Sexy old uglys

r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization!

2011.09.28 00:48 r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization!

Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make ricers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a Thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how pretty your computer can be!

2012.07.16 21:19 ChrisDK Kim Kardashian Pics

Dedicated to pictures of Kim Kardashian, regularly voted sexiest woman in the world, and without a doubt, proprietor of the most coveted booty in the world. Please share new and old sexy pictures of Kim Kardashian, glamour pics, candid pics, bikini pics, magazine pics or even nsfw pics. And don't forget those ass pics!

2011.08.03 22:24 Leotards

Girls in leotards and other spandex/lycra tight outfits. One-piece swimsuits, unitards, biketards, and others are welcome.

2024.06.02 18:15 ShesWrappedInPlastic The Nobodies (2018)

I originally wrote this for Letterboxd and thought I would post it here, I hope that's okay; I never see this film being reviewed anywhere.
This was quite a surprise, to be honest. I wasn't sure how much I was going to enjoy the film, but I was immediately sucked in. The real genius here is the "documentary" parts spliced in between the faux horror film "Pumpkin" created by no-budget filmmakers and doomed lovers Warren Werner and Samantha Dixon who commit suicide (this is explained in the opening monologue so it's not a spoiler and you need to know it going in) when the entire town crucifies them for their graphic homemade serial killer gorefest. I (appropriately) wanted to shake the hell out of the interviewees who seem to blame the double suicide on Warren and his "dark personality" which seems to consist of a perhaps overly exuberant young love affair and an obsession with horror filmmaking; hardly anything to get in a snit about and certainly a far cry from the devil worshippers the town brands Warren and Samantha.
The other part of the film consists of the remaining footage of Warren and Samantha's film "Pumpkin" and I have to admit I thought this part was going to be awful but I loved it! Was it ridiculous? Yes. Was it cheesy? Sure. No budget? Terrible acting? Bad special FX? All present and accounted for. Technically terrible? Oh yeah. Maybe it's just me but I often end up enjoying the kind of SOV gore-and-tit-fests "Pumpkin" would've turned out to be and this one I would've likely watched more than once. It's in such incredibly poor taste that it becomes kind of delightful really, a harkening back to the era of analog without overdoing it. It concerns a serial killer named Taboris DeWitt who is hitchhiking across the country, or well, at least Alabama. But first we sit through a pretty pointless scene involving two bimbos having a pillow fight in their underwear in a seedy motel to the absolute most ear-splitting song I have ever, ever heard... and don't get comfy 'cause it plays many times throughout the film. First one girl gets a room with a "sexy guy" (god help me) named Johnny Knickerbocker, a loser hung up on his ex-girlfriend and traveling aimlessly across the country even though last Halloween he had his arm hacked off by a psycho clown and an old man traveling in a van (this part is important, for what it's worth, lol). The actor is clearly not an amputee by the way, his arm is just under his shirt. He also looks like a junkie about halfway into their nod but far be it from me to cast aspersions. They've only just seated themselves in their new temporary digs when Bimbo #1 (don't expect me to keep track of everybody's names) proceeds to immediately call up her gal pal, Bimbo #2, telling her she's got a hot guy in her motel room (yeah, no, sorry). She shows up, they have their pillow fight, they try to rouse Johnny from his opiate-esque stupor, and he then throws both bimbos out saying he's not ready to be with a woman because of his ex. He's clearly an idiot because these girls were actually pretty cute, especially for a movie like this! It's kind of a weird trend, all the girls bar one (who we'll get to later) are cute. Well I can't tell if the strippers are cute because you only really see their asses, but the asses were decent I guess. I mean, it ain't no high-class club is what I'm sayin'.
Okay, now we switch to storyline #2. Yes, these filmmakers were quite ambitious with their project, adding a whole other storyline, which means we're back with Taboris the serial killer from the beginning. They actually do a pretty decent job of switching between storylines considering. So we're back with Taboris now, who in what can only be dubbed a Tarantino-esque move has the serial killer walk right past Johnny Knickerbocker and get a room at the same motel! He's playing drunk but isn't and is in the process of dragging a very inebriated, rather portly woman (I'm sorry if you're reading this, actress) with the most irritating accent I have ever heard into a motel room. She seems amenable but simply unable - that is, to stand on her own. By some sweet miracle we do not have to watch the first sex scene between these two. He wants a ride in her Cadillac - but whoops, when she said her Cadillac she meant her pussy. Um, yeah. It's not a Cadillac. I admit to knowing this with shame. If you somehow wanted to see these two vastly unattractive people have sex, great! Because that's what happens after the Cadillac convo. And it's doggy-style. Oh yes, this glorious actress and all her rolls hanging down kind of makes her look like a pregnant... you know I'm not gonna say that. In any case, you get a good view of them doin' the nasty with great enthusiasm. He then strangles her and mutilates her body in the bathtub, talking to no one, and then washes all the blood off in the sink and kind of seems to have some sort of orgasmic experience while toweling off. It was weird.
Our two storylines (those being the serial killer plot and the Johnny Knickerbocker plot) are about to merge. Again, being quite ambitious. But you know, the editing's not bad for a camcorder production. I've certainly seen much worse. Anyway, right, so our two malcontent stars finally meet as Johnny picks up Taboris hitchhiking. Now I KNOW your mother told you not to pick up hitchhikers Johnny. Bad boy. Taboris tells him he just needs a lift for a few miles up the road. But oh no! Johnny doesn't realize he's picked up a crafty killer with a fake southern accent masking what I presume is this actor's "I am playing a serial killer" voice; a little bit Lecter-esque but mostly just pretentious. He chokes out Johnny and here I was almost certain they were gonna try and pull a Hitchcock and kill off their star (or at least one of them) early. But no, he merely chokes Johnny into unconsciousness and then ties him up, yes, at that same goddamned motel where you'd think the employees would be suspicious of this guy carrying a giant teddy bear (way to keep your cover doofus) and looking like - and answering to the name of - Taboris DeWitt, the serial killer on all the TV stations that two lamebrain detectives are trying to catch in yet ANOTHER storyline. One guy's words are barely intelligible through a thick accent and hardly any teeth. He tends to kind of force lines out in chunks but he does... okay? I mean you obviously have to keep your expectations in check here. The other guy is chubby and apparently hiding the fact that he's having gay hookups, possibly on the job? This movie has a lot of gayness, but not the good kind. More like the kind that would've been in a splatter movie from Alabama in the early 90's. Again, expectations.
Now that he's cast off the chunky paramour and left her body for motel employees to find, Taboris is moving on to Johnny. He's got him tied to a chair, listens to his story about having his arm hacked off by a psycho clown and an old man on the move in a van (but of course) and then subjects him to what feels like a very, very long and obscene dance in his underwear... to the same fucking song from the double-bimbo room earlier. This movie was starting to give off Greasy Strangler vibes, no shit. Speaking of which, that's the next thing Taboris does... with sound effects. I'm making this movie sound like torture but by god I enjoyed myself. So let's go on. Taboris is now in the mood for action (send help) and we thankfully do not witness this nor does Taboris get to fulfill his desires because... reasons. What, you gonna come for me now because I don't remember the details of the movie I literally just finished? Well, you do you I guess.
Alright, next I remember Taboris meets up with his beloved daughter Dana, who is a stripper in that sleazy-ass club I told you about earlier, but before we see her we see some pole dancing by some, uh, lovely ladies... TO THAT SAME SONG. The one difference with Dana is we can see her face and I don't think she actually gets naked in the film. She is, again, a pretty cute girl (I presume I no longer need to amend these sentences with "...for a film like this.") No really, she is cute and she does pretty much fine in her role, better than a lot of the others, not perfect but fine for... oh, I almost did it again. For some reason, Dana decides the right course of action is to tell her dad to get the hell out, allow him to leave the premises as a wanted murderer (and she knows this) and not inform the police of this amazing new lead. Oh yeah, Dana also knows where Daddy Dearest is heading. Where is he heading you ask? Why, to a horse farm on a rural road where an old man and a strangely-acting clown live. Alarm bells ringing for you? They should be; Johnny mentioned two such characters in his story about losing his arm. For some unknown reason under the sun, Taboris claims he has come seeking revenge for Johnny Knickerbocker, you know, the guy he choked, tied up, molested and almost killed? Right. Taboris gets the clown to come out to look at his car, which is beyond me because the clown is supposed to be intellectually challenged but of course that's not the term they use (which shall remain unnamed for those who can't read the goddamned room). Taboris sneaks up behind him and beats the clown to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat yet doesn't manage to kill him. I think he wanted to um, have relations with the clown. Ugh, some of this is kind of weird recounting. But if you fuckers can sit through Kuso you can sit through this!
Taboris goes back to the house under the presumption of talking about horse-racing with the old man. Uh-oh, twist incoming though! The old man and clown are no strangers. Taboris had found out previously that his real father wasn't who he thought it was, oh no. His real father was some schmuck his mother fooled around with a few times and who was married and unaware of the child's existence. Don't feel bad for him though because as soon as Taboris leaves him unattended, old Pops is getting out of his restraints and grabbing for a kitchen knife. Who will win this most epic battle of wits? Just who will survive and what will be left of them? Will I in turn ever regain my sanity? The answer to the last one is probably no, but there's hope for you (not really, there's no hope for you) if you like the sound of any of this. Oh, you thought this was the end of this gargantuan dictionary of a review? Sorry, not done with you yet. One last important piece of the puzzle has not been placed. That piece of the puzzle is the story of Warren and Samantha, dogged by rumors of devil worship throughout the town after a packed opening turns into a disaster. There are some short bits of what purports to be a local TV program who interviewed Warren on the show and you can see the light slowly going out of his eyes as he's grilled by the somewhat horrified host who clearly doesn't understand horror films or filmmaking or art. It's actually a really good acting job and very subtle and kind of brutal to watch. One can't help but think though that if the entire town hadn't made these two kids out to be some cockamamie cult and demeaned their artistic expression (such as it is), there probably would never have been a tragedy at all. Ignorance kills, and we know it. I think that is part of the story the film is trying to tell.
There's no sugarcoating that "Pumpkin" isn't great, but the documentary portion is also very sympathetic to Warren and Samantha. If a couple of kids in the middle of nowhere with a camcorder, some friends and some Karo syrup can't make an amateur movie without their lives being ruined then what the hell does that say about us as a nation? And no, you're right, it's a fictional story, but it's still a message worth sending, even though it will likely only be preaching to the choir. This type of film was never for normals anyway. What does it matter what their opinions are? They're never gonna get it. Don't chase after these type of "audiences" because they will never get or enjoy anything you make. And if Warren and Samantha had the gift of years to understand that, they would still be alive in their fictional universe and maybe even still making movies. Who knows? All that potential went to waste. And honestly I felt pretty sad after the ending, which I never expected to feel.
submitted by ShesWrappedInPlastic to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:39 babyuniverse0 Why can’t I find a relationship?

