Biography sample


2015.07.11 10:08 _watching #YAYHAMLET

News and discussion about *Hamilton* by Lin-Manuel Miranda

2024.05.28 15:29 BlackJackKetchum From the archives - a preview of the '65 AFFB European Tour.

From the archives - a preview of the '65 AFFB European Tour. submitted by BlackJackKetchum to blues [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:56 Gangiskhan Artist #107 Fred Again..

Bio from The Festival Voice
Artist Biography by Daniel Karasek
Fred Again.., aka Fred Gibson, is a London-based producer responsible for numerous chart-tipping pop and rap songs. He was born in 1994 as British Royalty and sang in an a cappella group at his future mentor Brian Eno’s studio in London. Fred impressed Brian with his Logic skills, and Brian took Fred under his wing. By 2014, Fred started working with Brian on the trilogy of albums for Underworld’s Karl Hyde. In the following few years, Fred would co-produce singles for Ellie Goulding, Charli XCX, and Little Mix. In 2018, he became a sought after producer, working with Clean Bandit, Shawn Mendes, and Rita Ora. The next year Fred released his debut solo single “Kyle (I Found You)” which was the first track he created using samples he sourced from his surroundings, in this case from a social media clip of his friend singing. Later that year he worked with Ed Sheeran on No. 6 Collaborations in where Fred co-produced all but two of the tracks. In 2020, Fred finally won Producer of the Year at the Brit Awards after many near hits for awards previously. In the next four years, Fred created a brand for himself where most of his solo music was crafted by sampling sounds from around his life. He has done pop-up shows to massive crowds with Skrillex and Four Tet by his side. Who knows what Bonnaroo will hold?
Genre: DJ, EDM, House, Garage, Trance, Indie Pop
Scheduled: Sunday
Songs & Sets:
Four Tet, Fred Again.. & Skrillex live from Times Square for @TheLotRadio
Fred again.. Boiler Room: London
Fred again..: Tiny Desk Concert
Fred again.. - Actual Life 3 Piano Live (22 December 2022)
Have you seen Fred Again.. before? Please share your experience and favorite songs.

Days Until Bonnaroo: 16

Remember to drink water and warm up those high fives!
Link to previous AotD post
submitted by Gangiskhan to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:34 Obversa All of the references to Thomas Edison in 'Dr. Stone'

All of the references to Thomas Edison in 'Dr. Stone'
I wanted to make a separate post from my personal review/analysis of the Dr. Stone anime here.
In Dr. Stone, Senku read a biography of Thomas Edison (11 February 1847 – 18 October 1931), the famous American inventor who created the modern-day lightbulb, as a child. Reading about Edison's feats helped inspire his love of science, and his goal of becoming one of the world's greatest scientists.
However, one of the aspects that not many people know is that the storyline of Dr. Stone, in which Senku helps the quiet Ishigami Village become technologically advanced, was also likely based on a little-known, but true story involving Thomas Edison, one of Senku's primary role models and idols.
In 1885, Thomas Edison moved to a quiet, sparsely-populated village named Fort Myers in Southwest Florida, buying a home called "Seminole Lodge" to reside in during the winter. At this time, Fort Myers was a sleepy "cattle town" of just 350 people, including a mix of white, Black, and Latino settlers and homesteaders. Edison, however, decided to bring the power of science to improve and refine the backwater locale. This would later give rise to the City of Fort Myers, my hometown and birthplace.
Over 50 years, from 1885 until his death on 18 October 1931, Edison would build a "Kingdom of Science" in Fort Myers, to the point where Edison himself became a godlike figure to the town. Called the "Wizard of Menlo Park", Edison brought electric light, movies, phonographs, and other inventions. Upon his death in 1931, one source called Edison and his wife, Mina, the "King and Queen of America".
Not only is Edison himself associated with two of the symbols of the town - the lightbulb, which appeared on old "Welcome to Fort Myers" signs, and the palm tree, with Edison planting hundreds of royal palm trees, giving the Fort Myers the name of the "City of Palms" - but there are countless landmarks, businesses, and events named "Edison". These include "Edison Bridge", which Edison himself oversaw the opening of; "Edison Park", a 1920s-era neighborhood across the street from Edison's house, still relatively unchanged for 100 years; "Edison Mall", Fort Myers' first shopping mall; the "Edison Festival of Light", a parade held every year in February in Edison's honor; and more.
Edison also planted an entire botanical garden in and around his house in Fort Myers, including a small banyan tree from India that he imported and planted in 1925; which, in 2024, is now one of the largest banyan trees in the United States. In 1927, Edison co-founded the Edison Botanic Research Company, and planted thousands of plants, all with one purpose: To discover a domestic source of rubber that the United States could use after WWI. In 1928, a well-equipped lab, perfectly recreated from Edison's Menlo Park laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, was built adjacent to Edison's Fort Myers home, with research begun in early 1929, largely by Edison and a small staff of attendants.
After testing more than 17,000 plant samples, Edison selected the Goldenrod plant as the most suitable, developing a 12-foot-tall strain of the common plant that yielded 12% latex [normally, the plant would only grow 3-4 feet tall, with a 5% yield of latex]. Edison worked at both the Fort Myers lab and at his chemistry lab at West Orange up to his death in October 1931. Thereafter, his brother-in-law John Miller led the research operation; but, in 1936, other company co-founders - Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, and Edison's widow, Mina - dissolved the Edison Botanic Research Company, as they could not make artificial rubber production from the Goldenrod plant economic, versus vulcanized rubber.
Other references to Thomas Edison in Dr. Stone:
  • Senku puts strings of lights in a tree around Christmas. Edison is regarded as a co-inventor of Christmas tree lights, with Edison using a string of electric lights to advertise his lightbulb in 1880; his colleague, Edward Johnson, put a string of lights on a Christmas tree in 1882.
  • Senku stating that he creates and invents scientific devices through trial-and-error, as well as his "10,000,000%" catchphrase. One of Thomas Edison's famous quotes is this, referring to the lightbulb: "I have not failed 10,000 times. I've successfully found 10,000 ways that won't work."
  • Senku also adopted Edison's view of science. To quote Leonard DeGraaf, the author of the biography Edison and the Rise of Innovation (2013), "[Thomas] Edison's not a guy that looks back. Even for his biggest failures, he didn't spend a lot of time wringing his hands, and saying, 'Oh my God, we spent a fortune on that!' He said, 'we had fun spending it' [and learned new science]."
  • Senku using chemical solutions in a jar for his Stone Age batteries. When inventing the electric pen - what would later become the tattoo gun - Edison did the same, but it became "too messy".
  • Senku's decision to create a "Stone Age smartphone, more like a regular phone". By 1877, Thomas Edison had abandoned his electric pen idea, and instead got involved with telephones.
  • Senku creates a Stone Age-era record player to play a glass recording from 3,700 years prior; similarly, Thomas Edison created the phonograph, a device for recording and playing sound.
  • The use of Morse code by Senku and Gen to communicate over the Stone Age telephone. Thomas Edison, who was deaf, also communicated with others, including his wife, through Morse code. (Edison personally taught Mina how to use Morse code to propose marriage to her.)
The phonograph, invented in 1877, would be Edison's personal favorite invention. Per Wikipedia:
"Thomas Edison conceived the principle of recording and reproducing sound between May and July 1877 as a byproduct of his efforts to 'play back' recorded telegraph messages and to automate speech sounds for transmission by telephone. His first experiments were with waxed paper. He announced his invention of the first phonograph, a device for recording and replaying sound, on 21 November 1877.
In December, 1877, a young man came into the office of the Scientific American, and placed before the editors a small, simple machine about which few preliminary remarks were offered. The visitor, without any ceremony whatever, turned the crank, and to the astonishment of all present, the machine said: 'Good morning. How do you do? How do you like the phonograph?' The machine thus spoke for itself, and made known the fact that it was the phonograph.
The music critic Herman Klein attended an early demonstration (1881–82) of a similar machine. On the early phonograph's reproductive capabilities, he wrote...
'It sounded to my ear like someone singing about half a mile away, or talking at the other end of a big hall; but the effect was rather pleasant, save for a peculiar nasal quality wholly due to the mechanism, although there was little of the scratching that later was a prominent feature of the flat disc. Recording for that primitive machine was a comparatively simple matter. I had to keep my mouth about six inches away from the horn, and remember not to make my voice too loud if I wanted anything approximating to a clear reproduction; that was all. When it was played over to me, and I heard my own voice for the first time, one or two friends who were present said that it sounded rather like mine; others declared that they would never have recognised it. I daresay both opinions were correct.'"
In the show, Gen also correctly identifies that Senku's Stone Age telephone has lower sound quality.
As for Thomas Edison's Fort Myers laboratory and home, both were sold to the City of Fort Myers for $1 by Mina Edison, his widow, after Edison's death in 1931, and were preserved for posterity as a public museum. The home and laboratory are pristine and practically unchanged from a century ago, with the museum housing many of Edison's inventions and artifacts in display cases. Under the 100-year-old banyan tree that Edison planted in 1925 is also, quite fittingly, a stone statue of the inventor.
submitted by Obversa to DrStone [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:56 worldinsidetheworld My favourite lines from Libra by Don Delillo

“Questioning elicited the information that he feels almost as if there is a veil between him and other people through which they cannot reach him, but he prefers this veil to remain intact.”

Sometimes he looks around him, horrified by the weight of it all, the career of paper. He sits in the data-spew of hundreds of lives. There’s no end in sight. When he needs something, a report or transcript, anything, any level of difficulty, he simply has to ask. The Curator is quick to respond, firm in his insistence on forwarding precisely the right document in an area of research marked by ambiguity and error, by political bias, systematic fantasy. But not just the right document, not just an obscure footnote from an open source. The Curator sends him material not seen by anyone outside the headquarters complex at Langley, material that includes the results of internal investigations, confidential files from the Agency’s own Office of Security.

Knowledge was a danger, ignorance a cherished asset. In many cases the DCI, the Director of Central Intelligence, was not to know important things. The less he knew, the more decisively he could function. It would impair his ability to tell the truth at an inquiry or a hearing, or in an Oval Office chat with the President, if he knew what they were doing in Leader 4, or even what they were talking about, or muttering in their sleep. The Joint Chiefs were not to know. The operational horrors were not for their ears. Details were a form of contamination. The Secretaries were to be insulated from knowing. They were happier not knowing, or knowing too late. The Deputy Secretaries were interested in drifts and tendencies. They expected to be misled. They counted on it. The Attorney General wasn’t to know the queasy details. Just get results. Each level of the committee was designed to protect a higher level. There were complexities of speech. A man needed special experience and insight to work true meanings out of certain murky remarks. There were pauses and blank looks. Brilliant riddles floated up and down the echelons, to be pondered, solved, ignored.
The members of the committee would allow only generalities to carry upward. It was the President, of course, who was the final object of their protective instincts. … The White House was to be the summit of unknowing. It was as if an unsullied leader redeemed some ancient truth which the others were forced to admire only in the abstract, owing to their mission in the convoluted world.
But there were even deeper shadows, strange and grave silences surrounding plans to invade the island. The President knew about this, of course—knew the broad contours, had a sense of the promised outcome. But the system still operated as an insulating muse. Let him see the softer tones. Shield him from responsibility. Secrets build their own networks, Win believed. The system would perpetuate itself in all its curious and obsessive webbings, its equivocations and patient riddles and levels of delusional thought …

“The invasion failed because high officials didn’t examine the basic assumptions. They got caught up in a spirit of compelling action. They were eager to accept other men’s perceptions. There was safety in this. The plan was never clear. No one was ever responsible. Some of them knew a disaster was in the works. They let it ride. They put themselves out of reach. They wanted it over and done.”

“Some things we wait for all our lives without knowing it. Then it happens and we recognize at once who we are and how we are meant to proceed. This is the idea I’ve always wanted. I believe you’ll sense it is right. It’s the high risk we need. We need an electrifying event. You’ve been waiting for this every bit as much as I have. I believe that or I wouldn’t have asked you to come here. We want to set up an attempt on the life of the President. We plan every step, design every incident leading up to the event. We put together a team, leave a dim trail. The evidence is ambiguous. But it points to the Cuban Intelligence Directorate. Inherent in the plan is a second set of clues, even more unclear, more intriguing. These point to the Agency’s attempts to assassinate Castro. I am designing a plan that includes elements of both the American provocation and the Cuban reply. We do the whole thing with paper. Passports, drivers’ licenses, address books. Our team of shooters disappears but the police find a trail. Mail-order forms, change-of-address cards, photographs. We script a person or persons out of ordinary pocket litter. Shots ring out, the country is shocked, aroused. The paper trail leads to paid agents who have disappeared in Venezuela, in Mexico. I am convinced this is what we have to do to get Cuba back. This plan has levels and variations I’ve only begun to explore but it is already, essentially, right. I feel its rightness. I know what scientists mean when they talk about elegant solutions. This plan speaks to something deep inside me. It has a powerful logic. I’ve felt it unfolding for weeks, like a dream whose meaning slowly becomes apparent. This is the condition we’ve always wanted to reach. It’s the life-insight, the life-secret, and we have to extend it, guard it carefully, right up to the time we have shooters stationed on a rooftop or railroad bridge.”

Historic names, pen names, names of war, party names, revolutionary names. These were men who lived in isolation for long periods, lived close to death through long winters in exile or prison, feeling history in the room, waiting for the moment when it would surge through the walls, taking them with it. History was a force to these men, a presence in the room. They felt it and waited.
The books were struggles. He had to fight to make some elementary sense of what he read. But the books had come out of struggle. They had been struggles to write, struggles to live. It seemed fitting to Lee that the texts were often masses of dense theory, unyielding. The tougher the books, the more firmly he fixed a distance between himself and others.
He found enough that he could understand. He could see the capitalists, he could see the masses. They were right here, all around him, every day.

Pocket litter. Win Everett was at work devising a general shape, a life. He would script a gunman out of ordinary dog-eared paper, the contents of a wallet. … They wanted a name, a face, a bodily frame they might use to extend their fiction into the world. Everett had decided he wanted one figure to be slightly more visible than the others, a man the investigation might center on, someone who would be trailed and possibly apprehended. Three or four shooters would vanish completely, leaving scant traces of their affiliation. … Then one other figure, one slightly clearer image, perhaps abandoned in his sniper’s perch to find his own way out, to be trailed, found, possibly killed by the Secret Service, FBI or local police. Whatever protocol demands. This kind of man, a marksman, near anonymous, with minimal known history, the kind of man who surfaces in murky places, disappears, is arrested for some violent act, is released to drift again, to surface, to disappear. Mackey would find this man for Everett. They needed fingerprints, a handwriting sample, a photograph. Mackey would find the other shooters as well. We don’t hit the President. We miss him. We want a spectacular miss.

It was all so curiously funny. It was rich, that’s what it was. Everyone was a spook or dupe or asset, a double, courier, cutout or defector, or was related to one. We were all linked in a vast and rhythmic coincidence, a daisy chain of rumor, suspicion and secret wish.

Somewhere in his room of theories, in some notebook or folder, Nicholas Branch has a roster of the dead. A printout of the names of witnesses, informers, investigators, people linked to Lee H. Oswald, people linked to Jack Ruby, all conveniently and suggestively dead. In 1979 a House select committee determined there was nothing statistically abnormal about the death rate among those who were connected in some way to the events of November 22. Branch accepts this as an actuarial fact. He is writing a history, not a study of the ways in which people succumb to paranoia. There is endless suggestiveness. Branch concedes this. There is the language of the manner of death. Shot in back of head. Died of cut throat. Shot in police station. Shot in motel. Shot by husband after one month marriage. Found hanging by toreador pants in jail cell. Killed by karate chop. It is the neon epic of Saturday night. And Branch wants to believe that’s all it is. There is enough mystery in the facts as we know them, enough of conspiracy, coincidence, loose ends, dead ends, multiple interpretations. There is no need, he thinks, to invent the grand and masterful scheme, the plot that reaches flawlessly in a dozen directions.
Still, the cases do resonate, don’t they? Mostly anonymous dead. Exotic dancers, taxi drivers, cigarette girls, lawyers of the shopworn sort with dandruff on their lapels. But through the years the violence has reached others as well, and with each new series of misadventures Branch sees again how the assassination sheds a powerful and lasting light, exposing patterns and links, revealing this man to have known that one, this death to have occurred in curious juxtaposition to that.

“U-2 planes. The planes that spotted the missiles the Soviets were putting into Cuba. We used to call the photos pornography. The photo interpreters would gather to interpret. ‘Let’s see what kind of pornography we pulled in today.’ Kennedy looked at the pictures in his bedroom as a matter of fact. … Spy planes, drone aircraft, satellites with cameras that can see from three hundred miles what you can see from a hundred feet. They see and they hear. Like ancient monks, you know, who recorded knowledge, wrote it painstakingly down. These systems collect and process. All the secret knowledge of the world. … I’ll tell you what it means, these orbiting sensors that can hear us in our beds. It means the end of loyalty. The more complex the systems, the less conviction in people. Conviction will be drained out of us. Devices will drain us, make us vague and pliant.”

He would put someone together, build an identity, a skein of persuasion and habit, ever so subtle. He wanted a man with believable quirks. He would create a shadowed room, the gunman’s room, which investigators would eventually find, exposing each fact to relentless scrutiny, following each friend, relative, casual acquaintance into his own roomful of shadows. We lead more interesting lives than we think. We are characters in plots, without the compression and numinous sheen. Our lives, examined carefully in all their affinities and links, abound with suggestive meaning, with themes and involute turnings we have not allowed ourselves to see completely. He would show the secret symmetries in a nondescript life.
An address book with ambiguous leads. Photographs expertly altered (or crudely altered). Letters, travel documents, counterfeit signatures, a history of false names. It would all require a massive decipherment, a conversion to plain text. He envisioned teams of linguists, photo analysts, fingerprint experts, handwriting experts, experts in hairs and fibers, smudges and blurs. Investigators building up chronologies. He would give them the makings of deep chronos, lead them to basement rooms in windy industrial slums, to lost towns in the Tropics.

Life is hostile, he believed. The struggle is to merge your life with the greater tide of history.

Maybe what has to happen is that the individual must allow himself to be swept along, must find himself in the stream of no-choice, the single direction. This is what makes things inevitable. You use the restrictions and penalties they invent to make yourself stronger. History means to merge. The purpose of history is to climb out of your own skin. He knew what Trotsky had written, that revolution leads us out of the dark night of the isolated self. We live forever in history, outside ego and id.

Two weeks later he followed directions to a house in the Sanya district of Tokyo. He made his way through a ragpickers’ village built with material scavenged from other parts of the city. Old women jogged through the alleys carrying empty bottles, broken chair legs, pieces of indefinable junk. Houses were shoulder-high, made of old packing crates and strips of sheet metal, the walls stuffed with cardboard and rags. There were lines of people selling blood at mobile units, people who seemed hollow-bodied, so small, in such collapse. It would never bottom out. No matter how far down you went into the world, there were distances still to go, worse things to see and experience. He made it a point not to hurry through the area. He wanted to see what was here.

It produced a sensation of the eeriest panic, gave him a glimpse of the fiction he’d been devising, a fiction living prematurely in the world.

Nicholas Branch has unpublished state documents, polygraph reports, Dictabelt recordings from the police radio net on November 22. He has photo enhancements, floor plans, home movies, biographies, bibliographies, letters, rumors, mirages, dreams. This is the room of dreams, the room where it has taken him all these years to learn that his subject is not politics or violent crime but men in small rooms.
Is he one of them now? Frustrated, stuck, self-watching, looking for a means of connection, a way to break out. After Oswald, men in America are no longer required to lead lives of quiet desperation. You apply for a credit card, buy a handgun, travel through cities, suburbs and shopping malls, anonymous, anonymous, looking for a chance to take a shot at the first puffy empty famous face, just to let people know there is someone out there who reads the papers.
Branch is stuck all right. He has abandoned his life to understanding that moment in Dallas, the seven seconds that broke the back of the American century. He has his forensic pathology rundown, his neutron activation analysis. There is also the Warren Report, of course, with its twenty-six accompanying volumes of testimony and exhibits, its millions of words. Branch thinks this is the megaton novel James Joyce would have written if he’d moved to Iowa City and lived to be a hundred.
Everything is here. Baptismal records, report cards, postcards, divorce petitions, canceled checks, daily timesheets, tax returns, property lists, postoperative x-rays, photos of knotted string, thousands of pages of testimony, of voices droning in hearing rooms in old courthouse buildings, an incredible haul of human utterance. It lies so flat on the page, hangs so still in the lazy air, lost to syntax and other arrangement, that it resembles a kind of mind-spatter, a poetry of lives muddied and dripping in language.
Branch doesn’t know how to approach this kind of data. … It is vital to his sense of responsible obsession that everything in his room warrants careful study. Everything belongs, everything adheres, the mutter of obscure witnesses, the photos of illegible documents and odd sad personal debris, things gathered up at a dying—old shoes, pajama tops, letters from Russia. It is all one thing, a ruined city of trivia where people feel real pain. This is the Joycean Book of America, remember—the novel in which nothing is left out.
Branch has long since forgiven the Warren Report for its failures. It is too valuable a document of human heartbreak and muddle to be scorned or dismissed. The twenty-six volumes haunt him. Men and women surface in FBI memos, are tracked for several pages, then disappear—waitresses, prostitutes, mind readers, motel managers, owners of rifle ranges. Their stories hang in time, spare, perfect in their way, unfinished.
Photographs. Many are overexposed, light-blasted, with a faded quality beyond their age, suggesting things barely glimpsed despite the simple nature of the objects and the spare captions. ... But Branch feels there is a loneliness, a strange desolation trapped here. Why do these photographs have a power to disturb him, make him sad? Flat, pale, washed in time, suspended outside the particularized gist of this or that era, arguing nothing, clarifying nothing, lonely. Can a photograph be lonely?
This sadness has him fixed to his chair, staring. He feels the souls of empty places, finds himself returning again and again to the pictures of the second-floor lunchroom in the Texas School Book Depository. Rooms, garages, streets were emptied out for the making of official pictures. Empty forever now, stuck in some picture limbo. He feels the souls of those who were there and left. He feels sadness in objects, in warehouse cartons and blood-soaked clothes. He breathes in loneliness. He feels the dead in his room.

It was his goodbye to Russia. It signified the official end of a major era in his life. It validated the experience, as the writing of any history brings a persuasion and form to events.
Even as he printed the words, he imagined people reading them, people moved by his loneliness and disappointment, even by his wretched spelling, the childish mess of composition. Let them see the struggle and humiliation, the effort he had to exert to write a simple sentence. The pages were crowded, smudged, urgent, a true picture of his state of mind, of his rage and frustration, knowing a thing but not able to record it properly.
Always the pain, the chaos of composition. He could not find order in the field of little symbols. They were in the hazy distance. He could not clearly see the picture that is called a word. A word is also a picture of a word. He saw spaces, incomplete features, and tried to guess at the rest.
He made wild tries at phonetic spelling. But the language tricked him with its inconsistencies. He watched sentences deteriorate, powerless to make them right. The nature of things was to be elusive. Things slipped through his perceptions. He could not get a grip on the runaway world.
Limits everywhere. In every direction he came up against his own incompleteness. Cramped, fumbling, deficient. He knew things. It wasn’t that he didn’t know.
Even in the rush of filling these pages, he was careful to leave out certain things that could be used in legal argument against his return to the U.S. Yes, the diary was self-serving to a degree but still the basic truth, he believed. The panic was real, the voice of disappointment and loss.
He knew there were discrepancies, messed-up dates. No one could expect him to get the dates right after all this time, no one cared about the dates, no one is reading this for names and dates and spellings.
Let them see the struggle.
He believed religiously that his life would turn in such a way that people would one day study the Historic Diary for clues to the heart and mind of the man who wrote it.

Plots carry their own logic. There is a tendency of plots to move toward death. He believed that the idea of death is woven into the nature of every plot. A narrative plot no less than a conspiracy of armed men. The tighter the plot of a story, the more likely it will come to death. A plot in fiction, he believed, is the way we localize the force of the death outside the book, play it off, contain it. The ancients staged mock battles to parallel the tempests in nature and reduce their fear of gods who warred across the sky. He worried about the deathward logic of his plot. He’d already made it clear that he wanted the shooters to hit a Secret Service man, wound him superficially. But it wasn’t a misdirected round, an accidental killing, that made him afraid. There was something more insidious. He had a foreboding that the plot would move to a limit, develop a logical end.

He thought the only end to isolation was to reach the point where he was no longer separated from the true struggles that went on around him. The name we give this point is history.

“It’s the job of an intelligence service to resolve a nation’s obsessions. Cuba is a fixed idea. It is prickly in a way Russia is not. More unresolved. More damaging to the psyche. And this is our job, to remove the psychic threat, to learn so much about Castro, decipher his intentions, undermine his institutions to such a degree that he loses the power to shape the way we think, to shape the way we sleep at night.”

