zone archive password and usernames

Google claims my GMAIL has been leaked to the Darkweb!

2024.06.02 18:44 Anxious-Revenue4161 Google claims my GMAIL has been leaked to the Darkweb!

Hi Everyone,
I did a Google One Darkweb report and the results were that my GMAIL username and password have been leaked to the Darkweb five times. But it's confusing. It has been leaked to:
Myspace in 2016 ? Wasn't this a legit site?
And then some weird names appeared:
Brutus Banks Combolist
and 3 other Combolists
I do not understand this. Are those combolists and Myspace websites? Or are these Darkweb websites?
submitted by Anxious-Revenue4161 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:35 elsch0pi rtl_433 and MQTT: problems getting messages

I have a RPi4 running DietPi and a Nooelec SmartSDR v3. When running rtl_433 without any arguments, it works and displays a large number of sensors in the neighbourhood.
Now I wanted to filter these devices using MQTT and NodeRed. I use an external MQTT server. I use the "-F mqtt://:1883,user=,pass=" for my server. In the server configuration, I have declared a topic "rtl_433" with a wildcard for sub-topics. This has worked for several other projects with ESP32 sensor and micropython.
When starting rtl_433 with the command, it tells me it's publishing it's data to the given topic, and I get an "MQTT Connected...MQTT Connection established."
I understand that the output of the program is piped to MQTT so my command line stays blank, that's not my problem ;)
My problem is that even though I configured my node in NodeRed (or MQTT explorer) correctly, I do not get any data. I would have expected several sub-topics and messages in there for various devices.
What did I do wrong?
submitted by elsch0pi to RTLSDR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:17 IcyCheetah3568 backup formats to increasing recovery chances from hardware corruption?

What type of password protected file/folder backup format, or method, is good to increase recovery chances (not breaking the whole backup) from hardware corruption or from file transfer corruption (from one storage to another or copying/moving backups within an OS). I understand that the condition of the hardware is very important but I want to see what we can do on software level to at least have some better chances at recovery when something happens.
Using RAR archives with recovery records? Does compression settings matter? Store, Fastest, Best, etc.
Whole disk encryption on the backup drive? (Or a partition to also have easy access to other files)
Is there any reason to use a backup program for this purpose? They also put all files into one single file, with or without compression, is it any different than a ra7zip/zip file? Maybe something about processing metadata and chances of recovery?
submitted by IcyCheetah3568 to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:03 GuyFromToilet Need help building site. FYH (next.js fund raising app)

Need help building site. FYH (next.js fund raising app)
Hey devs, recently i've been working on this project where i've tried to build an crowd funding web app with next.js, this is built as personal project. functionality is very simple to use sign-up and login. user get's personal dashboard where he has personal profile link that can be shared with anyone. anyone can visit that link and send donation with message without need to login. for payment purchase i've used razorpay. till this process is fluent. in user dashboard user can see message and donations and has option to withdraw it. i've created model and api to handle user bank details. but I didn't think too for and now stuck in after user requests withdrawal how can I send money to his bank account. i reasearched about razorpay payout and razorpay x to initiate automate payout to customers bank account. but only works with registered businesses. This is my problem. how can i resolve this? is there's anyway to initiate payouts to user bank account without needing registered business. (i am not an expert or has any experience. I am student don't be harsh on me)
for login use: username: demo password: 12345678
submitted by GuyFromToilet to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 DownbytheBay1121 Canada account linking

Hi, I am new and trying to link my first account (TD in Canada). It’s asking for username and password. I just used my debt card number to login. It’s not accepting my entry. I have no issue logging into my banking so I know it’s all correct.
submitted by DownbytheBay1121 to ynab [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 CommunicationOdd3109 ORIGINAL OWNER Renegade Raider Raider's Revenge Mako Glider

ORIGINAL OWNER Renegade Raider Raider's Revenge Mako Glider submitted by CommunicationOdd3109 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:14 Overall_Lobster_4738 Applied to CVS but can't do the VJT

I got the email link to the VJT but the site won't accept any username or password of mine and I can't reset the password because to do that you have to put an employee ID...which I don't have.
So as of now I can't finish my application until I'm hired?
submitted by Overall_Lobster_4738 to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:32 Basic_End1296 Trouble Connecting Two MacMinis