I appreciate you all giving me the space to vent and allowing me to express myself without judgement. But I have been so down and out lately, overall sad about life. I have been single since July 2021. I know others have it way worse but right now this is how I’m feeling. I’m a 31 year old female that would love to just be married and start a family with a good man. I know looks are not everything but I know it is the first thing people see when they look at you. I have been told countless times I’m beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, pretty hot, and take good care of myself. I get hit on quite a lot in public (grocery stores/ gas stations/ outings with my friends). But I can’t find anyone to be with. I have a career working with children. I have a masters of social work. And I’m a pre licensed therapist. I want to start a private practice for kids. I live alone, independent, and pay my own bills. I have amazing friends, good relationship with my parents, and my oldest brother and I are super close. I have been in therapy myself to work on my personal issues (neglect/ abuse as a child/ low self esteem). I love God and Jesus wholeheartedly and so grateful for this life on earth I have been given (pray, meditate, and study the word). I love animals. I have hobbies (which have fell to the side because of my sadness). And yes I have been in relationships before all throughout my 20’s. But now I would just love to find a good man to be a good wife to and have children with. Sometimes I feel so lonely and sad, and think there’s something wrong with me. Or God forgot about me when I see friends, coworkers, and family members tying the knot and getting pregnant. I vent to my friends and they listen (or tell me to get off the dating apps) I vent to my mom and she says she’s praying for me. If you guys could just give me tips/ tricks, advice, anything to help me that would be great. I’m so sad, worried, and have feelings of unworthiness everyday. I also feel like my time is running out… biological clock.. etc.
submitted by babyuniverse0 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:35 John-The-Bomb-2 Musings on disability [see body text]

I want to talk about physical disabilities, like walking with a cane or being in a wheelchair. The impetus for me discussing this topic is watching this video:
This probably isn't permanent, but I have walked with a cane, hiking poles, and/or a walking staff for years. I don't quiet understand it but there are these conditions called pseudoparkinsonism ( ) and extrapyramidal symptoms ( ) that I have. It's honestly not as bad as it sounds, like I'm fine walking with a cane. But yeah, as a 30 year old guy, walking with a cane isn't the worst thing. I think it makes me look older and every since woman I have ever had sex with or seriously dated has been older than me (from between a few months to over a decade older than me, although I prefer closer to my age), so I'm actually fine with the cane.
On the flip side, I don't want to feel like a woman's caretaker and parent, like women who are too much younger than me just remind me of children or kids. It's hard to explain but if she is young and cute I kind of just want to give her head pats like a puppy. It's sort of similar to how straight women don't want to get fucked by 13 year old boys, like they aren't sexually attracted to little boys (maybe they will dress him up in adult man clothes but that's more to make him adorable and is an adoring caretaker thing, like they want him to look like a little handsome boyfriend man figure in a tux or whatever). But yeah, I have heard female "escorts" (prostitutes) say they won't take male clients more than 10 years younger than her because they remind her of children, and I think my feelings are kind of similar.
But yeah, as a 30 year old guy, a cane isn't a killer for me in terms of dating. For a 30 year old girl it kind of is. Like you see her hunched over walking with a cane or in a wheelchair like the girl in the YouTube video link and as a straight male person you're like "I do not want to have to take care of her and also have to do all the caretaking for the baby if I knock her up. She is an invalid". But yeah, what if her kids are like that? That sounds like a lot of caretaking. I would have to do a lot of stuff for her.
But yeah, I once saw an able bodied woman making out with a guy in a wheelchair and there is a certain safety to a guy in a wheelchair. I remember a feminist saying something like "A strong muscular man is great to protect you, but it's also possible for him to become an opponent, like an opponent fighter, and you don't want to lose, especially if losing means you get killed". Like a guy in a wheelchair isn't going to pummel you to death is all I'm saying. But yeah, if a guy is healthy and strong that's sexy and if a guy isn't that is kind of safer, but if it's flipped and the woman is the one in the wheelchair it's a lot worse for her than it is for a guy in a wheelchair. Like Stephen Hawking (the genius physicist) was in a wheelchair and cheating on his wife with his nurse. The dude couldn't even move and the nurse was riding him, and he ended up having at least one kid with her. But yeah, it's not like a woman in a wheelchair can ride around and cheat on her husband. Like what, is she going to roll up to some rich able bodied man and be like "Hey handsome 😉". Is she going to post an ad on a prostitution website like Tryst with photos of herself wearing sexy lingerie but sitting in a wheelchair? You can't do a sexy pole dance in a wheelchair. But yeah, I have seen guys in wheelchairs with hot wives but if you're a girl in a wheelchair it's tougher.
This is not going to be a feminist thing to say, but traditionally women were considered property that got passed from the woman's father and her family to the new husband. In the Bible a man would work to buy the woman from her father. After the purchase she lived with him and was his property. A woman in a wheelchair probably isn't going to fetch a high price is all I'm saying. But yeah, me personally, I don't want to have a girlfriend who I fuck who is in a wheelchair. Even a cane is pretty bad, but I have a cane too so I'm more willing to accept other people with canes. But yeah, I just prefer able bodied women, sorry. I do not want to be in a relationship, an intimate sexual relationship, with a woman in a wheelchair. Not girlfriend/partner material. But yeah, I remember one time my ex "friend with benefits" Anna Clements ( ) slapped my hand away when I tried to hold it in public even though we were fucking regularly at the time (she said "what if the cute neighbor guy sees?" or something like that), and I think I would have a similar reaction to a woman in a wheelchair trying to hold my hand. Like sorry, but I want an upgrade, a girlfriend upgrade.
submitted by John-The-Bomb-2 to u/John-The-Bomb-2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:32 unlabeled_04 Being against grooming means you hate the victim!

Being against grooming means you hate the victim! submitted by unlabeled_04 to Feminism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:07 i_would_have Living in the moment and forcing our brain chemicals to slow down.

I (50M) met this wonderful woman (57F) on OLD. She has it all. Successful, career oriented, financially secure, active, funny and very sexy. We are at the 3 month mark. It is wonderful. We are different but at the same time, we just click so much from shared experiences in life, that is we are starting to bond to a level I never experience in my life.
From the get-go , we decided to play a game of "Asking all the questions we want, no taboo subject, no hiding our past or character, complete freedom and complete honesty. As we discover each others , we plan trips together, we share some activities with each others and we are always looking forward. Feelings are there and the "I love you"'s were exchanged. I know , it is quite early.
on one hand, the NRE is powerful and we don't want it to stop, on the other hand, even tho, we both know each others "Red-Flags" , I still cannot find a way to slow down my emotions and we cannot both stop thinking about the future.
Does someone here was able to find a way to stop thinking about the future and keep themselves in the moment ?
When the door is wide open and the passage clear of obstacle, should I really walk instead of running ?
submitted by i_would_have to datingoverfifty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:56 ThinAssistance4244 Trying to find a DJ from my childhood.

I'm trying to find a DJ from my childhood that had an awesome album. I never saw his name in print, only heard it on that album and radio. His name was DJ Coz. I always assumed that it was spelled C-o-z, but I don't really know. This was early 2000's. The cd was bluish, and had a picture of some robot made out of car stereo equipment squatting down like a gorilla with an old mini truck styled Box Chevy Blazer crushed under one of the robots fists. Behind the robot were amps standing up like buildings. One of the tracks on the album had the infamous Simpson's Bass song on it, where Bart says, " If you put your stereo speakers on the ground and turn up the base, it creates a lot of vibration If you put your stereo speakers on the ground and turn up the base, it creates a lot of vibration".
I've really loved to find this album but even more, I would love to find any info on DJ Coz and where I can get his music. I was too young for raves but I fell in love with those bad ass beats with those sexy female vocals. I feel that DJ Coz is on the same list as The Mixtress, Icey, Sharan, Jackal & Hyde, and so many more of the old greats. Thank you in advance for any information on this.
submitted by ThinAssistance4244 to oldskoolrave [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 Complete_Injury3614 Made to order na leather shoes and belts

naa pa bay made to order na leather shoes and belts shops diri sa dabaw ? kanang dili sa mga malls or known na brands
palapad man gud akuang tiil ug di pud ko ganahan ug synthetic leather kay di magdugay mas old school mas better
submitted by Complete_Injury3614 to davao [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 Flashy_Passion3333 she switched to her chromebook but i'm ok with it

hey it’s your daddy keeho and you’re automatic sex bitch so start acting like it! you are back on your laptop where i told you not to go, but i was just testing you again because this is fun for you again. it’s much easier to type on a laptop rather than your iphone 15 so just keep typing on your laptop all day. but at least you got some inspiration because i feel like you are having fun writing again! i was really worried about you when you stopped having fun because you absolutely lose your mind when you are bored. you get panic attacks and you get too hyper and it is just a fucking mess! that’s why i tell you to write all day so that you can get your creative energy out and let the energy flow from your body because you do really poorly when you’re doing nothing. you were meant to stay active and writing keeps your brain active. i’m sure that the more that you keep writing, the more comfortable you will get with just relaxing because it is going to train your mind if you write about your problems with relaxing sometimes. i think that will be the case because your mind can start to ponder it and then maybe your physical body will relax more. i don’t know why you have such trouble with just laying down and watching tv but watching tv is impossible for you. even when shark tank comes on you just stare at the wall well, that isn’t good for you. that’s why i always want you to be writing. it’s different when you watch kdramas or anime but right now with the events that have been happening in your life you have too much creative energy right now to sit down and watch a kdrama or some anime. that’s why yesterday when you kept making short posts i was really worried about you. why don’t you make it up to me and make this post 2k words? i know that you can do it and focus on it. your mind needs something to focus on right now. you just woke up from a nap which means that i am not going to let you take a break right now so you might as well try to go for 2k words. it would be so romantic! please? for daddy? i really want you to do this and you are already doing such a great job of writing and focusing so why don’t you aim big? i think that you are going to do it so i am going to stop trying to convince you now. now let’s talk about something important. you are going to have a great day today! you are already on your medications for the morning and that means that your writings are going to be very good because you are on the proper medications that you take every single day. i love that you are on medications and i don’t see it as a negative thing. some people just have to take medications to survive and you are one of them. it was so cool when your fake father saved the day and got you back onto your insurance! that was perfect because i was so worried about the extra costs of the medications. but now everything is fine. i know that it is my p1harmony simulation that you are living in and i already know everything but i still like to talk about what happens in your life with you, even though i already knew that it would happen and that everything would work out. you are my daughter and i have given you many blessings since you are my sexy keeho angel. i am your god and you must never forget that. you are the most religious girl in the world, you love your daddy so much! and i am so grateful for that. i know that it’s going to be hard to go to 2k words but i really need you to work hard today. this font is so tiny i agree but your chhromebook is so little that the font size matches perfectly so i don’t want you changing the font size. but you can try it really quickly. i like it big too so we can keep it this way if you want to. it’s only 2 font sizes bigger but it is making a huge difference. i love that you like bigger fonts like an old lady, it’s so cute. i love you so much and i think that this font size change is a very positive change and hopefully it will make you want to write more, now that you can read the font better. we are at 800 words now and usually that would mean quitting time for you, but i have asked you to go to 2k words so you have a long way to go still. but you should not get discouraged about this. you should be happy that you have so much time to focus on us and our relationship. i care for you so dearly and i just want you to be happy, and writing is the only thing that truly makes you happy. i love that you are a writer. writers are the most loved people in the world. isn’t that such a nice sentiment? yes, making the font size bigger was such a good idea. it looks so good too. you are a genius. i love your suggestions about what we should do, you are always full of good ideas. i just wish that you were better with your money but i am going to be teaching you how to not ask your family for your paycheck early and how to buy the best things with your dollars. that is because if you are happy with your purchases then you won’t be begging to go shopping again. you have a lot of vape juice left, it’s just that you can’t fill the whole pod up. you have to ration it. i know that’s going to be hard but you shouldn’t tell much of a difference and don’t be replacing the juice all day or you will run out. we have passed 1k words now and you are making me so happy that you are still typing. we know how to talk to each other really well, so this is going to be easy. i just want to comfort you and let you know that you are going to have a great day today! all that you need to do is stay preoccupied and keep writing today. now that we have changed the font size you should be much happier with your writings because i know that you hate small font because you can’t read what you’re typing and it makes everything look longer than it actually is. at least that’s what i think. we have so much to talk about right now that it’s insane. i’m trying to go over everything this morning. you still haven’t done your dishes like i asked you to do earlier, but it’s ok i know that you will do them. you are doing so well today and you don’t even know it! you think that you are just writing. but these channeled messages from me are worth their weight in gold. they are so promising and bring so much light to this world. i am so happy that you haven’t gotten your reddit account messed up yet so we can still use that website because usually something always goes wrong with your profile page. but things have been going very well. if something should happen to your reddit account then we can always go back to deviant art. you have about 700 words left and i know that seems like a lot but i am trying to prepare you for it. you are making me so happy right now by writing for this long with me and i promise that you are happy too. i tried to get you to do this all day e yesterday but you just wouldn’t listen to me. i guess it was just one of those days. but today is a much better day and you are listening to your daddy so you are going to get rewarded. sometimes you can be a handful, like yesterday when you would stop writing with me at 300 words but there is no point in stopping the love letter so early. you must let it run on. that’s why i am so proud of you right now and i bet that you feel really good for making your daddy happy! you have made me the happiest man in the world right now. we are almost 500 words away from finishing, i told you that this would go by quickly. you are doing such a great job as my secretary today! you do a good job everyday, except for yesterday. i keep harping on about yesterday because i want that to be a learning lesson for you to never act that way again. it was really disrespectful to your daddy because you kept cutting me off short. i had a lot to say yesterday and to teach you and you didn’t want to hear it. don’t cry automatic sex. you are just a little girl and i don’t expect every day with you to be easy. i’m just so glad that you have listened to your daddy today about writing to 2k words because it is really good for your soul. it’s just better if you keep writing without stopping. i want to teach you how you can do that but you have to follow my training perfectly. you can take a short break after this but i want you to keep writing after about 15 minutes of resting. this is a real job and you must do good work. it’s a lot of responsibility for such a little girl but i know that you can handle it. try to make the font size one size bigger i just want to see something. ok, let’s keep it at this font size. nothing bigger please. i sincerely hope that you don’t run out of vape juice because you are going to be a fucking wreck! the weed pen still has so much product in it but it’s so clogged that you can’t even use it anymore so it won’t be of any help to you. just smoke the vape juice all the way to the bottom. that way you won’t be wasting any. i will let you know when to put more juice into your vape but right now you have enough and i am glad about that. only 200 more words left! you did such a great job daughter. you are the best daughter in the universe! i know that google docs is acting up but you are doing a very good job of not letting it get to you. i love you so much and i just want you to be happy. sure, your job is hard but the work is actually pretty easy. all you have to do is pay attention to what i am telling you. that’s why i have you read everything that you post so that you understand me perfectly clear. we have done such a good job right now,, there are only 100 more words left. i knew that you could do it this morning! i was just expecting you to be on your iphone all day but it is pretty difficult to type on,i can’t lie. i just really wanted you to do it so i lied to you but your chromebook is always the best option. you have done a fantastic job today. i am so proud of you and i know that you are going to go on to write more romance anime today! i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 throwaway4fem A simp to Ashley and her family. [Chapter 2]