It was remarkable how often he talked to her about these things. The Agency was the one subject in his life that could never be exhausted. Central Intelligence. Beryl saw it as the best organized church in the Christian world, a mission to collect and store everything that everyone has ever said and then reduce it to a microdot and call it God. She needed to live in small dusty rooms, layered safely in, out of the reach of dizzying things, of heat and light and strange spaces, and Larry needed the great sheltering nave of the Agency. He believed that nothing can be finally known that involves human motive and need. There is always another level, another secret, a way in which the heart breeds a deception so mysterious and complex it can only be taken for a deeper kind of truth.

He’d stopped commenting on this oddness of hers. She said the news clippings she sent to friends were a perfectly reasonable way to correspond. There were a thousand things to clip and they all said something about the way she felt. He watched her read and cut. She wore half-glasses and worked the scissors grimly. She believed these were personal forms of expression. She believed no message she could send a friend was more intimate and telling than a story in the paper … Because these are the things that tell us how we live.

In the Old Senate Caucus Room they asked him to name the members of the Real Control Apparatus. This is like naming particles in the air, naming molecules or cells. The Apparatus is precisely what we can’t see or name. We can’t measure it, gentlemen, or take its photograph. It is the mystery we can’t get hold of, the plot we can’t uncover. This doesn’t mean there are no plotters. They are elected officials of our government, Cabinet members, philanthropists, men who know each other by secret signs, who work in the shadows to control our lives.

On his fourth day with Castro he shot a government scout, aiming through a telescopic sight. It was uncanny. You press a button and a man drops dead a hundred meters away. It seemed hollow and remote, falsifying everything. It was a trick of the lenses. The man is an accurate picture. Then he is upside down. Then he is right side up. You shoot at a series of images conveyed to you through a metal tube. The force of a death should be enormous but how can you know what kind of man you’ve killed or who was the braver and stronger if you have to peer through layers of glass that deliver the image but obscure the meaning of the act? War has a conscience or it’s ordinary murder.

The Curator sends the results of ballistics tests carried out on human skulls and goat carcasses, on blocks of gelatin mixed with horsemeat. There are photographs of skulls with the right cranial portion blown away. There are bullet-shattered goat heads in close-up. Branch studies a picture of a gelatin-tissue model “dressed” like the President. It is pure modernist sculpture, a block of gelatin layered in suit and shirt material with a strip of undershirt showing, bullet-smoked. There are documents concerning exit velocities. There is a picture of a human skull filled with gelatin and covered with goatskin to simulate a scalp.

He sends an actual warped bullet that has been fired for test purposes through the wrist of a seated cadaver. We are on another level here, Branch thinks. Beyond documents now. They want me to touch and smell.

The Oswald shadings, the multiple images, the split perceptions—eye color, weapons caliber—these seem a foreboding of what is to come. The endless fact-rubble of the investigations. How many shots, how many gunmen, how many directions? Powerful events breed their own network of inconsistencies. The simple facts elude authentication. How many wounds on the President’s body? What is the size and shape of the wounds? … [Branch] concedes everything. He questions everything, including the basic suppositions we make about our world of light and shadow, solid objects and ordinary sounds, and our ability to measure such things, to determine weight, mass and direction, to see things as they are, recall them clearly, be able to say what happened.
He takes refuge in his notes. The notes are becoming an end in themselves. Branch has decided it is premature to make a serious effort to turn these notes into coherent history. Maybe it will always be premature. Because the data keeps coming. Because new lives enter the record all the time. The past is changing as he writes.

“Signs that you exist. Evidence that Lee Oswald matches the cardboard cutout they’ve been shaping all along. You’re a quirk of history. You’re a coincidence. They devise a plan, you fit it perfectly. They lose you, here you are. There’s a pattern in things. Something in us has an effect on independent events. We make things happen. The conscious mind gives one side only. We’re deeper than that. We extend into time. Some of us can almost predict the time and place and nature of our own death. We know it on some deeper plane.”

“Think of two parallel lines,” he said. “One is the life of Lee H. Oswald. One is the conspiracy to kill the President. What bridges the space between them? What makes a connection inevitable? There is a third line. It comes out of dreams, visions, intuitions, prayers, out of the deepest levels of the self. It’s not generated by cause and effect like the other two lines. It’s a line that cuts across causality, cuts across time. It has no history that we can recognize or understand. But it forces a connection. It puts a man on the path of his destiny.”

The Agency forgives. There wasn’t a man in the upper ranks of the four directorates who didn’t understand the perils of clandestine work. They would be pleased by his willingness to cooperate. What’s more, they would admire the complexity of his plan, incomplete as it was. It had art and memory. It had a sense of responsibility, of moral force. And it was a picture in the world of their own guilty wishes. He was never more surely an Agency man than in the first breathless days of dreaming up this plot.

To Nicholas Branch, more frequently of late, “Lee H. Oswald” seems a technical diagram, part of some exercise in the secret manipulation of history.

Street by street the crowd began to understand why it was here. The message jumped the open space from one press of bodies to the next. A contagion had brought them here, some mystery of common impulse, hundreds of thousands come from so many histories and systems of being, come from some experience of the night before, a convergence of dreams, to stand together shouting as the Lincoln passed. … They were here to surround the brittle body of one man and claim his smile, receive some token of the bounty of his soul.

The media crowds collected and rocked in the corridors. They were waiting for the prisoner to come down to the interrogation room here on the third floor of the Police and Courts Building. TV cameras sat on dollies and there were cables slung over windowsills, trailing through the offices of deputy chiefs. Nobody checked credentials. Reporters took over the phones and pushed into toilets after police officials. Total unknowns walked the halls, defendants from other parts of the building, witnesses to other crimes, tourists, muttering men, drunks in torn shirts. It was a roughhouse, a confoundment. Every rumor flew. Disk jockeys arrived to fill in, blinking, flinching, wary. A reporter wrote notes on a pad he balanced on the back of the chief of police.
Hours going by. Blank faces arrayed against corridor walls. Men crouched near the elevators waiting. They sensed the incompleteness out there, gaps, spaces, vacant seats, lobbies emptied out, disconnections, dark cities, stopped lives. People were lonely for news. Only news could make them whole again, restore sensation. Three hundred reporters in a compact space, all pushing to extract a word. A word is a magic wish. A word from anyone. With a word they could begin to grid the world, make an instant surface that people can see and touch together.

Whenever they took him down, he heard his name on the radios and TVs. Lee Harvey Oswald. It sounded extremely strange. He didn’t recognize himself in the full intonation of the name. The only time he used his middle name was to write it on a form that had a space for that purpose. No one called him by that name. Now it was everywhere. He heard it coming from the walls. Reporters called it out. Lee Harvey Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald. It sounded odd and dumb and made up. They were talking about somebody else.

They took him back to the cell. He stripped to his underwear and sat on the bunk, thinking, feeling the noise of the assembly room still resonating in his body. A cell is the basic state, the crude truth of the world.
He could play it either way, depending on what they could prove or couldn’t prove. He wasn’t on the sixth floor at all. He was in the lunchroom eating lunch. The victim of a total frame. They’d been rigging the thing for years, watching him, using him, creating a chain of evidence with the innocent facts of his life. Or he could say he was only partly guilty, set up to take the blame for the real conspirators. Okay, he fired some shots from the window. But he didn’t kill anyone. He never meant to fire a fatal shot. It was never his intention to cause an actual fatality. He was only trying to make a political point. Other people were responsible for the actual killing. They fixed it so he would seem the lone gunman. They superimposed his head on someone else’s body. Forged his name on documents. Made him a dupe of history. He would name every name if he had to.

Lee Harvey Oswald was awake in his cell. It was beginning to occur to him that he’d found his life’s work. After the crime comes the reconstruction. He will have motives to analyze, the whole rich question of truth and guilt. Time to reflect, time to turn this thing in his mind. Here is a crime that clearly yields material for deep interpretation. He will be able to bend the light of that heightened moment, shadows fixed on the lawn, the limousine shimmering and still. Time to grow in self-knowledge, to explore the meaning of what he’s done. He will vary the act a hundred ways, speed it up and slow it down, shift emphasis, find shadings, see his whole life change.
This was the true beginning.
They will, give him writing paper and books. He will fill his cell with books about the case. He will have time to educate himself in criminal law, ballistics, acoustics, photography. Whatever pertains to the case he will examine and consume. People will come to see him, the lawyers first, then psychologists, historians, biographers. His life had a single clear subject now, called Lee Harvey Oswald.
He and Kennedy were partners. The figure of the gunman in the window was inextricable from the victim and his history. This sustained Oswald in his cell. It gave him what he needed to live.

If we are on the outside, we assume a conspiracy is the perfect working of a scheme. Silent nameless men with unadorned hearts. A conspiracy is everything that ordinary life is not. It’s the inside game, cold, sure, undistracted, forever closed off to us. We are the flawed ones, the innocents, trying to make some rough sense of the daily jostle. Conspirators have a logic and a daring beyond our reach. All conspiracies are the same taut story of men who find coherence in some criminal act.
But maybe not. Nicholas Branch thinks he knows better. He has learned enough about the days and months preceding November 22, and enough about the twenty-second itself, to reach a determination that the conspiracy against the President was a rambling affair that succeeded in the short term due mainly to chance. Deft men and fools, ambivalence and fixed will and what the weather was like.
The stuff keeps coming. The Curator sends FBI surveillance logs. He sends a thirty-five-hour film chronology of unedited network footage shot during the weekend of November 22. He sends a computer-enhanced version of the Zapruder film, the 8mm home movie made by a dress manufacturer who stood on a concrete abutment above Elm Street as the shots were fired. Experts have scrutinized every murky nuance of the Zapruder film. It is the basic timing device of the assassination and a major emblem of uncertainty and chaos. There is the powerful moment of death, the surrounding blurs, patches and shadows.
(Branch’s analysis of the film and other evidence leads him to believe the first shot came much sooner than most theories would allow, probably at Zapruder frame 186. Governor Connally was hit two point six seconds later, at Zapruder 234. The shot that killed the President, crushingly, came four point three seconds after that. Even though he has reached firm conclusions in this area, Branch will study the computerized version of Zapruder. He is in too deep to stop now.)
The Curator sends a special FBI report that includes detailed descriptions of the dreams of eyewitnesses following the assassination of Kennedy and the murder of Oswald.
There are worrisome omissions, occasional gaps in the record. Of course Branch understands that the Agency is a closed system. He knows they will not reveal what they’ve learned to other agencies, much less the public. This is why the history he has contracted to write is a secret one, meant for CIA’s own closed collection. But why are they withholding material from him as well? There’s something they aren’t telling him. The Curator delays, lately, in filling certain requests for information, seems to ignore other requests completely. What are they holding back? How much more is there? Branch wonders if there is some limit inherent in the yielding of information gathered in secret. They can’t give it all away, even to one of their own, someone pledged to confidentiality. Before his retirement, Branch analyzed intelligence, sought patterns in random scads of data. He believed secrets were childish things. He was not generally impressed by the accomplishments of men in the clandestine service, the spy handlers, the covert-action staff. He thought they’d built a vast theology, a formal coded body of knowledge that was basically play material, secret-keeping, one of the keener pleasures and conflicts of childhood. Now he wonders if the Agency is protecting something very much like its identity—protecting its own truth, its theology of secrets.
The Curator begins to send fiction, twenty-five years of novels and plays about the assassination. He sends feature films and documentaries. He sends transcripts of panel discussions and radio debates. Branch has no choice but to study this material. There are important things he has yet to learn. There are lives he must examine. It is essential to master the data.

He believes people are distorting his words even as he speaks them. There is a process that takes place between the saying of a word and when they pretend to hear it correctly but actually change it to mean what they want.

He is miscast, or cast as someone else, as Oswald. They are part of the same crime now. They are in it together and forever and together.

The camera doesn’t catch all of it. There seem to be missing frames, lost levels of information. Brief and simple as the shooting is, it is too much to take in, too mingled in jumped-up energies.

There was something in Oswald’s face, a glance at the camera before he was shot, that put him here in the audience, among the rest of us, sleepless in our homes—a glance, a way of telling us that he knows who we are and how we feel, that he has brought our perceptions and interpretations into his sense of the crime. Something in the look, some sly intelligence, exceedingly brief but far-reaching, a connection all but bleached away by glare, tells us that he is outside the moment, watching with the rest of us.

submitted by worldinsidetheworld to RSbookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:52 PlasmicSteve Hey new grads – your portfolio needs work

New Graphic Design major graduates applying to full time graphic design roles:
I've given in-depth reviews to over 300 designers' portfolios from this sub over the past three years, often working directly with designers behind the scenes to make a revision plan. A few have joined me for a bi-weekly design review meeting via Zoom.
The majority of the designers who revised their portfolios were hired into their first full time design role – but the designers who actually chose to make those revisions were in the minority – the vast minority, meaning under 10%. Most who asked for feedback did nothing at all to update their portfolios after graduation.
I check up on old portfolios from designers who requested reviews – both here on the sub and sent to me personally via DM – and most remain unchanged, or have gone offline. Those designers likely gave up on finding full time roles in the industry, or are still hoping to get hired and are applying with problematic portfolios, often years later. Most of them will never work as graphic designers.
I've also interviewed agency owners, hiring managers, and recruiters for graphic design roles, asking them questions specifically about portfolios from new designers. The feedback below incorporates their input as well as input from art directors, creative directors, and others here on this sub who frequently comment about what they look for in a portfolio when hiring for entry level/junior designer positions.
There are many very common pitfalls that new design grads' portfolios fall into, and based on the posts in the past week, they're becoming more common, which is discouraging.
Below is a list of the most common pitfalls that I've documented. For your best chance to get hired into a design position, you need to rework your portfolio to avoid all of them. Yes, every single one, because as I've been told by those hiring managers, over and over – portfolios are often closed within seconds, after the first problem is seen – because that first problem is an indicator that the portfolio will be filled with other issues.
Here's what I recommend avoiding:
• not having your own website as your portfolio – using only Behance, Dribbble, PDF, Instagram, etc.
• not using a custom domain – using or something similar, as well as using free versions of Wix and other platforms that put a banner on your site
• positioning yourself as an illustrator or illustratodesigner – incredibly common
• fine artist-style introductory statements like "I seek to incorporate the essence of whimsy into my creative expressions…" – people hiring graphic designers aren't interested in your artistic goals – you're not a fine artist; at least not when you're looking for a role as a designer
• featuring full sections of illustration/art, photography, or anything other than design on your portfolio – again, incredibly common, and almost always damaging – as one agency owner told me, "it distracts from the ultimate goal of being seen as a designer" – I've written full posts on this – it's often ignored under the assumption that the illustration or photography work will make some kind of personal connection with the hiring manager, helping the designer "stand out" – stand out by showing strong graphic design work and not by showing another related but tangential skill
• no resume or resume not downloadable as a PDF – even if they've already received it, your resume should be on your site
• no link to a LinkedIn profile or LinkedIn profile not active - no/minimal information on the profile, no profile photo, no activity – "the first thing we look for when we get an application is a LinkedIn profile" – agency owner
• social media links – if it's important enough for a hiring manager to see, why would you not include it directly in the portfolio they're already looking at? – often the social media accounts show illustration, photography, or other non-design work, which works against the designer – especially because they've encouraged the hiring manager to click on something that isn't relevant, or to make them feel like they're missing something by not clicking – make your portfolio something to experience and complete quickly and efficiently with no sidequests
• center-aligned text on your website or in your projects – super common because it's the default on many portfolio platforms – it's wrong to center-align blocks of text – do not accept ANY default without question – you're responsible for every element on every piece you create
• coming soon / under construction pages - if it's not ready, don't show people - no one cares what's coming "some day" – and many of these pages or sections will never be completed – from what I've seen, a portfolio that contains an "under construction" or "coming soon" page will be offline within less than a year because the designer isn't disciplined enough to follow through on their plans
• not considering mobile view – optimize for desktop but make sure it works on mobile – despite what you may hear or assume, the vast majority (over 75%) of hiring managers will review portfolios on desktop/laptop
• loading into any page other than your work – avoid landing/intro pages – don't require anyone to click even a single time to see your work
• hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) on desktop view – always use text
• unusual menu names – the most common and acceptable menu is: Work About Contact – there's no reason to deviate from this – using "Biography" or "Profile" instead of "About" only confuses people and can make you look pretentious – stop trying to be original in your portfolio layout and naming conventions
• text spanning full width of page – very common, very wrong – look into OLL and never break it on any piece you create
• typos – have multiple people who are experienced with writing and editing review your portfolio – no exaggeration, one typo can kill your chances at a job and two almost certainly will – an agency owner told me they'll close the portfolio at the first typo – very common is the misspelling of common program names such as Adobe Premiere ("Premier"), InDesign ("Indesign"), After Effects "("AfterEffects"), etc. – not proofing your work is an indicator of sloppy work habits and no one wants that
• presenting yourself an active, successful freelanceagency – the messaging for this is totally different and almost diametrically opposed to how a design candidate presents themselves
• including a shop that sells art prints, clothing, digital assets, or anything else in your portfolio – hiring managers don't hire stores
• including one-off projects – a single image with no other variations or applications
• projects with no description or minimal description – your portfolio should tell a story and a portfolio of single images with no text doesn't do that
• no About page – you need to present yourself as a human being looking to get hired – my recommended formula is: "Hello, I'm ____, a recent grad of [college/university] specializing in [a few common design disciplines]. While working at [internship, if applicable], I've enjoyed learning about [x, y and z – common design skills]. I'm currently looking for my first full time design role (critical). (new paragraph) "While not designing, I enjoy ____ and ____." - this last part humanizes you
• About page written in the third person – you're not a household name brand designer or the subject of a biography – you're a person obviously putting together their own portfolio – don't pretend to be anything else
• too many/too few projects – 5 to 12 is good, somewhere in the middle is ideal
• varying font choice, size, color, alignment, etc. between portfolio pages – I've seen this on a ton of portfolios posted recently – it shows that you thought about your first project, then had some different thoughts about your second project, but you never noticed or cared enough to go back and make everything consistent – this kind of lack of attention to detail will absolutely cripple your chances of getting hired
• not using enough (or any) mockups – or conversely (though more rare) using only mockups – mix it up
• too much empty space on mockups – don't show your design on a 3D mockup of a brochure, on a background that occupies roughly 50% of the image – crop in
• image size not optimized to the page – don't make your images so small that viewers can't really see or absorb your design work – and don't make them larger than the visible area on a desktop browser window, forcing the viewer to scroll to see the full image unless you also show the piece smaller first
• too much work of a similar style, or in similar industries – extremely common – "I like horror and I like illustration so I'll center my work on that" – getting hired as a designer is not about your personal interests, skills, or stylistic preferences – you'll often be hired based on your ability to adapt to an existing style, promoting a product or service that you have little to no personal interest in
• cliché projects – coffee shop, brewery, bakery, music festival poster – do research, create projects based on organizations, industries, and types of projects you're not personally interested in – a strong suggestion is to understand B2B – Business-to-Business, as opposed to B2C – Business to Consumer – when you're young and haven't worked much, you'll think mostly as a consumer who deals with retail businesses like shops and restaurants – but many businesses deal only with other businesses, and sell products and services that the average consumer wouldn't need or even be aware of – focus on those
• too many posters, album covers, t-shirts, etc. – ideally, include only one of these total if at all – they show minimal design effort as they tend to be a single image and minimal text – the portfolios of people who never got hired into design roles were filled with these kinds of fictional projects – they focused on their own interests, and obvious choices, and didn't push themselves to find out what kinds of design work most organizations needed, and that killed their chances of getting hired
• including inappropriate work for the corporate world – nudity, curses, violent imagery, etc. – agencies may tolerate this but in a corporate environment, employees don't want to have issues based on passing on a portfolio that contains anything controversial – yes, emailing your manager a portfolio with naked ladies or the work "F*CK" prominently displayed can be a problem at many companies
• fully justified text – it's almost always set to the program's default with only spacing between words and not letters adjusted, causing ugly results – this shows the laziness of accepting defaults and not questioning the results
• including Lorem Ipsum in work samples, especially in headlines or titles where it's easily seen, meaning at large sizes – even in smaller thumbnails
• poor formatting of bullets – look into this because it's also extremely common on new designers' portfolios and resumes – if your second lines go under the bullet itself, you're not formatting bulleted text properly – it's an immediate red flag – competency of typography is a core skill and minimum required to get hired into any decent design job
• widows, orphans, and runts – if you don't know what this means and you graduated from a college/university with a graphic design degree, you either weren't paying attention or your program failed you – the moment I see a single widow, orphan, or runt is the moment I know someone doesn't care about typography, which means all their work has typographic issues riddled throughout, which will immediately disqualify them from any decent design position
• overuse of hyphenation - another common software default – I've seen projects on this sub with blocks of text that end in a single line containing "-ing" – and sadly, sometimes multiple lines in a row have start in the end of a hyphenated word – a huge indicator of the designer's lack of attention to detail
• design not properly fitting mockups – elements come too close or touching edges of mockups (edge of phone screen, edge of printed paper, etc.)
You may find exceptions to some of these, and if you look long enough, you will – even in portfolios of people who were hired as designers. These are the exceptions, and you shouldn't use exceptions to guide you.
Again, this advice is based on your best chance at getting an interview – and never lose sight of the fact that the interview is your immediate goal, and getting hired into a full time design role is the ultimate end result.
If you look at the new designers who were hired into roles, by and large they're avoiding these pitfalls. The difference between a growth mindset of always looking for how to improve (skills, knowledge, portfolios, etc.) vs. the more common fixed mindset ("I'm good where I am now – I'll just keep sending out my current portfolio") is almost always the difference between getting hired and not.
submitted by PlasmicSteve to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 hipriestess56 [QCrit] Adult LitFit - TERMS OF SERVICE (95k words/1st attempt)

Hi all, longtime listener, first-time caller. Please see my query and first 300 below.
My biggest question is this: 95% of the story takes place in 2014, but the book opens in 2020 when my main character receives a letter from the California Dept of Fair Housing & Employment informing her of an investigation into behavior at Chatpic. Receiving the letter spurs her to tell the story of what happened back then. The book checks back into 2020 in the middle as my MC tries to get more information about the investigation, and then it ends back in 2020 again when she decides what she wants to do about the letter.
The reason the story takes place in 2014 is because the time period--pre #MeToo/Donald Trump/the workplace reckoning of 2020--informs the decisions the MC makes back then, and she's looking back at it from a wiser perspective. If you've read The Rachel Incident, Caroline O'Donoghue does a similar thing as she retells a 2008 abortion story from the perspective of present day.
In the end, the investigation is not a driving force of the plot--so my question is how important is it that it's mentioned in the query? I ask because I've found that trying to add that piece to what I've already written starts to get convoluted, though obviously I can work at it. I think it's very clear once you read the first 300, but for agents who don't want a sample, is it clear in the blurb that this story is looking back to a time gone by?
Mostly looking for insight on this question specifically, but if you have further feedback about the letter for first 300, open to that as well. Thanks!
Dear [Agent],
Thank you for the opportunity to submit my query for TERMS OF SERVICE, a true-ish fictional story about a young woman in a nearly impossible workplace a la UNCANNY VALLEY meets THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (with shades of 9 TO 5). TERMS OF SERVICE is complete at 95,000 words.
It’s 2014 and down-and-out celebrity blogger Maggie Clarke is desperate for a fresh start. Not only is she broke in New York City, but at 31, she thought she’d be writing something a little less embarrassing than Justin Bieber listicles by now. When her longtime internet friend Aron York–recently named the world’s youngest billionaire–offers her a lucrative position at his massively popular social media app Chatpic that puts her at the center of his inner circle in Los Angeles, it’s exactly the step-up she’s been waiting for. As Maggie learns to manage the always-on hours, the slew of acronyms, and the unlimited access to free cold brew, she encounters another more complicated problem–the boys’ club. Except this isn’t the typical ham-fisted sexism she’s used to–this is the tech bro variety: insidious, inexorable, and infuriating. When she meets an ambitious young reporter who encourages her to speak out, Maggie has a shot at revenge. But in a world before mansplaining and microaggressions, is blowing the whistle worth the risk? And is anyone ready to hear it?
Like Maggie, I was also plucked from internet obscurity by the world’s (then) youngest billionaire, [redacted], to come work at his massively popular social media app, [redacted company]. I was a founding member of the company’s content team, and all I have to show for it is six footnotes in the [redacted company] biography [redacted title] and the brutal feminist awakening that inspired me to write this manuscript. Before that, I was a full-time writer in New York whose work has appeared on MTV, Rolling Stone and Elle. Currently I’m a content and editorial consultant in Chicago, and I’m also on TikTok where 21,000 people watch me rant about work and office culture. (It’s also where 2M people enjoyed my show-and-tell video about the “sentimental” stock certificates [redacted company previously mentioned] gave a few early employees–that were worth exactly $0.00.)
As the agent who represents [Author 1] and [Author 2], you have a strong list when it comes to complex female characters embroiled in complicated social dynamics. TERMS OF SERVICE would be a great addition to this track because, while similar themes of class and workplace are explored, my flavor of levity and sarcasm makes my work distinct from [Author 1] and [Author 2], bringing a new facet to your program.
If you are interested in reading TERMS OF SERVICE, I would be happy to forward a sample of any length you suggest. Thank you for your consideration!
First 300:
Chapter 1
A lot of people might revel in the idea of receiving a letter announcing an investigation into their ex-employer.
One might, for example, envision draping themselves in a mink stole, lighting the cigarette at the end of their old-timey cigarette holder, and dialing the investigator’s number from a rotary phone atop a solid wood desk under shadowy, film noir lights. One might then imagine whispering I knew this day would come into the receiver between bursts of psychotic, hysterical laughter as they rejoiced in the long overdue arrival of the long arm of the law.
But me, I wasn’t so sure. Maybe because I didn’t have a mink stole.
No, I was crouched on the ground of my parents’ musky basement in Des Plaines, Illinois, knee-deep in piles of old diaries and CDs when I received notice of one such letter. It was month four of COVID, and Dad and I were only halfway through his cleaning list. He was already a germaphobe so a global pandemic was all he needed to justify a top-to-bottom disinfection of the entire house. And since my routine trip home in the middle of March turned into a hapless extended stay when the world shut down, it was the perfect excuse to put me to work. Just like the good old days.
We wiped down every square inch of the place. We soaked the faucet heads in lemon juice, we scrubbed the coffee mugs with baking soda. We vacuumed the damn fridge.
Reorganizing the basement shelves was a beast. Every box was like a Russian nesting doll of useless crap: old TV Guides, corroded double-A batteries, dried-out cans of paint primer, an unsettling number of hand saws. I made decent headway through the “tools” and “electronics,” but I lost all steam when I got to my high school stuff—faded Polaroids and folded-up notes stopped me in my tracks.
submitted by hipriestess56 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 musicorloseittv Contest Rules For Best Song Of The Month • Updated May 19th, 2024

Contest Rules For Best Song Of The Month Updated May 19th, 2024

Click here to see summary of changes.

