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Developing Insomnia?

2024.06.01 13:54 thewholesomegay Developing Insomnia?

Hey, I’m (20F) not sure if I’m exactly insomniac but its my first thought. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been a heavy sleeper. Sleeping was easy and a coping mechanism growing up. Until recently the past couple months Ive been having numerous sleepless nights. Im not tossing and turning I’m just lying there awake. Initially I thought it was my meds as I take 60mgs Adderall XR and assumed it was cause I would take it too late but even when I take early for morning shifts I’m still not sleeping at night. I just dont know what to do. I mentioned it to my psychiatrist but I’m scared that I’ll start sleeping through alarms like I had a habit of doing. I also take Duloxetine 30mgs if that helps any advice.
submitted by thewholesomegay to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:17 onewiththepencil Short acting vs long acting stimulant

Hello everyone,
So I first tried Dexedrine for a couple weeks that a friend gave me since it was taking a long time to get prescribed the medication. This worked well and I had virtually good results other than a dry mouth.
However, my doctor said he wanted to prescribe me vyvanse since it’s longer lasting, but this ended up being a curse because it made it hard to sleep. It also had too intense of crashes.
So, my doctor switched me to adderall xr since it’s closer to Dexedrine. I was a bit frustrated with him because I didn’t want to try another one when I already found Dexedrine to work. He told me the short acting ones can develop addiction and that’s why he wanted to go this route. I recognize this can happen, but short acting didn’t give me insomnia and works better for my life. I did try the XR which was better, but I write this after waiting 17 hours for my body to get tired.
My question is: why is short acting treated as worse when a common symptom for these long lasting ones is insomnia? What are your experiences?
I told him if this didn't work then I wanted to go on Dexedrine, tired of these experiments.
submitted by onewiththepencil to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:21 echomikewhiskey Focalin- fog/flat feeling, does it pass?

I’m relatively new to ADHD meds.
My provider wanted me to try Focalin after a short trial with Adderall XR where he gathered I may be a slow metabolizer of amphetamines.
I’ve only tried Focalin XR (ER?) a few times now but compared to Adderall it made me feel very flat, almost unmotivated. I could easily sit still, but I was a bit checked out. That’s not what I needed. I was taking 10mg, the lowest dose.
I’m just wondering if anyone had a similar response to Focalin or any other adhd med, and did it pass after several days on the medication?
I disliked the feeling enough to ask to go back to 10mg Adderall XR. I’ve taken that daily for one week now and it’s not bad. It definitely gets me motivated. I think im getting a facial tick though. My nose wants to keep scrunching up like I’m pushing my glasses back up my face. It’s super annoying! Lol!
submitted by echomikewhiskey to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:52 Admirable-Word-6192 Adderall XR and abdomen issues?

Hi, i’ll start with im 20F.
I got my diagnosis this year, in January. I was prescribed Ritalin, 10mg. I took it everyday for a week, and it gave me horrible anxiety after the medication was starting to clear. I switched to Adderall XR, 10mg and after 2 months the dose is now 20mg. So I have roughly been taking XR 20mg since end of March.
On XR, side effects I noticed was decreased appetite (which caused me to lose some weight, in which I’m slowly gaining back), and extreme dry mouth. Nothing else has came to mind.
About sometime in the middle of April, I began to have abdominal discomofrt. If I could describe it, I would say it feels like something is pushing underneath my ribs. I’d say if I could pinpoint where it is, it’s the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, radiating underneath the top rib. t’s not necessarily that it’s “pain”, but it’s extremely uncomfortable and it’s constant. To the point where I notice it every second of the day. If I sleep in certain positions, I’m not able to sleep and it’s uncomfortable. When I palpate my abdomen it’s slightly rigid. There’s no bulge or anything and my ribs are normal in comparison to the other side. I have had a major decrease in appetite and eating less, but I still try to keep my calorie intake up, and I am still eating meals everyday. My water intake isn’t the greatest but I usually try my best for the daily amount. I don’t have constipation or anything.
Sometimes it comes and goes, it’ll be there for a few days, or better sometimes and worse others. It’ll maybe go away for days or weeks, but then it comes back.
Basically, I’m just wondering if this has happened to anyone on ADHD Meds, but more specifically XR? I’m planning on going to the doctor but just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this because of their meds or whatnot.
submitted by Admirable-Word-6192 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:38 Direct-Network-1365 does poor sleep affect adderall

