Love heart made out of love hearts

The Official Subreddit of Love Island UK

2017.06.14 13:41 -Krish- The Official Subreddit of Love Island UK

Love Island All Stars has now concluded and we’re in the off season! Villa doors reopen on June 3rd for series 11! *Please use modmail, do not contact mods directly*

2011.03.04 08:28 HungryMoblin This subreddit is made of love and peace!

A subreddit for fans of the anime and manga Trigun!

2008.08.27 23:03 Woodworking: all things made from trees.

Woodworking is your worldwide home for discussion of all things woodworking, carpentry, fine furniture, power tools, hand tools, and just about anything else about making - anything - from trees!

2024.06.01 16:01 coolfortimes Add maths advice

I unfortunately never considered taking add maths since no one in my school does, but now I'm realising what a terrible mistake I have made considering I will take maths in a levels as well. So, I am thinking to cover add maths syllabus in the next 5 months, if I'm well prepared I may even give it in Oct Nov. I ask you ppl for advice whether this is doable and what's the difficulty level of add maths. P.s I'm good at maths and love it!
submitted by coolfortimes to Olevels [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 Itwasdio_94 29m Pennsylvania looking for real friends :)

Hey everyone, I'm a 29yo guy from the US east coast. I'd love to make some friends that I can talk to regularly. I love animals, Excercise, deep conversations, gaming, reading, and travel. I love to learn new things and I want more chill people to talk to.
I have made a lot of posts on here before and have had mixed results. I've met some wonderful friends that I talk to on discord regularly. I've met a lot of people that tried to scam me or request sexual things. And I've met a lot of people that message you 1-3 times then ghost.
A lot of the men I've met have had similar experiences, and a lot of the women I've met have told me that they get ghosted or hit on by 95% of people they match with. It's really sad that we're all here lonely and looking for companionship and so many people have awful experiences.
I want to promise that if you reach out to me I will message you back. I won't try to sell you something. I won't be creepy or perverted. I will try to be a good conversationalist. I prefer talking on discord but I'd like to get to know you here first.
Icebreaker ideas:
Tell me something you like about yourself If you could choose a superpower what would it be and why If you could have lunch with someone from the past who would you pick and what would you eat. Tell me what you want to change most about you.
These are just ideas to get a conversation going. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and I look forward to some rich friendships :)
submitted by Itwasdio_94 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 ct_hulhu10282 Cephs and genesis

Cephalapod Genesis
The pharoah ejaculated into the river and in the sand the sperm found refuge and grew into papyrus. This an example of genesis.
Vampyrapods are the first intelligent species to live on this planet predating the dinosaurs. They came here somehow. They did not evolve on this planet. Perhaps just an ejaculated sperm from another being landing in the water. The direct offspring of this cephalapod is the modern octopus. Octopus are responsible for nearly every animal genesis on earth including humans and subsequently man made inventions and accomplishments. Octopus taught trees to fruit, destroyed the dinosaurs through becoming tapeworms, and even walked to the moon. Some of the animals you may recognize from the cellular genesis may have fused with the other local staples such as canine, equine, and feline, and reptile as well as temporarily the pachyderms in post-actualization causal genesis. This can be done by mating with, killing, eating, dying, being eaten, or simply a laying of hands or physical actions. Octopus only live for about 4.5 years of our relationship with time, but they have beaten death through a mix of telepathy and cannabalism. They've also mastered time travel. There are only 3 actual beings here. Others died in getting here and are fossilized. 2 males and 1 female survived. I call them Jack, Seth, and Claire. This is why the genesis had to completed this way as any direct offspring would not work. because theyve have infinite time to complete it, theyve walked over every inch of the planet and affected every species. In fact our own existence is simply the echo of the combined knowledge of the cephs. We are an amalgamation like the 'too much good stuff' guy from am/pm commercials. Make a bird with your hands. ¿Where are the beaks? The latest project is to use genetic science in order to bring back the mammoth and obtain a sixth digit from its feet. Should happen around 2027. When the vampyrapods first encountered life here it was eating their tentacles. So the first genesis occured in the offspring of those that ate of the tentacles. This is why modern cephs only have 8 limbs. The first language period is Enochian. A language of the eyes and limbs. Through different manipulation of limbs and eye fluctuations communication was made. After a while though telepathy became the established communication.
Here are some examples but not all of cephalapod genesis:
• Spiders (rare from trilobyte mix, had to go back in time to accomplish) (they had to avenge the original vampyrapods from being eaten from early organisms, thisnis how scorpions were able to evolve) • Mango (foilage and ceph mix. Ceph hung from a tree upside down) • Star fruit (the tree missed the octopus and tempted it to return) • Pinecone ( the bite marks of ceph beak eating the fruit of the trees) • Toucan (the beak formation from ceph in flux probably consuming a failed aviary) • Peacock (feather formations still in flux from limbs partial fusion) • Salamander (reptile/chameleon mix) (skin breathing evolution) •Sloth (feline and foilage mix) • Mistletoe bird (octopus ate a mushroom) • Lyrebird (mirage, digitage, and aviary from peacock and pheasant. Mastered the art of sound mimickry to develop better auditory communications) • Dung beetle (rolling backwards the earth through time) • VW bug (trunk up front) (mirage, digitage, pachyderm mix) (invented higher than the model T but arrived later in time) • Goliath bird-eating tarantula ( set a web to catch a bird which did not exist fully until the web was cast. When the spider consumed the bird the psuedo cannabalistic action resulted in a poison tree frog) • Snakes (a ceph lost its mating limb for some reason in a mirage mix experiment) • venemous snakes (a snake ate the eggs of its own offspring)(the cursed dinosaur souls live inside these) • Gumby (using hands to mold clay made a show about being an octopus) • Chameleon (reptile, ceph, foilage, mirage mix)(a ceph was purposely eaten by a komodo dragon to telepathically send a reverse osmosis of its makeup inside its body to another ceph that was attempting to kill the dinosaurs in the past. How they programmed the tapeworm to destroy them)
submitted by ct_hulhu10282 to truthofcephs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 Fickle-Bet1334 Positive Moments and Actions

