Umbc nursing

Nursing major

2024.05.30 19:09 Gold-Factor-9220 Nursing major

Hello! I am an incoming freshman stuck between UMBC and Towson for nursing! UMBC offers direct admission to the school of nursing as long as students keep a high GPA. Towson does not offer direct admission but I heard it is fairly easy to get in the nursing program. Towson is cheaper and UMBC is more expensive. I could possibly graduate from Towson in 2 years and UMBC in 3 years. Which school should I choose?
submitted by Gold-Factor-9220 to Towson [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:08 Gold-Factor-9220 Nursing major

Hello! I am an incoming freshman stuck between UMBC and Towson for nursing! UMBC offers direct admission to the school of nursing as long as students keep a high GPA. Towson does not offer direct admission but I heard it is fairly easy to get in the nursing program. Towson is cheaper and UMBC is more expensive. I could possibly graduate from Towson in 2 years and UMBC in 3 years. Which school should I choose?
submitted by Gold-Factor-9220 to UMBC [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 22:27 Affectionate_Act2744 Chance me (Good stats, meh everything else)

Demographics: Male, South Asian, Maryland, good public high school with magnet program, no hooks
Intended Major: Computer engineering with minor in music
SAT: 1550, 790M 760R
GPA: 4.0UW, 4.95W
Rank: School doesn't rank
Coursework: IB Program (HL physics, math, English; SL Spanish, History, econ). AP classes. Multivariable Calculus.
AP scores: BC Calc (5), CSP (5), Physics Mech (5), Spanish Lang (5), Lit (4), USH (4), Gov (4). Gonna take Physics E&M, CS Java, Lang, Micro + Macro this year.
- All State and All County orchestras (violin)
- County certificate of meritorious service (240+ service hours)
- National Merit Semifinalist
- Some state piano competitions
- Piano: Private lessons for 11 years. Performed in recitals, masterclasses, nursing homes, hospitals, and state and county competitions
- 5th Grade Math tutor: Weekly online. Designed math curriculum for 1st and 2nd grade.
- SAT Math bootcamp tutor: Tutored month-long online bootcamp for 10 students
- Violin: Highest school orchestra (section leader), pit orchestra, local community orchestra
- Family business: Worked at parent's cafe ~20hrs a week
- Local chamber music festival - Concert master and soloist. Performed free concerts for local community.
- Programmer - Teaching myself C and Python. Simple projects.
Essays: Generic tbh. I'd be happy to PM them for evaluation/advice. Wrote about tutoring for common essay, and music and relating it to engineering for some supplementals.
Recommendations: Good. One is school orchestra director (in orchestra all 4 years). Other is math teacher I had for two years and do well in her class.
Safeties: UMBC (accepted)
Target: UMD (pleasee), Case Western, Virginia Tech, UMich
Reach: CMU, MIT, JHU, Vanderbilt, Cornell, Northwestern, Princeton

submitted by Affectionate_Act2744 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2023.09.07 06:09 callmeathena interest in PhD program!

hi guys!
i’m a 23 year old new-ish grad nurse. working in nyc but moving back to dc area possibly. i just finished a year in the CTICU and simultaneously was doing a hybrid master’s in public health. I am now a second year graduating may 2024 hopefully :)
applications for the fall 2024 are opening up and i’m hoping to apply to programs like hopkins, nyu, umbc, and maybe some others…
i have experience in nursing research through NIH funded programs during my undergraduate program. i fell in love with it and worked closely with the director of research at my school as kind of a research assistant. i did a capstone for my honors program that required IRB approval and i presented my data at a conference. i was very proud of it and i was offered by the professor to help with her research post grad. i stayed in touch but my other commitments meant i couldn’t continue to work on the research. but i am very burnt out from bedside to be honest glad the residency is out of the way lol.
i have a bunch of questions so i’ll just list them and if anybody can help me with anything it’ll be much appreciated :)
is there here anyone here with experience entering nursing PhD programs without a lot of clinical experience?
any experience with the hopkins school of nursing, and in particular the PhD program?
any tips on applications like what they are looking for?
how is a PhD programmed structured on a day to day?
should i email professors at the institution i am interested in to get to know if our research interests can align? i don’t know if this can help applications?
any other information about PhD programs in nursing that you think will be helpful !
thanks in advance all!!!!!
submitted by callmeathena to nursing [link] [comments]

2023.07.26 00:44 godsstrongstdshwashr Maryland colleges political compass, inspired by u/mrprez180

Maryland colleges political compass, inspired by u/mrprez180 submitted by godsstrongstdshwashr to WojakCompass [link] [comments]

