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2024.06.01 12:07 datass0001- Tony is such a boomer filled with microagressions

After his “funny” story of pascal being mistaken for Seth’s “other” black friend now he’s talking about Indian reservation in Alaska? First of all they are indigenous not the Native Americans who have reservations in the lower 48. wtf you playing at Tony those people are Scottish regardless ya boomer ass fool 😂 this case is a mess. Your name is on all our hearts Sebastian, I hope you’re ok buddy sorry all the adults who were suppose to keep you safe are inept. You have lots of people pulling for you 💚
submitted by datass0001- to SebastianRogers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:10 HeartHartHeart Shocked (and slightly disappointed) by my results! And is Malta misattributed?

Shocked (and slightly disappointed) by my results! And is Malta misattributed?
TLDR; 2% Maltese says it comes from my mom but she doesn’t have Malta in her results. Her grandma (my g-gma) is 100% ethnically Lebanese (traced through records). Is my result misattributed Lebanese? Is that possible?
I never knew my biological father (nor did I care to) so I knew I was going to be surprised by my results regardless, but I’m actually so shocked that I’m a quarter Sicilian that I’m laughing. For context, looking at me, you’d guess I’m purely a mix of Irish and Scottish. Red hair, palest person I know, etc.
I’m Lebanese from my mom’s side, my great-grandma is 100% Lebanese from Koura District. Interestingly, that’s the only family lineage I actually know anything about. I know when they left Lebanon and settled here, what their life looked like, and my great-grandma didn’t pass until I was around 9 years old so I was able to speak with her a bit. We don’t speak Arabic but I grew up eating kibbeh, tabbouleh, mujadara, etc. I knew I was going to inherit only 12%, since my mom is only a quarter Lebanese, but I’ve always been sad I don’t look more like that part of my family since it’s the only pre-Canada ties I have. My mom’s other side of the family (Irish/English) has been in Canada so long that I don’t have any records of them going back very far.
The only other place I have a connection to is Scotland; my actual dad, who raised me, is Scottish (like, has citizenship), and I lived in Glasgow for a bit. I’ve always been hurt that he didn’t formally adopt me before I became an adult, so I can’t get citizenship to my favourite country in the world. The only 10% Scottish DNA hurts there, too.
The Sicilian ethnicity… I guess my biological father was half Sicilian. I don’t understand how I have 37% Mediterranean/Middle Eastern DNA and I still look like I’m allergic to the sun. Like that outnumbers my celtic blood! It’s so funny to me, but I have no connection to that part of the world. I didn’t even know where Trapani was. And cmon I couldn’t have inherited the ability to tan even a little bit? I’ve visited a few islands in the Aegean, though, so I’ve done that 2% proud!
Not sure what the Norwegian (maternal) and Russian (paternal) is all about. Pretty sure no one in my lineage has ever even visited those countries. My mom also has a community from Yorkshire under England & NWE that doesn’t show up on my results, annoyingly (I got England & NWE from both sides though).
The 2% Maltese is confusing me. At first glance I thought it was part of the Sicilian DNA but it says I inherited it from my mother… even though she doesn’t have it in her own results. The closest she has is Lebanese. Is this a possible misattribution? Surely not, right, since Malta and Lebanon are so far apart? What else could this be? If it is Lebanese and I’m actually 14%, do I have the ancestral right to learn how to dabke?
And should I turn matches on to try to find enough paternal info to qualify for Jus Sanguinis? (I kid. Mostly).
submitted by HeartHartHeart to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:52 WhovianTrekkie_6366 My Star Trek Ranking, Part 1: Intro & 919-901

Hello! I was previously on this site as 'MachineCogs', but I had some personal difficulties so left. But all's well now and I'm very excited to be beginning this series of posts I have planned. I'll just explain them first.
So, I love Star Trek. Like a lot. Like a crazy obsessional amount. I also love ranking things. So, now that I've finished my monumental Trek rewatch, plus the final season of DSC, I'm going to do a massive ranking of the entire franchise: every individual episode, every film, and every minisode. I've already done the ranking itself (added in the last season of DSC yesterday), and now will be laying it out here from worst to best. I'll be doing it in waves of 25 after this initial post, and will try to do it daily.
Before I get into it, I want to say that everything I am going to say is purely my very fallible opinion. If you think my choices are only logical, please say so! If you think my choices bring dishonour to the Empire, please say so! I really love discussing Star Trek with people and hearing all sorts of different views, so don't hesitate to comment if you want to!
Also, to further clarify, this ranking will include every episode of all 11 TV shows, all 13 films and all 15 minisodes (spread across Short Treks and Very Short Treks). So spoilers for all of it. I'm so excited for this. Without further ado, here I go. Engage!
919) These Are the Voyages... (2005)
ENT 4x22
Writer: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: Allan Kroeker
I doubt anyone will take issue with my placing this dead last. On my rewatch I realised I truly love ENT, and this ending ruins the series in every conceivable way. Sure, there's no way ENT could have had a fully satisfying finale, since it was cut short by about three seasons, but literally anything would have been better than this.
Firstly, the decision to have the final episode set on the holodeck of the Enterprise-D, with the whole thing circling round Riker and Deanna rather than the ENT characters, is absurd and disastrous. I get that they wanted this to function as a finale for Star Trek as a whole for the forseeable future, but this should first and foremost have been the ENT finale, and focused on the ENT characters. As it stands, they're sidelined in their own show as the entire thing is told from the TNG characters' perspective. It also takes place within the plot of The Pegasus for some reason, and the episode plays out a weak version of Riker's arc in that episode.
However, the crap doesn't stop there. The story the ENT characters are involved in is so small and anticlimactic: it's just a run-of-the-mill rescue story. Even Jeffrey Combs can't salvage it. Additionally, and most egregiously for me, is the despoilation of Trip and T'Pol's romance. I'll say more about what I think of it in later posts, but suffice to say I love it. Thus, I was infuriated when this episode says nothing happened between the pair after where we left off in Terra Prime; an utter waste.
And, of course, we then have Trip's death. Again, it's just such a small death, and serves only to sever a great character from Star Trek. Truly awful, as is the fact that Archer is cut off before he can give his speech at the founding of the Federation. The closing reading of the 'To Boldly Go' speech by three Captains of the Enterprise is hella neat, but it does not make up for how much of a nightmare this episode is. It feels so separate from the rest of ENT that I generally ignore its existence, especially since we were given a satisfying finale in the form of the previous episode, Terra Prime (more on that one later). In summary, an anticlimactic dreg that undermines the entire cast of ENT.
918) Light and Shadows (2019)
DSC 2x7
Writer: Ted Sullivan, story by Ted Sullivan & Vaun Wilmott
Director: Marta Cunningham
There are two main reasons I believe DSC Season 2 to be the worst season of Star Trek ever made. One is the portrayal of Section 31, which I will go into more detail on later, and the other is making Burnham Spock's sister.
I hate this decision so much because of how it is detrimental to Spock's character. One of the most compelling things about him from TOS was the story of his lonely childhood on Vulcan, ostracised by his peers and misunderstood by his father. It established how he didn't have a true home until he came to Starfleet, and set up his struggle between his Vulcan and human sides. Giving him a sibling who is also a misfit on Vulcan dilutes the story of his family life and weakens his character.
This episode is down lower than any other from DSC Season 2 because it deals very heavily with Burnham's role in Sarek's family, and demonstrates all the reasons I so dislike it. As well as disrupting Spock's story with his parents, I'm also left yearning for Burnham to have been given her own, original character, Vulcan foster parents. I adore the idea of a human raised by Vulcans, but why did the DSC writers feel the need to have Burnham raised by Sarek and Amanda? It weakens her story as well as Spock's.
The other plot with Captain Pike and Ash Tyler is also very bad, as it, like every other episode with them in DSC, fouls up the portrayal of Section 31. Tyler gives a defence of Section 31 to Pike, and it's framed in such a way that the audience is meant to accept it. The entire point of Section 31 is that they are an indefensible organisation; a group who betray everything the Federation stands for, causing death and devastation in other civilisations. Of course the people working for Section 31 believe what they're doing is right, but the audience isn't meant to agree with that. Portraying Section 31 as something that is morally acceptable fundamentally undermines Star Trek's optimistic future. The plot about the AI from the future is fine but boring.
917) Shades of Grey (1989)
TNG 2x22
Writer: Maurice Hurley, Richard Manning & Hans Beimler, story by Maurice Hurley
Director: Rob Bowman
And here we have the Star Trek clips show. Goodness knows this format is frustrating enough in a twenty-two minute comedy: in a forty-five minute production it's excruciating. The set-up, with Riker jabbed by an alien plant, isn't terrible, but the memories it leads into are a real chore to sit through. Going into them completely kills the tension, until the fast-paced final sequence, but even that is still unimpressive. Obviously there was nothing more they could have done for this one, what with the writers' strike, but wouldn't it have been better just to cut the season to 21 episodes?
916) Turnabout Intruder (1969)
TOS 3x24
Writer: Arthur Singer, story by Gene Roddenberry
Director: Herb Wallerstein
I am a firm believer in not holding an old TV show to modern standards; it's entirely unfair. TOS has multiple moments of sexism throughout its run, but mostly it's a stray comment or a small element. Those I can easily ignore. But this... the sexism is so fundamentally built into the episode that I just can't tolerate it.
It's not just a case of one line in this episode; the whole thing is one massive misogynistic message, namely that women are too emotional and unstable to be Captains. Janice Lester's desire to be a Captain is portrayed as unreasonable and beyond her natural abilities. We see her becoming increasingly unstable throughout the episode, ultimately losing control of the Enterprise because of her violent emotions.
This message that women are too emotional for a Captaincy is simply disgusting, and it's all capped off by Kirk's final line that 'She could have been as happy as any woman... If only... If only' As in if only she'd been happy to be a woman, which means not being a Captain. That kind of thinking just makes me want to throw up. This is an episode best consigned to the dustbin of history, with Janeway giving it the middle finger.
915) Code of Honour (1987)
TNG 1x3
Writer: Katharyn Powers & Michael Baron
Director: Russ Mayberry
We've had the sexist episode, now we have the racist episode. I decided to put this above Turnabout Intruder because I feel that, had the alien species been cast multiracially, then the demonisation of black people would have been avoided. I mean the episode would have still been a sh*t production about a lazily realised honour-bound people, but at least it wouldn't have been racist.
As it stands, this episode portrays black people as brutes and barbarians, with the men abducting women and betraying their wives. A shame that one of the episodes focusing on Tasha Yar is so offensive; but even aside from this it's still uninspired and uninteresting. A vile portrayal of black people; it's truly shocking and disturbing that Star Trek, which was and is such an anti-racist franchise, could ever contain such a horror as this.
914) Project Daedalus (2019)
DSC 2x9
Writer: Michelle Paradise
Director: Jonathan Frakes
This epitomises the terrible portrayal of Section 31 nu-Trek, and especially DSC Season 2, peddles. This episode is centred around the Discovery crew breaking into Section 31's base. Section 31 does not have a base. They're a shadowy, rogue organisation, that exists outside the government of the Federation and pursues its own agenda. They have their origin in an obscure part of the Starfleet Charter, but that's as far as their public presence goes. If you make them a public wing of Starfleet, like DSC Season 2 does, then that makes it seem that Starfleet condones their activities, which they would never do, and suggests that their actions are morally acceptable, which is an awful, un-Trek thing for Trek to do. This is an attribute which affects virtually all of DSC Season 2, but it's at its worst here.
Aside from this central issue, I'll just say that the Control storyline is dull and uninspired; we've seen sentient computers trying to destroy all organic life before, in Star Trek and other science-fiction. Ariam's death is fine, but am I really meant to care? So much weight is attached to this character I haven't connected with at all.
913) The Way to Eden (1969)
TOS 3x20
Writer: Arthur Heinemann, story by Michael Richards & Arthur Heinemann
Director: David Alexander
This is just... bizarre. And not in a good way. It makes sense that TOS would do an episode about the hippy movement, and it makes sense that they would have the Space Hippies be anti-technology. However, the hippies are just so cartoonish and laughable that it ends up derailing the whole episode. Any meaningful commentary on how technology has perhaps taken over 23rd Century life is drowned out by all the Space Hippies' weird antics, from shouting 'Herbert!' at Kirk to throwing concerts. I will say I do quite enjoy Charles Napier's singing, though; he's definitely the best of the hippy characters. The end reveal that Eden is an acidic, poisonous planet is pretty cool and gruesome, but that doesn't make up for this fever dream of an episode. I do not reach.
912) Up the Long Ladder (1989)
TNG 2x18
Writer: Melinda M Snodgrass
Director: Winrich Kolbe
I think this would have been much better if they'd dropped the comedy Irish folk, and just had the episode be about the decaying society of clones. I picture an episode where, asked for their genomes by the colonists, the Enterprise crew must struggle with the moral dilemma of whether they should let a society die or let other versions of themselves walk around, harming their sense of individuality. They knock on the door of this with Riker's plotline, but it's portrayed too quickly and simplistically: he just kills his clone and nobody speaks against it.
As for the episode we actually got, it's a messy debacle, where the two plotlines, one of the old-timey Irish colony, and one of the super-advanced clone colony, never really gel. There's some decent comedy with the old-timey colony, like the man who gets drinks from the replicator, but that's about it. Beyond that this episode is just dull and muddled.
911) Sub Rosa (1994)
TNG 7x14
Writer: Brannon Braga, story by Jeri Taylor
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Long before I had ever watched TNG, my mum always used to say: 'Oh, there's an awful one with Beverly's grandmother.' I have to admit that this episode is actually a pretty good time to watch, because it is just so exquisitely awful. For a start, the setting is weird and random: a recreation of the Scottish Highlands. I suppose it was to give a spooky rural atmosphere to the story, but any chance of that is destroyed by how laughable the story itself is. Beverly just gets really horny for this ghost in a lamp, and they end up having ghost sex, until the ghost possesses the dead body of her grandmother. I laughed out loud at the line 'You're not Nana; Nana's dead!' It was the culmination of all the ridiculousness of the episode. Also, my mum has pointed out to me that Beverly's unfiltered desciption of her sexual 'dreams' to Deanna is out-of-character for her, as she is a private person. So bad it's good.
910) The Lights of Zetar (1969)
TOS 3x18
Writer: Jeremy Tarcher & Shari Lewis
Director: Herb Kenwith
And rounding out my bottom 10 we have this, possibly the most boring, pointless episode in Star Trek's history. It features a dull Scotty romance interrupted by a dull space cloud enemy. It just feels like nothing happens in any scene, and I never feel any real tension. The climax is just as boring as the rest of the episode, and is an anticlimactic defeat for the Zetarians. If nothing else, this episode is a good sleeping pill. I genuinely have nothing else to say.
909) The Naked Now (1987)
TNG 1x2
Writer: DC Fontana, story by John DF Black & DC Fontana
Director: Paul Lynch
Ooh, The Naked Now, you so narrowly missed out on being in my bottom 10! TNG is my second-favourite Star Trek show, but it really did have some shockingly bad episodes in its first 2 seasons. This is a lacklustre and laughable sequel to a great TOS episode, The Naked Time. In that episode the disease that ravages the crew wasn't just portrayed as making them all drunk, but as something that brought out their inner emotions. It was a moving way to gain insight into the characters, and it was a good idea to have the TNG encounter the same virus in their first season. But do they use it to the same effect? No.
This episode treats the virus completely as if it is a drunk-disease, and we follow the characters as they engage in all sorts of ridiculous, uninhibited activities. Not least of these is, of course, the renowned 'fully functional' scene. I will give credit to Patrick Stewart and Gates McFadden for playing their nonsense amusingly, but their storyline is still rubbish. In a final blow against the episode, we get the first instance of Wesley saving the ship. This is a terrible trope from TNG Season 1, where Wesley consistently sees things the adults don't and uses his child genius to save the day. It's unbearably contrived and saccharine, here and elsewhere. TNG really had a bad first couple of weeks after the pilot.
908) The Magicks of Megas-tu (1973)
TAS 1x8
Writer: Larry Brody
Director: Hal Sutherland
I think TAS is generally an OK show, but it does have some dreadful outings. This is the worst of them: a too-crazy storyline where the Enterprise crew meet the Devil and discover another realm where magic is real. It's also pretty messy, with Lucien showing the crew around for a bit, before they're all taken to trial by the other denizens of the realm. Kirk's standing up for Lucien, despite the fact that he is known on Earth as Lucifer, is a very nice moment, though, and his magic battle with the head magician is gloriously insane. Spock telling him he 'must believe' in order to perform magic is a bit much, though. Overall, an ugly, untidy episode.
907) The Alternative Factor (1967)
TOS 1x27
Writer: Don Ingalls
Director: Gerd Oswald
Not quite as mind-numbing as The Lights of Zetar, but pretty close. From the beginning my interest in near nil, with some uninteresting special effects and an equally uninteresting guest character in the form of Doctor(s) Lazarus. Lazarus talks a lot about this evil man he's chasing, and it is a neat twist that that man is another version of himself from a parallel universe, and that he in fact is the villain of the piece. However, this leads to a lot of Lazarus jawing about the great threat, with little actually happening beyond this in the episode. His boring interactions with the crew are interspersed with repetitive fight sequences, with the camera turned negative. The scene between Kirk and the good Lazarus is OK, as is Kirk's final line 'What of Lazarus... and what of Lazarus?', but these can't make up for how stupefyingly dull this episode was.
906) A Night in Sickbay (2002)
ENT 2x5
Writer: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: David Straiton
I've got a few things to say about this episode. The first time I watched this, I thought Archer was being influenced by some malign alien, with how out-of-character he was acting. I love dogs, so I do understand why he's so angry over Porthos getting sick, but he acts so unreasonably and unstably, and it's just nothing like him.
I will say there's some fun to be had with Archer and the brilliantly acted Doctor Phlox, for example when they're chasing the latter's Pyrithian Bat. However, mostly their conversations are the key part of this episode I hate, because it is implied within them that Archer feels sexual attraction towards T'Pol. I love their relationship for being an example of a strong platonic bond between a man and a woman, and so I despise that they tried to imply something sexual between them here. It just makes me go 'Yick'. The conclusion, with Archer dressed up in ritualistic gear to apologise to the aliens he offended, has got to be one of the most ludicrous things I've seen in Star Trek; and again, not in a good way.
905) If Wishes Were Horses (1993)
DS9 1x15
Writer: Nell McCue Crawford, William L Crawford & Michael Piller, story by Nell McCue Crawford & William L Crawford
Director: Robert Legato
Forget Move Along Home; this is the absolute worst episode of DS9. Silly apparitions surrounding a dull anomaly storyline; an unwelcome cocktail indeed. The submissive apparition of Jadzia who's all over Julian is quite funny, but that's the extent of the enjoyment I get out of this. The Rumplestiltskin and baseball player apparitions offer no value and the revelation that they're a bunch of aliens exploring the galaxy doesn't intrigue me. Oscillates between being dull and too silly, and mostly is too silly.
904) Threshold (1996)
VOY 2x15
Writer: Brannon Braga, story by Michael de Luca
Director: Alexander Singer
When Brannon Braga is on his A-Game, he is one of Trek's best writers. This is decidedly not one of those times. The idea, that Tom Paris breaks the Warp 10 barrier, and then strange things begin to happen to him, is pretty good, but the execution is wildly bad. He slowly degrades in sickbay, where we get a bunch of so-so talk from him about his childhood, and he gradually gets more and more unhinged, in a manner which I don't enjoy. These scenes just get arbitrarily cut off, it seems, when Tom breaks out, abducts Janeway and steals a shuttle. Then, of course, the infamous part of the episode happens, as Tom and Janeway transform into salamanders and have little salamander babies. Just what was Brannon Braga thinking when he wrote that? A super weird, unsatisfying execution of a good idea.
903) Once Upon a Planet (1973)
TAS 1x9
Writer: Chuck Menville & Len Janson
Director: Hal Sutherland
The TOS episode Shore Leave was a good idea that ran out of impetus later on. This episode doesn't even have the distinction of having a good idea; it just rinses and repeats its live-action predecessor. The fact that the planet's computer is questioning its purpose after the death of the Keeper is kinda interesting, but ultimately the whole affair falls flat. I don't think I have anything else to say... uh, there's a dull but functional B-story on the Enterprise, I guess? Whatever.
902) Fair Haven (2000)
VOY 6x11
Writer: Robin Burger
Director: Allan Kroeker
Absolutely the worst holodeck episode. I guess I can see the purpose of the idea: lost in the Delta Quadrant, a Captain doesn't have nearly as many opportunities for romance as the rest of the crew. But that doesn't mean I approve of this episode's existence. It's boring time-filler: the holographic boyfriend thing doesn't interest me, and the whole thing feels cheap and faintly absurd. There is one legendary moment: 'Delete the wife', but other than that this is an insult to Janeway's character and an embarrassment to Star Trek.
901) Babel (1993)
DS9 1x4
Writer: Michael McGreevey & Naren Shankar, story by Sally Caves & Ira Steven Behr
Director: Paul Lynch
In contrast to the too-silly episode of DS9 I've just reviewed, this one is one of the franchise's most dull. The aphasiac virus, which makes all the crew start to speak nonsense, feels like an obfuscation on the writers' part, disguising the fact that they couldn't come up with an interesting story. The whole thing is a boring babble, and I'm grateful when it's over.
That's the end of this part. Thank you very much for reading, and Live Long and Prosper!
submitted by WhovianTrekkie_6366 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:13 mmxldii36 Kinda funny joke down below Today i was able to màsturbate and reach full orgâsm without a Scottish person by my side.