Hello! I followed the instructions on the Apple site to connect the two via Ethernet but I've been unsuccessful. I hope that it's NOT a complete non-starter but here are the details.
They are on the same network. They can both see each other (via finder) I have verified the usernames/passwords on both Minis. However... when I try to provide credentials to access "the other side" I get that shaky box which usually indicates a faulty password. In a recent look, I was able to see the desktop of the other Mini but not able to either save files there, nor do anything else other than look.
I should mention that my goal in this is mainly to use the old one to store files, and it does not have its own screen (I have been swapping the HDMI between them during troubleshooting) but has its own keyboard/mouse.
Any advice greatly appreciated!
submitted by Basic_End1296 to macmini [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:06 Least-Flatworm7361 User management in homelab

Hi all,
I started my homelab many years ago. Without any knowledge of administration. I want to "relaunch" my homelab but I'm not sure how to handle user management.
At the moment every of my VMs/LXCs has a local admin user. Always same username and password.
Apart from security aspects it appears to be redundant to me. I want to manage my users centralized. This user mangement could also be used for authentication against some services like nextcloud, gitlab,...
What solution do you recommend for this tasks? Is LDAP the only valid solution for this? Are there any other common protocols? Should I just go with a samba server?
submitted by Least-Flatworm7361 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:01 Wooden-Income714 Habit of creating "duplicated" code to ensure the action will happen, is it bad?

Hello everyone!
Quick question. I'm implementing a functionality to create users through an api endpoint, the shape of the request is name, username and password, and i want the name to be optional and if one is not provided to default to "Anonymous".
Would it be considered redundant if i made the "check" on all fronts? I'm on the habit of doing this but idk if it is a bad pratice.
What i mean is, validating if a name is provided and giving the default one if not on the front-end, on the backend and on the user model (i'm using mongoose with mongo).
I know it seems redundant but the reason i do this is that it makes the system "tighter" and someone reading my code will know that name have a default regardless from where he reads it.
Does that make sense? Or i should just give a default on the model and call it resolved?
submitted by Wooden-Income714 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:37 Hmunder Twitter sucks?

I never used Twitter, like ever. I only made an account in middle school (2012) because I wanted to get points on a game I was playing at the time by sharing a link through twitter. I've been getting emails for about 6 months from "X", which I obviously didn't recognize. It started with my password being changed, and then my username was changed and now it says there's suspicious activity on my account. I ignored it bc I genuinely thought "X" was an email hacker so I didn't click the link.
So I no longer know the username, the phone number I used has not belonged to me since 2015 and the password was changed by the hackers.
Support is basically useless because I don't know the username, so these hackers are basically using my name and I can do nothing about it.
There has to be something I can do??
The "support" page denies my requests and says they can not prove that I am the account holder (duh, that's literally my issue, I never used the account)
Any advice? I need to be able to actually explain my situation because the support system hears "I don't know my username" and ends it then and there.
submitted by Hmunder to Twitter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:18 Due-Twist-2625 IG

submitted by Due-Twist-2625 to u/Due-Twist-2625 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:18 gritde New internet and cable service with Xumo, setup problems

Started new service with Spectrum, using the Xumo box. All equipment from Spectrum.
Modem and router setup went ok. Xumo box activation directed me to a website. That web page directed me to call a phone number to complete activation. The person on that phone number said I needed to PAY them to activate the Xumo box. After 30+ minutes on the phone with “Joey Davis on the Xumo team with Spectrum”, who was in a call center in India, I reluctantly paid. The Xumo box activation finished and my service started with no issues. A Xumo account was created using my Spectrum user name but a different password than my Spectrum account.
I called Spectrum internet tech support later to complain about the extra payment for the Xumo box. They said there is no extra cost involved, a Xumo account is free. They passed me on to billing, who was essentially useless. I asked to be connected to the Spectrum internal Xumo support group. He said Xumo activation used the same login credentials as my Spectrum account. That was how the Xumo equipment was linked to my Spectrum account. He concluded I had been scammed somehow. He mentioned he had heard some stories about it happening but had no personal experience dealing with it directly. We both agreed the new equipment should be thrown away and new equipment issued, since the original equipment might be compromised in some way. All of these Spectrum personnel suggested contacting Xumo.
I contacted Xumo directly They were completely useless. I told them I wanted to delete my new Xumo account to start a new activation fresh. They said I could not delete my existing account. I could deactivate the account though. I told them there was a compromise of some type in their system . They ignored that comment, several times.
I then contacted the Spectrum internal team supporting Xumo, again. I asked them if there would be an issue starting a new, fresh activation with an existing Xumo account that did not use my Spectrum login password. He said there would be no issues, and then asked if I had any other questions. I continued to press him on the issue with having a single user name but trying to use different passwords. He maintained it wasn’t a problem and said we were done with the call. Useless. Even I know usernames and passwords are paired.
I then decided I needed to change my Spectrum user name so there would not be any issues with activating the new Xumo box from scratch. It wasn’t obvious how to do that. Called Spectrum internet support. We walked thru that, but the Spectrum login page would not accept an “@“ in the username for some reason so I could not use an email address. I suspect that will cause a problem with Xumo account creation, but we will see. The Spectrum guy was eager to get off the call, so I let that issue drop
I cancelled the credit card used to pay the scam artist. Amex said I’m out of luck with getting my money back, but that merchant is blocked from making additional charges. Amex said I could not dispute the charge at this time. They said I should write an email to the scam artist asking for my money back. If they did not refund my money, then I might try a dispute, but it probably would be denied. I suggested a thief was unlikely to return the money they had stolen, but Amex said there was nothing they could do.
I’m not sure how I got directed to a scam artist while following the on screen instructions during activation of the Xumo box. Apparently I was not on the real Xumo activation page, or the Xumo system is hacked/compromised in some manner. I’ll be more careful with typing/searching for the web address used for Xumo activation. If I’m not using an email address for my Spectrum username will I be able to create a new Xumo account during activation of the new Xumo box?
submitted by gritde to Spectrum [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:00 AutoModerator Weekly Looking for MMO thread - June 02, 2024