2023.07.13 15:50 cannonbol Specialty certification in EMS

"Hey, I'm trying to put together a comprehensive list of specialty certifications and some courses more focused on certification unless the course is very good im pretty sure most or all of this list is up to date with the course still existing however im not opposed to being wrong, and need some help adding some specialty certifications not on the list that are general toward the Paramedic prehospital/CCP side of things. THANKS" P.S I know some of these courses aren't very prehospital and you can only audit them.
Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C)
Certified Flight Paramedic (FP-C)
Community Paramedic (CP-C)
Certified Tactical Paramedic (TP-C)
Wilderness Paramedic (WP-C)
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS)
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS)
Advanced HazMat Life Support (AHLS)
Certified Neonatal Pediatric Transport (C-NPT)
Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS)
Advanced Disaster Life Support (ADLS)
Fundamentals of Critical Care Support (FCCS)
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)
Ultrasound for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Course
International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) for Pediatric Care
Transport Professional Advanced Trauma Course (TPATC)
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS)
Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Critical Care Transport (CCT)
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
TECC Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) Course
Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC)
First on the Scene (FOTS)
Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Pediatric Advanced Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization (PEARS)
S.T.A.B.L.E. Program
ENPC Provider Course
Medical Care Person In Charge (STRCTR-307)
Medical Care Provider (STRCTR-310)
Elementary First Aid (STRCTR-183)
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO®)
The Difficult Airway Course®
Tactical Medical Practitioner (TMP) from soar rescue
Advanced Trauma and Critical Care (ATACC)
Extended Care Paramedic (ECP)
USAMRIID’s Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties course (MCBC)

submitted by cannonbol to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2023.06.16 03:43 cthulufunk Jaguars ‘Stadium Of The Future’ - Skeptic Megapost

There are still many dates left for the Jags “Community Huddles” junket promoting Shad Khan & Mark Lamping’s vision for The Stadium Of The Future™️. If approved, this will be the largest city public-funding for a stadium project (yet).
An interesting Jaxtoday Op-Ed on how The Stadium Of The Future™️ could be funded. The TLDR: We can cut FireRescue/JSO pension spending again, but it’s a drop in a bucket. Bed Taxes are at max, Jacksonville is already in the Top 10 Most Expensive US’ll most likely be bonded out. Borrowing from Peter to pay The Khanate.
An ActionJax reporter summons The Wrath of Khan by asking Shad if there’s any “wiggle room” in the 2 billion dollar split. Not the best PR.
Speaking of bad PR, remember when Mark Lamping told Jaxons to lube up from the deck of a $200M superyacht?..Notice the veiled threat that if the city doesn’t cough up a Billion, the franchise will move
If it’s such a slam-dunk investment, sell Khan the stadium and let him build his Stadium Of The Future while the city funds some supporting commercial. Khan made an $800M offer to buy Wembley after all. That would show he’s truly “committed to the city”.
Jacksonville has a poverty rate of 18%...hope this ambitious scheme can be funded via surcharges on tickets. If stadium district brings in the events they claim, i.e. 70,000 Swifties watching Taylor Swift shake it off at $300 a ticket...that’s healthy surcharges. Otherwise, Jaxons who’ll likely never use the stadium will also be paying off the debt.
Shah Khan, whose networth increased 60% from ‘22 to ‘23, is “just a tenant, bro. COJ owns the stadium, why would a tenant pay most of it?”...How many landlords have you had where you demanded a swimming pool in each room, snakeskin couches, wraparound aquariums, ginormous $45,000,000 HD-LED TV’s that a Dubai oil baron would find tacky, maybe a moat with alligators...and they complied? You’d be lucky to get a leaky sink replaced. If you lease a car and want 20” spinning diamond rims, you’re paying for them.
City Councilman & gooood christian Rory Diamond is keen on the project...the same Rory Diamond that robbed a local veterans charity blind then ran off & bought a $1.7M home in Texas. Game recognizes game.
But I have no vision. I’m a bum. I want Jacksonville to stay boring (never thought it was). I’m negative & cynical. I‘m blind to the unprovable economic benefits NFL teams bring, and the future economic rewards from this “smart long-term investment”. Except...
-Most economists & urban planners say sports venues do next-to-nothing to grow local economies & are a poor return on investment for taxpayers. “If you ever had a consensus in economics, this would be it," said Michael Leeds, a sports economist at Temple University. "There is no impact."
-“Econometric studies of the determination of income and employment in US cities find no evidence of positive economic benefits associated with past sports facility construction and some studies find that professional sports facilities & teams have a net negative economic impact on income and employment.” - UMBC
-In a 2017 poll, 83 percent of the economists surveyed agreed that "Providing state and local subsidies to build stadiums for professional sports teams is likely to cost the relevant taxpayers more than any local economic benefits that are generated.” Unlike most projects elsewhere, the state’s not helping us.
-How is what’s essentially a gated entertainment district over a mile from Downtown going to revitalize it?
-Will Skyway be extended, and extended to Lot J? The only hope for it to have any downtown impact.
-A 2018 City Council report said Duval County missed out on $366,000 in AirBNB bed taxes for 2017...AirBNB is limited here to designated historic overlays. This is because they won’t let Duval’s Tax Collector audit them, yet they operate everywhere in Jax anyway because AirBNB is a scumbag company. But don’t worry, bed taxes will pay for this utopian stadium...jedi hand swipe.
-Nobody can tell me exactly how Eastside is going to be “transformed”. The current stadium & facilities there sure haven’t helped.
-Jacksonville is woefully unprepared for a hurricane direct hit. Many storm-defense projects remain unfinished because city budget couldn’t afford them...Several neighborhoods in Jacksonville are prone to flooding. 1 in 10 US coastal nursing homes are unprepared for hurricane flooding and Jacksonville is no exception. 36 nursing homes in Jacksonville missed their deadlines for extensions on hurricane plans in 2019. If another Dora (or worse) hits us, we’re in trouble. At least we’ll have a $2,000,000,000 spaceship to shelter in.
-Jacksonville’s municipal swimming pools are dilapidated from deferred maintenance & full of algae. The private swimming pools in the stadium skyboxes are very posh, however.
While I prefer the NBA, I like having a major in town. What I don’t like is the extortionary tactics that comes with sports franchises, the NFL being the worst offender. We’re asked to bend over regularly by a 30-year-old franchise with no league championships, no conference championships, that’s never gone to a Superbowl. Even the Bears won a Superbowl, and their stadium was 60 years old! A 50/50 split on a $1B project is maybe manageable. A canopy is needed. A 50/50 split on a $2B hopes & dreams project isn’t. Not when it’s been renovated three times since 1995. Not in a city with many critical problems.
The Jags under Weaver seemed much less demanding. After the Khan sailed into town I started noticing a decrease in the event funding that was happening in the 2000’s. I remember when that 6¢ gas-tax was added to fund sewer projects, some people said “ha!...that’ll go to the Khans”. They were right.
submitted by cthulufunk to jacksonville [link] [comments]

