Blank poetry templates


2019.04.08 22:57 patrickep05 BlankTemplates

BlankMemeTemplates is a place to get free blank meme templates to use for making OC.

2020.02.08 06:44 RegularNoodles DankExchange

DankExchange is a place to create and post original content and compete against other investors. Don't know how to get started? Try responding to any of u/FederalReserveDank's comments with "!help".

2019.11.16 02:42 doofusllama boneachingjuice

Welcome to BAJ! This sub is for humor in the spirit of the original “bone hurting juice” meme. If confused on how to make "good juice", refer to our about section. May All Your Bones Ache Today.

2024.06.01 10:17 DrashaZImmortal is it cheating to use saved body poses iv drawn to save time when making character concept pieces.

Heyo folks. Wondering what people thought of this in terms of being used as a shortcut.
I Do alot of character concept art in my spare time, A pose, T pose etc. And since the body itself tends to take the most of my time when doing so. Iv shared a blank (no clothing, tattoo's, hair, eyes etc. ) body for M & F in different poses that i can easily tweak/ just start adding too and skip a great deal of time drawing for a new character.
Obviously the blank pose templates are drawn by myself (not traced or like imported etc. Everything done in house) but honestly a small part of me does feel like its cheating a bit to do so, compared to fully starting with a blank page and doing the wireframe/pose each time from scratch.
Im not looking at this in terms of a "improving skill" type of view and more so solely in the frame of saving time and "is it cheating" thoughts on it from other artists.
Honestly I dont think it is bad but do feel a lil guilty doing it as such So as stated before just wanted other thoughts on the matter.
Edit: Sorry for the weird wording by the way. My brain is kinda messy when it comes to putting thought to paper.
submitted by DrashaZImmortal to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:00 Momo5768 HELP ME FIGURE OUT MY MBTI

