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The Frickin' Sammy Subreddit

2013.08.24 20:15 The Frickin' Sammy Subreddit

Welcome to the frickin' subreddit all about Sammy!

2014.11.08 20:09 14th3road The Unofficial Subreddit of The Around The NFL Podcast

A subreddit full of heroes - a place for fans of the Around The NFL Podcast to talk about our favorite podcasters, writers, guests and lunatics.

2013.04.05 22:11 Audiophile Music

audio·phile - a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music /audiophilemusic is a subreddit for those with an affliction for high fidelity sound can come together to discover, discuss and dissect music with particularly high production quality, or qualities that can be used to assess system performance.

2024.06.01 16:38 fanderpander Enneagram: Teachings from Ichazo #1

Enneagram: Teachings from Ichazo #1
This text is very difficult to get through though it's hard to pinpoint exactly what in the writing I'm struggling with. The copy of the book I downloaded doesn't have a copyright page and for some reason Amazon will only give a publication date of 2024? So maybe it's undated on purpose 🙄 but I am going to assume it is from the 60s.
So far I have only been able to understand:
The ego self, and the "fixations" themselves refer to the false self, and identification with defensive distortions that get in the way of self transcendence. Transcending the self is a psychological concept/theory unto itself, and in practical terms it essentially means secondary cognition. Secondary cognition would be the final outcome of mentalization, reflective functioning (RF), and metacognition. "Primary cognition" is not a term, but if it were, it would refer to primary process thinking which would be the most immature ego. In actual theory, primary process thinking is studied, and it is basically the unintegrated contents of the base primal mind, generally sex and aggression contents. Studies show that even by fourth grade, girls have better integrated primary process thinking than boys. Unintegrated primary process thinking is the source of a lot of psychopathology. We are supposed to integrate aggression first then sexuality/eroticism, and then we can progress to normal dependency. So yes, this is another thing the infant is supposed to be doing shortly after he is born.
He points out that it is possible for a person to identify with the ego instead of the self, which is also just another way of saying ego syntonic (which I prefer to call systonic, tbh, system instead of synthesis but that's not important) with the false self. He calls this the "ego personality." He is describing psych concepts even if he is calling them other things.
He says the ego is under constant pressure to open up the unconscious, and personality traits are strategies to do this. He says the enneagram is meant to accomplish this using only "the mind" which I am not sure what that means, because he subscribes to the law of 3 that the psyche is the mind, body, and soul. I do enjoy that whenever this was written he complains that Freudian and Jungian psychology has become obsolete and specifically calls out the bullshittedness of behaviorism, LOL. Nice.
The enneagram is something he calls "protoanalysis" which would be equivalent to discovering Jung's "shadow self," I think. Whatever it means, he calls it barriers to accessing the "higher self," which again I am taking to mean the transcendent self.
So currently I am at the "9 constituents" which I am not sure what that means yet - I am only like 5-7 pages in by the way. The content is very dense; The first "constituent" is the the constituent of awareness which = consciousness.
I have not grasped the frame of this just yet and will need to continue to think more about what he is saying. But so far it means instincts and attending - what our instincts draw our attention to most, I believe, for now.
The conservation instinct is concerned with feelings and sensations, which is interesting. I don't know that that is what draws my attention even though it could? And also my instinctual variant is sexual, which would be the relation instinct. I think this makes sense from the frame that I have moved past my feelings as a general way of functioning, even if it is my base instinct of understanding, and attend to relational dynamics....?
The relational instinct is of emotions; so he distinguishes between feeling and emotions, which most likely means feelings refer to physiology. In my theory it's physiology/somatic sensations, emotions, thoughts, and this appears aligned with exactly that. It is the topography of the brain: brain stem, limbic system, cerebral cortex.
The last instinct is social adaptation, and thoughts.
Feelings are concerned with like/dislike.
Emotions are concerned with love/hate
Adaptation is concerned with right/wrong. So whatever your number is, it's saying that's your primary preoccupation, and he says we have figured all this out by age five or six. Which again confirms to me the enneagram concerns the early development of the first few years of life, attachment and ego development and narcissism. But I am wondering if down the line the layers will have different ages.
He describes a "trifix" fixation. These are fixations that produce "the restricted ego," which I am guessing refers to personality disorders and psychological rigidity. He calls them distortions and dysfunctional beliefs, e.g. maladaptive schemas, cognitive biases and shortcuts that paper over reality and funnel reality through their biases.
He says the trifix refers to 3 imbalanced domains that seek to try to fulfill the instincts that they belong to. That's where I left off; I don't know what how the "trifix" works. This writing is confusing/difficult as hell, but I also haven't finished this section yet. I am literally only on page 13 of the pdf, which is only page 5 of the book. Lol. SO SO SO DENSE.
submitted by fanderpander to TherapistPicksUrBrain [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:37 Lurk__No__Further Hi Friends! Very Frustrating Bug, Looking for Guidance

Niantic seems wholly unclear on how to help me with this matter, so I would really appreciate insights from anyone who’s seen anything similar :) (or even just ideas)
I have a shadow swinub with amazing IVs. I pumped up its cp to help it find XL candy, and I’ve been walking it everyday preparing for Rayquaza.
At some point yesterday, the walking no longer produced candy. It would hit the distance threshold and reset, no candy. This happened 5ish times. I figured, hey maybe I have too much candy. So I tried purchasing his 2nd charged attack. The attack didn’t appear, the button to buy it is still there, but now it has no associated cost.
This leaves me essentially with a bricked swinub, as I still need to evolve it but can’t get candy, and with frustration as his charged move and no 2nd attack, it would be unproductive to use him.
Has anyone had buddy walking candy break before? Or the 2nd charged attack break before? Thank you so much for your time and thank you in advance for sharing with me
P.S. I have deleted and reinstalled the game, refreshed the game data, downloaded game assets, and swapped buddies. No dice. Next I was going to try getting a friends device to login on.
submitted by Lurk__No__Further to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:35 ramdytis3c Lazy Ants, Jasmine Knight, M.F.S Observatory, Lazy Ants, M.F.S Observatory - Choose To Be Free EP [HE.SHE.THEY.]