Best Song Of The Month Contest

Music Or Lose It hosts a monthly Best Song Of The Month contest at this musicorloseittv subreddit community. There is no cash or monetary value prize at this time. This contest is simply just for fun. Winners earn the enjoyment of being voted the best. Winners may cite the win in their biographies and social media posts.
The moderator (mod) is available to help music creators with the entry process, eligibility requirements, and deadlines. Music creators are allowed to contact the mod to ask questions about the contest anytime and mod will reply as soon as possible.
Music creator: refers to a solo creator, band, group, choir, orchestra, or duo.
Brand identity: refers to how a creator presents themselves as an entertainer making music for the general public. For example, Simon & Garfunkel as a duo is one brand identity. Paul Simon solo is another brand identity.

Process & Deadlines

🟡 Round 1
1) Discovery ◦ Each month, moderator keeps track of songs shared at this musicorloseittv community.
2) Notifying Music Creators ◦ When a likely eligible song is seen, the u/musicorloseittv profile or u/themusicfanman profile will notify the music creator of likely eligibility within the qualifying song’s post. The reply will indicate, “⏳ This song appears eligible for the Best Song Of The Month contest. Please provide the following information…” If the song is confirmed to be eligible by a mod, the mod will make a reply “🟨 This is confirmation notifying you that this song is eligible and in consideration for the Best Song Of The Month contest…” within the qualifying song’s post.
3) Determining Contestants ◦ The Music Fan man will evaluate all eligible songs by the month’s eligibility deadline. He will then at his discretion choose up to 5 songs to compete.
3) Finalists Post ◦ At this musicorloseittv community, the musicorloseittv profile will announce the top finalists (up to 5) in a post tiled “Contest: Best Song Of The Month Finalists (Insert Month & Year).” This announcement will be done in a post made 4 days before the final day of the month. The post will be made sometime in the morning. The songs will be listed within the post in a manner most representative of music diversity as determined by the musicorloseittv profile mod. All songs available on YouTube will be included in a playlist titled “Best Song Of The Month Contestants • (Insert Month & Year)” hosted by the musicorloseittv channel on YouTube. Songs not available on YouTube will be excluded from the playlist. The playlist will be mentioned in this post. The available playlist will help voters get familiar with the songs.
The u/musicorloseittv profile or u/themusicfanman profile will notify the music creators of qualifying for the contest in their post of the song. The reply will indicate, “✅ Congratulations. Your song qualifies for the Best Song Of The Month contest…”
4) Voting ◦ The “Contest: Best Song Of The Month Finalists (Insert Month & Year)” post will specify a duration of 3 consecutive dates during which music fans can vote for only 1 of the top finalists. Voting occurs by the voters making a reply to the post in the following manner: “🗳️ I vote for….” Failing to vote in this manner will result in vote not being counted. To best ensure vote accuracy, voters must not use the “🗳️” emoji anywhere else in the post’s comments section. Music creators may vote for another music creator yet may not vote for themselves. For music creators, it’s “word of honor” voting. The top vote earning song within these three days will become the winner.
‣ Community moderator profiles musicorloseittv and onesongoftheday will abstain from voting. Also, themusicfanman and any special judge involved will also abstain from voting - unless they’re needed to serve as a tie breaker, in the event of a tie preventing a clear winner. If themusicfanman and any special judge involved are needed as a tie breaker, they must come to a consensus to achieve tie breaking. If no special judge is involved, then themusicfanman alone will serve as the tie breaker.
🟢 Winner Declaration!
Declaration Post ◦ At this musicorloseittv community, on the final day of the month, the musicorloseittv profile will announce the winner in a post tiled “Congratulations! 🎉 Best Song Of The Month Winner (Insert Month & Year)” in a post dedicated to celebrating the song. Using the sticky-post feature, the post will be prominently displayed the home page of the musicorloseittv subreddit community for ≈ 24 hours.
Achievement ◦ The contest winner may promote their song as:
My song “Song Title” won:
🏅Best Song Of The Month By Community Vote
(Insert Month & Year)
At The Music Or Lose It Community
The winner may promote themselves and the song as the winner at venues like X/Twitter, Facebook, Threads, or their YouTube channel’s Community feed. The winner may also cite the win in their biographies online including their personal website.
🏆 Song Of The Year
A similar Song Of The Year vote will occur in December. It will be similarly organized and scheduled to conclude on the final day of the year. To determine a Song Of The Year by the end of the year, December’s monthly contest will only be ≈ 2 weeks. Why? Because we need time to conclude The Song Of The Year vote by the end of the year. Additionally, this is a busy time of year for many people. What’s more, non-Christmas music released in December is typically overshadowed by Christmas music. It seems to be a bad idea to release new-original music in late December. See opinion commentary: The Best And Worst Months To Release Music.
Achievement ◦ The contest winner may promote their song as:
🏆 Best Song Of The Year By Community Vote
(Insert Year)
At The Music Or Lose It Community
The winner may promote themselves and the song as the winner at venues like X/Twitter, Facebook, Threads, or their YouTube channel’s Community feed. The winner may also cite the win in their biographies online including their personal website.


Here are the rules for the Best Song Of The Month contest organized by Music Or Lose It just for fun. The eligibility rules are intended to make this contest as fair as possible to the music creator participants.
**👤 Personal: **
✔️ Must be an actual human.
✔️ Must be 17 years of age or older.
✔️ Must be a music creator abiding by the rules of this musicorloseittv subreddit community.
✔️ Must be a music creator posting using either your personal profile or your brand profile as a music entertainer.
🚫 Profiles run by publicists, music labels, or channels hosting performers.
🚫 People posing as other humans using imitation avatar type creations by artificial intelligence (AI).
**🗿 Music creator’s stature status: **
✔️ Unsigned amateur or unsigned professional yet lesser known.
✔️ Lesser known music creators who have not yet achieved two different songs with over 500,000 views/listens and are signed to deals with small to medium-sized record companies or seeming one-song-per-time type distributors.
✔️ Lesser known music creators who have not yet achieved two different songs with over 500,000 views/listens and are signed to deals with to a major label.
**📅 Release date: **
✔️ Your song must be published and accessible to the masses anytime between November 15th of the prior year and 5 days before the final day of the current month.
**💽 Songwriting, singing, & recording: **
✔️ You must be the copyright owner of the song (lyrics and sound recording) or authorized/licensed to perform the song by the copyright owner as the first original performer.
✔️ An exception is made if your song is an authorized/licensed remix or includes authorized/licensed interpolation or sampling content by the copyright owner in collaboration with any other amateur music creator(s) or unsigned professional yet lesser known music creator(s). The aforementioned release date also applies to any remix, interpolation, or sampling content.
✔️ Collaborations within the aforementioned rules are allowed so long as the song is entered into the contest by the lead. Lead refers to the first person named in the collaboration.
🚫 Copyright/trademark violations.
🚫 Songs written by artificial intelligence (AI).
🚫 Songs primarily generated artificial intelligence (AI).
🚫 Cover, parody, nor artificial intelligence (AI) imitation.
🚫 Songs likely to be very divisive for political or religious/anti-religious reasons.
🚫 Collaborations within deceased music creators akin to “Unforgettable” by Natalie Cole featuring Nat "King" Cole.
🚫 Interpolations, remixes, or samplings of a song by a creator signed to a record company of any size or signed to a one-song-per-time type distributor.
🚫 Song with hard cussing. No variations of F word, S word, C word, D word, N word (er or a), ahole word(s), or sexually vulgar words.
🚫 Extremely sexual, gang promoting, violent, or especially scary/gory/maleficent/evil aesthetic content.
🚫 Songs primarily about brands. For example: “I Love Driving Such-And-Such Brand Name Trucks.”
**👂 Recording quality: **
✔️ Professional quality recordings (live or studio).
✔️ Amateur quality (including songs record in a bedroom, car, outdoors, etc…) yet reasonably pleasant sounding.
✔️ Demos are welcome.
🚫 Live records with too much interfering audience noise.
🚫 Recordings with excessively poor sound quality (abrasive on the ears, difficult to hear).
**📏 Song length: **
✔️ Minimum of 01:15 minutes up to 10:00 minutes.
**💻 Distribution venues: **
✔️ A song published and accessible to the general public masses at a well-known music website such as YouTube, SoundCloud, or Bandcamp.
✔️ A song uploaded to a channel hosting live performances is allowed so long as the song is entered into the contest directly by the creator and so long as the creator confirms permission by the channel. Confirmation can be done in either your original upload URL link source or at this community within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ The song’s upload date must be visible at the distribution venue website.
⚠️ If you enter this contest with a Spotify or TikTok URL link, ensure you’ve provided a link for the entire song (not a teasesampler) in a manner that does not require login; ensure the publish date is visible; and be weary of looping flashing visuals necessitating a “⚠️Possible Seizure Trigger Risk Warning.” Failing to do this will result in ineligibility.
🚫 Login required to access the song.
🚫 Payment required to access the song.
🚫 Uploads of songs directly to Reddit.
🚫 Links not fully available to the public such as an “unlisted” YouTube video.
**🖼️ Song’s artwork: **
Definition: artwork refers to the image/drawing/photo/visuals accompanying your individual song at a music distribution venue such as YouTube, SoundCloud, or Bandcamp. It is sometimes referred to as “cover art.”
✔️ You must be the original creator of the song’s accompanying artwork.
✔️ Alternatively, you must be the copyright owner of the artwork if you paid to have it made. Otherwise you must be authorized/licensed to publish the artwork as part of the presentation of your song.
✔️ Artwork primarily generated by artificial intelligence (AI) is allowed so long as you are authorized/licensed by the AI source to publish the artwork as part of your song’s public presentation. However this is advised against because public sentiment may be hostile towards AI generated content.
✔️ If your song’s artwork uses aspects of copyrighted, creative commons, or “free” material content, you must confirm you’ve got authorization/licensing to use the content as part of your song’s public presentation. Confirmation can be done in either your original upload URL link source or at this community within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ Your own logo that you own the copyright to may be displayed in the song’s accompanying artwork (including on a person wearing a hat or T-shirt).
🚫 Copyright/trademark violations.
🚫 Parody notably displayed in the artwork.
🚫 Visible logos of any brand other than your own logo as a music entertainer.
🚫 Extremely sexual, gang promoting, violent, or especially scary/gory/maleficent/evil aesthetic content.
**🎥 Song’s music video (optional): **
Including a link to a music video is optional.
✔️ You must be the original creator of the song’s music video visuals including: animation; moving graphics; prominently featured still artwork or photos.
✔️ Alternatively, you must be the copyright owner of all the video’s visuals if you paid to have them made. Otherwise you must be authorized/licensed to publish all the video’s visuals as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video.
✔️ Visuals (including: animation; moving graphics; prominently featured still artwork or photos) primarily generated by artificial intelligence (AI) are allowed so long as you are authorized/licensed by the AI source to publish the artwork as part of your song’s public presentation. However this is advised against because public sentiment may be hostile towards AI generated content.
✔️ If your song’s accompanying music video uses aspects of copyrighted, creative commons or “free” material, you must confirm you’ve got authorization/licensing to use the copyrighted material as part of your song’s public presentation within the accompanying music video. Confirmation can be done in either your original upload URL link source or at this community within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ Your own logo that you own the copyright to may be displayed in the video (including on a person wearing a hat or T-shirt).
✔️ Allowed music videos include “Official Music Video,” “Live Performance,” “Dance Video Version,” “Animated Video,” or “Lyrics Video.”
✔️ If you opt for an “Animated Video” or a “Lyrics Video,” you must be authorized/licensed to publish all the video’s visuals as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video. If you hire an animator or use AI or an app/software designed to create music video lyrics, you must be authorized/licensed by the animator or AI source or app/software creator to publish the animation and/or lyrics as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video.
✔️ If you opt for a “Dance Video Version,” the dancing and/or choreography must be originally created for your song’s accompanying music video. If you hire a choreographer and/or dancers or collaborate for free or for barter, you must be authorized/licensed by the choreographer and/or dancers to publish the video’s dancing/choreography visuals as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video.
✔️ “Official Audio” type music videos are allowed so long as an accompanying still image complies with the aforementioned “Song’s artwork” rules. Alternatively, if the “Official Audio” music videos has moving visuals, it must comply with these above-mentioned “Song’s music video” rules.
✔️ “Live Performance” music videos may be made from your home/cafield (pretty much anywhere decent and reasonable) or from one of your well-recorded performances from a show. Be sure to avoid copyright and trademark violations in the video.
⚠️ Brief uses of music distribution venue logos at the end or start of a music video may be allowed at mod’s discretion, when the intent is to inform the viewer of venue availability of the song. This is however discouraged unless the distribution venue, at their website, specifies this is allowed. Music videos that display any trademark logos (other than the music creator’s own copyrighted logo) entirely throughout are ineligible.
🚫 Copyright/trademark violations.
🚫 Notable use of virtual reality program recordings.
🚫 Notable use of filters from apps/websites similar to Snapchat.
🚫 Parody of intellectual property characters prominently displayed in the video.
🚫 Notably visible logos of any brand other than your own logo as a music entertainer.
🚫 Notable display of brand products with visible logos including but not limited to toys, stuffed animals, autos, hats, T-Shirts.
🚫 Extremely sexual, gang promoting, violent, or especially scary/gory/maleficent/evil aesthetic content.
🚫 Limitations on involving minors (under 18 yo): no minors doing dangerous stunts; no depictions of minors participating in drugs/drinking/smoking or very sexual behavior (including sexual dancing); do not prominently feature children that are not your own in the video (exception may be made if a relative only allows you to involve their children).
⚖️ Quantities:
✔️ One song per music creator’s brand identity.
✔️ If a music creator uploads more than one of their brands’ potentially eligible songs, the music creator must inform mod which song they prefer to be included in the contest.
✔️ A music creator may win this Song Of The Month contest up to three consecutive times. If this happens, thereafter the creator must abstain from the contest for the next month and then may return to the contest after that 1-month eligibility hiatus.
🚫 Every collaboration will not automatically be considered a new brand. For example, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss collaborating one time should not be considered a brand. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss making an entire album together should be considered a brand. Music creators attempting to enter multiple songs under multiple brand names will be scrutinized. If there is no social media presence for any additional brands, their songs will likely be rejected as “also eligible” by mods. If this happens, the music creator will have to enter only 1 song.
**🖱️ Accounts you may post from: **
✔️ Your post must be made directly from either your personal Reddit account profile or your brand’s Reddit account profile.
✔️ If you have a medical condition necessitating aid, on your behalf, you may appoint a publicist, manager, caretaker, helper, spouse, partner, friend, guardian, or family member to post from either your personal Reddit account profile or your brand’s Reddit account profile.
✔️ If your song is from a band, group, choir, orchestra, or duo brand, the post must be made directly from either from one of the members’ personal Reddit account profiles or from your brand’s Reddit account profile.
✔️ If your song is collaboration, the post must be made directly from either the lead’s personal Reddit account profile or from the lead’s brand Reddit account profile.
✔️ If you want another song to be a part of the contest from another brand identity you are involved with, the song must be posted by a Reddit account profile for that separate brand – or one of the brand collaborators’ personal Reddit account profile.
👩🏾‍🏫 Presentation at this musicorloseittv community:
✔️ You must post a link to the song at this musicorloseittv community by tapping “+” on smartphone or clicking “+Create a post” on desktop/laptop. You must select the “My Song” flair.
✔️ Your post must be done by the “Title & Link Share Only method.”
✔️ The song’s URL you provide must be of the standalone song upload - not part of a playlist URL link.
✔️ You may post an audio only upload URL link (such as an individual song published at SoundCloud or Bandcamp). Alternatively, you may post a music video link from a venue like YouTube.
✔️ You may include a smartlink for the individual song (not album or playlist) within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ You may title the post whatever you want within the community’s rules and the contest’s rules. Remember: no vague titles; limit post title emojis to no more than 2 (if you decide to use them); and don’t request feedback.
✔️ Your post title may be done in the style of “Entertainer - Song Tile” (or something similar). Alternatively, the post title may be more elaborate. For example: “This Is My Latest Song. It’s About A Wonderful Time I Fell In Love.”
✔️ In your posts’ body-text section or in a reply comment, optionally you may share details about the song that you feel the audience would enjoy knowing.
**📝 Needed information: **
✔️ Within either your posts’ body-text section or within a reply comment at your post, provide the following information – as is:
❇️ Contest entry for your consideration:
• Entertainer's Name - Song Title:
• Published on: [Insert date & year. Refers to date published at your URL link source]
• Genre:
• I am an independent creator unsigned I am signed to [insert label name]
• Interpolations/remixes/samplings disclosure: N/A this song contains authorized/licensed interpolations/remixes/samplings [specify] of another song released since 11/15 of the prior year in collaboration with other unsigned music creator(s)[specify]. The link to the original song is [insert URL link – publish date from URL link source must be visible].
• Al disclosure: N/A. A portion of this [song/artwork/music video] is created by Al. Explanation: [specify if this applies to song/artwork/music video].
• Copyright disclosure for song: I confirm I’m the copyright owner of all the contents of this song (lyrics and recording) as it is presented including the artwork [(if applicable) and music video]
Copyrighted content I am authorized/licensed to use commercially in the promotion of my song include: [insert details]
• [optional/voluntary] Confirmation of substantial human involvement: A real human substantially arranged/compose this music. [Note: This type disclosure is strongly encouraged by creators who use instrument sounds and beats from apps/software in substation of instruments played live at the time of recording. This is especially encouraged for music creators who do not show their face and/or don’t show themselves creating the music in a music video or behind the scenes video. For music fans opposed to music primarily created by AI, this type of disclosure can be helpful and assuring.]
• Lyrics: [insert URL link or embed URL link into “Lyrics” text] [note if the lyrics are available at the upload source] [only if you're the copyright owner of the lyrics, you may entirely include them] [type “vocalized” or “instrumental” if applicable]
🚫 Uploads of songs to Reddit.
🚫 No engagement pleas disguised as feedback requests in post titles nor in your posts’ body-text section. No feedback requests.
**👨🏼‍⚖️ Copyright/trademark compliance: **
‣ Important note: Aforementioned rules already state you either must be the copyright owner of the content you enter for this contest or you must be authorized/licensed to commercially use the content by the copyright owner. Aforementioned rules already state you must disclose use of copyrighted, creative commons, or “free” material. Mods reserve the right to ask for additional proof for confirmation. Suspected violations will be removed at mod’s discretion. You are strongly encouraged to upload your best, newest, utmost original content.
‣ Resources:
U.S. Copyright Office, Copyright in General
What Musicians Should Know about Copyright by U.S. Copyright Office
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index by U.S. Copyright Office
**🤝 Mutual Support **
✔️ You must be active in the musicorloseittv community regarding mutual support and engagement with other posts. You must post a comment reply to at least two other posts of any kind at the musicorloseittv community before the final day of the month. Failing to do so will result in disqualification.
🚫 Posting then ghosting the community.
**😎👍 Encouraging fans to vote: **
🚫 You are not allowed to ask for votes in anywhere in the musicorloseittv community’s comments section.
🚫 Music creators may not offer anything to anyone whatsoever in exchange for voting for them.
✔️ If you see a music fan has voted for you, you may thank them in a reply comment.
✔️ You may make social media posts at venues like X/Twitter, Facebook, Threads or your YouTube channel’s Community feed to encourage your fans to join this musicorloseittv subreddit community and vote for your song.
Example post:
My song “Song Title” is a finalist for Best Song Of The Month at the musicorloseittv community at Reddit. At [insert URL link] please vote for me and my song. Thank you.
**📜 Rules adherence: **
‣ Important note: If you are new to the musicorloseittv community as either a music fan voting or music creator entering the contest, latitude may be given as you get familiar here. It’s up to mod’s discretion.
‣ Important note: This contest is just for fun. Likewise playing boardgames or cards with friends is also just for fun yet people expect rules to be followed.
**🕊️ Truthfulness: **
✔️ Contestants and voters are expected to behave honorably and ethically.
🚫 If anyone is ever discovered cheating or being dishonest akin to author James Frey or music entertainers Milli Vanilli, they will be disqualified and also likely be banned from this community.
Additional Info
If you do not want to be in the contest yet want to continue sharing your songs in this community, it is totally ok. Please inform the moderator. A “Message the mods” option is at the homepage.
In circumstances where uncertainty arises due to an unforeseen issue not addressed here in this outline of rules, moderators reserve the right to approve or disapprove eligibility. Moderators reserve the right to disqualify any song for any reason. Unfortunately, not every contest can perfectly satisfy all participant hopefuls.
Just do your best, don’t take it too seriously, and have fun.
Thank you.
submitted by musicorloseittv to musicorloseittv [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:28 softtechhubus Making the Most of Amazon's Six-Day Book Sale

Making the Most of Amazon's Six-Day Book Sale


As an avid reader, few things excite me more than the promise of a great book sale. Being able to stock up on new reads at a discount is literally the best. So when I learned about Amazon's upcoming six-day Book Sale from May 15th to 20th, I could hardly contain my excitement. This was the perfect opportunity to expand my digital library without breaking the bank.
However, with thousands of titles on sale and new deals dropping each day, I knew it would be all too easy to get overwhelmed browsing through page after page. I needed a plan of action if I wanted to make the most of this event. So I decided to do some research on the sale and put together some tips and strategies to help guide my shopping.
My hope is that these insights will allow other readers to dive into the sale feeling prepared and confident they can find many great deals. With a little guidance, we can all curate vibrant personal libraries through Amazon's Book Sale. So read on for my best advice on navigating the sale like a pro!

Key Details About the Sale

Before diving into strategies, it's helpful to understand some fundamentals about Amazon's upcoming Book Sale. Here are a few important details to keep in mind:


As mentioned, the sale will run for six consecutive days from May 15th through May 20th. This gives shoppers a full week to browse deals at their leisure without feeling rushed.


Thousands of book titles across all genres will be discounted during the sale. This includes both print and digital formats like Kindle eBooks. Major genres like fiction, non-fiction, children's books and more will all be represented.

Deal Types

Shoppers can expect to find straight-up percentage discounts on individual titles (eg. 50% off). But there will also be bundle deals, collections curated by genre/interest, and daily doorbuster offers with extra-deep discounts.


The sale is open to all Amazon customers, regardless of Prime membership status. However, Prime perks like Kindle Unlimited may allow additional savings potential that non-members can't access.


The Book Sale will only be available to shoppers in the United States. Readers in other major markets like the UK, Canada, and Australia will have to look for local book promotions instead.
Keeping these core details in mind will set the stage for making smart purchasing choices throughout the weeklong event. With the basics covered, here are some targeted strategies.

Strategies for Finding the Best Deals

Have a Wish List Ready

Before the sale even begins, take some time to compile a comprehensive wish list on Amazon. Browse through genres you enjoy, check out Editors' Picks, and note any highly anticipated new releases. Having specific titles already in mind will make the shopping process much more focused and efficient. You'll be able to quickly check prices against your list instead of endlessly scrolling.