Ok so first off I gotta say that I found these questions from another post and I'm just gonna use this as a template to write my own answers.
Sorry for the bad grammar.
I've been questioning what my mbti is for sometime and It's really bugging me that I can't get a clear answer.I always thought I'm an INTJ but idk(sometimes I get INTP, INFJ or ISFP on personality tests) so yeah it's pretty much a mess💀I thought I knew myself better than this Let's get started!
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-16 yo girl
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-nope (I do have social anxiety tho.Im still working on it)
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-No one in my familly is actually religious.Only my grandma and It's pretty moderate.When I was little she would take me to church a lot and I actually enjoyed following the traditions.As I got a bit older I started to question If God was actually real or not and came to the conclusion that this whole religion thing sounds pretty stupid.In the present day, although I don't belive in God,I still respect religion and find it quite beautiful to follow.I especially admire the dedication and self control one must have in order to be called a true beliver.Something that I hate tho is those people who use their religion to bring down others and their different perspectives on life.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-I'm in highschool and I guess It's alright -As a career I want to go to law school and become a prosecutor because I'm intrested in the justice system (it's corrupt af) and criminology • If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-a weekend spent alone and organised with a routine so that I can focus on my hobbies and the stuff that I need to get done is a perfect weekend in my opinion! But Let's be honest,a productive weekend rarely happends for me..!
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
Mostly indoor activities like drawing, listening to music, painting, writing when it comes to outdoor activities.. Walking alone through the forest or going to the cinema/restaurant with my friends/family and sometimes even weight lifting at the gym!
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I'm a pretty curious person and want to take in as much info as possible but only in subjects that peak my intrest like anatomy, history, philosophy,psychology.When it comes to stuff like math,chemestry,even if I want to learn more, it's like I have a mental block that prevents me from remembering info about them (I still do good academically in those subjects.I force myself cuz I want good grades)
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I really like being the one in control but only when it comes to smaller projects or stuff that I'm familiar with and not too anxious about.Around my friends I make a pretty good leader because I am not afriad to be assertive with them(sometimes I am too mean)but around people that I don't know very well it's like I have no backbone.So I find it hard to be direct with them and instead would do it in subtle ways. One thing that I'm good at(when it comes to school presentations)is organising the project and being the first one to step up and get the work done(alone if I have to)I like doing the design,breaking down and synthetizing the info and being the one who does most of the talking in front of the class because I always make sure to prepare my speach and look as confident as I can.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I guess??? I'm not really sure about this one🥲but yeah I enjoy stuff like pottery, painting, drawing, writing.I'm pretty messy when I work on my paintings and often get frustrated when it doesn't come out right so I just start scribbling on them and then abandon the project 💀
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I am really artistic and creative! Art was my hyperfocus when I was little and I would get praised for it a lot.My art always had this clean finished look.Now that I'm a little older,I have other intrests than art and studying and I have become a bit more disorganised and lazy(teenage years are hard💪😔) this has reflected in my art which now doesn't have a consistent artstyle and is a lot more messy.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Past:I am not extremly focused on the distant past but I do sometimes reevaluate cringe memories and past conversations.I always try to put on in public this facade that I am a confident person(when I was little I was extremly anxious) and try to think beforehand of how to act when talking with other people.These efforts are cut short tho because of how socially oblivious I seem to be and how hard I understand people's reactions and emotions.I am also really paranoid that I did something wrong or that the person I was talking to was trying to sabotage me in some way.This makes me always think about past conversations and try to remember their words and body language to realise what it all meant.
-Present:I am not really intrested in the present moment as I do have my head in the clouds most of the time.I also do not really enjoy my moments spent with other people because I think they are pretty meaningless.My incapability to like this stuff and be more geniune like the others really infuriates me and makes me try to sometimes copy their behaviors.Either way, don't take it as me not apreciating the moments spent with my loved ones.I really do and it makes me be happy but It's not Something that will actually stick with me as I grow older.The moments that I really like are those when I am left alone.For example,my newest pleasent memory is one where I was sitting on the school bus, staring out the window and watching the heavy rain as I listened to a video essay with my headphones on.That moment touched my heart deeply somehow. (And I just realised I started talking about the past again hehe)
