Software autodata cd2 portugues

Weekly Digest News

2024.04.26 13:00 TECLIB Weekly Digest News

Weekly Digest News
A new #GLPI version 10.0.15 is available! 🚀
This release fixes a few security issues that have been recently discovered. Update is recommended!
You can download the GLPI 10.0.15 archive on GitHub:
Read the blog post in the language you prefer and find all the details about it:
🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇧🇷 🇵🇱
Download GLPI 10.0.15 here:
#GLPIRelease #GLPI10 #GLPIVersion #glpi #Update #DownloadGLPI #GLPICommunity
Dernier rappel ⚠️ Plus que 3 places disponibles, la session est confirmée !
Si vous êtes client GLPI Network, bénéficiez d'une remise de 30% par participant ! Pour vous inscrire, c'est ici :
🗓️ Du 13 au 17 mai 📍 À Paris 💰 2 500€ HT / participant
Programme :
- Rappel de quelques bonnes pratiques informatiques : Gestion de Parc et Assistance Utilisateurs - GLPI : prérequis, installation, mise à jour. - Les éléments d’ergonomie. - Les modules d’authentification : Comptes locaux et interconnexion avec un Active Directory. - Les entités. - Les profils. - La gestion de parc manuelle. - L’assistance utilisateur. - L’exploitation. - Les Plugins Datainjection et Formcreator - L’administration fonctionnelle avancée de l’assistance utilisateur. - La gestion de parc avancée. - Présentation de l’Offre GLPI Network.
ℹ️ Consultez les informations et les prérequis ici :
#GLPI #Formation #Paris #Inscription #GLPINetwork #Session #Informatique #AssistanceUtilisateur #GestiondeParc #Plugins #Administration #network #FormationGLPI
We are happy to announce our new GLPI Network Silver Partner in Mexico: Innovación Móvil 🇲🇽. At Teclib' we are looking forward to continue the collaboration on this level.
🧠 Company founded in April 2016, Innovación Móvil en Tecnologías de la Información SA de CV, has managed to generate an offer of business services and solutions with a single focus: “Solve the needs for the transformation of companies by integrating technologies.”
Want to become a GLPI partner?
To read the full article here 👇🏻 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇫🇷
Teclib'​ is supporting Christian Osorio Bernal during his training camp in Mallorca! 🚴🏼🏊🏻🏃🏻
We'll share all the details with you! 👇🏻
1️⃣ What will he do during 6 days in Mallorca? As you know, Christian Osorio Bernal is one of the top athletes in our company. He's heading to Mallorca to train hard, push himself, and get ready for his next challenge. This way, he'll improve his performance and have better recovery abilities!
2️⃣ Why Christian have chosen Mallorca? Because his club chose this destination, it is one of the places with the best conditions for training. The place has beautiful, big mountains to prepare for one of its biggest challenges in July at Alpe d'Huez. In addition, it is excellent value for money for a week of training outside France.
3️⃣ Why more bike? 🚵🏻‍♂️ Since Christian is preparing for the Alpe d'Huez Triathlon, he needs to train and get himself in the right conditions to succeed in his quest to reach the mountain top.
4️⃣ What are his expectations during this week in Mallorca? He told us: "I want to ensure I'm well-prepared, getting my body ready for what lies ahead in July!"
5️⃣ What are the first experiences he shared with us? He said: "The camp training in Mallorca is taking place under the auspices of high demand and difficulty.
The weather wasn't kind on the first few days, so running replaced a 3h30 cycling session. A very fine performance for a first attempt at a personal best on the Col de Sa Calobra with 44:07min, with the running statistics confirming the progress made since the start of the year. These results underpin the strategy adopted for the main objectives, which are the Alpe D'huez Triathlon: and the Medellin Marathon:
Thanks to Teclib'​, publisher of the #OpenSource #GLPI software, for this opportunity and support once again! We're well on the way to achieving our goals."
As usual, Teclib'​ is very happy to be able to encourage Christian and sponsor him! Support it too, by liking this publication! 👍🏻
See you with more information on May 6th for a new triathlon before the big one in Alpe d'Huez!
#CampTraining #Mallorca #glpi #Teclib #Sponsorship #TeclibSponsor
Olá rede! 🇵🇹
A nova versão do GLPI News Digest em português já está online ou no seu email 📥
submitted by TECLIB to glpi [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 20:21 AffectionateStar5593 Alguém tem os arquivos?

Alguém tem os arquivos?
Boas Alguém me poderia enviar os arquivos?
submitted by AffectionateStar5593 to AutoTuga [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 20:21 AffectionateStar5593 Alguém tem para me enviar ?

Alguém tem para me enviar ?
Alguém me pode enviar os arquivos
submitted by AffectionateStar5593 to carros [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 20:20 AffectionateStar5593 Did any One ave The files

Did any One ave The files
Can sameone send me please The files
submitted by AffectionateStar5593 to ECU_Tuning [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 23:11 GrapefruitNeither289 What kind of computer do I need to run autodata? Or for most automotive diagnostic softwares.

Hello everyone hopefully this is the right sub to ask this question. I tried searching this up by myself but I am way too inexperienced to know what I’m reading when dealing with computers. Basically if anyone can help me out that would be much appreciated, one of my family members is in the automotive industry and he needs a laptop to handle an automotive diagnostic software, what kind of specs would a laptop need for the best bang for your buck?
Any help would be great, thank you.
submitted by GrapefruitNeither289 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 23:53 BubblyTwo8025 Essa matriz curricular de ads (tecnologo) é boa ou tem muita enrolação?

Essa matriz curricular de ads (tecnologo) é boa ou tem muita enrolação? submitted by BubblyTwo8025 to programacao [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 20:55 Important-Offer-8590 Duda si estudiar tecnico de programación en el sena

Hola chicos espero que esten bien, necesito sus sugerencias y conocimientos, gracias. Resulta que tengo 24 años y estoy acabando el pregrado en lenguas modernas con enfasis administrativo, tengo buen conocimiento en 3 idiomas aparte del ingles los cuales son el aleman, el frances y el portugues. Ando en una crucijada porque tengo como ganas de estudiar el tecnico en programación de software en el sena de forma virtual, creen que me vendria bien? la cuestión es que tal vez me ire del país en este año ya sea a Alemania o Australia y no se si valga la pena de que comience estudiar la tecnica sabiendo de que me ire de Colombia. ¿Que harian ustedes?
submitted by Important-Offer-8590 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 09:48 Potadoxyz Programe software auto BMW

Salut! Am avut acum ceva ani un E90 320i și parca îmi e dor sa conduc iar un BMW, dar de data asta pe lângă verificările mecanice pe care oricum le-aș fi făcut la fata locului vreau sa fiu mai pregătit și cu partea software
Când am vândut mașina a venit un tip cu ISTA și s-a conectat la mașină, a verificat mai multe module, km înregistrati etc și de aici mi-a venit și mie ideea.
Cu ce as putea sa fac și eu asta? Momentan am doar niște programe de tip Autodata pentru informații tehnice. Știu de ISTA, la care parca îmi trebuiau cabluri KDcan(?), am mai auzit ca poți verifica cu carly. Pe filelist am văzut ca nu prea sunt programe, deci de unde as putea lua? Mersi!
submitted by Potadoxyz to AutomobileRO [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 21:40 K1ngDev18 AJUDEM UM DEV INICIANTE!