i haven’t been sleeping well the past three days of taking adderall and im wondering if this could be making it less effective? for reference i normally sleep from 12am-9am and now sleep from 3am-8am, and feel alot more tired throughout the day. this change in sleep schedule happened within four days of my first dose and i think it may be affecting how well it treats my adhd. ive been prescribed 30mg adderall xr for severe adhd and its only been a week since my first dose. is sleep a big factor for meds?? any advice helps
submitted by Direct-Network-1365 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:24 Direct-Network-1365 adderall stopped working after a week

hey all i got diagnosed with severe adhd a week ago and got on 20mg adderall xr which was life changing the first three days. I recently went up to 30mg and the effects have slowly been diminishing. only possible causes i can think of is not eating enough food bc of appetite or poor sleep quality. i tried taking it after breakfast today rather than before and slightly felt its effects but quickly wore off. isnt it impossible to build a tolerance in less than a week? has anyone figured out why this can happen or what you’ve done to fix it?
submitted by Direct-Network-1365 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:37 Tough-Locksmith-5619 How to make Dyanavel last shorter?

So I’m taking Dyanavel 20mg XR tablet and I was wondering if there’s anyway to make it into an IR? It lasts 13 hours and I want to shorten that time. Towards the last few hours, before it wears off, I get extremely “high” and it’s annoying as hell .
Is there anyway to turn it from XR to IR? With XR adderall, you can crush it up and turn it into IR.
I’ve tried taking lower dosages, tried taking vitamin C/ magnesium towards the end but none of that works.
Tbh, I don’t want to switch to any other medications, this really works for me !
Thankyou In advance!
TLDR: Is there anyway to turn Dyanavel XR tablet into IR form? I don’t like that it lasts for 13 hrs
submitted by Tough-Locksmith-5619 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:22 jakeoptions Day 3 Vyvanse, what to expect?

Hey y’all, Day 3 in. I was prescribed Adderall 30mg a very long time ago and it worked well, although I do remember a few days being “laser focus”. I’ve been diagnosed 3x for ADHD.
Back in April to mid - May I tried generic Concerta and then Focalin XR generic. They were okay but didn’t last that long. My doc let me titrate on my own with the Focalin while I got the Vyvanse prescription hashed out. I noticed at the lowest dosages it’s like my body had to get used to it, I was beyond zapped. A waited about 3 weeks to titrate up and landed near 25mg Focalin, and for the first time I felt like the med was truly working. And then I got prescribed Vyvanse.
What a pain in the ass it was to get this Vyvanse filled. Pharmacy ended up getting generic chewables and I paid oop for them. 40MG is what my shrink NP gave me. She said to start with 20 to see how I would react and then to move to 30, 40, 50 to see where I land. Mind you - I took very detailed note s with the Concerta and Focalin generics regarding what I ate, how I felt, duration. I feel like that allowed her to have faith that I’m responsible. For back ground I also use a food scale for pretty much most meals, keep workout logs, and keep track of protein throughout the day with approximate calories. (I’m down ~30lbs from December to today intentionally)
Day 1 I split the dosage in half. A bit less than 20MG. Felt just like the Focalin in the beginning. zapped and agitated, irritated, but not as bad as Focalin.
Day 2 got 6ish hours sleep, worked out before work- weigh out close to 30mg, no irritation, also no therapeutic benefits either. Felt like a very very mild cup of coffee with no symptom management. Worried that maybe I’m on the wrong medication.
Day 3 (today) 7.5 hours sleep, less than 60g carbs day before. instead of dicking around with splitting and weighing the chewable in parts, I just took the whole chewable. Then ate a steak, salad, and had some Greek yogurt for breakfast. Onset was within an hour and holy shit I was on fire. In a good way. I got the hell out of my house and didn’t look for random shit to do to ‘eat up time’, I was early to work for a change. Work was controlled and even though I was energized, it wasn’t like nitro cold brew energy, more like something else. Energized but not like jittery or cracked out. Elevated mood vs Concerta super dulled. I was able to control impulses to fuck off better and focus on what actually needed to be done for the most part. Email responses concise and succinct. Verbal fluency up. Only thing is that the peak effects started petering out at 1 1:30ish. I had a dental appointment and was tired at the appointment. I still feel the effects now but more of like background. No real “crash” more of like no longer peak effects and was a bit tired. The wall of text I just wrote isn’t indicative of active medication because I can write a wall of text easier unmedicated than medicated. So from 8am (onset) to 1-1:30ish symptoms were managed well. With Concerta generic it would last until 3:30 -5ish, with onset around 10am ish.
1) do the capsules last longer than chewables? Currently taking the tablet like I would any other.
2) will the longevity/duration increase as I ‘get used to’ the medication?
3) what else can I do to extend the duration of the “active” window?
4) any foods/supplements I can use to extend symptom management window?
I weigh 206-208lbs and built.
Asking these questions as I’d like to make the best of what I have. I took 30s IR a long time ago and they lasted all day 1x day. I prefer to stay with extended release, no boosters or anything like that.
Yes I understand I’m asking Reddit for advice. My doc doesn’t take meds and she’s awesome. Wanting to hear from people who have firsthand experience.
submitted by jakeoptions to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:33 BreakingBadBitchhh Weird metformin reaction

