Hudson hat decreased by

Should I ask the CEO for my boss's job?

2024.06.01 10:38 BiblicalConcubine665 Should I ask the CEO for my boss's job?

TL;dr I'm underpaid by 30-50% compared to other similar jobs in this market and my boss lacks experience and management expertise. I told a coworker I was sending out resumes and now the CEO wants to meet with me on Monday. I plan to offer to "mentor" him or ask if he's open to switching our job tiles (and pay!) to be commensurate with our respective experience and education. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with essentially questioning a CEO's hiring judgment and asking them to demote an employee. Or do I just keep that noise to myself and just ask for a raise and help with getting my CPA?
I've only been with my present employer (real estate management) for about a year and a half in the accounting department. There are six of us: three juniors, a payroll person, the controller (my boss who was hired right after me) and me (the senior accountant). I have more experience than the other five combined. I am also the only one who holds a 4-year degree, other than the controller who has never held another accounting position. The controller is very intelligent, but does not have the depth of experience he should and, thus, I catch him in little mistakes like trying to explain how crediting a revenue account would decrease it (revenue accounts increase with a credit) and other nerdy accounting stuff that just has not become muscle memory for him. Oh, did I mention he's the mayor's son?
The main thing is we have a lack of leadership. The controller is not a strong personality and very conflict avoidant. He makes promises he doesn't keep, says we will have regular meetings when they stretch for months apart, and each person seems too buried with daily responsibilities to help anyone but themselves. Our credit cards get shut off regularly because the AP person doesn't monitor the accounts except when it's time to reconcile the statement and payroll is a mess of compliance issues. Further, there is a malaise that has taken over since the overall impression is that nobody will get fired for just doing the bare minimum. There's not a sense of urgency and nobody really seems to take pride in their work.
Even though I love my job and my coworkers, I decided to start laying the groundwork for my exit and began sending out resumes last week. When I look for similar jobs that would essentially be a lateral move, they pay 30-50% more than I make now, but with a 30-40 minute commute. Like a total dumbass, I mentioned it to a coworker from a different department, who ratted me out to the COO who texted the CEO on his vacation. This morning he messaged me to "check in" with me.
I know I do good work, I get regular praise for my contributions, and people seem to like me, which I know mostly because I got told a lot when I started how much friendlier I am than the previous person in my position. Even though I hold a degree, I only make a dollar more than the other four junior folks. FFS, some of our maintenance techs make more than me. When the controller position opened, I had only been at the company for a short time. I wish I had applied, but there was a little intra-office drama so I stayed out.
My plan is to put on my consultant "hat" and just lay out my observations and how these issues are not likely to go away. This won't come entirely as a surprise, as I have had several conversations with him about some concerns I've uncovered since I've been there (unpaid OT, managers jacking with time cards, buried late fees, excessive support from outside CPA, etc.) and there are plenty of known issues. The rest of the management team seems frustrated, but there's nothing they can really do. Since I've spilled the beans, I've gotten some winks and nods that the rest of the management team is fed up with his inexperience and I have a good enough working relationship with the CEO that I don't think he will fire me if I calmly present it in a way that benefits the company (i.e. these problems cost the company money (late fees) and potentially put it at legal risk. Once I inform him that his payroll file was in an unlocked file cabinet for anyone to go grab his social security number, I think I might gain some traction.
Phase two is to discuss what I would do differently to fix the various issues, but that would require a change in the org chart and I don't know what the least offensive revision would be. Ultimately, he has lost the respect of his subordinates (yes, including me) and I know he doesn't have the skills and fortitude to make such a change. I could see a scenario where I take over the department for a year or two while he goes through additional training and then I could take over the COO position (who is retiring in a few years). Maybe they'll create a director level position that we can compete for. At a minimum, a raise and help with getting my CPA would at least be worth a few more years. I've worked for many different managers, but this is the first time I've been clear that there is a serious talent mismatch.
So the final thing is I would have to have a plan to retain the controller if I really did take his position. Thinking about how that would play out, the temporary mentointerim Controller idea seems like it might work. In no way is he a bad person, but just very green. Big pay bump and CPA assistance seems like another reasonable option. If things don't improve, having my CPA license vastly expands my opportunities and earning power. Anyone have other suggestions or experience with having light years more expertise than your boss?
submitted by BiblicalConcubine665 to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:25 SgtCrumbs Hat missing from game! New patch and another coming soon.

There is at least one hat missing from the game. Dev confirmed. It should be coming in a patch soon. There are also some stars bugged in the ballroom area. Do not buy them if you’re playing on Xbox. Give it a couple days. The patch was just released for them yesterday on steam, could take a couple days to pass Xbox certification. I’ll update if I hear any news on the issues or any other issues. This patch also will be decreasing the difficulty by filling all hearts after death and make the sandwhale race a bit easier by making the rings hit detection better.
This is a small team and they are working on making some QoL updates to the maps and such for collectibles as well. Happy playing everyone !
submitted by SgtCrumbs to Hauntii [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:16 SpeedInitial7368 Commodity Trading Update: Gold Opens Flat at Rs 72,100, Silver Down by Rs 1,080 - What's Next in Commodity?

Commodity Trading Update: Gold Opens Flat at Rs 72,100, Silver Down by Rs 1,080 - What's Next in Commodity?
the intriguing world of commodities trading, with a focus on the most recent changes in Indian gold and silver prices. if being desperate for staying current on the Indian commodity trading market.
Gold Price Today
let's continue with gold. The value of 10 grams of yellow gold opened the same today at Rs 72,100. Global markets had significant volatility right before that calm opening. It's interesting to see that gold stays steady across several types of economic problems, which is good news for traders those have been depending on gold's reliability.
Gold which is although can be thought of to be a safe-haven asset is influenced by a range of factors including changes in currency values inflation rates & political tensions. The stability of gold inside Rs 72,100 in the current context suggests a balancing act among each factor. Following world political and economic improvements is necessary if you invest gold for they're having an immense impact on prices.
Silver Price Movement
Let's get started now discuss silver. Silver was lower prices today, slipping down Rs 1,080 to finish the day at Rs 85,020 per kilogram, in relation to gold. As it is used as both an industrial and a precious metal, silver has a natural potential to be less secure than gold. Because of this, its price is more prone to shifts in the status of the market and industrial demand.
Many factors which include adjustments in investor sentiment and industrial activity shifts could be to fault for the current decrease. The drop might present a buying opportunity of silver sellers, but as a regular research and market tendencies have to be given consideration before performing steps.
Understanding of Commodity Trading Market in India
India's commodity trading industry is a dynamic as well as vital sector of the national economy. Traders are able to trade commodities like gold & silver on a selection of platforms due to the availability of various markets that include the National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) & the Multi- Commodity Exchange .
For those new to the commodity trading market in India, here are a few tips:
• Be current of the most recent innovations and trends. Commodity pricing is greatly impacted by market reports geopolitical events & economic indicators.
• increase the knowledge of technical indicators and chart viewing and use this to make better trading picks.
• Don't put all of your hats in a single dish. A simple way to decrease risk can be to diversify your commodities investments.
• When protecting your investments with surprise fluctuations in the markets use stop-loss orders alongside different risk management methods.
Conclusion , The present situation with Commodities Trade in India suggests gold is steadily opening at Rs 72,100, while silver is down by Rs 1,080. These moves highlight how important it is to keep up with current industry developments and be ready to modify as required.
Research multiple educational resources and you might even think around consulting with market specialists if you're interested about discovering more about India's trade in commodities industry. Research and knowledge are both necessary for successful trading.
submitted by SpeedInitial7368 to u/SpeedInitial7368 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:23 Robmo-MOII Patch Notes

What’s New?
This patch has a huge focus on updating the new player experience, updating and improving many areas of the early game. In this patch we also see the introduction of two new task types, Fishing and Foraging, the addition of build presets to character creation and a new mount, the Lykiator!
Haven has seen a substantial rework of the starting experience and tutorial steps, with the addition of a taming tutorial for obtaining your first horse, followed by integrating the task systems where new players will complete their first tasks.
The Rat Cave on Haven has also received a decorative touch up, more content, and now also includes a boss to fight at the end.
Guild Finder
We have added a brand new way for players to connect to a new guild and for guilds to find new players: the Guild Finder. Once you have left Haven you can open the guild finder by pressing G, the guild finder can also be found among the micro tabs in the lower middle of the screen. Using this tool you can set up search criterias and search for guilds that could suit your style. Guild Members at rank 8 or above can use the guild finder to setup their Guild Profile, once the profile is filled in other people using the guild finder can find and contact or directly join your guild if allowed.
New tasks
Mounts and Pets
Balance Changes
Skills and Clade Gifts
Action Skills
Profession Skills
UI and Interactions
Sound and Audio
Lighting, Weather and Environment
Server and Networking
submitted by Robmo-MOII to MortalOnline2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:43 eichy815 Magnas: The Pluralistic Generation

I've been chronicling generational cohorts who contributed to American history prior to the beginning of the 20th Century. My most recent profile is of a generation that I've dubbed "Magnas":
The older portion of what Strauss and Howe refer to as “the Glorious Generation” (plus the youngest tail-end of the Strauss/Howe-designated “Cavalier Generation”), I’d place this generation’s birthyears at 1645-1656.
Their stats:
Primary Birthyears: 1645-1656
Preceding Cusp: "Emerald Knights" (born approximately 1640-1644)
Succeeding Cusp: "Royal Raiders" (born approximately 1657-1661)
Origin of name: Due to how British propagandist Henry Care was a member of their generation, I coined this namesake as a wordplay on Care’s transfer of Magna Carta principles published via his groundbreaking book, The English Liberties. Magnas were the cohort who really honed in on the concept that no individual monarch should be above the law. This generation was born into the first Anglo-Dutch War. They fought in the second and third Anglo-Dutch Wars. They witnessed “The Glorious Revolution,” the Salem Witch Trials, and the first two of the French and Indian Wars – with their generation dying as the Tuscarora and Anglo-Spanish Wars commenced.
Major childhood events: Narragansett & Hudson River Valley Tribes Sign Peace Treaties, Peter Stuyvesant Becomes Dictator-General of New Netherland, Rhode Island Colony Develops Blueprint For Separation of Church & State, King Charles I Executed For High Treason, Maryland Toleration Act, Navigation Act of 1651, Rhode Island Colony Statutorily Bans Slavery, Maine Colony Absorbed By Massachusetts Bay Colony, Anglo-Dutch Wars Begin, William Fuller Bans Catholicism in the Colonies, Battle of the Severn, Swedish Driven Out of North America, Anti-Quaker Crackdown in the Colonies, Josias Fendall Becomes Governor of Maryland Province, Mary Dyer Arrest, Navigation Act of 1660, Massachusetts Bay Colony Chartered With Anglican Religious Freedom, Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War
Major adolescent events: Anti-Quaker Crackdown in the Colonies, Josias Fendall Becomes Governor of Maryland Province, Mary Dyer Arrest, Navigation Act of 1660, Massachusetts Bay Colony Chartered With Anglican Religious Freedom, Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War, John Locke’s Fundamental Constitutions Issued, Founding of Charles Town in the Future South Carolina Colony, William Berkeley Restricts Prior Voting Rights From White Men Who Don’t Own Land, Metacomet (King Philip of the Wampanoag) Surrenders to the British, Massachusetts Colony Copyright Law of 1672, Marquette & Jolliet Expedition Begins, Treaty of Westminster Ends Third Dutch-Anglo War
Major young adult events: Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War, John Locke’s Fundamental Constitutions Issued, Founding of Charles Town in the Future South Carolina Colony, William Berkeley Restricts Prior Voting Rights From White Men Who Don’t Own Land, Metacomet (King Philip of the Wampanoag) Surrenders to the British, Massachusetts Colony Copyright Law of 1672, Marquette & Jolliet Expedition Begins, Treaty of Westminster Ends Third Dutch-Anglo War, 1675 Wampanoag Attacks Ignite King Philip’s War, Battle of Bloody Brook, Mohawk Attack on Metacomet, Bacon’s Rebellion, King Philip’s War Ends With Treaty of Casco [King Philip’s War Begins and Ends], French Explorers Scout Out Niagara Falls, Province of New Hampshire Created, French Colonists Claim La Louisiane Territory, William Penn Publishes “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania,” King James II Takes The British Throne, New York Becomes Royal Province, King Louis XIV Drives French Huguenots to North America, Dominion of New England Created, Edmund Andros Initiates King William’s War, The Toleration Act of 1689, Quaker “Petition Against Slavery” Drafted, The Glorious Revolution, Boston Revolt of 1689, William & Mary of Orange Become King & Queen of England, Province of Massachusetts Bay Established, Salem Witch Trials, College of William & Mary Charter Signed, Iroquois Turn Against the French, The Navigation Acts of 1696
Major middle-age events: King James II Takes The British Throne, New York Becomes Royal Province, King Louis XIV Drives French Huguenots to North America, Dominion of New England Created, Edmund Andros Initiates King William’s War, The Toleration Act of 1689, Quaker “Petition Against Slavery” Drafted, The Glorious Revolution, Boston Revolt of 1689, William & Mary of Orange Become King & Queen of England, Province of Massachusetts Bay Established, Salem Witch Trials, College of William & Mary Charter Signed, Iroquois Turn Against the French, The Navigation Acts of 1696, Treaty of Ryswick Ends King William’s War, Catholic Priests Driven From Massachusetts Colony, Fort Pontchartrain Built, Founding of Yale College, William Penn’s Charter of Privileges, Queen Anne’s War Begins, Virginia Black Code Enacted, 1706 Chitimacha Raid, Benjamin Franklin is Born, Quakers Maintain the Peabody Essex Meeting House in Boston, Tuscarora War, Treaty of Utrecht Ends Queen Anne’s War, George the First Becomes King of England, San Antonio and New Orleans Founded, Spanish Surrender of Pensacola, Building of the Alamo
Major events of their golden/twilight years: Tuscarora War, Treaty of Utrecht Ends Queen Anne’s War, George the First Becomes King of England, San Antonio and New Orleans Founded, Spanish Surrender of Pensacola, Building of the Alamo, Founding of Fort Drummer, Anglo-Spanish War of 1727-1729, Founding of the Philosophical Society of Newport, Founding of The Library Company of Philadelphia, Methodist and Catholic Movements Take Hold in the Colonies, Poor Richard’s Almanac First Published, The Hat Act of 1732, The Molasses Act of 1733, John Peter Zenger Trial
Notable members: Nathaniel Bacon, Samuel Sewall, Joseph Dudley, Kateri Tekakwitha, Juan Sebeata, Robert Calef, Sarah Good, William Phipps, Alida Schuyler, William Randolph I
submitted by eichy815 to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:05 shantinursinghome 5 Ways To Ensure A Successful Recovery After Plastic Surgery

5 Ways To Ensure A Successful Recovery After Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is a type of cosmetic or reconstructive surgery that can alter any abnormalities affecting your breasts, face, arms, neck, and legs. If you’re suffering from any birth defects or have visible scars due to a severe injury or burn then the doctor might advise you to undergo plastic surgery in Siliguri. Herein, there are various complex and simple techniques of plastic surgery and the recovery period after the surgery is also entirely based on the procedure.
In most cases, you may expect to resume your daily life activities within a few days. If you have followed all the instructions for the aftercare plan then you can enjoy the benefits of the surgery in a few weeks. Don’t forget that certain plastic surgery procedures may even take a year to completely heal. The doctor may recommend additional therapies or medications to live a pain-free life post-surgery.