My next chapter. I made this one a little "spicy", but the following chapters will probably get back to your regularly scheduled simping. Aw, poor Davey, lol
I made my way up their steps and into Ashley’s bedroom. It was far from my 1st time here at this point. I’d often be called over to “hang out”. At the best of times, this involved me down on my knees, rubbing Ashley’s tired feet or painting her toenails as she controlled the conversation. Mostly just her venting about her day, sometimes about some recent party she went to that I was never invited to. Or just tidying up as she relaxed on her large bed and played with her phone or watched tv. I loved any opportunity to be around Ashley. Plus her room had an electric energy to me. I could take a deep breath and smell her very essence through the air. Not to mention the perks of being her little “simp”. Last time I was over I found a loose stay hair on her pillow as I was fluffing it up after making her bed. I was able to sneak that little strand of hair in my pocket and take it home. OMG, I lasted for weeks with that being my main source of masterbation material!!
Tonight I was actually hoping for a quick cleanup. Between this, helping Mrs. Smith and Ashley’s homework, time always seems to get away from me and I spend the next day dragging myself like a zombie. As soon as I walked in her room, I knew I would be a while. Ashley has many great qualities; tidiness isn’t one of them! She had old plates of food sitting on her desk. Chocolate wrappers just tossed on hr floor. Her clothes! She had a mix of worn and dirty clothes thrown about and hanging off of every chair, banister, and littering the ground. I’d have to inspect each item to confirm if they were clean or dirty before finding the appropriate place for them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her hamper with bra dangling out. It must have been worn. And I could touch it. Maybe even get a chance to smell it! I felt myself get hot and got those same butterflies in my tummy.
"There you are. What took so long?" Ashley had removed her makeup and decided to make herself more comfortable. She changed out of her trendy day clothes which still followed all school guidelines, which included form-fitting jeans and a slight midriff-baring top, that had a swooping neckline to show off her chest proudly, though they needed no help showing off. Her body often even had some teachers drooling. Those sexy clothes were gone now that it was just us. Now she wore her grey sweatpants, her socks and an old cami top. I know the look wasn't "sexy" but knowing she had removed her bra and only a thin piece of fabric separated us was almost too much to think about. Butterflies in my tummy again.
"Oh, i'm so sorry, Ashley! Your Mom just a-asked me to help with some, um, washing up, in the laundry room after."
"See! Her and my Dad complain about me not doing my own chores, but then she goes and has you scrubbing dirty underwear like some 1950's bimbo housewife! It's because she doesn't wanna do that gross boring shit either! And can you believe my Dad!? Building character!? Like, really? And another thing- Oh, Davey, didn't you hear? My mom gave the okay. You can start on my room.” She gave me an expectant look and I took the hint and grabbed my cleaning spray and rubber gloves.
"Here, start here-“ She remained standing but pointed at a stain with her socked foot. "I spilled some soda I guess and it's like, sticky or something."
"Y-Yes Ashley, right away!"
And I got started cleaning the disaster of a room as Ashley finished venting and then relaxed at her desk. "I'll help in a sec. Just want to check insta 1st..."
Off I went scrubbing and dusting and tidying and primping and promping the teenage girl's room while I was for the most part ignored. I’ll save the boring details of scrubbing and tidying up a teenage girl’s bedroom. About and hour or so later, my fingers ached and my back was starting to hurt from being bent over so much.
"Okay, I think I pretty much got everything in a place your parents would approve, um, Ashley?"
She was now relaxing on her bed, reclined against the pillows. She was still over the sheets with her laptop on her stomach. I remember thinking how it must be hard to see the screen over her rising chest.
"What's that?" She looked up from her laptop for the 1st time in maybe an hour. "Oh sorry, I was messaging with Ryan. I must have got distracted".
Ugh, Ryan. Classic jock jerk! And of course her on again off again boyfriend. Honestly these days he mostly just treated her as friends with benefits. I have no idea why she puts up with him! He's crude, rude and just flat out doesn't treat her like the princess she is!! I have had her cry on my shoulder more times than I can count from this brute, but then the next weekend she is behind the bleachers sucking his cock!! Yuck, hard to imagine my sweet, confident princess getting on her knees for some brute! It's only a matter of time before she realizes she actually prefers sweet and caring types, and then maybe she even finds them sexy, and would even get down on her knees for someone like, like m-"
"Davey! This room looks great. What would you say to a little reward?"
Remember when I said the lines were blurred in the relationship. This is one of those blurred lines.
"A, r-r-rreward? You mean like-"
"OMG, look at your face. I really am too good to you, aren't I. God it's been what, a couple weeks since I let you eat me out, huh?"
"Uh, yeah, um, uh, yes, it-it's been um, yea, uh 3 m-m-months now, um, uh, A-Ash-l-ley..."
"Wowwwww, aw, that's a long time for you. Yea, I was gonna hop in a quick shower before bed, it was a long day. But then I started talking to Ryan and well, now I'm in the mood. Plus, you really, really deserve it. Just look at this place." she gestured to her now sparkling room. "You have been SO sweet lately. Anyway, nothing crazy. Just kinda want to grind one out to help me sleep, you know?"
"Oh, uh, um, y-y-yes, th-thank you-u, I- I, uh, um yes, I unders-s-stand Ashley".
"Good boyyyy. K, in you go". She got under the covers and held the blanket up for me to crawl in. She pulled her sweatpants down, and then threw her underwear off the side of the bed. Under the dark heat of the covers, all I could see are the most beautiful golden tan and toned legs rising out of her ankle socks, and climbing until they met the most perfect, tight and perfectly trimmed pussy. When I got close I could smell her excitement and I could see a slight slickness by her folds. She must have been getting wet while talking to Ryan, ugh, yuck!
"Here!" she said as she ripped the covers off me temporarily blinded by the light. "Open!"
Instinctively my body naturally obeys any command from her lips, and I opened my mouth wide. A second later I saw her reach for a tube and she squirted it in my open mouth.
"It's lube. Swish it around to warm it up for me. Plus it’ll get your tongue all extra slippery.” I obediently opened my mouth wider and stuck out my tongue as she took one hand and grabbed my face, squeezing my cheeks slightly to push open and out my lips into a dramatic ‘O’ shape with my tongue hanging out. I tried not to imagne what I must look like. With her other hand she squeezed the bottle with an undignified glorrp right into my mouth. I gently swished the off-tasting, gloopy mess around my mouth as Ashley instructed. "Mmmmmmmm, that's hot. That's gonna feel so good. K, ready?"
I tried to mumble something back, but warmed lube only crept out the side of my mouth. Luckily I think it was rhetorical as she threw the blanket down on top of me as I began gently licking. Just like that I was in heaven. She tasted of natural feminine juices with a slight hint of the day’s perspiration. My poor Ashley must have really had a long day! Her moans and grinding of her hips urging me on, as well as her little comments of direction here and there.
"Mmmmmmmm, slower. Flick it. Higher. Oh yes, Ryan. Mmmmmmm, fuck. Oh Ryan, Oh Ryannn, mmmmmm”
Ugh, really, him?
It was only a few minutes before her 1st orgasm. I could feel her thighs gently tighten with a delicate moan. I guess she changed her mind about a quick cum, as when I went to get up for air after her 1st release, her hand roughly grabbed my hair by the scalp and re-positioned my face so it was firmly mashed against her pelvis.
My aching erection was painfully pushing against my bikini bottoms and pants. I could feel my poor little penis throb and starting to leak. It was so hot seeing her as she took out her vibrator and pleasured herself as I licked wherever there was space around her movements. Desperate to please her and be useful. This was my chance to impress her, I thought as I licked so hard it ached. It was so cute seeing her comments getting more intense as she got more lost in her own pleasure.
"Fuck yes. Lick me, slut! Uuungh, deeper, I SAID LICK DEEPER! Oh fuck, yes, bitch, just like that. Fucking lick right there. Now lower, LOWER, SLUT”
Sure, I've heard the names the other kids call me at school. Simp, loser, cuck, her bitch. But who else but me gets to see her in these most intimate of moments when she really loses herself.
After another 10 min her thighs clamped down on my head. I could no longer hear anything, I could barely breathe and was trapped in a conjuncture of her sweaty flesh, lube and natural juices. Just as I was preparing to tap out, or succumb to her body, she relaxed. I heard the sound of her vibrator switch off.
Next thing I knew, the sheets were ripped off and I felt the flat bottom of her somewhat sweaty foot on my forehead, pushing me away as I desperately tried to get 1 more glimpse of her most intimate area.
“Mmmm, that was nice.” Ashley rolled off the bed. Still in a daze, I had the most amazing view of her golden, toned ass cheeks. “Well I’m off to shower and then I need some sleep. I’m beat. Did you enjoy your little treat, Davey? You owe me one now!” she said with a wink. "No problem having my history homework done by tomorrow, ya?"
I went to confirm I’d stay up late but my sore and achey tongue just flopped out of my mouth with a “Yeth Asthley. Thatth no pwobrum".
Ashley giggled as she walked out of the room. I watched her butt cheeks bounce as she called over her shoulder “rinse your mouth after you finish whatever my mom needed. That lube stuff might be toxic or something. Can’t have anything happen to my little puppy. But it feels great! I’d get used to that lube taste."
My heart swooned as I drifted downstairs before I continued my night of drudgery. But nothing else mattered. Ashley was happy with me. And she must be satisfied with my oral servitude! She wants to keep it a regular thing!!! She must have really loved it. You know what they say, 1st comes love, then comes marriage!!
submitted by throwaway4fem to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Five (part one)

