Meeting invitation letter

Outlanders Free Company

2015.12.12 18:02 Outlanders Free Company

Here's to the crazy ones; the misfits; the rebels; the troublemakers; the square peg in the round hole.

2011.11.22 06:20 Meades_Loves_Memes The SFW Subreddit for Meeting People

Your place for meeting people from anywhere, anywhen. Keep it SFW.

2014.09.19 10:36 HighlyDestruct7 woowoo turn up

The exclusive nightclub that you probably won't ever see.

2024.05.20 05:01 marywagnerlangford Letters Oppose the Dysfunctional Characterization of Langford Council

In this Letters to the Editor section of the Times Colonist there are a couple thoughtful submissions in support of our responsible approach to city finances Re: “B.C. is plagued by dysfunctional municipal councils,” commentary, May 15.
Here are my thoughts:
A high percentage tax increase is not a sign of dysfunction. The tax increase requires context.
In Langford, the tax increase simply indicates that Langford Council approved a budget that is significantly higher than last year. The math shows that comparing us to other municipalities in the region, we went from 4th lowest in 2023 to 7th out of 13 in 2024.
Interestingly, if you only look at our tax increase percentage of 15.6% compared to Colwood at 4.9% it's not clear that, in fact, taxes for a representative house in Langford (~53,000 people) are still lower than in Colwood (~22,000) people in 2024. Esquimalt with ~20,000 people has much higher taxes by over $900.
There are lots of things to consider when comparing municipal budgets. Some of the major factors that affected the budget this year include:
Fire Department (additional 9 firefighters as per Master Plan) 2.31%
Debt payment (internal capital borrowing) 1.67%
Police (RCMP) for 5 additional officers + one ME 2.31%
CPI on wages 1.37%
Maintenance Contracts (i.e. roads and parks maintenance) 1.16%
General Staffing 1.12%
Repairs and maintenance 0.87%
Community Safety and Municipal (Bylaw) enforcement staffing 0.60%
Greater Victoria Regional Library 0.53%
Royal Roads University initiatives 0.50%
Utilities and insurance 0.50%
West Shore Parks and Recreation Society 0.30%
Miscellaneous (net effect of increases and decreases of revenues and expenses) 2.91%
Reduced contribution to Equipment Replacement Reserve -1.10%
Non-market change (helping offset additional costs of growth) -4.17%
Debt servicing costs - Westhills owned YMCA building purchase 1.75%
No longer using the amenity fees for tax reduction, but rather using them for tangible amenities like sidewalks ~3%
The budget was deliberated in public meetings and went through proper democratic process. There is a lot of value and need behind some of the numbers to support our rapidly growing community.
submitted by marywagnerlangford to LangfordBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 ConflictAlternative5 AITAH if I get ghosted by several friends in a few months of each other?