-Future:The future is my main concern.I really want to make the most of this life.I want to become somone great.I really wish to give it my all to my future job,to write books that could inspire other people and to stand up for causes I belive in. Either way,the problem is that, although not unachivable,these are really just goals that I yet haven't started working on.They seem to be just a little kids dream that is not backed up by me putting in actual work.Other than me working hard for high grades,it seems like I have no actual concrete plan for the future,just the aspirations.My lack of determination to completly dedicate myself from now infuriates me.Still I guess I have a more well put toghether life than others..Idk I just have really high standards for myself and get upset whenever I let myself get distracted by usslless stuff when I could be doing something better.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-I would help them because I see no reason not to.Only if it's something that doesn't take much effort tho. Also,it would be good because that person might help you in the future if you help them now.If they ask for my help often and they don't help me back I would kinda just start making half assed excuses with a judgemental expression on my face ,clear enough to make them realise the fact that I no longer care.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-If I understand the meaning of this term corectly then yes.I mean,right now I am confused about my personality type and feel like I no longer understand myself so my brain has been pretty foggy lately.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-I think I already explained it earlier 💀
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I don't think of myself as controling.Maybe sometimes around a select group of people???Like my friends/familly...I can be really layed back but I become really demanding and agressive with them when I'm under stress
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
-I learn by robotically reapeating the info until I memorize it.If it's a subject that I care about,I will try to actually understand the information and dissect it to make it easier to understand.I learn best in an enviroment that is not too overly stimulating.I found that I get really stressed when it comes to having an untidy room and a mind that is overclouded with thought.I prefer classes that require memorization and creativity.I also have a really short attention span and often procrastinate..
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I like preparing in advance but I do have to say that a lot of the time I also kinda wing it
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-i want to become a prosecutor,not necesarilly for the money but for the high status and oportunities this job can give in getting a better understanding of how my country runs -i want to help people by donating to charity and stuff -i want to focus on maintaining a healthy strong body -i want to focus on my art -I want to become a strong woman and prove that I can live a fulfilling life by myself (I don't want to get married or have children and this is something that is often ridiculed by the people around me.Do I care?Nope!)
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I am afraid of faillure and living an unremarkable life. -I hate the fact that, although I try to look composed,I am so sensitive and quick to cry whenever somone insults me (cough coughI'm talking about my amazing father that never hesitates on pinpointing my weakpoints and throwing really personal attacks at me -I also hate the fact that I don't always stand up for myself,or atleast not in a effective way.Whenever my dad insults me,I could respond to him the same way with a comment that would hurt him deeply because,just like he knows me,I also know him and his insecurities really well...but yet I don't..because I am aware of what the consecquences will be,I am aware that this won't make him try to better himself and would just make him become more deffensive..and also I really don't want to lower myself to his level.
• What do the "highs" and “lows” in your life look like?
-highs: when I am at peace with myself and feel confident,I become a bit more social and I respect the routines I make and I become more open to new experiences
-lows: when I feel like my self asteem gets really bad I do the exact opposite of the things I just stated.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I am often daydreaming to escape reality but that doesn't mean I'm completly disconected from it.I rely heavily on my hearing to be aware of what's going on. A lot of people like to say that I have my head in the clouds because I am always zoning out but really most of the time I do that to make it look like I'm not paying attention and have an excuse to be left alone.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
I would probably talk out loud and go on a rant about how this situation is going to affect my perception of reality.I would also make up scenarios in my mind that I'm in a different place along with my friends or favorite fictional characters. (Why am I in that room tho??? That's concerning...)
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-I am not a big fan of making decisions and I would deffinetly not do it spontaneously. (for example,my class and I were going on a trip to another country.Because I currently don't really have any friends(womp womp) to go with,I didn't know if I should go or not.At first I decided that I shouldn't because I knew damn well that I wouldn't manage to fit in and I also knew that it wouldn't be that intresting of a trip that it would be worth spending so much money on.I was also really anxious about the thought that something would go wrong and the bus will crash or that I would forget my ID home etc.On the other hand,I really wanted to try this new experience.So I put the decision off for some time until I finnaly texted the teacher that I wanted to come (spoiler alert:I was right!I didn't enjoy it!heheh)
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I care a lot about how I feel about stuff and being in touch with my own feelings.My emotions don't seem very strong on the outside most of the time tho.I rarely express them in front of people who I don't know well and I dislike it when people have these emotional outbursts in public.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-I would agree with them but give subtle hints that I'm lying(like the tone of my voice) If the conversation is about a subject that I'm really passionate about I'm deffending my point of view till the end!
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I see no point in breaking the rules as I belive they exist for a reason and that they keep a certain social order.I am very critical of those who break the rules just because but I deeply admire the people who question authority and demand change for the better.
This is my first Reddit post by the way Thank you for sticking till the end and please leave your thoughts about what my mbti/cognitive functions could be!
submitted by Momo5768 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 Nestledrink Tech Support and Question Megathread - June 2024 Edition