Eai pessoal, to começando meus projetos no C++ agora e to com um perrengue que não sei como resolver
estou fazendo um software de registro e consulta de dados, porém os dados não estão sendo registrados com acentuação
obs: já uso o setlocale no menu e funciona, mas não consigo fazer o mesmo no registro
aqui foi um teste que fiz, escrevi as palavras jão, biço e júlia
abaixo minha linha de código completa
#include  //blibioteca de comunicação com o usúario #include  //blibioteca de alocação de escpaço em memória #include  //blibioteca responsavel por cuidar das string #include  int registro() { //inicio das variáveis/string char arquivo[40]; char cpf[40]; char nome[40]; char sobrenome[40]; char cargo[40]; //final da criação de variáveis printf("Digite o CPF para registro: "); //coletando informação do usuario scanf("%s",cpf); //%s refere-se a strings strcpy(arquivo,cpf); //responsavel por copiar os valores das strings FILE*file; //cria arquivo file = fopen(arquivo,"w"); //abre o arquivo (o "w" significa write=escrever) fprintf(file,cpf); //salva o valor da variavel fclose(file); //fecha o arquivo file = fopen(arquivo,"a"); //abre o arquivo fprintf(file,","); //salva a variável fclose(file); //fecha o arquivo printf("nome: "); //cria a opção para colocar o nome scanf("%s",nome); //scanf é para buscar dentro do arquivo a variavel nome file = fopen(arquivo,"a"); //abre o arquivo fprintf(file,nome); //salva o valor da variável fclose(file); //fecha o arquivo file = fopen(arquivo,"a"); fprintf(file,","); fclose(file); printf("sobrenome: "); //cria a opção para colocar o sobrenome scanf("%s",sobrenome); //busca dentro do arquivo a variavel sobrenome file = fopen(arquivo,"a"); fprintf(file,sobrenome); //salva o valor da variável fclose(file); file = fopen(arquivo,"a"); fprintf(file,","); fclose(file); printf("cargo: "); // cria a opção para colocar o cargo scanf("%s",cargo); //busca dentro do arquivo a variavel cargo file = fopen(arquivo,"a"); //abre o arquivo fprintf(file,cargo); //salva o valor da variável fclose(file); system("pause"); } int consulta() { //inicio das variáveis/string char cpf[40]; char conteudo[200]; //final da criação de variáveis printf("Digite o CPF a ser consultado: "); //criando a opção para colocar o cpf scanf("%s", cpf); //abrindo o arquivo e consultando a variabel cpf FILE *file; //abre a o arquivo (já criado la no registro) file = fopen (cpf, "r");//lê o arquivo (a letra "r" significa read=ler) if(file == NULL) // se o arquivo for igual a nulo { printf("\nNão foi possível abrir o arquivo, não localizado!\n"); //vai aparecer essa mensagem } while (fgets(conteudo, 200, file) != NULL) // while = enquanto { printf("Essas são as informações do usuário: "); printf("%s", conteudo); printf("\n\n"); } system("pause"); } int deletar() { char cpf[40]; printf("Digite o CPF a ser deletado: "); scanf("%s", cpf); remove(cpf); FILE*file; file = fopen(cpf,"r"); if(file == NULL) { printf("nenhum usuário encontrado no sistema!"); system ("pause"); } } int main() //entrada inicial do sistema { setlocale(LC_ALL, "Portuguese"); //definindo a gramática Portugues Brasil int opcao=0; int laco=1; for(laco=1;laco=1;) { system("CLS"); printf("###Dados dos Alunos EBAC###\n \n"); //inicio do menu printf("escolha a sua opção no menu!:\n \n"); printf("\t1 - Registrar nomes\n"); printf("\t2 - Consultar nomes\n"); printf("\t3 - Deletar nomes\n\n"); printf("\t4 - Sair do Sistema\n\n"); printf("opção: "); //fim do menu scanf("%d",&opcao); //armazenando a escolha do cliente system("CLS"); //inicio da seleção switch(opcao) { case 1: registro(); break; case 2: consulta(); break; case 3: deletar(); break; case 4: printf("Obrigado por utilizar o sistema! :)\n"); return 0; break; default: printf("Essa opção não esta disponivel:(\n"); system("pause"); break; } } } 

submitted by K1ngDev18 to brdev [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 05:04 VLChannel2012 Windows XP SP3 Vista Edition

Windows XP SP3 Vista Edition
Eu lembro que no final dos anos 2000, eu usava uma versão modificada do Windows XP feito no Brasil, que é Windows XP SP3 Vista Edition. Lançado no ano de 2007 (mesmo ano onde que o Vista original foi lançado, e que a versão Service Pack 3 do XP ainda não é lançado oficialmente até abril de 2008), a modificação é praticamente o mesmo Windows XP, só que coloca diversos elementos do Vista no sistema, como o visual, estética Aero e as funções, além de wallpapers oficiais (e não-oficiais) do Vista. O conteúdo da versão também apresenta softwares e programas que não são inclusos no sistema original, além de versões atualizadas de alguns programas que já eram inclusos no Windows XP original.
Adições e modificações na versão: - Instalação não assistida - Serial original do sistema incluso - Tela de boot do Windows Vista RTM. - Tela de logon do Windows Vista RTM. - Novos temas do Windows Vista. - Novos icones do Windows Vista RTM. - Novos cursores do Windows Vista. - Sons do Windows Vista RTM. - Novas fontes do Windows Vista. - Proteções de tela do Windows Vista. - Wallpapers (oficiais e não-oficiais) do Windows Vista. - Barra de status nos icones do HDD.- Flip 3D (ALT+TAB) - Efeito de zoom nos icones (Ubericon). - Miniaturas de janelas sobre a barra de ferramentas. - Skins (temas) do Windows Vista.
Programas inclusos (com versões atualizadas na época):
- Microsoft Office 2003 - Windows Live Messenger 8.1.0178.00 - Windows Media Player 11 - Nero Lite 7.8.5 (Burning ROM e Express) - NOD32 (anti-vírus) - Mozilla Firefox - CCleaner 1.39.502 - Mv RegClean 3.99.41 Beta - WinRAR v3.61 (com skins) - Free Download Manager 2.1 - Daemon Tools 3.47 - Microsoft Net Framework (1, 2 e 3) - Java 6 Update 1 - Foxit Reader 2.0 build 1606 - Unlocker 1.8.5 - StarDock ObjectDock (nova barra de ferramentas animada) - LClock (Relógio para barra de tarefas) - Topdesk (Efeito "Flip 3D")
Hoje em dia, essa versão modificada foi perdida, tanto que se você tentar encontrar o software em antigos sites/blogs de downloads, os links de downloads estão quebrados, que é de sites antigos de upload (como MegaUpload e RapidShare por exemplo), até momento, eu encontrei 4 imagens (incluindo 3 screenshots do sistema).
Alguns links de download da versão modificada (inativos):
Os screenshots encontrados da versão:
Tela de instalação do sistema
Área de Trabalho (resolução pequena)
Área de Trabalho (resolução maior)
Mockup da capa do software
submitted by VLChannel2012 to BrasilLostMedia [link] [comments]

2023.12.12 16:35 verc- Downloaded these PSX ROMs with analog input hack but 1 of them does not register any inputs from the analog not does it show that it supports it while the others work just fine. I'm using espxe V2.0.15. Please help.

