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2024.06.01 13:19 Htecfarming Jalapenos in Containers? Beginner's Guide to Success

Jalapeños are one of the most popular peppers for homeowners to grow in their gardens. Their versatility and hardiness make them a great option for those new to container gardening.
This article will evaluate the plant care requirements of jalapeños and determine if they are a suitable pepper variety for beginners growing vegetables in pots.

Jalapeno Plant Care Requirements

Jalapeño pepper plants have moderate care needs that are well-suited for beginners. With the right soil, sun, water and fertilizer, container-grown jalapeños can thrive.

Soil needs for jalapenos in containers

Jalapeños prefer fertile, well-draining soil that retains enough moisture. A good potting mix for jalapeños should contain compost or other organic matter.

Sunlight preferences for growing jalapeno plants

Jalapeños need full sun, requiring at least 6 hours of direct sun per day. Place containers in a spot with sunny exposure.

Watering needs for container-grown jalapeno plants

Jalapeños need consistent soil moisture. Water when the top inch of soil is dry and apply until water drains from the bottom of the pot.

Fertilizing tips for ensuring healthy jalapeno growth

Fertilize jalapeños every 2-3 weeks with a balanced vegetable food during peak growing season. Too much nitrogen can cause excessive foliage growth and fruit production.
As seen above, jalapeño plants have basic soil, sun, water and nutrient needs that are suitable for beginners. Their moderate requirements make them a great pepper choice for those new to container gardening. Now let's examine their ease of growth in pots.

Ease of Growing Jalapenos in Containers

In addition to having needs suitable for beginners, jalapeños are also fairly straightforward to grow in containers. Here are some tips for planting, caring for and troubleshooting jalapeño container plants.

Jalapeno container planting and transplanting instructions

Sow jalapeño seeds directly in pots in spring after the last frost, covering lightly. Hardened-off seedlings can also be transplanted. Space plants at least 1 foot apart.

Common pests and diseases that impact jalapeno plants

The most common issues are aphids, spider mites and powdery mildew. Regular inspection and removal of affected leaves can help control these issues in containers.

Treating any potential jalapeno container plant issues encountered

Isolate and remove any plants with pests or diseases. Spray with insecticidal or fungicidal soap as directed if issues persist. Protect from infestation and stress, which make plants more susceptible.
With simple instructions and potential issues, jalapeños are straightforward for beginners to cultivate in pots. Their tolerant nature positions them as a great pepper choice for those new to container gardening. Let's move on to their prolific cropping habits.
Related: When Do Peppers Start Flowering Outdoors?

Jalapeno Crop Yield and Harvest

Jalapeño plants grown in containers can produce abundant peppers when cared for properly. Here's what beginner growers can expect from their Jalapeño container harvest.

How long does it take jalapenos to produce peppers in containers?

Jalapeños start setting peppers about 2–3 months after sowing. During the growing season, pick peppers every 3–4 days for maximum yield.

Tips for maximizing your jalapeno container garden yield

Pick off flowers at first to encourage bushier plants. Fertilize regularly and maximize sunlight exposure for heavy fruiting all summer long.

Signs that jalapenos are ready for harvest from containers

Look for firm, glossy 3-inch peppers that are dark green or red, depending on variety. Jalapeños are ripe and ready to use after a shade of color change.

Ways to enjoy and preserve your homemade jalapeno harvest

Try canning sliced peppers, drying whole ones, or freezing in an airtight container. Add fresh jalapeños to salsa, chili, stir fries and more for fantastic flavor.
With their speedy maturation and heavy fruiting, jalapeños provide bountiful crops to enjoy immediately or preserve for later. Their prolific yields make them an ideal pepper variety for beginners seeking an abundant first harvest from containers.

Are Jalapenos a Good Beginner Pepper Variety?

Now that we've examined jalapeño plant needs, growing methods and harvest potential, let's assess if they are well-suited for new container gardeners.



Container Gardening Tips

Here are some general tips on selecting other veggies for containers and best practices for new gardeners:

Plant selection tips for other veggies suited to containers

Good options include cherry tomatoes, bush beans, salad greens, herbs and dwarf varieties of vegetables like peppers, zucchini and cucumbers.

General container gardening best practices

Use a well-draining potting mix, water daily, provide adequate sunlight, and fertilize regularly for healthy plants. Stagger plantings for continuous harvests.
submitted by Htecfarming to u/Htecfarming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:27 inBLKN PART 1, Which Fictional character is the most blue?

PART 1, Which Fictional character is the most blue?
Which Fictional Character from any show is the best description of color blue?
Picture of person with biggest amount of votes, will be added as blue.
submitted by inBLKN to Fictionally [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 adminbyrequest It's time for the third 𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆 of 2024 F1 season! This month, you can win 1 of 3 official Haas F1 tees, featuring a sleek new design in bold red and as always - signed by none other than Kevin Magnussen.

It's time for the third 𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆 of 2024 F1 season! This month, you can win 1 of 3 official Haas F1 tees, featuring a sleek new design in bold red and as always - signed by none other than Kevin Magnussen. submitted by adminbyrequest to u/adminbyrequest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:10 GunzBlazein180 Crime and Addiction: The story of a rich white crackhead named Amy

You ever met a rich crackhead chick who’s parents bought her and her heroin addicted boyfriend a whole house, a new car, monthly allowance and seen it all come crashing down? This sounds like a fantasy, but it’s actually reality in the streets of Montgomery County, MD. This is the life of a rich crackhead named Amy.
Before I tell you about Amy, we gotta get the background first and go all the way back to 2021(if you want to skip and get right to Amy, just go to paragraph 11/12, but you’ll miss out on a lot). It’s the year 2021, I had just came back a couple months ago from pulling off EDD fraud. One day I was driving drop top mustangs in Malibu, the next I’m seeing my accounts get frozen and my money slowly begin to dwindle down. Before I knew it I was back in DC, broke and back to square one. Now from the time I was in Cali to the time I returned a lot of shit happened. I fell off with a lot of people, so I found myself hanging around an unusual crowd of people, the Bethesda kids.
You see before I dropped out of Towson University, I had met this nigga named LP, he was from Bowie and he went to school out Bethesda, but me and him got along because we had two things in common: we both liked DMV music, and we both liked to party our asses tf off. But that’s a story for another day.
You see LP put me on to a lot of people from Bathesda, I had never really hung around white folks before, and with the connections he gave me i made friends with a couple of crackas and even met my now deceased ex girlfriend. I was going to the craziest white functions and constantly turning up. But I saw more than a chance to have fun, saw this as a money making opportunity🤑 cha ching! And it was through LP that I met some friends who introduced me to a nigga named Swervy.
You see them white folks love to drink beer and smoke weed at parks, so one day I’m meeting up wit one of my good men, Ju. Ju is the typical school shooter typa fella, so it’s no surprise what I saw when I linked up with him at the spot. With him was this long haired European foreign exchange motherfucker whose name I forgot, and this bearded Eastern European nigga named Swervy, and he was wildin the fuck out. Mind you I’m from the projects, and all these bathesda niggas I’m meeting are rich ass motherfuckers who live in multi million dollar mansions. Keep in mind these cats may be rich, but everybody out bathesda is rich so these are basically the rejects. Pretty much the closest thing to a street nigga you can find out there.
As I’m getting introduced to some of these cats, Swervy pulls out a syringe. So I ask “Man wtf is this man doing,” “He’s shooting up fent” casually says Ju. That was the first time I ever witnessed someone shooting up a drug, and it wouldn’t be the last. Swervy would eventually become Amy’s boyfriend. And he was quite the yapper, he’s one of those motherfuckers who peaked in high school, and now he’s just watching his life come spiraling down, at least that is until he meets Amy…
In this meet up I learn a lot about Swervy. He was basically a kingpin at the age of 16-17. He would get shipments of 10’s of thousands of Xanax bars and sell them like hotdogs at a baseball game. These weren’t your regular junkies, these are the children of senators, buisness owners and lawyers. So you didn’t have to worry about a junkie saying he’ll pay you back, money was nothing to these crazy ass white folks. In the midst of all this yapping, I hear something that caught my attention.
“Yea so basically my cousins got like seven pounds of weed and 500gs of thc wax that they’ll give me if I can pick it up, it’s all the way in Arizona” Says Swervy.
🤑🤑🤑Cha mothafucking ching! This was the money I was talking about. Now driving cross country with pounds of weed and concentrate was risky, but shit I’d give my left nutsack for that kind of opportunity. And I might as well have, because a week later I was on my way to Tucson, with this Russian speaking drug addict I had just met the other day. Mind you I’m driving around in a red Lancer, with paper Vermont tags that I had printed online. I might as well Have went up to the police station and asked any of them if they wanted to buy drugs. My young naive dumbass didn’t realize the risk, all I was thinking about was 🤑🤑🤑 cha Ching!
I can sit here all day and tell you about that drive to Arizona, but imma keep it short and simple so we can get to this Amy chick. It was a fucking disaster, but we end up somehow making it back. We got the pounds and the concentrate, but it was all fucking shake! I’d be lucky to sell that shit for $100 a zip. Anyways, the trip opened my eyes to something, this nigga Swervy was a crashout crackhead dummy, and if I continue hanging out with him I was gonna end up dead or in jail. So I begin distancing myself, as I watched this man throw his life away from a far.
Now months go by, and at this point I’m like the street life ain’t for me and I’m working a job, I got a girlfriend and I’m staying low and just cooling it, with these pounds of weed that was so garbage, I was giving it away like charity donations. I had that goodwill pack! Just as things settle down that’s when Swervy comes back in contact with me. You see last time I had linked him, this man was overdosing off fent and we had to drive him to the hospital and save his life. But to my surprise, he was a changed man, or at least that’s what I thought...
He now has this girlfriend and he lives with her in germantown. You see me I’m baffled and curious, what crazy bitch would date this crazy motherfucker who’d probably sell his soul for one shot of heroin? I just had to find out. And when I met Amy I just didn’t know what to say. She was in her 30s and Swervy and me were in our early twenties. Amy was this slim, blonde hair, blue eyed Czechoslovakian chick who stood at about 5’7”. She wasn’t attractive by no means, you can tell the drugs did it’s toll on her, but if you’re drunk enough she can probably look fuckable. She had her degree in psychology from UMBC, but don’t be fooled her brain seemed like it was long fried. A conversation with her felt like a trip to the mental asylum. You will have better luck deciphering ancient Egyptian hyrogriphics before you can make sense of a word she says. Regardless I genuinely tried to get to know her. My guess was at some point in life she must’ve took a full sheet of acid and never recovered since. But she had her own two bedroom condo with a view of Sugarloaf mountain, a Pomeranian dog(which Swervy fucking hated), and a new jeep. So regardless I was impressed this crackhead motherfucker managed to bag her. So I asked him “Where did you find this shawty?” “At a hookah lounge in Rockville” he told me. That’s right folks, a fucking hookah lounge. Boi when I tell you after that, I was hitting up hookah spots like I had season tickets!
So I’m hanging out with them a lot now basically third wheeling, but Germantown was a long ass motherfucking drive, and I lived at the borderline to DC so I would even spend some nights in their guest bedroom. This Amy chick had parents that paid for her gas money and food, they had a fireplace and a balcony. And I can enjoy the comfort of all this as long as I occasionally bring some weed to smoke. And me I’m not one of those leeching ass bums, so the only time I’m hanging out with them is when I’m invited. And I got invited a lot, probably because Amy’s a bit cuukoo and Swervy had either robbed or scared off all his friends from Bathesda. He wanted someone to give him a break from her, a bro he can drink a beer with. So I would often times accompany them. One time we were at Buffalo Wild Wings, and as I sit across from both of them Amy begins playing footsies with me under the table. Of course I play it cool. I had no interest in her, mainly because Swervy hits raw and takes hepatitis medication, also having witnessed this man hold a bunch of homeless niggas at gunpoint in broad day light after I lost my phone at this gas station in Arizona. I can only imagine how he would react if he found out I smashed his girl.
A lot of the times I hung out with them, me and Swervy would talk about Amy. You see he’s not the type to hold back certain information, and as he’s telling me about his life and relationship that’s when it hit me. A nigga like me grew up all my life, with the world constantly kicking my ass and in a whole different realm of this life shit, you got these two rich kids who fucked up their life so much with so little consequences it became a culture shock to me. Me I caught a case and felt like my life was over, these two white people are disfunctional jobless drug addicts and they’re living the life I could only dream of having with years of hard work. I began to question the world, how many are there like this? Was my life a joke? I didn’t know where I was going hanging out with them, but if I couldn’t live the good life, I could at least witness it from the front row. I learned one thing about their relationship, Amy was basically getting old and low on options, and her parents supported her. Why? Because she’s not running around getting dicked down by a bunch of drug dealing black men anymore. Here they see this young white man, who’s also Eastern European who makes their highly mentally damaged daughter feel secure. And Swervy could win an Oscar, I mean what a fucking performance! One second he goes from Angus Cloud on Euphoria, the next a good suburban white kid the second he meets her parents. In fact he had convinced them that he was such a good man, even went to family gatherings and all, that they decided, let’s just buy them a full blown house.
That’s right, a FULL FUCKING HOUSE. I’m talking about a three story townhouse in Germantown, with a fully furnished basement, a patio, a balcony, a grill, 4 bedrooms, a 70 inch television, a paid off brand new fully insured jeep, they’re talking about trips to Italy. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Fool, are we living in a simulation? I couldn’t fucking believe my eyes, Swervy had pulled off the ultimate finesse. He convinced this rich family that he was the one for their daughter. And the most hilarious thing about it is that he was no better than a crackhead heroin junkie you can find panhandling for money on the street. I couldn’t even be envious, no instead I had felt something inside of me, this sort of toxic motivation. I learned that you didn’t have to work hard in this life, you didn’t have to earn your living, no instead one day God can just drop this lonely damaged woman who’s family is fucking loaded right on your fucking lap. He was even talking about marrying her and having her kids. In fact he tried, but see he had a problem. His sailors couldn’t fucking swim. Maybe it was all the crack, cocaine and heroine. He was having trouble producing fertile sperm, and Amy was running out of time! And that was the peak of their relationship. He was this close to closing the deal, but when it was game time he fell short. All it is now is one of those memories in your head that’ll have you like “damn, what if…” almost like when you reminisce on a football game thinking about how things could’ve been different if that one play went right.
Look I’ll be honest, I sugarcoated a lot of things. They may have lived in a world of handouts, but that relationship was more toxic than a nuclear wasteland. There’s a lot of fucked up details that I’m choosing to leave out, the psychical and mental abuse from both sides, the drug use. He was a psychopath and she was controlling and halfway demented. There’s a saying “opposites attract” and these two motherfuckers were far from it. They were two trains headed on a full on collision, so it was only a matter of time before disaster struck, and boy did it strike. Within a year I had witnessed a once fun relationship, become episodes of Shameless. At one point we fell off, I don’t remember exactly why, probably because I was tired of constantly being involved in their nasty games, and once again I distanced myself from Swervy.
The last I heard of Amy, she had kicked Swervy out the house and he caught her giving the sloppy toppy at a local park to 3 guys. Some hoodlum niggas, and a skater dude with a face tatt. The last time I seen Swervy he was arms dealing and one day pulled out an AR-15 on me and threatened to shoot me. I heard he’s now locked up currently awaiting trial because he broke into her home. I have a feeling one day I’ll see him on the news with a crazy headline.
Anyways if you’re a real mothafucka, you made it all the way here. If you read the whole thing I hope you enjoyed the story, if you have any questions ask away. If you didn’t feel like reading all that shit then fuck you bitch!
submitted by GunzBlazein180 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:56 BryggerHeise Numerological day analysis of 1-6–2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality

Numerological day analysis of 1-6–2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Inspired by the First Emanation of Spirit you want to create balance and cross-fertilization today, which should lead to an increased feeling of power and (sexual) life-energy.
1-6–2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Spirit: 1 First Emanation of Spirit; God’s number; Inspiration, Ability to lead
Soul: 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Body: 24 Day and Night; Light and Darkness
The sum total of today is 15: Balance and Cross-Fertilization resulting in power and life energy. You want to experience balance and cross-fertilization through your spirit’s Inspiration; your soul’s Power and your physical Ability to go through the Night to see the Light of a new day.

Day of the \"Master\" Archetype Pentagram
Three major themes underline this process: ‘Awakening and Leadership’,’Expansion of Self-Awareness’ and ‘Focus-Fate’. All the axis in the “16” Pentagram are driven by their own theme. It is about truly ‘Mastering’ those themes.
Blue/Red 16 - Blue/ Red 61: Axis of Awakening and Leadership: 16-61
The axis of awakening and leadership drives the axis of awakening and leadership. There is no escaping here! You have to show up, become awake and lead!
The two opposing principles are ‘Perseverance’ coming from the “God” realm to join with ‘Transformation’ coming from the “Ego” realm. Especially this axis is about transmuting divine energy into “life” or “being born” energy.
16: ’Perseverance’ corresponds with the 1-6 axis, the only vertical axis in the Pentagram. It represents “your spine” your ability to stand up straight, your connection to the Divine. The essence of Creation is contained in it: From the Spiritual Cause or Origin (1) into the Power of Realisation-Aliveness (6). There should be no separation between ‘above’ and ‘below’. It is the Divine Will to manifest Itself.
61: ’Transformation’ is the place where the Divine Energy transforms itself into human “aliveness’. Vice versa it means that from a fact oriented human being, who only believes what he or she can touch, hear, smell or see you transform to someone with the awareness how we are intended to be as spiritual beings.
The balance of these two principles lies in Revelation, the Osiris factor. You understand that you are the Co-Creator of your own life – and in no sense victim or helpless. It invites you to take full responsibility or ‘ability to respond’ to whatever happens. Life may throw challenges at you, even when you have not asked for it. You have the ability to decide how to respond to those challenges.
Blue 2- Red 2: Axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness: 2(7)-(7)2
The expansion of self-awareness drives the expansion of self-awareness. Either you dive very deep into finding the answer to the quintessential question of WHO AM I? or you lock yourself up in the physical and material world. The two opposing principles are ‘Spiritual Insight’ coming from the spiritual level to join with the ‘Golden Mean’, the ‘Divine Ratio’ coming from the physical level.
27:Spiritual Insight’ gives a strong confrontation between the Actual Life and the Illusionary Realm. The Soul wants to grow and develop. When it is obstructed by attachment to the Physical Realm and Mind, and the Soul is not allowed to grow, it will start to “cry”. Then the axis of the Expansion of Self-Consciousness turns into the Psychosomatic axis – meaning learning through (bodily) pain.
72: On the physical level we try to create the Divine Ratio or Golden Mean. This particular ratio that we see all around us in nature and when applied to buildings, music and art gives us this harmonious feeling. If we do not allow ourselves to follow our Intuition to give us the Self-Awareness but we start to doubt, then we break down our Self-Awareness and create exactly the psycho-somatic reaction mentioned earlier.
The balance of these two principles lies in finding your Inner Gold. ’Inner Gold’ is the wisdom that appears once you conquer the ‘Cold Intelligence’. It feels like gold, it looks like gold.
Blue 4 - Red 4: Axis of Fate, Focus and Concentration: 4(9)-(9)4
The axis of focus-fate drives the axis of focus-fate. A clear call to use your power of concentration to focus your life. It means that you have to look at your life and decide what you need to let go of and what you need to hold on to. Many a time it means letting go of pleasant, easy -but unproductive- habits and holding on to more difficult new -disciplined-habits. The two opposing principles are ‘Holding on or letting go’, coming from the emotional level to join with ‘Philosophy, Esotericism and Intermediary’ coming from the mental level. Emotionally you want to find out what really brings you further in your development and “process’ unresolved issues. Mentally- through focus, introspection, concentration and meditation- you want to connect and receive ‘guidance’ from the higher levels.
49: Holding on or Letting go is the axis of focus and fate. It is the confrontation of the power of ‘Manifestation’ wanting to grasp and hold on to things in order to build and foster, whereas ‘Wisdom, Intelligence’ wants to let go of everything and move into transformation. The choice can be difficult because sometimes you have to decide to hold on to things that are difficult to do, but will bring you further in life and at the same time to let go of things or habits that are very pleasurable but holding back your development (smoking, drinking). Often doing what is difficult to do- especially when it concerns feelings and emotions- brings you further than merely cruising along. If you do not self-reflect on your life and take these decisions again and again, you may run into the other definition of this axis: Fate!
94: Philosophy; Esotericism; Intermediary (Medium). When the power of manifestation and concentration drives the development of your wisdom and intelligence, it may bring out in you the philosopher (on the mental level), the Esoteric (connecting to the spiritual level) and finally the Intermediary-Medium (connecting to the “God” realm). Esotericism defined as the knowledge that comes from within through deep introspection, meditation and trance.
The balance of the two principles lies in their sum: “To be the creator with Spirit”. It means to Master Re-birth, Re-newal and Re-Construction.
By “processing” your emotions, your unresolved issues and then continuing to do so with your thoughts, belief-systems and concepts, you may create your own masterful re-birth.
There is a tricolon - a special combination of numbers- in the Pentagram today. It the tricolon of the “Initiator”. It has the energy of the higher dimension of Vitality. What is bigger than a human’s vitality? Divine vitality. It gives you a sense of heightened vitality in yourself ànd in the people and animals around you. (Especially animals pick up on this higher energy very quickly). This energy enables you to initiate projects and actions.
Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2024. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.
See you (virtually) :
(D) Arbeitskreis: 7. Juni Hybrid Zoom - Köln
For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website:
submitted by BryggerHeise to numerology [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:51 BryggerHeise Numerological day analysis of 1-6–2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality

Numerological day analysis of 1-6–2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Inspired by the First Emanation of Spirit you want to create balance and cross-fertilization today, which should lead to an increased feeling of power and (sexual) life-energy.
1-6–2024 15/6 Balance, Cross-Fertilization/ 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Spirit: 1 First Emanation of Spirit; God’s number; Inspiration, Ability to lead
Soul: 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force; Sexuality
Body: 24 Day and Night; Light and Darkness
The sum total of today is 15: Balance and Cross-Fertilization resulting in power and life energy. You want to experience balance and cross-fertilization through your spirit’s Inspiration; your soul’s Power and your physical Ability to go through the Night to see the Light of a new day.