2023.04.26 02:06 Justwonderinif Timeline X

Saturday, March 20, 1999
Sunday, March 21, 1999
Monday, March 22, 1999
Tuesday, March 23, 1999
Wednesday, March 24, 1999
Thursday, March 25, 1999
Friday, March 26, 1999
Saturday, March 27, 1999
Sunday, March 28, 1999
Monday, March 29, 1999
Tuesday, March 30, 1999
Wednesday, March 31, 1999
Thursday, April 1, 1999
Friday, April 2, 1999
Saturday, April 3, 1999
Sunday, April 4, 1999
Monday, April 5, 1999
Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Wednesday, April 7, 1999
Thursday, April 8, 1999
Friday, April 9, 1999
Saturday, April 10, 1999
Sunday, April 11, 1999
Next Timeline>>
submitted by Justwonderinif to adnansyed [link] [comments]

2023.04.20 02:20 Hungry_Childhood7658 financial aid

hi!! i got accepted into umbc a while ago and haven't received any financial aid package. does this just mean i won't be getting anything? I'm finishing my year at an out-of-state school and transferring for pre-nursing. if anyone knows anything pls lmk!
submitted by Hungry_Childhood7658 to UMBC [link] [comments]

2023.03.25 14:30 Justwonderinif Timeline VII

Thursday, February 11, 1999
Friday, February 12, 1999
Saturday, February 13, 1999
Sunday, February 14, 1999
Monday, February 15, 1999
Tuesday, February 16, 1999
Wednesday, February 17, 1999
Thursday, February 18, 1999
Friday, February 19, 1999
Undated, February, 1999
Saturday, February 20, 1999
Next Timeline>>
submitted by Justwonderinif to adnansyed [link] [comments]

