Chest pain chills shakes

Hell's Kitchen X Blue Archive; Episode 8

2024.06.01 16:19 NevadoDelRuiz Hell's Kitchen X Blue Archive; Episode 8

Hells Kitchen X Blue Archive: Episode 8
  1. Iroha
  2. Makoto
  3. Kyouki (eliminated)
  4. Azusa
  5. Hina
  6. Kisaki
  7. Yuuka (eliminated)
  8. Aru (Eliminated)
  9. Juri (eliminated)
  10. Mika
  11. Kotori
Blue Kitchen
  1. Fuuka
  2. Shiroko (eliminated)
  3. Izuna
  4. Hiyori
  5. Hoshino
  6. Koharu (eliminated)
  7. Hanako
  8. Shun (The big one) (eliminated)
  9. Reisa
  10. Hifumi
It goes downhill from here, but the blue team will go first to suffer.
The next day, both teams will do an attention to detail challenge, where they must try to prepare scallops. What they need to do is to remove the meaty part of the shell without puncturing the most prized meat, meaning you have to get the centre part of the scallop, which is the circle meat structure.
After Ramsay gives the instructions, they started to prepare for the scalloping. Iroha, despite only uses one hand, she is faster then anyone else, with some of Mika's help. She cuts the meaty part of the scallop precisely, thus contributing to half of the perfect scallops from the red team.
The blue team is not doing so well. Hoshino is ridiculously slow, Hanako can't even slice things perfectly. Hiyori cut herself while prepping it. On the other hand, Reisa is butchering the scallops with insane precision and cleanliness. She made some mistakes at first, but she gets the hang of it. Fuuka is Fuuka and she does it really well.
Back on the red team, only Makoto never got a perfect scallops served, and all of the sudden, Iroha is cutting way too many scallops that she exhaust all of the scallops from their team. This prompt Ramsay to start counting all of the scallops. The red team manage to get 164/200 scallops perfect.
The blue team, managed to only get 94/200 scallops perfect. Most of this were contributed to Fuuka and Reisa. They lost the challenge.
The reward for the red team is to go ziplining from building to building, and get to enjoy a luxurious hotel. The blue team, using all of the butchered scallops, must use all of these to make 300 batches of risotto on the orphanage. It sucks, but Izuna enjoys it because it's for a good cause though...
While the red team is chilling, the blue team slowly gets dysfunctional, as cracks started to show up. Hoshino, managed to start a fight by doing nothing at all. Hanako just wishes that this is too much.
The next day, it's time for a dinner service for both of the teams. And then they have some interesting guest: There is Marco Pierre White, the teacher of Gordon Ramsay, who would be dining in the red kitchen VIP. This evoke fear for the red team because not only their dinner service is on their hands, but they have Gordon Ramsay's reputation to him, and themselves because if Gordon is this angry, imagine what would happen to them if Marco gets mad at them. The red team discuss on what to do, which is no sabotaging, because they are clinging on their lives against Marco, even Makoto and Hina is scared. The blue kitchen, will have Uncle Roger, which is a good thing for them, and it was easier.
Unfortunately, the blue team collapse because of Hanako's big tits. She used her heavy chest to press the meat to cook faster. This was something that Gordon didn't expect, and while Marco Pierre White is going to the toilet, he saw her doing it. Gordon sees this kind of interaction, and he became the S5 Gordon, and blew up so hard, that Hanako was ejected mid-service. This pulled a trigger that she begins to kick out chefs, one by one. Hiyori, just started crying in the middle of the service, because it's too much. All until there is only two left in the blue team, which is Fuuka and Reisa. Iroha got a glimpse of what would happen to them if they screwed up like this. Good thing she served up some good porkchop, and then served it to Marco, and he is now sceptical about this. Iroha, but after explain to him what is going on, Marco wasn't that horrifying at all towards her, as she sees her struggles with only one functional arm, sympathizing her.
After seeing the majority of the blue team kicked out, afuuka dn Reisa was the only two chefs left in the kitchen. Fuuka, manage to go into so much stress that she is losing herself through her health. Because of this, Reisa took over the entirety of the station and let Fuuka rest for a while before she gets back to help Reisa. Uncle Roger was baffled on how she managed to work in the kitchen alone. 20 minutes later, Fuuka is back and help her finish the dinner service.
After this, the Red team won by a landslide, and Reisa got the best of the worst on the blue team, due to how Uncle Roger commented that she is a machine, doing all of the work alone, and then they have to pick two contestants in the chopping block. The blue team picked Hiyori and Hoshino. But then Hiyori decided to nominate herself to send her home, which was a good thing because she is physically, mentally, and emotionally strained. Gordon agreed to it.
Elimination Interview: Hiyori
"It was a good thing to pick me, I can't handle the heat. This his what Hell's Kitchen is, if I can't beat the heat, then I can't be there."
Elimination Quote: "Hiyori can do things well, but if she can't last long in this environment, then she shouldn't be here in my kitchen."
submitted by NevadoDelRuiz to SenseisKitchen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:19 porogasmic Players that gave up exploring desert pre map optimizations, did you go back exploring after changes?

I used to try to 100% regions pre sumeru but the desert was just pure pain with the underground and underground maps weren't implemented yet, so I just decided to drop exploring halfway
Fast forward to now where the QoL has improved, I tried re-exploring to get some chests, but it was still messy because you had to revisit with higher authority to open certain doors and oh boy I wanna quit again
How was it for those that went back to 100% sumeru without relying on video guides?
submitted by porogasmic to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:18 M-virtual_679 Depression and unfulfilled dreams

I'm turning 29 this coming September, TBH I have nothing going on for me. No fancy job, Not even a teeny tiny career and no relationship. I live in a bedsitter that have struggled so hard to furnish. I'm the first born sibling in a family of 5. So it goes without saying that my sibling and parents depend on me to provide 70% of the time. I do try my best to do so using my earnings from fiverr( I'm a freelancer). But y'all know how freelancing isn't stable or it just isn't enough to provide for my siblings and myself. I have so much shit to deal with and to top it off I suffer from TN( trigeminal Neuralgia) and a concoction of other disesases like PCOS. Its been four years of pain and torture. This has prevented me from fully giving my all in trying to make it in life. I feel betrayed, I gave my everything in school, I was an A+ student really, went to the best national school and uni as well. I just can't shake off the feeling that I'm destined for greatness. If i could just catch a break even just a small break from the turmoil that is my life...... End of rant, thanks for being here guys
submitted by M-virtual_679 to nairobi [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:14 MossRock42 Into the Unknown

This was originally posted to shortstories
The frigid wind whipped across Marko's face as he trudged through the knee-deep snow. His numb fingers clutching the straps of his backpack. The storm had hit three days ago, and he was no closer to finding shelter than when he'd started. His food supplies were dwindling. The cold was seeping into his bones like a relentless, icy specter.
"Should've listened to the weatherman," Marko muttered, his chapped lips going numb. He squinted against the blinding white landscape, searching for any sign of life. Any glimmer of hope.
As he pushed forward, his mind wandered to the events that had led him here. The hiking trip had been a spur-of-the-moment decision. It was a chance to escape the suffocating reality of his failing marriage and dead-end job. He'd packed light, assuming he'd be back in a few days. Now, as the storm raged on, he realized the gravity of his mistake.
A dark shape appeared on the horizon, breaking the monotony of the endless white. Marko's heart leaped, and he quickened his pace. He ignored the burning in his lungs and the numbness in his limbs. As he drew closer, the shape resolved into a small, dilapidated cabin. The roof sagging under the weight of the snow.
Marko stumbled to the door, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the latch. To his surprise, it opened, revealing a dusty interior cast in shadow. He stepped inside, grateful for the reprieve from the biting wind.
The cabin was sparse, with a single room containing a rickety table, a chair, and a small fireplace. Marko dropped his backpack and moved to the fireplace. His eyes widened when he saw the pile of dry firewood stacked beside it.
"Hello?" he called out, his voice hoarse from disuse. "Is anyone here?"
Silence answered him, broken only by the howling of the wind outside. Marko shrugged and set to work building a fire, his fingers clumsy and uncooperative. After several attempts, a small flame flickered to life, casting a warm glow across the room.
As the fire grew, Marko's gaze fell on the table, where a piece of paper lay, weighted down by a small, rusted key. He picked up the note, his brow furrowing as he read the words scrawled in a shaky hand: "You'll need this. Trust me."
Marko turned the key over in his palm, a sense of unease growing in the pit of his stomach. He glanced around the cabin, aware of how isolated he was. Miles from civilization in a raging blizzard.
A soft scratching sound drew his attention to the far wall, where a small door was set into the wood. Marko approached it, the key heavy in his hand. He fitted it into the lock, and with a soft click, the door swung open, revealing a narrow passageway.
Marko hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. The passage was dark, the air heavy with the scent of earth and decay. Every instinct screamed at him to turn back, to barricade the door and wait out the storm. But something else, a whisper in the back of his mind, urged him forward.
He took a deep breath and stepped into the passage, the darkness enveloping him like a shroud. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, twisting and turning like the gnarled roots of an ancient tree. Marko's breathing echoed in the confined space. It mingled with the soft drip of water and the scurrying of unseen creatures.
As he was about to turn back, the passage opened into a small chamber, lit by a flickering torch set into the wall. In the center of the room stood a stone pedestal, upon which rested a small, ornate box.
Marko approached the pedestal, his hand trembling as he reached for the box. As his fingers brushed the cool metal, a voice spoke from the shadows, making him whirl around in surprise.
"I wondered when you'd arrive," the voice said, low and rasping. A figure stepped into the light, an old man with a long, white beard and piercing blue eyes. "I've been waiting for you, Marko."
Marko stared at the man, his mind reeling. "How do you know my name?" he asked.
The old man smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I know many things," he said, moving to stand beside Marko. "I know why you're here, and I know what you seek."
He gestured to the box, his gnarled fingers brushing the intricate carvings. "This box contains the key to your survival," he said, his voice taking on a grave tone. "The path ahead is treacherous, filled with trials that will test your mind, body, and spirit."
Marko swallowed hard, his mouth dry. "What kind of trials?" he asked, his voice trembling.
The old man shook his head, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "I cannot say," he replied, his voice soft. "But know this, Marko. The choices you make from this moment on will determine not only your fate but the fate of all those you hold dear."
With that, the old man stepped back, fading into the shadows as if he had never been there at all. Marko stood alone in the chamber, the box heavy in his hands. The weight of the old man's words settling on his shoulders like a burden.
He took a deep breath and opened the box, his heart pounding in his chest. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, lay a small, golden compass, its needle spinning. Marko lifted it from the box, feeling a strange warmth emanating from the metal.
As he watched, the needle slowed, coming to rest on a single point. North. The direction of home, of safety, of all the things he had left behind.
Marko closed his eyes, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. He knew the path ahead would be difficult, that the trials the old man spoke of would push him to his limits. But he also knew that he had no choice but to face them head-on. Fight for his survival and for the chance to make things right.
With a determined nod, Marko slipped the compass into his pocket. He turned back to the passage, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The storm outside raged on. Inside, a flicker of hope burned bright, guiding him forward into the unknown.
submitted by MossRock42 to MossWrites [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:14 Greetingstothou Had the weirdest dream...

So in this dream, it started of like a movie of some sorts. I was with a group of people, I think my mother was with us. We were driving into the mountains up to a campsite, and we finally made it to this place overlooking a lake. There was a pergola on the edge of the mountain where some grills were situated and I remember I sat down there. I don't remember what happened next but we were finally set up at camp and everything was going smoothly. Until it wasn't. I'm not sure what occurred but we started running, I think one of us disappeared on the way. Next thing I know, we are on a thin, narrow, hiking trail that is going down the mountain. We reach an area (us as a group) and it is somewhat flat. I think one of the guys is very paranoid and starts accusing is of doing something that caused this person to go missing. He pulls out a knife. I don't recall what happens next but there are many times where one wrong move and this guy would slit your throat, but my brain, of course, would give me a front row seat of it happening. In my dream i was so scared of what was going on, I think I started to show fear to the guy and he got up and grabbed me. He said something along the lines of me having something to do with it and that he was finna kill me now. The scene moves to me on the floor, and him saying he's going to shoot me. I found that odd, because he was usually slitting throats. Next thing I know, a bullet is through my chest. Weirdly I feel no pain and fake my death. Little by little I force my body to slide down the trail as if my body is accumulating more blood causing it to weigh more. I think at a certain point I get close to to where the group was situated and the guy gets close to me. The next few moments are a blur, but I remember hitting him or someone and making a run for it. I get to the top of the camping site near the top of the mmountain, and there's a parking lot with a few cars in it. I see someone getting something from their car and run to them, I see the group follows behind me. We all starts begging for help, and the lady agrees to help us. For whatever reason, we start going back down the trail but now there's an air that each time someone crosses a certain limit, makes us so tired. Next thing I know, I am debating crossing it, and the lady Is behind us. She grabs a switch and this makes us go from speaking spanish to english. Most of the people there are saying things such as "I don't understand english" or "what's going on". Then this is where it gets gruesome, again. The lady pulls out a meat knife and little by little slips everyone's throats. Of course, my angle shifts onto them getting it slit and watching the blood pool out. I remember I ran into the woods and she chased after me. We made it towards this sort of abandoned prison like cell area and I walked in, her behind me. As we walked, the place looked oddly familiar to me. As the place was dark, I portrayed as if I had walked into a cell like room, when I hadn't, and watched her follow behind me. As soon as she went in, I shut the door and locked it, running away. The angle moved to one where it shows there's a gap between the roof and the cell, so she's able to make an easy escape. I'm running and running and make it to the parking lot. The lady had never taken her keys out of the car or something like that, so next thing I know I'm driving off. I have no idea what happens next but all of a sudden I'm at a supermarket with a little sister and I break down in the market yelling "Mom...Mom!" I remember I had brief interactions with workers at meat and deli counters before the breakdown. Then I woke up.
Honestly, I think this was just a nightmare. I haven't had one in a while so it was bound to occur.
What do y'all think this might have meant? I'm open to any ideas. Apart from that I apologize for this being long, I just woke up and didn't want to lose much detail of what occurred. What's weird to me, is in the end of my dream, I broke down for my mom, but I remember no scene of her getting killed. Could she still be out there in this dream? I guess we'll never know...
submitted by Greetingstothou to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 Haunting-Band-2763 Hazbin Hotel - E3S1: Scrambled Eggs (Genderswap)