I got off completely scot-free :)
submitted by mmxldii36 to Jokesuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:58 TheReckon5 More Voices for that extra Democracy!

I was thinking since Super Earth is basically all nations etc united. It would be super cool to have some more voices and accents. Such as Russian, British (as a Brit myself, that would be pretty funny), Scottish and so on.
What do you guys think?
submitted by TheReckon5 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 08:05 Kairopractor_ A Beginner’s guide to NXT

The Beginner's Guide to Modern NXT
Originally posted by u/odanobunaga24 on squaredcircle
NXT has undergone a pretty sweeping shift recently, with the top stars of the brand (and even some midcard stars) having made the jump to the main roster. NXT has now switched to a more character-building mode, which means now is a great time to jump into the developmental brand and learn from fresh.
First up, NXT 2.0 has been dead for a WHILE now, but in the last calendar year NXT has strongly stripped away the odd booking that permeated the colour era. White and Gold NXT is very firmly a developmental brand, so it’s worth going into it knowing that the stars on the show are not finished products. Fans of the show are much more forgiving to its stars and adopt a much stronger “wait and see” attitude to that of fans of the main roster. The intimate setting of NXT also hugely helps with crowd interaction, and fans will have some unique crowd chants for stars very early on. The entire atmosphere has a very “college” feel, tends to be more lighthearted and seems much more specifically catered towards young adults. With Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes at the helm, NXT White and Gold had the best year in NXT’s history, and with those two stars moving up, NXT has changed drastically.
NXT actually has 2 shows; NXT and NXT Lvl Up. Both shows are filmed in the Performance Centre every week, fostering a specific fanbase for the brand in the same way that a territory like ECW did. Lvl Up, formerly 205 Live, is basically developmental for the developmental, with lowercard and midcard talents that may not otherwise get large amounts of ring time being afforded a spotlight. Lvl Up stories do not usually translate over to NXT proper.
NXT’s specials format is split between 2 week TV events and PLEs, alternating between the two every month. Almost all these events use old PLE names that were used in WWE, WCW or ECW but have been since discontinued by WWE’s main roster, such as Battleground, The Great American Bash, Heatwave, Vengeance Day, etc. Stand and Deliver is NXT’s Wrestlemania, and takes place on Mania Saturday Morning.
Last year’s event list was:
  • Spring Breakin’ (Special)
  • Battleground (PLE)
  • Gold Rush (Special)
  • The Great American Bash (PLE)
  • Heatwave (Special)
  • No Mercy (PLE)
  • Halloween Havoc (Special)
  • Deadline (PLE)
  • New Year’s Evil (Special)
  • Vengeance Day (PLE)
  • Roadblock (Special)
  • Stand And Deliver (PLE)
NXT, just like the main roster, has its own special prizes to be won. The biggest of these are the Breakout Tournaments, the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and the Iron Survivor Match.
  • The Breakout Tournaments are 2 tournaments, one male and one female, held between 8 rookies each, all of whom have only been on NXT TV for less than a year. The winners of these tournaments receive a contract that is basically NXT’s Money in the Bank; they can get a title shot for a championship of their choosing at any time. The main difference is that Tag Championships are also on the table, and midcard belts are frequently selected for cash-ins.
  • The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is a tag team tournament, and the rules change ALL the time, but presently, 8 male teams go into this single elimination tournament, and if the winners are not already the NXT Tag Team Champions, they receive a shot at the championships at Vengeance Day (January).
  • The Iron Survivor match happens at the Deadline PLE (December) every year and is an absolutely electric match type. 5 superstars compete, and 2 start in the ring, with a new one entering every 5 minutes until all are in the ring. The time limit is 25 minutes and whoever scores the most falls will win the match. There’s an added twist however; if you give up a fall, be it through pinfall or submission, you are sent into a penalty box and are unable to pick up any falls for 90 seconds. The winner receives a championship match at the TV special New Year’s Evil.
Ava is the dominant onscreen authority figure of NXT. She was initially part of a cult in NXT led by Joe Gacy (I’ll get to that), but after its end, Ava slowly found herself getting power before being officially given the reins to the brand by William Regal (former NXT GM) and Shawn Michaels (effectively the NXT Commissioner). Ava is now the youngest GM in the brand’s history and while her relationship to her father (The Rock) is acknowledged much more rarely on screen than it as during her cult days, she is still an on-screen Anoai. Ava provides a strong but fair guiding arm to the rowdiness of NXT.
Shawn Michaels and William Regal are the two other heads of NXT, but neither have any sort of strong on screen presence anymore. They are still always options to show up if things get crazier than usual.
NXT has 5 major championships with a 6th on the way very soon.
  • The NXT Championship
  • The NXT Women’s Championship
  • The NXT Tag Team Championship
  • The NXT North American Championship
  • The NXT Heritage Cup Championship
  • The soon to be created NXT Women’s North American Championship
The current NXT Champion is Trick Williams. Trick Williams’ ascendancy has been the story of NXT in the last year, with it culminating with back to back wins over Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov to claim the biggest prize in developmental. “Whoop that Trick” chants are his calling card, and no one else in NXT is as popular. Trick’s mic work is perfect, but his ring work needs some polish. Nevertheless, Trick has been tasked with leading the brand into the new era, and he’s doing it, one pearly white smile at a time.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
The current NXT Women’s Champion is Roxanne Perez. Perez is The Prodigy of NXT, and while she began as a wholesome happy-to-be-here babyface, a series of unfortunate events involving her losing the Women’s Championship and failing to regain it led to a heel turn and a consistent string of solid matches en route to recapturing the belt from Lyra Valkyria. Now champion again, Roxanne has become convinced Ava has some kind of issue with her and is obsessed with using the NXT Women’s Championship to improve her star power. Roxanne is a fantastic in-ring competitor and has basically only remained in NXT to flesh out her character work. Fans have cooled a little on her in recent times, but she’s still phenomenal in my eyes.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
The current NXT North American Champion is Oba Femi. Oba Femi is a Nigerian athlete who is the first WWE superstar to enter the company through its new NIL program and win a championship. Oba Femi is backed by destiny and speaks with all the gravitas of an ancient king or warrior. A dominant powerhouse, Oba has consistently impressed for someone less than a year into their career. The crowd has responded in kind by adding war cries to go along with his promos, making him seem even cooler. You’d be forgiven if you forgot he was a heel when watching him.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Heritage Cup Champion is Tony D'Angelo. Tony is the Don of NXT, a strange nickname for someone who runs a very respectable restaurant and dry cleaning franchising business. Tony is backed by the Family, all of whom are completely loyal to him. Tony D’Angelo also fully returns that loyalty by taking care of his own. Tony D’Angelo’s outside ventures have also given him a sizeable cash flow, which he makes use of by doing things like donating to people and kidnapping his competition in the wrestling business, and JUST the wrestling business. Tony D’Angelo is considered a highlight of NXT whenever he and the Family are on screen.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Tag Team Champions are Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Axiom is a hyper-intelligent superhero gimmick who seems fundamentally unable to comprehend that no one can see the expressions on his face. Nathan Frazer is the combination of John Oliver and Wally West’s Flash, having his own talk show segment called Hard Hitting Home Truths where he basically calls people out for being stupid. Frazer often lets his mouth get him in a LOT of trouble. Together, the two have created a team which is basically “intelligent and likeable speedforce users” and their recent championship win following Stand and Deliver has given them a lot of momentum.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
As previously mentioned, Tony D'Angelo is supported by The Family.
Channing 'Stacks' Lorenzo is The Underboss, Tony’s second-in-command, and is a solid competitor in his own right. He’s a former Tag Team Champ alongside Tony.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Adriana Rizzo is a feminine touch to the group and a somewhat recent addition. She handles the business side of affairs for the Family and isn’t half bad in the ring, though of late she’s lacked the opportunity to show it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Luca Crusifino is the Family Consigliere, its newest addition and has a legal background to go with his solid ring skill. Wrestling lawyers are always fun and the fans have responded in kind to the lad.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT may be the college show, but it also has a literal college it is affiliated with on the show, that being Chase University. The university has its own section in the seats and Chase U classes are often used to give exposition to big stipulation matches or small storyline beats. There’s 4 people part of Chase U:
Andre Chase is the dean of Chase U, a gambling addict, and one of the most wholesome characters on the show. He loves his University, his students, and his swearing. Dude swears SO MUCH. Endlessly funny, Chase is perfect in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Duke Hudson is the MVP of Chase U, a title he convinced everyone he earned after his impressive wins for the University. Duke towers over most of NXT (he’s 6’5”) and has a build to match, and as such often gets opportunities for titles more so than the others in Chase U. An oddly egotistical man, Duke legitimately loves the institution.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Thea Hail is the firecracker of NXT and by far its youngest member, having legitimately not even graduated high school when she joined WWE. She’s a natural talent and has been the storyline focus of Chase U recently with a character arc of wanting to grow up, only to learn that growing up is accepting herself for herself. The heart of the group, Thea’s aggressive cheerleader gimmick has landed her the spot of the most over woman in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Riley Osborne is the newest member of Chase U, a high flying Brit with a down-to-earth personality thankful for the opportunities Chase U gives him. A potential love story is blossoming between him and Thea, and Riley has become a neat addition to the Chase U dynamic.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
You remember how Noam Dar had a thing with Alicia Fox back when 205 Live was a thing? The NXT Writing Staff doubled down on that and gave Noam Dar the trait of “loves black people”, stocking his personal faction up with black prospects. Meta Four is a faction of 4 goofy ass people who have established a creed of being the perfect kind of annoying to make you like them.
Noam Dar is the faction leader and easily the best wrestler of the 4. His Scottish accent, body hair and dorky moon-related bullshit have given him a neat niche as the jackass who’s just about good enough to back up his words, but not SO good that he can beat you clean. The most prominent and prolific Heritage Cup Champion of all time, Dar has since moved up the card and is presently challenging for the NXT Championship, which makes things slightly more complicated for a certain member of his faction.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Oro Mensah is the midcard man in the faction. A Ghanaian dude who loves to party, Oro Mensah didn't connect as a babyface but found his footing as a heel playing second fiddle to his “brother” Noam Dar. Mensah is loyal, a good friend, and easily the least annoying of the faction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lash Legend is the Women’s Ace of this faction. She towers over the entire division and while she’s very athletic, she’s toned down her style to wrestle a little closer to classic Kane and it’s done wonders for her perception. Lash is LOUD but she seems to mostly care about her faction. She’s currently dating Trick Williams in real-life, and that relationship seems to be making the jump to the screen, so she’s doing great character work right now too.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jakara Jackson is Lash’s best friend and the most inexperienced member of the group. Injuries have mostly made her into a manager, but she’s had a handful of matches under her belt and is seemingly willing to put in the work to get better. She’s got a decent upside and her association with Meta Four has helped her crowd reaction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
3 rough Scottish bastards who like pints and pounding the shit out of other people. Gallus are easily the biggest heel faction on NXT right now, and have just returned after an absence from TV to help The Rock train for Wrestlemania. Expect them to make a big impact on the show’s main event scene until more stars are pushed to the top. They’re not a super over group, but they’re very talented nonetheless.
Joe Coffey is the group’s de facto leader, the singles guy, and the angriest one of the 3. He’s the guy who keeps the boys on top, ensuring they’re all working hard for the benefit of the group. He’s the most no-nonsense.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Mark Coffey is the brother of Joe and one of the tag guys. Yes, it’s a little weird that the brothers aren’t the tag guys but Joe is better in singles and Mark and his mate Wolfgang are a fantastic team so it works. Mark is notably more chill than the other two but in the same way that a hammerhead shark is more chill than a great white.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Wolfgang is the other tag guy and the powerhouse of this trio of powerhouses. Wolfgang is also pretty chill and enjoys any type of fight, from darts to pool, but it’s clear the best fights are between the ropes. Expect Gallus to try and go after the Tag Titles sooner rather than later.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Unlike Gallus, who are basically a suplex bargain sale, the NQCC specifically specialise in amateur and catch wrestling. The NQCC have their own rule called the Catch Clause, whereby if they are scheduled for a match where they are not all involved, any member(s) of the group may choose to take part and we only find out who right before the bell rings. They hover mostly around the Heritage Cup scene.
Charlie Dempsey is the son of William Regal, though they only ever wink wink acknowledge it despite the two having the exact same face. Dempsey is a hard bastard who trains almost religiously and does not take kindly to people disrespecting the mat. While good facial expressions will get you far, Dempsey has a bit of a way to go before he’s at his father’s level.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Damon Kemp is the brother of Gable Steveson, and if that sours you on him, rethink your stance. Kemp is LEAGUES better than his brother and has no murky record to go along with it. A former Diamond Mine member (of which the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile were part), Kemp has a somewhat barebones character and yet still does a decent job of being a dick.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Myles Borne is the rookie of the faction and currently the weakest member. He has a strong lisp, which is actually helping him along. While he started out with an abusive mentomanatee relationship with former leader Drew Gulak, Borne has since received much more freedom. Just gotta show us what you can do, bud.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
  • OTM
Out Tha Mud is the full name of this faction, and their gimmick is essentially that of a group of GTA characters; low income backgrounds who have moved up in the world thanks to their athletic prowess but still retaining the personality traits gifted to them by their rough upbringings. Fans of kicking ass, gambling you out of your money, and kicking ass again, these guys have a ton of upside.
Lucien Price and Bronco Nima are the tag team of this group. If you can’t yet remember which of the two is which, Lucien Price has a bit of a rat face, so remember that “Price likes Mice.” Both are powerhouses, but Lucien is more of a jackal with great face expressions, while Bronco has more power and a certain cool factor to him. The duo have gained solid steam recently.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Jaida Parker is a new recruit to NXT, having competed in its most recent Breakout Tournament. Jaida is a powerhouse just as much as the boys are, and also is effortlessly pretty. More than happy to break a nail off while she’s beating you, Parker has gotten over in NXT MUCH faster than her cohorts.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The least faction-y faction and more so a loose alliance between a tag team and a girl who wants to help them, this trio is currently seen as jobbers. They’re quite funny in their own ways, and have been starting to run an angle where they’ve been cursed with bad luck, which has been getting them more screentime and personality.
Malik Blade and Edris Enofe have been around NXT for a while now, and never truly been given anything to sink their teeth into. They’re high-flyers, and they’re easy to tell apart; Blade has the babyfaciest of baby faces, and Enofe has dyed hair and wears a crown. Fun dudes who need more.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brinley Reece is a new add to the roster and basically her gimmick is ‘Bo Dallas, but she’s able to show other emotions every now and then’. A relentlessly positive and upbeat girl who can get angry if disrespected, Reece takes her losses in stride and always learns from the good things she did while improving for the next opportunity, a personality that shines next to the more downtrodden jobbers of Blade and Enofe.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wes Lee is the biggest star NXT has not named Trick Williams. A recent injury robbed almost all the feeling in his legs only for him to make a miraculously quick recovery and immediately reinsert himself into the NA Title picture. Wes is forever linked to this championship; he had the most defences and longest reign with his single run with the title and etched his name into history as the greatest North American Champion of all time. Am endlessly likeable hard worker with a heart of gold and a a vicious aerial offence, Wes will be a fixture of NXT for a while yet.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Lexis King is the asshole that even the OTHER assholes look at and say “he’s a bit much for me”. Arrogance, blind luck, sleaziness, and terrible beards are the ingredients that make up this fuckhead cocktail, and his character work is years ahead of his AEW work as Brian Pillman Jr. Fun to watch and fun to hate.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Josh Briggs is so god damn good. A cowboy to his soul, Briggs has slowly evolved from his big brother character alongside former stablemate Brooks Jensen into an APA JBL-tinged roughhouser with a mean streak. A tweener in NXT, Briggs has been hunting the North American Title for a while and is crushing the chase.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Je'Von Evans is really new to NXT TV but you’d be forgiven for thinking he’d been around for half a decade with how quickly the fans took to him. The Young OG is infectiously fun and loves getting bouncy in his matches. A future star in the making.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Ridge Holland came down from the main roster to find redemption after his string of injuries he caused. NXT turned this into a storyline whereby Ridge cannot seem to shake off his terrible luck with injuring people as well as his own personal bad temper. It was coldly received at first but it’s slowly been getting better as the string of mishaps has grown more comedic even if they’re still resulting in injuries. Ridge’s struggle against his own violent tendencies is one of the few storylines where the fans are actively hoping the good guy loses, but it’s too early to tell where Ridge will end up.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Shawn Spears has carried his character work from AEW over to NXT and has become this kind of Devil’s Advocate Sean O’Haire character where he wants people to give into their darkest impulses. A solid hand in the ring who has become a creepy midcard presence, Spears is intriguing to say the least.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brooks Jensen is a lost soul. Formerly in a faction with Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley, the two were clearly hungry for singles gold, leading to the faction's dissolution. Jensen has since been drifting, unsure of what to do with himself. This may lead to a reinvention, so keep an eye out for his return. Brooks has a lot of potential. Also, he used to date Kiana James!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Joe Gacy is the former cult leader of Schism (remember how Ava was in a cult?) who went insane and became an avatar of chaos. A crazy gremlin who can’t quite comprehend what his place in NXT is, Gacy’s run in NXT has actually won him a lot of fans, especially after a stellar match with Dijak.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Eddy Thorpe is formerly known as NJPW’s Karl Fredricks, but in NXT he’s incorporated a strong amount of his Native American heritage into his persona. NXT fans seem to have not quite taken to the guy for some reason (I think because his big feud involved Dijak and everyone in NXT fuckin loved Dijak), but Thorpe is a great in-ring talent with a ton of upside and a unique character. Expect his return to NXT sometime soon as Thorpe has been off with an injury that has now recuperated.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Mr Stone is a manager, yes, but he’s jacked beyond comprehension and has had more matches than usual as of late. Attached to Von Wagner for a while prior to Wagner’s release, Mr Stone has recently acquired a new client. Stone is able to do everything; comedy, serious, graps, high-flying, the only thing he can’t do is win a match, and that’s okay!
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dante Chen is Mr Stone’s new client, and you might recognise him from when he got merked by Bron Breakker on Smackdown. Chen has a poor win-loss record, but has a great look and has found a way to connect with the crowd with almost no promo time, and with his new partnership with Mr Stone, Dante might be on an upward trajectory!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Javier Bernal, also known as Big Body Javi, is easily the lowest rung in the entirety of NXT’s men’s division. A jobber with an abysmal record and a surprising skill at merchandising his own name, Javi is good for getting a quick laugh before immediately eating shit.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Hank N Tank are a team comprised of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank is a former security guard turned wrestler after impressing management, and Tank is his best friend who found common ground with him through their mutual desire to prove themselves. The duo are low on the pecking order but Tank’s more manic energy combined with Hank’s decent connection to the crowd let’s the pair cover each other’s weaknesses.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Tyriek and Tyson (Igwe and Dupont, respectively) are a very new tag team. So far they have a chip on their shoulder and a love for Timbs. Too early to tell how good they are or will become.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Meiko Satomura is WWE’s original final boss, having taken that moniker while in NXT UK. Satomura is a legend of the Joshi scene and within NXT she’s basically face Brock Lesnar; a part-timer who will immediately challenge for the top prize when she rocks up. Expect her to push any and every woman to their limit… when she feels like rocking up.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Sol Ruca has rapidly improved since her return from injury, and after kicking Blair Davenport out of NXT, Sol seems like the safest bet to become the new NXT Women’s North American Championship. Her finisher is a flip cutter that might genuinely give Randy Orion’s RKO a run for its money with how outta nowhere she can make it hit from.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Tatum Paxley recently got to sink her teeth into a proper story and made the absolute most of it, getting insanely over through her clever use of the lesbian-to-batshit-insane pipeline that most women use at some point. A stalker character who gives a level of grounded spooks to the proceedings of NXT, Paxley is really good at making you forget she can do a crisp 450 Splash right up until she does it.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Fallon Henley has the gimmick of a bartender and stablehand and made her mark in NXT as a solid midcard hand who was busy being a mother hen to the NXT locker room. The hen however has been executed with Henley’s recent heel turn and she’s looking out for herself first and foremost now. The former Tesha Price is fantastic in the ring, although she needs to tone down the screaming a scooch.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Kelani Jordan is a natural babyface and a highly athletic talent; a former gymnast background colours her style and shes already got a solid grasp of character work for a young talent. Expect her to rise through the ranks fast.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wendy Choo is the perfect kind of silly gimmick for NXT; a narcoleptic sleepover obsessed girl who lives for fun. A banger theme and a shockingly good wrestling ability should hopefully help Wendy overcome her recent knee troubles and get back to being a solid lower card to midcard face.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lola Vice is awesome for so many reasons, none of which make any sense next to each other. Vice, more than literally any other women’s wrestler I’ve ever seen, LOVES shaking her ass. Like, it’s her thing; she will win a match with her impressive martial arts skills, and then, with her jaw in pain from the fight, she will shake her ass over her opponent, which is hysterical to me and my brother. Fans like her, and Lola Vice makes it so that any reason you like her is a good reason.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Karmen Petrovic is a love letter to Kill Bill, and after Xia Ali’s release the company was due a new character wielding a weapon that can literally kill people. Katana in hand and guidance from Natalya in mind, KarmeNXT is a matter of when, not if. Also, she’s unfathomably attractive. How fucking DARE someone be that attractive while I’m slumming it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Gigi Dolin is the alt girl of NXT. Positioned as the face following the breakup of Toxic Attraction and Jacy Jayne’s betrayal, Gigi has a depressing past and seeks to paint her pain away on the ring canvas. Gigi has struggled to make a connection with the crowd in recent months, but her most recent storyline with receiving a makeover might be the perfect hook.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Arianna Grace is the daughter of Santino Marella, and the comedy apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Grace is a pageant queen who wants NXT to be civilised and has an aversion to fighting, and yes, it’s exactly as wonderful as it sounds. She recently won a match to makeover Gigi, and is getting incredibly popular as a result of these heightened gimmicky segments.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Wren Sinclair is a newish addition to NXT, and while she’s likeable, she hasn’t got a distinct gimmick nor has she shown much of her personality. Formerly Madi Wrenkowski in NWA, Sinclair has potential.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Stevie Turner is basically a Twitch Streamer who’s content is watching people on NXT fail. Turner has made scant few appearances on NXT proper, which is weird as hell, since she’s definitely ready for the show. She might show up to bolster the undercard soon, but she’s virtually nonexistent (do you get it? Virtually? Do you get it?)
Crowd Reaction: N/A
Izzi Dame is a business associate of Kiama James and seems poised to do something bigger than expected on NXT TV, but she’s yet to establish a character or do any major story work. Seems like a WIP but has an upside as a possible powerhouse.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Jazmyn Nyx is a rookie and Jacy Jayne’s best friend. Nyx is a former soccer player and is supremely athletic, with an incredible Pele kick and a graceful kip up. With Jacy out injured, Nyx has had more of an opportunity to do character work of late and has scored goal after goal.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Carlee Bright is the newest member of NXT’s women’s division and basically has the happy-go-lucky-o-meter turned up to 14. Her most recent outing wasn’t half bad, so she could be something in the future.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Cora Jade is easily the biggest injured star they have. Jade is Roxanne’s ex-tag partner and had a skater girl gimmick before turning heel and trading boards in for kendo sticks. Cora, along with Roxanne, are considered AJ Lee’s children due to how much she inspired them. If AJ Lee ever returns, it’ll be because of Cora Jade.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jacy Jayne has the gimmick of toxic sorority sister and she nails every single second of it. Currently out after Thea Hail broke her nose by accident, Jacy is a toxic treat every time she’s on screen. She revels in her evil and makes no apology for it. Expect her to be a major player in the division once again when she’s back.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Nikkita Lyons might be unpopular politically online (I personally hate her for being younger than me) but she’s most assuredly well-liked within NXT. A taekwondo black belt, model and rapper (all of that is true), Nikkita channels her sex appeal into every aspect of her character. It’s clear that WWE had high hopes for her, but whether her body holds up after her knee injury is another question.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dani Palmer is currently recovering from double hip surgery, but her high flying is really impressive and her babyface fire is fairly solid. She needs more of a character but that comes with TV time.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT of course has its own broadcast team, all with their own flavours.
  • The commentary team is Vic Joseph on play-by-play and Booker T on colour. Vic Joseph reins in Booker T's more insane commentary and skillfully carries the broadcasting duties with a crystal clear narrative, and he's slowly become one of the best commentators in WWE.
  • Mike Rome has been moved back down to NXT for ring announcing, with Alicia Taylor moving up to replace him on Smackdown. Rome has a proven track record as an announcer.
  • Kelly Kincaid and Sarah Schreiber are the backstage interviewers and are both quite enjoyable on-screen. Sarah also doubles as the ring announcer for Lvl Up.
  • Blake Howard is the commentator for NXT Lvl Up and also commentates Main Event for the main roster. On Lvl Up he is joined by Byron Saxton.
And that should be absolutely everything you need to know about NXT for its current era! If I missed anything, let me know!
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2024.05.26 10:55 OdaNobunaga24 The Beginner's Guide to Modern NXT

