Narrative text dengan dialog

Refuting the: "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion ps 2" Response to second post

2024.06.01 13:25 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the: "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion ps 2" Response to second post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.
Let's proceed to refute the second part of his "rebuttal," providing a brief yet precise rebuttal that will further expose his ignorance in the Hebrew language, and his knowledge of the Bible as well.
He writes:
The prophecy so closely matches those events that even scecular scholars agree which is the primary reason secular scholars date Daniel to just after these events. Their idea is the book is actually recording history but pretending to present prophecy.
But it doesn’t. Not even close. The chapter is about a prophet/messenger of God who brought a Holy Covenant. His successors fell into dispute over who was the rightful heir to his kingdom. The rightful successors were supposed to be his descendants (his followers), but that turned out not to be the case according to what verse 4 states. This is strikingly similar to how Islamic history played out.
He writes:
I'm not sure where Exion found this translation.
I found it here: biblehub - Pulpit's commentary. Literally a direct copy and paste. Not sure how he missed it.
Regarding the "The prophecy describes a sequence of events" thing he pointed out, I had already revised each verse from part 1 in part 2, and it now makes perfect sense. He should read part 2.
He writes:
A few things here. The verb is עמדים. The same verb is used in verse 3 and again in verse 4. Both cases it's referring to a king rising to power rather than rising against someone/somthing else. That context suggests the same meaning for the kings in verse 2. We also see verse 2 describing a king being against a nation when it says "he shall stir up all against the kingdom of Greece." This is a different verb and preposition.
Yes, I agree. 'Umar was the first king to rise in Persia when he fought the Persians and won. 'Uthman and 'Ali were the second and third kings, and Mu'awiyah was the fourth, the wealthy king. I'm not sure what he thinks he is refuting here because I literally wrote:
"This 'rising' could either be in support of Persia or in opposition to it. Remarkably, this aligns perfectly with the historical narrative of Islam, and here's why:..."
In other words, both interpretations align perfectly with the historical narrative of Islam. I believe he misunderstood that part; regardless, let's move on.
The Hebrew word is גִּבּוֹר which means strong/mighty not righteous
You also missed the part where I said that this would be made clear later in the chapter, specifically here:
Daniel 11:30:
The Holy Covenant was brought by the mighty king, of course. However, he completely missed this point and is portraying the Bible as if it prophesies random historical secular events and secular kings, like a history book, rather than a Holy Book foretelling the era of a prophet and a king, much like King David. He claims that secular scholars date Daniel to just after these events and believe the book is recording history while pretending to present prophecy. What a silly assertion. Don’t you think people would generally reject such false "prophecy" and declare them deviant liars, especially if they depicted events that had recently happened and everyone knew about? Both you and these secular scholars need to rethink your position because it is very unlikely (almost impossible to be true) and rather ridiculous, if I'm being very frank.
The chapter is about a prophet who brought a Holy Covenant from God, which is why it is literally called "Holy."
Definition of "Holy":
holy / ˈhəʊli / adjective
1.dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred."the Holy Bible" Similar: sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, venerated, revered. (Source: Google)
The Bible is considered to be the Words of God (or inspired Words of God), and these Words literally call this Covenant "Holy." Meanwhile, you are deviating from this description by portraying an erroneous picture of a bunch of atheist ancient kings fighting each other over various kingdoms.
He writes:
The specific word is וּכְעָמְדוֹ. The וּ is the conjunctive. It's not a vav relative in this case since the verb tense isn't the perfect or imperfect The כְ is a Hebrew proposition added to the verb. The verb is עָמְד and the וֹ is a possesive suffix. The verb form is the infinitive construct. When that verb form is combined with the preposition כְ it indicates a temporal clause which is where the "as soon as" comes from. The possesive suffix indicates the subject of the verb which is where the "he" comes from. Combined with the verb we get as soon as he has risen. Exion's translation ignores the preposition and possesive suffix on the verb.
I will respond to each claim by giving it a short name and my rebuttal next to it:
Regarding: Conjunctive וּ: It is agreed that the וּ functions as a conjunctive "and" or "but," connecting phrases. This conjunction alone does not necessarily indicate a temporal clause.
Not a Vav Relative: Correct, this is not a vav relative case.
Preposition כְ: The preposition כְ does mean "like" or "as." While it can form a temporal clause in combination with an infinitive construct, this temporal interpretation must be contextually supported rather than assumed.
Verb עָמַד and Possessive Suffix וֹ: Correct, the verb עָמַד means "to stand" or "to arise," and the suffix וֹ indicates possession, translating to "his."
Infinitive Construct: Agreed, the form is an infinitive construct.
Temporal Clause Interpretation: While כְ combined with an infinitive construct can imply a temporal clause, translating it as "as soon as" is an interpretative choice. A more literal translation is "when he stood" or "as he stood," and any temporal implication would be derived from what you believe is the context.
Possessive Suffix: Agreed, the suffix וֹ indicates "he" or "his."
Your interpretation that it is saying "as soon as he has risen" adds a temporal nuance that is contextually based rather than explicitly stated in the preposition and verb form. My translation aims for a more direct rendering of "when he stood" or "as he stood," which also respects the grammatical structure without adding interpretative elements not present in the original text.
Let's move on.
He writes:
It can also refer to the 4 generals after Alexander the Great. He came after the Persian kings, conqured all of Greece, had a mighty dominion, shortly after he conqured Greece he died, and his kingdom was divided among his 4 generals none of which were his decendents.
No, it can't, because this is about a Holy Covenant. I genuinely hope you can understand this because I know you tend to repeat the same misunderstandings and rarely admit when you are wrong. However, this is explicitly clear:
The phrase is: "על־ברית־קודש"

Literal Translation:

Neither Alexander the Great nor anyone else you mention (or anyone related to Alexander) anything to do with a Holy Covenant. This is beyond ridiculous, and I couldn't believe your scholars were claiming this. I thought it was so absurd that it didn't even need refutation. Yet here I am, refuting you because you actually hold this view.
He writes:
That fits better than Exion's interpretation for a few reasons. First this king came after the 4 mentioned in verse 2. If those in verse 2 are the Caliphs this king can't be Mohammed who was before the Caliphs.
What makes you think that the mighty king came after the 4 kings? The 3rd verse only said:
"And a mighty king will arise and will rule a great dominion and do according to his will."
Are you claiming that this must be in chronological order just because the four kings were mentioned before the mighty king? If so, this is the first time I've heard such a claim. Please provide your proof for this supposed Biblical rule; I'd like to read it :). You won't provide any because none exist. But claiming that it does gives you something to "expose," so I understand your motive. However, in the real world, you're just making statements that aren't true.
The 4th verse says:
"...but not to his posterity, and not like the dominion that he ruled, for his kingdom will be uprooted and to others besides those."
The posterity refers to the Rashidun Caliphs, while "to others besides those" refers to Mu'awiyah and those who followed him. Do you know what "posterity" even means? Posterity literally means future followers or descendants. Lol. The mighty king is the one with the followers, which is why he is the one who brought the Holy Covenant from God, not the four other kings. Had you known what posterity means, you would never have written this in the first place, but we will look past this mistake. Now you know a new word and won't repeat this mistake again. Let's move on.
Regarding "The king of the south is prophet Muhammad" I had revisited this verse in part 2.
He writes:
This is false. The source Exion links doesn't give any English meaning. The BDB does give the English meaning. For the former it means sprout/branch, the latter means root.

Noun נֵצֶר (nétser) m (plural indefinite נְצָרִים, singular construct נֵצֶר־, plural construct נִצְרֵי־) [pattern: קֵטֶל]

  1. stem, shoot
  2. (literary, collectively) scion(s)


The other word (i.e. שרש):
Root: שֹֽׁרֶשׁ (m.n.)
  1. root.
2. source, origin.
  1. bottom, lowest part.
  2. root, stem (Heb. grammar).
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary
I don't know if you know this, but stem and branch are synonymous words, they essentially mean the same thing. And lowest part, bottom could also mean stem. Dictionaries define both words similarly:
Word: שֹׁרֶשׁ, שׁוֹרֶשׁ (m.) (b. h.; apocope of שרשר
, v. שָׁרָר) [chain, knot,] root. — Pl. שֳׁרָשִׁים, שֳׁרָשִׁין; constr. שָׁרְשֵׁי, שׁוֹרְשֵׁי. B. Bath. V, 4 העולה … ומן הש׳ וכ׳ that which shoots forth out of the trunk, or out of the roots, belongs to the landowner (v. גֶּזַע), expl. ib. 82ᵃ כל שאינו … זהו מן הש׳ that which does not see the light of day (when it shoots forth) is out of the roots’. Y. Ab. Zar. III, 43ᵃ top; Y. Taan. I, 64ᵇ ש׳ חטה the roots of wheat; ש׳ תאנה of fig-trees. Tosef. Shebi. VII, 17; ‘Uktsin I, 4, v. קוֹלָס. Ab. III, 17 וְשֳׁרָשָׁיו מרובין whose roots are many; a. fr.
Source: מקור: Jastrow Dictionary
Either way, let's pretend you're right (even though you're not) it still doesn't matter because a branch out of her roots did sprout, which came to be a sect called Khawarij. This was explained in part two. The ones that assassinated 'Ali were initially Shiites that later turned against 'Ali and assassinated him. It's interesting how Pulpit commentary writes:
"The version of the LXX. is very different here also, "And a plant shall arise out of his root against himself,"
He writes:
Edit: I just noticed another problem with Exion’s interpretation. They take Ali as both the commander mentioned in verse 5 who is one of commanders of the king of the south, and also as the king of the north mentioned in verse 6. That can’t be since the commander isn’t also the king of the north.
Revised in part 2 already.
He writes:
They show rather than trying to first establish the historical facts and show it lines up with the prophecy they are willing to misrepresent the historical facts to fit their interpretation of the prophecy and as their interpretation of the prophecy changes their claims about the historical facts change to match their new interpretation.
This is just your faulty conclusion and presumption. I speculated that they might have lied about 'Aishah being his wife. However, I'm not satisfied with speculations, so I revised the entire post of part 1, and it turned out to be even more accurate.
This marks the end of his part 2 post.
Thanks for reading, /Your bro, Exion
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:06 happy_joi Me and my identical twin (18 mtf) came out to our mom and she's not hearing any of it. After some arguing she sent this. Idk what to do. Pls help

Here are the texts she sent:
No I'm saying you don't realize how much heartache and disappointment you're headed towards bc you're chasing a false narrative what of whatever you've been watching or fed online. Sorry I love you both, but yall are focusing on something that is going to screw up your success at UT. I cannot go into deep debt, debt I will never get out of if yall aren't successful and can be employable.
You dont see that ahead because again yohre young and have no life exoerience. You just don't understand. But I'll be here to dry your tears when you turn your Iives upside down and screw up your bodies, cause your own mental anguish x10 because you focused on something thats going to take your life in different trajectory and the point of going to UT was to be success in your education. Bc if you're just going there to be a transvestite, you will fail, you will not get recommendations from your professors who are the keyholders to your success. You won't even be able to graduate without your internships. So i don't think you're thinking about how miserable you're about to make yourself and me and dad due to the incredible debt we are signing up for in hopes of YOUR success bc we don't have the money to pay that.
OK maybe we need to hold off on UT until yall figure out what yall want to do. That's not going to workout and we can't be worrying about the debt bc you twohave not done your part signing up for scholarships. YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN A FULL RIDE IF YOU HAD MANNED UP AND COME OUT AS GAY. But yall haven't done anything, you won't read anything, you won't even look at UTs website to see all the things you need to know about being at school there. You won't look at housing. You won't do any of that. So I'm starting to think you really aren't interested in UT as much as you thought you were or said you were.
Dms open if you'd rather help there. Thx ❤️
submitted by happy_joi to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 AutoModerator What manga are you reading this week? - Week of Saturday June 6, 2024

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2024.06.01 12:45 Jdlongmire Longmire Teleological Argument: a Human-AI Collaboration