(At Hazbin Hotel, the cat is sleeping at the sofa, until it hears a hammer sound and sees Charles at a stair in the front of a banner above the entrance door saying "Happy First Week, Miss Pentious")
Charles: That looks perfect! (Screams excitedly) I am so excited that Miss Pentious is staying at the hotel!
Vagner: Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with her weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago.
Charles: Well, I haven't seen her try to pull any of that here.
(The cat runs from Miss Pentious pushing a giant ray gun)
Vagner: What the hell is that?!
Miss Pentious: Oh, hello, purple male. It's my new invention: the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents.
Charles: What? Why?
Miss Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense they're planning to kill me. But when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machines are here!
(Two boys enter the hotel with a bunch of box in a cart)
Oddie: Sign here, please. (Gives a clipboard and pen to Miss Pentious, she signs it and give it back) Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase.
Vagner: Carmine? As in Carmillo Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?
Miss Pentious: Uh, of course. He's the top weapons dealer in Hell.
Vagner: Okay, well, that stops right now. (Gets the kart with the boxes from Miss Pentious)
Miss Pentious: Hey!
Vagner: You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel! No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice beacause they they want you to feel welcome.
(Miss Pentious looks at the bar Hisky and Angela give her the middle finger and Niffter smiles and laughs creepily to her)
Miss Pentious: I have my doubts.
Vagner: Well it's true. You have to trust us.
Miss Pentious: But I don't.
Charles: Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?
Vagner: Not before we lay some ground rules: no more building weapons, no more plotting against the other guests and you need to get rid of these things.
(One of the Egg Girls shoots a laser at the roof and breaks it)
Vagner: Ah! What did I just say? What did I just say?
Miss Pentious: What? Not my little Egg Girls! They do my evil bidding for my.
Vagner: Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?
Miss Pentious: Yes?
Vagner: Then, no more eggs!
Miss Pentious: Alright, eggies. You've got to go. I (Sniffs) can't keep you anymore.
Egg Girl #1: Okay, boss!
Miss Pentious: No, don't resist, this is how it has to be.
(The egg girls follow Vagner and Miss Pentious cries sterically with Charles patting her)
(Alice is seen eating a dead deer with fork and knife in a table in the middle of a swamp)
Vagner: Alice!
(The screen moves showing the swamp in a room and Vagner at the door)
Alice: Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast.
Vagner: Pentious' eggs are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them.
Alice: Oh! Well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!
Vagner: Humanely!
Alice: Um. Well, that's a lot less fun. But I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today. (Leaves her room)
Vagner: Great! (See the dead deer) Oh, this is disgusting.
(At the looby)
Charles: Hi, guys! Thanks for coming! It's been brought to our attention that there maybe a littleeeeeeeee tension at the hotel!
(Miss Pentious grabs Niffter and prepares to shoot him, but Vagner gets her gun)
Vagner: Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here.
Charles: We think that this group could really benefit from...(Jumps in front of a lighthing background) Trust exercises!
Vagner: Trust exercises! Oh, shit! (Falls butt down on the ground and Charles gets him up)
Charles: Vagner, we rehearse this. (Sighs) We're doing trust exercises!
Hisky: So, um, what's with the whole, uh...This?
(A stage is seen behind Vagner and Charles)
Hisky: I'm not about to put on some show for these fuckings chumps!
Angela: Oh, I will! (Puts her legs in Hisky's) But it's cash up first. And I know that one afford me.
Miss Pentious: Gross! I'd think of it, spider!
Vagner: Right, let's get started. Charles?
Charles: Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you'd know better about how to build it properly.
Vagner: What? Uh, I don't know I'm qualified to...
Charles: Oh, come on! It'll be easy, I'm sure you can handle this.
Vagner: Yeah, um, sure. I can handle this, no problem. (Inhales) Alright, so we are starting with trust falls! Each of you are going to share something vulnerable about yourself and then fall backwards while the rest lf the group catches you, got it? Who wants to go first?
Charles: Ooh! Ooh! Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!
Vagner: Alright, get on up there!
(Charles gets in the stage)
Charles: I...I love you guys. Like, really love you! (Turns around, falls backwards and Vagner catches him)
Vagner: Got you!
Charles: That...Felt...Good! Angela, why don't go next?
Angela: Fine! (Goes to the stage)
Vagner: This time everyone needs to catch her, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you!
Angela: Well, something about myself, huh? Well, how about this? I love to lick...
Hisky: I swear to fuck if you say pussies!
Angela: Lollipops, ya sicko! Get your head head of the gutter! (Falls backwards and Hisky catches her) But ya know? Pussies, too. (Hisky drops her) Ahh! Alright, new girl, you're up.
(A spotlight shines on Miss Pentious)
Miss Pentious: I don't want to leave without my minions! Nobody catch me. (Falls backwards and Vagner, Charlie and Hisky catch her) Damn it!
Vagner: That's great. Wow, you're slimy. Good job. Uh, Niffter? (Niffter runs runs past him and gets in the stage)
Niffter: Sometimes, I kill father bugs in front of their children as a warning to others! (Falls from the stage, everyone backs away and he falls face down in the ground) Yay! Pain! (Gets up, goes to the stage, falls and repeats it) Hehe, pain!
(Charles and Vagner walk away)
Charles: I don't think this really working the way we hoped. Maybe, we should...
Vagner: Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay? I'll figure something out.
Angela: If you're in the market for some ideas, I got just the thing for some trust building.
Vagner: (Sighs) What do you have in mind?
(In the town, Alice is seen walking with the Egg Girls)
Egg Girl #1: Oh, boy! What's the plan, boss?
Egg Girl #2: I like your suit.
Egg Girl #3: What are the antlers for?
Egg Girl #4: Can I touch your staff thing?
Egg Girl #5: Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell.
(A tall woman appears in front of Alice)
Zestia: Hark, Alice. How fare thee this day?
Egg Girl #1: Who's that boss? Want me to ruff her up for ya?
Alice: Follow in silence if you value your shells! Greetins, Zestia!
Sinner #1: Ahh! Holy shit! (Falls backwards)
Zestia: Ah, the weather did become fine this day!
Sinner #2: Oh! Uh-oh! (Hides in the garbage)
Alice: Indeed! Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!
(A demon screams, covers her in gas and combustes her in flames)n
Zestia: If our luck doth hold. I do reveal in the screams. How art thou? (Walks with Alice) It's been an ages since thou hath graced us with thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...Holy arms.
Alice: (Laughs) Oh, I just took a well earned sabatical, nothing serious. Though is fun to keep everyone on their toes. Ha ha!
Zestia: (Chuckles) There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the prince and his flight of fancy. Tell me, how does thou fall in such folly?
Alice: That is for me to know. But please, do guess, I'd love to hear the theories!
Zestia: (Chuckles) T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alice. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm.
Alice: Coming from someone as ancient as you I take that as quite the complement!
(They walk into an alley, pass through a security cam and Alice statics it, the girls get in an elevator and Alice prevents the egg girls from entering with her staff)
Alice: No, no. I have a very important task for you: stay here and guard the front until I return.
(The Egg Girls salute Alice, the elevator closes and goes up)
Egg Girl #1: Oh, look, Frankie is up there!
Egg Girl #2: We have names?
(In the top the building, the elevator doors open and Zestial, Alice and Frankie get out of it, Frankie sees a blck eyes man and a blue skull woman saluting and a dinosaur guy come ou of an elevator and all of them enter a room with a table and chairs and Frankie hides behind Alice, the black eyes man see her, she waves at him and he smiles showing his teeth and she hides scared, and a man appears at the end of the table with the delivery boys from later)
Carmillo: Welcome, Hell's sovereign overlords. I invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with a new extermination schedul. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact. (See Zestia sitting at his side) Zestia, so good to see you my friend.
Zestia: Encanted as always, Carmillo.
Carmillo: Alice?
Alice: Yes, I know, I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering.
Carmillo: Not really. But welcome back in ay case. (Snaps fingers and Oddie gives him a clipboard) This year's extermination was brutal. Far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the Angelic Legions returning twice as quickly, I think is prudent that we...
(Veener quicks the door and everyone looks at him)
Veener: (At the phone) Yes, I've got it handled, Vix. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. Ha ha ha! Yes, I know, they're all a joke. (Laughs) Thank you, Vee. (Kisses) Kisses, darling!
Carmillo: Nice of you to join us, Veener. Will your colleagues be joining?
Veener: No. They have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag that thinks he's tough shit. I'm here to represent.
Carmillo: Charming. (Veener puts a poop filter on him) So, as I was saying, we need to discuss...
(Veener raises and shakes his hand)
Carmillo: Yes?
Veener: On the subject of discussion. (Throws an angel head in the table)
(Everyone gasps)
Alice: Ooh! Tasty!
Carmillo: Where did you get this?
Veener: We found it during the extermination day. If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The girls and I have come up with a full assault plan...
(Everyone hears sipping noises, and look at Zestia drinking tea loudly and she puts the cup in the table)
Zestia: If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war, with such meagre proof. Thou art far more foolish than I be thought.
Veener: (Scoffs) "Meagre proof"? It's a dead fucking exorcist! I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive! You're going blind, old woman?
Zestia: We know not how this perished. Mayhaps it was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing might, they purge all of Hell for ding an uprising.
(Everyone mutters in agreement and Veener looks to Carmillo worried)
Veener: Oh! I get it. So grandma is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?
(Zestia gets angry)
Veener: Oh, what's the matter, fossil? To senile to make a real power grab for...
Carmillo: (Singing) You better show some respect! Check your behavior! No one speaks too Zestia that way! Did you expect us to sir baxk and rake your insolent brazen display?
Veener: Haha! (Singing) You've got it twisted! I'm not the one who needs a attitude! Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch and I will do nothing else then what I please! Woo! I'm the backbone of the Vees! Mad that I acted respectless? Well, it's 'cause no one could respect this. Sorry group attendin', since when are overlords too scared to fight? You're long past trendin'. Sorry, bae, but I ain't swipin' right. You lost your relevance.
Zestia: We can't act without more intelligence!
Veener: Ugh, no wonder I'm so respectless. I could eat you lot for breakfast. You and the Vees are inane and uninformed, Smug wannabes, who don't heed when you've been warned!
Veener: Oops! Did I strike a nerve? 'Cause when I brought out the angel's head, couldn't help but observe that your wrinkled face was turning red! And why are you avoidin' war? That's what the guns you sell are for. Thanks to my being respectless. One thing I'm starting to suspect is. You know why this angel's headless. Do you have a disclosure?
Carmillo: This meeting's over!
(Everyone stare at the boys)
Alice: That was a productive meeting!
Veener: (Normal) Hmmph, fine. Safe travel back to nursing home, fuckers! Kiss my ass! Hahaha! (Leaves the room)
Zeezo: What the hell? We literally just got here.
Oddie: Father?
(Carmillo walks away and Zestia follows him and everyone else leaves the room almost staping on Frankie, and Alice see Zestia and Carmilla enter another room)
Alice: Well, that's interesting. You little egg creature. I have a job for you.
Frankie: Oh, yes, boss.
Alice: Follow them.
(Frankie salutes and enters the other room, back to Vagner, Charles and Angela)
Vagner: Angela! What the actual fuck?!
(They're seem in a sex dungeon)
Angela: No activity requires more trust them BDSM, baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage. That's their motto. (Points to a poster)
Charles: Angela, love the enthusiasm. But umm, uh...Hmmmm...
Vagner: What makes you think anyone would be into this?
(Hisky purrs with a mister messaging her)
Hisky: Ya know, I...I don't hate this.
(Niffter appears holding a stick)
Niffter: I'm ready to punish some bad girls. (Giggles)
Hisky: Uhh...Nevermind, I-I'm out. (Gets up and walks away)
(Misters surround Charles)
Charles: (Laughs uncomfortably) Okay, hello there. Hi. Um. Hm...(Vagner drags him away)
Vagner: Ugh, can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angela. This is disgusting.
Charles: It's no big deal, Vagner. You know, maybe I can just help, uh...
Vagner: No. I told you could trust me. And I'm not gonna let you down. I just need to teach them the way I was taught.
(In a tower roof)
Charles: This is how you learn to trust people?!
(A lot of demons are seen fighting in a bettlefield)
Vagner: (In drill sergeant style) There is nothing stronger than a trust between comrades and arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men! You...(Grabs Miss Pentious)
Miss Pentious: Wait, wait! I can't fight without my minions...(Vagner throws her off the building)
Vagner:...Are gonna survive together! Miss Pentious: AAAAAAHHH!
(Vagner turns to Angela)
Vagner: And you...
Angela: Don't you even think about it...
Vagner: Are make this hotel work! (Vagner throws grabs and throws Angela off the building)
Niffter: (Excitedly) My turn, my turn!
(Hisky get out of the roof, Vagner grabs Niffter, but Charles catches him)
Charles: Vagner, no!
Vagner: This is the only way they'll learn, Charles.
Charles: No, it's not. There are other ways. It just take time.
Vagner: Time we don't have. How many exterminations will have to gone by before these idiots get their shit together? How many times we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway?
Charles: Vagner...
Vagner: I took charge today and it all went sideways. I'm suppose to make your dreams a reality. I'm suppose to protect you. I'm suppose to never fail you. (Leans on the edge of the terrace)
Angela: I blame you for this you crazy bitch!
Charles: You didn't fail me, Vagner...You're not...
Vagner: If I can't help you, what's the point of me?
Charles: (Gasps) Vagner, don't say that! You do so much! It's...
Vagner: I'm sorry. I'd like to be alone for a minute.
(Charles turns away from Vagner and see Angela grabbing Miss Pentious in her back getting in the roof and Angela throws Pentious in the ground)
Angela: Made it.
Charles: Let's go home, guys.
Angela: Ugh! I just walked up all those stairs. (Grabs Miss Pentious and pulls her following Charles)
(In Carmillo's office, he pulls himself a drink)
Carmillo: Ay, que barbaridad. (Drinks from a bottle)
Zestia: Carmillo, what troubles thou? Loosing thy composure is unlike thee.
Carmillo: (Sighs) It's nothing, Zestia. Really.
Zestia: The felled angel...'Twas by thy hand, was it not?
Carmillo: Let's not talk abou it. (Walks away)
Clarence: Dad, maybe she should know.
Carmillo: Nobody should know. (Sits in his desk) I did what to do. I am not discussing this. (Zestia puts her hand in his shoulder)
Zestia: (Singing) What weighs on your soul, old friend? I implore you to share the load. If it was thou who slew the angel, why not let your strength be known?
Carmillo: (Singing) I always thought, that I would keep blood off my face. But when that thing attacked, I had to act, to cross that line and keep them safe. But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war and who's to say who'd survive the fray? I might lose the ones that I was killing for! So I! I'll be your keeper! (Hugs his sons) Do whatever it takes! I'll make the mistakes! I'll keep you safe and keep this secret!
(Meanwhile, Vagner climbs the outside of the hotel)
Vagner: (Singing) When I saw your face, you made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place and it felt so good to be understood. But there's so much I wished that I could say. So I...I'll be your armor, do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes, I'll spend my life being your partner.
Carmillo: And I don't know what we might face, But I know I can't replace you so I'll do anything to save you!
Vagner: And I will try to make your dreams come true!
Vagner and Carmillo: Whatever we go through. I know I....
Carmillo: I'll be your keeper
Vagner: I'll be your armor!
Carmillo and Vagner: Whatever it takes!
Carmillo: I'll make the mistakes!
Vagner: I'll make the mistakes!
Carmillo and Vagner: Whatever it takes!
(Meanwhile, some of the Egg Girls are dumpster diving)
Egg Girl #3: Ooohh. This smells like fun. Ooh, I love garbage.
(Frankie get out of the elevator and Alice stops her)
Alice: So, what did you hear?
Frankie: First, the old woman w-was all "you're not yourself, you're the one who killed the angel" a-a-and the he was all (Singing) Whatever it takes!
Alice: And then what was that last thing?
Frankie: He killed the angel?
Alice: Interesting. Let's keep this between us, shall we?
Frankie: You got it, boss!
(At the hotel, Vagner finds Charles at the hotel)
Vagner: Hey.
Charles: Hey.
Vagner: I'm sorry I got so crazy today.
Charles: No, no, I'm sorry. I'm put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier, but we'll figure it out...Together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them.
(In the sitting room below everyone is laughing)
Angela: And then when that buff girl started beating the shit outta you.
Miss Pentious: Ha ha! Yeah, with the desmembered arm. Yes, that, was, particularly unpleasent.
Niffter: He he. I liked that part.
Hisky: Well hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay, new kid.
Miss Pentious: Really? Oh, well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumblr today. (Laughs) And, uh...Thank you for pullinh me out of there. (Angela staps her back)
(Everyone laugh and giggle, the girls stop, but Niffter keeps laughing manically)
Vagner: Well, how about that?
(Alice returns)
Vagner: Alice. Failed to get rid of the eggs, I see.
Alice: Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful.
Vagner: Why don't you give them back to Pentious?
Miss Pentious: Really?
Vagner: Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons.
Miss Pentious: Ahhhh! (Hugs the Egg Girls) My eggs! Yeah. Oh, it's so good to have you back. Now go clean my quarters this instant!
Charles: Maybe things will move faster than you think.
(In Pentious' room)
Miss Pentious: Ah! How was your day with Alastor, my minions?
Frankie: It was awesome, boss. I went to this meeting and there was a knife guy, an old lady and a dinosaur.
Miss Pentious: Umm. That's nice.
Frnkie: And the knife guy killed an angel. And I was not suppose to be talking about it.
Miss Pentious: Oh, I'm so sure and maybe you'll meet martians tomorrow. Bit now it's time to sleep. Good night, Eggies. (The egg women sleep over her and they all go to sleep)
(The end credits start playing)
submitted by Haunting-Band-2763 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 M-virtual_679 Depression and unfulfilled dreams

