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2024.06.02 16:47 Brilliant_Nebula5375 Why is BM so bitter??

My husband and I started dating four years ago and got married about two months ago. I have a SS age 6 with nonverbal autism. I’m also 6 months pregnant. BM got married about a year ago. I really thought after getting married she would chill out but she hasn’t at all.
We all know each other from 12-step recovery meetings. My husband relapsed for 3 months in 2022, but otherwise has been clean the last 4.5 years. She is not sober anymore. However, when he relapsed, she took that opportunity to withhold his son, even after completing 70 days in a treatment facility. We spent about $40k in legal fees to get a custody order because she absolutely refused to settle or give my husband any right to see his son.
My husband wants to be an involved dad, but BM makes any communication all but impossible. He has repeatedly asked her to put SS’s events, appointments, etc. in the calendar in the parenting app they communicate through, but she refuses. She won’t tell him about SS’s new doctors until he repeatedly asks. She moved SS two hours away (without husband’s permission and behind his back, which is a whole other story) so it’s tough to participate in a lot of things. But the things he would/could participate in she won’t tell him about. For example, he would have called out of work to attend SS’s kindergarten graduation, but she never told him about it and the teacher told my husband too late for him to be able to call out.
And yet, despite refusing to provide information, trying to withhold SS, etc., she does her utmost to make him out to be a neglectful dad. She makes constant passive aggressive comments, oversteps boundaries (like trying to strong arm us into spraying our yard for mosquitoes when I’m pregnant and don’t want to be exposed to the chemicals), and has my number blocked for absolutely no reason (I want to talk to her as like as possible, but since we have SS every weekend I think an open line of communication is important - my husband did add me to the parenting app). She won’t provide any constructive advice on how to handle symptoms of SS’s autism when asked, but instead says it proves he can’t handle his son.
Idk. This is way too long. I’m just venting. It’s really tough and we feel like we fighting a losing battle.
submitted by Brilliant_Nebula5375 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:38 throw_RA01351013501 How can I 18M tell my girlfriend 19F things that are bothering me about our relationship without causing her to shut down and shut me out for days on end?

My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now, and I am quite happy in our relationship. However, there are certain things that she does, which to be fair are quite major to me, that I would like to discuss with her. Though, every time I mention something that she's done that has upset me, she gets really defensive, and it turns into an argument, and our arguments always end up the same way. Either I do something to upset her and she locks herself away and refuses to talk to me for 3 days, or I tell her that something she has done has upset me and she gets defensive and tells me that I am either wrong or an asshole and then shuts me out for around 3 days. There was one rare occasion when she made a joke that was in poor taste without realising it, I told her it upset me but had forgiven her like 5 minutes later and she then shut me out for a day out of shame. I didn't tell her to make her feel bad or anything. I just told her that the specific topic was not something I was ready to joke about just yet. This whole dynamic has made me terrified to criticise her in any way, but it is starting to get to the point where I feel as if she might unknowingly be taking advantage of it.
The things I want to bring up are:
  1. She pretends to have forgotten about making plans that she has made with me so that she can do other things. This has happened on 3 separate occasions and it is blaringly obvious when she does it because she is a terrible liar. For example, she recently suggested that we go out for a drink, just the two of us (which has happened once in the past 9 months) to celebrate finishing the university year, because our exams finish on the same day. When she then told me that she'd made plans to go with her course mates I asked her if she'd forgotten and she claimed to not even remember mentioning going out together.
  2. Keeping double standards when it comes to sharing things. I suffer from a multitude of mental health issues, and suicidal thoughts as well as self harm are somethings I struggle with. (I was mentally and physically abused by my mother who died last year which has given me some real difficult emotions to deal with). Because of this, she expects me to tell her EVERYTHING. Infact, she will shut me out for days if I told her that I hurt myself an hour after I did it rather than straight away. But will not mention a thing to me until about a month after it happened, or when it benefits her in an argument to drop it on me. It isn't even just about mental health stuff. She will look over my shoulder at whoever I am messaging (I literally only message 3 friends and my dad), expects to know everything I am doing when I am at university, shopping or just out for whatever reason during the day and will just generally want to know everything. When I ask how her day was and what she got up to I am greeted with a "It was ok, I didn't really do much", even if she has been out all day. She'll later tell a story from her day that I'd argue isn't "nothing much", usually when we're sat with a group of people, and she will tell the story mainly to the other people there, blatantly not looking at me. The double standards don't end at sharing things. She has told that that she has danced with "gay" men at clubs when I am not there (she told me that they were definitely gay but couldn't tell me how she knew that), messages her guy friends when she's upset before she even messages me, gets sent and watches thirst traps of guys when I am sat right next to her with her friend, and yet I mention that there is a girl in my assigned group work and she gets visibly uncomfortable and will go cold to me. She also, being the one who ignores me for days at a time, won't let me take an hour to myself when I am upset. Usually I will want to speak to her when I am upset about something, but a couple of days ago, she'd got upset about something I had said before an exam (I had agreed with her about something she had said while I was half listening while I was revising after she insisted she sat in my room to keep me company) and I wasn't meant to agree with her? I'm not even clear on what it was about because I was desperately trying to cram for an exam that I was stressed about passing. I went to the exam with her ignoring me because I had upset her. I apologised, ditched my revision for the last hour to try and make things right, but she'd locked herself away, and was seemingly fine as soon as I turned my phone off to go into the exam hall. I couldn't focus on my exam because I thought she was distraught. I whole heartedly believe that if I have failed that exam, it was because of that because I just couldn't focus on my longer mark questions. When I got back, I didn't particularly want to speak to her, because it wasn't the first time that she'd been angry at me before something big and was acting like it never happened after she had fucked me over for it. But, she was insistent that I talk to her and that I go sit with her and her friend because "her friends exam went badly too". She had told her friend about my exam to comfort her without consulting me.
  3. Ignoring me. If we sit in a group, I will be the person she talks to least. If I am speaking to her and someone else starts talking, she will blank me and talk to the other person. She has answered phone calls and left mid sentence with the "No, I am not busy, we can talk" when I have been opening up to her about something. She will put in the effort to respond to all of her friends messages, tiktoks and whatever else they send her as soon as she can. I went 3 months without her evening opening my tiktoks, she left me on seen on instagram for about a week and leaves me on delivered for an average of about 2 hours at a time, all while acting like nothing is wrong in person. I brought it up to her when she was doing it and she told me that I just send her so much, it stresses her out... I send her 10% the amount of things that her friend sends her. I now figured it is easier to just not send her anything unless it's absolutely perfect. I annoys me that I can't even share a funny dog video that she used to say she loved receiving to her.
I know that it is my fault that she feels that she can do these things, and it is my fault that I haven't said anything. But I just can't have a constructive conversation with her about when she has upset me without it devolving into the silent treatment, which I cannot handle. I just want to be able to tell her these things and repair them before it becomes too much and I am forced to just walk away.
I am really sorry that this post is so long. I don't really have anyone to talk this stuff over with, so it all just sort of came out. She isn't a bad person, I think I have just emboldened her into thinking that this behaviour is acceptable by my lack of backbone.
TL;DR: I want to tell my girlfriend that she is upsetting me with a few behaviours, but every time I criticise her she shuts me out and I end up apologising, or she pretends nothing ever happened and goes on as before.
submitted by throw_RA01351013501 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:11 FluidCream Is this worth perusing?

I'll start with saying in march 2024, I was diagnosed with ALS.
This was after a year of a ALS specialist saying I don't have ALS because my very long timeline history of weakness and muscle twitches is not indicative of ALS. His words were along the lines of "You don't have 8 years of medically recorded weakness and twitching and still be walking and talking with ALS"
I started having regular muscle twitches in December 2015, as well as weakness and cramps. This is after 6 months of serious "unknown illness". However I believe it was Lyme. I remember the tick, not realising it was a tick, I squashed it. Days later was the rash followed by the quite typically timeline of symptoms.
First flu and upset stomach. Then tiredness, fatigue, tight chest, weight loss, cramps, pains, tinnitus. An ambulance was called to me 2 times. I attended hospital emergency 3 times each time with breathing issues, chest pains and one time suspected stroke after the left side of my face went numb. I had scans on my chest, heart, stomach and had cameras up and down looking for cancer, something to explain my 30lb weightless.
I'd seen my doctor 20-30 times during that period.
I asked for a Lyme test after a few months of illness when I realised the significance of the tick, however I was told unless a doctor saw the rash the lab may not do the test. They didn't.
I only got better mid2016 after I was given a week of Doxycycline for another issue.
Alot of my general illness went, but still had weakness in my arm and leg, muscle twitches and cramps, fatigue (though not as much as before) as well and neurological issues, such as tingles,burning sensation, brain fog so a very regular occurance. My bowel movement hasn't been correct since I'd 2015.
My walking felt off and in 2016 and 2019 I had physio for my leg, which both noticed my tight leg muscle and noticeably weaker left leg. 2017 I had physio for my weak left arm.
Feb 2023 (after getting Covid for the first time a few weeks before) the twitches I always had since 2015 just got 10 times worse. I saw a neurologist in April 2023 and was diagnosed with BFS and maintained that claim until March 2024.
I decided to pay for an advanced Lyme disease test, as the NHS UK one is famously inaccurate. Apparently only working well weeks after infection and practically useless detecting chronic infections.
My test came back positive for Lyme and according to the other information is chronic and also something is surpressing my immune system.
Is this something worth pursuing? Get treatment for the Lyme?
I know it seems a long shot. I've read articles where people with ALS were tested positive for lyme but treatment made no difference, but those seem incidental diagnosis not someone who proved to have Lyme before or studied like before their ALS diagnosis. There is lots of evidence that once you're diagnosed with ALS, that's it, but amongst those are the odd 1 or 2 examples of it helping.
I don't know what to do.
submitted by FluidCream to ALSorNOT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:53 TheStoryBoy Wife has been using her Annual Girls Trip as an Annual Hall Pass. Part 1