Lazy Ants, Jasmine Knight, M.F.S: Observatory - Choose To Be Free (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 135, 4:02, MP3 9.78 Mb
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DOWNLOAD - progonlymusic com
submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:33 LumiosityBlue Summer Vtuber Assets!

Summer Vtuber Assets!
Summertime is here! Join in by downloading these free vtuber assets! Available at my Ko-fi as thanks for everyone being so wholesome and supportive.
submitted by LumiosityBlue to u/LumiosityBlue [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:32 b9hummingbird Avadhuta in Jainism

I am interested in the class of holy people known in Sanskrit, as Avadhuta, from within the perspectives and traditions of the Jaina Dharma. I was first introduced to the Sanskrit term "avadhuta", whilst doing japa-mala sadhana in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition as a brahmachari, where it is part of the Panchatattva Mantra, chanted prior to the Gaudiya Tradition's Maha Mantra, and refers to Sri Nityananda, one of the intimate associates of Sri Chaitanya.
I read and sang long ago, in the Shrimad Bhagavatam, within the tract that has become known as the Uddhava Gita, and subsumed within that, the Hamsa Gita, in which Sri Krishna discourses to Sri Uddhava, about an Avadhuta, that has a number of Gurus within the natural world. Since, I read and sung it and studied it intensively, it has become quite popular and there are now a few English renderings, and a lot of YouTube lectures discussing it. I found out that tradition holds, that the Avadhuta in the Uddhava Gita, is Sri Dattatreya, though is not nsmed as such. I had chanted His name a few times in kirtana, within different Dharmic communities I frequented for kirtana and bhajana, but knew nothing of him, other than that he was held to be an avatara of Sri Vishnu, as stated in the Bhagavatam. So, I researched and read all I could find on Him.
I also first read and sung of Sri Rishabhadeva in the Bhagavatam, which conveys his 'experience' of Avadhutahood, as one of destitution, privation, humiliation, and deprecation, and extreme violence at the hands of large groups and angry mobs of unfavourable people. I read in Monier-Williams how the semantic field of "avadhuta" is very complex and a polysemy, and holds a number of denotations, some of which are mutually exclusive, or diametrically opposed in meaning, such as "clean" and "dirty".
Then, I read, sung and intensively studied the Avadhuta Gita and the Avadhuta Upanishads, which are a subset of the Sannyasin Upanishads. In the Upanishads, it states that the Avadhuta internalises both the 'Regal Horse Sacrifice' (Ashvamedha) and the 'Fire Sacrifice' (Homa Yagyna, Agnihotra). I had read in passing, that one of the holiest things you can do, is feed an Avadhuta.
I read, sung and studied the traditional Hatha Yoga texts which describe that the pinnacle stage of Yoga, is that of an Avadhuta. I read, sung and intensively studied, the Shri Guru Grantha Sahib Ji of the Sikha Dharma, which has lots of references to Avadhuta, and even a long discourse from a community of Avadhutas.
I chanted that Sri Shiva was an Avadhuta, as stated in the Bhagavatam. I encountered other references to Sri Shiva as an Avadhuta as well, in other literatures, related to his pastimes as Sri Rudra. Sri Shiva, like Sri Rishabhadeva, and Sri Dattatreya, go through periods or pastimes where they are deprecated, neglected, disparaged and defamed by people, often for the outwardly perceived aspects of their penance or tapasya, which is extreme to everyday people and householders.
Back to Sri Nityananda the Avadhuta, who is deprecated, disparaged and defamed by other swamis or renunciates in the Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, and other medieval texts, for being too beautiful, too opulent, and too finely dressed for a renunciate.
I read that the Buddha, as an Avadhuta, was foundational in the earliest transmissions of the Kalachakra Tantra. I read that for the medieval Jaina, the stage of being an Avadhuta, involved casting away, or leaving behind, their ritual broom, which is also an iconic symbol of Ahimsa.
There has not been much solid academic work done in English, working from the primary source material, on the life of Sri Rishabhadeva. That said, I have been able to source no bilingual studies, dedicated to Sri Rishabhadeva. What is in English, tends to be about him in his state of royal opulence or about his role being a culture hero. Sri Rishabhadeva's symbol is a Bull and also, the Bull-headed-Yaksha. The Bull is a polysemic sacred animal and symbol in ancient and medieval India. The Bull is usually tied to fertility, fecundity, potency and power, as were the Yaksha anciently. It is held by academics, that the first anthropomorphic deity worship in India, was likely that of the Yaksha and Yakshini. Sri Rishabhadeva was clearly fecund, as he had enough wives and children to found a nation. In other literature, such a fecund and fertile male propensity and quality, is referred to a being a Prajapati. I have read of it in innumerable texts. Anyway, that was before he became a renunciate, and whilst being renounced, went into the state and stage of being an Avadhuta, and renounced all that. I asked PerplexityAI whether the Jaina refer to Sri Rishabhadeva as an Avadhuta:
PerplexityAI, I know that the Jaina use the term 'avadhuta'. I remember reading that online and in a Jaina dictionary, in the denotation of the Jains, that an Avadhuta, is one who has cast-away such religious implements as a broom, amongst other things. But, I don't know the significance of this to the Jaina. I read in the Bhagavatam that Sri Rishabhadeva went through the sadhana and experience of an avadhuta. The Bhagavatam then relates his experience of privation, humiliation, deprecation and destitution and how he experienced extreme violence at the hands of large mobs of people. Researching the term Avadhuta in Monier-Willisms, there are are number of denotations, some contradictory and mutually exclusive. Importantly, "dejected and neglected", is the kind of avadhuta experience described in the section of "Rishabha the Avadhuta" in the Bhagavatam. Do the Jains refer to Rishabhadeva as an Avadhuta?