I'm turning 29 this coming September, TBH I have nothing going on for me. No fancy job, Not even a teeny tiny career and no relationship. I live in a bedsitter that have struggled so hard to furnish. I'm the first born sibling in a family of 5. So it goes without saying that my sibling and parents depend on me to provide 70% of the time. I do try my best to do so using my earnings from fiverr( I'm a freelancer). But y'all know how freelancing isn't stable or it just isn't enough to provide for my siblings and myself. I have so much shit to deal with and to top it off I suffer from TN( trigeminal Neuralgia) and a concoction of other disesases like PCOS. Its been four years of pain and torture. This has prevented me from fully giving my all in trying to make it in life. I feel betrayed, I gave my everything in schools, I was an A+ student really, went to the best national school and uni as well. I just can't shake offf the feeling that I'm destined for greatness. If i could just catch a break even just a small break from the turmoil that is my life...... End of rant, thanks for being here guys.
submitted by M-virtual_679 to u/M-virtual_679 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 Alternative_Bet_191 TIFU by failing to bring myself to a Ethanol Induced Coma

The day it all happened I was in a bar. It was 11.30am, and it was a Tuesday. I'd left my girlfriend and went for a quick drink, or so I'd told her. I'd been feeling down a lot recently. She was always busy with her friends or work, and never had time for me. I'm not trying to excuse my actions, but I needed something to make myself feel good. I had planned on going home early, but that was before I saw her. She was sitting alone at the end of the bar, sipping her white wine. We started talking and she made me laugh. I can't remember how long we were talking, but it seemed like ages. At the time, I'd forgotten about the rest of the world, I was so caught up in our conversation.
Then it happened.
All of a sudden, the bartender dropped a glass, shattering it across the floor. "Watch it!" he shouted at a customer, who'd accidentally bumped into him. Then, he threw the towel he'd been holding onto the counter, and went over to the customer and punched him in the face. It all happened so quickly, I didn't have time to react. The customer stood up, his nose bleeding. He walked towards the bartender and hit him back, knocking him into the wall. A full on fight ensued, as two other men from the crowd joined in. They were throwing punches, and pushing each other to the ground.
The woman I'd been talking to looked scared, and started backing away from the bar.
"What the hell?" she said, her voice wavering.
I stood up, and held her hand. "Come on, let's get out of here."
I led her out of the bar and back to the street. She had a look of terror on her face. I had to calm her down, she looked like she was going to have a panic attack.
"It's ok, I'm here." I told her. "Are you okay?"
She took a deep breath and nodded.
"What was that all about?" she asked.
I shrugged. "I have no idea. Maybe it's stress or something. There's a lot of that going around right now."
Just then, the sound of sirens rang through the air. People were walking quickly by, looking at their phones, trying to find out what was happening. We followed the crowd and ended up in front of a large electronics store. It was closed.
"Do you have your phone?" she asked me.
I checked my pockets, but it wasn't there. I'd left it at the bar.
"Damn, no. I forgot it."
"Shit." she said, and pulled out her own.
The screen was flashing and beeping, and the words "Emergency Broadcast" were displayed.
"Oh no." she said, her face turning white.
I peered over her shoulder at the screen. It read:
Attention citizens. There has been a breach in the security at the local military base. If you see anyone acting strangely or displaying symptoms of the following, report it to the authorities immediately.
"What does that mean?" I asked her.
"I have no idea." she replied, her voice shaking.
Suddenly, a scream came from the end of the street. I turned and saw a man running down the sidewalk. He was covered in blood, and screaming at the top of his lungs. A group of people was following him, chasing after him.
"Stay back!" he yelled. "It's not safe! They're coming!"
He ran around a corner and the crowd disappeared.
"He said they're coming. Who's coming?" asked the woman.
"I have no idea. We need to get to the police or someone to help us. Let's get somewhere secure."
We started walking towards the police station when a large group of people appeared around the corner, running towards us. They were screaming and shouting. They were completely out of their minds. The street was filled with men and women, young and old. Some were in bloody clothes, while others were completely naked.
"Run!" the woman screamed.
I grabbed her arm and we both ran for cover. We rounded the corner and started sprinting down the street, dodging past people and cars. Everything was a blur as we ran for our lives. After what felt like an eternity, we reached the police station. The front door was open and a small group of people were running inside. We followed them inside and found ourselves in a crowded lobby. The officer at the desk was yelling into the phone.
"Yes! There's rioting! Send backup now!"
Another officer came out from behind the desk and shouted over the chaos.
"Everyone needs to calm down! The military is sending a convoy to help us secure the city! Just hold tight!"
But people weren't listening. They continued to yell and scream, fighting against each other to get out of the station. I noticed a few people had bruises and cuts from the crowd.
I felt someone grab my arm. It was the woman I'd been with. She looked at me and shook her head.
"I'm scared." she said, her voice trembling.
Then she fell to the ground, crying. I reached down and held her in my arms.
"It's gonna be alright. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you."
People were still pushing and shoving their way towards the exit, oblivious to us. I held onto her tightly, not wanting to lose her in the chaos. The sirens outside got louder, until they stopped altogether. I looked through the windows and saw a convoy of military vehicles pull up outside. Soldiers rushed into the station, their guns drawn.
They began shouting orders to the crowd.
"Calm the fuck down! Everyone calm down and leave through the rear entrance! This is not a request, this is an order! Anyone caught rioting or acting violently will be shot on sight! Go through the back, through the alleys, to the designated safe area! No more resistance, this is not a threat, this is a fact, now move, move, move!"
The crowd slowly filed out of the station, and we joined them.
My ears were ringing from the sirens and gunshots, but I did my best to keep moving. There were so many people, and we were forced to keep close together as the crowd funneled down a narrow alleyway. The city was in chaos. Smoke rose from buildings and car alarms blared. Gunshots and screams were everywhere.
We followed the throng of people down the alley until they reached a roadblock.
"This is as far as we can go." a soldier said. "Follow the crowd down this way and find a shelter. Don't wander around on your own, stay in groups if you can. Stay safe."
I looked at the woman and nodded. "C'mon, let's keep moving."
The crowd parted and we pushed through to the front. We soon found ourselves on a road full of burnt out cars and debris. The roadblock was full of soldiers, who directed us towards a football stadium.
The smell of smoke hung in the air as we walked through the streets. I wondered what could've started it all, and why it had ended so quickly.
When we reached the stadium it was full of people, all looking for their loved ones. I scanned the faces, hoping to see my girlfriend. I looked back towards the entrance and saw an old man and woman being helped down from a trolley bus. The lady had a bandage around her head, and her husband had blood on his face. The lady was clutching a broken arm. They hobbled their way slowly to a makeshift aid station. A soldier guided them towards the rest of the wounded.
"Grandma! Grandpa!" a small girl cried out and ran to them. She threw her arms around the woman and hugged her tightly.
A feeling of relief rushed over me, I was so happy they were alive. But at the same time, I couldn't help but think about my own girlfriend. Where was she?
People were sitting on the ground, crying. Others, stood, shell-shocked, looking around. A few people were trying to make small talk, despite everything. They were looking for ways to take their minds off the situation, to cope.
A bus was parked in the middle of the park and there were lines of people waiting in front of it.
"Are you hungry? Do you have any food?" a woman asked me, pushing her child in front of me.
"No, sorry, I don't," I replied, surprised at the desperation in her voice. "I don't have anything."
I looked at the queue, wondering if that was where the line was to get some free food. A woman in a white apron behind a stand marked "First Aid" tried to calm the crowd, raising her voice above the din.
"Everyone, please! Settle down, the military will have more help coming shortly! But for now we're out of supplies and the situation will only worsen if you don't control yourselves!"
Just then, another truck pulled up on the edge of the field. It had a green cross painted on the side of it and the word "Medicine" on the doors. My heart swelled with hope as several officers jumped out, carrying duffel bags of equipment, and headed straight to the medical tent.
"It's the supplies, everyone! It's the supplies they promised us!" someone in the back yelled.
The crowd began pushing and shoving each other again, and the woman and her kid that had spoken to me before was lost in the wave of people running forward, trying to get to the medicine. I tried to find them, to help, but I couldn't see them. There were so many people crowding around the truck, scrambling for the parcels of food and water and blankets that had spilled out.
I looked around at the field and at all the frightened and desperate people. Some were hurt and injured. Others were shell-shocked. Children were crying and their parents didn't know how to comfort them.
I knew there had been an outbreak of some sort, that the military had been evacuating the city. What I didn't understand is why the city had come to such a state of disarray in just one day.
A gunshot rang out and people screamed. It was followed by another, then several more. I ducked and covered my head. People around me started running, but I could see them lying on the ground. More gunshots and screams filled the air. Then, there was an eerie silence.
I stood up and slowly turned around, taking in the carnage. Bodies littered the ground, some missing limbs. I stepped carefully over the lifeless bodies of the fallen and made my way towards the exit of the stadium.
As I neared the gate I saw a group of soldiers guarding it. One was checking a man for weapons while another was wrapping a tourniquet around his leg. The other three were standing by a stack of rifles, preparing to re-load. I looked closer at the man with the bandaged leg and recognized him as the soldier that was on the news not long ago, telling us that the rioters had been dealt with and it was now safe to return to our homes. He had also assured us that the city would get back to normal soon.
"Clear!" the other soldier yelled, checking his weapon before handing it back to its owner. The soldier limped out the gate and was gone.
I tried to run, but my feet felt heavy and sluggish. The soldiers were getting closer, their guns drawn. They were shouting at me, their voices faint in my ears.
I turned to try and flee when a shot rang out and pain exploded in the back of my head.
submitted by Alternative_Bet_191 to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 MossRock42 [SP] Into the Unknown

