Rash arms legs moving

Information and support for those affected by Restless Legs Syndrome

2014.01.14 19:28 Information and support for those affected by Restless Legs Syndrome

Welcome to the community of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease. PLEASE VISIT OUR FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/RestlessLegs/comments/tnphkq/faq/ This is a place to connect with others, discuss treatment options, and kick around ideas. There is help and hope for RLS!

2017.07.03 23:19 LeftMySoulAtHome A positive subreddit for people with Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles, which are responsible for breathing and moving parts of the body, including the arms and legs. This is a positive community that seeks to provide resources, support, and friendly conversation to people who suffer from MG (or those who know someone who does).

2024.05.20 06:31 HowDoyouadult42 Could I have torn something in my knee?

A few months back I was walking and if I remember correctly I pivoted and felt the tendon at the back of my knee pop hard; it was painful and non weight bearing for a few steps and then returned to mostly normal, just a dull ache. I’ve realized that since that point I now am mostly non weight bearing for at least a few steps any time I go from a crouch to a stand or occasionally when I stand up from sitting with my leg tucked . It does hurt during that moment but will return to feeling mostly normal until I do the motion again. On days like today I spend a lot of time going between a stand and a crouch pretty quickly. The pain can be more intense each time I move in this manner and begins to feel much more unstable as the day goes on but eventually the general instability feeling will resolve outside of the crouch to stand motion.
My concern is that I may have torn something and just not realized it? I am trying to figure out PT already for other things so I hadn’t intended to go back to ortho for my knee. Now I’m wondering if this is concerning enough to warrant a trip back? Or if I should just get a stabilizing brace and wait until I can afford to start PT and bring it up to them.
for some medical context I (25F) was just diagnosed hyper mobile - sever DDD in my lumbar spine with severe arthritis in that area as well as a psudoarticulstion from L5 to my sacrum. I saw an orthopedic specialist for my shoulder this week who on eval noted my shoulder being fully out of socket during two different extensions. Left with a MDI in both shoulders, my glenoids are both have slight congenital abnormalities. My shoulders dislocate and subluxate often.
submitted by HowDoyouadult42 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:27 Tundra_-- I can't stop seeing him.

When I was 8 years old my parents had just gotten a divorce, but just to add on to that my dog died a few days after. I was at my mom's house watching a horror movie with her and my sister, it was a week after my dog died, I told my mom I had to go to the bathroom and got up to leave. I got in the bathroom and washed my hands when I was done, I then walked out and started walking to my mom's room since that was where we were watching the movie. Her room was down a long-ish hallway, however the bathroom was even further down. When I was little I normally looked down when I walked, and that's what I was doing, since I knew the layout of the house, that was untill I heard an all to familer growl. With a little hope I looked up and saw my dog, Bobo, except he looked different. His full white fur had what looked like dried blood on it, one of his legs was twisted up, his eyes we're almost completly black and the parts that were supposed to be white were blood shot. I yelled in exitment as I started walking closer to him, he however started walking back but looked very uncomfortable. The area behind him was pitch black, I then looked up and saw a tall black figure withits arms out staring at me, it looked as if it had strings on it that were forcing my dog to move. In that moment my mom excited her room making me look back at her "mom look! Bobo is back!!" I yelled happily, but she just looked at me with worry, "Alex, honey.. Bobo is gone, I know yo miss him but you have to let him go..." she said as she picked me up. I just looked back to where I saw him but he was gone. We watched the rest of the movie and went to bed. The next night I saw him again, the exact same thing happened, but he looked worse. My mom came in and told me the exact same thing and he dissapeared. The next day I went to my dad's house and I didn't see him, but the second I was alone at my mom's house the same events went down. This continued for three years every time he looked worse and worse, but one day it just stopped, I had gotten used to him being there but it didn't bother me that he was gone. Fast forward a few years, we were at a family gathering an I brought it up to my mom in front of everyone "remember when I was eight and I was convinced I kept seeing him" I laughed but when I looked up she wasn't laughing "what?" I asked but she just shrugged it off. Around a month after that, I saw him again... We still live in the same house, I was at my mom's in my bedroom, alone.. I was on my phone before I heard a "growl" if you could even call it that, it was low and raspy, like it hadent done that in years. I looked up and saw him.. You could see every bone in his body, it was honestly scary. His eyes we're black but there was way more white then before but it wasn't white it was a really dark red. There were maggot holes everywhere on him. The same black figure was there, nothing had changed about him, I was gunna scream as it started moving closer to me but my mom walking in with food. It dissapeared and I ran to her, she told me to go eat but she had a worried look on her face like the first time I said I saw him. We all sat down me, my order sister, and my mom, she asked me what happened with a small shake in her voice "I saw Bobo again.." I said "but I didn't see him, I think I need to go see a doctor or something because I must be seeing things..." I finished as my mom looked at me muttering things under her breath before actually talking, my sister hoever was laughing a bit. "Alex, honey, you don't need to go to a doctor.. I've been seeing it to, I thought that if I said nothing was there you would cut it out or believe that it wasn't there for a while it worked but, I guess now it isn't.." my sister sat there with a puzzled look "what I'm saying is we will figure something out" my sister looked even more confused but went to her room, the rest of dinner was silent the last time we talked was that night for her to say she loved me. But that now brings us to now, while I am writing this I have been seeing him non stop and he won't leave, or even move. I think my sister has started seeing him to because she has been acting very weird lately, I still have a couple more days at my mom's house before I go back to my dad's, and I don't know what to do. He is genuinely scaring me, what should I do?
submitted by Tundra_-- to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:24 pumpingblac Cheated on early enough to abort and still want the baby but don’t know if it’s right.

I’m very scared to post here but also very alone so good or bad any advice is appreciated! This will be long. I’m (21F) am pregnant (9 weeks) for the second time with my now ex bf (24). I had an abortion the first time and although I was thankful I made the decision I still had/have regrets and had a hard time coping after. About 3 weeks ago he randomly wanted to talk to me about breaking up (so he can grow and find himself his words), I decided to take a pregnancy test since I wanted to walk away clean. Obviously that didn’t happen.
We met up in person immediately to talk, he kept pushing off talking about the breakup since “this situation was more important”. I let it go. We were leaning towards abortion but he was also telling me how he thought it was a girl and what we should name it. Goes out with his friends for a prescheduled event, I go hang out with my friends and we agree to meet up after. He goes completely ghost and doesn’t respond to any calls or texts all night. I catch him with his arm around his female friend i’ve met previously. Says it’s friendly. We argued. I’m stupid and still talked to/saw him daily until his friend exposed him for cheating on me. I broke up with him. Now we’ve been arguing even more lol. He’s says he still wants to help me and the baby but still goes out every weekend, says horrible things to me that’s beyond name calling(told me to jump off a cliff and brought up my step dad abusing my mom for specifics) and has actually STARTED smoking weed/drinking more.
After I saw the ultrasound I started to change my mind about the abortion, he has made it very clear that he doesn’t want the baby but that if I have it he wants to be in its life. He tries to convince me why I should have the abortion almost every time I speak to him and the back and forth is just so mind numbing. He jokes about punching me in the stomach. If i’m being completely honest I know I should’ve left him sooner, he drinks in excess and gets super angry. He becomes verbally abusive and can start smashing/pushing things. Completely different dude when sober but he has a problem so it doesn’t really make a difference. I have him blocked currently and if I go through with the pregnancy I genuinely don’t know if I should allow him in the child’s life especially in the beginning when it can’t talk. I’m scared to do it alone and i know if i called he would be there but I also think i’m better off without him at this point.
Basically that’s my question. Should I accept his help since it’s better than nothing and he’s the dad? Should I just update him through the pregnancy? Should I just take the baby and run? What would you do? I don’t want my child to grow up without a father but I don’t want him around just for something bad to happen to my baby. Financially I can’t tell if he would make a significant difference and I don’t think he has any family that could help with childcare. If I moved away I could have TONS of support with both, while still finishing my degree. Logistically it makes the most sense to have an abortion and I still have the possibility but when I think about the future I want my baby in it.
submitted by pumpingblac to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:23 Its_sven1 Long distance relationship