2022.12.05 00:29 Justwonderinif Timeline II

July, 1998
August, 1998
Wednesday, August 26, 1998
Thursday, August 27, 1998
Friday, August 28, 1998
Sunday, August 30, 1998
Monday, August 31, 1998
Tuesday, September 1, 1998
Wednesday, September 2, 1998
Thursday, September 3, 1998
Friday, September 4, 1998
Saturday, September 5, 1998
Sunday, September 6, 1998
Monday, September 7, 1998
Tuesday, September 8, 1998
Wednesday, September 9, 1998
Friday, September 11, 1998
Saturday, September 12, 1998
Tuesday, September 15, 1998
September, 1998
Saturday, September 19, 1998
Monday, September 21, 1998
Tuesday, September 22, 1998
Friday, September 25, 1998
Saturday, September 26, 1998
Monday, September 28, 1998
Tuesday, September 29, 1998
Wednesday, September 30, 1998
Thursday, October 1, 1998
Friday, October 2, 1998
Saturday, October 3, 1998
Monday, October 5, 1998
Wednesday, October 7, 1998
Thursday, October 8, 1998
Friday, October 9, 1998
Monday, October 12, 1998
Tuesday, October 14, 1998
Thursday, October 15, 1998
Saturday, October 17, 1998
Monday, October 19, 1998
Thursday, October 22, 1998
Friday, October 23, 1998
Saturday, October 24, 1998
Sunday, October 25, 1998
Thursday, October 29, 1998
Friday, October 30, 1998
Saturday, October 31, 1998
Sunday, November 1, 1998
Monday, November 2, 1998
Tuesday, November 3, 1998
Wednesday, November 4, 1998
Thursday, November 5, 1998
Friday, November 6, 1998
Sunday, November 8, 1998
Next Timeline >>>
submitted by Justwonderinif to adnansyed [link] [comments]

2022.06.22 03:23 emerald1001 Average Student didn’t do too bad co’22

I think this year went ok, I didn’t initially wanna make this but I diddd
Intended Major(s): Public Health and/or Nursing
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
  1. Familial responsibilities (caring for disabled older sibling for majority of my life)
  2. Drama Club all 4 years
  3. Community Service/Volunteer at concession stands
  4. Honors Choir for 2 years
  5. Donation for the homeless during covid
  6. Working a Job (customer service and food service)
  7. Participated in leadership summit for period poverty
Honor Roll all 4 years other than that nothing else
I am basically guessing how I rate these cause I honestly don’t know
Teachers and Counselor LOR:(8/10)
Essays: (7/10) Not bad I could have done better on the supplements though
Interviews: None
Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
Temple University (EA)
Towson University (EA)
UMD (EA) — attending!
Pitt - got into Greensburg Campus (Rolling)
Miami University (EA)
University at Buffalo (RD)
Ohio University (Rolling)
Bowling Green State (EA)
Virginia Commonwealth (EA)
Loyola Uni Chicago (EA)
Emory (RD)
Boston College (RD)
University of South Florida (Rolling)
Case Western (RD)
Villanova (RD)
Northeastern (RD)
Additional Information:
**I’m attending UMD since it’s my state school it’s a tad bit cheaper , I do know that I wouldn’t stand a chance for the reach schools cause my stats aren’t up to that level lol. My goal was to go out of state but wayy too poor for that. I’m just putting this here for ACTUAL average students to see that the process doesn’t have to be so bad. I also have to add that I did receive scholarships from most of the out of state schools but still was too expensive as I do not receive aid from FAFSA
submitted by emerald1001 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2022.02.09 14:27 ashpplepie UMBC or Towson?

Hi, I'm currently stuck between choosing UMBC or Towson. I've done a good amount of research on both and I'm leaning towards UMBC because as an introvert I'd probably fit into that atmosphere more, however, I'm also planning on doing Nursing and I know more people choose Towson for that. Can anyone doing Pre-Nursing at UMBC tell me what it's like? What are the classes like? If you chose between the two, why did you choose UMBC?
submitted by ashpplepie to UMBC [link] [comments]

2021.10.30 04:06 vaudevillianvivian Prerequisite problem

Prerequisite problem
Hi guys,
So I got accepted into Towson’s nursing program. Big problem though- there was an error on my transcript. When I transferred from UMBC to Towson, my advisor told me that my Chem101 class counted for lecture and lab, and it even was put on my transcript, but only counts towards the lecture part NOT lab.
Now I’m missing a chem lab credit that I can’t even find to take. I’ve checked just about every maryland community college and none are offering a Chem class that will transfer over. Towson isn’t offering a single chemistry class during the winter. I honestly feel so fucked over and at a loss. I have no idea what to do.
submitted by vaudevillianvivian to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2021.10.30 04:01 vaudevillianvivian Prerequisite problem

Hi guys,
So I got accepted into Towson’s nursing program. Big problem though- there was an error on my transcript. When I transferred from UMBC to Towson, my advisor told me that my Chem101 class counted for lecture and lab, and it even was put on my transcript, but only counts towards the lecture part NOT lab.
Now I’m missing a chem lab credit that I can’t even find to take. I’ve checked just about every maryland community college and none are offering a Chem class that will transfer over. Towson isn’t offering a single chemistry class during the winter. I honestly feel so fucked over and at a loss. I have no idea what to do.
submitted by vaudevillianvivian to nursing [link] [comments]

2021.08.16 23:36 carefulcaro4 Nursing

If you do the pre-nursing program at University of Maryland college park, can you still live in college park even though the nursing school is at UMBC? Do you know anyone that has done this?
submitted by carefulcaro4 to UMD [link] [comments]

2021.05.15 12:43 poinifie CCT-P in Northern CA?