My wiife (Gwen, 31F) and I (Robert, 33M) have been together for 11 years and married for 8. We have a set of 4 year old twins (M/F). Our relationship the last 3 years has been spectacular. We spend at least one night a week together on a date, sex is regular, we discuss everything, have long intimate conversations, and financially we are hitting full stride, both of us have growing careers. It wasn't always this good, but never has been bad either. We have grown up together. We had a lot of the typical couple issues early on and throughout our 20s. But each challenge just seemed to bring us closer in the end.
That's what makes what I found out 2 days ago so much more devastating. My wife has been cheating on me.
Every June, my wife and her best friend, Scarlett, take a girls trip. It's been a tradition they've done since they were 18. It's nothing crazy, they usually just pick a nearby touristy town and spend the weekend shopping, or laying by a pool, or doing spa treatments. Nothing too over the top. She has this year's trip already booked and it's in just a couple of weeks.
The other day, I was looking at our bank account app, and it wanted some mandatory info verification for privacy sake. I clicked the button and it went into 2 step authorization. Clicked okay and it said it had to send me a code via text, but it's my wife's phone tied to the account. I begrudgingly got up and went and found her phone. I would normally ask but she was napping and I didn't want to wake her. I picked the phone up and hit for the code to unlock since it obviously wasn't going to recognize my face. I know the pin it's the same thing she uses for everything.
Once unlocked she has Snapchat open, and there's a message from her bff in the chat. It says, "Are you really going to go through with it?" A sense of dread washed over me. I really had no reason to feel this way, but something about the question just felt so off. I thought hard about how my wife would respond, and typed back, "Why wouldn't I?" Scarlett responded, "I'm just saying, 2 guys at once is pretty intense."
My heart dropped, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Knowing I couldn't keep the charade up I stopped responding and began looking through the Snaps. There were 2 guys I vaguely recognized as being from my wife's past. Unfortunately, it's Snapchat, so when I clicked on them there was nothing there. I went into her phone deeper. Nothing in her texts or email. I look through a oddly named folder and in it is Whatsapp. Here are the messages I was looking for. Her messaging with her old HS boyfriend (Donald 31M), making plans for their upcoming "girls" trip. No smoking gun, no sexts or pics, but definitely flirty. Definitely making plans to meet at the hotel, and definitely planning on him bringing his college roommate, who was also my wife's 2nd boyfriend (Jon, 32M).
I couldn't believe she would do this. I was also wondering how long this has been going on. There are not a lot of messages, but I could tell that this won't be the first time Donald has joined her on the "girls trip." I knew since Scarlett would figure out that I sent that last response, I had to confront my wife when she awoke.
When she finally awoke, some gruelling 45 minutes later, she immediately picked up her phone. She didn't even notice me sitting in the chair in the corner of our room. After looking at her snaps, and sending a few back to Scarlett she finally put 2 and 2 together and realized I had been on her phone. She looked over and finally noticed my presence. Her first words, said in a very aggravated tone, were, "Did you go through my phone?"
Before I could even get a word out she starts laying into me about invasion of privacy. I became immediately engaged. How dare she blame me for anything. I tell her I know she is cheating, that she's talking to Donald and Jon, and that her and Scarletts trip is just a cover. At first she tries to deny everything. Tries to gaslight me. Telling me I'm reading too much into the messages, that she is just catching up with old friends and knew I would act like this, that's why she didn't tell me they were going to get lunch. It was all bullshit.
I got so mad this whole thing devolved into just screaming and yelling. I told her I wanted a divorce, and she said, "Really, you're going to throw away over 10 years over a couple of nothing texts." Implying I was the one throwing things away, made me see the darkest red, and I said what I knew would get under skin the far more than anything else, "I'm not the one throwing it away you stupid cunt."
Now I knew this would drive her crazy. She HATES that word. She even gets upset when TV characters say it. I've never seen her that mad but it worked. She totally flipped and screamed at me that she "Does this for us." I was mind blown by that statement, but she wasn't done. I'm paraphrasing from memory but basically she just raginly started spouting off everything:
"WHY DO YOU THINK OUR RELATIONSHIP GETS BETTER EVERY FUCKING YEAR, I DESERVE THIS. It's my free weekend, it lets me handle all the bullshit from the year, resets me. If you can't understand that that's your problem. So fucking what if I'm crossing some lines, are you not fucking happy. We have it great, and all it costs is me getting one weekend a year off. (At this point she softened a little but kept a stern tone). I get it, your pride is hurt, but it has nothing to do with you, this is for me. You can have a great life, I just need this once a year, and you need to make peace with that. We have a good thing going, don't fuck it up because you're mad now."
I couldn't believe what I heard. I felt literally woozy in that moment. My chest tightened. This woman was out of her mind. I didn't say a word. I left the room, went to my car and headed for my brother's house. When I arrived I just texted my wife "I'm at Mickey's, please dont message me, I need time."
I've been hanging out here for 2 days just under the guise of generic marital problems. She has texted me each morning asking me to come home and talk. I responded both times "not yet." I don't know what to do, I've never been hurt so badly, or so callously. I love her, but this is too much, I plan to go back home tomorrow and try and sort this out. I don't see how we ever come back from this.
submitted by TheStoryBoy to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:37 aut3-terre-21 Recommendations for dieticians in clinics who start with lab work as a baseline?

Are there any recommendations for dieticians in Ville-Marie who are in a clinic/practice that can start with lab work as an assessment baseline?
Does anyone have experience with obtaining lab work within a clinic setting? (working with both a GP for the lab work and then with the dietician)? Any advice on where to start please?
submitted by aut3-terre-21 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:36 starstruck131 Unpopular OPINION: DFs, it's more loving not to send the text/cards/calls etc