Please use this thread to post your looking for game posts. In order to get the best response possible, please use the template below. Also check past Weekly Game Discussion and Community Best Picks threads for helping in finding the right MMO for you!

Remeber, please be respectful of other peoples opinions and only downvote comments that are not contributing to discussion. This is a judgement free zone!
If you want to chat about it we have an LFMMO channel in our discord at or you can post in /LFMMO.
submitted by AutoModerator to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:38 Common_Confusion4253 Not able to deploy docker container with github actions

Not able to deploy docker container with github actions
I am trying to add my flask app to spaces here is my Dockerfile
FROM python:3.11 WORKDIR /app COPY . /app RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 7860 CMD ["flask", "run", "--host=", "--port=7860"] 
here is my main.yaml
name: Sync to Hugging Face hub on: push: branches: [main] jobs: sync-to-hub: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 lfs: true - name: Build and push Docker image to Hugging Face env: HF_USERNAME: sakthi07 SPACE_NAME: health HF_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.HF_TOKEN }} run: echo "Building image: $HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME" # **1. Verify Build Command:** docker build -t $HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:latest . # Ensure context is . # **2. Check Built Image:** docker images grep $HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME # Check for built image # Tag the image (assuming successful build) docker tag $HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:latest$HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:latest docker tag $HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:latest$HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) # Login and push (assuming successful build and tagging) echo $HF_TOKEN docker login --username $HF_USERNAME --password-stdin docker push$HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:latest docker push$HF_USERNAME/$SPACE_NAME:$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) 
Actually what should be the url of the spaces name and what should be the name. I have created a fine grained token and granted all the access. Here is the error I get
something like Invalid character '<' I have seen videos where they upload it through Docker or perform GitHub actions but I don't know if both can be done. I am just trying out GitHub actions and Docker and I am new to computer science. So please excuse me if this doubt seems so silly!
submitted by Common_Confusion4253 to huggingface [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:11 DCozy14 I want to start learning how to play GA, but I can't wrap my head around the Imbue keyword...

GA TCG comprehensive rules states Imbue as :
1. Imbue is an[sic] static ability which means, “You may reserve all cards revealed as you activate this card. If at least N of them are , this card becomes imbued." 
With the way it is templated, it clearly states that there are cards already revealed as you activate a card with imbue. When is that? cause when you activate a card, you pay the reserve cost by placing X amount of cards face down in the memory zone, correct?:
From Grand Archive TCG Comprehensive Rules: Parts of a Card - Cost
To pay for a reserve cost, select X other cards from your hand where X is the cost required to activate the desired card and place them into your Memory zone face-down. 
There is nothing revealed, right?
Is the revealing of cards with imbue like an "additional cost"? So aside from paying the reserve cost, you also reveal cards as you activate a card with imbue?
(Also, I just want to point this out in case someone from Weebs of the Shore is reading this: As I was researching this imbue keyword, I spent a lot of time reading the comprehensive rules, and, oh boy, the comprehensive rules is not beginner friendly to say the least >_<)
EDIT: SOLVED! thanks to u/LoneWolfik. Apparently, I am interpreting the word "revealed" in the Imbue rules text as a verb, when it is actually an adjective. lol. Still, the mere fact that I created this post means that the wording is confusing. Hope this post will help future players that are confused like me about the Imbue keyword.
submitted by DCozy14 to grandarchivetcg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:45 cyntanic Creating a collection/wiki of BA Lore