Hello all, been looking into getting into a cct-p gig in the Bay area and have applied to a couple places. I only have my EMT-P and license and general certs (ACLS, PALS, ITLS) and was wondering if anyone is familiar with the process in northern CA. I looked on the official accrediting site for a class near me and all of them are out of state.
Is it pretty common for positions in northern CA to have an on the job training/academy where you get your CCT-P training and take the exam online or is it expected that you take a class before getting a job here? Is taking the written exam with self study enough to get a job as a CCT-P in the Bay area?
Also any input about the job (hours, average call time/calls a day, pay, etc)? I was hoping to work as a CCT-P for a couple years while I do a nursing program (currently finishing up pre reqs) and am interested in working in an ICU (and eventually CRNA).
I got about 4 year of working full-time as a medic in 911.
submitted by poinifie to Paramedics [link] [comments]

2021.05.15 12:42 poinifie CCT-P in Northern CA?

Hello all, been looking into getting into a cct-p gig in the Bay area and have applied to a couple places. I only have my EMT-P and license and general certs (ACLS, PALS, ITLS) and was wondering if anyone is familiar with the process in northern CA. I looked on the official accrediting site for a class near me and all of them are out of state.
Is it pretty common for positions in northern CA to have an on the job training/academy where you get your CCT-P training and take the exam online or is it expected that you take a class before getting a job here? Is taking the written exam with self study enough to get a job as a CCT-P in the Bay area?
Also any input about the job (hours, average call time/calls a day, pay, etc)? I was hoping to work as a CCT-P for a couple years while I do a nursing program (currently finishing up pre reqs) and am interested in working in an ICU (and eventually CRNA).
I got about 4 year of working full-time as a medic in 911.
submitted by poinifie to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2020.10.09 23:55 SSF415 I watched "Shadow of a Doubt" (1943)

Every day in October for 30 days, I'm watching a different scary movie, this year exploring the theme of horror stories set in small towns.
If you asked Alfred Hitchcock what his own favorite film he made was, he wouldn’t have said “Psycho” or “Vertigo” or other critically acclaimed pieces that end in “oh” noises.
According to his daughter, he’d have said 1943’s “Shadow of a Doubt,” owing in large part to the macabre amusement he found in transposing the hovering specter of a serial killer over the idyllic setting of a smalltown. The quiet little hideaway in question being...Santa Rosa?
Well, I guess it was more idyllic back then--according to the census, the city only had 15,000 people in it in 1940. Here, Teresa Wright plays an every-girl teenager who begins to suspect that her beloved uncle may in fact be a fugitive serial killer.
Her uncle is played by Joseph Cotten, so I’m already set to convict; dude looks like he straight up forgot how to not murder someone. I know they say you’re presumed innocent in this country but I’ve seen hyenas with less obvious predatory agendas.
UMBC says “Shadow” is based on the story of Earle Nelson, a real-life circa 1920s serial killer nicknamed “The Gorilla Man.” Not sure why Hitch didn’t go in for that title, it’s box office gold if ever I heard it.
BTW, Wright is playing a high school-age girl but was herself 28 years old, and this a year after she played Lou Gehrig’s wife in “Pride of the Yankees.” But it was the ‘40s so I guess we should be grateful that they weren’t already casting her as a spinster or just shooting her like a lame horse or whatever they did with starlets past the age of 27 in those days.
You might guess from the title that the tension of “Shadow of a Doubt” lies in whether or not Uncle Charlie really did it. But no, actually the movie makes it clear almost immediately that he’s guilty. Not that he has to try very hard to hide it, since most of the people in this town are such naifs that if he confessed the whole thing in one go they’d probably throw him a parade out of confusion or something.
That just leaves poor Teresa to take care of business on her own, which is a great vibe, like if Nancy Drew caught the Zodiac Killer. I do wonder if the movie would have been more engaging with a little actual mystery, but this approach is in keeping with Hitchcock’s oft-cited “Bomb Theory,” which suggests that the way to really get to an audience is to confirm that something terrible is about to happen but then to string the happening out as long as you can.
It never occurred to me before, but there really aren’t very many charming communities full of everyday people in Hitchcock’s other movies, as most of his acclaimed pictures are populated by urbane cynics. It’s fun to watch him play around with largely unfamiliar dynamics like family.
Brattle Theater critic Bridget Reed points out that any number of similar suspense thrillers might have paired up a leading lady with a love interest killer, but while “the scorned lover can always walk away, Charlie is bound by blood” to her uncle no matter what.
This leads to my personal favorite scene, with Cotten pleading to keep his horrible secret because, after all, how can she not? They’re not just family, they’re “practically the same person”--she’s even named after him, and for some reason up until now she’s nursed a lifelong affection for him that, while I’m a little unclear on the gist of it myself, suggests a lot about the film’s ideas concerning the supposed pureness and sincerity of Americana.
In another classic suspense scene, Charlie probes her uncle for some shade of humanity during a family dinner scene in which everyone else is happy and blissfully ignorant. Meanwhile Cotten sits there affecting all of the warmth and mammalian comfort of a tire iron.
I don’t hear a lot of filmmakers bring this movie up as an inspiration, but it’s a real classic in my opinion. There have been a couple of remakes over the years but neither seem to have gotten much attention, which is probably just as well.
Tomorrow’s movie takes a look at some real small town murders--the hard way.
Original Trailer:
submitted by SSF415 to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2020.06.29 15:09 scottrifkin Scot Rifkin

