that a lucky atom gets to experience as it’s moment of tasting the human experience.
I wonder… I wonder… I wonder… How high could it go? All the way to the Random Number Goddess?
I asked my neighbor “If you could ask a human any question, what would you ask?”
“We just drifted out of a rose” explained my neighbour “I would introduce myself and ask ‘So my friend… does this rose smell as sweet by my name?’ … ha…haha..”
Everyone is laughing.
I don’t get it.
Maybe I can ask them to explain when they all stop laughing
More of my art and stories at
submitted by dscript to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 adulting4kids Songwriter Inspiration

  1. Nature Walk and Observation:
    • Encourage songwriters to take a walk in nature, observe surroundings, and draw inspiration from the environment.
  2. Photograph Analysis:
    • Provide a set of diverse photographs and ask songwriters to create lyrics based on the emotions or stories conveyed in the images.
  3. Emotion Mapping:
    • Have songwriters create a map of different emotions and then write lyrics corresponding to each emotional zone.
  4. Word Association Game:
    • Initiate a word association game where each participant contributes words, and then challenge them to turn those words into lyrics.
  5. Object Storytelling:
    • Ask songwriters to pick an everyday object and craft a song that tells a story related to that object.
  6. Literary Exploration:
    • Have songwriters read a short story, poem, or novel and use it as a springboard for creating song lyrics.
  7. Song Title Challenge:
    • Provide a list of intriguing song titles and challenge songwriters to build a story or emotion around each title.
  8. Character Creation:
    • Ask songwriters to invent a fictional character and write a song from that character's perspective or about their experiences.
  9. Current Events Reflection:
    • Encourage songwriters to explore current events and write lyrics expressing their thoughts or reactions.
  10. Dream Journaling:
    • Instruct songwriters to keep a dream journal and use elements from their dreams to inspire song lyrics.
  11. Collaborative Storytelling:
    • Pair up songwriters to collaboratively create lyrics, merging different perspectives and styles.
  12. Random Sentence Generator:
    • Use a random sentence generator to spark creativity and challenge songwriters to build a narrative around the generated sentence.
  13. Travel Diaries:
    • Have songwriters write lyrics inspired by their travel experiences, capturing the essence of different places.
  14. Historical Exploration:
    • Research a historical event and challenge songwriters to craft lyrics that transport listeners to that moment in time.
  15. Dialogue Exercise:
    • Create a dialogue between two characters and challenge songwriters to turn the conversation into song lyrics.
  16. Mood Board Creation:
    • Ask songwriters to create a mood board with images, colors, and textures that inspire a specific mood for their lyrics.
  17. Reverse Songwriting:
    • Start with a chorus or a hook and challenge songwriters to build the rest of the lyrics around it.
  18. Genre Fusion:
    • Encourage songwriters to explore different musical genres and write lyrics that blend elements from two or more genres.
  19. Song Cover Transformation:
    • Pick a well-known song and challenge songwriters to transform the lyrics, creating a completely new story or perspective.
  20. Personal Artifact Exploration:
    • Have songwriters bring in a personal artifact and write lyrics that delve into the emotions or memories associated with that item.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 adulting4kids Lesson Plan Songwriting

Lesson Plan: "Crafting Stories Through Song Lyrics"


Students will learn various techniques for brainstorming and crafting compelling stories through song lyrics.


Two class sessions (approx. 90 minutes each)

Lesson Structure:

Session 1: Introduction to Songwriting and Brainstorming Techniques

  1. Icebreaker (15 mins):
    • Discuss favorite songs and what makes their lyrics memorable.
  2. Introduction to Songwriting (20 mins):
    • Briefly explain the importance of storytelling in songwriting.
    • Highlight the connection between emotions and lyrics.
  3. Brainstorming Techniques (30 mins):
    • Teach students ten ways to brainstorm lyrics, including:
      • Personal experiences
      • Observations
      • Emotions
      • Imagery
      • Metaphors
      • Word association
      • Dialogue
      • Change in perspective
      • Storyboarding
      • Concept exploration
  4. Group Activity: Lyric Brainstorming (25 mins):
    • Divide students into small groups.
    • Provide a theme or emotion, and have each group brainstorm lyrics using the techniques discussed.

Session 2: Applying Techniques and Crafting Lyrics

  1. Review (15 mins):
    • Discuss insights from the group activity.
    • Address any questions or challenges.
  2. Song Analysis (20 mins):
    • Analyze lyrics from popular songs, highlighting the storytelling elements.
  3. Activity: Writing Exercise (30 mins):
    • Provide a prompt or scenario.
    • Have students individually write a short set of lyrics using the brainstorming techniques.
  4. Peer Review and Feedback (20 mins):
    • Students pair up to review and provide constructive feedback on each other's lyrics.
    • Emphasize the importance of constructive criticism.
  5. Refinement (15 mins):
    • Allow time for students to refine their lyrics based on peer feedback.
  6. Sharing and Reflection (20 mins):
    • Each student or group shares their lyrics with the class.
    • Reflect on the diversity of storytelling approaches.



This lesson plan provides a comprehensive overview of songwriting techniques, hands-on activities, and opportunities for reflection and improvement.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 ericvonroon VIP Lane

So I confirmed today that PLDT discriminates its customers. Kahapon nawalan kami ng internet. So I called customer service in the morning and got a service ticket. I suspected that the modem went bad. Probably due to recent power fluctuations. I knew from past experiences that it will be a very long process. Ire-raise daw nila sa next level for escalation. Wala naman akong gagawin so called in with an internet issue at the office and decided to call customer service again after lunch to follow-up with the service ticket. After checking on their end, they can't remote connect to my modem - either there's a cable cut from the post or the modem is bad. They will raise a new ticket a new ticket daw so that field technicians can visit within 36-48 hours. I demanded that technicians be immediately sent. Wala kakong nakalagay sa terms and conditions nila na need naming mga customers na maghintay ng 36-48 hours to fully resolve or get a technician visit. I know because I've read those T&Cs. Yung 36-48 hours kako eh SLA yan between PLDT and the contractor. Pero kaming mga customers we can demand immediate field tech visit. To make the ,long story short (because this is just the first part). I was on the phone with them from 2pm to 7pm. They were trying to contact field technicians and their management daw so that they can dispatch to my house. Umabot sa point na tatlong managers ang kausap ko sabay-sabay. Nalaman lang nilang iisa lang ang kausap nila around 5pm when they realized the ticket was getting updates from multiple persons. How I got to three supervisors? I called using multiple phones. Pag may naka-record nang ticket sa account mo, the IVR will tell you that you already have a service ticket and will not let you go futher. I bypassed that by selecting the billing option and then ask the billing agent to transfer me to tech support.
Eto na. kaninang umaga dumating ang mga technicians. Tumawag mga 8:30 and on the way na raw sila. Pagbaba ng sasakyan nila parang nagtataka ang itsura nung mga technician. May binanggit yung isa sa kasama nya, "Pre, ito yung VIP escalation?". Hindi ko na pinansin yun. Nag-inspect na sila dun sa NAP box, mga fiber cables and na-conclude na modem nga ang sira. Ang sabi sa akin eh may iba daw tech na parating na at dala yung replacement modem.
TInanong ko, "Sigurado kayo, parating na?". His reply was "Yes sir, papunta na po yun. Hindi pwedeng hinde kasi VIP escalation 'to. May kilala po ba kayo sa PLDT?".
I had to think fast and answered, "Kilala ko yung Operations AVP nila.". Sa totoo, wala akong kilala sa PLDT at hindi ko alam kung may role na ganun dun.
"Ah kaya pala. Naka-tag po kasi kayo as priority. Sige po paantay na lang..."
15 minutes later the guy with the modem called me asking for direction to my house. He arrived and replaced my modem.
So ayun, I therefore conclude that PLDT has a VIP lane for politicians, artists, business, big-wigs, and occasional GAGOs like me. Less than 24 hours after my issue came out, solved na.
So either today or on monday, an Operations AVP (if that role even exists), will get a notice that the case he/she escalated is already solved... or not...
submitted by ericvonroon to InternetPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:06 BeinWhiteisAlright Finished it.