Check Daily Deal Catalogs

Beyond regular discounted titles, Amazon will feature curated lists of particularly deep discounted "Daily Deals" each day of the sale. Be sure to check these dedicated catalogs near the top of the featured/kindle daily deals page for extra savings on select books. The doorbusters here can save you 50% or more off regular prices at times.

Pay Attention to Genre-Specific Promotions

Certain genres may see increased discounts or bundle promotions on given days. For example, there could be a Spotlight on Science Fiction bundles one day, 75% off Thrillers the next. Follow u/amazongoodreads on social media for announcements on genre-focused deals each morning to optimize your shopping for favorites.

Search Specifically Within Sale Sections

Do targeted keyword searches within the Digital Book Deals, Print Book Deals, or Daily Deals sections rather than searching Amazon overall. This will surface all sale titles related to your search terms upfront for easy comparison shopping against regular prices.

Tap Into Additional Services if a Prime Member

Prime members have access to Kindle Unlimited, Prime Reading, and First Reads which allow sampling book catalogs for additional possible savings. Use those perks alongside sale shopping to maximize value from your membership.

Consider Pre-Ordering Anticipated Titles

If that highly anticipated new release you've been eyeing is being discounted during the sale, it may save you money to pre-order it now versus buying after release when the price bumps up. Just be sure you'll have time to read your pre-orders during the return period.

Set Reminder Alerts for Specific Deals

If you see a great promo but the sale price is only good for one day, use the « Remind Me » feature to flag it for easy rebrowsing later. Amazon will send an alert when the deal is about to expire so you're more likely to catch fleeting promotions.
Using a mix of these targeted strategies can you help curate an optimized shopping experience that ensures you find all the best deals across six days of savings. With the right approach, your digital library and to-read pile stand to grow tremendously for much less money spent.

Additional Perks for Prime Members

While Amazon's Book Sale is open universally, Prime members will enjoy some extra advantages that amplify savings potential even more:

Prime Reading Catalog

For starters, active Prime subscriptions unlock a rotating selection of thousands of books, magazines, comics and more through Prime Reading at no additional cost. During the sale, Prime members can check if particular titles they want are available here for zero dollars alongside discounted options.

Kindle First Reads

Each month, Prime members get early access to a curated selection of pre-release books from Amazon Publishing. These don't technically have list prices yet, but the advance access allows snagging new fiction and non-fiction before anyone else for just the monthly Prime subscription charge alone. First Reads books announced during Book Sale weeks are an extra perk.

Kindle Unlimited Library

For those interested primarily in ebooks and audiobooks, a Kindle Unlimited membership opens a full digital catalog for borrowing included with Prime. KU subscribers will see sale prices listed but members pay nothing additional to read Kindle Unlimited selections during (and long after) the promotion ends. The service is essentially a coupon-doubling perk when paired with sale browsing.

Two-Day Shipping on Physical Items

Prime's expedited delivery ensures sale books you purchase in paperback or hardcover arrive sooner than waiting the standard delivery window. Faster shipping helps put exciting new reads in-hand without delays, getting you to the good stuff more rapidly.
With perks like these in their digital reading arsenal year-round, it's clear Prime members can capitalize on Amazon's Book Sale discounts to an even greater degree. The additional value of included catalogs, early access titles, and faster shipping makes their membership that much more worthwhile when deals are flying. Make sure Prime members make the most of their extra bonus resources during sale weeks!

Best Practices for Your Bookshelf

Making the most of a great book sale calls for more than just deal-hunting skills - it requires smart strategies for building your home library too. Here are some organizational and storage best practices to put those purchased titles to their full use:

Designate Reading Spaces

Whether you keep books on desks, nightstands, or built-in shelves, dedicating areas of your home to reading helps prevent clutter. Know where books "live" based on if being currently read, for later, or reference/collection.

Implement the Dewey Decimal System

Giving sections of your shelves consistent call numbers based on genre makes books easy to browse. Organize by 100s, 200s, etc. for fiction, then non-fiction groups like biography, history, travel etc. Bonus: kids can learn the library organization tool too!

Interfile Series Together

Readers enjoying following character arcs or storylines through book series will want physical copies kept in proper order. Leave space between titles to add later installments. Use placeholder volumes to avoid zig-zag rearranging.

Label Shelves by Genre

For visual browsing, utilize labels, bookends or signs denoting what types of titles are housed on each shelf - Mysteries, Classics, Suspense etc. This makes finding the right mood of reading much simpler.

Curate Displays Seasonally

Feature seasonal-themed books together whether it's beach reads for summer or spooky tales for Halloween. Rotating displays keeps your library feeling fresh and offers new perspectives on your collection.

Go Digital with Duplicates

If you've purchased the same book on sale in both print and ebook formats, use the digital version for reading-on-the-go while preserving the physical copy as part of your collection on the shelf.
With a well-organized home library built using strategies like these, you'll get far more mileage out of every book acquired during mega sales. The titles become not just consumption items but lasting pieces in a thoughtful collection - yours to be explored again and again for years to come.

Getting the Most from Sale Purchases

Once the shopping rush of Amazon's great Book Sale is over and packages start arriving, it's time to start tackling those newly acquired tomes! Here are some tips for optimizing the experience of each new read:

Digitize Notes & Bookmarks

For non-fiction and references and libraries heavy on information, using a note-taking app or software to digitally compile insights keeps organized ideas in one place. Jot down quotes, page numbers and thoughts as you read directly into your notes for easy future reference across devices.

Try Bookish Subscription Boxes

If sale purchases left room in the budget, sign up for themed bookish subscription boxes delivering monthly bundles around particular genres, interests or classics to further fuel your new library. Each shipment is a new adventure and perk of sale shopping.

Start a Reading Journal

Chronicling thoughts, predictions, favorite passages and review in a dedicated reading journal transforms the experience. Later it's fun to revisit past entries and see perspectives change on re-reads. Special sale volumes deserve documented reflections.

Read With a Book Club

Independently read selections that align with an online or local book club read schedule. Bring new sale volumes to virtual discussions or meet-ups and gain fresh insights through collaborative chats.

Try the Serial Approach

If an especially long sale series grabbed you, pare titles down into more manageable weekly reads rather than powering through continuously. This makes the experience last longer while preventing reading exhaustion.

Record Audiobook Narration

For selections with amazing narration, record yourself reading along with the audiobook performance. Then play it back to hear the differences in your interpretation. A fun way to gain public speaking practice too!

Trade Reviews For More Credit

Write detailed, helpful reviews of sale books on sites like Goodreads and Amazon to gain credit towards future reading material. Give value back to the community that enhanced your new library.
Getting full value and enjoyment from books means more than just consumption. Using strategies to maximize each new read, discuss and apply its lessons will make every discounted volume purchased feel even more worthwhile down the road.
In conclusion, with a little preparation and strategy, Amazon's multi-day Book Sale offers readers a tremendous opportunity to stock up on new reading material for our personal libraries at deep savings. By being smart about wish lists, daily deal alerts, organization techniques and full engagement with newly acquired titles, we can each grow our understanding and take full advantage of this literacy-fostering promotion. I hope book lovers everywhere feel empowered to dive into this great reading event feeling confident and equipped to discover many worthy new reads!

submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:38 IamTimNguyen [R] Marcus Hutter's work on Universal Artificial Intelligence

[R] Marcus Hutter's work on Universal Artificial Intelligence
Marcus Hutter, a senior researcher at Google DeepMind, has written two books on Universal Artificial Intelligence (UAI), one in 2005 and one hot off the press in 2024. The main goal of UAI is to develop a mathematical theory for combining sequential prediction (which seeks to predict the distribution of the next observation) together with action (which seeks to maximize expected reward), since these are among the problems that intelligent agents face when interacting in an unknown environment. Solomonoff induction provides a universal approach to sequence prediction in that it constructs an optimal prior (in a certain sense) over the space of all computable distributions of sequences, thus enabling Bayesian updating to enable convergence to the true predictive distribution (assuming the latter is computable). Combining Solomonoff induction with optimal action leads us to an agent known as AIXI, which in this theoretical setting, can be argued to be a mathematical incarnation of artificial general intelligence (AGI): it is an agent which acts optimally in general, unknown environments. More generally, Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter have proposed a definition of "universal intelligence" in their paper
In my technical whiteboard conversation with Hutter, we cover aspects of Universal AI in detail:
I. Introduction
  • 00:38 : Biography
  • 01:45 : From Physics to AI
  • 03:05 : Hutter Prize
  • 06:25 : Overview of Universal Artificial Intelligence
  • 11:10 : Technical outline
II. Universal Prediction
  • 18:27 : Laplace’s Rule and Bayesian Sequence Prediction
  • 40:54 : Different priors: KT estimator
  • 44:39 : Sequence prediction for countable hypothesis class
  • 53:23 : Generalized Solomonoff Bound (GSB)
  • 57:56 : Example of GSB for uniform prior
  • 1:04:24 : GSB for continuous hypothesis classes
  • 1:08:28 : Context tree weighting
  • 1:12:31 : Kolmogorov complexity
  • 1:19:36 : Solomonoff Bound & Solomonoff Induction
  • 1:21:27 : Optimality of Solomonoff Induction
  • 1:24:48 : Solomonoff a priori distribution in terms of random Turing machines
  • 1:28:37 : Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • 1:37:07 : Using LLMs to emulate Solomonoff induction
  • 1:41:41 : Loss functions
  • 1:50:59 : Optimality of Solomonoff induction revisited
  • 1:51:51 : Marvin Minsky
III. Universal Agents
  • 1:52:42 : Recap and intro
  • 1:55:59 : Setup
  • 2:06:32 : Bayesian mixture environment
  • 2:08:02 : AIxi. Bayes optimal policy vs optimal policy
  • 2:11:27 : AIXI (AIxi with xi = Solomonoff a priori distribution)
  • 2:12:04 : AIXI and AGI 2:12:41 : Legg-Hutter measure of intelligence
  • 2:15:35 : AIXI explicit formula
  • 2:23:53 : Other agents (optimistic agent, Thompson sampling, etc)
  • 2:33:09 : Multiagent setting
  • 2:39:38 : Grain of Truth problem
  • 2:44:38 : Positive solution to Grain of Truth guarantees convergence to a Nash equilibria
  • 2:45:01 : Computable approximations (simplifying assumptions on model classes): MDP, CTW, LLMs
  • 2:56:13 : Outro: Brief philosophical remarks
submitted by IamTimNguyen to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:55 Gangiskhan Artist #87 Four Tet

Bio from The Festival Voice
Artist Biography by Daniel Karasek
Four Tet, aka Kieran Hebden, is a British DJ and producer who serves up indie electronic music, blending organic and engineered sounds. He started his career as the guitar player for Fridge, an instrumental group he co-founded in 1995 that mixed instrumentation with electronics. The band released several albums and EPs via Output Recordings and Go! Beat. The former label issued Kieran’s debut solo release of the single “Double Density” in 1997. It wasn’t until 1998 that Kieran debuted his Four Tet project with the single “Thirtysixtwentyfive” which was a jazzy track. Four Tet’s debut album Dialogue arrived in 1999. His second album Pause came out in 2001 after he signed to Domino. This album used more acoustic guitars than his previous releases, dubbing the sound as “folktronica” by the media. He started his own label called Text Recordings which released Fridge’s fourth album Happiness. In 2003, Four Tet released his sample-based 2003 album Rounds which received widespread critical claim. The album appeared on many year-end lists and also got Four Tet the opening slot for Radiohead’s European tour. In the following two decades, he collaborated with artists including Madvillain, Sia, Ellie Goulding, and eventually Skrillex in 2021. This collaboration got Four Tet working with Skrillex and Fred again.. for the 2023 single “Baby again..” and playing with them at Coachella 2023, Madison Square Garden, and in Times Square.
Genre: DJ, EDM, Indie Electronic, House, Folktronica
Scheduled: Sunday
Songs & Sets:
Tame Impala - Is It True (Four Tet Remix) (Official Visualiser)
Four Tet Boiler Room London Live Set
Four Tet @TheLotRadio 12-01-2023
Four Tet - Baby (Official Music Video)
Have you seen Four Tet before? Please share your experience and favorite songs.

Days Until Bonnaroo: 36

Remember to drink water and warm up those high fives!
Link to previous AotD post
submitted by Gangiskhan to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:56 Tolriq Version 10.1.0

Version 10.1.0

submitted by Tolriq to Symfonium [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:50 Trick_Minimum3190 Did you know that Mariah secretly interpolated the entire chorus of Anita Ward’s “Ring My Bell” into “Babydoll” and no one noticed? 🤯

Did you know that Mariah secretly interpolated the entire chorus of Anita Ward’s “Ring My Bell” into “Babydoll” and no one noticed? 🤯
The very end of babydoll features, the haziest vocals we’ve ever heard from Mariah Carey. They’re intentionally sang that way to evoke the sexy & seductive restlessness of being up all night waiting for that phone to ring. I call the vocals hazy because they’re somewhat difficult to make out due to Mariah mumbling & harmonizing with herself through several vocal layers, all while not fully enunciating her words (an intentional stylistic choice).
What people often overlook is at the very end (4:40), she says, “you can ring my bell, ring my bell…my bell.” And she sings it in the exact same melody, albeit slower, as the original song by Anita Ward. Once you hear it, there’s no mistaking it’s a direct sample and interpolation — one that goes over most people’s heads. Plus it’s perfectly in theme as the line can mean “ring my bell” in the sexual way or simply another way of saying “call me on the phone”.
The story is Anita actually wrote the song but because of the way things were back in the day she wasn’t allowed to be credited. Mariah loved the song and knew this and wanted to make sure Anita rightfully got the deserved royalties payment, so MC took the chance and recorded “Babydoll” w/ the “Ring My Bell” sample. She did it without explicit permission to do so, thereby bypassing the listed writer of the song as the person to receive the royalties for its use and instead Mariah directly paid Anita Ward. BOSS MOVES.
This fact was revealed by celebrity biographer Chris Nickson in his 1998 biography Mariah Carey Revisted: The Unauthorized Biography. You should read it if you haven’t.
PS: Mariah was never challenged by Fred Knight, the [previously believed] writer & producer of “Ring My Bell”.
submitted by Trick_Minimum3190 to MariahCarey [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:25 funeraltemplate SAMPLE OBITUARY PROGRAM


Sample Obituary Program: Honoring a Life Well-Lived

Losing a loved one is undoubtedly one of life's most challenging experiences. As families navigate through the process of saying goodbye, a well-crafted obituary program serves as a touching tribute, commemorating the life and legacy of the departed.
What is a Sample Obituary Program?
A sample obituary program is a printed document distributed to mourners attending a funeral or memorial service. It typically includes essential details about the deceased, such as their name, date of birth, date of passing, and a brief biography highlighting significant milestones and achievements. Additionally, the program may feature poems, scriptures, or personalized messages from family members, providing comfort and reflection to those in attendance.

Elements of a Sample Obituary Program

  1. Cover Page: The cover page of a sample obituary program often displays a cherished photograph of the departed, along with their name and dates of birth and passing. This serves as a poignant introduction to the commemorative document.
  2. Order of Service: The order of service outlines the sequence of events planned for the funeral or memorial service. It may include hymns, prayers, readings, and musical selections, providing attendees with a roadmap for the ceremony.
  3. Obituary: The obituary section of the program offers a more detailed biography of the deceased, highlighting their life's journey, accomplishments, and the impact they had on others. It is a heartfelt tribute that celebrates the individuality and essence of the departed.
  4. Acknowledgments: A sample obituary program often includes acknowledgments from the family, expressing gratitude to those who have offered support and condolences during their time of loss. These messages of appreciation foster a sense of community and connection among mourners.

submitted by funeraltemplate to u/funeraltemplate [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:42 funeraltemplate OBITUARY PROGRAM SAMPLE


Crafting an Obituary Program: A Sample Guide

An obituary program sample is a printed document that is a tribute to a deceased individual. It typically includes details about the person's life, such as their name, date of birth, date of death, and information about their family. The program may also include a biography, photographs, and funeral or memorial service details.

Sample Obituary Program

Here is a simple template for an obituary program:
Cover Page: Include the name of the deceased, their date of birth, and date of passing, along with a meaningful image or symbol.
Biography: Provide a brief biography of the deceased, highlighting their achievements, hobbies, and personality traits.
Order of Service: Outline the order of events for the funeral or memorial service, including any readings, songs, or tributes.
Poems and Readings: Include poems, readings, or prayers that were meaningful to the deceased or their family.
Photos: Insert photos of the deceased at different stages of their life, along with captions if desired.
Acknowledgments: Thank family, friends, and others who have supported the family during this difficult time.
Closing Thoughts: Conclude with a heartfelt message or quote that reflects the life and legacy of the deceased.

submitted by funeraltemplate to u/funeraltemplate [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 14:36 bizano21 The Lone Wanderer in the Fallout Series and Who to Cast

After delving back into the games thanks to the series, I have been reminded of Moira’s Memoirs from the original version of the Fallout 3 game guide. This afterword included in the book has its canonicity in question, but remains the only known information about Lone post Fallout 3, and offers context into a bit of the aftermath. A couple details I feel are pretty damning in this entry being canon. The memoir reads as follows:
Date: 09.10.2297
Welcome, MOIRA. It is another lovely day for science!
Experiment Reports:
Irradiated Agriculture—Good response from mutfruit), strangely aggressive response to baseline sample. Purified water) very helpful.
Deathclaw) Communication—No language that I can discern, unless "Mutilating assistants" counts. What would they have to say, anyway?
Jefferson Purifier - Guards still refuse to allow access to see how the Purifier works. They say it's to prevent sabotage, but I think they aren't entirely certain.
Personal Note:
Just shipped out another crate of survival guides), and the caravans just can't seem to get enough of them. Sheriff Simms says they've really put Megaton on the map—pretty ironic, since I've had to redraw that map about a million times since the first edition came out 20 years ago. At least all the attention means there's no shortage of assistants, but I'm never getting another assistant like the Lone Wanderer who stumbled into my shop so long ago.
Just about everyone in the Capital Wasteland has a story about the Lone Wanderer, even though precious few ever really knew him. But that doesn't stop them from telling crazy tall tales about how he saved their lives, or blew up a mountain, or ate a car or something. Heck, if you get Simms drunk, he'll tell you that his dad died because of the Wanderer), even though he saved the town. People can't even agree on whether the Wanderer was a man or a woman, much less a saint or a monster. But they all agree on one thing: the Lone Wanderer changed the Capital Wasteland.
Of course, that's why I'm working on the new book, compiling the best and most useful tales of the Lone Wanderer for the next generation. It's not easy sorting out all the conflicting stories, but that'll be half of the fun for the readers. More importantly, between all of those crazy stories of bravery, barbarity, and everything in-between, we can all find a reason to keep on fighting our war for survival.
I guess some things never change, huh?
I have 3 major takeaways from this memoir with the context of the show and subsequent games. 1. The date of 2297, this is roughly where the show just left off. 2. Moira ships out Survival guides by the crateful and “caravans love them.” This one line explains how the guides made their way to Filly and the Mojave, and implies that her, Lone, and Megaton are nationally famous for this book. 3. The Lone wanderer no longer resides in the capital wasteland. Reasons 2 and 3 are Moira’s reasons for beginning to write the biography about Lone. Lone is made out to be a living legend in the wastes. For a bit of theory as to HOW he appears in the show, I think the word of an enclave defector and an enclave presence that travels as far as the east coast brotherhood would strike the interest of Lone. After all, he defeated them twice before, and I dont think would be too happy to hear they are still active elsewhere. We also know Lone has a significant link with the BoS, so he could have inside knowledge of this situation. Possibly motivating him to travel with the brotherhood and eliminate this threat once and for all. This is just me making fun ideas though.
Now comes the question: What actor portrays Lone Wanderer?
For me, my fancast came to me immediately. What actor is capable of playing Liam Neeson’s son?
Liam Neeson’s Son. Michael Richardson, is an actor in his own right, and is roughly the same age Lone would be at the time of 2297.
Here is a photo of Michael:
Here is a photo of what I believe is the canon appearance of Lone. Theyre pretty damn similar:
All this to say,, this is just my crackpot ideas of how to introduce Lone into the show. I am well aware Todd is on record saying he does not want the shows to touch the games, but I find the stories of our protagonists to be remarkably compelling and their stories can be far from over. Aside from this, there are so many parallels between Lone and Lucy, their interaction and character dynamic would be one that could prove compelling to explore. Itd be a bit like the “ive seen shit kid” attitude that the ghoul has to Lucy, but with an added layer of empathy and understanding, as Lone may be the only person on the planet who truly knows what Lucy is going through. They both were raised in a vault and were forced into the world at a young age and had to “figure it out.”
The timeline matches up, the means of travel check out, and the compelling character relationships are prime for exploration.
submitted by bizano21 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 21:35 Western-Baker3479 I'm a white, straight, 33yr old English guy who went from HATING Mariah Carey to RESPECTING her. MY STORY

I’ll preface this by clarifying I’m not a ‘lamb’ per se. I listen to a broad range of genres and artists but generally the music I listen to would be classified as ‘alternative’ I guess. I’v obviously always known the name Mariah Carey, but essentially my only previous interaction with her music (before last year) was a very early and vague memory of watching a music video of her on a rollercoaster and also listening to ‘Hero’ and ‘Without You’ on TV as a 6 year old boy in the 90’s and thinking ‘how is it possible that someone can sing like that?’. Other than her christmas song that shows up every year I didn’t know any of her other material and the only opinions I had of her as a person were fuelled by the endless stories that portrayed her being very difficult to work with. I wrote her off as an unlikable, cruel, hyper feminine ‘premadonna’.
Then last summer I was randomly reading a pitchfork article of ‘the 200 best songs of the 90s’. Being a child of the 90’s I love a nostalgia fix, and to my complete bafflement the number 1 song was the ODB Fantasy remix. I had absolutely no idea what this song was but I was intrigued so checked it out. It was awesome and instantly triggered 90’s nostalgia. I thought ‘wait a minute, that’s the roller coaster video song, I remember that, it sounds like a Talking Heads song, I swear I've heard that bass lick before?’. Then a few days later a friend of mine was giving away some of her unwanted books and I saw Mariah's memoir. I’m partial to reading completely random musical biographies, so on a whim I thought I'd check it out. It was a strange read at times. At first her lengthy and bizarre hair related mishap tangents definitely fed into the superficial hyper feminine persona that I'm not comfortable with, however I liked how this dissatisfaction with her unkempt curly hair related to racial insecurity, social standing and feelings of not belonging. The last 3rd of the book about her relationships with a back up dancer and the marriage to that comedian guy was a bore however I found her early childhood and career stories endearing and actually quite moving.
I started listening to some more of her music. If i’m completely honest a lot isn’t really my jam however for most of the summer I’d unashamedly spin Honey, Make it Happen, Heartbreaker, Fantasy, Get Your Number. Basically her sample based/ funkier stuff. Recently the youtube algorithms offered me some of her interviews and to be absolutely honest I felt quite sad for her watching them. I’m not a psychologist by any means but I get the impression she seems completely scarred by some of the trauma from her life; from the teachers laughing as a child at her when she drew her black father, racists firing bullets through the front windows of her home, being hurled racist insults by her popular white girl ‘friends’, innocuous events such as her childhood crush laughing at her, to being mockingly informed ‘that's your ugly side’ when she was an impressionable and sensitive young women starting out in the industry etc. Many of the interviews I saw her in made reference to ‘not showing my bad side’, shunning any inference to ‘time’ and implication aging, or the interviewer saying ‘look at all this lighting you’ve brought along’. She also just in general often looks very insecure and uncomfortable in her own skin. She reminds me of Michael Jackson. If you watch the Martin Bashir documentary he was also obsessed with ‘lighting’ and hated looking at himself. Does she have body dysmorphia or am I reading this completely wrong? Relating all this to her book, her ‘diva’ behavior seems more born out of her perfectionist and sensitive nature combined with a complete phobia of being ridiculed, criticized or mocked again. Underneath it all she seems a genuinely sweet person but her high maintenance behaviour gives the general public (such as myself) a completely wrong perception of who she really is, and I think harms her brand and legacy as a artist. Now I've learnt what could really explain her eccentricities I will now fight her corner whenever people are disparaging towards her, on behalf of you ‘lambs’.
submitted by Western-Baker3479 to MariahCarey [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:14 andy2023usa Entrepreneur Walk of Fame

"Do not Follow where the path may lead.
Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail"
- Muriel Strobe

