Tbc tempest touring plus tr tires

[H] Games [W] GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon, Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

2024.05.31 22:00 Mizzno [H] Games [W] GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon, Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/ti26nz/mizznos_igs_rep_page/
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:44 Conscious-Series-514 Looking to buy Hyundai Palisade 2024 Canada

Looking to buy Hyundai Palisade 2024 Canada submitted by Conscious-Series-514 to HyundaiPalisade [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:34 EricGuy412 Cheese Tour '24 pt. 2 - [Bay Beach] May 24, 2024, plus bonus [Haunted Mansion] content: TR in comments

Cheese Tour '24 pt. 2 - [Bay Beach] May 24, 2024, plus bonus [Haunted Mansion] content: TR in comments submitted by EricGuy412 to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:32 Conscious-Series-514 Looking to buy Hyundai Palisade 2024 Canada

Looking to buy Hyundai Palisade 2024 Canada submitted by Conscious-Series-514 to u/Conscious-Series-514 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:14 VeigmaRr Changer de travail ?

Homme de 43 ans (marié et 2 enfants) je travail actuellement dans mon entreprise depuis 11 ans (hors une période de 2 ans pour faire une petite pause) dans le support informatique (mais 20 ans en tout)
Mon BRUT annuel si toute les étoiles sont alignées (prime + salaire) : 32 000 K€
Actuellement ce dont je bénéficie
Je tourne mensuellement à 2000 € / net, mais sur cette somme il y a 300 / 400 € de primes donc si je les retire je suis à 1600 € NET
Quand j'y pense cela m'effraie car si demain on les retire ou si on me les réduit, le mois qui suit va être un peu plus compliqué. J'essaye d'épargner autant que je peux mais ça va pas m'aider longtemps.
J'en arrive à m’interroger sur mon avenir professionnel et j'ai déjà deux entretiens pro à venir. L'objectif étant déjà de me positionner, voir ce que je vaux sur le marché et tenter d'avoir un salaire BRUT (hors prime) au dessus des 32 k€ afin de m'assurer mensuellement un salaire NET constant (et non avec une trop grosse variable) puis pour ma (non) retraite
Je ne pense pas que ma boîte soit prêt à me donner ma prime en NET ou il faudrait que je négocie de ne plus toucher aucun autre bonus mais est-ce que ça vaut le coup ?
Sans compter qu'à terme, nous souhaitons acheter avec ma femme, la maison où nous vivons et je me dis que cette notion de "prime" peut être également un gros risque.
Enfin, je ne vois pas où je pourrais évoluer dans la boîte. Mon responsable m'expliquera clairement que je suis un élément trop important car il y a 3 nouveaux et ils sont junior et que mon expérience est vraiment trop importante.
Mais hier soir, je me suis posé la question "est-ce que je n'ai pas fait le tour de mon poste ?" et je n'ai pas une réponse ferme à ce sujet.
En écrivant tout cela, je me dis que ce qui me gêne le plus c'est cette notion de prime...
Petit EDIT : Je pense que le télétravail me pèse mais c'est quelque chose que je ne souhaite pas changer dans l'état.
submitted by VeigmaRr to emploi [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:52 TokyoDisney_stuffs Some humble thoughts and advice for live action princess films from a nobody pt2

Some humble thoughts and advice for live action princess films from a nobody pt2
Edit, added some more sentences for the '' choking'' paragraph in case ppl don't understand what i mean xd
I hope that this amateur fan opinion counts as a movie critic😅
But anyway i'm sorry to disturb beforehand if it does not.
Since i realized i have more thoughts than i imagined on the 2023 Little mermaid, plz read this part 1 first for at least the introductions and the warnings. Like i said there, I stupidly hope that this somehow reaches to someone in the industry so i post this here at a different subreddit.
In this pt 2 article, i will be focusing mainly on the little mermaid and put the remaining topics in pt 3.
Most important of all, terribly sorry for the next amateur and subjective words and think again if you're the live action fan.
Let's begin.
I would like to discuss the film in 4 aspects accordingly, Halle's race Song performance+ acting Offscreen behavior + styles in movie The other songs
🙉Halle's race🙉
So when the decision and some leaked on-set photos came out, i was in doubt too. ''The Queen's Gambit'' was a hit then and i was upset that they chose Halle when there's the obvious right person(Anya Taylor-Joy) to play Ariel.
But after been ''deceived'' by this teaser, i changed my mind and was excited about her! The orchestra and her unstrained voice tells me that THIS is the musical i've never got with 2017 belle and 2019 Aladdin. I was beyond happy to finally see a princess who can do the orchestra justice!! Having scarred by 2017 belle, this meant a lot to me so i decided to look past her dark skin since the soul of the character, a beautiful voice, is there.
Yes i understand ppl are upset by her race but here's my point of view, 1.Mermaids are fictional creatures so i think it's ok to change their looks
2.The animation did give us a red-haired Caucasian girl and i totally understand why fans are upset. But the animation did also change the Andersen version tragedy into a happily-ever-after story and added a Jamaican crab. Most importantly, i'd much rather see someone who can sing ariel well than to see a look-alike ruining the classic songs like the 2017 belle to be honest with you guys.
Yeah so i still stand on these thoughts to this day and not her skin color but her looks in the movie is what pisses me off. (Will discuss later in her behavior part)
🙉Song performance+ acting🙉 To sum up, less is more for her songs and horrible yet understandable acting of a singer thanks to poor directing.
Part of your world.
the teaser i mentioned earlier has only the last 3 sentences of part of your world so i thought that the exaggerative ''be~~'' would be toned down and washed out by the rest of the song.
i'm not gonna bore you with how i changed my mind again and again several times after the whole song release but yeah, Halle didn't do so well in my final opinion.
back in 1989, Jodi was asked by Howard ashman to sing the whole song in a breathy voicewhich can't have been an easy task just by imagining it. The studio also had the lights dimmed to give her the feeling of an underwater cave and she pulled it off! the song was so effortless and easy to the ears that i only learned to appreciate after chatting (analyzing) with my mom and surfing the net before the 2023 film premiered.
Meanwhile, we have Halle, showing off as many techniques as possible. well yeah there's nothing wrong with this and it may be a WOW at first but it's just not a classic. Every sentence in the 1989 ver ended nice and clean, indicating Jodi is capable to continue but she ended as a concept of '' less is more'' But not in Halle's case. The increased length of the song plus all these singing techniques to pull off all require her breathe to be longer. Unfortunately, she doesn't have what it takes to nail this ver so she ends sentences out of breath (the lyric, waters) and sometimes strain her voice during a long high note.
Regarding these flaws, they covered them up cleverly by adding anger and frustration into this song.
So we hear a desperate but crazy full of technique singing voice, which is the opposite way to sing songs in a legit musical. You see, they are meant to be natural and sincere cause they are used to convey a character's overloading emotions when spoken words aren't enough to express.
Sure we feel how much Halle's ariel wants to go on shore. And I'm totally fine with the mood switch of getting up shore from 1989's "wants to" to the 2023's "needs to'' but the techniques aren't properly dealt with and appears to be unnecessary as a result.
Plus, visually, how she throws away thingamabob which is supposed to be precious to ariel, how she pats on a book weirdly and the zombie angle are all questionable to me.
Which all lead this unnatural clip to be more of a music video instead of an inserted song of a film.
See how halle seems to be soaked in and enjoying her twisting twirling '' be~~'' ??
This is a very strong example of how she's starring in a mv instead of letting out ariel's emotions in a movie.
Take cinderella 2015 as an example.
Lily did a nice job in the theme song but it's more like a song for advertisement.
This song has to be Ella humming to herself, giving herself a pat talk for another day's mean comments and chores to be inserted in the movie.
(TMI i have some murmurs about this song too but will talk about it in pt3 and has nothing to do with lily's singing)
Another classic example i thought of will be singing in the rain. The Gene kelly ver, in which he's happily splashing around in the rain, and the on-stage ver which sounds commercial.
Now for the perfect 2023 jp ver. This musical actress managed to end sentences cleaner than halle in spite of the similar singing method. And also, her techniques are smoother and her singing voice sounds much sweeter. Like the "i want more~~" part, halle just suddenly burst up to the high note while the jp ver kinda transited her way up there. I did not know halle was doing it wrong until this jp perfection ver was released
As for the mood, jp ver is softer and more mild maybe bc of the Japanese buff, the actress's natural voice or how the techniques are handled more smoothly. Idk the exact reason cause I'm not a profession.
Whatever causes the differences, jp ver is the perfect balance between ''princess ariel'' and ''needing to be on shore" without being too aggressive like Halle.
Some past examples of such intense feelings and mood changes are below,
Agony is a great combination of natural outlet of strong desire in a musical with orchestra music. Once upon a dream underwent an amazing transformation in the mood with originaland maleficent 1.
So yeah the solution is to have halle sing in a natural way without so much ''brouhaha'' to make her out of breathe.
As for the reprises,
Aside from the very poor directing of crouching down and crawling sideways, I don't like how they changed the final note in reprise 1. Not at all artistic and beautiful.
(another moment of halle closing her eyes and singing sincerely like in a mv)
Yes the last "world" is mind blowing but is it good to listen to? That's an impossible note to sing and both halle and jp verwere struggling through and straining, very difficult to the eardrums. A sierra boggess ver on broadway is shorter but much more better. Disney, plz keep in mind that you are not here to wow ppl for only 10 seconds. You are here to make more classics. Make the songs durable to listen to, like reprise 2!! (jp ver here) No crazy high notes, no showing off, just beautifully sung pure sadness and heartbreak.
~Starting from here are 2 scenes i have problems with~
~plz note that there's a paragraph mentioning bodily functions/fluids so be prepared~
In kiss the girl, how ariel is playing with eric's lips is cringe for me too
i know fans like how she tries to signal eric her name but an intact person wouldn't go on and play with a non-relative ''stranger's'' lip. it's just a strange behavior even for ariel if i may. in the 1989 ver, yes we see a red hair girl combing her hair with a dinglehopper and acting like a child on a tour throughout the kingdom.
but the dumb acts all make sense and are actually adorable cause she's ariel, a princess showing great interest in the human world.
however, i'm not on board with how 2023 ariel teaches eric to pronounce her name. it just somehow seems confusing and makes me feel uncomfortable. Sorry i'm not able to point out the reason clearly but here's an alternative solution i came up with myself, during the interlude of the song, eric asks her name and ariel points at Aries star then gestures an eel.
(i know this clip is her gesturing usurla swimming but it's quite similar to an eel)
or she can even point at Flotsam and Jetsam waiting for orders to ambush nearby if the writers want to make things interesting
after several attempts, eric finally figured out her name and kisses her hand. ariel, a little surprised, stares at eric with wide eyes cause she's never knew about this kind of curtsy before. then the song continues. finally, eric leans in to kiss ariel but the eels, now realizing ariel was pointing at them just now, quickly flipped the boat and escaped. or the eels simply took action to stop the kiss like in the 1989 ver.
there, my solution includes the stars, keeps the setting of how ariel cannot write and how 2023 eric is the one who initiates all the kisses. yeah i know the hand kissing may seem a bit too flirty? but i mean the whole song is about s*xual tension. if you wanna tone it down, a smile towards each other will do.
Lastly, the scene in which ariel gets her voice back from vanessa. While you may guess how ariel tackles vanessa may seem a problem to me, I'm actually ok with it. Judging from this scene, i'd say that 2023 ariel is more independent than 1989 ver ? which is ok with me.
Plus, the fight was not too brutal for a princess and the ugly faces + the ''get offf!'' scream are all vanessa, the sea witch xd
What bugs me the most is that gag reflex when the voice returns to ariel's vocal cord. why, oh why must i see and hear a suffocating person in a disney princess movie? it's just like 2017 belle's ''UGH'' in ''belle reprise'' , both very odd and don't fit in a 1990s princess movie. Artistic beauty should not be totally discarded in a disney princess movie.
So all reflexes shouldn't exist in a princess film to satisfy me? Well it depends. if you wanna throw up as belle or ariel, don't. if you wanna fart as jasmine or cinderella, hold your gas and do it offscreen. But if you are a modern-like princess like Anna, mulan or merida, these reflexes which may appear to be disgusting are acceptable in a certain degree. Like they are allowed to make vomit sounds but don't you dare show me a princess's yellow-greenish vomit.
Why do you think elsa's ice palace has no toilet? bc a queen only urinates and poops offscreen. and the cute little achoo snowmen replacing running nose and spit saliva? very creative and impressive:)
Eliminate possible body functions onscreen that may go against the character's setting.
The queen/the 5th spirit, would never be drawn to act like the soldiers in Mulan's camp.
Same goes to this 2023 ariel. Yes you're less passive and more modern like than 1989 ver but you are still ariel. The change in your personality should not be used as an excuse to loss total grace and control. A tiny burp on soda water is acceptable in my head when followed by a cute giggle but the hand gesture 🔽 and the gag reflex are not.
I mean suffocation sound is totally unnecessary in this scene. Mute it down cause it's not pleasant for me to see and hear someone who's supposed to be a lady choking onscreen in a make-believe Disney movie.
🙉controversial behaviors and the looks in movie🙉
i'm really not satisfied with her styles in the movie. (will discuss the hairstyles later cause i in fact hated it bc of her offscreen behavior) idk what the dresser was thinking but what's with the headband??
and i'm not sure about the blue. it might be the correct shade of blue for halle and totally the headband's fault but how can the same color come out so differently on the similar brown/black skin??
ps. the ballerina screenshot is from a facebook videorecommended for me months ago and i saved it due to the similar outfit/tutu colors
i mean halle looks so much better in a ponytail with the kind of collar!! if you want her hair down, change the fricking collar and plz just loose the headband.
and why no purple sparking dress? design a purple dress for halle as a sign of triumph over vanessa/usurla but plz don't be so lazy to use the exact same dress. redesign it, change the shade if the purple is not friendly to halle's brown/black skin and add sparkles to the total look to pay respect to the 1989 ver!!
now, for the controversial behaviors. as a shallow fan who was deceived by the early preview i mentioned above, i turned a blind eye on her ''us being raciest for attacking her color'' post. i certainly think that it was uncool for her to ''overuse'' and ''mislead'' but still eager about the movie, hoping that halle would wow us and change everyone's mind with her ''being'' ariel.
Then came the awful songs which made me loss all interest, thinking '' good lord, another ruined Alan menken movie'' and pity over the classics. but at least i was happy for the African American children who finally got a princess that looks like them on some youtube videos. yeah my childhood is long in the past so was still rooting for the brown-black ariel.
the last straw for me to hate halle and the movie has to be the animal abusing zoo she visited. i'll break my logic down so it's easier for you guys to follow, halle accidentally went to a zoo in Thailand known for abusing animals ► hot debate on the net and animal rights group request an apology ► seeing an abuse picture makes me sad and i think it's an honest mistake since you know she went there as a tourist, not some ambassador►a simple apology will do ► no response from halle ► she doesn't care about how her offscreen behavior might set an example to the kids ►her big talk about '' playing ariel for the kids and the future'' is all 💩BS💩 to me
ok so now, for the locs of her hair. Do note that i'm only ''hating'' on locs only bc of halle's offscreen actions and the character she's playing. I loved how her cgi hair flows underwater and how she wants her culture in the character. BUT after the whole zoo incidence and the '' don't give a hoot'' attitude, i think that she's just being lazy and spoiled. Yes the underwater cgi hair is really beautiful to me but it's totally a degrade form the iconic 1989 hair-flip 🔽 of ariel. And it's harder to style for an on-shore hair-down look, hence the headband i dreaded i'm guessing?
ps. if it's possible for civilians with natural hair to ace flips like this, then i think it's totally possible to relive the 1989 ver with movie magic.
solution? wear a wig for the hair flip since obviously you don't care about you representing the first america-african live action princess or you must have apologized for the zoo incident.
if the locs must be kept, then 🔽 braid the wig 🔽 on shore during the makeover or the kingdom tour. but i would suggest go deeper, make the whole america-african culture a thing above water instead of just a hairstyle on the lead role
(will elaborate this in the part 3, what to do with racial diversity)
🙉the other songs i cared about🙉
fathoms below lost all the majesticness and sounds like folklore pirate music. it's supposed to be an introduction of an underwater kingdom, not something pirates drink beer and cheer to.
kiss the girl Sebastian's first word '' percussion'' made me leave immediately. sorry for my language but it sounds like a pervert whispering. and the part in an earlier preview where all ariel's friends sing in turns? i think it's very off either bc they're in 3 different keys? or their voices don't match.
under the sea there's more talking than singing in the 2023 ver. and the new element of ''scolding'' is great and reasonable in my opinion. also ariel's chorus!!! impressive!!
but if i'm being picky, the audio of the crab soloing gives me less party/concert vibe. and i must say it's a fair adopt but the 1989 ver still wins cause 2023 ver lacks the musicality in the rapping bit. Here i also paste the 2023 jp ver cause the voice actor did a better job distinguishing the low and high notes. 1989 ver 2023 ver 2023 jp ver
poor unfortunate soul the musicality is not enough and it doesn't sound like singing the first talking part's fine but it's tough for me to hear when she starts yelling and shouting
uncharted water Jonah strained and roared himself to get to the high notes and idk if i misheard but he was at the edge of cracking his voice here?
also thejp verto show how it should sound to me
but i have to say that this eng ver might be tiring for me to here merely bc i'm only listening to the audio.
it may actually be good with the clip all together cause eric's in a movie crying out loud for ariel so a few cracks are acceptable~~
new ariel song i have to say halle did a great job in this song but unfortunately it's not my type. it gives me a more''Encanto‘’ vibe and not ''little mermaid'' the orchestra in the end manages to find some ''les mis'' musical vibe back but the whole song still doesn't work for me.
thanks you for your precious time reading my complaint😅
i don't actually blame halle for her bad acting to tell the truth.
i blame her for not taking Ariel seriously enough to avoid all the controversial incidents.
And the fact that they failed to combine cultures wonderfully like the song ''that's how you know''(at least in my opinion), another down-grade of the 1989 classic.
And the snow ''brown'' is just ewwww.
i can understand a brown ariel with great voice(halle can actually nail ariel if there weren't so many outburst like i said in the article) but a brown snow ''white''????
i actually came up with a storyline to make the snow ''brown'' reasonable and i can only hope that disney has the similar idea in head too.
Will be posting pt 3 1 month later cause the subreddit requires comment history~
That's it for this article, have a nice day:)
submitted by TokyoDisney_stuffs to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:20 Key-Challenge5624 Blue Car discounts

Blue Car discounts
Has anyone found a discount more than 10% off?
submitted by Key-Challenge5624 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:25 Otor235 Config PC à 1000e

Config PC à 1000e
Bonjour, je regarde une config pour un ami qui veux jouer occasionnellement à des jeux récents mais sans se prendre la tête avec des configs monstrueuses avec un budget de 1000e environ.
J'aimerais bien votre avis dessus pour valider s'il n'a pas fait une bourde svp. La config est comme ceci:
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Merci beaucoup à ceux qui regarderont !
submitted by Otor235 to pcmasterraceFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 GeometryDash_Gamer AS Characters Worst to Best

AS Characters Worst to Best
Previous posts: TDI, TDA, WT, ROTI
AS Character Ranking
15: Mal (El Mal Villano) - Yeah this guy is bad, but…not in the way the narrative wants us to see him. While he's not my personal least favorite villain, he is worse in the sense that we are supposed to take him seriously and see him as the 'ultimate' evil. And his downfall is the worst in the series without a doubt. As for his actual run as a villain, while his schemes are conceptually better than Island Heather, the dude makes himself way too obvious to be believable. And a handful of characters drop many IQ points for him to stay hidden as long as he does, Cameron having it especially bad. It’s also absolutely ridiculous that he did nothing upon being aware Mike is on the loose inside their brain, which makes me think maybe his stupidity was just contagious to others. Credit where it's due, he has his good moments and some occasional schemes that actually hit the mark for me. I also really like his voice, and he is surprisingly hilarious at times, both ironically and unironically. But no amount of boat noises, scaring Chris, mockingly imitating Mike in the confessional, or how funny the sheer stupidity behind some of his lies are, can make up for his god-awful writing and how much the season suffers as a result
14: Mike (Multiple Problems) - I could've just ranked him and Mal in one. But they are both terrible in separate ways that need more explanation to fully cover. On Mike's end, on top of being an objectively undeserving winner from a gameplay standpoint, his story is just depressingly bad in every way. His journey throughout his brain is underwhelming, save for a few amusing moments mostly from his alters. And he ironically doesn't get much focus despite being the most important character of the season. Especially not helping is that his development of learning to be more honest about his MPD in Revenge of the Island gets regressed here, and the plot requires him becoming brain-dead for Mal to gain complete control. Though I wouldn't be so hard on him if he actually learned from his mistakes like in Revenge. But as it stands, he learns nothing, everything works out ideally for him, and his plot concludes in a way that just all-around reeks of garbage storytelling. I wouldn't consider him one of the most infuriating characters, but there’s just very little I actually like about him. He is boring for most of his screen-time and fails as a protagonist on so many levels. And in some cases, a depressing character is worse than an infuriating one, especially given how important he wound up being to what was supposed to be the 'ultimate' season. The one thing I can actually give him credit for is that he had a good performance in a couple of challenges. Though beyond that, this season was a big fall-from-grace for him
13: Sierra (Codysexual) - At her worst, she sucks balls, and I think we all know why. Her obsession with Cody is incredibly cringe and unfunny, and the Camcody plot is especially cancerous with zero purpose of existing. With that said, she actually has some occasional moments I like, and she is surprisingly really good in episode 5 in particular. I also don't find her lows to be as bad as her World Tour incarnation. Though while she has more positives than most people give her credit for, I don't think Sierra's characterization here was anything either her fans or criticizers wanted
12: Jo (The Shot We All Wish Wasn't Cannon) - Jo had a promising start in the first episode, only for her remaining two episodes to turn her into an even bigger egotistical dumbass than she ever was in Revenge. Not only does she learn absolutely nothing from her mistakes, but she makes one of the stupidest challenge blunders in the history of Total Drama, yet has the gall to think she's still superior to her teammates. Her and Aleheather fighting for an alliance with Gwen was cool and made for some good comedy, but even then, it was very short-lived. And overall, her characterization here was just insulting and disappointing
11: Sam (Justice Against Gamer-phobia) - While the general premise of Sam being in this season was questionable, it could've worked…had they actually utilized him in any way. But as it stands, the dude does barely anything besides being a boring pain-magnet who is amusing in select moments at best, only for the one noteworthy moment he has to lead to a huge ass-pull that happened under completely nonsensical reasoning. Though I suppose in a way, his treatment in his elimination episode prepared us for what was yet to come. Speaking of which...
10: Duncan (The Flip and Flop #1) - All-Stars had the grounds to be one of Duncan's best seasons. But instead, he wound up being a painfully inconsistent mess with an exceptionally terrible sendoff to boot. Throughout Gwuncan, he repeatedly fluctuates between being nice and supportive to Gwen, and being an ignorant dumbass who for some reason tries to get Courtney's attention again (and not just in "Moon Madness" either). It's such an insulting direction to take him given he was clearly tired of her before and only came back to All-Stars for Gwen. And even in the context that he didn't truly get over Courtney, it never gets capitalized on and just makes him agonizingly stupid and pathetic. The premise of his nice-guy schtick is also dumb and makes him come off as an annoying crybaby. And while it had episodes where it worked a lot better, even the better aspects of it (i.e. his friendship with Zoey and any potential he had with his past history with Mal) get absolutely squandered in favor of making him lose every last brain cell he ever had, culminating in one of the worst sendoffs in the series and rendering his entire run in All-Stars worthless. I tried to like and defend Duncan this season. And afterall, it's Duncan so I'll always find things to like about him. But his flaws are far too glaring to look past. I don't think the writers had any idea what they wanted to do with him here. And the fact his portrayal repeatedly flip-flops between a likable and interesting character and a pathetic loser with zero self-awareness, makes him painful to watch. And given he's one of my favorite characters, it only makes this iteration all the more devastating...
9: Courtney (The Flip and Flop #2) - Also rather hit-or-miss even outside of her elimination episode, which completely assassinates her character. Courtney was just plain unlikable for no reason during her time on the heroes team, with not even a good challenge-performance to back it up. However, she got quite better during her time on the villains team. Not to mention, her moving on from Duncan and learning to just ignore him was nice. The less said about her friendship with Gwen, the better. Though her romance with Scott was surprisingly cute. And even if Mal came in and ruined it in the form of the godawful Cameron x Courtney plot, it just made me feel bad for her on her end. But of course her elimination episode wiped its filthy ass with anything good she had going for her, by putting great emphasis on her worst qualities and amplifying them by 100, all in favor of mercilessly trashing on her. It's almost scary how similar her and Duncan are regarding how they were treated in All-Stars, from the writers having no idea what to do with them, to both having the most insulting send-offs in Total Drama history. They both had potential to develop for the better, only for it to be completely thrown away. But like Duncan, it doesn't mean there weren't some good things about her
8: Cameron (From a Badass…to a Dumbass) - Yet another character who falls victim to some of Total Drama's worst cases of character assassination during his elimination episode. But compared to Duncan and Courtney, he didn't have any significantly bad moments beforehand, plus still had some cool moments. Him using Scott as shark-bait in episode 8 was an interesting morally-gray moment, and a really cool strat that almost got him out of last place in the challenge. It's a shame his elimination episode completely forgets about his intelligence and even strips away all his senses of basic human decency during the Cameron x Courtney plot. Admittedly, he wasn't consistently remarkable beforehand. And narratively, he does rather little despite being one of the first people to catch onto Mal. Nonetheless, he still had his good moments for me
7: Scott (The Farm-boy Buffoon) - Despite his personality change, I still find Scott pretty enjoyable at his best. It’s nice that he mellowed out, and his goofy side is endearing, coupled with some especially hilarious moments. On top of that, we get some pretty nice insight on his outside life. His romance with Courtney was surprisingly cute initially. Though unfortunately, he doesn’t stick out very consistently for me. And while his new strategy of laying low and having a better social game is valid, it’s not really capitalized on, and the strategic side of him barely gets touched on beyond his few attempts to find the immunity totem. To make matters worse, he got painfully dumbed down at times for the sake of Mal, and even left a sour last impression in his elimination episode for that reason. While he is one of the better parts of late All-Stars, he still leaves a lot to be desired
6: Gwen (Better Friend than Girlfriend) - While Gwen was always flawed writing-wise, this is the one season where her portrayal is genuinely problematic. She acts crappy to Duncan and Courtney on multiple occasions yet gets victimized compared to them. Her romance- I mean friendship with Courtney is super forced and cringe, and showcases both of them coming out on top over Duncan, even though all three did wrong in the Love Triangle. At least that’s until Courtney’s heel-turn down the line happens and ends with Gwen herself coming out on top, and finally “escaping her toxic relationships and ending the season with better friends while both Duncan and Courtney suffer”. There are so many things wrong with this narrative. Though even then…these aforementioned flaws didn't take up that much of Gwen’s character for me. She still has a handful of good moments outside of Duncan and Courtney. Her friendships with Cameron and Zoey are both wholesome and really brought out her more likable qualities. Besides this, she still has plenty of individual moments I like. She’s especially amazing in episode 9 in particular. All things considered, Gwen is still a good but very flawed character this season, and I get why some dislike her. Though I think All-Stars has some of her best highs in a while (besides the Action special)
5: Lindsay (The Smartest Character of the Season) - It says a lot that the very first boot manages to crack more than the half-way spot up this list. Lindsay still has some especially funny jokes, and her characterization is honestly not as bad as some people make it out to be. Her stupid moment was only a one-scene joke that was followed up with her doing the challenge. Plus, I can at least meme and argue that she just acted dumb on purpose to quit the competition, which is based given how disastrous this season turned out at its worst. And it was even implied she wanted to leave at some points. While I wouldn't unironically call her the smartest character of the season, I think she is still funny and leaves relatively unharmed compared to other characters
4: Lightning (Sha-larious Early Boot) - Despite lasting for only two episodes, the dude really delivered. I'd argue he's even funnier here than in Revenge, his pre-recorded message to Jo being my favorite joke from him yet. The only disappointing thing about him is that his background with his dad didn't get expanded on at all, which even then, ties more to "What could've been" rather than an actual characterization flaw. He's easily the least scathed in a season full of terrible writing, and was a hilarious early-season presence. You especially gotta love his badass challenge performance in episode 1
3: Zoey (Warm and Competent) - I'll admit, she didn't have much of an arc, and her obliviousness to Mal gets increasingly hard to defend as the season goes on. She was also occasionally over-powered to an annoying degree (mainly episode 3). But she still has many great attributes. She made for a surprisingly good team leader and performed well in challenges, pulling some especially cool feats. Though on top of that, she was incredibly kind and tried to see the best in everyone. And both her performance and kindness made her incredibly likable and easy to root for. She had great interactions with multiple people outside of Mike, most notably Duncan, Gwen, and even Courtney sometimes. In fact, had the season did the conclusion of the Love Triangle more justice, Zoey would've been the perfect character to help the three patch things up. All things considered, I find her a deserving winner. And despite her flaws, she’s one of the better parts of the season and a great protagonist for All-Stars standards
2: Heather (The Afterglow of a Queen Bee) - Sure she kind of goes back to being mean, and her taking pride in her villainy doesn’t make much sense when you take the World Tour finale into consideration. Though at least she isn’t as bitchy as she was in Island. Her relationship with Alejandro is still just as fun as ever and sometimes brings out her nicer side. Plus, their feelings for each other even get expanded on nicely in the finale. And all things considered, she’s not that bad in her elimination episode, despite being questionable at one point. Also, "Nice Heather" was an absolute treasure (rhyme not intended)
1: Alejandro (Diamond in the Dump) - Amidst a season that screwed over many characters, Alejandro is the biggest highlight. Even then, his elimination episode made him look weirdly weaker than usual at some points. And he maybe could've done more with his schtick of pretending his legs are still asleep. But while not the absolute least scathed as a whole, he was the least scathed as well as one of the most interesting characters that lasted through the merge. Put in a somewhat similar position to Action Heather, he was forced to rely on just his skills to get as far as he did with no one trusting him anymore. And as I said, Aleheather was still very fun this season. Their back-and-forth dialogue made for a lot of entertaining moments, and I really enjoyed watching them play mind-games with each-other throughout. Despite this, they also had some sweet moments and proved to genuinely care for each-other. In addition to this, it was very satisfying seeing him stand up to his older brother. His rivalry with Mal also had some really cool moments, especially on Alejandro's behalf. And it was a rare interaction where Mal actually had more struggles and didn't consist of Alejandro being entirely dumbed down, even if Mal came out on top in the end. While his highs aren't as good as his World Tour iteration, I think All-Stars was a nice progression for Alejandro in some ways, and further proved that you can involve the guy in just about anything and make it interesting
submitted by GeometryDash_Gamer to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:47 SignificantTap5579 Calculating the Screentime given to X plotline