Scott Rifkin is a Health Care Executive, Physician and a graduate of the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and George Washington University School of Medicine.
With over 30 years of experience in the practice of internal medicine and clinical healthcare management, he has become a renowned professional in the healthcare field. He is certified in Internal Medicine and practices medicine in Maryland for 20 years. Besides, he was once the emergency medical director to various SNFs who sought assistance in different issues related to the quality of care and also founded, which was later sold to Essential Group Inc.
Scott runs various healthcare institution which aims at improving the health of vulnerable seniors in nursing facilities. Scott leads a team of dedicated and compassionate staff with a similar goal of doing good to the society. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the University of Maryland Medical System that comprises ten hospitals. In 2017, he was named the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the year in the Mid-Atlantic Region. He was also named a UMBC Outstanding Alumnus of the year in 1995.
Scott Rifkin is a renowned healthcare entrepreneur and innovator with over 25 years of experience as a health executive and physician. He has founded several companies and served as the chairman of Provider Partners Health care. He is also the founder and managing partner of Mid-Atlantic Health Care, which aims at providing post-acute care to senior adults in a nurse home chain within the region.
Scot is also the founder and CEO of Mid-Atlantic Health Care LLC. Scott Rifkin oversees the operations of the Mid-Atlantic Care’s 21 skills nursing facilities. Under the leadership of Scott
Rifkin, Mid-Atlantic has entered into various partnerships with hospitals and skills healthcare professionals to improve patient health outcomes and public health. These partnerships include the development of innovative strategies to reduce unnecessary and unavoidable hospitalization and return patients to home care whenever possible.
Mid-Atlantic Health Care LLC is also a renowned publisher of JMore, a magazine for the Jewish community residing in Howards and Baltimore. The magazine is a product of Maryland Jewish Media that was founded by Rifkin. The multimedia company provides monthly magazine, a website names and social media platforms that serve the Jewish community in the two regions. JMore has a full-time staff that comprises of nine and 20 freelance writers and reporters. Mid-Atlantic Health Care LLC also owns 21 skills nursing and rehabilitation facilities within Maryland and Pennsylvania, both overseen by Scott Rifkin.
Scot Rifkin has founded three new startups since founding Mid-Atlantic Health Care in 2003. These startups are tied to Mid-Atlantic Health care and include National Post-Acute Healthcare, Five Star Physician Services, and Real-Time Medical Systems. The National Post-Acute Healthcare managers bundled payment programs as in an authorized convener of the Center for Medicare and Medicare Innovation’s Model 3 Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Programs. The organization develops and manages post-acute SNF networks for various hospital systems. The next company is the Five Star Physician Services that has employed over 50 healthcare providers who offer services to various skilled nursing facilities. The last organization is Real-Time Medical Systems, which develops a predictive analysis and decision support tools that assist in developing better data-driven, analytical insights to decision-makers and health care providers. The organization ensures better care and financial gain for skilled nursing facilities.
Scott Rifkin innovated the Real-Time Medical System that offers an intuitive and convenient platform for healthcare institutions, including insurers, hospitals, and skills nursing facilities that use the platform to reduce patient hospitalization. The system uses daily data provided by EMR to identify and address critical interventional moments that enhance the prevention of health problems. Organizations and institutions that use the Real-Time Medical System have witnessed a reduction of patient admission to acute care by approximately 20% to 50%.
As outlined earlier, Scott is the chairman of Provider Partners Health Plan, which offers Medicare insurance for skilled nursing patients. PPHP issue rewards to healthcare providers who provide quality and better care to patients without compromising on revenue generation. Since quality care results in low use of healthcare services and lower costs for hospitals, operators who participate make considerable improvement in the care, they provide to patients. Besides, PPHP develops and operates Advantage plans referred to as Institutional Special Needs Plans (ISNPs) in Maryland and PA as well as Fiver Star Physician Services LLC that recruits high-quality medical providers for post-acute and long-term care facilities.
Dr. Scott Rifkin also founded Inc., an online health information platform that operates an interactive internet healthcare information destination for consumers. The company provides its consumers with free, real-time interaction with various healthcare professionals. As a unique pharmaceutical service company, the organization combines and integrates prominent physicians, researchers, strategic marketing and consumer outreach capabilities, distinguished hospitals and excellent internet resources to assist the pharmaceutical industry through the process of product development, positioning, and promotion. The company has since filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for an IPO seeking to raise approximately $60 million. The lead underwriter for the IPO offering is Warburg Dillion.
Scot considers his position as a managing partner of Mid-Atlantic Healthcare as personal. He and his family still reside within the neighborhood that surrounds the North Oaks retirement community.
submitted by scottrifkin to u/scottrifkin [link] [comments]