Who Is Muriel Strode? (

Who Is Muriel Strode?
The author I’m currently reading is Muriel Strode, an amazing woman — strong, gutsy, spiritual, creative, generous, intelligent, talented, and hard-working. Her writing is both down-to-earth and celestial, humble in spirit and yet fiercely, fearlessly ambitious. Her poems run the gamut from blushingly soul-sensual and nature-erotic to mystical and motivating, from poetic positive affirmations and self-discovery to some downright trippy verse.
There is very little information about Muriel on the Web, but I’ve pieced together this brief biography from a few dozen electronic and paper sources, and I’ve updated this article with further information from Muriel’s family for which I’m extremely grateful!
Early life & family. Born Muriel Strode on February 16th 1875 in Bernadotte Township, Illinois, her grandparents were pioneers and she spent her childhood on the farm where they originally settled. Her father William Smith Strode (1847–1934) was a naturalist, teacher, and physician. Her mother Amelia Steele Strode (1849–1888) died young, at age 39. A couple of years after she passed away, William married Julia Yarnell Brown (1866–1954), a periodicals writer. Muriel’s four siblings, all Illinois-born were:
Venturing out on her own. Muriel left home at age 15 and attended a business school in Denver. At 16 she went to Long Beach, California to earn her living as a stenographer and typewritist. She began writing poetry in the midst of her business career. In 1906 she used her savings to purchase two lots in Signal Hill for $1,000 then moved to New York for a career as a writer.
📷Husband & daughter. In 1908 she married Samuel David Lieberman (1875–1952), the president of an iron and steel firm in Chicago where Muriel had worked. His love interest in her began when he read the inspirational sayings and poems in her first publication, My Little Book of Prayer. He and Muriel had one foster child, Elinore Anne Clifford Austin (1914–2006), born in Colorado and taken in at three years old. The family lived in New York City for several years before moving to California in 1923, when oil was discovered on Muriel’s land and she had suddenly become rich.
Riches & philanthropy. With part of her new riches, Muriel gathered seventeen young wives and mothers, one for each year she had owned the properties, and took them on a shopping spree for beautiful gowns, hats, earrings, undergarments, and other dainty, colorful things. “I was a distributor of wings, I released them into a realization of their beauty. We are all beautiful in our elemental state. We all want to be moon moths in the glowing. But like the flowers, we need petals to show off our beauty. I want to set people free into beauty. I want to take them out of their Cinderella ashes to function as princesses,” she told reporter Ruth Snyder. “It is a poem of pain to feel the urge toward the unfolding of the wings of beauty. It is a song of ecstasy to release it. All my life I have wanted to do something big and useful and beautiful — to help others.”
Shortly thereafter in another display of generosity, she purchased a run-down waterwheel mill in her girlhood Illinois township and with her father, oversaw the restoration of it and its dam as a historic landmark, its surrounding area converted to a public park and playground. At age 80, she wrote in a letter that “I left part of my heart back in Bernadotte years ago and I have never gotten over being homesick.”
Arizona & final years. The Strode–Lieberman family moved to Arizona in 1929 due to Sam’s tuberculosis. They homesteaded on 640 acres fourteen miles east of Tucson, and their home sat atop a ridge overlooking the entire Tucson valley. Muriel’s father, who was then divorced from Julia, had retired and moved in with the Liebermans. They had originally planned to build a solid rock home, every day making three-mile excursions into the desert to collect rocks. The passings of Muriel’s father and husband put a stop to the plan, however, and Muriel lived out the remainder of her days in the original wood-framed home.
In a 1955 letter Muriel wrote, “I have come a devious route to land eventually on these desert acres, as Mr. Lieberman’s business took him traveling and we lived in half the important cities in the United States.” But once in southern Arizona, that is where she stayed. She would sign her letters and books from “the Ranch of the Gorgeous Sunsets, Tucson, Arizona.” Muriel passed away on January 25th 1964 after twelve years’ struggle with a heart ailment.
📷Writing & publications. Her habit was to write her thoughts and ideas every morning, and she continued to work on her writings and manuscripts even into her final years. She had first published in periodicals, mostly The Open Court. The first publication I found her cited in was The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest, from 1901. Later she authored four books:
In her heyday Muriel was known as “the female Walt Whitman.” She was a member of the Poetry Society of America and The League of American Pen Women. She wrote her entire career under her birth name Muriel Strode, omitting the hyphenated Lieberman on post-marriage publications. One of the books I have is signed “Muriel Strode — Mrs. Sam D. Lieberman.”
Sometimes she received harsh critiques in the newspapers. Some reviewers who did not understand her writing thought it egotistical. In 1923 she explained to a reporter, “When I say ‘I,’ I mean the cosmic ‘I,’ speaking to the cosmic ‘you.’” On reading her books, it seems clear to me that she was not egotistical but mystical. She said in a 1962 interview, “I don’t mind adverse criticism. It doesn’t matter if I’m misinterpreted because not everyone will understand what I’m trying to say.”
Those who did understand her cosmic perspective handed out more favorable reviews. “Muriel Strode has a distinctive touch in free verse rhythms. She uses them to interpret optimistically and broadly the elemental forces of being, and she strikes a high note of endeavor and faith in life without glossing over its inevitable question” (The Kansas City Times, 1921).
“Few poets are as prolific in sheer beauty as Muriel Strode. Her work is marked with richness, the forms she chooses for expression are diverse and through all her work there is the rumbling of the seeker of truth. Miss Strode’s poems are a revelation in inspiration. There seems no end to her philosophic thoughts. There is a virility of beauty in this poet’s work” (Howard Willard Cook, 1923). She “sings of the things elemental in universal nature and in human nature” (Charles Fleischer). During her childhood in Fulton County, Illinois, she “breathed in the beauty and the intense love of nature and the elemental things of life that flame out in her poetry” (The Fulton Democrat).
Names. Other names she was known by include: Muriel Strode-Lieberman, Muriel Lieberman, Muriel S. Lieberman, Mrs. Samuel D. Lieberman, Mrs. S. D. Lieberman, and Mrs. Sam Lieberman. The 1880 census lists “Muray Strode,” but her surviving family is not aware of that nickname so it is possibly a typo or a childhood pet name that didn’t last. 📷
Famous quote & found treasures. There were quite a few newspaper articles about Muriel during her publishing days and when she first got rich from oil, but I can’t find personal references much past her death date. Sadly, she seems to have disappeared from history, excepting her famous 1903 words “I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail,” which around the 1990s had started being widely misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. I am exceptionally pleased to digitally revive this wonderful poetess — I’ve been posting selected quotations from her works to The Quote Garden. Here is a sample gem: “I will have a care lest my burden rest all too long where my wings might have grown.” —Muriel Strode, My Little Book of Life, 1912
Image Information. Photo of Muriel is unknown date, courtesy of Muriel’s family, modified by Terri Guillemets using imikimi app, 2017. Book cover is My Little Book of Life by Muriel Strode, 1912. Muriel’s signature is from the 1934 application for her father’s headstone.
Acknowledgement. I am eternally grateful to Muriel’s family for providing the information to expand this bio, as well as the beautiful photograph and retroactive permission to use her words on my website. Thank you so much!
submitted by andy2023usa to doodlegoogle [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 20:28 McNuss93 (Spoilers Extended)Interesting observation about Dorne/The truth hidden in plain sight?

Among the symbols of the Great Houses, they are all animals, the Tyrells are Flowers...
Two stick out immediately:
I went to art school once and know thoroughly how you can craft fiction like ASOIAF from pop-cultural samples.
I'd say the Prince that was promised is NOT a Targaryen prophecy (sorry HBO), but RHOYNISH. Rhaegar, who was beautiful and played the harp like King David, and who..well Rhaegar died fighting Goliath, believed the Prince that was promised would come from his line...
Rhaegar is not just a Targ. He's rhoynish, too. He's got the blood of Houses Martell and Dayne in him, the blood of Nymeria, who led her people through an exodus to...escape slavery lol I think we've got it now.
There are huge oddities regarding the Dorne plot that you cannot uncover in the text:
1) Chess motives:
  • "Doran plays to win, whether at cyvasse or the game of thrones." - Quote GRRM
So Doran is a chess player who plays to win. GRRM organized Chess tourneys before writing ASOIAF (Source: "One Night with Shae").
  • Tower of Joy is Castling
Castling is a Chess move where you PROTECT the King with a Rook and three pawn pieces, similar with TOJ, we got the King guarded by a Tower and three pawns.
  • Sending Quentyn to Meeren is Pawn Promotion
Pawn promotion is a chess move where you send a pawn to the end of the board to transform it into another piece, typically the Queen. In Cyvasse, the equivalent of the Queen is called Dragon.
  • A common saying is that white wins and black plays for draw.
Team Blackfyre is black, and they always have to retreat, so if Doran wants to win, he is their opponent and picked white.
2) Observation about snow
  • Snow is white
3) Strange similarities between the Martells and the Lizardmen from WHFB
  • The Lizardmen come in three tribes, the scheming, toad like Slann, the poisonus and numerous Skinks and the powerful Saurus.
  • Similar, there are three types of Martells:
  • Toads/Frogs, like the Yellow Toad of Dorne, or Quentyn who is often called a frog, or Doran, who sits in the Water Gardens all day.
  • Snakes, like Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper, or his daughters, the Sand Snakes
  • and lastly, plenty of Dragons descend from them, too.
What is the meaning of this? Well, I don't know too much about WHFB but the Lizardmen work together with the High Elves, who have like long silver-blonde or platinum hair and ride SAVE THE WORLD
4) Save the World
"If I led a quarter of a million men to death, would they call me Gerold the Great? I shall remain Darkstar, I think. At least it is mine own."
—Gerold Dayne to Garin
Peoples consensus on Darkstar is "He is an edgelord lol". This community has meticulously crafted through any mystery in the text, but when you have an unsolved crime setting the conclusion is "He is an edgelord"???
I'd say based on the quote, he moves to save millions.
Interestingly enough, Varys also justifies his actions with doing it for the children when he murdered Kevan Lannister, and there was no reason to lie about in that instance...yet people have pointed out how contradictory that is with his actions...
5)Prophecy and visions.
I think the certaincy with which Team Rhaegar moves does not only imply being motivated by prophecy, but by having seen an actual vision. After all, if Doran is supporting Jon, then his actions make no sense unless he thinks Jon is safe anyways because he saw him die.
That's right, I think Team Rhaegar and Team Blackfyre have seen the same vision, the latter when Varys member was burned by the mage, and it is:
Jon Snow on the Iron Throne getting murdered by Young Griff.
That's why Rhaegar first thought his son Aegon would be the Prince that was Promised, because he confused him with Young Griff, and thought Jon was just some random, until realizing Jon is actually his son that he still needs to create.
Now we readers know how unreliable prophecy is, basically I think Rhaegar got shown a vision that relied on him beating Robert at the Trident and that is thus never going to come to pass. I admit this part is the sketchiest, but it would explain why Doran makes no move for Jon. He thinks he has seen his death and is making preparations to evade it.
7) White vs Black
And Varys on the other hand thinks Young Gryff, in truth likely called Daemon the last Blackfyre or something...I think D(a)emon is the best name here...thinks Young Gryff is the Prince that was Promised, hence the weird speech for Kevan.
I think Mellario of Norvos was a Blackfyre spy. Lust is the weakness of the Martells. All the Essos wifes were up to no good, and there are huge discrepancies in her biography:
  • She left Doran because he intended to foster away his children, which they apparently don't do in Norvos
  • However there they sell their children to the Bearded Priests. That is the background of her own guard Areo Hotah.
  • She then leaves her children anyways and abandons them alltogether. Lol?
Mellario..Illyrio..not much but...
8) The human heart at conflict with itself
Regardless of what you think of the above, what now follows is 100% true.
George said there is nothing else to write about than the human heart at conflict with itself.
And all of this story is just George's idealized self Rhaegar Targaryen, who attempts to save his world by completing the Song of Ice and Fire
in conflict with
his real self Illyrio Mopatis, the bumbling cheesemonger who makes false promises and changes his plans every day.
submitted by McNuss93 to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 16:55 Gangiskhan Artist #68 Bakar

Bio from The Festival Voice
Artist Biography by Daniel Karasek
Bakar is an indie singeproducer from North London. In 2015, he started making his own tracks out of chopped-up King Krule samples that were uploaded online anonymously. In 2017, he started releasing singles under his own name including "Big Dreams" and "Something I Said." The next year he released his debut full-length titled Badkid which got endorsements from artists including Skepta and Elton John. Bakar has since shifted around his sound in each of his releases, like on his EP Will You Be My Yellow? which has six songs that vary in style and genre.
Genre: Indie, Rap, Rock, Punk
Scheduled: Saturday
Songs & Sets:
Bakar - 1st Time (Official Video)
Bakar - Hell N Back (Official Video)
Bakar - Alive! (Official Video)
Bakar - I'm Done (Official Video)
Have you seen Bakar before? Please share your experience and favorite songs.

Days Until Bonnaroo: 61

Remember to drink water and warm up those high fives!
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2024.04.08 21:06 TonyYumYum Sports & Outdoors Free Audiobook Megathread

Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible
  1. Knife
Meditations After an Attempted Murder
By: Salman Rushdie
Narrated by: Salman Rushdie
Length: 6 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 04-16-24
Language: English
5 out of 5 stars3 ratings
Regular price: $20.48
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The Wide Wide Sea Audiobook By Hampton Sides cover art
  1. The Wide Wide Sea
Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook
By: Hampton Sides
Narrated by: Peter Noble
Length: 15 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 04-09-24
5 out of 5 stars18 ratings
Regular price: $22.50
The Boys in the Boat Audiobook By Daniel James Brown cover art
  1. The Boys in the Boat
Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics
By: Daniel James Brown
Narrated by: Edward Herrmann
Length: 14 hrs and 24 mins
Release date: 06-04-13
5 out of 5 stars41,862 ratings
Regular price: $21.60
Range Audiobook By David Epstein cover art
  1. Range
Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
By: David Epstein
Narrated by: Will Damron
Length: 10 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 05-28-19
4.5 out of 5 stars9,851 ratings
Regular price: $18.00
Relentless Audiobook By Tim S. Grover, Shari Wenk cover art
  1. Relentless
From Good to Great to Unstoppable
By: Tim S. Grover, Shari Wenk
Narrated by: Pete Simonelli
Series: Tim Grover Winning, Book 1
Length: 6 hrs and 38 mins
Release date: 12-01-20
4.5 out of 5 stars6,149 ratings
Regular price: $14.99
Becky Lynch: The Man Audiobook By Rebecca Quin cover art
  1. Becky Lynch: The Man
Not Your Average Average Girl
By: Rebecca Quin
Narrated by: Rebecca Quin
Length: 9 hrs and 58 mins
Release date: 03-26-24
5 out of 5 stars286 ratings
Elevate and Dominate Audiobook By Deion Sanders, Don Yaeger, John C. Maxwell - foreword cover art
  1. Elevate and Dominate
21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field
By: Deion Sanders, Don Yaeger, John C. Maxwell - foreword
Narrated by: Deion Sanders
Length: 9 hrs and 5 mins
Release date: 03-12-24
5 out of 5 stars166 ratings
Regular price: $18.74
Built to Move Audiobook By Kelly Starrett, Juliet Starrett cover art
  1. Built to Move
The Ten Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully
By: Kelly Starrett, Juliet Starrett
Narrated by: Kelly Starrett, Juliet Starrett
Length: 8 hrs and 32 mins
Release date: 04-04-23
5 out of 5 stars120 ratings
Regular price: $20.25
Endure Audiobook By Cameron Hanes cover art
  1. Endure
How to Work Hard, Outlast, and Keep Hammering
By: Cameron Hanes
Narrated by: Cameron Hanes, David Goggins, Joe Rogan
Length: 7 hrs and 42 mins
Release date: 05-17-22
5 out of 5 stars14,768 ratings
Regular price: $20.24
Survive! Audiobook By Les Stroud cover art
  1. Survive!
Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive
By: Les Stroud
Narrated by: Les Stroud
Length: 8 hrs and 57 mins
Release date: 10-20-20
5 out of 5 stars137 ratings
Regular price: $25.19
There's Always This Year Audiobook By Hanif Abdurraqib cover art
  1. There's Always This Year
On Basketball and Ascension
By: Hanif Abdurraqib
Narrated by: Hanif Abdurraqib
Length: 8 hrs and 40 mins
Prepared Audiobook By Mike Glover, Jack Carr - foreword cover art
  1. Prepared
A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios
By: Mike Glover, Jack Carr - foreword
Narrated by: Mike Glover, Ray Porter
Length: 5 hrs and 14 mins
Release date: 06-06-23
5 out of 5 stars885 ratings
Regular price: $15.75
A Wild Idea Audiobook By Jonathan Franklin cover art
  1. A Wild Idea
By: Jonathan Franklin
Narrated by: George Newbern
Length: 10 hrs and 34 mins
Release date: 08-10-21
4.5 out of 5 stars180 ratings
Unbroken Audiobook By Laura Hillenbrand cover art
  1. Unbroken
A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
By: Laura Hillenbrand
Length: 13 hrs and 56 mins
Release date: 11-16-10
5 out of 5 stars50,778 ratings
A Book of Five Rings Audiobook By Miyamoto Musashi cover art
  1. A Book of Five Rings
The Strategy of Musashi
By: Miyamoto Musashi
Narrated by: Alec Sand
Length: 1 hr and 39 mins
Release date: 01-07-11
4.5 out of 5 stars981 ratings
Regular price: $4.19
The Four Foundations of Golf Audiobook By Jon Sherman cover art
  1. The Four Foundations of Golf
How to Build a Game That Lasts a Lifetime
By: Jon Sherman
Narrated by: Jon Sherman
Length: 9 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 10-25-22
5 out of 5 stars172 ratings
Sale price: $6.99 (64% off)
Regular price: $19.95
Sale ends in 13d 15h 36m 10s
The Inner Game of Tennis Audiobook By W. Timothy Gallwey cover art
  1. The Inner Game of Tennis
The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance
By: W. Timothy Gallwey
Narrated by: Dan Woren
Length: 4 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 01-08-08
4.5 out of 5 stars3,522 ratings
Regular price: $12.60
The Slow AF Run Club Audiobook By Martinus Evans cover art
  1. The Slow AF Run Club
The Ultimate Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Run
By: Martinus Evans
Narrated by: Martinus Evans
Length: 5 hrs and 55 mins
5 out of 5 stars99 ratings
Choosing to Run Audiobook By Des Linden, Bonnie D. Ford - contributor cover art
  1. Choosing to Run
A Memoir
By: Des Linden, Bonnie D. Ford - contributor
Narrated by: Des Linden
Length: 5 hrs and 31 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars273 ratings
Born to Run Audiobook By Christopher McDougall cover art
  1. Born to Run
A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
By: Christopher McDougall
Narrated by: Fred Sanders
Length: 11 hrs and 6 mins
Release date: 05-05-09
4.5 out of 5 stars19,869 ratings
Into Thin Air Audiobook By Jon Krakauer cover art
  1. Into Thin Air
A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster
By: Jon Krakauer
Narrated by: Philip Franklin
Length: 9 hrs and 8 mins
Release date: 12-27-98
4.5 out of 5 stars12,848 ratings
Regular price: $14.36
When the Game Was War Audiobook By Rich Cohen cover art
  1. When the Game Was War
The NBA's Greatest Season
By: Rich Cohen
Narrated by: Cary Hite
Length: 8 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 09-05-23
4.5 out of 5 stars40 ratings
Pipeline to the Pros Audiobook By Ben Kaplan, Danny Parkins cover art
  1. Pipeline to the Pros
How D3, Small-College Nobodies Rose to Rule the NBA
By: Ben Kaplan, Danny Parkins
Narrated by: Barry Abrams
Length: 10 hrs and 18 mins
Not rated yet
Regular price: $17.49
The Underworld Audiobook By Susan Casey cover art
  1. The Underworld
Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean
By: Susan Casey
Narrated by: Susan Casey
Length: 11 hrs and 55 mins
Release date: 08-01-23
5 out of 5 stars77 ratings
Next Level Audiobook By Stacy T. Sims, Selene Yeager cover art
  1. Next Level
Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond
By: Stacy T. Sims, Selene Yeager
Narrated by: Gina Daniels
Length: 9 hrs and 26 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars218 ratings
Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect Audiobook By Bob Cullen, Dr. Bob Rotella cover art
  1. Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect
By: Bob Cullen, Dr. Bob Rotella
Narrated by: Dr. Bob Rotella
Length: 1 hr and 32 mins
Release date: 05-02-00
4.5 out of 5 stars2,395 ratings
Regular price: $5.96
The Genius of Birds Audiobook By Jennifer Ackerman cover art
  1. The Genius of Birds
By: Jennifer Ackerman
Narrated by: Margaret Strom
Length: 11 hrs and 54 mins
Release date: 04-12-16
4.5 out of 5 stars572 ratings
Regular price: $21.49
American Buffalo Audiobook By Steven Rinella cover art
  1. American Buffalo
In Search of a Lost Icon
By: Steven Rinella
Narrated by: Steven Rinella
Release date: 07-30-19
5 out of 5 stars9,917 ratings
Straight Shooter Audiobook By Stephen A. Smith cover art
  1. Straight Shooter
A Memoir of Second Chances and First Takes
By: Stephen A. Smith
Narrated by: Stephen A. Smith
Length: 8 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 01-17-23
5 out of 5 stars1,578 ratings
Regular price: $17.99
In the Spell of the Barkley Audiobook By Michiel Panhuysen cover art
  1. In the Spell of the Barkley
Unravelling the Mystery of the World's Toughest Ultramarathon
By: Michiel Panhuysen
Narrated by: Rupert Holliday-Evans
Release date: 04-06-23
4.5 out of 5 stars71 ratings
Sale price: $4.99 (67% off)
Regular price: $15.27
The Confident Mind Audiobook By Dr. Nate Zinsser cover art
  1. The Confident Mind
A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance
By: Dr. Nate Zinsser
Narrated by: Qarie Marshall
Release date: 01-25-22
5 out of 5 stars411 ratings
Home Waters Audiobook By John N. Maclean cover art
  1. Home Waters
A Chronicle of Family and a River
By: John N. Maclean
Narrated by: Robertson Dean
Length: 5 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 06-01-21
4.5 out of 5 stars93 ratings
Regular price: $19.79
Eiger Dreams Audiobook By Jon Krakauer cover art
  1. Eiger Dreams
Ventures Among Men and Mountains
Length: 8 hrs and 42 mins
Release date: 11-07-17
4.5 out of 5 stars647 ratings
Jim Bridger Audiobook By Jerry Enzler cover art
  1. Jim Bridger
Trailblazer of the American West
By: Jerry Enzler
Narrated by: Danny Campbell
Length: 13 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 01-31-23
4.5 out of 5 stars204 ratings
Gambler Audiobook By Billy Walters cover art
  1. Gambler
Secrets from a Life at Risk
By: Billy Walters
Narrated by: Billy Walters
Length: 10 hrs and 56 mins
Release date: 08-22-23
4.5 out of 5 stars324 ratings
Our Fight Audiobook By Ronda Rousey, Maria Burns Ortiz - contributor cover art
  1. Our Fight
By: Ronda Rousey, Maria Burns Ortiz - contributor
Narrated by: Ronda Rousey
Length: 8 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 04-02-24
4.5 out of 5 stars33 ratings
Regular price: $19.49
Broken Audiobook By Shy Keenan cover art
  1. Broken
The Most Shocking Childhood Story Ever Told. An Inspirational Author Who Survived It.
By: Shy Keenan
Narrated by: Judy Mason
Length: 10 hrs and 48 mins
Release date: 05-12-22
5 out of 5 stars447 ratings
Undaunted Courage Audiobook By Stephen E. Ambrose cover art
  1. Undaunted Courage
By: Stephen E. Ambrose
Narrated by: Barrett Whitener
Length: 21 hrs and 40 mins
Release date: 06-12-01
4.5 out of 5 stars5,796 ratings
Regular price: $22.46
MeatEater's Campfire Stories: Close Calls Audiobook By Steven Rinella cover art
  1. MeatEater's Campfire Stories: Close Calls
Narrated by: Steven Rinella, the Contributors
Series: Campfire Stories
Length: 5 hrs and 15 mins
Release date: 07-20-21
5 out of 5 stars5,835 ratings
Be Water, My Friend Audiobook By Shannon Lee cover art
  1. Be Water, My Friend
The Teachings of Bruce Lee
By: Shannon Lee
Narrated by: Shannon Lee
Length: 7 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 10-06-20
5 out of 5 stars1,854 ratings
Open Audiobook By Andre Agassi cover art
  1. Open
An Autobiography
By: Andre Agassi
Narrated by: Erik Davies
Length: 18 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 11-09-09
4.5 out of 5 stars7,621 ratings
Regular price: $24.75
Meat Eater Audiobook By Steven Rinella cover art
  1. Meat Eater
Adventures from the Life of an American Hunter
Length: 7 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 04-25-23
5 out of 5 stars267 ratings
The Invention of Nature Audiobook By Andrea Wulf cover art
  1. The Invention of Nature
Alexander von Humboldt's New World
By: Andrea Wulf
Narrated by: David Drummond
Length: 14 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 10-20-15
4.5 out of 5 stars2,484 ratings
Regular price: $25.79
The Darkest White Audiobook By Eric Blehm cover art
  1. The Darkest White
A Mountain Legend and the Avalanche That Took Him
By: Eric Blehm
Narrated by: Dan Bittner
Length: 12 hrs and 27 mins
Release date: 02-27-24
5 out of 5 stars37 ratings
The River of Doubt Audiobook By Candice Millard cover art
  1. The River of Doubt
Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey
By: Candice Millard
Narrated by: Paul Michael
Length: 12 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 10-21-05
4.5 out of 5 stars8,636 ratings
A Runner’s High Audiobook By Dean Karnazes cover art
  1. A Runner’s High
My Life in Motion
By: Dean Karnazes
Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
Length: 7 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 04-20-21
4.5 out of 5 stars584 ratings
Force of Nature Audiobook By Joan M. Griffin cover art
  1. Force of Nature
Three Women Tackle the John Muir Trail
By: Joan M. Griffin
Narrated by: Anna Crowe
Length: 16 hrs and 9 mins
Release date: 12-21-23
5 out of 5 stars27 ratings
Regular price: $24.95
Surviving to Drive Audiobook By Guenther Steiner cover art
  1. Surviving to Drive
A Year Inside Formula 1: An F1 Book
By: Guenther Steiner
Narrated by: Guenther Steiner
Length: 7 hrs and 40 mins
Release date: 07-25-23
5 out of 5 stars169 ratings
Outofshapeworthlessloser Audiobook By Gracie Gold cover art
  1. Outofshapeworthlessloser
A Memoir of Figure Skating, F*cking Up, and Figuring It Out
By: Gracie Gold
Narrated by: Gracie Gold
Length: 9 hrs and 39 mins
Release date: 02-06-24
5 out of 5 stars142 ratings
Endure Audiobook By Alexander Hutchinson, Malcolm Gladwell - foreword cover art
  1. Endure
Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
By: Alexander Hutchinson, Malcolm Gladwell - foreword
Narrated by: Robert G. Slade
Length: 11 hrs and 9 mins
Release date: 02-06-18
4.5 out of 5 stars4,026 ratings
  1. Ben Hogan's Five Lessons
The Modern Fundamentals of Golf
By: Ben Hogan, Herbert Warren Wind
Narrated by: Steve Carlson
Length: 2 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 03-23-16
5 out of 5 stars1,142 ratings
Regular price: $6.95
Moneyball Audiobook By Michael Lewis cover art
  1. Moneyball
The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
By: Michael Lewis
Narrated by: Scott Brick
Length: 10 hrs and 26 mins
Release date: 07-26-11
4.5 out of 5 stars5,898 ratings
MeatEater's Campfire Stories: Narrow Escapes & More Close Calls Audiobook By Steven Rinella, Clay Newcomb, Vince Merritt,
  1. MeatEater's Campfire Stories: Narrow Escapes & More Close Calls
By: Steven Rinella, Clay Newcomb, Vince Merritt, Allen Jone, Kimi Werner, Roy Getson, Casey Frank, Cory Holloway, Cameron Kirkconnell, Bruce Batten, Vic Barnes
Length: 5 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 08-02-22
5 out of 5 stars2,554 ratings
This Is Your Mind on Plants Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art
  1. This Is Your Mind on Plants
By: Michael Pollan
Narrated by: Michael Pollan
Length: 7 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 07-06-21
4.5 out of 5 stars3,616 ratings
Barkley Audiobook By Timothy Bella cover art
  1. Barkley
A Biography
By: Timothy Bella
Narrated by: Korey Jackson
Length: 16 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 11-01-22
4.5 out of 5 stars79 ratings
Sale price: $7.99 (72% off)
Regular price: $28.79
Sale ends in 13d 15h 35m 50s
Everest, Inc. Audiobook By Will Cockrell cover art
  1. Everest, Inc.
The Renegades and Rogues Who Built an Industry at the Top of the World
By: Will Cockrell
Length: 9 hrs and 59 mins
Breathe Audiobook By Rickson Gracie, Peter Maguire cover art
  1. Breathe
A Life in Flow
By: Rickson Gracie, Peter Maguire
Length: 6 hrs and 34 mins
5 out of 5 stars5,423 ratings
Chasing the Thrill Audiobook By Daniel Barbarisi cover art
  1. Chasing the Thrill
Obsession, Death, and Glory in America's Most Extraordinary Treasure Hunt
By: Daniel Barbarisi
Narrated by: Daniel Barbarisi
Length: 11 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 05-18-21
4.5 out of 5 stars229 ratings
It's Hard for Me to Live with Me Audiobook By Rex Chapman, Seth Davis - contributor cover art
  1. It's Hard for Me to Live with Me
By: Rex Chapman, Seth Davis - contributor
Narrated by: Rex Chapman
Length: 6 hrs and 9 mins
5 out of 5 stars146 ratings
Mental Toughness for Young Athletes (Parent's Guide) Audiobook By Troy Horne, Moses Horne cover art
  1. Mental Toughness for Young Athletes (Parent's Guide)
Eight Proven 5-Minute Mindset Exercises for Kids and Teens Who Play Competitive Sports
By: Troy Horne, Moses Horne
Narrated by: Troy Horne
Length: 3 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 02-04-21
4.5 out of 5 stars215 ratings
Regular price: $11.66
The Bad Room Audiobook By Jade Kelly cover art
  1. The Bad Room
Held Captive and Abused by My Evil Carer. A True Story of Survival.
By: Jade Kelly
Narrated by: Caro Clarke
Length: 8 hrs and 5 mins
Release date: 06-25-20
5 out of 5 stars42 ratings
Regular price: $23.22
Legacy Audiobook By James Kerr cover art
  1. Legacy
By: James Kerr
Narrated by: James Kerr
Length: 4 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 12-14-23
4.5 out of 5 stars32 ratings
Regular price: $18.15
Eleven Rings Audiobook By Phil Jackson, Hugh Delehanty cover art
  1. Eleven Rings
The Soul of Success
By: Phil Jackson, Hugh Delehanty
Narrated by: Matt Walton
Length: 10 hrs and 27 mins
Release date: 05-21-13
4.5 out of 5 stars3,202 ratings
Bigger Leaner Stronger Audiobook By Michael Matthews cover art
  1. Bigger Leaner Stronger
The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body
By: Michael Matthews
Narrated by: Michael Matthews
Length: 14 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 12-30-12
4.5 out of 5 stars3,934 ratings
Regular price: $14.95
The Believer Audiobook By David Coggins cover art
  1. The Believer
A Year in the Fly Fishing Life
By: David Coggins
Length: 6 hrs and 31 mins
5 out of 5 stars2 ratings
Regular price: $13.49
The Longest Race Audiobook By Kara Goucher, Mary Pilon cover art
  1. The Longest Race
Inside the Secret World of Abuse, Doping, and Deception on Nike's Elite Running Team
By: Kara Goucher, Mary Pilon
Narrated by: Kara Goucher, Mary Pilon
Length: 8 hrs and 48 mins
Release date: 03-14-23
5 out of 5 stars527 ratings
How to Build a Car Audiobook By Adrian Newey cover art
  1. How to Build a Car
By: Adrian Newey
Narrated by: Richard Trinder
Length: 12 hrs and 26 mins
Release date: 11-30-17
5 out of 5 stars1,524 ratings
Regular price: $24.67
Putting Out of Your Mind Audiobook By Dr. Bob Rotella cover art
  1. Putting Out of Your Mind
By: Dr. Bob Rotella
Length: 1 hr and 7 mins
Release date: 02-15-07
4.5 out of 5 stars645 ratings
Why We Love Baseball Audiobook By Joe Posnanski cover art
  1. Why We Love Baseball
A History in 50 Moments
By: Joe Posnanski
Narrated by: Joe Posnanski, Ellen Adair
Length: 11 hrs and 53 mins
5 out of 5 stars109 ratings
80/20 Running Audiobook By Matt Fitzgerald, Robert Johnson cover art
  1. 80/20 Running
Run Stronger and Race Faster by Training Slower
By: Matt Fitzgerald, Robert Johnson
Narrated by: Rob Grgach
Length: 5 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 04-30-17
4.5 out of 5 stars683 ratings
Regular price: $14.61
Total Recall Audiobook By Arnold Schwarzenegger cover art
  1. Total Recall
My Unbelievably True Life Story
By: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Narrated by: Stephen Lang, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Length: 23 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 10-01-12
5 out of 5 stars8,667 ratings
Regular price: $26.24
Undisputed Truth Audiobook By Mike Tyson, Larry Sloman cover art
  1. Undisputed Truth
By: Mike Tyson, Larry Sloman
Narrated by: Joshua Henry
Length: 20 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 11-12-13
4.5 out of 5 stars3,079 ratings
Regular price: $24.50
The 32 Principles Audiobook By Rener Gracie, Paul Volponi, Jocko Willink - foreword cover art
  1. The 32 Principles
Harnessing the Power of Jiu-Jitsu to Succeed in Business, Relationships, and Life
By: Rener Gracie, Paul Volponi, Jocko Willink - foreword
Narrated by: Rener Gracie
Length: 8 hrs and 18 mins
4 out of 5 stars99 ratings
Regular price: $17.19
Rainmaker Audiobook By Hughes Norton, George Peper cover art
  1. Rainmaker
Superagent Hughes Norton and the Money Grab Explosion of Golf from Tiger to LIV and Beyond
By: Hughes Norton, George Peper
Narrated by: Hughes Norton
Length: 9 hrs and 11 mins
5 out of 5 stars13 ratings
Charlie Hustle Audiobook By Keith O'Brien cover art
  1. Charlie Hustle
The Rise and Fall of Pete Rose, and the Last Glory Days of Baseball
By: Keith O'Brien
Narrated by: Ellen Adair, Keith O'Brien
Length: 14 hrs and 47 mins
4 out of 5 stars14 ratings
How Champions Think Audiobook By Dr. Bob Rotella cover art
  1. How Champions Think
In Sports and in Life
Length: 8 hrs and 12 mins
Release date: 05-05-15
4.5 out of 5 stars1,346 ratings
The New York Game Audiobook By Kevin Baker cover art
  1. The New York Game
Baseball and the Rise of a New City
By: Kevin Baker
Narrated by: L.J. Ganser
Length: 19 hrs and 59 mins
Release date: 03-05-24
Make Your Next Shot Your Best Shot Audiobook By Dr. Bob Rotella, Padraig Harrington - foreword, Roger Schiffman cover art
  1. Make Your Next Shot Your Best Shot
The Secret to Playing Great Golf
By: Dr. Bob Rotella, Padraig Harrington - foreword, Roger Schiffman
Length: 6 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 09-21-21
5 out of 5 stars272 ratings
It Takes What It Takes Audiobook By Trevor Moawad, Russell Wilson - foreword cover art
  1. It Takes What It Takes
How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life
By: Trevor Moawad, Russell Wilson - foreword
Narrated by: Trevor Moawad, Russell Wilson - foreword
Length: 5 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 02-04-20
4.5 out of 5 stars2,448 ratings
Tiger Woods Audiobook By Jeff Benedict, Armen Keteyian cover art
  1. Tiger Woods
By: Jeff Benedict, Armen Keteyian
Narrated by: Roger Casey
Length: 15 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 03-27-18
4.5 out of 5 stars3,167 ratings
Regular price: $22.49
The Legends Club Audiobook By John Feinstein cover art
  1. The Legends Club
Dean Smith, Mike Krzyzewski, Jim Valvano, and an Epic College Basketball Rivalry
By: John Feinstein
Narrated by: John Feinstein
Length: 15 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 03-01-16
5 out of 5 stars408 ratings
The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation Audiobook By Michael Matthews cover art
  1. The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation
Length: 5 hrs and 24 mins
Release date: 08-30-18
4.5 out of 5 stars792 ratings
The Ship Beneath the Ice Audiobook By Mensun Bound cover art
  1. The Ship Beneath the Ice
The Discovery of Shackleton’s Endurance
By: Mensun Bound
Narrated by: Mensun Bound - preface, Charles Armstrong
Length: 11 hrs and 57 mins
Release date: 02-28-23
4.5 out of 5 stars91 ratings
Sale price: $5.99 (69% off)
Resilient Audiobook By Brooke Wells cover art
  1. Resilient
The Untold Story of CrossFit's Greatest Comeback
By: Brooke Wells
Narrated by: Brooke Wells, Todd Meleney
Release date: 01-16-24
4.5 out of 5 stars52 ratings
The Fitness Mindset Audiobook By Brian Keane cover art
  1. The Fitness Mindset
Eat for Energy, Train for Tension, Manage Your Mindset, Reap the Results
By: Brian Keane
Narrated by: Brian Keane
Length: 3 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 01-26-21
4.5 out of 5 stars202 ratings
Regular price: $13.78
Madhouse at the End of the Earth Audiobook By Julian Sancton cover art
  1. Madhouse at the End of the Earth
The Belgica's Journey into the Dark Antarctic Night
By: Julian Sancton
Narrated by: Vikas Adam
Length: 13 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 05-04-21
4.5 out of 5 stars751 ratings
The Baseball 100 Audiobook By Joe Posnanski cover art
  1. The Baseball 100
Length: 30 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 09-28-21
5 out of 5 stars462 ratings
Regular price: $29.99
Coming Home Audiobook By Brittney Griner, Michelle Burford - contributor cover art
  1. Coming Home
By: Brittney Griner, Michelle Burford - contributor
Narrated by: Andia Winslow, Brittney Griner
Length: 10 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 05-07-24
Pre-order: Free with 30-day trial
MOX Audiobook By Jon Moxley cover art
  1. MOX
By: Jon Moxley
Narrated by: Jon Moxley
Length: 9 hrs and 6 mins
Release date: 06-14-22
5 out of 5 stars1,417 ratings
Lucky Me Audiobook By Rich Paul, Jesse Washington - contributor, LeBron James - foreword cover art
  1. Lucky Me
A Memoir of Changing the Odds
By: Rich Paul, Jesse Washington - contributor, LeBron James - foreword
Narrated by: Rich Paul, Dennis Logan
Length: 4 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 10-10-23
5 out of 5 stars709 ratings
The TB12 Method Audiobook By Tom Brady cover art
  1. The TB12 Method
How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance
By: Tom Brady
Narrated by: Tom Brady, Jonathan Todd Ross
Length: 6 hrs and 55 mins
Release date: 09-19-17
4 out of 5 stars1,833 ratings
Horse Brain, Human Brain Audiobook By Janet L. Jones cover art
  1. Horse Brain, Human Brain
The Neuroscience of Horsemanship
By: Janet L. Jones
Narrated by: Helena Harris
Length: 8 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 03-03-23
5 out of 5 stars47 ratings
Regular price: $23.21
The Boys of Summer Audiobook By Roger Kahn cover art
  1. The Boys of Summer
The Classic Narrative of Growing Up Within Shouting Distance of Ebbets Field, Covering the Jackie Robinson Dodgers, and What's Happened to Everybody Since
By: Roger Kahn
Narrated by: Phil Gigante
Length: 15 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 03-16-09
4.5 out of 5 stars364 ratings
Regular price: $25.00
From Lukov with Love Audiobook By Mariana Zapata cover art
  1. From Lukov with Love
By: Mariana Zapata
Narrated by: Callie Dalton, Teddy Hamilton
Length: 14 hrs and 55 mins
Release date: 05-11-18
4.5 out of 5 stars4,613 ratings
The Arm Audiobook By Jeff Passan cover art
  1. The Arm
Inside the Billion-Dollar Mystery of the Most Valuable Thing in Sports
By: Jeff Passan
Narrated by: Kevin Pierce
Length: 12 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 04-05-16
Winning Ugly Audiobook By Brad Gilbert, Steve Jamison cover art
  1. Winning Ugly
Mental Warfare in Tennis - Lessons from a Master
By: Brad Gilbert, Steve Jamison
Narrated by: Charles Constant
Length: 8 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 06-03-13
4.5 out of 5 stars571 ratings
Regular price: $15.47
To Shake the Sleeping Self Audiobook By Jedidiah Jenkins cover art
  1. To Shake the Sleeping Self
A Journey from Oregon to Patagonia, and a Quest for a Life with No Regret
By: Jedidiah Jenkins
Narrated by: Jedidiah Jenkins
Length: 12 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 10-02-18
4.5 out of 5 stars2,105 ratings
The Setup Audiobook By Dan Bilzerian cover art
  1. The Setup
By: Dan Bilzerian
Narrated by: Jas Patrick
Length: 11 hrs and 29 mins
Release date: 06-13-23
4.5 out of 5 stars140 ratings
Killing the Legends Audiobook By Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard cover art
  1. Killing the Legends
The Lethal Danger of Celebrity
By: Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard
Narrated by: Robert Petkoff
Series: The Killing Series (O'Reilly and Dugard)
Length: 9 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 09-27-22
4.5 out of 5 stars1,483 ratings
Drive Audiobook By Bob Harig cover art
  1. Drive
The Lasting Legacy of Tiger Woods
By: Bob Harig
Narrated by: Adam Barr
Length: 9 hrs and 34 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars2 ratings
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  1. Outlive
The Science and Art of Longevity
By: Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford - contributor
Narrated by: Peter Attia MD
Length: 17 hrs and 7 mins
Release date: 03-28-23
Language: English
5 out of 5 stars5,025 ratings
Regular price: $22.50
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Gut Check Audiobook By Steven R. Gundry MD cover art
  1. Gut Check
Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health
By: Steven R. Gundry MD
Narrated by: Steven R. Gundry MD
Length: 8 hrs and 59 mins
Release date: 01-09-24
4.5 out of 5 stars109 ratings
Regular price: $25.19
Sapiens Audiobook By Yuval Noah Harari cover art
  1. Sapiens
A Brief History of Humankind
By: Yuval Noah Harari
Narrated by: Derek Perkins
Series: Sapiens
Length: 15 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 08-15-17
4.5 out of 5 stars55,016 ratings
Regular price: $28.79