I keep hearing people say the 'love triangle' and this plotline is getting too much screentime. I don't really feel so as just see it as another element of this season, but that might just be my perspective deciding to focus more on characters that I prefer. While episode 10 was focused on these 3 characters, the other episodes just give it two or three scenes as they cut between a lot of different characters. I decided to work out how much time the TomJake plotline is getting, but I am limiting it to just them talking about each other. I will agree that Jake is the main character, so I'm just counting him talking about Tom or his hatred of Aiden. Same applies to Tom and Aiden, where I'm only counting them when Jake is watching or if they are talking about him. This isn't meant to defend the plotline too much since I can't that well until the season is over, just cateloging since no one has made a compilation video yet. You can just skip straight to the total and average at the bottom to see the numbers without looking at how I determined everything.
Episode 1 - This is just character introductions so would only be in some moments. Jake and Miriam only talk about Tom from 4:37 - 4:54 (Emily literally said 'in this entire interview you haven't mentioned Tom'). Tom walks in and talks to them from 7:09 - 7:36 aswell. I guess Ellie also had the interview from 10:17 - 10:25 but including this is a stretch. The only other moment is 2 seconds of them seeing each other with different coloured parachutes. So this totals out to only 54 seconds.
Episode 2 - This has the Jake, Tom and Miriam have a conversation about it from 1:55 - 2:50 but after that they don't mention each other. I'm counting 20:08 - 20:53 as Jake getting jealous, Alec manipulating him and Jake being mad at Aiden taking the bird for being a start of this plot point. Then there's the Jake and James conversation from 21:47 - 22:42 which is the only elimination that I can say was because of this 'love triangle'. I'm not counting the actual voting as part of the time count, but I see why this episode is more focused on this as it starts the plot point. So this totals to -135 seconds or 2 minutes 15 seconds (but could be longer since I didn't count the elimination cermoney)
Episode 3 - This is mostly only one scene, I could include the responce to finding out James was eliminated which only adds 3 seconds on the timer. To be fair, I will include the full Jake and Ashley conversation about eliminating James even if some of it isn't related from 12:51 - 14:10 where Jake sees them hug. That's the last it is mentioned across the episode. So this totals out to only 82 seconds or 1 minute 22 seconds (in reality it's less than that but I don't want to underexaggerate)
Episode 4 - This is also small with just 3:29 - 3:53 of Jake missing fishing with Tom, even though this is more of a way to introduce Ashley's story instead the other way around. Jake and Aiden talk in challenge and Tom has his hypocritical line from 16:44 - 17:38 (also Aiden confirms Tom never mentioned him by that point). So this totals out to 78 seconds or 1 minute 18 seconds
Episode 5 - This is shockingly low with just Jake being jealous of them from literally only a 2 second shot, and Aiden brings up Jake's glares to Tom and Tom's confessional from 16:06 - 16:31. This totals out to 27 seconds (I'm assuming the hogging screentime complaints were only directed at episodes 6 - 10)
Episode 6 - This may be more time but it's still the best episode of the season so far. There's Jake and Ally writing the lyrics (I miss when they were friends) from 12:49 - 13:15 and Tom's reaction to the kiss (+ Ellie's confessional about messing with Jake) from 15:13 - 16:13 which I'm included all of. The next parts are hard to count but I will estimate Tomden is in 1 minute of Piggyback and the confessionals + Jake's conversation to Ashley from 19:52 - 20:29. Also, this will mess with the numbers but I'm including all of Born to Drive Me Crazy since it could be read to be about their relationship even if it was also a real song, so that plus Aiden and Tom speaking after is 20:44 - 22:11. So the very long qualification process totals out to 236 seconds or 3 minutes and 56 seconds.
Episode 7 - The conversation and Jake's confessional lasts 4:46 - 6:54 (I didn't think it would be that long). Tom and Aiden have a conversation about Jake (+ Aiden confessional) from 12:41 - 13:53. Then there's Ellie dirty move from 18:58 - 19:23 (as a side note, why do people act like Ellie was a major player in this when she only sparked it two times). Jake also mentions them when speaking to Ashley from 20:53 - 21:13 and from 21:58 - 22:16. (Also Fiore's comment can add 5 seconds). So this totals out to 269 seconds or 4 minutes 28 seconds (I see how it is a lot of time here, but there's still over 15 minutes of other characters)
Episode 8 - Jake talks to Ashley from 2:14 - 2:41 and I'm also counting most of the Gabby, Aiden and Tom scene with Jake and the 'boyfriend' discussed from 4:23 - 5:07. Also there's the Jake Aiden beef that is part of the timer but they aren't against each other for most of this scene asside from 19:34 - 19:46 and 20:09 - 20:18 so skipping all but that. So this totals out to 92 seconds or 1 minute 32 seconds (some may argue I should count more but remember I included a full song 2 episodes ago)
Episode 9 - Jake speaks to Ashley about Tom and trying to be better from 7:49 - 8:23 (cut before Ally part). There's also the Tom and Aiden conversation where his 'boyfriend' gets mentioned from 9:52 - 10:57. Aiden and Jake fight in the challenge from 14:26 - 14:40. Tom tries to speak to Jake and Yul's commeng will make me just time the full scene from 16:51 - 17:23. So this totals out to 145 seconds or 2 minutes and 25 seconds.
Episode 10 - This is harder to count since it's mentioned across the episode and not just in their own long scenes. Jake sees them and talks to Ashley from 7:49 - 8:12, Tom and Aiden start mentioning Jake from 9:23 - 9:53. Also throw in 10 seconds for the villains planning on causing drama between them. Tom and Jake's conversation lasts from 10:02 - 11:26. Jake mentions not wanting to work with them from 15:27 - 15:39. Adding in a bit of Ashley scolding Tom for 5 seconds, even if most of the conversation isn't about that. Jake Aiden scene from 19:40 - 20:29. They talk about votes for 2 minutes with Alec and Riya making some comments about them, and I'll leave it at that since I don't want to time each vote being read since I have a feeling those complaining about screentime hogging wouldn't have a problem with more time spent reading Aiden votes. It's harder to count exactly but I think this totals out to 333 seconds or 5 minutes and 33 seconds (I will admit this is a lot but it is an episode focused on them)
Ranking - Ep 10 (5m33s), Ep 7 (4m28s), Ep 6 (3m56s), Ep 9 (2m25s) Ep 2 (2m15s), Ep 8 (1m32s) Ep 3 (1m22s), Ep 4 (1m18s), Ep 1 (52s), Ep 5 (27s)
Total - 24 minutes 11 seconds (basically 1 episode if just this plotline) or 1,451 seconds
Average - 2 minutes 25 seconds or 145 seconds
As a conclusion, I agree this is still taking up a lot of time and is the main plot this season over something like Yulgrett and villain alliance. However, there is still a lot of other characters and plotlines going on and it's not the only thing happening. It's also not plot armour since the votes make sense and the eliminated contestants have been furthering the overarcing story through their absence. While Aiden isn't doing much, him staying over Tess was important to create drama and give the villains majority. This is a slowburn arc, but I honestly prefer that over it being less episodes but the main focus in those episodes like in World Tour for episodes 14 - 16, or Priya and Caleb taking focus in most of the season's second half (I'm not going to ever try and time them). It also fits with Tom and Jake's communication issues that it's taking a while, it would feel too easy to get it over in one big episode. I don't know why I did this, they are some of the weaker characters but I'm just tired of that being the prime talking point and being blamed for every elimination. I hope this is just getting focus across the second act of All Stars and will eventually fade out.
submitted by SignificantTap5579 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:13 MPZ1968 I Made A Deal With An Old Man In A Food Court Bathroom (Full Series)

Parts 1-18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32
Part 33
“Psst! Psst! Mr. Hard-Sell! Wake Up!”, I heard Bob say, waking me up.
I groggily opened my eyes, and lifted my head off the pillow, to see Bob and the Seeker standing side by side in front of my dresser.
I quickly rolled on my back, and sat up, turning my head to look at them
I then looked to my left to see Donna still sleeping.
I looked back, and asked, wiping my eyes, “Bob? What are you two doing in our bedroom?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hard-Sell! It is time!”, Bob said coldly.
The Seeker just smiled.
I then took a look at my arm… 14 minutes, 37 seconds, and counting.
I put my hands over my face, and let my body fall back onto the bed.
I knew this day would come, I was just hoping that with all the wild and crazy adventures we had together, they forgot. They didn’t.
I guess the sudden jolt of the mattress, jarred Donna awake.
“Michael! What’s wrong?”, she asked, half asleep.
I just sighed, and pointed toward the dresser.
Donna then raised her head, leaned up on her arm, and looked in that direction.
“Bob? Old Man?”, she said surprised, pulling the blankets up around her neck, “Why are you in our bedroom?”
“Donna Dear! I’m afraid… it is time!”, Bob answered again.
“Time for what?”, she asked confused.
“You didn’t tell her, Mr. Hard-Sell?”, Bob inquired.
“Tell me what?”, Donna asked worried.
I just sighed, sat back up, and looked at Bob.
“Tell me what?”, she asked again, more intense this time, and pulling on my arm.
I turned to look at her, as she let go of my arm.
“Um! You see, Babe. Um! Seven years ago, I met the old man in the bathroom at the mall. I was wearing that jacket of mine that you like so much. He asked me if I would sell my soul for Rock and Roll like the jacket said.
I foolishly said yes, thinking he was just some random old man fucking with me. He wasn’t. He was, and still is, a Soul Seeker.
I inadvertently sold my soul, which allowed me to get anything I wanted for the next seven years, but at the end, I had to spend eternity in Hell.
There’s a counter on my arm that tells me how much time I have left.
I wanted to become a Rock Star, and I did, but now my time is up.”, I said, “I have to go to Hell now! Well, in 9 minutes and 42 seconds.”
“I don’t see anything on your arm?”, Donna said almost in tears.
“You won’t, only Bob and I can see it.”, I answered.
I then turned to Bob, and asked, “Why didn’t you just let the timer count down, and take me while I was sleeping?”, I asked
“I like you, Mr. Hard-Sell, I really do. I do not want to do this, but a deal is a deal.
I normally would have done just that, but like I said, I like you. I feel I at least owe you the opportunity to say goodbye, after all you have helped me do!”, Bob answered.
I then turned to Donna, who was fully in tears at this point
“No! I don’t want you to go. What about the baby? I wish this wasn’t happening!”, she said, through falling tears, with her hands covering her face.
I put my arm around her to try and console her, but she pulled away.
I couldn’t really blame her.
Her words were tearing through me, like a Langolier through time past.
But it also got me thinking, “Want? Wish?”
“Wait a minute… maybe there IS a way out of this”, I thought.
I closed my eyes and whispered, “God! I hope this works!”
“I have 2 minutes and 7 seconds left, I can still get anything I want, and you still owe me a wish!”, I said pointing at Bob.
His eyes grew wide, and a smile loosely formed on his face, like he knew where I was going with this.
I quickly began listing off all the things I wanted, in rapid fire style.
“I want to grow old with Donna . I want our baby to be healthy.
I want to keep all the money.
I want to keep the house.
I want to keep the cars.
I want to keep the ability to get anything I want.
I want to own the bus that Mr. Bellington gave me.
I want Ricky and Tony to be successful.
I want Derek and Corey to succeed.
I want Stephen to find happiness.
I want Rebecca and Donna to remain best friends.
I want Edgar to learn how to play the keyboards.”
I then hesitated, breathing heavy.
15 seconds…
I then took the deepest breath I could.
“AND I WISH I HAD MY SOUL BACK!”, I yelled, and looked down at my arm.
10 seconds...
“You can’t do that!”, the Seeker yelled.
“A wish is a wish! Now grant it!”, I yelled to Bob.
Bob just stood there.
5 seconds…
“You owe me that wish!”, I yelled.
3 seconds…
2 seconds…
1 second…
That loosely formed smile then formed into a happy one, as Bob snapped his fingers.
In mid snap, time ran out, as flames began bursting up from the floor.
I then heard Donna scream.
I turned to look at her, as her face and body quickly began melting into a large pile of a flesh colored goo on the bed.
I screamed, and looked at Bob and The Seeker. They were just standing there, in the midst of the flames.
I then felt the bed give way underneath me.
I felt my body falling… falling into the firey pits of Hell.
I felt every molecule in my body slowly breaking apart, starting with my hands and feet, floating like embers at a campfire, right in front of my eyes, just like it did, when Bob transported Tony and I from the basement to the alley.
The pain was immense, and the heat was unbearable.
I could hear flames crackling, and blood curdling torturous screams from below, as my body disintegrated.
I screamed again.
Suddenly, a huge bright white mist, resembling the one that the Seeker sucked out of me, when I first went to hell, and he took my soul, appeared out of nowhere, and was barreling at me fast. It slammed hard into my chest, just as my upper torso was beginning to break apart.
Everything went black.
The next thing I knew, my body slammed back together again, and I was ascending upward through the flames, engulfed in the white mist.
I closed my eyes.
The moment I did, I felt my body slam down hard on the mattress.
I bounced off the bed, and onto the floor, still screaming.
“Michael! Are you ok? What happened?”, I heard Donna say.
At least it was her voice.
I opened my eyes, as I got up on my hands and knees.
I then looked at my arm.
There was nothing there.
I stayed there, on my hands and knees, thinking.
“I’ve always heard that Hell is a repetitious loop of the one thing that you fear the most.
Mine was losing Donna and the baby.
Am I going to relive that moment over and over again for all of eternity?”, I thought, “Is that my Hell?”
I closed my eyes, sighed, and opened them again.
When I did, I saw the tips of Bob’s Black wing tipped shoes come into view.
I then looked up.
“Ta-da!”, Bob said… “Well played, Mr. Hard-Sell… Well played!”, as he extended his right hand to me.
I hesitantly grabbed it.
He then helped me to my feet.
The bedroom was completely intact.
“Am I in Hell?”, I asked Bob.
“No, Michael! You are here in the real world, in your house, with Donna, and your unborn child.”, he replied smiling.
Donna then came running, well, briskly walking, 4 months pregnant, remember?
Anyway, she came around the side of the bed, in her nightgown, and bear hugged me, almost knocking me over.
I hugged her back.
She then let go of me, and punched me in the arm, hard.
It hurt a little, reminding me not to piss her off again.
“You are an asshole, Michael! Don’t you do that to me again!”, she said, then kissed me.
After the kiss, I touched her face, to see if she was real. She was.
I then looked at Bob.
“You called me Michael!”, I said, “Why?”
“That is your name!”, he replied.
“You have called me, Mr. Hard-Sell, for the last 6 and a half years, no sense in stopping now.”, I retorted.
“Very Well! Mr. Hard-Sell it is.”, Bob said smiling, “Now, Let’s talk!”, he said.
“Can we get dressed first?”, I asked.
“Absolutely! Do you have any Red wine?”, he asked.
“No, Bob! We don’t drink!”, I answered.
“Very well then!”, Bob said, “I shall meet you in the dining area! Which way is that?”
“Down the hall, down the stairs, make a right, and you’ll run right into it.”, Donna answered.
“Thank you!”, Bob replied, and walked out of the bedroom door.
We both then got dressed, and walked downstairs to meet Bob.
We arrived to find him, sitting at the table, twiddling his thumbs.
I then looked out of the dining room window, to see our bus, sitting in the driveway, next to my Mustang.
I smiled.
I then turned to Bob, “Where’s the Seeker?”, I asked.
“He was upset, that I gave you your soul back, and used some rather distasteful words, directed at me, so I gave him a few go rounds on my little rollercoaster. That’s should calm him down.”, Bob answered.
“Okay, Bob! Um! What’s up?”, I asked, sitting down, while Donna went to make a pot of coffee.
“Mr. Hard-Sell! I am so glad it ended up this way. I did not want to do that to you. But let me ask you this, Did you know what you were going to do with that wish when you said you would, and I quote, I’ll reserve my wish for another time, end quote?”, Bob asked.
“No! Not really! I just knew it would be good to have in my back pocket, but I didn’t know what I was going to do with it, until today!”, I responded.
“You know, Mr. Hard-Sell, through all my many years of existence, there have only been two people to ever beat me at my own game… the first was Jesus Christ, and the second was you!”, he said, “Not to say that you are Christ-like, because you are not, but I am glad you succeeded in getting your soul back.
Donna then returned, “Coffee’s going!”, she said, as I got up, pulled out the chair next to me, for her, then sat back down.
Bob then continued, “Now, as I have said numerous times before, I like you, I really do, so I assure you both, that you’re little girl, yes, it is a girl!”
Donna then smiled from ear to ear.
“Yes!”, she said.
“Your little girl, will want for nothing. If you can not provide it for her, Good ole Uncle Bob will. I promise you that.”, Bob said.
“Thanks, Bob!”, we both said in unison.
“I’ll go check on the coffee!”, Donna said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.
“Is this the end, Bob? Will I ever see you again after this?”, I asked.
“Oh, yes, Mr. Hard-Sell, and, No, it is not the end. I plan to keep a close eye on all of you! I will not interfere with your lives, but I will always be there, if you ever need me!”, he answered.
Donna then returned with three cups of coffee, a pitcher of cream, and a bowl of sugar, with a spoon.
“Would you like some coffee, Bob?”, she asked.
“Is it hot? I like hot!”, he asked.
“Yes”, she replied.
“Then, Yes! I have never had coffee before. But there is a first time for everything!”, he said laughing.
“How do you make it?”, he asked.
“We have a coffee pot! You know what a coffee pot is, right?”, I stupidly asked.
“Yes, Mr. Hard-Sell, I have equipped many different vehicles with one for your enjoyment, and watched you make it many many times.”, he answered, “I meant, how do you prepare it?”
“Oh! I put a little cream, and 2 sugars in mine!”, I answered, “Donna likes it black with sugar!”
“I’ll take it like that!”, he said.
Donna then prepared my cup, her cup, and his cup, and placed them all in front of us.
Bob then took a sip.
“Oh, this is most excellent! I love it! It burns, and is soothing at the same time!”, he said, “I’ve done the music business, now I think I’ll get into the coffee business. But what to call it! Help me here!”, he said.
“Um, Hell’s Brew!”, I said.
“For a songwriter, you are bad with words. No, nothing Hell related! I Got it! Keurig, which means excellence in Dutch. What do you think?”
It’s catchy!”, Donna said.
“I can create my own machine, offer single serve portions, in little plastic cups, I think I will call them K-Cups, charge an outrageous price for them, humans will go crazy to get them, and every coffee company in the world will copy my cup design, and offer their own brand of coffee to be used in my machine, for a price that is. It’s brilliant.
Oh, I must get started on this right away. I really must be going. Thank you for the coffee. I bid you both ado”, then he left.
How did he leave?… C’mon, you remember!… Keep thinking!…That’s right!…
He snapped his fingers, and disappeared into a cloud of gray smoke.
I knew you’ve been paying attention.
Two weeks later, human time, I saw the first Keurig commercial on TV.
Anyway, Bob gave us an endless, lifetime supply of K-Cups, any flavor, gets us all the new machines, as well as let’s us be the taste testers for any and all new coffee blends. It’s great.
Donna likes the iced coffees, I prefer it hot.
Anyway, Donna gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl, about 5 months later.
We decided to name her Robyn, after Bob, who’s first name is actually Robert, remember?
Robert… Robyn… Get it. Good.
Everyone was there at the hospital, except Derek and Corey, obviously, and Stephen, who was off touring the country.
Edgar and Rebecca informed us that they too were going to have a baby, and that Bob was a proud grandpa.
They decided to name her Calypso, meaning she who hides.
We brought Robyn home about a week later.
About 6 months after that, human time, there was a knock on the door. I opened it up to see Edgar and Rebecca standing there, with Rebecca holding a 3 month old, human time, bouncing baby demon succubus girl.
I don’t know how old she was in Hell time.
With them were two humongous Great Danes. Edgar explained that they were Hell Hounds, and were specifically trained to protect their person, or persons.
One was named Bill, and the other was named Janice.
Donna and Baby Robyn then joined me at the door.
“Rebecca!”, Donna yelled.
“Bestie!”, Rebecca yelled
They then ran to each other and hugged, trying not to squash the babies in between them.
When the hugfest was over, Donna, Rebecca, and the babies went inside, leaving Edgar, myself, and the two dogs, standing on the front steps.
I asked Edgar why the dogs had people names instead of animal names.
He said, “Imagine you are at home alone! Someone breaks in, and threatens to kill you. If you call out, Demon, or Hellion, they are going to know you’re calling dogs, and they will prepare for dogs. But if you call, Bill, or Janice, followed by their “GO” word. They are going to think that you’re scared and calling your overweight uncle, or your petite little girlfriend, and blow it off. They won’t be expecting 2 200 pound pissed off Hell Hounds coming at them”
It kinda made sense.
He then told me that they were a present from Bob to the two of us, and Robyn, as he leaned up, cupped his hand next to his mouth, and whispered in my ear, “Their “GO” word is OPPUGNATIO, which means attack in Latin. Remember that word… OPPUGNATIO! I don’t want to say it too loud. I don’t want them to hear it, and kill us all.”
I mouthed the word to myself, and said, “Thanks! I’ll tell Donna later.”
I then asked who was going to protect him and Rebecca.
He said, “If anyone breaks in, Rebecca will use her seduction abilities to draw them near. When their guard is down, I will rip their heads off, and feast on their flesh, chewing and chomping their bones, inner organs, muscles, and fatty tissue, until there’s nothing left of them, but a burp!”
He got real intense at the end there. It scared me a little, especially when he laughed.
“Oh! At least you have a plan!”, I responded.
“Yeah! We’ve been talking about it for a while. Here you go!”, he said, handing me the leashes.
One of the dogs then barked, I think it was Bill, followed by a tiny puff of gray smoke exiting his mouth.
“Thanks Bob!”, I whispered.
I then invited Edgar inside, leading the dogs in as well.
We found Donna and Rebecca sitting at the dining room table, and the babies in the play pen nearby.
The dogs sat in the corner watching us.
We then resumed our conversation.
“What about Axel?”, Donna said, looking at the dogs, “Won’t they kill her?”
“No! Hell Hounds do not see cats as a threat, like normal canines do. They will probably get along really well!”, Edgar responded.
And they did.
Bill and Janice were very emotional the day that Axel passed, and even to this day, lay out by the tree we planted over the spot where we buried Axel.
Axel is still around though.
Occasionally, we’ll hear that little bell that comes on most cat toys ring, or hear the sound of a cat meowing as we’re eating dinner, or walking down the hallway.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “It’s probably just a cat outside!”
And that could be possible, when we hear a cat meow while eating dinner.
But I seriously doubt, if we’d be able to hear a bell from outside, or be able to hear a cat meow from outside, while we’re walking through an upstairs hallway, with no windows in it, and all the doors shut.
Explain that one!
Plus, Bill and Janice have been seen on multiple occasions, chasing “nothing” around the yard, or staring at the tree.
They know she’s here too.
Anyway, Edgar said all we had to do, was feed both dogs a tiny drop of blood, from each one of the three of us, just once, and that will tell them who their person, or persons are.
Now, before you go thinking that we stabbed Robyn to get her blood, or something crazy like that.
The hospital gave us a small vile of her blood, when Donna and Robyn were released. Why, I’m not really sure, but this town is a little different then most, if you haven’t heard.
Donna and I finger pricked ourselves, and dripped a little on their dog food, as well as some from Robyn’s vile, when we first fed them, and they have been loyal to us ever since.
In case you’re wondering, the Hell Hounds only eat Royal Canin Dog Food, from France.
Axel ate Royal Canin cat food, from that day on, until the day she passed.
Bob sends us a monthly shipment, even to this day.
Now, according to Rebecca, succubus births are almost immediate.
No contractions!
No epidural!
No Pain!
One second you’re pregnant, the next second it’s plopping on the floor. Don’t worry, the baby is protected by a Heavy duty, Gel-like webbing, when it comes out, so the baby doesn’t get hurt when it falls.
There is no time to gather family and friends, so we didn’t even know about the birth, until they showed up on our doorstep.
Now, before you start thinking that Bob freaked out, and threw them out of hell, that was not the case.
Apparently, Edgar and Rebecca, were staying with Bob, in one of his spare rooms.
Bob has a mansion in Hell, being he’s the devil and all.
They had gone out to spend time together, leaving Bob to babysit.
Now, I don’t know what there really is to do in Hell, but apparently there’s something that interests them.
Anyway, Edgar had installed surveillance cameras in their room, unbeknown to Bob, to keep an eye on the baby while they were occupied with other things.
They both checked the footage when they got home, and saw Bob dancing around in a diaper, with a bonnet on his head, and a pacifier in his mouth, trying to entertain the baby.
I cried with laughter when Edgar told me that.
Anyway, Edgar blackmailed Bob with the video, saying he would show it to everyone in Hell, if he didn’t allow him, Rebecca, and the baby, to live in the real world, and lead normal lives, also so that Rebecca could hang out with her bestie Donna.
He agreed, and even bought them a house three houses down from ours.
Rebecca got a job at the Hooters in the next town over. Sales went straight through the roof. It was always packed, and still is to this day.
The food is good, but Rebecca is the main attraction. Guys from everywhere, and a few ladies, mostly truck drivers, come to see, well, excuse my language, but… “Tits and Tail”, as they say.
She makes a killing in tips.
There’s a sign posted when you walk in, that reads, “No Tail Touching! Offenders Will Be Whipped.”
Rebecca said that she has only had to whip a couple overzealous patrons, with her tail, a couple times, in the past 30 years, and that some guys even offer her money to whip them for no reason.
She always says “No!”
Ricky gave Edgar a job at BB & T Music, as a stock clerk. He got to be really good friends with Tony, and they even perform together, Tony on the accordion, and Edgar on the keyboards, every Sunday Night, at the store, from 8 until 9, with Ricky and I sometimes joining in on guitar, but we don’t want to take the spotlight away from them. We had our time. This is theirs.
It’s amazing how many people actually show up to see them.
They decided to call themselves Accordaboard.
They do 80’s Metal covers on keyboard and accordion, just like Apocalyptica does with Cellos.
Bob offered them free use of his studio to record a demo tape, if they ever want to try and go professional.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why doesn’t Bob just sign them to Hellfire Records.”
Well, you see, as I mentioned before, Bob is now in the coffee business, and has no interest in returning to the music business, as far as I know.
Hellfire Records is closed until further notice.
Robyn has grown up to be a very caring, loving woman. She’s now in her early Thirties, and working at the local ASPCA. She loves animals. She is also dating a guy named Jimmy, who works at the ASPCA as well.
Calypso had to be home schooled, for obvious reasons, and is now in her thirties as well.
She is very mild mannered, not flirtatious at all. She likes being single, and intends to stay that way.
She assists Robyn at the ASPCA.
Robyn believes all the cats and dogs accept Calypso, as one of their own, because she has a tail, just like they do.
Robyn and Calypso share an apartment together, in the next town over, and have been best friends since infancy.
Tony joined The Richard Simmons Workout Club, back when he teamed up with Ricky. I don’t know the real name of it.
Anyway, he appeared in one of Richard’s “Sweatin’ To The Oldies” Videos, and has lost over 130 pounds.
He’s kept the weight off, and goes to the gym 4 nights a week now.
Bob stops by every now and then, to check up on everyone, and to say Hi!
Business is going good, Hell business that is, as I’m sure you can figure that out for yourselves, with the way the world has been going lately.
The coffee business is going good as well.
I never saw the old man again though. Bob said he’s still upset about me ruining his perfect track record.
Donna and I are still going strong.
She never worked, because I could afford her not to.
She does volunteer work at the local homeless shelter, now that Robyn is grown.
A few years back, she became very obsessed with something she calls, “Pioneer Woman”.
The whole house is decorated in “Pioneer Woman” stuff.
She has a massive collection, collecting multiples of each thing.
Numerous Rolling pins, numerous salt and pepper shakers, numerous plate and dish sets.
She’s even got “Pioneer Woman” towels in the bathroom, and has every comforter and sheets set that there is to offer.
Right now she has a “Vintage Floral” Comforter and sheet set on the bed. It’s her favorite design of hers.
It’s really not my style, but it’s her house, so she can do with it what she wants.
I haven’t really used my “gift” too much over the past 30 years, except for in the moment kind of things. If I’m too tired to get up and make a cup of coffee, I’ll “want” a cup of coffee, or if I don’t feel like going to the gas station and filling up the cars, I’ll “want” a full tank of gas, things. like that.
I started writing again a few years back, not songs this time, but stories, some true, some not.
This one is 100% true.
I discovered a forum called Reddit, and have been posting my stories on various subreddits there.
Damn… Someone just knocked on the door… hold on a second. I’ll be right back…
Hey ya’ll. I’m back. That was Bob!
He just showed up, in an even longer limousine this time.
Now! Have I got some good news to share with you.
Bob just informed Donna and I, that 80s Metal is making a comeback, as multiple bands from our era have started touring again, and that they are selling out each show.
Def Leppard, Guns & Roses, RATT, Motley Crue, well, Motley Crue never stopped touring, but you get the idea, Right?
Anyway, He said he wanted, no pun intended, to see if we would be interested in touring again, and possibly recording another album, at Hellfire studios, if the tour goes good, since he has people to run his coffee business, and that he kinda missed the old times.
“Hell, Yeah!!”, we said in unison.
Bob promised, no soul sucking box behind the drum kit this time.
He also said that he already talked to Edgar and Rebecca, as well as Robyn, Jimmy, Calypso, Tony, and Ricky, my old friend Ricky.
Bob got his phone number when he came to play on the album.
Bob said that the original Ricky said No, saying that his Pops was now in his 80’s, has had some major health issues, and that he did not want to leave alone him in that condition, but promised to keep us all informed.
We all completely understood.
I hope everything is okay, Mr. Bellington.
Anyway, everyone else agreed, and are all waiting in the limo for us.
Jimmy is Robyn’s boyfriend, in case you forgot.
Anyway, He also said he contacted Stephen, I don’t know how, and that he’s all in as well, but only if Cindy can come along for the ride.
Apparently, Cindy is the name of his girlfriend.
Bob agreed, everyone else did too, including us.
We’re heading to Kansas to pick them up, as soon as I’m finished here, then we’re off to Washington DC, to try and find Derek and Corey. It won’t be hard, as long as I “want” to find them.
Wish us luck anyway!
Yeah, Baby! We’re getting the band back together. I’m so excited.
I’ll tell everyone you said Hi.
Rock and Roll!
I threw up the horns when I said that.
I’ll let you know if anything interesting happens.
Oh, Hey Janice.
Shit! The dogs! What are we going to do with the dogs?
Are any of you interested in watching the Hell Hounds for us while we’re gone?
Never mind, we’ll take them with us. I don’t think anyone will mind. Their good dogs!
C’mon Guys. Bill! Janice! Let’s go bye-byes.
Are you ready, Babe?… Here, I’ll take that.
I gotta go y’all.
Axel! We’ll be back.
Later, Dudes And Dudettes!
submitted by MPZ1968 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:25 ObsessiveImpulse Extremely Late Ballot Banter #60 Recap