Creating a collection/wiki of BA Lore
The story of Blue Archive is spellbinding. It's easy to follow; and easy to access.
The lore? Even more spellbinding. It's hard to follow; and hard to access.
I want the full lore of Blue Archive accessible to anyone. Although the devs want the story to be the main focus, they've put in a copious effort in crafting them to be just ignored.
Currently all lore are scattered around the internet. Many of them here on reddit, some on youtube. The "official" wiki (BA Wiki and Fandom) are great wikis, however they are not specifically for lore.
If only there was a place for all lore to be found.
So I decided to make one. Not sure if this was done before.
Think of it like a browser; a document containing the entire, full lore of Blue Archive, gathering all scattered information into one, easy-to-navigate wiki.
Why lore?
Saying it is fascinating is an understatement. Saying it is educational is also an understatement. There are so many interesting things you learn, it's like school but actually teaches you something. It has ties to many philosophical, religious, and metaphysical elements. Reading may not be your thing, this collection will make it your thing.
What can this do that others can't? Why was this necessary?
I was looking through the Korean documents of the Blue Archive lore and was astonished by the level of detail and quality. They were hard to understand and required focus to comprehend. It did not seem like there were such things in the English community, however.
As previously mentioned, this collection acts as if it is a browser, or a wiki of some sort, containing refined lore text in easy-to-understand language for all audiences. It sources information from pre-existing texts, which will be credited clearly and properly. If the original text is deemed easy to understand and follow, the link should take you straight there.
All wikis which seem to explain the story does it well. Most of them, however, are poorly organized. If you wanted to find a specific "something", you can search it up, however for lore, Google does a terrible job at finding related information. This collection improves the organization with clear coordination of lore listed in a categorized manner, for easy access.
I think having a place where all lore can live, in a categorized manner, will be great. Because the story ties to many "deep" topics, reading what has been uncovered will be a fascinating journey. It also is a great time passer too.
Lore explanation will be crucial, as there will be more people joining our community due to the anime adaptation.
And most importantly, it needs to be free.
What will it contain?
This is going to be a collection of gathered lore from the English community and the Korean community. For other communities... I need someone else who can speak their language.
Where can I find this?
I am in the categorization process. here is the landing page: (I am working on a custom domain with NS1 by IBM, it's giving me headaches. Any kind of help will be much appreciated.)
It doesn't look great, because I am not a front end dev. I like C++.
Oh yea, forgot to mention. Its name is Lore Archive. Pretty fitting in my opinion.
Currently creating it on Google Docs as it is the easiest, the most user-friendly, and easy to navigate. However I am trying software such as Nuclino, Wiki.js, and Bookstack. Nuclino seems pretty promising.
I want to help out.
Currently it is a one-man show. I am THRILLED for any kind of help. Please email me at []( for details, If Discord is easier for you, my username is c3ro.
Thanks for reading this long post. For updates... check the landing page, its source code will be hard updated every time there is news 💀
Is this a good idea?
Probably. Probably not. Up to you to decide.
TL;DR: I am making a collection of pre-existing Blue Archive lore.
Edits: addition of section What will it contain?
submitted by cyntanic to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:16 Initial_Medicine798 "Voices in the Night" is partially solved! The song is called "I Hear Voices" and was supposedly recoded in 1981 by the rock band "Lazer" under the record label "Scotti Brothers Records" (Explanation below why I consider it "partially solved" and WARNING about contacting the singer)