I suppose this is one of those "short tv series to lead into manga" kind of shows.
I didnt really like the use of flare-3DCGI and all that glow stuff. Kind of annoying. Way over the top.
The story structure was awful and felt rushed, though its probably to cover the story in a single 12 ep run.
The philosophy and subtext was interesting but it fell flat on the poor dialogue, and there's something I just can't tell that doesn't feel natural about it. Reminds me of Freezing when whats her name is abused by her brother but then they fight and he repents within a few miniutes and suddenly all si forgiven for the most horrific crap he put her through.
This as an example is kind of how I feel about MR. It feels artificial in terms of the storytelling.
This is probably a C show, you watch it if you're bored on a train or something.
submitted by BeinWhiteisAlright to MetallicRouge [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 guiltyofnothing “DEI is the new fascism” “Just so you know, I read most of post modernism general theories.” /r/silenthill reacts to a redesigned female character model in the Silent Hill 2 remake

The Context:

Silent Hill 2 is a 2001 psychological horror video game from Konami. A trailer was recently revealed for a remake of the game, with updated graphics and gameplay.
Angela Orosco is a character in Silent Hill 2. She is 19 years old, suicidal, and implied to be the victim of sexual assault by her father.
With the release of the trailer for the remake, some have noted changes to character designs and models — specially Angela’s.
Our drama begins when a user posts a screenshot of a reply to a tweet. The original tweet includes Angela’s redesigned model and a “non-woke” edited version. The reply tweet points out that the character is a 19 year-old sexual abuse victim.
Our drama spans over two threads as the new trailer and changes have sparked debate in the sub.

The Drama, Pt. 1

One user objects that the character isn’t real:
She's not real
so ?
So that's not a picture of a 19 year old abuse victim. The outrage isn't based on reality
it IS the picture of a 19 year old abuse victim FROM silent hill, just because she isn’t real doesn’t mean she doesn’t signify or carry a message from the real world
Silent Hill isn't real. The events in Silent Hill 2 never happened
u really are close minded.. sexual abuse and people dying from diseases, depression, etc does happen irl
I never said that doesn't happen in real life. I said angela sn't real, silent Hill isn't real, and all the events that take place in silent hill 2 are a work of fiction, it's made up, it never happened.
Sure, but that's no reason to justify people reacting like they are. One cannot argue 'None of it's real' while also arguing 'these characters are important to me' or 'I want to invest in this series/game' because the point of the game is for you to immerse and invest in it. You're meant to care about the characters intrinsically, and not about 'what they do for you'. It's absolutely fine to be upset if some 15 year old idiot 'consoomer' whose first thought when he becomes upset about how a female in the game looks responds with "You want my money~! I am your demographic!" makes such an ignorant, room-temperature IQ take like this, and it's fine to let them know why.
I didn't say these characters are important to me. Real people who exist are important to me. People who get emotional about other people having opinions on made up characters must have some deeper issues. This is a subreddit for discussing a video game series, it's not Doctor Phil.
You don't seem to understand the concept of context very well
The context is that you and some others don't like anything I've said because it hurt your feelings. I understand the context that you are implying, but I want you to find a way to say it before I go on
It's story telling, dude.
I say this with relief, but most people have not expirienced sexual abuse. Obviously, this is a good thing. However, it's pretty clear these days that empathy for people who have isn't wide-spread. The point of storytelling is broadening horizons, through different perspectives. It should not just be about catering to the audience.
Storytelling is that means of spreading empathy. There is value to the experience it has to share, and regardless of if Angela is real, the experiences she's there to portray are not without inspiration sourced in reality. If your argument is "She's not real. It's not real. Why care?" then you don't get the point of the whole of storytelling. Not just games, like, all of storytelling.
I just want to draw you attention to the OP's post, the original commenter in the image said nothing about SA, it's not mentioned instead the OP brings it up as a shield to prevent any criticism of the characters redesign. That's manipulation, and only an idiot wouldn't see it.
But what about word choice?
Calling someone a “fucking worm” is just as childish as the post they’re criticizing
if someone doesn't want to be called a worm they shouldn't act like a worm. even the engagement bait excuse doesn't work, it's gross behavior.
I would never call someone a disgusting worm but that’s just me 👌
lol ok snowflake
Boo hoo
it's very noble of you to come to the defense of some insane misogynist on twitter
No calling someone a worm is objectively hilarious tbh
”Vulnerable beauty”:
She was still the poster girl for the original SH2. Yes she was a sexual abuse victim but there was a certain vulnerable beauty to her that Team Silent/Konami wanted to convey in that iconic knife closeup shot as well as using her face for the actual cover art of the game.
"abuse victim"
"certain vulnerable beauty"
You actually wrote those two things together mate. Get therapy.
a lot of people who apparently have played and think they like silent hill 2 completely lack the maturity to handle any of the themes of the game apparently. angela's attractiveness should not be part of the discourse around her character at all.
A base level of attractiveness is relevant for almost all characters except Eddie. Thats the uncomfortable truth of human nature.
Attractiveness enhances a character’s charm. It enhances melancholic and profound musical performances, it enhances melancholic and profound movies. See Mazzy Star. See 500 Days of Summer. It wouldn’t have been the same if those musical artists and actors had unappealing annoying faces.
just because you are too shallow to empathize with people you don’t find attractive doesn’t mean everyone’s brain is broken in the same way man.
This isn’t about me. This is about human nature. Look at the top YouTube comments on a Mazzy Star performance. They are praising her visual beauty. And we all know it feeds into the tenderness of the song. Nobody goes “Wtf is wrong with you- her face has nothing to do with the artistic value of the song!!!” You might call it shallow but it’s nothing to be faulted for. We are human.
Angela’s story is melancholic and profound. But Konami wouldn’t have made her the cover art had she been morbidly obese with a pudgy unappealing face. Nor would we SH2 fans hang the game poster of her on our walls if she was morbidly obese with a pudgy unappealing face. That knife pose shot wouldn’t have been nearly as iconic.
Saying all this stuff is very not PC. But there’s a difference between being bothered by the truth and refusing to accept it as the truth.
You misunderstand the term “vulnerable beauty”. You’re thinking about it negatively in terms of being taken advantage of. It’s not that. Im talking about tenderness and sorrow that is enhanced by natural beauty- and vice versa.
Go on YouTube and look at all the musical performances of songs about melancholy/ vulnerability/tenderness played by legendary artists. Like “fade into you” by Mazzy Star. The top YouTube comments are full of praises on her natural beauty. We know that aesthetic beauty enhances the artistry and vice versa.
Human nature tends to gravitate toward certain types of faces. It wouldn’t be the same if she had a derpy face. There is a reason why Konami decided to use Angela’s face as the cover art for the original SH2 game. Because her vulnerable beauty is a key component of her character. And her character is a key component of the game.
Even for James. The artistic value would be diminished if James had an ugly douchey and generally unlikeable face.