Hey Everyone,
Recently, I (female, 30s) was ghosted by more than one friend. I feel like logically, I know I didn't deserve it but there is still this nagging feeling that I did. So I guess I'm just looking for outside opinions even if they are negative towards me.
To explain some of the situation, the first friend (Ghost #1) to ghost me was a female friend whom I was trying to have a heart to heart with. She was responding badly to what I was trying to talk about, so it wasn't a huge surprise when she ghosted. To summarize, basically I had introduced this friend to all of my other friends. Then surprise! They really liked her.
So she (Ghost #1) started getting invites to outings (by people I introduced her to) that even I wasn't getting. I tried telling her how this made me feel, that it made me feel used, left out, and that my friends (including her) didn't actually like me. I tried asking for her to include me more when these situations happened. So if she was invited out by people I introduced her to and she saw I wasn't included, for her to just include me and invite me. She didn't accept my feelings about the situation at all and she kept arguing, essentially telling me that my feelings were wrong. She also took it very badly, and said that I was being controlling and that I was accusing her of things. She also said that I should be taking up my issues with the people who weren't inviting me. She also didn't agree with me because according to her, I was only not getting invited because I could not go anyway (I work a lot of weekends and I don't have a car). For the record, there were some weekends where I could have joined but the only reason I didn't was because they didn't even try to invite me. I said back to her that it was invite that counted and that even if I could not go, the invite would make all the difference. But she just didn't agree or seem to want to understand.
I tried my best to understand her (Ghost #1) perspective, but because she wasn't trying to understand mine, it was really hard. But I did get what she meant about the accusations and the controlling aspect. I told her that I did not want to be that way but I was just hoping for some care and understanding. I also tried to get her to understand that I was only asking her to do what I had done for her. I just wanted her to include me the way that I had always included her. The only reason she met all of my friends was because I had always included her. Anyway, we were just not understanding each other and instead of continuing to try to talk it out, one day she just stopped responding entirely. I wasn't that surprised because it was obvious we had deep incompatibilities and she didn't seem to care much about my feelings. I was only surprised by the immaturity of her not being able to say something like "I need some time to think, so I need a break from responding" etc. But how she handled the rest of the conversation wasn't great either so that's why it wasn't that big of a surprise. She and I had been friends for 2 years.
Then something so horrible happened, I still can't even believe it and can barely type it out. My younger brother was killed by a truck over the winter holidays.
I had to tell all of my friends about this because they had to know why I wouldn't be responding for awhile. So I told everyone, except for Ghost #1 because at this point she had already stopped responding.
After telling people what happened to my brother, I didn't respond to any friends for about a month. After some time, I was able to start talking to people again. This was when I also realized that Ghost #1 had actually ghosted me. I didn't realise it before because I wasn't thinking about it. But after realising Ghost #1 had ghosted me, I was left with a difficult decision, should I tell people or not?
I decided to start telling people that Ghost #1 had ghosted me. The reason I chose to tell people was because as I said earlier, I had introduced her to all of my friends and she was apparently still socialising with them but not me. I wasn't sure if it was the right decision to tell others because I knew it would be involving them in drama they didn't ask for. But at the same time, when I introduced Ghost #1 to my other friends I was essentially "endorsing" her as a good friend but after her ghosting me I could no longer "endorse" her. Also, if my other friends didn't know that she had ghosted me they might inadvertently invite her or tell her things about me etc. Then the final reason was that if a friend had introduced me to a friend of theirs, I would want to know if they're a ghoster.
Anyway, so I told the other friends. The other friends didn't seem to believe it and the reactions were mixed but it seemed like they understood me and why I told them. At least they didn't seem to think badly of me.
But then surprise! Shortly after telling others that Ghost #1 had ghosted me, she got back in touch with me. Basically, she (Ghost #1) didn't apologize at all for taking long to respond to me (2 months) and she just provided condolences about my brother and said that she was there for me if I needed to talk about him. At first when I got this message, I thought it was kind of her. But then I thought about it more and realized it was a very self-serving message. She was essentially saying that she would not take any responsibility for how she hurt me. I felt that she was just using my brother's death as a way to make herself look better and get rid of her own guilt. Since she had ghosted me for 2 months, she knew I wouldn't reach out to her for support regarding my brother. So it was a very empty offer. It also put me in yet another shit position because now I had to figure out how to handle her new response. I thought about trying to hold her accountable again for the cruelty in her lack of actions but I was so tired of it. I decided to just send her a single emoji as a response (hands shaped in heart emoji). Another hard decision was figuring out if now I should tell people that she didn't technically ghost me?
I decided not to tell people that she had eventually responded. The reason I chose not to was because like i said I was really tired of dealing with her and talking about her. I had so much weight on my shoulders already and I am grieving my brother. I decided that if someone asked me directly if she had ever gotten back to me, I would tell them that yes she had. I would tell them that even though she did eventually get back to me, she did not apologize for her own actions and the message she sent was self-serving. And that even though she did not technically ghost me, she did spiritually because she only did the barest minimum so that she would not look bad. That is why I still consider her as having ghosted me and she is still Ghost #1. But no one ever asked me about her again.
Anyway, so then not long after that I was talking to one of the friends that I had introduced to Ghost #1. We were talking about doing a boxing class and it was difficult to organise because she and I had different schedules. Eventually we decided on a day, and I was getting ready to meet her for the class and she texted me to say she was stuck at work and couldn't come. She used a lot of crying emojis and apologized a lot. It seemed like she was genuine about the situation. I texted her back to tell her not to worry about it and that I was nervous to go to the class anyway. Then I asked her if she would maybe like to just go to a regular gym and use the machines. I told her that this might be better because then we wouldn't be confined to a specific day/time. And then I haven't heard from her since then (3+ months). So she became Ghost #2.
For extra context Ghost #2 seemed to really like Ghost #1. Ghost #2 was actually one of the friends who was inviting Ghost #1 out when I wasn't included. However, when I talked to Ghost #2 how it was leaving me feeling excluded and uncomfortable, she responded really well and it seemed like she really understood. Ghost #2 even put my feelings into words I had not even thought of. She told me that she hadn't invited me because she thought I could not come for various reasons. And then she said that she now understands she should have left the decision with me instead. I felt like she really understood me. Ghost #2 seemed like such a kind and genuine person. So when Ghost #2 ghosted me it really surprised me. I had been friends with her for over a year.
I know that there is a strong possibility that Ghost #2 ghosted me because of something to do with Ghost #1. But I will never know for sure. If it had been just Ghost #1 then I could've brushed it off and said it was just her but adding Ghost #2 to the mix has really damaged me. I'm thinking that maybe I did deserve it. Maybe I was being "too much" for them. Or asking for too much. Or I just wasn't valuable. Or that I did something wrong by not telling everyone that Ghost #1 did not technically ghost me. As if I was spreading drama or bad mouthing or controlling or manipulating etc. Or that I did anything to deserve it. I don't know.
So this wasn't the end of my ghostings. Eventually another friend who wasn't super connected to Ghost #1 or Ghost #2, started to take longer and longer to respond to my messages. So she became Ghost #3. Now it's been over a month since I've heard from Ghost #3. Ghost #3 did not super ghost me, because my last message to Ghost #3 didn't have any specific questions in it. But Ghost #3 indicated that they were really interested in hearing about a trip I was going on. But now the trip has passed by many weeks. And Ghost #3 never got back in touch with me, even though I was the last to send a message. Ghost #3 may still get in touch with me but she has never taken this long to respond before.
So finally, I had yet another ghosting by yet another female friend, Ghost #4. So Ghost #4 wasn't a close friend of mine. I met Ghost #4 through Ghost #3, they were once roommates. As far as I know, Ghost #4 and Ghost #3 are still good friends because the last I heard they also work together. Ghost #4 reached out to me to find out how I was doing because she knew about my brother. I responded back to her and tried to keep the focus on her. I asked her about her job and etc. And then I never heard from her and it's been over a couple months. What upsets me about this, is that no one asked Ghost #4 to reach out to me. I didn't. She could've just never messaged me. But she did and at first I thought that was nice of her but then she ghosted me. And it's just so senseless, that she put me through a ghosting when she didn't even have to message me.
So those are the ghostings. Most days I can rationalise it, that these friendships had already run their course and the extra stress was enough to break the friendships. I also think that ghosting has nothing to do with how kind someone is but how brave they are. And you never know someone's level of bravery until something bad happens. So I didnt know I was friends with so many cowards.
And for extra context we're not young and we're all women.
The major lesson I learned is that you shouldn't introduce friends too early because then it complicates the dynamics. That was what really kickstarted my problems with Ghost #1. I shouldn't have introduced her to all my friends and should have been more careful. But I'm struggling to learn anything from all the ghostings. Because it was so many of them. I still have that feeling that I deserved it. Because how could 4 friends ghost me within a few months of each other, if I didn't deserve it?
Anyway, I guess I'm taking it to jury of the internet to see what everyone thinks.
submitted by ConflictAlternative5 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 marywagnerlangford Letters Oppose the Dysfunctional Characterization of Langford Council
Here are my thoughts:
A high percentage tax increase is not a sign of dysfunction. The tax increase requires context.
In Langford, the tax increase simply indicates that Langford Council approved a budget that is significantly higher than last year. The math shows that comparing us to other municipalities in the region, we went from 4th lowest in 2023 to 7th out of 13 in 2024.
Interestingly, if you only look at our tax increase percentage of 15.6% compared to Colwood at 4.9% it's not clear that, in fact, taxes for a representative house in Langford (~53,000 people) are still lower than in Colwood (~22,000) people in 2024. Esquimalt with ~20,000 people has much higher taxes by over $900.
There are lots of things to consider when comparing municipal budgets. Some of the major factors that affected the budget this year include:
Fire Department (additional 9 firefighters as per Master Plan) 2.31%
Debt payment (internal capital borrowing) 1.67%
Police (RCMP) for 5 additional officers + one ME 2.31%
CPI on wages 1.37%
Maintenance Contracts (i.e. roads and parks maintenance) 1.16%
General Staffing 1.12%
Repairs and maintenance 0.87%
Community Safety and Municipal (Bylaw) enforcement staffing 0.60%
Greater Victoria Regional Library 0.53%
Royal Roads University initiatives 0.50%
Utilities and insurance 0.50%
West Shore Parks and Recreation Society 0.30%
Miscellaneous (net effect of increases and decreases of revenues and expenses) 2.91%
Reduced contribution to Equipment Replacement Reserve -1.10%
Non-market change (helping offset additional costs of growth) -4.17%
Debt servicing costs - Westhills owned YMCA building purchase 1.75%
No longer using the amenity fees for tax reduction, but rather using them for tangible amenities like sidewalks ~3%
The budget was deliberated in public meetings and went through proper democratic process. There is a lot of value and need behind some of the numbers to support our rapidly growing community.
submitted by marywagnerlangford to LangfordBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:48 OkCategory9637 Why would she do that in front of me?