The frigid wind whipped across Marko's face as he trudged through the knee-deep snow. His numb fingers clutching the straps of his backpack. The storm had hit three days ago, and he was no closer to finding shelter than when he'd started. His food supplies were dwindling. The cold was seeping into his bones like a relentless, icy specter.
"Should've listened to the weatherman," Marko muttered, his chapped lips going numb. He squinted against the blinding white landscape, searching for any sign of life. Any glimmer of hope.
As he pushed forward, his mind wandered to the events that had led him here. The hiking trip had been a spur-of-the-moment decision. It was a chance to escape the suffocating reality of his failing marriage and dead-end job. He'd packed light, assuming he'd be back in a few days. Now, as the storm raged on, he realized the gravity of his mistake.
A dark shape appeared on the horizon, breaking the monotony of the endless white. Marko's heart leaped, and he quickened his pace. He ignored the burning in his lungs and the numbness in his limbs. As he drew closer, the shape resolved into a small, dilapidated cabin. The roof sagging under the weight of the snow.
Marko stumbled to the door, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the latch. To his surprise, it opened, revealing a dusty interior cast in shadow. He stepped inside, grateful for the reprieve from the biting wind.
The cabin was sparse, with a single room containing a rickety table, a chair, and a small fireplace. Marko dropped his backpack and moved to the fireplace. His eyes widened when he saw the pile of dry firewood stacked beside it.
"Hello?" he called out, his voice hoarse from disuse. "Is anyone here?"
Silence answered him, broken only by the howling of the wind outside. Marko shrugged and set to work building a fire, his fingers clumsy and uncooperative. After several attempts, a small flame flickered to life, casting a warm glow across the room.
As the fire grew, Marko's gaze fell on the table, where a piece of paper lay, weighted down by a small, rusted key. He picked up the note, his brow furrowing as he read the words scrawled in a shaky hand: "You'll need this. Trust me."
Marko turned the key over in his palm, a sense of unease growing in the pit of his stomach. He glanced around the cabin, aware of how isolated he was. Miles from civilization in a raging blizzard.
A soft scratching sound drew his attention to the far wall, where a small door was set into the wood. Marko approached it, the key heavy in his hand. He fitted it into the lock, and with a soft click, the door swung open, revealing a narrow passageway.
Marko hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. The passage was dark, the air heavy with the scent of earth and decay. Every instinct screamed at him to turn back, to barricade the door and wait out the storm. But something else, a whisper in the back of his mind, urged him forward.
He took a deep breath and stepped into the passage, the darkness enveloping him like a shroud. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, twisting and turning like the gnarled roots of an ancient tree. Marko's breathing echoed in the confined space. It mingled with the soft drip of water and the scurrying of unseen creatures.
As he was about to turn back, the passage opened into a small chamber, lit by a flickering torch set into the wall. In the center of the room stood a stone pedestal, upon which rested a small, ornate box.
Marko approached the pedestal, his hand trembling as he reached for the box. As his fingers brushed the cool metal, a voice spoke from the shadows, making him whirl around in surprise.
"I wondered when you'd arrive," the voice said, low and rasping. A figure stepped into the light, an old man with a long, white beard and piercing blue eyes. "I've been waiting for you, Marko."
Marko stared at the man, his mind reeling. "How do you know my name?" he asked.
The old man smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I know many things," he said, moving to stand beside Marko. "I know why you're here, and I know what you seek."
He gestured to the box, his gnarled fingers brushing the intricate carvings. "This box contains the key to your survival," he said, his voice taking on a grave tone. "The path ahead is treacherous, filled with trials that will test your mind, body, and spirit."
Marko swallowed hard, his mouth dry. "What kind of trials?" he asked, his voice trembling.
The old man shook his head, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "I cannot say," he replied, his voice soft. "But know this, Marko. The choices you make from this moment on will determine not only your fate but the fate of all those you hold dear."
With that, the old man stepped back, fading into the shadows as if he had never been there at all. Marko stood alone in the chamber, the box heavy in his hands. The weight of the old man's words settling on his shoulders like a burden.
He took a deep breath and opened the box, his heart pounding in his chest. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, lay a small, golden compass, its needle spinning. Marko lifted it from the box, feeling a strange warmth emanating from the metal.
As he watched, the needle slowed, coming to rest on a single point. North. The direction of home, of safety, of all the things he had left behind.
Marko closed his eyes, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. He knew the path ahead would be difficult, that the trials the old man spoke of would push him to his limits. But he also knew that he had no choice but to face them head-on. Fight for his survival and for the chance to make things right.
With a determined nod, Marko slipped the compass into his pocket. He turned back to the passage, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The storm outside raged on. Inside, a flicker of hope burned bright, guiding him forward into the unknown.
submitted by MossRock42 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 Appropriate-Juice209 I don’t deserve to live anymore

I put down my dog of 6.5 years, my beloved first dog who I adopted when I was 22, back in April. The circumstances could not have been worse and I was not in my right state of mind. I didn’t think of all the other options and I never imagined something like this could happen.
I adopted her when she was 8 weeks old. For the first 18 months it was just the two of us. When all the trainings up to canine good citizen, she did dog daycare every day because I worked long hours. After work we’d always go on trail runs and she was perfect and never even pulled on her leash as she had no concern for other dogs or people. When I’d travel she’d always be watched by rover sitters with other dogs and kids. I’d often watch friends dogs and vice versa. She was the smartest and best dog.
When she was 18 months, I got married and we moved due to the military. My husband and I then go our second dog, a female vizsla at 8 weeks old. They instantly got along perfectly, always playing and chasing eachother. For 5 years it was bliss. They did everything together. They even lived with my family and 5 siblings and their two dogs for a year while we deployed. Never any issues, and again I’d often watch friends dogs and vice versa. My life revolved around them and they always got runs and fetch and hikes every day. I loved it.
Then when she turned 6 and my other dog was 4.5, she started to change. In November, I took her to the vet because she has been reclusing herself and acting uncharacteristically aggressive, attacking my other dog twice and growling, snapping, and barking at me. She had never done anything like this towards another person or dog, let alone towards me and her buddy of almost 5 years. It was very erratic but it seemed like she must have not been feeling well because she would always be with me, it was very odd she’d go in her crate by herself for such long periods of time. But she wouldn’t always act aggressively so it made no sense.
The vet did blood work and said it was normal so she was prescribed fluoxetine and trazodone. I should have pushed that something much more serious was going on, but I figured if the meds wouldn’t help I would’ve seen that quickly. But the meds seemed to help, she was back to hanging out with me and playing with my other dog and no more weird aggressive outbursts. I stupidly let my guard down. It was all perfect again for 4 months. I attributed her lethargy, slower mentation, and laying in weird places to the meds. She went back to the vet twice once for weird leg swelling that went away and again for vaccines. No issues were noted and she was again her sweet self so I thought everything was good.
Then at the end of March, she suddenly attacked my other dog again. We were heading out the gate for our daily , drawing blood this time from my other dog’s ear. I went to check on her a little while later and again she was barking and growling at me. I called my vet who didn’t have any appointments available that day. I should have immediately taken her to the ER vet or somewhere else but I stupidly didn’t. We were going out of town the next day for my friend’s wedding and then I had a work trip right after. When we picked up the dogs from their kennel, she was totally her usual self. We thought it was maybe a fluke. We kept them separate and then while he as gone just husband brought them back and said they seemed fine so we just separated them when we were not home.
Then a few days later, she attacked my other dog again out of nowhere. The dogs had been sitting on the couch all morning while I was in my office. I walked into the room and my other dog got up to go to the back door. She followed and stood next to her. All of a sudden she launched right for her neck. My other dog was just screaming. I tried everything to get her to let go without getting my hands in there and nothing would work so I was afraid she’d kill my other dog so I used my heads to separate her jaws from my other dogs neck. I was somehow able to hold her down and open the back door for my other dog to run out. She was still frenzied for a few seconds then when she calmed down I put her in my room and went to check on my other dog. She was in the back corner of the yard shaking and had cuts to her face, neck, and ears and I received a bite that needed stitches to my hand while trying to get her off of her. My parents and my husband told me I had to put her to sleep that I couldn’t take the risk anymore before she kills my other dog or hurts me or someone in our neighborhood. That I could never trust her again and something was wrong with her.
In my state of panic I made the vet appointment while at the ER. When i got home we took her to the vet and without even doing other tests or offering a solution, our vet just said she felt putting her to sleep was the right decision and this was likely in her brain and not fixable and in my state of trauma and shock I somehow let that happen. Ever since I have been wanting to throw up. I hate myself I don’t know how I did that to her and I feel like my husband and my parents betrayed me for telling me this was the only way when I was obviously not in my right state of mind and I was the only one who saw it happen. I wasn’t thinking straight. It never even occurred to me go see a behaviorist or a neurologist and that was never suggested.
She was my first dog, I had her from 8 weeks and she was always perfect and trustworthy. I can’t believe I threw that all away. I feel like an idiot for taking her to this vet and trusting her and for making it seem so hopeless. I should have gotten multiple opinions before ever doing something as big and irreversible as this. Something must have been going on with her and I didn’t help her. I feel just emptiness and regret and can’t believe she is gone or that I killed her. Maybe I could have rehomed my other dog and everything would have been okay and they could both still be alive.
I’ll never forgive myself. I want to die so the pain will go away and I can be with her again. I totally failed her and succumbed in a moment of panic to what everyone told me I needed to do but not what I wanted to do and I hate myself.
submitted by Appropriate-Juice209 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:55 WibblyBear Could this be related to Novavax

I got the Novavax around 2wks ago on a Monday. Initially shoulder pain, tender in the area and the same day started getting shooting pains down my back on the same side as the vax.The pains in my back lasted a few days. The arm remained sore the rest of the week. Then on the Friday after the week of the vax, nausea and dry heaving like you wouldn't believe. It was a hot day for here and I had to shower before leaving the house.
I used my shower stool and made sure the water wasn't warm but the nausea was brutal. Had to use patches. My heart rate was elevated the whole day. Even when I'd drank electrolytes, eaten salty food and was resting it wouldn't come down under 120. It was shooting up to like 170 when walking at times. (I'm slow and use a rollator) On the way home from my appointments I started getting intense pain under my left breast nearer to my armpit. It only lasted a minute or two. Since then it's happened a few times.
The other night similar sensation but more in the centre of my chest intense but just for a short while and it disappears. The nausea has been triggered by a shower ever since then and it last the whole day and sometimes for a few days after. My fatigue has been so much worse too. My sleep was doing okay before but now it's a mess again and I keep dropping off into micro naps constantly. My resting heart rate has also raised. Previously it was around 63 laid down. Right now it doesn't go lower than 70. Sitting up I'm now in the 80s/90s.
I'm not sure what to do about it. I had to get an ECG the other day the same day as the central chest pain happened but it didn't occur till later at night long after the appointment. I'm not sure whether to bring it up with my GP he's genuinely said the words to me "please don't say chest pain" when I've spoken to him in the past and the A&E wouldn't entertain me so I know there's no point. Just wondering if anyone has had similar issues and if it'll pass or there's anything I can do?
Should I bother trying to get referred back to Cardiology? They don't manage POTS patients in Scotland so I'm not sure if there's any point.
submitted by WibblyBear to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:55 Dull_Sea Post Appendectomy fatigue/nausea/faintness

I am 32f, and had bad abdominal pain 1 week ago and had a emergency appendendectomy through labroscopy. I was in the hospital for 3 days, and also wad allergic to the antibiotics on the 2nd day. When I was discharged, they said they also found a ingurnial hernia and myoma on my uterus which is not dangerous at this point but needs to be monitored. This is my first surgery/health scare.
I have been healing well. Wounds look good, I have no fever or chills and just a bit of soreness. My issue is that I feel quite fatigued, only able to walk 2000-3000 steps a day or so and I am nauseous and feel a bit lightheaded and uneasy for the first part of the day. It seems to get a bit better by evening. This really scares me as I don't know if anything is wrong - many hospital booklets say to go to the ER if you experience nausea after 48 hours. My doctor just told me to rest, and my family friend who is a surgeon said that he does not have an explanation for the nausea at this time, but that as long as I don't have pain, fever or chills it should slowly get better each day. I stopped taking my pain medication yesterday (something called novaminsulfon lichtenstein 500mg - a common pain killer after surgeries in Germany). I am hydrating well and am eating smaller meals throughout the day. Bowel movements are ok, although today it was a bit yellow.
I am wondering if a medical professional is able to comment on my case - should I be concerned? Is this normal? Any tips or advice here would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Dull_Sea to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:51 idkyoubutokayya Chest Pain W PE

Hi!! I’ve posted in here once already. Just curious if anyone else experienced this or similar? My EKG is normal. The D dimer was negative? I had a VQ scan, and it showed I still have my clots ( no new ones ). And that’s all the hospital did. Tbh the woman came up and said “your clot is dissolving so, yeah!”. I then asked what could be causing my pain and her response was “we talk about what we know not what we don’t know”. Now I’m confused because my hematologist said I have 3-4 clots in each lung. So “my clot is dissolving” really didn’t make me feel any better. Because girl I have more than one?😂. AND I still have pain?
Anyways my family doctor ordered an Echocardiogram because of my chest pain. ( I have an extremely long line of heart attacks and heart diseases in my family ). He’s wondering if that because of my clots it’s causing my heart to work more than it needs too..
My blood pressure was 130/84, 134/86 and when I was there it was 136/88 for my echo. Which he agreed is on the verge of being high.
What was your outcome? If nothing do you still have pain? I’ve been on the thinners since November 2023.
submitted by idkyoubutokayya to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 Same_Cat_8047 How Can I Make My (F 21) Boyfriend (M 21) Understand His Family Is Insane?