Billy Butcher VS Blitzo (The Boys VS Helluva Boss)- Speedy thought it was neat at first, but, on further thought, thinks that the comparison isn’t very strong since they have such different motivations for killing people, plus there’s a very strong aesthetic clash. DJ, on the other hand, likes the contrast in their motivations and thinks it adds something interesting. Billy says that the comic version of Billy is stronger than the show version, though Speedy disagrees. Sam thinks the aesthetic clash is an obstacle, but it wouldn’t be impossible to make work.
Hiruzen Sarutobi VS Julius Novachrono (Naruto VS Black Clover)- Speedy says it makes sense as they have similar roles in their stories. DJ says “Hiruzen sucks. I want him to die”. Speedy has also seen Julius VS Minato.
Freddy Krueger VS Pennywise (A Nightmare on Elm Street VS IT)- Sam says that Pennywise has some insane stuff from the book, but Speedy notes that the community is starting to think Pennywise isn’t actually that powerful, and says he wants to look into it himself.
Teen Titans Go VS Recreyo- Sam reveals one of Recreyo’s members almost appeared on the Cast. They discuss both series a bit, but none of them are knowledgeable enough about Recreyo to have much of an opinion on the MU.
Nightwolf VS Thunder (Mortal Kombat VS Killer Instinct)- Sam feels that they couldn’t do this episode without discussing the broader cultural context, and doubts that actual Native Americans would appreciate it much. DJ, who actually is part-Native, says he thinks it’s fine as long as they handle it well. Speedy suggests turning it into a threeway by adding T. Hawk from Street Fighter.
Blaze VS Sailor Mars (Sonic the Hedgehog VS Sailor Moon)- Speedy says that, while he’s tired of seeing Sonic characters, Blaze is “one of the exceptions”. DJ really wants to do this episode and likes Mars a lot, and Sam also considers Mars his favorite of the Sailor Scouts.
Violet VS Chisato (Violet Evergarden VS Lycoris Recoil)- They don’t know either series, though DJ has heard good things about Violet Evergarden.
Shulk VS Stocke (Xenoblade Chronicles VS Radiant Historia)- Sam says that the amount of Xenoblade MUs submitted makes him want to give the franchise a try. DJ says the MU’s pretty good, and that he wants Shulk in DB in general.
Kazuya Mishima VS Albert Wesker (Tekken VS Resident Evil)- DJ sarcastically says that Wesker actually wins, before admitting that Kazuya stomps terribly.
Ganondorf VS Griffith (The Legend of Zelda VS Berserk)- Sam doesn’t think it seems very close. Speedy responds that it’s not, as, while Griffith is a lot stronger than Guts, he still doesn’t reach the level of the Zelda universe.
Nagisa Shiota VS Alex Rider (Assassination Classroom VS Alex Rider)- Multiple crew members have nostalgia for Alex Rider, and DJ considers Assassination Classroom a “top 10 anime of all time”. Speedy isn’t sure the connections make sense. DJ says that “Nagisa is getting bodied”. Sam thinks it’s pretty cool and unique.
The Man with No Name VS Harry Callahan (Dollars Trilogy VS Dirty Harry)- DJ loves the Dollars Trilogy and would be down to revisit it for an episode. It’s then argued, however, that the Man with No Name might be better off fighting a classic movie samurai instead. Sam brings up the technological advantage that Harry has due to his movies taking place roughly a century later.
Andrew Ryan VS Mr. House (BioShock VS Fallout)- They all think that it’s really cool. Sam isn’t sure how they’d handle Mr. House, though it’s then pointed out that the OP suggested this as an army fight. DJ asks if Mr. House would get mutants in his army, to which Sam answers no, since the New Vegas Strip is a mutant-free zone.
Nathan Spencer VS Rico Rodriguez (Bionic Commando VS Just Cause)- “Just Cause is such a fun set of games. Bionic Commando, I can’t say as much about”, according to Sam.
Percy Jackson VS Harry Potter- Speedy says the comparison makes sense, but it’s not very fair. Everybody drastically prefers Percy VS Zagreus over any of its alts.
Liquid Snake VS Zeke Yeager (Metal Gear VS Attack on Titan)- Speedy loves Zeke and thinks he’d be fun to use. There’s some discussion about how powerful Metal Gears are, with the general assumption being that they’re about as strong as a nuke, and thus, Liquid wins (though Speedy says large town-level AOT seems legit). Speedy also argues that Metal Gear is a lot faster than AOT.
Stick Figure Battle Royale (Henry Stickmin VS Fancy Pants Man VS Red VS The Second Coming)- It’s cool and fun. “Somebody CC me on an email with the four original animators and we’ll get this done really quick”, says Sam.
Frank West VS Ash Williams (Dead Rising VS Evil Dead)- DJ says Ash would be cool to bring in, and Billy “loves the attitude”. They discuss Ash’s insane supplementary material, and how similar the two characters are.
Joker VS Velvet Crowe (Persona VS Tales of Berseria)- DJ questions how strong Velvet must be to get pit against characters like Joker. Sam jokes that Velvet is getting pit against “everybody who’s also black and red”.
Vigil VS Crypto (Rainbow Six Siege VS Apex Legends)- Sam says it’s cool, but that Apex Legends is also on a whole other level compared to Rainbow Six, so he assumes Crypto takes it.
X VS Optimus Primal (Mega Man X VS Transformers: Beast Wars)- Sam calls it an absolute banger. They were all pleasantly surprised that it did so well in the Tournament of Champions.
Levi Ackerman VS Keiji Kiriya (Attack on Titan VS All You Need is Kill)- They don’t know anything about Keiji, but they think Levi is cool.
Tenacious D VS Ninja Sex Party- Sam doesn’t know what to make of the MU. He reveals that they almost had Jack Black on the Cast to promote the Borderlands movie, but it fell through.
Vilgax VS Ridley (Ben 10 VS Metroid)- Everybody agrees that Vilgax stomps easily.
Hibiki Tachibana VS Yuki Yuna (Symphogear VS Yuki Yuna is a Hero)- Speedy doesn’t know anything about either series, but has seen this MU so much that he’s become interested in looking into them.
Mothman VS Slenderman- DJ calls Slenderman boring. Speedy is into the idea of doing a cryptid, and thinks creepypasta could also be interesting, but thinks there are better options than Slenderman, which Sam agrees with. Someone in the live chat says that composite Slenderman is outerversal, and Speedy “hates the fact that he read that”.
Bendy VS Springtrap (Bendy and the Ink Machine VS Five Nights at Freddy’s)- They prefer Bendy VS Cuphead.
Proto Man VS Shard (Mega Man VS Archie Sonic)- None of them have ever heard of Shard. After reading the connections, Sam says “that kinda makes sense, but Shard? Really?”
Dr. Zomboss VS Dr. Cortex (Plants vs. Zombies VS Crash Bandicoot)- They really only talk about the Crash Bandicoot games instead of the MU.
Kazuo Kiriyama VS Katniss Everdeen (Battle Royale VS The Hunger Games)- DJ loves Battle Royale and is down for this MU. Speedy also thinks that a Katniss episode would be sick. Sam thinks it’s cool, but recalls that they have guns in Battle Royale and “gun beats bow and arrow”. Speedy counters that Katniss has body armor that had allowed her to survive bullets, and has shot down jets with her arrows.
Tommy Oliver VS Lloyd Garmadon (Power Rangers VS Ninjago)- They don’t really have an opinion on it. OP submitted an almost minute long trailer, which leads to a comment about how long fan trailers often are, but Sam says “let them do what they want to do”.
Cuphead VS Dynamite Headdy- They still don’t know anything about Dynamite Headdy, but they’re incredibly impressed by some storyboards OP submitted, with DJ saying the extra effort raises his opinion of the MU.
Diavolo VS Overhaul (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure VS My Hero Academia)- DJ says “I’m so sorry, Overhaul, but you’re super dead”. Speedy disagrees, arguing that Overhaul AP stomps, but DJ says Diavolo is still a lot faster. Sam comments that JoJo has the largest amount of individual characters in Ballot Banter out of any franchise.
Captain America VS Kamen Rider Ichigo (Marvel VS Kamen Rider)- They like the MU a lot, though it would be an absolute beast to research. Billy says there’s always a good turnout whenever they talk about Kamen Rider on the Cast.
Lloyd Irving VS Luke Skywalker (Tales of Symphonia VS Star Wars)- Sam notes that there are a lot of connections. The discussion is mostly about whether or not the OP followed the rules with their submission.
Doctor Doom VS Gilgamesh (Marvel VS Fate)- Sam calls Gilgamesh one of the most requested Fate characters, and Speedy says he’s a sick character that he really wants to use. According to Sam, Liam wants to do Gilgamesh from Fate VS Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy (“or some other weird Gilgamesh thing”).
Robin Battle Royale- Sam says “there’s something there”, and Billy says it’s kinda fun. Speedy thinks Nightwing wins. Sam argues that Red Hood has an advantage because he uses guns, but Speedy then argues that all of the Robins deal with guns enough that this isn’t a major factor. Most of them think that Tim doesn’t stand a chance against the others, only for Speedy to say that Tim’s wings stabbed through Trigon at one point. Sam thinks Damian has a big advantage thanks to his assassin training.
Archie Knuckles VS Juggernaut (Sonic the Hedgehog VS Marvel)- They think it’s pretty sick. Luis says Knuckles probably wins, but Speedy says people have been leaning toward the Juggernaut lately. Billy jokes “it’s no Juggernaut VS Hermione”.
Celestia VS Palutena (My Little Pony VS Kid Icarus)- Sam calls Palutena a more interesting character than Pit. They all agree that Celestia probably wins easily.
Gonzo VS Papyrus (The Muppets VS Undertale)- They consider it to be a pretty solid meme MU.
Dominic Toretto VS Carl Johnson (The Fast and the Furious VS Grand Theft Auto)- DJ wonders how many people who suggest CJ have actually played San Andreas. Sam mentions that CJ has some insane stuff they could potentially give him, which leads to the possibility of giving CJ cheat codes being raised. However, Dom is on an “idiot jet car level”.
Philip J. Fry VS George Jetson (Futurama VS The Jetsons)- DJ says “All George does all day is push a big red button. Not sure what he’s gonna do against Fry”. Speedy likes George Jetson VS Fred Flintstone as an alt, and Billy initially says that MU is more even, but the others argue that Fred actually stomps.
Tokita Ohma VS Baki Hanma (Kengan Ashura VS Baki the Grappler)- It’s brought up that there’s a crossover movie coming out, and Sam jokes that this means they don’t have to do it as an episode. Speedy wanted it on the ToC, but it got rejected by the other mods.
Joker VS Giorno (Persona VS JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)- DJ says “at some point, we’re gonna have to do it”, but he’s not looking forward to the debate that’ll inevitably happen.
Rimuru Tempest VS Ainz Ooal Gown (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime VS Overlord)- Billy is “all over this one”. He thinks Rimuru has a massive advantage over Ainz. Sam says he needs to put TTIGRAAS on his to-do list. DJ asks for Billy’s take on Rimuru VS Kirby, and Billy answers “Kirby’s so out of control, I don’t even know”. Speedy questions the specifics of Rimuru’s multiversal scaling, and Billy says Rimuru’s pretty OP, but the crew agrees to save figuring out the exact scaling for actual research.
Shantae VS Sash Lilac (Shantae VS Freedom Planet)- Sam doesn’t know anything about Freedom Planet, to which Luis responds that it’s essentially an indie Sonic game. Sam and DJ both like Shantae a lot, and DJ argues against the notion of Shantae being an indie character.
Moon Knight VS Azrael (Marvel VS DC)- Speedy calls it “the versus community civil war” because of how close it is. Sam likes the idea of a battle with more grounded superheroes.
Sesshomaru VS Itachi (Inuyasha VS Naruto)- Speedy immediately calls it cool. DJ says he “needs to be convinced Itachi doesn’t auto-win”, to which Speedy responds that Sesshomaru’s daughter cut the moon in half, and that there are arguments to be made that he has counters to many of Itachi’s attacks, so it ultimately comes down to certain specific details.
Jolly Green Giant VS Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Green Giant VS Ghostbusters)- They’re on board with it, with Sam calling it fun and creative. Billy proposes that the Ghostbusters are on the ground trying to stop them both.
Papa Smurf VS Olimar (The Smurfs VS Pikmin)- Everybody thinks it’s peak. According to Speedy, it was the idea of one of the researchers, and the other researchers wanted him to not tell anybody about it so it can eventually become an episode without anybody ever expecting it. There’s some discussion about how the Smurfs probably have some insane stuff in their long history, and it also gets brought up how Olimar’s ship is said to have star-busting weapons.
Alice VS Flandre Scarlet (Shin Megami Tensei VS Touhou)- DJ thinks it’d be weird to bring in an individual demon from SMT, though he also says Flandre’s cool. Speedy says SMT and Touhou feel like they’re on similar power levels.
Knull VS Orcus (Marvel VS Dungeons & Dragons)- DJ and Speedy are both horrified to see Knull (“Not the Cates scaling!”)
Sailor Mercury VS Tecna (Sailor Moon VS Winx Club)- None of them know anything about Winx Club, but DJ thinks Mercury is very cool.
Jetstream Sam VS Adam Taurus (Metal Gear VS RWBY)- DJ initially says that Adam is “dying very easily”, but Speedy brings up the arguments surrounding Vine’s semblance blocking a nuke and Adam deflecting a particle beam, both of which make it closer.
Master Chief VS Commander Shepard (Halo VS Mass Effect)- Sam says it’s pretty cool, and it feels like a MU they should have seen more than they actually have. The others also think it’s neat, with DJ commenting that Ben would have a lot to say about it. Sam argues that Master Chief wouldn’t be able to stand up to Commander Shepard’s biotics if you allow them access to the full extent of them, but he still thinks “any opportunity to talk about Mass Effect is a good time”.
Spear & Fang VS San & Moro (Primal VS Princess Mononoke)- They’re all extremely enthusiastic about and think it’s sick.
Sackboy VS Maxwell (LittleBigPlanet VS Scribblenauts)- DJ loves it a lot, having grown up with both games and considering them some of his favorites.
Penny Polendina VS Zane Julien (RWBY VS Ninjago)- They get it. Sam comments that people love Penny, and DJ says “they love killing her too”.
Yoshikage Kira VS Tohru Adachi (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Persona)- Glossed over because it’s been talked about a lot. It’s pretty good, and DJ thinks Adachi stomps.
The Warden VS Black Hat (Superjail VS Villainous)- They talk a bit about Superjail as a show, before getting distracted by the next MU.
Dragonborn VS Fluttershy (Skyrim VS My Little Pony)- They laugh at the randomness of it. Speedy jokes that it makes perfect sense, but refuses to elaborate, causing them to scroll past it.
Perry VS Skipper (Phineas and Ferb VS Madagascar)- Erin calls it based, and the others agree. Speedy questions whether Perry could beat all four Penguins of Madagascar on his own. Someone in the live chat posts a TN of Perry VS I.M. Weasel, which they think is funny.
Cell VS Garou (Dragon Ball VS One-Punch Man)- DJ asks if they would include God Garou, and Speedy says they would, because the MU is actually pretty fair with that form. Sam is surprised Cell hasn’t really come back yet. Billy makes a comment about DevilArtemis voicing Cell, and Sam says they’d 100% do that.
Medic VS Richtofen (Team Fortress 2 VS Call of Duty: Zombies)- They understand the idea, and mention some of the insane stuff that happens in COD: Zombies.
RuneScape Protagonist VS World of Warcraft Protagonist- Speedy asks if anybody has ever power scaled RuneScape, and assumes the answer is no. Sam discusses how insane the scaling for the WoW protagonist can get when you consider all the different expansions.
Winnie the Pooh VS Mini P.E.K.K.A. (Disney VS Clash Royale)- Speedy thinks a Winnie the Pooh episode would go hard. Luis says the right MU for Pooh is Cocaine Bear, which is a fight that everybody agrees Pooh wins.
Kaguya VS Ultimecia (Naruto VS Final Fantasy)- DJ likes it, calling it different from “other Kaguya MUs” (as in, Kaguya VS Yhwach). Sam calls Ultimecia a very cool, underlooked Final Fantasy villain, and says Final Fantasy VIII is his favorite PS1 era FF game.
Beat VS Red (Jet Set Radio VS Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)- DJ loves Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Sam doesn’t think there’s a lot to go off of for Beat, but does think it’s a very cool MU thematically, and says it would go hard if they could emulate the animation style of FLCL.
Lan & MegaMan.EXE VS Takato & Guilmon (Mega Man Battle Network VS Digimon)- Luis likes it a lot. Speedy asks if EXE stands a chance, and DJ answers that he doesn’t. Sam would rather see EXE fight somebody from ReBoot, but DJ would prefer a ReBoot VS Code Lyoko fight.
Neo VS Kirito (The Matrix VS Sword Art Online)- General consensus is that they’d like to use Neo, but none of them are fans of SOA (Luis says “if Neo can beat Kirito, then yes”). There’s a big debate about whether or not SOA is responsible for the popularity of the isekai genre. DJ ends up saying Kirito VS Kite is pretty cool too.
Ken Kaneki VS Tsukune Aono (Tokyo Ghoul VS Rosario + Vampire)- None of them know anything about Rosario + Vampire, and the discussion gets derailed by the topic of Death Battle’s logo coming up.
At this point, they make the decision to end the stream there and finish it later.
(Skipped Matchups: Naruto VS Luffy, Wile E. Coyote VS Tom Cat, Gohan VS Ultraman Zero, Monokuma VS Korosensei, Tatsuya Shiba VS Moroha Haimura, Doctor Manhattan VS Richard Nixon, Luffy VS Nastu, Angry Video Game Nerd VS Nostalgia Critic, Isaac Clarke VS Gordon Freeman, Doomsday VS SCP-682, Luke Skywalker VS Saber)
submitted by ObsessiveImpulse to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:24 ObsessiveImpulse Extremely Late Ballot Banter #60 Recap