We're consolidating all tech support posts and questions into this monthly tech support and questions megathread.
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submitted by Nestledrink to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:12 LEGBur SHE

I love poetry
In rhyming couplet I breathe
My savage heart and wandering mind
She can put to ease
She the wind in my sails, the leaves on the trees
She has heard my darkest days
And blessed all epiphanies
Taken me from deepest despair
Lifted me off my knees
With her words, she had saved thee
She sent Dante, Poe, and Emily
I called out to each
Whats this life for? every one I beseeched
Not an answer in defined tone I heard
But inside each breathe, a word
Her words are a brush, an instrument
Expressing and encompassing
The human's very figment
Awaken from this dream within a dream
Is all that we are and seem
But a drop in a rushing stream?
She the paint onto canvas
The every shade and color
My world would be blank without her
She fills thoughts and empties my heart
She is poetry prose and every written word
Each praise and prayer given up to God
Is her poured out libation
Without her, I'd cease to exist.
Just something I wrote a while back. I've read a lot here , and just wanted to share a verse.
submitted by LEGBur to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:21 gamingbooth Some pages shown Blank all the time.

Im making flask webapp and i tried some new stuff with making pdf file, and after some times I realised that few pages are show blank without content in head and body. But it was working without issues before, now I cant find issue.
But when i test it one html directly on browser without css then content is shown. But i tried removing css and still doesn't work.
I even took that html in anorher folder inside templates. I even changed html in new one, same issue.
It seems that i installed something what broke few pages.
Im using blocks to extend to other htmls. And when i remove this {% extends "base. html" %} block code from html then that page works.
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by gamingbooth to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:01 AutoModerator Benchmark and Feature Test Scores Monthly Megathread

We are consolidating all single hardware/software benchmark and feature test score posts provided by any synthetic, non-synthetic, or hybrid-benchmark application/suite into this monthly benchmark and feature test score mega-thread.
"Score" is neither an individual score, a full result report, or the outcome metric value of your specific single benchmark or feature test.
All single benchmark and feature test score posts that do not include sufficient information will be removed without warning.
Please remember that all allbenchmarks rules always apply as well.
DO: Use the template. DO NOT: "I got X score/position in Y Benchmark/Feature Test(!!)"
Please use the template below. Benchmark and feature test score posts without adequate information will be removed. Any reliable, valid, quality benchmark and feature test score post must include contextual information.
We will sort the posts randomly so every post can be seen and commented on.
submitted by AutoModerator to allbenchmarks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:36 antiMATTer724 Alternatively: "I'm about to end this fireteams whole career". (Blank template included)

Alternatively: submitted by antiMATTer724 to DestinyMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:45 luxylisbon Is combining website templates possible?

I've found a number of templates that when combined would perfectly suit the purposes of my presentation... But when I try and combine the styles by copying individual pages into a single site (as per Cargo's tutorials), I run into a number of extremely tedious problems!
  1. Whenever I generate a 'new page' it is not entirely blank and merely duplicates whichever page I have most recently viewed.
  2. When I paste pages from other site templates, the active style from the paste location is applied to the template and it ruins the layout.
  3. One of the templates is quite advanced and applies its rules across all the other pages, (e.g., adds logos, split view, etc.)
  4. When I try and edit individual elements of the more advanced template, the UI won't let me isolate pages within said template. I also can't seem to isolate single elements seeing as the template seems to include a ton of auto-apply rules.
  5. I can't seem to locate where these style rules live, I've scoured the UI, and even when I've glanced over HTML and CSS they don't seem to be there!

submitted by luxylisbon to CargoCollective [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:43 ballsack_tickler2948 does anybody have a blank template for the custom paint schemes they could send me?

submitted by ballsack_tickler2948 to R_Nascar_Unleashed [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:43 boxfulthoughts Connect Google Calendar to Notion Template?

I'm trying to link my google calendar to Ultimate Tasks template. I've already connected it to my Notion account but I am unsure how to add it to the template (Ultimate Tasks uses a blank calendar). Any advice?
submitted by boxfulthoughts to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:11 ViperHU Ceiling Fan Rewiring/Caseta

Hi Guys,
Will try and he brief!
Have a Hunter Dempsey fan which will replace a standard light fixture. I do not want to use the supplied remote. I'd like to control LIGHT and FAN SPEED with Caseta.
Fixture was connected to red, white, ground wires and there is an unused black wire in the jbox. Black wire from light was connected to red in the jbox.
I have a dual gang wall box. One side is a blank template. It used to control an outlet and I made it constant on. The other had a Caseta Dimmer which controlled the overhead light.
That box has white, red, black, ground.
Does the existing wiring allow me to meet my stated goals?
I know I need to remove the controller from the fan, not sure which Lutron products or how to wire on either the jbox or switch box ends.
submitted by ViperHU to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:09 ViperHU Ceiling Fan Rewiring Caseta?