Do the people here who take metformin get some positives and negatives with it??? What have been your experiences taking it & what has taking it revealed about the state of your hormones??
I had taken 1500 mg metformin a while ago along with many other meds at the time & took a break from it (to allow my b12 levels to go back up- and I’m hoping they won’t drop this time if I keep it low at 500 mg XR) and I have recently started at 500 mg a few days ago so far here’s what I’ve noticed:
Positives: - helps mentally & improves anxiety & depression - makes my other meds (adderall specifically) work much better - makes me more drunk when I do have alcohol with it (in a fun way) - I am prone to IBS-D & it helps stop me up for some reason
Negatives: - since I started taking it I’ve noticed that my exercise ability (cardio specifically) have decreased, im really hoping this is temporary - sleep is terrible, I’m sleeping even less than normal - makes me slightly more prone to being constipated -the worst negative of all: makes my sweat smell really weird with a slight amonia
Is this a normal reaction to the drug?? A sign maybe something is offf hormonally & will improve if I get through this adjustment phase??
Any thoughts are welcome <3 and PSA for anyone here who wants to try the drug but your doctor won’t play ball, try getting it from your psychiatrist instead
submitted by BreakingBadBitchhh to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:48 adult-multi-vitamin Cottonmouth Woes

I am on Adderall XR, and it has been life changing. However, the cottonmouth and swollen tongue are baaaaaad. To the point that I’m considering going off of the meds bc I’m so uncomfortable. I’ve read about and tried the gums, mouthwashes, small sips of water, etc, but it doesn’t really help. So, my question is has this side effect subsided for anyone? How long did it take? Is there another med that doesn’t cause this problem? Thank you.
submitted by adult-multi-vitamin to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:47 tomthemerryfellow Adderall XR causing sleep disruptions / insomnia

Last year I trialed Adderall XR 10mg with my psych, looking for a better solution than my anxiety inducing instant release ritalin. I've never been a great sleeper, but after about 2 months I was worried middle-of-the-night sleep disruptions had dramatically increased. I stopped and eventually I think I was sleeping "normally" again.
Fast-froward to a couple weeks ago, my new psych and I decide to try again. Maybe it was a fluke? A week and a half in my sleep hasn't been awesome, but not terrible. A few early wake-ups before my alarm at 6:30 which is maybe unusual. Last night however I was hit with a terrible bout of insomnia at 1am. My mind buzzing, there was no way I was getting any sleep after that (finally pulled the kill switch at 3:30 using xanax to bulldoze the racing mind and get a few more hours).
Have others noticed this or had similar issues? I take my XR pill at around 6:30am every morning so the disruptions seem like they shouldn't be related based on how long it's supposed to be active, and yet I can't help but think it must be the adderall causing it.
submitted by tomthemerryfellow to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:31 aviationchameleon Did Prozac cause my ADHD diagnosis?