I apologize in advance for the length of this behemoth Story time Reddit: Last night I was chilling at a camp grounds in upstate NYC and this really cute bartender was on her first day ever for the job, anyways I didn’t even notice her until a community dinner at 6pm when she got some food and went to the bar to get ready for the night because us folks at the camp were gonna party till LATE I’m 18M turning 19 and I had aspirations to be a bartender myself in the familiar country of Mexico where my family operates a gin booze business. she 22F just turned and I was eager to Yk like ask her how her first day on the jobs going right? Now I time goes by we all just chilling having dinner and our rolls out some Gigachad kitchen employees with dessert and everybody fiends the fucking ice cream sandwich bars and I hastily think about the fellow bartenders out the back of the building (it’s the girl I’m taking about whose new and one other girl whom is basically her chaperone because they are her aunt) approach the bar with 2 ice cream sandwiches asking if they wanted the last stock of what remained of dessert 😂 they politely decline and I just give them away to my boys and walk back to the main cafeteria area and around 5 minutes pass people start to clear out and I not really a drinker and not of age to drink in the US (although I have been to other countries to bars that you don’t need to be 21 to drink all fine) Sit down at the bar with the 2 bartender ladies, i start yapping about all the musical bullshit I do in life and the video game I’m developing and whatnot and that’s why I came up to nature to record the ambient sounds for my project idk why BUT then when I realize is that the girl whose new’s eyes fixated on me intensely full German stare and I’m kinda intimidated ngl, so ofc as a good bartender would ask, they ask if I want anything to drink and i politely decline because I wasn’t really thirsty 💀 We start to just chat a bit I ask about how their day went and then that’s when I realize the new girl whose bartending it’s her first day and she’s absolutely drunk out the wazoo, I feel kind of bad because she was about to just go take a walk break and I saw she could barely even move straight 💀 so I ask “so what are some good things to do around here?” They reply really excited that before it gets too dark (somehow they say that and it’s already becoming 8:30 and dark at out) I should go to this really pretty creek waterfall and the absolutely double whammy hammered chick volunteers to take me. Now me skeptical af and realizing that either A, she can’t keep her eyes of me because she’s deadbeat drunk or B, she thinks I’m cute and wants to know me this is why she offered to take me to a cool place. I accept and I have to walk this girl out the bar because she’s in heels and bouncing all over the place. We make it to a downhill section we have to cross and I see her struggling and ask if she needs a hand and she hastily accepts, next thing up her arms are basically spaghetti and rolling with the wind as we make it down this hill her holding onto me for dear life. We start to walk a bit and I start to ask the big legal concern questions that us “technically inclined” men ask like “How old are you” “Do you have a boyfriend?” And “Are you in school?” I eventually get all these answers and we by some will of god walk up to an abandoned dark horror movie looking ass tipi (basically this ⛺️ thing for u non cultured swines) for some reason my hood senses start tingling and the white girl slasher film mindset goes into my mind like “Why the fuck am I about to go in there?” But hey YOLO why not go into creepy dark crowded place with drunk girl? We waltz up into that bitch looking like injured bank robbers clobbering all over the ground because the ground muddy and we can barely fit into the small opening of it, point is in there she starts basically interviewing me fucking speed run piers style and I answer being sober decently competent. Me not trying to make her feel uncomfortable turn my flashlight on to scout the area and we realize there’s some makeshift bench in there so we have a seat. She doesn’t like the fact the lights on and then she asks “do you want to kiss” and proceeds to inform me I’m a weirdo for turning on the light. Now I’m like: “ aight what the fuck girl like it’s dark spooky af out the hell u want me to do get mauled by spiders in this Native American trap house? Then Yk me never had a girlfriend and curious accepts her kiss offer and right as we are about to friggin kiss a RANDOM ASS NPC COUPLE SPAWNS IN AND JUST WALKS UP TO OUR FUCKING TIPI! What are the fucking odds bro, like it’s pitch black basically out and I’m in the middle of the woods, now they see us (we look hella sus at that moment) and kinda just walk away after being like “ooooh cool!” But anyways I get a pretty Alr first kiss, get insulted for being a horrible kisser and walk it off quoting myself “Bro it’s cuz I’m a Libra right?” Jokingly anyways we kinda talk a bit she enlightens me on some personal facts and me too, I ask if she’s had a boyfriend and she says yeah I would had asked how many but didn’t weirdly enough and she’s asked me then if I had ever had a girlfriend and I respond honestly that nope I haven’t and she doesn’t buy it, she thinks I’m lying. She then proceeds to ask me how tall I am and me being a tall ass mf for my race i respond “6 foot 3” and she’s like DAMNNNNNNN ewwww. I’m dying of laughter and ask what’s wrong. I never get a response 😭 Anyways she then decides to empty her pockets and she came for some reason with basically a mythical rarity load out of pocket loot. 2 Cinnamon booze plastic shots, lip gloss, chapstick and a cart. Now me being the worlds biggest glorified coward who never smoked and almost never drinks was amazed she had all this shit on her. I ask her how much she had to drink tonight and she told me how for every drink she served she also drank (idk why tf weird flex but ok?) we then kinda decide to go out of the tent because all of a sudden she wants to explore the pitch black woods when we both have very little phone battery left for flashlight. I think in my sober mind that’s a horrible idea and I remember in the back of my mind we had to be back in an hour from like 8:30pm and I remind her assuming she will have it into account but fail to realize SHES DRUNK AF AND CANT PROCESS SHIT!!! Anyways we walk around the creek bed and eventually we have a seat and just weirdly enough lay down watch the stars and talk about romantic stuff, she is very kind all of a sudden and we are just laughing wholeheartedly and enjoying ourselves and occasionally she tries to sloppily kiss me and I’m kinda just laying there like : 🙃. But yeah we there doing all that and then she somehow convinced me to do shots of the weird spicy booze she brought and I was very nervous and almost about to fully fold because I had a lot of important things in my life impending in the coming days and I didn’t want to fuck something up being drunk (not knowing myself if I’m a lightweight or heavyweight drinker) We each do one and I’m kinda there lying paralyzed and shivering in my boots not because of the alcohol but because of the nerves I am chilling with a girl on a beauty of a night next to some lovely sounding creek noises and making out. Me being the newbie I am just go along with anything she says or does because I’m not trying to blow what I have going Yk. But yeah time passes we just there on essentially natures lawn hugging and kissing and talking about cute life aspirations and then I have to break the hard news to her, I inform her I won’t be staying around long by any means ( I leave the next day back to da hood for school) and I feel so bad inside! Like this girl even age difference aside whatever was very kind and I didn’t want to ruin what we had going so I try and explain how I would try to visit her and later the next day I am able to check that tickets cost roughly $50 for one ways to the town she lives in and takes 2 hours and a half something if me for love I was able to do im down ig… Now as a recap: She knows I live super duper far away, She and I both understand we don’t want to ruin what we have and we are trying to see how we can keep this going. I hear someone scream her voice and then I’m like Awww shit ur in trouble right? I check my phone and it’s MOTHERFUCKING 11PM!!!! I’m like OH SHIT WE BEEN GONE A WHILE DAMNNN, I pull her up off the ground and try to get her to her aunt who I assumed was looking for her and then we sadly said it last farewell quickly. She kisses me and then she gets yoinked and chewed tf outta by basically her big auntie bartender me feeling horrible and all because I was so immature not checking the time, I walk up to her to take responsibility for the situation and not be a beta male type character she asks me all of a sudden if I’m “ok or hurt” and I say yeah I’m fine and then she walks away and for some reason my good manners and habits kick in as I quietly shout “good night” and she shouts back “yeah good fucking night!” Slams the door with my newfound friend and they both gone. I feel real bad for the situation but hey it already happened, and I then find out from some of my fellow campers that she was threatening essentially to call the state police because people have gotten lost in the woods but in my head I’m like NUH UH I GOT S TIER GOD MEMORY!!! Anyways I do have the girl I was withs number I message her apologizing for not being more responsible and whatnot and then a lot of time happens from there on. I go to bed at 1:30am, wake up the next morning at 6:57am and I’m worried because she hasn’t responded. I paranoid and feeling like a hopeless romantic sit around stressing for hours until BOOM I get off a call checking up with my moms who was out of town get a message from my dear bartender girl! I’m beyond ecstatic and try to see if we can say goodbye because I have to go so soon that same day (today as I’m writing this) we try to compromise and plan but sadly it doesn’t work out for us and we just don’t get a well deserved farewell. I feel truly defeated and depressed about it and people I’m with are speculating how I have barely eaten in all the hours I have been up today. I reply it’s that m stresses but don’t go into detail trying to avoid ancontroversial discussion. This girls name is Sofia and I as I hope a constituted decent person hope I can keep this relationship but there are a few obstacles. 1, she lives 2 hours best case scenario from me. 2, she doesn’t really answer my messages until very late after I send them (for example i message her 12:30 she responds then doesn’t respond until past 5pm same day) and It’s hard to have a relationship with flawed communication I can see. Now for me I have always wanted to find love but never really succeeded in it and I’m truly just grateful for having any experience like this at all and I want to hear feedback from fellow guys and girl as to what I should do to keep this a respectful and responsible relationship you know?
Sincerely and looking forward to feedback, K
submitted by Its_sven1 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:23 PingmanTM Not a medical issue, but morbid curiosity

I assume this is a really common normal thing that everyone does, but for the life of me I cannot find what it's called, if I can get assistance identifying it that would be great.
There's this thing I can do where, it feels like somewhere in my head (behind my eyes) there's something I can "activate" (sort of like a muscle), and then throughout my body (mainly back and arms, up to hands) I'll feel a sort of contraction all at once, in the back of everything (sounds crazy, but bear with me I can't find any better way to describe it). Doing it for more than a few seconds, or rapidly, makes my hands go fuzzy and kinda numb for a few seconds. If anyone can help me name what thisnis, that would be greatly appreciated.
Additional info - Can feel it a lot more in my arms when laying on my stomach - Can feel it a lot more in my legs when sitting, especially lower back
submitted by PingmanTM to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:22 slundbergart Any information about this doll?

Any information about this doll?
I bought her for $5 at a thrift store because I thought she was beautiful. Her head, arms and legs are china. She has no identifying marks at all.
Any idea what style/ethnicity her clothing is? Where she was made? Age? Value?
I'm guessing she's not that old because she's in great condition and some of the yarns are very bright.
submitted by slundbergart to DollCollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:21 ThrowRA-Few-Champ My husband 23M thinks I 24F am spending too much time with my family. Thoughts?

I 24F and my husband 23M just moved back in with my parents. Am I spending too much time with my family?
My(24F) husband(23M) have been married for just under three years. We are high school sweethearts and married young. I may be seeking more advice and opinions than the title leads on. We lived with my parents for a short time after being married, then we spent two years in our own apartment. We are trying to save to buy a house and decided our best option would be to live with my parents. They built a massive house with a master suite and full living room and kitchen in their basement. We pay $1600 a month, $1000 of that goes to a savings account that we will be given access to once we move out. The other $600 covers a $150 truck payment we pay to my dad, utilities and rent. We’ve got the ultimate set up.
For context, I’ve almost divorced the man twice. Our sex life has completely changed since being married. If I don’t initiate, it’s not going to happen. He almost never pleasures me and I have recently found out he has an addiction to porn. We don’t do much together, he spends a lot of time on his phone scrolling through Instagram or on his PC playing games, finding cars or trucks he wants to buy or watching twitch. I do not feel like a priority to this man. He does however work a really good job and makes most of the money in our relationship. He provides well financially for us.
If my family is invited to hangout in our space, he gets upset and sits in our room for most of the time they’re down here. He also gets upset if I make dinner for them. A prime example of this would be a few weeks ago, I asked if he wanted to play super Mario bros on the Wii with me and have dinner. He refused to play Wii with me and didn’t want to do anything else, so I invited my sister and dad down to play and have dinner with us. They provided me with extra groceries to make enough for everyone and have leftovers. To me, he didn’t want to spend time with me so I did what I wanted to do. Also, making dinner for my family who charges us close to nothing in rent and welcomed us back so quickly with open arms AND gives us as nice of a set up as we’ve got, the LEAST I can do is make dinner.
He also gets upset because I park upstairs and when I come home from work I’ll hangout and chat with my family. For probably 30 mins to an hour. Not every day, probably twice a week. They probably spend time in our space MAYBE once a week but it’s not consistent enough to really put a number on it.
What do I do here to fix all of the things? I’m sure I’m missing some things as I’ve written this up so quickly so let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by ThrowRA-Few-Champ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:20 britanika9711 THE PATHOGEN