2020.03.10 00:49 VeganMinecraft $$ Craigslist Studies $$

Here are some craigslist studies going on right now. I plan to do these weekly. I do not post “Chances to win” as I believe that EVERYONE should be paid for their time so I only post ones where they pay everyone that qualifies. I sincerely hope this is appreciated as it does take me a bit to compile and sift through dead and garbage links and surveys. As always, if something sounds fishy, don’t do it. I can’t vouch for ALL the links.
PRO TIP: For Research Studies in Your area that pay in cash (there are often quite a lot so too long and too time consuming to post everything from each state here. Would take me all day) go to your craigslist site and type in "research" or "survey" and look under community, gigs or jobs.
$20 Amazon and Feelings
$100 Amazon Home Health Aid
$75 Amazon UbeLyft Drivers
$10 Amazon UMBC Study
$25 Amazon Parents of Kids 3-6
$35 Amazon Work in Energy Industry
$20 Amazon Human Behavior & Relationships
$50 Amazon Home Good Shopping Behavior
$100 Amazon Run Digital Campaigns
$100 Amazon New Mobile App
$175 Amazon Gas Leak Study
$25 Amazon Gamers Needed
$100 Amazon Food Delivery Drivers
$100 Amazon Funeral Planner
$15 Amazon Cooking Dinner
$35 Amazon Energy Industry
$10 Amazon Team Building App
$40 Visa Instructor for Classes
$40 Visa Families making less than 55K
In Person
$50 Amazon Body Composition -- Seattle, WA
$40 Amazon Psychological Health & Wellness -- Berkely, CA
$100 Amazon Digital Marketers -- Manhattan, NY
$20 Amazon Unemployed Looking For Work -- Houston, TX
$30/hr Research on Memory Loss-- Boston, MA
$75 Amazon Blood Pressure App -- Orange County, CA
$500 Amazon Sustainability -- Portland, OR
$25 Amazon High Blood Sugar -- San Francisco, CA
$50 Amazon New Website -- Denver, CO
$395 Amazon Alcohol and Dating -- Phoenix, AZ
$150 Amazon Latino Gay Men -- San Diego, CA
submitted by VeganMinecraft to beermoney [link] [comments]

2019.06.10 21:00 DangerDylan [Monday, 10. June]

World News

Canada to ban single use plastics
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UK economy shrinks by four times as much as predicted as Brexit paralysis takes hold
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The name of a female nurse and embryologist who played a crucial role in developing the world’s first test-tube baby was excluded from a plaque honouring the pioneers of IVF despite objections from her colleagues, newly released letters reveal.
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All news, US and international.

