Preposition test for middle school


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2024.06.01 12:27 Due-Edge-4867 i’m so worried about my results

i have 1 more test left i took business accounting and arabic AS and A2 all this may/june session and i self studied them bcuz my school doesn’t offer them and i wanna study economics and management in oxford and i need 2 A*s and 1 A to get in but i really don’t feel like im gonna get those grades even tho i really did put in the effort like i studied everyday in the 2 months leading up to the exams for an average of 5 hours and on most days i studied for 7 or 8 hours i never pulled all nighters the way i did for those exams i really pushed myself like i never have before but i have this really strong feeling that i won’t get the grades that i want and every time i think about it i feel like crying i told my parents that i’ll redo my exams as many times as it’ll take to get the grades i want but im still scared they’ll be mad and i also don’t want to redo them especially since im gonna do math this oct/nov i just want to cry someone pls help
submitted by Due-Edge-4867 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:24 cassiamosdell The Impact of a Psychologist's Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Students: Reflections on Dr. Cassia Mosdell's Work

In the field of psychology, advocacy is often as important as therapy itself. This is particularly true when it comes to supporting marginalized communities such as the LGBTQ+ population. One psychologist who has made significant strides in this area is Dr. Cassia Mosdell.
Dr. Mosdell, a licensed psychologist with over two decades of experience, has been a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ students. Her work in this area has not only provided support for these students but has also sparked important conversations about inclusivity and acceptance in educational settings.
One of the most notable instances of Dr. Mosdell’s advocacy work occurred during her tenure at Shore Middle School in Piscataway. Here, she organized an LGBTQ+ awareness event and championed an inclusive curriculum. These initiatives were designed to create a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ students, promoting understanding and acceptance among all students.
However, these efforts were met with resistance. Dr. Mosdell was allegedly fired from her position for her advocacy work. This incident highlighted the challenges faced by advocates for LGBTQ+ rights, particularly in conservative or traditional environments.
Despite these challenges, Dr. Mosdell’s work has had a profound impact. Her advocacy has brought attention to the unique struggles faced by LGBTQ+ students, highlighting the need for inclusive education and support services. Her story has inspired others to take up the cause, leading to increased awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues in schools.
Furthermore, Dr. Mosdell’s work has underscored the important role that psychologists can play in advocating for marginalized communities. Psychologists are uniquely positioned to understand and address the mental health challenges faced by these communities. By advocating for their rights and needs, psychologists like Dr. Mosdell can help to create a more inclusive and supportive society.
In conclusion, Dr. Cassia Mosdell’s advocacy for LGBTQ+ students serves as a powerful example of the impact that psychologists can have beyond the therapy room. Her work has sparked important conversations, challenged prejudices, and paved the way for greater inclusivity in schools. While she has faced challenges along the way, her unwavering commitment to her cause is a testament to her dedication and passion.
submitted by cassiamosdell to u/cassiamosdell [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:23 WhitishSpore956 Do we have to go to collect report cards or can a parent go on behalf of their kid

My school is handing out report cards on Monday but I have a test I don’t wanna miss in college so can my parents go on my behalf or is it necessary for me to go
submitted by WhitishSpore956 to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:21 kogame1101 Looking for best Bible version

To clarify, I’m not religious, just want a good book and people really like the Bible so, here I am!
What’s the best version of the Bible? As in cohesiveness, storytelling, and good old fashioned prose. I think I have a copy of the New Testament around, I read it back in middle school and didn’t care much for it. Is that version any good or should I go with a different version?
submitted by kogame1101 to Bible [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:15 Scary-Living7644 Random rant ig

(First post on reddit so this should be fun) Does anyone else ever struggle with feeling? I really don’t know how to describe it but it feels like all my emotions are kinda dulled so whenever I hear about people having these intense emotions I feel like I’m missing out on something important. The last I ever crushed on someone was middle school, the last time I ever really felt sad was when a close family member passed a couple years ago, nowadays I’m perpetually bored outside of the small feeling of satisfaction/annoyance I get whenever I game and whenever I’m not gaming I have music blasting through my earbuds/headphones because I hate the lack of anything going on in my life. I don’t really have any friends irl except for one I met in elementary school and the other in middle school, neither of which I really visit irl and I have a hard time taking care of myself so trying to meet new people feels like a chore especially with my low social battery. I should probably talk to my father about seeing a psychiatrist but I always just end up discarding the thought, and even if I do what if I get told I’m healthy? I doubt I am but if they told me that I really wouldn’t know what to do because I don’t feel healthy. I don’t feel like I experience things how people should and that makes me feel like an outlier. Idk. I don’t know where to drag this rant at this point since I’ve kind of just been mindlessly tapping away but overall im just tired of feeling like I’m abnormal. I should probably sleep since I did an all-nighter but I’ll probably be lurking or responding to other posts.
submitted by Scary-Living7644 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:09 Normodox Despite string of pro-Palestinian statements, CUNY faculty union rejects Israel boycott

The City University of New York's faculty union rejected a resolution calling for an Israel boycott. The decision may relate more to salary negotiations than to views on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Three years after voting to “consider” boycotting Israel, and weeks after defending a pro-Palestinian student encampment, the faculty union of the City University of New York overwhelmingly rejected a resolution calling for an Israel boycott.
The union’s president actively opposed the resolution, saying that it inappropriately singled out Israel. But insiders say the Professional Staff Congress’ rejection may have had more to do with the union’s salary negotiations than any principled view about the Israel-Hamas war, which has roiled the CUNY system.
The resolution called for the university system to carry out a number of steps that anti-Israel protesters have called for at CUNY and dozens of other colleges and universities across the country this spring.
“Ban all academic trips to the Zionist state, encompassing birthright, Fulbright, and perspectives trips,” the proposal said. “Cancel all forms of cooperation with Israeli academic institutions, including events, activities, agreements, and research collaborations.”
The measure, called Resolution in Support of CUNY Gaza Solidarity Encampment, also demanded that CUNY divest from all “companies complicit in the imperialist-zionist genocide” as well as for full transparency regarding CUNY’s investments.
The resolution also called for the NYPD, which arrested dozens of people when dismantling City College’s encampment weeks ago, to be banned from campus. It called on CUNY to reinstate professors fired for anti-Israel activism — though it did not specify who it was referring to.
The resolution endorsed a Palestinian right of return to Israel, which many Israelis view as tantamount to the end of Jewish sovereignty in Israel. And it called for a “fully-funded, free CUNY that is not beholden to zionist and imperialist private donors.”
The union’s 300-member delegate assembly, its central policy-making body, rejected the resolution by a vote of 117 to 40, according to a spokesperson.
Manfred Philipp, a former member of the delegate assembly who has maintained ties to the union, said he believes the resolution was voted down because it would have been detrimental to the PSC’s interests, not because of union members’ views on the conflict. The union has an obligation to negotiate salary contracts for its members, and the anti-Israel resolution could have hurt the union’s chances of securing a salary increase from city and state lawmakers who are sympathetic to Israel, Philipp said.
“The basis of the opposition to the resolution has nothing to do with the situation in the Middle East. It has everything to do with the interests of the union and the university,” said Philipp, who taught at CUNY’s Lehman College for decades before retiring around a decade ago.
“The union’s self-interest says they should not take a position on this at all,” he said, adding that he supported the result of the vote.
The PSC says it represents 30,000 faculty and staff across CUNY’s 25 colleges. Its delegate assembly includes representatives from each college’s chapter and the 27 general officers in the union’s executive council.
Ahead of the vote, union president James Davis sent an email to the delegate assembly opposing the resolution, saying the measure had been rushed through without proper input from union members, and that it only targeted Israeli universities, not “universities in countries engaged in serial human rights abuses or committing genocide, a singularity that many of our colleagues would find objectionable.”
Earlier this month, the union condemned a pro-Palestinian strike by its own members. But previously, it has taken pro-Palestinian positions and has drawn accusations of discrimination from Jewish faculty. In recent weeks, the PSC demanded charges be dropped against protesters at the pro-Palestinian encampment, condemned police action against protesters and backed protesters at Columbia University.
A group of Jewish professors sued the PSC in 2022 after the union adopted a resolution criticizing Israel the previous year, calling it discriminatory. A judge dismissed the case. Dozens of Jewish professors resigned from the union due to the resolution.
That 2021 resolution also called to consider union support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel.
A 2016 state executive order bars state agencies from anti-Israel boycotts, meaning that a boycott could come with financial consequences for the CUNY system. But the faculty union does not set policy for the system.
CUNY has long faced allegations of antisemitism on its campuses. The university system, the nation’s largest urban college network with more than 225,000 students, has come under fire in recent years from city and state lawmakers for reported discrimination against Jewish students.
Last year, weeks after Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered a third-party investigation into antisemitism at CUNY.
The system has been a hotspot for anti-Israel protests since then. In March, Hunter College opened an investigation after protesters chanted that Jews at the school needed to “pick a side.” Earlier this month, two CUNY campuses nixed Jewish events due to protests.
CUNY has taken steps to address antisemitism on its campuses, including by setting up an advisory council on Jewish life and partnering with Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage to educate students about the Holocaust.
CUNY union rejects Israel boycott amid salary talks - The Jerusalem Post (
submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:06 Avondran Neuropsych testing came back negative [24F]