Downloaded these PSX ROMs with analog input hack but 1 of them does not register any inputs from the analog not does it show that it supports it while the others work just fine. I'm using espxe V2.0.15. Please help.
I have enabled analog in input preferences, yet ac1 does not seem to support it.
submitted by verc- to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 21:58 Hotel777 Soy varon, tengo 23 años, hablo 6 idiomas, que chamba de medio tiempo me recomiendan? (que no sea bolt/delivery) - voluntariado tambien me sirve

Hablo castellano, frances, ingles y arabe fluidamente, y me defiendo en portugues y aleman.
Vivo en Asuncion, me libre un fla de la facu y quiero empezar a trabajar, pero tengo 0 experiencia laboral. Soy muy bueno con el tema de los idiomas y tutoria/enseñanza, entonces estaba pensando enseñar idiomas pero no se como encarar.
A parte de eso manejo bien lo que es software/compus.
De ultima puedo tambien hacer voluntariado, es algo que me encanta, pero no sabria en donde, alguna recomendacion?
submitted by Hotel777 to Paraguay [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 04:32 SmartHomeJim What can I do to fix?

Is a certain file bad? How can I check it?

HandBrake 1.5.1 (2022011000) OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22621.0 CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz Ram: 65301 MB, GPU Information: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 750 - Screen: 1920x1080 Temp Dir: C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Local\Temp\ Install Dir: C:\Program Files\HandBrake\ Data Dir: C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Roaming\HandBrake ------------------------------------------- # Starting Encode ... [21:23:11] base preset: Fast 1080p30 (Modified) [21:23:11] Remote Process started with Process ID: 25420 using port: 8037. Max Allowed Instances: 1 [21:23:11] Worker: Starting HandBrake Engine ... [21:23:11] Worker: Starting Web Server on port 8037 ... [21:23:11] Worker: Disconnected worker monitoring enabled! [21:23:11] Compile-time hardening features are enabled Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll [21:23:12] hb_init: starting libhb thread [21:23:12] Starting work at: Sun Nov 26 21:23:12 2023 [21:23:12] 1 job(s) to process [21:23:12] json job: { "Audio": { "AudioList": [ { "Bitrate": 160, "DRC": 0, "Encoder": "av_aac", "Gain": 0, "Mixdown": 4, "NormalizeMixLevel": false, "Samplerate": 0, "Track": 0, "DitherMethod": 0 } ], "CopyMask": [ "copy:aac", "copy:ac3", "copy:dtshd", "copy:dts", "copy:eac3", "copy:flac", "copy:mp3", "copy:truehd", "copy:mp2" ], "FallbackEncoder": "ac3" }, "Destination": { "ChapterList": [ { "Name": "Chapter 1" }, { "Name": "Chapter 2" }, { "Name": "Chapter 3" }, { "Name": "Chapter 4" }, { "Name": "Chapter 5" }, { "Name": "Chapter 6" }, { "Name": "Chapter 7" }, { "Name": "Chapter 8" }, { "Name": "Chapter 9" }, { "Name": "Chapter 10" }, { "Name": "Chapter 11" }, { "Name": "Chapter 12" }, { "Name": "Chapter 13" }, { "Name": "Chapter 14" }, { "Name": "Chapter 15" }, { "Name": "Chapter 16" }, { "Name": "Chapter 17" }, { "Name": "Chapter 18" }, { "Name": "Chapter 19" }, { "Name": "Chapter 20" }, { "Name": "Chapter 21" }, { "Name": "Chapter 22" }, { "Name": "Chapter 23" }, { "Name": "Chapter 24" }, { "Name": "Chapter 25" }, { "Name": "Chapter 26" }, { "Name": "Chapter 27" }, { "Name": "Chapter 28" }, { "Name": "Chapter 29" } ], "ChapterMarkers": true, "AlignAVStart": false, "File": "C:\\Users\\Jim\\Desktop\\Miss Peregrine Hfpc(1).mkv", "Mp4Options": { "IpodAtom": false, "Mp4Optimize": false }, "Mux": "av_mkv" }, "Filters": { "FilterList": [ { "ID": 4, "Settings": { "mode": "7" } }, { "ID": 3, "Settings": { "block-height": "16", "block-thresh": "40", "block-width": "16", "filter-mode": "2", "mode": "3", "motion-thresh": "1", "spatial-metric": "2", "spatial-thresh": "1" } }, { "ID": 13, "Settings": { "crop-bottom": "0", "crop-left": "0", "crop-right": "0", "crop-top": "0", "height": "1080", "width": "1920" } }, { "ID": 6, "Settings": { "mode": "2", "rate": "27000000/900000" } } ] }, "PAR": { "Num": 1, "Den": 1 }, "Metadata": {}, "SequenceID": 0, "Source": { "Angle": 1, "Range": { "Type": "chapter", "Start": 1, "End": 29 }, "Title": 123, "Path": "C:\\Users\\Jim\\Desktop\\Miss Peregrine HFPC" }, "Subtitle": { "Search": { "Burn": true, "Default": false, "Enable": true, "Forced": true }, "SubtitleList": [] }, "Video": { "Encoder": "x264", "Level": "4.0", "TwoPass": false, "Turbo": false, "ColorMatrixCode": 0, "Options": "", "Preset": "fast", "Profile": "main", "Quality": 22, "QSV": { "Decode": false } } } [21:23:12] CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz [21:23:12] - logical processor count: 16 [21:23:12] Intel Quick Sync Video support: yes, gpu list: 0 [21:23:12] Intel Quick Sync Video integrated adapter with index 0 [21:23:12] - Intel Media SDK hardware: API 1.35 (minimum: 1.3) [21:23:12] - Decode support: h264 hevc (8bit: yes, 10bit: yes) av1 (8bit: yes, 10bit: yes) [21:23:12] - H.264 encoder: yes [21:23:12] - preferred implementation: hardware (1) via D3D11 [21:23:12] - capabilities (hardware): breftype icq+la+i+downs vsinfo opt1 opt2+mbbrc+extbrc+trellis+ib_adapt+nmpslice [21:23:12] - H.265 encoder: yes (8bit: yes, 10bit: yes) [21:23:12] - preferred implementation: hardware (1) via D3D11 [21:23:12] - capabilities (hardware): lowpower bpyramid icq vsinfo opt1 [21:23:12] hb_scan: path=C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Miss Peregrine HFPC, title_index=123 src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:133: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:778: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:133: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:778: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library [21:23:12] scan: BD has 123 title(s) [21:23:12] bd: scanning title 123 [21:23:12] bd: playlist 00800.MPLS [21:23:12] bd: duration is 02:06:55 (7615649 ms) [21:23:12] bd: video id=0x1011, stream type=H.264, format 1080p [21:23:12] bd: aspect = 16:9 [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x711100, lang=English (DTS), 3cc=eng [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1100, lang=English (DTS-HD MA), 3cc=eng [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1101, lang=English (AC3), 3cc=eng [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1102, lang=espaol (AC3), 3cc=spa [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1103, lang=Francais (AC3), 3cc=fra [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1104, lang=Portugues (AC3), 3cc=por [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1105, lang=??????? (DTS), 3cc=rus [21:23:12] bd: audio id=0x1106, lang=?????????? (AC3), 3cc=ukr [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1200, lang=English [PGS], 3cc=eng [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1201, lang=espaol [PGS], 3cc=spa [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1202, lang=Francais [PGS], 3cc=fra [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1203, lang=dansk [PGS], 3cc=dan [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1204, lang=suomi [PGS], 3cc=fin [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1205, lang=norsk [PGS], 3cc=nor [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1206, lang=Portugues [PGS], 3cc=por [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1207, lang=??????? [PGS], 3cc=rus [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1208, lang=svenska [PGS], 3cc=swe [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x1209, lang=eesti [PGS], 3cc=est [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x120a, lang=????? [PGS], 3cc=heb [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x120b, lang=­slenska [PGS], 3cc=isl [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x120c, lang=??? [PGS], 3cc=kor [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x120d, lang=latviesu [PGS], 3cc=lav [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x120e, lang=lietuviu [PGS], 3cc=lit [21:23:12] bd: subtitle id=0x120f, lang=?????????? [PGS], 3cc=ukr [21:23:12] bd: chap 1, 220803 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 2, 297213 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 3, 268810 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 4, 139722 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 5, 260927 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 6, 216174 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 7, 263388 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 8, 199407 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 9, 210335 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 10, 298214 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 11, 187812 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 12, 202827 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 13, 150859 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 14, 339964 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 15, 185018 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 16, 281781 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 17, 377585 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 18, 368159 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 19, 265056 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 20, 321237 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 21, 267141 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 22, 269310 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 23, 197280 