Philadelphia's first openly gay deputy sheriff found dead at his desk in apparent suicide
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Sunday school teacher says she was strip-searched at Vancouver airport after angry guard failed to find drugs
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FedEx will no longer provide express shipping for Amazon in the US
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21 years of insect-resistant GMO crops in Spain/Portugal. Results: for every extra €1 spent on GMO vs. conventional, income grew €4.95 due to +11.5% yield; decreased insecticide use by 37%; decreased the environmental impact by 21%; cut fuel use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving water.
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Scientists first in world to sequence genes for spider glue - the first-ever complete sequences of two genes that allow spiders to produce glue, a sticky, modified version of spider silk that keeps a spider’s prey stuck in its web, bringing us closer to the next big advance in biomaterials.
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'Night owls', people with extreme late sleeping and waking habits, can 'retrain' their body clocks to improve sleep/wake timings, eating habits and decrease depression and stress. Over a three-week period, they were able to shift their circadian rhythm using non-pharmacological interventions.
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Comcast Hit with $9.1M Penalty in Washington State for Bogus Service Protection Plan Billing
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Top voting machine maker reverses position on election security, promises paper ballots
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Microsoft Flight Simulator returns with breathtaking realism
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Sadly, this is not the Onion.

Vancouver condo developers offer free wine or year’s supply of avocado toast to woo buyers in slowing market
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Church of England to consider medical cannabis investments
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Justin Bieber challenges Tom Cruise to UFC fight
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Ask Reddit...

People who have "gone out for a pack of cigarettes" and never went back to your family, what happened after you left? (serious)
What is your favourite "quality vs quantity" example?
People who have snapped on a bully at school, what's your story?


So this is a thing, in production. It's like a blast from the past.
NAS encrypted disk backed BTRF compressed RAMDisk with COW
Tableau acquired by salesforce

Microsoft SQL Server

Strategy for dealing with nested views ?
How to get syntax for some procedure from within SQL server?
Wrong encoding in SQL server. How to fix this?
Comments Link


GitHub - devblackops/Terminal-Icons: A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal
Comments Link
AD FS 3.0 need to bypass MFA for a security group
A slightly faster array filter

Functional 3D Printing

Mugs could never fit on our Nespresso machine stand, so we decided to do something about it.
Comments Link
Does this count? It helped me to stop using batteries :)
Comments Link
For writing grocery lists and like that.
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Data Is Beautiful

[OC] My Boss’s Shirt Color
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[OC] A map of 18,000+ asteroid orbits in the solar system
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[OC] Total Reserves by Country / Includes Gold (1960-2017)
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Today I Learned (TIL)

TIL Chess Grand Master Ossip Bernstein was arrested by the Bolshevik secret police and ordered to be shot. As the firing squad lined up, an officer asked if he was really the famous chess master. The officer made Bernstein play a game for his life against him. Bernstein won easily and was released.
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TIL In the third episode of season four of Game of Thrones, the Meereenese rider who challenges Daenerys' champion was hurling abuses which actually were Low Valyrian translation of the French guy's insults in Monty Python And The Holy Grail, such as "your mother was a hamster".
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TIL in one 13th-century version of the King Arthur myth, Merlin is the spawn of a demon and a mortal woman and was intended by Satan to be the Antichrist, but was baptized by a priest shortly after birth which nullified Satan's plan, and now uses his demonic powers of magic and prophecy for good.
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So many books, so little time

I set a New Years resolution to read on one book a month, to cut down on streaming/wasted time. So far it’s going phenomenally.
I feel like the scene is saturated these days with post apocalyptic and dystopian stories. So I started looking into more positive ideas in literature. Utopian worlds and stories. This was a pretty good list. Has anyone read any of these? Thoughts? Additional books you think its missed?
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Who needs film visuals when you have paragraphs like this:

OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

My dad sitting happily on the 1929 Indian police special he restored, circa 1982.
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My mom rocking her adidas in ‘87
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Shop girl, by Vivian Maier, 1950s
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Airflow around a Boeing 777 nose gear
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The McDonnell XF-85 Goblin, a prototype parasite fighter from 1948 intended to be launched from an XB-35 or B-36 Peacemaker's bomb bay and defend the bomber from enemy interceptors and fighters
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Microsoft Flight Simulator - E3 2019 - Announce Trailer
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Reddit Pics

Trust your photographer
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It's Not Pie
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San Diego, California
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.gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure

Protests in Hong Kong
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1.03 million peaceful protestors marching through the streets of Hong Kong
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Ball bagging
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A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

Sat next to this happy little guy on a plane
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My 5 year old daughter secretly made my bed and then made everyone's bed, organized the shoes by front door and then straightened the bathroom, cleaned up toothpaste in the sink, and finally went downstairs and cleaned up her and her 3 year old sister's toys. I was laid on couch sick.
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Tigger is just about 21 years old and is tired of my shit but I still love her
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submitted by DangerDylan to DangerDylanTLDR [link] [comments]