My boyfriend knows I'm posting this, but I need some unbiased advice beecause this situation is actually making me have an existential crisis. Apologies for any grammatical or spelling errors is advance, I'm litteraly going crazy lol.
(Background info)
My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year now. We were friends before he confessed his feelings for me and we started dating a year later.
I have a pretty troubled home life. My mother's family have never liked me because my father is black and my mother has always sided with them. This caused me to move out at 18 and I've been on my own since.
I'm not going to pretend I'm not fucked up. I've known I was mentally ill since I was 13 and I put all my effort into getting better. I went ont medication, got therapy and researched the crap out of any self help page or book I could find because I wanted to be normal.
Still, I have my flaws. My biggest one is yelling. My family has always communicated through anger. If my mom was upset growing up she would scream at me for hours about how much she hated me and wished I was dead. It's not right, but I haven't shaked my inability to not yell when I'm overwhelmed.
(Actual Situation)
This all started when my ear got infected last Sunday. I put in a new earing and I guess the person that sold it to me the day before lied about the material it was made out of because I woke up the next morning with my ear swollen.
It hurt so bad that I couldn't even touch my ear without imediatedly bursting into tears. I asked my boyfriend to help me take it out and we ended up in an argument because he yelled at me.
We've been having argument's recently due to the way he used to treat me for eight months of our relationship. He was emotionally unavalible because of a traumatic event from his childhood and while I understood, I never let him think it was okay. I told him I would support him through everything, but I told him that being avoidant to prevent himself getting hurt wasn't healthy. Life is painful and you can't lock yourself away because you're scared someone will hurt you. All you can do is know that you'll be strong enough to keep going even if you do get hurt.
His avoidance took a tool on our relationship. Planning dates was left to me and he ignored me every night so he could play video games with his friends. He never walked me home, asked me to spend time with him or called me beautiful even though he called another girl beautiful infront of me.
I started doubting that he cared for me and no matter how hard I tried to communicate with him he never changed. We ended up having our first big fight where he told me he wanted to break up with me and I snapped. All the patience I had for him left me and for the first time in our relationship I yelled at him.
He apologised and begged me to stay together and things were fine until I found out he was talking to another girl. He had told someone that girls could, " Be is bitch anytime" and siad he would make an effort to start talking to her more. He deleted their entire chat before I could see it and even though he swore up and down they only talked about art, he still broke my trust because he had promised he wasn't going to talk to her because she openly expressed he feelings for him.
All that stuff kept messing with my head and his family didn't help either because they encourage his bs. They think he's God's gift to humanity even though he was unemployed before he met me and I got him his first job. I've been with him every step of the way trying my best to help him, yet in their eyes I'm the bad guy because I made him cry after he litterally cheated on me.
The situation got out of hand because I told him to get out. He doesn't pay rent for out appartment and I was fed up. His family came after he called them but he told them to leave because we would sort it out.
More drama later they came back enen though they told him not to and barged into my appartment. Keep in mind at this point my boyfriend is telling me he doesn't want to go, so I'm freaking the fuck out because his family, who I have explicitly stated are not allowed in my appartment, are grabbing shit and are telling my boyfriend I can't legally do anything to them. At one point I was grabbing my boyfriend's stuff and handing it to him (I was basically shoving it at him) and I guess he dropped them because his sister came running in, shoved her finger in my face and told me not to touch her or her brother.
Like, I litterally had no idea what was going on because my boyfriend is saying he doesn't want to leave but he's doing nothing about his family.
Eventually he tells me the won't leave unless he goes with them so he'll just leave to make them happy and come back tomorrow. He didn't come back the day after and was ignoring my calls. We ended up speaking because I told him that this wasn't healthy and if he was upset he needed to tell me because this was between us and we were the only two people that could solve it. I told him it was fine if he was upset and wanted to end things, but he couldn't just ghost me and them show back up like nothing happened.
He ended up telling me that he told his family he wanted to leave but was too afraid to tell me. This man is 6'1 200lbs but is afriad of his 5'5 140lbs girlfriend? Like, what? I've litterally always given him a listening ear and yeah I've gotten mad when he cheats or is avoidant, but I'd like to think after all the time I've been patient and undersatnding with him he would see that I care yk?
Long story short we went back and forth with me telling him he needs to talk to his family about the boundaries they crossed and about the passive agressive way they treat me and his sister tells him that she doesn't belive it because I'm manipulative and that he was super happy before he met me and that i issolate him from his family. This man has never once said he wanted to go see his family. I've literally bought stuff for his little sister and begged him to go drop it off and he hasn't so this is news to me. The only problem I've had was them showing up with no notice. If he wants to go there, yeah I might be a little sad or upset because our jobs are super demading and we don't get a lot of tome together, but I'm not going to stop him.
And like, I've been making an effort with his family. His mom was begging him for $400 to pay her internet bill and I litteraly gave her $1000. And even though they're passive agressive and ignore me, I still make the effort to showup to family things, So, idk how I'm manipulative and "need to talk to a therapist and get medicated" as she says.
So, yeah. I guess I just needed to vent because i'm genuinly so scared that I'm secretly a master manipulator and I have him here against his will.
submitted by Same_Cat_8047 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:49 Zxr0____ Kitten got attacked by my dog

Hello. About a week ago I got two kittens: black male and tuxedo female. I don't know their age but I think think they're 2-3 months old.
This is about my female cat: my 8-ish year old dog (18-22 pounds) bit my girl today and I don't know what to do. Dog has a long history of being agressive towards new pets so we kept the kittens away from him but today they got out of the area where we keep them and I decided to let them stay out with me for a few minutes. Soon enough my dog came to inspect and I treid to shoo him off but he didn't leave. He got scared by my male kitten hissing at him and decided to stay away from him but his sister wasn't so lucky. She walked under a bench and my dog went after her so I tred to go and pick her up but she scratched my hand and I accidentally dropped her, so my dog jumped on her. I had to kick him off of her and she wouldn't let me pick her up, crawling behind some metal plates. I think I spent 15-30 minutes trying to get her comfortable with being picked up and I carried her to the box.
She's not bleeding, but her fur is obviously verry damp around her chest/neck area. She has no visible signs of being bit on the face but one of her eyes seems to have went to the side mosty and I think that one might have went blind, I will check on that later. She can walk and she was shaking about 30 minutes ago when I left.
My dog got 3 vacancies as a puppy, and my cats haven't been to the vet but sadly I live in a village so I can't get her to one.
Is there anything I could do at home to help her heal and make her chances of survival as high as possible?
Also, sorry for possible spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language and I'm still a little panicky so I typed this fast.
submitted by Zxr0____ to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:44 Choice-Anteater8878 I don't know what this is...

First time in my life I ever had this. Some background, I had an anal fistula in 2019 surgery went well. Come recently in the last year I had my gallbladder removed the pain meds/anesthesia had me extremely constipated I was shaking crying and in pain ready for the hospital but finally got it out. (Maybe related..)
About 2 days ago I literally told my husband it feels like I got effed in the ass my butt was hurting so bad. Last night I shower and notice a lump just outside my anus where the fistula was treated. I had him look and he says it's a hemorrhoid but it's outside. I don't feel like it itches it just feels annoying, it hurts but not too uncomfortable yet(today. Last night I put a witch hazel wipe there for 15 min to help) Going to the bathroom has not been an issue, I have actually had diarrhea lately, I have that most of the time since the gallbladder removal.
I won't post a pic, sorry. But maybe if this sounds familiar to anyone? I have high anxiety and Google is mentioning cancer so I'm freaked out. It's also saying things like early treatment, or surgery is the only choice. I just want it gone 😭
Edit to add. No bleeding. I have had randomly black poo once in a while. Recently I have been having bad cramps in my lower stomach compared to period cramps. (I had uterine ablation in the past year too) when I had the constipation I went to my doctor who did the fistula because I had a lot of bright red blood that lasted for a week. She wasn't concerned. Might make an appt to see her again it's usually quick to get in.
submitted by Choice-Anteater8878 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:36 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 426

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 426


The instant he confronted the colossal Fire Dragon emerging from the spearhead, the Arch Lich had a stark realization.

'It's too late.'

The attack was inescapable.

His unspoken spell and the nearly completed magic dissipated among the abrupt inferno that enveloped him.

Radiating the Fire of Calamity, the Fire Dragon opened its gaping maw towards the paralyzed Arch Lich, who had become numb to even pain.


A draconian roar accompanied by billowing blue flames engulfed everything. The air warped, and the searing heat vaporized all in its path.

The Arch Lich felt his magical barriers and shields dissolving, reviving sensations he thought he had long forgotten.

'It's hot.'


The blue Fire of Calamity dominated his vision. The Fire Dragon, unrelenting, swept over him and continued its relentless flight.

Its target was the enormous black Gate at the heart of the devastated city.

Wait, it was hurtling towards the Gate.


In a surge of panic, the Arch Lich's red eyes widened, and he extended his hand futilely as the Fire Dragon consumed the Gate, nearly equal in size.

At that moment, when the flames met the extraordinary magical power fueled by the life force of countless humans, a blinding explosion erupted.


A pillar of light visible from vast distances ascended.

Darkness clashed with blue flames, merging rapidly. The stripped skyscrapers that had barely held against the onslaught now crumbled, unleashing a ring of tempestuous winds.


An unspeakable roar and tremor shook the earth.

The ash-gray sky cracked open, and the dense fog smothering the city dispersed like a dispelled illusion.

Then, as if it were all a fleeting dream, a tranquil silence descended.


With a vacant stare, the Arch Lich surveyed the landscape.

The scene was ostensibly unchanged, yet he knew — everything, including himself, had irreversibly transformed. It had all crumbled, like a sandcastle at high tide.

Slowly, the Arch Lich turned his gaze. The trembling red glow fell upon a figure, imposing as a steel tower.

- I should have killed you.

A declaration that pierced the stillness.

Pale as death, Jin Tae-Kyung spoke. Despite appearing on the brink of collapse from the physical toll and mental strain of endless battles, his voice retained its unwavering force.

"I know. Why didn't you kill me quickly?"

The Arch Lich's lips sealed shut. The missed chance to end Jin Tae-Kyung's life was his error.

A lapse in vigilance had undone everything.

'My King, please forgive this disloyal servant.'

The Arch Lich sought forgiveness from his King, wherever he might be.

Had he not hesitated, had he slain Jin Tae-Kyung before the human's monstrous ally was reborn and drove that cursed sword into his chest... all would have unfolded as ordained.

He would have endured, finalized the Gate, and unleashed legions of monsters to devastate humanity and ignite their cities.

All while anticipating the return of the formidable King.

Yet, his flawless scheme had crumbled spectacularly.

All due to one man — Jin Tae-Kyung.

The crimson in the Arch Lich's eyes ignited with dwindling power.

He silently vowed vengeance, and his oath of retribution echoed towards Jin Tae-Kyung.

- Remember me. One day, I will trample your souls with my bare feet.

Jin Tae-Kyung spat out a glob of phlegm.

"The one that's about to die always spouts bullshit. How about you try calling Asmodeus a bastard instead? If you do, I may consider ending this quickly."

The Skeleton King hesitated before speaking.

- Asmodeus, you bastard...

"Not you."

- Ah, I know. I just wanted to try it once. But it feels wrong to say such disrespectful words.

"Why? You're a king now, too."

- Yes, that's right.

By the River of Death, he swore to tear those two apart.

The Arch Lich extended both hands towards Jin Tae-Kyung and the Skeleton King.

His skeletal fingers tightened as if to obliterate them from a distance, yet nothing ensued.

Instead, a stray wind caressed his entire form.


It was disintegration. Beginning with the Arch Lich's hands, his very essence started to erode.

Arms, legs, torso, and at last, the skull housing the dimming red glow.

- Please survive. Until the day we meet again... [Note: the second villain who wishes the MC a long life.]

A voice steeped in bitterness mingled with the wind and faded away.

The growing tempest scattered the ashes that were once the Arch Lich.

As it howled, its reach extended to everything within the radius of One Strike, leaving behind a desolate landscape of collapsed skyscrapers, heaps of concrete, overturned vehicles, and lifeless bodies...

And the unfinished colossal Gate, which might have sparked an even more catastrophic war.


In the midst of this desolation, Jin Tae-Kyung stood in silence, a solitary chime ringing in his ears, audible only to him amidst the chaos.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

A flood of System notifications clouded his vision, signaling the end of the ordeal.

Yet, Jin Tae-Kyung’s body, drained of all energy, began to sway towards the earth.

'I did it.'

With that single thought, he surrendered to a profound and serene slumber.

And the Skeleton King, carefully catching the falling form of Jin Tae-Kyung, could see it.

The faint smile spreading across his lips.

- You've worked hard.

Wicked but still a decent human, he murmured to himself.

Intent on transporting Jin Tae-Kyung to a place of rest and safety, the Skeleton King suddenly recalled something he had forgotten.

- Oh, right. The sword.

Was it called 'Hero's Soul'? He wasn't sure who had named it, but it was certain that a mysterious power was imbued in it.

It was thanks to that sword that he, once a Skeleton Warlord on the verge of extinction, had been awakened and able to deal a serious blow to the dreadful Arch Lich.

- I almost forgot. I must make sure to take it.

Locating the sword didn't take long. It had lain quietly at the spot where the Arch Lich last stood, embedded in its chest until the final moments.

Yet, as the Skeleton King lifted the [Hero's Soul], confusion furrowed his brow.

- Hmm, something feels off.

It was a strange sensation, difficult to explain.

It might be accurate to say that while it remained a legendary sword, its mystical aura seemed somewhat diminished.

- Did I pick up the wrong sword?

But despite a thorough search and close inspection of the sword, nothing seemed amiss.

After some contemplation, scratching his golden skull, the Skeleton King concluded.

- Hmm. It must be the right one, I suppose.

He thought it was just a momentary feeling. The sword he remembered looked the same, and he had seen it fall from Arch Lich's chest at the last moment.

'But why does this feel so unsettling?'

It was a perplexing anomaly. The Skeleton King shook his head and tucked the sword between his pelvic bones for safekeeping.

As he approached the fallen Jin Tae-Kyung, he remained oblivious.

Unseen by him, as Jin Tae-Kyung succumbed to unconsciousness, drained of all strength, a mist-like black energy mingled with the dispersing wind.

Simultaneously, the golden light that had clung to the [Hero's Soul] disapeared from the sword as it pursued this dark essence.

But this light was not merely riding the wind.

The black energy, intertwined with the wind, drifted along until his path was obstructed.

The Arch Lich, now merely a feeble fragment of his former soul, widened his eyes at the dazzling golden light shimmering before him.

'Such an absurdity.'

Before dissolving, the Arch Lich’s final words to Jin Tae-Kyung and the Skeleton King were sincere.

He vowed a swift return, ready to drench the land with blood, wielding greater power and commanding a vaster horde of monsters than ever before.

Life Force Vessel.

A high-level dark magic exclusive to the undead, capable of preserving fragments of souls, was thought to prevent eternal obliteration. [Note: like a horcrux from Harry Potter.]

Or so he had thought, until that resplendent golden light intercepted him.

- What are you?

Now reduced to a mere sliver of a soul, the Arch Lich was no match for the brilliance emanating from the light.

Mixed emotions of anger, astonishment, and fear intensified the black energy.

Despite the Arch Lich’s thoughts reaching out, the golden light remained impassive, merely intensifying its radiance and expanding in size.

Then, the Arch Lich understood the true essence of the light.

It was not magic but a soul. The soul of someone he had once crushed and defiled. Though formless, it persisted within the sword, sustained solely by sheer will.

The Arch Lich suddenly recalled one of the memories he had buried deep in his mind.

'You are noble, human. What is your name?'

On that day of carnage, where blood ran like rivers and corpses mounted like hills, amidst ruins and death, one human stood defiant till the end.

- Lei Fei.

The movement of the Arch Lich, or rather the black energy, halted abruptly.

The brilliant golden light burst forth from the void, enveloping him like a tidal wave.


'...Damn it all.'

And those were the Arch Lich's final thoughts.