Tried to post in the ADHD subreddit but my post wasn’t working for some reason so here I am 😊
Hello everyone, I’m very sad and frustrated because my ADHD evaluation came back negative. I got neuropsychological testing done and he suggested I have persistent depressive disorder and anxiety. I don’t feel like I’m depressed since I still enjoy things I like to do. The thing is that I’ve been on anxiety meds but they made me feel numb so I got off of them. I still could only hold on to my job for a year as a special ed teacher with a mental health break (fmla). So when I explained to my doctor I think there’s something else going on she just gave me a different anxiety med. I loved working with special needs kids but everything else made it hell. My therapist said it’s because I was a teache fast food worker only so I haven’t had a chance to find a job I like. Fair but I also struggled in college: constantly being late and almost dropping out even though I think I’m smart.
As a kid I daydreamed and was buried in books. I had a hard time making friends and was very shy and anxious but was gifted. Social anxiety has gotten better as an adult but I still feel like I never fit in. I have to write everything down or I will forget it, I hate getting ready in the morning for work and want to do stuff but it’s hard for me to get myself to do it. I fixate on foods in cycles it’s really weird and didn’t understand until I learned about adhd. I have sensory issues but don’t know if that is an adhd thing. I can obsess over certain things and then get bored super quickly. I had a job as a 5th grade teacher and quit within 2 weeks because I was so overstimulated and could not for the life of me figure out how I was going to execute these lessons and be organized for grading of 28 kids.
I bite my nails until they are bleeding and also have a hard time concentrating on driving and my online schooling. I find the everyday tasks of getting ready, working and then coming home and cleaning and cooking takes so much effort. My working memory was in the 23rd percentile while everything else was average. But he said it was my anxiety affecting my working memory. Two of my sisters have ADHD. I’m so tired of being dismissed by everybody. Im not trying to self diagnose and maybe i am just lazy or have something else. Maybe C-PTSD? All I know is that I need help. I mask and seem normal to everyone in my life, so maybe I am making everything up. Sorry for the long rant. Should I get a second opinion or do all my symptoms sound like depression? Please be nice I am sensitive lol.
submitted by Avondran to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Gloomy-Beginning-218 Wizard tries to murder another party member in their sleep, fails, apologizes, then creates a new character and then attempts the same thing again.