I was just in the recent post about small annoyances and I was about to comment on something SK12 does and realized that she no longer does it. She used to baby talk almost half or more of her conversations, but as I was thinking about it, I realized she no longer does.
I’m one that if I focus too much on the negative things that annoy me, they fester like a wound. Of course we need to vent and I’m not at all criticizing that other thread, but I wanted to also put up a discussion that allows us to also. Mention the good moments. Let’s discuss the things that, despite the faults and annoyances of BM and SKs, they did something positive and good. I’ll start…
-SD10 shares proud moments with me looking for affirmation and signs that I’m proud of her.
Those are just a few. Sometimes I need to remind myself of the good things so I don’t focus on the ones that annoy me. It’s far from perfect and there are definitely times I wish SDs were here less or that we had more time for just us. This stepparent thing isn’t for the faint of heart!
submitted by Fickle-Bet1334 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 messygarance AITAH for ruining my step-sister's evening by arguing with her friends ?

This story takes place almost a year ago. I (18, non binary) have known my step-sister (17 F) for around five years. My mom and her dad are in a long distance relationship and we often spend weekends or holidays at eachother's houses, so that our parents can be together. We have very different personalities, but we always got along. For the sake of this post we will call her Stacy.
Our parents have this sort of tradition to go on holidays for one or two weeks during the summer with a bunch of friends and their kids. Each year, more people come, and this year we were almost 30 people. It's not a very fancy holiday, we go camping in little french villages (we are all french) but it's nice to hang out with the same people every year. The parents go on activities, the kids play together, and us teens hang out.
We are a little group of 5 teenagers; A (20M); E (15M); P(17M); Stacy and me. I've never been really close to E and P, i hang out more with A but im friendly with everyone.
This year, E and P became friend with 2 boys from the place we are camping at. They all looked very immature to me but again, I did not speak to them very much. I heard them make quite misogynistic comments, so I made a joke about "that's why I hate men". They all started trying to debate with me but as soon as i tried making the conversation "serious" (explaining the roots of misandry, the fact that it is more of a reaction to misogyny than true hatred) I realised they did not want to learn at all and just wanted to annoy me. Also, they were clearly less educated than i thought on the subject (they didn't know what patriarchy was, and seemed truly baffled when i told them rape was a real issue for women and not isolated incidents). I soon ran away from the debate, and left thinking they were idiots and wondering why my friends/acquaintances would hang out with them.
The next day, we were hanging out outside after dinner as usual. We passed by a big wooden structure (made for kids to play) and realised the two dumb boys were at the top of it. When they saw us (and, particularly, me) they started screaming "nique les femmes" ("fuck women") to annoy me. I didn't react at all. So they kept on screaming various insults and laughing, until they said "nique les pds" ("fuck f@ggots", although i feel like the french word is even more hurtful but i don't have an english equivalent). I am a lesbian, and even before coming out i have always been proudly defending LGBTQ+ rights. E and P are not outright homophobic but they are a bit uncomfortable around the subject, which is why A asked me to keep the secret about him being pansexual around them so that it would not be awkward. Stacy always acted like an "ally" to me ; she's a bit of a stereotypical straight girl who loves her gay best friend, but i thought : "at least she has the right spirit !".
Anyway, when I hear the homophobic slur i react very seriously : it is not childish provocation now, but serious slurs that i do not tolerate. As i felt like they were a little bit scared of me, i asked them to come down, implying if they did not, there would be consequences. Scaring them worked, but they did not come down, and tried justifying their words by even more homophobic sentences. It has been over a year so i don't remember exactly what they said, but it was along the lines of "im not homophobic, i just hate f@gs" ; "lgbt are unnatural, it's not my fault it's just true" ; "be glad you're alive because you should'nt" ; "i have no issues with gays and their life choices"... etc It felt very violent to me but i did not let it show. At some point, what they said was so illogical it was funny (one of them said "im not homophobic, i just say homophobic things !" And his friend answered "wait, homophobic is hating lgbt people right ? So we are homophobic !"). I looked at A in disbelief and he thought the situation was comic too, but did not intervene as he wanted to stay closeted there (which i fully understand).
So i turned to Stacy, E and P, thinking they would also see how comical this whole situation is. P and E said coldly they "did not want to enter the debate" and Stacy ignored me completely. It came as a shock to me : how could they see it as a debate ?? It was just two guys screaming slurs at me and telling me I should die ??? I felt on the verge of breaking down and i walked away, still hearing them screaming after me and laughing.
I had a big panic attack after, slowly realising what just happened, and i called a friend to calm down. Nobody from the group checked up on me. After around an hour,I walked back to our mobil-home in the shared room of stacy and I. The next morning, we did not speak. I was still very angry and disappointed. At lunch, i talked about the literal hatecrime that happened (not mentioning my step-sisters lack of reaction) but she intervened and said angrily "C'est pas à moi de mener tes combats" ("i dont have to fight your battles"). I was again, shocked, and did not say anything so that the situation didn't escalate.
In the afternoon, I asked to talk to her and told her what i thought about what happened, and how hurt i was. Her explanation was that she was annoyed i "debated with her friends and ruined the soiree" and that the evening sucked because of me. I told her that it made no sense because she always says she "accepts everyone" but when something happens right in front of her, she is quiet. She said that her definition of accepting everybody was accepting "people like me" and "people like them". Finally she admitted her reaction (or lack thereof) was wrong. I told her i did not forgive her, and the conversation ended there. We did not talk for the rest of the holidays, i have unfollowed all (except A, of course) of them and i feel a lot better. Also, i already have my own flat and study away from my parents, so i wont have to see Stacy anymore. So, AITA for ruining the soiree and making a big deal out of it ?
submitted by messygarance to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 urpreciousgirl i didnt think i was that bad for you to say youd only date me out of pity multiple times why did i beg im so stupid loll