Billy Butcher VS Blitzo (The Boys VS Helluva Boss)- Speedy thought it was neat at first, but, on further thought, thinks that the comparison isn’t very strong since they have such different motivations for killing people, plus there’s a very strong aesthetic clash. DJ, on the other hand, likes the contrast in their motivations and thinks it adds something interesting. Billy says that the comic version of Billy is stronger than the show version, though Speedy disagrees. Sam thinks the aesthetic clash is an obstacle, but it wouldn’t be impossible to make work.
Hiruzen Sarutobi VS Julius Novachrono (Naruto VS Black Clover)- Speedy says it makes sense as they have similar roles in their stories. DJ says “Hiruzen sucks. I want him to die”. Speedy has also seen Julius VS Minato.
Freddy Krueger VS Pennywise (A Nightmare on Elm Street VS IT)- Sam says that Pennywise has some insane stuff from the book, but Speedy notes that the community is starting to think Pennywise isn’t actually that powerful, and says he wants to look into it himself.
Teen Titans Go VS Recreyo- Sam reveals one of Recreyo’s members almost appeared on the Cast. They discuss both series a bit, but none of them are knowledgeable enough about Recreyo to have much of an opinion on the MU.
Nightwolf VS Thunder (Mortal Kombat VS Killer Instinct)- Sam feels that they couldn’t do this episode without discussing the broader cultural context, and doubts that actual Native Americans would appreciate it much. DJ, who actually is part-Native, says he thinks it’s fine as long as they handle it well. Speedy suggests turning it into a threeway by adding T. Hawk from Street Fighter.
Blaze VS Sailor Mars (Sonic the Hedgehog VS Sailor Moon)- Speedy says that, while he’s tired of seeing Sonic characters, Blaze is “one of the exceptions”. DJ really wants to do this episode and likes Mars a lot, and Sam also considers Mars his favorite of the Sailor Scouts.
Violet VS Chisato (Violet Evergarden VS Lycoris Recoil)- They don’t know either series, though DJ has heard good things about Violet Evergarden.
Shulk VS Stocke (Xenoblade Chronicles VS Radiant Historia)- Sam says that the amount of Xenoblade MUs submitted makes him want to give the franchise a try. DJ says the MU’s pretty good, and that he wants Shulk in DB in general.
Kazuya Mishima VS Albert Wesker (Tekken VS Resident Evil)- DJ sarcastically says that Wesker actually wins, before admitting that Kazuya stomps terribly.
Ganondorf VS Griffith (The Legend of Zelda VS Berserk)- Sam doesn’t think it seems very close. Speedy responds that it’s not, as, while Griffith is a lot stronger than Guts, he still doesn’t reach the level of the Zelda universe.
Nagisa Shiota VS Alex Rider (Assassination Classroom VS Alex Rider)- Multiple crew members have nostalgia for Alex Rider, and DJ considers Assassination Classroom a “top 10 anime of all time”. Speedy isn’t sure the connections make sense. DJ says that “Nagisa is getting bodied”. Sam thinks it’s pretty cool and unique.
The Man with No Name VS Harry Callahan (Dollars Trilogy VS Dirty Harry)- DJ loves the Dollars Trilogy and would be down to revisit it for an episode. It’s then argued, however, that the Man with No Name might be better off fighting a classic movie samurai instead. Sam brings up the technological advantage that Harry has due to his movies taking place roughly a century later.
Andrew Ryan VS Mr. House (BioShock VS Fallout)- They all think that it’s really cool. Sam isn’t sure how they’d handle Mr. House, though it’s then pointed out that the OP suggested this as an army fight. DJ asks if Mr. House would get mutants in his army, to which Sam answers no, since the New Vegas Strip is a mutant-free zone.
Nathan Spencer VS Rico Rodriguez (Bionic Commando VS Just Cause)- “Just Cause is such a fun set of games. Bionic Commando, I can’t say as much about”, according to Sam.
Percy Jackson VS Harry Potter- Speedy says the comparison makes sense, but it’s not very fair. Everybody drastically prefers Percy VS Zagreus over any of its alts.
Liquid Snake VS Zeke Yeager (Metal Gear VS Attack on Titan)- Speedy loves Zeke and thinks he’d be fun to use. There’s some discussion about how powerful Metal Gears are, with the general assumption being that they’re about as strong as a nuke, and thus, Liquid wins (though Speedy says large town-level AOT seems legit). Speedy also argues that Metal Gear is a lot faster than AOT.
Stick Figure Battle Royale (Henry Stickmin VS Fancy Pants Man VS Red VS The Second Coming)- It’s cool and fun. “Somebody CC me on an email with the four original animators and we’ll get this done really quick”, says Sam.
Frank West VS Ash Williams (Dead Rising VS Evil Dead)- DJ says Ash would be cool to bring in, and Billy “loves the attitude”. They discuss Ash’s insane supplementary material, and how similar the two characters are.
Joker VS Velvet Crowe (Persona VS Tales of Berseria)- DJ questions how strong Velvet must be to get pit against characters like Joker. Sam jokes that Velvet is getting pit against “everybody who’s also black and red”.
Vigil VS Crypto (Rainbow Six Siege VS Apex Legends)- Sam says it’s cool, but that Apex Legends is also on a whole other level compared to Rainbow Six, so he assumes Crypto takes it.
X VS Optimus Primal (Mega Man X VS Transformers: Beast Wars)- Sam calls it an absolute banger. They were all pleasantly surprised that it did so well in the Tournament of Champions.
Levi Ackerman VS Keiji Kiriya (Attack on Titan VS All You Need is Kill)- They don’t know anything about Keiji, but they think Levi is cool.
Tenacious D VS Ninja Sex Party- Sam doesn’t know what to make of the MU. He reveals that they almost had Jack Black on the Cast to promote the Borderlands movie, but it fell through.
Vilgax VS Ridley (Ben 10 VS Metroid)- Everybody agrees that Vilgax stomps easily.
Hibiki Tachibana VS Yuki Yuna (Symphogear VS Yuki Yuna is a Hero)- Speedy doesn’t know anything about either series, but has seen this MU so much that he’s become interested in looking into them.
Mothman VS Slenderman- DJ calls Slenderman boring. Speedy is into the idea of doing a cryptid, and thinks creepypasta could also be interesting, but thinks there are better options than Slenderman, which Sam agrees with. Someone in the live chat says that composite Slenderman is outerversal, and Speedy “hates the fact that he read that”.
Bendy VS Springtrap (Bendy and the Ink Machine VS Five Nights at Freddy’s)- They prefer Bendy VS Cuphead.
Proto Man VS Shard (Mega Man VS Archie Sonic)- None of them have ever heard of Shard. After reading the connections, Sam says “that kinda makes sense, but Shard? Really?”
Dr. Zomboss VS Dr. Cortex (Plants vs. Zombies VS Crash Bandicoot)- They really only talk about the Crash Bandicoot games instead of the MU.
Kazuo Kiriyama VS Katniss Everdeen (Battle Royale VS The Hunger Games)- DJ loves Battle Royale and is down for this MU. Speedy also thinks that a Katniss episode would be sick. Sam thinks it’s cool, but recalls that they have guns in Battle Royale and “gun beats bow and arrow”. Speedy counters that Katniss has body armor that had allowed her to survive bullets, and has shot down jets with her arrows.
Tommy Oliver VS Lloyd Garmadon (Power Rangers VS Ninjago)- They don’t really have an opinion on it. OP submitted an almost minute long trailer, which leads to a comment about how long fan trailers often are, but Sam says “let them do what they want to do”.
Cuphead VS Dynamite Headdy- They still don’t know anything about Dynamite Headdy, but they’re incredibly impressed by some storyboards OP submitted, with DJ saying the extra effort raises his opinion of the MU.
Diavolo VS Overhaul (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure VS My Hero Academia)- DJ says “I’m so sorry, Overhaul, but you’re super dead”. Speedy disagrees, arguing that Overhaul AP stomps, but DJ says Diavolo is still a lot faster. Sam comments that JoJo has the largest amount of individual characters in Ballot Banter out of any franchise.
Captain America VS Kamen Rider Ichigo (Marvel VS Kamen Rider)- They like the MU a lot, though it would be an absolute beast to research. Billy says there’s always a good turnout whenever they talk about Kamen Rider on the Cast.
Lloyd Irving VS Luke Skywalker (Tales of Symphonia VS Star Wars)- Sam notes that there are a lot of connections. The discussion is mostly about whether or not the OP followed the rules with their submission.
Doctor Doom VS Gilgamesh (Marvel VS Fate)- Sam calls Gilgamesh one of the most requested Fate characters, and Speedy says he’s a sick character that he really wants to use. According to Sam, Liam wants to do Gilgamesh from Fate VS Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy (“or some other weird Gilgamesh thing”).
Robin Battle Royale- Sam says “there’s something there”, and Billy says it’s kinda fun. Speedy thinks Nightwing wins. Sam argues that Red Hood has an advantage because he uses guns, but Speedy then argues that all of the Robins deal with guns enough that this isn’t a major factor. Most of them think that Tim doesn’t stand a chance against the others, only for Speedy to say that Tim’s wings stabbed through Trigon at one point. Sam thinks Damian has a big advantage thanks to his assassin training.
Archie Knuckles VS Juggernaut (Sonic the Hedgehog VS Marvel)- They think it’s pretty sick. Luis says Knuckles probably wins, but Speedy says people have been leaning toward the Juggernaut lately. Billy jokes “it’s no Juggernaut VS Hermione”.
Celestia VS Palutena (My Little Pony VS Kid Icarus)- Sam calls Palutena a more interesting character than Pit. They all agree that Celestia probably wins easily.
Gonzo VS Papyrus (The Muppets VS Undertale)- They consider it to be a pretty solid meme MU.
Dominic Toretto VS Carl Johnson (The Fast and the Furious VS Grand Theft Auto)- DJ wonders how many people who suggest CJ have actually played San Andreas. Sam mentions that CJ has some insane stuff they could potentially give him, which leads to the possibility of giving CJ cheat codes being raised. However, Dom is on an “idiot jet car level”.
Philip J. Fry VS George Jetson (Futurama VS The Jetsons)- DJ says “All George does all day is push a big red button. Not sure what he’s gonna do against Fry”. Speedy likes George Jetson VS Fred Flintstone as an alt, and Billy initially says that MU is more even, but the others argue that Fred actually stomps.
Tokita Ohma VS Baki Hanma (Kengan Ashura VS Baki the Grappler)- It’s brought up that there’s a crossover movie coming out, and Sam jokes that this means they don’t have to do it as an episode. Speedy wanted it on the ToC, but it got rejected by the other mods.
Joker VS Giorno (Persona VS JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)- DJ says “at some point, we’re gonna have to do it”, but he’s not looking forward to the debate that’ll inevitably happen.
Rimuru Tempest VS Ainz Ooal Gown (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime VS Overlord)- Billy is “all over this one”. He thinks Rimuru has a massive advantage over Ainz. Sam says he needs to put TTIGRAAS on his to-do list. DJ asks for Billy’s take on Rimuru VS Kirby, and Billy answers “Kirby’s so out of control, I don’t even know”. Speedy questions the specifics of Rimuru’s multiversal scaling, and Billy says Rimuru’s pretty OP, but the crew agrees to save figuring out the exact scaling for actual research.
Shantae VS Sash Lilac (Shantae VS Freedom Planet)- Sam doesn’t know anything about Freedom Planet, to which Luis responds that it’s essentially an indie Sonic game. Sam and DJ both like Shantae a lot, and DJ argues against the notion of Shantae being an indie character.
Moon Knight VS Azrael (Marvel VS DC)- Speedy calls it “the versus community civil war” because of how close it is. Sam likes the idea of a battle with more grounded superheroes.
Sesshomaru VS Itachi (Inuyasha VS Naruto)- Speedy immediately calls it cool. DJ says he “needs to be convinced Itachi doesn’t auto-win”, to which Speedy responds that Sesshomaru’s daughter cut the moon in half, and that there are arguments to be made that he has counters to many of Itachi’s attacks, so it ultimately comes down to certain specific details.
Jolly Green Giant VS Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Green Giant VS Ghostbusters)- They’re on board with it, with Sam calling it fun and creative. Billy proposes that the Ghostbusters are on the ground trying to stop them both.
Papa Smurf VS Olimar (The Smurfs VS Pikmin)- Everybody thinks it’s peak. According to Speedy, it was the idea of one of the researchers, and the other researchers wanted him to not tell anybody about it so it can eventually become an episode without anybody ever expecting it. There’s some discussion about how the Smurfs probably have some insane stuff in their long history, and it also gets brought up how Olimar’s ship is said to have star-busting weapons.
Alice VS Flandre Scarlet (Shin Megami Tensei VS Touhou)- DJ thinks it’d be weird to bring in an individual demon from SMT, though he also says Flandre’s cool. Speedy says SMT and Touhou feel like they’re on similar power levels.
Knull VS Orcus (Marvel VS Dungeons & Dragons)- DJ and Speedy are both horrified to see Knull (“Not the Cates scaling!”)
Sailor Mercury VS Tecna (Sailor Moon VS Winx Club)- None of them know anything about Winx Club, but DJ thinks Mercury is very cool.
Jetstream Sam VS Adam Taurus (Metal Gear VS RWBY)- DJ initially says that Adam is “dying very easily”, but Speedy brings up the arguments surrounding Vine’s semblance blocking a nuke and Adam deflecting a particle beam, both of which make it closer.
Master Chief VS Commander Shepard (Halo VS Mass Effect)- Sam says it’s pretty cool, and it feels like a MU they should have seen more than they actually have. The others also think it’s neat, with DJ commenting that Ben would have a lot to say about it. Sam argues that Master Chief wouldn’t be able to stand up to Commander Shepard’s biotics if you allow them access to the full extent of them, but he still thinks “any opportunity to talk about Mass Effect is a good time”.
Spear & Fang VS San & Moro (Primal VS Princess Mononoke)- They’re all extremely enthusiastic about and think it’s sick.
Sackboy VS Maxwell (LittleBigPlanet VS Scribblenauts)- DJ loves it a lot, having grown up with both games and considering them some of his favorites.
Penny Polendina VS Zane Julien (RWBY VS Ninjago)- They get it. Sam comments that people love Penny, and DJ says “they love killing her too”.
Yoshikage Kira VS Tohru Adachi (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Persona)- Glossed over because it’s been talked about a lot. It’s pretty good, and DJ thinks Adachi stomps.
The Warden VS Black Hat (Superjail VS Villainous)- They talk a bit about Superjail as a show, before getting distracted by the next MU.
Dragonborn VS Fluttershy (Skyrim VS My Little Pony)- They laugh at the randomness of it. Speedy jokes that it makes perfect sense, but refuses to elaborate, causing them to scroll past it.
Perry VS Skipper (Phineas and Ferb VS Madagascar)- Erin calls it based, and the others agree. Speedy questions whether Perry could beat all four Penguins of Madagascar on his own. Someone in the live chat posts a TN of Perry VS I.M. Weasel, which they think is funny.
Cell VS Garou (Dragon Ball VS One-Punch Man)- DJ asks if they would include God Garou, and Speedy says they would, because the MU is actually pretty fair with that form. Sam is surprised Cell hasn’t really come back yet. Billy makes a comment about DevilArtemis voicing Cell, and Sam says they’d 100% do that.
Medic VS Richtofen (Team Fortress 2 VS Call of Duty: Zombies)- They understand the idea, and mention some of the insane stuff that happens in COD: Zombies.
RuneScape Protagonist VS World of Warcraft Protagonist- Speedy asks if anybody has ever power scaled RuneScape, and assumes the answer is no. Sam discusses how insane the scaling for the WoW protagonist can get when you consider all the different expansions.
Winnie the Pooh VS Mini P.E.K.K.A. (Disney VS Clash Royale)- Speedy thinks a Winnie the Pooh episode would go hard. Luis says the right MU for Pooh is Cocaine Bear, which is a fight that everybody agrees Pooh wins.
Kaguya VS Ultimecia (Naruto VS Final Fantasy)- DJ likes it, calling it different from “other Kaguya MUs” (as in, Kaguya VS Yhwach). Sam calls Ultimecia a very cool, underlooked Final Fantasy villain, and says Final Fantasy VIII is his favorite PS1 era FF game.
Beat VS Red (Jet Set Radio VS Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)- DJ loves Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Sam doesn’t think there’s a lot to go off of for Beat, but does think it’s a very cool MU thematically, and says it would go hard if they could emulate the animation style of FLCL.
Lan & MegaMan.EXE VS Takato & Guilmon (Mega Man Battle Network VS Digimon)- Luis likes it a lot. Speedy asks if EXE stands a chance, and DJ answers that he doesn’t. Sam would rather see EXE fight somebody from ReBoot, but DJ would prefer a ReBoot VS Code Lyoko fight.
Neo VS Kirito (The Matrix VS Sword Art Online)- General consensus is that they’d like to use Neo, but none of them are fans of SOA (Luis says “if Neo can beat Kirito, then yes”). There’s a big debate about whether or not SOA is responsible for the popularity of the isekai genre. DJ ends up saying Kirito VS Kite is pretty cool too.
Ken Kaneki VS Tsukune Aono (Tokyo Ghoul VS Rosario + Vampire)- None of them know anything about Rosario + Vampire, and the discussion gets derailed by the topic of Death Battle’s logo coming up.
At this point, they make the decision to end the stream there and finish it later.
(Skipped Matchups: Naruto VS Luffy, Wile E. Coyote VS Tom Cat, Gohan VS Ultraman Zero, Monokuma VS Korosensei, Tatsuya Shiba VS Moroha Haimura, Doctor Manhattan VS Richard Nixon, Luffy VS Nastu, Angry Video Game Nerd VS Nostalgia Critic, Isaac Clarke VS Gordon Freeman, Doomsday VS SCP-682, Luke Skywalker VS Saber)
submitted by ObsessiveImpulse to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:28 dontcallmeheather 16 Days in Japan: Tokyo, Niigata, Kyoto, and Nikko

About me: 26F American Solo Traveler. This was my first time traveling to Japan but the 40th country I had been to. I grew up in countries that had great public transport and trains (re: not America) so I found navigating fairly straightforward, if you aren’t used to taking public transport definitely give yourself more time that Google Maps estimates it will take.
Tokyo Day 0: Hotel: Hotel Gracery Shinjuku
Arrived at Narita at 3:30pm and blew through customs because I had the Visit Japan Web code. Arrived at my hotel in Shinjuku at around 6pm. Basically just wandered around trying to stay awake. Managed to stay up until around 9. Bought dinner and breakfast for the next day at 7/11.
20k steps
Tokyo Day 1: Day Trip to Mt Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes
Woke up at 4am in the morning. Took advantage of the jet lag and headed to Meiji Jingu. The place was empty; it was an incredible experience.
After spending an hour or so around the temple and in the park I walked around Harijuku. Later in the trip I went back to Takeshita Street during business hours but honestly I think it’s a much better experience when it’s not absolutely packed, but I just went to look around not to buy anything.
My first full day in Tokyo was also the only day that it was supposed to be sunny with clear views of Mt Fuji. The buses were sold out until 1pm when I went to buy a ticket at 7ish so I took the trains from Shinjuku to Lake Kawaguchi which took a little over two hours. Walked around part of the Lake.
Quick aside, a theme of my trip was my absolute refusal to stand in queues unnecessarily.
So when I saw there was a 2hr + line to take the Panoramic ropeway to see Mt Fuji I decided against it. I got a little lost going up to find a scenic viewpoint of the lake but found a trailhead that hikes up to Kawaguchiko Tenjozan Park. This is where the panoramic ropeway also drops off but the hike is free and so much less crowded. Honestly, if you’re capable of hiking and enjoy hiking, this I highly recommend it. Beautiful views of Mt Fuji, shady walk, multiple places to stop and sit down in the hike up. I fell asleep on the bus back to Shinjuku and arrived around 5:30. Spent the next couple of hours in Hands and picked up some K-skincare in Shin-Obuko. At this point I was too tired to get food and just went back to the hotel.
I used this link to check the weather around Fuji so I could guarantee visibility: https://live.fujigoko.tv/?n=3&e=1
28k steps & 12.5 miles walked.
Tokyo Day 2: Shibuya
Woke up at 5am and headed to Shibuya at around 6. The Shibuya Crossing/Scramble isn’t much of a scramble at 6am, to the point that I crossed it serval times without realizing it. Walked around the Mega Don Quijote just to kill time until things opened. Tried the 7/11 pancakes and they because a staple of my diet in Japan. After aimlessly wandering around the streets for a few hours I sat by the Hachiko Statue and people watched. Once everything opened I spent quite a bit of time exploring the department stores in Shibuya then in Shinjuku that evening.
Went back to Harajuku to see it crowded around 1pm and it was overwhelming.
28k steps & 13 miles walked
Tokyo Day 3 Hotel: Tokyu Stay Shinjuku
Today was the day I used my 24hr metro pass, so I went a little crazy. Started the morning at 6am and went to Nezu Shrine then to Hie Shrine. Both shrines have a row of torii’s to walk through, like Fushimi Inari-Taisha on a smaller scale.
Got to the Imperial Palace/East Gardens right as they opened. I didn’t realize you couldn’t go into the palace grounds without a tour - I found this out by walking around the outside of the palace grounds. Beautiful walk but my feet were killing me at this point.
Next stop was Ginza. More exploring department stores that make me feel poor then got lunch in a department store. My feet were so sore I didn’t get to fully explore Ginza. Also I had to be back in Shinjuku at 3 to pickup my bag and check into my second hotel.
The highlight of the day was going to the Muscle Girls Bar. Got two buff ladies to lift me in the air for the equivalent of $13USD. Plus the bar is all you can drink if you’re interested in going. I cannot recommend this place enough, the again you’re basically paying super buff ladies to pretend to be interested in whatever you say for 1.5hrs so what’s not to love.
Tokyo Day 4: Asakusa, Ginza, Shinjuku
Went to Senso-Ji around 8am when things were starting to open up. Explored around the Senso-Ji Temple, Kaminarimon Gate, Nakamise-dori Street. At this point it was pouring rain so I went back to Ginza this time for Ginza Natsuno (fancy chop sticks store), bought some stationary at Itoya Ginza, walked around Kyukyodo (300 year old papestationary store). At 3pm I ate at Ichiran Ramen, mainly because it was the first time I’d seen it without a line. It was decent but it wouldn’t have been worth standing in line for an hour plus in my opinion. Lastly went to Golden Gia in the evening then walked through Hanazono Shrine on the way back to my hotel. 32.5k steps
Tokyo Day 6
Today was basically garden/park day. I went to the Snoopy Museum and afterwards walked around Tsuruma Park. Back in Shinjuku, walked around Shinjuku National Garden (half price entry if you have a student id!). Admittedly, there weren’t a ton of people in the parks because it was another rainy day, which made the experience really peaceful.
20k steps
Japan Day 6: Niigata City
Admittedly, Niigata is a bit off the beaten path. I went because a friend of mine is an ALT out there. I had an amazing time overall and highly recommend a visit to Niigata city/prefecture but do want to note, this is the first time in Japan that I felt like I was being stared at.
highlights of the day include: Sado observatory and walking around the beach, exploring Furumachi Geisha District, then Hakusan Park and Shrine. The shrine sells Thomas the Tank engine and Hello Kitty Omamori.
The train station had Ponshukan, sake vending machines, 10/10 highly recommend. Especially if you’re a lightweight like me.
32k steps
Japan Day 7: Niigata Prefecture
For this day, I rented a car and drove around the area. Only $20 for an international drivers license and around $30 for a rental car. I’ve spent a substantial amount of time driving on the left hand side of the road so I was comfortable driving in Japan. I do want to note that I was not in a very populous area and wouldn’t recommend getting a car in the more populous cities. Places I went that were beautiful with almost no one around: Bijin Bayashi Forest, Kiyotsu Gorge, & Hoshitouge Terraced Rice Field. The drive was about five hours in the car but I took the long way back to the city by driving up the coast/stopping on the beach and seeing Sado Island in the distance. This was the best day of the trip for me.
Japan Day 8: Kyoto Hotel Forza Kyoto Shijo Kawaramachi
Left Niigata at 9:30 and arrived in Kyoto at 2. After checking into my hotel I walked around Nishiki Market. Took the bus to Kinkaku-Ji Temple & Gardens (the Golden pavilion) at this point it was about 5:30 and the sunset made the temple glow. Lastly, took the bus to Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. Since it was around 7pm there was almost no one around so that made the experience much more enjoyable than what I’ve read about here. Since it was getting dark I wasn’t able to go to the monkey park. 21k steps
Japan Day 9: Kyoto
Arrived at Fushimi Inari-Taisha at 6am. Almost nobody was there and it was basically empty past the entrance. I was able to get tons of great pictures. I hiked to the top but it’s definitely not necessary, from top to bottom it took me about 1.5 hours but it could be done faster. Walked the Philosopher’s Path. Temples visited: Tofuku-ji, Ginkaku-ji, Nanzen-ji, Eikan-dō, Hōnen-in, and Otoyo Shrine. At this point it was around 1pm and I was officially ‘Temples Out’ so I took the train to Osaka. From there. I went to Osaka Castle then walked around Dotonbori.
42k steps
Japan Day 10: Day Trip to Nara and Uji Another rain day, it was about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. First stop in Nara was Nara Park got to see the deer go absolutely crazy on people with cookies then walked to Todai-Ji Temple to see the 1300 y/o Buddha. After exploring Nara beyond the park for a few hours I took the train to Uji. Highlight of the trip to Uji was the matcha ice cream. Back in Kyoto I walked around Gion before stopping at a hole in the wall ramen place.
33k steps
Japan Day 11: Return to Tokyo: Hotel: Tokyu Stay Tsukiji
Also lost my credit card that evening. Mildly inconvenient but not the end of the world. Had to file a police report but we had some google translate issues because the cop kept asking me ‘how many died’. Really hard to freak out about losing a card when the cops put things in perspective like that.
18k steps
Japan Day 12: Tokyo Chill Day This was the day I did all my shopping. Highlight was achieving my dream of buying a Bao Bao bag.
Japan Day 13: Trip to Nikko Hotel: Chuzenji Kanaya Hotel
Took the train to Nikko and did the following: - Taiyu-in - tosho-gu - Kanmangafuchi Abyss - Shin-kyō— sacred Bridge Grabbed dinner at a Kobini and had some great pudding from the Nikko Pudding store.
The hotel I stayed at has a free shuttle from their Lake Chuzenji Hotel to their Hotel in Nikko that goes several times a day. Made it super convenient. Walked around Lake chuzenji walk at sunset. That evening I finally got to onsen. This hotel had both indoor and outdoor baths.
Japan Day 14 Hotel Gracery Askusa
Japan Day 15: last day in Japan
Mainly stayed around Askusa. Happened to be there during the Sanja Festival.
submitted by dontcallmeheather to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 13:19 Legal-Treat-5582 Another Pokemon World Map

At this point, you'd have expected an official map of the Pokemon world would've been released already, at least in one canon, but of course, that hasn't happened. We've had some brief instances where the planet is shown, such as during the Delta Episode of ORAS, or on the occasional globe like in LGPE. However, trying to use those as reference quickly falls apart, as they seem to be filler maps composed of random shapes that repeat and rotate, rather than legitimate attempts at a world map.
With that, it's no surprise that people tend to do whatever they want when it comes to making their own maps of the Pokemon world. Some mirror real life, others come up with something original, and of course, there's those that do a bit of both; the developers can't be bothered, so anything's valid, right?
Well, to a certain extent. It's true that beyond the occasional comment about another region being "distant" or "far away", we don't get much indication as to where the various regions are in relation to each other. Even so, aside from those unhelpful comments, we still do get the occasional bit of information that is actually somewhat helpful.
Sadly, as is the case with a lot in Pokemon, most people are unaware of these tidbits. So, I figured, why not throw my hat in the ring and make my own version of the Pokemon world map while also presenting these various bits of information at the same time? Talk about killing two Starly with one Rock Throw.
Feast your eyes upon my version of the Pokemon world map. Quite the spectacle, isn't it? I'm no map or geography expert, and this one's not quite 100% accurate, but the main point was to visually place the various regions together.
With that out of the way, let's take a look at the information and reasoning I used to put this map together, shall we?

