Half saree without blouse

How can you know if you are red flagged?

2024.06.02 20:20 Woody9474 How can you know if you are red flagged?

This can be deleted if not allowed because I’m not sure if I should of asked here or not but basically I am a pretty avid firearm collector. I own quite a few firearms and it’s pretty much a hobby for me. I guess for my question I can start with a story time about why I’m asking this question. About a year and a half to two years ago I dated this girl and it didn’t work out at all. It was a toxic relationship and I finally had enough and left her. After I left I would get texts and phone calls from her and her dad saying that I can’t just leave her by herself and that if I didn’t come back they threatened tell the police that I was a danger to myself and others in order to have my firearms taken away. (Her dad was also a firearm collector so he knew how bs the laws were). Well she ended up taking me to court to determine if I was and she basically said there were many times I would point a firearm at myself and all kinds of lies. I never left my firearms at our place because there was one time while I was at work she sold a few of my firearms without telling me so I then stored them at my mothers house so she couldn’t have access to them to do that anymore. I live in a pretty blue city which meant the judge was really biased. And the judge basically said that even though there is a lack of evidence she didn’t want to take any chances and said she was going to have the prosecutor red flag me and that was it. The whole experience pretty much traumatized me and I haven’t purchased a firearm in almost 2 years because of it. This leads me to my next question. My buddy invited me to go to a gun show with him and I figured I’d get back into the hobby and I basically was wondering how can I find out if I actually ever did get red flagged? I called my local sheriffs office and they said they didn’t see anything and I called my prosecutors office and they have also said they couldn’t find anything. It’s also been almost 2 years and I have never had law enforcement come to my door to surrender my firearms and I never got anything in the mail regarding it at all. Also I’ve never been convicted of a crime in my life, I’ve never even gotten a ticket before.
submitted by Woody9474 to Firearms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 Tion3023 [SECRET] To Resurrect a God

The Aesir is much more than a title.
The Aesir is an idea; complete, absolute, unquestionable power.
The Aesir is the nucleus. The Aesir is the brain.
In the context of the state, the Aesir is the state. Therefore, the state is authoritarian.
Dederick von Lohengrin, the Night King, is a God of the authoritarian.
His slightest whim not only sent shockwaves throughout the nation, but also the solar system as well.
The Aesir was the state, and with the Aesir dead, the state of Imperial Alfheimr was dead. Its various limbs, decayed and rotting, are infested with opportunistic maggots.
It was fitting, Kyrr figured, that Alfheimr fell as it did without its true master. The Jap bitch. The slack-jawed Habsburgs. The swarthy Italians. They were all feces-covered barbarians squatting in the ruins of a once-glorious civilization, playing with dangerous technologies they truly didn’t understand.
He hoped they’d all kill each other over old ideas while he created a new paradise in the west.
This time, there would be no half-measures. There would be no mercy for the weak. There would only be the immortal Night King and his eternal reign.
And so, the Imperial Regent would see to his revival.
Before that happened, the Aesir’s Chosen wanted to confirm without a doubt one thing; the Death of Dederick von Lohengrin. That such a figure could die so easily would be the height of tragedy.
There were many suspicious things surrounding his plane going down over the Pacific. Satellite systems would have picked up on weather anomalies, even with early cloud seeding. The Japanese Empire, possibly spurred by Victoria, would have made better accommodations for his arrival. Transparency regarding the incident and the actions in Wewelsburg pointed to something sinister. Regardless, there was a possibility he was alive, perhaps on some island in the Pacific awaiting rescue or medical treatment. Kyrr was hopeful for a positive sign, but mostly desperate given Armstrong’s nature.
Coordinating with the Spymaster, intelligence will be pulled via access to the surviving Alfr satellite network, supplemented by the Ilhuicahua system. This will be coordinated with flight logs, available black boxes, and other logs to pinpoint exactly where the Aesir's plane went down. Available supercomputer systems will then go over weather records to pinpoint where debris and a person might have washed up.
Should subsequent efforts fail or conclusions lead to an unfortunate truth, Kyrr will move ahead with contingencies. Numerous close encounters with the Aesir in the past allowed Kyrr the opportunity to collect enough pure genetic material for a clone.
submitted by Tion3023 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 Electrical_Host_1106 Shower replacement

Shower replacement
Finally getting around to a bathroom remodel, and I’m unreasonably confused about what to do with this shower. I’d like to completely replace this without a full rehab - should I be looking for kits? Because of the half wall, is this going to have to be custom?
submitted by Electrical_Host_1106 to Remodel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:17 namely_musical Roommate Problems

Hey everyone, as the title states I’ve been having some issues with my current roommates and I need some advice. For some context to this whole situation (this will probably be a little long so please bear with me): Before moving into this apartment, I had been communicating with a friend that I’ve known since elementary school while he was attending college in Arizona. Let’s call him Carl, for the sake of anonymity. He had been expressing how he would like to come back to living in Texas as he wasn’t very comfortable in Arizona, but he didn’t want to go back to living with his parents in Garland either. I discussed with him the possibility of us rooming together in a 2 bedroom apartment, as we had known each other for a long time and were very good friends, so I didn’t really see how there could be any concerns except for money as apartments and housing in Texas (and the US as a whole) has become quite expensive. As we had discussed it more, he had moved back to Garland and begun planning and saving up to move out of his parent’s house. It wouldn’t just be him, however, as he had a friend he knew from Florida that was also in a similar situation that would be willing to share a bedroom with Carl. I was a little skeptical of this idea at first, however after further discussion I did become more comfortable with it. I also discussed the move frequently with my dad and other friends that I would often meet with. Once we started to look at the actual costs of renting a 2 bedroom apartment, I started to get the impression that they (Carl and the other roommate) were expecting me to pay all of the rent rather than splitting costs evenly. I made it clear in all discussions that this was not to be the case, and stated that a 70/30 split for rent would be the most fair, as I knew that Carl was not making as much money as I was and that our other roommate would have to find work in the area before he could start to contribute to the cost of living. Carl agreed on this, and even stated multiple times to the other friends and family we talked with that he would be willing to split 60/40. I made it clear also that I expected everyone on the lease to contribute to rent on every single payment, so that everyone would be doing their part, fairly so, and that no one would need to contribute more than necessary. During all of this, I was told multiple times that it would be a really bad idea to pursue this arangement by my father and others, though I decided to anyway because I trusted Carl and by extension his friend from Florida. As we finalized things and settled on a pretty nice unit with a rent of $1199/mo (a little higher than I would have liked, but manageable), I started to become loaded with more and more requests from Carl to pay for deposits for electricity, internet, and for the apartment itself. I was okay with this, as he had promised to pay me back later. I knew he was struggling with paying off bills from college classes and was also spending on the trip to Florida to assist our roommate. Things started to settle down a bit more, and Carl was able to provide rent, however not at the full 30% that was agreed upon. I begrudgingly kept my mouth shut as I knew I was making a lot more money than him and I thought it would be unfair of me to ask for more than he was able to provide. Fast forward some time later and I had to help my girlfriend move out of her sister’s apartment due to some family issues that I won’t discuss here. Since then, things have gotten a little more difficult to afford, but I have not asked for any more or less from Carl or my other roommate (even though he has made very little to no progress towards getting a job or helping with bills and rent). I have also discovered through my girlfriend that when I am not home, both Carl and Florida have been saying that I am self-centered and short tempered, and that I have been asking too much from them as far as payment towards rent and other expenses such as groceries and other bills. Florida has also said that he feels uncomfortable with continuing to search for work and that he feels that my girlfriend should be pitching in more (even though she helps clean after them, take care of my cats/fish, and will sometimes help with buying cleaning supplies when necessary. While it wasn’t directly said, Florida has heavily implied in conversation that my girlfriend should also being rent, despite that fact that she is not legally written into the lease and as such not legally responsible for assisting with rent and bills. This all brings us to last night. While I was at work, I had remembered that rent still needed to be paid and I reached out to Carl to ask how much he would be able to put in this month. I received a text from him later that said he didn’t have a lot right now and wouldn’t be able to help until next paycheck, which I said was alright. After getting home, I paid rent in full, and went to pick up my girlfriend from work as she was getting off around that time. In the car, she told me that Carl had lied to me about how much he actually had in his account under the instruction of Florida. I was extremely frustrated and exhausted at that point, deciding that this was the last straw, and planned to confront them that night after making dinner. Once I got home after picking her up, their bedroom door was shut and I heard them on a voice call with an online friend while playing a game together (they do this very frequently and are often loud, and taking dishes to their room for snacks without returning them). As usual, they came out right when food was almost ready. That had started to pick at what was already out, and my girlfriend had told them to stop because nothing was finished yet. They took this as a joke and ignored it, so I firmly told them to stop. They acted surprised at this, and went back to their bedroom, closing the door and not returning until I had left the kitchen to get ready for work today. This morning, my girlfriend showed me a text from Carl asking if she had figured out why I was “being such an asshole”.
At this point, I’m heavily considering kicking them both out regardless of whether or not they have a place to stay. I have been more than patient and fair, spent far over half of my savings towards everything in this apartment including the dishes and other supplies they use, only for them to act like this and treat me this way when I’m not home. I really need advice on how to move forward with this situation, and whether or not I am actually in the wrong for feeling the way I do.
(TL;DR - My roommates have been underpaying, not cleaning after themselves, and talking about me behind my back, and in general being a headache to deal with. What do I do?)
Please let me know if I need to provide more information! Thank you all.
submitted by namely_musical to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 Front_Ask_4003 AITA for calling out my coworker’s “borrowing” habit?