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 24, 254754 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 25, 325450 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 26, 446070 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 27, 419085 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 28, 381005 ms [21:23:12] bd: chap 29, 250 ms [21:23:12] bd: title 123 has 29 chapters [21:23:12] scan: decoding previews for title 123 [21:23:12] scan: title angle(s) 1 [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x711100: dca, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=1536000 English (DTS) (5.1 ch) (1536 kbps) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1100: dca, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=1 English (DTS-HD MA) (7.1 ch) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1105: dca, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=768000 ??????? (DTS) (5.1 ch) (768 kbps) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1101: ac3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=448000 English (AC3) (5.1 ch) (448 kbps) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1102: ac3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=448000 espaol (AC3) (5.1 ch) (448 kbps) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1103: ac3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=448000 Francais (AC3) (5.1 ch) (448 kbps) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1104: ac3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=448000 Portugues (AC3) (5.1 ch) (448 kbps) [21:23:12] scan: audio 0x1106: ac3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=448000 ?????????? (AC3) (5.1 ch) (448 kbps) src/libbluray/bluray.c:789: Read past EOF ! bd: Error, too many consecutive bad units. [21:23:12] Warning: Could not read data for preview 3, skipped [21:23:12] scan: 2 previews, 1920x1080, 23.976 fps, autocrop = 0/0/0/0, aspect 16:9, PAR 1:1, color profile: 1-1-1, chroma location: left [21:23:12] scan: supported video decoders: avcodec qsv [21:23:12] libhb: scan thread found 1 valid title(s) [21:23:12] Starting Task: Subtitle Scan [21:23:12] Skipping crop/scale filter [21:23:12] job configuration: [21:23:12] * source [21:23:12] + C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Miss Peregrine HFPC [21:23:12] + title 123, chapter(s) 1 to 29 [21:23:12] * destination [21:23:12] + C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Miss Peregrine Hfpc(1).mkv [21:23:12] + container: Matroska (libavformat) [21:23:12] + chapter markers [21:23:12] * video track [21:23:12] + decoder: h264 8-bit (yuv420p) [21:23:12] + bitrate 200 kbps [21:23:12] + filters [21:23:12] + Comb Detect (mode=3:spatial-metric=2:motion-thresh=1:spatial-thresh=1:filter-mode=2:block-thresh=40:block-width=16:block-height=16) [21:23:12] + Decomb (mode=39) [21:23:12] + Framerate Shaper (mode=2:rate=27000000/900000) [21:23:12] + frame rate: 23.976 fps -> peak rate limited to 30.000 fps [21:23:12] + Output geometry [21:23:12] + storage dimensions: 1920 x 1080 [21:23:12] + pixel aspect ratio: 1 : 1 [21:23:12] + display dimensions: 1920 x 1080 [21:23:12] * Foreign Audio Search: RendeBurn-in, Forced Only [21:23:12] + subtitle, English [PGS] (track 0, id 0x1200, Picture) src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:133: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:778: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:133: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:778: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library [21:23:12] sync: expecting 182592 video frames src/libbluray/bluray.c:752: Skipping broken unit at 0 bd: Read Error, skipping bad data. bd: Error, too many consecutive bad units. src/libbluray/bluray.c:789: Read past EOF ! [21:23:17] reader: done. 1 scr changes [21:23:17] work: average encoding speed for job is 0.000000 fps [21:23:17] comb detect: heavy 0 light 0 uncombed 0 total 0 [21:23:17] decomb: deinterlaced 0 blended 0 unfiltered 0 total 0 [21:23:17] vfr: 0 frames output, 0 dropped and 0 duped for CFPFR [21:23:17] vfr: lost time: 0 (0 frames) [21:23:17] vfr: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for) [21:23:17] stream: 38253 good frames, 0 errors (0%) [21:23:17] h264-decoder done: 0 frames, 1 decoder errors [21:23:17] sync: got 0 frames, 182592 expected [21:23:17] Subtitle track 0 (id 0x1200) 'English [PGS]': 399 hits (0 forced) [21:23:17] No candidate detected during subtitle scan [21:23:17] Starting Task: Encoding Pass [21:23:17] Skipping crop/scale filter [21:23:17] work: track 1, dithering not supported by codec [21:23:17] job configuration: [21:23:17] * source [21:23:17] + C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Miss Peregrine HFPC [21:23:17] + title 123, chapter(s) 1 to 29 [21:23:17] * destination [21:23:17] + C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Miss Peregrine Hfpc(1).mkv [21:23:17] + container: Matroska (libavformat) [21:23:17] + chapter markers [21:23:17] * video track [21:23:17] + decoder: h264 8-bit (yuv420p) [21:23:17] + bitrate 200 kbps [21:23:17] + filters [21:23:17] + Comb Detect (mode=3:spatial-metric=2:motion-thresh=1:spatial-thresh=1:filter-mode=2:block-thresh=40:block-width=16:block-height=16) [21:23:17] + Decomb (mode=39) [21:23:17] + Framerate Shaper (mode=2:rate=27000000/900000) [21:23:17] + frame rate: 23.976 fps -> peak rate limited to 30.000 fps [21:23:17] + Output geometry [21:23:17] + storage dimensions: 1920 x 1080 [21:23:17] + pixel aspect ratio: 1 : 1 [21:23:17] + display dimensions: 1920 x 1080 [21:23:17] + encoder: H.264 (libx264) [21:23:17] + preset: fast [21:23:17] + profile: main [21:23:17] + level: 4.0 [21:23:17] + quality: 22.00 (RF) [21:23:17] + color profile: 1-1-1 [21:23:17] + chroma location: left [21:23:17] * audio track 1 [21:23:17] + decoder: English (DTS) (5.1 ch) (1536 kbps) (track 1, id 0x711100) [21:23:17] + bitrate: 1536 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz [21:23:17] + mixdown: Stereo [21:23:17] + encoder: AAC (libavcodec) [21:23:17] + bitrate: 160 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:133: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:778: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:133: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:778: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library [21:23:17] sync: expecting 182592 video frames [21:23:17] encx264: min-keyint: 24, keyint: 240 [21:23:17] encx264: encoding at constant RF 22.000000 [21:23:17] encx264: unparsed options: level=4.0:ref=2:8x8dct=0:weightp=1:subme=6:vbv-bufsize=25000:vbv-maxrate=20000:rc-lookahead=30 x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1 x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX FMA3 BMI2 AVX2 AVX512 x264 [info]: profile Main, level 4.0, 4:2:0, 8-bit src/libbluray/bluray.c:752: Skipping broken unit at 0 bd: Read Error, skipping bad data. [21:23:17] sync: first pts audio 0x711100 is 0 [21:23:17] sync: first pts video is 71677 [21:23:17] sync: "Chapter 1" (1) at frame 1 time 71677 [21:24:05] sync: "Chapter 2" (2) at frame 5269 time 19846432 [21:25:08] sync: "Chapter 3" (3) at frame 12395 time 46595654 [21:26:09] sync: "Chapter 4" (4) at frame 18840 time 70788573 [21:26:44] sync: "Chapter 5" (5) at frame 22190 time 83363635 [21:27:43] sync: "Chapter 6" (6) at frame 28446 time 106847095 [21:28:33] sync: "Chapter 7" (7) at frame 33629 time 126302782 src/libbluray/bluray.c:789: Read past EOF ! bd: Error, too many consecutive bad units. [21:29:13] reader: done. 1 scr changes [21:29:13] work: average encoding speed for job is 107.363350 fps [21:29:14] comb detect: heavy 81 light 210 uncombed 37938 total 38229 [21:29:14] decomb: deinterlaced 81 blended 210 unfiltered 37938 total 38229 [21:29:14] vfr: 38229 frames output, 0 dropped and 0 duped for CFPFR [21:29:14] vfr: lost time: 0 (0 frames) [21:29:14] vfr: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for) [21:29:14] stream: 38253 good frames, 0 errors (0%) [21:29:14] dca-decoder done: 149487 frames, 0 decoder errors [21:29:14] h264-decoder done: 38229 frames, 0 decoder errors [21:29:14] sync: got 38229 frames, 182592 expected [21:29:14] sync: framerate min 7.991 fps, max 23.976 fps, avg 23.975 fps x264 [info]: frame I:450 Avg QP:17.31 size:141884 x264 [info]: frame P:11652 Avg QP:20.61 size: 22622 x264 [info]: frame B:26127 Avg QP:22.15 size: 7517 x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 6.2% 2.3% 16.8% 74.6% x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 37.0% 0.0% 63.0% x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 4.5% 0.0% 2.9% P16..4: 37.0% 9.4% 6.6% 0.0% 0.0% skip:39.5% x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 3.1% 0.0% 0.3% B16..8: 18.4% 2.8% 0.1% direct:12.0% skip:63.3% L0:43.9% L1:50.0% BI: 6.1% x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 31.1% 61.6% 24.4% inter: 5.9% 20.3% 0.5% x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 40% 25% 15% 21% x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 24% 20% 19% 6% 7% 6% 7% 5% 5% x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 57% 20% 20% 4% x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:2.7% UV:0.6% x264 [info]: ref P L0: 68.2% 31.8% x264 [info]: ref B L0: 82.3% 17.7% x264 [info]: ref B L1: 95.3% 4.7% x264 [info]: kb/s:2628.04 [21:29:14] mux: track 0, 38229 frames, 523828268 bytes, 2626.72 kbps, fifo 2048 [21:29:14] mux: track 1, 74744 frames, 31953303 bytes, 160.23 kbps, fifo 4096 [21:29:14] Finished work at: Sun Nov 26 21:29:14 2023 [21:29:14] libhb: work result = 5 # Job Failed (5) 