I feel like thats so disrespectful after everything im glad we are over and im glad u broke up with me cuzz i wouldnt have had the balls i was too attached and I wasn’t the only that sucked in this relationship you did too anyways… no more dating for me cuz who knows how long itll take me to get over this i feel like im mourning someone who died i am so angry and sad fuck you i am gonna miss the fuck out of you like yes im grateful you broke up with me and glad but im so mad still because i really loved you even though you sucked but i guess i sucked harder
submitted by urpreciousgirl to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 hallofo Mayhem on Meridia

(Note: This is a reply from a post requesting Meridia war stories. I felt it might deserve its own post. Edited lightly for grammar and details.)
So, there we were: a squad of random Helldivers who had never met before and had exactly 1 previous mission together. We all decided to switch things up and leave Botsville for Meridia. More bug issues needing a good stomping, nothing we haven't done before. Besides, we were all solid bot-deleting spreaders of Democracy. How hard could a few extra bugs be?
Oh Pride, which came before our fall (or Democracy Dive in this case). Things started off easy enough. We had no clue how the mission progressed, so we just puttered about until we figured out the need to call down the drill and fill it up. Spawns were thick, but nothing we hadn’t dealt with before. We discovered the joy that is the Dark Liquid backpack right before the first drill landed and wasted yet more time jumping like fools. Then we started the first drill, and were introduced to Meridia’s dark, bug-filled heart. Or “Bugevelon Creek” as I call it now.
The first breach was tough, but manageable. Then the next… and the next… and the next. They just didn’t stop. At first, we held strong – my autocannon put in work and Eagle-1 racked up absurd kills with napalm strikes. But still, they kept coming! My Autocannon ran out of ammunition, exposing a flank. Then our other turrets fell to the oncoming horde. Cooldowns began and ammo ran low. Despite this, we held. Then suddenly, a bug breach ON the Dark Liquid Drill! We did our best, but the drill was destroyed.
The drill was broken, but not our resolve. Again, we called in the drill and started the long process of holding against the insectoid tide. At long last, we met with success and completed the drill. But what’s this? TWO MORE TO GO?! Sweet Liberty this was going to be a long mission! We fought on, bravely carving a path of Freedom through the never-ending horde of non-democratic filth. One Helldiver brough a Patriot Exosuit and used its weaponry to good effect, clearing the way to our last 2 drill objectives. Eventually though, he ran out of ammunition and bravely added himself to the Wall of Martyrs by baiting a bile titan into a 500kg Eagle strike.
Around this time, one of our squad members began acting.... weird. He would walk, then suddenly snap back a few meters, then run in place for several seconds. I tried to reach him over the radio and received no response - so I made the only available choice and informed my ship's Democracy Officer that we had a slacker in our midst. This was a hard call to make, as this Helldiver had been doing very well and working as a solid teammate. Shortly after that, he was removed from battle and our quartet became a trio.
Finally, the end of the mission. All 3 drills complete. A minor earthquake, but nothing we hadn’t seen before on countless other battlefields. Oh, how wrong we were. We stood in shock and awe (for our designated 2.7 seconds of “scenery enjoyment” time) as the skies darkened and the air filled with the foul flapping of uncountable shriekers. We ­barely made it to the extract point. More names were added to the Wall of Martyrs as we fell, one by one and were replaced by fresh Helldivers. Life expectancy for a new Helldiver could be comfortably measured in seconds. Milliseconds, if you wanted a double-digit number.
I managed to reach the extract beacon first. I was knocked off over and over again by the relentless beat of chitinous wings. Eventually, I was able to complete the extract code by chain-stimming my tattered body and performed my best Democracy Dive into a small depression to escape the shriekers. I rolled in all directions, shooting until my primary dry. My trusty flamethrower had long since ran out of Spicy Juice. Our reinforcements were completely gone. My squamates had all honorably completed their final, gravest service and it was down to me. As I crawled to a sheer rock face to make my final defiant stand, a beacon of hope came from the heavens: a fourth Helldiver had joined our team and brought with him fresh reinforcements and stratagems. The squad was quickly brought down and we formed a coherent unit around extract - clearing the way for our savior bird, Pelican 1. As the pelican landed, we all sprinted toward our only path out of this foul, bug-infested hell. Diving, shooting, throwing grenades and in the end, PUNCHING our way to the boarding ramp. By some miracle of pure Democracy, we all made it in time, with undemocratic mandibles snapping at our heels.
We all learned a lot that first day. We learned that the bug menace cannot be underestimated, as fierce are the foes of Managed Democracy. We also learned that there is still no task too hard, dangerous or brutal that it can't be done by the Helldivers.
submitted by hallofo to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 ThrowRaEstablishes My 10yo niece gives me 30f extreme emotional pain when she prefer her other aunt