It was a typical Wednesday night, and I was lounging on the couch with my three cats—Mittens, Shadow, and Ginger—when the emergency alert blasted through my phone, startling all of us.
The message repeated in a loop, sending chills down my spine. My cats, sensing my unease, huddled closer. I bolted downstairs to the basement, where I had a small stockpile of supplies. We’d be safe here, I thought. We’d ride this out.
Days turned into a week, and the supplies dwindled. The eerie silence outside was unnerving. No sounds of traffic, no neighbors, not even birds. The world had gone quiet. My cats and I were growing hungrier by the day, and I knew I had to venture out to find food.
Covering my mouth with a makeshift mask, I cautiously opened the front door. The streets were deserted, an apocalyptic wasteland. Abandoned cars lined the roads, and trash was strewn about, but there was no sign of life. I moved quickly, staying alert for any signs of danger.
As I rounded the corner near the local grocery store, I froze. In the distance, a group of people in hazmat suits with CDC and unrecognizable insignia on their uniforms were gathered around a body. The figure on the ground had charred skin, a sight that turned my stomach. I tried to back away silently, but one of them spotted me.
“Hey! Get inside!” one of the soldiers shouted, his voice muffled through the suit. “Now!”
Panic surged through me as they began to run towards me, their weapons raised. My legs moved before my mind could catch up, and I sprinted back the way I came. Bullets whizzed past, the sound of gunfire echoing through the empty streets.
I darted into an alley, heart pounding, and ducked behind a dumpster. My breaths were ragged, and I clutched my chest, trying to calm down. Peeking out, I saw the soldiers sweeping the area, their movements methodical and precise. They were searching for me.
After what felt like an eternity, they moved on, their shouts and footsteps fading into the distance. I waited, paralyzed by fear, until I was sure they were gone. I needed to get back home, to my cats, and figure out what the hell was happening.
I made it back without further incident, collapsing inside and bolting the door behind me. My cats mewed softly, sensing my distress. I sank to the floor, trying to make sense of the chaos.
Days passed, and the hunger gnawed at us relentlessly. The hazmat soldiers were a constant presence, patrolling the neighborhood. Each time they passed, I held my breath, praying they wouldn’t discover us.
One night, as I lay in the darkness with my cats, I heard something outside. A soft scratching at the door. My heart leaped into my throat. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and approached cautiously.
“Help… please…” a weak voice whispered.
I cracked the door open and found a woman, her skin marred by burns similar to the body I’d seen. She collapsed into my arms, barely conscious. I dragged her inside and locked the door again.
She looked up at me, her eyes filled with terror. “They did this… the soldiers. They’re not CDC. They’re covering up something… something worse than the pathogen…”
Before she could say more, she slipped into unconsciousness. I stared at her, my mind racing. The real threat wasn’t the pathogen—it was something far more sinister.
The soldiers returned that night, searching more aggressively. I knew we couldn’t stay here much longer. Gathering my cats and what little we had left, I prepared to leave. We had to find a safe place, a place where we could uncover the truth.
As I stepped into the night with my cats in tow, I knew there was no turning back. The world outside had become a nightmare, and the only way to survive was to uncover the secrets that the soldiers were so desperately trying to hide.As I stepped into the night with my cats in tow, I knew there was no turning back. The world outside had become a nightmare, and the only way to survive was to uncover the secrets that the soldiers were so desperately trying to hide.
We moved swiftly through the deserted streets, keeping to the shadows. Every rustle of leaves or distant sound of movement set my nerves on edge. The weight of the knife in my pocket was the only comfort I had.
I needed a plan, but first, we needed a safe place to rest. I remembered an old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, a relic from a bygone era. It wasn’t ideal, but it was our best shot. We reached the warehouse without incident, and I carefully pried open a side door that had seen better days. Inside, the air was stale, and the darkness was absolute, but it would do.
Setting up a makeshift camp, I turned my attention to the woman who had found us. She was still unconscious, her breathing shallow but steady. I cleaned her wounds as best as I could with the limited supplies I had. My mind raced with questions. Who was she? What did she know about the soldiers and their cover-up?
Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me, her gaze intense. "You have to leave," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "They're looking for you. They know you're here."
"Who are they?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice. "What's really going on?"
She tried to sit up, wincing in pain. "They released something—something they can't control. The pathogen was just the beginning. They're trying to contain it, but it's spreading faster than they anticipated. The burns… they're from the inside out. It's like the body is burning itself."
My heart pounded as her words sank in. "What do we do?"
"We need to get to the CDC headquarters," she said, her voice gaining strength. "There's evidence there. Proof of what they did. If we can get it out to the world, we might have a chance to stop this."
It was a long shot, but it was a plan. I gathered what little supplies we had left and prepared for the journey. The CDC headquarters was on the other side of town, a perilous trek through an urban wasteland patrolled by hostile forces.
As we set out, I kept a vigilant eye on our surroundings, my cats close by. The streets seemed even more desolate, an eerie silence hanging in the air. We moved quickly, avoiding the main roads and sticking to the back alleys.
Halfway to our destination, we heard the distant hum of engines. We ducked into an abandoned building, peering out from the shattered windows. A convoy of military vehicles rolled by, soldiers scanning the area with flashlights. I held my breath, praying they wouldn't notice us.
Once they passed, we resumed our journey. The closer we got to the CDC headquarters, the more signs of destruction we saw. Burnt-out vehicles, collapsed buildings, and the occasional body lying in the street. It was as if the world had ended while we were hiding in our basement.
Finally, we reached the perimeter of the CDC compound. The building was heavily guarded, soldiers in hazmat suits patrolling every entrance. We needed a distraction. I spotted a gas station nearby and formulated a risky plan.
"Stay here," I whispered to the woman, handing her the knife. "If anything happens, run."
She nodded, her eyes filled with determination. I crept towards the gas station, my heart pounding. Breaking a window, I managed to find a few fuel canisters. I rigged a crude explosive with some rags and matches, praying it would be enough.
With a deep breath, I lit the makeshift fuse and tossed it towards the gas pumps. The explosion was deafening, a massive fireball lighting up the night sky. The soldiers scrambled towards the blaze, giving us the opening we needed.
We slipped through the perimeter and made our way into the CDC building. Inside, it was chaos. Alarms blared, and people in lab coats rushed about. We found a terminal and the woman began to download files, her fingers flying over the keyboard.
"Hurry," I urged, my eyes on the entrance. "They'll be here any second."
The download finished just as the first soldiers burst into the room. We grabbed the USB drive and ran, bullets whizzing past us. We burst through a side exit and into the night, the precious evidence clutched tightly in my hand.
Now we had the proof, but getting it out to the world would be another challenge. As we disappeared into the darkness, I knew this was just the beginning. The fight for survival had only just begun, and the truth was our only weapon against the horrors that had been unleashed.We ran through the night, the USB drive clutched tightly in my hand. The CDC soldiers' shouts and gunfire faded into the distance as we made our way through the abandoned streets. We couldn’t stop now. The evidence we carried was the only hope of exposing the truth and stopping this nightmare.
"We need to get to the old radio tower on Pine Hill," the woman said, her voice strained but determined. "It's heavily guarded, but it's our best chance to broadcast the evidence to the survivors."
The radio tower was a relic from the pre-internet era, now repurposed by the government for emergency broadcasts. It was located on a hill just outside town, a place that would be swarming with soldiers. We had no choice.
The journey to Pine Hill was treacherous. We stayed off the main roads, navigating through back alleys and abandoned buildings. Every sound made us jump, every shadow felt like a threat. My three cats, Mitten, Shadow, and Ginger, stayed close, sensing the tension.
As we approached the hill, the reality of our mission set in. The radio tower loomed ahead, surrounded by a high fence and a contingent of soldiers. Their hazmat suits and the strange insignia on their uniforms made them look more alien than human.
"We need a plan," I whispered, crouching behind a crumbling wall with the woman. "We can’t just charge in."
She nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "We need to create a distraction, something to draw them away from the main gate."
I thought about the explosion at the gas station. "If we can set off another explosion, it might draw enough of them away for us to sneak in."
We scavenged the nearby buildings, finding a few old fuel canisters and some rags. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do. We set up the makeshift bombs at a safe distance from the gate, rigging them to go off with a delay.
"Ready?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.
She nodded, her face set in grim determination. We lit the fuses and ran back to our hiding spot. Moments later, the night was torn apart by a series of explosions. Flames shot into the sky, and the soldiers at the gate scrambled towards the inferno.
"Now!" she shouted, and we sprinted towards the fence. The distraction had worked; most of the guards had left their posts. We cut through the fence with a pair of wire cutters and slipped inside, making our way towards the tower.
Inside the compound, we moved swiftly but cautiously. We encountered a few straggling soldiers, and a quick, silent takedown ensured they wouldn’t raise the alarm. The main control room was on the top floor, and we had to move fast.
As we ascended the stairs, the sound of footsteps echoed from below. More soldiers were coming. We reached the control room and barricaded the door behind us. The equipment was outdated but functional, and the woman immediately began setting up the broadcast.
"Keep them off me," she said, her fingers flying over the controls. "I need a few minutes."
I nodded, gripping the knife tightly as I stood guard. The door shook as the soldiers pounded on it, shouting orders. I knew it wouldn’t hold for long. My heart raced as I prepared for the inevitable confrontation.
The door burst open, and soldiers poured in. I fought with everything I had, slashing and dodging, trying to buy her enough time. The room was filled with chaos, the sound of gunfire and shouts echoing off the walls.
"Got it!" she yelled, just as a soldier lunged at me. I managed to dodge, and she hit the broadcast button, sending the evidence out over the airwaves.
The soldier caught me off guard, his gun aimed directly at my head. But before he could pull the trigger, the woman tackled him, knocking the gun from his hand. Together, we fought off the remaining soldiers, adrenaline fueling our every move.
The broadcast was live, transmitting to any survivors who might be listening. The truth was out there now, and there was no turning back. We had exposed the government's dark secret, revealing the horrors they had unleashed.
As the last soldier fell, we took a moment to catch our breath. The room was a mess, but we were alive. The woman looked at me, her eyes fierce.
"We did it," she said, her voice trembling with a mix of exhaustion and relief.
"What's your name?" I asked, realizing I never knew the name of the woman who had saved us all.
"Emily," she replied. "And you?"
"David," I said, offering her a weary smile. "What's next?"
"We find more survivors," Emily said. "We need to band together, stay safe, and figure out how to stop this once and for all."
As we left the radio tower, my cats trailing behind us, I knew the road ahead would be long and dangerous. But for the first time since the outbreak, I felt a glimmer of hope. We had taken the first step in fighting back, and we wouldn’t stop until we reclaimed our world.As we descended Pine Hill, the adrenaline from our successful broadcast still coursed throughour veins, we encountered a lone CDC soldier. He was younger than the others, his hazmat suit splattered with dirt and blood. He raised his hands in surrender, his eyes wide with fear.
"Please, don’t shoot," he begged, his voice trembling.
Emily and I exchanged glances. We needed answers, and he might be our best shot.
“Drop your weapon and get on your knees,” I commanded, keeping the knife at the ready. He complied, dropping his rifle and kneeling on the ground.
“Who are you?” Emily demanded. “And what the hell is going on?”
“My name is Sergeant Walker,” he stammered. “I’m just following orders. Please, you have to understand, it’s not what you think.”
Emily stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. “Then explain it to us. What have you released? What’s really happening?”
He swallowed hard, glancing around nervously. “They didn’t tell us everything at first. The pathogen was supposed to be a bioweapon, something to give us an edge in warfare. But it mutated… it’s out of control.”
“We already know it’s bad,” I said, tightening my grip on the knife. “Tell us something we don’t know, or I swear we won’t be as kind as we’ve been.”
His eyes darted between us, and he took a deep breath. “There’s a new variant,” he admitted, his voice shaking. “It’s worse than the first one. The mortality rate is 98 percent, and it’s incredibly transmissive. It turns the infected’s brain to jello, makes them mindless, driven by a desperate urge to consume others.”
I felt a cold dread settle in my stomach. “What do you mean, ‘consume others’?”
“They eat other infected,” Walker said, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s like they’re trying to regain parts of their humanity, but it’s futile. They’re just spreading the infection further.”
Emily’s face paled. “How did this happen? How could you let this happen?”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he said, tears forming in his eyes. “We were just following orders. We didn’t know. By the time we realized, it was too late. The higher-ups tried to contain it, but it spread too fast. Now they’re just trying to cover it up, to hide their mistake.”
I looked at Emily, the horror of his words sinking in. “What do we do now?”
“We have to find more survivors, warn them,” she said, her voice resolute. “We need to band together and fight back, somehow.”
I turned back to Walker. “Thank you for telling us. Get out of here, go somewhere safe. But know this: if we ever see you again, and you’re still working for them, we won’t be as merciful.”
He nodded, tears streaming down his face. “Thank you. I… I’m sorry.”
We watched as he ran off into the night, his figure quickly swallowed by the darkness. The information he’d given us weighed heavily on our minds. The situation was far worse than we’d imagined, but we couldn’t let despair take hold. We had a mission, a purpose.
As we continued our journey through the desolate streets, my cats trailing close behind, I felt a renewed sense of determination. The world had become a living nightmare, but we had taken the first steps toward fighting back. We would find more survivors, we would uncover more truths, and we would stop this horror, no matter what it took.
The road ahead was fraught with danger, but for the first time, we had hope—and that was something they couldn’t take away from us.
As we watched Sergeant Walker disappear into the darkness, a sinking feeling settled in my chest. The weight of his revelations hung heavy in the air, and I couldn’t shake the sense of despair that threatened to overwhelm me. But before we could fully process what had just transpired, footsteps echoed behind us, and Walker’s voice called out.
“Wait! Please, don’t leave me!” he cried, his voice frantic.
Emily and I turned, startled by his sudden return. His hazmat suit was torn, his face streaked with dirt and tears.
“What do you want?” Emily demanded, her voice sharp with suspicion.
Walker stumbled forward, his hands trembling. “I can’t go back to the CDC,” he gasped, desperation evident in his eyes. “Not after what they’ve done. You said you need survivors… well, I’m one of them. Please, I’ll do anything. Just let me stay with you.”
I exchanged a hesitant glance with Emily. Could we trust him? After everything he’d been a part of?
“We can’t stay here,” I said, my voice low. “If you’re coming with us, you need to keep up.”
Walker nodded eagerly, his relief palpable. “Thank you. I won’t let you down, I swear.”
With that, we continued on our journey, Walker falling into step beside us. The night stretched on, the silence broken only by the occasional sound of our footsteps and the distant howl of the wind. We didn’t speak, each lost in our own thoughts, haunted by the horrors we’d witnessed.
As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, we found ourselves on the outskirts of a small town. It was quiet, eerily so, but there was a sense of life here that we hadn’t felt in days.
“This is where we’ll start,” Emily said, her voice firm. “We’ll find survivors, gather supplies, and figure out our next move.”Walker nodded, determination shining in his eyes. “I’m with you,” he said, his voice steady. “Whatever it takes.”And so, with the dawn of a new day, our unlikely group set out into the unknown, united by a common goal:
survival. The road ahead would be long and fraught with danger, but together, we had hope—and that was something worth fighting for.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting its golden light over the desolate town, we knew our first order of business was finding hazmat suits. With the threat of infection looming over us, protection was paramount if we were to continue our mission.
Scouring the abandoned streets, we moved with caution, alert for any sign of danger. Emily led the way, her eyes scanning every building for a potential source of supplies. After what felt like hours of searching, we finally stumbled upon an old hardware store.
The door creaked open, revealing shelves lined with dusty boxes and debris-covered floors. We moved quickly, gathering whatever supplies we could find—flashlights, batteries, duct tape—anything that might be useful in our fight for survival.
But the real prize was the hazmat suits tucked away in a corner, their bright yellow material standing out against the gloom. We wasted no time in suiting up, grateful for the added layer of protection they provided.
Once we were fully geared up, we stood in the dim light of the store, our spirits lifted by the newfound sense of security. But our moment of respite was short-lived, as a noise from outside drew our attention.
Footsteps echoed in the distance, growing louder with each passing moment. We exchanged tense glances, our hands instinctively reaching for our weapons. Whoever—or whatever—was approaching, we were ready to defend ourselves.
The door swung open, and a figure stumbled inside, panting heavily. It was a young woman, her hazmat suit torn and bloodied, her face streaked with dirt and sweat.
“Please,” she gasped, collapsing to the ground. “Help me.”
Emily rushed to her side, pulling off her helmet to reveal a shock of red hair and wide, terrified eyes.
“What happened?” Emily asked, her voice gentle but urgent.
The woman took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “I was part of a group trying to escape the city,” she said, her voice trembling. “But we were ambushed by infected. They came out of nowhere, tearing through us like animals. I’m the only one left.”
A chill ran down my spine as I listened to her story. The infected were becoming more aggressive, more organized. If we didn’t act fast, we could be next.
“We need to get out of here,” I said, my voice tense. “Now.”
With a sense of urgency, we helped the woman to her feet and gathered our supplies. The hardware store was no longer safe, its walls offering little protection against the growing threat outside.
As we slipped back into the sunlight, our hazmat suits offering a false sense of security, I couldn’t shake the feeling that our journey was far from over. The road ahead would be treacherous, filled with danger at every turn. But together, we would face whatever challenges came our way, united in our determination to survive.
submitted by britanika9711 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:18 ClientIntelligent789 later I'll explain what are the Species (read body for info)