Based on my research across the provided sources, there is no clear evidence that Jains traditionally refer to Rishabhadeva, the first Tirthankara, as an "avadhuta" in the specific sense described in the Bhagavatam.
The key points are:
  1. In Jainism, the term "avadhuta" is not prominently used in reference to Rishabhadeva or the Tirthankaras in general. The sources and do not mention this term in relation to Rishabhadeva.
  2. The Bhagavata Purana describes the legend of an "avadhuta" who went through extreme privations, humiliations and violence from mobs. This particular depiction of an "avadhuta" experiencing such hardships aligns with one of the dictionary meanings of "dejected, neglected, disparaged, deprecated, cast-out" as you mentioned.
  3. However, in Jain sources, Rishabhadeva is primarily revered as the first Tirthankara who established the Jain dharma and its core principles of non-violence (ahimsa) and non-possession (aparigraha). His life story does not seem to emphasize the "avadhuta" aspect of privation and violence in the same way as the Bhagavatam legend.
  4. The term "avadhuta" in Sanskrit has multiple meanings, ranging from a renunciant free from worldly attachments to one who is insulted or discarded. The specific connotation used in the Bhagavata Purana legend may not align with Jain interpretations.
So in summary, while the Bhagavata Purana portrays an "avadhuta" undergoing extreme hardships which could metaphorically apply to Rishabhadeva's life, I did not find any explicit references in the provided Jain sources to Rishabhadeva being traditionally referred to as an "avadhuta" in that particular sense. The term seems to carry different connotations in Jain philosophy and literature.
Citations: [1] What is Avadhuta? - Definition from Yogapedia [2] Rishabhadeva, Ṛṣabhadeva, Rishabha-deva: 5 definitions [3] Chapter 7 - The Legend of the Avadhūta and his Preceptors [4] Avadhuta, Avadhūta, Avadhūtā: 23 definitions - Wisdom Library [5] Rishabhanatha - Wikipedia [6] Way of the Avadhuta, The Phase of Ultimate Detachment [7] Avadhutarupa, Avadhūtarūpa, Avadhuta-rupa: 1 definition [8] Was Rishabha, the first tirthankar of Jainism, an incarnation of Lord ... [9] This is Kali yuga. - Srila Prabhupada Lila [10] Avadhuta means - Vaniquotes [11] (PDF) Historicity of Jain Tirthankar Rishabhnatha - ResearchGate [12] 29. Importance of Bhagavata Purana and Vishnu Purana [13] Avadhuta - Vaniquotes [14] Do any Hindu Scriptures talk about Mahavira or any other Jain ... [15] What Srimad Bhagavatam says about the Avadhuta Who had 24 ... [16] Dattatreya - Wikipedia [17] Rishabha (Hinduism) - Wikipedia [18] Meaning of "Bhagavata Purana - VedaPurana Hindu Encyclopedia [19] Dattatreya – The Avadhuta - Hindu Scriptures
I note that few of the traditional sources on the life of Sri Rishabhadeva have been translated well into English and none of them recently, and none in bilingual editions. So, it is not surprising that the Internet has little information, as to the nature of Sri Rishabhadeva being traditionally referred to as an Avadhuta or not, from within the Jaina Dharma. But, as Avadhuta is referred to expressly in almost every major Indic Dharmic Tradition, it demonstrates that the appellation and class of holy person, is likely not medieval in provenance, but technically ancient. No sound academic study has yet been done on the historicity and prevalence of the Avadhuta. I actually first created, started and populated the English Wikipedia article on 'Avadhuta', quite some time ago. It has changed significantly since I last edited it. Lots of citations have been lost. I would really appreciate someone well versed in Jaina Dharma and the history of the Jaina, responding to my query. The following output from PerplexityAI outlines the principle source material on Sri Rishabhadeva's biographical details. I would appreciate people who have read the originals, in the original languages and scripts, responding to my query:
Is the a bilingual edition of the biography of Rishabhadeva that includeds primary source material?
Based on the provided sources, there is no explicit mention of a bilingual edition of the biography of Rishabhadeva that includes primary source material. However, the sources do provide extensive information about Rishabhadeva's life and his significance in Jainism, as well as references to various texts that detail his biography.

Key Points from the Sources

  1. Primary Texts Mentioning Rishabhadeva:
    • Ādi purāṇa: A 9th-century Sanskrit poem detailing the life of Rishabhadeva and his two sons, with a 10th-century Kannada commentary by Adikavi Pampa [1].
    • Mahapurana by Jinasena: Another significant text that details the life of Rishabhadeva [1].
    • Trisasti-salaka-purusa-caritra by Hemachandra: A Jain text containing biographies of the Jain Tirthankaras [1].
    • Kalpa Sutra: A Jain text with biographies of the Tirthankaras [1].
    • Jambudvipa-prajnapti: Another Jain text mentioning Rishabhadeva [1].
    • Bhaktamara Stotra by Acharya Manatunga: A prominent prayer mentioning Rishabhadeva [1].
  2. Jain Literature and Historical Context:
    • Rishabhadeva is also mentioned in Hindu texts such as the Rigveda, Vishnu Purana, and Bhagavata Purana, where he is described as an avatar of Vishnu and a great sage [1].
    • Buddhist literature also mentions Rishabhadeva as an Apta (Tirthankara) [1].
  3. Jain Cosmology and Rishabhadeva's Role:
    • Rishabhadeva is credited with founding Jainism in the present half-cycle of time and is revered as the first Tirthankara [1][2].
    • He is depicted as a culture hero who introduced various professions and arts to humanity, establishing the framework for human civilization and culture [3].
  4. Iconography and Worship:
    • Rishabhadeva's iconography includes colossal statues and symbols such as the bull, the Nyagrodha tree, and Gomukha (bull-faced) Yaksha [2].