Effective Measures For Successful Recovery From A Plastic Surgery

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure
It is always recommended to avoid sun exposure for a few days after the surgery. This is because the harmful UV rays emitted from the sun can delay the healing process while increasing the risks of residual scarring in the operated regions.
If going out in the sun is extremely essential then you must always wear a hat or cover the surgical areas to reduce direct exposure. Even after the incisions are completely treated, it is important to use a cream with SPF to reduce the negative impacts of the UV rays on your skin.
  1. Follow Pre And Post-Surgical Directions
The doctor will advise you on certain pre and post-surgical instructions after the plastic surgery for successful recovery. You must always remember that the plastic surgeon in Siliguri is experienced and qualified and the instructions he has given are to ensure a speedy healing.
Preparing perfectly before the surgery can ensure you a safe and comfortable recovery period. Also don’t forget to follow the post-operative care plan even after being discharged from the hospital as it can help you minimize the risk of potential surgical complications.
  1. Select The Right Clothes
Another crucial factor that can ensure a successful recovery after the surgery is to choose the right clothes. While you’re preparing for recovery from any facial plastic surgery, you must always opt for button-up tops.
This will help in avoiding the risks of bumping the operated regions while pulling the tops over the head. However, comfortable and loose clothing with soft elastic in the waistline is also required if you have undergone body procedures such as liposuction and breast augmentation.
  1. Stay Physically Active
You will be advised by the doctor to take a sufficient amount of rest after the surgery to recover properly. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to sit or lie down 24 hours a day.
You must know that it is also important to stay physically active and get daily movements to speed up the recovery procedure. Herein, you can take a light walk around the house or stretch daily to reduce any swelling and promote proper blood circulation for effective healing.
  1. Take Care Of The Surgical Incisions
The surgical areas are extremely delicate and to ensure a successful healing, you must take proper care of the incisions. It is advised for you to regularly clean the incisions and follow a strict change routine if any bandage or dressing is involved.
These measures will help you in avoiding the risks of infections while enjoying a comfortable healing. During cleaning the incisions, you must also look for any abnormal swelling, redness, or discharge so that the doctor can be informed about those immediately.
After undergoing plastic surgery in Siliguri, you may experience a certain level of discomfort and pain. If the pain doesn’t resolve within a few days and becomes unbearable then without any delay you must contact the surgeon. Delaying any abnormal symptoms can lengthen the recovery period while decreasing the effectiveness of the surgery.Plastic surgery is a type of cosmetic or reconstructive surgery that can alter any abnormalities affecting your breasts, face, arms, neck, and legs. If you’re suffering from any birth defects or have visible scars due to a severe injury or burn then the doctor might advise you to undergo plastic surgery in Siliguri. Herein, there are various complex and simple techniques of plastic surgery and the recovery period after the surgery is also entirely based on the procedure.
In most cases, you may expect to resume your daily life activities within a few days. If you have followed all the instructions for the aftercare plan then you can enjoy the benefits of the surgery in a few weeks. Don’t forget that certain plastic surgery procedures may even take a year to completely heal. The doctor may recommend additional therapies or medications to live a pain-free life post-surgery.

Effective Measures For Successful Recovery From A Plastic Surgery

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure
It is always recommended to avoid sun exposure for a few days after the surgery. This is because the harmful UV rays emitted from the sun can delay the healing process while increasing the risks of residual scarring in the operated regions.
If going out in the sun is extremely essential then you must always wear a hat or cover the surgical areas to reduce direct exposure. Even after the incisions are completely treated, it is important to use a cream with SPF to reduce the negative impacts of the UV rays on your skin.
  1. Follow Pre And Post-Surgical Directions
The doctor will advise you on certain pre and post-surgical instructions after the plastic surgery for successful recovery. You must always remember that the plastic surgeon in Siliguri is experienced and qualified and the instructions he has given are to ensure a speedy healing.
Preparing perfectly before the surgery can ensure you a safe and comfortable recovery period. Also don’t forget to follow the post-operative care plan even after being discharged from the hospital as it can help you minimize the risk of potential surgical complications.
  1. Select The Right Clothes
Another crucial factor that can ensure a successful recovery after the surgery is to choose the right clothes. While you’re preparing for recovery from any facial plastic surgery, you must always opt for button-up tops.
This will help in avoiding the risks of bumping the operated regions while pulling the tops over the head. However, comfortable and loose clothing with soft elastic in the waistline is also required if you have undergone body procedures such as liposuction and breast augmentation.
  1. Stay Physically Active
You will be advised by the doctor to take a sufficient amount of rest after the surgery to recover properly. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to sit or lie down 24 hours a day.
You must know that it is also important to stay physically active and get daily movements to speed up the recovery procedure. Herein, you can take a light walk around the house or stretch daily to reduce any swelling and promote proper blood circulation for effective healing.
  1. Take Care Of The Surgical Incisions
The surgical areas are extremely delicate and to ensure a successful healing, you must take proper care of the incisions. It is advised for you to regularly clean the incisions and follow a strict change routine if any bandage or dressing is involved.
These measures will help you in avoiding the risks of infections while enjoying a comfortable healing. During cleaning the incisions, you must also look for any abnormal swelling, redness, or discharge so that the doctor can be informed about those immediately.
submitted by shantinursinghome to u/shantinursinghome [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:30 3202supsaW [CLAIM] The Last Saskatchewan Pirate // Canada // Borealis

One of the most intriguing aspects of Efrim I is his birthplace, the small town of Kindersley, Saskatchewan. One would expect a man of his status, especially a Trudeau, to have been born in the east, in the old-boys-club of Toronto or Montreal or a suburb thereof, or the sun-kissed coast of British Columbia. To have such a powerful man come from such insignificant beginnings is not only noteworthy, but inspirational.
From Origins of the Apex, by the Princess Lyraeon.
I. Somerset
November 8th, 2070 - CNRL Somerset Site, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
Efrim stared across the valley towards the cluster of buildings and machinery below. Streaks of beige and blue and safety yellow were severed by the billowing smoke and steam, and flashing lights fruitlessly competed for his attention. As he waited, his internal monologue recited his mission statement:
Make them notice,
Make them pay,
Spare the land,
Loss of life is the cost of doing business.
While Borealis was not specifically out to kill, they held the environment in higher regard than its human inhabitants and so in their meticulous planning, minimizing environmental damage was paramount to ensuring human survival.
"That's where the spill came from" said Francis, startling Efrim, who had lost himself in thought and forgotten he was even there. "The big oil spill, it was caused by a faulty valve in that line right there." Francis pointed to a pipe, coming out of a beige building that looked the same as every other beige building, and making a ninety-degree downward turn before plunging into the Earth.
"That's where it came from. Twenty thousand dead animals. Irrecoverable damage to the Hudson's Bay aquatic ecosystem. One pipe." Efrim lamented.
Efrim opened his mouth to continue speaking, but was interrupted by the din of radio chatter.
...last load dropped off, preparing crusher one stop
Borealis cared deeply about the environment, and so when planning protest actions, it was imperative to ensure that their actions did not lead to further environmental damage. Previous groups, despite professing their care for the environment, took actions in direct contravention of that philosophy, such as siphoning fuel out of earth-moving equipment and recklessly dumping it into the soil. Such actions were amateurish, careless-
...preparing crusher two stop
-and showed that the groups committing them cared far more about their own image and virtue than their end goal. Borealis was different. Borealis intended to hit polluters where it hurt the most - their financial statements. Their actions, usually taking place in sensitive ecosystems and with great potential for disaster, must be meticulously planned and executed to ensure minimal to no collateral damage.
The second radio, in Efrim's jacket pocket, lit up and began to make noise. He got momentarily confused - one radio was set to a site channel to listen in on their communications, the other was for the Borealis group to communicate internally.
equipment has stopped. there is no steam coming from the top of the buildings anymore, it looks like it's shut down. the extraction maintenance channel sounds like they're beginning to lock-out
Efrim very nearly keyed the wrong radio to respond. Not that it would've mattered - the radio for listening in on site channels had its transmit button disabled.
10-4. We wait until nine p-m to execute. The workers will be on break.
Efrim adjusted his balaclava. He was wearing one not for identity concealment or fashion, but because it got chilly this far north. He watched the relaxed activity below, a site so remote saw only a few work trucks driving up and down its roads, the occasional worker in reflective stripes walking from here to there. Efrim had only as much empathy as he could for them while allowing the execution of his mission - yes, they are human beings with families but at the same time their job causes untold environmental damage, and they put themselves in harm's way on a daily basis working on an industrial site, so what's it if their number finally gets called?
We have confirmation that oil has stopped flowing through the pipelines, power draw has decreased throughout the plant consistent with a near-total shutdown of operations.
Efrim pulled the radio closer to his mouth to respond.
Good. Only fifteen minutes to go.
Efrim glanced over at Francis, who was crouched and facing away from him, off to the right. He looked back across the valley and peered through his binoculars to see two black-clad figures running away from an outbuilding. Two people, not known to be there by anyone except Efrim. Declan and Celeste, their role in this operation was to gain access to the site's power plant and confirm that bitumen production operations had shut down, by monitoring the site's power consumption. It's quite obvious, when one thinks about it, that a large-scale shutdown of operations would be reflected by a drawdown of the site's power generation capacity due to decreased load from pumps, machinery, et cetera.
Borealis' plan was fine-tuned to protect the environment, and executing an operation of this nature while the site was running at full tilt would be foolhardy. Any sort of attack, at the wrong time, could cause untold destruction, pipeline blowouts, spills, and any number of other unpredictable consequences. As such, the group had planned their attack around a planned large-scale maintenance outage wherein plant operations are ceased, oil and ore is flushed from the plant's systems and the site is, for all intents and purposes, as clean as it's ever going to get.
As the clock ticked closer to 9:00, Efrim looked through his binoculars again towards a nondescript white van that had been staged deep within the plant days prior.
Whenever you're ready.
Alright, arming it.......heads
The light seeped through even his closed eyelids and whisked around his forearm pressed against his face, and the thunderous roar of the explosion was a sound that he'd never forget.
II. Smugglers
October 12th, 2071 - Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Efrim always had an awkward air about him, nobody speaking to him ever felt fully at ease. Despite being a morally correct individual, there was always something you couldn't put your finger on. You wanted the conversation to be over.
From Origins of the Apex, by the Princess Lyraeon.
"I want to be very clear, I am quite sympathetic to your cause, but I just don't see this as feasible".
Efrim adjusted in his seat, the premium vegan leather of his chair dragging across his suit fashioned of recycled plastic fibers. He reached for his mug, taking a sip of tea, and stared at the man across from him.
"What's the extent of your discretion in your office, Mr. Bennett, and to what degree can you slip things like this under the radar?" he said.
"I told you you can call me Julian, we're at that point. I can make things go away but what you're asking, to totally gut the Canadian military and siphon everything off to various non-state actors, I can't just make things disappear like that. I think you have a bit of a misconception of how much these units are going to notice their equipment being crated up and shipped off."
Efrim stood up and paced around the room. His uneasiness put Julian off, though he'd dealt with men like Efrim before, and the personality type had a level of directness that brought slight discomfort to even the most pleasant of conversations.
"Here's what you do," Efrim said, turning back to face Julian. "You start a reshuffle of equipment, if everything gets sent around to different units, nobody will notice what goes missing. If Unit A signs off on the transfer of fifty tanks and only twenty make it to Unit B, neither will be aware. It checks out on both ends, but in the middle is where the magic happens."
Julian let out an uncomfortable laugh.
"I'm director of purchasing for the Canadian Armed Forces, not a five-star general. I can't just make orders like that. I don't have the power to move equipment between units. Like, maybe a few pieces here and there but I can't just shuffle everything with the stroke of a pen and expect people not to take note. If I moved EVERYTHING, there'd be questions asked."
Efrim thought for a moment, wheeling a Hot Wheels representation of a Rivian electric truck back and forth on his desk.
"What about new equipment?" he said.
"In what sense?" Julian replied.
"Purchasing new equipment and funnelling it to our allies. Mixed in with some 'redirection' of existing equipment, I think that would work." Efrim said.
"You mean purchase new equipment, and send it to the tribes rather than to our own military?"
"Nobody will ever notice."
"I think they will, but we're moving in the right direction." Julian said.
"Think about it, if you place a bunch of big orders, you can say they're going to be allocated on delivery, and then just 'allocate' them off the books. Do you think that would work?"
Julian let out a sigh and shifted in his chair.
"I think it has a better chance of working than what you previously suggested." he said.
"Alright, so that's settled. You can start placing orders and direct them to bases near their destination, and I'll arrange to have my people pick them up. The issue remains, though, of what to do about the rather competent Canadian military. I don't think, within two years of production, we'd be able to assemble a force to outmatch them. We can't take Ottawa if it's close, it needs to be decisive." said Efrim.
Julian hesitated for a second before replying, "I might be able to push a software update that will brick most CAF equipment currently in service, except for the really old stuff. Everything post-2040 is on the same battle management system so it should be fairly easy to do. Guns won't fire, tracked and wheeled equipment won't move, missiles will fly themselves into the nearest body of water. I think it's feasible. Their cybersecurity department is a bit of a mess, which I should add is something that you should address if this works out."
"And you think that's something you will be able to do?"
"It's going to be tough, but yes. You're lucky you got me, since I was director of operations for said battle management network. I'll talk to that department."
"Alright, now we're talking." said Efrim.
"One thing though."
"If I get caught, you forced me to do it. You kidnapped my wife and children and I did it under extreme duress. If I can make this happen, I can fabricate that situation as well."
Efrim chuckled.
"Keep me posted."
III. Siege
January 22, 2073 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
It was a resounding success.
From Origins of Borealis, by the Princess Lyraeon.
Snow fell on Ottawa on the cold winters' morning. Colder than usual, by all accounts, a crisp minus fifteen, quite low for a city basked in the heat of the Great Lakes, though not unheard of. The Canadian Armed Forces monitoring stations failed to register the enemy descending on the city for two reasons. First, the surveillance infrastructure pointing inward was not as sophisticated as outward, since an attack from within was totally unprecedented. Second, even with the best monitoring systems in the world, the backdoor attack had rendered them totally non-functional. A system that could, operating properly, pick up an insect entering the capital registered absolutely nothing beyond background noise as Borealis forces had been allowed to move in under the shroud of darkness.
The Anishinaabe, skilled helicopter pilots, performed scouting and target-acquisition activities, while the Naskapi primarily operated tank battalions, less to do with their skill in doing so and more to do with the fact that most tanks and support vehicles had been allocated to them, for whatever reason. The Blackfoot led the incursion from the west, primarily using air power owing both to the vast distance required to get to Ottawa and their commandeering of CFB Cold Lake and CFB Suffield, serving as staging grounds for their aircraft before the attack.
The two Alberta bases, like many others across the country, were taken under the cover of night. Communications were jammed and special forces operators entered, capturing critical infrastructure and executing Canadian Forces members before they had the chance to react or raise the alarm. As both bases were very business-as-usual, had lackluster security owing to their geographical advantage, and were not home to any special forces that could counter the well-trained natives, Borealis forces had an easy time.
A technical bulletin was put out hours before the attack, grounding all CAF aircraft for planned software updates and, in many cases, mechanical upgrades. Technicians working for Borealis planted within the CAF dismantled engines, removed avionics suites leaving them in a pile of wires and screens on the floor, and then abandoned their posts to make way for the onslaught. The bar for entry into the Armed Forces as an aircraft technician is shockingly low, as Borealis came to find out in the planning stages when operatives were being placed.
Ultimately, on that winter's morning, the CAF found itself totally crippled.
The software update, sent out the night before, had rigged most equipment connected to the BMS to shut down at 9:00am. Some equipment had its shutdown overriden for a variety of reasons, mostly by the CAF itself, as the software injected did have some failsafes to maintain the illusion that all was normal. The software was packaged as a 'pre-update' to the full update, and ordered the shutdown to ensure equipment was grounded and in a state ready for updating.
Technology, integration, and artificial intelligence ultimately became the achilles heel of the Canadian military.
They never noticed the malware, because really, there was no malware. The systems were ordered to shut down at a specified time, so that a software update could be executed. That's all it did. Shut the system down. It didn't cause anything to self-destruct, turn the AI against its masters, or anything of the sort. It just shut the system down. And that's the beauty of it. Canada had gotten complacent with the relative safety of having New Alfheim and Japan as next-door neighbors. They thought they didn't need to maintain operational readiness because who would dare attack them?
From Borealis: A Military-Strategic Perspective, by Imperial Swordmaster Julian Bennett.
At 9:00am, as planned, the equipment of the Canadian Armed Forces took itself offline and went into a shutdown procedure for the software update. Many unit commanders had accounted for this by notifying Canada's allies to keep watch during the time the update was happening, to ensure it was not an attack of some sort, but most were at ease as the update had been talked about for weeks prior to the incident and was signed off by director-levels of the cybersecurity, operations, and intelligence divisions. The software update had originated with the equipment acquisition division, to integrate with the new BMS deployed on several of Canada's newest pieces of military technology, though almost no units yet had access to these. Chief among the updates was a kill-switch to disable the equipment should it fall into enemy hands, something both much appreciated and long overdue.
Despite their diligence, the equipment would never come back on line.
Distant explosions grew closer to listening ears, as a coordinated attack commenced across the country. Ballistic missile strikes began on naval bases, to crumble piers and destroy ships sitting in harbor. Bases not completely necessary for Borealis attacks were struck with AI-controlled drones and their runways turned to dust. Those in population centers looked overhead as fighters and bombers and drones danced to a horrifying symphony of destruction.
Very little of the CAF's military equipment survived the incursion. Hangars came crashing down in blankets of fire, engulfing planes. Vast complexes of buildings completely levelled, the vehicles stored inside vaporized.
The brunt of the attack was focused on Ottawa, with hundreds of planes descending on the city and reducing its streets and buildings to rubble with a barrage of airstrikes considered insane by any competent military commander. After air superiority was achieved, ground units entered the city and began to systematically clear buildings, including and especially government buildings and offices.
It became quite apparent, though, that the airstrikes had made quick work of everything. There was almost nothing left of the city, and if any occupants were left in the rubble, the elements would make quick work of them. Nobody was coming to save them.
Efrim visited the city not long after the attack. Borealis held a very tenuous military supremacy over the nation of Canada - to their advantage, they had the native tribes on their side to manage affairs at each corner of the nation, to their disadvantage, almost nobody in the country knew what was going on aside from the fact that Ottawa had ceased to exist. Canada had been taken, but it was time to prove it.
Borealis 2073
TL;DR Canada as we know it is gone, and has been taken over by a paramilitary eco-terrorist group known as Borealis. They currently have a military supremacy over the country by virtue of the fact that they have completely obliterated the Canadian military, levelled Ottawa, and have convinced most of the native tribes across the country to support them by promising an increased level of sovereignty over their land.
While Borealis is running the show, the real power lies with the native tribes who actually control the military forces needed to maintain it. With that in mind, Borealis in 2073 can be considered a kind of feudal military pseudo-autocracy.
  • Name: Borealis
  • Territory: IRL Canada, Alaska, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky
  • Head of State: Efrim I Trudeau
  • Government Type: Feudal Monarchy (Kinda)
  • Economic Information:
    • GDP: $16,936,457,021,981
    • Population: 138,854,262
submitted by 3202supsaW to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:04 ABrainArchitect The Happiness Formula was Broken - I Fixed It.