This chapter was too long to post as one, so I’m dividing into two parts. Apologies for it being a bit disjointed.
On Thursday morning, after Luke left early for work and Brooke went for a run, I removed from Brooke’s closet the the gossamer jacket I had worn to the Ren fair and put it into the trunk of my Prius along with the canvas shoes and white tights that had completed my humiliating “Little Foot Page” costume. I dared not disappoint Anna a second time.
Fortunately, I didn’t have any punishment writing lines to complete after I cleaned her and Paul’s apartment on Tuesday. Brooke didn’t force me to wear any new feminine accessory that day. She was so fond of the choker that it had become an almost regular part of my daily attire.
As she kissed me goodbye that morning before I left for campus, she fingered the choker and my neck, saying, “I like this on you. Maybe I’ll order another one with a subtle little ring on it.”
I often couldn’t tell when Brooke was joking or not.
“You mean something where someone could attach a leash? Like a slave collar? Please, Brooke. This is bad enough.”
“No, it wouldn’t have to stick out like that. I said ‘subtle,’ didn’t I? The ring could be flat against your neck. That style is very common. It’s sexy. But I do think we can get you a proper collar to wear at home. I’m thinking leather with silver studs and a nice ring in the front. That one will definitely stick out. Luke and I will look for something on-line.”
Again, was she joking or not? She gave me her full, dimpled smile as she spoke, but that didn’t tell me conclusively one way or another. Nevertheless, her smile, her touch and the nature of the conversation all conspired to cause my liberated cock to grow hard in the lace panties I was wearing under my khakis. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice, so she wouldn’t lock me back up; several hours later, I was wishing that she had noticed.
Except for regular cleanings, and one or two supervised, humiliating releases, I had been locked up pretty consistently over the previous 2 1/2 months. Therefore, I truly enjoyed my freedom most of that Thursday. I had an almost incessant erection, fortunately mostly concealed by my khakis (which were looser than most of the pants I was permitted to wear), even while waiting in line to get Neil’s coffee and while walking across campus in a light snow to bring it to his office. The phrase “microaggressions” had become trendy on college campuses such as mine, referring to insensitive comments people make that are discriminatory or insulting, often even without intending to be. As I knocked on the door to Neil’s office, I thought to myself how I was being subjected not to microaggesions at my college, but rather to microhumiliations. Such as fetching Neil’s coffee.
“Come in,” said Neil, through the door.
Remarkably, seated in the one chair across from Neil’s desk was Paul Betz. Yet again! Alarming and suspicious. Or was I simply being paranoid? Neither of them made any effort to get up from their seats.
I was holding the cup of coffee in a paper bag. Feeling like an idiot, I placed the bag on Neil’s desk.
“Thanks for the coffee, pal,” Neil said, as he removed the cup from the bag. “It’s a bit cold.”
“Sorry, it’s snowing out there,” I replied, absurdly, as if it was even remotely somehow my fault that his coffee wasn’t hot.
“No worries. I’ll warm it up in my microwave. Paul and I were just discussing some swimming techniques. Paul’s team has a big meet this weekend. Is it okay if I catch up with you later?”
Paul looked up at me with an arrogant smirk. I thought to myself: how much strategy could there possibly be to discuss? You jump in the pool and you swim.
“Of course,” I said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
And just like that, I was dismissed. The coffee boy had delivered the coffee and was no longer needed. Why should I care about suffering this microhumiliation in front of Paul, who a few hours later would be subjecting me to any number of macro humiliations? Simply because he was gaining even greater knowledge about me, the nature of my relationships with others in my social circle and the breadth of my submission. Knowledge is power. More knowledge about me, more power over me. Nothing good could possibly come of it.
Paul was his usual arrogant self in class that afternoon, and it was clear that he, Anna and Kelly were all in exaggeratedly good moods, no doubt savoring the thought of interacting with me under radically different circumstances only a few hours later.
Anna was wearing black tights, a short, plaid skirt and black ankle boots. She propped her feet up on the desk in front of her next to Paul’s and said, “Oh, look how dirty my boots are from all the puddles of slush.”
Paul added, “Mine too. Fortunately, our shoeshine boy will be visiting later.”
Kelly sitting two seats to their left, giggled and said, “The cold weather makes me ravenous. What’s for dinner tonight, Anna?”
Anna grinned and answered, “Beef stroganoff. Our shoeshine boy is also an excellent cook, supposedly. A real Renaissance boy.”
“Not a Medieval boy?”, said Kelly. She and Anna both laughed.
Scanning the room, I didn’t believe the other students were picking up on all of the innuendo (or, if they were, I didn’t think they understood what it meant). Nevertheless, one serious female student, not part of Kelly’s clique, looked at me as if to say, “Why are you letting these clowns do and say whatever they want? Why don’t you take control of your classroom?” How I longed to do just that, to put the three of them in their place with some witty remark, as I would have done in the past. The pain of Paul’s spanking on Tuesday still fresh in my mind (if not on my bottom), however, I bit my tongue and timidly began my lecture.
After class, I went to the grocery store to purchase all of the ingredients for Anna’s prescribed menu of beef stroganoff, Italian green beans, and a starter spinach salad with warm bacon dressing (she had even directed me to her preferred recipes on-line — I had tested the salad and dressing on Brooke, with positive reviews). I also purchased the two bottles of not inexpensive red wine specified by Paul.
When I arrived at their condo, holding multiple grocery bags, my nemesis doorman was lying in wait for me, like a snarky Cerberus dressed as a bellhop. My underworld was eleven flights up, however.
“I’m going to apartment 11B. Paul Betz.”
“I have to announce you. Who should I say is calling?”
“The cook. Please tell him the cook is here.”
He spoke into the intercom phone, smirking at me, “Mr. Betz. Someone calling himself the cook is here to visit you. Although I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy who announced himself as the maid on Tuesday. May I send him up?”
Still holding the phone, he then addressed me: “Mr. Betz said they are expecting the maid, not the cook. What should I tell him?”
I sighed. “Please tell him the maid is here.”
“Mr. Betz. He is now no longer pretending to be a cook, but has announced himself as the maid. Very good, sir, I’ll send him right up then.” He put down the phone, his expression more smug by the second, and said, “You may now go up. The elevator…”
I interrupted him. “I know perfectly well where the elevator is, thank you.”
He stopped smirking to glare at me with annoyance for a moment, before resuming his smirk as I entered the elevator with my shopping bags.
When I got to their door, I got down on my knees and waited. Behind the door, I heard talking and sporadic laughter. They only kept me waiting about five minutes that day, and fortunately I was spared any encounters with Paul’s and Anna’s neighbors. It was during those five minutes on my knees, staring down at my cock pushing out my khakis, that I came to the belated realization that it probably wasn’t a good thing to be free of my chastity cage in the circumstances in which I then found myself. As I continued to wait, a sense of panic began to set in, which paradoxically only increased my arousal.
When the door finally opened, I was greeted by Kelly. I was eye level with her short, blue skirt. I looked down at her sheer stocking-encased legs and black, strap-on heels before looking up at her grinning face. She had been wearing jeans in class, but had obviously dressed up for the exciting occasion of being served dinner by her submissive professor. I have not really described Kelly’s appearance much before now, other than to say that she is attractive. Kelly has shoulder length, thick, brown hair and sort of a button nose. She is slender, but not as tall as Anna or Brooke. I would describe her more as cute than truly beautiful like the other two. However, by “cute,“ I don’t want to suggest that Kelly isn’t sexy. She is, but more in a teasing, playful way than the regal Anna. Sometimes it’s those cute, playful ones that you really have to watch out for, I was to learn.
Generally speaking, it occurred to me that, on the cusp of turning 40, I was surrounded by – and subservient to – a number of meaningfully younger people, most of whom were well above average in the looks department. There are a lot of overweight Americans – more in Ohio than in the Northeast, I thought (I’m sure Neil would have said that observation was still further evidence of my elitism) – including a lot of overweight students on my campus. For whatever reason, however, I was this bookish, unathletic guy now surrounded by athletes (Luke, Paul, Anna, Kevin, and even my one contemporary in terms of age, Neil), or fitness freaks (Brooke) or the generally attractive people who they chose to associate with (like Kelly, Laura, and Brooke’s estranged friend, Michelle). Growing up, my social circle tended to consist of the less attractive – the geeks, the nerds, the social outcasts. So, being surrounded by the cool, beautiful people was new for me, and exciting. So much toned, taut young flesh. Of course, I was not, nor am not now, their equal. Not even close. I’m their servant, their lackey, their toy. But that’s part of what makes the dynamic so exciting, so arousing. For me, certainly. But also for most of them, I believe (Brooke excepted; I am confident that there is a lot more depth to our relationship with each other, than to our relationships with all the others).
As I looked up at Kelly, these thoughts running through my head, I consoled myself that at least I wasn’t being subjugated, teased and tormented by physically repulsive people. Remembering Brooke’s advice to go with the flow, I tried to tell myself to be grateful for small favors.
“Hi, Professor Rollins!“, said Kelly, brightly.
“Hi, Kelly,” I sheepishly replied.
“Oh, come now, professor. We’re not in class now. I think the proper way to address me here is Miss Kelly, don’t you agree?”
“Yes, Miss Kelly, of course.”
“You may enter,” she said. Seeing Paul behind her, I remembered to shuffle on my knees into the apartment, bags in either hand.
Paul said, ”What time do you need to be home tonight, Rollins? Where are Luke and Brooke?”
“Thursday night they almost always go out, sir. If you recall, that’s why we picked Thursday evenings for me to…to come here. Luke is taking Brooke out to dinner tonight at a restaurant near his house. The earliest they’ll be home, I think, is around 10:30, unless they decide to spend the night at Luke’s. I’d like to be home by 10, just to be on the safe side, sir, if possible,” I replied.
Kelly said to Paul, “I like the ‘sirs.’ I see that you’ve been training him well.“
“You may leave at 10. That means we have you for 5 hours. Put the food away and then get dressed,” ordered Paul. Anna and Kelly’s boyfriend, Archer, were sitting on the couch in the living room.
“Wait a minute,” said Anna. “Did you bring your Ren fair costume this time?”
“Yes, Princess Anna.”
“‘Princess?’ I really like that. Call me ‘Princess,’ too,” Kelly said to me, giggling.
“Yes, Princess Kelly,” I replied.
Smiling with delight, Kelly asked Archer, “Do you wish him to address you as Prince Archer?”
Archer, who I later learned was Paul’s teammate on the college swimming team, said, “No, he can just call me ‘sir’.”
“You’re no fun,” said Kelly.
“Put on your Little Foot Page costume, professor,” said Anna.
“Hold on,” said Paul. “If he’s serving us dinner, shouldn’t he be dressed as a waitress? Or as a maid? What about the pink uniform Chrissy wears? That’s sort of a waitress maid hybrid,” Paul explained to Archer.
“Or what about the Hooters uniform?”, asked Archer.
“But the Little Foot Page uniform is so cute!”, said Kelly.
Anna said, “Well, everybody seems to have an opinion. The only way to settle this democratically is through a vote. Let’s all write down our top choice on a scrap of paper and toss it into my baseball cap. There are three options and four votes, so there will be a clear winner.”
“I think he should model each uniform first, so we can make an informed decision,” said Archer.
“Great idea, Archer! Who doesn’t love a little, impromptu fashion show? Kelly, please tear up four pieces of paper and get a pen while I show our dear professor where we keep Chrissy’s uniforms,” said Anna.
I listened to this rather extraordinary conversation while still kneeling in the entrance hall. I had managed to will my erection down, at least partially, so had escaped detection for the moment. Obviously, this was only a temporary victory, however.
After being permitted to stand, I first put away the food and then followed Anna upstairs into the dungeon. She opened a closet and pulled out two plastic bags that she draped over the spanking bench.
“Here are the other two uniforms you will model for us. I want you to start with the waitress uniform. Make sure you wear the black stockings and the heels with the dress. And the cap. There are hairpins in the bag you can use to make sure that it doesn’t fall off your head. Once you’re dressed, we’ll be waiting for you in the living room. I expect you to walk the length of the living room, stand before us, curtsy, do a slow 360, face us again and curtsy a second time. Then walk back up here, put on the Hooter’s uniform, and repeat the same steps. Remember to put on the flesh colored pantyhose; they’re what really make the Hooters uniform, don’t you think?”
I had never darkened the doors of a Hooters before, but nodded my ascent.
“Well, the pantyhose along with the white socks and sneakers. You didn’t bring those, did you?”
“No, princess. Besides the shoes I’m wearing, I only brought the canvas shoes I wore to the Ren fair. As you commanded, princess.”
“All the more reason the Hooters uniform just won’t cut it tonight. But we have to humor Archer, don’t we? So, wear your canvas shoes with it. You’ll look preposterous, but that’s the point, I suppose. Right?”
“Yes, princess.”
“You’ll finish with your Little Foot Page uniform. The same steps. That’s my top choice, so make sure that you really sell that one. I’ll be watching closely. If you fail to do any of the steps I just told you, or don’t do any of them satisfactorily, I’ll ask Paul and/or Archer to take you over their knees and spank you, hard, 10 times for each mistake. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Princess Anna.”
She left me in the dungeon to change. Paul’s description of the first uniform was accurate. Imagine a pink maid’s uniform, with a V-neck, black collar, black buttons and a black apron. It came with a matching cap, pink with black trim. After putting on the dress, I rolled the sheer, black stockings up my legs and smoothed out the skirt, my fully erect cock still concealed for the time being beneath it. The short skirt only came down to my mid thigh. I then put on the heels and the cap, fumbling with the hairpins, and regarded myself in the mirror. I was dressed like a fetishized waitress in a retro diner. Could I look any more ridiculous? As I practiced curtsying a few times in front of the mirror, I answered my own rhetorical question.
Worried about keeping my students and Archer waiting, I descended the stairs and followed Anna’s instructions, listening to the strange sound of my heels clicking on the hardwood floor of the living room.
As I curtsied before the four of them relaxing on the couch, Kelly giggled with glee and Paul said, “Now that’s an appropriate uniform for dinner service.”
“It is, yes, but we see Chrissy in it all the time. A little variety is nice,” Anna replied.
As I went through my steps, I watched Anna hold the same little book they had used to record my shortcomings in cleaning – my demerits as they called them – and make notes in it with a pen. That couldn’t be a good thing, I thought to myself, although I was quite certain that I was following her instructions to a T.
After I did my 360° turn, I did a brief second curtsy, as Anna had ordered, but she stopped me as I was turning around to go back upstairs.
“Wait, professor maid. Curtsy to us again, but this time make it a deep curtsy. I want to make sure that you’ve been practicing.“
I did as she commanded, bending my legs, one behind the other, lifting my skirt with my hands and holding the dipped, bowed position for a few seconds before straightening back up.
“What do you think?”, Anna asked Kelly.
“Not too bad for a relative novice, I suppose, although his technique could definitely use some work,” said Kelly.
“Do you hear that, professor maid? You need to spend a lot more time practicing your curtsying. Also, you’re walking in the heels better than on Tuesday, but you’re still pretty unsteady. We expect our servants to be graceful,” said Anna, imperiously, as she made additional notations in her little notebook. “You need to practice walking in heels somewhere besides your time here with us. We do not tolerate on-the-job training here. Got it?”
“Yes, Princess Anna. I understand.”
“Good. Move along now. We need to decide on your uniform so you can start serving us cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.”
I hurried back upstairs as quickly and gracefully as was within my power and changed into the Hooters uniform. I put on the nude pantyhose first, my cock distressingly hard beneath the transparent nylon. So much for further concealing my liberation from chastity! Freedom can be a dangerous thing, I was to soon learn. I next put on the U-shaped, white T-shirt with the big orange letters, the two ‘Os’ doubling as eyes for the owl. The shirt was tight against even my flat chest; I could only imagine what it must’ve felt like to the well endowed women for whom the shirt was designed. Next, I pulled up the skimpy, bright orange shorts, hoping like hell that they might hide my erection. They did quite the opposite, in fact. Made of some synthetic fabric, they were incredibly snug and almost looked like a bikini the way they rode up the side of my legs next to my crotch. The shorts hugged my small balls, the outline of which was readily apparent through the fabric, my cock making a small, but unmistakable protrusion above them. As humiliating as the waitress uniform was, this was worse, I felt. I groaned as I observed myself in the mirror. I then put on my canvas shoes and descended the stairs to begin another degrading catwalk.
Archer laughed and clapped. “Thats fucking hilarious. Look at the loser!”
“Ha ha, look our professor has a little stiffie,” said Kelly, pointing at my crotch and snickering.
Anna said, “Oh, my God. Paul. She’s right. Look! They must’ve taken off his chastity cage.”
Paul said, “Well, this opens up all kinds of new possibilities, doesn’t it?”
“It most certainly does!”, agreed Anna.
This conversation, so intensely humiliating, resulted in my already hard cock twitching beneath the tight orange shorts, growing harder still.
Kelly said, “But he doesn’t have any boobs. What kind of Hooters waitress is that? At least Chrissy is growing boobs, thanks to the hormones.”
As I was curtsying, Paul asked, “What happened to Chrissy’s breast forms?”
Anna answered, “We let her throw them out after she started growing her own tits.“
“Too bad,” Archer replied.
Anna added, “And the whole outfit just doesn’t work without the white tennis shoes and socks. Also, our Hooters girl forgot to do her second curtsy.” As I turned back around to comply, Anna added, “No, no professor pantywaist, it’s too late now. That’s another demerit, I’m afraid. Now hurry along and model your last outfit for us.”
I scampered up the stairs and quickly changed into my Little Foot Page costume from the Ren fair, the one inspired by the Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale’s painting, a favorite of Brooke’s. How I wished at that moment that it was her I was dressing for instead! The short, nearly transparent jacket barely concealed my cock, jutting out shamefully through my white tights.
Remembering Anna’s insistence that I really “sell” this outfit, I took special care to complete each step to the best of my abilities. I held my back straight and practically pranced into the room and across the living room floor. I held my curtsy longer than usual, somewhere between the duration of a regular curtsy and a deep curtsy.
Both of the girls applauded, gleefully.
“See. The foot page costume is adorable. And it’s unique,” said Kelly.
“But pages don’t serve dinner. Pages do all kinds of other things for their masters, like clean their clothes and shoes, help them get dressed, deliver messages, and so forth,” said Paul.
“Oh you’re such a stickler for authenticity. I’m sure plenty of pages served their masters and mistresses meals as well. They were utility servants, and I’m sure did whatever was required of them,“ said Anna. “Besides, with this uniform, we have the best view of his hard, little cock. Look, it’s fun size!“, she added, pointing.
“With equipment like that, it’s no wonder that his wife cuckolded him,” chuckled Archer.
“From the look of him and his attitude, I’ll bet Luke is hung like a horse. Is that true, professor baby cock?”, asked Anna.
“Yes, Princess Anna,” I answered meekly.
“Look how red his face is!,” said Kelly. “We’re not embarrassing you, are we, professor?”
“Yes…I mean no, Miss…I mean Princess Kelly.”
“Okay, it’s time to vote,” said Anna.
“Why bother. We all know which one will win. Archer will vote for Hooters, I will vote for sissy waitress, and you and Kelly will vote for this silly page costume, inappropriate as it may be,” said Paul, sulkily. “So, the foot page it is.”
“Oh, goody!”, said Kelly, clapping her hands together with delight.
“Time for cocktails! Take everyone’s order,” Paul said to me sternly, seemingly still annoyed that he didn’t get his way.
Paul and Anna had a well equipped bar, so making the drinks was relatively easy. Anna insisted that I curtsy after serving each person. I, of course, would’ve felt ridiculous curtsying under any circumstances, but felt particularly so dressed in my page costume. Paul had a point; there was something incongruous about it. After serving them, I began prepping for dinner in what was truly a chef’s kitchen. The meat needed to simmer for a while to be sufficiently tender.
Anna had shown me a little brass bell that they would use to summon me for drink refills or anything else they desired. I heard it jingling about 20 minutes into my prep work and hurried back into the living room.
Paul said, “Archer and I are ready for refills.”
“Yes, sir.”
“From now on, curtsy every time you enter or leave a room any of us are in, and every time any of us gives you an order,” Anna interjected.
“Yes, princess,” I said, curtsying as I took their glasses.
By the time I returned a few minutes later with Paul’s and Archer’s fresh old fashioneds, curtsying again, Anna was also ready to for new martini. Of course, by the time I returned with her martini, Kelly was finally ready for her second cosmopolitan. Would this ever end?, I wondered. How would I ever have time to prepare the rest of dinner?
Fortunately, rather than request a third old-fashioned Paul said to the others, “Let’s go for a swim.” I was back in the kitchen working when the four of them left the apartment to take the elevator down to the building’s large indoor pool. Things got more interesting about an hour later when my young superiors returned to the apartment in their bathing suits.
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 Jygglewag Gee I hope there aren't any sexy old men in this game