While the sources provide a wealth of information about Rishabhadeva's life and significance, they do not specifically mention a bilingual edition of his biography that includes primary source material. The texts mentioned are primarily in Sanskrit, Kannada, and other languages, and they form the basis of his biographical accounts in Jain literature. If you are looking for a bilingual edition, it may be necessary to consult specific Jain publishers or academic institutions that specialize in Jain studies.
Citations: [1] Rishabhanatha Facts for Kids [2] Rishabhanatha - Wikiwand [3] Print Preview - Ahimsa Foundation [4] [PDF] Jaina Bibliography Part 2 [5] Rishabhanatha - Wikipedia [6] Risabha Deva - The Founder of Jainism : Champat Rai Jain [7] The Caste System - Part I - The Spiritual Hindu [8] Full text of "Nine Sacred Recitations Of The Jain Religion ( A Study ... [9] Rishabhadeva, Ṛṣabhadeva, Rishabha-deva: 5 definitions [10] Rishabhanatha Biography - Pantheon.World [11] Rashtrakuta literature - Wikipedia [12] [PDF] Maharishi Santsevi Ji Maharaj - The Jain Foundation [13] Birth and Abhiseka of Rsabhadeva [Chapter 13] [14] [PDF] History of Ancient and Early Medieval India - [15] Rishabha (Hinduism) - Wikipedia [16] Rsabhadeva took a wife named Jayanti and begot one ... - Vaniquotes,_the_King_of_heaven [17] Rishabhanatha Tirthankara, Jainism, 24th Tirthankara Britannica [18] Puranic chronology of India [19] (PDF) Historicity of Jain Tirthankar Rishabhnatha - ResearchGate [20] Ancient History HDT (Compiled) PDF - Scribd
What did the broom as a ritual implement mean to the Jains
Based on the information provided in the sources, the broom holds significant ritual and symbolic meaning for Jains as an implement of non-violence (ahimsa), which is a core principle of Jainism.
Here are the key points about the ritual significance of the broom for Jain monks and nuns:
  1. Non-Violence (Ahimsa): The broom is carried by Jain monks and nuns to gently sweep away insects or small creatures from their path while walking, so as to avoid inadvertently stepping on them and causing them harm [2], [3], [5]. This is an extension of the principle of non-violence towards even the smallest forms of life.
  2. Ritual Implement: The broom is considered a sacred ritual implement for Jain ascetics. Along with a whisk broom, it is one of the few possessions permitted for Shvetambara monks [4]. Carrying and using the broom mindfully is seen as a spiritual practice of non-violence.
  3. Symbol of Non-Possession: By only possessing a few implements like the broom out of necessity, Jain monks embrace the vow of non-possession (aparigraha), another key principle [3].
  4. Mindfulness: Using the broom requires constant mindfulness and awareness of one's surroundings to avoid harming even the tiniest creatures inadvertently [2].
  5. Purity and Cleanliness: In some traditions, the broom is also seen as a symbol of purity and cleanliness, sweeping away impurities from one's path, both literal and metaphorical [1].
So in essence, the broom transcends just being a utilitarian cleaning tool for Jains. It holds deep spiritual symbolism as a constant reminder to live the principles of non-violence, non-possession, mindfulness and purity through the simple act of gently sweeping one's path. Its ritual usage is an embodiment of the ascetic Jain way of life.
Citations: [1] Brooms & Superstitions Story of Indian crafts and craftsmen - Gaatha [2] TIL Jainist monks are such pacifist that they carry around a ritualistic ... [3] Ahimsā in Jain Rituals - Jainavenue [4] Ritual practices and religious institutions - Jainism - Britannica [5] Jain monks wear mesh over their faces to avoid inhaling insects and...
So, an Avadhuta in Jainism, historically, was one who left behind, or cast-away, the ritual broom.
Based on the information provided in the sources, the concept of "Avadhutarupa" in Jainism specifically refers to a form of penance or spiritual practice where a religious practitioner discards or casts away certain material implements like the broom.
The key points are:
  1. Source [3] defines "Avadhutarupa" as "the penance of the religious who gives himself an unrecognizable form (by discarding his material badge, broom, etc., so as not to do wrong with the doctrine)."
  2. It states this is a Jain technical term mentioned in the 13th century text "Vividhatirthakalpa" by Jinaprabhasuri, which discusses various Jain pilgrimage sites.
  3. The act of discarding the broom and other material possessions is seen as a form of penance or vow of non-possession (aparigraha) in Jainism.
  4. Sources [1], [2], and [4] highlight the significance of the broom itself as a sacred ritual implement for Jain monks and nuns to practice non-violence (ahimsa) by gently sweeping away insects from their path.
So in essence, while the broom itself holds immense spiritual significance as a tool of non-violence, the concept of "Avadhutarupa" refers to the act of a Jain renunciant voluntarily discarding or casting away even this sacred broom, as a more extreme form of penance and non-possession.
Therefore, your statement "an Avadhuta in Jainism, historically, was one who left behind, or cast-away, the ritual broom" accurately captures the essence of this Jain spiritual practice and term, based on the information across these sources.
Citations: [1] Brooms & Superstitions Story of Indian crafts and craftsmen - Gaatha [2] TIL Jainist monks are such pacifist that they carry around a ritualistic ... [3] Avadhutarupa, Avadhūtarūpa, Avadhuta-rupa: 1 definition [4] Ahimsā in Jain Rituals - Jainavenue [5] Ritual practices and religious institutions - Jainism - Britannica
submitted by b9hummingbird to Jainism [link] [comments]