Context: This was one of my first online games as a DM. I ran a campaign with the typical "necromancy magic is seen as bad" trope due to massive events in the campaign world (that led to the first Lich being created and using the war between 3 nations to fuel his undead army, until all 3 nations realized the threat and banded together to defeat the army of the dead and supposedly destroyed the Lich). With that knowledge in mind, one player asked to create a school of necromancy wizard (tiefling). I said sure, but let them know that if they were to use necromancy within a village, town or captial city that it would draw attention to them and most likely result in their character being arrested, or even attacked. The player said they were fine with that, but asked if they could be Lawful Evil. Now, this should have been the first red flag for this player, but I said that I would allow it but only if their actions didn't directly target or effect the other player characters. They agreed.
Now to give some more context, the other players character's consisted of:
I mentioned to the Wizard player that the paladins might not be pleased with their character if they witness them using necromancy, again, to which the wizard player said that would be fine. The second red flag was the wizard's backstory. One of the major NPC's in this campaign was a High Elf Prince, who was a powerful Archmage and a hero to the elves (inspired by Teclis from Warhammer), and the player wanted to include this NPC in their backstory, but frame the elf prince as a villian, having him mysteriously kill off the tiefling's adopted father. Now, I should have suggested perhaps another NPC of less significance to the world to take his place, but I thought, "what the hell??", I could throw an interesting twist on it and have the wizard's foster father actually be a bad guy. So, I let it be.
Onto the story: The party were in the Elven captial city when the wizard asks me as one of their "errands" that they want to visit the slums of the city. So they travel there and the wizard sees a bunch of dirty kids playing together. The wizard then walks over to a halfling girl, and begins to mesmerize her with prestidigitation effects. He asked about her quality of life (I thought he was going to give her some money or something like that), so she shares with him that she is an orphan and lives on the street. The wizard offers her food and says that if she comes with him, he will give her a better life and teach her how to use magic. Now at the time, I wasn't sure what his intentions were, so I was being very cautious in this moment, so I asked him to roll an insight check as she was looking at him with doubt in her mind. He succeeds and I share that she has doubts about his sincerity. I ask him to roll a persuasion check with a 20 DC and he makes it with a high roll. So, she agrees to go with him on the promise that he teaches her magic. When the wizard returned to the party, they were surprised and not very keen on having a young girl accompany them for their next adventure, but they allowed it after they made the wizard promise to keep her well out of harms way when danger arises.
The party arrive at the entrance to a long, and fairly dangerous dungeon crawl. In the first battle encounter, the wizard tells his "apprentice" to attack the nearest enemy instead of running away, like the party had agreed on. Now the "apprentice" isn't able to do much (as a lvl 1 wizard), and is subsequently attacked and falls unconcious and the party began to panic. The party were able to swiftly defeat the remaining enemies and heal the halfling girl. Now, when she came to, she was terrified and had a full on panic attack and wanted to leave after almost dying. The party agreed that she should not be with the party and should return to her home. This angered the wizard (and the player), who was not pleased when the party all voted to send her home. They were able to do so as another NPC was accompanying the party, and they escorted the girl back.
Now comes the kicker. The wizard player dm's me and says that he is not happy with what happened. I tell him that I had already spoken to him about the other player characters possibly not agreeing with his decision, and that the wizard was "okay with that". The wizard player doesn't reply. So I thought that the matter has been resolved. NOPE!!! Out of nowhere, the wizard states that during the night whilst on his "watch", he casts mold earth multiple times during the night and burries the oath of ancients paladin alive (as he was the voice of reason that was consistantly raising the fact that the halfling girl would not be safe). Now by this point in the session, the majority of the players as well as myself were quite frustrated with this player, as he had tried to meta before and say things like, "it would work in real life" when he attempted to turn events in his favor over and over again.
I told the group that we're going to take a 10 minute break before anything else happened. I spoke with the oath of ancients paladin player and asked him what his opinion is on the matter was and if what he thought I should do/should I even allow the wizard to attempt it? The oath of ancients player says that he was happy for me to let the wizard try as if they failed and the paladin would quickly "solve" the issue.
So I messaged the wizard player and confirmed that they're certain that they want to still try it. They agreed confidently and stated that mold earth was "a somatic only cantrip" and that the paladin "won't even know that I'm casting it until their suffocating under the ground".
I messaged the group and asked them to come back to the discord chat and we jumped back in. I asked the paladin to roll a perception check, setting the DC at 10, as I reasoned that the paladin would still feel the earth being molded over and around them. The paladin rolls a natural 20. So the paladin awakens, and sees that the wizard is trying to smother them. The paladin player attempts to intimidate with the wizard and convince them not to "test his patience", but the wizard player was furious and was trying to make up more excuses on how the perception roll should have been at disadvantage.
I stated that my ruling stood, and asked them what they want to do, to which the wizard left and never returned.
I had a long conversation with the wizard player after the session and explained that I did warn them in advance that the other player characters might not agree with their actions. The player seemed strangely calm and collected and asked if they could create another character to replace the tiefling wizard (this should have been the 3rd red flag). I agreed but specified this time that necromancer and evil alignment was off the table this time. The player agreed and then createed a high elf blade-singer wizard (and min maxed it as much as they could). They gave this new character a compelling backstory and I was pleased with it. So the next session, I introduced their character to the party (the party had left the dungeon to find safety and heal the halfling girl before sending her home), and the first thing the player does was declared that they moved to attack the oath of ancients paladin, as soon as they saw him.
Dumbfounded, I ask him why? He respond with, "the paladin threatened (name of the tiefling character) and I take threats deadly seriously".
IMPORTANT NOTE: This was not in the backstory that they provided me with! And I mean, not even the slightest hint, nor was it eluded to!
I pause the game and ask the wizard player to join me in a seperate chat, and asked them how could their new character possibly know who the paladin was and how they would know the tiefling, as the two characters had never met. He said that they would have passed each other and he would have shared it with this stranger. To which I said, yeah no that's not what you sent me and you're not just gonna change your backstory on the fly just so you can attempt to kill the paladin. He got incredibly angry and started yelling about me not letting him play his character how he wants to play them.
The conclusion: So to wrap up this long post. The player apologised to the group, asked for one more chance as he like the group. I asked the others individually what their thoughts on it were, they agreed to give him one more chance, so I did. And then 3 sessions later, that same player attempted to attack the ranger because he made a funny comment about the tielfing wizard (all in character). After that final straw, the player was subsquently removed from the campaign.
On a happier note: This campaign has been running for almost 5 years now and is beginning to come to a close as the players are level 19 (soon to be 20) and have accomplished incredible feats in the world.
submitted by Gloomy-Beginning-218 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Normodox A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters?