NXT has undergone a pretty sweeping shift recently, with the top stars of the brand (and even some midcard stars) having made the jump to the main roster. NXT has now switched to a more character-building mode, which means now is a great time to jump into the developmental brand and learn from fresh.
First up, NXT 2.0 has been dead for a WHILE now, but in the last calendar year NXT has strongly stripped away the odd booking that permeated the colour era. White and Gold NXT is very firmly a developmental brand, so it’s worth going into it knowing that the stars on the show are not finished products. Fans of the show are much more forgiving to its stars and adopt a much stronger “wait and see” attitude to that of fans of the main roster. The intimate setting of NXT also hugely helps with crowd interaction, and fans will have some unique crowd chants for stars very early on. The entire atmosphere has a very “college” feel, tends to be more lighthearted and seems much more specifically catered towards young adults. With Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes at the helm, NXT White and Gold had the best year in NXT’s history, and with those two stars moving up, NXT has changed drastically.
NXT actually has 2 shows; NXT and NXT Lvl Up. Both shows are filmed in the Performance Centre every week, fostering a specific fanbase for the brand in the same way that a territory like ECW did. Lvl Up, formerly 205 Live, is basically developmental for the developmental, with lowercard and midcard talents that may not otherwise get large amounts of ring time being afforded a spotlight. Lvl Up stories do not usually translate over to NXT proper.
NXT’s specials format is split between 2 week TV events and PLEs, alternating between the two every month. Almost all these events use old PLE names that were used in WWE, WCW or ECW but have been since discontinued by WWE’s main roster, such as Battleground, The Great American Bash, Heatwave, Vengeance Day, etc. Stand and Deliver is NXT’s Wrestlemania, and takes place on Mania Saturday Morning.
Last year’s event list was:
  • Spring Breakin’ (Special)
  • Battleground (PLE)
  • Gold Rush (Special)
  • The Great American Bash (PLE)
  • Heatwave (Special)
  • No Mercy (PLE)
  • Halloween Havoc (Special)
  • Deadline (PLE)
  • New Year’s Evil (Special)
  • Vengeance Day (PLE)
  • Roadblock (Special)
  • Stand And Deliver (PLE)
NXT, just like the main roster, has its own special prizes to be won. The biggest of these are the Breakout Tournaments, the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and the Iron Survivor Match.
  • The Breakout Tournaments are 2 tournaments, one male and one female, held between 8 rookies each, all of whom have only been on NXT TV for less than a year. The winners of these tournaments receive a contract that is basically NXT’s Money in the Bank; they can get a title shot for a championship of their choosing at any time. The main difference is that Tag Championships are also on the table, and midcard belts are frequently selected for cash-ins.
  • The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is a tag team tournament, and the rules change ALL the time, but presently, 8 male teams go into this single elimination tournament, and if the winners are not already the NXT Tag Team Champions, they receive a shot at the championships at Vengeance Day (January).
  • The Iron Survivor match happens at the Deadline PLE (December) every year and is an absolutely electric match type. 5 superstars compete, and 2 start in the ring, with a new one entering every 5 minutes until all are in the ring. The time limit is 25 minutes and whoever scores the most falls will win the match. There’s an added twist however; if you give up a fall, be it through pinfall or submission, you are sent into a penalty box and are unable to pick up any falls for 90 seconds. The winner receives a championship match at the TV special New Year’s Evil.
Ava is the dominant onscreen authority figure of NXT. She was initially part of a cult in NXT led by Joe Gacy (I’ll get to that), but after its end, Ava slowly found herself getting power before being officially given the reins to the brand by William Regal (former NXT GM) and Shawn Michaels (effectively the NXT Commissioner). Ava is now the youngest GM in the brand’s history and while her relationship to her father (The Rock) is acknowledged much more rarely on screen than it as during her cult days, she is still an on-screen Anoai. Ava provides a strong but fair guiding arm to the rowdiness of NXT.
Shawn Michaels and William Regal are the two other heads of NXT, but neither have any sort of strong on screen presence anymore. They are still always options to show up if things get crazier than usual.
NXT has 5 major championships with a 6th on the way very soon.
  • The NXT Championship
  • The NXT Women’s Championship
  • The NXT Tag Team Championship
  • The NXT North American Championship
  • The NXT Heritage Cup Championship
  • The soon to be created NXT Women’s North American Championship
The current NXT Champion is Trick Williams. Trick Williams’ ascendancy has been the story of NXT in the last year, with it culminating with back to back wins over Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov to claim the biggest prize in developmental. “Whoop that Trick” chants are his calling card, and no one else in NXT is as popular. Trick’s mic work is perfect, but his ring work needs some polish. Nevertheless, Trick has been tasked with leading the brand into the new era, and he’s doing it, one pearly white smile at a time.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
The current NXT Women’s Champion is Roxanne Perez. Perez is The Prodigy of NXT, and while she began as a wholesome happy-to-be-here babyface, a series of unfortunate events involving her losing the Women’s Championship and failing to regain it led to a heel turn and a consistent string of solid matches en route to recapturing the belt from Lyra Valkyria. Now champion again, Roxanne has become convinced Ava has some kind of issue with her and is obsessed with using the NXT Women’s Championship to improve her star power. Roxanne is a fantastic in-ring competitor and has basically only remained in NXT to flesh out her character work. Fans have cooled a little on her in recent times, but she’s still phenomenal in my eyes.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
The current NXT North American Champion is Oba Femi. Oba Femi is a Nigerian athlete who is the first WWE superstar to enter the company through its new NIL program and win a championship. Oba Femi is backed by destiny and speaks with all the gravitas of an ancient king or warrior. A dominant powerhouse, Oba has consistently impressed for someone less than a year into their career. The crowd has responded in kind by adding war cries to go along with his promos, making him seem even cooler. You’d be forgiven if you forgot he was a heel when watching him.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Heritage Cup Champion is Tony D'Angelo. Tony is the Don of NXT, a strange nickname for someone who runs a very respectable restaurant and dry cleaning franchising business. Tony is backed by the Family, all of whom are completely loyal to him. Tony D’Angelo also fully returns that loyalty by taking care of his own. Tony D’Angelo’s outside ventures have also given him a sizeable cash flow, which he makes use of by doing things like donating to people and kidnapping his competition in the wrestling business, and JUST the wrestling business. Tony D’Angelo is considered a highlight of NXT whenever he and the Family are on screen.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Tag Team Champions are Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Axiom is a hyper-intelligent superhero gimmick who seems fundamentally unable to comprehend that no one can see the expressions on his face. Nathan Frazer is the combination of John Oliver and Wally West’s Flash, having his own talk show segment called Hard Hitting Home Truths where he basically calls people out for being stupid. Frazer often lets his mouth get him in a LOT of trouble. Together, the two have created a team which is basically “intelligent and likeable speedforce users” and their recent championship win following Stand and Deliver has given them a lot of momentum.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
As previously mentioned, Tony D'Angelo is supported by The Family.
Channing 'Stacks' Lorenzo is The Underboss, Tony’s second-in-command, and is a solid competitor in his own right. He’s a former Tag Team Champ alongside Tony.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Adriana Rizzo is a feminine touch to the group and a somewhat recent addition. She handles the business side of affairs for the Family and isn’t half bad in the ring, though of late she’s lacked the opportunity to show it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Luca Crusifino is the Family Consigliere, its newest addition and has a legal background to go with his solid ring skill. Wrestling lawyers are always fun and the fans have responded in kind to the lad.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT may be the college show, but it also has a literal college it is affiliated with on the show, that being Chase University. The university has its own section in the seats and Chase U classes are often used to give exposition to big stipulation matches or small storyline beats. There’s 4 people part of Chase U:
Andre Chase is the dean of Chase U, a gambling addict, and one of the most wholesome characters on the show. He loves his University, his students, and his swearing. Dude swears SO MUCH. Endlessly funny, Chase is perfect in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Duke Hudson is the MVP of Chase U, a title he convinced everyone he earned after his impressive wins for the University. Duke towers over most of NXT (he’s 6’5”) and has a build to match, and as such often gets opportunities for titles more so than the others in Chase U. An oddly egotistical man, Duke legitimately loves the institution.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Thea Hail is the firecracker of NXT and by far its youngest member, having legitimately not even graduated high school when she joined WWE. She’s a natural talent and has been the storyline focus of Chase U recently with a character arc of wanting to grow up, only to learn that growing up is accepting herself for herself. The heart of the group, Thea’s aggressive cheerleader gimmick has landed her the spot of the most over woman in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Riley Osborne is the newest member of Chase U, a high flying Brit with a down-to-earth personality thankful for the opportunities Chase U gives him. A potential love story is blossoming between him and Thea, and Riley has become a neat addition to the Chase U dynamic.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
You remember how Noam Dar had a thing with Alicia Fox back when 205 Live was a thing? The NXT Writing Staff doubled down on that and gave Noam Dar the trait of “loves black people”, stocking his personal faction up with black prospects. Meta Four is a faction of 4 goofy ass people who have established a creed of being the perfect kind of annoying to make you like them.
Noam Dar is the faction leader and easily the best wrestler of the 4. His Scottish accent, body hair and dorky moon-related bullshit have given him a neat niche as the jackass who’s just about good enough to back up his words, but not SO good that he can beat you clean. The most prominent and prolific Heritage Cup Champion of all time, Dar has since moved up the card and is presently challenging for the NXT Championship, which makes things slightly more complicated for a certain member of his faction.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Oro Mensah is the midcard man in the faction. A Ghanaian dude who loves to party, Oro Mensah didn't connect as a babyface but found his footing as a heel playing second fiddle to his “brother” Noam Dar. Mensah is loyal, a good friend, and easily the least annoying of the faction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lash Legend is the Women’s Ace of this faction. She towers over the entire division and while she’s very athletic, she’s toned down her style to wrestle a little closer to classic Kane and it’s done wonders for her perception. Lash is LOUD but she seems to mostly care about her faction. She’s currently dating Trick Williams in real-life, and that relationship seems to be making the jump to the screen, so she’s doing great character work right now too.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jakara Jackson is Lash’s best friend and the most inexperienced member of the group. Injuries have mostly made her into a manager, but she’s had a handful of matches under her belt and is seemingly willing to put in the work to get better. She’s got a decent upside and her association with Meta Four has helped her crowd reaction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
3 rough Scottish bastards who like pints and pounding the shit out of other people. Gallus are easily the biggest heel faction on NXT right now, and have just returned after an absence from TV to help The Rock train for Wrestlemania. Expect them to make a big impact on the show’s main event scene until more stars are pushed to the top. They’re not a super over group, but they’re very talented nonetheless.
Joe Coffey is the group’s de facto leader, the singles guy, and the angriest one of the 3. He’s the guy who keeps the boys on top, ensuring they’re all working hard for the benefit of the group. He’s the most no-nonsense.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Mark Coffey is the brother of Joe and one of the tag guys. Yes, it’s a little weird that the brothers aren’t the tag guys but Joe is better in singles and Mark and his mate Wolfgang are a fantastic team so it works. Mark is notably more chill than the other two but in the same way that a hammerhead shark is more chill than a great white.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Wolfgang is the other tag guy and the powerhouse of this trio of powerhouses. Wolfgang is also pretty chill and enjoys any type of fight, from darts to pool, but it’s clear the best fights are between the ropes. Expect Gallus to try and go after the Tag Titles sooner rather than later.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Unlike Gallus, who are basically a suplex bargain sale, the NQCC specifically specialise in amateur and catch wrestling. The NQCC have their own rule called the Catch Clause, whereby if they are scheduled for a match where they are not all involved, any member(s) of the group may choose to take part and we only find out who right before the bell rings. They hover mostly around the Heritage Cup scene.
Charlie Dempsey is the son of William Regal, though they only ever wink wink acknowledge it despite the two having the exact same face. Dempsey is a hard bastard who trains almost religiously and does not take kindly to people disrespecting the mat. While good facial expressions will get you far, Dempsey has a bit of a way to go before he’s at his father’s level.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Damon Kemp is the brother of Gable Steveson, and if that sours you on him, rethink your stance. Kemp is LEAGUES better than his brother and has no murky record to go along with it. A former Diamond Mine member (of which the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile were part), Kemp has a somewhat barebones character and yet still does a decent job of being a dick.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Myles Borne is the rookie of the faction and currently the weakest member. He has a strong lisp, which is actually helping him along. While he started out with an abusive mentomanatee relationship with former leader Drew Gulak, Borne has since received much more freedom. Just gotta show us what you can do, bud.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
  • OTM
Out Tha Mud is the full name of this faction, and their gimmick is essentially that of a group of GTA characters; low income backgrounds who have moved up in the world thanks to their athletic prowess but still retaining the personality traits gifted to them by their rough upbringings. Fans of kicking ass, gambling you out of your money, and kicking ass again, these guys have a ton of upside.
Lucien Price and Bronco Nima are the tag team of this group. If you can’t yet remember which of the two is which, Lucien Price has a bit of a rat face, so remember that “Price likes Mice.” Both are powerhouses, but Lucien is more of a jackal with great face expressions, while Bronco has more power and a certain cool factor to him. The duo have gained solid steam recently.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Jaida Parker is a new recruit to NXT, having competed in its most recent Breakout Tournament. Jaida is a powerhouse just as much as the boys are, and also is effortlessly pretty. More than happy to break a nail off while she’s beating you, Parker has gotten over in NXT MUCH faster than her cohorts.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The least faction-y faction and more so a loose alliance between a tag team and a girl who wants to help them, this trio is currently seen as jobbers. They’re quite funny in their own ways, and have been starting to run an angle where they’ve been cursed with bad luck, which has been getting them more screentime and personality.
Malik Blade and Edris Enofe have been around NXT for a while now, and never truly been given anything to sink their teeth into. They’re high-flyers, and they’re easy to tell apart; Blade has the babyfaciest of baby faces, and Enofe has dyed hair and wears a crown. Fun dudes who need more.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brinley Reece is a new add to the roster and basically her gimmick is ‘Bo Dallas, but she’s able to show other emotions every now and then’. A relentlessly positive and upbeat girl who can get angry if disrespected, Reece takes her losses in stride and always learns from the good things she did while improving for the next opportunity, a personality that shines next to the more downtrodden jobbers of Blade and Enofe.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wes Lee is the biggest star NXT has not named Trick Williams. A recent injury robbed almost all the feeling in his legs only for him to make a miraculously quick recovery and immediately reinsert himself into the NA Title picture. Wes is forever linked to this championship; he had the most defences and longest reign with his single run with the title and etched his name into history as the greatest North American Champion of all time. Am endlessly likeable hard worker with a heart of gold and a a vicious aerial offence, Wes will be a fixture of NXT for a while yet.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Lexis King is the asshole that even the OTHER assholes look at and say “he’s a bit much for me”. Arrogance, blind luck, sleaziness, and terrible beards are the ingredients that make up this fuckhead cocktail, and his character work is years ahead of his AEW work as Brian Pillman Jr. Fun to watch and fun to hate.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Josh Briggs is so god damn good. A cowboy to his soul, Briggs has slowly evolved from his big brother character alongside former stablemate Brooks Jensen into an APA JBL-tinged roughhouser with a mean streak. A tweener in NXT, Briggs has been hunting the North American Title for a while and is crushing the chase.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Je'Von Evans is really new to NXT TV but you’d be forgiven for thinking he’d been around for half a decade with how quickly the fans took to him. The Young OG is infectiously fun and loves getting bouncy in his matches. A future star in the making.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Ridge Holland came down from the main roster to find redemption after his string of injuries he caused. NXT turned this into a storyline whereby Ridge cannot seem to shake off his terrible luck with injuring people as well as his own personal bad temper. It was coldly received at first but it’s slowly been getting better as the string of mishaps has grown more comedic even if they’re still resulting in injuries. Ridge’s struggle against his own violent tendencies is one of the few storylines where the fans are actively hoping the good guy loses, but it’s too early to tell where Ridge will end up.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Shawn Spears has carried his character work from AEW over to NXT and has become this kind of Devil’s Advocate Sean O’Haire character where he wants people to give into their darkest impulses. A solid hand in the ring who has become a creepy midcard presence, Spears is intriguing to say the least.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brooks Jensen is a lost soul. Formerly in a faction with Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley, the two were clearly hungry for singles gold, leading to the faction's dissolution. Jensen has since been drifting, unsure of what to do with himself. This may lead to a reinvention, so keep an eye out for his return. Brooks has a lot of potential. Also, he used to date Kiana James!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Joe Gacy is the former cult leader of Schism (remember how Ava was in a cult?) who went insane and became an avatar of chaos. A crazy gremlin who can’t quite comprehend what his place in NXT is, Gacy’s run in NXT has actually won him a lot of fans, especially after a stellar match with Dijak.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Eddy Thorpe is formerly known as NJPW’s Karl Fredricks, but in NXT he’s incorporated a strong amount of his Native American heritage into his persona. NXT fans seem to have not quite taken to the guy for some reason (I think because his big feud involved Dijak and everyone in NXT fuckin loved Dijak), but Thorpe is a great in-ring talent with a ton of upside and a unique character. Expect his return to NXT sometime soon as Thorpe has been off with an injury that has now recuperated.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Mr Stone is a manager, yes, but he’s jacked beyond comprehension and has had more matches than usual as of late. Attached to Von Wagner for a while prior to Wagner’s release, Mr Stone has recently acquired a new client. Stone is able to do everything; comedy, serious, graps, high-flying, the only thing he can’t do is win a match, and that’s okay!
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dante Chen is Mr Stone’s new client, and you might recognise him from when he got merked by Bron Breakker on Smackdown. Chen has a poor win-loss record, but has a great look and has found a way to connect with the crowd with almost no promo time, and with his new partnership with Mr Stone, Dante might be on an upward trajectory!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Javier Bernal, also known as Big Body Javi, is easily the lowest rung in the entirety of NXT’s men’s division. A jobber with an abysmal record and a surprising skill at merchandising his own name, Javi is good for getting a quick laugh before immediately eating shit.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Hank N Tank are a team comprised of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank is a former security guard turned wrestler after impressing management, and Tank is his best friend who found common ground with him through their mutual desire to prove themselves. The duo are low on the pecking order but Tank’s more manic energy combined with Hank’s decent connection to the crowd let’s the pair cover each other’s weaknesses.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Tyriek and Tyson (Igwe and Dupont, respectively) are a very new tag team. So far they have a chip on their shoulder and a love for Timbs. Too early to tell how good they are or will become.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Meiko Satomura is WWE’s original final boss, having taken that moniker while in NXT UK. Satomura is a legend of the Joshi scene and within NXT she’s basically face Brock Lesnar; a part-timer who will immediately challenge for the top prize when she rocks up. Expect her to push any and every woman to their limit… when she feels like rocking up.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Sol Ruca has rapidly improved since her return from injury, and after kicking Blair Davenport out of NXT, Sol seems like the safest bet to become the new NXT Women’s North American Championship. Her finisher is a flip cutter that might genuinely give Randy Orion’s RKO a run for its money with how outta nowhere she can make it hit from.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Tatum Paxley recently got to sink her teeth into a proper story and made the absolute most of it, getting insanely over through her clever use of the lesbian-to-batshit-insane pipeline that most women use at some point. A stalker character who gives a level of grounded spooks to the proceedings of NXT, Paxley is really good at making you forget she can do a crisp 450 Splash right up until she does it.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Fallon Henley has the gimmick of a bartender and stablehand and made her mark in NXT as a solid midcard hand who was busy being a mother hen to the NXT locker room. The hen however has been executed with Henley’s recent heel turn and she’s looking out for herself first and foremost now. The former Tesha Price is fantastic in the ring, although she needs to tone down the screaming a scooch.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Kelani Jordan is a natural babyface and a highly athletic talent; a former gymnast background colours her style and shes already got a solid grasp of character work for a young talent. Expect her to rise through the ranks fast.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wendy Choo is the perfect kind of silly gimmick for NXT; a narcoleptic sleepover obsessed girl who lives for fun. A banger theme and a shockingly good wrestling ability should hopefully help Wendy overcome her recent knee troubles and get back to being a solid lower card to midcard face.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lola Vice is awesome for so many reasons, none of which make any sense next to each other. Vice, more than literally any other women’s wrestler I’ve ever seen, LOVES shaking her ass. Like, it’s her thing; she will win a match with her impressive martial arts skills, and then, with her jaw in pain from the fight, she will shake her ass over her opponent, which is hysterical to me and my brother. Fans like her, and Lola Vice makes it so that any reason you like her is a good reason.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Karmen Petrovic is a love letter to Kill Bill, and after Xia Ali’s release the company was due a new character wielding a weapon that can literally kill people. Katana in hand and guidance from Natalya in mind, KarmeNXT is a matter of when, not if. Also, she’s unfathomably attractive. How fucking DARE someone be that attractive while I’m slumming it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Gigi Dolin is the alt girl of NXT. Positioned as the face following the breakup of Toxic Attraction and Jacy Jayne’s betrayal, Gigi has a depressing past and seeks to paint her pain away on the ring canvas. Gigi has struggled to make a connection with the crowd in recent months, but her most recent storyline with receiving a makeover might be the perfect hook.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Arianna Grace is the daughter of Santino Marella, and the comedy apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Grace is a pageant queen who wants NXT to be civilised and has an aversion to fighting, and yes, it’s exactly as wonderful as it sounds. She recently won a match to makeover Gigi, and is getting incredibly popular as a result of these heightened gimmicky segments.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Wren Sinclair is a newish addition to NXT, and while she’s likeable, she hasn’t got a distinct gimmick nor has she shown much of her personality. Formerly Madi Wrenkowski in NWA, Sinclair has potential.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Stevie Turner is basically a Twitch Streamer who’s content is watching people on NXT fail. Turner has made scant few appearances on NXT proper, which is weird as hell, since she’s definitely ready for the show. She might show up to bolster the undercard soon, but she’s virtually nonexistent (do you get it? Virtually? Do you get it?)
Crowd Reaction: N/A
Izzi Dame is a business associate of Kiama James and seems poised to do something bigger than expected on NXT TV, but she’s yet to establish a character or do any major story work. Seems like a WIP but has an upside as a possible powerhouse.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Jazmyn Nyx is a rookie and Jacy Jayne’s best friend. Nyx is a former soccer player and is supremely athletic, with an incredible Pele kick and a graceful kip up. With Jacy out injured, Nyx has had more of an opportunity to do character work of late and has scored goal after goal.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Carlee Bright is the newest member of NXT’s women’s division and basically has the happy-go-lucky-o-meter turned up to 14. Her most recent outing wasn’t half bad, so she could be something in the future.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Cora Jade is easily the biggest injured star they have. Jade is Roxanne’s ex-tag partner and had a skater girl gimmick before turning heel and trading boards in for kendo sticks. Cora, along with Roxanne, are considered AJ Lee’s children due to how much she inspired them. If AJ Lee ever returns, it’ll be because of Cora Jade.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jacy Jayne has the gimmick of toxic sorority sister and she nails every single second of it. Currently out after Thea Hail broke her nose by accident, Jacy is a toxic treat every time she’s on screen. She revels in her evil and makes no apology for it. Expect her to be a major player in the division once again when she’s back.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Nikkita Lyons might be unpopular politically online (I personally hate her for being younger than me) but she’s most assuredly well-liked within NXT. A taekwondo black belt, model and rapper (all of that is true), Nikkita channels her sex appeal into every aspect of her character. It’s clear that WWE had high hopes for her, but whether her body holds up after her knee injury is another question.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dani Palmer is currently recovering from double hip surgery, but her high flying is really impressive and her babyface fire is fairly solid. She needs more of a character but that comes with TV time.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT of course has its own broadcast team, all with their own flavours.
  • The commentary team is Vic Joseph on play-by-play and Booker T on colour. Vic Joseph reins in Booker T's more insane commentary and skillfully carries the broadcasting duties with a crystal clear narrative, and he's slowly become one of the best commentators in WWE.
  • Mike Rome has been moved back down to NXT for ring announcing, with Alicia Taylor moving up to replace him on Smackdown. Rome has a proven track record as an announcer.
  • Kelly Kincaid and Sarah Schreiber are the backstage interviewers and are both quite enjoyable on-screen. Sarah also doubles as the ring announcer for Lvl Up.
  • Blake Howard is the commentator for NXT Lvl Up and also commentates Main Event for the main roster. On Lvl Up he is joined by Byron Saxton.
And that should be absolutely everything you need to know about NXT for its current era! If I missed anything, let me know!
submitted by OdaNobunaga24 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:22 Dumb_teen_b0y Quotes From My Close Friend Playing Undertale For The First Time (Swearing Involved)

