Allegra lisinopril

Help with urinary symptoms

2024.04.20 04:14 LuridPrism Help with urinary symptoms

43F. PMH: HTN, HLD, Migraines, urticaria. Surgeries: lap appy, open hyst w/ bil salp & rt ooph. Meds: Daily: Topamax, Amitriptyline, Norvasc, Lisinopril, magnesium, Riboflavin, Lipitor, pepcid, allegra. PRN: Maxalt, zofran, Tylenol, motrin, new: Phenazopyridine.
Situation: TL:DR- recurrent left flank pain with urinary frequency and painful urination, 3 UAs and at least 1 culture negative. What can I do awaiting urology?
About 3 weeks ago, I had urinary frequency and pain with left flank pain. The symptoms lasted a couple days. I picked up my fluid intake thinking it was a UTI and just slept wrong and had back pain. I made an appointment with my NP, but by the time I got in to see her the symptoms were almost gone. We did a UA, which was negative, and sent for culture, which was also negative. The only theory she had was maybe I'd passed a tiny stone that had been enough for me to feel it, but not enough to trigger anything on the UA. Since the symptoms were just about gone, we shrugged it off and hoped it didn't come back.
Last week, it came back. Starting with left flank pain that feels sort of muscular then focuses in more to a burning knot under my ribs. And it started feeling like I was passing razor blades, and frequently. When picking up my fluids and waiting didn't work again, I went to urgent care. There I had another negative UA (and I presume negative culture, they haven't called me). They couldn't do imaging so directed me back to my NP.
I saw a different NP at the office. Had a third negative UA. To be clear, that was 3 UAs with no blood and no protein. Now I have a c/s for urology.
In the meantime it is still painful to urinate, sometimes just annoyingly like pressing on a bruise and sometimes its the razorblades again. My creatine runs about 1.05, so I really don't want to keep taking Azo on a near-daily basis.
Anyone have any additional advice?
submitted by LuridPrism to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 03:03 Agile-Necessary-8223 Good News About Supplements - you will want to read this post.