I (28M) work in a small office with a close-knit team. We all get along well, except for a borrowing habit of my coworker, Lola (30F).
Here’s the issue: Lola constantly “borrows” my stuff. Stapler, highlighters, even my lunch once (though she sheepishly replaced it). I get it, small things happen. But it’s become excessive. My stapler goes missing, I find it on her desk. I bring a new pack of pens, half are gone by the week’s end.
The other day, I brought in a specific coffee mug — a limited edition one from my favorite band. It wasn’t dishwasher safe, so I hand-washed it and left it on my desk to dry. I come back from a meeting, and it’s gone. I see Lola using it at her desk.
I calmly asked for it back, explaining it’s very special to me. She apologized and said she’d be careful, but I was firm. I told her I needed it back because it wasn’t something I wanted to risk getting damaged.
She got huffy, claiming I was being dramatic and that it was “just a mug.” I told her it wasn’t “just a mug” to me, and that repeatedly taking things without asking was inconsiderate. She stormed off, and now everyone’s giving me the silent treatment, implying I’m overreacting.
So, Reddit, AITA for calling out Lola’s borrowing habit, especially over a “just a mug”?
submitted by Front_Ask_4003 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:13 this_one_guy11 BAP Rant

Just for curiosity sake I decided to track simulated goals for a couple different BAP careers I have going. One is on a terrible Sharks team and the other is on a Lightning team with added stars like Draisaitl, Makar and Huberdeau while only losing Stamkos, Cirelli and Killorn as top players from the original roster. I’m top line with Draisaitl and Huberdeau while Point and Kucherov are on the 2nd line. The Sharks have an 85 overall Kähkönen and the Lightning have a 95 overall Vasilevskiy as starting goalies. Over a 41 game stretch (half a season), the Sharks average giving up 2.12 simulated goals per game while I am off the ice, while only 0.766 goals per game are simulated for the rest of my team. The Lightning give up 2.67 simulated goals per game while I’m off the ice and only score .414 simulated goals. I found it comical that the clearly better goaltender is giving up more goals than an average goalie, but the beefed up offensive team can’t score a goal without me on the ice to save their digital lives. Kuch has played 39 games with only 7 goals and Point has played 41 games with 4 goals. I know it’s a game and it isn’t supposed to be completely accurate to real life, but come on. This is absolutely ridiculous. I knew the game “cheated” simmed goals for my opponents, but I didn’t think the disparity was anything like this. Has anyone else noticed such a huge difference in AI simulating goals for and against their teams in BAP?
submitted by this_one_guy11 to EA_NHL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:13 ajnuuw New Mom: Help!

This is my partners account - but I'm using it to post since I don't use Reddit and it won't let me post as a new user without 30 comment karma.
I am posting because I have been very frustrated with several things and it’s been wearing me down and making me more and more sad. Any advice or reassurance would be really helpful for me. Thank you.
  1. Spitting up: my baby didn’t spit up very much at all until about 4-5 weeks old and now it’s been constant. She is now 8 weeks and is spitting up anywhere between a teaspoon and sometimes what looks like several tablespoons. This is really hard because it seems to distress her, wakes her up, makes her more hungry and need to eat again, and is creating a lot of laundry. If she spits up in her bassinet at night she wakes up and I have to start the whole feed, soothe cycle again. I’ve tried limiting how much I feed her, which just seems to frustate her, so I stopped and just let her eat as much as she wants, burp her in the middle and after feeding, and I try to keep her upright in my arms for 20-30 min after. This sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t, she will still spit up 5 min-1 hour or more after eating even if held upright for that entire hour. She is gaining weight really well so no one thinks this is abnormal, but it’s really frustrating for me and uncomfortable for her, and she is feeding so much that sleep is limited for us both.
  2. Sleeping: She has been sleeping in the snoo at night since she was born, and does pretty well with being swaddled and will sleep in one initial 3-5 hour chunk, then usually one more 2 hour one, then after that she won’t really go back in, which makes her wake up time like 430-530am. I’ve started just bringing her into bed with me for that last chunk of time and letting her sleep on my chest when I sit upright to reduce spitting up. During the day she can only contact nap now on me or in the carrier wrap on me or my husband. She hates being swaddled during the day and fights it and screams, and I’ve only gotten her to take a couple naps in the snoo or in her crip for like max 30 minutes if I have gotten her fully to sleep first and laid her down without waking. Which is actually the case for all sleeping, I’ve see all these online sleep recommendations like taking Cara babies saying to lay the baby down awake but drowsy and if I do that she is wide awake in seconds and struggling in the swaddle and slowly works herself up to crying out. So as of right now it is impossible to lay her down to sleep not completely knocked out. But the contact nap thing is worrying me because as she’s getting bigger it doesn’t seem like she’s as comfortable and she isn’t sleeping as long as she used to, only 30-45 min naps instead of 1.5-2 hour long ones. I want to make sure she is getting good quality sleep but don’t know how since she hates the swaddle, still has her Moro reflex, and can’t be laid down partially awake, and then the obvious reflux problem I talked about above. It is also really hard to get her down for naps, and wake windows are only supposed to be 60-90 min, sometimes we are fighting to get her to sleep and she is awake for 3 hours at a time. To try to get her to sleep I make the room as dark as possible, turn on white noise and bounce and shush her. Or if wearing the wrap we go for a walk and that generally will put her to sleep but then usually I have to walk to keep her asleep, which is not really sustainable.
  3. Breast feeding: was fine for like 6 weeks then she started crying at my breast sometimes. And this has continued, where she is giving me hunger cues and then I try to feed her and she starts crying as soon as she is at the nipple. Sometimes when I change feeding positions she then eats normally, sometimes not. But this has been really tough because she wants to eat - or at least is giving me cues like chewing her fingers or sucking on my chest or shoulder, but then I put her there and she gets upset. The internet pretty much says babies cry at the boob when the flow is too fast or too slow, and I might have a fast flow, but this only bothers her sometimes, and not others.
  4. Bottle feeding: she won’t take a bottle at all. We started trying bottles when she was about 3 weeks old and at the beginning she did with no issues, but then she started fighting them and crying and as of now I can’t be gone from the house for longer than 30 minutes without her since my husband can’t feed her and she feeds so frequently and I swear knows when I’m gone. We have tried Philips advent, herobility, Tommy tippee, Como tomo and lansinoh with no luck. She just cries or plays with them with her tongue and doesn’t understand there is milk. This one is really hard because I can’t go do anything at all without her, and am pretty much stuck at home or doing things with her and can’t exercise or do anything to destress when I’m super frustrated or need a break.
  5. Pacifier - same as bottle, no luck here. We have tried sneaking it in after breast feeding, and also using it when she is distressed and pretty much she acts like she is choking on it when there is only like half of it in her mouth. Or she cries around it or shoves it away.
  6. Painful gas: we have been giving her probiotic drops daily since like week 1, and little remedies gas relief drops in small amounts, mostly at night to lessen her gas in the morning hopefully, this also has had mixed results and she has been having really painful gas the last couple of days and screaming in pain until it’s all passed. This is super hard to see her cry so hard.
submitted by ajnuuw to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 Grimgore2015 My mother Gaslights, Manipulates and Blackmail's me...