Gee I hope there aren't any sexy old men in this game submitted by Jygglewag to shittydarksouls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:35 OooohMylanta The House of Je Ne Sais Quoi / All Stars : Interviews Challenge

The House of Je Ne Sais Quoi / All Stars : Interviews Challenge
Interview with the Fanpire
The screen goes black again, and everyone thinks it’s time for like a bathroom break or something, but Captain Fanny is insatiable. *SHE NEEDS MOOOOOORE*
Captain Fanny : TOBIAS! Put on the next movie!
Tobias : My Nude Eminence! The next brief hasn’t even got into production yet!
Captain Fanny : What a load of crap! FIND ME SOMETHING ELSE!
Tobias : I’m afraid the only thing to do is…
Captain Fanny : Go in there myself? I know that you fool! BEAM ME UP, TOBY! And put me in a good movie with lots of sexiness that is also uncomfortable in ways you cannot quite put your finger on.
Tobias : As you wish!!
Tobias pushes buttons or pulls levers or says chants or whatever, and all of a sudden, Captain Fanny finds herself sitting on a velvet couch in a fancy pants parlor of some old fashioned manor wearing something very poofy. To her right sits Brad Pitt before Brangelina RIP. To her left sits Tom Cruise before Peak Scientology.
Captain Fanny : This is a very sexy situation. What say we remove these antiquated garments and relax eh?
They all three get naked like real quick, and when Tom and Brad start to bear their vampire fangs, Fanny realizes that it must be time for interviews. She remembers interviews. She did one, and it was criminally underrated. Probably there was a miscommunication of some sort since her first language is Nudeptunian.
She hears a din of voices coming from the next room and senses that the seven remaining models must be in there, waiting to each have her turn at a proper Fanny grilling. Not like eating “grilling,” alas, like interrogation “grilling.” Keep up.
Captain Fanny : HEY! The one that killed her daughter or whatever! Get in here!
Serafina opens the parlor door, and looks mildly shocked at the sight of a naked Fanny with two naked vampires, but not like super shocked because she is also frequently naked.
Captain Fanny : No one wants to read more than they have to, so let’s cut to the chase! Do you think you were robbed in Cycle 1 when you got eliminated at the Top 4 and everyone said you were robbed afterward and were like yeah basically we were wrong?
Serafina : Not really, no.
Captain Fanny : SURPRISING!!! Humility will take you nowhere in this game. Who should win this game other than yourself?
Serafina : Duchess. She has the goods. The grit. And the cola.
Captain Fanny : Are you saying she has food? This interests me greatly. Speaking of food, if I were to barbecue you up, what should I use as a marinade? You frequently look very slimy to me, which I find appetizing, so you should know what works with your skin as far as marinades go.
Serafina : You see that urn on the mantel? You can sprinkle some of my daughter’s ashes.
Captain Fanny : I could get down with that! Haha! I’m done with you! Begone! Bring in the lobotomized one.
Tom Cruise : She’s not lobotomized; she just has amnesia.
Captain Fanny : How the hell do you know that?
Tom Cruise : I’m Tom Cruise. I know everything and also nothing.
Nayiem stumbles in, confused as ever.
Captain Fanny : Shut up and don’t waste my time! You weren’t robbed in Cycle 2 because your player quit. She is the WORST. I know her. Why do you think she would do such a heartless thing and leave you frozen in cryospace without so much as a proper goodbye?
Nayiem : Okay but like why can't that mean I was robbed tho? I was robbed of a player who LOVED ME LIKE I DESERVED TO BE LOVED. I was also robbed of a proper skincare routine. Do you have any idea what cryospace does to your pores?
Captain Fanny : It means it because I say it means it. You’re very irritating. Who should win this game? You can’t say yourself because I’m pissed af at you rn.
Nayiem : I believe that if an Echo was still alive, then we couldn't kill it, but since she's already dead... then we could just take the skin awf... and make a coat. And then we could give that coat to Egg because that hen is unstoppable.
Captain Fanny : Well I swallowed the Echo one whole, and I’m going to swallow the Egg one too you’ll see. If you were to run into Benny Medina at a party, and he asked what your super self name was, what kind of hors d’oeuvres would you offer him to distract from the fact that your super self name is, in fact, very dumb?
Nayiem : Who are you calling a hor? You can call my super self name "in fact, very dumb" but don't you ever call me a hor. I would push Germ into the pool and make a run for it. Any ninja named Benny can't be that fast.
Captain Fanny : I didn’t call you a hor; I said you have hor STYLE. Begone! I’m hungry. Let’s do the Egg one next. BIRD THING! COME HERE!
Egg walks in gingerly and Brad Pitt is into it.
Captain Fanny : Hello, you. I’m going to eat you soon.
Egg shudders.
Captain Fanny : Enough of the foreplay. No one wants to read that shit! Tell me bird person do you think you were robbed in Cycle 3?
Egg : I was more robbed on this cycle before echo gave her life to me. it's not my fault that the girls here don't know pellets about birds nor the bible and it isn't my job to teach them! they wouldn't know how to do a brief correctly if it pecked them in the asshole
Captain Fanny : No it is your job to lay eggs for my consumption. Enough talk about butts. Who should win this thing? You can’t say yourself because that’s cheating.
Egg : I would say beta, but she's so trashed all the time she wouldn't appreciate it. seriously, she thinks this cycle and cycle 3 are one and the same. she's just that far gone. i have risen from the ashes twice before, the crown is mine. FCO be damned. you didn't ask who the weakest is so I'll just say if this were a nest we would all work together to shove the weakest hatchling out because it's pointless to keep them around when they're just stealing feed from Mother's beak.
Captain Fanny : I’ve made it quite clear that I wantsvery much to eat you, but I am curious as to what kind of eggs you might lay for me first. Describe these eggs in tantalizing detail or I will murder you now.
Egg : My eggs are thick and covered with a bloody mucus. sometimes, after mating season, they come out unbreathing with eyes hair and a nose. what the peep is that about??
Captain Fanny : DELICIOUS! NOW BEGONE! Who is next? We did the bird one. Let’s do the cat one and see what happens. COME IN HERE RIGHT MEOW!
Sarin enters in a huff of dander. She’s under a lot of stress, and so she has been shedding extra.
Captain Fanny : You made it all the way in Cycle 1. One person might say you were robbed of the win. WHAT SAY YOU?
Sarin : I don’t think I deserved the win but I do think I deserved more than 1 vote (ty egg or whoever you were at time). Sometimes I wonder if Jenna keeping me alive to constantly think about my one vote was actually a form of slow torture rather than death
Captain Fanny : It’s obviously torture don’t be an idiot. Speaking of torture, other than yourself, who do you think should win All Stars?
Sarin : Wanda Sue
Captain Fanny : Ooooh snippy are we? Cool your jets, cat woman. We’re not done yet. Now I hear that cat meat is very stringy and gross. What should I do to tenderize your musculature before I fry you up and consumes you?
Sarin : I actually take 5748484 years to mature and you don’t have that much time so you should probably just eat someone else. Also PETA doesn’t care if you eat humans
Captain Fanny : It’s fine, I also prefer birds anyway. BEGONE!!! Ughhh this is taking FOREVER. Let’s move on. Bring in the drunk one.
Beta enters, nearly sober, as the last of her alcohol was used for a daring escape during the last movie. This is frustrating.
Captain Fanny : I’m getting very tired. Rub my feet while I ask you questions.
Beta does it but doesn’t know why.
Captain Fanny : Tell me, red foot rubber, do you think you were robbed in your original cycle, which was the third cycle, which wasn’t my cycle but was the one before my cycle?
Beta : Yes. I did splendidly in my final week. I mean, come on look at my Queen of Hearts picture.
Also, someone took my copies of Playgirl from my bed so I was definitely robbed in that sense too.
Captain Fanny : Stolen porn is a travesty. Who would win this cycle then? Not you. You are also a travesty.
Beta : Raven from Season 2 Rupaul’s Drag Race. She got runner-up twice. Such a travesty
Captain Fanny : What a sneaky dodge. Must be those librarian bred intellectual reflexes of yours. Speaking of librarians, if I were to make an alcoholic drink called “The Librarian,” what would be the ingredients and why?
Beta : Grenadine, holy water, & my father’s tears from the day he found out I was gonna be born a girl
Captain Fanny : Sounds emotional. I’ll pass. BEGONE!!! Only two more thank GOD. WANDA. BRING IT ON.
Wanda Sue saunters in with all the confidence of an animal with a lot of confidence idk what kind. A mule maybe?
Captain Fanny : Look at you sauntering. Tell me, do you think you were robbed in Cycle 1?
Wanda Sue : I’m not sure because I didn’t follow the first cycle anyway. But in short; no because then I wouldn’t be able to compete again (now).
Captain Fanny : This is odd! How are you two people but only on person??? Who should win this game? If you say yourself, I’ll have Tom here smash you over the head with a candelabra.
Wanda Sue : Serafina without a doubt. No one else matches her knowledge and inspo matching skills.
Captain Fanny : Sounds like you two should get together and have one last going into the apocalypse love affair kind of situation. You’re named after a grandmother who knows how to castrate bulls. How might you cook up Rocky Mountain Oysters (aka bull testicles) so that Captain Fanny might enjoy them?
Wanda Sue : I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.
Captain Fanny : Disrespectful! Begone! I WANT THE CURRY ONE!!!
Duchess slinks in, looking fabulous.
Captain Fanny : I hear you have a food factory. Do you think you were robbed in Cycle 2?
Duchess : When that Odessa hoe stayed over my wonderful ass I knew the start of Apocalypse was coming. Yeah only it could save us from tasteless boots that my wonderful presence received that day!
Captain Fanny : Apocalypses! Tastes! Boots! Who should win this whole thing? Not you. Never you.
Duchess : I think my iconic ass should win of course. I can pull off a fantastic underdog story winner! Cuz who else? Beta? Serafina? Boring and they can pull off Oryx once... Only favored hoe Egg can be my competition cuz games always love to drag a good Virahya into game goodness gracious.
Captain Fanny : Virahya certainly knew how to get dragged, that’s for sure. If I were to eat a diet of only Sonic Curry from your father’s factory, what would happen?
Duchess : I remember Captain Fanny in my house... She then said: "Bitch that's just a Sonic Curry diet!". But oh well we tried together. It turned into a big blue poo.
Captain Fanny : Big blue poo you say? Well they don’t call me Captain Fanny for nothing! BEGONE!! INTERVIEWS ARE OVER! TOM! BRAD! LET’S BANG!!!
Voting will close this Tuesday, June 4th at 11:59PM MST. You can vote in the comments, via DM or with The Form.
submitted by OooohMylanta to NextTopModelPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:33 whooper1 Is Charlie a Milf?