Breath Audiobook By James Nestor cover art
  1. Breath
The New Science of a Lost Art
By: James Nestor
Narrated by: James Nestor
Length: 7 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 05-26-20
4.5 out of 5 stars8,987 ratings
Regular price: $15.75
Dopamine Nation Audiobook By Dr. Anna Lembke cover art
  1. Dopamine Nation
Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
By: Dr. Anna Lembke
Narrated by: Dr. Anna Lembke
Length: 6 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 08-24-21
4.5 out of 5 stars6,595 ratings
Why We Sleep Audiobook By Matthew Walker cover art
  1. Why We Sleep
Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
By: Matthew Walker
Narrated by: Steve West
Length: 13 hrs and 52 mins
Release date: 10-03-17
5 out of 5 stars16,601 ratings
Regular price: $17.99
Co-Intelligence Audiobook By Ethan Mollick cover art
  1. Co-Intelligence
Living and Working with AI
By: Ethan Mollick
Narrated by: Ethan Mollick
Length: 4 hrs and 39 mins
Release date: 04-02-24
4.5 out of 5 stars43 ratings
The Real Anthony Fauci Audiobook By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cover art
  1. The Real Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
By: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Narrated by: Bruce Wagner
Length: 27 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 11-16-21
5 out of 5 stars6,445 ratings
Regular price: $29.95
Welcome to the Universe Audiobook By Michael A. Strauss, J. Richard Gott, Neil deGrasse Tyson cover art
  1. Welcome to the Universe
An Astrophysical Tour
By: Michael A. Strauss, J. Richard Gott, Neil deGrasse Tyson
Narrated by: Michael Butler Murray
Length: 17 hrs and 53 mins
Release date: 02-14-17
4.5 out of 5 stars1,342 ratings
Life as We Know It (Can Be) Audiobook By Bill Weir cover art
  1. Life as We Know It (Can Be)
Stories of People, Climate, and Hope in a Changing World
By: Bill Weir
Narrated by: Bill Weir
Length: 6 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 04-16-24
Not rated yet
Regular price: $20.99
A Short History of Nearly Everything Audiobook By Bill Bryson cover art
  1. A Short History of Nearly Everything
By: Bill Bryson
Narrated by: Richard Matthews
Length: 18 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 05-04-03
4.5 out of 5 stars27,607 ratings
Regular price: $24.75
Letters from an Astrophysicist Audiobook By Neil deGrasse Tyson cover art
  1. Letters from an Astrophysicist
By: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Narrated by: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Vikas Adam, Piper Goodeve, Allyson Johnson, Nick Sullivan, Gabriel Vaughan, Brandon Rubin, Neil Hellegers, Gabra Zackman, Kevin R. Free, Victor Bevine, Lauren Fortgang
Length: 5 hrs and 35 mins
Release date: 10-08-19
4.5 out of 5 stars2,047 ratings
Regular price: $29.90
Chemistry and Our Universe Audiobook By Ron B. Davis, The Great Courses cover art
  1. Chemistry and Our Universe
How It All Works
By: Ron B. Davis, The Great Courses
Narrated by: Ron B. Davis
Length: 30 hrs and 6 mins
Release date: 04-03-19
4.5 out of 5 stars501 ratings
Sale price: $7.99 (86% off)
Regular price: $59.95
Sale ends in 13d 15h 38m 57s
The Big Picture Audiobook By Sean Carroll cover art
  1. The Big Picture
On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself
By: Sean Carroll
Narrated by: Sean Carroll
Length: 17 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 05-10-16
4.5 out of 5 stars3,086 ratings
Guns, Germs and Steel Audiobook By Jared Diamond cover art
  1. Guns, Germs and Steel
The Fate of Human Societies
By: Jared Diamond
Narrated by: Doug Ordunio
Length: 16 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 01-18-11
4.5 out of 5 stars12,124 ratings
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry Audiobook By Neil deGrasse Tyson cover art
  1. Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
Narrated by: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Length: 3 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 05-02-17
4.5 out of 5 stars37,693 ratings
Regular price: $11.66
Red Famine Audiobook By Anne Applebaum cover art
  1. Red Famine
Stalin's War on Ukraine
By: Anne Applebaum
Narrated by: Suzanne Toren
Length: 17 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 10-10-17
4.5 out of 5 stars1,075 ratings
Darwin Devolves Audiobook By Michael J. Behe cover art
  1. Darwin Devolves
The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
By: Michael J. Behe
Narrated by: Timothy Andrés Pabon
Length: 10 hrs and 33 mins
Release date: 02-26-19
4.5 out of 5 stars283 ratings
Behave Audiobook By Robert Sapolsky cover art
  1. Behave
The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
By: Robert Sapolsky
Narrated by: Michael Goldstrom
Length: 26 hrs and 27 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars3,824 ratings
Regular price: $27.00
Determined Audiobook By Robert M. Sapolsky cover art
  1. Determined
A Science of Life Without Free Will
By: Robert M. Sapolsky
Narrated by: Kaleo Griffith
Length: 14 hrs and 5 mins
Release date: 10-17-23
4.5 out of 5 stars486 ratings
Written in Bone Audiobook By Sue Black cover art
  1. Written in Bone
Hidden Stories in What We Leave Behind
By: Sue Black
Narrated by: Sue Black
Length: 11 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 06-15-21
5 out of 5 stars119 ratings
Regular price: $25.00
Homo Deus Audiobook By Yuval Noah Harari cover art
  1. Homo Deus
A Brief History of Tomorrow
Length: 14 hrs and 54 mins
Release date: 02-21-17
4.5 out of 5 stars26,695 ratings
Why We Remember Audiobook By Charan Ranganath cover art
  1. Why We Remember
Unlocking Memory's Power to Hold on to What Matters
By: Charan Ranganath
Narrated by: Mark Deakins, Charan Ranganath
Release date: 02-20-24
5 out of 5 stars34 ratings
Regular price: $18.00
The Quantum Universe Audiobook By Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw cover art
  1. The Quantum Universe
(And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does)
By: Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw
Narrated by: Samuel West
Length: 8 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 04-12-21
4.5 out of 5 stars77 ratings
Regular price: $19.95
Why We Die Audiobook By Venki Ramakrishnan cover art
  1. Why We Die
The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality
By: Venki Ramakrishnan
Narrated by: John Moraitis
Length: 9 hrs and 51 mins
Release date: 03-19-24
5 out of 5 stars10 ratings
Einstein Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art
  1. Einstein
His Life and Universe
By: Walter Isaacson
Narrated by: Edward Herrmann
Length: 21 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 03-28-07
4.5 out of 5 stars15,177 ratings
Regular price: $26.24
Hidden Valley Road Audiobook By Robert Kolker cover art
  1. Hidden Valley Road
Inside the Mind of an American Family
By: Robert Kolker
Narrated by: Sean Pratt
Length: 13 hrs and 8 mins
Release date: 04-07-20
4.5 out of 5 stars6,886 ratings
Regular price: $20.25
Hidden Figures Audiobook By Margot Lee Shetterly cover art
  1. Hidden Figures
The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
By: Margot Lee Shetterly
Narrated by: Robin Miles
Length: 10 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 09-06-16
4.5 out of 5 stars9,548 ratings
Regular price: $31.49
A Wild Idea Audiobook By Jonathan Franklin cover art
  1. A Wild Idea
By: Jonathan Franklin
Narrated by: George Newbern
Length: 10 hrs and 34 mins
Release date: 08-10-21
4.5 out of 5 stars180 ratings
Biomimicry Audiobook By Janine M. Benyus cover art
  1. Biomimicry
Innovation Inspired by Nature
By: Janine M. Benyus
Narrated by: Callie Beaulieu
Length: 14 hrs and 55 mins
Release date: 04-21-20
4.5 out of 5 stars45 ratings
How We Learn Audiobook By Stanislas Dehaene cover art
  1. How We Learn
Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine...for Now
By: Stanislas Dehaene
Length: 10 hrs
Release date: 01-28-20
4.5 out of 5 stars331 ratings
American Prometheus Audiobook By Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin cover art
  1. American Prometheus
The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
By: Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin
Narrated by: Jeff Cummings
Length: 26 hrs and 30 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars4,291 ratings
Regular price: $27.26
Until the End of Time Audiobook By Brian Greene cover art
  1. Until the End of Time
Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe
By: Brian Greene
Narrated by: Brian Greene
Length: 14 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 02-18-20
4.5 out of 5 stars1,492 ratings
The Holographic Universe Audiobook By Michael Talbot cover art
  1. The Holographic Universe
The Revolutionary Theory of Reality
By: Michael Talbot
Narrated by: Nick Mondelli
Length: 13 hrs
Release date: 04-15-21
4.5 out of 5 stars371 ratings
Sale price: $6.99 (74% off)
Regular price: $27.29
The Body Audiobook By Bill Bryson cover art
  1. The Body
A Guide for Occupants
Narrated by: Bill Bryson
Length: 14 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 10-15-19
4.5 out of 5 stars6,553 ratings
Lifespan Audiobook By David A. Sinclair PhD, Matthew D. LaPlante cover art
  1. Lifespan
Why We Age - and Why We Don't Have To
By: David A. Sinclair PhD, Matthew D. LaPlante
Narrated by: David A. Sinclair PhD
Length: 11 hrs and 55 mins
Release date: 09-10-19
4.5 out of 5 stars7,307 ratings
Parallel Worlds Audiobook By Michio Kaku cover art
  1. Parallel Worlds
A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
By: Michio Kaku
Narrated by: Marc Vietor
Length: 14 hrs and 50 mins
Release date: 07-05-16
4.5 out of 5 stars1,370 ratings
This Idea Is Brilliant Audiobook By John Brockman cover art
  1. This Idea Is Brilliant
Lost, Overlooked, and Underappreciated Scientific Concepts Everyone Should Know
By: John Brockman
Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell, Charles Constant
Length: 16 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 01-16-18
4.5 out of 5 stars142 ratings
The Ultimate John Muir Collection: Our National Parks, Stickeen, My First Summer in the Sierra, The Yosemite, Travels in Alas
  1. The Ultimate John Muir Collection: Our National Parks, Stickeen, My First Summer in the Sierra, The Yosemite, Travels in Alaska, & A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf
By: John Muir
Narrated by: Museum Audiobooks cast
Length: 36 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 01-08-21
4.5 out of 5 stars34 ratings
Regular price: $41.99
An Immense World Audiobook By Ed Yong cover art
  1. An Immense World
How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us
By: Ed Yong
Narrated by: Ed Yong
Length: 14 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 06-21-22
5 out of 5 stars1,579 ratings
The Naturalist Audiobook By Darrin Lunde cover art
  1. The Naturalist
Theodore Roosevelt, A Lifetime of Exploration, and the Triumph of American Natural History
By: Darrin Lunde
Narrated by: Scott Brick
Length: 9 hrs and 56 mins
Release date: 04-12-16
4.5 out of 5 stars704 ratings
Evolution Gone Wrong Audiobook By Alex Bezzerides cover art
  1. Evolution Gone Wrong
The Curious Reasons Why Our Bodies Work (Or Don't)
By: Alex Bezzerides
Narrated by: Joe Knezevich
Length: 9 hrs and 12 mins
Release date: 05-18-21
4.5 out of 5 stars196 ratings
Transformed Audiobook By Marty Cagan cover art
  1. Transformed
Moving to the Product Operating Model
By: Marty Cagan
Narrated by: Marty Cagan
Length: 10 hrs and 9 mins
Release date: 03-12-24
4.5 out of 5 stars19 ratings
Regular price: $17.19
The Worst Hard Time Audiobook By Timothy Egan cover art
  1. The Worst Hard Time
The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl
By: Timothy Egan
Narrated by: Jacob York
Length: 12 hrs and 57 mins
Release date: 02-16-22
4.5 out of 5 stars141 ratings
Sale price: $6.99 (75% off)
Your Dog Is Your Mirror Audiobook By Kevin Behan cover art
  1. Your Dog Is Your Mirror
The Emotional Capacity of Our Dogs and Ourselves
By: Kevin Behan
Narrated by: Patrick Lawlor
Length: 12 hrs and 8 mins
Release date: 11-03-20
3.5 out of 5 stars446 ratings
The Earth Transformed Audiobook By Peter Frankopan cover art
  1. The Earth Transformed
An Untold History
By: Peter Frankopan
Narrated by: Peter Frankopan
Length: 29 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 04-18-23
4.5 out of 5 stars32 ratings
Regular price: $29.25
Starry Messenger Audiobook By Neil deGrasse Tyson cover art
  1. Starry Messenger
Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization
Length: 7 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 09-20-22
5 out of 5 stars3,610 ratings
Regular price: $14.99
Fire Weather Audiobook By John Vaillant cover art
  1. Fire Weather
A True Story from a Hotter World
By: John Vaillant
Narrated by: Alan Carlson
Length: 14 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 06-06-23
4.5 out of 5 stars154 ratings
Rewire Your Anxious Brain Audiobook By Catherine M. Pittman PhD, Elizabeth M. Karle MLIS cover art
  1. Rewire Your Anxious Brain
How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic, and Worry
By: Catherine M. Pittman PhD, Elizabeth M. Karle MLIS
Narrated by: Susannah Mars
Length: 6 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 07-29-15
4.5 out of 5 stars1,596 ratings
Regular price: $25.70
Cosmos Audiobook By Carl Sagan cover art
  1. Cosmos
A Personal Voyage
By: Carl Sagan
Narrated by: LeVar Burton, Seth MacFarlane, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ann Druyan
Length: 14 hrs and 31 mins
Release date: 05-30-17
4.5 out of 5 stars9,287 ratings
  1. Wasteland
The Secret World of Waste and the Urgent Search for a Cleaner Future
By: Oliver Franklin-Wallis
Narrated by: Chris Harper
Length: 11 hrs and 2 mins
Release date: 07-18-23
5 out of 5 stars15 ratings
Regular price: $21.83
Entangled Life Audiobook By Merlin Sheldrake cover art
  1. Entangled Life
How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures
By: Merlin Sheldrake
Narrated by: Merlin Sheldrake
Length: 9 hrs and 32 mins
Release date: 05-12-20
5 out of 5 stars3,803 ratings
The Great Unknown Audiobook By Marcus du Sautoy cover art
  1. The Great Unknown
Seven Journeys to the Frontiers of Science
By: Marcus du Sautoy
Narrated by: Marcus du Sautoy
Length: 14 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 04-11-17
4.5 out of 5 stars175 ratings
The Grieving Brain Audiobook By Mary-Frances O'Connor cover art
  1. The Grieving Brain
The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss
By: Mary-Frances O'Connor
Length: 8 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 02-01-22
4.5 out of 5 stars231 ratings
Regular price: $22.49
The Dawn of Everything Audiobook By David Graeber, David Wengrow cover art
  1. The Dawn of Everything
A New History of Humanity
By: David Graeber, David Wengrow
Narrated by: Mark Williams
Length: 24 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 11-09-21
4.5 out of 5 stars2,764 ratings
Regular price: $33.74
The Underworld Audiobook By Susan Casey cover art
  1. The Underworld
Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean
By: Susan Casey
Narrated by: Susan Casey
Release date: 08-01-23
5 out of 5 stars77 ratings
Sand Talk Audiobook By Tyson Yunkaporta cover art
  1. Sand Talk
How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World
By: Tyson Yunkaporta
Narrated by: Tyson Yunkaporta
Length: 7 hrs and 49 mins
5 out of 5 stars528 ratings
The Bomber Mafia Audiobook By Malcolm Gladwell cover art
  1. The Bomber Mafia
A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War
By: Malcolm Gladwell
Narrated by: Malcolm Gladwell
Length: 5 hrs and 14 mins
Release date: 04-27-21
4.5 out of 5 stars8,801 ratings
Regular price: $24.96
I Contain Multitudes Audiobook By Ed Yong cover art
  1. I Contain Multitudes
The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
Narrated by: Charlie Anson
Length: 9 hrs and 52 mins
Release date: 08-09-16
4.5 out of 5 stars3,755 ratings
The Hidden Life of Trees Audiobook By Peter Wohlleben cover art
  1. The Hidden Life of Trees
What They Feel, How They Communicate - Discoveries from a Secret World
By: Peter Wohlleben
Narrated by: Mike Grady
Series: The Mysteries of Nature Trilogy, Book 1
Length: 7 hrs and 33 mins
Release date: 09-13-16
4.5 out of 5 stars6,234 ratings
Regular price: $23.22
Inspired Audiobook By Marty Cagan cover art
  1. Inspired
How to Create Tech Products Customers Love, Second Edition
Length: 7 hrs and 45 mins
Release date: 03-20-18
4.5 out of 5 stars2,624 ratings
Thinking in Systems Audiobook By Donella H. Meadows cover art
  1. Thinking in Systems
A Primer
By: Donella H. Meadows
Narrated by: Tia Rider Sorensen
Length: 6 hrs and 26 mins
Release date: 07-26-18
4.5 out of 5 stars2,069 ratings
Regular price: $15.59
The Moral Animal Audiobook By Robert Wright cover art
  1. The Moral Animal
Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology
By: Robert Wright
Narrated by: Greg Thornton
Length: 16 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 06-29-10
4.5 out of 5 stars1,863 ratings
Regular price: $24.95
A Walk in the Woods Audiobook By Bill Bryson cover art
  1. A Walk in the Woods
Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail
Narrated by: Rob McQuay
Length: 9 hrs and 44 mins
Release date: 09-25-12
4.5 out of 5 stars11,492 ratings
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind Audiobook By Julian Jaynes cover art
  1. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
By: Julian Jaynes
Narrated by: James Patrick Cronin
Length: 16 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 04-03-15
4.5 out of 5 stars609 ratings
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Audiobook By Rebecca Skloot cover art
  1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
By: Rebecca Skloot
Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell, Bahni Turpin
Length: 12 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 02-02-10
4.5 out of 5 stars16,531 ratings
The Genius of Birds Audiobook By Jennifer Ackerman cover art
  1. The Genius of Birds
By: Jennifer Ackerman
Narrated by: Margaret Strom
Length: 11 hrs and 54 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars572 ratings
Regular price: $21.49
Eve Audiobook By Cat Bohannon cover art
  1. Eve
How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
By: Cat Bohannon
Narrated by: Cat Bohannon
Length: 15 hrs and 54 mins
Release date: 10-03-23
4.5 out of 5 stars309 ratings
American Buffalo Audiobook By Steven Rinella cover art
  1. American Buffalo
In Search of a Lost Icon
By: Steven Rinella
Narrated by: Steven Rinella
Length: 7 hrs and 42 mins
Release date: 07-30-19
5 out of 5 stars9,917 ratings
Algorithms to Live By Audiobook By Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths cover art
  1. Algorithms to Live By
The Computer Science of Human Decisions
By: Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths
Narrated by: Brian Christian
Length: 11 hrs and 50 mins
Release date: 04-19-16
4.5 out of 5 stars17,206 ratings
Through Two Doors at Once Audiobook By Anil Ananthaswamy cover art
  1. Through Two Doors at Once
The Elegant Experiment That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality
By: Anil Ananthaswamy
Narrated by: René Ruiz
Length: 7 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 08-07-18
4.5 out of 5 stars229 ratings
Scarcity Brain Audiobook By Michael Easter cover art
  1. Scarcity Brain
Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough
By: Michael Easter
Narrated by: Michael Easter
Length: 9 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 09-26-23
4.5 out of 5 stars407 ratings
Pale Blue Dot Audiobook By Carl Sagan cover art
  1. Pale Blue Dot
A Vision of the Human Future in Space
Narrated by: Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan
Length: 13 hrs and 18 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars1,923 ratings
The Hidden World of the Fox Audiobook By Adele Brand cover art
  1. The Hidden World of the Fox
By: Adele Brand
Narrated by: Jane McDowell
Length: 5 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 10-22-19
4.5 out of 5 stars25 ratings
Regular price: $19.79
The Confident Mind Audiobook By Dr. Nate Zinsser cover art
  1. The Confident Mind
A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance
By: Dr. Nate Zinsser
Narrated by: Qarie Marshall
Release date: 01-25-22
5 out of 5 stars411 ratings
The Molecule of More Audiobook By Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Michael E. Long cover art
  1. The Molecule of More
How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity - And Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race
By: Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Michael E. Long
Narrated by: Tom Parks
Length: 8 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 10-01-18
4.5 out of 5 stars2,606 ratings
Regular price: $20.00
Home Waters Audiobook By John N. Maclean cover art
  1. Home Waters
A Chronicle of Family and a River
By: John N. Maclean
Narrated by: Robertson Dean
Release date: 06-01-21
4.5 out of 5 stars93 ratings
The Demon-Haunted World Audiobook By Carl Sagan cover art
  1. The Demon-Haunted World
Science as a Candle in the Dark
Narrated by: Cary Elwes, Seth MacFarlane
Length: 17 hrs and 23 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars5,208 ratings
How Emotions Are Made Audiobook By Lisa Feldman Barrett cover art
  1. How Emotions Are Made
The Secret Life of the Brain
By: Lisa Feldman Barrett
Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell
Length: 14 hrs and 32 mins
Release date: 03-07-17
4.5 out of 5 stars2,420 ratings
In the Form of a Question Audiobook By Amy Schneider cover art
  1. In the Form of a Question
The Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life
By: Amy Schneider
Narrated by: Amy Schneider
Length: 6 hrs and 47 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars58 ratings
Pests Audiobook By Bethany Brookshire cover art
  1. Pests
How Humans Create Animal Villains
By: Bethany Brookshire
Narrated by: Courtney Patterson
Length: 10 hrs and 51 mins
Release date: 12-06-22
4.5 out of 5 stars35 ratings
The Good Virus Audiobook By Tom Ireland cover art
  1. The Good Virus
The Amazing Story and Forgotten Promise of the Phage
By: Tom Ireland
Narrated by: Ben Deery
Length: 10 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 08-15-23
5 out of 5 stars12 ratings
A Sand County Almanac Audiobook By Aldo Leopold, Barbara Kingsolver - introduction cover art
  1. A Sand County Almanac
And Sketches Here and There
By: Aldo Leopold, Barbara Kingsolver - introduction
Length: 4 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 04-22-20
4.5 out of 5 stars489 ratings
Sale price: $4.99 (70% off)
Sale ends in 13d 15h 38m 31s
All Creatures Great and Small Audiobook By James Herriot cover art
  1. All Creatures Great and Small
The Warm and Joyful Memoirs of the World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor
By: James Herriot
Narrated by: Christopher Timothy
Series: All Creatures Great and Small, Book 1
Length: 15 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 12-26-99
5 out of 5 stars7,397 ratings
Regular price: $24.74
This Is Your Brain on Parasites Audiobook By Kathleen McAuliffe cover art
  1. This Is Your Brain on Parasites
How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society
By: Kathleen McAuliffe
Narrated by: Nicol Zanzarella
Length: 8 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 06-07-16
4.5 out of 5 stars1,098 ratings
The Code Breaker Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art
  1. The Code Breaker
Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
Narrated by: Kathe Mazur, Walter Isaacson
Length: 16 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 03-09-21
4.5 out of 5 stars6,182 ratings
The Many Hidden Worlds of Quantum Mechanics Audiobook By Sean Carroll, The Great Courses cover art
  1. The Many Hidden Worlds of Quantum Mechanics
By: Sean Carroll, The Great Courses
Length: 11 hrs and 51 mins
Release date: 11-24-23
5 out of 5 stars21 ratings
Regular price: $33.90
Better Living Through Birding Audiobook By Christian Cooper cover art
  1. Better Living Through Birding
Notes from a Black Man in the Natural World
By: Christian Cooper
Narrated by: Christian Cooper
Length: 10 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 06-13-23
4.5 out of 5 stars168 ratings
Solve for Happy Audiobook By Mo Gawdat cover art
  1. Solve for Happy
Engineer Your Path to Joy
By: Mo Gawdat
Narrated by: Mo Gawdat
Length: 11 hrs and 12 mins
Release date: 03-21-17
4.5 out of 5 stars2,602 ratings
Freakonomics Audiobook By Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner cover art
  1. Freakonomics
Revised Edition
By: Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
Narrated by: Stephen J. Dubner
Length: 7 hrs and 51 mins
Release date: 06-14-07
4.5 out of 5 stars12,200 ratings
The Ride of Her Life Audiobook By Elizabeth Letts cover art
  1. The Ride of Her Life
The True Story of a Woman, Her Horse, and Their Last-Chance Journey Across America
By: Elizabeth Letts
Narrated by: Elizabeth Letts, Tavia Gilbert
Length: 10 hrs and 27 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars837 ratings
Biography of Resistance Audiobook By Muhammad H. Zaman cover art
  1. Biography of Resistance
The Epic Battle Between People and Pathogens
By: Muhammad H. Zaman
Narrated by: Kyle Tait
Length: 8 hrs and 3 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars416 ratings
The Making of the Atomic Bomb Audiobook By Richard Rhodes cover art
  1. The Making of the Atomic Bomb
25th Anniversary Edition
By: Richard Rhodes
Narrated by: Holter Graham
Series: Richard Rhodes' Nuclear Histories
Length: 37 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 02-09-16
4.5 out of 5 stars3,954 ratings
Regular price: $37.49
The Invention of Nature Audiobook By Andrea Wulf cover art
  1. The Invention of Nature
Alexander von Humboldt's New World
By: Andrea Wulf
Narrated by: David Drummond
Length: 14 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 10-20-15
4.5 out of 5 stars2,484 ratings
Regular price: $25.79
A Brief History of Time Audiobook By Stephen Hawking cover art
  1. A Brief History of Time
By: Stephen Hawking
Narrated by: Michael Jackson
Length: 5 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 05-01-12
4.5 out of 5 stars7,727 ratings
Regular price: $19.46
Chamber Divers Audiobook By Rachel Lance cover art
  1. Chamber Divers
The Untold Story of the D-Day Scientists Who Changed Special Operations Forever
By: Rachel Lance
Narrated by: Alex Wyndham
Length: 10 hrs and 44 mins
Skunk Works Audiobook By Ben R. Rich, Leo Janos cover art
  1. Skunk Works
A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed
By: Ben R. Rich, Leo Janos
Narrated by: Pete Larkin
Release date: 07-14-15
4.5 out of 5 stars10,008 ratings
My Penguin Year Audiobook By Lindsay McCrae cover art
  1. My Penguin Year
Life Among the Emperors
By: Lindsay McCrae
Narrated by: Lindsay McCrae
Length: 7 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 11-12-19
4.5 out of 5 stars20 ratings
The Spinning Magnet Audiobook By Alanna Mitchell cover art
  1. The Spinning Magnet
The Electromagnetic Force that Created the Modern World - and Could Destroy It
By: Alanna Mitchell
Narrated by: P.J. Ochlan
Length: 9 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 01-30-18
4.5 out of 5 stars97 ratings
Waking Up Audiobook By Sam Harris cover art
  1. Waking Up
A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion
By: Sam Harris
Narrated by: Sam Harris
Length: 5 hrs and 53 mins
Release date: 09-09-14
4.5 out of 5 stars12,003 ratings
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  1. Not That Fancy
Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots
By: Reba McEntire
Narrated by: Reba McEntire, Dolly Parton, Carly Pearce, Vince Gill, Ronnie Dunn, Carrie Underwood, Kix Brooks, full cast
Length: 6 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 10-10-23
Language: English
5 out of 5 stars292 ratings
Regular price: $19.79
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My Beloved Monster Audiobook By Caleb Carr cover art
  1. My Beloved Monster
Masha, the Half-Wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me