I heard Jimmy Carr on the Diary of a CEO podcast say something about happiness that resonated with me.. initially.
The statement is: “It's your quality of life, minus envy, that's how happy you are”, speaking on Happiness.
The equation seemed straightforward:
Happiness = Quality of Life - Your Envy.
I sat with it for a second, then let it marinate for a day.
And it hits me: There’s a flaw in his formula:
If happiness is simply our quality of life subtracted by our envy, then to maximize happiness, you would need to eliminate envy completely. I don’t know about you, but that seems complicated to me.
The framework suggests that any increase in quality of life must be offset by a reduction in envy to maintain or enhance happiness.
This introduces a paradox that left me unsettled. (I’ll get to that in a second).
First, we need to set some ground rules for this equation—because it wouldn’t be a fair debate otherwise.
  1. His equation assumes that there is no starting point. We have to address this, because nobody pops out of the womb contemplating happiness. (if you did, hit me up—I really want to talk to you). And if that’s the case, then applying this equation at ages 10 and 30 would yield completely different results.
  2. There has to be a minimal viable baseline for the equation to function effectively. Something that would cover basic needs like shelter, food, and arguably, health.
For the sake of my imaginary argument with Jimmy Carr, let’s lay down our groundwork:
Ok, now that we have our parameters, we can discuss the equation, and its paradox.

Contentment and Aspiration — Can we get both?

In Jimmy Carr's equation—Happiness = Quality of Life - Your Envy—I see a fundamental paradox that reflects a classic human dilemma: When you try to balance contentment with striving for more.
According to this formula, if you want to increase happiness, you must eliminate envy.
What he is telling you in plain, vulgar terms: Just shut up and be happy. You should have everything you need.
For me, this raises issues:
  1. If we’re completely content, what drives us to improve?
  2. If we're always striving for more, then we are perpetually dissatisfied. If we are perpetually dissatisfied, this forever increases our envy and decreases happiness.
  3. Looking and comparing others to yourself to judge happiness is a recipe for disaster.
How can you ever win at this?
No matter what you try to improve, it always results in a stillness or reduction of happiness.
Seeking improvement could increase your quality of life, but it also increases envy. If envy increases 📈 , happiness decreases 📉.
Any gains in quality of life are immediately nullified by a corresponding increase in envy, keeping our happiness static.
Is your head spinning yet?
Don’t worry, we can fix this. But it has to get worse before it get’s better — just trust me, ok?

Fixing the Formula.

Let’s focus on that last part of the equation: Your Envy.
This is your envy towards others. This is comparing yourself to others, what they have, and where they are in life. This aspect needs revision in my opinion.
This is what I propose:
Instead of the traditional view of envy as a negative force, we redefine it as a reflective, internal motivation—focused on your past and future selves.
Forget other people. Don’t compare yourself to them. Compare yourself to.. your self.
Think of it this way: how your past self feels towards your current (and future) achievements.
In 6 year old terms: ‘Yesterday You’ has to be jealous of ‘Today You’. It’s envious of the progress you’ve made in a span of 24 hours.
Ok, that’s great. Now, how does that fit into the equation and what does it change?
Glad you asked. This is where we put our mathematician hats on for just a second. I promise it won’t hurt your brain too much..
Since we’ve introduced an element of your past self, we need to reflect that mathematically. Your self envy from yesterday becomes a negative because we’re dealing with past tense. Let’s call it ‘Past Self Envy’.
If we position this self-envy as a negative force (mathematically speaking), it becomes a positive contributor to the overall happiness.
Why? Simple math suggests that 2 negatives = a positive.
If we apply this to the equation, we now have:
Happiness = Quality of Life - (-Self Envy).
Happiness = Quality of Life + Past Self Envy.
See what we did there?
This little correction changes how you perceive progress and personal development.
By framing the envy of your past self towards your present self as a negative, we transform it into a positive force in the equation of happiness.
This allows you to recognize that your growth and achievements can retroactively inspire and validate your past aspirations and struggles.

Why does this matters and what does this even mean?

Well first, our formula makes sense now. (you’re welcome, Jimmy)
Here’s what it allows for:
Both result in levelling up your happiness.
Do nothing, happiness stays stagnant.
Decrease Past Self Envy or Quality of Life, your happiness decreases.
The paradox is lifted.
In practical terms, this means that your journey and achievements effectively 'cancel out' the negative aspects of envy.
This not only reduces the traditional negative impact of envy, but turns it into a source of positive reinforcement.

Applying The Formula

How do you optimize Happiness = Quality of Life + Past Self Envy ?
Making👏 Progress👏 Every👏 Single👏 Day👏
I think that’s truly it.
How much progress? Just keep it simple and small.
James Clear said it best: (don’t come at me for more math, this time it’s visualized): 1% every day = 37X better in a year.

How should you apply this to your life?

I’ll let you figure this one out on your own.
I can’t tell you what you should do. All I can do is share what I’ve been doing on my end.
I mostly do three things every single day: I read, I listen, I write.
There is no particular order, as they all complement each other.
Intaking information:
I read newsletters, articles, and books.
I listen to podcasts.
Processing, organizing information:
I write about what I read and listen to. This helps me deepen my understanding. It helps me make new connections, improve my communication and retain information better.
By doing this every day, I become better at it. I sharpen my thinking, on the simultaneous quest to finding my true and authentic writing voice.
Am I the best writer there is? No. Will I ever be? I don’t know.
But I can tell you this: I’ll always be a better writer than I was the day before.
I am extremely grateful that my ideas are shared around the globe (yes, it's at an insignificant level, but don't kill my vibe please). This humbles me, validates that I have found my life's work, and contributes to my happiness.
I talk to someone new, online or in person, every single day. Fortunately, with my writing, people come to me, which is great.
In the past 6 years, all I did was work on my business. I reduced my circle every day by being closed off. I spent time with myself, my stress.
I’ve decided to spend this year travelling and meeting more people in person.
I took a step back recently by making a major shift from running my real estate business with 10 full-time employees, 37 contractors, 400+ tenants and millions in annual gross income to..
Just myself, my thoughts, my computer, a few books, and no active income.
Granted, my previous company allowed me to spend time reinventing myself this year.
This time around, I am building differently. Instead of chasing income at the detriment of my health and relationships, I am pursuing my passion which is also improving my mental health, expanding true and new relationships.
The income, when it comes, will feel true and meaningful.
So what am I doing to increase my income? I keep making daily 1% progress on my health, mental acuity, and relationships.
I workout every single day. It’s not long (30 minutes or so), but it’s intense, and it’s consistent.
Has my body gotten 37 times better? It’s hard to say. But I am happy of my one year progress? You sure fucking bet I am.

Final Thoughts

These things bring me joy, give me a sense of purpose and feel like I’m always progressing.
I don’t think it’s about enjoying the journey or the destination.
You'll end up at a destination no matter what. But the more you do, the more you get to choose what that destination will be.
Enjoying the journey is cool and all, but like we just discussed, if all you do is enjoy it, you won't reach a meaningful destination.
When I look back at the equation of happiness, I think it’s more about the conscious effort you put into the journey.
Let's recap.
Happiness = quality of life + your past self envy.
The pursuit is never ending, which is good news, because there is an infinite board game, and all the cards are in your hands.
Everyday, you are able to make a choice. You have an opportunity to tip the scale in one direction, or the other.
You get to pick what makes your brain tickle, what makes your knees weak.
You get to work on it every day.
Do it, and see your happiness increase.
submitted by ABrainArchitect to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:02 MissAndiO 3yrs into parenting journey- tips, advice, and product recos from pregnancy, newborn, and toddler years

cross-posting on other relevant subs (pregnant, newparents, etc)
Hi all,
I'm a long-time lurker but rarely have time to come on anymore and read, much less comment or post. However since having my first child over 3 years ago and also my second a year and a half ago, I've been keeping notes on advice and product recommendations. I've taken to giving this out to friends and co-workers when I hear the happy news that they are expecting, so I thought I'd share it here as well in hopes it helps someone. Please take this with a grain of salt- I know everyone has different experiences! Please feel free to post your favorite advice or product recommendations as well if you want.
Take care, and enjoy your parenting journey!

General advice:

I'm really going to try to keep cliché's out of here as much as possible and keep this to only practical advice that I wish someone had laid out for me. But cliché's exist for a reason- they are generally true!

Pregnancy/Postpartum mama care:


I highly recommend trying to breastfeed if you're able. It does make the first few weeks (which are already hard) more challenging, but after that it's so much easier! You can go places without needing bottles/wateformula (all you need is you!). Plus, sterilizing and washing bottles all the time is a drag. Plus the bonding is really special (not that you can't get this without breastfeeding). But breastfeeding is always the #1 comfort technique if baby is cranky or sick, even if he's not hungry. A few tips/info:


Good luck! Just kidding. So much conflicting info out there on this. I guess my number 1 tip here would be to read up on different strategies and have a plan. Being knowledgeable about different options is helpful if you need to pivot strategies in the middle of the night and you're running on very little sleep. Some questions for you to consider - will you bedshare (most families end up co-sleeping at some point. Good to know the Safe Sleep 7 in case you decide to)? Or room-share? Will you "sleep train" (which means different things to different people)? When they start getting decent stretches of sleep it is a game. changer. I will share some tips that seemed to have work for us. baby started sleeping through the night (7+ hr stretches) around 11 wks, and shortly thereafter started sleeping 10-11hr stretches. We do bed-share occasionally, even now if he wakes up between 5-6a I pull him into bed with me and nurse in a side-lying position and we both fall asleep for a bit longer. It's really lovely to be able to do this.

Generic sleep advice

0-3 months


What to do with baby when awake

Legitimate question that I hadn't considered until we were in the middle of it. In the first few weeks baby really doesn't have much awake time outside of eating/diaper changes. But here are some ideas:

Pumping/Milk Maintenence

Other resources/random notes

Product Recommendations/Baby Registry Ideas

I mentioned at the beginning but want to reiterate- baby products are expensive and they typically aren’t used for long. Highly recommend looking to get second hand when possible - friends, thrift stores, facebook marketplace, etc. Also- definitely make baby registries because you typically get a completion discount at a certain date to buy things off the registry at a discount (typically 15%). I usually make at least an amazon and target registry for each pregnancy and then maximize those registry discounts. Also- Bullseye Deals on Ebay is a reseller of target stuff (mostly new but also used so look before buying) at a discount!
submitted by MissAndiO to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:20 AcidicDust What is the highest equipment score on one piece you have?

What is the highest equipment score on one piece you have? submitted by AcidicDust to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:21 scceberscoo How can I fix this mess I’ve made?

How can I fix this mess I’ve made?
I’m working on a hat, and the bit I’m on follows a fairly simple pattern of knitting 1 full round with evenly spaced K2TOG, then knit most of one round with no decreases and purl x number of stitches for one section.
I knit while sleep deprived and then realized that I spaced on the non-decrease round and did 2 rounds of knit with decreases instead. I started to attempt to fix this by tink-ing the last round but I forgot about the decrease on the first stitch I was tinking and just made a mess of things. I only tinked 3 stitches and then re-knit them, but things look very wrong, as you can see.
I am fairly new to knitting and I think I may just take this to the yarn store to get some in person help, but maybeee someone on this sub can identify what I need to do to fix this from these pictures. Appreciate the help!
submitted by scceberscoo to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:42 queenbee20233 From Page to Terror

Hey everyone,
Hold onto your hats (and sanity) because I just finished writing a DBD chapter based on The Babadook, and let me tell you, it’s terrifying! I think it’ll bring the chills back to the Fog.
It’s got a Killer and two Survivors straight from the movie.
Who’s brave enough to read it? Feel free to skim through.
Let me know if you’re interested in the comments!
(I have already posted this on dbdm)
Chapter:From Page to Terror
Killer: The Babadook
Perk 1: I’ll Wage My Campaign
Perk 2: Believe It or Not
Perk 3: Mister Babadook
Real Name: Mister Babadook
Weapon: The Book and the Claw
Power: The Babadook’s Curse
  1. Hallucination Surge (Cooldown): The Babadook unleashes a surge of nightmarish energy.
    • Within his Terror Radius: Survivors suffer a large spike in Dread and briefly see illusory copies of the Babadook lunging at them from random directions.
    • Outside his Terror Radius: Survivors within Nightmare Essence see a quick flash of the Babadook’s form in their vision, suffering a smaller increase in Dread.
  2. Fearful Whispers (Active Ability): The Babadook focuses his power, intensifying the whispers of fear within a selected area where Nightmare Essence is present.
    • Targeted Area: The chosen area becomes shrouded in a visible haze of Nightmare Essence. Survivors within this area suffer from the following effects:
      • Shrinking Skill Check Zones: Success zones for skill checks are significantly reduced, making actions riskier.
      • Increased Dread Gain: All sources of Dread inflict a higher amount.
      • Sound Distortion: The sounds of their actions are amplified, potentially drawing the Babadook’s attention.
Dread Stages:
Brown Addons (common)
Yellow Addons (Uncommon)
Green (Rare)
Purple (Very Rare)
Iridescent Addons(Ultra Rare)
The Entity did not seek out a man in a suit, nor a clawed beast, when it found Mister Babadook. It found a story. A whisper that festered in the dark corners of children’s minds, feeding on the anxieties of parents ill-equipped to face it. The Babadook was never truly one being, but a manifestation of the terror that took root when denial met grief. Amelia, driven to the edge by the loss of her husband, became the perfect vessel. Her son, Samuel, became the catalyst.
The Entity, hungry for potent fear, did not claim the Babadook so much as it absorbed the story, twisting it into a new horror. Now, the Nightmare echoes with Amelia’s despair, amplified and never-ending. The Babadook is no longer confined to a single house or a single family. He is the bogeyman in every closet, the monster under every bed, given form by the Entity’s power.
The Babadook stalks survivors with an unsettling stillness, his movements a disjointed waltz between predator and phantom. He doesn’t need illusions to instill terror but to create hallucinations to drive his victims to insanity. His presence alone warps the environment, turning the familiar into the menacing. Toys twitch to life, whispering threats. Shadows writhe with unnatural menace. The air itself grows heavy with dread, increasing the survivors’ fear and weakening their resolve.
He preys on their vulnerabilities, exploiting past traumas and anxieties. A survivor who fears enclosed spaces might find themselves struggling to breathe, walls seeming to close in. One haunted by a childhood bully might hear taunting whispers, their name hissed with malicious glee.
The Entity delights in the Babadook’s unique brand of psychological torment. For what is more terrifying than the monster you cannot outrun, the fear that festers within, waiting for the moment you break, the moment you whisper, “Babadook.”
The Entity revels in the Babadook’s ability to tap into these primal fears. For what is more terrifying than confronting the monsters we thought we’d left behind, the realization that some fears never truly disappear, they simply evolve alongside us, waiting for the moment we’re vulnerable enough to be consumed once more.
He preys on the insecurities we carry from childhood: the fear of abandonment, the terror of the unknown, the helplessness of being small in a world that seems designed to swallow you whole. He might force survivors to relive traumatic childhood memories, trapping them in looping corridors that echo with the taunts of bullies or the despair of neglectful guardians.
Amelia Vanek: Survivor
Perk 1: Mother’s Intuition
Perk 2: Repressed Memory
Perk 3: Don’t You Tell Them
Amelia Vanek was once a woman filled with love and hope, eagerly awaiting the birth of her son, Samuel. However, tragedy struck on the day of his arrival when her husband Oskar died in a car accident. The joy of welcoming their child into the world was overshadowed by grief and loss.
As Samuel grew older, he exhibited challenging behavior that tested Amelia’s patience and resolve. He became fixated on a mysterious pop-up book titled “Mister Babadook,” claiming it depicted a sinister entity haunting them. Despite dismissing it as childhood imagination at first, strange occurrences began to unfold around them.
The lines between reality and nightmare blurred for Amelia as she grappled with her own inner demons while trying to raise Samuel alone. The presence of The Babadook seemed to loom over their lives like a dark cloud, feeding off her sorrow and amplifying her fears.
Driven to desperation by sleepless nights haunted by visions of The Babadook and Samuel’s erratic behavior influenced by his belief in the creature’s existence, Amelia struggled to maintain control over her unraveling life.
In an attempt to protect herself and Samuel from the malevolent force that threatened their sanity, Amelia confronted The Babadook head-on. Through sheer determination and sacrifice, she managed to contain its influence within herself but not without enduring immense psychological torment along the way.
Now marked by trauma but fueled by resilience born out of maternal instinct, Amelia finds herself drawn into the Entity’s realm where she must confront both external threats and the lingering shadows of her past if she hopes to survive another day in this twisted landscape.
Oskar Vanek: Survivor
Perk 1: Resilient Spirit
Perk 2: Watchful Protector
Perk 3: Lasting Legacy
Oskar Vanek was a man who understood the preciousness of life. A devoted husband to Amelia and soon-to-be father, he approached everything with strength and a warm smile. He was the anchor in the storm, the calm amidst chaos.
A carpenter by trade, Oskar possessed a quiet artistry, transforming wood into objects of beauty and practicality. His hands, calloused yet gentle, built the world around him with care and precision. He poured the same love and dedication into his relationship with Amelia, cherishing every moment they had together.
The news of Amelia’s pregnancy filled him with a joy he could barely contain. He dreamt of their child, of teaching them to ride a bike, of reading them bedtime stories. He threw himself into preparing for their arrival, crafting a crib with his own hands, each piece imbued with the love he already felt for the tiny life growing within Amelia.
But fate, it seemed, had other plans. On the day their child, Samuel, was born, tragedy struck. Driving to the hospital in the dead of night, a thick fog descended, shrouding the road in an eerie silence. A blinding flash, the screech of tires, and then… nothing.
Oskar never got to hold his child. He never got to whisper words of love into their tiny ears. His life, filled with so much promise, was cut tragically short. Yet, even in death, his presence lingered. A whisper of warmth in the cold, a flicker of light in the darkness, a reminder that even the deepest love can transcend the veil of death.
Some say that Oskar’s spirit, unable to find peace, still wanders, drawn to places where families are torn apart, seeking to protect those left behind from the darkness that claimed him. A guardian angel, forever bound to the memory of a life unlived and a love that death itself could not extinguish.
The Babadook’s Books of Dread:
Ritual Mechanics:
Risks and Challenges:
The Ritual’s Influence: As survivors banish the Books of Dread, the Babadook’s power will either diminish (ritual complete) or intensify (ritual incomplete). Each book banished grants ALL survivors a UNIQUE temporary boost.
Book Banishing Boosts:
Incomplete Ritual (Default & End-Game State):
Ritual in Progress:
Facing the Illusion: Survivor Interactions with the Babadook
To make the Babadook’s illusions more than just a passive threat, Survivors will need ways to interact with them.
  1. Direct Confrontation: Seeing through
  1. Tactical Exploitation: Playing Pretend
  1. Shared Nightmare:
Voice lines for the killer
Chasing Survivors:
Hitting a Survivor:
Downing a Survivor:
Hooking a Survivor:
submitted by queenbee20233 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:09 queenbee20233 New Chapter:From Page to Terror

