Ms leveling bots

Ragnarok Online PH

2017.07.02 13:06 kulugo Ragnarok Online PH

Community page for Ragnarok Online PH players (this is not an official page of Ragnarok Online Philippines, nor is it affiliated with Gravity, Electronics Extreme, or Elite).

2017.04.02 23:59 ThatTromboneGuy /r/osuplace

This subreddit is read-only due to Reddit's API changes. All our activity is now on Discord:

2010.05.15 15:04 PearlJam MapleStory

The Reddit community for MapleStory. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon.

2024.06.01 15:52 pie-3_1415 How to get first client ?

Never applied but have tons of fear of rejections because almost every collegue of mine never got one.
Never even logged in How can I get one?
Projects I made .
SELENIUM, PYTHON, CLOUD, ZAPIER - Service based company price adjustment bot - Bot to bid on Niche area businesses - Web scrapper to scrap different params. Required from the stock market website where api costs money and transfer to MS EXCEL
WEBSITE Features: CURD, restful api, php, sql, vanilla js , price update endpoint (for bot to adjust pricing), Pin FAQ to top(time and space optimized)
GAME: Flappy bird using Js
LLM(tried and failed to fine tune): transformers Pytorch Distle bert
ML(just explored): Seaborn Sklearn
Projects are versatile because thought to work on other area of interests then get underpaid and start with cronic job culture
submitted by pie-3_1415 to Upwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:49 Exizero_95 Gwimbly (PSX) Review