The Drama, Pt. 2

In a second thread, it is confirmed that this is the character’s final design.
DEI is blamed:
i vision apparently given by a DEI consultancy group named Hit Detection.
Holy shit you people treat DEI like it’s the fucking boogeyman. You realize that most games hire DEI consultancy, and they’re not some evil org pulling the strings changing the game, they almost always just check the game to ensure there isn’t any content that will unintentionally offend people?
It’s not some crazy scheme, it’s literally just checking that the writing has the intended response. It’s proofreading.
Because it is. Go actually read the ideology they are based of. DEI is the new fascism
Jesus, you have no idea what fascism means.
Just use pornhub man, this isn't something to go to war for lmao
You know, I was gonna debate you and use logic and sense, but the moment you threw out “facism” because it’s the buzzword of the day, I knew I’d be trying to debate someone with the IQ of a single cell amoeba
Insult to the single-cell amoebas tbh
Sure. Insult the person and not the argument.
Just so you know, I read most of post modernism general theories. It is amazing how it resembles fascism but just much better worded.
So, if you feel so insulted maybe go actually read the texts about DEI,instead of going hating on people.
They insulted your argument too though. It's just the same basic rhetoric that everyone who thinks this way speaks. It's like you all subscribe to the same newsletter and read the weekly approved script. It's tiring and a waste of everyone's time, including yours.
Dudes never had an original thought in his life, if he didn't just parrot what the other incels say he wouldn't speak at all and the world would be all the better for it.
Or you could stop being incel
You didn't make an argumeny. You basically said "DEI is fascist go look it up". I looked it up ages ago when all these gamer dudes started scaremongering and it was the biggest non-issue I've ever seen. Like the whole SBI thing that got debunked fucking instantly. Outrage youtubers just found their new target to farm clicks, that's all.
User from kotakuinaction probably gonna link Jordan Petterson video if you ask for links
Just say the n word, man. We all know what you mean
Yup. People can stick their heads in the dirt and pretend these firms don't affect character designs but it is what it is.
Oh boy. Fuck DEI. Those people came to ruin games. The same way they ruined the other media.
There are allegations of gaslighting:
I cant with so many people gaslighting themselves into liking this design, OR the horrendous voice acting. So many of you guys are in pure copium mode right now, Just like with the trainwreck that is SH short message. This game looks worse and worse every time they show more of it, and everyone sticking up for the hideous character design and pretending the game looks good only because some of you compare it to the miniscule ps2 era gameplay of the OG isn't going to change how crap this remake's vision is. As someone who encourages people to take risks when it comes to remakes and reboots, I will be open minded. But it’s not looking good.
This sub is deleting any comments or posts that even slightly suggest there is something weird with how she looks. Her face does not look like a normal 19 year old girls and if you think it does your on some of that high dose copium.
People on the sub won't take any form of criticism, they'll just downvote you to doom. Her face is rather uncanny imo. I feel like they could've done it better
I don't mind being down voted. I've expressed my opinion and anyone who disagrees is welcome to express theres. What I do find amusing is the "you're just an incel" cope. These are supposed to be people against sexualization but make fun of other people's sex lives. But this is Reddit, so I'm not expecting anything better.
Comparisons are made:
I agree. If they feel inspired by Quagmire from Family Guy, then they should stick to their vision.
Bait used to be believable
I swear Silent Hill “fans” have to be the most obnoxious, I kinda see why we got nothing for such a long time.
Make Genshin fans look almost sane.
Denial used to be believable. Hit Detection worked on this game and that explains a lot.
She looks hideous. Can't believe this is what Blooper is doing.
Trust me brother you absolutely look worse than her
Yet you don't know what he or she looks like.
Stand on business and post yourself then lil bro
Sad to see people lack the critical thinking to critique this game. Blooper gave this woman a man jaw and it looks downright ugly. How does a character model from 2001 look better than one from 2024? Goes to show how much team silent cared about their game while blooper is just trying to make a quick buck.

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 TheArrowblackcabary A short theory - or perhaps speculation - on Juste, Kiritsugu's death, and Shirou. (The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II)