I have been reading so much on Reddit and trying to find the right answers but I fear I just need to explain my own situation lol. I hope someone has been through a similar situation and can help me.
My dad died when I was 10, ruined my life, caused me to have the worst severe anxiety, PTSD. I remember a lot of suffering age 10-19 when I was completely unmedicated.
However, I was never super tired or unmotivated.
I got put on citalopram (20-40mg) or something 10 years ago and then a few years later switched to fluoxetine (Prozac) 40mg.
I remember in the last 5 years or so telling my doctor I am unmotivated, feel half asleep most the time, want to lay in bed all day, etc. and he told me I probably have ADHD. I almost feel gaslit because I 100% believed it. I’m starting to think the Prozac caused it.
The combination of 40mg of Prozac and 30mg XR Adderall plus a 15mg IR a day was incredible. I loved the feeling and I was happy, not anxious, awake, motivated, felt on top of the god damn WORLD. This caused me to abuse adderall and always take more. And it felt great… continuously. Because I hadn’t dealt with anxiety or my panic attacks in years.
To me it seems like… here’s a medication to take so I can make money… and it’s going to cause another issue… so here’s another medication to fix that. And the doctor makes more money.
I made a stupid choice, quit Prozac cold turkey a little over 2 months ago. Just from forgetting to refill and thinking “do I even need it anymore?” I told my doctor so he is aware. The first couple weeks were weird sensations (brain zaps, muscle jolts) but I still felt “normal”.
Fast forward to the second month and now almost 3 months… I am having the worst time ever. My panic attacks can be silent, but it’s like the impending doom world ending feeling. Like when you miss a step and your heart drops. Often. I have been crying, a lot. And easily again. Which is kind of nice..
The worst side effect has been anger. I have always been a kind person and got walked all over because I’m always nice. I have been exploding with anger… at work, at my management, my mother, over random things like being out of an ingredient while cooking.. I feel so much rage.
I don’t think my adderall is working anymore. It doesn’t feel enjoyable. It seems to cause me to have high anxiety and I don’t get that euphoric feeling anymore. The worst part is I miss it and kinda wish I stayed on Prozac because the combo made everything sunshine and rainbows.
I’m afraid I never even had adhd. I’m afraid my Prozac made me seem like I had adhd. I keep trying to take even half a dose of adderall and it kind of makes me awake but doesn’t feel as good anymore. It makes me nervous and not productive.
Has anyone been through an experience like this? I’ve heard some people say if you’ve been on SSRI’s for 10+ years coming off them can take months of recovery. I wish I knew what my timeline was and what to expect at this point. I’d love to hear from people. Thank you.
submitted by aviationchameleon to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:16 TipLegitimate3030 Is there a difference between taking 1 higher dose xr and 1 lower dose xr?

So I was just upped from 10mg adderall xr to 20mg xr. For the first few days I had been using my leftover 10mg capsules and just doubling up because I couldn’t make it to the pharmacy to pick up my new prescription. I felt SO off the last few days and today took the 20mg and capsule and actually feel good. Am I just getting used to the higher dose or was I feeling crazy because taking 2 10mg is actually different than 1 20mg?
submitted by TipLegitimate3030 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:19 erini_gee ADHD meds while pregnant?

Hi ladies. I’m (35F) currently 8 weeks pregnant. It’s my first pregnancy, and we are so excited! 😄
Prior to getting pregnant, I was on 15 mg Adderall XR, 10 mg Prozac, and 10 mg busbar daily. When I told my psych I was pregnant, she advised me to get off of ALL my meds. I stopped adderall immediately and am currently titrating off of Prozac and busbar. I’m also about to schedule an appointment with a different provider for a second opinion…
Y’all, I am struggling. 😢 Work and home tasks have been so difficult, and I feel constantly stuck in task paralysis. My usual go-to strategies like setting a timer haven’t helped, and I’ve been so exhausted that movement and exercise is limited.
I’m terrified of doing anything to hurt my baby. I know research has shown that certain SSRIs are generally safe during pregnancy (hence me seeking a second opinion).
I’d just love to hear anecdotal stories of what yall have done during pregnancy, whether it was getting off all your meds, continuing with all, or just taking some. Thanks in advance! 🙏🏽
submitted by erini_gee to TwoXADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:33 jazzyartjam Point me in the right direction