With the recent Gwimbly episode out, I decided to review one of the classic platformers to see the light of Sun in the mid 90's. Everyone remembers the legacy of this game, but boy oh boy, nostalgia glasses sure compensate for some of the glaring issues that plague this title.
Precedents and Development:
"The magic Adventures of Gwimbly in Corn Land" is one of those Megadrive publicity games, such as M&Ms or The Noid video-game, this time from the Monsanto company. And the least said about this, the better. Left-to-right side scrolling, awful controls, repetitive and boring, it was deemed to be a forgotten artifact. But, by good fortune, it was one of the (allegedly) two games that series albanian creator Petulla Pulle had as a kid.
Petulla deserves an aside. Learning to code intuitively and implementing Risk on his Casio FX-81 at the age of 6, he is not the poor boy that media wanted us to belive. Coming from a well off family, when he arrived in the US he co-created Sweet Games (now Insane Groundbreaking Games) with his friend Zachary Taylor, and they started development on Gwimbly after acquiring the Licence from a gambling bet in a pub in New York. Although his reputation being ripped apart now by the abuse accusations and toxic working enviroment, Pulle was a popular figure among gamers in the late 90's and 00's, and his advancements in the field should be recognised.
So, basically a one man job, Gwimbly finished its development in just under 2 years and came out for the PSX in August 1996, just one month before Mario 64, which eclipsed the relevance of the first game in sales. Even so, it was the alternative for the Sony owners at the time looking for a collectathon platformer in the, then, new 3rd dimension. But growing pains show all over the game, as we'll see.
While not being bad, a lot of the 5th generation of consoles problems are present. Textures warp and wabble, popping is noticible even in small areas, and glitches are all over the place, specially after acquiring the triple jump.
What, then, has made that Gwimbly sticks to our memories? The character designs and animations, of course. All of them, from the little Cheddar Gobblin enemies of the first level until Count Groxya, without forgetting Mr. Millipede. Even little details, like Gwimbly's iddle animations, reflect care and dedication (unlike its sequels, but we'll talk about that later).
Sound and FX:
This must be the aspect of the game that stincks the most. The constant crackling and stuttering stuck into my ears as a kid, and it certainly has not gotten better as an adult. The howling made for some funny misunderstandings (the classic line "If I had my Gwimbly gun" was supposed to say "If I had some Sweet Corn", but it made for a good meme in the episode), but it was not good even for that time. And, worst of all, while not being at Gex levels, the constant repetition of lines and screams from Gwimbly got annoying real quick.
Music is nothing to write home about. The Corn Hills theme was catchy, but after the 100th time you got tired of it. The use of Theremin and Erhu instruments was more innovative than effective in the latter levels. Only the Menu Music has had some lasting effects, even musically referenced in the Celeste Soundtrack.
Gwimbly is a short game, and I think that's a positive. With only 50 Corn Cans to collect, with four main levels, a central Hub and the last Can Count Castle, it didn't worn out its welcome with its 8-10 hour average run.
Nowadays, Gwimbly feels cluncky to control. The comitment you had to endure with some of the jumps is incredible, and the run and jump distance seems inconsistent. But, worst offender of all, the camera was not good. And who ever thought that recentering the camera with the X button was a good idea.
- Silly-corn Valley: Everybody remembers the central Hub and tutorial level. Mr Millipede serves as our side kick, and the one who teach us how to jump, roll and make the Gwimbly Stimbly, all while staring us with his glassy eyes. You could skip its advices, and if you did not talk to him once it was recognised in the access to the final level, where he would ask you who you were.
- Icy Corn Flakes: a little fun snow level, the developers made the wise decission to not have icey controls (EDIT: it seems that it was programmed into the level, but it was badly implemented so you walked normally). The 10 Corn Cans here are not very difficult, and the Uni-Corn boss was cute.
- Corncob swamp: The swim level. Enough said.
- The Corn Maze: I still have nightmares from this level. Not by the theming or "spooky" music, but from the level design. The constant back-tracking, the Ghosts of Cornstmass Past and specially the, not one, but 2 Corn Cans that made you speedrun the maze almost made me quit the game more than once. In the second run of the maze, Pulle admitted that he put the least amount of time possible WITHOUT CONSIDERING the animation of the door opening, so it was literally no possible to get it unless you glitched through the invisible wall at the beginning.
- Corn Field of Lava: the amazing thing about this level is that, after activating the volcanoe, the entire level was transformed and filled with pop-corn. Be sure to grab the Can at the beginning of the level, after the jumping rocks, because it will not be possible to grab it after the level remodelling (probably by mistake).
- Can Count Castle: I wish I could say the best was reserved for last, but the tight platforming of this level was a frustration factory from start to finish. The only positive is the Final Boss, and the secret animation if you collected all Corn Cans (and the reason why it was made a PG 13+).
Conclusion and Legacy:
Gwimbly in its original state is a game that lives best in our memories, rather than our current consoles. Luckily, its amazing fandom has corrected many of the graphical glitches and performance issues via patches and ROMs that enhance the expirience. But the level design, even with its good moments, is not something you can easily fix.
The inmediate sequel (Gwimbly 2 on Corny Land // Gwimbly 2: The Adventure of Gwimble and Millipede in PAL regions), that came out just a year after the 1rst game release, pullished some aspects of the original while inexplicably substracting from others. The most glaring example is the introduction of fall damage.
Gwimbly 3 Revengance, which came out in late 2003, was a terrible disappointment. It mutted the sparckly colors of the first two entries, and the introduction of Gwimbly Guns and the absence of Mr.Millipede (who was going through some stuff at the time) left a sour taste for the fans of the franchise for what was its final entry. The development hell that Gwimbly 4 went through, and the aforementioned Pulle accusations, put Gwimbly in a weird spot for the next 15 years.
Let's just hope Insane Groundbreaking Games make something with the face of the company. I do not want a fighting game from Gwimbly. I want a new platformer, and, if one can dream, the first truly good game of the saga.
submitted by Exizero_95 to OneyPlays [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:45 goodguy5000hd Blame the Chinese Communist Party.