Please note "opinion" is in all caps because it is simply that: an opinion. But bear with me because I think a lot of us DF needs some sage advice on this... including and especially myself. 🥴 I know it's long but hang with me for a min.
So I have noticed a theme here. Not all inclusive, but definitely a large majority: Many DF's whether male or female have anxious attachment styles. Anxious attachment says that when we find something or someone really great we must cling, cling, cling lest it will go away and we will be abandoned. And when/if it goes away, the very first thing we ask ourselves is "why was I not good enough? What did I do wrong? How can I get it back? What is wrong with me?" Because we have tethered our self-worth to another human being and now they are gone. The validation they were providing of our worthiness and lovability has vanished and left us with a gaping hole in our very core. I remember being so desperate to have this man back in ANY capacity, I probably would've given up limbs and internal organs to make it happen. Certainly would've paid every cent in my bank account.
And DMs, well, they've been shown time and time again that when something seems too good be true, it usually is. From a young age, they have been shown that having needs and emotions isn't well-received from caregivers. So when sh*t gets real, or they start feeling those overwhelming surges of love, they panic. They discard it because those feelings equal danger in their inner climate. If they are "out of control" of their emotions it forces them to be vulnerable. Vulnerability means they are bound to be hurt. So they throw love away on their terms..where it's safe. This is an avoidant attachment behavior. So rather than address themselves, or be accountable for their flaky behavior they will stonewall when pressed on their hot and cold mannerisms. Shut down. Dive into work, substances, karmic relationships... whatever takes the heat off of themselves and their own inner issues with receiving love. Because in their mind, if they were to relinquish control and the upper hand, the only outcome is abandonment/betrayal and pain.
Both of these situations are truly heartbreaking I have compassion for both sides of the coin. We are all healing some major major lifestyles when confronted writh this journey. The DF the ability to harness unconditional love for self, and the DM confronting the inability to receieve love from others...amongst about a million other things for the both of us. Iykyk.
I just I want you to know, fellow anxious attachers: we survived !! We made it through the other side of one of our very worst fears... being vulnerable and fully immersed in love and then abandoned and betrayed in the midst of it. Not only did we survive, but we are learning how to THRIVE AND show compassion and love to the very people who perpetrated that pain in our lives.This showed us the radiance of our own inner being. How capable, wonderful, loving, and STRONG we are. Do you see how incredible this is?! What other journey would have asked us to love so fully the very cause of our deepest pain? But here we are--following Jesus' path by the thousands. Deep compassion and unconditional love for they truly "know not what they do."
(l am not heavily religious, but I do believe Jesus came here to teach us life is eternal and love is truly the glue that binds us all together)
This is the unpopular bit here: Just like you had to heal this alllll on your own, with no help from your DM...your DM has to confront their shadows all on their own too. You can't force healing, you can't do it for them, you can't make them "see the light."
They have to do this themselves. On their timeline. In their way. On their terms. Just like the universe had your back the whole time, just like it constantly reminded you of this person over and over and over again with signs and syncs. Can you trust it is doing the same with your DM? You don't have to worry about a thing! ✨️ Trust that as equally as you were guided (even despite your great resistance at times) to liberation and LOVE, so is your DM. Release it all! Stay in your lane sweet soul.
Ever had a close loved one suffer with drug addiction or alcoholism? You love them immensely and you see them in this horrible cycle of self-destruction. We want to save them from themselves. You've tried the hands-on approach and somehow it only enabled them to sink further into their own misery?
This is not very different from that scenario. Sending the text, hanging out on the back burner pining away for your twin, writing letters emails cards, watching the stories, posting the thirsty @ss quotes and songs on social enabling your twin to stay in their shadows. Why would they come out from where it's "safe" when what they are doing is working in their eyes? Here they are running like an Olympian, and here you are pining away for them still. Despite their horrible treatment and behavior at times. Stop it! Stop enabling harmful behaviors. Both our ways of acting are unhealthy. We are here to bring a new paradigm of relationships. We've done our part, let them do theirs. You are unforgettable. What you had together is unforgettable. It is designed this way. Trust it! You will not be forgotten in the dust.
Does this sound cold and unloving? If your answer is yes, DIG DEEPER. Love yourself even more. Because there you will find exactly how you deserve and long to be loved and treated by a life partner and you will never settle for less again. You will also see that just as an addict has to hit rock bottom, so does your twin. Just how we had to face our rock bottom and claw our way out of the pits of h€ll back home to ourselves...all by ourselves, with no help from those we love most: so do our twins. In this trial we learned of our strength and will they.
It is THE MOST radical act of unconditional love to let those we care about learn their own lessons. It doesn't seem like that at first but it is. And, too, unconditional love for yourself means you don't simp over the bare matter how much you love and long for them. Love them completely and wholly, but love yourself too and liberate yourself from the waiting and pining game. All is in divine order. When you let go of the need to control anything other than yourself and your own healing, life really does get lighter and more magical as a result. The muddy waters clear and it's just you in your most radiant expression.
submitted by starstruck131 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:54 Naive_Pie4455 2nd round accutane - i'm scared that it will not help this time either

I'm 20F and I have taken accutane before in 2020 when I was 16 years old. Prior to that I had been struggling with acne for about 2 years - at first it was just small bumps etc., but then it transformed into lots and lots of pimples all over my cheeks and a little bit on my jaw/chin. I've probably tried all the creams and antibiotics imaginable, but finally my dermatologist has decided to put me on accutane since nothing was working. My acne was seriously very bad at this point, to the point where you don't even really see people with such acne that often. So I was put on 30mg/day and I took it for 11 months. It worked wonders, my skin was almost perfect aside from some discoloration/hyperpigmentation that I later on almost got rid of with microneedling. That lasted for about 9 months. In may 2022 I started getting small bumps around my cheek and chin area. I talked to my dermatologist and she recommended a second round of accutane, however I decided not to do it since it really wasn't that bad so I thought I could live with it. In october 2023 I started getting more and more breakouts, and now my face is almost the same as it was before i started accutane. I'm going to my dermatologist on saturday and I'm pretty sure she's going to suggest second round again. I'm willing to do it, I'd rather suffer through a few months of back pain and dry skin than let my acne destroy my confidence and quality of life. However I am extremely worried that my acne will come back again and that it doesn't make sense to go through that again. What are your experiences going on 2nd round of accutane? Has anyone here been on 3rd or 4th round? Does this ever end? I've been also wondering if the ineffectiveness of the first round could have anything to do with the fact that I consumed almost no fat during that period of my life (long story - stomach/intestine problems, not related to accutane) and I heard that it's the best to take accutane along with a source of fat? What do you think? Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language and I was typing fast
submitted by Naive_Pie4455 to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:18 OwnBrick91 Will TRT trigger a respond in me?

When I was in my early twenties. I had oily skin, wet war wax, strong body odors especially from my armpit region and high libido. I also had cystic acne all over my body and face. Which is difficult to cure. Nothing works. I think my hormones were a whack back then. Food triggers me.
Now I'm in my early thrities, I had dry earwax, almost no body odor and lower libido than before. My cystic acne went away and inflammation is all time low. Finally. Drier skin. I'm able to tolerate some junk food but not a lot.
My backacne and acne is very similar to someone on AAS during my early twenties. It took my many years to fix it. Every slightly bad food set off an forest fire in my body. My clothes were stained with blood regularly. That is how bad it is.
Does this mean that if I were to start TRT, all of my problems in my twenties is gona come back again? Or even worse?
Obviously I don't have good affinity with my own hormones already. Let alone TRT.
submitted by OwnBrick91 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:56 zelda_bean16 Tired of the emotional and verbal abuse, but still can’t shake the feeling of sadness

I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Maybe a similar story or words of encouragement/advice. This is very long and I am sorry!
I'm 35 and my boyfriend (ex?) is 31. We have been together for a little over 2 1/2 years. He has a 9 year old son and I have an 8 year old daughter. Two months ago to the day I moved out of the apartment I have been in since I got divorced when my daughter was a year old. It was the perfect place, great rent for where I live. It was truly home.
My partner and I moved in 2 months ago and I was very hesitant. He had brought up the idea a year prior but I shot it down. I graduated nursing school in December of 2023 and quickly secured a job. We began discussing it a little more seriously. On paper, it seemed like the timing was right, we would both save a significant amount of money...what could go wrong? Spoiler alert: everything.
In the time we have been together, we have had several - and I mean several - arguments. He put on a good show in the beginning but once I got to know the real him I realized he is very emotional dysregulated. He gets bent out of shape and disproportionately so over the littlest things. Silent treatment, blocking my number, you name it. Now, I am not perfect either. I have been the villain in our story many times. But I truly feel at times I was made to feel like I was going crazy - I think that is a form of gaslighting, but who knows.
So, we move in together. Looking back, the red flags were on FIRE but man, he was mostly good with my daugther. Albeit a little impatient (she's an extroverted chatterbox and his son is an introvert to the core). He loved me for me. Always made me feel wanted, beautiful, we had no issues with infidelity or anything like that. But, I always felt like I was walking on eggshells around him. And it's funny because I always got the vibe his son was, too. And this is a side note but my mom met his son ONCE and mentioned she thought it seemed like his son was scared of him... those are the same exact vibes I got, it just was hard to admit because I loved this man, or so I thought.
There are so many instances I can recall on arguments we had or things HE did that were out of left field. I graduated nursing school as a single mom in December. Hard feat. My mom came from Michigan to be there, my daughter was so excited, and my boyfriend (ex?) came with his son. I graduated on a Wednesday, we had final exams that Monday. After our exam, a bunch of us went out to get food and celebrate. I made two really good friends in school, and that morning we met at one of their houses to go over last minute exam prep. Then we rode in one vehicle to school. We took one vehicle out to get food and went to the beach. We got back to my friend’s house and the girl who drove had left. I went in and got my stuff I had left from the morning. Took me about 10 minutes to realize my phone was left in my friend’s car. We called her from my other friend’s phone, she offered to bring it back. I was like you know, it’s fine. My mom is in town at my house, I have my Mac book I can text on, and I can use my mom’s phone for a day. My boyfriend says I use my phone too much anyway so I figured he would be happy. So, this was Monday. As soon as I got home I called my boyfriend to tell him I would get my phone back Wednesday but I can still text and FaceTime from my mac book and of course he could come over (he had a key). He completely shut down on me. We were all supposed to ride to my graduation together and do dinner after, he bailed. He came to my graduation, was rude to my daughter and my mom the entire time, and at the end when we were to take pictures he bailed. He said we need to talk when you get back from Michigan and walked out of the building. I was going to Michigan two days later for the weekend to meet my newborn nephew. He wouldn’t return my calls and accused me of cheating on him over the phone thing. Oh, and I knew he was mad because he shaved his entire head and all of his facial hair off and he only does that when he’s extremely angry. I could see him in the crowd from the stage and my heart dropped because I knew something bad was coming.
Anyway, we got into a huge fight last week. What it was about would matter if we had never got into big arguments before, but being that this is a pattern... the subject matter is irrelevant. I fucked up by calling my ex-husband, who I coparent with, because I was so worried about my next move with my partner that I wanted to make sure my ex could keep my daughter in case I needed him to until things blew over. Well, long story short - ex no longer wants him around my daughter because he can't control his anger blah blah blah. Now, that is a fact... but he has never done anything in front of the kids that would lead me to believe he'd fly off the handle. He has showed his ass in front of the kids a time or two by just being a jerk to me and the moment I stand up for myself he retaliates.
So, anyway... regardless of the bad, there were good moments, too. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this is over. Part of me is crazy enough to want to work it out! BUT WHY??? Whyyy do I feel any of this behavior is okay? He has called me literally every name in the book. I DESERVE BETTER. Consistency. Not wondering what mood of the day he is going to serve up. I am just sad to leave this home behind that we started. It became cozy and comfy despite the bullshit. Now I am looking for a place to move on top of working 50 hours the next 4 weeks. He is going out of town to see family (I almost went - dodged that bullet) so I am hoping most of the move can be done when he's gone. But I am sad. My heart hurts. He was my routine for the last 2 1/2 years. Our kids were involved. The thought of being alone doesn't scare me but the thought of him moving on makes me sad...and for what... he will repeat the same pattern if he ever finds someone who will allow themselves to be treated this way.
I hate that at 35 I am starting over. I will be paying SO much more in rent. Like, double what I pay now because we split the rent. I should've never moved out of my old apartment but I did and here we are. I have to do better for myself and better for my daughter. But it's hard and I'm going to struggle. My daughter and I got a hotel on the beach this weekend and tomorrow I will take her to her dad's house and I will go back to my house where my partner is and have to tip toe around until I finally move out. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and sorry for the novel.
**TL;DR; : Breaking up with partner of 2 1/2 years, I know it’s the right decision but I can’t help but feeling like I still want it even though it’s wrong for me. A lot of verbal abuse, gaslighting, name calling has went on and it’s broken me down to nothing.
submitted by zelda_bean16 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:02 markoj22 Medical cannabis and autism: ‘I’m getting my boy back,’ mom says