Like many of you, I hate that this takes so damn long, and I've also wondered why some people can restore much faster than others. Recently, while researching these issues, I chanced upon some information which led me to what seems to be a new discovery that may help speed up the glacial pace of restoring progress.
Short version:
There is a group of substances, known as vasodilators, which act upon the vascular smooth muscle cells in the Dartos Fascia (the bottom layer of the penile shaft skin and mucosa) in a way that appears to speed up the process of growing a foreskin.
Method of action:
Vasodilators are commonly used to control blood pressure. They act in various ways to relax the walls of arteries, increasing the diameter of the artery and letting more blood flow, thereby lowering blood pressure.
Now here's the connection: the tissue in the artery walls that vasodilators act on is the same vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that are in the Dartos Fascia. Vasodilators appear to act the same on both tissues. It's this relaxation of the VSMC that provides the benefit for foreskin restoration.
How this was discovered:
A guy wandered into our little oasis with the most over-the-top restoration story possible. Amazingly enough, his story checked out, as much as it could be. That got me looking into how Cialis could have affected his progress, and then I had the 'Aha!' moment when I made the vasodilator-VSMC-Dartos Fascia connection. In short order I found several other restorers with similar experiences, then realized my own much-better-than-average restoring results were likely aided by the prescription vasodilator I take for blood pressure. I've collected 10+ case histories of restorers with similar journeys. The pattern is clear enough that I feel confident it's time to put this out to our community.
Here are some of our members who have given me information and have graciously consented to being identified"
u/Disastrous_Cost3980 has experienced far better than average foreskin growth while using several vasodilator supplements.
u/uneeknesss is a relatively new restorer who has also achieved well-above-average results while using a prescription vasodilator, losartan and a nitrous oxide supplement.
u/AllAboutTime2 restored from a painfully tight CI-0 to CI-2 in 20 months without even knowing foreskin restoration was possible. He was treating another condition with a traction rig and a prescription vasodilator.
u/Prepucious10 has achieved far better than average results in his first 6 months while using several vasodilator supplements.
What are these vasodilators?
Many substances readily available as supplements are known to be vasodilators, including:
Omega-3 fatty acids, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, Creatine, Taurine, Horny Goat Weed, Pomegranate and Pipirine are among the ones that restorers have mentioned to me. Here is a paper with a lot more. These supplements are known to be safe when taken in moderate amounts, however you must do your own research and determine which is right for you and how much to take.
There are also prescription vasodilators, including: daily Cialis, ACE II inhibitors like Lisinopril, ARBs like Losartan and CCBs like Amlodipine. While they seem to be more potent than supplements, they are prescription drugs for a reason, and must only be used with a doctor's prescription.
How can vasodilators help us restore faster?
The foreskin has 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and Dartos Fascia. In the common medical procedure of tissue expansion, doctors can double the area of skin - epidermis and dermis only - in 3 to 4 months, while it takes us up to 36 months to do the same. There are several reasons for the speed difference, including the presence of the VSMC in the Dartos Fascia, which has always seemed like the most difficult of the 3 tissues to grow.
The VSMC of the Dartos Fascia will always resist being stretched - it's job is to keep the shaft skin and mucosa snug to the interior erectile structure of the penis - so helping it relax may do 2 things: 1) allow more tension to be felt by the dermis and 2) increase the rate of growth of the VSMC itself.
There is plenty of scientific evidence proving how vasodilators affect VSMC, and I will be happy to provide details if asked. I'll also put up a post with more on the scientific information.
How to use this information:
If you're interested in vasodilators, you must do your own research. There's plenty available. Google 'Is L-Arginine a vasodilator?', then 'Is L-Arginine safe?', and go from there. WebMD has been a reliable source of information for me. The supplements I listed above are widely regarded as safe, and are readily available from reputable sources, like drug stores and Amazon.
I think the easiest and best way to start using vasodilators is with Omega-3 fatty acids. Aside from how they can help your restoration progress, they are arguably the best dietary supplement you can take. So you get multiple benefits.
L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are common amino acids (they are related, and you probably don't have to take them both), and WebMD has info on safe dosages for these and other supplements.
We obviously know little about effective dosages of any of these supplements, so it's up to us to experiment (starting slowly) and share knowledge. One of the restorers I talked to used 3 to 5 grams of L-Arginine daily with excellent results.
Part of the reason I'm putting out this information is so that we can collect data on how well vasodilators assist restoration progress. If you do decide to experiment with one or more of these substances, please keep data on your tugging progress. If you've been using a vasodilator during your restoration journey (without knowing it would help, of course), please let me know how you have progressed.
For those using prescription meds for blood pressure, BPH or ED:
Some BP meds are vasodilators, others, like diuretics, aren't. If you're restoring and taking a non-vasodilator for BP, you may have the option to switch to a medication that is - but only at a doctor's direction, of course.
Viagra and Cialis are potent vasodilators, but when taken occasionally, are probably of little to no use for restoration. Daily-use Cialis, however, has been used by 4 different restorers who have had outstandingly fast results, including the accidental restorer linked above.
Again, these are prescription medications for good reasons. Do not mess around with them. Talk to your doctor, and only use them with a legitimate prescription.
One last note - vasoconstrictors:
Just as there are vasodilators, there are vasoconstrictors - substances that cause blood vessels to narrow. just as they have the opposite effect on blood pressure, vasoconstrictors likely have a negative effect on restoration progress. I don't have any data - yet - to back this up, but the logic is sound.
Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, so if you smoke, you should quit, and if foreskin restoration is your motive, that's fine. Pseudoephedrine, the active ingredient in Sudafed and other OTC meds, is also a vasoconstrictive, especially in extended-release form.
Brand new discovery: many OTC allergy meds contain both fexofenadine, an antihistamine, and pseudoephedrine, a decongestant. Allegra-D has both, Allegra has no pseudoephedrine. Restorers who are taking Allegra-D but who can get adequate relief from Allegra may find their restoration progress improved.
If I was a scientist, I'd be setting up some trials and studies to figure this out, but I'm not. Thanks to the lack of interest in foreskin restoration from the medical and scientific communities, we have to rely on ad-hoc, crowd-sourced research to make advancements.
Don't use these substances if you haven't satisfied yourself that they are safe - don't rely on my word, do your own research. And if you do use them, please let us know how well they work, and at what dosage. That's how we can determine whether vasodilators are as useful as I believe they are.
Oh, one more thing: if you don't know for sure that your blood pressure is in the normal range for your age, PLEASE get it checked, even if you're young. It might not only save your life, but if you do have high blood pressure (or if it's marginal), you may need a prescription drug to help control it... and if so, make sure (if possible) that it's a vasodilator, so you can help your restoration progress as well.
Thanks for reading and Keep on Tugging!
submitted by Agile-Necessary-8223 to foreskin_restoration [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 02:21 Agile_Translator35 Medication related depression?