I have been in contact with Billy Trudel, the singer of "Voices in The Night" since yesterday, and I have the pictures to prove it, which I will post (Mr. Trudel´s email is publicly available). The time stamp in the messages is GMT (UTC+00:00), which is the time zone I live in.
DO NOT TRY TO CONTACT HIM, is what I would advice people not to do. After I started contacting Mr. Trudel via email, the OP (Youtuber "2010FSR") uploaded a full version of it a few hours ago, we got to know the singer and guitarist of the song in question. I knew about the identity of the singer since yesterday, but I didn´t came out with it because I wanted to contact him and be 100% sure it was him and clarify dates with him (which is kinda hard, since this basically around 40 years ago).
I believe this song was partially solved, by both the OP themselves and me. Also wanted to point out redditor u/Dry-Efficiency7562 for being the first user mentioning Billy Trudel as the singer on this Reddit page, based on the OP´s video. I say PARTIALLY SOLVED, because both the OP and Mr. Trudel are not totally sure when both the song and the music video were recorded.
After getting a response from Mr. Trudel, he originally claimed that the song is actualy called "I Hear Voices", recorded in 1981 by his former band "Lazer" and catalogued by the defunct recording company "Scotti Brothers Records". Based on what he said, both the song and the music video can´t be later then 1985, because later that year he made a contract with "Chrysalis Records", which would have prevented him from participating in such projects - the project in question being a college class project from California State University (CSUN). At a certain point it was too late for me and I had to go sleep, so I stopped messaging Mr. Trudel (we live in 2 different parts of the world).
Here is the band "Lazer" in question:
Here is Billy Trudel on the same site:
Steve Calvano is mentioned as a guitarist both in this site and in the video that the OP released, so it appears what Mr. Trudel told me is correct - this is a song by the band "Lazer".
The problem is that we aren´t still sure what is the year the song was recorded - somewhere between 1981 and 1985. I will try to contact Mr. Trudel later today for more info and I hope he responds. I think I will also contact the current owner of catalogue of the defunct "Scotti Brothers Records" - which should be "RCA Records" - in order to see if they have something in their catalogue about "I Hear Voices"/"Voices in the Night", since I have not been able to find anything online until now. But maybe some of you might.
submitted by Initial_Medicine798 to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:57 Yevgenyl Web pages intermittent loading issue with GlobalProtect and Internal Gateway with a tunnel


Panos 10.2.8-h3, Globalprotect client 6.1.4

Since the start we have been having an issue with Internal GW which is configured without a tunnel.

The issue is that from time to time a user which is connected is not visible in user.src eq "username" in traffic rules. Therefor security rules which filter by user id were not working.

I've opened a ticket with you about that by PA support was not able to have - "there are many reasons which can cause that", was the conclusion.

I've opened another case with support about something else and waiting for responses.

Because this issue has never happened with External GW and the main difference between external to Internal was tunnel mode and IP-POOL I've created another internal GW with IPSEC tunnel and IP-POOL.

I've not seen the reported issue yet, but there is another issue:

• At times, when I try to access a URL via web browser, I immediately get an error which says that site isnt available.

After I refresh the page 1-3 times, it loads successfully. Subsequent reloads work flawlessly.

This happens on Chrome, Edge, Firefox. In Incognito mode, and after flushing dns on windows.

Initial thought was an issue with the DNS. I bypassed DNS to pass outside of the ipsec tunnel - this hasnt made any difference.

• More things which I tried:

> Removing zone protection from Internal Gateways tunnel interface

> Setting MTU of 1380 on Internal Gateways tunnel

> Disabling ipsec on the tunnel and leaving it with SSL

Any ideas what else can I check?

submitted by Yevgenyl to paloaltonetworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:18 Salty-Teach-7021 Project X Announcement!

Greetings, Project X enthusiasts!
We would like to inform you that the old "" domain has gone defunct since June 1st, along with the original Discord server.
The Project X developers have since created a new site, offering a new perspective of the old eras of the online MMO Roblox. The new domain is .
The updated version of Project X has a new and refined user interface, with a new catalog and home page. All inconsistencies of the original Project X have been removed, with more to come!
Your data has not been reset. If you are worrying about where your account information has gone, it's still encrypted in our database along with your hashed IP, passwords and usernames. You still have your Project X avatar, items and currency!
For more updates, be sure to join the new Project X Discord server; . Stay tuned for the new Project X revamp/overhaul!
With kind regards, The Project X developer team.
submitted by Salty-Teach-7021 to oldrobloxrevivals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:00 AutoModerator READ ME FIRST! Weekly Intro + Rules Thread June 02, 2024

Welcome to the Weekly Intro Thread!

Hello! It looks like you’ve decided to join Trying For a Baby! Congratulations - we are glad to have you here with us!

Please introduce yourself in the comments!

Share whatever you feel like, but here are some ideas about what to write about!
We have rules we expect all community members will follow. Posts and comments that do not follow these rules will be removed by the mod team. If you see something that is breaking one of these rules, please use the report button or message the moderators. We also have this lovely post written by a community member on the sub's culture and how to interact and expect as a new member!