It feels very up normal to get this strong emotional damage in my age from someone that young and from something that doesn't appear as massive as your brain thinks. My niece was very known of being attached to me and sometimes that annoys me, she always spend time with me and never leave me. I remember when she started to grow up I have this fear every time she says her other aunt (my sister) name that she might leave me for her (that's very weird to write!!). I struggle with low self esteem sometimes and I was thinking maybe she's the approval to me. My sister is loved by everyone as well and she's just so nice to everyone in all age which was a bit a prof to me that I'm better since my niece prefer me to her. I remember two years ago when she wanted to sleep over at my sister rather than me that literally breaks me a child, I was crying til I slept. I don't think I'm attached to her it's just crazy thoughts that I really want to heal but I can't know what is it exactly. After crying I always feel this is nothing and actually feeling relief that I'm left alone by her!! But it's just temporary and I keep telling my self that my thought doesn't identify me.
I thought I got over it since I left for two years outside the country and now being back, last night my niece was always with my sister, she let her use her phone and act like an adult which my niece like (me on the other hand have low patience when it come to this)... so the next day when I saw my niece my heart was beating so fast, my hand was shaking, I felt sweating... and these symptoms were making me more nervous and thinking how stupid I am to feel this from a CHILD....
submitted by ThrowRaEstablishes to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 Jams0610 These are some big losses 😔

These are some big losses 😔
I loved all of these items. I’m not going to replace any till I work through some other options in my stash.
From left to right:
The Porefessional right ‘n toned- this is the deluxe sample size. I used this before bed after washing my face.
Keys soulcare protect your light daily moisturizer 30 SPF-I’ve purchased this a couple times now and really like it.
Balance me the molecular hyaluronic serum-purchased this a couple times and like it. This is my least fav out of the bunch though. Perhaps it worked better for me in the winter.
Kate Sommervile bio-mimicking peptides serum-this stuff is wonderful. I missed an opportunity to get it on discount in the Ipsy shop and am bummed. I would repurchase, but it is pricey. I’m going to try some other serums for the interim.
submitted by Jams0610 to PanPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 mortalha92 Persistent Headache After Thunderclap Headache

21M, 5'9, 168 and white.
Early January I woke up to what was the worst pain i haver felt in my life. I got this pain in my forehead and behind my eyes that I can't describe, I remember crying while i was taking a shower before heading to the doctor. If I had to rate it I would say 10/10 pain level, and before that I never used to get headaches. Gave up drinking, smoking and drugs long time ago and was having such a good time in my life (got a job, gf, gym everyday, got into the masters i wanted, graduated, and much more). I got to the doctor and end up feeling dizzy and vomiting. The pain was at his peak when i woke up, and eventually faded away at the hospital. The doctor was quite young and told me it was just a migraine. I didn't know what the hell those were but said ok. My eyes that day were so red that I remember my gf being scared. Next 3-4 days I was quite fine, but still worried. A week or so went by and then I started feeling a persistent dull sensation behind my left eye and a consistent dull headache aswell. I can't tell you how the headache was right now but I just now it was annoying, as it is right now. I took some time off, went to a nice hotel and it persisted.
Decided it was time to go to the GP cause i had enough of this low pain headache (2/10 pain) and dull sensation behind eyes. He wanted to rule out any major causes so went for a CT scan and came back clear. That was a relief at the time. He said it was probably migraines, which I still didn't know what were those and gave me Propranolol. I thought the headache and eye pain at the time was because of my glasses that caused me a weird sensation, especially on my left eye, so I stopped wearing them.
Started taking Propranolol (40mg a day) and things got better, got a normal life again, but my heart rate change a bit and I was still getting some nasty headaches some days, especially when waking up. The frequency of the headaches stopped but I felt like they never left, they were just asleep (the headaches). I couldn't live without Propranolol and if I missed a dose, I would feel it. I got my eyes checked at the time, he didn't see anything strange and gave me a new prescription. Dumb move by me but i didn't buy my new glasses immediately.
As I am not currently studying but will next year, I went to see a Neuro, to see if I could stop these headaches 100%. I never felt like they left me and wanted to see if he knew what was going on with me. He said it was migraines (to this day I only saw one aura and it didn't even gave me an headache after it) and gave me Topamax (50mg daily 1st week and then 100mg daily) and reduced Propranolol from 40mg daily to 20mg.
Symptoms on 40mg Propranolol and no glasses:
-headaches after waking up, would get better when i got up;
-headache with some eye movement, like looking up;
-some daily persistent headache that I would just live with them;
-maybe I had 3 days without headache but I would always have 3 headaches in a week and that would be during the whole day;
-had to sleep x hours otherwise would get headache;
-headache was kinda more like tension headache (on both sides of my forehead);
-got progressively worst and more frequent, thats why i went to a Neuro.
Should mension that throughout this all time my neck popps a lock while moving it and I can hear a liquid like fizzing rocks going through it??? I also felt something on my throat and one time i went to an osteopath she told me I had 3 vertebrae pressing on one of my arteries? I don't even know, I don't understand I lot about this. My brother is almost finished with is med school and can't understand all this symptoms. My eyes are now always quite red, before that day in January they didn't use to be like this.
Now it's when it gets worst. I don't know if all this came from Topamax side effects or redusing the those of Propranolol but it starts to get deep.
Symptoms on 100mg Topamax and 20mg Propranolol with glasses:
-I got my new glasses in a week but before that I was getting immense eye pain and behind the eye pain with some temple headaches and headaches all over my head, my eye pain got better with my gfs polarised sunglasses so maybe that was just eye strain. The eye strain has since then got better with the new glasses.
-headaches when waking up got worst, had crazy pressure on top of the skull/head and temple pressure. Still, they get a bit better when I get up;
-start getting some nosebleeds (have now stopped);
-I feel like I can hear double, I have so much pressure on my ears that make social environments unpleasent (felt like I had this before);
-tinnitus when lying down and waking me up at 4 a.m.;
-have some weird constant flashes on my vision like old tv horizontal lines?? I don't see then when looking at the distance but can definitely see them in any room;
-left lower eyelid always twitching;
-headache pretty much 24/7, wake up with pressure, get up, gets better, drive to work, gets worst, gets better during the day and will gradually get worst till the end of the day;
-on the worst days I will still get the pain behind eyes, but not so much with eye movement;
-The pressure on the temples is crazy, before i never used to get pain in the temple area, only forehead, which is weird.
I won't deny this whole situation put me on so much stress and anxiety, so maybe thats why the propranolol was making a slight difference, anyway knowing my family history I don't want to be the rest of my life on a drug that affects my cardiac system and I think there must be an underlying cause in all of this messed up headache, especially that thunderclap headache.
I will now look for some specialist in this area and do some more testing, since all I got was a CT Scan.
submitted by mortalha92 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 Key_Purple_8587 I drove the kids I nanny in my husband's rental sports car