At first, Joann Fouquette’s son, Ezra, was hitting all the milestones. It’s what every new mom hopes for: a happy, healthy baby.
But around 17 months, things started to change. He stopped speaking. He started covering his ears and hitting his head on the floor like something was bothering him.
Fouquette remembers her mom telling her, “I think we need to get him tested. There’s something definitely going on there.”
Five months later, in 2012, Ezra was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
“It’s devastating,” she told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. “I’ve heard people compare it to like losing a child. You lose the idea of the child that you were gonna have, the life that you were gonna have, the life that he’s gonna have.”
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 1 in 44 children in the United States, according to the CDC. It begins early in life, and the core symptoms are social and communication issues as well as repetitive behaviors and rigidity.
Children and adults with autism tend to have difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication and social interactions, depending on the severity.
“These are people who have difficulty communicating – in particular socially. They may speak very well, but they can’t carry on a conversation. Then you have the opposite end of the spectrum, where you have children and adults who are entirely nonverbal,” said Dr. Doris Trauner, a pediatric neurologist and distinguished professor of neurosciences and pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego.
“They have a certain routine. They like to do things over and over again,” she told Gupta. “They have repetitive behaviors, the most typical of which are things like hand-flapping or spinning in circles.”
But autism can also lead to more troubling issues like severe disruptive behavior and self-harm.
“Aggression and self-injurious behaviors are unfortunately very common, especially in children with severe autism,” Trauner said. “Anything from repetitively banging their head against a wall to hitting their head with their hands to pinching themselves or biting their hands.”
Behavioral therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy can help, but there are no US Food and Drug Administration-approved treatments for the core symptoms of autism.
There are two FDA-approved antipsychotic medications, used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, that are approved to treat children with autism, but only if they show severe aggression or self-injury.
“These medicines are effective for those symptoms but unfortunately are associated with significant side effects,” said Dr. Eric Hollander, director of the Autism and Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Program at Montefiore Health System in New York. “It can predispose them to the development of things like diabetes or cardiovascular-type problems.”
“There’s an important need to develop new treatments, both to treat the core symptoms of autism … and to have less of a side effect burden,” he added.

Searching for answers

When it came to her son Ezra, Fouquette tried everything she could think of to help him.
“We tried gluten-free, casein-free, dairy-free. We’ve tried homeopathic remedies. We’ve tried every therapy out there,” she told Gupta.
But she didn’t want to give him psychotropic drugs when he started becoming more aggressive.
“I didn’t want to try any of those just because there were so many side effects,” she said. “But, at one point, I had a lot of bruises on me because he was getting more violent.”
Fouquette was desperate to find help. That’s when she saw a story on the local news about a clinical trial involving children with autism and CBD, the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant, at the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at UC-San Diego.
“He was 9 then,” she said. “What am I gonna do in the future as he continues to grow if I’m already having a hard time with his aggression now?”
Fouquette had no hesitations when it came to trying medical cannabis for her son.
“I’ve seen CBD used for kids with epilepsy,” she said. “I saw how much it helped other people, and I thought, ‘it’s all-natural. There may not be any real side effects with it. Why not try it?’ “
So she enrolled Ezra in the clinical trial.

Medical cannabis, autism and the brain

Trauner is the lead researcher for the UCSD trial, a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study, which means the participants don’t know when they are receiving the placebo or the medicine, and neither do the doctors. Researchers are examining how CBD could affect the brains of children with autism.
“We know that in autism, there are some differences in brain chemistry. There are some changes in neurotransmitter systems, both in the dopamine system and in the serotonin system, that may contribute to some of the symptoms,” she told Gupta.
Serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitters that carry signals, or information, from one nerve cell to another. Serotonin is thought to regulate mood and has a big effect on early brain development. Dopamine can reinforce behavior when we receive a reward.
Several studies have shown that dopamine levels that are either too low or too high in children with autism can cause certain areas of the brain to malfunction, resulting in high levels of repetitive behaviors and reduced levels of social interaction, Trauner said.
In animal models studying autism, serotonin levels in the brain may be lower than expected, and adding serotonin improves social functioning in mice, she said.
“And CBD, among many other things, does have effects on the serotonin system with increasing the availability of serotonin,” she added. “And that may be helping in terms of social interactions in particular.”
Across the country in New York, a similar trial, involving children and adolescents with autism and the cannabinoid cannabidivarin (CBDV), is also underway at Montefiore Health System.
“We know that autism is a developmental disorder that begins early on as the brain is being shaped,” said Hollander, the lead researcher on this double-blind placebo-controlled study.
“I think CBDV can play an important role in autism,” he said. “It can decrease excitation in neurons and increase inhibition.”
When children with autism are too excited or don’t have enough inhibition, it can lead to explosive behaviors, temper tantrums, rage or self-injury, and they can display repetitive behaviors, Hollander said.
“So it changes the ratio of excitation to inhibition in different neurons,” he said.
While both studies are still ongoing and the blinds have not been broken, early feedback has been positive.
“Some of the patients have had a really substantial benefit,” Hollander said. “We’ve seen what we had hoped, which was a significant decrease in the irritability symptoms, temper tantrums or explosive episodes. We have had patients who have had improvement in their repetitive behaviors, as well.”
In California, similar reports have come in from parents.
“We’re seeing some pretty impressive changes,” Trauner said. “Children whose aggressive behavior was daily, it’s gone away. I mean, gone away. … Children whose self-injurious behavior is better, and they’re to the point where the calluses on their wrists are starting to heal,” she said. “A lot of the kids are more social.”
But Trauner cautions that more research needs to be done.
“It’s too soon to get excited about it. I think there’s some reason for hope, but it’s not a good idea to run out and buy it and just try to use it on your own,” she said.
“There are several reasons for that. One is that it can be toxic. It can cause liver dysfunction,” she added. “It’s also not clear what dose is the best dose if it does work, and whether what you’re buying really has what you think it does, because it’s unregulated.”

‘I’m getting my boy back’

During the trial, Fouquette’s son Ezra received the placebo at one point and CBD at one point, but Fouquette and the doctors still don’t know when he was getting it.
Ezra was mostly nonverbal going into the trial, she said. But in the first few weeks, something remarkable happened.
“One day, I was at the grocery store, and my husband sent me a video. And it’s Ezra laying on the floor wrapped in a blanket, and he’s singing,” she said. “He had never sung before … and he’s singing the entire song.”
Fouquette told Gupta what was going through her mind at the time. “I’m getting my baby back. I’m getting my boy back,” she said, fighting back tears.
“I’m able to communicate with him. He’s talking to me. He’s happy. He’s not aggressive anymore. He’s singing,” she said. “What more could I ask for?”
Since Ezra finished the study a year ago, he has not shown any aggression and has continued to communicate.
“He has had no regression whatsoever,” she said. “It helped him … whatever is going on in his brain, make those connections that he needed to make. And once those connections were made, he never lost them.”
It’s not clear what role the treatment may have played in Ezra’s progress. The study hasn’t been published, and it wasn’t looking at whether cannabis or CBD could be neuroregenerative to the brain. More research is needed in this area.
“Some of the kids who’ve shown an effect … show it for several weeks after the study drug is taken away. And some seem to maintain some improvement,” Trauner said. “But I don’t know why that would be.”
Regardless of why it happened for Ezra, who is now 11, Fouquette is grateful.
“I don’t think it’s a cure. It gave him an ability to speak. It gave him an ability to communicate more. I think that’s why the aggression left,” she said. “It’s just going to make it easier for him – easier for him to live, easier for him to be himself.”
submitted by markoj22 to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:00 sweeterthansugar201 Ex left me - scared he will come back ??