submitted by SmartHomeJim to handbrake [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 00:34 longbeachlocale 🚨 City Council Meeting Agenda • October 24, 2023 🚨 44 Items

🗓 Date: October 24, 2023 @ 5PM
🗺 Location:** Long Beach Civic Center411 W. Ocean Boulevard
📺 LiveStream (YouTube):**
📺 Live Stream (City Website):**
ℹ️ Details:**
📄 Agenda (PDF):**

Agenda Item

CD534 - Fund Transfer McBride High School Event

Item #1 • File #23-1213 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by $500 Fifth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, $250 Third Council District One-time District Priority Funds, $250 Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to the McBride High School Criminal Justice & Investigation Booster Club for their October 26, 2023 Community Trunk or Treat Event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD8 - Fund Transfers Nonprofit Service Programs

Item #2 • File #23-1214 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $3,500, offset by the Eighth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide donation to Women in Action Reaching Out to support their upcoming holiday community service programming; and Decrease appropriation in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $3,500, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD1 - Fund Transfers

Item #3 • File #23-1215 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,500, offset by the First Council District One-Time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide donation to the following: 1. Long Beach Pride, in support of the Mr. Bob Crow’s memorial services, in the amount of $500; 2. New Image Emergency Shelter, in support of the 29th Annual Children’s Christmas Store, in the amount of $500; 3. Centro CHA, in support of the 23rd Annual Leadership Awards Celebration, in the amount of $500; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,500 to offset transfers to the City Manager Department.

CC - Minutes

Item #4 • File #23-1211 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting of Tuesday, October 10, 2023.

CC - Damage Claims

Item #5 • File #23-1212 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between October 9, 2023 and October 16, 2023.

PD - CSSA for Racial Identity and Profiling Act application solution

Item #9 • File #23-1219 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary documents including any necessary subsequent amendments, with the California State Sheriffs’ Association (CSSA), of Sacramento, CA, for the utilization of the CSSA’s cloud-based Racial Identity and Profiling Act application solution, in a total annual amount not to exceed $10,000, and a one-time cost of $8,000, for a period of one year, with the option to renew for five additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide) Levine Act: Yes

PW - Final map for thirty-six condos located at 200 E. 14th Street D1

Item #10 • File #23-1220 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to find that all requirements of the final tract map to consolidate four (4) parcels into a single 43,587-square-foot lot for thirty-six condominium units within four (4) buildings located at 200 East 14th Street have been met, approve the final map for Tract No. 83009, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and Accept Categorical Exemption CE20-046. (District 1) Levine Act: Yes

PW - El Dorado Regional D4

Item #11 • File #23-1221 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Water Discharge and License Agreement, including any other necessary documents or subsequent amendments, with the Water Replenishment District, a public agency that operates the Leo J. Vander Lans Advanced Water Treatment Facility, to grant the Water Replenishment District permission to discharge backflushed water from the Leo J. Vander Lans Advanced Water Treatment Facility’s injection well onto the City of Long Beach site that is planned to become The El Dorado Storm Water Capture Project. (District 4)

PW - 3760 Orange Ave

Item #12 • File #23-1222 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to accept a Dedication of Easement Deed from California Heights Properties Inc., property owner at 3760 Orange Avenue, for alley widening and public street purposes; and Accept CEQA Exemption CE-06-09. (District 5)

PW - 3655 Elm Avenue

Item #13 • File #23-1223 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to find that all requirements of the final subdivision map creating fifteen (15) residential unit lots and one (1) common area lot for residential condominium purposes at 3655 Elm Avenue have been met; approve the final map for Tract No. 83654; authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and Accept Categorical Exemption CE-21-157. (District 5) Levine Act: Yes

CD1 - Coastal Country Jam Presentation

Item #14 • File #23-1216 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to request the City Council to receive and file a presentation on the 2023 Coastal Country Jam.