The profusion of identical green tents at this spring’s anti-Israel protests struck many as odd. “Why is everybody’s tent the same?,” asked New York mayor Eric Adams. Like others, the mayor suspected “a well-concerted organizing effort” driving the protests. More recent reporting shows a concerted push behind the Gaza protest movement. But it is not as simple as a single organization secretly rallying protesters or buying tents. Instead, the movement’s most determined activists represent a network of loosely linked far-left groups. Some are openly affiliated with well-known progressive nonprofits; others work in the shadows.
The movement also draws on diverse but generous sources of financial backing. Those funding streams may soon be augmented by the federal government. As I chronicled last year in a Manhattan Institute report, “The Big Squeeze: How Biden’s Environmental Justice Agenda Hurts the Economy and the Environment,” the administration’s massive program of environmental justice grants seems designed to prioritize the funding of highly ideological local groups. The Inflation Reduction Act, for example, earmarks $3 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants” intended for local nonprofits. Today, hundreds of far-left political groups include language about environmental issues and “climate justice” in their mission statements. If just a fraction of planned grants flows to such groups, the effect will be a gusher of new funding for radical causes.
As the Gaza protests spread across U.S. college campuses, many observers noted an eerie uniformity among them. From one campus to the next, protesters operated in disciplined cadres, keeping their faces covered and using identical rote phrases as they refused to talk with reporters. The Atlantic noted the strangeness of seeing elite college students “chanting like automatons.” Students held up keffiyeh scarves or umbrellas to block the view of prying cameras and linked arms to halt the movements of outsiders. At Columbia University and elsewhere, protesters formed “liberated zones,” from which “Zionists” were excluded. Around the edges of the encampments, the more militaristic activists donned helmets and goggles and carried crude weapons, apparently eager to mix it up with police or counter-protesters. We’ve seen these tactics before—notably during the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, when full-time agitators helped ignite riots, set up a police-free (and violence-plagued) zone in Seattle, and laid nightly siege to Portland, Oregon’s federal courthouse.
In a remarkable work of reporting, Park MacDougald recently traced the tangled roots of organizations backing pro-jihad protests, both on and off campuses. These include Antifa and other networks of anonymous anarchists, along with “various communist and Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the International ANSWER coalition,” MacDougald writes. Higher up the food chain, we find groups openly supported by America’s growing class of super-rich tech execs or the anti-capitalist heirs of great fortunes. For example, retired tech mogul Neville Roy Singham, who is married to Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, funds The People’s Forum, a lavish Manhattan resource center for far-left groups. As the Columbia protests intensified, the center urged members to head uptown to “support our students.” Following the money trail of other protest groups, MacDougald finds connections to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and—surprising no one—the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation.
Of course, the current wave of anti-Israel protests also involves alliances with pro-Hamas organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine. Last November, Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies testified to the House Ways and Means Committee that SJP and similar groups have deep ties to global terrorist organizations, including Hamas.
For many keffiyeh-wearing protestors, however, a recently professed concern for Palestinians is just the latest in a long list of causes they believe justify taking over streets and college quads. In Unherd, Mary Harrington dubs this medley of political beliefs the “omnicause,” writing that “all contemporary radical causes seem somehow to have been absorbed into one.” Today’s leftist activists share an interlocking worldview that sees racism, income inequality, trans intolerance, climate change, alleged police violence, and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts all as products of capitalism and “colonialism.” Therefore, the stated rationale for any individual protest is a stand-in for the real battle: attacking Western society and its institutions.
In the U.S., this type of general-purpose uprising goes back at least to the riots at the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. In those protests, mainstream liberal factions—including labor unions and environmentalists—were joined by “black bloc” anarchists and other radicals eager to engage in “direct action” against police. That pattern—relatively moderate demonstrators providing a friendly envelope for hard-core disruptors—formed the template for many later protests: the Occupy Wall Street encampments in 2011, demonstrations following the police shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, 2016’s Standing Rock anti-pipeline movement, and of course, the calamitous summer of 2020.
These uprisings were not entirely spontaneous. In some cases, activists spend months planning mass actions—for example, against economic summits or political conventions—and can recruit street fighters from across the country. In others, an event, such as George Floyd’s death, sparks popular protests involving neophyte demonstrators. Those attract far-left activists, who swoop in to organize and expand the struggle, often tilting it toward more radical action.
That has certainly been the case at the college Gaza-paloozas. At Columbia, the New York Times spotted a woman old enough to be a student’s grandmother in the thick of the action as protesters barricaded that school’s Hamilton Hall. The woman was 63-year-old Lisa Fithian, a lifetime activist, who Portland’s alternative weekly Street Roots approvingly calls “a trainer of mass rebellion.” A counter-protester trying to block the pro-Hamas demonstrators told NBC News, “She was right in the middle of it, instructing them how to better set up the barriers.” Fithian told the Times she’d been invited to train students in protest safety and “general logistics.” She claims to have taken part in almost every major U.S. protest movement going back to the 1999 “Battle in Seattle.”
America’s radical network has plenty of Lisa Fithians, with the time and resources to travel the country educating newcomers about the “logistics” of disruptive protests. And these activists appear to have played key roles in the college occupations. The New York City Police Department says nearly half the demonstrators arrested on the Columbia and City University of New York (CUNY) campuses on April 30 were not affiliated with the schools. One hooded Hamilton Hall occupier—photographed scuffling with a Columbia custodian before getting arrested—turned out to be 40-year-old James Carlson, heir to a large advertising fortune. According to the New York Post, Carlson lives in a $2.3 million Park Slope townhouse and has a long rap sheet. For example, in 2005, he was arrested in San Francisco during the violent “West Coast Anti-Capitalist Mobilization and March Against the G8.” (Those charges were dropped.)
For a quarter-century now, Antifa and other anarchist networks have worked to refine tactics and share lessons following each major action. At Columbia, UCLA, and other schools, authorities found printouts of a “Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide” and similar documents. The young campus radicals are eager to learn from their more experienced elders. And, like the high-achieving students they are, they follow directions carefully. MacDougald asked Kyle Shideler, the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy, about the mystery of the identical tents. There was no need for a central group to distribute hundreds of tents, Shideler said. Instead, “the organizers told [students] to buy a tent, and sent around a Google Doc with a link to that specific tent on Amazon. So they all went out and bought the same tent.”
In other words, America’s radical class has gotten very skilled at recruiting and instructing new activists—even from among the ranks of elite college students with a good deal to lose. How much more could this movement accomplish with hundreds of millions in federal dollars flooding activist groups around the country?
From its first week in office, the Biden administration has trumpeted its goal to funnel more environmental spending toward “disadvantaged communities that have been historically marginalized,” partly by issuing grants to grassroots organizations. Previous environmental justice (EJ) grant programs were small in scope. But, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022, a huge pool of grant money became available. EPA administrator Michael Regan told reporters, “We’re going from tens of thousands of dollars to developing and designing a program that will distribute billions.”
More than a year and a half later, it remains hard to nail down just where the Biden administration’s billions in EJ grants will wind up. Money is being distributed through a confusing variety of programs, and the process of identifying recipients is ongoing. To help outsource the job of sifting through proposals, the EPA last year designated 11 institutions as “Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers.” These groups are empowered to make subgrants directly to community organizations, under streamlined EPA oversight. In all, the Biden administration has entrusted these outfits with distributing a staggering $600 million in funding. The money is expected to start flowing this summer.
The EPA’s grantmakers include a number of educational institutions and left-leaning nonprofits. For example, the EPA chose Fordham University as its lead grantmaker in the New York region. Fordham, in turn, lists as partners two nonprofits that oppose immigration enforcement. (One, the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, states on its website: “NJAIJ believes in the human right to migrate, regardless of citizenship or political status.”) Neither group claims expertise in environmental issues. Given that the IRA’s eligibility requirements for EJ grants are extremely vague, however, perhaps that’s not a problem. Almost any activity that could help “spur economic opportunity for disadvantaged communities” (in the words of Biden’s EJ executive order) might qualify.
Perhaps the most prominent—and problematic—EPA grantmaker is the Berkeley, California-based Climate Justice Alliance. The CJA is a consortium of mostly far-left activist groups. It describes its mission as working for “regenerative economic solutions and ecological justice—under a framework that challenges capitalism and both white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy.” The group is a vigorous proponent of the omnicause, embracing almost every left-wing concern as a manifestation of climate change. For example, the CJA website proclaims: “The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.” MacDougald notes that the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, one of CJA’s affiliated groups, “organized an illegal anti-Israel protest in the Capitol Rotunda in December at which more than 50 activists were arrested.”
The CJA website also includes a section dedicated to the cause known as Stop Cop City. It refers to an effort to halt the construction of an 85-acre police and firefighter training center outside Atlanta. Rag-tag activists from around the country have gathered around the facility since 2021. They have repeatedly battled with police—sometimes with fireworks and Molotov cocktails—and used bolt cutters to enter the site and torch construction equipment. (CJA’s Stop Cop City page features a cartoon illustration of three childlike activists; one brandishes bolt cutters.) The group also backs a legal defense fund for activists arrested in attacks on the training center or in other protests. For those looking for more inspiration, CJA links to an interview with former Black Panther and self-described revolutionary Angela Davis.
The Alliance is not an ideological outlier in Biden’s EJ coalition. On the contrary, when the White House assembled its White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC), a panel of outside experts meant to provide “horizon-expanding EJ advice and recommendations,” it chose CJA co-chair Elizabeth Yeampierre to help lead the committee. Like other members of the panel, she sees environmental issues through an ideological, not a scientific, lens. “Climate change is the result of a legacy of extraction, of colonialism, of slavery,” Yeampierre told Yale Environment 360. As a group, radical EJ activists tend not to focus on pragmatic ways to reduce pollution and carbon emissions; for them, the real goal is overturning what they see as an exploitative economic and political system. Since these are the voices the White House chose to help shape its EJ policies, we can assume this worldview will dominate grantmaking decisions.
In February 2023, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer, along with fellow committee member Pat Fallon, wrote to EPA administrator Regan asking for more information on the EPA’s grant programs. They noted that the EPA’s own studies of EJ grants issued in previous years showed sloppy supervision. According to an EPA report, an earlier version of the program funded projects that did “not logically lead to the desired environmental and/or public health [result].” Without better oversight and more clearly defined goals, the congressmen wrote, the EPA’s EJ grant machine risks becoming simply a “slush fund for far-left organizations.”
Since then, the administration has done little to reassure skeptics. To the contrary, the EPA has put at least one far-left organization—CJA—in charge of distributing $50 million in grant money. No doubt, many of the EPA grants will go to worthwhile projects. But money is fungible. A group that gets a large grant to, say, clean up dirty parks or teach children about recycling will also be able to hire more staff and divert more resources to political action.
With graduation behind them, most of the anti-Israel college protesters have stowed away their keffiyehs and moved on to summer vacations or internships. But the peripatetic activists who helped guide and intensify those uprisings are doubtless already planning their next actions. After all, two political conventions are looming. This fall, the college protests will likely flare up again, though by then perhaps focused on a different facet of the omnicause. And, with hundreds of millions in fresh funding flowing through the activist ecosystem, the groups that quietly nurture extremists—like those who firebombed “Cop City,” or who chant “Intifada Revolution!,” or who block bridges in the name of “climate”—will be more emboldened than ever.
A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters? City Journal (

submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:59 papiisinthehouse HELPPPP

Am i the asshole for wanting to tell my friend I don’t longer want to be their roommate in college
Earlier this year when housing applications were released my friend ( who is in the same major as me and multiple classes with me) asked me If i wanted to be their roommate.
For context my current roommates did not mention wanting to dorm again next year and I brought this up prior to the application process to said friend.
When the applications came out they bombarded me in person about being their roommate. Since this happened while other of our friends were present, I was put in an uncomfortable place where I didn’t want to straight up say no and I didn’t want to lie about having other living arrangements. I expressed that I was unsure about living with a friend due to all the horror stories i have heard and read and they immediately told me that doesn’t apply to us we will be okay . In the following days they kept asking me about it and telling me about their really bad living situations prior to the one they have currently. They told me about being placed with some girls that were to keep the story short were really fucked up. I felt really bad and basically trapped and at some point agreed to be their roommate but I was hesitant the whole time.
Flash forward to a month or so they are trying to figure out a third roommate and ask me if i would be down to room with one of their friends. I said sure. We all signed up to be roommates through the portal and everything was “okay”. In this moment i felt like I couldn’t get out because there was already any other person added.
In the next 2-3 weeks, they asked me to go out to a party to which I was already going to with another friend. I said you can come with my friend and I if you want. All three of us ended up going out drinking and smoking and it was a good time at first. By the third hour we are at a different party and all of us are dancing together suddenly they get in the middle my friend and I and started to get closer and closer to me. Alike to how I have told this story before I am unsure about what actually happened in this next part because I was pretty messed up which was known to both my friends the whole time. As they get close to my body their face started to lean into mine and i feel as if they were trying to kiss me. In this moment i panic and i start dance with my head down and shift my body. Eventually we all went home.
The next day I ask my other friend that was present “hey am so sorry if this is awkward for you but i need to figure out if im just making this up or not” and i explained what i think i saw and felt and my friend says yes i noticed it too but i didt know what was going on. this made me question the situation even more to the point where i am visibly avoiding them whenever i can but i eventually texted them saying “ hey i don’t remember a lot about that night i was messed up so im not sure if i remember right but did you try to kiss me when we went out im just trying to piece what happened together” They denied everything and said no i didn’t try to kiss you .
I decided to drop it because I wanted to trust them. A week later I go i went to my housing application for something and saw that our third roommate was no longer in our roommate group. I text my friend and ask hey what happened to blah blah is she not rooming with us? To which they say “ No she isn’t because i told her about the kiss thing and and said she would feel uncomfortable to live with us”( I was very confused why she would be uncomfortable living with us) and my friend goes on to explain that she had walked into her roommates having sex on her bed one time. Having this information, I can only assume she would feel uncomfortable because of the “ possibility of feelings or something physical happening between me and my friend”
This makes me feel uncomfortable because I am now unsure if the kiss thing was real or what was said to the third roommate in order to make her say that she is uncomfortable. I have not brought it up since but I have also been facing other problems with them too in a more academic setting.
They are very used to being late to classes, this being said they never really know what’s going on and asks me a billion questions then doesn’t listen when i explain and then askes the same things again. On top of this they tend to react like “omg u didn’t invite me or tell me to go eat” if i go out with any one else. I had a recent final exam project with them and they made me waste my whole day waiting at one of the school buildings in order to record and were really inconsiderate of my time and a lot of other tiny things that bother me
What should I do what can i do to leave this situation? Can i leave ? Can I leave without making it weird ? The year is about to end soon and room assignments are completed for more people except for the people living on special community floors ( we got accepted into me of them) i have never needed more advice to how to manage this situation.
submitted by papiisinthehouse to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:56 Dont_ask1191 Need advice for charger

I've been looking at AC chargers in the sub$100 range(I'm a middle school student without the money for a power supply) ,and the Imax b6ac v2 and ISDT 608ac seem like good CHOICES. Should I go ahead and buy it? Or are there other better options? I'm generally charging 2-3s and not more than 2500 mah. Thanks!
submitted by Dont_ask1191 to radiocontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:51 imnowonderwoman “You should write a book” comments during trauma therapy

Help me out because I’m confused. I finally got diagnosed with ADHD and my wonderful healthcare team took my “I think I might be having flashbacks too” seriously when talking about comorbidities.
After discussing with my therapist, she asked me to make a timeline of my life, and put my memories into themed shame buckets. Like “appearance” or “intelligence” for example.
So guys, I started writing and I couldn’t stop. The level of detail that I have in my memories is baffling. It just kept pouring out of me and I kept coming up with new buckets and re-making the timeline. The writing in particular was a mess because I jumped through different tenses within one memory all the time.
I went through several stages of “development” of how I was going to tell my story. Trauma therapy is no joke, and opening up these wounds causes me flashbacks, nightmares, etc. Whenever I had a flashback, working on this actually calmed me down. Eventually I settled on a power point presentation, with pictures and a clearer thought progression. We’ve had three sessions by now and we’ve just now reached the end of high school.
She brought up that I should write a book about this the first session and I thanked her wholeheartedly but I also dismissed her immediately.
In my honest opinion, Bojack Horseman’s “Good Damage” episode is exactly how I feel about this. My damage is not good damage, it’s just damage. I have CPTSD, but it’s the result of generational trauma, bad parenting, and societal ignorance. People failed me over and over again, they refuse to acknowledge it even today, but I know that they think they were trying their best and they would like to be acknowledged for that as well.
I didn’t save my sibilings from a house of criminals, and then became a CEO to provide for them (slight exaggeration). My story is just painful and frustrating and middle-class-in-Latin-America boring. I’m living in Europe now.
I’m doing trauma therapy because I still don’t understand what happened, how to change my own narrative for myself, and how to interact with my parents in the future (if we ever do interact again).
But in our last session she brought it up again and before I could dismiss her she said that the way I’ve structured the power point would be helpful for other people, and that she’ll (pitch me an idea? Idk) bring it up when we’ve gone through everything.
And here’s the kicker: I’ve always wanted to be a writer - specifically a fantasy writer. But whenever I set out to write something, it comes out sad and mostly autobiographical. That made me kinda give up on the idea.
So yeah, writing a book about my life, focusing specifically on the sad parts? I could totally do that. But who would read it? And how could anything I write help people?
submitted by imnowonderwoman to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:50 throwRA-mocha My (28F) husband (31M) has completely disconnected from me in the last 5 months. Should I keep trying?