later I'll explain what are the Species (read body for info)
SPECIES: MOUNTAIN BEASTS (aka Tennis Ball's species)
These creatures live on rocky ground, so they can be found on mountains and inactive volcanic slopes. Their territories extend to slightly higher grounds and periphery of close forests.
They're quite robust, with strong muscles, especially in their legs. They can easily move large rocks or tackle down trees without problems. The thick fur and fat on their bodies help them to survive long periods without food, the climate and attacks such as scratches or bites. Their paws and claws are designed to withstand the texture of the terrain. Their diet consists mostly of meat, but they can also eat some berries and plants.
They're also quite aggressive towards other creatures and even each other. Fighting is the usual way to demonstrate and establish a hierarchy.
Their hybrid nature gives them the best characteristics from both families, like the endurance and resistance of the canines and the strength and sharp claws and fangs of their mouths from felines. Basically, they're apex predators.
However, this mix of families messes with their genes, making them prone to diseases such as muscle wasting and even cancer, and the aggressive nature itself makes them short-lived creatures.
submitted by ClientIntelligent789 to DuskBFDI [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:18 Illustrious_Echo9003 How to consolidate this conundrum I'm coming up against during attempted self healing

Hi all, does anyone have any insight or advice? Posting here because it involves the unexpected things that happened when I started consciously trying to work on my root so I feel it runs far deeper than simple societal garbage.
There are people in my life that bring me a ton of anxiety. Ideally, I would remove myself entirely from needing to be around them ever again. In reality, it is not that simple. My decisions don't only affect me, they affect my child. And the place that brings me the most anxiety is their school, the only community they've ever known (thank you, covid). They're happy. My experiences in the place are entirely irrelevant to their education.
So, I have to be involved to some extent. And it brings me so much anxiety I find myself in fight/flight/freeze mode whenever I'm there (for many reasons, too long a story to go into here, but the teachers and staff are...playing some weird games with parents, and always have been, from what I can tell. Lots of bullying and control tactics).
Recently I decided to work on my root chakra, because I'm so so tired of being anxious and fearful all the time. I thought it would affect nobody but me to do so, since it's foundational, that somehow it would make me stronger, more resilient, more able to copy with these people I need to associate with now, and arm me better for these types that I will encounter in the future.
I've posted about this before - working on root seemed to cause weird reactions in others - and people at school started treating me terribly - instead of minimal strained contact - and now we're at a point where they're ignoring me entirely (I'm talking teachers / staff). Before I felt we were all just biding our time and doing what we had to and "this too would pass", and now it feels as though they are actively trying to push hard enough until we leave the school, which will hurt my child.
I am starting to feel as though if I help myself - unpack the trauma, heal the hurt, and clear blockages - because the school has been such a huge part of my more recent trauma, it seems the world is trying to separate me from it as part of the healing process.
But for my child's sake, I can't be separate from it. I just need to cope with it better because I can't leave it, but I can't continue to be on such high alert all the time.
I will do anything for my child, so do I have to stop trying to heal, until my child's time there is over? Could what have happened been a warning? It certainly feels like one, but it's resulted in my anxiety flying even higher instead of balancing.
What can I do to stop having to be on such high alert, since root work seemed to only make everything worse? I've tried cord cuttings as well (hasn't worked for me). I've tried protection bubbles (as far as I can conceptualise, since I have aphantasia). And yes, obviously, I tried talking to them, many times, over the past years. I tried that first before arriving at the weird strained contact stalemate we existed in prior to my starting root work. They are not interested in changing anything because they have all the power.
Everything is so, so strained and I don't know how to move without making it worse: feel like I'm having to make the lesser of two bad choices with minimal information.
submitted by Illustrious_Echo9003 to energy_work [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:17 Mysterious_Cat_1706 Gribble - Chapter 22

New Chapter on every MWF (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)
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Chapter 22: A New Resolve
Raindrops cascaded down Gribble's muscular form as he emerged from the cave, his newly transformed body glistening in the soft light of dawn filtering through the lush forest canopy. The thunderstorm had given way to a peaceful landscape, but tension hung in the air. Gribble inhaled deeply, the scent of damp earth and foliage filling his nostrils. Leaves rustled gently and birds chirped in the distance, the sounds reaching his keen ears.
The power of the Thundercat's heart pulsed through his veins, a constant reminder of the incredible transformation he had undergone and the challenges awaiting him. Gribble took a moment to survey his surroundings with his enhanced senses fully awakened. Despite the tranquil scene, he knew danger lurked nearby. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the journey ahead, his newfound strength and agility filling him with confidence and purpose.
Gribble's ears twitched as they picked up distant sounds of Grimrock forces and Royal Trolls moving through the forest, snapping twigs and rustling undergrowth as they searched for him. His heightened sense of smell detected their distinct scents carried on the breeze - the sweat and metal of their weapons.
Gribble's mind raced, considering his options. He had to act fast to evade capture. His jaw set with determination as he formulated a plan, knowing he had to reach Troll Valley and check on Tormak, the shaman who helped him when he was injured. He owed Tormak a debt of gratitude. Urgency filled Gribble at the thought of ensuring his friend's safety.
Scanning the forest with his enhanced vision, Gribble picked out faint traces of a path leading back to the valley. He realized returning while his pursuers were distracted searching for him was his best chance to get there undetected. The goblin's eyes narrowed as he assessed the risks and opportunities. With renewed resolve, he took a deep breath and began moving forward, his powerful strides carrying him swiftly and silently into the dense foliage.
Gribble navigated the challenging undergrowth with a newfound grace and agility, his enhanced strength allowing him to push through tangled vines and branches with ease. His heightened senses kept him constantly alert for any signs of danger. Eyes darting from shadow to shadow, ears twitching at every snap and rustle, nostrils flaring as he continuously scanned for his pursuers' scent, Gribble marveled at the power coursing through his transformed body.
Each purposeful step forward was imbued with fierce determination, driven by the need to reach Troll Valley and protect those he held dear. The incredible changes the Thundercat's heart had wrought filled Gribble with a sense of purpose, even as his mind grappled with the implications of the terrible destruction he might now be capable of. Deeper and deeper into the forest he pressed, unwavering resolve propelling him onward into the unknown.
Suddenly, Gribble's sensitive hearing picked up rhythmic thudding of approaching footsteps, heavy boots impacting soft earth. At the same time, the distinct musky odor of Royal Trolls and goblins reached his nostrils on the gentle breeze. Gribble's heart raced, adrenaline surging through him at the realization his enemies were closing in.
His enhanced senses quickly constructed a vivid mental map, assessing the distance and direction of the approaching threats. He had to act fast to avoid detection, newfound abilities put to the test as he navigated the treacherous landscape. Muscles tensed, body coiled with anticipation, Gribble prepared to alter course, ready to utilize his enhanced speed and agility.
With precise, calculated movements, Gribble detoured slowly and carefully, his enhanced senses guiding him through the dense foliage. His heart pounded, a mix of excitement and trepidation, as he tested the limits of his transformed body. Each step was a test, a challenge, a stepping stone on the path to mastering his transformed self. And with each stride, his confidence grew, his determination solidified into an unbreakable core. His heart pounding from both excitement and fear, with senses alight and muscles thrumming with barely contained power.
Moving with fluid grace that belied the incredible strength coiled in his muscles, Gribble's mind raced with both thrilling possibilities and terrible implications of his newfound powers. But he remained laser focused on his goal, confidence growing with each silent stride. The need to reach his friends in Troll Valley drove him ever forward.
Keen eyes scanning ahead for hidden dangers or ambush points, Gribble's enhanced vision picked out even the faintest traces of disturbance in the undergrowth - bent leaves, scuffed moss, snapped twigs - subtle signs of passage invisible to normal sight. His mind worked overtime, constantly assessing risks and calculating the safest route, senses feeding him torrents of information to process.
Preternatural awareness of his surroundings kept him vigilant as he navigated the forest. Eyes darted between shadows, ears attuned to the faintest unnatural sound, nostrils twitching at any break in the earthy forest scents. Not for an instant could he let his guard down, lest he pay the ultimate price.
Boulders, streams, and tangles of roots proved no obstacle to Gribble as he traversed the forest, enhanced strength and agility allowing him to clamber and leap with almost effortless grace. Powerful muscles rippled beneath green skin as he vaulted fallen logs and boulders. Reaching a small stream, his body coiled and sprung, propelling him across the burbling water without so much as a splash.
Gribble's passage left no trace, every movement silent and efficient, aided by his heightened senses scanning ceaselessly for any sign of pursuit. Singular purpose consumed him, all energy focused on remaining undetected. Body and mind worked in perfect harmony, decades of hard-won survival skills meshing seamlessly with his newfound abilities.
Forefront in Gribble's thoughts as he journeyed was Tormak, the troll shaman who had come to his aid. Concern gnawed at him, worry for his friend's welfare in the time since their last encounter. His imagination raced, conjuring myriad possibilities of what might have befallen the kindly troll. Even his enhanced senses could provide no answers across the distance separating them.
Clinging to hope that Tormak still lived, Gribble's jaw clenched with determination, pace quickening. He had to reach him, had to repay the generosity Tormak had shown him, the debt he owed his friend. Memories of the shaman's gentle wisdom, the compassion in his golden eyes, spurred Gribble onward like a lodestone. He would not fail him.
And through it all, Gribble's heightened senses never ceased their constant scan for danger. Ears swivelled at the skitter of a lizard over bark, at the distant shriek of a hawk. Nostrils flared, sifting the sea of mingled scents for any wisp of goblin or troll. Even as his thoughts wandered, his body remained taut and ready, a coiled spring awaiting the first hint of a threat.
Physical reactions came without conscious thought now - muscles tensing at unexpected sounds, body shifting subtly into a fighting crouch at the faintest whiff of predator musk. The instincts of a being fashioned for battle, kill or be killed. There could be no rest, no respite from the vigilance. Gribble's very survival depended on it.
As he loped onward, Gribble pondered the enormity of the change that had been wrought upon him, the world-altering power that now suffused every sinew and bone. His reminiscing took him back to that pivotal moment in the cave, the instant the Thundercat's heart had passed his lips. The rush of raw energy that had surged through him like a bolt of lightning, the agony and ecstasy of his metamorphosis.
In the span of a few heartbeats, the very foundations of his being had been rewritten. Senses sharpened to an almost unbearable keenness, nerve afire with new life, veins swelling with physical might beyond mortal ken. The feeling of invincibility, of boundless vigour, was intoxicating. Addictive.
And yet, with this great power came an equally great burden. Already Gribble could feel the weight of it settling upon his shoulders, the knowledge that he now held in his palms the capacity for acts of greatness... and of untold devastation. The thought sent a shiver through him despite the warmth of his exertion.
Every movement, every flex of newfound strength, held a reminder of the responsibility that now rested on him. Of the precarious balance he must strike, the control he must master, lest his power consume him and all those around him. Harnessing this raw, primal force, channelling it for good - that would be his true test. One he could not afford to fail.
Dawn's light gradually infused the forest as Gribble ran on, tirelessly, honey-gold rays slanting through the canopy to dapple the loam with pools of warmth. With the rising sun came a rekindling of hope, a sense of promise. Of new beginnings. The night's dangers were fading with the shadows, and pride kindled in Gribble's chest at the thought of the distance he'd covered, the progress he'd made.
There was still far to go, many challenges yet to surmount, but for now, in this moment, Gribble allowed himself a small surge of accomplishment. Of gratitude for the abilities that had let him come so far unscathed. For the first time, the true scope of the gift he'd been granted began to settle in his mind. The myriad potentials, the uncharted paths stretching out before him.
His resolve crystallized like hardening steel, a sense of purpose, of destiny, straightening his spine and quickening his gait. Whatever trials lay ahead, whatever threats loomed over Tormak, over Troll Valley, he would meet them unflinchingly. Would fight with every ounce of strength in his transformed body, with every pulse of the Thundercat's power in his veins.
He had been granted these abilities for a reason, offered up this chance to be more, to rise above his humble origins. To become a champion, a protector, a beacon of hope in a world torn by strife. And by the spirits, he would prove himself worthy of it. Would give his all, his very life if need be, to honour the legacy that had been bestowed upon him.
Slowing his stride, Gribble cast his gaze about the sun-drenched woods, taking in the beauty, the vibrance, the life that surrounded him on all sides. This, this was what he fought for. What he would gladly lay down his life to defend. The right of every creature to live and grow and thrive, free from the shadow of fear and oppression.
A faint smile curved his lips as new strength surged through him, a sense of rightness, of affirmation. He was on the proper path, guided by the spirits, blessed by fate. Come what may, he would walk it with his head held high, his heart true, and the power of the Thundercat roaring in his blood.
Drawing a deep breath of crisp morning air, Gribble centred himself, reaching for that newfound well of calm at his core, the eye in the storm of his transformed being. Then, with a flex of mighty thews, he launched himself into the next leg of his journey, little more than a verdant blur flashing between the ancient trees. Onward, to Troll Valley. To Tormak, who might be in need of his aid. To a destiny still unfolding with each bounding stride.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:16 RemarkableMap8419 Should I continue to date this guy and try to make it work or should I move on?