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There are two daily chat posts each day, posted twelve hours apart. You can find the most recent one here. Jump in any time -- this is where most of the action is!
There are also themed threads that go up once per week on a given day: Moody Monday, Temping Tuesday, Giveaway Tuesday, Waiting Wednesday, Wondering Wednesday, Trying Again Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Health and Wellness Thursday, Looking Forward Friday, Wondering Weekend, 35 and Ova

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Welcome to our community! We are happy to have you!
submitted by AutoModerator to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 PCbuilderFR What should i do

What should i do submitted by PCbuilderFR to antivirus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 Betonar test

Remember the thrill of unwrapping a brand new PS1 game and flipping through the manual? Those manuals weren't just there to explain the controls; they were portals to another world, filled with backstory, character art and detailed lore that made the game universe come alive!"
Imagine having high-quality scans for EVERY PS1 game manual! K1rkl4nd, a true hero of the retro gaming community, is almost there, having tackled the manuals for SNES, PS2, and venturing into ATARI 7800, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, GameBoy Advance and XBOX 360! But the final stretch is tough. Only 125 PS1 manuals remain, and many are becoming super expensive.
We need your help to cross the finish line and preserve this important piece of gaming history!

Here's what you can do:

Let's Finish This Together!
Anyone can personally follow the progress here: Playstation 1 Progress Report

Current status: (as of 6/1/2024)

Manual Count Status
732 in-hand manuals
129 loaned/leased for scanning - hi-res
86 from online sources - good
88 in-hand manuals - no cover
122 from online sources - poor
125 missing

How to Scan:


Do you have anything to share? Contact K1rkl4nd via PM or email: jgrimm (at) atensionspan (dot) com