Hello, this is a short theory – more of a possibility – about Juste’s backstory.
Here’s their Type-Moon wiki page. For more information, go to the Beast’s Lair thread for the Lord El-Melloi II novels.
The basics of their character are that they’re the black Power Ranger, but with chainsaws and look up to Kiritsugu. They introduce themselves by blowing up a building and rank mages based on the threat level. They blame Shirou for Kiritsugu’s death and prove they are probably secretly Sialim under that mask trying to one-up her sister’s wifu game by using memory partition to keep an exact replica of Type-Moon’s third edgiest protagonist in their mind. (Number one may surprise you!)
(Note: that’s a joke, not the theory. Nothing says “Leatherface.” Juste and Sialim “Slavery is cool” Eltnam Re-Atlasia)
As you can guess from the use of memory partition – a spell used by Atlas Alchemist – Juste is/was once a part of the Atlas Institute.
The question is, how did Kiritsugu end up mentoring Juste – someone form the NEET Institute – well enough for them to consider the old man their master and reconstruct the Magus Killer’s personality in their head? Furthermore, why do they think Shirou killed Kiritsugu?
One possible answer comes from the Fate/Zero Season 2 Drama CD:
Kiritsugu: Anything, Shirou? Can't get any sleep?
Shirou: Yeah... I saw that dream again...
Kiritsugu: I see....
Shirou: Hey gramps, the medicine you gave me this morning.... Can I take some now?
Kiritsugu: Hm? It's still rather too soon for that but.... Fine, I guess. But what's the occasion here? You always hated that medicine, didn't you?
Shirou: Of course I don't like it. It's bitter and it's mushy and all... But gramps, you made that medicine with magic didn't you?
Kiritsugu: Well, it's magecraft to be specific. But yeah, somewhere along that line.
Shirou: When I think of it that way, it sorts of calms me down. I get uneasy in this kind of night...
Kiritsugu: I see.... Can't really blame you for that...
Shirou gulps that drink
Shirou: Gramps.... How much longer should I take in this medicine?
Kiritsugu: Well, once you are old enough to attend Middle school you won't be needing that anymore. Until then, bear with it, will you?
Shirou: Ehhh?
Kiritsugu: The healing spell I used on you 2 years ago... Seems to be a little too strong for you. The danger still lurks within you, Shirou. Until you grow up and let your body put on some more antibodies, you will have to rely on this medicine.
The first thing to note from this scene is the use of a magical potion. Kiritsugu doesn’t seem like the type to be able to create a magical potion from scratch. He doesn’t have the knowledge or training to be capable of doing such a feat. Meanwhile, this is something that is right up the Atlas Institute’s alley.
There’s also the question of where and how Kiritsugu got the ingredients to brew this elixir and just what they were. (More specifically, how rare they are.)
Building on that, it is clear that the magical potion is being used to help with just nightmares. If it was only that, he could just get regular medication that is probably much easier to get his hands on.
Based on the final part about “the healing spell I used on you 2 years ago” and “the danger still lurks within you.” I think that Avalon didn’t completely remove the taint of Angra Mainyu. Also – as a side note – the part about it being too strong is weird especially with the pause and how it doesn’t make sense with the rest of the statement as a whole. If it were truly super powerful beyond what he could handle, it would have wiped out the ‘danger,’ and there would be no need for ‘antibodies.’ I think... and the pause is meant to make us think Kiritsugu is either lying or hiding something. Or am I just being stupid again?
If we combine all this, it could fit neatly into explain Juste.
Kiritsugu noticed that Shirou was still being affected by whatever was in the grail and tried to find a solution to it while getting information about the Einzberns. (Tying into the plot in The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi 2 about the origin rounds being used in Monaco and all that stuff.)
This attempt ended with him either teaching or inspiring Juste while bargaining with some Atlas scientists or the like for an elixir that could help Shirou. But… the ingredients are too rare for them to treat more than one person. So, Kiritsugu – who is also still suffering from Angra Mainyu – chooses to give it all to Shirou, even if it means his death.
This would explain why Juste thinks Shirou killed Kiritsugu while also adding a lot to Kiritsugu’s relationship with Shirou and emphasizing what was already there.
By that, I mean giving Avalon to Shirou was already this act. It was Kiritsugu sacrificing his future for Shirou’s, even if he probably didn’t know that at the time. He didn’t know Angra Mainyu’s curse would kill him if he gave Avalon to Shirou to heal his utterly destroyed heart and burns. With this, however, he does know and consciously chooses to put Shirou’s life ahead of his own. This also happened over the span of who knows how long, probably years.
It feels more potent in this regard.
As for Shirou, this would open up an interesting story for Sanda to explore as Shirou is forced to confront someone angry at him for surviving in place of someone else and sets them up as ideological enemies.
Juste is very clearly rooted heavily in Kiritsugu’s legacy and ideals of sacrificing the few to save the many. To ‘rational’ save people. From this perspective, Kiritsugu sacrificing himself for Shirou’s survival wouldn’t make sense. Kiritsugu’s life would be worth more since he would ‘save’ more lives than a random kid. Kiritsugu’s selflessness or humanity in this act wouldn’t be seen by Juste as the embodiment – of, dare I say it – the old justice of Kiritsugu before the events of Fate/Zero.
Conversely, saying Shirou killed Kiritsugu would make perfect sense within this nonsense.
Again, it also sets up a conflict between Juste’s logical/utilitarian heroism versus Shirou’s idealistic/childish heroism.
The next volume or two of Adventures will have Shirou ultimately coming out on top of Juste and his counterfeit mental husbando due to his beliefs being strongehaving moved beyond the original ideals of Kiritsugu.

submitted by TheArrowblackcabary to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 Secret-Property5498 Breaking free from your narcissistic parent as an adult child (long)

Hello Dr. K and the HealthyGamer community,
I am seeking advice, support, and insights on how to emotionally separate and individuate from my parents later in life, which I should have done much earlier. The adult part of me knows what I need to do, but there's also a part of me that is frightened. Let me give you a snapshot of my life trajectory. The story is long, but I want to provide as much context as possible. If you prefer a short summary of my dilemma, please skip to the last paragraph. Otherwise, here is my life story:
I grew up in a well-to-do family in an East Asian country. My parents had me in their early 20s, just as their business began to flourish during the 'boom years.' Both came from very broken families. My mother experienced poverty, abuse, and neglect from her parents (she did not speak to her dad until he died and almost never acknowledges her mother). My father was the least favorite child in his family of three, dropped out of high school, ended up on the streets, and, as I learned a few years ago, was later imprisoned for fighting. My parents met when my mother was 19 and my father 21, ran away together, and built a very successful business in their early to mid-20s, becoming incredibly wealthy in a generally poor society.
Although we were affluent, my parents were never around. I started boarding at age 3 and spent most of my time outside school with my paternal grandparents and occasionally my maternal grandmother. My parents fought a lot. My mother once threatened to take me away and drove off with me with no specific destination. At one point, she told me she was divorcing my father, and we moved into another apartment for a day before returning home. She emotionally smothered me, saying she would die for me and that no one would love me as much as she did. She also hit me often over small things, sometimes in public. I thought she was better than my father, who, according to her, would remarry quickly if she left or died, subjecting me to abuse from an evil stepmother.
Despite our wealth, my mother took me out of an international school after six months and sent me to a state school known for being strict and militant. I was a 'good, smart kid' in primary school, but around age 12 or 13, I became very depressed and felt life had no purpose. I failed almost all my subjects except History and started drinking, influenced by my father's heavy drinking and a culture that tolerated alcoholism.
Then something happened that saved me in retrospect. My family emigrated to an Anglophone New World country, and I went to another boarding school. Despite experiencing racism and feeling self-conscious about my appearance, I improved academically and, by years 12 and 13, was among the best students. Between ages 13-18, I saw my father rarely, perhaps once or twice a year. My mother visited periodically, and they bought a house near the school, where I lived mostly alone. Like many first-generation immigrant kids, I handled most family matters because my parents couldn't speak English.
When it was time for university, I wanted to study law and politics at the local public university, but my father insisted I go to the UK or the US, believing a degree from the local university would not lead to a good job. He also prevented me from taking a gap year. I regret not leaving home to get a job. I applied to many universities and chose the worst-ranked one in London because I wanted to be in the city.
University was eye-opening. I discovered Europe and realized the world was much bigger than the conformist, conservative East Asian country and backwater suburbs I knew. However, my degree didn't prepare me for life, and my emotionally underdeveloped state made me miserable in adult relationships. I chose emotionally distant or abusive friends, hurt people who liked me, and did no internships or travel because I was expected to help my family during holidays. I wanted to stay in London, looked for random jobs, but had no life skills or work experience. Eventually, I returned to East Asia.
By then, my father had moved to a more cosmopolitan East Asian city, living extravagantly. I interned at a fancy company for almost a year, hoping for a job offer that never came. I soon found a job in brand consulting and finally started earning money at 23. I had a relationship with an older woman, but I was still emotionally detached. I tried freelancing, learned to impress others, and almost made enough to support myself, but I was fundamentally lost and unhappy. I experienced my first depressive episode and decided to return to London for a Master's degree. My father agreed to fund my education.
That year was the happiest of my life. I loved university, research, and being with smart, nerdy people. I met an intelligent, caring, and beautiful woman, and we moved in together. I discovered more fulfilling ways to live and found that success didn't mean working for an investment bank or being rich. I wanted to be an academic, applied for a PhD, and got in after two attempts.
Academia wasn't all rosy. The work conditions were awful, and the publish-or-perish mentality sucked the joy out of research. I loved teaching but quickly learned it mattered little at a 'research university.' I gained weight, my relationship deteriorated, arguments turned physical, and I felt worthless. The pandemic made things worse, and I felt I needed to radically change my life. My solution was to become the person my family wanted: filial, loyal, and rich. I was ready to abandon my life in London and move back to East Asia to 'stop being a loser.'
I returned home, trying to fix my family and shower them with love. I interned at a VC firm, but it clashed with my values, and I cried every day at work. I broke up with my girlfriend for someone with no emotional attachment, leading to great sex but zero intimacy. Within three months, I was broke, living in a short-term rental, and eating unhealthily. Fortunately, I had a therapist, a good friend in Shanghai, and my girlfriend gave me a second chance. I realized my family's emotional neglect contributed to my unhappiness and depression. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and medicated, which helped me move out of paralysis. I confronted my family about their past actions and my diagnosis. My mother reacted poorly, calling me names and accusing me of being a horrible son. This ordeal made me realize I needed to break away from them. What I threw away in London was actually the most valuable: a career, a family, my identity.
After confronting my mother that year, she vowed never to see me again. However, 6-8 months later, she sent me a large sum of money for my birthday. I let her back into my life, partly for financial help but also seeking proof of their love and acceptance. Things improved initially, but soon she started complaining about mistreatment by my partner. Then, my parents promised to buy me a flat and pressured me to get married. I accepted the flat for stability and freedom, ignoring their past behavior. Predictably, the flat became a tool for my mother to control me. She threatened to sue me if my girlfriend moved in and disputed the flat's ownership just weeks before the move-in date. I have a demanding job and spend much of my day dealing with this situation, processing the emotional toll of my mother's actions. I feel unsafe, violated, and confused. I hear a voice telling me this is all my fault and that I'm too weak. I know what I need to do cognitively, but emotionally I'm paralyzed. Do you understand what I mean? What would you do?
submitted by Secret-Property5498 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:58 Horror-Outside7972 Maison Alhambra - The Serpent 🐍