CM - Homeless Declaration

Item #16 • File #23-1226 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to continue the local emergency caused by conditions or threatened conditions of homelessness within the City of Long Beach, which if not corrected, constitute an imminent and proximate threat to the safety of persons and property within the City; and Receive and file an update on the emergency proclamation and associated activities and provide any additional direction to City staff regarding the emergency. (Citywide)

PW - Atlantic Corridor METRO Grant

Item #18 • File #23-1224 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $195,500, offset by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) grant funds for the Atlantic Avenue Corridor Study; and Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $195,500, offset by a transfer of Metro grant funds from the Capital Grant Fund. (Districts 1,6,8,9)

TI - i3 Milestone

Item #19 • File #23-1225 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP TI-23-202 and award a contract to i3 Milestone, LLC, of Nashville, TN, for software licenses and professional services for implementation of a Customer Self Service Web Platform (CSWP) solution, in a total contract amount not to exceed $1,749,963, inclusive of a one-time installation cost of $592,900 with a five (5) percent contingency of $29,645, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary subsequent amendments; Increase appropriation in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $822,545, offset by a transfer of funds from Long Beach Utilities and the Public Works Department; and Increase appropriation in the Refuse Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $224,802 offset by funds available to transfer to the General Services Fund Group. (Citywide)

CD2 - World Peace Reso

Item #21 • File #23-1254 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to request City Attorney to draft a resolution recognizing every 21st of September as the International Day of Peace in the City of Long Beach.

CD6 - Supporting Community Events

Item #22 • File #23-1255 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by the Sixth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide contributions to the following: · $250 to Long Beach BLAST to support their Hallo’WINE BLAST; · $250 to Peer Education Community Center to support their 3rd Annual Fall Harvest Festival; · $500 to Cambodian Health Professionals Association of America to support their 13th Annual Fundraising Gala; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CA - MWN Community Hospital

Item #24 • File #23-1256 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt categorical exemption CE-23-134 and find the amendments to Amended and Restated Lease No. 35432 and restrictive covenants on the Property located at 1720 Termino Avenue, 1760 Termino Avenue, and 4111 East Wilton Street and the transfer of the property to MWN Community Hospital, LLC are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (District 3)


CC - GME 2024 Resos

Item #6 • File #23-1230 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt resolution proclaiming, calling and giving notice of a Primary Nominating Election and a General Municipal Election in the City of Long Beach, on Tuesday, the 5th day of March, 2024 and the 5th day of November, 2024, for the nomination and/or election of candidates for four (4) offices of the Long Beach City Council, and two (2) offices of the Long Beach Unified School District; and

CC - GME 2024 Reso No.2

Item # • File #23-1249 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to consolidate the City’s Primary Nominating Election to be held on March 5, 2024, and the General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2024 with the California Statewide Elections to be held by the same dates, and requesting specified election services to the City from the Los angeles County Registrar-RecordeCounty Clerk. (District 2,4,6,8)

CA - Hotel Worker Ord

Item #15 • File #23-1227 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt resolution requesting the Registrar-RecordeCounty Clerk to call, provide, and give notice of a Primary Municipal Election to be consolidated with the Statewide General Election to be held in the City of Long Beach (City) on March 5, 2024, and include the proposed ordinance to a vote of the qualified electors of the City relating to an increase of the minimum wage of hotel workers in the City of Long Beach, clarifying the payment of “wages” and “service charges” to qualifying hotel workers in the City, authorizing the City future amendments to said ordinance, authorizing the City Council to make future amendments to the City’s hotel worker minimum compensation standards; requesting the County of Los Angeles to consolidate said election with the Statewide Primary Election of even date; and setting rules and deadlines for arguments for and against the ordinance. (Citywide)


Item #17 • File #23-1250 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt resolution approving 2023-2026 Memorandum of Understanding with the Long Beach City Attorneys Association. (Citywide)

CA - Historic Designation Reso

Item # • File #23-1229 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 822 Willow Street, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist Reso 3305 E 1st

Item # • File #23-1232 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 3305 East 1st Street, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 4004 Country Club Dr RESO

Item # • File #23-1234 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 4004 Country Club Drive, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 645 West 11th St

Item # • File #23-1236 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 645 West 11th Street, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 622-628 Anaheim St Reso

Item # • File #23-1238 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 622-628 East Anaheim Street, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 953 Chestnut Ave RESO

Item # • File #23-1240 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 953 Chestnut Avenue, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - hist 338 Junipero Ave RESO

Item # • File #23-1242 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 338 Junipero Avenue, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 1400 Hellman Street RESO

Item # • File #23-1244 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 1400 Hellman Street, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 830 Santiago Ave RESO

Item # • File #23-1246 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 830 Santiago Avenue, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029;

CA - Hist 151 St. Joseph Ave RESO

Item # • File #23-1248 (Details, PDF)
Adopt resolution establishing a historic resources designation for the property located at 151 St. Joseph Avenue, as prescribed by Chapter 2.63 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to be recorded pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029.

ABC License

PD - ABC License – Chicken University D5

Item #7 • File #23-1217 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file the application of CUMLR LB Limited Partnership, dba Chicken University LB, for an original application of an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License, at 3851 Atlantic Avenue, submit a Public Notice of Protest to ABC; and direct City Manager to withdraw the protest if a Conditional Use Permit Exemption (CUPEX) is granted. (District 5) Levine Act: Yes

PD - ABC License - Mayra's Kitchen D6

Item #8 • File #23-1218 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file the application of Mayra’s Kitchen Mexican Cuisine, Incorporated, dba Mayra’s Kitchen, for an original application of an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License, at 2300 East Pacific Coast Highway, submit a Public Notice of Protest to ABC; and, direct City Manager to withdraw the protest if a Conditional Use Permit Exemption (CUPEX) is granted. (District 6) Levine Act: Yes


CA - Historic Designation Ords

Item #20 • File #23-1228 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2400, relating to the designation of the property located at 822 Willow Street, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Historic Ord 3305 E 1st

Item # • File #23-1231 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2410, relating to the designation of the property located at 3305 East 1st Street, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 4004 Country Club Drive ORD

Item # • File #23-1233 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2420, relating to the designation of the property located at 4004 Country Club Drive, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 645 West 11th St

Item # • File #23-1235 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2430, relating to the designation of the property located at 645 West 11th Street, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 622-628 Anaheim St

Item # • File #23-1237 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2440, relating to the designation of the property located at 622-628 East Anaheim Street, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 953 Chestnut Ave ORD

Item # • File #23-1239 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2450, relating to the designation of the property located at 953 Chestnut Avenue, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 338 Junipero Ave ORD

Item # • File #23-1241 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2460, relating to the designation of the property located at 338 Junipero Avenue, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 1400 Hellman Street ORD

Item # • File #23-1243 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2470, relating to the designation of the property located at 1400 Hellman Street, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 830 Santiago Avenue ORD

Item # • File #23-1245 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2480, relating to the designation of the property located at 830 Santiago Avenue, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading;

CA - Hist 151 St. Joseph Ave ORD

Item # • File #23-1247 (Details, PDF)
Declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Sections 16.52.2490, relating to the designation of the property located at 151 St. Joseph Avenue, as a historic landmark, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading; and

CA - Repeal HCW Min Wage

Item #23 • File #23-1253 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file a withdrawal of the referendum and initiative petitions for the “Long Beach Minimum Wage for Healthcare Workers”; and Declare ordinance repealing Ordinance No. ORD-22-0022, also known as Chapter 5.96 (“Healthcare Minimum Wage”), read the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading. (Citywide)
submitted by longbeachlocale to LongBeachCA [link] [comments]

2023.09.21 14:03 Inter-aX The Business - The Definitive Collection CD2 Misprint

I'm just re-ripping all my CDs into FLAC instead of MP3. Whilst doing this, I put in CD2 of The Business and my software identifies the CD as 'Now! The Christmas Album [Disc 2]'. When I play the CD, all the tracks listed by the software play (starting with Robbie Williams Angels). To makes sure I wasn't mistaken, I took the CD out and it's definitely printed up as Madness - The Business Disc 2.
Is this a common or known misprint?
submitted by Inter-aX to MadnessBand [link] [comments]

2023.08.26 06:10 PickYourPosition 💼 25 new consultancies with the United Nations - Sat 26 Aug

Please find in the comments 25 new vacancies that opened since Thursday 24 Aug.
The data come from UN Talent.