The real reason behind efforts to ban Chinese surveillance devices/apps is not petty trade wars.
All Chinese companies must give the CCP goons access to any and all information (i.e., your drone videos, location, etc.), no questions asked.
The CCP have been on a "long march" plan to world domination and have long been sucking up any and all data for use in increasing their control over everything. (All governments collect intelligence, but the CCP is not interested in your precious privacy or "human rights.") They steal any and all intellectual property they can to achieve more and more unearned and undeserved control over markets, military, etc.
Do you think if I wrote this post in Chinese controlled territory that I'd not be "missing" by the end of the week? Do you ever wonder why you must side-load the DJI app on to your phones? Do you realize that most all world-release movies/shows are filtered by the CCP for anything disparaging to the CCP, China, or their values? How many posts/votes here are created by CCP agents/bots?
Is this the culture and "wisdom" you want to run the world in the near future?
Why aren't there good US drone alternatives?
Buying cheap Chinese shoes and furniture is only going to benefit the CCP wealth, but surveillance devices are a whole different level.
Whatever the best solution is, this problem is real and should be taken seriously. Don't mindlessly/emotionally react to your potential loss of $$ that you have paid this Chinese company.
You must ask yourself if a nicer drone today is worth the risk of the eventual enslavement of humanity by the CCP philosophy? Are you willing to fight against this tyranny? Are you only interested in today's petty $$? That's what the CCP is counting on: hacking humans to their benefit. Would you be happy flying your cheap Chinese drone knowing that you're "selling out" to these goons?
[Ready for CCP agents/bots to downvote this post in to oblivion.]
submitted by goodguy5000hd to dji [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:30 MireaBP jupiter community letter musings by mirea

jupiter community letter musings by mirea

Hey cool cats! 🐈 Mirea here ♥️

  • Trying my hand at some content creation. Here’s this week’s community update love letter from me! Ima keep it chatty, but if you wanna know more about anything - drop a comment, I’m sure I can find you links.
  • Please leave some feedback if you're up to it! It's been a while since I've written anything 😝
Let’s get right to it with some Jupiter product updates:
Have you spotted Opacks’ recent post? Here he infographicizes (yes that’s a new word, shh I’m making it happen) the recently introduced Jupiter Product Changelog. This is available on jupresearch, but I’m loving this format too! Jupiter moves so fast and partners so well that even if this was just the other day - we still have some new updates for you. JupSOL is now live in Kamino Multiply 💸. Jupiter Perpetuals has updated their trading fees structure! It should benefit the vast majority of traders, pretty much 99%. 🏆
Congrats to 0xYankee for going from yellow (trusty discord mods) to green (jup team)!!! 🚀
LFG!! <3
BTW when Opacks says he’ll forward your feedback, he really means it! If you can’t make it to the town halls and calls, drop your feedback or questions in the Reddit. There’s trusty delivery cats who will ensure your message makes it to the right eyes & ears - you will be heard 📣! Siong read these himself.
Meteora Alpha Vault & UpRock Launch on LFG
Meteora launched their latest anti-sniper bot system alongside the $UPT launch on Jupiter’s LFG platform. For the first time, you could be the first to buy, ahead of bots and other buyers, by depositing USDC into the vault before it closed.
No Operators* allowed - the Alpha Vault is Chamber* proof! ❌ Your tokens will be secured ASAP, but with a Vesting period (like he’s wearing a vest… coincidence?! 🤯)
*to be clear, these are Valorant references - OP is a sniper rifle, Chamber’s ult is a sniper rifleAND he has a vest, Alpha Vault tokens have a vest. TY for coming to my TED talk.
BTW guys - do I need to remind you that there’s a difference between the free 10 $UPT drop and the ASR rewards coming in July? No? Good. 😜 Either way, jup_dao has us covered re What’s ASR. Pretty sure Opacks and BlueZenith also have some cool infographics for this topic!
meme by menger on Discord
if you DID need that reminder, TY slorg!
Now, I heard there were some hiccups with communications… you better hop on jupresearch for that tea. 🍵
Uplink WG Video Missions
Uplink will have a video mission each week to jumpstart ‘Community Powered Comms’ - and yes Kash, I do like the name. You can hear him discuss this during the Planetary Call #15. Do reach out to Organized General if you’ve got bounty questions - easily find him on #uplink-work-group on Discord.
OrdiRums explains how they work through a video he posted on X:
I think it’s ingenious crowdsourcing mixed with some good ole community empowerment. I’ll be waiting to see some of those vids cross-posted here on Reddit! No cross-posts, no cookies. 🍪
Don’t know how to make videos? There’s a class for that in a few hours (12nn EST) - check the Discord! Upskill -> Upload -> Uplink, sounds good to me. Up, Up, and Up! 🆙⬆️
Speaking of the Planetary Call, make sure to catch the next one. Drop a J4J in the chat there for me! If you missed it, I know Web Work Group is compiling summaries - I’m excited to see those back on the site soon! v2 is looking 🤩
Community Spotlight
Over on Discord, I heard wake, SAX, and KEMO had a trippy art day? Tell me if I’m wrong, but show me if I’m right!! I demand pictures 🖼️. There’s another Jupiter Catdet Meetup coming up in Vietnam! If you find yourself in Ho Chi Minh City on June 7 - Julian’s posted a link to register.
link to register is in #catdet-notifications on Discord!
On X, we spotted a killer core and a sus official retweet! I think Slorg’s onto something here 🤔
Always happy to see lots of things going on! I know I didn't touch on everything so please do comment some other highlights and things you enjoyed seeing this week ♥️
Let’s be excellent to each other, LOVE that.
See you next time, cats 🐈
Love, Mirea
submitted by MireaBP to jupiterexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 violent_luna123 I found out PA off-lane is (sometimes) better than the safe-lane