I (20 male) broke it off with a women (26 female )from work that I dated 3 weeks. If you want the full story, here it is:
Long story short, she has trauma caused by previous boyfriends that cheated on her, and when that traume gets triggered she snaps at me for no reason and makes me feel incredibly bad. For example if I say something about another women or coworker. I cut her off and just told her we shouldnt really date anymore.
What I did not realize, I already fell for her. Since that talk I have been crying a lot and just feel incredibly bad, it almost feels like a break up, which sounds stupid considering the duration we dated.
She now is telling people at my work that I stopped dating her to get with another coworker, which is just a lie. I have nooooo interest in that person she refers to. And it hurts, because I have feelings for her and they are getting mixed up by her behaviour. I not only feel sad, but now also angry.
When we had that talk, I was a little bit overwhelmed and could not say what I wanted to say, which is why I texted her and asked for another meeting to tell her whats on my mind. I told her that we could meet up last Sunday, she said she would text me that day and tell me if she has time. On this Sunday, she said she cant really meet up, but we could meet the next week.
On exactly that Sunday she came by when I was working (I work as a barkeeper at a bar), met up with another coworker of us and made out in front of me. She knew I was working! I am 20 years old, do not have that much dating experience but trust me when I say, I think no one in my life has ever tried to stick it to my face and hurt me like that. I feel so betrayed and disrespected. I was so good to her, invited her to restaurants, picked her up with my car and took her with me to city trips, gave small little gifts because I knew she wasnt doing so well, visited her at work, helped her with her problems etc..
And she always said that she couldnt believe how attentive I am. I remembered everything she said she would like to plan small surprises for her, because I wanted her to feel good. Thats just who I am, if I like someone I want them to have a good time and I like to provide.
And now she does that, I am filled with anger and disgust like I have never been. How they kissed and looked at each other, with her only purpose being to hurt me. It not that she has someone else now, it is that she is doing it intentionally in front of me to make me feel bad. Why on earth are people like that?
I want to be a good man, I dont want to become an a..hole, but I feel like next time I get to know another person, I will have a hard time to trust and believe what I am getting told. I already went through a break up 8 months ago, and this feels so much more disgusting, I dont know why : (
submitted by OkCategory9637 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:45 judy_fries weird match

*long post ahead but hoping you can hear me out
I recently matched with this guy in bumble. In our first exchange of convo, he immediately asked if I am available to meet up with him. Of course I declined bc I have plans. We didn’t talk about anything but matching our schedules to meet up (I never met up with anyone in bumble btw). Then there came a time that our schedules agreed so we decided to meet up. We transferred from bumble to phone texts/calls (this was new to me, kinda old school lol). We had calls almost every night (yes, just at night) and he rarely replies to my texts. He just calls without notice like I am a free person lol. When we plan on meeting up, he would suggest to go to his place but I always reject that idea because I’m not comfortable going to someone’s place. I would suggest to go to a mall or a park instead.
Fast forward to few hours before meeting up (we decided to meet in a mall), he took a raincheck for an urgent meeting at work. I was pretty disappointed bc it was my first meet up and I kinda expected something fruitful for us to discuss. He was sorry and also explained his side. Moving to the next day, he invited me again for a quick meet up (he also suggested his place again for crying out loud!!!) but I also told him that I’ll be meeting up with my friend prior seeing him. He agreed to wait naman and meet on a resto side of the mall that we both knew. I kept updating him my status and if I have booked otw there then he texted raincheck again just because I already ate?? But still I inisted to meet up with him to have drinks. We had a great conversation and ended the night well. I got home and as usual, he called and ended the call quickly too. Then the next day, i found out that he unmatched me in bumble.
I didn’t go deep into the details but i also understand that he is a busy person but not to the point unmatching me. I’m not also generalizing guys but are there really guys out there who are like this? Do you just stop and move on immediately or just have a last convo to properly end this?
submitted by judy_fries to pinoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:42 judy_fries weird match

*long post ahead but hoping you can hear me out
I recently matched with this guy in bumble. In our first exchange of convo, he immediately asked if I am available to meet up with him. Of course I declined bc I have plans. We didn’t talk about anything but matching our schedules to meet up (I never met up with anyone in bumble btw). Then there came a time that our schedules agreed so we decided to meet up. We transferred from bumble to phone texts/calls (this was new to me, kinda old school lol). We had calls almost every night (yes, just at night) and he rarely replies to my texts. He just calls without notice like I am a free person lol. When we plan on meeting up, he would suggest to go to his place but I always reject that idea because I’m not comfortable going to someone’s place. I would suggest to go to a mall or a park instead.
Fast forward to few hours before meeting up (we decided to meet in a mall), he took a raincheck for an urgent meeting at work. I was pretty disappointed bc it was my first meet up and I kinda expected something fruitful for us to discuss. He was sorry and also explained his side. Moving to the next day, he invited me again for a quick meet up (he also suggested his place again for crying out loud!!!) but I also told him that I’ll be meeting up with my friend prior seeing him. He agreed to wait naman and meet on a resto side of the mall that we both knew. I kept updating him my status and if I have booked otw there then he texted raincheck again just because I already ate?? But still I inisted to meet up with him to have drinks. We had a great conversation and ended the night well. I got home and as usual, he called and ended the call quickly too. Then the next day, i found out that he unmatched me in bumble.
I didn’t go deep into the details but i also understand that he is a busy person but not to the point unmatching me. I’m not also generalizing guys but are there really guys out there who are like this? Do you just stop and move on immediately or just have a last convo to properly end this?
submitted by judy_fries to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:35 Ok-Tangerine7039 My partner (20M) made a comment that isn’t sitting well with me (20F). Is the comment manipulative or am I reading too far into it?

I (20F) saw my partner (20M) today for the first time in a week (he was two hours away at his parents house for the week) and he made an odd comment. We were driving to dinner and he was being strangely quiet. He was also very short with me and seemed annoyed. I asked what was going on and if he’s okay or wanted to talk about anything, and so he told me that his feelings were hurt. I didn’t know if he meant that I hurt his feelings or if it was someone else, so I asked and he said I did. Again, I hadn’t seen him for a week and was very good about asking him about his day, what he did, good at my reply times, etc so he wouldn’t feel down or anything. I asked him to elaborate on what I did and he said two things: 1. I didn’t visit him at his parents house the whole week, and his friends and family were apparently all asking where I was. It made him feel like shit. 2. He said it feels like whenever I invite him to something, that he always comes, but when he invites me to things or to hang out with his family, I never make the time. He said he feels like I put my work and activities (which I’ve been involved with since before we got together) before him. Now, in my defense, I work a full time 8-4 job and am in a musical from 6-9 four days a week. I’m a busy person, and he knew this from the get go. He, on the other hand, doesn’t have a job and is currently on summer break from university. I’ve also rearranged my schedule a lot to meet with his mother the last few weeks, but plans have fallen through each time because she couldn’t make it. I feel like the comment was manipulative, in that this almost felt like he wanted me to minimize my activities outside of him. Am I reading too far into this or is this manipulative and should I talk to him about it?
submitted by Ok-Tangerine7039 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:34 KindheartedKnight24 22[M4F] USA/Anywhere - Seeking a Serious and Cozy Long-Term Relationship, Open to Long Distance

Hey! I'm a 22-year-old single guy from the US looking for a serious and long-term relationship. I live a healthy lifestyle and don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.
In my free time, I'm usually binge-watching shows. I'm also into reading and trying out new cuisines whenever I can. I'm open to voice and video calls, and I enjoy chatting for hours when we're both free, or maybe an occasional call to catch up. I'm fine with long distance too, as long as we both agree on meeting up in the future.
When I'm not indoors, I enjoy swimming and spending time outdoors. I value a good sense of humor, and I appreciate someone who's caring and can keep a conversation going. I love the idea of planning trips to places we've always wanted to go. Hopefully, we can make these dreams a reality together.
I’m looking for a woman who is funny, caring, and smart. Someone who values making memories together. I’m patient, a good listener, and pretty independent. I’m genuinely interested in understanding you and what makes you happy. I believe in mutual respect and supporting each other’s goals and dreams. Cozy nights in, watching our favorite shows or cooking together, and spontaneous weekend getaways are some of the things I look forward to in a relationship.
I truly want to find someone who's also looking for a serious and long-term relationship. Please don’t bother responding if you’re not looking for the same.
If my post piqued your interest, please send a chat invite with a bit about yourself. We can move to Discord or somewhere else when we both feel comfortable. Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing where it goes!
submitted by KindheartedKnight24 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:29 Zelda-Adventure-3760 My mother's gf found our letters and now she's being mistreated