There's a lot more stuff i'm not addressing because that would literally force me to write out my entire life story but I'm sick to death of the abuse and I need real and genuine advice that isn't just "get yourself out of there bro"... That costs money, Money I don't have, Money I will never have because the job market in this trash heap of a "city" is barren and because of some stuff i'm gonna mention below...
She's used my name (since before I was 18) for accounts on websites to avoid credit checkers (or something like that) without my consent or explaining to me why she was doing it. Luckily this hasn't affected my credit score later in life or anything like that but it was still manipulative and shady and gave me immense anxiety (we'll get to that later)
She once got my father to basically beat the ever loving sh*t out of me (at her demands) and choke me out when I was 8-9 and kept me locked in my bedroom for 4 days whilst the bruises faded away (so the school wouldn't ask questions) because an older kid tried to drown me in the local pool and I bit him on the knuckle to get him to release me. When she "apologized" for it 15 years later, she said she was "sorry I didn't have all the facts and overreacted"... Still not sorry for kicking the sh*t out of me though are you? That was just 1 time but it was 1 time too many and i'll never forget those 4 days or the response my parents had to something so small. Even if your kid fucks up, you take their side and defend them. You ask questions. Don't just jump straight to abuse.
One time, she launched my PSP across the hallway because my foot squeaked on the leather of the couch (I was like... 7?) and she flew off the handle, ranting and raving and telling me i'm a piece of shit. Sometimes she will just fly off the handle for the littlest reasons and attack us (never my youngest sibling or the Autistic one (Which I find hilarious because I'm currently being diagnosed for ADHD as an adult, which she could've gotten me tested for sooner had she not been busy neglectfully mollycoddling them) and I've witnessed this since I was a child so as a result, sometimes I fly off the handle and I hate it, it makes me sick to my stomach when I get the rage. The difference is I never want to escalate it to physical violence, She will.
She'll do sneaky sh*t like ask for my help then f*ck up something small, then spin all the blame on me so that when I give up and tell her to f*ck off and do it herself she can claim that the real reason i'm angry is "because I Asked you for help!?" ... No, Because you asked for my help and spent the 5 minutes I was doing so insulting my intelligience and calling me a r*tard. Whenever we get into an argument she threatens to kick me out or get rid of the entire house. She uses the fact it's not my house against me the entire time but i'm the only one following the rules she's set for us. The others break the rules constantly and NOTHING is ever said about it. I had 1 bowl in my room and for a week straight all I got was "REEEEEEEEEEEEE NO FOOD UPSTAIRS"... my brother next door to me? (I counted) 13 Glasses, 3 Plates, 2 Pizza Boxes, a Take Away bag and a half eaten box of Donner meat... "TeeHee Lol Just Put It In The Corner I'll Take It Out Soon :)))". These Double Standards have always existed. She doesn't even live in the house I currently reside in, She lives with my father. She still comes round weekly to do house checks like an SS Officer and point out any issues... issues she doesn't have to live around in a house she doesn't even want...
She constantly puts her favorite children over the rest of us, hasn't even spoken to her oldest kids in like 5-6 years because they've all woken up and realized how big of a liar and manipulator she is. Their father wasn't a good man and he has snaked his way back into their life, He was abusive and a shit father. But instead of being the bigger person and accepting her kids want their father in their life, Or entertaining the chance that he may have changed, she basically told all of them to f*ck off and cut contact with them and refuses to speak to them.
I have severe anxiety caused by her and the way she raised me. I feel incredible guilt over things that I didn't even participate in. I want to be a stand up comedian but she never liked my jokes and constantly told me I wasn't funny unless I was reciting a Peter Kay (British Comedian for Boomers) sketch/bit, so as a result I have immense stage fright and performance anxiety. I've never been one for physical humor with friends because whenever I tried she'd pull me away, force me to never speak to them again and tell me "Those boys are mocking you! Can't you see! They're taking the piss out of you!" and I struggle to be intimate with women because she never encouraged me to pursue them. She would tell us from a young age women weren't worth our time and they were just sl*gs... (Thou doth protest too much?) So now I fear ever bringing a woman into my life because what are my options? either A) You are never meeting my family because they are all braindead abusive scum who will judge you or B) Would you like to meet my mother who will immediatelly become hostile to you, try to embarrass me and then try to ruin your life when we inevitably break up?
She's a classic example of what happens to someone when they have kids before they're ready, get stuck in a physically abusive relationship and develop a victim/survivor complex they never address or seek therapy for. She's mentally a teen. in my 26 years on this earth, I've seen her work 2 jobs. One she quit within 2 weeks at a Chip Shop because "The oil makes my psoriasis hurt :(((" and the current one she works which she constantly talks about quitting.
There was a 20 year gap between those 2 jobs and she uses "raising you" as an excuse... What raising? most of my memories are of you raging and fighting dad or staring into a TV for hours to tune out the screams...
Our family struggled financially for years, she put the weight of that burden ON US constantly. My dad worked 12 hours a day 5 days a week for bare minimum wage just to give her all the money and squander it on stupid shit, then she'd turn around after returning her 4th Patio furniture set of the year and cry and blame all of us because we had no money for christmas... My dad had no choice but to give her the money too because she signed her name off and micro-managed *everything* to do with the house and my dad wasn't financially literate.
I feel f*cking trapped. Whenever i've tried to escape her in the past i've only ever made my life worse and I've had to go crawling back to her. I've tried to genuinely improve my life but my luck is garbage and I always end up getting screwed by the system. I got a Visa and tried to make a life for myself in Australia but 4 months in I was basically homeless, living in a cockroach infested Hostel on very limited time and I had to go back otherwise I was going go insane. I have a Foundational Degree in Video Game design that's utterly useless because nowhere hiring game designers wants a foundational degree and after my experience with Uni (and the industry) I never want to work as a Game Designer. I took the degree because SHE convinced me it'd be good... it fucking ruined my mental health and I got kicked out because the Uni kept screwing me about during Covid and blaming me for things I never did.
The only consistent work i've ever managed to get is in Kitchen work and I hate it. I'm constantly belittled and never given a chance or given all the worst possible jobs because my anxiety prevents me from trusting myself or pursuing higher positions. I just want to be able to change my name, move to another country and never speak to anyone from this life ever again.
TL;DR: My Mother is Karen Hitler, a fountain of bad luck, and I unironically cannot wait for the day she dies from a stress induced coronary because then I can finally be at peace and be free from her suffocating talons.
People Say "Family is Everything". You Job probably calls itself a "family"
My family Manipulate, Gaslight, Rob, Lie and Backstab me so "Family" can't mean as much as people think.
submitted by Grimgore2015 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:04 SkeletorXCV Advice for a new pc

• New build or upgrade? • Existing parts/monitors to reuse?
Hi, i want to assemble a gaming pc since the laptop i'm using got a virus i can't take off, it's 6yo, half broken and the position of the screen hurts my neck.
• PC purpose? (Gaming, editing, etc. List apps/games) • Monitors needed? (Number, size, resolution, refresh rate)
I mainly play just league of legends and the rest of the time play mobile games. At most i could start playing PUBG since i loved it mobile. Ranked costs on pc though and idk how much i'd spend over it so i never did. I also don't have a tv and i watch movies and tv series on pc so i'd like to have a good monitor. This is something i'd like to spend a little bit more about. Another feature i could use it for is editing. Not for gaming though (for now at least). I thought recently about creating a channel youtube about some psychological theories i've dived into.
• Purchase country? Near Micro Center? (If not US, list local vendors)
I'm from Italy. I know no local vendors but i guess i can buy on amazon parts to assemble without problems
• WiFi or wired connection?
I use my mobile internet as connection. It's not optimal but it doesn't give much problems and i can save the monthly money of a router. The speed test gives 16.5 Mb/s download, 2.5 Mb/s upload and 55ms. It just gives me problems once every 12 games on Lol (it could be better but i can climb anyway if i'm good) and video quality is not the best on prime video sometimes. Do you know if it's good enough or i do really need a better internet?
• Budget range? (Include tax considerations)
I have no problem spending up to 2000€ but my main question is: do i even need it or would it be too much?
I don't have size restrictions, just i don't want a washing machine since my uncle lives above me and i stay up all night sometimes. Preferred colours are black and blue but since it's my first pc and it's more like a trial to see how it feels i don't really care about it.
Thank you all for your help
submitted by SkeletorXCV to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:02 Illustrious-Chest-52 POTS aggravated again. Medication doesn't work

I talked to my doctor about my symptoms getting aggravated again and she said to basically to eff off and calm down since anxiety makes it worse. Well, that made it even worse since now I am worried how anxiety makes my pots symptoms worse but I can't calm down.
I suspect what started aggravating me is changes in my exercise regime. I finally worked up to walking half an hour without getting dizzy afterwards. But then I got bad pms (because I also have pcos) and the weather was pretty bad, so I mostly stayed at home. I'm back to getting dizzy after a 10 minute walk. And feeling "floaty" all the time.
submitted by Illustrious-Chest-52 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 a-cactus-undefined AITAH for suggesting my roommate go to therapy?

I've (M21) known Kenny (M21) for almost three years now and we've been living together for a little over one year with a friend of his, Steven (M21), from high school.
We were all planning on going our separate ways this July, since I graduated and they want to get a different house. I've been the "manager" of us three since I'm the oldest and have had the most experience in a shared living situation that's not with parents or in a college dormitory. I always took care of bills, fixed broken appliances, and cleaned when no one else took initiative to do any basic maintenance. We also have some sort of inspection coming up that the management company we're leasing under was pretty vague about, and since we did inherit the house in an extremely subpar state (I know, we should have taken care of that when we had the chance), I was pretty nervous about the house being up to standard.
I've spent the past couple days cleaning because I was incidentally planning on being out of town from literally now probably until the inspection happens later this month, and I wanted to do my share so my roommates wouldn't be left to take care of everything. While washing the carpet stairs, I had made a mental list of things I wanted to get done, but I wanted roommates to participate too just so I could make sure they'd be set on a good path.
I really didn't want to micromanage, but I've especially had problems with Kenny just not picking up after himself. He never seems to accept responsibility for things. For example, he's the only one who's used the stove pretty much all year, but it's always filthy. I've repeatedly asked him to clean it, but he never does. He's taking summer classes so I'll give him that, but all he ever does is play video games. I'm honestly tired of feeling like I'm the only adult in the situation and I would have liked to not be responsible for other people.
So when I was washing the stairs, I asked Steven and Kenny to help me clean and I'd take some money off the bills they owed me. Steven was reluctant but I knew he'd be able to be convinced. Kenny, however, immediately got defensive, saying he already does stuff and that he's busy studying. Him studying is a lie... I could clearly see a video game on one of his monitors and a movie on the other. He didn't say he was taking a break from studying, he said he "could've been" studying, as if to say "you don't know what's going on, F off." I wasn't buying it. I told him that he could at least be doing something productive, but he said he doesn't want to overwork himself. I get that, but sweeping for two minutes is not in any way "overworking" oneself. He then again brought up the fact that he does do stuff around the house, so I brought up the stove again. He said he's been in Vegas the past week so it couldn't be his fault that it's dirty, I said that it is his fault cause I had been asking him to clean it for a couple months at this point. He then mentioned that it was clean when he left, so I told him that it's because Steven wiped it off after using it once, which Steven was there to back that up.
So that's when Kenny exploded. He got out of his seat, yelled at me, pushed me, and put his hands on my throat as if to try choking me but at the very last second restraining himself (keep in mind even though I was clearly upset I had not raised my voice). He didn't hurt me, but Steven pushed him off of me and I said "what, you're gonna strangle me now?" To which he replied "Yeah, and it'll be worse if you don't shut up."
It could've been the heat of the moment, and it probably wasn't a good time to bring it up then, but I told him that he really needs therapy of some sort. I absolutely didn't mean that as a diss, I genuinely think him putting his hands on me like that is a cause of concern. I even told him that I could give him my therapists number. He then went off on a rant attacking my character, saying that everyone thinks I'm weird and I think so highly of myself despite living a "loser life." I wasn't offended by any of it, and like I said, I probably should have avoided kicking the proverbial anthill by mentioning therapy, but this seemed like another unreasonable response and could even come from something deeper. I didn't say anything past that, but I can't help but think he has some stuff that needs to be figured out. I don't want to overstep any boundaries so I won't push it any further, but AITAH for bringing up therapy? Or for anything else mentioned?
P.S. This isn't meant to belittle Kenny or his personality. We have different interests, hobbies, and lives, but I think him and I are a lot more similar than he thinks - especially when it comes to our personal problems and insecurities. I will say, however, for the next two and a half hours, he was still playing video games and not studying.
TL;DR: my roommate almost strangled me and I recommended he see someone, to which he also did not take lightly (I honestly don't know how I could make this any shorter without leaving some details out)
submitted by a-cactus-undefined to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 miggysanch First Marathon - Brisbane Marathon 2024

Race information

* **What?** Brisbane Marathon
* **When?** 2nd June, 2024
* **How far?** 42.2km
* **Where?** Brisbane, QLD
* **Strava activity:** https://www.strava.com/activities/11551812170
* **Finish time:** 4:02 Officially