Day of the \"Master\" Archetype Pentagram
Three major themes underline this process: ‘Awakening and Leadership’,’Expansion of Self-Awareness’ and ‘Focus-Fate’. All the axis in the “16” Pentagram are driven by their own theme. It is about truly ‘Mastering’ those themes.
Blue/Red 16 - Blue/ Red 61: Axis of Awakening and Leadership: 16-61
The axis of awakening and leadership drives the axis of awakening and leadership. There is no escaping here! You have to show up, become awake and lead!
The two opposing principles are ‘Perseverance’ coming from the “God” realm to join with ‘Transformation’ coming from the “Ego” realm. Especially this axis is about transmuting divine energy into “life” or “being born” energy.
16: ’Perseverance’ corresponds with the 1-6 axis, the only vertical axis in the Pentagram. It represents “your spine” your ability to stand up straight, your connection to the Divine. The essence of Creation is contained in it: From the Spiritual Cause or Origin (1) into the Power of Realisation-Aliveness (6). There should be no separation between ‘above’ and ‘below’. It is the Divine Will to manifest Itself.
61: ’Transformation’ is the place where the Divine Energy transforms itself into human “aliveness’. Vice versa it means that from a fact oriented human being, who only believes what he or she can touch, hear, smell or see you transform to someone with the awareness how we are intended to be as spiritual beings.
The balance of these two principles lies in Revelation, the Osiris factor. You understand that you are the Co-Creator of your own life – and in no sense victim or helpless. It invites you to take full responsibility or ‘ability to respond’ to whatever happens. Life may throw challenges at you, even when you have not asked for it. You have the ability to decide how to respond to those challenges.
Blue 2- Red 2: Axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness: 2(7)-(7)2
The expansion of self-awareness drives the expansion of self-awareness. Either you dive very deep into finding the answer to the quintessential question of WHO AM I? or you lock yourself up in the physical and material world. The two opposing principles are ‘Spiritual Insight’ coming from the spiritual level to join with the ‘Golden Mean’, the ‘Divine Ratio’ coming from the physical level.
27:Spiritual Insight’ gives a strong confrontation between the Actual Life and the Illusionary Realm. The Soul wants to grow and develop. When it is obstructed by attachment to the Physical Realm and Mind, and the Soul is not allowed to grow, it will start to “cry”. Then the axis of the Expansion of Self-Consciousness turns into the Psychosomatic axis – meaning learning through (bodily) pain.
72: On the physical level we try to create the Divine Ratio or Golden Mean. This particular ratio that we see all around us in nature and when applied to buildings, music and art gives us this harmonious feeling. If we do not allow ourselves to follow our Intuition to give us the Self-Awareness but we start to doubt, then we break down our Self-Awareness and create exactly the psycho-somatic reaction mentioned earlier.
The balance of these two principles lies in finding your Inner Gold. ’Inner Gold’ is the wisdom that appears once you conquer the ‘Cold Intelligence’. It feels like gold, it looks like gold.
Blue 4 - Red 4: Axis of Fate, Focus and Concentration: 4(9)-(9)4
The axis of focus-fate drives the axis of focus-fate. A clear call to use your power of concentration to focus your life. It means that you have to look at your life and decide what you need to let go of and what you need to hold on to. Many a time it means letting go of pleasant, easy -but unproductive- habits and holding on to more difficult new -disciplined-habits. The two opposing principles are ‘Holding on or letting go’, coming from the emotional level to join with ‘Philosophy, Esotericism and Intermediary’ coming from the mental level. Emotionally you want to find out what really brings you further in your development and “process’ unresolved issues. Mentally- through focus, introspection, concentration and meditation- you want to connect and receive ‘guidance’ from the higher levels.
49: Holding on or Letting go is the axis of focus and fate. It is the confrontation of the power of ‘Manifestation’ wanting to grasp and hold on to things in order to build and foster, whereas ‘Wisdom, Intelligence’ wants to let go of everything and move into transformation. The choice can be difficult because sometimes you have to decide to hold on to things that are difficult to do, but will bring you further in life and at the same time to let go of things or habits that are very pleasurable but holding back your development (smoking, drinking). Often doing what is difficult to do- especially when it concerns feelings and emotions- brings you further than merely cruising along. If you do not self-reflect on your life and take these decisions again and again, you may run into the other definition of this axis: Fate!
94: Philosophy; Esotericism; Intermediary (Medium). When the power of manifestation and concentration drives the development of your wisdom and intelligence, it may bring out in you the philosopher (on the mental level), the Esoteric (connecting to the spiritual level) and finally the Intermediary-Medium (connecting to the “God” realm). Esotericism defined as the knowledge that comes from within through deep introspection, meditation and trance.
The balance of the two principles lies in their sum: “To be the creator with Spirit”. It means to Master Re-birth, Re-newal and Re-Construction.
By “processing” your emotions, your unresolved issues and then continuing to do so with your thoughts, belief-systems and concepts, you may create your own masterful re-birth.
There is a tricolon - a special combination of numbers- in the Pentagram today. It the tricolon of the “Initiator”. It has the energy of the higher dimension of Vitality. What is bigger than a human’s vitality? Divine vitality. It gives you a sense of heightened vitality in yourself ànd in the people and animals around you. (Especially animals pick up on this higher energy very quickly). This energy enables you to initiate projects and actions.
Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2024. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.
See you (virtually) :
(D) Arbeitskreis: 7. Juni Hybrid Zoom - Köln
For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website:
submitted by BryggerHeise to NumerologyPentagram [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:07 bansheedefense Shop Update - June 1, 2024

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat up,
Come here often? Same. Let's get into it!
To start, I'm currently out of town until the 3rd so orders will start shipping June 4th. Sorry for the delay!


Banshee Defense
Tees are finally being restocked and expected in the upcoming 2-3 weeks! The OG black/red will be available along with the new white/purple colorway. Same tees as last time so the CVC which is great for a range day. The plan is too offer an oversize tee with an embroided logo in the near future so stay tuned!
We're getting closer to the first tease of the upcoming collaboration and I'm super stoked to share it. This is a passion project of mine and it's for all the OG gamers. More soon to come :)
The new A/T mounts have been added to the site, these seem like a pretty solid option when compared to Unity/other options.
14.5" Lightweight hammer forged barrels just got in. I think these are incredible value. No ETA for the midweight hammer forged barrels. The V2 Bolts are hopefully coming soon, sign up for notifications here! No word on non-blem sand cutter bolt carriers just yet.
Kung Fu Grips are still available in black, FDE, and ODG. You know what promo to use ;)
Black MLOK handbrakes have been restocked. Most AXLEs are on hand as well and ready to be shipped.
We should be getting a few things from Geissele within the next week or two for some killer prices. When they get here, I’ll make another post along with what promo to use! :)
Both 556 flash hiders and muzzle brakes have been restocked and are eligible with the typical promo :)
Flat bow and curved triggers are in stock now and code "WORTWORTWORT" will take even more off for the time being. Go get em!
Ramjets for Glock 17 GEN 5 are finally here and on hand and same goes for the Ramjets for Glock 19 GEN 5. The ramjets for the Sig P365 are expected sometime at the end of this quarter so fingers crossed!
Backstrap + Magwell for Sig P365 XMACRO are in stock and so are the TRU-17 base pads! Initial impressions are solid and very well received. Definitely a nice lil upgrade :)
A metric shit ton from Rearden is on backorder and word is that they should be catching up with demand this month after gettting situated with their new place so make sure to sign up for notifications on things you're looking for! There's still a decent amount on hand now!
Most muzzle devices are on hand and eligible with the promos. Tell ya friends!


I've been tossing up the idea of adding more "gear" types of products. The first brands that would be added if you guy's are wanting to see it would be AXL, True North Concepts, and Sordins. I'm looking for any kind of feedback for this stuff whether it be brands or specific products so let me know what you're thinking!
That's about it for this shop update and as always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the unwavering support. Till next month.
-Devin & Panzer
submitted by bansheedefense to BansheeDefense [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:07 GunzBlazein180 Story time 🗣️: The life of a rich white crack head named Amy

You ever met a rich crackhead bitch who’s parents bought her and her heroin addicted boyfriend a whole house, a new car, monthly allowance and seen it all come crashing down? This sounds like a fantasy, but it’s actually reality in the streets of Montgomery County, . This is the life of a rich crackhead named Amy.
Now I know a lot of you niggas don’t be wanting to read long ass shit, so imma warn you ahead of time, I’ll be putting a lot of effort in this post. So if you’re an illiterate ass nigga, u might as well leave now. Before I tell you about Amy, we gotta get the background first and go all the way back to 2021(if you want to skip and get right to Amy, just go to paragraph 11/12, but you’ll miss out on a lot). It’s the year 2021, I had just came back a couple months ago from pulling off EDD fraud. One day I was driving drop top mustangs in Malibu, the next I’m seeing my accounts get frozen and my money slowly begin to dwindle down. Before I knew it I was back in the dmv, broke and back to square one. Now from the time I was in Cali to the time I returned a lot of shit happened. I fell off with a lot of people, so I found myself hanging around an unusual crowd of people, the Bethesda kids.
You see before I dropped out of Towson University, I had met this nigga named LP, he was from Bowie and he went to school out Bethesda, but me and him got along because we had two things in common: we both liked DMV music, and we both liked to party our asses tf off. But that’s a story for another day.
You see LP put me on to a lot of people from Bathesda, I had never really hung around white folks before, and with the connections he gave me i made friends with a couple of crackas and even met my now deceased ex girlfriend. I was going to the craziest white functions and constantly turning up. But I saw more than a chance to have fun, saw this as a money making opportunity🤑 cha ching! And it was through LP that I met some friends who introduced me to a nigga named Swervy.
You see them white folks love to drink beer and smoke weed at parks, so one day I’m meeting up wit one of my good men, Ju. Ju is the typical school shooter typa fella, so it’s no surprise what I saw when I linked up with him at the spot. With him was this long haired European foreign exchange motherfucker whose name I forgot, and this bearded Eastern European nigga named Swervy, and he was wildin the fuck out. Mind you I’m from the projects, and all these bathesda niggas I’m meeting are rich ass motherfuckers who live in multi million dollar mansions. Keep in mind these cats may be rich, but everybody out bathesda is rich so these are basically the rejects. Pretty much the closest thing to a street nigga you can find out there.
As I’m getting introduced to some of these cats, Swervy pulls out a syringe. So I ask “Man wtf is this man doing,” “He’s shooting up fent” casually says Ju. That was the first time I ever witnessed someone shooting up a drug, and it wouldn’t be the last. Swervy would eventually become Amy’s boyfriend. And he was quite the yapper, he’s one of those motherfuckers who peaked in high school, and now he’s just watching his life come spiraling down, at least that is until he meets Amy…
In this meet up I learn a lot about Swervy. He was basically a kingpin at the age of 16-17. He would get shipments of 10’s of thousands of Xanax bars and sell them like hotdogs at a baseball game. These weren’t your regular junkies, these are the children of senators, buisness owners and lawyers. So you didn’t have to worry about a junkie saying he’ll pay you back, money was nothing to these crazy ass white folks. In the midst of all this yapping, I hear something that caught my attention.
“Yea so basically my cousins got like seven pounds of weed and 500gs of thc wax that they’ll give me if I can pick it up, it’s all the way in Arizona” Says Swervy.
🤑🤑🤑Cha mothafucking ching! This was the money I was talking about. Now driving cross country with pounds of weed and concentrate was risky, but shit I’d give my left nutsack for that kind of opportunity. And I might as well have, because a week later I was on my way to Tucson, with this Russian speaking drug addict I had just met the other day. Mind you I’m driving around in a red Lancer, with paper Vermont tags that I had printed online. I might as well Have went up to the police station and asked any of them if they wanted to buy drugs. My young naive dumbass didn’t realize the risk, all I was thinking about was 🤑🤑🤑 cha Ching!
I can sit here all day and tell you about that drive to Arizona, but imma keep it short and simple so we can get to this Amy chick. It was a fucking disaster, but we end up somehow making it back. We got the pounds and the concentrate, but it was all fucking shake! I’d be lucky to sell that shit for $100 a zip. Anyways, the trip opened my eyes to something, this nigga Swervy was a crashout crackhead dummy, and if I continue hanging out with him I was gonna end up dead or in jail. So I begin distancing myself, as I watched this man throw his life away from a far.
Now months go by, and at this point I’m like the street life ain’t for me and I’m working a job, I got a girlfriend and I’m staying low and just cooling it, with these pounds of weed that was so garbage, I was giving it away like charity donations. I had that goodwill pack! Just as things settle down that’s when Swervy comes back in contact with me. You see last time I had linked him, this man was overdosing off fent and we had to drive him to the hospital and save his life. But to my surprise, he was a changed man, or at least that’s what I thought...
He now has this girlfriend and he lives with her in germantown. You see me I’m baffled and curious, what crazy bitch would date this crazy motherfucker who’d probably sell his soul for one shot of heroin? I just had to find out. And when I met Amy I just didn’t know what to say. She was in her 30s and Swervy and me were in our early twenties. Amy was this slim, blonde hair, blue eyed Czechoslovakian chick who stood at about 5’7”. She wasn’t attractive by no means, you can tell the drugs did it’s toll on her, but if you’re drunk enough she can probably look fuckable. She had her degree in psychology from UMBC, but don’t be fooled her brain seemed like it was long fried. A conversation with her felt like a trip to the mental asylum. You will have better luck deciphering ancient Egyptian hyrogriphics before you can make sense of a word she says. Regardless I genuinely tried to get to know her. My guess was at some point in life she must’ve took a full sheet of acid and never recovered since. But she had her own two bedroom condo with a view of Sugarloaf mountain, a Pomeranian dog(which Swervy fucking hated), and a new jeep. So regardless I was impressed this crackhead motherfucker managed to bag her. So I asked him “Where did you find this shawty?” “At a hookah lounge in Rockville” he told me. That’s right folks, a fucking hookah lounge. Boi when I tell you after that, I was hitting up hookah spots like I had season tickets!
So I’m hanging out with them a lot now basically third wheeling, but Germantown was a long ass motherfucking drive, and I lived at the borderline to DC so I would even spend some nights in their guest bedroom. This Amy chick had parents that paid for her gas money and food, they had a fireplace and a balcony. And I can enjoy the comfort of all this as long as I occasionally bring some weed to smoke. And me I’m not one of those leeching ass bums, so the only time I’m hanging out with them is when I’m invited. And I got invited a lot, probably because Amy’s a bit cuukoo and Swervy had either robbed or scared off all his friends from Bathesda. He wanted someone to give him a break from her, a bro he can drink a beer with. So I would often times accompany them. One time we were at Buffalo Wild Wings, and as I sit across from both of them Amy begins playing footsies with me under the table. Of course I play it cool. I had no interest in her, mainly because Swervy hits raw and takes hepatitis medication, also having witnessed this man hold a bunch of homeless niggas at gunpoint in broad day light after I lost my phone at this gas station in Arizona. I can only imagine how he would react if he found out I smashed his girl.
A lot of the times I hung out with them, me and Swervy would talk about Amy. You see he’s not the type to hold back certain information, and as he’s telling me about his life and relationship that’s when it hit me. A nigga like me grew up all my life, with the world constantly kicking my ass and in a whole different realm of this life shit, you got these two rich kids who fucked up their life so much with so little consequences it became a culture shock to me. Me I caught a case and felt like my life was over, these two white people are disfunctional jobless drug addicts and they’re living the life I could only dream of having with years of hard work. I began to question the world, how many are there like this? Was my life a joke? I didn’t know where I was going hanging out with them, but if I couldn’t live the good life, I could at least witness it from the front row. I learned one thing about their relationship, Amy was basically getting old and low on options, and her parents supported her. Why? Because she’s not running around getting dicked down by a bunch of drug dealing black men anymore. Here they see this young white man, who’s also Eastern European who makes their highly mentally damaged daughter feel secure. And Swervy could win an Oscar, I mean what a fucking performance! One second he goes from Angus Cloud on Euphoria, the next a good suburban white kid the second he meets her parents. In fact he had convinced them that he was such a good man, even went to family gatherings and all, that they decided, let’s just buy them a full blown house.
That’s right, a FULL FUCKING HOUSE. I’m talking about a three story townhouse in Germantown, with a fully furnished basement, a patio, a balcony, a grill, 4 bedrooms, a 70 inch television, a paid off brand new fully insured jeep, they’re talking about trips to Italy. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Fool, are we living in a simulation? I couldn’t fucking believe my eyes, Swervy had pulled off the ultimate finesse. He convinced this rich family that he was the one for their daughter. And the most hilarious thing about it is that he was no better than a crackhead heroin junkie you can find panhandling for money on the street. I couldn’t even be envious, no instead I had felt something inside of me, this sort of toxic motivation. I learned that you didn’t have to work hard in this life, you didn’t have to earn your living, no instead one day God can just drop this lonely damaged woman who’s family is fucking loaded right on your fucking lap. He was even talking about marrying her and having her kids. In fact he tried, but see he had a problem. His sailors couldn’t fucking swim. Maybe it was all the crack, cocaine and heroine. He was having trouble producing fertile sperm, and Amy was running out of time! And that was the peak of their relationship. He was this close to closing the deal, but when it was game time he fell short. All it is now is one of those memories in your head that’ll have you like “damn, what if…” almost like when you reminisce on a football game thinking about how things could’ve been different if that one play went right.
Look I’ll be honest, I sugarcoated a lot of things. They may have lived in a world of handouts, but that relationship was more toxic than a nuclear wasteland. There’s a lot of fucked up details that I’m choosing to leave out, the psychical and mental abuse from both sides, the drug use. He was a psychopath and she was controlling and halfway demented. There’s a saying “opposites attract” and these two motherfuckers were far from it. They were two trains headed on a full on collision, so it was only a matter of time before disaster struck, and boy did it strike. Within a year I had witnessed a once fun relationship, become episodes of Shameless. At one point we fell off, I don’t remember exactly why, probably because I was tired of constantly being involved in their nasty games, and once again I distanced myself from Swervy.
The last I heard of Amy, she had kicked Swervy out the house and he caught her giving the sloppy toppy at a local park to 3 guys. Some hoodlum niggas, and a skater dude with a face tatt. The last time I seen Swervy he was arms dealing and one day pulled out an AR-15 on me and threatened to shoot me. I heard he’s now locked up currently awaiting trial because he broke into her home. I have a feeling one day I’ll see him on the news with a crazy headline.
Anyways if you’re a real mothafucka, you made it all the way here. If you read the whole thing I hope you enjoyed the story, if you have any questions ask away. If you didn’t feel like reading all that shit then fuck you bitch!
Edit: 😂apparently it’s a small world an a few of y’all know the people I’m talking about and updated me on swervys situation. He’s now out on bail awaiting trial.
submitted by GunzBlazein180 to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:46 davtexsk Issues with plant growth in tank with cichlids