Hi Guys,
Will try and he brief!
Have a Hunter Dempsey fan which will replace a standard light fixture. I do not want to use the supplied remote. I'd like to control LIGHT and FAN SPEED with Caseta.
Fixture was connected to red, white, ground wires and there is an unused black wire in the jbox. Black wire from light was connected to red in the jbox.
I have a dual gang wall box. One side is a blank template. It used to control an outlet and I made it constant on. The other had a Caseta Dimmer which controlled the overhead light.
That box has white, red, black, ground.
Does the existing wiring allow me to meet my stated goals?
I know I need to remove the controller from the fan, not sure which Lutron products or how to wire on either the jbox or switch box ends.
submitted by ViperHU to electrical [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:07 ViperHU Rewiring for Ceiling Fan

Hi Guys,
Will try and he brief!
Have a Hunter Dempsey fan which will replace a standard light fixture. I do not want to use the supplied remote. I'd like to control LIGHT and FAN SPEED with Caseta.
Fixture was connected to red, white, ground wires and there is an unused black wire in the jbox. Black wire from light was connected to red in the jbox.
I have a dual gang wall box. One side is a blank template. It used to control an outlet and I made it constant on. The other had a Caseta Dimmer which controlled the overhead light.
That box has white, red, black, ground.
Does the existing wiring allow me to meet my stated goals?
I know I need to remove the controller from the fan, not sure which Lutron products or how to wire on either the jbox or switch box ends.
submitted by ViperHU to Lutron [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:11 samuel_1227 Anyone knows what is this VSC theme

Anyone knows what is this VSC theme submitted by samuel_1227 to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:12 GEESAIDesign Free Sketch Alternatives for Students, Best free drawing software of 2024

Free Sketch Alternatives for Students, Best free drawing software of 2024
Sketch requires a paid subscription but offers a 30-day free trial. Currently, it only supports Mac, which limits designers using Windows and other systems. Today, I want to introduce a free Sketch alternative for Windows that lets you unleash your creativity and produce high-quality designs. Let's explore GEES (!
Device Support:
GEES works on multiple platforms, including macOS, Windows, and Linux, providing a versatile alternative to Sketch.

Key Features:

This free UI design tool is powerful and professional, with impressive interaction effects. It integrates design, prototyping, and development, offering features like pen tools, masks, filters, shadows, vector editing, Boolean operations, and plugins. You can create wireframes, flowcharts, and automatically slice and label designs, simplifying development and delivery. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to learn and use.

Unique AI Design Capabilities:

GEES AI offers multiple tools:
  • AI Assistant: Chat for design help, inspiration, user research cases, and UX copy optimization. It also provides design suggestions for inspection and optimization.
  • AI Component Design: Generate editable UI components or sections based on descriptions.
  • AI Workflows: Use AI Workflows on the GEES whiteboard to overcome blank page challenges, automatically planning and adjusting workflow templates, filling content, and visualizing ideas.

Tool Integration:

GEES integrates with mainstream design software, supporting files from Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, and Axure RP. It converts Figma files to Sketch format and imports/exports Sketch files, ensuring no data loss. The Windows version of Sketch is free to use!

Interaction Design Effects:

GEES excels in prototype design, capable of low-fidelity prototypes with minimal interaction and high-fidelity prototypes with strong interaction effects. This allows you to master interaction design without worrying about page logic.

Team Collaboration:

GEES supports real-time online editing and design synchronization. You can leave comments, review feedback, and share links with team members, bosses, clients, and other stakeholders, making communication more efficient.