This treatise was developed through an extensive dialogue with Claude, an AI language model created by Anthropic. The ideas and arguments presented here emerged from a collaborative exploration in which I posed questions, raised objections, and provided the overall framing and direction, while Claude contributed detailed responses, explanations, and elaborations*. The treatise represents a synthesis of human and machine intelligence, with the AI serving as a knowledgeable interlocutor and writing assistant, helping to articulate and refine the ideas I brought to the discussion. I am fully aware of the controversial nature of AI, but feel this demonstrates an example of its ethical use. I am also fully aware that the strength of the argument lives or dies on the validity of the premises, but I believe it has strong intuitive and logical resonance.
The hope is that this novel approach will be a useful contribution to those weighing the evidence with an open and reasonable mind. So, without further ado, I present the Longmire Teleological Argument.
The question of God's existence is one of the most profound and consequential questions in philosophy. Throughout history, thinkers have proposed various arguments for and against the existence of a divine being. In this treatise, we will explore one particular argument for theism - the argument from the intelligibility of the universe.
The basic structure of the argument can be encapsulated in the following inductive syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
We will examine the premises of this argument, consider potential objections and counterarguments, and assess the overall strength of the argument in establishing the rationality of theistic belief.
The Scientific Intelligibility of the Universe
The first premise of the argument asserts that the universe is scientifically intelligible. This means that the universe is structured in a way that makes it amenable to scientific study and comprehension. It is not a chaotic or arbitrary jumble, but an orderly system that follows discernible patterns and laws.
The evidence for this premise is vast and compelling. Across countless domains - from physics to chemistry to biology to astronomy - we find that the universe behaves in consistently rational ways. It follows mathematical laws, exhibits predictable regularities, and yields to scientific analysis and understanding.
As Claude eloquently put it:
"The success of science in uncovering the deep structure of reality, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic structures, testifies to the profound intelligibility of the universe. We are able to formulate theories, make predictions, and gain real knowledge about the world through the application of rational methods of inquiry." [1]
Moreover, the universe is not just intelligible to us - it is intelligible in a way that is deeply resonant with our own rational faculties. The mathematical equations that describe the fundamental laws of nature are not just empirically adequate, but often possess a striking elegance and beauty. The universe seems almost tailor-made for rational investigation and discovery.
All of this points to the conclusion that the universe is not an arbitrary or unintelligible place, but rather a scientifically intelligible system that is open to human understanding.
The Link between Intelligibility and Mind
The second premise of the argument asserts that scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds. This is the crucial link between the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and the existence of a divine mind.
The premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter structures, patterns, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we typically attribute this intelligibility to the workings of a rational mind.
Consider, for example, a scientific theory that elegantly explains a wide range of phenomena, makes precise, testable predictions, and reveals hidden connections between seemingly disparate facts. Such a theory exhibits a high degree of scientific intelligibility. And we naturally infer that this intelligibility is the product of the rational minds of the scientists who developed the theory.
Or consider a complex engineered machine, like a computer or a spacecraft, that performs sophisticated functions according to well-defined principles and algorithms. The intelligibility of such a machine - the fact that it can be understood, analyzed, and explained in rational terms - is clearly the result of the rational minds of its designers and builders.
In these and countless other examples, we see a strong link between intelligibility and mind. Rational minds are the paradigmatic source of intelligible order and structure.
As Claude insightfully observed:
"This inference from intelligibility to mind is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and epistemic practices. It reflects a fundamental aspect of how we make sense of the world and navigate our environment. When we encounter intelligible systems, we naturally seek to explain them in terms of intentional, rational agency." [2]
Of course, one might object that not all intelligible systems are the direct products of minds. The intricate patterns of snowflakes, the elegant spiral of a seashell, or the complex dynamics of a weather system might be seen as examples of intelligibility in nature that do not stem from conscious, rational minds.
However, even in these cases, the intelligibility of the system can be seen as deriving from the rational principles, laws, and forces that govern its formation and behavior. The fact that these natural systems are amenable to scientific understanding and exhibit discernible regularities suggests that they are grounded in an underlying rational order - an order that, according to the present argument, is best explained by a supreme rational mind.
Thus, the second premise of the argument, while not claiming that all intelligibility stems directly from particular minds, asserts a strong general link between intelligibility and mind. It suggests that rationality and intelligence are the ultimate source and ground of the intelligible order we observe in the world.
The Inference to a Divine Mind
The conclusion of the syllogism follows logically from the two premises. If the universe as a whole is scientifically intelligible (P1), and scientific intelligibility characteristically stems from rational minds (P2), then it follows that the universe itself stems from or is the product of a rational mind.
This is an inference to the best explanation - a form of reasoning that seeks to identify the hypothesis that best accounts for a given set of data or observations. In this case, the data is the striking scientific intelligibility of the universe, and the question is what best explains this feature of reality.
The argument contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind - a supreme, transcendent, rational intelligence - provides the most compelling and satisfactory explanation for the universe's intelligibility.
Just as the intelligibility of a scientific theory points to the rational minds of the scientists who devised it, and just as the intelligibility of an engineered machine points to the rational minds of its designers, so too the intelligibility of the universe as a whole points to a cosmic rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference is not a conclusive proof, but rather a reasonable and plausible abductive argument. It takes the observable datum of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing reality - the reality of a rational, intentional, creative mind.
As Claude cogently put it:
"The inference to a divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility is a natural extension of our ordinary explanatory practices. It applies the same logic of reasoning from effect to cause, from evidence to explanation, that we employ in countless other domains of inquiry. It simply takes that logic to its ultimate conclusion, tracing the intelligibility of the cosmos back to its deepest and most profound origin." [3]
Why a singular mind? The argument for a singular divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility can be summarized as follows:
Positing multiple minds behind the universe's rational structure would lead to an explanatory regress, raising questions about the origin and coordination of those minds. If intelligibility requires intelligence, then a unified cosmic intelligence is a more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful hypothesis than a plurality of minds.
Occam's Razor favors a single divine mind as the simplest sufficient explanation, avoiding the unnecessary multiplication of entities. Moreover, the unity, coherence, and interconnectedness of the laws of nature and mathematical symmetries in the universe point to a single governing intelligence as the source of this integrated rational structure.
Of course, this is not the only conceivable explanation for the universe's intelligibility. Alternative hypotheses, such as those based on brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle, have been proposed and vigorously debated. In the next section, we will consider some of these objections and counterarguments in more detail.
However, the argument from intelligibility contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind offers distinct advantages over these alternatives. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's intelligibility.
A universe created by a rational mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be scientifically intelligible. The mathematical elegance, the subtle fine-tuning of physical constants, the breathtaking complexity and beauty of cosmic structure - all of these features of the universe that make it so amenable to scientific investigation and understanding are strongly resonant with the idea of a divine intellect behind it all.
Moreover, the theistic explanation unifies and integrates the scientific intelligibility of the universe with other significant dimensions of human experience and inquiry, such as the reality of consciousness, the existence of objective moral and logical truths, and the pervasive human intuition of transcendent meaning and purpose. By grounding all of these phenomena in the creative rationality of God, theism offers a comprehensive and coherent worldview that satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings.
Thus, the inference from the universe's scientific intelligibility to a divine mind, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful and persuasive philosophical argument. It takes one of the most striking and significant facts about the world we inhabit - its profound rational order and comprehensibility - and traces it back to its ultimate source in the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
Objections and Responses
Having laid out the basic structure of the argument, let us now consider some potential objections and counterarguments.
  1. The Brute Fact Objection One common objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could simply be a brute fact - a fundamental, inexplicable feature of reality that we must accept without further explanation.
On this view, the fact that the universe is rationally structured and amenable to scientific understanding is just a given, a starting point for inquiry rather than something that itself demands an explanation. Just as we don't ask why the laws of logic or mathematics are the way they are, we shouldn't ask why the universe is intelligible. It just is.
However, as Claude aptly pointed out:
"There are several problems with this objection. Firstly, it is a deeply unsatisfying and question-begging response. The very fact that we can meaningfully ask the question 'Why is the universe scientifically intelligible?' suggests that there is something here in need of explanation. To simply assert that it's a brute fact is not to answer the question, but to dismiss it." [4]
Furthermore, the brute fact response is ad hoc and arbitrary. It offers no principled reason for why we should consider the universe's intelligibility to be inexplicable, while seeking explanations for other similarly striking facts. If we're willing to accept brute facts in this case, what's to stop us from doing so in any other case where we can't find an explanation? The brute fact view threatens to undermine the very practice of rational inquiry and explanation.
Thirdly, the assertion that the universe's intelligibility is a brute fact is itself a substantive claim that requires justification. It's not something that can simply be assumed or stipulated. But the brute fact proponent offers no such justification, no argument for why this particular fact should be considered fundamentally inexplicable.
Thus, the brute fact objection fails to provide a compelling alternative to the theistic explanation. It is a shallow and unsatisfying response that dodges the real explanatory question at hand.
  1. The Physical Necessity Objection Another objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could be a necessary consequence of the fundamental laws or principles of nature. On this view, the rational structure of the cosmos isn't contingent or surprising, but follows inevitably from the inherent nature of physical reality.
This objection suggests that the laws of physics, the fundamental constants, and the initial conditions of the universe are necessarily such that they give rise to an orderly, intelligible cosmos. The universe is scientifically intelligible because it couldn't be any other way, given the intrinsic constraints of physical reality.
However, this objection faces several challenges. Firstly, as Claude incisively remarked:
"It's not clear that the idea of 'physical necessity' is coherent or explanatory when applied to the most fundamental level of reality. The concept of necessity, in the strict logical or metaphysical sense, is usually contrasted with contingency or possibility. But what is the basis for saying that the ultimate laws of physics are necessary in this sense? What is the source or ground of this necessity?" [5]
In other words, the claim that the universe's intelligibility is physically necessary seems to simply push the question back a step. Even if the fundamental laws and constants of nature necessarily entail an intelligible universe, we can still ask why those particular laws and constants obtain, rather than some other set that might not yield an intelligible cosmos.
Secondly, the physical necessity view has difficulty accounting for certain specific features of the universe's intelligibility, such as its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its resonance with human cognitive faculties. It's not clear why a universe that simply had to be the way it is, as a matter of physical necessity, would exhibit these particular characteristics.
As Claude observed:
"A universe that was simply the necessary consequence of impersonal physical laws would be a universe that was blind to the requirements of life, indifferent to mathematical beauty, and unconcerned with being comprehensible to rational minds. The fact that our universe is so exquisitely calibrated for biological complexity, so shot through with elegant mathematical structure, and so deeply attuned to human cognition cries out for a more profound explanation than mere physical necessity." [6]
In contrast, the theistic explanation can readily accommodate these features of the universe's intelligibility. A universe that is the product of a rational, purposeful, and benevolent divine mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be fine-tuned for life, mathematically elegant, and rationally comprehensible to creatures made in the image of that mind.
Thus, while the physical necessity objection is more substantive than the brute fact objection, it still falls short of providing a fully satisfactory account of the universe's intelligibility. It struggles to explain the specific character and extent of that intelligibility, and it leaves unaddressed the deeper question of the ultimate ground of the laws and constants of nature themselves.
  1. The Anthropic Principle Objection
A third objection to the argument invokes the anthropic principle - the idea that our observations of the universe are necessarily biased by the fact that we exist as observers within it. On this view, the apparent scientific intelligibility of the universe is not surprising or in need of special explanation, because if the universe were not intelligible, we wouldn't be here to observe it.
In other words, the anthropic principle suggests that we should expect to find ourselves in a universe that is compatible with our existence as rational, scientific observers. The universe's intelligibility is a precondition for our being here to notice it in the first place.
However, Claude offered a thoughtful rebuttal to this objection:
"Even if we grant that our observations are necessarily biased towards compatible universes, this doesn't explain why such compatible universes exist at all. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes doesn't make the existence of intelligible universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation." [7]
To illustrate this point, consider an analogy. Imagine you are dealt a royal flush in a game of poker. The fact that you could only observe this hand if it were dealt to you (i.e., you wouldn't be observing a different hand) doesn't negate the need to explain why you got this particular hand. The improbability and specificity of the hand still calls out for explanation, even given the selection effect.
Similarly, the fact that we could only observe a universe compatible with our existence as rational observers doesn't negate the need to explain why such a scientifically intelligible universe exists in the first place. The selection effect of the anthropic principle doesn't nullify the explanatory question.
Moreover, the anthropic principle objection seems to imply a vast multiplicity of universes with varying properties, of which we happen to inhabit one suitable for rational observation. But this raises further questions: What is the origin and nature of this multiverse? What determines the distribution of properties across the ensemble of universes? Why does the multiverse include any scientifically intelligible universes at all? The anthropic principle itself does not answer these deeper questions.
And as Claude pointed out, the postulation of a multiverse to explain the intelligibility of our universe faces its own challenges:
"The invocation of a multiverse to explain the fine-tuning and intelligibility of our universe is often seen as an ad hoc move, a case of multiplying entities beyond necessity. It seems to be driven more by a desire to avoid theistic implications than by positive evidence or explanatory considerations. Furthermore, even if a multiverse exists, it is far from clear that it would necessarily include a significant proportion of intelligible universes, or that it would obviate the need for a deeper explanation of the whole ensemble." [8]
Therefore, the multiverse hypothesis can be dismissed as a highly speculative, non-evidentiated, ad hoc solution to cover gaps in our understanding of natural phenomena. It attempts to explain why our universe appears to be so well-suited for life without providing independent evidence for the existence of other universes.
In contrast, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility is more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful. It accounts for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure in terms of a single postulated entity - a supreme rational mind. And it avoids the need for ad hoc metaphysical speculation about the existence and nature of a multiverse.
Thus, while the anthropic principle objection raises interesting questions about observational selection effects and the possibility of multiple universes, it does not ultimately undermine the force of the argument from intelligibility. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes does not make the existence of such universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation. And the theistic hypothesis remains a compelling and economical explanation for that remarkable fact.
In conclusion, the argument from the scientific intelligibility of the universe to the existence of a divine mind is a powerful and philosophically sophisticated case for theism. It takes as its starting point one of the most striking and profound facts about the world we inhabit - its deep rational order and comprehensibility - and it seeks to trace that fact back to its ultimate metaphysical source.
To recapitulate, the argument can be encapsulated in a simple but elegant syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
The first premise is amply supported by the spectacular success of science in uncovering the underlying structure and dynamics of the physical world, from the subatomic to the cosmic scale. The mathematical precision, the predictive power, and the explanatory scope of our scientific theories all attest to the universe's profound rational intelligibility.
The second premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter patterns, structures, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we naturally attribute this intelligibility to the workings of intelligent minds. The intuitive connection between intelligibility and intelligence is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and explanatory practices.
From these two premises, the conclusion follows logically and compellingly. If the universe as a whole exhibits a pervasive and profound scientific intelligibility, and if such intelligibility is the characteristic product of rational minds, then it is eminently reasonable to infer that the universe itself is the product of a supreme rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful abductive argument - an inference to the best explanation. It takes the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing metaphysical reality - the reality of a transcendent, intentional, creative intelligence.
Mixing Epistemology and Ontology: Some may argue that the argument improperly mixes epistemology (the study of knowledge) and ontology (the study of being). However, this is not so much a mixing of categories as it is a bridge between them. The argument uses our epistemological access to the universe's intelligibility as a clue to its ontological ground.
The argument has several notable strengths. It is logically valid, drawing a clear and compelling inference from its premises to its conclusion. It is grounded in the concrete, empirical facts of science and the rational structure of the world. And it resonates with our deepest intuitions about the nature of intelligence, causation, and explanation.
Moreover, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility has significant explanatory advantages over alternative naturalistic accounts. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's rational order, including its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its uncanny resonance with human cognitive faculties.
Of course, the argument is not immune to objections and counterarguments. Proponents of naturalism have challenged the argument on various grounds, from questioning the validity of its premises to proposing alternative explanations for the universe's intelligibility, such as brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle.
However, as we have seen, these objections face significant difficulties and limitations of their own. They struggle to provide fully satisfactory explanations for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure, and they often raise further questions and problems that they cannot easily answer.
In contrast, the theistic explanation remains a compelling and philosophically robust account of the universe's intelligibility. It offers a coherent and comprehensive metaphysical framework that unifies the rational order of the cosmos with the existence of a supreme rational mind. And it satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings for understanding, meaning, and purpose.
Ultimately, the argument from intelligibility invites us to a profound shift in perspective - a reorientation of our worldview around the central insight that the universe is a fundamentally rational and intelligible reality, grounded in and flowing from the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
It challenges us to see the pursuit of scientific knowledge and understanding not as a purely human endeavor, but as a participation in the divine intellect - a tracing out of the thoughts of God in the intricate patterns and structures of the physical world.
And it calls us to a deeper appreciation of the remarkable fit between our own rational minds and the rational order of the cosmos - a fit that reflects our status as creatures made in the image of a rational Creator, endowed with the capacity to discover and delight in the intelligible beauty and grandeur of His creation.
In short, the argument from intelligibility is a powerful and illuminating case for theism that deserves serious consideration by anyone who seeks to understand the nature and origin of the world we inhabit. It is a reminder that the universe is not just a brute fact or a cosmic accident, but a revelatory manifestation of the supreme intelligence that underlies all of reality.
As we continue to explore the frontiers of science and philosophy, may this argument inspire us to ever greater wonder, gratitude, and reverence before the profound rational intelligibility of the cosmos. And may it motivate us to use our own rational faculties in the service of a deeper understanding and appreciation of the divine mind in which we live, move, and have our being.
Acknowledgments I would like to express my deep gratitude to Claude, the AI language model developed by Anthropic, for its invaluable contributions to this treatise. Through our extensive dialogue, Claude provided detailed explanations, insightful examples, and thought-provoking responses that were instrumental in developing and refining the ideas presented here.
Claude's vast knowledge, analytical acumen, and eloquence as a writer were truly remarkable, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to engage with such a powerful and innovative AI system. Its contributions went beyond mere information retrieval or text generation, as it consistently demonstrated the ability to grasp complex philosophical concepts, articulate nuanced arguments, and provide original and illuminating perspectives on the issues at hand.
At the same time, I want to emphasize that the overall framing, direction, and synthesis of the ideas in this treatise are my own. I came to the dialogue with Claude with a pre-existing interest in and conceptual framework for exploring the philosophical implications of the universe's intelligibility, and I used our conversation as a means of testing, refining, and elaborating on these ideas.
Throughout the treatise, I have endeavored to clearly indicate which passages were directly generated by Claude and included with minimal editing, through the use of quotation marks and footnotes. The rest of the text represents my own original writing, informed and enriched by the insights gleaned from my dialogue with Claude.
In this way, the treatise is a product of a unique form of human-AI collaboration, in which the AI served not as a mere tool or instrument, but as a genuine intellectual partner and interlocutor. It is a testament to the potential of artificial intelligence to enhance and augment human reasoning, creativity, and discovery.
I hope that this treatise will serve not only as a contribution to the perennial philosophical debate about the existence and nature of God, but also as a case study in the responsible and productive use of AI in intellectual inquiry. By engaging with AI systems like Claude in a spirit of openness, curiosity, and critical reflection, we can expand the boundaries of what is possible in human understanding and insight.
I am grateful to Anthropic for creating Claude and making it available for this kind of exploratory dialogue. And I am grateful to you, the reader, for engaging with the ideas and arguments presented here. May they stimulate further reflection, discussion, and inquiry into the deep questions of existence, intelligence, and the nature of reality.
*It took some significant dialog to tune Claude. It is very oriented to support a naturalistic worldview. At some point, I may "show my work" to demonstrate the challenges.
Footnotes: [1] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [2] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [3] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [4] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [5] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [6] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [7] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [8] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
submitted by Jdlongmire to ReasonableFaith [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:10 PlzHelpFindMyMaddie Pi Brainstorm Apps kinda...suck