Hello all,
I have a series of symptoms and finally the proper health care coverage to get it addressed (thanks US 😒) I have a neurology appointment scheduled but it’s not till August so I wanted to come here and see if you guys had any thoughts and suggestions of how to word what I say to the doctor so I can get the most accurate care. I am a 29 year old male. I have listed my symptoms, history, and current meds down below. Let me know what you think.
Occasional shock wave pain starting at base of neck and traveling down to tail bone. Feels like a shock that sort of strobes down my spine. It lasts about 10-15 seconds but completely freezes up my body. Notice it only occurs when I’m sitting and extend my head back with chin up. First noticed ~2 years ago 9/10 pain
Dizziness/vertigo when laughing, coughing or a sneeze attack. There is a slight headache, but it mostly feels like pressure and resolves after 2-5 minutes. First noticed ~1.5 years ago 2/10 pain
Consistently recreated dizziness/vertigo when extending head to side to look back. Resolves as soon as I reorient my head. More prominent when looking to my right but still present on both sides. First noticed ~2 months ago. 0/10 pain
I was laughing and had my eyes closed and experienced vertigo, opened my eyes and was leaning up against a wall. Wife said she saw me make two 360 turns before bracing myself on the wall. Some residual dizziness and head pressure till I fell asleep an hour later. It happened last night. 3/10 pain
2 MVAs (2018 and 2021). Both minor, I walked away mostly shaken up. The 2nd one caused some shoulder and neck soreness that resolved after 2-3 weeks.
4 Concussions occurring within a 4-year span whilst working in high crisis environments with kids with autism. I was diagnosed with a TBI after the last one in 2022 due to lingering symptoms of regular headaches, light/strobe light sensitivity causing headaches, dizziness and foggy memory. I did 4 months of physical therapy and cognitive therapy. Still experience light/strobe light sensitivity and regular headaches though greatly reduced in frequency.
Highly probable sleep apnea (Study is scheduled)
Asthma (Controlled with medication)
HBP (Controlled with medication)
Obese, 5’4 260lbs (Started Ozempic in March 2024, so losing weight)
I’m not super active, I sit at a desk all day at work and I take my dog on a 2 mile walk a day.
Prozac, Verapamil, Adderall XR, Singulair, Cetirizine, Ozempic, Albuterol inhaler
Daily marijuana user, maybe 1 beer a month heavy on the maybe. Nicotine vapor trying to quit.
Thanks for reading 🙂
submitted by jazzyartjam to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:31 Electronic_Recover34 Differences in generic Adderall (Granules vs. Amneal?)

Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed and received a prescription for Adderall XR 20 MG in October 2023. It was going great, and then in early May I had some issues getting my prescription from my pharmacy due to issues with an insurance thing. I couldn't take my XR for 2 weeks while waiting for it to be resolved. I ended up able to finally get it around a week ago, and have been taking them since.

I have been feeling really brain foggy, like I genuinely can't think at all past the shallowest part of my brain and I get really weirdly angry when I have to try to focus. I realized that it's been since I started my meds again, so I looked at the bottles and noticed that they are from 2 different manufacturers.

The empty bottle that I had from last month is from "Granules" as the MFR, but the new ones are "Amneal." I'm wondering if anyone has had similar issues with Amneal or is it maybe because I stopped them for 2 weeks and am re adjusting? Is there differences between generics?
submitted by Electronic_Recover34 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:45 sunnysalena What is this tiny structure? Came from a mixture of blood tissue & saline.