Hi everyone,
let me start with statement that I fully realize that cichlids and plants do not really go together, but I strongly believe that such combination can work under right circumstances as I had good results for some time.
Some 3 years ago I switched to 450L (120g) tank from a smaller one. I used Tetra CompleteSubstrate as base for nutrients (2cm) and natural gravel (4cm) on top. I have pretty hard hard water on tap with PH about 7.7 that I take down to about 7.0 with CO2 injection with automatic PH controller, which should be about the right middle ground for both fish and plants. I do 40% water change once a week and I know my CO2 levels are not very stable as KH/DH starts to drop pretty quickly, meaning CO2 level probably drops as I near next water change. I run Chihiros WRGB light with 140W, which should be enough even for most demanding plants. I only have plants that are known to survive cichlids, such as Vallisnerias, Cryptocorines etc. I run light at full power for about 9h per day. CO2 injection starts 1h before lights starts, cuts off 1h before light shuts down. Filtration is double with Fluval FX-4 and Eheim Pro 4, cleaned quarterly. I never used any kind of fertilizer. Water temperature is at about 25C. I feed my fish quite a lot. I hope that's it for details.
Now for the problem. My tank looked exactly like I wanted it to look for about 2 years (first photo, please ignore some fish from older tank). Valisnerias were going crazy and I had to trim there every week. Plant growth was quicker than cichlid's destruction and I was very happy with how the tank looked. I could even get some red-ish plants to grow succesfully. Some cichlids were even reproducing and I had to sell/give away fish every 2 months or so.
Come 3rd year, plant growth slowed down and second picture shows how tank looks like now. Anubias is going strong (as always), but everything but Valisnerias has died off. As plants started to die off, I started to have issues with black algae (which I always had, but under control) and Valisnerias are barely keeping alive. I had to lower light power and duration, limit CO2, just to limit algae growth. No matter what I tried with CO2/light had any positive effect on plants/algae.
I am now pretty sure that plants used up all nutrients from bottom substrate after 2 years as I was not using any kind of liquid fertilizer. I am now using Seachem Flourish (for 2 months) to add all nutrients except Nitrogen and Phosphorus, which as I understand are not needed as they should be provided by Fish or remnants of fish food. But to be honest I was being quite conservative with dosage and I just found out that dosage should be 5x normal with water changes that I do. On top of that neither gravel or Tetra CompleteSubstrate claim to be able to "catch" nutrients.
I am now moving to new location and have the ability to redo the tank. I am planning to use Seachem Flourite as base, which claims to be able to "catch" nutrients from water. I am also planning to use Seachem Flourish fertilizer since the beggining to avoid substrate getting used up after some time.
I have two questions:
  1. Is it possible that I have Nitrogen/Phosphate deficiencies in my setup (with all the fish) and that I need to add these in some other way (Nitrogen test comes up basically negative)?
  2. Do you see anything else that could be causing my plant growth issue?
Any suggestions are welcome, but please, I am very well aware that easiest solution would be to dump the plants and go without them, but I had a blast for 2 years and would like to experience that again.
submitted by davtexsk to Aquascape [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:20 TraditionalBet8235 Just need to vent and maybe see things through different perspective