(Warning long read ahead)
Hi! For the sake of privacy I won't refer to anyone in my story by there real names I will go by these fake names I'll use. Anyways let's begin.....
So I recently got over a rough break up with my ex and in order to move on I downloaded the dating app Tinder. I swiped right on a couple of people but I ended up meeting this really sweet guy named Sasuke. He was super sweet and he helped me out with my situation that I was in. He saw that I was in a rough spot so he offered his home to me so that way I can bounce back and be able to grab my own apartment again after my ex destroyed my credit with a derogatory mark. So after meeting him on February 16th and only knowing him for like 3 days I moved in. Best sleep I had in a while right. After like the 5th or 6th day I decided to have the sexy time with Sasuke. It was good but I feel like I moved to fast on doing it with him but it's too late for regrets now.
So during that first week he was showing me affection. Giving me hugs and he gave me a kiss before I went to work at my job. After the sexy time happened I noticed he beginned to change... He would say that affection is based on actions and saying I love you to you isn't really a true way to show ones love for one another. I was like cool so how do you show affection to another person and he was like its based on actions and what you do for a person. Again he's not completely wrong but the problem with that way of thinking came out way later...
After a month of dating which he took me downtown Atlanta and I was always allowed to ride with him he says that I was his girlfriend. I was surprised because he never gave me a title until now and it took me off guard but I was happy that he called me his girlfriend. We dated each other for like 2 months and we did have our arguments along the way. When I wanted a hug or a kiss he would shove me off of him. If I said a opinion he didn't like he was quick to punch me in my arm or slap my thigh or whatever the case maybe. He says love is based on actions right so I told him having a hug or kiss is a action so why couldn't he do it??
He always says that I force my trauma onto him but I never had any real trauma happen to me??? He would always tell me fuck my feelings when we argue and that he has all of this bad stuff that happens to him (Ex: physical abuse or being stabbed ect don't wanna name all the trauma) so why do I feel entitled as a woman to complain and say he hurted my feelings when he had all these things happened to him and you don't see him crying about it. He was basically telling me to suck it up and deal with it on my own because it's not his responsibility to cuddle me which I'm not asking for I'm just asking for him to CARE a little about my feelings.
I often would ask him why did you open your house up to me if you felt uncomfortable with someone staying with you??? Because you could have just left me alone at my friend's house. He would always say oh I felt bad I felt like you needed the help which btw he constantly throws in my face that I never took advantage of his kind gesture because I didn't have to pay anything to stay here I just needed to work on myself and get me another apartment again.
At this point the arguments intensified because he never showed me affection and he always shoved me away from him and I felt lonely... I always wondered why his girlfriends cheated on him and why the other two dumped him but maybe that's the reason why because the lack of affection?? Regardless he always says fuck my feelings and never seem to cared about them. When it was his birthday and I bought him a crap ton of balloons and cake he was like I told you I don't like that shit so why did you do it??? He never once said thank you for what I did btw until I asked him about it later.
We argued again yesterday and apparently it was enough to warrant him dumping me because I was too soft and sensitive and he doesn't have time to cuddle me which I'm not asking for again I'm just asking him to CARE A LITTLE. He looked me dead in my face and said that all people inherit violent tendencies. He said if he threw his mom down a flight of stairs imagine what I could do to you and he looked me seriously in my eyes when he said that. I feel like he was mentally and verbally abusive but physical I'm not sure because we wrestled and play fight but sometimes he would hit me in the face or shove me through a room ECT and never apologized for it because he says he always warns me about the consequences of us play fighting.
But overall I was just trying to see if this is worth me saving?? Should I try to make amends and continue to date him or should I run for the hills like my friends are telling me?? He did threaten to beat me way worse then his mom so that is a red flag and when I got up this morning I looked to my left and saw a whole bunch of woman on his phone which might explain why he doesn't want to work it out with me because he was cheating which I may be reaching on. When I tried to dump him in that first month because we were two different people with showing ways of affection he told me to try and work it out and don't give up on us and when I tried to apply that same logic to the situation he just said he couldn't do it anymore in order to protect his money and not go to jail for beating me he said it was necessary. So should I stay or should I go?
(If you have any questions I'll answer them in the comments this is getting long lol)
submitted by RemarkableMap8419 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:15 Faded3006 Which insurance should I get for my dog?

Me, my wife and our Pitbull mix are moving to Ithaca in NYC from another country and we are trying to decide on which pet insurance we should get. We want to get an insurance that is relatively cheap but also good enough to cover any illnesses and injuries that our dog may have. All the insurances we have seen so far had ridiculous rates in the range of 150$-200$ a month (like Spot, Lemonade, Fetch, Embrace). Are they all so expensive? Any help would be appreciated!
Here are some important details:
  1. Our dog is my wife's service dog
  2. She is 8 years old
  3. She had CCL in both legs and had a surgery for each of them.
  4. In our home country we pay roughly 50$ a month on an insurance that basically covers everything (vaccinations, vet appointments, injuries, illnesses) and we would ideally like to pay something in that range.
submitted by Faded3006 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:15 Count-Daring243 Best Cbe Bow Sights

Best Cbe Bow Sights

Get ready to elevate your archery game with Cbe Bow Sights. In this roundup article, we'll be diving into the world of high-quality bow sights and exploring the top choices on the market. Whether you're a seasoned marksman or a beginner, we've got you covered with our comprehensive review and a clear understanding of what Cbe Bow Sights can bring to the table.

The Top 19 Best Cbe Bow Sights

  1. High-Performance 5-Pin Bow Sight for Long-Lasting, Customized Aiming Points - The Custom Bow Equipment Tactic Micro 5-Pin Bow Sight enhances your hunting experience with a durable Blade Pin design, precise micro windage and elevation adjustments, bright fiber-enhanced pins, fluorescent peep alignment ring, and ambidextrous design.
  2. CBE Engage Hybrid 3 Pin Bow Sight for Right-Handed - The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight offers a frustration-free pin adjustment system, armed guard fiber management, 12-inch fiber for brighter pins, a quad track stability adjustment system, and rapid drive elevation adjustments in a user-friendly design.
  3. CBE Tactic Bow Sight with Advanced Features and Ambidextrous Design - CBE Tactic Bow Sight offers an Ambidextrous design, smart-mount multi-positioning, windage and elevation adjustments with laser engraved markings, and a fiber management system for improved brightness and protection.
  4. 3V Micro Adjustable Sight with CBE Hybrid Drive System - The CBE Trek Pro Micro 3V .019 3-Pin Sight offers precision vertical alignment with three customizable pins, machined aluminum construction, and compatibility with various adaptors, making it a reliable choice for your firearm.
  5. CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: 3-Pin with Dovetail Mounting System & Rapid Drive Adjustment - The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight combines the precision of a traditional sight with the convenience of a 3-pin design, perfect for bow enthusiasts seeking easy, fast, and accurate pin adjustments.
  6. CBE Trek Vertical 2 Pin Lightweight Sight with Advanced Visibility - Experience ultimate visibility with the Trek Vertical 2V - a hybrid sight featuring a single up pin design, double fiber optic dots, and 4 CBE Peep alignment ring options, backed by the trusted brand of CBE.
  7. CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: Precision Adjustments for Optimal Performance - CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 1 Pin RH .010 provides frustration-free pin adjustments with a dovetail mounting system, hybrid elevation adjustment, and quad track design for ultimate stability and accuracy.
  8. Hybrid Sight with Dovetail Mounting and Rapid Drive Adjustment - Experience the perfect combination of precision and ease with the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight, featuring a rapid-drive adjustment system, Armed Guard fiber management, and a quad-track stability system, all designed to improve your archery experience.
  9. CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 1 Pin with Dovetail Mount and Armed Guard Fiber Management System - Experience precision and ease with the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight, featuring a hybrid elevation adjustment, 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments for quiver attachment, and ergonomic control for optimal performance.
  10. Premium Hybrid Sight for Bow Accuracy - The CBE Engage Hybrid Sight offers unparalleled precision with micro-adjustable blade style sight pins, hybrid elevation adjustment, and adjustable 2nd and 3rd axis, all wrapped in a user-friendly design perfect for archery enthusiasts.
  11. Versatile and Accurate Bow Sight for Shooting Enthusiasts - The CBE Trek Pro 1-Pin Sight 1 offers ultimate accuracy and versatility, making it the perfect choice for archers seeking unbeatable distance and light performance in a simple, reliable bow sight.
  12. Lightweight Carbon Fiber CBE Trek Pro 3 Pin Sight for Bow Hunting - The CBE Trek Pro 3 Pin Sight is a versatile and lightweight addition to any bow build, perfect for right-handed or left-handed shooters with customizable shot acquisition and adaptable lighting in all conditions.
  13. CX5 Carbon Sight: Lightweight Hunting Bow Accessory with Rheostat Sight Light and Adjustable Pins - Lightweight Carbon Fiber Sight with Adjustable Peep Alignment Rings and Rheostat Light - Perfect for Hunting and Archery Enthusiasts!
  14. CBE Trek 2V Pin Sight: Vertical 2-Pin Bow Sight for Precision Hunting - Upgrade your archery experience with the CBE Trek 2V Vertical Pin Sight, featuring a compact vertical design, single pin with two fiber optic aiming points, and a variety of machined aluminum housing colors.
  15. CBE Vertical Pin Sight 2 Pin Bow Sight with Rheostat Light & CBE Peep Alignment Rings in 4 Colors - Experience ultimate precision with the CBE Trek 2V Vertical Pin Sight - the compact vertical design delivers clear sight, while the single pin with two aiming points guarantees exceptional functionality and visibility.
  16. Premium Carbon Fiber Bow Sight with Advanced Micro-Adjustments - Experience unparalleled precision with the CBE Trek Pro Sight 1 Pin .019 RH, featuring a lightweight carbon fiber design, durable machined aluminum construction, and numerous mounting options for optimal performance.
  17. High-Quality CBE Trek Pro 2V Adjustable Bow Sight with 9.472 oz Features - The CBE Trek Pro 2V sight offers exceptional accuracy, with 3 vertical pins, 9 adjustment points, and the option for multi-pin sight setup, all within a sleek, lightweight design.
  18. High-Quality CBE Trek Sight 1 Pin Bow Sight for Optimal Precision - CBE Trek Sight 1 Pin .019 RH delivers superior accuracy and durability, offering a versatile and user-friendly bow sight solution tailored for all lighting conditions.
  19. Trek Pro 5 Pin Sight by CBE: Customizable and Lightweight Archery Sight - The CBE Trek Pro 5 Pin Sight is a versatile, lightweight, and customizable slider sight perfect for archers seeking accuracy and convenience in various scenarios.
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🔗High-Performance 5-Pin Bow Sight for Long-Lasting, Customized Aiming Points