Hey everyone,
Hold onto your hats (and sanity) because I just finished writing a DBD chapter based on The Babadook, and let me tell you, it’s terrifying! I think it’ll bring the chills back to the Fog.
It’s got a Killer and two Survivors straight from the movie.
Who’s brave enough to read it? Feel free to skim through.
Let me know if you’re interested in the comments!
Chapter:From Page to Terror
Killer: The Babadook
Perk 1: I’ll Wage My Campaign
Perk 2: Believe It or Not
Perk 3: Mister Babadook
Real Name: Mister Babadook
Weapon: The Book and the Claw
Power: The Babadook’s Curse
  1. Hallucination Surge (Cooldown): The Babadook unleashes a surge of nightmarish energy.
    • Within his Terror Radius: Survivors suffer a large spike in Dread and briefly see illusory copies of the Babadook lunging at them from random directions.
    • Outside his Terror Radius: Survivors within Nightmare Essence see a quick flash of the Babadook’s form in their vision, suffering a smaller increase in Dread.
  2. Fearful Whispers (Active Ability): The Babadook focuses his power, intensifying the whispers of fear within a selected area where Nightmare Essence is present.
    • Targeted Area: The chosen area becomes shrouded in a visible haze of Nightmare Essence. Survivors within this area suffer from the following effects:
      • Shrinking Skill Check Zones: Success zones for skill checks are significantly reduced, making actions riskier.
      • Increased Dread Gain: All sources of Dread inflict a higher amount.
      • Sound Distortion: The sounds of their actions are amplified, potentially drawing the Babadook’s attention.
Dread Stages:
Brown Addons (common)
Yellow Addons (Uncommon)
Green (Rare)
Purple (Very Rare)
Iridescent Addons(Ultra Rare)
The Entity did not seek out a man in a suit, nor a clawed beast, when it found Mister Babadook. It found a story. A whisper that festered in the dark corners of children’s minds, feeding on the anxieties of parents ill-equipped to face it. The Babadook was never truly one being, but a manifestation of the terror that took root when denial met grief. Amelia, driven to the edge by the loss of her husband, became the perfect vessel. Her son, Samuel, became the catalyst.
The Entity, hungry for potent fear, did not claim the Babadook so much as it absorbed the story, twisting it into a new horror. Now, the Nightmare echoes with Amelia’s despair, amplified and never-ending. The Babadook is no longer confined to a single house or a single family. He is the bogeyman in every closet, the monster under every bed, given form by the Entity’s power.
The Babadook stalks survivors with an unsettling stillness, his movements a disjointed waltz between predator and phantom. He doesn’t need illusions to instill terror but to create hallucinations to drive his victims to insanity. His presence alone warps the environment, turning the familiar into the menacing. Toys twitch to life, whispering threats. Shadows writhe with unnatural menace. The air itself grows heavy with dread, increasing the survivors’ fear and weakening their resolve.
He preys on their vulnerabilities, exploiting past traumas and anxieties. A survivor who fears enclosed spaces might find themselves struggling to breathe, walls seeming to close in. One haunted by a childhood bully might hear taunting whispers, their name hissed with malicious glee.
The Entity delights in the Babadook’s unique brand of psychological torment. For what is more terrifying than the monster you cannot outrun, the fear that festers within, waiting for the moment you break, the moment you whisper, “Babadook.”
The Entity revels in the Babadook’s ability to tap into these primal fears. For what is more terrifying than confronting the monsters we thought we’d left behind, the realization that some fears never truly disappear, they simply evolve alongside us, waiting for the moment we’re vulnerable enough to be consumed once more.
He preys on the insecurities we carry from childhood: the fear of abandonment, the terror of the unknown, the helplessness of being small in a world that seems designed to swallow you whole. He might force survivors to relive traumatic childhood memories, trapping them in looping corridors that echo with the taunts of bullies or the despair of neglectful guardians.
Amelia Vanek: Survivor
Perk 1: Mother’s Intuition
Perk 2: Repressed Memory
Perk 3: Don’t You Tell Them
Amelia Vanek was once a woman filled with love and hope, eagerly awaiting the birth of her son, Samuel. However, tragedy struck on the day of his arrival when her husband Oskar died in a car accident. The joy of welcoming their child into the world was overshadowed by grief and loss.
As Samuel grew older, he exhibited challenging behavior that tested Amelia’s patience and resolve. He became fixated on a mysterious pop-up book titled “Mister Babadook,” claiming it depicted a sinister entity haunting them. Despite dismissing it as childhood imagination at first, strange occurrences began to unfold around them.
The lines between reality and nightmare blurred for Amelia as she grappled with her own inner demons while trying to raise Samuel alone. The presence of The Babadook seemed to loom over their lives like a dark cloud, feeding off her sorrow and amplifying her fears.
Driven to desperation by sleepless nights haunted by visions of The Babadook and Samuel’s erratic behavior influenced by his belief in the creature’s existence, Amelia struggled to maintain control over her unraveling life.
In an attempt to protect herself and Samuel from the malevolent force that threatened their sanity, Amelia confronted The Babadook head-on. Through sheer determination and sacrifice, she managed to contain its influence within herself but not without enduring immense psychological torment along the way.
Now marked by trauma but fueled by resilience born out of maternal instinct, Amelia finds herself drawn into the Entity’s realm where she must confront both external threats and the lingering shadows of her past if she hopes to survive another day in this twisted landscape.
Oskar Vanek: Survivor
Perk 1: Resilient Spirit
Perk 2: Watchful Protector
Perk 3: Lasting Legacy
Oskar Vanek was a man who understood the preciousness of life. A devoted husband to Amelia and soon-to-be father, he approached everything with strength and a warm smile. He was the anchor in the storm, the calm amidst chaos.
A carpenter by trade, Oskar possessed a quiet artistry, transforming wood into objects of beauty and practicality. His hands, calloused yet gentle, built the world around him with care and precision. He poured the same love and dedication into his relationship with Amelia, cherishing every moment they had together.
The news of Amelia’s pregnancy filled him with a joy he could barely contain. He dreamt of their child, of teaching them to ride a bike, of reading them bedtime stories. He threw himself into preparing for their arrival, crafting a crib with his own hands, each piece imbued with the love he already felt for the tiny life growing within Amelia.
But fate, it seemed, had other plans. On the day their child, Samuel, was born, tragedy struck. Driving to the hospital in the dead of night, a thick fog descended, shrouding the road in an eerie silence. A blinding flash, the screech of tires, and then… nothing.
Oskar never got to hold his child. He never got to whisper words of love into their tiny ears. His life, filled with so much promise, was cut tragically short. Yet, even in death, his presence lingered. A whisper of warmth in the cold, a flicker of light in the darkness, a reminder that even the deepest love can transcend the veil of death.
Some say that Oskar’s spirit, unable to find peace, still wanders, drawn to places where families are torn apart, seeking to protect those left behind from the darkness that claimed him. A guardian angel, forever bound to the memory of a life unlived and a love that death itself could not extinguish.
The Babadook’s Books of Dread:
Ritual Mechanics:
Risks and Challenges:
The Ritual’s Influence: As survivors banish the Books of Dread, the Babadook’s power will either diminish (ritual complete) or intensify (ritual incomplete). Each book banished grants ALL survivors a UNIQUE temporary boost.
Book Banishing Boosts:
Incomplete Ritual (Default & End-Game State):
Ritual in Progress:
Facing the Illusion: Survivor Interactions with the Babadook
To make the Babadook’s illusions more than just a passive threat, Survivors will need ways to interact with them.
  1. Direct Confrontation: Seeing through
  1. Tactical Exploitation: Playing Pretend
  1. Shared Nightmare:
Voice lines for the killer
Chasing Survivors:
Hitting a Survivor:
Downing a Survivor:
Hooking a Survivor:
submitted by queenbee20233 to DeadByDaylightMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 03:43 KillTheBatman2475 Rewriting Batman Arkham Knight's DLC Packs By Having Their Storylines Feel Like More Natural Continuations Of The Main Story (Part 3.5)

Part 1, Part 1.5, Part 2, Part 2.5, & Part 3 for my rewrite of the Batman Arkham Games have been about my changes & adjustments to Arkham Asylum, City, Origins, & Knight, along with the set of DLC packs set after the main storyline. This new part will culminate my improvements to each DLC:
8.) A Matter Of Family #8: Under The Red Hood (Red Hood)
  1. Red Hood fights against Jokerz Gang henchmen while King Joker, from afar, throws exploding teeth and shoots his flag gun at a distance, which the player needs to dodge or the hits will do significant damage to their health. The Jokerz gang emulates the Batfamily and cops to taunt Jason for how he sees as responsible for letting Joker live, years ago. The area resembles the place where Jason died at Joker's hands, which is an ability of the modified fear toxin.
  2. King Joker uses the fear toxin to manifest into a form that's a villainous variant of Red Hood. It's a mix between the classic Red Hood and Jason's Red Hood suit. King Joker uses Jason's skills and tricks against him with his own twist on them. He taunts him by claiming they aren't so different and once Alberto is dead, it'll be Jason's one bad day. Red Hood fires back by saying he'll never live up to Joker, despite his delusional efforts, and the difference between them is he didn't have to seek out someone to find a new purpose when things didn't work out for his former one, the first time. Jason breaks the helmet of King Joker's form with his bare hands with the player able to do it, which has him resemble a Jokerized Jason Todd. The area for this section takes place on a rooftop with a twisted version of Gotham City in ruins.
  3. The final stage has Batman arrive to help Red Hood fight King Joker in his final form while he uses the crowbar, acid flower, and flag gun against them while the final Jokerz Henchmen arrive to aid their leader. The player can switch between Red Hood and Batman as you fight against the Titan-Infused Jokerz goons and King Joker in his final form.
Credit for these ideas goes to Game Den & Thorfan. Tell me if my ideas improve the DLC packs.
submitted by KillTheBatman2475 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:29 ConsciousRun6137 Congress Chemtrails Testimony: When We Start Spraying, No More Blue Skies. ONLY WHITE

Congress Chemtrails Testimony: When We Start Spraying, No More Blue Skies. ONLY WHITE
Regardless of where you stand on “Chemtrails”, I think the vast majority of us can agree, the sky used to be blue:
Those of us who grew up through the 1980s and still have the old school photo albums (you know, the ones where you put real photographs into a binder and the clear sheet protects them) have noticed that our old outdoor photographs don’t contain lines all over the sky, let alone a hazy white sun. Not a single line in the sky on any of my Polaroids. Fast forward to 2023 and you will be hard-pressed to Google image search “Blue Sky” and find a photo without Geo-Engineering of some form. Can we all agree that this wasn’t the sky in the past ?
Growing up in Michigan, I’ve always really loved the outdoors. Hiking, canoeing, going to the lake… Michigan was a phenomenal place to be during the summer which is why we have such a huge seasonal tourist population. If you want to book a cabin in northern Michigan you often have to book a year, or more, in advance. There was nothing quite like the feeling of the hot Michigan summer sun on your shoulders then cooling down by “wave jumping” in our beautiful, freshwater Lake Michigan… then having mom yell to come under the beach umbrella because she didn’t want to deal with sunburnt kids. When I was young, we used to take an annual family trip across the state to the Sand Dunes. If you’ve never been, as a kid they’re amazing (as an adult your calves are burning 10 minutes into climbing!). The Dunes are absolutely MASSIVE mountains of sand. When you finally get to the top you can oversee Lake Michigan. It’s magnificent.
As a child, my mother would always make us bring a long sleeve shirt, sunglasses and a hat to the Dunes because the sun was bright and hot and us kids wanted to climb up and run down those sand mountains for a full day. It was guaranteed that someone will be going to bed with a peeling nose and tender shoulders, and if it hurt too bad, mom always had a bag of frozen peas you could put on it. Ah, the marvellous 80’s.
But in the past 5 years, we have noticed that our summer skies have turned dingy-white or gray-darkness. This is what we now see here now:
Even when the sky starts off as brilliant-blue, the planes show up, the lines show up, the lines expand then we have gray, typically within a matter of hours. Here’s exactly what I’m referring to:
So, providing we are all semi-observant and have just a little common sense, we should be able to agree that something is going on; can we find common ground and agree on that?
I already know what deniers are going to say, “It’s because the air traffic has increased!”. That’s outright absurd. While the air traffic has increased, the following is also true:
  1. The military admits to GeoEngineering since, at least, the 1940s. Additionally, the military also has a lengthy history of running secret spray operations on it’s own citizens, as well as other countries.
  2. High Bypass Turbo Fan Engines are now in almost all jets / planes. These engines are incapable of spewing massive plumes, let alone plumes that linger for hours and slowly expand to take over the sky and block the sun.
  3. Because engines do not emit lingering plumes, “stunt pilots”, such as The Navy Blue Angels have to use additive to emit plumes for the show. If it was just condensation, or if “all planes leave trails like that”, there would be no reason for the Blue Angels to use additive:
  1. These spray patterns are illegal flight patterns, sprayed from illegally close planes. A normal pilot would lose their license if they pulled these “stunts”.
  1. The planes spraying are not on radar. According to Flight Tracker, only military can operate in “stealth mode”.
  2. There are numerous military whistleblowers, pilots, weathermen, FEMA employees, FBI, former United Nations employees and more, who state the military is spraying. I am working on a lengthy post showing all of the whistleblowers, but it is very time consuming. Additionally, spraying the skies is all part of the master plan. Read Chemtrails Chapter 1: Why are they Spraying and it will make sense.
  1. When Covid lockdown occurred and airline traffic dropped down to nothing, “the lines in the sky” didn’t decrease one bit. If the argument is that the lines are the increase in air traffic, this fact cannot be avoided:
BUT, you know when the lines DID stop? They stopped in March 2000, when the US Air Force grounded their KC tankers to fix defects. The repairs lasted approximately 1 week. Following that week, the lines and grids began appearing again.
  1. We have patents, heaps of government documents and contracts, chemtrail plane cost analysis, videos of retrofitted nozzles spraying, endless testimony, and more, but sometimes the most interesting tidbits are the tiny things that everyone overlooks…
  2. Here’s a great example of a small thing that speak volumes: In 2009 and 2010 the government met to discuss spraying the skies.
Now keep in mind, the skies already had been being sprayed since the late 1990’s but the spraying has all been done under the military, and the ultimate goal is to make it public, so it can come out of the shadows and the Stratospheric Aerosol Injection patent holders, such as GeoEngineering advocate David Keith, can finally reap the financial rewards of their patents. So, during this government meeting, one very interesting statement was made. Doctor Alan Robock was asked about pros and cons of spraying the skies. Regarding the downsides, his response is telling:

He stated, “Whitening of the sky” will occur, which will result in “no more blue skies, but nice sunsets”, which is exactly what we are seeing.