I don't even know how to begin with this, it's a very complicated situation I've been involved out of pure love for the past few months.
I am a lesbian fully out of the closet for a few years now and I no longer have problems with everyone knowing my sexual orientation, in fact, the years have taught me this is a privilege even though it shouldn't be but this is the freedom we all wish for our community.
My gf, on the opposite side, is lesbian as well but she is in the closet mostly because she has been afraid of the consequences of coming out, which is what she's going through right now.
She only lives with her mother and their relationship is very unstable. This year, her mom left the city in February without a previous notice and at the moment she is only an interim in her job and isn't receiving any payments until this upcoming October. Her mom told her that "she can figure this out herself", leaving without any coverage of the bills of the house, groceries, nothing.
We have been dating since December of last year and made it official until March, we stablished how private the relationship had to be and I am completely aware of her situation. It's worth mention that we didn't decide to start a relationship to saver her, but decided to date despite that. I offered to help her with the bills, gas and groceries, she didn't ask for it, but at some point I feel it is my duty to protect her. I am fortunate enough to have a well-paid job that can cover me and her separately.
These past few months have been difficult but we've been through them. I try to keep the romanticism going by giving her gifts and letters to let her know how crazy I am for her.
Now that you have the context, to the problem. About 9 days ago, her mother came back home extremely upset. She has been nothing but rude and aggresive towards my gf. My gf says the psychological abuse has been extreme and out of nowhere, she really doesn't understand this behavior and it's hurtful for her and it is for myself as well.
In the middle of the week, her mom entered her room while she was at work and found all the letters I wrote her ever since we were dating, she tore them apart and threw most of them to the garbage. She wanted to confront my gf mostly to insult her and say every type of name in the book.
The problem is that, ever since her mother came back, the only help she allows me to give her is the financial one. I've been telling her to stay in my home even for a couple of days, to pick her up, to supply any other emotional need but she refuses to do so. She tells me that paying for her stuff is enough help but I don't feel that way. She has been drinking so much even when she doesn't have to and I don't want to pay for her alcohol, but she has friends that invites her to party and drink and that's her way to distract herself from the situation (her friends don't know about her being a lesbian either, so they're oblivious about this).
The obvious solution to this is to let her know my feelings, but she is in such a vulnerable state right now that if I mention this, she will reject even my financial help and will keep a further distance from me, then I am scared she will be completely alone and don't know how she will face the day. This is already causing an impact on my physical and mental health, just for the fact that I wish to do more but she doesn't allow it, what should I do?
submitted by Zelda-Adventure-3760 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 herosuperman1 Major Financial Issues (Mainly with Tuition) - What should I do?

Howdy! I just finished up my first year in the Texas A&M Engineering program as an out-of-state student and have enjoyed my time on campus so far. I chose A&M over other schools that also had amazing engineering programs for the campus culture and vibe that was significantly different from everywhere else I visited. I have no family members in Texas nor any family/friend connection to the school, so I am appreciative of everyone I have met so far, for the people I am to meet in the future, and those who make the Aggie experience the one it is! Especially for the fact that it makes me feel like I have a home outside of my home!
With campus culture aside, financially, I am in a bit of a pickle. I was aware of this issue before going to A&M, but it was a more of a gamble on whether this would play out my way properly, but one I was willing to take in order to be an Aggie. For context, I received 0 scholarships with my acceptance letter for attending the institution, and countered my offer to the financial aid office based on the fact I had a 35 on the ACT and was ranked in the top 4% of my high school class of about 550 students. With this in mind, the school gave me a mere $4000, and not per semester, in total. Meaning, only $500 per semester for 4 years when my tuition which costs about $19,000 per semester. Essentially, nothing. The reason I was able to attend A&M was only based on the fact that my grandparents had a college fund built up for me and that I won a bunch of scholarship competitions that paid off the first year. While I can work a job to pay for food and get some help regarding living expenses from my parents, we cannot afford to pay this on top of almost $40,000 of tuition per year. Even more so as I have 2 younger brothers that will soon attend college. I would have to go into debt next year – assuming I do not receive any additional scholarships – and this jeopardizes my life for about the next 15-20 years as I did want to attend grad school immediately after undergrad.
I initially took a gamble financially on this school as there is a policy that declares that out-of-state students can get an automatic in-state tuition waiver if a student receives $4000 of scholarship from the university. Not other organizations, just simply whatever scholarships are directly affiliated with Texas A&M, and I believe this is specifically through the University Scholarship Application. Prior to committing to the school, I thought that this would be a feasible threshold to obtain as I knew my work ethic and that I would do anything to alleviate the financial burdens of not only myself, but also my family and to give my younger brothers a chance to attend the college of their dreams. Regarding my stats, I would like to think I am a competitive student as I earned a 4.0 GPA, I was in an academic student organization related to my major, an additional academic club (not-related to major but just out of interest), and a sport/recreational club. However, while in Texas, I have learned the "state rivalry" between my home state of California and Texas is for some reason a real thing outside the internet. I am concerned that this rivalry, while sounding farfetched, may screw me out of reaching this $4000 threshold. To note, the only scholarships that apply to the $4000 threshold are ones that are deemed as "competitive scholarships." Meaning, scholarships where not only a pool of out-of-state are being considered, or only in-state, but rather both groups being viewed in the same pool of applicants for a scholarship. The only reason I voice this concern is because this legit happened in the past to me with the stats I had in high school before coming to A&M. I have heard stories from other out-of-state students (from different states than mine and similar stats in high school) have either their out-of-state tuition waived or had a full tuition/ride scholarship given to them by the university. Furthermore, with Texas pride as a probable bias toward those on scholarship committees, I am concerned I will not be even fairly evaluated as a majority of the money will just be given to less or equally competitive individuals due the fact their families currently reside in Texas. This also was a common occurrence I ran into at Texas A&M, as a good amount of in-state students received something from the school prior to attending the university.
I would also like to note that obtaining residency in the state would not necessarily be the difficult part, it would be for the school to recognize me as an in-state resident for tuition purposes. With all this in mind, here are my questions below that I have.
  1. What are the odds I have at receiving the threshold of $4000 to get the in-state waiver?
  2. If I don't receive the $4000 threshold, I will likely be only able to pay for another semester maximum without going into the trenches of student debt. What would be the best course of action from here? Do I go back to my local community college and then see if I can transfer with scholarship to an in-state university? Do I stick it out at A&M and go into debt or potentially go to a community college in Texas, obtain residency, then transfer back?
I apologize for the long post, and I will take any helpful advice into consideration!
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
submitted by herosuperman1 to aggies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:14 fifosexapel Super Discord Bros 6 - Looking for Traditional Level Makers