Every open Consultant position in the UN

🇫🇷 Other Paris (France)
submitted by PickYourPosition to UNjobs [link] [comments]

2023.07.11 04:21 longbeachlocale 🚨 Long Beach City Council • July 18, 2023 • 5:00 PM 🚨 26 Items Total • Agenda Item: 14 • Resolution: 2 • Contract: 8 • Ordinance: 2

🗓 Date: July 18, 2023 @ 5PM
🗺 Location:** Long Beach Civic Center411 W. Ocean Boulevard
📺 LiveStream (YouTube):**
📺 Live Stream (City Website):**
ℹ️ Details:**
📄 Agenda (PDF):**

Agenda Item

CD4 - Funds Transfer to Support Friends of the Long Beach Public Library

Item #1 • File #23-0763 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $300, offset by the Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to the Friends of the Long Beach Public Library for their Celebrate Our Librarians event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $300 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD3 - Trans Pride Long Beach Festival 2023

Item #2 • File #23-0767 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $600, offset by $300 from the Third Council District One-time District Priority Funds and $300 from the Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to California Families in Focus for Trans Pride Long Beach Festival 2023; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $600, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD6 - Funds Transfer Request to Support Community Events

Item #3 • File #23-0768 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $3,000 offset by the Sixth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide contributions of: ? $500 to California Families in Focus to support the 3rd Annual Trans Pride Parade Long Beach Festival 2023 on Saturday, July 29, 2023 at Long Beach Recreation Park; ? $2,500 to the Long Beach Pride Inc. to support the 40th Annual Long Beach Pride Festival & Parade celebration from Friday, August 4, 2023 to Sunday, August 6, 2023; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $3,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD4 - Funds Transfer for Historical Society of Long Beach Crest Circle

Item #4 • File #23-0770 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by the Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to the Historical Society of Long Beach to support The Crest Circle; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CC - Damage Claims

Item #5 • File #23-0764 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between July 3, 2023 and July 10, 2023.

CC - Initial Conflict of Interest Code

Item #6 • File #23-0766 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and approve Initial Conflict of Interest Code filed, in compliance with State law.

ED - Economic Development Administration grant award

Item #7 • File #23-0745 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to approve the defederalization of Revolving Loan Funds (RLF) from Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant award number 07-49-05046; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to enter into an agreement with EDA to affect such defederalization and restrict future use of existing RLF funds. (Citywide)

FM - Federal Single Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2022

Item #8 • File #23-0746 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file the Federal Single Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2022. (Citywide)

LBA - Annual Audit Report for the LGB PFC Program D45

Item #11 • File #23-0749 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file the Annual Audit Report for the Long Beach Airport Passenger Facility Charges program for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2022. (Districts 4,5)

PRM - Installation for the replacement and installation of beach restroom doors D23

Item #12 • File #23-0750 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 36371 with J.L.M. Installation, Inc., of Anaheim, CA, for the replacement and installation of beach restroom doors, to increase the contract amount by $400,000, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $550,000. (Districts 2,3)

PW - Easement deed for 530 East 33rd Street for public utilities D5

Item #13 • File #23-0751 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to accept an easement deed from SA Properties Company, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, and the owner of the property at 530 East 33rd Street, for the installation of public utilities; and Accept Categorical Exemption Number 20-127. (District 5)

CD2 - Establishing a Second Dog Beach in Long Beach

Item #18 • File #23-0769 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to request City Manager to work with the Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department and the Public Works Tidelands Development Team and report back in 60 days potential sites located in Council District 2 for a second dog beach in Long Beach. The report back should include the location, size, and approximate boundaries of each potential site, identify a preferred location, and provide a general overview of the rules and guidelines users are expected to follow.

CC - Long Beach City Charter

Item #19 • File #23-0771 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file a presentation on the Long Beach City Charter.

CM - Women and Girls Community Survey Findings

Item #20 • File #23-0755 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive and file a report on the Long Beach Women and Girls’ Community Survey Findings. (Citywide)

CD9 - Funds Transfer to support Evening of Jazz event

Item #28 • File #23-0784 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $250, offset by the Ninth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to African American Cultural Center of Long Beach in support of their An Evening of Jazz event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $250 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD7 - Funds Transfer to support Long Beach Public Library Foundation

Item #29 • File #23-0785 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $300, offset by the Seventh Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to the Long Beach Public Library Foundation to support the annual Librarian Appreciation Event on August 18, 2023; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group by $300 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD2 - Funds Transfer to support the Long Beach Pride Parade and Festival

Item #30 • File #23-0790 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $35,000, offset by Second Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to the Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride Inc. to support the 2023 Pride Parade and Festival on August 4 - 6, 2023; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $35,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.

CD1 - Funds Transfer for donations

Item #31 • File #23-0793 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $3,000, offset by the First Council District One-Time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide a donation to the following: 1. Willmore City Heritage Association, in support of the 2023 SLAM event, in the amount of $1000; 2. Uptown Jazz Festival, in the amount of $2,000; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $3,000 to offset transfers to the City Manager Department.

CD1 - 40th Anniversary of Long Beach Pride

Item #32 • File #23-0792 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to request City Attorney to draft proclamation officially recognizing the 40th Anniversary of Long Beach Pride.


FD - Agrmnt for training at the Captain David Rosa Regional Fire Training Center

Item #9 • File #23-0747 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any subsequent amendments with East Los Angeles College to provide instructional services at the Captain David Rosa Regional Fire Training Center, for a period of two years with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods. (Citywide)

DHHS - Agrmnt w/LB Memorial for resident training in Family Medicine

Item #10 • File #23-0748 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any subsequent amendments, with Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2033, for resident training in Family Medicine with the Health and Human Services Department. (Citywide)

PW - Agrmnt w/Arcadis for the Portfolio Insights Orion Project

Item #15 • File #23-0753 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 34848 with Arcadis U.S., Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, for software subscription, and to provide software maintenance and user support services, for the Portfolio Insights (Orion) Project Portfolio Management system, to increase the annual contract amount to $100,000 and extend the contract for a period of one year, with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)

TI - Homeboy Electronics Recycling for E-Waste disposal svcs

Item #16 • File #23-0754 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP TI-23-200 and award a contract to Homeboy Recycling, a California social purpose corporation, dba Homeboy Electronics Recycling, of Los Angeles, CA, for providing technology waste services at no cost and disposal services of Electronic Waste to the City of Long Beach except for loose alkaline batteries, loose rechargeable batteries, and certified hard drive destruction, in a total amount not to exceed $30,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary subsequent amendments. (Citywide)

FD - Grant funding for the hiring activity of 7 Firefighters

Item #21 • File #23-0756 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary subsequent amendments including term extensions, with the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant funding for the hiring activity of seven (7) Firefighters in the amount of $3,049,915, for the performance period of October 23, 2023, to October 22, 2026; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the Fire Department by $3,049,915, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)

LBA - LB Airport Business Park at 4900 and 4910 Airport Plaza Drive D45

Item #22 • File #23-0731 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute the Second Amendments to the Leases for Parcels 4, 5, and 6 of Map No. 17454 with 4900 Long Beach Office, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, a single purpose entity wholly owned by Starwood Property Trust, Incorporated, for City-owned property at the Long Beach Airport Business Park at 4900 and 4910 Airport Plaza Drive. (Districts 4,5) Levine Act: Yes