* * *

The atmosphere on the battlefield, where the main forces congregated, was electric.

As the S-rank Hunters and a contingent of troops moved to the rear to forge a pathway for the suicide squad, tens of thousands of monsters capitalized on the opportunity to launch an assault.

「Fire Rain!」


From the back lines, the mage unit unleashed their area-wide magic, and a torrential downpour of fire descended upon the enemy.

In that moment, as hundreds of monsters were reduced to cinders, the mages' fists clenched in grim resolve.

Squeal! Crack!


One mage, his face etched with confusion, wiped away the blood that had splashed across his features.

The face of his comrade, who had shared a smile just moments ago, was obliterated. No, it had been blown apart.

This was the work of a black lance, piercing through the air like a beam of light from a distance.

Squeal, boom!

Another lance hurtled through the air, impaling several mages before their screams could even begin.


「Death Knights! It's Death Knights!」

「Damn it, what the hell are you talking about! Weren't they all dealt with?」

「No, it seems not! It looks like they had hidden some elite monsters among them!」

This foreboding pronouncement quickly became a gruesome reality.

With the S-rank Hunters away, elite monsters emerged on the battlefield, initiating a brutal massacre.



Death Knights, Liches, and scores of invisible Wyverns materialized, unleashing a ruthless onslaught.

As people fell and monsters advanced without pause, a profound despair settled over those who fought desperately to hold their ground.

Even if the S-rank Hunters were present, this battle would have been tough to emerge victorious from.

'It's all over.'

And just when all seemed lost, as they braced for death.


The blade of a Death Knight, caught mid-slash through a victim, suddenly halted.

No, it disintegrated into ash.

"W-what is this...?"

A hunter who had narrowly escaped death looked around in astonishment.

It was a sight beyond belief.

First, hundreds fell, then thousands disintegrated.

Before long, tens of thousands of monsters were disintegrating into ash and collapsing.


It was the beginning of the end.

Previous Table of Contents Next
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 425

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 425


White Flames, having lost its mark, skittered across the ground.


With a snap of his fingers, the Arch Lich ensnared me, who stood frozen like a statue. Black hands, summoned from the void, clamped tightly around my body.

He wielded his magic effortlessly, foregoing the incantations usually required for spellcasting.

Step by step.

With each stride, the Arch Lich's magic swirled through him like a dense fog.

His left arm, obliterated earlier by my One Strike, began to regenerate. The shattered bones, now shaded darker, knitted together with eerie robustness.

As the completion of the Gate approached, his power swelled correspondingly.

- I wondered why I could smell death on you. That's quite a spectacular reason, isn't it? The friendship between a human and a monster is... quite touching.


The sound of misaligned bones grated through my frame, yet my gaze drifted over the Arch Lich's shoulder.

Focused on a sword embedded in the earth, its hilt clutched by a hand that refused to relinquish its grip.

'Skeleton Warlord.'

By divine decree, humans and monsters were eternal adversaries.

Initially, it had been the same between us.

But now... I realized. At some juncture, the Skeleton Warlord had transcended mere monstrosity in my eyes.

'If I had still thought of him as just a monster, I would have annihilated him with my own hands.'

Destroying the Skeleton Warlord could have provided a crucial boost through leveling up.

Yet I faltered, and ultimately, I abstained.

Not merely because he had spared my life, but because he had won a place as a friend in my heart.

A hollow laugh burst from my lips.

‘Damn it. I should have never gotten attached.’

At that, the Arch Lich’s eyes narrowed slightly.

- You're laughing? In this situation?

“My mother used to say that laughter brings fortune.”

- You must be out of your mind.

“Why the fuss if I want to laugh? Are you my date or something?”

I spat at the Arch Lich’s face. A thick, ambiguous mixture of blood and phlegm trickled down his brow.

At that moment, a fierce red glow blazed from where his eyes ought to be.

- I've heard your response well.

“Fuck you.”

If I claimed to have no regrets about my life up to this point, I would be lying. Regrets, however, always arrive too late, and I've fought hard enough until now.

When I finally let go, everything seemed like a fleeting dream. My face, relaxed in a smile, was mirrored in the Arch Lich's sinister red gaze.

- I've said this before. Your body will be torn to shreds, and your soul will wander the River of Death forever.

I nodded, accepting this grim fate easily.

“That sounds about right. Just like that demon bastard you serve.”

- ...!

“When I meet him, I’ll send your regards. Give me his address.”

- ...Let’s see how long you can keep spouting such nonsense.

With a mere gesture from the Arch Lich, the massive magical hands constricting me tightened their grip and began to tear at my limbs with incredible force.

Slowly, bit by bit.

Creak, crunch.

A small cracking sound from within awoke the sense of pain I had momentarily escaped.

Though I believed I had no energy left for screams, an involuntary howl tore through my lips.

“Argh, aaaaargh!”

- That's it. Much better.

Blinded by agony, I braced for death as I unleashed the screams I had suppressed.

But just as the pain began to ebb away, instead of death, a System notification chimed.


- [Top-grade Potion] used!

- The amount of potion used is too small. The injury has been slightly healed!

- Your injuries are too severe. A more potent and higher-quality healing is necessary!


As a refreshing sensation mingled with renewed pain, my eyes met the Arch Lich's, which gleamed mockingly.

In his hand, he held a glass bottle.

‘I see.’

It was one of the potions from Lee Jeong-Ryong’s subspace pocket, previously pilfered by the Arch Lich.

And now, he wielded the healing potion as an instrument of torment.

The potion delivered just enough healing to forestall death, yet it intensified my agony to new excruciating heights.

- Foolish human. Did you really think I would grant you an easy and comfortable death?


- Continue to wail. Cry like a coward, thrash in pain, and only after you realize your foolishness will you be able to head towards the River of Death.

The Arch Lich swirled the glass bottle, his tone laced with derision.

The potion, diminished by barely a tenth, was a clear measure of the enduring pain yet to come.

That torment seemed destined to stretch into infinity.

Amidst the minimal relief and overwhelming pain, I gasped for air and managed a forced smile.

"If I chant 'Long live the Demon King' three times, will you end it quickly?"

- Well, if you put your heart and soul into it, I might consider.

“I won’t, you son of a bitch.”

- That's fine. We have plenty of time anyway. It wouldn’t hurt to think it over slowly…


The Arch Lich’s glowing eyes flickered wildly, mirroring my own shock.

It was something neither he nor I had expected.

- What is this...

His voice trailed off in suspicion as he glanced down at his chest.

It was light. A brilliant, overwhelming radiance — bright enough to rival the sun - erupted from his chest.

'No, it’s not just light.'

I stared at it with a vacant gaze. It was a sword, emitting a brilliance greater than anything I had ever before.

I knew the name of that all-too-familiar sword.

‘Hero’s Soul.’

Beyond the skeletal chest of the Arch Lich, I could see the steadfast hand that clutched the sword’s hilt.


Time seemed to halt.

In this nearly frozen world, I watched as hundreds, then thousands, of bone fragments coalesced.

They were mere remnants of a skeleton, yet they drew together with magnetic force, beginning to reconstruct.

Click, clack!

The symphony of bones assembling.

First, the limbs took shape, followed swiftly by the torso.

The bones, once black and lustrous, were bathed in the radiance of the [Hero's Soul]. They soon took on a subtle gold hue, lengthening and hardening in the process.


It was a miraculous transformation.

The myriad bone fragments merged, reconstructing a body in a manner that seemed to reverse the flow of time. The light emanating from the sword expelled the darkness lodged within the joints, heralding the genesis of a new entity.

And then, as the skull clicked into place atop the reformed body—


Golden light exploded from the vacant eye sockets, emitting an aura both deeply familiar and intriguingly foreign.

In the next moment, the suspended time resumed its course.

- You asked me why?


My body jolted as if struck by lightning, recalling a memory from barely an hour earlier.

'But why? ...Why?'

That had been my question. Why did you shield me, knowing it spelled your destruction?

At the time, his response was uncertain, hinting that perhaps the sword had cast a spell over him.

Now, the answer I had not heard before resonated clearly.

- You're a cunning, wicked human...but also a pretty good guy.

A pretty good guy.

A phrase I had once said to someone else.

I stared at him, astonished. His enlarged, solid form radiated a soft golden glow. The silver pattern etched on the forehead of his skull resembled a crown.

No, it was clearly a crown.

[Lv.160 Skeleton King]

As the System window hovered above his head, laughter bubbled up from me uncontrollably.

"My Golgol has grown a lot."

- I wondered why I've been feeling itchy all this time. [Note: just a quick reminder: the Skeleton Warlord has previously complained, during one of the MC's abusive treatments, that his bones have been itchy and sensitive lately. For more details, look at novel chapter 409.]

The once small, dark caterpillar had finally emerged from its cocoon, wings unfurled.

The luminance of the Skeleton Warlord — now the Skeleton King — radiated outward like a crescent moon. Both of us shared a moment of laughter.

Yet, there was one who could not share in our mirth.

- Argh! Aaaaargh!

The Arch Lich.

This unparalleled Named Monster, commander of legions of the undead and bearer of undying, formidable magical powers, now contorted in torment.

A sword impaled through the heart of his chest.

The golden radiance from the [Hero's Soul] began to devour the magic, dissolving his form.

Perhaps even his soul.

- Human.

Prompted by the Skeleton King’s gentle summons, I knew it was time.

'Let's end this.'


- [Hero's Soul] bestows upon you the light of healing!

- All status abnormalities have been removed!

- All injuries and stats have been restored!

- The soul of the departed smiles upon you.


A surge of light from the [Hero's Soul] enveloped me, its warmth mending my fractured bones and knitting my flesh back together.

My organs, once damaged, and blood vessels, previously torn, now regenerated, the heat within them simmering like molten lava.

'I can do this.'

This newfound conviction was as solid as steel, surprising even to myself, yet unmistakably true.

With such power at my command, there was nothing beyond my reach.

'My turn.'

Ssssssht! Thump!

I picked up White Flames, which lay discarded nearby.


Leaping into the air, I extended my foot.

My trajectory aimed me straight at the Arch Lich, who, amidst his powerful sorcery, writhed in agony.

- What in the world! What magic have you used!

The Arch Lich bellowed in fury.

His eyes, pulsating red, dilated with each pulse of agony.

His pain was palpable.

- Damn you, damn human! Aaaaargh!

Ignoring his curses, I raised White Flames with deliberate calm.

I positioned the mystical spear, its blade shimmering, to strike not just the flailing Arch Lich but also the ominous Gate looming behind him.


From the core of my lower dantian, the fire dragon unfurled its wings, ascending as a fiery orb that exploded outward in all directions. The flames, kindled at my fingertips, climbed up the shaft of White Flames, cloaking it in layers of azure fire.

- You bastard! How dare you!

The Arch Lich flailed his limbs in a frenzy as his rage boiled over. Yet, the magic he cast fizzled out before it could reach me, snuffed by the searing barrier that cocooned me.

Despite his faltering strength, the darkness around the Gate churned with renewed vigor.

Then, it struck me.


As I twisted my body, the force of rotation surged from my legs through my waist, amplifying as it reached my shoulders and wrists. This caused White Flames to quiver with intense energy.

An extraordinary power, harnessed from the depths of my being, ignited a flame more colossal than any before.

This was the moment.


In an instant, the distance between me and the Arch Lich collapsed, and time seemed to stretch thin.

Before his lips could complete his incantation, I struck with a force fueled by every ounce of my resolve and strength.

- Blin...!

One Strike.

There would be no second chances. The azure dragon, unleashed from the blade, enveloped both the Arch Lich and the ominous Gate.


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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 424

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 424


Engulfed in searing blue flames, the vortex devoured everything in its path,

Buildings crumbled - their concrete skeletons exposed and steel frames twisted grotesquely. The ground was littered with the scattered bodies of humans and monsters alike, casualties of the relentless destruction.

The ultra-high heat obliterated nearly everything, reducing it all to ash and molten remnants.

Except for one.

- Blink.

Everything but him.


- Skill, [One Strike] has been activated!

- [Qi] has been completely exhausted!

- Everything comes with a price. Despite serious injuries, you have overexerted your power.

- Status abnormality, [Exhaustion] has been applied!

- [Strength], [Stamina], [Agility] have temporarily plummeted!

My strength ebbed away, leaving me hollow. The alerts from the System rang incessantly in my ears, while the distant cries of the Skeleton Warlord in my inventory faded to mere whispers.

My body felt leaden, as though submerged in icy water. In the frigid solitude of my mind, one thought spun relentlessly:

'This was my last chance.'

Why hadn’t I seen it coming? Why hadn’t I guessed?

The Arch Lich had warned me; he had been observing me through his network of familiars scattered across the battlefield.

I should have suspected he'd seen my earlier uses of [One Strike] on the Liches and Death Knights.

I should have questioned it, even without certainty.


A laugh, bitter and mocking, broke from my lips. I had promised myself never to let down my guard, yet here I was, caught in the most critical of errors.

The lack of options was no excuse. In battle, it is the outcome that counts, not the intent. This was the bitter fruit of my negligence.


The iron bar I clutched fell from my weakening grasp, clanging loudly as it hit the ground. My legs buckled, forcing me to kneel.

Head bowed, I was enveloped by a suffocating darkness.

- You, human. How does it feel to pay the price for your reckless courage?

Struggling to lift my head, I locked eyes with his fiery red gaze. A hoarse whisper clawed its way through my parched throat.

"Of course it feels shitty, you damn bastard."

- It was a fearsome strike. I'll give you that much praise.

The Arch Lich’s voice dripped with triumph.

Despite his use of teleportation magic, he couldn’t entirely evade One Strike, resulting in the loss of his left arm. Yet, there he stood, a grim victor amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

His eyes, a sinister red, gleamed with a cruel joy as he gazed down at me, kneeling like a penitent sinner.

- I waited until the end. Despite the humiliation suffered at the hands of a human, I endured and persevered. And finally... this body claims victory.

His cunning was undeniable.

As I had feared, he had been anticipating One Strike from the outset.

Previously, I had obliterated Liches and Death Knights with One Strike, replenishing my stamina through leveling up, but he had keenly observed the moment I depleted all my strength.

- Do you understand now? This is your limit - the limit of a human.


That word burrowed deeply into my chest.

Despite all my struggles, the label of F-rank haunted me. It was a limit I had strived to surpass every day since acquiring the System.