So I'm just here too vent I don't know where to start but I'll start at the beginning so some backstory, I grew up in a traditional household as in I was fending for myself from the age of 14 by that I mean that once I turned 14 I cooked my own meals I did my own laundry I cleaned my own room I did my own jobs where I got paid money for things Such as babysitting house cleaning and sitting. Also I feel like I should mention that I grew up in a sixth generational military household where we were Raised under strict discipline We were also raised to have strong moral values as in do not do anything illegal and be an upstanding citizen you see something wrong report it. So to the meat and potatoes of why I want to vent so For this we need to go back 12 years ago so I just graduated high school I decided I want to start dating so I ended up meeting the person who would become my life partner when I first met him and we were on our first date I specifically told him that if we are going to be serious there's a game changer or end of game for me would be If he Or any of his friends or family members Had a criminal record that it would be game over "sorry thanks for playing tell him what he has won Charlie". He very plainly told me that no everyone and his family and his life are good people. So I give him a chance and we ended up dating for 2 years. Eventually I ended up getting stationed far away and I asked him if he would like to move in with me and he said yes. After a short while of us living together we ended up getting pregnant with our daughter and then he wanted me to meet his parents. side note The reason why I haven't met his parents up until this point is because I was a strong believer in not meeting the in-laws until marriage was either on the table or at least in talks but I did not want to meet them unless I and he was absolutely sure that we wanted to take that step. So we eventually went to go meet his parents and siblings and his siblings kid and everything went well it was a very lovely meeting and there was nothing to complain about nothing out of the ordinary. It eventually got to the point where every weekend we would be going to his parents house and the rest of the pregnancy went by swimmingling no problems whatsoever. Eventually my daughter came into the world during the summer and she was full term healthy happy baby. After 2 months of recuperating from giving birth we went to go visit his family let them see their granddaughter, niece, cousin. When we arrived at my in-law's house his cousin was there just chillin sitting on the couch. My partner said "cousin you're out of juvee that's amazing I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon" Safe to say my eyes widen when I heard my partner say this because I flashback to when we first met and I specifically asked him if he had any family members or Or friends who Who had a criminal record. I pulled him to our room that we had aside at the In-law's house and hushley yelled at him saying that he had told me that he had no family members are friends with criminal records he very nonchalantly Said "oh cousin doesn't have a criminal record it was expunged when he turned 18" 🚩#1: I don't know about everyone else but this was a red flag when I first heard it cause he basically got me on a technicality But I still felt betrayed because his cousin was in juvee for a pretty bad crime.( Not gonna mention here but it will come into light later in the story.) I let it go for the moment And enjoyed the rest of my weekend unfortunately though I had left my ipod In my room cause I was told it would be safe there because I was also told that I should make my partner's room feel more homey to me. But when I had came back the following weekend to get my ipod it was not where I had left it I ended up tearing apart the room looking for it because it had sentimental value to me due to irreplaceable photos videos from high school of friends, friends who are no longer with us, events that I held dear from high school Especially all the events that come with senior year of high school. I asked all the family who were living in the house at the time if any of them had been in partner's room or Or borrowed my ipod and everyone said no everyone said I don't know where it is. I then asked who has been in the house during the week since I was gone and mother-in-law said oh cousin was here because he was having trouble with his girlfriend. I went to partner and asked him to call cousin to see if he borrowed my ipod because if he did then I would like it back because I have I have irreplaceable photos on the ipod. 🚩#2: Partner said no cousin wouldn't never take anything from my room cousin's not like that you're crazy why you being so upset and crazy over a few photos and a ipod. Partner also mentioned that because of my view of His cousin that that's clouding my Vision of him so of course I would automatically assume he would take it granted I did not specify he stole it I said borrowed did not say stolen please refer to previously mentioned reason why this ipod was so important to me...partner knew of the sentimental value of the ipod also that I paid for it with my hard earned money, it was the first expensive thing I had ever brought. Anyways partner had me second-guessing myself so I eventually just let go the fact that my ipod was missing I did not bring it up I should have it would save me a lot of mental health in the future anyways flash forward to 2015 my contract With the military was up I decided not to reinlist. As a goodbye gift my master chief had given me a deer antler bullet Pen that he had made personally for me. At the behest of his parents me and partner and our daughter moved into his parents place I kept the pen in a pen holder On my desk in my room At this point in time I was always out of my room and out of the house looking for a job. I didnt really need one I was making and still am making plenty from the VA. I'm sure a lot of you I probably gonna say that when I had moved in I should learn my lesson with the ipod and had installed a lock on the door but my in-laws were strong believers in a no lock policy in the house of course I did not And still do not believe in that policy I like privacy I do not like the idea of someone just randomly barging into my Space at any given moment. So eventually one of my old navy buddies had came to visit me and wanted to see the pen that master chief had given me. We wanted to compare the ones that Master chief had given both of us Every pen he had made was always unique so we wanted to see the difference Between the 2. Low and behold my pen was missing and I was devastated. And true Rinse and repeat fashion. I asked all the family members who were living in the house at the time if anyone had been in my room and took a pen they all looked at me like I was crazy and said are you going to get upset over a pen missing now and I specified that that pen was basically a parting gift from my boss for For being in the military. 🚩#3:After I realized that I was not gonna get anywhere with asking the family, I voice my concerns and grievances to my partner he also made me feel like I was crazy because he stated that "it's just a pen get over it". Eventually I did manage to get a few jobs over the next few years up until 2019 when I eventually decide I want to better my education and go to college so from June till may of 2020 I was going to college.side note: From when we had moved in with his parents all the way till even today I have been doing 90% of the housework as in I cook, I clean, I do laundry all the while working 40+ hour weeks. All partner ever does is just go do work with his dad And come home to fresh clean clothes and towel fresh out of the dryer laid out in the bathroom and a hot meal waiting on the table as I'm sure you're getting from the tone of what I'm saying right now I think you know Where this whole thing is gonna go real soon. So while I'm going to school and doing all the housework taking care of our child. My partner would come home shower do all the normal stuff and then go to bed but then he wouldn't touch me or be intimate with me he would always say I'm tired I'm not in the mood I have a headache. Maybe you dont understand partner but I never pressed on him because I assume because of certain work stressors He must be having a tough week so I never pressed him to be intimate with me. Pass to around a few weeks before Halloween I was just randomly scrolling on his phone looking at Halloween costumes for our daughter cause she wanted a very specific costume and he had gotten a text message from someone labeled under a male name and they said something that was very alarming and I looked in the text against my better judgment And what it said was hey how about we have another car date. I didn't want to jump to conclusions so me in stealth mode I text it back saying what would you like to do during the car date and the person replied oh the same thing we do every time we go on a car date you me in the back seat and you pounding me like crazy. With you saying my name and me screaming yours. Safe to say I was sick to my stomach just from reading what the person had text I had screenshot the text and I had sent it to myself and then deleted the text that I had sent to myself from my partner's fault I then put the phone away and then partner went and got his phone and I could see his face turned pale white as he saw that the Text had been opened but he didn't make any mention even brought it up. After this I went into FBI mode and I would casually look at his phone whenever he was in the shower he would always leave it charging as soon as he got home from work and then any text messages that seemed kinda off I would screenshot them and I would look app the number at a later time and back track it via Google. The information you can find on Google is crazy to me thank God for google. I eventually would get the person he was sending messages 2 send pictures as proof that they were together And evidence was unmistakable the things that she had sent made my stomach turn lowkey I could hear just what the episode of SNAPPED would have said about me if I had listened to that inner voice. After getting plenty of proof of his infidelity I eventually confronted him And here's where red flag number 4 comes into play. 🚩#4: He stated that I had become distant from him that I was more concerned with our child and school then I was with him and then also another thing that was basically as he said the straw that broke the camel's back was that I had put on weight. at this point in time I was Only 50 pounds heavier than when I got out of the military. He also mentioned that I didn't make time for him anymore Which was far from the truth if anything I always tried to push to have time with him on his days off but he was always "with his friends" I later found out that he was with her. Another reason he had given was that our relationship had grown stale and cold and boring and he wanted something exciting and new. I gave him the ultimatum either he picks me and our daughter or he picks his side piece. And true kid mentality he said it wasn't fair because he loved both me and her and he couldn't pick and he had the nerve to come up with the idea that we do a sister wife/polygamy type of relationship. 🚩#5: He even went As far to say that we should do an open relationship but primarily one where he would be in a relationship with someone but I would have to be faithful to him.another side note:he's not morman or LDS or muslim Very nicely I state did that it would be a cold day in hell when any of those options would be even viable to me.* Again I grew up in a traditional household where monogamy is a necessity And I also made it very clear when we started dating that I was a monogamous person so how this even became an idea in his head I have no idea.* So he tells me once he sees that I am dead serious that he chooses me and our daughter and I stated good choice and I thought that was the end of it until December of that year when I had heard his phone go off while he was again in the bathroom and I went to look at it and it was her and she had stated that He had left his wallet at her place when When he had seen her last week. I was feeling mad and when he came to sit back down on the couch I threw his phone at him I Called him out for the sleazy dog that he wasAnd brought up other harsh words Regarding events that had happened in the past years Since we had moved in with his parents. 🚩#6:He stated that he hasn't seen her since I had given him the ultimatum and that she is just trying to get rise out of me because he had told her that I had found out about her. Of course I did not believe him so once he left for work the following day I checked his Google location for the day that she had mentioned that he had left his wallet and lo and behold he had been at her house during that week and then also later in the day after the text he had been at her house again this time he was at her house for the better part of 3 hours when he strictly told me that he was gonna be super busy and working with yard tools where he would not be able to hear his phone go Off whenever I text or call him. * Yes I can hear you all screaming at me that I should have left him when he first had the affair but I don't know maybe I had my daughter in my mind and didn't want her to grow up in a broken household or whatever may be the case but for some stupid God forsaken reason I gave him another chance And kept giving him chance after chance every time I saw he had gone to her house* Eventually he had grown tired of the girl and then he settled back into being monogamous again and everything for the most part especially after covid happened was quiet and calm but that's what I thought. Queue cousin entering from left stage. Cousin ended up staying with us during COVID because again he had a falling out with his girlfriend now baby mama And one particular day I came home from working limited hours due to covid and I see an iPod that looks eerily similar to the one I had. Curious I looked at the back and low and behold there was still a sticker residue from A sticker that had previous There. Fun fact about my ipod I had an anime sticker That I had personally designed. Again curiosity got the better be and I unlock the ipod and check the serial number in IMEI numbers and check the same Info on the product box that I had gotten my ipod in and lo and behold they matched perfectly to a T. Stupidly optimistic I was hoping someone had found it where it might have been misplaced and I was hoping that my photos and videos were still on the ipod. But as I'm sure you're probably already guessing it was wiped clean and it was nothing but photos of and you guessed it cousin and his baby mama and their baby. every video and pic that I had on my ipod from when I first bought it In freshman year of high school to when I had eventually had my daughter Was gone forever. Cousin came out of the bathroom and asked what I was doing with his ipod. I'm sure you know where this conversation is going so I'm not gonna repeat it but let's just say a few harsh things were said and he eventually felt guilty for not coming to me and asking if the ipod was mine. I obviously gave it back to him because it had no more sentimental value to me because all my stuff was deleted and it was basically his at this point. So later that night I again leaned on Partner's shoulder and Express my grievances and how I didn't appreciate that he gaslet me into thinking that his cousin wouldn't take something out of his room when in later years it is found out that he did in fact I asked for an apology on the matter and he stated... 🚩#7: Why are you upset over something that happened in the past and over photos that Aren't that important.* Our daughter's entire birth was on the ipod by the way Not to mention all my pregnancy bump milestone photos were there too.Also I have fertility issues and was told carry children would be difficult...I think they meant conceiving because like a unicorn no morning sickness or any of the negative things you hear that comes with pregnancy* Later in the year 2020 partner's brother ended up moving out and moving about 2 hours North of us With his girlfriend now wife. In the same fashion as us not too soon after they moved into their new place they found out they were expecting their first child together. The entire pregnancy went by just as smoothly as mine but around December, Brother-in-law and cousin decided to do cross-country trip this is all that they told us we thought they were crazy because His brother-in-law was expecting his first child and cousin was expecting his second child And the babies were going to be due any day at most within the coming weeks. Well surprise surprise we get a call from brother-in-law's frantic wife stating something happened to brother in law and cousin and that she couldn't talk about it over the phone. When she eventually arrived she was hysterical, Tears rolling down her face I actually felt A sense of concern and dread for what she was about to say to us. So long story short cousin and brother-in-law had been working for unfavorable people and transporting unfavorable items across state lines. sil and cousins baby mama knew what they were doing and would tag along, they "didn't care because the money and their lives were good" * Brother-in-law's ex then gf had previously told me that he was working for the same unfavorable people and when I brought it up to 🚩#8: partner he said x is crazy don't listen to Her. (He later told he and fam always knew what bil and cousin were doing just never brought it up because 'thats cousin and bils business to tell us'* Again due to COVID the court system was delayed and brother-in-law did not go to jail right away. While we were awaiting a sentencing Brother-in-law set all the family down and asked us to look over his wife and kids (yes kids plural he ended up having a second child while awaiting sentencing stupid I know.) The rest of the family said they would look out for Brother-in-law's family. But here's where I'm going to sound like an a****** but I very plainly and bluntly told him that I will not look after his family because I did not marry "wife" and I did not have "kids" I also stated that he knew that he was expecting a kid and he went to do a run even though his kid was due any day and I also mentioned that he needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. To make it short the family looked at me like I was the devil for saying this but I have made it clear of where I stand when it comes to criminals and doing illegal activities. I also have made it very clear how I feel criminals should pay for their actions. I know this will sound cheesy but if you cannot do the Time do not do the crime. In my eyes this was a textbook case of f*** around and find out. I do not feel like I should bend over backwards when I am taking care of my own family and my own problems and adding my brother-in-law's problems to my plate. Again this is where I might lose people but as I previously I grew up in a traditional household where we pull our weight and take care our ourselves. Sister-in-law is now living with us she does not have a job, she does not want a job, she does not pitch in for any expenses. I am paying over 70% of the household expenses water, gas, Wi-Fi etc. * Also after looking at the mortgage payment statements the rent I pay my in-laws to stay in the house pays for more than half of the mortgage.* Sister-in-law does not pitch in a dime. She has no disability she can work she just chooses not to. Well if you couldn't guess it the house was tense for the rest of the time that brother-in-law was in the house until he was eventually sentenced and put in jail. So since brother-in-law has been in jail I still stick to the hole I don't help sister-in-law with anything pertaining to her, I don't ask her for anything. She's been making it a habit of calling my partner and having him move my car from the spots that Im able to get in front of the house before she got into the spot to have him move the car for her because she doesn't want to walk far with The kids. This was usually how things were done until yesterday when sister-in-law was calling my partner to have him move my car and he wouldn't answer because he was asleep due to being sick. So In a begrudging fashion I assume this was for her she calls me to have me move my car, I told her I don't mind the car being moved but she would have to come get the keys to move it as I was currently busy rearranging my Space, And that I was trying to get everything i needed to get done before my day was over cause this was my only day off during the week, And in A spoiled sounding tone she says whatever Forget about it. Later in the day when my partner had woken up he Received a call from Sister-in-law stating that I was being difficult and wouldn't move the car From my spot.* I think it's fair to Mention that there are plenty of spots In front of our house but for some reason she always wants to park where I park. She never calls anyone else who's parked in front of the house ,if they're parked there, to move their cars only me or my Partner.) Also full circle, I was cleaning out our family's "junk cabinet" yesterday during my cleaning frenzy and found my deer pen it was in fils work bag, and yes its mine says my rank and full name on it.(trust me it'll come into play) So after the call with sister-in-law partner starts berating me Stating that I'm a part of this family and that I should be helping everyone out nevermind that I pay 70% expenses and more then half of mortgage,among other things. I told him very sternly that I had let her know that she could come and move the car herself but I was currently busy. I also stated that I told her when When brother-in-law asked us to help out with his family that I would not be doing any favors I will not be dropping things at the Whim of a hat for sister-in-law. I have my own things I need to do I can't just be stopping what I'm doing just to help her just cause it'll make it more convenient for her. I also stated during the convo with partner that there are plenty Of Mother's whose Partners are also in the prison system Who have multiple kids who are doing just fine by themselves. And that sister-in-law needs to women up And handle things on her own. I also stated that I did not tell her to have the kids That was all her choice. I also stated that I have never asked or received help for anything during my time with him and his family. I've been a very self-sufficient independent person. I'd like to make it known that we primarily survive off my income alone most of his income that he gives to me goes into savings because I make a Remarkably large amount of money thanks to what I get from the VA and from my 40+ hr job in the federal sector. And with the hours I work I don't have to worry about childcare as I watch my daughter during the day, When partner comes home from his long day at work I will sleep for a couple of hours before I start my night shift, I also will sleep while my daughter is in school till I have to pick her up then I do housework and take care of my child till my Partner Comes home and cook dinner. The only reason we live with in-laws is to help them with the mortgage because the mortgage is so incredibly high in the area that we live in. So to reiterate I have never asked or needed help from any of partner's family. And I find it funny that they are now preaching that we're a family we need to help each other, Yet never once while I was living with them have ever offered help offer to watch a our child for the night or anything. Not that I would accept or anything just saying it would have been a nice gesture at the very least. But after partner said that we're family, I retaliated by saying family doesn't violate personal space and go in your room and steals your stuff. He sighed and said you're on that again and I said it's not just the ipod it is also the fact that your dad stole my deer pen. And that the ipod was and the deer pen is sentimental to me. Like a broken record I stated that the ipod had everything from my past that was irreplaceable memories of friends who are no longer with us and of our daughter's first breath into the world And the fact that he is not as mad as me about the fact that we no longer have the video of our daughter being brought into the World Is eye-opening. We ended the day on a sour note where he ended up sleeping on the couch and I in our bed. which has led me to write out my emotions because I just want to scream at him for 🚩#9: everytime he gave his free time to his family,when I couldn't even get 2 hours a day to just chat, the little bit of time I did get with him he just wants to "sit in silence" where he ends spends the time on tiktok. Also whenever I find out when i have a day off usually a month in advance. I try to plan an "US" day where its just me, him, and our daughter.spoiler alert I rarely if ever get to share a day off with him and when he manages one, on the day we had plans he says something along the lines of I have to do a tree trimmng job or fix a sprinkler head, he states "won't take long" then will call and say he'll be bit longer, rinse and repeat this and he spends the whole day at his clients house fixing his fuck up. no hes not seeing AP I have untraceable GPS trackers secretly hidden in all the vehicles, and no not illegal I legally own and insure all our vehicles at my suggestion due problems with the parents. Also partner owns piece of fils business so in a way its keeping track of work equipment in case it gets stolen. I've gotten to the point where the moment he says he's gonna take longer than planned I just leave with my daughter and do what I had planned like go to the zoo, museum, trampoline park, etc. Partner does not call me all day. im at the point idc,still frustrated but don't care. Also here's the cherry on the cake usually when me and daughter go out we get back right when partner gets home and is unpacking the work vehicle and he has this look like were you out of the house all day? Which is confirm with that very question coming from his mouth. I send our child to go in the house sensing where the convo was leading to and once she was out of ear shot. Again very bluntly I tell im not gonna cancel my day if your not gonna prioritize me and our daughter's time I had plans for today I told you in advance you made your choice of which is more important so while you used your day off to do an extra job I used my day off to make memories with our child. In true child fashion he says but I wanted to go to insert place too. You should've just waited to go on a different day. I tell him that he always postpones or comes up with a reason not to go (too expensive, too hot, will be crowded, blah blah blah) so instead I will make the plan to go tell him ahead of time if he takes time off great if not no sweat im still going. Boy he got so irritated for being called out especially when our daughter yelled from the doorway dad you always cancel on us. BTW daughter is unaware of partners affair on the day that I confronted him a close friend that I had told of my situation told me and partner that her daughter wanted to do a sleepover I was unaware this was her sneaky way of helping me. I just took advantage of the empty nest situation I'm sorry if this is more of a rant but my anger and emotions all over the place I'm half tempted of just ending things cutting ties with him and his family because they expect me to change my morality, which I'm very uncomfortable with that. Everything that I was taught respect the relationship your in, respect the law, dont do anything illegal etc these are basic common sense things. Mil, bil, and partner did not respect their relationships or partner. Mil and partner cheated (not with eachother gross but with other people). Bil left pregnant wife alone, due to have a baby anyday, to do something illegal. Also the mental abuse i deal with Partner's sisters bullying me by critiquing how my parents raised me, on my parenting, calling me a hypocrite on my morality because I was trying to pin a baby on partner (was not true he was given the choice to leave all the way up until before delivery) I'm just mentally, physically and emotionally tired. And separation is looking really like a good idea. I've asked for family and couples counseling, inlaws and partner say "we don't have issues you do,why dont you get it, your too needy and selfish always wanting to spend alone time with partner" Thats why I'm turning to reddit one to vent/rant and two for second opinions. I try to limit what I tell bout my family to my parents friends and sibs partly because I hate painting people I've chosen to keep in my life in a bad light also my dad and brothers wouldve have made partner and inlaws take a dirt nap in the desert if I had told them what they've been putting me through and what partner did around time of covid, no trace or evidence think scene from boondocks of the assassin who "took care of" the entire family.only my close friend has seen and knows the full extent of what I've gone through, so she could be a witness to my family if partner tries to spin this around in his favor. But also she suggest the reddit route so I can get opinions and see if maybe I'm seeing this in a different light like seeing this though a different POV. Any advice or insight would be appreciated. I know I most likely am gonna get hate for this next thing I about to say as well But when we found out she was pregnant with the second kid I said with a great deal of concern that she should "take care of it" because "if you arent sure if you can handle two kids while brother in law is away then maybe keeping this one isn't the best choice" Again family looks at me like I'm the devil for suggesting this.Just so It's made clear I was not pushing her to get an abortion I was just trying to make it clear to her that she is going to be having 2 kids under the age of 2 in her care While her husband is away. Also for further insight cousin broke up with baby mama while she was pregnant with second kid but after it was too late to do anything about it when baby mama announced her pregnancy (prior to the crime) i voiced my same concerns with her,in standard young dumb full of it fashion she state "we are in this ride or die" and now she cries to me saying she can't handle two kids and "why did i have a second one" baby mama is now regretting her decision.For any single parent taking care of two kids is a daunting task so I was just looking out for her mental health due to the fact that she would be Taking care of 2 kids by herself at the same time her partner was going to be going to jail for an undisclosed amount of time and at the time not knowing if she might have ppd like some people have after having Irish twins.
submitted by TraditionalBet8235 to offmychest [link] [comments]