By: Caleb Carr
Narrated by: James Lurie
Length: 13 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 04-16-24
5 out of 5 stars1 rating
Regular price: $24.95
How to Keep House While Drowning Audiobook By KC Davis LPC cover art
  1. How to Keep House While Drowning
A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing
By: KC Davis LPC
Narrated by: KC Davis LPC, Dr. Raquel Martin
Length: 3 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 04-26-22
5 out of 5 stars4,140 ratings
Regular price: $11.24
Bourdain Audiobook By Laurie Woolever cover art
  1. Bourdain
The Definitive Oral Biography
By: Laurie Woolever
Narrated by: Laurie Woolever, Christopher Bourdain, José Andrés, Nigella Lawson, W. Kamau Bell, full cast
Length: 11 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 09-28-21
4.5 out of 5 stars922 ratings
Regular price: $25.19
Kitchen Confidential Audiobook By Anthony Bourdain cover art
  1. Kitchen Confidential
Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
By: Anthony Bourdain
Narrated by: Anthony Bourdain
Length: 8 hrs and 19 mins
Release date: 02-06-01
5 out of 5 stars36,154 ratings
Regular price: $13.46
Crying in H Mart Audiobook By Michelle Zauner cover art
  1. Crying in H Mart
A Memoir
By: Michelle Zauner
Narrated by: Michelle Zauner
Length: 7 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 04-20-21
4.5 out of 5 stars11,327 ratings
Regular price: $18.00
How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind Audiobook By Dana K. White cover art
  1. How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind
Dealing with Your House's Dirty Little Secrets
By: Dana K. White
Narrated by: Dana K. White
Length: 6 hrs and 15 mins
Release date: 11-08-16
5 out of 5 stars2,950 ratings
Your Dog Is Your Mirror Audiobook By Kevin Behan cover art
  1. Your Dog Is Your Mirror
The Emotional Capacity of Our Dogs and Ourselves
By: Kevin Behan
Narrated by: Patrick Lawlor
Length: 12 hrs and 8 mins
Release date: 11-03-20
3.5 out of 5 stars446 ratings
Regular price: $25.00
Decluttering at the Speed of Life Audiobook By Dana K. White cover art
  1. Decluttering at the Speed of Life
Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff
Length: 6 hrs and 6 mins
Release date: 02-27-18
4.5 out of 5 stars5,093 ratings
Medium Raw Audiobook By Anthony Bourdain cover art
  1. Medium Raw
A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook
Length: 8 hrs and 59 mins
Release date: 07-06-10
4.5 out of 5 stars11,205 ratings
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Audiobook By Marie Kondo cover art
  1. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
By: Marie Kondo
Narrated by: Emily Woo Zeller
Series: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Book 1
Length: 4 hrs and 50 mins
Release date: 01-06-15
4.5 out of 5 stars31,980 ratings
Regular price: $13.75
Be Ready When the Luck Happens Audiobook By Ina Garten cover art
  1. Be Ready When the Luck Happens
By: Ina Garten
Narrated by: Ina Garten
Length: 14 hrs
Release date: 10-01-24
Not rated yet
Regular price: $22.75
Pre-order: Free with 30-day trial
All Creatures Great and Small Audiobook By James Herriot cover art
  1. All Creatures Great and Small
The Warm and Joyful Memoirs of the World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor
By: James Herriot
Narrated by: Christopher Timothy
Series: All Creatures Great and Small, Book 1
Length: 15 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 12-26-99
5 out of 5 stars7,397 ratings
Regular price: $24.74
Meat Eater Audiobook By Steven Rinella cover art
  1. Meat Eater
Adventures from the Life of an American Hunter
By: Steven Rinella
Narrated by: Steven Rinella
Length: 7 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 04-25-23
5 out of 5 stars267 ratings
The Forever Dog Audiobook By Rodney Habib, Karen Shaw Becker cover art
  1. The Forever Dog
A New Science Blueprint for Raising Exceptionally Healthy and Happy Companions
By: Rodney Habib, Karen Shaw Becker
Narrated by: Jean Ann Douglass, Joe Knezevich
Length: 15 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 10-12-21
5 out of 5 stars329 ratings
Sale price: $6.99 (75% off)
Regular price: $28.79
Sale ends in 13d 15h 54m 19s
Oliver Audiobook By Steven J. Carino, Alex Tresniowski, Laura Schroff - foreword cover art
  1. Oliver
The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans He Brought Together
By: Steven J. Carino, Alex Tresniowski, Laura Schroff - foreword
Narrated by: Steven J. Carino
Length: 7 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 01-26-21
4.5 out of 5 stars100 ratings
Really Very Crunchy Audiobook By Emily Morrow cover art
  1. Really Very Crunchy
A Beginner's Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life Without Adding Them to Your Personality
By: Emily Morrow
Narrated by: Emily Morrow
Release date: 03-12-24
5 out of 5 stars115 ratings
Regular price: $17.09
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning Audiobook By Margareta Magnusson cover art
  1. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning
How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter
By: Margareta Magnusson
Narrated by: Juliet Stevenson
Length: 2 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 01-02-18
4.5 out of 5 stars1,402 ratings
Taste Audiobook By Stanley Tucci cover art
  1. Taste
My Life Through Food
By: Stanley Tucci
Narrated by: Stanley Tucci
Length: 6 hrs and 50 mins
Release date: 10-05-21
5 out of 5 stars4,252 ratings
Regular price: $13.49
How to Raise the Perfect Dog Audiobook By Melissa Jo Peltier, Cesar Millan cover art
  1. How to Raise the Perfect Dog
Through Puppyhood and Beyond
By: Melissa Jo Peltier, Cesar Millan
Narrated by: John H. Mayer
Length: 9 hrs and 31 mins
Release date: 10-19-09
4.5 out of 5 stars1,324 ratings
Enough Already Audiobook By Valerie Bertinelli cover art
  1. Enough Already
Learning to Love the Way I Am Today
By: Valerie Bertinelli
Narrated by: Valerie Bertinelli
Length: 6 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 01-18-22
5 out of 5 stars2,367 ratings
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat Audiobook By Samin Nosrat cover art
  1. Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat
Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking
By: Samin Nosrat
Narrated by: Samin Nosrat
Length: 5 hrs and 57 mins
Release date: 08-22-17
5 out of 5 stars1,679 ratings
At Home Audiobook By Bill Bryson cover art
  1. At Home
A Short History of Private Life
By: Bill Bryson
Narrated by: Bill Bryson
Length: 16 hrs and 33 mins
Release date: 10-05-10
4.5 out of 5 stars6,432 ratings
Regular price: $22.50
The Omnivore's Dilemma Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art
  1. The Omnivore's Dilemma
A Natural History of Four Meals
By: Michael Pollan
Narrated by: Scott Brick
Length: 15 hrs and 53 mins
Release date: 01-01-06
4.5 out of 5 stars9,317 ratings
The Purest Bond Audiobook By Jen Golbeck, Stacey Colino cover art
  1. The Purest Bond
Understanding the Human-Canine Connection
By: Jen Golbeck, Stacey Colino
Narrated by: Jen Golbeck
Length: 6 hrs and 33 mins
Release date: 11-14-23
5 out of 5 stars36 ratings
Cook, Eat, Repeat Audiobook By Nigella Lawson cover art
  1. Cook, Eat, Repeat
Ingredients, Recipes, and Stories
By: Nigella Lawson
Narrated by: Nigella Lawson
Length: 11 hrs and 42 mins
5 out of 5 stars14 ratings
All Things Bright and Beautiful Audiobook By James Herriot cover art
  1. All Things Bright and Beautiful
Series: All Creatures Great and Small, Book 2
Length: 13 hrs and 24 mins
Release date: 12-27-00
5 out of 5 stars3,369 ratings
Regular price: $20.24
Salt Audiobook By Mark Kurlansky cover art
  1. Salt
A World History
By: Mark Kurlansky
Length: 13 hrs and 48 mins
Release date: 02-20-03
4 out of 5 stars3,087 ratings
Regular price: $23.36
The French Ingredient Audiobook By Jane Bertch cover art
  1. The French Ingredient
Making a Life in Paris One Lesson at a Time: A Memoir
By: Jane Bertch
Narrated by: Barrie Kreinik
Length: 7 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 04-09-24
3 out of 5 stars2 ratings
The Botany of Desire Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art
  1. The Botany of Desire
A Plant's-Eye View of the World
Narrated by: Michael Pollan
Length: 8 hrs and 32 mins
Release date: 10-18-22
4.5 out of 5 stars207 ratings
Your Table Is Ready Audiobook By Michael Cecchi-Azzolina cover art
  1. Your Table Is Ready
Tales of a New York City Maître D'
By: Michael Cecchi-Azzolina
Narrated by: Michael Cecchi-Azzolina
Length: 9 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 12-06-22
4.5 out of 5 stars1,030 ratings
Horse Brain, Human Brain Audiobook By Janet L. Jones cover art
  1. Horse Brain, Human Brain
The Neuroscience of Horsemanship
By: Janet L. Jones
Narrated by: Helena Harris
Length: 8 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 03-03-23
5 out of 5 stars47 ratings
Regular price: $23.21
Big Macs & Burgundy Audiobook By Vanessa Price, Adam Laukhuf cover art
  1. Big Macs & Burgundy
Wine Pairings for the Real World
By: Vanessa Price, Adam Laukhuf
Narrated by: Vanessa Price
Length: 9 hrs and 14 mins
Release date: 10-13-20
4.5 out of 5 stars19 ratings
  1. All Creatures Great and Small
Narrated by: Nicholas Ralph
Length: 15 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 11-17-20
5 out of 5 stars933 ratings
The Devil in the Kitchen Audiobook By Marco Pierre White, James Steen cover art
  1. The Devil in the Kitchen
Sex, Pain, Madness, and the Making of a Great Chef
By: Marco Pierre White, James Steen
Narrated by: Timothy Bentinck
Length: 9 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 09-29-15
5 out of 5 stars1,325 ratings
Regular price: $19.95
The Upstairs Delicatessen Audiobook By Dwight Garner cover art
  1. The Upstairs Delicatessen
On Eating, Reading, Reading About Eating, and Eating While Reading
By: Dwight Garner
Narrated by: Christopher P. Brown
Length: 6 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 10-24-23
4 out of 5 stars8 ratings
Regular price: $17.19
The Rural Diaries Audiobook By Hilarie Burton cover art
  1. The Rural Diaries
Love, Livestock, and Big Life Lessons Down on Mischief Farm
By: Hilarie Burton
Narrated by: Hilarie Burton
Release date: 05-05-20
5 out of 5 stars2,935 ratings
Sale price: $6.99 (64% off)
Whiskey in a Teacup Audiobook By Reese Witherspoon cover art
  1. Whiskey in a Teacup
By: Reese Witherspoon
Narrated by: Reese Witherspoon
Length: 2 hrs and 50 mins
Release date: 09-18-18
4.5 out of 5 stars4,718 ratings
Herbal Antibiotics: What BIG Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know Audiobook By Mary Jones cover art
  1. Herbal Antibiotics: What BIG Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know
How to Pick and Use the 45 Most Powerful Herbal Antibiotics for Overcoming Any Ailment
By: Mary Jones
Narrated by: Sherry Granader
Length: 3 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 07-09-19
4.5 out of 5 stars28 ratings
Regular price: $11.69
The Other End of the Leash Audiobook By Patricia McConnell PhD cover art
  1. The Other End of the Leash
Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs
By: Patricia McConnell PhD
Narrated by: Ellen Archer
Length: 9 hrs and 52 mins
Release date: 06-01-16
4.5 out of 5 stars1,550 ratings
Regular price: $21.05
Training Your Own Service Dog at Home Audiobook By David Winslow cover art
  1. Training Your Own Service Dog at Home
The Easy Step-By-Step Guide to Training Your Own Psychiatric Service Dog with Positive Reinforcement and Fun Games for First Time Owners
By: David Winslow
Narrated by: Russ Jankovitz
Length: 5 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 02-07-24
5 out of 5 stars55 ratings
Organizing for the Rest of Us Audiobook By Dana K. White cover art
  1. Organizing for the Rest of Us
100 Realistic Strategies to Keep Any House Under Control
Length: 3 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 01-11-22
5 out of 5 stars907 ratings
Regular price: $15.29
Second Nature Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art
  1. Second Nature
A Gardener's Education
Release date: 03-12-10
4.5 out of 5 stars1,418 ratings
Regular price: $20.00
In the Weeds Audiobook By Tom Vitale cover art
  1. In the Weeds
Around the World and Behind the Scenes with Anthony Bourdain
By: Tom Vitale
Narrated by: Tom Vitale
Length: 8 hrs and 47 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars774 ratings
Regular price: $19.49
The Last Castle Audiobook By Denise Kiernan cover art
  1. The Last Castle
The Epic Story of Love, Loss, and American Royalty in the Nation’s Largest Home
By: Denise Kiernan
Narrated by: Denise Kiernan
Length: 10 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 09-26-17
4.5 out of 5 stars937 ratings
How Dogs Love Us Audiobook By Gregory Berns cover art
  1. How Dogs Love Us
A Neuroscientist and His Adopted Dog Decode the Canine Brain
By: Gregory Berns
Narrated by: LJ Ganser
Length: 7 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 10-22-13
4 out of 5 stars1,272 ratings
Regular price: $17.95
Inside of a Dog Audiobook By Alexandra Horowitz cover art
  1. Inside of a Dog
What Dogs See, Smell, and Know
By: Alexandra Horowitz
Narrated by: Karen White
Length: 10 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 03-22-16
4.5 out of 5 stars796 ratings
Regular price: $17.99
All Things Wise and Wonderful Audiobook By James Herriot cover art
  1. All Things Wise and Wonderful
Series: All Creatures Great and Small, Book 3
Length: 15 hrs and 14 mins
Release date: 01-05-01
5 out of 5 stars2,740 ratings
Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff Audiobook By Matt Paxton, Jordan Michael Smith - contributor cover art
  1. Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff
Declutter, Downsize, and Move Forward with Your Life
By: Matt Paxton, Jordan Michael Smith - contributor
Narrated by: Matt Paxton
Length: 5 hrs and 12 mins
Release date: 02-08-22
4.5 out of 5 stars182 ratings
Regular price: $13.50
Puppy Training in 7 Easy Steps Audiobook By Mark Van Wye, Zoom Room Dog Training cover art
  1. Puppy Training in 7 Easy Steps
Everything You Need to Know to Raise the Perfect Dog
By: Mark Van Wye, Zoom Room Dog Training
Narrated by: Mark Van Wye
Length: 3 hrs and 53 mins
Release date: 09-24-19
5 out of 5 stars73 ratings
  1. All Things Wise and Wonderful
The Warm and Joyful Memoirs of the World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor (All Creatures Great and Small)
Length: 16 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 12-27-22
5 out of 5 stars85 ratings
The Lord God Made Them All Audiobook By James Herriot cover art
  1. The Lord God Made Them All
Series: All Creatures Great and Small, Book 4
Length: 11 hrs and 30 mins
5 out of 5 stars2,153 ratings
Outdoor Kids in an Inside World Audiobook By Steven Rinella cover art
  1. Outdoor Kids in an Inside World
Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature
Length: 6 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 05-03-22
5 out of 5 stars1,302 ratings
4 in 1 Bundle Off the Grid Survival Book, Prepper's Survival Bible, How to Survive in the Woods, 10 Essential Tools to Live O
  1. 4 in 1 Bundle Off the Grid Survival Book, Prepper's Survival Bible, How to Survive in the Woods, 10 Essential Tools to Live Off-Grid
Off the Grid Living, Survival & Bushcraft
By: Richard Man
Narrated by: Tom Brooks
Length: 11 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 11-04-22
4.5 out of 5 stars25 ratings
World Travel Audiobook By Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever cover art
  1. World Travel
An Irreverent Guide
By: Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever
Narrated by: Laurie Woolever, Shep Gordon, Christopher Bourdain, Jen Agg, Matt Walsh, Bill Buford, Claude Tayag, Nari Kye, Vidya Balachander, Steve Albini
Length: 12 hrs and 12 mins
4 out of 5 stars393 ratings
Pappyland Audiobook By Wright Thompson cover art
  1. Pappyland
A Story of Family, Fine Bourbon, and the Things That Last
By: Wright Thompson
Narrated by: Chris Abernathy
Length: 5 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 11-10-20
4.5 out of 5 stars860 ratings
The Vegetarian Myth Audiobook By Lierre Keith cover art
  1. The Vegetarian Myth
Food, Justice, and Sustainability
By: Lierre Keith
Narrated by: Joyce Bean
Length: 11 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 01-25-12
4 out of 5 stars629 ratings
Upstream Audiobook By Langdon Cook cover art
  1. Upstream
Searching for Wild Salmon, from River to Table
By: Langdon Cook
Length: 13 hrs and 26 mins
Release date: 05-30-17
4.5 out of 5 stars37 ratings
Regular price: $20.25
Cork Dork Audiobook By Bianca Bosker cover art
  1. Cork Dork
A Wine-Fueled Adventure Among the Obsessive Sommeliers, Big Bottle Hunters, and Rogue Scientists Who Taught Me to Live for Taste
By: Bianca Bosker
Narrated by: Bianca Bosker
Length: 12 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 03-28-17
4.5 out of 5 stars1,597 ratings
Crate Training for Puppies: How to Crate Train Your Puppy in Just 3 Days Audiobook By Ethan Adrian cover art
  1. Crate Training for Puppies: How to Crate Train Your Puppy in Just 3 Days
A Step-by-Step Program so Your Pup Will Understand You!
By: Ethan Adrian
Narrated by: Nathan Rooks
Length: 1 hr and 6 mins
Release date: 11-13-18
4 out of 5 stars58 ratings
Regular price: $6.95
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle Audiobook By Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp cover art
  1. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
A Year of Food Life
By: Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
Narrated by: Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
Length: 14 hrs and 35 mins
Release date: 04-25-07
4.5 out of 5 stars2,239 ratings
Order from Chaos Audiobook By Jaclyn Paul cover art
  1. Order from Chaos
The Everyday Grind of Staying Organized with Adult ADHD
By: Jaclyn Paul
Narrated by: Vanessa Daniels
Length: 6 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 05-25-21
4.5 out of 5 stars191 ratings
Tidy the F*ck Up Audiobook By Messie Condo cover art
  1. Tidy the F*ck Up
The American Art of Organizing Your Sh*t
By: Messie Condo
Narrated by: Natalie Naudus
Length: 3 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 06-02-20
4.5 out of 5 stars158 ratings
Regular price: $16.00
Sacred Spaces Audiobook By Susan D. Fay PhD cover art
  1. Sacred Spaces
Communion with the Horse Through Science and Spirit
By: Susan D. Fay PhD
Narrated by: Susan D. Fay PhD
Length: 5 hrs and 27 mins
Release date: 03-17-22
5 out of 5 stars87 ratings
The Pet I Can’t Forget Audiobook By Karen A. Anderson cover art
  1. The Pet I Can’t Forget
Finding Hope and Healing With Signs From the Afterlife
By: Karen A. Anderson
Narrated by: Mandy Grant-Grierson
Length: 5 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 12-16-23
4.5 out of 5 stars9 ratings
The Eighty-Dollar Champion Audiobook By Elizabeth Letts cover art
  1. The Eighty-Dollar Champion
Snowman, the Horse That Inspired a Nation
By: Elizabeth Letts
Narrated by: Arthur Morey
Length: 11 hrs and 22 mins
5 out of 5 stars301 ratings
The Ultimate Book of Fun Things to Do in Retirement: Volume 1 Audiobook By S.C. Francis cover art
  1. The Ultimate Book of Fun Things to Do in Retirement: Volume 1
By: S.C. Francis
Narrated by: S.C. Francis
Length: 10 hrs and 4 mins
Release date: 06-22-23
5 out of 5 stars43 ratings
Spark Joy Audiobook By Marie Kondo cover art
  1. Spark Joy
An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up
Narrated by: Sumalee Montano
Series: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Book 2
Length: 5 hrs and 31 mins
Release date: 01-05-16
4.5 out of 5 stars2,831 ratings
Nobody Wants Your Sh*t Audiobook By Messie Condo cover art
  1. Nobody Wants Your Sh*t
The Art of Decluttering Before You Die
Narrated by: Hillary Huber
Length: 3 hrs and 2 mins
Release date: 02-28-23
4 out of 5 stars35 ratings
The Minimalist Home Audiobook By Joshua Becker cover art
  1. The Minimalist Home
A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life
By: Joshua Becker
Narrated by: Joshua Becker
Length: 8 hrs and 5 mins
Release date: 12-18-18
4.5 out of 5 stars930 ratings
Nature's Best Hope Audiobook By Douglas W. Tallamy cover art
  1. Nature's Best Hope
A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard
By: Douglas W. Tallamy
Narrated by: Adam Barr
Length: 6 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 05-19-20
5 out of 5 stars425 ratings
The Agent's Edge Audiobook By Jordan Cohen, Mark Tabb - contributor, Sylvester Stallone cover art
  1. The Agent's Edge
Secret Strategies to Win Listings and Make Your Fortune Selling Real Estate
By: Jordan Cohen, Mark Tabb - contributor, Sylvester Stallone
Narrated by: Jordan Cohen, Eric Simon, Matt Lionetti
Length: 5 hrs and 44 mins
Release date: 06-06-23
5 out of 5 stars66 ratings
The Rooted Life Audiobook By Justin Rhodes cover art
  1. The Rooted Life
Cultivating Health and Wholeness Through Growing Your Own Food
By: Justin Rhodes
Narrated by: Justin Rhodes
Length: 5 hrs and 2 mins
Release date: 03-01-22
Regular price: $14.81
French Women Don't Get Fat Audiobook By Mireille Guiliano cover art
  1. French Women Don't Get Fat
The Secret of Eating for Pleasure
By: Mireille Guiliano
Narrated by: Kathe Mazur
Length: 7 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 12-21-05
4.5 out of 5 stars669 ratings
Wine and War Audiobook By Donald Kladstrup, Petie Kladstrup cover art
  1. Wine and War
The French, the Nazis, and the Battle for France's Greatest Treasure
By: Donald Kladstrup, Petie Kladstrup
Narrated by: Todd McLaren
Length: 9 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 03-27-12
4.5 out of 5 stars416 ratings
Regular price: $15.47
From Scratch Audiobook By Tembi Locke cover art
  1. From Scratch
A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home
By: Tembi Locke
Narrated by: Tembi Locke
Length: 10 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 04-30-19
4.5 out of 5 stars5,202 ratings
Humble Pie Audiobook By Gordon Ramsay cover art
  1. Humble Pie
By: Gordon Ramsay
Narrated by: Gordon Ramsay
Length: 3 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 10-16-06
4.5 out of 5 stars1,480 ratings
Regular price: $18.87
The Orchid Thief Audiobook By Susan Orlean cover art
  1. The Orchid Thief
A True Story of Beauty and Obsession
By: Susan Orlean
Narrated by: Jennifer Meyers
Length: 8 hrs and 45 mins
Release date: 08-03-01
3.5 out of 5 stars572 ratings
Regular price: $17.98
Eat a Peach Audiobook By David Chang, Gabe Ulla cover art
  1. Eat a Peach
By: David Chang, Gabe Ulla
Narrated by: David Chang
Length: 9 hrs and 6 mins
Release date: 09-08-20
4.5 out of 5 stars1,921 ratings
Every Living Thing Audiobook By James Herriot cover art
  1. Every Living Thing
The Complete Audio Collection
Release date: 12-01-00
5 out of 5 stars1,128 ratings
Regular price: $14.99
Down and Out in Paradise Audiobook By Charles Leerhsen cover art
  1. Down and Out in Paradise
The Life of Anthony Bourdain
By: Charles Leerhsen
Narrated by: Vikas Adam
Length: 8 hrs and 40 mins
Release date: 10-11-22
4 out of 5 stars340 ratings
Food: A Love Story Audiobook By Jim Gaffigan cover art
  1. Food: A Love Story
By: Jim Gaffigan
Narrated by: Jim Gaffigan
Release date: 10-21-14
4.5 out of 5 stars4,056 ratings
Regular price: $15.75
In the Middle Are the Horsemen Audiobook By Tik Maynard cover art
  1. In the Middle Are the Horsemen
By: Tik Maynard
Narrated by: Tik Maynard
Length: 10 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 10-24-22
Regular price: $21.49
Old-Fashioned on Purpose Audiobook By Jill Winger cover art
  1. Old-Fashioned on Purpose
Cultivating a Slower, More Joyful Life
By: Jill Winger
Narrated by: Jill Winger, Andrew Eiden
Length: 8 hrs and 57 mins
Release date: 09-26-23
5 out of 5 stars78 ratings
Cooked Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art
  1. Cooked
A Natural History of Transformation
Length: 13 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 04-23-13
4.5 out of 5 stars2,563 ratings
No Ordinary Dog Audiobook By Will Chesney, Joe Layden cover art
  1. No Ordinary Dog
My Partner from the SEAL Teams to the Bin Laden Raid
By: Will Chesney, Joe Layden
Narrated by: Will Chesney
Length: 9 hrs and 44 mins
Release date: 04-21-20
5 out of 5 stars2,263 ratings
Speaking with Nature Audiobook By Sandra Ingerman, Llyn Roberts cover art
  1. Speaking with Nature
Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth
By: Sandra Ingerman, Llyn Roberts
Narrated by: Christa Lewis, Suzie Althens
Length: 9 hrs and 35 mins
Release date: 01-08-19
4.5 out of 5 stars135 ratings
The Man Who Listens to Horses Audiobook By Monty Roberts cover art
  1. The Man Who Listens to Horses
By: Monty Roberts
Narrated by: Ed Sala
Release date: 05-03-18
5 out of 5 stars247 ratings
The Book Your Dog Wishes You Would Read Audiobook By Louise Glazebrook cover art
  1. The Book Your Dog Wishes You Would Read
By: Louise Glazebrook
Narrated by: Louise Glazebrook
Length: 7 hrs and 43 mins
Release date: 11-18-21
4.5 out of 5 stars62 ratings
Regular price: $15.98
Finding Freedom Audiobook By Erin French cover art
  1. Finding Freedom
A Cook's Story; Remaking a Life from Scratch
By: Erin French
Narrated by: Erin French
Length: 9 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 04-06-21
5 out of 5 stars1,310 ratings
Raw Dog Audiobook By Jamie Loftus cover art
  1. Raw Dog
The Naked Truth About Hot Dogs
By: Jamie Loftus
Narrated by: Jamie Loftus
Length: 9 hrs and 38 mins
Release date: 05-23-23
4.5 out of 5 stars180 ratings
Teaming with Microbes Audiobook By Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis cover art
  1. Teaming with Microbes
The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web
By: Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis
Narrated by: Chris Lutkin
Length: 8 hrs and 7 mins
5 out of 5 stars320 ratings
The Complete Dr. Sebi Diet Cookbook Audiobook By Stephanie Henery cover art
  1. The Complete Dr. Sebi Diet Cookbook
Your Essential Guide to Reverse Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Through Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet
By: Stephanie Henery
Narrated by: Jimmy Allen Fuller
Length: 1 hr and 34 mins
Release date: 06-22-20
My Mother's Kitchen Audiobook By Peter Gethers cover art
  1. My Mother's Kitchen
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and the Meaning of Life
By: Peter Gethers
Narrated by: Peter Gethers
Length: 8 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 04-04-17
4.5 out of 5 stars20 ratings
Project 333 Audiobook By Courtney Carver cover art
  1. Project 333
The Minimalist Fashion Challenge That Proves Less Really Is So Much More
By: Courtney Carver
Narrated by: Courtney Carver
Release date: 03-03-20
4.5 out of 5 stars338 ratings
The Power of Awareness Audiobook By Dan Schilling cover art
  1. The Power of Awareness
And Other Secrets from the World's Foremost Spies, Detectives, and Special Operators on How to Stay Safe and Save Your Life
By: Dan Schilling
Narrated by: Dan Schilling
Length: 7 hrs and 6 mins
Release date: 06-01-21
4.5 out of 5 stars121 ratings
Good Clean Fun Audiobook By Nick Offerman cover art
  1. Good Clean Fun
Misadventures in Sawdust at Offerman Woodshop
By: Nick Offerman
Narrated by: Nick Offerman
Length: 6 hrs and 7 mins
Release date: 10-18-16
4.5 out of 5 stars1,606 ratings
Losing a Pet: A Book of Grief & Recovery Audiobook By Emily Newcombe cover art
  1. Losing a Pet: A Book of Grief & Recovery
The Pathway to Finding Joy After Pet Loss When You Just Can’t Get Over Losing Your Soul Pet
By: Emily Newcombe
Narrated by: Hillary O'Keefe
Length: 2 hrs and 8 mins
Release date: 04-11-24
5 out of 5 stars16 ratings
Joyful Audiobook By Ingrid Fetell Lee cover art
  1. Joyful
By: Ingrid Fetell Lee
Narrated by: Ingrid Fetell Lee
Length: 9 hrs and 29 mins
Release date: 09-04-18
4.5 out of 5 stars701 ratings
Regular price: $21.83
Folks, This Ain't Normal Audiobook By Joel Salatin cover art
  1. Folks, This Ain't Normal
A Farmer's Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World
By: Joel Salatin
Narrated by: Joel Salatin
Release date: 10-10-11
5 out of 5 stars2,557 ratings
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