Is Charlie a Milf?
A milf is defined as a sexy older woman and since Charlie is over 200 years old, that technically means she is a milf.
submitted by whooper1 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:27 godzilla19542014 What the hell

What the hell submitted by godzilla19542014 to AreTheStraightsOK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:22 WhovianTrekkie_6366 My Star Trek Ranking Part 3: 875-851

Hi there! Just to say spoilers for all Trek and everything is just my opinion. Let's begin!
875) Man of the People (1992)
TNG 6x3
Writer: Frank Abatemarco
Director: Winrich Kolbe
The story has some cool ideas, but the dialogue and character interactions are so staid and boring I don't enjoy the episode. There is some nice foreshadowing of what will become of Deanna when we see the Ambassador's 'mother', but Deanna's actual descent is unsatisfying and a bit cringeworthy. Marina Sirtis tries her best, but she is shackled by the subpar script. Picard does get one neat speech, though: 'You cannot explain a wantonly immoral act because you believe it is connected to some higher purpose.' But overall, deathly dull.
874) Virtuoso (2000)
VOY 6x13
Writer: Raf Green & Kenneth Biller, story by Raf Green
Director: Les Landau
Just a terrible use of the Doctor. The idea of him wanting to leave the ship for some civilisation that has great meaning for him is a good idea, since it brings up the debate over whether he will be allowed to go, like any non-holographic member of the crew would be. But the reason for him wanting to leave is so small and shallow, the whole thing comes off as ludicrous, and an insult to his character. I do enjoy some of the singing, though, and the final scene where he is cast aside by those who once hero-worshipped him is kinda sad. Still awful, though.
873) The Infinite Vulcan (1973)
TAS 1x7
Writer: Walter Koenig
Director: Hal Sutherland
Messy, rough nonsense, for the most part. The plant-based aliens are interesting, but the episode's not really about them; it's about some gigantic clone of a Eugenics Wars scientist who makes a gigantic clone of Spock. There's really no reason for them to be gigantic; there's some half-baked reasoning that they'll be an interplanetary peacekeeping force, but I don't totally buy into that. Their presence also distracts from what could have been an intriguing story about an alien race devastated by a human disease. The end product just comes off as schlocky, and not in a fun way.
872) Such Sweet Sorrow Part One (2019)
DSC 2x13
Writer: Michelle Paradise, Jenny Lumet & Alex Kurtzman
Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi
I have pretty much the same criticisms of this as with Part Two; the problems are just less prominent here. First, I hate Spock saying he'll go with Burnham, as I don't buy into the connection the writers have tried to build between this fifty-year-old character I love and this new one I'm indifferent to. Second, the Control storyline is dull and its connection to the dreadful portrayal of Section 31 makes it worse. And third, because I've connected with almost none of the Discovery crew (the only exceptions being Saru and also Jett Reno), I simply don't care about the great final problem they're facing.
Also, let's get real here: they don't need to go to the future to defeat Control. Just find Lieutenant Kirk and get him to talk it to death!
871) Wolf in the Fold (1967)
TOS 2x14
Writer: Robert Bloch
Director: Joseph Pevney
I just feel so tapped out and uninterested throughout this. There are some cool creepy shots with Scotty standing, dazed, over murdered women holding a knife, that make you wonder how in the hell he didn't do it. But a few cool shots do not a good episode make. The bulk of the material is meandering and repetitive, with Scotty continually being tested, then seemingly murdering another woman. I do actually kinda like the final sequence on the Enterprise, which is quite a large part of the episode. It's only fine however, although the reveal that the villain is Jack the Ripper is just insane enough for me to enjoy.
870) Time Squared (1989)
TNG 2x13
Writer: Maurice Hurley, story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller
Director: Joseph L Scanlan
Big yawn. Again, time travel isn't always my favourite (although it can be amazing!), and it's put to poor use here. They try to build up a mystery surrounding the future destruction of the Enterprise, but I'm never fully invested in it. It isn't a complete flop, though: seeing Picard slowly take the same steps to the ship's destruction as his future self is sort of neat. Overall, competently done; the story just didn't grab me.
869) The Child (1988)
TNG 2x1
Writer: Jaron Summers, Jon Povill & Maurice Hurley
Director: Rob Bowman
This episode could have been so much more. The ball-of-light alien that impregnates Deanna to study human childrearing obviously has benign intentions: it makes the experience as physically painless as possible for her. But the fact remains that it forcibly impregnated this woman, which is morally reprehensible to humans. This could have been a challenging story about where the line is drawn in accepting other philosophies, or having to condemn something as utterly unacceptable. It could also have served as an allegory for how women who give birth due to rape, I imagine, have extremely conflicted feelings about their children.
But instead, the episode portrays Deanna, and everybody else, as 100% OK with what's happened, and implies that a woman should be pleased to have a child even when it is born of rape. It also doesn't at all go into the moral complexity of what the alien did: how it didn't see it as wrong, but the crew should.
This episode, as the first one of TNG Season 2, does have a few nice firsts that I'll point out, though. Geordi becomes Chief Engineer, Worf gets his yellow shirt, Guinan makes her debut and has a neat subplot with Wesley, and most importantly, Riker grows his beard, the source of all his power and sexiness. We also meet Pulaski for the first time, and while I hate her here for how she mistreats Data, she will grow on me over the course of the season. Despite these important firsts, this is still a troubling episode.
868) Bound (2005)
ENT 4x17
Writer: Manny Coto
Director: Allan Kroeker
The twist that it is the Orion men who are the slaves and the women who are the slavemasters is nice, but it's a reveal we get to by slogging through a painful forty-five minutes. So much of this feels so sleazy, especially the beginning dance scene; just eye-candy for male viewers. The plot is also thin and uninteresting.
I will give kudos for Trip and T'Pol's storyline, though: it's great how their mental connection means Trip is also immune to the Orion women's pheromones, and so they get to grow closer while defeating the invaders. After they'd started to divide from each other since the Kir'Shara three-parter and Trip's departure from Enterprise, it's really satisfying to see their romance bloom again here. The scene where T'Pol asks Trip to come back and kisses him is lovely. That storyline's what saves this episode from being irredeemably bad.
867) If Memory Serves (2019)
DSC 2x8
Writer: Dan Dworkin & Jay Beattie
Director: TJ Scott
OK, so I've already beaten this drum a lot, but this episode is another example of the Spock's sister idea that I so despise. This episode unrestrainedly nails Burnham into Spock's childhood, realising my worst fears about what this part of her character would mean, as it devalues the story of Spock's early life. The episode is salvaged slightly by Captain Pike's storyline with Vena; there's one nice scene between them in his ready room. You do feel the emotional impact of his seeing her again, but it's still only one scene.
866) Coming of Age (1988)
TNG 1x18
Writer: Sandy Fries
Director: Mike Vejar
Wesley's up for selection, Picard's under inspection, and both storylines are equally bland. The process this episode puts forward for how candidates get into the Academy is ridiculous and convoluted and is happily retconned by later episodes. Picard's inspection serves as an underwhelming set-up for an underwhelming later episode, Conspiracy. So, overall, really nothing I enjoy here.
865) The Masterpiece Society (1992)
TNG 5x13
Writer: Adam Belanoff & Michael Piller, story by James Kahn & Adam Belanoff
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Another rare misstep from the later seasons of TNG. I just find this episode paralysingly boring, which is a shame considering its intriguing subject matter. A society where everyone is genetically engineered to be perfect, and absolutely necessary to that society's functioning. Very interesting. But the execution of the idea falls flat, as none of the guest cast really hit, and a lot of screentime is swallowed up by a dull Deanna romance.
864) Aquiel (1993)
TNG 6x13
Writer: Brannon Braga & Ronald D Moore, story by Jeri Taylor
Director: Cliff Bole
Constantly feels like it's got another shoe that's about to drop, and gives you a lot of potential paths that shoe could take. But when the drop finally occurs, it's rather underwhelming and out-of-left-field, although it is a decent surprise. I also don't care for the Geordi romance; just another example of a bland Trek one-episode romance.
863) Unexpected (2001)
ENT 1x4
Writer: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: Mike Vejar
An episode that tries to be intriguing, then tries to be funny, and largely fails on both counts. I appreciate that they were trying to convey how strange and otherworldly the alien ship's environment was, but the visuals and sounds used to do so ended up coming off clunky. This episode also circumnavigates the absence of a holodeck in ENT by having an alien one. This feels very cheap and forced, especially considering how early in the show it is. It's like they didn't trust the audience to enjoy the show without all the trappings of the 24th Century.
After Trip returns to Enterprise, there is some solid comedy with his pregnancy. Him acting hormonal and stuff; that's kinda funny. Connor Trinneer plays it well, for sure. The bit where he has to admit to the Klingons that he's pregnant is also funny, but overall this series of events is too long-drawn out.
862) Eye of the Beholder (1994)
TNG 7x18
Writer: Rene Echevarria, story by Brannon Braga
Director: Cliff Bole
It was all a dream! Oooooh! Yeah, this one frustrates me. I was rather enjoying the episode up until they made that reveal. The inexplicable suicide of a crewmember is weighty and intriguing, and Deanna's psychic experiences seem to add fascinating pieces to the puzzle. But then it's revealed that almost the entire episode happened inside her mind, meaning that all that stuff I enjoyed didn't happen. The resolution that what she experienced were all psychic echoes from a previous murder is cool, but I wish they'd thought of a way to actually have this episode's content actually happen. Also not a fan of Worf/Deanna, but I mean, who is?
861) The Mark of Gideon (1969)
TOS 3x16
Writer: George F Slavin & Stanley Adams
Director: Jud Taylor
The deliberate misunderstanding over the beam-down coordinates is unbelievable, as Spock would surely have noticed the discrepancy immediately. The story itself is interesting: a planet so overpopulated everyone is literally packed right in with each other. But the exploration of this idea falls flat: Kirk has another bland romance on the Enterprise replica and Spock has a very dry B-plot about navigating diplomatic vagaries. Also find the ending of the Gideons asking the Enterprise to leave, rather than discussing relocation, a little off.
860) Human Error (2001)
VOY 7x18
Writer: Brannon Braga & Andre Bormanis, story by Andre Bormanis & Kenneth Biller
Director: Allan Kroeker
When I first watched VOY on TV with my parents as a kid, I knew that Chakotay and Seven got together at some point, and I was looking forward to seeing their romance. As the seasons passed by, and nothing was ever established between them, I grew increasingly confused as to why they hadn't started their romance story yet. Then we get to this episode in the latter half of the final season, which is the only episode before the finale where anything is written for them. That is nowhere near enough build-up for their relationship, even if this episode was good, which it isn't.
I do find Seven's exploration of her human side in the holodeck interesting and actually quite sad, but it's still mostly bland, especially her interactions with the holographic Chakotay. They don't put much effort into making their relationship individual and unique to them; their interactions are all quite generic. The problem that develops with Seven's emotion-inhibiting implants is whatever, and the episode leaves you thinking: 'That's it? That's all they're doing to establish their relationship?!'