Goal Description Completed?
A Finish *Yes*
B 3:45 *No*
C 3:30 *No*


Kilometer Time
1 5:19
2 5:31
3 5:13
4 5:27
5 5:23
6 5:17
7 5:11
8 5:09
9 5:18
10 5:14
11 4:51
12 5:01
13 5:07
14 5:03
15 5:07
16 4:57
17 5:21
18 5:17
19 5:15
20 5:15
21 5:13
22 5:12
23 5:27
24 5:19
25 5:25
26 5:18
27 5:21
28 5:32
29 5:14
30 5:30
31 5:48
32 5:33
33 5:41
34 6:19
35 6:20
36 7:09
37 5:57
38 6:31
39 7:00
40 6:26
41 7:02
42 6:06
43 5:40


I'd been following Sage Canaday's Higher Running beginneintermediate training program for the past 16 weeks, before that I did about 6 months of base building - this being the most I'd ever run, and off the back of a few relatively sedentary years. The training went pretty well, I began figuring out how HR zones work and linking them to expected times, the weekly mileage ramped up slowly and was tolerated fairly well. Once mileage hit 65+ kms per week (40mi) I noticed a few niggling injuries beginning to appear, but these were handled pretty well with self-massage, and starting ATG strength training for my knees and calves. The biggest run in this training block was a 3hr effort, with 8kms at marathon goal pace (5:01/km, 8:04/mi), the last 2kms of that marathon pace effort being up a very steep incline. I arrived home after that run with very sore feet, and consequently the volume in the next week suffered. Due to a busy schedule, I missed some key runs, especially long runs and a few threshold sessions that I feel negatively impacted my race-day performance.
About a week out from the race, I started to feel a bit sick, but put it out of my mind and pushed through training, which was a bad idea, as that sickness continued to get worse the week of the race, only allowing 11kms total to be run that week, and keeping me couch-bound and off work for a few days. I rocked up to the race feeling average at best, and in retrospect I probably had a little bit of COVID due to my symptoms.
My nutrition was up-and-down the whole training cycle, trying to figure out what worked for me and how much to eat, leading to weeks of overeating, and some weeks of undereating.


I began carb-loading the day before the marathon, however last-minute preparations got in the way of consistent food throughout the day, and I really only started eating a decent amount around lunchtime, or about 16 hours out from the race. My diet changed significantly to achieve this, and I woke up feeling deflated and drowsy the morning of the race.
Immediately pre-race, I warmed up for about 400m, and did some static stretching and dynamic movements. At this point, I noticed my HR was significantly higher than it should have been, which would be a sign of things to come.


I started the race at a pace I was fairly happy with, however my HR was 10-20BPM higher than it usually is at those efforts, which I put down to nerves and figured it would eventually even out. By 20mins in, I realised this probably wasn't going to happen, and ended up running all of the uphill sections at threshold effort (but far below threshold pace), but figured I'd just tough it through and keep going. How bad could it get?
By the 10km mark I was feeling good, starting to smash uphills and felt nice and cruisy at almost marathon-pace along the flats. I was overtaking people and running strong, found my stride, and focused on maintaining good leg turnover and running tall. By the time I'd hit K 18, I wasn't feeling amazing, had a brief bout of light-headedness and slowed my pace slightly and tried to relax as much as possible. That passed, and I finished the first half of the race feeling strong.
As I turned around for lap 2, the first hill out of the city was feeling ok, but the enormity of how much race I had left and how I was feeling was beginning to dawn on me. I accidentally consumed some of the provided electrolyte drink instead of water, and about 5 minutes after that my guts started having a very bad time. I never got rid of this, and the stomach cramps stuck with me until the end of the race. Continued at the same effort through all the big hills, and hit K 24 feeling pretty decent. I'd been fuelling properly the whole time, aiming for 90g carbs/hour and about 1000ml of water in the same time, plus I'd been using my salt tabs, however K 25 was harder, 26 even harder, and so on and so forth. My left hamstring started to cramp up bad, and I had to alter my running form to prevent this from being any more of an issue than it already was. By 30kms in, I knew I was done for, knew I'd blown it on any of my goals by going out too hard, and realised that my lot in life for the next hour or so was to suffer. So be it. I spent about 8 minutes total having a walk, trying to clear the lactate out of my system and find a second wind, but it never came. Finally crossing that finish line well short of my goal was one of the best feelings I've had. Very happy to have finished the race.


The missus and her family came to support me, gave me a whole bunch of fruit and sports drinks but I wanted none of, just feeling absolutely burned out. But was very thankful to have people there to hobble back to the car with, and spent the remainder of the day resting pretty hard.

What's Next?

I learned a lot this marathon, and I'm glad to have the experience of the next on on-board to be much better prepared for my next one. My biggest and most unexpected lesson? Don't run a marathon as a 90kg man in Altra Escalante Racers. They might do it for people without any weight, but man oh man were my legs and feet absolutely stinging! Going out to invest in some better running shoes immediately, and very keen to put all my lessons learned into my next marathon. Pfitz 18/55 is the plan I'm going to try next, after a few weeks of very light walking and running, and catching up with all the mates I haven't seen for the last 16 weeks because of my training.
If anyone has anything to add, or some tips for me, I'm all ears.
submitted by miggysanch to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 TakkoKat Trust a Flipper?

So I am currently under contract for a home that was purchased by the seller in April and put on the market in May. Cosmetically everything seemed great but when my inspectors got in it was a nightmare- drain field too small and redone without a permit by the original owner, metal roof half fixed onto the old shingles, rusted out tub painted over, and the majority of the wood structure of the roof has been devoured by termites.
I was going to walk away because of all the above, plus I’m using a grant that requires houses to be in near perfect condition to protect the investment. But the seller is saying they’ll review the inspections and are willing to fix the termite and septic and roof issues, up to replacing the roof completely.
Is this something I should trust? I love the property and the majority of the house is block. And he says he’ll get everything inspected and brought up to code with permits. But I’m worried that it might have hidden issues that they tried to hide (like the painted over rust).
submitted by TakkoKat to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:47 psychokitty22 AITAH for not texting my aunt back after she kicked out my brother?

I’m the oldest (22), was kicked out of one of my mom units with only a weeks notice after graduating college. Within a month or two I was able to move states, get a full time job and get my own place. I literally only own a bed and futon since it’ll be my third week here now.
My brother (17) dropped out of high school his freshman year, and bounced between my divorced parents homes for years. My dad drives a semi, and when his lease was up couldn’t afford to keep his place so my brother ended up back with my mom. My mom had threatened to send my brother to live with me through the years, and I told her doing that would just mean I’d move states and live with my friend until I got my own place. After taking care of my 7 younger siblings at home until I went off to college, I couldn’t take not being on my own anymore. Well, she kicked him out, and very luckily for both him and I, my aunt stepped up and said she’d extend her home to him.
That lasted not even 3 months. Imo they were both kind of at fault. She took it upon herself to inspect his room daily, make appointments for him without asking, expected him to walk their dog, hang out with both her and her husband daily, etc. Me and him both grew up taking care of our younger siblings with no real parenting so it was a lot. He was culpable too of course, with no other places to stay he really should have been on top of each and every rule she had. Ultimately, the straw that broke the camels back was ordering and eating a calzone in his room, when she didn’t permit any food being eaten in the bedrooms.
What bothers me is she only gave him 2 days to leave, and of course when his car was in the shop too. My dad had to shell out money for a hotel until it was able to get done. And of course, him staying with me was something that was pretty much forced upon me. It was this or homelessness as we both haven’t spoken to our mom in months now. I’m extremely angry about it as I feel barricaded in my own bedroom, after getting my first real place all to myself. I haven’t even gotten a month to myself to enjoy it.
My aunt didn’t say a word to me about any of this until 2 days ago, when she texted me saying she’s hoping I’m doing well and that my brother made it to me safely. She apparently called my dad yesterday too to say how upset she was I didn’t respond, which further angered me.
On the other hand, she’s been there for me a lot these past few years. She offered to pay for half my college tuition when my mom dropped the ball. My last semester, when I had to do a full course load, she sent me money each month so I could focus on school instead of working weekends. If I go to grad school, she offered me her home while she moves out of state to look after it and so I wouldn’t have to worry about rent during school. But honestly.. after seeing how nit picky she was with my brother I’m wondering if it’ll be worth it. Within only 2 weeks she went from it being “his room” to him being a “guest in her home”.
Another minor note that might be important, I never knew her until I turned 18. I’ve always been estranged from his family, but she reached out wanting to establish a relationship. So, I’ve never seen this part of her until now.
I’m honestly in a really bad mental place because of all of this, and while I’m certainly more than angry at my brother, I can’t help but put some blame on her too. She knew kicking him out would just mean he’d be staying with me. And I barely had a place to call “home” myself before having to house him, too. Sorry for this being so long. I just don’t know where to go in terms of my relationship with her now, and I barely have any extended family as is.
So, WITBAH for not giving her a response?
submitted by psychokitty22 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:43 NNyDsLove207 My 7 year old just gave this marigold to me for mother's day. It was watering day and when I went to it I found it half dead with tons of white specks but not mealys. Thinking aphids but I've never had those before. Any at home solutions without having to buy insecticidal soaps or neemoil? I'm broke

My 7 year old just gave this marigold to me for mother's day. It was watering day and when I went to it I found it half dead with tons of white specks but not mealys. Thinking aphids but I've never had those before. Any at home solutions without having to buy insecticidal soaps or neemoil? I'm broke
Additionally this marigold was right next to Most of my succulents and my swan orchid so I'm panicking about their well being right now too.
submitted by NNyDsLove207 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:43 SweetSweetKeto_3345 Can I get out of this contract?