Links to K1rkl4nd's domain:
Initial plea for assistance from K1rkl4nd:
Note: Scanning manuals is a time-consuming task, and editing them post-scan is necessary. Even after gathering all the manuals, processing and publishing them will take some time. The plan is to release all the scans simultaneously for a complete and organized archive. The primary goal of the collection is to gather manuals for NTSC games, with a secondary goal of collecting manuals for games not released in the NTSC region.
K1rkl4nd's collection stands as a testament to dedication and passion, encompassing all well-known manuals that are freely available online. This monumental effort has spanned 25 years, highlighting his unwavering commitment to preserving gaming history. While numerous collectors have emerged over the years with intentions to scan and publish their collections, all of these initiatives have unfortunately faded away.
In rare cases, K1rkl4nd might potentially accept financial donations for the purpose of acquiring the missing manuals. Personally, I consider it important to mention this information; however, K1rkl4nd has never publicly solicited financial donations, nor will he organize a public fundraising campaign for this purpose. The goal of this post is to bring attention to this project and reach out to collectors who own these games and are willing to share their manuals.
Missing manuals Loaned/leased for scanning - hi-res In-hand manuals - no cover
Adidas Power Soccer ’98 Ace Combat 2 Alien Resurrection
Adventures of Lomax, The Alien Trilogy Ape Escape
Alone in The Dark: One-Eyed Jack’s Revenge Aquanaut’s Holiday Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes
Armored Core: Master of Arena Arc the Lad Collection Army Men: World War – Land * Sea * Air
Armored Core: Project Phantasma Armored Core Army Men: World War – Team Assault
Assault Rigs Army Men: World War – Final Front BassRise
Baldies A-Train Big Ol’ Bass 2
Barbie: Explorer Auto Destruct Black Bass with Blue Marlin
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Bases Loaded ’96: Double Header Blade
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game Batman & Robin Bomberman Party Edition
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 BattleTanx: Global Assault Bust-a-Move ’99
Bear in the Big Blue House: Ojo’s Birthday Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
Blockids Bloody Roar 2: The New Breed Destruction Derby Raw
Board Game: Top Shop Bomberman Fantasy Race Digimon Digital Card Battle
Bottom of the 9th ’97 Bratz Digimon Rumble Arena
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror Broken Helix Digimon World
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Digimon World 2
Bug Riders: The Race of Kings Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time Digimon World 3
Bust-a-Groove 2 Bushido Blade Dino Crisis
C: The Contra Adventure Bushido Blade 2 Disney’s / Pixar’s Toy Story Racer
Capcom vs. SNK Pro Bust-a-Groove Disney’s Donald Duck Goin’ Quackers
Carnage Heart Castlevania Chronicles Disney’s Tarzan
City of Lost Children, The Chicken Run Disney’s The Jungle Book: Rhythm ‘n Groove
Crow: City of Angels, The Codename: Tenka Disney’s World Quest: Magical Tour Racing
Crusader: No Remorse Colony Wars Dracula: The Resurrection
Cybersled Countdown Vampires Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
Cyberspeed Crypt Killer Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes
D Descent Dune 2000
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Mix Destrega ECW Anarchy Rulz!
Danger Girl Devil Dice ECW Hardcore Revolution
Darklight Conflict Diablo Eliminator
Discworld II: Morality Bites Disney’s / Pixar’s Buzz Lightyear of Star… ESPN MLS Gamenight 2000
Discworld, Terry Prachett’s Disney’s Lilo & Stitch Fantastic Four
Disney’s 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue Disney’s My Disney Kitchen Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
Disney’s Peter Pan in Return to Neverland Dragon Seeds Felony 11-79
Disney’s The Lion King: Simba’s Mighty Adv. DragonHeart: Fire & Steel Fox Sports NBA Basketball 2000
Disney’s Winnie the Pooh Preschool Evil Dead: Hail to the King Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Divide, The: Enemies Within Evil Zone Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Excalibur 2555 A.D. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Dragon Valor FIFA Soccer 2004 Hydro Thunder
Easter Bunny’s Big Day Fifth Element, The Invasion from Beyond
Eggs of Steel Future Cop L.A.P.D. Jurassic Park: WarPath
Elemental Gearbolt Galerians Legend of Mana
Expendable Gekido Looney Tunes Sheep Raider
Extreme Go-Cart Racing Goal Storm ’97 Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX
F1 World Grand Prix 2000 Goofy’s Fun House Medal of Honor: Underground
FIFA Soccer 2002 Grinch, The Mega Man 8 (incl. Anniversary Ed.)
FIFA Soccer 2003 Hello Kitty’s Cube Frenzy Men In Black The Series: Crashdown
Fisher Price Rescue Heroes: Molten Menace Hexen: Beyond Heretic Metal Slug X
Fox Hunt Hi-Octane Mort the Chicken
G Police: Weapons of Justice Hogs of War Mortal Kombat: Special Forces
Gekioh Shooting King Hot Shots Golf 2 Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness
Glover Intelligent Qube MTV Sports: Skateboarding Featuring Andy MacDonald
Goal Storm International Superstar Soccer Pro ’98 MTV Sports: Snowboarding
Grand Theft Auto: The Director’s Cut International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution Mummy, The
Gundam Battle Assault Irritating Stick Namco Museum Vol. 2 – A
Herc’s Adventure Jersey Devil NBA Hangtime
In the Hunt JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure NFL Blitz 2001
International Track & Field 2000 Jumping Flash! 2 Nicktoons Racing
Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Kensei: Sacred Fist Pandemonium! 2
Johnny Bazookatone Kingsley’s Adventure Pocket Fighter
Jumping Flash! Klonoa: Door to Phantomile Rampage 2: Universal Tour
King of Fighters ’95, The Land Before Time: Return to the Great Valley Ray Tracers
King of Fighters ’99, The: Millennium Battle Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
Lego Island 2: The Brickster’s Revenge Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012
Lego Racers Magic Carpet Rollcage
Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV
Lode Runner MediEvil Rugrats: Search for Reptar
Marvel Super Heroes MediEvil II Small Soldiers
Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia Mega Man X4 South Park
Muppet Monster Adventure Metal Gear Solid VR Missions South Park Rally
Muppet Race Mania Monkey Hero Spawn: The Eternal
Namco Museum Vol. 4 – C Mortal Kombat 4 Spice World
NASCAR Thunder 2004 Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
NHL Open Ice: 2 on 2 Challenge Mortal Kombat Trilogy Spyro the Dragon
Novastorm Motor Toon Grand Prix Street Fighter Collection
Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat Mr. Driller Street Fighter EX2 Plus
Philosoma Namco Museum Vol. 5 – O Stuart Little 2
Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit NBA In the Zone 2000 Tom & Jerry in House Trap
Play with the Teletubbies NBA Jam Tournament Edition Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf
PO’ed Nectaris: Military Madness Torneko: The Last Hope
Point Blank 3 NHL Blades of Steel 2000 Transformers: Beast Wars
Power Move Pro Wrestling Nightmare Creatures Turbo Prop Racing
Power Slave Point Blank 2 Twisted Metal 4
Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction Power Rangers Zeo: Full Tilt Battle Pinball Unholy War, The
Primal Rage Power Rangers: Time Force Urban Chaos
Project: Horned Owl Poy Poy WarGames: Defcon 1
Psychic Detective Professional Underground: League of Pain Xevious 3D/G+
Psychic Force Raiden Project, The X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Rascal Racers Rayman 2: The Great Escape X-Men: Children of the Atom
Rise 2: Resurrection RayStorm
R-Types RC Revenge
Rugrats: Totally Angelica Resident Evil
Rush Hour Resident Evil: Survivor
Shadow Tower Return Fire
Silverload Re-Volt
Skullmonkeys Ridge Racer Type 4
Smurfs, The Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Sol Divide Roadsters
Soul of the Samurai Runabout 2
Space Griffon VF-9 Sentient
Space Hulk: Vengeance… Shadow Man
Star Gladiator Space Jam
Starblade Alpha Speed Racer
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter Collection 2 Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Street Fighter: The Movie Super Shot Soccer
Tail Concerto Syndicate Wars
Tail of the Sun Thousand Arms
Team Buddies Threads of Fate
Team Losi: RC Racer Time Crisis: Project Titan
Tennis Arena Tiny Toons: Toonenstein – Dare to Scare
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 2001 TOCA 2: Touring Car Championship
Tobal No. 1 Tomba!
Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Trick’n Snowboarder
Transformers: Beast Wars – TransMetals Vampire Hunter D
Trap Gunner Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey ’98
Ultimate Brain Games Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Viva Soccer Wipeout 3
Vs. X-Com: UFO Defense
War Gods X-Files, The
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style
XS Junior League Football
Zero Divide
submitted by Betonar to Test_Posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 Master_Musician8226 My account got hacked and I made a new one while I wait to get it back and got all of this free?