LBA - Contract w/Griffith Co. for Terminal Roadway Improvements Project D45

Item #23 • File #23-0757 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-7208 and award a contract to Griffith Company, of Santa Fe Springs, CA, for construction of the Terminal Roadway Improvements Project at the Long Beach Airport, in an amount of $10,911,912, authorize a 15 percent contingency in the amount of $1,636,787, for a total contract amount of $12,548,699; and, authorize City Manager to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments; and Increase appropriations in the Airport Fund Group in the Airport Department by $13,715,113 offset by grant revenue and Airport funds available. (Districts 4,5)

LBA - Jacobs Project Management Co. for Engineering Construction Mgmnt Svcs for Terminal Roadway Improvements Project D45

Item #24 • File #23-0758 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFQ AP-22-160 and award a contract to Jacobs Project Management Co., of Irvine, CA, for Engineering Construction Management Services for the Terminal Roadway Improvements Project at the Long Beach Airport, in the amount of $1,579,880, authorize a 15 percent contingency in the amount of $236,982, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,816,862, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary subsequent amendments; and Increase appropriations in the Airport Fund Group in the Airport Department by $1,816,862, offset by grant revenues and Airport funds available. (Districts 4,5)


PW - CFD for Belmont Shore for FY24 for Secured Tax Roll D3

Item #14 • File #23-0752 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt resolution establishing an annual special tax of $0.14 per square foot for Community Facilities District No. 2007-2 for commercial properties in Belmont Shore for Fiscal Year 2024 and authorize the Los Angeles County Auditor-Controller to be included on the 2023-2024 Secured Tax Roll. (District 3)

DS - 6700 E. Pacific Coast Highway D3

Item #17 • File #23-0762 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing and consider third-party appeals from Lozeau Drury, on behalf of Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (SAFER) (APL23-006); Joan Palango, on behalf of the Long Beach Marina Boat Owners Association (APL23-008); and Elizabeth Lambe, on behalf of the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust (APL23-007); Adopt resolution determining that the project is consistent with and within the scope of the project previously analyzed as part of the Southeast Area Specific Plan Program Environmental Impact report (State Clearinghouse No. 2015101075) and subject to the Southeast Area Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and making certain findings and determinations related thereto and warrants no further environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15162; and Deny the appeals and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission to approve the Site Plan Review (SPR 22-093) and a Local Coastal Development Permit (LCDP 2208-3

CA - Disability Pride & Empowerment Month

Item #33 • File #23-0794 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to adopt resolution recognizing the 26th day of July as "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Day"; and recognizing the month of July of every year as "Disability Pride and Empowerment Month", a time of celebration in the City of Long Beach. (Citywide)


Harbor - Consolidation of existing Ords

Item #27 • File #23-0734 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to approve the first reading of the ordinance and authorize the Board of Harbor Commissioners to consolidate existing ordinances and authorize enforcement of additional statutes and municipal codes on the Mark Bixby Memorial Bicycle and Pedestrian Path, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading.

Ordinance to amend Long Beach Municipal Code Chapter 2.45

Item #25 • File #23-0772 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Chapter 2.45 relating to the Commission on Women and Girls; read the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading. (Citywide)

Harbor - Consolidation of existing Ords

Item #26 • File #23-0734 (Details, PDF)
Recommendation to approve the first reading of the ordinance and authorize the Board of Harbor Commissioners to consolidate existing ordinances and authorize enforcement of additional statutes and municipal codes on the Mark Bixby Memorial Bicycle and Pedestrian Path, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading.
submitted by longbeachlocale to LongBeachCA [link] [comments]

2023.06.26 04:01 TerminusBandit Pour out a drink for the OG CDs

Pour out a drink for the OG CDs
Looking for a different old game in my binder, came across this great memory.
submitted by TerminusBandit to neocron [link] [comments]

2023.05.26 07:15 Longjumping-Ad-6775 The Eighth Sense Novel

I was a little surprised to see that novel isn't just a retelling of the series but a deeper dive into the characters' past instead. While I am interested in a look into their past I also really wanted to see a deep look into the characters when they are together as well. The foreword seems to imply that alot of the novel will be about before they met although the chapter tiles with Jaewon before Jihyun and Jihyun before Jaewon give me some hope that we will get something with them together after the initial chapters.
I do think they should have done a content warning for the novel especially since this first chapter deals with cutting. Although the series implies some heavy mental health issues reading novels is alot different than the series implied but off the screen version of the issues.
While the chapter does give a good dark peek into what Jaewon's relationship is like with his father, I didn't feel like the argument between the two as something natural feeling. A little wordy if that makes sense. I got more pulled into the story during the cutting section and the aftermath with his mother and then the last argument with his father. The chapter really pulls out how much darker Jaewon's world really is compared to what we see in the series.
I'm really curious about Jihyun's chapter since we actually don't know alot about his past from the series. There are alot of blanks to fil in with his character and what his life is like.
Overall I'm happy with the novel so far although at $10.69 with tax a chapter I don't know if I will continue on with the entire novel in this format.
Edit: Here is the information for the digital package/novel if anyone doesn't know where to find it.
English Version
Spanish Version
Portugues Version
All the files are contained in a single downloadable folder from your account page.
For the chapter itself it actually isn't a novel version of the series. The novel is going to give us a deep dive into what made the characters what they are for the series. The first chapter is 23 pages with the first 7 a foreword and title pages. There are also 2 artwork pages in the first chapter. This first chapter gives us a look at Jaewon and his relationship with his parents. It also probably should have a warning on it since it contains cutting in it as well. The translation flows smoothly and doesn't feel like a translation. It is password protected but there is a separate file in the folder along with an email that has the password inside.
The photos are exactly what is shown in the preview 300dpi 7157 by 9992 pixels or 23 by 33 inches in size. The Psd file have all the layers in them to make taking out the text easy with the right software.
The song is 3 mins 22 sec instrumental at 124kbps on the mp3 and 2304kbps on the wav format.
Edit: One more edit. There was some confusion on another post about if you would get the other chapters with this purchase. I emailed the shop and this is there response which also includes a little of their plans for the novel release.
The digital pack consists of multiple components, of which the Chapter is only a small part.
Our primary goal is to evaluate the overall interest in the complete novel by analyzing the success of Digital Package sales. Upon making this assessment, our intention is to release the remaining sections of the novel as an independent purchase.
If the response is positive, we aspire to make it available on Kindle and ideally produce a hardcover edition with accompanying artwork. We appreciate your support, which has contributed to making this journey truly exceptional for our entire team.
Hope that clears things up.

submitted by Longjumping-Ad-6775 to boyslove [link] [comments]

2023.05.09 05:05 vegutier Issue with multi-disc albums

Hello, I’m having issues when transferring albums to my Zune 120 and they have more than 1 cd, it shows the song order as 1,1,2,2,3,3, etc. with the first songs from the two cds and so on. They show correctly on the PC software. Do you know how to solve this? The only workaround I found was to modify the album title adding CD1 or CD2 respectively but it loses the album artwork and you need to add the second one to the play queue…anyway, any hint on how to solve it will be appreciated.
submitted by vegutier to Zune [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 23:21 sr_darkzinho Classic! My uncle give-me

Classic! My uncle give-me submitted by sr_darkzinho to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 23:15 sr_darkzinho Clássico

Clássico submitted by sr_darkzinho to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]