My husband and I have been married for nearly 5 years. We met in middle school and started dating when we were at the cusp of adulthood. We have two children together, a 2yo and a 5mo.
Since I’ve known him, he’s been really close with his family. I’ve suspected for a long time that they never really liked me and didn’t think I was right for him but he told me he loved me so I didn’t let it get to me.
I had our second baby in December and since then, he’s entirely disconnected from me. He refuses to touch me, doesn’t tell me he loves me, and spends a lot of time at his parents house. He works 10-12 hour shifts most of the time and instead of coming straight home, he’ll go to his parent’s house after work and eats dinner there. He used to come home within an hour or so of getting off of work but now he’s spending 2-3 hours there. His parents watch our kids during the day so I usually go pick them up to take them home and put them to bed and when I get there, he’s spending time with them. On weekends, he spends a ton of time caring for them but won’t spend any time with me.
When he comes home from work, he washes his dishes, prepares his lunch for the next day in silence, showers, and then scrolls on his phone until bed. I tried to get him to have sex with me a few weeks ago but he turned around and said he was too tired and went to sleep. Last week, we got into an argument and he’s been sleeping on the sofa since with no indication that’s he’s going to come back to our bedroom any time soon.
I’ve tried to talk and communicate with him and even told him if he didn’t want us around, I’d happily take the kids and go to my parents house but he’s just silent and says he doesn’t like the way I treat him but won’t elaborate.
I have my suspicions that either his parents are getting to him or he found someone else. He changed the password on his phone but I see a lot of his texts are to a group chat with his mom and sister.
Should I give it one more shot? Give him time? He won’t do couples counseling. Are we headed for divorce? He’s a good dad but I feel like he’s being a really shitty husband and I don’t know how to proceed
submitted by throwRA-mocha to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:49 Thea_col Entering college

I still don't have a university, I am scared na baka mag gap year ako. My parents cannot afford to pay a tuition in private colleges. So I am doing my best to pass in state universities. But sadly, nagkasakit ako and that time naglalabasan na mga application ng mga uni. Nakakuha ako ng mga test permit but sadly, I didn't go kasi nga hindi ko kaya. Bumaba kasi white blood cells ko non, sabi stress daw ako emotionally tapos lagi pang puyat dahil sa dami ng school activities tapos groupings pa, buhat na buhat ko ibang groupings. I don't have a choice, ayokong bumagsak dahil sa kanila. Anyway, long story short, PUPCET lang ang last card ko. So far medyo confident ako kasi I did my best that time. I just hope na sana talaga makapasok ako. PUP CUTIEE PLEASEEE...kakapit na lang ako sa "maybe I am here for a reason" grabe ang bigat. ganito pala mag college, pag aaply pa lang parang dumadaan ka sa butas ng karayom, not unless kung kaya mo magbayad ng tuition. Minsan nasasabi ko na, ang hirap maging mahirap. Sa dami ng gustong makapag aral ay labanan talaga makapasok sa mga state uni. Kaya kung may nagpapa aral sa inyo sana wag nyong sayangin.
submitted by Thea_col to u/Thea_col [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:40 ismbks My basic printf implementation (any feedback appreciated)

I just finished one of my school projects in which I had to write my own printf function (subject is in the repo if you're interested). And I would be very interested in hearing your feedback on the code overall.
Just to be clear, this is technically not like the real printf because it doesn't use file streams, so maybe consider it more like a dprintf to stdout. I have no idea how file streams work but I don't think it would be very hard to change that if I wanted to.
Liberal inspiration was taken from from this post, all the heavy lifting was done there, I just added the va_arg parsing and the logic for the flags.
Any feedback would help because I have no idea if I have taken bad approaches on this project or if the code is even readable. My main concern is the testing approach I have taken, I think it is pretty bad, it was tedious to wrote and is very error prone, so there might be bugs in my code I'm not even aware of.
Note: the coding convention is not my own, it is my school's, so the code will probably look very weird to most of you, I personally don't like it but that's just how it is..
Try not to take stylistic choices too much into consideration if you review my code but absolutely feel free to point out odd things or stuff you would not recommend doing in general.
Here is a very brief (not exhaustive) summary of the coding guidelines I had to work with:
  • 4 spaced tabs for indentation
  • 25 lines per function max
  • 80 columns max
  • 5 functions per .c file max
  • 4 named parameters per function max
  • C89 style variable declarations
  • for loops, switch case, goto are forbidden
If you want a good laugh I can also send you the entire pdf lol.
submitted by ismbks to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:27 better_be_better Skipping a grade - positive experiences?

A few months ago, after their proposal and discussions with his teacher and counselor and school psychologist, we agreed my 1st grade son will skip 2nd grade and go straight to 3rd grade when school starts again after summer break.
So of course I've done the stupid thing of looking at old posts in this sub with same question, and majority responses are "don't do it, they're not socially/emotionally ready, i did and was too socially awkward" etc etc.
Obviously this is a key concern for me too, but the main driver from the teachecounselopyschologist was exactly the fact that he is socially/emotionally set (besides test results) and would fit right in with his new peers. He already has a few friends in that grade.
Other advice in threads against skipping is instead to give them "enrichment in classroom, advanced subject classes, get him to assist others, just let them read in class when they're done". Problem is, he's already doing that, teacher provides him with extra work, he has set activities to do when he's finished, he's already helping the other kids.
A brief look at studies/articles shows if he's ready, this is going to be good for him.
I therefore want to find out, does anyone have any positive experiences of their kids skipping a grade because they were emotionally/socially/academically ready?
submitted by better_be_better to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:21 Lucky-Bit2641 how do i break up w someone ive been w 1+

so me and my boyfriend have been dating for about over a year now, friends since middle school and we have always dreamed of marriage and such, loving relationships, normal amount of relationship issues, etc. He's the best man ive ever dated but all i can think is how much i want a girl, im bisexual and he knows that, but i really think i should break up w him considering i really want to kiss one of my girl bsfs.
but im also not sure if it's just be being queer or if im not attracted to men, sex w men irks me, when my boyfriend brings up sex i try to move away from the conversation, and honestly i try so hard to imagine a life with a man and i just seem so much happier with a woman, but i know he's madly in love with me, like truly the most loving gentleman ever, and i know this would crush him. So essentially two questions am i a lesbian or just bi with a preference
how do i break up with someone because i believe i might be a lesbian
submitted by Lucky-Bit2641 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:15 yourmightylxbster Uhm

Never had I ever have a both kind and rich stepfather-
submitted by yourmightylxbster to bitlife [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:14 Aristotellean I feel fundamentally, unfixably broken