Hear me out folks, I tried different configurations and I found the dagger spam, slow and blink works the best against enemy squishy safe-lane heroes while you get shut-down and punished hard if you go to safe-lane against some tanky boys with a lot of HP regen.
So, I went safe-lane and I got shut down out of any farm, my dagger and my support's low dmg spells werent doing anything against their Str Heroes. I lost hard.
Then because of some team-misscomunication, I had to go mid against Pudge and I got shut down again, I went OOM and I tried so hard to just get Cornucopia but I died before obtaining it....
But I didnt surrender yet, this time I went off-lane. This time I decided to get a mana regen mask from the start! And spam the dagger 24/7 since first seconds without worrying for mana. It kinda worked better because I didnt go OOM that much.
I had Earth Spirit with me on lane against Drow and Sillencer, I think we died and it came to the point of ES spamming me pings and screaming in Russian something that I didnt understand xD So I had to mute him.
However, I found the dagger spam actually works much better against squisher agi and int heroes and I was able to harrass them better than the previous str off-laners.... Then ES gained a bunch of levels, we clicked a bunch of spells, jumps and it literally started to be free kills, they were so easy to kill, I made orb of corruption's bonus slow and they tried to run with low hp and ultra slowed. We got fed and the game went 25/5/21 for me.
Then, I got another game with Elden Titan on my side and it went similar, last time I just sold that mana regen mask later but this time, I quickly upgraded it to Ring of Basilus to help my laning partner with mana and the game was very similar to that of ES, we were against support Viper and Sniper lol that later became free kills.
This game, I looked at our Safe-lane that was slightly losing and it had Undying and in general two str boys and I thought to myself that oh damn, I'd propably suck hard there but instead of it, I was able to dominate the off-lane, go to gank and help my team with ET just like with ES and end the game with 18/3.
Then the third game - I see someone in out team picks Axe. Enemy has Riki and Silencer.
So I think - oh boy, well maybe Axe doesnt have as much of a direct clickable combo as my before lane partners but I'll get the Orb's slow and ring of basilus again and we should be fine and shut them down.
Then, for some reason, (I was in the team with a party of 3 russians) that Axe switched his position to the safe-lane... I had Dazzle on my lane instead...
I saw Riki and Sillencer appearing and I still thought - Oh boy, another squishy team to beat! Basically, I kept Riki at 40% HP non-stop but the enemy sillencer was coming at me and harrasing me.. I thought that damn, I gotta switch targets actually. I ping Dazzle to counter-harras the guy but all he did was like idk, do 70dmg two times and just standed somewhere, well, idk what he was doing honestly.
So I pinged him - bro, harras! We need to beat them, this is my main thing I'm doing to win the game, we cant fail this stage. So he ran into them and died. I got so annoyed and went salty like - Wtf, bro, why do you picked Dazzle for the off-lane, another game lost just by picking useless heroes, if I even had that harassing silencer there as my partner it'd be a gg, need some harrasser, please Axe switch lanes or something, someone with ANY damage please come to my lane, we need to kill them, quick!
Guy went like - Pffff and went bot into a trio-lane. So I was standing alone under my tower harrased by the Sillencer and Riki getting free farm. I hit a 6th level and tried to plead again with my team - Please Axe or anyone come to my lane, I have Ring of Basilus and bonus slow, please guys - Sillencer is under my tower, he's a free gold for us, Riki is free-farming, we have to deny it ASAP or we'll lose! And with no surprise there, we lost. But also because of ultra fed enemy SF xD
Actually the game turned into another 55 min high ground because a bunch of times they jumped onto an Axe and got Medusa's ultied as 3 when our entire team was there and we got some gold to defend at least.. but yeah, the entire game an overly-fat Riki was inflitrating our backline.
The end.
submitted by violent_luna123 to learndota2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:52 rrmdp 📢 Capital One is hiring a Senior Data Analyst!