Why do you think the GeoEngineering company, who has been actively and openly releasing chemicals in the atmosphere to block the sun is called “MAKE SUNSETS”?
They’re called MAKE SUNSETS because it sounds a hell of a lot better than “BLOCK THE SUN”! Here’s their site as of August 25th, 2023:
He stated, “Whitening of the sky” will occur, which will result in “no more blue skies, but nice sunsets”, which is exactly what we are seeing.
Make Sunsets currently has a 200 YEAR contract on to SPRAY THE GLOBE to Fight Climate Change. I need you to remember that the contract is hosted on
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to chemtrails [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:05 ConsciousRun6137 Congress Chemtrails Testimony: When We Start Spraying, No More Blue Skies. ONLY WHITE

Congress Chemtrails Testimony: When We Start Spraying, No More Blue Skies. ONLY WHITE
Regardless of where you stand on “Chemtrails”, I think the vast majority of us can agree, the sky used to be blue:
Those of us who grew up through the 1980s and still have the old school photo albums (you know, the ones where you put real photographs into a binder and the clear sheet protects them) have noticed that our old outdoor photographs don’t contain lines all over the sky, let alone a hazy white sun. Not a single line in the sky on any of my Polaroids. Fast forward to 2023 and you will be hard-pressed to Google image search “Blue Sky” and find a photo without Geo-Engineering of some form. Can we all agree that this wasn’t the sky in the past ?
Growing up in Michigan, I’ve always really loved the outdoors. Hiking, canoeing, going to the lake… Michigan was a phenomenal place to be during the summer which is why we have such a huge seasonal tourist population. If you want to book a cabin in northern Michigan you often have to book a year, or more, in advance. There was nothing quite like the feeling of the hot Michigan summer sun on your shoulders then cooling down by “wave jumping” in our beautiful, freshwater Lake Michigan… then having mom yell to come under the beach umbrella because she didn’t want to deal with sunburnt kids. When I was young, we used to take an annual family trip across the state to the Sand Dunes. If you’ve never been, as a kid they’re amazing (as an adult your calves are burning 10 minutes into climbing!). The Dunes are absolutely MASSIVE mountains of sand. When you finally get to the top you can oversee Lake Michigan. It’s magnificent.
As a child, my mother would always make us bring a long sleeve shirt, sunglasses and a hat to the Dunes because the sun was bright and hot and us kids wanted to climb up and run down those sand mountains for a full day. It was guaranteed that someone will be going to bed with a peeling nose and tender shoulders, and if it hurt too bad, mom always had a bag of frozen peas you could put on it. Ah, the marvellous 80’s.
But in the past 5 years, we have noticed that our summer skies have turned dingy-white or gray-darkness. This is what we now see here now:
Even when the sky starts off as brilliant-blue, the planes show up, the lines show up, the lines expand then we have gray, typically within a matter of hours. Here’s exactly what I’m referring to:
So, providing we are all semi-observant and have just a little common sense, we should be able to agree that something is going on; can we find common ground and agree on that?
I already know what deniers are going to say, “It’s because the air traffic has increased!”. That’s outright absurd. While the air traffic has increased, the following is also true:
  1. The military admits to GeoEngineering since, at least, the 1940s. Additionally, the military also has a lengthy history of running secret spray operations on it’s own citizens, as well as other countries.
  2. High Bypass Turbo Fan Engines are now in almost all jets / planes. These engines are incapable of spewing massive plumes, let alone plumes that linger for hours and slowly expand to take over the sky and block the sun.
  3. Because engines do not emit lingering plumes, “stunt pilots”, such as The Navy Blue Angels have to use additive to emit plumes for the show. If it was just condensation, or if “all planes leave trails like that”, there would be no reason for the Blue Angels to use additive:
  1. These spray patterns are illegal flight patterns, sprayed from illegally close planes. A normal pilot would lose their license if they pulled these “stunts”.
  1. The planes spraying are not on radar. According to Flight Tracker, only military can operate in “stealth mode”.
  2. There are numerous military whistleblowers, pilots, weathermen, FEMA employees, FBI, former United Nations employees and more, who state the military is spraying. I am working on a lengthy post showing all of the whistleblowers, but it is very time consuming. Additionally, spraying the skies is all part of the master plan. Read Chemtrails Chapter 1: Why are they Spraying and it will make sense.
  1. When Covid lockdown occurred and airline traffic dropped down to nothing, “the lines in the sky” didn’t decrease one bit. If the argument is that the lines are the increase in air traffic, this fact cannot be avoided:
BUT, you know when the lines DID stop? They stopped in March 2000, when the US Air Force grounded their KC tankers to fix defects. The repairs lasted approximately 1 week. Following that week, the lines and grids began appearing again.
  1. We have patents, heaps of government documents and contracts, chemtrail plane cost analysis, videos of retrofitted nozzles spraying, endless testimony, and more, but sometimes the most interesting tidbits are the tiny things that everyone overlooks…
  2. Here’s a great example of a small thing that speak volumes: In 2009 and 2010 the government met to discuss spraying the skies.
Now keep in mind, the skies already had been being sprayed since the late 1990’s but the spraying has all been done under the military, and the ultimate goal is to make it public, so it can come out of the shadows and the Stratospheric Aerosol Injection patent holders, such as GeoEngineering advocate David Keith, can finally reap the financial rewards of their patents. So, during this government meeting, one very interesting statement was made. Doctor Alan Robock was asked about pros and cons of spraying the skies. Regarding the downsides, his response is telling:

He stated, “Whitening of the sky” will occur, which will result in “no more blue skies, but nice sunsets”, which is exactly what we are seeing.

Why do you think the GeoEngineering company, who has been actively and openly releasing chemicals in the atmosphere to block the sun is called “MAKE SUNSETS”?
They’re called MAKE SUNSETS because it sounds a hell of a lot better than “BLOCK THE SUN”! Here’s their site as of August 25th, 2023:
Make Sunsets currently has a 200 YEAR contract on to SPRAY THE GLOBE to Fight Climate Change. I need you to remember that the contract is hosted on
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:48 Xenobrina Collection of developer responses from 5/23/24 AMA

This is a collection of responses from the competitiveoverwatch AMA from developers u/Blizz_Alec , u/Blizz_JNoh , u/Blizz_Hudson , and u/Blizz_Jodie . Thank you for your information!
Edit: Link to the original competitiveoverwatch thread
Alec answering question from North-Blueberry-7710 about testing in Mirrorwatch
No secret testing of anything upcoming in the immediate! We do look at how some changes play out though when they become more real and get lots of games, I think the Bastion Ultimate in particular was quite fun even if very loud and on the border technically. Reinhardt's Frenzy passive was also something we played around with internally but it was quite hard to communicate effectively. It's always good to see what players get excited about when there are more wacky ideas such as Mirrorwatch or April Fool's, some of those could become real down the line.
Alec answering question from swamp_god about Cassidy and Reaper changes
The two upcoming updates that were mentioned were for Cassidy and Reaper.
For Cassidy, we started some exploration pre-Season 9 for his update. Due to where he was at that time, this update was originally looking at multiple pieces of his kit but we saw the Season 9 changes largely benefit him so the update has gotten more focused on Magnetic Grenade and other Quality of Life updates (specifically to his Ultimate). In Season 11 we are updating Magnetic Grenade. It will behave closer to old Flashbang (no magnetic homing to the target, used in the short range) and will slow/hinder the target. We think that plays a lot better with his kit and removes some of the larger frustrations around Magnetic Grenade. More specifics on all that soon.
For Reaper, we went fairly wide as well in the beginning and then started to focus closely on updating Shadow Step. At the moment, we have something we quite like but it's actually a large technical challenge and we are in the process of planning out the work/seeing what's possible. In the meantime, we may buff Reaper in some non-Tank Buster ways as he lost a lot in the most recent update.
Jnoh answering question from Headedbigfoot8 about the hardest hero to balance in each role
Probably Sombra due to permanent invisibility restricting how deadly we can make her but also because she is a hero that excels with strong team coordination.
There are a handful of other heroes with performance stats that differ greatly from the broader community perception of them and that can create difficulty in how we approach balancing them as well.
Hudson answering question from walter_2010 about average playtester rank
A huge part of our team culture revolves around playtesting. From Designers, to QA and community management, everyone has the opportunity to play what we're working on and give open honest feedback. One of the advantages of this model is we get perspective from a wide range of player ranks from GM 1 to Bronze 5. It's been a while since we've taken an official poll on average rank, but having a wide sample helps prevent tunnel visioning on feedback from specific ranks.
Alec answering question from O2M about lack of patch consistency and Symmetra
  1. ⁠We should do a better job about this, especially when it comes to getting the community's visibility on what we are seeing vs. what the playerbase may seem to think is the best hero at any given one time. These can differ regularly as certain heroes get power reputations (weaker or stronger than their reality at a given rank) that are hard to shake off. Thanks for the feedback there, will make sure we have something here even if it's a simple change.
  2. Symmetra kept some of the buffs in that patch but yes we hear the feedback of where her current power level is. We may have been a bit overreactive to the Mauga compositions popping up during that timeframe (he was certainly overtuned), but we wanted to be sure of it. For right now, we are in discussions about Symmetra and especially her frontline presence. Believe that's a piece of the kit we'd like to promote further, whether through her survivability or beam damage.
Alec/Gavin answering question from Thee_Archivist about the removed smurf detection from MMR going from QP to comp
I tapped in our own Gavin Winter for this first part, he's what he had to say: "There haven't been any changes to these systems, but there are edge cases like the example of Guxue that was recently posted in this subreddit where our systems don't perform in the way we'd like. Most players will still be placed appropriately as they transition from Quick Play to Competitive Play, but unfortunately cases like this have always been possible. Explaining exactly how this happens would make it easier reproduce, so you'll have to excuse me from not going into intricate detail here."
For the second part of your question, we believe we made it slightly too difficult to climb at the highest ranks and are looking at making some adjustments soon.
Jnoh answering question from Owlcharts about making win and pick rates public (this one hurts).
There aren't any plans currently to shift resources toward supporting something like that. Sites like Overbuff don't have the complete picture, but the data there for win rates and such is generally fairly close.
There is some argument against being too transparent with those stats in that it can create a bit of a feedback loop where you might see player behavior driven by what appears to be the meta in the stats, but that kind of happens already with just the general discussion and sentiment around heroes without stats as well.
Our target range for hero viability by win rate is between 45-55% unmirrored win rate at Masters rank and above. Those individual win rates often can fluctuate 2-3% by day, mostly because heroes tend to have a wider range of win rates per map and we're looking at the global average of those, but also individual player performance isn't consistent.
Lower pick rate heroes fluctuate more and there is less confidence in their win rate being indicative of actual strength. Extremely high pick rate heroes have a similar problem when looking unmirrored stats.
In the end stats require interpretation to understand their context and that is why they are not the only basis for balance changes, but are a useful tool to measure impact of changes patch-over-patch.
Alec answering question from AccurateMeminnn about the reworks to Roadhog and WB
For the most part, we are relatively happy with the new bases both have been given but there is still some fine-tuning to be done.
I'll start with Wrecking Ball. Our goals were to give him more flexibility with his movement/engage options, heighten the benefits he gives to his team, and give him some quality of life updates. I think our changes all attempt to address those goals but one I think we can hit harder in the future is heightening the benefits he gives to his team. We were a little conservative with the Adaptive Shields change (overhealth is hyper scary in coordinated environments), so perhaps there's room for that to be more pronounced through tuning and actual feedback received in game (working on some updates there). Overall though, Wrecking Ball is doing much better after his recent updates and we believe we have a great base to work with going forward.
For Roadhog, aside from the conversations about his current survivability (we plan to hit that soon) there are some things for us to look at concerning the frequency of his combo. For example, his Pig Pen begins to go on cooldown when you throw it. So you can pre-place one, it gets destroyed, and then Roadhog already has it ready again (even though the enemy may think there's a window where Hook is less deadly). That's one discussion we've recently had. Still some work here for us to do in terms of the value Pig Pen brings outside of the combo as well and how we can make those windows of combo potential less frequent.
Jnoh answering question from Arrge about Hanzo post season 9, specifically about the one shot
Hanzo is still an effective mid-range burst damage hero even without the one-shot kills. Post season 9 with the projectile size changes actually saw an increase in Hanzo's performance on the stat side. I do hear you on the loss of how good the one shot kills felt, but an overarching goal of season 9 was to reduce a lot of those burst damage frustrations for players on the receiving end of it. Armor changes in season 10 have also been a benefit to his damage.
Still very early but we've been experimenting with adjusting health pools for some of the more evasive or high damage heroes which would also put them back into the range of lethal Hanzo headshots and some other hero combos at 225 HP, but while it would bring some interesting texture to hero interactions overall there are also a bunch of other problems to solve if we want to go through with it.
Alec answering question rom idrkbrotbh about Hog's survivability.
Yes, we plan on nerfing his survivability very soon. We are touching Take a Breather and Whole Hog in an upcoming patch. Hoping that can go live tomorrow.
Alec answering question from Heropon4Hyrule_010 about the difference in pick rates from before the midseason patch (major tank buffs) and after
Some of this is related to meta happenings or balance changes but also related to armor changes/headshot reduction for Tanks. From what we can see the biggest winners (in terms of their performance delta) of the patch are: Ana, Junkrat, Pharah, Roadhog, Sigma, Wrecking Ball, and Zarya.
Many heroes stayed relatively similar while a handful saw a decrease in performance (Bastion, D.Va, Mauga, Orisa, and Reaper).
Alec answering questions uestion from Mefionir-Omnic about Quick Play Hacked changes and Clash mode
These fall outside of hero design but can talk briefly about the first two questions
  1. ⁠Think you are referencing the speed boosts that would potentially come to Flashpoint. Took us some time to get these in a good place but they have been promising in playtests and are on track for a later season. It's important to us that when we add elements like that to a mode that it not only brings quality gameplay but is also communicated well through Sound and VFX. Feel good here now.
  2. ⁠We got a lot of great feedback but there are some things the team wished we did better with the Clash Preview. Firstly, it should have showed up more in Quick Play so y'all got more reps on it and can get a better feel for the flow of the game mode. Secondly, we don't think it was best suited for Open Queue in Arcade. If we do something like this again, we'll clean that up. With the feedback we received, we've been investigating how to make the final point more appealing to capture for the attacking team. Many games could result in the attacking team not actually wanting to push onto the last point because it wasn't worth the reward (harder to capture, give up a lot of positioning if you lose). Plenty of iteration happening here now to address that particular issue.
Alec answering question from Mabangyan about Roadhog and Lifeweaver
Answered the Roadhog question in a different place, but yes changes coming soon.
For Lifeweaver, one of the discussions we are having right now (actually this week) and have been having for a while is around the friction that comes with switching between his healing and damage. Giving him more flexibility here would be a great boon to his capability within team fights. Additionally, we've experimented a lot with his Petal Platform. Personally would love for that to be a more attractive area to stand on as a teammate (whether that be through a buff the platform gives you or something else) but there's a lot of learned behavior to work through as allies hop off the platform quite often.
JNoh answering question from Scared_Funny_1865 about tank counterswapping
At its core, Overwatch is a game designed around being able to swap heroes to gain a tactical advantage or help solve a challenge you might be encountering. This contributes to keeping the moment-to-moment gameplay experience dynamic, drives hero diversity and offers a wider range of both strategic gameplay and skill expression in learning when/where/how to play multiple heroes.
There is a question of how much of an advantage is too much compared to the cost of switching. Ideally we want counters to be clear and understandable, but soft enough that it's still possible to outplay a disadvantaged matchup. It is a team game though and 1v1 matchups are not the highest priority when assessing the heroes.
Tanks do feel this the most with only one of them per team in 5v5 role queue, but all roles do experience the pressure to counter and be countered to an extent.
We're striving to find a balance between swapping heroes every death, (which certainly feels too often), and rarely swapping heroes or getting trapped in mirror matches every game, which quickly leads to fatigue. We've seen a lot of improvements here compared to earlier seasons, but it could always be better.
"Unhealthy" and unpopular designs are not necessarily the same thing. When designing heroes, we aim to provide a wide range of playstyles, mechanics, and aesthetics for players to enjoy. It's okay if they don't all resonate with everyone broadly. We'll do our best to make the game as fun as it can be for a wide audience.
Alec answerinf question from Skiesti about Mercy's lack of changes since the 20% DPaSsive revert, as well as general performance since season 9 (this answer is super tone deaf being real).
  1. ⁠I think we are more happy in the 20% DPS Passive world than the 15% (it cuts through a lot better, helps mitigate the healing more effectively) so Mercy is more worth a look when that world is permanent. There are some questions of how far we can push her movement and know that is one of the most requested changes.
  2. ⁠Mercy is still a top-picked 3/4 Support and even higher on console until you hit GM/Top 500. Her performance follows a similar trend, where she's in the top grouping for most ranks and remains above average at the highest ranks. Doesn't mean that she wont receive changes but that is where she is at currently.
submitted by Xenobrina to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:18 xMangox- Every answered question from AMA