Hello everyone!!
So one of my close friends played all routes of Undertale for the first time recently and I thought it would be funny to note down some quotes of his for this sub ^^
Keep in mind we (his partner and I, who have both been fans of the game for a while) wanted him to go through the full experience first by making him play the game without any tips or tricks from us, and then guided him through the pacifist and genocide routes later on.
This took around a week to complete so hopefully you enjoy these as much as I do.
Note: If in certain parts you believe there to be a typo, trust me those were written on purpose. A lot of this gameplay was done late at night so many of these were not only fueled by determination, but sheer spite and sleep deprivation as well.
---------------------------------- NEUTRAL ------------------------------------
equips knife "Now everyone will be extra nice to me!!!!"
"How dangerous is the greater dog?" - "Very dangerous, you will surely die."
"Stop flirting with the man!! YOU WILL NEVER ADVANCE" (about papyrus)
very loud Papyrus laughing dissapearing in the nearby hallway
"I will befriend you, you FUCK"
"His name is yellow fingerguns I can spare him fingerguns I'm learning fingerguns POWER OF FRIENDSHIP FUCKAS"
screen turns white after the Papyrus interaction "We made Papyrus... hm"
"I GOT REJECTED BY A SKELETON THAT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE HIS OWN SOUL?? You'd think he'd be more interested in bone-ing"
"Oh my god, skeleton snex"
"OH SHE'S BAAAAAAAAD :D ... she's a fish!"
his partner saying that the blue attacks return often "Yeah well I want them to DISAPPEAR. They're the fuckin' blue attacks NOT THE 'IT'S STILL THERE' ATTACKS"
me saying that he needed to flee for him to beat Undyne "This would be so easy if I was a little bitch"
"It is harder to be a good person..."
massive bathroom break "Okay Gamers" locks in
"I am in goddamn instinct mode what the hell was that"
"I think I might have unlocked myself accidentally"
"I wasn't paying enough attention I'M A FOOL I'M A FOOL I'M A FOOL!! Oh nevermind I'm so winning"
"It's unfortunate, it's awful time. This is the bad one."
Spectating friend: "Mettaton is the bringer of worlds... God's messenger..."
Playing friend: "No the fuck he is not he's a TRANSFORMER you dumb fuck"
"My phone isn't in my inventory... I can't drop it..." (absolutely heartbroken about the fact that he cannot drop the phone in the Core because we hate Alphys so much)
"NOOOO I don't want to cook" cries
Playing friend: "I befriended a fish, a lesbian, and a God" His partner: "Who is the God??" Playing friend: "Papyrus!!"
Asgore has his speech, a very emotional moment "I miss my wife Tails"
"I just want to see my child? Shoutout fathers!!"
"Oh he's a television... Oh he's a television on supercrack"
(my friend then proceeds to beat MegaFlowey FIRST TRY???? CAN WE HAVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THIS MAN PLEASE????)
--------------------------------- PACIFIST-----------------------------
he played the beginning without me since most of it was the same, his partner guiding him through the special sections that I didn't need to be there for before the Undyne fight
"I befriended Undyne!! Which is just another little RAT to befriend"
starts counting all the healing items before going through the colour-key door in the True Lab
"Oh we goin' directly to hell? I hope Alphys is there already"
"Thanks to you Alphys I've got a gun! That's all you've given me ever!"
"But I have a knife, if I STAB people I might as well do it in STYLE"
"Sans isn't going to be THAT hard"
most monotone Scottish voice ever "Slaughter time, yippeeeeee"
his partner asking him how, until NOW, he hadn't noticed that the arrow closest to the Soul turns red in the battle with Undyne "I DON'T LOOK AT THE SCREEN I JUST FEEL"
LV increases after fighting Undyne "I have loved so many fish..."
"ARGH oh no I'm a fool. It's okay though, we're locked in"
"I did it... and it took less than 12 hours..."
(He did the entire genocide run in under 12 hours indeed, with at least 4 of those hours being spent on the NON-STOP battle with Sans)
I hope you all enjoyed these quotes!!
Shoutout to my close friend John for being an absolute BEAST at the game and beating Asgore, MegaFlowey, AND ULTIMATE ASRIEL FIRST TRY!!
And also shoutout to his partner Vani for being a massive supporter of his throughout this entire thing, and also for being the one constantly reminding me to post these quotes since I KEPT FORGETTING LMAO
submitted by Dumb_teen_b0y to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 18:54 Zealousideal-Bee2374 28/F] friendship/relationship.

Hi all Not you’re typical post but here we go… I’m 28 f Scottish single Love to go on walks , cold water swim, hike, paddle board, love sci fi movies , YouTube, and love to cook and travel :).
I’m looking for a friend/partner maybe 🤔 I’m bisexual so not fussed if it’s male/female. Looking for someone funny who likes to travel too and is patient. I have bpd so I get clingy very quickly , I know that puts allot of people off and that’s fine just incase that’s not you’re cup of tea.
I like gaming too but can’t atm (WiFi issues) I have WhatsApp/snapchat/instagram. Looking for someone around my age 28 and up :). Only reach out if you feel you can handle getting to know someone with bpd.
submitted by Zealousideal-Bee2374 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:51 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XIII: Handed the Keys to Victory- (Pt. 2)