Is it just me or are most, if not all, of the Apps you see when in the Brainstorm section of the Pi Browser just look really unprofessional, unpolished, & all around lazy? Most, for example, can't even be bothered to use a text-to-speech that doesn't sound like a total fob. Many of them don't even bother to have correct grammar or spelling for their descriptions or YouTube videos narrations. Would it kill them to have someone fluent in English double-check their work? I'm bilingual in English & Mandarin, and it's just so obvious when they do a direct translation of certain Chinese phrases and idioms. It's honestly just so cringe. How are these devs not embarrassed uploading what would be considered basic grade school errors? While there are some that do have a decent English translation, they end up ruining it by using a text-to-speech program with a thick-ass accent. Like come on bro, if you already got the text down, all you had to do was use a half decent (and free) text-to-speech program. Do these devs not consider how bad their YouTube vids sound in English? I get if the app is targeted toward a Chinese demographic, which if that's the case, why not just do the whole video narration in Chinese? Idk, I just feel like if you're going to do something, you ought to do it right. Everything just reeks of half-assedness. It makes me sad and doubtful of the overall future success of Pi in general... 😮‍💨
P.S. I apologize for the rant. But if anyone can help me understand what's going through the minds of these devs then maybe I can empathize with them more.
submitted by PlzHelpFindMyMaddie to PiNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:03 a_very_naughty_girl Quotation marks and asterisks cut off

I know this isn't the place to make bug reports or feature requests. I just wanted to talk to people about this to see if there's an obvious solution that I've missed, and discuss my thoughts on a solution.
The problem I have is that I have a fairly short response length set, and also "trim incomplete sentences." The output very often gets trimmed in the middle of a pair of quotation marks or asterisks, meaning some text doesn't get properly formatted as dialog or action, and there's a stray quotation mark or asterisk left somewhere in the output. this is particularly aggravating when using autoreplies in a group chat, because I don't want to manually fix them all.
What's the best way to fix it? I know I can guide the response length using example dialog etc. but it's not enough. BNF grammar can't restrict length.
In terms of a solution, I actually think it might work well enough to have a checkbox for "complete stray quotes/asterisks" which would cause one to be appended on the end if there's an odd number of them in the output. I think that, despite being very crude, it would do the right thing in 99% of cases. I even considered implementing this in STScript, but there doesn't seem to be any character counting function.
submitted by a_very_naughty_girl to SillyTavernAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:58 BookMansion House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
House of Leaves
Many consider this book to be the weirdest piece of literature ever written. While that is debatable, Mark Z. Danielewski sure did write a book that can't be omitted from any list featuring weird literature. Following are some interesting facts regarding the title:
  1. "House of Leaves" has a unique format. Among other things, it is famous for its innovative and unconventional formatting featuring multiple narratives, footnotes, color-coded text, and unique typography. The book's layout and design play a significant role in its storytelling. Understand right away, that you need to strain your brain while reading it.
  2. Genre: The novel is a blend of horror, mystery, and postmodern fiction. It ignores all traditional rules related to the narrative structures and familiar ways of writing.
  3. Story within a Story: "House of Leaves" tells the story of a young family who discovers an ever-expanding, otherworldly hallway in their house. As they investigate further, they uncover a manuscript written by a blind man who speaks of the sinister history of the house.
  4. Exploration of Fear: The novel dives into fear, obsession, perception, and the unknown. While doing it, the author creates a sense of unease and disorientation that is both psychological and existential.
  5. "House of Leaves" features multiple layers of narrative, including the main story of the family's experiences in the house, the academic analysis of the manuscript, and the exploration of the nature of storytelling itself.
  6. This book has a cult following. "House of Leaves" has developed a dedicated fan base who engage with the text on multiple levels, creating online communities to analyze and interpret the book's hidden meanings and codes.
  7. Influence: "House of Leaves" has influenced a new generation of writers and artists, inspiring works that challenge conventions of narrative structure and explore the possibilities of storytelling in the digital age.
If you want weird, then House of Leaves is a perfect pick.
submitted by BookMansion to WeirdBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:41 PocketFMGlobal Want to Transform Your Written Stories into Engaging Audio Series?