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2024.05.31 22:20 OneChrononOfPlancks A long overdue, and very heartfelt letter from Cleveland Booker, to Archivist Hy'Rell at the Eternal Gallery and Archive. (disco finale spoilers)

To: Hy'Rell []
From: Burnham-Booker, Cleveland "Book" III [book@michaelburnhamranch.sanc4.ufp]
Date: April 25, 3196
Dear Hy'Rell,
I hope you and your fellow archivists at the Eternal Gallery and Archive are well. I apologize for my delay in writing to you, it has been a wild five years since our encounter in the Badlands.
As you've surely heard by now, Michael and Discovery were successful in our mission to track down the Pro--- Uhh, the "Pro"-fessional-strength fertilizer formula referred to in the set of clues we were following.
Ultimately, Michael made contact with the, uh, original manufacturers, and decided that the fertilizer was too powerful to be left in the hands of any single... Gardener. And, the Federation has determined to restrict all accumulated knowledge about it, which should last at least until the survivors on Ruhn's Breen Dreadnought make it back to local space in around 15 years.
I apologize that I can't give more detail, but Starfleet has assigned its highest level of regulatory classification to this information, which I'm told in no uncertain terms means I am only allowed to allude to it in veiled references and innuendo, and only then once I am fairly confident the other party is already in-the-know.
I understand following the death of Ruhn, that Tahal and the other four Primarchs made overtures to repair their government's relationship with your Eternal Archive... Perhaps you will receive more data from them when the time comes.
I must admit I was originally hoping to use the... Umm... "Fertilizer" to restore the lost world of Kwejian. Although I know it could never bring back the people themselves, or the lost aspects of our culture, for a while it seemed there was the capacity to restore the Kwejian ecosystem, the World Tree, the interconnectedness and the diversity of Kwejian life; The life itself.
In a way, that would have preserved a great deal of our cultural identity, as an empathic people we always strove to remain connected with nature, a part of it. And it formed us, as well. Also, it would have been a wonderful (if bittersweet) homecoming, of sorts, for myself and the other surviving Kwejian refugees scattered about the Galaxy. sigh. Oh well.
Michael has set up a ranch-- That is, we've set up a ranch on Sanctuary IV, and I've planted the first of the two World Root cuttings in Michael's back garden.
This was actually our third attempt to plant the first cutting-- We first tried four years ago in 3191, but had to abort the attempt because of our fur-baby Grudge, "the Queen" (an Earth Maine Coon cat, with Augment DNA, descended from escaped experimental subjects from Earth's 21st century).
Grudge and Michael got along well, and Grudge adapted nicely when Michael took a leave of absence from Kovich to come make our home together here. (I believe Nhan was assigned as interim Captain to work with Commander Rayner while Michael was away.) But things changed for the worse once Michael became pregnant with our son, Leto... Grudge was not taking that very well, at all.
She systematically dismantled the handmade bassinet three times before we switched to programmable matter with a force-field, and this of course only angered Grudge further. She then turned her attention toward the garden-- Michael's Kaminaran Fredalias were a total loss, but luckily we managed to save the world root cutting in time while Grudge was distracted wrestling with the Reticulan Beauregard Weepers.
It took me three hours to remove all the weeper spines and to heal her acid burns from the weepers' digestive fluid. You can just imagine the difficulty of keeping a Maine Coon still for the dermal regenerator, I was scratched to hell. Another whole round for follicular stimulation was out of the question, so I just left the bald spots in her fur to regrow naturally. Served her right.
I did try to calm her down through the "new baby" anxiety; To reason with her using my Kwejian empathic abilities, but all she sent back was images and scents of blood, and lots and lots of fish. We replicated a lot of fish that year, to placate her, until she learned to hop on the table and replicate them herself.
We're keeping the second world root cutting in a portable transporter buffer, for safekeeping, but we still have the Tuli wood box on proud display! We keep our tricom badges in there whenever we're home, and Michael puts her wedding ring in when we're doing chores. Grudge used to like to knock it off the counter over and over, but eventually she got bored of it when we programmed the transporter to replace it instead of coming to pick it up off the floor ourselves.
We weren't able to enjoy landscaping again until Grudge passed away this year, at the age of 26. At least, we think she passed. She disappeared and there's been no sign of her. But we take comfort in that she lived out her final days chasing baby tranceworms back toward the river, stalking and riding the Spectral Elk through the forest. Which was initially a problem, because of her claws, but I equipped her collar to deploy a programmable matter Elk-saddle-- Which really worked a lot better than you'd think!
We're not sure exactly what happened to Grudge in the end, one day we found the image of a koala scratched into the dirt path in our sideyard (doodling was a hobby of hers), and there was Grudge's collar just sitting on the ground. We checked sensor logs, but there were no signs of intruders, no transporter traces, or any predators large enough to take a Maine coon. Our Queen, forever cloaked in mystery.
We've protected the garden with a fence made from scraps of wood, and replicated wire. Do you think that will be okay? We tried a force-field, but unfortunately the polarized electromagnetic fields attract tranceworms, as well as a colorful semi-luminescent elk-like species (the Spectral Elk I mentioned earlier). It turns out these Elk have a peculiar neuroelectric biochemistry, which allows them to get high by bonking their heads against vertices in the forcefield where the EM repeller envelopes overlap.
We're hoping the wood fence will be fine, so far the Elk seem somewhat (though not completely) less interested in bashing their heads against it. Michael has a theory that the Elk perceive the fence to be a sexual rival, and are attacking to assert dominance. I often wonder what threat on their original homeworld caused the Elk to be chosen for preservation, and brought to Sanctuary IV. Perhaps there were too many fences there.
Growing up on Kwejian, I remember the World Tree grew literally everywhere, so I have no reason to think it won't grow in our back garden. The dirt here is the same colour as on Kwejian. As a courier, I never did pick up a knack for gardening, but I've watched a few tutorials on subwave and the Starfleet database so I'm sure it will be fine.
When the tree grows large enough, we're thinking of moving the house into it. But that won't be for another... Three? Maybe five years? I should ask the computer. I love trees, right, but I don't really "know" trees, you know. Anyway.
So, that's the update from the Burnham-Booker clan, I suppose! Hy'Rell, once again I can't ever thank you and the Archive enough for what you've done for me, and the remainder of my people. Every time I climb in and out of our epic tree-house, I will think of you and-- Just a second, Tricom's beeping. Computer, pause recording...
Well Hy'Rell. Sorry about that, Michael and I were called back in on a new Red Directive mission for Kovich. As always, we left Leto in the care of the holo-nan.
I meant to transmit this letter to you on our way out, but I caught a Phylosian in the garden, tampering with the world root!
I had already captured them in a Kwejian empathic rage stasis field, and materialized a phaser from my sleeve, when I noticed the Phylosian wore a Starfleet tricom badge.
It turns out, Michael hired a Starfleet botanical conservation expert behind my back. I was devastated, hurt and betrayed by her sudden and inexplicable lack of faith in my gardening-- In me.
A sense of distance and distrust reappeared between us. I knew we needed to communicate, to connect, to resolve this conflict, but there was no time (due to the new Red Directive). So instead we departed together in silence, while the Phylosian ministered to our garden.
I can't tell you when we were sent-- That is, where we were sent, on our Red Directive mission. But it was rough going, trying to work as a team (for the sake of five major quantum realities, including our own) despite this heavy weight that hung between us.
But then, dangling over the clifflike edge of an obloid onyx asteroid... Pulled down toward a screaming event horizon from the shattered remains of the T'Kon multispatial dimensional supergateway... With our slippery grips on each other's wrists the only thing separating me from complete transdimensional spaghettification and eternal consignment to hyperoblivion...
A tear rolled down her cheek.
And she explained. Her doubts about my gardening skills were never meant to be a proxy for her trust in me as a person. Or as a husband. Or as a father.
She told me that communication is love, and she loves me, and she should have discussed the botanical plan for the world root cutting with me first, before hiring the Phylosian.
At this point my hand slipped, but I managed to grab ahold of her with my other arm at the last second... Unfortunately this caused me to lose my hold on The Artefact, which fell toward the event horizon and stretched into an impossibly skinny thread before disappearing forever and completely.
So I told her, ever since receiving the root cuttings from the Archive, as one of the last surviving Kwejian, I had always seen it as my responsibility to restore the World Tree. My burden to bear, and no one else's.
I explained that I was alone for so long as a courier before Michael came, and then I thought I was the last survivor of my people: The ultimate loneliness and isolation. I was so used to being on my own, it just felt wrong, unnatural to receive any help with it, let alone to ask for help.
Just then, the cliffside began to crack ominously.
Michael suppressed a sympathetic sob, and she reminded me: I am no longer alone. That I've never been alone, since the moment she came into my life.
She says that Kwejian lives on in both of us, through our connection, and in our son, Leto. No matter what happens to us. And she was so right. I can't believe I didn't see it before.
Thusly reconciled, we were then able to combine our efforts, redouble and renew our attempt to pull me up off the side of the eternal space cliff.
And that's when we finally lost our grip completely. I fell as if in slow motion, reaching up-- Reaching out, to her. Trying to project forgiveness through my empathic senses... And in my eyes.
I saw Michael, still dangling over the edge, the rocky cliffside surrounding and framing her like an ominous black mountain. Her eyes, wide with shock and disbelief, tears streaming freely. Her arm, outstretched, strained fingers twitching at emptiness.
I felt hope slip away.
Just then, something happened that I truly can't explain.
It was as though for just a moment both space and time shifted around us. This itself was not so unusual, Michael later theorized it was a residual Manheim effect caused by gravi-temporal shear from the shattered supergateway. But the experience was transcendent. I witnessed colors, shapes at that time, that I can't picture now and which I couldn't name.
But when reality re-settled around us, and our senses returned to normal, we were both somehow safely deposited back on the clifftop. As if by some loving hand, or paw, of a merciful and caring higher being.
And it was the strangest thing, Hy'Rell, but in that moment I could swear I heard a plaintive, longing "meowww," echo through the deafening ionic wind.
Michael and I were able to cross-patch our tricom badges, match the frequency variance of the ionic hurricane, and achieve enough pattern-enhancement to jump the quantum barrier and get back to the Prime-- Uhh, anyway we got back home. Where Leto was waiting for us with a crayon drawing.
He always draws Michael taller than me. Takes after his dad in that way, because that's how I see her as well.
While we were gone, the root sprouted its stem and first leaves. The Phylosian botanist, whose name is Peet, has decided it would be best to relocate the new World Sprout some distance from structures and dwellings, to a spot that can be safely nurtured and protected.
Michael says we can't live in a tree house, but I can build one some day for Leto. She hasn't given me a limit on size though.
We talked it over and decided we would like to once again entrust the remaining world root cutting to your capable hands within the Eternal Gallery and Archive. I've tucked it away in the Tuli wood box, and secured them into a quantum matter stasis packet (please see subspace attachment).
I have also enclosed one more item which I hope you will find worthy of your collection; A collar. Somewhat ornate, with a pressed-latinum tag. Contains tracking device (never used, since deactivated). It belonged to a Queen, who no longer has need of it.
Take care of yourself, Hy'Rell
Empathically yours,
Cleveland "Book" Burnham-Booker, III
submitted by OneChrononOfPlancks to StarTrekFanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:03 RugRatRuler Exploring Organic Cotton Clothing for Eco-Friendly Kids