48F 240 lbs (down 60 lbs in the last 16 months) Former smoker- on and off for 25 years Type 2 diabetic Sarcoidosis (lungs and lymph nodes) Lupus anticoagulation syndrome Asthma
Dx with sarcoidosis in May 2023. Started high dose Prednisone June 2023. Slow taper starting in December 2023 and finally off Prednisone as of April 1, 2024. Added Hydroxychloroquine February 2024 due to continued joint pains primarily in hands, wrists, knees, ankles, elbows and shoulders while trying to taper. Now off Prednisone the pain is primarily in my hands and wrists.
Last A1C was December 2023 and was 6.3 but it was very hard to keep it that low because literally anything I ate would cause a glucose spike due to the steroids. Thank God for my dexcom 7 monitor because it helped me figure out what I could safely eat without immediately spiking my glucose into the upper 200's to lower 300's. My diet has been primarily eggs, veggies, chicken and some dairy for the last 10 months. I think the strict watch on my diet is the reason I didn't gave a bunch of weight while on steroids. I've only gained 5lbs to date and I'm sure that is water weight because I am so bloated and my legs are constantly swollen.
Beginning March 2024 I noticed anxiety type symptoms- agitated, not sleeping well (3-4 hours a night), night sweats, hair loss. That has now morphed into depression like symptoms - questioning self image, crying about everything, irritable and no desire to do anything.
I'm questioning whether it could be from the hydroxychloroquine because it all started about 1-2 weeks after I started it. Or could it be menopause, no clue about menstrual cycle due to hysterectomy in October 2021, ovaries intact.
I see my endocrinologist next week and don't know if I need to have her run bloodwork on my hormone levels or if I need to contact my pulmonologist and see about trying a different medication, I have an appointment scheduled in May with her. She has mentioned possibly methotrexate and azathioprine if the hydroxychloroquine didn't work.
Psychologist has mentioned maybe starting on antidepressants but I am on Xarelto (8 years now) and it doesn't play well with a plethora of medications. But I can't go off it because I start throwing clots within a week of stopping it, often times within 4-5 days when I've had to stop it for surgery.
Previous antidepressant trials from years ago with Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Lexapro did not go well and within a couple months symptoms would worsen so I am leery of antidepressants.
I'm just at a loss, my mental health is starting to affect my marriage and I need to pull myself out of this tail spin I'm currently trapped in.
Current meds I take daily- 14mg Rybelsus, 10mg Farxiga, 2.5mg Lisinopril to offset BP increases with Prednisone, 10mg Singular, 180mg Allegra, 10mg Xarelto (down from 20mg), 200mg Hydroxycholoroquine, centrum silver women's multivitamin, 600mg Calcium Citrate, Vitamin D3 5,000 IU, Vitamin C 1000mg, Vitamin B complex, and a probiotic.
submitted by Agile_Translator35 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 03:43 Music_as_Medicine Feel pulse in head and pressure in sinus, do I have an aneurysm??

300lb male 26 years old
Hypertension, Allergies, ADHD, possibly high cholesterol.
On Lisinopril/HCTZ, Vitamin D, Allegra, Montelukast
Infrequent marijuana use in oast 2 months, infrequent vyvanse 30mg past 8 months (I forget to take it alot and haven't taken it recently)
I never use MJ on days with the vyvanse ever. Or even days after it.
This has happened about 4 times over the past 5 months.
My nose, eyes, and ears will suddenly get pressure like if yoy were on a plane, then my forehead will, then I get this weird pain at the back part of my skull around where a bald spot would be.
I try to plug my nose and blow air to pop my ears but it doesn't reconnect this pressure issue.
The most recent time I also felt pulsating, like my hearts pulse in my jaw line, my soft palette, my inner ears, and my head.
It comes on rapidly then stops gradually within a few minutes.
It feels like a s rush of blood to head without the dizziness, I just get warm and uncomfortable with increased pressure and than it goes away.
I'm very confused and kinda worried it's an aneurysm.
Please help, does anyone know what thus could be at all??
submitted by Music_as_Medicine to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.16 01:06 Music_as_Medicine Weird Sinus/Eye pressure that comes and goes?

M26, 300lbs, Hypertension, elevated Cholesterol, asthma
Meds: Vyvanse 30mg, Sertraline 100mg, Lisinopril/HCTZ 10/12.5mg, Allegra, montelukast
So about 3 or 4 times now for 4 months. I have had this random feeling of sinus pressure with eye pressure that can only be relieved by plugging my nose and blowing or waiting a few minutes.
It also causes a slight pressure/pain at the very top back of my skull, like where your scalp starts to become the back of your head/neck.
The plugging the nose doesn't always work and it doesn't cause ear pressure. I keep psyching myself out and thinking it's signs of an aneurysm causing pressure on my eyes and sinus.
It's causing insane anxiety for me cuz I greatly fear death
submitted by Music_as_Medicine to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.09.09 17:47 Danthe92s People who have recovered or saw some positive effects from treatments (supplements, etc) when did you stop taking them?