'Is this really the end?'

I had fought desperately, for myself and for those I loved, pushing through peril after peril. This was my life: a relentless challenge of transcending my own boundaries.

"It's not over... not yet."

The words fell from my lips, hollow and lifeless, as if spoken by another.

My vision blurred as I raised my eyes to meet the Arch Lich’s gaze.

- What?

"It's not over yet."

A battle to the death concludes only when one side falls and the other stands victorious.

Until then, the struggle persists.

As death loomed close, I whispered to myself.

'Inventory open. Summon.'

I thought I had secured one of the spears from my inventory in my grasp.

But then, I dropped it.


In that moment, I realized my strength had waned too far to wield a spear, let alone swing it.

- Hahahaha!

The Arch Lich’s laughter was grotesque, reveling in my plight.

Yet, surrender was not an option for me. I would not, could not give up.

'Open Inventory. Summon.'

Weapon after weapon appeared in my hands.


And one by one, I dropped them.

'Open Inventory. Summon.'


- Oh, you foolish, stupid human!

The Arch Lich's mockery rang out.

Yet I persisted, undeterred.

Is it courageous to humbly accept one's end? If that is courage, then label me a coward.

I must survive — I believed this was the highest respect I could pay to the life I had fought so hard to live.

'Open Inventory. Summon.'

It was at that very moment.


- [Endurance] greatly increases.

- The attribute, [Endurance], transforms into [Will]!

- Those with strong will are not easily broken; they do not fall. They will fight with all their might until the very end.

- A strong will, at times, can give you the power to overcome your limits!

- Special effect, [Indomitable], has been activated. Temporarily, all attributes slightly increase, and fatigue is reduced!

A surge of warmth spread through my core, faint yet fiercer than any force I had known.

It wasn't just a burst of power.

It was a beacon of hope kindled by my desperation and given by the System.

With hands shaking, I clasped the cold spear shaft firmly.

- You...

The Arch Lich had noticed the shift too.

His gaze, previously dismissive as if I was merely an exhibit, now widened in alarm. Seizing the moment, I mustered all my remaining strength and lunged forward.

Time seemed to stretch, elongating the seconds as I thrust the spear towards his looming figure.


As the spear tore through the air with a sonic boom, I saw it clearly — the Arch Lich’s eyes, twisted into a crescent of scorn.

It was a sneer.

- Blood Explosion.


The force of the explosion reverberated through my body, sending shockwaves pulsing through every fiber.

With the last of my strength spent, my muscles seized up. The spear slipped from my weakened grip and impaled the ground at an awkward angle.

I blinked through eyes filled with blood. In a world now painted a visceral red, something warm and sticky splattered onto my face.

Drip, drip-drip.


It was blood.

My own blood, spurting forth like a gruesome fountain, showered down in a macabre rain.

As I raised my trembling hands, quivering like aspen leaves in a storm, the ghastly sight of my shredded flesh and starkly exposed bones confronted me.

Blood Explosion. A literal explosion of blood.

From the edges of my dimming consciousness, the cries of the Skeleton Warlord pierced the air.

- ...Human, human!

How long had he been shouting?

I tried to answer, but all that escaped my lips was a grotesque mix of blood and fragments of my organs.


The world spun chaotically before my eyes.

I reached out toward the Arch Lich, now just a blur through the blood-smeared lens of my vision, but my hand grasped only air.

Perhaps it always would.

- Snap out of it! Aren't you supposed to live?

Is that supposed to be encouragement?

I knew I had to survive, defeat him, and return home.


'Can I really?'

Slowly, the world seemed to tilt.

No, the world was stable; it was I who was faltering. My body, ravaged by relentless bleeding and grievous injuries, used the last vestiges of its strength just to keep from collapsing.

'No. If I fall, it's all over.'

I propped myself up on a broken ankle.

The faint, thorn-like pain was a grim reminder that I was dying, yet the intermittent shouts from the Skeleton Warlord, sounding through the haze like a broken radio, affirmed that I was still somehow alive.

- ...Do it, human! Hurry!

Do it? Do what?

- Summon me now...!

My eardrums were ruptured, my consciousness slipping; the Skeleton Warlord's shouts were just muffled echoes in my shattered senses.

Even if I could have made out his words, there was nothing I could do to intercept the Arch Lich's next move.

- You have some interesting possessions.

Suddenly, in the Arch Lich's hand was a familiar object.

My cherished weapon, White Flames, which had weathered many battles at my side, now blazed in the hands of this usurper. He laughed, his skeletal frame aglow within the dancing flames.

- I have received a gift far too extravagant. I suppose it should be returned to its owner.

The Arch Lich drew back his arm. A potent magic dampened the inferno of White Flames and surged along the spear’s blade.

- Farewell, noble adversary — or perhaps just a fool who might have been something more.


The sonic boom was fleeting, yet the moment stretched into an eternity.

I watched, mute, as White Flames hurtled towards me like a meteor. A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind, leading me to an inevitable conclusion.

'I can't avoid it.'

Then the only end left for me was death.

I had survived countless battles over the past seven years, but never had the specter of death loomed so palpably.

All I could do was witness its relentless advance.

'Yes, this is the end.'

I repeated the thought with eerie calm.


The blade of White Flames cleaved through bone as it impaled me squarely in the chest.

I froze, eyes wide in shock — not pain.


- Why, what?

Words failed me as I stared into the flickering blue eyes just inches from my face.

From a skull no larger than a soccer ball, the Skeleton Warlord had morphed into a towering figure over two meters tall, his voice blunt and confounding.

- Don't ask how I was able to get out on my own. Even this commander doesn't understand why.

"But why? ...Why?"

I asked, facing him.

The blade of the spear, protruding from the Skeleton Warlord's back to his chest, halted just a whisper away from piercing me.

If no one had intervened, I would have surely died.

He had just thrown himself to save my life.

- ...I don't know anymore. Damn it. I don't know anything now. Maybe I was enchanted by this sword.

Only then did I recognize the identity of the sword in the Skeleton Warlord's hand.

"Hero's Soul."

The only relic of Lei Fei, a sword that cannot be wielded by those who are not qualified to be heroes.

Yet here it was.

Held not by a hero, but by a Named Monster — the Skeleton Warlord.

- Hero's Soul, huh? For something made by humans, that's a pretty decent name. No, honestly, it's cool. Although it's too late to swing it properly now...

His voice trailed off, and the intense blue light in his eyes began to fade.

I understood what was happening to him.


Undoubtedly. Even now, the magical force of the Arch Lich, carried by the blade of White Flames, was devouring the Skeleton Warlord.


- Don't say any more. I'm already regretting this as it is.

I doubted his sincerity, especially given the soft chuckle that seemed at odds with his typically gruff demeanor.

- Human. There's something I'm curious about.

As the Arch Lich approached and the shoulders of the Skeleton Warlord crumbled, I gave a silent nod.


He hesitated for a moment then asked in a soft voice.

- About what you said last time. Was it sincere?

"Last time, what... Oh."

I suddenly remembered. The way he had been right after Lei Fei's death, pondering his forgotten past.

And the casual remark I had made.

'Well, I think he was probably a pretty good guy.'

'...Huh? Are you talking about me?'

'No. I'm just talking to myself.'

'Oh, yes. Right.'

So that's what it is.

For the Skeleton Warlord, who had awakened with power from a spirit that had lost all its memories, I might have been the closest thing to a friend he ever had.

The simple words I had spoken were like a pebble tossed into the still waters of his heart, causing ripples to spread outward.

'What an idiot.'

What was that all about? Why go this far over such a trivial thing?

A surge of emotion welled up within me, heat flushing my face, but I reined it in. I barely managed to muster my voice.

"Of course it was sincere."

- Yes, I see.

At that moment, as the blue light in his eyes flickered feebly, a cold voice cut through the air, heralding the end.

- Are you finished with your farewells?


- Bone Explosion.


Instinctively, I shielded my face with my arms, but the force of the explosion hurled me backward, sending shockwaves pulsating through me.

As I staggered to my feet, I witnessed a skull catapulted into the sky, bones splintering and scattering like brittle ice.

And then… silence.

The Skeleton Warlord had vanished.


[Hero's Soul] plummeted from the heavens, its blade burying itself deep into the earth, gripped by a hand that had not relinquished it until the very end.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 Dull_Mycologist9283 Not hungry at all after GB surgery 05/30

So I had my gastric bypass surgery on 05/30 and according to surgeon everything went well. That night while recovering in hospital my Blood pressure was low the said lower than 120/bp. Well I’m monitoring it again and it’s still lower than 120, it’s at 115…. I’m also not hungry at all. Like at all. It’s so hard to drink water and the protein shakes because I get the worst gas pain as a result of taking these small sips. I know I did the right thing by getting this surgery but man it’s been rough. I survive the pain by taking hot showers..
submitted by Dull_Mycologist9283 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 423

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 423


The moment I hurled the Arch Lich to the ground with a resounding crash, I coiled my energy and kicked the air.


A thunderous explosion of compressed air echoed as I hurtled toward his descending form with fearsome velocity.

The Skeleton Warlord let out a scream or cheer — it was hard to tell which.

- That's it, human! Finish him!

Finish what, exactly?

His judgment was unfortunately wrong. I knew this better than anyone, especially as I drove my fist into the Arch Lich's jaw.

'Did he cast a defensive spell in that brief moment...?'

Before my fully-powered Flame-Extinguishing Divine Fist could make contact, he conjured a Bone Shield across his face, warding off the brunt of the blow.

Though the strike wasn’t wholly futile, he was no easy foe to vanquish.

And my prediction proved accurate. The Arch Lich, whose body had been plummeting earthward like a comet, abruptly stopped mid-descent, as potent magic filled the air.

- Darkness Hold.


From the void, two colossal hands materialized. At first glance, they appeared as mere Dark Hands, but Darkness Hold was designed exclusively to ensnare its target, as the name suggested.

I dived headlong toward the encroaching hands, my spear poised for battle.

'I see it.'

Everything possesses an 'essence' — living creatures, the wind, even invisible forces.

With my middle dantian now open, I could discern and understand the core and essence of all things.

Just like in this moment.


Flames burst forth, cleaving through the darkness. The writhing black hands dissipated into a mist, while the Arch Lich’s eyes glinted with malice.

The next instant, his spectral bony hand sliced through the air.

- Dark Claw!

Swoosh, swish!

The evaporating black mist morphed into the savage claws of a beast, descending in a furious onslaught.

The attacks came from every direction, each with a unique path. Deflecting them would be manageable if I concentrated, but that meant losing ground on the Arch Lich just after having narrowed the gap.

'I must make a choice.'

It's impossible to catch both rabbits, especially when the opponent is more of a tiger than a rabbit.

In an instant, I made my decision and unleashed White Flames — not at the encircling magic, but directly at the Arch Lich.


The searing blue blaze of White Flames tore through the air like a bolt of lightning.

From the Arch Lich's mouth came a voice, tinged with unprecedented desperation.

- Bone Shie—!

It's already too late, you bastard.


The blue blaze enveloped the Arch Lich completely.

The nascent bone shield disintegrated into dust under the blistering assault.


The White Flames' blade speared through the Arch Lich’s chest, skewering him like meat over a fire. His scream was like none I had ever heard before.

Suddenly, a biting chill sliced through the air from every direction.

- Human, danger...!

Even without the Skeleton Warlord's cry, I already knew.

Yet, I did it anyway. In order to take bones, you have to sacrifice flesh. Fully aware of the impending harm, I still believed in my choice.

As magical claws descended from all around, I mulled over my decision.

'...Maybe I should have just blocked it.'

But regret was a luxury I could no longer afford.


A wind swept over my entire form, chilling to the bone.

It was no illusion like a Bone Spear, nor slow enough to block. I contorted my body, bolstering my Qi, but the onslaught was relentless.

Shiing, slash, screee! Swoosh!

Shoulders, flanks, thighs, arms...

Countless magical claws lacerated my flesh. Blood gushed from the wounds, and agony surged through me.

'Damn it.'

It hurts enough to make me wish for death.

No matter how often one experiences it, pain is something one never gets used to.

My vision blurred, my limbs grew heavy and succumbed.

It was a brief lapse, yet it stretched into an agonizing eternity.

When my eyes fluttered open again, the first thing I saw was an imposing mass of concrete that had materialized seemingly out of nowhere.

- Wake up, human!


The urgent command of the Skeleton Warlord jolted me back to awareness.

I funneled Qi into my stiff limbs, the pain from ruptured meridians reigniting my dulled senses.


With no time to waste, I hurled myself over.

Bang! A cloud of dust billowed as I crash-landed onto the concrete debris. Sharp tremors and pain shot through my legs.


The Skeleton Warlord spoke to me as I grit my teeth against the pain,

- Human, you don't look… okay.

I drew a ragged breath and shot back,

"Huff. If you know that, then shut up. My head is throbbing."

It was no exaggeration; even the System notifications were enough to make my stomach churn.


- Status abnormality, [Serious Injury] has been inflicted!

- Status abnormality, [Excessive Bleeding] has been inflicted!

- Due to severe injuries, your physical stats have drastically decreased!

- [Strength], [Agility], [Stamina] have each decreased by 200 points!

- You have sustained severe injuries! Immediate medical attention is required!

Yep, that sounds about right.

Whether from the blood loss or the relentless pain, my vision swam, and my thoughts muddled.

Yet, through the haze, one thought remained clear.

"The Arch Lich. Where is the Arch Lich?"

At my hoarse voice, the Skeleton Warlord shouted.

- You crazy human! Get treated first!

"The kill notification hasn't popped up yet. He's still alive..."

- Notification or not, get treated now!


I told you to shut up.

Leaning heavily against the rubble, I felt dizzy. Blood seeped from my drenched clothing, and my limbs shook uncontrollably like trembling leaves.


This time, I took a serious beating.

The only small comfort was that the Arch Lich must be just as badly off, if not worse.

- You foolish human!

I know. I know already.

While the echoes of reprimand rang in my skull, I spread my palm and whispered to myself.

'Inventory open. Summon.'


Everything happened simultaneously.

From a subspace pocket, once belonging to Lee Jeong-Ryong, I retrieved an item now mine to command.

'Top-grade potion.'

Could Lee Jeong-Ryong have ever imagined that the two emergency potions he'd packed would both end up in my hands?