I have finally moved on from my abuser.
Now I look back, and I’m very ashamed of myself for several reasons.
For allowing my emotions (infatuation, attachment) to take precedence over logic. I couldn’t leave him as I would have been heart broken having left.
I understand infatuation is a strong emotion, and it’s difficult to end a relationship even a toxic one when you are in love with the person. I still feel a bit scared though because I was unable to handle myself in this situation properly, im scared I’ll do it again in the future and I don’t trust myself . I should have broke it off and coped with the pain. It was difficult though as he was the one contacting me as well and luring me back in anytime I tried to ignore him or distance myself.
I then started talking to so many guys (dozen+ new guys a day everyday for several weeks in desperate attempt to move on), and I found a few I liked and it was my plan to cope with the pain and also move on. And this worked very well. We then argued a bit but this time I didn’t try to reconcile at all and was very apathetic to him ignoring me (he used to use silent treatment to manipulate me) - however he usually comes back even after blocking me or ignoring me to fuck with me again. Previous times, I still liked him and I would take him back. But now I don’t want him coming back.
I just want to be left alone. I feel sick at the thought of reconnecting with him. I also don’t trust myself to stay silent if he reaches out to me first. First of all, I don’t like to be rude and ignore people. Second of all, I’m scared I will regain feelings. I want to be done with him. He repulses me. I look back on our relationship and I’m not sure what I ever liked about him?? I feel ashamed of myself for liking someone like that and I question my own judgement and feel stupid for having liked him.
I wanted to block him, but I’m scared he will notice I blocked him and will try to recontact me after having noticed he’s blocked. I don’t want to shake still waters. However I don’t want him to be able to add me again either. Does it make more sense to block or just keep things as is? He was the one who unadded me, but I’m scared he will add me back. I’m scared if I actually am done with him he may resort to trying to stalk me. I just want him to go away now, I don’t like him anymore and I don’t want anything to do with him. The past is the past I don’t want a future with this guy, I find him repulsive and I don’t respect him. I am even thinking of making a new account on the app we use to talk and just abandoning my old account because I really don’t wanna talk to him again. Please give advice
submitted by sweeterthansugar201 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:57 ThrowRA9therapy Moving away from temptation, 1300 miles away.

I (34M) caught my wife Clair(33F) cheating at her AP's house when she was supposedly out on a girls' night out a couple of months ago. She confessed everything and let me go through her phone to prove it, they had only had sex once and I caught them as they were spending their second night together. We have two young children and she pleaded for a second chance. I said we would get some therapy and try and work through this. While I had her phone I synced it to our iPad to read through her messages.
Besides confirming her infidelity story, I found out three of her friends knew and had encouraged her to cheat. Betty (33F), who Claire went to high school with, was also having an affair and I sent some damning copies of their texts to her husband. I told Claire I was uncomfortable with her hanging out with them given their history and that they were still trying to sow discontent and drive a wedge between me and Claire.
Since then Claire has been on her best behavior and has cut way back on her contact with her friends until a couple of weeks ago, when she told me Tammy's birthday was coming up and they all wanted to go out and celebrate. I said I wasn't comfortable with her going out with them but if she wanted to go I would go with her. She felt that was a bad idea given my history with them and after talking it out she decided not to go. The next day I got a call from Tammy telling me what a controlling POS I was for micromanaging Claire's life. Claire didn't attend the celebration and gave me the silent treatment for a few days.
So I had a conversation with my boss, they have been after me for a few years to move up into a bigger role in the company, and I told him I was ready to step up and we discussed my options. I had a couple of choices and went with the office in New Mexico. My wife was born and raised in Chicago when I told her we were moving to New Mexico she threw a fit. All her friends and family live in or around Chicago and except for vacations she had never been outside the state. I mentioned Tammy's birthday and how I got frozen out when she didn't go to the party and said I was tired of them affecting our relationship even after I expressed concern about her staying in contact with them after they encouraged her to cheat on me.
Claire has barely spoken to me, she cried the other day when the realtor put the sign up in front of the house. I have a realtor in Santa Fe looking for a few houses for me to look at when I go out to the office there next week. My Chicago realtor already has three people ready to make an offer and says we should have a contract next week. I spent Saturday bringing stuff down from the attic and getting it packed up. I would love to get moved before the 4th of July but that may be pushing it.
In the long run, getting my wife away from her toxic friends will give us a better chance to repair our marriage. I hope it gives us a fresh start free from some of the drama we have had to deal with.
Note; My Mom talked me into drawing up a prenup before we got married, so the house and some other assets I inherited are protected just in case. I make almost twice what she makes now and after the move, I will make at least three times what she does now. The community I am looking at has a population of about 3000 which will be a culture shock as well, but we are only 30 minutes away from Santa Fe.
submitted by ThrowRA9therapy to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 WeirdElk7841 A defense of Under the Dome's ending [spoilers, obv]

For the last few weeks, I've been doing a read-through of King's oeuvre for the first time in well over a decade, both re-reading a lot of my favorite books from my initial middle school King-obsession phase and even reading a few I never got around to the first time around (The Outsider wasn't even a twinkle in SK's eye at the time; I thought it was pretty good).
Right after finishing It (it holds up!), I started in on Under the Dome, only really intending to hit those gripping early high points; while I can tear through King's extremely-readable books pretty fast these days, it's still quite long, so I kept telling myself I'd only keep reading until the next chapter break (especially since I remembered being rather cool on the denouement when I read it upon release in 2009).
Long story short, pun intended, I was back at the end within a couple days. Ending spoilers, ofc, after this:
I think knowing what was gonna happen the second time around probably prepared me to be more understanding. Certainly it's not a perfect book, and I couldn't object to anyone saying that it feels like he took the easy way out with the deus ex machina route.
Yet, I think the entire thing being attributable to bored extraterrestrial juveniles fucking with them for kicks is thematically sensible, because, well... we, the audience, are essentially the leatherheads. We are the ones who are getting our kicks by witnessing these characters' squalid misadventures, by way of King's imagination creating this obstacle for them to struggle against.
Granted, it's not a perfect allegory. For instance, King chooses what happens to them, not us (as evinced by the fact that most people would have chosen a different ending). Still: the people of Chester's Mill really and truly do only exist for the reader's amusement, and if aliens were watching me and you, they might clinically take note of something a little sadistic about the satisfaction Constant Readers derive from devouring this and all of King's other, beautifully grisly tales.
Now, if I perceived this parallel as an attempt by King to admonish the audience for our enjoyment of the fucked-up story, as some writers do (Scorsese and The Wolf of Wall Street comes to mind), I would find it cheaply deployed here. You've made a half-billion dollars from our love of reading horrorbooks, you can't get on your high horse here, SK!
But I don't think that's the most parsimonious reading of the allegory. King doesn't think there's anything immoral about his putting fictional characters through the wringer, or our enjoying reading about it. Fictional characters are basically a class of beings who exist to be acted upon in any fashion without triggering moral sanction. The one leatherhead girl who saves the day at the end puts a very fine point on it when she asks Julia, at said climax: "How can you have lives if you aren't real?"
And, of course, within the text of the novel, we see the leatherheads are not the only characters who view other characters as merely fodder to be acted upon. Hackermeyer views the Iraqis this way; the bullies view Julia this way; Big Jim seems to view everyone else this way. Even Junior and his "girlfriends" can be viewed as an extension of the heartless style.
Indeed, the leatherheads' actions are arguably amongst the most defensible in the story: we are naturally prone to see the leatherheads' treatment of the earthlings as cruel, but from their perspective, surely even the one leatherhead girl who takes pity and picks up the dome doesn't actually appear to feel they've done anything wrong by fucking with these little creatures whose sentience she's only beginning to perceive. Yet she still takes that "step in the right direction" and gives them back their "little lives."
What does this mean, metatextually? It can't mean Stephen King thinks he should stop writing books where characters get put through the ringer, or that we should stop reading them. Nor can it mean that stories are only moral if they have some semblance of a happy ending (certainly almost every character had already lost their "little life" before the dome is lifted, and some of his later books end even more bleakly).
What I take away from it is that we are encouraged to be radically open to the possibility that at all times, even if we think our actions are in a vacuum and can't impact any other sentience with a claim to fair treatment, we are being confronted with the opportunity to act in a way that confers either respect or contempt on some other's "little life."
We aren't always even cognizant of this -- but whenever we do recognize that we have the chance to choose respect over contempt, and choose the former, we are moving, even if infinitesimally, in the right direction. The struggle will always continue, and never end: "Sooner or later, the blood always hits the wall." But we ought to keep on fighting the good fight regardless.
[I will also say that if I perceived "the book is about the audience watching the characters" as a thematic well that King went back to many times, that would make this ending much cheaper in my estimation. But I don't really think that's the case: the particular framing device of the Dome as keeping the Chester's Mill folk in a science experiment, where even the other earthlings outside the dome become a proxy for the audience, I think makes this a rather unique audience-allegory in King's bibliography. And I think i works. Even if you agree with my reading and still think it cheap, of course, that's perfectly fine, too.]
submitted by WeirdElk7841 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:24 jexxy2 My story, and now relapse