We are pleased to announce we will begin working on Super Discord Bros. 6 (SDB6) in June, right on time for the 5th year anniversary of the release of SMM2. This time, the project will be in the SMB3 style.
This is an open call for any makers interested in contributing a traditional style level to this project.
What is Super Discord Bros?
Super Discord Bros are collaborative projects started from this sub and its related discord to create full, traditional style games in Mario Maker.
A total of 5 full games have been produced so far - 4 of them in SMM1 - Super Discord World (SDW), Super Discord Bros. 3 (SDB3), Super Discord Bros. 1 (SDB1) and New Super Discord Bros. U (NSDBU); and Super Discord World 2 (SDW2) for SMM2.
Through the 5 previous projects, over 90 makers from this community have contributed levels.
How can I contribute to SDB6?
If you would like to be a part of the project and contribute a level you can DM or send a chat directly to me. Invites will be open until Friday May 31st, and work on the level will begin in June.
We have prepared a discord server for the project where all the relevant information is stored. You will be able to brainstorm ideas with the other makers, submit your levels for feedback and project leader approval.
It doesn’t matter if you are new to the game, or a seasoned pro with multiple badges everyone is welcome. The most important thing is that you can
Not familiar with the previous SDB games? Looking to play Super Discord World 2?
All 56 SDW2 levels are still available to be played! Due to it being a collaboration of nearly 50 makers, there is not an in-game Super World, but we have created a maker profile that has a Liked Courses list of all the courses in order for easy access.
The Maker code is J70-J6T-KHF. Just find the profile in your game and go into their liked courses to start!
To find out more about the project, the SDW2 website has an interactive map if you want to follow along, and level descriptions for each course!
submitted by fifosexapel to MarioMaker2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 nurseyyjlat Ohio intent to sue letter (what to include) question

I am suing a previous employer due to wrongful termination, unsafe work conditions, which I reported and was ignored, resulting in the unsafe conditions affecting my own health for over a year. I can only say so much, but I have a strong case because all communications were documented and even though the employer lied, state agencies investigated their statements and found them to be not true. They lied and said that I quit when they actually fired me for voicing my concerns and reporting them to the facility DR, as a am a healthcare professional and patients had a specific disease, very contagious, which they refused to acknowledge even after I showed proof. They fired me for reporting this despite the patients being sick and needing medical treatment, and to not report this would be against the laws set forth for my specific license.
Anyways, I’m having trouble figuring out how to draft the intent to sue letter without going into great detail. I understand I need to furnish some type of proof, which I have a lot, but I keep saying too much, or not enough, and I’m going in circles at this point. I have medical records, records from state agencies, and proof in emails/messages that they recklessly sent me not thinking anyone would consider taking legal action, where they are blunt about firing me and the reasons.
I know I have a strong case, and I am unsure of how to draft my intent to sue, and also lost as to how much I should ask for. This condition caused me to be unable to work for many months and I understand I can go through workers comp but they also wrongfully fired me and I don’t feel like jumping through hoops while they mess with me as they have private insurance. I quit my job of several years to work for this company and within a month was fired for doing my job and not hiding things like they wanted me to.
What type of proof is considered being efficient at meeting the burden of proof for a civil case in Ohio? How much should I include, and should my letter detailing the situation be separate from the intent to sue letter? Should I include all of my records? I want them to understand I have a strong case because I am sure they will be found liable by a jury if it goes that way. But, I’d rather just settle quickly because I am very busy and am actually studying for my LSAT as I decided to go a different way after my experience with this employer. It cost me about $5,000 out of pocket, lost maybe $15k in wages, and myself and family are still seeing specialists due to this issue. Though it seems as if we are nearly recovered a year later.
Is it reasonable to ask for $20k? What proof should I include, and how detailed should my explanation be? Should I address this to the company by their Ohio business name or their contact information/representative off of the Ohio business name search records? Should I include specific names etc? Thanks for any information you can give me, I know I’m asking quite a bit.
submitted by nurseyyjlat to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 Careless_Variety3245 How can I get a Maine coon kitten reasonably?

Hi! Please delete if this isn’t allowed.
I’m so excited to get a Maine coon. My partner and I decided about a year ago we were interested in getting a Maine coon kitten, but we decided to wait until we had the right home for it. We have finally moved and have began looking. Yikes.
I understood that the cat would be very expensive, and I’m willing to pay a very expensive price for the cat. I am not interested in participating in cat shows or frankly any kind of extra special breeding traits like toes and eye color. I just want a large and beautiful pet with a good temperament for my lifestyle. My understanding is that $2k is a good price, and it’s nearly impossible for me to find one from any kind of reputable breeder for less than $3-5k. I mean no offense in saying this, if you are a breeder or a owner who paid this price, that is perfectly fine, however I personally think $2k is a very expensive price for a pet and beyond that is outrageous unless I am looking for a very specially bred cat or I’m interested in making money off of it myself in cat shows or breed (I am not). I am willing to travel within my region, I am willing to pay the expensive, but not outrageous price. I’m even willing to wiggle on the price, just not a full $1k. I also kind of find this TICA stuff to be slightly bs to inflate the price of the breeder, but maybe someone can enlighten me. I am not interested in a show quality award winning kitten, I just want a pet.
On top of this, I have spent a lot of time weeding out scammers (I have been warned extensively about this, and I am very weary of them and will not send anyone money), and stressed about meeting these online strangers in person. Surprise surprise, it is very hard to meet someone to exchange money for a cat if you have not given this person money upfront before seeing the cat with your own eyes. On top of all of that, these waitlists are crazy long and some of them are asking for a deposit for kittens that have not been conceived yet.
My partner want a more, I guess “traditional” process. Ideally we would meet someone whom we have FaceTimed, and seen the parents and the kitten, and once we meet them and see the cat irl, there is an exchange of money and everyone leaves happy. If someone invites clientele over to meet the whole family of cats and make a selection, even better. This seems nearly impossible to arrange, at least in our region (southeastern US).
I hope I haven’t offended anyone with my frustrations. I know on this sub you all love your cats, and I would love to join you all someday posting pictures of my beautiful cat. Maybe I have the wrong expectations for the breed and I am not the kind of person who should be interested in this breed as it’s a luxury breed, but both myself and my partner cannot believe how much of a pain this process is, especially because we feel we are pretty flexible on price, color, gender, and location. I would appreciate any advice, insight, warnings, success stories, etc.
submitted by Careless_Variety3245 to mainecoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:03 InflationInside1050 Open the marriage and got cheated

