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2024.06.02 18:26 Giant_Acroyear Random Bits of NoP Fanon Lore Scraped up from the Discord

So, we need a scenario, where some Skalgans are rescued before the Federation gets too far into their plan.
As discussed on the discord today... shout out to my fellow idea-mongers!
Suppose there is a faction of Farsul, The Hidden Path, that disagrees with the Kolshians' plans for the galaxy, after observing the activity performed on/with the Krakotl.
This faction goes into silent rebellion, and works in secret to preserve all sapient cultures, as they are, by abducting just enough of each to ensure genetic viability and delivering them to a hidden colonies.
And they have been doing this ever since.
Now you have a viable undiscovered source of many of each type of every race, with pre-federation culture intact.
...commence with the hijinks you envision.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:00 PM Mileau is all Mesas, with Slot canyons in between; the mesas all extend above breathable atmosphere.
I made that sht up. No one has ever described the surface of Mileau except me. Hah!*
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:08 PM its canon now mileau has a thin atmosphere and a fast spin. it throws off basically all atmosphere except for what gets trapped in the slot canyons. idk anything that im talking about
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:13 PM THe canyons are 2-3 km wide, and llike 10 km deep; agriculture happens in the canyons that run "east" to "west". Most of the food grows on tree vines that climb up the walls of the canyon; these have trunks bigger than redwoods at the base. WHen you look at Mileau from above, the entire surface looks like a dried lake bed.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM if theyre photosynthesis, plant life in canyons would probably have HEAVY bias in evolving to compete for sunlight
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM hence the growing up the walls.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM the north south canyons are barren. most of the water lies underground, and it's movement forms huge cave systems at that level.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM they'd probably have all sorts of like, choking out competitors. specialized tendrils that try to choke out competitors. evolutionary arms race and all
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:17 PM so, there is also cave ecology going on at a grand scale as well.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM hmmm are dossur adapted to low light environments?
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM I think that they would have some.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:19 PM Yes. But also... Mileau's star is a very large one, so the habitable ring is 5 times further out; the cycles are 5 years long, and winter is a full year. so they have a long hibernation period every 5 years.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM a cave system being a consistent environment despite seasons might help temper that though
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM Large stars have exponentially shorter lives, just a warning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:23 PM It's not like it's Y-Scuti.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:24 PM THey eveolves to remember everything they hear while they "sleep" so, if you were to search the ventilation systems at the School of the flora, you'd find dossur sleeping near every vent by the lecture halls. "They are in the walls" is a true statement.
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM They'd better have good taste in poetry. As they drive next generation's minds into predator disease.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM This is why they've come from stone-age to space age in under 100 years. THey pick up every class, all day long. then they go test out at the end of the semester, CLEP style, and run off with a degree after 8 months. they also record everything, and take the recordings back to Mileau; the next round of sleepers is in a cave containing thousands of Dossur there. It's a knowledge factory.
Mecha Kid (Solar Wind, Spec Ops) — 02/29/2024 1:31 PM Suddenly happy I never defined the surface features of Mileau in Spec Ops Also, concussions are a bitch, right @Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) ?
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 02/29/2024 1:33 PM Acroyear's version of the dossur would find like souls in the Consortium
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:34 PM Since Mileau has so little livable space (from the Federation's perspective) the Federation ignores it. Most of the land receiving sunlight is completely dedicated to raising the crops, and the Dossur live in tiny caves drilled into the mesas.
Ben_KenoBEEG (NoA) — 02/29/2024 1:38 PM I just realized, could the Dossur possibly have a planet with over 100 billion people on it, considering their size and how little of a carbon footprint they leave
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:40 PM they've only come up from the stone age in the past 100 years or so... having spent most of that time eliminating the natural predators of Mileau... (which happen to look a Lot like... Krakotl).
"The silver mountain descended from the heavens on pillars of white fire... and death himself rode in it."
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM Ah yes, the Man on the Silver Mountain
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM More like the bird. in any case, the Dossur have harnessed the winds that flow through the canyons as an energy source, and have started building Giant solar farms on the mesa tops, now that they have space technology.
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:46 PM Arizonacore
Spectralstorm — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM Dossur "re-education" programme where they just yell "predators are bad" over and over while the dossur are hibernating
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM It's another fic, that's all. The feds don't know that this is how it works. It's part of the Dossur conspiracy. That's why no one has ever seen a Dossur that's not ginger colored. In my head-canon, there are also white ones, brown ones, blond ones, spotted ones, roans, and of course... black ones! and... FLying ones!
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 2:08 PM This is why they attacked Mileau.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:12 PM I have this image of the Dossur colonizing every park and forested area throughout the federation... secret, of course.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:09 PM Have we been told how many colonies there are? I know of at least one, where Veln originated from.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 6:10 PM no
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:26 PM the planetary thoughts Egg has is that there's big oceans on the dayward side that evaporate and then send water back to the nightward side where its then frozen, depositied on glaciers that then progressand melt, creating rivers that feed back into the oceans thus sustaining a full water cycle of course, there's also spots of rain along the way, and if there was a mountain range in the right spot it'd be rained on nearly non-stop on the dayside
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:23 PM I also Recall a beach scene from another Fic I read recently, but I don't remember it. It was up near the burning.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM Yeah, based on pure physics, the twilight and green likely get a ton of precipitation from the night. The day and burning get few to no rainstorms and are probably sustained by the rivers and desalination of the oceans
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM well, not sure if they'd get it from the night god the weather patterns would be alllll over the place @Brick we really need your help on figuring those out.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:30 PM I think there's mention of Heavy Monsoon activity due to the wobble.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM What was the question
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM ah, the weather patterns of VP, and how the hell the atmopshere moves
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM My god
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM since uh, if there's constant wind coming from the sunward side, atmosphere somehow has to get to the sunward side to replace it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Without geography Uhhhhhhh
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Not quite according to the paper I posted earlier the surface flow would come from the night rather than the day
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM going with the idea that the water cycle is power by oceans near the sun side the bring water to the night side where its then deposited and flows back to the oceans?
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM Surface flow favors convergence at the hot side ad divergence on the cold side meaning the surface flow overall would be from the cold to the warm but at upper levels it's reversed But this is overall geography, location of oceans, planetary rotation and more would make this much more complex
OmegaMon02 (NoC,TTS,MiM,GE,PoT) — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Air cools on night, blasts the venlil, warms in the day, travels on top of cold wind, big wind storms deep into the day and night
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Were it so easy...
Beyonce what I can think about without a pencil, paper and other things.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM SO, on Skalga... not much daily rotation.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM In terms of tropospheric dynamics I really can't say right now On the other hand If VP is on a tilt That raises a whole set of other issues For example places where the sun sets for half a year and raises for the other half It is not easy to make any educated judgments without having a cannon geography.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:23 PM THere's the whole Paw wobble bit, but I don't think you'd get much variation off of it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Yeah axis wobble is something on MUCH longer time scales up towards thousands of years iirc
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM it feels like the axis of the planet points at the Sun for the most part.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Meanwhile a tilted spin axis will cause seasonal sunsets that last different amounts of time beyond certain latitudes The axis of the planet has nothing to do with the sun, at one point it will face away from the sun and half a year later it'll.face towards That's why we get seasons and differential day length on earth
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM right, but with Skalga being tidally locked...
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM Nothing to do with it That is a manner of rate of rotation not axial tilt The rate of revolution is equal to the rate of rotation meaning one side faces the star at all times But a tilted axis can cause the area to essentially shift up and down
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM so depending on the tilt of the access, those parts of Skalga would have day, and night cycles that last for about half the year.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM Yup Think of how the solstices work on earth. Provided you're at a latitude that experiences them just, more extreme The further into the light side you go the shorter the "night" lasts
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM 👍 We were considering what the sizes of the oceans were.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM Weather is dictated a lot by geography as well as overall circulation I haven't figured out if there would be a jet or something different
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:31 PM yes, windward and Lee sides of mountain ranges would make a difference. I was thinking heavy monsoon winds.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Yes while the windward side would be very dry the leeward side would experience in my current opinion almost constant rain It really depends on how well heat exchanges But I can't get too deep into this now. Btw this is what I study at university.
Btw this is what I study at uni
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Perhaps I got my terminology backwards I am become atmospheric scientist.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:33 PM Good chat sorry to jet.
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Bahaha, jet!
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Hey, being near water is not the same as being IN water.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM I mean the planet is like this ☀️ 🟥🟨🟩🟪🟦 (I'm trying my best) cold weather brings rain or snow. So @Brick is right, lots of rain moving from twilight to green. Less in day.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:36 PM depends on what the source of the water is. if there are oceans on the day side, that would provide moisture in the upper levels. where the convection moves in the opposite direction.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:37 PM oceans have to exist at some point if there's enough water to sustain global-spanning life.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:38 PM Also, I have a reason for each of the coastal locations. Muller's Bay is found upon illict activities. Stepping Stones basically had no choice but to exist due it being an island chain. Mellowgale is an rare mountainous type of coastal, hence the Greek vibes.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:39 PM the day side may have giant, untapped aquifers. not much written about it, so I don't really know. but I could see the venlil living under ground in the hotter parts.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM I can see that a nice portion of the rivers from colder half flow underground. Could sustain lots of people and crops
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM sort of a Coober Pedy situation. for about the same reasons.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM imagine having the Green double in size during the timeskip due to humanity interventing. oof, both good and bad.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM depends on what kind of geo-engineering is done, if any.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM mostly geo-engineering for preventing Sahara-ification.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM yeah, permaculture water harvesting would definitely be a thing. if they can build a planet encircling maglev, they could build some major pipelines runninlg along the meridians as well.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM They DID build an maglev ring, you're right.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM with the right kind of valves and insulation, they could use antifreeze to act as a giant heat pump.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM I bet they have biiiig wells to use for cities or for watering plants.
Animesh — 11/30/2023 7:46 PM Wait. Is the entire venlil prime just The Line (tm) project?
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:48 PM Possibly. I don't know the full particulars on the Line, so can't answer that. but I could see them doing a lot of Al Baydha-like projects. btu again, that is dependent on the landforms, and where the water flows to and from. I mean, BiasMushroom has Frozen Mountain set up as a city in the Nightside, close to the terminator. it you get some form of heat loving trees with deep, deep roots, then it's possible that they might shade areas of the burning enough to be survivable. so that gets back to the questions about where the water bodies are.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM I think they could form in the day but dry up in the burning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM yes, but what about under the dayside, where the aquifers may be.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM Probably near rivers but could realistically be anywhere I mean, there are aquifers all over earth so really it's hard to disprove any specific location
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM a lot of it depends on how the water flows, and what geological formations there are. a karst type of situation could lead to lots of caves with chimney windows and underground jungles.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:58 PM Hell in the southwest US, sandstone cliffs and mountains are aquifers. They are stuffed full of water. Without specific info, it's really up to us to decide. Which is neat!
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:59 PM a hard layer of earth over a soft limesone layer, with water flowing, would lead to huge cave systesm. there could be entire, undiscovered biomes like that, possibly housing pre-federation Venlils.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 8:03 PM Perhaps. Though I worry for how they'd live
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 8:04 PM if there's flowing water, then there's probably fungi, and things eating the fungi. Anyway, I leave the speculations here, for your consideration.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 9:08 PM massive cave systems with underground rivers and a lot of life that lives in the dark but due to the presence of predators, venlil are afraid of them and since they are hell to clear out, the exterminators try to keep the predators in the caverns instead only killing them when they wander too close to the settlements.
I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have!
submitted by Giant_Acroyear to u/Giant_Acroyear [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 41