My fingers shook as I uncorked the Top-grade potion, desperate to drink it like it was the very elixir of life.

But just as I raised it to my lips.

Thud, swoosh!


It all happened in an instant.

A black vine shot up from the concrete debris, lashed at my wrist, and sent the potion arcing through the air, disappearing into the fog.

As I watched a few droplets disperse into the dusty air and sink into the earth, I muttered,

"Dark Vine."

A spell all too familiar.

The Skeleton Warlord groaned.

- It's him.

I lifted my gaze. A red light flickered through the dense fog like a distant flame.

Approaching was a figure, three meters tall with a sinister black gleam. It resembled a human, yet bore an essence that defied such a simple label as it emerged from the fog with heavy, deliberate steps.

- You, human.

The voice was low, heavy with unmistakable rage.

The Skeleton Warlord trembled within my Inventory, and a faint smile crossed my lips.

"You damn bastard. I was drinking that."

- Your struggle ends here.

Shriek, snap!

I had no chance to react — when the Arch Lich flicked his fingers, Lee Jeong-Ryong’s ordinary-looking subspace pocket was swept into the distance by the Dark Vine.

- Your shallow tricks will no longer work.

With each word he spoke, the magic encircling the Arch Lich stirred to life.

Yet, just as I bore grave injuries, his power too seemed diminished.

My White Flames spear that had scorched through his chest was unmistakably the cause.

'I can do this.'

Summoning my strength, I pushed myself upright. Extending my hand, I summoned a spear from my Inventory, clasping it firmly.

"The spear stuck in your chest really suits you. Should I add another so you're symmetric?"

- Do you think you will have the chance?

"Of course. Seeing your state, it seems quite possible."

- Human, you always fail to distinguish between bravery and recklessness. Foolish, truly foolish.

The Arch Lich, with a booming laugh, spread his arms wide.

Instead of his robe, now reduced to cinders by my previous assault, pitch-black magic surged from his form, taking shape.

'That's a...'

A menacing vortex of magic, its presence alone ominous.

Instinctively, I grasped the Arch Lich’s intentions.


It appeared volatile, on the verge of eruption, yet it was unmistakably shaping into a gate.

The next words from the Arch Lich confirmed my suspicions.

- It's not complete yet... but if I can defeat you, I can complete it.

Suddenly, a deep voice, as if echoing from the heavens, caused the air itself to quiver.

- Come forth. Gate Open.


I had to intervene somehow. But the pain hindered my movements, and the transformation had already begun.

I watched, eyes wide, as the next moment unfolded.


The sparse rays of sunlight, which had been meekly filtering through the ashen clouds, vanished entirely.

As the sky split with a deafening roar, a tempest raged around us, and the ensuing darkness rose like a primordial giant.


The flickering darkness ballooned from the heart of the ruined cityscape.

Rising as tall as a skyscraper and spanning wider than a football field, it dwarfed any Gate I had ever encountered, stirring a primal fear deep within my bones.

- Ah, aah.

Even the undead monster, the Skeleton Warlord, trembled at the sight.

As I stared transfixed at the Gate, a critical reminder flashed through my mind.

'I must stop it. No matter what.'

Though it wasn't fully formed, leaving it unchecked could unleash an unimaginable catastrophe.

Millions, possibly tens of millions, could perish.

And... among them might be those dear to me.

Mr. Choi, steadfast on the battlefield, and Shao Shen, to whom I had unexpectedly grown close.

Should the Arch Lich extend his reach beyond China to the peninsula... even the members of the Peace Guild and my cherished family would face dire peril.

'I must go.'

Pain and terror had seized my body, but it was sheer determination that propelled me forward.

Drawing on every reserve of strength, I rallied my Qi as my wounded meridians protested sharply, spurring fresh blood to seep from my wounds.

But I could not falter. I only had this one shot, this one opportunity.

'Brilliant Path of Fire.'

With each agonizing step, my battered legs drove me forward, leaving a blazing trail in my wake.

At its end awaited the catalyst of this chaos.

The one whose death could also end this.


One Strike.

Time seemed to slow as I drove my spear forward with all my strength.

The tornado I unleashed barreled toward him.


And amidst the sea of blue flames that enveloped the world, his mocking laughter and his words sliced through the inferno.

- Blink.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 422

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 422

Ding. Ding. Ding.

- Opportunity arises within crisis. You have gained new enlightenment amidst a life-and-death battle!

- [Middle Dantian] has been opened!

- With the opening of the [Middle Dantian], all stats have increased by 20!

- The effects of [Qi Cultivation] have greatly improved!

- Your ability to understand and manipulate the flow of Qi has been greatly enhanced!

- Your internal and external states have been strengthened!




The relentless System notifications echoed in my ears, their cadence like a persistent hammer.

A sudden gust of wind swept through, playing with my sweat-drenched hair as a newfound vigor suffused my body.

A clear, resonant bell chimed, marking the culmination of my transformation.


- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained a large amount of experience points!

- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained 50 bonus points!

- Level up!

- As a result of leveling up, all status effects, fatigue, and some injuries are recovered!

- The status abnormality, [Curse], has been lifted!

- Temporarily reduced stats have been restored to their original state!

I wasn't the only one who felt such changes.

No hand moves unseen by its master. The Arch Lich, sensing the dissolution of his curse, voiced his disbelief in a tone thick with suspicion.

- How did you...?!

His words, laden with myriad unspoken queries, met only my nonchalant shrug.


- Well?

"Yes, well."

- Do you think that explains it?

"Obviously not. But do I really need to explain myself to you?"

From the flickering light in his eyes, incredulity was unmistakable.

- You're not a mage, are you?

"I did want to be a mage. They get paid more, you know. But I just don't have the talent for it. Nor the brains."

- Even those you call Grand Mages couldn't easily dispel my magic like this.

"There's nothing to it, really."

- This makes no sense!

I conceded silently.

The Arch Lich's mastery was undeniably beyond mine.

Even I, having long surpassed the ordinary bounds of a Hunter, struggled against his curses and the perilous illusions crafted from bone spears.

Without my recent enlightenment, I might not have stood here at all.


"So what are you going to do about it?"

- ...!

The System was on my side; I had simply utilized the strength and resources it provided to navigate through the crisis.

If he thinks that's unfair, he can use the System himself.

"That's just how the world works. It's annoying and frustrating, but you just have to bear with it and move on. It's already happened. Right?"

The Skeleton Warlord, previously howling in rage until a moment ago, now murmured under his breath.

- Wow, you really do speak well.

That's just how I am.

- You wicked human. It doesn't look like he's going to just let it go and move on.

The Skeleton Warlord was right.

Suddenly, a chilling voice cut through the air, followed by a tempest of formidable magical energy.

- Unleash Sonic Buster.


Whoosh, boom!

A blast of densely compressed air erupted.

Its sheer velocity turned concrete to dust and twisted steel rebars like twigs.

The shockwave shattered the windows of a nearby skyscraper, sweeping up a storm of glass shards.

In an instant, before I could even blink, the devastating wind was mere inches from my face.

- Human!

The scream of the Skeleton Warlord resounded from my inventory.

Was it concern for his own fate, or anxiety over mine?

Regardless, the reason held little weight.

I was no longer the same person I had been mere moments ago.


A warmth blossomed in my chest. The spot known to martial artists as the Middle Dantian had fully opened.

Suddenly, I understood everything around me. I felt it on my skin and saw it with acute clarity.

'So that's how it is.'

Time seemed to stretch, the world slowing to a crawl around me, rendering everything sharply defined and vivid.

A colossal orb of wind, launched like a slicing blade, and the intricate flow of magic that propelled it.


Everything has a core, magic included. With the opening of my middle dantian, I could discern that core.


In this decelerated reality, I thrust my spear forward. The formidable orb of wind, previously unstoppable, cleaved neatly in two by the blade of White Flames.

The split fragments of the wind, once a unified force, now dispersed into hundreds, then thousands of smaller currents. Stripped of their magical command, they cascaded to the earth in a chaotic ballet.

Swoosh, crash!

The winds whipped around, tousling my clothes and hair. I raised my head to face the Arch Lich, my expression tinged with a slight smile.

"Come down here. My neck hurts."

- You...!

"Fine, I'll come up."

Crack, boom!

A single step.

The ground beneath me shattered, and I propelled myself toward the grey expanse above.

* * *


As Jin Tae-Kyung launched into the air, the Arch Lich grasped the gravity of the situation.

'I can't let this human approach.'

Avoiding melee combat was a basic rule for any mage, yet it held a new significance for the Arch Lich now.

'To think this body feels threatened by a mere human.'

He prided himself on having reached the pinnacle of black magic.

Despite the considerable drain on his power during his resurrection, the Arch Lich still wielded more magical might than any Grand Mage.

Yet, the human confronting him now... posed a genuine threat.

'Yes, just like that one back then.'

It was a memory he desperately wanted to forget. Gritting his teeth, the Arch Lich summoned his magic.

- Gravity!

This time, his command wasn't just a shout but a formidable wave of power, unleashing an invisible, formless force that crushed everything within its vast reach.

Even an S-rank Hunter like Jin Tae-Kyung could hardly withstand the overwhelming pressure closing in on him.


A burst of compressed air shot from beneath Jin Tae-Kyung's feet as he executed the Void-Trampling Step, his body darting out of the gravity's lethal embrace.

His movements, sharp and swift as a hawk's, far surpassed those of any ordinary flyer.

'What the hell.'

The Arch Lich's eyes darkened as he watched Jin Tae-Kyung slice through the air, rapidly closing the distance.

It was clear now; Jin Tae-Kyung had not only accurately determined the range of the gravity spell but evaded it with uncanny skill.

'It wasn't mere luck that he dispelled the illusion magic. Then...'


Magic surged from the Arch Lich, vibrating the very air around him.

- Gravity. Gravity. Gravity.

He cast the high-level spell repeatedly, a feat beyond even the most adept mages. With this, the Arch Lich believed he would overpower Jin Tae-Kyung this time.

'Fall, human.'

Instead of increasing the force, he had expanded the spell's reach, creating a gravitational field vast enough to ensnare any within its grip...


Doubt flickered in the Arch Lich's gaze.

Simultaneously, the crushing spell around Jin Tae-Kyung unraveled, its magical link severed as if sliced by an unseen blade.

Caught off-guard, the Arch Lich watched as Jin Tae-Kyung propelled himself forward, stepping into the void and rocketing upwards like a cannonball.

Boom! Sssshhhh!

With a deafening sonic boom, Jin Tae-Kyung soared, not merely in front but rising above the Arch Lich, and he brought down the White Flames with devastating force.

Whoosh, a streak of blue flames surged towards the Arch Lich.


In the slowed-down reality, an invisible shield around the Arch Lich shattered like glass.

In that moment, the flames of Protective Qi, fueled by three gapjas of Scorching Yang Qi, penetrated the multitude of defensive spells cloaking the Arch Lich.

- Great Bone Wall!

With a grim command, a barrier of black bones erupted from the void.

This top-tier defensive magic, materializing merely a meter away, met the spear blade wreathed in flames.

In the ashen sky, a massive shockwave boomed and thunder roared around the two foes divided by the Bone Wall.


The air burst with intensity, dispersing clouds that had roamed the high skies. Buildings teetering on collapse crumbled, and half-decayed bodies were whisked away by the winds.

Yet, the two beings responsible for this chaos faced each other across the barrier, their gazes steady.

"It was a waste, wasn't it?"

- Yes, indeed. No, wait...

The Arch Lich paused, his eyes fixated on the mystical spear blade that had penetrated the center of the wall.

- It was dangerous.

The length of the spear blade that passed through the Bone Wall was only about the length of a finger, and the burst of Protective Qi had not even grazed his nose.

It was fortunate for the Arch Lich and regrettable for Jin Tae-Kyung.

"You're lucky, you."

- Arrogant human, I must admit.


Jin Tae-Kyung, taken aback, listened as the Arch Lich spoke more deliberately.

- You would be worthy of this win, if you truly are the Adversary.

"...The Adversary?"

- Yes. The King's Adversary. The eternal rival entangled by the whims of the gods. I cannot be certain yet... but perhaps that's why I was able to rise again from the River of Death.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s brow furrowed. What does the King's Adversary mean, and what was this talk of the whims of the gods?

"Are you a second-year middle school student? Clear away these bones and show me your right hand. Let's see if you have a Black Flame Dragon." [Note: this reference is a bit intricate. The "Black Flame Dragon" part originates from the YuYu Hakusho anime/manga, in which one of the characters has a Black Flame Dragon living in his right arm. The "second year middle school" part references a concept called "chuunibyou", which comes from the light novel "Even with Chuunibyou, I Want to Fall in Love!", which heavily references "YuYu Hakusho". The concept of "chuunibyou" describes a particular stage in adolescence where individuals might hold delusional beliefs of grandeur, pretending to have secret knowledge or hidden powers. It's typically characterized by dramatic, over-the-top behavior, which is often a source of embarrassment later in life. This concept was vastly popularized by the anime, "Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions!"]

The Arch Lich shook his head.

- This is something neither you nor I can understand. But one thing is certain.

His eyes, previously dimly glowing red, now blazed with intensity.

Initially, he had merely thought of him as a powerful, albeit strange, human. Now, his perception had shifted.

Memories from decades ago flooded back, when he had roamed the planet in service to the King.

And the face of that human he had encountered on the day he fell into the River of Death.

'The Adversary.'

The human who had not only slain him but had also assassinated the King.

The Arch Lich tried to halt him but failed; he attempted to close the distance but could not bridge it. This human was the only one the Arch Lich had ever truly feared.

Amidst the tumult of battle with Jin Tae-Kyung, memories of that fearful day surfaced.

- You... will surely die here.

His voice, grim yet resolute, reverberated through the air.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s reply was dismissive and direct.

"What are you talking about, idiot?"

Then, in the blink of an eye,

"Eat this."

Whoosh. Boom!

With calm defiance, Jin Tae-Kyung unleashed a fist wreathed in blue flames, obliterating everything before it.

It met the barrier of black bones head-on.

Flame-Extinguishing Divine Fist.


The seemingly impenetrable Bone Wall shattered.

Through the cloud of bone shards, Jin Tae-Kyung, his face impassive, declared,

"It's much better this way. No more neck pain."

- ...!

"Down, boy."


Like a streak of lightning, his fist shot forward, connecting squarely with the Arch Lich’s jaw.

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