I have to ask the parents for permission anytime we want to leave the neighborhood. I'm almost 41 f by the way (3 months older than the mother), with a clean driving record. I asked the parents if I could take the kids to my house to pick up my dogs to take them to the groomers then to the park and they said I could. I didn't know that my husband was going to be working from home yesterday and when we got to the house the rental car (Dodge Challenger) was in the driveway. So we showed the kids (almost 8 m and 10 f) the car and my spontaneous ass was like "let's go for a ride!" We didn't have much time before we needed to take the dogs to the groomers and I'm a good driver so we didn't put the car seats in but they were buckled up and the seat belts fit just fine. The rules here in SC are kids 8 and under need to be in car seats, so the boy should have been in one. I was mostly going under the 25 mph speed limit, however twice I did accelerate fast because the kids were loving it! I would quickly slow back down to below the speed limit though! We didn't leave the neighborhood and no other cars were on the road. We don't even have cars parked on the sides of the roads on this street because there's no shoulder. It's a straight road for a short distance so I didn't get above 35/40 at any point. Yes it was irresponsible of me however, when else will I get the chance? It makes me so happy to make them happy. I know for sure the kids have ridden in cars with taxi or Uber drivers and their parents without car seats in the past. The dad texted me inquiring about it last night and I explained everything but he hasn't responded and it's causing me anxiety. I've been their trusted nanny for almost 2 years with nothing bad happening. I guess this is mostly a rant to feel less shitty for taking the kids on a fun 5 minute car ride I'm the neighborhood while we have the rental car. If this situation causes them to not let me take the kids anywhere anymore then I will have to quit. It gets so boring at their house! The kids are bored with most of their toys and it's so hot here that they don't want to be outside for more than 30 minutes at a time. The summer hours are 9.5-10 hours a day! The first summer I was their nanny the parents wouldn't even give me car seats so we didn't get to go anywhere. As the kids get older they don't want to do the same activities as they used to. They sneak their tablets and sooooo much junk fooood and watch YouTube and no matter what activities I try to come up with, they get bored with them really quickly. I'm running out of ideas here! It was a nice break to take the dogs to the groomers in the middle of the shift. What would you do in this situation??
submitted by Key_Purple_8587 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 H-Hogan My (28-M) asexual partner (28-M) of 11 years transitioned two weeks before marriage, we opened the relationship, and now we're both hurting. How do we handle a relationship that's moving this fast?