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submitted by alexa_tuning to FindMyTextBookForMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:28 hei_zhu_qiao Generative Music Program

Hi Folks. I’ve been experimenting a lot more these days with generative music. While I typically release my music as albums, I’m really excited by the possibility of releasing some “tracks” in a different format entirely: as a program (or collection of programs) that when opened, loads up Sonic Pi and any respective synths in the background and plays through the generative piece as long as the program is open. How might someone go about doing this cleanly (i.e. without having to manually load up Sonic Pi, input the code, configure the MIDI to work with the other Synth, etc)?
Some thoughts about what this final package might look like:
I have experience with Processing, p5, Unity, and Sonic Pi in case this helps at all in coming up with a solution. Thanks for any help! I’d also really appreciate if anyone has examples of similar projects being done.
submitted by hei_zhu_qiao to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:25 JimbobBOYS Why tf am I getting suicide help from ksiolijidebt video?

Why tf am I getting suicide help from ksiolijidebt video? submitted by JimbobBOYS to ksi [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:23 OldDirtyBard Using iOS Shortcuts to simplify tasks for wayfaring

Here are some tools that can greatly simplify the tasks you perform frequently:
  1. Quickly save the location of a potential waypoint you notice when out.
  2. Extract coordinates from a portal link
  3. Capture the coordinates of where a photo was taken.
These solutions use Shortcuts, a native Apple app that is free to iOS users.
You can save any of these shortcuts to your home screen and just hit the icon, and everything works in the background.
Quicksave Location Shortcuts: After running the shortcut, the following information is saved: 1. Date 2. Map link 3. Latitude and longitude
This shortcut comes in 3 versions (click to download): 1. Save info to Notes 2. Text info to yourself 3. Add info to Reminders
Extract: Get coordinates from portal link 1. Click share portal on IITC. 2. Run the shortcut 3. You now have the latitude and longitude of the portal copied to your clipboard to paste in Google Maps or elsewhere.
Location: Get coordinates from photo 1. Copy a photo from your camera roll. 2. Run the shortcut 3. You now have the latitude and longitude of where the photo was taken copied to your clipboard to paste in Google Maps or elsewhere.
Hope you find these as useful as I do.
Here are some tools that can greatly simplify the tasks you perform frequently:
  1. Quickly save the location of a potential waypoint you notice when out.
  2. Extract coordinates from a portal link.
  3. Capture the coordinates of where a photo was taken.
These solutions use Shortcuts, a native Apple app that is free.
You can save any of these shortcuts to your home screen and just hit the icon, and everything works in the background.
Quicksave Location Shortcuts: After running the shortcut, the following information is saved: 1. Date 2. Map link 3. Latitude and longitude
This shortcut comes in 3 versions (click to download): 1. Save info to Notes 2. Text info to yourself 3. Add info to Reminders
Extract: Get coordinates from portal link 1. Click share portal on IITC 2. Run the shortcut. 3. You now have the latitude and longitude of the portal copied to your clipboard to paste in Google Maps or elsewhere.
Location: Get coordinates from photo 1. Copy a photo from your camera roll. 2. Run the shortcut. 3. You now have the latitude and longitude of where the photo was taken copied to your clipboard to paste in Google Maps or elsewhere.
Hope you find these as useful as I do.
submitted by OldDirtyBard to NianticWayfarer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:22 setwocks ---> EASY SETUP FOR GRASS, GET STARTED HERE! <---

Easy Setup for Grass
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submitted by setwocks to Grass_io [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:20 KosmiKastaway Oneshot recommendations

Hey everybody! DM in a pinch here - would appreciate if you could link me up to some fun, free oneshots to download online. Work is insane right now so I don't have very much time to prepare something fun from scratch myself and some of my players are emmigrating, so want a special send off game. We're playing 5e basic D&D beyond characters. Mid-to-experienced players, so any level welcome. Thanks in advance from a very tired DM.
submitted by KosmiKastaway to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:18 Starwerznerd ⚾️ Get $10 to make sports picks! Keep any winnings & withdraw to your bank ⚾️ Make one of those picks on an MLB game today & you'll get another $10 to bet with tomorrow!

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submitted by Starwerznerd to Referral [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:18 lambokang Rewards you can claim outside of the game that you might not know.

I didnt know the following ways because nobody i know knows about it and it wasnt talked about by content creators I know/watches. So im sharing here for people that might have missed it, or maybe it just me.
  1. Forte Awakened! Echo Summon event.
You can access the browser event page from the launcher with the picture of echoes in card form. Do the event, long story short, you get a bunch of rewards including an echo of your choice(could be 5* gold echo). For details of the event and how it works, go into it and read it up.
  1. Epic Store Echo Starter Pack.
Go to the game page on Epic launcher, scroll down and "purchase" the DLC bundle for free. Then download the game on epic and launch the game. Note that you would only download the game launcher and not the game itself. Then launch it from epic library. From here you do not have to install the game. Just exit the launcher and uninstall from your epic library. You will then receive a redeem code on your email address for your epic account. Redeem it in-game. The rewards are 1x 5* Gold Echo selector of certain type, 10x premium tuner and 5x advanced sealed tube.
submitted by lambokang to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:14 AntiCwC Temu inv code

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 259947210
submitted by AntiCwC to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 disbishie Loving the new veggie options at my local Aldi's

Loving the new veggie options at my local Aldi's
Went for like 4 things.... Left with way more haha
submitted by disbishie to whatsinyourcart [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:12 Future_Adagio2052 Gordon vs Isaac Clarke: why it is actually AWESOME!