As parents, we’re always on the lookout for the best options for our children’s health and well-being. One growing trend that’s worth exploring is eco-friendly clothing made from organic cotton. Not only is it gentle on your little one’s sensitive skin, but it’s also a fantastic choice for the environment. Let’s dive into why organic cotton is beneficial and highlight some top brands offering stylish and sustainable options for your kids.

Why Choose Organic Cotton for Kids?

Organic cotton is a game-changer for kids' clothing for several reasons:
  1. Health Benefits: Organic cotton is hypoallergenic and free from harmful chemicals, making it ideal for children with sensitive skin or allergies. Conventional cotton often contains pesticide residues that can irritate the skin.
  2. Environmental Impact: Organic cotton farming uses less water and avoids synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, reducing pollution and promoting biodiversity. This sustainable approach helps protect our planet for future generations.
  3. Quality and Durability: Clothes made from organic cotton are often softer and more durable, providing comfort and longevity, which is especially important for active kids.

Top Brands for Organic Cotton Clothing

Choosing the right brand can make a big difference. Here are three top brands that stand out for their commitment to quality, sustainability, and style:

1. Colored Organics

Overview: Colored Organics offers affordable, classic styles made from 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton. Their clothing is designed with both comfort and sustainability in mind.
Key Features:
Popular Products: Their collection includes earthy and neutral-colored tees, sweaters, and leggings, perfect for mixing and matching.
Colored Organics is known for its commitment to ethical production and ensuring a safe, fair working environment for their employees. By choosing their products, you’re not only dressing your kids in high-quality clothes but also supporting a brand that values sustainability and social responsibility.

2. Jackalo

Overview: Jackalo creates durable clothing specifically designed for active kids. With reinforced knees and a commitment to repair, their clothes are built to last through all kinds of adventures.
Key Features:
Popular Products: Jackalo's reinforced pants and versatile basics are perfect for kids who love to play hard. They also offer a repair program to extend the life of their clothes.
Jackalo’s focus on durability and sustainability means their clothes are designed to withstand the rigors of active play while minimizing environmental impact. Their repair program is a fantastic way to keep clothes in use longer, reducing waste and promoting a more sustainable approach to fashion.

3. Burt’s Bees Baby

Overview: While Burt’s Bees is best known for their skincare products, their line of baby and toddler clothes is equally impressive. Almost all of their clothing is made with GOTS-certified organic cotton.
Key Features:
Popular Products: Their pajamas and casual clothing are favorites among parents for their comfort and cute designs.
Burt’s Bees Baby combines the convenience of being widely available with a commitment to sustainability. Their organic cotton clothing is perfect for the youngest members of your family, offering both comfort and eco-friendliness.

Benefits of Supporting These Brands

Choosing organic cotton clothing from brands like Colored Organics, Jackalo, and Burt’s Bees Baby comes with numerous benefits:

How to Incorporate Organic Cotton into Your Child’s Wardrobe

Building a sustainable wardrobe for your kids doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips to get started:
  1. Start with Essentials: Focus on everyday basics like tees, leggings, and pajamas. These are the items your child will wear most often, so investing in high-quality organic cotton versions can make a big difference.
  2. Choose Versatile Pieces: Look for items that can be mixed and matched easily. Neutral colors and simple designs are great for creating multiple outfits from a few pieces.
  3. Care for Your Clothes: Proper care can extend the life of organic cotton clothing. Wash items in cold water, avoid harsh detergents, and line dry when possible to maintain their quality and softness.


Exploring organic cotton clothing for eco-friendly kids is a fantastic way to support your child’s health and the environment. Brands like Colored Organics, Jackalo, and Burt’s Bees Baby offer stylish, sustainable options that are perfect for any wardrobe. By making small changes in how we shop and care for our children’s clothes, we can make a big impact on their future and the planet.
submitted by RugRatRuler to GreenMomTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:47 Important-Bug8093 Claim 25% off ANY Meta Game

If you need a different game then fits in this post or link no longer works send me a message. I have around 200 codes
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2024.05.31 21:46 Important-Bug8093 Claim 25% off ANY Meta Quest game

If you need a different game or link no longer works send me a message. I have around 200 codes
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2024.05.31 21:45 Important-Bug8093 Claim 25% odd any game FULL LIST

If you need a different game or link no longer works send me a message. I have around 200 codes
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2024.05.31 21:43 Important-Bug8093 Claim 25% off any quest game FULL LIST

If you need a code not listed on here dm me, I should have one for you
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2024.05.31 20:55 thornbramble7 Every new album I listened to in May vs. actual May 5x5

Every new album I listened to in May vs. actual May 5x5 submitted by thornbramble7 to lastfm [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:44 Kitten_Monger127 Any Idea What Insect This Is On My Blueberry Bush?

Any Idea What Insect This Is On My Blueberry Bush?
I used an insect ID app and it said it's a six spotted orbweaver. It also said that these feed on other arthropods and doesn't hurt the plant. This plant had what I thought was spider mites. (I saw tiny tiny little red things running along the pot and branches.) I sprayed the plant down with very diluted Dawn.
Anyways do you think that's accurate? Do I have anything to worry about? If this is accurate then it sounds like this spider is actually beneficial to me. But like IDK if I should be getting rid of the webs or something, I don't want spiders taking over this plant even if it's good. Any help will be much appreciated!
(Also I know it looks nutrient deficient, I just fertilized it yesterday and lowered the pH by watering with very diluted vinegar. I've since bought soil acidifier to use.)
submitted by Kitten_Monger127 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:25 gadgethunter16 Today I am choosing positivity

I have gone through many ups and downs on this process, it has been longer than I ever thought it would be (and I recognize that just over a year is not THAT long- but boy has it felt THAT long, you know?). Two weeks ago I got a PCOS diagnosis and struggled with that for a minute, even thought it was a relief to know I wasn't imagining things and that something actually was up with my body, it was still hard to hear. I have had two cycles in a row that were over 60 days and this month I ovulated on CD 28! We didn't time BDing exactly right because of cycle unpredictability but we got 2 days in the fertile window so who knows? Today I am focusing on the victory of a cycle that is 20 days shorter than my last cycle, I have been religiously drinking my red raspberry leaf tea (thanks to advice on this sub) and have been taking some recommended supplements for my PCOS and am hoping this trend continues. I am letting myself off the hook for not timing BDing as well as I have in the past- you aren't out until you are out right? Today I am choosing positivity. I hope you can to. And if you can't, I get that, but I hope you get a positivity day soon!
submitted by gadgethunter16 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:09 CGL-Landscaping 🌵 Drought Resistant Plants to plant in Arizona 🌵