📢 Capital One is hiring a Senior Data Analyst! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 BloodyLance-a-lot This happened!

This happened!
It just happened
All of us check belts in hope that has faded years ago and it never MB/HH. The feel was like Chris Wilson slaps my shoulder from behind and said "gratz mate!". I get a little sad that this happens in most dead league of all and in the end of it and my character already have this belt on. 9k hours in, dropped on a random t16 while doing challenges. I have no friends anymore, to share my poe with🥲
submitted by BloodyLance-a-lot to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:46 TimeCow4547 Couldn't connect to server.

Got banned twice due connection error on server this week. It is not consistant issue but only happens on german server. There is no problem with game file integrity. All successfully validated . I believe you certainly ban some of the ip blocks for any reason. I shared console output for investigation. In same match room also other players yelling for same issue. I don't think this is because of my fault. Do you guys faced to same problem ? Also impossible to get any support from faceit support. It automatically by pass afk tickets.
Room: /cs2/room/1-2d1dc3c2-9f69-4168-9903-fd047823273c Username: Codekysnn
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Remote Connect (, 8 )
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME): loop(remoteconnect) id(8) addons() desc(Remote Connect (
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested: id [8] addons []
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Client] CL: Disconnecting from server: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to loopback:1, handle #519085317 (2055 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #519085317 (userdata 1)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan server @ (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #519085317 (userdata 1)
[SteamNetSockets] [#519085317 pipe 'server'] closed by app, linger requested but not needed (2055) NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[SteamNetSockets] [#2245036554 pipe 'Codekysnn'] closed by peer (2055): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:1, handle #519085317
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[Server] SV: IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: Server shutting down: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE (55)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_active -> ss_dead)
[Server] SV: Disconnect client 'Codekysnn' from server(1): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN
[SignonState] Client 0 'Codekysnn' signon state SIGNONSTATE_FULL -> SIGNONSTATE_NONE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'server' to loopback:0, handle #2245036554 (1001 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2245036554 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan Codekysnn @ (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #2245036554 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:0, handle #2245036554
[Server] CSource2Server::GameServerSteamAPIDeactivated()
[Networking] Closing 'server' poll group
[stringtables] SV: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables: removing 12 tables
[stringtables] CL: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables: removing 12 tables
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Client] CL: CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> at 119.552
[Server] SV: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Server] SV: CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( remoteconnect : success )
CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> Success at 119.552
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #2245036554 pipe 'Codekysnn' closed by peer, reason 2055: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2245036554 (userdata -1)
[NetSteamConn] Opened Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, connection #2388495989 UDP invalid@
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Developer] Success.
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
[SteamNetSockets] [#2388495989 UDP invalid@] problem detected locally (5003): Timed out attempting to connect
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #2388495989 UDP invalid@ problem detected locally, reason 5003: Timed out attempting to connect
[Client] Failed to connect to Reason code 5003. Timed out attempting to connect
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, handle #2388495989 (1000 CloseSocket)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #2388495989 (userdata -1)
[Networking] Summary of connection [#2388495989 UDP invalid@]:
[Networking] End-to-end connection: closed due to problem detected locally, reason code 5003. (Timed out attempting to connect)
[Networking] Current rates:
[Networking] Sent: 0.0 pkts/sec 0.0 K/sec
[Networking] Recv: 0.0 pkts/sec 0.0 K/sec
[Networking] Est avail bandwidth: 256.0KB/s
[Networking] Bytes buffered: 0
[Networking] Lifetime stats:
[Networking] Totals
[Networking] Sent: 21 pkts 10,752 bytes
[Networking] Recv: 0 pkts 0 bytes
[Networking] No ping distribution available. (0 samples)
[Networking] No connection quality distribution available. (0 measurement intervals)
[Networking] Latency variance histogram not available
[Networking] No rate stats received from remote host
[Networking] No lifetime stats received from remote host
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for, handle #2388495989
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (levelload), 9 )
[HostStateManager] Discarding pending request 'Remote Connect (, 8'
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(9) addons() desc(Idle (levelload))
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [9] addons []
[Console] Unknown command 'single_player_pause'!
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Idle (levelload)
[Client] CL: CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop game requested: id [9] addons []
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_dead -> ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest)
[Server] SV: maxplayers set to 1
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Server] SV: Executing server defaults
[Server] SV: Executing listen server config file
[Developer] GameTypes: could not find matching game mode value of "" in any game type.
[Server] SV: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive.cfg
[Console] Unknown command 'mp_weapons_glow_on_ground'!
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive_offline.cfg
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_competitive_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[Server] SV: Spawn Server:
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[SteamNetSockets] [#279036504 pipe] connected
[SteamNetSockets] [#2434778158 pipe] connected
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'server'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=10a1c258@loopback:1 <-> server=911fc42e@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan Codekysnn @ loopback:0 (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #2434778158 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan server @ loopback:1 (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #279036504 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL: Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [Codekysnn]
[Server] Client 0 'Codekysnn' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: ""
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 10072 (revision 8940079)
[Client] Server Number: 5
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000436 seconds
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CMoverPathNode
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CPathMover
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 11.613 msec
[Client] CL: CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV: 1 player server started
[Client] CL: IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL: } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV: Sending full update to client Codekysnn (reason: initial update)
[Client] Receiving 0.5K non-incremental update from server
Codekysnn connected
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submitted by TimeCow4547 to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 ZexceedAltar Hahahaha. I'm Back