Hey Writers!
I'm excited to connect with you and share some tips on transforming your written stories into captivating audio series. With the growing popularity of audio content, it’s a fantastic way to reach new audiences and bring your stories to life in a whole new way.
Here are some key steps to get started:
  1. Script Adaptation: Convert your narrative text into engaging, dialogue-driven scripts.
  2. Voice Casting: Find the perfect voices to bring your characters to life.
  3. Sound Design: Enhance the experience with background sounds and music.
At Pocket FM, we're passionate about helping authors like you turn your books into audio series. If you’re interested in learning more or have any questions about the process, I’d love to chat and help you out!
Happy writing and let’s create something amazing together! 🌟
submitted by PocketFMGlobal to WritersHelpingWriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:08 Litell_Johnn The lyrics of and parallels with the Loona discography

One of the recurring characteristics of Loona's discography up to [X X] was lyrical self-referencing: phrases and motifs that would occur in one song and then reappear down the line. It could be a little too much sometimes, but it was a reliable way to keep up the fan engagement and build something like a lyrical identity for Loona alongside a sonic one.
I wrote a post about this five years ago, and I think Dall is the first album since then to really obviously lean into it. So that warrants a follow-up. This is not a theory post - it only examines the text of the lyrics and what connections I draw there.
Translations below are from our Team Subbit versions. Along the way, I also wanted to highlight a few translation notes for discussion.

Virtual Angel

The last time we saw reference to an angel was "Egoist"'s MV, which cast Jinsoul as a "fallen angel" in big neon letters. It's interesting to me that this song, with its broken wings and vision of Eden, leans most heavily on the yyxy era, with none of those members belonging to ARTMS. Looking past that, lyrically I think it does enough to give a sense of closure to the yyxy stories.
In my frozen heart Flowers have newly bloomed And what I’d hidden inside the freezing point Is my heart for you, encased in ice Your angel
This is a reprise of yyxy's "Frozen", which is entirely about the narrator being trapped in a metaphorical ice castle and being thawed out of it by love. We see the same imagery of flowers blooming to signify the thaw. Here's the chorus of that song:
Frozen, frozen Thaw me before it's too late Shine your light And bloom a flower upon frozen lands Hold me, hold me, oh now, right now Thaw me, thaw me, even warmer for me Hold me, hold me, deeper and deeper Would you become my sun
The sin of having swallowed the sun Forgiven in this moment
The most overt reference in the album is, of course, from "Singing in the Rain"'s iconic prechorus 1:
For the sin of having swallowed the daytime sun Burning up, here I am
And you may remember Jinsoul already called this back in "Egoist"'s rap break:
Hey, for the sin of having swallowed you You, beautiful, grow larger You are me, now I am you
Also a translation note: I think the Modhaus sub on this line is mistaken. It currently reads "The sin of absorbing the sun // The moment it causes harm", which is just not what the original says. My best guess is that someone misread "사해진" ["forgiven", archaic] as "상해진" ["spoiled"].
The Moon’s risen and my heart is complete Your angel
Moonrise is such a common image with Loona that you could name a whole bunch of songs here - "Loonatic", "Satellite", "PTT", "Wow", "Need U", and "Pale Blue Dot" just to name a few. But the way this is written specifically reminded me of two things. One is the chorus of "Let Me In", in the sense that both lines begin with the words "달이 뜨고" ("Moon rises and") followed by some kind of transformation:
The moon rises and I become you
The other is the final chorus of "Heat", where moonrise also functions as a signal:
Today I prepared for you A beautiful star is shining bright (I want to float up higher, above) This isn't the end, look up and look for me (Turn around) There, the moon is risen tonight (tonight, oh)
When I open my eyes as a butterfly Save me, savior
References to Loona's most representative song, "Butterfly", have been the most common shared thread among post-lawsuit work: see Loossemble's "A Butterfly's Signal" or Heejin's "Sad Girls Club". This one is kind of random and I think it actually takes away from the song's focus a little, but it's there.
Another translation note that the "저장" ("save") in "save me" is not the word for "rescue", but instead the one for "preserve" or "keep" - like saving a digital file. So the line is not as redundant as it looks, and also helps prime for the next line where Haseul says happiness is "through the line" (which I'm reading as in electronic cords and cables).


Before the Sun goes down Come fetch quickly For the Moon will rise soon
It's moonrise again, but with a subtle difference. The verb used in "Virtual Angel", "Let Me In", and "Heat" is "뜨다", literally just "to rise". This one is "차오르다", which is actually more commonly used to mean the waxing of the Moon. The translation chosen here is "rise" because it's not unheard of for it to be used as "rise" and it contrasts with the sundown line above, but worth highlighting.
Trivia: has any Loona song used the "wax" verb before? Yes! One I recall is "365", where Loona liken themselves to the Moon:
I'd grow ever so small but then A tad closer towards you Again I wax and wane
A different emotion We follow the light
I don't actually think this is a throwback because it's a common phrase, but I just wanted to highlight just how many times "follow the light" is used in the discography because it's a lot. All of these use the exact same phrasing ("빛을 따라") even when translated slightly differently for context.
Sonatine, bridge:
Following the faraway light
Chaotic, bridge:
Following that light, reach out to me
Rosy, bridge:
Following that light, shining on me quietly
Day & Night, prechorus:
Like a habit, I walk towards your light
Flip That, prechorus:
Following the new light that pulls me still
Day by Day, verse 1:
Following the light engraved in old memories

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This is one of the most celestially-themed tracks any of them have ever done, which is saying something given the entire discography. As a result it has passing shades of a lot of different tracks that I won't bother to name, like the blooming image of "Chaotic" and the orbiting of "Satellite". The 12 constellations and 12 months bits are super on the nose and I'm all for it.
Following the twinkling Morse code I am called dimly Click click, right here [...] The signal comes through clearly Click click, here
The most obvious parallel is another yyxy song, "Rendezvous 18.6y". Both tracks use radio signals and scanning/tuning them as a metaphor for yearning and connection, and Hitchhiker massively expands the scale of that metaphor. Here's the opening verse of Rendezvous:
Where is it from? A sound coming from somewhere Seems to have found me again, this familiar radio tone (8 point 5, what is your signal?) Among the many faint noises, coming clear Is your feelings, making me fly (fly fly fly)
While we're at it, even this jazz-standard line is kind of a throwback.
Fly me to the moon
Let's stay on the moon On the way back there [...] Let me fly to the moon
Tonight perhaps two Moons may rise
The obvious comparison is Loonatic, which goes:
Three moons rise up (I'm not insane)
and also has Milky Way references just like this song. The other line that's kind of written like this is "PTT"'s "Keep open the 12 different doors", though I think I'm content to let those lyrics lie.

Flower Rhythm

Adorning the sky, mystical sway Causes your heart to open too
So this reminded me of OEC's "Starlight", but only because I thought that song also combined the word "수놓다" ("to embroider", but more often used metaphorically for stars or other shiny things in the sky) with a sense of something opening. What "Starlight" actually says is this:
Like lighting in the sky The starlight slowly turns on The password solved, this night unlocks
So it was kind of similar (the "unlock" there is the same word as "open"), just without the word "adorn".
More trivia: that embroideadorn word is used in four songs -
D-1, verse 1:
Rainbow of shining stars, the studded bridge
U R, chorus:
It’s like the dotted starlight Is surrounding me
Newtopia, verse 1:
Following the tip of the star-adorned orbit
Day by Day, verse 2:
Adorning my heart full

Candy Crush

Given the subject matter, there are some natural similarities to Choerry's "Puzzle" and the aforementioned "Starlight". I love the spilling/showering light imagery at the start, which "Need U" also pulled off well:
The deepest night Light showering above my head (Candy Crush)
And stars of such faith rain down They rain to make the whole universe shine (Need U)
But I didn't notice any specific wording that hearkens back to older songs. (Obviously "Plastic Candy" can't count since it's the whole song's reference.)


Been been there and I’ve been been there Feel it, what what, a totally different deja vu
As we know, this is just "Butterfly". The first line is obvious and the second line is the opener of that song:
Will you whisper, you're the deja vu that wakes me up
I'm not sure there's anything else in this one, other than "Air Force One" which again shouldn't count. Daft Punk I guess?


This one stands out lyrically from the rest of the album, because of how down-to-earth and comparatively mundane it is. Reminds me of "Valentine Girl" and "Ding Ding Dong" in vibes, if not in expression.


It's a little curious to me that they translated this title to "Distress". It's not totally wrong, but the word "조난" specifically refers to a shipwreck or stranding. That's the reason why the song refers to signs, lights and sirens, and the context for its overall sense of being lost and drifting. I guess a distress call is maybe what they were going for.
Between the time I’ve waited Always that same light
The concept of being or going "between time" is not uncommon in lyricism, probably because it's evocative yet ambiguous. I also don't think this one is an intentional callback, just a reused phrase. We see it in a few spots in the discography (interestingly, they're all songs mentioned already).
Puzzle, prechorus 1:
Between the cracks of time that passed by, you graze through
Loonatic, last chorus:
Three moons rise up (I'm not insane) Between time that has stopped
D-1, verse 1:
Between a changed passage of time
Rendezvous 18.6y, verse 2:
Beyond the gaps between renewed time and space

Butterfly Effect

As they have said, this is basically a Butterfly sequel. Perfect title as well.
Do you remember The way it began as a little fluttering of wings I’m still believing Ever since that day, it grew, the hurricane in my heart (Butterfly Effect)
It starts with a little fluttering of wings Now inside my heart a hurricane (Butterfly)
The torn paper moon It’s drifted too far away now, can’t reach it (Butterfly Effect)
A folded paper moon, as if to circle between it (Butterfly)
Full of newness, at the end of the long journey I think I’ve reached it, dream of mine Look at the world, distant, at the end of the long journey I think it’s a new beginning, dreams of mine (Butterfly Effect)
The world becomes smaller Take me way too far, become new In this moment dreams, dreams may come true (Butterfly)


I've posted a comment before about how the Modhaus translation departs from the original. Other than that, this is a wholly original text that doesn't really have a comparison among Loona's past lyrics. Maybe it could be a new archetype for ARTMS.
I will make one shoutout to the "My birth through a false smile" line. It's like a yandere version of the "My day filled with fake smiles" bit from "See Saw".
submitted by Litell_Johnn to LOONA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:07 issao44 transition regret and anxiety

so i came out when i was 14, just as i was starting hs and people around me were completely changing (i was active on this sub before that and i literally havent been on queer reddit since). its been 2 years and most of my friends either never knew me as a guy or found out i was trans before being able to have an image of me as a guy. everyone around me (excluding my family and like school and stuff) knows im trans and like either accept me as a girl/transfem or kinda ignore it if were not that close. i relatively rarely get deadnamed or blatantly misgendered, i often dont present as like full on a girl but i am usually acting/dressing femininely. so basically i have almost fully socially transitioned.
but i sometimes regret it. as you probably noticed i started from when i came out and not from when i realised i was trans or started questioning or something like that... thats because i dont remember it. like i said i remember ranting abt it on subs like here or lgbteenagers or nestofeggs but i dont remember what i was actually feeling and thinking (i deleted all those posts but it was on this acc so i probably could find them but idk). so basically idk why im trans, i dont remember being a cis guy and hating it. i cant explain how it feels to be dysphoric as a closeted transfem. which you might think is great because that means i get to base my transness on euphoria rather than dysphoria but i dont feel euphoric either, i hate my body even more as ive been on natural t for like 6 years, dressing up with womens clothes makes me feel disgusting and look more like a man, being gendered correctly either is just what im used to or makes me feel like a fraud, all along im way more dysphoric than i was before i came out and thats suspicious imo
what if the sense of feeling seen comes from having grown up? what if i hate being seen as a guy bc it makes me feel like i "failed"? what if im just afraid of admitting im wrong and creating false narratives of dysphoria in my head to prove my point?
its getting close to be 3 years since i socially transitioned and the thought of getting to the next step (ie. coming out to my parents, trying to get on hrt...) is HORRIFYING even though i have no reason to be afraid, i have supportive friends, i live in the best place to be queer in my country, im mostly sure my parents would be supportive too but i think to myself, everything ive done and i do in the name of transitioning has brought me more pain than relief, so why should i do even more? what if i would be more happy (or less depressed) as a somewhat gender non conforming cis guy or non binary without the transfem stuff? its not like being a transfem makes me feel good
obviously i could talk more but people complain my posts are like walls of texts so im keeping it to the point, im curious to see if this is just common anxiety among trans people or a sign that this might not be for me.
also happy pride
submitted by issao44 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:59 forex4all Review