I’m taking pepcid, aspirin, magnesium, Allegra, lisinopril, vitamin D, NAC, and vitamin C. I had been taking CoQ10 and methylated B12 before that. I’m 31M. I’m somewhat resigned to maybe needing to take lisinopril for the rest of my life (I already tried titrating off of it once and my BP was consistently in the 140s/90s afterwards for months) but everything else I just wonder. I’ve kind of plateaued in my recovery and would prefer to not take pepcid and aspirin specifically for the rest of my life.
I hesitate to call my symptoms neuro, they are more related to my peripheral vascular function impacting my muscles. Though sometimes it has felt like my brain does not connect to my muscles properly anymore
submitted by Danthe92s to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2023.02.11 19:26 youlldancetoanything Sports Drinks While on Rx Potassium

F53 Diagnoses: Essential Hypertension (mychart also says Malignant Hypertension & several uncontrolled , 2014 though it was updated in 2016), Nontoxic uninodular goiter, Bipolar, Allergic Rhinitis Unspecified, Eustachian Tube Disorder, Obesity Medications: Clonidine, Amlodipine, Lisinopril/HCTZ, metoprolol, potassium chloride 10 MEQ ER tablet Ibuprofen, Lamictal, Allegra, Flonase

Hi, I have a phyiscal in the beginning of March, my last wellness check my blood sugar was good, I am not pre-diabetic, cholesterol was fine as well. I just wanted to share that bc of the hypertension & weight Been on all those meds for hypertension for at least a decade & have dealt with hypertension since I was around 20. It runs in my family. I had to start taking the Rx Potassium about a year ago . I recently started Lamictal and it is has curbed my appetite, including urge to drink immensly. But I realized I was really dehydrated yesterday when I thought I had a sore throat but it was just extreme thirst & I was not urinating very much. So I am trying to stay hydrated. I had a traumatic incident in my youth that makes regular unflavored still water very difficult for me to drink, so I drink sugar free sports drinks, seltzer, diet soda, and a cup of coffee black. It just dawned on me after I ordered a powdered sports drink that since I am on Rx Potassium, maybe I need to not drink those, or limit how many. My part of the country is already getting warm & by April I know it will be very hot and I'll need to be even more mindful of staying hydrated. I have every intention of discussing this with my primary care doc when I see her next month, but that's four weeks from today. Thank you.
submitted by youlldancetoanything to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.12.08 08:27 thyroidthrowaway89 Long Time Lurker, First Time Poster: My Story, Allergist Experience, and a Prednisone Question (Long post warning!)