27F, 123lb, 5’2, 10mg adderall XR daily, no smoking, recent miscarriage
Background information: recent miscarriage, collected tissue samples to send off for testing.
I let some POC (Proof of Conception) tissue sit in saline overnight in a container to dissolve what isn’t useful, and this little structure came out. It’s pretty hardy. It’s light pink. I can pick it up and it doesn’t crumble. It looks extremely cool. Can anyone explain what this is?
submitted by sunnysalena to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:05 KushyKronic Zoloft takes time

My 6yo just started Zoloft a week ago. Ugh the anger is real. The aggression and mood swings. I hope it gets better soon. I know it can take 4/6 weeks but idk if we can handle this anymore. She has ADHD and anxiety. She’s on Adderall XR daily. She just seems much more hyper and aggravated lately. Anyone else see this?
submitted by KushyKronic to ParentingADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:14 69pencilbiter69 OTC painkiller OD two weeks ago for extreme pain and needed to know gravity of the situation and if I should tell my PCP

23yr afab 5'8 160ib Hypermobile eds, raynauds, asthma, impacted teeth, food and general allergies, no known drug allergy Rx: testosterone ethanate, zyrtec, vitamin D, adderall xr, cymbalta, albuterol, flonase
Severe tooth pain. Impacted wisdom tooth creating excessive pressure causing tooth beside it to pop slowly from pressue. All the while the other side towards the back of the mouth was growing into the bone of my mandible itself. Not a fun feeling. I have chronic pain and have been horribly fucked up many times in life. And only take meds if I have to.
I hit a 9/10 on my pain scale. Even after excessive use of meds, oral lidocaine, ice, and antibiotic mouthwash.
In the end I added up what I logged in my medication app to be: -2,400mg of ibuprofen -10,750mg of ibuprofen -3 pepto chews -20mg famotidine -10mg zofran
Mind u i didnt log one or two i think. So this may be a tad higher.
Symptoms that day from this: -stomach pain -severe nausea -vomiting -excessive thirst -shaking -bruising -headache -abdominal pain -acid reflux -throat pain
Next day: -nausea -some stomach pain mildly -acid reflux -aching and stabby pin in gut -mild stomach pain -dizziness
I powered through it after the zofran, a snack and a two hour nap after being awake 27hr straight due to work, pain and taking a flight to see a friend for an emergency. Never got help due to me tryna be there for said friend instead of myself. Now two weeks later I am beginning to wonder if I may have injured my livekidneys at all? It was not done with suicidal intent. I was just being kept up and slowly losin it from pain from last few days like that. No history of drug or alcohol abuse. History of two mild ODs on like 5 regular tylenol and 10 benadryl as a teen. Have had things checked out since for unrelated issues. No signs of damage in scans thankfully from those times.
Since then Ive felt okay. About as terrible as usual but not a big shift there. So I hope I can just ignore it
submitted by 69pencilbiter69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:57 haleyafr Severe neck pain and stiffness

28F I take adderall xr 15 mg
I have a long history of headaches and migraines as well as neck pain but nothing ever like this.
I’ve had a headache almost every day for a week and a half now. This happens sometimes to me in the summer, don’t really have answers for it.
Anyway, today my neck started to feel a little stiff and sore right at the base where the neck hits the top of my back. This started out of no where around 3 pm. Only thing I could think of is that I slept on my stomach the night before or that I was looking down vacuuming my car out for a bit.
I put a heat pad on my neck at 10 pm and It’s now almost 1 am. My neck is so sore and stiff that I can hardly turn side to side or look down. I’m getting sharp stabbing pains at the base of my neck as well, in the spine.
My headache is better than it was earlier though and I don’t have any other symptoms.
Is this something I need to be seen for or can this wait until morning? Nothing on Google helps because it talks mostly about meningitis. Though I feel I’d be having other problems by now if it were that right?
submitted by haleyafr to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:49 StreetBitter6693 Got these weird looming capsules. Why?

Apologies for the typo in my title. I meant to say "looking" not "looming" lol
The following is a picture of what I got:
I usually take Adderall XR 25mg of the original. Yesterday I refilled my prescription and I just noticed that the pills look different? The pill on the left is the new one, the right is the one that I have been using for years. I'm confused. And I just worry that they might have accidently gave me something that works differently from what I usually take.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by StreetBitter6693 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:49 Visible-Boysenberry1 -IN THIS SUB- This sub is for showing off and tips on where to find your pharmaceutical drug rep promotional items like,pens,clocks,and or any drug rep promotional items

-IN THIS SUB- This sub is for showing off and tips on where to find your pharmaceutical drug rep promotional items like,pens,clocks,and or any drug rep promotional items
submitted by Visible-Boysenberry1 to PharmaRepCollectables [link] [comments]