Wade held Jasmine in his arms as he flew a low height down the long road to another section of the staryard, Tina on his back and Nathan and F right behind them in the air. Together, the five glided across the base grounds, taking care as to not irritate the aerial security during their search for the meeting room. Being outside for the flight, the group considered it a blessing that Wade's 'enhanced cooling unit' allowed his body to tolerate the breaching sun in the still cloudy sky, which, according to F, was dangerous to drones like her due to the inefficient cooling she and disassembly drones like her suffered from. Given F's physical fault, she had to fly under shady areas in order to safely traverse the base at day.
Originally, Wade and his friends had planned to walk to the meeting zone, but after running into a trooper experiencing a health mishap, the group did what they could to help the distressed officer. By the time he was brought to the medical ward by other soldiers, Wade found that him and his team would be at least a few minutes late if they kept on their way with their walk.
Deciding to speed things up, Wade, understanding the concern for performing such an effort, opted to carry the Fowleys around the base to the meeting area. Reluctantly, F decided to come along, carrying Nathan in a similar manner that Wade was carrying Jasmine. Taking notice of the time on his HUD, which read, "9:47 AM", Wade scouted for the building he and his friends were directed to. "8072" He said to himself, the number being for the building that would house the imminent meeting.
"They said it was down here, right?" Wade asked aloud to Tina before stopping himself in mid-air, the girl holding onto him tightly as he tried to speak over the growing sound of a retrofit Apache flying overhead.
Looking about, Tina nodded as she spotted the target building. "Yes, I believe that's the one over there!" Pointing past his head, Wade followed her finger to a large building ahead at his right. The structure was moderately tall, only about two stories high, with several soldiers and officers going in and out of the building. Wade smiled as he noticed the target number, as well as the big, bold words describing the building's designation. "8072, Briefing Center B"
"Good eye, honey. Hang on!" Continuing his low glide, Wade zoomed towards the building's entrance before stopping just meters above the ground, his two friends close behind as they slowed down as well. The troopers around them initially looked startled by the sudden arrival of Wade and his group, but quickly regained their composure as Wade hovered still above them.
"At ease! Just visitors." One of the soldiers declared as they identified the newcomers, who touched down before Wade let Jasmine down to her feet, Tina hopping onto the ground along with her.
Putting his hands up, Wade apologized for his swift surprise. "Sorry for the scare, we got delayed for a meeting we're invited to."
The soldier gave an understanding nod as he replied to the former worker drone sternly. "I can see that, just be a bit more careful next time, Mr. Carter. You gave the boys here quite a scare."
Wade returned the gesture in embarrassment as F put a hand to his back, chuckling at his efforts as Tina questioned the officer. "Is Mrs. J in there? She's the one who called for us."
The guard gave his reply as Wade and Tina pulled out their IDs for clearance. "Yes she is, Miss. The meeting's set to begin in under ten minutes." Checking the two drones' IDs, Jasmine and the others pulled out theirs as well, the watchman motioning another trooper over to verify the group. Once the guard finished checking the five's cards, he nodded in approval as the watchman spoke once more. "You're clear to enter."
"Thank you Sir, again, sorry about that spook back there." Wade replied with a smile as the trooper gave one of his own, the disassembly drone and his allies making their way towards the office door before stopping upon the call of a voice.
"Hey, Felice!" Wade turned to find the origin of the voice, F doing the same as the two quickly spotted a quartet of soldiers walking excitedly towards F. The disassembly drone glanced to her friends with a smile before turning back to the approaching entourage.
Wade examined the four troops as they got closer: Two human men, one woman, and a male worker drone. One of the male soldiers had short, blonde hair, and a small scar to the right side of their face. The second man bore a tan skin tone and had black hair, with blue strips that went down slightly in a mullet style. The woman bore a set of long, dark green hair, with the hair going down and over her left shoulder. As for the worker drone, he wore the standard green soldier helmet, single eye visor and all. He had no hair on him from what Wade could tell, and bore a pair of whiteish purple eyes on his visor.
As F walked over to the soldiers, the same one that called to her spoke again. "Felicity, I didn't expect to see you around here today! Where you been?"
The girl soldier interrupted his initial chatter. "Hang on Carlos, do you even know if she remembers us?"
"Aye, don't she have one o' them memory locks, or sumthin?" The drone added in a heavy Scottish accent.
F waved her hand as she replied to the group. "Easy, everyone. Thankfully I still got my memories, courtesy of my technician back at Central." Lowering her hand, F let down her usual persona as she gave a wide smirk to the soldiers, clearly pleased to see them. "Good to see you guys around here."
The soldiers gave light cheers to F as they all embraced her, the group having a surprise reunion as Wade and the others watched in surprise. These must've been F's old colleagues from when she was in the service, Wade thought. Quite the coincidence for them to be here at this base of all places.
Not bothering with the convenience of the matter, Wade shook the thought off as he and his friends watched F and her old friends breaking the hug, Tina wrapping an arm around her boyfriend as the second male human spoke to her in what the two discerned as Spanish. "Ay, who your new friends, F?"
"Oh, these guys?" F replied in the same language, quietly startling Wade and the others as they had never heard her speak like that until now. Glancing over to Wade, F motioned him and the others to come over. "Everyone, these are some friends I made in the past few days. Wade, Nathan, Tina, and Jasmine." She pointed her hand to the four as she said each of their names. "I met the boys here during my time on Ceres. Jasmine and Tina here are sisters."
The four soldiers gave various forms of excitement, ranging from hearty laughs to low woops and even a whistle from one of the guys. As F stood next to her old teammates, they each introduced themselves to Wade and his friends. The blonde soldier went first. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all, name's Carlos, Lieutenant Marksman."
"I'm Private Alvaros, good with close-range and stealth operations." Said the tan soldier with a salute.
"Sergeant Lucia Vasquez, usually the one who leads this bunch around these days." The female warrior stated with a humorous smirk.
"And Corporal Duncan Wallace, at your service!" The soldier drone stated proudly as he saluted to the bunch in front of him, who gave warm smiles as Wade shook his hand.
"Quite honored to meet you all, seems you have quite the history with F." The former worker drone said as Carlos patted F on her back.
"Oh, we do! She's the one who took charge when we didn't! Did you all hear of the Pasting of Nola VI?" Jasmine and Tina gave nods of affirmation while Wade, not as familiar with such history, held his hand up in a questioning manner.
"I think, wasn't that the battle where the Navy just barely held the outpost in that system? From the Stryker Clan?" Wade asked as Carlos nodded approvingly to him.
"That's right, and if Felice weren't there, WE would've been the ones getting pasted!" Carlos' statement brought victorious cheers and "oorahs" from the group, F letting a blush loose as she chuckled at her team's praise of her efforts.
"Well, that's not wrong." Although she didn't want to break off from her friends and discuss the past few years since they'd last met, F remembered the briefing. Clearing her throat, she continued. "And as much as I'd like to chat about the good times, I've been called to a meeting here, as have Wade and his crew."
The soldier group gave understanding looks to F as Lucia spoke up. "Thought so, Carl here was real eager to see you, though."
"Maybe we can talk after the meeting?" Nathan proposed as the soldiers collectively nodded in agreement, F readying a smartcomm attachment before turning to face her friends again.
"We're probably getting low on time, you all go in, I'll catch up in a sec." Wade nodded in acknowledgement before taking Tina's hand, the lover drones continuing towards the briefing center as Jasmine and Nathan followed behind them.
Passing through the door, the four guests observed a short hallway, which seemed to split into two paths as they came closer to the other end. Looking to a sign on the wall above, they saw arrows pointing to two separate areas, "Primary Briefing Room; Main Lobby + Secondary & Tertiary" Going to the right, they entered the moderately active lobby, several officers walking and standing about in mass chatter. Walking over to the desk up against the wall to their left, Wade and his group waved a hand to the occupying attendant.
"Welcome, what do you need?" The desk attendant asked as Tina raised a finger to reply.
"We're here for a meeting, Mrs. J called us here."
The attendant nodded in understanding before directing an arm towards the other end of the room, where a single door stood. "She should be in the second briefing room down that way."
"Thank you." Tina replied warmly before she and Wade began walking towards the door, their friends behind them as they proceeded into the room.
The room beyond the door was quite sizable, a large circular table occupying the middle with several chairs surrounding it. The walls went up a few meters, with four whiteish blue lights illuminating the room. On the wall opposite to Wade and Tina were three monitor screens, all of which showed the USN in bright blue. In several of the seats were faces both familiar and unfamiliar, several men and women in varying styles of uniforms conversing about quietly or taking notice of the recent visitors. Standing up near the monitors were three people: A decorated officer whom Tina identified as a ship captain, and the so-called operatives, Tessa, albeit as a hologram, and J.
Walking slowly into the room, Wade gave a low wave of his hand as he tried to hide his nervousness. Noticing his shyness in front of the officers, Tina held his hand and rubbed his arm comfortingly while returning a pleasant smile to the staff in the room.
"Ah, Wade, Tina. Glad to see you all here." J stated with a smile as she scanned the group, raising a digital eyebrow as she noticed one missing guest. "Or, most of you, I see. Did F run off somewhere?"
Wade shook his head as he replied to his fellow disassembly drone. "Oh, no. She just ran into some old friends, she should be back-"
"Right now." F finished aloud as she entered the room, seemingly having heard Wade speaking about her absence. The warrior drone fast walked to Wade's team, taking a seat near them as they prepared to do the same. "Not too late, are we?"
"Not at all." The standing officer answered as the group took their seats, Wade and Tina sitting next to each other as they got comfortable. The captain examined the lot for a moment, glancing to J as he asked about them. "So, these are the ones you helped rescue from the Mojave?"
"Yes Captain, and they helped us out greatly in turn. This is Wade Carter, one of the captured drones whom became a disassembly drone before we could mount the rescue. The luckiest one, if you ask me." Motioning her arm over the others, she continued. "And there's his girlfriend, Mrs. Tina Fowley, and her sister Jasmine." Smirking to F and Nathan, she finished her friends' introductions. "And these two are Serial Designation F and Mr. Nathan, whom I've heard were once under your ranks."
The military captain gave a welcoming smile to the five as they returned the gesture, eyeing F and Nathan specifically before speaking to them. "Indeed they were, we still have records on their contributions to the colonies." Eyeing F, he continued. "Though, in Mrs. F's case, I won't blame her if she doesn't remember us. We've been very well aware of JCJenson's 'memory suppression' protocols when it comes to their DDs."
F laid back in her seat with a smug look as she replied to her former superior. "Well, my friend on the station's a good tech gal. She's... waived that hindrance from me."
"I see, that means your still with us, am I right, Mrs. Lee?" Unlike her friends next to her, F was not startled by her original name being said aloud, rather smiling proudly as she saluted to the captain. "Good to see you again."
"Pleased to be here, Sir." F replied as she lowered her arm, glancing to her companions next to her as J spoke up.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Captain Preston Mitchell, commander of the USNV Vickers down at the stardock."
Wade gave a respectful salute to Preston as he spoke first. "It's an honor to meet you, Sir."
"Thank you, Mr. Carter. I've heard about your efforts from J, you did an admirable job back there, son." Wade failed to hide an embarrassed blush from the compliment, but it quickly faded as a beep sounded from a small device on the table. It was swiftly silenced by the captain as he tapped a button on the small, pyramid shaped timer, then facing Wade's group before continuing. "Though, as much as we could use some small talk, it'll have to wait till later."
"Indeed, we're running late at this point." Said another officer, a highly decorated member of the base with dark skin, dark grey hair and a thin beard. He immediately won the attention of everyone in the room as he spoke up. "I'm General Hugh Hood, overseer of this base. I'm certain you know some of the reasons you're here with us, correct?"
Wade nodded as he spoke to Hood. "Yeah, it's cause of those rogue agents from the JCJenson corporation." Glancing to J, the corporate drone nodded in affirmation before speaking herself.
"Tessa and I spent the last hours of yesterday evening clearing up the matter with General Hood, along with several other officials stationed here." She stopped as the middle monitor behind her flashed with a banner at the top, reading, "INCOMING TRANSMISSION", and in place of the USN emblem was a textless version of the JCJenson logo. Below the profile image was another two lines of text. "N. Jenson (Company Exec); Comms Source: Yottrite IV"
"And also told our boss about what happened here too, he wanted to give his say on this ordeal." Looking to the general, J asked him, "May I put him on?"
Hood only gave a nod of approval to the corporate drone before she picked up a remote on the table and tapped a button, accepting the call as the picture shifted to show a middle-aged man in a pristine-looking business suit on the screen.
Wade and Tina glanced to each other before J introduced their guest on the screen. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the CEO of JCJenson: Mr. Noor Jenson."
Jenson gave a pleased nod to his subordinate as he spoke to J. "Thank you for the pleasantries, J. I see we are ready to discuss our plans on dealing with this 'recall' disaster I've bore witness to on the news this morning?"
J nodded as she replied to her boss. "Indeed, I've explained to General Hood here about our efforts yesterday, and, as of recent, we've just received a message from a source we believe to be close to the company."
Mr. Jenson looked down to J attentively as he spoke to her. "Well, that's quite intriguing news, J. Do you have this message available for us to view?" J and Hood both nodded in affirmation, but didn't get an immediate reply as Jenson gazed to Wade and his friends. "...And I presume these are some of the drones rescued from one of the factories?"
Again, J nodded to her superior before explaining her colleagues. "Yes Mr. Jenson, the two drones at the front in particular were among those taken by the Administrator and their subordinates." Pointing an arm to Wade and Tina, she introduced the drone couple. "The disassembly drone here is Mr. Wade Carter, a brother to his-technically speaking-owner, the late Ron Carter. The latter helped us recover Wade during an initial raid inside the Nevada facility." When bringing up Ron, J gave an apologetic look to Wade as to show she did not mean to be offending on him and his brother's relationship. "And this is his romantic partner, Mrs. Tina Fowley. I heard she and her sister Jasmine are pilots."
Jenson looked over the two drones as his obedient employee described them to him, quietly sighing as Wade and Tina returned the gaze with nervous smiles. Once J finished, Jenson spoke to Wade. "I... would say it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carter. But, given recent events, I don't hold fault to you for feeling frustrated at me for my... former subordinate's actions."