Last year my wife suggested opening the marriage for the duration of February, the month that I went to a surgery in my home country, I first rejected as it's not my thing and after she said that was what she wanted I ended up accepting (maybe for fear of loosing her), and I put some rules on place.
1 can't be someone around us 2 can be at our house 3 can't repeat 4 we would never talk about what happened.
First week off the month I did had a chance of having Sex with someone else and I just didn't want to, didn't feel like doing that, and that same week she had friends that came over so she didn't do anything...
On second week about 2 days before my surgery she told me that her friend from work had friends over his house and she offered our house for him to stay. (I didn't like that, but didn't say anything to not sound jealous)
On my surgery day 10 of February this guy comes to my house, after my surgery we messaged each other and she mentioned he was in my house with her and said me to not worry about and I said her I wasn't worried saying "I trust you blindly" not to mention I was full of morphine and pain killers going through a lot of pain, so, that wasn't something I was worried about.
11 of February, I go to my parents house and after a day where everything went wrong I broke down and started to message her telling that I don't want to keep the agreement, that is not something I want, that I'm happy with her and I don't want to be with anyone else and she got kinda of angry about all that conversation telling me that she does not see her having Sex with only one person for the rest of her life and now that I don't let her anything she can't do what she wants and when I come back home we talk about that, and I explained her that I accept that because I was afraid of losing her, to be complacent and things like that.
During this conversation I'm asking her for stop the agreement they kissed each other.
After the kiss she got a bit shocked and went to our room alone.
Next day I woke up and because I was afraid, I apologize her about last night conversation and told her we could keep the marriage opened as she wanted, but I added a new rule, that was I wanted to know everything she did, she gets in to angry like texting saying she's confused about me blocking the agreement, unblocking it again, but adding more rules... I told her that was my right and she had the obligation of telling me, she said that makes no sense because we both know that I wouldn't handle that well, so she wouldn't do anything and I said that was my right , if I could not handle we break up or whatever, she ends this afternoon conversation saying she does not want to talk about that.
On that same night she went to a disco with friends and coworkers, she came back and bring this same friend home and they start to have Sex in the sofa and end in the guest room.
Somewhere around the end of February we had a phone call where she brings up this subject again and we had an argument about she saying that telling me about the adventures was an absurd and after few justification from my side I get angry and tell her to do whatever she wants and don't tell me anything because I didn't care anymore and when I get back home we talk about the future of our relationship.
Few days later on 23 February she went to a company dinner and they all end up in the disco, she came back home alone because the friends stayed on the street close to my home, she sent me a text message saying she got home and give me good night, after that she rang this guy and ask him to come to our house, they stayed in the sofa talking and touching each other until fall asleep, few hours later they wake up and went to the room for have sex again, after that she text me as usual.
After that I came back to our home and our relationship was desgracefull for about 1 month, she didn't want to have sex with me at all, when we can handle this situation anymore I open the conversation about divorce and after I stated to cry a lot and she suggests us to give another chance.
After that our relationship went up very fast and stayed in a level that we never experienced before.
Few months later she brings me to meet friends and introduce me to this friend who she had sex with, it's a very friendly and handsome guy and him and I spoke quite a lot only 2 of us.
After that my wife and I went out 2 more times where this guy was present.
Middle August she went to his house once for bbq with all friends from work in a day that I was working, at this time this guy is starting a relationship with another woman from work.
End of September after I had my gallbladder removed and was recovering she invited me to go with her to his house for a BBQ, this guy gave me a hand shake so long looking deeply in to my eyes that I felt very uncomfortable with, so much that I never forgot.
After that bbq things started to get complicated in their friendship as they have a lot of values differences and she is the manager and had to report him, they ended up meeting in a pub for "break up" their friendship.
End of November we decide go for a baby.
End of December this guy leave the company and we get to know she's pregnant.
3 weeks ago I involuntarily made few connections in my head and confronted her about what happened between them in February and she confess to me everything.
Now I'm struggling a lot to deal with all this.
she asked for open the marriage, against my heart I accepted and not satisfied with that she broke all the rules except the "no disclosure one" (the only one that was convenient to her).
In the same day I basically begged to stop all this story was the day she did something while telling me she wasn't going to do anything.
Next day she reaffirmed that she wasn't going to do anything and she had sex few hours later.
She introduced me to him, she brought me to his house.
She was going to keep this hidden from me forever.
I feel like the way she behaved was quite cruel.
She is in a tremendous pain seeing my suffering.
She told me she experienced that in a different way as didn't remember the rules, so she accepts the blame but doesn't see that she cheated on me
I love her a lot
After all this we improved our communication skills a lot..
We are 3 months away from having our first baby.
My life for the past 3 weeks is cry, have nightmares every night, feeling insecure about so many different things, have anxiety attacks quite often, I can't sleep without medication, sometimes I feel better and we do can do things.
I'm struggling a lot to get over all this story staying with her and afraid of if I leaving her and I regret as I feel she's the love of my life, as she's only 3 months from giving birth if we break up or give a time she will need to move to her country to have some family support, what will makes me lose the child birth.
submitted by InflationInside1050 to openmarriageregret [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:01 INEEDTONSOFADVICE How much time to reapply after being medically withdrawn?

Context 1, Early June
I was medically withdrawn from school (selective, large university) in September of 2022. It started, in early June of that year, with me having my first cold when I travelled for a weekend event, in three or four years, and the cold was so bad, I was so confused and tired I almost boarded the wrong flight home (like I walked down the bridge and almost entered the wrong plane to God knows where, until I turned around and a flight attendant had to give me like a very kind pep talk).
It started with a strep throat during that weekend, then I began to cough so hard I felt dizzy, and I didn't stop coughing until December of that year. It was the worst cold I've had in my life, and I think it was made worse by the additional focus on hygiene during COVID (face masks etc.), which might have weakened my imune system. It was my first time going out without wearing a mask, and I happened to catch a cold.
Context 2, Late June/July
When I returned, I was alone in my off campus apartment, my body would itch (and this didn't make sense because there aren't any insects like mosquitos or I guess even ants in this area since it's so arid), I would sweat when I slept in my air conditioned room, I would have to walk a mile from my off campus apartment in the Arizona like heat and climate of July and August while having a cold. When I entered my over-cooled central AC apartment (I would have to leave windows and doors open to make it warmer) from the 95+ degree weather (I'm from a cold area of the country, but I grew up in several continents, and I'd never experienced this much heat), my stomach would begin to hurt from the instant change in temperature. I had to do really important work stuff that I couldn't miss, so I took different medications which caused my chest to hurt. I didn't want to go to the hospital because I was on the opposite side of the country, and I didn't know what would happen since I'm completely unfamiliar with how medical things are handled, and I had never stayed overnight in a hospital before, and I knew what I'm experiencing would probably warrant an extended stay.
Context 3, July/August
I then stopped eating, sleeping, and drinking water. Someone began spam texting me implicitly illicit texts (I would block the number, but another one would appear from another number, so like a dozen different numbers, and the texts weren't like a bot or automated, it would include photos and mention things I did recently e.g. go to the bar, it didn't ask for money or to download an app, it felt like someone I could have met or known irl was harassing me, perhaps as just a joke), and I barely give my number out and change it around once a year, so I was just so upset someone I knew gave my number to someone, or is doing this. Because of the delirium from the cold, I the began to send like weird (but not in any way, threatening or harassing, texts to mostly my friends who also attended the school) to figure out who gave my number or was behind the harassing texts. I had also experienced another issue with on campus, irl, harassment from a previous roommate that I had to report to campus safety multiple times, and I guess perhaps just because of the delirium, considering the digital harassment, I had become super persistent about my physical harassment that occurred just the semester before, and then an academic dean seriously offered to help, but then this led to a meeting with several deans. A day after this meeting, I emailed one of the deans to say that I am crying, and I was emailed at 8am to do a pysch evaluation at 11am in the morning. Because I hadn't slept the night before, and I had a feeling this would be a consequential meeting, in addition to having to walk 1 mile in the afternoon heat to this meeting, I asked to reschedule and then I was told no. Then I was sent a Maxient involuntary medical withdrawal letter.
Context 4, Now
I've been to about half a dozen pysch doctors (even one that's a lecturer at a leading medical research university), and about four therapists, since, and I haven't been diagnosed with anything definitively. My current therapist who is a former (or current) professor in psychology, and I've met with since late November of 2023, still doesn't have a diagnoses. I present extremely well, and I'm usually more social and normal than most people, so I guess you would have to look really deep to find something. I know that I probably have a sleep issue, so after meeting with a sleep doctor, I'm trying to setup a sleep study. In the meantime, I've been prescribed medication to combat day time sleepiness. Other related medical issues include the fact that my dad has Cushing syndrome, and I'm pretty confident I have it, or at least a cortisol issue (I have the visible/physical signs, as well as persistent high blood pressure, and other symptoms). Then, I also have several skin issues, that I'm also treating as well.
To be extremely honest, I'm kind of grateful I experienced this because I understand my body more, and how to seek help when my body is overwhelmed. Also, I kind of knew there would be an job crisis issue in April of 2022 since interest rates were rising and it would lead to less investments, therefore less jobs, so I've kind of enjoyed using this time to relax, travel, and learn new things. However, I'm starting to become anxious that I won't be able to return at all.
Which leads to the question and title of my post, do time limits on withdrawals or leaves of absence apply to medical withdrawals or leaves of absence? My grades are pretty good, and I have no disciplinary issues, so I can still transfer, but I would still like to get back in, to be extremely frank, I would like to get back in first before transferring (just to tie up some loose ends to make a stronger transfer application). The way the communication (emails) from the schools non academic deans are worded, it's being made to seem as if I can't return at all (unless I reapply through admissions/the common app) regardless of if a doctor clears me. The way the letter is worded, it seems like I need to be cleared by a medical professional. My advisor, whose a non-educational lawyer, said I would onyl be approved to return if I take medication for 6-12 months. An email with a non-academic dean said this as well.
submitted by INEEDTONSOFADVICE to AskAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:58 ThenBuilder4325 AITA for telling my two best friends to fuck off?