Hahahaha. I'm Back submitted by ZexceedAltar to u/ZexceedAltar [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:00 KappaOfficer ETERNAL KAPPAS!!! 480M+ Guild Friendly and Helpful Guild - Looking for New Members - RotE 33⭐️ 32+ Reva Shard (37 Reva Ready) Active & Social Members - See Comments for More Information

Σternal Kappa
Relaxed group of active and social members! Looking for positive vibes as we continue to grow!
The Eternal Empire is a family of 7 independently run guilds and home to 400 players. We support all level of players from beginners to experienced, end-game all-heroic competitors. Guild GPs range from 325M - 550M+. All active & dedicated players are welcome! We understand that life happens & take that into consideration. We share one Discord server where we have the tools, bots, resources & seasoned advice to help guide you as you progress. Our motto is: “We build together, we grow TOGETHER!”.
49/50 Members, 450M+ GP
1:30 UTC / 20:30 EST / 17:30 PST Guild Reset
33 ⭐️ Rise of the Empire TB & 32+ Reva Shard (37 Reva Ready)
We Use EchoBot for Platoon Assignments
7-3 Record in last 10 matches We have a dedicated Discord channel for TW Adaptive strategy depending on our opponent & team readiness
RAIDS: Endor Speeder Bike Event (208M Crate)
HOW TO JOIN US: Please come to our Discord server & an Officer will help you! We want EVERYONE to succeed & are constantly looking to improve on what we're doing to help all within our collective of :eight: independently run guilds. We are an established guild with active players who are looking for like-minded, common-sense individuals to join us for the growth & benefit of all!
submitted by KappaOfficer to swgoh_guilds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:00 KappaOfficer ETERNAL KAPPAS!!! 480M+ Guild Friendly and Helpful Guild - Looking for New Members - RotE 33⭐️ 32+ Reva Shard (37 Reva Ready) - Active & Social Members - See Comments for More Information