Q: It’s not related to S10 balance changes but I’m gonna ask anyway. Were we secretly testing any new upcoming heroes with the Mirrorwatch event?
Blizz_Alec: No secret testing of anything upcoming in the immediate! We do look at how some changes play out though when they become more real and get lots of games, I think the Bastion Ultimate in particular was quite fun even if very loud and on the border technically. Reinhardt's Frenzy passive was also something we played around with internally but it was quite hard to communicate effectively. It's always good to see what players get excited about when there are more wacky ideas such as Mirrorwatch or April Fool's, some of those could become real down the line.
Q: Who is the hardest character to balance and tweak out of the three roles?
Blizz_JNoh: Probably Sombra due to permanent invisibility restricting how deadly we can make her but also because she is a hero that excels with strong team coordination. There are a handful of other heroes with performance stats that differ greatly from the broader community perception of them and that can create difficulty in how we approach balancing them as well.
Q: I know you guys mentioned two upcoming DPS hero reworks. Is there any news about how those reworks are progressing, who they'll be for (I think people have a pretty decent idea, but official confirmation would be nice), and/or when they might be arriving? Also, are there any other heroes under consideration for potential reworks?
Blizz_Alec: The two upcoming updates that were mentioned were for Cassidy and Reaper.
For Cassidy, we started some exploration pre-Season 9 for his update. Due to where he was at that time, this update was originally looking at multiple pieces of his kit but we saw the Season 9 changes largely benefit him so the update has gotten more focused on Magnetic Grenade and other Quality of Life updates (specifically to his Ultimate). In Season 11 we are updating Magnetic Grenade. It will behave closer to old Flashbang (no magnetic homing to the target, used in the short range) and will slow/hinder the target. We think that plays a lot better with his kit and removes some of the larger frustrations around Magnetic Grenade. More specifics on all that soon.
For Reaper, we went fairly wide as well in the beginning and then started to focus closely on updating Shadow Step. At the moment, we have something we quite like but it's actually a large technical challenge and we are in the process of planning out the work/seeing what's possible. In the meantime, we may buff Reaper in some non-Tank Buster ways as he lost a lot in the most recent update.
Q: What is the average rank of your play testers and what level of input do they have in deciding what changes are made in each balance patch?
Blizz_Hudson: A huge part of our team culture revolves around playtesting. From Designers, to QA and community management, everyone has the opportunity to play what we're working on and give open honest feedback. One of the advantages of this model is we get perspective from a wide range of player ranks from GM 1 to Bronze 5. It's been a while since we've taken an official poll on average rank, but having a wide sample helps prevent tunnel visioning on feedback from specific ranks.
Q: 2 part question here: Why the inconsistency with dev comments/explanations for balance changes? There have been many changes that have been questionable (biggest offender was buffing Sojourn in January when she was widely considered the best DPS) that were shipped with 0 explanation. Justifying these changes would help a lot with player perception so we could understand these discrepancies. I have to ask - what is going on with Symmetra? She was weak, then buffed, then immediately reverted, now silence. Is she getting reworked? What data shows she needed a nerf? She is super weak and hard to use on ladder (uncoordinated environment by nature) and was only played in OWCS for Mauga - shouldn't nerfing Mauga have been enough?
Blizz_Alec: We should do a better job about this, especially when it comes to getting the community's visibility on what we are seeing vs. what the playerbase may seem to think is the best hero at any given one time. These can differ regularly as certain heroes get power reputations (weaker or stronger than their reality at a given rank) that are hard to shake off. Thanks for the feedback there, will make sure we have something here even if it's a simple change.
Symmetra kept some of the buffs in that patch but yes we hear the feedback of where her current power level is. We may have been a bit overreactive to the Mauga compositions popping up during that timeframe (he was certainly overtuned), but we wanted to be sure of it. For right now, we are in discussions about Symmetra and especially her frontline presence. Believe that's a piece of the kit we'd like to promote further, whether through her survivability or beam damage.
Q: Why was smurf detection essentially removed from MMR adjustment, especially for new accounts? GM-level players taking 60+ games to reach their proper rank ruins so many more games. It feels like climbing in general is artificially slowed down so people will play more even if they should have reached a higher rank many games ago.
Blizz_Alec: I tapped in our own Gavin Winter for this first part, he's what he had to say: "There haven't been any changes to these systems, but there are edge cases like the example of Guxue that was recently posted in this subreddit where our systems don't perform in the way we'd like. Most players will still be placed appropriately as they transition from Quick Play to Competitive Play, but unfortunately cases like this have always been possible. Explaining exactly how this happens would make it easier to reproduce, so you'll have to excuse me from not going into intricate detail here."
For the second part of your question, we believe we made it slightly too difficult to climb at the highest ranks and are looking at making some adjustments soon.
Q: Will you ever make pick rates and win rates public, even a couple of weeks after the fact? I feel like it would do a lot to help people understand why changes are made. Is there a win rate range you want to keep all heroes to stay within?
Blizz_JNoh: There aren't any plans currently to shift resources toward supporting something like that. Sites like Overbuff don't have the complete picture, but the data there for win rates and such is generally fairly close.
There is some argument against being too transparent with those stats in that it can create a bit of a feedback loop where you might see player behavior driven by what appears to be the meta in the stats, but that kind of happens already with just the general discussion and sentiment around heroes without stats as well.
Our target range for hero viability by win rate is between 45-55% unmirrored win rate at Masters rank and above. Those individual win rates often can fluctuate 2-3% by day, mostly because heroes tend to have a wider range of win rates per map and we're looking at the global average of those, but also individual player performance isn't consistent.
Lower pick rate heroes fluctuate more and there is less confidence in their win rate being indicative of actual strength. Extremely high pick rate heroes have a similar problem when looking at unmirrored stats.
In the end, stats require interpretation to understand their context and that is why they are not the only basis for balance changes but are a useful tool to measure the impact of changes patch-over-patch.
Q: What is Hanzo's new job? Is he supposed to take over Pharah's place as the new go-to permanently pocketed hero? To explain more in depth: Hanzo used to be a sniper, but the recent changes caused most heroes to require 1 extra shot to eliminate a target. Considering Hanzo is the slowest shooting primary fire focused DPS, he was impacted the most. Making him the only primary fire focused DPS who relies on cooldowns to finish off targets due to the very long time to kill: Assuming full charging the arrows (to be able to hit targets past melee range): 3 bodyshots = ~2.5 seconds TTK (~3.25 seconds if bow not preloaded) Or best case scenario: 1 headshot + 1 bodyshot = ~1.25 seconds TTK (~2 seconds if bow was not preloaded) Compared to for example Cassidy: 4 bodyshots = 1.5 seconds TTK Or best case scenario: 2 headshots = ~0.5 seconds TTK Hanzo's only advantage here is that he deals full damage past 35 meters, but trying to hit someone 2-3 times in a row even at 35 meters is next to impossible (considering physical cover + the long time to kill + projectile travel time) At the same time Mercy pocketed Hanzo can still one shot, with the added benefit of now having a 2x bigger arrow hitbox (and buffed storm arrows).
Blizz_JNoh: Hanzo is still an effective mid-range burst damage hero even without the one-shot kills. Post season 9 with the projectile size changes actually saw an increase in Hanzo's performance on the stat side. I do hear you on the loss of how good the one shot kills felt, but an overarching goal of season 9 was to reduce a lot of those burst damage frustrations for players on the receiving end of it. Armor changes in season 10 have also been a benefit to his damage. Still very early but we've been experimenting with adjusting health pools for some of the more evasive or high damage heroes which would also put them back into the range of lethal Hanzo headshots and some other hero combos at 225 HP, but while it would bring some interesting texture to hero interactions overall there are also a bunch of other problems to solve if we want to go through with it.
Q: A month later, and considering he's displayed proudly on the Twitter post for the AMA, I got my question: How have you guys felt about the past reworks on Roadhog and the new one, Wrecking Ball? Like what the goals were exactly, your personal thoughts, the community response, and what you want to fine-tune with them post rework. Those things. I think most people would be interested on how you guys have felt now that it's been a bit.
Blizz_Alec: For the most part, we are relatively happy with the new bases both have been given but there is still some fine-tuning to be done.
I'll start with Wrecking Ball. Our goals were to give him more flexibility with his movement/engage options, heighten the benefits he gives to his team, and give him some quality of life updates. I think our changes all attempt to address those goals but one I think we can hit harder in the future is heightening the benefits he gives to his team. We were a little conservative with the Adaptive Shields change (overhealth is hyper scary in coordinated environments), so perhaps there's room for that to be more pronounced through tuning and actual feedback received in game (working on some updates there). Overall though, Wrecking Ball is doing much better after his recent updates and we believe we have a great base to work with going forward.
For Roadhog, aside from the conversations about his current survivability (we plan to hit that soon) there are some things for us to look at concerning the frequency of his combo. For example, his Pig Pen begins to go on cooldown when you throw it. So you can pre-place one, it gets destroyed, and then Roadhog already has it ready again (even though the enemy may think there's a window where Hook is less deadly). That's one discussion we've recently had. Still some work here for us to do in terms of the value Pig Pen brings outside of the combo as well and how we can make those windows of combo potential less frequent.
Q: Are there any nerfs being discussed for Hog, specifically his survivability? Times where multiple people are shooting a Hog and he just walks away while using his breather seemingly gaining more health than losing health makes the damage you’re doing to him feel pointless and is very unfun to play against, especially now that headshots do less damage to him.
Blizz_Alec: Yes, we plan on nerfing his survivability very soon. We are touching Take a Breather and Whole Hog in an upcoming patch. Hoping that can go live tomorrow.
Q: Hello, with the major tank changes (e.g. armor changes, knockback changes, headshot change, and individual balance changes) that released last week, I am very curious: have there been any noticeable, immediate shifts in the win rates and pick rates amongst tanks? Has there been any collateral shifts within the DPS and support role because of the recent tank changes? I know that, for instance, after the recent armor changes, some heroes have become weaker against armored tanks (i.e. Tracer and Reaper) while others have become significantly stronger (i.e. Cass and Hanzo). I'm interested in knowing how the team's behind-the-scenes statistics have measured lately as a result of the recent tank changes—that is, if it is possible for you guys to share it. If not, understandable.
Blizz_Alec: Some of this is related to meta happenings or balance changes but also related to armor changes/headshot reduction for Tanks. From what we can see the biggest winners (in terms of their performance delta) of the patch are: Ana, Junkrat, Pharah, Roadhog, Sigma, Wrecking Ball, and Zarya.
Many heroes stayed relatively similar while a handful saw a decrease in performance (Bastion, D.Va, Mauga, Orisa, and Reaper).
Q: Ok, I'll try to ask some general questions. Free to choose which one to answer: _" In February I noticed that you had received great feedback on the maps after the first hacked mode. But I was wondering when those ideas would be implemented (especially for flashpoints). Personally, I liked Clash Mode. But I also wanted to know what kind of results you received that require modification in your opinion, or if you have noticed any optimal results to maintain, or imitate for other game modes.
Blizz_Alec: These fall outside of hero design but can talk briefly about the first two questions.
Think you are referencing the speed boosts that would potentially come to Flashpoint. Took us some time to get these in a good place but they have been promising in playtests and are on track for a later season. It's important to us that when we add elements like that to a mode that it not only brings quality gameplay but is also communicated well through Sound and VFX. Feel good here now.
We got a lot of great feedback but there are some things the team wished we did better with the Clash Preview. Firstly, it should have showed up more in Quick Play so y'all got more reps on it and can get a better feel for the flow of the game mode. Secondly, we don't think it was best suited for Open Queue in Arcade. If we do something like this again, we'll clean that up. With the feedback we received, we've been investigating how to make the final point more appealing to capture for the attacking team. Many games could result in the attacking team not actually wanting to push onto the last point because it wasn't worth the reward (harder to capture, give up a lot of positioning if you lose). Plenty of iteration happening here now to address that particular issue.
Q: Hi there, I think one of the most obvious questions people here will have is what are the plans to balance out Roadhog. With the midseason tank adjustments I’m sure the general sentiment is that Hog is an outlier for survivability and damage amongst the tanks, especially since Orisa isn’t there to keep him in check now. The headshot damage reduction and his soft rework from before means his survivability is through the roof, and his damage is as high as ever. What are the plans to reign him back in? I will also personally say I don’t think the solution is to buff Orisa, rather nerf Hog to keep him in line. Aside from Hog I think the tank balance is pretty great right now otherwise. Also is there going to be something done about the overbearing passiveness of heroes like LW, that will simultaneously not interact with the enemy team at all whilst also not providing any offensive utility for his own team? I think for all other 9 players in the lobby it’s a pretty miserable experience to have a LW. Thanks for your time.
Blizz_Alec: Answered the Roadhog question in a different place, but yes changes coming soon.
For Lifeweaver, one of the discussions we are having right now (actually this week) and have been having for a while is around the friction that comes with switching between his healing and damage. Giving him more flexibility here would be a great boon to his capability within team fights. Additionally, we've experimented a lot with his Petal Platform. Personally would love for that to be a more attractive area to stand on as a teammate (whether that be through a buff the platform gives you or something else) but there's a lot of learned behavior to work through as allies hop off the platform quite often.
Q: Hey! I have 2 Mercy questions:
1. Is the team looking at Mercy at all for any changes/small buffs? 2. What is Mercy's pick and win rate now compared to Season 3?
Back in Mid Season 9, the DPS passive was reduced and a dev blog stated Mercy wouldn't see changes as she should 'be more reliable moving forward' with the reduction. That nerf was reverted and Mercy stayed the same.
The community has been ranking Mercy as a D Tier support for a few Seasons now and she's in this weird spot where people don't like playing against her, with her, or as her anymore. I and many others still enjoy her most out of all the other heroes but she doesn't play nearly as fun as she used to after the changes that've been made to her (mainly nerfs) and the game over the last year. Thanks!
Blizz_Alec: 1. I think we are more happy in the 20% DPS Passive world than the 15% (it cuts through a lot better, helps mitigate the healing more effectively) so Mercy is more worth a look when that world is permanent. There are some questions of how far we can push her movement and know that is one of the most requested changes.
  1. Mercy is still a top-picked 3/4 Support and even higher on console until you hit GM/Top 500. Her performance follows a similar trend, where she's in the top grouping for most ranks and remains above average at the highest ranks. Doesn't mean that she wont receive changes but that is where she is at currently.
Q:I'm not really sure how I am supposed to ask this, but?,
Is the current Balance Team confident about being able to dix the biggest problems the Tank role has been suffering since the OW2 release?
I'm specifically talking about the Counterswap Meta and unhealthy Tank designs being "allowed" to exist, like Tank busters and unkillable tanks (Roadhog, Mauga, and Orisa).
Are we confident that making Tanks able to do almost everything is the right thing to do? Are we confident that we can make Tank fun again for the majority of the player base without straight buffs?
The headshot reduction and knockback reduction changes are especially interesting to me because I really don't think that simple number changes will fix how Tanks feel to play.
I don't want to counterswap. I don't want to face unkillable and easy-to-play Tanks.I don't want Tank Busters.
I really LOVE this game but it currently feels like as if we were going into the wrong direction while ignoring the BIGGEST Problems :c
Blizz_jNoh: At its core, Overwatch is a game designed around being able to swap heroes to gain a tactical advantage or help solve a challenge you might be encountering. This contributes to keeping the moment-to-moment gameplay experience dynamic, drives hero diversity and offers a wider range of both strategic gameplay and skill expression in learning when/where/how to play multiple heroes.
There is a question of how much of an advantage is too much compared to the cost of switching. Ideally we want counters to be clear and understandable, but soft enough that it's still possible to outplay a disadvantaged matchup. It is a team game though and 1v1 matchups are not the highest priority when assessing the heroes.
Tanks do feel this the most with only one of them per team in 5v5 role queue, but all roles do experience the pressure to counter and be countered to an extent.
We're striving to find a balance between swapping heroes every death, (which certainly feels too often), and rarely swapping heroes or getting trapped in mirror matches every game, which quickly leads to fatigue. We've seen a lot of improvements here compared to earlier seasons, but it could always be better.
"Unhealthy" and unpopular designs are not necessarily the same thing. When designing heroes, we aim to provide a wide range of playstyles, mechanics, and aesthetics for players to enjoy. It's okay if they don't all resonate with everyone broadly. We'll do our best to make the game as fun as it can be for a wide audience.
submitted by xMangox- to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:49 DropDeddBlue How Shorting a stock works (explained with TF2 hats)

1:Concept of ownership:

Real World (stocks): In the stock market, you own shares of a company.
TF2 (items): In TF2, you own in-game items like hats, weapons, or other cosmetics.