Gordon vs Isaac Clarke: why it is actually AWESOME!

you may have seen or heard about this before but let me tell you why its awesome!
SECTION 1: CONNECTIONS (this was made by u/Nevin3Tears who made the connections so all due credit goes to him)
Full Connections List:
Both are badass, alien-killing science fiction protagonists who were originally every-men forced into situations that were out of their control (Black Mesa Incident and Ishimura Outbreak respectively).
They were both from games that were heavily innovative for their respective genre. Half-Life was the first FPS game to build an immersive setting rather than just be a shooting gallery like it's predecessors (Doom and Quake), Dead Space pushed for procedural enemy placement and the removal of a HUD in contrast to it's predecessors. (Resident Evil)
Both worked for scientifically revolutionary corporations who studied alien technology (Black Mesa studied Xen and the Concordance Extraction Corporation studied the 3A Marker) that were sabotaged from within by enigmatic groups (The G-Man's employers and Unitologists) that manipulated the head of the facility where the incident occurred (Administrator Wallace Breen of Black Mesa and Captain Benjamin Mathius of the USG Ishimura) to go forward with the plans of said groups.
Both companies had dissenters who realized the danger of the what the company was doing early on (Eli Vance and Terrence Kyne), both had previous relationships with the saboteurs (The G-Man and Eli Vance spoke immediately before the incident occurred, Terrence Kyne worked with Challus Mercer reluctantly before the outbreak occurred), and both work with the protagonists to fix the mistakes they indirectly caused and are killed in the process (Eli is killed by an Advisor in Half-Life 2: Episode Two and Terrence Kyne is killed by Kendra Daniels in Dead Space 1)
Both are highly intelligent in their respective field (Gordon Freeman is a Theoretical Physicist who graduated from MIT with a PhD in said field, Isaac Clarke graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with an unknown Alumni). Despite this, however, they're both overqualified for the positions they're in (Gordon Freeman is reduced to pushing buttons and pushing a cart into a port, Isaac is reduced to hacking doors and producing damage reports).
They are betrayed by female members of their team who are double agents of an enemy faction within the game (Judith Mossman is a double agent for the Combine, Kendra Daniels is a double agent for EarthGov). However, both of these women had ultimately noble goals that makes the player sympathize with them (Mossman was working with the Combine to ensure Eli's safety, Daniels worked with EarthGov to ensure that the Marker would be kept secure and contained from Unitologists).
Both were considered high-priority targets for a military coverup operation (The Hazardous Environment Combat Unit of the USMC considered Freeman their #1 target for the vast majority of the Black Mesa Incident due to killing huge swathes of their troops, The EarthGov security force also considered Clarke an extremely high-priority target due to his objective of destroying the Marker which was considered threatening by director Tiedemann). However, against all odds, they manage to overcome this despite being massively outnumbered and outgunned, eventually forcing both groups into retreat and disarray.
After making their way into the alien-world where their respective incidents originated (Xen and Aegis IIV), they end up stopping the situation by destroying the being that led the invasion in the first place (The Nihilanth led the assault on Earth by commanding the Xenian military force (Vortigaunts, Alien Grunts, etc.) throughout the Incident, The Hivemind on Aegis IIV commanded the Necromorph horde during their assault on the USG Ishimura). After these beings were defeated, the entire invasion force fell apart (literally in the Necromorph's case) as no reinforcements could be delivered.
After the end of their first game, both are placed into long periods of stasis against their will (The G-Man recruited Gordon for his employers due to his aptitude during the incident, Isaac was caught stranded in Space and was forcibly placed in stasis for 3 years due to his growing instability).
After being awakened, both find themselves in large, futuristic cities (City 17 and Titan Station) governed by tyrannical rulers (Wallace Breen and Hans Tiedemann). Both end up ultimately killing these said tyrants at the end of their second game, unintentionally destroying their cities as well (The death of Hans Tiedemann ultimately resulted in the complete destruction of Titan Station, The death of Wallace Breen resulted in the destruction of City 17 due to the citadel core imploding).
Around the start of their second game, both of them meet likable female characters who eventually become their closest companion throughout the rest of the series (Alyx Vance and Ellie Langford are both considered the deuratagonists of their respective series).
Both are haunted by enigmatic reminders of their decisions throughout their second games (The G-Man is constantly watching Gordon throughout the entirety of Half-Life 2, appearing in locations that are impossible for the player to reach conventionally. He serves as a reminder of Gordon's decision to accept his offer at the end of the first game. On the other hand, Isaac is consistently haunted by Nicole's hallucination throughout the entire game, serving as a reminder of his decision to blame Nicole for the death of his parents), however, both eventually break free of this by the start of the next game (The Vortigaunts cut off Gordon's link to the G-Man at the start of HL2: Episode One, and Isaac destroying the Marker at the end of Dead Space 2 ends his hallucinations of Nicole).
Both of their most iconic weapons were not originally designed for combat in the slightest (The Crowbar is a simple repair tool, the Plasma Cutter is a basic mining tool), however, they became combat-efficient due to the innovative thinking of their wielders.
Both have Gravity-manipulation tools that were originally designed for heavy lifting (The Gravity Gun and Kinesis) but became combat-efficient, again, due to to the intuition and creative thinking of their wearers.
Both of them received critically acclaimed remakes in the past few years that are often cited among the best remakes ever made (Black Mesa was released in 2020, Dead Space was released in 2023).
Both of them have an infamous history with the number 3. Dead Space 3 is a mess that killed the franchise until the remake came out, and Half-Life 3 is one of the most hyped up and memed games of all time because of how many people want it. Basically, EA can count to 3, but they can't pronounce it right, Valve can't count to 3 at all.
SECTION 2: fight potential