Wade shook his head lightly, taking Jenson's light apology with a faint smile as he replied to the CEO. "Actually, I don't. The only person I have such feelings put towards is," He hesitated for a moment, his anger at Dr. Halloway returning for a short moment before he eased himself. "..That bastard Halloway."
"The feeling's mutual, Mr. Carter. Dr. Halloway has been trying my patience for years now, especially with you and your fellow disassembly drones." Looking to J, then F, he returned his gaze to Wade before questioning him on his new body. "I don't know if J has told you of this, but if there's one truth my company has admittedly not held up to for a while, it's our quality. Recently, some of my research staff here made blueprints for an upgraded variant of the disassembly drone design. It's intended to fix several faults we expected to be nonexistent previously, most notably that atrocious cooling unit."
As a schematic pulled up on the left monitor, everyone glanced to the improved design before F spoke up about it. "If I may ask, Mr. Jenson, how big of an improvement is this new cooling unit supposed to be?"
"Good question, F. Frankly, it's supposed to do away with the issue entirely. Saves us from sacrificing enormous supplies of oil for the poorly built unit in the previous iterations. We even tested it with a repaired drone just a few days ago, and it worked flawlessly." Then, glancing to Wade again, he questioned the former worker drone on his new form. "Speaking of, how does your enhanced body feel, Mr. Carter? I'm certain it feels better to not have to-"
"Actually, Mr. Jenson," Wade interrupted, pulling out one of his canteens as he answered the CEO on his upgrades. "I guess Halloway changed up the blueprints, cause unfortunately this new cooling unit didn't cure the overheating problem. I... kinda learned that the hard way." Wade glanced to Tina apologetically, still feeling bad from her seeing him eat the corpse of the dead murder drone back at the factory.
The corporate CEO grimaced in frustration as he took in Wade's statement, already intolerant of the head researcher's actions as he replied. "...I was worried about that, Edgar always likes to run things his own way, making excuses for that 'Administrator' he watches over." Taking an agitated breath, he continued on with his spew on the two culprits of yesterday's events. "It was only because of all the very impressive creations and enhancements she and her research team provided that I tolerated them for so long, but this..." Sitting up straight in front of the camera, Jenson finished sternly. "J said the Administrator... Cyn, I believe? She was apparently something worse than we presumed originally, and I'm very inclined to believe so after yesterday."
"As well as the program tied to the Administrator, the AbsoluteSolver." J clarified before receiving an agreeing nod from Mr. Jenson, standing corrected on his placing of blame.
Raising a hand, Nathan asked about the supposed plans. "Yeah, about this "Solver Project", what do we plan to do about that?"
"Good question, Nate." Tessa replied as she crossed her arms before looking to Jenson and beginning her explanation. "Initially, we were going to investigate the other factories spread across Earth in order to get some more info on the Administrator before things get worse. But, just this morning, it seems someone else saved us the trouble." Just as Tessa neared the end of her sentence, J held up the remote again, tapping a few buttons before the left monitor shifted to show a slightly grainy video onscreen.
The video only showed a single being, a worker drone, dressed in a chrome suit and bearing a set of yellow eyes. Behind them was what appeared to be a vacant room, a few shelves holding many books within them standing still in the back. The drone's visage indicated they were filled with immense anxiety, terrified of being caught as they spoke quietly to the camera.
"I can only hope someone gets this in time, they're gonna be on me once they find out the transmitter screens are down!" Turning the camera, he showed what appeared to be a large factory room, several more of the mysterious conveyor belts like at the factory slotted next to each other. It was hard to discern every detail due to not only the window reflection, but also the dark lighting in the inactive conveyor room. Filming the room beyond, the drone continued. "Dr. Halloway's a madman, he's got more of those stolen drones being brought here and he's going to be overseeing it in the afternoon tomorrow! I've seen what happened back in Nevada, I can't take this any longer! I'm at coordinates ##.######, -###.###### Please, send someo-"
The suspicious, partially scrambled transmission immediately cut off to static, leaving Wade, Tina, and their friends with confused expressions as Tessa spoke up. "Yeah, that caught me by surprise too."
"So, that guy says they got more drones being sent 'there', but... where is there, exactly?" Jasmine asked with immense curiosity.
"I was hoping you'd ask that, Mrs. Fowley." The technician replied as she glanced to J, who tapped a few more buttons on the remote before speaking over her boss-friend.
"While the transmission itself isn't much to work off of, our friends from Comms over here managed to intercept the signal earlier, and even better, discern where it originated from." As J started her explanation, the screen shifted once more to show a large city, with one skyscraper highlighted in red as it was zoomed towards on the screen. "That scrambled audio wasn't a simple glitch, it was intentionally done so as to hide key information for us to uncover. Upon cleaning up the message, we managed to recover a set of coordinates, which direct to this structure here, in San Francisco."
Wade and his friends stared at the building in shock, examining the tall structure as it stood over the shorter buildings in the city. Tina broke the silence in her gaze. "So, this is another factory? It looks... terribly different from the one we got out of."
"Not exactly, Mrs. Fowley." Mr. Jenson answered, Tina and the others looking to him as he continued. "THAT is the Administrator's main laboratory, its location was kept on the down low so other authorities and terrorist groups wouldn't find out what the buildings true purpose was." Sighing, Jenson completed his reply. "But, with this recent mistake of Halloway's, that place has lost all purpose for us at the company."
Wade raised a hand to speak. "So, we're going to pounce on that place? Get Halloway before he runs off again?"
"Exactly." General Hood replied as he looked up to Mr. Jenson. "This whole 'recovery/recruitment' effort has gotten out of hand all across Sol. We've gotten countless reports of people being killed because of this, be it the brutal robberies here in Nevada or the bloodbath on Ceres. Even if Mr. Jenson refuses to cooperate, this has become a dire matter for us now. One way or another, this insanity will be stopped with due haste."
The CEO nodded in acknowledgement before explaining his own plans for the mission. "Speaking of cooperation, upon seeing what was happening at Earth, I ordered a detachment of our corporate starships in orbit at the time to depart for Sol in order to help with investigating the situation. They're not warships, but they are well-armed. I'll dispatch them to your authority upon concluding this call." Glancing to Wade and his team for a moment, Jenson continued. "As for the mission, I may not have much of a say, but let it be known that you have my blessing to do whatever it takes to end this madness. I don't care what you do with Halloway or any of his lackeys, or what happens to that facility down there... I want that program shut down."
"Thank you for the extra hands, Mr. Jenson. We'll make sure this Administrator is dealt with." Hood replied gratefully as Wade sat firm in his seat, Tina and the others following suite.
"General?" The former worker drone said aloud, catching Hood's attention before he made his request. "I know I'm not a soldier, but I want to help with dealing with Halloway and his grunts. After what he did, after losing my brother, I can't rest until I see that man stopped."
Tina raised a finger as well. "As do I, Wade could use a hand with those people, and given how we did during our escape run out of that place, I think the two of us make quite the duo." She glanced to Wade with a smirk as she referenced their combat prowess when flying together.
Nathan and F stood up before the latter gave her own request. "Sir, I wish to take part in this mission as well. I can also recommend Wade for you too, as I fought alongside him during the factory raid."
"Wouldn't mind giving a hand myself! And I'm sure my pal Kurtis would love to help, he's here at the base too!" Nathan added with a confident smirk, the group's determination encouraging Jasmine to stand up as well.
"I'd like to help too." She stated simply, a smile on her face as the general and his companions observed the five guests.
Admittedly, Hood knew it would be a bit absurd to allow these people to take part in an operation which would certainly involve bloodshed, especially considering most of them merely had civilian status at the moment. But, upon careful evaluation of the five, their desire to see this problem dealt with, and the fact that some of them had experience on the field...
He paused his train of thought as Captain Mitchell spoke to him. "General? I read up on the Fowleys' files when we recovered Mrs. Jasmine here, they provided service in their early careers." He smirked to the pilot sisters as he finished adding his say. "And to be frank, we need more people like them here. The records we have of them showed them to be damn fine pilots."
Tina blushed at the praise from Mitchell as she spoke to the general. "That is true, we uh... did get discharged for our... 'fancy maneuvering'."
"Sir?" Jasmine said, the general's attention on her as she added to the conversation. "Even if our flying is a bit out of protocol, Tina saved a lot of people on that starjet a few days back. I can promise you, she's an excellent woman to have at the wheel."
Glancing to Wade again, Hood took in his face, one of begging desperation as he spoke once more. "Please, Sir. My brother, the troops he brought from the Coalition, Halloway's gotten them all killed cause of this. I want to do this. I HAVE to do this, at least for them."
The good general took a deep, quiet breath, considering his decision once more before finally revealing it to Wade and his friends. "Mr. Carter, Fowleys? I'm probably making myself a fool for saying this, but you're permitted to assist us in this mission."
The drone couple contained their gratefulness in the form of ecstatic grins as Wade replied to the general. "Thanks, General. We won't let you down."
"And Mrs. Lee?" Hood said as he glanced to F, who returned the gesture as he told her, "You're technically under Mr. Jenson's authority, whatever his answer is, it's mine as well."
Bringing her yellow-orange eyes to her CEO, F awaited Mr. Jenson's answer. "F, yes? I heard Mr. Hood call you by a different name just now, I assume you have some experience with the army?"
The warrior drone nodded as she explained herself. "I once inherited the name of Felicity Lee, Mr. Jenson. I served under the USN Defense Forces before joining the DD Division." Then, glancing to the military staff near her, she finished with, "I had hoped to provide my enhancements to the Force one day."
Jenson gave a hint of a proud smile as he finally gave his decision. "Well, it seems you'll finally get that chance. From now on, even after this mission on Earth is over with, you're hereby dispatched to serve under the USN."
F admittedly couldn't hide her excited smirk as she flung a salute to her now former boss. "Thank you Sir!"
Looking up to Jenson, General Hood asked the CEO, "Mr. Jenson, how long until your ships can reach Earth?"
Jenson glanced down at his communication console as he answered the military leader. "At max speed, their Ion drives should be able to bring them into orbit in as little as one to two days. I believe there should be some ships within the system that could help as well."
"Signal them when you can, Mr. Jenson. We could use all the help we can get from them." The CEO nodded to Hood as he stood firmly to the viewer, the general turning to face Wade and his colleagues. "And Mr. Carter? We'll be mobilizing our forces immediately after this meeting concludes. It'll be a minute, but I want you to gather whatever items and belongings you'll need for this operation. Be ready to head to the flight pads in no more than three hours."
"Understood Sir!" Wade said with a salute, Tina, Jasmine and Nathan giving their own as Jasmine raised a finger.
"What about the area around the lab? That place looks like it's in the middle of the city."
J raised a finger as she told Jasmine and the others about their resolution of the civilian obstacle. "Shortly after reporting our findings on the transmission, Hood told us that they were sending in some teams to clear out the civilian population within several miles of the facility. Once we get there, it should be of no concern."
Jasmine sighed in relief as Tina spoke up. "So the people should be safe from any sort of danger?"
"Correct, Mrs. Tina." Preston answered before continuing. "Given the resistance Halloway and his men showed during the Coalition's raid, they most certainly won't hold back there."
"One more thing, Sir." Nathan asked. "The Coalition's going to help us out with this too, right?"
"You can count on it, Mr. Nathan." The Vickers' captain replied as he looked to J, then to Jenson as he spoke further. "I met the leader of the Coalition's detachment working with us when I was introduced to J and Mrs. Elliott here, they intend to see this conflict finished. I highly doubt they're willing to sit back and let us do this by ourselves."
"And their help will be much appreciated." Hood added, everyone's attention returned to him as he looked to Tessa, curious eyes scanning her holographic form. "And Mrs. Elliott, if I may. Do you mind heading down here to assist us in our investigations later on?"
"Funny you say that, General. I'm almost done with my own snooping around on the JCJ up in orbit, Cyn has some small departments of hers aboard, and I thought I'd gather some more intel before coming down." Glancing to Mr. Jenson, she saw him giving an understanding nod before returning her gaze to the military staff. "I should be down there by the evening, judging by where you're located."
"Do what you must, Mrs. Elliott. We could use whatever you find." Hood replied firmly as he turned once more to the JCJenson CEO. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Jenson. We will get to the bottom of this."
"It's my pleasure, General." Glancing to J and Tessa, he spoke to them once more. "J? Contact me when you've finished with Halloway and his Administrator."
"It'll be done, Mr. Jenson." The obedient servant answered before saluting firmly, receiving a final nod from her boss before he ended the transmission.
With their off-world guest out of the way, Hood looked to Wade and his friends, J, Tessa and Captain Mitchells sharing the gaze with them as the general spoke to them in finality. "Well, you know what comes next everyone. You're all dismissed for now. And remember, landing zone by 1300."
"We'll be there Sir." Wade said with a nod as he and his friends stood up, pushing in their chairs before making their way out to the door.
As they neared it, Wade stopped for a moment as they heard Hood call to one of his friends. "And F?" The soldier drone looked to the general as he continued. "Before we depart, would you mind changing your uniform? I believe it could help with identifying you from the other disassembly drones more easily." Glancing to J, then back to F, he finished with, "I recall hearing about the most formidable drones having clones prepared, yes?"
"Correct, Sir. I'll stop by the nearest barracks while I can." F replied before turning back to the door with her colleagues, Wade opening the door for them all as they passed through. After them, Wade passed through himself, shutting the door to the meeting room as he returned to the lobby.
Walking about together, F spoke to Wade and the others. "Well, that went smoothly. I'll be heading down to the barracks, then head over to your place to help out."
"Actually," Wade replied, raising a finger up as he asked his fellow murder drone, "You think you could bring your friends over? We could get to know each other while we're getting ready."
F glanced to Nathan with a smile before returning her eyes to Wade. "I could see about that. You're gonna like them, I can promise you that."
Taking Tina's hand, Wade walked with his girlfriend alongside Jasmine and the others, nearing the hallway they came through as they prepared for the walk back to the apartment.
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:06 physerino Casino Royale 1967: Better Than You May Have Heard