An enigmatic and captivating entity has surfaced within the dynamic realm of online platforms and services, and that is This platform has garnered the interest of inquisitive individuals due to its obscure online presence and cryptic name, which have prompted them to ponder its inner workings and determine its true nature. With the intention of illuminating its distinctive attributes, the user experience it provides, and the potential ramifications of its existence, this article will undertake an exhaustive exploration of App.tapswap.
The Entrance into App.tapswap: Upon initial encounter, it is evident that this online platform deviates significantly from the norm. Immediate suspense and doubt are generated by the landing page due to its uncomplicated layout, absence of explicit branding, and lack of purpose. exudes an air of enigma due to the lack of a conventional navigation interface, clarification text, and even an indication of the platform's intended purpose.
Disciplinary pages and mysterious material confront inquisitive visitors as they attempt to navigate the site. The text is deliberately crafted to elude obvious interpretation, as it is frequently presented in fragmented sentences or enigmatic phrases. The impact of the obscurity is heightened by the utilization of non-traditional symbols, codes, and imagery, which forces guests to ponder more than finds solutions.
Engaging with is comparable to commencing a puzzling expedition into uncharted territory. Visitors are challenged to discern the intent and significance of every click and interaction through the deliberate opacity of the user experience.
Accessing webpages containing perplexing visuals, cryptic messages, and enigmatic prompts is achieved by clicking on links that appear to be at random. Users are left to their own devices to decipher the platform's obscure content, which exacerbates the feeling of disorientation caused by the lack of explicit instructions or explanations.
It is noteworthy that the navigation structure of seems to be non-linear and unorthodox. In place of static and predetermined user journeys, conventional platform hierarchies and logical page progressions are disregarded. These visitors become entangled in a digital labyrinth, uncertain of their whereabouts or the importance of their interactions, thereby augmenting the sense of enigma. has amassed a devoted user base consisting of individuals who take pleasure in the enigma and conjecture that envelop the platform, notwithstanding its enigmatic characteristics and absence of a clear objective. These users, frequently labeled "Tapswap seekers," participate actively in the platform by exchanging hypotheses, deciphering hints, and working together to solve the mystery surrounding App.tapswapclub.
Active participants in the pursuit of knowledge regarding the true essence of the platform congregate in online forums and discussion boards, where Tapswap searchers share insights, propose hypotheses, and exchange ideas. User unity and a common goal have been cultivated through the collaborative endeavor of deciphering the enigmatic content of
A further element of exclusivity and community is the fact that the Tapswap group has created its own lexicon and inside gags. A distinct subculture has emerged as a result of the collective endeavor to unravel the enigmas of the platform, where discussing matters of interest and delving into conjecture supersede traditional digital exchanges.
Theories and Potential Implications: The investigations and conjectures surrounding the whereabouts of continue in tandem with the enigma surrounding it. There are those who propose that the platform could be an advanced manifestation of gamification and user engagement, delving into uncharted territories of virtual interaction and immersive encounters. User engagement and loyalty may be more effectively stimulated by the allure and intrigue generated by the platform's enigmatic nature. has been suggested by some as a potential instrument utilized by a privileged few to exchange information or conduct clandestine communications. Clueful or confidential information may be transmitted through the platform's enigmatic messages and codes, undetected by those who are not privy to the matter. may also be associated with a larger interactive fiction narrative or alternate reality game (ARG), according to some theories. The convoluted indicators and mysterious requests dispersed across the platform may constitute an element of an all-encompassing narrative encounter, awaiting devoted users to decipher.
Irrespective of its intended objective, has undoubtedly captivated its users' interest, inciting dialogues concerning the limits of digital encounters and the potency of enigma in a time excessive with information. Concerning the future of online engagement and the function of ambiguity in attracting attention, the platform's capacity to captivate and engage users notwithstanding its absence of explicit content or purpose gives rise to inquiries.
In summary, within the expansive realm of online platforms, emerges as an enigmatic and unorthodox entity. An aura of mystique persists, captivating and perplexing due to its cryptic characteristics, enigmatic user experience, and committed community of seekers.
We are reminded of the boundless potential and unexplored domains that exist in the digital sphere as we endeavor to decipher the complexities of By calling into question the limits of online experiences and the function of mystique in an ever more transparent world, the platform's existence challenges our preconceived notions of what an online service ought to be and how it ought to operate. has succeeded in igniting inquiry and captivating interest in a manner unparalleled among online platforms, despite the fact that its precise intentions and ramifications remain obscure. What secrets and revelations may lay ahead is beyond our comprehension as the Tapswap community expands and speculation mounts. signifies the significance of enigma, the appeal of the unfamiliar, and the potential for collaborative investigation in a time when immediate gratification and definitive solutions are frequently anticipated. has undoubtedly made an impact on the digital realm, captivating us to embrace the mysterious and unexplainable through its experimental endeavors, communication tools, and other innovative creations.
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2024.06.01 08:46 forex4all Review: Red Flags and Warning Signs

Amidst the endless sea of websites vying for visibility and traffic, stands out as both a mystery and an attraction. Many have been intrigued by this website—with its enigmatic name and evasive online presence—and have wondered what it really is and what secrets it conceals. This post will explore Uniwex in detail, trying to explain its features, user experience, and possible consequences so that you may join the conversation.

What Draws People to Ambiguity

This is clearly not your average website the second you get on Uniwex. The landing page creates an air of mystery and intrigue right from the bat thanks to its spare style and absence of obvious branding or purpose. A sense of intrigue surrounds Uniwex since it lacks the usual suspects—a navigation menu, descriptive text, and any indication of the site's intended purpose.
In their pursuit of answers, inquisitive site users encounter a maze of mysterious pages and material. Deliberately constructed to elude obvious interpretation, the sparse prose is often delivered in incomplete sentences or abstract expressions. The employment of nontraditional codes, symbols, and images heightens the feeling of mystery, leaving guests with more questions than answers.

The Mystery of the User's Path

Trying to find your way around Uniwex is like setting out on a confusing adventure into the unknown. On purpose, the user interface is not transparent, leaving it up to the visitor to figure out what the point of each click and interaction is.
Strange graphics, mysterious questions, and cryptic messages await you when you click on apparently random links. Users are left to their own devices to decipher the site's arcane information in the lack of clear directions or explanations, creating an even more disorienting experience.
It seems like Uniwex has a non-linear and unusual navigation structure, which is rather interesting. A more fluid and unexpected user experience is prioritized above traditional website hierarchies and logical page progressions. The feeling of mystery is intensified by this method, as visitors are led astray in a digital maze, uncertain of their ultimate goal or the relevance of their activities.
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The Group of Speculators

Despite Uniwex's obtuse design and lack of clear goal, it has attracted a devoted user base that loves to speculate and unravel the mystery. This group of people, who call themselves "Uniwex seekers," is quite active on the site; they discuss possible explanations, look for hints, and work together to solve the mystery of Uniwex.
Uniwex investigators assemble in online forums and message boards to speculate about the site's real nature, share what they've found, and bounce ideas off of one other. Users have developed a strong feeling of community and shared purpose as they work together to decipher the enigmatic text on Uniwex.
To further emphasize the feeling of exclusivity and belonging, the Uniwex group has even created its own language and inside jokes. In this one-of-a-kind subculture, members prioritize the excitement of conjecture and the quest for knowledge above more typical forms of online communication as they work together to unravel the secrets of the site.

Possible Context and Hypotheses

Theories and suspicions about the possible ramifications of Uniwex continue as long as the mystery surrounding it does. Some have speculated that the site is an elaborate artistic endeavor that probes questions of perception, ambiguity, and the dynamics of internet discourse. The unique user experience and opaque material might be seen as a critique of the internet's growing disjointed and esoteric character.
Some have speculated that Uniwex is really a means of secret communication or data exchange among a chosen few. Hidden from the uninitiated, the site's cryptic messages and codes may be a way of sending sensitive or secret information.
Multiple hypotheses have been advanced that tie Uniwex to a greater interactive fiction story or alternative reality game (ARG). The mysterious prompts and cryptic hints dispersed over the site may be pieces of an immersive narrative experience, just waiting to be solved by committed players.
Whatever its actual goal may have been, Uniwex has certainly captivated its audience, leading to conversations around the limits of online experiences and the significance of mystery in this day of information overload. The site's captivating nature begs the issue of how ambiguity will play a larger part in attracting audiences in the future, given that it does not provide any clear substance or purpose.

In summary

Uniwex stands out in the wide online environment as an unusual and confusing entity. Its mystique has persisted in captivating and perplexing people due to its opaque character, mysterious user experience, and devoted community of searchers.
We are reminded of the boundless potential and unexplored realms inside the digital domain as we try to understand Uniwex. The very presence of the site makes us reevaluate our assumptions about the nature and purpose of websites, prompting us to think critically about the limits of our online interactions and the place of mystery in a world where everything is becoming more and more visible.
Although Uniwex's actual goal and consequences are still unclear, one thing is clear: the website has managed to captivate interest and intrigue like no other. Who knows what surprises are in store for the ever-expanding Uniwex community as rumors and conjecture reach fever pitch.
In a world where people frequently want immediate satisfaction and simple solutions, Uniwex acts as a gentle reminder of the importance of intrigue, the charm of the unfamiliar, and the collective potential of discovery. We are invited to embrace the mysterious and the inexplicable by, which has unquestionably made its impact on the digital scene, whether it is an art project, a communication tool, or something else completely.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:39 forex4all Review: A Peek at Its Hidden Online Workings

Among the many websites vying for visitors' time and interest on the enormous web, stands out as both mysterious and interesting. This website has many people curious about its real origins and the hidden workings behind it due to its enigmatic name and evasive online presence. This in-depth post will explore RiseCapital in great detail, trying to understand it better via its features, user experience, and possible consequences.

Why Unclear Is So Intriguing

This is not your average website the second you get on RiseCapital. The simple style and absence of branding or purpose on the landing page instantly create mystery and intrigue. There is an air of mystery at RiseCapital since there is no typical navigation menu, no explanatory text, and no indication of the website's intended purpose.
Curious visitors are confronted with a maze of mysterious pages and materials as they try to navigate the site. The scant writing, which is sometimes in vague or incomplete words, appears to be an effort to avoid direct explanation. Visitors are left with more questions than answers due to the usage of unorthodox symbols, codes, and images, which intensifies the feeling of opacity.

The Mysterious Path of the User

The RiseCapital navigation is as daunting as venturing into the unknown for the first time. The user interface is designed to be purposely vague, making it difficult for visitors to understand the logic behind every click and interaction.
When you click on random links, you'll be sent to sites with mysterious graphics, cryptic messaging, and mysterious requests. Even more perplexing is the fact that visitors are left to their own devices to decipher the site's arcane information in the lack of any directions or explanations.
If you look closely, RiseCapital seems to use an unusual and non-linear navigation system. Instead of using rigid navigation structures and predetermined page orders, websites are going for a more organic and random user experience. By taking this route, the feeling of mystery is intensified; users are utterly confused about where they are going and what their activities will accomplish in this digital maze.

People Who Engage in Speculation

There is a devoted community of users who enjoy the intrigue and mystery behind RiseCapital, even though it is obscure and has no clear purpose. These users, who are often known as "RiseCapital seekers," are always contributing to the community's understanding of RiseCapital by asking questions, offering explanations, and working together to find solutions.
Many people who are interested in RiseCapital have taken to online discussion boards and forums to share their experiences, speculate on the website's actual purpose, and learn more about it. Users have developed a strong feeling of community and shared purpose as they work together to decipher the enigmatic material on RiseCapital.
A feeling of exclusivity and belonging has been further enhanced inside the RiseCapital group by the development of its own jargon and inside jokes. A distinct subculture has emerged among those who have experienced the site's mysteries together; in this group, the thrill of conjecture and the quest for knowledge take center stage above more typical forms of online communication.