Desert plants are remarkable for their ability to thrive in some of the harshest environments on Earth. These resilient species have evolved a range of unique adaptations that enable them to conserve water, withstand extreme temperatures, and grow in nutrient-poor soils. From the towering Saguaro cactus to the iconic Joshua Tree, each plant has developed its own survival strategies that are as fascinating as they are effective. The Prickly Pear cactus stores water in its pads, while the Barrel cactus expands and contracts to manage its moisture content. The deep roots of the Palo Verde tree tap into underground water sources, and the Hopbush and Creosote Bush use resinous coatings to minimize water loss. Additionally, plants like the Spanish Bayonet and Harvard Agave not only survive but also play significant roles in their ecosystems, providing food, shelter, and even medicinal benefits. The enduring presence of these plants, some of which have lifespans extending over thousands of years, underscores their incredible adaptability and the intricate balance of desert ecosystems.
The Prickly Pear cactus (Opuntia spp.) is a resilient desert plant known for its flat, paddle-like pads and colorful fruits. Adapted to arid environments, it conserves water with a thick, waxy cuticle that reduces evaporation and pads that store significant amounts of water. Its spines not only protect it from herbivores but also provide shade, further minimizing water loss.
Prickly Pear cacti can live for several decades, with some species known to survive over 20 years. They can grow between 3 to 16 feet tall, depending on the species. These cacti propagate easily through seeds and vegetative reproduction, where detached pads root and form new plants.
The Prickly Pear is its cultural significance in Mexico, where it has been a staple in traditional cuisine and medicine for centuries. The pads, called "nopales," and the fruits, known as "tunas," are both edible and nutrient-rich. Additionally, the cochineal insect, which feeds on the cactus, produces a red dye historically important to the Aztecs and still used today in various industries.
The Barrel cactus (Ferocactus spp.) is a distinctive and hardy plant commonly found in the deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Its cylindrical shape and ribbed surface are perfectly adapted to conserve water. The ribs enable the cactus to expand and contract depending on its water content, while a thick, waxy skin reduces water loss through evaporation. The shallow yet widespread root system is adept at quickly absorbing water from brief desert rains.
Barrel cacti can live for 50 to 100 years and typically grow to heights of 3 to 10 feet, though some can reach up to 12 feet tall. These cacti are slow-growing, often taking many years to achieve their full size. They are known for their large, brightly colored flowers, which bloom in summer and attract various pollinators.
The Barrel cactus is its traditional use by Native Americans as a water source in emergencies. Known as the "compass cactus," it often leans towards the south, which can help lost travelers orient themselves. This unique characteristic, combined with its water-storing ability, underscores the Barrel cactus's remarkable adaptation to its harsh desert environment.
The Black-spined Agave (Agave macroacantha) is a striking succulent native to the arid regions of Mexico, particularly Oaxaca and Puebla. Known for its rosette of thick, blue-gray leaves tipped with distinctive black spines, this agave is well-adapted to survive in harsh desert conditions. Its leaves store water efficiently, while their tough, waxy surface minimizes water loss through evaporation. The black spines not only deter herbivores but also help shade the plant, reducing the temperature of the leaf surfaces.
This agave species typically lives for about 10 to 30 years. It grows slowly, reaching a mature size of about 1 to 2 feet in height and 2 to 3 feet in diameter. The Black-spined Agave flowers only once in its lifetime, producing a tall stalk with yellow flowers, after which the plant dies, a characteristic known as monocarpic. However, it often produces numerous offsets or "pups" around its base, ensuring its propagation and survival.
The Black-spined Agave is its historical and cultural importance in Mexico. Its fibers have been traditionally used for making ropes, mats, and textiles. Additionally, certain agave species are essential in producing tequila and mezcal, although Agave macroacantha is not typically used for this purpose. The plant's striking appearance also makes it a popular choice in xeriscaping, which is a landscaping method designed for dry environments to conserve water.
The Harvard Agave (Agave havardiana) is a robust and resilient succulent native to the Chihuahuan Desert, particularly found in West Texas and northern Mexico. Its blue-green leaves form a dense rosette, and each leaf is edged with sharp, dark spines that provide protection from herbivores. The leaves' thick, waxy coating helps to minimize water loss, enabling the plant to thrive in arid conditions with minimal rainfall.
This agave species can live for several decades, typically reaching a height of 2 to 3 feet and a similar spread. Like many agaves, the Harvard Agave is monocarpic, meaning it flowers once at the end of its life. When it blooms, it sends up a tall flower stalk that can reach up to 15 feet, adorned with clusters of yellow flowers. After flowering and setting seed, the main plant dies, but it often produces numerous offsets or "pups" that continue to grow and propagate the species.
The Harvard Agave is its ecological role and historical usage. The plant provides a crucial source of nectar for pollinators, such as bats, birds, and insects, during its blooming period. Historically, Native American tribes utilized various parts of the agave for food, fiber, and medicinal purposes. The strong fibers from the leaves were used to make ropes, mats, and baskets, showcasing the plant's versatility and importance in desert survival and culture.
The Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia) is an iconic plant of the Mojave Desert, known for its unique, twisted branches and spiky leaves. This unusual tree is actually a member of the yucca family and thrives in the desert's harsh conditions. Its deep root system can extend up to 36 feet to tap into underground water sources, while its leaves, which are tough and narrow, minimize water loss through evaporation. The Joshua Tree's ability to store water in its trunk and branches also helps it survive prolonged drought periods.
Joshua Trees have impressive lifespans, often living for hundreds of years, with some estimated to be over 1,000 years old. They can grow up to 40 feet tall, though they typically reach heights of 15 to 30 feet. These trees grow slowly, averaging just 1 to 3 inches per year. Their distinctive shape is a result of their growth pattern, where new branches form after the plant blooms.
A fascinating and unique fact about the Joshua Tree is its symbiotic relationship with the Yucca moth. The tree relies on this moth for pollination; in turn, the moth lays its eggs in the tree's flowers. The larvae feed on some of the developing seeds, ensuring the propagation of both species. This mutualistic relationship is crucial for the survival of the Joshua Tree, demonstrating a remarkable example of coevolution. The Joshua Tree also holds cultural significance, symbolizing resilience and endurance in the face of adversity, and has become a celebrated symbol of the American Southwest.
The Spanish Bayonet (Yucca aloifolia) is a striking and hardy plant native to the southeastern United States and parts of the Caribbean. Known for its dramatic rosette of sharp, sword-like leaves, the Spanish Bayonet is well-adapted to coastal and arid environments. The thick, leathery leaves reduce water loss through evaporation, while the plant's extensive root system allows it to access deep moisture and anchor itself in sandy or rocky soils.
This yucca species typically lives for several decades and can grow to a height of 10 to 15 feet. The Spanish Bayonet produces clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers on tall spikes, which can reach up to 3 feet in length. These flowers bloom in late spring to early summer and attract a variety of pollinators. After flowering, the plant may produce offsets or "pups" at its base, allowing it to propagate and form clumps.
Spanish Bayonet is its traditional use by indigenous peoples and early settlers. The fibrous leaves were utilized to make ropes, mats, and baskets, demonstrating the plant's versatility and importance in daily life. Additionally, the flowers and young flower stalks are edible and were often consumed as a food source. The Spanish Bayonet is also popular in landscaping due to its striking appearance and low maintenance requirements, providing both aesthetic and functional value in gardens designed to conserve water.
The Palo Verde tree (Parkinsonia spp.) is a remarkable and resilient tree native to the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Its name, which means "green stick" in Spanish, comes from its distinctive green bark, which is capable of photosynthesis. This adaptation allows the tree to continue producing energy even when it sheds its small, delicate leaves during periods of drought to conserve water. The Palo Verde's extensive root system, which can reach deep underground water sources, further enhances its drought tolerance.
Palo Verde trees typically live for 60 to 100 years and can grow up to 20 to 30 feet tall. They are fast-growing and often serve as nurse plants, providing shade and protection for seedlings of other species. In spring, these trees produce a stunning display of bright yellow flowers that attract various pollinators, including bees and butterflies. The flowers develop into seed pods, which are an important food source for desert wildlife.
Palo Verde tree is its ecological importance in desert environments. It plays a critical role in providing habitat and food for numerous animals, including birds, insects, and small mammals. Additionally, the tree has cultural significance for indigenous peoples, who have used its seeds for food and its wood for tools and construction. The Palo Verde is also valued in landscaping for its beauty and low water requirements, making it an excellent choice for xeriscaping and sustainable garden designs.
The Mesquite tree (Prosopis spp.) is a resilient and iconic plant of the arid regions of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Known for its feathery leaves and thorny branches, the Mesquite is exceptionally well-adapted to desert environments. One of its key adaptations is its deep root system, which can extend more than 100 feet underground to access deep water tables, allowing it to survive prolonged periods of drought. Additionally, its small, compound leaves reduce water loss through evaporation, making it highly efficient in conserving moisture.
Mesquite trees typically live for several decades, with some reaching up to 200 years old. They can grow up to 20 to 30 feet tall, though in harsher conditions, they may remain much smaller. Mesquites are also known for their nitrogen-fixing ability, which improves soil fertility by converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. In the spring and early summer, these trees produce fragrant, yellowish flowers that develop into long, slender seed pods, which are a vital food source for wildlife and livestock.
A fascinating and unique fact about the Mesquite tree is its historical and cultural significance. Indigenous peoples and early settlers utilized various parts of the tree for food, medicine, and materials. The sweet, nutritious pods were ground into flour, while the wood, known for its hardness and rich, reddish color, was used for tools, furniture, and fuel. Mesquite wood is still prized today for grilling and smoking meats, imparting a distinctive flavor. Additionally, the tree's ability to thrive in poor soils and harsh conditions makes it an important species for erosion control and land reclamation in desertified areas.
The Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) is a versatile and hardy shrub found in diverse regions, including the southwestern United States, Central and South America, Africa, and Australia. This evergreen shrub is well-adapted to various environments, from coastal areas to arid deserts. It features narrow, lance-shaped leaves that are often sticky to the touch due to a resinous coating, which helps reduce water loss through evaporation. The Hopbush can thrive in poor soils and withstands drought conditions, making it a resilient component of its native ecosystems.
Hopbush shrubs typically grow to heights of 6 to 10 feet, though they can sometimes reach up to 15 feet under optimal conditions. The plant is known for its attractive, winged seed capsules, which turn from green to shades of pink, red, or brown as they mature, adding ornamental value. These shrubs flower in the spring and summer, producing small, inconspicuous yellow-green flowers that attract various pollinators.
The Hopbush is its traditional medicinal uses by indigenous cultures. The leaves, bark, and seeds have been used to treat ailments such as fever, inflammation, and digestive issues. Additionally, the tough, flexible wood of the Hopbush was historically used for making tools, weapons, and even musical instruments. Today, the Hopbush is valued in landscaping for its drought tolerance, ability to stabilize soils, and capacity to serve as a windbreak, making it a practical and aesthetically pleasing choice for sustainable gardens and restoration projects.
The Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata) is a quintessential plant of the desert regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Known for its small, dark green leaves and distinctive, pungent aroma, the Creosote Bush is exceptionally well-adapted to survive in harsh, arid environments. Its leaves are coated with a resinous substance that reduces water loss through evaporation and protects against herbivores. The plant also has a deep and extensive root system that allows it to access scarce groundwater and thrive in the nutrient-poor soils of the desert.
Creosote Bushes can live for incredibly long periods, with individual plants often reaching over a hundred years old. In some cases, clonal colonies of Creosote Bushes, known as "King Clone," have been estimated to be nearly 11,700 years old, making them some of the oldest living organisms on Earth. The bushes typically grow to about 3 to 10 feet in height, depending on the environmental conditions. During the spring and summer, they produce small, yellow flowers followed by fuzzy, white seed capsules.
Creosote Bush is its ecological and medicinal significance. The plant plays a crucial role in desert ecosystems by providing habitat and food for various insects, birds, and small mammals. Traditionally, Native American tribes utilized the Creosote Bush for its medicinal properties, using its leaves and stems to treat a range of ailments, including colds, sore throats, and wounds. The resinous coating was also used as a natural antiseptic. The Creosote Bush's remarkable adaptations and longevity make it a symbol of endurance and resilience in one of the planet's most challenging environments.
By incorporating these remarkable desert plants into your landscape, you can create a beautiful, sustainable, and low-maintenance garden that thrives in arid conditions. Whether you are looking to enhance your property with the majestic Saguaro cactus, the striking Joshua Tree, or the versatile Creosote Bush, CGL Landscaping has the expertise and selection to meet your needs. Our team is dedicated to helping you design and install a landscape that not only conserves water but also supports local wildlife and adds unique beauty to your outdoor space.
At CGL Landscaping, we understand the importance of choosing the right plants for your environment. With years of experience in desert landscaping, we can guide you in selecting the perfect combination of plants to create a thriving garden that reflects the natural beauty of the desert. Our professional services include everything from soil preparation and planting to ongoing maintenance, ensuring that your new landscape remains vibrant and healthy for years to come.
Don't wait to transform your outdoor space with the enduring beauty and resilience of desert plants. Contact CGL Landscaping today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you bring the wonders of the desert to your doorstep. With our expertise and passion for sustainable landscaping, you'll enjoy a garden that is not only stunning but also environmentally friendly and easy to care for. Let CGL Landscaping be your partner in creating a desert oasis that you can be proud of.
submitted by CGL-Landscaping to u/CGL-Landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:07 OldMotor9250 Way much rain, cacties dying

So here is the case, I live in Coahuila, Mexico, we had been having a terrible strike of the climate change, less rain, but tremendous amounts when it rains, i have my little Eden in a 25 acre property been doing for 12 years regenerative agriculture (not even consumed), 3 years by my self, the rest by my dad and my grandad everything thats is produced the fruit stones, are choped, dried and put into aerobic compost to reduce mehtane product. the soil already has over 40-60 percent organic content, it is fertile AF, but my cactus has been suffering since there has been quite strong rainfall, and stagnation of water, been thinking of adding scoria (red volcanic rock) or pumice, whta else do woy recomed for helping to infiltrate water to the underground
submitted by OldMotor9250 to cactus [link] [comments]