I was diagnosed in 2018, but my story probably began about 2016.
I lost a lot of weight 2012-2014. I went from 280lb to 180lb. In 2016 I was about 190lb. My weight loss was hard to maintain, I had exercised 3 hours a day to achieve it and couldn’t keep doing that forever. So 2014-2018 I was 180-200lb and then 2018-2020 I was 200-220lb and now I’m back at 230lb since about 2021.
2016: I was very fit and active. I started losing my vision when going from sitting to standing. It would go for 5-10 seconds then return. I thought I had low blood pressure but never felt dizzy. In retrospect, this was probably the beginning of my IIH and actually the worst my vision ever was. I didn’t see a doctor as I didn’t realise anything was wrong. I was on doxycycline for acne a lot in 2014-2016 and suspect this was ultimately the trigger for me. I never had any symptoms at 280lb.
2018: my optometrist saw my papilloedema at a checkup and referred me to the urgent eye clinic. I spent hours there for tests. Eventually got the LP with opening pressure 27. MRI showed tortuous optic nerves. I didn’t get a vascular MRI so I don’t know if I have stenosis. The neuro ophthalmologist started me on diamox. I was told to lose weight and found this very frustrating as I had already lost a huge amount of weight and never had issues when I was much bigger. I didn’t know about the tetracycline link at this point so didn’t mention it.
2018-2020: I took the diamox on and off at all sorts of doses up and down. My symptoms were never very severe. The loss of vision was never as bad as it had been in 2016. I had head pressure, but not much pain. The diamox actually caused more headache sometimes than when I didn’t take it. Eventually the neuro ophthalmologist told me to stop taking it and said they weren’t sure I ever even had IIH… I think they just didn’t know how to explain why my symptoms didn’t fit neatly into a box. My papilloedema never went away, it’s been visible on scans at the optometrist the entire time.
2020-2023: mostly off the diamox. Would take one every now and then if I felt any hint of symptoms. Followup was 6-monthly visual field and retina imaging.
2024: I decided I wanted to try accutane for my acne. I knew it was a bad idea but my acne was the worst it had ever been and the scarring was upsetting. I went very very low dose and booked for visual field testing and retina imaging after being on it for 2 weeks. The optometrist didn’t see any change. But I started to get some symptoms like soft pulsatile tinnitus and postural vision changes again. I stopped it immediately once I noticed. Restarted diamox.
So here I am. It’s still flaring, but I’m back on 750mg diamox daily and slowly titrating up. I haven’t even bothered booking to see my neuro ophthalm because it will be months wait list and I know the diamox is what they’ll do. My optometrist will keep doing 1-2 monthly visual fields and retina imaging. Obviously if my vision changes, I will have to be seen in the urgent clinic and there may be discussions for more invasive things, but the diamox worked for me before and I hope it will work for me again. When my insurance upgrades next year I’m going to ask for a vascular MRI because I want to know if I have venous stenosis. I’m just crossing my fingers I can self manage this until next year and even better if the flare is gone before then. I’m sleeping with many pillows, drinking more water, and I stopped using the sauna. I love the sauna but noticed during this flare that my symptoms are worse afterwards and heat is known to increase intracranial pressure so it makes sense - I will stop for now and hope I can start again in future.
submitted by jexxy2 to iih [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 FancyInvestment397 SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]

SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]
SkyCrown Casino is a platform dedicated to providing the ultimate gambling experience. After signing up, we received a massive welcome bonus of up to €500 with 225 Free Spins. They also have a Live casino bonus, including a collection of weekly and special promos to use on selected games.
What we like
  • Instant VIP incentives
  • No payment fees
  • Excellent choice of payment methods
What we don’t like
  • Many country restrictions
  • No live chat

Casino info

Country Available: AU, CA, NZ, AT, SE
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
No. of slots games 7,000+
Owner Hollycorn N.V.
Licenses Curacao Government
Min. Deposit: $30

SkyCrown Casino

Elevate Your Wins with These Bonuses and Promotions

SkyCrown is a relatively new gaming site that was launched in 2022. As such, this site seeks to entice players with exciting bonus promotions, including a welcome match deposit bonus, high roller bonus, reload bonuses, and more. Let’s unbox these promotions one by one.

First deposit bonus

We started our journey at SkyCrown by claiming the 100% match bonus, reaching $150. This platform also added 100 free spins to the match deposit bonus. They specify that the free spins can only be played on John Hunter and the Mayan Gods by Pragmatic Play.
Remember, you must deposit at least $30 using the SKY1 bonus code to claim this first deposit bonus package. Also, this bonus is unavailable for cryptocurrency, Neteller, and Skrill deposits.

Bonus percentage per game

Although you must meet the 40x wagering requirement on all games, the game contribution varies when fulfilling this requirement. According to SkyCrown, slots contribute 100% towards the bonus wagering except for a few listed games. For example, if you wager $5 on qualifying slots, the entire amount will be subtracted from the wagering requirement.

Claim even more bonuses

As a loyal player, SkyCrown keeps you occupied with a variety of bonus packages to choose from. However, most bonuses are available after depositing a specific amount using a promo code. We’ll explore all of them in this SkyCrown Casino review.

Second and third deposit bonuses

After bagging your first deposit bonus, the site invites you to deposit at least $30 using a SKY2 bonus code to claim the 50% match bonus up to $300. In other words, you’ll receive an amount half your real money deposit but not exceeding $300. This package also comes with 50 free spins on Thunderkick’s Pink Elephant.
The royal treatment continues with a third deposit bonus of 75% up to $300. To claim this reward, you must deposit at least $30 using a SKY3 bonus code. Like the first and second deposit bonuses, this promo also features 75 free spins on Pragmatic Play’s Gates of Olympus. If this game isn’t available, you can play BGaming’s Gold Rush with Johnny Cash.

Live casino welcome bonus

Are you a fan of live dealer games? Play your favorite titles and claim a 1% welcome rakeback on wagers not exceeding $1,500. The maximum weekly rakeback is $1,500 after depositing at least $75. Keep in mind that the rakeback is paid in actual money, meaning you don’t have to meet any wagering requirements.

High roller bonus

SkyCrown has a 50% up to $2,000 high roller welcome bonus for those who like playing big. This bonus is only available on your first deposit of at least $1,000 using the HIGH5 promo code. But there’s a catch. You must meet a 40x playthrough requirement within five days of receiving the bonus.

Friday cashboost rally

This site promises to reward you with 20% cashback on your weekly deposits to have even more fun. You only need to top up your account from Monday to Thursday to receive the 20% cashback up to $1,000 every Friday. Note that the deposit amount during the specified period must be $200+. You must also meet a 40x rollover rate before cashing out.

SkyCrown freespin spree

SkyCrown also offers a Free spin package that allows players to earn bonus spins every week after wagering at least $500 on any 3oaks or Redgenn games from Tuesday to Wednesday. Remember that your bonus spins will increase with a bigger bet amount.
  • Wager $500 to $999 to get 25 free spins
  • Wager $1,000 to $1,499 to get 50 free spins
  • Wager $1,500 to $1,999 to get 75 free spins
  • Wager $2,000 to $2,999 to get 100 free spins
  • Wager $3,000 and more to get 200 free spins

Crypto cashback

This platform allows you to deposit funds using multiple cryptocurrencies. If you’re a crypto player, you can claim 10% cashback of up to 1,000 USDT on net losses recorded on live dealer games and slots. The cashback bonus is calculated from Tuesday 00:00 UTC to Monday 23:59 UTC and is paid out every Tuesday at 18:00 UTC. Also, this bonus doesn’t have any wagering requirements.

Regular live casino bonus

Keep playing your favorite live dealer games and stand a chance to claim 10% of your losses in no-wagering funds every Wednesday. This cashback bonus is calculated on your losses from Wednesday 00:01 UT to Tuesday 23:59 UTC. However, you must use your live casino welcome offer to claim this reward.

50 Free spins every Monday

Start your week off with a bang! Every Monday, you can deposit at least $30 with a SKY1 code to pocket 50 free spins on Gamebeat’s Witch Treasures slot. This bonus is available if you made at least a single deposit the previous week and must have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%.

50% Friday bonus

SkyCrown invites you to deposit at least $30 on Fridays to claim the 50% match bonus up to $150. To qualify for this weekly bonus, you must deposit funds using an SK5Y code and have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%. Also, you must meet a 40x rollover requirement to withdraw this bonus.