Σternal Kappa
Relaxed group of active and social members! Looking for positive vibes as we continue to grow!
The Eternal Empire is a family of 7 independently run guilds and home to 400 players. We support all level of players from beginners to experienced, end-game all-heroic competitors. Guild GPs range from 325M - 550M+. All active & dedicated players are welcome! We understand that life happens & take that into consideration. We share one Discord server where we have the tools, bots, resources & seasoned advice to help guide you as you progress. Our motto is: “We build together, we grow TOGETHER!”.
49/50 Members, 480M+ GP
1:30 UTC / 20:30 EST / 17:30 PST Guild Reset
We Use EchoBot for Platoon Assignments
*7-3 Record in last 10 matches We have a dedicated Discord channel for TW Adaptive strategy depending on our opponent & team readiness
RAIDS: Endor Speeder Bike Raid (208M Crate)
HOW TO JOIN US: Please come to our Discord server & an Officer will help you! We want EVERYONE to succeed & are constantly looking to improve on what we're doing to help all within our collective of :eight: independently run guilds. We are an established guild with active players who are looking for like-minded, common-sense individuals to join us for the growth & benefit of all!
submitted by KappaOfficer to SWGOHRecruiting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 rrmdp 📢 Kraken is hiring a Senior Onchain Engineer – Incubation!

📢 Kraken is hiring a Senior Onchain Engineer – Incubation! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 rrmdp 📢 StubHub is hiring a Senior Software Engineer - Infra, Hosting & Data!

📢 StubHub is hiring a Senior Software Engineer - Infra, Hosting & Data!
Company: StubHub
Location: Los Angeles, CA 📍
Salary: 200K - 275K 💰
Date Posted: June 01, 2024 📅
Level: Senior 👵
Apply & Description 👉
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 rrmdp 📢 ChargePoint is hiring a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer - Taiwan!

📢 ChargePoint is hiring a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer - Taiwan! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 Ok_Drummer_9965 Did they change the spawn rates on the Dark Fluid mission?

I'm mostly an asshole here because I am tired of keep seeing gamer dads whining about the game, but even I genuinely believed the mission was broken, after seeing the "spawn under drill bug" or instances of mission failing even though it was completed. And people kept complaining about the amount of Shriekers on extraction.
Today I decided to hop on and see it myself, and since people kept complaining about the insane difficulty, I wanted to try it on 7 difficulty first. And it was... normal?
I kept playing and every single time I ended up on extraction, I expected to be thorn apart by Shriekers, and it never happened. I don't know what to say, there were a lot of them but I have seen worse, at times when we would screw up as a team. It didn't feel like it was an INSANE amount.
We also screwed up a lot in these missions and destroyed the drills but the objective didn't fail, rather we just called it again. And it wasn't a big deal since the mission is 40 minutes long. We didn't roam the map to destroy every single bug hole either, we just ran straight in and took down the holes if they happened to be near.
Let me clarify that I didn't play these missions with a squad of competitive friends but rather random dudes, I had level 20 mates and level 100 mates.
Right now "spawn under drill bug" is gone, at least I didn't encounter it. So, is this our fellow gamer dads of Reddit, who apparently dictate what's difficult or easy on this sub, yet again showing they suck at playing video games regardless of difficulty, or did this update introduced more than that 1 sentence of drill fix?
Or is this simply people getting bad teammates and think it's the game's fault?
Because I'm telling you, this mission is literally a walk in the park compared to "Conduct Geological Survey Mission" against bots on difficulty 9.
submitted by Ok_Drummer_9965 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:04 Impressive-Rope7858 Am I qualified ?