I changed the names and took out the address I no longer want to buy the house and want to know how to get out of it.
AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE The undersigned me (hereinafter caled "purchaser")
hereby offers to purchase from the landlord (hereinafter called "vendor")
the property known as civic address
at the price of Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) of lawful money of Canada, payable as follows: One Dollar ($1.00) as a deposit to be held by the vendor pending completion or other termination of this agreement and to be credited on account of purchase money on closing,
with the balance due and payable as follows: a) The sum Five Hundred Fifty Dollars ($550.00) per month commencing April 1, 2021, and payable on the first day of every month thereafter, ending on March 1, 2026.
b) Balance payable by the purchaser on or before April 1, 2026.
c) The above purchase price shall bear interest at the rate of Five per cent (5%) per annum calculated half-yearly, not in advance from April 1, 2021, until payment is received in full.
PROVIDED as follows: The vendor shall have good and marketable title to the real property free and clear of all encumbrances except as provided herein and except as to any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the land providing that such are complied with and do not materially affect marketability.
The purchaser shall not call for production of any title deeds, abstracts, or other evidence of title except such as are in possession of the vendor.
Within 5_days from the date of acceptance hereof the purchaser may examine the title at his/her own expense.
If within that time any valid objection to the title is made in writing by the purchaser to the vendor which the vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove within_ 5 days of notification of said objections and which the purchaser will not waive, this agreement shall, notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, be null and void and the
-2- deposit shall be returned by the vendor without interest and the vendor and the agent shall not be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection the purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the title of the vendor to the real property.
This transaction of purchase and sale shall be completed on or before the 1st day of April, 2026. Vacant possession of the real property is to be given to the purchaser unless
the real property is rented, in which event the purchaser is to accept any present tenancy and be entitled to the rents and profits thereafter. Unearned fire insurance premiums, rentals, mortgage interest, taxes, local improvements, water and assessment rates, and all other adjustments shall be apportioned and allowed to date herein fixed for completion of sale.
There are no representations warranties, collateral agreements or conditions affecting this agreement or the real property or supported hereby other than is expressed herein in writing.
All buildings and equipment upon the real property shall be and remain at the risk of the vendor until closing. Pending completion of this sale, the vendor shall hold all insurance policies and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their respective interests may appear, and in the event of damage to the said premises the purchaser may either have the proceeds of the insurance and complete the purchase, or may cancel this agreement and have all monies theretofore paid returned without interest.
The deed or transfer of good and marketable title to the property free and clear of all encumbrances shall be prepared at the expense of the vendor and any mortgage(s) in connection with the financing of the purchase at the expense of the purchaser. If the purchaser defaults in the completion of the sale under the terms of this agreement, any money not exceeding 5% of the purchase price paid hereunder shall be forfeited to the vendor by way of liquidated damages, or the vendor may, (at his option) compel the purchaser to complete the sale.
THIS OFFER shall be irrevocable by the purchaser until 5 p.m. on the 30th day of March, 2021, after which time, if not accepted, this offer shall be automatically null and void, and all deposit money returned to the purchaser without interest. THIS OFFER, when accepted, shall constitute a contract of purchase and sale binding upon the parties hereto.
submitted by SweetSweetKeto_3345 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:39 Far-Ad-5064 Period issues after coming of birth control

Hello, somewhat long post but after reading a lot of post on here figured making my own might help out.
My girlfriend is 23, 5’-6”, 120lbs , she was on birth control from age 16 to age 20. I can’t remember the first pill she was on but she was on it for 2 and a half years. She then switched due to weight gain and overall not feeling herself. The second pill she was on for about 4 month. She suffered from intense mood swings and again didn’t feel herself.
She then decided Hormonal birth control was Not for her, and had a copper iud implanted. She lost 45 lbs in 3 months without changing her diet. At this time her periods became very irregular. But she remembers prior to the pill this was the case. Along with very heavy periods w/lots of clogging, but only lasting a few days.
After 2 years she started to always get sick around her period, and suffered other symptoms pointing to the copper IUD being a reason. In March after her March period she had it removed.
April period was late but no real concerning symptoms. Then in may 2 days before neck pain and flu like symptoms started coming in getting increasingly worse each day leading up. She works for a beverage company and works events. She had an event that week and was moving cases of product around, more than normal, and we chalked it all up to she must’ve just tweaked her neck. Period comes symptoms disappear.
Now June to the exact amount of days before her period, the same new neck/shouldeupper back pain and flu like symptoms are back but almost 10 fold.
Is this normal for coming off all forms of birth control? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!! I hate that I can’t make this all go away, I hate seeing her in pain.
submitted by Far-Ad-5064 to PMS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 twinkerbell96 Transgender best man uninvited and blocked

Up until a few weeks ago I was the best man in my (ex) best friend of 25 years wedding. For a bit of context I’m female to male transgender and ex best friend is the bride. We always dreamed of being each others maid of honor and so when I came out as trans a couple years ago we decided I’d be called the best man instead.
Her bridal party consisted of her three neighborhood friends who I had never met and my boyfriend (also FTM transgender). Within the first hour the bride had outed me to all of the women and upon returning from the restroom I walked in on her about 8 years deep in my instagram showing them all pre transition pictures of me (without asking). They then all launched into asking questions like “Wait I’m confused—so what sex are you?” and when I finally said female one said “ohhhh ok ya I can see that now! I can see the balance of femininity and masculinity in your face” all while the bride sat there smiling and saying nothing. Later on in the night the bride was looking at something on one woman’s phone and when I came over the see what they were looking at the bride turned the phone away from me and asked the women “Is it ok if I show him?” and proceeded to show me a picture of a wedding dress that woman had tried on for her wedding. TLDR she thought to ask permission for that but not showing people I didn’t know hundreds of pre transition pictures of me.
When we all went out to get dinner she casually announced to me in front of everyone that her mother (who I had known for almost 25 years and was like a second mother to me) had asked that my boyfriend and I be moved to a different table for the reception (we were originally going to be sitting with them) as she didn’t think that her new boyfriend of 10 months would feel comfortable sitting next to trans people. The bride went on to make excuses for her mom and the mom’s boyfriend—namely that he was assaulted by a cis man a couple decades prior.
In the morning I told her that those things had hurt and that I wish she hadn’t told me what her mom had said. Her fiancé was with us and had such an upset face. She said that his initial reaction was that her mom’s boyfriend shouldn’t go to the wedding if that was the case and made the bride promise to never tell me because of how traumatic he knew it would be to hear. She then backpedaled and said “Oh well that was because she didn’t want to risk him saying anything to you—she’d do anything for you”. It really stung to have such blatant discrimination downplayed in such a manner, but I was still in shock from everything so the conversation ended quickly.
As the days went on, I started to process it better and I texted her to try to have a conversation about everything so that resentment didn’t fester. I sent an audio message and stated that it was so that she could hear my tone (to know that I was calm/not yelling or anything). I explained to her why all of it hurt so much and why it hurt that she downplayed it in the moment and in the morning when I brought it up. She ended up taking a week to respond and when she did it, it was to uninvite me to the wedding.
Last week I swallowed my pride and reached out to her about being confused how it escalated to the point of uninviting me, as I don’t think relationships can bounce back from that. I asked her to call me and we spoke at length for about an hour and a half. Initially she was still quite defensive and insistent that she deserved an apology as the whole situation made her feel bad and cry. I explained that her wanting an apology for me due to feeling guilty about hurting me didn’t really feel fair. She said initially that she thought my audio message was me “begging to be uninvited” and that she was “doing me a favor” but eventually admitted that she uninvited me for herself as she didn’t want to look out into the audience and see me and be reminded of this situation. She thanked me for calling and said she would text me in the morning and would finally reach out and apologize to my boyfriend as well. Five days passed with no texts to myself or my boyfriend until she ultimately texted me yesterday saying that she was still hurt and needed to process things and thanked me for my patience. However when I went to respond several minutes later I had already been blocked.
submitted by twinkerbell96 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 TheStoryBoy Wife has been using her Annual Girls Trip as an Annual Hall Pass. Part 2

First Post
Well, it's been a week, so I thought an update was due. It's not a good one, and I am beside myself with what to do. Really feel like she has me by the balls here.
So a day after my last post I went home to talk to her. She started off by giving what seemed to be a truly remorseful apology. Just not for what she has been doing, but because I was never supposed to find out, and especially not find out like this. She kept going on a out how she loves me and didn't want me to be hurt. There was no remorse for the cheating and some blame shifting (telling me I shouldn't have been on her phone in the first place).
She told me she wants our marriage to continue, I started to speak up and she cut me off and said to "just hear her out." She began this like prepared list of reasons we shouldn't divorce. I can't remember all of it but there were basically 3 reasons and all these sub reasons that backed them up.
1) The Twins, we don't want them growing up in a broken home. They are so young and this is what they know. Neither of us wants to see them half the time. This was the only reason that I consider even remotely valid.
2) Our relationship is actually great. We compliment each other, have so much fun together, rarely ever argue and when we do it's more a discussion. We indulge each other's likes. We have sex often. Just on and on. Up until a few weeks ago I would have agreed with all this completely. I tried pointing out that infidelity kind of negates all that. This is where I could see she felt no remorse and I could tell she believes all her own bullshit. She said the "Girls Trip" is what makes all this possible. I was dumbstruck. She went on to say her yearly trip allows her to get all of it out her system. It's the reason she can be all these great things all year long. That anytime she feels a little resentment about something, or Im just getting under her skin, or she doesn't feel like having sex or indulging one of my hobbies, she can always put that aside because she has this. I literally can't believe the audacity of this woman.
3) Financial stability, wasn't much just her pointing out how much difficult it'll be with us both on our own, as we live so comfortably and get to do so much because we both are good earners. Who cares.
When I finally got to speak, I told her how hurt, betrayed and insulted I was. She did tear up and apologize for hurting me, but at no point did she apologize for the actual cheating. Sticking to the idea that I was never supposed to find out. I asked how long, and she said 10 years (that's basically our whole relationship). I began to ask for more info but she cut me off again and said that talking about the past is just going to hurt more, she wants to talk about the future and what I needed to work this out.
I told her if you want to reconcile then obviously this trip needs to end. She stopped me there and said, "No, I'm not going to stop, I'm still going this year."
I got pissed and yelled "Then we are done, I'm leaving and divorcing you." This is when things turned worse. She sighed and said "No you're not, I didn't want to do this but you lose if you leave. We will split custody, we will split our money, but we will also split our debt and I have more than you, half will become yours. The house is in my and families name, and is a premarital asset. Also, you don't have any proof I did anything, you saw some vague messages that are now gone. I bet you didn't send them to yourself or take pics did you? This is a no fault state with no infidelity clauses, you're fucked. I'll be really devastated to be without you, I don't want you to think I don't love you, but I'll move on, here in this house, with more free time. You'll move in with your mom or brother, and be miserable trying to rebuild on your own."
I felt so defeated in that moment, and she could tell. I sat there just wishing I could disappear. Gwen seeing the collapse moved in to comfort me, and I just let it happen and didn't respond at all. She started talking again saying, "Let's just go back to the way things were, you can keep your life, I hate seeing you like this and will do everything to make you happy, you can tell yourself whatever you want for the 2 days a year I'm gone. I understand you need some time so take it, but don't toss us away because of pride."
This has been the most painful week. I don't want all this pain, I want the life I had and I guess it's on the table. But you can't just erase it, the mind movies are brutal and the realization that she feels no guilt, that she actually sees her cheating as a good thing has my questioning everything. I feel like can't even trust myself or my judgement because I'm the idiot who fell in love with this person. I'm still here at the house, she is love bombing me like never before. Trying to initiate, making me meals, buying me stuff, complimenting. It's insane. I don't know what to do, is it really possible to put this behind us, to just "deal with it?" I don't even know, no matter what happens, I lose, she wins.
submitted by TheStoryBoy to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 sunninote I ruined my friendship