Huge Sunday bonus

Lastly, you can enjoy a super Sunday at this casino with 50 free spins after depositing at least $30 with an S50 promo code. The free spin winnings have a 30x wagering requirement, and the bonus is applicable on the following games:
  • Bonanza Billion
  • Alien Fruits
  • Gold Rush with Johnny Cash
  • Gemhalla
  • Wild Wash
  • Aloha King Elvis

Our Journey with SkyCrown's Loyalty Program

SkyCrown treats you like royalty with its multi-level VIP program. In this promotion, each $15 bet you make will earn you a single loyalty point. After collecting 150 points, you’ll unlock the first level, with 300 points unlocking the second, and so on. Each level comes with different prizes, including free spins and bonus money.
Besides collecting game credits, becoming a VIP here also comes with these privileges:
  • 24/7 personal assistant
  • Access to individual gaming services and mechanics
  • Special gift box
  • Prioritized withdrawals
  • Exclusive bonuses
SkyCrown allows you to become an instant VIP without going through the pain of collecting points. Verify your phone number and deposit at least $1,000. A personal manager will contact you within 24 hours.

Get Started: Sign Up for an Account Now

If you’re impressed by the bonus collection at SkyCrown Casino, go ahead and sign up to claim these offers. They have a straightforward sign-up process as you’ll find out in the steps below:
  1. Visit SkyCrown Casino on your mobile or desktop browser.
  2. Now tap the blue Sign Up button at the top-right corner.
  3. On the Sign-Up form, enter your email and password.
  4. Confirm your age and accept the T&Cs.
  5. Tap the Sign Up button to register.

Explore SkyCrown Casino's Diverse Games Library

Very few Canadian gaming sites can compare to SkyCrown’s game-rich library. At the time of writing this SkyCrown review, we counted over 7,000 games from leading game developers such as Netgame, Gamebeat, BGaming, Mascot, and more.

Below are the game categories:


As expected, slot machines are the main offerings at this casino. You’ll find so many real money slots from BGaming, Reflex Gaming, Gamingcorps, and other software developers. The slots are available in varying categories, including Bonus Buy, Megaways, Books, Mythology, Expanding Wilds, and more. This should help you find your preferred slot machines easily.


SkyCrown has hundreds of jackpot slots to play if you’re after those extra-large jackpot wins. Some trending jackpot titles include Fortune Circus by Fugaso, Fortune Dreams by Lucky, Gold of Maya by Gamzix, and more. Games with progressive jackpot networks have a “JP” banner.

Table games

If you feel like taking a little break from slots, we advise you to check out their wide selection of table games. You’ll find numerous titles and variations for Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Poker. They also offer several Andar Bahar, Pai Gow, and Craps titles.

Instant games

Instant or arcade games have become fan favorites due to their fast-paced and rewarding gameplay. You’ll find several crash games, including Spribe’s Aviator, Aero by Turbogames, JetLucky 2 by Gamingcorps, and more. You’ll also find Plinko, Mines, and Dice titles.

Live casino

Live dealer games provide a unique table game experience in a real casino setting. SkyCrown ensures this by offering 300+ live dealer games from ALG, Bombay Live, Better Live, and TVBET. Sadly, we didn’t find any live titles from Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play Live.

Must Play Games at SkyCrown Casino

We understand that finding the best titles to play can be time-consuming and confusing. So we have done all the hard work to help you settle in quickly with these five titles:

SkyCrown Bonanza – BGaming

This is one of those custom-made slots you can only play at SkyCrown Casino. It’s a highly volatile slot designed by BGaming to offer a classic fruit-themed experience with an explosive 15,000x win potential. It delivers a simple design with relaxing music and bright icons to make it stand out from other fruit machines on this gaming site.

Sun of Egypt 3 – 3oaks

Launched in 2023, Sun of Egypt 3 is the third installment of this popular slot series. It’s a highly volatile slot that maintains the tradition of bringing the rewarding Hold and Win Jackpot and a decent 10,000x win potential. To boost your chances of collecting the jackpot, this game will reward you eight free spins after landing enough scatters with a retrigger option. You’ll also find a wild symbol that pays 12x the stake.

Vikings Go Berzerk – Yggdrasil

Despite launching in November 2016, this slot machine from Yggdrasil has maintained its position as one of the best Viking-themed slots. In this game, you’ll accompany brave and daring Vikings in their mission to fill up the rage meter and collect rewards. This game packs fun bonus features, including the Treasure Chest, Free Spins, and a 4,000x jackpot.

Story of the Samurai – Spinomenal

Story of the Samurai is a 2021 slot that takes you to challenge the Samurai warriors and claim big wins. It’s an exciting 5×3 slot packed with bonus features like Bonus Wheel, Mystery Symbols, Free Spins, Expanding Wilds, and Sticky Wild Respins. This game also has a friendly RTP potential of 96.71%.

Aviator – Spribe

If you haven’t played this instant game by Spribe, then you’re missing out. Launched in 2019, this game has become trendy among players due to its reliability and simplicity. The propeller airplane will take off, creating a multiplier curve representing your possible winnings. The sound effects of this game are also classy and relaxing. Enough said already!

Payment Methods Available at SkyCrown Casino

Banking is just as important as any other service an online casino offers. SkyCrown knows this, hence providing a list of 30+ secure banking methods. You can transact using online wallets, credit/debit cards, and cryptocurrencies. The minimum deposit for all payment mediums is $30, whereas the maximum depends on the selected method.
Here is a table to summarize the payment services:

Note that you will be subject to a KYC (Know Your Client) process before approving any withdrawal request. This is a standard procedure in all regulated casinos to verify your identity, location, and source of income. You must submit a copy of your identification paper, such as your ID/passport/driver's license, and proof of local address, like a bank statement/utility bill. The verification can take up to 24 hours.

Navigating the Casino: User Experience Unveiled

Everything about this casino oozes simplicity, class, and efficiency. The website is well-designed, using a minimalist and user-friendly approach. They also use an eye-friendly black background and sharp graphics, making it an excellent platform if you value those long gaming sessions.

We encountered no delays when loading up the website’s pages and games. Everything was instant and smooth, with most titles having a demo version. Finding our favourite game titles was also a breeze thanks to the intuitive search tool, although we would have preferred more game filtering options. In short, the developer did a solid job of providing a fulfilling touch when exploring the platform.

Mobile Compatibility

SkyCrown Casino works smoothly and seamlessly on mobile platforms. We tested the site on our Android and iOS smartphones and didn’t experience any disappointing lag or freeze.
As for the gaming difference, the experience is identical on iPhone and Android. You’ll find a menu icon at the top-left side of the screen, allowing you to access services like banking, account verification, loyalty program, and more. Below the menu, you’ll find game categories like Slots, Live Casino, New, Hot, and Jackpots. All in all, the mobile version is user-friendly and intuitive.

Safety and Security Measures in Place

SkyCrown Casino is a well-protected website with clear privacy policies. They are very transparent and make you aware of all the information they will collect from you. For example, this operator doesn’t rent or sell player data to third parties and is bound by strict legal provisions to protect your private data.
We can confirm that SkyCrown uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology from Let’s Encrypt. This is the standard data protection measure most Canadian casino sites use to secure your information from hackers and scammers. Another thing, you can set up 2-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
We also did our checks to see if we could find any red flags on platforms like Trustpilot and Reddit. Most bad reviews were about players who couldn’t withdraw funds after failing the KYC test. Provide the requested documents, and you won’t have any payment complaints.

Customer Support

Unfortunately, customer support is an area where SkyCrown Casino needs to improve. As a registered member, we found no live chat support, which is disappointing. Instead, they let you speak to an agent via email at []( You can also complete the online contact form on the “Support” page.
But before contacting the support team, it’s worth checking if your concerns have been addressed on the FAQ page. Here, they list and answer some of the most common questions regarding account registration, payments, safety, bonuses, and more. If you’re new to crypto gambling, there is also a helpful page to read.
You can contact their support team in the following languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German

What's the Verdict?

SkyCrown Casino passes our test of a reliable Canadian gambling site. We love the wide selection of games and the vast variety of bonuses and promotions for new and loyal members. This site also does well in the payments department, providing tens of reliable fiat and cryptocurrency banking methods. And lest I forget, withdrawals via most of these payment mediums are instant, which is rare in the iGaming scene. The only drawback here is the limited customer support options. We give it a solid 4.5/5!
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 thr0wdowned My (31F) partner (29F) always complains about her life. Is there some other way to approach this?