My account got hacked and I made a new one while I wait to get it back and got all of this free?
So I made my activision account a while back and used the same email that I use for my psn account on it and it just got hacked, so I tried getting it back and resetting my password but it was completely changed and whoever it was connected their steam account to it so I looked the username up that was in the email and there were no results, so I put in a ticket and am currently waiting for a response but I made another account just now and used the PlayStation log in option cuz it wouldn’t take my email normally since it was on my activision account and that’s what got hacked, and I ended up with almost 10,000 cod points and the black cell pass which I don’t buy anymore and 89 battle pass tokens, really I’m just curious how this could’ve happened, should I spend the points or nah? I really just want my old stuff back had borealis and some other good skins
submitted by Master_Musician8226 to COD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:44 WarmaneBart Join the Hordes Onyxian raiding guild, .

All Oldtimer Gaming links are here -
*Don't put up with toxic ass guildie's/Raid and guild leaders if you don't have to, Join us instead!*
(H) PM me for G-Invites either in-game on Onyxia (Horde). Please feel free to message me, my main's named (Oldtimer) or you can find me on Discord, My username's (Warmaneoldtimer). We're known on Onyxia for being a laid-back guild while also racing towards progression while also developing new friendships as we Smoke some Budz with some buds while we laugh at dumb s#@t and clear raids. We're currently looking for active members to join as core raid members and/or as fill-in positions. We typically end up pugging if we don't fill with guildie's. But our raids are usually 70-100% guild member ran, However if you'd like a permanent position on our Core group then I'd suggest joining as soon as possible!
Whether you're working on pre-raiding gear or finishing with your BiS and/or tier pieces, we don't discriminate, Our guild is a judgement free zone. We treat every member fairly, and with respect. As for looting during raids, Everybody is given a fair chance to win a piece/piece's of gear utilizing via the guilds Discord. Players/Members are given the opportunity to specific a couple items that they'd like to reserve incase a boss drops the specified items. Whom ever chooses the same items for Res, will have to roll against each other. This allows loot to be spread amongst member's and Pug member's evenly. Looking forward to recruiting and raiding with new and old guild members this coming week! Hurry for a spot in all our raids!!!!
For people who prefer pvping. I'm organizing pre-made WSG/BG matches this coming Weds 06/05/2024 if enough members sign up once I lay out the invites on our Discord. I also stream most of our guild's pve/pvp progression and while we're F#@KIN S#@T UP! "Unless asked not to, I won't stream if it isn't wanted) To see my guilds an my progression, Visit my Twitch channel. You can find more information on my Discord profile or by asking me personally in-game!
submitted by WarmaneBart to warmane [link] [comments]