So now the connections are done we get to the next section which is the fight potential and dynamic which is what i’ll be explaining
Both gordon and isaac obviously have guns to use against each other but we need to go more in depth
For starters why would both fight each other? well it's pretty simple in the events of dead space 2 isaac suffered from hallucinations from the events of the first game and with gordon being silent it's easy to assume isaac would deem him a threat and try to attack him
The fight could start with both of them using their simpler weapons such as gordons mp7 and isaacs plasma cutter as the battle would be each of them trying to reach each other and you could easily have both of them use there other weapons for gordon you could have him use the crossbow and for isaac you could have him use the pulse rifle and before any of them reaches the other they get knocked out as we get to the next escalation
The next stage of the fight can be them waking up as they are overrun by either necromorphs or headcrab zombies as they stop fighting each other and fight the hoard which the commissioned track by brandon yates shows as a general idea around 2:05
You can have both use there more closer ranged guns such as the SPAS-12 for gordon and the handheld ore cutter line gun for isaac as they kill the undead horde you can even have a scene where one of them runs out of ammo and the other person throws one at them. Eventually after the battle is over both turn the guns on each other as they resume the gun fight with both using their more explosive weapons such as the rpg and supercollider contact beam until they get sucked out of space. With this you could have a reference to the zero g sections in dead space where both of them are fighting in space maybe have isaac try to strangle gordon but he retaliates by using his crowbar against him which leads them to land on a station
Which leads to the final stage where with both of them exhausted and out of options they start using their biggest weapons……..gravity!
Both start using the area around them with gordon using his gravity gun and isaac his kinesis as they throw projectiles at the other person gravely injuring each other in the process as they find the final projectile each uses there weapon however a tug of war ensures as they try desperately to hold on against the other. There are 2 ways this ends either 1 gordon wins the tug of war as he launches it against isaac impaling him as he looks up at gordon who beats him with a crowbar ie hunt down the freeman style while if isaac wins he launches the kinesis at gordon impaling him as he looks up at isaac who stomps on him ie what he does in the games
I hope this short visualisation helps show how their arsenals can bounce off of each other and better yet you even have more shit both can use against the other that i didn't such as isaacs stasis and gordons tau cannon.
Surprisingly this matchup is very debatable with both having advantages and disadvantages against the other such as gordon having the advantage of having multiple ways to bypass isaacs armour and being able to hard counter with his gravity gun however he has less diversity in terms of abilities and is far weaker and less durable than isaac and isaac having the advantage of having a bigger and more versatile arsenal then gordon and being much stronger and more durable in general compared to him however he is less skilled and agile compared to gordon and gordon's HEV suits shield has the better defensive options
Like before i hope this short description helped give you the idea on the debate and if you want to know more then i would heavily suggest checking out this blog which describes it in much better detail than i could
While both half life and dead space are different in terms of music you still have ways to make the music potential work as shown with these 2 here
Having the music start with a slow atmospheric beginning reminisce of the dead space games but as it goes on it slowly turns to a more action heavy soundtrack akin to the half life
An even better example is the commissioned track made by Brandon himself!
The track starts off slow but more tension builds up as it goes on until in 2:05 where it becomes action heavy until it goes goes back to the tension before hand as it builds up with big thuds until the final thud where the track ends
As said before hand i hope i helped explain how both dead space and half life music can work for a good escalation of a track and please do check out marked for life and give it a listen
Now this is sort of a weakness of the matchup as Gordon doesn't talk however there are ways to make this work through other methods
Such as using Gordon's facial expressions to visualise what he feels/says without saying a word as his actions speak louder than his words both in the story and in the game. you can easily make this work with his models and especially his newer one from half life alyx
With Isaac he does talk however you can also use body language to also visualise what he feels/says without saying a word this should be very easy to do and you can also use facial expressions thanks to his newer model from the dead space 1 remake!
So overall while interaction potential is a bit iffy you can certainly make it work through other methods which wouldn't be out of character for either to use
For a legacy match up that's over 10 years old (no seriously the matchups first ever mention was all the way back in fucking 2012 like goddamn)
It actually holds up surprisingly well with good connections and fight dynamic to back it up showing how it managed to hold the test of time
To sum up what I said, the connections show the similarities of both characters as ordinary men thrusted into terrifying situations which changed them both. a fight dynamic showing how both of them can bounce off of each other. A debate showing both of their advantages and disadvantages and the win cons. The music potential of both series and how it can mix well together. And finally interaction potential which while a weak point is definitely salvageable and can work if we use other methods.
So overall I wanted to continue and finish this post since I really like this match up and I think it deserves more love and again HUGE thank you to Nevin who wrote the connections for this mu and allowed me to make the rest of it and anyways thank you for anyone who read to this point and hopefully it will become an amazing episode.....if that ever comes out that is.
submitted by Future_Adagio2052 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 WalkingHorse Pfizer's Lorbrena Produces Longest Progression-Free Survival Seen in ALK-Positive NSCLC Patients

submitted by WalkingHorse to LungCancerSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 Zeuvembie State of the Subreddit - June 2024