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Generous hours donated to the editing foundation by WaveOfWire
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Lukewarm water gave way to sand underfoot, frequent rocks and dried sea flora giving the orange shore a coarse design. Following an animate piece of metal to harvest underwater stone was not something the gray-skinned fisherwoman thought she would ever be doing. She hauled the ‘potassium’ up and into the wheelbarrow alongside her sister, the once-submerged resources’ rugged texture reflecting the bright sun’s rays in peculiar ways. Unfortunately, the days were getting colder much faster than she would have liked, despite the plentiful light. It was dismissible, but it ever so slightly urged her toward the warmth of the fires… and her new living quarters—the luxurious abode provided by the star-sent himself.
She could not understand how the brick home was capable of keeping such heat without flames, but she would not question it. Instead, she elected to enjoy the first nights of truly comfortable sleep in a long while… and it had been quite some time since the fisherwoman twins enjoyed the luxury of proper civilization. The village was quiet and peaceful compared to the bustling capitol, but it simply lacked the amenities that a large population provided. Their escape to the island provided poor bedding, no entertainment, little variation in food, and a nauseating deficiency of rum. Oh, how the sisters missed the sweet burning liquid. Their… past… may have heightened such affection for the alcohol, but it also didn’t help that they were suddenly branded as sky-worshipers and forced to flee to a humble islet—one that didn’t have any drinks besides boiled water…
Now look at the fisherwoman; there was no escaping her banishment. All that time spent making good with the locals, just for the inquisitors to show up once more and throw her onto the deck of a boat before it departed for an unknown land. She was not scared of the prospect, no. So what if she was to live on the mainland? It was no less rural than the last island—one they were just getting used to. No, she was vengeful for what they had stripped from her and her sister. They had crawled their way from nothing to something within the capitol only a winter or two prior. They could have lived like regular citizens. She supposed it was the grace of the Mountain God that they were led to an actual deity-sent. The siblings’ living situation had improved, too, even over their previous urban living situation. The two would not have to resort to… alternate forms of making a living ever again. She was even starting to appreciate the honor of completing a hard day’s work.
The wheelbarrow creaked and whined underneath the strain it was put under. The hefty rocks were intent on digging the two wheels deep into the dirt. Her sister’s equipment was fairing much the same, but they persevered, dragging the precious haul to the workshop where the Creator needed them. She shoved the portable storage up and over the small hump of the ‘cargo bay’ entrance, hauling it down the rows of animate creations.
Dozens of ‘hums,’ ‘whirrs,’ ‘tonks,’ ‘slams,’ and ear-mauling scrapes assaulted her senses. The ‘machines’ were clumped up with one another under the bright white lights. They spat materials, clear liquids, and yellow gasses amongst their others in a jumble of… something. Some things boiled, others hissed. There was much going on, with one foreign male at the center of it all.
The Creator stood by a towering device, pushing it with the help of the juvenile and the ceramist. The group slid the apparatus into place, leaving the star-sent to deftly manage the many colors on the glowing, rune-filled panel, while the assistants were dismissed, having received a few genuine words of appreciation from the male.
The gray-skinned fisherwoman clicked her tongue, garnering his attention, his weary eyes meeting her own.
“Hey,” he addressed them casually, eyeing their cargo with a raised brow. “You two are back soon. You can put the stuff in the same place as last, then just close the panel. Appreciate the hard work. Feel free to take a break between the next three loads; these machines won’t work fast enough to keep up with y’all.”
“You have my appreciation,” the twins said in unison.
The two of them did as asked, traversing the maze of tubes and metal, pouring the crumbling rocks into the belly of the machine, making sure to close the door as requested. Her sister sighed and stretched her back, extending all four arms up and backward, revealing the short cuts she had on their undersides. The fisherwoman cringed underneath the sudden aura of shame at the sight… It was the only real differentiator between the two, and it was her fault.
“I believe I shall take up the Creator on his blessing and take a short break by the fire. Will you join me?” her twin asked.
“I will be there shortly. Allow me a moment,” she returned.
Her counterpart squinted playfully. “Planning on something with the males, eh?”
“Nothing of the sort,” the fisherwoman chided, flicking her sister's snout with a singular talon.
The twin scowled and turned away, exiting the castle swiftly.
The fisherwoman shook her head and made her way to the star-sent, heedfulness and hesitation quieting her footsteps. It was an unusual feeling. She was never the best when it came to respecting those higher on the mountain than herself; they were always flippant, derisively ordering and pecking at those ‘who make not an honest day’s work.’ She despised giving her labor for such self-assured fools, forced to put on a face for them while suffering through their ‘hierarchy.’
That was why the small island villagers were so welcoming. They were much less strict in their positions or status, allowing for a community focused on the goals of the whole rather than the aspirations of a singular high-ranking Malkrin. Maybe that was why it was so easy for the gray-skinned twins to return to sincere labor there.
The star-sent was much the same, though… different in one aspect. Where the village had a sort of collectivism while still keeping some status of the elders or those higher up the mountain, the Creator did not seem to place himself within any sort of hierarchy. He was solely focused on seeing the settlement progress, addressing and communicating with whomever as if they were of the same status. It made tasks a lot easier and was most certainly why she felt it so easy to approach him with such an unnecessary question.
He was not by the previous set of machines, leaving the fisherwoman to look around. She scanned the entire floor, looking over much of the equipment, spotting him by one of the desks. She stepped up behind him, curiously eying the items on his table. He was… disassembling his staff? His blunt digits twisted small metallic pieces and pulled off larger ones, sliding the large cylindrical end out. He continued until all the components were resting on their respective cuts of cloth, each cleaned and rubbed down with a few liquids.
The fisherwoman did not realize she was leaning over him and staring until he stopped and stretched upward, inadvertently tapping her snout. His chair jolted out of the way, turning around to face her. The Creator’s body was stiff as his wide eyes bored into her, palm resting atop his shoulder-bound blade. He stared up at her for a long few seconds, his burning glare stunning her in place all the while. A loud huff finally escaped him, his strained posture loosening.
“…Jesus, you fuckin’ scared me,” the high male groaned, his chest still rising and falling rapidly. His hand still had not left his knife. “Did you need something?”
“Forgive me star-sent,” she bowed her head, embarrassment and a hint of shame running through her frills. She quickly excused her actions nervously. “I did not mean to startle you… Nor did wish not to bother you, b-but I have a query. You had mentioned that I was free to ask any.”
“Mm, yeah.” The Creator finally released his blade and took a piece of cloth, returning to his task of rubbing down another metallic piece of his staff. “I’d rather you guys ask questions than sit in confusion. So, what’s up? Is there anything you need to harvest the deposits? We’ve got some metal to spare.”
Sparing metal for her simplistic job? Lord above… “N-No. Please excuse my prodding, but I wish to know what these machines are doing.”
“What they’re doing? Like, each one specifically or as a whole?”
“As a whole, Creator.” She did not dream of wrapping her head around the blessed equipment.
He grabbed a gray tube from his staff’s belt. “Gunpowder… for these. Or, more accurately, modified black powder. It’s just as powerful, but it’ll also put on more of a smoke show… and dirty the hell out of barrels and bolts alike…” He frowned at the components next to him before noticing her confused expression. He shook his head. “Sorry. It’s a powder that ignites and propels—” he dug into the cylinder with his digits and slid out a piece of metal. “—slugs and bullets. It’s essentially the whole reason guns work. I’m sure you’ve seen the FAL Akula’s touting around, right?”
She slowly nodded, understanding what he was alluding to. The dark-green-skinned fisherwoman was quite proud of receiving her own staff, keeping it in hand at all times.
“Yeah, so without this, her weapon would be as good as a piece of wood. That’s why I plan on making so much of it.”
“I… see.” She looked back at the whirring snake of moving parts within the center of the castle, a greater sense of awe settling on her as she took in its final purpose. “So it takes metals from a cave, rocks from the sea floor, and the burnt husks of logs to produce such?”
“There are a few more ingredients, like the spider-crab biofuel and trace air elements, but yeah.” The high male continued to clean the components of his weapon as if the process of gunpowder creation was only a menial accomplishment. “It takes a good bit of specific inputs to make the stuff.”
The others claimed the star-sent to be a wizard, and that would be an easy assessment with his staff and mystic equipment, but that would not be accurate. The Creator was clearly a great alchemist, turning useless materials into the very power of his grand weapons. Not to mention forming fine metals from coarse rocks. How did the settlers not see such? The villagers were more blessed than they realized.
A thousand other questions burned into her mind of what else he was capable of creating. What could he do with tree bark? What about dirt and fish? Were they ingredients of powerful remedies or sturdy materials? The dam almost burst, but she held it in. The star-sent’s invitation to casual conversation should not be squandered by her pestering any further. Perhaps he would enlighten her another time. For now, she was required to complete her tasks—this time with much more purpose than she had prior.
She thanked the high male and left for the shore with a swaying tail. Perhaps her efforts would be rewarded handsomely were she to keep it up.
\= = = = =
Harrison sat back on a stool by the outdoor range. The sun had already been down for some time, keeping much of his work underneath the few Malkrin-sized floodlights placed around the settlement. Their bright white light illuminated the decimated wooden targets twenty meters out, dim moonlit covering the rest of the meadows further beyond. It wasn’t a great idea to stay out in the night, given Tracy’s reconnaissance drones weren’t equipped with any night vision or thermals yet, but there was still work to be done, so he instead relied on two armed females to serve as early warnings and defense while he finished up his testing.
The modified black powder was finally narrowed down to a suitable side-grade for traditional double and triple-base gunpowder. The first batch wasn’t nearly powerful enough, and it dirtied the hell out of the FAL he used. The second attempt was much the same, but actually managed to reach an acceptable muzzle velocity. Now, after a whole day of experimenting with the ingredients, it was a damn powerful propellant. The most important ingredient was the added biofuel-adjacent compounds that were made from, of course, biofuel, and much of the air-extracted elements like oxygen and nitrogen.
It was an increasingly convoluted process that required many of the machines to be switched around. Most of their programmed inputs and outputs had been changed several times by the end of the day. Hell, almost the entirety of the workshop’s stock of chemical and mechanical fabrication units had been used up by the operation—if they hadn’t already been taken by the other ongoing lines of industry.
The powder dirtied the hell out of the rifles, it kicked like a horse, and it was a pain in the ass to synthesize, but it was done. He wouldn’t need to worry about letting loose any bullets into those spider-crabs anymore. He even had a suitable source of metal, solving all of his iron and steel needs too. It was small scale, but it was something, and that little bit of income was all he needed to start scaling up the process and deal with all the alloy-hungry projects he needed to start on.
The first of which was probably going to be simple automated mules for the heavy ore. He spent a good portion of the morning assisting with the mining operations until he was confident that the lumberjack got a hang of the hand-held lasers. The most prevailing thing the engineer learned from his efforts was how much of a pain in the ass it was to drag the sphalerite back on sleds.
They didn’t have any on-hand blueprints for any transportation droids until he traveled to the vehicle bay and got them himself. Thankfully, there just happened to be a woman who specialized in creating automated drones, and she was more than happy to take the task on herself. Some part of him felt a little bit of remorse for dumping the work on the technician, but she genuinely seemed to actually kind of enjoy it, almost like it was just a hobby for her. The woman even had her own corner of the workshop dedicated to her tinkering. It had two fabricators, warm yellow lighting, and plenty of cluttered parts and pieces around her laptop. All of it surrounded a central chair that she used to bounce between the different sections of the building process. One corner was for the printers and requesting components, another was for welding, a third for circuitry, and so on.
However, the whole thing did urge him to visit the vehicle bay before the blood-moon. There were a hell of a lot more applications for drone automation than he realized, and he wasn’t intent on putting all of that on Tracy.
The engineer sighed and rubbed his forehead, grabbing for another blue-leaf on the nearby bullet casing-covered table. The finger-width frond was something he’d been enjoying since the foraging Malkrin started to bring them back. They tasted like the fragrance of jasmine. Simply chewing it and letting the small particles of plant matter mix with saliva created a sort of tea in his mouth. He saw Cera using it alongside the whole ‘females using a stick to sharpen their teeth’ thing, so he asked and was generously given a bunch.
The blue-leaf jutted from his mouth like those depictions of Old-Earth farmers chewing the stems of wheat, slowly being gnawed until its tip as the night went on. He eyed Sharky and the ceramist standing at their post nearby, the two of them staying as alert as possible despite it being later than they would usually go to sleep… Maybe it wasn’t best to test gunpowder late at night with unsuppressed fire while the others were sleeping. A tinge of embarrassment and regret nipped at the back of his head.
It was worth it, though. Their ranged capabilities would benefit immensely from the gunpowder, most likely ensuring their survival to come… if it weren’t some small issues. It was a shame the Malkrin had such difficulties with the weapons. Not enough to make them unusable, but enough to cause annoyance with general handling. The guns were practically compact submachine guns to the giant females. Cera and Akula had a hard time reloading with their big ‘ol talons, especially for the mag-release paddles by the trigger. Not to mention the process of actually packing ammo back in the empty magazines… Furthermore, there was irritation with trying to keep the firearm in a suitable place while they worked. Slings swung around too much, and pack attachments poked their lower arms and back. Of course, none of them voiced their opinions on it. He simply noticed all the ways they squirmed when the gun swung out and poked them in the side, or how they fumbled with them while reloading.
Honestly, at this point he might just consider designing a whole new weapon system if the most basic aspects of kinetics were a bother. Something more ergonomic for them to use and store… probably with a bigger bullet that’s easier for them to handle. He’d figure it out later, after he managed to finish helping Tracy build the automated mule.
“Shar! Cera! C’mere!” he called out, his voice somewhat muffled by the frond stuck between his teeth.
The two females perked up, quickly making their way back to his ramshackle firing point. The paladin clipped her M2 onto her back as she trotted up to his side.
“Are we fin—hed for the even—g?” the maroon-colored Malkrin questioned, looking rather tired.
He packed the can of ammunition up, slapping its cover closed. “Just about. I’ve still gotta test the fifty-cal ammo for your browning, but that’s for us to deal with tomorrow.”
“Of course. Will y–u be requiring this firearm for the durat—n?”
“Luckily for you, I won’t.” He pointed a thumb in the direction of the workshop. “I’ve got another being printed right now.”
The paladin squinted. “Anot—r? For whom?”
Cera flipped through the notebook she used for communication, scribbling on it for a mere second before turning it around for the other two to see. It showed a crude outline of the turret they used during the last blood moon… How’d she know?
“I’m guessing Tracy filled you in, huh?” The technician and the ceramist were pretty close, especially whenever Tracy went to help her with drawing. He slid a few FAL magazines into a small pseudomycelium bag, glancing up at Shar. “We’re planning on putting two or three active turrets up around the modules and possibly around the beach and sphalerite cave—depending on resources, of course.”
A grin spread across Shar’s muzzle, her tail swaying. “So we sh—l be furthering our fortificat—ns? It is wise we act early before the bl—d-moon.”
The engineer continued to pack the range items away with the ceramist's assistance. “Yeah, only about ten days or so until then. We have to make the best of it. But that’s not the only reason; I’m planning on setting out sometime ‘fore the blood-moon to retrieve some data from a module further out. This time, it’ll be a longer expedition; ‘Smore than a day’s walk. We’ll be needing more than just the two of us to keep watch overnight. So yeah, we’ll need to keep home base safe while we’re out.”
She leaned forward, an inspired glint in her eye. “I underst—d. Will there be anyth—g I can do to assist the p—paration process?”
“Nothin’ specific.” He smirked, patting her on her oversized forearm for a moment. “‘Cept training and lifting stuff like you do anyway. Definitely gonna need yer strength for hauling turret materials around. Even more for the bullshit we’ll probably have to go through on the journey.”
Her restrained smile turning into something different than the grin she wore before. “I-I am at your c—mand, Harrison. I give my labor to y–u freely.”
Harrison caught Cera idly watching their conversation, a curious look gathering on her face as she observed him. He soon noticed his palm was resting atop shar’s wrist, his hand in a much different place than he last remembered leaving it. He awkwardly coughed and removed it, returning his attention to the mass of equipment he packed up. “Right, uh… Again, that’s all for the day. Cera, you’re free to check out if you want.”
The addressed female raised a brow, still eying up him and the paladin before wiping the look off her face and smiling. She bowed and gave a short wave, leaving him and Sharky to stand underneath the outdoor floodlights while Cera slunk back to the barracks. He looked back up at the tall female beside him, giving her a knowing look.
“You can head off too if you want. I know you’ll be sleeping anyway if we head back into the workshop.”
She stood up straight, an adorable mix of furrowed brows and a pout resembling offense forming on her visage. “I w—ld not fall asl…” The flushed paladin paused, clearly realizing her inaccuracy, causing Harrison’s smile to grow all the wider. She huffed and quietly continued with her excuses. “I can not leave you to the night by y—rself. What if sculking b—sts enter the castle? I should not dare to l—ve your side.”
He stared at her with lighthearted contempt. “C’mon, Shar. Wouldn’t you rather fall asleep in a comfortable bed than a metal desk? I’m gonna be helping Trace with her drones for a long while too.”
“I would prefer noth—g more than to be within arm’s r—ch of you,” she insisted. Her orange irises burned as her tail found its way around him. “Even still, the other star-s—t has left for the other castle alr—dy.”
He raised a brow, the cool skin of her limb rubbing against his palm. “Wait, Tracy left already? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“F—give me, I was busy patrolling the settlem—t. She offered a short wave to me as she left.”
If the technician was gone already and wasn’t in the workshop in the first place to need his help… why did he even need to be in there? She noticed his realization, leaning in closer. Her eyes glanced away nervously for a short moment as she appeared lost in thought before being wrangled back to match his gaze.
“Then, if there is noth—g else for you to complete with the machines, might I sugg—t a compromise to the is—e at hand?”
He raised a brow curiously.
Short clacks of the talons tapping together filled the air. “W-Well, If y–u were to join my slumber, It would satisfy your wish as w—l as my own. I will not fall asl—p atop the desk and you shall be within my p—tection. I-It would be best for your sl—p if I were there, no?
He gave her an incredulous look, the corners of his cheeks breached by a small smile. It wasn’t a great ‘compromise’ for him, but it wasn’t like he had any place to argue against it, really. He wasn’t that tired, yet there was fuck all to do in the workshop until tomorrow… so… “If it’ll get you to sleep, then fine.”
Her eyes lit up in surprise. She clearly wasn’t expecting him to go without debate. “Y-You… Yes, of c—rse. The offer was intended for both our be—fits…” The paladin gestured toward the other module with a wide arm, her thin confidence barely hiding her vibrating frills. “Sh—l… we…?”
He nodded, letting her tail rest on his shoulder like a scarf as he turned around, nudging her to follow. They strolled through the soft grass and night breeze, eased by the thought of a comfortable bed and sound sleep.
\= = = = =
A consistent click came from Kegara’s talon tapping rhythmically against her shield, the piercing sound mirroring the force of her scalding breaths. The tent was bathed in the flickering hue of flame from a centralized fire, yet the warmth bled from everywhere she looked, which was primarily the current target of her displeasure. When their excursion team returned, the Grand Paladin thought them to come back with results or news, yet they brought only an infuriating pitiful recount of a spineless worm.
Every exhale was riddled with the white-skinned female’s ire as she paced around the trembling, pink-skinned female that stood inside the Grand Paladin’s tent. The fisherwoman’s shaking breaths could barely be heard beneath the sizzling of Kegara’s unfinished meal. She had lost her appetite, and the contents she had been looking forward to were now tainted by the taste of ineptitude. A burnt smell permeated throughout the room. A waste, but no more of a waste than the pathetic trash currently fouling her tent.
The failure’s back was straight, her head was kept level, and her tail was as still as the mountain towering above the camp outside, yet nothing but inadequacy was visible.
The Grand Paladin stopped her pacing in front of the messenger, covering her burning vexation with cold, quiet intent and an edged stare. The fisherwoman swallowed heavily. “Were you at least capable of finding their sea vessel, incompetent one?”
“W-We did, Grand Paladin,” the pitiful excuse for a Malkrin quickly returned, fear and guilt bleeding through her voice. A sense of hope entered those dull eyes as they tried to salvage what was already lost. “There were footsteps we followed along the beach, b-but they were cut off abruptly by the tracks of abhorrent!”
Kegara took another step forward, brows furrowing as she bore her gaze ever deeper into the scum that stood before her, the head-height difference in stature between them further emblazening the glare. Her words grew more heated with every question, each syllable teeming with threats. “Then they perished? Was there blood? Signs of a battle?”
The pink-skinned female struggled to keep herself straight, trembling down to the talons. “T-There was no sign of s-such.”
“And you did not pursue them?” A simple question, and one spoke through a frigid, flat tone. Dignified and controlled, yet making no effort to hide the malice underneath. Her digits twitched, barely restrained.
“N-No, we f-feared the abhor—”
The fisherwoman’s speech was cut short with a choke and a flicker of movement from the white-skinned paladin. A singular hand wrung the failure’s throat and lifted the veritable waste, her grip tight enough to cull the fouled intent before it could spit more worthless drivel. Kegara’s frills shook with her burning projection. “You failed because you were *scared? Fourteen females were **frightened of footprints? You insolent failure! Your heathenous brothers and sisters are left to the whims of the mainland because of your fear! Left to be mauled and eaten alive by the abhorrent!”*
“W-We could not have—”
SILENCE, she commanded sharply, her voice a blade that tore through the fisherwoman’s denial. She snarled, feeling the very heartbeat within the fragile neck as her grip tightened. Shameful vocalizations and strained breaths failed to bring air to the pathetic one’s lungs. It would be quicker to silence the fool permanently, and Kegara’s pride demanded it be done. Every move within the paladin’s talons threatened to rend the very flesh beneath them, yet her claws must be stayed, for allowing blood to spill would be an equally foolish mistake. The fisherwoman was lucky; menial labor was a strained resource. Such a failure of a banished fool would be culled on the spot otherwise.
The pink-skinned female was thrown to the ground, dirt being tossed into the air as she skid to a stop. She hacked and coughed on her back, her ragged gasps irritatingly scraping the high one’s ears. Kegara’s slow exhalations poured through clenched teeth as she controlled herself. Perfection required persistence. If she wished to send the group back out for their incompetence, then she would need them to live long enough to do so. To ensure the new banished were found and brought back. To prove themselves worth her kindness.
But were there banished left to collect? The latest group was most likely reduced to bones for the repulsive creatures to gnaw on by now, and it would be but a waste of Malkrin to frivolously send more out. It was a situation wrought from mistakes and inadequacy, searing her flesh with its reflection onto her, painting her image with its wretched color. The vexation burned her from the inside as she resisted the urge to stain her tent with the failure’s red. This was much greater a failure than the fisherwoman could understand, but at least a large catch of meat had been procured. This was still a salvageable outcome.
“Bring half the food to the cooks,” the grand paladin relented with a simmering hiss, glaring down at the coughing lump of shame. “Leave the rest by the cave as always. Do not fail me with such a simple task, or you will prove my benevolence to be a mistake.”
“Of… c-course.” The fisherwoman shakily nodded before shuffling away, all but fleeing the tent to complete her duties. The failure was gone, but her stench persisted.
Kegara spat on the ground, no longer wishing to return to her meal, as disgusting as it had become. The searing exasperation that gnawed at her chest slowly fell away, leaving only the frigid caress of mortification on her frills. The lack of success would carry with it great consequences, and those would carry more in an ever-growing rockslide of punishment.
Would it impact her mission? What would happen if her settlement was incapable of providing logistics for the excavation? Would they no longer return with the relics? How would the Grand Script-keeper react? What of the high priestesses? The Grand Paladin was no fool; she knew where their disdain would lie, should she prove to be as pathetic as that fisherwoman. The blame could not be siphoned off into the tainted peasantry beneath her command. It would be put on her and her alone. She would face judgment without reprieve.
The white-skinned Makrin let out a shaky breath, steeling herself away from the agonizing worries. The solution was as clear as her faith, and just as certain. She would not allow such a mistake to occur again. More capable laborers would be sent next time, paladins without such weaknesses as fear, and success would be enforced.
According to the report, the next island that the inquisitors were approaching was one with a larger population, numbering in the thousands. It was assured that they would find many more of the blighted Malkrin to be exiled, and the traitorous filth would find their labor funneling directly to the mainland. She could perform her duties properly once she had the subordinates to do so.
Those higher on the mountain would see her accomplishments then. Surely.
- - - - -
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Next time on Total Drama Anomaly Island - Space Marines Malkrin
submitted by BrodogIsMyName to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:02 BPBAttacks9 MAY 2024 -- LIST OF PIT BULL ATTACKS/FATALITIES (ongoing)

This is a list of pit bull attacks and fatalities documented by the media and on social media for the month of May 2024. This list will be edited throughout the month and after as new incidents are reported.
Due to the high volume of attacks and Reddit's character limit, social media attacks will now be documented separately below but will still be included in the overall monthly totals.

May 1

May 2

May 3

May 4

May 5

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 11

May 12

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

May 31

Unconfirmed Dates


May 1

submitted by BPBAttacks9 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:33 MelodicFlatworm9031 What is this?