The CBE Tactic Micro 5-Pin Bow Sight offers a precise and accurate shooting experience with its durable Blade Pin design, which boasts a bright aiming point. Featuring a multi-position mounting system for optimal bow alignment, easy micro windage and elevation adjustments, and even brighter pins with fiber management, this sight is ideal for the experienced bowhunter.
The added sight light provides a clear visual aid during low light conditions, ensuring that you and your target stay on target all the way to success.

🔗CBE Engage Hybrid 3 Pin Bow Sight for Right-Handed

As a bow enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for a reliable and accurate bow sight. When I came across the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight, I knew I had to give it a try. This bow sight has made my shooting experience smoother and more enjoyable than ever before.
One of the features that really stood out to me is the frustration-free pin adjustments. It allowed me to adjust each pin individually, making the entire sighting process incredibly precise and efficient. The Dovetail Mounting System added an extra layer of stability, which was a great addition to ensure accuracy while shooting.
Another aspect I liked about the CBE Engage is its quad-track design. It prevented any rocking or rattling from happening whilst adjusting, ensuring a steadier and more secure experience. Plus, its Rapid Drive elevation adjustment system allowed me to make quick, high-precision adjustments with ease.
However, there were some cons too. For instance, the learning curve to use all the features can be quite steep. But once you get a hang of it, it's definitely worth the effort.
All in all, the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight has been an absolute game-changer for me. Its unique features, combined with its impeccable craftmanship, make it a top-of-the-line choice for anyone seeking an accurate and reliable bow sight.

🔗CBE Tactic Bow Sight with Advanced Features and Ambidextrous Design

I recently purchased the CBE Tactic Bow Sight to improve my hunting experience. The first thing that caught my attention was the sleek design and quality materials used in its construction. The Smart mount multi-positioning Elevation adjustments, along with the tool-less windage gang adjustments with laser engraved markings, provide for precise adjustments and a smooth shooting experience.
The 3-pin housing with. 019-blade pins and Ambidextrous design are other notable features, ensuring the sights' versatility for both left and right-handed users. Additionally, the Armed Guard Fiber Management System and the 12 inches of fiber for brighter pins further enhance the product's performance and safety, making for an excellent choice for bow hunters.
After trying the product, I am pleased to report that the CBE Tactic Bow Sight has met and exceeded my expectations. The sights are easy to sight in, with quick and accurate adjustments for various distances. Plus, the materials and construction are of high quality, which adds to the overall durability and value of this product.
In conclusion, the CBE Tactic Bow Sight is a dependable and feature-packed product that has made a significant difference in my bow hunting experience. With its various tools and design elements, I highly recommend this sight to anyone who is looking to up their game.

🔗3V Micro Adjustable Sight with CBE Hybrid Drive System

The CBE Trek Pro Micro 3V Sight is an ideal choice for those seeking a precision aiming tool. Weighing at 9.856 oz, it has been enhanced with new features such as three vertical pins, including a fixed center pin and micro-adjustable first and third pins. To add a touch of personalization, the machined aluminum casing supports the use of CBE Peep alignment rings and boasts a selection of four vibrant colors. Additionally, the Trek 3V Pro sight can be easily customized with the option to incorporate a CBE Picatinny or CBE Bridge Lock adapter.
This sight also comes equipped with the signature CBE Hybrid Drive system, which offers extensive adjustment capabilities. Highlight features include the hard stop, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis adjustments, micro windage, laser-engraved sight scales, and vertical multi-pin support. Despite the limited availability in certain locations such as Hebron, Liman, Obezet, or Lebanon, this versatile sight remains a top contender amongst competitors in the industry.

🔗CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: 3-Pin with Dovetail Mounting System & Rapid Drive Adjustment

As an archer, I found the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight to be a game-changer for my game. The frustration-free pin adjustments allowed me to quickly and easily engage and move just one pin at a time, thanks to the easy-to-use loosen hex screw system. The Armed Guard Fiber Management System kept my fibers protected every step of the way, providing brighter pins for enhanced accuracy.
What really stood out for me was the Quad Track four-track stability adjustment system that eliminated any rocking or rattling, providing unparalleled stability. The machined Rapid Drive elevation adjustment system made quick, high-precision adjustments a breeze with just one turn covering 1.5 units of travel. Plus, the ergonomic knob made adjustments a breeze, even during intense sessions.
However, one minor drawback I noticed was the weight of the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight, which felt slightly heavier than my previous sights. But overall, the benefits definitely outweighed the minor inconvenience, making this sight a must-have for any serious archer.

🔗CBE Trek Vertical 2 Pin Lightweight Sight with Advanced Visibility

I recently gave the Trek Vertical 2V bow sight a try, and I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. The sight's compact vertical pin design created an ample amount of space in my sight picture, offering a clear, unobstructed view. I particularly loved the single pin with two fiber optic aiming points, which combined to provide me with great visibility and functionality.
The machined aluminum scope housings were a sleek and sturdy addition to the sight, and I appreciated the CBE Peep alignment rings that came with them. The inclusion of rheostat sight lights and the ability to modify the sight to fit various adapters was a nice touch. However, the directions could have been more user-friendly, as I had to resort to watching YouTube videos for proper assembly.
In conclusion, the CBE Trek Vertical 2V bow sight is a solid and well-built piece of equipment, providing a clear picture and efficient aiming points for better accuracy. Just remember to have patience when setting it up, and you'll be ready to hit your targets in no time.

🔗CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight: Precision Adjustments for Optimal Performance

The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight is a game-changer for archers who want a smooth and efficient shooting experience. With its unique dovetail mounting system, it ensures a stable and accurate shot every time. One of the standout features is the hybrid elevation adjustment, which allows for fine-tuned adjustments with just a single turn of the knob.
The ergonomic design of the knob makes it easy to manipulate, even in the heat of the moment. Additionally, the quad track system eliminates any unwanted wobbling or rattling, providing a solid foundation. The rapid drive elevation adjustment system is truly rapid, offering high-precision adjustments in a matter of seconds.
However, one potential downside is the relatively short length of 10 inches. While this may be ideal for some, it could limit the versatility for others. Despite this, the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight proves to be a top-performing choice for many archers searching for a reliable and efficient sight for their bow.

🔗Hybrid Sight with Dovetail Mounting and Rapid Drive Adjustment

The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 3 Pin RH. 019 was a game-changer for my bow hunting experience. The dovetail mounting system ensured a sturdy attachment to my bow, eliminating any chances of it coming loose during use. The hybrid elevation adjustment allowed me to make quick and precise adjustments to the sight height, ensuring better accuracy with every shot.
The 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments quiver attachment came in handy when I was fine-tuning my sight. It allowed for fine-tuning the sight's position on my quiver, making it easier to stay on target even when using different quivers. The quad track design utilizing Delrin tracks provided a smooth and stable shooting experience, reducing any unwanted movement while aiming.
One of the features that impressed me the most was the rapid drive for fast elevation adjustments. It made it easy to quickly make adjustments on the fly when needed, allowing me to stay focused on my target. The machined Rapid Drive elevation adjustment system provided a high-precision adjustment, giving me the confidence to make the perfect shot.
However, I did encounter a few minor issues. The sight housing felt a bit loose, causing some rattling as I moved the sight. Although this didn't affect my accuracy, it did make the shooting experience less enjoyable. Additionally, I had trouble reaching a response from CBE when I contacted them regarding this issue.
Overall, the CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 3 Pin RH. 019 was an exceptional product that significantly improved my bow hunting experience. Its features, such as the hybrid elevation adjustment and quad track design, offered a great balance between accuracy and ease of use. While the loose housing may be a drawback for some, the positives outweighed the negatives in my experience.

🔗CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight 1 Pin with Dovetail Mount and Armed Guard Fiber Management System

The CBE Engage Hybrid Bow Sight has been a game changer in my archery pursuits. I particularly appreciate its frustration-free pin adjustments, allowing me to make precise adjustments with ease. The Armed Guard Fiber Management System and the increased fiber length for brighter pins have made a noticeable difference.
However, there's still room for improvement in the ergonomics of the knob and the initial set up. Overall, it has vastly improved my experience on the range.

🔗Premium Hybrid Sight for Bow Accuracy

Using the CBE Engage Hybrid as my trusted companion on hunting trips, I must say I was impressed by its smooth performance. The dovetail mounting system made installation a breeze, and the hybrid elevation adjustment allowed for precise calibration.
The micro adjustable windage with clicks was a gamechanger, making my shots more accurate than ever. However, I did notice that the adjustable 2nd and 3rd axis might require some practice to get the hang of. Overall, the Engage Hybrid proved to be a reliable and versatile choice for 3D archery and hunting.

🔗Versatile and Accurate Bow Sight for Shooting Enthusiasts

Last week, I decided to upgrade my bow sight to something more versatile and technologically advanced. After some research, I decided to give the CBE Trek Pro Sight 1 Pin a try. Right out of the box, I was drawn to its sleek, modern design and the premium materials used in its construction.
As I began fine-tuning the CBE Trek Pro, I couldn't help but notice how the 3 axis micro-adjustments made it incredibly easy to get the perfect sight for both short and long-range shots. The inclusion of a mount system added even more convenience, making it a breeze to set up for any situation.
What stood out in my experience, however, was the weight of the sight. At 10.3 ounces with the mount, it is on the heavier side. I also found the absence of a warranty somewhat concerning, but the sight's reliability and accuracy more than made up for it.
Overall, the CBE Trek Pro Sight 1 Pin is a terrific bow sight for those seeking both ease of use and pinpoint accuracy. Despite its slightly heavy weight, it's definitely worth a try if you're in the market for an upgrade.