Check out last month's State of the Subreddit if you'd like to see what you missed.
Next week is Howard Days! This year the guest of honor is Howard scholar extraordinaire Rob Roehm. Jim Zub, author of Titan's ongoing Conan the Barbarian comic, will also be in attendance, among many others. If you can be there and stand the heat, it should be fun!
Conan the Barbarian and Savage Sword of Conan continue from Titan Comics, as well as the Heroic Legends series. Some of the latest releases are Bêlit: Bone Whispers by Michael A. Stackpole, Conan: The Halls of Immortal Darkness by Laird Barron, Conan: Terror from the Abyss by Henry Herz and El Borak: The Siege of Lamakan by James Lovegrove.
The Official Conan the Barbarian Podcast is now out, with three episodes so far:
Things you may have missed in April:
Reviews [Reviewer]:
On the Cimmeria Reading Club, we're reading the Kull of Atlantis stories, in order of publication. This month we're reading and discussing "The Black City" (aka "The Black Abyss.")
If you want a print or audio book to follow along, the best version is Kull: Exile of Atlantis.
submitted by Zeuvembie to Cimmeria [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:04 Mister_Magister Help me port microtube to desktop linux

Okay you're probably like "What the hell is a microtube". As you probably figured out, it's a youtube client, completely opensource and completely not desktop linux compatible.

Bit of backstory

I've been in Sailfishos community for past 8-9 years (SailfishOS is alternative linux mobile operating system). I've ported it to many phones and made many apps for it. One of them and most popular one being microtube. People like it for the ui design, some saying its better than official android/ios youtube app. But because of the SailfishOS ecosystem, it's tied to its custom gui and hardware acceleration.

What needs to be done/what's the plan

I don't plan on dropping SailfishOS, instead i want to add support for desktop and nemomobile with least work possible that i'll have to do when adding new features to it. That means a lot of ifdefs. Like a lot lot. And also 3 completely separate qml uis.
For starters, cmake files have to be modified to support 3 different build targets. I'm not cmake god but i already started to do some work towards that.
After cmake files, the backend will have to be modified to support both qt 5.6 and 6.5, without making completely separate backend (except for player) so that in future i don't have to do work twice (i'm just one guy man, i have limited time).
As to player. So far i've used gstreamer directly because of how hw acceleration is done in sailfishos but for desktop i want to embed mpv and use that as a player. It's just matter of adding it and giving it the two stream urls.
As to ui, I would like to take a wheel there as most people like my app for the ui design but i want the ui to be fully keyboard controllable for the vim nerds and bigscreen/handheld applications. I’m planning on ui quite similar to minitube but better. Persistent search on the left, video on the right, description below with recommendations to the right of description.
Microtube also uses nodejs for the node dependencies because qt5.6 has ECMA4 which makes using node libraries borderline impossible, but for desktop i want to do what minitube has done and use qt's js engine because in newer version its ECMA5 which is bit more doable. This will require some backend rework and build target but should be doable (it can be done later).

Okay but why

Because people enjoy it, and I want more people to enjoy it, and i seen multiple times people using devices where microtube would fit perfectly like thinkpads, like my vaio ux, like steamdeck or tv for that matter. I also want it to run on nemomobile as in general i plan to port every single one of my apps to nemomobile.

Where do I contribute?

Repo is here, you can PR directly to the main branch I don't care as long as it doesn't break anything in sfos target. If you wish to contact me, I'm on irc (oftc/libera) under same nickname, i'm on telegram under same nickname, i'm on reddit, i'm on sailfishos forums, i'm on heck email, heck create github issue, you ought to find something that fits you.

You seem to mention minitube a lot and name is quite similar…

Yes microtube or well µtube WAS in past based on minitube as i basically took minitube code and ported it to sailfishos but it grew well outside of that scope and currently there's no minitube left in it.

Tell me more about this… microtube of yours

Screenshots are here:
It got sponsorblock it got 360° videos, it got closed captions, it got comments, it got downloading, it got syncing subscriptions and liking, it got offline subscriptions, it got playlists, it got queues, it got audio only mode, it got many other features that are innovative on sailfishos but boring to everyone who's not using saiflishos so i'm not gonna mention them.

Why don't I just use minitube or invidious

Fell free to.
submitted by Mister_Magister to linux [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 Consistent_Ad8187 Ps3 noob

Hey, im planning on buying a ps3 soon and I was wondering if you could download free games on it if its modded and if i buy a japanese version would i be able to play usa games?
submitted by Consistent_Ad8187 to PS3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 ArtFraga MIRROR Chords - Guitar Tabs - Ado by Ado

MIRROR guitar tabs download as PDF and MuseScore on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 14 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Akira_Nakagawa
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 DoesThisUserRlyExist "Use modded apps" is not a good advice, at least not for everyone!

Don't get me wrong, I have used my fair share of modded apps back in the days when it was getting started back in 2013/14. It was a niche community and people who were using it or developing it were pretty much very well technically literate and they knew what they were doing. Now that the youngsters before reaching their teenage are online and we have been giving this advice of "Just use modded apps, if you want to use free spotify / ad-free youtube" is getting a breeding ground for scammers.
Even here, in a tech community, I see people advocating modded apps to everyone left, right and centre. Do you ever stop to think what the google results people get when they search for modded apps? Do you realize that without telling them how to safely download those apps and how to monitor for malicious behaviour you are just advocating for them to use whatever they across on devices that may belong to their parents with sensitive banking information?
Please don't comment Natural selection blah blah, they are kids, they are very impressionable, they see adults in their work life, their college, their bhaiyya/didis promoting/using those apps, they consider it safe and search for it themselves.
So please, next time someone is promoting modded apps here, or IRL, please make sure that you are giving them a detailed information on how to get it, how to use it, what exactly is at risk, and how to be safe while doing so.
submitted by DoesThisUserRlyExist to IndiaTech [link] [comments]