Hi there, I've (33, Female) been dealing with chronic hives since around the end of September and have been lurking here almost daily. It's been so comforting to know there are others in my position and I'm ready to seek out some advice for myself.
Feel free to check out my post history, where I put a much longer backstory to this in the Hypothyroidism subreddit. Long story short, I've been waking up each day since about the end of September covered in hives, mostly on my legs and arms but my upper body can sometimes get them too. No new foods or soaps or deodorant, everything I use is scentless or is for sensitive skin. My doctor, an NP, ran a TSH and Free T4 test in October. The latter came out to the middle of the range with a 0.85 ng/dL (standard range 0.55 - 1.60 ng/dL) and TSH slightly elevated at 4.886 u[IU]/mL (standard range 0.270 - 4.200 u[IU]/mL). I have a feeling these hives are some kind of a thyroid problem but I won't know for sure until these tests, plus one for thyroid antibodies are taken in January.
Anyway, I've cycled through a myriad of drug concoctions during this time, starting with just adding a second dose of my allergy pill I've taken daily for many years for allergies, Claritin D. Then swapping one of those out for Hydroxyzine at night that my regular doctor prescribed to me. That combo seemed to keep me from getting super covered in hives, but they were obviously still popping up. I then quit taking both of those after seeing my allergist for the first time on Halloween who wanted me to take Zyrtec 3x a day instead for two weeks and if that didn't work, to let him know and we could throw Pepcid in (my first appointment with him was two weeks shy of the six week mark). After the two weeks I felt like the Zyrtec wasn't doing much at all and was actually making them act up more, so I added in the Pepcid and swapped the Zyrtec for Allegra, taking both it and Pepcid twice a day. This seemed to put them back under control, still getting them but not as many and not as itchy. However, after doing this for a week, the bottom of my left eye and the left part of my bottom lip swelled up, freaking the crap out of me. I'd never experienced angioedema before, even during these hives. I went to Urgent Care and was given a Medrol dose pack. I thought I was reacting to possibly the Pepcid since it was the only new drug I'd been taking. So I stopped it and the Allegra, going back to basics with my Claritin and Hydroxyzine out of fear. Thankfully, I saw my regular doctor a few days later and it was a swelling that's a known side effect of Lisinopril, a blood pressure medication I'd taken for years. Got a new BP drug and that was the end of that, but having health anxiety it was the scariest part of the whole ordeal.
My allergist had been out of town during this scare, and had told me at our first appointment to call his office when he got back to update him on things. I explained everything to him that had happened medicine wise and with the swelling and what I was doing for hives currently. He brought up doing some bloodwork and maybe prescribing Prednisone for a bit. All seemed fine.
Fast forward to a few days before my next allergist appointment and I caught a bad cold my family had been passing around since Thanksgiving (tested negative for Covid at home). The only medicine that helps when I get a cold is my Claritin D, so having to choose between itching and breathing, I went with the latter and started taking the Claritin D twice a day. I was able to feel well enough to go to my next allergist appointment this past Monday but inevitably ended up with quite the itchy flare that was even painful at times. I was glad we'd already talked about prednisone and bloodwork so I figured we'd just cement everything we talked about and I'd be on my way.
Well, it didn't quite go as expected, almost as if he forgot everything I'd told him on the phone about the situation with my medicines because when I explained the story to him again, he seemed mad that I switched meds so much and especially that I'd gone back to my Claritin D for my cold. He told me to take 2x Zyrtec twice a day and 1 Pepcid twice a day for a month now and to stay with it even if it didn't work so that I'd be able to be approved for Xolair. I asked him to run the thyroid panel we'd talked about at our first appointment but he shrugged it off and told me to get it through my regular doctor (and she has an order for repeats of the tests I took in October plus a TPO antibody test, but I can't get it until January and was hoping to get the full panel he'd talked about me getting and maybe getting this diagnosed or ruled out sooner) and said thyroid medication wouldn't help the hives anyway. Maybe it's because I was still not 100% health wise, but I felt such a change between the phone call we'd had and our first appointment to now, like we were on completely different planes. Then when I asked about the prednisone he didn't even want to give it to me, explained it was temporary and had its share of side effects, but he'd been the one to bring up giving it to me in the first place despite all of that. If my mom hadn't been at my appointment with me to insist I get some brief relief from my flare I probably would've left with nothing. And I did get blood orders to take a couple of weeks after getting off prednisone but of course nothing for the thyroid, just a CBC, CMP, and Urinalysis, ironically all stuff my doctor was giving me for my annual checkup in, you guessed it, January. Also a food allergy panel, which I found odd because that's usually not part of a chronic urticaria workup from what I've read and my hives don't flare with food. I'm getting an Urticaria-Induced Basophil Activation test though, which from my understanding of it helps to see if these hives really are autoimmune related or just some weird IGE thing. That sounds interesting.
Okay, so if you've made it this far, I did get 10 mg of prednisone, 4 pills for two days, 3 pills for two days, two pills for two days and so on. The painful flare is better and it's helping me knock out the rest of my cold as well, which is a nice bonus. But I'm still waking up with hives, now mostly on my trunk area and arms. I've broken out there before and have had my hives move about during this whole thing, but it seems surprising to have this happen on prednisone. Is this a common occurrence and something that will settle down as I take the rest of the prescription? The two times I've taken short steroid packs (once from my regular doctor when I first came to her for hives and once from Urgent Care) I've been hive free for at least a couple of days so I'm hoping for a similar experience here. And I've started the new drug regimen by my allergist so I'm hoping that will help things along too.
If you've made it this far into my post, thanks for listening to my rant and story. It's been such a rough few months but it helps knowing I'm not alone in dealing with this. :)
ETA: I also take Vitamin D3 and Iron supplements already.
submitted by thyroidthrowaway89 to urticaria [link] [comments]

2022.11.21 03:04 kbradio Getting hives everyday..