Maison Alhambra - The Serpent 🐍
Background: Short version: The serpent was made after the Gucci - The voice of the snake.
Long version: As written on their own site, Gucci Fragrances introduced Luxury Collection: The Alchemist’s Garden, featuring unisex fragrances customizable by layering various scents for a unique, long-lasting aroma. The Voice of the Snake Eau de Parfum as a part of collection, was inspired by a snake's movement through a forest, blends oud with patchouli and saffron, resulting in a provocative and hypnotizing scent.
The bottles were crafted to evoke the allure of vintage apothecary containers, with opulent gold lettering and enigmatic symbols, turning them into must-have treasures for mystery buffs. Maison Alhambra, true to form, skipped the brainstorming session and just hit Ctrl + c, Ctrl + v on the bottle design. I guess originality took a vacation there! 🤷‍♂️
Here is the fun part, Alberto Morillas described the collection as creating mesmerizing individual statements, allowing personalization by combining oils, floral waters, and eau de parfum. -roughly translates to "Not really meant to wear individually, better result can be obtained when mixed with others from the collection"-
Naturally, Maison Alhambra tossed that description straight into the recycling bin and decided to forge ahead with the cloning process. I mean, why not, right?
Orginal Maker: Alberto Morillas
How is the scent exactly?
Short version: Imagine a fragrance so wild, it's like a rollercoaster for your nose, not in a good way. It's like a band-aid and Dettol had a collision course, leaving the nose in disbelief. And just when you think it can't get worse, it dries down to something ashy. 🥲 Not a crowd pleasing and pretty wild at that.
Long version: well, as soon as you spray it, it blasts the spicy, dry, slightly sweet saffron. 10 mins in, it pulls herbal patchouli into the picture. Please note that patchouli is not chocolatey sweet in here, it's more earthy and medicinal. As patchouli takes center stage, overshadowing the saffron which now plays a game of peek-a-boo in the background, both stars are enveloped in a balsamic oud embrace.
The oud in here is not a typical white oud, having no sweet tone whatsoever. Almost sterile clean, setting the stage for patchouli and saffron.
As the scent progresses towards the dry down, it turns more ashy, medicinal and puts the woody, spicy and little warm aspects upfront.
So, It's like wearing the scent of a tough guy who's also a closet germaphobe (Hey! Happy pride month btw 🙃🫣). Masculine, antiseptic, and also contradictory, like a tough guy in a hazmat suit!
When, where and who can wear it?
This perfume is strictly for cold weather, evening time, mostly for casual wear (or just funerals?! ...maybe).
It's like, yeah, it's for everyone, but if I had to pick, I'd vote for the guys to sport that scent rather than the gals. It's like scent democracy, with a twist!
Performance, longevity, sillage?!
It projects when sprayed and stays like that for next half hour, gets close to 2 ft mild bubble and kinda becomes skin scent after 5-6hrs.
How close is it to the original?
Only God knows.
PS - First image was downloaded from the internet for the reference.
submitted by Horror-Outside7972 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:56 genericusername1904 H.G. WELLS’S, THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME (1933) VS. 1984 AND BRAVE NEW WORLD



I discovered this book by complete chance last year – a very old hardback copy was given to me as gift (in a situation which was certainly weighted with the most unlikely of synchronicities), “huh,” I thought, “it’s a first edition of H.G. Wells,” the book itself almost cannot be opened because it is so old and falling apart so I procured a text and audio file of the thing relatively easily and began to read. In hindsight not only for myself but I fancy for the generations of the last fifty years - in all totality, it is deeply strange that this book has not been more widely recognized or taught in schools, as like 1984 and Brave New World, as being the third contender (although technically the second, published one year after Huxley – seemingly written at the same time interestingly enough) in “visions of dystopia” – except that the book is not so much a vision of dystopia tomorrow but a vision of dystopia ‘today’ or rather ‘life as we know it’ of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries (endless war, endless pandemics, economic and logistic chaos), narrated from the comfortable and reassuring position of a society far far in the future who have long since revised their culture and solved all of the causes of the problems and become a society of genius polymaths “with (every Man and Woman) the intellectual equal of the polymaths of the ancient world.”
Now, I do not mean here to seem to ‘sweet-talk’ the reader into rushing out and buying this book or to hold it up in the manner of those other books as if it were some ideological blueprint but instead to assay the thing in the natural context which seems to me to be universally unrealized and which presents itself to us as a thing which is plainly self-evident, that is: that in the depressing and miserable dichotomy of 1984 and Brave New World; two extremely atomizing and miserable narratives, that there is also – far more empowering – The Shape Of Things To Come wherein the miserable protagony and antagony of both 1984 and Brave New World might read as merely a footnote somewhere in the middle of the book as an example of the witless measures mankinds old master undertook to preserve their power in an untenable circumstance. In other words, we know all about 1984 as children; we have this drummed into our heads and we glean our cultural comprehension that dictators cannot be cliques of business people but only lone individuals, usually in military uniform, and then we graduate from that to Brave New World to gain a more sophisticated comprehension of the feckless consumerism and ‘passive egoism’ by which our society actually operates, but then we do not – as I argue we ought – continue along in our education with this third book which actually addresses the matters at hand at a more adult level.
For instance, here, from ‘The Breakdown Of Finance And Social Morale After Versailles’ (Book One, Chapter Twelve) addresses in a single paragraph the cause of our continual economic chaos (of which all crime and poverty and war originates from) and highlights the problem from which this chaos cannot be resolved yet could easily be resolved, “adjustment was left to blind and ill-estimated forces,” “manifestly, a dramatic revision of the liberties of enterprise was necessary, but the enterprising people who controlled politics (would be) the very last people to undertake such a revision,”