🔗Lightweight Carbon Fiber CBE Trek Pro 3 Pin Sight for Bow Hunting

I recently gave the CBE Trek Pro 3 Pin Sight a try, and I must say, it truly is an exceptional addition to any bow build. The lightweight slider sight, perfect for 30 and 60-yard accuracy, comes with 14 laser engraved aluminum sight tapes. Not only can it handle any distance or scenario with ease, but it also offers fine-tuning with micro-adjustable windage and elevation.
As someone who often uses a bow for outdoor activities, I was particularly impressed with the CBE Trek Pro's lightweight design. With its carbon fiber extension dovetail sight bar, the sight offers numerous mounting positioning options. Another plus is the new sliding rheostat cover to optimize pin brightness in any light conditions.
As a user, the customizable shot acquisition and proper lighting are essential for my needs. The CBE Trek Pro delivers with its interchangeable peep alignment rings, rheostat light, and the ability to add a 41mm lens/sunshade. The body's durability in tough conditions is also a great feature. Although I haven't used it for fishing purposes, I can attest to its versatility and reliability. Overall, I would highly recommend the CBE Trek Pro 3 Pin Sight to anyone seeking an accurate and lightweight sight for their bow build.

🔗CX5 Carbon Sight: Lightweight Hunting Bow Accessory with Rheostat Sight Light and Adjustable Pins

As someone who spends a lot of time in the great outdoors, I've come across my fair share of hunting gear. But nothing quite compares to the CBE CX5 Carbon Sight. This thing is simply remarkable. Weighing in at just 9 ounces, it's a marvel of engineering that manages to be both lightweight and ultra-stiff. The dovetail mounting brackets, adjustment rails, and scope housing are all machined aluminum, lending a sense of durability that only adds to its appeal.
But it's not just about looks. The sight features a 4th interchangeable fluorescent peep alignment ring, with the ability to switch between green, red, yellow, and grey. This customization offers a level of versatility that's rare in this category. And let's not forget about low light conditions. The CX5 handles them with ease, thanks to its five. 019 blade-style pins, 12" of fiber optic per pin, and an included rheostat light.
However, I must admit, one of my favorite features is its ease of use. The micro adjustable and multiple mounting positions for elevation and windage make sighting in a breeze. And the fact that it's fully ambidextrous is a huge plus. It's been a pleasure to assemble and use this sight in my hunting endeavors.
That being said, no product is without its drawbacks. While the CX5 has a lot to offer, it's worth mentioning that the user manual could be clearer, especially for first-time users. And while the rheostat sight light is a great addition, it could benefit from a redesign to make it more intuitive to use.
Overall, the CBE CX5 Carbon Sight has been a game changer for me. It's lightweight, robust, versatile, and easy to use. While it's not perfect, it's hard to deny that it's one of the best hunting sights I've had the pleasure of using.

🔗CBE Trek 2V Pin Sight: Vertical 2-Pin Bow Sight for Precision Hunting

I recently tried out the CBE Trek 2V Vertical Pin Sight, and I must say, it made quite an impact on my archery experience. I was particularly impressed by the compact vertical pin design that allowed for more space in my sight picture, making it easier for me to aim accurately.
One feature that stood out was the single pin with two fiber optic aiming points at a fixed gap. It provided ultimate visibility, helping me to sight in the bow easily. The machined aluminum scope housings were a nice touch, and I appreciated the ability to choose from four different colors.
However, there were a couple of downsides that I encountered. Firstly, the instructions were not as comprehensive as I would have liked, and it took some time to figure out how to sight the bow properly. I wish there were written instructions in the box, as the ones provided were difficult to understand on my smartphone.
Secondly, I faced some issues with finding a sight tape that matched the exact specs of my bow. Eventually, I had to pass it on to my son, who was using a slower bow and didn't face the same problem. Despite these drawbacks, the CBE Trek 2V Vertical Pin Sight ultimately proved to be a high-quality, functional bow sight.

🔗CBE Vertical Pin Sight 2 Pin Bow Sight with Rheostat Light & CBE Peep Alignment Rings in 4 Colors

Imagine stepping into the archery range, confident and calm with the CBE Trek 2V Vertical Pin Sight 2 pin hanging proudly on your bow. I had the chance to try this sight and let me tell you, it made quite an impact.
The sight houses a single pin with two fiber optic aiming points, a compact vertical pin design that creates more space in your sight picture. It's these little details that make the CBE Trek 2V shine.
The machined aluminum scope housings accept CBE Peep alignment rings and come in four different colors to choose from, giving it that personal touch. Rheostat sight lights are included and you can even modify it to fit CBE Picatinny or CBE Bridge Lock adapters.
However, there were a couple of downsides. The complexity of the setup is slightly higher than other bows I've tried. But once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing. Another thing to consider is the availability of sight tapes that fit your bow perfectly.
Despite these minor inconveniences, I found the CBE Trek 2V Vertical Pin Sight 2 pin to be a solid, reliable addition to any bow enthusiast's collection.

Buyer's Guide




What are Cbe Bow Sights?

Cbe Bow Sights are a type of sight designed specifically for improving the accuracy and performance of archery enthusiasts. They are manufactured by Cbe Archery Solutions, a leading company that specializes in bow-related equipment.

What types of Cbe Bow Sights are available?

Cbe Bow Sights come in various types for different archery purposes. Some examples include:
  • Adjustable Cbe Sights
  • Fixed Cbe Sights
  • Hunting/Target Cbe Sights
  • 3D Shooting/Target Cbe Sights

What materials are used to make Cbe Bow Sights?

Cbe Bow Sights are crafted using high-quality materials like aircraft-grade aluminum, carbon fiber, and fiberglass. These materials ensure durability, lightweight, and long-lasting functionality.


How do I install a Cbe Bow Sight?

Installation of a Cbe Bow Sight generally involves attaching the sight to the bow's riser using screws and bolts. Detailed installation instructions are provided with each Cbe Bow Sight and can also be found on the manufacturer's website or by contacting their customer support.

How do I adjust the Cbe Sight?

Adjustment of Cbe Bow Sights varies depending on the specific type and model. Generally, sight adjustments can be made by using rotating dials or knobs to change the vertical or horizontal position. Precise instruction on how to adjust a Cbe Sight will be accessible in the user manual or online.

What are the benefits of using a Cbe Bow Sight?

Using a Cbe Bow Sight offers numerous benefits such as improved accuracy, increased confidence in your shots, reduced shooting time, and easier sight correction. Cbe Bow Sights are designed for a wide range of archery disciplines, ensuring that there is a suitable sight available for every archer's needs.

How often do I need to replace my Cbe Bow Sight?

Cbe Bow Sights are built for durability and can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. However, the lifespan of a sight can vary depending on factors such as usage frequency, weather conditions, and care taken during storage.

What after-sales support does Cbe Archery Solutions offer?

Cbe Archery Solutions provides excellent customer support including warranty and repair services for their products. For any questions or concerns regarding their products, you can contact their customer support through a phone call, email, or online support forum.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:14 SlowCrates I have to decompress. Here are my thoughts about this game. It really feels like the Wolves won despite the ref's almost laughably imbalanced whistle against our best players and during key situations, and it makes me wonder...

The total number of whistles for each team isn't the point. In the first half especially, our best players were as shackled by the refs as they were by the Nuggets' feisty defense. 60% of our starters were in foul trouble (Ant only had 2, but it was early enough in the second that a 3rd would have been devastating before the half.) Hell, Joker didn't get whistled for the first time until there was less than 10 minutes to go in the game, and I didn't see a single possession all night that wouldn't be justified for calling a foul on him. He's massive and he lowers his body and rams into people, when he goes for a rebound he literally holds a Wolves' player down as he jumps up. He puts his arms all the way around people's waist to prevent them from going in this or that direction, he constantly hooks with his elbow to get around them. He makes a lot of lumbering, moving screens. He did that for more than 3 quarters straight, but in the first half, before he was tired, he was on pace for over 30 points, over 30 rebounds, and 10 assists. He still got those points, but he only managed 2 rebounds in the second half. Why? He was tired. That's it. The ref's gave him a green light to do whatever he wanted on both sides of the ball all night long until he was so tired that he was barely making a difference out there anymore. Gobert fouled out. KAT was forced to sit. Jaden was at 4 fouls early in the third.
But in the second half, the Wolves started clawing their way back into the game. I honestly thought it couldn't happen, not because the Wolves don't have the capability, but because of how the foul calls against them almost seemed strategic. The Wolves put together a small lead in the 4th, but it didn't feel safe until they started getting some real energy going. OH BUT WAIT, here comes the fucking refs again. KAT picks up his 5th foul and has to sit. Ant drove through the lane and (this is not hyperbole) got flagrantly fouled, and they didn't call it. Shortly thereafter, the Wolves got whistled for another moving screen, even though every single team on every single possession has moving screens, ESPECIALLY the god damn Nuggets. Then Mike Conely is OBVIOUSLY fouled when (I think it was Joker) hacked at his arm, causing the ball to come loose. No whistle. Conley picks the ball up and CLEARLY says and gestures "time out" before the Nuggets try to get their hands on it. The refs call it a jump ball! Then moments later the exact same thing happens where a Wolves' player gets a loose ball, calls time out, and instead it's a damn jump ball. Gobert fouls out on some BULLSHIT. At this point it feels like the table is set for a "miraculous" Nuggets comeback. The refs literally gave the Nuggets every opportunity to prevent Minnesota from expanding on their lead. However, NAZ REID, Jaden McDaniels, a suddenly awoken Ant, and a well-rested KAT were NOT fucking having it tonight.
This all makes me wonder. If there were, hypothetically speaking, some conspiracy amongst one or two of the refs, or even the league at large to fix games (whether due to gambling, a sleezy payoff, or because one market would result in better views/revenue/what have you), and the Wolves OVERCOME that (again, hypothetical) agenda... what would that mean? What would the fallout of such a "blunder" be? Because the refs generally have a TON of influence over games. More than any other sport, they have the luxury of only calling fouls when they really feel like it, as fouls are happening all over the court all the time.
I think it's an incredible testament to the Wolves poise and passion to win tonight. In all my years as a fan of the sport, I've never so sincerely felt as though the team I was rooting for was actually battling the refs as much as the opposing team.
Maybe Denver fans feel as though they got all the wrong whistles tonight and I'm just biased. That's possible. But there were no less than 5 or 6 significant calls/no calls at specific times against specific players that makes it really difficult for me not to seriously entertain the notion that this shit is (at least loosely) rigged. And the refs behavior tonight took a lot of joy away from the game for me. I ignored a bunch of it, only watching about 3/4ths of it altogether. I couldn't stand the ref show.
Does anyone else feel this way?
submitted by SlowCrates to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:13 Creepy-Bell666 How Do You Walk With A Cane?