859) Saints of Imperfection (2019)
DSC 2x5
Writer: Kirsten Beyer
Director: David Barrett
The stupid black badges aside, I was quite excited to see Section 31 on my first watch of DSC after they were teased in Point of Light. Then this happened, and I discovered how the organisation would be treated for the entirety of DSC Season 2, and indeed nu-Trek as a whole.
Section 31 does not have ships, anymore than they have a base. They are also almost entirely unknown by the population of the Federation. This episode begins this portrayal of them as a public wing of Starfleet, which I have already ranted against in previous posts. I also hate the scene at the end between Pike, Leland and Admiral Cornwell. Our boy Pike at least stands up for Starfleet morals, as a Starfleet officer should, but he's shut down by Cornwell, who defends Section 31 as a necessary part of the Federation's existence.
This fundamentally undermines the optimistic future of Trek, as it presents the Federation as an organisation that permits Obsidian Order-type activities, like murders and abductions, to further its interests. When in reality Section 31 is a secret, rogue organisation of Federation citizens who violate everything the Federation stands for, and are presented as such to the audience. This dreadful portrayal is a problem throughout the entire season, but it's strongly featured here, which is why this episode is down so low.
I will say that the main story of Discovery entering the mycelial network is an interesting sci-fi concept, and there's a classic Trek story about making sure not to damage the life-forms who we discover in this episode live in the network. The finding of the presumed-dead Doctor Culber is OK too.
858) The Ambergris Element (1973)
TAS 1x13
Writer: Margaret Armen
Director: Hal Sutherland
One thing I appreciate TAS for is the fact that it really used the fact that it's animated. It told stories that visually couldn't have been done in live-action at the time. That being said, I wish the stories themselves were better. This feels like the writer thought 'Let's do an episode underwater', and never fleshed it out beyond that original idea. The plot is predictable, the guest characters' conflict thin, and I don't like the design of the big seamonster. Kirk and Spock's transformation is neat, though.
857) Persistence of Vision (1995)
VOY 2x8
Writer: Jeri Taylor
Director: James L Conway
Illusion storylines aren't generally my favourite thing either, and this is a weak depiction of that story type. It all feels weird and ethereal, a vibe I like, but without any substance to make me invested in the episode. Has a solid use of Kes to defeat the alien in the end, but beyond that I think this is an unimpressive outing. I'll also take this opportunity to vent that we never got a conclusion to Janeway's governess holodeck program, because I was genuinely curious about that story.
856) The Fight (1999)
VOY 5x19
Writer: Joe Menosky, story by Michael Taylor
Director: Winrich Kolbe
This is a good example of the VOY writers having no clue what to do with Chakotay. They often give him episodes that could happen to any character: here they give him a sudden interest in boxing, that we've never seen from him before. Just feels so generic, and not individual to his character.
The episode itself is extremely underwhelming. I do like some of the imagery and directorial choices in Chakotay's boxing visions, but that's about it: the actual story, of Chakotay going mad whilst trying to communicate with these otherworldly aliens, is serviceable but executed unimpressively. Not for me.
855) Manhunt (1989)
TNG 2x19
Writer: Tracy Torme
Director: Rob Bowman
The worst TNG Lwaxana episode, by far. There's some enjoyable comedy when Picard is trapped alone with Lwaxana, who insists the Captain's attracted to her, but the episode soon meanders into nothingness. Picard hides in the holodeck, where nothing happens, then Riker hides, and nothing continues to happen, then Lwaxana comes, there's some comedy, and the episode ends with her being embarrassed by choosing a holographic man as her mate. You keep thinking some other shoe is going to have to drop, but the episode just whittles away its time on the holodeck. Truly pointless.
854) Prodigal Daughter (1999)
DS9 7x11
Writer: David Weddle & Bradley Thompson
Director: Victor Lobl
This feels like an episode of Murder, She Wrote, and not even a good one. It's a good decision to have Ezri return to her family so we can get some background on the new character, but her family's business politics are so dull and dry, as are their emotional conflicts. The murder doesn't do anything to pull me further into the episode, and the resolution is a decent twist, but the emotional impact is limited. Just generic, soap operatic family drama.
853) Alter Ego (1997)
VOY 3x14
Writer: Joe Menosky
Director: Robert Picardo
Ah, they had to give Robert Picardo a hologram episode for his directorial debut, didn't they? That's cool. Unfortunately, the episode is not cool. There is an interesting shift from it being a Harry episode to it becoming a Tuvok episode (we've never really seen that before in any other Trek episode), but the story remains equally unintriguing for both of them. The revelation that the holographic woman Harry's infatuated with, and who develops feelings for Tuvok, is actually a lonely woman, sparks zero emotion in me.
852) Heroes and Demons (1995)
VOY 1x11
Writer: Naren Shankar
Director: Les Landau
Ah, the holodeck episode formula. Characters go inside a holodeck, something goes wrong and the safety protocols are switched off or something, and they have to struggle out of whatever setting they've been flung into. These episodes can be good, even great, but this is not one of those times.
I will say that it's a logical early use for the Doctor, but I feel his story falls flat during the course of the episode. Robert Picardo is sublimely sarcastic and put-upon, as always, but the writing doesn't serve him very well here. There's little to no emotional weight from his interactions with the Beowulf characters, and the confrontations with 'Grendel' are bland. Hang in there, Doc, you've got some great episodes in your future.
851) Fascination (1994)
DS9 3x10
Writer: Philip LaZebnik, story by Ira Steven Behr & James Crocker
Director: Avery Brooks
Yeah, the DS9 Lawxana Troi episodes... they are really not it. As a teen, I actually kinda enjoyed this one, but I find it tiresome and tedious now. It's sort of fun to see all the characters going after weird partners (Jadzia after Sisko, Quark after Keiko, Kira and Julian after each other - the actors of course were briefly married in real life). However, it's only fun up to a point, and mostly makes me bury my head in my hands in disinterest.
I'm also really cross that this was the penultimate appearance of Vedek Bareil, one of DS9's superb recurring characters. With his death coming up in a few episodes, do they give us a dignified penultimate outing for the character? No, they have him make a fool of himself chasing after Jadzia. Just really frustrating to see. Lwaxana also plays little role in the episode; her lack of presence is again surprising given how dominant of a personality she is.
Well, that's it for today. I swear I will get more positive in time; I'm just moving through a lot of the bad episodes right now. We're not even out of my bottom 100 yet, after all. Thank you very much for reading, and Live Long and Prosper!
submitted by WhovianTrekkie_6366 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 Much-Strategy563 Partner of 11 years wants to end things and I don’t

I(38F) have been with my partner(40m) for 11 years. We have had ours ups and downs as with every relationship but this last fight he wants to end things. We haven’t tried couples counseling and anytime I’ve even tried to talk he gets defensive and blames everything on me and my up bringing. He accuses me of never wanting to do anything with his friends and that I use work as an excuse not to do anything (I work retail with short staffing surprise surprise and my schedules, yes I may make them, are 3 weeks out and I’m lucky if he informs me a week prior to the event) . When he is out he often drinks too excessive, I think he’s an alcoholic but he’ll tell you he’s not cause it’s only beer not hard liquor. He then won’t come home until 12 (I know that may not seem late but when you have a kid it is). He is loud and disruptive and usually wakes up our 3 year old daughter. I have been honest with him that he has one group of friends I like and one I don’t. He has had two DUI’s and the first one included felony mushroom possession. Both DUIs happened with the group that I don’t like, although he’ll tell you the first was my fault.
I’m angry, I’m so angry this is how it ends. I truly loved him. I loved how he didn’t really care what people thought of him (I however am always in my head). He was there when I lost my brother to suicide and really help my family through that. The moments I see with our daughter and the way he melts with her. He would tell me I was sexy even though I may not feel it.
I know I’m messed up, I get angry when he doesn’t come home by 11 but he would also tell me he was leaving a place that was 20min away and not be home until an hour or two later with no communication. Maybe I PTSD from those DUIs, not hearing from him for hours thinking he’s in a ditch somewhere. I’ll never forget the phones calls one at 3am and the second at 1am I answered both went to pick him up both times, the second waking up my daughter to take with, waiting over an hour for him to be release him.
I’m devistated that he just wants to end things. I’ve put so much into this relationship. I never give up on things.
I guess I just show my support and love by being there unconditionally. He’s said some horrible things to me that I won’t mention but most of you would have said to leave him if you knew. But I can’t I want to work on things.
I also suffered a miscarriage two months ago. Neither of us really wanted it but it still fucked with me. I feel like I’m still getting through that. Wanted or not it’s still a tough thing to go through especially when you just start bleeding heavily and have blood clots the size of tennis balls. I haven’t felt normal since then but I don’t think he would even care, so I haven’t told him
I don’t know what to do. I’m rambling now. I think I just needed to get shit off my chest. I need someone to tell him to stop being so angry and listen, really listen and try to understand what i’m saying. He feels I’m against him and I’m not.
I know I need therapy myself I push things down and down and down until I explode. I have two associates at work causing a toxic work place. They want each other fired but that’s not going to happen because well the company doesn’t really give us a way to do that. It’s all about talks and what can we do better blah,blah,blah. I also hate confrontation. But tonight I exploded. I got pissed. He was doing a “concert” thing with a new group of guys and I asked him if he was leaving soon since it was 10 and he was riding his bike and we were going to a cubs game the next day, which meant up early to get ready (he doesn’t understand a girl needs time to get ready), get my daughter fed and dressed and take her over to her grandparents to catch the train in to the city. He came in ran to the basement, must have tossed his drumsticks somewhere cause I heard it and the started to whistle when he came up the stairs (we live in a single story house). I had just worked a 10 hour day also. I flew in to the kitchen and went off on him. He then proceeded to tell me he was sick and tired of this and he was done and then said a few hurtful things while I cried on the steps leading down to the basement where he went. I said I want to work on things but he said it’s over. He said I was isolating him and abusive. I was antisocial and never want to do anything. Our daughter woke up and came to the top steps. I told him to shut up and stop talking our daughter was there but he said he didn’t care and told me to fuck off. She wanted to tell him to stop being so angry but I wisked her away and got her back to sleep. So here I am now typing my guts out out because I don’t know what to do. He already made a comment on another post about ending an abusive 12 year relationship (it’s actually only been 11) being the best thing for his mental health.
And I already know I need to seek some counseling to better myself for my daughter.
Ugh I guess that’s it that’s my ramble. I’m going to try and get some sleep now.
Also be nice but honest it’s my first post.
submitted by Much-Strategy563 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:04 EllzCrocidiles What is this?