63 yr male. Had an allergic reaction to lisinopril back in September tongue swell up so bad couldn't talk and affecting my breathing. Went to ER and they administered Epiy pen and syringes of benadryl. Been on this medication for 3 years not had a problem. So switched to Losartan a week later started breaking out after few weeks in hives. So switched to amlodipin hives are like welts. Don't know what to do? I don't think its the medication. Spoke with a teledoc today and he suggested Allegra Hive 180mg. TIA
submitted by kbradio to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.09.28 20:33 starlightwhereyougo Coming up on 3 Weeks with a Headache

Not really sure what the point of this post is, but I guess I need to vent a little and I may need this post for later reference.
On September 17th during a little, uh, "afternoon delight" I suddenly got the worst headache of my life. (More on that below.)
My history of horrible headaches started in 2015, when I was 34 years old, after receiving some sudden, horrible news. This resulted in basically a tension headache (like a band squeezing around the back of my head), and after a few days of that I went to the Dr. for what I think was a steroid headache shot. It helped for a day or two, then came back. I think maybe 2 weeks after that I was given another shot. The headache kinda "hung out" and eventually fizzled out after a month of a dull, constant ache.
Since then when I'm incredibly stressed I will have a similar headache about once a year. This headache will start suddenly and is debilitating but the worst symptoms only last for a couple days leaving me with a dull ache behind my left eye for about a month. The time previous to the earlier mentioned September 17th instance happened shortly after I returned to work in person in August 2021. My job at that time was non-stop and incredibly stressful, and I got a headache after maybe being back in person for a week. I went to the ER and my blood pressure was 196/150 IIRC, they gave me an anti-inflammatory and Benadryl shot/IV and I felt much better. Had to follow up with PCP and they put me on Metoprolol. I've been taking the Metoprolol kind of off and on since, I honestly don't think it was helping with my BP, but then again, I wasn't taking it on the regular like I should've.
Going back to the afternoon of September 17, as I was saying before; Had to stop everything because I was having the worst headache I've ever had, it was like an explosion went off in the center of my forehead and slowly worked its way down the back of my head, into my neck and about halfway down my back. (Previous to this, all of my headaches have been on the left side above my eye.) I could not sit still, I was screaming, sobbing, grabbing the top of my head and the back of my neck and head. My balance felt off but I had to keep pacing because I honestly felt like I was losing my mind from being in so much pain. I hadn't eaten anything that day and was probably dehydrated from having probably 8 beers the night before, although I didn't feel hung over. I could barely dress myself. I was in such severe, immediate and uncontrollable pain I went to the ER via ambulance.
They gave me 100mg of Fentanyl on the way to the ER but it only dulled the pain a little. My BP was VERY high, IIRC 219/145 when I got there. They gave me a bag of fluids and then another anti-inflammatory/Benadryl cocktail and after about 2 hours I felt better. My BP had fallen significantly from where it was and the ER gave me a prescription for 400mgs of magnesium because my levels were a little low.
Like with the other shots before, most of the pain was gone but I could still feel it kinda "hanging out" behind my eyes. Few days later I went back to work and the same headache was back, this time I was driving home from work. :) I had to pull over and call my husband to come pick me up. I went to a different Dr. the next day who is not my usual PCP and was given Flonase, Claritin and a prescription for 10mgs Lisinopril and I stopped taking the Metoprolol. She also did some (I forget the medical term) neck manipulations and kinda poked and prodded around on my face and neck. The Lisinopril has definitely helped my BP and makes it a little more difficult to get a headache.
My BP is under control and since has been averaging about 120/80. I've been keeping a headache/BP log since, also making notes about the weathebarometric pressure and what seems to trigger a headache like strong odors or stress. I've also been to the Chiropractor twice this week and go once again on Friday, it's been really helpful getting the persistent tightness out of my neck and the back of my head. I'm following up with the new PCP in close to a month, but she mentioned if my BP's top number is 150 or over to call the office.
My insurance allows me to see a Specialist without a referral, so I'm wondering if maybe I should make an appointment with a Neurologist prior to this because I'm still getting headaches but they're not as severe and only last maybe 5-15 minutes. In fact, I woke up with one last night because I woke up coughing and my eyes watering from presumably allergies. I took an Allegra, got a headache, but I was somehow able to go back to sleep within 5 minutes. When I got up this morning I had a slight headache and before drinking any caffeine or taking my medicine my BP was 142/89. Got to work a little late because of the headache and all but the headache was basically gone by around my 10:30 a.m. Chiropractor appointment. They didn't take my BP while I was there, and I felt less tension after I left. I was starving after so I went to Wendy's and had spicy nuggets and some fries - I know, it's bad for me. Still felt okay, although I could feel my BP was up from the salt and grease. I work at a school and it was a class change when I got back to work which means it's hard to get around, much less find a decent parking space. That being said I had about a 10 minute walk to my office, walking through seas of people all the way, when suddenly my head started to pound on both sides and across my forehead. I was walking at a normal pace so it was nothing too vigorous. As I said earlier, strong odors seem to trigger me so I could smell everyone's cologne, perfume, deodorant, etc, and it made it so much worse. I started feeling shaky and hot, went into the bathroom and ran cold water over my face. The worst part was over within about 10-15 minutes, but as I said before I can still feel it chillin at my temples. I'm wondering if it's a combo of shitty food + very recent Chiropractic adjustment + minimal stress that caused that, or maybe it was just the adjustment? The neck pain/tension prior to the adjustments have exacerbated the frequency of small headaches since this all started a few weeks ago. My Chiro says I'm going to have some pain since I was so tight.
If anyone else actually reads this, I think this is my longest Reddit post yet! Not sure if anyone else has symptoms such as these, I don't really consider myself a sufferer of migraines since it's probably stress/blood pressure related. For reference, I am 5' 7.5" and 182 lbs. so I'm not super overweight. (I guess?) I will be calling my PCP since the follow up appointment is a bit of a long ways out. If you actually read this and made it this far, thanks for letting me take up some of your day. :)
submitted by starlightwhereyougo to migraine [link] [comments]