I hate myself so much right now. I (25F) have always struggled to keep friendships going, not by choice, most people just tend to drift away after a year. I used to always try and justify it by saying I was the “placeholder” friend to them because I always seemed to meet someone or reconnect with them when they were at a low point in their lives, help them through it and “find” themselves again, and shortly after then they would meet the love of their life or the platonic soulmate and I’d just sort of be left out and then eventually not hear from them anymore. I used to be okay with that role, simply because I believed that one day I would find my own person. The kind of friend I needed. Well, in November of 2022, I reconnected with my best friend from highschool. Let’s call her Leah (24F). We had been friends for about 10 years, but we would go a few years without talking and then reconnect and it would be like nothing ever happened and we hadn’t seen each other in a few days. Between November and February, we met up a few times, talked regularly, and things were going good. Then, we decided to make a D&D group with another friend from highschool and her SIL. For months, we played this campaign, it was amazing and I had so much fun. Leah and I got really into our characters (she was the DM) and we expanded out lore for my character and Roleplayed with my character and the NPCs she was friends with, outside of our weekly game and we got super into it. Mid June of 2023, we had to end our campaign with one session left to go, simply because one of the other members couldn’t play anymore. But Leah and I still expanded and played with mine. The original goal was when we could play the next campaign, it was going to be a continuation of my character and her husbands story, so we figured, “hey, let’s build out more lore since it’s going to be 100 years in the future”
For the next couple months, we texted everyday, mostly roleplaying this story. Then. Leah needed a break at the end of September because she was neglecting other aspects in her life and so was I. And she said we would still talk, we just needed a break from the story. It was about this time that she stopped inviting me out or asking to see me. Well… I stopped hearing from her. I gave it a few days before reaching out and got a reply a few days later. It went on like this for a month where I wouldn’t hear from her unless I reached out first and then had to wait for her to reply. I had finally said something about it and that it bothered me and we picked up communication and very quickly ended up roleplaying again.
Within a week however, she got a boyfriend, and although I was happy for her, I got scared because we were nearing the one year mark that tends to be a trend in my friendships and she was telling me that he didn’t like me because she never texted him like she did with me and he was jealous. And I didn’t like him (not that she knew) simply because I was scared.
Well Leahs mom got sick and told everyone in November. We all knew her mom was going to pass away and Leah ended up taking a leave of absence from work and moved 4 hours away to take care of her mom. During this time, she kept telling me that I was the only thing keeping her sane, the story we were working on was a good distraction for her and she was glad that I talked to her throughout the day. During this time, I was struggling heavily with my mental health. I always get seasonal depression and I’ve had really bad anxiety my whole life,and along with being a high masking Autistic, it was just a really bad time for me. But I felt safe with Leah and although I tried to hide most of it, I still was honest with her when I was having really bad days, even though I was trying to be a stable person for her while her mom was dying. I took off so much time from work on the days where it was harder for her, just so that if she needed a break I could drive out to her and help take care of things so she can rest, or if she needed me, I would be available. She told me she didn’t talk to anyone else much during that time and her boyfriend and her don’t ever text anyway.
In February 2024, she got sick and had to come back home for a few days because she couldn’t be around her mom. It was the week of Valentine’s Day and I was excited she was coming into town, but figured she would be resting since she hadn’t been sleeping well the last couple of months and she was sick and all that.
Well. I was half right. She did sleep and rest. After she immediately went and saw her boyfriend. And went and saw another friend. And went out to dinner with a group of people. I hardly heard from her for a couple of days and when I did hear from her, that’s when I found out. And it stung. A lot. Well, I sort of blew up the day before Valentine’s Day, because I knew she was heading back to her mom on the 15th and she told me she was spending the 14th with her Boyfriend and I hadn’t gotten to see her yet and I missed her. And I blew up. I was really upset and told her I was hurt. She wasn’t communicating with me and I was being left in the dark. She told me that unless she’s sleeping with me, living with me, or paying her bills, she doesn’t owe me communication and that her not texting me is ‘just the way she is’. I felt like my concerns were just brushed aside. She drove to my house and was there for maybe 15 minutes and at the end of this “conversation” she said we were all good in her eyes and the problem was resolved.
I felt it wasn’t but I desperately wanted things to go back to normal, so I agreed. I didn’t hear from her again until the next week, a couple of days after her mom passed away. I gave her space, reminded her I was here and available for her if she wanted to talk or if I needed to drive out there for her. I didn’t hear from her, but I understood. A few weeks later, she was coming home, so I made a care basket with some snacks and comfort items and left it at her house before she got home, that way she didn’t need to see anyone if she wasn’t ready.
And I waited.
After a couple weeks, I heard from a few mutual acquaintances that she was returning to normal. That she was back at work, going out, she started playing D&D again with her other group, and when I reached out, she said we could return to normal, but she wasn’t engaging in conversation and it felt awkward. Well, the conversation from February still was eating at me and I was struggling really badly mentally and so I finally said something again. It was a long message and I threw up when I sent it because my anxiety was so bad over it.
When she responded, I was destroyed. She told me that we don’t communicate the same and we were trying to force each other to communicate our way, and she compared texting me to texting her boyfriend and that he was easier to text and that my anxiety made it worse for me and she told me all the ways she is the way she is and it’s from how she grew up. But I felt invalidated.
I tried to respond. I wanted to. I wanted to tell her that I had the same experiences growing up and that is why communication is important to me and I was trying to get better and I was trying to adapt to her style because I wanted my best friend back.
But I didn’t.
Everyday I’ve tried. I read that message she sent and I start sobbing. That was the middle of March. There’s been very little communication since then. But I’m the only one who initiates conversation. She was fine giving me time when I asked for it so the talk has been small. And I want to have the conversation because I want my friend back.
My mom is dying now. And I told Leah. And she doesn’t seem to care. And I feel so alone and isolated and I feel like a shell of myself. And there’s days where I’m so mad. I want to scream in her face and ask her why I don’t matter to her. But I’m mostly mad at myself. If I never said anything, it wouldn’t be like this. I caused this to happen. And it makes me look back and wonder if I was the problem in every other friendship and that’s why they don’t last. I don’t understand why I don’t seem to be important to anyone. Why I don’t matter. And I’m so lonely. And today, I simply hate myself for ruining the best year of friendship I’ve ever had.
submitted by sunninote to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 wfptc Clorinde Pre-TC FAQ via WFP Theorycrafting Team

Hey everyone, the WFP TC team would like to present our Clorinde FAQ and Mastersheet! This time around we are leveraging our [wfpsim tool](wfpsim.com) to handle a majority of our calculations instead of the traditional spreadsheets. This is a new process for us but should hopefully improve the quality of our content.

Clorinde FAQ: https://wangshengfp.org/faq/clorinde/

Clorinde Mastersheet: google sheets

Like how we did things in the past, WFP staff (mainly KB) will be around to answer any questions in the comments.
Also from popular request we have also transcribed our FAQ to fit in this reddit post, but please check out the website version since that will have any updates or corrections!



Authored by Leifa
Clorinde is a 5-star Electro Sword character aligned with Ousia whose kit revolves around building up Bond of Life with her Normal Attacks to unleash fast lunges with her Skill. Her Elemental Skill causes her to enter the "Night Vigil" state, replacing her Normal Attacks with ranged pistolet attacks, as well as replacing her Skill with a lunging attack, dealing Electro DMG. During the "Night Vigil" state, Clorinde's attacks can pierce enemies, allowing her to hit multiple enemies at once.
Clorinde is played on-field, providing both damage and large amounts of Electro application for the team. Due to having fast, ranged Normal Attacks, she has strong innate synergy with current off-field characters, such as Fischl and Xingqiu.