What is this?
Found in Grand Rapids MI, about 1/2 inch long . Has 2 antennas barely visible off the top.
submitted by MelodicFlatworm9031 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:02 EchoJobs Hiring Software Developer USD 100k-110k Grand Rapids, MI US [API Azure SQL C# .NET]

submitted by EchoJobs to dotnetjob [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 CentennialElections 2024 Presidential Prediction (6/1/2024)

 2024 Presidential Prediction (6/1/2024)
Presidential (Margins: 1/5/15)
Even though Trump got convicted a few days ago, my prediction for the presidential race from last month really hasn't changed yet. After the sentencing, if Trump's support starts to drop dramatically, then I would likely make changes in my August to early November predictions to reflect that. For now, I still think Biden has an underrated chance of winning, but it's still looking to be very close, closer than 2020. Unlike last month, however, I'd like to go into detail about why I have these placements.
Likely Republican States:
  • Missouri: Even though this was a Safe Republican state in 2016 and 2020, it only barely went over 15% for Trump. In 2020, it even trended left relative to the nation (18.51% to 15.39%, 20.6% to 19.84%). More importantly, much like in Kansas, the percentage of vote the GOP gets in the rurals have largely been in the 70s-80s, while the suburbs are competitive and within reach for Democrats. With that in mind, I could see Missouri dipping just below 15% in 2024. I've seen the same argument made for Indiana too, though I'm a little more hesitant with that (for now) since it was a point or two redder than Missouri.
    • Predicted Margin: R+14-14.5
  • South Carolina: Should be self-explanatory. For the last several elections, South Carolina has been in the Likely Republican range. When adjusting for national environment, SC has remained rather stagnant, hovering around 14-16% of the national environment. Right now, there's nothing to indicate that will change much at all.
    • Predicted Margin: R+12-12.5
  • Kansas: As I mentioned with Missouri, Kansas' rurals are starting to max out, while the suburban areas are becoming better for Democrats. It's happening a lot faster for Kansas than for Missouri though. In particular, the state's 5 most populated counties, Johnson, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Wyandotte, and Douglas have all been moving to the left It's been trending to the left relative to the nation since 2012 (21.61%, 20.42%, 14.65%; when adjusting for NPV - 25.47%, 22.51%, 19.10%). As such, I expect Kansas to be more competitive in 2024, though not below 10%.
    • Predicted Margin: R+11.5-12
  • Nebraska's 1st Congressional District: Similarly to Kansas, Nebraska's 1st has been seeing some strong trends to the left (alongside the 2nd District). While it has been redder than Kansas so far, the recent redistricting has flipped their positions, with NE-01 being bluer now (taking away from NE-02).
    • Predicted Margin: R+10.5-11
  • Iowa: Iowa has been fairly red from 2016 onwards, and unlike in Ohio, Democrats have only one statewide office - Auditor. No senators, no members of Congress... almost nothing. It did go from R+9.41 to R+8.2 in 2020, but relative to the nation, it actually trended right (11.50% to 12.65%). I don't really see how this state could move left without Biden outperforming nationwide.
    • Predicted Margin: R+9-10
  • Alaska: Alaska has s remained fairly Republican since 1968 (when Nixon narrowly won it), though it's been trending left for quite a while. In 2008, it voted for McCain by 21.53% (28.81% when adjusted for NPV), but in 2020, Trump only won it by 10.06% (14.51% when adjusted). Certain areas, like Anchorage, are getting a lot bluer. Additionally, Mary Peltola recently won the house race in 2022. That said, Anchorage is losing population despite its blue shift, and the WWC Mat-Su valley is growing in population. I still think it could shift left somewhat, but it will still be Likely Republican.
    • Predicted Margin: R+8.5-9.5
  • Ohio: Similar to Iowa, Ohio has been competitive for a while until 2016, and since then it's been fairly red. In both 2016 and 2020, it voted for Trump by about 8%, even trending to the right of the nation (10.16% vs 12.48%). Unlike in Iowa, though, Ohio Dems hold one statewide office - Senator Sherrod Brown. Additionally, while the rurals have gotten much redder, the suburbs are shifting blue, which could offset some of the Republican trends going on in the state. I don't see it moving much either way right now.
    • Predicted Margin: R+8-9
  • Florida: As with Ohio, Florida used to be a key battleground state, though the transition into a more Republican state was more gradual. Even before the 2022 midterms blowout, Florida seemed to be moving to the right. Although Biden did better nationwide than Clinton, he performed worse in Florida (1.20% vs 3.36%; adjusted - 3.29% vs 7.81%). Since then, Democrats have had only minor victories in Florida, and the registration numbers for Republicans have been going through the roof. While I think the rightward trends in Florida are sometimes exaggerated, they are real, and I don't see Biden doing well there.
    • Predicted Margin: R+7.5-8
  • Maine's 2nd Congressional District: Once a decently Democratic district, ME-02 has become far more Republican since 2016. It moved a bit to the left in 2020 (10.29% to 7.44%; when adjusted for NPV - 12.38% to 11.89%), though I don't think it will move that far to the left. It's kind of hard to tell where it will go since its such a small district, though it should remain Likely Republican.
    • Predicted Margin: R+7-8
Likely Democrat States:
  • Virginia: This state has been moving to the left since 2008, especially between 2016 and 2020 (5.32% to 10.11%, 3.23% to 5.66% to the left of the nation) due to growth in the suburbs and opposition to Trump. Yes, Youngkin did win the governor's race, and many polls have Virginia looking competitive, but I don't buy that Trump will do much better here than in 2020. He may gain a bit, but northern Virginia should still remain fairly opposed to Trump.
    • Predicted Margin: D+9.5-10.5
  • New Mexico: After 2008, New Mexico has remained around 6-7% to the left of the national environment, being a Likely Blue state. Since 2020, many areas have seen a shift to the right among Hispanic voters, especially in Florida. While Hispanic voters aren't a monolith, Trump does seem to be making gains with this group across the board. As NM has a lot of Hispanic voters, this could lead to Trump making some gains in the state, though not enough to make it very competitive.
    • Predicted Margin: D+9.5-10
  • New Hampshire: Historically, New Hampshire has been rather elastic, and its voting patterns suggest a tendency to go against incumbents. But in 2020, things changed - NH went from D+0.37 to D+7.35 (1.72% to the right of the nation to 2.90% to the right of the nation). Furthermore, New Hampshire has a lot that makes it a bright spot for Biden (linked because that comment explained it better than I could, and I don't want to make this explanation too long). For those reasons, I expect Biden to improve on his performance in New Hampshire by quite a bit.
    • Predicted Margin: D+9-9.5
  • Maine: Like New Hampshire, although to a lesser extent, Maine became more competitive in 2016 (going to Clinton by 2.96%, 0.87% to the left of the nation). In 2020, though, Biden won Maine at large by 9.07% (and 4.62% to the left of the national environment). Unlike New Hampshire, I don't imagine this state moving to the left in 2024. It's a fairly rural state, and it isn't quite as socially liberal. I imagine it will move a bit to the right due to the growing urban/rural divide, though nowhere near enough for it to be Lean D.
    • Predicted Margin: D+8-8.5
  • Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District: As a very suburban district, Nebraska's 2nd District has been trending to the left fairly quickly since 2012 - R+7.15, R+2.24, and D+6.64 (national environment comparison - R+11.01, R+4.33, D+2.19). While redistricting has made NE-02 less blue (and made NE-01 bluer), the suburban district is still trending to the left, and that should be enough to make up for the redistricting.
    • Predicted Margin: D+6.5-7.5
  • Minnesota: Although Minnesota moved to the left in 2020 after being very close, similar to Maine and New Hampshire, it appears to be more likely to move right compared to those two states. Minnesota is very open to third parties, and those third parties tend to take votes away from Democrats. Third parties get a lot of votes in New Hampshire and Maine too, but their demographics are more favorable to Democrats (especially New Hampshire), while Minnesota has a large WWC population that Trump could pull from. While I doubt it will be Lean Democratic, it should be closer than in 2020.
    • Predicted Margin: D+5.5-6.5
Lean Republican States:
  • Texas: Since 2012, Texas has been moving to the left due to population growth and blue trends in suburbs and urban areas, giving Democrats hope that the state may be flippable in the near future. In 2020, though, the Rio Grande Valley, a traditionally Democratic area, shifted very far to the right. Most of the region is low in population, with the exception of Hidalgo County, the 8th largest in the state. While Democrats have a fair amount of obstacles in the state of Texas, I do think Democrats are likely to make at least some gains here. The RGV, and other rural areas, while shifting to the right, are losing population, while many highly populated areas (not just the Bexar, Travis, and Dallas counties, but many surrounding ones such as Collin, Denton, and Tarrant too) are growing in population. While I think the rural trends will slow down the leftward trend of Texas, I don't think it will be enough to stop them fully, let alone reverse them. But they won't move the state very far left, which is why I put it at the higher end of Lean Republican.
    • Predicted Margin: R+4-4.5
  • North Carolina: From 2012 to 2020, North Carolina has remained between 5.7 and 5.9 percent to the right of the national environment. The leftward urban trends and rural rightward trends appear to be cancelling each other out. Biden is capable of winning NC, particularly if things improve for him in the future (ex: Trump actually gets jailed), but right now, I see him doing better than Clinton did in 2016, and a bit worse than he did in 2020.
    • Predicted Margin: R+1.5-2
Lean Democrat States:
  • Michigan: I really don't buy the argument that Michigan will be the second bluest or reddest out of the rust belt trio (MI, WI, and PA). Yes, Biden could struggle with getting turnout from Arab Americans and college voters because of Gaza and other issues, but these populations don't make up as much of the state as people think. Furthermore, the suburbs are growing in population and trending more to the left. If Trump continues to lose ground in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Grand Traverse, or suburban Detroit, lowered turnout in Arab-American and college areas won't be enough to offset that. I'm hesitant to say Michigan will be bluer than it was in 2020, but I don't think it will be much redder either, especially since it was the only one of the trio to move to the left relative to the national environment (R+0.22 to D+2.78; R+2.31 to R+1.67 when adjusted for NPV).
    • Predicted Margin: D+2-3
  • Arizona: Even before the court decision on abortion came out not too long about, I've become more skeptical about Trump's chances to win Arizona. It's a state that has rejected Trump and his brand of Republicanism over the last several years - Mark Kelly won both the 2020 special senate election and his 2022 race, and Katie Hobbs overperformed polling to defeat Kari Lake, albeit narrowly. Furthermore, Maricopa and Pima are two counties that are not only trending left fairly quickly, but make up a massive chunk of the state. Combined, they make up 5,649,033 people, compared to the state's total population of 7,431,344 (76.02%). Also, Trump insulting McCain frequently hasn't helped him with traditional Republicans in the state. Trump can win Arizona, but I see this state being his worst swing state by far, besides (maybe) Michigan. Santa Cruz and Yuma are two areas I can see shifting right, but that's nowhere near enough to counter the shifts in Maricopa and Pima.
    • Predicted Margin: D+1.5-2.5
Tilt Republican States:
  • Wisconsin: This one was really hard to decide for me. On one hand, Democrats outperformed polling expectations in the 2022 Senate and Gubernatorial races. Democrats have also been gaining in the WOW counties (Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington), and they've been able to win Wisconsin in 3/4 of the non-Obama elections in the 21st century (albeit by less than 1% every time). Plus, polling suggests that this state is one of Biden's better options. On the other hand, Wisconsin polling really overestimated Biden, putting it to the left of Pennsylvania, and even Michigan. Plus, Trump has a lot of room to grow in rural areas (and while it went from R+0.77 to D+0.63, when adjusted for NPV, it trended right; R+1.32 to R+3.82). I'm very unsure how this state will go, and I can see an argument for it being Tilt either way. For now, I'm keeping it at Tilt Republican, though that could easily change in the next few months. Either way, I'd say that this is Trump's easiest state to flip.
    • Predicted Margin: R+0-0.5
Tilt Democrat States:
  • Georgia: Similarly to Arizona, many traditional conservatives are turning away from Trump. While Brian Kemp was able to win by a good margin, he's a decently popular incumbent who ran against a candidate who wasn't that strong (Stacey Abrams), survived a blue wave in 2018, and isn't a Trumpian Republican. I do think Biden will have some issues with minority voters, though that won't be enough for Trump to make up for Biden's huge gains in the suburbs and urban areas. Georgia trended left in 2020 even faster than Arizona (R+5.13 to D+0.23; R+7.24 to R+4.22 with NPV adjustment). Trump can definitely win here, but I can't see this being Trump's easiest state to flip.
    • Predicted Margin: D+0.5-1.5
  • Pennsylvania: The opposite of Georgia, Pennsylvania is one swing state that I see as rather overrated for Biden. Given that he barely got it over 1%, and that it trended to the right of the nation (R+0.72 to D+1.17; R+1.37 to R+3.28 with adjustments), and Trump's base of support is generally stronger in the Rust Belt than in the Sun Belt (which is part of why I'm skeptical of current polling that says the opposite), I don't think Biden will improve here overall. That said, Biden does have room to grow in the suburbs in southeastern Pennsylvania, and I think that should be enough to help him narrowly win the state and counteract Trump's growth in rural areas.
    • Predicted Margin: D+0.5-1
  • Nevada: In 2016 and 2020, Clinton and Biden both won Nevada by around 2.4% (meaning it trended right relative to the nation - D+0.33 to R+2.06). This state is kind of hard for me to decide. While it has arguably been moving to the right, partially due to Clarke County, Nevada polls underestimated Democrats in the Senate race for 2022, and it is a rather pro-choice state. Even Joe Lombardo, the GOP governor, signed pro-choice legislation. Plus, Catherine Cortez Masto's opponent was Adam Laxalt, a Trumpian candidate who supported the election fraud claims. This could indicate that, like Arizona, Trump would be in trouble. However, Masto barely won the Senate election. While Biden could do better than anticipated, I see this race as being one of the closest for 2024, albeit narrowly favoring Biden at the moment.
    • Predicted Margin: D+0-1
The states I'm the most shaky on are Wisconsin and Nevada. While I have an opinion on which candidate they tilt towards, it was very hard to decide whether I should change them from my May prediction, especially with the recent conviction.
Should Trump receive jail time for this case, I imagine that my prediction could change substantially among the seven battlegrounds (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin). For now, though, this is what I expect - Biden improves over the next several months and outperforms polling expectations somewhat, having the same incumbency boost that Bush, Obama, and Trump all got (though to a lesser extent than those three, as Trump was the previous incumbent).
submitted by CentennialElections to AngryObservation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 Count-Daring243 Best A2 Front Sight Post

Best A2 Front Sight Post
Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of A2 Front Sight Posts! This article is your ultimate guide to exploring some of the best options available in the market. From their unique design to their incredible performance, we will be taking a close look at these front sight posts, and why they are worth the investment. So sit back, relax, and let's embark on this journey together!

The Top 13 Best A2 Front Sight Post

  1. Compact and Durable AR10 Bipod for Enhanced Stability and Easy Deployment - Experience the F.A.B. Defense AR Podium - Bi-Pod FDE AR-15 Platform for unmatched precision, ease, and durability in your shooting experience – a must-try for all AR 10 enthusiasts!
  2. Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Hunting Sight - The Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Sight, with its ultralight CNC machined aluminum housing and precision adjustment features, delivers a top-rated 3.8 out of 5.0 stars for a low profile optic experience.
  3. Precision AR-15 Sight Tool for Adjustments and Installation - Experience ultimate precision and convenience with the Mi A2 Sight Tool Wrench for AR-15, featuring stress-proof steel construction, square notches for secure sight adjustments, and a knurled non-slip handle for a comfortable grip.
  4. Williams WGOS Octagon Open Sight Base with Black Finish - The Williams WGOS-Octagon T/C Open Sight Base is a versatile and adaptable aluminum sight base, perfect for enhancing your firearm's accuracy while offering a sleek, black finish.
  5. Affordable and Lightweight Firefield Reflex Sight - The Redline RL-2 Sight Single Pin Gray RH provides a lethal, durable, and affordable single pin bow sight, perfect for hunters seeking accuracy and convenience.
  6. AR Front Sight Adjuster for 5/4 Pin Styles - Achieve precision with the Real Avid Front Sight Adjuster Tool: a durable, compact, and versatile AR15 sight adjustment tool, designed for both A1 & A2 front sights.
  7. AR15 Front Site Adjuster Pro: Precision AR-15 Front Sight Adjustment Tool - Upgrade your accuracy with the Real Avid AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro, a versatile and reliable tool for adjusting your firearm's front sight post.
  8. Weather-Resistant Aluminum Garden Fence Posts - The vidaXL Fence Posts 3 Pcs Aluminum 72.8" are a durable, weather-resistant solution for straight or 90-degree corner fences, perfect for garden use and compatible with 0.8-inch fence boards.
  9. Brushed Square Post for 4" Cable Spacing - Muzata's Level-drilled Brushed Post 4 (42"x2"x2") is a strong and stylish option for any shooting range, boasting efficient cable spacing and easy installation.
  10. Stainless Steel Stationary Post Shelving for Dry and Humid Settings - Sturdy and durable Focus Foodservice FG086SS Post - a stainless steel, 86-inch stationary post for all your storage needs, perfect for both dry and humid settings.
  11. SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post for Easy Shelf Installation - Effortlessly adjust and align your shelving with the Super Erecta SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post, featuring a visual guide and easy-to-identify double groove for precise positioning.
  12. Evolver Mounted Base Line Post for Durable Outdoor Fencing - Evolver's Mounted Base Line Post Fortress transforms your deck or concrete with precision and convenience, allowing you to create a contemporary and highly customizable fence system.
  13. Durable Aluminum Fence Posts for Weather-Resistant Garden Fences - Durable, weather-resistant, and compatible fence posts from vidaXL that offer versatility with 90-degree corner inserts for your garden.
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🔗Compact and Durable AR10 Bipod for Enhanced Stability and Easy Deployment
While out on a hunting trip, I found my AR-15 platform was in dire need of a sturdy bipod to help stabilize my shots. That's when I came across the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium, an AR 10 bipod that fit perfectly on my weapon. The sleek design of the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium grabbed my attention immediately, with its compact and no-protruding-parts structure.
The convenience of the rapid deployment mechanism, which operates by the simple push of a button, was a game-changer on the battlefield. This FDE bi-pod was steady and durable, offering a much-needed steadiness to my shots.
Despite being lightweight, the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium proved to be quite strong and reliable due to its reinforced polymer composite construction. It saved me valuable rail space too, allowing me to explore other mounting options.
Installation was a breeze, as it needed no Gunsmith to complete, and the model even includes the AGR-43 pistol grip and Podium bi-pod. All these features of this AR 10 bipod made it suitable for my hunting trips and added stability to my shots.
Of course, like any product, there were some drawbacks. I felt that the rail space could be saved even further, and the deployment mechanism could have been quicker to actuate. But overall, the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium made my hunting experience much more enjoyable and stabilizing.

🔗Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Hunting Sight
The Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Sight stands out among hunting sights, offering a unique blend of features and performance. Personally, I've found the sight to be a sturdy and reliable option for hunting in low light conditions. The 0.019 fiber optic pins are bright and easy to see, making it easier to track targets.
One feature I particularly appreciate is the tool-free locking adjustment knob. It allows for quick adjustments on the fly, without needing any additional tools. The enclosed fiber optic ring is a thoughtful addition, ensuring the pins remain protected and secure during transit or storage.
However, there are a couple of downsides to this sight. The middle pin is not as well-colored as one would expect, which might impact its ability to accurately represent yardage. Additionally, the dial wheel can become loose over time, which could lead to inconveniences during use.
Overall, the Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Sight is a solid choice for hunters looking for a reliable and low-profile sight. I would recommend this sight to those who prioritize ease of use and sturdiness, while being mindful of the potential issues with the middle pin and dial wheel.

🔗Precision AR-15 Sight Tool for Adjustments and Installation

Having used the Midwest Industries MIA2ST sight tool wrench myself, I can say that it has become an invaluable tool in my daily life. Its precision machined build from stress-proof steel is impressive, ensuring durability and precision in every sight adjustment I make.
The square notches and knurled non-slip handle provide a secure and snug fit, making it easy for me to work with even in the most challenging conditions. However, I would have liked the inclusion of a more ergonomic handle for added comfort during long use.
Overall, this sight tool wrench for AR-15 is a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking a reliable and effective solution for sight adjustments.

🔗Williams WGOS Octagon Open Sight Base with Black Finish
I recently had the chance to try out the Williams WGOS-Octagon sight base for my hunting rifle. The sleek black design caught my attention, and the sturdy aluminum alloy gave me confidence in its durability. The sight base was easy to mount on my firearm, thanks to the provided 6x48 mounting screws. However, I had to drill and tap my rifle to make it compatible.
One of the features that stood out to me was the dovetailed elevation and windage adjustments. They allowed me to make precise adjustments to my aim quickly, which was essential for taking down a target at a distance. On the other hand, the sight base required the use of a separate Williams Rear Sight Blade, which I had to purchase separately.
Overall, the Williams WGOS-Octagon sight base provided me with a reliable and precise shooting experience. While it required some extra work to make it compatible with my rifle, the sleek design and adjustable features made it worth the effort.

🔗Affordable and Lightweight Firefield Reflex Sight
The Redline RL-2 Bow Sight is a remarkable addition to my hunting gear. Its slim design and simple operation make it a reliable and lightweight companion during my hunting expeditions. The addition of the pin light and third axis gives this sight an edge over other options on the market.
While the included tapes might not work for everyone, it's a small price to pay for the overall functionality. Overall, the Redline RL-2 offers value for its cost and has made my hunting experiences more enjoyable.