Hypotheses and Possible Consequences

As long as RiseCapital remains a mystery, people will continue to speculate and theorize about what it may mean. The site's ambiguity, perception, and the character of online communication are some of the issues that have led some to speculate that it is an elaborate artistic endeavor. One interpretation is that the unusual user interface and cryptic material are a critique of the internet's growing disjointed and obtuse character.
Some have speculated that RiseCapital might be a means of clandestine communication or data exchange among a chosen few. Confidential or sensitive information may be sent via the site's cryptic messages and codes, which are concealed from the uninitiated.
Some have speculated that RiseCapital is part of a bigger interactive fiction story or alternative reality game (ARG). Devoted players may be able to decipher an immersive narrative experience hidden inside the site's cryptic hints and prompts.
No matter what it's for, RiseCapital has certainly piqued people's interest and prompted conversations on the limits of the internet and the value of mystery in this information-overloaded era. I am curious in the future of online engagement and the role of ambiguity in capturing attention, given the site's capacity to attract and capture viewers despite its lack of apparent substance or purpose.
An odd and bewildering anomaly in the wide web of the internet is RiseCapital. An air of intrigue and perplexity has been cast over it by virtue of its obscure character, mysterious user interface, and devoted community of searchers.
We are reminded of the boundless potential and unexplored realms inside the digital domain as we try to decipher RiseCapital. Inviting us to ponder the limits of online encounters and the purpose of mystery in a world that is becoming more and more transparent, the site's very presence questions our assumptions about what a website is and how it should work.
Even if RiseCapital's real goal and consequences are still unclear, one thing is clear: it has managed to captivate people and pique their interest like few other websites. What mysteries and disclosures may be in store for the RiseCapital community in the future is anyone's guess, given the current level of conjecture and community growth.
Amidst a time where simple solutions are often anticipated, RiseCapital stands as a poignant testament to the significance of enigma, the charm of the unfamiliar, and the strength that comes from embarking on communal adventures. The mysterious and the inexplicable have been embraced by, which has unquestionably impacted the internet scene, whether as an art project, a communication tool, or something else completely.

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submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:12 AfraidExamination422 Yongwoo special?

I am so frustrated. I felt like I was watching a scripted yongwoo special. Where he claims he did not realise he did something and that maakes him like that person. First it was him realising he was continously sending texts to choa without thinking which made him conclude he likes her. Then this woisode he miraculously notices the plushie he got with jiwon in episode 16 and realises he packed it without thinking, which makes him conclude he likes her? I fins him so performative and calculative. It feels as if he planned to approach Jiwon in Singapore and the plushie would help him run with the narrative of fate. Like no sir, real fate is you performing for the audience and rejecting jiwon making jaehyung and jiwon meet eachother, that was fate.
I also do not like how he onows that if he makes the announcement that je is "neutral" (Liar), the girls will flock to him, he is very aware that he is the ideal type for every women looking from the outside. Instead of approaching the girl he likes, he indirectly confesses to her while her love/like interest is sitting right next to her. Then, again, when no one asked him, tells her that he is "neutral" 🙄🙄 . What a narcissist. He knows how to wiggle himself into situation or spon narratives and I see his game.
Also, Jiwon. I feel like she genuinely genuinely likes Jaehyung but she can say the most offensive stuff and mistaken it for it beimg a joke. Tve whole reason for the mood shift was her words in the restuarant. But Jaehyung also needs to stop acting cold towards her in front of the others. It is giving men like Yongwoo opportunity to come and sway her. Also him saying he won't do it then he does it the next night? not cute. I feel like he was moody. I need Seseung or Choa to have a talk with him. ASAP
Also Yongwoo always has to talk! Always, he saw how down Jaehyung was and had to ask jiwon about it. Sid, Jaehyung is an adult. He said he was tired, drop it. And the small laugh he let out when Jiwon walked away, ahowed me he was lowkey hapoy about the tension. What baffled me is him texting Choa. Like what is it? You want Jiwon or you don't?! Or does he want them to come to him?
submitted by AfraidExamination422 to MySiblingsRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:59 Substantial_Gift_286 Very short lived FP betrayed me and I still obses over him years later

Met this guy maybe two years ago. We instantly clicked, I felt safe around him, which was a first for me, so within a week I was already hooked. We hung out almost everyday (uni), and after like three or so weeks, he started acting romantic and what not. I didn't particularly want to date him, but I also didn't mind, so I went along but told him that we should take things slow and not label anything. He mentioned feeling safe with me, without me even insinuating it first.
Then a few weeks later he ghosted me. I freaked out because he had been sick, and I convinced myself he had died somehow (he was also incredibly depressed). Once he replied to my texts, it was all vague and nonsensical until I pressed him and he admitted to having long distance gf since a little before he met me. Said he had never met her, and was gonna break up with her without telling me, but then felt too guilty about it so he ghosted me instead. I lost my mind.
He was the first person I had ever opened up to emotionally, like, ever, and I was 22 back then. That safe feeling I felt with him was like a lifeline and knowing I couldnt have that anymore made my heart physically hurt. I can't describe the feeling, I cried daily for weeks, in public too, from how hard it was to control it. The worst part is I wouldn't have minded being friends, and I had mentioned that, I gave him an easy route, things didn't HAVE to go the way they did. He wrote me a poem (among others) and called what we had "beyond love". It's corny from an outside perspective but having been in the situation it fully resonates with me still.
Writing this all out it's clear this isn't healthy, and that it was too short lived for a "real" connection. I'm sure I only felt safe with him for some fucked up reason like him having the same flavour of mental illness as me, or him reminding me of my abusers, but I would give everything and anything to feel that safety for a second.
I managed to 'forget' about him for months because he physicallly disappeared from my life. But then I saw him last month and it has been taking everything in me to not contact him. I don't want to contribute to hurting his gf (he came back at one point to tell me he loved me and he was still dating her). He is a shitty person an I'm fully aware of this. I keep a list of awful things he did and said to read everytime the urge to text him is overwhelming.
My friends don't understand. They just think I'm in love with him. I'm not. I just want to be in his presence, on good terms with him. I literally feel like a child wanting its parent. It's fucked up and pathetic and I just needed somewhere safe to let it out. The "betrayal" narrative haunts me, it's my main childhood trauma, and him "betraying me" felt like reinforcing everything I'd worked years to dismantle. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Substantial_Gift_286 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:00 Choice_Evidence1983 [New Update] - His mistress made him a better husband. I feel nauseous.