WFP Subjective Analysis

Authored by KB
Clorinde’s kit puts a high emphasis on the value of mobility, utility, and healing instead of focusing on damage. The easiest way to conceptualize her power budget is imagining if Alhaitham did ~30% less damage, but in exchange got the ability to self-heal, dash around with no stamina cost, and retained his larger than usual AoE for a melee unit. For most players this is a pretty good package for a unit, considering that if a unit like Arlecchino wanted to tech into defensive options, they would have to give up a valuable team slot.
It can’t be understated how smooth of a driver she is for other sub DPS units. Her mobility isn’t quite like Neuvillette where he can freely glide, but it comes pretty darn close once you get used to how her skill works (for the love of god learn that her lunge can be controlled with movement inputs). Her AoE is surprisingly decent for a melee character and if you play her with Furina you will not die ever.
There will be players that will be disappointed with her personal damage, especially considering Arlecchino was released right before her. Which is fine, Arlecchino and Clorinde are targeting different kinds of players. People who praise Arlecchino generally are okay with things such as no external healing if it means they can do high amounts of front-loaded damage. They are fine with building a team around giga-boosting a unit’s performance. Clorinde, on the other hand, feels like the polar opposite. She wants her allies to contribute damage. Her damage profile is more sustained instead of bursty, and of course she does less damage than a selfish unit. After all, it wouldn’t be fair for her to do everything well (looking at you Neuv).

Clorinde vs Alhaitham Banner

We recommend Alhaitham slightly more for most players.
To keep it short, if you already have a defensive unit like Kuki, Kirara, Xingqiu, Baizhu, or even Yaoyao, Alhaitham becomes a very comfortable unit to use while maintaining good damage. Alhaitham also has the option to push for higher damage at C0 with a full offensive team at the cost of comfort.
In general Alhaitham teams have more damage than Clorinde at the C0 level. Clorinde does have significantly better constellations which allows her to close the gap. If you don’t have many defensive options Clorinde could be much easier to play than Alhaitham. At the end of the day both units are quite good so it’s not a big deal if you prefer one over the other.


Authored by June
Leveling Priority:
Normal Attack: Oath of Hunting Shadows
Clorinde’s regular Normal Attacks are nothing special to look at. Instead, Clorinde’s Electro-infused pistolet attacks during her special state on her Skill are her main source of damage.
Elemental Skill: Hunter's Vigil
Clorinde enters a special state called Night Vigil state. In this state, her Normal Attacks become Electro-infused pistolet attacks and her Skill becomes a lunging attack that is considered as Normal Attack DMG. Clorinde summons a single Ousia blade along with her infused Normal Attacks. During this state, Clorinde does not receive healing from external sources, instead the external healing is converted to Bond of Life. The percentage of healing that converts to her Bond of Life is 80%. This state lasts for 7.5s and automatically ends when Clorinde leaves the field.
Clorinde gains different effects depending on her Bond of Life value when performing the infused Normal Attacks and lunging attack. Upon using her infused Normal Attacks, if her Bond of Life value is less than 100% of her Max HP, her infused Normal Attacks deal increased damage,pierce through enemies, and grant Clorinde a 35% BoL . Otherwise, when her Bond of Life value is equal to or greater than 100%, she just performs her weaker infused Normal Attacks.
Upon using her lunging attack, if she has a Bond of Life less than 100% of her Max HP, Clorinde is healed based on her Bond of Life value, while her lunging attack gains an AoE and DMG increase. If her Bond of Life value is equal to or greater than 100%, the healing she gains and her lunging attack’s AoE and DMG is increased even further. Otherwise, when she has no Bond of Life value, she just performs her lunging attack.
It is recommended to always use her lunging attack whenever she has at least 100% in Bond of Life value. Your total health bar represents 200% Bond of Life, so this 100% would be at the halfway point.
Elemental Burst: Last Lightfall
Clorinde’s Burst is fairly straightforward. It is an AoE multi-hit attack that hits 5 times and also grants herself a large amount of Bond of Life based on her Burst Talent level. At Talent Level 7+, it grants enough Bond of Life to use her strongest lunging attack immediately.
A1 Passive: Dark-Shattering Flame
When a party member triggers an Electro reaction, Clorinde’s infused Normal Attacks and Burst gain an Additive DMG Bonus based on 20% of her ATK. This Additive DMG Bonus caps at 1800, stacks up 3 times and lasts 15s, with each stack having an independent duration.
This means that any ATK above 3000 will not increase her damage significantly, since this Passive accounts for roughly half of her non-reaction damage.
A4 Passive: Lawful Remuneration
Clorinde gains 10% CRIT Rate for 15s after each fully-enhanced lunging attack, stacking up to 2 times, with each stack’s duration being independent from each other. Clorinde’s healing conversion to Bond of Life during her Night Vigil state increases as well, from 80% to 100% conversion.
This passive can make it difficult to fit in a CRIT Rate weapon without overcapping since she also gains CRIT from her ascension levels.
Utility Passive: Night Vigil's Harvest
Clorinde’s Utility Passive displays the location of Fontaine’s local specialties on the mini-map, aiding in material farming for Fontaine characters.


Authored by June and KB


On paper, many of Clorinde’s core Constellations (C1/C2/C4/C6) are actually pretty substantial increases to her damage. However, C0 Clorinde does not have the same ceiling of damage as her DPS peers such as Arlecchino, Neuvillette, or Alhaitham. In addition, one of her strongest teams usually involves her doing a smaller share of the team’s total DPS. This ends up diminishing the gains from her Constellations compared to getting upgrades on a different DPS unit such as Arlecchino, who owns the lion's share of her team’s total DPS. This is our reasoning for the lower scores on the Constellations since we believe Clorinde’s value is already built into C0 and is more about her utility, mobility, and self-sustain, rather than her personal damage.
For players more interested in playing Aggravate or even Hypercarry Clorinde teams, these Constellations will be more influential than our listed ratings.
*Sims done with R1 Absolution in a Fischl Sucrose Kirara team. Please check the WFP Clorinde Mastersheet for more details.

Constellation 1 - "From This Day, I Pass the Candle's Shadow-Veil"

While Hunter's Vigil's Night Vigil state is active, when Electro DMG from Clorinde's Normal Attacks hit opponents, they will trigger 2 coordinated attacks from a Nightvigil Shade summoned near the hit opponent, each dealing 30% of Clorinde's ATK as Electro DMG. This effect can occur once every 1.2s. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
Clorinde gains some additional damage during her infused Normal Attacks through her summon’s coordinated attacks.
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 25.5%
Rating: 3/5

Constellation 2 - "Now, As We Face the Perils of the Long Night"

Enhance the Passive Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame": After a nearby party member triggers a Electro-related reaction against an opponent, Electro DMG dealt by Clorinde's Normal Attacks and Last Lightfall will be increased by 30% of Clorinde's ATK for 15s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack is counted independently. When you have 3 stacks, Clorinde's interruption resistance will be increased. The Maximum DMG increase achievable this way for the above attacks is 2,700. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame."
The Additive DMG Bonus from Clorinde’s A1 Passive and its cap is increased, further boosting Clorinde’s damage output. The absolute damage gain from C1 to C2 is the same as going from C0 to C1. You can think of C2 as getting C1 again, but with a bonus of interruption resistance. The interruption resistance granted from C2 is the same as Xingqiu’s orbital Rain Swords.
DPS% Increase vs. C1: 18.0%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 48.1%
Rating: 3/5

Constellation 3 - "I Pledge to Remember the Oath of Daylight"

Increases the Level of Hunter's Vigil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15._
An increase in Clorinde's Elemental Skill level. Unfortunately, a large portion of her damage also comes from her A1 Passive, so this increase is less than a typical C3.
DPS% Increase vs. C2: 4.6%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 54.8%
Rating: 0/5

Constellation 4 - "To Enshrine Tears, Life, and Love"

When Last Lightfall deals DMG to opponent(s), DMG dealt is increased based on Clorinde's Bond of Life percentage. Every 1% of her current Bond of Life will increase Last Lightfall DMG by 2%. The maximum Last Lightfall DMG increase achievable this way is 200%.
Although this Constellation doesn’t seem like a large upgrade on sheets/sims, it does open the option to frontload her damage for quickly clearing a wave. At this level she has the option to go for one-shot nuke builds although our recommendation is still leaning towards Quickbloom teams due to how versatile they are.
DPS% Increase vs. C3: 9.9%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 70.1%
Rating: 3/5

Constellation 5 - "Holding Dawn's Coming as My Votive"

Increases the Level of Last Lightfall by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Yeah, this is really only a stepping stone to get to C6. Never go for C5 only.
DPS% Increase vs. C4: 2.1%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 73.7%
Rating: 0/5
Constellation 6 - "And So Shall I Never Despair"
For 12s after Hunter's Vigil is used, Clorinde's CRIT Rate will be increased by 10%, and her CRIT DMG by 70%. Additionally, while Night Vigil is active, a Glimbright Shade will appear under specific circumstances, attacking opponents and dealing 200% of Clorinde's ATK as Electro DMG. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG. The Glimbright Shade will appear under the following circumstances:
  • When Clorinde is about to be attacked by an opponent.
  • When Clorinde uses Impale the Night: Pact.
1 Glimbright Shade can be summoned in the aforementioned ways every 1s. 6 Shades can be summoned per single Night Vigil duration. In addition, while Night Vigil is active, the DMG Clorinde receives is decreased by 80% and her interruption resistance is increased. This effect will disappear after the Night Vigil state ends or 1s after she summons 6 Glimbright Shades.
Here we go, Clorinde is now a mobile, utility, self healing driver that also does an absurd amount of damage. In addition, Clorinde at C6 is impossible to kill with how much damage reduction and healing she has. This Constellation really does ascend her to a DPS unit that does almost everything well.
DPS% Increase vs. C5: 41.7%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 146.1%
Rating: 4/5


Authored by KB
Clorinde does not really need to build ER since bursting isn’t that much of a DPS gain. You should still Burst when it is up of course, but it is usually not worth building ER over more CRIT. The one exception is C4+ Clorinde, which at that point it is important to calculate your specific ER needs with the tools below.
Clorinde’s ER requirements will vary based on your team and rotation. For a more accurate estimate, please use the Energy Recharge Calculator linked here. For more details on how Favonius weapons will affect your team, please use Ac1d’s Favonius Mastersheet linked here.


Authored by KB
Sands of Eon: ATK% / EM
Goblet of Eonothem: Electro DMG%
Circlet of Logos: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Substats : CRIT > ATK% > EM/ER
At C0, ATK% and EM sands perform about the same if Clorinde is triggering Hyperbloom. Without Hyperbloom ATK% sands is slightly preferable. Any Constellation above C0 will prefer ATK% sands over EM.