🔗AR Front Sight Adjuster for 5/4 Pin Styles
I found the Real Avid Front Sight Adjuster Tool to be an essential addition to my AR15 arsenal. With its precision machined stainless steel build and durable black oxide coating, this tool is both sturdy and sleek, allowing for quick and easy sight adjustments. The non-slip texture provides a secure grip, keeping my adjustments accurate, even with the added pressure of applying gun dope.
The 4 pin front viewfinder adjustment (A2 style) and 5 pin front viewfinder adjustment (A1 style) compatibility make it versatile, ensuring that it can be used on various rifles. The compact size ensures portability, and its ergonomic design makes handling a breeze. Even after several uses, the Real Avid tool has proven to be a reliable and durable option that's well worth the investment.

🔗AR15 Front Site Adjuster Pro: Precision AR-15 Front Sight Adjustment Tool
I've had the privilege of using the Real Avid AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro in my daily life, and I must say, it's a game-changer for my shooting experience. The tool's sleek gray finish gives my firearm a unique and stylish look, and its robust construction has withstood the test of time.
One of the features I found remarkable is how easy it is to adjust the front sight using this tool. It's an effortless process that makes precision and accuracy more achievable. I've even noticed a noticeable improvement in my aim compared to before using the AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro.
However, one downside I encountered was that, at times, the tool can be a bit difficult to maneuver, especially in tight spaces. It took me a few tries before I got the hang of it. But once I did, it became seamless.
Overall, the Real Avid AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro is a fantastic addition to anyone's arsenal, providing an easy and reliable way to improve shooting accuracy. It's a tool that I will continue to use and recommend to fellow enthusiasts.

🔗Weather-Resistant Aluminum Garden Fence Posts
I recently came across these VidaXL fence posts and I must say, I was quite impressed with their durability and versatility. Made from a sturdy combination of aluminum and steel, these posts can withstand harsh weather conditions without any issues. The silver color fits perfectly with any garden setting and the sleek design never disappoints.
One of the most impressive features of these fence posts is their flexibility. The inserts in the post allow the fence to be made straight or turned at a 90-degree angle, making it a great addition to any garden. However, I did notice that they might be a bit heavy for some people to handle on their own, which could be a minor drawback.
Overall, the VidaXL aluminum fence posts are a solid choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance and strength to their garden. Highly recommend!

🔗Brushed Square Post for 4" Cable Spacing
Ever since I started using the Muzata 42"x2"x2" Level-drilled Brushed Post 4, I've been amazed at the ease of installation. The pre-drilled level through holes make it a true plug-and-play setup, ensuring a sturdy and secure fit. It's perfect for both flat bottom and round handrails, adding an elegant touch to your living space. However, I did notice that it lacks any additional stabilizer posts, so for those who plan to exceed a 4-foot span, a separate one would be necessary.
Using the post felt like a natural extension to my handrail setup. The polished brushed surface finish adds a soft and elegant touch without compromising on durability. The handrail height is adjustable with 12 holes, allowing for flexible positioning around the house. Overall, my experience with the Muzata post has been positive, with only a minor inconvenience related to increasing the span without a stabilizer post. I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the market for a sturdy and sophisticated handrail solution.

🔗Stainless Steel Stationary Post Shelving for Dry and Humid Settings
I recently tried out the Focus Foodservice FG086SS Post, a stainless steel 86-inch stationary post designed for storing shelves in both wet and dry settings. I was immediately impressed by its durability, as the stainless steel construction ensures it can withstand rigorous use without getting scratched, rusted, or corroded. And, bonus - it's super easy to clean.
One of the standout features was the height of the post, which made it compatible with plenty of shelving units in my restaurant. The grooves at 1-inch increments, numbered at 2-inch increments, and double grooved at 8-inch intervals, allowed for flexible adjustments that made shelf installation and adjustment a breeze.
However, one thing I noticed was that the zinc-plated leveling feet didn't sit perfectly level on the ground, which could be a concern for those looking for a stable base. Despite this minor inconvenience, overall, I found the Focus Foodservice FG086SS Post to be a reliable and sturdy addition to my restaurant's storage setup.

🔗SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post for Easy Shelf Installation
I've been using the Super Erecta SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post for a while now, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for organizing my space. The chrome finish looks sleek and professional, adding a touch of elegance to any room. The SiteSelect posts are a lifesaver when it comes to adjusting shelves. The double groove every 8 inches makes it a breeze to line everything up neatly - no more fumbling around trying to figure out where everything goes.
One of the best features is the adjustable leveling foot. It ensures that your shelves are perfectly level, preventing any wobbly mishaps. I also love that there's an option for a mobile post without the leveling bolt assembly if you're using stem casters.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the instructions could be a bit clearer, and secondly, the price might be a bit steep for some. But overall, I'd highly recommend this product for anyone looking to keep their storage area organized and looking great.

🔗Evolver Mounted Base Line Post for Durable Outdoor Fencing
I recently discovered the Evolver Mounted Base Line Post Fortress, a versatile fencing solution that's been a game-changer for my outdoor space. The octagonal posts provide precise panel positioning, even in the most irregularly shaped yards. They come in handy when you need to mount the post above ground or on concrete surfaces. The installation process is a breeze, with the Evolver post fitting easily onto the sturdy steel base.
While the Evolver post is durable and resistant to UV, water, and weather, the warranties could be better - they're limited, not full-coverage. I wish for more detailed information about the installation process to ensure safety and stability, especially when mounting the system on pre-existing concrete slabs. Overall, the Evolver Mounted Base Line Post Fortress is a stylish and practical choice for anyone looking to elevate their fence game.

🔗Durable Aluminum Fence Posts for Weather-Resistant Garden Fences
When I decided to upgrade my garden fence, I came across the vidaXL Fence Posts. These aluminum 3-piece posts were a game-changer for my outdoor space. The silver color and aluminum-steel construction make them a sleek and sophisticated addition to my garden, while the dimensions and base size allow for compatibility with most fence boards.
One of the highlight features for me was the fact that these fence posts are UV-ray resistant and can withstand the harsh elements of the outdoors, meaning they won't fade away. I love that they are both weather-resistant and temperature stable, so they look as good as new even after years of exposure to the elements.
However, I did notice that the posts have a tendency to corrode over time, especially if they come into contact with moisture. I also found the installation process to be quite a challenge, as the inserts sometimes don't fit properly.
Overall, my experience with the vidaXL Fence Posts has been mostly positive, but they still have some areas for improvement. Nonetheless, they have dramatically boosted the visual appeal and functionality of my garden fence, and I would recommend them to anyone looking to upgrade their outdoor space.

Buyer's Guide

The A2 front sight post is a crucial component of many firearms, providing stability and precise aiming. It is designed to provide a clear sight picture and facilitate accurate shooting.

Material Options

A2 front sight posts are available in a variety of materials, including steel, brass, and durable polymers. Each material presents its own advantages and drawbacks, such as weight, durability, and price.

Sight Post Styles

Sight posts come in different styles, like round, square, and tapered. The style of the sight post affects the gun's appearance and, to some extent, its functionality. For example, a tapered sight post may facilitate quick target acquisition, while a square or round sight post might provide more stability.


The installation of an A2 front sight post requires patience and precision. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring that the post is securely attached to the firearm. Improper installation can lead to decreased accuracy and durability.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care of the A2 front sight post are critical to its longevity and performance. Regular cleaning and lubrication can help prevent wear and tear, ensuring that the sight post remains functional and accurate for extended periods.

Budget Considerations

When purchasing an A2 front sight post, it is essential to consider your budget. High-quality posts may come at a higher cost but can provide superior performance and longevity. Lower-priced options may be suitable for more casual shooters or those on a tight budget.

Considering Your Needs

When selecting an A2 front sight post, it is crucial to consider your specific needs and preferences. Factors such as material, style, and installation method may impact your decision. Choosing the right A2 front sight post for your firearm can significantly enhance its performance and your overall shooting experience.


What is the A2 Front Sight Post?

The A2 Front Sight Post is a precision-engineered front sight post designed for various firearms, including rifles and shotguns. It enhances accuracy by providing a clear and precise aiming point.

What materials is the A2 Front Sight Post made of?

The A2 Front Sight Post is made from high-quality materials such as steel and hard anodized aluminum, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance.

What is the installation process for the A2 Front Sight Post?

The installation process typically involves removing the existing front sight post and mounting the A2 Front Sight Post in its place. It may require some level of firearm maintenance skills and tools.

How does the A2 Front Sight Post improve accuracy?

The A2 Front Sight Post improves accuracy by providing a clear and precise sighting point. It is designed to be easily adjustable, allowing users to fine-tune their aim for better accuracy.

What is the warranty period for the A2 Front Sight Post?

The warranty period for the A2 Front Sight Post may vary depending on the manufacturer and the product model. It is essential to check with the specific manufacturer for information on their warranty terms.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:54 kitsukitty Uttered the phrase "She botched her vomit roll" and almost lost the table

So we had an impromptu session tonight. I, the ST had NOTHING ready other than a vague idea to send the players to pick up an NPC in Grand Rapids, MI and then head to the world's largest cherry pie tin in Charlevoix, MI.
To get the Tzimisce's help (long story) they had to kill his rival. (Thank God they didn't ask questions about that....)
They get into a slight verbal conflict, bD guy fails his dominate roll against the PC Tremere. (No, I don’t know why I thought that was a good idea.) Tremere responds by dominating a drunk girl next to him and ordering her to vomit..... he didn't say where. I rolled figuring I'd give her 3 dice. If she got 1 success on dif 5, she vomited on their target.... I rolled two 1 and one 2.....
Me: Ok.... so she botched her vomit roll... she misses him and Fox, she gets your shoes....
Table: dies laughing
submitted by kitsukitty to vtm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:15 GRReptileExpos Grand Rapids Reptile Expo, Sunday June 9

Grand Rapids Reptile Expo, Sunday June 9 submitted by GRReptileExpos to u/GRReptileExpos [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:14 Beleluga How is $PARAM Redefining the Gaming Industry with Its Unique Applications?

The gaming industry is evolving rapidly with the integration of blockchain technology and digital ownership. Leading this change is Param Labs with its $PARAM token. What sets $PARAM apart, and how is it revolutionizing gaming? Let's explore the innovative use cases that make $PARAM a pivotal player in this transformation.

Empowering Gamers with Digital Ownership

A standout feature of the $PARAM token is its ability to enable true digital ownership in gaming. Typically, in-game assets like skins, characters, and items are restricted within the game's ecosystem, lacking real-world value or transferability. $PARAM disrupts this model by allowing players to own, trade, and even monetize their in-game assets.

Param Launchpad: Your Portal to Tradable Gaming Assets

Central to the $PARAM ecosystem is the Param Launchpad. This platform allows gamers and crypto enthusiasts to mint tradable gaming assets using the $PARAM token. It supports exclusive collections from major gaming brands, enabling users to mint and own unique gaming assets.
These assets are more than just digital collectibles; they have practical uses in games like Kiraverse, a Web3 multiplayer third-person shooter by Param Labs. Players can use these assets in-game or trade them on leading marketplaces such as Magic Eden, Blur, and OpenSea. This interoperability and real-world value are groundbreaking in the gaming industry.

$PARAM Staking: Earn While You Play

Staking is another major use case for the $PARAM token. By staking $PARAM on ARB or ETH chains, users earn Partner Points. These points can be exchanged for token allocations from various projects partnered with Param Labs. This setup not only provides passive income but also access to exclusive opportunities in the crypto space.
Staking $PARAM encourages long-term holding and engagement within the ecosystem, building a community of dedicated users who benefit from the token's growth and utility. It’s a win-win scenario where players can maximize their investment while enjoying the benefits of the gaming ecosystem.

Pixel-to-Poly Service: Connecting 2D and 3D Worlds

Param Labs also offers a Pixel-to-Poly service, allowing users to transform 2D images into 3D playable characters. These characters are compatible with Kiraverse and other popular Web2 titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Fortnite. This service enhances the gaming experience and opens new possibilities for creativity and personalization in gaming.

Growing Ecosystem through Partnerships

The utility of the $PARAM token is further enhanced by Param Labs' extensive network of partnerships. With over 50 IP partnerships with notable brands like GameStop, Pudgy Penguins, and Mocaverse, the ecosystem is set for significant growth. These partnerships ensure a constant stream of new content and opportunities for $PARAM holders.

Securing the Future of the Gaming Industry

By integrating blockchain technology and digital ownership into gaming, Param Labs addresses some of the industry's biggest challenges. The $PARAM token offers a scalable, secure, and user-friendly solution that enhances the gaming experience and empowers players. With its robust infrastructure and innovative use cases, $PARAM is setting new standards for the future of gaming.


The $PARAM token is more than just a digital currency; it’s a transformative force in the gaming industry. Through the Param Launchpad, staking opportunities, and services like Pixel-to-Poly, Param Labs is building a comprehensive ecosystem that delivers real value and utility to gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike. As the ecosystem continues to grow with new partnerships and features, $PARAM is poised to revolutionize how we perceive and interact with digital gaming assets. Join this groundbreaking journey by securing your $PARAM tokens and exploring the future of gaming today.
submitted by Beleluga to BlockchainGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:04 Which-Respect8164 Sounded awesome. What are they?

Sounded awesome. What are they?
Flew over Grand Rapids, MI earlier today.
submitted by Which-Respect8164 to Planespotting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:31 audiolab1 Travel advice from Bay City to the UP

Hello Michiganders,
I have my annual trip to MI (from Ontario, Canada) planned for the week of June 29th - July 5th, and I'm thinking about modifying my route. I was originally going to stay in the Frankenmuth/Bay City area for a few days and then on to Grand Rapids for a few more days. However, I have always wanted to get up to travel through the LP and cross the Mackinac Bridge to the UP. I know that the cherry festival is on in Traverse City that week, so I want to avoid that area as I'm not big on crowds. I'm a big craft beer fan and it looks like there are some great breweries in the LP. I also collect records (LPs) and enjoy digging in antique malls and flea markets. So, I'm asking for suggestions on what you would do, where you would visit, eat, and drink, and where you would stay on a route from Bay City up to the UP. I realize it will be busy as it's a holiday week in both Canada and the USA. Thank you!
submitted by audiolab1 to upperpeninsula [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:33 Usual_Brief_6787 I spent 15 hours studying how Loom went from Chrome extension to a $975M acquisition. Here's what I learned:

In just eight years Loom went from $0 and maxed out credit cards to a $975M exit.
Founders Vinay Hiremath, Shahed Khan, and Joe Thomas, along with their awesome team (more on this later) built Loom around customer obsession and creating the best product for that customer.
The Loommates are on a mission to superpower productivity by challenging the status quo of text and live video calls.
To get here though Loom took a bit of a windy road - with two name changes and a few repositioning. Loom launched in 2015 as Opentest, but it was only in 2016, when the Loom we know today started to take shape, launching a Chrome extension under the product name Openvid.
Good thing they changed the name.
Then in October 2023, after having raised just over $200M up until this point, Loom was acquired for $975M by Atlassian.
Today Loom has 21M users at over 350k companies - including Tesla, Apple, Goldman Sachs, and Amazon
But this isn’t about where Loom is today.
This is the story of how Loom went from Zero to One. Click here for the full deep-dive 🚀

Loom’s Growth

The first iteration of Loom launched back in 2015.
The original idea was to help teams gather feedback through video. It was a one-line code injection to enable you to record your screen, yourself, and your audio, and was called Opentest.
They believed deeply in the power of video but quickly realized that this was not the right angle to approach the problem.
So in June 2016 they repurposed Opentest’s video feature into a Chrome extension and launched it as Openvid on Product Hunt - testing if there was interest in its new use case.
Within the first 24 hours they had 3,000 new users.
More than the previous six months combined.
Safe to say there was interest.
They now had their first users. Users who loved the product. A simple free Chrome extension that allowed you to record and share videos via a link.
No clunky video editing software or huge files. Just a Chrome extension and a link.
Then after speaking to some of their users, Loom learned that video could solve communication issues at the workplace - particularly for remote teams.
And so in 2017, they rebranded to Loom and positioned themselves as the go-to solution to replace the hassles of written communication.
Loom also had one more major shift in positioning and strategy - but more on that later.
Ending 2019, Loom was doing $720k ARR.
From here, growth sped up.
By the end of 2021, Loom was doing $35M ARR. And by October 2023, $50M ARR.
To get here Loom raised a total of $203M over the last seven years. But it hasn’t been without some hiccups.
In May 2021, Loom raised $130M at a $1.5B valuation. But for various reasons, some out of Loom’s control, such as mass ending to WFH policies and economic downturns, Loom took a bit of a valuation hit post-Covid.
Loom was acquired by Atlassian for $975M in October 2023.
This decreased valuation was likely also in part to Loom fundraising during an overinflated market.
However, being acquired for close to $1B is still an insanely impressive feat. I just wanted to mention this to give you the full story and perhaps a precautionary tale on raising in an inflated market.
There are still many lessons to be learned from Loom’s journey. Experiencing rapid growth and reaching over 20M users.

Key Success Factors (KSFs)

There have been many reasons for Loom’s exponential growth. But here are three that stood out to me, particularly early on in Loom’s journey.

🗣️ 1. Action user feedback:

After launching on Product Hunt, Loom (then Openvid) grew to 10k users in three months. Users were giving them feedback and they loved the product.
They had validated that video was filling the need to improve communication.
Instead of relying on sales and marketing teams to drive growth, they went all in on a Product-Led Growth (PLG) strategy. A strategy that relies on using your product as the main vehicle to acquire, activate, and retain customers.
But to maximize their PLG, Loom focused on getting two key things right:

1. Fast or instant time to value ⌛️

Loom met this first piece of the PLG puzzle by delivering value within minutes.
All you had to do was add the Chrome extension to your browser and you could start recording. No commitments. No credit card details.
Straight to the value. In less than five clicks.
But for PLG, you need more. You need loyal customers to spread the word.
How do you do that…

2. Building the best product focused on users’ needs 👷

Loom became customer-obsessed.
They completely dialled in on their users’ needs. Asking for user feedback, listening to it, and then building for it.
The team built and shipped features every day. But not just any features. They had to fill three criteria:
  1. Fell within Loom’s mission ☄️
  2. Users and the team would find relevant. 📚
  3. Improved Loom’s product. 📈
This is what led to their rebrand to Loom.
The go-to solution to replace the difficulties of written communication.
Loom had started to reflect their customers’ voices in their product. They had built a product their customers actually wanted and needed.
Loom made sure to show their users how their feedback was being incorporated, they responded to every single email, message, and comment - recording personal Looms. The Founders took turns on support shifts and built relationships with early adopters.
Loom was relentless in understanding its users. Tracking every piece of data they could, importantly: why people used Loom, where they dropped off, and why they dropped off.
From this, the Loom team identified multiple features that we know as key parts of the product today, such as notifications when your video is watched, recording your entire desktop, and leaving the video flipped after you record (they figured out this made users more comfortable with how they looked on camera).
During Covid, Loom increased the features on their Free Tier, halved the price of their Pro Plan, extended the length of their free trial, and gave any educational users of Loom (teachers and students) FREE Loom Pro forever (and still do this today).
Through all of this and more, Loom’s users became ambassadors. They wanted to see Loom grow. They wanted to share what they knew.
Their users wanted to share Loom.