2022.06.07 20:59 Altruistic_Act_3297 I 35M have premature ventricular contractions

Background: 35M, about 220lbs, 5'10". History of hypertension and for several years have been taking Lisinopril (20MG) and Nifedipine ER (60MG). I do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I try to be fairly active with walking and hiking and trying to lose some weight as well.
Over the past few weeks or so I've been having episodes where I'll notice having premature ventricular contractions. It is not something that happens all the time but for a period of time over the course of a minute it may happen a few times. Never lasts for more than 1 beat but it's noticeable. And it's not something that I've really had happen before so the change is what is concerning.
My doctor had an ultrasound on my heart as a precaution and there were no issues. I also got nervous about it one day and went to the hospital in case because I had a feeling like something bad was going to happen and they could see it happening on the ECG but rules out any pressing heart issues by checking my Troponin levels, chest XRAY, ECG and also other blood tests such comprehensive metabolic panel and nothing was out of the ordinary.
I went back to my doctor and he took me off the Nifedipine and put me on Metopropolol ER Succinate (25mg). The first few days I felt great and a lot better than I was. But after almost a week I'm noticing the premature contractions again.
The only other thing I've changed that may be related is I've been trying a couple different antihistamines for seasonal allergies but after a few days they seem to have effects of a drowsy/fog feeling and I'm wondering if maybe that's what's actually causing it? I have tried Zyrtec, Claritin, and Allegra and after a few days they seem to have negative effects. I'm not getting the ones with decongestants because I know those can cause issues.
Just wondering if maybe these are causing the issue and if not if anyone has any ideas on what else I can check or what might be going on here? I'll check back in with my doctor as well but sometimes it helps to have outside eyes and fresh ideas.
Thank you
submitted by Altruistic_Act_3297 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.05.20 19:42 regularlylost 6 year cough

My husband has had a cough for 6 years. Sometimes it's really bad, sometimes it's not as bad, but it's always there. For the last year though, it's been getting worse. I'd say he coughs to point of throwing up at least 3 times a week. It's a VERY hard, loud, honking, wheezing cough. It starts as usually 3-4 loud coughs that get faster and faster and until one big cough or gagging loud throat clear and then one big scream sneeze. The cough/sneeze thing happens multiple times per hour. His constant coughing haunts me even when I'm not around him. I'm pretty sure it's given me PTSD.
Things he has already tried: Allergy medication, cough syrup, throat spray. Quit taking lisinopril.
His medical history is very long. He is 46 years old, 5'11'', 240lbs, Stage 5 CKD on hemo dialysis (spent 2 years on PD dialysis), Type 2 diabetes (mostly controlled, last a1c was 6.1), blood pressure issues, feet wound issues, pretty much any diabetes complication you can think of he's had it. Hes had multiple surgeries in the last 6 years for necrotizing fasciitis in his right leg (they saved his leg!), toe amputations, left knee replacement, gall bladder removal, hernia mesh, plus probably more I'm forgetting.
Medications he takes are : Lantus, Humalog, sevalamer, atorvastatin, furosemide, metoprolol, levothyroxine ( I might be forgetting a couple)
None of his doctors even seem concerned about the cough. Every time we bring it up they tell him to take Allegra. I'm at my wits end with it. It grates in my brain. Is there anything that can help him? We live in a very dry desert climate. Maybe a humidifier? Any ideas are appreciated.
submitted by regularlylost to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.01.16 11:48 6a5d5d Allergy testing