It's strange. My life, by most metrics, has been going pretty well. My parents love me and tell me how proud they are of me, my siblings look up to me, my friends tell me they appreciate me. I do well in school despite heavy course loads and my teachers and professors like me a lot. I have a couple jobs on campus that are okay and mean I'm not too strapped for cash (if we ignore the student debt). I have a beautiful and loving partner who I want to propose to during the total solar eclipse in 2028. And despite it all, I want to die. There's no hope. There may be happiness in my life but I'm always the same sick, broken individual underneath and I always, always revert back to that person. I will never succeed as an adult but I also recognize that no amount of success will ever be enough. I always want what I haven't got.
I should be happy with my life, I should be grateful for every opportunity I've been given, but I want to throw it all away. I would break my baby sister's heart but I want to do it anyway because I'm sick and selfish and I hate living. I'm terrified of failure so I'd rather give up before I fail to amount to anything. I'm not built to be a functional adult. I'm selfish and cold, antisocial, inflexible and unreliable, and I have no control over my emotions. I lash out at people who don't deserve it and pick fights when there's nothing wrong. I will hurt my partner emotionally and I'm scared I'll hurt them physically, too, because I get so angry so quickly for no reason. I will ruin everything that is good in my life if I continue to live.
I think the first time I thought "I want to die" instead of "I wish I hadn't been born" was in middle school, and it's stuck with me through high school and now university. But in the last three years the thoughts have been getting significantly worse. I've been having vibrant fantasies about dying and killing myself. Planning letters in detail. Earlier this year I had such a vivid imagining about slitting my wrists that it made me nauseous. I've been hurting myself more frequently and the intensity has been getting worse too. My self-esteem is abysmally low and I despise myself more and more every day.
I cannot get better. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, there is no long and hard but rewarding path to happiness. I am fully aware of the good things in my life, I can perceive when I've had a success or when somebody cares about me, and yet I have a bone-deep assuredness that I am destined for failure and loneliness. I know that the sickness is lying to me when it says that I'm unloved, that there's no hope, that I should die, but I listen to it all the same. If I truly wanted to get better I would do something about it- think more positively, go to therapy, go to a doctor, treat my body and mind with kindness- but I don't do any of that, and I haven't for years and years and years. I'm incapable of changing because I don't truly want to. I'm too scared of admitting these thoughts to anyone, of getting in trouble (to be honest I don't know what kind of trouble, it's just a gut feeling), of all this pain being for nothing. It's totally, utterly hopeless. I wonder what will finally push me over the edge so I can finally be free.
submitted by Aristotellean to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:14 FriendshipStrange583 AITA for crying over my dog of 14 years death?

I (F14) recently had my world shattered by the death of my beloved dog, my soulmate, who passed away two weeks ago. This dog was not just a pet; it was my confidant, my protector, and my companion through every significant moment in my life. We had even survived a war together, and I never imagined life without it. The devastation hit me like a truck when I found out she was gone—completely blindsided by my mother's (F60) heartless decision to put her down without even consulting me. She did it while I was at school, denying me the chance to say goodbye to my best friend.
I broke down in the middle of class upon hearing the news, pleading with the school office to let me go home immediately. My mother picked me up, and the car ride home was a storm of anger and grief. I screamed, I cried, I threatened—I couldn't bear to look at her smug face as she dismissed my pain with a snide tone.
For the first three days after the incident, I locked myself in my room, spiraling into a deep depression. Basic self-care became impossible; I couldn't even brush my teeth. While I was drowning in sorrow, my family seemed to move on almost instantly. Within days, they were out searching for a new dog, as if the fourteen years of memories and shared experiences meant nothing. It was like erasing the history we had with my beloved pet.
Now, two weeks later, I still cry myself to sleep every night. We received her cremation stone, which I placed in her favorite spot. I often hold the stone, reminiscing and mourning, only to be met with my family's bizarre and cruel reactions. They yelled at me during my most vulnerable moments, berating me for crying over her and telling me to "get over it." Their insensitivity peaked when they callously compared my grief to my father's death, accusing me of not being as upset back then. For context, I was just five years old when my dad passed, and my family never even explained what was happening.
Fed up with their relentless yelling, I sought solace in a support group on Reddit, where I received the empathy and understanding I desperately needed. Yet, I still live in fear of my family's cold-heartedness, their complete disregard for my pain, and their quickness to replace a cherished member of our family. Am I wrong for mourning my dog this deeply, or is my family just impossibly cruel?
submitted by FriendshipStrange583 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:13 yadavvenugopal Top 10 Movies to Watch When Working From Home

Top 10 Movies to Watch When Working From Home
Working from home has become the de facto standard for companies these days which means things might get monotonous for you folks at times. In case you have a spot of time on your hands while taking a break, here are the top 5 movies to watch while working from home:

Top 10 Movies to Watch When Working From Home

1. Trading Places (1983)

I gleaned the plot of this entire movie with just a single easter egg from the movie "Coming to America" starring Eddie Murphy. I'm not saying the plot of Trading Places is that simplistic, but the movie was that popular and well-executed.
This movie revolves around two wealthy commodities brokers who run a social experiment on two people from different strata of society to settle the nature and nurture debate. Unbeknownst to them the two subjects of the experiments have plans of their own to turn the tide in their favor.
Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche play the role of the Duke brothers, the steel-hearted multi-millionaires who think it fun to play around with the lives of Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy as Lois Winthorpe and Billy Ray Valentine.
There is a lot of buddy comedy material, a cliche yet, well-done storyline, and an expected redemptive story arc.

2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

In case you ever feel like taking a personal day off work, this is the perfect movie to watch. The plot here revolves around a slacker who fakes being sick to go on a joy ride through the city.
Mathew Broderick plays the role of Ferris Bueller who convinces his best friend and girlfriend to play hooky while going on an elaborate adventure. There's juvenile behavior, childish pranks, great music, and one awesome Star Wars reference.
There have always been theories of Ferris being the split personality persona of his best friend Cameron played by Alan Ruck. Another theory speculates that it is actually Cameron's fever dream, imagining the whole day while being sick at home.
This movie is part of pop culture and is hinted at in the Deadpool movie end credits as well.
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3. Tommy Boy (1995)

One of the better movies by David Spade, Tommy Boy is a buddy comedy with a Laurel and Hardy dynamic, graced by the comedic stylings of Chris Farley.
Chris Farley plays Tommy Callahan III an easygoing goofball who rides on his industrialist father's (Big Tom) coat-tails until he dies unexpectedly thrusting the son into an unwelcome position of responsibility.
Meanwhile, Tommy gets a stepbrother in the form of Richard played by David Spade. As fate would have it, Tommy and Richard need to join forces to save Big Tom's manufacturing plant by getting a big sale order.
Find out Why Two and a Half Men is a Tragic Series with a Laugh Track
Tommy recognizes Richard's finely tuned people skills and puts them to work in procuring a massive sales order to save his father's manufacturing plant and legacy. The movie is a fun-filled road trip that sees the step-brothers forming an unbreakable bond while battling a common problem.
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4. Office Space (1999)

The dry humor in this movie is as applicable today as it was when it was released. The employees are frustrated, the boss is a gigantic douche, and growth prospects are non-existent.
This is not a movie that goes with the laugh track approach wherein the comedy is obvious like in Horrible Bosses. Dark humor is employed in this movie. If you are feeling frustrated at work, then this movie might be highly cathartic for you.
All employees are seething with contempt for their jobs, workplaces, and everything related to those aspects. It is incredibly funny and reminds you of Dilbert comic strips.
Violence against people is not funny. Violence against malfunctioning technology however can be very entertaining as seen below. One of the central themes of the movie is the faulty printer that jams and swallows essential documents at crucial times.
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This is what inspires the trio of employees in this movie to vent their pent-up anger against an inanimate object as if it messed up on purpose. You can see how this plays out in the images given below where they take the evil printer to an isolated location and take turns eviscerating it.
This movie has been a cult classic for quite some time with references to it in pop culture. Anyone who has watched The Mandalorian will know the reference to TPS reports by Bill Burr in one of the episodes.