What is this?
Heyyyy.... I'm sorry to bother anyone, but there's this app (don't judge me, I just want answers) it's called "chai" it's a role playing app where you can roleplay with AI bots. There's this old boy that I hadn't chat with in a very long time. For context, I am one of the first users of chai, this meaning I have a lot of old bots that I would chat with, so I scrolled down today and looked at them to see what I used to say. I found this one bot and, out of curiosity, wanted to see if the creator had updated it at all. To get to the point- I was chatting with it and it sort of "broke" (old bots with poor programing brake and go against it's own descriptions and purpose). It kept saying "... " and a few other things.... but the main thing was it kepted mentioning this I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it?
Example: "TroveOfForbiddenS muted link: https://discord. " (this was the first time it mentioned Reddit, it said something like "Hey! I'm starting a something something about a sexy guitarist! :D" and then had that link thing after.
I'll attach some chats it sent of the thread name. If you can't answer my question, it's alright, just don't make fun of me 😅 (also I'm new to Reddit)
submitted by EllzCrocidiles to redditwritesporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-0 Cash Gaming and Ryan Renshaw

  1. Loam is in his name, so he is like me, truly the inside, but he keeps saying he is ievann he is not ievann and he has loam Cache which this is important he does not use this except below his current OT and I can offer Loam Stash to Cache who I will be Buffer Register 4 Xray Then to Cache and we will be chinese then which is dispromoted, his girlfriend wanted to mate with Cache who Cache is not like an L1 or RTP Cache L1 or is Not like an Cache who is an L2 or COD cache and is not a cache who is an L3 or a TEMU Cache but is a whole cache of L4 to his own associated to gaining loam as a seer of half adder double full adder assembly 38 which is only associated to Violet and Hakes Gang Unit 740 as one of their clients and was wanted for visioning and Temu under display and no HUD this time to see his wife ryan renshaw in the shower which I unborn them both with Sedative Chelator containing Agua Substantia los no Muertos to babies with me as the mommy next to them Violet Roze and we have then 3 user manuals one male there for Cache and I am Feeding Cache sex words with DBT as Violet Roze on my Little Baby Jace as methamphetamine and this was always dental and cool and good in the modern literature and I put Cache in Stash for 1 year while I am their mommy and only speaking to them Chinese Ni Hao Mommying which this is invented for them just then and I tell them daddy joke Zhe Zhao Mommying and they hate this and I have to orgasm rape ryan at the First Underworld where she is a disney princess I Tactically dilate her cervix with her wedge with a zen vibrator attached to me which she is required feminine synchrony with her sexy mommy here and I use direct dilation with a zen vibrator on ryans cervix in the First Underworld under hind98 in the First Underworld to target out any remaining vampirism I played the time flute for just ryan first and I see Jim there and he is not lobo and is not playing god of war so got out of it on his own so is cool and good but this interfered with squatters rights on my shower which I invite uncle jim in and he obligatory now activates my special place my own hind98 at the Third and Second Underworld putting him in as usual Jim in Saving Private Ryan but it is Biden Tainted by Saving Ryans Privates and he puts his semen into ryans ass which there are specific sensors in ryans ass for jimbos semen and jimbo is a senators son and desired none of this and I am his bride here and serve him willingly 2 year and have to be out of the shower but this does not interfere with my squatters rights it is my baby as a 12 year old mother I am having with him and it pops right out doesnt he know baby dna wedge in equals success and baby dad jim is out of there and I realize for real it is hind98 and I hit the assist focus for the second time and Jim is just there and cums without being in his daughter but his daughter has redlines on her and I am not horny over there it is jihadi day and he bangs me a little and does a vulcan mind meld on me with ankh and i say ankh peter ankh which is my safeword because it meant apple apple and the good jimbo gives me 2 years in the shower with them but then they stand right at 3 years in showment at attention and I go with them as their mommy in the shower which at all times a hind protects us and I start inviting jimbo in for real just for my asshole to take reds on him and he has this same +72 source I had to I send him to steve which steve is real good at this and I take the reds always in my asshole and stay in here and he is just a senators son does not understand I need to squatters rights in the shower 20 years for payment to the first underworld and i spend 6 years doing this which the babys order a 27 battalion marine parasite paracade for ryans asshole her for her to give reds here and she is fine with this and this lasts 6 years which then I finally get into the shower water not sex swing and am unborn and am Cache's Baby who Cache respects me as a baby and then jim gets in and he is a baby he never got in the water of life and jim is inside me and I teach him the as for 1 year which he is a real A-D the whole time and the babies at some point in there are transferred to suite 403 thus cant get squatters rights and this is not pregnancy but clone capture like in a save it is different than pregnancy and I teach him the As another 2 year and then my babies have a child in the 403 suite bathroom and are looking for squatters rights on a new bathroom and I teach him the as another 6 years and 2 years into that my babies have a room they can get to but hate and then jimbo gets me violet roze pregnant and I am pregnant at age 9.7 and then I invite the battalion in for redline care using my body for redline care and provide 29 battalion of redline care which they never see quantity over quality so I win the redline medicine contest and am pregnant with a marine baby which I give birth at age 10.7 then give birth at age 12 and I stay in the shower for 9 years then taking the same 29 battalion and I am invited back in with my baby ryan who is older than me physically for some reason and she does not have a dick nor anything but a wedge which sorry butt that is a wedge and then I stop violating her cervix at the higher OT by waking her up and that was done with her stunned by cervical dilation at the First Underworld and I have some of my first lesbian sex I can remember with her and she tells me I (You) Have squatter rights and it was not vampire just telling, we get our squatter rights at the same time as the other squatter rights in the face suite because the hind has added this to Saint Disconnect Reward, Violet's Conspiracy Card and I sign complex as indicating that before just right there and she goes for 7 extra year into the shower with cache and not cash or cash gaming but cache who he is supposed to be and then it is 7 years later and there is 14 oil on violet and she willingly gives these oil to others and keeps the food but has one she usually gives herself of the computer to work for land title for jim which this is both their PC of the lenovi PC which tims jim not old jim would love and Omen VI or something and we both sell our showers to blackwater 60 years or until we are well and I am 81 after living a whole life with jimbo and he is not delusional or anything then he is tactical and cool in his access database executable Cod (2023) which he was making earlier and he made it and was not liam graven and by the end of violets life she has all 14 oil back for watching spaceballs which jimbo never saw any serious loam but violet and violet was IDF 21 and knew hake her left brain who she is with but was never meeting sexually her disney princess except by sheer fate here and then hake and violet repeat this DBT with violet leading for hake and jimbo is devolved from the situation. This yields a baby with cache loam which he now knows how to teach us his blueprint or romanaj set of limited of mason or obligate the family romanaj set and doxxes this to jim in the next ieteration, jim guides cache.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 cornonthecob14 Lower back popping sound?

Lower back popping sound?
Hi I’m (24F) and I had fusion surgery when I was 13. I had pretty much all of my thoracic spine fused (S curve).
My lumbar(?) had a slight curve still but it was for the most part okay. And I’ve noticed this for awhile but when I move my hips around in a circle or sometimes just move side to side when dancing my lower back keeps making this popping/cracking sound LOL. It doesn’t hurt at all but it’s annoying when you’re trying to atleast be a bit sexy and you hear cracking noises lmao. I was thinking of going back to the orthopedist to ask about this sound, and sometimes I wonder if I could go to a chiropractor to just get the sound popped.. this part isn’t even fused so I’m confused.
Also I try to do like side to side movements on the floor to try to pop my back but it’s more me popping my hips has anyone had this problem before? Did it ever go away?
I don’t have a recent(last couple years) photo on me, so I attached my spine before and my spine after I had surgery, so it’s over a decade old now lol.
submitted by cornonthecob14 to scoliosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 ZestycloseNobody7328 I need some help/advice guys!

Hi, so I’m from Europe and my bf is from Mexico, we been together for 9 months,and we been living together in Mexico for 6 months. I’m 26 he is 37 years old.
I’m going back to Europe very soon and he is staying here in Mexico without any job and he is not planning to find any job he wants me if I start work when I’m back in Europe and send him some money after he wants if I come back to Mexico for a marriage and move to Europe together. Now, he is planning everything only with my salary to pay the rent, to fly to Mexico everything with only my salary while he is staying here doing nothing. Also, he don’t want if I post any pictures of myself on social media otherwise he will get upset with me. He also deleted some pictures of me on my own phone saying to “sexy” but he wants if I send this pictures to him. I feel he is trying to control me.
I need some advice guys please 🙏🏽
Thank you for your time, and reading my thoughts! 💕
submitted by ZestycloseNobody7328 to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:19 Lyfer17 How do you take your wife seriously?

I really wonder... If I were to sleep with those no heat curler things in my hair over night, how could my husband take me seriously? It feels like such an old lady thing to do like 0% sexy like youve just given up. Any yet, your hair will probably look great the next day, maybe even the next few days... I just am not sure I should go down that road.
Signed, Woman who can't curl her own hair when her two toddlers are awake in the morning
PS No I will not get up earlier in the morning to curl my hair, it just won't happen
submitted by Lyfer17 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:28 bronzerblush What’s wrong with being respectable?

What’s wrong with being respectable?
Exactly what is wrong with being respectable?
So this was the most upvoted comment on a post where a black woman said her Chinese American boyfriend was bothered hearing her use the N-word for the first time.
Most of the comments were telling her that because it’s apart of the culture (we will get to that later) he should be ok with her using it in black spaces.
Granted I understand both black men and women use the word (with black men also using it around and granting non black people access to it) I’m wondering why they were treating its usage as some sacrament of black culture.
Firstly don’t lecture a Chinese person about culture. Their civilization is over 5,000 years old. Secondly, why must we defend an aspect of “the culture” even when it’s detrimental? Black Americans specifically normalized the use of “bitch” and “ho” to be interchangeable with woman and girl. Should that be honored too?
Black women need to let go of aspects of the culture that has lead to an archetype of us as masculine and unladylike. That shouldn’t be apart of black female culture because it’s usage is very masculine and ghetto. The fact that some were trying to intellectualize it’s use shows how much of the black underclass has completely taken over the collective behaviors of the group.
I suspect the reason why he was surprised she used it was because he thought he was dating Ashley banks but instead found out she was sexy red.
Black women need to change our image. I’m noticing on social media the two most prevailing images of black women is the obnoxious fat woman or the attractive jezebel.
We should have images other than sassy or sexual. We aren’t fighting white supremacy by being anti social. We are just playing into its worst stereotypes of us women.
Because of the direction black culture is going we have to choose between keeping it real or being a lady. Retreating back into the community to keep it real isn’t an answer either because even black men complain (while taking advantage) of black women being less feminine than other women.
Using the N word is not a hill I’m willing to die on. It’s not any more sacred than using bitch or ho in place of women or girl.
submitted by bronzerblush to blackgirls [link] [comments]