Our relationship has been moving very quickly and I am feeling overwhelmed.
We have been together for 11 years, and finally got married two months ago. About two weeks before the wedding, my partner announced to me that he was trans, and promptly started testosterone a few days later. In some ways, this was not surprising at all, but all the same I was kind of shocked. I have no problem with him transitioning, I love him for the person he is, not the gender he is (I am queer anyways and am attracted to masculinity and femininity). But it is still a big change up in our lives.
About three weeks ago, he broached the subject to me about opening our relationship two two friends of ours (both ~30M, in a polyamorous relationship with each other). He did not want to have sex with them, only explore kink. I was totally blindsided.
My partner is asexual. In all honesty, it has caused some problems, but overall we have been able to maintain a relatively happy sex life. It took us 4 years before we had penetrative sex, and he did not enjoy it, so we have found other ways to be sexual with each other. It has unfortunately, to my own admission, left me with some major insecurities. When I look at my partner I am completely taken by him; He is my best friend, I find him wildly attractive, and when I look at him I feel this powerful mixture of sexuality and romance. He does not feel the same. He has always told me that sex is unimportant and uninteresting to him, and that while he enjoys making me feel good, and does feel good himself when we have sex, that if we stopped tomorrow and never had sex for the rest of our lives, he wouldn't think twice about it.
For 10 years I have struggled with this. How is it that he can so easily spark this sexual romantic passion in me, an indescribable feeling that I feel only for him, and yet I can't spark even a fraction of that same passion in him? It has left me feeling very inadequate, despite his reassurances.
This changed somewhat when he started testosterone. I think a major part of his uninterest in sex is that, even though we do not have penetrative sex, it made him feel like a woman. When he transitioned into being a man, I think he became more comfortable in his body and more sure of his identity in his mind. We started having more and better sex, and for the first time in 10 years, I felt like he was passionate about it.
When he told me he wanted to explore kink with these two friends, it hurt a lot. And I was confused. I was confused why his first instinct was to try new things with them instead of me. Why after 10 years of me trying and failing to spark sexual passion in him, suddenly these two friends could do it at the drop of a hat.
I was very uncomfortable (which I did express), but I agreed, which was a mistake. I have no problem with polyamory. A lot of my friends are polyamorous, two of my siblings are polyamorous. I get it: no one partner can give you everything and that's ok! I understand this, but when it came time for it in my relationship, it just became too much. I thought even though I was uncomfortable, I just needed to get used to it. If I said "No" right out of the gate, I would be upsetting my partner and my two friends, whereas if I said "Yes" I would only be upsetting myself, and that it would just be temporary. I was wrong. Honestly, in three weeks, they did not do too much, but my discomfort didn't go away, and it only got worse. I started feeling sick, having nightmares, and in the last week started having manic/depressive episodes (this has not happened to me before, all very new and hard).
It is irritating my insecurities and in addition feels like a breach of intimacy. If in my partner's eyes we are best friends and I am someone who they trust enough to be sexual with, what does it mean when they find another close friend who they also trust enough to be sexual with? What does that make our relationship? What am I to them? Am I special? Why do I need to feel special in the first place? I don't know the answer to these questions, all I know is that the act of being sexual is special to me and I want it to be something only we share with each other.
Last night I told him that I thought I could handle him having a sexual relationship with someone else, but now know that I cannot. I asked him to please stop having a sexual relationship with our friends. He agreed, which made me feel relieved, but said he was very angry and disappointed in me. He said that I was being controlling by setting a boundary which restricted his use of his own body and bodily autonomy. I agree. But I also feel like when you are in a relationship, there is a small degree of control when it comes to boundaries, and that maybe that's ok. He said that at this point, he is uninterested in a sexual relationship with anyone, them or me, and that he would not be backing down from this.
I told him my therapist recommended we go to couples therapy, and that I wanted to try to work out our problems as a team, but he said he was uninterested. He slept on the couch last night, took his wedding ring off, and left it at home today. He is going on a day trip with those friends, and I trust them (I am talking to them today too to set the boundary) but I feel dejected and hurt. He feels hurt too. I just don't know what to do.
TLDR: My relationship to my partner is moving fast! He transitioned right before our wedding, is asexual, but wanted to open the relationship to explore kink with two friends. I trepidatiously agreed, but ended up feeling hurt. When I said I wanted him to stop, he agreed, but said I was controlling. Now we're both hurt and I don't know how to keep up with a relationship moving this fast.
submitted by H-Hogan to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 SlightQT Opinion: How to avoid "Winners Guilt" in boardgaming.

Lets start with tip 8 of SU&SD's undeniably-very-good video on mastering "The Teach" for boardgames:
"If you win a game you're teaching, you've already lost".
Realistically, you should be more focused on helping everyone else than spending the time to calculate out your turns and make optimal plays. A good way to accomplish this is to make sure other players are fully set with their turns before you spend ANY time considering yours. Then just rush through your turn really quickly, which will likely be suboptimal, since you havent had time to cranium-crunch your next moves. You can also just resolve to do "the most instructive thing" or "the most silly thing" each turn, intentionally choosing suboptimal lines for the purpose of... FUN. :)
If you want to really get som1 to love a boardgame. Let them win their first game (or at least be on equal footing with other new players without having to contend with experinced players beating them up). EDIT: this doesnt mean throw the game. It means play juuuust well enough that you still lose. Duh.
I usually play much more seriously on my second game, and often push to play two rounds of games on my boardgame sesh's (time permitting).
But here's the kicker. This approach applies to a vast set of situations and is not just about teaching a game, or even PLAYING a game for that matter. The real question is this: "What do you want to get out of playing a boardgame?"
Theres going to be a bunch of answers to this, as the motivations are myriad and overlapping: - Playing a game - Having fun/relaxation - Winning a game - Playing well - Social w/ likeminded - Meet new people - Introduce your introverted SO - Need ppl to finish off extra beers u dont like - Need to justify owning this many boardgames ... you get the point.
Ill make the case that "winning the game" as a high-prio answer to the question CAN be very cringy (in the sense that youre forcing your own agenda onto others). For me, I have a few groups I play with, all across the spectrum of skill, interest, and competitiveness. I have one game group thats very "play to win" in which we are all cutthroat with each other and we LOVE it. This group has fundamentally different priorities for "What do I want to get out of playing this boardgame?" But note: everyone in that group has clearly indicated they want to "Play to Win".
But it would be SUPER awkward if I started playing the same way with some of my other gaming groups, who have a fundamentally different access point to boardgaming and competition in general. (I used to be top 0.5% Dota 2 player.)
For those groups, I always play a totally different game: "How can I explore the mechanics of this game in a way that puts me on more equal footing with those at the table?" This is like adding a personal meta-game on top of the current game, which adds a complex social and mechanical element to how I am playing. Its like putting a handicap on myself, but one that seeks to explicitly maximize the enjoyment of all players (including myself, because I am taking on a more difficult challenge).
This has worked wonders for me, and affords me the ability to play a huge variety of games with a huge variety of players.
NOTE: couldnt find the study, but there was a study done that showed that kids on the playground will maintain a relationship with another kid as long as they "win" 1/3 or more of the engagements. When I play with my SO, I never ever win a game more than 2/3s of the time, adjusting my personal meta game to meet this target, as it is the best LONG-TERM strategy. After 7 years of gaming with this mentality, my SO never felt like they were incapabale of winning, enjoyed gaming with me over a huge variety of games, and is now objectively quite good at a lot of games. Had I not employed this strategy, games would not be one of the cornerstones of our hangout time, as that avenue of our relationship would have become strained by our initial skill diff. (They basically didnt play games before meeting me, and I was a hardcore Moba gamer -- huge diff. HUGE.)
TL;DR: To avoid winners guilt, let ppl win their first game (or play on equal footing with all other new players at the table), and ajdust the game youre playing to match the group youre playing with. You have full control of how difficult every game is. All limitations are self-limitations. Try to only win a maximum of 2/3 of the time.
submitted by SlightQT to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 up_on_blocks Backpack help!