So I recently got a cane, which has really helped a lot. But of course with my overthinking decided to look up how to walk with it to make sure I was doing it right (I was holding it on the same side as my bad hip). All the answers I've found so far have said the opposite and now I'm extremely confused. One thing said something about how your arms naturally move when you walk, but of course mine don't (t-rex arms). Apparently your arms swing with your opposite leg, like right arm and left leg will go forward at the same time. Does anyone here have any advice or know what to do? Should I just do what's most comfortable? That's what my parents said to do but I worry about if I do it wrong it could make things worse.
submitted by Creepy-Bell666 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:12 joshking5739 Scaling Sukuna with TLDR at the end

Scaling Sukuna with TLDR at the end
  • Also, Sukuna's speed doesn't change but it adds to the body he has for example if he took Nobara's body over Yuji's, logically Yujikuna would be faster and stronger due to Gojo telling us that a Sorcerer's body and physique do matter when fighting an opponent so keep this in mind.
Right after Gojo says he'll win the marathon because of him never losing Cursed Energy (CE) but he would win the sprint because he has an overall better physique than him.
  • Strength: He should be physically the strongest due to Meguna being equal or even relative to Gojo, he also makes Mahoraga throw up and knocks out Jogo multiple times in their fight and can send Gojo flying with one punch alone and Yujikuna and Heiankuna would be above this.
Knocks out Jogo something Gojo couldn't do
  • Heiankuna is as tall as 7-8 and even arguably 9FT while having more muscle mass than Meguna or Yujikuna and people in real life such as Kevin Durant can bench 315lbs despite his frail body this is more than most people in the world and Heiankuna has even more muscle and much taller.
You can see his physique
  • Yujikuna is over due to Yuji with no CE reinforcement or knowledge over CE or curses outperforming Megumi and just combat in Megumi thinks Yuji can beat the Kyoto class with no CE including Todo.
He's able to dodge and hit the Grade 2 Curse
  • Speed/Perception: He should be faster due to the reason I stated before Heiankuna body > Yujikuna body > Meguna body. Meguna is relative to Gojo in travel speed, in combat speed he's speed blitz tier above Gojo's.
  • He can chant, perceive, and launch his World Splitting Dismantle (WSD) before Kashimo's Electromagnetic Waves even reach him, and this is one of if not the fastest attack in the series easily top 3 in speed and a heavily fatigued Meguna dodged it point blank from Kashimo himself.
As you see Gojo can perceive him but can't physically react to him
Him perceiving the Electromagnetic Waves and fires of the WSD that has a wind up time as well
  • Close Quarters Combat: With the images shown above is nearly every instance where Meguna uses Domain Amplification (DA). This is important because people are oddly under the impression that Gojo is better than Meguna but he only wins when Meguna isn't even fighting back.
  • If this wasn't obvious Yujikuna would be more skilled and faster while Heiankuna would have 2 faces and 2 arms meaning better perception and close-quarters combat (CQC).
Meguna beats Gojo while amped by Blue and his Domain
  • Attack Potency/Destructive Capability: As we know he has a 200-meter radius with his Domain meaning he can destroy anything in a 200-meter radius as he does with Shibuya where he obliterates the city with Malevolent Shrine and Furance at 140-meters.
This gigantic crater was from Malevolent Shrine and Furnace
  • He also nearly kills Gojo with Maleovlent Shrine at 140-meters with 19F and he can make this even stronger by shrinking it, Which he can just target the slashes at Gojo without sending them out relentlessly.
  • But now he doesn't have to do this in he can use Malevolent Shrine at 200-meters without shrinking it to increase the output of the slashes plus Furnace he one which he doesn't need Malevolent Shrine one shots pretty much the entire cast including Gojo at FP with Funace would be overkill.
  • Durability: He survives every single thing in Gojo's arsenal as Meguna whilst off guard for most of it. He survives Hollow Purple 200% while off guard, a point-blank Hollow Purple after everything I've listed so far including, Red off guard + Black flash Blue infused, and Infinite Void.
Infinite Void is an attack that would one shot everyone in the verse besides Sukuna obivously. This was after 200% Hollow Purple while off guarded
  • Intelligence: He is easily top 5 in verse when it comes to intellect, outsmarting Gojo in their fight from beginning to the end, figuring out Megumi's Shikigami's abilities and using them to his disposal to get stronger, and finding a way to bypass Infinity and kill Gojo with it.
Him basically explaining the new Dismantle he got
  • Abilities: As we know his Cursed Technique (CT) is called Shrine. So far it's very similar to a chef or kitchen where the techniques he uses it symbolize chopping and cooking.
  • Dismantle, is an invisible slash that cuts inanimate objects but can be used on Sorcerers you can normally tell when this will happen by his gesture which is pointing. He can also do this without moving as well.
  • World Splitting Dismantle, this is an extension of his regular Dismantle at which it attacks the space you are in and not you. This also cuts threw Gojo's Infinity, and also little sidenote in the anime he uses Dismanlte as a sort of shield to cut Jogo's fire despite being engulfed in fire.
A great example of Dismantle
An barrage of World Splitting Dismantles
  • Cleave, this slashing technique is where he "requires" touch and adjusts to his opponent's CE level. The problem with this is, that it's usually an open palm gesture that he throws at Yuji right after slashing him without moving implying Dismantle right after Yuji is covered in blood implying Cleave.
Sukuna's suprised because he expected Yuji to die here due to how Cleave should have adjusted to his low CE level because he used Dismantle like right before.
  • You could argue Sukuna's mastery over his technique he's able to do this which isn't crazy based on the things we seen, he also used Max Elephant like Piercing Blood something on "Gojo's" level.
  • He also has Spider Web an Extension of Cleave where he attacks inanimate objects instead of a Sorcerer.
Him attacking the ground with Cleave (Spider Web)
  • Malevolent Shrine, this is his Domain Expansion that is barrierless and has a 200-meter max radius. This gives him an advantage over every single person in the series not having an outer shell to be destroyed from the outside and his range allows him to destroy barriers from the outside.
  • He also uses Cleave and Dismantle as his sure-hit meaning he will be relentlessly slashing his opponent.
Malevolent Shrine at 140-meters destroying Shibuya
  • Furnace, These are flames he conjures by saying (Furnace Open) after landing both Cleave and Dismantle on his opponent. It adjusts to Malevolent Shrine's radius on how much dust it is after Malevolent Shrine has destroyed something, so basically, when you light something with gasoline it follows it.
  • He can only use this on multiple opponents in his Domain since it attacks where the dust is and since Domains amps a person it amps the speed of Furnace as well which was originally slow. Now making up for this it guarantees death since it's also a sure-hit after getting slashed and engulfed in flames which is arguably even stronger than the slashes of Malevolent Shrine itself meaning he has two ways to someone.
This is Furnace at 200-meters and it dwarfs the buildings near it
  • Overall: No. 1 in verse with no debate, he shows the ability to kill Gojo with one Domain clash not even at 20F but 19F with his Malevolent not even at FP or Furnace.
  • This is not an anti-feat for Gojo since Sukuna with only 4F is stronger than Mahoraga who is a perception blitz tier above Jogo who is one of the fastest in the series. Mind you this is only 2/10 of his power, he's No. 2 with only 2/10 it logically should be obvious at FP that he's No. 1 being able to mid diff Gojo who Is the second strongest in verse by a mile while Sukuna is at 19F.
  • But he is country level and FTL in speed in my opinion, he can react to Electromagnetic Waves that move at the speed of light and a heavily nerfed Sukuna can react to it and an more fresh Sukuna can launch the WSD and shown to perceive and react to it. He's mountain level due to being stronger than Gojo who can cause earthquakes from 8,000 meters below the sea and can power a country by himself.
  • TLDR: He's No.1 in verse and I have him Country level and FTL in speed no one in his verse is close to his actually FP bloodlusted or going all out in battle.
submitted by joshking5739 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:09 Various_Ad6530 Suicide and Christian History

Apparently suicide was relatively common around Jesus' time. According to Dr. Bart Ehrman it was not considered wrong at that time. That is probably why we don't find it in the Bible.
Augustine then strongly condemned it in the fourth century. My question is this. Around the time of Augustine what would happen to a quadriplegic? Or someone with advanced, debilitating MS, or advanced Parkinsons (totally bedridden) or Alzheimers? ALS. Etc.
Did they have a way to keep suffering people around for years? Is there even evidence they had widespread neurological or chronic disease back then? Please don't just answer by guessing. Macular degeneration is a fairly recent disease, it was one in a million in mid 1800's now it is widespread. It is linked to a change in our diet but not proven.
Pesticides are a main cause of Parkinsons. Those did not exist. Car accidents obviously did not exist. We live in such an artificial environment now, most people don't even breastfeed.
There is a DJ in Italy that got into a car accident, lost all use of arms and legs and was blind. Instantly, When did that every happen in Augustine's time? He finally got the ability to get assisted suicide after three years. I think he was also in pain. Did Augustine every see anyone like that?
Leprosy you say? Augustine says Lepers are symbolic of ignorant sinners. That's not too empathetic. But still, lepers could generally walk and get around. No feeding tubes back then.
And did Augustine even know any lepers or quadrapligics? Probably not, probably people with broken necks did not survive, but who knows.
I was severlely injured by a powerful antibiotic my doctor gave me, and it's incurable. This was not around, obviously, in Augustine's time. I would rather it would have taken me out.
Why should we listen to a guy 1700 years ago who doesn't know what physical and mental health problems we have today? This guy coined the term self-murder which is an illogical term, you can't murder yourself just like you can't rob yourself.
Were there wheelchairs all over the place in the year 350. Hospitals and old age homes full of groaning people, some asking to die?
Much of Christianiy's ideas suicide, and hell, are based on Augustine. How does one guy get so much say over my life? Over everyone's? Who is he? Why does he get to interpret the Bible for everyone else? He said a lot of people were Universalists during his day but he was against it. So he gets to decide? He was just a person.
What are we supposed to do about modern problems or health, right to die, if we are stuck listening to someone from a different day and age. Did he or did he not see a world with this much chronic illness, including chronic mental illness. I say no on both. Yes people may have died younger but so what? It's easy to be against suicide if everyone is reasonbly healthy and then dies of the flu at 50 or 60. Did he ever see people on a ventilator? A feeding tube?
submitted by Various_Ad6530 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:07 Strawbz18 Your favorite type of build? This is my Blackwall Netrunner

Your favorite type of build? This is my Blackwall Netrunner
Uses a pistol and a LMG when things get dicey. I rarely have to take my weapon out though because of how much RAM and Armor I have
submitted by Strawbz18 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:07 Overall-Bill7193 Vcug flashbacks and I have bad coping mechanisms.

TLDR: vcug flashbacks, my only coping skill is alcohol, I can’t run anymore because of my weight (gained so much weight, but used to run when I had flashbacks), I need help either coping with flashbacks or stopping them.
Hi, I had multiple vcug’s as a toddler. Also have faint memories of csa but I can’t even begin to process that, right now I’m dealing with the vcug’s. I’m in my early 20s and I’m living alone and fully isolated from people for the summer (don’t tell me to find friends). So that makes flashbacks much more frequent especially at night.
I keep having vivid memories of this event. I’m so angry and disgusted with the people who allowed this to happen. It’s like nobody has souls. How come growing up the adults around me intended and loved inflicting as much pain as possible onto me instead of the opposite, like they’re supposed to do????
Anyways when the evening comes I start getting such vivid body flashbacks that I feel the sensations I felt when getting the test done. (TW FOR DESCRIPTION OF VCUG) I feel my limbs restrained by doctors on all four sides, and the touching and prodding, and the helplessness. I remember my earliest memories wishing I would die. I remember being fully in shock until I was able to move out for college. I developed skin pigment problems and more autoimmune problems. My skin on my arm is almost fully scar tissue from sh . I was spending every moment trying to end my life from 6 to around 18.
Here’s where I get more graphic, more medical/anatomical stuff. I am desperate to stop all feeling in that area because it brings flashbacks. I bought lidocaine spray and idc if it’s safe or not it actually brought me so much relief because there was no sensation. But it can be harmful in large doses so I can’t use it daily.
I’ve been drinking nightly and at this point it doesn’t even help, I still get flashbacks just as bad, though inebriated. Thc gives me panic attacks so I can’t use that. I refuse to even verbalize this to even a psychiatrist, so I can’t get pills.
I’ve gained 100 pounds so I can’t run it off. I don’t want alcohol to be my only lifeline.
How can I deal with this situation with literally zero social interaction? I feel like I’m in hell.
submitted by Overall-Bill7193 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:07 pcream Meteor75 Extreme overvolt/overheat

Meteor75 Extreme overvolt/overheat submitted by pcream to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:07 caffeinetrash007 Selling my skullpanda

Selling my skullpanda
Hey! I’m selling my Skullpanda Ancient Castle: The Boring Explorer for 550PHP or $9.52
It’s newly opened and has only been out of the box thrice
rfs: just need funds for my birthday + this one isn’t really my priority in the Ancient Castle Series
submitted by caffeinetrash007 to vinyltoys [link] [comments]