Casino Royale 1967: Better Than You May Have Heard
Almost all comedies have material that doesn’t work. Certainly this one does. And yes, with its multiple directors, each with essentially his own cast, this movie is wildly uneven. But uneven means there are ups to go with the downs, and for me this comedy has more than its share of ups.
Those include two “chapters” of the movie that really work: the opening David Niven section, directed by John Huston and centered in Scotland; and the central Joanna Pettet section in East Berlin directed by Ken Hughes. The former, with its sendup of Scottish traditions and the Castle Anthrax-style material between a chaste Bond and M’s eleven daughters (all between the ages of 16 and 19!), is filled with really funny writing and performances and gets the movie off to a rousing start. The latter features a fun and elaborate dance sequence, more funny writing, and bonkers expressionist production design.
That’s good stuff in over half the movie’s runtime. Unfortunately, the other chapters are less entertaining. Mostly because the movie’s most renowned comedians, Peter Sellers and Woody Allen, both fall flat here. Sellers partners with Ursula Andress, who was not a gifted comedienne. And they make the inexplicable decision to turn Woody Allen’s character mute during his scene with David Niven. Why the filmmakers thought that Orson Welles was worth the trouble will always be beyond me. And then the last 5-10 minutes of the movie go completely off the rails and are trying way too hard.
But there are things to enjoy, even in the weaker chapters. Sellers and Allen both have a few moments—you can’t keep talent like that from seeping out at least a little bit. The dream and torture sequences are LSD trips on film. And Burt Bacharach’s score and Oscar nominated song are engaging throughout.
No, it’s not a Bond movie, and it’s a big mistake to watch it as one. It’s pure spoof, and a lot of it is really funny and entertaining. It’s a fun time capsule capturing the talent, style, and humor of the late 60s. If you’ve avoided watching it because you’ve heard it’s a complete train wreck, or incoherent, or anything like that, well, I disagree with those pronouncements, and I think you’re missing a lot of good Bond-related comedy.
(It’s on both PlutoTV and Kanopy in the US as I type this. So anyone in the US should be able to watch it for free.)
submitted by physerino to JamesBond [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:14 yuriwk565 I just got back from my grandad’s wedding It was honestly amazing.

So my grandad got married to his girlfriend it was very lovely ceremony the day before me and my mum and them we’re setting everything up and I was the one to walk the dog down the aisle because they have a dog together She was honestly crazy the entire time my mum had to take her out so she kind of missed the ceremony sadly the dog she had a white dress on then we had speeches they were really funny then it was appetisers than dinner honestly disgusting 🤢 it was just a no for everything like the roast wasn’t even good so after that we moved the tables out and we got on the dance floor. They did their first dance then a bit more into the night I got really into it, we got light up flower crowns, scrunchies rings and a bunch of other stuff I got to see the rest of my family who I’ve never really met It was honestly wonderful so nearing the end of the night I was like really into it. I was dancing. I was having a blast Everyone complimented me on my dress It was beautiful best day ever it was a mix of a Scottish as English wedding and my entire side of the family was full on dancing. We were all having a blast but my legs are killing me
submitted by yuriwk565 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:40 user4763257932674533 Looking for an episode

Im looking for the episode where Frankie is wearing a green/olive colored shirt and Joey is wearing a white shirt with text that says, “Studios nyc” and they were talking about how people from all over the world watch them and Joey brought up how people in Scotland watch them and Frankie says in a Scottish accent, “Oh I love this show, this shows funny.” Thanks in advance!
submitted by user4763257932674533 to TheBasementYard [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 Intelligent-Virus737 I am not Scottish

Hello i am not Scottish but i joined bc i think yall scotts are interesting and funny. Hope you all are having a good day. Also how do scotts feel about the British in todays day and age
submitted by Intelligent-Virus737 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:45 allKindsOfDevStuff Dialogue and identity or sumthin

I find especially funny the examples in the series that show that these people who go on and on about how Italian they are, don’t know more than a handful of words/phrases, etc.
While trying to convey their accents/pronunciations via text (whateva happened theah), it occurred to me that they - and their real-life counterparts) are cosplaying their ethnicities.
No other ethnic group puts on this ridiculous, affected accents. People who are from the US don’t suddenly put on an Asian, Irish, English, Scottish, German, etc accent. “Oh, we gotta da Manicott, oh”
A close second on the annoyance scale are the people in the US who go on and on about how “Irish” they are (usually about 1/16th), but again, they don’t do the accents
Commandatori 🤙☕️
submitted by allKindsOfDevStuff to thesopranos [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:37 Snaketooth09 Why do us Scottish people get such stereotypical representation?

Why do us Scottish people get such stereotypical representation?
Like, when you see a Scottish character on TV or in movies or whatever, they're usually almost always most of the following:
-Use too much Scottish slang (IE lassie, laddie or wee)
-Unemotional or quick to anger
-Wears one of those traditional Scottish hats
And, if male:
-Wears a kilt
Is it just that we have such specific a culture? Are we so easy to make fun of? Or is it the over way around and foreigners think we're just innately funny? Is it that we're not (or at least, usually not) of color, so it's considered okay to make fun of us? Is it that we make fun of ourselves so often anyway?
I just wish we got better representation. Oh well, at least we have Still Game.
Also, can anyone name some good pieces of Scottish representation?
submitted by Snaketooth09 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:55 ThrowawayforDobre A very stressful wedding.

This took place back in the 90’s, I was part of the wedding party of a good friend, having the role of an usher for the groom’s side. I was in my mid 20’s and had been very good friends with the groom since we met at sixth form college aged 16.

The Groom was from a small town of just over 3,000 people, in a very rural area in the south of England, the kind of place where everyone knows each other, and it is rare for them to mix with any outsiders. He had been a hard partying wild man, whose main interests were Football, music, and beer. When I was away at university, he saw the light, put his old ways behind him and became born again. Gave up his job and became a missionary. Whilst away doing missionary work, joined by the youngest son of his Baptist minister, the groom met the bride. I nice young girl from the north of England who was also very religious.

After six months of dating, they got engaged, he had moved up to be close to her, got a job and they got a house, although she stayed living with her parents until the wedding.

The stag do was uneventful, the Groom came back down for a weekend for it, and the best man follow the instructions he had been given. A round of golf, the out for a meal then to the Grooms old local pub for the evening. The best man and me where the only ones who where not religious, when I noticed that the where 13 of us for the meal my last supper joke did not go down well. Even the Grooms mother joined us in the pub after the meal. Not the wild night of decadence I would have through his stag do would have been only a few years before.

That’s the boring bit over, now to the Wedding…….

The day before the Wedding my job was to pick up the youngest son of the local Baptist minister first thing in the morning, he was the other usher on the groom’s side, and drive him the length of England to the North of England near the Scottish boarder. The groom had been stressing out as we are both nice easy-going blokes, but we do both have a well and truly earned reputation for being a bit flaky. I’m due to pick him up at 9am, I wake up at 9:40am. Panic, get showered and dressed and run to my car. I get five minutes down the road and then turn around and return to my home to get my wedding suit. I get to the Baptist ministers’ home at 10:40am, I am knocking and ringing the doorbell until I wake the other usher at 11am. He showers and gets dressed whilst I wait in the kitchen for him, his father the minister comes home and me and him chat, he says that he would have loved to have gone to the wedding, but unfortunately, he is performing a wedding ceremony the next day for another couple we all know. Other usher comes down and says that he will make sandwiches for the journey, so we don’t have to stop. We finally get on the road at mid-day three hours late. We drive past my home soon after and I realise that I could have picked up my suit on the way.

The journey was uneventful apart from multiple texts from the best man asking when we would arrive, as the groom has an important job for us to do when we get there. Me and other usher had known each other for years and get on well so we chat and have a good laugh, this is when I found out the news that the wedding his father is doing the next day for the lad and his girlfriend, we all know, it had the same guest list as the groom’s side of the wedding we are going to. The guests had the choice of going to a wedding that most of them could walk to, and the rest would have a five-to-ten-minute drive, or one which would need them to take a day off work and a whole weekend to go to. The groom’s side for this wedding was just, his family, us two ushers, and five people the bride and groom had been missionaries with. When we start to get hungry the other usher looks for the sandwiches he made, only to discover that he has left them on the kitchen counter back at his parents’ house. This is the last time we screw up.