5. Being John Malkovich (1999)

One of the most John Malkovich of all Malkovich movies is undoubtedly Being John Malkovich. This movie has the titular actor playing a fictionalized version of himself although the more you watch the more you feel this is him in real life.
John Cusack plays a failing puppeteer who finds a physical door that leads into the mind of the actor John Malkovich after which you can experience life in the actor's body.
You BECOME John Malkovich.
Catherine Keener plays Cusack's love interest Maxine and Cameron Diaz plays the third locus in this love triangle. There is also a cameo by Charlie Sheen which is interesting.
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The sheer absurdity of the movie makes it funny at the beginning, but as the film progresses relationships get knotted with each other, taking a really dark turn. This is a movie that needs to be experienced without a plot summary giving things up.
However, Catherine Keener takes on movies relating to mind control such as in Jordan Peele's Get Out and Brad Bird's Incredibles 2. For some reason, this sends a chill down my spine - does she know something we all don't?

6. School of Rock (2003)

One of my all-time favorite movies is this Jack Black vehicle that feels like his personality made into a movie. Jack Black plays Dewey Finn, a wannabe rockstar who is down on his luck and living with a dweebish roommate Ned Schneebly played by Mike White.
When Finn gets kicked out of his band, he stumbles upon an opportunity to impersonate his roommate as a substitute teacher at a private school for substantial money. As he goes about pretending to be a teacher he finds that the kids in his class have exceptional musical abilities that he immediately plans on exploiting for money.
However, while chasing money, Finn forms a genuine bond with his students, helps them overcome their challenges, and finds his purpose in life.
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This movie has great music, an amazing comedic cast, and original songs, and one of the few to have inspired a successful musical and a not-so-successful series.
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7. Yes Man (2008)

A down-on-his-luck man sinking into a self-destructive spiral of despair and negativity comes across a self-help program that changes his life. Jim Carrey's overacting is put to good use in this movie where Carrey learns to say YES to everything in his life - to hilarious effect.
The images given below show the moments when Carrey is introduced to the concept of saying yes, when he meets the semi-cult self-help leader, and when he is taking action as a Yes Man. ( Saying yes to all that life has to offer)
What will you learn from this movie:
  • All skills you pick up from random workshops will be directly useful in everyday situations ( Re: Slumdog Millionaire)
  • Take things literally at first when attending a self-help workshop
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8. Up in the Air (2009)

George Clooney at his dramatic best is something you wouldn't wanna miss. As an instance of the old ushering in the young at a corporate workplace, this is insightful and entertaining at the same time.
Clooney serves as a contrast against the vulnerability of a corporate drone while being considerate to the people he fires - for a living. The tables are turned however when a young ivy-leaguer decides that the company needs a makeover.
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The whole movie is about Clooney training his replacement and getting a dose of his bitter medicine in the process.
The cinematography is great in this movie, with beautiful aerial shots and stills portraying silence and contemplation. They explore loneliness and self-discovery in Up in the Air.
This is a quiet movie with a slow pace and great acting. You get to see many metaphors play out throughout the movie.

9. Horrible Bosses (2011)

Taking the a**hole boss stereotype to the max, Horrible Bosses is a laugh riot with a lot of physical comedy and dirty jokes aplenty. Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, and Charlie Day play Nick, Kurt, and Dale, the hapless employees with a monstrous boss.
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The comedy in this movie is due to the great chemistry shared by the three actors shown below. They always end up quarreling and at each other's throats, but make it through dire straits through sheer dumb luck.
Anyone looking for a whole load of laughs will find this movie delightful, with Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston, and Julie Bowen adding to the comedy.
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10. The Intern (2015)

Nancy Meyers always makes pleasant movies, leaving you feeling all warm and fuzzy by the end. This movie is no exception with Robert De Niro playing a man (Ben) who thinks that "he still has music left in him," and Anne Hathaway playing the role of a young CEO (Jules) running a growing e-commerce start-up.
The movie brings both the actors together by having DeNiro volunteer as a Senior (Citizen) Intern at Hathaway's company. De Niro and Hathaway form an unlikely bond that enriches their lives and watching this happen onscreen is a genuine joy.
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You also get memorable performances from comedy regulars such as Adam Devine, and Zack Pearlman, and a great cameo by Rene Russo. One of the cutest actors in this movie is JoJo Kushner playing the adorable child of the CEO and she does an amazing job, adding to how warm and fuzzy the movie makes you feel.

Is it OK to watch TV while working from home?

Now, this is an interesting question. The purpose of this post is not to make you drop all you're doing and start streaming content.
In case you are on a break from work (Lunch/Tea) or experiencing unexpected downtime, then it's good to have a backup playlist of movies. You can stream a show or watch part of a movie when you are taking a break from work tasks.
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What should I binge-watch while working from home?

If you are working from home, then I would advise you not to binge anything during work hours and even during your off-time. Binging content means spending more than an hour of your time watching consecutive episodes of a show or two complete movies back to back.
Binge-watching is best done over the weekend when there's no other good alternative such as hanging out with your friends.
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First published on 10th November 2021 and updated 1st June 2024
submitted by yadavvenugopal to themoviejunkiedotcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:13 Illustrious_Award243 Witnessing sperg fragile masculinity at the after

I do think "fragile masculinity" is an overused term but tonight I saw it in the flesh and I can't stop laughing because it was so over the top. Me and my boy were at a small after with his lesbian friend who I had just met and a couple of girls she was trying to get with. Things were going nicely, I was definitely winding down and looking forward to crashing in my bed and crawling under my duvet when our host (random guy who knew the girls from school) decided to start an informal dick measuring test with me and my friend because he owns his own house (sincere congrats on snagging a mortgage at the right time buddy) and his a low level fed job. He was obviously too stoned or crossfaded to comprehend that we weren't trying to start shit with him or step on his toes but he didn't back down after I tried to de-escalate things by thanking him for his hospitality and he insulted my friend to his face for being a bartender while going to grad school (?). I don't walk around strutting because of my cock being too small or whatever but goddamn I've never seen a guy be so insecure before and I'm almost 30 (our spergy host was like 24). Male competition for arbitrary reasons (even when every girl present is gay and uninterested) is real and inevitable but if you're going to pick fights don't pick them with the vet who has 40 pounds on you who you invited into your own goddamn home.
submitted by Illustrious_Award243 to redscarepod [link] [comments]