🎯 2. Repositioned to find PMF

When Loom first launched on Product Hunt as Openvid, they had already pivoted from a tool using a line of code to gather feedback via video into a Chrome extension to record yourself and your screen - and share it with just a link.
Loom was used to listening to what the market wanted and adapting.
But critically, they weren’t just building new products all the time. They were making tweaks to find better positioning in the market.
Going from Opentest to Openvid, all the team did was repurpose and reposition their built-out features.
Then, an interaction with a long-standing customer, Scott from Hubspot, would change the brand forever.
The team learned that video was an awesome solution to solving communication issues within teams - particularly for remote teams.
And so Loom was born - a rebranded Openvid. Again, a repositioning to get closer to PMF.
They were now the go-to solution to replace all the hassles of written communication. Even though it was still the same tool as it was previously.
Loom then had one last major transition.
They wanted to now attract the biggest companies in the world to use Loom for internal communication.
Their GTM (Go to Market) strategy here was simple. Launch an existing product in a new market - Enterprise teams.
They accompanied this change in positioning with new features such as the beta Loom for Teams and a centralized video library (think repeatable internal messaging like onboarding).
This launch was perfectly timed.
With all companies forced into remote working and needing better tools to communicate.
Their messaging became more focused:
Sometimes to find PMF, you don’t need to change your product. You just need to find the right audience for it.

🕵️ 3. Intentional about hiring and employee retention:

In around 4 years, Loom reached 100 employees.
But it wasn't linear growth. It was slow. And then all at once.
In 2020, went from around 45 employees to reaching the 100 Loommate mark. Hiring 30 employees alone between February and May.
The team at Loom lives and works in over 11 countries, including Portugal, Brazil, and Australia.
This is intentional. Loom wants to structure its team with the goal of being able to work with the most talented people.
Wherever they are.
And they want to build this world-class global organization without anyone feeling like they’re not part of the Headquarters.
They want Loom to reflect the modern world we’re in.
This includes working with organizations such as Techqueria and Women Who Code to create a more inclusive and comprehensive recruitment process.
The Founders were also very intentional about the roles and types of people they hired. Choosing to hire specific skill sets for their team.
This meant looking for the best video engineers instead of the best general software developers. As well as making very specific senior hires, who had experience with very specific skills, for example, Joshua Goldenberg as the VP of Design, who was the previous Head of Design at Slack and Palantir.
Another critical piece of Loom’s growth has been a focus on employee retention.
They were laser-focused on employee happiness and retention as they believed it would be a key lever for growth. So far, they’ve been right.
To do this, Loom focuses on a few things:
They want the best part of working at Loom to be the people.
With the Founders stating the order of the focus of their business as:
  1. People 👯
  2. Product ⚙️
  3. Profit 💰

Actions you can take to replicate Loom’s success

Cherry-pick successes to mimic 🍒

One of Loom’s most successful features has been its “someone has viewed your video” notifications.
Sound familiar?
We’ve all experienced the exact same notifications with LinkedIn: “Sabrina and 8 others viewed your profile.”
And we’ve also all had the exact same reaction of wondering who viewed our profile to only find out we need to pay for LinkedIn Premium…
Loom took this feeling and put it into their product.
They created an anonymized notification to let you know someone had viewed your video.
I can only imagine the excitement (and nerves) if you use Loom for something like sales.
This feature spiked the usage of Loom. Creating a curiosity hit in their users - as well as them seeing it working!
This feature was key in scaling Loom in its early days. And helped create a customer base that was obsessed with using Loom. 🚀
So look around your daily and work life. What are some features or products that you love?
Why do you love them? Do they make you feel excited? Curious? Inspired?
Replicate that feeling with a similar feature. Just like Loom did.
But be careful, you need to make sure this feature fits with your product. You don’t want to force a feature that doesn’t fit or doesn’t help your users.
You also don’t want to start looking like everyone else. So as Author Austin Kleon titled his bestseller, you need to Steal Like an Artist.
Add your own spin to a successful feature. Make it fit your brand.
Cherry-picking features also works both ways.
When you look around your daily life: What are some features or products that you dislike or even hate?
Why do you hate them? Do they make you feel frustrated? Angry? Sad?
Avoid features that bring these emotions out.
Don’t only replicate successful features. Avoid unsuccessful ones.

Give your users instant value ⏰

Loom’s time to value is almost instantaneous.
With the first version of Loom, all you had to do was install the Chrome extension, review the settings, and then you could record.
Less than five clicks.
Users loved this.
Loom was quick to install, learn, and use.
But importantly for the Loom team, this also meant that Loom was quick to share.
Remember, you’re trying to make your product as frictionless as possible.
It’s hard to get someone to add a new tool to their life and their routine.
Don’t make it any harder for them.
Make it as easy as possible for your customers to use your product - like Loom did. They didn’t ask for any commitments. Straight to the value.
First impressions aren’t only important when meeting new people. They are also critical in building trust with your customers.
So use this time to wow them!
If they love their first interaction, you will win their trust.
From there you can earn their loyalty by listening to and building for their needs.
To read all the actions you can replicate to explode your growth. Click here.
submitted by Usual_Brief_6787 to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 422

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 422

Ding. Ding. Ding.

- Opportunity arises within crisis. You have gained new enlightenment amidst a life-and-death battle!

- [Middle Dantian] has been opened!

- With the opening of the [Middle Dantian], all stats have increased by 20!

- The effects of [Qi Cultivation] have greatly improved!

- Your ability to understand and manipulate the flow of Qi has been greatly enhanced!

- Your internal and external states have been strengthened!




The relentless System notifications echoed in my ears, their cadence like a persistent hammer.

A sudden gust of wind swept through, playing with my sweat-drenched hair as a newfound vigor suffused my body.

A clear, resonant bell chimed, marking the culmination of my transformation.


- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained a large amount of experience points!

- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained 50 bonus points!

- Level up!

- As a result of leveling up, all status effects, fatigue, and some injuries are recovered!

- The status abnormality, [Curse], has been lifted!

- Temporarily reduced stats have been restored to their original state!

I wasn't the only one who felt such changes.

No hand moves unseen by its master. The Arch Lich, sensing the dissolution of his curse, voiced his disbelief in a tone thick with suspicion.

- How did you...?!

His words, laden with myriad unspoken queries, met only my nonchalant shrug.


- Well?

"Yes, well."

- Do you think that explains it?

"Obviously not. But do I really need to explain myself to you?"

From the flickering light in his eyes, incredulity was unmistakable.

- You're not a mage, are you?

"I did want to be a mage. They get paid more, you know. But I just don't have the talent for it. Nor the brains."

- Even those you call Grand Mages couldn't easily dispel my magic like this.

"There's nothing to it, really."

- This makes no sense!

I conceded silently.

The Arch Lich's mastery was undeniably beyond mine.

Even I, having long surpassed the ordinary bounds of a Hunter, struggled against his curses and the perilous illusions crafted from bone spears.

Without my recent enlightenment, I might not have stood here at all.


"So what are you going to do about it?"

- ...!

The System was on my side; I had simply utilized the strength and resources it provided to navigate through the crisis.

If he thinks that's unfair, he can use the System himself.

"That's just how the world works. It's annoying and frustrating, but you just have to bear with it and move on. It's already happened. Right?"

The Skeleton Warlord, previously howling in rage until a moment ago, now murmured under his breath.

- Wow, you really do speak well.

That's just how I am.

- You wicked human. It doesn't look like he's going to just let it go and move on.

The Skeleton Warlord was right.

Suddenly, a chilling voice cut through the air, followed by a tempest of formidable magical energy.

- Unleash Sonic Buster.


Whoosh, boom!

A blast of densely compressed air erupted.

Its sheer velocity turned concrete to dust and twisted steel rebars like twigs.

The shockwave shattered the windows of a nearby skyscraper, sweeping up a storm of glass shards.

In an instant, before I could even blink, the devastating wind was mere inches from my face.

- Human!

The scream of the Skeleton Warlord resounded from my inventory.

Was it concern for his own fate, or anxiety over mine?

Regardless, the reason held little weight.

I was no longer the same person I had been mere moments ago.


A warmth blossomed in my chest. The spot known to martial artists as the Middle Dantian had fully opened.

Suddenly, I understood everything around me. I felt it on my skin and saw it with acute clarity.

'So that's how it is.'

Time seemed to stretch, the world slowing to a crawl around me, rendering everything sharply defined and vivid.

A colossal orb of wind, launched like a slicing blade, and the intricate flow of magic that propelled it.


Everything has a core, magic included. With the opening of my middle dantian, I could discern that core.


In this decelerated reality, I thrust my spear forward. The formidable orb of wind, previously unstoppable, cleaved neatly in two by the blade of White Flames.

The split fragments of the wind, once a unified force, now dispersed into hundreds, then thousands of smaller currents. Stripped of their magical command, they cascaded to the earth in a chaotic ballet.

Swoosh, crash!

The winds whipped around, tousling my clothes and hair. I raised my head to face the Arch Lich, my expression tinged with a slight smile.

"Come down here. My neck hurts."

- You...!

"Fine, I'll come up."

Crack, boom!

A single step.

The ground beneath me shattered, and I propelled myself toward the grey expanse above.

* * *


As Jin Tae-Kyung launched into the air, the Arch Lich grasped the gravity of the situation.

'I can't let this human approach.'

Avoiding melee combat was a basic rule for any mage, yet it held a new significance for the Arch Lich now.

'To think this body feels threatened by a mere human.'

He prided himself on having reached the pinnacle of black magic.

Despite the considerable drain on his power during his resurrection, the Arch Lich still wielded more magical might than any Grand Mage.

Yet, the human confronting him now... posed a genuine threat.

'Yes, just like that one back then.'

It was a memory he desperately wanted to forget. Gritting his teeth, the Arch Lich summoned his magic.

- Gravity!

This time, his command wasn't just a shout but a formidable wave of power, unleashing an invisible, formless force that crushed everything within its vast reach.

Even an S-rank Hunter like Jin Tae-Kyung could hardly withstand the overwhelming pressure closing in on him.


A burst of compressed air shot from beneath Jin Tae-Kyung's feet as he executed the Void-Trampling Step, his body darting out of the gravity's lethal embrace.

His movements, sharp and swift as a hawk's, far surpassed those of any ordinary flyer.

'What the hell.'

The Arch Lich's eyes darkened as he watched Jin Tae-Kyung slice through the air, rapidly closing the distance.

It was clear now; Jin Tae-Kyung had not only accurately determined the range of the gravity spell but evaded it with uncanny skill.

'It wasn't mere luck that he dispelled the illusion magic. Then...'


Magic surged from the Arch Lich, vibrating the very air around him.

- Gravity. Gravity. Gravity.

He cast the high-level spell repeatedly, a feat beyond even the most adept mages. With this, the Arch Lich believed he would overpower Jin Tae-Kyung this time.

'Fall, human.'

Instead of increasing the force, he had expanded the spell's reach, creating a gravitational field vast enough to ensnare any within its grip...


Doubt flickered in the Arch Lich's gaze.

Simultaneously, the crushing spell around Jin Tae-Kyung unraveled, its magical link severed as if sliced by an unseen blade.

Caught off-guard, the Arch Lich watched as Jin Tae-Kyung propelled himself forward, stepping into the void and rocketing upwards like a cannonball.

Boom! Sssshhhh!

With a deafening sonic boom, Jin Tae-Kyung soared, not merely in front but rising above the Arch Lich, and he brought down the White Flames with devastating force.

Whoosh, a streak of blue flames surged towards the Arch Lich.


In the slowed-down reality, an invisible shield around the Arch Lich shattered like glass.

In that moment, the flames of Protective Qi, fueled by three gapjas of Scorching Yang Qi, penetrated the multitude of defensive spells cloaking the Arch Lich.

- Great Bone Wall!

With a grim command, a barrier of black bones erupted from the void.

This top-tier defensive magic, materializing merely a meter away, met the spear blade wreathed in flames.

In the ashen sky, a massive shockwave boomed and thunder roared around the two foes divided by the Bone Wall.


The air burst with intensity, dispersing clouds that had roamed the high skies. Buildings teetering on collapse crumbled, and half-decayed bodies were whisked away by the winds.

Yet, the two beings responsible for this chaos faced each other across the barrier, their gazes steady.

"It was a waste, wasn't it?"

- Yes, indeed. No, wait...

The Arch Lich paused, his eyes fixated on the mystical spear blade that had penetrated the center of the wall.

- It was dangerous.

The length of the spear blade that passed through the Bone Wall was only about the length of a finger, and the burst of Protective Qi had not even grazed his nose.

It was fortunate for the Arch Lich and regrettable for Jin Tae-Kyung.

"You're lucky, you."

- Arrogant human, I must admit.


Jin Tae-Kyung, taken aback, listened as the Arch Lich spoke more deliberately.

- You would be worthy of this win, if you truly are the Adversary.

"...The Adversary?"

- Yes. The King's Adversary. The eternal rival entangled by the whims of the gods. I cannot be certain yet... but perhaps that's why I was able to rise again from the River of Death.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s brow furrowed. What does the King's Adversary mean, and what was this talk of the whims of the gods?

"Are you a second-year middle school student? Clear away these bones and show me your right hand. Let's see if you have a Black Flame Dragon." [Note: this reference is a bit intricate. The "Black Flame Dragon" part originates from the YuYu Hakusho anime/manga, in which one of the characters has a Black Flame Dragon living in his right arm. The "second year middle school" part references a concept called "chuunibyou", which comes from the light novel "Even with Chuunibyou, I Want to Fall in Love!", which heavily references "YuYu Hakusho". The concept of "chuunibyou" describes a particular stage in adolescence where individuals might hold delusional beliefs of grandeur, pretending to have secret knowledge or hidden powers. It's typically characterized by dramatic, over-the-top behavior, which is often a source of embarrassment later in life. This concept was vastly popularized by the anime, "Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions!"]

The Arch Lich shook his head.

- This is something neither you nor I can understand. But one thing is certain.

His eyes, previously dimly glowing red, now blazed with intensity.

Initially, he had merely thought of him as a powerful, albeit strange, human. Now, his perception had shifted.

Memories from decades ago flooded back, when he had roamed the planet in service to the King.

And the face of that human he had encountered on the day he fell into the River of Death.

'The Adversary.'

The human who had not only slain him but had also assassinated the King.

The Arch Lich tried to halt him but failed; he attempted to close the distance but could not bridge it. This human was the only one the Arch Lich had ever truly feared.

Amidst the tumult of battle with Jin Tae-Kyung, memories of that fearful day surfaced.

- You... will surely die here.

His voice, grim yet resolute, reverberated through the air.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s reply was dismissive and direct.

"What are you talking about, idiot?"

Then, in the blink of an eye,

"Eat this."

Whoosh. Boom!

With calm defiance, Jin Tae-Kyung unleashed a fist wreathed in blue flames, obliterating everything before it.

It met the barrier of black bones head-on.

Flame-Extinguishing Divine Fist.


The seemingly impenetrable Bone Wall shattered.

Through the cloud of bone shards, Jin Tae-Kyung, his face impassive, declared,

"It's much better this way. No more neck pain."

- ...!

"Down, boy."


Like a streak of lightning, his fist shot forward, connecting squarely with the Arch Lich’s jaw.

Previous Table of Contents Next
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:11 SeniorConcentr Join the Revolution: MILKBAG’s Massive 1,000,000 Token Airdrop and $2,500 Video Contest – Don’t Miss Out!

Launching on March 21, 2024, MILKBAG has quickly become a dominant force in the crypto world! Built on Solana and making its debut on Raydium, MILKBAG rapidly achieved a market cap of $7 million. In the dynamic crypto landscape, MILKBAG isn’t just thriving; it's surging, with its value ascending like a rocket.
What sets MILKBAG apart?
It’s not just another cryptocurrency; it’s a transformative asset! From its inception, MILKBAG has strategically reduced its supply to boost its value. This savvy approach reflects the team's grand vision, aiming for a staggering $100 million market cap as their initial target.
MILKBAG's real strength lies in its vibrant community - a rapidly growing and dedicated group. The coin's expansion is driven by authentic support, not just hype. By intentionally delaying listings on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap, they demonstrate a commitment to building a robust project with a strong community foundation.
Huge News! Right now, there's a massive airdrop of 1,000,000 tokens happening, alongside a $2,500 video contest! These initiatives are designed to supercharge community engagement and reward loyal supporters.
The anticipation is building, with everyone eagerly awaiting the CoinGecko listing. This crucial milestone will catapult MILKBAG even higher, into the crypto stratosphere. This isn't merely growth; it's a giant leap forward, with a project that's reshaping the crypto landscape.
Stay updated with MILKBAG:
MILKBAG: It's more than just a meme coin; it's leading the charge in the crypto world. Be part of the revolution that's not just riding the waves but creating them.
submitted by SeniorConcentr to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:45 Ready-Bat-8824 May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”