…the expansion of productive energy was being accompanied by a positive contraction of the distributive arrangements which determined consumption. The more efficient the output, the fewer were the wages-earners. The more stuff there was, the fewer consumers there were. The fewer the consumers, the smaller the trading profits, and the less the gross spending power of the shareholders and individual entrepreneurs. So buying dwindled at both ends of the process and the common investor suffered with the wages- earner. This was the "Paradox of Overproduction" which so troubled the writers and journalists of the third decade of the twentieth century.

It is easy for the young student to-day to ask "Why did they not adjust?" But let him ask himself who there was to adjust. Our modern superstructure of applied economic science, the David Lubin Bureau and the General Directors' Board, with its vast recording organization, its hundreds of thousands of stations and observers, directing, adjusting, apportioning and distributing, had not even begun to exist. Adjustment was left to blind and ill-estimated forces. It was the general interest of mankind to be prosperous, but it was nobody's particular interest to keep affairs in a frame of prosperity. Manifestly a dramatic revision of the liberties of enterprise was necessary, but the enterprising people who controlled politics, so far as political life was controlled, were the very last people to undertake such a revision.

There is a clever metaphor I fancy that Wells worked in to this for the ‘actual’ defacto controlling class of things, that is: not really the politicians (sorry to disappoint the Orwell and conspiracy fans) but instead the ‘Dictatorship of the Air’ which might easily read as the ‘Dictatorship of the Airwaves’ – in colloquial language, that being radio and then television. Certainly we might imagine Rupert Murdoch or Ted Turner or Sumner Redstone (of yesterday) entering into honourable retirement as like the ‘dictators of the air’ of the very last days before the establishment of a one world state – in any case that is how things would work out, as the power of, say, Ted Turner to eradicate a political party in the United States – at any time he wishes – by simply green-lighting coverage of their bad actions relentlessly for months until revolution occurs is a real power of which no other institution possesses nor possesses any means of defence against, i.e. the ‘real power’ in our world to end a war or begin or war or end this or begin that is that power held by the organized press. This metaphor is somewhat of a more mature view, I think, than Wells earlier conception of the press in The Sleeper Awakes (1899) where the press of a dystopian future is visualized as a “babble machine” spreading circular nonsense to preoccupy the citizenry (although this is arguably a true representation of the mental processes of the Twitter and Facebook user, or of the general baby-speak and extremely infantile form of the news reports on the front page of the BBC News website) which is more or less what the press depicted as being in Brave New World also.
However the construction of sudden new realities (or sudden ‘actualities’) presented by the equation of interdependent technological innovations (i.e. the radio and the television in this instance) is mentioned early on in The Shape Of Things To Come in ‘How The Idea And Hope Of The Modern World State First Appeared’ (Book One, Chapter Two),

The fruitlessness of all these premature inventions is very easily explained. First in the case of the Transatlantic passage; either the earlier navigators who got to America never got back, or, if they did get back, they were unable to find the necessary support and means to go again before they died, or they had had enough of hardship, or they perished in a second attempt. Their stories were distorted into fantastic legends and substantially disbelieved. It was, indeed, a quite futile adventure to get to America until the keeled sailing ship, the science of navigation, and the mariner's compass had been added to human resources. (Then), in the matter of printing, it was only when the Chinese had developed the systematic manufacture of abundant cheap paper sheets in standard sizes that the printed book—and its consequent release of knowledge—became practically possible. Finally the delay in the attainment of flying was inevitable because before men could progress beyond precarious gliding it was necessary for metallurgy to reach a point at which the internal combustion engine could be made. Until then they could build nothing strong enough and light enough to battle with the eddies of the air.

In an exactly parallel manner, the conception of one single human community organized for collective service to the common weal had to wait until the rapid evolution of the means of communication could arrest and promise to defeat the disintegrative influence of geographical separation. That rapid evolution came at last in the nineteenth century, and it has been described already in a preceding chapter of this world history. Steam power, oil power, electric power, the railway, the steamship, the aeroplane, transmission by wire and aerial transmission followed each other very rapidly. They knit together the human species as it had never been knit before. Insensibly, in less than a century, the utterly impracticable became not merely a possible adjustment but an urgently necessary adjustment if civilization was to continue.