I am sitting in the airport waiting to board my connection. This was an overnight trip and I carried my FLP Daily Battle. The bag was great, held a ton and worked wonderfully in spite of not having a zip closure. Except…I love a tote bag, I love the access but I am sick of having to stop, re-adjust and heave it back over my shoulder just so in the hope that it stays put. So I was thinking of a backpack. Something large enough for an overnight with my laptop, change of clothes and my toiletries ( so, so many toiletries). Something chic but not screaming out a brand. I have a crazily eclectic taste in bags so I’m open to pretty much anything. What do you like? What are your work horses and travel buddies?
Btw airport bag spotting bingo has been crazy! Chloe woody, Hermes garden party, so many neverfulls, lots of Gucci and YSL camera bags. The TSA agent clocked my daily battle and gushed over it which was funny because this is only the second time in all of its travels that anyone has commented on it.
submitted by up_on_blocks to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 theforteantruth Script for 2011 film was very different

I read the 2009 remake draft of the Thing and was surprised at how different it was.
Essentially the first 42 minutes are completely different from the film. The beginning is less interesting but you get more information. There is also an exciting dog/thing assimilation scene in the generator room that was cut. Everything else is the same (helicopter crash, fillings)
Over all the script is not better but then again it’s not worse than the final film. The ending is pretty much the same.
Eric Heisserer is not a very good writer here. The script lacks vision and direction and the dialogue is bland. It reads like it was made up on the fly. That’s why we got the movie we did. I think he set out to avoid the emotions we loved so much in the 1982 version and just go for scares or action. They set out to make a monster movie but without giving us memorable characters that we care about the film has no soul. The Carter and Kate relationship is a big problem, same with the USA vs Norwegian thing they have going on.
It’s easy to make this misstep because we think we know what we want and want more of. But to me the Thing is not a monster movie, creature feature or even a horror film. It’s a thriller. There is very little action - mostly reaction as the characters (Thing included) try their best to survive.
I wish they put more thought into the prequel. To me the events they gave us seem highly unbelievable for what happened at the Norwegian outpost. It could have been so much better if they simply tried to do less.
submitted by theforteantruth to thething [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 DragonLaid 26 [M4R] New York/NE USA/Online Sasquatch seeking someone to wander the woods with

Hey there! I am Jer, I am an abnormally tall guy built like a bear(and who snacks like one too). I would love to chat and become friends and maybe more!
My only real request is that you don’t ghost me outta nowhere, if you don’t wanna chat anymore just say so :)
Reddit chat can be buggy as all get out so feel free to ask for snap or discord after a lil chattin’
Hobbies:collecting pretty much anything, gaming, cooking, hiking, making youtube content, thrifting and gardening are just a few of my many interests
Things i want to know about you!: What are you looking for? How was your day? What are a few fun, cute or interesting things about you?
I am not so great at writing these, so feel free to ask me anything, i hope to hear from you :)
{Safe space for all people to inquire within}
submitted by DragonLaid to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Holly1992cute AITA for cutting off the wedding??