Part 1: Pokemon Japan

Starting out with the basics for our first landmass, which we'll call 'Pokemon Japan' due to lack of a better name, we find Kanto and Johto are right next to each other, as everyone knows. Additionally, thanks to Professor Oak, we also know that Hoenn and Sinnoh are likely quite close, as all four regions are part of the same country.
"Ah, ! This is it! This is Pal Park! Pokémon from around the country can be brought here. In other words, Pokémon from places like Kanto and Hoenn."
Granted, this is slightly changed in BDSP to be a bit more generic.
"This place has a special connection with regions around the world, such as Kanto and Hoenn!"
Despite this, it doesn't necessarily indicate the four regions being close was completely retconned.
Aside from Hoenn and Sinnoh, there are other areas also likely a part of this country, those that avoided this potential retcon, one of these locations being the Sevii Islands, a remote archipelago located far to the south of Kanto.
Bill: "There's this little island in the far south called One Island. A friend invited me, so I'm on my way out there."
"Hey, wasn't that a long cruise?"
Celio: "It's running fine, but we're too remote out here. The PCs on this island just can't link with your PC, Bill."
Although most notable for being in FRLG, a few areas within the Sevii Islands, the special event areas, such as Birth Island and Navel Rock, are also accessible in Emerald, which are no problem for the sailors to reach.
But there is one area in Emerald that is a problem to access: Faraway Island, where Mew can be found. If the player tries to head there, they'll be turned down at first because, as the name suggests, the island is too far from Hoenn.
Evidently, the Sevii Islands must be relatively close to Hoenn. They're clearly a bit farther from Hoenn than they are to Kanto, given Celio's efforts to reach Hoenn, but still close enough that Hoenn and Kanto being part of the same country is plausible.
Celio: "I'm modifying the Network Machine right now. I'm changing it so it can handle trades over long distances. When I get finished, you'll be trading for exotic Pokemon from Trainers far away."
"I've managed to link up with Trainers in the Hoenn region! Finally, the Network Machine is fully operational!"
Coupled with the Sevii Islands sharing a warm climate with Hoenn, it's also plausible the two areas are located at similar points in the south, with Hoenn being somewhere east or west of the islands.
Man (One Island): "Hi, sight-seeing, are you? Isn't the warm climate here great?"
Without much to help determine whether Hoenn's east or west, most would choose to go with the latter, as it mirrors the placement of Hoenn's real world inspiration. Though while on the topic, there is something important that needs to be discussed.
Sometimes, when people make Pokemon world maps, they may rotate certain regions, with Hoenn often being the biggest victim of this, as its real world inspiration is rotated. Aside from it simply being common sense that the in-game maps show us a region's correct orientation, there is usually other evidence backing this up, and for Hoenn, we have several instances of this.
Route 104: "This path, rich with water and colorful plant life, runs north and south of Petalburg Woods."
Route 118: "This seaside route brings together the east and west sides of the Hoenn region."
HNN Broadcast: "Large tremors have just been observed in southeastern Hoenn. They hypocenter of the quake was approximately 10 miles beneath Route 128. No serious injuries or damage have been reported at this time."
Plus, there's Southern Island, which big surprise, is located in the south of Hoenn, which mirrors Hoenn itself really, since as we can tell from soaring in ORAS, Hoenn is also an island quite far from other landmasses.
It's difficult to say if this also applies to Sinnoh though. We know in the past, when the region was called Hisui, it was indeed an island, as the map shows us. However, in modern day Sinnoh, the games consistently avoid showing us the very edges of the map, particularly the southern and western sides, which are especially important to figuring this out, since we know Sinnoh's somewhere to the north of Kanto and Johto.
PokeGear Sinnoh Sounds: "The Sinnoh music, the sound of the great land to the north, might just lure a bunch of Pokemon to follow you!"
PokeWalker Sinnoh Field: "A Route through the Sinnoh region, far from Johto and Kanto. Rare Pokémon live here."
Which is also backed up by the Sinjoh Ruins being somewhere to the north of Johto, likely between it and Sinnoh.
Given how much Sinnoh changed from the days of Hisui, we can't be sure whether or not it's still an island or if it connected itself to a bigger landmass, such as the one holding Kanto and Johto. At the very least, if Sinnoh's still not connected, there is indication the region's likely very close to this landmass.
Kitakami is an area many suspect to be part of the same country as Kanto and Johto, mostly due to the Japanese theming of the area, but also because of a specific Pokemon, Bloodmoon Ursaluna.
Official Website: "It is said that a certain Ursaluna crossed the seas and arrived in the land of Kitakami—and that it then underwent a unique transformation over many years as a result of surviving in its harsh new environment."
Perrin: "This Ursaluna--the Bloodmoon Beast--used to live in my homeland waaay back when people still called the region Hisui. Seems like it crossed over the waters here to Kitakami at some point and made itself comfy."
This suggests that Kitakami is rather close to Sinnoh, which could both indicate that Kitakami is on the main landmass of this country, while Sinnoh is pretty damn close to it, island or not.
However, for reasons we'll see later, I don't believe this Ursaluna literally swam from Sinnoh to Kitakami, but I do still think the regions are close. Can't imagine a ship would make it very far with a wild Ursaluna stowing away on board; even if it was tame or formerly captured, an Ursaluna would likely require a ton of food to satisfy, making them impractical to transport long distances. Who knows though, Kitakami could very easily be located somewhere else, but Bloodmoon Ursaluna does still serve as an okay indication.
Certainly better than the reasoning I used for several other locations. Poketopia of Battle Revolution, Pokemon Island of Snap, and the unnamed region of Trozei are all areas that have pretty much nothing to work with.
Poketopia I decided to place somewhat near Sinnoh, due to how many statues and buildings of Sinnoh Pokemon appear throughout the island. I moved it a bit to the south, as due to it having a tropical battlefield, plus a complete lack of snow, it's evidently not as cold as Sinnoh. Not the most solid connections, but like I said, not much to work with for this area.
Pokemon Island though, does have a more decent connection to Kanto. Even though I don't believe Snap is canon to the main series, I still figured why not add the location of the game to this map anyway? Considering Oak's appearance on the island, plus how he seems to have some authority over it, would suggest the island is located relatively close to Kanto. It did used to be inhabited by people too, and seemingly quite recently compared to other old locations. However, the island is still pretty remote, as no humans reside there anymore, and no trainers seem to ever come around to try and catch Pokemon there.
An area that does have trainers present, despite what the gameplay may suggest, is the unnamed region of Trozei. Although trainers don't physically appear, Poke Balls holding Pokemon are plentiful in this area. I wish I could say there was a decent reason as to why I placed the Trozei region where I did, perhaps because of all the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn Pokemon that appear, I placed it somewhat near those three regions as a result. However, given other areas like Orre feature these Pokemon, despite being located very far away from those regions, that's evidently not the greatest indication. No, the main reason I put Trozei's region here was just because it loosely fit the shape of the landmass I was making.
Speaking of, some may wonder about the landmass' weird shape. Well, I noticed a small detail as I was going through LGPE. There seemed to be a calendar in several houses, most notably in Cerulean City, which featured an image of some landmass. I wondered if perhaps this could be the country holding the various locations we've spoken of; it would make sense that if an image of any landmass were to appear in Kanto, it'd be that one. Hell, it even had an island that could be interpreted as Sinnoh in the north.
However, that idea does run into a few issues, most notably, the complete lack of any islands, especially Hoenn and the Sevii Islands. You could make the argument that those regions aren't widely known during the time of LGPE, considering people in Kanto at the time are somehow only aware of Kantonian Pokemon, but that doesn't really work when something resembling Sinnoh is visible on the map. Either way, I figured why not use this landmass as an extremely loose reference anyway? Not like there's much else to work with.

Part 2: Pokemon Europe

As we leave our first landmass behind, we find the amount of useful clues we have also dries up.
That's not to say we don't have any. For instance, we know Paldea's to the west of Kitakami, as Jacq tells us:
Jacq: "You'll get to go study and experience the great outdoors off to the east--in the land of Kitakami!"
Plus, there's even a time zone difference between Paldea and Kitakami, with the latter supposedly being 18 minutes, which apparently translates to six hours, ahead of Paldea. Pretty safe to assume Paldea's on a different landmass from Kitakami at least.
As for other regions, well, there are some potential clues that could help us place Kalos and Galar, however, those relate to the reason I referenced earlier about why I don't believe Bloodmoon Ursaluna swam from Sinnoh to Kitakami. The clues in question are none other than the swimmers who supposedly swam between Hoenn, Kalos, and Galar.
Swimmer (Azure Bay): "I swam all the way here from the oceans of Hoenn, and I'm still not too tired for a battle!"
Swimmer (ORAS Demo Mossdeep City): "I get it. I accept your feelings, both of you. So I guess this is where we'll say good-bye. I'll swim back to Kalos on my own."
Route 108: "People come swimming from as far away as the Kalos region to see the site of Sea Mauville."
Swimmer (Galar Route 9): "To deal with the shock of losing, I'm going to swim far, far away."
"There are swimming experts who can swim all the way to the Kalos region."
This would seem to suggest these three regions are rather close. Putting aside real-world inspiration, that could make sense, especially with both Hoenn and Kalos having strong ties to Mega Evolution, though not so much with Galar.
Yet at the same time, there's also indication these three regions are actually quite far apart. We already saw how the Route 9 swimmer seems to refer to Kalos as being "far, far away", but there's more than just that.
Fossil Maniac: "I heard he traveled all the way to Kalos, crossing three oceans to find the white Pokemon and some kind of stone..."
Gentleman (Lavaridge Pokemon Center): "How disappointing. Traveled all the way from Kalos dreaming of the hot springs over there..."
Poke Mart Worker (Battle Maison): "I heard that my muse, Mademoiselle Evelyn, is touring the Hoenn region, so I used everything I had saved and came all the way from Kalos!"
Mr. Stone: "There was a great war at that time, in a region far from here."
Little Boy (Motostoke): "Kabu's the flaming star that crashed into the Galar region from the distant land of Hoenn!"
Poke Maniac (Indigo Plateau): "I...I sell rare stones. I sell mega-awesome stones that I bought overseas."
The three regions would evidently have to be very close in order for swimming between them to be humanly possible at all; something along the lines of the distance between Kanto and Johto. Yet not only did we already see earlier in ORAS how Hoenn's not close to other landmasses at all, but it's also really strange how everyone acts like the regions are far apart if they're truly so close. Plus, there's also the detail of how different the climates are between the three regions.
Either way you cut it, you ultimately end up having to brush off one side as either lying or exaggerating. Because there's so many more examples of people treating the regions as being far apart, I have to go with that option as being true.
Hell, there's even direct indication the few swimmers that claim to swim between these regions are exaggerating anyway, as we've seen other swimmers struggle to swim comparatively short distances, such as one struggling to swim the length of Six Island, while another determines it's impossible to swim from Kanto to Johto, two regions that are literally right next to each other.
Swimmer (Outcast Island): "Gasp... Gasp... I swam here from Six Isle Port in one go."
"Gasp... Gasp..."
"I'm only at the halfway point... I'm beat..."
Swimmer (HGSS Route 20): "I guess it's impossible to swim all the way to Johto."
Who knows, maybe these guys aren't good enough to make or judge such long trips, with only the best of the best being able to swim between the three regions. Considering what we saw earlier, though, I'm still not convinced Hoenn, Kalos, and Galar are that close to each other.
Doesn't leave us with much else to work with. I ultimately placed Kalos and Galar somewhat close to each other and around the same landmass as Paldea, all loosely based on real world inspirations. I didn't put them too close to each other though, as otherwise, you'd have expected their regional gimmicks to overlap a bit.
There is at least one thing we can be certain of: there's nothing close to Kalos around the northwest. After Lysandre activates the ultimate weapon, we get a brief view of Kalos from space, which shows us that there's nothing but ocean surrounding Kalos in those directions. Quite a useful bit of information, especially with how much people like to place Galar in this area.
Instead, there's another area that may be closer to Galar than Kalos, and that location is Ryme City from Detective Pikachu. I've said before how for all the dialogue these games have, there's shockingly little information when it comes to the wider Pokemon world.
There are still some clues though. In these games, Pokemon usually appear in their original forms, with characters often commenting when a regional variant shows up, usually being surprised at them.
Pikachu: "Wait, isn't this an Alolan Exeggutor?"
Tim: "I'd never seen one before, so I didn't even realize that! What's it doing here in Ryme City?"
Pikachu: "Yeah, it's a Steel-type Meowth. I take it you're not from around these parts, Meowth. Where'd you come from, buddy?"
"What?! You're friends with Darmanitan and Eiscue?"
"So your friends got captured and you followed them, only to lose track of them along the way..."
Pikachu: "Huh? It looks like a Rattata, but...is it a different Pokemon?"
Pikachu: "That explains what an Alolan Pokemon is doing here. You don't see much of 'em in this neck of the woods."
Alola is evidently quite far from Ryme City, and although characters like Tim aren't that familiar with Galarian Pokemon such as Galarian Meowth, there is a noticeable difference in how they're treated compared to Alolan Pokemon. For instance, when first encountering a Galarian Darmanitan, Tim instantly recognizes it as a Darmanitan, despite being unfamiliar with Pokemon like Alolan Exeggutor.
Additionally, while most regional variants do have reasons provided as to why they're present, there is one that doesn't get an explanation. In the wild near Bamboo Borough, the player can casually find a Sirfetch'd, with a flashback showing this Pokemon has lived in the area for a very long time, ever since it was still a Galarian Farfetch'd.
Ryme City evidently isn't in Galar, as it's normally home to Pokemon like Unovan Stunfisk, plus this comment from Pikachu...
Pikachu: "Can't believe they got dragged here all the way from Galar..."
Yet with a Sirfetch'd so casually residing near the city, perhaps the area's close enough to Galar that it's not uncommon for the occasional Pokemon from there to make its way over on short boat or plane rides; we did see a Galarian Meowth do exactly that after all.
In cases like this, regional forms do serve as a decent indication of where different areas could be in relation to each other. However, it's not always a surefire method. For instance, on Aeos Island of Unite, regional forms from Alola, Galar, and Paldea all appear, plus other Pokemon that seem unique to specific regions, such as the Galarian regis. With the island being home to big flashy Unite battles, plus Hoopa being around, it's entirely possible these Pokemon were brought over specifically for the tournament, distance be damned. After all, Lear from Masters does exactly this to promote Pasio, only with people as well.
Regional forms aren't the only thing unique to specific regions though, there's also regional gimmicks, as we mentioned earlier.
Although Mega Evolution being exclusive to Kalos got thrown out the window with ORAS, while nothing seems to be stopping people from taking Z-Moves outside of Alola, Dynamax appears to be a lot more strongly tied to Galar in comparison.
Sonia Lab Book: ""What is the Dynamax Phenomenon?" This phenomenon, in which Pokemon take on gigantic forms, has only been observed in the Galar region."
Yet somehow, the occasional Gigantamax Pokemon shows up in Unite. Perhaps it was close enough to Galar that the phenomenon reached the island and allowed for it to rarely occur?
Though again, it's not out of the question this could be the result of Hoopa, as we also see Dynamax make an appearance on Pasio which is a hotspot for Hoopa activity, as mentioned. Eternatus somehow showed up on Pasio, and although Dynamax in Masters does seem to occur slightly differently from usual, we still do see standard examples of the phenomenon, such as Ash Gigantamaxing his Gengar in the 'A Blazing Battle with Ash' event.
Still, as Hoopa doesn't seem to be as involved in the events of Unite compared to Masters, I decided to place Aeos Island somewhat close to Galar.
Pasio itself, meanwhile, is also an island, as the game makes quite clear.
Brock (PML Chapter 1): "You might be surprised to know that Pasio is a completely artificial island!"
And although it's artificial, it is notable for being a hotspot of natural energy, the kind most associated with Hoenn. In fact, it's thought this natural energy is the reason Sync Stones, an item exclusive to Pasio, are found so frequently in the island's oceans.
Professor Bellis: "Natural energy is building deep in the ocean floor around Pasio. That may be one of the reasons why a lot of sync stones get dug up near there."
Steven: "A stone that can only be found at the bottom of the ocean near Pasio... A sync stone, of course!"
Granted, considering Sync Stones can't be found in Hoenn as far as we know, it seems natural energy only plays a part in their creation, rather than being the sole factor; after all, it's likely natural energy can be found everywhere, rather than just Hoenn and Pasio.
Or perhaps, these stones do appear outside of Pasio, they just take slightly different shapes and forms depending on the region. For instance, Ferrum, the region of Pokken, features items known as Synergy Stones, which just like Sync Stones in Pasio, are seemingly found exclusively in Ferrum.
Loading Screen Tip: "Stones with a mysterious power that are found in the Ferrum Region. Reacting to Gaia, the energy of the earth, they create Synergy Power that has the ability to vitalize living creatures."
These stones are both notable for having a connection to Mega Evolution, being capable of activating the phenomenon. Additionally, while Sync Stones are connected to natural energy, Synergy Stones are connected to a similar power known as Gaia. In fact, Gaia is so similar to natural energy, the two forces may even be the exact same thing.
Perhaps both Ferrum and Pasio are near Hoenn, with the two regions containing some unique element of their own that results in similar, but different types of stones. Ferrum does also occasionally feature NPCs in the background which have their designs based on those that appear in ORAS, plus XY. In fact, what if Ferrum is one of those landmasses between Hoenn and Kalos that was referenced by the Fossil Maniac earlier?
At the very least, we do know Ferrum's not connected to any other landmass, as Nia tells us at the start of Pokken, the whole region's an island.
Nia: "This is the Ferrum Region, where we are now. It's a huge island surrounded by nothing but the ocean itself."
As for the other two unnamed islands underneath the main landmass, well, those, plus the general shape of the main continent were both loosely inspired by a globe in LGPE, as were the next landmass and the unnamed continent underneath that.

Part 3: Pokemon America

One thing that was quickly made clear to us back when Unova first released was that it was far away from all the previous regions, and this actually meant something back then.
Skyla: "And you're talking as if places like Kanto and Sinnoh are right around the corner!"
Old Official Website: "Your adventures take place in the Unova region, located far away from the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions."
But even so, just being told it's "far away" is pretty unhelpful at determining where exactly it's located in relation to the other regions.
Luckily, we do get a bit of a clue from SV. We already saw how Kitakami is supposedly 18 minutes, or 6 hours, ahead of Paldea. The same applies in reverse, with Blueberry Academy, which of course, is located in Unova, apparently being 18 minutes, or six hours, behind Paldea. Given Kitakami is to the east, that'd obviously mean Unova has to be located to the west.
Though, the location of Blueberry itself is a topic all on its own. We know the school's considered to be in Unova...
Briar: "I'm a teacher over at Blueberry Academy."
Jacq: "That's a school in the Unova region, you know."
Yet we never see anything like it in BW or B2W2. With how massive the school is, we definitely would've seen it on the Unova map, even back during the events of those games and if it was still under construction at the time.
Evidently, while it's part of Unova, it's still a fair distance away. I ultimately decided on placing it in the northeast. As the school itself is oriented with the entrance being to the south, plus the player arriving to said entrance via a subway, it'd be easiest if the school was to the north of Nimbasa City, as it'd be the straightest direction to build off of and connect to the school. Not the most solid reasoning, but not like there's much else to work with.
Blueberry Student (Entrance): "It's pretty wild the first time you come to school by riding a subway to an undersea elevator, huh?"
Peeking inside Blueberry though, we find an area resembling another location from the Unova games, the Nature Preserve. Some may suspect this area in Blueberry to literally be the Nature Preserve, as the two are quite similar looking, but that's pretty simple to disprove with the fact that while Blueberry is considered as part of Unova, the Nature Preserve isn't.
Flight Worker (Mistralton): "That lets you enter the Nature Preserve, which is far, far away from the Unova region!"
It's probably to the west, possibly a bit south given the direction Skyla's plane flies off in to travel there, but who knows. No way of knowing if it's even an island or not, but I decided to place it a bit further east than Blueberry around the north of Unova, as some of the Pokemon in the preserve do vaguely line up with those found in northern Unova. Who would've thought placing locations so closely associated with a region would be so difficult?
Of course, that pales in comparison to placing actual regions in relation to each other, especially one like Orre. Pokemon likes to pretend this region doesn't exist, and even in Colosseum and XD themselves, references to other regions are almost nonexistent; all we know for sure based on a few items that can be traded from the GBA games is that Orre is very far away from Kanto and Hoenn.
Given how remote and hostile Orre is in general, I ultimately decided to place it on the edge of this landmass, far away from most other regions. It could be tucked away anywhere really, but I chose this one due to Orre's real-world inspiration. Not much to work with.
Unlike Orre though, Alola doesn't match up with its real-world inspiration, as in order for Orre to be alone and forgotten, it wouldn't make much sense for Alola to be closer to it than other regions.
Alola is clearly quite far from Kanto, as the games make clear.
Kukui (SM): "We sure are a long way from Kanto out here in Alola. It's still daytime / nighttime out here, yeah!"
Mother (USUM): "And just look! It's already daytime / night here! It's completely the opposite of Kanto."
Plus, with Alolan Exeggutor and the more explicit tropical climate and aesthetic of the region, it's likely further south than Hoenn is.
On the topic of Alolan Exeggutor though, regional forms once again serve as an indication as to the location of another region: Lental.
Just like the original Snap, I don't believe New Snap is canon to the main series games, but also just like the original Snap, I figured, why not put Lental on the map anyway?
Although most Pokemon with regional forms in Lental use their original appearances, there are notably a few Alolan form Pokemon that also show up, with no space-time nonsense being implied or the characters even being surprised about them.
On top of that, with the vague similarities between Z-Power and the Illumina phenomenon, the case could definitely be made the Lental is somewhat close to Alola. Perhaps not that close, but along the same lines, if not a bit closer, than Ryme City is to Galar.
Either way, definitely more to work with for Lental than certain other regions.

Part 4: Ranger and Eastern Continent

To Ranger's benefit, I can at least say the games do provide a few loose clues as to where the regions are located; certainly more than Orre.
At least in regards to each other, the three Ranger regions do seem pretty close together, as, for one, Almia's newspaper, the Almia Times, reports on incidents in Fiore. Additionally, a photographer in Oblivia, Yoran, is excited to take pictures of Pokemon and show them to the people of Almia and Fiore, yet apparently nowhere else.
"Yoran, the Pokemon photographer, has a new lease on life! It is my duty to show to the people of Almia and Fiore all the Pokemon from Oblivia!
Even so, Oblivia does seem to be rather distant even from Fiore and Almia.
Murph: "Let me give you a brief explanation of the Oblivia region. In a sense, it's a place the rest of the world has forgotten about. It's a carefree and peaceful paradise!"
Although we don't get too much information about how these regions connect to the main series, it does seem they're quite far and isolated from regions with Poke Balls, most likely somewhere out of the way of people traveling between the main series regions.
Boy (Pueltown): "A Voltorb looks like one of the Pokemon Ball things you throw."
Though, given the few mentions of main series regions we do get, it does seem like the Ranger regions are closest to the first landmass we looked at, Pokemon Japan.
Hastings: "Hm? Murph, what did you just say? Somewhere far away? Brilliant! There is that option! For example, in the Sinnoh region, there should be many highly skilled Pokemon Trainers."
Woman (Ringtown): "It's too bad, but there are no Trainers in the Fiore region. There are many, many Trainers in far-off places like Kanto and Hoenn."
With Hastings deciding the best region to send the Fiore Manaphy egg is Sinnoh, that would imply it's one of the closest regions with Pokemon trainers, as it wouldn't make much sense to spend more time and effort sending the egg further away if the Ranger regions were closer to Unova or Paldea.
This does present a bit of a problem though, as there's another landmass implied to exist that we haven't seen yet: the Eastern region. Many may recognize it as the area where the Treasures of Ruin originate from, but those aren't the only Pokemon connected to this region, as so is Arcanine.
LGPE Pokedex: "A legendary Pokémon in the East. Many people are charmed by the grace and beauty of its running."
Which indicates this Eastern land has to be somewhere to the east of not just Paldea, but Kanto as well, which throws a wrench into the idea that Sinnoh's the closest region with Pokemon trainers.
It could be argued that perhaps the Treasures of Ruin and Arcanine come from different locations, but not only would that be redundant, it'd still imply there's some Eastern landmass that likely has Pokemon trainers.
Maybe it's as simple as characters in Ranger simply not having direct connections to anyone in this Eastern region. After all, Hastings at least does have direct connections to Sinnoh, as he mentions near the start of the Manaphy mission in the original Ranger.
Hastings: "That's it! I've remembered! This is a Pokemon Egg! It's very similar to those in the reference papers on Pokemon I ordered from the Sinnoh region!"
Perhaps the Ranger landmass is further north and closer to Sinnoh, or the Eastern land is located more to the south or even further east. The problem is that if the Ranger and Eastern lands are too close, or if the Eastern land is between the main Ranger landmass and Oblivia, you'd expect some overlap between the two countries, such as the Ranger regions having the occasional trainer, or the Eastern land being under the control of rangers. Hopefully one day we'll see this Eastern land and learn a bit more about it. Maybe there will be rangers, though probably not.
But until another new region gets introduced, that's the Pokemon world for you. Can't wait for that next region to unintentionally mess everything up and make things even more confusing.
Not the biggest fan of this one, I gotta say. There is some evidence backing up certain placements, but there's also a huge lack of information in general. Like I said, the main reason I made this was to present the little bits of information we do get moreso than actually making a map.
There are admittedly more locations I could've placed on the map, most notably, the region of Go. Despite logic suggesting the area of Go is simply the entire world, there is implication that "Earth" is just another region, as I touched on in part of my timeline theory. But even though Go is canon, I decided against including "Earth", since it would've looked really dumb. I guess I'd put it on the west if anywhere? I don't know.
At least, Go's the only more canon game I didn't include. There are other areas I didn't add such as the two PokeParks from those games, areas from the TCG, Ransei, the setting of games like Battle Trozei and Duel, and so on. Most of these I left out due to a lack of even vague clues as to their location, plus questionable canonicity for many of them, even moreso than Snap. PokePark in particular I also left out because those games could potentially take place in the far future, such as around the time of Mystery Dungeon, when the world has drastically changed appearance. Weird how we got a world map for MD, but not the main series, huh?
Maybe I'll add all these locations to the next iteration of this map if I ever make another one, though that's probably not going to be for a long while.
submitted by Legal-Treat-5582 to pokemonconspiracies [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:29 littlelulumcd Billboard's Woman of the Decade award: Revisiting Taylor's speech