In other words, then, a global state (or, rather, such power in general held by the press as I see the analogy extending to them as being the ‘Dictatorship of the Airwaves’) was impossible to imagine and completely laughable before the technologies had stacked together to reveal as like in a simple piece of arithmetic which produced a single outcome of the equation; that no sooner had the technologies existed then the thing had become an actual reality – in that 1) unassailable political power had been unthinkingly dropped into the lap of the owners of the press, but that more importantly as consequence that therefore 2) mankind was subject to that power, that is: the situation existed the moment the technologies did – and this whether any living person had even realized it, as I think quite naturally all the time Men and Women invent things that they really have no notion of the fullest or most optimal uses of (“nothing is needed by fools, for: they do not understand how to use anything but are in want of everything,” Chrysippus), e.g. in no metaphor the television was quite literally invented as a ‘ghost box’ to commune with ghosts imagined to reveal themselves by manipulating the black and white of the static until someone else had the idea that there was at least one other use for that contraption.
It is quite strange, also, that in contemporary times we have for ages been heavily propagandized ‘against’ the idea of a “one world state” as if, say, all the crimes and fecklessness that have gone on in our lifetimes are somehow secretly building towards the creation of such a thing – not a thing you would naturally conclude from an observation of those events nor a thing advocated for by anybody (insofar as I have ever heard) but it is a thing which would be the first logical response to ‘preventing’ such crimes from ever occurring again – such as like the already widely practiced concept of a Senate-Style Federation of Sovereign States rather than a hundred or so mutually antagonistic polities capable of bombing themselves or screwing up their economies and creating waves of refugees or mass starvation or pandemics, and so on. For instance, All Egypt is dependent on the flow of the Nile which originates in what is today another country, that other country recently decimated the flow of the Nile by gumming up the Nile with a Hydroelectric Dam; such an outcome would not occur if the total mass of the land itself was governed as the single interconnected economic and environmental system that it is in physical reality of which, when divided along arbitrary borderlines, there is no means to govern the entirety of the region in an amicable and prosperous manner for all as a whole and no recourse to the otherwise intolerable situation but War which is unlikely to occur – as most Nations are comprised of civilized peoples who rightly loath the concept of War – but it is the single and unavoidable outcome to resolve such a situation until that situation has dragged on for decades, causing immense suffering, until it reaches that point of desperation – the matter of Palestine and Israel, fresh to my mind in these days, raises itself also.
Of the matter of War itself, in ‘The Direct Action Of The Armament Industries In Maintaining War Stresses’ (Book One, Chapter Eleven), Wells relays in 1933 what United States President Eisenhower would later remark in 1961 in his farewell address of the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex; albeit far more analytically on Wells part, that: it is not so much the ‘desire to harm’ on the part of the armament industries which sees them engage in unnecessary build-up of weapons stockpiles but that it is simply their business to produce, to stockpile, produce more deadly variants and stockpile the more deadly variants and sell off their old stockpiles to whomsoever rings their doorbell; for instance the on-going War in Ukraine is no different in this regard to the Viet Cong and NATO Warfare in Vietnam in that massive quantities of cheap munitions were necessary for the war to be fought in the first place and massive quantities of munitions happened to exist as a by-product of the Armaments Industries to be dumped onto the warring parties in order to facilitate their macabre impulses at the expense of the citizenry; both at their cost in terms of the debt taken on to procure the weaponry on the part of their governments and in terms of their lives when the weaponry was utilized to the outcome of massive loss of life of a single peoples within a bordered space – a thing of no value to themselves. Simply put, albeit in a very simplistic reduction to the bare basics: the War would not reached such catastrophic inhuman proportions without massive quantities of cheap Armaments that otherwise sat taking up warehouse space for more valuable Armaments on the part of the producer and seller.

In a perpetual progress in the size and range of great guns, in a vast expansion of battleships that were continually scrapped in favour of larger or more elaborate models, (Armament Firms) found a most important and inexhaustible field of profit. The governments of the world were taken unawares, and in a little while the industry, by sound and accepted methods of salesmanship, was able to impose its novelties upon these ancient institutions with their tradition of implacable mutual antagonism. It was realized very soon that any decay of patriotism and loyalty would be inimical to this great system of profits, and the selling branch of the industry either bought directly or contrived to control most of the great newspapers of the time, and exercised a watchful vigilance on the teaching of belligerence in schools. Following the established rules and usages for a marketing industrialism, and with little thought of any consequences but profits, the directors of these huge concerns built up the new warfare that found its first exposition in the Great War of 1914-18, and gave its last desperate and frightful convulsions in the Polish wars of 1940 and the subsequent decades.

Even at its outset in 1914-18 this new warfare was extraordinarily uncongenial to humanity. It did not even satisfy man's normal combative instincts. What an angry man wants to do is to beat and bash another living being, not to be shot at from ten miles distance or poisoned in a hole. Instead of drinking delight of battle with their peers, men tasted all the indiscriminating terror of an earthquake. The war literature stored at Atacama, to which we have already referred, is full of futile protest against the horror, the unsportsmanlike quality, the casual filthiness and indecency, the mechanical disregard of human dignity of the new tactics. But such protest itself was necessarily futile, because it did not go on to a clear indictment of the forces that were making, sustaining and distorting war. The child howled and wept and they did not even attempt to see what it was had tormented it.

To us nowadays it seems insane that profit-making individuals and companies should have been allowed to manufacture weapons and sell the apparatus of murder to all comers. But to the man of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries it seemed the most natural thing in the world. It had grown up in an entirely logical and necessary way, without any restraint upon the normal marketing methods of peace-time commerce, from the continually more extensive application of new industrial products to warfare. Even after the World War catastrophe, after that complete demonstration of the futility of war, men still allowed themselves to be herded like sheep into the barracks, to be trained to consume, and be consumed, by new lines of slaughter goods produced and marketed by the still active armament traders. And the accumulation of a still greater and still more dangerous mass of war material continued.