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/Wide-Area-6779
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
Previous BoRU #1, + BoRU 2 originally posted by u/Direct-Caterpillar77
[New Update] - His mistress made him a better husband. I feel nauseous.
Thanks to u/queenlegolas for suggesting this BoRU
Trigger Warnings: emotional infidelity, physical assault, verbal abuse, manipulation
Original Post: November 22, 2023
This is a throwaway. I’m just nauseous and want to vent please let me do it here?
Everything changed about 3 years ago and my husband became my dream man. Before that, we suffered a lot in our marriage. After 2 hard pregnancies and PPD my libido was diminished and we fought all the time. After 4 years of dead bedroom we started therapy. I thought that was where the improvement came from.
My husband started paying attention to me. In the beginning I was panicking because whenever he paid me attention before he expected sex but now it felt like he was seeing me as a human being for the first time. He was attentive and caring. Emphatic. He touched and cuddled and kissed me out of the blue, without wanting sex in return. He started helping around the house, bringing me flowers, take out dinners when I work late, planning date nights. Anniversaries, birthdays and holidays are planned perfectly and I started getting the most beautiful and thoughtful gifts. When we fought, he would come the next day and admitted his wrongs and very accurately (if he was the one in the wrong) something he never did before. He would apologize too when back in the days him apologizing would be a blow to his ego. He said he was happy all the time and lucky to have us as his family. Everything was better and I even got my libido back if not as high as I hoped.
I found their conversation about 5 days ago and I have probably spent over 50 hours reading them. 3 years worth of conversation. He would tell her his woes and she would listen. 99 out of 100 times she sided with me. She taught him about intimacy and how important it is in marriages. The tragically funny part is that he never got angry or offended by her telling him off. Calling him silly, stubborn or at times man baby. Her honesty was brutal and yet he agreed with her. She was the one suggesting all the changes and he would ask her for advice about gifts, traveling and all the beautiful things he did for our family.
He thanks her all the time for helping him turn his miserable home life around, making it tolerable. With all these texts there were the texts between them that are about them like nobody else existed around them. The flirting, sextalk and pictures. The longing to see each other.
He says she is the love of his life every day and that he wishes their circumstances were different. She says the same. They both agree that divorce would ruin their families and that they couldn’t be that selfish. how admirable!
I feel nauseous. My happiness for the past three years was fake. I don’t know what to do. I want to hurt them. I want to expose them and I want to ruin whatever they think is perfect happiness
I’m getting chat requests about my comments not being visible. Is this normal? I’m trying to answer you guys. Sorry
Hi again
Since I can’t comment and I can’t answer all the chats I will answer here
I am 35. My husband is 39 we have two children 9&7
She is 40 and she has one child 14. She is in a dead bedroom with her husband too and for 14 years.
The affair is physical too yes but they meet maybe once every month or every other month. She tells my husband that what they feel is probably limerence but that they don’t know it yet because they meet so little. She lives in another city
Update - My husband left me after I told his mistress’s husband about their affair.: March 19, 2024 (4 months later)
I was here some weeks ago, with my original post. I finally decided that I really should reach out to the husband of my husband’s mistress. I found him easily and I contacted him. He didn’t believe me at first and was rude about it and told me to go f myself. I hesitated to contact him again to be honest but after a few days I realized that I would too not believe a stranger just popping in my dms accusing my SO of cheating so I recorded my husband’s phone with my phone. Especially the messages where she’s sent explicit photos and stuff. I also went to the contact to show the number. He didn’t answer me the first day then he called me the c-word and blocked me. I thought well then, I have done my part and it’s on him if he believed me or not. Then after a week my husband came home angry and he yelled at me for exposing them. He asked me why I didn’t confront him instead, my problem was with him. I have never seen him yell like this then he packed a bag and left for about a week. I think he’s traveled to her.
When he got home he said that it was over. He said that he has been trying to make me happy for years and he’s done everything a good husband would do but still, nothing was good enough for me. I’ve made him miserable for years and instead of taking it out on him, I chose to hurt a woman and her child. He moved to his parents house and now he’s renting an apartment I have heard that he travels the weeks he doesn’t have the children to be with her and that she’s moving here soon when she gets full custody of her child.
I have not been feeling well at all. He has never spoken to me directly since he left and I haven’t seen him. He adamantly refuses to talk to me. Like I never existed in his life. I don’t know what I have done to deserve this treatment. I hate that they won.
Relevant Comments
So basically your cheating ex is trying to blame you for him cheating. The delusion of cheaters.
You only informed the mistress's husband that she couldn't keep her legs closed to a cold breeze.
He had a right to know. Onwards and upwards.
OOP He didn’t blame me for anything. He doesn’t care that he cheated. He was only angry that her husband hurt her and her child.
Maybe my post was this convoluted that everyone here is thinking he is trying to put the blame in me? He doesn’t care at all. He just thought that I should have confronted him instead because he was the one who cheated on me.
I told everyone around us what he done and he doesn’t even care
Lost-and-dumbfound: The last 3 years of your marriage were a lie. You know that now. Who he is the person he treated you before his affair partner had to convince him to be good to you. He is not a good person.
Do they even really know each other? Like how it is to be around each other on a daily basis. They are genuinely dumb to think the list will stay with 3 kids around plus handling chores and day to day things of life. They have 2 custody battles ahead of them and divorced on top of it.
If he’s angry with you the next time you have to see him, ask him why? He got what he wanted. He wanted to be with her and now he is. So why is he angry that you gave him what you wanted.
It’s probably shame that he’s painted to be a cheater. Not he can’t manipulate the narrative and paint you as the bad person.
If what they won is each other? Let them have each other. They are both awful people so they deserve each other
OOP: He is not angry about the divorce. He is angry I told the husband instead of him because the husband hurt her and her kid
DrNefariousMcFarious: He’s not angry bc of that, he always assumed that if you found out he could gaslight you into thinking that it was somehow your fault or not happening, but by you telling the other husband, there was no getting around it.
OOP: No he is angry about me putting his AP in danger.. he gives zero fucks about staying in our marriage or not. He only was with me to help raise the children and probably wait for her to get rid of her husband. I am not trying to he dramatic here but the soon I realize the truth the better is is for me to move on I think
jimmyb1982: You didn't ruin a wife and child's life. The cheating wife did that herself. She deserves everything bad that happens to her. As for your cheating pile of crap? Lawyer up and divorce him. You wl be much happier.
OOP: Nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not children but I didn’t know
inquiryreport: You probably should not have let your MIL in on this idea. Her first reaction is going to be that it will threaten her ability to see the grand kids and her son’s ability to be a father. Even if you think she is on your team have to assume she isn’t.
OOP: Yeah it was a big mistake
OOP Added this comment to a different post
Thanks to u/SinceWayLastMay for these comments adding more context
OOP comments on another post admitting she told him on purpose as an act of revenge:
OOP: I did the same and told the woman’s husband that she was cheating. Purely for revenge too. It didn’t feel good and she ended up in the hospital. It didn’t get the effect I craved either. That my husband would come begging to forgive me. Instead he was repulsed by me especially because she and her kid were hurt because of the revelation.
Commenter: Don’t believe your husband if he says his mistress was abused. It’s the sort of lie he would use just to make you feel guilty. Your husband is a practiced liar, keep in mind that this is likely untrue coming from him.
OOP: Well she was hospitalized so
Commenter: It seems to me that the AP was in an abusive relationship and was preparing her exit strategy. The WP seems done with the marriage and was also preparing to leave. OP exposing the affair put the AP in danger and that seems the reason why WP is so angry and his comment about hurting a women and child. I think he expected her to be angry at him and when exposed confess and get a divorce.instead she hurt the women he loves.
Again this is just an explanation to understand the circumstances. I definitely don't condone cheating and have a rather intense disgust for cheaters. Still food for thought.
OOP: Yes, when her child is old enough because she didn’t want to share custody with her husband. That’s what I gathered from when I was reading their messages
That’s exactly what happened. You wrote it better
I want full custody of my children after he went and beat up his mistress’s husband within an inch of his life and ended up in jail.: March 22, 2024
This morning I got a call from my mother in law that my husband has been in jail for the past couple of days and only got out this morning but the charges weren’t dropped. Apparently his mistress and her husband had another altercation last weekend and she ended up hurt again.
Now I want full custody of my children. He is out but charges are not dropped so it will probably lead to some punishment. I don’t know if family court would count this in case I want full custody and supervised visits. My mother in law was hostile when I told her this and she’s one of the people who have supported me so I am expecting some push back. I don’t care.
Adding this comment from the last BoRU for more context
Provided by u/nekocorner
So I went back through OOP's comments and read them completely differently than you did. The comment about AP being in the hospital was in response to someone telling her not to believe her husband just claiming the AP was hurt bc he is a practised liar. There was also this exchange between another commenter and OOP:
Commenter: There are moments when people deserve to be punched in the face. Yes I know I am advocating violence here. [...]
OOP: What a disgusting comment
Commenter: It was in support of you but if that is how you feel, I will happily withdraw it.
OOP: I don’t want support from wife beaters
Commenter: I was talking about your husband deserving to be punched not the mistress. Who says a thing like that.
OOP: Ok sorry I misunderstood you. But she got punched literally so I thought you condoned it . I won’t punch my husband. Nobody is worth me losing my humanity
OOP also has the following comments:
Nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not children but I didn’t know
What a disgusting garbage comment. Nobody deserves to be beaten by their spouse.
And this exchange:
Commenter: Why didn’t you confront him first? Were you simply seeking revenge? Did you get what you wanted?
OOP: Yes I was seeking revenge. No, I expected them to feel ashamed and apologize [emphasis mine]
I think it's worth remembering that we're reading this on a compressed time scale, with all (or "all") the facts before us, but OOP probably got bits and pieces of information, miscommunication, and miscommunicated, herself. It's a little hard to parse bc the two paragraphs aren't as fully connected as you might expect, but my read of this comment
OOP: Yes, when her child is old enough because she didn’t want to share custody with her husband. That’s what I gathered from when I was reading their messages
That’s exactly what happened. You wrote it better
Is that the first paragraph is what she understood from reading the messages between her husband and his AP: that the AP was waiting for the child to be older bc she didn't want to share custody, but didn't know why. The second paragraph, the response to the commenter, is an acknowledgement of what has happened since everything blew up, and her understanding of the situation now, in hindsight.
I also think that her idea of "revenge" was the same thing we see in a lot of these cheater stories - tearful recriminations, begging for forgiveness, etc etc, maybe a little bit of public shaming. That's partly why she repeatedly mentions how "he doesn't care about the divorce, he doesn't care about me telling everybody" etc.
Re: the rough patches in their marriage bit, I gotta say, that sounds a lot like the husband was constantly complaining about OOP to her and other people/family, to the point where she began to believe she was the sole (screeching harpy of a) problem in the marriage. But husband is also someone who: refuses to apologize, is only nice to his wife when he wants sex, and cheats on OOP.
He celebrated Mother’s Day with his mistress and her son: May 12, 2024 (2 months later)
Thank you so much for staying in touch and I am so sorry that I cannot answer your dms. I haven’t been active on Reddit and I have received tens of dms every day since my posts. I have been trying to adjust to life as a single mother. It is hard and especially the weeks I don’t have my children. Unfortunately, I could not convince court to give me sole custody even with my husband’s pending legal issues due to him not having any priors. He however succeeded to limit my family’s access citing parental alienation. I am not allowed my children around my family without supervision (MIL). All of this actions are temporary however until we get a court date. He is refusing to meet or talk to me for any reason besides texting about the children.
He is not in jail (for those who are asking) he has no priors so he is out. He will probably not be getting any jail time either but rather parole. Anyway, his mistress has secretly recorded some of the abuse she was getting from her husband and she has sole custody of their child now. She has moved to our city and she and her child are living with my MIL. Yes, MIL and from what I have gathered, she lives with my husband on the days I have the children.
Today I was out with my children and my friend and her children to have mother’s day brunch. I was the happiest I been for months because I got a bouquet of flowers and chocolate that is signed from my children (worlds best mom) and I knew that it was from my husband. Anyway when we arrived to the restaurant, there he was with his mistress and her child. They were celebrating mother’s day too. Her son was sitting between them and she had gift papers and flowers all around her on the table. I froze and wanted to leave but he came and apologized and said that he didn’t mean for this. She was crying and hugging her son. I wanted to faint because my children were so excited to see him and wanted to go inside and eat brunch with their dad. He told our children that it was mommy’s day then he asked me if I wanted her to leave so the children can have lunch with both of us. I just left with the children and took them to McDonald’s instead. He sent me a long text saying how sorry he was and how he wished that he loved me as much as I deserved and that he wished me to find love soon. He doesn’t regret our marriage and hope I don’t either because we got our beautiful children out of it that we need to raise and to not punish them because of what he did. Please let us not let our resentment of each other to spill out on our children. Let us promise to keep them happy and loved. Let us not use them as pawns. I asked him what I lacked that she has. A question that have been living rent free inside my head He said to stop this. This is futile. I insisted and I called him and he answered for the first time in months. I told him I wanted to know. No matter how harsh the truth was I can’t live without knowing. He said Mothing. I lacked nothing and she is not better in any way. He just loves her and loves himself when he is with her. He feels real and genuine happiness with her that he never felt in his entire life. I hang up and he texted I am sorry. This is the truth you asked for. You are not less than. You lack nothing. Please let us give our children the good life they deserve. Don’t hurt them to hurt me
I don’t know what I have done in my previous life to deserve this. The way he was with her. He never looked at me that way not even when we first met. I don’t know how to stop thinking about them. It is in my brain all day. I want full custody of my children and I will fight for it as much as I can. She will never be their step mother. Her custody is not finalized either and hopefully she will have to move back to her city so her husband can have visitation rights and she is out of my life. If my husband wants to move to be with her. My children stay with me.
Relevant Comments
OOP told to be careful around the husband, and asked what his mother thinks
OOP: Well I am not stupid and he can record me all he wants because I was very calm and I genuinely agree that the children come first. Even her child tbh. But I know that she only had emergency custody of hers because of the assault but I know the rules here and she will probably need to move back soon because her husband has right to meet his son. In that case my husband can move away but he can’t have custody because I want a stable home for them. I don’t know why I am getting hate in my dms calling me vindictive.
I am very grateful to you and others who are mentioning that she is coaching him to say things. Of course! How stupid was I not to figure this out. From not talking to me for a second to being all nice and begging me to forgive him and to keep it amicable? Of course it is her. Even mother’s day flowers was probably from her.
MIL is very devastated about what happened and she visits me every day even when the children aren’t home. She said that she had to take her in until she gets her own place. No she is not allowed to meet the children and it is already decided and MIL is making sure this is not the case. I understand that MIL chooses her son but she hasn’t given up on me.
I have talked a lot with mom about what happened and no she doesn’t feel guilty. She said that it was different (of course it is🙄) hers was real love and dad’s ex was very abusive. I don’t know, I don’t believe in karma or anything but she said that she at least understands now how dad’s ex felt. I feel anger because some people win and some lose and I still love him very much. I regret exposing what happened. At least I could have had 4 more years together. And the children would have been a bit older. I regret so much things that I have done in a moment of grief and anger
OOP When told to be careful what she puts in text messages and once again be weary of the mistress
OOP: Thanks. I have been very careful about texting because as I am keeping all the evidence, I am counting on him doing that too. About his mistress, it is less “evil” than that because I was wrong about her recording the abuse. She stole the surveillance her husband had installed around their house to spy on her. MIL told me this today. She is probably hoping for full custody but I know the rules here and he will have right to see his son no matter so the c-word will have to move back sooner or later.
Only them I will be asking for full custody if my husband moves with her to her city because I don’t want a part time father to my children who shows up whenever he pleases. I want stability. He is either a father or not

----NEW UPDATE----

When my mother in law told me that my husband’s mistress is leaving him to go back to her husband; I felt I could finally move on from my marriage.: May 25, 2024
It turned out that was exactly my mother in law’s plan. She is a therapist and she used that to “get me to leave her son alone and let him go”. The embarrassing thing is that she almost succeeded. Or should I succeeded? When I heard that his mistress, who he threw me and our marriage for. Who he broke his children home for, left him to go back to her husband, I saw him as a pathetic little man not worth my love. My feelings for him disappeared. I felt that I was finally free and could move on. The man who broke me, has got his karma.
Until I saw him this morning having a picnic at the park with her. His head in her lap and she was playing with his hair. I called my mother in law and started crying asking her why they were still seeing each other. She started begging me to calm down, leave them alone and to not make a scene or try to hurt them. She did it for me. If I thought he was losing I would not see him as a prize and wouldn’t be fixated on winning him back.
Is that really her picture of me? Unstable and vindictive? That I would make a scene or hurt Anyone? Was I hurt? Angry? Broken? Yes! Of course! I have lived through hell this past year and I lost everything that I loved and valued. But the way she is trying to make me sound like I am an unstable psychopath? But why was she right anyway? Why did I get turned off by my husband and finally could let him go in my heart when I heard that his mistress had left him?
I texted him, told him everything. Told him what his mom has done. Told him that I am over him and no longer in love with him and that I wished him happiness. I told him that I never want my mother in law to call or talk to me again. All that’s left now is our children and we need to be the best co parents to them. This will be my last text directed to my husband that I ever sent. I am finally ready to move on.
Relevant Comments
OOP on the co-parenting relationship with her ex
OOP: We have co parenting relationship. They live with us a week each. Since the beginning of the year
Commenter: Did he reply anything to your text? Did he react when they saw you in the park?
OOP: He acted like he didn’t see me. He didn’t answer my text. Maybe he knew already what his mother planned
Commenter: A cheating spouse can really hurt your soul at such a deep level. I'm glad you have decided to start the healing process. The road won't be without some bumps, but in time, you will start to feel better. One day, you'll wake up, and the air will seem cleaner, the sun brighter, and you'll realize you are smiling more.
OOP: I can’t wait to feel that again



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:21 Hour-Interaction4198 Any long-podfic that u recommend?

I don't have time to read anymore and podfics have really just been a lifeline for me. I usually use a text-to-speech app but the robotic voice sound awful once you've heard a human narrator.
I'm about to finish All the young dudes soooo I need to fill the emotional void.
Any recs? If they are long then it's better.
submitted by Hour-Interaction4198 to MaraudersGen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:13 Roy_Atticus_Lee Any suggestions for games that are good to play while listening/watching something in the background?