I’m seeking the input of those of you who have some insight about whether I would be qualified to teach in a particular role. Here are my qualifications and what I’m interested in teaching. Any input greatly appreciated!
Qualifications: I have BS and MS degrees in Computer Science. I worked in the high tech industry in Fortune 500 companies for 36 years as a software engineer and then a software engineering manager. I taught an introductory computer programming course in graduate school nine times. In that teaching role, I was fully responsible for the class on my own and had no discernible oversight at all. I completed Calculus, Differential Equations and Probability and Statistics classes as an undergrad, all with “A” grades. I currently am an elementary school substitute teacher, which entails actual teaching some of the time.
Interest: I’m interested in teaching an Algebra class at a Community College. A lower level math class than Algebra would be fine as well. Note that I’m really not interested in teaching a programming or software engineering class, since for 40 years that was my focus and I’d like a change of pace if possible at this point.
Should I apply for such positions, or am I really not qualified?
Thanks again for any input.
submitted by Impressive-Rope7858 to Adjuncts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:45 Miserable_Monitor410 The begging is strange these days on F2P

The begging is strange these days on F2P
What's with the lack of effort of beggars these days in F2P? They'll walk up to you out of no where and demand you trade them or just ask for X amount with no follow up reason, not even a plz. Half the time they'll just spam trade you without saying anything. My question is, are they real players or some form of bot? I mean, there's no reason a player of this level should even need to ask for 1m.. or is it because they don't speak english? I mean, at least lie to me lol
submitted by Miserable_Monitor410 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:46 rrmdp 📢 Snowflake is hiring a Senior Sales Engineer, Civilian!

📢 Snowflake is hiring a Senior Sales Engineer, Civilian! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:41 sl1nkus Are China and BYD Cheating and using Slave Labor to lower the costs of their products?

Are China and BYD Cheating and using Slave Labor to lower the costs of their products?
Concentration camps bearing a striking resemblance to the German Camps of WW2 used to exterminate the Jewish.
Do people think that China actually competes on a level playing field?
They don't.
The Chinese are using up to or more than 2 million slaves in concentration camps in the Xingjian Autonomous Region.
They use these slaves in fish processing, cotton picking, and other manufacturing sectors including automotive.
They euthanize, rape, mutilate genitals, chemically castrate, and then they traffic the remaining women of this demographic to ethnically Chinese men to eradicate the Uyghur Muslim demographic.
This is a twisted new form of genocide.
Volkswagen recently closed their operations in the Xingjian Region due to slave labor concerns.
The common good is not so common if you are a slave. Communism cares little for the individual, as explained here.
Additional Sources:
I will document this here at the bottom of the post incase the Chinese AI bot posting here decides to delete its post:
submitted by sl1nkus to the_everything_bubble [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:17 choochoomthfka Feature request: API for normal users

Feature request: API for normal users
I would need API access as a normal user to read my transactions and also initiate transactions. I don't understand why such functionality is reserved for business customers. It's an easy way to make bitcoin programmable. Not on the base layer or Lightning, but on the personal wallet level.
First of all, I don't think it will fly with my government that I can't report taxes on my bitcoin purchases and spends with Strike. I don't know what the regulation is right now tbh, but I can't imagine it will fly under the radar long-term given that I already KYC'd.
The second thing is, if I could initiate transactions, I would make Strike into my savings accounts. I would automatically syphon excess fiat off of my normal bank account, and send fiat back from Strike when needed.
I have a rather precise balance projection model for my personal finances. Most transactions on my bank account are very repetitive and predictive. If I could initiate transactions remotely from Strike to my bank, I would create a bot that fills up the bank account just in time for larger withdrawals.
My fiat bank account balance projections. Everything above 0 (or a safety margin) should not be sitting in my bank account.
Separately, I'm also considering a small business around Lightning and Fedimints, and I would need a transaction history for that as well.
Thanks for listening. I think Strike is one of the best apps and user experiences I've ever had on any mobile app in any field, and I will recommend it going forward for easiest-to-use Lightning wallet, even though BTC purchases can be had cheaper elsewhere but with significantly worse UX.
submitted by choochoomthfka to strikebtc [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:46 rrmdp 📢 Olsson Associates is hiring a Senior Electrical Engineer - Data Center!

📢 Olsson Associates is hiring a Senior Electrical Engineer - Data Center! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:46 rrmdp 📢 Nium is hiring a Senior Technical Support Engineer!

📢 Nium is hiring a Senior Technical Support Engineer! submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]