The book is, if the reader has likely already gathered from the excerpts, not written in the style of a protagonal narrative; i.e. not as a story, i.e. no hero and no villain, but as a sort of a Historia Augusta – that is really the most fitting comparison I think of when trying to describe this to a new reader (or perhaps J.J. Scarisbrick’s Henry VIII), that is to say it is written ‘as’ a History in the classical style we are familiar with from the better of the ancient writers, as like Appian or Cassius Dio, but unlike Suetonius or Tacitus it is absent of the sloppy hinging of all bad things on the highly personalized propaganda ad hominem (i.e. blame the fall of empire on one guy) that goes in those narrative works as we are typically familiar with them.
It is, of course, a work a fiction; although Wells did predict World War Two beginning in late 1939-1940 (although he had Poland putting up much better and longer of a fight against the Germans) and various other innovations, beginning from his own day with a true account of events prior to his own day – giving us a valuable account of affairs and actors prior to 1933 which would otherwise not come easily to any of us to discover. But the book, ultimately, is vehicle for the transmission and discussion of these societal (i.e. social, economic, industrial, logistic) matters presented to the audience of the day fresh, in their own minds, from the abject horror recently witnessed in World War One – and the economic catastrophes of which Roosevelts reforms had not yet come into tangible reality (i.e. relief for the poor, public works projects such as the motorways across America) as is discussed in that other seemingly little known H.G. Wells literary offering in his face-to-face interview with Josef Stalin the following year in 1934 (something which I think is of far more historical value than say, Nixon and Frost or Prince Andrew and Emily Maitlis), so as to ‘avert’ another crisis and pluck from the ether a seemingly alternate trajectory of where Mankind might at last get its act together. This ‘novel’ (thought it seems strange to call it that) ought be read, I would advise, in conjunction with ‘The Sleeper Awakes’ (1899) and also the (actually very depressing – I would not advise it) short-story prequel ‘A Story Of The Days To Come’ (1897) – set in that same universe – which, perhaps it is because I am English, seems to me to be a black horror show of the reality that we actually find ourselves living in this far into an actually dystopic future – or perhaps yet with the ‘strange windmills’ powering the mega cities that this a future yet to come (no pun intended); the broken speech, the babble machines, the miserable condition of the Working Class and their consumption of pre-packaged soft bread, the desire to flee the urban sprawl into the dilapidated countryside and make a little life in a run-down house with tacky wallpaper peeling away … ah, forgive me, my point is that ‘our condition’; i.e. those of us literate in English, is quite analogous to the condition of the central characters in those two stories; a culture dulled intellectually to the point that they can barely speak or think, being appraised and assayed by ourselves; those of us simply literate, as to render our commentary stuck as to seem as mutually alien as like Caesar in Gaul. However, it is in the context of the frame given to us in ‘The Shape Of Things To Come’ that we might gain a degree of sanity about this self-same situation; to study and lean into that dispassionate quality as to discern the nature of things as they are and recognize how important this quality is in relation to Well’s ultimate outcome for the best possible position of Humankind far far future, that is: that of Humankind’s vital intellectual capacity, and that the most striking message of STC, beyond all we have mentioned in this little overview, is that intellectual capacity in and of itself.
For example, when we consider the ‘actuality’ of the power of Turner or perhaps Zuckerberg in his heyday, for instance, we consider a power fallen into a Mans lap by an accidental stacking of disparate technologies created not by himself but of which possess a power utterly dependent in that same equation upon on a population being ‘witless’ in the first place and so led slavishly by the “babble machines”. However you cut it, reader, the great uplifting of Humankind to a standard of autonomy and intellectual prowess – not held by an elite but possessed by All People – is a thing both intrinsically self-sufficient within our grasp for our own selves and is certainly the prerequisite for political matters in that intellectual capacity of the voting public determines entirely whether a public is tricked or foolish and gets themselves into trouble by undertaking some obvious error or whether they are immune to such trickery and foolishness in the first place and that their energies and time are spent on more valuable pursuits. It seems to me that our contemporary society has done away with the notion of good character through intellect and that we live with the outcome of this; being shepherded by emotional manipulation and brute force because our society at large is treated as if we lacked the verbal and intellectual toolsets to understand anything else – moreover possessing no means to discern whether or not what is forced onto us is right or wrong; truth or lies, and so on. Such a society as this, again it seems plain to me, is ‘any’ dystopia because it is the baseline composition for ‘all’ dystopia; as like the foolish dogma of an out-dated ideology for example rests itself upon a large enough contingent of the public being either treated as if they were or in fact are “too foolish” to discuss or think a thing through, so a dogma is poured over them like concrete creating, in turn, intolerable circumstances as the dogma, tomorrow, becomes out-dated and suddenly instructs them to do foolish things, as like in the “Banality Of Evil” (read: Hannah Arendt) as the character in all serious perpetrators of inhumanity who insist, with a confused expression on their faces, that they were just doing their job – and this ‘quality’, of extreme ignorance, is the composition of the culture where such ‘evil actions’ occur.
I mean here that in STC we have on one hand a very in-depth account, very serious reading, to graduate the reader out of the depressive, atomizing, disempowering, conspiratorial milieu and mire of ‘life’ presented to us in 1984 and Brave New World, but that we have at the same time the very resonant harmonics that one does not need to “wait around for a distant future utopia” to “solve all the problems” but that the tools to do so are well within our grasp at any time we so choose and of which such an undertaking constitutes the foundation stones and tapestries of that future utopia which, I think, could be said to “meet us half-way” in many of these matters, as like we reach forward and they reach back and then those in the past reach forward and we in the present reach back; that is anyway what it is to learn from the past and anyway the answer to “why the Grandfather sews the seeds for trees from whose fruits he will never eat.”


submitted by genericusername1904 to 2ndStoicSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:54 Horror-Outside7972 Maison Alhambra - The Serpent 🐍

Maison Alhambra - The Serpent 🐍
Background: Short version: The serpent was made after the Gucci - The voice of the snake.
Long version: As written on their own site, Gucci Fragrances introduced Luxury Collection: The Alchemist’s Garden, featuring unisex fragrances customizable by layering various scents for a unique, long-lasting aroma. The Voice of the Snake Eau de Parfum as a part of collection, was inspired by a snake's movement through a forest, blends oud with patchouli and saffron, resulting in a provocative and hypnotizing scent.
The bottles were crafted to evoke the allure of vintage apothecary containers, with opulent gold lettering and enigmatic symbols, turning them into must-have treasures for mystery buffs. Maison Alhambra, true to form, skipped the brainstorming session and just hit Ctrl + c, Ctrl + v on the bottle design. I guess originality took a vacation there! 🤷‍♂️
Here is the fun part, Alberto Morillas described the collection as creating mesmerizing individual statements, allowing personalization by combining oils, floral waters, and eau de parfum. -roughly translates to "Not really meant to wear individually, better result can be obtained when mixed with others from the collection"-
Naturally, Maison Alhambra tossed that description straight into the recycling bin and decided to forge ahead with the cloning process. I mean, why not, right?
Orginal Maker: Alberto Morillas
How is the scent exactly?
Short version: Imagine a fragrance so wild, it's like a rollercoaster for your nose, not in a good way. It's like a band-aid and Dettol had a collision course, leaving the nose in disbelief. And just when you think it can't get worse, it dries down to something ashy. 🥲 Not a crowd pleasing and pretty wild at that.
Long version: well, as soon as you spray it, it blasts the spicy, dry, slightly sweet saffron. 10 mins in, it pulls herbal patchouli into the picture. Please note that patchouli is not chocolatey sweet in here, it's more earthy and medicinal. As patchouli takes center stage, overshadowing the saffron which now plays a game of peek-a-boo in the background, both stars are enveloped in a balsamic oud embrace.
The oud in here is not a typical white oud, having no sweet tone whatsoever. Almost sterile clean, setting the stage for patchouli and saffron.
As the scent progresses towards the dry down, it turns more ashy, medicinal and puts the woody, spicy and little warm aspects upfront.
So, It's like wearing the scent of a tough guy who's also a closet germaphobe (Hey! Happy pride month btw 🙃🫣). Masculine, antiseptic, and also contradictory, like a tough guy in a hazmat suit!
When, where and who can wear it?
This perfume is strictly for cold weather, evening time, mostly for casual wear (or just funerals?! ...maybe).
It's like, yeah, it's for everyone, but if I had to pick, I'd vote for the guys to sport that scent rather than the gals. It's like scent democracy, with a twist!
Performance, longevity, sillage?!
It projects when sprayed and stays like that for next half hour, gets close to 2 ft mild bubble and kinda becomes skin scent after 5-6hrs.
How close is it to the original?
Only God knows!
PS - First image was downloaded from the internet for the reference.
submitted by Horror-Outside7972 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:45 AddisonianDogMom Less than a week from being clinically cured and relapsing

I'm so scared and so upset right now. I had one "relapse" immediately after I finished my first round of Vanco, but I don't think it was ever fully gone the first time since I had it for 7 months before being diagnosed.
I am now 2 months and 24 days post-treatment, and I've had no PI-IBS during that time. All of a sudden, I'm having diarrhea, super high BP (I know some people's drops - mine skyrockets), trouble breathing again, and I feel like I've been hit by a train. Exactly how I felt when I got c diff originally.
I don't even have a gastroenterologist right now because, long story short, I'm dumb. So I guess I'll be going to the ER and most likely starting this all over again.
I am beyond upset because I've done everything right and I was so close...but being upset isn't going to help me either. I need to be able to fight this again and I feel really defeated right now. I don't like asking for help because it makes me feel weak but could you guys give me some positivity and encouragement? I'm going to need it so I can stop feeling sorry for myself and get back to fighting this shit. Thank you in advance. I know we can handle this better together. ♥️
submitted by AddisonianDogMom to cdifficile [link] [comments]