Billboard's Woman of the Decade award: Revisiting Taylor's speech
As discussed in my most recent post, I’m continuing my journey of revisiting Taylor’s past. I think it is one of the keys to understanding the story Taylor tried to tell before and the story she is telling today.
Also, in the words of the Manuscript:
And the years passed
Like scenes of a show
The Professor said to write what you know
Lookin' backwards
Might be the only way to move forward
Before I get to the speech, a reminder on some events that took place before the Woman of the Decade award was given to Taylor.
Speech context
Taylor announced her plan to rerecord her first six albums on August 21, 2109 - ✌🏻days before Lover was released.
The Billboard Woman of the Decade ceremony took place on December 12, 2109. AKA, the night before Taylor turned 30. I mentioned in my AMA post that I’m not sure when these types of awards are decided, but I can’t help thinking about what could have been if this award was given to Taylor post coming out. And what that might have looked like.
In the lead up to the AMAs, Taylor had a public battle with both SBs because they wouldn’t grant her permission to sing any songs from her first six albums when she performed at the awards show.
On November 14th, Taylor tweeted about the fight and then, rightly or wrongly, Taylor asked her fans to let the SBs know how they felt about that decision. Swifties definitely answered that call.
Four days later, Big Machine granted her permission to perform any song she wanted - at least for that one night. How lucky for her 🙄
Speech Analysis
In the spirit of full disclosure, what first caught my eye about Taylor’s speech is her outfit. While yes, I do think she looks amazing lol, I thought her outfit was purple which would have pointed to my theory that “Speak Now connects to everything”, but my research tells me the outfit is a dark blue.
(Unhinged 🤡 theory: maybe the outfit really is purple, and this is the origin of the Taylor trying to convince us that her blood in the Anti-Hero video is midnight blue instead of glittery purple, hahahaha)
That being said, even though the outfit isn’t purple, I want to note that her hair is in a braid. There have been a lot of theories about what braids can mean, or what Taylor is trying to signal when she wears one. Braids have been showing up for a while. For the purposes of this look back, I want to point a recent post from u/Kit10phish.
Specifically this part of what they wrote:
I subscribe to the braid theory Braded-Lyrics: Each song has many different strands woven together: Muse, music industry, fans, sometimes historical events or mythology.
I definitely agree with this take, and I also think the theory extends to more than lyrics. I think there is a lot the Billboard’s Woman of the Decade speech that (either planned or not), foreshadows and ties together things we’ve seen play out over the last 5 years.
We know at this point that Taylor had decided to rerecord her first six albums. I also think Ms. Mastermind had a plan for how she thought it would play out and also had a plan to make sure she felt she could come out at the end ,or, within the rerecording process. Obviously COVID threw a wrench into those plans - I don’t think folklore and evermore were planned. I don’t even necessarily believe that she had Midnights or TTPD fully formed at this point, but I do think she had some idea of what she wanted to do.
With all of that in mind, let’s get to the speech. If you want to read a transcript of it, you can here.
I’m not going to go through everything, instead I will highlight what I think is relevant. If you think I’ve missed anything, feel free to let me know! When sharing quotes, I will be bolding certain parts for emphasis.
I was going to go chronologically at first, but I want discuss at the top what I think is a big elephant in the room given TK’s response to the shitty comments his teammate made.
Here is what TK said:
“I call him Harry, I might be the only person who calls him Harry,” he said. “That just tells you, I mean, I’ve known him for seven-plus, eight-plus years and I cherish him as a teammate… He’s treated friends and family that I’ve introduced to him with nothing but respect and kindness and that’s how he treats everyone.”
He acknowledged that when it came to what Butker said at the commencement, those were the football kicker’s “views”. Travis also clarified that while he didn’t have the same beliefs as Butker, he wouldn’t scrutinize his friend for his views.
“I can’t say I agree with the majority of it, or just about any of it, outside of just him loving his family or his kids,” he continued. “And I don’t think I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views of how he goes about life. That’s just not who I am.”
And here is what Taylor said about Scooter Braun during her Woman of the Decade speech
I’m fairly certain he knew exactly how I would feel about it though. And let me just say that the definition of the toxic male privilege in our industry is people saying, ‘But he’s always been nice to me,’ when I’m raising valid concerns about artists and their rights to own their music. And of course he’s nice to you. If you’re in this room, you have something he needs.
I don’t expect Taylor to have a response to what TK said - and I don’t even believe she should be held accountable for what he said, a stance I’ve maintained since the MH era. Men need to be held accountable for what they say, not the women in their life - buuuuuuuuuuuuut, with all that in mind, I hope Taylor remembers making this speech because her boy is doing exactly what she called out.
Almost word for word.
I think Taylor would do well to remember what she said when she stood on a stage calling out the people in her life who said that about SB. And I hope she is taking TK to task for his lack of courage.
I don’t think the controversy with TK’s teammate is manufactured to play into Taylor’s narrative, but I do think if Taylor does distance herself from him because of this, I would be OK with that. In fact, in some ways I think she needs to, otherwise she should rightfully get called out for being a hypocrite.
Let’s address the second elephant in the room, Billie Eilish.
If you aren’t caught up, there seems to be some shade coming from Billie/her camp about Taylor. I very much dislike when female artists are pitted against each other (something Taylor has called the media out for in the past) because when say, Kendrick and Drake are “feuding” the language around what is happening is very different when women are having a public disagreement.
That all being said, nothing seems to be coming from Taylor’s camp and from what I’ve seen, the comments Billie made about three hour concerts was taken out of context. I also think Billie’s manager (who liked a twitter thread calling out Taylor for blocking other artists), could be making a point that Billie herself doesn’t believe. Much like the rebuttal for the NYT’s Gaylor piece seemed to come from people in Taylor’s camp, not necessarily from Taylor herself.
Before Taylor discuss Billie in her speech, she names a number of newer female artists in the music industry that she is a fan of and Billie is included on that list
And I see that fire in the newer faces in our music industry whose work I absolutely love. I see it in Lizzo, Rosalia, Tayla Parx, Hayley Kiyoko, King Princess, Camila Cabello, Halsey, Megan Thee Stallion, Princess Nokia, Nina Nesbitt, Sigrid, Normani, H.E.R., Maggie Rogers, Becky G, Dua Lipa, Ella Mai, Billie Eilish. And so many other amazing women who are making music right now.
This is what she had to say about Billie specifically
This speech I’m referring to was on my 25th birthday. I’m about to turn 30 tonight, woo! But my exact quote during the speech was, ‘I really just feel like we need to continue to try to offer something to a younger generation of musicians, because somewhere right now your future Woman of the Year is probably sitting in a piano lesson or in a girls’ choir “and today right now we need to take care of her.’
I’ve since learned that at that exact moment, an 11-year-old girl in California really was taking piano lessons and really was in a girls’ choir. And this year she has been named Woman of the Year at the age of 17. Her name is Billie.
Sure, a lot of things could have happened in the last 5 years, and maybe Taylor and Billie do have “beef”, or, it could be that the music/tabloid industry is trying to create bad blood where none exists.
With those two points out of the way, let me get to the other parts of the speech that caught my attention.
Let’s start with the cringe. Oh, the cringe. I am doing my best to embrace my own cringe because I have a lot of it, but hoo boy, the speech has some very cringey moments. I think her points are valid of course, but I also think she is performing. I think she is still processing what happened to her with the masters sale/failed coming out attempt, but she doesn’t want people to know the pain she was in and potentially what she has planned. So instead, she comes across as over the top.
Some of her posturing reminds me of the meme that Better than Revenge/SN Taylor was/is scary. Specifically I’d see people point to her reaction at around the one minute mark of this video
Which further reminds me of the quote from Taylor’s Time Person of the Year interview
“Ultimately, we can convolute it all we want, or try to overcomplicate it, but there’s only one question." Here, she adopts a booming voice. “Are you not entertained?”
Like, what was the reason for that? lol
Again, these examples seem to point to Taylor performing and/or hiding the true intent of what she’s talking about.
Now, let’s discuss this possible “aha” moment I had
When this decade began I was 20 years old
Which made me think of Daylight
I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
And now I see daylight, I only see daylight
I wonder if that reference in Daylight isn’t about a timespan, but a reference to Taylor at 20 years old.
That is the age she finished writing Speak Now. Also, the age when I think she decided to stay closeted instead of writing songs about girls, like she wanted.
Daylight already breaks my heart because it was the original name for TS7 and what many people (myself included) believe was her coming out song. She thought when Daylight was released she’d finally be out of the closeting darkness she’d been in since she was 20 years old. And then, she wasn’t.
As a quick side note, there are at least two other references to 20 years in Taylor’s music that I think could be a reference to Taylor deciding to closet at that age
Moving on to what I think is a prelude to folklore
I saw that people love to explain away a woman’s success in the music industry, and I saw something in me change due to this realization. This was the decade when I became a mirror for my detractors. Whatever they decided I couldn’t do is exactly what I did
This is like the thesis statement for mirrorball. Not only that though, in the following sentence she tells us that if someone tells her she can’t do something (like stopping her multiple times from coming out as an example for no reason whatsoever), she is going to take that as a challenge and do it anyway.
It could also be a reference to a lot of the mirrors/mirror imagery/coming back around vibes that have been all over Midnights, TTPD, recent music videos, and the Eras tour.
This quote I believe is referenced in the Bejeweled mv
At that time I couldn’t understand why this wave of harsh criticism had hit me so hard. I believe a popular headline back then was, ‘A Swift Backlash,’ which is clever, you gotta give it to ’em
Laura Dern as the stepmother in the mv: “He tired of her quite quickly or should I say swiftly?”
Taylor’s response: “There it is. That joke never gets old. Thank you, thank you so much.”
Taylor directly references Speak Now in her speech
So then I decided that I would be the only songwriter on my third album, Speak Now, and that I would tour constantly, work on my vocals every day, and perfect my stamina in a live show. I decided I would be what they said I couldn’t be. I didn’t know then that soon enough people would decide on something else I wasn’t quite doing right, and then the circle would keep going on and on and rolling along and I would keep accommodating, over-correcting, in an effort to appease my critics.
And what prey tell, Taylor, are you referencing here? 👀🌈
This part gave me a chuckle
They’re saying I’m dating too much in my 20s? Okay, I’ll stop, I’ll just be single. For years.
For years you say? When exactly? lol There was about a two year gap between her publicly dating Harry Styles and Calvin Harris, but the way Taylor says it implies something longer than two years. Maybe this was her planting seeds for the public to start questioning her public narrative? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Here’s another head scratcher for me
Now it’s that I’m showing you too many pictures of me with my friends, okay, I can stop doing that too. Now I’m actually a calculated manipulator rather than a smart businesswoman? Okay, I’ll disappear from public view for years. Now I’m being cast a villain to you? Okay, here’s an album called Reputation and there are lots of snakes everywhere.
I find it very interesting she is saying that disappearing from the public eye was a calculated move as opposed to a decision she made with Joe to keep their relationship private. Again, in contradiction to her public narrative - especially post Toe breakup.
She has amazing things to say about Lana del Ray, who we now know she worked with for Midnights.
I’ve watched as one of my favorite artists of this decade, Lana Del Rey, was ruthly criticized…in her early career and then slowly but surely she turned into, in my opinion, the most influential artist in pop. Her vocal stylings, her lyrics, her aesthetics, they’ve been echoed and repurposed in every corner of music, and this year her incredible album is nominated for Album of the Year at the Grammys because she just kept making art. And that example should inspire all of us, that the only way forward is forward motion. That we shouldn’t let obstacles like criticism slow down the creative forces that drive us.
The highlighted line is the opposite of what she says in the Manuscript, which I referenced at the beginning of this post. I think her mindset has changed since she started rerecording her first six albums and since she recorded the new albums she released since this speech. I think Taylor has realized that she can’t move forward without addressing the past and she can’t move on until she’s corrected the past, which I think she is doing now.
This quote certainly hits different now
Lately there’s been a new shift that has affected me personally and that I feel is a potentially harmful force in our industry, and as your resident loud person, I feel the need to bring it up.
Hahahahaha. Sorry, Tay, I love you and I’ve defended you for not being outspoken, but this is objectively funny. And does feed into the narrative that Taylor is only loud on something that affects her.
In the gay way though, that line is 👀🌈
To Taylor’s credit, for this speech, she has no issues calling out, by name, those who she feels have benefitted from the sale of her masers and how they have taken her art from her, art that she had her hand in creating.
For me, this quote foreshadows the use of You Don’t Own Me before the Eras concert starts. The added context of Lesley Gore being a closeted lesbian has always felt very on point as well.
The fact is that private equity is what enabled this man to think, according to his own social media post, that he could buy me. But I’m obviously not going willingly. Yet the most amazing thing was to discover that it would be the women in our industry who would have my back and show me the most vocal support at one of the most difficult times, and I will never, ever forget it. Like, ever.
Taylor wanting to change the music industry is another reason I think she will come out. I know how wronged she feels by it, never mind the stories we’ve heard from other musicians, and even scarier, the stories we never hear.
And those are the stories we need to think about every day as we do our jobs within this industry. The ones where people’s dreams come true and they get to create music and play it for people. The ones where fans feel a connection to music that makes their day easier, makes their night more fun, makes their love feel more sacred, or their heartache feel less isolating. The ones where all of you in this room stand as an example for someone else in the next generation who loves the same thing that we love. Music. And no matter what else enters the conversation, we will always bring it back to music.
Finally let’s get to the last bit of seed planting that i think Taylor did this night.
During her Eras show in Melbourne on February 18th, Taylor announced a change to the acoustic set
I’ve been thinking, I want to be as creative as possible with the acoustic set moving forward. I don’t wanna limit anything and say, ‘Oh, if I’ve played a song before I can’t play it again.’ So from now on, I don’t wanna take any paint colors out of the paint box of colors … I want to be able to play songs more than once if I feel like it, and I wanna be able to make changes to songs
The bolded part makes me 👀🌈 lol
Since Paris N1, she has made a point when discussing the acoustic set to say rules aren’t for her anymore 👀🌈
This is the last line of her Woman of the Decade speech
And as for me, lately I’ve been focusing less on doing what they say I can’t do and more on doing whatever the hell I want.
If that line is foreshadowing, then I think we are all in for one hell of a ride.
Starting with Pride this month and June 13th in particular 🌈🤡
submitted by littlelulumcd to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:34 neuraset Les catégories de vendeurs

Il y a une différence entre les preneurs de commandes, les vendeurs, les closers et les master closers.
Preneur de commande : il sait tout sur le produit mais ne sait pas vendre. Il est comme un livre, une encyclopédie mais pour une multitude de raison ne sait pas vendre.
Le vendeur : Il la joue mieux que le preneur d’ordre et vit mieux mais ça se limite là. Il est déterminé mais sans plus. Il ne cherche pas à devenir expert et gère ses deals lui même mais demande souvent de l’aide pour close.
Le Closer: celui là sait vendre et en masse. Va au front et tire son équipe de vendeur vers le haut. Mais son excès de confiance lui joue des tours :il est bon mais n’est pas encore excellent. Ne se remet pas en question, s’appuie trop sur ses précédentes victoires, peu flexible
Le Master Closer : une machine de guerre. C’est lui qu’on appelle pour les gros deals et il les close comme si de rien n’était. Il écoute, apprend, comprend, s’adapte, pose les bonnes questions au bon moment et avec le bon ton, et sait quand close.
Il a cette capacité à s’adapter à la personnalité du prospect pour rendre la signature confortable et sans friction; et en masse.
[Pickens, Art of Closing Any Deal, p21-24/370]
submitted by neuraset to u/neuraset [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:01 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 40