2:Borrowing to Sell:

Real World: To short sell a stock, you borrow shares from someone else and sell them at the current market price, hoping the price will drop.
TF2: Imagine you borrow a rare hat from a friend. You immediately trade this hat away for its current high value in Metal (the in-game currency).

3:Waiting for the Price to Drop:

Real World: After selling the borrowed shares, you wait for the stock price to fall.
TF2: You wait for the market value of the rare hat to decrease, hoping it will become less desirable or more common.

4:Buying Back at a Lower Price:

Real World: If the stock price drops, you buy back the same number of shares at the lower price.
TF2: When the hat's value drops, you trade to get the same hat back for less Metal than what you initially sold it for.

5:Returning the Borrowed Asset:

Real World: You return the shares to the person you borrowed them from and keep the difference in price as profit.
TF2: You give the hat back to your friend. The difference between the high value you initially traded it for and the lower value you traded it back for is your profit in Metal. //////////
Easy example: I borrow a unique tf2 hat for a month which is worth 100 refined metal. I immediately sell it for 100. Knowing that by the end of the month I owe whatever the hats price is.
You wait till the end of the month and the hat is priced at only 10 refined metal. Woohoo you not only returned the asset for 10 but pocketed 90 from it.
This is short selling for a gain.

Imagine by the end of the month some update for TF2 makes the hat rare and the price ends up being 300 refined metal. Well if you already spent that 100 your in the hole 300 dollars. 3x your losses.

Now look at GME, if a hedge tried borrowing when it was at 10$ last week then anything above it is a loss. Especially when it's jumping to the 80$ mark. Imagine throwing millions into a 10$ short just to see it shoot to 40 knowing how much money is about to be lost if it doesn't go back down.
Just some food for thought.
submitted by DropDeddBlue to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 11:37 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: ...and reveal a royal flush.

Alastaire Sunshine hummed softly as he pulled his armored suit on, the thick, heavy, snow-colored material capable of stopping most small arms. The soft carpeting, and wood-paneled walls of his quarters aboard the Top Hat Clan stealth frigate: the Johnny English were as comfortable during warp travel as they were in low orbit. Creature comforts he called them, sweeping up his father's revolver, he broke it open, the ejector snapping hollowly before he dumped six rounds into the chambers and flicked it closed. Even through his gloves his hand tackily stuck to the revolver's grip. There was a soft hum and a pulse of power as Greyson Mannerite spilled through a tear in reality, tumbling in a heap before painstakingly getting to his feet and bowing, the bandages across his torso stained red from burst stitches.
"Sir, there's been a development."
Alastaire Doffed his hat, dropping his father's gun in before pulling out a health and mana potion, whipping them both to Grey who first uncorked the health potion, knocking it back and gulping eagerly until the crystal teardrop was empty. Unstoppering the mana potion, he swigged it back in a single gulp before ripping his bandages off, the damage to his torso completely undone.
Alastaire stated, Grey nodded and began talking.
"Rebels are cornered in their main base of operations, outnumbered at least forty to one. They need help, badly, Drake is getting his ass kicked by a chosen with a greed-based powerset, the helicopters they just got are grounded thanks to anti-air systems, and they just got forced to retreat into the mansion. What're your orders?"
Alastaire took a deep breath, calming his nerves before tossing Grey another mana potion and tapping his ear through his black Kevlar ski mask.
"Roxxie, grab the closest Warmonger or Volunteer and three of the best samaritan medics we have, and meet me in docking bay four, we're making planetfall, now."
He got a simple triple trill in response as he signaled for Grey to follow as one of the younger Top Hats curiously asked.
"You said 'we' sir, I can only transport six people from low orbit to planetside. You can't possibly mean..."
Alastaire nodded and set his hat atop his head, snugging it low over his brow as he swept into the docking bay with swagger as he said.
"You're staying behind Greyson, keep sending people down until you physically can't. Can you do that for me?"
Grey nodded and bowed low again, before glancing past Alastaire and softly clearing his throat.
Alastaire turned to focus his attention on the small group playing poker in the docking bay.
Roxxie grinned at Alastaire over a handful of cards, a volunteer in Black, simple power armor had shifted their body to point what Alastaire could only assume was the faceplate of their solid metal fishbowl at him. And three Samaritan medics in their white armor emblazoned with small red crosses, suspiciously glanced at the prince of thieves, shielding their cards from his view.
"Hey fancy pants~ Leaving so soon?~"
Roxxie purred, leaning across the table to accentuate the low cut of her cropped military fatigues. The patriarch sighed and gestured for Grey to get to work, and while the young man focused, Alastaire stated.
"We're going, now."
Roxxie sighed deeply as three massive blue portals opened up with a thunderous rumbling noise.
"And just as I get a royal flush, too... Alright, saddle up boys and girls, let's get to work."
There was a relieved sigh as the Volunteer Magnetized their Inertial shield to their forearm, scattering chips and cards to the floor haphazardly as Grey shouted.
"Alastaire, right portal. Roxxie and Volunteer, center portal. Samaritans, right portal."
The words were clipped as Grey strained to keep the portals open. Alastaire tipped his hat to Grey before running forward and leaping through his portal.
There was a moment of feeling like he was being stretched like taffy in a kaleidoscope before Alastaire was spat out onto the slaloming deck of a helicopter.
The three figures looked at him in bewilderment and no small amount of fear as he rocked with the helicopter, expertly keeping his balance even as he bowed, sweeping his hat off.
"Alastaire Sunshine at your service, and it seems I didn't arrive a moment too soon."
Caz was the first to respond.
"Who are you?!"
"I Just said who I was, But other than that, I'm a friend. Land now, three masses of power are rocketing this way. Thermopylae."
The A.I overlord beeped loudly before chirruping.
"On the double Mr.Sunshine!"
As the helicopter began to rapidly fall into a controlled descent, He incredulously stated.
"Even the Helicopter knows my name!"
The golden boot slammed into his gut, knocking him from the sky and the wind from his lungs. Drake parried a strike mid-air, but overextended, leaving himself wide open for retaliation which Go'mon took full advantage of. Drake was impaled through and through as he slammed into the ground, making a shallow crater, blood rose from his mouth on impact, the sword pinning him to the ground as that lifeless, cold energy reached into and through him like a foul sickness. Drake weakly grabbed the hilt as Go'mon let go of it, trying in vain to rip it from his gut as Conquest's chosen cackled mockingly.
"Look, at, Youuu~ Defiant to the last, even as you lay there, powerless, you struggle in some vain grasp for victory... no... your road ends here, where mine truly begins..."
Go'mon kneeled by Drake as the young man choked and gagged on his own blood, a cold panicky determination fueling his desperate heaves at the sword in his gut. But eventually, his arms gave out even as Go'mon watched with a giddy lean forward, the warrior fell limp, unable to even pry his eyes open as they slid shut, burying him in cold, trembling darkness. Drake couldn't breathe, couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't do anything as the ground beneath him rumbled more intensely beneath him.
Then he felt something, a gentle, unyielding warmth growing closer and closer, the ground trembling with its approach. The warmth pushed much of the cold energy away, allowing Drake to open his eyes as Go'mon stared down the road, scanning side to side even as something cast the crater in shadow. Though Go'mon couldn't see the cause of the shadow, Drake could, and he couldn't resist a small smile as Go'mon finally looked up.
A massive, bloodied purple maw clamped down on Go'mon, half his torso disappearing into Barney's gore-caked mouth before the dinosaur yanked him from the ground, rolling forward before flinging the mercenary general through a building in a cloud of dust. Barney turned to look at Drake, wiggling with happiness as he bit down on the handle of the black scimitar, yanking it free from Drake's chest. Drake let out a ragged chuckle of relief as Barney crouched down, letting him crawl onto the blood-matted semi-tattered saddle on his back. Barney lunged forward from the crouched position, almost knocking Drake off as the raptor flicked the black blade to the side with a clatter. Buildings and shopfronts passed by in a blur as Drake simply tried to hold on to the fast-moving dinosaur. Drake looked back as he felt a pulse of power, seeing Go'mon's golden armor glittering in the warm yellow afternoon sun as he rapidly gained on them, kicking up dust in his wake as he flew headfirst towards them.
The black blade swept back as Go'mon aimed a lethal strike right for Drake's back, the swordsman barely parrying it with a grunt of desperation as his sapped muscles worked overtime for a single swing. Go'mon powered forward for another strike. But this time, Drake didn't have to do anything as Barney leaped into the air, tucking his clawed legs beneath him as Go'mon sailed beneath them both. The Geknosian Chosen turned to unleash a devastating strike mid-air, only for Barney to let out a loud, nasally roar before stomping both feet down on Go'mon's shoulders, using Conquest's prized champion as a plow blade to dig up a hundred-foot-long trench in the pavement before leaping away.
The black scimitar firmly clamped between his teeth by the blade.
Drake let out a weak, victorious sound as Barney picked up the pace even more, a sonic boom shattering windows as he dropped his head especially low, each rapid stride carrying him ten or more meters through the air before he'd put a clawed foot down and launch himself again. Drake felt an involuntary smile come to his face as he glanced back at Go'mon who'd just shaken themselves off and was already flying after them. Drake readied his sword, muscles cramping and achy as he prepared to throw a cut. But when he finally threw it, Go'mon swooped down and past Drake to punch Barney in the face, hard.
Barney reeled, screeching as feathers burst into flame from Go'mon's superheated war gauntlet. The Black blade spun through the air between them, Drake reaching out and hanging off of Barney's saddle as he tried to grab it before Go'mon. But even as the lizard gripped the scimitar by the handle, a streak of blinding blue light split it in half.
Drake's body burned as his stolen power was shot straight back into his soul like a cold glass of clean water. His rings re-formed instinctually as Barney stomped the golden-armored Geknosian into the pavement, skidding to a halt at Destrier's side. Dismounting, Drake gently pulled Barney's large head towards him, inspecting the rapidly mending burn wound with hurt in his eyes. Giving the raptor a soft kiss on his bloody snout, Drake turned to face Go'mon as the general angrily shook the rubble from his dented armor. The soft draft in the still evening air denoted Cassius arriving at his side. But there was someone else hiding nearby, someone with an oily, slippery aura that reminded him of a greasy back alley where someone had just been robbed. He turned back to look at Go'mon as the general scooped up the black scimitar, the blade re-growing like it was a living organism. There was a feeling of something slipping into his skull and an unfamiliar voice whispered.
"You don't know me personally, but my name is Alastaire Sunshine, keep the gold-finger knockoff busy until I can put a handprint on him."
Drake didn't know how to respond, and simply nodded softly, hoping the man named Alastaire could see him. Drake watched the snarling visage of Go'mon's helmet as he stopped a couple dozen paces away, the scimitar completely reforming with a shivering noise that echoed over the street. Go'mon switched the scimitar to his left hand, looking over the small assembly, growling softly.
"Well... this is certainly a development... No matter, plan B it is then."
Drake barely registered the gun as a rack popped out of Go'mons right thigh and he drew it like a flash of lightning. The bullet slammed through the eye slit of his helmet, a burst of pain accompanying the cataclysmic report of the revolver.
Martha stitched, glued, and bandaged wounds at a feverish pace, the sounds of battle echoing through the floor from the vehicle bay, the loud Ka-klunk! of a high-powered rivet gun occasionally accompanying the sound of terrified Geknosian screams. Martha grit her teeth as Halcyon was brought in, clutching a piece of Gauze to an empty and shattered eye socket. Finally closing the wound in a fighter's chest, she hit him with an anesthetic, about to rush to Halcyon's side when a glowing blue portal shimmered into existence on the far wall. Three people in white combat armor rushed through carrying heavy-looking satchels, Martha panicked and brought up her left arm, wrist hinging open as her concussive blaster hummed to life.
The lead man held up his hands as the portal closed behind him, dark visor shimmering blue for a moment as a voice came through a speaker mounted somewhere in the helmet.
"My name is Seargent first class Ryker Caduceus of the Samaritans, we're here to help, Mar'grav Thal'kus."
Martha's left arm shook as her hand hinged back into position, She hadn't heard that name in years, many long years. She gestured frantically at the injured.
"Well get to work! and... My name's Martha, Mar'grav died the day I was born..."
The medic nodded and his visor glowed again as he sidestepped towards the nearest injured man, who looked up at the medic with a plasma-burnt face. Small mechanical tentacles rise from ports in the man's spinal armor assembly to pull things from the satchel as his white gloves glowed red hot for a moment before rapidly cooling. Martha didn't need to look any further as she rushed to Halcyon's side, removing the gauze hitting the wound with a local anesthetic, and holding her lunch back as she looked at the tattered wound. Halcyon gave her a weak smile.
"They're really kicking our ass out there... heh... looks like we got some reinforcements though, hope they sent soldiers too."
Martha continued the reconstructive surgery even as Halcyon spoke, stitching scraps of flesh and skin back together as best she could until he had a semi-functional eye socket again. She was about to hit him with an anesthetic when he stopped her hand.
"Wrap some Gauze around it and somebody hand me a rifle, I didn't hear a bell. Gonna go help hold the vehicle bay."
Martha didn't protest, simply hitting the wounded area with another dose of local anesthetic derived from Drake's favorite plant-based beverage, before wrapping the wound tight with Gauze, putting a clear, soft plastic shell in the socket to keep it from collapsing in on itself before wrapping the conformer in place with clean gauze. As she turned to the next wounded man, she heard a rifle slap into Halcyon's palm, glancing back as he lurched out of bed, a malefic grin on his face as he swayed to the door and pushed through it. Martha turned back to the wounded man, her heart sinking as she realized the man had passed some time ago, eyes closed like he was resting peaceably.
She wanted to cry, her knees going weak as she crumpled against the bed, shoulders heaving with dry sobs until a soft, white glove landed on her shoulder, she looked up into the face of a samaritan who simply said.
"You should rest, how long have you been working?"
"not long enough..."
Martha croaked, pulling the dead man's hands to the side to look at the crushing wound made by a concussive blaster. Judging by the small tears in the skin, a Ko'mun type three... a blaster she'd helped to design a long time ago...
He fucking shot me! how am I still alive!?
Was the thought that zapped through Drake's mind as he looked up at the sky through one eye, head cocked back from the impact. As his destroyed eye and socket re-formed he could still feel the bullet sizzling against the back of his skull where his helmet had caught it. The feeling of chunky blood dripping down his back made him shudder as he slowly dropped his head to look back at Go'mon, the modified single-shot pistol still smoking in his gauntleted hand as he cast it aside, Drake could feel the impotent snarl forming on Go'mon's lips as he pulled his helmet off and pulled the mushroomed out slug from where it was glued to his helmet by blood and hair. Drake tossed it into the street before pulling his helmet back on, feeling it click back into place, interlocking with his cybernetic spine.
"That hurt. well, it hurt my pride a little bit I should say."
Drake quipped as Go'mon marched forward, then stumbled, whipping around with a wild swing of his sword that connected with nothing but revealed a black handprint square in the middle of his back. Another handprint appeared against his side, a brutal swing of his gauntlet touching nothing as two more handprints appeared, one on each pauldron. He turned sluggishly finally managing to smack a man in a pure-white suit into a wall with a sound like shattering glass as he appeared from thin air, the man holding his white tophat to his head even as he sat against the wall, laughing hysterically.
Drake yelled, having felt Go'mon's power level decrease dramatically with each applied handprint. He rushed forward as Destrier opened up with his PKM. Go'mon frantically dodging as heavy bullets slammed into his armor, riddling it with dents. Drake slipped under the stream of bullets, Destrier halting to leave Go'mon unbalanced. The young Warrior's ringed right fist connected with Go'mon's chin and lifted him off the ground, there was a reptilian screech as Barney lunged forward biting down on Go'mons leg and whipping him into a wall so hard the wall cracked. The Merc snarled as he lunged to his feet with a stab at Drake, only for the invisible weighted chain around his neck to snap taught and yank him to the side and off balance yet again. Drake shook his fists in preparation, heart thumping wildly with rage and exhilaration as Go'mon stumbled back into range. He slipped to the side and Kicked Go'mon's legs out from under him, heavy golden armor dragging him to the ground with a clatter. Drake stepped forward and stomped his booted foot down as hard as he could on the weak joint in the armor's elbow. There was a loud, wet crunch accompanied by the sound of squealing metal and dying servos as Go'mon's war gauntlet spasmed open, dropping the black blade.
Go'mon's still functioning war gauntlet swung back, superheated claws cutting the gossamer chain with a loud snap! as a jump pack concealed in his back armor ignited launching him back and up into the air. Go'mon's left arm hung limply, gauntlet still spasming as he ripped his helmet off, hovering in the air for just a second too long.
A streak of blue light, a cry of agony, Go'mon's face split open revealing not blood, but black oil and deformed metal as the mercenary general spiraled low over the rooftops and out of sight.
Drake panted, looking back over his friends, calling out.
"Everyone good?!"
Everyone nodded, even Alastaire, who brushed himself off with a graceful gesture before straightening his suit and red long tie. Drake nudged Cassius as he felt him pass by, who decloaked and held up his kama's snapped chain with a pouty face before smiling with a silent chuckle.
Drake nodded then turned to Alastaire.
"Alright, you better tell me you brought people to help defend the mansion, you did, right?"
Alastaire chuckled and pulled a pocket watch from thin air in a puff of grungy flames, like a trash fire. Checking it, he looked at Drake and nodded before pointing to the sky.
"War mongers sent their finest, even an Olympian."
Drake looked up to the sky, seeing shooting stars... no... those weren't meteorites.
"What the fuck is an Olympian?'
Drake asked curiously, Alastaire chuckled grandly.
"You'll see."
Drake watched as the sky fell, but they weren't giant rods or rocks, but as he dissipated a ring, he saw men and women, falling face-first toward the ground with backpacks of white ceramic and cocky grins. This had to be a fever dream, but it wasn't, as he sharpened his hearing, he could locate the sounds of fierce fighting coming from the mansion. But he wasn't hearing a lot of human screams, Geknosian screams, shouts, and barks of terror, however, were plentiful. Drake looked to Alastaire with incredulity, then thought for a minute.
"How many did they send?"
Drake could feel the soft, proud grin as the finely dressed man straightened his suit compulsively before saying.
"We asked for a platoon... They sent a battalion. Roxxie said, and I quote, We're taking this planet in two days, max. Crazy cyborgs, but you know what they say, if you need the enemy gone, and you need it gone yesterday, call the Warmongers."
Drake looked at the man again, a small grin coming to his face as he gestured at the flying machine, lightly jogging towards it.
"Well, let's get back to the mansion and help them out then!"
Drake leaped into the flying machine, grabbing a strap hanging from the roof for balance as the others followed, large blades beginning to spin as Destrier clunked onto the flight deck, swiftly followed by Cassius and Alastaire. As the machine lifted into the sky and over the rooftops, a grapple hook wrapped around a strut, Caz climbed in shortly after as the hook whirred back to her, locking back into place atop her wire spool. Drake pulled his helmet off and gave them a lopsided grin.
"Let's secure the mansion, then..."
He looked to Alastaire and chuckled.
"Then let's keep the momentum going, and march on the monarch's castle."
The flying machine soared over the rooftops, back towards the mansion, and over the street littered with Geknosian dead in front of it. A small trail of vapor rose towards them, a black-haired woman in cropped military fatigues rose on top of the small boosters that produced the vapor trail, she ducked into the open door of the flight deck, landing with a heavy clunk that made the helicopter lose a few feet of altitude. Her eyes locked onto Drake, flashing between multiple colors before settling on a soft pink. The sight slightly unsettled him as she stepped closer with a softly stated.
"So... this is the young Dragoline... He's cuter than I thought, you might have some competition fancy pants!~"
Drake looked at Caz with an embarrassed, confused expression. Caz just shook her head with a light scoff and shrugged. Drake sighed as the woman quietly conversed with Alastaire, letting the helicopter begin its descent toward the mansion's courtyard.
Go'mon slammed through a door and into the medical wing already shouting as he held his split skull with one hand.
The words echoed emptily throughout the small medical station set up in the castle, a small note taped to the automated surgery machine's backrest. Go'mon angrily stomped towards it, grabbing the note and squinting at it through his one remaining damaged, but functional, cybernetic eye.
I quit, I set up the auto-surgeon with your preferences, but I'm done. I took an evacuation shuttle, so I'm long gone, don't look for me... I hope I never see your face again.
Sincerely: Parnth'al Deml'cran
Go'mon angrily crumpled the note in his hand and began ripping off his armor, his left forearm and elbow coming off with it as the elastomer and foam musculature tore around the mangled joint of the cybernetic. Go'mon snarled as he slid into the auto-surgeon, holding the activation remote in his good hand as he laid back, eyeing the many instruments that hung over him angrily before pressing it. As the auto-surgeon got to work, Go'mon reflected on what had just happened.
As a welding tool sealed his skull again, he thought of the woman who'd split it, having only spotted her the moment she'd pulled the trigger. He snarled remembering the chain that had snapped taut around his neck, used to pull him around like a plaything, its owner completely invisible to him. He glowered at his helmet as the auto surgeon maneuvered him onto his stomach, his back flowering open to allow precious internal maintenance to be done. The swordsman's titanic blow to his chin had snapped the main and auxiliary video cables, blinding him. Go'mon grunted as his heart was stopped and re-started to check for issues with his life support. Two armored jars in his chest held the last vestiges of his biological body, one held his heart, purely for sentimental reasons really, but the second held his brain. Centuries worth of experiences, victories, and violence in a jar the size of a basketball, inch-thick metallo-quartz protecting it from damage. Feeling his back shutter closed, the auto surgeon turned him onto his side, dismounting the ruined arm and connecting the cables for a new one before plugging it into the socket. Go'mon clenched the new, clawed metallic hand as fresh muscle padding and elastomer were stretched and fixed to the frame, giving him an almost normal-looking arm despite the seems along the chiseled faux-muscle. The auto surgeon returned him to an upright stance before disconnecting the diagnostic probes hooked into his spine.
Go'mon stepped out of the machine, kicking his armor to the side as he circulated his power, burning away the dark human handprints stuck to his scales like intangible tar. As they burned away into ghostly ash, Go'mon stomped angrily toward his office, pissed about losing his sword as he wrenched the door to the side faster than it could whoosh open. The busted door whirred in complaint while he grabbed his normal combat armor off his desk, pulling the purple thermo-regulatory bodysuit on before strapping on the energy and kinetic-resistant plates. The armor was scarred from many tours during the divide wars, back when he was little more than a private. It was outdated, to say the least, but it didn't have any helmet or video cables that could be used against him, it also didn't restrict his movement.
Go'mon paused, realizing someone was watching him, he turned around to see Monarch D'vinn staring at him, the short, fat Geknosian emperor tapping his foot impatiently.
"You said you'd have results Go'mon the defiler but all I've seen has been failure, after failure... and I just got word from the high council that the remaining factions of humanity have formally declared war. The only thing you have defiled is my empire and your reputatio-Grk!"
Go'mon had had enough, lunging across his office to strangle the monarch with one hand, furiously glaring into his employer's eyes.
"Watch your tongue, wyrm. You know nothing of conquest... I will have my victory, whether your planet survives or not... Those parasites will be subjugated."
He threw the monarch to the ground where he crouched on all fours, gasping for breath for a short moment before regally returning to his feet with a deep, raspy sigh.
"You've... No... we've already lost, Defiler. They have a ship in orbit that we can't see, loaded to the Godsdamned brim with WARMONGERS! Do you know what that means? Do you have even the slightest clue? I was a soldier too Go'mon... but at least I know when I've lost. Enjoy your conquest while it lasts... I'm going to enjoy one last good meal before I die."
Go'mon Drew the kinetic blaster holstered at his right thigh, pointing it at D'vinn as the shamed monarch slowly walked down the hall stating.
"Do it... save them the effort..."
Go'mon ground his teeth together, pistol shaking with rage as he watched D'vinn solemnly wander around a corner, Joined by a small human servant girl that he gently, almost lovingly patted on the head. She wore no chains, no collar, no manacles, but she followed him without complaint or protest.
Go'mon holstered the blaster pistol with a huff, hearing the sounds of warships taking off as their engines rumbled the castle. He looked at the roster screen embedded in his left forearm armor, watching the numbers tick rapidly down until only his measly forces were left. He tried to radio in to the command station but received not a single word in reply. Go'mon let out a soft sigh and then giggled as he sat back in his office chair, laughing raucously as he finally accepted his reality.
He was going to die, He was going to die! He was going to die!!
Go'mon slowly rose from his chair, tapping into his men's private frequency.
"Prepare the castle for defense... if you run, I'll kill you myself..."
His voice was tinged with a grim sort of glee as he wandered towards the castle's basement. if he was going to die... He'd take as many with him as possible.
The elevator cruised downwards into cold storage, whooshing open to reveal a refrigerated stock room stuffed to the gills with pressurized canisters. He slowly selected one of the oldest, but still in-production canisters they had access to, one that even the humans were fond of. He fondly touched the writing on the pre-mixed canister with a softly giggled.
"A-234 Novichok~ HmHmHm~ Perfect~ Just... Perfect...Old, but gold~"
He paused, radioing his men to set up Gas generators for the nerve agent, beginning to load several canisters onto a cart. Time to see if these parasites could resist extermination at their own hand.
Martha was finally able to sit down as more and more samaritans jumped through the portal. Her hands shook as she softly wept with relief, fighters bolting from their beds with wounds that had been closed seemingly by magic, but that was just the difference in capabilities these beautiful, white-armored humans brought with them. The sounds of ships leaving orbit made her look up at the ceiling with a laugh of relief. But then a coldness touched her heart.
Go'mon wouldn't run, Geknosian generals by and large were cowards, but not Go'mon. She grunted as she got to her feet, lurching out of the makeshift hospital and making her way towards her lab. If she just modified the gas mask filters a tiny bit, they should help prevent further casualties from the mad general. The sound of a helicopter landing in the courtyard reached her ears as the elevator doors closed in front of her. She wasn't a fighter, she was barely a surgeon... but she was a scientist, one with a background in chemical and conventional weaponry, and if all she could do was prevent her past sins from hurting her current friends, she'd do everything in her power to make sure of it.
Part 110: will be linked here upon release.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:57 CeasarChimpanzee Is GameStop Investing In GameStop Stocks?