I 31F was married to 32M Zack. Me and Zack were sweet love birds and graduated together in 2010. We decided to work together and save up enough money for our dream wedding. Now to the story, It's mid February, Me and Zack decided we'd saved up enough money and we'd get married. I was dress shopping with my friend Jessica 30F. I had though i'd found my perfect dress, but every time I pick one she always lowers my self esteem and brings me down saying "The dress is ugly" or "You look fat" Mind you I have what you would call a snatched waist and barely any stomach.I tried to brush off Jessica's comments, but they started to weigh heavily on me. I began to doubt my choices and felt increasingly self-conscious. Despite her negativity, I still considered her a good friend and decided to ignore her comments, believing she might just be having a bad day. A few days later, Zack and I were finalizing the guest list for our wedding. I noticed that Zack seemed a bit distracted and distant, but I chalked it up to stress from work. As the wedding date approached, things only seemed to get worse. Zack was coming home later than usual, and we weren't spending as much time together. One evening, I received a call from an unknown number. The voice on the other end was hesitant but eventually revealed herself to be Emily, an old high school acquaintance. She told me she had some urgent news about Zack that I needed to hear in person. Feeling a mix of curiosity and dread, I agreed to meet her the next day. Emily and I met at a quiet café. She looked nervous and kept glancing around as if she was afraid of being seen. After a few minutes of small talk, she finally blurted out, "I saw Zack with Jessica last week. They were having dinner together and looked very... intimate." My heart sank. I felt a rush of emotions—anger, betrayal, confusion. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Emily showed me a few pictures she had taken discreetly. There was no denying it: Zack and Jessica were indeed together, looking very cozy. I went home that night, feeling like my world had been turned upside down. Zack was already there, sitting on the couch. He looked up as I walked in, and I could see the guilt in his eyes. I didn't know what to say or how to start the conversation, so I just stood there, tears streaming down my face. Zack got up and approached me, but I stepped back. "How long?" I finally managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper. He sighed and looked down. "It's been a few months. I didn't mean for it to happen, and I never wanted to hurt you." I felt a mixture of rage and heartbreak. "With Jessica? My friend? How could you?" He tried to explain, but I couldn't listen anymore. I needed time to think, to process everything. I decided to stay with my parents for a few days to clear my head. During those days, I received multiple messages from Jessica, all apologizing and trying to explain herself. I couldn't bring myself to respond. I felt betrayed by two of the people I trusted the most. Eventually, I returned home to talk to Zack. We had a long and emotional conversation about our relationship, our future, and the betrayal. It was clear that things could never go back to the way they were. The trust was broken. We decided to call off the wedding and go our separate ways. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make, but I knew it was the right one for my own sanity and well-being. As for Jessica, I cut her out of my life completely. The betrayal was too deep, and I couldn't see a way to ever trust her again. It's been a few months now, and I'm slowly starting to heal. I've learned a lot about myself and the importance of surrounding myself with people who truly care about me. It was a painful lesson, but it's made me stronger and more resilient. I know that one day, I'll find the happiness and love I deserve.
(If I get any updates i'll tell u guys)
submitted by Holly1992cute to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 technically_faith how are things with your mental health?

Everyone who posts on here seems beautiful and trendy. I'm neither lol. So instead, I'd like to ask how you are doing in terms of your mental health?
I have social anxiety, and have decided to open up and start talking about it as i'm making some changes in my life here in little old England. i'd love to hear if there's anyone else out there struggling with something.
Feel free to share as much as you're comfortable with.
submitted by technically_faith to alternativefashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 TheOddMott Mysterious Oriental Folk Song

I acquired this song a very long time ago, but without the proper info of title or artist. I would love to know what this is and who made it for archival purposes, but shazam & other song identifying services do not know. Perhaps one of you out here might?
I was surprised recently to find the full 6:22 song floating about in an old youtube vid, so i'll just link that here instead of uploading my own copy. Title is all wrong, as i'm pretty sure this is chinese, but at least it's out there somewhere...
submitted by TheOddMott to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Cool-Aerie-7816 How do the social norms in this community work?

I purchased the game a week ago and I'm already in love!
This is my first time playing an online game with other players, so I feel like a noob not knowing how the social norms work. So, I need someone to explain it to me like I'm 5 years old.
Is it okay if I (at level 30 with crappy weapons) join other players in the Daily Ops or do you concider it annoying?
How much do you interact with the other players in general?
And one question to the other women out there. Tbh I'm kind of scared of putting the microphone on. It's not a secret that women often face harassment while playing online games just because they're women. Is that a problem in this community as well?
submitted by Cool-Aerie-7816 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Humble_Horror_3333 I need to vent.

I have a beautiful baby girl (9mo). Right now I am up with her when I should be sleeping. Reason being- her father. We didn’t know each other for long before I got pregnant. During the pregnancy things took a turn, and being in the relationship became very stressful. So I ended things. I could go on and on about why, but at the end of the day I just feel rather dumb for even putting myself in this position, or trusting someone like this, so i’ll spare the details. for the past three months, he has made an “effort” to have her on the weekends. I put quotations because almost every weekend he adjusts agreements, expects me to supply his house, shows up few minutes late (45min..), asked to bring her back early, it’s all bad. it all breaks my heart. Especially for my daughter. Right now, he is 2 hours late… not answering his phone, messages won’t go thru, i’m seemingly blocked out. i’m also burnt out. I have no real help. My parents say they are willing to help but only when it’s most convenient for them, and the most they will watch her for is about 4 hours max. I appreciate any time alone to clean or get a small nap in still so i try to just be appreciative. i am just so overwhelmed. I am so pissed off at myself for trusting a man like this. He comes across as put together and well rounded. He seemed to appreciate his family a lot and get along with them but by the time i was 7 months pregnant i realized that wasn’t the case. None of them really know him. I asked his dad how to really get him to open up and his dad didn’t even know. long story short… i’m having an existential crisis with the realization that i’m going to have to deal with this dudes short-comings for the rest of my life. i want to curl up in a ball and cry for hours-but it’s now time for mom mode.
submitted by Humble_Horror_3333 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 DragonLaid 26 [M4A] New York/Northeastern US/online Sasquatch seeking someone to wander the woods with

Hey there! I am Jer, I am an abnormally tall guy built like a bear(and who snacks like one too). I would love to chat and become friends and maybe more!
My only real request is that you don’t ghost me outta nowhere, if you don’t wanna chat anymore just say so :)
Reddit chat can be buggy as all get out so feel free to ask for snap or discord after a lil chattin’
Hobbies:collecting pretty much anything, gaming, cooking, hiking, making youtube content, thrifting and gardening are just a few of my many interests
Things i want to know about you!: What are you looking for? How was your day? What are a few fun, cute or interesting things about you?
I am not so great at writing these, so feel free to ask me anything, i hope to hear from you :)
{Safe space for all people to inquire within, I am down to chat with anyone! I tend to prefer someone a tad more femme, but I am down to clown with anything}
submitted by DragonLaid to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]