May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”
~Hillary & Alec’s IG Stats~
  • January 2024 = Hillary 17 posts & Alec 28 posts
  • February 2024 = Hillary 8 posts & Alec 20 posts
  • March 2024 = Hillary 2 posts & Alec 21 posts
  • April 2024 = Hillary 4 posts & Alec 15 posts
  • May 2024 = Hillary 5 posts & Alec 28 posts
Hillary’s IG Stats Overview
  • May 2022 = 433 posts including the Chantecaille Episode = Hilz received lotions from luxury brand Chantecaille and posted a pic of Edu in a diaper with said lotions. The company didn’t repost, nor did they partner with her. Two days later, she donned her sewer slippers and accosted unsuspecting “needy” people, handing them gifts bags filled with Chantecaille lotions and $50 bills (and recorded herself doing so).
  • May 2023 = 18 posts including the infamous “humpy yoga” fiasco featuring unnerving eye contact.
Every choice in this video was wilder than the last.
  • May 2024 = 5 posts
  • May started with Alec appearing on the “Our Way with Paul Anka and Skip Bronson” podcast. I tried recapping it, but it was basically three boring privileged old white men rambling about their wealth and privilege. Anka’s description of living in a “Murdoch built” gated community near Malibu near the “good airport” – to avoid the unwashed masses at LAX one presumes – was where I gave up on the recap idea and just listened with a scowl.
  • Some lowlights:
On Having More Kids & Moving to Vermont
Alec: Well, in my family now, I'm the only person I know who drops four kids off at school in the morning and comes home and I still have three kids waiting for me. When I get home, I have seven - I have eight children. Ireland, my oldest daughter who's married, Ireland has a baby, and she and her boyfriend are living in Oregon. And I met my wife and I got remarried and I had seven kids in nine years. It's crazy. (I think you meant to say, “my wife is batshit crazy.” The devil is in the details, Zander)
And then, all of a sudden, I met my wife, who I love dearly, (I think he repeats this in virtually every interview to counter the years of talking shit about Kim Basinger) every time the baby would get to be two years old, we’d go, maybe it's time for one more baby, one more baby, so we have seven kids. But we're actually selling our house, moving to Vermont. We bought a place in Vermont, and I'm trying to get everybody to start to acclimate up there…I think my wife wants a little change of scenery now, it's so crowded out here…I love Vermont. It's so peaceful. We got a great deal. We got fifty-five acres; house was built in 1792. It's very pretty.
The Kids Want Alec Around All the Time
Host: What do you do away from your family? Meaning, do you play golf? Do you play tennis?
Alec: I play tennis all summer...The thing that's happened in these last ten years, especially the last three or four years, is my kids are used to me being around…I mean they really rely on that… when I'm gone, they're like, you know, they're on FaceTime. If I travel to go away for a couple of days to get a paycheck, they’re on my FaceTime going you know, where are you? What are you doing? You know, they're completely baffled when I go away. (God bless those kiddos and I’m preeetttttty sure they rely on Leonela/Leonetta a whole lot.)
Drug & Alcohol Use
Alec: Every day for two years, I think I snorted a line of cocaine from here to Saturn. We did one on the rings of Saturn. Then we came home. We took it back home. I mean, cocaine was like coffee back and everybody was doing it all day. I did a lot of coke and then I and then February 23rd, 1985…I stopped doing drugs and my drinking increased, which is they tell you that's going to happen, and that did happen. I just started drinking. I mean, and the thing, I miss drinking. I don't miss drugs at all, but I do miss drinking. I like to drink. (I appreciate next to nothing about this man, but I appreciate the honesty of this statement).
Host: But because you don't drink, and because you don't do drugs, what do you do? Do you meditate? What do you do to deal with the pressures of the outside, you know, forces, (I think you mean “lawsuits”, Paul) what do you do to get away from that?
Alec: (deadpan) Drink. I drink. I lied; I've been drinking nonstop since 1985. I lie. I tell people I'm sober and I drink my balls off. (Laughs) But no, I do miss drinking, I must say…New York relaxes me. I walk around and I see aspects of it that I've never seen before. I look at a building and I'll go, my god, I never noticed that about that building. Those doors. You know. New York is like a European city. You walk around and keep your eyes open. And I have lunches and coffee with my friends. (Um is he talking about the owner of Madman Espresso? Because that’s the only coffee related person we’ve ever seen him around.) And, I'd like to get out of here because the city is chaotic. (But also relaxing? What the hell?) But we live in the village. It's a little bit more residential. I love New York. I go to the symphony and the opera and the ballet all the time, you know, pretty regularly. But I do try to meditate. Meditating with seven children is like trying to play ping pong on the deck of an aircraft carrier. It's a real pain in the ass. (But they rely on you, Alec?!?!)
  • Back on IG, Alec commented on a video that Ireland posted of Kim Basinger and Ireland’s partner, André, playing with baby Holland, apparently in the backyard of Kim’s home. The doting abuelo’s comment was “I know that pool deck!” – dude, say something, ANYTHING, about your daughter’s child.
He probably screamed at poor Kim on that pool deck.
An irate comment on Alec's IG: \"I cannot believe he is wearing street shoes on those floors!\" Now deleted.
  • People magazine published a puff piece entitled “Alec Baldwin Is 'Understandably Worried' as His Rust Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Looms” (Exclusive Source). Here’s what the exclusive source Yoel had to say:
    • "Alec is stressed. He is understandably worried."
    • "He has an excellent legal team. I don't think anyone is thinking jail time but given the decision for Ms. Gutierrez-Reed it’s hard to know."
    • "You have to understand that at the end of the day Alec is a professional actor, so when he's on set, you wind him up, you say action, he pulls out the gun and does whatever he's supposed to do on his job. Then suddenly he's facing criminal charges. It's like, how did that even happen?"
  • In real news, the manslaughter charging document was released – interesting read!
  • Surprisingly, Alec did not post a tribute to his wife to honor her “mi cultura upbringing” on the first Sunday in May - when it's celebrated in Spain.
  • On May 6th, Alec’s lawyers vultures-for-hire filed additional motions to have the case dismissed while Said the Pap for hire posted a pic of himself with Crackhead Barney (who was wearing not much besides some Daisy Dukes a la Hillary Lynn) and Alec was spotted in the wild (with a nanny in tow, because only the peasants walk around without staff).
Imagine having to listen to this guy bloviate in addition to raising his kids.
A pepino prayer: Lord, keep the nannies safe and sane. Amen.
  • Over on his scintillating IG account, Alec posted the news that he will be co-directing a production of Macbeth with Geoffrey Horne for Shakespeare Downtown this summer. Good thing this will be in June, because there might be a bit of a scheduling conflict for Alec in July.
  • Alec posted two pictures of Edu: one totally scrunched in a too-small stroller and one making the patented Baldwin duck lips. Against all logic, the pic of the kid perched on a tiny stroller became the picture Alec chose as his new profile pic.
  • On Mother’s Day, Alec dug deep, looked back on his grid, landed on this picture he first posted in December 2023 and said, “this is the one!” It features Alec, his wife, one of their 7 kids, two very hungry caterpillars, and stars the ubiquitous Madman Espresso single use coffee cup. ¡Feliz día de la madre, Híláríá!
Low effort personified.
Obsessed with the one and only comment this video garnered: “what’s the stethoscope for?”
Oh Daniel, where to begin?
\"To be honest\" is not a phrase typically associated with Grifty McGrifter.
  • The day a judge heard the motion to throw out Alec’s indictment was also Romeo's birthday so Hillary posted a story (#2 of 5 posts) of her, Alec, and the birthday boy as well as a grid video collage set to John Lennon’s “Beautiful Boy” (#3 of 5 posts) – a solid choice, nothing bad to say here. Alec, on the other hand, did not make a happy birthday post but found time to repost a “Crush the Can” fundraising campaign video from the Baldwin Fund. These videos are not good, if only they had connections to folks the filmmaking industry…
Bye, Wig!
  • A public service announcement for the Reddit Cares brigade: not posting about a kid’s birthday on IG or not liking a family member’s IG post is not usually an issue. I am well aware that countless people live offline and exchange private messages; however, we are gathered here today and most days to talk about Alec and “Hilaria” Baldwin. They use social media, and IG in particular to cultivate a brand/façade/public persona. Given that, liking/not liking or posting/not posting is of note. This concludes our announcement.
  • Listen, at this point in the game, I am HERE for Said the Pap. I am just going to lean into the theory that he’s an agent of chaos and a savvy social critic because this picture is a true gift to this sub. Live long and prosper, amigo.
Tiny. Baby. Sewer. Slippers. And is she holding a phone?? Call for help, sweet pea.
  • On the day of Holland's first birthday, StepAbuela Hilly posted a “candid” shot of her and her three oldest boys, skipping through NYC in a light rain (post #4 of 5). When I tell you I cranked up the Gypsy Kings, poured a sangria, and flamenco flurried my way over to the comments – and was delighted:
    • u/FamousOhioAppleHorn: When I see a woman dressed like that in FL, I know she's gonna buy 5 Hour Energy, cigs and scratch off tickets while telling everyone her entire life story.
    • u/NightOwlsUnite: fucking slippers. She's a walking germ factory. If and when the next pandemic hits, thank her.
    • u/smallpepino: Typhoid Larry.
    • u/Sun_will_rise_again: Those slippers are going to walk themselves to the trash…. They’re DONE, they’ve been through enough 🚮 Also this looks like something Britney Spears would write…. Just a jumble of random shit.
    • u/ ca17miledrive: There she is again. The Dope of Greenwich Village.
    • u/MallorcanMalarkey: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the insane.
So many pockets, so little common sense.
  • Since Hilly is being so shy about showing her face. It’s a good thing the trusty folks at the Daily Mail have no such qualms. Alec and Guest Baldwin attended the 25th anniversary of a pretentious restaurant that gleefully reposted a picture of the duo calling them “amazing stars.” Restaurant Sirs, you have been bamboozled.
Maybe she should have kept the sweatshirt from the other day on her head?
MichWho was also there - if only Hillary's mallet could tap some life into the frozen tundra of Mich's mask/face.
  • Also, is this iteration of Hillary’s face giving Danielle Staub and/or Countess LuAnn vibes, or no?
Does one just ask for the squinty and taut special to get this face?
\"PeePaw\" just about took me out.
  • The next day a New Mexico judicial district judge denied the motion to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter case. This means that Alec must stand trial in July; sometimes the judicial system works in the interest of fairness. If nothing else, it is gratifying to know that he is spending through the nose to mount this legal defense.
  • With her usual ham-fisted timing, Hilz got to work and posted a grid video (#5 of 5) of Alec showing his phone to Ilaria Sin Hache (props to u/Longjumping-Stage647 for the moniker). It’s cute – who doesn’t love a baby in a onesie trying to talk and toddling around? Hilz for damn sure knows the value of her “vending machine of joy” and captioned her video: “I want dada, I want dada”….shes talking more and more. This is her first sentence 🤍. They love watching puppies together. The sweet things we are grateful for…that laughter. It calms the heart ⛅️”
23,791 of Hillary’s 989K followers liked this video.
  • Hilz responded to some comments and then a few zingers found their mark:
    • Commenter 1: Daddy’s little girl 💕💜💕💜
    • Hillary: “def…I was a little jealous…all our other 6 said mama first, but this one said dada 😂. All kidding aside…it’s such a beautiful relationship. Gives him life and strength ❤️”
    • Commenter 2: Such a sweet little one. I miss your updates. Come back ❤️
    • Hillary: I will…I promise 💚
    • Commenter 3: This is a cute sitcom. Far from reality as many things on social media. But cute and happy, and that is what we want to see. Not the maids, fights, and tantrums
    • Commenter 4: Awe so cute! Grandparents are the best!!!
  • May 26th was the two-year anniversary of Carol Baldwin’s passing and Alec posted a picture of the two of them captioned (verbatim): “two years ago today Your work continuesWe all miss you”
Alec was more effusive in his RIP post about Sam Rubin, an LA entertainment reporter who passed, than about Carol.
  • I offer you Billy Baldwin’s caption for the picture of himself and his mother the same day:
    • My Mom: Honey... HOOOOONNEEEEYY!!!
    • Me: Yeah Mom!!!
    • My Mom: Do me a favor??
    • Me: Sure Mom.
    • My Mom: Go grab me the... the... the whatchamacallit?
    • Me: The what?
    • My Mom: You know... the thingamajig that has that little doohickey on the side. It's in the kitchen junk drawer next to the whooziwhats!!!
    • This never meant the same thing twice but every time she said it... I knew exactly what she wanted. Gone two years today. Smart, funny, tough, wacky, wild... and a heart of gold. Miss you dearest Mama!!! ♥️
  • Maybe Alec couldn’t focus on a more heartfelt tribute to his mother because was distracted by his wife’s unusual move of taking an Uber – quite normal for many but for Hillary My Ancestors Arrived on the Mayflower Hayward- Thomas, it’s usually a private car double parked for maximum chaos or sewer slippers slapping against the grime of NYC sidewalks, so this middle ground must have been confusing for PeePaw.
Your body is nice, Hillary. You don't need the alien appendages on the right or the multiple bras at once on the left.
  • Alec’s defense team added 9 new witnesses on the last day they were permitted to do so (5/6/24) and did not provide witness statements. Prosecutors argued that this was done in bad faith and that “the State has now been prejudiced by the defendant's strategy to gain a tactical advantage as the State is unable to file pretrial motions as it relates to the new witnesses, is unable to properly investigate the statements of the witnesses and list its own new witnesses to refute the testimony of the belatedly disclosed witnesses.” So on 5/31, the prosecutors moved to exclude the witnesses from the trial. Stay tuned…
  • As this legal mess was going down, Alec and Hillary made their signature move: a staged pap walk in NYC wearing ill-fitting clothes, clutching phones and Madman Espresso products. How the mightily mediocre have fallen…
YES u/SteakAmazing8963: \"It’s so funny that she has nowhere to go in her new big pants. Just like her long coat that she was so proud of a little while ago. She buys this stuff and wears it for a pap walk and then that’s it. Back to the shiny leggings and slippers.\"
submitted by Ready-Bat-8824 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 EchoJobs ✨ Jun 1 - 8 new Software Engineer Jobs in Detroit

Job Position Salary Locations
Alerts Java Senior Software Engineer USD 146k - 182k
Senior Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k Indianapolis, IN, Detroit, MI, Miami, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Louisville, KY, Raleigh, NC, Houston, TX, Atlanta, GA, Washington, D.C., Lincoln, NE, New Orleans, LA, Cedar Rapids, IA, Wilmington, MA, Providence, RI, Minneapolis, MN, Oklahoma City, OK, Philadelphia, PA, Memphis, TN, Augusta, GA, Chicago, IL, Tampa, FL, Remote, Kansas City, KS, Richmond, VA, Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, Burlington, MA, Madison, WI, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Fayetteville, NC, Birmingham, AL, Virginia Beach, VA, Huntsville, AL, Portsmouth, NH, Hartford, CT, Omaha, NE, Dallas, TX, Orlando, FL, Cincinnati, OH, US
Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k Omaha, NE, Chicago, IL, Fayetteville, NC, Memphis, TN, Wilmington, MA, Richmond, VA, Seattle, WA, Minneapolis, MN, Orlando, FL, Indianapolis, IN, Miami, FL, Philadelphia, PA, Louisville, KY, Kansas City, MO, Hartford, CT, Atlanta, GA, Detroit, MI, Birmingham, AL, Portsmouth, NH, Providence, RI, Cincinnati, OH, Burlington, MA, Houston, TX, Austin, TX, Remote, Lincoln, NE, New Orleans, LA, Virginia Beach, VA, Kansas City, KS, Raleigh, NC, Dallas, TX, Oklahoma City, OK, Washington, D.C., Huntsville, AL, Jacksonville, FL, Augusta, GA, Tampa, FL, Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, US, Madison, WI, Cedar Rapids, IA
Digital Contact Solutions Senior Associate 61 Locations Indianapolis, IN, Salt Lake, UT, Phoenix, AZ, Columbus, OH, Richmond, CA, New Orleans, LA, Denver, CO, Remote, Toledo, OH, Hartford, CT, San Diego, CA, Charlotte, NC, Greensboro, NC, Baltimore, MD, Sacramento, CA, St. Louis, MO, Seattle, WA, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, CA, Milwaukee, WI, Minneapolis, MN, Raleigh, NC, Miami, FL, Oklahoma City, OK, Cincinnati, OH, Grand Rapids, MI, Las Vegas, NV, Albany, NY, Dallas, TX, Portland, OR, Houston, TX, Nashville, TN, Rochester, NY, Irvine, CA, Birmingham, AL, Tampa, FL, US, San Antonio, TX, Des Moines, IA, Philadelphia, PA, Detroit, MI, Richmond, VA, Jacksonville, FL, Kansas City, MO, Fayetteville, NC, New York, NY, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, Pittsburgh, PA, Boston, MA, Little Rock, AR, Tulsa, OK, Louisville, KY, San Francisco, CA
Digital Contact Solutions Manager 60 Locations Nashville, TN, Philadelphia, PA, Kansas City, MO, Las Vegas, NV, Little Rock, AR, Salt Lake, UT, Indianapolis, IN, Phoenix, AZ, Des Moines, IA, Remote, Miami, FL, Milwaukee, WI, Portland, OR, Pittsburgh, PA, New Orleans, LA, Sacramento, CA, Denver, CO, St. Louis, MO, Charlotte, NC, San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, San Antonio, TX, Greensboro, NC, Louisville, KY, Columbus, OH, Rochester, NY, Hartford, CT, Birmingham, AL, New York, NY, Boston, MA, Oklahoma City, OK, Richmond, VA, Fayetteville, NC, San Diego, CA, Washington, D.C., US, Toledo, OH, Irvine, CA, Jacksonville, FL, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, Seattle, WA, Detroit, MI, Richmond, CA, Albany, NY, Raleigh, NC, Cincinnati, OH, Tulsa, OK, Grand Rapids, MI, Minneapolis, MN, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, Baltimore, MD
Field Service Representative Michigan Detroit, MI, Remote, US
Insurance Tax Senior Associate Greensboro, NC, Tampa, FL, Grand Rapids, MI, Oklahoma City, OK, Richmond, VA, Raleigh, NC, Fort Worth, TX, Minneapolis, MN, Hartford, CT, Chicago, IL, Milwaukee, WI, Richmond, CA, San Antonio, TX, Albany, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Jacksonville, FL, New York, NY, Washington, D.C., Denver, CO, Miami, FL, Seattle, WA, Las Vegas, NV, Pittsburgh, PA, Fayetteville, NC, Rochester, NY, Toledo, OH, Salt Lake, UT, Indianapolis, IN, Columbus, OH, Columbus, GA, Kansas City, MO, Louisville, KY, Irvine, CA, New Orleans, LA, Cleveland, OH, Dallas, TX, Baltimore, MD, Phoenix, AZ, Atlanta, GA, Houston, TX, Nashville, TN, Charlotte, NC, Los Angeles, CA, St. Louis, MO, San Diego, CA, Detroit, MI, Little Rock, AR, Remote, Orlando, FL, Tulsa, OK, Portland, OR, Cincinnati, OH, Sacramento, CA, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, Austin, TX, US, Des Moines, IA, Birmingham, AL
Partnership Tax, SALT Senior Manager 66 Locations Hartford, CT, Cleveland, OH, New York, NY, Orlando, FL, Little Rock, AR, Chicago, IL, Charlotte, NC, Columbus, OH, Irvine, CA, Louisville, KY, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, Austin, TX, Indianapolis, IN, Remote, Pittsburgh, PA, Atlanta, GA, Houston, TX, Des Moines, IA, Fayetteville, NC, Washington, D.C., Grand Rapids, MI, Jacksonville, FL, Kansas City, MO, New Orleans, LA, Baltimore, MD, Portland, OR, Dallas, TX, Salt Lake, UT, Detroit, MI, Oklahoma City, OK, Albany, NY, Tulsa, OK, Milwaukee, WI, Nashville, TN, San Antonio, TX, Birmingham, AL, Sacramento, CA, Seattle, WA, Denver, CO, US, St. Louis, MO, Philadelphia, PA, Fort Worth, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Columbus, GA, Richmond, CA, Miami, FL, Tampa, FL, Cincinnati, OH, Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, Richmond, VA, Toledo, OH, Raleigh, NC, San Diego, CA, Minneapolis, MN, Rochester, NY, Greensboro, NC
submitted by EchoJobs to detroitjobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 EchoJobs 👋 Jun 1 - 8 new Software Engineer Jobs in Orlando