Is GameStop Investing In GameStop Stocks?
Good Morning Everyone,
I've been spending too much of my spare time for the last 84 years in my basement eating crayons while wearing my tinfoil hat. I got nothing better to do so I just sit around waiting and waiting and waiting for my investment print some bananas. Suddenly something happened on May 17, 2024. On that day, GameStop uncharacteristically announced the preliminary-results of their 2024 Q1 earnings, something that GameStop has not done in a long time or at all. Since my tinfoil hat was still on, I started reading the preliminary 2024 Q1 earnings release from GameStop.
After reading the preliminary earnings report I noticed that GameStop's Cash, Cash Equivalents and Marketable securities decreased by about $200 Million.
GameStop's Preliminary 2024 A1 Quarterly Earnings Result
For the young apes that have not learnt math yet, see the napkin math I did in the picture below. I call the $200 Millions "Net Cash In Use".
My napkin math
Now, I asked, what happened to that $200 Million? Could they invest those $200 Millions in GameStop's common stock? Since my tinfoil hat was still on, I would say they could have. If that's the case, how many shares of GameStop's common stock could that $200 Millions buy? Assuming that GameStop spent the $200 millions throughout April to purchase GameStop stocks (This is totally legal and GameStop is still compliant with the SEC insider trading policy of two trading days after the earnings release and that last for 20 trading days. See the picture below from the SEC's website.) So how many shares can GameStop buy? Let's take a look.
SEC Insider Trading Policy
All throughout the SEC's Insider Trading Policy period (see the picture below), the highest trading price of GME was $13.19/share. Based on that price, GameStop should be able to buy at least 15,000,000 ( = $200,000,000 / $13.19 ) shares of GameStop Common stocks with $200 Millions. Why did GameStop invest in their common stock you may ask? Because they wanted to create value for their shareholders. So how do they do that? Continue reading apes.
GameStop's Highest daily trading price during the SEC insider trading policy period
Let's go back to May 17, 2024 and take a look. On that day, GameStop not only announced their preliminary-results for Q1 of 2024, they also announce a "mixed securities shelf offering." This offering allowed them to sell common stocks, prefer stocks, Depository shares, warrants, stock purchase contracts, units and subscription rights (See picture below from their SEC filing.)
GameStop's mixed securities shelf offering
To reward their shareholders, GameStop can issue one warrant to shareholders for each share of common stock that those shareholders owned. This warrant is not tradeable on the public exchange and it allows the holder to purchase a "Depository share" of GameStop for $69/share some time in the future. Now you may ask, how does this create value for shareholders? Hold on to your bananas, I am getting there.
Based the latest data from a source familiar with the finance website in the screenshot, the amount of GameStop's common shares shorted as of April 20, 2024 was 64.37 million shares.
When GameStop announces the Record Date (to be determined) for shareholders, if you own GameStop's common stock, you'll get the warrant to buy the depository share. So the short sellers will have two choices from now till the Record date.
  1. Not close their short positions so they will have to deliver the 64.37 million warrants to the owner of the stock that they borrowed
2) close their short position so they don't have to be liable for the warrant
After wearing my tinfoil hat for 84 years now, my brain capacity had diminished a bit and I only have enough brain capacity and attention to cover the first scenario. If the short sellers did not close their short positions, then it meant that they'll need to buy 64.37 million warrants to deliver to the owners of the GameStop common shares that they borrowed from. Now the short sellers have the following choices to obtain the warrants.
I) Buy the 64.37 million warrants from GameStop
Remember the $200 million that GameStop used to invest in 15,000,000 GameStop common shares? Those 15,000,000 share will get 15,000,000 warrant. When the short sellers come knocking on GameStop's door offering to buy the warrants, this is what I think GameStop can potentially offer to the short sellers.
a) buy the depository share from GameStop @ $69/share. For each depository share that you buy, you'll get one warrant to deliver to the shareholders that you borrow the common stocks from
- this is a potential cash proceed that GameStop will get from selling 64.37 millions depository shares ($4,441,530,000.00 = 69 \* 64.37 Millions) - Now GameStop's enterprise value is increased by $4.4 Billions - With the $1.07 Billions still in the bank, GameStop now has $5.47 Billions in cash - GameStop will now have $17.80/share in cash ($5.47 Billions / 306 million common shares) this should theoretically be the floor price of GameStop's common stock. If the common stock drops below this price, GameStop can buy more shares again. - GameStop can continuously issue any of the 7 securities that they filed with the SEC and beef up their balance sheet to protect themselves against short sellers - Short sellers still need to close their 64.37 millions short positions of the common stock and GME did not dilute their common shareholders 
b) buy the 15,000,000 warrants from GameStop and the other 40 million warrants from the current shareholders
- this is a potential cash proceed that GameStop will get from selling 15 million warrants ($1,035,000,000 = 69 \* 15 Million) - Now GameStop's enterprise value is increased by $1.03 Billions - With the $1.07 Billions still in the bank, GameStop now has 2.10 Billions in cash - GameStop will now have $6.80/share in cash (2.10 Billions / 306 million common shares) this should also be the floor price of GameStop's common stock. If the common stock goes below this price, GameStop can buy more shares again. - For this offer, will the short sellers be able to buy the warrant for $69/warrant from shareholders? I guess they'll have to find out. - GameStop can continuously issue any of the 7 securities that they filed with the SEC and beef up their balance sheet to protect themselves against short sellers - Short sellers still need to close their short positions and GME did not dilute their common shareholders 
II) Buy the 64.37 million warrants from shareholders
- have fun shopping my short seller friend. 
For full discloser, I am a GameStop shareholder and I like the stock. A lot!
submitted by CeasarChimpanzee to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:10 AgitatedInternet661 Kour Suggestions

submitted by AgitatedInternet661 to Kour [link] [comments]