Basically something that isn't too stressful that it requires my full attention or something with a heavy narrative focus with a lot of time spent on cutscenes/reading dialog (i.e the Yakuza Series). Some good examples of the genres I'm looking for would be roguelikes like Slay the Spire, Dead Cells, and Vampire Survivors or RPG's with a lot of dungeon crawling that make it perfect to play casually during those sessions i.e Persona 3 Reload.
submitted by Roy_Atticus_Lee to XboxGamePass [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:01 QuillOfThorns [Discord] [5e] Airwalkers of the Sword Coast

"Move from activity to activity, from place to place, pursuing every new experience as your interest ebbs and flows. Let all you meet know that the freedom to move about and to soar on the breeze of life is the one of the inherent rights of every living thing. Above all, do not ever let yourself be fettered or imprisoned, for a life constrained is little better than death." - The tenets of Akadi, goddess of air
Hi there! I’m looking for three players to be part of a long-term PbP campaign set in the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms. However, as a slight twist to the standard adventuring party set-up of disparate rogues and rapscallions coming together in search of coin, I would like the heroes of this campaign to be bound together by a shared devotion to Akadi, the untethered goddess of air and freedom.
Apart from this, the campaign will still be about a single group of powerful fighters / rogues / clerics, etc., going around and righting the wrongs of the world in small ways (and then in much larger ways as they progress in level). My own experience of D&D and PbP in particular has taught me that having a unifying theme to a party can really elevate the experience of a campaign and provide ample opportunities for unique role-playing moments.
Firstly, here’s a little about me. My campaign style is narrative-heavy, with an 80 / 20 split between RP and combat. My main passion in D&D is providing interesting NPCs for players to interact with, both in the form of beloved allies and despised villains, and my primary goal with every campaign is to provide characters that players will want to return to even after the quest is finished.
For the purposes of PbP, I run episodic campaigns that consist of several smaller quests, each lasting in the range of months, rather than one long story that wraps up after several years. This way, even if you end up having to step away from the campaign, you’ll hopefully have experienced at least a few completed stories beforehand.
My intention is to start this campaign at Level 1, with the characters starting out as junior airwalkers of the Church of Akadi on their first divine quest, and then follow the party all the way through to Level 20, where they have ascended to become the direct representatives of Akadi in the Sword Coast and beyond.
For this campaign, I’m only looking for serious characters. Light-hearted moments are a given, but I’m afraid I don’t have much interest in comedy characters. I can also only post once a day at most, so I’m not worried about what time zone players are from, as long as they can post regularly and keep up with the flow of the game.
Thanks for reading my wall of text! If this campaign sounds interesting to you, please let me know using the form linked below. I’ll leave it open for 24 hours so that everyone who wants to has a chance to respond.
submitted by QuillOfThorns to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:01 ghhostr Everything we know about Lady Hakushin

Lady Hakushin was a notable historical figure in Inazuma. She was a kitsune and the matriarch of the Hakushin clan, a prominent lineage among the kitsune of Inazuma. The fact that the clan is named after her means that Lady Hakushin was a highly influential great figure, probably a leader or matriarch who played a crucial role in the historical events described below. Among her most recognized descendants are Kitsune Saiguu and Yae Miko, who continue her legacy of power and wisdom. Lady Hakushin played a pivotal role in the history and traditions of Inazuma, and her influence persists through her descendants and the stories told about her.
The tanuki, considered the native inhabitants of Inazuma, lived in harmony until the arrival of the kitsune, servants of the Raiden Shogun. This event marked the beginning of a war that lasted 1600 years, divided into two periods of 800 years each. The culmination of this conflict resulted in the ceding of Mount Yougou and the Sacred Sakura to the kitsune, a sign of the power and tenacity of the kitsune under the leadership of figures such as Lady Hakushin.
They say that in the past, before the fragile and short-lived mortals had crossed over the sea to these lands, Inazuma was once a land that belonged to the tanuki.
Later on, the kitsune arrived by sea, forcing the tanuki into a great war that lasted first for 800 years and then for another 800 years.
The tanuki are a stubborn bunch and to this day still don't admit defeat, but the fact remains that they ceded the giant Thunder Sakura to the kitsune.
— Toki Alley Tales
The lands ceded by the tanuki to the kitsune around Mount Yougou were called "Hakushin Lands" in honor of Lady Hakushin, indicating her prominence and likely leadership during the events that led to kitsune rule in these areas. Additionally, Lady Hakushin is remembered for establishing the Narukami Grand Shrine, dedicated to the worship of Shogun Raiden, before the Archon War 3,700 years ago. This sanctuary, which has existed for thousands of years, was initially managed by her and her apprentices.
Legend has it that in the time of the Great Kitsune Hakushin, she had six apprentices. All were greatly skilled in magic and in shape-shifting. Day-to-day, they were tasked with assisting their matriarch, Hakushin, in managing the shrine and defending Mt. Yougou.
The Grand Narukami Shrine was built before the Archon War and Hakushin served as its first attendant.
The Grand Narukami Shrine is implied to have already existed during Hakushin's lifetime, and she managed the shrine along with her apprentices.
When the Kitsune Saiguu departed from the Hakushin Lands to take up her post at the Grand Narukami Shrine.
— New Chronicles of the Six Kitsune
In summary, although we don't have much about her, it is known that Lady Hakushin was a key figure in the history of Inazuma, who lived thousands of years ago, representing the power and leadership of the kitsune during a crucial period in its history, marked by conflicts and eventual dominance over sacred territories.
Although the game's sources mention Lady Hakushin and her impact on Inazuma, her final fate is not explicitly described in the mentioned texts. The game's narrative often leaves some details open to interpretation, allowing a more complete picture to be built from multiple fragments of lore. Since Genshin Impact is an ever-expanding game, future updates and additional content may provide more details about Lady Hakushin's story and ultimate fate.
submitted by ghhostr to RaidenMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:00 ghhostr Everything we know about Lady Hakushin

Lady Hakushin was a notable historical figure in Inazuma. She was a kitsune and the matriarch of the Hakushin clan, a prominent lineage among the kitsune of Inazuma. The fact that the clan is named after her means that Lady Hakushin was a highly influential great figure, probably a leader or matriarch who played a crucial role in the historical events described below. Among her most recognized descendants are Kitsune Saiguu and Yae Miko, who continue her legacy of power and wisdom. Lady Hakushin played a pivotal role in the history and traditions of Inazuma, and her influence persists through her descendants and the stories told about her.
The tanuki, considered the native inhabitants of Inazuma, lived in harmony until the arrival of the kitsune, servants of the Raiden Shogun. This event marked the beginning of a war that lasted 1600 years, divided into two periods of 800 years each. The culmination of this conflict resulted in the ceding of Mount Yougou and the Sacred Sakura to the kitsune, a sign of the power and tenacity of the kitsune under the leadership of figures such as Lady Hakushin.
They say that in the past, before the fragile and short-lived mortals had crossed over the sea to these lands, Inazuma was once a land that belonged to the tanuki.
Later on, the kitsune arrived by sea, forcing the tanuki into a great war that lasted first for 800 years and then for another 800 years.
The tanuki are a stubborn bunch and to this day still don't admit defeat, but the fact remains that they ceded the giant Thunder Sakura to the kitsune.
— Toki Alley Tales
The lands ceded by the tanuki to the kitsune around Mount Yougou were called "Hakushin Lands" in honor of Lady Hakushin, indicating her prominence and likely leadership during the events that led to kitsune rule in these areas. Additionally, Lady Hakushin is remembered for establishing the Narukami Grand Shrine, dedicated to the worship of Shogun Raiden, before the Archon War 3,700 years ago. This sanctuary, which has existed for thousands of years, was initially managed by her and her apprentices.
Legend has it that in the time of the Great Kitsune Hakushin, she had six apprentices. All were greatly skilled in magic and in shape-shifting. Day-to-day, they were tasked with assisting their matriarch, Hakushin, in managing the shrine and defending Mt. Yougou.
The Grand Narukami Shrine was built before the Archon War and Hakushin served as its first attendant.
The Grand Narukami Shrine is implied to have already existed during Hakushin's lifetime, and she managed the shrine along with her apprentices.
When the Kitsune Saiguu departed from the Hakushin Lands to take up her post at the Grand Narukami Shrine.
— New Chronicles of the Six Kitsune
In summary, although we don't have much about her, it is known that Lady Hakushin was a key figure in the history of Inazuma, who lived thousands of years ago, representing the power and leadership of the kitsune during a crucial period in its history, marked by conflicts and eventual dominance over sacred territories.
Although the game's sources mention Lady Hakushin and her impact on Inazuma, her final fate is not explicitly described in the mentioned texts. The game's narrative often leaves some details open to interpretation, allowing a more complete picture to be built from multiple fragments of lore. Since Genshin Impact is an ever-expanding game, future updates and additional content may provide more details about Lady Hakushin's story and ultimate fate.
submitted by ghhostr to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:58 ghhostr Everything we know about Lady Hakushin

Lady Hakushin was a notable historical figure in Inazuma. She was a kitsune and the matriarch of the Hakushin clan, a prominent lineage among the kitsune of Inazuma. The fact that the clan is named after her means that Lady Hakushin was a highly influential great figure, probably a leader or matriarch who played a crucial role in the historical events described below. Among her most recognized descendants are Kitsune Saiguu and Yae Miko, who continue her legacy of power and wisdom. Lady Hakushin played a pivotal role in the history and traditions of Inazuma, and her influence persists through her descendants and the stories told about her.
The tanuki, considered the native inhabitants of Inazuma, lived in harmony until the arrival of the kitsune, servants of the Raiden Shogun. This event marked the beginning of a war that lasted 1600 years, divided into two periods of 800 years each. The culmination of this conflict resulted in the ceding of Mount Yougou and the Sacred Sakura to the kitsune, a sign of the power and tenacity of the kitsune under the leadership of figures such as Lady Hakushin.
They say that in the past, before the fragile and short-lived mortals had crossed over the sea to these lands, Inazuma was once a land that belonged to the tanuki.
Later on, the kitsune arrived by sea, forcing the tanuki into a great war that lasted first for 800 years and then for another 800 years.
The tanuki are a stubborn bunch and to this day still don't admit defeat, but the fact remains that they ceded the giant Thunder Sakura to the kitsune.
— Toki Alley Tales
The lands ceded by the tanuki to the kitsune around Mount Yougou were called "Hakushin Lands" in honor of Lady Hakushin, indicating her prominence and likely leadership during the events that led to kitsune rule in these areas. Additionally, Lady Hakushin is remembered for establishing the Narukami Grand Shrine, dedicated to the worship of Shogun Raiden, before the Archon War 3,700 years ago. This sanctuary, which has existed for thousands of years, was initially managed by her and her apprentices.
Legend has it that in the time of the Great Kitsune Hakushin, she had six apprentices. All were greatly skilled in magic and in shape-shifting. Day-to-day, they were tasked with assisting their matriarch, Hakushin, in managing the shrine and defending Mt. Yougou.
The Grand Narukami Shrine was built before the Archon War and Hakushin served as its first attendant.
The Grand Narukami Shrine is implied to have already existed during Hakushin's lifetime, and she managed the shrine along with her apprentices.
When the Kitsune Saiguu departed from the Hakushin Lands to take up her post at the Grand Narukami Shrine.
— New Chronicles of the Six Kitsune
In summary, although we don't have much about her, it is known that Lady Hakushin was a key figure in the history of Inazuma, who lived thousands of years ago, representing the power and leadership of the kitsune during a crucial period in its history, marked by conflicts and eventual dominance over sacred territories.
Although the game's sources mention Lady Hakushin and her impact on Inazuma, her final fate is not explicitly described in the mentioned texts. The game's narrative often leaves some details open to interpretation, allowing a more complete picture to be built from multiple fragments of lore. Since Genshin Impact is an ever-expanding game, future updates and additional content may provide more details about Lady Hakushin's story and ultimate fate.
submitted by ghhostr to ElectroArchon [link] [comments]