Artifact Sets

4pc Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy

Generally Clorinde’s highest personal damage set, especially at higher Constellations.

4pc Thundering Fury

This set is used when shortening Clorinde’s cooldowns is more beneficial than increasing her personal damage. An example of an ideal 4pc TF team is Clorinde-Furina-Nahida-Fischl, where Nahida and Furina have long-lasting deployable Skills/Bursts. Clorinde can swap off once to refresh Oz and then go back to being on-field. 4pc TF is not recommended for pure Electro-Charged teams.

4pc Gladiator's Finale

A fine budget option to use before farming for 4pc FHW. Roughly 10% less personal damage compared to FHW which is not too bad considering Quickbloom teams do not need her to do outstanding damage.


Authored by KB
*Sims are done for both 4pc TF Quickbloom and 4pc FHW Aggravate teams. Please read the WFP Clorinde Mastersheet for more details.

Absolution (5-star)

Her signature and best weapon. It is a significant personal damage increase that is comparable to her C1.

Light of Foliar Incision (5-star)

On the same launch banner as her signature weapon. It is one of the stronger 5-star options for her so it’s pretty hard to be upset about losing in the banner. Foliar is also a bit more versatile than her signature which is nice if you have multiple sword DPS units.

The Black Sword (Battle Pass)

Despite having a healing Passive which works with her BoL generation, the main reason this weapon is good on her is that it’s a good statstick that also grants high Normal Attack DMG%. At R1 it performs as well as Finale of the Deep R5. Once refined to R5 it starts creeping close to Foiliar’s DPS.

Finale of the Deep (Free Craftable)

Clorinde is the perfect user of this weapon, since the passive gives her a massive amount of ATK. While this weapon does not trump many of the 5-star swords it gets pretty darn close, which is very impressive considering it is craftable! Most people will be perfectly satisfied with sitting on this weapon instead of going for upgrades. If you are worried about missing out on damage, please look at the WFP Clorinde Mastersheet for her weapon calcs to see how much of a difference in team DPS it is to sit on a free weapon; it is surprisingly low for a 5-star unit.


Authored by KB


Furina has a pretty nice interaction with how Clorinde heals from her Skill. Healing Bonus applies to the huge 110% Max HP healing from her lunging attacks before the Bond of Life reduces the healing. This means that even having only 150 Fanfare stacks on Furina will make Clorinde heal more than double her normal amount. For players with access to C1/C2 Furina, they can increase the healing to roughly half of Clorinde’s Max HP!
Healing Bonus Amount of Max HP Healed
Base 0% 10.50%
150 Fanfare 14% 26.09%
300 Fanfare 27% 41.69%
400 Fanfare (C1) 36% 52.08%
*Furina Talent Level 9 Burst

Furina Quickbloom (Meta)

4 Thundering Fury Recommended
Clorinde Furina Dendro Dendro/Electro
Ideal Setup
Clorinde Furina Nahida Fischl
Generally considered her strongest team archetype. Furina is one of the most important units for Clorinde teams due to how well she interacts with Clorinde’s healing in addition to buffing several sub DPS units. Clorinde’s mobility is also unrestricted in this team with Oz’s range being the only real concern for positioning.
Dendro Options:
Electro Options:

Aggravate (Meta)

Clorinde Electro Dendro Flex
Ideal Setup
Clorinde Fischl Kirara/Nahida Kazuha/Sucrose
Clorinde’s Skill has fantastic synergy with Fischl in Aggravate teams since her application and attack rate are faster than most Electro characters. Clorinde’s Aggravate teams are similar to Keqing’s Aggravate except Clorinde brings much more mobility and has self-healing. Usually other Aggravate teams have to sacrifice a decent amount of damage or grouping for survivability since the defensive options are not great (Kuki/Kirara/Jean).
Electro Options:
Dendro Options:
Flex Options:


Clorinde Electro Hydro Anemo/Hydro
Ideal Setup
Clorinde Furina Yelan/Fischl Kazuha
Although Clorinde is the first “good” Electro Taser driver character to come out, her Quickbloom and Aggravate teams usually utilizes her kit better. That being said, her function as a Taser unit is perfectly fine and the Hydro units that can pair with her are rather strong (Xingqiu/Yelan/Furina).
Hydro Options:
Electro Options:
Anemo Options:

Hypercarry/Overload Clorinde (Not Recommended)

Clorinde Buffer Buffer Buffer or Anemo if no Chevreuse
Ideal Setup (For higher invest players only)
Clorinde Sara Chevreuse Xiangling
This playstyle only really makes sense for people who are at least C2R1 on Clorinde since at her C0 base she is not doing enough personal damage even with buffers to shine. Even at this level of investment the other teams above generally perform better and have even higher ceilings for upgrades such as using C2 Nahida or Furina.
Teammates :
Buffer Options:
Flex Options:
submitted by wfptc to Genshin_Impact_Leaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:34 namely_musical Roommate Problems

Hey everyone, as the title states I’ve been having some issues with my current roommates and I need some advice. For some context to this whole situation (this will probably be a little long so please bear with me): Before moving into this apartment, I had been communicating with a friend that I’ve known since elementary school while he was attending college in Arizona. Let’s call him Carl, for the sake of anonymity. He had been expressing how he would like to come back to living in Texas as he wasn’t very comfortable in Arizona, but he didn’t want to go back to living with his parents in Garland either. I discussed with him the possibility of us rooming together in a 2 bedroom apartment, as we had known each other for a long time and were very good friends, so I didn’t really see how there could be any concerns except for money as apartments and housing in Texas (and the US as a whole) has become quite expensive. As we had discussed it more, he had moved back to Garland and begun planning and saving up to move out of his parent’s house. It wouldn’t just be him, however, as he had a friend he knew from Florida that was also in a similar situation that would be willing to share a bedroom with Carl. I was a little skeptical of this idea at first, however after further discussion I did become more comfortable with it. I also discussed the move frequently with my dad and other friends that I would often meet with. Once we started to look at the actual costs of renting a 2 bedroom apartment, I started to get the impression that they (Carl and the other roommate) were expecting me to pay all of the rent rather than splitting costs evenly. I made it clear in all discussions that this was not to be the case, and stated that a 70/30 split for rent would be the most fair, as I knew that Carl was not making as much money as I was and that our other roommate would have to find work in the area before he could start to contribute to the cost of living. Carl agreed on this, and even stated multiple times to the other friends and family we talked with that he would be willing to split 60/40. I made it clear also that I expected everyone on the lease to contribute to rent on every single payment, so that everyone would be doing their part, fairly so, and that no one would need to contribute more than necessary. During all of this, I was told multiple times that it would be a really bad idea to pursue this arangement by my father and others, though I decided to anyway because I trusted Carl and by extension his friend from Florida. As we finalized things and settled on a pretty nice unit with a rent of $1199/mo (a little higher than I would have liked, but manageable), I started to become loaded with more and more requests from Carl to pay for deposits for electricity, internet, and for the apartment itself. I was okay with this, as he had promised to pay me back later. I knew he was struggling with paying off bills from college classes and was also spending on the trip to Florida to assist our roommate. Things started to settle down a bit more, and Carl was able to provide rent, however not at the full 30% that was agreed upon. I begrudgingly kept my mouth shut as I knew I was making a lot more money than him and I thought it would be unfair of me to ask for more than he was able to provide. Fast forward some time later and I had to help my girlfriend move out of her sister’s apartment due to some family issues that I won’t discuss here. Since then, things have gotten a little more difficult to afford, but I have not asked for any more or less from Carl or my other roommate (even though he has made very little to no progress towards getting a job or helping with bills and rent). I have also discovered through my girlfriend that when I am not home, both Carl and Florida have been saying that I am self-centered and short tempered, and that I have been asking too much from them as far as payment towards rent and other expenses such as groceries and other bills. Florida has also said that he feels uncomfortable with continuing to search for work and that he feels that my girlfriend should be pitching in more (even though she helps clean after them, take care of my cats/fish, and will sometimes help with buying cleaning supplies when necessary. While it wasn’t directly said, Florida has heavily implied in conversation that my girlfriend should also being rent, despite that fact that she is not legally written into the lease and as such not legally responsible for assisting with rent and bills. This all brings us to last night. While I was at work, I had remembered that rent still needed to be paid and I reached out to Carl to ask how much he would be able to put in this month. I received a text from him later that said he didn’t have a lot right now and wouldn’t be able to help until next paycheck, which I said was alright. After getting home, I paid rent in full, and went to pick up my girlfriend from work as she was getting off around that time. In the car, she told me that Carl had lied to me about how much he actually had in his account under the instruction of Florida. I was extremely frustrated and exhausted at that point, deciding that this was the last straw, and planned to confront them that night after making dinner. Once I got home after picking her up, their bedroom door was shut and I heard them on a voice call with an online friend while playing a game together (they do this very frequently and are often loud, and taking dishes to their room for snacks without returning them). As usual, they came out right when food was almost ready. That had started to pick at what was already out, and my girlfriend had told them to stop because nothing was finished yet. They took this as a joke and ignored it, so I firmly told them to stop. They acted surprised at this, and went back to their bedroom, closing the door and not returning until I had left the kitchen to get ready for work today. This morning, my girlfriend showed me a text from Carl asking if she had figured out why I was “being such an asshole”.
At this point, I’m heavily considering kicking them both out regardless of whether or not they have a place to stay. I have been more than patient and fair, spent far over half of my savings towards everything in this apartment including the dishes and other supplies they use, only for them to act like this and treat me this way when I’m not home. I really need advice on how to move forward with this situation, and whether or not I am actually in the wrong for feeling the way I do.
(TL;DR - My roommates have been underpaying, not cleaning after themselves, and talking about me behind my back, and in general being a headache to deal with. What do I do?)
Please let me know if I need to provide more information! Thank you all.
submitted by namely_musical to Advice [link] [comments]