Free Online Design Features and Development Mode:

GEES supports multiple platforms beyond Mac, offering a Windows-friendly free Sketch alternative. After reading this, you should have a clear understanding of GEES.
Give it a try—you might find some pleasant surprises.
I hope this helps you understand whether Sketch is free and introduces a useful alternative. Free Sketch Alternatives for Students, Best free drawing software of 2024
submitted by GEESAIDesign to GEESAIDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:24 SamwiseGanges How do you manage existing Lambda functions with new SAM stack?

I have existing Lambda functions that I created before starting to use SAM for management. I want to bring them into management using the SAM workflow. I want to make a new SAM stack for each of these so I can update them using the SAM CLI. This seems like a simple and obvious use case but I can't find how to do it. The answers on this question are not helpful.
Here are the things I have tried:
Is this just not possible? How are we supposed to start managing existing lambda functions using SAM? I would think there would be a straightforward process for this.
submitted by SamwiseGanges to aws [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:09 egordon43 Parting Gift Proton Bomb

Parting Gift Proton Bomb
If a proton bomb is launched with parting gift, does it explode at the end of activation of the next turn?
submitted by egordon43 to XWingTMG [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:02 nealyboy Walkmage: Portable RPG revisions

I’m working on major revisions to my portable RPG, walkmage. It’s designed to be easily playable while on a walk.
I’d love some feedback on the clarity of the rules, especially the oracle system, or anything else that stands out. The oracle cards doc is for one generic double-sided oracle card, and five blank templates.
I’m also working on an official adventure for the system. I’ll post that too once I get a chance to playtest it.
walkmage v.02
Oracle Card
submitted by nealyboy to RPGdesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:23 LoveyDoveyDoodles Relationship memes

As much as I'd like to post these individually so no one gets overlooked... I know they will get overlooked anyway so I might as well spare everyone else the spam 😅
These were surprising fun (and maybe a little difficult as I'm just like.... how do you quantify hornyness/jealousy? It all depends on the situation.???
Anyway if you are interested I recommend doing it for your OCs.i included the template I found online as well as a blank of my throuple edit in case anyone else has a throuple.
Enjoy and let me know if you havenany questions.
submitted by LoveyDoveyDoodles to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:29 Mikel8v Historical Gathering families, hoping for a chance to gather more leads.

Descendants of the 1904 World Champion Fort Shaw Indian School Girls Basketball Team are meeting and celebrating the team members. I’m related to 2 possibly 3 of the team members and was thinking of having a table set up with a poster board type set up to see if I can fill in some blanks and share what limited information i have, stories and pictures of team members and families. I’m looking for suggestions. I’m very new to genealogy and wondering what type of information I should be asking for or focusing on. Should I put up a family tree for each person? Should I leave spaces for people to add in family members or maybe sticky notes that could be moved around? and what information should I ask for from the person adding info. Are name and contact info enough or should I be adding more specific information on a template or check box lists?
poster board interactive and informative:
  1. Family Trees: would putting up a family tree for each person be a good idea. This could help me & other people visualize their connections to the team members.
  2. Sticky Notes: Leaving spaces for people to add family members with sticky notes to encourage participation and offering different colored sticky notes for different types of relatives (e.g., blue for siblings, green for children, other suggestions?).
  3. Contact Information: Collecting names and contact info is a good start, but what other info could I want to consider asking for specific information about the team members, like personal stories, photographs, or even memories of family traditions or heirlooms related to the team.
  4. Template or Checklist: would having a template or checklist could be helpful to ensure collecting specific information that might be important. Should I limit to a 3 topic list or include items like “Do you have any photographs of the team member?
I’m really interested in images or examples that may have worked or didn’t work at all.
submitted by Mikel8v to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:15 TempestAI3201 Development Log: 30/524

Development Log: 30/524 submitted by TempestAI3201 to tempestAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:56 PuzzleheadedList4553 Sample Isight code

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