We get to the bride and grooms’ home at 8pm, as we walk to the door it swings open and we are nearly knocked over as the mother of the groom, his two twin sisters, and two brothers storm out of the house. The best man then greets us with the hunted look of a Vietnam veteran with a 1,000-yard stare. The other usher asks where the other missionaries are, the best man says that they are upstairs and other usher quickly disappears to see them. I walk in, the groom is hugging the bride, I say hello, they do not acknowledge me. The best man hands me a cup of tea and we go to the living room and close the door. We can hear the bride howling in tears just the other side of the door as the groom tries to claim her. Me and the best man are both British males, we know full well what to do in this kind of situation, our grand parents lived through the blitz, we drew down into our guts and invoked the Dunkirk spirt, we kept our stiff upper lips like any true Englishman, completely ignored the situation and made small talk about football, sipping our tea. The bride took about 45 minutes to stop crying.

After the wedding I found out , what had gone on, this was the first time the bride was meeting the grooms family, first the groom had asked his two 19 year old sisters to bring their dresses for the wedding along so he could approve them, now I do not know much about women, but one of the few things I do know this that you do not tell your sisters what they can and can not wear, as they will openly and honestly tell you what you can do with that request. Then the mother of the groom gave the couple a lucky horseshoe for there wedding, they refused to accept the gift as they are strict Christians, and the lucky horseshoe is a pagan symbol. Then the father of the groom, who was divorce for the mother of the groom decided to spring a surprise on everyone, he announced that he was bringing his new girlfriend and her toddler to the wedding. This is when the excrement well and truly hit the fan. The new girlfriend the groom also knew well, during his wild times he had known her in the biblical sense on more than one occasion. She was a very friendly and giving young women, in fact most of our friend group had known her biblically as well, some of them knew her in the biblical way two at a time. Thankfully looking at the time line unless it was a two-and-a-half-year pregnancy the toddler was not the grooms. The groom’s mother had openly called the grooms fathers new girlfriend a wh**e, which I feel is unfair, she didn’t ever charge, she was not a professional, she was just a very keen amateur. Over the next few minutes of shouting, it was made clear to the groom’s father that his girlfriend would not be invited to the wedding and there would be trouble if her brought her.

After everything had calmed down, we then drove over to the brides’ parents’ home. Where we had been given the task of blowing up ballons to decorate village hall the reception was taking place in, I was confused at why the groom was so stressed at us being on time so we could do this job. Then when no one else was about the groom gave us our real roles and responsibilities for the next day. Basically, we had the job to be his fathers’ minders during the reception, his father, was a violent, aggressive, alcoholic, and our role was to try and keep him away from other guests, try to stop him from insulting anyone, and if he starts a fight then to get in the middle of it and break it up. Now, I grew up playing Rugby, the sport which American football evolved from, except the only protection we wore was a gumshield and a cup (Known as a cricket box in the UK). I may not be the tallest but at the time I had spent a year working as a builder’s labour (construction worker for the Americans) and had the body I still think in my mind I still have, until I see myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower and realise that I currently have a body that resembles a dropped lasagne. Other usher was sporty, but stick thin, and I doubt that he had ever taken a punch in his life, I knew which of the two of us would be getting in the middle to break up any fight.

The Wedding Day……….

We had stayed in the same budget hotel chain as the groom’s family, except his father. My first responsibility of the day is to drive the mother of the groom to the wedding, along with the youngest brother and other usher. Oldest brother and twin sisters are being driven by oldest brothers’ best mate who was not invited to the wedding but came anyway.

In the morning of the wedding, I am in the hotel’s carpark decorating my car with the traditional white ribbons for wedding cars. The mother of the groom leans out of her ground floor room window and calls me over to the window. I walk over and just as I get there I see over her shoulder and freeze in shock. Both the grooms twin sisters and in the background getting ready for the wedding, one has just a towel wrapped around her, the other is only wearing a thong. They both see me, freeze, then scream and run into the room’s bathroom. I am extremely embarrassed, the groom’s mother, who is very east London just shouts at them,
‘Don’t be so stupid girls, you ain't got nothing he ain't seen before’.
We then go over what time we should leave for the wedding.
Knowing both the groom, and his father are very protective over the twins, even though it was a total accent, this incident could have landed me trouble with them both.

I am so paranoid about being late to the church that we arrive so early that the church is still locked, over the next few hours people arrive. For some strange reason they had decided to go with the traditional bride’s side sitting on one side of the isle, and grooms side sitting on the other. This led to a few issues, on the groom’s side, there were on the first pew, six members of his family, on the second pew, the five missionaries plus me and other usher, and brother of the grooms best mate. On the brides’ side, there where all her friends and family, plus every member of her parents’ church. I suggested that we just filled the empty pews on the groom’s side with guests, but the two ushers on the brides’ side, the bride’s brothers wouldn’t even consider it. Me and other usher had no-one to usher to their seats, as it had started raining, we decided to grab a couple of umbrellas and meet and greet guests as they parked and shield them from the rain. We also started to set out extra seats for the bride’s side as all the pews on that side of the church had been filled, there was over 150 on her side, even though on the groom’s side only two pews had anyone sitting in them and only 14 people.

Then the final guests arrive, they are very elderly, from the church the parents of the bride belong to, they decided to park right in front of the door to the church, I asked them if they could move, they explained that they were not going to the reception and were leaving for a holiday right after the ceremony, so they wanted to leave quickly. I pointed out that they had parked in such a way that the bride would be forced to squeeze down a foot and a half gap between their mud-covered car and a brick wall whilst it was raining to get into her own wedding. They did not see anything wrong with that. There was some back and forth between us, but finally I found a parking spot which they could easily leave early from and was out of the way, they reluctantly moved their car to that spot. Just as the car carrying the bride and her father drove into the carpark.

The ceremony went off without any drama. After the ceremony it is the photos, as each set of photos are done the people leave to go to the reception. The last set to be done are the newly married couple and the groom’s mother. We get to my car, and we realise that no-one has told us where the reception is. There is one last car with wedding guests in leaving at the same time as us, the only other car is the best man’s car, and he is taking the bride and groom. I quickly follow the car that is leaving hoping that they are going to the reception. This is the 90’s, the only two people who have mobile phones are the best man, and me, him as his work supplied him with one, and I had got one as I did not want to be talking to my, at the time recently ex-girlfriend (I broke it off with her a week before and that is why other Usher got to share my hotel room with me as I had already booked and paid for two people for two nights, I had just changed the booking to a twin room) whilst in the same room as my parents on their landline. The best man calls my phone, asking if we know where the reception is, we don’t but we are following a car that might be going there. Groom and Bride do not drive and do not know the way to the reception. Other usher has my phone, he is describing landmarks to best man who is about two minutes behind us, so he can find his way. After 20 minutes of driving thankfully the car I am following is going to the reception and two minutes after we arrive the bride and groom arrive.

We go to our assigned tables for the meal, I am sitting next to the friend of the oldest brother of the groom, opposite him is the oldest brother of the groom, directly opposite me is the only wearing a towel sister of the groom, next to her is the other twin who I saw too much of earlier that day. And next to me is the boyfriend of the maid of honour. I try to make small talk with the boyfriend of the maid of honour, but he is staring daggers at the best man, who is sitting at the head table talking to and looking, like he is really hitting it off with the maid of honour. Boyfriend of maid of honour is not happy, he is in silence for most of the meal but at some points during the meal sounds like he is growling. I later found out that best man and maid of honour both had the same job and just talked shop the whole meal, the only other person best man had to talk to as he was on the head table was youngest brother of groom who was six years old, and as she was at the end of the head table there was no-one on the other side of her, the boyfriend of maid of honour made me feel about as welcome as a ginger haired step son.

The best man speech was interesting, as he had been given strict instructions on what he could say and what he could not say. The stories about the groom stopped at the age of 12, and then jumped to when he became born again. More than half his life had to be skipped over.

Due to the father of the groom, the decision was made to have a dry wedding, apart from a glass of sparkling wine each to toast the bride and groom. Somehow towel sister of the groom managed to get a few glasses of sparkling wine and started to get very flirty with me, as she was rubbing her foot up and down my leg under the table, I moved my leg away, I looked her in the eye and gave a firm shake of the head, thankfully she got the message. The other twin sister, who is very shy and studious, couldn’t even look me in the eye due to embarrassment from the morning.

On the lighter side, the bride who had been starving herself for months before the wedding, ate so much that she burst the zip at the back of her dress, she saw the funny side of it and her mother and sisters all used safety pins to pin it back up so she could then eat some more.

It then comes time for the first dance, this wedding was on a tiny budget, this was before we could burn CD’s at home, so the groom had made a mix tape for the dances, as they were half way into the first dance, the tape player ate the tape. No more music.

Me and other usher spent the rest of the time basically standing in front of father of the groom, who had brought his own bottle of whiskey. We knew that a guaranteed why to provoke violence was to try and take the bottle off him. We became the absorbers of his bile, we bit our tongues as we listened to his racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic, sexist ranting, saying about how the world is against him and none of his problems are his fault. Each time one of his children or his ex-wife came within earshot her would try to provoke them, but they remained stoic.

It then came time for the bride and groom to leave for their honeymoon, I had supplied the oldest brother of the groom and his friend with a can of shaving foam to decorate the wedding car in the traditional manner, they did not disappoint.

Once the bride and groom had left, the rest of the guest all left, no music, no booze, no food there was nothing to stay around for, so the wedding was over by 7:30pm.

I drove the mother of the groom, Youngest brother of the groom and other usher back to the budget chain hotel we were staying in. after dropping them off I went and brough myself a lot of beer, went to oldest brother of the grooms room, as the England football team had been playing a world cup qualifier game that day and had set up a video recorder to record it and we watched the game. Half way through the best man turned up, again with a 1,000 yards stare.

Later I found out what had happened next. The best man had driven the newly married couple to the hotel where they were having their honeymoon. As he was driving back, he got a phone call on his mobile phone, asking hm if he had the keys to the married couples’ home, as the five missionaries are all staying there for the weekend. He does not have the keys, the only person who has the keys is the groom. The best man turns around and drives back to the hotel. There is no way that he is going to disturb the married couple on their wedding night, the very religious couple on their wedding night, the groom might not have saved himself for marriage during his wild years, but it had been made very clear to everyone that the bride had saved herself for marriage. The best man gets the front desk to ring up for him, no answer. In the end a manager goes up and knocks on their room and gets the keys.

The next day we all drive back south and try to get over the experience.

Over 25 years later:

The groom and bride and still together, and still very happy together, they have four children.

Towel sister of the groom is happily married with three children.

Embarrassed sister of the groom, went to University, became a teacher and is no longer extremely shy, she came back from Uni full of confidence. I bumped into her last year in our local supermarket when she introduced me to her two teenage daughters as the first guy who to got to enjoy her boobs. I was just as embarrassed as her daughters.

Oldest brother of the groom spent so much time in the job centre that he ended up getting a job there.

Youngest brother of the groom is a lovely lad with a great girlfriend, their wedding is next year.

Mother of the groom is still hoping that oldest brother of the groom will meet someone nice sometime and move out, no-one else thinks that is going to happen.

Father of the groom is currently living in a hostel for the homeless. None of his three sons will have anything to do with him, his two daughters take it in turns to do his washing and give him enough food for the week. They do not give him any money.

Me and best man are still very close. We helped each other move into our first homes and decorate them. He was my best man at my wedding, and I was best man at his. I am godfather to his son, he is the named trustee in my will. We supported each other through our divorces. We support each other with our elderly parents and their mad erratic decisions. The only reason we are not meeting up this weekend for a beer and a catch up, is because he is currently dealing with the family drama around his mother in her late 70’s deciding to elope with someone she has only known for two weeks.
I have been to many weddings over the years, this is still the only one I can remeber all of the details of.
submitted by ThrowawayforDobre to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:45 Practical_Narwhal926 I must have almost none of my mum’s DNA!

I must have almost none of my mum’s DNA!
my results are the first 3, my mum’s is the last one. She’s 75% scottish and I haven’t got a trace! It was the one thing I was sure about in my dna and it’s not even real! funny how these things work.
submitted by Practical_Narwhal926 to 23andme [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:50 Icy_Smoke_2318 Greys Anatomy- Why is Owen’s hair getting blonder and blonder???

Greys Anatomy- Why is Owen’s hair getting blonder and blonder???
Why is Owen getting progressively blonder and blonder as the seasons are going on?!!!!! He’s a ginger through and through and you can tell. Also we know he is because he came on the show as one and he’s Scottish!! Like every Scottish person is a ginger lol (that was not meant to be mean just funny stereotypical). (Also kinda how April got MORE ginger and ginger- and somehow she had brown hair for 2 seasons but once she had red hair [which she has naturally irl] and then all her family had red hair??? What?!) I get he must be going grey BUT WTF
submitted by Icy_Smoke_2318 to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:40 jamiehenderson1993 Funny Traditional Scottish Song Suggestions [QUESTION]

I love songs like "The Bricklayer's Song" and "It's Better In The Dark" - the sort of Scottish 'comedy' song. Can you please suggest some of your personal favourites with really funny lyrics?
submitted by jamiehenderson1993 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 02:21 Cow-puncher77 A redneck thing?

Another post on another sub fired the neurons, what few I have, and triggered this memory.
I was training a colt once, just loping through the pasture, and got caught in a sudden heat storm, 2 miles from the house. Built right over my head. No lightning, I was pissed at the little knot head, good looking idiot he was, so I just kept riding. Stuck to the low places. Fine Scottish weather. Storm passed over and I notice a funny cloud off to the Southeast about a mile away… little tornado drops down out of it and starts chunking grass. I pull out my phone and video it. ‘That’s pretty cool’ thinks I. Almost died out when it hit a stock tank and sucked a bunch of water out. Turned white from bottom up. Picked up, almost disappeared, went over the hill, and apparently touched down another mile over, ripping the roof off a neighbor’s arena, a house, and downing a big 325kv power line pole. I could barely see the tin flying up and around with it towards the top. I stopped the video right before the brief spicy part. Bunch of brief flashes as the tower came down.
If it’s gonna get you, it’s gonna get you. Been through several around here. When I was a kid, we had one take 3 old barns away. Never found them. Did a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of improvements. Got two shingles off the house. Another narrowly missed us, but threw a bunch of tin around from a barn it destroyed a few places over. Had one if my best horses run over it and cut his foot open, which got infected and crippled him.
Another time, my foreman and myself were working on fence, tying and stretching barb wire. We could see the dark clouds several miles away. I saw a brief flash out of the corner of my eye and then we both jerked and jumped back. The fence just bit us!! We stared at each other for a few seconds, then the distant thunder clap arrived. Ol’ Brucie just turned, threw his pliers in the truck, and announced, “Well, I’m done for today.” and proceeded to get a drink of water and get in the truck. “We’ll go as soon as you’re ready!” Old man is old for a reason, I suppose. Lightning scares him. Seen him just step off his horse in the middle of working cows and say, “I’ll be in the pickup, boys.”
submitted by Cow-puncher77 to FuckeryUniveristy [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:18 Theflutist92 My journey to Scotland

I had to go to Scotland for business purposes. I'm a guy who gets stressed very easily. It's kinda funny. I'm an anesthesiologists I deal with heart attacks and stressful situation everyday but travelling on my own scared me more than anything. A friend of mine who is a psychiatrist told me he believes I have highly functional autism.
So anyway, I was almost forced to travel on my own. On top of that I had to change a flight too. When i arrived at Brussels (the in between station) I couldn't believe it. I came to realize that it was not that a big deal. When I arrived at the airport of Edinburgh I was speechless. The guy with the tickets called me mate and I felt like I was in a movie or something. I've travelled lots of times abroad (but not alone and not in english-speaking countries)
Edinburgh was lovely. When I got to the hotel if felt as if I had just started an adventure. I was daredevil enough to get a tour bus to do some sightseeing. The place was so green. Even the weather was okay. Scottish people were friendly as well.
In this journey I let go of at least 10 fears I had. And I will always remember Scotland with love and I hope I will visit it again and again in the future.
submitted by Theflutist92 to Scotland [link] [comments]