Job Position Salary Locations
Senior Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k
Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k Omaha, NE, Chicago, IL, Fayetteville, NC, Memphis, TN, Wilmington, MA, Richmond, VA, Seattle, WA, Minneapolis, MN, Orlando, FL, Indianapolis, IN, Miami, FL, Philadelphia, PA, Louisville, KY, Kansas City, MO, Hartford, CT, Atlanta, GA, Detroit, MI, Birmingham, AL, Portsmouth, NH, Providence, RI, Cincinnati, OH, Burlington, MA, Houston, TX, Austin, TX, Remote, Lincoln, NE, New Orleans, LA, Virginia Beach, VA, Kansas City, KS, Raleigh, NC, Dallas, TX, Oklahoma City, OK, Washington, D.C., Huntsville, AL, Jacksonville, FL, Augusta, GA, Tampa, FL, Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, US, Madison, WI, Cedar Rapids, IA
Senior Technical Support Engineer Orlando, FL, US
Staff Technical Support Engineer Orlando, FL, US
EP Mapping Specialist II Orlando, FL, US, Remote
Staff Cybersecurity Auditor Customer Audits Orlando, FL, US, Remote
Insurance Tax Senior Associate Greensboro, NC, Tampa, FL, Grand Rapids, MI, Oklahoma City, OK, Richmond, VA, Raleigh, NC, Fort Worth, TX, Minneapolis, MN, Hartford, CT, Chicago, IL, Milwaukee, WI, Richmond, CA, San Antonio, TX, Albany, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Jacksonville, FL, New York, NY, Washington, D.C., Denver, CO, Miami, FL, Seattle, WA, Las Vegas, NV, Pittsburgh, PA, Fayetteville, NC, Rochester, NY, Toledo, OH, Salt Lake, UT, Indianapolis, IN, Columbus, OH, Columbus, GA, Kansas City, MO, Louisville, KY, Irvine, CA, New Orleans, LA, Cleveland, OH, Dallas, TX, Baltimore, MD, Phoenix, AZ, Atlanta, GA, Houston, TX, Nashville, TN, Charlotte, NC, Los Angeles, CA, St. Louis, MO, San Diego, CA, Detroit, MI, Little Rock, AR, Remote, Orlando, FL, Tulsa, OK, Portland, OR, Cincinnati, OH, Sacramento, CA, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, Austin, TX, US, Des Moines, IA, Birmingham, AL
Partnership Tax, SALT Senior Manager 66 Locations Hartford, CT, Cleveland, OH, New York, NY, Orlando, FL, Little Rock, AR, Chicago, IL, Charlotte, NC, Columbus, OH, Irvine, CA, Louisville, KY, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, Austin, TX, Indianapolis, IN, Remote, Pittsburgh, PA, Atlanta, GA, Houston, TX, Des Moines, IA, Fayetteville, NC, Washington, D.C., Grand Rapids, MI, Jacksonville, FL, Kansas City, MO, New Orleans, LA, Baltimore, MD, Portland, OR, Dallas, TX, Salt Lake, UT, Detroit, MI, Oklahoma City, OK, Albany, NY, Tulsa, OK, Milwaukee, WI, Nashville, TN, San Antonio, TX, Birmingham, AL, Sacramento, CA, Seattle, WA, Denver, CO, US, St. Louis, MO, Philadelphia, PA, Fort Worth, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Columbus, GA, Richmond, CA, Miami, FL, Tampa, FL, Cincinnati, OH, Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, Richmond, VA, Toledo, OH, Raleigh, NC, San Diego, CA, Minneapolis, MN, Rochester, NY, Greensboro, NC
submitted by EchoJobs to OrlandoJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 EchoJobs 🔥 Jun 1 - 98 new Senior Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Senior Engineer Instruments USD 120k - 150k
Senior Security Engineer USD 183k - 183k US
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 350k Vancouver, British Columbia, Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 350k San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US, New York, NY, Seattle, WA
Senior DevOps Engineer USD 126k - 159k Remote
Senior Backend Engineer USD 160k - 184k Remote, EMEA
Senior Manager, Engineering USD 169k - 273k US, San Francisco, CA
Senior Software Animation Developer USD 98k - 144k Remote, Vancouver, British Columbia, Ontario, British Columbia, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Senior Software Engineer iOS USD 139k - 245k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Infrastructure USD 153k - 270k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Backend Infrastructure USD 153k - 270k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Android USD 168k - 247k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Alerts Java Senior Software Engineer USD 146k - 182k US, Austin, TX, Baltimore, MD, Remote Hybrid, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Remote, Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Detroit, MI, Houston, TX
Senior Distributed Systems Engineer USD 180k - 250k Palo Alto, CA
Senior Data Analyst USD 160k - 210k US
Data Science Senior Manager USD 110k - 180k Remote, US
Senior Associate Infrastructure Engineer Network USD 71k - 121k Riverwoods, IL, Houston, TX, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer I USD 157k - 236k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer 1 USD 214k - 214k Cambridge, MA
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 244k - 304k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 185k - 223k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 185k - 221k US, Remote
Senior Frontend Software Engineer Insurance Platform USD 185k - 223k US
Senior Population Health Data Analyst USD 121k - 168k Remote
Senior Population Health Data Analyst USD 120k - 120k Mexico City, Mexico
Senior Director, Product Management Renter & PM Craft USD 209k - 272k Remote, US
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 112k - 203k Milwaukee, WI, US
Senior Data Scientist USD 100k - 185k Milwaukee, WI, US
Senior Product Lead USD 105k - 140k Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia
Senior Product Lead USD 100k - 128k Boston, MA, US
Sr. Staff Engineer USD 152k - 228k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 125k - 170k US, Remote
Senior Backend Engineer USD 160k - 180k Remote, US
Sr. Market Access Specialist USD 100k - 125k Remote, US
Senior Product Management Engineer USD 138k - 173k US, Remote
Sr. Frontend Engineer Growth USD 195k - 214k San Francisco, CA
Senior Frontend Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 180k - 212k Remote, US
Senior DevOps Engineer USD 120k - 150k Marina del Rey, CA, Remote
Senior Director of Technology Strategy USD 186k - 335k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Quality Engineer USD 109k - 185k San Diego, CA, US
Sr Software Engineer USD 137k - 233k US, Santa Clara, CA
Senior Software Engineer USD 101k - 143k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Technical Accounting USD 165k - 185k Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Remote, Brooklyn, NY
Senior Software Engineer USD 135k - 200k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 135k - 180k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 120k - 160k Remote, US
Sr. Software Engineer Starshield USD 160k - 220k Redmond, WA
Sr. Software Engineer Starshield USD 160k - 220k Hawthorne, CA
Sr. Software Engineer Starshield USD 160k - 220k Hawthorne, CA
Sr. Software Engineer Starshield USD 160k - 220k Redmond, WA
Sr. Security Software Engineer Starshield USD 168k - 230k Hawthorne, CA
Sr. Security Software Engineer Blue Team USD 168k - 230k Washington, D.C.
Sr. Security Software Engineer Blue Team USD 168k - 230k Hawthorne, CA
Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager USD 275k - 325k US
Senior Software Engineer USD 187k - 253k San Francisco, CA
Senior Data Scientist USD 185k - 185k New York, NY, Remote Hybrid
Senior Engineer USD 146k - 207k US
Sr. Staff Software Engineer USD 229k - 275k Sunnyvale, CA
Senior Process Engineer USD 79k - 134k US, San Diego, CA
Senior, HW Engineer USD 91k - 152k San Jose, CA, US
Sr. Analyst, GTM USD 130k - 170k Remote
Sr. Dir., Engineering for AI/ML platform USD 144k - 319k Austin, TX, US, Remote
Senior Machine Learning Systems Engineer USD 190k - 210k San Francisco, CA
Senior Azure Cloud Engineer USD 112k - 238k US
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Datacenter Efficiency Program Manager USD 100k - 222k US
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Santa Clara, CA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k Mountain View, CA, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k US, Redmond, WA
Senior Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k New York, NY, Redmond, WA, US, San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Austin, TX, Atlanta, GA
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Senior Privacy Engineer USD 183k - 201k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Engineering - Unified Endpoint Management Remote USD 118k - 207k Denver, CO, San Jose, CA, US, Remote, Los Angeles, CA, San Francisco, CA, New York, NY, Seattle, WA, San Diego, CA, Boston, MA, Riverside, CA
Senior Manager, Engineering - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI USD 111k - 207k Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Boston, MA, US, Riverside, CA, Denver, CO, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Atlanta, GA, Remote, Austin, TX, New York, NY, San Jose, CA
Senior Manager, Engineering - OpenStack Private Cloud Fabric Remote USD 115k - 261k San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Boston, MA, US, Riverside, CA, Denver, CO, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Phoenix, AZ, New York, NY, Seattle, WA, Remote
Senior Manager, Engineering USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k Indianapolis, IN, Detroit, MI, Miami, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Louisville, KY, Raleigh, NC, Houston, TX, Atlanta, GA, Washington, D.C., Lincoln, NE, New Orleans, LA, Cedar Rapids, IA, Wilmington, MA, Providence, RI, Minneapolis, MN, Oklahoma City, OK, Philadelphia, PA, Memphis, TN, Augusta, GA, Chicago, IL, Tampa, FL, Remote, Kansas City, KS, Richmond, VA, Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, Burlington, MA, Madison, WI, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Fayetteville, NC, Birmingham, AL, Virginia Beach, VA, Huntsville, AL, Portsmouth, NH, Hartford, CT, Omaha, NE, Dallas, TX, Orlando, FL, Cincinnati, OH, US
Senior Manager, AIDA R&D Delivery Lead USD 98k - 164k Tampa, FL, Cambridge, MA, US
Senior Director, Oncology Category Quality Lead USD 191k - 318k San Francisco, CA, US, New York, NY
Sr. Director, Business Product Planning and Creative Marketing Tech USD 172k - 318k New York, NY, UK, Tampa, FL, US
Senior Data Platform Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, US
Senior Machine Learning Ops Engineer USD 156k - 235k Boston, MA
Senior Programmer USD 121k - 164k US, El Segundo, CA
Senior DevSecOps Lead USD 141k - 218k US, Remote
Senior Graphics Engineer USD 100k - 600k US, Remote
Senior Build and Release Engineer USD 123k - 201k Santa Clara, CA, US
Sr Cloud Infrastructure Engineer Cloud Platform USD 175k - 175k US, Santa Clara, CA
Senior Manager, Malware Reverse Engineering USD 180k - 291k US, Remote, Reston, VA
Sr Staff Engineer Software Prisma Access Data USD 144k - 233k US, Santa Clara, CA
submitted by EchoJobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:25 Fantastic-Moment-635 Param Labs: Transforming Gaming with $7M Funding and Innovative Web3 Solutions

Achieving Funding Milestone: $7M Raised for Expansion
Param Labs, a gaming infrastructure startup based in the UAE, has successfully raised $7 million in its latest funding round. This significant financial boost, supported by investors like Animoca Brands, Mechanism Capital, Delphi Ventures, Merit Circle, Polygon Ventures, TRGC, and Cypher Capital, will enhance Param Labs' capacity to develop its modular Web3 gaming ecosystem.
Strategic Listing Announcements
Param Labs is set to list its $PARAM token on major cryptocurrency exchanges. The token will debut on Bitget on May 28th at 8 AM UTC, followed by listings on and Bybit on May 29th at 8 AM UTC. This strategic move aims to provide easy access for both investors and gamers to join the expanding ecosystem.
$PARAM Token Utilities and Staking
The $PARAM token will offer multiple utilities within the Param Labs ecosystem from day one. One of the initial features is $PARAM staking, which provides the community with immediate opportunities to engage with and benefit from their investments.
Strengthened Partnership with Animoca Brands
In addition to the funding announcement, Param Labs has strengthened its partnership with Animoca Brands, a leader in advancing digital property rights for gaming and the open metaverse. This collaboration, first announced on February 14, 2024, aims to accelerate the development of scalable Web3 infrastructure and expand Param Labs' ecosystem, which includes over 50 IP partnerships with notable brands like GameStop, Pudgy Penguins, and Mocaverse.
Kiraverse: Flagship Web3 Game
At the core of Param Labs' offerings is Kiraverse, a Web3 multiplayer third-person shooter game. Kiraverse allows players to compete, earn, and trade digital assets such as characters and skins, fostering digital ownership and user-generated value. This game exemplifies Param Labs' innovative approach to integrating blockchain technology into gaming.
Advanced Technology and Developer Tools
Param Labs focuses on not only creating games but also building the infrastructure needed for developers to enhance blockchain-based gaming experiences. Their Pixel-to-Poly service enables users to convert 2D images into 3D playable characters compatible with Kiraverse and popular Web2 titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Fortnite, bridging the gap between traditional and blockchain gaming.
Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry
By leveraging AI and blockchain technologies, Param Labs aims to advance the rapidly growing gaming industry, valued at over $200 billion. Addressing key challenges and promoting digital ownership, Param Labs is setting new standards for innovation and user engagement. The ecosystem is designed to integrate millions of new users into the benefits of Web3 technology, empowering individual creators and studios.
Expertise and Vision
The Param Labs team includes experienced professionals from renowned companies like Activision, EA, and Ubisoft. World-renowned artists Antoni and Marc Tudisco contribute to the game and character designs, adding artistic excellence to the platform's technical prowess.
Conclusion: Paving the Way for Future Gaming
Through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships, Param Labs is positioned to transform how gamers interact with digital content. By promoting a more inclusive and dynamic gaming environment, Param Labs is paving the way for the future of the gaming industry. The successful funding round and upcoming $PARAM token listings mark significant milestones in their journey toward creating a comprehensive Web3 gaming ecosystem.
🌐 Explore more at Param Gaming
submitted by Fantastic-Moment-635 to CryptoDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:03 apehasreturned Booking the AEW Title Through 2024 - Part Three: Cigarettes and Coffee