[First] [Previous] [Next]
Edited by our lord and savior, WaveOfWire
- - - - -
Things were heading in the right direction for Harrison. The hand-held mining equipment was fabricated, drones were set to patrol and detect any incoming swarms, the settlement’s food situation was practically solved, and he had finally settled on how he would procure gunpowder.
Once again, the engineer was in the workshop late at night. Everyone else had enjoyed their dinner and gotten settled in for the night, leaving only him, Tracy, and a sleeping Shar in the building. There was little else to do at the moment, given that any factory line setup would simply be collecting dust until he figured out where he’d be getting potassium for the saltpeter, so he elected to busy himself by tackling some minor problems.
Take the lack of textiles for clothing and equipment, for example. They weren’t hard to make, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have to procure the materials and set the fabricator to work. Thankfully, he still had an abundance of pseudomycelium left to form synthetic fibers, so the only difficulty there was putting the two machines together. It wasn’t too hard of an ask to do by himself, but he was quickly learning firsthand why the Malkrin were vital.
He grunted in exertion as he channeled every ounce of his strength into his legs, his back starting to bruise from the sheer force placed against his muscles and the hard steel behind him. His breaths turned into ragged gulps for air, his feet struggling with each step over the floor ‘specifically designed to make modular processes easy to assemble.’ The pressure of his clenched teeth reached a painful crescendo as he finally brought the synthetic loom to its final position beside the fabricator.
He slid down the side of the machine, letting his strained inhales settle. Christ, he should have just woken Shar up and had her deal with moving the several-hundred-kilogram blocks of wires. It was too late now, though. A dry cough left him as he pushed himself off the floor and to his feet, approaching his desk.
“Hey…” Tracy’s soft voice stopped him in place. “Harrison?” She had rolled away from her drone-component-cluttered desk to face him, her head held low with a guilty expression residing on her face.
He tiredly raised a brow, his voice coming out in a deadened drone. “What’s up?”
She fiddled with the straps on her dirtied overalls nervously. “I know you just moved that machine, b-but we’re, uh, out of metal…”
His unintentional sigh trounced the fabricators’ hum and the quiet electronic music Tracy had playing through the speakers above her workspace. “Alright… I can recycle another table.”
She waved her hands in protest. “No, no. I just wanted to let you know. You don’t have… to…”
But he was already shuffling his sore legs to the other side of the building. He really didn’t mind using the recycler to help her out. If she finished her drones and set them to work finding ocean deposits, it would just about tie up all that the machines needed to produce gunpowder, and they’d be one step closer to locking down the settlement’s security.
An annoying screech cried out from the table scraping against the floor, egging a small, gnawing headache on, but the task was over quickly. His muscles felt like liquid as he hauled the brutalist furniture up and into the recycler. It hummed and produced the glorious shiny material in no time, meaning Tracy was able to continue her tinkering.
He returned to his desk, roughly falling into his chair, barely noticing the blurriness around his peripheral vision. Nor did he notice the ever-present static along his skin fade into numbness
His fingers sat on his keyboard, ready to start the textile process, but they refused to begin. He stared at his unmoving hands, confused. The command just didn’t click. It was simple, but his own limbs… couldn’t. Did they forget how to?
His eyes meandered from where he wanted to focus, pressure rapidly building in his head. The drain of nausea swiftly crept up on his disoriented mind, hitting him like a mean uppercut. It pulled his vision to and fro as he concentrated on keeping his head steady.
He couldn’t feel his own hands as he dragged them to the edge of the table to get a hold of himself, his grip uncertain.
Everything spun faster and faster, the objects in his vision becoming nothing but blurs. His stomach churned as he pulled his chair closer to the desk, crossing his arms on top and throwing his head into them in a last-ditch effort to stabilize something.
He shut his eyes.
His heart sunk, chest dropping the moment his lids closed. The world fell out from beneath him, the black abyss of his vision suddenly forming a bottomless pit, throwing him into its gaping maw.
- - - - -
Frigid air bit at his skin, his head spun, and short-lived thoughts washed through his brain as brief flashes of indistinct memories burned his vision like sun spots. Cryo pods, AI cores, and exposed flesh marred the faint shreds of his lucid mind.
His eyes opened. He was standing in a valley of orange rocks, stumbling toward a cliff face within the mountainside. Everything was consumed by a white fog, blurred further by a smeared mask. Wind kicked up sand and dry dirt, washing it across the expanse like waves. The world was shown to him in a slideshow of images, each blink of his translating a time skip of several seconds as he traveled a wasteland of dust and stone. The crackle of earth beneath his feet echoed ethereally through the desolate biome, complimented by suppressed yet heavy breaths.
He felt sick, his head barely kept from lolling to the side as he tried to focus on what lay in front of him. His legs were water, unsteadily keeping him upright, heightening every aspect of his vertigo. A heavy weight within his arms dragged him down, yet he never looked down to observe it. His sights were only set on the sheer mountain face, a small beeping noise getting progressively louder as he approached. He felt like an observer, only experiencing the world through anothers’ perspective.
A large metal blast door was embedded in the rocky wall, its corroded alloy peering from behind a particularly large boulder. He approached it, a spike of dulled anxiety striking his neck. Its exterior was dirtied by orange dust that obscured a small emblem on its surface.
A thousand fires burn within the land.
His hand wiped the soot off, revealing a simple insignia of an open palm showcasing a depiction of D.N.A.
Extinguish the failure once more.
He twisted the archaic valve and opened the door.
Shepherd the successful.
He entered the black abyss beyond the entrance.
Reclaim what they abandoned.
- - - - -
Harrison’s eyes shot open as he sat up from the… bed? His breathing was rapid, but it quickly slowed as he took in the surrounding room. It was the bunk room, though dim and empty. He rubbed his eyes, blinking away the last vestiges of sleep.
A thousand fires burn within the land.
So that was… a dream? Right. It didn’t exactly feel real, but it also hadn’t felt disconnected like the slumbering visions usually did…
Wait, he fell asleep? His eyes widened. That was… good. Amazing even. He couldn’t feel the static along his skin anymore, nor did he feel nauseous, which implied whatever was in his system had passed—Ceras tincture and the Rad-Away. That didn’t stop his muscles from feeling bruised and dried out, however. It also didn’t explain how he got to the barracks when the last thing he remembered was breaking his back putting some textile machine into place.
…Shar probably brought him here since he fell asleep. He sighed and slid out of… her… bed. Huh. He noticed his equipment placed neatly up against the wall and went to grab it. The familiar weight of the over-encumbered load-bearing rig tugged on his spine in just the same way his modified shotgun strained his arms. At least he was getting used to them after all this time.
The room’s door slid open with a short ‘woosh,’ forcing him to wince from how the lights in the hallway were still bright, which told him it was sometime during the day. How long was he asleep? He had been making up for three nights of sleep; no way it was just eight hours, right? God, he hoped he didn’t lose too much of the day. He had to divvy out the new weapons and start harvesting ore, and he knew damn well that wasn’t going to be a simple one-hour operation. That could wait another minute or two.
He meandered to the bathroom to relieve himself and wash his face. Someone was using the shower, but he didn’t bother checking who. Instead, he washed his hands and got slightly distracted by staring at himself in the mirror, noting how different he looked from what he last remembered. Obviously, there were shadows beneath his green eyes. His hair and beard were kept reasonably groomed by his fiddling hands and the daily shower, though they both differed drastically from the short side part and clean-shaven face he had when coming in as a pioneer… He’d have to shave again pretty soon if he wanted to keep using his gas mask.
He brought his arms up and rotated them around, inspecting the various healed scars and currently mending wounds from the previous blood-moon. They marred much of the skin over his surprisingly defined limbs. The amount of work he did on a day-to-day basis mixed with his fish-based diet seemed to have burned much of the fat he once had, only leaving toned muscles. Hell, even his callused hands looked worn out like a mech operator’s, especially around where he held his shotgun.
Two clicks from his side broke his attention, followed by Sharky’s voice, her words coming out almost… lightheartedly? “Are you admir—g your figure, Harrison?”
He regarded her with a raised brow before raising a second at seeing her shirtless form by the shower section’s doorway, revealing the white skin of her torso and abs, its soft coloring fading into the maroon around the rest of her limbs and face. He almost looked away before he realized that Malkrin females really didn’t have anything to hide—thank God she already had her black mechanic’s jeans on; he was happy not knowing how far that difference went. “Uh… yeah? Sorta?”
She made her way to his side, putting a towel and bundles of clothing down atop the array of sinks, her head hunched partially underneath the ‘low’ ceiling. “You have not slept long en—gh to lose your strength, if that is w—t you wish to know. I am happy to see you awake, h—ever.”
He gave her a curious look. “You say that like I’ve been out for days. How long was I asleep for?”
“You h–ve slept through the night and much of the day. Rest as—red, sunset is not upon us yet” She slipped her poncho on, doing the same with her rig, zipping it up with a practiced motion.
Damn. He internally groaned, turning the sink on and splashing his face with the cold water.
She tilted her head quizzically. “I was mean—g to ask you earlier, but was unable… Are star-sent males m—nt to be taller than the females?”
What kind of question was that? “Uh… yes? Typically, anyway.”
“I figured s—h was true.” She nodded, putting one of her many hands atop his head horizontally, tracing his height back to herself and confirming his height reached a few inches above her navel. “You are quite feminine with y—r abnormal height and gifted strength—much more than one would a—ume of a male.”
He squinted at her, an incredulous look covering his visage. The pieces clicked together at a glacial pace under his uncaffeinated mind. Feminine…? Him? Shar? Oh… Yeah… Right. By her standards, he would technically be ‘effeminate’ if that translated to what he thought of as masculine. Then again, it wasn’t an exact switch of sexes, was it?
Shar was gigantic and muscular, but the latter wasn’t overwhelmingly so. It's not that she looked like she was on steroids or anything. It was a lot more refined, the real strength hidden by extremely well-defined and ‘moderately-sized’ muscles. Hell, her shoulders weren’t super broad either, despite easily eclipsing his own. Furthermore, she had—by his definition of the word—rather feminine eyes and leg shape too. So, it wouldn’t be fair to say that the Malkrin female was directly comparable to the human male. That wasn’t even touching on the four arms, frills, talons… horns… Huh. That was another weird thing. How come some of them had those head growths but others didn’t? The lumberjack and elder had them… and so did Shar. Was it an age thing? He’d ask the others about it later.
He slowly blinked, realizing he must have been staring for a minute. The poor paladin had started to look a little uncomfortable underneath his inspection. Especially considering the slight flush along her snout and cheeks.
“S-Sorry… Uh, yeah, you’d be right in thinking that I’m a bit off-course for a Malkrin male.”
“Yet, It does not take away from your qualities, d—rest Harrison,” she added, the sudden overwhelming warmness taking him off guard. Her attention shifted to the door behind him. “Are you r—dy to leave? Or shall I wait outside for you?”
“I’m ready to go, thanks.”
- - - - -
“Alright, now try for the furthest target—the three-hundred-meter one,” Harrison ordered, the grin spread across his cheeks starting to feel sore after being kept up for so long.
Cera nodded, bringing the FAL’s iron sights back to her eye and settling her aim across the rolling meadows down range. An unusable piece of lumber was set up on one of the taller peaks, almost far enough to not be visible.
A resounding crack broke through the late evening silence, echoing back several times as the sound reflected throughout the hills. He didn’t even need to use his binoculars; the distant chunk of wood clearly fell down.
He smiled and patted the gentle female on the lower arm. “Well damn… Looks like you’ve just about hit all the targets. You’re a Grade-A Marksman, Cera.”
She returned his mirth with a grin of her own, proudly flicking the safety back on and lowering the firearm just as he showed her. She had managed to take out the ten, twenty, fifty, one-hundred, two-hundred, and three-hundred-meter targets with absolute ease, only taking an extra shot or two for the closer ones as she initially got used to the gun. It was a shame the craftsman was too busy in the workshop to see his wife tearing up the range. Not to mention it was all with iron sights, too.
Cera clicked her tongue, garnering his attention. She pointed to the firearm, and then to herself.
“What’s that? Yeah. Again, it’s all yours. You can put these extra mags in your chest pockets if you’d like.” He picked up the extra twenty-round cartridges from a small table placed nearby, handing them to the black-colored Malkrin. She graciously took them and slipped them into place before looking back down at him with a tilted head as if to ask ‘what now?’ “That’s uh, that’s all I got for you. Feel free to return to the workshop whenever. Just remember the three rules of gun safety and make sure not to cause any negligent discharges, yeah?”
She bowed toward him in thanks, leaving the makeshift range for her mate with a skip in her step. The engineer sighed and regarded the wooden table, appreciating the pile of spent casings, various used stripper clips, and the belt-loading machine left on top of it. He’d already gone through teaching Shar and Akula about their weapons throughout the last hour or two, running them through the basics and having them learn their new weapons inside and out. Shar was initially appalled by the idea of disassembling her gifted M2, but quickly fell into line upon realizing that she could put it back together herself after cleaning it.
All in all, they were ecstatic to be given ‘staffs’ of their own, going through their own song and dance of thanks. The dark green-colored Fisherwoman was given a massive boost to her ego for ‘being entrusted with the star-sent’s power to defend his subjects’ or whatever she said. The paladin was somewhat similar, though she ‘managed’ to conceal her excitement, channeling it into her tail and threatening to crush him with the way it wrapped around him. Speaking of the massive Malkrin…
“The ceramist made q—te a showing, has she not?” Shar remarked, stepping up to the opposite side of the table from him, her pet drone’s electric motor whirring as it followed along the ground before doing a cute spin when she stopped.
“Sure did.” He grabbed the last of the three FALs, inspecting it and testing the bolt before briefly bringing up the iron sights too peer down range. The hand guard, charging handle, and trigger complex had been altered to fit the Malkrin’s larger hands, making it a difficult task for him to properly use the empty gun. “First, the syringe a few days ago, and now one of these. Are you sure everyone who works in pottery has an abnormally stone-still grip?”
The maroon-colored female rotated her shoulders, adjusting the weight of the machine gun and shield attached to her back. “Most of such a profession sp—d many seasons refining their abilities, but I sup—se she is unique in having ach—ved such a mastery of her own limbs.”
“It is impressive…” He put the firearm down, pushing it toward Shar. “Now, what’re we to do with this last FAL?”
“Was it not int—ded for Tracy’s use?”
He shook his head, slightly irked at the reminder. “No, it was. When I went into the workshop to get her, she vehemently refused to use it… She didn’t even want to learn how to shoot it.”
Shar’s head tilted. “She wishes n–t to be capable of her own def—se?”
“I don’t know,” he huffed, resting his palms on the table’s coarse wood. “She has her reasons, and I’m not gonna force her to do anything. At least her drones are coming along well… Anyway, do you think I should just recycle this FAL, or let Akula have her dream of duel-wielding them?”
“Giving Akula a second weapon w—ld not be favorable,” she returned seriously, taking on a more calculating tone. “I bel—ve it would be best if more of us were armed, so we might be capable of safely splitt—g up groups to perform other tasks.”
His brow raised at her idea. “What do you mean by that?”
The massive female held out a palm as if presenting a proposition. “Earlier, you inf—med me that you wished for us to be able to harvest resources outside the settlem—t’s safety, no? Like your analogy for the fly—g machines: it allows us to cast a wider net. I do not know if you are capable of prod—ing more of these staffs, or if you wish to give them to others bey—d those you have already blessed, but I bel—ve it would be best if we had more of the set—ement armed.”
He paused, squinting at the giant female across from him. Did she believe everyone should be given a gun? It was a reasonable take in their dire situation, honestly, but not a decision he was prepared to settle. On the one hand, some Malkrin might get killed by an unseen swarm if they’re undefended and left with only primitive weapons, but on the other, he would be putting advanced technology in the hands of people who might not yet grasp how dangerous it is. It was ultimately his decision whether the rest of the settlement were forced to rely on a select few for their defense, or if they were given the ability to so themselves. He wanted to have a reason to allow everyone that right, but it was gambling on too much… He’d need time to think about it… probably after he was able to actually procure the materials for more firearms. For now, he’d have to see where Shar was going.
He sighed, giving the paladin a flat stare. “We have one last gun here, Shar. I won’t be arming the entire group with it. Give me a good reason to hand this out to someone specific instead of the craftsman or Akula.”
“The g—rdswoman.”
The engineer’s face turned to that of uncertainty. “The… guardswoman… Really? The yellow, broody one?”
The yellow female was probably the one Malkrin he interacted with the least, besides the ‘juvenile.’ She always looked somewhat spiteful despite never choosing to say anything. He noted her frequently switching from accusatory glares to widened eyes. Honestly, she was the last one he considered, even though her profession and training were technically ideal for using the firearm.
His apprehension turned to curiosity. “…Why?”
“I am not advocat—g for you to hastily give such a powerful w—pon to the newcomer. But, allow me to explain my bias.”
The paladin turned to regard the several Malkrin working to harvest the brown-bark wood down the hill from them. A yellow-colored Female stood tall above them, helping out with the hauling between her short patrols, spear always in hand.
“She is a g—rdswoman from a small island near the Golden City, so she has likely never seen real combat besides separating civil—n scuffles or the occasional ocean beast. That fact would be reasoning for her to not be trusted with your ‘FAL,’ yet I feel that after yesterday’s enc—nter, she has realized the greater importance of her newf—nd position as a guardswoman within the mainland. A mere ten abhorrent were en—gh to crush her resolve, yet that was sufficient to reveal her true conviction: her wish to protect. Furthermore, she is will—g to submit herself to learning once more, despite already having been tr—ned as a guardswoman, and I have alr—dy begun preparing her in earnest.”
The large maroon Malkrin returned her focus to the engineer, crossing her arms over her chest. “Again, do not take my words wholly, d—rest Harrison. I do not ask for you to bless any irrespon—ble fool with your holy creations. I only ask that you obs—ve her dedication for yourself and then finalize your decis—n.”
He scrubbed his face, mulling over the paladin’s words. He didn’t know the guardswoman, and he didn’t exactly trust the guardswoman… but he had a lot of faith in Shar. “Alright. I’ll keep an eye on her for a bit and see how she acts. Maybe talk to her directly. For now, personal defense has been expanded a good bit, so we do have some leeway for splitting up and pursuing some things outside as is. I’ll have you, the guardswoman, and the lumberjack come along for the mining trip later today then. How about that?”
She nodded. “I believe that to be a r—sonable group for an excursion. We shall be well-armed and equipped for the task while leav—g Cera, Akula, and the craftsman to defend our home.”
Home, huh…
His vision returned to the dozen Malkrin working around the modules, a small part of him lightening up at the sight. “We should probably get started on that soon, though. I’ll grab those two and let ‘em have a short break ‘till we set off. Before you get ready, could you bring the mining equipment case up to the front of the workshop? We’ll get situated there.”
“It sh—l be done.”
With that, they parted ways. He cleaned up the range, recycled their extra brass and put the FAL away, then approached the small group of Malkrin at the bottom of the hill. A few were chopping wood directly, while others worked to clear and stack the harvested trees in a simplistic factory line. He smirked at the more efficient effort. The ceramist must have taken some of his advice in organizing the others. Cera spotted him and gave him a small wave, stopping her progress in hacking down a rather thick log, and the others followed suit, each curiously awaiting him. The orange-skinned lumberjack in the group still held her axe in place, ready to start another swing with an expectation of returning to her task immediately.
One of the fisherwoman twins bowed her head toward him, speaking with casual respect, her vaguely Slavic accent showing. “Greetings, Creator. What is it you require?”
He raised a palm. “I need the lumberjack and the guardswoman to accompany me on an excursion.” His eyes settled on the mentioned females. “You’re free to decline, but I’d appreciate your help.”
The orange-colored Malkrin nodded slowly and put away her axe on her back-mounted sheath, making her way toward the engineer. The guardswoman stood still, her gaze flickering between the others and Harrison. Her fists clenched briefly before she fell in line with the other.
“If you require my assistance, I shall not deny it, high Creator,” the yellow-skinned female stated. “When shall we depart?”
The human gestured towards the fireplace. “In a little bit. Rest up a bit beforehand and get something to eat; we might be out for a while. And for the rest of you,” he addressed the group at large. “You’ve done fine work keeping our wood stocked. Finish up clearing this last tree and then talk to Akula about dinner. I think she and the chef are preparing something extra for tonight.”
Cera gave him a thumbs up, just as Tracy taught her. Some responses of ‘of course’ and ‘it shall be done’ followed as the others got to work. The two that were going to be joining the engineer followed him back to the workshop entrance, where Shar was waiting by the array of spikes with a large gray case containing the mining equipment, two sharpened pickaxes preemptively attached to its side.
“Lumberjack,” Harrison addressed the female beside him. “Would you mind taking that case off of Shar?”
Her voice was deep, much more so than the others. She almost growled as she responded tersely in the affirmative. “I do not mind, no.”
“There are straps on it, so you can put it on your back if you want. I wouldn’t recommend it until we set off, though. It’s hefty”
The harvester took the heavy container and held it with minimal difficulty, bowing her head toward Harrison with a dead stare. “Thank you”
Thank you...? Alright then. He was a bit hesitant to let the female take such precious cargo initially, but after recalling how Sharky always had to adjust herself over the weight of her armor, shield, equipment, and now heavy machine gun, he figured she didn’t need anything else packed onto her back. The mining equipment was burdensome too. The apparatus itself was, sure, but the sheer amount of high-density polymer used to protect it was even worse; the machine wasn’t something he wanted to damage in the slightest…
“Don’t mention it.” He waved the Malkrin off. “You three go take a rest by the fire. I’ll finish up some things before we set out.”
The lumberjack and guardswoman offered a few short words of appreciation while Shar did that serious three-armed salute thing across her chest. What got her all worked up? He could have sworn she was just starting to become more casual around him. Maybe it was because it was in front of others? Odd.
He entered the workshop and met up with the ever-busy Tracy. She’d already finished the submersible and was putting some final touches on the cave exploration drone. The excursion would serve as the initial testing of her latest project. Additionally, they discussed the mining operation prior, so the technician was prepared to allocate two reconnaissance flyers to follow him, while she looked out for the Malkrin staying back at camp.
The two of them discussed future plans for a little while, bringing up how to implement small automated processes to make things like drone fabrication or material transfer faster. Tracy wanted to create robotic mules to save the manpower of having to bring back wood, metal, and aquatic resources, and Harrison had to agree. Though, as luck would have it, there weren’t any easy blueprints in the workshop’s library for those. He asked Sebas about it, to which he responded with ‘Automatons can be fabricated and directed by the vehicle bay. Please connect the vehicle bay module to the local network for further specifications.’
It annoyingly made sense. Common fabricators couldn’t print out bigger robots in their entirety. They needed to be assembled by machines much larger in magnitude. So, even if Tracy had the designs, she’d have to weld and assemble the individual pieces together anyway. The reminder of the other ship parts did serve to spark further discussion on future plans, however. The vehicle bay wasn’t too far out—being under a two-day trip—and from what his datapad said, it wasn’t badly damaged either. He wasn’t sure if he’d even try to fly it back, but he could at least download the blueprints and attempt to bring one of the assumed-to-be-still-intact rovers back for transportation.
That was probably going to be a trip for after the blood-moon, though. He needed to focus on the here and now. There was metal to harvest and not a lot of sun left in the day to do it, and the Malkrin were probably well-rested enough after his and Tracy’s thirty-minute conversation.
He put his armor and helmet on, sliding his newly acquired Geiger counter into an open slot on his chest rig. The technician gave him a worried look, almost appearing to ask ‘You’re really going out?’ She never spoke up about it when he waved her goodbye, only returning with her unique fare well.
“Don’t go fucking with any anomalies while you’re out there. I can’t run a colony all by myself, dude.”
He nodded solemnly, understanding exactly what she meant underneath the thin veil of comedy she put over her warning, then dipped out of the workshop with the cave exploration drone in hand. The sun wasn’t setting yet, thankfully; It hung low above the ocean, casting plenty of horizontal shadows within the settlement and forest. Best not to waste the time he had. The engineer approached the fireplace, enjoying its hearty scent alongside the smoked fish the Malkrin were eating. The wood-collecting group had finished their job, taking a well-deserved rest alongside those who were about to set out. Their intent leaked as they conversed about the day’s work, Shar’s weapon, and each other, some of which evidently harbored inside jokes, based on the laughing with that amusing chittering noise they made.
Some part of him felt a little bad for interrupting, but not too bad. He wasn’t going to wait for them to get bored before setting out, so he cleared his throat and approached the group, walking up beside the paladin. They were all sitting on their own seats, but even then, they were still taller than him, somehow making him feel even shorter than when they stood up normally. They quickly noticed his presence and grew quiet, putting their forks and knives down.
“We’re heading out. There’s not much time before sundown, so get ready,” he addressed the Malkrin, three of them standing up and putting on their respective backpacks—the lumberjack with the mining equipment, the guardswoman with Shar’s old spear pack, and the paladin with her shield and M2. Each had their own personal rig by then, their pockets already filled with tools. They were well-equipped, but not exactly well-trained… yet. They’d become accustomed to their instruments soon. Plus, this excursion would be a good opportunity to give them further experience.
The maroon-colored female detached the heavy machine gun from her backpack, holding onto the hand grips with two arms while her other pair slotted an ammo can into place, dropping the cover latch in place and cycling a round into the chamber. She nailed down everything he told her about using the weapon; the way each piece clicked and slid into place was damn satisfying. The firearm really did fit her, especially size-wise. The FAL appeared small in the hands of a female Malkrin, but the massive M2 suited the giant paladin. Add on the fact that she could use it with a shield… He might not even need to participate in the next blood-moon. Somehow, he was able to make a monster into something even more intimidating, and he was proud of his creation.
The other two followed suit, falling in line with Harrison as they set out. They initially had some semblance of a formation with Shar in front and the Guardswoman in the back of a line, but that quickly gave way as the paladin realized she was supposed to be teaching the yellow-colored female.
His protector did just that, explaining stances, something about mindsets, and of course, the spider-crabs and all their terrifying cousins. She took many examples from her various encounters, even regaling some tales of how she survived before Harrison arrived. Then, she went into more detail about some of the most recent attacks, noting how the ‘abhorrent’ acted and reacted, emphasizing Harrison’s defense doctrine. Shar also couldn’t help herself from putting the engineer on a pedestal, bringing up his part in the fighting. That garnered a good few looks from the guardswoman as she stared at his shotgun.
The cave was less than a kilometer out, so the walking conversation didn’t last. They were at its entrance before long, the decaying husks of the colossi curiously missing. Their disappearance caused goosebumps to flicker along his neck, but he quickly pushed the notion away, figuring the millipede things got to them first. There had to be an extensive amount of decomposers in the ecosystem though…
That didn’t matter. There was still plenty of metal to be acquired, and the sun’s rays were already being cut to pieces by the trees. He flicked his helmet light on, pressing the others to do the same with their hand-held—or in Shar’s case, shoulder and gun-mounted—counterparts. The small group pushed into the darkness, short reflections of the minerals inside causing a minute dazzling effect. It was cold inside, which was only exacerbated by a small wind from further inside the tunnel. Weren’t caves meant to be warmer? At least the exercise he was about to get would balance it out, but he hoped the Malkrin wouldn’t be too affected.
He pulled out a UV light and walked up to one of the walls, letting its purple aura shine over the material embedded within. The ore quickly fluoresced with a yellow-orange tint, confirming Sebas’ theory—it was sphalerite. The Malkrin perked up at the sight, all of them wearing fascinated expressions at the glowing luminescence, but they kept themselves from interrupting his tasks.
He set the dog-sized cave exploration drone down on the ground. It had six large and rugged–looking wheels that surrounded a brick-styled battery, and an extended suite of sensors that poked out above it. A few buttons were pressed, and a final switch was activated, setting the small machine on its way down the dark corridor. Task two: completed. He switched his attention to the small gathering of massive females watching over him.
“Lumberjack, could you put the case on the ground?” Harrison quietly ordered.
She did as asked, slipping the receptacle off her back as asked, while the two acting guards realized they weren’t exactly doing their job and took up their positions by the front of the cave. The engineer cautiously looked down at the end of the tunnel before taking a knee by the crate, sliding the additional pickaxes out of the way to focus his flashlight on the side latches. He pulled them open with a little effort, swinging the container open to reveal the two intact machines within. Each of the technical tools were about two-thirds of a meter long, shaped like a plasma rifle with a batch of wires around its side, and connected to their respective battery packs—all pretty standard for mining lasers. He slid the first one out of its slot, latching the charging section to his rig and powering it on. Its dull hum softly reverberated in the cave.
The orange-skinned female stepped back, taking on a cautious tone. “Creator… What is this device of yours?”
He held the item up for the harvester to observe. “It’s a machine that takes a lot of the manual labor out of mining by doing it for you… sorta.”
She leaned in further, taking in the sleek black and gray sheen of the tool. “They were not speaking falsehoods about your creations… I presume we will be harvesting the material around us?”
“Yup.” He took on a graver tone. “That’s why I’m going to need you to listen up.”
The lumberjack froze attentively, staring at him intently.
“I’m going to have you use the other one. But, you must understand, these are able to cut metal and stone, meaning they’re just as capable of cutting your arms clean off if not properly used. First things first.” He pointed toward the focused end of the laser’s ‘barrel.’ “You must never point this end at yourself or anyone else. Second thing. I’m going to show you how to calibrate the machine. Make sure you remember everything I say, because we’re going to return here several times for the metal deposits. Plus, you’ll most likely be teaching someone else how to use it in the future. Got that?”
She nodded, warily staring at the device in his hands.
“Now, lemme give you a quick rundown on how you’ll be using this thing.”
He went through the basics of the laser, showing her how to turn it on, how to check its charge, and the rest of its basic functions. Then, he showed her how to calibrate its refractability by doing so himself, putting its sensor up to several spots of the metal and letting the computer do the work. That part was probably the most important. The beam from the tool was easily reflected due to the basic properties of metal—especially elements like copper or silver—so if the laser wasn’t properly gauged, it was likely to bounce right off into something else. Likely the user.
He wasn’t exactly an expert in the subject. Sure, he knew his basic wave physics, but the rest was beyond him. Thankfully, the device took out much of the difficulty in planning around the refraction issue.
So, the lumberjack and he started the evening off by lopping whole chunks of sphalerite right off the wall. He never even needed to use the pickaxes he brought in case of emergency, meaning they would end up as ripe recycling material. The paladin took the time to teach the guardswoman all the while, frequently tying Harrison into her tutoring while the group stacked ore atop the transportation sleds.
Things were progressing fast as the sun dipped beneath the ground. They briefly shared a meal under the bright glow of their flashlights, talking about some plans and small observations before returning to work. The guards eventually took turns assisting with the process in what ways they could, leaving the other to defend the entrance. In the end, they must have taken over a metric ton of iron, zinc, sulfur, and a slew of trace materials off the walls of the caves by the end of their excursion, painstakingly bringing the entirety of it back on four sleds.
It was well worth it. This singular trip was about to slingshot their settlement right into the heart of automation.
- - - - -
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Next time on Total Drama Anomaly Island - Something malicious is brewing
submitted by BrodogIsMyName to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 14:58 Cool_Fish5421 Advice for activities/itinerary in Manuel Antonio and La Fortuna

We could use some advice from you lovely people about how to spend the days we have in these two areas to see and experience the most we can in our limited time, have a great time throughout the trip, and also not burn out from 12 hour days everyday (although we can definitely do a couple of those). We're two parents from the US along with 15 and 12 year old kids, the younger not willing to do ziplines or other very adventurous activities, but we'd still make sure the older can experience what they're comfortable with. We must get in a couple visits to the ocean while we're in MA, as well.
Also, we've reserved rental cars locally in each of the two areas, but splurged on private shuttles for the long drives in between cities, so I can sit back and enjoy/relax and not stress the directions or anything else, as a change of pace from our usual trips. We still wanted the local car for getting groceries or to/from things.
Our locked itinerary so far is:
Day 1 - Arrive, transit to Manuel Antonio, settle in, pickup our local rental car, get groceries, and if time allows checkout the sunset on the beach else just a nice dinner and relax for the evening
Day 2 - Open
Day 3 - We reserved park tickets for the Manuel Antonio National Park. Have not hired a tour guide or anything else yet, but have been told that's not a bad idea?
Day 4 - Open
Day 5 - Return rental car, checkout, transit to La Fortuna, check-in, get local rental car again, food, etc. Open evening.
Day 6 - Open
Day 7 - Open
Day 8 - Open
Day 9 - Return rental car, checkout, transit back to San Jose, check into a hotel for a few hours/showers before we go to the airport very early on Day 10. Can still get up early on Day 9 and do something in the morning up until 10:30am or so.
We're not the types to spend 8 hours at the beach, usually 4 hours or so on each visit is good before people get hot/hungry/tired, plus I assume the MA National Park doesn't take up a whole day. I've read the kids might enjoy a chocolate making tour in La Fortuna, and I am intrigued by the cloud bridges near that area as well.
Thanks for any and all advice!
submitted by Cool_Fish5421 to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 13:26 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Resort Anantara Dhigu 2024

Maldives Resort Anantara Dhigu 2024
Maldives Resort Anantara Dhigu 2024
Are you looking for a luxurious 5-star family holiday destination? Look no further than Maldives Resort Anantara Dhigu.
With 110 villas and a large selection of activities, it's the perfect place to create lasting memories with your loved ones.
Did you know that over 6 million people visit the resort each year to take part in its various offerings? From snorkeling and diving trips to GPS-guided island discoveries, there's something for everyone at Anantara Dhigu.
Enjoy delicious dining options and special offers that are sure to make your stay even more enjoyable.
And don't forget about its convenient location - what more could you want from a vacation?
Immerse yourself in tropical exoticism with rich woods featured throughout our luxurious villas and suites, offering direct beach access and a private pool.
At Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort, you can choose from Beach Villa or Over Water Suite as your sanctuary. Our Beach Villas offer 125-321 sqm of indoor and outdoor space for complete relaxation, while the Over Water Suites float atop the gentle waters of the lagoon and provide colorful sea life swimming around and beneath.
With rich woods featured throughout each villa, experience a feeling of tropical exoticism that is truly unique in every way. Enjoy your own private pool in your Beach Villa, or take advantage of the stunning views from your Over Water Suite as you relax amidst luxury accommodations fit for any discerning traveler.
Indulge in a wealth of culinary delights, from Italian and Thai cuisines to fresh seafood and sunset cocktails, without ever leaving the shore.
Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort offers guests the opportunity to experience a range of culinary indulgences.
Enjoy beach dining with romantic dinners for two, as you watch the sun set over the Indian Ocean horizon.
Or experience an array of seafood delights while watching exotic fish swim beneath you at Sea.Fire.Salt; is located on its own private island.
A variety of dishes can be prepared to suit your individual taste or dietary requirements – all lovingly crafted by experienced chefs using only the freshest ingredients sourced locally and around the world.
With so many different flavors and textures tantalizing your taste buds, Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort is a place where food enthusiasts will never grow tired!
Soar above the glittering lagoon with a parasailing adventure, or explore the depths of the Indian Ocean on a snorkeling expedition - Anantara Dhigu offers endless opportunities for fun and exploration!
Spend an afternoon playing beach volleyball in the warm sand, or take a kayak out to sea for a night snorkeling excursion. With over 20 different water sports and beach games to choose from, there's something for everyone at Anantara.
Start your day right with yoga classes under the sunrise, then end it with sunset cocktails while watching the horizon turn orange. For those who prefer to stay dry, they can challenge friends and family to a game of table tennis or try their luck at fishing.
Enjoy rejuvenating treatments at their luxurious spa before taking part in one of their cultural activities such as cooking classes in their chef’s garden. With so much to do and see, you won't ever be bored when staying here!
Special Offers
Escape to an idyllic tropical paradise and save with Anantara Dhigu's special offers. You can enjoy a 5% discount on romantic in-villa set-ups, including handcrafted chocolates and return airport transfers by speedboat.
From indulging in spa treatments and culinary journeys, to experiencing the beauty of sunset cocktails from your private pool - you and your partner can create the perfect romantic escape that you'll never forget.
There are many other offers for you to indulge in without a worry in the world. You can take advantage of:
Complimentary dining for children aged 12 or under when accompanied by their family.
The longer you stay, the more you save offer with up to 30% off when booking 7 nights or more.
Special honeymoon packages that include a bottle of champagne, handcrafted chocolates, and return airport transfers by speedboat for the bride.
No matter what special occasion it is, Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort will make sure your time there is unforgettable!
Immerse yourself in a lush jungle interior, surrounded by talcum-powder-white beaches and mesmerizing Indian Ocean views - all just 35 minutes south of the airport by private speedboat. Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort is located on South Male Atoll and offers an unforgettable experience with its stunning island views, wildlife-watching opportunities, convenient airport transfers, direct beach access, and tropical climate.
With its 110 villas offering 125 to 321 sqm of indoor and outdoor space, Anantara Dhigu provides the perfect getaway for unforgettable memories. Enjoy breathtaking sunsets from your private terrace or poolside lounger as you watch dolphins play in the distant horizon. Take a dip in the Azure infinity pool or explore nearby locations using GPS as you discover new wonders each day. With direct beach access to silvery sands and clear blue waters, it's no wonder why this resort has been featured in several world publications and won numerous awards!
Experience a truly luxurious getaway as you investigate the truth of why Anantara Dhigu has won numerous awards and been featured in several world publications.
The award criteria that stand out are its commitment to excellence, celebrity visits, global recognition, and prize recognition.
From prestigious awards like Travellers’ Choice Awards 2020 by Tripadvisor to being named among the Top 25 Hotels in India & Maldives by Condé Nast Traveler’s Reader’s Choice Awards 2020, this resort knows how to make its guests feel welcomed.
It also prides itself on its ability to provide an exceptional service from the moment you arrive until your departure.
Whether it's experiencing a unique culinary journey or indulging in an over water spa treatment with breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean, there is something for everyone at Anantara Dhigu Resort.
With 5-star amenities and personalized service, it's no surprise that this luxury beach resort has earned such worldwide acclaim.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any age restrictions for guests staying at Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort?
Are you thinking of visiting the Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort?
There are no age restrictions - everyone is welcome! Whether you're looking to relax with spa treatments, explore the nearby reefs and ocean with snorkeling, or find some fun nightlife activities and child-friendly activities, this resort has something for everyone.
The resort offers accessibility policies such as currency exchange services and wheelchair ramps.
Come experience a tropical paradise like never before at the Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort!
Is there a minimum stay required for booking a villa or suite?
Are you dreaming of a luxurious getaway? Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort is the perfect destination to relax and unwind surrounded by the beauty of nature.
There is no minimum stay required for booking a villa or suite, so you can stay as long or short as your heart desires. Enjoy availability rates that are fit for any budget, combined with room amenities designed with comfort in mind.
Explore local attractions like snorkeling trips, surfing classes and more! Plus, feel safe knowing that strict safety protocols are in place from check-in to check-out.
That's what makes Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort an unforgettable experience for everyone!
Does the resort offer non-motorized water sports?
Experience the crystal clear waters of the Maldives with non-motorized water sports available at Anantara Dhigu.
Rent equipment, such as snorkeling masks and fins, kayaks, and stand-up paddleboards to explore the lagoon. Safety guidelines are followed while all activities are supervised by certified instructors.
With comfortable water temperatures year-round, there's no wrong time to dive in.
Get a taste of it all with an activity package or take part in certification courses for scuba diving or surfing. Whatever you choose, make sure to keep an eye out for turtles, dolphins, and other amazing sea life!
Is there a dress code for dining in the restaurants?
Experience luxurious dining like no other at Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort! With air-conditioned facilities and beach access, you can dress to impress in whatever your heart desires.
From resort attire to formal dress, the only clothing requirement is to make sure you feel comfortable. Immerse yourself in a world of extravagance with an incredible selection of culinary indulgences that will surely leave you feeling like royalty.
Plus, with an abundance of activities and breathtaking views, this is one extravagant holiday that will take your breath away!
Are there any family discounts offered?
Are you planning a family vacation to the Maldives? Look no further than Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort!
Not only do they offer amazing room rates and spa packages, but your children will love all of the activities available onsite. From snorkeling trips and surfing classes to table tennis, volleyball on the sand, and a fun-filled indoooutdoor play space at Dhoni Club, there's something for everyone!
Plus, guests can enjoy excursion tours with their own captain or take advantage of complimentary shuttle services. So if you're looking for an unforgettable getaway with your family, look no further than Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort! Are there any family discounts offered?
You'll never forget your stay at Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort! This 5-star family destination is sure to be the highlight of your holiday. From its luxurious villas, and delicious dining options to its amazing activities and special offers, Anantara Dhigu has it all.
With its convenient location and numerous awards, Anantara Dhigu will make you feel like you're living in a dream come true. So don't wait any longer—pack your bags and dive into the heart of paradise. Every moment is an opportunity for adventure!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:43 softskep Seeking Advice on Reconnecting with My (18F) LDR Partner (16M) After Breakup Due to Stress and Distance

about 3 months ago I (18F) became close with another member of my gaming community. (16M, we are 1 grade apart. I'm a senior in hs and he is a junior.) and we connected well and we couldn't stop talking to each other I felt like we understood each other and he seemed like a genuine and caring guy. Over the next few weeks after talking every day, he dropped subtle hints of potentially having us be in a romantic relationship, i realized I had feelings for him and i didn't think keeping it platonic was an option for me considering how much I liked him and enjoyed his presence in my life. i was trying not to online date/LDR again since my ex-boyfriend was in the same gaming community as us and it didn't end well and was hard on me. and I wasn't completely over him yet. but after some thinking and reflecting I realized I like him and that he has many good qualities that I find hard to come by nowadays, he cared about me, and I found his personality enjoyable, knowledgeable, and silly. so I agreed to start online dating.
fast forward and we meet up about a month and a half later. from my perspective, I had waited so long for a moment like this to happen. my ex and I never met up and we were together for about a year and had been talking for over 2 years at that point. this was my first ever date, my first ever kiss, and my first time having a man who I'm this close in a relationship with be that close to me. I felt so comforted, and protected (he's a foot taller than me lol), and I felt physically attracted to him. he was so gentle and loving with me in a way I don't think any other man could've been. he even said to me how happy he was at that moment. we didn't have much time together because he was only in town for a college tour. but after that, I couldn't wait to see him again over the summer.
but after our meetup, he started communicating with me less often he told me it was because AP exams are coming up and he needs to study plus do a ton of school work (for context he's an extremely academically rigorous student who is trying to get into an ivy league school) which I understood and gave him his space. but soon he became too tired to talk to me having balance school, studying, baseball, and his social life with his friends, as well as having extensive time to relax and get time to isolate himself and be alone. he then told me he feels unsure if he will return from the state he originally felt about me after not spending as much time with me. this hurt me a lot but he told me to give him space, and that is what I did.
I became anxious and I asked him for reassurance that we would spend time together soon, he said he didn't want to lie to me that he wasn't sure if everything would be okay and that overall he wasn't in the best mental state right now. this led to him breaking up with me because he can't deal with the long distance and he isn't ready for a relationship right now, as well as he can't find a balance between his online relationships and in-person relationships when he isn't in any sort of long term break.
now I felt extremely hurt by this especially because we both saw a future together. and we were going to see each other soon over the summer, we had plans to see each other and make this work when I was in college, as I'd have more freedom and independence and control of my life. i thought we were both extremely excited about this.
as a result, he mentioned that he was happier now that this was over.
now, before he hung up on the phone with me (I asked us to Facetime to talk about this and see if he was sure) he still said he loved me and that none of this was my fault, and that this was a case of him learning things about himself.
I still feel extremely confident in our relationship. and realistically, with the future path that he wants to go, the long-distance might be unavoidable for him or it'll feel like a long-distance relationship with how much he'll be studying at his Ivy League school. but in my mind, I thought we'd set times to see each other in person.
so, I plan to ask him to try again before I go off to college at the end of this summer. at that point, he'd have his time to relax, finish his school year, and enjoy his summer. I don't want to let go of a relationship that easily when I had so much faith in it. especially because it didn't end badly and we don't hate each other at all and are still considered close friends (even though right now I'm doing no contact pretty much to give him space) any advice on whether this is worth fighting/waiting for when he is in a clearer mental state? apologies for my bad wording i kinda just jumbled up a bunch of info without really proofreading.
submitted by softskep to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:10 MPZ1968 I Made A Deal With An Old Man In A Food Court Bathroom (Part 33). (Final)