Might be a bit of a long story but I need some advice. My 2 bestfriends and I had a falling out a little over a month ago now. We have been close friends since we were about 13 (we’re now 20) excluding a year or two after highschool when we went our separate ways for a little while. So about a month ago my friends had driven down to somewhere that I live very close to while living in uni. Bearing in mind it’s about an hour drive to get to where this place is. A couple days before we had been talking about going there as a group for a little day outing, they had then decided to go by themselves and posted all about it on social media. I sent one of them a reply to their post asking why they had gone and not thought to ask me to come with them, or even meet them there, when I live a 20 minute drive from where they had gone. She replied quite inconsiderately saying that they “hadn’t even thought to ask me”. After she sent me that message I rang them up and we had maybe a 10 second tiff on the phone and i ended up hanging up. Obvs I was hurt by their lack of consideration to ask me to even just meet them there or even just an invite when I live so close and they had travelled all the way down here and not even a thought to see if I was free. I left it there and hadn’t messaged them the rest of the day.
So the next day I got a lengthy paragraph from one of them in our group chat where they basically just spoke down on me about how I told them to fuck off on the phone (which in hindsight maybe not the best thing to say but at the time I was hurt and angry). They kept going on about how I can’t speak to them like that, that i’m disgusting and throwing a childish petty tantrum just because I felt left out. I had already told them that it wasn’t the fact that they were spending time together without me (which they seemed to think was my issue) but it was the fact that they had travelled an hour to go to somewhere that I live so close to while in uni when they knew I was there and not back home. We argued throughout the whole day and their whole thing was that they were mad I had told them to fuck off, which I don’t think is the most awful thing to happen but they had made it seem like it was. They were so patronising towards me it was unbelievable I have never experienced anything like it to be honest. I was insulted again and again, them calling me disgusting and childish and selfish and rude, yet I was the one in the wrong because I told them to fuck off the one time.
So it’s been about a month and a half since that all happened and I haven’t spoke to either of them since. I thought i’d give everyone space to calm down and do their own thing for a while, but today I had been thinking about everything and decided to message one of them as I was home for the night from uni, asking if they would like to meet up for a chat in the day to sort things out. Just messaged a hey and she replied back pretty much straight away, I then asked her if she was free in the day to meet up tomorrow to talk and she didn’t reply for about 10 hours, but had been posting all over her stories. But that’s neither here nor there so whatever. Comes around to about 11pm and I get a reply saying “i don’t wanna sound horrible but im still not happy about everything”. Please anyone tell me if i’m being crazy and stupid here and If I am actually in the wrong because after a month and a half you’d thing that someone who claims to be above all the petty drama, wouldn’t be holding a grudge for this long and would’ve gotten over it. Because I do hold a grudge and i’m over it that’s why i reached out to fix things between us. so I said yeah that’s why i’ve messaged and wanted to talk to sort things out, but said it’s fine if she wants to end our friendship here so asked her to let me know so I can figure out what to do, a bit of extra conversation that’s not worth mentioning and then she said “not trying to be dramatic but i think we should just leave it for now” which i said “that’s fine if that’s how you feel, i do think it’s a bit dramatic and unfair” just considering how she’s let go of sooo many awful things my other friend has said and done to her, but i said that’s whatever and that’s fine. she said she wasn’t arguing with me but I was in no way looking for an argument, it was a pretty simple conversation to be honest but she seems to think every thing is an argument if it’s not something that agrees with her outlook on whatever the situation is. I’ve left it there with her, I didn’t expect her to be like that honestly, but looking at how she treated me when we had our fallout and completely disregarded my feelings i shouldn’t have been surprised.
I blame myself for this happening mostly even though I don’t think what I had said to them was half as bad as what they’d said to me, and sometimes i think it might have been a blessing in disguise.
I guess what i’m looking for on here is some validation for my feelings about the situation, or even criticism if anyone thinks i’m genuinely in the wrong. I was going to reach out to the other friend tomorrow but is it even worth it now if one of them has already rejected my offer to reconcile, and the way they had spoken and treated me, would it be worth trying to get our friendship back after that?
(sorry if some things don’t make sense, it’s 3 in the morning but It’s been on my mind and I can’t sleep so what better way to get advice than from strangers haha)
submitted by ThenBuilder4325 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:54 Minute-Finding7431 🎙️Hiring!Web3 Overseas Business Development Manager

About Us: Apus Network is at the forefront of innovation, merging decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN) with cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI). Apus Network aims to address the key challenges faced by decentralized GPU networks, ensuring GPU integrity, AI model trustworthiness, and verifiable inference results.We are looking for a talented and motivated individual to join our team as an Overseas Business Development Manager.
Position: Web3 Overseas Business Development Manager
Location: Remote (Preference for candidates based in Eastern Europe)
Role Summary: As the Web3 Overseas Business Development Manager, you will play a crucial role in expanding our presence in the international market. You will be responsible for pitching our projects to potential investors, establishing and managing relationships with investment institutions, and forging strategic partnerships. This role requires a proactive and results-driven individual with a deep understanding of the Web3 ecosystem and excellent communication skills.
Key Responsibilities:
  1. Twitter Spaces & AMA Hosting:
    • Organize and host Twitter Spaces and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to engage with the community and promote Apus Network.
    • Collaborate with other projects and influencers in the Web3 space to co-host events, enhancing visibility and reach.
    • Prepare content, coordinate schedules, and manage logistics for live events.
  2. Partnership Development:
    • Identify, approach, and negotiate strategic partnerships with key stakeholders in the Web3 and AI industries.
    • Develop and maintain relationships with potential collaborators, including technology partners, service providers, and industry influencers.
    • Coordinate and manage partnership agreements, ensuring mutual benefits and successful collaboration.
  3. Market Research and Strategy:
    • Conduct market research to identify trends, opportunities, and competitive landscape in the Web3 and AI sectors.
    • Develop and implement strategic plans to expand our market presence and drive business growth.
    • Provide insights and recommendations to the executive team based on market analysis and feedback.
  4. Networking and Representation:
    • Represent the company at industry events, conferences, and networking opportunities to promote our brand and projects.
    • Build and maintain a strong professional network within the Web3 and AI communities.
    • Act as a spokesperson for the company in international markets, enhancing our visibility and reputation.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are invited to send their resume and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and why they are a good fit for this role to []( or TG:@loungeact07
submitted by Minute-Finding7431 to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:48 holeyshirt18 DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE

UPDATED May.19.2024 If you have any info/links, or suggestions, please post below. \*for new changes*





Anything Else May 22 7pm EST/11pm UTC Destiny's stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 10, Jordan Harbringer June 8 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
NEW YORK CANVASSING June 22-23 Yonkers, New York Info/Sign up! (No prior experience necessary)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 11, Mr. Beat June 15 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Jubilee June 15
Bridges Podcast: Episode 12, Aella June 18 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Anything Else w/ Harley Morenstein June 26 8pm EST/12am UTC Destiny's stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 13, David Pakman June 28 Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 14, Harley Morenstein June 29 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel (Maybe on Anything Else)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 15, Drew Pavlou July 6 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 16, Lily Pichu 💙 July 13 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 17, Sean Fitzgerald Aug 03 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel

Shawn Mike Kelley (filmed May 15) Digital Social Hour Podcast
Hodge Twins (filmed May 15) Twins Pod YT, 3hrs
Bridges Podcast: Episode 09, R.A. the Rugged Man Bridges YT Channel
Vice Documentary: (Redpill: Will air on their cable documentary channel (Tubi), 60-75 minute documentary exploring masculinity, manosphere, & economy of the internet, hosted by Vegas Tenold. Releases summer, 2024. (Watch Destiny Video: filmed feb 21- Destiny talking to Vice while they film, 1hr)
- David Beir: Immigration (TBR) - DJ Akademiks (To Be Rescheduled, TBR) 
UNCONFIRMED (tentative time frames, 3rd parties scheduling, creators interested to chat)
Maybe: Decoding The Gurus In Talks, have yet to set up a date for "Right to Respond"
Wants to Chat: Michael Knowles) (said on Iced Coffee Hour Podcast)
Maybe: Dave Rubin Valuetainment trying to set debate
Maybe: Jynxzi podcast appearance
Maybe: Kevin McCarthy saw the debate w/Shapiro, in talks
Invite: Michael Sartain invites Destiny to Vegas





Podbean linkSpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon MusiciHeartRadioPodbeanPocketcast






Cenk Uygur: Israel - Hamas War
Lisa Elizabeth: Systemic racism
Meghan Murphy: Is sex work immoral?
(2019) Hasan Piker: Kamala Harris (Bridge Burn)
(2019) Sargon of Akkad: What is a woman?
DESTINY'S OBSIDIAN NOTES Direct Link Israel-Palestine Reddit Post
Self Identifies: Liberal - Capitalist - Center Left
Many thanks to:
If you have any suggestions, info/links or additions, please post so I can update.
submitted by holeyshirt18 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:30 Prestigious_Mud4291 Approval

I got my approval letter this week! I only check my mail once a week so I found out today! I never have had a surgery of this magnitude so I’ve never went through this process before to know how it worked. My approval has a date range (never knew that), is that for a “just in case” it gets postponed or something? I have a surgery date of July 11 as of now and next month I’ll start my pre-op preparations (getting my PCP’s ok and my EKG) before the end of the month meetings with my surgeons office for dietician and pre-op requirements. Can’t wait!!
submitted by Prestigious_Mud4291 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:28 KindheartedKnight24 22[M4F] USA/Anywhere - Seeking a Serious and Cozy Long-Term Relationship, Open to Long Distance

Hey! I'm a 22-year-old single guy from the US looking for a serious and long-term relationship. I live a healthy lifestyle and don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.
In my free time, I'm usually binge-watching shows. I'm also into reading and trying out new cuisines whenever I can. I'm open to voice and video calls, and I enjoy chatting for hours when we're both free, or maybe an occasional call to catch up. I'm fine with long distance too, as long as we both agree on meeting up in the future.
When I'm not indoors, I enjoy swimming and spending time outdoors. I value a good sense of humor, and I appreciate someone who's caring and can keep a conversation going. I love the idea of planning trips to places we've always wanted to go. Hopefully, we can make these dreams a reality together.
I’m looking for a woman who is funny, caring, and smart. Someone who values making memories together. I’m patient, a good listener, and pretty independent. I’m genuinely interested in understanding you and what makes you happy. I believe in mutual respect and supporting each other’s goals and dreams. Cozy nights in, watching our favorite shows or cooking together, and spontaneous weekend getaways are some of the things I look forward to in a relationship.
I truly want to find someone who's also looking for a serious and long-term relationship. Please don’t bother responding if you’re not looking for the same.
If my post piqued your interest, please send a chat invite with a bit about yourself. We can move to Discord or somewhere else when we both feel comfortable. Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing where it goes!
submitted by KindheartedKnight24 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:23 Alarming_Habit_991 should I trust him?

met a guy, had many dates, I have invited him over twice to my place for a same day trip, no sleep over yet, I expect him to invite me to his place too, anytime when we talk about that, seems he's avoiding to invite me over. he said he lives in an apartment which is only a living room size of my place, and he's only using it for convenience. he also said his mom is in stoke and his mom calls him three times a day and he has to visit otherwise anytime she calls he feels guilty.
my place is a decent size with back yard which he loves. I told him that I don't really care his living condition, but I would like to hang out a bit in his community without sleep over. also I told him i understand his mom's situation and I don't think that's an issue at all if he needs to visit his mom, I even said in my mind there is no timeline like by when I expect him to introduce me to his circles, no pressure from my side.
He's very reluctant to invite me to his place, and he keeps saying he's very willing to spend time with me either at my place or meet after work.
the last conversation about visiting his place, ended like by the time his birthday in a month I expect to celebrate in his place, but that is in one month, I don't quite understand what other issues he's having to be so reluctant.
Should I trust him? any approach I should take to be cautious and to protect myself? thanks
submitted by Alarming_Habit_991 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:22 PandabuySoldier228 What Happens After I Accept my Condition Offer

I got a conditional offer from TMU, and I have accepted it. I paid my Tuition deposit and as of now I'm meeting the conditions of my offer.
The questions I want to get answers for are: 1.What steps should I take now? 2. How do I confirm that I'm actually in and I'll be studying at TMU starting September? 3. What happens if I don't meet the conditions (let's say I fail all my exams) 4. Is TMU gonna send me a confirmation letter saying I'm in? If so when?
I did my research and most of the people say that there is no official letter saying you are in, and that if you don't get a rejection letter after exams , you are fine, but this isn't enough for me, I want to be like 100% sure that I'm good.
submitted by PandabuySoldier228 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]