Booking the AEW Title Through 2024 - Part Three: Cigarettes and Coffee
We pick up on the day of WrestleDream, where AEW World Champion Will Ospreay is set to go to war with Kazuchika Okada, having been unable to put away the Rainmaker within sixty minutes at All Out. With Okada picking up steam with a trios win over the United Empire, and Ospreay building momentum with a title retention against former Don Callis Family ally Konosuke Takeshita at Grand Slam, both men are at the top of their respective games, making for a hugely anticipated showdown. It’s also announced ahead of the bout that there’s an added stipulation similar to that of Danielson vs. Hangman, where if the 60 minutes expire, it’ll go to the judges, ensuring that there will be a definitive winner - and putting Okada at an advantage. Not only will Ospreay not get the champion’s advantage of retaining via draw, but judges are likely to work against him, with so many of his matches since becoming champion seeing him win after a tremendous rally while not controlling the bulk of the match.
Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada
For Will Ospreay and Kazuchika Okada, it all comes down to this. The AEW Title, the most important thing in the world to both of them, is on the line, but for Ospreay, the champion’s advantage is a burden. He retained against Okada last time by a technicality, still feeling overshadowed by his challenger despite having parted ways with him years ago, despite having beaten him to the company’s top prize. Now, the only way to prove himself is to stop the dawn of a second Rainmaker Era, but this time, he has to do so by truly beating the man who has loomed over him for his entire career. For Okada, he knows that despite Ospreay failing nine times to defeat him, losing here will eclipse those wins he accumulated. He needs to win the AEW World Title, the title he left Japan to pursue, and there’s no better place to do it than a tribute show to Antonio Inoki.
We’re first introduced to our panel of judges for this encounter, and it’s a star-studded group: Katsuyori Shibata, an Inoki pupil; Masahiro Chono, one of the original Musketeers for Inoki’s NJPW and a Washington State native; and STIIIIINGGGG, who knows sixty minute time limit draws almost as well as Ric Flair (who I’m booking to have been hit by a car). With three esteemed individuals set to preside over this in case it goes the distance, we’re all set for both champion and challenger to make their way out for the main event.
The Rainmaker is out first in his signature robe and a bright red Inoki scarf, and he seems to be treating this match all the more seriously - while he has the comfort in knowing that he clobbered Ospreay for the bulk of their last encounter, and that he won the trios match on Dynamite, he wasn’t able to finish the job at All Out either. Ospreay hits the scene with an extra bit of energy in his step, seemingly chomping at the bit to get going quickly and ensure this doesn’t reach the time limit like last time. The one time he’s beaten Okada cleanly, he did so inside twenty minutes; his best hope is to overwhelm him early. The introductions are made, and we’re off to the races with the bell
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada
AND HE’S SURE AS HELL LOOKING FOR THAT QUICK FINISH, OSPREAY FLYING AT OKADA WITH A SHOTGUN DROPKICK INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Ospreay immediately starts unloading forearms and elbow smashes as Okada tries to cover up, the raucous crowd eating it up as the champion backs up for a LOW CORNER DROPKICK! Okada is forced to evacuate the ring early, Ospreay giving immediate pursuit with a suicide dive that sends both men crashing into the guardrail, Will somehow managing to land on his feet. The champion blasts Okada with a few chops, followed by an INOKI-ESQUE SLAP ACROSS THE FACE… and that looks like it was a mistake. Okada gets right in Ospreay’s face, plastering him with a forearm across the jaw before BOTH MEN BREAK INTO A BRAWL ON THE OUTSIDE! IT’S MAYHEM IN TACOMA! Okada gets the slight advantage with his size, but Ospreay’s able to match his power, delivering a hellacious rolling elbow before sending Okada back between the ropes. The champion hops up onto the apron, armed for a Pip Pip Cheerio, but OKADA DROPKICKS HIM RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR! IT TOOK OKADA 52 MINUTES TO LAND ONE LAST TIME, AND NOW HE’S CONNECTED WITHIN FIVE!
Ospreay is clearly jarred from the impact, Okada porting a shit-eating grin as he poses behind the reeling champion. It’s still very much the early goings, so Ospreay’s not doomed just yet, but he seems pretty panicked as Okada goes straight for the Rainmaker. Will is able to block the arm before backflipping off Okada’s chest and connecting with a superkick for some distance, attempting a Hidden Blade that’s ducked and cut off with a rebound back elbow. With Ospreay grounded once more, Okada gets to work wearing him down, taking his sweet time in slowly depleting the champion’s energy. He’s sure to play to the judges, chatting in Japanese with Chono as he bears down on Ospreay before LOCKING IN THE MONEY CLIP! Ospreay scrambles to get free, reversing his way out and spinning Okada into a backbreaker to relieve the pressure. Knowing he has a lot of time to make up for, Ospreay immediately connects with a running shooting star press, throwing Okada into the corner for a YAKUZA KICK! The champion rolls to the floor, taking a deliberate pace to get to his feet as OSPREAY COMES IN WITH A SASUKE SPECIAL, OKADA SIDESTEPPING BEFORE OSPREAY LANDS ON HIS FEET! Okada doesn’t even have time to pivot before he’s rocked by a hook kick, falling partway up the ramp as Ospreay builds up even more momentum, sprinting back into the ring and CONNECTING WITH A SECOND ATTEMPT AT THE SASUKE SPECIAL!
The champion takes a few seconds to celebrate with the rabid crowd before rolling Okada back in, and now he connects with a FIREBIRD SPLASH! ONE! TWO! TH-NOOO! Ospreay’s firmly in control now, piecing Okada up with a series of kicks to the body, following it with Kawada Kicks to rock the Rainmaker, and now a BRIDGING DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THR-ANOTHER KICKOUT! Okada doesn’t look like he’s having a very good time as Ospreay hooks his head for another deadlift, the Rainmaker fending him off with a flurry of punches to the stomach. He shoves Ospreay into the ropes, Will charging back with a hurricanrana, only for Okada to hold him steady, heaving him up for a LANDSLIDE, ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO FLOAT BEHIND HIM! Will throws another Hook Kick, Okada ducking and connecting with a knee lift to the body. Okada runs the ropes for a big boot, Ospreay managing to sidestep and build up his own momentum, only to get intercepted with a flapjack. Ospreay is back up quickly on spaghetti legs, Okada delivering a clean neckbreaker, and then the big boot that he initially went for, gleefully standing over the Assassin.
Riding the wave of momentum as he continues to beat Ospreay down, Okada eventually tosses the champion to the floor, the fifteen minute mark having passed as he hurls him into the barricade in front of the judges. He heads around ringside as Ospreay struggles to recover, building speed before delivering a JOHN WOO DROPKICK, SENDING OSPREAY CRASHING INTO THE GUARDRAIL! Okada dusts himself off as the judges look on, the challenger scooping his foe up and smashing his face off the judge’s table. He clambers up onto the table, dropping a knee across the back of a struggling Ospreay’s head and checking their scorecards. Nodding along with their rulings thus far, he drops back down, spinning Ospreay over for a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ON THE FLOOR, BUT OSPREAY LANDS BEHIND HIM, LEAPING UP FOR A POISON RANA ON THE OUTSIDE! He gasses himself up a bit before sliding back in to break the count, a confused Okada slowly staggering towards the apron. Ospreay hops over the ropes, his superhuman endurance making for good recovery time before he BOUNCES OFF THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE FOR AN APRON OSCUTTER, OBLITERATING HIS CHALLENGER!
He shoves Okada under the ropes, quickly hooking both legs for a two count, and then lines himself up for a Hidden Blade, Okada getting to his knees before swiftly dropping down to avoid the elbow, only for Ospreay to stop in his tracks to deliver a STANDING MOONSAULT! Okada painstakingly rolls across the ring to the opposite set of ropes, the champion stalking him all the way there before running the ropes for a V-TRIGGER, BUT OKADA LOW BRIDGES HIM, SENDING OSPREAY TO THE FLOOR! Smirking to himself, the Rainmaker crawls towards the centre of the ring, not realizing Ospreay’s already up on the apron, springboarding off the top for a MISSILE BASEMENT DROPKICK TO THE TEMPLE! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Ospreay picks Okada up, looking to whip him into the ropes, but Okada reverses the momentum, the champion rebounding into a DROPKICK, BUT HE INTERCEPTS OKADA TO DELIVER A HELLACIOUS FOLDING POWERBOMB! He deadlifts Okada back up, putting all of his strength behind an IMMENSE LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-OKADA ROLLS BACK OUT OF THE PIN, BUT OSPREAY GRABS HIS WRISTS FOR A KAMIGOYE! ONE! TWO! THRE-ANOTHER KICKOUT!
Okada is in a bad way, his era of dominance in this match having given way to a rapidly slipping performance as Ospreay continues to rally. Ospreay clasps his hands to call for the Oscutter, waiting for his opponent to get up as he steels himself for what could be the home stretch. He bounces off the ropes for an OSCUTTER INTO A DROPKICK IN MID-AIR FROM OKADA, AND NOW THE RAINMAKER POSE! OKADA GOT HIM! Ospreay is up immediately, adrenaline keeping him in the fight until OKADA LANDS AN ENZIGURI IN HOMAGE TO ANTONIO INOKI! The camera zooms out to take in the scenes, the challenger leaning over and picking Ospreay up for a RAINMAKER, BUT OSPREAY DELIVERS A HEADBUTT! Both men sway and wobble, collecting their senses as wrist control is maintained, and OKADA CONNECTS WITH THE LARIAT, BUT OSPREAY STAYS UPRIGHT! Furious, Okada winds up for one more… BUT THE CHAMPION REVERSES INTO A SPANISH FLY! Okada sits bolt upright as Ospreay staggers back into the corner, sprinting towards his foe before beheading him with a HIDDEN BLADE TO THE FACE, OVERSHOOTING HIMSELF AND ENDING UP BEHIND THE CHALLENGER! Ospreay wastes no time as Okada sits back up on instinct, now eating ANOTHER HIDDEN BLADE, THIS TIME TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL! OSPREAY HOOKS THE ARMS, HAULING OKADA TO HIS FEET BEFORE SLINGING HIM OVER HIS SHOULDER… STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THREE! WILL OSPREAY HAS DONE IT!
Will Ospreay def. Kazuchika Okada (28:28) to retain the AEW World Title
It’s celebrations aplenty as Ospreay raises the gold, Okada skulking off with the Bucks as the AEW World Champion is showered in confetti to close the show. If Inoki loved anything more than time limit draws, it was going over, and Ospreay did just that in the spirit of New Japan’s founder.
Road to Full Gear
Just a few nights removed from knocking off the Rainmaker, Will Ospreay’s on Dynamite in Seattle, and despite taking a beating, he’s filled to the brim with energy and craving a challenger. He says WrestleDream might be the proudest night of his life, even more so than All In, because it’s something he genuinely wasn’t sure he could do. He says tonight, to celebrate, it’s an open challenge, and anyone’s welcome to take their best shot at… swer swer GARMENTS! Ospreay’s All In opponent is here in his home state, greeted with an ovation as he stands opposite the champion. Swerve says that Ospreay’s standing in his house with his title, Seattle confirming that it is, in fact, Swerve’s House before we get underway with a HUGE AEW World Title rematch.
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Swerve Strickland
While WrestleDream saw a frantic aversion to the time limit out of fear and spite, this time, it’s because it’s two insanely fast-paced individuals, both trying to out-smooth each other with fluid counter on top of fluid counter. Swerve’s got the crowd behind him, but it’s a back-and-forth affair, neither man getting much of a foothold for the first fifteen minutes of the bout. However, Ospreay’s worse for wear between the two, Swerve targeting the head after seeing how many shots Ospreay took against Okada. It’s not enough, though, Ospreay managing to absorb punishment for long enough to get an opening for an Oscutter, followed by a HIDDEN BLADE RIGHT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD, STRAIGHT INTO THE COVER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Will Ospreay def. Swerve Strickland (21:41) to retain the AEW World Title
With two straight definitive wins over AEW’s top talent, Ospreay’s quelling any doubts he might have about his title reign. However, as he pats Swerve on the back and thanks him for the match, he’s confronted by… Seattle's own American Dragon. Ospreay seems to go through twenty emotions at once as the Flight of the Valkyries intro hits, the now part-time Danielson bursting through the curtain to confront the AEW Champion in his hometown. Danielson grabs a microphone, congratulating Ospreay on the win, only for Ospreay to grab his own. Ospreay asks what Bryan’s doing, saying he’s happy for a round two, but last time, it ended with Danielson convulsing on the mat. He says Bryan’s not even full time anymore - he’s got boundless respect for the American Dragon, but there are plenty of other challengers Ospreay could be focusing on right now. Danielson nods, looking Ospreay up and down before eyeing up the AEW Title, the crowd erupting into cheers as he does so. Bryan says that at All In, his full-time career ended, but he’s still got plenty of wrestling left in him, and he’s got plenty of things he wants to achieve. Ospreay cuts him off, saying that he’ll just beat him again, but Bryan shakes his head.
Bryan says that the Will Ospreay standing in front of him right now couldn’t beat him. In fact, Will Ospreay DIDN’T beat him - the Storm Driver 93 did. The Tiger Driver 91 did. Mitsuharu Misawa did. But… that’s not a tool in Ospreay’s arsenal anymore, and as Bryan watches his matches, he knows deep down that he could beat him. Ospreay’s incredible, a once in a generation kind of talent, but if he wants to stand between what Danielson wants in the dying embers of his career - redemption and gold - he’ll learn the hard way that he’s not equipped to do so. The champ adjusts his belt on his shoulder, and simply says that if Bryan wants to go around again, he won’t be needing anybody else’s creations to put “the GOAT” down… again. Verbally digging into the wound, Ospreay seems pretty fed up with being doubted, and says that he hopes Bryan challenges him officially, so he can save his daughter the trouble of worrying about her dad’s health every time he steps between the ropes; he’ll just have to embarrass Bryan so badly he hangs them up. Bryan slaps the microphone out of Ospreay’s hand, Ospreay getting in plenty close before DANIELSON CLOBBERS HIM ACROSS THE FACE! Ospreay gives him the free shot, shaking off the hit before Bryan lays down the gauntlet for Full Gear.
Full Gear
Both men have something to prove here. For Danielson, it’s a tale of revenge. He lost at Dynasty. He lost every time the title’s been on the line, and now, he has the chance to add to his already incomparable legacy. For Ospreay, it’s a tale of validation. Despite all he’s done, beating the best of the best, he’s still disregarded by those he aspires towards. He’s got a definitive shot to prove he’s as good as those that came before him, something that’s haunted him ever since he was told he’s no Kenny Omega in New Japan. The World Title’s on the line, and only one man can walk away the best.
The Prudential Center is hype as a bitch, baby. The Dynasty crowd was hot because they thought they could see one of the greatest matches ever, but the Full Gear crowd is hot because they KNOW they could see one of the greatest matches ever, and that’s assisted by The Final Countdown hitting to welcome the challenger. Danielson can’t help but grin at the crowd’s roar of the chorus, but he’s otherwise stone-faced, completely focused on picking his foe apart and taking his title. Ospreay heads out with a new entrance attire, adorned in green and gold as he opens up the robe to show off his championship, staring holes through Bryan as he drops into the ring. The introductions are made, and HERE WE GO!
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Bryan Danielson
It’s a slow start to this one as the crowd shower both competitors in praise, the veteran challenger working hard to keep Ospreay grounded in the early goings. Ospreay tries his best to keep up with Bryan on the mat, pulling out a few slick reversals before Bryan eventually puts a stop to it and begins to work over Ospreay’s right arm, used for his Hidden Blade. He attempts a few armbar variations, Ospreay always managing to wriggle free or make his way to the ropes, but Danielson is relentless, treating the champion like a fly caught in a spider’s web. Finally, Bryan attempts a triangle armbar, Ospreay quickly stacking him to his shoulders to force a break before landing a PK across the chest as he rolls to his knees. He throws a superkick, Bryan picking the leg and attempting a heel hook, Will using his free leg to stomp Danielson in the face before hurling him into the corner. Ospreay charges with a high dropkick, Bryan ducking, but Ospreay clears the ropes and lands cleanly on the apron, connecting with a forearm smash to knock Bryan down before landing a FIREBIRD SPLASH FOR TWO!
With Ospreay having found his opening, he sends Bryan to the outside, knowing he needs to keep the pace up and keep athleticism as the deciding factor in this one. He nails a dropkick through the ropes to send Bryan into the barrier, clambering to the top rope to deliver a SKY TWISTER PRESS TO THE OUTSIDE! He high fives a few fans before rolling Bryan back in, lining up for a PIP PIP CHEERIO, BUT BRYAN CATCHES THE ARM, WRESTLING HIM RIGHT DOWN INTO A LEBELL LOCK! HE HAS IT LOCKED IN! Ospreay immediately extends his leg towards the ropes, frantically shifting his weight until he forces a break, but Bryan insists that he has until five before finally releasing at the last moment. The champion is clearly in a good deal of pain as he fights to get to all fours, Bryan honing in his assault with a ruthless kick to the arm, followed by a stomp on the elbow and an immediate return to his work on the mat. It’s brutally effective, looking for a Rings of Saturn that Ospreay again breaks, only for Bryan to transition by butterflying the arms for a CATTLE MUTILATION! Will cries out in agony, Danielson finding his footing for the perfect bridge, but Ospreay’s quick to get to his knees to relieve some of the pressure. He eventually digs his toes into the canvas, enduring the pain in his shoulder as he slowly rolls over it and manages to FLIP INTO A BRIDGE ABOVE DANIELSON, SHOWING OFF TO HIS OPPONENT… BUT DANIELSON DROPS HIM DOWN INTO A REAR NAKED CHOKE!
The champion’s in deep waters, keeping one leg free from Bryan’s hooks to make his way to the ropes for the break. Danielson releases the hold at four once again, but immediately delivers a BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX, MISAWA-ESQUE AS THE REF COUNTS… ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! Ospreay doesn’t seem to have answers for Bryan’s instincts and ground game, and it only gets worse as Bryan cinches in a hammerlock for a SUPLEX ONTO THE RIGHT SHOULDER FOR ANOTHER TWO COUNT! The time call of twenty minutes is made as Ospreay rolls out to the apron, Bryan having dominated the bulk of the contest. He lights Ospreay up with some kicks and chops as he joins him on the hardest part of the ring, getting another hammerlock before SUPLEXING OSPREAY ONTO THE APRON, DOWN ON HIS SHOULDER AND NECK! He rolls Ospreay under the ropes, climbing up top for a MISSILE DROPKICK, BUT THE CHAMPION REVERSES FOR A LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! Ospreay is fired up, keeping his right arm tight to his side as he starts laying in some blistering kicks, including a series of Kawada Kicks to the face before nailing a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX FOR TWO! He needs to hit some big bombs to settle the score, fighting from beneath as he whips Bryan into the corner for a YAKUZA KICK!
Hauling Bryan up onto the top turnbuckle, he lets loose a few blistering chops, reminding the challenger that as great as his striking and grappling may be, it’s Ospreay that has the power and athleticism advantage. He looks for a superplex, Bryan fighting back with a few punches to the body before looking to slip behind, perhaps for a Poison Rana… BUT OSPREAY WITH A BACK ELBOW! Ospreay turns around as well, both men in a very precarious position as they trade shots atop the turnbuckles before BRYAN BLASTS WILL WITH A HEADBUTT! Now it’s Bryan’s turn to look for a superplex, but OSPREAY SLIPS BETWEEN HIS LEGS, PULLING DANIELSON’S HEAD DOWN FOR A CHEEKY NANDO’S KICK! Bryan stays on the second rope as Ospreay connects with a second kick for good measure, climbing back up for an AVALANCHE POWERBOMB ATTEMPT, BUT BRYAN SAVES HIMSELF, DROPPING DOWN AND HOOKING HIS OWN LEGS IN THE ROPES FOR A SPIDER SUPERPLEX… BUT WILL LEAPS TO THE APRON, LEAVING BRYAN HANGING! Ospreay clocks Danielson with a forearm, the challenger dangling in a dangerous spot and trying to fight his way out, only for Ospreay to spring off the top for a MODIFIED BURNING STAR PRESS TO A HANGING DANIELSON, SENDING HIM CRASHING INTO THE CANVAS! ONE! TWO! THRE-DANIELSON STRUGGLES TO GET THE SHOULDER UP, AND NOW OSPREAY IMMEDIATELY PICKS HIM UP FOR A STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THRE-BRYAN WITH A FOOT ON THE ROPE!
Ospreay’s certainly turned the tides, except Bryan’s work on his arm means that the Stormbreaker might’ve done the champion more harm than good. The referee comes to check on Ospreay, who seems to have to pop his shoulder back into place, perhaps dislocating it by flinging Bryan around. However, he’s still driven to finish this one, even if he can’t employ the Stormbreaker or Hidden Blade reliably. Bryan has some time to recover as Ospreay gets up, the champion rushing at him for a dropsault into an enziguri, following it with a GERMAN SUPLEX, BUT BRYAN LANDS ON HIS FEET TO CONNECT WITH ONE OF HIS OWN… ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO GET RIGHT UP! He clocks Bryan in the base of the skull with a rolling elbow, using his left, and follows it with a SPRINGBOARD OSCUTTER, ONLY FOR BRYAN TO MEET HIM THERE WITH AN IBUSHI-STYLE GERMAN OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE! Ospreay rolls up to his knees, bewildered from the impact, and Danielson starts unloading with all he can muster: the hammer and anvil elbows to the head and connective tissue of Ospreay’s shoulder, followed by a series of wrist-clutch stomps to the face. He heads to the corner, sensing the end as he goes for a BUSAIKU KNEE, BUT OSPREAY CATCHES HIM WITH A SUPERKICK, BOTH MEN COLLAPSING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!
Bryan Danielson def. Will Ospreay (31:03) by technical submission to win the AEW World Title
Shock permeates through the arena as the Final Countdown plays, Bryan Danielson having done the inconceivable and become the first man to beat Ospreay cleanly in singles competition in AEW, while also becoming the top titleholder in the company. He clutches the prestigious gold before raising it high above his head, Ospreay looking crestfallen as he sits against the barricade, forced to watch the American Dragon standing tall on the turnbuckles with his first World Title in over half a decade.
Road to World’s End
With Bryan Danielson now the AEW World Champion, he appears on Dynamite a few nights later. He says that maybe a year ago, he’d be defending the title that very night, but now… he’ll be doing so at World’s End. He says Ospreay fought hard, but in the end, he was right; he’s great, but he’s not an Assassin anymore. Will takes exception to that. Ospreay heads right down to the ring, saying he’ll be fighting week in and week out to make sure he’s undeniable as Danielson’s first challenger, swearing that he’ll be taking that title back, because he won’t hesitate to do Bryan’s head in at the first opportunity. Bryan laughs, telling Ospreay he can do what he wants, but… and then the coin silences them both. Out comes the Rainmaker, the Young Bucks by his side to tell Ospreay to go to the back of the line. They say Okada beat Bryan at the Tokyo Dome in January, he was on Team Elite to pin Danielson in Anarchy in the Arena, and now it’s his turn to finish the story by breaking the tie between Bryan and himself by winning the AEW World Title.
Ospreay says he’s got his own ties to break, standing 1-1 with Bryan, and 1-1-1 with Okada throughout the year. He’ll beat them both if that’s what it takes. Hell, he’ll beat anyone he’s got a tie with, he’ll beat anyone Bryan’s got a tie with, he’ll beat anyone Okada’s got a tie with… but there's one man who's got a tied record with all three. The arena explodes as Kenny Omega makes his way out onto the stage, staring down the Bucks, Okada, Ospreay and Danielson before entering the ring. Nicholas and Matthew back off, leaving four of the greatest ever alone in the squared circle, all of them on completely even footing. The camera pans to the AEW Title, and it’s crystal clear where this is going. Bryan’s got a tied record with all three presumptive challengers. In 2024, Okada and Ospreay are deadlocked, while Okada and Omega are now 2-2-1 since Wembley, and Omega and Ospreay remain at one win apiece. Six iconic feuds, all completely deadlocked, between four all-time greats that completely detest each other - and only one man can come out on top as champion. All four men want the ultimate tiebreaker, and there’s no more fitting locale than World’s End - because it’ll truly be the end of an era.
World’s End
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay
What’s there to say in this intro blurb? I usually set the stakes again, but we all know them. The tiebreaker to end all tiebreakers, all for the right to call oneself the AEW World Heavyweight Champion, between four of the best wrestlers going today, all of whom loathe each other. We get a video package showcasing their intertwining history, now all conjoined by the pursuit of gold, before we head ringside to Justin Roberts.
HE has held frankly an unbelievable amount of singles titles;
HE is the only Triple Crown Winner in AEW history;
HE is the only AEW original in this match, therefore having more guts than any of his opponents despite having some of his guts removed;
HE weighs in tonight at 224 pounds for his first AEW Title match in far too long;
HE is more over than any of his opponents in NOOOORRRRTHHHH CAROLINA!
Let’s fucking go, baby. Cleaner’s back. The Best Bout Machine is gonna cook so hard. Omega hits the ring looking massive, hits his pose and then settles into the corner, waiting for his three rivals to confront him directly.
Zenith of God hits next, Will Ospreay getting the full intro as he strives to purge his demons. Omega can’t help but smile - the last time he heard this theme, he beat Ospreay at the Tokyo Dome. However, when the Assassin comes through the curtain, it’s clearly a more lethal Ospreay, and one who’s hell-bent on making up for that loss. He brushes straight past Omega, who smirks before the music stops, both men standing opposite one another in the ring… only to be cut off by the greatest rival either of them ever had, rung in with a coin drop.
Kazuchika Okada looks like god’s gift to wrestling as he ascends upwards through the stage, bills plastered with his face falling from the sky and flooding the arena with his image. He’s as cocky and arrogant as ever, despite having never come away from a four-way the winner. The Bucks hype him up before heading to the back themselves, Okada surprisingly insisting on going it alone. Commentary notes that even a year ago, he’d have never dreamt of having the chance to turn the tides against Kenny Omega in their feud, but now he has the chance to take the lead, something he surely wants to do without any doubt. The three challengers all settle into position, only the champion left to go.
The horns of the Final Countdown strike fear into the hearts of Okada and Ospreay, both of whom have been on the losing end of that theme. Out steps the American Dragon, the rowdy crowd singing along as he makes his way to the ring, posing atop the turnbuckles to survey his murderer’s row of challengers. He unzips his jacket to reveal the AEW World Title they’re all jockeying for, the camera panning across the faces of his opponents, all of whom are stone-faced. This is it, it’s as real as it fucking gets. Danielson. Okada. Omega. Ospreay. The endlessly sought after AEW World Heavyweight Championship. Here we go.
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2024.06.01 01:22 Easy-Buffalo4832 Speculation: No foos North American fall tour :( I think shifty being in California the day before the show was suppose to be ruled out the fall NA tour that we thought would happen

Speculation: No foos North American fall tour :( I think shifty being in California the day before the show was suppose to be ruled out the fall NA tour that we thought would happen submitted by Easy-Buffalo4832 to Foofighters [link] [comments]