Parts 1-18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32
“Psst! Psst! Mr. Hard-Sell! Wake Up!”, I heard Bob say, waking me up.
I groggily opened my eyes, and lifted my head off the pillow, to see Bob and the Seeker standing side by side in front of my dresser.
I quickly rolled on my back, and sat up, turning my head to look at them
I then looked to my left to see Donna still sleeping.
I looked back, and asked, wiping my eyes, “Bob? What are you two doing in our bedroom?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hard-Sell! It is time!”, Bob said coldly.
The Seeker just smiled.
I then took a look at my arm… 14 minutes, 37 seconds, and counting.
I put my hands over my face, and let my body fall back onto the bed.
I knew this day would come, I was just hoping that with all the wild and crazy adventures we had together, they forgot. They didn’t.
I guess the sudden jolt of the mattress, jarred Donna awake.
“Michael! What’s wrong?”, she asked, half asleep.
I just sighed, and pointed toward the dresser.
Donna then raised her head, leaned up on her arm, and looked in that direction.
“Bob? Old Man?”, she said surprised, pulling the blankets up around her neck, “Why are you in our bedroom?”
“Donna Dear! I’m afraid… it is time!”, Bob answered again.
“Time for what?”, she asked confused.
“You didn’t tell her, Mr. Hard-Sell?”, Bob inquired.
“Tell me what?”, Donna asked worried.
I just sighed, sat back up, and looked at Bob.
“Tell me what?”, she asked again, more intense this time, and pulling on my arm.
I turned to look at her, as she let go of my arm.
“Um! You see, Babe. Um! Seven years ago, I met the old man in the bathroom at the mall. I was wearing that jacket of mine that you like so much. He asked me if I would sell my soul for Rock and Roll like the jacket said.
I foolishly said yes, thinking he was just some random old man fucking with me. He wasn’t. He was, and still is, a Soul Seeker.
I inadvertently sold my soul, which allowed me to get anything I wanted for the next seven years, but at the end, I had to spend eternity in Hell.
There’s a counter on my arm that tells me how much time I have left.
I wanted to become a Rock Star, and I did, but now my time is up.”, I said, “I have to go to Hell now! Well, in 9 minutes and 42 seconds.”
“I don’t see anything on your arm?”, Donna said almost in tears.
“You won’t, only Bob and I can see it.”, I answered.
I then turned to Bob, and asked, “Why didn’t you just let the timer count down, and take me while I was sleeping?”, I asked
“I like you, Mr. Hard-Sell, I really do. I do not want to do this, but a deal is a deal.
I normally would have done just that, but like I said, I like you. I feel I at least owe you the opportunity to say goodbye, after all you have helped me do!”, Bob answered.
I then turned to Donna, who was fully in tears at this point
“No! I don’t want you to go. What about the baby? I wish this wasn’t happening!”, she said, through falling tears, with her hands covering her face.
I put my arm around her to try and console her, but she pulled away.
I couldn’t really blame her.
Her words were tearing through me, like a Langolier through time past.
But it also got me thinking, “Want? Wish?”
“Wait a minute… maybe there IS a way out of this”, I thought.
I closed my eyes and whispered, “God! I hope this works!”
“I have 2 minutes and 7 seconds left, I can still get anything I want, and you still owe me a wish!”, I said pointing at Bob.
His eyes grew wide, and a smile loosely formed on his face, like he knew where I was going with this.
I quickly began listing off all the things I wanted, in rapid fire style.
“I want to grow old with Donna . I want our baby to be healthy.
I want to keep all the money.
I want to keep the house.
I want to keep the cars.
I want to keep the ability to get anything I want.
I want to own the bus that Mr. Bellington gave me.
I want Ricky and Tony to be successful.
I want Derek and Corey to succeed.
I want Stephen to find happiness.
I want Rebecca and Donna to remain best friends.
I want Edgar to learn how to play the keyboards.”
I then hesitated, breathing heavy.
15 seconds…
I then took the deepest breath I could.
“AND I WISH I HAD MY SOUL BACK!”, I yelled, and looked down at my arm.
10 seconds...
“You can’t do that!”, the Seeker yelled.
“A wish is a wish! Now grant it!”, I yelled to Bob.
Bob just stood there.
5 seconds…
“You owe me that wish!”, I yelled.
3 seconds…
2 seconds…
1 second…
That loosely formed smile then formed into a happy one, as Bob snapped his fingers.
In mid snap, time ran out, as flames began bursting up from the floor.
I then heard Donna scream.
I turned to look at her, as her face and body quickly began melting into a large pile of a flesh colored goo on the bed.
I screamed, and looked at Bob and The Seeker. They were just standing there, in the midst of the flames.
I then felt the bed give way underneath me.
I felt my body falling… falling into the firey pits of Hell.
I felt every molecule in my body slowly breaking apart, starting with my hands and feet, floating like embers at a campfire, right in front of my eyes, just like it did, when Bob transported Tony and I from the basement to the alley.
The pain was immense, and the heat was unbearable.
I could hear flames crackling, and blood curdling torturous screams from below, as my body disintegrated.
I screamed again.
Suddenly, a huge bright white mist, resembling the one that the Seeker sucked out of me, when I first went to hell, and he took my soul, appeared out of nowhere, and was barreling at me fast. It slammed hard into my chest, just as my upper torso was beginning to break apart.
Everything went black.
The next thing I knew, my body slammed back together again, and I was ascending upward through the flames, engulfed in the white mist.
I closed my eyes.
The moment I did, I felt my body slam down hard on the mattress.
I bounced off the bed, and onto the floor, still screaming.
“Michael! Are you ok? What happened?”, I heard Donna say.
At least it was her voice.
I opened my eyes, as I got up on my hands and knees.
I then looked at my arm.
There was nothing there.
I stayed there, on my hands and knees, thinking.
“I’ve always heard that Hell is a repetitious loop of the one thing that you fear the most.
Mine was losing Donna and the baby.
Am I going to relive that moment over and over again for all of eternity?”, I thought, “Is that my Hell?”
I closed my eyes, sighed, and opened them again.
When I did, I saw the tips of Bob’s Black wing tipped shoes come into view.
I then looked up.
“Ta-da!”, Bob said… “Well played, Mr. Hard-Sell… Well played!”, as he extended his right hand to me.
I hesitantly grabbed it.
He then helped me to my feet.
The bedroom was completely intact.
“Am I in Hell?”, I asked Bob.
“No, Michael! You are here in the real world, in your house, with Donna, and your unborn child.”, he replied smiling.
Donna then came running, well, briskly walking, 4 months pregnant, remember?
Anyway, she came around the side of the bed, in her nightgown, and bear hugged me, almost knocking me over.
I hugged her back.
She then let go of me, and punched me in the arm, hard.
It hurt a little, reminding me not to piss her off again.
“You are an asshole, Michael! Don’t you do that to me again!”, she said, then kissed me.
After the kiss, I touched her face, to see if she was real. She was.
I then looked at Bob.
“You called me Michael!”, I said, “Why?”
“That is your name!”, he replied.
“You have called me, Mr. Hard-Sell, for the last 6 and a half years, no sense in stopping now.”, I retorted.
“Very Well! Mr. Hard-Sell it is.”, Bob said smiling, “Now, Let’s talk!”, he said.
“Can we get dressed first?”, I asked.
“Absolutely! Do you have any Red wine?”, he asked.
“No, Bob! We don’t drink!”, I answered.
“Very well then!”, Bob said, “I shall meet you in the dining area! Which way is that?”
“Down the hall, down the stairs, make a right, and you’ll run right into it.”, Donna answered.
“Thank you!”, Bob replied, and walked out of the bedroom door.
We both then got dressed, and walked downstairs to meet Bob.
We arrived to find him, sitting at the table, twiddling his thumbs.
I then looked out of the dining room window, to see our bus, sitting in the driveway, next to my Mustang.
I smiled.
I then turned to Bob, “Where’s the Seeker?”, I asked.
“He was upset, that I gave you your soul back, and used some rather distasteful words, directed at me, so I gave him a few go rounds on my little rollercoaster. That’s should calm him down.”, Bob answered.
“Okay, Bob! Um! What’s up?”, I asked, sitting down, while Donna went to make a pot of coffee.
“Mr. Hard-Sell! I am so glad it ended up this way. I did not want to do that to you. But let me ask you this, Did you know what you were going to do with that wish when you said you would, and I quote, I’ll reserve my wish for another time, end quote?”, Bob asked.
“No! Not really! I just knew it would be good to have in my back pocket, but I didn’t know what I was going to do with it, until today!”, I responded.
“You know, Mr. Hard-Sell, through all my many years of existence, there have only been two people to ever beat me at my own game… the first was Jesus Christ, and the second was you!”, he said, “Not to say that you are Christ-like, because you are not, but I am glad you succeeded in getting your soul back.
Donna then returned, “Coffee’s going!”, she said, as I got up, pulled out the chair next to me, for her, then sat back down.
Bob then continued, “Now, as I have said numerous times before, I like you, I really do, so I assure you both, that you’re little girl, yes, it is a girl!”
Donna then smiled from ear to ear.
“Yes!”, she said.
“Your little girl, will want for nothing. If you can not provide it for her, Good ole Uncle Bob will. I promise you that.”, Bob said.
“Thanks, Bob!”, we both said in unison.
“I’ll go check on the coffee!”, Donna said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.
“Is this the end, Bob? Will I ever see you again after this?”, I asked.
“Oh, yes, Mr. Hard-Sell, and, No, it is not the end. I plan to keep a close eye on all of you! I will not interfere with your lives, but I will always be there, if you ever need me!”, he answered.
Donna then returned with three cups of coffee, a pitcher of cream, and a bowl of sugar, with a spoon.
“Would you like some coffee, Bob?”, she asked.
“Is it hot? I like hot!”, he asked.
“Yes”, she replied.
“Then, Yes! I have never had coffee before. But there is a first time for everything!”, he said laughing.
“How do you make it?”, he asked.
“We have a coffee pot! You know what a coffee pot is, right?”, I stupidly asked.
“Yes, Mr. Hard-Sell, I have equipped many different vehicles with one for your enjoyment, and watched you make it many many times.”, he answered, “I meant, how do you prepare it?”
“Oh! I put a little cream, and 2 sugars in mine!”, I answered, “Donna likes it black with sugar!”
“I’ll take it like that!”, he said.
Donna then prepared my cup, her cup, and his cup, and placed them all in front of us.
Bob then took a sip.
“Oh, this is most excellent! I love it! It burns, and is soothing at the same time!”, he said, “I’ve done the music business, now I think I’ll get into the coffee business. But what to call it! Help me here!”, he said.
“Um, Hell’s Brew!”, I said.
“For a songwriter, you are bad with words. No, nothing Hell related! I Got it! Keurig, which means excellence in Dutch. What do you think?”
It’s catchy!”, Donna said.
“I can create my own machine, offer single serve portions, in little plastic cups, I think I will call them K-Cups, charge an outrageous price for them, humans will go crazy to get them, and every coffee company in the world will copy my cup design, and offer their own brand of coffee to be used in my machine, for a price that is. It’s brilliant.
Oh, I must get started on this right away. I really must be going. Thank you for the coffee. I bid you both ado”, then he left.
How did he leave?… C’mon, you remember!… Keep thinking!…That’s right!…
He snapped his fingers, and disappeared into a cloud of gray smoke.
I knew you’ve been paying attention.
Two weeks later, human time, I saw the first Keurig commercial on TV.
Anyway, Bob gave us an endless, lifetime supply of K-Cups, any flavor, gets us all the new machines, as well as let’s us be the taste testers for any and all new coffee blends. It’s great.
Donna likes the iced coffees, I prefer it hot.
Anyway, Donna gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl, about 5 months later.
We decided to name her Robyn, after Bob, who’s first name is actually Robert, remember?
Robert… Robyn… Get it. Good.
Everyone was there at the hospital, except Derek and Corey, obviously, and Stephen, who was off touring the country.
Edgar and Rebecca informed us that they too were going to have a baby, and that Bob was a proud grandpa.
They decided to name her Calypso, meaning she who hides.
We brought Robyn home about a week later.
About 6 months after that, human time, there was a knock on the door. I opened it up to see Edgar and Rebecca standing there, with Rebecca holding a 3 month old, human time, bouncing baby demon succubus girl.
I don’t know how old she was in Hell time.
With them were two humongous Great Danes. Edgar explained that they were Hell Hounds, and were specifically trained to protect their person, or persons.
One was named Bill, and the other was named Janice.
Donna and Baby Robyn then joined me at the door.
“Rebecca!”, Donna yelled.
“Bestie!”, Rebecca yelled
They then ran to each other and hugged, trying not to squash the babies in between them.
When the hugfest was over, Donna, Rebecca, and the babies went inside, leaving Edgar, myself, and the two dogs, standing on the front steps.
I asked Edgar why the dogs had people names instead of animal names.
He said, “Imagine you are at home alone! Someone breaks in, and threatens to kill you. If you call out, Demon, or Hellion, they are going to know you’re calling dogs, and they will prepare for dogs. But if you call, Bill, or Janice, followed by their “GO” word. They are going to think that you’re scared and calling your overweight uncle, or your petite little girlfriend, and blow it off. They won’t be expecting 2 200 pound pissed off Hell Hounds coming at them”
It kinda made sense.
He then told me that they were a present from Bob to the two of us, and Robyn, as he leaned up, cupped his hand next to his mouth, and whispered in my ear, “Their “GO” word is OPPUGNATIO, which means attack in Latin. Remember that word… OPPUGNATIO! I don’t want to say it too loud. I don’t want them to hear it, and kill us all.”
I mouthed the word to myself, and said, “Thanks! I’ll tell Donna later.”
I then asked who was going to protect him and Rebecca.
He said, “If anyone breaks in, Rebecca will use her seduction abilities to draw them near. When their guard is down, I will rip their heads off, and feast on their flesh, chewing and chomping their bones, inner organs, muscles, and fatty tissue, until there’s nothing left of them, but a burp!”
He got real intense at the end there. It scared me a little, especially when he laughed.
“Oh! At least you have a plan!”, I responded.
“Yeah! We’ve been talking about it for a while. Here you go!”, he said, handing me the leashes.
One of the dogs then barked, I think it was Bill, followed by a tiny puff of gray smoke exiting his mouth.
“Thanks Bob!”, I whispered.
I then invited Edgar inside, leading the dogs in as well.
We found Donna and Rebecca sitting at the dining room table, and the babies in the play pen nearby.
The dogs sat in the corner watching us.
We then resumed our conversation.
“What about Axel?”, Donna said, looking at the dogs, “Won’t they kill her?”
“No! Hell Hounds do not see cats as a threat, like normal canines do. They will probably get along really well!”, Edgar responded.
And they did.
Bill and Janice were very emotional the day that Axel passed, and even to this day, lay out by the tree we planted over the spot where we buried Axel.
Axel is still around though.
Occasionally, we’ll hear that little bell that comes on most cat toys ring, or hear the sound of a cat meowing as we’re eating dinner, or walking down the hallway.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “It’s probably just a cat outside!”
And that could be possible, when we hear a cat meow while eating dinner.
But I seriously doubt, if we’d be able to hear a bell from outside, or be able to hear a cat meow from outside, while we’re walking through an upstairs hallway, with no windows in it, and all the doors shut.
Explain that one!
Plus, Bill and Janice have been seen on multiple occasions, chasing “nothing” around the yard, or staring at the tree.
They know she’s here too.
Anyway, Edgar said all we had to do, was feed both dogs a tiny drop of blood, from each one of the three of us, just once, and that will tell them who their person, or persons are.
Now, before you go thinking that we stabbed Robyn to get her blood, or something crazy like that.
The hospital gave us a small vile of her blood, when Donna and Robyn were released. Why, I’m not really sure, but this town is a little different then most, if you haven’t heard.
Donna and I finger pricked ourselves, and dripped a little on their dog food, as well as some from Robyn’s vile, when we first fed them, and they have been loyal to us ever since.
In case you’re wondering, the Hell Hounds only eat Royal Canin Dog Food, from France.
Axel ate Royal Canin cat food, from that day on, until the day she passed.
Bob sends us a monthly shipment, even to this day.
Now, according to Rebecca, succubus births are almost immediate.
No contractions!
No epidural!
No Pain!
One second you’re pregnant, the next second it’s plopping on the floor. Don’t worry, the baby is protected by a Heavy duty, Gel-like webbing, when it comes out, so the baby doesn’t get hurt when it falls.
There is no time to gather family and friends, so we didn’t even know about the birth, until they showed up on our doorstep.
Now, before you start thinking that Bob freaked out, and threw them out of hell, that was not the case.
Apparently, Edgar and Rebecca, were staying with Bob, in one of his spare rooms.
Bob has a mansion in Hell, being he’s the devil and all.
They had gone out to spend time together, leaving Bob to babysit.
Now, I don’t know what there really is to do in Hell, but apparently there’s something that interests them.
Anyway, Edgar had installed surveillance cameras in their room, unbeknown to Bob, to keep an eye on the baby while they were occupied with other things.
They both checked the footage when they got home, and saw Bob dancing around in a diaper, with a bonnet on his head, and a pacifier in his mouth, trying to entertain the baby.
I cried with laughter when Edgar told me that.
Anyway, Edgar blackmailed Bob with the video, saying he would show it to everyone in Hell, if he didn’t allow him, Rebecca, and the baby, to live in the real world, and lead normal lives, also so that Rebecca could hang out with her bestie Donna.
He agreed, and even bought them a house three houses down from ours.
Rebecca got a job at the Hooters in the next town over. Sales went straight through the roof. It was always packed, and still is to this day.
The food is good, but Rebecca is the main attraction. Guys from everywhere, and a few ladies, mostly truck drivers, come to see, well, excuse my language, but… “Tits and Tail”, as they say.
She makes a killing in tips.
There’s a sign posted when you walk in, that reads, “No Tail Touching! Offenders Will Be Whipped.”
Rebecca said that she has only had to whip a couple overzealous patrons, with her tail, a couple times, in the past 30 years, and that some guys even offer her money to whip them for no reason.
She always says “No!”
Ricky gave Edgar a job at BB & T Music, as a stock clerk. He got to be really good friends with Tony, and they even perform together, Tony on the accordion, and Edgar on the keyboards, every Sunday Night, at the store, from 8 until 9, with Ricky and I sometimes joining in on guitar, but we don’t want to take the spotlight away from them. We had our time. This is theirs.
It’s amazing how many people actually show up to see them.
They decided to call themselves Accordaboard.
They do 80’s Metal covers on keyboard and accordion, just like Apocalyptica does with Cellos.
Bob offered them free use of his studio to record a demo tape, if they ever want to try and go professional.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why doesn’t Bob just sign them to Hellfire Records.”
Well, you see, as I mentioned before, Bob is now in the coffee business, and has no interest in returning to the music business, as far as I know.
Hellfire Records is closed until further notice.
Robyn has grown up to be a very caring, loving woman. She’s now in her early Thirties, and working at the local ASPCA. She loves animals. She is also dating a guy named Jimmy, who works at the ASPCA as well.
Calypso had to be home schooled, for obvious reasons, and is now in her thirties as well.
She is very mild mannered, not flirtatious at all. She likes being single, and intends to stay that way.
She assists Robyn at the ASPCA.
Robyn believes all the cats and dogs accept Calypso, as one of their own, because she has a tail, just like they do.
Robyn and Calypso share an apartment together, in the next town over, and have been best friends since infancy.
Tony joined The Richard Simmons Workout Club, back when he teamed up with Ricky. I don’t know the real name of it.
Anyway, he appeared in one of Richard’s “Sweatin’ To The Oldies” Videos, and has lost over 130 pounds.
He’s kept the weight off, and goes to the gym 4 nights a week now.
Bob stops by every now and then, to check up on everyone, and to say Hi!
Business is going good, Hell business that is, as I’m sure you can figure that out for yourselves, with the way the world has been going lately.
The coffee business is going good as well.
I never saw the old man again though. Bob said he’s still upset about me ruining his perfect track record.
Donna and I are still going strong.
She never worked, because I could afford her not to.
She does volunteer work at the local homeless shelter, now that Robyn is grown.
A few years back, she became very obsessed with something she calls, “Pioneer Woman”.
The whole house is decorated in “Pioneer Woman” stuff.
She has a massive collection, collecting multiples of each thing.
Numerous Rolling pins, numerous salt and pepper shakers, numerous plate and dish sets.
She’s even got “Pioneer Woman” towels in the bathroom, and has every comforter and sheets set that there is to offer.
Right now she has a “Vintage Floral” Comforter and sheet set on the bed. It’s her favorite design of hers.
It’s really not my style, but it’s her house, so she can do with it what she wants.
I haven’t really used my “gift” too much over the past 30 years, except for in the moment kind of things. If I’m too tired to get up and make a cup of coffee, I’ll “want” a cup of coffee, or if I don’t feel like going to the gas station and filling up the cars, I’ll “want” a full tank of gas, things. like that.
I started writing again a few years back, not songs this time, but stories, some true, some not.
This one is 100% true.
I discovered a forum called Reddit, and have been posting my stories on various subreddits there.
Damn… Someone just knocked on the door… hold on a second. I’ll be right back…
Hey ya’ll. I’m back. That was Bob!
He just showed up, in an even longer limousine this time.
Now! Have I got some good news to share with you.
Bob just informed Donna and I, that 80s Metal is making a comeback, as multiple bands from our era have started touring again, and that they are selling out each show.
Def Leppard, Guns & Roses, RATT, Motley Crue, well, Motley Crue never stopped touring, but you get the idea, Right?
Anyway, He said he wanted, no pun intended, to see if we would be interested in touring again, and possibly recording another album, at Hellfire studios, if the tour goes good, since he has people to run his coffee business, and that he kinda missed the old times.
“Hell, Yeah!!”, we said in unison.
Bob promised, no soul sucking box behind the drum kit this time.
He also said that he already talked to Edgar and Rebecca, as well as Robyn, Jimmy, Calypso, Tony, and Ricky, my old friend Ricky.
Bob got his phone number when he came to play on the album.
Bob said that the original Ricky said No, saying that his Pops was now in his 80’s, has had some major health issues, and that he did not want to leave alone him in that condition, but promised to keep us all informed.
We all completely understood.
I hope everything is okay, Mr. Bellington.
Anyway, everyone else agreed, and are all waiting in the limo for us.
Jimmy is Robyn’s boyfriend, in case you forgot.
Anyway, He also said he contacted Stephen, I don’t know how, and that he’s all in as well, but only if Cindy can come along for the ride.
Apparently, Cindy is the name of his girlfriend.
Bob agreed, everyone else did too, including us.
We’re heading to Kansas to pick them up, as soon as I’m finished here, then we’re off to Washington DC, to try and find Derek and Corey. It won’t be hard, as long as I “want” to find them.
Wish us luck anyway!
Yeah, Baby! We’re getting the band back together. I’m so excited.
I’ll tell everyone you said Hi.
Rock and Roll!
I threw up the horns when I said that.
I’ll let you know if anything interesting happens.
Oh, Hey Janice.
Shit! The dogs! What are we going to do with the dogs?
Are any of you interested in watching the Hell Hounds for us while we’re gone?
Never mind, we’ll take them with us. I don’t think anyone will mind. Their good dogs!
C’mon Guys. Bill! Janice! Let’s go bye-byes.
Are you ready, Babe?… Here, I’ll take that.
I gotta go y’all.
Axel! We’ll be back.
Later, Dudes And Dudettes!
submitted by MPZ1968 to nosleep [link] [comments]