My girlfriend and I have been together for a little over a year. Due to some problems (pandemic, financial, depression), she's still in uni, barely halfway through. Her parents are still working their asses off to help her finish her studies and still lives with them (is the only one of her siblings still in their house). Though she's dropped hints and we have discussed it, I've been holding off asking her to move in until she's done with school because I know we're financially not ready to live together.
Now, considering that she still lives with her parents and is being set to uni by them, I've been telling her that she should be more understanding of them when they and her siblings make jokes like "So when are you going to graduate so we can retire?" I know that can be painful and frustrating to hear, and possibly could make her depression worse, but I just somehow can't muster up any frustration at her parents as well (I do feel bad when her siblings make the joke, I don't think it's their place to do so). They're old, they're tired, I kind of get it. She gets pissed and feels sorry for herself every time a topic like that comes up, and when she's not responsive to my input on it, I just try to comfort her (she often wants me to ask the "Are you just ranting or do you actually want my take on this?" otherwise it could lead to an argument -- it's almost always that she just wants to rant though).
But the longer we've been dating, the less understanding I become of her plight, I think. She lives mostly alone because her parents travel for work but they try to be home like 3x a week, and when they are and want to rest and ask her to clean up or whatnot, she complains (it's not like she's asked to do everything, her mom still does her fair share). She complains that her siblings (all of whom are already working or have their own families and live separately) do not get the same kind of treatment.
I don't think she's lazy because she takes care of the house most of the time and cleans up after their family cats, but she feels burdened by these tasks and other errands they might occasionally send her on. Though I feel for her sometimes especially on the days when I know she's already busy with uni and the occasional gig, in my head I sometimes can't help but think that it's the least she could do since she's still living with them rent-free; I know I did when I lived with my parents after graduating. I can't bring myself to tell this to her directly though because I know she'll just get mad or pity herself again.
Am I just being insensitive and do I need to adjust how I see her situation? It's just that every time she has these crises, I start having doubts about being with her because of how different out mindsets about this seem to be. Is that a shallow reason to end a relationship over? Please feel free to give me some harsh truths that I may need to hear. I can provide further context if anyone feels I'm giving just one side of the story, but I'm for now reluctant to give away too much info in case she stumbles upon this post.
submitted by thr0wdowned to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - what do you think makes someone entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:02 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - do you think I am entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - Do you think I am entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 Fabulous_Patient_303 diagnosis troubles (i know this is long but pls if u can give me some advice)

hi everyone!
so in simplest terms, here is what has been happening:
have been having chronic stomach pain with constipation in the beginning but now it is diarrhea. have been working with gi for years now and have done a thorough workup. only thing that is found is anemia that does not go away with iron pills at all and only iv iron, and a high esr rate.
after having scopes, they have seen EVERYTHING (yes even the small intestine) 3 times now. and it is all normal with biopsies.
and about 1 year ago, i started getting back pain when i need to bend down to grab something, etc.
then it started in the hips and the back pain went away, the hips kept getting worse so i told my primary doctor, she sent me to physical therapy and a 4-6 sessions later, no significant improvement, i was then sent to orthopedics, then sports med (even though its not a sports injury), sports med did rheumatology blood test workup which was all negative (ana, hla-b27, rheumatoid factor, anti-ccp) so we did a pelvis mri with and without contrast.
this is what they saw:
Enthesitis at bilateral greater trochanters and possibly also iliac crests. Mild iliac crest apophysitis.
Fatty proliferation within the mesocolon and mesorectum are findings typically seen in Crohn's disease,
my sports med recommended i work with gi to find the inflammation in my gut that may be causing the hip issues. gi was already doing more scopes so we were hoping to find something that will account for both issues but it was once again negative.
gi referred me to a rheumatologist.
rheumatology thinks that enthesitis is sometimes found in normal patient mri's as well. though, since i am having pain right where the mri is showing enthesitis it may be what's causing it. anyways, he wanted me to try meloxicam, tried it for about 1 - 1 1/2 months with no improvement (in the first few days it helped a little but it stopped helping within those first few days)
i also had some hand pain, my rheumatologist ordered hand xrays which showed possible periarticular demineralization. because of this, he ordered a hand mri (with and without contrast) which was normal, there was a cyst in my wrist but i think my rheumatologist says it should not be causing pain in my hands
we did another mri of the hips (with and without contrast) and it shows:
Enthesitis at the gluteal insertion on the greater trochanters.
Similar mild fatty proliferation of the mesocolon and mesorectum. Mild apparent rectal wall thickening and enhancement is likely exaggerated by underdistention, however clinical correlation is needed.
because of this my rheumatologist said we can try enbrel but i did research and in some cases enbrel can cause or provoke ibd so if i already had that then it could potentially worsen it. so we went with humira + hydroxycloriquine which is what i am on now.
i am talking to my gi with my anal symptoms and the rectal mri findings but he said they are non-specific and there wasn't enough contrast. i messaged him again asking what i should do about anal symptoms so will hopefully hear back from him soon.
in the meantime, this is my 2nd week on humira + hydroxycloriquine, and my rheumatologist wants to try this for 3 months.
does this look like ankylosing spondylitis? i also heard ankylosing spondylitis is a diagnosis of exclusion, is that true? i also know that some times patients with this condition have enthesitis, is it possible i just have enthesitis wthout other common issues found in ankylosing spondylitis? also what is the treatment for this, i know that it is an autoimmune disease so i am guessing same treatment as what i am on now? and what is the diagnostic criteria for this, do i meet it at this time?
submitted by Fabulous_Patient_303 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 cchamming Finally Cured after 9 months

I just received my third negative test after having MG for appx 9 stressful months. Sharing this so others will hopefully not lose hope.
I first started getting symptoms around mid 2023 - symptoms was white penis discharge.
I went to a regular GP thinking it might be chlamydia and was prescribed doxycyclene - the symptoms cleared for maybe a week and returned worse than before.
I then went to a different GP specialising in sexual health and was given doxy and moxifloxacin. That didnt work and symptoms returned. I then did two separate rounds of minocycline treatment (first one was incorrect dosage). It's after these treatments I theorise that my strain of MG became macrolide resistant and extremely difficult to cure (my sexual partner who gave me the infection was able to easily treat it with two rounds of antibiotics).
One of the most difficult issues I faced is that most doctors just don't know much about MG and how to treat it. I think in total I visited eight different doctors which becomes expensive and mentally draining.
I was then fortunate to be able to get treated at MSHC, a world leading researcher for MG. I tried multiple different rounds of different antibiotics but eventually they told me I need to live with my symptoms and hope it goes away on its own.
Up until this point I had tried: doxycyclene, minocycline, moxifloxacin, sitafloxacin, metronidazole and lefamulin.
This where things got interesting and also incredibly frustrating. At this point, I should have been treated with Pristinamycin which is recommended for macrolide resistant MG when all other treatments have failed - however, due ridiculous red tape in Australia, no doctor I spoke with in my state was able to get access to it.
So after I was treated for Lefamulin, the symptoms continued (white discharge). As MSHC no longer wished to treat me, I went to a new clinic after a couple of months (of utter discomfort!). The clinic was able to see that after my course of Lefamulin, the MG strain was no longer macrolide resistant!!
I did another round of metronidazole and minocycline - and also did two weeks of doxycyclene that I had laying around. White discharge stopped!
Have been tested now three times over a period of two months and it's all negative!!
As excited I am to be negative, now my body is recovering. All the antibiotics messed with my body and even my skin has suffered. I have acne now that I never used to have, likely from the medication messing with the bacteria on my face. I also get random bloating, occasional discomfort in my gut region and tinnitus in one ear.
To add to that, I wake up now with sticky precum like discharge. I suspect it's related to pelvic muscle issues. All these strong medications have made me anxious about my health and gut microbiome.
My advice to anyone with MG: don't give up. Do your homework especially regarding the medications and dosage,, find a doctor who knows about MG or is willing to learn. A doctor who doesn't know about MG or STIs might risk giving you unnecessary medication that will needlessly mess with you body. Good luck!!
submitted by cchamming to MycoplasmaGenitalium [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 Glittering-Power5875 [routine help] bpo wash, tret, clindamycin, and bha/aha routine

i need help making a skincare routine that won't dry my skin out or damage my barrier using the products i listed in the title. my skin gets dry very easily when i use all the actives at once. my skin is oily/combination (depends on the season), acne-prone, somewhat sensitive (redness).
i'm currently dealing with scars, some active pimples, general redness near scars/pimples, and closed comedones around my mouth and cheek area.
these are the specific products i want to use: - hada labo light hydrating toner: started using this about a week ago to help with oil - 4% bpo wash from cerave: i feel like this helps with inflammation? but my skin gets dry when i use it too often. i've been using bpo wash since 2021 - 0.025 tretinoin cream: helps with my scars. i've been using tret consistently since 2021 - 1% clindamycin lotion: no idea what this does tbh. it used to work so well but it hasn't been doing its thing recently. started using in 2021 (i was using the gel version though) - peach slices bha/aha toner 2% salicylic acid: i started using this 2 weeks ago for my closed comedones - vanicream daily facial moisturizer: switched to this moisturizer recently because my old moisturizer wasn't hydrating enough for me (it made me oily)
my skincare routine has been all over the place and there's been a lack of consistency so i feel like that's why my skin has been acting up. please help me out!
submitted by Glittering-Power5875 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]