Age 25M Height 6’ 3” Approx 245lb History of heartburn controlled with Pepcid Non smoker Duration of issue: 1day Medication: lexapro, Wellbutrin, lisinopril hctz, Truvada Hello, I am getting allergy testing on Tuesday for reactions to environmental allergens. I had to stop my Pepcid and also Allegra because they can skew the results. In the mean time is there anything I can take to help with the heartburn at night? I do have oral lidocaine and Maalox which would help with the pain and control the symptoms. Will either of those interfere with the results?
submitted by 6a5d5d to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.07.02 23:02 DrMaximusTerrible Pins/Needles in Extremeties and Severe Prolonged Head Pressure

Good afternoon all. So I have been to the doctor's and so far have been told everything is normal. The list of symptoms is below as well as time frame. I'm at my wits end currently as I keep getting told nothing is wrong and maybe it's all in my head but it's not a fun time.

July 11,2018 - woke up to both hands finger tips being stiff and having a pins/needles feeling to them. The feeling like when coming out of your foot falling asleep if that helps.
July 13, 2018 - the feeling has moved up the fingers to the hands and now to the wrists. Go to my primary care doctor and was told to go to the orthopedic.
July 17, 2018 - toes on both feet start to have the same feeling as my hands.
July 21, 2018 - spread to feet and ankles just above the pointy bone on the ankle.
July 26, 2018 - Ortho visit tells me bilateral carpal tunnel and need surgery, nothing for my feet. Instead of surgery right away, cortisone shots in both hands/wrist area to control symptoms. Prescribed Diclofenac to take twice a day.
Aug 3, 2018 - Family doc visit again for feet, nothing to note. They recommend changing sleeping positions. Blood work taken and results don't show any issues. Glucose was good, A1C was good, nothing noted.
March 28, 2019 - Normal yearly visit and feet/hands still experiencing numbness/tingling. Scheduled an EEG with neuro for July 1, 2019.
May 8, 2019 - Ortho visit, he stands by carpal tunnel but with classes still on-going cannot schedule surgery. A cortisone shot in both hands again.
June 12, 2019 - Went to urgent care clinic for a horrible 3-day headache/head pressure issue and strong pain behind my left eye. BP at the clinic was 190/130. Instructed to go to the ER for further testing.
June 12, 2019 - ER - BP high, 185/130 at the ER. Cat scan and MRI of head both clear. Blood tests, all of them, come back normal. They took me off the Diclofenac and were surprised I was on it for a year. Put me on a 12.5mg water pill Hydrochlorothiazide in the hospital. Once diastolic was below 100 they would let me go home.
June 13, 2019 - Home from hospital, the next morning my BP was 131/94.
June 28, 2019 - Follow-up with family doctor. BP was still hovering 130/90 range, also bought a at home BP kit so I can take it twice a day. Family doc put me on lisinopril and 12.5mg water pill combo. Asked about an abnormal ECG while at the ER, showed possible anterior wall myocardial infarction. He had not reviewed the ER test results so we took another which also showed a similar issue but he said it wasn't concerning.
July 1, 2019 - Neuro visit for EMG/NCV - results were normal on legs, slight abnormal reading on the single back check performed. Otherwise fine.

So with this, I'm not obviously fine. After going on the lisinopril and 12.5mg combo by average BP is now 102/68 with a few in the 89/60 range. I've called back to speak with the family doc but the soonest I can get in is the 16th of July. My hands and feet are still tingling and numbness. My head pressure remains although it is less than the ER day it was worst than the ER day on the 26th. Historically I've always run a 120/80 BP. I haven't had a heart stress test done since 2015 but feel like that's the next step after the ECG.

Since this is "Ask a Doc" what should I do next I guess is my question? I'm considering changing family doctor's and trying a different hospital group to get a 2nd opinion fresh review. But I'm pretty frustrated right now especially after the ER and the additional tests and not being reviewed by the family doc to brush up before my follow-up. Maybe that's me expecting to much but it's left a bad taste in my mouth. The less than concerned feeling about the ECG is bothering me as well.

Thanks for any help.
submitted by DrMaximusTerrible to AskDocs [link] [comments]